#thank you soooo much for asking! this was fun! i love books
lesbianlotties · 5 months
what is your taste in books like? what are the last 3 books you read? and your favorite book (or top 3 if it's too hard to pick one)?
i love your blog btw and all the gay ass yellowjackets content and thoughts :-)
omg thank you so much for asking!! and i'm soo glad you enjoy my blog ily <33
ooh i have no idea how to describe my taste in books. like the first thing that comes to mind is gay stuff <3 and then there's some horror, my beloved, and in the middle somehow latin american literature mostly historical fiction i'd say
oh the last 2 were fun! i read a bunch of edgar allan poe short stories and all the poems included in some compilation book which i loved so so much. i read salt slow by julian armfield which was very good! some of the stories were fantastic. and then also count your lucky stars by alexandria bellefleur which was good, not the best thing ever, but i do love a fun lesbian romance and god the sex scenes in this book... anyway!!
and finally here's a fun thing, instead of favorite or top 3 it's easier to go for my favorite 2 actually! so i will say it's eva luna by isabel allende and the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson! (i was tempted to say the house of spirits to have both picks be about haunted-ish houses but eva luna takes place in venezuela so i am biased lol)
send me random asks!
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ellecdc · 3 months
Dude, I don't know why I am asking this. But do you think poly moonwater will choose to be child free? I do think so. I mean, regulus past story and remus fury problem, I don't think they'll want kids at all
But if reader accidentally gets pregnant. Do you think they gonna keep their distance an arm lenght? I mean, I remember in the book remus trying to leave nymphadora who's pregnant at that moment (or is it after she gave birth? Can't really remember) by trying to help Harry looking for the idk the name of it, voldemort collections?
oooouuuu this is a fun question! thanks for asking; and I think that happened before teddy lupin was born and they were searching for Voldemort's horcruxes! - also, in regards to canon, I think the reason remus felt willing to take off was because he truly was sort of all alone: no parents, no siblings, no family, no friends. Plus society constantly shitting on him, plus there being a war etc etc, he felt very desperate and didn't feel like he could handle being responsible for nymphadora and a child
But of course since WE DON'T LIVE IN A WOLD WITH VOLDEMORT OVER HERE 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I think this is a valid question
(my answer is going to be SFW until the page break below - I will put warnings ahead of time for minors)
My answer would be yes, I agree that Regulus and Remus would perhaps wish to be childfree. Like you said, Remus feels like society views him as a stain and he wouldn't want to pass that legacy onto a child (biologically his or not), and he also wouldn't want to put a child through the pain of seeing their father suffer through every lunar cycle. Regulus had a horrific childhood and would be very scared to be anything like his mother or father, and I kind of see him as this guy who really doesn't know what to do with kids...he never had a childhood really, and never was around other kids until he was at Hogwarts, and by then he was right traumatized soooo yes I agree, he would be worried about having children.
As for our darling reader finding out she was pregnant? I have some thoughts on that.
I think Regulus has a deep rooted sense of duty and loyalty to his people, and ultimately, Remus and reader would be his people. Even if he hated the idea of reader being pregnant/having his child, I think he would shove that down so deep and just completely take on this role he never really wanted but hey, he's here now and he's going to do what he has to do. It was why he ended up in Slytherin (duty/loyalty to his family), and it was why he took the dark mark (duty/loyalty to his family). He took the mark because he believed that to be his role, his job in life - and if reader ended up pregnant, well, that was his duty then.
I think Remus would be a wild card. Remus never had a proper childhood either; he had to grow up really fast as he was bitten at only 4 years old. This means for as long as he can remember, he's been a werewolf. He didn't get to attend school (due to injuries/pains, scars, unexplained absences etc), he never had siblings, and he couldn't play with the village kids. So not only does he not necessarily know what to do with kids, I think he'd still have some of those "the kid would be better off without me, I can't curse another life to me and my lycanthropy) BUT I think he'd have been around Harry and loved that kid so damn much, and he'd have his friends and loved ones to help him come to terms with it.
This could be a cute fic request.
now.....as for the NSFW stuff (18+, minors don't look down here)
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I have this headcanon that pureblood's have a breeding kink....they were literally bred, born, and raised to carry on the bloodline and produce heirs - so I don't think Regulus was fucking innocent in that conception LOL he would have been very excited thinking about spilling inside of reader and getting her knocked up.
in a similar vein, I also believe that there is a primal side of Remus with his lycanthropy which would ALSO support a breeding kink - truly fucks like an animal tbh and gets so turned on at the thought of filling reader up
okay sorry for being a dirty horn dog thanks byeeeee
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
The Night We Met (Chapter Three)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Summary: Over the summer you connected with the boy who is quite literally your twin’s mortal enemy. Things start to fall apart in the darkness of the autumn.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, everyone lives au, takes place in 6th year
A/N: Soooo, this is up a lot later than intended so I have made it a lil longer to thank you guys for your patience. Alsoooo thank you so much for all your support on this series, it truly means the world to me! Hope you guys enjoy this part and please let me know if you would like to be tagged. I love you all very much! xxx
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Chapter Three
The Great Hall was especially rowdy one blustery Thursday morning as you went to meet your friends for breakfast, opting to sleep in for an extra ten minutes. The cause of the noise was coming from the first years panicking about their timetables and the older students who were practising their spells for class. Hermione grinned at you when she noticed you, her curly hair in a braid down her back.
“You look especially lovely this morning, Y/N,” she smiled as you sat down.
You flushed at her words, “why, thank you. My mum would say it’s the fresh air, does wonders for the complexion she says.”
Ron, who had been listening to the conversation looked at you with a raised eyebrow, “and, what would you say?” he asked.
You shrugged, “I would say it’s a happy accident.”
Ron snorted into his breakfast at your reply while Hermione shook her head fondly as she poured some milk into your tea, “you are completely ridiculous.”
You laughed, taking the milk from her and pouring it into your bowl of cereal as you looked up at your twin who looked as though he was trying not to fall asleep in his cornflakes.
“What’s up with Harry?” you asked.
Hermione rolled her eyes, “probably too busy poring over that stupid potions book all night instead of sleeping.”
It was in the first potions lesson of the year that Harry had found the mysterious book that had transformed him into a potions expert. Hermione regarded the book as a form of cheating and you weren’t inclined to agree with her until he won the tiny bottle of liquid luck. The former owner of the book called themselves the Half-Blood Prince, and none of you had any clue who it was. Though, you were sure that you had heard the name somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
Harry seemed to wake up halfway through breakfast, “what have we got first?” he asked, concealing a yawn behind his hand.
“It’s Thursday so it’s Defence Against the Dark Arts,” you replied and Harry’s face fell.
Defence Against the Dark Arts used to be Harry’s favourite lesson but now with Snape teaching the class it was quickly becoming his idea of hell, “great,” he mumbled, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, “I wonder what fun we’ll have today,” you rolled your eyes, he was so dramatic.
“Just don’t piss him off,” Ron laughed but that was almost impossible because Harry’s mere presence seemed to piss Snape off.
Finally, the bell went and you all traipsed to your lesson, it was pitch black in the classroom, as usual. Snape preferred to teach with all the blinds down on the windows, once again fuelling the rumour that he was a vampire.
“Everyone get in and sit down,” he hissed, there was no time or room for any pleasantries in Snape’s lessons.
When everyone had found their seats in silence Snape started the lesson and you quickly learned it wasn’t exactly a cheery topic that he would be teaching today, “we’ll be covering the cruciatus curse today. You will be required to explain each unforgivable curse in detail along with their characteristics for your NEWT exams next year.”
Your NEWT exams was the focus of all professors this year it seemed. You fidgeted nervously as you tried not to look at the very graphic photograph of a wizard being tortured that was hung on the wall. You missed Remus. Everyone had tried to convince Remus to come back to Hogwarts but he didn’t seem to be interested.
“Now,” Snape continued in a dangerously quiet voice, “what are the characteristics of the cruciatus curse and what is it used for?”
The room was silent, even Hermione didn’t raise her hand although you knew that she knew the answer. She was staring very hard at the blackboard, hardly blinking. A soft voice made everyone jump and you were surprised at who it was that spoke.
“The curse is used to inflict excruciating pain on the victim, though it leaves no physical mark and you have to mean it for the curse to work. It’s like your nerve endings are on fire,” Mattheo stared at his piece of parchment as he spoke before he finally looked up and cleared his throat, “or, that’s what I’ve read anyway.”
Snape nodded at him before turning to write it up on the blackboard, “5 points to Slytherin, Riddle.”
You looked at Mattheo, horror rising in your chest. What he had said didn’t seem to come from someone who had merely read about the curse. Snape lectured for about twenty more minutes before he made you all start an essay on the cruciatus curse in silence. It made for a very depressing lesson.
As soon as the bell rang, signalling the next lesson, Mattheo practically flew from the room without waiting for his friends, and you followed behind him. The hallway was practically empty due to how quick you both left the classroom and you called his name. You had expected him to keep walking but he didn’t. He turned to look at you.
“How did you know all that stuff about the cruciatus curse?”
He laughed humourlessly as he walked closer to you with an anguished look on his handsome face, “how do you think I know it?” the look on his face wasn’t the look of someone who had cast it, but someone who had been on the receiving end of it.
You forced back the gasp that threatened to spill from your mouth, you knew that he wouldn’t exactly appreciate that form of sympathy, “I’m sorry.”
He shrugged, “why the hell do you even care? We agreed to carry on like we don’t know each other.”
“I know that’s what we agreed but Theo, I can’t pretend like I don’t know you. It’s not like I can turn my feelings for you off just like that. Can you?”
Mattheo swallowed as he looked at the floor before he looked back at your face, “it was never that deep for me, Y/N.”
His words hurt you, they were so cold and calculating but before you could muster a reply, you felt someone wrap an arm around your shoulders, “is he bothering you, Y/N?” Harry asked.
Mattheo never took his eyes from yours as he raised an eyebrow. You tore your eyes away from his as you looked at your brother, “no, he’s not. C’mon, Harry, let’s get to potions.”
Harry glared at Theo as he shoved past him, hissing beneath his breath, “stay the fuck away from my sister, Riddle.”
As you joined Ron and Hermione outside the dungeons, Ron narrowed his eyes, “and where were you two?”
“Nowhere, doesn’t matter,” you said quickly before Harry could say anything.
As far as you were concerned your dad was the only one who knew about you and Mattheo, and you weren’t going to start broadcasting it now. Thankfully, Slughorn came out and greeted the class, letting them inside before Harry could contradict your words.
When you walked into the dungeons, you were immediately hit with the smell of fancy French cologne. You knew it was coming from the steaming cauldron on Slughorn’s desk. For the past couple of lessons, you had been learning the theory of Amortentia – the world’s strongest love potion – you didn’t pay too much attention to the scent of the cologne.
Your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Mattheo, you really wished you could just get over him. Maybe you should start dating, though unfortunately you knew that most of the male population at Hogwarts were complete idiots.
Slughorn grinned at everyone as he ushered them all inside, “welcome, welcome. Please take your seats,” it was a vast difference from Snape.
Slughorn started the lesson about five minutes late as he waited for everyone to make it down to the dungeons from their previous lessons. When everyone had taken their seats, Slughorn clapped his pudgy hands together, “right, as you all know for the past couple of days we have been learning about Amortentia. Some of you may have realised that this,” he tapped the cauldron with his wand, “is full of Amortentia. Now, who would like to tell the class what they smell?”
When nobody volunteered, Slughorn looked at you with a smile on his face, “how about you, Miss Potter?”
A couple of your classmates snickered while Mattheo looked at you, the expression on his face was very guarded. You bit your lip as you looked back at Slughorn, shaking your head, “I’d rather not if that’s okay, Professor.”
“Of course, I know it’s no small thing that I ask,” he said kindly and your body flooded with relief. Slughorn turned his attention to Mattheo, “how about you, Mr Riddle?”
To your surprise, Mattheo nodded, “yes, Sir,” he walked to the front of the classroom and took a deep breath as he drank in the scent of the steaming potion. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he did so, “I don’t smell anything, Sir.”
Slughorn looked hugely disappointed, “nothing at all?”
“No, Sir.”
Although Slughorn looked disappointed he didn’t look surprised, “very well, please take your seat, Mr Riddle.”
Mattheo found his seat and he looked up, his eyes meeting yours. There was nothing in his eyes, they were stone cold and the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. He wasn’t lying, he really couldn’t smell anything. But what did that mean? The lesson passed in a blur and you didn’t exactly listen as your mind was elsewhere, you did feel bad but you knew that you could easily catch up with the notes at a later date.
At dinner that evening the thought was still bothering you so you decided to ask Hermione, “why couldn’t Riddle smell anything in the Amortentia?”
Hermione looked at you in surprise, “have you not heard the rumour?”
“What rumour?”
“There’s a rumour that Voldemort was conceived because of a love potion,” Harry replied, butting into the conversation.
“So?” you asked wondering what his point was.
“People who are conceived because of love potions are incapable of feeling love, and if it runs through Voldemort’s veins then it runs in Riddle’s too,” Hermione explained.
You looked up at the handsome boy who was laughing with his friends on the other side of The Great Hall. You didn’t know who his mother was but you knew that he wasn’t conceived from love, presumably Voldemort was desperate from an heir.
“So, he can’t love either,” you said to yourself.
It was like some sort of Greek tragedy, having feelings for someone who was incapable of returning them.
“Why are you so bothered?” Ron asked.
“I’m not,” you lied, missing the way Hermione looked at you with suspicion.
A couple of days later, Hermione cornered you in the changing rooms when you had showered after Quidditch practice. She was slightly breathless and her cheeks were pink, it looked as though she had practically ran to get to you.
“What are you doing here?”
She shook her head, “I was racking my brain, trying to figure out why you were so bothered that Riddle couldn’t smell anything in potions. Then it came to me, he’s the boy you met over the summer isn’t he? Please don’t lie to me.”
You sighed, “yes,” you whispered, waiting for the judgemental look or the burst of outrage but she simply took your hand and waited for you to continue, “we got to know each other over the summer and I thought he was a dick at first, but when I really got to know him, I realised he’s different than the front he puts up at school.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered, looking hurt.
“I didn’t want you judging me.”
“Y/N! I wouldn’t have judged you, I would have been there for you through it all, through the break-up. In fact, I will be there for you, it’s clear that you still have feelings for him.”
“Why would you do that for me?” Theo’s dad was the cruellest wizard that had ever lived, he’d been especially cruel to people like Hermione. She should hate you, but she didn’t.
“Because you’re my best friend, silly girl,” she laughed as she pulled you into a hug.
You hugged her back tightly, “please don’t tell anyone, especially not Harry.”
Hermione laughed into your hair, “I don’t want you to get murdered, of course I won’t tell Harry,” you smiled at her response, relieved that at least someone knew your secret.
Taglist: @primscat @thelifeofsecretpenguins @ehwhatever26 @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @nevillescomslut @hannahnikohl @5-seconds-of-animals @sanjanapm @abbiesxox @kaverichauhan @cat-loves-music @elijahslover @torresbarnes @ikyourwonderingwhyinameditthis @scream4melove @kingofsante01 @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @manyafandom-fangirl @onlyangel-444 @itsamusical4lifee @team-flashh @its-astraea @iamkaku @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @reeseeverhart @themiya55 @skyslowalking @shyartisanvoidwagon
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hollowdeath · 5 months
Oh hello, I just wanted to tell you that what you wrote is amazing! I read it over and over and couldn't stop reading. You are soooo amazing! *((Ugly crying😭❤️))*
And umm.. I would like to share about the imagination in my head about Dark Harry Potter. He joins the Lord Voldemort and betrayed all his friends. When the war ended, the Lord's side Voldemort wins. Everything is in chaos but Harry ignores it all because he only cares about the reader, his old girlfriend. (Harry still loves the reader even though the reader hates Harry.) He might have requested that the Lord Voldemort gave the reader as a reward to him after the war. Something like that, and ummm, a drama that is both bitter and sad and angry at the same time full of longing for each other? A rough and sad lovemaking? 🥺
hi! thank you so much for requesting! i hope you enjoy!
pairing: dark!harry james potter x fem!reader AU (18+)
summary: harry's all-consuming anger successfully tempts him to join voldemort in the war, sending you, his girlfriend, away in an attempt to keep you safe. years later he asks for your return, and is met with bitterness and rage as you struggle to navigate your feelings for each other in a post-war world.
c/w: smut!!! angst!! slow burn! mentions/threats of weapons, violence, abuse, and death/murder. smut is all the way at the end (grinding, oral, penetration, submissive!harry & dominant!reader) lightly edited, not book/movie/canon accurate
word count: 12.6k
a/n: this is giving me manacled x star wars and i love it lol, so so so much fun to write. i tried to make the reader more angst-y and dominant than normal, so if you like this please let me know! sorry if the plot doesn't make much sense. i also started school this week so please be patient with me! going to try and start posting shorter blurbs/headcanons between requests <3
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harry was standing at a window in the lord's manor, watching the street below him as people sulked aimlessly by. it was a typical, gloomy day, the clouds gathering heavily above. it had been raining for weeks, maybe even months at this point, and it was beginning to cast a permanent gray shadow across the city. not even the weather could escape the tragedies of the war.
though harry chose to not dwell on the war, he felt its lingering effects. even from his lofty spot in the comfort of the lord's castle, which he barely left anymore. its walls had become harry's second skin. so long as he had everything delivered to him whenever he desired, it was disgusting to him to even think of stepping outside.
yet still, harry could see the abandoned and damaged shops just outside the lord's gates lining the courtyard along the cobblestone streets. the burnt remains of what once was. the sunken-in faces of the remaining people in the city. the lack of light, the lack of life, the lack of magic.
there's a part of harry, a weak cry from deep inside his repressed past, that feels bad. he was once a young wizard with bright eyes walking the streets of these same shops. he once enjoyed the sounds of shared happiness, and found solace in the fact that despite his lack of, there would always be joy in the world around him.
however, as harry grew older, and the circumstances around him shifted, he found himself getting angrier more often. not just on a weekly basis over small interactions or mistakes, but all the time, from the moment he was awoken by his nightmares to the moment he fell back into them. harry simply had no room inside of him left for anything else. it was just anger. pure, unbridled anger that only caused annoyance at first, then small outbursts of irritation after a while, and, eventually, he couldn't look at anyone or anything without wanting to physically destroy it for no reason other than he was just angry.
harry was angry at the world for having magic in it in the first place. he hated the divide it caused between muggles and non-muggles, pure bloods and half bloods. he was angry that divide is what took his parents from him before he could even properly know them. he was angry he had to grow up in abuse and neglect under the guise of 'safety'. he was angry he never received an apology, an admittance of guilt, not even a hint of closure for the past that was still controlling his present.
the boy who used to risk his life to save hogwarts and the students inside of it would eventually be the same one to let them fall.
when voldemort came back, and harry's anger was at its worst, he knew there was a connection. he didn't know about horcruxes yet and he certainly didn't know he was one. and yet he knew, somewhere deep inside him again, that it wasn't a coincidence. there was a reason his anger was consuming him, and the reason was voldemort.
after cedric's death, harry had begun to spiral. the nightmares were worse than before, he felt deathly paranoid constantly, and couldn't escape the intruding memories of the graveyard. though harry had managed well enough afterwards, still suppressing his rage, he couldn't hide the change in his personality from those closest to him. ron and hermione were the first to bring it up, but, of course, harry had snapped and told them to mind the business that pays them. despite his resistance, they tried until the very end to help their best friend see through his anger, to remember what was right and wrong.
however, once sirius was dead, it was all over.
harry had simply lost any hope that was left within him. watching sirius fall through the veil, his eyes lifeless and cold, was like watching harry himself die. he didn't think he could get any lower, and then he watched the only family he had left be cursed just within his reach.
harry was never the same after that. when he sat in bed late at night staring at the marauders map in his lap, he thought about how much he hated this life that's been made for him. the boy who lived, the scape goat, the hero, our only hope. it was crushing. harry was just a boy. he wanted to live a normal life.
but he knew he never could. not after tom riddle, not after cedric, not after sirius. even if everything went away tomorrow and harry could just attend his classes and be with his friends, nothing would change. he would still be alone, he would still be angry, and he would still suffer from his traumas. what was the point in fighting for good or living to see the end when you would always end up alone?
except, harry wasn't alone, really. he had you.
if there was one thing in this lifetime, one thing throughout this entire war that could have saved harry, it was you.
you and harry had been classmates for a year or so before really getting to know each other, and started dating not long after. when you were around, harry knew there was something worth fighting for. though he may feel angry and everything and everyone and everything everyone said, harry could never truly be mad with you. it's like when you looked at him the anger was muted, numb, deep inside him, and as soon as someone would interrupt it was bubbling at the surface again.
you were worried about harry, of course, and saw the effects his anger had on his relationships with everyone else around him. besides you.
he remembers you clearly, still to this day, and just how upset you were anytime he lashed out. if he'd felt anything other than anger at that time, it would've been guilt. guilt for hurting you, for scaring you. guilt, but not guilty enough to stop.
the anger was stronger.
even when you asked him, begged him, please, harry, please stop letting your anger win, and even when he promised, swore on his own grave, that he would try harder to stop for you, he never did.
harry was beyond angry. he was spiteful. all he had ever been was kind, a pushover who gave everyone the respect he was never graced with. he's saved strangers who wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire. he's lost his family in their sacrifice for the greater good that now rested upon harry's 16 year old shoulders.
he was beginning to think the fight wasn't worth it.
not only did the fight for good no longer seem worthy to harry, the fight against it only seemed to become more enticing. why should harry continue to risk his life and sanity when there would always be fights of blood purity? why should he be the hero everyone else has always wanted him to be?
for a long time, the answer was you. you were reason enough for harry to keep fighting, to keep his anger under control. when he looked at you things made sense for just a moment, his suffering was worth it to see you alive and well. until it wasn't.
everyone has a breaking point, and harry felt like he had finally reached his. as the war had geared up to a point of no return, harry had to make a decision. he had always assumed his decision was already made for him since birth, but he soon realized he never actually had to follow this path set for him in the first place. he was free to do as he pleased. he wasn't dumbledore, he wasn't his parents, he wasn't even the hero everyone thought he was. he was angry. he was spiteful.
worse than that, harry was vengeful.
so, when he met voldemort in the woods during the battle of hogwarts to accept his death, harry instead offered him a proposal the dark lord simply couldn't refuse. harry potter, his living horcrux, would become his successor upon his death. harry would fight with and for voldemort, training to become the most powerful dark wizard in history, and to finally let tom riddle rest well knowing the world was in just as dark, evil hands as his own.
though voldemort was skeptical at first, naturally, as harry expected him to be, he could eventually see the darkness within harry nearly consuming him whole. he was as serious as death itself. he no longer had the desire within him to continue fighting for, what he saw as, a lost cause. voldemort was rather pleased with this news, though never expected harry to come around like he did. he hadn't even considered it, really. but who was he to deny his own successor?
upon harry's return to hogwarts with voldemort and his death eaters in tow, every single person who watched was stunned into silence. even mcgonagall, who had been instructing and encouraging the students all night in their fight, had become speechless and teary eyed at the sight. ron had to catch hermione, who nearly fell to the floor.
but nobody was as upset as you were.
you had already been sobbing watching harry walk off into the woods towards his own death thinking you would never see him alive again. only to watch him emerge from the same treeline with the enemy by his side. it's like you got kicked in the gut. you would've almost rather never seen harry again.
"harry!" you had screamed in a broken voice as he crossed the bridge, voldemort's snake slithering at his feet. you were running to him, breaking through the multiple arms that tried to hold you back.
voldemort tried to raise his wand to you, but harry had stopped him, telling him to let him handle it. he was suspicious at first, still not fully trusting harry's intentions just yet, but was reassured by the sinister look in his eyes.
harry looked at you. he remembers feeling a twinge of that same guilt from before, the tiniest spark of hope deep within his rage. he really did love you, at least at some point he did. you would've made all of this worth it, you would've been the reason to keep going. but not even you were reason enough anymore. for so long he had been ready to take his revenge on the world that failed him.
"harry, what are you doing?" you had asked him, voice shaking. you were almost whispering, your eyes nervously glancing towards voldemort every other second in fear for your safety. harry grabbed your hands but you pulled them back, a look of disgust coming across your face.
"come with me." harry had told you. your look of disgusted transformed into shock, anger, confusion, and guilt. there were mumblings coming from the crowd of students behind you. "what?" you had asked, nearly breathless at this point, your eyes searching him for answers.
"come with me, [y/n]. i want you by my side as i become the most powerful dark lord in the world." harry explained, taking steps towards you with an excited grin on his face, his eyes still dark with corruption. you were still in shock when he grabbed for your hands. he kissed your knuckles softly with a quiet, "i love you,"
he had meant it, but not like he used to.
it took a few moments of silence and some tense eye contact before you pulled your hands away, letting the tears fall again as you attempted to gather your words. "you can't do this, harry. i will never join the dark lord. you know this isn't right, why are you doing this? why? why?" you're practically begging for an answer as harry looked away, an irritated expression on his face, clenching his jaw together. your hands reached for his shirt and jacket, trying to shake some sense into him as you grasped them tightly and pulled him closer.
"don't you love me?" you had asked him in the most heartbreaking, soul crushing voice. your words were weak, but your sentiment was palpable. you were bloody, dirty, covered in scars from fighting, holding harry close to you as you begged him with wide eyes. not too much earlier in the year he would've folded immediately looking at you, so innocent and desperate, his last bit of hope in the world.
but it was already far too late.
"take her to azkaban," harry had announced, angling his head back to the deatheaters behind him, keeping his eyes locked with yours. your grip on his clothes loosened and shocked gasps came from the crowd. harry looked at voldemort, who was a bit puzzled by the situation, but backed up harry's real nonetheless. "you heard the boy," he snapped towards the men behind him.
the deatheaters walked towards you as you stepped away from harry. "no, no, no, stop!" you were screaming, trying to back away from them, but they had grabbed your arms aggressively and began dragging you towards the bridge. "[y/n]!" a few students had shouted, running towards you before their attempts were blocked by a wave of voldemort's wand. the students fell to the ground, watching helplessly as you continued to fight your way out of the deatheaters' grasps. harry stood still, emotionless, completely stoic as he heard your desperate wails and calls for his name disappear into the woods behind him.
the rest of that night or day or whatever it was has since been completely blocked out of harry's mind, forever. his rage had reached a level he didn't know was possible. all he could recall anymore is the blood, the screaming, the running, and the light of his wand in his hand. many students and professors died during that battle at his hand, along with voldemort's and the deatheaters'. the castle was then burned to the ground, signifying the end of the battle. hogwarts had never stood a chance.
and, now, harry stands in the dark lord's manor, staring at the abandoned buildings lining his street, and he's thinking of you.
he often wondered how life would have been if you had joined him that day. though his years since have been packed with death, fights, destruction, and chaos, there were moments alone or in peril where you crossed his mind like a gentle breeze. a simpler part of his past, a light in his darkness. your soft, kind eyes, wide with shock as you back away from him, fixated on the deatheaters coming to collect you. your sweet, melodic voice screaming and breaking as you were dragged away, fighting for your freedom. harry could remember the moment perfectly despite everything else in his life being a blur.
he wonders how you would have filled the role as his partner in crime after choosing him. two dark lords unstoppable against the forces of the wizarding world, fighting 'good' and spreading evil just as he had been this whole time. would you have succumbed easily to the temptation? would you be as dark as harry was? could you maybe even be darker?
but harry knew it was a fruitless endeavor from the beginning. he had wanted to ask you anyways, to at least give you a chance to make the decision to be with him, even if he already knew what your response would be. harry was a bit let down at first, hoping maybe there was enough love between you to push morals aside, but he knew he would never be that lucky. part of why he fell in love with you way before his anger began was your commitment and dedication to what you believed was right. that same trait would be the driving force behind his decision to lock you away.
harry knew you. and he knew you wouldn't stop fighting until your body gave out, and maybe even after that. he may have lost you by sending you to azkaban for the foreseeable future of the war, but he'd rather know you were safe somewhere solitary than spend his years wondering where your dead body had been rotting into the dirt all this time. though azkaban was desolate, dark, isolated, and torturous, it allowed harry to sleep at night thinking of your still-beating heart resting safely behind those impenetrable walls.
lately his nights had become more restless, though, as the thought of you still residing in azkaban began to sit with him. he didn't feel guilt, really, he knew it was what was ultimately best for you. but he did miss you.
after the war had died down and voldemort took his place as the rightful dark lord of the world, harry's anger began to subside for the first time in years. rather than rage fueling his insatiable desire to destroy, he felt incredibly numb and disengaged with everything around him. the desolate streets and grim sky and abandoned city outside the windows began to fit his mental state more and more. for the first time since he was a teenager, harry could see past the anger.
and all he wanted was you.
so, harry had reached out to the dark lord, who spent most of his time at his new ministry castle across the country from the old manor he let harry watch over. they communicated every so often, checking in on business and social matters, but otherwise never had to meet in person. 
harry sent him a letter asking for your release and direct delivery to his household, barring from reason. he felt after the war he had lead with and for voldemort, he owed harry a singular favor all these years later.
it only took 2 days for a confirmation letter to be sent back to harry, signed by voldemort himself, dating your arrival for the next day.
harry had his house elf, jinx, make up your room, asking her to be sure it was comfortable and clean before your delivery tomorrow afternoon, and to also provide plenty of options for dinner.
harry spent all night thinking about you, wondering what you'd look like after all this time. how similar or different you would be from what he remembers. how you'd react to seeing him. he knew you well enough to know you wouldn't react well, likely needing an extended period of alone time to adjust being here before he'd ever get a civil moment with you. but he was up for the challenge, otherwise he'd never ask for your return in the first place. he was releasing his anger, and instead building his patience, if not just to hold you one more time.
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there was a delicious smell filling the mansion as the clock drew nearer to your arrival. harry was dressed better than he had been in years, and had jinx make the usually desolate looking building feel warm and inviting. fireplaces roaring, warm lamps flooding the hallways, and the grand dining table set to perfection for 2 particular guests.
harry didn't want to make it too obvious, but it was hard for him to hide how excited he was to see you again. even if you were different, even if you hated him, all he wanted was to see you in person, his eyes locking with yours for the first time since the day you were dragged away at his command.
once the hour was upon him, harry could hear footsteps and voices on the second floor. his heart leaped, setting down his glass of wine before heading for the stairs.
"let go of me, let go of me," a strained voice was crying down the hall, the sounds of a struggle coming from harry's left. he saw two house elves, rather squat and bulky, holding onto the arms of a frail body covered in a simple striped prison dress.
one elf turned to harry and gave him a devilish grin, "ah, there's the man himself!" he growled, his partner turning as well. "sorry we were late, mr. potter, someone here wasn't too keen on leaving azkaban, for some reason," he apologizes, pulling at the arm he's holding.
you slowly turn your head and stop struggling, your eyes wide with fear and mouth dropped open. "harry?" you whispered to yourself, your knees nearly giving out beneath you before the elves aggressively pulled you back up.
the first elf groans, rolling his eyes at you. "where can we put her, huh?" he asks, his tone impatient. harry pulls a few gold coins out of his pocket and hands them over to both of the elves. "right here is just fine. thank you, boys," he tells them.
the elves happily accept the tips and drop you to the ground, quickly disappearing in a flash.
you're left heavily breathing on the floor of the hall, sniffling and groaning in pain before diverting your attention to harry. your eyes were still wide, your eyebrows creased in confusion as you tried to move yourself further away from him on your hands and knees.
harry gave you your space, but watched intently as you nervously increased the distance between both of you. your hair was long, tangled, greasy, and falling around you like a curtain. you were smaller than he remembered, your eyes sunken in and cheeks more hollowed than before. you were pale, and visibly dirty. the soles of your feet were nearly black.
harry felt a pain in his stomach, his blood pressure rising imagining how you lived inside the walls of the prison. he couldn't identify the feeling. it was different from anger, but it wasn't far off.
as you continued to back up, your eyes shifted to a widow on your right. you slowly gained the energy to lift yourself and reach for the window, throwing it open before attempting to stick your hand out.
your hand hit the open window like you had never moved the glass barrier. you continued trying to stick your hand and head out, hitting at the invisible barrier with all your strength, making frustrated sounds.
"there's a spell on the house, love. you can't leave, just for now, until we can work things out," harry tried to explain gently as you continued trying to escape. he took a step towards you and you stepped away, leaning on the wall for support as you began to cry harder.
"get away from me, get away, what the fuck, what the fuck is happening," you tried to shout at him, your faced turned away and other arm putting distance between you and harry. you were gasping for air, your voice stressed and broken, shaking your head as you tried to continue backing up into the wall.
harry still attempted to give you your space. he hated to see you like this. you were so defensive and scared of everything going on around you. he wanted to give you time to calm down, but felt you needed to know what was going on.
"[y/n]," harry said, causing your head to snap towards him with curious eyes. your arm lowered slightly, your knees still weak beneath you. "listen to me, okay? just for a second," harry tried to ask kindly. he hadn't realized just how long it had been since he talked to someone this gently.
you continued to stand defensively, your eyes scanning harry up and down nervously as your breathing slowly started to still.
harry sighed, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before turning his attention to you again. "i know this is a lot, and i know it's confusing," he starts, his voice unexpectedly shaky. "but i asked voldemort, and i had you released from azkaban. i figured you may like a warm place to stay, so i had you brought here,"
you still looked confused for a moment before you narrowed your eyes, your arm coming up once again to defend yourself. "what are you talking about? where are we?" you asked harry suspiciously, still scanning him from head to toe.
"my manor. well, the lord's manor, but, essentially mine," harry says a bit awkwardly. you gave him a look of disgust, leaning further into the wall for support. "why would i want to be here? with you?" you practically spat at him with hatred in your eyes. harry was unaffected.
"i know you don't. but there's nowhere else to go. i promise." harry tells you solemnly. your eyes widen a bit again, a flash of fear coming across your face, but the anger quickly returns.
"i'd rather live in rubble than prop my feet up in the dark lord's manor," you say sharply, taking a step towards him in attempt to intimidate him. though you weren't much shorter than harry, you were weak, and tired, and he wasn't necessarily afraid of your threats.
he took a step back anyways, giving you more space. "look," he says, his eyes turning to the floor before he can steady his breathing and reply. "it's just for now. if you really don't want to stay, i won't make you." he says softly before returning his eyes to yours. they're not as bright as he remembers them in his dreams about you.
"but," he says, causing your jaw to clench. "you will stay until you're well again. and it's not up for debate." harry tells you firmly, his tone not as gentle as before.
you swallow harshly, your stomach growling audibly as the smell of the food downstairs begins to settle into your senses.
harry notices this and smirks to himself before quickly returning to a neutral state. "now," he announces, straightening out his blazer. "until the food is ready, there's a room made up for you just down this hall and to your left. it has a bathroom, and clothes. take all the time you need." he says before promptly turning on his heels and heading downstairs, his heart still racing from his encounter with you.
sitting in the living room watching the fireplace in front of him, harry eventually hears the door of your new bedroom click open and swiftly close. not long after he can hear the plumbing rumble as you take your first shower. he smiles at the fact that you're finally in his life once more, even if the circumstances were completely unusual.
harry's nearly concerned and wanting to send jinx to check on you after 2 hours of running water before it stops, the sound of the bathroom fan taking its place. harry's relieved.
"jinx, could tell our guest the foods ready," harry tells the elf as she brings the last tray from the kitchen to the dining room. she nods to herself, shuffling up the stairs sluggishly.
harry's pouring another glass of wine in the kitchen and decides to pour you one as well. on his way into the dining room, he sees you standing in the entryway. you're dressed in a large jumper, oversized pajamas bottoms, and your hair is still rather wet plopped into a bun on top of your head. your skin is rubbed raw, your cheeks still flushed pink as you analyze the table full of food in front of you.
harry smiles at your shocked gaze, your stomach growling again as he tries to hand you your glass of wine. you turn your nose at him, taking a step back. he smiles curtly and heads to his seat, setting your glass with his.
"figured you might be hungry," harry says as he sits down, his plate made for him already. he looks at you, arms still crossed, nose turned away, but eyes peeking at the endless food at your disposal. he can tell you're trying to keep your guard up, but your stomach hasn't stopped rumbling since you came downstairs.
he gestures to your chair just across from him, a plate made for you as well. you look at him, your eyes curious but expression still tight. you carefully take a step closer to the table, but you're still weary.
harry gives you a sympathetic smile. "after tonight you can have any meal you want in your solitude. i just thought i'd be nice and host my guest for the first night," he tells you, catching your gaze.
your curious look quickly turns to one of anger. "i'm not your guest. i'm practically a prisoner again." you hiss, your eyes boring into his with contempt. harry can sense the rage building inside of you. he's familiar with the feeling.
though you were different in so many ways, your dull eyes and lifeless voice, you were also similar in your determined attitude. you had always been the type to stand up and take charge, which harry completely admired and was impressed by. he found your beauty to be most potent in your strong will and cunning mind.
he admired you for just a moment, looking down at him with enough hatred to send shivers over his body. you looked so young, your skin supple and smooth under the light of the candles and fireplace, your hair falling loosely to frame your furrowed brow. you were just as pretty as he remembered, even if your expression always contained a hint of sadness and fear around him.
harry simply smiles softly, sitting back in his chair. "i prefer guest," he says teasingly. you suddenly snap at him, grabbing for his steak knife and pushing your arm to his neck against the back of the chair, holding the point of the knife to the side of his neck.
if looks could kill, the knife would've been unnecessary. your eyes were nearly black as you shakily push against harry's throat. "let me out of here now or i swear, harry," your voice cracks saying his name. "i swear i'll fucking kill you," you spit, leaning further into your grasp him on, your jaw clenched tightly.
harry, to your surprise, just chuckles to himself, not even struggling to breathe as he looks up at you deviously. your eyes widen just before you feel your arms start to move for you, as well as your legs. your neck is strained as well, an invisible force pushing you away from harry as the knife drops from your hand.
you're suddenly released from the mysterious grasp, and you choke out a breath, looking back at harry. he's smirking, but trying not to let you see as his pointed hand lowers from you. he fixes his shirt and chair, gesturing again to your seat across from him. "as thrilling as that was, love, not yet. i'd like you to stay here for at least a month before i consider placing you elsewhere." harry states, picking his knife back up to place on the table.
you stare at harry incredulously. "a month?" you ask, your face turning red again. you take another step towards him but you falter in fear of him using the same force as before to stop you. you stumble as your mind races to gather your thoughts. "how…you…i'm not staying here for a month! this is insanity! how could you send me away like that and just bring me back like it was nothing? a shower and a plate of food and suddenly those 5 years in azkaban never happened?"
you're now shouting at harry with a broken voice, your emotions on high as the tears threaten to fall again. harry watches you, just watches, and simply gestures to your chair again. "just join me," he insists.
you go to yell again, but harry sternly interrupts. "we can discuss this another time. please. sit down." he commands from you.
your mask drops for a moment, a look of fear crossing your face before diverting your eyes away completely to your chair. your stomach growls again, your hand covering it to hide the sound.
it takes a few moments until you slowly make your way to sit down, glancing at harry before taking your seat. harry begins eating silently, and, not long after, you're digging into your first real plate of food in years.
harry can't help but smile to himself subtly watching you indulge yourself for a moment, the mask slipping again as you gratefully shovel spoonfuls of food into your mouth with a sigh of relief. he was glad you were eating, even if he had to put up a bit of a fight to convince you.
as harry finishes up, you're still making your way through your second plate. he stands, grabbing your attention and making you curl back into your seat. "jinx," he calls out before sipping the last of his wine. jinx comes to the table and grabs harry's glass and plate, turning to take them to the kitchen. 
"[y/n], this is jinx," harry motions to the elf, who gives you a warm smile. you return the smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes. "if you ever need anything, anything at all, don't be afraid to ask her. she lives to serve," harry tells you proudly, earning a slight look of disgust from you before returning a smile at jinx.
"this was a lovely dinner, ms. jinx, thank you so much, truly," you thank her honestly. she bows to you slightly before continuing her way through the doors to the kitchen.
you shoot harry a glare. "the harry i knew would've never kept a house elf," you say, your words dripping with disdain. harry ignores your statement, turning to the stairs before ascending them.
he leaves you alone at the dining table, closing himself off in the master bedroom for the night. just as he's finishing up brushing his teeth, he hears your door click shut. that night he fell asleep feeling more reassured than he had in years knowing the pretty girl he couldn't keep his mind off of was asleep just down the hall from him.
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it had been a few weeks since harry moved you in, and he rarely ended up seeing you in the mansion. you were often locked away in your room, or taking showers, and harry only ever saw you when you were finishing up a meal with jinx.
you had become quite close with her, it seems, which harry found sweet. he was worried at first that you may be using jinx as a way to find an escape from the house, but after a while without incident, harry realized how silly the idea was. you truly could connect with anyone.
one of the only other times he saw you, though, was when he passed by the open library one night. harry had been restless, thinking about his past in depth, feeling emotions he couldn't place, and decided to watch the sunrise to clear his head. he took a quick glance through the doors before spotting you curled up on one of the couches, a book in hand, fast asleep beside a warm lamp.
harry stopped, taking a moment to admire you from afar. you had gained some weight back being here, which harry loved to see. your cheeks were full and rounded, your hands not as frail, and the color was coming back to your skin. your hair looked impossibly soft under the light, sprawled everywhere around your angelic, sleeping face. harry couldn't help the cheesy smile that overcame his face. he was just happy that you were okay.
outside of that, harry spent most of his time alone, thinking about you. you hadn't reached out to him yet, which he expected, but was surprised when a month came and went and you still didn't confront him. he hadn't made his decision just yet, so he didn't have an answer for you even if you had asked him. he saw you were doing better, but still wasn't confident in letting you go. not just for selfish reasons, of course, but he wanted to be sure you were equipped enough to live on your own.
but, harry had to admit, his heart raced when he heard your soft footsteps pass his door to the stairs. his mind went blank seeing your figure standing in the dining room with jinx, chatting over a plate of snacks together. his blood ran cold when he heard your soft giggle from somewhere in the mansion. like a beautiful ghost haunting his past.
harry knew even before he sent his letter to voldemort that his feelings for you had never truly gone away. deep under his rage, his unforgiving heart, his cold blooded nature, his love for you had always remained. but he was learning to accept your departure if you chose to do so. a final goodbye to the most beautiful part of his unsightly life. harry wasn't sure he could handle the idea.
he was struggling with his thoughts, the constant back and forth he was feeling about you. at first harry was sleeping better with you there knowing you were safe, but now he stayed up late worrying himself sick over the decisions he had to make now that you were actually there.
sitting in bed, staring at the rising sun through his window, harry's mind was exhausting him. he hadn't slept all night and could feel the effects setting in. slowly, he stood from the bed and slipped on his house shoes along with his robe. he quietly leaves his room to not disturb you so early just down the hall.
he walks to the opposite end of the hall towards the balcony, and takes his usual seat facing the sunrise.
harry contemplates here most mornings, but never comes to any radical conclusions. he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know what's best for you anymore. he knows he selfishly wants you all to himself still, but also knows you deserve to live the life you want no matter what his opinion is. it's the same conversation with himself every time, and it leaves him confused and upset for keeping you here like he is. even if his heart is in the right place.
his thoughts are interrupted by jinx, who offers harry a cup of tea. he thanks her, but quickly calls her back to ask a question. "jinx, um…[y/n], how is she doing?" he asks.
jinx, a quiet house elf, gives harry a smile, and pats his shoulder. her smile is warm and reassuring, as well as her hand. as she walks off, harry smiles to himself a bit. he's not completely satisfied with the answer, but he takes what he can get.
finishing his cup of tea with the sun shining over the horizon, harry turns to head inside before being met with the sight of you standing at the open doorway of the balcony. 
you're dressed in a simple long sleeve pajama shirt along with comfortable pants, your arms crossed as the morning chill sets into the air. harry's a bit startled at first, but gives you a polite smile, diverting his eyes and walking around you to leave you be.
"harry," you said softly, turning to him.
harry's heart dropped, but turned to you promptly with eager eyes. the way you said his name, your soft voice, he was already so captivated by you.
"can we talk?"
now harry was worried. this is what he's been afraid of since you got here. he's not ready to answer you. he doesn't know what he's going to say when you desperately ask him to leave and never come back.
"of course," he says calmly, gesturing to the balcony so you could sit together.
once you've joined him in watching the sun, you two fall into a somewhat comfortable silence as the soft wind whistles past.
"i never thanked you," you said quietly after a while, almost a whisper in the wind. harry looked at you, looking at the sunrise. your face was radiant. you were brilliant in the light of the sun, your hair still impossibly soft and beautiful, falling around you, following the flow of the air. harry was overwhelmed with the beauty your presence held in this moment. "you never had to."
you glanced at harry, studying his expression, before turning back to the sun. "it's also been a month." you state coldly. harry's gaze drops, sighing. "57 days, technically," he mumbles.
a few moments of silence pass again, leaving harry an anxious mess in his seat. he tried to think of a gentle way to let you know he still needed time to decide what to do. a way to tell you without putting his life at risk to your anger.
"well, as much as i hate to say this, you were right," you say, still watching the sunrise in deep thought. harry was shocked by your words, immediately sitting up in his seat to get a better look at your face.
you were stoic, your eyes fixated on the scene out beyond your reach. "what?" harry asked, not believing his own ears. a small smile crept to your lips, the first one he's managed to see himself since you've been here. his heart aches at just the hint of seeing it again.
"don't make me say it again, potter," you try to say threateningly with that small smile, your eyes falling to your lap.
harry is stunned into silence, watching you with careful eyes. "but, you were right. i needed time to be healthy again." you said to him, your back still turned. harry stayed quiet, allowing you to continue. "i was angry with you. i still am. i don't think it'll ever stop," you inform him, the coldness returning to your voice. "but," he was preparing himself for the rejection, the questions, the begging.
"i'd like to stay, if you'll have me," you offer in a slightly embarrassed tone, your face turned the other way.
to say harry was shocked at your request is an understatement. he was expecting you to have a plan to take him out if he had rejected your request to leave yet. he never considered the idea that you might actually want to stay with him.
"i'll have you forever, if you let me," harry responds, a small smile on his face as well. you shoot him a warning look. "not forever. just until i feel well again." you tell him, your voice cold once more. you turn back to the sun, now completely over the horizon. "figured you owe me that much," you say in an accusatory voice.
harry just smirks to himself. you could never be soft for long when he was around. but he appreciated that you felt you could ask him to stay, though you never had to in the first place. harry really would have had you forever, if you'd let him.
"stay as long as you need to." he says.
you glance back at him again, your eyes softer this time. you're analyzing him for a moment before turning to him a bit. "it took me a long time to understand why you sent me to azkaban," you tell him, your voice steady and emotionless. harry just watches you, admiring the light surrounding you.
"you would've never stood a chance in destroying the world had i been free," you state, your eyes still examining him. harry offers you another small smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes the same way. "you knew you were weak," you say.
harry's now analyzing your expression, your words swimming around in his mind. "i did," he admitted to you. "it was just easier if i knew where you were all this time," he says breathlessly.
your eyes narrow at him once more, the anger returning to your body language. "easier for you. i would've never done the same if the roles were reversed." you snapped at him harshly. harry believed you. he thought about it a lot in his nightly battles with his own mind.
"you're right," harry stated, still admiring you in your anger. you were upset, but gave harry a questioning look. your eyes softened only a bit. "i think about it all the time," he admits to you gently.
you're a bit puzzled by his admittance of guilt, but don't let it stop you. "i hope it haunts you at night the way it haunts me," you say sharply, your eyes dark.
"always has," harry says to himself, only making you more angry. "you poor thing. must've been so tough relaxing in this mansion knowing i was rotting away in solitary confinement." your voice is strong, powerful, a contrast to the broken words you gave harry your first day here.
"it was," harry says simply, sensing your rising impatience with him. you stood from your seat, towering over him as he continued watching you in wonder. "you evil little rat. you're just lucky my magic is restricted by this spell. i would've killed you in your sleep that first night." you threaten him, gesturing to the protection spell around the castle and balcony.
harry wants to stop himself, but can't keep the smirk off his face. this only angers you more, pulling your arm back and slapping harry square across his face.
he doesn't react, instead allowing himself to stay facing away from you. "i hate you," you state weakly, your hands balled at your side. harry looks at you, the smirk still playing on his lips. "i know," he says softly.
you frustratedly sit back down, turning to look back at the sunrise once more.
a long silence settles over you two, listening to the sounds of the city as it awakens around you. eventually, you stand, turning to leave harry alone on the balcony. you pause before you leave.
"i still never thanked you, harry." you speak softly, your back turned to him. he looks over at you, your curves glowing in the morning light. "you never had to," he replies, and you're off down the dark hallway.
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for the next few months, you and harry live together amicably. he sees you around more often as you start to leave the confines of your room. of course the library was a place of solace for you, but he started to see you more in the living room, on the balcony, or in the dining room enjoying jinx's company. for a while you two exchanged polite greetings, simple glances and acknowledgements, before asking about each other's days, or commenting on the weather. it was agonizingly slow for harry, but he was breaking through your walls one way or another.
one day not long after you'd slapped him on the balcony, you sat in the living room with harry, across from his seat on the couch. he was surprised by your presence, but gave you a small smile over his book anyway. "jinx tells me you've been acting different," you'd stated bluntly, watching his face for a reaction.
harry put down the book he was reading, giving you his attention. "have i?" he asks. you were always examining him, your eyes critical but curious at the same time. "she says your anger used to be terrible. even worse than i remember." you lead him on.
harry bit his lip thinking about the years where his rage was at its worst. he tried not to dwell on them, and instead tried to focus on the newfound emotions consuming his life. but he couldn't deny the path of destruction he'd left while seeing red.
harry eventually nodded, his eyes distant. "it was," he admits, his voice just as lost in thought. you shifted in your seat. "you let it ruin everything, harry." you said softly, leaving him looking at the floor in disappointment. "i know," he admitted.
the silence between you was palpable. harry felt the weight of it on his shoulders before you spoke again. "i would hear about the things you did while in azkaban. the guard would tell me even after i asked him to stop." you inform him. harry can still feel your eyes shooting daggers at him.
"for so long i fantasized about being the one to kill you, to finally put an end to voldemort." you said wistfully. harry glanced at you, seeing a longing look on your face. "how brave of [y/n] to put her love aside to kill the dark lord's apprentice." you said in a mocking tone, leaning back in your seat.
harry watched you, imagining you in azkaban, dreaming of putting an end to his life, while he dreamed of freeing you. it was a fair trade, he thought, and not one he would argue against at this point. and it didn't go unnoticed that you mentioned your love for him, either.
"you still can," harry says, causing you to snap your eyes back at him. "excuse me?" you ask with a sneer. harry puts his book to the side and sits up, his feet planted on the ground. "kill me, that is. it's not impossible." he tells you with intrigue.
you're staring at him incredulously, your eyes always searching him. "you're…you're kidding, right? i mean, you took my magic while yours seems to be highly skilled. you really think i'd stand a chance?" you ask with a sarcastic laugh.
harry stands from his seat, taking achingly slow steps around the coffee table towards you. "yes, while your magic is weak, you are not, [y/n]. i've gone out of my way to keep the knives, fire pokers, swords, and hundreds of books on potions and charms out for your use, at any time, have i not?" harry questions you, getting closer now. though you would normally pull back from him, you stay seated, trying to process his words.
standing just before you, harry admires the curves of your face against the light of the fire. "with your nimble step and cunning wit," harry lifts his hand to gently put his fingers to your chin. the first physical contact he's had with you. unless you count the time you held that knife to his throat. "you could gut me like a pig before i even have the chance to squeal," harry's voice is soft but dark, your breathing caught in your throat at the contact.
as he backed away, harry could see the physical effect he had on you. your nervous blinking, your jaw tightening, hands trembling; he found it sweet he could still do that to you, even if you claimed to hate him.
after that day, harry felt less tension between you two. maybe being vulnerable around you made you realize he was never a threat to begin with. he didn't want anything from you, and he didn't care if you never wanted anything from him. as long as you were safe, that was all he cared about. he hoped you were starting to understand that.
though conversations between you were still tense and cryptic, there was a sense of unspoken comradery that felt nostalgic to you both. your serious, brooding angst matched with harry's calm, collected coldness made for an interesting match. it was never the same as before, you were both fairly aware it wasn't ever going to be, but there was an undoubted chemistry that still lingered from your teenage years together.
however, something else that always lingered during your interactions is your distaste for harry's actions. at any chance you can, you poke and prod at his past, partly to understand, he assumes, but also to test his limits. you were always cautious and suspicious of his submissive behavior when it came to this kind of confrontation; how could someone who was, at least at one point, so evil, so cruel and heartless, become so nonchalant about their past? who wipes out entire cities just to 'not dwell on it'?
this was always a point of contention between you, even if everything else until that point had been somewhat playful. it never so much upset harry as it riled you up, bringing strong emotions to the forefront, causing you to lash out at him. though he always stayed calm, he also always seemed to listen. he never disagreed with your feelings or sentiments, if anything he agreed with your hatred for himself. it's like that day in the living room when he tempted you with his death, and yet you never took the bait.
harry rather enjoyed watching you work yourself up, and admired how quick you were to defend yourself. he never wanted to upset you, of course, but sometimes he couldn't help his cheeky responses knowing it would get a look out of you that made his heart jump. it might not be the most gentlemanly thing he does, but something about your anger excited him. it was nothing like his vengeful rage from the past, but it had its own potency that ran a chill down his spine. harry was so used to everyone cowering away from him in fear of his power that he relished your open aggression towards him. it was thrilling, and it was exactly what he needed.
harry tried to remain respectful of his guest, but having such a beautiful mind and body occupy his space with him was hard to ignore sometimes. his eyes would wander, as well as his thoughts, and he had caught himself fantasizing about you a few too many times to admit. you were stunning, of course, you always had been, but there was something about you now that elevated your beauty in harry's eyes. maybe it was the dark, unforgiving coldness of your eyes, or the strong scowl that your expression rested in, or the underlying anger that was ready to bubble over at any point, but harry was completely infatuated with who you had become.
he knew how hypocritical it was for him to admire the parts of you that were forced out in your desperation to survive the decision he made for you all those years ago. though you seldom mentioned your years in azkaban, harry could see and feel the effects it continued to have on you. they weighed on him heavily, and though harry wasn't one to regret what's happened in the past, he wished he could've figured out another way to protect you at the time. a way that didn't dim the light inside of you the way that it has been.
but still, that light was there. when you smiled to yourself at your own quips, when you admired the food jinx prepares you, when you lost yourself in your books, harry could physically feel the light radiating within you. it was familiar, like an old hug from a friend, and was unmistakably beautiful.
sometimes he felt like a teenager again, discovering the parts of you that made him fall in love in the first place. your natural charm, your captivating eyes, the innate draw he felt to you simply by being in your presence. it was unlike anything he's felt for another person, before or since meeting you. but rather than two teenagers flirting over study dates, you were now two closed off adults with a complicated history and 'break up', if you could even call it that. it was nothing like the past, yet it was entirely too similar.
you and harry had been sitting in silence together in the living room, reading your respective books, enjoying each other's company. it was one of harry's favorite things to do with you now, and one of the only ways you two could be together without it ending in tension. neither of you talked, neither of you made noise outside of the occasional chuckle or gasp at your readings; it was a peaceful excuse for harry to be near you, and sometimes admire you from over the pages.
this night, however, you broke the traditional silence by asking harry a question you'd been keeping to yourself. "harry," you started. he loved the sound of his name in your voice, it was invigorating to listen to.
harry turned his head to you, his book still in his lap, noticing you've long since placed yours on the table beside you. "[y/n]," he responded with his typical smirk, returning his eyes to his book.
you cleared your throat a bit, your ankles crossing in front of you. "how often did you think of me," it was more of a statement than a question, your tone not as cold and questioning as it typically was.
harry knew what you meant, of course, and waited a moment before answering you. "i'd never stopped," he said simply. it was true, and it still is.
you turned to look at the fireplace, your knees bouncing out of the corner of harry's eye as he pretends to continue reading. "but you never came back for me," you stated. harry's eyebrows furrowed, glancing at you again before looking away to leave you with your words. "you left me there to die," you said, that familiar coldness returning to your tone.
harry let out a sharp breath. "that was never my intention, and you know that." he says without a reaction. you become visibly irritated, your jaw clenching with your fists. "you never thought about me," you insisted, your words heavy with contempt.
harry shut his book and threw it beside him, leaning towards you. you turned to glare at him, your nostrils flared. "i was lucky to sleep one full night in the last 5 years without a singular dream of you." he tells you, his voice as steady as his eye contact. "you haunt me like a ghost, [y/n]. you always will."
you're looking at him questionably as you stand from your seat across from him, now making your way towards him. "good. i hope you never forget about what you did to me. i won't." you hiss at him, your cheeks turning red. harry's mind races with you towering over him, leaning back in his seat to fully enjoy the view.
"how could i forget about you?" he quips, that same damn smirk making you grit your teeth. you take another, heavier step towards him, your fists trembling at your sides. "stop fucking doing that," you spit threateningly.
harry cocks his head to the side, looking you up and down. he likes seeing you like this, even if it scares him a bit. "what?" he asks, pushing you even further.
you step between his legs and lean into his face, only leaving a few inches between you. "that, you fucking creep. is this funny to you?" your voice is raised now, the anger finally starting to boil over again. "not at all," harry says, still smirking at your reaction.
"then wipe the smirk off your face and stop doing this to me, harry." you instruct him, leaning back to cross your arms in front of you. harry's biting his lip, not able to resist the lustful thoughts he's having of you in this situation. "doing what, exactly?" he asks, curious what you mean.
"this, all of this, harry. you look at me like a starving animal. you watch me around the house like a stalker. you say you think of me all the time and yet you've only so much as touched my chin." you rattle off, clearly frustrated with these thoughts you've kept inside. "you bring me back here and have me live like a princess when there's people outside who live like animals because of you and what you've done," you continue to raise your voice at him, now getting yourself completely worked up.
harry just watches you, like always, not disagreeing with any of your sentiments. as he normally doesn't, he knows you're a smart girl.
"and you're still fucking looking at me like that," you growl, your arm coming across his neck once more, like the first night you were here, holding him against the cushions of the couch.
harry doesn't stop you, as he never does, and instead enjoys the feeling of you kneeling between his legs in an attempt to further choke him. "i swear on my own life i'll still kill you, potter. what the fuck do you want from me?" you interrogate him, your dark eyes searching him for answers.
the smirk on harry's face only grows, causing you to push further into his throat. it's ironic how much he wants from you right now that would only further put his life at risk in your hands.
"i…never wanted…anything…" harry chokes out. he knows he's stronger than you and could easily escape your grasp, but he enjoys the feeling of letting you have control over the moment, and over him.
"that's a fucking lie," you say through gritted teeth, getting nose to nose with harry. "tell me what you want." you insist.
harry's heart is racing, his mind going blank from the lack of oxygen, and an inconvenient erection growing through his trousers. he could tell you so many things he wants, how many nights he's spent imagining you on top of him like this once again. he knows it would only anger you more, and he was almost tempted by that thought alone.
after a few moments of harry struggling to keep his eyes focused on you, you could feel something against your thigh that caught your attention. glancing down, your weight on harry's throat lessened enough for him to breathe slightly. you looked back up at his eyes with a look of confusion and shock before quickly returning to anger.
"seriously? are you fucking turned on right now as i'm threatening your life?" you ask him with disgust, slightly pulling away. harry's cheeks flush as he tries to catch his breath, your arm still resting across this collarbone. he stays quiet, his eyes glancing between you and his lap.
you scoff at him. "you're so pathetic, potter. how you were ever a leader of anything is a mystery to me." you ridicule him, an amused smirk coming across your own face.
your condescending attitude only fuels harry's excitement more, trying not to let his expression expose how much he's enjoying this.
"it's almost like you want me to kill you," your voice is quiet but dangerously cold, giving harry goosebumps as your breath falls across his blushing face. he tries to stop it but his body can't resist a low whine being forced from his throat.
your eyes fall to his lips for just a moment before you lean into them, surprising harry with a hungry kiss as you relax your weight onto his body. more moans escape harry's mouth as you roughly force your tongue past his lips. his hand naturally finds your waist, but you slap it away harshly with your free hand. "no touching." you warn him, your lips brushing against his.
"yes ma'am," harry responds.
you give him a look, your other leg kneeling beside his as you straddle his thigh, your skirt falling perfectly over his knee. "i still hate you," you growl, choking him against the couch once more. "i know," harry says breathlessly, staring at you like a helpless puppy.
forcing him into a suffocating kiss, you eventually let harry breathe as your lips find his neck, your teeth sinking into his skin and hands grasping his shoulders tightly. he groans at the pain, earning a slight roll of your hips on his leg. harry wants nothing more than to touch you right now, guiding your hips into his body, pleasuring you like he's wanted to for so long. but for now, he's just glad you're kissing him, and enjoys the feeling of your breath against his bruised skin.
"shirt off." you command, sitting back to observe the puddle harry's become in your grasp. he wastes no time taking off his sweater, throwing it behind him as your eyes trace over his scarred torso. your cold gaze softens at the sight, your fingers tracing the healed wounds carefully.
for a moment, when you glance at harry through your eyelashes, he feels that same love you shared as kids. the soft, innocent admiration that came with inexperience. for just one moment, nothing was complicated, and there was no history. you were discovering harry all over again, like he had been with you.
the moment didn't last for long as your gaze hardened once more looking at him. you stood from your straddling position, much to his disappointment. he was ready for you to end the moment and leave, but you didn't.
"on your knees." you instructed him. again, harry wasted no time as he sunk to his knees in front of the couch, eye level with the hem of your skirt. he looked up at you eagerly, hardly believing the privilege he had to see you above him like this.
harry's heart was racing as you lifted your skirt to expose your panties to him. his eyes never left yours, his breathing hitching at the beauty just in front of his face. his hands were patiently folded in his lap, aching to grab every part of you.
you slowly lifted one thigh onto harry's shoulder, reaching down to take the glasses off his face for him, setting them to the side. "now," you told him, your voice seductive as you lean your weight into him once more. harry holds his shoulders steady, his mouth close enough to your soaked pantines to nearly taste you already.
"let me ride your face," you coo, your hands finding their way to his cheeks as he continues staring at you with hungry eyes. "it's the least you can do for me," you smirk, your voice still chillingly cold and cryptic.
harry lets out a sigh of relief and desperation, eyes glancing at your panties before returning to your gaze. you slowly push his open mouth onto you, not able to hold back a sound of relief yourself.
harry's eyes flutter shut as your hips roll onto his face, losing himself in your smell and taste. your fingers tangle into his hair to keep him in place, soft, breathy gasps falling from your lips as you watch from above.
after a minute you become too desperate and pull your panties aside, instructing harry to hold them as you force his mouth onto your dripping pussy. harry listens like a good boy and holds the fabric, his hand also taking the chance to grip your inner thigh. a deep moan escapes your throat at the feeling.
harry's tongue quickly works its way across your arousal, enjoying every part of you as he pushes himself further into your pussy. your hands try to pull his hair back to relieve some of the overwhelming feeling, but harry doesn't let you control him for once. he's desperate to please you, his hunger growing the more of you he's allowed to have.
harry's other hand grabs for your skirt to hold it above his head, opening his eyes to meet your gaze. your face is twisted in pleasure, lips bitten, eyes glazed over as you watch harry disappear between your legs.
harry moans at the sight of you, sending shivers across your skin. you moan, biting your lips closed, your hips stuttering against his mouth. "fuck," you mumble, earning another moan from harry as his tongue circles your sensitive clit.
a hand rushed to your mouth as you attempt to hide your filthy noises, the feeling making your eyes roll back. you're trying to mask your pleasure, but harry can see right through you.
you finally successfully pull his mouth off of you, lips swollen and wet as his head rests in your grip. "good," you say breathlessly. your voice falters a bit. you take your thigh off harry's shoulder, again, much to his disappointment.
"sit," you tell him, gesturing to the couch once more. harry complies, returning to his spot on the couch behind him. you reach forward and unbutton his pants, pulling them down a bit with his assistance. you can see his erection through his briefs, causing you to smirk a bit before returning to your neutral expression.
"no touching," you remind harry as you position yourself to straddle his hips, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. harry's sure you can hear his heartbeat racing under your control.
you start grinding your soaking wet panties against harry's clothed cock, your mouth falling open with his at the sensation. the light of the fire behind you leaves harry with the beautiful sight of you glowing in his lap, your warm skin pressed against his as your breathy moans fall into his neck.
harry can hardly take the teasing any longer, his moans becoming needier the harder he gets under you. "fuck, [y/n]," his voice is deep with desire, his head rolling back once your roll your hips into him harshly. you moan at the sound of your own name, your hands returning to his shoulders as your nails dig deep into his skin.
"that's right, say my name," you smirk, grinding into harry at a faster pace. "so pathetic," you remind him.
harry continuously lets your name fall from his lips as you watch him, a helpless, desperate mess beneath you. he loves the feeling of letting you use him any way you want to.
soon you can't wait much longer, and you pull out harry's cock from his briefs. the feeling of your hand grasping his shift makes harry's hips buck up involuntarily, silently asking for more.
you can't help but chuckle at just how eager he is. you're more than enjoying the control and effect you have over him.
"now," you say again, causing harry to look back at you with needy eyes. "you're gonna let me use you until i cum," you tell him, teasing yourself with the feeling of him against your wet pussy. harry's eyes nearly roll back again as he nods for you, his lips parted with uneven breaths.
you slide harry inside of you, adjusting to the feeling as harry's head falls back once again in pleasure. "so fucking wet," harry sighs softly, nearly whining. once your hips lower completely onto his length, you start to ride harry slowly, still adjusting to him. he's a full blown whining mess beneath you, his chest flushed and heaving as your pussy tightens around him.
you take in the sight of him, your eyes exploring every sweaty part of his body as you continue riding at a slow pace. you unwrap your arms from his shoulders, leaning back into your hips. "take my shirt off," you tell harry.
his eyes open again, looking at you eagerly. his hands nervously begin lifting your shirt, holding the fabric carefully between his fingers, and savors the sight and feeling of pulling it off of you, his eyes glancing at your chest before locking with yours again.
"so beautiful," he tells you, your skin looking deliciously soft in the warm lowlight. "i know, now be quiet," you shut him up, picking up the pace of your hips.
harry's eyes narrow at you, the intoxicating feeling of you wrapped around his cock only making him hungrier for your pleasure. the sight of you bouncing in his lap, your breasts just in front of his face as you lean your hands next to his head on the back of the couch.
"open," you tell harry.
he doesn't have to be told twice before his lips part, his tongue eagerly waiting for you. you guide your nipple into his mouth, your hips rolling onto harry's cock in circles. his teeth and tongue tease the sensitive skin, your pussy gripping harry even more and earning a low growl from his chest. his hands remained at his sides, but he wanted nothing more than to feel you everywhere on top of him.
you start riding harry once more, his teeth still gripping your nipple making you whine at the feeling. "fuck," you let the word slip out, your own teeth sinking into your bottom lip. harry's more than aroused at your reaction to him, his cock aching inside of you to release.
you pull harry's head back by his hair, forcing him to look up at you. you reach for his glasses that you sat down earlier, returning them to his face delicately. harry appreciates the gesture and can better see the pleasure in your eyes, a soft smile falling across his lips.
"so pretty," he whispers. he can see the blush you try to hide, looking away from his eyes and down at your hips.
you start groaning in frustration, your grip on his hair tightening, causing harry to wince. "you're gonna make me cum," you tell him through broken moans, your thrusts becoming uneven. harry can feel you tightening around him again. he groans at the feeling, your name slipping from his mouth again and again. this only makes you fall apart more, high pitched whimpers coming from you as you chase your high.
you soon sink into harry's neck, your cries of pain and pleasure falling across his skin as your legs start to shake. you can't even form words as your body feels the waves of intense pleasure from each thrust onto harry's cock. your hands move to his shoulders again, holding onto him for stability as you continue to ride out your climax.
harry grows impatient at the feeling of your orgasm and watching you break down into him. he finally grabs for you, moving your hips to the couch beside him, staying inside you while you gasp at his movement. he kicks off his pants and adjusts himself between your legs.
"harry," you try to protest, your voice weak and shaky. "just let me do this, darling," he growls, his hips becoming flush against yours as he pushes his cock completely inside of you. you let out a gasp, your hand slapping over your lips once more.
harry hungrily digs his cock deeper inside of you with each slow thrust, his hands holding himself up above you as he watches his cock easily slide in and out of your soaking wet pussy. he folds your legs back as he sinks even deeper into you.
"holy fuck," he groans, his breathing heavy, hands gripping the back of your thighs to keep himself steady. "so beautiful, [y/n]," harry tells you again, his droopy eyes focused on your face twisted in pleasure.
you look at him, your eyes full of lust, but still cold as ice. "i…hate you," you remind him through strained breaths, struggling to take his entire length, still glaring at him.
this pushes harry over the edge, his hips quickening until he feels himself start to unravel. he pulls out of your warm pussy and cums on your stomach, groaning at the sight of you below him.
you gasp at the feeling, looking at harry with shock. "did you just cum from me saying i hate you?" you ask, your tone mocking his desperation. harry nods, still stroking his cock slowly, his other hand remaining on your thigh as his moans quiet down.
"you're disgusting," you tell him coldly, but harry can see the smirk on your face and the lust in your eyes. he watches you below him, smirking in return.
"and you love it."
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closurechilde · 7 months
Welcome to my TED Talk
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Cw: f.reader, FLUFF. PURE FLUFF. Time-skip!Suna
FUN FACT OF THE DAY! Energy drinks make my fingers feel all tingly.
This is how your Friday nights developed since your second year in Inarizaki.
Popcorn, Onigiri, loads of sweets, cans of soda and energy drinks over your coffee table, two blankets on your sofa and, in this case, him beside your TV, holding your laptop as he introduced the badly designed PowerPoint he made with the saturated audio of 'Hotline Bling' by Drake as background.
"Welcome to my TED talk." He started, making you laugh already. "I'm Rintarō Suna and today's topic is..."
He pressed the space bar. "Reasons for why you should marry me.
"Oh, interesting topic. Let's see if you convince me." You chuckle, grabbing a can of soda and a gummy bear.
Suna and you had been dating since mid-term of the second year of high school and PowerPoint nights became a little routine of yours to spend time with each other at home and get out some laughs.
He chuckles and presses the spacebar. "One, I'm a pro athlete." He says, a photo of him in the gym appears and you cheer and clap jokingly. "Two," he continues, trying to contain his laugh. "I can blackmail you if you say no." A photo of you sleeping with your hair all over your face and drooling is on the slide.
"Oh, my God, Rin! Why do you have that?!" You gasp, looking at him.
"You look cute, okay?" He answers nonchalantly before going to the next slide. "Three, I'd literally do ANYTHING YOU WANT just for you to say yes."
You raise an eyebrow. "Anything?"
"Anything." He answers. "God, I'm willing to... to watch tangled and bluey with you whenever you ask just for you to say the word." He mumbles and your jaw goes slack before you laugh. "And... that shitty show you like."
"OH, MY GOD. Dude, you're soooo fucked up." You laugh. "By shitty show you mean Riverdale?" He nods and you gasp. "IT IS NOT a shitty show."
He raises an eyebrow and looks at you with a straight face. "Really?"
"...Okay, maybe they over-exploited it. BUT the first three seasons are great."
He rolls his eyes and goes to the last slide, which is totally blank and without sound"Four..."
He leaves the living room and goes to your bedroom. You hear the rummaging in the closet before he comes back, making you sit up on the sofa and look at him with wide eyes when he gets on one knee and opens the little black box.
"I love you... so fucking much. You're the only one who could -and can- read me like an open book. You're the one that has been with me every single moment of my life. No matter if it was the best or the worst. God, you even moved to Tokyo with me leaving everything and everyone you loved and grew accustomed to behind..."
If you weren't a waterfall by then, you are one right now.
"Rin, I-" He cuts you off.
"I'm not finished." He says, smiling. "So, sweetheart, my one and only, THE love of my life." You smile at the last nickname. "Will you marry me?" He asks.
"Yes..." You whisper nodding excitedly and he gets up and puts the ring on your finger before kissing you deeply. "I love you so much..."
He smiles and leans his forehead against yours. "Thanks for coming to my TED talk." He jokes and you punch him playfully on his shoulder.
"We were doing so good..." You chuckle. A few minutes later, with him laying on top of you, you speak.
"Hey..." You call him.
"Would you believe me if I said my tonight's PowerPoint was about the same topic?" He raises his head and looks at you. "What? You were taking your sweet time!" You say and he rolls his eyes before he kisses you again.
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onepiece-fics · 7 months
The strawhats reacting to receiving gifts
Summary: How do the strawhats react to receiving (personal) gifts? Gender neutral reader.
Authors note: Soooo the request was a lot more general than what I ended up writing but I hope this still works <3
Also I added links for pictures for most of their gifts if you're curious of how I imagined it :)
Warnings: Chopper and Brook are FULLY platonic!!
Word count: 2346
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Neither Luffy nor you are very materialistic people, but giving gifts isn’t always about that. You love doing various little crafts. You decided a while ago to start learning how to crochet, and your first project was gonna be to make a little crochet plush of Thousand Sunny! 
After about a week of working on your project, you finally finish it, and you’re ready to give it to your captain. You go out to the lawn deck, seeing him playing around with Chopper in what looks like a game of tag. Of course, your captain is winning by quite a lot due to his powers. You shake your head before you call his name, feeling bad for the reindeer with the frustrated expression on his face.
“Luffy! Could you come here for a second?” you call out. He stops dead in his tracks and looks at you, arms behind your back. His interest is immediately piqued at how suspicious you look. 
“Oh! Y/N! Whatcha got behind your back?” he asks, voice full of excitement. He tries to look behind your back, turning around your body to see what's in your hands.
“Here! I made this for you” you say, holding your arms out to show him the plush. It takes him a minute to register what you’re holding out to him, but when he sees what it is his face lights up with his iconic grin.
“Y/N!! That’s awesome!! You made Sunny!” he can’t hold his excitement anymore and he lifts you up by your waist and spins you around in a circle. He lets you go and looks intensely at the plush.
“Oh my god, I have to show Franky… Chopper look at it!!” he shows the reindeer whose face also lits up. He turns to you again, taking ahold of your shoulders with a grin on his face.
“This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much” he says and gives you a peck on the cheek before he runs off to find Franky. 
Zoro is one of those people who’s absolutely awful at both giving and receiving gifts, but honestly, that’s part of the fun for you. On the last island you were at you found a jewelry shop and found a cool-looking bracelet that you knew you had to buy for him, and you couldn't wait to see his reaction.
“Zoro!” you exclaim as you see him waiting for you on the ship. His face lights up as he sees you and he greets you with an arm around your shoulder as you come up to him.
“I got you something!” you say, a smile wide on your face. He looks surprised, a blush on his face coming immediately.
“For me? Y/N you really don’t have to give me anything…” he starts as he receives the bag from the store and looks inside.
“Nonsense. I saw it and I thought of you so I wanted to give it to you” you tell him. He opens up the packaging the bracelet lays inside and takes it out, admiring the handiwork done on it. “Do you like it?” you ask as he puts it on his wrist.
“Uhm. Yeah, it’s really cool…” he says, blush still on his face. You know him well enough to tell that he loves it, even if he can’t express it well. The way his face flushes red will forever expose how he truly feels.
As much as Nami obsesses with money, you know that what truly makes a good gift for her are handmade ones. That’s why you decided to make friendship bracelets for the two of you. At first, you were scared she would find it silly, but after finding the cutest pearls and decorations on the last island, you knew you had to do it. 
“Nami! I got you something!” you say as you approach her. She’s sitting under the tangerine trees, book in her hands and leaning against one of the trees. She looks up at you and smiles.
“Lean your arm out and close your eyes” you order and she obeys, putting her book aside. You carefully put the bracelet around her wrist and she smiles, she can tell just by the feeling of it what it is. As she opens her eyes her face lights up.
“Y/N! It’s so cute oh my god! Thank you!” she immediately gets up to hug you tightly, squeezing you tightly. You laugh at her reaction and hug her back. She pulls away from you to admire the jewelry on her wrist.
“Did you make this?!” she asks excitedly and you nod.
“Yeah, and I made a matching one for myself too!” you say, feeling your face heat up with a blush. Nami squeals in excitement and brings you in for another hug. She’s such a sucker for handmade gifts.
Having found a funny-looking book in a bookstore, you knew that you needed to give it to Usopp. He needed to read it out loud for story time with you and Chopper. The three of you are sitting in the library, about to have your weekly tradition of listening to Usopp's stories.
“Oh, Usopp, I found this book, you should try reading it for us today!” you say excitedly. He takes the book and inspects it closely.
“Hmm, I suppose I could… I can’t promise it’ll be up to Captain Usopp's standards though!” he says, a smile on his face. You and Chopper shuffle excitedly, getting cozy and preparing for the story to begin. 
“Wait, where did you find this?” he asks as he opens the book. His face is full of confusion and he’s scratching his head.
“Oh, I just found it in a bookstore at the last island…?” you reply, confused. “Is there something wrong with it?” you ask.
“No… It’s just… This is a very famous book from East Blue… And there seems to be an autograph from the original author…!” his face lights up as he turns to look at you. “Thank you so much, Y/N, this is so amazing! I can’t believe I get to read this all over again… And with his autograph…” 
You smile at his excitement. A happy Usopp is a happy you.  
You know for a fact that Sanji will always love anything you give him, regardless of what it is. You still think he deserves the best of the best though, so you decide to crochet some nice and warm gloves for him. One night you both have nightly surveillance duty, and seeing him lighting his cigarette in the cold weather, hands shaking from the freezing air, you knew it was the perfect moment to give him his gift.
“Ah, Sanji, I made you something” you softly tell him. Taking it out of your pockets, you hand him a small present, all wrapped up in cute wrapping paper.
“Oh dearest! Thank you so much, but why so suddenly?” he asks as he receives the present. His cheeks are blushing and he has a warm smile on his face as he unwraps his gift. He gasps as he sees the gloves, soft wooly patterns across the palms, with the fingers freed at the top.
“Oh, you know… I just figured it was cold for you in the winter when you light your cigarette and all that…” you tell him shyly. He brings you in for a big hug and places his head on yours.
“Thank you so much, Y/N. I really don’t deserve this but… Thank you” he says, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. You snuggle into his chest and let out a content sigh.
“Sanji, you deserve all the gifts in the world”.
You absolutely adore Chopper, just like everyone else, and you just absolutely LOVE making him even cuter. Having found a cute, pink scarf on the island you were visiting, you couldn’t not give it to him. 
As you approach the deer from behind, carefully sneaking, you softly wrap the scarf around his neck. He lets out a noise of surprise and turns around to see you, squealing at his cuteness.
“Oh my god! Chopper! You look so cute!” you exclaim, grabbing the attention of your crewmates.
“Huh? Wait what?” he says, looking down at the scarf hanging around his neck. His eyes widen as he realizes what's happened. “Wait what?” he repeats again.
“I found this scarf and I thought of you! It fits you so well!” you say, and Robin and Usopp hum in agreement. 
“It does fit you really well, Chopper” Usopp says, examining the deer up close.
“It’s really cute” Robin says with a soft smile on her face.
“I- I’m not cute! Stop! I’m a man, I’m not cute!” Chopper exclaims, an embarrassed look on his face. Despite his words, he’s making no attempt to take off the scarf. You all know he secretly loves to be babied by all of you.
Have you ever heard of the knitted sweater curse? It’s an old myth that if you knit a sweater for your partner, then you’ll break up! You knew though that that would never happen with Robin. All those people who broke up over a sweater were because they didn’t understand the amount of work that goes into one. Robin, however, is very well aware of the time and effort it takes to knit!
One chilly afternoon you approach her, sweater folded up in your arms and you give her a shy smile. Her face lights up as she sees you, making you feel giddy inside.
“I uh… I made you this sweater, I hope it fits” you say and hand it to her. She touches the wooly material, a smile big on her face.
“Thank you so much, dear. How long did this take you? It’s absolutely wonderful… It feels so soft, I bet it’s going to be so warm and cozy” she says, blush on her face. You know she’s not used to receiving gifts randomly so you can tell that she’s a little bit flustered.
“It took me a few weeks to be honest, but I’m happy you like it!” you beam a smile at her. 
It didn’t matter how long it took you to make something, or how frustrating it was, it was always worth it at the end when you see the love in her eyes.
Franky is one of those people that’s kinda hard to give gifts to. You know that regardless of what you end up giving him, he’ll appreciate it, but you still want to give him something personal. After a lot of thinking, you decide to make him something super simple: a flower crown. After all, a cyborg wearing a flower crown would be cute, right? 
“Hey Franky!” you say as you approach him. He turns around to look at you, and you motion at him to bend down to your height. As you lean towards him you put the flower crown on top of his head before giving him a quick kiss on the forehead.
“Oh? What’s all this?” he asks with a smirk on his face as he stands back up. He goes to touch the flower crown before you stop him.
“Wait what is this?” he laughs. 
“No, No! Don’t take it off! Let me take a picture first!” you giggle. You take out your phone, snapping a picture of him and showing it to him. His smile widens and he laughs at the picture.
“It’s a flower crown! Isn’t it cute? I made it myself!” you exclaim and his eyes fill up with adoration.
“Thank you so much dear, I love it. It suits the cyborg aesthetic superrr well”. 
Giving Brook a gift was always a gamble: you never knew if he was going to take it seriously or turn it into a dad joke. After you had found a cool-looking guitar plectrum in a second-hand store though you felt like you had to give it to him, it SCREAMED his vibes. 
“Ah, Brook, I found this earlier and I figured you might like it” you say as you hand the skeleton the plectrum. He takes the plectrum and inspects it.
“Ooohh, Y/N, do you know what this is?” he asks and you shake your head. 
“This… The symbol on this plectrum… It’s a symbol for a band that I liked when I was younger…” he starts. It’s hard to read his emotions, with the whole having no face and all, but you can tell he’s surprised to see it. 
“Oh? What was their music like?” you ask him. Brook thinks for a minute.
“Ahh, it’s been so long since I heard it but… If you want I could try playing one of their songs?” he asks. You nod your head in response and call Luffy and Usopp over, knowing that they’ll love it too. 
“Well… It goes kind of like this…” he brings his guitar out and starts playing, the music floating through the air. It’s a sort of soft sound, yet with a lot of emotions behind it. Luffy and Usopp are both moving their heads to the beat as if they’re in a concert crowd and you close your eyes to focus on the sound. It’s so beautiful.
The skeleton stops playing his guitar and takes a moment before he speaks.
“Y/N… Thank you so much for bringing back these memories. It really means a whole lot”. You look up at him with a soft smile.
“I feel like I could cry right now… Oh. But I don’t have any tear ducts!”.
And there goes the dad jokes.
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lxmbr · 9 months
Luxiem when you propose first! 💍
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cw: suggestive in vox and ike's. not proofread
notes: thank you so much anon!! i'm so nervous to post this so i really hope this is up to your expectations! so sorry it took so long to make but i actually had a lot of fun! 🩷
Vox Akuma -
• Vox is a pretty traditional man so i think he'd be a bit bummed at first
• of course he'd say yes
• would probably still propose to you anyway
• he might even try to "1 up" you lol
• you mightve done it at a resturant but nonono he planned for weeks to get something "better"
• he ended up popping the question to you where he first asked you on a date
• he'd ask the other luxiem members to help set up the area with flower petals and candles/whatever you fancy
• he does the cheesy prep talk before he finally pops the question
• "would you, (first and last name) make me, Vox Akuma the luckiest demon on earth and join me in ruling my clan?"
• afterwards he'd totally rizz you up to make you forget he just "beat you" in a fake competetion
• after BOTH proposals you know what happens ;)
• in the end he would happily say yes but be very flustered as he didnt expect you to be the one to do so. 
• the fact that you proposed first was both hot AND sweet
• he'd still want to give his go at a proposal too though :)
Mysta Rias -
• This boy- man would SCREAM
• he'd be hella surprised
• after he asesses the situation i think he'd do that cringy white girl thing 
• "OH EM GEE!! NO YOU DIDN'T! YES IF COURSE I WILL BABE!" while jumping and fanning his face with his hands
• after the jokes he'd say yes genuinely and kiss you happily
• "ah babeeee in so surprised but..im so happy" with his  sheepish giggle
• would give you the BIGGEST HUG ™
• since you asked him he'd treat you to dinner that night
• "its on me loves..gotta treat my future wife don't i?~"
• wouldnt. stop. talking. about. it. all. week.
• he might cry a bit but he would hide it for sure. maybe only a tear or two would come out
• would be soooo clingy the rest of the day/night
• "can we shower together??" 
• in the end he wouldnt mind all that much..hes just sooo excited to get to marry you!!
Luca Kaneshiro -
• you decided that day was THE day...but..so did he..
• oops! you both proposed the same day!
• of course the 3 year anniversary would he perfect!! why wouldnt he think of the possibility that you'd do it?!
• when you get on 1 knee he'd look around with a shocked expression and would give his awkward laugh
• "WHAT?!" 
• after your speech he got down on HIS knee ans then proposed to you..at eye level since you were still kneeling 
• everyone around was shocked. the other luxiem members aw-ing and laughing
• another loud one
• he'd call back home, YOUR mom, the waiters and waitresses, the lucubs...EVERYONE
• would also be clingy af 
• couldnt look you in the face from pure shyness but you caught him staring at you multiple times
• he wouldnt stop praising you for your proposal
• "omg that was so good baby i loved it!!"
• never lets go of you, your arms and hands are ALWAYS intertwined 
• gets jealous and possessive easily
• he'd pull you away from everyone..mainly the other guys
• "excuse you IKE. my FIANCE is BUSY with ME." while dragging you toward him and pouting
• no one is ever letting you guys live this down
Ike Eveland -
• he already was calling you his fiance/wife/husband before any of this
• he panicked
• after your proposal he pulled you into a quieter place frantically without answering 
• everyone thought it went bad and they all were upset
• you finally saw how red he was and he apologized and wanted to yell "YES" in your face..but he didnt
• "y-yes..i'd love to marry you min kärlek." 
• wouldnt let go of your hand
• makes sure YOU put the ring on his hand, not him
• when you guys come back out hes holding your hand timidly, making sure to show off the ring
• "GUYSSSS STAWPPP" when everyone cheers
• takes you to your favorite place afterward for food and then books a 5 star hotel
• "come on darling...pack up your things! <3"
• lets just say...yall had a NIGHT
• tries his best to be romantic all night
• surprisingly can play it cool with you after the initial shock unlike luca
• while he might be internally freaking out he could calm you down and rizz you up so. easily.
• absolute baby boy ™
• so. SO. excited to start planning
• "so we can have half of the venue (your fav color) and the other half blue!! and omg i can have- and you can- and can we please-" 
• basically very surprisee and panicked but once he gets you alone he very quickly gets insanely excited 
Shu Yamino -
• he already knew 
• was very nervous and wary around you often since he didnt know when but he knew you would yk?
• of course he didnt say anything, he didnt wanna ruin it
• actually he didnt even tell you he knew
• was actually caught off gaurd when you did it at first
• the rest of the proposal though he was able to keep it cool
• he actually bought you a ring and flowers in preperation
• "i would..love to marry you" as he grabs your hand and slips on your ring while you slip his on
• "ah..ive been waiting for this..im so happy"
• only tells close people such as family, luxiem, and manager-san
• asks staff-san for a week off that same day for a pre-wedding honeymoon
• gets shy whenever you call him your fiance/husband and vise versa
• he adores you and is clearly SO excited
• you caught him searching for weddingspo one night when he was supposed to be working
• buys new flowers every week until the day of the wedding
• lowkey had a dream about it and it made him giddy all day when he woke up
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jennaissantes · 1 year
sillage — yjw
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sillage: (n.) the trace of someones perfume.
SYPNOSIS: yang jungwon knows youre pretty. hes always thought you were pretty. just how long can he manage to keep that to himself? OR the five times you catch yourself lingering on jungwon.
PAIRING: black cat!jungwon x golden retriever! reader [gn but a bit fem implied i think]
WC: 1.2k
GENRE: fluff!!! friends to lovers. sort of clumsy reader and jungwon who always takes care of them.
WARNINGS: none i think oh em jees
NOTE: happy birthday wonnie 💗💗💗💗💗 thank you for being such a wonderful leader and being with enha ☹️ pls take care of urself ilysm ☹️❤️❤️❤️ i hope u guys like this fic huhu 😅😋 do reblog!!
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jungwon knew you were pretty.
he had always thought you were pretty, ever since the first time he met you, which was at jay’s house party. 
your hair under your baseball cap and pretty lashes peeking out, he knew he was in trouble. He wondered if hed ever be able to tell you how pretty you were.
“mom ill be home a bit late today! ill be at jungwons for a project, love you bye!” you shouted over your shoulder as you struggled to carry all your things through the door. 
your bag, along with a half eaten sandwich and your wallet and a book in your two hands, anyone could tell that you were running late. but you couldn’t care less, you just really needed to catch the bus on time and see jungwon. 
seeing his smile in the morning was something you couldn’t start your day without. 
you ran to your bus stop, thanking all the gods in a silent prayer when you saw your usual bus arrive.
“just on time again huh y/n?” the driver smiles warmly at you and you laugh at him in slight embarrassment before nodding and going inside.
you move towards the back of the bus, and sit at your usual place, smiling in excitement as you see jungwon boarding the bus. his eyes search for you and when he spots you, he sends you a smile, and you let out a sigh of happiness, returning the smile.
he walks up to your seat, eyeing all the things you were holding in your hands. “do you want me to hold a few of your stuff while you try to put them in your bag?”
you dont need to answer him as he takes your book and wallet from your hands so you can open your bag with your now free hands.
he helps you keep your things inside and sets your bag on your lap, looking at you. “rough morning?”
you look at him “yeah. oh god i missed my alarm again! how could i be so forgetful, really.”
jungwon just smiles at your ranting and gives you one of his airpods as he plays your favourite song. 
you try not to blush when you notice his lingering stare on you.
you rushed out of your class, just almost tripping over your untied laces. it wasnt often that you fell down so why bother?
you were excited to see jungwon after that horrendous physics lesson. you had no idea how jake sim managed to love the subject so much. maybe someday youd ask him for his help.
you enter the cafeteria and your eyes search for jungwon. it was very crowded but you managed to find him, sitting by your usual table, with one seat reserved for you. he smiles at you and waves at you to come over.
“saved you a seat. how was physics?” you sit down and take out your lunch. “oh gods it was terrible. i will never understand physics.” jungwon smiles at you.
“anyways we should probably eat quick, riki said he wanted to show us something.” you raise your eyebrows. “that kids probably up to no good again.”
“as if you didnt sneak out with him just last week to go to that concert. i couldve bought us tickets you know?” you giggle at him “it was soooo much more fun to sneak around. you shouldve been there won. if only you didnt have to stay home that day.” you pout.
jungwon ruffles your hair, “its okay we’ve got so many more we can attend together. properly this time, not by sneaking around.” you feel your cheeks heat up at the thought of going to concerts with jungwon, alone.
“okay lets go, riki must be waiting.” jungwon walks next to you by the hallway, noticing how you try to match your steps with him. adorable.
“wait your shoelaces are untied. ill tie them for you.” he stops you and bends down before you can even say anything. “won its okay. its not like im gonna fall down anyways.” 
he gets up after tying them, a satisfied smile on his face.
“you are such a dumbass. i swear to GOD y/n you have got to stop calling me at 3am to go shopping with you.”
you can only laugh at his tired frustration. of course no one liked being woken up at this hour, but you really wanted to go on a midnight convenience store run.
“i should. but i think we both know that i wont.”
he can only roll his eyes at you fondly. 
you drag him to the ice cream section and gasp when you see your favourite flavour at the top. but before you can grab it, you see jungwon grabbing it. 
“this is your favourite flavour isnt it? lets get this one and share.”
oh. he remembers your favourite flavour. 
you stand there, unmoving, as jungwon moves towards the cashier and pays for the ice cream. 
“y/n? arent you coming? i already paid for it.”
“what? oh. oh yeah. wait up.”
you were about to combust.
holding hands with jungwon was new. not a bad new, it was good. 
what if your hands were too sweaty and he felt disgusted? what if hes just being nice? you did feel cold after all. him holding your hands and putting it in his coat pocket was just.. normal. it happened between friends all the time. right?
“you feel any warmer?” his voice breaks you out of your train of thoughts.
“yeah i guess.” you dont look at him, opting to look at your feet and walking in sync with your best friend.
you think that he would let go of your hand now that youve told him you feel better. but no? he only tightens his grip on your hand.
your already red cheeks feel even warmer at the action.
if only you had taken a look at jungwons face too, youd have seen a small smile on his face and his adorable red ears.
“how many times do i have to tell you to not play in the rain. youre going to get even more sick if you do.”
you had finally faced the consequences of playing around in the rain when you should have stayed in. jungwon had rushed to your place the moment he had gotten to know.
you looked at him apologetically, before you felt another sneeze coming up your nose. jungwon looked at you in worry before getting up to make you something hot, to help with the cold.
“you dont have to y’know.” you say to him weakly. jungwon was the only person who took care of you during times like this. he appeared put off to others, because he didnt like talking to many people. but only you and a few of his other friends knew how he really was.
“oh but i do. if i dont, whos gonna take care of you?” he says, giving you some tea.
you dont know if it was that particular lighting in your room, but you really wanted to kiss him. you were almost sure that he liked you back. or at least thats what you thought. either way it didnt hurt to try right?
“can i kiss you won?”
how could you just ask him that so casually?
“what?” he asks you, his heart stuttering in his chest. jungwon thinks hes never liked someone as much as he likes you. 
“can i kiss you jungwon?” you repeat your question, your heart beating out of your body in anticipation. 
“yes.” he manages to get out. but before you can do anything, he stops you. “but not now okay? youre sick right now. do you want to get me sick too?” he smiles at you pouting.
“no .. but… ok fine youre right. then id have to take care of you too.” you roll your eyes playfully as jungwon carefully slips into the bed next to you, and places your head on his shoulder.
“i really like you y/nnie.”
“i really like you a lot too won.”
and now jungwon knows he can never let go of your lingering perfume smell around him. ever. 
jungwon thinks youre pretty. maybe even more than before. but this time, he lets you know how pretty he thinks you are, always with a kiss.
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firstdivisiongirl · 8 months
Hey there, i just stumbled upon your Blog through your law x reader works. I soooo love your writing, i will dig through your whole Blog haha. :D
If its possible, can you maybe write a precurser to the law x reader fic where he feels to clingy? Like, how they got togheter and the Long Talks and the Moment law kisses reader for the First time?! I got kinda giddy when i first read it
Have a Great day!,
Hi there! I hope you enjoy the more you read in my blog. So, I decided to talk about when they first met. I also did some research on dialects to get some knowledge on it. I used an Essex dialect. I hope you like it!
Law x Fem Reader: How it Started
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Most love stories are magical from the beginning.  It’s love at first sight or friends to lovers.  Not you two.  He had landed on a small island to resupply.  It was a quiet little village, like the ones you hear about in story books with little stone buildings covered in moss with brightly colored flower boxes.  But, Law didn’t really care about how it looked.  It was just another place to resupply.  He walked into the one store to get more gunpowder, there was a little old lady who greeted him.
“How are you doing there bor?” she asked.  Law raised an eyebrow.  He could not figure out what the woman just said.
“What did you just call me?” he asked, defensively.
“A bor.  You are one, right?”
You walked into the room carrying a few boxes in your arms.  You interrupted the conversation giggling, “she called you a boy, dumbass.”  Law glared at you.  “Then why didn’t she call me one?”
“It’s called dialect.  Ever heard of it?”
Law crossed his arms.  He was not happy right now.  You were treating him with so much disrespect.  
Him and the crew were still on the island.  It has been 4 days.  Sadly, he happened to see you everywhere.  He was already pissed about you making fun of him a few days before.  As he walked down the streets, he saw you helping some of the store owners plant flowers in their window boxes, a huge smile on your face as you talked to some of them.  He really wanted nothing to do with you.
Later that day, Bepo came back with a friend.  Much to Law’s dismay, it was you.  “I’m sorry.  Your friend got lost and I was helping him back to your ship.”
“Well, thank you for bringing him back.  You can leave.”
“But Captain!  She knows a lot about many different languages!  She told me all about how she knows the dialects of 20 different areas.  She helped me ask people for directions and she’s nice and…”
The vein on Law’s forehead started to pop out, but Bepo was his weakness. “Fine,” Law said begrudgingly, “she can join.”
That was the day you joined the Heart Pirates as their linguist and interpreter.  It might not have been the best beginning to your story, but it ended up better than it started.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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nightcolorz · 2 months
For the ask game: ❤️💚💙
YAYY thank u sm for the ask! these questions r so fun. I’m going off of the book fandom btw
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Louis <3 I think this is an affect of how likable and overtly sympathetic he is in the amc show but I've seen people getting genuinely offended over Louis being described in fandom (and by Anne rice herself) as a manipulative cold hearted ass who uses his perceived vulnerability and gentleness to distract from the fact that he is just as cruel if not crueler then the other vampires. Like Louis does nottt have strong morals or high empathy lmao. Book Louis weaponizes his privilege like a white woman crying to self victimize into making the other vampires look worse them him 😭 . He refuses to kill humans for a while not bcus it hurts him to take life (he actually takes more pleasure in it then most), he refuses bcus he has catholic brain the way a christians who say "how do atheists have morals without god?" do, misunderstanding that most people actually care about other people and dont need an existential threat to encourage them not to hurt others.
His moral compass is self centered and based in up keeping the appearance of self restraint and monk style lack of enjoying himself, not empathy. If a vampire killed u would u feel better if u knew he cried over how much he got off on it then flaunted his suffering over how little he indulged so that everyone knew how piosis he was 😭.
He is way worse when it comes to how he treats his victims then Armand who intentionally seeks out victims who r asking to die or Lestat who tries the vigilante approach. Louis kills innocents and he thinks it makes him better cuz he only does it sometimes and he feels really really bad about himself afterwards. As akasha said (paraphrased) he's the most predatory of them all.
To specify I love book Louis SOOOO much I love how shitty he is that's why it makes me sad when people mischaracterize him as sincere and get gen mad when ppl characterize him how he is in canon (a lying selfish bitch bless his heart). Like ik amc Louis at this point in canon is unambiguously in the right but he isn't like an accurate reflection of how he is in the books 😭 it's not like amc did what anne rice was trying to do more successfully, they just nulled what anne rice was doing in favor of a more likable protagonist. Which is fine, but like, there's no crime in preferring evil to the core horrible asshole Louis of the books.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I think the common fandom perception of Armand as the crazy unhinged "omg I can't believe he actually did that in the books??" sadistic maniac villain guy is funny but not really accurate. Armand explicitly not only tries to avoid violence but dislikes it and finds it hard to comprehend why someone would seek out violence and conflict.
The reason he is always doing fucked up shit isn't out of a lestat-esc desire to cause chaos, it's bcus his highly strung ptsd brain has him convinced that the world is a battle ground and he must always be defending himself and acting out in violence.
Since acting out in violence is a reaction hes been taught throughout his life to be standard and necessary, as violence is something so normalized to him he considers it more of a tedious chore then a last resort measure, he usually reacts to conflict in ways that are objectively extreme to anyone who isn't thinking from his perspective. In qotd he even asks Daniel why men choose to fight in wars, explaining that he doesn't understand the draw of violence (bcus he's not a man) and he can't comprehend the supposed thrill of it.
Then he says this in pl to Gregory
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💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think they are?
i was going to say Marius but I figure that's too obvious since everyone at this point knows I don't like Marius 😭 so here's an even hotter take,,,,, Lestat ‼️
Only to a degree, I think Lestat is hot and deserves the hype, but i also think he's hot in a different way then a chunk of the fandom does. Based on his book description he's kind of wonky looking, mouth too big for his face, vaguely unnerving shallow pale skin, starved 1700s peasant build but also kind of buff in the unhealthy "i dont eat regularly but I'm strong enough to carry a wolf for miles on my back" sense, weirdly small fucking feet. He def has creepy ass florescent blue doll eyes too. my point is I think when drooling over Lestat the fandom tends to forget this wonkiness in favor of blonde bombshell, Sam Reid chizzled jawline and abs, or conventionally beautiful anime twink, when they should be appreciating lestat in all his weird as shit glory.
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cuephrase · 25 days
Are there any individual issues/short sections of the Tom Taylor Nightwing run you'd say are still worth checking out as little standalone/self contained things? I've read and enjoyed the 2021 annual (blood brothers) after seeing enough about it on tumblr but don't know much about the rest, and you've mention individual issues in other rec posts so it got me curious (and it's completely fine if you don't think you can recommend any).
asking me to be nice about TT?! *sighs* turns out i can be, actually, but um. only a little.
i'll preface all of this by saying, if you're interested in reading his run, you should. other people disliking a run is like...idk if this is going to make sense, but it's kind of like knowing the weather. you'll be like "hey, there's rain" and then you can either a) choose not to go outside, b) grab a coat and umbrella, or c) pull on a swimsuit and go dance. no wrong choices! maybe you get outside and it's more of alight drizzle, or maybe it's basically a tropical storm and you book it back inside and start batting down the hatches.
i could present you with people who's overall taste in comics i agree with who hate and love this run- actually, i was super hyped to read this run bc most of the people i'd talked to were like "OMG ITS SOOOO GOOD!!" and i was like "OKAY!!!" and then i was like 😗👉👈 maybe idk what good comics are?? (baby comic-reading cue felt wayyyy to new to the genre to trust their own opinions lmao. we're mostly past that now.)
but okay!! to answer your question: so post issue #91 is where my overall enjoyment of the run went like *imitates plane falling and crashing noises*. which. upon skimming from 78 to 91, i don't think i can say i was loving it that whole time, more like my tolerance threshold maxed out around there. bc uh. skimming i was like...yikes. i've also read way more Nightwing comics since, so like that could be factor.
ANYWAYS. me being nice:
#80 has some decent dick and tim!
#89 opens with a nice batman/superman/nightwing story, honestly can't remember if i liked the two-issue mini, but i'm going to guess i didn't bc even though i just looked i recall ✨nothing✨
#90-91 is a fun dick and wally adventure, if i remember correctly???? wally stans don't shoot me, i haven't read a whole lot of him idk if he's written well here i'm sorry
#111-112 is decent. it's not like. groundbreaking. but yk. maybe i just liked it more than the stupid pirate arc and maybe my standards are low and Good Dad Bruce is a weak spot, IDK
ummmm past that?
i like this page from #79
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this panel is from #83 if you want to like see it with your own eyes on page.
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the Hug is in issue #100, which is a bigger to celebrate 100 issues, and it happens later, i think it's the third story? some people love that scene, others can't stand it, i am a whore for soft batfam moments so it's very precious to me, and also nice moments make bad ones hurt more what?
if you like dickbabs you might enjoy more issues too, i was neutral about dickbabs and this run made me...not neutral. but i've heard from people that do like dickbabs that they don't like how they're written here so also, maybe you won't like it even if you like dickbabs??
but yeah!! these are my not-hated TT nightwing issues. i think there are a decent amount where i liked a line or panel here or there, but like overall most of it is just...not my fave. but you could like it!! which, i feel like it's worth saying that it's totally valid if you end up engaging with the run more and liking it. you wouldn't be the only person in the world to like it. but it's also ending in 4 issues thank god, so um don't get too attached if you end up digging it lmao
the red hood annual is also the annual i've liked for this run, i actually love that issue sm lol. the second annual is all about the Lamest Most Scariest Villain Ever, boring, and then the most recent was all about bea, dick's love interest in his ric era, which i was excited for...and hated. that one isn't even on TT, tho. travis moore your gorgeous dick is not enough to redeem you on that one. WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT-
thanks for the ask anon!! always good to practice loving your enemies i mean, i hope this helps, have fun <3
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rhoorl · 11 months
Working Title - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Belle
Rating: Mature, 18+
Word Count: 6.2k
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Chapter 5 on AO3
Chapter Summary: It’s time for the party! We meet a couple more side characters. Plus, more best friend vibes happening with Belle and Indy. Toward the end we go through a more rapid fire of alternating POVs, I hope it translates the way I pictured it in my head!!
Warnings: This chapter has some swearing and allusions to smut. 
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Indy could tell you were starting to get in your head about the party and knew just how to get you to loosen up. 
“Ok, pick a playlist,” she calls over to you as she tosses her phone.
“Jeez, you know I can’t catch for shit,” you say as you barely grasp her phone in your hands, looking through her Spotify to find what to listen to.
“You thinking champagne or a mixed drink?” she asks over her shoulder as she saunters into the kitchen.
“Isn’t it a little early?” you ask and before she can retort you follow it up with, “And don’t say it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, for the love,” you chuckle.
“We aren’t going to pregame hard, B, just a little something to sip on while we get ready!”
It had been a while since you both had gotten ready together to go to a party. When you lived in New York you’d spent many a night crowding into your tiny bathroom fighting for mirror space as you got ready to head to a club or bar. You’d sing and dance to whatever mix CD Indy had burned. Sometimes it still makes you gag to think you both used to rip cheap vodka shots straight without chasers.
Although the location is different, the energy is still the same with you two – giggling, reminiscing about old times, and sipping on the champagne Indy popped open.
She’s been on her phone off and on texting, smiling at herself when she didn’t think you were looking. At one point you both decide to Facetime Rhys.
“Hey! How are you two doing?” he picks up on the second ring, sitting on his couch presumably watching a hockey game or whatever other sport was on TV.
“Hi Rhys!” you wave. “Thank you soooo much for upgrading my flight, that was clutch!”
“Yea and this fucking room?! Rhys, you’ve outdone yourself!” Indy chimed in.
“Ha, well I’m glad you both like it, you deserve it, both of you.”.
“Oh Rhys, you’ll never guess what happened this morning!”
“Shh, stop it he doesn’t want or need to know about that,” you chide her.
“Know about what?” he smirked.
“So I walk outside to the balcony this morning, which is huge by the way,” she says as she puts down the phone against the mirror and keeps putting on her eyeliner. “I was looking for Indy so we could have our coffee together and I walk out there and see her staring at the balcony next to us where freaking Dieter was standing – without a shirt on! Her mouth was practically on the floor drooling over him.”
“Oh my gosh Ind, my mouth wasn’t on the floor,” you roll your eyes. “Rhys, I was behaving myself.”
“Oh, you were behaving yourself when you moaned about how good a fucking cookie tasted?” she laughed.
“Wait, what?” 
“Ugh, never mind Rhys. It was nothing.”
Rhys starts to smile, laughing when he says “So I guess you met your neighbor then, huh?”
“It was so funny Rhys, she was so flustered it was so cute!” 
You kind of paused for a bit at his reaction. He was trying to act surprised, but he was a terrible liar. What is he up to?
By this point, he and Indy had moved on to another topic you barely even heard, still lost in thought. 
“I should be there in about a week or so. I haven’t booked my flight yet, but I’m excited to visit my two favorite girls!”
“We can’t wait to see you!” 
“Yea both owe you a big hug,” Indy added.
“Ok ladies, have fun tonight, but not too much fun,” he winked.
Indy hangs up her phone and you both finish the last touches to your makeup. You offered to do it for Indy, but she refused. She had watched you so much over the years, studying your techniques, and eventually picked up a few basic things. And honestly, with her, it didn’t take much to still look stunning. 
Putting on one last spritz of hairspray, you give yourself a final look before heading to your room to get dressed. You slip out of your t-shirt and shorts and walk over to grab a bra out of the dresser. As you open the drawer to look in, your mind wanders to Dieter. You were nervous to see him. Presumably, tonight was going to be the closest you’ve both been to each other physically. The first time you were separated by a couch and this morning you were separated by the balconies. 
Indy’s voice is coming through loud and clear in your head, if you want to feel confident wear something that makes you feel good. Spurned by that thought and the champagne, you rummage through the drawer and decide on the black bra that makes your boobs look amazing. You also decide to change into a skimpier pair of underwear figuring if you felt sexy, it may help you feel flirty. 
You head over to your shoes and slip on a pair of sandals. Your finishing touches were your watch, a bracelet Indy got you for a birthday, and a pair of diamond earrings. Grabbing your purse, you head out to the living room where Indy is texting and smiling at her phone.
She sees you and starts to whistle, “Ok sexy mama! I see you!”
“Oh my god, Ind,” you laugh.
“Alright, ready to do this?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Oh c’mon, you’re getting good at going to these!”
You’ve been accompanying Indy to these types of parties for more than a decade now. They’ve run the gamut from boring to wild – the stories you both could share! By all accounts, tonight is going to be pretty chill; some of the cast and crew traveled with their families and were bringing them over. The only part that always made you nervous was when inevitably you and Indy would get separated. At least this time around, you will have some friendly faces in the crowd.
Indy shoots another quick text, smirking at her phone. 
“Ok, let’s do this!”
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Dieter had spent the afternoon looking over scripts and chatting with the writers. He was a TV and film nerd and loved the process of making the art. Lizzie always told him he should write or direct something of his own, but he had never followed through despite the countless notes of ideas on his phone.
He’s lost in a daydream, thinking of the morning and what he should have said, or wanted to say when his PA Danny walks in. In his early years, Dieter went through PAs like nothing. Over time he realized they only ever wanted the drugs he could score, or to fuck him. And, frankly, he saw them the same way too for a while. 
Danny had been with him for the past couple of years. He was young and a hard worker, no job or task was too small for him. Dieter liked his work ethic and respected his hustle, so he looked out for Danny. When Dieter wasn’t working, he would make sure to find Danny a gig with a fellow actor friend. They’d grown to have a bit of a brotherly relationship.
Danny sits down across the table from Dieter, unwrapping a package and pulling something out.
I know that packaging.
“Danny, what is that?” he pointed at Danny’s mouth as he was mid-bite.
“It’s…uh…a cookie,” he mumbled out with his mouth full. After he chewed and shallowed he added, “Did you get one in your welcome basket? They’re so fucking good and it’s from a local company too. Want one?” he offered Dieter the other one.
“Uh. Yea. I mean. No, I don’t want one, knock yourself out. Wait, did you say they were a local company?”
“Yea,” he continued to chew. “I’ve been talking with the other PAs, apparently they make them here on the island and there’s like a fuck ton of other flavors. It’s been like Pokemon trading cookies with everyone today,” he laughed.
“Dan - how close is this place?”
“Uh, I don’t know, let me look,” wiping his mouth and grabbing his phone. Once he pulled it up he turned the phone to Dieter, “Looks like it’s 20 minutes away!”
Looking down at his watch, Dieter does some quick math. “Danny, you up for a little adventure?” he asked with a lopsided grin. 
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“Ok, phone, wallet, room key. Check, check, and check! Let’s go do this!” Indy said, slapping you on the ass as she walked by you and opens the door. 
“Hey, ouch!”
As you close the door behind you, you hear her yell “Hold the elevator please!” Your heart skips a beat at who could be waiting for you in the elevator.
You look down the hallway and see an arm pop through the closing elevator doors, stopping them and opening them back up. As the elevator doors open back up, you hear a deep voice call out, “Indy?”
“Hey Sam!” she gushes as she hustles over to the elevator.
You exhale but also have a tinge of disappointment come over you. You hurry so you don’t keep them waiting, glancing over to the door to Dieter’s room as you walk by. I wonder where he is. 
“Oh my gosh, Sam you haven’t met Belle yet!” Indy said as she ushered you into the elevator. You could see why Indy was into Sam. He was tall, fit, with a great smile, and he had the most piercing blue eyes you’d ever seen. 
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you! Indy has been talking about you non-stop,” he laughs and goes in for a hug, which you reciprocate. Wrapping your arms around his back you add another reason to the “why Indy is obsessed with Sam” list – the guy was made of pure muscle. “She said you were beautiful, but you’re even more stunning in person,” he says in his low, Southern drawl.
Okay. I can see why she’s all googly-eyed now. This guy is a charmer. Normally this shit would be a red flag, but he seems sweet.
“It’s nice to meet you too Sam. You’re even more handsome than she described,” you winked at him. For as awkward as you could be, there was something about playing a wing woman to Indy that made you a little bolder.
Looking over at Indy she is beaming. She sidles over to Sam and you look down to your phone to give them a little privacy. You stop on a floor to let a few people in when you hear him whisper in her ear, “You look absolutely stunning, baby.”
They were practically eye fucking each other the whole ride down, which made you wonder how far Indy had gone with him. 
You make it down to the first floor and the elevator empties into the lobby. Ari is getting out of another elevator and you wave to her so she can join headed to the front of the resort. Along the way, Ari tells you that Mitch organized a few shuttles to help get people to and from the party. 
Getting to the entrance, you see a full shuttle leaving as an empty one pulled up. Sam let you and Ari go ahead before letting Indy board ahead of him. Ari takes a window seat and you scoot in next to her, Indy taking the window seat in the row behind you, Sam following closely behind.
Sitting at the front of the shuttle, you are practically the unofficial greeter, saying hi or at least smiling to everyone who boards. You look to the outside of the shuttle where a line was forming, looking for that distinct mop of fluffy hair above the crowd. He said he was going to be there, maybe he already left. Or, he’s not into this kind of stuff and is going as late as possible to still make an appearance. You battle back and forth with yourself and suddenly realize the shuttle closed its doors and is starting to move. 
Behind you, you could hear Indy giggling as Sam whispers to her. Oh, they’re fucking. Making a mental note to ask her long that’s been going on. You smile to yourself, happy that Indy seems to be head over heels for the guy, but a little concerned seeing as filming hasn’t even started yet – what if something happens? That would be awkward.
Ari makes small talk with you on the way to the party and before you know it, the shuttle is coming to a stop.
“Holy shit, this place is nice,” Ari says under her breath.
“Seriously. I’m totally going to get lost,” you chuckle.
You all file out of the shuttle and are greeted by servers with glasses of champagne. Add another glass to my tally. You follow the crowd up the stairs and across the threshold of the house which opens up into an open-air living room overlooking a huge backyard with a fantastic pool.
“Wow, this is nice,” you hear Indy come up next to you. 
“Seriously. So … who is Mitch?” 
Looking around, Indy spots him. “Hey Mitch!” she yells, waving at a man standing by the bar in the backyard. She grabs your hand and ushers you over to him, Ari and Sam trailing behind.
“Indy, great to see you,” the man says going in for a hug.
“Thanks so much for having us, it’s so fun that we get to start off the shoot this way!” Oh, she’s on her schmooze game. “Oh, I need to introduce you to one of the most talented hair and makeup artists I know, and she’s my best friend,” she beamed motioning over to you.
You introduce yourself and shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, thanks for having us!”
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, glad you’re joining the crew. I hope you all have fun tonight, make yourselves at home. If you want to get in the pool go ahead, we have towels. There’s a bar and food,” he motions over to the bar and the full buffet set up. “Otherwise, just have fun!”
“Thank you!” you all chime in. 
“Indy, Sam, could I steal you both?” he asks as he guides them to another group of people standing around a high-top table. They look a bit more dressed up than everyone else. They must be from the studio.
Poor Indy, these types of events seemed so exhausting. She had to be “on” for most of the party trying to make sure she talked with the right people and said the right things. 
You take a second to scan around the party. Another shuttle of people had been dropped off by this point. Hmm, I don’t see him. You tried to not let your disappointment show. Besides, it’s not like even if he was here he’d talk to you. Look at Indy, she’s going to be busy all night, so he will be too.
You and Ari head over to the bar to grab a drink. A few of the other PAs were hanging out at a nearby table so she heads over there. You manage to find Meredith and some of the other stylists and grab some food and talk. She gets you all to play two truths and a lie as an icebreaker to get to know everyone. You all end up laughing to the point of tears at how ridiculous some of the lies were. After a while, some of the group decides it’s time for a cigarette so they get up to leave. 
With the sun starting to set, you take it as a good opportunity to sneak away and try and take some photos of the spectacular sunset. And also recharge your social battery. You liked being around people, but you didn’t get energy from it like Indy did. 
As walk around, you hope to catch a glimpse of Dieter. While you didn’t see him, you did see Indy. She was in the pool leaning against the side, talking to Sam who was sitting on a nearby lounger. You gave her a wave and as discreet of a thumbs up as you could as you weaved your way through the crowd.
Exploring the backyard, you head down a path and find a little secluded spot with a perfect view of the ocean. You see a little bench right next to a small pond with some beautiful koi fish swimming along. Sitting down, you take out your phone and start snapping photos and taking some videos to post on your Instagram stories. You lost track of time and almost didn’t hear the rustling and footsteps behind you. Turning around, you see that Dieter is coming your way down the path.
He sees you and gives a lopsided grin, one of his dimples peeking through.
“Hey! I was looking for you,” he waves with his left hand, rubbing the back of his neck with his right as he approaches. “Mind if I join you?” he motions towards the bench.
Looking for me? Ok, breathe. Remember to breathe. Shit, he looks good. 
He was wearing light gray chino shorts, a plain, black t-shirt, and sneakers. You couldn’t help but linger over how tight the sleeves of his shirt were over his biceps. His hair was a bit more tamed than it was this morning, but it still had gorgeous curls and waves.
“Oh, h-hi Um, yea be my guest,” you bow towards the seat. Why are you bowing, that’s lame. “How long have you been at the party?”
“I, uh- I just got here, a little while ago. I had to take care of something and then Danny drove us over.”
“Oh, uh, my PA. Good kid,” he smiles. “Um. Y-you look beautiful,” he whispered as he looked down at his hands.
Wait, he’s nervous too, right? Holy fucking shit, just remember to breathe. But also, girl, take advantage of this. 
“You look nice too. You put on a shirt for the occasion,” you winked at him.
He laughed, “Touché, but I can’t tell if you mean that’s a good or a bad thing.”
You bite your lip and look down. Ahhhhhh.
“So, uh,” he clears his throat. “Did you have a good day today?”
“Uh, yea. Yea, it was busy but fun,” you said turning towards him. “Did you?”
He seemed to be taken aback that you asked him such a simple question and seemed to care about the response. “Y-yea. I’d say it started off pretty well,” he winked.
“Ha, yea. Although it did take me a while to actually get a hot cup of coffee,” you laughed.
“Maybe we can make up for it tomorrow morning,” he said a bit lower.
You breathing hitches. 
“I- uh. I mean from each of our balconies. Not from the same one. Unless. Uh- shit, sorry” he starts to ramble shaking his head as he rubs the back of his neck.
You don’t understand how this man could ever be flustered, let alone around you, but you had to admit each time it happened it was really cute.
You laugh and then softly say, almost as a whisper so he doesn’t hear, “I actually would like that.”
His face softens, “You would?” You nod. “Yea, I would too,” he smiles.
“Only one problem though,” you replied.
He furrows his brows together, “and what’s that?”
“We only had that one package of cookies in our basket, and I need something sweet with my first coffee of the day.”
“Oh that is a dilemma then isn’t it,” he laughs. Leaning further into your space he whispers “I think we can figure something out,” with a wink. 
You let out a nervous laugh, biting your lip again. Holy fucking shit.
As if she knew you needed help, you suddenly hear your phone ring and look to see a call coming in from Indy. You usually kept your phone on silent, but in situations like tonight, you both kept your ringers on. It started when you used to go clubbing, that way in case one of you needed to help the other would be able to hear their phone.
“Oh, sorry, I have to get this. She would only call if it were an emergency.”
“Of course!” Dieter looks concerned, clearly hoping everything was ok with Indy.
You give him a small smile and answer, “Hey, Ind, are you ok?” furrowing your brows in concern.
“Y-yea, yea. Um, pineapples.” Over the years, you both developed a series of code words to help get each other out of bad or awkward situations. Luckily, this one was not a serious one, but she still needed your help.
You let out an exhale and smirked, “Ok, where are you?”
Dieter looks a bit confused, looking at your face to see what’s going on. “She’s ok,” you mouth to him and he nods.
“Second-floor bathroom, it’s to the left when you walk up.”
“Ok, be right there.” Hanging up the phone you turn back to him. “Sorry, I have to go find her. We’ve got a wardrobe malfunction,” you laugh.
“Oh shit, yea let’s go so you can take care of that.”
He gets up from the bench and lets you walk in front of him, lightly touching the small of your back as he leads you around the path. You’re thankful that your back is to him because you blush at his touch and also curse yourself for being so affected by something so small – a simple courteous gesture. 
He keeps his hand there until you reach the party again, bringing both hands into his pockets. “Do you know where to go?”
“Yea, she said she’s on the second floor. I, uh, I’ll see you around?”
He smiles, “Definitely.”
You hate to turn away and leave, but you’re also so curious as to what situation Indy has found herself in.
BELLE: Headed upstairs
As you make it to the stairs, you see Sam hurriedly making his way down. He has a sheepish look as he sees you, trying to avoid your gaze.
“Hey Sam, do you know where Indy is?”
“Uh, y-yea, she’s the second door on the left,” he glances away trying to avoid eye contact.
Confused you keep heading up the stairs, You know nothing bad happened because she used pineapples but Sam’s demeanor was a far cry from the confident swagger he had earlier. He seemed embarrassed.
You made it to the door and gave your customary three knocks so Indy knew it was you. She opens the door slightly poking just her eyes out. Confirming it was you, she opens the door the rest of the way and pulls you in. Then you see her and let out a laugh.
“Hooooly shit Ind! What the fuck happened?” pointing to the huge hickey on the left side of her neck with one hand and covering your mouth in shock with the other.
“Can you fix it?” she asks nervously as she looks in the mirror, trying to tame her mussed-up hair.
“Well, I left my special effects make-up at home. Ow!” she punches you in the arm as you laugh. “But I do have a small kit with me so we can make it work. Here sit.” 
She gets up on the counter extending her head back, exposing more of her neck so you can see the full brunt of what you have to work with.
“Sooo…care to share with the class how this happened?”
She rolls her eyes, “I think you know how this happens, B.”
Pulling back and putting your arms up in surprise, “Hey! I’m the one helping you remember. I can walk out and leave you to work the room with that gigantic mark on your neck,” you tease. 
She lowers her chin looking at you with a smirk, “You wouldn’t do that.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” She lifts her chin again as you start to mix some of the concealers. 
Knowing you weren’t going to drop it, she finally caved, “So, Sam and I came in here.”
“No! I’m shocked!” you say sarcastically as she gives you another stern look. “Ok, ok I’m sorry!”
“We were fooling around and next thing I know I glance in the mirror and see this,” motioning to her neck, “and I freaked out. It's too big to cover up with just my hair. So, that’s when I called you. Sam was still here, he felt really bad. He stayed the whole time, but left when you texted.”
“The guy could barely look at me when I came up the stairs,” you chuckled, applying the makeup to the area. It wasn’t going to be a perfect cover-up job, but between Indy's long hair and your rushed handiwork, you both could leave without anyone being the wiser of her romp in the bathroom.
“So, how long have you guys been hooking up?”
“Um, it’s been … a few weeks.”
“A few weeks?! And you didn’t tell me!”
“I was going to, I swear. I just … I don’t know. He's younger, you know. I really, really like him, but I wanted you to meet him first.”
“Well, he's not that much younger," you wink. "And seems lovely and he’s clearly dicked you down well enough that you didn’t even notice him doing this on you. Seriously, Indy this is like the biggest one you’ve ever had!”
You both giggle, Indy noticeably relaxing now that she’s clued you into how involved she’s become with Sam.
As you were finishing up, she asked how you had been enjoying the party. You tell her about some of the two truths and a lie the other stylists shared.
“Oh, did Dieter ever find you?”
“He was looking for you. When he got here I could see him looking around and when he saw me, he made a beeline over. He was trying to play it cool, asked where my ‘sidekick’ was,” she gave air quotes. “I saw you walk down toward the path, so I sent him that way. Did he find you? Wait, were you with him when I called?”
You nodded.
“Shiiit, I’m sorry!” she smacks her the palm of her hand to her forehead. “I feel like a jackass. You were getting some alone time and here I am messing it up!”
“It’s really fine, Ind. You actually called at a perfect time because I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going.”
“Oooo go on ….” she waggles her eyebrows. 
“We were kind of starting to talk about repeating our coffee and cookie thing tomorrow morning…I think.”
Indy hops down from the counter and grabs your shoulders.
“Holy shit! So, are we talking like from his place? Or ours? If it’s ours please let me know so I can put in earplugs.”
“Indy!! Not like that,” you shake your head and look down. “Me on my balcony and he would be on his.”
Arching her eyebrow and tilting her chin down she gives you a lopsided grin. “Ok, Belle, ok. But I’m sure he was thinking it.”
“Oh stop it,” you laugh and then start to yawn. The jet lag and excitement all starting to catch up with you.
“Oh shit, you’re probably tired, huh? I keep forgetting you came from the East Coast. Wanna head back? It’s getting late anyway and we want to make sure you are well-rested for your coffee date!”
“It’s not a date, he probably won’t even show up.”
She rolls her eyes and grabs your hand as you both head out of the bathroom. You make it downstairs and see a group starting to make their way to the shuttle so you shuffle in step with them and head back. 
The shuttle ride was uneventful and you made it up to your room. Indy unlocks the door and you both file in. You start to head over to your bedroom, but stop when you see a giant box sitting on the kitchen island. You both look at each other confused as to who left something in your room. You figured it was either Rhys sending you both a surprise or maybe even Sam as an apology. 
Indy skips over to the box, snatching the note to read it. She stops and looks up at you with a smile and doesn’t say anything, she just extends the note to you to read.
Turns out they have a bunch of flavors. Pick a few for tomorrow! - D
“Holy fucking shit, Belle, this is the cutest thing ever!”
Getting a gift from a man was a pretty foreign concept to you. The only gifts you had received in recent years either came from your dad, Rhys, or Indy's brother. Ryan had forgotten your last several birthdays and anniversaries. 
You step around Indy to see exactly what was in the box. The company that made the cookies from this morning apparently makes several other flavors. It looks like there are about 12 different varieties in this box, but you notice a few boxes of the macadamia nut flavor, which makes you blush.
“He had to have done that earlier today! I saw him talking with Danny, his PA, and then they grabbed some car keys and left.”
You started pulling out the boxes, unsure what to even say or think.
“Umm. Earth to Belle? Dieter surprised you with a cute gift. He wants to see you tomorrow morning. Honestly, babe, if I were you I would just knock on his door and invite yourself in right now.”
“You know I’m not doing that. Besides, we don’t even know if he’s back yet.”
“I know, but could you imagine? He would absolutely flip.”
You wanted to smile, but something stopped you. You felt like there had to be a catch. There’s no way this was happening to you. 
“I can’t meet him tomorrow,” shaking your head at the sheer ridiculousness of this situation. 
“What?! Why?” Indy mumbled as she stuffed a cookie in her face.
“Because this is probably some big elaborate joke or something.”
“You and I both know that’s a load of bullshit you’re telling yourself. Don’t build that wall up. Stop it.”
She knew you better than anyone and knew exactly how your head was spiraling. You felt like you didn’t deserve to have someone, especially a man, do nice, sweet things for you. And if someone did, it was with a catch or out of obligation. 
“I am setting my alarm and dragging your ass out of bed myself.”
“Please don’t do that. Besides we both know you will sleep through that alarm,” you smirk.
“Fine. But please promise me you’ll go outside and have coffee with him. This,” she gestures to the sampler box of cookies, “is too fucking cute. Rhys said he hasn’t heard of Dieter dating or even being interested in someone in years, so he’s probably just as nervous as you are.”
Is that true? I mean, now that I think of it I haven't read about him being linked to someone in years. Also, why are Rhys and Indy talking about Dieter's dating life?
Taking a deep breath you straighten up and look over at Indy who has opened up another box to try. “Ok, I’ll try.”
“Ooo you should text him thank you!” You give her a look. “Before you say ‘I can’t do that I don’t have his number’ yes you do!” She grabs her phone from her purse and starts to go through the contacts. “Here, I’m texting you his number.”
Her text comes through and you stare at your phone. I mean, he did get you a gift, the proper thing to do would be to acknowledge it.
Indy comes around next to you as you both lean over the kitchen island, looking at your phone. It brought you back to when you both used to sit in front of the computer, trying to compose the perfect AIM message to your crushes. You keep staring and Indy grabs the phone, “Ok I’ll just do it. ‘Dear Dieter, let’s skip the coffee and I’ll give you my cookie instead’ winky face.”
You snatch the phone from her, realizing she didn’t actually type any of that and she was fucking with you. “Oh my gosh, Indy! First of all, no. Second, the cookie pun, really? I am just going to say ‘Hey it’s Belle, thanks for the cookies, that’s sweet’. Simple and I still get a pun in,” you chuckle.
“Come onnnn. The guy got something for you, you made plans to see him tomorrow morning. Be a little flirty! Let’s speed this shit up!”
Rolling your eyes you look back at your phone and start to type with a smirk. When you were done you hand her back the phone, “This ok?”
“Do it!”
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Dieter wasn’t one for parties anymore, although this one sounded like it would be pretty tame and safe. He knew he would have to make an appearance, but it definitely made it more appealing to see you and hopefully get a chance to talk.
He was relieved when he finally saw you, his breath catching. Wow, she’s beautiful. He thought that this morning when he saw you with no makeup, a messy bun, and glasses. Now, your hair was down and he could see your eyes better. He was nervous to talk to you, but excited, trying to turn on some charm to see how you’d react. Every time you bit your lip, he could feel his shorts get a little tighter. All he wanted to do was reach over and kiss you. 
When Indy called he was concerned, but then a bit frustrated. He felt you were maybe starting to reciprocate some of his advances. 
Knowing that you would be occupied with Indy, he decided to head out and drive himself back to the resort. On his way, he called the front desk agent to let them know to proceed with the plan. After he hung up a wave of nerves washed over him.
That was probably too much, right? Like who the fuck buys someone cookies? But, it gives me an excuse to see her again. You’re going to see her on set every day though. I wonder if she’s back yet. No, she and Indy are probably still having fun. Am I coming on too strong? I always come on too strong.
He makes it back upstairs and starts pacing around his room, his insecurity and anxiety starting to spike. He sits on the couch and does some breathing exercises. In … two … three … out … two … three .. four … five. 
After doing this for several minutes, he feels himself calming down, deciding to go lay down on his bed. Shrugging off his shorts and grabbing a pair of basketball shorts, he pulls off his shirt and slides under the covers, and grabs the remote. He’s honestly not sure what’s on the TV, he finds the noise comforting as he zones out.
Then, he hears his phone ding.
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“Ok, sent. Shit!” you bury your face in your hands.
“It’s a pretty innocent text.”
You both stare at the phone screen waiting. After a couple of minutes, you see that the message has been read. Shit. He’s not typing. Wait, yes he is. Ugh, then he stopped. 
“Aww, it seems like he’s nervous too,” Indy teases bumping your shoulder with hers.
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Dieter sees a text come in from a random number. Normally, he would just ignore it, but the timing was coincidental so he unlocked his phone.
I’ll bring the cookies, you bring the coffee?
He exhales and smiles. Although the text is from a random number he knows who it’s from and goes to immediately save the number. 
His stomach does a flip as he decides how he wanted to play this. Ok, breathe. 
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Indy shrieks when the phone dings again.
DIETER: Oh, I think that can be arranged sweetheart.
DIETER: What time? I want to make sure the coffee is hot for you…
“Ohhh shit!” Indy grabs you by the shoulders and shakes. “See, I fucking told you!”
“Shit, what do I say?”
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Ugh. Was that too much? That second bit was too much, right? 
Ding. Dieter unlocks his phone.
🍪 ☕ BELLE: Hmm. Like 6? Is that too early?
🍪 ☕ BELLE: Also, any requests?
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“Oh, this is so fun!” Indy giggles.
DIETER: 6 is perfect.
DIETER: Macadamia nut please. 😉
Indy gets up and starts running around the kitchen island giggling. You couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly you weren’t tired anymore, this interaction giving you a little burst of adrenaline. 
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🍪 ☕ BELLE: I think that can be arranged.
🍪 ☕ BELLE: Good night. And thank you, by the way. 🙂
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“Was the smiley too much?”
“He sent you a goddamn winky face, so no I don’t think a smiley is too much.”
DIETER: Sweet dreams, Belle.
“Fuck, I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.”
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: Eeek! I hope you liked the last bit alternating between them receiving texts from each other. Our poor, flustered babies! They’ll get it together, I promise. I'm honestly a little intimidated of writing the smut, but these two need it dammit, so I'll get over myself :)
If you’re still here, thank you so much for reading. For those who have commented, reblogged, or liked any or all of the chapters so far THANK YOU. It really makes my day whenever I hear your thoughts or encouragement. 
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list or if I inadvertently left you off or added you by mistake. :)
Tag list: @musings-of-a-rose / @legendary-pink-dot / @bitchwitch1981 / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @gracie7209 / @amneris21 / @pastelnap
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dearanakin · 8 months
Hi darling!! Thank you soooo much for the soft biker!Eddie fic, that’s exactly what I was imagining 💖💖
I cant help but feel so soft at the fact that Eddie would definitely take whatever is important to you seriously (school, your career, etc) but he would always always find a way to make you laugh and feel loved amidst all the stress and potential chaos. And the fact that he could match you intellectually and in weirdness so you can talk about anything and everything under the sun and never get bored.
Like just imagine the late night talks you could have as he lays next to you in your bed, it’s 2AM and your parents dont even know he snuck in through your window - like that just????? Makes me 💖💖💖💖 if that makes sense 🥹
Thank you so much again, I really appreciate your efforts luvie and I wish you a beautiful start to the week 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕 (I hope this is correct fingers crossed 🤞🏼 but)
espero que tenha um dia lindo ☀️
Hiii!! That's so sweet of you and yes it's correct, I hope you have a beautiful day as well!! ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for always spending time reading my ramblings and always requesting a new one!! Did you say intellectual and weird? But also, nerdy. Because he's so nerdy it's too cute!!
Warning: Fluff and that's about it. Word count: 1.1k
It was only a few minutes past midnight, and you were sitting on your bed reading a book. You had a long day at school, and it was Friday. You spent the night with your friends and Eddie.
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, your heart fluttered, and your cheeks flushed hard. 
It's been only a few weeks since you started seeing each other, and it's been great. He's been really good to you, he liked how you were so interested in anything. He feels so fascinated about you, it's ridiculous. He likes to take care of you and listen to you intently.
Eddie parked his van a block away from your house, so he wouldn't look suspicious. If anything, he would definitely be seen as a murderer or a robber in action. He climbed the trellis to the balcony and slightly snuck into the window, watching as you were peacefully reading your book. 
He tapped a few times on the balcony door, and the sound made you snap out of your distraction. He was crouching on the floor, holding a playful grin on his face. His wavy hair was kind of messy and his bangs were falling over his eyes. 
You chuckled at the sight, he would sneak into your bedroom every once in a while. Walking up slowly to the window, you open the balcony door.
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” You whispered, a smile still playing on your lips.
He made his way inside your bedroom and quickly cupped your face, giving you a soft kiss. 
He tasted like mint toothpaste, and it felt like heaven for you. His growing beard tickled your chin. 
He shrugged his shoulders. “Been missing you already” He said simply, spreading kisses over your jawline and your neck. “But also, I made a discovery.”
“Yeah? And what is it?” You ask as you walk backward, stumbling over your bed, and falling into the mattress. He leaned his body above yours.
“I found out you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in this world” His lips rubbed your soft skin, sending shivers through your body. 
You let out a muffled laugh. So fucking cute. 
Your mouth found his in a tender moment, tongues barely touching. He was being too soft on you. 
“Oh Eddie, you are so sweet, aren't you?”
“That's what they say” He jokes, while resting his chin on your chest. You tangle a few strands of his hair between your fingers, playing with them.
Eddie reaches over for your book, looking at the cover. “What's this about?”
“Oh, it's like a drama story with a mix of thriller” You explain, while he skimmed through the book, careful to not miss the page you were on. 
“Boring. You know which story is cool?” He taunts. You raise a brow out of curiosity. “The Lord of the Rings!” 
“You're saying the book of a Wizard and the Elves is more fun than this?” You ask, his face slowly turning into a scrunch. 
“Baby… They’re Hobbits” He explains, sitting up straight before leaning down next to you, fixing your pillow under his head. 
“Is there a difference?” You know you’re only mocking him, even though you didn’t care enough to know if they were elves or not. He places both hands under his head, crossing his legs. 
He makes himself comfortable after taking his shoes off.
“So, uh, a Hobbit is a mortal Halfling inhabitant of Middle Earth, whereas an Elf is an immortal tall warrior” Eddie states, and you hum in agreement. 
“Okay, so. Which one is more relevant? Wouldn’t it be better if they were elves and not Hobbits?” You watch him lay on his side, looking at you. “I mean, they’re immortal and taller.”
“That’s exactly the point, baby. There are elves and Hobbits in the story. Legolas is an elf, and Frodo is a Hobbit. They both have their qualities, but an Elf’s life is duller. And the Hobbits get to live in The Shire” His tone is gentle while explaining such a random subject to you.
But that is what you really loved about being around him. 
Your face turned into a confused one. “The Shire? What kinda place is that?”
Eddie softly chuckles and drops his left arm around your waist. “It's a small but beautiful, green rolling, forested and fruitful land. I think we would’ve loved to live there.”
You could spend the entire night talking to him like that. 
“Would you like to be a Hobbit?” You asked him, rolling your body to be face to face with him. 
Smiling, he shrugs his shoulders. “Only if I got to have my regular-size dick.” 
You almost choked on your spit from laughing too hard, covering your mouth, so your parents wouldn’t listen to you. You slapped him on his chest and he laughed along with you. 
“God, Eddie. My parents are going to kill me if they see you here.”
He was still chuckling at his own joke. “What? You asked me and I gave you my answer. What would I do with a dick the size of a small pickle?”
You hold back a snort, trying to not laugh at his words. “You are the worst.”
He wraps his arm around your neck, bringing you closer to him. He smells like soap and shampoo. 
“Who do you like the most, Legolas or Frodo?” You ask, your head is still leaned over his chest. 
Eddie thinks for a few seconds before sharing his preference. “You” The metalhead pinches your nose carefully, giving you a soft peck on your forehead. 
You roll your eyes at the corny response. It’s too adorable, but also provocative. “I’m being serious, you nerd.”
“Uh, I’d have to think about it. Deep inside I like both, I like that Legolas can fight. But Frodo is good and wise, and I dig that about him.” 
“So, I’m more like Frodo” You state, pinching his nose back, and he smiles at you. 
“You’re definitely like him. Too wise and too good for this world, princess” He agrees, bringing your lips to find his halfway. 
You spent the next couple of hours debating which Hobbit was better, and you learned a lot about Gandalf as well. You weren’t the biggest fan of fantasy, but the way Eddie always seemed to be deep into his thoughts when he explained things was too sweet. 
He always finds a way to make you laugh when you’re nervous, or worried. He’s weird in such a good way, it actually aches your heart, because you like him too much. 
And honestly, just spending time snuggling around his arms, listening to him speak, was enough for you. 
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bl00dlight · 1 month
i saw this ask on another blog and then recently i came across a reddit post abt this exacttt thing. but it did make me wonder, cause I know u got some opinions but, what do u think about Aemond being a blood supremacist? alot of team greens deny it but idk... he literally says it in the show? the blog also disagreed I think to. also love love love ur fic nd I like how u haven't made aemond and visenya like besties. cause I agree with ur other rant to, there is soooo much soft, Mary Sue stuff with aemond and it dosent really fit him as a character at all.
First of all thank you sm for reading the fic. I literally just cracked open my mother fucken laptop one day and was like "IM OVER IT!!!". But yes, I agree, so many fics really like project an idealised version of Aemond. Which is totally fine, no hate no hate but, I just prefer canon accurate characterisation with everything.
But to answer your question, I feel like it's pretty straightforward and I'm also really surprised this a debate? Yes, Aemond is obviously a valryian supremacist. Almost all the Targs are to some degree and the Velaryons. But Aemond quite literally references the importance of keeping their valyrian blood pure and is deeply obessesed with dragons. "It would keep our Valyrian blood pure." Coming from a 13 year old boy is like a clear indicator that, yes homie is pro-targ supremacy. He is also the mirror of Daemon... who is also pro-targ supremacy.
I don't believe that Aemond commented on Helaena in ep7 just to display how "dutiful" he is. We know for a FACT Aemond is not dutiful, he is ambitious/power hungry. That is his whole arc, especially in Fire + Blood. Homeboy is dutiful in the same way Daemon is. It's not about actually caring for what is right or wrong, it's about his own proximity to power. I think alot of people really misinterpret Aemond's lines regarding duty as being a display of dedication. When in reality, it's narcissistic grandiosity lol. Like straight up. His envy of Aegon isn't "ugh I'd be a much better King because I care about protecting the realm, helping the smallfolk, maintaining order, doing what is right." It's "ugh, I'd me a much better King because I'm BETTER." We can see that in ep 9 when he literally gives out a list to Cole, why he would make a superior King to Aegon. Not once does he mention anything outside of what he perceives as his own brilliance. This is a book Aemond quote when he becomes Prince Regent and wears Aegon the Conqueror's crown "It looks better on me than it ever did on him,". So here we have another indicator that this isn't about being a good dutiful brother, this is about him living out his Rogue Prince fantasy.
I feel like people may bring up Alys Rivers as a counterpoint but again, I don't see why? Because remember, Aemond literally slaughtered her entire House because he hated the Strongs. He would make fun of Jace and Luke's appearance in Fire and Blood for like lack of Valyrian features. He left Alys alive so he could take her as a "prize" to use as a 'bedmate' / 'paramour'. This wasn't recorded as a consensual reltionship, and of course Alys went with it because what else is she gonna do? Fight him? He just slaughtered her entire bloodline, just BECAUSE of their blood. She's on thin ice. By today's standards she was put into sexual slavery. (unfortunately fire & blood is an unreliable text and it was written to be contradictory, so literally there is no actual canonical understanding of their relationship) Also a significant amount of fire and blood was written by those from the Greens side, and there are claims she bewitched him etc etc so that he wouldn't kill her. Regardless, the point is, Aemond fucking Alys isn't a marker of his progressive belief that Targaryen's aren't superior? If anything it reinforces it because he has literally chosen a woman who in every single way is completely socially 'inferior' to himself. Again, it's about power and vengeance. Him taking Alys is saying "look at me, I can do whatever the fuck I want. I can burn the Riverlands down, I can slaughter an entire House and then, I can fuck the last very last woman left because I CHOSE TO KEEP HER ALIVE." And he did it again, he abandoned Alys at one point and left her captive to another mother fucker just to get more vengeance on the Blacks after Helaena's last child dies (i can make a post on the suspicious Helaena x Aemond parallels in fire and blood) and then eventually came back to get her again. He don't really give that much of a fuck, in my opinion. She is not an example of him not being a bigot. And we see this in the real world too. Powerful bigots have historically sexually enslaved whom they oppress. *cough cough, literally ww2*. Sex is a power exchange in many ways, and Aemond taking Alys to fuck, after he spent his entire life loathing her family and KILLING THEM, is not some star-crossed lover shit. It's him continuing his reign of abuse on the Strongs. He kept one of them alive, just to fuck. That is an active example of his supremacist beliefs. There is also speculation Alys got pregnant, but it's never confirmed. However, his son would be another Strong bastard. And it wouldn't mean shit to him, because is that not the ultimate "haha im superior" to interject himself into the Strong line? To be the one which controls it's survival?
Also again, we see it time and time again with Targ men. They believe in Targ supremacy, actively want to participate in their 'traditions', while also wanting booty calls. Daemon does the same thing, homie fucks women left and right, yet still loved /married Rhaneyra because she was a Targaryen like him. Viserys iii also, fucked other women, yet canonically wanted to marry Daenerys once he assumed the throne to continue their bloodline.
Because marriage is very different from sex in this universe. Marriage and sex are two completely separate ideas. So it makes sense for Aemond to believe that Targaryen's should maintain their Valyrian blood through marriage because it is a marker of supremacy; while he also wants to exclaim is dominance through having sex with a woman who is 'beneath' him. Aemond is also an actual misogynist in the books too. So again? In what world does he look at Alys as his equal?
Thus, why marriage/love/legitmate children is reserved for Targaryen women, and sex is reserved for prostitutes, bedmates etc. People be forgetting, in this society women are used at the whims of men, LAWFULLY - like it's their right to do so, and women are very much given social status based on how men view them sexually. Madonna/Whore complex.
Which is kinda interesting if we even go further to talk about Helaena and Aemond...
Funnily enough, this exact topic will come up in my fic. Anyway, that's my take on it. That's kinda why the strong niece fics never made sense to me, because it is so contradictory to the motives behind what he does.
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deepdeanvsweston · 18 days
oh thanks for answering my George/Hazel ask (and wow those are great)! if you’re still answering for the mmu ask game, what would ur answers be for 17 and/or 18? also, for 30, there was a post about the dss ending, is there anything in particular you don’t like about it?
That's perfectly alright! I had so much fun answering idk if you could tell I'm really into the ship /j
I am ALWAYS answering the MMU ask game!
17. Least favourite canon ship (including past ones)
Hmmm I did have to think for this one! There's nothing I particularly hate with every fibre of my being sort of thing, but I'm saying Daisy x Amina. She was in 2 books max, and I felt I didn't really get to know her very well and also that the fandom was forced to make things up about her as opposed to simply doing it for fun. Additionally, it felt to me that Daisy was written as needing to have a girlfriend by the end of the series to consolidate her being a lesbian, which I also didn't like. In essence, their relationship moved too fast for me.
However, I can very well see the potential and think if Amina had been introduced earlier and they'd been academic rivals to lovers (NOT enemies to lovers mind you I despise that trope) I could well get on board with it.
18. Least favourite noncanon ship
Again, I don't hold particularly strong negative feelings for ships I don't like, apparently just really strong positive feelings for the ones I do! But if I had to pick one, probably Kitty/Beanie. I just find them as a ship a bit boring, though if someone were to write a passionate post being like "HERES WHY THEY WOULD WORK!!!" I might be swayed.
30. Free space!!! Ask anything MMU related :)
And in anon's case they've asked why I don't like the ending of DSS.
Do not get me started I dislike it so much and it makes me slightly uncomfortable??? Listen,,, I LOVE MMU I think everyone who sees my blog can tell this however this grates on me deeply. I HATE HATE HATE how all 4 of the main detectives were paired up at the end. There was no need for it and it felt forced, especially Lavinia (comphet queen in my, and trust me when I say this, professional opinion) and George. Hazel and Alex I can cope with fine. It had been building up and hinted at and so makes logical sense (I don't like the way it was done though as I think what Hazel needed then was not a bf but just friends there to support her). Daisy and Amina felt rushed too, like they had 2 books in which even their interactions were brief. Really felt like it was pushing the fact that Daisy had to have a gf to be verified as a lesbian, as explained above. George imo was soooo ooc to be like "rip Daisy, soz Hazel, but uhhh. Yeah. I wanna wife one of your dormmates up" especially as he usually seems so in tune with what's going on around him, as seen notably in DITS:
"It's not difficult to work out!" George protested, shrugging his shoulders. "Bridget looks rushed. I can smell beef tea boiling. Hazel looks tired, she doesn't have her handkerchief in her pocket and Daisy isn't here. Daisy can't be dead, otherwise Hazel would be crying with her handker chief in her hand. But, if Daisy were simply ill, it would explain the beef tea and Bridget and Hazel would have sat up worrying about Daisy all night, and given Daisy her handkerchief when hers were all used up. See? Elementary."
I suppose it could be blamed on grief but idk.
It also grates on me because of the kind of message it's sending, especially as the book series target demographic is 9-12??? Like 'oh no the book series is ending! All the 15/16 year old teenagers have to be paired up because they can't have satisfying endings otherwise!!!' but also I'm arospec so that is going to give me a biased view, but still.
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awritersstuff · 6 months
Can i request leaders of Housen, Oya, Suzuran (Raoh faction), and three school alliance having a crush on their classmate in middle school and how they would confess? Thank you!
Guess who is back ! Thanks for requesting and sorry for the wait
My baby love!
Sachio -
- you where not exactly friends with sachio in the beginning but when his mom introduced you to sachio as his friends daughter and you guys became friends. Most of the time when your mother hung out with his mother you, sachio and yui will hang out together.
- He first time realized he liked you when you helped him patch up after a fight and he made you promise that you won't tell his mom but you being you gave him big scolded but still didn't tell his mom and then he realized that how you care about him and his mom .
- he will confess after some time when he knows that you are totally comfortable with .
- his confession was short and simple, when after another fight you were helping him patch up (and also scolded him) he should asked you " will you go on a date with me ?" .
Fujio -
- fujio always liked you , like since the movement he saw and he won't even try to hide it but the movement he realized that he truly loved you when he saw you beat some guys for HIM , like you absolutely hate fighting but you fought for HIM .
- like I said he is like a open book , he would be soooo obvious that HE LIKES YOU .
- his confession was right at the movement, you ended up beating the guys , he will straight up walk to you and say " let's date " . Like not even asking but telling .
Rao -
- like it is mentioned in the movie Rao didn't had any friends so , let's just say you were just classmates but he always had a crush on you because you were a caring person and according to him it is very cool . The movement he realized that you can't just stay classmates anymore is when he saw you helping a little girl from his orphanage and that's how he met you .
- he will wait a long long time until he knows that he is serious about you .
- he is a very chill and cool man so , some day he will just dropping you off to your house and he will ask you out in the most sweet way possible.
- he has a attitude of a bitch so if he likes you , he will bother you and bully you . Always tease you and always make fun of you to make it look like he absolutely hates and the cherry on top will be that your parents were business partners so he won't even leave you alone at home . He realized that you are the one for him was after all the mess of 'the worst x ' , when you told him "keep smiling, I like this amagai better" .
- he won't confess to you or become like normal friends with you he will just do something that your both parents fix your marriage together. There will be no enemies to friends or lovers but enemies to happy arranged marriage.
- you guys were just normal benchmates but knowing sameoka he didn't talked much but he always loved listening to talks and sometimes when fujin or rajin mentioned it he will always deny saying that he only hear because he doesn't wanna upset you. He realized he liked you when your seats were switched and sat beside rajin and you both were talking and laughing . He felt like he was being cheated and then he did what he thought he should grabed your seat and kept it beside his and when the teacher asked him why he replied the teacher outside of school (ikyk).
- he is quite clear about his feelings but tends to hide until he is pushed to the limits.
- so , he confessed on like almost the last day of middle school when he realized that he won't get a chance later and he might lose you to someone else .
- he might seem crazy ( which he is ) but he was somewhat like the class clown in middle school not by choice but he just loved being the reason behind your smile . definitely threatened the teacher to make you both sit close and just like that everytime you laughed at his jokes how you never thought that he is weird but just himself, he knew that he fell for the right person . He was always serious about you.
- he won't take much time he just needs a little courage which gandhi will provide.
- his confession was very fun like he toke you to amusement park and proposed you on the gaint wheel when you both were on top .
Thanks for reading. Honestly never thought I will write for amagai but did it for you guys 🙃 . Anyways, love you , byeeeee ❤💖💖
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