#that being said “DAMN” has some real bangers in it
arashi-no-saxlphone · 1 month
To Pimp a Butterfly is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard so if you're looking for something to listen to from Kendrick Lamar to expand your music tastes a little bit that's the one I reccomend personally. I like Good Kid M.A.A.D City too but To Pimp a Butterfly had that rare thing happen for me where I was like "Damn there are almost no misses on this album" and I'm pretty sure the only other time I've had that happen was Black Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell." Also recommend an artist called Saba, I'd never heard of him before and he's from Chicago (where I'm from) so I was pretty blown away discovering him - been listening to his album "CARE FOR ME" on loop the past couple days and it's fantastic
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sevenpoyo · 10 months
some brooklyn slang ik for all the ppl who wanna write for miles and kilometers‼️
feel free to add more idk everything but i i am originally from there and visit a lot this stuff i hear a lot and if you wanna add slang to ur writing this is a good place to start, not all of these brooklyn or ny exclusive but that’s where a lot of american slang starts and u prolly heard some of it b4. imma list it ne ways
don’t use like 8 of these in one sentence bc it will sound weird and i can’t really cover ny puerto rican slang or any puerto rican slang really bc my grandad is a bum so if you know some add it
the city is manhattan, not the other 4 burroughs, just manhattan, cus that’s where everything’s at
to cut ass is to roast tf out of someone , to get your ass cut is get tf roasted out of you
wyling/wilding is being outta pocket, something being absurd or crazy
yeah nah means no and nah yeah means yeah idk why they gotta make it complicated just look at the second word
good looks is like good looking out
it’s bout to be winter and i’m bout to see mad christmas fics and shit but do y’all know the proper way to describe cold ny winters?
if it’s cold as hell, it’s brick outside, not regular cold, ny winter is like nipples so hard i see em thru the bra cold
ex; “how it’s so brick outside i walk to the store wit my hair wet and it deadass got icicles in it” “yeah it’s fr brick outside today” “i’m not walkin wit u in this brick ass weather for a bacon egg and cheese?” (actual convo between my sister and me last winter break)
fronting seem kinda easy to me but is like acting or pretending i can’t explain it with out an example
“why you fronting like you wouldn’t die if they text you asking u to go out with them” “you can stop fronting like you like cars it cool if you don’t” “don’t sit there fronting like u don’t wanna dance wit me”
being tight over something is just being upset or annoyed
rj is so smart they said “We say tight bc you kinda huddle close to yourself when you tense/stressed or angry” i had no idea i just be saying it i aint know it had a reason💀 it make sm sense now.
“who got you tight like that this early in the morning?” “my momma came home tight yesterday for no reason, she threw a boot at me!” “i’m so tight this damn shift change has me working all closers this week”
jack is like claiming someone or something
i talk old as hell idk what the youths be jacking nowadays
cop is basically to get, used to be mostly 4 drugs back in the day my dad said (he don’t know why im asking him this)
“just copped me some retro 3’s” “bout to cop me a few percs in a minute”
speaking of a minute, mostly for my non americans bc that’s who get confused the most when i say this one. depending on the context this can mean a actual minute, a short time or a real long
“i’ll be back in a minute” is short “i ain’t seen y’all in a minute” is long. idk how to explain the difference besides context
bop is a good song, pretty easy but i see ppl on tiktok use it wrong
bangs/banger goes hard is kinda like bob for music but i be using it for anything fr
“this push pop is banging yo”
mad can be used normal like angry but it also means a lot or really kinda like hella ig? i usually uses hella when i would say mad so ppl can understand me easier up here
dumb also mean very in the same way
ex; “my english teacher give out mad homework for no reason.” “she be giving me mad shit over the smallest stuff” “i just had some mad good wings so i’m cooling rn” “this shit is mad spicy u sure you want some?” ''This shit got me dumb tight'' “you don’t need no jacket it’s dumb hot out here”
smacked is like high as fuck idk how to elaborate ur just high
lit is drunk
“Yuuuur!'' A signal, a greeting usually used to catch the attention of someone or something very fun greeting and very hated by schools, it’s weird anywhere outside of ny kinda at least to me.
being hollywood means u get a little fame and think ur all that or just that u got a little fame and they’re jokingly hating
ex; “i saw u on the news the other day, “the prowlers return” u must be real proud of yourself huh hollywood?” “and here comes hollywood wit his trending tiktoks”
real talk is when ur about confess something or say something serious in a not real serious setting or convo
“real talk we play a lot but i love you, my life would be boring with out you around” “real talk i’d never do that to you foreal”
go together is like go out kinda, y’all kinda match behavior cus y’all a couple, this one need a sentence 2 i think. (THIS ONE IS OLD AS HELL ONLY USE IT IF UR TRYING TO RIZZ MOMMA RIO)
“he want ur number? he don’t know we we go together or sum?” “why she wanna act like we go together, ion even know her?” “don’t we go together?”
i can’t even explain it with a sentence y’all just gotta figure this one out 💀
A bodega/deli is a convenience store ik most know this from the movie but some ppl think it’s all stores or all spanish stores when it’s just a corner store
the owners of the deli closest to my granddad house is muslim. and so we keep track of all muslim holidays when he’s closed
an ock is the bodega man, miles knows the man’s name at the deli we see him visit, but at any other store he’d call the guy ock
dipping on someone is changing ur mind last minute, usually canceling plans
ex “we was supposed to go get outfits together but they dipped on me last minute”
staticky is like wanting to fight or still being pissed after a fight
static is beef or on sight energy
you good can really be anything but imma list ones i can think of
it can mean like are you ok? or don’t worry about it, or how are you, or stop, or do you got a issue? or do you want an issue? it’s all in the tone of how it’s said fr
'Word of my moms/dads I saw/ did/did not *insert topic*'' Honest term, no lying present in statement i feel like (my cousins be putting anything on they momma fr risking shit on her for no reason)
'hold it down'' handle buisness / take care of someone or something. can also be in refrence to criminal who handles ''buisness''
i hope this helps any writers that don’t live here!
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
I watched A LOT of stuff that did not originally air in 2023 by dint of my Old GMMTV Challenge. This list is inclusive of this recognition!
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I have no other words: this is my favorite Thai BL of all time. Perfect length, perfect plot, perfect celebration of Thai culture, perfect acting, the greatest coming out scene of all time, the BEST of the best BL moms. Perfection.
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I don't even want to think about how many words I've written on Bad Buddy this year, but they're well deserved for this REMARKABLE show. I've got a thing for shows by Aof Noppharnach that feature Ohm Pawat, what can I say!
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The influence of Love Sick and SOTUS can be seen in SO MANY Thai BLs, even through today. Without having watched these two shows to start my OGMMTVC project, I wouldn't have the context for what later shows like Bad Buddy and Theory of Love were commenting on by way of their content and structures. Love Sick in particular was a HELL of a lift -- but I am damn glad I watched it, and I certainly feel nostalgia for it today.
Honorable mentions of influential pieces that had impacts on Thai BLs: Love of Siam and Dew the Movie
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If New Siwaj ever tops Until We Meet Again, I'll fly to Bangkok and give him a gold medal. That long-ass show, 17 EPISODES, I WANTED MORE! OhmFluke's chemistry was great, the story delved SO deeply into historical homophobia and how culture and acceptance changes over time -- scrumptious. Theory of Love, man, the way this show ate up implicit compassion bias and gave it right back to us. I loved it. KHAI FOREVER!
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Not only was Moonlight Chicken my first real live fandom experience on Tumblr, it was a hell of an amazing show, incorporating so much of what I love particularly about Thai BLs, and how many Thai BLs do not shy away from celebrating Asian cultural touchpoints. From exploring Jim's internalized homophobia by way of his rural upbringing, to juxtaposing Pattaya's spiritual symbols with growing development that upends older strains of local culture, Moonlight Chicken offered a lovely commentary on what it means to be queer in an ever-changing Thailand.
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BRILLIANTLY ACTED by literally the best actors in the Asian BL game: we are blessed that Nishijima Hidetoshi and Uchino Seiyou have given so much to this franchise. It's hard to write about this show because it's so perfect -- it needs no extraneous words. Plot, pacing, acting, character development, gratuitous food shots. It has it all.
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Just like Bad Buddy looked at Thai BL tropes in the eye and said, "over my Nong Nao," I Cannot Reach You asked Japanese BLs about the efficacy of almost every trope we've gotten used to, and questioned them with efficiency. The biggest shocker for me? REAL COMMUNICATION, encouraged by the CIPHER, Hosaka, that allowed the two lead protagonists to confirm their love and understand each other. It was straightforward and FUCKING GOOD.
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La Pluie was FEARLESS. The show had a LOT to say about romance and soulmates not being as much of a realistic thing as content-makers... and, frankly, majority society would like us to think. La Pluie made its characters WORK for love and understanding, and had us viewers face our implicit biases about how romantic content should and could work. I watched this show out of order of the OGMMTVC watchlist to see it it was one of the best of the year, and it certainly is. I'm planning a deep rewatch for early 2024 to pen my words on it.
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@neuroticbookworm and @lurkingshan know that I flipped THA FUCK out over this show -- FABULOUSLY acted by Nonkul Chanon and Bright Rapheephong, FABULOUS cinematography, great story up until the end of the series. My fangirling led me to read the original novel by Violet Rain, and -- I found out that Jom was a lot more damn sassy than we got in the show! Tee Bundit's penchant for sadness won. This is not to dock the show, but the novel had more than enough material to carry the series through without repeating themes in the end. So it fell on my 2023 list, womp womp. BUT I STILL LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SHOW, DON'T GET ME WRONG.
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Be My Favorite looked at Krist Perawat's checkered past as a BL idol and said: we are going to examine this and make an honest BL out of inspiration from it. It wasn't a perfect show, the time travel shit didn't end up adding up in the end, BUT -- excellent acting from two GMMTV VETS made up for those tangles, and I loved the contextual philosophical references throughout the series. The Eighth Sense looked at the tug-of-war that Korean BLs have with K-dramas and their tropes and said, actually? We will have these dudes full-frontal kiss, and placed that energy against commentaries on mental health, both topics that Korea hasn't quite embraced as quickly as other countries.
Make It Right, Our Dating Sim, Dark Blue Kiss, Gay OK Bangkok, Dirty Laundry, 10 Years Ticket, I Told Sunset About You, I Promised You the Moon, 3 Will Be Free, Lovely Writer (underrated?!), Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy x A Tale of Thousand Stars (UNDERRATED!), and Manner of Death.
And the shows that are airing that I know will stay with me well into 2024: Last Twilight and Cherry Magic Thailand.
I had fun!
I'm not even hyperlinking my thoughts on these shows, nor gifting them with gifs. Insert Bugs Bunny NOOOOOO gif here! We got Man Trisanu, though.
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Despite my passionate disappointment for this show and how it ended: in the context of the OGMMTVC, Only Friends is still an incredibly important inclusion to the list. Some amazing Tumblr bloggers offered commentary that the bias against sex that OF contained within the show was actually importantly and culturally contextual to the still-conservative state of acceptance that Thailand is currently in (here and here for more reading).
Only Friends reminded us that despite any kind of marketing that we here on Tumblr, as a majority non-Thai audience, may receive about a Thai show -- that we are still not fully plugged into the non-verbal expectations of what a show like OF could promise to do, and to be okay when it doesn't reach those heights. In light of the seemingly pro-sex marketing blasts that previewed the series before its airing, OF ultimately seemed to want to take casual sex, chew it up, and spit it out. There might be reasons why that happened that we just don't know about as outsiders to Thailand. But as an Asian-American viewer that was hoping for neutral -- and maybe even supportive -- commentary on single folks having casual sex without judgement, OF did not deliver for me.
I'm ending the year reading Dr. Thomas Baudinette's book, Boys Love Media in Thailand, the first book-length ethnographic study on the impact of BL on queerness, media, and more in Thailand and across Asia. Baudinette comes from the world of Japanese queer media studies -- as someone who came to Thai BLs this year from Japanese BLs, I appreciate his trajectory. It's clearly a necessity for me to read this book in the context of the OGMMTVC, to understand how Thai BLs have changed over time, and to understand the incredibly larger impact of heterosexual/heteronormative media and themes on Thai media as a whole, as larger and larger swaths of Thai, Asian, and international societies welcome and watch BLs with open arms.
All of this feeds into my ever-growing body of knowledge about the impact of Thai BLs, both in Thailand and across Asia, as Baudinette writes about, and how these shows have and are developed/developing over time. It's been an AMAZING YEAR of watching old and new dramas for me, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the genre grows even more in 2024.
I also made AMAZING FRIENDS on Tumblr -- y'all know who you are! What a year of growth and discovery for me: this has been a fabulous experience, and I'm looking forward to even more growth in the new year!
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Sword gays showdown, round 1 of bracket one
For Percy:
shes canonically ace :] and shes got a REAL ASS GOD DAMN SWORD!!!!!!
She wields a real ass goddamn sword and kicks ass with it! She can also channel her magic wizard tower powers into said sword which is also badass. She also has some really banger lines in the show.
She carries a real-ass-goddamned-sword ! Which is in genuine reference to when she's first introduced in the series! She also constantly carries said sword around and uses it in combat later in episode 7
For Runaan:
Runaan is a Moonshadow elf, and the deadliest assassin in all of Xadia. His artificer husband Ethari crafted his magical bowblade - a bow that splits into two swords - and at the command of the Dragon Throne, Runaan stealths into the human lands to take out dangerous enemies without risking any extra lives on either side.
Has a weapon that can transition between being used as a bow and blades. Said bowblade was made by his blacksmith husband, who also fights with him. He's also disabled in fanon and is canonically a foster father. Also he's hot.
He's the leader of an elite group of Moonshadow assassins, the deadliest assassin force in their world. He fights with a bowblade (dual wielding swords that, when attached at the hilts, turns into a bow). It is the COOLEST weapon ever! Runaan was the only survivor when he and his team infiltrated Katolis Castle to successfully kill the king. He's canonically gay and has a husband, who is a blacksmith/craftsman and makes the weapons his husband wields. Runaan is a very intense man, but he's such a softie when around his husband.
He definitely uses one or two sword type things, and the episode his husband first shows up in is one of my favorites
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orgxnas · 9 months
The Fellowship and their favorite Classic Frat Party Bangers™️
No Hands by Waka Flocka Flame
This is pre-Ring Frodo, ofc
Y’all remember how he was dancing at Bilbo’s birthday? Yeah dude def likes to get down
I just feel like after he’s had a few drinks in him and this song comes on, he grabs Sam and loudly says “OMG ITS MY SOONNGGGG!”
Can sing the whole song with no breaks (just like me fr)
Everything by Pitbull
Sam actually doesn’t really like the music they play at parties. He thinks some of the lyrics are crass
One time this song came on at a party that Rosie was at and she danced with him the entire song. He has not stopped thinking about it since
The next day he went straight to Merry (the Pitbull expert) and asked him what the song was called and then he immediately went and bought the song and listened to it everyday for the next two weeks
Now he requests it every time him and Frodo go out just in case Rosie is there
Shots by Lil Jon
He is the Snooki of the Shire let’s be real here
Loves lil Jon. Thinks he’s a lyrical genius
He’s always up on the damn tables and the bar
“IF YOU AINT GETTIN DRUNK GET THE FUCK OUT THE CLUB” and Pippin took that personally
Spills his drinks on everyone. Gets into a verbal altercation bc of said spillage. Merry comes in to back him up. Now Frodo and Sam have to break up a fight
Hotel Room Service by Pitbull
Pitbulls no. 1 fan
Right up there on the tables with Pippin
Also spills his drinks but not as much
Has in fact been decked in the face for asking a girl if he could take her back to the hotel room for some *service*
Pepas by Farruko
This man has never gone to a party of his own accord. He has only gone just to make sure that Merry and Pippin don’t die
BUT once he’s got a few drinks in his system and this song comes on, he’s ready to let lose
I feel like he would love the Spanish songs (he can speak fluently I just know it)
Does his own lil dancy dance while Merry and Pippin cheer him on
Legolas records it for when he’s sober and they can all laugh about it
Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira OR Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado
Oh he defff likes the “girlier” songs
Once he has enough in his system to get that lil tingle in his hands, bro is right in the middle of whatever dance circle formed around him
That man LOVES to flip his hair all over the place like he’s really got his hands in his hair feeling the music and everything
Learned all this from his father I just know that Thranduil made sure his son was properly educated
Gimli gives him shit for the entire night
Get Low by Lil Jon
Oh bro definitely likes to get low
His drunk self gets SO HYPE when this song comes on
Climbs right up on the table with Merry and Pippin (falls off soon after)
The rest of the fellowship watches in absolute terror as he tears up the dance floor
Danza Kuduro by Don Omar
Will he dance? Who knows
But one thing for certain is that his heart is filled with so much joy watching the Hobbits go absolutely crazy for this song
He thinks it’s so fun and endearing watching them dancing and enjoying the night
It’s one of those simple things that he loves so much. Watching a group of friends enjoying each others company and celebrating their friendship with music and dancing
You know what he WILL dance let him get in the middle of that silly little circle
DJ Got Us Fallin In Love by Usher
He may be daddy’s favorite, but being daddy’s favorite is stressful
At the end of the week, he just wants to cut lose and get drunk
And drunk he gets
He just likes to feel the musiiicccc
Has never gone home alone LMAO
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lizzypuppet1711 · 3 months
things about toronto’s production of the great comet at crow’s theatre/musical stage co that i need everyone to know about because i am obsessed with this show.
as of writing i have seen this show five times.
very long under the cut:
full cast listed here. at time of writing, donna garner replaces louise pitre as marya, tyler pearse replaces lawrence libor as dolokhov, and ben carlson replaces marcus nance as andrey/bolkonsky. currently i’ve seen the og cast four times and the replacements once.
the stage is set up with seats on three out of four sides, with front rows at tables, back of house left and right sides at barstools, and a small balcony with some seats on house right. there are balconies on either side, with a revolving platform in the middle of the stage (revolving by being pushed by cast members or stagehands). seats around 200 people or so.
the actors are EVERYWHERE. it is so incredibly immersive
the music is very punchy
during prologue, everyone is taking shots as they’re introduced, except dolokhov, who drinks straight from the bottle and sprays it into the air
i’m a dolokhov girlie through and through and once he nodded hello at me during the prologue and i legit swooned
mary is walking around holding a program showing off the family tree, actors will point to them on tables etc
once anatole pointed at his face on it, pointed to himself, all in a very flirty manner
he winked at me during prologue once and i’m still thinking about it
evan buliung is acting his ass off as pierre
he is definitely is more gruff and acting focused (think dave malloy over josh groban)
at “hours at my screen”, pierre takes an audience member’s phone (from one of the tables… or once out of someone’s hands LMAO) and mimes tapping, scrolling through it etc
two stagehands move things on and offstage (such as the sofa, church props etc) and they are also in little costumes. it’s very adorable
dolokhov’s little soldier walk thing??? during moscow????? i’m sure there’s a reason for it bc both of them do it but i have no clue why it’s there???? love it tho
heeyun park as mary is also acting her damn heart out
private and intimate life has a faster tempo and is SUCH a banger as a result
an audience member gets briefly pulled up on the platform to be the cheap french thing, he typically kisses up their arm, hugs them, and sometimes sits on their lap a bit
pierre is playing the tambourine in the background during natasha and bolkonskys and it is honestly kind of funny
hailey gillis plays natasha very emotional and headstrong. her no one else has a sense of urgency, desperation, and deep longing
the platform is spinning and people are walking around and she is singing like an angel…
basically i want to be hailey gillis when i grow up
actors are rotating the platform during no one else and it ends with andrey standing behind her and pierre standing in front of her. no one talk to me i’m losing it
as the run has continued, dolokhov’s adlibs during his intro in the opera have increased drastically
lawrence libor as dolokhov had such an air and presence (rizz?) about himself i cannot DESCRIBE. the comphet he gave me… i miss him v much. he was also very much giving toronto mans. and he made SO MUCH eye contact. he loves to look at you. i miss him. i need him. who said that
tumblr theatre girlies you would go insane over lawrence libor. if this show had ANY b roll footage i know i would be seeing edits all over the place
i am president of the lawrence libor fan club and everyone should join me
tyler pearse as dolokhov has heavy frat boy energy. he is also gayer, and somehow, sluttier. gives short king energy despite only being an inch shorter than lawrence (apparently)??? don’t ask bc i don’t know either he just does. anyway thank u tyler pearse for making dolokhov bisexual for real
either way dolokhov is doing SO MUCH in this production. he is wild he is a whirling dervish he is arrogant he is a bastard he is everything to me
“YEAH BABEY LETS GOOOOOOO” -lawrence libor as dolokhov, upon his entrance
in one performance he would go YEAH BABEY three separate times in act 1. yeahh
flirting with a girl in the balcony, dabbing up a guy in the balcony, generally being hilarious
and tyler pearse leaning over the balcony, rose in his mouth, wolf howling… i can’t.
basically i can’t with this production’s dolokhov. i’m obsessed
anatole’s entrance… he’s a whore. all i can say
rita dottor (ensemble) does the high soprano bravooooooo and she always sounds so fantastic. live laugh love rita dottor
george krissa, who plays anatole, is probably the most attractive man in ontario. like if you googled hot guy he would be the first result.
“where did they find this anatole. was he made in a lab or something. he was perfect” — my friend after seeing it
tumblr theatre girlies you would also be obsessed with george krissa. like jeremy jordan andrew rannells level obsessed. please love these toronto actors with me
i’d let him ruin my life ANY DAY. it is a fact that lesbians love george krissa. i hope he knows
the way he plays it… my friend described it like “lucas steele is like an alien david bowie, and george krissa is a bridgerton man. just a very charismatic, but normal, guy”
while i would say that lucas steele’s anatole believes he is truly in love with natasha, i would not say the same for george krissa’s. some of the manipulation happening here during the opera is. quite clear
when he is entering the box natasha struggles to open her fan, fans herself frantically, under the arms etc. then when he enters immediately shifts to fanning in a cool and collected manner. hailey gillis master of comedy
“we are speaking of most ordinary things” is especially like. this is a male manipulator if i’ve ever seen one
natasha lost was added back in!! fantastic obviously
anatole checking his hair in the mirror before waking pierre up. fucker
“look dolokhov’s coming around… and we’re off to the CLEURB”
brendan wall (ensemble) walking around during the club scene with a glowstick necklace on is peak comedy to me
i’ve said it but tyler’s dolokhov is an absolute slut at this scene. and for what AND FOR WHAT!!!!
also fun tidbit but all the glasses (other than shots) and any clear bottles have real liquid in them. i am very concerned something will spill one day
when dolokhov gets right up in the audience’s face during “known only to his intimates” i LOVE it idk
during the duel, marya and rita steal off to house left directly beside the barstools and chatter about how bad of an idea this is, they’re so drunk, etc
special shout out to divine’s “he will kill you STOOPID HUSBAND” so good
dolokhov’s adlibs during the duel… i need him. sorry
dolokhov gets shot in the side rather than his shoulder, and unceremoniously rolls off the platform as it’s moving. looks painful
hélène screams when dolokhov is shot but not pierre. so much to think about here
a life changing dust and ashes from evan. i can’t describe anything more just that he’s incredible. i’ve learned so much about acting just by watching him a few times
natasha’s face at “am i guilty…” breaks my heart she is so tormented
we are canadians we are going to pronounce our french correctly! no more charmantay
hélène has started adding some very fun runs into charming as the run has gone on. divine brown marry me
anatole is shirtless during charming. btw.
again i know he’s gay and i’m gay but.
the entirety of this rendition of the ball has been stuck in my head since december
his “don’t lower your eyes i love you” that whole section is delicious i want to eat his voice
plus “BEWITCHING AND I LOVE YOUUU” UGHHH such an ear worm but only when it’s their voices
the choreo going on here is very nice btw
i love the way he says natalie at this part idk. it’s not overly enunciated and the vowel is just right <— vocal nerd
the kiss feels like it lasts forever
music gets very very loud at the end and you can feel it in your skin
also fun fact the house music before and after the show is orchestral but during intermission it’s electronic. bc. anatole. gah details
when marcus was still in the cast you could really hear his voice during letters and it sounded sooooo.
dolokhov’s stupid little thumbs up to indicate he will be ok. pleaseee. i laughed i did
generally lawrence would grab at the place he was shot at a lot; while pushing the revolve etc. loved that detail. (tyler does too but less so)
sonya and natasha just sounds so great. like they just always sound fantastic i love that song
sonya alone. yes i am weeping. yes camille eanga-selenge is everything i want to be and more. she’s phenomenal
dolokhov sitting in a big fuckin chair at the beginning of preparations just absolutely clearly regretting every decision he’s made to facilitate this. is great.
i know i keep talking abt lawrence libor but the image of him at this part is just. really great. to me. sorry
very campy and exaggerated scowling and grimacing from anatole
dolokhov is so sick of anatole’s shit
“here feel how it beats” is NOT entertained he pushes him back immediately
lawrence dolokhov’s “dawdling” business was him tuning his guitar i miss musician dolokhov sooooo much gah
balaga truly does not sing any of his lines. he is basically yelling the entire time. i don’t know how he does it. it’s chaotic and hilarious and so fun
sonya and mary hand out the egg shakers on house right and left respectfully
near the end of balaga, four audience members are brought up to dance with the cast! (i got to dance with mary once!)
dolokhov writhing on the floor during anatole’s long held note thank u
during the goodbye section, anatole comes around to said audience members and interacts with them; dancing with them, booping them on the nose etc, and at “kiss me one last time”, invites a lucky audience member to kiss his cheek. (this once, was me. yup. still processing it.)
once he accidentally knocked someone’s egg shaker from their hand, dolokhov picked it up, laughed, gave it a shake, and handed it back, and yes i’m still thinking about it
when they sit down, balaga and dolokhov will sit on the house right stairs, though once there was an empty seat nearby so dolokhov wedged his way in between two people, guitar and all. so fucking good
anatole will squeeze himself between two audience members on house left, put an arm around each, and look around at everyone sitting in that area, out into the audience, etc. if one is going to make eye contact with him, it is now
once he threw his head back to look at the people behind him, and someone, at the speed of light, took their phone out and snapped a picture of his upside down head. i scream laughed
lawrence’s BETRAYED BETRAYEDDDD was sooooo good. so so so good
hailey gillis is an absolute powerhouse during in my house
usually when “natasha’s whole body shook” she falls to the ground silently but last time i went she YELLED and i gasped so loud
at “i have refused him” louise would go NO in shock and i FREAK OUT ABOUT IT.
and i loved her “what then? would that be alright???”
when the call to pierre music starts i always get goosebumps
the fight choreo when pierre grabs anatole by the collar is very good
if we’re comparing to broadway, it feels less like anatole’s life is in danger here but like i’m not upset about it
at this point anatole does not seem sad or upset to me more just. pissed off that it didn’t go his way. like annoyed
as anatole leaves during pierre and anatole the staging has him stepping around/over natasha as she is choking from the arsenic and it is such a. show of his shallowness
his petersburg note is fantastic obviously. live laugh love george krissa
marcus nance (andrey) has such a deep and beautiful legit singing voice. it’s sooo gorgeous. any word that raises against marcus nance will fall.
I MISS HIMMMM ok sorry.
i am more sympathetic to ben carlson’s andrey, however. marcus was Incredibly stoic ben has a bit more emotion to him i think
i could swear sometimes hailey is actually crying during pierre and natasha
her “pytor kirillovich” sounds so tiny and fragile ugh my heart breaks
and his “…pierre” is so assuring AUGHH
it’s such a beautiful scene obviously. i love the two of them so damn much i hope only good things happen to them forever
“it was clear and cold” also. chills EVERY TIME
“having traced its parabola” and “like an arrow piercing the earth” hit me so hard i cannot explain
genuinely evan buliung gives the most effective inspiring fantastic mind blowing performance i maybe have ever seen on stage. he is such an incredible actor and he inspires me beyond belief
the end when the lights get really really bright and then fade out. god. so simple and so fucking beautiful
now this post is very long. thank u for reading it all if you did! (will update after seeing it more times if there’s things to say!!)
if you’re anywhere near toronto i BEG of you to go see it!! it’s closing march 24th :(( so if you get the chance i deeply implore you. beg borrow or steal a ticket just get there! best comet production ever in my biased opinion :)
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Round 5 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Hellboy Propaganda
He is literally the beast of the apocalypse. He was forcibly assigned catholic at birth, he deserves this. Now i know the rules said no demons, and that is fair. But here is my propaganda: he is a half-demon AND he absolutely does not want to end the world. He just wants to hang out and beat up monsters and work his job. But catholic guilt and apocalypse stuff always gets in the way. The comic books contain a ridiculous amount of religious imagery, the author was raised catholic, and passages from the bible are occasionally quoted. Hellboy is also portrayed as a messianic figure in conjunction with being an apocalyptic one. He uh, kind of becomes the savior of the new world and its like a whole thing. Catholic imagery appears frequently. Statues of the virgin mary, churches, etc. he also wears a literal cross on his belt, what can i say.
Okay here’s my rant. Hi, hello, propaganda. The last ten issues of the comic literally feature Hellboy going to hell and killing satan. He kills satan, fucks around in hell for a bit, and then blows everything up and its godamn tragic. Forcibly assigned catholic at birth. A bro did not ask for this it just happened. His mom was a witch but tried to become catholic after she died. Kind of a banger move. It didn’t work out for her but she gets points for trying. He tried real hard to save the world and it kind of worked but he did still die and go to hell. But not because he did anything bad, it was just kind of unavoidable. Again, he did blow the place the fuck up when he was done so. Respect.
Lapsed Catholic who is literally a half demon and also the rightful King of England that’s right he’s descended from King Arthur on his mother’s side.
Matt's faith in the show is really important and well explored; one of the first scenes of the show is Matt going to confession (or, well, talking to his priest since he's not really confessing at that point). Matt struggles a lot with what he's supposed to do; everyone's telling him to kill the villain and he kinda wants to, but he literally says: "I know my soul is damned if I take his life". He struggles with his faith and goes with his doubts to his priest, and it's beautiful—also when he finally gets a costume for his vigilanteing he chooses to dress as the devil, lol. (His priest tells him that nothing makes people run to Church faster than the feeling of having the devil on their heels.)
a lot of the show is about how he justifies his vigilante actions with his faith, and whether he's doing the right thing in trying to help people or just using it as an outlet for his anger. the literal first scene of the show has him in a confession booth talking to his priest (who is a really interesting character too). this is not the scene I was talking about but it's such an excellent scene with matt talking to his priest: https://youtu.be/XHZ3NbEIDdw
canonically catholic but dresses like a demon to be quirky
honestly i dont wanna type too much but i feel that matt is a great example of someone who battles with his faith because he rarely loses his faith but rather fights with why he was made the way he was and put through what he was. He believes himself to have the devil inside him but believes that God put him there
ok in the comics barring the most current run matt has Mostly been a non-practicing Catholic that very rarely actually does any catholic Activities but ends up falling back into the Mindset and very occasionally dramatically taking confession (ex. in that one issue where he takes confession, basically tells the father that he is uniquely terrible and is thinking about violently murdering someone and when the father says "you can be forgiven" hes like "AUGFH-- NO!!!!!!!!!!" and runs out) when he's gone through some shit. and i love that its so relatable
This guy so catholic he spends an ungodly amount of time just chilling in the church. And goes there whenever there is a moral conundrum about killing people being Bad even though it would solve a lot of problems and stop said people from killing other people. This happens every other episode. Matt is the Catholic Guilt Guy. There's actually a lot of catholic stuff in the show as a whole. Just a compilation would be like three whole episodes long.
Hes great hes catholic enough to not outrught murder people but not catholic enough to not fuck before marriage hes a bisexual disaster at all times hes besties with a priest might i add hes great hes my special little guy
his catholicism is a huge piece of his characterisation he was raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage, the first scene we ever see him (as an adult and not a flashback) is him going to confession, he is good friend with his priest and has regular debates with him, etc also in s3 he has a huge crisis of faith after he lost A Lot where he stops believing for a while and it's linked to his identity crisis where he actually wants to kill another person (a hard line he previously chose never to cross) and wants to be only daredevil and not matt murdock, when he is both and needs both to exist also when he was a kid his grandmother used to say "watch out for the murdock boys, they've got the devil in them" and it created a surprising lot of his issues
So he's both catholic in the comics and the show but he's More Catholic in the show. Like, raised in a catholic orphanage by nuns (ONE OF WHICH IS HIS *MOTHER*), second scene in the show has him in a confession box kind. Matt Murdock goes out and gets the shit beaten out of him nightly and also beats the shit out of other people and purposefully leaned into devil iconography as his theme. When his nurse friend says, he takes a lot of punishment without one complaint he says "That part's the Catholicism." It is a Core Aspect of his character (at least in the show). He makes me insane. Also the same chemicals that blinded him created the teenage mutant ninja turtles and everyone should know that.
They went to confession to a priest who they had saved as their costumed counterpart and the guy recognized them by the voice, proving that it's possible and everyone else is just dumb
he takes "i wanna fight god" to new and incredibly violent levels, while also being a sweetheart and a goofball
Actually strictly WILL NOT kill criminals. Goes wayyy out of his way to avoid it. Fights with the Punisher about it. Goes to confession booth after nightly vigilante excursions. Feels so much guilt. "How have you been holding up?" "Like a good Caltholic boy" "that bad huh" - actual conversation with his priest
So Daredevil struggles with his mission as a crime fighter because killing criminals goes against his faith. He makes it a point to not kill criminals, believing that even bad people deserve a second chance. This philosophy puts him at odds against The Punisher, who is a relentless killer. As a Catholic myself, while I love the concept of a morally conflicted superhero, I think the worldbuilding around Daredevil is lacking. If he struggles with violence and killing, why doesn't he pray to warrior saints like Saint Michael, Saint Ignatius of Loyola (a former knight), or Saint Joan of Arc? Why isn't there a community of other Catholics he can turn to for guidance, considering New York City has a sizeable population of Catholics? And why are the churches he goes to always empty? Doesn't he know that the Catholic Church supports the just war theory? I think that would have made his burden more bearable.
He goes to church and confesses to punching people and says "imma do it again can i apologize in advance" and the father dude says "no you're meant to stop now" and Matt says "no" and they do this everyday. I'm not remembering it properly but this is a canon interaction i swear
HELLO HI YES I LOVE HIM AND WILL INFOR DUMP ok so. he is a vigalantty and he got named daredevil and he is an orphan and after the age of 12 was raised in an orphanage at a Catholic church and his therapist is his priest via confession abd. also his mother is a nun he has a whole mental breakdown over god and called Job a pussy because he liked god until he got better and liked god again he said "I'm dearedrvil and not even god can stop that now" and he's so cool
matt is a freakish little babygirl who was raised by nuns and definitely has religious trauma. i hate him so much (affectionately)
he’s literally fucking insane about it i don’t know what to say here. he thinks he’s chosen by god to go on some sort of holy quest to save hell’s kitchen. joan of arc ass.
i already know hes in by default j just wanted to give him a personal shout out i love this angsty catholic dweeb
how practicing he is depends on the run, but in my favorite he is quite literally confessing to a member of the last extant order millitant who happens to be a priest at a church in hells kitchen.
i love him for having the funniest version of a trope i usually hate (person gets into confession booth and asks forgiveness not for what they've done, but for what they're about to do). usually this trope just looks silly to me bc like. the priest would just say "i can't do that" and you would have to either awkwardly explain yourself or just Leave. it's funny when matt does it because fr. lantom is probably like "what are you gonna do???" and matt's like "lol. lmao. 😊 hehehe." anyway we love this angry catholic man who dresses up like the devil to beat people up in hell's kitchen
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I'm sure Harrow is lovely and I respect the space lesbians but listen to me. Listen.
Matt Murdock is the Catholic character of all time, and if you make him lose, I am blowing up this website and everyone in it.
He is Catholic. His mother is a nun. He grew up in a catholic orphanage. Half the episodes in the show include him going to confession. When he needs therapy, he talks to his priest. He dresses up as a devil partly because of the Catholicism.
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One time he got godly powers on loan from Heimdall (see below), and he did a lot of good with it, and then the second it was over he just... well. Also see below!
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This man's every coping mechanism is Catholicism.
Please vote for Matt in the @catholic-character-tournament because he's the best and most realistic representation of what it means to be Catholic. Someone who's been punched and bet and crushed by life but still gets up every day to try. No, he's not a nun like his competition but he's not less devoted because of that. Not everyone is called to service. In the day he works at a defense lawyer to help people. Not for the money but to help people not get screwed over by the law. And at night, he dons a mask and beats up assholes when the law fails them. Is he perfect? No, that's the point. Matt is a broken man who is just trying his best to do well and live like Jesus.
He fully embodies the Catholic doctrine of faith and good works. He has faith in what he's doing even if others challenge him. He believes in forgiveness and repenting even when going up against "the devil."
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"The people you murder deserve another chance." ... "No, Frank. To try again, Frank. To try. And if you don't get that, there's something broken in you you can't fix, and you really are a nutjob." "You think God made you a one-man firing squad. But you're wrong. There is goodness in people, even in you. And you're gonna have to kill me, 'cause I'm never gonna stop coming for you, until I take you down."
Daredevil Season 2 Episode 3
He (tries) to love his enemy. He believes in Elektra and Frank and maybe Dex and their ability to change. To be good. And when he can't, Matt refuses to compromise on his morals. While not quite "turning his cheek" he never scoops to their level. Because they don't get to destroy who he is.
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Daredevil Season 3 Episode 13
All he does is for the love he has to his neighbors, his community. He loves New York. Not for self-fulfilling needs or for the money or for the fame. He does it because he believes in justice. Because the law was created by humans and is inherently sinful.
"But his competition met God and was disappointed and blah blah"
Daredevil is more grounded (at least the show, maybe less the comics). So now, Matt doesn't met God. But he sure gets mad at him. All of season 3 he angry at God for all the trauma he expired.
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"You see, that was me, Sister. I suffered willingly. I gave my, uh... sweat and blood and skin without complaint. Because I too believed I was God's soldier. ( chuckles ) Well, not anymore. I am what I do in the dark now. I bleed only for myself. ( scoffs )" ... "You might hate God right now, but the feeling is not mutual." "No, I don't hate him. I've just seen his true face, is all."
Season 3 episode 1
As a Catholic I don't really want to fight God in a parking lot. Well I do but not in the same way that I've understood (primarily Jewish people but probably other Abrahamic religions) want to fight God in a Denny's parking lot. I want to yell and scream and cry at God and for the feeling to not be mutual. For Him to never stop loving me. As long as I have faith, He will reach out his hand.
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Truth or Dare Tag Game
I was tagged by @mistmarauder and man I haven't done one of these in ages so here you go.
Which friends/mutuals would you call to hide a body?
@captainofthefallen @devilsbrokerank
How many user subscriptions do you have on Ao3?
Do you have a crush on someone? OR If you're with someone, tell us one thing you love about them.
no ❤️
What does the last DM/text you sent say?
oh fuck
List the three friends/mutuals with the best takes.
@buckttommy @extasiswings @givemeunicorns
Share one of your favorite fics of all time.
Incipit by thehoyden I reread it every few months and was just talking about it with @mistmarauder it's just. *chef's kiss*
List three of your favorite content creators.
@extasiswings @catdadeddie @kittykatthetacodemon
Write one thing you love about yourself.
I'm hardworking and dedicated to my craft.
Which fandom of yours (past or present) has the best fics?
Honestly I think @mistmarauder was right when she said Inception fandom. Banger after banger after banger. The quality to quantity ratio was off the charts.
Which creation of your own are you the most proud of?
Nooooooo don't make me choose between my babies! Nooooo!
Okay I will say though I think I seriously ate this past Halloween. Damn. I'm super damn proud of all the fics that I posted in October 2023. I think those are truly some of my best work.
Have you ever read RPF?
Yes, because when I go into certain tags looking for particular kinks I don't care if I don't know the fandom, or if it's RPF, I just want to read porn. However only if I don't know anything about the real-life person (like a hockey player or F1 driver or K-Pop star), once I actually know who the person is I'm like eh can't picture it no thanks.
Tag the mutual(s)/friend(s) most likely to get away with murder.
@captainofthefallen nobody would ever suspect her.
Tag the mutual(s)/friend(s) who know(s) the most about you.
@captainofthefallen @devilsbrokerank @extasiswings @peridotglimmer
Now tag some friends to play!
I think Jess already tagged everyone I would tag! The perils of being an introvert and friends with an extrovert. I guess some people are getting double tagged!
@captainofthefallen @buckttommy @kitkatpancakestack @givemeunicorns @peridotglimmer
@tripleaxeldiaz @brasscacti @blackaquokat @handlewithcharacter @thisissirius
@tulipfromtheinternet @buttercupbuck @catdadeddie no pressure to anyone obviously.
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ozimagines · 2 months
The theater kid in me is about to come out in a way only an English professor could appreciate but
kirk whatshisname always plays minor roles in other shows, a few episodes on The Walking Dead and that one time on White Collar. Both times my man was a grade-A ASSHOLE. My boo thing was stone cold and also??? His voice is so deep like. damn.
He’s almost always an asshole and I love than bc Miguel is just the kindest soul ever. His eyes are so kind I’m 99% sure that makes sense. His accent is so soft and he’s so soft and he’s my lil guy okay leave my man alone
It’s such a drastic contrast and I think it’s proof his actor is just. mwah. Perfection.
also I started watching OZ when I was 14 and my parents told me I couldn’t bc there were penises so being the good child I was I finished s3 within the next week. Now whenever I talk abt it I always say “but I only watched one eps, ofc” and they know I’ve watched the whole thing it’s just so funny to pretend I didn’t.
I’m 16 btw. I regret nothing and everything(good lord there were pee pees everywhere what the fart)
LOL I’m gonna address every part of this but can I just say thank you for making me smile this early in the morning!
First of all, no one ever has to apologize for going full theatre kid on my page. I am, as Funky Frog Bait calls it, “theatre kid syndrome gone terminal”😂.
Second, Kirk Acevedo was the whole reason I watched Oz. I watched Band of Brothers first and fell in love with him as Joe Toye. I searched his IMDB page and this came up. Didn’t think much of it; just wanted to see him. Then I saw Harold Perrineau! And I was like Michael, from Lost! Then I saw Ernie Hudson! And J.K. Simmons! And Dean Winters! And B.D. Wong, Rita Moreno, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, and so many others. Just a star studded cast. (To say nothing of Luke Perry, Luis Guzman, David Zayas and so on). Then I found people on Oz. Otto Sanchez, Lee Tergeson, Terry Kinney, Eamonn Walker, and others! (I know they were all known but still they were new to me!) Every character feels so real.
Im reminded of a story Kirk Acevedo told about his daughter. He said he was watching TV with her when she asked him why the heroes on TV never looked like them. He told himself he’d play hero characters when he could… even though he admits the villains are fun to play.😂 Love him. Even though Miguel Alvarez is far from your typical hero, he’s not your typical gang banger either. He’s complex. And you’re right, with very kind eyes. Wish he got a better ending. But hey, that’s why fanfiction writers are here!😂
My parents monitored everything I watched until I turned 18. I remember, four months after my eighteenth birthday, I had decided I wanted to watch Oz and I made a whole proposal to my parents about why I should watch the show. (Think Turning Red when she tries to get her parents to let her go to the 4 Town concert🤣). I finished my proposal and my mom was like… ��you’re 18 , do what you want, lol”. So it was actually the first show I watched as an adult. That was about six years ago. I’ve been a fan ever since.
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Just some fun set and off set pics of our favorite guys❤️❤️❤️
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 26/03/2024
Chance's Return to Dreamland
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 3 & Knigra Also on: Kirby Rip Attack
Ripped by digboye
Requested by fezaki! (Request Form)
You wouldn't BELIEVE how happy I was to see this rip get requested man!! Chance's Return to Dreamland isn't part of the surprisingly many Season 1 rips to have exploded in popularity - think My Dr. Eggman Can't Be This Evil!, Dr. Soulja, Pikmin Park, you get the picture - but its a rip I've had sitting proudly in my playlists for years and a verified banger. And to see that I'm not the only one who knows it exists!!! That warmed my heart for some reason. Fuck yeah.
There's a lot of parallels you can draw between this rip and Door into a Hundred Summers, another one of my Season 1 favorites. Of course there's the obvious one - both are rap mashups utilizing rap music that isn't really commonly featured on the channel, with Chance's Return to Dreamland to date still being the only rip on the channel to use Chance the Rapper's Angels. But beyond that, they have a really similar, enchanting way of grabbing your attention - you click on the rip waiting for the mashup to start, only for the music to dramatically cut away before the song used in the mashup "introduces" it back, at a lower pitch. I'm certain this way of starting a mashup has been used in more than these two rips, yet its a huge part of what's kept them stuck in my mind for so long - it reminds me of Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl in how, even as early as Season 1 they were finding ways to subvert what you were expecting a SiIvaGunner rip to be by cutting the playback so abruptly rather than having the mashup or melody swap simply start playing more subtly.
But the real reason I associate the two rips with one another so closely, and perhaps the real reason they both employ the aforementioned technique of pausing the track used, is what they do with said track in the mashup - pitching it down to create a quite different experience. This is more exaggerated in Door into a Hundred Summers of course, which takes a tune otherwise radiating the energy of a crisp spring morning and gives it a far more reflective, slow, nostalgic feel. What's done in Chance's Return to Dreamland feels almost like the complete inverse - the tune of Kirby's Return to Dreamland's title screen theme is infectiously jolly, and the slight pitch-down is primarily just done to allow it to play harmoniously alongside Angels, a song already infectiously feel-good in its own right. The two thus compliment each other beautifully, sort of similarly to something like World Out There, where the two sources used in isolation already feel harmonious in emotional intent, yet elevate each other to new heights in the mashup.
It's just a damn good rip, yknow? Chance the Rapper is (perhaps unsurprisingly) not an artist I've listened to much at all, yet his and featured artist Saba's vocals in Angels are just filled with such sincerely feel-good whimsy, such sheer joy and happiness in being alive, a feel that Kirby has ALWAYS been top-tier at pushing - the experience of listening to Chance's Return to Dreamland feels like like frolicking in endlessly warm, sunny grassy fields with those you cherish. A pill of pure happiness of shocking quality and attention to detail for a rip made so early on in Season 1's life. And knowing that digboye is still around today, 8 years later, helping bring rips like the immaculate One-Winged DJ to life, just puts a big dumb smile on my face.
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tomsmusictaste · 3 months
Heaven :x: Hell first reactions
Heaven Side:
Waiting On A Twist Of Fate - we already know this is a banger
Landmines - fun and catchy, just some good classic pop-punk vibes
I Can't Wait - now this feels like truly oldschool Sum 41
Time Won't Wait - gotta be honest here, this one is missing a certain je ne sais quoi. If I had to guess i'd say this was one of the ones that was originally written for a different artist
Future Primitive - hella Offspring vibes on this one and I'm here for it
Dopamine - this one's okay, but the verses are very similar to Landmines, making it feel kinda like Landmines again but not as good
Not Quite Myself - wasn't sure at first, initially felt a little samey but I like the way it switched up in the second verse, won me over
Bad Mistake - jammy, banger, awesome Offspring vibes again
Johnny Libertine - Yes! Super oldschool sound, this rules
Radio Silence - Gotta get that ballad track in there! I am deffo vibing with this one, could join the ranks of Pieces and What Am I To Say in terms of classic Sum ballads
Hell Side:
Preperasi A Salire - Something of a transitional filler track, which tbh is pretty much what I expected - really like the Rise Up vocals coming in with it though, that was a nice surprise
Rise Up - it's a banger, your honour
Stranger In These Times - funky intro. Love the tension building in the pre-chorus, and the chorus itself does indeed fuck
I Don't Need Anyone - darker tone off the bat, we like it. Go the fuck off, Dave, hell yeah!!!!! That guitar solo got me feeling like Kaiba getting obliterated
Over The Edge - one of Dreamworks' most underrated pict- oh, edge, sorry, misheard you there. Real pump-up chorus, I dig it
House Of Liars - sliding in with some kickass guitar wails. Cool atmosphere to this one
You Wanted War - oooh, i like the intro here. Channeling those 13 Voices/Screaming Bloody vibes. Guitar solo is very cool, but doesn't top the one from I Don't Need Anyone
Paint It Black - oh this is straight up a cover, then. Well I can't say it outclasses the original Rolling Stones track (just 'cause, y'know, it's iconic) this is nonetheless a very cool heavier interpretation
It's All Me - FAST! ENERGETIC! YEAH! Huh, maybe this is the track that should have been called Time Won't Wait. Dave & Tom back at it again with guitar solos that FUCK HARD. ...Were those last couple of notes a reference to a DTLI track? Sounded super familiar
How The End Begins - Oh, some of these lyrics are going for the throat huh. Caught between a memory and visions of what could be. Damn. Given this is ostensibly the swan song for Sum 41 as a whole, it's got a lot to live up to, but it does be living up it though
Well. Wow. They definitely went out with a bang. I can see myself listening through this a lot in the weeks to come.
Downsides? Some. We know conceptually this album began when Deryck was asked to write some songs for other artists and/or to be bonus tracks on an anniversary addition of All Killer - these ended up being tracks on the Heaven side and it does feel like you can tell which ones they are — if I had to guess, I'd say those were Landmines, Time Won't Wait, Dopamine and possibly Not Quite Myself. Time Won't Wait in particular felt a little bit disjointed, lacking a bit of that Sum 41 personality. That said, songs like I Can't Wait, Future Primitive and Bad Mistake are awesome enough to lift up the Heaven side by a fair margin.
With the Hell side you could argue that with Preperasi being really just an intro to Rise Up and Paint It Black being a cover that we're really only getting 8 heavier Sum songs here, not 10... however, those 8 are all really fucking good. If I had to single one that I wasn't as keen on it'd probably be House Of Liars, but who knows, that one has the potential to grow on me over time.
I think the Hell side is stronger overall, but I'm definitely glad that this did end up being a double album - with Sum disbanding after this, it gives something great to end on across the gamut of their fanbase - those who prefer the oldschool pop-punk stuff, those who prefer the heavier stuff, and indeed those like me who are here for all of it.
Overall though, this whole record is chock full of bangers. While I'm certainly sad to see Sum 41 go, this was an exceptional note to end on.
Heaven :x: Hell | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ (4.5/5)
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confusedfoam · 1 year
okay I’m home I’ve cut all my hair off I’ve sort of eaten dinner I think I can approach articulation let’s uuuuhh take this character by character I think
rip this kid, he got pretty fucked over this go around. his house got fire and water damage and his mom also got lit on fire so that sucks.
Also his attempts to connect with scary got undermined and brushed off, he was trying to tell her she has people who care and that they’ll be there and all this lovely stuff and link was going the complete opposite angle and undermining him. (note: this is not a complaint, his approach was too head on to get through to scary and I think it makes beautiful sense for everyone’s characters but damn sucks for normal tho)
and of course. Teeny, gone. His will they won’t they partner, a mole and betrayer. This boy is going to be shattered and somehow I don’t think the goofs realm is going to be exactly comforting.
oh and can we talk about normals cult susceptibility and his family history cause 👀👀👀 yo thank you will
Oh man him crying broke my heart, just thinking of him all heart broken and blubbering. I hope he gets to see Nick again soon but I feel like he probably won’t. I also love that his roll in the hug was just a shitty attempt at a sleeper hold.
failing to get through to his mom was one of the most frustrating shitty rolls of his so far but narratively its probably for the best. but man fuck willy and how things go his way (crack conspiracy of the minute: Willy’s got Cassandra on the back burner hoping to (already has?) knock her up for a back up source of daddy magic)
Links teen apathy arc is so valid. also congrats to the gothcleats enthusiasts this was a banger for y'all. I respect the hell out of Matt as a roleplayer. he knows what he wants to do with link so well. I don’t even know what to say I’m happy this is working out for him I guess, can’t wait to watch it crash down.
Ohhhhhhh boy. oh boy. my poor girl. She needs so much therapy. She needs her mom. She needs more hugs. Christ.
but for real god bless beth may “am I enough?” nearly fucking killed me there were almost real actual tears. her asking willy for a hug and getting so coldly brushed off, not even rejected just brushed off? crushing.
Scary embracing her apathy arc is such a set up for disaster. I am very excited about the soccer admission though I think that was a good start. someone get this girl a sunny afternoon and a beautiful soccer field asap. (the other crack conspiracy: Scary’s had her jock phase, her goth phase, it’s now time to enter her stoner burnout phase. this is founded nothing on other than how she said it when she confessed to wanted to play soccer and also that it would be pretty funny. no more feelings time to just smoke pot about them)
I mean that reveal was so much. like holy shit. also I know some people don’t like his name being herman but I actually love that so much sorry y'all.
mad and endless respect to my anti egot king that dad fact was so fucking funny. maybe a contender against the back tattoo incident
annnnd that’s my current run down of thoughts. what an episode. pls talk to me about it I’m dying out here
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meduseld · 23 days
Twenty Questions For Fic Writers!
Tagged by the lovely @samuelroukin. Answers under the cut,
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
241! Which is wild.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
629,313. So more than half a mill
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A bunch? Rn working on a The Terror fic, and probably more WOT stuff but DC is always in my head and the one I've written the most for.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
I’d Learn To Float 
You're Looking At Me (Like You Don't Know Who I Am) 
Water Is Sweet, Blood Is Thicker 
Tough To Talk To 
Down On Both Knees 
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try to! In fact I've ended up expanding on works in the comments because we get into wonderful conversations. The connection is a blast. I even love getting comments that say "extra kudos" and I send them little hearts.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Like The Stars Miss The Sun In The Morning Skies since the only others that sort of end on an angsty note, Concentration Slip Away  and A Beautiful Lie (both of which are BatLantern with implications Hal is dealing with the aftermath of HalSin like in the actual angsty one) have room for there being a way to work it out. Something about Hal, I guess.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, def I’d Learn To Float which probably adds to how popular it is.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, and never on the ones I would have expected. The ones that stick out are when I got a weirdo on my early NickXZiggy stuff and a really crappy comment on a fic recently that just revealed the person did not read a single tag or warning so I was more annoyed than anything because that was 100% on them. Those are the minority though, people tend to be really great! It's just funny that when I write ships I know are ~problematic I'm semi-braced for it and nothing happens but then they show up in the ones I would have thought no one would find objectionable.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, but somehow that's when most of the character work seems to happen! I am that person that goes I'm just gonna write them going at it, no plot just sex, and end up with 5K of them being in their feelings before anybody gets naked.
10. Craziest crossover:
This is gonna be especially funny with the fact that Ben tagged me, hey @samuelroukin you want some Star Wars x Turn? It's here: What Binds The Galaxy
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge but there was that one guy that stole a ton of DC big bang works to put on Kindle Unlimited so there's a non-zero chance one of mine got got before they had him taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, because I am a control freak so I have said no <3 (it's a character failing, I know)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and I had a blast but it never moved past the Discord collab phase for a few reasons. Maybe one day though!
14. All time favorite ship?
Hard call but honestly. HalSin is that bitch for me, the all -timer, has it all: enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, mentor-mentee, brothers in arms, the-only-one-that-gets-me, opposites attract, xenophilia.... Also probs relevant that it was among the first to give me the tingles as a tween reading comics so.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh there are some bangers in my icebox, there's a reason I don't post WIPs. But recently I was reminded of an excellent BirdFlash one I have that's just. Stuck. And an epic Superbat at a Boarding School of Horrors that I can't get my ass into gear about without the Big Bang to push me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character work I think, getting why they tick and getting it across. I'm a decent had at plot too! Did some casefic/mysteries and watched people get got in real time in the comments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting to the damn point instead of wandering off into the weeds with 86 commas. It has had its moments but sometimes I need to get back to the action and maintain momentum. I wish I was better at smut too, I think I'm okay but then I read something someone else wrote and go HOW.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
This is a context needed answer. I think it really depends on what you're trying to do/the source. If your character does in fact routinely swear in another language in canon just pop it in there, or if they do that or if it's a setting where there are a lot of languages in play. Then there's the whole whether it is clear from context to readers who signed up to read 1 language or if you need to clarify. And finally: are you trying to conceal information? Because if you are you can pop it in as a bonus for readers who do speak it, or just have your bad guy be like "he turned and said a few words in Russian to his assistant, who snapped to attention" or conversely, if you aren't, you can say "He turned and switched to Russian, which their hosts did not speak. 'When it's morning, we will...'" It really depends what you're trying to accomplish with the other language and what you want your reader to know (or not know!)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
...............Fullmetal Alchemist anime and I buried the bodies, you'll never find them. Never.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oof that's a hard call, they're all so different. But for today I'm gonna go with You're The Only Girl (I've Got On My List) because of the sheer size and juggling elements going on and how well it turned out in re: my plans for it at the start.
Tagging, if you dig it, @warrenkoles @hearthouses @poeedamerons and @starkfish
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aberfaeth · 1 year
top five fics (ever. for a fandom/pairing. by people you know. by strangers. whatever u want go crazy) ORRRR top five fob songs bc I know u and ilu and I wanna hear ur thoughts
hi sav. hope you know what you've unleashed here.
tell me about the big bang (star wars sequel trilogy, Finn/Poe, 37.8k.) i made my mom read this fic and that's not a bit i literally had her read this. and she isn't even a star wars fan. like she's seen tfa but she wasn't even that into it i just made her read this because it's one of humanity's greatest literary achievements and she still brings it up to me in conversation that's how much she enjoyed it. sorry this turned into more of tmatbb being one of my mom's top five fics but yknow. context. anyways i don't want to say too much about it because i don't want to spoil it for anyone who might check it out which Please Do That but suffice to say. it is a work of fucking art and i can only hope to someday write with half the talent nina varela possesses in her pinky finger
darling i'd wait for you, even if you didn't ask me to (the great pretender season 1, Laurent/Makoto, 11k.) swear to god this isn't me sucking up it is still the best gift i have ever received in my life. hey you reading this have you ever conceptualized a fic and went "boy i wish i could feed this into a machine and it would execute the idea perfectly in a way that managed to surprise and delight me as i read it" well you simply must get yourself a sav. because she will do that for you. anyways watch tgp season one literally just to read this fic.
Be Gay; Solve Crime (american vandal, Peter/Sam, 9.2k.) this fic has everything--outsider POV! perfectly in character banter! angie and michael who are real and canon to me! mr fernandez did you eat shit! gay lou carter! do your string thing man! MING, EVEN!!!!!! consider this a rotating spot for the work of my lovely lovely friends in the hanover high AV club, who have churned out some of the bangers of all fucking time which i talked about some of those in a top five ask four calendar years ago
Over & Through (dimension 20 fantasy high, gen, 62.7k.) also made my mom read this. she got the riz chapter first and said it gave her horrifying acid trip dreams. which is honestly so fair. if you are a dimension 20 fan and you haven't read this fic what are you doing. the form is inventive the prose is stunning the characterization is painfully sharp. if you've been watching neverafter going hey i wish this was actually horror READ THIS RIGHT NOW THE HORROR IS IMMACULATE
If You Could Let Me Inside Your Heart (leverage, ot3, 2.5k.) remains my favorite leverage fic of all time and also my favorite group character study. what a lovely premise and executed with such grace and perfect understanding of character and pacing like so much work is done for its length and GOD IS IT ALL GORGEOUS
okay haha onto the fall out boy. so i earnestly did try to come up with my top five fob songs on my own. then i had a breakdown and filled out the whole damn fob song sorter yes all 500 battles. heres my top 25. note the repetition of numbers indicating my inability to make decisions
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elaborations on the medal winners:
THE KIDS AREN'T ALRIGHT: when this song came out i was thirteen years old (in middle school) (did not have my own itunes account) (did not have spotify) and as all songs do it was released at midnight (i was thirteen) (supposed to be asleep) (it was a school night) i hid under the covers with my ipod touch on the lowest brightness setting (supposed to be asleep on a school night) midnight arrived and i could not buy the song on itunes because then my parents would get an email about the purchase and know i had stayed up (i was supposed to be asleep) so i just listened to the 30 second preview on itunes for like an hour straight (i cried) (a lot)
THE (SHIPPED) GOLD STANDARD: me for real bc im literally no good at math
(COFFEE'S FOR CLOSERS): also in middle school i used to doodle song lyrics to keep myself focused during class and my history professor was taking a walk around the classroom and spotted my doodle of a little coffee cup with the lyrics "i will never believe in anything again" and went "aw why not," clearly concerned for my mental health and wellbeing. and despite that horribly traumatizing experience, coffee's for closers remains one of my favorite songs in the world. so thats proof that its really very good
OF ALL THE GIN JOINTS IN THE WORLD: you only hold me up like thiiiiis cause you don't know who i really aAAaaAAAaam
PAVLOVE: sorry its the quirky girl tendencies again. when will they put this on spotify so i can scream my little heart out to I WANT TO MAKE YOU AS LONELY AS MEEEE SO YOU CAN GET GET ADDICTED TO THIS YOU CAN GET GET ADDICTED TO THIS! anyways folie >
now, a disclaimer: this sorter is obviously older than two weeks and thus does not include the songs off SMFS. i feel like recency bias means i can't accurately fit them into the list but i will say that there is no universe in which hold me like a grudge doesn't make top fifteen
if you've reached the end of this post, thanks for going on this journey with me. i meant to be asleep an hour ago. but i did this instead. was it worth it. well whos to say. if you ended up reading IHTLITEASAOOP then yes it was.
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lighthouseas · 10 months
what are some of your favorite tawog songs? nobody's a nobody and i am free are such classics imo (i cry listening to i am free). and ofc goodbye and darwin's emo song (forgot the name) are also classics 🫶
HIIIII VIRGIL!!!! oh god there's so many.....and u r so real for crying listening to i am free. it's such a lovely song with a lovely message even if it is presented as silly lol. sussie is such a wonderful person and i actually adore her <3333 goodbye is also hilarious and without you (darwin's emo song) is one i quite literally quote on a daily basis
anyway!!!! here are my top 5:
1. the faith song. makes me cry EVERY DAMN TIME. it's so sweet and actually has a wonderful message about how life doesn't have to suck all the time ("if you stop halfway up the mountain you will never see the view" 😭😭😭😭) AND it's like. a Song. like it sounds like it came straight out of a musical lmao. i know the entire thing by heart
2. nobody's a nobody....a classic, as you said. i love it sm and will watch the compilation just for this song lol. it's catchy and it's also ridiculously sweet. just. singing about how everyone is different and that doesn't matter, they're never going to hate anyone for it!!!!! because everyone is unique!!!!!! (the real world could take a few notes from gumball tbh) also the chorus goes so hard. i dance every time
3. without you. absolutely hilarious, also darwin just has an amazing singing voice and i love when he gets his moments lmao because gumball is always interrupting him. "WITHOUUTTT YOUUU I CAAAAAAAN'T BREEEEEEAAAATHE" like??? okay darwin GO OFF. and it's just a great episode overall because it's when darwin and carrie get together ❤️
4. i am free, another classic with a wonderful message!!!!!! sussie is weird, but like, she's weird and she's a good person. she's a good person who is just fine with being herself even if people judge her, because who cares!!!!!! she's free!!!! i also cry listening to that song lol
5. the love song. it doesn't last for the whole episode but i think it's really sweet, especially gumball and penny's line "do we love each other? i guess we sorta do" which makes me giggle every time they're so silly!!!! also , i love how the song shows every type of love, including familial. makes me feel very Seen as an aspec person
of course i have many other favorites too (every song in this show is such a banger) - my little ones, sung by richard, sarah's stalker song, darwin's i'm on my way song, the kids rap song (WE ENJOY IT WHILE WE CAN WE ENJOY IT WHILE WE'RE KIDS WE ENJOY IT WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT), be your own you, it's a lovely morning (bc it's sung to the tawog theme), and the dill pickle rap are all great 👍👍👍 there's definitely others that i'm forgetting but YEAH
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Misery AND The World Has Turned And Left Me Here
Well, life is insane but I intentionally let my phone die and instead found the time to write up my thoughts on Episodes 12 and 13 of The Case of The Greater Gatsby! I know Episode 14 dropped today and I was gonna do all three at once but--there's sooo much to talk about! The notes I had for just these two episodes alone were...erm...generous in number. So, uh, spoilers under the cut and my apologies for the amount of stuff I'm about to say?
First off, WOW WHAT A PAIR OF EPISODES! New reveals! Even newer questions! Quips and lies and truths! A banger of a cliffhanger! Jon Cozart followed by my man Dylan Saunders in his Shipwrecked debut! THE RETURN OF ERNEST HEMINGWAY (the noise I made when I saw he was in this episode…)!! Well played, Shipwrecked, well-freaking-played.
So let’s start out with a bang. Here’s my Wacky And Unlikely Greater Gatsby Theory of the Day(TM): Sheilah was having an affair… with Mel. Think about it: We start the year with Sheilah and Mel hitting it off. It’s about this time that the unsolicited affections start. It’s later, when Sheilah starts doing things like going to lunch with Mel, that Fitzgerald begins to believe she’s acting strange and suspect an affair. Sheilah’s the one to make Greater Gatsby a movie script and then recruit Mel to take it on (proving that Mel was lying to/obfuscating the truth from Ford during “Hook”, by the way). And then Mel callously fires Fitzgerald from Grapes of Wrath for no real professional reason and with apparent joy, almost like she has something personal, such as jealousy, against him. During his final missive, Fitzgerald tells Zelda about some great secret he’s found to put in his screenplay and that she would “laugh as I’ve been dosed some of my own medicine.” While supposedly he could have found out any secret from any of the party guests, the implication is that this final, deadly secret is about someone doing to Scott what he’d done to Zelda. Did someone steal his work? Possible, but everyone knows about Darby rewriting Grapes of Wrath, so not altogether likely. So maybe, just maybe, one of the women he was seeing was having an affair behind his back. Perhaps Fitzgerald discovered once and for all that Sheilah was having an affair, with Mel of all people, and, with alongside his previously cultivated antipathy towards Mel decides to throw that fact into the screenplay, damn the consequences. Meanwhile, we know that TD would do anything for his beloved Mel, and he’s probably also a little resentful about being kept out of the social club. So he finds out that Fitzgerald knows about the affair and intends to reveal it to the world, and, to protect Mel from scandal, kills Fitzgerald and takes the manuscript. Knowing that they both knew about the affair would explain why Fitzgerald talked the way he did to the mysterious stranger at the end. And yeah I know, this whole theory is a little wild, but never let it be said that I’m afraid of a big swing.
(A potential argument against this theory is the pre-Thanksgiving recording, when Sheilah urgently calls for Fitzy and he goes to help her, saying “Blast, not again! I thought we’d put a stop to this!” A stop to what? If I’m right about Mel, the “unsolicited affections” likely would have stopped by this point. On the other hand, the “this” could be something completely different. Is Fitzy the first victim of the threatening hate mail? Or is a third thing happening? Because it’s hard to see what he meant by “put a stop to it” if talking about letters, whether written with love or hate. Unless of course he knew who was sending them?)
On the other hand, Sheilah is not the only woman in Fitzy’s LA life. Vivian starts the second episode by making it very clear that she gets what she wants. The Greater Gatsby script tells the story of a innocent young man arriving in LA to write movies before falling under the allure of a morally dubious red-headed woman. Was Vivian inspiration for this character? Or was Fitzgerald already writing a meaty role for his red-headed mistress, a role that someone like Willie couldn’t snatch away? (Meanwhile, I should note that while coming up with this Vivian-esque character is when Fitzgerald starts to accuse Sheilah of acting strangely. Maybe he’s deflecting his own behavior onto her, excusing his own affair by accusing her of having one as well?). Vivian also returns to Fitzy’s house on the night of his murder, leaving seconds before the supposed killer arrives. It doesn’t seem likely that secret Fitzy discovered is hers—that’s just not the tone of the conversation. But tones can be misleading. And Fitzgerald uncovering her big secret and putting it in his script would fit the role the Vivian-esque character seems to play. Regardless, Fig and Ford are right—Viv did lie to them and her angle in this whole case is hard to understand. What exactly is she up to? Did she see the killer? Was it Barnaby and that’s why she’s so sure? But why not tell the police?
And speaking of Barnaby—his icy warning to Fitzgerald was chilling and completely belies his earlier statements to Fig and Ford. It seems like our girls aren’t the only ones lying through their teeth. I’m really loving how this character turned out—he’s so charmingly dorky and funny but with these moments of darkness that make you understand why Vivian’s accusing him of strangling another man to death. Also I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if his joke about the dead fellow soldier wasn’t a joke at all. Really, things aren’t looking good for either of the Nightingales.
Moving on from them for a bit, though, we learned a bit more about the Brigade and their thoughts on the Greater Gatsby. Fitzgerald gets the idea for Greater Gatsby, announcing his intention to fill in the gaps (which we know come to contain the secrets of various Hollywood insiders) right as he’s about to attend the first meeting of what will become the Brigade. We later learn that the Brigade unanimously despise the script (it’s not just Donald), so its interesting to wonder about the role they play in shaping its earlier development. Does someone spill secrets to Fitzgerald that they later regret enough to kill for?
On the subject of the murder, what about that license plate? “1ADLR1.” Something about it feels familiar but I can’t tell you what. I spent several minutes trying to remember who was called “Adler” before realizing I was thinking about the Planetarium Meredith Stepien works at in Chicago. Also, it’s funny that car expert and fussy neighbor Citizen Jasper Fox failed to mention such a loud vehicle when talking about Fitzy’s last night. Did he just respect the car too much? What is he hiding? Regardless, the murderer’s silence on the tapes indicates that they knew about their presence. By my count, the people who know for sure about them are: Sheilah, Vivian, TD, Mel, Dorothy, Darby, Ernest, and George.
Speaking of George Astrum of Astrum Appliances (Jon Cozart!), it seems pretty apparent that he and the Highwayman are one in the same. But is this a red-herring? Or is there even more to George than doorway robbery? Is it possible that he’s in fact the missing Eugene? Honestly, I could see Jon Cozart as the addition to the Brosenthal/Esther sibling double act. The Persauds also take a moment to let us know that Astrum knows about the tapes. Was Astrum actually an investigator doing recon? Could he be reporting back to the eventual murderer, letting them know to stay quiet incase Fitzgerald has his tape-deck going?
Which brings us to our final big plot thread: Rex's letter and Lex’s baffling subsequent disappearance. Why escalate with Lex Punchwhistle of all people? Were the Punchwhistle twins the original targets in all of this? Does that timeline even work out—people didn’t know they were coming until after Willie received her letter. And how does Eugene play into all of this? Is he behind the letters? Did Lex see the letter first and follow some hidden clue back to Eugene (we know she was following up on some leads), leaving Rex to assume the worst? Or did the leads she was following get her into trouble, and the threatening letter just happened to arrive at the same time?
The next episode is already out and I am SO EXCITED TO LISTEN TO IT!! Seems like it’s essentially the mid-season finale and I can’t tell if I should be excited, terrified, or both
Some stray thoughts because there was too much to pontificate about:
-Shout out to the LBD cast in these episodes! Obviously Mary Kate is amazing and Vivian is so much fun. DVG was a terrific centerpiece and guide through the last year of Fitzy’s life, and Julia Cho’s just been fucking killing it this whole time. Also DVG and Laura Spencer totally need to play love interests at some point so that he can have romanced all three Bennett sisters.
-Fitzgerald revealed that he and Zelda promised to visit each other in December. Is this just another reminder of how Fitzgerald’s life was tragically cut short too soon? Or were these plans for early December, and their failure to follow through on them, relevant to Fitzy’s demise?
-Fitzy was so real when reacting to the actual sound of his own voice. Every time I hear how I sound I die a little inside.
-That line about tape recorders being too fussy for Zelda’s “idiotic mind” is a major OOF moment. No wonder she has issues, if he talks to her like that.
-DYLAN! Didn’t talk much about his stuff cause it didn’t seem as plot relevant but it was such a joy to hear him and I really like Donald! One of Hollywood’s last good men!
-Fitzy was totally selling Greater Gatsby to Roger, right? The conversation with Ernest probably gave him the idea.
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