#that being said i love my messed up female characters
silenthill2ps2 · 1 year
remember in steven universe when amethyst shape-shifted into rose to psychologically torment greg 
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
can i req miguel and sunshine where she has a BUNCH of hickeys but shes too nice to make fun of so the spiders tease miguel instead?
Just A Taste
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(Miguel O' Hara x Female! Reader)
A/N: Omg this is so funny and cute!!! I was kinda struggling writing this because I was like, 'How much is too much for hickeys?'. It's currently hot as hell where I live and so you can tell where that inspo comes from this can be read as a part 2 or a sister fic to Just A Bite. I almost made it an unofficial part 2.25 to Our Girl, but I changed my mind. Also, I'm sorry it's a little short, but I hope you like it.
A/N: I also really wanna try that sorbet thingy where they come in the fruit shells if you know what I'm talking about. If you love this then please check out the master list and if you wanna be kept informed about updates on the Miggy and Sunny series, then comment on this taglist and you'll be added.
WARNINGS: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female reader/ Female pronouns, Barely any use of Y/N ((Sunny is her nickname, not her actual name)), OOC Characters, Flirty Miguel, Some implications of NSFW content, and Google Translated Spanish.
It was very rare that it would get so hot that Miguel would be laid back with the rules. He held everyone to a certain standard when it came to being a part of his elite task force and he was a stickler for them to act like it. Despite this, he only expected three rules to remain to be followed at all times.
All Spidermen can’t travel to other worlds without notice.
Spidermen can’t travel without a mask on to protect the identity of all Spidermen.
Everyone has to wear their spider suits at all times.
Unfortunately, certain circumstances don't really allow certain rules to be followed reasonably. Especially when it involves people with special circumstances.
Such as this.
“Miggy!” A soft whine emits from the chair beside him as the woman sat upside down. Her unmasked face felt hot as a light sheen of sweat made her beautiful face glow against the soft light of the monitor. “It’s so hot…I thought you said Lyla would fix the air hours ago.” 
Miguel rolls his eyes at the sight of her feet lightly hanging over the top of the chair as. “Mi amor, if you stay like that, you’re gonna have a lot more to worry about than a heat stroke.” He playfully pinches her ankle as he grabs a tablet from the table, fanning his own burning skin.
Due to a massive heat wave, Earth-928 was experiencing the hottest summer it has ever had in history, causing Lyla’s A/C system to malfunction. The Lobby was left a broiling mess with Spidermen refusing to come by until the AI’s systems are rebooted. Only a handful of spiders were on base with the residential sweetheart suffering the most since she lives there.
“Can I please take this off?” She moans as she swings up and shoots him those dreaded puppy dog eyes. 
“Oh?” Miguel quirks an eyebrow as his eyelids lower. A playful smile graces his handsome face as he chastises. “I didn’t expect you to be so risky, mi sol.”
A flurry of butterflies spread out in her gut as she glares at Miguel. His response is to chuckle as that pretty glossed lip pokes out as she scolds him, “Not like that, Miguel, and you know it. This suit feels like a furnace and I just want to relax…”
The idea of his cute little lover prancing around in the nude would be an interesting idea to Spiderman, but he knew that his love would never agree to do that with others in the Head Quarters. Miguel bites his lip as he contemplates torturing his arañita some more, but he decides to show mercy as he relents.
“Alright, mi amor.” He sighs as he allows his own suit to dissipate, exposing the tight black tank top and tight athletic pants. “Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.”
His remark is ignored as she stands up from her cheer with a quiet “fuck yea”. After tinkering with her gizmo, the black and white suit disappears revealing her white tank top and black running shorts, but Miguel couldn’t help but smirk at the blotches of bruises that marred her skin.
Just before he could comment on it, the door opens as a voice complains, “YO BIG MAN! You need to tell that computer to fix this air!”
Another voice accompanies the new yorker's as the tall Brit yells out. “It’s sweltering here, man!”
Ben and Hobie came to a halt as they see their friend smile at them. “Hey, guys!” Sunny calls and waves at them while their faces grow ten degrees hotter.
The poor woman’s entire body was covered in hickeys. Her shoulders and collarbone were littered with several little puncture wounds while her neck had multiple light scratches dragging down. A distinct handprint was present at the base of her neck like a necklace with matching bracelets on her wrists. Her exposed thighs bared no better as the inner sides of her thighs had similar bite marks with a matching set of claw marks on the outside of her thighs. 
Ben swats a hand over his mouth as his hand slams over his horrified mouth while Hobie looks at Miguel in an amused expression. The urge to throw himself into another dimension plagues Miguel’s thoughts as he realizes that he will never live this moment down for the rest of his life. Rubbing his hand over his face in frustration, the oblivious spider turns back to her lover as she tilts her head at why everyone was acting weird. 
“Miggy, are you alright?” She mumbles as Hobie joins them up there with fake concern wrapping around his voice. “Yea, boss, are you alright? You looking a bit flushed, yea?” Hobie struggles to hide the growing laughter in his voice as Miguel throws him a nasty glare. 
The punk was never afraid of getting under his leader’s skin, but his ego really took over when he knows his boss would definitely not do anything while his missus was right there watching him. Ben also decides to join the fun by remarking, “Yea, you look like you need something to blow off that steam. Maybe a little taste of something sweet, right?” He teases as he figures he was safe.
Unfortunately, he unknowingly sparked an idea in the naive spider’s mind. She claps her hands in excitement as she exclaims, “That’s a great idea, Ben! I think I have some sorbets in the freezer of Miguel’s apartment.” 
Miguel wickedly smirks as he realizes that he may have an opportunity to exact some revenge as the two other boys tried to reason with her to stay. 
“Oh wait, Sunny, You really don’t have to..”
“Yea, Love. We are fine really!”
The boys try to reassure her that she didn’t need to travel all that way to get some ice cream before a smooth voice says, 
“Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.” Miguel praises as his love’s smile brightens in response. “¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo?” He coos causing the woman to swoon at his soft tone.
“Alrighty, Miggy.” She grins as she opens the portal with her gizmo. The boys’ hearts stop in their chests as the little spider ignores their pleas to stay and happily skips through the portal to Miguel’s apartment. 
“Now then…” Miguel’s menacing voice twists around his cruel smile as he looks at the trembling boys. “What is it that you guys wanted to talk about?” 
Yep, they are fucked.
As the portal reopens on the observation deck, a smiling jumping spider comes back through with two packages in her hand and two spoons as she calls out, “Miggy, I’m back!”
“Llegando, mi sol.” His voice surprises her as he swings himself back onto the platform. She tilts her head as she begins to ask where he went when she noticed that he was now shirtless with the evidence of what she’s done to him now on full display.
His chest had small dark circles littering his pectorals that created a  trail down his abdomen and his abs, disappearing into the dark brown happy trail that began below his belly button. Upon seeing her stunned face, Miguel chuckles as he gently takes one of the icy treats from her shaking hands and a spoon before sitting down in his chair. 
“Gracias Amor.” He says nonchalantly as he rips open the packaging and starts eating the sorbet from its fruit shell.
“N-no problem, Miggy..” She sits beside him and opens her treat as she avoids looking at his powerful back muscles as they flex and move as he ate the sugary sweet. She almost drops the damned thing after the deep scratches on his shoulder blades reminded her of what they did just the night prior. 
“¿Qué pasa, mami? Miguel mocks as a mischievous smirk causes his fangs to poke out. “¿No te gusta tu sorbete? ¿O hay algo más que te gustaría probar?” He purrs as the spoon in her hand falls to the floor with him chuckling.
“Miguel!” She scolds as she begins to bend over to pick up the spoon as another spoon full of an icy treat. Her stomach flips as Miguel looks at her with his pretty apologetic red eyes as he pokes her pouting lips with his peace offering.
“I’m sorry for teasing, my love. You just look so cute and flustered.” He admits he gives her a soft curl of his lip.
Matching his smile, Sunny opens her mouth and happily accepts his apology with a small moan. She sighs as she lets go of his spoon with a satisfied smile.
“So good!~”
“I’m glad.” He smiles as he dips his own bite and eats it. “Es casi tan dulce como tú…”
“Miggy!” An embarrassed voice shrills as the man laughs with his love.
arañita - Little spider
Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.--But, you are gonna have to fulfill that little fantasy of mine later, my pretty girl.
Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.- That's a wonderful idea, my love.
¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo? -Why don't you go get me and you some since these two want to be miserable right now, alright?
Llegando, mi sol.- Coming, my sun.
Thank you,love- Gracias amor
¿Qué pasa, mami?- What's a matter, mami?
Es casi tan dulce como tú…–It's almost as sweet as you...
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aita for calling out someone for being manipulative towards a trans friend? Names have been changed for privacy reasons and TLDR at the end because this is long.
I (24f) am cis but have had a lot of trans friends (binary, nonbinary, and neopronoun) throughout the years and am very supportive so i take this very seriously. So I met this girl my first year in college (we were 18 at the time) and we became friends. We're polar opposites, she talks a lot and I don't, she parties a lot and I like to do more sophisticated things, she's a typical extrovert basically, and I'm more introverted. Anne (24f) was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I don't know when, she just told me this years ago. I've seen tiktoks about bpd and researched Google about bpd a little so I know all about how they have fave persons and will "mimic" people in the friend group and become clingy, manipulate, etc. I've seen pics of her in high school, noticed that she was a theater kid, she said she was good at acting and even said she thinks her bpd helped with her acting although I'm not sure how, but she said she only joined the theater club because a boy she had a crush on was in theater. That should've been my first red flag but I was naive. She has a degree in something else (not theater) because our second year in college her favorite character in a TV show did a certain job, she got interested in that, and now she also does that as a living. She doesn't talk about her bpd, she's only mentioned it a handful of times. I can count on one hand how many times. And I get it because she said someone once told her people with bpd should be sterilized and not be allowed near children. Which is really messed up and I hate that someone said that.
However on with the situation. One of our friends Mike (25m) is a trans man. We met him four years ago. He's very handsome, broody, introverted, intelligent, great listener, very accepting and understanding, similar to me but opposite to her. Now we didn't know he was trans until two years ago, because I asked him on a date and he turned me down, and when I asked why he told me that he was mostly T4T and only viewed me as a friend. We were like woah you're trans, okay that's cool, etc. He explained that he was lucky enough to get on puberty blockers and transition young etc which is why he passes. I said okay I'm not trans and you're mostly T4T fair enough.
Well last year Anne suddenly tells us that she is trans too. She says she's bigender. She says she is okay with either she her or he him because she feels like a man and a woman at the same time. Some days she's a woman, some days she's a man, and some days she's both, according to her. She says she does not like they them pronouns. Suddenly her and Mike are spending all this extra time together. Last month he confided in me that he thinks he's in love with her, after years of him only seeing her as a friend, and then they started officially dating.
Here's the problem: she has not changed her outward appearance, her name, started any kind of medical stuff, joined any groups, bought a binder etc. We all continue to call her she and her because she fully presents as female and doesn't have a problem with it. Also she's very effeminate in body language, the way she talks, etc. I know technically I could call her a he or a him, too, but she never asks me to or corrects people when they call her she because well technically she is a she too. Mike is the only one who uses he and him pronouns with her as often as she and her, but she has never thanked him. It really feels like she's saying she's trans and then going about her life exactly as a cis woman simply to convince Mike to date her.
First off, Anne and Mike are NOT compatible. She likes to party, smoke weed, talks a lot, I'm not sure how she graduated with such good grades or why she does so well in her job because she is honestly a LOT to handle and I'm saying that as nice as possible. Mike would never touch weed or go to clubs and he says he would be fine staying home while she does those things but how could you trust someone to party while high and not hook up with others? I've seen her make out with five people in one night at a frat party. They also had wildly different childhoods, such as she grew up in a conservative community and doesn't speak to her family, and he grew up in a liberal area and is close with his family. But more importantly she has a history of joining theater because she had a crush on someone in theater (plus she admits she is good at acting, so maybe she is acting now?) and getting a degree and job in a field because a favorite fictional character did that and now this? It feels like she was attracted to him, found out he usually dates other trans people, and found a way to continue being cis but claim to be trans without having to do anything trans related, basically mimicing her favorite person. As soon as they met they hit it off, or should I say she clung to him and pretended to have the same likes and dislikes whenever they were alone I assume.
It sounds terrible I know, which is why I discussed this with a group chat first that neither of them are in, and the group chat not only agreed that she is far too "obnoxious" for him (those were NOT my words!) but that she is faking being trans in an attempt to make him fall in love with her (which seems to be working.) I would NEVER have gone further without making sure with them first. So then a few of the people in my group chat and I held an intervention with Anne alone. The six of us (the others don't live close enough to come) met up with Anne at her place and told her what she was doing was wrong and gross and that she needed to get help for her bpd and to stop catfishing Mike. She didn't take well to what was said, which I anticipated, but she went crazy. She was screaming at us, insulting us, sobbing while yelling etc, literally said if we ever contacted her again she would call the cops, so we left.
I immediately called Mike before she could and asked him to meet me at a restaurant nearby and that it was very important. Since Mike doesn't know anyone in the group chat I went alone and I explained EVERYTHING before she could gaslight and manipulate him even further. He left, did not finish or pay for his food. I messaged him several times, but a few hours later he texted me to never to speak to him again, and then blocked me on everything. I showed up to his house and Anne was there. Mike said if I ever contacted him again he would get a restraining order on me so I left. I've discussed this with the group chat and now suddenly half of them changed their mind and don't want to talk about it anymore. Several of them left the group chat. Not only that but several of my friends who know either Mike or Anne or both have blocked me on everything. When I've tried to contact these friends through other means and explain everything, they either didn't respond or said for me never to contact them again because I was being transphobic. Listen I know under NORMAL circumstances you shouldn't question when someone comes out but this is NOT a normal situation, and now I am concerned Anne is unsafe for Mike but also an unsafe person to know, as she literally is trying to destroy my life because I called her out on some seriously messed up and abusive behavior.
TLDR am I the asshole for trying to protect my trans friend from a potential stalker?
What are these acronyms?
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ladyloveandjustice · 26 days
I'm responding to a post regarding Marcille having conservative views about gender role, linked HERE (which I also responded to in the replies, but it's an interesting enough topic I want to make my own post). I think that post's point about not sanding off characters' flaws is good, but I do think the reasoning for Marcille is missing something.
I honestly don't think Marcille wants men to be masculine and in strict masculine roles. Look how femme (and long haired) the guys in the Daltian clan are and she WORSHIPS them. If you interpret the person she sees in the succubus bit as male, they are extremely femme.
She just wants human men to look like male (and female) elves, which means androgynous. Kui said the clothes elf men and women wear don't look super different, they all wear simple, pretty outfits and all look pretty. I do think female elves are expected to be slightly more femme and male ones can be a bit more masc (see Otta being mistaken for a man) but there's still an androgyny to everyone and appearance wise, both men and women have long hair and wear clothing other races would see as feminine.
(Elf men and women also aren't very different physically, as seem here in the canary genderbend where they switch sexes and literally look exactly the same. Boobs are given or removed and that's it)
Remembering elf beauty standards makes a lot of Marcille's opinions make sense.
Remember that she was super shocked Laios didn't look similar enough to Falin and exaggerated his masculine qualities to a unflattering, buffoonish degree in her mind, implying she finds them unattractive? She thinks Falin should wear feminine things and have longer hair because elves do. Laios having long hair is weird to her because he's not androgynous like she thinks he should be... so she just thinks it clashes and does nothing for him. I don't think she would care if Laios wore a skirt or something.
We don't really see her ever exhibiting any regressiveness about gender roles outside of people's appearances, and you'd think she would if it were about that right? She never says anything about gender roles in the story. She never says Falin shouldn't like bugs or be how she is because she's a girl, or that Izutsumi should act more feminine. Significantly, she also tells the guys in her group that the should pay as much attention to their hair and appearance as she does, rather than going "of course men don't understand hygiene and hair!" Or even bringing up gender at all.
Marcille does definitely have some regressive opinions and prejudices though, as seen with the orcs. She's a mess, and not seeing Falin's discomfort with femininity and imposing her own values is a serious flaw.
And she and Falin definitely have very different interests, with Marcille valuing all thing femme and Falin not at all being interested, and Marcille is repeatedly disappointed she can't share stuff with Falin (see her in the makeup comic) ...but Marcille loves her anyway, I agree completely on that.
She's a complex, flawed character, but I think my interpretation is not only valid, but makes a lot of sense with what's been shown in the manga.
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itsmeoculi · 1 year
16!Dazai x PM!reader smut where:
Reader was on a mission with him and since he's stressed as fuck he got more stressed since he saw you(his lover) flirting with someone(even if it's a mission). Once you got home he did the thing and overstimulated you.
Ty! Take your time ♡
Tiny but important note:In one of my posts I did put that I wasn’t on board with doing minors (16 yes is close but still not really comfortable) but since Dazai does have a canon adult age I’ll make it 19 cause I’m not comfortable doing ages under 18. Thank you, I hope you understand and I don’t think it affects the story that much.
Let’s get a move on now!
“𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝒾𝒹..”
Pairing: 19!A bit of Dom!Dazai x Sub!AFAB(FEMALE)!PM! Reader
TW!: SMUT, NSFW CONTENT, MAINLY FOR THOSE OF MATURITY, eating out, overstimulation, and y’all already know Dazai is a bit of sadist but I don’t think that’s in there much
Synopsis: It’s been busy in the Port Mafia, so busy that Dazai l hasn’t seen you in a while. Lucky for him Mori sends you two on a mission, he was happy at first but you seemed to not give him the attention he craved. Now, you’re getting punished.
Mori sent you and Dazai on a mission. Of course, Dazai, being Dazai, was more focused on being with you than the actual job. But here you are now sitting at a table in a fancy diner waiting for a specific waiter by the name of Ruki Satō (not a canon character just made it up) Ruki Satō was one of the best performing waiters, but he screwed over the Port Mafia after not repaying a debt and killing two of the Mafia’s men. Mori sent you two to kill him, and lucky for you he was your server tonight.
Dazai was ecstatic to see his lover again, but unfortunately for him his belladonna was paying more attention to ANYTHING but him. You would hear him go.
“Bella…” “Come on (name).. look at me.” “Love, let’s chat, the waiter isn’t even here yet~”
“Not now ‘Samu.. we have something more important than what your trying to do right now.”
Now, Dazai would usually laugh it off.. but the way you said it wounded him. You were cold and it was like a dagger to his heart when he heard your tone. This whole week had been a mess for him, and now his belladonna? The love of his life had became part of that mess…
He stayed quiet
You no longer heard the sweet nothings he’d say, only silence.. Awkward silence, until Ruki broke it.
“Oh hello I’m Ruki Satō and I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you two~?”
You proceed to order something light
“Awesome, that will be it for the lovely lady? How about him?”
Dazai looked painfully at the waiter ‘What did he just call (name)..’ he thought, he didn’t answer the waiter in spite of how pissed off he was with Ruki hitting on you.
But you took the Ruki’s flirtatiousness as an advantage and proceeded to flirt back.
“He’ll have the same thing. Thanks sweetie for being so polite tonight. And forgive my friend, he’s tired.”
You blew a kiss at the waiter before he left. Dazai did not like this one bit. ‘Friend?? What the hell is that kind of excuse?’ He stayed quiet though, because he had plans for later.. on his revenge.
A few minutes passed and Ruki brought your food. Of course wanting to seduce him more, you asked him to stay and chat.
The waiter liked this and at this point Dazai wouldn’t be surprised if you two made out already.
Dazai’s hell of you two basically asking each other to fuck, goes on for about an hour. When it’s finally over you say this.
“Dazai, please meet me in the parking lot. I want to give our waiter here’s special tip in the alleyway~”
He was scared now, he thought if you were about to do what he thinks your about to do he’s done with you. He left for the parking lot, reluctantly, as you guided Ruki to an alleyway.
“This might be the best customer I had tonight~”
“Hehe, let’s have fun.” The waiter was vulnerable now, and you start shuffling at the back of your pants, which made him think you were gonna remove them.
..but instead, you pull out a gun.
“Wait! You- know don’t do this don’t-“
You used a silencer.. to of course cause less commotion. Now the job is done.
You leave the alleyway and go to the parking lot. Dazai waiting at the car, engine ready. Once you enter, it’s straight home, he has some matters he needs to.. deal with.
Once you get home, he slams the door and locks it, removing his coat. “I’m gonna go change ‘Samu.”
You said, heading for the bedroom not even taking a single look at Dazai. But this was perfect for him, because he had a plan.
Ignoring your “warning” he swung the bedroom door wide open and pushed you onto the bed, you were already half-nude. Bra off, and the only thing covering you was a pair of lace underwear, and your hands.
“You look pathetic, belladonna.”
“Dazai- I told you I was- MGH!”
He cut you off by inserting 3 fingers into your mouth
“You’re gonna have to be punished for your whole act, back at the diner.”
He said as he removed his white dress shirt, revealing his bandaged body.
“I should’ve left you at the diner y’know.. but now your helpless. Who knew the cold and fierce (name) would be so quick to submit.”
You whimpered but he removed his fingers from your mouth.
“Quiet now belladonna. I need you to lay back for me.” You followed his orders.
“Great now open your legs wide for me darling.” You tried to do so, but you were so intimidated so you could even move an inch!
“You can’t do anything right, can you?” He leaned forward, resting himself on the bed, and then harshly opened your legs wide. You let out a slight whine from the sudden movement. He placed his face in-front of your sopping cunt. The wetness bleeding through your underwear.
“Gotta get rid of these somehow~” He said, immediately ripping the under garment and throwing it to the side. (too bad you bought those last week 😬)
“You’re soaking wet already? Such a slut (name) such a slut!” He said deviously, as he prodded his tongue around, and circled around the outer lips of your cunt. “You still taste as good as last time, but how you spoke to me in the diner may have ruined it~”
You wanted to sock this little bastard into a duffel bag. He was being such a jerk right now.. he was probably gonna edge you, or that’s what you thought. Until he said..
“Don’t worry belladonna, you’ll get your sweet release, but you will have to pay for stressing me out so badly.”
Your fucked..
Dazai inserts his tongue, deep inside of you. Then, he started to make more friction and lapping up your insides like a dog. The more he licked, the more wet you got. He hit all those sweet spots that made you see stars.
You reached your high and a loud moan filled the room. Dazai made a stifle grunt, pleased by the *honey* you made, he licked all up like it was maple syrup.
“Fuck! ‘Samu.. so good. H-hey wait I’m not-” your sentence was interrupted by a groan, as he started to abuse your cunt, with that silver tongue of his. He went back to eating you out and muffled “I don’t like it when my meal gets interrupted.” The vibrations of him speaking against your pussy made you arch your back beautifully.
“Beautiful, belladonna..” Dazai said, while adding in one of his slim fingers to run around your clit. This caused you to gasp in the immense arousal you were feeling. His free hand wandered, massaging your breasts. That’s when you came a second time, but instead of a short pause he kept going, lapping you all up.
“Wait- Osamu! W-wait-mhgh~”
You could barely fabricate sentences at the overstimulation. Your 2nd orgasm just happened, and he didn’t even pause!
Tears started forming in your eyes, and you were a moaning mess.
“Shh, belladonna I need to hear your moans not you sobbing.” He said harshly, you nodded. Yours eyes like a puppy’s big and.. “innocent” not you in this case, a better word would be helpless.
Dazai was abusing your sweet spots and your his tongue hitting exact one with such accuracy. It was like he saw inside of you.
You had your 3rd orgasm, still no stopping.
You were fucked silly, like it was some sort of euphoria coming over you. This round however was the fastest pace.
Cunt, puffy. Clit, swollen. Sweet spots BRUISED. And your throat hurt from your high pitched gasps and moans coming out of you. At some point you felt part of his teeth, but he was unstoppable. You were whining and sobbing. Tears streamed thinly down your eyes. You were pretty sure you were trying to say “Too much! Too much!” But it came out as a bunch of gibberish.
Then his tongue finally hit that special spot that made you see stars, and your 4th orgasm came. Thank god he stopped at that. He took his hand that was playing with your clit, and licked it clean. He proceeded to give you a few kisses before going to the drawer.
“What are you- doing?” You said, catching your breath.
“Just the finale of my punishment for you.” He pulled out a vibrator.
Dazai proceeded to place it near the entrance of your cunt, and set it to the weakest level.
“Have fun~!” He said, while sitting in a nearby seat smirking at you as you struggled
What a cruel asshole.
Hii this the end I hoped you kinda liked this. I’m not awesome with smut but I’m willing try yk.
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writersblg · 9 months
how the cod characters would react to their partner being a true crime junkie
The sun was starting to set when your partner came back from training. They closed the door behind them and made their way to the living room where you were already wrapped up in a blanket. The music suggested you were watching a normal mystery show but the wholesome scenario your partner thought they found themselves in quickly crumbled as the presenter said “after taking off the skin and hanging it to dry she chopped up the body”
Unfortunately, doesn’t enjoy it as much as you do. For obvious reasons.
He’d give you the nastiest side eye and will just retreat to another room to solve a crossword or something.
Finds these shows incredibly disrespectful and really doesn’t get why you’d watch this.
ALTHOUGH he knows you’ll cuddle up beside him in the night and hide behind his big muscles (I’m deceased) so that’s kinda cute but that only adds to him not knowing why you’d watch true crime in the first place.
Watches everything with you
Will be mad if you do it on your own even if he’s on a mission
Enjoys the stories of female killers the most (if it’s out of revenge he’d cheer for them)
CONTRA he’d talk all the time about the nitty gritty of murders (basically plays the UNO reverse to Keegan; you’ll be afraid of him)
It took a lot of time or convincing to make this happen but he now watches these shows with you.
Rarely talks; “hope they rot in hell” is all you’d get out of him.
Holds you very nicely though and gets up during commercials to get you two snacks <3.
Tells you about the super weird things that happened in his hometown when he was a kid and expects you to be normal about it.
Falls asleep during the first 10 minutes
There’s nothing he hasn’t seen and no matter how brutal these attacks on the shows were he finds them tame
He won’t spoil your watching experience though and lets you lean on him if you’re getting tired
He won’t do true crime marathons with you but might compromise on watching 6h of government conspiracies or something instead
The most interesting part to him is the reasoning for the killers and silently does psycho analysis’ of them
If he has heard about the case before he’d add some information the presenter hasn’t talked about
You two just vibe
He lays on you and occasionally raises his head at particularly interesting scenes
Very much a true crime enthusiast himself
Also very much no expression on his face as they describe the attacks
Watches with you but the way she judges you for watching this is crazy
Blames it on your culture
Farah: “I can fix them”
Sometimes laughs out of nowhere when she’s watching with you 😭 (would honestly destroy my psyche)
Loves to hear when the police messed up so badly they could’ve prevented more deaths but failed to do so
Watches the most gruesome way to attack someone and goes like “Haha I did this once.”
Gives you self defense tips according to the cases
Gets so invested in it
Gives you all the crime statistics if the case happened in Mexico
Randomly dropped that he knew the killer personally more than once
Happily talks about it at work the next day
Sometimes curses in Spanish because he gets too worked up over this
Cannot watch unsolved cases; will think about it all night
Looks the cases up on the internet while the show is still on
Just deepens his perspective of there being more bad people than good people in this world
He’s actually scared of you if you watch this without any reactions
Reminds me of that one AITA story
Accidentally told his friends he’s scared of you (but with heart eyes)
He’d watch it with you but mostly watches your reaction from a safe distance (the other end of the couch)
If you chop something in the kitchen later he’d gently take the knife from you and do it himself; you think he’s being funny but it’s just self preservation
Will still cuddle with you <3 later that night
641 notes · View notes
juniperskye · 6 months
I’ll do things right this time.
Sneak peek: Bucky and you had been exploring the dynamics of a d/s relationship, only you didn’t do as much research as you should’ve which is how you end up experiencing sub drop. That’s a mistake Bucky won’t let happen again.
Bucky x Avenger! Fem Reader
Word count: 4170
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, Porn with plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up), fingering, oral (female receiving), D/S dynamic, spanking (with a belt), Language, choking, aftercare!, dirty talk? (not degrading, but something), no use of y/n, talk of depression and mental health, subspace, sub drop, Let me know if I missed any.
Not edited - This thought came to me this morning and I had to get it written down. Also I do NOT consent to having my work translated or posted to any other site! That being said I don't own the following images of characters. Enjoy!
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Bucky’s hand gripped your throat as he continued to pound into you from behind, placing just enough pressure to have your eyes rolling to the back of your head. You were in pure bliss, not a single coherent thought running through your head, only thoughts of him.
“That’s it doll, take my fucking cock.” Bucky grunted.
You could only whine in response. Your mind had long since emptied and you were left unable to form words. You felt like putty in the hands of your boyfriend, and you couldn’t be happier. You knew this had been good for Buck. The two of you recently exploring your sex life had led to this night where he was truly dominating you for the first time. After having no control in his life for so long, you knew he needed this, to control something, to control you. And you fucking loved it, surrendering yourself to him completely was the greatest experience, especially if it would feel like this every time.
You could feel what had to be your fourth or fifth orgasm approaching, and you were too far gone to even notify Bucky before it came crashing over you.
“Christ, another one. Baby you’re gripping me so ti-ght” Bucky breathed into your ear as he sloppily thrusted into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum doll. I’m gonna fill you up so good.” And with those words he finished, pushing his seed into you as his hips slowed.
He didn’t slip out right away, instead he stayed momentarily as he removed his hand from your throat and pressed a chaste kiss to your shoulder. You were so far gone, you’d honestly didn’t even feel it, so when he’d actually slipped out of you and then the bed to retrieve a wet cloth to clean up the mess pooling between your legs, you hissed from not only the sensitivity but the shock.
Bucky threw the cloth into the laundry basket in your bathroom and returned to your bed. As he positioned himself behind you, he let his arm creep around your middle and pull you into him.
“You with me doll?” He questioned.
“Mmhmm.” You hummed as you nuzzled your face into the pillow.
You’d never felt like this before. I mean sure, Bucky has definitely fucked you stupid before, but this was different. It was like your consciousness had left your body and was watching from the other side of the room. It had been so good…so what was this darkness that was starting to creep in?
The morning came quickly, Bucky had been alerted to a meeting. Needing to complete the official debriefing from his latest mission, which left you all alone in your bed. When you stirred and rolled over to find the bed empty on his side, well that was the cool wind that pushed the door open, inviting the darkness in.
Bucky found you curled up in bed like this hours later. He was immediately filled with panic, you never stayed in bed all day, not unless it was by his side. Or if you were feeling particularly down.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on? Can you tell me what’s wrong?” He questions.
Your silence only worried him further. Normally if you were going through an episode you’d at least inform him in some way that you didn’t want to talk to him. Why were you being so quiet now? He leaned down to kiss your hairline and whisper to you that he was there if you needed him. It was when two whole days had passed, and he was sure you hadn’t moved, that he became increasingly worried. He’d vented to Steve a bit and ultimately Steve couldn’t offer much advice, this was uncharted territory for him.
It was when Bucky ran into Wanda that he got the idea. If she could just tap into your head and see what was going on, maybe he could make things better. He needed to know if he had caused this, if he was the reason you were lost in the storm of your mind.
 “I don’t like to do this without consent of the person Barnes.” Wanda seethed.
“I know, but Wanda she’s your friend and she has been like this for almost three days, and I am worried about her!” Bucky rushed.
“Fine!” Wanda folded.
Bucky watched as the red fog made its way from Wanda’s fingers to your mind. Wanda’s face contorted as she made contact with your thoughts. Bucky couldn’t quite read the expression she was wearing. Wanda let a small smile grace her lips briefly before it turned into a grimace and then a scowl, directed at Bucky.
“You are lucky she is my friend, because that was way too much information.” Wanda cringed.
“So? What is it? What’s wrong with her?” Bucky begs.
“She explained it as sub drop. She had read about it, it’s like when you drop from such a high. It can hit especially bad if there isn’t proper aftercare.” Wanda explained.
Bucky nodded in understanding. He thanked Wanda and apologized for the awkwardness of the situation. He made his way to your laptop to figure out how he could make things better. Unfortunately, it seemed to be very similar to when you were in a depressive episode. He had to reassure you he was there, but ultimately waiting it out was the only option.
It took 36 more hours for you to speak to him again. He was sure he’d imagined it initially, but as you sputtered from the dryness of your throat, he made out your request.
He jumped up so quickly to get you the water and after you’d taken a few sips he had pulled you into his arms and held you tightly for hours.
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That was three weeks ago.
“You’re never going to touch me again are you?” You wondered.
You glanced over at Bucky, who was scrolling through his phone. Presumably looking even further into the d/s dynamic you’d started. Since the incident he had expressed that you two wouldn’t engage in a scene until he was sure how to do it safely.
“Doll, I just want to make sure that we’re doing this right. That things are safe and healthy.” He explained.
“But things were safe! It was so good baby, soooo good!” You reassured him.
“You couldn’t see yourself though! I was so fucking scared.” Bucky sat up in bed and looked over to you, tears forming in his eyes. “Sweetheart it was like you were gone. I thought I had lost you. I know how you get when things go dark for a bit, but this was worse. You weren’t even talking, let alone moving or eating.”
Bucky’s explanation had honestly shocked you; you knew it had been bad and that it had shaken him, but you didn’t think it had affected him this much. You were someone who delt with seasonal depression and you were also someone who had highhighs and low lows. Finding out that the darkness you had been feeling and that had ultimately consumed you had in fact been sub drop didn’t exactly come as a shock to you. Given your history it made a lot of sense that you would be more susceptible to it. But hearing how it had messed Bucky up broke your heart and so you’d let him take his time and do the research he wanted to ensure that you could try to avoid it next time around.
You didn’t think that you would have to wait nearly TWO months.
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You finally got him to snap at Tony’s annual charity gala. You had all been dressed up and Bucky looked good. You loved it when he wore a suit, Tony had made sure that he had some that were tailored perfectly. You could kiss Tony for that, it had hugged Bucky in all the right places. The problem was, Bucky was purposely not giving you the attention you wanted.
It was time to take matters into your own hands. You’d get his attention one way or another and you’d had a good idea of how to do it.
You made your way over to where Thor was standing at the bar. He was telling stories of his life on Asgard when you’d come up next to him. You wrapped one of your arms around his back and let the other lay on his chest. Thor thought nothing of this, wrapping his arm around your middle, pulling you closer.
From across the room, Bucky was watching you. His jaw clenching, hands balling into fists. He shook his head. He knew what game you were playing, and he couldn’t give in. He needed to wait until things were right. He was honestly scared. He didn’t want to relive what happened last time.
“If you’re just gonna stand there, then I am going to do something about this.” Steve scoffed he couldn’t stand to watch his friend suffer.
He watched as Steve made his way over to you and Thor. Upon his arrival your face lit up, you called out for Steve and threw your arms around him. You let your arms travel the length of his broad back, looking up into Bucky’s eyes. You turned around so your back was now facing Bucky, all the while staying in Steve’s embrace. You whispered seductively into Steve’s ear.
“I just want him to fuck me, that’s all.”
Steve’s face went bright red as he looked down into your eyes. That was it. Bucky had seen enough. He couldn’t let this go on any longer. In seconds, Bucky had made his way across the room and was now dragging you back to your shared room, mumbling something under his breath that you couldn’t quite make out.
“If you’re going to talk shit, can’t you at least say it loud enough for me to hear?” You quipped.
“Jesus. I think you forgot who you’re talking to.” Bucky said turning swiftly, gripping your chin with his metal hand. “You were the one in there parading around and putting your hands all over Steve and Thor. I mean for fucks sake.”
“Okay well maybe I was all over them because you haven’t touched me in months! I am not made of glass! Maybe I should go back out there and see if Thor is interested.” You said, feigning innocence.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Bucky growled. “Our room now. Strip and kneel.”
A shiver of anticipation made its way through your body. You couldn’t be more excited about what was to come. You figured you’d be punished, but it would all be worth it in the end. You were buzzing with excitement, unsure of what to expect as Bucky had been doing research for the past two months leading up to this moment.
You had to push your thoughts aside as you followed his orders, stripping yourself bare and kneeling at the foot of the bed, waiting for him to enter.
“Oh, so you can follow directions.” Bucky’s arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the door frame.
As badly as you’d love to snap back at him, you knew it would only piss him off more. So, you kept your mouth shut. You desperately wanted him to touch you. You had been yearning for it, and here it was finally going to happen, burning like a flame ready to consume you both.
“I want you on your hands and knees. Before I can do anything with you, you need to be punished.” His voice was calm as he spoke, making his way to the bench at the end of your bed.
“Yes sir.” You obeyed.
You got yourself into position on the floor in front of him. In his hand he was gripping his belt, you hadn’t even noticed him remove it. The thought alone had sent a rush of slick between your legs. Once you were settled, he ran the edge of the belt down your back, this caused you to jump slightly. The cool leather had been a shock against your heated skin.
“Are you ready doll? You’ll take your punishment silently, understood?” He looked to your face, gauging your every expression.
“Yes sir.” You replied quicky.
With that came the first strike of the belt. It wasn’t hard enough to put you in tears, but it was by surprise which caused you to stumble forward a bit. You could hear Bucky readjust himself as you regained your composure. The second you had righted yourself brought another strike and then another. By the fifth one, a whine slipped from your throat.
“Sorry sir.” Your voice was hoarse.
“See that’s the thing, good girls don’t need to apologize because they do what they’re told.” With that he snapped his belt against your already reddening cheeks.
“I can be your good girl sir.” You pleaded.
“Oh, I know you can be, I just don’t think you want to be. I think you like being a little brat because it leads to this.”
Bucky’s words and tone had gone straight to your core. The research he’d done must’ve been damn good because you were in pure ecstasy. You were dripping down your thighs, so much so, you knew he could see it.
“Alright doll. Five more, and I want you to count them out. Color?” He checked in.
“Yes sir. Green.” You barely got the words out before the belt fell against your skin.
Another strike.
Another. This time slightly harder.
The next one was lower, the leather lightly grazing your lips. You couldn’t help the strangled gasp that escaped your mouth.
“Color?” He was quick to check in, worried about the sound you’d released.
“Doll. Color?” He didn’t believe you.
“Green sir. I’m so green.” You could hear the arousal in your own voice.
“Good.” He said as he brought the belt down one final time.
Bucky threw his belt to the side, grabbing you by your elbow pulling you up off the floor. You stumbled a bit, your knees weak from having been on the floor for some time. He looked at you with lust blown eyes. He gripped your face and kissed you with the passion you had been missing these last two months. You two stayed like that a moment, before he finally pulled back.
“Up on the bed, on your back.” He ordered as he began to rid himself of his clothes.
You scrambled up onto the bed, waiting for his next move. Watching him, desperately wanting his touch as he removed his tie and dress shirt. He brought the tie over towards you.
“Arms up sweetheart.” He instructed.
“Bu-” You had to stop yourself.
“No. You sat and had your hands all over Thor and Steve. I think you need to learn that touching is a privilege to be earned.” He said as he pulled your hands up over your head securing them both to the headboard with his silk tie.
This was a new side to Bucky, his tone, how domineering he was being. You could already feel yourself becoming more and more fuzzy. This is better than what you had imagined when you’d first brought up the dom/sub dynamic.
Once your hands we secured, Bucky took a step back, clearly admiring his handywork. He let out a low growl as he made his way back to you, between your legs.
“Christ doll. You’ve made a mess. Who’s got you this wet?” He had a teasing tone.
“You sir! You do!” You wanted nothing more than him to touch you, your body was practically vibrating in anticipation.
He leaned down to your ear, breath hot on your skin. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying hard to focus on his words.
“That’s right doll. Remember who makes you feel this good.”
He plunged two of his Vibranium fingers into your dripping heat and you let out a strangled cry.
This only encouraged his behavior. He sped up the pace of his thrusts, leaning down to capture one of your nipples in his mouth. You tugged at your restraints, wanting nothing more than to run your fingers through his gorgeous hair. Your hips were lifting up off the mattress, begging for something more. He pressed his pelvis into yours to aide in stilling your movements. His fingers curling up, perfectly grazing that spot inside you. His lips transferred to your other nipple, sure to give it attention before making his way down your body.
You could feel yourself nearing the edge as he attached his lips to your clit. You gasped; his actions having stolen all the air from your lungs.
“Oh my god, yes. Please! I’m gon-I’m so close.” You’d managed to get out.
“Hold it.” Bucky demanded, his eyes gazing up to yours.
“What? I don’t…I don’t think I can.” You and bucky had talked about orgasm denial and truthfully it had been an exciting topic.
“You can and you will, if you want my cock.” He stated, his teeth grazing your clit gently.
He continued working his fingers in and out of your cunt and his tongue against your clit all the while you were doing everything in your power to think of anything but the pleasure you were feeling in hopes to prolong the arrival of your orgasm. This went on for what felt like an eternity before he finally uttered the words.
“Cum now.”
That was all it took for the gush of wetness to release from you and all over his fingers. You cried out, tears streaming down your face, your body shaking from the pleasure. Bucky was sure to stop slowly, not wanting to shock you with an abrupt end to the pleasure before untying your wrists and moving to your next positions.
“You still with me doll?” Bucky asked, gently caressing your face.
“Mmm, yes” you said, attempting to catch your breath.
“Good, because I’m not done with you yet.”  He kissed you once more before helping to position you.
Bucky was sat, leaning against the headboard. He pulled you up into his lap, your back pressed firmly against his chest as he lowered you onto his cock, both of you letting out low moans. His hands moved from your hips, his Vibranium hand back to your clit and his flesh hand to your jaw, turning your head.
“Eyes open sweetheart.” He instructed you.
As you opened your eyes you could see that he had positioned you in such a way that you could see everything in your full-length mirror that was sat in the corner of the room.
“I want to see your gorgeous face when you cum on my cock.” He whispered into your ear.
“But wait, what about…” You started.
“Uh-Uh. Baby tonight is about me reminding you who you belong to. Got it?” The way he could read your mind was like pure magic.
“Yes sir.” You obeyed.
His hand turned your face a bit further so he could capture your lips in a kiss, before turning you back toward the mirror then landing around your neck. Bucky applied a bit of pressure there, analyzing your reactions in your reflection. Your eyes meet his in the mirror and you nod subtly, your lips ghosting over the word green.
He didn’t need any more reassurance; your consent was the release of the flood gates. Bucky used his hand on your neck as a sort of anchor as he snapped his hips up into your own, his Vibranium fingers working over your clit. Pushing you to the edge, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back this time. Looking at Bucky’s eyes in the mirror once more, he could see the broken plea in your expression.
“Go ahead baby, cum on my cock.” He grunted.
You couldn’t form words or thoughts as your orgasm crashed over you. You felt the pressure in your lower body release along with a wave of wetness around Bucky’s cock. Your breathing was shallow as he continued to fuck up into you, chasing his own release. You could feel him become more ragged, his breaths and his thrusts, he was close, and you couldn’t wait to be filled with him.
“Fuck sweetheart, your pussy is so fucking tight.” He huffed out as he spilled inside you, his seed coating your walls as his hips slowed.
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The room was quiet, save for your breaths returning to normal, Bucky’s hands had moved from your clit and your throat to wrap around your middle, hugging you to him as he pressed gentle kisses to your neck and shoulders. Worry was beginning to consume his as you still hadn’t said anything, and you wore that same fuzzy expression as last time.
“You okay doll?” Bucky asked.
“Mmhmm, I’m good baby.” You mumbled, pulling his hand up so you could lay a kiss against his palm.
“Good, let’s go get you cleaned up.” He released a breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding.
Bucky slid the two of you off the bed, trying to keep the mess to a minimum. When you made it to the edge, he slowly lifted you off of his lap, causing you to whine. He shushed you gently rubbing circles on your hips as he inspected your ass for the damage he had caused. It was red and angry, no broken skin, but there were welts that he knew would hurt for the days to come.
“It’s okay bub, I can’t even feel it.” You muttered, knowing he might be cursing himself for causing you pain.
“You can’t feel it now doll, that’s the adrenaline. But tomorrow they’re going to hurt. Let’s get you in the bath.”
He led you into your bathroom. He started the water, making sure it was nice and warm. Then he went into your cabinets to retrieve the Epsom salt and bubble bath to add to the water. The room started to fill with steam and the scent of lavender. You looked over at Bucky and smiled, he reached for your hand and guided you to sit in front of him in the tub. You let out a sigh of relief as you slid into the hot water, muscles relaxing as you lean back against him.
“That’s it. I’ve got you.” Bucky praised.
“Thank you bub.” You whispered, closing your eyes.
He pressed a kiss to your temple. Arms wrapping tighter around your middle.
“I love you baby. Promise you’ll tell me if you start feeling down again?” He says, nuzzling his nose at the base of your neck.
“I love you Buck. And I promise.”
The two of you stay in the bath until the water becomes tepid. Bucky has to rouse you, so you don’t slip down into the water further as he removes himself from behind you. Once freed, he bends down to scoop you out of the tub, settling you on the towel that awaits on the counter. He bundles you up in the warmth of the fabric, drying you off carefully. He looks in your expectant eyes and lets you know he needs to go change the sheets. Unbeknownst to you he had thrown them in the dryer when he went to grab your towels before the bath.
He had been gone for a bit, so you hopped off the counter, making your way to the bedroom only to see him placing a tray on the freshly made bed. On it were two glasses of water, some cut up berries and a piece of buttered toast. Tears sprung to your eyes as you took in the sight.
“Ah, doll, I was going to come and get you!” He explained.
“Sorry bub. This is all so sweet.” You sniffled.
He slowly made his way to you, pulling you into his arms. He kisses the top of your head before removing your towel and pulling one of his t-shirts over your head. He walks the two of you over to the bed and you notice the bottle of wound care on the side table.
“Can you lay on your stomach for me doll?” He pleads.
You nod and do as you’re told, laying down and sliding the t-shirt up to expose your raw skin. Bucky is careful in his movements trying not to agitate the skin any further as he rubs the cream into your skin. He leans down to press a kiss to your hip. He scoots up a bit and moves to your wrists, gently massaging them as well, wanting to ensure they also get attention after having been bound. As he rights your positions to cuddle with one another up at the headboard, he feeds you the snacks he brought and makes a promise to spend the next few days by your side.
“Bub you don’t have to do that.” You explained.
“No doll. I’ll do things right this time.” He promised.
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demonvibez · 10 months
The Book Club
Characters: Satan x F! Reader ( x Asmo ) Rating: Mature [Minors DNI] Word Count: 2.5k+ Tags: smut, public sex, unprotected sex, cock warming, exhibitionism/voyeurism, masturbation, oral sex, threesome, cum in mouth + vagina, female body parts, they/them pronouns for reader, mam and levi are briefly in the story but are not involved in this smut (sry loves) A/N: just an idea that popped into my head and took off! also! highly recommmend the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde. I haven't read it in forever so I'm gonna give it a reread, but you should check it out if you can. Anyways, pls enjoy ♡
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It wasn't unusual for you and Satan to hang out in the House library and read together. Whether it was for educational purposes, or simply recreational, the two of you loved being in the library. So much so that, if his brothers needed to find one of you, they would often only need look in the there. Typically the two of you took to Satan's bedroom for your more intimate affairs, keeping your sexual adventures together private. This evening, however, you had something else in mind.
There you both sit on the plush purple couch, the fire roaring in front of you two. You sit perched in Satan's lap as he has one arm around your waist, the other hand holding his copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray for you to read aloud. A soft, fuzzy blanket is draped across the two of you, concealing the fact that Satan's throbbing cock is fully sheathed inside of your tight, wet pussy. The two of you wanted to relax while you read, and nothing is more relaxing to Satan than having his cock warmed by you while reading a nice book. Cuddling with you in his lap while your warmth squeezes around him, the fire crackling in the background with the gentle melody of your voice reading to him - Satan has never been to the Celestial Realm, but he'd be willing to argue that this is better. As you shift slightly in his lap to flip the page forward, Satan can't help but to let out a tiny groan, his cock twitching inside of you. You feel so good wrapped around him, it took every ounce of self restraint not to just throw the book down and fuck into you right now.
"Careful, kitten," he whispers in your ear, "if we get too heated, we may have to-" Just as Satan was finishing his sentence, the library doors burst open. In through the door Mammon comes rushing, already arguing with Leviathan and Asmodeus who are walking in behind him. Asmodeus is wearing an annoyed expression, clearly in disagreement with Mammon, while Leviathan seems barely interested and is playing his handheld console. You could feel Satan tense up beneath you - his lime green finger tips digging into your hip, his expression stoic and expressionless. You knew Satan well enough to know that this was the calm before the storm.
"Oi, human! I've been lookin' for ya! Settle this argument we're havin'," Mammon shouts as he approaches the two of you.
"Seriously, Mammon? You really think they're gonna approve of such a stupid scheme? You're such an idiot," says Asmodeus, rolling his eyes as he stands next to Mammon with a hand on his hip. Leviathan leans against one of the study tables, his eyes still focused on his game.
"Yeah, Mammon. They're not gonna tell you anything different from us," he says without looking up. Mammon has a betrayed look on his face, turning to plead his case to you. Before Mammon can even begin to explain, Satan interjects.
"Not even a single fucking word Mammon, the answer is no."
"But ya didn't even-"
"I said no, Mammon. We don't want to fucking hear it. I've known you my entire life. I know the kinds of schemes you concoct, I know that you want to drag my human into it and ultimately leave them with the mess. I don't care what it is - the answer is NO." You could feel Satan's wrath building up from his side of the pact. The two of you were supposed to be having a nice, relaxing, intimate evening, and the last thing you wanted was for Satan to fly into a fit of rage. The situation needed to be diffused before it reached a flashing point, and there was no one better in all three realms to soothe the situation than you. You squeeze your walls around him, reminding him of the situation you are in. A small gasp escapes Satan's lips, a hint of surprise in his emerald green eyes. You move your hand to gently stroke his golden blonde hair, the wrath you felt building up starting to ease. Satan's eyes can't help but to flutter closed at all of the different sensations, and as you continue to stroke his hair, you turn to address Mammon and his other brothers.
"Hey! Whaddaya mean by your hum-"
"Mammon, sweetheart," you cut him off, "I know you probably think you have a good plan...but whatever it is, if this many people are telling you it's a bad idea, it probably is."
"No buts. You know in the end you're just gonna get strung up from the ceiling again. Now, if you will excuse us, we were busy reading Oscar Wilde before the three of you interrupted," you said, turning your attention back to the book and ultimately trying to get your evening back on the rails. You feel Satan's cock twitch inside of you once again as you take the book from his hand, forcing you to bite your bottom lip.
"Tch, whatever. Who even cares, I've got tons of other ideas," Mammon says as he sulks his way out the library door. Leviathan pushes off the table, also making his exit as he simultaneously continues on with his current in-game mission. The only brother that still remains is Asmodeus. He remains stood across from the two of you, a hint of suspicion on his face as he watches you. Unbeknownst to you, he had been observing you both since he entered the room. The obvious lust lingering in the air upon his arrival, and again a few moments ago, had been enough to keep him curious about what you two are really up to. Folding his arms across his chest, Asmo is determined to get to the bottom of this.
"Reading...sure..." he says, an eyebrow raised, clearly implying that the two of you are hiding something.
"Clearly, we are reading. We're in the middle of The Picture of Dorian Gray, a novel you would probably do well to read. Now, I don't know what you think we're doing Asmo, but why don't yo-"
"You know exactly what I am implying, big brother," he remarks, a sinister smirk on his face. "Or have you forgotten I'm the Avatar of Lust?" At the mention of lust, Satan can feel you clench around him and hold on. His breathing hitches yet again, his heart racing right along with yours, at the prospect that Lust itself has caught you in the act. "Did you think you two could hide this from me? Such blatant lust right in front of me," he says in a lightly mocking tone. You look over to Satan to see his cheeks dusted with blush and his eyes avoiding the both of you. You can feel yourself dripping down his hard length in anticipation of what could possibly happen next - whatever it is, the haze of lust grows in your mind, and you're just hoping to get some relief. It's hard to even focus on what the two demons in the room are talking about when all you can think about is your growing desire to just start bouncing on Satan's cock. It's not like Asmo would care, right? So tempting...
Before you can even make a decision, Asmo steps forward and reaches down, pulling on the blanket covering the two of you. Satan tries holding on to it but Asmo uses all of his force to pull on it, ripping it away and exposing your little cock warming session.
"I fucking knew it," exclaims Asmodeus, clearly satisfied with the results of his query. He tosses the blanket down on the ground, then goes to sit in one of the reading chairs across from you, his eyes glowing pink and his sinister grin wide. "Oh, don't mind me. Our darling human clearly needs you more right now, dear brother~♡" As much as Satan wanted to protest, he'd have to punish his younger brother later. Neither of you have the resolve to hold back any longer, and if the Avatar of Lust insists on watching, then he better enjoy the damn show. You both knew waiting was apart of the fun of cock warming, but neither of you expected such an agonizing pleasure. You had been carefully rubbing your thighs together, trying to find a small bit of relief, while Satan quite literally bit his tongue to hold in the moans - that was, until, you two had been exposed. To hell with hiding; to hell with waiting. You place your arm on the back of the couch, pushing yourself up and sliding back down Satan's cock. Moans escape from both of your lips in unison, like music to Asmo's ears. He reaches down to undo his belt buckle, the sound of which causing Satan to open his eyes and shoot him an emerald death glare. You can't help but to let out a whine at Satan's lack of attention - you don't give a damn what Asmo is doing, you need Satan to fuck you into the couch, and you need him to do it now. Hearing you whine seemed to have done the trick, because the moment he looks at you and sees the desperate look in your eyes, he starts to thrust up into you.
"Finally," you sigh happily, relieved to finally be properly taking the cock you've been craving since he slid himself into you. As you bounce on Satan's lap, your eyes flutter closed, your hand clenching into the back of the couch as the other grips one of your breasts through your shirt. You open your eyes momentarily to see that Asmodeus has taken his cock out of his pants, and is now stroking it while watching the two of you over on the couch. 'Fuck,' you think to yourself, feeling yourself get even wetter at the sight. The pace of Satan's thrusts picks up as he reaches down in front of you to toy at your swollen clitoris, a jolt of pleasure being sent through your entire body at the moment of contact. 
"Fuck...yes kitten, just like that. So good for me," Satan praises as he continues to fuck you towards your first orgasm. As Asmodeus watches the Avatar of Wrath pound into your needy hole, he did his best to match the pace of his brother's thrusts with his own hand. He'd love to be the one passionately fucking you right now, but he'll settle for watching you as long as you get pleasure. Lust being his sin, he is feeding off the two of you right now. Even if you were ordinary he'd be soaking it in - but you're his darling human and he is simply obsessed with your pleasure. You have no idea how gorgeous you look to him right now - how amazing you look when you wear his sin on your face, the gorgeous way your voice reverberates off the walls when you moan. You truly are a work of art ~ ♡
The three of you moan in harmony as you continue to make your way towards the peak of your first orgasm. Satan continues to pump into you at an unwavering pace as he massages your sex, and you can feel yourself finally being pushed over the edge of your first orgasm. A warm tingle spreads over your entire body, your moans becoming erratic and your eyes rolling into the back of your head as Satan continues on, overstimulating you in the best of ways. You ride the high of your climax until you come down, Satan slowing the pace of his thrusts to allow you to catch your breath. 
A few moments later, you feel both of his hands clasp your hips, and suddenly he's bending you over the arm of the sofa. He begins driving his hips into you, hitting spots inside of you that no one else has before. He fucks into you at a steady pace, moans and whimpers spilling from your lips with each thrust, and in your mind's lustful haze you swear you can see fireworks. In the midst of it all, Asmodeus spots an opportunity for himself. With his own throbbing cock still in his hand, he stands up and makes his way over to your side of the couch. With his free hand, he cups your cheek, stroking your bottom lip with his thumb as he strokes himself.
"Darling, you look absolutely delectable. May I? Please~?" he asks as he puts the head of his cock near your mouth, looking down at you with pleading eyes. You nod and moan out a 'yes' before he slides himself into your mouth. A sigh of relief and an unrestrained moan fall from Asmo's lips as he feels your soft mouth around his hard shaft. The way Satan is pounding into you from behind creates enough momentum to fuck you onto Asmo's cock for him - all he has to do is watch, and he is simply entranced by you. He pushes your hair back out of your face, cupping the back of your head gently as he watches you. The way you're looking up at him as you suck his cock is enough to make him wanna bust alone, and that's without taking into consideration the way it feels when you moan against him. 
Satan starts to pick up the pace, feeling his own climax starting to come close. He reaches down to massage your clit once again, his thrusts starting to become harder and more erratic. Your muffled moans grow louder, as does your orgasm once again, as the three of you frantically fuck each other, trying to get each other off. Satan can feel your walls begin to tighten around him, your orgasm being the first to hit it's peak. 
"Fuck, yes kitten, cum all over my cock," he says as he pounds away at your increasingly tightening hole, his seed spilling into you after only a few more thrusts. As you moan all over Asmo's cock, he can't help but to thrust his hips into your face, his cum shooting down your throat as he gently moans your name. Asmo pulls out of you immediately after finishing, wiping your face with his thumb to clean up any stray. A few moments later, after catching his breath a little, Satan pulls out of you and quickly fixes his pants. He sits down on the couch and pulls you into his lap, not caring about anything leaking onto him. He wraps his arms around you and you both just sit together, continuing to catch your breaths. Asmodeus breaks the silence.
"I think I'll have to come to book club more often."  The three of you erupt into exhausted laughter. Book Club may have to become a regular occurrence - in a more private meeting room, of course. 
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· demonvibez ♡ 2023 · do not copy, repost or modify · · likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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bethecliche · 1 month
family dinner l vincent renzi x f!original character
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summary: your kids don't want to eat your food and vincent comes to the rescue word count: 2.6k content: female reader, no mention of skin color, hair or apparence, no use of y/n, maternity, food, kids being kids note: a short and quickly made story to thank you all for "my love mine all mine" good reception! omg 100 notes what a honor!!! from now on, word count will only increase :')
The table was set, but there were still two things left for dinner to be complete, one of which was Brigitte's food choice.
“My sweetie pie, would you rather have carrot or potato?” She asked the beautiful baby girl on her lap, pointing to the two options inside the kitchen cabinet. The baby, who had her head resting on her mother's shoulder, quickly stood up with interest in the bright colors inside the cabinet and was ready to stretch her hand to try to pull something out.
“It's too heavy for you, Brie. If you try to pick it up, you’ll drop it on the floor and make a mess for mommy to clean.” The mother warned, kinda hoping that her daughter would understand and stop reaching out to grab everything she saw in front of her, which didn't happen. Brigitte was in a pointing at everything phase and loved to knock things out, specially the ones that break.
With her eyes shining, the baby now bounced in her arms, excited as she recognized the jars in front of her as her baby food.
“Gu.” She tried to say, still pointing forward at the cabinet, but now looking at her mother, hoping she would understand what she was saying.
And she understood, just as she understood all of her daughter's almost words. “That’s it, my love. Food!" The older one repeated correctly so that Brigitte could repeat and learn. “Say it again: food. Fooood.”
But the baby was not interested in learning to talk, she was hungry and continued to push her weight towards the closet. Not wanting to take more long with it, her mother gave up and decided that Brie chose the potato flavor since that was the direction she pointed to. She placed the baby in her high chair and started to feed her.
Not long after the third spoonful, her restlessness began again and her pointing habit returned. She was completely uninterested in the spoon in front of her face and kept pointing to her brother's plate at the other side of the table.
“You can’t eat that, it’s your brother’s. Babies like you drink milk and eat baby food.” Mom said, pushing the spoon closer to her face.
But Brie wasn't caring about her food anymore. She was hungry but for the only thing she couldn’t eat: her brother’s food.
“You wanted it two minutes ago! How can you change so quickly?” Said her mom trying to laugh at the situation. The baby just kept trying to leave the high chair to crawl the table while the mom kept putting her down. “Can’t you eat at least two more spoons? For me?”
She tried to bargain, however Brie didn’t care.
“Baaaa.” Babbled the baby, in her way of saying “brother” and showing again her desire to whatever he was eating. But luckily for Brie, at that moment her mother noticed her son and how he was not eating too.
Little Vincent's plate was also full, even though she had put it down more than 10 minutes ago, right before looking for Brie’s food at the cabinet. The little boy was always the first to finish, looking forward to the rule that he could only eat dessert after cleaning his plate. Now, even with a pudding (something he loves) waiting to be devoured, he didn't want to eat the main plate.
“Vinnie, your food it’s getting cold.” She pointed out, turning towards her son to also give him attention. “Is there something wrong?”
“I do not like this.” The 4 year old said in a soft voice, almost embarrassed to speak out loud and upset his mother.
The woman, not understanding, insisted. “It’s made from cheese. You like cheese!"
“But I don’t like this one.” He pushed the plate away lightly and placed his little elbows on the table, frustrated, probably understanding that he won’t be able to eat pudding today.
“But I've never made soufflé before and you didn't touch the food. How do you know you don’t like it?”
“It looks ugly so I don’t like it.” He said pouting.
“Baby, it doesn’t look ugly!” She gave an uncomfortable laugh, not wanting to belittle her own creation, but she understood that it was paler and smaller than it really should be. “At least not that ugly.”
The front door opened before she could say something and the second thing missing from dinner appeared. Vincent entered quickly, leaving his coat and briefcase on a table next to the front door. He looked very tired and sweaty, but he kept a smile on his face for his family.
“Hello, reasons for my happiness.” That was the first thing he said as he approached the dinner table. He squeezed Brie's cheeks, gaining a smile with her little baby teeth from her and her arms thrown in his direction, asking to be picked up, which he couldn't resist to say no.
“Daddy!” Said little Vinnie, leaving the table and his sad face to hug his father's leg.
“Hey, champ.” With his free arm, Vincent got his son up too, kissing his forehead and shaking him a bit to get some giggles, putting him down again. Now for his wife, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips (gaining a “bleh” sound from their son) and sat down in front of her.
“Sorry for being late for dinner. You won’t believe the case that came to me today. I had to drive to meet a friend and… Well, I won’t talk about the details in front of the kids.”
She gave him a weak but happy smile, looking a little tired but trying not to dampen the mood. “It’s okay. We kinda just started.”
She started to put her food down on her plate, since Vincent arrived and could help her with the kids.
Already noticing there was something wrong, he continued on to a subject that might please her. “What did you do for dinner today, babe?” Even with everything on the table, he asked his wife to answer, as she loved talking about her attempts in the kitchen.
Most of the days, Vincent was the one cooking at home and she only made the most basic parts or simplest foods. Her husband has always been a handyman in the kitchen and prepared one thing tastier than another. Often, he would make some preparations on the weekend so that they could eat for the rest of the week, but as his work schedule was busy that month, his wife tried to cook something new to make his life easier.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t known for her cooking skills and that’s why Vincent took care of that part.
But after becoming a mom, she decided she wanted to cook more for her children and today’s experience was not the best.
“Soufflé au fromage. My mom called today and we talked about things I liked when I was a kid and after finding out what soufflé was, I wanted to eat it everyday, all the time. So I decided to make one for us.” Said sitting on the table again.
“Aw, that’s really sweet of you, babe. I didn’t know that.” He stretched forward to hold his wife’s hand, giving it a little squeeze. “But why do I feel there’s something wrong?”
She sighed, throwing herself back and pretending to melt on her seat. “Your kids.”
“What did my little rascals do? ‘Cause they’re only mine if they’re bad behaving.” Vincent said with a teasing smile, managing to get a grin from her too.
No matter how frustrated she could get in any type of situation, Vincent never needed to say or do much to make her forget her problems. His jokes or reassuring words always made her believe she could get out of any bad mood. That’s kind of his thing.
“I’m starting to believe they are plotting against me.”
“No, they would never plot against you without inviting me.” He jokingly said, giving her hand another squeeze and smiling at her. “Let’s start with this cute baby here. What’s the problem?”
“She forgot her teeths are still little and wants to eat the soufflé she can’t have.”
Vincent started to shake his leg up and down to bounce the baby, who began to giggle happily.
“That’s always a thing with her, huh? But that’s the secret. She always wants something she can’t have.” He proceeded to reach for the baby food in her seat and put it in front of them on the table. He filled the spoon the most he could and pretended to eat, opening his mouth and passing the spoon right next to his cheek. “So good. Let me get more.”
It didn't take long for this to attract the little girl's attention and she began to pull her father's arm, interested in what he was doing.
One spoonful after another, Brie was completely interested in finishing her meal and Vincent placed her back in her baby seat to move on to the other question.
“You make it seem so easy.” Said his wife in disbelief, still shocked with his efficiency to solve the problem.
“You deal with worse situations than this all day. That’s nothing.”
With their one year old in diapers and their four year old potty training, he could only imagine how her day went being a stay home mom. 
At this point, Vincent got up from his chair and went in direction to his son, picking him up from his seat and showering him with kisses. “What about this young gentleman here? Huh?”
“I’m innocent.” Said Vinnie making one of his cutest faces to appeal to his father, who just laughed along.
“That’s something a bad guy would say.” Replied the lawyer.
Brie was a very predictable girl. She is curious, likes to investigate the house and poke at everything in front of her, so assuming that she would want something "forbidden" was easy. Vinnie was a different story. When he puts his foot down, he won't change for anything. He also knows his parents are light hearted and usually goes along with his wishes.
“He also refuses to eat.”
“But I don’t like it!” Vinnie stated with a sullen face.
“Have you tried?” Vincent asked his son, to which Vinnie replied shaking his head no. “Then you don’t know what you’re missing! Soufflés are actually very good, especially the type your mom made. You’ll never know if you don’t try it.”
“Then I’ll never know.” The little boy shrugged.
Mrs. Renzi couldn’t resist but burst into a laugh, not believing what the 4 year old was saying. “He got your sharp tone.” Said pointing to Vincent, who provoked her by sticking out his tongue.
Vincent took the spoon and tried to feed the kid too, earning grunts and "no's" from him. “You’re growing and you need to eat to be big and strong! Just like your dad.”
“Can’t I just eat beef? I like beef. I don’t want to like anything else.”
This case was lost and the only thing he could do was accept it. Vincent looked at his wife, who just shrugged, satisfied that at least they got 1-2.
“It’s okay, we won’t insist anymore. But mommy worked hard to prepare this meal, be grateful for her efforts.”
Vincent released the child, who ran towards his mother and apologized for his behavior, promising he wouldn't do it again. “Sorry again, mommy.”
“It’s okay, my baby. I’m not mad.”
She made a move to get up, with the idea that she would make the steak for her son, but Vincent put her down, kissing her forehead and assuring her that he would take care of it.
“Let me do it. You need to relax a bit. Finish your food.”
Once again, she picked up her fork and now could finally eat.
After the difficult dinner, the Renzi family sat in the living room to finally enjoy dessert. Lucky for them, the pudding had come straight from the market and the woman had no involvement in its preparation.
For family time, they watched Frédéric Anton scolding the Masterchef chefs for their mistakes. A very educational program for them.
“It was terrible, wasn’t it?” She asked Vincent as soon as he sat down, kinda already knowing the answer. Vincent took a little more to eat since he had to prepare a different dish for his son and at that point, his wife was already cleaning Brie in the bathroom, so she couldn’t see his face eating the food first hand.
He wrapped his arm around his wife, shaking his head. “It’s not terrible. I would never use that world.” 
“Then you love it?”
“Love, love…” He looked away with a small smile on his face, a little unsure of what to say. “Love I only have for you.”
Rubbing herself a little closer to Vincent's embrace, she felt the response was enough. “Good answer. I’ll let it slide.”
The two were finally having a moment together (with Brie off to the side drinking a milk bottle and Vinnie distracted by the television and the pudding, sitting on the floor). Vincent kissed her cheek and then her mouth, hugging her body against his and finally enjoying the warmth of her body. She also couldn't resist his touch and her body was completely relaxed, feeling light and untroubled to be next to him.
But they had children, so it couldn’t last long, of course.
“Mommy, I want to eat that.” Vinnie pointed to the television that was showing this week’s challenge, which was a carbonara dish made from scratch. He jumped up and down, excited “Mommy, can we eat this pasta tomorrow? Please, please, please!”
“I bet your dad knows how to do it.” She replied to take away her responsibility for this work. “How about asking daddy to prepare it? Tomorrow is his day off, he will have time to cook this for us.”
“We can prepare together, like the chefs on television. Look!” He pointed once again to the TV and ran to the sofa, jumping between his parents. “It'll be fine, won't it? If we do it together…”
It was his way to say again that he was sorry for not liking her food and how he had hope for her cooking skills. She felt relieved and really loved, with Vincent by her side also giving her support. There was no plot against her, after all.
“Sorry again, mommy. I like your food sometimes.”
“I can sleep with that.” Said jokingly.  “Okay, we’ll do it.”
Little Vincent offered her a well accepted hug, followed by big Vincent joining too. She already anticipated that it would not go right on her part and carbonara would turn into carburnara, but to have her children and husband next to her, believing she could do it, she felt like she could make a thousand mistakes, ‘cause they would still be there waiting for another try.
“I can't wait to try this dish.” Vincent said out loud.
“No, daddy. I said I want to eat so it's just for me. You’ll only help because you’re an adult. Stated the young boy.
“You won’t give me even a small, small piece?” Vincent asked, pretending disbelief.
“No!” Vinnie said laughing and running across the sofa to get to Brigitte, now on his mother's lap. “Maybe I'll share it with Brie because she's cute. But only with her.”
Vincent, offended by his son's selfishness, started tickling him and his wife took the opportunity to tickle Brie too, leaving the room filled with laughter.
Food really brought people together. Especially the Renzi family.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 month
...Can Be Found
You and Joel have an unexpected night alone in Jackson. A canon Lavender one-shot set between chapters 47 and 48.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from Lavender
Length: 3k
Warnings: Smut :). All the fluff in all the world. Eric Clapton. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
A/N: Thank you all so much for loving these characters and hanging out for the Lavenderversary celebration. I hope you love seeing what Joel and Doc were up to today in Jackson ❤️
April 30, 2024 
“Please?” Ellie said, her eyes bright and wide and eager. “All the other kids are going and Maria said they’re making some special snacks and shit and they’re putting on some movie I’ve never fucking heard of and I really want to see it, please?” 
You glanced at Joel, who looked quickly back at you. 
Neither of you had been anticipating this. You hadn’t been in Jackson all that long, Ellie had only been going to school for a few weeks. You hadn’t really spent much time apart, not really. Even Joel, who was regularly leaving Jackson to go on patrol, had never been outside the house overnight. There was a comfort in coming home to each other at the end of the day, the three of you squeezing onto the couch in your living room to watch a movie or clustering on the ground where you could lean against each other while playing a board game. You functioned as a unit now, each of you far more comfortable and secure with the others close. 
Ellie wanting to go to the town lock in hadn’t even been on your radar. 
But it was a good sign, you thought. She was becoming more and more like her old self every day. She enjoyed school, had made a few friends, was starting to think about what she wanted to do to contribute to Jackson as she got older. It was good to see her here, being happy and having a life. Her wanting to spend time away was good. It just didn’t feel good.
“I promise I won’t even say fuck,” Ellie said, still pleading. “And I’ll leave my knife at home.” 
“You should always leave your knife at home,” Joel said, voice stern. “No reason to be carryin’ it around here, anyway…” 
“Yeah, OK,” Ellie rolled her eyes and you had to fight the urge to laugh. 
You and Joel looked at each other again for a moment. You could tell he was feeling the same unease you were, the same desire to keep Ellie where you could see her at all times because that’s the only way you could be sure that she was safe and whole. 
But you couldn’t do that forever. 
You sighed and looked back at her. 
“Yes, you can go,” you said. 
“Yes!” She darted around you to run up the stairs but you stopped her quickly. 
“But you have to come back here before going anywhere else tomorrow morning,” you said. “And you have to be on your best behavior, OK gremlin? I know how you can be, no picking fights…” 
“I’ll be good, I promise!” She said, frozen with one foot on the stairs. 
“Then go get your stuff,” you said, Ellie taking off before you even really had a chance to finish talking, forcing her to yell up the stairs after her. “Make sure you grab your pillow and sleeping bag!” 
Joel came and stood beside you at the banister, his hand finding the small of your back, slipping below your shirt to brush his fingers over you there.
“Think we’re gonna be empty nesters for the night,” he said, voice low. 
“Think you’re right,” you smiled a little. “Whatever will we do?” 
“Oh, I think we can figure somethin’ out.” 
Ellie left not long after, running down the front walk to catch some of her friends from school as they headed toward the mess hall turned lock-in site for the night. 
“Here,” Joel said, standing next to you on the porch as the two of you watched her laugh with her friends. “Why don’t you get comfortable, I’ll be back in a few.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“What are you up to?” 
“Just trust me,” he laughed and nudged you to the porch swing. “And be patient.” 
You smiled and shook your head a little but settled into the side of the swing that you’d come to think of as yours, pushing lightly off the ground with your toe, breathing in the cool, clean spring air, the scent of rain drifting in from the dark clouds on the horizon. 
There was a distant rumble of thunder as the screen door creaked open and Joel came outside, two mugs held tight in one large hand, the neck of his guitar in the other. 
“I think we’re getting a spring storm,” you said as he leaned the guitar against the house and handed you a mug before taking a seat next to you. You lifted the mug and breathed deep, your eyebrows shooting up. “Is that…” 
“Coffee,” he smiled a little. “With a little lavender syrup that, I’m ashamed to admit, I needed a lot of help to make.” 
You looked at him, feeling like you might be about to cry you were so touched. 
“You made me lavender syrup?” 
He shrugged. 
“Figured it’d been long enough since you’d had your favorite coffee,” he said. “Heard through the grapevine that some traders who come through sometimes have coffee. Figured I’d have it ready for when I could get my hands on some.” 
“Have I told you lately that I love you?” You asked. “Because I do.” 
“You’ve said,” he smiled. “Still like hearin’ it, though.” 
You took a sip of the coffee and savored it and thought, for a moment, about the first time you’d met Joel. So long ago now at that coffee shop in Austin, when you were just 20 years old and hoping to find a job you liked that would make you not need to take out more loans to survive the summer. You should have known when you first sat across from him, sipping your lavender latte and talking about his daughter, that your life would never be the same. 
Joel put his arm over the back of the swing and you settled into his side, your head on his shoulder, grateful for his warmth as temperature dropped and the rain moved in. 
“Think you’ll let me play you somethin’?” He asked. 
“I believe it is well established that I am the president and founder of the Rockstar Joel Miller fan club,” you teased. “You can always play me something.” 
“Good,” he said, taking his arm back and reaching behind him to pick up the guitar and resting it on his lap. “Because I’ve been working on something for you. Been a long time since I’ve played for anyone so be patient with me.” 
“The peanut gallery will be quiet,” you smiled, tucking yourself into the corner of the swing and putting your stocking feet against Joel’s warm thigh as the rain grew heavier. You held your mug tightly in your fingers, the heat and coffee running low. 
He started playing, quiet and slow and you recognized it immediately, your breath catching in your throat. 
“It's late in the evening,” Joel sang in his soft baritone. “She's wondering what clothes to wear…”
You just listened in silent awe as he played you Wonderful Tonight, the song you’d claimed as yours, for the first time in 20 years. When he finished, he left the guitar in his lap for a moment before glancing over at you, an oddly vulnerable look in his eyes when he did. 
“Didn’t say the peanut gallery needed to be that quiet,” he said, his voice thick. 
“Joel,” you whispered, setting your coffee on the small side table before damn near throwing yourself at him. He set the guitar down quickly, barely fast enough to catch you as you threw your arms around his neck. He laughed, sinking back into the swing with you in his arms. 
“You like it then?” He asked. 
You pulled back enough to look at him properly, tears pricking your eyes. 
“I loved it,” you said softly. “That was… I can’t believe you learned that!” 
“Well,” he shrugged. “Already learned it, once upon a time. More just remembering something I always knew. I was just coming home to it is all.” 
You kissed him and he kissed you back before you settled in against his side again, the two of you swaying as the rain fell and the thunder rolled. 
“Know what storms remind me of now?” He asked quietly after a while, his fingers trailing up and down your arm. 
“The night I got you back.” 
You looked up at him from your place against his chest and found him watching you, his brown eyes soft and deep. 
“Me too,” you whispered. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you,” he said, his fingers still tracing the same familiar path along your skin. “I’ve got a lot of regrets in my life but that’s one of my biggest. I wasted so much time with you. Sometimes all I think about is all that time we missed out on because I was too wrapped up in my own shit…” 
“We found each other again,” you reached up and trailed your fingers through his shaggy curls. “That’s all that matters. We can’t change anything that happened to us then, we can only make sure we don’t lose each other again now.” 
“Not losing you again, baby,” Joel said, cupping your cheek and kissing you deeply. “Promise I’m not.” 
You looked in his eyes, something warm and needy settling low in your stomach as you did. 
“Let’s go inside,” he said, his tone matching the already building heat inside you. 
You just nodded and let him lead the way. 
Joel had been waiting for a night like this one. 
Maybe not one where Ellie was away quite so long. Her being gone overnight made him uneasy, even if it was just to the town lock-in down the street. 
But it did mean he got time alone with you, something he’d been craving more and more lately. 
It seemed like all he wanted to do, now that the three of you were safely settled in Jackson, was find a way to make up for lost time. 
He wasn’t sure he really could. He’d lost you for too long, done too much he regretted to ever really atone for it all. But he wanted to try. He desperately wanted to do something - anything - that would make himself worthy of you. 
Wonderful Tonight had been the first thing he tried to play when he’d gotten the guitar in Jackson. You’d been at the clinic, Ellie at school and he’d fumbled his way through it in the living room, his fingers hurting the entire time. It took time to rebuild the callus, to relearn the song. But it had been so worth it to see the look on your face when he’d played it for you on the porch that night. 
The two of you came in as the storm seemed to be reaching its peak, the rain pouring in a steady drumbeat on the roof, the thunder rattling the panes of glass in their frames as he led you to bed. 
He undressed you slowly, reverently, taking his time with you the way he’d imagined doing every time he imagined fucking you in those years in the QZ. He cast aside your shirt and his hands skimmed the outline of you, your skin so impossibly soft under his touch. He wondered - not for the first time - how something as soft as you could exist at all, let alone in this world. How something as soft as you could possibly be meant for him, want him. But you did and he lived to give you what you wanted, that’s all that mattered. 
You tugged at his shirt and he helped you remove it before he unhooked your bra and cast it aside, too, drinking in the sight of your bared skin before him. 
“Christ, baby,” he breathed, pulling you against his naked chest. You pressed your soft, warm skin against him, your arms wrapping around his neck and he guided you to the bed, laying you below him in the middle of it. When he pulled away from you, you whined, your eyes following his every movement. He smiled a little. “Ain’t gonna get far with these still on, I’m comin’ right back.” 
He unbuttoned your jeans and hooked his fingers around the waistband of those and your panties, pulling both down your legs at once, leaving you completely bare before him. 
“Joel,” you whimpered, your hands finding your breasts by what seemed like their own accord, desperate to hold onto something. You worked them gently as you watched him unbutton his own jeans, biting your lower lip as you did. 
“Fuck, you keep right on doin’ that,” he damn near growled as he shucked his own jeans and underwear before crawling up the bed toward you and settling in the cradle of your hips. “So pretty when you’re making yourself feel good…” 
He licked his fingertips and slid his hand down your body to the apex of your thighs, finding your swollen bud and pressing against it. Your back arched and you whined again as he started working your clit in slow, firm circles. 
“Even prettier when you let me do it, though,” he said, his unoccupied hand going to the crown of your head, toying with your hair before he kissed you deeply. 
Your hands left your breasts then, finding his back and pulling him sharply toward yourself, as though you couldn’t get enough of him. You rocked your hips up against him and he smiled against your lips, his cock swollen and painfully hard. 
“Joel,” you panted when he pulled back. “I need you, please, I need you, I need you…” 
“Need me where?” He asked, breathless himself. 
He knew where. 
He just wanted to hear you say it. 
“Inside,” your eyes were wide, pupils blown. “Inside me, please, I need you inside me.” 
His hand left your slick slit and he stroked his cock once with your wetness, the heat of you so close to him. 
“Then let me give you what you want,” he said, lining himself up with your entrance and pressing inside you with a deep groan of satisfaction. 
He sank into you, feeling your walls parting for his intrusion, how your body shifted and molded to him, your pussy holding him perfectly. 
Every time he did this, every time he first entered you, he had the same two thoughts: this was where he belonged, this was so much more than he deserved. 
He’d had a hard time reconciling those things. Since he’d met you, he couldn’t shake the idea that he needed to be alongside you - inside you - but he knew that you’d been meant for something more than him. When you were both young, you’d been so full of potential, all brilliant light that it seemed selfish to focus it all on himself. Now, you were the warmest comfort, the most beautiful part of a ruined world. With all he’d done, all the ways he’d failed, he could not deserve you. 
He’d let that keep you apart for a long time, the clash of those feelings pulling at him. But now, he knew how they fit, how he fit with you. He had to try to be worthy of you, that was the key. He could not stop, could not wavier. He had to always try. He had to hold you, protect you, bring you the CDs you adored and paint the walls the colors you loved and find ways to make the things that brought you joy because someone like you needed someone who would try for them. In this world there was no sure thing, but he could try. For you, he would try for the rest of his life. 
He moved in you slowly at first, savoring the way your skin felt against his, the way your fingers twisted in his hair. But you were both too desperate and needy to take it slow for long, his pace increasing with the steady motion of your hips and the aching clutch of your fingers as you grew tighter and tighter around him. 
“You’re so close to coming for me,” he all but growled, voice heavy with need. You whined and nodded against him. “Don’t have anyone here to wake up, want to hear you baby. Don’t hold back for me, let me hear you, want to hear you when I come inside you.” 
You whimpered again, louder this time, your fingers scrambling for purchase on his skin, the wet snap of his hips into yours obscene and only bringing him closer to the peak. 
He felt you tighten, your whole body clinging to him for a moment - not even breathing - before you called his name and gasped as your core fluttered around him. 
Joel stayed buried deep inside you where he belonged, grinding his hips down against you as you came, your pulsing pulling his own orgasm from him as he emptied himself into you with a moan. 
After, you tucked yourself against his side, both of your bodies sticky with sweat and your shared spend and neither of you caring. 
“Didn’t even need a door this time,” you teased lightly. 
Joel laughed once. 
“Still appreciate them though,” he teased back. 
The two of you were quiet for a moment and he held you close, thinking not of all the years he’d lost with you but all the ones he had ahead. He kissed the crown of your head and you snuggled closer as he smiled against your hair. 
“I love you, Joel,” you said softly, your fingers splaying wide over his chest. “I’m so glad we found each other.” 
“Me too, baby,” he whispered, holding you closer. “Me too.” 
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darkdemeter · 5 months
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—- not my gifs, credit to original posters! -—
(Platonic) Avengers cast x GN/Female/Male Reader Feat. on the panel: Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie & Robert Downey Jr.
A/N — So this was delayed at first because I'd kinda gotten second thoughts, then did a bit of research (just watched some of the cast in interviews and stuff). And then I thought "fuck it, write it." So I did just that. Though I'm not counting on this being "top tier" and very well may be the only time I do this sorta thing. Because I have come to realise when writing this... I CANNOT write celebrities, so great kudos to those who can, and also they make it look so easy!
READER DISCRETION — Nothing that should be potentially triggering— maybe slight insecure reader? Nothing really, just that little "did I do good?" y'know? — just Y/N with the avengers cast— Y/N being a little blushing, embarrassed mess
SUMMARY— You meet your fellow cast members on the panel for Comic Con, the debut for the final instalment to Habits of Mother Nature's Will releasing that weekend at the premiere.
You never thought you would hear anything louder than the sound of applauding fans and cheers as your name was announced by the panel moderator.
You swaggered onto the stage, your outfit was casual but styled in a way that could pass for formal dress easily. Your hair styled to what you favoured most. 
You raised your arm up and waved to the crowd who roared with such vigour, you silently admitted to yourself it was a tad bit intimidating. But you were excited for this panel. To be beside your cast members who you had bonded with over the course of production, and to finally meet those who loved the project as well. 
The Avengers series had been a cinematic hit and when you signed the contract, had anyone told you that the three part short series would have been a major hit for audiences, you would have scoffed.
Your co-stars each turned and greeted you with grins as they waved you over. “There they are!” Chris announced into his microphone with a wide grin.
 You were assigned to sit between Lizzie and Chris. Anthony sat on Lizzie’s other side. 
“Where you been, Y/N? We missed you,” Anthony questioned you with a pout, hands forming a heart over his chest. You chuckled and held up your other hand that held a cup of coffee.
“I needed my fix, leave me alone,” you grumbled. Lizzie squeezed your shoulder lightly with a shake of her head, ushering the others to stop picking on you.
“And you didn’t bring me one,” Anthony tutted and Seb called after him, “the betrayal.”
The crowd laughed and cheered.
“So we were just about to get to the fans' questions, Y/N, and I don’t doubt a lot of them have questions about your character in particular,” the moderator said to you and you nodded. 
“Prepare yourself for marriage proposals, Y/N. There is always at least ten for each of us,” Robert said, his voice deep and calm over the mic system. 
Your face went bright red. “Well…” you wanted to swear out of habit, but you held your tongue, your head fell forward. “Dammit.”
More laughs came from the audience. The microphone was set up and any fans who had questions were directed to stand in the queue.
The first fan was a young woman, probably about college age. You leaned forward, your arms folded on the table and made your clothes pull against your frame and you looked intensely focused on the fan. Engaged with what they had to say.
The very act made quite a few people swoon and scream, only your eyes flickered to your cast mates with a raised brow.
“I think the proposals have increased quite a bit now,” Chris said with a smirk. It didn’t help relieve the flush in your face when a few whistles of agreement followed his statement. 
The girl giggled nervously into the mic in front of her and you refocused your attention on her. “Hi,” she said through her giggles and you nodded, hand lifting slightly to wave. 
“Hey, how are you?” you asked and she nodded, “good thank you. I just want to say personally I’m a huge fan of the character, C/N, and I just wanted to ask you how you felt when you got the role to portray them?”
You raised your brows under the weight of the question. You smiled and thanked her for the question. “Hmm, well, I’m not gonna lie it felt scary that I wouldn’t be able to portray the character, but the script writer and director - along with my cast members - they really helped me where I felt I lacked in providing the performance that C/N would. So yeah, thank you for that question, and I’m glad you enjoyed my take on the character, other than that it was a lot of fun.”
She beamed from ear to ear and nodded eagerly. She thanked you profusely and expressed her excitement to see Aftermath in cinemas. Elizabeth patted your hand with a smile. “You did good,” she uttered away from the microphone and you nodded in thanks.
Another fan walked up and greeted the cast. “So I want to know, who would win in a fight against each other: Bucky or C/N?”
“Uh, the correct answer, obviously, would be Ironman.” Robert’s interjection made the crowd fall into a frenzy of hysterics. You grinned, the act natural and your own that you made signature component for your character. 
“Remember who killed your parents,” Sebastian taunted and Robert smirked down the table his way. “Uh,” Sebastian began as he leaned back in thought for a moment, “I kinda want to say Bucky. I don’t think C/N could bring themselves to hurt him. So I think he’d use that to his advantage.”
When the fan inquired about your opinion, you shrugged with a tsk. “I think C/N would only win if someone hurt Wanda.” Your answer made the fans giddy, the uproar of cheers enough to bring the roof down like an earthquake. 
“I have to say that the fight sequence was so intense, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The cinema I was in was in such a state, I thought it was gonna get shut down,” the next fan began with a giggle. You and your fellow co-stars couldn’t help but chuckle and smile. It really did make you happy to know that you had done well to provide fans with such excitement. The Avenger films were great and adored by the fanbase, your only wish was that you wouldn’t let the dedicated members of the production and the fans down. 
“The fight choreography was brilliant and I wanted to ask what you could share about what went on behind the scenes? Like, how was all of that done?”
Oh, that was a loaded question. “Well…,” you chuckled, “let me first tell you that the entirety of my character fighting in their ‘wolf form’ was me. I did all the motion capture for that–” The room was filled with applaus. “Thank you. Yeah, my stunt double thought it would be funny to visit their family overseas and leave me to do all the motion capture. So I have them to thank for the harness that was riding my ass for the next couple of days,” you answered, though everyone could tell you only meant to tease, that you didn’t mean anything ill about it all. 
The experience of doing all the intense choreography was actually one of the most fun aspects you’d ever done in any of your productions thus far. 
Anthony laughed into his mic then. “I kid you not, we all have a video around twenty minutes long of Y/N doing the motion capture from the gag reel. And it’s hilarious,” he sighed at the end and earnt a laugh from the crowd. 
“It wasn’t easy, man,” you whined, “but– but when I had to do scenes that required a more realistic build, I was saved the embarrassment and actually we had my dog, D/N, do all the motion capture for that.”
A photo of your German Shepherd appeared on the screen above, your arms encircled around them, their head tilted and long tongue hung from their mouth. 
“They’re so cute!” a fan in the crowd shouted and you chuckled. “Damn adorable, I love them. I had to be on guard, I was scared Chris would take them home.”
Chris leaned over in his seat, hand slapped to his chest with a toothy grin as he cackled to himself. “I love that dog so much, what can I say?”
The fan thanked you for your time and walked back to their seat. The next fans were two girls, again around the age of college students walked up together. “Hi!” one of them greeted and the other looked incredibly shy, her friend held her close around the shoulders. 
“Hey there, how are you?” you asked again. You always asked how the fans were, a habit that was just natural. Human. Kind. 
“We’re good thanks. Uh, so this is my friend, Taylor,” she said and indicated to the other girl next to her. She waved and mumbled a meek hello into the mic. Your cheeks folded out into a smile, adoring the girl’s shyness. It was adorable. “And it’s her birthday and I want to ask if you could give her a little birthday present as your character, C/N, please? And with a cherry on top, add your wolf voice?”
Your tongue danced over your teeth as fans left, right and centre cheered and hollered. You could tell it was as much wanted by them as the fans asking for it themselves. “Just out of curiosity, who else is here for their birthday?” you asked and quite a large amount clapped in answer, a view yelled their response.
“Okay, so you can consider this a gift to you guys as well.” You sat forward and rolled your shoulders, getting into the mind of your character. 
“Happy Birthday, Taylor.” You stopped to let the fans burn out their screams before you continued. “Told you, marriage proposals all of them,” Robert commented just as you went to speak and you broke out of character for a moment, face palming your hand. 
“Go on, Wolfie, you gotta appease the fans,” Robert uttered with a wave of his hand to usher you on.
“I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Wanna play fetch some… sometime in the park?” Despite the momentary hiccup, unable to contain the embarrassed giggle in your throat as your face brightened, you finished. 
Even some of your castmates imitated getting flustered, even Lizzie herself fanned her face. Taylor hid her face in her palms and her friend thanked you. 
The other beauty of your performance was that the sound editors had little to do with mixing your vocals for the werewolf voices, you had a knack for making it naturally guttural and animalistic. 
Anthony snickered playfully. “So I think we can agree that Y/N “Wolfie” has taken over the panel. Can we get a shout or clap if you enjoyed Y/N’s performance of C/N?”
You don’t know how it was possible, but that was the loudest you’d heard the fans. 
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theemissuniverse · 9 months
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A/N : This is my OC Mal who is the daughter of Quan Chi. I’m going to be making an MK fic soon with this OC but will start all the way at MK 9. Tell me what y’all think of her
Mal is the daughter of Quan Chi. Mal is witty, sarcastic, and unpredictable. Even though she has left her father to join the Earthrealm warriors, she still has an evil sadistic nature. She is a Cambion which is a half human and half demon. She is also a very powerful sorcerer. (Mal is a female and goes by she/her pronouns. Mal is also bisexual)
This is for MK 1
Liu Kang, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Mileena, Kitana
MAL : Have I told you how undeniably hot you are?
LIU KANG : You only tell me 50 times a day
MAL : Keep it real. Have we fucked in other timelines?
LIU KANG : What makes you want to know?
MAL : I’ve always wondered what it would be like to “do it” with a God.
LIU KANG : You’ve always wondered what it would be like to “do it” with me
LIU KANG : I don’t wish to hurt you
MAL : Oh baby, you’ll be the one on the ground “hurt”
LIU KANG : Kung Lao seems to peak an interest in you
MAL : You’re so hot when you’re jealous
MAL : I never thought a God would be interested in me
LIU KANG : I would tell you, you should think of yourself more highly but your ego knows no bounds
MAL : If I can pull a God - I can pull anyone
LIU KANG : To be fair - in other timelines I was also in love with you
LIU KANG : I wish to treat you like a goddess
MAL : Oh my lord - I think I’m turned on right now
LIU KANG : Are you ready for your training?
MAL : If it ends up with you being on top of me then yes
MAL : You don’t have to be so gentle with me. I like it rough
LIU KANG : I’m well aware
MAL : Aww. Do I make you nervous Raiden?
RAIDEN : A woman with your beauty can make anybody nervous
MAL : God you are so fucking hot
RAIDEN : I sometimes don’t know how to handle your straightforwardness
RAIDEN : I did not picture our first date like this
MAL : Don’t wanna wrestle me to the ground?
MAL : I’m sensing you’re a bottom
RAIDEN : I’m sensing myself becoming embarrassed
MAL : Kung Lao said you have a crush on me
RAIDEN : I - um…don’t know what he’s talking about
MAL : I see someone’s excited to see me
RAIDEN : Why can’t my body ever shut up when it’s around you?
MAL : You know I can read your thoughts right? You’re much dirtier than I thought
RAIDEN : If you could erase the embarrassment out of me - that would be great
RAIDEN : When Johnny told me to “make my move” I did not think it would result in Kombat
MAL : Oh honey, fighting you is just going to turn me on
RAIDEN : You really like me?
MAL : I can show you how much I really like you
MAL : You know the walls are paper thin. I can hear you having…fun with yourself. Did you think about me while you did it?
RAIDEN : By the Elder Gods - I hate myself
MAL : I don’t know why people compare me to you
JOHNNY CAGE : Because we are two sexy people
JOHNNY CAGE : *flirty* Hello, Mal
MAL : Not happening, baby
JOHNNY CAGE : So, Mileena or Kitana?
MAL : How bout you?
MAL : Your ex-wife was a fool to leave you
JOHNNY CAGE : I’m looking at my new one right in front of me
JOHNNY CAGE : What’s Kung Lao got that I haven’t got?
MAL : Nothing. You’re just fun to mess with
JOHNNY CAGE : You, me, tonight. 9’oclock
MAL : I’m so used to be the one flirting that, that just caught me off guard
MAL : You’re no fun. You’re too easy
JOHNNY CAGE : Why would I deny the hottest girl of the Netherrealm at a chance of me?
MAL : If you lose - you have to go down on me
JOHNNY : Honey, that is a win for me
MAL : Kitana already cannot stand the two of us - let alone for us to ask for a threesome
JOHNNY CAGE : Worth a shot
JOHNNY CAGE : I feel like you put me under your spell
MAL : Your ego is big if you believe you are worthy for that kind of magic
MAL : I can sense you’re a top
KUNG LAO : Instead of sensing, I can just show you
MAL : You think you can handle a woman like me?
KUNG LAO : I know I can
KUNG LAO : How long do we have to keep this a secret?
MAL : Until I know you’re worthy of being with me
KUNG LAO : Don’t go easy on me
MAL : Me? Easy? Are we talking about me?
KUNG LAO : Raiden is my friend but he cannot handle a woman like you
MAL : So show me how to handle me
KUNG LAO : Anybody but Johnny! Please!
MAL : You’re so cute when you’re jealous
MAL : I will suck the soul out of you
KUNG LAO : *laughs* Of course
MAL : I think you should’ve been the chosen one
KUNG LAO : Smart and beautiful. What more could I ask?
KUNG LAO : Didn’t know I’d meet someone as cocky as me
MAL : Think you met your match?
KUNG LAO : Last night was - amazing
MAL : Oh baby, I know it was
MAL : You don’t need keys to drive me crazy
MILEENA : Ugh. I don’t know who flirts worse. You or Cage
MAL : You and Tanya make me want to vomit
MILEENA : Jealous, sorcerer?
MAL : Come on, you know you like me
MILEENA : You tell anyone and I will slaughter you
MILEENA : You could get infected with the Tarkat
MAL : That is a risk I’m willing to take
MILEENA : Kitana has been asking about you
MAL : I’m more into Empresses than Princesses
MILEENA : You want my body but forget I’m infected with the Tarkat
MAL : You forget I’m a powerful sorcerer. All I gotta say is “Abra Cadabra” and go back to going down on you
MILEENA : You know you’re actually cute if you didn’t open your mouth
MAL : Ha! Got you to admit I’m cute!
MILEENA : The blood lust is starting to take control of me
MAL : I should not be turned on right now
MILEENA : Raiden is too weak to handle a woman like you
MAL : I’m guessing you got the backbone for it?
MAL : Tanya is lucky we did not meet first
MILEENA : She is
KITANA : If you call me “eye candy” you will not walk away from this fight
MAL : God damn it! Johnny stole my line
KITANA : You couldn’t handle an Outworld woman
MAL ; Oh honey, I’m one of the most powerful sorcerers and half demon. Handling you would be like nothing
MAL : I don’t mind this hard to get act you got
KITANA : By the gods you are more relentless than Cage
MAL : Don’t tell me I’m losing my shot to Raiden
KITANA : *chuckles* Survive this and we’ll see
KITANA : You and Johnny Cage? Is that a joke?
MAL : Aww. Are you jealous, princess?
KITANA : You talk a lot of talk but I bet you’re submissive
MAL : *laughs* Did you actually just flirt with me?
KITANA : I don’t care how good you are - I am still not interested
MAL : So you admit that I’m good in bed?
MAL : The only reason I don’t back off is because I know you like me
KITANA : It doesn’t matter if I do - I cannot be with you
KITANA : My sister has been asking about you, sorcerer
MAL : Tell her I’m busy with you
KITANA : If I let you give me a massage - it will just lead to something else
MAL : Is that really a bad thing princess?
JOHNNY CAGE : 50 bucks that Mal asks me out
KUNG LAO : Looks like your pockets are going to be empty
KUNG LAO : Oh come on! You’re already the chosen one! You have to have Mal too?
RAIDEN : She chose me, Kung Lao
LIU KANG : Mal is not a prize to be won, Johnny Cage
JOHNNY CAGE : So it sounds like you’re letting me have her
KUNG LAO : How can I compete with god like powers?
LIU KANG : There is no competition to win Mal’s heart…but you simply can’t
KITANA : I always thought you were interested in me
RAIDEN : You are quite the woman, princess but Mal has my heart
JOHNNY CAGE : I should’ve known Mal was into chicks. She’s a hot demon chick
KITANA : Do you ever stop talking?
JOHNNY CAGE : You know if you and Mal don’t work out then maybe we can -
KITANA : You are truly relentless, Cage
KITANA : Something tells me you and Mal have more history then you let on
LIU KANG : Which all shall remain a mystery
RAIDEN : Did you really slap Mal?
KITANA : Yes but she seemed to enjoy it
KUNG LAO : How come I don’t end up with Mal?
LIU KANG ; Is there something you wish to confess to me, Kung Lao?
JOHNNY CAGE : Admit it - you got a thing for Mal-Pal
MILEENA : Quiet, Earthrealmer!
JOHNNY CAGE : So if you and Mal go at it who’s on top and who’s on bottom?
MILEENA : Worry about your own problems, Cage
RAIDEN : I am not telling you if Mal is a “top or bottom” Johnny
JOHNNY CAGE : If you’re a bottom then just say that
LIU KANG : Treat Mal with the utmost respect
RAIDEN : I will, Lord Liu Kang
JOHNNY CAGE : Boooo! She picked you?
LIU KANG : You are surprised she picked a Fire God over an actor?
KUNG LAO : I think Mal has a crush on you
KITANA : I doubt her feelings are real
send in requests!
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gennyanydots · 2 years
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x female reader
AN: this is my very first fic. I had this idea and it wouldn’t go away so here we are. I’m sorry if it sucks.
TW: verbally abusive relationship mentioned. Not involving any main characters and nothing specifically said.
part of the ‘spitfire universe’
Jake closes his eyes to help clear his mind. If he sunk this shot Coyote and Bob owe him and Phoenix $200. To be honest it wasn’t about the money, at least not for Jake, he just loves to win anything and everything he can. As he opens his eyes he notices that Rooster has joined their group by the pool table. Rooster must have gotten lost coming to the bar. Typical.
Maverick had taken Penny and Amelia on a much needed vacation. Turns out it was Maverick’s first vacation in quite some time and Penny wanted to share the fun so she gave all of her employees the week off too and shut the Hard Deck down while she was gone. Very nice gesture for her staff but it left the aviators with nowhere to go after work. Begrudgingly they found this hole in the wall bar with a couple of pool tables and decided to check it out. Thankfully it was Friday meaning tomorrow Penny and Mav will be back and then they never have to come back here again. Hopefully. Being Friday night meant it was pretty crowded even for some random dive bar.
While Jake takes his time lining up his shot he vaguely hears Rooster saying something about something. Jake’s not really paying attention. He takes his shot sinking the 8 ball turning to Coyote and Bob with a smirk, “That’ll be $200. Would you like to pay in cash or card?” Coyote rolls his eyes while reaching into his pants for his wallet.
Jake looks around then turns to Rooster, “So what were you just going on about? You almost made me miss my shot what with your loud mouth going off and all.”
Rooster scoffs, “If anyone has a loud mouth it’s you and you know it, Hangman. I was just asking if anyone knew the spitfire at the bar. I’ve never met her but I just wanted to keep an eye on her since she seems to be fixing to get her ass handed to her.”
Jake looks towards the bar seeing the back of a women yelling at a man with another woman close behind her. The man is yelling right back in her face. Jake knows he doesn’t know the man or the second woman and turns back towards Coyote putting his hand out for the money. Just then he listens a little harder. He knows that voice. He hears it every day. That’s the voice that yells at him almost every night from the living room while he’s upstairs in the shower not to leave his boots in the doorway because you trip over them every time. Jake’s eyes get big as he yells, “Shit! It’s mine!”
He starts to push through the crowd as fast as he can with his other aviators close behind. He shoves his way in front of the man and proceeds to pick you up passing you off to Coyote to get you out of the line of fire then turns around to face the angry man. He’s got a few inches on this guy and looks down at him with his chest puffed out, nobody is going to mess with his girl even if she got herself into this mess. The man in front of him is seething.
Coyote places you down behind him getting you farther away from the angry man, ready to jump in to help his friend. Bob, Phoenix, and Rooster crowd around too ready for whatever was going to happen.
From behind Coyote Jake hears, “He was yelling at his girlfriend! He was getting in her face saying awful things about her and calling her names!”
Jake was mad before just hearing this man yell at you but now he’s furious. He glances behind himself locking eyes with Coyote who nods his head. They both grab an arm each of the man’s and proceed to drag him outside Rooster following close behind. The girl who you had been protecting now sobbing as you go over and try and help her calm down. Bob comes over with a glass of water for her and Phoenix stands watching all the other Patrons in the bar in case the guy had any buddies they needed to worry about.
Jake and the others come strolling back in not too long after. He heads towards you shaking out his hand. He saddles up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and leans down so you can hear him better, “What did I say about getting into fights without me?”
You smile and turn in his arms wrapping your arms around his neck, “Umm I think you said not to but I can’t remember. The details are fuzzy and it was soooooo long ago.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “You’re right a month is a very long time. I’m actually surprised you made it this long.”
From behind the two of you, you can hear Rooster asking, “Uhh did you guys know Hangman had a girl?”
Coyote grins looking over at you, “Nice to see you, Mrs. Seresin.”
You smile right back, “Hey Javy. Did you like those leftovers I sent in with Jake for you the other day?”
“They were delicious. I made sure to eat all the pasta before your husband could steal any.”
You hear Jake whine above you, “Why are you both so mean to me?”
Chuckling you both say, “Because we can.”
Coyote grins slapping Jake on the back and heads towards the bar for another round.
Rooster’s brow furrows as he watches the exchange and looks at Bob and Phoenix questioningly. Phoenix shrugs in response and takes a few steps closer to you, “So Mrs. Hangman where have you been hiding and why did you leave me alone with these idiots?”
You laugh, “I’m sorry I don’t go out much. Jake likes to be the prettiest in the room so he leaves me at home so his reputation isn’t tarnished.”
Jake chuckles shaking his head and kisses the top of your head, “I’m going to remember this later, darlin’. Don’t think I won’t.”
You smile sweetly up at him, “Promise?”
Need more of Jake and his Spitfire? Check out: Kindergarten Failure
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more than a song ~ alex turner
word count: 2937
request?: yes!
“hi lovely! i wanted to request an alex turner x reader. just something based off of the song you’re so dark by arctic monkeys. he’s been friends with you for a while but a side comment from his girlfriend (something just like she doesn’t get how they’re just friends) and it’s just snaps into place. ig just him writing the song and moments of them together. maybeeeee him jacking off imagining her on all fours 👀. something like that! thank youuuuu”
description: in which he starts by writing a song about his best friend who is much different than him, and it turns into something more
pairing: alex turner x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (male masturbation), kind of cheating since alex is imagining the reader and not his girlfriend (who will be a made up character, not his real girlfriend louise), also the reader doesn’t really know what alex was doing so idk take that into consideration? idk these warnings are a mess now
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It all started with a comment his girlfriend, Cheryl, made.
“She’s so dark. How are you two friends?”
They had just left a night out with Alex’s bandmates and his best friend, (Y/N). It was the first time the two women had met, which Alex was hoping would go well since both of them meant so much to him. They had just barley left the bar when Cheryl made the comment.
It amused him so much that he couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Why do you say that?”
Cheryl gave Alex a look. “Really?”
He stopped walking so he could turn to face her. “I’m serious. What do you mean she’s dark?”
“Alex...she talked for nearly an hour about HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.”
Alex waited, expecting her to explain why that was a bad thing. When she didn’t, he said, “Yeah, those are her favorite authors.”
“They’re very depressing authors.”
Alex shrugged. “I’ve never read any of their stuff.”
Cheryl closed her eyes and sighed. “She’s got a very dark personality, Alex. Like murder of crows follow her around, Addams family’s long lost member dark. It’s just weird to me that you’re her friend when she’s so depressing.”
“Hey, you may think that, but she’s still my best friend. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t insult her like that.”
Cheryl crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Maybe I should be questioning your friendship with her in different ways.”
It was safe to say the night did not go as planned. Alex brought Cheryl home in a tense silence. He gave her a chaste kiss on her cheek before she got out without a word, slamming her door shut behind her.
The night had definitely left a slight strain on their relationship. Cheryl had decided that she hated (Y/N) just because of this idea she had that Alex and (Y/N) had romantic feelings for one another, but Alex refused to end his friendship with her when that wasn’t true at all, and when he had known (Y/N) for so much longer than Cheryl. So, even though they decided to continue their relationship, it wasn’t exactly smooth sailing.
But Cheryl’s comment about (Y/N)’s personality stuck in Alex’s mind. He had never noticed a “darkness” to his best friend. She was just (Y/N), the person Alex had known since they were kids. But now he was thinking about the things she liked, and the way she acted and just her general personality. He found himself humming to himself around his apartment; a melody at first, but eventually lyrics started forming in his mind.
“You got your HP Lovecraft. Your Edgar Allan Poe.”
He quickly rushed to his work desk to scribble down the lyrics as they came to his head.
“You got your unkind ravens, and your murder of crows.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he thought of Cheryl’s comment about (Y/N) being like a murder of crows. What Cheryl didn’t know was that (Y/N) had a tattoo along the backside of her left shoulder that was a flock of black birds. They weren’t distinguishable birds, but she often said it was a murder of crows since they were black birds. Cheryl would probably have lost her mind if (Y/N) was wearing anything that would’ve showed off that tattoo.
Thinking of Cheryl caused his mind to wander to the turmoil of their relationship. He looked down at the verse and chorus he had written about (Y/N) and thought about the fact that he was in the process of writing a song for his best friend when he had never had thought about writing one for Cheryl at all since they started dating. Maybe Cheryl was right to think Alex felt stronger feelings than friendship for (Y/N).
He shook his head. No, that’s not it. She’s my best friend since we were kids, and I’ve only known Cheryl for a few months. That’s all it is.
“I know you’re nothing like mine, cause she’s walking on sunshine. And your love would tear us apart.”
Alex was at his desk for nearly an hour putting the song together. He had two full verses and a rough outline for the chorus, but it still needed something more. He was toying around with more lyrics when he started writing, “You watch Italian horror and you listen to the scores. Leather-clad and spike collar, I want you down on all fours.”
“Whoa,” he muttered to himself. “Where the fuck did that come from?”
But now that he had written it, he couldn’t help but picture (Y/N) doing exactly what he had written: on his bed, down on all fours, her ass in the air.
He shook his head. “No,” he scolded himself. “No, stop. This is wrong.”
But he couldn’t stop. He closed his eyes and the image was embedded into his eyelids. He felt himself straining against his jeans as he imagined himself knelt behind her, looking down at her ass in the wear, wearing only a pair of lacy black underwear.
He groaned as he palmed himself through his jeans. The desire was far too strong to ignore. He had to take care of this, otherwise he knew he’d have a nasty ache between his legs that he would not be able to get rid of.
Just one time, he thought. Then I’ll never think of her like this again.
Alex unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down to his knees. His dick was hard as a rock and angry red. He hissed as the cool air touched the sensitive area. He spit on his hand and wrapped his hand around the base. His head tipped back as a moan erupted from his throat.
He closed his eyes and the image of (Y/N) appeared again. Her face buried into the pillow beneath her, moans muffled by the fabric of the pillow. Alex’s dick plunging in and out of her tight pussy, her ass bouncing every time his hips collided with it. He imagined that her moans were as pretty as her regular voice was. Picturing that pretty voice moaning his name caused his dick to twitch in his hand.
The wet sounds of his hand stroking his dick mixed with his heavy breathing and moans filled the room. His mind drifted from having her bent over in front of him to having her sat on his lap in the very chair where he was sat. He imagined (Y/N), still just in a matching lingerie set, pulling him away from his songwriting so she could climb up onto his lap and straddle him. He imagined her pulling the fabric of her panties to the side, a string of arousal connecting her needy hole and the underwear. He could almost feel the warm, wetness of her walls as she sunk herself down onto him, and her lips on his neck as she started to ride him.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “God, that feels so good.”
His desire to have her grew, even though he knew he never would. She was his best friend. There was no way she felt this way for him, too. And he definitely was not going to risk their friendship by bringing these feelings up to her. More than anything, (Y/N) was his friend and he wasn’t about to lose her all together. For now, the only way he’d have her would be in his imagination, and he was more than okay with that.
Behind his closed eyes he could see (Y/N)’s perfect tits bouncing in his face. He squeezed the base of his dick a little tighter as his jerking motions became quicker, almost more desperate. He could feel his high creeping up on him, and he was desperately trying to chase it.
In his mind, (Y/N) was leaning into his ear. In a sexy, sultry voice, he pictured her whispering, “Cum for me, Alex.”
And that was all he needed to go tumbling over the edge. He called out her name into his empty apartment as his hot cum spilled over his hand, lap, and some on his shirt. He mentally cursed to himself for not preparing more for the mess, but physically he felt incapable of fixing it. He let his head rest on the back of the chair as he breathed heavily. When he opened his eyes to finally face reality, he was looking up at the ceiling instead of at (Y/N)’s beautiful face.
There was a slight ringing in his ears as the blood flow from his brain to his dick finally went down. It was loud enough that he almost didn’t hear his phone vibrating on the desk and took him a moment to realize someone was trying to call him. He reached out with his clean hand to look at the caller ID, and his heart skipped a beat when (Y/N)’s name and face popped up on his screen.
Against his better judgement, Alex answered. “Hello?”
“Where the fuck are you?” (Y/N) asked, a joking tone in her voice. “I’ve sent you, like, five text messages.”
Alex pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at the lockscreen to see that (Y/N) had in fact tried to text him.
“Hey fucker, what are you doing?”
“Hello? Alex?”
“Quick wanking off and answer me.” (That one both made him laugh and made his heart pound harder against his chest.)
“Listen, can I come over? I wanted to talk about something.”
“I really hope the reason you’re not answering is not what I think.”
“Sorry, I was - uh - I was busy writing,” he said. It wasn’t entirely a lie. “I got really into it and had my phone on silent. Didn’t even know you were texting me. What’s going on? Is everything alright?”
“Well, I’m currently parked outside your place. Can I come in to talk about it?”
He felt his blood run cold. (Y/N) was outside his place right now trying to come in to talk to him, meanwhile he was sat at his work desk with cum over himself after jerking off to the thought of her.
This truly could not be any worse.
“Yeah! Yeah, just give me a second,” he said, quickly trying to figure out a solution to this.
“Alex, I’ve known you for years, you do not have to tidy the place up for me,” (Y/N) said.
“I know, I just need to...I just have to do something before you come in. Give me a second.”
He hung up before (Y/N) could protest any further. He quickly took off his already cum-stained shirt and used it to wipe off his hand and the area around his dick. He threw the shirt with the rest of his dirty clothes, tucked himself back into his jeans, and found a new shirt to put on. Just as he was pulling the shirt over his head, the doorbell started ringing. He quickly raced to his front door and threw it open to reveal (Y/N) stood there.
“Are you done whatever you had to do?” she asked, but pushed past him before he could answer.
“Come on in, make yourself at home,” he teased as he followed her in.
“I always do,” she said with a smirk. “You’re lucky I respect your privacy enough that I didn’t just get that hidden spare key and barge in here before I called.”
Very, very lucky for that, actually.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” he asked her as they reached his living room. “Your texts sounded serious.”
(Y/N) sighed and flopped down onto his couch. Alex sat across from her, leaving a decent amount of space between them. His mind was still reeling from the mental images from earlier that he wasn’t sure if he trusted himself to be so close to (Y/N) right now.
But she seemed very troubled, which was very concerning to him. (Y/N) always talked to him when something was wrong, but very rarely did she physically come over to his place to talk about something. He knew whatever it was had to be very serious for her to show up so suddenly like this.
“I ran into Cheryl at the store just now,” she said, looking down at her lap. “And...well...I know she doesn’t like me. I’m not stupid. I know there’s a reason she doesn’t come out anymore when she knows I’m there, and our brief run ins since we first met always include a glare whenever she sees me. Don’t even try to deny it, Alex.”
He wasn’t going to, but his mouth had been open to speak. He wasn’t even sure what he would’ve said, so he closed his mouth again and allowed her to go on.
“I saw her and decided just to try and avoid her. I expected her to do the same. There was really no reason for her to approach me when it was just her, so I thought. But she came right up to me in the middle of an aisle and she...well, the best way to describe it is she went off on a tirade about not liking me and how she wishes you would just stop being friends with me, and even told me that I should be the one to end our friendship so that she didn’t have to stress about me and you anymore.”
Alex’s hands balled into fists on his lap. He couldn’t believe Cheryl would really go up to (Y/N) like that when he wasn’t around. Like (Y/N), he figured that Cheryl would’ve just walked the other way and left her alone since she disliked her so much. But to go up to his best friend in a public and to go as far as telling her to stop being friends with him for the sake of a relationship that wasn’t even a month in was further than he ever expected her to go.
“I thought you weren’t responding because she got to you first,” (Y/N) continued. “I thought she was going to come to you with some made up bullshit saying that I was the one who attacked her or something.”
“I haven’t heard from her,” Alex said. “I guess she’s waiting till whenever I see her next.”
“Listen, I’m sorry that I’m causing this strain on your relationship - ”
Alex reached out to take (Y/N)’s hand to cut her off. The contact sent a spark through him, but he tried his best to ignore it.
“You’re not the one causing any strain to my relationship. Cheryl is. She’s the one who is feeling so insecure about our relationship that she has to go as far as calling you down to the dirt while I’m not around. I’ve tried everything to assure her there’s nothing to worry about between us, but it’s not enough for her. I think...I don’t think I can continue this relationship with her. Especially not after what you told me.”
(Y/N) looked down at their joined hands. In a soft voice she said, “She’s a fucking bitch.”
Alex smiled and chuckled softly. (Y/N) did as well, and eventually, they were both laughing at her comment.
When the laughter died down silence fell over them. Neither one of them knew how to break it, but they didn’t really feel like they had to. Silence always felt comfortable between the two of them. They never felt like they had to speak if they didn’t want to. They could just sit like this for hours and it would be fine.
But their hands were still joined together. (Y/N) was tracing circles in the back of his hand with her thumb, almost absentmindedly. He liked the feeling of her hand against his. He never wanted to let go of her.
“You said you were writing when I came?” she finally asked, looking up at him. “Anything good?”
“Oh, um, I think so? I haven’t really put it together properly. It’s just a couple verses and a chorus that I have to finish.”
“Can I hear it? Or see what you have written, at least?”
His face burned at the question. He knew he was definitely blushing by the way that a confused look creeped on (Y/N)’s face. How did he show her this song, which was clearly about her and included a line about wanting to fuck her, and not absolutely ruin their friendship in this moment?
“I-I guess, if-if you wanted to,” he stuttered. “But, um...it’s...it’s a little embarrassing because...well, you were my muse for it.”
Her face seemed to brighten. “Really? You were writing about me?”
“Yeah. There’s some lyrics...well, you’d know it was about you the song is released so I guess there’s no getting around it, there’s some lyrics that are a bit...more than friendly.”
And there it was. There was no taking it back.
He watched her face, trying to gauge what her reaction to that revelation would be. She was just looking at him for a moment, as if registering his words, before a smirk crept across her face.
“Then show me,” she told him, her voice low and sultry the exact same way it had been in his imagination.
And Alex swore he had never been more excited than in that moment.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
idk what sort of crack you put in cat and mouse but i’ve read it 5 times now, please tell me there’s more i’m literally so desperate🧎‍♀️ like the way reader was laughing when devlon screamed or the way she said down boy to azriel???? i kinda want y/n ngl👀 ugh i need to see rhys helping her rewire her mind or her accepting the mating bond w az plssss🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
I only purchase the best Crack for my followers 💙
Paradise Lost - Cat and Mouse Prequel Part 1
But part two in the Starwars release sense. Like a prequel.
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Summary - After being hired to take out The Night Court's dangerous spymaster, y/n finds herself trapped between a rock and hard place.
Warnings - mentions of rape allegations, attempted murder, mentions of murder, time jumps to try to prevent this from being 4 billion parts, mind control
A/n - sheeeees baaaaaack 💜 the prequel is going to end up being multiple parts. I do not like having my stuff end up over 4k words, I feel like reading that can be difficult, and with modern technology, distractions happen and you accidentally exit and lose your place and you're le sad. If you all disagree and would be interested in a 6-7k part, let me know 💙 p.s. these parts are going to fulfill several anonymous asks, so each one will be under a different ask
Word count - 3511 (not including time jump stamps)
Cat and Mouse Part 2
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High profile targets had never scared you.
You'd been watching him for several weeks now. Memorizing every step, every habit, what he ate and drank. 
You knew you had one shot at this mission. One singular shot. If you failed, if he got away, you were as good as dead.
Your first lesson when you were trained on the different courts of Pryithian was do not fuck with the Night Court. Missions involving them were in and out while kept clean and untraceable. Their High Lord would find you if you left that opening, and you'd never be seen or heard from again.
The first lesson you had learned on the street was not to mess with the Shadowsinger. The reason the High Lord would find you. The reason you were currently strolling Velaris under the mask of some young fae female one of your, for a lack of a better term, co workers had killed. She had no family, no friends, just a simple life on the poor outskirts of town. She sold her body for food and money. Which was how she ended up in his talons. How all the faces you wore ended up in his talons actually. 
Taking out Azriel was not going to be an easy task, but you had discovered one weakness: 
The male loved a beautiful face. Even more so when he thought she was defenseless.
You also noticed he had a type. Blondes with doe eyes. You could not fake the blonde hair or big lost brown eyes without magic. But a defenseless female in need of rescue was easy, especially since the same co-workers who were more than happy to disguise you would be more than happy to attempt to kill you. 
So you scheduled it. Letting your keeper know what you needed and when. Letting him know specifically non lethal shots on the shadowsinger with faebane would let you have an easier chance at taking him out somewhere privately.
Azriel, despite his intelligence, had fallen for it. And now he sat strapped to a chair in a ran down cabin in the woods with you watching him. You should have ended it instantly, but per the client's request, you were asked for three things, a confession of his crime, one of his hands to prove he was dead, and the pretty dagger you were translating the wyrdmarks off of.
"I know you're awake," you purred to him finishing another character. "You won't be able to contact him. Shackles, little pup."
He scoffed before lightly chuckling. "If you knew I was awake, why are we just sitting here?"
You shrugged. "I was hoping you'd start the conversation first. Or explain to me how you have a Cauldron made weapon in your possession."
"You took me hostage, I believe you should be explaining to me." 
You looked at him, pursing your lips slightly and nodding. "Not much to explain, little pup. I'm getting paid to kill you. Why is interesting, though." You paused, setting the dagger on the table and grabbing the parchment before sitting on the ground cross legged in front of him. He was almost appalled by the action. It was a backhanded way of you saying you very clearly did not see him as a threat.
"Does Princess Alyana of Rusk ring any bells for you?" 
His lip twitched, eyes sparkling with mischief briefly. "Perhaps."
You just nodded. "Can I ask what exactly the thought process behind raping a princess is? Did you think the King wouldn't ask for your head on a pike?"
Azriel looked at you in shock, hazel eyes wide, and jaw slightly opened, "I did not rape her."
You looked at the weathered parchment again, reading the soft swirling letters of the King. Letters beautified by years of practice you'd never be able to have. "According to her story of the night you were caught in her room, you had came in the window, raped her, and only left before killing her because the guards were coming." You bend the parchment keeping all other lines and information secret and showed him. 
His jaw twitched and anger was set in. "I did not harm or rape her. She invited me to her chambers and into her bed. I would never harm a female."
"A lie," you said softly. "I've watched you drag several into the prison and leave covered in blood. Their blood."
"They were spies and traitors."
"I didn't realize an occupation changed your gender. Do your little shadow wraiths know you believe they are not females? How about sweet Morrigan? She is technically a traitor to the Court of Nightmares. Do you believe she isn't female as well?" You rose a brow in challenge. 
Slow realization hit Azriel's face causing you to smile at him. "If you laid a fucking hand on-"
"Relax, pretty boy. I'm only here for you." You stood patting his head, "your special day." 
"What group are you with?" 
You smirked under the mask you were wearing but kept the outside face neutral. "Does it matter?"
"What is your name?"
"No one. I am no one." You answered automatically.
"So the House of the Faceless from the Silent Isles. What happened to the girl you probably murdered?"
"I didn't kill her. Unlike you, I actually do not harm women or females. Do you have a preference on how you die? Poison, stabbing, burning to death?" You looked at his hands. "Probably not that one, huh? Drowning! Polar opposite." He balked at your excitement. "I thought it was a fun option," you crossed your arms. "Been awhile since I water boarded someone."
Azriel shook his head, laughing. "So you won't even give me an honorable death?"
"I'm not fucking stupid enough to fight a Carynthian hand on hand nor with weapons." You could have sworn you saw him smirk. "I'm also not stupid enough to think taking away these," you held up one of his siphons, "means I'm safe if I let you out of those shackles."
Azriel had not even noticed his siphons were gone and he looked down. "How did you know how to remove those?" 
Your brain flashed to a nightmare, one of winged male standing over you. One of pain before you were tossed to your keeper. "Lucky guess," your voice was distant. 
He huffed. "You're illyrian." It wasn't a question, but a statement. "That's why your scent is off. A high fae would not carry the scent we do." 
You felt your world building pressure and rubbed your temples. "Look, this has been fun, but I'm over it." You grabbed the bloodbane you had purchased soaking it on one of your own daggers. 
"If you're going to kill me, at least do me the kindness of getting to see who is actually killing me." You sighed heavily. "Can I give you a word of advice as well? Shackles only work when you aren't dealing with someone who can pick a lock. You also talk way too much."
You had anticipated this, truthfully. You caught his wrist as he went to swing on you and leg swept him to the ground. "The shackles you were in were coated in faebane and bloodbane, torture Master." You straddled his hips as he held his chest to catch his breath. "My hands were also covered in it so you just welcomed it right back into your bloodstream." 
"Go fuck yourself."
"I do nightly," you did something Azriel wasn't expecting then, lifting the skin of the mask off of your face and throwing it to the fire to cancel the magic it also held on your body.
He was right. You were illyrian. An absolutely beautiful illyrian. Long dark hair falling into loose curls, long dark lashes, tan skin, spell binding hazel eyes. "Definitely Illyrian," he coughed out. "At least I'm going to die looking at something beautiful." He had you at the comment. You stilled completely hand barely wrapped around the dagger. "Has no one ever told you that you were beautiful?" He watched you blink, eyes glazing over and shutting as if he had called a painful memory forward. "Can I know your name?"
"No one," you whispered again. "I am no one." You finally looked at him, and you both felt it. You both felt that painful snap. A snap that now shattered your world. You were about to kill your mate. The one thing you'd always hoped would rescue you from the loneliness of your lifestyle. You dropped the dagger, feeling as if someone had just split your world in two. 
"You don't have to do this," he cooed softly to you. "You don't have to kill me. We can talk about this. I can help you. Take you somewhere safe." You stared at him ad he tentatively stepped towards you, hands grabbing your upper arms. "I won't hurt you. No one is ever going to hurt you again."
You knew he meant it. You handed him a vial, the only antidote you had, and then the free faebaned shackles you had also hidden. Turned so he could shackle you behind your back. 
He was so gentle as he did, kissing the back of your head. "You're going to be safe, little hellcat. I promise." 
You heard and smelled them before you saw them. "Well what happened here, Az?" A playful male voice asked. You heard the parchment on the desk moving and closed your eyes as the scent of citrus and sea moved closer to you.
"Hmm. A no one. Who'd you piss off, Azriel?"
"King of Rusk," the playful voice was no longer playful. "The assassin known by the name Eden was specifically requested." It quoted the letter reading the rest of it slowly. "She must be Eden."
You felt the male in front of you trying to rummage through your mind, and looked up at him. His eyes were filled with sympathy and heartache. "You poor creature. I am so sorry, darling." He looked at Azriel. "Put her in one of the nicer cells at the prison until we can trust her." His hand went up as Azriel, as your mate's breath hitched. "She was sent here to kill you, Az. Regardless of the bond, she is dangerous. Ensure she is given real food, she hasn't ate since she came to Velaris almost a week ago. I'm going to need her in better health to untangle the mess they have her in." 
2 weeks later
Rhys sat on the chair across from the small bed he had allowed to be brought into your cell. Watching as you pulled your legs up and hid your face in your knees.
"You should have a camp brand. It would have been done when you were a babe since you are female. Do you have any odd scars?" His voice was always gentle with you. 
"I can't remember," you answered honestly. You hardly remembered Illyria. Hardly remembered you were even Illyrian or what that even meant. "I remember when I was taken to the school-"
"When you were sold like a pig for slaughter to sell swords, darling." He interrupted. "You weren't taken to a school. You were taken to a temple that purchases children they believe have potential to become assassins if they can wipe their memories and humanity well enough. They unfortunately succeeded with you. Every memory you have is locked in a box in your mind."
"They used food," you whispered softly. "If I asked about something, my first punishment was food. First a week, then two. After that it was poisoning."
"Which is why you can touch fae and blood banes." You could sense the pain in his voice. "Are you comfortable taking the dress off for me? I want to see if I can find your brand." You complied, standing slowly to lift the soft cotton dress Azriel had given you off your frame. 
Rhys stood and walked around you in a circle, hand pausing as it grazed over a scar on the side of your hip. "They cut it out of you." You watched him from the mirror as he proceeded to your back, breath hitching and his eyes closing. "Were your wings removed by them or before?" Rhysand watched as your eyes glazed over, as your mind heard a male screaming at you. As your mind heard what he could only assume were your terrified screams from childhood. "Before." His voice cracked. "I know who did, though."
That night in Windhaven, Rhys slammed Devlon's face into the desk. "Who is she?" He forced her to stare at the drawing one of the twins had done of you. "I've heard you screaming at her in her memories. Who the fuck is she?"
Devlon shook his head. "I had nothing to do with what happened to her."
"That's not what I'm asking." Rhys was growling. "Tell me willingly or Azriel will carve it out of you." Rhys held his mind, pulling at it slightly until the male screamed an answer.
"She a bastard of my oldest son." Devlon answered. "He thought getting rid of her would make his and that whore he was laying with lives easier. They sold her. I didn't know."
Azriel growled and lunged. "Her name. What's her name?"
"Y/n," Devlon panted. "Y/n."
1 month later
Countless days were spent with Rhysand in your mind, unwinding memories like a spool of yarn in the paws of a kitten. He had taken mercy on you today after a brutal session that ended with you collapsing into Azriel's arms.
Azriel sat across from you, eating the soup he had brought to share with you. "Rhys might let me move you to the House of Wind," he spoke between spoons. "You'd be warded to a room there between myself and Cassian, but you'd at least have a window and a view." You felt his heart pinch when you looked at him. 
His eyes filled with sadness, with longing, with sympathy. "I know it isn't much. But it's better than here." You nodded, pushing the soup away. "Are you not hungry?"
"I don't like leaks," you responded gently. 
Azriel laughed softly. "I've never heard an illyrian complain about food before. I can have Rhys bring you something else tonight. Is there anything specific you want?"
You were in no position to ask for anything special. Especially not what your mind was trapped on. But you didn't realize Azriel sensed it through the bond and had immediately asked Rhys to go to the bakery you had walked by and almost went into every day. "You aren't our prisoner, little hellcat." Azriel put his bowl down and moved to kneel in front of you. "You are my mate, and I know it feels like an empty promise, but I promise you that once Rhys believes your mind is safe and secure, you will have more freedoms. You're here because we do not know the extent you were controlled at. Surely you know what other organizations do to their assassins?"
You did. Your body shivered at the thought of the spiders they used to turn the fae who worked for them into nothing more than a mindless shell. "Winter has this tea," you started slowly. "I don't remember what it is. But it's sweet but spicy?" Azriel rose a brow. "Not like my mouth is on fire spicy, but.. like… tooth paste?"
He smiled. "I have that at home. I will bring some to you tomorrow." He leaned forward to kiss your forehead and then rested his forehead against yours. "You are so brave, y/n." 
He watched as your eyes glazed over. As your mouth slightly parted and your body stilled.
You were trapped in a memory. A memory of another little male, his wings held high and proud on his back as you two ran and played. He was wearing rags, covered in dirt. You knew this memory, you had dreams about it. "Wait for me!" You heard yourself giggle. "Cassian, wait for me. Why do you run so fast?"
"Because, y/n, I gotta be fast if I'm going to be better than everyone else here some day!"
That bright smile, that playful voice. Rhys was dead silent in the corner, sharing the memory with Azriel. "Az, go get him." 
Rhys sat with you as Cassian entered the cell. He watched as Rhys cradled you to him. "Cassian, can you sit down please?"
The general nodded, continuing to watch. His eyes glazed over as Rhys showed him the memory and the countless others that followed. 
Cassian's voice was choked. "I thought she had died. Her dad came screaming one day his daughter had been taken. Her wings were… they were pinned to his cabin door, Rhys." Cassian felt sick thinking back to his childhood crush's wings hanging limply by the membranes, blood soaking the wood porch and steps. "It Was a few weeks before you came."
"Do you know if they branded her on her hip, Cassian?" The male nodded immediately. 
"You two should talk for a little bit," Rhys cupped your face delicately. "I have to go pick up those cookies you've been thinking about. I will be back in a few hours. If another memory comes, scream for me in your mind." 
Cassian tooks his place, his hands also coming to cup your cheeks. "You are so beautiful. You know that?"
All three of them made it a point to tell you that now. Surely if three attractive males thought you were beautiful, that had to be true.
A couple weeks later
Rhys was in your mind again, digging and digging while you cried. It was painful. So fucking painful. It felt as though you were being pulled into half by two horses. 
Like someone was cutting you limb by limb.
You hated these sessions. Where you had to sit there, gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles had gone white, holding in screams and whimpers, and crying. 
"Found it," Rhys smirked. "It's a spell. A damn good one, but still just a spell. Meaning it can be broken." He was still in the jungle he had begun to call your mind, stopping at another memory. "I was wondering who killed him. A shame, really. I would have paid to watch that in person. Many of us would have."
Rhys wrote down the name of a former hybern General you had slaughtered and hung. He had started keeping track. Every king, queen, general, or fae you killed sat in a pretty notebook. 600 names. 
600 names lined those pages like a bloodstain in white clothing.
You validated it to yourself. Cruel kings. Corrupt queens. Predators. You were only ever assigned to the worst cases, being too skilled to be wasted on petty killings.
"Stop." Rhys ordered softly. "Do not focus on what you have done. Focus on how we move forward, darling. We have a home Azriel and Cassian like to stay in. I'd like to move you there."
Azriel held you close as he walked you into your new room at the House of Wind. "Cassian is directly across the hall, I am right next to you." You nodded, arms crossing over your chest as you took in the room. Guilt sat deep in your stomach. How much had they spent to decorate it? To furnish it? 
You took in the gold hues swirled in with blacks and greys. The wooden desk with hand carved swirls and edges. The couch and chairs. Your eyes locked in on the bed though. A real, plush, 4 poster bed. It would easily fit you and Azriel if you ever desired. Rhys appeared behind you two, his heart tightening at the sentence he knew was about to come out. A sentence all too familiar to him. 
"I've never had one." 
Azriel looked at you, "A room to yourself?"
You shook your head. "No. A real bed. We were not even allowed to sleep on beds during missions. Only blankets." He watched you walk to the bed, gently squishing a beaded throw pillow in your hands. 
"Darling," Rhysand said softly. "I have a friend who believes he can break the spell in your mind. He is concerned about potential consequences, though."
You were too lost and the luxury of the fabric to respond. The silk sheets covering the bed were the softest thing you'd ever felt. Rhysand and Azriel did not say anything, nodding to each other to leave the room with a gentle click behind them.
You pulled the blanket back further on the sheets, and curled yourself into the mattress. 
Your eyes began to flutter shut frequently, mind stilling as you felt a wave of comfort and protection come your way. Soon, the light of the room faded, and you walked into a dreamers pathway of sleep. 
Helion had come to the House of Wind that night. Flown there blindfolded by Cassian. He stood in Rhysand's office, a deep red wine in one hand as he crossed his arms over his pecs. "So she's at least 300 years old and has been held under a mind control spell for the majority of that time?"
The three illyrian males nodded in response. "Breaking it could kill her if it's done in one shot. Unraveling it, though, releasing her piece by piece may be safest." 
Azriel looked down. "How long would that take?"
"Years," Rhysand answered. "Her mind has to heal enough with each break or else her humanity and morals flooding her all at once can have consequences if it doesn't just shatter her mind." 
Helion nodded. "Our mind is a delicate place. Having it tampered with that long is dangerous. For us and her. I would need to see it and feel it to fully determine how safe it is."
Azriel nodded. "I'll go get her."
His footsteps felt heavy and defeated as he moved through the House of Wind. He paused at your door, lost in thought, but shook off his doubt as he knocked.
If anyone would be able to help you, it would be Rhysand and Helion.
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Pearl and the Sapphire (6)
[ modern! • Aemond x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, fingering, smut, angst, sexual tension, obsession ]
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[ description: As a representative of a large family-owned gemstone business, Aemond is attending a major jewellery event where jewellery makers from all over the world are exhibiting. One of them is the Baratheon family. Aemond is tasked with focusing on attracting new customers, but his attention is diverted by the youngest daughter of the eminent maker Borros Baratheon. Slow burn, bitchy, possessive and obsessive Aemond, lots of dark angst and sexual tension. ]
A story which is an alternative universe of The Impossbile Choice taking place in modern times. The characters are all the same as in the main series, however, for obvious reasons they will behave differently and experience things differently from medieval times. You can read this without having to delve into the main series.
Series moodboard: Aemond & Miss Baratheon
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
She didn't know how it was possible that the presence of the person who was once your closest in the world could become so frightening and stressful after a few months. She wondered about this as she walked with Cregan through the hotel corridor to her room so they could talk in solitude.
She knew Cregan was a good man and would never hurt her, but still her whole body trembled as she put the card to her door and opened it.
She was afraid of how he would react to her not having the strength to give him a second chance.
She was afraid of how he would react to the fact that she had slept with someone else.
Even though they were no longer together, that surely he had slept with other women, the realisation of what she had done the day before overwhelmed her in his presence. She couldn't get the expression on Aemond Targaryen's face out of her head when he saw Cregan and realised who he was, the helpless, tense look he gave her.
Cregan closed the door behind him and smiled broadly at her, placing his hands at his sides. He looked at her apologetically, as if he knew he had messed up and deserved to be reprimanded.
"Are you angry with me?" He asked her softly, looking at her from under his raised eyebrows. She swallowed quietly, wrapping her arms around herself involuntarily, trying not to show her nervousness.
"What do you mean? What would I be angry about?" She asked, not fully understanding what he was actually trying to say. Cregan sighed quietly.
"For my messages yesterday. For being the indecisive bastard who broke your heart." He said finally. She lowered her gaze and swallowed quietly, feeling the wound in her heart reopen.
She felt like she was sitting in the room with him on the couch again when he told her it would be better if they broke up with each other.
What was she supposed to say?
"I haven't been angry with you for many months, but I can't be friends with you. You demand too much of me, it's been too little time for me to be able to put it all back together again." She said helplessly, wanting to explain to him as best as she could how she felt, her heart pounding like mad.
"I still love you." He whispered, pressing his lips together, and she drew in the air loudly, her whole body trembling. "I know I screwed it up. I know, but it's the truth."
She shook her head, not knowing what to say, the realisation in his eyes that they most likely they didn't want the same thing.
"I slept with someone." She said quietly, feeling as if she had just revealed her disgusting, shameful secret, as if that made her dirty, even though she had always been his bright ray of joy and innocence.
Why did she feel this way if she had done nothing wrong?
Why did she feel this way if she was so comfortable with him, when it was so safe in his embrace.
She realised that if his assistant hadn't started banging on his door then, and if he had offered her to stay with him, she wouldn't have left his room until morning.
She saw that something like pain flashed across his face. He lowered his head and swallowed quietly, as if trying to come to terms with what he had heard.
"I too have slept with other women in the meantime and I have no right to make excuses for you. Though I'll admit I'm surprised, I didn't know you from that side." He said thoughtfully, more to himself than to her, stroking his chin.
She felt her eyebrows arch in pain at his words, at his gentle suggestion that perhaps she had once again proved a disappointment to him. That she did not wait for him politely with a broken heart, but spread her thighs before another men.
She lowered her gaze, trying to contain the heat she felt under her eyelids.
"You don't know much about me." She said involuntarily, and he threw her a surprised look.
"That's not true. You know it's not true." He muttered, wanting to come closer to her, but she stepped back and shook her head.
"It won't work. I won't be able to trust you again." She whispered, shrugging her shoulders helplessly, feeling a tightness in her throat, wanting to run away, to leave the room and hole up somewhere where she could be alone. Cregan blinked at her words.
"I love you. I've always loved you." He said, but her mind told her it wasn't true.
"You abandoned me because I was inadequate and I accepted that as best I could." She whispered with difficulty and he pressed his lips together.
"You simply let me go. You didn't fight for me." He said in a breaking voice, and she involuntarily laughed through her tears, raising her hands in a gesture of despair.
"What was I supposed to fight for? Was I supposed to beg you on my knees? Please don't leave me, I love you? To humiliate myself so that you would feel better. I cried because of you for MONTHS, every day! And now you come back and say you've changed your mind?" She asked on the verge of laughing and sobbing, feeling that it was too much for her, that she couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you love me?" He asked dryly. She blinked and swallowed quietly.
"So you never really loved me." He said, and she pressed her lips together and sobbed, shutting herself in, looking at him as if he had hit her, not believing how he could say such a thing.
"I loved you, but you killed that love. You cut her throat and she bled." She mumbled, but he shook his head. He grunted and ran his hand through his hair, tears in his eyes.
"Have a pleasant stay. Give my regards to your new colleague." He said as he walked away, opening the door and closing it behind him. She burst out crying loudly as soon as he left, sliding to her knees, burying her face in her hands.
How could he say something like that?
To try to blame it on her, to spin it in such a way that she was the one who didn't fight for him, she was the one who never loved him.
She lay down on the floor and stayed like that for a while, trying to calm herself down. She thought, looking ahead with a blank stare, that he would probably leave her alone now. She shuddered when Royce knocked on her door saying they had to go to their stand now and she grunted quietly saying she would be right there.
As soon as she had a moment to spare she told her brother everything, not being able to hold in what Cregan had told her. Royce was so furious that he disappeared into the back room for a while saying he had to smoke a cigarette. He returned a moment later, looking at her, biting his lower lip, thinking strenuously.
"I'd be happy to whack his face off." He said, standing with his hands placed at his sides, and she sighed heavily.
"Come on. At least we've explained everything to each other. I think he said all that because it hurt him that I didn't wait for him with open arms." She said dryly, after two days of constant crying she felt like there were simply no more tears left in her body that she could get out.
Royce sighed heavily at her words, put his arms around her waist and hugged her close, a soft kiss landing on her hair, his pleasant masculine perfume reaching her nose.
"Let him fuck off. At least you know you're not losing anything. This boy doesn't need a relationship, he just needs attention." He muttered. She nodded and went back to work. They said nothing to their father because they knew his fury wouldn't result in anything good.
After working all day, she returned to her room tired and discouraged. She lay down on her bed and displayed again the last message she had received from Targaryen the day before. She went back to it several times unable to believe he had written it.
I adore you.
He was touched by how he chose his words. He didn't write 'you're pretty' he didn't write 'you're hot', 'you're sexy', he didn't write 'you're cute'.
He wrote "I adore you".
There was something warm and tender in that expression, just like in his touch, in his kisses, in his hands when he was deep inside her.
His expression that for some reason he had a weakness for her. She had to admit to herself with surprise that he evoked similar feelings in her. Even though his everyday demeanour was aloof, cold and sometimes downright creepy, when it came to intimacy she felt safe with him, as if she had known him for years.
She wondered how his day was going.
She knew he must have said something to Alys, she also saw that he had argued with his grandfather and was all tense when she spoke to him outside the hotel. She felt remorse for leaving him like that just when he opened up. She pressed her lips together and with a pounding heart started to write a message.
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She smiled involuntarily when she saw that he displayed it almost instantly, and after a moment his answer appeared. She pressed her lips together seeing his question, she thought he wanted to continue their conversation.
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Seeing his last answer she felt a tightening in her stomach and regret. She got an idea from which she felt embarrassed, but then thought she didn't care anymore.
She needed someone to confide in, to tell someone about how she felt and at the same time was ready to offer him the same so that he could let go of what was weighing on him.
Sometimes it was better to confide in a stranger than someone close.
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She pressed her lips together, wondering if he would refuse, if he would say they shouldn't and make her unable to look him in the face out of shame for the rest of their stay.
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She couldn't believe the simple squeal of delight that came out of her mouth, some strange joy spilling over her heart, as if her best friend was about to come over to her place to gossip and watch silly comedy shows.
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Knowing he was due to come she decided to tidy up her room a bit, throwing away the empty food wrappers and disposable cups strewn everywhere. She buried the scattered clothes in her suitcase and began to wonder if she should change.
She decided that she wouldn't.
She jumped up when she heard the sound of a notification and ran to her phone seeing that she had received a new message from him.
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She giggled under her breath as she read his message and wrote him back quickly after looking at all the products in the picture.
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He displayed her message and did not write back again. She waited for him impatiently excited and happy, although she didn't know for what reason. She felt it was their secret, a secret relationship between two complete strangers. She shuddered when, five minutes before time, she heard a quiet knock on the door.
She liked the fact that he was never late.
She got up lightly from her bed and opened the door, greeting him with a wide, happy smile. He lifted up a plastic bag full of cans. She laughed and said he was meeting the conditions and could come in. She closed the door behind him and took the bag from him, placing it on a desk standing against the wall.
Her room, unlike his, was a regular hotel room with a bathroom and a space with a bed, wardrobe, desk and a few chairs. He hung his leather jacket on a hanger and pulled off his shoes, staying in just a black tight T-shirt, black trousers and socks.
Meanwhile, while she put some of the beers in the small fridge he began to look around, seeing the gowns she had sewn hanging on the hangers covered with a special foil. He lifted it slightly to see the fabric up close and looked at the hand sewn details. She approached him, opening one beer for him, handing him a can.
"Just don't spill it, these gowns are worth more than you might think." She said amused, and he threw her a puzzled look.
"Why do you say that? They're works of art. They should be in a museum." He said it so seriously that she blinked and fell silent, embarrassed, lowering her gaze. She thought those were very kind words.
"Thank you." She said softly, and he hummed under his breath, lowering the foil back down.
"How long does it take you to sew and decorate one such dress?" He asked taking a sip of beer, looking at her intently. She scratched her head at his question.
"It depends. The one I wore during the show I sewed for two months working on it every day." She said calmly and swallowed quietly at the memory of what he had told her the day before.
Already during the show I was wondering how to get you into my bed.
She glanced at him and saw that he was looking at her intensely as if he knew what she was thinking about. A lecherous grin appeared on his face and she blushed as she lowered her head, feeling that she was burning under his gaze. She felt embarrassed as the space between her thighs pulsed, his scent filling her lungs again.
"How did your conversation go?" He asked finally, clearly wanting to take pity on her.
She opened her can with a loud pssst and sighed heavily, moving towards her bed, sitting down with her legs crossed. Encouraged by the gesture of her hand, he walked over to her bed and sat on the other side of it, facing her, leaning his head against the backrest.
She sighed quietly.
"I told him that… that I slept with someone." She said with difficulty, unable to look at him, fiddling with the can in her hands. "Of course I didn't tell him it was you. He said that obviously he had no right to be angry because we weren't together, but that he didn't know me from that side, as if I had disappointed him again. I don't know why even though he had never harboured any demands on me I often felt that I didn't live up to his expectations."
She said uncertainly, taking a sip from her can. She glanced at him and saw that he was looking at her intently, involuntarily turning his beer in his hands. He lowered his gaze as if considering whether he could say what was pressing against his lips.
"Did he force you to do something?" He asked finally, and she felt a tightening in her heart as she began to think about it.
He never forced her to do anything, he always understood her barriers, however, she suddenly realised the way he phrased sentences. She remembered one situation after which she had felt bad for a very long time, and Cregan had to reassure her for days that he was definitely not angry with her and that he understood.
She wasn't sure if she should talk about such things and felt embarrassed, so she didn't answer anything for a long time. She saw that his hand movements had stopped and his body tensed.
"You can tell me if he hurt you." He said quietly and she glanced at him frightened and shook her head quickly.
"No. No, it's not about that, I… uh…" She pressed her lips together and stroked the back of her neck in a gesture of discomfort, feeling her hands tremble. "…I'm not sure you want to hear about it."
"I want to."
She looked at him surprised at how coolly and confidently he said it. He was looking at her so intensely that she felt uncomfortable, something unsettling in his gaze. She swallowed loudly.
"He has always been understanding and affectionate to me in every aspect of my life. Also when it comes to intimacy, but… once when… um, he said that we could try something different… that I could try to please him, it-it scared me, because…" She swallowed hard, clenching her fingers tightly on the can, that memory suddenly painfully clear to her.
"…because I don't know, I felt there was something humiliating about when a men makes you suddenly kneel down in front of him, I didn't want to do it, I didn't feel ready… I… and he said that he also satisfies me like that to make me feel good, only I never asked him to do it. I wouldn't make him do it if he told me he was uncomfortable with it." She choked out shaking her head, feeling a tightening in her stomach and throat, feeling ashamed.
"I-I felt so ungrateful, like…like I was just taking and he was always giving, like as if I was denying him something he had earned…" She mumbled, and his ice-cold tone interrupted her in mid-sentence.
"Did you do it?"
She looked at him, horrified, his face pale, his jaw clenched, every muscle in his body tense, his fingers clenched on the tin he held so tightly that it bent.
"…no." She said quietly, in shame. She saw him swallow loudly, his gaze softening.
"Good." He said, taking a deep gulp of beer, letting out the air loudly as if he'd been holding it for a few seconds, staring blankly ahead. "Fucking piece of shit."
She lowered her gaze, embarrassed by her confession and how he reacted to it. The fact that he was angry, the fact that he somehow cared. For some reason she felt relieved. She swallowed quietly, looking at him uncertainly.
"What about Alys?" She asked, twisting in her seat, and he froze in mid-motion, just lifting the can to his lips again. He smiled, but it was a disturbing smile to say the least, one that didn't reach his eyes, cold, cruel, empty.
"Fucking whore has been informing on me to the press for years." He muttered, taking a deep sip of beer, licking his lips with his tongue. "She tried to record my confession on her phone that I slept with you. To give your name."
He said coolly and calmly, and she felt her lower lip part in disbelief, her heart starting to pound like crazy, pain spilling over her chest.
She was unable to get the words out.
She remembered that article she had read and wondered if it was from his assistant that this journalist got all the information she had written about.
She thought it was inhuman, cruel, horrible.
"Of course I haven't said anything to her, my lawyers are already dealing with her. I won't let any tabloid write about you." He said, shaking some fuzz off her duvet, looking at his hand thoughtfully. "She's been recording me for years. How we talk about business and my family. How we fuck. She's hedged her bets in case we break up."
She looked at him feeling her body simply freeze, what he was saying was beyond her understanding. She shook her head not knowing how to put her thoughts into words, what to say.
"God. This is horrible. How can you live with the idea of doing something like that to another human being, waking up next to them and falling asleep knowing you're hurting them?" She asked in a trembling voice looking at him with her eyes wide open, not understanding completely how she had been able to pretend for so many years. "How can you not feel remorse after something like that?"
She felt a cold shiver run down the back of her neck when she heard him chuckle low, taking a deep sip of beer again. He wasn't looking at her.
"You know what's most amusing? My grandfather knew about it from the very beginning."
She shook her head, feeling as if her heart had stopped beating for a moment. She smiled as if her body was trying to take it as a joke.
"He said he warned me, and I drove her everywhere on company money. He thought I might need a cold shower like that. My grandfather always had interesting reasons for educating us, you know?" He said, raising his eyebrows in amusement, looking at her in a way that made her press her lips together.
She felt that he had fallen into something, some void of hopelessness, nothingness, that he was not the same person she had met yesterday. He was defending himself from what had happened by closing himself in even deeper.
Her trembling hands traveled involuntarily up and down her can, her body shivering. She didn't know what was happening to her, she couldn't take her eyes off him.
"You didn't deserve this."
His smile disappeared from his face at her words. He glanced at her, his gaze blank, almost frustrated.
"You're quick to pass judgement for someone who's known me one day."
She felt pain at his words, felt that he had pushed her away, that he had let her know that she was approaching a boundary he didn't want her to cross. She set her beer down on the nightstand and moved closer to him. He flinched and tensed all over, not knowing what she was going to do. She sat close to him but didn't touch him, looking straight at his face.
"I've never felt most beautiful in his eyes. Craved for. I had the feeling that the reason he was with me was because he was comfortable that way. He used to say that everything seemed so easy with me, but now I'm not sure if that was a compliment. I'm not sure if I loved him or the thought that I could be important to someone, that someone had chosen me and not one of my older sisters, more mature and feminine than me. I felt wonderful at the thought that seeing them all he had chosen me, as if I were the prettiest apple in the market. Sometimes, in the months after we parted, I thought that for all that, God was punishing me for my vanity." She whispered, smiling with difficulty, holding back tears that were again rising at the corners of her eyes.
She had never said this to anyone.
Not even to Royce.
He looked her straight in the eye, his brow furrowed as if in worry, and they did not speak to each other for a long moment. She saw him swallow with difficulty, as if he was gathering himself to get out of himself what was cramming down his throat.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I craved you from the first moment I saw you."
She felt her whole body convulse at his words, her lips parted, a tear falling from her eye, her gaze all misty.
His beautiful words spoken so softly and calmly caused her pain.
She didn't know when her mouth found his, when his hand set his beer down on the floor while his free hand grabbed her neck and pulled her closer, their lips almost devouring each other, forming a mixture of teeth, tongues and soft, moist fleshy texture.
There was something kinky and perverse about these kisses, a shameless desire and thirst for physical closeness, fulfilment.
She didn't shy away when his hands undid the braces from her dungarees, pulling them off her with difficulty, leaving her in a white turtleneck and panties.
He grabbed her hip and forced her to sit on top of him with her arms around him, and she did so embarrassingly willingly, looking down at him with dreamy eyes, her soft lips returned to his, a quiet sigh escaping from his throat.
She stroked his face and hair with her hands, her fingers tender and gentle, wanting to give him the feeling that she really desired him, that he really aroused her affection, that she would not hurt him.
She let his hands squeeze her buttocks, pushing her closer, letting her feel what was happening inside his trousers, their lips sucking and licking with a lingering, wet click.
He looked at her with a hazy gaze, breathing unevenly as her small hands slid down to the button of his trousers, undoing it, his trembling hands stroking her thighs.
"Do you want this?" She asked quietly before grabbing his boxers, wanting to let him wonder if he really wished for it. He licked his lips at her question.
"I've wanted it from the moment I crossed the threshold of your room."
She kissed him again, a loud, satisfied murmur escaping his lips. His hands gripped her white turtleneck, throwing her only one questioning glance before he lifted it up, pulling it over her shoulders. He swallowed loudly when he realised she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, looking at her breasts for a moment.
She sighed loudly as he hugged his face to the space between her breasts placing wet, sticky kisses on her skin, she kissed his hair, sliding his boxers down a little, wanting to get to what was underneath them.
He helped her by twisting around, grabbing the material with her, reaching quickly into his pocket for a condom. She stopped his hand, looking at him uncertainly, breathing quietly.
"Can I feel you? Just for a moment. I'm clean." She said and saw that he threw her a shocked look.
He swallowed with difficulty and after a moment he nodded, unable to get a word out. She lifted herself quickly, his hands helping her slide the material of her panties off her legs.
She grasped his face in her hands and kissed him, lowering herself onto him, his hand holding his member so that she could reach it. They both moaned embarrassingly loudly as his tip slid into her sticky, hot, fleshy structure.
"− fuck − fuck −" He gasped, watching in disbelief as his cock sank slowly into her, her walls clamping down on him greedily.
"Shh…" She whispered tenderly, kissing his forehead, sinking against him fully, his hands roaming all over her body unable to decide where he wanted to touch her most. She sighed feeling how wonderfully he filled her, how he pulsed inside her in desire.
She rested one hand on his shoulder, rising slowly and falling back against him with a loud, sticky click of her moisture, her lips parted in an accelerated breath, both of them beginning to pant.
"− oh God −" She sighed, horrified at how pleasurable this was, how wonderful it was to feel him so much, so intimately.
He pressed his lips to her soft breast and began to suck it, licking her nipple, embarrassed by how loudly he was breathing, how much pleasure it gave him, her insides hot and wet just for him. She mewled feeling it, pressing his face closer to her flesh.
"− just a moment longer −" She mumbled involuntarily speeding up, rubbing herself with his member where she felt the most pleasure, feeling waves of heat each time she sank back against him, his fingers tightening on her hips forcing her to let him deeper inside her, his tip hitting her back wall again and again making her let out helpless, quiet moans.
He surprised her when he suddenly took her cheeks in his hand and kissed her greedily, his tongue invading between her lips just as brutally as his cock began to move inside her. She knew they shouldn't be doing this, that it was foolish, but they both knew, their foreheads touching, looking at each other, that they wouldn't be able to stop.
"− I'll take it out before I come, okay? − feels so fucking good −" He breathed out between the entwining of their tongues and lips, and she mewled at his words, feeling that her fulfilment was approaching, that she would come from the mere movement of his member at the angle he was moving inside her now.
"− yes − please − you will fuck me all night, won't you? − please, say that you will −" She sobbed, surprised and ashamed at her own shameless words.
He groaned low, speeding up, their hands roaming over their bodies and faces, his hand clenched tightly in her hair as his hips impaled her on his manhood with a sticky splat of flesh against flesh.
"− I will − you know I fuckin will −" He growled low and she came at his words, surprising him and herself, she pressed her forehead against his panting and sobbing loudly, her body quivering in fulfillment, his lips brushing hers wanting to reassure her, to soothe her.
"− so good − oh, fuck −" He exhaled and slid out of her quickly, squeezing himself a few times with his hand, his translucent, slightly whitish semen spilling straight onto her naked stomach. He rested his forehead between her breasts panting and groaning helplessly, she hugged him back kissing his hair.
"− I'm sorry −" He whispered quietly and she kissed his head again at his words, stroking his neck with her hand.
"− it's okay now − it's all right −"
He sighed at her words as if in relief, she felt his body relax, his arms hugging her waist loosely, his hands trailing down her spine. He swallowed loudly and kissed her sternum before asking her question.
"− do you want me to leave? −"
She smiled under her breath, embracing him tenderly, stroking his hair with a slow motion, her cheek nestled against the top of his head.
Taglist 1
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu @yentroucnagol @valeskafics @tempt-ress @ahristata @menaosama @queenofshinigamis @dark-night-sky-99 @kate-to-the-ki @travelingmypassion @summerposie @thetrueblackheart
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