#that and it's made me all tired and bleh all day
OH! Ptsst!! Hyness! Do you think the core may be reacting to your emotional state? The glow seemed to recede when you calmed down and started glowing again when you were startled!
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Ester: "Now that's interesting..."
Hyness: "Y-You...weren't supposed to h-hear that..."
Ester: "Well too bad!! ...Hehe, I just got a funny idea..."
Uh oh.
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fever-project · 3 months
Do you think Ravio would flirt with Hilda
Would Hilda ever like. Jokingly flirt with ravio??
Ravio would definitely flirt with Hilda from time to time. She wouldn’t react to it most of the time, maybe a small smile at his silly antics, but every once in a while he manages to completely catch her off guard.
Hilda would flirt with Ravio if she thinks she could be funny. Like, it would either come completely out of nowhere or be a retaliatory flirt. I’m laughing as I type this. What is a retaliatory flirt lamo. I’m ver tired I find the dumbest things funny rn.
Hmm. I think Ravio would have the most basic flirts(?) most of the time, then he would say the most unhinged flirt he could think of out of nowhere. Hilda would try to be creative and witty with her flirts, them usually relating to the conversations that were held beforehand.
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runa-falls · 1 year
scratches and bites - 3
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pairing: miguel o'hara x reader
warnings: explicit 18+, use of demeaning names, biting/marking/scratching, use of venom, a small amount of blood, unprotected sex, creampie (whoops), cumplay (whoops 2x), slight size kink (whoops 3x), bondage (0-0), feelings (bleh), needy wittle miguel :P
a/n: uhhh, this may have gotten away from me -- went from 1k to 4k real fast (or slow bc i'm a slow writer hehe)
summary: miguel o'hara is a grumpy man and you make him grumpy. you regularly go against his orders, create chaos, and invite danger. this is what happens when he's had enough.
w/c: 4.2k
series masterlist | main masterlist
“Clean-up crew is on the way. You,” He points sharply in your direction, “come with me.” He roughly passes by you, purposely clipping the edge of your shoulder.
You sulk slightly and follow him into the portal, mood effectively ruined. 
Everything worked perfectly in your eyes. You were able to save the family and a few people inside the building. You even had time to pick up a free hotdog.
“It’s on the house for you, Spider-Woman! Thanks for saving the day!”
“Aw, thanks, dude.” 
Of course, before you could take a bite of your well-earned lunch, O’Hara’s hulking figure was standing over you. He’s angry. 
Gwen wisely scurried off before you all got to the portal and Jess had better things to do than deal with whatever was going on between the two of you. So you’re effectively alone now. Great.
“The fuck did you think you were doing out there?” Miguel’s voice booms off the high ceilings of his office as he leads you toward his desk. He has this pretentiously slow platform that he loves to use to look down on people. You feel like a student that got called to the principal's office. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed–or worse, gotten someone else pulled into your fucking mess.” 
You roll your eyes as soon as he passes, “Oh, come on O’Hara, you were about to bail on a car full of people and left a bunch of workers in the crumbling building because nothing is more important than your dumbass box of scraps and wires!”
He turns stiffly, jaw clenching at your words, but his eyes roam to anything else in the room but you. Like always. “You know we’ve been looking for that equipment for months. If we have any chance to hold back this multiverse annihilator even a few days, we’re gonna take it.” Miguel is as curt as ever, stance stiff as he tries to pretend he’s unaffected. Like he’s convincing himself he’s doing the right thing. And what you did was wrong.
“There were four of us out there, Miguel,” His eyes briefly meet yours at the sound of his given name. Something he has rarely heard you say since you’ve been in Nueva York. “The package was barely a struggle for one of us! You’re telling me we needed four hands to locate and retrieve that shit?” You gesture over to the crate resting on his computer platform. 
He sighs like he’s tired of hearing your voice. Tired of being in the same room as you. His hand smooths over his face, “That’s not the point, Kid.” You could feel warmth blooming inside of your chest at his choice of words. It’s demeaning, and he knows it. As much as you hate him right now, you’re also loving this. You’re finally getting the chance to express all the frustration he’s inspired in you. And it’s satisfying to watch him get all wound up because you actually made the right move. He just can’t admit it.“What you did was beyond idiotic. You could’ve–”
“Well, I didn’t. And I’m not a fucking kid.” You spit out the words. His eyes immediately darken as you raise your voice. Bright cherry to rich blood.  
Miguel rolls his shoulders back from annoyance and briefly closes his eyes. Irritated. You seem to always irritate him. His jaw is tight, and right under his full top lip you can almost make out– “What did I say about interrupting me?” He’s seething, head tilted slightly as pushes away from his desk and off the platform to you. 
His deep voice is so low that you swear you can feel it surrounding you, vibrating the warm air that clings to the thin treads of your suit. “You’re so…” His fists clenched tightly and tension rolls off of him, crashing into you like a wave. “Difficult.” You try to stay brave and hold your head up, unwilling to cower under his superficial anger. “So fucking irritating.” 
This is getting nowhere.
“So that’s why you called me in, hm?” Your voice comes out more breathless than you intended, but really, it’s his fault. This whole time he’s been inching closer and closer to you, taking up all your space. “To call me petty names? Tell me all the things that are wrong with me?” You have to crane your neck to maintain eye contact with him, he’s so close. 
“No.” He drawls the word, his voice deep and muffled. Then you realize. His fangs. The stark change of the air in the room was enough to make your breath hitch. You suddenly feel trapped. 
“I brought you here,” There are only a couple of inches separating your chest from touching his and you swear you can feel his body heat radiating off of him, almost simmering under his suit. “To teach you a lesson.” He leans down slightly, closing in the height distance between the two of you. You haven’t been this close to him since that night. 
“W-what kind of lesson?”
“The kind that’ll persuade you to follow the rules.” Your knees nearly buckle as each word is lightly whispered next to your ear. He keeps his hands to himself, but it still feels like he’s wrapping himself around you. “To listen to me. Like a good girl.” Just as your body begins to mirror his and lean into his space, he backs up and strolls back to his desk. 
Your eyes instantly lower and stay locked onto his spotless steel floors as you listen to him slowly walk away. You feel your face heat in embarrassment as you become more self-aware of the way your body reacted to him. He hadn’t even touched you. 
“Come here.” Your head tilts up slightly at the sound of his voice. He’s sitting back on his desk chair, legs spread confident and inviting as he watches you watch him through hungry eyes. He can tell your mind is brimming with overlapping thoughts as you decide whether to listen to him or not. 
Some part of you worries you’re being lured into a trap. That O’Hara, one of the least genuine people you know, is playing with you. But your body doesn’t really seem to care, already moving until your ankles meet the edge of the barely floating platform. The air around you is cool and empty without his presence. Your body craves more of  Miguel’s natural heat.
“...Closer.” You shuffle over until you’re a couple of feet away, fingers twisting together with uncertainty. He’s looking at you, leering at you. Virtually devouring you with that scarlet stare of his. If he wanted, he could reach over and pull you closer, eliminating the space between you, but he decidedly doesn’t, clearly wanting you to come to him. 
“Don’t worry, honey, I don’t bite – oh wait,” He grins at his own joke, fangs proudly poking out from under his plump lips. You don’t realize how hard you're biting your lip until it starts to seriously sting. Your teeth release your aching lip and his gaze follows the action before meeting your eyes. 
“Unless you want me to.” You haven’t uttered a word in a while and you don’t really want to. You’re completely content to continue to soak in the words that slip from his tongue. “Do you?” 
“Do I…”
“...want me to bite you.” He openly runs his soft tongue over the contours of his fangs. 
“Mhm. Make you all numb and pliant for me?” He finally reaches over and gently tugs you closer by your arm. You let him. “That what you want, hermosa?” Your body slots seamlessly in the space between his thighs. His face cradles perfectly into the crook of your neck. You sigh, subconsciously leaning closer as his tender lips hover sweetly over your covered throat. 
He whispers, barely audible against your skin, “Promise it’ll only hurt for a second.” 
He doesn’t waste any time. 
A hand drifts up your arm to the flexible collar of your suit. He tugs it down lightly, revealing your bare skin to the cool air. It’s not enough for him. With a hushed tear, he uses a claw to split the fabric down to the top of your shoulder, giving him more access to your body. He pushes your hair back and nudges himself closer to you, nose nestling where your neck meets your shoulder. He breathes you in. “Sweet.” His voice barely carries with how soft he says it.  
The balmy heat of his breath sweeps along the side of your neck before his lips finally connect. His hands trail against your waist, slowly caressing you as he slowly presses kisses into your skin, trailing his lips down until he finds the spot. You tilt your head to the side as you feel the light scratch of his fangs. 
“Hold on to me, baby.” Your gloved hands grip his thick forearms. He bites down. 
It hurts in the beginning like you thought it would. Like he said it would. You try to disguise your wince, but you can’t stop the way your body flinches at the sensation. It’s intense, the sharp pain, and it spreads, traveling down from your neck to your toes. 
And then, something clicks. It vanishes. That ache gets replaced with an endless warmth that relaxes every muscle in your body. Your hands, once clenched around Miguel, begin to loosen so the only thing that’s holding you up is him. 
Everything touching your skin feels amazing. The heat of his hands. The suit that's starting to slowly fall down your shoulder. 
Your eyes glaze over with pleasure as you watch him pull away from your body to look at you. His tongue pokes out, swiping over his bottom lip to collect the mixture of residual venom and your blood. Are you bleeding? You lean closer and your hands reach out for his shoulders. 
“That good, hm?” Even his voice feels good. 
You use his solid form to keep you steady as you boldly crawl onto his lap, “Really, really, good.” He hums and you feel his chest vibrate against yours. His arms easily wrap around your form as he waits patiently for you to get comfortable on top of him.
In this moment you realize how this will change everything. And you’re not talking about the bit.-- Ok, not just the bite. 
It’s seeing him like this that flips your world. Feeling his touch. The gentle way he holds you against him and the patient way he lets your fingers trail down his strong chest until you’ve decided you’ve had enough. He makes you feel special. Wanted. Everything that you’ve craved since you followed him here. The same thing he offered you before taking it away. 
So you’re scared. You don’t know if you could ever let this go because you know you’ll always yearn for moments like this. If he pushes you away again…
The fog in your head dissipates and it’s like you’re waking up. You catch his eye and his brows furrow. He senses something’s wrong. His hand cradles yours and gives you a comforting squeeze. 
“What is it?” 
“Don’t leave me.” 
“What do you mean?” His eyes are sincere as they try to read your crestfallen expression. 
“Just…” You exhale slowly and rest your forehead against his shoulder. “Don’t do this then walk away, Miguel.” Your words hang in the air for a few seconds as he takes them in. 
Great, you ruined the mood. “Look, Miguel, I–” He softly lifts your head and leans in to press his forehead against yours. You’re so close he could probably feel your eyelashes brush against his cheeks. 
“Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.” He draws you in and kisses you deeply, taking your breath away with his tender touch. It feels like a promise like he’s signing the dotted line of your heart. “I’m yours.” It’s whispered against your lips when he pulls back and you can help the grin that sprouts from his words. He matches it. 
You’re pulled back in, “Mhm…” Muffled, but absolute. 
Kissing Miguel is exactly how you imagined it to be: addictive. 
Maybe it’s the residual venom left on his tongue, but the way he moves against you, mouth and body, makes your legs tremble. Makes you ache for him.
You melt against him, drunk on his taste and leaning in for more. His hands go from cradling your face and delicately tracing your neck to massaging your thighs, hands practically draping over you with the size difference. 
He delicately licks into your mouth, greedily taking in every aspect of your taste. Your lips vibrate excitingly when his tongue brushes against them, they’re super sensitive from how long he’s been working them. 
You feel him under you, nestled achingly against your ass. He throbs eagerly every time you let out a breathless sigh or a muffled moan. You’re no better. You swear you already have a wet spot ruining your suit from all the times he ‘accidentally’ grips his claws into the curve of your hips.  
You whimper quietly when you feel the sharp point of his fang drags ever so slightly across your bottom lip. As he moves downwards, it delicately tugs at it, briefly revealing the bottom row of your teeth before releasing it. He moves his mouth along the line of your jaw and then focuses on the sensitive bite he left to bloom red and purple on your neck. 
With his hands back on your waist, he starts to lick up the small droplets of blood that were staining trails down your shoulder. It stings wonderfully as he laves against it, cleaning the red off your smooth skin. You can’t help but to cry out as he begins to suck at your sensitive skin, it’s a bit more intense than you were expecting, but it feels really good. He blows cool air on it when he releases your skin, soothing the new mark he’s left on you. 
His mouth is back on yours, letting you taste your own blood as your tongues intermingle with fervor. Fingers tug at the front of your suit to pull you impossibly closer as your teeth nash against one another. You hear a faint rip between you as his grip tightens and pulls at the stretchy material. Your skin quickly reacts as the cool air wraps around you, arms prickling with goosebumps and nipples tightening into hard buds. 
You both pull back and look down at the damage. Your suit is split down the middle of your torso, revealing everything from your heaving chest to your belly button. Your body ignites with heat when you notice how his crimson eyes drink you in. A soft growl vibrates from his chest. 
“Miguel, this is the only suit I have.” 
“My bad.” Zero remorse in his voice. Asshole. 
He abruptly grabs both of your wrists and pulls them behind you with one hand causing you to arch your back, inevitably giving him a better look. “God, you’re sexy.” His other hand slowly molds over your waist and smooths it upwards to grasp your tit with a playful squeeze. Using his gloved thumb, he teases the soft peak of your nipple, flicking it once just to hear you gasp. He does it once more, grinning (with his fangs cutely poking out) when you react the same way.
“Miguel…” You whine out, pouting at his teasing. 
He idly drags his claws down your stomach, enjoying the way your breath hitches when he gets closer to your center. “You always go without a bra under there?”
“It’s a tight suit.”
“It is…” His hand trails down to your inner thigh and you shift slightly, leaning back so he can touch exactly where you need him. He gets the hint and gently cups you over your damp suit. “And here…?”
Your bottom lip tucks into your mouth as you look up at him, nodding softly. “And there.” 
You’re suddenly being carried by Miguel, weight supported by his strong arms. You have to quickly wrap your arms around his neck to keep yourself from falling backward. He hurriedly takes you over to his desk and sets you down at the edge of the waist-level table. 
He is so tall that you struggle a bit to keep your hold around his neck so you settle your hands back on his chest. You push at his firm figure and sit back to fully take him in. “And how about you?”
“Do you wear anything under that unbearably tight suit?”
“I do, actually. Wanna see?” 
You’ve heard the rumors of Miguel’s nano-suit, but you’re still perplexed when he grabs his interdimensional watch from the desk next to you. He clicks a couple of holographic buttons and you watch in awe as his suit seems to dissolve off of him, one particle at a time, like it never existed in the first place. The fading red and navy reveal his perfectly muscled body, somehow making him look even bigger in front of you. 
He did, in fact, have some briefs on under the suit, but it’s what’s under it that catches your attention. Your thighs clench together as you watch him set down the timepiece, his arm unintentionally flexing under the dim lighting.
Miguel returns to you and you spread your legs slightly so he can stand directly in front of you. You slowly reach out to him, palm to the skin, and soak in the natural heat of his body. You can feel his heart beating under his chest, slow and steady. 
“You’re hot.” 
He has that teasing grin back on his face, “Am I?”
“I mean…warm.”
He shrugs, “Us Spiders run hot.”
Miguel moves your hand off of him and sets it on the table before pushing his body closer to you, making your legs push out further. He leans in so close that you have to slowly tilt your body back with him. “Bet you’re warmer.”
 He shifts your body further onto the table and then starts working on the rest of your suit. It tears easily from your body, scraps falling to the floor until you’re fully bare in front of him. You pant as you watch him and feel your center pulse in reaction to his rough handling. “There we are.” His voice is soothing, but his eyes flash dangerously. You arch your back slightly as his claws scrape lightly over your stomach to your most sensitive area. You don’t even have to look down to know you’re dripping, you can feel it all over your inner thighs. 
His fingers glide over your glistening lips, spreading your eager wetness leisurely. His claws are gone. You watch his face as he stares at his actions, his hungry eyes dark with lust. You both groan when one finger dips in, pushing gently against your entrance. You’re practically gushing around him as he starts to move, wet sounds accompanying each thrust. A string of slick follow his hand as he pulls away and it drips carelessly on your flushed thigh. With hooded eyes, Miguel holds up his dripping finger, “Open.” You suck on him enthusiastically, holding his gaze as it’s slipped into your mouth. “Fuck.”
His briefs are shoved down his muscular thighs before you can look down and you’re shoved roughly onto your back. You feel his claws dig into your thighs as he spreads you out for him, pushing them back until they're next to your waist. His warm hardness slides against your weeping pussy, covering him in slick as he prepares himself. 
Your breath hitches as his cock pushes inside of you, nearly stretching you to your limit. You try your best to take deep breaths, but it’s hard when you can literally feel each inch sinking into your body. A throaty groan rumbles in his chest as he feels you involuntarily clench around him, invariably sucking him in further. His eyes are almost glowing with how bright red they are. “Relax for me baby, I’m almost in.” 
Your thighs tremble under his hands as he continues to plunge in deeper, unable to keep up with all the stimulants surrounding you. The feeling of him dragging against your walls is exquisite and you can barely hold yourself back from cumming right there. 
Then he starts moving. 
His hips drag back, pulling almost all the way out before he buries himself back inside of you. Your head tilts back with pleasure and your eyes squeeze shut, you can’t even tell what you’re holding on to. He keeps this slow pace, body nearly engulfing you as he hovers above. A moan follows each thrust as he fucks you into his desk.  
When your eyes are finally able to flutter back open, you meet his stare. You quickly attempt to hide your face with your arm, too embarrassed to hold eye contact with him while he’s using your body like this. He doesn’t like that. 
Your wrists are forced above you and then expertly webbed together to hold them there. His red webs pulse hot around your wrists. Unlike the traditional webs that tend to feel like cool lace, his are warm, like fingers wrapping tightly around your wrists, almost thrumming with soft heat in a way that makes them feel alive. 
You yelp when his hand tugs sharply at the hair at the nape of your neck, forcing your gaze as he moves over you. “Look at me, baby.” You listen. He begins to aim his thrusts upwards into you, nudging against that special spot inside of you. And as hard as you try to keep looking at him, your eyes inevitably roll back as he hits it so precisely. You faintly see stars. 
You cry out as heat blooms your center and your thighs close around his hips, tightening as a spark swarms in your lower belly. “That’s it, baby,” He speeds up, feeling you start to clench around him, “let go.” 
Your vision blurs when your climax blasts through your body. Hot tears spill from the intensity of the feeling, creating hot trails of wetness over your cheeks. “Such a pretty little thing." He wipes them away lovingly. Your body jerks with pleasure and Miguel has to hold your waist down as your back starts to arch off the desk. 
He doesn’t stop. If anything, he starts fucking you harder, letting his body weight hold you in place as he chases his own high. You whine against his neck, skin sticky with sweat, as he roughly ruts into you. “Be mine, baby, and I’ll take care of you forever.” His claws dig into your web-pasted wrists as he works himself into you, post-orgasm slick smothered carelessly over the both of you. “I promise.” He whispers breathlessly next to your ear.
“Please.” The word is nearly stuck in your throat as he continues to take everything your body is willing to give him. He’s basically grinding his cock into you now, wanting you as close as possible for these last moments. You barely hear it but he whimpers against your shoulder as he starts to draw closer to his climax, desperately rutting his hips against you. 
With a choked-out groan, his movements grow sloppy and he thrusts deep inside of you a few more times. You feel the warmth of him as he spills inside of you, filling you up to the brim. He’s panting above you, body weight nearly smothering yours. You love it. 
He slowly pulls out once he’s calmed down, eyes locked onto your leaking center that’s full of a mixture of you and him. His fingers lovingly spread his cum over your pussy and you flinch as he slides against your sensitive clit. You give him a look of disapproval which he ignores as he pushes his mess back inside of you. 
“Will you let me out of these now?” You pull at the webs, still holding your arms above you.
“Hm…I think I’ll keep you there for a little bit longer.”
His office is like a bat cave when you’re barely dressed. There’s a slight breeze in the office (you have no clue where it’s coming from) that’s making it particularly drafty. You force Miguel to huddle over you like some oversized puffer jacket as it was his fault the only clothes you came with are lying on the floor in scraps.
“How am I supposed to leave when my suit is in tatters?”
His arms hold you tighter, “You aren’t. You’re staying with me.” 
“Miguel, people are probably looking for us by now.”
“I don’t care.”
“Alright, fine. You can borrow one of my nano-suits, but we’re going to my place.” 
“Dude, you’re like 6’3”, how am I supposed to fit into one of those?”
He tsks, “Really? You’re calling me ‘dude’ after all of this?” He grabs his watch again, scrolling through some settings. “It’s nano-tech, sweetheart, it fits what I want it to fit.” He dials the size down, letting you watch as the hologram shrinks to display your general size. “And I’m 6’7.” 
taglist: @deputy-videogamer @syd-vixious @bachirasbasics @danaeaurelia @reuxxi @halparkebitch @kittekat420
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eatyourmaker · 3 months
An au where ignacio becomes Pump's stern but protective mentor after he found out that he's an arsonist like him
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Ok so.
I actually got an ask before from a friend, where Pump and Ignacio got along (I never got to it tho. I'll try to get to it soon.)
But ever since then I just think this is. So perfect.
It made me so happy that. After a day of feeling "bleh", I spent all my time drawing these and now I'm tired JDKEJDJD
I'll get to the rest of the requests tmmr hopefully.
But this made me so happy. Fr. Might have to draw more of them.
Thanks anon.
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sy3ra · 2 years
tokyo rev series; when it's your birthday
episode II
sano manjiro
•forgets your birthday, literally.
•only remembers when ken-chin greets you
•tells you he knew it was your birthday and he was only testing you (this dude)
•plans a surprise date for you.
•he gifts you different dorayaki flavors to try.
•long rides around tokyo on his CB250T.
•once you two come back, the whole toman surprises you with a party. Meaning they accept you as a member of the gang (AWWWW)
"happy birthday [name]-chin! you're so old now, I should call you grandma *laughs*"
matsuno chifuyu
•never forgets your birthday.
•plans everything so you can have fun and you can relax on you special day.
•buys you your favorite food and a cat plushie.
•you absolutely love the plushie and hugged it almost all the time.
• poor fuyu got jealous and threw away your plushie.
•he made you hug him instead, you almost exploded from the cuteness overload.
•you two spent the day in each other's presence and with peke j.
"happy birthday [name], I made this day even more special just for you. Also forget about that plushie you have me anyways :<"
haitani rindou
•never forgets your birthday (2)
•this dude is the 2nd best boyfriend according to the character book.
•takes you away from anyone so you can sit tight and relax.
•gifts you a customized teddy bear that looks a bit like him.
•also gifts you your favorite flowers.
•becomes the small spoon just for this day, you two watch the sunset together in each other's arms (CUTEEEE)
"happy birthday [name], I'm glad you were born."
haitani ran
•absolutely pampers you to the core.
•takes you out on a fancy dinner.
•does the chores so you won't get tired and so you won't have to do anything for today.
•he puts on a vinyl record and you two slow dance together in the living room.
•gifts you the things you've always wanted but could never get.
•spends the rest of the night playing video games.
"congratulations on surviving another year with me [name] 'laughs* just kidding, happy birthday darling"
baji keisuke
•forgets your birthday (2)
•chifuyu reminds him about it and oh shit he panics.
•he doesn't know what to do, he isn't a romantic type of boyfriend but he tries his very best.
•chifuyu helps him with it.
•he ends up giving you a [color of choice] kitten which you absolutely loved.
•tries and tries to make you very happy today. He loves hearing your laugh.
•you, chifuyu and him celebrated your birthday with a mini party at baji's apartment.
•takes you out on a ride so you can spend some alone time together.
"happy birthday [name],i'll let you keep the cat just don't replace me with him"
kokonoi hajime
•spoils you to the core
•let's you buy anything you want.
•he doesn't actually know what he's doing, he just asked inupi.
•makes a box filled with places you've never visited and lets you pick out where to go.
•he doesn't care how expensive it is, he just wants you to be happy today.
•expensive and fancy dinner just for you.
•gifts you a big bouquet filled with your favorite flowers.
•he loves seeing you happy.
"happy birthday,love. You don't look older but you definitely don't look younger either way *bleh*"
kurokawa izana
•this man is a cold person but he tries to be a good boyfriend to you. I think.
•he gifts you handmade stuff, even though it doesn't look that presentable you love them anyways.
•gifts you your favorite book and..one of his hoodies.
•tries to make you happy but he doesn't think he makes you happy enough (AWW BABY)
•you say he makes you the happiest person in the world and that reasures him.
•he cooks dinner for you, you were honestly surprised he could cook.
•you spend the day with him at home watching movies.
"happy birthday [name], did I make you the happiest person today?"
sano shinichiro
•forgets your birthday (3)
•he's a busy man but for today he won't work for you.
•buys you flowers and baked goods
•movie marathon!! he's scared shitless at the movie and you were just there laughing because the mighty shinichiro is scared.
•recreates your first date, so you two can reminisce the day you first started dating.
•mikey and emma builds a fort so you all can camp out in the living room and tell scary stories to each other.
•shin was scared of your stories and his siblings were laughing so hard.
•cuddles with you all night after.
"Happiest birthday [name], wherever the year takes us, I hope we'll be happy"
...next episode: (still thinking)
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satoruphilia · 9 months
Just Wanna Get High With My Lover (Gojo Satoru x Reader)
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tags: mdni, nsfw, weed obviously, smut, slight dubcon (they are high), y/n is a stoner, afab reader, gojo is so cute omg, gojo is emotional, high sex, slight hurt/comfort near end, petnames, established relationship, not proofread
A/N: I haven't wrote in forever omg 1.8k words
Listen to Moonlight - Kali Uchis trust me bae
You let out a loud huff as you face planted onto your bed. You spread your arms out, finally getting a break after your long day. First you were sent on a mission with your boyfriend, Satoru Gojo, to catch a seemingly easy grade 3 curse, then it turns out there were like 5 more no one knew about. Gojo of course made missions impossibly more annoying by always trying to show off. Sometimes he acted like he was still in middle school trying to impress his crush. After that tiring mission, Gojo wouldnt stop nagging you about this new desert place 30 minutes away. "Baby...they literally have everything sweet in the world. We have to try it, just this once!" What do you do to make a pleading child shut up? You give them what they wanted. That was one of your weaknesses, you couldn't deny Gojo's pretty eyes, and he knew it. After spending almost 2 hours getting sweets, you were finally home.
"This is my bed too, be considerate to your roomies!" You rolled your eyes. "It used to be my bed until someone forced themselves into my dorm." You sat up, opening a drawer next to your bed and pulling out a familiar jar. Now it was his turn to sprawl out on the bed, you scooted to the edge of the bed so he couldnt knock anything over. He watched as you set down your grinder as well, preparing to make the evenings blunt. "Now youre gonna kill me with the fumes, hmph!" He was so overdramatic, you just needed to chill. The first time he complained about you smoking around him, you actually did almost put it out. Geto laughed and told you to ignore him. He and Shoko smoked all the time. Shoko was more cigerettes, whereas Geto was 50/50. You preferred your blunts, and the closest thing to Gojo smoking was him breathing out in the cold winter. You licked the paper before preparing your herbs on it, then rolling. Gojo watched closely, he did every time.
"I don't understand why you're always smoking," You picked your lighter out of your pocket and light the blunt. "I don't always smoke. Plus, it calms me down." Being a student sorcerer was stressful, and dating Gojo was even more stressful. Sativa was the one thing keeping you from going insane sometimes. He watched as you took a hit, like a child seeing a exotic animal for the first time.
"Let me see it," You snorted, then you realized he was serious. "Knock yourself out Satoru..." You handed him the blunt. "How do I do it?"
"Satoru, why do you want to smoke? I thought you were 'too healthy' for that?"
"I want to brag to Suguru, about how I can also smoke 420" That sent you lying on your back on the bed, laughing your ass off. "What?!" He seemed offended.
"There ain't no way you just said that corny shit." You were already laughing like you were 5 blunts in, of course Gojo would say something cringe like that. "Satoru, baby" You looked at him with a straight face before another laughing fit.
"What? Is that not cool to say?"
"Thats just-thats not how thats used babe," You still giggled, sitting back up and seeing he was still holding the blunt with confusion. "Okay, first of all, dont be smoking cause you think you'll be coo-"
"Oh my god, chill out mom, I'm an adult!" You rolled your eyes.
"Whatever, give me." You took it into your fingers and put it to your lips, gently sucking in and letting it sit before breathing out. "Like that," He took it and tried to imitate what you did. After 3 seconds of inhaling, he started coughing. You tried not to laugh, making sure he was okay. He stuck his tongue out. "Bleh! That tastes nasty."
"You wanted to try it." He attempted again, this time getting about 4 or 5 seconds of inhale. He coughed less this time. You two took turns before he laid down with a low moan. "I feel like I'm flying." You were a bit faded too, but his eyes were getting pretty red under his sunglasses. You laughed at his state, never expecting to see the greatest sorcerer like this. He stared at the ceiling while you turned on Jhene Aiko. "Fuck... y/n, i feel so good." He almost moaned. You couldnt deny, you blushed at that. You also couldnt believe how dramatic he was sometimes. He sat up. "And hungry."
"Someone has the munchies," You sang along. He grabbed the bag from the sweet shop earlier and stared eating. One thing you never understood about him was how he could eat any sweets he wanted and still have the most handsome abs in the universe. He always had muscles ever since you known him. And he has never gone a day without a million sweets. Made absolutely zero sense. "You know Shaggy was a stoner." You mumbled, taking another hit and sitting next to him, huddling closer.
"From Scooby Doo?"
"No, from Dora, stupid." He laughed. Normally he wouldve had something witty to say back, but he just laughed like you were Pete Davidson.
"It was so obvious he was smoking, do you remember Mary Jane?"
"Hell yeah, she was 12 year old me's idol."
"Huh, i thought it wouldve been Daphne" He took a hit, starting to get the hang of it. He still coughed almost every time.
"Dunno, she was hot." You shook your head, not even wanting to argue or reason. You watched as he switched from donut to blunt, almost confusing the two time to time. He handed you the blunt and you gradually brought it to your lips, feeling the vibe. "Zoinks! Mary Jane's like my favorite name!" You spit out any smoke you inhaled, coughing whilst bursting out laughing. Not only did he say that out of no where, he did a perfect Shaggy impression, causing you both to throw a laughing fit.
"What the hell is wrong with you Satoru?" You said between coughs before laughing again. Eventually, you both calmed down, staring at each other. You were reminded of what you were daydreaming of earlier, how the hell he kept his muscles. How were they so fine. He read the lustful look in your eyes, then pulled you in for a kiss. The blunt was forgotten on the floor, he climbed on top of you, pinning you down while your hands explored his neck and hair. His hair was so soft. His pace was much quicker than the previous times, his kisses moving down your jaw, then your neck. He hands rushed under your baggy t shirt. "W-wait, Satoru" He looked at you. "You're high...are you-"
"I heard being high during sex feels ten times better."
"But you're not-"
"Y/n, Thats the reason I wanted to get high with you. So Yeah, sober me consents and high me consents. Do you consent?"
"Of course," He went back to kissing down your body. "Plus, you're so gorgeous like this." You scoffed.
"Am I not as gorgeous when youre sober?"
"Eh..." You smacked him on the head gently, making him laugh. He came back up to kiss your lips while smiling. He looked at you, taking off his sunglasses. His shining blue eyes contrasted his reddened sclera. "So fucking beautiful," He mumbled. He couldnt stop kissing you, couldn't get enough. Soon your shirt was gone, then his. Next was your bra. It drove you crazy how he could undo your bra with two fingers in literal seconds. Especially when it took you forever. He played with your tits, praising them before kissing further down your stomach. You giggled, his breath tickling you. Everything was much more sensitive. His hands were in your pants before you knew it. He worked his fingers around your clit, then sliding them down further. He watched as your breath quickened the faster he thrusted his fingers into you. He curls them and you were seeing stars.
"Feel good baby?" You nodded. After three songs by Jhene Aiko in a row, Kali Uchis came on. 'Moonlight' Spotify read.
"Cmon Satoru..." You whined out, making him smirk. His sweatpants were pulled down, and he positioned himself infront of your legs. He wouldn't miss out of teasing you, but it didn't take long for him to be thrusting deep inside you. Both of your moans were much louder than usual. You could already see the noise complaints coming in. He had fucked you high before, considering you were high a lot. But you were never this high, and the high sex was never so sensual. He always held back a little when you've smoked a blunt or joint because he wanted to be the reason youre sensitive out your mind. But now you both were feeling so good. You felt something drip onto your cheek, then your forehead. You looked up in confusion, realizing he was crying. "Toru?" He stared at you, mesmerized. You put your hands on his shoulders in attempt to slow his movements. "Toru, whats wrong?"
"Im so fucking in love with you..." He mumbled, putting his head into your shoulder. You moaned into his ear with each thrust. "You dont even understand...I refall inlove with you every fucking day..." You smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Fuck...Love you so much toru," He cried and moaned into your neck, his face was red. He mumbled sweet words into your ears, professing his love over and over. He came inside you with a loud cry, you followed. "Fuck!" His voice cracked, taking deep breaths.
You two laid there trying to catch your breath, he was still holding onto you tight. As if he let go, you'd disappear. The moment was so intimate, there was basically red leds and roses everywhere. It reminded you of the day you realized you were in love with him. It was on a mission sophomore year, you two were paired up to find a grade 1 curse. When you thought you had got rid of it, it came right at you. Gojo had pushed you out of the way, and fought the curse. There was a moment, and total of 20 seconds where you believed he was dead. In those 20 seconds, a million thoughts and emotions overwhelmed you. Guilt, worry, sadness, anger. But he got up like nothing had happened and laughed at your face. You rolled your eyes, but that night your feelings were abundantly clear. Your worst thought during those 20 seconds was "I never got to tell you how much I loved you". You never thought you would use that word in the same sentence as Gojo, but you did, and you meant it. Maybe in another life, he had actually died. Maybe in this life, you were given another chance. So you made sure you didnt waste that opportunity.
"I love you y/n" He wiped his tears, kissing your cheek over and over. "Youre my everything." You smiled at him, catching him in a kiss.
"Zaza got you emotional, huh?"
"I'm seriously your shaggy, you're my Mary Jane" You snorted at that.
"You don't smoke enough for me, plus im not as hippie as her." You said sarcastically, laying on your side when he pulled out. "Anything else?"
"Morticia and Gomez Adams. Cause I'd kill for you." You giggled, rolling your eyes. "Are you calling me emo?"
"Jeez y/n, just accept my love!" He whined.
"Love you too, 'toru"
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base0h · 2 years
Please only do if you want to, but I loved the imitating your SO a bit too much and I’m a shit stirrer. What would the other guys from One Piece do if you were imitating them? 👀
a/n - dw I’m gonna cause as much trouble as I can for you lmao- and I’m assuming ace is a good choice because of your pfp 👀 tysm for requesting! (I’m so sorry if I didn’t end up writing the character you wanted originally 😭)
Warnings ⚠️ - not proofread, g/n reader
Mocking Ace + Corazon + Luffy
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- this boy is a really sweet guy! All he wants is for you to be safe and sound :)
- being the s/o of fire fist ace was pretty cool other than the fact that whenever you cuddled with him- you’d get pretty hot quickly lmao
- he gets sad whenever you have to take a break from cuddling him and turn the ac on in the summer 🥺
- “y/n come back-“
- “ace you’re really warm.. I’ll be back in five minutes ok?”
- “🥺 I need cuddles though.”
- you had to slightly laugh at your boyfriend’s cute little sad face he made
- “I need cuddles tho-“ you said, trying to make the same puppy dog eyes he was making
- I think you made him cry.
- … I’m not in a shit stirring mood anymore bec these characters are rlly sweet and soft 😭
- you even imitated his voice just to poke fun and tease his little needy self
- You didn’t expect to make him feel bad and sulk while hugging a pillow- !
- he turned away from you and silently just- (broke down) inside while cuddling a cold pillow which he thought was a poor replacement of your cuddles
- the poor boy was so hurt by your actions, and you didn’t even mean for it to be that way 😭
- you had to apologize and give him plenty of hugs and kisses to get this golden retriever energy boy back on his feet lol
- “Ace it was a joke- I’m sorry! I love your cuddles-“ You tried to say, wrapping your arms around the man, cupping his cheeks in your hands
- “… I don’t make that face.” He mentioned softly, burying his head in your chest like a little baby needing attention
- “Pft- you do through.”
- “do not.”
- “do too.”
- “… do not.”
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- this man is the definition of a gentle giant :)
- 9’7 (ty @ewfilthymundane for telling me cuz I thought this man was 6’0 for the longest time-) and all he needs is you 🥺
- The problem with being so large is that sometimes he can suffocate you when he lays on top of you while hugging your torso
- So maybe it’s better for you to lay on top of him instead of the other way lmao
- but you still let him cuddle you because his cuddles are the best ✨
- he sometimes works for days on end, so when he returns, he literally just- collapses into you like a pile of mush 😭
- you’re on the sofa, and he just- bleh
- “Rosi, welcome home..” you said, kissing his forehead, ruffling his fluffy blonde hair
- man was kinda drowsy- so he looked a bit hazey
- “Mmm.. thank you baby..” His arms subconsciously just wrapped around you, his legs curling up underneath yours
- he was snuggling closer to you as you were just watching some tv, but you decided to poke some fun (bec yes. Shit stirring mood)
- you grabbed his old beanie, putting it on your head and quickly trying to put on the lipstick without your sleepy boyfriend noticing
- (this is at a time when he’s a marine now :)
- “What are you doing y/n?..” He asked drowsily, slightly opening his eyes to check what all the commotion was about
- His eyes immediately widened when he saw your whole new look
- “Silent.” You said, snapping your fingers like he would always do
- man was shook
- but also extremely confused because when he’s tired like this, his brain isn’t functioning lmao
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- “wh- why are you wearing my beanie…?”
- “You don’t like it??”
- “No-! It looks good on you- but why are you- wait. WAS THAT ME YOU WERE IMPERSONATING?!”
- … Cora 💀
- “YES YOU-“
- cut him some slack lmao he sets his shoulder on fire everyday
- man was shook x10
- omg he was actually kind of scared, and embarrassed 😭
- “Y/n- please don’t impersonate me..”
- “Why?? You’re so cute!”
- You pinched his cheeks together, and it made him feel a bit better that you thought of him that way :)
- I mean he still didn’t enjoy being impersonated but- you ended up giving him kisses later with his lipstick on lmao
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- you dare to try and impersonate the absolute KING of impressions?!
- nah nah nah hold up
- “GOMU GOMU NOOOOOO!” You shouted, throwing your fists forward in front of Nami and Chopper
- “HAHA! You sound just like him!” Nami cackled, struggling to breathe
- it was like Luffy SMELLED the mocking going on like- he was there in front of you guys within seconds
- “Y/n. Was that me??”
- “Yes Luffy, who else says that.”
- “You’re the one who’s always telling me not to jump into the ocean! dOn’T jUmP inTo tHe oCeAn! YoU aTe a dEvIl fRuIt aNd CaN’T sWim-!” He said, trying to imitate your voice and movements
- you were offended
- “… Nami- will they stop?”
- “Once Sanji makes dinner they’ll settle down.”
- “OI! Dinner!” -Sanji
- “… I’ll race you!” -Luffy speeds to the kitchen like a madman
- god he was a handful. But you love him 😭
- “see? all Luffy needs is food.” -Nami
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a/n - hehe these were funny 😭
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Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
This is a bit of childhood friends to lovers, lots of pining and just Kuroo being a dork and Kenma, a sneaky little shit. Includes some fluff and initial hurt to comfort. 
You freeze, teetering between steps when Tetsu—Kuroo accosts you at your door. You are tired, a bone deep exhaustion clinging to your bones, a little aching and caught off guard by his presence. He sniffles, nose pink from the biting cold or from his tears, the quiet ones that he’s crying.
You withhold a sigh, a scream for help because it is Kuroo, the boy who put band aids on your knees and held your hand through the first day of school, because snow clings to his hair, a snowstorm incoming and he is here, at your doorstep with tear tracks on his cheeks and fury in his eyes, earbuds dangling uselessly from the ipod, where you are sure, he was listening to the playlist you made for him, holding up a letter in your writing, long since opened. 
Shit, you thought you’d be gone by then.
You poured so much of yourself onto those pages, long muffled secrets and wistful sighs, long harbored feelings, a final concession before trying to forget, leaving for good.
“Hi love,” he says and you are ten again, a bit broken and battered, moving halfway across the world with your grandparents, an outstretched hand of a boy your age, both of you crying as he chased your bullies away, lips wobbling as he tries so hard to be brave.
“Kuroo?” you clear your throat, suppressing an urge to flee, mouth twisting to a sad shape.
 “Does this mean what I think it means?” he asks, pleads really.
You are seventeen again, listening to Kuroo laugh, a wonky little thing, a bit like a dying goat but you would bottle it up if you could, but then your eyes land on the girl on Kuroo’s arm and something in your chest aches.
“What do you think it means?” you ask instead, a watery laugh bubbling from your throat. 
He smiles, a tiny little thing, reminded of nights like these, when neither of you could sleep, questions were answered with more questions, sneaking into each other’s bedrooms, the pebbles thrown at windows, the chemistry study sessions, the lazy cuddle nights with Kenma, the midnight train rides and the warmth of terrible decisions.
He is fifteen again, realizing that his best friend had gotten pretty. Sixteen, realizing that he wanted to kiss the said best friend, wanting to throw himself off the tallest building he could find. It was as if he’d never had a crush before, Kenma snickering under his breath about how he was so very fucked.
“It’s not my job to say it chibi,” he says and he is twenty two again, eyes looking for you at the party.
“Kuroo!” your yell pierces the air, hands perched on your hips in the most accusatory kind of way as you stare Kuroo down.
“I’ve just been busy chibi, organizer of the party and all that”
“You haven’t looked at me, Kuroo”
Oh, but he has, and you look so beautiful, black gown that hugged all your curves and revealed unknown stretches of skin and he wanted nothing more than to sink his teeth into it. You looked like his, but on Iwaizumi’s arm and fuck it all if he didn’t feel like his heart was a desiccated, dying thing performing the actions of something living.
(Met abroad, studied at the same university, blah blah, bleh. Anyone who tells you he’s been giving Iwaizumi the stink eye throughout the party is nothing but a filthy liar) 
“Do you want to dance chibi?” he asks, one tiny want seeping out from the aching places inside his chest.
Your head tilts a fraction, eyes teetering between cautious hope and blinding joy. You let yourself take his hand and learn, for the span of a single evening, what holding Kuroo Tetsurou in your arms felt like.
You wilt, what option did you have but honesty?
 “I-I-I,” new tears spring from your eyes at your inability to articulate even the barest of words but you plough through. “I love you— I-I d-don’t know since when, o-or for h-how l-l-long. I’ve done a piss poor job of n-not falling for my best friend b-but it’s always been you, me and you, you and me. W-We have always been an ‘us.’ S-Sorry” the confession slips out of your mouth before you can yank it back and shove it down your throat.
“I am so fucking furious, chibi”
He’s breathing heavily, emotion pouring out from him and your throat feels like it might swell shut.
“I’m so sorry but please don’t cry.” You hear the strain in your voice, self control rapidly dwindling as you barely resist the incessant throb behind your ribs, to just reach out and hold him close, wrap him in a blanket burrito, get him some hot chocolate and beat up anyone who dared to make him cry.
“I’d stop if I could,” he snaps, wiping another stray tear, furious at himself for crying.
“You mean to tell me,” he takes in a measured breath, like a man on the verge of starvation, fighting every impulse to reach for a feast in front of him.
“You mean to tell me that all this time the two of us wasted on pining away after each another, we could’ve been making out?” he shouts.
You bluescreen, a blink and a breath.
Once your brain processes the words, you release the deluge, laughter spilling over as your resistance buckles, pulling his bottom lip between your teeth after so many years of fantasizing the same.
When Kenma takes all the money from the bet your friends seem to have made, Kuroo calling him scheming filthy liar, you laugh coasting over Kuroo’s outraged noises about how could Kenma bet against him, how he’d known you would confess first… Kenma winking at you, mouthing fucking finally, as happiness tints your vision golden.
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m-jelly · 1 year
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Sheriff in training
Pairing: Sheriff Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Dad Levi, married, sheriff Levi, baby girl, fluff, romance, being a family.
Concept: Levi begged you one morning to let him take his daughter to work because he only had paperwork to do. You agree and let him take Lilly with him. Levi has a fun-filled day with his baby girl at work.
Taglist: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @youre-ackermine @nyxiieluna @notgoodforlife @galactict3a @2moth-anon2 @thebobaprincess @li-anne @nbinairyn @demonsimp5
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You stared at your husband in his sheriff uniform holding Lilly in a cute little dress in his arms. You let out a long sigh. "Levi."
Levi squeezed his daughter and gave you puppy dog eyes. "Please? I only have paperwork to do today. She'll be safe."
You folded your arms. "You already have some of her baby things at work don't you?"
Levi blushed a little. "Yes."
You sighed when you knew you couldn't argue with your handsome husband looking so cute with his baby girl. "Okay. Okay. You can take Lilly to work. I guess I could do something with my day..."
Levi leaned over and gave you multiple kisses on your cheek making you giggle. "You're the best! I love you so much!"
You kissed Levi. "Love you too." You put Lilly's hat on. "I know I don't need to tell you to be careful of things and give you the list of things to do, so all I'll say is have fun and call me at lunch."
"Promise! I love you!"
"Love you both." You kissed Lilly's cheek. "Have fun with daddy."
Lilly smiled. "Aboo!"
"Good girl."
Levi gave you one last kiss before running to the squad car parked in the drive. He strapped his little girl in her seat and gave her the cuddly bunny she loved so much. He drove nice and slow through the small town as he sang a little song for Lilly. He smiled at her as she squealed in delight and clapped along to her daddy singing.
When Levi arrived at the station he carried his daughter along and stopped for his friends now and then so they could say hello. He finally made it to his office allowing him to have his daughter all to himself. He sat her on his lap as he logged into his computer and let her play with a ring toy.
Lilly put her toy in her mouth and hummed as she watched her dad's finger move on the keyboard. She tapped the toy on the table before letting it go and slapping her hands on the desk. She wiggled a little on her daddy's lap before looking up at him and smiling in delight.
Levi looked down at his daughter and kissed her forehead. "You're having a lot of fun, huh?"
Lilly wiggled a little. "Mm." She looked over at the picture on Levi's desk of you. "Ah!"
Levi grabbed the picture and pulled it close. "It's mummy." He let out a long sigh. "She's so beautiful. I love your mummy so much." He pouted a bit. "I miss her. I wish she was here, but then again if I had you both here I wouldn't get any work done."
Lilly gazed at her daddy for a bit. "Bleh." White sick spilled out her mouth over her chin, chest and Levi's lap.
Levi flinched. "Oh! Oh, dear." He stood up as he chuckled. "Let's clean you up." He saw Lilly scrunch her face up a little and whine. "It's okay, my little princess, it's just a bit of milkies you've sicked up." He lay her on her back and cleaned her up and changed her into a new summer dress. "There we go, all better. See?"
Lilly lifted her foot up and put her toes in her mouth. "Mm."
Levi kissed her forehead. "Cute." He changed his trousers quickly before checking on hid daughter. "You okay?"
Lilly wiggled a little. "Mm."
"I'll take that as a yes." He stared at her as she tooted. "My goodness, that sounded like a man. You must be drinking super milk, huh?" He scooped her up and bounced her. "It's impressive."
Lilly whined a little and tugged at Levi's shirt. "Ma, ma, ma, eeeh."
Levi hummed a laugh. "Tired? Alright, you can have a nap." He organised a sleeping space for her and lay her down. "There you go."
Lilly lay on her back for a bit and wiggled. She was tired and not happy. She kicked her legs and whined a bit. Her whines soon turned to cries, which was something she didn't do often. Lilly needed hugs.
Levi hurried over to her from his desk. "It's okay, my little flower." He picked her up and held her making her calm. "You want skin on skin, huh? I'm the same. I love cuddles with your mummy when I sleep." He sat down at his desk and held Lilly. "Sleep, little one."
Lilly wiggled a little on Levi's chest. She hummed and whimpered a little before tuning into the beating of her father's heart. Lilly's eyes became heavy. She clung to his shirt as she drifted off and fell asleep against her daddy's strong chest.
Levi sighed as he typed on his computer with one hand. He smiled when he noticed the time. He picked up this phone and video call you. "Hello love, you look divine."
You hummed a laugh. "Thank you, handsome. How is your take your daughter to work day going?"
Levi moved his phone. "You're looking at the next sheriff. She's taking a nap right now though."
You giggled as you looked at Lilly sleeping. "She's so precious. Has she been okay?"
"She was a bit sick. It was only milk, but other than that she's been a dream. Thank you for letting me bring her."
You smiled softly. "That's okay. I actually caught up on sleep and some work. I do miss her a lot though."
Levi hummed a laugh. "You are incredible, you know? You're an amazing mother and wife."
You felt your cheeks heat up. "Bless you. You're the best father and husband ever. I love you so much and I love Lilly."
"We both love you with everything we have."
You blew Levi loads of kisses. "I should let you get back to work. I love you so much. Have fun."
Levi blew you kisses back. "Love you always!"
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elusive-writer · 1 year
Noumênia // Chapter 1
⋘ 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 + 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ⋙
⋘ 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 ⋙ ⋘ 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 ⋙ (𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯)
Word Count : 9k
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England 1881, age 12
Standing at the sink, you wash the plates that had been used for that morning’s breakfast.
Your father sat at the new table he had just bought. It was a lot nicer than your previous one, and big enough so you weren’t constantly hitting each other’s feet. He said he got it at a discount. He’s currently reading the latest paper, with a cup of coffee that sits on the table. You examine his face.
“You look tired.”
He turns his attention away from the article to look at you. He grins reassuringly.
“I’m fine, just haven’t had my coffee yet.”
Picking up the cup, he brings it to his mouth before taking a big gulp. He has a sour expression when he lowers the mug.
“Bleh! What a rip-off. I shoulda know that guy was dodgy.”
Although he says he’s fine, you can see how exhausted he is. If working all night at the pub wasn’t enough, he had somehow managed to get his hands on blacksmithing equipment so he’s been taking commissions during the day as well. You finish rinsing off the dishes, drying your hands on a rag.
“Why don’t you quit your bartending job? The money you get from your orders would be enough to support us.”
“It’s not that simple kiddo.”
You sit at the opposite end of the table.
“Why not? You’ve been getting good with the anvil and your customers like you. I’m sure that they wouldn’t even mind if you raised your prices a bit.”
“It wouldn’t be enough to send you to school.”
You pause, a little surprised. Your father never had enough money to enrol you in an institution, so he made do with teaching you himself. Bringing home books left behind at the pub and reading them with you. Fortunately, you managed to pick up some stuff. But you never imagined going to an actual school would be possible for you.
Covering your shocked expression, you give him an offended look paired with an over-the-top snobby voice.
“Are you sir, implying that I am stupid? Why, I am simply appalled!”
He chuckles at your amazing display.
“No, that’s exactly why I want to send you to school. There’s nothing left for you to learn here. Besides, it’d be a good opportunity to make some new friends.”
Putting emphasis on ‘friends’ in hopes of enticing you. You pout at this.
“I have Erina…”
He smiles apologetically at you.
“I know you do kiddo. All I’m saying is I want you to have options.”
Staying silent for a moment, your eyes drift to the article that now lay on the table.
“I could always get a job selling newspapers…”
You suddenly feel a stinging sensation on your forehead.
Looking up and rubbing the now sore spot, you realise your father had just flicked you.
“Enough worrying about that, that’s my job. Your job is to be a kid.”
He looks out the window.
“Didn’t you say you were hanging out with Erina today?”
You’re immediately reminded and your face lights up.
“Oh yeah! She said she wanted to show me something, she was pretty excited.”
“Well then you should probably get to it.”
He gives you a lopsided grin.
“Ya know, that whole being a kid thing.”
Beaming at him, you get up from your seat and round the table to hug him.
“Thanks dad.”
He returns the hug.
“No problem kiddo.”
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Departing from the house, you make your way to meet with Erina. The two of you had made the ruins near the Joestar manor your go-to hangout spot. So there was no doubt she would be there. And just as you thought, she was there. What surprised you were the two other people that were near her. Two boys, and they were dangling something over Erina’s head. You start to hear cackling when you get closer.
“Please just give her back!”
“Lemme guess Erina, your daddy bought you this doll didn’t he?”
He leaps out of the way when she tries to retrieve the doll.
“It’s fancy, Being a quack must pay him real nice. I know…”
He turns to his friend.
“What do you say we peel off this fancy-looking dress and see if they made her with all the real girl bits underneath?”
They laughed more as Erina began to cry.
Charging forward, you roughly shoved the boy holding the doll. You caught him off guard so he hit the ground pretty hard. Upon getting a good look at the two, you recognise them. They’ve been harassing you and Erina for the past couple of weeks and wouldn’t leave you alone. But they’d never been so bold before, and now you were pissed.
“How many times do we have to tell you to piss off?!”
Your collar is suddenly snatched up by the other boy, he scowls at you.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve.”
He balls up his fist and Erina starts rushing over to help you.
“Don’t think just cause you’re a girl I’m gonna go easy on ya!”
“That’s enough!”
Everyone freezes at the new voice. Turning your head towards the sound, there’s a blue-haired boy who looks about the same age as you. His expression is filled with rage and your eyes trail to his clothes. They’re high quality, you tense slightly when you realise he must be on the wealthier side. He starts sprinting towards you.
“Let that girl go now!”
At this point the boy you shoved is on his feet and running towards the newcomer.
“Who’s this guy?! Are you a friend of theirs?”
“I’ve never met them but I’ll fight for them all the same!”
The one holding you hostage had his focus on the other two, so you take the opportunity to land a swift kick right in between his legs. He immediately falls to his knees, clutching his crotch and letting out a pitiful whimper.
You look over when you hear a pained grunt, the boy with blue hair was kneeling on the ground pressing a napkin to his nose. Instinctively, you shift closer to Erina.
“Are you alright [Name]?”
You nod.
“This little pantywaist is the Joestar kid!”
Your eyes widen, Joestar? As in the Joestar family? As in one of the richest families in the country? That Joestar?! Feeling your stomach sink, you imagine what kind of punishment would befall you for getting the son of such a family hurt.
The boy standing over the Joestar kid stares at his friend on the ground, still writhing in pain. He tuts and rolls his eyes as he walks over and yanks him to his feet. He glares at you before turning away.
“Come on, let's go.”
And with that, they finally leave. Erina slowly approaches the blue-haired boy, reaching a hand out to him.
“Are you ok?”
He slowly nods while stuffing his napkin haphazardly into his pocket.
“I’m alright… he did manage to get a decent punch in though.”
Taking her hand, he lets Erina help him up.
“I was trying to help, but it turns out the one who needed help was me.”
He sheepishly chuckles. A moment of silence.
“That was a pretty good kick. I think he’ll be crying for the next few days.”
Your ears perk up. Oh, he’s talking to you.
“Oh, um thank you.”
You bow slightly to the boy.
“Thank you for helping us.”
He quickly shakes his head.
“Please there’s no need. It was the right thing to do. And besides, I didn’t really do much…”
“Oh… ok.”
Straightening your posture, you look at his face. He seems a little sad.
“Well… thank you for trying. It was kind of you.”
There’s a slight glimmer in his eyes, he smiles at you.
“I should probably get going now. It was nice meeting you both.”
He turns and starts jogging towards the manor. He waves back at you.
“Be safe you two!”
You smile and return the gesture, watching his figure get smaller and smaller.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Erina crouched on the ground. You walk up to her.
“You ok Erina?”
She nods.
“Yeah, he dropped this.”
She held up a handkerchief, it must’ve fallen out of his pocket. Erina inspects it closer.
“Jonathan Joestar.”
You crouch down next to her to look at the item also.
“Hm, must be his name.”
Looking at Erina, she still has her eyes set on Jonathan. She has a strange expression on her face, like she’s daydreaming.
No response. There’s a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. Is she not feeling well?
Wait a second… oh. Oh my god!
“You have a crush on him!”
That got her to snap out of her daze.
“I do not!”
“Yeah, because that’s totally why you’re looking at him like this.”
You clasp your hands together and make an exaggerated kissy face. Erina pushes your head down while you laugh.
“Shut it you!”
Feeling the pressure leave your head, you look up to pout at Erina only to find her walking away. Confused, you get up and follow her gaze. On the ground lay the discarded doll, she picks it up and starts examining it.
“Father’s not going to be happy.”
You come closer to get a look, there’s a huge scuff on the doll’s face and the hair was tangled with leaves. You feel a pang of guilt.
“I’m sorry…”
Erina immediately turns in your direction.
“Please don’t apologise, you were trying to help! The ones who should apologise are those boys, not you.”
She gives you a comforting smile.
“Besides, it’s not even that bad.”
Using her sleeve to soften the appearance of the mark, she then smooths out the hair and plucks out the leaves.
“See? Good as new!”
She deadpans when she sees your unconvinced expression.
“Come on you.”
Her arm loops itself with yours.
“Ms Evelynn says we need a change of scenery. Isn’t that right?”
She puts on a shrill voice.
“Absolutely! That boy holding me smelt horrible.”
You giggle and Erina laughs with you.
As you leave the ruins, the two of you see a carriage making its way to the Joestar manor. Your eyes follow it curiously.
“Who do you think that is?”
You ponder for a bit before answering.
“I don’t know, maybe a relative?”
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Jonathan arrives home, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. There’s the sound of a carriage and he stops in his tracks. Turning to the vehicle, he watches as the door swings open and a suitcase comes crashing out. Shortly followed by a boy with blonde hair. He goes over to greet the new face.
“You must be Dio Brando right?”
Dio smiles at him.
“And you’re Jonathan, heir to the Joestars.”
Jonathan smiles back at him.
“Yes, but please call me JoJo. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Bark Bark!
A white German Mastiff with black spots comes rushing out, excitedly wagging its tail. Jonathan turns to the dog and crouches.
He looks back at Dio.
“That’s Danny, he’s my dog as well as my most loyal friend. Don’t worry, he knows better than to nip at strangers.”
The big dog eagerly runs up to Dio.
He delivers a harsh kick to the dog’s snout. Danny thumps to the ground, wincing. Jonathan immediately gets into a defensive position.
“What was that for?!”
Dio readies his fists.
“Fighting already?”
Standing at the entrance of the manor stood Jonathan’s father, George Joestar.
“I would know about this.”
Dio instantly lowers his hands and bows to the man.
“Sorry, the dog jumped at me and in my haste, I struck it.”
George gives him a sympathetic smile.
“Please, come inside.”
He turns back and walks into the manor, followed by Jonathan and Dio.
“Welcome to the manor. Consider yourself a part of the family.”
He addresses the servants.
“I would’ve died in the crash that claimed my wife were it not for Dio’s father. You will treat him as you would my own son.”
They bow at his words.
“Very well your lordship.”
He turns his attention back to Dio.
“This is your home now Dio. Please avail yourself to all its comforts.”
He lowers his head once again before the man.
“Thank you sir, for taking in this poor unfortunate.”
George grins while placing his hands on Jonathan’s shoulders.
“JoJo has lost his mother as well, and you’re the same age. You’ll be thick as thieves soon.”
He looks at Jonathan.
“JoJo, Dio didn’t mean to hurt Danny.”
He hesitates before answering.
“Right… I suppose if a strange dog jumped at me, I’d be surprised too.”
Although Jonathan had hoped Dio’s apology would’ve been more sincere, he knows they’ll be living together. Better to make friends rather than enemies.
“This way Dio, I’ll show you your chamber.”
George says as he ascends the stairs to the second floor. Dio trails behind, making eye contact with a strange stone mask that hung on the wall.
“Yes sir.”
Jonathan kneels to pick up Dio’s suitcase.
Dio held Jonathan’s wrist in an iron grip.
“You’re hurting me, please let go!”
“Watch your hands. No one’s allowed to touch my things without my permission.”
He lowers his voice in a snarl.
“Next time you reach for what’s mine with this paw, I’ll break it.”
“I was only trying to help!”
“Well don’t.”
Dio quickly pivots before elbowing Jonathan in the ribs. He falls to the ground, clutching his side.
“I will have a servant carry them.”
Dio crouches next to Jonathan.
“I may be a guest within your house, but I am not to be trifled with. In all things I do, I am number one. Look down on me and you will regret it.”
His face twists into a malicious smirk.
“And another thing. I hate all mongrels, they don’t scare me. I just despise how they fawn over the unworthy.”
His smirk disappears.
“So keep that mangy mutt of yours well away from me Joestar.”
Mr Joestar’s voice is suddenly heard from upstairs.
“Dio? What’s keeping you? Hurry along now.”
He stands.
“Yes sir!”
And as if nothing had happened, he climbs the stairs once more. Jonathan can’t help the sinking feeling in his stomach as he doubted that this would be the last time they would come head-to-head.
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It’s been a couple of days since you encountered Jonathan Joestar. You’ve spent those days at home. There isn’t much to do, you’ve read all the books you have already and you can’t really help your father with his work. So now here you are, lying on your bed and staring at the ceiling like you’re waiting for it to come alive.
Your father thought there must’ve been something incredibly interesting for it to have kept your attention for so long. The blank expression on your face tells him otherwise.
“No plans with Erina today?”
You give him the side eye.
“You wanna get rid of me that badly?”
He shoots you a grin.
“Well obviously.”
He drops the smile.
“Nah I’m just messing with ya. I’m only asking cause you look bored.”
“I know dad… Erina’s grounded cause of the doll.”
Your father frowns.
“What? Why would she get in trouble? It was that boy’s fault.”
“That’s exactly what we said! But her father said it was her responsibility to look after it.”
He sighs.
“Sorry kiddo, looks like you’re stuck with me.”
You shake your head.
“Don’t be, you can be fun… sometimes.”
Your father rolls his eyes as you laugh at your own joke. An idea suddenly pops into his mind.
“I know, why don’t you get out of the house for a bit? Get some fresh air?”
You sit up in disbelief.
“You are trying to get rid of me!”
“But that sounds nice.”
Standing up from the bed, you walk over to him.
“I’ll be gracious and grant your wish.”
He dramatically bows.
“Oh thank you, your majesty.
Your father looks up at you.
“Just remember if you go near the river be careful ok?”
“Yeah I know dad.”
Hugging him before leaving the house, you call out behind you.
“I’ll see you later dad!”
You hear him yell back.
“See ya kiddo!”
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You find yourself strolling alongside the river, finding the sound of the flowing water soothing. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and relish in the gentle breeze.
Bark Bark!
You stop in your tracks and your eyes fly open. A giant dog is barreling towards you at a frightening pace. Turning, you immediately brace yourself to start running.
That voice, you’ve heard that voice before.
The dog is too close now and it’s too late to start running. Just as you prepare to defend yourself, it starts circling you. But not like a predator circles its prey, it’s more excited… maybe even playful?
A familiar-looking boy comes running up to you. Oh god it’s Jonathan Joestar.
“I’m so sorry, this is my dog Danny. I promise he doesn’t bite! He just forgets that he’s a big dog.”
His eyes widen slightly as they fall on your face.
“Oh, hello again! I didn’t think I’d run into you again so soon.”
You shuffle nervously as Danny begins to sniff you, giving a little wave to Jonathan.
“Heh… hi.”
He watches as you give a cautious wave to the German Mastiff.
“Is this your first time seeing a dog?”
You shake your head slightly.
“No, I’ve seen strays before, but they’re not the friendly type.”
“Ah, I see.”
Jonathan slowly holds a hand out to you.
“May I?”
You’re a little suspicious.
“What are you going to do?”
“I just want to show you something.”
There’s something in the way he looks at you that puts you at ease. Hesitating, you place your hand in his. He starts moving it towards the dog.
“It’s alright.”
Jonathan reassures you as he feels you tense. Danny starts sniffing your hand.
“He just wants to get to know you.”
He starts licking your hand and you giggle at the feeling. Jonathan lifts your hand to start petting Danny’s head. His tail starts wagging.
“See? He likes you.”
The corner of your lips upturn slightly as he nuzzles into your hand, but then suddenly he lets out a huge yawn. Jonathan looks down at him.
“Are you tired Danny?”
The big dog moves from underneath your hand to find a comfortable space on the grass to lie down. Realising he still had a hold on your hand, Jonathan timidly lets go before clearing his throat.
“We didn’t get the chance to properly introduce ourselves before.”
He extends his hand once again, as a form of greeting this time.
“My name is Jonathan Joestar, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Smiling warmly, he adds.
“But please, call me JoJo.”
You smile back, reaching to shake his hand.
“[Name] Clarke, it’s nice to meet you too JoJo.”
Once his hand leaves yours, he gestures towards the German Mastiff.
“Danny and I weren’t doing much before you arrived. If you’re not doing anything at the moment, would you like to join us?”
You go to refuse.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Nonsense! You are more than welcome to stay.”
Pausing for a moment, you look into his eyes to see seemingly sincere hope.
“Ok sure… I would like that.”
Jonathan’s face lights up as he guides you over to where Danny is sleeping.
“I’m glad you said that, don’t get me wrong Danny is great but it’d be nice to have some human company.”
You nervously laugh as the two of you sit. I mean how could you not be anxious? The son of one of the wealthiest families wants to hang out with you. Observing the differences in your clothing for instance, you can’t help but feel a little self-conscious.
“Your friend’s not with you today?”
Looking back at him, you snap back to reality.
“No, she couldn’t come out today.”
“Oh, was she busy?”
“Heh… yeah something like that.”
“Ah ok, that’s understandable.”
He beams at you.
“So tell me about yourself [Name]. What do you like to do? I come here to play with Danny just about any chance I get.”
“Uh, I guess I like reading. My dad brings me books that are left behind at the pub.”
“Your father’s a bartender? That’s exciting! What does your mother do?”
You pause.
“I don’t know much about my mother. She uh, was sick when I was born and passed away not long after.”
The smile on Jonathan’s face drops. Oh no you’ve made it awkward.
“I’m sorry to hear that [Name]. If it’s any consolation, my mother passed when I was young as well.”
Your eyes widen slightly.
“You don’t know much about your mother either?”
Jonathan shakes his head.
“Just from what my father tells me. He said that she died protecting me.”
You think for a little before you respond.
“She sounds like she was a brave woman JoJo.”
He gives you a small smile.
“I’d like to think so. I’m sure your mother was a wonderful woman as well.”
Feeling a little more at ease, you return the smile and nod.
“Seems like we have a lot in common [Name]. Surely this means that our meeting was fate.”
“You believe in fate?”
Jonathan's smile turns cheeky.
“Would it be a bad thing if I did?”
You return with a teasing smirk.
“Nooooo. I just didn’t peg you as the type.”
“Oh? Then what kind of person exactly did I strike you as?”
“Ok, I’m choosing not to answer because that is most definitely a trap.”
Your conversation is interrupted by a loud huff from Danny. Seems like you and Jonathan had gotten a little too lively and woken up the poor dog. The both of you exchange a look before quietly giggling.
“Come to my boxing match tomorrow. It’s being held not too far from here.”
Jonathan whispers to you.
“If you want to, that is.”
You haven’t known Jonathan for long, but there’s a genuine kindness to him that makes you want to get to know him. Besides, your father did say he wanted you to make more friends.
“I don’t see why not.”
There’s a shuffle in the grass followed promptly by a weight on your legs. You’re spooked at first, but it’s immediately quelled once you see who had decided to use your lap as a pillow.
“Hey there.”
You say, patting Danny’s head softly. As he closes his eyes you turn to Jonathan.
“Be careful JoJo, looks like I might start being Danny’s favourite person.”
He gives you a look of disbelief.
“As if!”
He starts patting his legs to get Danny’s attention.
“Come on! Come here boy!”
No response. You stifle a snicker.
“Sorry JoJo, looks like the process has already begun.”
“Hmph! I’ll win him back.”
Despite the fact he’s pouting, you can see the tiny smile clinging to the corners of his mouth. He directs his head at Danny.
“You do know you’re supposed to be my dog right?”
A huff is the only answer he gets and you can’t help but laugh.
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“Woah slow down there kiddo.”
You look up from your plate to see your father’s slightly amused face.
“The food isn’t running away.”
Smiling sheepishly, you swallow the breakfast in your mouth with a comically loud gulp.
“Heh, sorry.”
“Need to be somewhere today?”
You smile brightly at him.
“Mhm! I made a new friend yesterday.”
“That’s great [Name]! So you’ve got plans with this kid?”
“What do you guys have planned for the day?”
You stop mid-bite. Would he let you go if you tell him it’s a boxing match?… probably not.
“We’re just going to play near the river.”
He grins and you resume eating.
“Well, it’s good that you’re making new friends. I’m glad.”
You give him a quick smile as he goes back to the newspaper in his hands. That smile fades slightly as you think about your conversation with Jonathan.
“Hey dad?”
He looks back up from his paper.
“Yeah kiddo?”
“…Can you tell me about mum?”
Your father is a little taken aback. You never really asked about your mother since your dad was always good at looking after you, and you didn’t feel like anything was missing in that retrospect. So it must’ve shocked him a bit. Nevertheless, he puts down the article and pushes it to the side.
“What do you want to know?”
You shrug.
He leans on the table while looking out the window, trying to find where to begin.
“Well, the first time I saw your mother I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I found out we went to the same school but I was too shy to say anything to her.”
A look of fondness makes its way onto his face.
“It’s a little funny how we met. Growing up I was always on the scrawnier side, so I got picked on a lot by the other kids. I remember it so clearly… they were about to force my face into some cow shit.”
Your face scrunches up in disgust and your father laughs.
“Gross right? I was this close to touching it but then… she’s there, ready to save my ass. She started swinging around this big stick and screaming at them to get off me. They were so scared that they took off straight away. Hell, she even scared me a little bit… she saved my ass a lot of times actually.”
His eyes fall on the jewellery hanging on your neck.
“She loved that necklace… and she loved you. I see her in you every day.”
He clears his throat as his eyes begin to water.
“But it’s painfully clear you got your devilish good looks from me.”
Laughing, you lightly roll your eyes. Silence falls over you two for a moment.
“I’m sorry if I made you sad.”
Your father shakes his head.
“No, it’s good that you want to know about your mum. I should’ve told you more about her a long time ago.”
You offer him a sympathetic smile.
“You’re telling me now, that’s all that matters.”
He returns with a bittersweet one of his own.
“You should probably get going now, wouldn’t want to keep your friend waiting.”
Oh god you had almost forgotten!
Quickly standing from your seat you give your father a quick side hug before dashing out the door.
“Bye dad!”
You miss the warm smile on his face as you disappear out the door.
“Later kiddo.”
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Nearing the spot Jonathan had mentioned, you see a crowd surrounding fences that make up a ring. You hope you’re not late! Finding a small opening amongst the people, you situate yourself and fortunately you have a decent view. Jonathan’s standing in the centre with another boy in a suit. You presume that he’s the referee.
“Our first pugilist up is Jonathan Joestar!”
Jonathan holds a gloved fist in the air as the crowd starts to cheer. When sees you in the sea of people his face brightens. He sends you a subtle wave that you return.
“He’s been looking stronger lately I’d say. As his opponent for today, it’s a boxer we haven’t seen before.”
Everyone goes silent as he turns his focus to the side.
“He’s a newcomer to our fair city. All we know is his name.”
People around you begin to whisper as they follow where the referee is looking. You do the same, trying to catch a glimpse. There’s a boy with blonde hair on the ground tying his gloves, when he looks up your eyes widen. You get a nagging sense of familiarity when you examine his face, but you can’t put your finger on it. It’s only when you hear the referee announce his name that you remember.
“Introducing our surprise opponent, Dio Brando!”
He stands and makes his way to the ring. His eyes never leave Jonathan as he enters. Ok, thank goodness he didn’t see you. Well, it’s a little presumptuous to think he would recognise you from your one little interaction… right?
“Same as ever. Land a hit to the other guy’s face and the match is over. Now, fight!”
A bell signalling the start of the match rings through the air and the crowd cheers for Jonathan.
“Get him JoJo!”
“Take him down!”
Jonathan charges at Dio and throws a hefty punch only for him to swiftly dodge out of its path. Slightly caught off guard Jonathan tries again but Dio avoids that one as well. This cycle continues as people watch on in astonishment.
“Look at him dodge those hits!”
“I’ve never seen the like!”
Jonathan starts getting desperate and you get worried when you see Dio change his stance. Just as Jonathan throws another punch Dio goes on the offensive and lands a brutal uppercut to his stomach. Jonathan struggles to recover from the blow, but Dio doesn’t allow him that reprieve and sends a harsh fist into his face. The hit sends him flying into the ground with a heavy thud.
“There it is! JoJo loses the fight!”
Roars of applause surround you as the crowd leaps the fence to congratulate Dio. You waste no time climbing the fence as well and rush to Jonathan.
Crouching down, you see there’s a streak of blood running down from his left eye. He winces as you gently tilt his head to get a better look at it.
“JoJo, are you ok?”
“Do take care that nobody shows it to JoJo, He can’t keep a secret to save his life.”
Your ears perk up as you hear them talk about Jonathan. The fact they had just been cheering for him mere minutes ago and were now sneering at him made you angry.
“You shouldn’t dirty your clothes, kneeling on the ground like that. There’s no need to concern yourself with someone like him.”
Turning around, you meet Dio’s gaze. There's a faint change in his expression when his eyes fall on your face. He doesn’t seem all that different from when you last saw him, besides the fact he was taller now. But the look in his eyes, there’s something different about them. His stare was still very much intimidating but it felt… colder. You can’t help the startled feeling you get the longer you look at him.
“Leave her alone.”
Your attention is snapped back to Jonathan when you feel a strong arm wrap around your shoulders. He pulls you closer to him, in an almost protective hold.
“Not everyone has to listen to what you say, Dio.”
Dio doesn’t react at first, but then he chuckles.
“It was merely a suggestion JoJo. But if I did somehow over-step, I sincerely apologise.”
One of the boys in the crowd has an aghast look on his face as he butts into the conversation.
“You don’t gotta say sorry to him Dio!”
You’re about to say something when you notice that Jonathan is trembling. Although he’s putting on a brave face, he was without a doubt still in a lot of pain.
You say his name to get his attention, looking at him pleadingly when his head turns to you.
“Let’s just go.”
He hesitates for a moment before softly nodding. Struggling a bit, you help Jonathan to his feet and let him lean on you for support. Everyone had turned their attention back to Dio so nothing eventful happened as you left the ring. But there was one pair of eyes that followed you as you walked along the river.
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Jonathan hisses as you clean up his face as gently as you can. Neither of you had a rag on hand so you managed with your hands and some water.
“Don’t be, [Name]. It’s not your fault.”
His expression is filled with guilt.
“I’m sorry if Dio frightened you. I didn’t know that he would be my opponent.”
You’re a little confused.
“Do you know him JoJo?”
There’s a slight pause as Jonathan looks at you with worry, like he’s afraid to tell you. Eventually, he just sighs.
“He’s my brother.”
You do a terrible job of hiding your surprise.
“I think I should clarify, his father just passed and my father decided to take him in. So technically speaking, he’s my adopted brother.”
The initial shock wears off and you continue to tend to Jonathan’s face.
“Are you two not on good terms?”
He shakes his head slightly.
“We haven’t gotten along since the moment he arrived. I feel as though he hates me, but I don’t know what I could have possibly done to warrant his wrath. And no one believes me when I share these thoughts, even my father seems to favour him over me.”
You stop your work, looking at Jonathan in earnest.
“I’m sure that’s not true JoJo.”
“You don’t see the disappointment in his eyes when I do something wrong. He constantly points out the differences between me to Dio because he’s more graceful and is better than me at everything… it makes me think he wishes Dio was his son instead of me.”
Failing to find what words to say, you slowly start washing his cheek again. You’re an only child, so you don’t know what it’s like to have your father compare you to someone else. And he never placed such expectations on you so you find it difficult to relate. So for now, all you can do is try to cheer him up.
“Ya know, there’s one thing that you’ve got Dio beat in.”
Jonathan gives you a doubtful look.
“And what would that be?”
“You’re much more handsome than he is.”
His eyes widen in shock.
“Mhm it’s true, after getting a good look at his face there’s no way he can even compare.”
A blush makes its way onto Jonathan’s face when you suddenly bring him closer. With furrowed brows, you begin to ‘inspect’ Jonathan’s features.
“Nice eyes… your nose has a good shape to it… and my what lovely cheekbones you have!”
You give him a lopsided grin.
“I would know, I’m a professional.”
It’s then that Jonathan realises what you were trying to do and he smiles.
“Thank you.”
Smiling back, you release him from your grasp.
“No problem.”
His mood seems to have lightened up, but you feel the need to add on one more thing.
“But on a serious note, even if your dad says stuff about you, don't feel like you need to change or anything. Right now your only job is to be a kid. Hehe, or at least that’s what my dad tells me.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment and suddenly you feel a little embarrassed.
“Sorry if that sounds immature! All I’m saying is don’t stress too much about things out of your control!”
Jonathan starts laughing and you bury your flustered face in your hands.
“No, what you said actually made me feel a lot better.”
Feeling a tap on your head, you look up.
“I’m glad I met you [Name].”
As you felt your heart melt a little, you smile at him.
“Me too JoJo.”
You tilt your head in thought.
“So does this make us friends?”
Jonathan beams at you.
“I believe that it does.”
“Cool! Cool… oh! There’s someone I want you to meet. Do you remember my friend? The blonde girl?”
Jonathan gives you a curious look on his face.
“I think so.”
“Her name’s Erina, the two of you would get along. She really likes you.”
You realise you messed up when you see his confused expression.
“I-I mean I think she’ll really like you! And you’ll really like her ‘cause she’s super nice… heh.”
He fortunately buys your bluff.
“That sounds great! When can I meet her?”
“I’ll check if she’s free tomorrow, is that fine with you?”
Jonathan nods.
“It’s settled then!”
The sun glares in your eyes as it starts to set.
“Oh, it’s later than I expected.”
You started to get up but there’s still something that worries you. You bring a hand to Jonathan’s face, turning it to look at his eye.
“You should probably get this looked at, since it was bleeding quite a lot.”
There’s a pause before he answers.
Standing up, you dust off your clothes before walking away and bidding Jonathan farewell.
“Tell Danny that his favourite person said hi!”
He shakes his head while softly laughing as he waves goodbye to you.
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Night came much sooner than you had anticipated. You walk under a sky full of stars, still a little ways away from home. It’s not like you were scared necessarily, but you couldn’t shake the feeling you were being watched.
As you’re walking, something catches your eye. There’s a figure leaning on a tree not too far off the path. It’s too dark to see who it is. The figure pushes themselves off the tree once you start getting closer. You stop, waiting to see what they do.
The person starts moving towards you, you take a couple of steps back and that’s when they finally speak.
“There’s no need to be scared, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Your heart stops when you recognise the voice. Once he gets close enough you see that it’s Dio that stands in front of you.
“Do you remember me?”
Does he remember you? Not wanting to risk it, you decide to play it safe.
“You’re Dio, right? You were Jonathan’s opponent in today’s match.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
“That’s correct, and you’re [Name] Clarke.”
“Uh yes, that’s me… how exactly do you know my name?”
“I have my ways.”
His evasiveness unnerves you a little.
“Well I should get going now, nice meeting you Dio.”
Shooting him a quick smile, you quickly step around him and start walking again.
“Allow me to walk you home.”
Before you can react he’s already beside you.
“It’s dangerous, walking home alone at night.”
You don’t want him knowing where you live.
“That’s nice of you but you really don’t have to-”
“Please [Name], I insist. It won’t take long.”
What does he mean by that?
“You seem close with JoJo. Say, how long have you known each other?”
He looks at you, waiting for your answer.
“We met yesterday.”
“Is that right? So you don’t know…”
You give him a questioning look.
“Don’t know what?”
Dio wavers for a moment, looking at you with worry.
“It may not be my place to say this, but JoJo isn’t the most reliable of people. It might be within your best interests to avoid him.”
First, he talks bad about him to those people and now you? What is his goal?
“Is it alright if I ask you something Dio?”
He smiles and speaks to you in an inviting tone.
“Of course [Name].”
“Do you hate Jonathan?”
He’s taken aback, before quickly covering it up with an aloof expression.
“Why do you say that?”
“I haven’t spent a lot of time with him, but he doesn’t seem nearly as bad as you make him out to be. And he’s under the impression that you don’t like him.”
His detached facade starts to drop as you look into his eyes.
“Has he done something wrong?”
The air starts to grow tense as you wait for a response. When he doesn’t say anything you think you might’ve made a mistake asking him something so abrasive. Then, he laughs.
“I don’t hate JoJo. It would just be a shame to see you get hurt.”
You feel iffy about his answer. But you decide to let it go, turning your head back to the road.
“I don’t need your protection, whether Jonathan is a good person or not is for me to decide.”
There’s a pause before you hear a soft chuckle.
“I suppose it’s fair that you don’t trust me just yet.”
The pair of you near town and approach the outskirts. Finally. You stop at one of the buildings and in the distance, you can see your house.
“Ok this is it, you don’t have to walk with me any further. I can make it home from here.”
Dio doesn’t say anything in response. Feeling a little awkward, you speak again and go to leave.
“Thank you for walking me home. Uh… bye.”
“It’s funny.”
His voice causes you to stop in your tracks.
“This is the town I lived in when I was growing up. To think, we’ve never once met each other until now.”
Nervously, you turn your head back to Dio.
“Heh, yeah. That is weird...”
He starts advancing closer. You subconsciously step back to keep the distance between you two. But then your back hits the wall, and he’s right in front of you.
“I’m curious [Name].”
Dio looms over you as he leans down to stare into your eyes.
“Since you fancy yourself a judge of character, what do you think of me? Would you say that I’m a good person?”
Dio doesn’t leave any room for you to hide from his piercing gaze. It’s then that you’re acutely aware of the situation you’re in. At this point, you just want out.
“I-I don’t know.”
A moment passes by, and he smiles.
“Goodnight [Name].”
He straightens his posture, turns and leaves. Once he’s left your sight, you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding. Not wasting a moment longer you make your way home, longing for a good night’s rest.
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You try not to think about the events of last night as you make your way to Erina’s estate. Since you made plans for Jonathan and Erina to meet today, you hoped that she would be allowed to go outside today. And fortunately there she stood on her porch with a basket, looking like she was just about to head off somewhere.
She spots you and eagerly waves to you. You wave back as she makes her way to you.
“Hey [Name]! I’m surprised to see you here, did you miss me that much?”
You wordlessly bring her into a hug, she is slightly confused when you let out a heavy sigh.
She looks down at you.
“Are you ok [Name]?”
You pull back from her and nod.
“Yeah I’m ok.”
You gesture to the basket in her hand.
“What’s that?”
She perks up at the mention of the item. She holds it up so you can see the contents.
“Do you remember the boy from the other day, Jonathan Joestar? He dropped his handkerchief so I thought I’d return it to him.”
She points to the fruit underneath the napkin.
“And some grapes as a thank you.”
“Oh wow. That’s great Erina! I’m sure he’ll love it.”
Her cheeks turn a light pink.
“I hope so.”
You smile knowingly.
“In fact-”
You loop your arm with her free one.
“Let’s go meet him right now.”
She shouts as you drag her in the direction of the river.
“He said that he spends a lot of time at the river, he’s probably there right now.”
The blush on Erina’s face had worsened tenfold.
“I-I was just gonna drop this off to him! And how do you know he’ll be there?!”
You shush her with an unfazed expression.
“I’ll explain on the way.”
Sending Erina off with a thumbs up, she gives you the death glare. She’s outraged that you decided to throw her in the deep end. You hold back a snort when Jonathan spots her and she instantly becomes a blushing mess. Knowing that they’d be fine on their own, you sneak away to avoid being spotted.
Now, well… now you don’t know what to do. It’s still pretty early in the day so you don’t want to go home just yet. And plus it's lovely outside, why not enjoy it for a bit?
Finding a nice spot next to the river, you sit and let the grass travel through the gaps in your fingers. Although it was still a little hot, the tree you’re sitting under provides some nice shade. You lay down, enjoying the calm atmosphere. Closing your eyes, you listen to the rhythmic rushing of the water. You’re so relaxed that you almost fall asleep, but then you feel something lick your face. Your eyes shoot open and you’re perplexed by who you see.
He continues to coat your face in dog slobber. You sit up trying to usher him off you.
“Bleh! Get off Danny, that's gross!”
You put a hand on his hand and he instantly settles. It surprises you how quickly he calmed down, but you still scold him.
“What are you doing here? JoJo’s probably worried about you.”
You’re not mad for long though and despite your best efforts, you smile a little.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Is this mutt bothering you?”
Danny’s demeanour changes upon the new arrival. He growls at the person behind you before taking off.
You call after him but it’s no use. Turning around, you see none other than Dio standing there, you give him a look of disapproval.
“No, he was fine.”
Dio’s expression morphs into one of remorse, but for some reason you think it’s of the false kind.
“My apologies, would you mind if I accompanied you in his stead?”
Just as you’re about to respond Dio takes the liberty of taking a seat right next to you.
“Why yes Dio, of course you can sit with me.”
You say in a sarcastic tone. He smiles at you, either ignoring the way you answered or just completely oblivious to it.
“It would be my pleasure.”
The two of you sit there for a while, only the sound of the river and various insects filling the silence. It’s a little awkward since you don’t know what to say, so you opt to let the quiet be. But Dio’s the one who breaks that silence.
“I know that you remember me.”
You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Well, I just saw you yesterday. I don’t have the memory of a goldfish.”
He laughs at that statement.
“I’m not talking about yesterday.”
Your eyes widen as he continues.
“That night we bumped into each other, I remember hating you in all honesty. I loathed the way you looked at me like I was a child in need of saving, but meeting you again I feel you saw something that I didn’t.”
Does he somehow know about the dream?
“It was destiny that brought us together again.”
You don’t know what to do besides awkwardly laugh.
“Haha… you sound a little like JoJo.”
Dio’s expression suddenly turns cold.
“Why do you think it is you are so hellbent on befriending our beloved JoJo?”
You’re taken aback by the sudden hostility.
“I’ll tell you why.”
You’re surprised when Dio pulls you by your collar, bringing you closer. He brings the other hand to your chin, holding it between his index finger and thumb as he bores into your eyes.
“It’s because in reality, we are the same. There’s an inferno inside of you that I also see in myself. The will to change the fate that’s been dealt to us.”
“The Joestars are known for the glorious riches they possess. When you found out that Jonathan was a Joestar you decided you would get him to like you. Maybe even marry you. It’d take some time but in your eyes the reward would be well worth it.”
He moves the hand on your chin, running it along your cheek before tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Since we’re so alike I’ll make you an offer, abandon this fruitless endeavour. In terms of economical status you’re pretty much worthless so I wouldn’t gain anything if we were to marry, but I’m sure we can figure someth-”
Dio’s grasp on you instantly releases and he staggers back whilst palming his cheek. His eyes fall on the hand you had just used to slap him, then your face. And you’re absolutely furious.
“How dare you insinuate I would do something so shallow. Even though we’ve met before, don't forget that you’ve only known me for a day at most. You don’t know me, so stop acting like you do.”
You snarl at Dio as you get up from the grass. You glare down at him.
“Do me a favour and stay away from me Dio. I don’t know why you’re such an unbearable asshole, but I’d prefer to never have to deal with you again.”
Storming off you don’t give Dio the chance to respond, leaving him at the river.
It’s been a couple of weeks since you told Dio you didn’t want to see him again, and fortunately for you he’s been keeping his distance.
You’ve been spending time with Erina and Jonathan, it hasn’t been very often since you wanna give them their space. It got a little lonely, you can’t help but think that the two of them are adorable together, so you try not to mind as much. Although it wasn’t always lonely, Danny would always pop up at the most unexpected times. You honestly don’t know how he manages to find you but you don’t dislike the company.
Today was one of those days, you and Danny had been playing at the river. Jonathan had shown you how to play fetch with him. But the day was coming to an end as the sun was setting.
“Ok, it’s time to go.”
You give Danny a final pat on the head.
“You be safe getting home ok?”
He just stares as you retract your hand. You turn to leave then you suddenly feel a tug on your sleeve. Looking down you see Danny holding onto it.
“No Danny, I have to go now.”
You try to pull your arm free but he’s not budging. You repeat yourself in a firmer tone.
“Danny, let go.”
He starts running down the path, dragging you with him.
“Danny stop!”
You dig your heels into the ground to try and stop but it’s no use and you almost fall on your face. He’s not giving you any chance to stop and keeps running at a rapid pace.
“Dammit Danny I mean it!”
The dog comes to a stop and finally frees you. You grimace at the drool coating your sleeve and scold him.
“What is up with you today?”
It’s then that you hear some sort of commotion further down the path, there’s shouting. You slowly creep towards the sound and you see people there. 3 are standing and 1 is on the ground. You look closer and realise to your surprise it’s Erina that’s on the ground. She’s washing her mouth out with a puddle, what the hell is going on? You rush to help your friend.
“Hey! Get the hell away from her!”
The 3 people turn their heads in your direction and your stomach drops when you see Dio’s face among them. Avoiding eye contact with him, you try to push past them.
“Move, you’re in my way.”
You yelp when one of the boys grabs you by your shoulders, making you face him. You come to the realisation that he’s the one who snatched Erina’s doll.
He rotates you around as he harshly grips your jaw with his other hand.
“Isn’t this the little bitch that kicked you in the balls?”
His friend’s mouth morphs into a malicious grin as he responds in a taunting tone.
“I think it is.”
You start struggling to get out of his hold.
“Oh no you don’t.”
You’re jerked back around as he grips your neck, forcing you to look up at him.
“We ain’t havin’ a repeat of last time.”
He tilts your head side to side, you don’t like the look in his eyes as he examines your face. You growl and use your arms to try and push him away when he brings you closer.
“You know, you’re not half bad lookin’, maybe even a little cute. You really hurt my friend the other day. But you’re lucky I’m the forgiving type, maybe if you show us just how sorry you are we’ll let you off the hook.”
Their snickering is cut short as a fist comes smashing into the side of his face. He recoils from the impact and his hand drops from your throat. You cough upon the release and bring a hand to rub your neck, thankful that you can breathe properly again.
You look to where the punch came from and see Dio, his hand is clenched so hard that his knuckles are turning white. He’s seething as he walks past you and yanks the boy by his collar.
“You are not to lay your filthy hands on her again, do you hear me?”
He’s gripping the boy’s collar so tight that he’s starting to choke, he brings his hands up to try and pry away Dio’s hands.
“Never again, do you hear me? Do not make me repeat myself.”
They’re alerted to the sound of footsteps running away, they turn their heads towards it but it’s too late, you and Erina have already started running down the path. The boy not in Dio’s hold starts to run after you but the look he gets from the blonde is enough to stop him in his tracks.
Panting heavily as you run, you turn to Erina and see she’s been crying.
“What did they… do to you? Are you ok?”
She shakes her head as more tears fall from her eyes. What she says next is barely above a whisper.
“Dio kissed me.”
Your heart drops as you look at her with widened eyes.
“He what?”
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I’m sorry this chapter took a while to come out! I had to keep rewriting Dio’s parts cause I kept making him too nice T_T
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I was not feeling to bad today but right at the end of the afternoon I absolutely fell apart and I feel horrible tonight. But I will go to sleep soon and hopefully it will fix me.
I didn't sleep amazing. I lost my phone over the side of the bed and wouldn't be able to find it until my alarm went off at 7. But I felt okay. I got up and got dressed and tried my best to be okay. But it was tough. Today would be tough even though I wasn't as actively nauseous for a lot of it. I would just be kind of bleh.
I really had to pull myself together to not be snippy. I was more quick to anger then I was proud of. But I was really trying my best.
I got to camp and set things up. I had my breakfast. I felt okay. It was a very very humid day. It was supposed to storm but it didn't rain? It was just oppressively humid.
The groups would be pretty good though. We did lose another hammock to tearing. Sad. But I am not even exactly sure how it happened. It just had a hole all of a sudden. And even though it wasn't actually torn all the way yet, I took it down in an abundance of caution. I didn't need a kid falling down.
I did a lot of knitting today. I made 4 more squares. I am making excellent progress.
I did have a fun day. I enjoyed talking to councilors and the kids. I just wasn't feeling very good.
I would bring Mac and cheese to lunch. They had waffle fries and cheese sauce so I also had a little plate of cheese fries. I said hello to the kitchen staff and had a nice time sitting with specialty staff for a bit. But pretty quickly I went to hang in my hammock.
I did stop to talk to Heather and got the camp credit card to buy plaster for next week. And collected a bunch of lost and found from outside the picnic grove. But mainly it was time to chill.
When I got back up to my building I found a few other counselors taking their break in some of my hammocks. Fine with me. It was nice to hear them chatting and laughing. I was just enjoying laying down. It was a nice day.
I was a little anxious about the afternoon. 4 groups in a row is a lot. But it would mainly be fine. It was. Just a lot of answering the same questions. And I was tired.
Day camp was fine. Bontkirchen was nice and fun. I enjoyed teaching them how to make bead lizards and just talking. And then horse camp came last and they smelled like horses which turned my stomach a bit but they were nice. Silly. Teasing eachother a ton but no one was actually upset. They have one little boy and he's a very good sport for how much they were teasing him, he was getting them right back. It was great.
Aaron texted me asking if I wanted some of the eggs from our chickens. And I said yes. So he would bring me 4 eggs (there has been 5 but one broke) and asked me to let him know if the difference eggs tasted different (we have two types of chickens). I promised I would.
I went to get dinner at Wawa. I am really glad I did that because the drive was miserable. While I had been mainly fine all day. Only a little nausea. During my drive I felt like I was going to throw up. It was terrible.
Eating did help. I got my sandwich and chips.sns sipped water in the car. Even the idea of soda made me queasy. I sucked on lemon candy and tried to be okay.
Home Depot was miserable. I circled and circled and circled. I thought I was doing good at first. Finding the ornamental grasses (I wanted the tallest plants I could find for under $20. These were $12) and the plaster. But I was struggling to find anything else on my list. I was not having a good time.
I would ask for help but nothing was working. I did get the brackets for the bathroom shelf at least. I would pay but I was disgusted by how poorly the trip went and was very upset.
I passed a Lowe's so I tried there too but no luck and the workers were very laissez-faire about what I was asking. So rather then crying in the garden center I just bought two planters for the grass I got at Home Depot and went home.
I melted down in the car after I parked. I was struggling to get my things inside. I called James but they weren't answering and I had to set off an alarm on their phone to get them to see my message and I hate doing that. And then the package with the replacement parts for our roomba was stolen off our steps. I didn't even mean to send it to the house. I meant to send it to camp. And I screamed into the couch and was just so upset. I wouldn't even let James sit with me. I couldnt take it.
I needed to just lay there on the couch for a long time.
James was making a little pizza. They would take a shower and then went on a little walk to give me some space while I was trying to calm down.
When they got back they would repot my grass for the backyard. I think it looks great and I'm excited for our backyard coming together.
I would try to make things better by buying the things I couldn't find at the store on Amazon. And I did some research and was able to find lattice to add to our fence so the gap at the bottom won't be an issue anymore. We had lattice under our deck when I was a kid and I always liked how it looked. James is going to order it so I can pick it up tomorrow. And hopefully it works out the way I am picturing it.
I took a bath and some Tylenol. And my head ache is going away I think. But I'm going to sip water and try and sleep. And hopefully tomorrow I feel a little better and less sad. Fingers crossed.
I love you all. Goodnight everybody.
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Hi! For your 400 follower celebration, could I request a ficlet with Wrecker and “I forgave you a long time ago .” I hope you are feeling better soon. The family and I have been sick since Thanksgiving! Bleh.
HELLO DEAR FRIEND! I am finally testing negative and I hope you and the family are feeling better! I gave myself ALL THE FEELS with this one (and also wrote a scene/interaction I wish we'd seen in S1). I hope you like it!!!
Rating: T (mention of injury)
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Wrecker’s eyes drifted back to the closed curtain at the rear of the ship, wondering for the hundredth time if he should go and talk to the young occupant hiding inside. It had been a few rotations since Bracca, since they’d saved her from the bounty hunters, but Omega had still largely been keeping them all at a distance, and Wrecker couldn’t help but feel like it was him. 
He’d never forget the way she’d looked at him while he was under the chip’s control. 
She’s already been through so much, and she thought I was gonna hurt her. 
She’d begged and pleaded with him, telling him that she knew it wasn’t him, but still, he’d almost killed her. Even now, just remembering the tension in his trigger finger at that moment made him nauseous and brought tears leaping to his eyes, and he wiped at them hurriedly. 
The others were off at Cid’s for a resupply, and he’d been left to reorganize the weaponry that Tech had been nagging him about for weeks. Omega had begged off, saying she was tired, and he hadn’t pushed her on it, instead giving her the space he thought she needed. 
I hope one day she forgives me.
A flash of red, white, and black caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, and he hummed when he spotted Lula poking up among the crates he was sorting. Wrecker leaned forward, carefully tugging her free and staring down at the toy in his hands before allowing his gaze to drift back to the closed curtain. After a few moments, he made a decision, pushing himself to his feet and walking towards Omega’s ‘room’, clutching Lula in one hand. 
Balling up his fist, he softly knocked against the ship’s hull. The curtain tugged open, and the same amber eyes he and his brothers shared stared back at him from beneath a mop of blonde hair. 
“What is it, Wrecker?”
Words failed him for a moment, so instead he handed her Lula as he struggled to find what he wanted to say. Omega’s eyes widened for a second, before she took the doll, clutching it to her chest. 
Wrecker nodded. 
“Was… was there something else?” 
Wrecker floundered. “I… I hope she makes you feel more safe. I know you… I know that’s been hard lately.”
Omega gave him a small smile. “I’ve got you, Wrecker. You make me feel safe.” 
The words brought an unexpected surge of emotion out of the large clone, and Wrecker had to chew on his lip to hide the tremble it caused. 
“Don’t know how you feel safe around me after what I did,” he rasped, his voice cracking. “I-I-I see how you want to be away from me, and I get it. I just hope one day you’ll feel like forgivin’ me. That’s all. I’m sorry.” 
Omega scooted to the edge of the gunner's nest, her legs dangling over the edge as she reached out to cup Wrecker’s cheeks. “Oh, Wrecker. I forgave you a long time ago. Right after it happened. I know that wasn’t you. I told you that.”
Wrecker couldn’t stop the tear that slipped from his blind eye. “But… but you’re stayin’ away. You stay up here. Away from me.” 
Omega’s eyes were suddenly glossy. “That’s not because of you,” she whispered. “I feel like… like I’m the danger.”
Wrecker’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What?”
Omega sniffled, hugging Lula a little tighter. “I-I can’t stop seeing Hunter just lying on the ground after… And what if they come back? Then what if it’s you or Tech or Echo? And it’s because of me?” Omega’s speech was accelerating as tears welled in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. “What if one of you gets hurt again, or worse, or-”
Wrecker stepped forward, scooping her into his arms and holding her to his chest, cradling the back of her head as he rocked her. “Shhhh, ‘Mega. You’re alright. It’s alright.” The younger clone’s sobs slowed, shifting to hiccups as she shuddered in Wrecker’s arms, gripping the fabric of his undersuit tightly. Wrecker rested his head against hers, trying to stifle his own tears as he realized she didn’t fear him, but found comfort in his embrace. Carefully, he leaned against one of the Marauder’s bulkheads, lowering himself to the floor and sitting Omega on his lap. She remained curled into his chest, and when her breathing finally slowed, he lifted her to her feet so that she was facing him. He rested his massive hands on her shoulders, but she stared at the floor. 
“Now you listen to me, and you listen good. There is no bounty hunter or bad guy in this galaxy that me or Hunter or Tech or Echo will let hurt you. And if they want to take down one of us, then they’re gonna need an army. Maybe even more than that. We’ve always battled the odds, Omega. But we will never let anyone hurt you, and if somethin’ bad happens, it is never your fault. You got that?” 
She nodded, her eyes on the floor. Wrecker slipped one of his massive fingers under her chin. “You’re our sister. Our family. And family takes care of each other. No matter what.” 
“But I can’t fight the way you all can.” 
“Not yet, but maybe someday. Until then, just keep laughing at my jokes. That helps enough.” 
She giggled, wiping at her tears. “I think I can manage that.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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oleander-nin · 2 months
I don't know if ☄️ started an odd uptick in your named anons (🍵 and 💤 for instance) but regardless I love them dearly hello Ollie's new anons >:D
Anyways I've been preoccupied with stuff but it's the weekend now so I thought,, hm. I'm bored I'm going to send Ollie things
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
If it's later in the day, have you eaten yet?
(I think your time zone is 1 hour behind mine if I recorded that correctly-)
Did you sleep well? (If you didn't and you're tired, take it easy please)
Who am I kidding you're tired all the time anyways lmao I HOPE YOU CAN NAP OR SOMETHING <3
Take your meds if you have any!
Writing this reminded me to take mine-
Hows the hygiene? Brush your teeth or shower if you need it
Drink water. Everyone needs to drink more water. If you think you've drank enough you're probably wrong drink more water-
This applies to anyone seeing this btw not just Ollie <3 hello Ollie's followers are you annoyed yet? >:)
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
That concludes basic stuff so now I'm gonna give extra little things I need to remember for myself that I think might apply to you or others seeing this lmao
(I've been feeling kinda bad about not drawing as much as I wanted. so I figured this might apply to you too)
There's nothing wrong with not being productive for a bit. Whether it's writing or drawing or whatever thing you feel pressured to do.
There's nothing wrong with taking your time to do those things! There's a multitude of reasons but I can explain them another time
Something something about that comparison I made in an older ask about the human body/mind and a machine. You remember that one? (I can't get out of the ask thing to find it because it'll get rid of all this but Y'KNOW THE ONE)
(This next one's just something I realized recently. Idk if it's true for everyone but I'll share it anyways) I think even things I LIKE to do are tiring. I don't know how. Drawing and even playing a video game is tiring. Talking to friends online is tiring. This only really becomes a problem if something else is leeching all my energy, because otherwise it's definitely ALL worth it. What I'm trying to say is that things might take effort even if you like doing them or if they're supposed to be a relaxing thing (like,, idk Minecraft. I still have to think and respond to things and reaction time and planning and blah blah blah these things take mental energy I often don't have) I'M JUST SAYING IT'S SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT- YOU'RE NOT LAZY FOR NOT DOING A THING BECAUSE IT MIGHT ACTUALLY TAKE MORE ENERGY THAN YOU THINK- (writing especially, in my opinion. Idk how you do it-)
MAN these are always so much longer than I want them to be but,, yeah I hope this helps you (or anyone else reading)
Remember self care y'all! and don't pressure or force yourself to do things (looking directly at you Ollie /lh)
Oh yeah also Ollie you give me the feeling you have adhd (saying that as someone with horrible adhd) but I won't go into that-
So proud of you 8-bit, you started a fad/lhj
I have eaten :D. My stomach did it's job and informed me I was hungry for once. Have you?🤨 Also I have no clue what your time zone is lmao
I slept pretty decent! Not as tired as I was yesterday, so that's good.
But I hate my meds they're grosssssssssssssssssss. Did take them but bleh.
I just ate, I should go brush my teeth thankies-
Does milk count?
"Imagine a machine that needs maintenance. If you don't make time to schedule the maintenance, it'll break when you're not expecting it. That's the same for a human. If you don't schedule time for breaks, your body or brain will do it for you." This machine analogy? I do remember it and your incredible wisdom. I'll try to abide by it more😔
Also completely agree w/ your last thing. I like to draw, I like to write, but it sucks sometimes. Heck, I can't even bring myself to watch my favorite shows just because I don't have the energy to actually watch it. Thank you for the list of affirmations(?), I needed it. I've been trying to write, but it's getting harder with my interests split lol.
Don'e worry about them being long! I really don't mind, it's fun to read them. Ily2, bye!/plat
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coffeeeinbed · 2 months
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date: 13th july, 2024 time: 1PM
coffee chat #2 ☕️
so i was at the airport today taking a flight from my college town to my home town since i’m spending this weekend with my family (more on those trials and tribulations another time) and i made a lil moodboard of my travel essentials.
Tumblr media
i'm a terrible combination of my mothers anxiety and my fathers military grade need to speed through tsa as fast as possible, as if trying to break last times record, so it was a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster this morning, especially at 5 in the morning.
also lets talk about how disorienting it is waking up that early and having to pretend you are a functioning human being for the rest of the day...what is that about? it's only one o'clock, the afternoon has hardly started, but i've lived about a hundred lifetimes today and you're telling me i have to go through the rest of the day?
and i'm not a nap person. super unpopular opinion, but i find it more disorienting than waking up early in the first place. if you think i'm taking a nap on the plane, you're mental. do you know how dehydrating planes are? i lathered my face in hyaluronic acid and aquaphor this morning because i always feel like a prune upon my departure from the airplane air. and chugged 40 oz of water midair. i did pee in the piddly ass airplane bathroom for two minutes straight. so i'm tired but at least i'm hydrated.
now i'm blogging from my girl room and i feel like THE it girl right now. typing that into a tumblr textpost feels oxymoronic, but if this reaches the right audience, you know exactly the feeling.
i came to terms with the fact that i was non-binary in college, and i try to refrain from using "girl-blank" terminology to affirm my own identity, but my childhood bedroom is where i spent my formative years identifying as a girl and experiencing common girl problems, and so i will always regard it as such. so even though i am non-binary, girlhood will always be such an integral part of my identity.
i feel like that's a huge avenue that i could explore as an afab non-binary person, but that's a whole rabbit hole i don't feel like delving down right now. maybe someday we'll talk about it.
also upon trying to cultivate the ideal explore page, i've realized i have no good words to describe my aesthetic, which i find both to be something positive and an extremely frustrating experience. i really like pink, but in the lesbian way, specifically paired with orange and other warm colors. i'm obsessed with oranges in the poetry way, but also because it's my favourite colour. i love coffee and pretty beds, but i like sitting next to my perfectly made bed at my desk and i hate girl rotting. it makes me feel super unproductive and, for lack of better words, bleh.
essentially i feel like i haven't found my space yet. girl room, girl rot, and pink are very tumblr-esque, but they don't appear in the mediums that i find attractive on this platform. nor do i have the words to accurately describe the way that i can describe my aesthetic.
but again, this is something i find to be positive, because the hyper-categorizations of aesthetics has gotten out of hand. as a victim of this very culture, it's difficult not to self identify with a fleeting micro trend of an aesthetic and thereby shrink all the best and individualistic parts of yourself into a confined space of what you are expected to be based on the parameters of that so called aesthetic.
for me, i set my own expectations, and allow myself to be and just enjoy the things i enjoy. that's not to say that aesthetics, especially cultural ones, are not important. i think it's a good way to experiment with different fashion senses, hobbies, and interests, but for me, i feel much more myself when i'm just allowing myself to like the things i like without thinking of the way im perceived.
anyways, those are my thoughts for today. since i'm in my hometown, i'm spending time with my family, which i think will open my personal pandora's box of thoughts and feelings, so i will definitely be back to share more of my lucy-isms as the weekend progresses. <3
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Back in my monthly depression era ig but. Thinking about social media and art, and how their relationship has fucked with me. I'm glad I started drawing fanart and I don't regret it. And I think I've really improved my skill this past half year plus. But man it gives me such a terrible complex. That paranoia of "who even would give a shit about this" and "when will people be done with me."
I think any artist always craves some recognition and praise no matter how much you say you draw for yourself. You can draw for yourself but it's still extremely gratifying and inspiring to have people's approval or thoughts on it.I used to draw for myself more and draw so much random art, but I discussed it a lot with friends and it made it more gratifying, to have that interest. And I lost that kinda, a lot. I feel like for a bit btwn losing that and drawing fanart, I can't really remember, I didn't draw as much bcs it just felt a bit unrewarded and it felt bleh.
And then I started drawing fanart. Which felt very rewarding. I'm happy I've not ever really felt the desire to make widely "appealing" art. If you look at even the first things I posted, it's extremely niche, and that's been a lot of fun! But it's also just made me so paranoid and self conscious. What if people get tired of this. What if people find it strange. What if people find it annoying. What if I'm being repetitive. Etc. It's really irritating bcs I KNOW people have told me they find my stuff interesting and that they like it. But my brain can't help but think, what is the expiration date on this, when will it become boring. I discuss my art with people and it's fun, but that self consciousness clings to me like a parasite. Like ah I better hurry this up and enjoy it while I can before they get annoyed and tired of it.
I guess this is all to say, I don't always like my relationship with art, and I hate the way social media messes with your brain. I remember for a bit I would post my art on Instagram and do the whole hashtag game. And then realized it was messing with my relationship with art so I dropped it. And then did the same thing with Twitter, than dropped it, etc. I just hate how I can't let myself enjoy anything. Idk maybe I'm just burnt out or something, but whenever I think of drawing lately, there's just this voice being like "what's the point of even drawing this, why would anyone care." I hate you evil voice in my brain!!!! It's not even a thing about notes, and I feel greedy even simply admitting any of this. I think it's more of a craving of a deeper connection and discussion. Which is what I always seek when I create art. But social media makes you think about numbers and attention and makes it unhealthy and makes you feel guilty for wanting something that's pretty reasonable.
Blah blah blah anyways don't reply to this like, oh you need to fix your relationship w art by taking a break from socmed! It's just this continual cycle and maybe one day I'll break it. But sometimes it just hits harder some days. I just want to stop feeling cringe. I hate it cause internally I'm like "I am cringe but I am free" but that only has to do with actually creating the stuff. Posting about it is the trap I think. Again though, it's natural to crave discussion and approval, but putting myself out there makes me want to curl up in a ball. I miss the days when I was younger and creating all kinds of random art and forcing it upon people with absolutely no shame. But now it's like. I toss my art into the room and shut the door and hide behind it with bated breath. And it often feels like any conversation I have just sates me for a tiny bit and then I go back to feeling empty. Is it ungrateful? Or is it just natural to want to keep having and partaking in a good thing?
Someone sent me advice on this feeling at some point, about how its better to talk to people individually rather than just on main. And I agree! I had a lot of fun the last third of last year. And for some reason it's just felt different ever since the new year began. I just don't know how to recover, and to start having fun like that again. I've drawn a lot of things I've immensely enjoyed since the year began, but for some reason, which I can't really parse, have had way worse self loathing and insecurity about it all. I just wanna recover my joy back :( is that too much to ask
Tldr; yay art improvement! Complex ideas! Much discussion! However: nay! Makes me feel cringe! Makes me feel like I'm running on limited time! Makes me crave too much!
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animentality · 2 years
I just saw some jackass on Twitter insisting that the Northman deserved every Oscar nomination over Everything Everywhere All At Once. When asked to explain, he refused to elaborate, just insisted that The Northman was true cinema.
Now let me just say this.
The Northman rubs me the wrong fucking way. For several reasons. It's simply not my genre is the biggest one, as I only like historical fiction that's post industrial revolution.
Or at the very least, character focused. Medieval ish stuff with swords is just so bleh to me.
Another one is that I can't stand revenge movies, if they're not like, John Wick levels of ridiculous. Revenge when it's grimdark and edgy and realistic is so fucking tiring.
But let me talk about the big reason this tweet pissed me off.
The Northman stans who are perpetually online tend to be fucking neo Nazis.
We all know how much Nazis love Viking culture and this fictionalized idea of vikings as rapists and plunderers of villages who did nothing but sharpen axes and cut off heads.
The northman is about a straight cis white guy on a grand quest to get revenge, fuck hot white women, murder a ton of people, and then die gloriously at the end.
That's literally the white supremacist's perfect fantasy. It relies entirely on this sensational and totally bogus concept of masculinity in the Olden Days, when men could kill indiscriminately and women were sex pets and it sure was fun.
An ahistorical viewpoint that celebrates and glorifies violence rather than actual history or culture.
It literally perfectly embodies neo Nazis' fantasy history too, this wonderful White group that once dominated the whole planet and did grand things and asserted their dominance through massacres and black people don't exist and white men only fucked white women and made perfect warrior white male babies.
You get the idea.
It's also literally certified by the fucking daily stormer, for fucks sake, that neo Nazi site run by that psychopath.
So. People who slobber over it ARE fucking suspect, especially if they're online all the fucking time.
So when I saw that tweet, I thought this guy...
Is insisting that the northman...is better than EEAAO...hm.
Perpetually online? Check.
Loves the northman and thinks it's the best thing ever? Check.
Is super fucking edgy? Check.
Thinks EEAAO isn't cinema??? Hm. Check.
This guy's definitely a fucking Nazi.
Like look at it objectively and tell me...
A male dominated story about an angry white man that tears out hearts and murders people and then dies gloriously at the end
An older female led story about a family of Asian immigrants that emphasizes compassion over brute force and creating meaning in an inherently meaningless universe, with LGBT characters and male characters who choose kindness and family and community rather than violence or cruelty.
And you can't tell me why you'd just "connect" with the northman more than EEAAO? Right.
I know why you'd fucking connect with one over the other, you piece of shit.
God. I fucking hate Twitter.
EEAAO deserves to win every Oscar.
And I don't know any fucking person who's seen the northman or gives a fuck about it. I literally forgot it even came out this year. The only people I see still talking about are the perpetually online Nazis that wanna circlejerk over how edgelord stories about mass murdering protagonists are "peak" fiction.
Yeah, right.
Glad the fucking academy chose right, for once.
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