#that anniversary is gonna come sooner than we think
aquaquadrant · 1 year
After seeing the post about Zedaph saying blazes on blaze cakes look like Decked Out Tango I'm imagining that The Incident happened immediately before the Dungeon Master reskin and Tango has been running on blaze cake energy for months to make the Deepfrost Citadel
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the idea that tango has been working for almost a year nonstop on this massive redstone project while constantly hopped up on the minecraft equivalent of 5 hour energy is… yeah, that tracks 😂
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szasfuckingwife · 3 months
thinking about widowed!reader struggling after Johnny’s untimely death. And trust me when I say it was really untimely.
You’d nearly saved up enough money to move from your (not-too-bad) high end apartment to a countryside house, You were days away from your 3rd year anniversary and then there was the whole daughter situation.
As in, the daughter you both raised. The very same daughter he promised he’d return too after this mission.
It almost makes you chuckle. Especially when watching his video logs. Some of them he’s just talking to himself, same old Johnny talking about how the clouds seem slightly greyer for a day in June. Or one where he’s sat on the balcony of your old apartment sipping a latte.
Then you find the one of him after you told him you were pregnant. It’s clear that it was midnight, the sky looks pitch black, you had to have been asleep. You hold your breath as you see him adjust the camera and sit on the toilet seat.
“Where do I even start?” He says to the lens, his thick accent echoing through the bathroom. Johnny’s eyes look a bit teary but he clears his throat anyway.
“Y/N’s just told me some news. Some life changing news actually..” He sighs. “And you know, I’m happy. Who wouldn’t be, it’s a great thing.”
He continued, “But I’m scared. I’m not worthy of her, let alone a baby. I dunno…The kid may hate me. I’m gonna be away on these crap missions, away from their mum…It’ll be rough.”
You watch as he lets out a tired groan. He’s so beautiful, the thought crosses your mind. You’ve never not been lost in his eyes, “I hope it’s a girl. Too many lads in our family. I’ll be breaking a curse. And I know Y/n will be a great mum. That’s what soothes me.”
A tear escapes your eye before the next video plays automatically. The clip shows Johnny with your baby girl on his chest. Moments of caring for her after the premature birth flashes in your mind as you watch him stroke her back.
She’s sleeping snug on his chest as he records her. “She sleeps like her mum.” He whispers, making sure the bass in his voice doesn’t wake her up. Johnny was thoughtful like that. “So peaceful, aren’t you, bonnie?”
He places a kiss on her forehead which causes her to stir lightly, “No no no! Don’t wake up…If your mum knew you weren’t in your crib because of me, she’ll kill me.”
But much to Johnny’s dismay, his baby girl begins to cry and it is loud. A laugh escapes your lips as the video ends abruptly.
A couple of more videos play, one from your daughter’s first birthday, to him secretly filming the engagement ring next to you whilst you were sleeping to honeymoon vlogs. It felt like a trip down memory lane.
But then a particular video began to play.
It was the Cyprus holiday. You remember that day because your daughter begged to go one the beach as you were leaving the next day to return to the UK. Even more bittersweet as Johnny left for another mission when you returned.
The video starts and Johnny is sat on the sand in his trunks, sun glasses resting on his head, “My girls are playing in the water and I am far too tired to join them.”
“Daddy! Look!” Her angelic, tiny voice shouts and Johnny turns the camera to her. Swiftly, she picks up a bucket of water and splashes it on Johnny’s toes. “You devil! Come here you-”
The sound of Johnny’s teasing along with your child’s giggles earns another tear. But you don’t notice it. You smile.
And then Johnny sits back down and points the camera at you, who is also in the water. Against the blushing sky, your silhouette is immediately the focus of the video.
“My beautiful wife…She’s so pretty..” He sighs. The compliments earns a smile from your lips.
“Look at that ass. Wow, that’s all me!” He chuckles, and so do you. “We might have a second one on the way sooner rather than later.”
Your husband turns the camera back to him, “Well, bye for now, I’m gonna go spend time with my family.”
The camera is propped up against some object as Johnny runs up to you and picks you up, peppering you with kisses before his daughter begs for her dad to prop her on his shoulders.
From another pair of eyes, they’d see the perfect family, or the goal. But your eyes won’t ever be the same after seeing his autopsy, his funeral, his badge.
But you smile regardless. Because he’s there.
He always will be.
“Hey, dad…” She whispers, staring at the grey headstone. The tulips rests next to his name as the sun shines down on her. It’s quiet, like how mornings with her did used to be.
She hasn’t visited his grave in years, not coming to terms with him really being gone. But with her wedding quickly approaching, all that was on her mind was some one on one time with her daddy.
“You would like him, dad. He’s great. Mum loves him because he can cook..” A chuckle leaves her lips, “Mum says that his carbonara may be a little better than yours but…I never trued yours so I can’t compare…”
Her voice dies down as she continues. The absence of memories is what really gets to her. She should have had father days, she should of had christmases with him, she should’ve had her father/daughter dance for her wedding.
But she’ll never have that.
“Uncle Riley and Uncle Price like him…took them a while. It was a lot of questions..” She smiles reminiscing on the nearly 5hr sit down they had with her fiancé.
Unbeknownst to her, a tear left her eye. She stroked the headstone and sighed, “I’ll start to visit more, I promise. I just can’t…”
The steadiness of her voice breaks as a mini sob erupts from her, “I don’t like seeing you like this. I miss you so much, daddy.”
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i remember seeing a tiktok/reel of a woman with stones that were made from her dads ashes and it made me tear up
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kombuuuu · 1 year
gwen romantic hcs or scenario please? 🥺🤲
Spidery Romance.
Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader
another bunch of headcanons (and snippets, ur favs) with my favourite girl 🤍
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Gwen: Blue
You: Pink
Dad Stacy: Black
A cat..: Purple
mom friend this, mom friend that
how about just mommy?
is a HUGEE comfort roll in the realtionship
will do little things for you that you wouldn’t even realise
like keeping random containers because she knows you like them
jars 🫙 🤍‼️
she loves taking care of you, loves being who you go to for things
it makes her feel needed, which we know she struggles with
so she loves a partner who’s more co-dependent, like she is
“Honey, what am I supposed to do with that?”
“Open it, please“ :(
“Oh, you sweet thing… What are you going to do with an empty pickle jar.”
“You’ve eaten all the pickles?”
“I’m… going to grow an ecosystem.”
ABSOLUTELY steals shit for you
she’s not rich, seeing as she doesn’t exacccctly live in her own universe
hey, star crossed lovers are multiversel..
so she steals
just nicks things from the mall she thinks you’ll like
little trinkets or anything small and shiny she can find
also cat figures
small, cute cats. she loves anything about them and will go out of her way to take em for you
(you think she just wants to deny the fact she loves the cats. or stealing)
your OWN little klepto cat
(you both love that game)
“Hey, Sweets.”
“Oh-! You’re home!”
“And I brought a cat.”
*gasp* “What breed !!”
“No clue, but look it’s tail moves.”
Will take you out to movie dates any time she can.
never really knew how to treat a lady so she takes notes from stupid eighties shows
will throw rocks at your window
or climb up the tree next to your house and break in even though she could just go thru the front door.
buys (steals) chocolates in heart shapes and roses to decorate your bed
it’s not even valentines she just wants too
don’t forget the candles and scented bath salts with a whole ass spa set up in your bathroom
“Baby? Wh—“
“[Name]! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, babe.”
“What are the flowers for?”
“Our anniversary’s not ‘til September.”
“Beautiful, we don’ need a reason. Just wanna appreciate you.”
smile and giggle like a little bitch? of course you will
Will eventually tell you about her spider woman endeavours
she’s guilty of hiding it from you
when you trust her so much
slipping out of your shared bed at night to go patrol feels
She finally caved to her subconscious and spills it
you don’t freak out on her but she can tell you’re stressed
she tries to comfort you even when you have to opportunity to ruin her life
you could end it between the two of u right then and she’d forgive you
but not herself
“I’m spider-woman.”
“The hero, [Name]. Well, vigilante I guess—“
“What the hell.”
“Baby, please. I know I should’ve told you sooner—“
“Do you know how much danger you’re in? Are you crazy? What happens if you get hurt and I’m not here? Fighting crime like that. Fighting villains.”
“I know, sweet girl, I know.”
she comforts you through it while you basically have an existential crisis in her name
you’re more scared she’s going to get hurt
or worse
than you are betrayed,
you can get why she kept this a secret
it takes you a couple week to hone down the worrying
gwen is hella patient with you 🫶
“I don’t like this. You’re putting yourself in harms way, and it’s careless,”
Guilty stare
“,But i’m not gonna stop you.”
“Thank you, [Name].”
“Please don’t die on me.”
“I won’t, baby.”
and when your finally calm you can kind of see the appeal in it
she convinces you to let her swing you around the city
and despite you both knowing you’re probably gonna pass the fuck out
you agree cause it’s cute
“Yeah baby?”
“I think—, maybe you don’t understand what I mean by ‘I don’t like heights’.”
“Wh— Oh.”
“What d’yu mean ‘Oh.’?!! You only just realised??”
“I come up here so often, it’s like a second thought!”
“It’s the fucking Empire state!”
She’ll take you nice places around brooklyn
mostly high up
to let you see the view
and to finally see you in it
she draws you any chance she gets
especially when she takes you to those places
shes been to em so often that she’s got muscle memory for the line to every building, but now she gets to trace the contour of your face around it too
will web you to the building if you ask
just so you won’t fall
“You know there’s not a single universe where I wouldn’t catch you, right.”
“There’s a first for everything,”
She snorts “Sugar—“
“I love you, Gwen. And trust you with my life. I do not, however trust wind.”
“Understandable, love you too.”
When you meet her dad he’s a little skeptical at first
only because you’re so nervous and he’s taught to be suspicious as a cop
but eventually he likes you, and you him
your both like old pals and it confuses gwen
he takes on a very fatherly position in your life
one you missed out on
gwen is ecstatic
the two people she loves the most in the world like each other
the stars aligned for her
she tells you about her struggles with him and is glad it doesn’t affect either of your relationships
“Do you treat my daughter well?”
“Dad, please.”
“Gwen, it’s okay. I’d like to think I am, sir.”
“Cause if you hurt my little girl, everything you do to her will feel a lot worse for you.”
“I would never hurt your daughter Mr.Stacy, I love her. It’d be stupid of me to let her go.”
He smiled and clapped your back
*groan* “Why.”
she likes to keep you comfy
kinda has a thing for the housewife vibe
so she’s willing to do a lot for you
she’ll notice how empty it is in your house when she’s not there
it’s quiet and lonely
so totally for you (and not also her)
she’ll get you a cat
a small black american bobtail
she had found him while on patrol
saw a box left littered at the park and decided to pick it up
closer she got, more ‘mews’ she heard.
when she saw a short, stumpy looking kitten in the box
her heart melted
so obviously she took it
“For [Name].”
‘mew :3’
“Co-parenting practice.”
“God damn it.”
loves the cat with her whole heart
and so do you
you name it Peter
he’s adopted but he doesn’t need to know that
when he does something bad you threaten (emptily) to put him in back out in the street
“Go get a box, Peter. I’m gonna make your momma put you back where she found you.”
“He can’t understand you, baby.”
“Yes he can, look at how he’s looking at me!”
“See his face!? He’s so mocking me!”
“Sure, baby.”
EEE 🤭🤭🤭
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unbotheredalwyn · 2 months
I saw a video with the caption "when you realize she's mad at us in but daddy I love him" first of all- fucking obviously how bad is their reading comprehension. Second her racism being criticized is an insane thing to get mad at and they were apologizing to her in the comments??? Straight up "sorry ma'am 🥺" like???? She's a piece of shit and encouraging it is so disgusting. I'm glad people are dropping her but the ones who stayed are so fucking disgustingly ignorant I hate how she's still applauded on instagram and tiktok
You know anon I can't believe millions of swifties still platform her even after she called them vipers in one of her songs.
Like they're buying her 372938573929 tayvid variants and she treats them like literal shit. Let's them die at her concerts as well.
And you know what else is disgusting I never knew her lwymmd video mocked Kim's very traumatic hostage situation. And apparently rep was released on the anniversary of kanye's mother.
Like I'm sorry WHAT?!
I don't like Kim and Kanye is a POS but they never deserved to be mocked. Kim stated it was very traumatic for her. Kanye's mother meant a lot to him if I'm not mistaken his donda album is named after his mom.
And she had the nerve to bring in their CHILD as well and wish death upon Kim. Listen 2016 is almost 10 YEARS ago and she's still hung up on a fucking phonecall?!
I'm so glad I dropped her honestly. She's disgusting.
I think her downfall is gonna come sooner than we think more and more people are waking up to her bullshit.
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escapetothelake · 3 months
Was Laura and Bob already submitted? If no, can you please do? 🤲
sorry this took a hot minute!!
angst under the cut
who made the first move: robert approached laura first when he saw her sketching on the bench. he found her mysterious nature intriguing, and invited her to a bookshop cafe where they could talk more, surrounded by soft music and nice art.
who kissed who first: i think their first kiss was mutual. robert was sitting next to her on a park bench, his arm nervously placed around her. she looked up from her book, they locked eyes, and they both leaned in.
who started the relationship: after they went out a few times, they just kinda.. became exclusive?? robert because he genuinely felt a connection with laura, and laura for the same reason, but also because robert's presence brought her peace of mind and didn't add hassle to her life. it's nice to not be alone with your own thoughts.
who remembers things: laura has a great memory. robert is well-meaning, but can be a little forgetful when it comes to smaller things. laura gives him a notepad and a pencil and tells him to write down things he needs to remember, and sooner or later, his workspace, the fridge, and the doors in the house are littered with them.
nicknames for each other: laura goes for "bob", "rob", "robbie", or "bert". sometimes she says his name with a french accent—it's an inside joke they have. robert calls her "honey", "babe", or "my girl".
who is more likely to pay for dinner: robert has pretty steady employment, so he usually pays.
who normally cooks: laura's a better cook than robert. he likes it when she teaches him, because she always says that he has the capabilities to become better if he puts his mind to it.
who remembers anniversaries: they both do.
what would they get each other for gifts: robert likes to get laura flowers, books, or art supplies. he also gets her music pieces, records, or tapes. laura's the kind of person who gives drawings or works of art for gifts. she has a bunch of old books as well, and she learned to make art pieces with them.
most trivial thing they fight over: not that this is trivial, but laura tends to isolate herself, or "wander off" for a while and not leave any notice or tell robert where she's going. robert gets concerned, and laura feels that he's being overbearing.
how often do they fight: they're both pretty chill, so they don't fight that often.
who uses all the hot water: laura loves a good bath. her and robert sometimes bathe together, too.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: laura has to, or bob will try to fix it himself.
who leaves their stuff around: laura kinda shoves her stuff into drawers, but keeps a pretty neat and minimalistic house. when robert's stressed, he'll leave his stuff laying around.
who remembers to buy the milk: when robert's going out for work, laura will usually say, "bob, we need milk." she just hopes he'll remember to actually pick it up.
who controls the netflix queue: they're the kind of couple to watch the same shows—usually one or two episodes a night. robert mostly adapted to laura's tastes, though. i could see them watching thrillers, mystery, drama, documentaries, and the like.
who steals the covers at night: laura. robert sleeps pretty still. sometimes she'll wake him up by accidentally kicking him in her sleep.
who cusses more: if laura's really irked, she swears like a sailor. she's pretty chill most of the time, but she has mild road rage tendencies. there have been a couple of times that robert had to stop her from getting into a fight.
who does most of the cleaning: they try to split domestic tasks, but since bob works more, laura usually takes over.
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: doing artistic activities together. sometimes they'll draw each other, or read with their legs all tangled up together.
who’s the cuddler: robert. sometimes, he holds laura like she's gonna go somewhere. laura doesn't really mind his clingy tendencies, so she kinda just lets him hold her.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: usually it's robert big, laura little.
who’s more dominant: mostly laura. robert will do anything she asks, in and out of the bedroom.
who is the dirty talker: bob mostly uses affirmation/praise phrases. laura is more of the "dirty talker".
what do they do when they’re away from each other: laura's pretty independent, so she doesn't mind being away from bob all that much. in fact, she actually enjoys having alone time every once in a while, especially because it helps her creatively. on the other hand, being away from laura makes bob a little uneasy. he likes to call her every so often, just to check in.
what would they do if the other one was hurt: bob kinda likes being taken care of and "babied" by laura because it makes him feel safe and wanted. in that sense, when she's caring for him while he's sick and/or injured, he enjoys the attention. if laura were sick or hurt, bob would be a little more distressed, but he likes to have the chance to cook for her and care for her in return. he sees it as an opportunity to show his affection.
a headcanon: occasionally, laura will leave little drawings around for bob. it's almost like a game at this point—he likes to see if he can find them all. sometimes she'll doodle on a sticky note and slide it in his notes, his books, in his coat, his shoe, his lunch, or some object in the house. she really enjoys the excitement he expresses when he find them. in return, he began to write loving little notes on the back of the drawings and re-hide them among her things. at first, it was pretty surprising to laura, but she keeps them all.
after her death, dale finds a box in her house full of little notes with drawings on one side, and affectionate phrases on the back. he puts two and two together and realizes that they were co-made with robert, and his realization is confirmed after a handwriting analysis. after robert is cleared of suspicion of murder, dale gives him back a number of laura's possessions, the box with the notes included. dale excuses himself from the room, but not before he hears the box open and robert begin to sob.
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infini-tree · 1 year
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now for something completely different (and something of a third anniversary post)!
as i’ve stated once in a while about the music room scene in the comic: it was one of several scenes i’ve been extremely excited to draw. its gone through a lot of revisions, which is detailed here.
it, along with captain’s first appearance was literally one of several reasons why this part of sticky notes au exists as a comic as opposed to just writing it as a fanfic. sure, it may have taken less time to write, but words can’t really compare to the buildup, gutpunch, and subsequent tone shift that came with that one scene.
i’ve literally been revising this one specific part since october 2020, which puts into perspective as to how long i agonized over it (for reference, the scene went live online in fall 2022*). so have that process to the lead-up to the snap.
* (disclaimer: a good chunk of the scene was in my drafts for months prior to its posting, but you get the idea.)
late 2020 (pics 1-2): 
the original plan was for krupp to fall. i never figured out how or why-- maybe he just slipped on some vc-barf! i think some versions had him additionally fall back into the stairs as a result of that. but in that moment the boys just took advantage of that moment and snapped their fingers to switch him over before he hit the ground. this was also back when krupp also knew the method of switching, hence his hands in the first pic.
early 2021 (pics 3-5): 
still had the concept of krupp knowing about snapping, but i swapped it to the idea to him learning it right at the moment before he switches over in the coming months. early sticky notes krupp and captain are learning how this works and having their initial assumptions about the other challenged, so i figured it would be the more appropriate story beat for the whole thing at the time.
i don’t remember the context of the comic thumbnails in the 4th photo, i think i was just playing with how the snap itself was going to be illustrated. but the right panel was a different version of it. krupp was initially supposed to say... something. i don’t think i planned that out in specifics, but the point was that he was supposed to be genuinely afraid. the hand was going to come into view, and was blurry. when it snaps, the hand is the one in focus and krupp is blurry. the change in focus is all symbolic. here’s my original commentary on the subject:
theres going to be a future page where the boys start talking but it just continues to linger on krupp's pov for a lil bit and how he feels abt the boys just being v casual and callous about the fact that theyre making him fight a monster (semantics about how its CAPTAIN whos gonna fight notwithstanding)
before yanking the pov back to the boys for some sweet sweet dissonance
a version of this dissonance does make it in the final comic, so there’s that.
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2022 (pics 6-9): 
we’re almost there folks. the trio of poses (and gif made of those 3 poses) was from a version of events that had less block-busting. basically, the gag eel was at the door much sooner, and running out of options, the boys essentially say “the stealthy [prank] option isn’t working, he’s dry enough, we have to do it now”. krupp is confused and panicked on the fact that there’s a monster and this whole bit in the music room was a set-up. 
he starts panicking and hurling accusations/theories about how they did it. he even had a throwaway line along the lines of “did you steal one of melvin’s inventions [to make me into captain]”. that line was immediately scrapped since mentioning him felt a little out of left field at this point of the story and i wanted to keep the scope small.
while in this version of the thumbnails, the frames were meant to gradually zoom in to krupp’s face, i did do a set of full body poses just in case i did want something more than a waist up... mostly to make sure if krupp’s pose and hand placement could be feasible
note the fact that he’s covering his head but not his ears. he’s really working off of assumptions
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im-a-matt-girl · 1 year
telling matt's brothers and parents that you're expecting after hiding it until finding out the gender and matt accidentally letting the news of both the baby and the gender slip out earlier than you planned.
🫣 well...
"Are you ready?" I ask you, desperately trying not to allow my nervousness to color my voice.
"Yeah," you smile at me. "You?"
I nod hesitantly, fixing my coat. I actually don't know if I'm ready, but they're going to find out, anyway. Might as well bite the bullet.
"Don't be nervous," you tell me quietly, giving me a quick smooch on my temple. "It'll be fine. I think everyone's gonna be excited."
"I know," I sigh. "I just hate being the center of attention."
"I can be the one to say it, if you want," you offer.
"Really?" I reply, full of hope. I mean, it is your family, so I was hoping you'd do it, but only if you wanted to.
"Mhm," you nod. "Here, let me get the door for you."
We go inside, and are immediately greeted by your parents. We exchange pleasantries, and then we all sit down for dinner. Once your brothers arrive, we say grace and start to eat.
"Your first wedding anniversary's coming up, right? Any plans?" your dad asks you.
"Yeah," you answer him aloud, while I nod silently. "Pretty soon."
"I wonder when they'll start a family," your mom adds, mostly to herself, but I think she's trying to drop a hint to us as well.
"Sooner than you might think," you say.
Everyone at the table stops eating and looks at you expectantly. I can't hide my smile.
"The babies will be born in just four more months," you continue.
Everyone's eyes widen, and their jaws drop open. "Babies? What babies!?" your mom asks frantically.
"Twins," you tell her, in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice. "A boy and a girl."
Your mom gasps. "I'm gonna be a grandma!?" she shrieks happily. She gets up out of her chair to give you a big hug and kisses you on the cheek.
"I did not see that coming," Nick finally says.
"Well, congratulations," Jim says to us. "Man, what a surprise! Two!?"
I nod and giggle as MaryLou comes over to hug and kiss me as well.
"Honestly, I saw it coming," Chris declares with a smug look on his face.
"Yeah, okay, whatever," Nick rolls his eyes.
I can't help but laugh at their interaction. Oh, I hope our twins will grow up to have the same kind of relationship as you and your brothers. I love being a part of your family, and growing it with you.
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sca-nerd · 1 year
Ruby Joust
My Squire Brother, Marcus de Rath, was Knighted! Which was the whole reason I went. Ruby Joust is not usually on my calendar because it’s always ridiculously hot and miserable, and usually longer than a day trip drive that I’m comfortable with. I was not about to miss this event. So, under the guise of celebrating Sir William’s 5th anniversary of Knighthood, I grabbed the niece (who is also in the Household), the little old pupper ladies, booked a hotel room, drove 6 hours and proceeded to help hide EVERYTHING going on from Marcus until he could be put on Vigil on Saturday afternoon.
Traditionally, Ruby Joust tends to have god-awful weather; it’s usually swelteringly hot. 5 years ago, at Sir William’s Knighting, it was so oppressively hot my niece got heat stroke, and my phone died in the middle of recording the ceremony because it over heated. So when we were told, “You don’t want to miss Ruby this year” (which is code for get your ass to this event/Court, something is happening in our Household) I knew I was gonna book a hotel room. I wasn’t going to mess around this year.
My biggest concern was the dogs. Because of extenuating circumstances, I wasn’t able to leave them behind and so at 15½ and 14, they went to their first SCA event. I knew Tipitiwitchit would thrive, because she is social, curious and everyone is friend-shaped. Daisy is the one I was concerned about. Daisy is skittish and shy around people, even if she knows them, and will sometimes try to intimidate other dogs (she was attacked once and had 12 stitches), and so she sometimes barks and charges other dogs when she first meets them. When we meet new dogs, we always take precautions with her for that reason. She’s never hurt anyone, but we aren’t willing to risk that ONE TIME she does.
At home, Daisy is so noisy and bossy and has such a BIG personality; we joke that she is secretly a Mafia Boss. Around people or in new places she gets shy, reserved, hesitant, sometimes quiet, and will usually just hide in my lap or want to be carried everywhere. Going into this, I knew she would need extra care. I had prepared her own space so she could be comfortable, I warned folks I would be going to the hotel if things got too hot or too much for the dogs, and everyone who knows Daisy knew that she would be a little bit overwhelmed.
I don’t know what dog I brought to Ruby Joust, because it was not Daisy.
This. Bitch. We had literally JUST arrived on site and she walked straight up to people she didn’t know. She let complete strangers pet her without shying away or me having to stand with her. She FOLLOWED people like she was going with them. “Bye mom, gonna hang out with my new friends,” kind of followed. She let people HOLD HER. And she didn’t try to get away, wiggle to be let down, or try to stretch to me to take her from them. I have never seen a guy hold her, and she let TWO of them do it while being perfectly content. She didn’t bark once. Not once. She is a yorkie/jack russell mix. She ALWAYS barks. I don’t think I heard her bark once from Friday morning to Monday morning.
She THRIVED. And in the process made me into a LIAR. “She’s skittish she won’t let you pet her,” LIE. “She won’t come to you if you call her,” LIE. “She doesn’t let other people hold her,” LIE. “She might bark at your dog,” LIE. If I had known she was a born Scadian, I would have brought her to events sooner!
She and Tipi also got to be part of the procession into Court when Marcus was summoned, which was a lot of fun. Now I wish that I had made them SOME sort of Household garb or a bandana at the very least. Next time, I guess, because they had a lot of fun and so I will definitely take them to another event soon (when the weather is more comfortable for them).
Speaking of the weather, we had GORGEOUS weather. There was a cold front pushing through, so it was in the low 70’s with no humidity, some cloud cover, and a nice breeze the whole time. We broke down early on Sunday morning so none of the canvas got wet in the anticipated rain, and then I left after the Knighting. If I stood still for longer than a minute, both dogs were asleep on the grass – so I knew they were done. We were probably about 20 minutes on the road when the rain hit, so it was a good call to break down when we did.
The Knighting was beautiful. Marcus and his Lady looked incredible. The speech for the chain, the spurs, and the belt (the sword presenter left ahead of the anticipated rain), were beautiful. He received a belt that had belonged to our Knight’s Knight – Sir Kane. It was an emotional time; the culmination of years of hard work and growth, and I am so honored to have been able to witness it and to be a part of it. I am so proud of him and deeply grateful to be able to call him my Brother.
Vivat, Sir Marcus de Rath.
OH. Nearly forgot one of my favorite parts: THEY PUT A BATTLE YORKIE ON HIS SCROLL. I have to get a picture of it, because I died a little when I saw it.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 3 months
You should write a nice little fic of Jodie And Toby teaching teenage Travis and Michael sole baseball. 👏 happy anniversary!
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Thank you for the request anon! This was a great way to end these mini requests and celebrate this blog's anniversary.
"Kiwi ya know what Ah just heard today?"
Jodie takes a sip of coffee.
"Michael and Travis wanna know how ta play baseball."
"Ok. Go on an get the stuff then. The boys left all their baseball stuff behind."
Jodie gets up and finds a couple baseballs, the bat and a catcher's mitt.
"So how do ya plan on doin this Kiwi?"
"Yer arm's stronger so you can teach Michael how ta bat by pitchin ta him. Ah'll just play catch wit Travis so he knows how ta field. Then we'll switch after a while."
Jodie nods and heads outside.
"Boys c'mon over here."
He makes a hand waving motion so Travis can understand what's happening. Toby grabs a chair and sets it down in the shade. He starts using sign language.
"Travis, you're goin ta be throwin the ball wit me. Michael's gonna be wit Jodie for a half hour. Then you'll be wit Jodie swingin the bat."
Travis nods to show he understands. Toby sits down in the chair.
Jodie's Corner
"Ok Michael Ah'm gonna throw the ball. Do yer best ta swing at it."
"You got it dad."
Jodie makes the mistake of throwing it like a regular pitcher would. Michael doesn't even see it.
"Sorry tha's mah bad. Gotta slow it down."
Jodie tries to slow it down so Michael can actually try to swing at it. The two keep practicing for the next half hour.
"There ya go Michael. Yer gettin it."
"Thanks dad!"
Jodie picks up the ball.
"Awright then go one an play catch wit Toby. Ah'm gonna practice wit your brother."
Toby's Corner
Toby sees Michael coming up to him and starts signing to Travis.
"Did you have fun?"
Travis nods. Toby signs again.
"It's time ta go ta Jodie an practice swingin the bat."
Travis nods and walks over to Jodie. Toby picks up the ball and sits back down in the chair.
"How'd ya do wit battin practice?"
"Dad said I was gettin better by the end of it."
Toby nods and throws the ball at him.
"Well so long's ya had fun tha's all that matters. Now let's get started wit some simple throws like a regular game a catch."
Michael throws the ball back and forth.
"Hey yer throwin 'em real hard. Go on a bit back an keep throwin the ball like yer doin."
Michael moves about 10 feet back. He starts throwing the ball again. Eventually he moves as back far enough that it's as if he's an actual pitcher.
"How'm I doin?"
"Good Michael. Jus lemme know if yer arm's startin ta hurt. Ah don't need ya dislocatin yer shoulder cause yer throwin too hard or too long."
Michael throws the ball again and he feels something in his shoulder.
"I think it's time to stop. Startin to get sore."
"Awright then buddy. Ya did a good job. Now were you an Travis thinkin bout tryin out for the baseball team or somethin?"
Michael shakes his head.
"Travis really wanted to give it a try. I just wanted to have somethin to do with you all."
"Well tha's good. Now le's go an see how Jodie's doin wit Travis."
They walk over to Jodie's part of the yard.
"Man. Ya shoulda seen it. We shoulda gotten Travis started in baseball sooner."
Jodie gestures for Travis to get closer.
"Travis' a battin machine! Even when Ah started throwin at full speed he's hittin 'em."
Toby looks at Travis and gives him a thumbs up while signing.
"Ya did a great job, Travis."
Travis tries to speak. Since he's only able to talk like how he signs some sentences are easier to understand than others. He prefers to sign as he talks so that way Toby can translate in case it isn't clear."
"Thank you."
Jodie smiles and pats his shoulder. Even though he's tried to learn sign language, Jodie isn't as good as Toby. He prefers to talk slowly so Travis can lip read.
"Ah bet yer hungry. Let's go inside an eat."
They all head inside feeling very happy about the day's events. Travis especially feels happy that he has a family who loves him and treats him the same as Michael despite his disability. That's all anyone could ever ask for.
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I didn’t even think about the Rep pics! Those were great. Just imagine all of the pics they took we never saw 💔 Reputation was when I became a fan and it’s been interesting to see all of the publicity that comes with single Taylor 🥴 Again I wish whatever convo Swifties want to have about possible new flings they please not mention Joe and insult him at every turn. All fandoms are toxic but the change in narrative of their story is very disappointing. Really want to know how people think is the most appropriate way to date one of the most famous people on the planet. Please write a handbook because you’re clearly an expert. And it takes away Taylor’s agency to assume she didn’t agree with how they kept their relationship private. Rant over. When do you think Reputation TV will come out? I’m most excited about that one.
Oh, yeah, the craziness of single Taylor - era is on another level. This is still nothing compared to 2013-2014-2016, and I feel like the public has MOSTLY gotten over following Taylor’s love life like it’s their job. Swifties, on the other hand, are being absolutely unbearable with the TK rumor. I’m not talking about some general speculating (which is fine). I’m talking about those who cannot be normal about what’s happening and are talking about it like they have nothing else going on in their lives besides knowing all the details about Taylor’s next long-term relationship. It’s crazy.
And about rep… right now I think she’ll follow the same pattern she’s been following since 2020 (new album - 2 re-recordings - new album - 2 re-recordings). I think we’ll get a new album in 2024 and we’ll get rep in 2025. I also recently thought that she might wait to release debut in 2026, just to wait for the 20 year anniversary, since it’s very close? But I’m not sure she’s gonna wanna “drag out” the process until then. I think that a new album is coming sooner rather than later, though. Like, I really think she’s not waiting until the end of 2024 to release it. I’d rather have the 2 remaining re-recordings over a new album, because I’m still not mentally ready for TS11 and the mess it will bring, but I’ll end up loving every album she releases as always :).
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
writing asks!
5, 6, 9 [crimson, bright, or under], 25, 26, 48, 57, 63 [His Tenebris Moenibus], 72, 77
Thanks! Sorry, I would have answered this sooner, but I spent most of today doing training modules for work and my brain is friiiiied.
Anyways, let's see what we have here...
5 - How many WIPs do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
All my current WIPs are under the Stranger Things and/or Twilight umbrella.
Necrosis: Diplopia's sequel, a more freeform fic based on the many (...many) wonderful fics I've read. The fic deals primarily with... I'll call it Emily's Involuntary Character Development by Phoenix Wright-Related Means. Posted chapters: 5/?
The Weirdo From St. Valentina's: I know this one was originally a one shot, but someone in the comments flattered me by saying it should be a longfic, and I have more ideas, go figure. So I have another chapter partially drafted and maybe a few more after that? Posted chapters: 1/? (Three or four maybe)
Stranger Things One-Shots: I have a few one-shots I have already written and a few I want to finish/write. As of now I have a total of I think 4 that I have yet to publish, three are done and one I need to finish.
Twilight One-Shots: There are fewer of these, in fact right now I only have one that's in the works, however given that my top priority is the Twilight longfic and I have some of those later chapters done for when I get to them, it evens out. There also miiiiiight be one in the future that doesn't involve Emily at all...
So I don't know how those totals work out. A lot, it's a lot of WIPs.
6 - What is the last line you wrote?
"Lead the way."
Context: Emily says this to a character that she's gonna take a walk with to a location after a very... we'll call it an introspective conversation. I can't say much for spoilers' sake, but this is one of those "later Necrosis chapters."
(I know I posted a one-shot called The Third Rule to celebrate Stranger Things 4's one year anniversary, but technically that was one of those one shots I wrote a while ago, so none of those lines were 'the most recent line.')
9 - Does [word chosen by asker] appear in a WIP?
Crimson - Surprisingly, no lol
Bright - She had just the prettiest, brightest hazel eyes, I could practically see every color imaginable in them.
(That counts, right?)
Under - He hasn't had a singer in 305 years, not since 1593. It's amusing how the humans are still under the impression that the poor man was killed in a bar fight. That's what Chelsea told me, at least.
Dang, those are from the same WIP lol, again, one of my Necrosis chapter drafts (although this one is gonna be on deck soon).
Also I should note the italics are indicating that this is a quote someone is reading. This is a scene of someone reading someone else's writing.
25 - What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Honestly, it depends on my mood. But in general I really like developing characters. Their traits, their relationships, all that fun stuff. It fits together like a nice puzzle and I just get to be creative. Writing aside but in a similar vein, I also like coming up with character concept sketches and making character playlists. Both of those things can be a massive help to the writing side of the equation as well.
26 - What is your least favorite part of the writing process?
...can I say the actual writing part? I mean, I don't hate it, sometimes the act of writing is a huge stress reliever, but the problem arises when I either a) have the motivation but not the time or b) the desire to write but the inability to actually execute the process for any number of reasons. I need to plan more, I don't wanna type, I'm tired and would just rather daydream about the fic... the list goes on lmao.
48 - Who is your favorite character to write for? Has this changed since you've started writing for that fandom?
This is an interesting question since I love writing for all the characters I write for. Some more than others, sure. I mean, obviously I love writing stories about Emily, else I wouldn't keep doing it. But like Emily, I'm very attached to both of her long term boyfriends and love getting to write for both of them. Although I thiiiiiink Henry takes the edge.
It really just comes down to how creative I feel like being on that day. When I'm in the mood to be more creative I like writing for the Twilight characters more since... there's very little canon material to work with, forcing me to fill in the gaps. Giving more depth to characters like Jane or Sulpicia is such a joy, even if it's born of annoyance.
57 - How conscious are you about adding symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Incredibly. I try to make every single thing in my fics very intentional, down to using specific words in simple sentences or dialogue. For example, this excerpt from Diplopia:
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If you know, you know, and you know this will be important later... and that it is not gonna be pretty. Foreshadowing is one of my favorite tropes because it gives a fic re-read value to go back and look for hints.
63 - What was the hardest part of writing His Tenebris Moenibus?
Many little things, but it all boils down to balance. Balancing Emily's shitty personality to still make her a somewhat likeable character that you want to keep engaging with. Balancing content and information in the show with keeping the story fresh (i.e. Henry telling Emily his backstory in a different way than he presents it in Episode 7 while still getting the same information across... admittedly in retrospect writing out his entire monologue when we eventually get to the massacre might have been unecessary, but I did it anyways cause I love and adore that scene, sue me). Balancing out how Emily interracts with people like Eddie so her presence in that part of the story doesn't seem forced or weird.
72 - What's your favorite writing compliment you've gotten?
I appreciate and adore every compliment I've ever gotten on my writing since they're all very special to me. Obviously the analysis comments you give me and I get stronger with every "good characterization" comment (I might be able to fight god soon). I even got compliments on Necrosis from someone whos fics I have not only read multiple times but have gone absolutely feral over... It's like publishing a short horror story and Stephen King telling you he felt creeped out reading it.
But I think the greatest compliments I've gotten are from people who've told me my writing changed their outlooks and minds on characters, Henry specifically. You've said this once or twice and I actually got @ohitshoneybee on the full blown Henry hype train... arguably initially because I put him through an emotional ringer with Diplopia and she felt bad for him, but still. This is a character I care about very much, more than I ever expected to, and it gives me a sense of pride that I can essentially make people somewhat see him the way I see him.
77 - Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
Oh, many reasons. Putting my own creative spin on my favorite fandoms, exploring ideas and adding extra dimensions to pre-existing lore... and making people have emotional breakdowns. Are you really a fanfic writer if at some point you haven't gone full Helmo?
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I think the most recent example is the fact that it's allowed me to take my childhood nemesis franchise, Twilight, and give it my own three-dimensional makeover. I basically started with Mopey, Angry, and Creepy with their (remaining) wives, Druggie One and Druggie Two. I put some thought and work into it and now instead of two dimensional, one trick ponies, I have full characters I can mold and play with.
Stephenie Meyer, if you're ever reading this, call me and I can have an entire guidebook whipped up to give your characters a full revamp (no pun intended).
I take cash, checks, or Venmo.
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Today is the two-year anniversary of waking up to find my best buddy dead.
It’s harder this year than it was last year.
These “anniversaries” always hit hard...like ripples of grieving, radiating and reverberating out through time from the point at which the rock of death was cast into the pool of my life. 
With Char, it’s been ten years, and now two years for Kyle.  Sometimes I can almost see the two of them standing there together, smiling and laughing at me for still being so morbid.  
Grief is clever...it’s insidious to an absurd degree at times, the lengths we go through to deny its existence.  I’ve been bad sick for a week with a bad upper respiratory flu/bronchitis.  Grief lives in the lungs.  I’d effectively blocked out that today was coming, telling myself that the 9th of January was Char’s mom’s birthday, thinking that was the only “thing” coming.
And then today came.  The 10th.  And I remembered.  Waking up to find my best buddy ever, cold and dead, like a piece of ham in a deli counter.  
I have not been seriously sick-sick like this since about six months after Char died, ten years now, so it tracks that I’d be sick in the lead-up to today.   Last year it was hard, but this year just revealed the extent the weight of his death still has on my life.
I have done my best to be someone he would be proud of, by being there for his Golden Child daughter who just turned 12, and is growing up quick.  I made being here for her the reason I’m still alive, because, frankly, I’d rather not be.  Lily’s gonna be grown up sooner than later, and won’t really need me in her life anymore. 
And the weight of those two deaths still presses down on me.  I feel like I have nothing left to say to the world.  I’m done.  The world doesn’t listen anyway.  And nobody wants to hear about YOUR shit, they’ve all got their own shit to deal with. 
And so this weight, this leaden cloak of grief, remains mine to bear.
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raynecloud06 · 1 month
This is just a very long and unimportant rant about Project SEKAI limited Gachas on here real quick, because I'd like to let off some steam (and see if other pjsk gacha/card addicts see this and understand the struggle, lol). Rant under the cut, feel free to scroll if you aren't interested, but...
TLDR; there are so many limited cards I wanna pull for and not enough time to save for them all, and I am in dire need of a miracle from Hatsune Miku herself.
Okay, so I've recently decided I'm going to give up impulse pulling on my main/EN account completely (I'm still pulling on JP, since I don't care as much about that account), so I can save up for the limited event cards that I really, really want to actually get when they come out.
And checking how much time we have between now and when they come to EN... I am so royally fucked.
To start, some time in November, we're supposed to have the first rerun of the Spooky Forest Gacha. I have been wanting to pull on that one for a while now, because the cards are lovely, and I really really want Little Lamb Minori especially.
However, I'll likely end up skipping that one, especially since this is gonna running either before, during, or after the Nightcord at 25 World Link, and I really want the cards for this event sooner rather than later. A; because they're beautiful and B; N25 are my second favorite unit.
Directly after that is Tsukasa4, which I'm not pulling for even though it has my favorite Tsukasa card in the whole game, because directly after that is The Best Picture Wrap, which is another event I really want the full set from, and I will never be able to pull for both.
(And I want to try and save enough crystals to spark, so I can guarantee at least one of the cards, but if I don't get any of the cards from my pulls, I'll have to pick between sparking for Nene (which I have no 4*stars for) or for Len (who doesn't have any 50% event bonus options and is better gameplay wise), which is a decision I Do Not want to have to make.)
Then, only two events after that is Next to the Unchanging Warmth, which is a colorfes (so 2x chance for 4*stars + chance to get colorfes cards) and a Mizuki focus mixed event (I love Mizuki so much, and this is definitely one of my favorite Mizuki cards in the game), so this is another event I really really want to pull from.
THEN I have to skip the VBS World Link (which I'm not too sad about) and Blacklight Lens Flare (which I am quite sad about), because during the next four to five event periods after them there are EIGHT FUCKING LIMITED GACHAS RERUNNING I WANT TO PULL FOR. EIGHT.
These limited Gachas include:
- Graceful Marriage
- Knights of White
- Photogenic Valentine
- Sweet, Cute Valentine
- What Awaits at the End of War
- Imperial Soldiers
- Wanderer's Journey
- Secret Teatime
(In vaguely that order, I think)
The fucking cherry on top of this crystal sapping sundae??? The fucking Wonderlands x Showtime World link starts four fucking events after Blacklight Lens Flare. WxS is my favorite unit, followed closely by N25, and I love the WL cards for both these units.
(I first downloaded the JP server so that I could play Blacklight Lens Flare, and every time another rerun of a limited Gacha I really wanted the cards from popped up, followed by WxS WL, I felt my hopes and dreams slowly die. At this point, they are nothing but cremated ashes.)
After the WxS WL, Toya4 comes out and is immediately followed by Rise As One, aka 3.5 anniversary, which means the colorfes typical 2x drop rate for 4*stars + the colorfes cards for Saki, Tsukasa and Emu, which I also really want and will definitely not be able to pull for while also pulling for the world link.
Thankfully, if I decide not to pull for literally anything before it (including the first ever bloomfes, the MMJ and Leo/need WL's, and others), I have 13 events to save up for the Virtual Singer/Vocaloid World Link. It's not all great, seeing as I want to get all six cards during the event since I likely won't have many more chances to get my hands on them, but it's better than everything, I suppose.
If I do manage to get them all in minimal pulls, I might even be able/willing to spare a few for the second Spooky Forest rerun, and The Divine Beasts' New Years Gacha (another one I really want all the cards from), but that's very unlikely, especially considering the Project SEKAI drop rates and how amazing their recent cards have been looking.
If you've read all the way through this, thank you for listening to me complaining about the consequences (being able to get all the cards I really want) of my own actions (impulse pulling/not saving my crystals).
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natashawritesstuff · 2 years
time-skip! oikawa x reader
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“Fuckboys get married at twenty.”
“Hi… hi is also a way to start a conversation,” you say, and your best friend, Kumiko shrugs. 
She’s had this theory for as long as you’ve known her. Good guys take their time in settling down in getting married because when they find the one, what’s the rush? Fuckboys, however, are different. Fuckboys are immune to love until they’re not. So when they find the one they know it’s real and at that point, why wait?
You think it’s bullshit. And also not a proper greeting as she sat across from you, rolling her eyes still yet to say hello. 
“This is our last hangout, come on,” you say and she pouts. 
“Why do you have to go all the way to Argentina?”
“I told you. I’m sick of saying I love Miyagi just cause I’ve never been anywhere else. I wanna go places, see the world.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t forget about me.”
“I could never.”
“Or my theory.”
“Whatever,” you say, laughing brushing her notion off. 
You move to Argentina the summer after you turn nineteen. You do a year studying abroad but kept an open mind in case you wanted to stay. The country is breathtaking. The food, the atmosphere, the culture, the people. Well, a person.
“You’re kidding?” you ask, bewildered. 
“Yeah, I went to Aoba Johsai. I was a setter for the volleyball team, even made captain in my third year,” Oikawa Toru will tell you over a morning coffee, your first official date.
“That’s crazy! We lived in the same prefecture and didn’t meet until we’re both across the world.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, “I really wish I would have met you sooner,” he confesses, sending a longing look your way that makes your heart skip a beat. 
“You probably say that to every pretty face that walks in here don’t you?”
“No, I don’t,” he says and with the way he pauses after the words come out, it was almost like he was just figuring that out himself. 
You smile and as he watches your lips curve upwards, he smiles too. You shy away from his gaze, turning away but he places a finger under your chin to where your eyes meet once more. “You look beautiful.”
“Anytime,” he promises and one thing about Oikawa is that he keeps his word. 
He would call you beautiful nearly every day he would see you, and you saw the man every day. He became an addiction, something you always craved and never got enough of, and from the way he would hug you just a little bit longer before he’d go back to his place, he felt it too. The mornings he stayed over were long and lazy, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you further into his chest when you tried to get up a moment too soon. He places soft kisses on your collarbone when you sleep longer than he does and even after the alarms ring and are snoozed over five times, he won’t dare to let go first. Safe to say after not too long, you were in love. 
Unfortunately for him because you were also going back home. The school year had come and gone all too quickly and just shy of your one-year anniversary; a milestone where he wanted to ask you to move in, he was helping you move away. 
You hear a small sniffle as he tapes up the last box and you stop what you were doing, walking over to hug him. His larger frame envelops yours as he pulls you in an impossibly tight embrace and you feel him trying not to cry.
“I don’t wanna go.”
“Then stay,” he pleads, pulling away and you gaze up at his bloodshot eyes. 
“I can’t-”
“You can.”
“My lease here just expired-”
“Move in with me,” he offers.
“My friends-”
“We’ll go back and visit as much as you want. Just please, please don’t leave me.”
You sigh and take his hands in yours as you explain, “look, I love you. So much, but I can’t take this kind of chance on a boyfriend-”
“Will you marry me?”
“What?” you whisper, voice so quiet you barely heard it yourself. 
“Marry me? I was gonna ask anyway, been thinking about it since our first date. I have a ring at my place, I’ll get you a better one eventually. And you’ll get the best seats for my games. And when I can’t wear my ring I’ll put it on a chain and you can wear it when I’m playing-”
“Toru,” you interrupt and he shakes his head with a wobbly smile. 
“Y/N, marry me. Please.”
Kumiko’s theory was right. Fuckboys get married at twenty, but she left out one crucial piece of information. She never said anything about who actually marries them.
And that it’d be you.
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10 years later pt 2
Aoba Johsai Materlist
Return to Main Masterlist
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lotus-flowerz · 3 years
hello hello I love your writings so far sobs I couldn't help but do an ask myself aa (it's my first ask ever help hwkajd) could I request perhaps gn reader that flinched away from the boys by reflex? (preferably with Diluc, Kaeya and Kazuha but you can add or remove someone if you want to!) like they were hanging out and reader was lost in thoughts and suddenly when they see in the corner of their eyes how the boys raise their arm for smth reader quickly raises their arms above their own head to protect it- how would they react and how would they comfort the reader? I hope it's not too much or if you're uncomfortable with it you can ignore it if you want to whaaaa
AHHH TY IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WRITING! i actually do this too, some of my old friends would make fun of me for it, so i hope that my writing here is accurate >.<
i also added beidou in here, hope you don't mind, i just had to since she's my favorite character <3
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The cherry blossoms fell silently from the trees under which you and Kazuha were sitting. Those had remained unchanged since you and Kazuha were children. The beauty of the pink blossoms falling towards the green earth without a care.
It had remained the same through the vision hunt decree, through the war, through watching Tomo get killed by the shogun, through both of you getting injured during said fight. Kazuha's hand was burnt from Tomo's vision, and your body had a large scar running from your knee to the side of your neck from a stray bolt of lighting from Tomo's divine punishment. If not for Kazuha's determination to not lose another friend and Beidou and her crew caring for you, you would be dead.
These days, although you and Kazuha both carried the same trauma, he seemed to be doing leaps and bounds better than you were. Your eyes flitted to Kazuha, who was writing poetry. The only sound that could be heard was his pen gliding across the paper, filling it with his eloquent words that always seemed to flow so smoothly.
You were deep in thought, when out of the corner of your eye you spotted something coming towards your face. Instinctively, your hands flew out to shield yourself, leaving a very confused Kazuha, who was only scratching his head, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
"Dove.. did you think I was going to hurt you?"
You slowly lowered your arms, guilt washing over you.
"No! It's just- sometimes, when movements are too sudden.. I.. you know, I try to protect myself because uh.."
His eyes drifted to your scar, then looked up at your face, only to find it tilted to the ground. He put a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to meet his, then kissing your forehead.
One hand snaked around your waist while the other traced lightly over your scar, sending shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around him as well, putting a little of your weight onto him.
He kissed your lips, squeezing you tight against him.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise."
"Kazuha, it's not-"
"I know it's not my fault. And I know I couldn't have prevented it. But I promise you, you're safe now."
He brought his hand up to cradle the back of your head as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you." you said, squeezing him a little tighter.
"No need to thank me. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kazuha."
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You had been a part of Beidou's crew for just over a year now, after meeting her in the wharf of Liyue harbor after finally finding the courage to leave your abusive and toxic partner. You didn't have a place to stay and you were clearly distraught, so when she asked if you were okay and you immediately began to cry, she offered you to come on her ship. You trusted her, since she was the well-known captain of the Crux. After you had explained your situation, she offered you to join her crew. You agreed, and began dating her about six months after joining the Crux.
Because you had been aboard the Alcor for a year, you knew the crew was loud and prone to get drunk. You had never liked to drink, preferring to quietly sip a small glass of dandelion wine while sitting next to Beidou while she drank a few beers and talked with her crew.
It was now the one year anniversary of when you had left Liyue Harbor, and conveniently, the Alcor was anchored there for a bit for a supplies run, imports drop off, and exports pickup. While out and about with Beidou, you had seen your ex in the wharf. They were about to come and talk to you, when you had pointed them out to Beidou. Beidou had slipped her arm around your waist, glaring at your ex, who glared back and turned heel to walk away.
Now, you sipped your wine beside Beidou, deep in thought. The loud atmosphere wasn't helping your anxieties, and you couldn't get your ex's glare out of your head. You didn't even realize you were completely zoned out until Beidou raised her arm to sling it around your shoulders, after she noticed you were zoned out.
Your arms flew up to shield yourself, and you spilt wine all over the both of you. The cup clattered to the floor, but luckily no one else noticed what just happened.
Beidou's face dropped and she quickly picked up the cup, setting it back down on the table.
"Men!" she called out. "Y/n and I are turning in early tonight! Make sure you scallywags have this cleaned up by the morning!"
The crew cheered their goodnights, raising their beers to their captain and her first mate. Beidou smiled, slipped an arm around your waist, and led you back to your guys' shared quarters.
"Alright doll, what happened just now?"
She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed next to you, looking at you with a certain softness that made you melt.
"I'm.. I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my ex, and how we saw them earlier, and I couldn't get their glare out of my head.. and I left them exactly a year ago.. I don't know why I flinched away from yo-"
Beidou cut you off by taking both of your hands into hers.
"Y/n, don't say sorry! You know, your ex wouldn't stand a chance against even my weakest crew member. They will never hurt you again."
"I don't doubt that for a second," you said, a small smile growing on your face, "Thank you for taking me in, Beidou."
"No, the pleasure is all mine. I couldn't ask for a better first mate. You're safe now, okay?" she smiled, squeezing your hands.
You looked into her eyes for a moment before throwing your arms around her. She squeezed you back, kissing your head.
"C'mon, let's shower and get this wine off of us." she giggled.
You laughed. "Yeah, let's."
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Kaeya had told you his backstory, but you never mentioned yours. You just weren't ready to talk about it. Your parents had never been great, you always walked on eggshells around everyone, and everyone was all too rough with you, emotionally and physically.
You had met Kaeya in the tavern one night, while trying to drink away what you were feeling. Kaeya had noticed how obliterated you were and let Diluc know he was taking you to stay at the Knights Headquarters, and would keep an eye on you. The rest was history, and now you and Kaeya had been dating for a little over a year.
Kaeya had told you his backstory on Monday. That same day later on, you had a run in with your parents at Blanche's, where they had yelled at you for deciding to become a Knight, and proceeded to pick you apart from your very core.
In turn, you had been drinking a little more than usual for the entire week. You seemed more withdrawn and just not fully there. And it all came to a head when you were laying in bed next to Kaeya.
He went to put his arm over you, a loving gesture, but your arms came up on instinct to shield yourself. He sighed loudly.
"You're scared of me."
"Oh Archons- I didn't mean to- no, I swear it isn't-"
"You've been acting all angry and cold ever since I told you about my roots. I thought you would be the one who didn't leave me after I told them."
"No, Kaeya- please, just let me explain!"
"I'm listening."
You began to hesitantly tell him about your parents. His face grew angrier and angrier every time you told him another thing your parents had done to you.
"I'll kill them. I had no idea that that happened though. I'm sorry for assuming."
"It's alright, Kaeya. I didn't even consider that you might think I was acting weird because of where your confession."
"I swear they'll never get near you again, alright? You're safe now. It's alright."
He pulled you into him, wrapping you up in his strong arms and putting his legs over yours, making you feel protected and safe.
"No one will hurt you, not on my watch. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kaeya. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"No need for apologies, you were gonna tell me when you were ready. Now let's get some sleep, that dandelion wine I downed earlier is starting to get to me."
You giggled, burying your head further into his chest.
"Alright. Goodnight, Kaeya."
"Night, prince/ess."
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You and Diluc had been dating for a few months now, you had met when he had needed to hire a new bartender, and you volunteered your mixing skills to the Angel's Share. You had caught his eye immediately, and he had asked you out on a date soon after you began your work there.
Your ex wasn't a kind person, to say the least, so you had been hesitant to say yes. You assured Diluc that this was just because your ex was unkind to you, but you had never mentioned physical harm. You hadn't wanted to worry him.
You were sitting on the couch with Diluc, his arm slung over your shoulders while you stared into the crackling flames of the fire burning before you. Diluc wasn't paying attention, as he was reading a book in his free hand.
He raised his arm up, attempting to adjust to a more comfortable position, but you misread this. Your arms were shielding your face in an instant, and Diluc was looking at you with a shocked and concerned face that quickly morphed to anger.
"I'm going to kill him." he growled/
You lowered your arms and looked down, avoiding looking him in the eye.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."
"Did he hit you??"
"I, um, didn't want to worry you."
"Barbatos.. and this domestic abuser is just, what, roaming around Mondstat? No punishment for the pain he put you through?"
"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want him to come and hurt me. I also didn't want to cause any trouble."
Diluc rubbed a hand over his face, before wrapping you in a hug.
"You're safe here, alright? I will never lay a hand on you to hurt you. I won't let anyone else hurt you either, okay?"
"Thank you.." your eyes welled up with tears, "I thought you would be upset that I didn't tell you."
"No, never. It's a hard thing to talk about. If you'd like, I have connections. We can have him arrested."
"I don't want to cause trouble.."
"You won't. He won't be able to hurt anyone else this way. But we can discuss this later. Would you care for a cup of tea?"
"That'd be nice. Thanks, Diluc."
"You're welcome, angel. Tell me if anyone hurts you again, alright? I'll protect you."
"Will do. I love you."
"I love you too."
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rogersevans · 3 years
Quarantine Wedding
Pairings: Chris Evans x Y/n Downey - Chris Evans x Y/n Evans
Warnings: just fluff, wedding (if they make you emotional), implied smut towards the end
Summary: Y/n never planned her dream wedding, but in their back garden, surrounded by their families, during a global pandemic seems pretty perfect to her. apart of the evans’ series.
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Sunday mornings were Y/n’s and Chris’s favourite day of the week, the only time they got to stay in bed, tangled in the sheets and each other, going undisturbed from the outside world. Chris currently had Y/n lying between his legs, her back against his bare chest as he rested against the head of the bed.  
Y/n was absentmindedly playing with the engagement ring on her finger, something she had started to do since he put it on, twiddling it with her thumb.
Dodger was at their feet, on his back with his legs spread, snoring away.  
“We should get married.” Y/n mumbled like she was thinking something through in her mind, thumb still playing with the ring.
“We are...” Chris reminded her, placing a small kiss to her temple. “That’s what this is for.” Taking her small hand in his, holding it up to show off the ring as it glistened in the Sunday morning sun.  
“No,” she protested with a giggle, getting up onto her knees and wrapping the sheet around her naked body, turning to face her fiancé. “I mean sooner, like tomorrow.”  
“Or Thursday if you’re too busy.” Rolling her eyes playfully she scooted closer to him, now in his lap, the sheet now being held up by their bodies, closing the gap. Her hands finding his hair, raking her fingers through it and massaging his scalp. “I want to be Mrs Evans, I want to get married in our back garden, with our families... No one else.” Chris hummed in agreement, letting his hands fall to her hips.  
“You don’t want a big wedding?” Licking his lips, his eyes now open and focused on every detail of her, the small freckle that sat just above the curve of her right breast, the thin chain that sat around her neck with a small diamond C resting in the centre he’d bought her on their second anniversary, the butt dimpled in her chin, something she hated but another thing he adored.  
Truthfully, she didn’t, she never envisioned herself surrounded by 300 people as she said ‘I do’, she just wanted a small, intimate wedding, less than 30 people.  
The pair had been engaged for five months and the pandemic had haltered all of their plans to celebrate, they had various zoom celebrations with their families and friends and when they were allowed to travel back home their hallway was filled with presents and balloons.  
They had managed to keep the news out of the press, wanting to bask in the newness of their engagement privately, it had been blissful but Y/n was becoming impatient.  
Silently shaking her head, she dipped her head her lips just a whisper away from Chris’s, “I just want you, as my husband.” She whispered making Chris’s entire body shiver, and in one swift movement Y/n is on her back with Chris lying on his side next to her, propped up on his elbow and tracing shapes on her are stomach.
She doesn’t stop herself from reaching up and cupping his cheek, booping his nose with her thumb, making them both giggle and then running her fingers over his beard, one her favourite features of her fiancé the way it feels against her skin makes her feel alive.  
“Tomorrow.” Was all he replied with, letting his lips fall down to her nose.  
After another hour of being tangled up in one another, the room filled with her soft moans and Chris made love to her, turned on at the thought of her becoming his wife tomorrow. They started organising everything, never leaving the bed unless it was for Dodger, food or toilet breaks.  
They had delivered the news to their families and the cheers or screams (Carly and Shanna) we’re piercing, even though the speaker of their phones.  
Chris booked flights for his family to be able to attend, they were getting in at around 10pm that night. Y/n demanded that everyone be tested before they stepped foot in their home, so she arranged for someone to come out and test everyone. Y/n’s family were due to arrive tomorrow morning, the nerves bubbled in the pit of her stomach at the thought of her mom and dad being in the same room again, something she hadn’t experienced in years.  
“Baby, it’ll be fine.” Giving a chaste kiss to her knuckles, “we’re getting married tomorrow.” He mumbled against them, his voice raspy and tired after a long day of planning, all doubt or anxiety about her parents leaving her body just from his touch, his words settled her completely.  
“I can’t wait to be your wife.” Standing to her tiptoes she nudged her nose with his, their gaze still looked before her eyes fluttered shut, breathing him in and relishing in the moment before his lips found hers.  
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“What are you going to do about a dress?” Scott asked in a hushed tone, not wanting Chris to hear their conversation, closing the door to their bedroom behind him.  
The house was extremely busy downstairs with everyone completing last minute preparations so Scott and Y/n had snuck away for a quiet moment to get ready, knowing Y/n didn’t function when stressed. He could tell she wanted nothing more than to have Chris at her side, one didn’t move without the other.
But Scott demanded, as the self appointed best man/man of honour, that they be apart for the night before and the day of, still up-keeping some form of tradition.
Unknowingly to Scott, Chris had snuck back into their bedroom last night when everyone was asleep, not wanting to be away from one another with the excitement of the next day bubbling. 
Like children on Christmas Eve.  
The busyness of the day had helped keep them both distracted, not giving them much time to sneak off for a moment of privacy. 
“I bought something a few months ago, thinking ahead.” Y/n rummaged through her and Chris’s shared walk-in closet, plucking a black garment bag which was hidden at the very back.  
Unzipping the bag, Y/n revealed the white, embroidered, floor length cami wedding dress. Scott couldn’t contain his gasp as he softly took the dress in his hands, admiring it silently.  
“Where did you find this?” His eyes not leaving the dress, his fingers running over the patterns.
“ASOS,” she started. “I saw it on there and had to have it, I’m going to wear it with these...” Trailing off as she bent down to pick up her pair of all white, high-topped converses, now beaming from ear to ear.
“You’re joking right?”
“Heels aren’t me,” shrugging her shoulders she took the dress from Scott and disappeared into the en-suite to get ready.  
“What about rings?” Scott asked on the other side of the door, he was sitting on the edge of the bed go through the checklist he had created in his mind.
“I think Chris has that sorted.” Was all she replied too focused on not damaging the dress as she slipped it on carefully, not hearing when Scott said something about checking on the decorations and leaving. 
After ten minutes Y/n stepped out of the bathroom to show Scott, her hair now falling freely over her shoulders and the slightest bit of make-up, the dress hugged her figure perfectly as the flowed around her.  
“Wow.” Chris’s voice sounded, making her jump back behind the bathroom door, shutting it, hoping he didn’t see too much. “Baby, what’re you doing?” Walking over to the bathroom door, trying to push it open.
“I thought you were Scott. You’re not supposed to see me!” Y/n cried from behind the door.
“I don’t care, we’re getting married during a pandemic, in our back garden with less than twenty people... So, I think the traditions are out the window.” His hand still on the door knob, letting a breathy chuckle out. “C’mon gorgeous, I wanna see you.” He attempted to persuade her.
Slowly the door started to open to reveal Y/n stood there, holding either side of her dress as she twirled for Chris, giggling as she did.
Well fuck, the sight made Chris’s heart swell, his palms became sweaty as his eyes trailed over her, drinking in her appearance, his smile never leaving his lips.  
Y/n took the opportunity to take in her fiancé's appearance, he was currently in black dress pants, a white shirt tucked into his pants with the top few buttons undone, and a tie hanging around his neck, untied. Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight, butterflies erupting in her stomach.
“Was gonna ask you to do my tie...” He choked out, his eyes now meeting hers.  
Without word she took a step forward and began fastening the last few buttons before making work of his tie, his hands found her hips, rubbing small circles with his thumbs as he watched her intently.  
“You look...” He started, but was cut off by Y/n.
“Handsome, you look insanely handsome. I’m lucky you’re about to become my husband.” Her eyes still fixated on the tie, her tongue dragging across her bottom lip as she concentrated. Once satisfied her fingers smoothed out his collar and tie. “Now go, before Scott sees you in here. Anyone would think he’s the one getting married.” Both chuckling softly.  
With her command Chris didn’t move away, just one step closer to her, closing the gap between them, his hands now cupping her cheeks, both looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds before he dipped his head down to kiss her.  
This kiss wasn’t like all the others he had sneaked in the past twenty four hours, it was different.
Y/n’s mind casting back to the night Chris told her he loved her for the first time, the kiss matching that. It was filled with adoration, passion and love, making her stomach do flips and her heart hammer against her chest.  
“Go,” Y/n mumbled against his lips after a few seconds, pushing his abdomen. “I’ll see you down there handsome.” Giving her one last kiss before walking away, leaving her now by herself as she jumped up and down in their bathroom, the tiniest squeal leaving her lips.  
The next half an hour rushed by so quickly, now the pair were stood at the bottom of their garden in front of their families, their garden littered with fairy lights hung above them, their families stood watching proudly. 
It was simple and perfect, no fuss. 
Scott was ordaining the ceremony something Chris and Y/n weren’t aware he could do until last night. Too scared to know the reason why he decided to become an ordained minister, “you never know when you might need it” was all he said. 
“Y/n,” Chris started, his hands shaking a little. “I can’t imagine my life without you, since you came barging into it 22 years ago. From the very first day of filming back in 2011, I knew you were it for me, even if I didn’t know it.” That caused everyone to laugh, “I love how you’re always there by my side, how you always tie my tie... Even if I know how to do it myself.” Y/n gasped shocked at his admission, laughing along with everyone. “At first it was a tactic to be near you, but the look of concentration you have every time, drives me crazy.” He laughed as she shook her head, beaming from ear to ear. “You make me the happiest man alive every day, even when you’re beating my ass at guitar hero. I love how passionate and impatient you are... Today being an example of that.” Everyone laughed again, he reached for her cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. “I can’t believe I get to call you my wife... I love you.”
Y/n was speechless, wiping away the tears that continued to fall, it was like he’d winded her with his words, her body tingled with excitement and love as the feeling of becoming Mrs Evans drew closer.
“Chris,” she started. “You are one of the most amazing, crazy talented, men I’ve ever known, I’m in constant awe of what you’re capable of... Seriously, it's annoying... I will make it my life mission to find something you’re not good at.” Chris’s loud laughter now echoed over your families laughs, his hand falling to his chest. “Your laugh, is my favourite sound of yours and if I could play it on repeat I would, but I’ll just settle for making you laugh with my terribly bad dad jokes-”
“Oh no!” Chris groaned at her statement, making everyone laugh again.
“Our love consumes me, I knew from the moment Lizzie told me you liked me that I had to have you, no matter what. Everyone constantly tells me how intense our love is, but it wasn’t until someone described it perfectly to me that I understood,” Y/n took the opportunity to side eye Scott, recalling the night they had a very drunken conversation about her relationship with Chris, making Scott laugh. “We’re so in sync with one another, you move, I move, we could be in a room filled with people, on opposite ends and we would still find each other without looking. Being with you,” she had to stop to compose herself, not wanting to cry during her vows. “Is like living a dream come true, especially during the simple times, no plans, no noise, just us doing nothing.”
Chris didn’t hide his tears as they freely fell, the sniffles from everyone, including Robert could be heard now.
After a few more words from Scott, once he calmed down, the cheers erupted as their lips connected, their first kiss as husband and wife. Chris pulling her flush against him, deepening the kiss. “I got you, Mrs Evans.” He whispered against her lips, making her giggle.  
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The rest of the night was spent with their families, basking in the events of the day as they ended the night with the fire pit lit, gathered around it. Y/n was still in her dress and converse clad feet, her hair now tied up as she sat on the floor in between her husband's legs. 
She was currently admiring her wedding band, it was rose gold, slim and had diamonds wrapped around it, fitting perfectly against her engagement ring. reaching for the hand that rested on her shoulder, now playing with his wedding band, his band was thick, black and had a thin, rose gold strip around the centre. 
Chris had purchased them the day he bought the engagement ring and had hidden them in his sock drawer in his bedside, his hiding spots were getting better. 
“I’m so happy for you guys.” Robert softly whispered, puling his daughter into his arms holding her tightly against his chest. “I can’t believe you’re married!” 
“I know... I have to live with a boy!” She quipped back and Robert’s body started to vibrate with laughter, her cheek resting on his should as they continued to hug, not wanting to let go.
“My baby...” Now cupping her cheeks, giving his daughter one last look of pride before letting go. “You’ve always been my favourite child.” He whispered, Y/n knew he was joking but she laughed in agreement anyway. Out of her other three siblings they both shared a close relationship, Y/n was his saving grace when he was younger, having her at a young age bonded them. 
“Chris, I can’t believe you’re my son now... How weird.” Chris smiles broadly at the term son, instead of son-in-law, he knew Robert classed him as part of the family and not because he had to. "Welcome to the family, legally.. Let’s face it you’ve always been apart of this family.” Sharing a quick embrace before slipping past the newlyweds to speak to Lisa.
“Do you want to dance?” Chris bent down to whisper in his wife's ear, his hands finding her hips and back pressed against his chest, only to have her hum in response. 
Guiding her to an open spot in the garden, taking his hand in hers and spinning her so she was now facing him. His large hands resting on her hips whilst her hands snaked around his waist, the music that played from the speakers in the house guiding them. “You’re my wife,” stating softly, his lips finding her forehead.
“That’s right Evans,” the nickname now sounding futile with both being Evans’. “You’re stuck with me, no getting out this.” Her index finger was pointing between them before wrapping back around his neck. 
It was nearing 2am when Chris and Y/n climbed the stairs to their bedroom, once the click of their door shutting was heard she reached behind trying to unzip her dress but struggled due to her tired state, contemplating just sleeping her dress.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her husband as he guided the zip down slowly, leaving slow, wet kisses on shoulder, using his callous fingers to brush the straps of her dress off her shoulders, the dress pooling at her feet, leaving her in nothing but her panties.  
“My wife, you’re stunning.” He said lowly, the only light in the room was the light of the moon streaming through the windows. Y/n turned to face him, starting to unbutton his shirt which was now untucked, tie long gone and the top two buttons already undone, his collar bones and tattoos poking out through his shirt.  
Pushing the shirt off of him, she traced his tattoos with her fingers, a hiss of pleasure escaping from his throat, making him tighten the grip on her hips she didn’t know he had.  
The C necklace glistening in the moonlight.
That’s how they stood for a few minutes, their eyes never breaking from one another, her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands on her hips.  
Y/n guided her new husband to their bed, the back of his legs hitting the edge and he sat down closely followed by her straddling him. “Mr Evans,” her voice laced with arousal. “I do believe, you’re wearing one too many items of clothing.” She tsked, her finger trailing down his abdomen, his muscles twitching when she did, effortlessly flicking the button of his pants open.  
“That can be fixed... Mrs Evans.” He purred in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.  
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