#that drinks caffeinated beverages to relax
starpros-sunshine · 7 months
My love, My darling, oh how I yearn for your warm embrace! Oh how I yearn for you sweet scent to herald the end of my trials and my tribulations.
A throbbing ache that claws at me and digs it's cold talons into my head and persists and persists and persists and persists and swallows me whole and oh how I yearn for your lovely touch to ease my pain and free me from these vultures that seem to follow me wherever I go.
You are the warm light in this cold world, the remedy to all my plights, my comfort in these lonely nights and wether it might be on those cozy autumn evenings or those calm spring mornings, your presence delights again and again and I can't help but hope that your warmth will continue bewitch me body and soul and keep me company for a long while 'till death do us part.
Yours sincerely; someone that really really enjoyed drinking his cup of Earl Grey just now and decided to write a very bad ode about it <3
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smute · 2 years
ok so i normally buy my coffee online you see while i dont actually drink a lot i am extremely picky when it comes to flavor and especially acidity because ibs and also being a bit of a snob innit but its exam season and i completely forgot to restock in time so i did a 180 and got a pack of no-name instant coffee from aldi to bridge this supply chain gap of my own making and. i am pleased to report that it's actually not bad flavor-wise! the main downside is that it runs through my gi tract like lava through a mountain
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readymades2002 · 6 months
ohhhhhh god i dont wanna go in to work today.........
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Top "Glow Up" Tips & Habits To Become The Best Version of Yourself
Prioritize the Holy Trinity: Nutrition, Movement, & Sleep. Following a whole-foods, plant-based diet with vegetables and/or fruit at every meal and limiting processed foods is one of the simplest ways to improve your overall health. Drink plenty of water, have any necessary supplements (like vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega 3s, etc.), and reduce your consumption of sugary, alcoholic, or caffeine-loaded beverages. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of walking and/or a simple 15-20 workout into your everyday routine. Make getting a full night's rest (usually 7-9 hours for most people) a non-negotiable in your life.
Practice Radical Self-Acceptance. Fully embrace your personal values. Get comfortable with your authentic desires. Define and set goals for yourself in every area of your life.
Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Consistently. Eat a healthful diet (enough food without overstuffing yourself), sleep and move enough throughout the day, and continue learning and educating yourself on current events, your industry/career field, art, culture, history, world languages, etc. Practice mindfulness and self-care activities. Honoring your sexual needs. Giving yourself at least one rest/reset day per week.
Cultivate Sustainable (and Personally-Fulfilling) Routines. Your sleep schedule, work/school schedule, workout schedule throughout the week, social and self-care time, date nights, time for your hobbies, errands, cleaning, and relaxation. Make appointments with yourself to empower you to fulfill all your daily tasks and activities to ensure you can work and play without burning yourself out in the process.
Set Boundaries. With your friends, family, work-life/professional network, romantic and sexual partners, and yourself. Understand your emotional, physical, and energetic limitations. Communicate them clearly, compassionately, and unapologetically. Cut toxic people out of your life. Avoid codependency like the plague. Nurture your healthy and supportive interdependent relationships regularly.
Learn What You Enjoy. Ensure To Incorporate These Products, Routines, and Relationships Into Your Day. It can be a piece of dark chocolate and a favorite T.V. show, a long evening phone call with a loved one, a hot bubble bath, or any other small luxury that gives you genuine pleasure and adds some necessary joy to your day.
Check In With Yourself Regularly. Pivot When Necessary. Self-improvement, goal setting, relationship building, and cultivating unshakeable self-love/life satisfaction takes time, experimentation, trial and error, and tons of self-reflection before you get it right in any area of your life. Be honest with yourself on what's work, what's not, where to remain consistent, and what areas of your life would benefit from a change.
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 months
okay so I had this old wip that i think was supposed to be 5+1 of like, nicknames but i never got past half of 5 cause I tried to kill Jon (sorry jon) and after that it was them recovering from the trauma BUT i rlly like no. 3 so I wanted to share it with y’all (i might post the other numbers later in no particular Oder I’m just never gonna finish this one so 🤷)
They were out, aged 16 and 17 respectively, and really, in hindsight, someone should have seen this coming, moreso Damian than Jon himself.
Jon had always been a little less in-tune with how others saw him, Damian considered, as he watched his best friend. Always self deprecating and undermining the confidence he so often displayed.
So in his own mind, that he did not see what the rest of the world did, slightly dorky, but nice build, tall, handsome features he was growing into. 
Not that Damian would tell him so.
They were out, as previously mentioned, exploring the downtown of a nicer city. They made an odd pair in some people’s eyes, Damian with his tailored designer clothing, and Jon in much more relaxed outfits of hoodies and converse, despite the fact that Damian would often use Jon as his own personal mannequin, testing out new styles or self-designed clothing.
Damian had left for a minute, picking up their drinks and heading back outside to see Jon looking as though the girl in front of him had him cornered.
He fumbled with his glasses, eyes darting around nervously. Damian had half a mind to sit back and watch, amusement ticking his lips upwards. 
She took a step forward, reaching out and oh, Damian did not like that. Neither did Jon, apparently, judging by the look on his face and the even larger step back, nearly into the wall by now.
“Hello, Habibi, my apologies for the wait.” He ran a hand up Jon’s arm, enjoying the flush that bloomed on his pale skin.
“S-s’no problem, Dami,” He accepted the caffeinated beverage with a confused smile, and Damian turned to the girl.
“Making friends, are you?” 
The girl looked put off, but undetermined to back down. “Luna. Just making conversation with this gentleman, if you don’t mind?”
“Damian Wayne.” He offered a hand, the name slipping off his tongue like a weapon. “And I rather do mind, seeing as we were on our way.”
“O-Oh!” The girl seemed startled, especially at the name. “I-I’m sorry, I-”
“No, I understand.” Damian let out a chuckle, eyes making a show of dragging up and down. “He is lovely to look at, isn’t he?”
Jon coughed, looking more red than Damian had thought possible, something he noticed with slight glee. “We really should be going-”
“Right, yes, of course.” He waved quickly, taking up Jon’s free hand with his own. Once they were a safe distance away, Jon dropped it and Damian mourned the warmth momentarily.
”Habibi, huh?”
 Damian flushed immediately. “Shut up, I was saving your ass. From now on, you’re back to idiot.”
“No, no, I've been elevated, and I will no longer respond to anything but that from you.” Jon had gone from blushing to cocky at an alarming speed, and Damian grumbled internally about how no one ever really saw this side of him.
In response he walked off like a dignified person would, adding a not-so-dignified finger in the air at his asshole of a best friend. 
The resounding chuckles were enough to make him smile and his heart to flutter in his chest.
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reality-detective · 10 months
🔥Discover the Ancient Secret to Banish Acid Reflux for Good!🌿
🤔Ever wondered how our ancestors tackled acid reflux naturally?
✅Coriander seeds have been a trusted remedy for centuries!
Here’s why…
🍽Common Causes of Acid Reflux :
• Overeating
• High-fat or spicy foods
• Alcohol & caffeine
• Smoking
• Stress
🔬Science Behind Coriander Seeds & Acid Reflux :
– Coriander seeds are packed with antioxidants & bioactive compounds that :
• Neutralize stomach acid
• Promote healthy digestion
• Reduce inflammation
• Relax gastrointestinal muscles
📋Daily To-Do List for Balanced Acid pH :
1. Drink warm water with lemon in the morning
2. Eat smaller, more frequent meals
3. Limit trigger foods & beverages
4. Exercise regularly
5. Manage stress through mindfulness.
- Natural Remedies 🤔
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666writingcafe · 3 months
A Revealing Conversation
I don't know what exactly prompts me to do this, but I find myself walking inside the library with a cup of coffee in my hand. The door to the attached study is slightly ajar. Poking my head in reveals Zephyr fast asleep with their head resting on top of the desk. Setting the mug down on an empty spot on the desk, I touch their shoulder and gently shake it, successfully waking them up.
"What time is it?" they ask, rubbing the sleepiness out of their eyes.
"Eight," I respond."
"Yes. I brought you coffee." Zephyr gives me a quizzical look. "I made a pot for myself, and I didn't want it to go to waste." A partial lie, but I don't want them teasing me if they knew the truth: that I intentionally made enough for the two of us to share.
"Thanks." They take a sip of the coffee, making a face as soon as the beverage hits their tongue.
Which is odd. I don't recall burning it.
"Oh, don't mind me," Zephyr tells me, setting the mug back down. "Some blends of Devildom coffee tend to be too bitter for my taste. I do appreciate you grabbing me a cup, though. It'll definitely help me feel more awake." They pause briefly. "Just out of curiosity, what did you use this morning?"
"Something called hell coffee, I believe? The person that helped me pick it out at the store said that it's rather strong, so I figured that meant it had a decent amount of caffeine in it."
"I see." They look slightly amused as they pick the mug up again. The next thing I know, they're downing the coffee like it was a shot.
Which I've only seen Diavolo do. It's not like I've done it.
Another lie. Why do I keep doing this to myself?
Zephyr softly smiles, appearing to pick up on my confusion.
"Someday, you'll understand why I did that, but for now, just know that some of the foods and drinks around here are laced with magic." Before I can tell them off for being vague, they turn their attention towards the biggest stack of paperwork and begin working through it. I should take that as my cue to leave them alone so that they can focus on what Diavolo assigned them.
But I don't. I can't.
I quietly sit down in one of the chairs across from them and watch them work for a moment. They seem poised, even when doing something this menial.
Even when punishing my brothers. How can they remain so composed when I want to scream and bang my head against the wall?
It just isn't fair.
"Something on your mind?" Zephyr asks, glancing up at me. If it weren't for the genuine curiosity in their eyes, I would've simply brushed them off by saying I was simply staring off into space or something.
Instead, I ask them,
"How can you stay calm in all this chaos?"
"Years of practice," they answer, still focused on their paperwork. "And knowing that there will always be quiet periods where I can decompress."
"What about in the moment, when you're confronted with it and can't escape it?"
"Well, that's when I start cursing to myself. The key with dealing with chaos is to not let your frustrations show. If the people around you sense that you're upset, then they're more likely to reflect those emotions back at you, making everything that much more tedious to slog through."
"What would you call last night, then?" Zephyr appears to contemplate my question as they continue working.
"Karma." In an attempt to hold back laughter, I end up going into a coughing fit.
"Hold your arms up," they instruct. "It'll relax the muscles enough for you to breathe properly." Surprisingly, their advice works.
"Better?" I nod my head. What I feel to be an awkward silence settles between us, but given their peaceful demeanor, it's probably just me.
"You can stay if you want, Lucifer. I don't mind your presence. We can continue talking, or you can simply enjoy the quiet if that's what you'd prefer."
"How are you not scared of me?" The question slips out of my mouth before I can stop myself.
"Pardon?" Zephyr's giving me their full attention now. I shouldn't have said anything.
Because now I can't hold back anymore.
"Most people either see me as a heartless monster or put me on this ridiculously high pedestal. They get so nervous around me that they can't even string two words together, let alone have a proper conversation with me. I wish I can say that my brothers are exceptions to that, but I can't. I still see the fear in their eyes sometimes when they look at me. The only way I've been able to have some degree of companionship is with those in the same position of authority as me, and even then they have to get used to me first before they feel comfortable around me.
"I think you might just be the first to see me as a normal person. Even Diavolo looks at me like I'm a shiny new toy, and he's the closest thing I have to a friend in this godforsaken place. I just don't understand how a previously low-ranking demon is able to do the one thing no one else has been able to do in my entire existence. What do you have that they don't?"
Zephyr sets their pen down. I wouldn't be surprised if they told me to leave. I just dumped a whole lot of trauma on their lap without seeing if they were okay with it.
"Many years ago, I met someone that was pretty similar to you," they respond. "He intimidated everyone they came into contact with due to both his attitude and position. He also tended to push anyone that wanted to get close to him away. I didn't let him do that to me. Even when he screamed at me to go away, I stubbornly stuck around. After a while, he decided that he might as well trust me if I was that determined to stay by his side, and he did. It didn't happen all at once, but little by little, he allowed me to see the more vulnerable, intimate sides of him that he previously kept to himself.
"So, to answer your question, Lucifer, I'd like to think I have a pretty decent amount of patience and compassion. Certainly more than a lot of people in this world."
"Do you still keep in contact with him?" I ask after several moments of silence. The question seems to make Zephyr a bit sad.
"Unfortunately, no. I was forced to move far away from him and assume a new identity. To reach back out to him would put both of us in harm's way, and I care too much about him to do that to him."
"Do you love him?" They don't answer me initially. "I understand if you don't want to tell me. I'm probably overstepping my boundaries--"
"Yes." They look directly into my eyes. "I miss him every single day. If circumstances were different, I would have married him and spent the rest of my life with him. But that simply isn't possible."
"Zephyr, I--"
"It's not your fault, Lucifer. You didn't know." They softly smile. "I've learned a long time ago to not dwell too much on the past, because then you end up missing out on the present, which is chock full of fun and exciting opportunities. Instead, it's best to think of the past as lessons that you've learned, and to use that knowledge to help you grow and develop as a person. Does that make sense?"
Before I can respond to them, someone loudly knocks on the front door. Zephyr hits the power button on their phone to check the time.
"Son of a bitch," they mutter.
"What?" I ask.
"Oh, I told Solomon to pick me up at around nine so that I can drop stuff off at home before we run some errands. It's just that I hoped to be more or less ready to go when he arrived."
"I'm sorry, Zephyr. If I'd known you were expecting him--"
"It's quite alright!" they exclaim. "No need to apologize. I enjoyed talking to you."
Has the study always been this warm, or is it just me?
"I'll at least help you gather your stuff." Zephyr smiles.
"That'd be lovely, Lucifer. Thank you."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
Ten Tips for an Easy Yom Kippur Fast
Fasting doesn’t necessarily mean suffering. There’s quite a bit we can do to alleviate the bodily and mental stress that normally accompanies a fast. The day before the fast, follow the following guidelines:
1. Cut down your caffeine intake to minimize headaches. That means stop drinking coffee, tea, and cola at least eight hours before the fast, and preferably twenty-four hours before the fast.
2. Avoid salty, spicey, and fried foods on the day before the fast.
3. Avoid white sugar, white flour, and white rice. Eat whole-grained foods such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread or challa.
4. Drink a lot of water all day long.
5. Eat a good breakfast that includes fruits, veggies, eggs or sardines, and whole grains.
6. The pre-Yom Kippur meal (se’uda mafseket) should include baked or broiled fish, a veggy salad, consomme, a small portion of chicken or turkey, and a side dish of complex carbohydrates. Substitute sweet deserts with watermelon or other water-retaining fresh fruit, and a cup of herb tea with a whole-grain cookie.
On Yom Kippur:
7. The more you immerse yourself in prayer, the less you’ll think about food.
8. Rest between prayers. Don’t run around outside, especially in the hot sun. Save your voice for prayers. Idle talking will make you thirstier, and will detract from the holiness of the day.
After the fast:
9. Drink two glasses of water, and then eat solids gradually, so as not to shock the digestive system. Begin with fruit, like plums or grapes. The worst thing people do is to consume pastries and soft drinks, or “lekach un bronfan” (cake and liquor) right after the fast (these are unhealthy anytime, all the more so right after the fast when they give your body a shock of glucose).
10. Forty-five minutes to an hour afterwards, one can eat a balanced meal with protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables. After eating, relax for an hour with your favorite book (preferably Gemara of the laws of Succoth from Shulchan Oruch) and your favorite beverage, then begin constructing your Succa.
Attention diabetics, heart patients, folks with high blood pressure, and people whose health depends on regular medication - you must be especially careful to ask your doctor if you are capable of fasting, and then consult with your local rabbi, giving him the doctor’s exact opinion. For many such people, it is a mitzva not to fast on Yom Kippur.
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forest-falcon · 1 month
The Butterfly Effect
Chpr 3
❗Trigger Warning for angst/whump/cliffhanger
No blood or gore mentioned, but potential for major character(s) injury.
John swiped open a line to Tracy Island. He was greeted with a blue-washed image of Virgil and Gordon relaxing with hot buckets of coffee. Virgil didn't do cups when it came to caffeinated beverages.
"Hey John. What's the situation?" Gordon straightened, ready to act.
"No situation, as such. Just a social call."
"Ah nice! Well, grab a cuppa and join us!"
"As nice as that sounds, I'm still spinning plates up here. I was wondering if I could ask a small favour?"
"I was wondering if one or both of you could check in on Scott for me, when he returns. He seemed...tired when we last spoke. Just want to check everything's okay."
"Sure thing. Virg! I believe this is your forte."
Gordon clapped Virgil on the back with such vigor, the bear's coffee slopped audibly over comms.
"Thanks. I'm sure it's nothing, but Scott taking his foot off the gas wouldn't hurt. Anyway, I'll leave you both to your drinks."
"What's left of it," Virgil grunted.
John's avatar blinked out.
Virgil tipped his head back and drained the dregs from his mug.
"Right, let's find out what's eating Scott."
"What's up with Scott?" Grandma materialized from nowhere.
"Idunno... tired, maybe?" Virgil shrugged.
"I'll get a batch of cookies on the go. Chats go better with a brew and biscuits!"
Virgil shuddered. She was right, for the most part.
* * *
Tracy Island was cresting on the horizon. One had already slowed to a less-nauseating speed, ready for Scott to regain control and begin her landing sequence. God, he wished she could land herself too. He felt...well, it was best he didn't focus on that.
The pool retracted.
Scott blinked hard as the dark abyss where the pool had been, continued to move - his vision proving to be as steady as a child's having stepped off a park roundabout. One wasn't helping. She was too damn sensitive. Her instruments flicking red-green, red-green, as he lined up the rocket and descended towards the pool.
Green-green, green-green.
Scott descended quickly, before a sensor had the chance to turn red again. His double-vision, making this his most nerve-wracking landing on record. Missions very much included.
Finally, One drew level with the villa.
Scott was ready.
Ready to touch down.
Ready for the impending lecture.
Ready for pain-relief.
Ready for bed.
Scott was not ready for One's rear stabilizing fins to clip the edge of the pool.
Tipping her nose cone off to the left.
Where it sliced down through the villa.
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theshejen · 4 months
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Chapter 2
You really enjoyed your time with Casey last night. She seemed flirty but it could just be her personality or because of this mission. You wondered if Olivia was a possibility again but now your eye was on the redhead.
You almost could not focus on the briefing due to the excitement of being near her again, as Casey had engulfed most of your thoughts. Doubts about your potential relationship had you pondering if this was appropriate because the two of you would be working together, there did not appear to be a rule about dating in your workplaces.
“Hey,” Cragen called out to you; someone in the group had requested information about the venue, which you obliged. You and Casey were getting wired up and the sunglasses you would be wearing were being tested.
“Make sure people do not touch you, otherwise they will feel the wire,” Morales told the two of you. You felt Casey’s eyes on you but you kept yours on Morales’ wire work.
You and Novak walked down the wet street in your outfits. You wore a leather jacket and tank top while she wore a blazer , jeans, dress shirt and boots, all black unlike her usual workwear; however unlike her work shirts there appeared to be more buttons undone than done up. You tried to maintain eye contact on the ride over.
You two snuck in in the back door, as you were to be patted down for security. You had drinked milk beforehand to not get drunk if someone bought you a drink. You carefully scanend around from an elevated area. You felt Casey behind you and reached for the water she had got for you, only to see it was dark
“I asked for a water Casey,”
“Well then you would look even more like a cop, who knows what's in the cola,” She handed you the cold, sugary beverage. At least the caffeine would help.
“Anyone look familiar to you?” She enquired about taking a sip from her drink.
“No nothing yet, I know we got here early but normally Fuego comes later, last time I noticed her at around 7pm….” Your voice trailed off as Casey put her hand on your hip, you clocked in eyebrow.
“ A girl is looking at you, do you want her to find a wire? '' She whispered, kissing your cheek and then standing closer to you. You tried to not let your breath hitch. Fortunately, you were interrupted by Olivia in your ear.
Go to your 5 o’clock, there’s a different viewpoint from there, even if you cannot see anything. Also, check where security is standing.
You grabbed Casey’s belt loop to lead her over to the sofas in the corner you had not been to. She was eyeing you up and down, but you couldn’t tell what was a character choice, so to speak, and what was her. You made direct eye contact with her then whispered to her, “ I see six security, four locations total, plus two roaming from different areas,” “Good job, do they look like they could be working for Fuego,” Olivia inquired but you were too mesmerized by Novak’s scent. It had been a while and, well she smelled nice and was pretty. Not thinking or remembering about Olivia you asked her, “Did you spike my drink?” Casey pulled back and gave you a look. “No but if you won’t relax I may have to she said with a smirk.
“What?” Olivia asked, alarmed. “Nothing Liv, just Casey and I. What did you want about Fuego?
“Do you think any of the security is hers?” You looked at the now 8 women security, most of whom looked bored or uncomfortable from the loud music.
“No, but there are a lot. Maybe a bartender is though,”
“Don’t worry about that, just focus on Fuego,” The last work you and Olivia shared as she appeared from the back, like you two did. Your lips ghosted Casey’s neck, who seems a bit shocked, “She’s here Liv, I don’t know why she’s early though.”
“Just pay attention, could you get closer? I can hardly see her in your glasses,”
Casey was looking over at her as well. “Her security is asking a young woman something, it looks like she's proposing sex, not the drugs. It all looks consensual too. I have a feeling she just wants to start the night out fun then get to business later.”
Fuego was a drug dealer to schools like Hudson university but would take advantage of the girls when or if they could not pay. You two stayed on the sofa for a while talking about hobbies and such since Olivia and the squad could hear everything. You then switched to stools overlooking the dance floor. As the two of you got bored, the woman of the hour rose again.
You leaned in close to Casey, “Olivia, she's back, we will wait a few minutes then go to the dance floor.”
Casey spoke up, “We don't want to draw attention, so please dance close to me.” You nodded then found yourself being dragged to the bar. “What’s this?” I specifically took measures to not get drunk.”
“You need to loosen up a little bit. Everyone else is having fun, if Fuego has people on lookout, then we stick out, you specifically. Just one drink?”
You nodded and she came back with two shots of tequila. You drank it and chased it with the rest of your soda. Casey then grabbed your hand and brought you to the dance floor. The two of you danced close. Casey was making strong eye contact with you, which shot sparks down to your core. You almost forgot about the mission, especially because this was a familiar place. You could feel the alcohol on your tongue and in your bloodstream; this, apparently did not help you act normal, as Casey kept getting touchier and touchier with you until she kissed you. Softly at first then she went lower and kissed your neck before whispering, “I’m not the only one with eyes on you,” before she kissed you again, tongue sliding into your mouth. She then pulled your bodies flush, whispering in your ear, “Olivia, I think we are compromised, what can we do other than make out?”
“I just need a clear look with her glasses,” Olivia said, almost desperately. You took them off and placed them in your shirt so that most of it stuck out. Then you pivoted away so you looked at Casey but your chest faced Fuego.
“I can see her, stay like that. Dance with your arms. Go in closer”
You were slowly becoming exhausted but seeing your crush dancing enthralled with you kept your energy up.
“I see it, I see the drug deal. Now she's grabbing a girl, move out.
You and Casey sauntered to the door and high fived, until security stopped you.
“I don’t remember you coming in.”
“This is a police matter ma'am. Let us move or I will charge you with obstruction.”
“You can’t hold us here, I’m an ADA. Let us go.”
The woman angrily stepped aside. You two walked to the van and giggled.
“That was the most fun I’ve had in ages, Casey. Please come over and have another drink.”
“I can do that, no work tomorrow,”
Oliva opened the door to the van, “Hey you guys, we got her, thanks for your help Casey,”
“It was my pleasure,” she said with a wink.
They dropped the two of you off, the night you had planned was going to be a memorable one.
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HELLO, first time asker here! My request is:
M6 with an MC that doesn’t drink?
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC that doesn't drink
~ love this one! considering how frequently alcohol appears in the story lines and how common it is to stay sober (for many, very good reasons), this is an interesting setup to think about. I hope you enjoy, anon! - brainrot ~
Feels terrible when the second time you meet is him inviting you into a tavern for a drink. Apologizes profusely, and is struck by the oddness of asking Barth the barkeep for two waters instead
Noticing the amount of times he would be reaching for a drink and then not doing it because it feels awkward around you makes him realize just how much he likes to drink as a coping mechanism
Uses that as another reason why he isn't good enough for you
Which gives you the chance to talk to him about it later - why you don't drink, what your comfort level is around people who are drinking, etc
All in all it becomes a kind of accountability for him, even if you never intend for it to be
Because being around you leads to him drinking less often and less at a time, he's tempted to just put you in charge of whether or not he drinks and how much (he doesn't, of course, because his good or bad decisions are not your responsibility)
It ends up becoming a fun social activity for him instead of a go-to relaxing method
Just don't come after his coffee addiction. He can live without alcohol, he cannot live without caffeine
They enjoy drinking but it's not the most regular thing - they're more likely to do it either 1) as a social thing, or 2) because it's a drink they've never seen before and the curiosity is killing them
He's also canonically a lightweight - two drinks is all it takes for him to need help getting home, and he doesn't like being vulnerable
They respect your boundaries and comfort above everything else, so how they proceed is up to your preferences:
If you're comfortable being around alcohol, he'll drink some evenings after making sure you have an equally tasty/delightful non-alcoholic beverage to enjoy
If you're not, they'll indulge when they're visiting Nadia and Julian at the Palace and you can't make it (you're always invited though)
Or when he's on a trip without you and it glows in the dark and Faust really, really wants a taste
It's unlikely that they'll consider abstaining from alcohol unless you ask them to. As respectful as they are, they avoid limiting others (especially you) and expect others not to put limits on them in turn
Uses it as a challenge to create the best mocktail
... Oh?
She's not judging, she's just surprised. She can't remember a dinner where there hasn't been alcohol served, and every noble she knows partakes frequently (I mean, just look at Valerius)
Now she's feeling a little embarrassed because the only other drink she can think of to offer is tea (or plain water) and that's not respectable at all
Becomes much more conscientious about having decent non-alcoholic options available at Palace functions
Speaking of, what would be most comfortable for you? Does it bother you at all if she drinks while she's spending one-on-one time with you? How about at dinners?
Now she's realizing that she can't remember the last time she went a day without drinking, and that doesn't strike her as a good thing
She decides to try cutting back and is surprised at how it goes for her. It turns out that a lot of the habits she formed were simply because that's how it had always been done around her
She approaches drinking as a conscious decision now and gives all the credit to you
Yeah, he doesn't drink either
He also knows from the few times Asra talked him into it that he only gets moodier and less sociable when he does, and neither of those are things he wants to be around you
Honestly he's relieved because it makes everything easier
Including attending parties
He's a lot more likely to say yes and try going to one if you're going to be there and he can count on you to stay sober with him in case everyone else decides to go ahead and get wasted
What he's not prepared for is how, by the third get together, all of your friends take that as an invitation to make the two of you the equivalent of the designated drivers. He is not impressed
Now you have to make new rules about how neither of you is responsible for what your friends get up to (the good news is that Muriel is very good at saying no to people)
Once, Asra jokingly suggested that Julian stay out at the hut with the two of you for a few weeks to force him to go sober for a bit
The look of horror on Muriel's face still makes them laugh
So, her favorite drink is beer ...
She's the least surprised to find out that you don't drink. She's traveled all around the world and catered to all kinds of tourists and guests
If anything, she loves that about you. She's seen first-hand the kinds of messes that drunk palace guests are capable of making and knowing that you'll never do that is delightful to her
She personally has a robust but healthy relationship with drinking
Does she partake every day? No. Several times a week? Of course! It's part and parcel of a good time with a good group of friends!
She totally understands and respects where you're coming from, but she's pretty comfortable where she's at, so she's not going to adjust many of her own habits unless you ask her to
She will ask you all about your own decision though, simply because she wants to know you
What led you to give it up? Did you ever drink much in the first place? Is there some kind of mystical magic reason involved?
So very invested in respecting and protecting your preferences
Well at first, he couldn't decide if you were a total stick in the mud or just ignorant about what you were missing out on
He's just spent the last three years as a ghostly goatman, unable to partake in any of the good things in life, and the first person he's able to make contact with doesn't drink? Why???
He brings it up constantly at first because 1) it doesn't make sense to him, and 2) he keeps assuming that it means you're judging him for his past drinking habits
You'll eventually have to hash it out with him along with all of your other personality differences, explaining why you make that decision and what your comfort levels are around it
Once he knows that you're not going to force him to quit, he decides to try doing it anyways
He may as well try a few weeks of going sober, seeing as he's trying to improve and you're on the road and don't have the biggest budget and there aren't that many parties to attend
So impressed by his own ability to change and make a decision like that that he does it more often. He still parties sometimes, though
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dxstopiaa · 2 years
Summary: Moving in was a tough task, thankfully someone will be accompanying you, I wonder what what they’re like?
A collection of my personal headcanons and short scenarios regarding how my favourite genshin boys will be like as roommates! Mainly Platonic and Romantic (depends how you want to interpret it) fluff with some crack!
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Wanderer. (I will do a part 2, planning to include: Albedo, Kazuha, Rosaria, Heizou, Childe.)
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• Extremely Organised, from when you first entered the dormitory, the senior student had already expected your arrival and was courteous enough to prepare your wardrobe and sleeping quarters. There was no denial that you were pleasantly surprised.
•Even his section of the accommodation was tidy and orderly, various folders stacked into a neat divider, a selection of stationary and a rather comfortable chair parallel to the desk, decorated with a beige throw blanket.
•He greeted you with such formalities you began to question if he was secretly a professor instead of a student. Your visible confusion mixed with delight painted your face unusually, exerting a light, mellow chuckle from Zhongli. God, He already seemed so amiable, precious indeed.
•Over the first couple of days, you could say you adjusted perfectly to his schedule, taking your individual responsibilities up whilst still maintaining a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Often times when you both sauntered around the campus after your lessons had finished, you would arrive at the dorm and Zhongli would immediately brew any sort of tea.
• Emphasis on Often, He had a huge luxury stash of the finest teas and even coffees, though he didn’t particularly like the former. Spectrums of caffeinated beverages from iced peach tea, to oolong and even osmanthus..? Though you weren’t familiar with the last. Zhongli was quite proud of his collection, understandably. He had told you of his trips to China, expressing his love for his nation, and how he would constantly buy out the stocks of drinks they had.
•This leads you onto your next discovery, it seemed as if Zhongli had not learnt of money management as well as you had expected him to, for instance, you had to pry him away from his observations of new purchasable books at your local stationery shop, pleading how he would go into debt, though that was more for dramatic effect. He would admire the new pens with intense observation, i mean, new stationery right, who wouldn’t? Though you had to remind him of the abundance on his table, overflowing out of his already oversized pencilcase. My, Is he even a real economy student?
•Your slightly different personalities attached you two together like glue, it would be rare for somebody to see one without the other. Like recently, when Hu Tao’s eyebrows rocketed when she saw you alone in the library, bombarding you with questions. ‘Oh my, did the poor guy already pass on? Where is he?’ Was an example, let’s just say that an unimpressed student had his arms folded tightly with an eyebrow raised heard that, initially intending to give the younger girl the caramel waffle he bought. Welp, guess who had two?
•Archons, Your roommate was an outstanding chef, where the hell did he get all these culinary skills? Such delicacies laid upon the table, a surprise given to you from him for excelling your exams, you had to press a hand against your mouth not to shriek with excitement at that instant. Zhongli laughed in appreciation at your unspoken compliment, which were the arms wrapped around his neck, an affectionate embrace.
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•Xiao couldn’t deny that ever since a notice letter had been left on his doorstep from the institute, which had detailed that he was going to have company in his dorm, he felt nervous.
•Since then, Xiao had attempted to make the accommodation as comfortable and hygienic as possible, which wasn’t a strenuous task as he already kept up to these standards previously. He was even able to replenish the house with consumables, despite the fact he didn’t eat much himself.
•The day you arrived at the college, you made your way to the room number mentioned on your welcome letter, knocking on the door lightly. A student with the most gorgeous aureate eyes opened the door for you, returning your soft gaze with a light smile, gesturing you inside.
•Well, grateful you were seeing how you had been rewarded with an orderly roommate, the space he had arranged for you was embellished with neutral tones, most likely as he didn’t know what colours you preferred. A comforting atmosphere indeed.
•Due to sharing the same course, you had grown closer to him as he warmed up to you. His usual stoic attitude had adapted into one of care and even a hint of sarcasm, to your surprise. Often times, he’d find you in the kitchen before your lecture with the end of a pen tapping against your chin, searching the cabinets.
•’We are a bit low on food, Xiao, why don’t we go shopping after?’ You requested, watching him pack a bottle into his bag for the both of you. He sighed quietly, ‘Your obsession with purchasing reminds me of someone’ He side-eyed you, who was dramatically clasping your hands together in pleads for him to accompany you. Xiao exhaled softly, ‘Okay, though you’re paying this time.’
•So you did as you said, waiting outside Xiao’s lecture hall with two breakfast bars in your hands, grinning to yourself at the thought of him browsing aisles with a basket upon his forearm, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion. When he had finally finished, Xiao gratefully accepted the snack, rather hungrily tearing the pack open before leaving the building with you closely by his side.
•The grocery shop across the campus was well favoured by all students, large ranges of deserts to instant foods available. You held Xiao’s hand gently, pulling him into the brightly lit store, giving him a basket of his own, challenging him to see what he would purchase for you and vice versa.
•By the end of your shopping, you had met him back at the front of the self-checkout, his basket half-full of his favourite desert, piles of almond tofu, the rest with snacks he knew you enjoyed. You fawned over the kind action, which you returned with other goods you thought he would like, such as cold noodles and some jasmine tea. ‘Thank you..’ Xiao acknowledged, rubbing your cheek lightly with thumb.
•You infact, did not pay this time, as you had claimed to have ‘forgot’ your card at home, sheepishly scratching the back of your head and averting his critical stare, muttering a ‘You’re impossible.’ Although he didn’t mind paying, you’ve helped him so much without even knowing so. Xiao now found it easier to engage with others, especially when around you. It’s like you pulled out the treasure hidden in the depths of his heart.
•Shopping meant stocking the cupboards, your least favourite part, as the college decided to make them the smallest size as inconveniently possible, which either caused items topple onto you when opening cupboards, or to fall onto Xiao, which he usually caught with his swifter reflexes, How does he sense them? Was a question you found yourself asking.
•You lived a very relaxed life with Xiao, and he felt your arrival changed him for the better.
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•Kunikuzushi jolted from his sleep when he heard the familiar sound of knocking on his dormitory door, he hit his head and groaned irritably at himself for forgetting such a thing. He was expecting a roommate and he fell asleep?
•He groggily approached the entrance, combing his navy hair with his fingers to look ever more slightly presentable, before hesitantly clutching the handle and greeting you. You couldn’t help but giggle at the state your new roommate was in, his half lidded eyes looking up at you, he donned an oversized inky shirt accompanied with teal shorts and sandals, which were the wrong way round.
•’Don’t laugh, you’re lucky i even let you inside at such an early hour!’ He berated, opening the door fully and letting you in. Apparently, 12 pm was still morning in this guy’s schedule. He was grateful for the darker surroundings, if not, you could of seen how his face burned in embarrassment.
•Kunikuzushi flipped the dim lights on, treading towards the bathroom as he left you to your own devices in the main area. ‘I won’t be long, organise the room as you wish.’ He dismissed with a wave of his hand, slamming the door shut. Despite his quite disoriented impression, he had basic decency to at least make space for your possessions and provide you with some extra snacks in a mini-fridge on your side of the room.
•Kuni may of seemed rude and eccentric, but in reality, he had a playful soft heart, though often shadowed. Over the following weeks, he would give you some of his notes so you could catch up with the content, and in return you would give him random things you bought. Sometimes it would be as simple as a drink, other times a new notebook. You gave him a plush penguin once, to which he insisted he didn’t need and you could keep it, then the following night you saw him hugging it gently in his slumber. Definitely took a picture of that as blackmail material.
•Around a couple of days ago, you had planned to visit the library to revise for your upcoming exam, which went successful until you walked outside and noticed the ridiculous downpour of rain, comparable to a typhoon. Smacking your hand against your forehead, you called Kunikuzushi, begging him to come and give you your umbrella which you had unfortunately left back on campus. His response? ‘No can do.’ Even though this was over mobile, you could see the conceited smirk plastered on his face, as he cut the call abruptly.
•Sighing deeply, you decided to just wait for the rain to pass, sitting down on a nearby bench under a canopy whilst entertaining yourself with your phone. Little did you know, Kuni was already standing a few feet behind you, his arms crossed impatiently. Your device buzzed, signalling a notification. ‘Look behind you, dumbass’ And you did, sheepishly grinning at him, who sarcastically huffed as if he had anything else to do, another floral umbrella in his hand as he held up his own.
• The rain had calmed down in intensity as you continued walking, the ripples upon puddles grew less frequent and more so of a dripping faucet instead of a running waterfall. You lowered your umbrella and kept it to your side, glancing at Kuni to see he did the same. He reciprocated your look, a small smile present as he faced forward again. Why is he smiling?
•You received the answer to that as you tripped over something, upon falling to the ground, you noticed the retracted umbrella which grazed the concrete you once stepped on. Breathless deriding chortles were heard above you, Kunikuzushi hunched over in fits of laughter, covering his mouth. You pouted in irritation, yet you couldn’t deny his joyfulness made your heart flutter, the purity of one’s happiness.
•Once his laughter had subsided slightly, he extended his arm in an attempt to help you up from the floor. Perfect chance, it seemed as though he didn’t doubt you one bit. With all the force you could, you tugged his arm and brought Kuni tumbling to the ground with a yelp, just as you did. Although this didn’t end up as you thought. His hands were either side of your body, knee braced to the cement in-between your own, hovering above you, your faces directly in-front of another. Your own exploded in a furious blush, whilst his only wore a sly smirk, shaking his head lightly.
•’If you were this desperate, you could of just said so.’ He complacently advocated, remaining in said position whilst you sputtered out denials of all sorts, playfully shoving him away from yourself.
•Honestly, he was too much work, but that was a responsibility and chance you were willing to take. <3
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sunboki · 2 years
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han jisung x implied fem! reader
warnings — alcohol usage, cursing, reader is almost harassed, protectiveness, fluff, comfort, drunkenness, reader is stressed, making out, somewhat suggestive content, mean bosses :(
w.c — 1.1k
summary — the drinking party your colleagues invited you to sounded like a great way to spend this long-awaited friday night, one of those colleagues being han jisung. he’d always been a sweetie to you, but when a drunk friend gets a little too comfortable you discover a side to han you’ve never seen before.
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This week had been shit. The people you worked with were great, yeah, but your boss? He could choke for all you care.
You see, this lunatic had the nerve to place even more work on your shoulders on a Wednesday. Literally two days before a glorious Friday and two days before your colleagues wanted to meet up for drinks.
You pushed through, but not without a few mental break-downs and never-ending cups of coffee along the way.
Thursday evening was your breaking point, one day before a relaxing outing and you were convinced you’re losing it. Head shoveled into your hands with frustrated tears leaking between your fingers.
However the internal panic attack was disrupted by Han Jisung, by far one of the sweetest guys in the office who apparently was working late as well. He peeked his head over at you, round eyes filled with concern.
“Don’t look at me right now, I look horrible.” You groan, eyes screwed shut.
“I don’t care, I just want to make you feel better,” that sheepish smile returned to his face, guiding you out of your seat, “How about we go for chicken and beer?” The dark-brown haired boy suggested, eyebrows lifted expectantly.
“We’re having beer tomorrow with everyone else at the meet-up.” You groaned, beginning to edge back to where your desk was.
Yes, beer did sound great, but drinking with Jisung would have to wait until tomorrow. For now there was work to do, work that your asshole of a boss wanted finished.
“Then at least some coffee? You might need some more caffeine before getting back to work.” He sighed, giving the scattered mugs surrounding your space a dirty look.
And I mean, the sweetheart was trying his hardest to pull you from your stress, you might as well give in. Especially when he was offering you free coffee. How could you say no?
The iced beverage tasted better when you were sitting with Han, sipping away your misery for a short moment.
“Looking forward to tomorrow?” He glanced up, the wafting scent of his drink floating over to you. That’s when you realized the traitor wasn’t even drinking coffee at a coffee place, but tea instead. What a grandpa. But it was nice how he was doing this for your sake.
As you said, a sweetheart.
Maybe this was the support you needed to make it to the next day.
The remainder of the night was hell, but sending your boss a not-so-friendly message along with the finished documents sailed you to Friday.
Lucky for you, the few hours before your outing you’d spent getting ready for the drinking party—not typing away on your keyboard like a possessed spirit. Something comfortable but almost rewarding, like your good job badge of making it to the end of the week.
“Jeon and Makgeolli are better!”
“You dumbass it’s beer and chicken!”
Your colleagues playfully argued, laughing and clinking glasses around you. The atmosphere was lively. Actually, almost relieving.
Apart from Yuna, a friend of yours, trying to persuade you to mix Soju with beer, everything was going fantastic. That was.. apart from when a drunk Hojeong stumbled towards you.
“Oh.. Y/n’s so pretty. Don’t you think so?” He seemed to speak to Yuna who’d moved across the room long ago to talk to Jeongin, apparently hammered.
Unbeknownst to you, Han Jisung, the traitorous tea-drinker was staring at Hojeong with a not-so-friendly glare from across the table.
Not knowing how to react, you nervously laughed, discomfort written all over you. And when Hojeong slipped beside you on the long booth, you slid further away.
“Y/n~ don’t be getting all shy on me! I can’t help but want to be close to pretty girls.” But as his hand inched to grab your shoulder, an opposing force gripped Hojeong’s wrist, stopping his movements.
“First off it’s not Y/n, it’s Noona to you, can’t you see she’s uncomfortable? It’s disrespectful to touch a person without their permission.” This tone of voice was unlike you’d ever heard, especially not from the man with such a happy façade like last night. Upon realizing it was Jisung your jaw went slack.
Holy shit.
In all your years of working with Han Jisung, he’d never sounded so incredibly sexy and scary at the same time. Perhaps it was the few shots you’d had earlier or the way the veins in his forearms flexed unconsciously that had you melting in your seat.
“Ugh. Fun sucker.” Hojeong groaned, slumping like a dejected dog. Nonetheless he pulled away, leaving you to yourself—better yet, leaving you with the struggle of not being able to think of Jisung the same ever again.
Ironically, that happy façade appeared just as fast.
“Are you okay Noona? He didn’t touch you did he?” The worried man scanned you, brows knitted together anxiously.
“Can I kiss you, Jisung?” The words didn’t even appear to be a question, dazed as you glanced at his plush lips that looked far too lonely for your liking.
What was in those shots?
Han gulped, using his first name like that with that face was dangerous, especially coming from you. Not here. Not in this busy restaurant.
“We have to take this outside.” He led you to the side of the building, pout adorning his face, “Why would you ask that then.. I wouldn’t have been able to control myself.”
“Then lose control here, it’s just us.” You’re drunk. Because no way the Jisung you knew was picking you up by the thighs to practically eat your face in the hottest make-out you’d ever experienced.
First come first serve huh.
“Noona.. I want you.” Han hummed, soft pink lips swollen and hair tousled from your tugging—his eyes glazed over with lust.
“What happened to you? The soft-spoken Hannie.” You giggled, looking down at him whilst his arms securely held your legs around his waist, responding with a childish whine. His chubby cheeks dusting a rosy hue, you and your nicknames would be the death of him.
“C’mon, I’m walking you home.”
The stars looked exceptional, twinkling brightly overhead as the two of you trodded along the sidewalk towards your apartment. Yet the thought plaguing your head managed to slip out and likely threaten to ruin the atmosphere.
“You’re hot when you’re mad.” You mumbled, going point blank at the realization of what you just said. Out loud. Not a quiet, internal monologue. Out. Loud.
“What was that?”
“Huh? Nothing.. nothing at all. The wind.” You waved aimlessly, face burning.
He heard every word.
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all rights for this work are owned by @sunboki
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
His first drop of Sugar
A Joel Miller and Layla (OFC) story
General Audiences but my Tumblr overall is 18+
Main Masterlist/ Joel Miller Masterlist / Drops of Sugar Series
Summary: Joel Miller is a simple man. He works, takes care of his daughter, maybe meets some ladies sometimes. As he puts it "He does okay." If he was going to look seriously.
One day, he met her, the woman who'd change everything.
Word Count: approx 2.4k
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, awkward flirting, attempt at humor
Notes: I wanted to revisit Joel & Layla’s story but not disturb what relationship I had already built for them. So I decided I’d do different vignettes at various points in their relationship. We’ll see where they end up.
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Joel is a man of habit. He picks up his brother Tommy, drops off his daughter Sarah at school, and he and his brother go to work. After work, he goes straight home to make sure Sarah is safe in the house, relaxes with some music, a book, maybe a little whiskey. Sarah tells him he’s getting a bit old for that now that she’s almost out of high school. Thankfully for Joel, she’s sixteen which gave him a few more years before he would worry even more about her. Tommy and Sarah were concerned that he didn’t have enough in his life, Joel always waved them off.
“I’m fine. I got all I need with you two.”
“I mean, if I was gonna look, I’d do okay.”
Joel wasn’t lying when he said he could have a girlfriend if he wanted to and he did not. They usually tried to get him to leave things around his house, put pillows where they don’t belong, get him to eat some quinoa (no one needs to eat that, he was a potatoes or rice type of man), buy different clothes for him and even suggested different ways to parent his daughter. Mentioning anything about Sarah other than that she was the sunlight of Joel’s life was grounds for him to never speak to that person again.
The elder Miller brother’s routine didn’t change until one of his employees gave him a Starbucks gift card. He didn’t think much of it and kept it in his wallet. It wasn’t until Tommy had him stop in between sites to “grab some joe and a quick bite,” that he came to taste the coffee. Joel ordered a caramel cappuccino because he could say it and he knew what was in it. He told the young lady or barista whatever milk was fine. It was his first taste and it was wonderful.
The next time Joel made sure to come without Tommy and try a different drink, he got a white chocolate mocha and was hooked on the caffeine and sweetness. Now he ordered one at least twice a week. He tried to ensure that Tommy nor his daughter Sarah knew about his Starbucks trips, but they did. Tommy had passed by a Starbucks on the way to one of their jobs in the neighborhood and he saw Joel exiting the coffee house with drink in hand happily gulping the hot beverage down. He didn’t mention it. The Younger Miller brother waited until they were in the office alone. He whipped out a photo he had taken of Joel: head craned back, cup tipped upward with the faint semblance of his lips curled into a smile.
“I caught you! I thought you said you’d never go back?! Look at this Joel. I thought you said it was too expensive.”
Joel rolled his eyes hard, he would never not hear about this from Tommy. Ugh. “I got some more coffee. What’s the big deal? You’re making it sound like I’m cheating, which it’s coffee, how does that make sense?”
“You’ve been making trips by yourself and leaving me out. Maybe I wanted some coffee too Joel, you ever think of that?”
“You mean you wanted me to buy you coffee? You’re a grown ass man. Buy your own damn coffee Tommy.” The Elder Miller brother thought for a moment. “Wait, I was at the Starbucks around 11:30 in the morning, what were you doing driving around at that time?”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, “What do you mean? I was on my way to Mrs. Flores house in the neighborhood. To put up her kitchen cabinets.”
Joel squinted his eyes, “Mrs. Flores said she wanted them up sooner than later. When I spoke to her earlier this week, she told me 10 in the morning. What were you doing for damn near…?” Joel already knew the answer to his own question and sighed. “You’re lucky as hell that Mrs. Flores didn’t call me and complain about you being late. You can’t do that shit for one of your…dalliances.”
Tommy snickered, “Is that what they kids are calling it these days? Dalliances? You’ve got to take the two by four out Joel. I am showing Sarah this picture of her father though.” He bounced out of the office, feeling the overall victor but when Joel finally listened to his office messages, Mrs. Flores had complained so he docked Tommy’s pay by half.
The next week was when it happened. The meeting that changed his life.
On a Tuesday, Joel stopped by Starbucks on the corner after he had smoothing things over with Mrs. Flores. Tommy was going to have to have lunch with the woman twice a week for the next two weeks in addition to the docked pay. Was it a bit much? Yes, and Joel was fine with that. He was also wanted to teach him a lesson about being on time, for every minute he was late, that was an extra five that Mrs. Flores could keep him in her house, watching telenovelas, knitting or as Tommy told him told once, ‘putting some weird peppermint cream on her feet.’ Joel decided that it served him right.
Joel ordered his usual white chocolate mocha grande and waited for it. He heard his name followed by a woman’s name rather closely but no matter. He picked up his drink at the end of the counter and sipped it, feeling the rush from the caffeine in the esspresso and tasting the chocolate, milk and whipped cream together. He had heard someone say wait, but he had his drink, that wasn’t directed toward him.
“Hey! You in the black shirt!” At this Joel finally turned, so someone had been trying to get his attention. He was annoyed though, it was during coffee time though. The scowl on his face quickly left as he saw who was calling him. A plump woman with hands on her hips, a lavender silk button down shirt not tucked in but still appeared neat. Her skirt hit just below her knees with a small slit above her left knee, exposing some of her thigh. She had a small bit of cleavage showing as his eyes trailed up and saw her silver necklace might be a cross? But she had dark red lipstick coating her full lips. Her face was round and her hair was loose and wide, it looked soft though. Her honey eyes glared at him and intensified as she made her way toward him. “Are you going to buy me another one? That mocha was mine.” She kept her hand on her hips and leaned her weight back on her right foot, looking up at him. Joel scoffed.
“Sorry darlin’ no it ain’t. This is…” He was proven wrong. The name was not his on the side. It said ‘Layla.’ “Um. Sorry about that Miss Layla. I’ll buy you another.” He watched as she exhaled and looked down, her hands now crossing her chest and pressing her breasts together. Joel blinked so he could focus on her face again, but that wasn’t much better.
“I should apologize as well. I’m sorry for raising my voice. I was just looking forward to my coffee. It gets me out of my office for a bit, away from everyone. I didn’t meant to take that out on you.” She explained and he nodded, understanding the sentiment. Joel at least had the luxury of driving to different sites, often by himself of Tommy who he could stand half the time. He can’t picture himself around people who annoyed him all the time. They walked over to the counter and Joel paid for her mocha and a brownie. He had told her it was something to sweeten her day before he found himself exiting the cafe again. He had half a mind to go back in and ask her if maybe she wanted to meet outside of the office again.
“That sounds horrible. Maybe I am out of practice. I am not asking him for advice.” Joel shook his head, he would NEVER ask Tommy for advice with women, not even on his deathbed. Turns out he didn’t have to because the same woman stepped out of the cafe and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.
“Not sure who you don’t plan on asking for advice but I wanted to ask you something.” She began and paused. “I’m Layla to start. I figured I would make sure you knew that. Would you…oh, um.” She was floundering but pushed through, Joel let her, he wasn’t sure what to say either. “Could we meet maybe for lunch or dinner or it doesn’t have to be a meal. It could be anything. Well not…” He chuckled and she pursed her lips. “You could say something you know! You can tell I’m just saying whatever comes to mind. God I suck at this.” Layla threw her head back and sighed. Joel held her hand gently. She was startled but then smiled.
“Let’s say we exchange numbers and see what we both agree to do, Layla? Might lead to a meal or whatever else you were thinkin’ sweetheart. Name’s Joel by the way.” His rough thumb grazed the soft skin of her hand, the smile she had on her face beamed. A barista came out, calling Layla’s name to which she let go of Joel’s hand and put her index finger, signaling to give her a minute. After having the brownie and coffee handed over to her, Layla made her way back over to Joel.
“S-Sorry about that.” She set her coffee on the hood of a nearby car and went in her purse, pulling out her phone. “Yes, put in your number Joel.” Joel grinned and pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it for her, they entered their numbers in each other’s contacts and double checked the numbers by sending an initial text. Joel told her that he needed the practice per his daughter and she laughed, stating that her friends said the same for her selfies. She was easy to talk to and the single father was hopeful to hear her say his name again - her voice was calming despite the excitement it brimmed with. The snort at the tail end of her laughing fit was adorable. Joel picked up her coffee and walked Layla to her car, holding it for her as she placed her purse and brownie in the passenger’s seat being across the driver’s seat to do so. He took a step back to appreciate the view, part of him felt conflicted until she looked back with a grin. ‘Damn, shouldn’t have felt bad about it then.’ He approached her with her coffee and handed it to her, making sure to brush against her fingers.
“Send me a message when you get back to the office Sugar.” He leaned down into her open window and cocked his head to the side, laying it on a little extra thick. He hoped not too much.
“I will Joel. You can be sure of that.”
“You’re the one who said anything Layla.”
“I’m well aware.” A chuckle to herself. “Maybe we should just start with lunch so I don’t end up talking and tripping up my words again.”
“However you wanna meet darlin’.” His smirk grew into a smile.
Layla shook her head. “You’re so much trouble Joel. I can tell already.”
“Good trouble I assure you Layla. Shouldn’t you get gettin’ back to work? You might be the real trouble, you know.” He teased her, not really wanting her to leave, but he didn’t want her to associate their meeting with possible work repercussions.
“Alright, maybe not so much trouble. And I should be getting back to work. I’ll see you later Joel.” Joel stood up and watched as she pulled out of her parking space and drove off. He returned to his truck and drove back to the office where he got an angry call from Tommy about Mrs. Flores had him try on her late husband’s clothes and dance with her. Joel told him to suck it up for one more week and then he’ll be square. And not to be late, lest the elder Miller brother sends him back to Mrs. Flores house. He’ll be Ignacio for a month. In the midst of Tommy complaining for the last five minutes, he heard a small ping and took a look at his phone:
Hey there Joel, I’m safe back at work, though I don’t really want to be. I’m free most evenings and as for lunch, between 1-2 works well. I may be able to stretch it to 2:30 if I push some things until later. I’m also free on weekends. Let me know what works for you. I hope you have a good rest of your day.
Joel felt vindicated, he was not the only adult over the age of thirty that texts full sentences according to Sarah, his daughter. He made sure to text out his reply while Tommy was heard getting pulled by Mrs. Flores out of the bathroom he was calling Joel from.
Good to know you got there safely, Sugar. The evenings are for my daughter but if we plan, I can have my brother watch her for a bit while we go to dinner. Lunch is always an option and those times are perfect. You tell me where you want to go and I’ll take you there Layla.
Joel sent it and was nervous for the next few hours while he answered questions from his crew about various jobs and materials. He also drove to another site and ignored a call or two from Tommy. It was when he pulled up to the next site that she suggested they meet at ‘Brenner’s on the Bayou’ a place that Joel had eaten at years ago. It was with a different woman and she was about as interesting as paint, but the food was delicious. They agreed and the date was set for Saturday night.
Up until the date, they exchanged texts for two days until Layla called him just to say good morning and Joel damn near missed a stop sign in answering the phone before pulling off to the side of the road. He had a feeling then he’d need to see her sooner than Saturday.
Joel's Darlin's: @yorksgirl @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @guelyury @goodwithcheese @morallyinept @ilovepedro @pascalsanctuary @grogusmum @pamasaur @perotovar @pedrodascal @gwendibleywrites @marcus-is-my-muse @pedritapascal
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starythewriter · 10 months
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kinkmas 11 jack harlow X Y/N a cold night turns into a wet dream
TW: this is for mature audiences only minors do not read or interact.
it was another day of winter, you had gotten a couple of days, off from fliming as you were fliming a show. it was beyond cold, you make some hot chocolate in a gigantic pot. it felt like there wasn’t enough water to fill the entire pot. there was no way you were going to drink that much coffee without feeling miserable, plus you knew what kind of caffeine would be used for the beverage. so, instead you poured some milk and chocolate powder into the coffee pot. you went back up seeing jack still asleep he was so cute and hot at the sametime. he didn’t know that you were watching him when he slept so it was nice to see that you could sneak up on him without him realising. he also looked really peaceful and relaxed while sleeping, but you couldn’t stay long so your eyes quickly turned away. you decided to switch into a comfy outfit with short shorts. you gave him a kiss, he let out a breathy groan, he was still asleep. you smiled fondly you kissed his cheek before he slowly woke up and smiled.
“good morning,” he mumbled before pulling you closer to him. “good morning,” you said back pressing your face into his chest. you felt him kiss the top of your head. “how long did i sleep?” " a lot jack…" you swirled your figure across his biceps. "i think we need to take a bath Y/N"
you smirked, you got the bath water warm, you added some candles, along with some decor and a nice color changing light. it looked perfect to you. you were ready to enjoy the time together. jack hugged you and whispered "your so sexy" you blushed, you both slowly started to undress. you pulled down your shorts revealing your black panties, which were pretty loose, you also wore white lingerie underneath them. you took off your shirt showing your breasts to jack. he stared in admiration. he had nothing on, you both got into the giant bathtub together.
jack started to kiss your stomach. he gently rubbed your nipples making you moan softly. he continued kissing further down until he reached your bellybutton. he then licked around it. he made circles around it and you let out moans again. he moved lower down to your navel before continuing down your abdomen and legs. he then wet back up kissing your mouth.
you squirmed tightly, you were feeling the strongest bliss ever, he had such a skillful mouth especially when it came to sex. he moved even lower down till his tongue was right on your clit. you cried out his name. you loved when his tongue touched there. you had never felt so good before, you weren't sure whether to push his tongue deeper or pull it out. you chose the former. you pushed against his throat with more force. you kept grining endlessly earning many groans from him "fuck jack you are so talented"
he whispered "in more ways then one" you liked how he would joke around with you, gripped his hair, as you shivered the grand peak was coming. "wait- jack… I want it to last" you said in a soft, lewd voice. he smirked, he kissed your nipples again. he bit them lightly causing you to let out a moan of pleasure. you grabbed his head tighter. this caused his fingers to move quicker. he was doing amazing things to your clit. after a few minutes, he slowed his pace.
before the both of you could hit the peak you stopped, and continued again, but slower, everything in the world including your mind felt like it calmed down. shortly after, you quickened your pace, you both came undone as jack let out a loud groan.
you both sat in the bath rub, as you traced your fingers around his chest to his arms. he did the same planting kisses all over your jaw.
"do you wanna have lunch?" you asked. he nodded "okay" you grabbed his hand and led him out of the tub. you wrapped yourself with an oversized towel. you walked out of the bathroom together holding hands. you sat down at the table eating a baguette with marmite spread over it. jack smiled "your so cute" he said taking a bite out of his sandwich. "and you're handsome" you replied with a smile and a blush forming on your cheeks" the both of you enjoyed the sandwhich along with some ginger lemon tea, it was warm in the house as you had turned on the heater.
you both enjoyed the rest of your day together watching the snow fall.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
hi! I loved the crow anon story thing so much it was so great! I was wondering if it was possible if you could do one with like a Honduran bat hybrid reader (magic choice up to you but I thought potion magic would be cute) who overworks themselves a lot and the platonic yans are like ‘>:0’
Aaaawwwww! Honduran bats are so cute!!! I'll see what we can cook up! And potions, yes! May I call you Bat Anon? Let's do it like this:
• You tended to be a busy bee (well, bat). Always cooking up a new potion, picking out ingredients and charms, writing instructions and symptoms for each one, selling the latest in helpful potions and magical ones, such as ones for mental wellness, emotional-filling, and mini good-lucks and warm-feelings, along with fairy-wings and plant-growing and rain-making and so many, many more... It kept your hands and wings busy all night and all day long, overworking your wings and hands trying to make enough!
• Your newest patrons were animal hybrids. Ones who were always asking which ingredients you used and buying any potions that caught their eye. They always complimented you and your craft, and happily told you where to find the best ingredients and which vendors were nice. They always payed well, leaving tips, too. And with the sudden increase in customers and demand of your wares, you had to work extra hours just to keep up with the demands...
• By the next month, you're exhausted. Only two or three hours a sleep per day/night, drinking enough caffeine-filled beverages to wake up a snoozing dragon, and underweight due to neglecting to eat, all in the name of keeping your business running and ahead of the competition. You've almost fallen asleep on customers a few times, only to chug a potion that happened to be a mix of coffee, adrenaline, and lightning, to keep yourself awake. Your newest friends, those odd patrons of yours, took offense to that.
• The moment you tell then how you've been able to keep your small store stocked and the customers happy and with their potions, you're met with hands dragging you to the back and pushing you onto the nearest sofa or chair or bean bag. Next thing you know, heavily-scented tea is shoved into your hands, and you're ordered to drink every last drop. Any protest is met with a firm no, and you're told theyll handle your store when you need to rest. Starting now.
• The moment the tea hits your tongue, you're relaxing into the plush surface beneath you, sighing contentedly. A warm mix of lavender, honey, and caramel fills your tastebuds, and you quickly down the rest of the cup. Once you finished, a wave of calm, relaxed sleepiness tugs at you, then you're lying down, snuggled under a blanket that had been tucked around you. The background noise of clinking bottles and stirring liquids send you off into a fuzzy slumber, for once your body and mind getting the rest it needs since you opened up shop...
• The platonic yans keep the shop afloat, those who excel at potions mixing up the ones that were written down on a list, while those who are able to refill samples and clean up do so. They care about their little baby bat, and they shouldn't have to run themself into the ground just to please others and to keep themself in business. So they'll help as much as Reader needs, all while making sure they rest and eat and take breaks. If they have to set a day where their shop stays closed, so be it. Their little bat bud needs rest and relaxation, which they'll happily supply them with!
• If any rude customers or bigots try to start something or insist to speak speak Reader or try to break anything, the adults will happily deal with them (setting Wolverine and/or Sabretooth and/or even Erik on them). The teens can keep the shop tidy and make sure Reader gets their scheduled sleep, as well as takes any tea they make them and eats their meals. And if Reader is a little cold, no worries. They can happily volunteer one of themselves to cuddle with them while they rest...
• The platonic yanderes all care about Reader, and while they love their potions, they'll make sure Reader is well-rested and fed and feeling well before they let them go back to making them. And if they maybe start to offer to work with Reader, or join their businesses together (or maybe slip them into their coven by "accident"), well... Whatever helps keep them warm and and feeling well, right?
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