#that fact that i have to get verbally aggressive for them to fucking leave us alone
missworld1994 · 1 year
i hate men i hate men i hate men i was at the club with my friend and two men came to us EW!!!! they wouldn’t stop flirting with us and when one them started touching my friend’s arm and i can’t even explain how angry i got i had to yell at them
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Secret Underneath Part 6 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: No cliffhanger this time, I promise <3.
Warning: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, No smut in this one today, ladies and lads. I didn't feel like it worked with this chapter. I was going to make this one long chapter but I thought it better to split it :)
ANGST, Y/N confronts them about the events of the last chapter. Insecurities get in the way of them and that is explored a lot more in this chapter with mentions of their dads as well as Gina hurting them. She is sullying their image by saying lies (mentions verbal abuse and comments on how the plus size reader is "probably being used" by them because of how she looks) , she does have an incident at a bar with a guy being a dick, they defend her.
Word Count: 4853
Series here/ Donate to Me :)
You broke a rule. 
You went on Google and searched for their lawyer’s information through news outlets spouting anything they could in regard to this case. After finding what you needed, you charged into the building and past a secretary who was shouting for you to come back as you opened the door to a conference room where many sets of eyes including their shocked expressions landed on you. 
“Excuse me, gentlemen, but I need a moment alone with these boys for a moment.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wilson, she just stormed right past me—”
“No, no. It’s alright, Crystal. Um, let’s take a breather and we’ll be back in a moment.”
As soon as everyone had filed out, your angry eyes burned into them as you slid your phone across the table. 
“That thing hasn’t stopped going off since Gina released your names and quite frankly I’m afraid to look at it.”
“How did you find out where we were?”, Steve asked as he rose to his feet.
“I googled your lawyer’s name.”
“Well, so much for that promise.”, Eddie sassed as he leaned back in his chair. 
“And so much for your promise to take care of me!”, you screamed not caring if anyone heard. “Did you really fucking think that I could stay out of this?! Did you think after what she said people weren’t going to wonder and dig into why I was with you at that party?!”
“You wanted to go and we warned you of the risks of being seen with us.”
“Don’t you dare do that! Don’t you fucking dare place blame on me! I don’t care about being seen with you or if people know that we’re together! What I care about is my job, those kids, and you two!! How can I properly help and protect myself if I don’t have all the facts?! Do you know what she’s saying? She’s saying you two promised to take care of her if anything ever happened. That you were verbally aggressive with her and--”
“Yeah, Y/N, we’re aware of she’s claiming.”, the mogul growls. “Since you’re doing your own research did you go on her social medias? Oh, a lot of fun material there. Now that a fucking judge allowed her to talk about us she’s been posting nonstop about how Eddie would demean her and make her feel ugly. That I apparently offered her money to get plastic surgery to make her look ‘perfect’.”, he sarcastically laughs. 
“You should have told me.”
“Because you think we did what she claims?”
“No, Eddie! Fuck, so I can prepare. What if parents suddenly feel like I can’t teach their kids because of the company I keep? What if the school decides that my association with you isn’t worth the attention? Now that this has come to light I need to be aware of what’s going on!”
Neither man said a thing infuriating you more. 
“Did you not tell me because you thought I wouldn’t want to be with you? Or did you think I’d hurt you like she did?” You laugh as you shake your head. “Jesus. I thought you two were different but you’re just like every other scared little boy. I thought I had given you enough reason to trust me but I guess not.”
“Yeah so why don’t you fucking leave then, you little brat.”
You weren’t sure if they saw it in your eyes but you definitely felt your heart break. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you back away towards the door. 
“I’m so stupid.”
When your teary eyes met theirs, you could tell Steve regretted his words but he couldn’t take them back. They couldn’t take any of this back. Furiously, you reach into your pocket and throw their apartment key across the table before leaving the way you came. 
IHateithere: “Oh my god. Poor Gina!”
NeverHave_IEver13: “She’s so sweet and deserves better.”
CorrodedGirl28: “Fuck Gina Frost. This isn’t the first time she’s made claims against a partner! I met Eddie Munson backstage at one of his concerts and he was so sweet.”
E!News: Mystery Woman seen at the Charity Event with Steven Harrington and Edward Munson has been cited by the men’s lawyers as ‘just a friend.’
ElderEmoKid91: That poor friend of theirs. No matter what people will think they dated because of Gina. 
ChaosRains: ‘Their friend’? Yeah right. Probably as much of a whore as Gina Frost!
JusticefortheUnheard: I bet if this was a man with two women he’d be slated as a ‘hero’ but because it’s a woman with two men she’s a whore. Grow up!
Steve Harrington: Eddie and I are saddened to hear that not only has our privacy been violated but Gina Frost is allowed to continue spreading her lies until we get this matter resolved. We never once raised a voice or hand to her and took care of her like any boyfriend would which she constantly took advantage of…
Steve Harrington: In regard to the young lady that came with us to charity event last Saturday, she is a friend we’ve known for a while. We ask politely that you respect her privacy as what is going on between us and Gina…
Steve Harrington: doesn’t involve her. Thank you for your understanding and we will speak more on this situation when we are finally able.
TMZ: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson release joint statement regarding ‘friend’ and how they feel about Frost ‘spreading her lies’!
YouTube and TV:
CBS: “Gina Frost, thank you so much for speaking with us today. Before we let you go, what are your thoughts on the young lady they were seen with? Do you have any advice for her in regard to Mr. Harrington and Mr. Munson?”
“Run, girl. Get as far away from them as you can. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started ‘hanging out’ with a girl like her because of our case. They always wanted me to be perfect. To look like the woman they thought would be equal to them and their status. She’s the complete opposite of what they wanted me to be so dating, or excuse me, being friends with her makes them look good.”
You wiped the tears that fell with your knee as you browse Daddies on your computer. Your phone was still dinging constantly so you kept it hidden in your bedside table drawer. Since winter break had started you didn’t have to deal with work and for that you were thankful. 
Your identity hadn’t been officially confirmed but it seemed to be common knowledge at this point; everyone knew it was you. 
Not wanting to be alone, you ran home into your parent’s open arms. 
“Baby! Are you ok? What’s going on? Tell us everything.”
“I’m so stupid, mom.”, you cried.
“No, you’re not, honey. Come on. I made some coffee. Let’s sit down and talk.”
You told them everything minus the exact way you met them but you did tell them that you had been dating them both and how much you cared about them. When you were met with nothing but love and zero judgement, you cried harder. 
Having fully settled in, you felt yourself getting antsy. After everything, you didn’t want a new relationship, just something casual but after having been with the guys you felt yourself cringing more and more at the stupid flirting that hit you. 
“’Sup, pretty girl? Fuck your gorgeous. Wanna suck my cock?”
“Hey babe. You got an attitude? I bet I can fuck it out of you.”
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
Your head straightened at the message from Mogul/Rockstar. You hadn’t heard from them in over two weeks. What were they doing on this site? You couldn’t help the jealousy that flowed through you even though technically you were on the site first. 
2:13am: What do you want, Steve?
2:14am: I want an answer to my question. What are you doing on this site again?
2:15am: What are YOU doing on here?! And why do you fucking care? You told me to leave remember?
2:17am: We’ve been calling you for the past couple of weeks but you don’t answer. We got worried. Steve thought maybe we could reach you through here but I thought naw. She wouldn’t get back on here so fast. Guess we were wrong. 
2:20am: Don’t you dare, Eddie. Don’t you turn this around on me. You have no idea what I’ve been through! I still can’t believe you didn’t talk to me. You really expected me to sit at my apartment while you handled all this alone. Did you really think she wouldn’t pull me into your thing?”
2:21am: Now because of all the secrecy I can’t help but think what I’m hearing is true!
2:22am: Like what? 
2:25am: Answer. Like what?
2:26am: That you only dated me so it seems like you didn’t want her to be the ‘ideal woman’.
You hear your phone vibrate against the drawer it’s nestled. 
2:28am: Answer the phone.
2:28am: No.
2:29am: Now, Y/N. We need to talk.
2:30am: Oh now you want to talk!? Go fuck yourselves!
2:30am: Mogul/Rockstar has invited you to a video chat!!
2:31am: CurveybabywAttitude declined your invitation to video chat. 
2:32am: Y/N. Answer the fucking phone. 
2:38am: Y/N, sweetheart, please.
2:44am: Baby…
2:44am: Please…
2:45am: We love you. 
2:45am: So much.
Uh oh! It looks like this Baby can no longer receive messages from Mogul/Rockstar! This means you have either been blocked or the Baby has deleted their account. 
“Jesus what assholes.”, your best friend sighs as she takes a sip from her glass. “If they loved you then why did they push you away?”
“I don’t know, My. Let’s stop talking about them and dance!”
To get your mind off everything and let go, you met up with your best friend who took you to a new bar that had been built while you were away from home. Dressed in your tightest black dress and black heels, you grabbed your own drink and danced away the pain. 
Your friend took photos, tagging you together with men in the background casually touching your arm or waist. Your limbs found their way around a cute boy you had been talking casually to and allow him to kiss you. You hated the taste, missing Eddie and Steve even more but you pushed down the feeling as you pulled him tighter against you. 
“Take me home.”, you slurred, making the young man immediately jump to his feet. When you tried to do the same you fell backwards. 
“Whoa, Y/N. Maybe, you should let me take you home.”
“Naw, Mya. I-I-I M’fine.”, you assured as you lightly pushed her to the side and stumbled out the front door. When you tripped again the man wrapped your arm around his neck and began leading you to his car. “Wait—Wait. I’m…I need a minute.”, you whine as you take a seat on the brick wall behind you.
“Come on, baby. You can rest at my place.”, the man cooed in your ear causing you to cringe. “Look we don’t even have to go. We can just fuck in my car real quick—”
“Oh, that’s romantic.”
As you stood up and started to walk away, he grabbed your wrist a bit to roughly and in return, you smacked his cheek before stumbling to the concrete. 
“Ow! Fucking bitch—” As the man began to step forward, someone intercepted, abruptly grabbing his collar and lifting him off his feet. 
“Eddie, let it go, man. Not right now.”, Steve whispers before kneeling down beside you to try and help you up. 
“Get out of my sight.”, the rockstar growls, pushing him away from you. 
“Y/N, stop. I’m just trying to help you stand—”
“I don’t need your fucking help!”, you shouted as you shoved his hand away. “I don’t need anything from you!” 
Trying to push up onto your knees, you became dizzy and fell over again causing Steve to try and steady you while blocking your shoulder from scraping the wall beside you. Your hair was blocking your face but when they heard you sniffle, Eddie crouched down to balance on his heels and tenderly reached out to move some of it behind your ear. 
“I did everything you asked… I didn’t push when it came to your past or dig into your information online. I-I-I respected the anon-ymity and privacy when we first met and took a leap of faith going to that party with you. I flew to visit you anywhere you were and didn’t complain when you were gone for weeks at a time. I made myself vulnerable…for you…but still…you don’t trust me.”
“Y/N, sweetheart, we are so sorry—”
“I want to go home, please, Daddy.”
The way you said that shattered them in two. Just in your voice alone they could hear how much pain you were in yet even in your inebriated state you still yearned for them. Selfishly, it gave them hope.
“Y/N, sweetie! There you are.”, your best friend shouts in relief as she runs to you and helps you to your feet. “Get the fuck away from her. Haven’t you done enough damage?!”
“We just want to talk to her.”
“Fuck you! You had your chance to talk and—”
“Mya, please. Sleepy.”, you whine. 
When she tries to lead you away from them towards her car, you stumble over your feet again but Eddie swiftly catches you and lifts you into his arms. 
“We’ll help you get her to your car.”
“Why? So you know which one is mine and follow me back to her house?!”
“No, so we can help you get her situated and back home so she can rest.”, Steve growled. 
Mya blinks, taken a back slightly by their protective demeanors over you. After taking a moment, she finally nods and guides them towards her vehicle, watching carefully as they place you in the passenger seat. The mogul buckles your seatbelt and gently puts your bag in your lap.
Your half-lidded eyes scan his worried face as your head lulls towards him. 
“M’not her.”
“Who, honey?”
Flashing you a soft smile, he begins to reach out to pet your head before forcing himself to stop and rise to his feet.
“We’re staying at the hotel by the highway; room 118. When she wakes up tomorrow, if you could tell her that, we’d appreciate it.”, Eddie conveys as his sad eyes stay on you. 
“Your fuckers, you know that?”, Mya shouts their way as they start to leave. “Like so much so that I don’t even know where to begin. She used to call me every other day and talk about these new guys she was seeing. She never told me your full names but she told me everything else. ‘Oh Mya, they are so sweet and funny. Steve is amazing at his job and works to hard to make sure everything gets done while still being able to be there for me. I love watching Eddie play on stage. He gets so into the songs and his face lights up when he hears the fans singing along. Falling asleep in their arms is my new favorite place. I finally feel safe.’”
“When the news dropped, I called her but she didn’t answer. I wasn’t worried at the time because the way she described you, I thought ‘Thankfully, they have her and she has them.’ Then she came home and told me about you expecting her to hide in her apartment with zero information on what was happening. How you yelled at her and called her a fucking brat when she called you out.”
“Oh, and the icing on the cake? You tell her you love her for the first time over a dating website AFTER ALL THIS BULLSHIT YOU PUT HER THROUGH! Holden wore his asshole behavior out in the open for all to see. You made her believe you were different, leading her on before breaking her heart. After the stuff I read, I’m starting to believe Gina Frost.”
Both men absorbed what your best friend was saying, different emotions painting their features before finally landing on anger; not at her but themselves. 
“Your right.”, Steve replied in a sullen tone. “We fucked up. Hell, we did more than fuck up…”
“We’ve never cared about anyone the way we do her and that terrifies us. Not just because of our status or who we are even though that’s why Gina used us but…”, Eddie added. “The men underneath the fame and money are incredibly flawed.”
“Gina made us afraid of her hurting us but our own personal bullshit made us afraid of hurting her.”
“So this is better?”, Mya asked.
“My…where…where your phone?”, you slurred as your hand lazily reached in her direction.
“Y/N, I’m taking you back to your mom’s, honey, you don’t know need to call them.”
“No…not mom…Eddie…Steve…I need to make dem come back. They were here an’ an’…”
“How about you call them tomorrow morning, ok? It’s really late and—”
“I don’t want dem to leave again. Mya…please…”
“Hey, hey sweetheart, we’re right here. We haven’t gone anywhere.” Tears start to run down your cheeks again and the rockstar cups your face in his hand. “We’re right here and we’ll be here when you wake up. Just let Mya, take you home and get you in bed. Tomorrow you can call us and we’ll talk then alright?”
After you nod, Eddie adjusts your body again before closing the door. 
“You guys should get going.”
“Do you really love her?”, your best friend asks.
Again, Mya takes a moment to gather her thoughts as her eyes shift between your now sleeping frame and them. 
“Her parents house isn’t far. You can follow me there.”
“Why are they here?”, your father asks in an annoyed tone as he eyes the men up and down. 
“It’s ok, Mr. Y/L/N. They just wanted to help get her situated and then they’ll be on their way.”, Mya answers in equal measure. 
“Is her room up here?”, Eddie inquires as he gestures towards the stairs. 
“Why don’t you come with us so you can get her changed into something comfier.”, Steve follows when your friend nods. 
“Why? You’re her whatevers right?”
“I don’t think it would be appropriate right now for us to do that.”
“I can help you.”, your mom responds out of nowhere. “Come on, gentlemen.”
After they get to your room, your mother turns on your bedside lamp as Eddie gently places you down on your bed. Taping the rockstars shoulder, she hands him an oversized shirt with your college insignia on it and some shorts. 
“Maybe you should…”
“I trust you, Mr. Munson. Plus I’m right here.” Her eyes studiously watch them as both boys work to change you out of your tight garment doing everything they could to not have to look at your body. Steve’s palm carefully cradled your head to make sure they didn’t jostle you around too much as you soundly slept. 
“Do you have a washrag or wipe or something for her makeup?”
Her head tilts at his question, impressed he even thought of that. Disappearing into your restroom, she came back with wet wipes, and Eddie thanked her as he took one and gently cleaned your face.
This was a bit harder to accomplish without moving you as your face scrunched and you whined. 
“That’s it, sweetheart. Blame him. That way if I don’t do this correctly it will be his fault.”, he teased making you sleepily giggle. 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”, Eddie whispers.
“Thank you, ma’am, for letting us do this. We just wanted to make sure she got here safely.”
“Hm. You wanted to make sure she got back home in one piece but didn’t think to do that when it came to all this chaos you brought her into?”, you mom scolded as she folded her arms. 
“We did warn her—”
“No Mr. Harrington. You may have warned her about your lifestyle but you didn’t do anything to protect her when the fallout of that lifestyle presented itself. Holden ‘warned’ her about what life in New York would be like but when things got hard he abandoned her instead working with her. Like him, you left her alone.”
Nodding, their heads hung as they began to head towards the door before stopping. 
“I’m afraid.”, Eddie announces. “My mom died when I was young, my dad went to jail, people around me told me I’d never amount to anything, and then our ex did what she did. When we met Y/N, fuck, I thought she was perfect… and that scares me. I don’t want to lose her but I also don’t want to be the reason that spark inside of her dies.”
“Seems like a lose/lose, Eddie. But let me ask you something… what if your relationship with her had a happy ending? What if she didn’t hurt you like your ex and you don’t hurt her like people in your life?” She smiles softly as she pats his shoulder. “It’s a risk, boys, but you just need to decide who is worth taking that risk for. You’re more than welcome to stay in our spare bedroom if you would like.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had a splitting headache, thankful that your pain reliever was still in your drawer by your bed. The sound of soft breathing startled you a bit and when you leaned over your bedframe, you were surprised to see Eddie asleep on your floor using his jacket as a pillow. Steve had placed himself in the reading chair you had in the corner with his head leaning against the wall. 
You didn’t realize how much you missed them till you saw their faces and you took the opportunity to refamiliarize yourself as your eyes scanned over them. The mogul was in jeans and a polo making you smile softly while silently missing the sleek suits that hugged him perfectly. The rockstar was still dressed the same as he usually was but his whole demeanor even while sleeping seemed heavy. 
Your heart broke for them until the last couple of weeks caught up with you and you remembered why you were here. 
Reaching for one of your pillows, you threw it their way, hitting Eddie’s chest before it bounced and hit Steve’s lap. 
“The fuck?”, he grumbled as he rubbed his eyes. 
“The fuck indeed. Why are you both here? How did you even know where I was?”
“Your best friend was posting pictures of you and tagging your location on Instagram. You weren’t answering your phone—”
“Yeah, Steve, for a reason. That doesn’t give you the right to come down here.”
“Thank God we did because some asshole was harassing you and Mya was having trouble getting you to her car to take you home.”
“No, Eddie. You playing hero doesn’t absolve you of what you did. You have no idea what I’ve been through!”
“We tried to call—”
“Oh, fuck you both!” As you start to get up to yell at them, a sharp sting runs through knee causing you to wince and sit back down. 
“Shit. Didn’t see that last night. Um, do you have a first kit or anything thing?”
When you don’t answer, the mogul goes on the hunt himself as Eddie kneels in front of you to look at the scrape on your knee. 
“Yeah, you fell on the concrete outside of the bar with some asshole trying to… I told him to fuck off.” Sitting on the bed beside you, Steve opens the little white box and starts to open a Band-Aid before his friend stops him. “Dude, you have to clean it first. It’s like you’ve never been in a fight before. Gimme this.”, he chuckles lightly as he takes the box and pulls out the antiseptic.
“You don’t have to do this. I’m not… I don’t belong to you anymore.”
His movements only halt for a second before Eddie continues taking care of you. 
“I don’t mind doing this. I like taking care of you.”, he murmurs. “Unless you want me to stop.”
“I don’t want you to but I didn’t want you to cast me aside either.”
“Don’t say you didn’t, Steve, because you did.”
“We did.” His response surprised you as you turned your head in his direction. “We talked to your mom last night. She’s a very wise woman.”, he smirks as he watches Eddie continue his task. “Y/N, I worked so hard to get where I am and I don’t just mean taking over my dad’s company and doing the deals I do. When I was growing up, I was never enough for either of my parents but especially my father. In his eyes, I could always be just a little bit better.”
“I could shorten my time by one more second in the pool or get one more minute on the court. My grades could have been one point higher or I could have gotten three grand more out of a deal. He wanted me to be perfect but I learned after I graduated high school that bar was always changing.” When his eyes finally met yours, you saw the pain behind them. “Gina knew all this… that’s why she’s saying that about me. She knows it hurts me…people thinking I’m like my father.”
Eddie finishes placing the Band-aid on your skin and leans back against the wall across from you.
“My dad was a dick…to me and my mother. He cut us down all the time verbally but after she died it got worse. He would tell me I was stupid and a freak just like the people in our town. I left my house with more bruises than I could count on numerous occasions but his words, babe. I carry those everywhere even now. I never once, no matter how angry I was, called her anything demeaning even though I fucking wanted to. She would call us every name in the book but we never once belittled her or laid a hand on her.”
“When we met you, Jesus, I swear there was no girl we had ever met like you.”
“Beautiful, sarcastic, kind, understanding…”, Steve clarified when your eyebrows furrowed. “Y/N, you are everything we’ve ever wanted.”
“Stop…”, you whimper quietly. 
“I feel like somehow she knows that. That’s why she’s saying that stuff about us choosing you because you’re everything she’s not. We wouldn’t change anything about you. Not one thing, princess. But we are so fucking scared of getting hurt again.”
“And we’re afraid of hurting you.”
“That’s not fair.”
“What isn’t fair, honey?”
“Do you think trusting you was easy after what Holden did to me? I upended everything I knew to follow him and he broke my heart. I was terrified of starting over in any relationship let alone with two people but I got to know you and allowed myself to be vulnerable for you… you should be able to do that for me to.”
“You’re right, baby, and we are so sorry. We’re willing to try.”, Eddie pleaded as he leaned up to grab your hands. “We don’t even have to be in a relationship again or do anything sexual. We can start slow and go from there. We just miss you so much, Y/N. The way you smell, your sense of humor, the way you play with my hair when we’re lying in bed or watching tv.”
“The way you listen to us when we talk even if it’s about work.”, Steve chimes in. “Your cute little laugh and the way you wrap your arms around me like you haven’t seen me in years when it’s only been a few hours.”
“Ah good morning, gentlemen and my hung over child. How are we today?”, your mother teases as she grins your way. 
“We’re fine thank you but if you could lower your voice a smidge that would be nice.”, you sass back making her chuckle as both men grin softly. 
“Your dad made breakfast if you and your guests are hungry. Just don’t throw it up or you’ll hurt his feelings.”
You smile as you playfully wave her off before turning your attention back to them. 
“Do you have to go back home for work or anything?”
“No, ma’am. We’re all yours.”
“Unless you want us to go back home.”, Eddie adds with sad inflection in his voice hoping and praying that you don’t. 
“Ok… I’m going to change and then head downstairs. You, um, you should stay for breakfast. Knowing my father, if my mom told him you were staying he probably poisoned something but…I’m sure you’ll be fine.”, you joke as you get up and head towards your closet, tossing them a little wink before collecting some clothes and closing the bathroom door. 
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
@aactuaaltraash @alastorssimp @mygirlchaos @starksbabie @imagine-all-the-imagines @nailbatanddungeon
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oomisluvr · 1 year
No Caller ID
Your job at The Agency was simple. In fact, there was only one rule: Don’t lose track of your field agent. Unfortunately for you, Agent K is a difficult man to find.
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warnings: agent!sakusa x handler!reader, international espionage, i was going for a james bond vibe, no graphic violence but there is a teeny bit of violence, hq! cameos that aren’t important to the story but i thought were fun to include, open ending i think, flirting (???), honestly freeform, i wrote this in 1 sitting lol, sfw, 1.8k words!
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You’re on a date the first time he calls you. 
The guy you’re out with is nice. Doesn’t interrupt you. Asks about your day. Laughs at all your jokes and pretends not to look down your shirt while the two of you eat. He works in IT, so you know he’s fairly well-off, too. 
It’s too bad this is just to keep up appearances.
Your phone rings with no caller ID and you have to stop your eyes from bulging out of your head. In this line of work, it’s best to keep personal calls separate from ongoing projects. For organization reasons. For safety precautions.
It’s for this reason that you have two cell phones. The first is for private calls, to keep up with the life your current alibi would be living. The second phone is for The Agency.
And you’ve never received a call from your second phone before.
You excuse yourself from the table with a practiced smile, adjusting your clothing as you stand. Your date nods. Understanding, as expected. He didn’t notice that you took your purse with you. He must think you’re coming back.
Exiting the restaurant, you pick up the phone with a nervous hand, unsure of what to expect, “This is Pluto speaking.”
“Pluto? Who the fuck is that?” A man’s voice grunts, panting loudly and very obviously out of breath, “What happened to Rin?” 
You clear your throat, “Rin has since left The Agency. I’m Pluto, his replacement.”
“That bastard. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding–” Sharp pops echo through the speaker. Possibly gunshots. The cursing that follows suggests that those were most likely gunshots. Everything is so loud.
“Agent K, if you’re requesting for backup, I can send over the twins–”
“Absolutely not. No backup, especially not from them.” Based on proximity, you can tell it’s K who fires next. Two quick rounds, followed by two dull thuds. Bullseye? “Everything is under control. Get me to Croatia before midnight tomorrow.”
The call ends.
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The second time he calls you is to complain about the first time.
You defend yourself with all the aggression of a caged circus bear.
K quickly learns not to complain about your work.
Two months pass. 
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Your job at The Agency was simple.
Fortunately, there was only one rule: Don’t lose track of your field agent.
Unfortunately for you, Agent K is a difficult man to find.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up!” You scream into the phone. You’ve combed through the security feeds of every private business, traffic cam, and ATM machine, but still no sight of him.
The ringing stops, an easy voice floating through the phone, “Hello?”
“Why the fuck aren’t you in Buenos Aires?” You all but yell, “I’ve been searching for you for hours.” It’s silent on the other end of the receiver. You continue your verbal assault, “Are you even in Argentina? In South America at all?”
K snorts. “Where do you think I am?”
You’re furious, “How did you leave the airport without me knowing? I booked your tickets myself. I made the passport you’re using–”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cuts you off, “Do you really want to know where I am?”
His tone calms you, just long enough to answer, “Yes.”
“A baby shower.”
“A… baby shower?” You repeat dumbly.
“Well, I’m not physically at the baby shower, that would be a breach of contract. I’m sitting in an unmarked car, about 100 feet from the festivities. Watching my little sister open her gifts. She doesn’t even know I’m here.” He sighs, and it’s so different from anything else you’ve heard from him. “Nobody does.”
People who do what K does rarely ever have families. Alive, that is. You wonder how old he was when he left home, if his parents know what he does for a living. If they even know he’s alive. 
Instead you ask, “Will you be having a niece or a nephew?”
He chuckles to himself, but it’s humorless. Empty. “That’s what I’m waiting to find out. I think the reveal is after they cut the cake. My sister is greedy enough to make everyone wait.”
You’re silent for a moment, at a genuine loss of words. The silence feels comfortable, and whether you’d like to admit it or not, you’ve gotten attached to Agent K. Fond, even. Just knowing he’s on the other end of the line, alive and breathing and not being shot at, gives you an enormous sense of relief.
You stare into the monitors ahead of you, at the sheer number of tabs you’ve opened, the energy you expended to make sure he’s safe.
“How did you get into this line of work?”
“Yes,” you can hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice, “You.” 
Nobody has ever asked you that. Nobody is allowed to ask that, you think. “I had an internship the summer after I graduated. My boss at the time has some sort of connection to The Agency. She said I should apply and that she’d put in a good word. My interview was the next day, and I was officially hired by the end of the month.”
It’s silent for a beat, “You do realize you failed the test, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“You aren’t supposed to divulge any personal information to me or any other agents,” He quips, “Especially not any information regarding The Agency.”
“Well,” You start, “You aren’t supposed to run away from missions and lie to your handler about where you are!”
K laughs. An actual laugh. “Touche. Though I’m not running away from anything. This is simply… a brief layover.”
“Whatever. I’ve already booked you a flight from Hyogo to Buenos Aires.”
“You’re sharp, Pluto.” There’s pleasant surprise in his voice, and pride flares in your veins at having caught him off guard, “How’d you know I was in Japan?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You repeat his own words back to him, “Your flight leaves at 8:30PM, Japan Standard Time. Think you can make it by then?”
“Yes, ma’am.” K huffs, “Is that all?”
“Yeah,” you say, “And I’ll be sure not to include this ‘brief layover’ in my reports.”
“Thank you.” He says, and you can tell it’s genuine. For a moment, you feel appreciated, before he adds, “And from now on, please refrain from using fishing boats as a means of escape.”
“Give me enough of a heads up and I won’t have to.” You fight back a smile, recalling your first encounter, and the angry call you got 16 hours later, “But if you ever lie to me again about where you are, I’m leaving you stranded.” It’s a lie. In reality, if it came between you and him, you’re the expendable one. 
“Deal.” He confirms, “Oh, and, Pluto?”
“It seems like I’ll be having a niece.”
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These days, your phone never stops ringing. Your second phone, that is.
“Where are you?” He preens through the phone. It’s the last question you’re expecting. You’re at a cocktail dinner for your job. The fake one. The one that The Agency placed you at to keep up appearances.
“Company dinner. Is there anything I can help you with?”
You’ve leaned over the balcony, nursing something with too much sugar and not enough alcohol. The venue is beautiful, probably some millionaire’s summer home, resting on a lavish hill and overlooking the ocean. The party blazes loudly behind you, a stark contrast to the stillness of the sea.
“Yeah. There is, actually.” He decides, “What are you wearing?”
“Excuse me?”
“Your clothes.” His voice is so smooth, sentences dancing off his tongue like a lullaby. “You’re wearing a purple dress, right? Say, is that silk?”
Your breath catches in your throat, your body suddenly alert at the implication of being watched, “Yes,” you find your voice again, making subtle movements to analyze your surroundings, “It was my mother’s.”
He hums, and part of you can hear a smirk in his voice, “Thought so.”
It bothers you that you’ve no clue what he looks like. How many times have you run into him without knowing? K was one of the most talented of this generation, able to adopt and shed identities as if they were clothing, able to blend into any crowd at any time, more dangerous than any traditional weapon. How many times has he been a friendly face on the street, a shadowy figure at the bar, and you simply had no idea?
“On your left.”
A man approaches you, dressed handsomely in a well-tailored suit. Shaggy orange hair falls into his bright eyes. His footsteps are quiet, practiced, holding a corsage in his right hand. 
Without sparing a moment, he transfers the flowers from his grasp to yours before spinning on his heels and disappearing into the crowd once again. Your words die in the back of your throat.
The corsage is simple, but pretty. Purple petals to compliment your dress. Tied around it is a small gift box. You return your attention to the phone, “What’s this?”
“A thank you.” He says, “And an apology. And something else. Open it.”
You do. It’s a cartier bracelet, thousands of dollars worth of gold. You flip it over to find your name engraved into the metal. Your real name. You gasp.
“Congratulations on the promotion.” He says your name so differently than anyone has ever said it. You trace the letters in your palm, just faint enough that only you would notice. Just faint enough that you could keep it, and not have it jeopardize your position.
“Just doing my job.” You conveniently left out that the company celebration was for you. Well, you and the five other people who received promotions this quarter. Of course K would find out.
”Don’t get smart with me,” He groans, “But consider it an apology as well. I would have loved to be there with you tonight. You’re brilliant, and I’m lucky to have you on my team.”
You idly watch the yachts float by, some illuminated with neon lights, and some brightened with floodlights. If you squint, you can make out the fishing boat just barely kissing the shore. And the shadowy figure perched upon it.
“Don’t feel bad,” You hum, “Something tells me you aren’t too far off.”
“Goodnight, Pluto.”
“Goodnight, K.”
The call ends. 
You clip the corsage around your wrist and return to the party.
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i though this would be a fun little story! ok bye love as always, niko ♡
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 2 months
What Have I done. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
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For those who just met me, I wanted to say that Ever since I get to tumblr just to avoid everyone. . . . . . I admit what I’m even doing wrong. . . . . I’ve always hated my myself for every single error I’ve done in my past life and today. . . . . . . . . . . . . I was so mindless and dumb for what I’m doing wrong. . . . . . . I didn’t even realize what I’m doing until now, the fact that it was the only way to cope with, by making “revenge art” of the people who betrayed me or left me. . . . . . . . . I never felt this guilty before, I didn’t realize that why I’m doing, due to everyone in the past of cutting me out . . . . . . . They hated for that one mistake that will forever be stuck with me. . . . . . . . . . So by then a way to make me feel better of myself, I decided to make cringy and not so cool revenge gore art as a way to cope with the stress and anger that they affected me. . . .So by that one callout doc that on of my friend cut me out I deleted them all and so those all the drama I got involve in. . . . . . I’m trying my best to quit doing that . . . . . . . . . . But one is being exposed on Twitter by that one user I can’t name. . . . . . It’s got flagged so I deleted it. . . . . .never to be seen again. . . . . . . . . Sure what I’m doing is absolutely not okay, I should’ve ignore them in the first place . . . . . . . . . . . . But due to so much trauma in my DA life made me this way that triggered me causing me to draw “revenge art” on them and that won’t happen again for how much of a psycho I was. . . . . . I was so mindlessly rude to everyone that two user who I cannot name already left because of my selfish actions towards them and yes, that I’m aware of this because I hurted them in many ways that makes me an awful person to them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And I’m sorry, I’m the monster this whole time. . . . . . . . . I couldn’t help for what I’m doing, I get that all I done was shitty for fuck’s sake. Because From the bad memories of DA and the friends who cut ties with me cause me to turn into a mean and cruel user backstabbing everyone in my path. . . . Not to mention how it badly influences my friends . . . . . . .causing them to make bad decisions by troll feeding and bash opinions . . . . . . . . . . I took them in my own control, I manipulated them many times, I abuse them with my own control, Causing a user who doesn’t like Viziepop’s works to block all of us just for acting like a bunch of crazed fans of a HB character . And my behavior to everyone was just upsetting that I get many people especially that one user, Didn’t like what I’m doing to them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so by then I deleted the cringy gore stuff I did in the past . . . . . . And I admitted for what I’m even doing is stupid. . . . . . and the thing is that I just wanted to change for the better, even for my friends and followers, because I don’t want the same thing happening to me again. And to the two user who left this site and those who blocked me, I was so bitchy towards others and especially you and a few like not too many like maybe one or two people cutted ties because of my behavior because for how obnoxiously rude I am and so verbally aggressive was to them and using them just for abusing my own willpower to harrass them at my own will due to how horrible DA and my former friends effected me which turns down into verbally harassing you and bullying others just for shits and stuff. . . . . I understand and know you don’t need me or don’t love me anymore, by then you hated me now but, I know it’s for my good that you all leave me behind, I understand that I treated you very horrible because you never wanted to deal with a demon who is hurt and misunderstood and struggling with social cues. I was just so plain rude that I confess to everyone especially to those who left me and block me that I am nothing but a monster and crazy person, but in reality I’m struggling to be nice and instead lash out on these for the sake of it. . . . But
Things are different now and im willing to finally change for the better, . . . I won’t give up on myself and my friends and I’ll try to be more nicer to people and even don’t get involve with too much drama or any of my friends drama, .I’ll try to not make any more gory hate art on others who left me and to all the people who left tumblr and block me for my awful actions, please note that for now, Im staring my journey through redemption, all of my friends who art still with me are supporting me hard, to get to the point where I finally be a true good user for once and be more friendly to everyone even my friends.
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Solstaire’s used to it, just like Clipsy. And Lunara fortunately did not see. Things would’ve gone much worse if he’d seen. I did, actually, mean physically poking him as well as verbally. Peanut’s getting his tummy poked while Lunara tries to dig into his trauma. The ray won’t be perfect, because it’s made of scraps, but it’s either that or Lunara trying to fix it. And Lunara fixing it is a bad idea.
Poor Piper, having to explain the actual serial killers in the sewer. And the fact that there’s a new Bloodmoon under construction in there. And then Pyroclas, scoops him with all four arms and nuzzles him mid-explanation, purring loudly. It looks up at them and announces “You weren’t Moon’s. Ours now. It’s free family!” While rubbing its cheek against Piper’s face like a cat.
The MR’s are just… horrified. Their first experience with other dimensions, and it’s learning about Clipsy’s dimensions. Moon, Eclipse, KC, and Solar Flare scramble to try and figure out how to blacklist dimensions. Earth and Lunar hug them and tell them they’re safe now. Bloodmoon want to fight the bad Moon. And Sun offers to take Clipsy to P&S to get that ray fixed.
Toddlunar will be calling Peanut “Bubba” by dawn. The other kids will follow suit by the end of the week. Congrats to Peanut for becoming a big brother.
Torp tells Clipsy that if he wants, he can do whatever to the security. It’s one of Moon’s old bunkers, so it should already have some nasty defenses. He just needs to patch him and Peanut into the system.
Antumbra pouts. He’ll still be a bitch to Clipsy, but he won’t go for the throat anymore. Peanut gets much more pleasant treatment, but Antumbra’s default is sarcastic bastard.
“Buddy, as someone who’s died before, been betrayed before, been tortured before, and been Moon before, and as someone who actually goes to *honk*ing therapy, I can tell you, with certainty, that you are very traumatized. Just take the *honk*ing bed.”
Clipsy is snickering in the background while Peanut struggles hard not to laugh from the repeated tummy pokes. XD trying to answer whatever questions he’s asking about his past while also barely preventing himself from bursting into giggles. It’s barely working too, because it’s clear he’s trying to stifle his giggles. He is not hiding his ticklish ness well.
Piper pats Pyroclasm on the head as best as he can, explaining that it likes to collect children from people who don’t seem to deserve/want them. And that it’s what happened to him as well.
Peanut gives him a “I told you so” look and tells Clipsy that he knew that would freak them out and he just grumbles that he didn’t mean to. He didn’t realize it sounded so bad when he thought it up in his head, he just wanted them to be informed!
Oh he’d absolutely love being called big brother!! He’s used to being the younger sibling so being the older one for once would be so exciting!
Clipsy will definitely take up his offer to check the security, if not just to ease his own paranoia. He knows if it’s one of moons bunkers it’s likely pretty secure but better safe than sorry.
Peanut finds the snarky bastard personality slightly amusing, Clipsy can tolerate it. His default is usually on passive aggressive dick with strangers so he gets it.
So much of that statement would leave them very confused as to what the fuck happened in this dimension. But they can unpack all that later, resting is definitely the priority
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ghost-is-pan · 1 year
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S/0-1… I loved them at their worst.
I was always there for them, regardless of what i was going through too at the time.
As soon as my mental health got to a new low, not only because of them, but of other relationships going to shit, they leave because i wasn’t enough.. for 4 long years they lied to me multiple times, cheated on me that i know of twice, & says IM the one who’s inconsistent & not loyal.
I at least told them i was going to do something before i did ANYTHING physical with him.
They made me feel like if i left, they’d relapse. the reason they even started to harm themselves was because i was taken from my home & had to leave.
during a huge portion of our 2nd to 3rd year of our relationship I had to initiate conversations, remind them of things they said..
they dissociated & was at their worst. I stayed because i knew they could be & do better.
When they did start to heal they got snippy with the fact i kept interrupting them, didn’t give them anytime to comment, that i was basically talking to myself.
I worked on it & got better within a few months, hard to break a habit you had going for over a year.
it took so long, but i thought that was normal. no one’s progress is the same right?
how come someone with the SAME fucking issues, if not arguably worse.. got better within a couple of months? if not weeks?
They are my first love, & my only for the longest time, then we both found other people to comfort us that we found another love in.
I tried to be polyamorous, i tried to have good communication with them, but EVERY time they brought up their person & i would match energy talking about mine.. THEY’D get upset with me for talking about it excitedly.
The fact that multiple times i had to push myself to give them a turn after fucking so it was fair, the amount of times i didn’t want to & they got noticeably frustrated & verbally aggressive.
they mentioned that the after care that i asked for, within reason, made them uncomfortable, because of their own reasonings, because it was gross to them. they made up for it in other ways, but it took them venting that to me after a particularly rough night that made me break.
i broke down, the wording they used made it sound like i had only ever convinced, or forced them to consent, i felt like i had only ever made them uncomfortable or assaulted them.. i couldn’t stop saying i’m sorry & they got so worried.
Because i’m not the type to cry, if i do it’s quiet & my face is hidden. Never that noticeable. that was the only time i could think of that they saw in person how bad i can break..
i’ve been trying to cry more, & trying to be open with it more. But it’s hard.
at this very moment, i don’t know if we are together anymore.. they said they wanted a break & are taking one. They didn’t tell me any boundaries they have with it, or how they want me to execute it. I gave them till this Friday to tell me what they are. I’m texting them less & only responding when they text first.
I don’t know how to feel that 4 years of my life are gone, because of an obligation i made to someone who clearly didn’t feel the same way…
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twenytwenytwo · 2 years
Dec 7 2022 (6:12am)
Something likely worth writing about is my frustration and stuckness within the relationship now passed.
For years I thought about breaking up with Izabel. The sex was off, she was aggressive, and in addition to that, obviously high maintenance.
The sex wasn’t super connective, or perhaps it was just so infrequent it never got there. Anyway, that was bothersome because that’s what I like about it. Yeah, sexual pleasure is fun, but doing it with someone is better. I tried to not let this bother me though as a consequence of not wanting to admit that sex was important to me. In the social climate these days, it felt like my feelings would be easily dismissed as those of a typical guy, something that I didn’t want to be labelled. I felt that it went against other things that were very integral to me.
Anyway, I sucked it up that we rarely had sex, so as to prove myself or something. As that progressed I unsurprisingly found myself leaning towards other girls in my mind. My eyes would easily wander, in fact they were borderline predatory in the way they could find a cutie in a crowd, and just look, as if they were a symbol of hope and satiation.
So, in conclusion, I wanted sex very very badly, and deeply too. I didn’t listen to that and it created problems within myself and in my relationship. Sex is important and not trivial. I didn’t want to make Izzy feel bad by saying this, and leaving as a result.
Secondly, Izzy was particularly unsubmissive. Like to an extreme. It made me feel like I wasn’t being dominant enough, like I had to become to the guy who she would submit to. It was really annoying.
Another embodiment of this dynamic was that she didn’t want to take my name if we got married. She, on multiple levels, was telling me that she didn’t want to be mine, or more importantly couldn’t possibly be mine and that it was basically revolting to her. This hurt me. It seemed so frivolous and yet she was so aggressively committed to it that it was weird. Like suspicious weird. Why did her passion rest in the negative? There was no justification. It was sterile and stiff and gross.
Over time, I believe this brought out my aggression, meanness and frustration, as a final shit test of sorts. At my outermost extreme, where I was verbally cruel in a most creative way, she wigged. Her shield fell and instead was submissive.
I remember we planned to go to a movie one night. It was around 5 and I was drumming. Izzy wanted to get organized and ahead of the game, I wanted to just relax before. Neither of us articulated this. She got upset with me for not calling and get ready. Not annoyed — like upset, completed and deeply. And instead of going to the movie, we argued about it. I was pissed. I was so tired of so easily finding shit to bitch about. I got really mad, told her to go away, leave my house, and that I didn’t want to talk to her. She softened up and said sorry. I said “good”. I was so fucking tired of her being such a bitchy tyrant about everything that I wanted her to experienced the stone wall that she gave me, and maybe something would click. It didn’t.
My masculine traits felt so unappreciated in that relationship. I repressed them and mistreated them, and the moments like the one above are it lashing out from the unconscious. It was pissed, and starving. Still is.
I fumed quietly for years in varying degrees of sexual and emotional frustration. I wanted to have sex, but did not have it in me to terminate a relationship solely over that. It felt wrong to do so, because it undermined what I valued in a relationship, which wasn’t just sex. To break up over that seemed to declare that the relationship was only about sex, something not honourable in my view.
So yeah I brewed. I was distant. I was cold. I was dismissive. I didn’t realize this was how my personal state of frustration and dissatisfaction would be experienced from outside me. My hidden feelings were experienced by others around me as other negative feelings. The truth didn’t make it out of me, but the vibe did, and it made others feel things.
Now I harbour a clog that I fear to take into my next relationship. Hesitancy toward intimacy, sexually. Feeling funny being intimate with somebody. Being stuck in being aloof.
I think what is needed to avoid that is to fully process everything that has happened, and make some distance, then maybe have some fun.
Within the bounds of my relationship with Izzy, the fantasy of sleeping around was attractive, in that it gave me what I wanted and nothing that I already had. I don’t how I feel about it now that I’m single and can do it. Will I go on Tinder? I want to. Will I actually hook up with someone? Fuck some chick and suck on her tits?
0 notes
babyzzz · 2 years
Inccubus!Akaza x Fem!afab!Reader summary: your mother sold you to an incubus for a lot of money, and when you were the right age, he came after your virginity and purity, but he only found a bitch who would fuck anyone. But he wouldn't leave empty-handed, not before he showed you that no one was allowed to touch what he was promised.
a/n: this plot was on my mind for a long time, so i gathered all my biggest fears and put it into it and it ended up making it a shameless smut that would make my mom cry blood if she read it
warnings: public sex, exhibitionism, dub-con, vaginal fingering, public degradation, public humiliation, lots os orgasm, blowjob tw: abusive maternal relationship, dub-con
The first time you dreamed about him was when you lost your virginity.
A week after turning eighteen, you decided to step out from under your mother's religious and damning wing to test your own. Your first sexual experience was boring. Maybe this definition isn't enough for what you thought of sex, because boredom could still bring back certain memories a few days later and you could still tell your friends how bored you got when you spread your legs to that guy for him just take off his own pants and put them in you for less than two minutes, let out a moan and come inside the condom, without withdrawing from you.
You didn't even feel pain. In fact, you felt absolutely nothing. Was he too small? That's what you asked yourself. As mentioned above, it was such a void that you simply ignored it for the next few days, months, maybe years. Boredom would make you say something funny to make your friends laugh, but your experience made you shut up. When they asked you about the first time, you lied that you hadn't had one yet, because of your mother's overprotectiveness. Lucky for you, you had a wacky, shy matriarch who lowered you to the level of a worm when she suspected you weren't pure anymore. And using that to your advantage, you thought it was much better to be laughed at by your sex-savvy friends than to admit to them that your virginity was taken by a premature ejaculator who seemed to be disgusted to touch you.
The judgment didn't come from your mother at first. When you got home, with your clothes a little out of place from getting dressed as quickly as possible to get out of that guy's house and life, she accepted your excuse that you had showered at work and went to lock herself in bedroom and stayed maybe three hours there and left to make you regret for lying.
"You whore!" she yelled at you, making you feel her hot breath hit your face. "Who do you think you are to sleep with someone? So many times have I warned you to stay a virgin until the time is right? You fucking slut! I want you out of my sight! You can't even keep those legs closed next to one man? Are you such a cockslut? After all I taught you, did you still offer that dirty pussy to some asshole? I hate you, you bitch!"
And in addition to the verbal aggressions, there were also physical ones. Your face burned on both sides from the heavy slaps she gave. Your tears were already rolling down your face like small waterfalls next to nasal fluids. She only stopped cursing and hitting you when she got tired. Storming out the front door, leaving you lying on the kitchen floor, curled up in a fetal position, staring at your broken reflection in the glass of the stove's oven lid. And it was with this depressing scene that you gave in to sleep and slept right there.
That's when he appeared in your dreams, around a fog. His golden eyes as he looked at you lying on the floor, but no longer in the kitchen of your mother's house, squatting down beside you. His fingers ran over your aching face as he spoke accusing words, but in a slow, almost affectionate tone.
"If you had listened to your mother, none of this would have happened, little doll," he said, caressing your cheekbones and running his fingers down your nose until they landed on your trembling, crying-swollen lips, where he forced them with the tips for you to open. You resisted and he showed no displeasure. But his words weighed even more. "If you had kept your virginity for me, you wouldn't have had that bad experience with that asshole. But that's not a problem anymore, he won't even have the strength to get an erection anymore to displease another poor thing who fucks him," he almost hummed like a lullaby, now running his fingers through your hair. "My will was to kill him. Even though I made him almost dysfunctional when he set eyes on you, and made him incapable of making a woman cum, he still dared to touch what is mine. Unforgivable. I just won't do it because you consented. You took your clothes off for him. You showed that little virgin pussy to him. What a bad little girl... Bad girls who don't listen to mommy can't be forgiven, did you know that?"  And using his other hand, he slid between your legs. You showed no resistance. Maybe it was the strange caresses he was giving you that made you expose yourself to him in search of some protection for the humiliations you went through from your mother. "But I know you'll disobey her again. And I know I'll have to wait a little longer to finally come and get what's rightfully mine." Now his fingers were sliding along your slit, in slow in and out movements.  You were so entertained that you didn't even notice the moment he wrapped your panties around your crotch, leaving your entrance exposed. Unconsciously, you turned your hips to lean your ass on the floor and give him more access to your cunt, and then a moan came from deep in your throat as you felt his fingers hit a sensitive spot inside you. "You really are a loose woman. I didn't have to force you to open up to me. I should be furious about that, baby doll." Although he spoke softly, his caresses stopped and he started to mark your skin.  Every part that his hands touched on your body was a moan of pain that you released when he sank his fingers into your flesh. You felt it all burn. And his fingers stuck in your pussy until the knots, making you mumble unintelligible things. You didn't know if it was the pain or the pleasure that made you tear up. Perhaps it was the combination of both sensations.
A few more finger thrusts, drawing wet sounds from your cunt, you felt something coming. It was weird and it burned you. And you grabbed his strong arm, which he used to fuck you, looking for protection and then your body shuddered and your pussy closed in his fingers.
"You were so bad and I, instead of punishing you like you deserved, made you cum. Tsk. Tsk. Your punishment will come, little doll. Don't think I'll forget what you did," he said and removed his fingers from within you, glowing with your fluids and forced you to open your mouth to welcome them there. You felt tears prick your eyes when the breath failed to have his fingers almost brushing your throat. The loud sounds were just as or dirtier than the ones your pussy made, because his fingers were soaked by the fluids that came out of it, which he made you release. After he fucked your mouth with his fingers, he withdrew them leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips and his fingertips.
"When I come after what's mine, I hope you're prepared to suck my cock like this. Or I won't be as understanding as I am now," that said, he disappeared and you went back to the kitchen.
You didn't know if you had dreamed. It could be so, but you felt it had been real when you felt sore spots all over your skin. And also for your panties wrapped around your crotch, with your pussy exposed to the fresh air. And also for the saliva remaining on the sides of your lips.
The breath failed and a sudden feeling of shame washed over you. Thinking that this was all a prank played by your subconscious, you painfully got up from the floor, straightened your clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower and wash from your body all the sin that permeated it.
After that dream, nightmare or anything you couldn't name, your relationship with your mother went from bad to worse. She had never been affectionate with you, she just tolerated you. You didn't understand the anger she had for you, much less the contempt she directed at you every time she looked at you. You also never tried to understand, it was better when she was silent in her corner, without trying to approach, because every time you spoke, it was hours in a row hearing from her how dirty were the women who fornicated or who simply took pleasure in have sex.
Your mother tried at all costs to germinate that seed in you, but your soil was not fertile. Your mind was too open for such matters, and it was always ignored in ultra-conservative speeches.
It wasn't like you owed her satisfaction about how much you felt your pussy get wet when some attractive man showed interest in you.  However, you still felt like you should listen to your mother and not have sex with anyone who wooed you.
You saved yourself as far as you could, but you decided that to see yourself free from the cross that your mother nailed in your existence, you should stop listening to her and do with your body what you wanted. You always heard from charlatans who only aimed to extract money from the unsuspecting that your body was a temple and as such, you could bring as many visitors as you wanted to it, however, impregnated with the sacred feminine, they would live in your womb forever and ever. For that reason you should be very cautious in choosing who should enter your holy temple.
You huffed in disgust at the nonsensical thoughts these dishonest people were filling your head with, in the middle of the supermarket, in front of the coffee aisle. The people walked away from you. How could someone so young already talk to herself and smile at what she said? You really did look crazy, but it didn't matter.
After that first dream about that indistinguishable being, you had others.  Countless others.
Sometimes he just appeared and sat on the edge of your bed, silently watching you. Others he even talked to you. And in the ones where he looked angry that you fucked a guy in an unsanitary bathroom at a horrible party, he'd take your clothes off and stare at you naked and exposed to him. He didn't touch you, but embarrassed you with that golden gaze assessing you from head to toe, assuring you that your body didn't belong only to you, but to him as well.
Bullshit. You tried to convince yourself, but it was impossible.
He looked up to you like you were the most wonderful thing in the world and that made you feel good. You no longer felt ashamed, so much so that you went to sleep wearing only clothes made of thin and transparent fabrics, too easy to remove from your body. Perhaps that would please your visitor. Or just make him even angrier that you didn't show any resistance.
Unconsciously, acting like a rebel, you became what your mother most feared you would become. The dirtiest of sluts.
"I'm really getting pissed at you, little doll. How can you go around showing any man what should be reserved just for me?" His voice sounded in your room, as you almost hallucinated from the orgasm caused by the vibrator stuck in your pussy and vibrating in your clit, sending shock waves through your entire body.
"You're a coward," was the first time you'd spoken to him. "A damn coward who only appears in my dreams, uses me as he pleases and leaves me in the corners to act like a fucking crazy in the streets." Your voice coming out shaky and your fingers nervously trying to find a tight, aching nipple to pinch between your fingers and pull when orgasm was about to explode on you.
"Coward," he repeated syllable by syllable.  As if he felt that word on his lips or tried to know what it tasted like, if it was as horrible as it sounded. You really were an inconsequential woman. You didn't know the danger you were putting yourself in.
"Yes. If I'm yours, why don't you show up in the flesh and come try to get me? Are you afraid I'll throw holy water on you?" You smiled weakly and rolled your eyes when you finally came.  You took the vibrator out of yourself and placed it on the white sheet, not caring if a wet stain formed there. Still shaking, you tried to get up, but it was too difficult when you weren't in control of your body.
And it was in the midst of these lucid dreams that you had the best orgasms. And it was to get more and more of them that you subjected yourself to sleeping with bad men. All of them were just as bad or worse than the first one.  But you knew that you had to sacrifice yourself for that being to appear once again to you, giving you the chance to reach paradise, at least momentarily, trying to forget that at the end of your life, it would be the gates of hell that would open for you.
With a broken smile, you thought you now thought just like your mother. And before you woke up from the nightmare, he appeared to you. Without that fog around him that always hid him. However, the deafening sound of your alarm clock made your body jerk and woke you up before you could see him properly,  frustrating you.
The first thing you saw was the blue sky gracing the landscape in your window, you turned off the alarm clock after stabilizing the movements of your hands a little and with trembling legs from the recent orgasm, you noticed that there was no vibrator in your bed, but the wet stain on the sheet of your fluids, below your ass, made it clear that you had cum somehow.
Sighing in anger, you took a long shower. You ignored your mother's insults and went to work.
The last straw for your visitor came the day you agreed to have sex with three guys at once.  You didn't know if this was what you wanted, but if it was to hit your mother, hurt her the way she hurt you, you didn't bother to mark the exact place to find them.
They were acquaintances of yours, not exactly friends, but they were handsome and seemed nice, and the three of them, at some point, when they learned of your naughty reputation, didn't hesitate to put you in a group on some instant messaging app to do that unusual request. At first you were scared, but when you reasoned and thought about the benefits – not just the matriarch's disappointment, but also some longer visit from the demon and consequently more orgasms for you – you accepted.
It was true that one of your least favorite fetishes was have sex with more than two people at a time, and now you were planning to fuck three. It was too crazy and you even thought about leaving the group and blocking them all.
But you didn't give up when your visitor appeared in your room looking for an explanation.
“Oh, what is it?  Am I not the dirtiest bitch according to my mother? I’m just giving her reasons to keep talking shit about me!” you were enraged when he pinned you to the bed, stark naked and unable to touch yourself. He didn't touch you either, he just made you watch him tease you, either daring to slide his fingers into your aching clit but not touching it, or threatening to give you an oral you've been fantasizing about for ages. But again he just left you wanting.
It left you completely lit up and frustrated. That was your punishment.
Well, you joined the group and sent the confirmation to the guys. You would meet them the next night.
It would be impossible for all three of you to be as bad in bed as all the guys you've dated before.
The anxiety that accompanied you was almost suffocating. Your mind accused you worse than your own mother. You felt like you were out of your mind. You knew this was all because you felt exhausted from all this shit and all you wanted was some peace. But after this demon appeared to you, peace was simply the last thing life would bring you.
Wiping your tears in front of the mirror, trying not to hate yourself as you got ready for that date, you walked past your mother and said:
“You don't have to call me or call the police, the father of one of the guys I'm going to fuck is now a police chief and knows very well where your daughter will be,” you said, emphasizing 'one of the guys' and leaning in to speak in her eats, as if telling her a secret "riding his son's dick while his friends fuck my mouth or slap my face" you dodged the slap she tried to give you and left the door slamming with a bang, stepping quick not to hear the heaviest curses she threw at you. 
When you arrived at the agreed place, you didn't see any of them. In fact, all you saw was the strangely empty and silent street. You could even hear cats fighting on some roof and others rummaging through the garbage cans of the food stores in the neighborhood. But not a single soul passed through there.
You were getting more scared with that weather. Not liking it at all, and your heart rate only accelerated when you heard footsteps behind you, getting closer.
“Hey girl,” someone called out to you, making you jump out of your seat and turn running to look.
It was a deep, masculine voice, and the owner of the voice was one of the guys you would meet. But you soon realized he wasn't human. He had the same presence and scent, but milder, than the demon that accompanied you. “Akaza sent me here. I think for the sake of your existence, you don't resist.”
You still looked around, looking for the other guys you would have the date with.
“They won't come. I think they're still sleeping after Akaza paid them a little visit,” he said without showing any emotion.
“Who is Akaza?” you asked, unable to hide the smirk of relief as you realized you wouldn't have to do what you were going to do. Almost forgetting there was an imposter there with you.
"Don't you know your owner's name, girl?" this time he stared at you in disbelief.
"Owner? I don't have an owner,” you argued, frowning.
"No? Well, anyway, putting you in your place is his role. I'm only here because he asked me for this favor, and I couldn't turn down a request from my best friend." He shrugged and started walking, leaving you behind. You thought about running, but the way he turned to face you froze you in place and you could only move to keep up with him.
The journey was made in pure silence. You lost in the tangle of disconnected thoughts, and he silent, not looking at you.
He stopped in front of a commercial room. He had the door slightly raised, and you went through it. But from then on, all you could understand what was happening was by touch and hearing, your vision was completely darkened.
But you felt like there were more than two people making up and dressing you. They had the softest touch as they applied makeup to you, rubbed blush on your cheekbones and painted your lips with lipstick.
Silently, after they finished putting your makeup on, they took off your clothes, including your underwear, and replaced them with a light dress. So thin and delicate you felt like a doll.
And you understood exactly why he always called you "little doll" and its variations. When he turned on the light and you saw yourself in the huge mirror on the wall of that empty place, you really looked like a doll. Was beautiful.
And practically naked. The dress covered absolutely nothing so transparent.
You were so distracted looking at your image in the mirror, noticing the makeup so well applied, the lipstick enhancing your skin tone, making it beautiful and glowing that you didn't notice the moment when everyone had disappeared and in their place, Akaza who entered.
Standing and leaning against the door, looking at you so beautifully like that, the clothes leaving your curves on display for his appreciation.
You only noticed when he cleared his throat. Overcome by shyness, you tried to cover yourself. It was the first time you had seen him clearly. He was breathtaking. Even more attractive was his well-defined body. And the bulge marking his pants. You couldn't tell if he had an erection or if he was big enough to leave a print on his clothes.
"He did a really good job, huh? It managed to make you even more beautiful than you already are," he complimented, approaching you and picking up a strand of your hair and bringing it to his nose, where he sniffed and made an expression of pleasure. "It's too bad for those assholes who can't fuck you." He smiled. "Because today it's going to be my cock that this pretty little pussy of yours will milk until I fill you with cum."  He ran his nose down your neck, sliding his hand between your legs and over the fabric his fingers found your entrance.  "But it won't be here," he said. "I have prepared a special place to finally take possession of what is mine."
You tried not to moan at the stimulation of his fingers, and you didn't have time either, because he was already moving away from you.  
"Let's go now."
You followed him without question. You didn't know where it was, but it didn't matter. You just wanted to be in that demon's arms once and for all, feel him fucking you finally until you finally know what it's like to be treated well by someone.
But the reality that his punishment was starting when you left that trading room. The street that was once deserted was now swarming with people. And you felt completely naked in people's eyes. Some accusatory and others of desire. You wanted to run back inside where you were, but Akaza grabbed you by the waist.
"Don't worry little doll, this is just the beginning. It will get worse later on," he assured you close to your ear.
You shivered at the thought of what could be worse than walking almost naked through a crowd of people.
"But you like it, don't you? I can smell your pussy getting wetter from here." He laughed, making you embarrassed. It was true, it was even uncomfortable to walk, having your fluids leaking from your entrance, almost running down your legs.
You didn't know where he was taking you, but you knew the way. It overlooked an almost empty street, with only the amphitheater taking over an entire block.
Was he really taking you to the theater dressed like that? You went into despair. But you couldn't think too much, as he stopped and held you by the waist so you stopped walking too.  Without seeing what he was doing, you only felt the moment when a blindfold was placed over your eyes and the path from then on was guided by him. Strong, tattooed arms holding you tight around the waist.
You arrived at your final destination, still blindfolded, you felt him placing you on the floor. You definitely weren't expecting a warm wooden floor under your ass. Still confused, you felt a shiver run down your spine as you felt him spreading your legs wide after tangling the hem of your dress to your waist. He also pulled the flimsy straps down until your dress was just a bunch of fabric around your waist. The icy air in the room gave you goosebumps and made you want to complain. But you kept the complaint. The silence of the environment was even good. And you wondered when Akaza would finally fuck you.
"No need to rush, little doll. We have all the time to ourselves. Now I'm going to turn on the lights and take off your blindfold."
After that, you heard his footsteps walking away from you and a few moments later, you heard the spotlights turn on. And when the blindfold was finally taken from your eyes, you wished it had never been.
In front of you, sitting on the theater benches, eagerly awaiting the show, dozens, perhaps hundreds, of – demons – spectators stared at the stage. Where you were, totally vulnerable to them.
And as soon as they saw you, noisy exclamation sounds were heard. There was no more silence. And Akaza was right behind you.  Without you noticing, he was also practically naked.
Like a good presenter, he announced that the show was about to begin.
"Look, ladies and gentlemen, what happens when whoever is rightfully ours decides to stand up to us. Learn how the punishment is properly done." Akaza's voice was loud and sent shivers down your spine. Maybe it was the sneering tone of a creature that wouldn't be mercifully embarrassing you in front of other demons, or maybe it was the wonderful feeling of his fingers circling your clit, drawing sly moans out of you, without your consent.
But the sounds that came out of your mouth were completely muffled by the loud voices in an encouraging tone of the crowd present there, watching that roleplay in which you were being forced to star together with Akaza.
Not even in your worst nightmares would you imagine yourself in such a situation; with your legs fully spread, with your tits out and your cunt exposed to everyone present there. And, just behind you, squatting down, Akaza saying profanities to you and the onlookers, about you. Telling everyone what a bitch you were and how cock-hungry you were.
"She was betrothed to me. Her mother made a pact with me before she was born, promising that when she came of age I could take her to myself to do as I pleased. But did you know when she turned 18, did she decide to lose her virginity to some weak human? She let another man get his dirty hands on what was promised to me. Even after I gave her mother every luxury, as promised," he continued with the speech and his fingers bent, scraping dangerously in your dripping cleft.
"She's  a bitch!" someone shouted among the people. "Make her regret it!"
Others nodded noisily and you felt Akaza's smile against your neck.
"See what you've done, little doll? They want me to punish you severely. Wouldn't you rather have listened to your mother? That bitch didn't want to get you out of hell, she just wanted the money I gave her in exchange for her daughter's purity." He licked your cheek and slid his tongue to the curve of your neck where he sank his teeth into your flesh, making you scream and nearly close your legs against his hand.
"Sir, she's not letting us see that pretty pussy," someone complained.
"Do you still try to fight, doll? Am I going to have to use the cuffs to keep your legs spread wide for them to see? You don't like showing your little pussy to anyone, so why are you trying to hide it from my companions? Feel honored to be so admired." He chuckled, licking the blood that oozed from the wound he'd opened with his teeth in your skin.
"The debt…" you began shakily, almost screaming as he sank his fingers all at once into your entrance, causing your walls to close in around him. “... it's my mother's... I didn't agree with it..." you tried to argue, pulling your toes tightly until they turned white to try to suppress a little bit the pleasure you were feeling. The pleasure you shouldn't be feeling.
You were being exposed in this way, humiliated in public, being subjected to the worst offenses.
Why didn't your pussy stop lubricating? May because you couldn't stop thinking about how much you wanted his cock, which was so hard rubbing against your waist. And wet too. Your senses were so heightened that you could smell him almost making you imagine his taste on your tongue.
"Have you noticed, gentlemen? She's so thirsty for my cock that all she can think about is how much she wants it fucking her pretty little mouth." Akaza cackled, being accompanied by the raucous sounds of sneers rippling through the theater, making the stage floor against your ass vibrate. You wanted to cry and hide, but Akaza, in a rush of good deed, sat behind you, withdrawing his fingers in an embarrassing pop from your pussy and affectionately hugging your waist with both arms, tucking his face into the crook of your neck, which was numb from the bite, and gave a warm kiss on your cheek.
"I'll let you suck my cock only if you touch yourself, please yourself, until you cum now, in front of all of them," he said softly, just for you to hear.
And you froze. You didn’t want to. You were comfortable with him fucking you with his fingers, touching you so shamelessly. At least the dirty work wasn't for you to do. Now, having to do something you didn't want to do, in front of demons you didn't like, you wanted to pinch yourself to wake up from yet another of those dreams. But it was real. Akaza was in the flesh touching you. That audience was real. You were very wide awake and conscious.
"Come on, princess. Use those fingers to touch yourself. Show everyone how self-sufficient you can be. After all, it was your fingers that made you cum after all the frustration you went through with those guys."
He encouraged you, his hands left your waist and went to your breasts, where he caught both nipples and twisted them painfully, making you scream.
“What is she doing just standing there?" Someone yelled. "As beautiful as that pussy is, it's even better when something is pounded into it. Come on, you slut, entertain us!"
And more words of encouragement were heard by you.
"Give them what they want, princess. If you're a good girl, I can end our banter somewhere more private, just as it would have been if you hadn't been such a bad girl." And he licked the back of your neck after tilting your head forward. You shivered and whimpered. 
Awkwardly, you lowered your hands to between your legs and placed a finger on your swollen and painful clit. Not knowing exactly what you were supposed to do, you closed your eyes and proceeded to rub your digits over the bundle of nerves, making your toes curl up again.
"Make her open her eyes! I want to see her looking at us while she’s cumming."
Before Akaza could tell you what you should do, along with non-existent courage, you opened your eyes and dropped them mortars, pretending to look at the crowd but your vision focused on a point in their midst, perhaps on an empty chair. And you imagined that sitting there was Akaza. Imagining him watching you masturbate, you rubbed your fingers more on your clit and felt your body start to shudder. You were almost on the edge, so it didn't take long for you to cum in loud grunts, calling the name of the demon playing with your nipples, making him completely glad for it.
And everyone cheered as if a team from some game had scored.
After cumming, you let your arms fall limp to your sides. The legs already hurt from being so spread, you didn't dare bring them together. You decided to let those assholes see your juicy pussy pulsing from your recent orgasm.
And what a beautiful scene that was.
Even Akaza wanted to be there in the audience to see the show. Even though he knew how delicious you were after cumming.
"Good girl. Very good girl, my little doll. That's just how I wanted you to always be. Obedient and delicious," he praised you, making you give a tiny smile. "I will reward you." And he let go of your nipples and gave another kiss on your cheek. Coming out from behind you, causing you to nearly freeze away from his seething body.
He stopped beside you, standing with his pants bunched up on his bare feet.
"Look," he ordered.
You looked at him. The golden eyes evaluated you from above and it was impossible for you not to look away from his cock that remained imposing, hard and heavy, pointed at you. The dripping head and the bulging veins, making your mouth water. "It's all yours, little doll. You can suck it like it's the best candy you've ever tasted." He smiled in encouragement and at the moment you were almost deaf to the encouragement of those present there. It was as if they didn't matter anymore. You were about to give a demon a blowjob, nothing else made sense.
Timidly, you put your tongue out until you reached the wet tip where you surrounded it with it until you had the courage to welcome it completely into your mouth.
Akaza sighed and encouraged you, running his hand through your hair. You ignored someone telling him to punch the whole dick in your mouth at once to suffocate you. He now wanted to please you and not scare you.
First you stuck his cockhead inside your mouth and closed your lips around it to suck it hard, trying to get more fluid out of the slit. The taste pleased you and made you moan. He groaned along with the feel of the hot, wet insides sucking him so hard. And gradually, you were sliding his cock all over your mouth cavity, using your tongue to help, feeling his pulsing veins.
The sound of the blowjob was wet, both from his fluids and the huge amount of saliva you released to make your job easier. And it didn't take long for your head to move back and forth and your eyes watering when you couldn't handle his length and thickness.
But you did your best not to choke and embarrass yourself – even more so – in front of everyone and especially him.
"That's right, little doll. You know exactly how to please me... And I didn't even have to teach you, hm? Your little mouth was a virgin... Did you at least give me that first time, huh? Was it worth it for me to make those idiots so dysfunctional... They never felt the immeasurable pleasure your mouth is giving me..." He smiled and threw his head back, digging his fingers between the strands of your hair and moved his hips back and forth to feel you swallowing him entirely.
You relaxed your throat more and felt more saliva to soften the blowjob and you didn't suffocate. It didn't help much, you felt it swelling inside your mouth. He was close to the orgasm.  His moans were loud and guttural, reverberating off the walls of the amphitheater, drawing profane words from the crowd, telling you what a good cocklut you were. How fucking thirsty you were for him.
Before coming, he turned to the audience and asked where he should cum. Several options were given. In the mouth. In the face. In the breasts. In your pretty pussy.
He chose the latter.
Withdrawing from your mouth, he turned you with agility by the arm, making you stand with your legs open for him, and in profile for those present.  Stroking his cock with his hand, making loud and exciting sounds, he got on his knees and with a strong arm he pulled you by the waist, making you sit on one of his knees, with your torso lying on the stage floor. You saw his dick head very close to your entrance and he rubbed on your clit, making you sigh and with loud grunts, he finally released the jets of cum in your cunt. You could feel his fluids sliding down your lips, slit and groin. It was hot and gooey, but that just made you want to be his bitch forever.
And sure enough you would.
When he recovered from his orgasm, he ran his fingers over his own cum and used it as a lube, as if your juices weren't enough, to masturbate you and give you another orgasm.
When you were exhausted and completely humiliated, he dismissed everyone from there.
"Have you learned your lesson, little doll?" he asked, still stroking his own cock, which was hardening in his hand. Looking at your face smeared with makeup, saliva and traces of precum leaking from the sides of your swollen lips.
"I know you did."  He smiled and came close to you, releasing his heavy, hard cock. You couldn't help but look. "Now I'm going to fuck you the way I've been promised. Consider it a reward for the trust I'm placing in you," he said, gripping your knees and pulling them to wrap your legs around his waist. Pulling you to him, you felt his cock rubbing against your entrance.  "Don't you dare let another human touch you again, or I'll let all those hungry demons fuck you at the same time, understand?"
You nodded effusively, trying not to freak out at the idea. "Although after you feel my cock in your pussy, there won't be anything you want me to do anymore."
And in one thrust, he was fully embedded inside you.
The pain of sudden penetration had you rolling your eyes and claiming aloud over and over that you were his. Forever.
Even in hell.
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obscure-imagines · 4 years
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(*horror genre/smut warning*)
-where do I even start with this dude
-he’s highly intelligent, so boy isn’t going to fall for you easily
-in fact, he will aggressively attempt not to fall for you
-What if you get put in a heart game together or he has to kill you, or maybe you’ll just die- it’s a dangerous world out there
-no, he wouldn’t WANT to like you
-but fuck, every time you’re in the room his eyes are drawn to you
-Trust issue baby
-Opening up to you? not any time soon, that’s for sure :)
-it would take ages for him to even approach you
-he might not, boy has control of himself
-no, talking to him would either be on you to make happen, or accidental
-maybe you somehow end up at a game together
-and you approach him, sticking to his side for most of the game, one taste of you is all it takes
-he can’t just ignore you anymore
-especially since you’re around all the time (The Beach is an odd place, and you’re looking all cute in your beach outfit-)
-he likes to be on his game, 100% of the time
-and being with you is a distraction
-he kind of hates it, but he’s addicted to you too
-the first night you end up cuddling, after a trying game where you weren’t sure if you both made it out alive, Chishiya admits to himself he can’t live without you
-with you asleep, curled up in his arms, he knows he has to make the best of whatever time you both have left
-boy low key sucks at the idea of a relationship though
-thinks of them like a game
-and winning- well, winning is the end goal eh? ;)
-kind of a little nympho tbh
-quickie king
-hates pda, in fact, probably wont even let people know you’re dating, it’s a weakness, it means people can use you against him-
-play with his hair
-he’ll pretend to hate it, but he secretly loves it when your fingers are threading through his strands
-he’s pretty intense
-pretty needy, if he wants something, he’s going to get it: even if it’s your attention, or a kiss
-yeah, baby boy needs some kisses
-and cuddles
-and hugs
-he’ll pretend not to enjoy them as much as he does, but let’s be real, touch starved honey likes being held
-he watches himself fall deeper and deeper in love with you and it sucks because he’s terrified you’ll die/be hurt, but it also pushes him to want to win even more
-keeps you close at all times because you’re the most important thing in the world to him
-you’d be the good angel on his shoulder, and if you’re lucky he’ll listen to you... sometimes, but he’s still a dick head
-it’s kill or be killed, he tries to drill that into your brain
-the type to cup your face and look into your eyes before every game, doesn’t need to TELL YOU he loves you, you can both feel it
-low key, probably will take FOREVER to say ‘i love you’ for the first time, because saying it makes it real
-He almost pays more attention to your visa than his own
-very protective of you
-hates it whenever Niragi is around
-low key keeps note of people who piss him off in regard to you, maybe some guy was rude to you, or tried to dance with you at The Beach, regardless, Chishiya will remember and bide his time to get revenge
-is he ever not planning something?
-boy plans super far in advance, and sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll talk with you about all the moving pieces in his mind
-philosophical talks about the game and why you were both chosen etc...
-oddly enough, lots of cuddles, play with his fingers, show him affection
-cute boy brings you little gifs he finds, a flower that reminded him of you, chocolates, etc... 
-he’s actually a pretty great boyfriend because he views everything as a game, like, he wants to be WINNING the boyfriend game fam
-lets get into some fun smutty stuff
-real talk, boy gives me some lazy pillow princess vibes
-but he’s also pretty intense
-I think he’d favour balanced positions
-so spooning sex where he can have his arms around you
-he’ll let you ride it, in fact, loves to watch you ride him
-big watcher boy, loves having something pretty to look at
-mirrors could be fun
-he’s really down for most things
-not hella verbal, can dirty talk but prefers not to
-down for some good old fashioned choking, but won’t ever go too hard on you
-he’s a good switch, that’s my opinion on it
-but any control you have, you have because he’s giving it to you, so don’t forget that
-because all it would take is one sassy remark and he could flip you from behind on top, to being on your back, with your wrists pinned to your chest
-tease boy
-likes to make you shiver
-likes to make you beg for it
-wants you to be whining for him
-lazy, but Chishiya does enjoy power
-home made sex toys anyone? i mean, leave it to this dude to find a vibrator that works during the legit semi apocalypse (or whatever u want to even call the mess that is shadow Tokyo and The Games)
-if you’re super nice, he might let you wear his fun hoodies
-someone, ANYONE, mark this man’s neck up
-low key, as i’ve said, would want to keep your relationship pretty secret, so if you mark up his neck- boy is going to have some explaining to do
-maybe you can bring out the super dom Chishiya
-like... mad Chishiya? are we ready for him? I think not. 
-those collarbones- if you even tease and nip at them a little, man is going to grab your hair roughly, fight me on this
-finding lots of places to secretly hug and talk and kiss
-it’s hard for him sometimes to not stand next to you at meetings, because he wants to hold your hand : (
-soft boy
-get used to the sass master
-he’s.... well, he lies, he gaslights, he’s that kind of dude, but with you he sticks to white lies, catch him telling one and he’ll be impressed
-i’m not going to lie and say this would be sunshine and rainbows
-The Game makes trust difficult, especially because the heart games can be so brutal
-but once you both trust each other, fully, this is a power couple
-Chishiya has that confidence-
-honestly? good luck to all us Chishiya simps tbh
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gaudebo · 2 years
release the orc thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear Im in love (platonic) w you thank you
Here’s my orc thoughts:
Basically every depiction of orcs so far has been blatantly racist and not very good
This is extremely fixable
This is gonna be an essay, buckle up:
So much of orc characterization focuses on them being a violent, savage, uncivilized, tribal people which unfortunately translates directly to racist stereotypes that have been held about most non-white people at some point in time, particularly Africans and Native Americans. We do not like that. Also, Tolkien himself described orcs as "squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types." We do not like that either.
D&D continues this trend by essentially saying "all orcs are ugly aggressive buff mean as shit and they all die young if you like orcs fuck you. they're omnicidal savages. eat shit and die" which makes me, an orc-liker, deeply unhappy.
How is this fixable, you ask?
First of all: this post has been living in my brain rent free for months. Please go look at it.
Second of all: there's so much potential with orcs if you retain them as a tribal people who are not in the least aggressive when left the fuck alone!! They can still be tribal that is (obviously) not inherently wrong but it would be WAY BETTER for them to be a close-knit and collectivist society! You know, like many tribes are! And perhaps the in-universe stereotype of aggressiveness comes from the fact that they are trained from youth to defend the tribe. But that is exactly what it is: defense. They roam the land and never attack first, but will fight to the death when threatened. When not engaged in conflict, they are excellent artisans. It's just, nobody notices that part. They are an insular people, but every so often some of them leave their tribe to seek a separate fortune. (none of this "all half-orcs are the product of terrible circumstances" shit from the dnd wiki. Stop that.)
Also: the stereotype of orcs as uneducated comes from the fact that very few of them can write. It's a trade passed along from master to apprentice for the rare occasions when they do need to interact with outsiders. However, orc tribes have a rich oral tradition and pass information through stories and parables. Most orcs have excellent memories for information that is shared verbally. Also, art (particularly paintings and textiles) is another medium used for storytelling! The lack of a written language does not equal a lack of knowledge. People just aren't looking in the right places.
Furthermore: let's stop doing this "orcs as a monolith" thing. They have varied senses of morality influenced by culture but ultimately up to the individual. Different tribes of orcs have different cultures, dialects, crafting styles, etc. They are all "orcs" but do not all get along or act the same! (much like people who ask me "why don't you act black?" some orcs are probably asked "why don't you act like an orc?" stop doing this.)
Lastly: I'm redacting the "orcs rarely live past 45 years" shit from d&d bc I don't like it lmao that's the only reason on that one. Here is my new hot take: orcs are extremely protective of their elders especially as a society with oral traditions which is why they are rarely seen by outsiders. Orcs still have shorter lifespans than humans but if an old human is 70 an old orc is 60. Not a huge difference, but noticeable.
Disclaimer: I am not immersed in D&D lore. My autistic hyperfixation™ since I started playing skyrim has been orcs and I am consuming orc lore voraciously. I have many thoughts about this feel free to ask me for more of them.
Hoes really be like "if you perceive orcs as racist stereotypes maybe it is because you are racist" but here is the thing: Living in close-knit communities and honing specific skills, being seen as backwards and barbaric even though it's what you've always done. Being judged because of your appearance, perhaps even considered cursed, but you've always looked like this, and you still think your mother and sisters are beautiful even if no-one else does. Being used only for strength, important only when someone needs something from you, intellectual achievements either disregarded or seen as isolated incidents, constantly fighting to prove yourself in a world where everyone has already decided what you are. By god that is relatable as a person of color!! And then to say "and also all of these people are evil and ugly and there is no hope for any of them and they will all die young" kind of hits different when you are seeing yourself in them. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
Hi! I looove your posts! Thank you so much for sharing your writing!
I was wondering… could you maybe write about the Four Lords with a shy S/O that gets bold and defensive when someone insults the lords? or calls them names? And the Lord’s reaction to the S/O acting different? Dk if im explaining myself >.<
Again! Love your work! Have a great day!
We stan protective partners on this blog!!
Warnings: uh...insults? They're pretty over the top😅 Also swearing.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Honestly, Alcina is more than able to defend herself.
She's got a tongue like a viper, and the thickest skin imaginable. If you really want to hurt her feelings, you have to be someone whom she already respects to a certain degree, or she won't even be phased.
Still, when she leaves a room, there's always some idiot that thinks it's a smart idea to talk shit.
Maybe it's a maid, maybe it's a guest in the Castle, but either way you're not having it.
"God, you're annoying." There was a pause before they opened their mouth again, and you rolled your eyes. "No please, by all means, continue to share your lack of taste with the rest of us."
You disassemble this dumbass, starting small with comments about their personality (trying to keep it classy), but escalating the more they choose to double down on the comments.
Alcina comes back into the room to find you practically screaming at this asshole.
"Look, all you have accomplished here today is revealing that you are a fundamental disappointment on every possible level. My life is worse now that I've heard you open your mouth, you disrespectful, shit licking worm fucker."
Alcina is stunned. You do not give off "aggressive guard dog" vibes at all, yet here you are defending her tooth and nail. While she had seen brief moments of your inner strength and protective streak (mostly towards her daughters) she just...never thought you would do the same for her.
It's not because she doesn't trust you or love you! But nobody has ever done something like this for her before? Ever? She's never had anyone try to protect her--not physically, and not even verbally. She's been so independent for so long that it's... Strange to see you support her so openly.
She doesn't need you to do this for her, she doesn't even expect it, but you do it anyway for no other reason than the fact that you love her. You want people to give her the respect she deserves.
I'm going to be real here: Alcina has never been closer to swooning before in her life. You're overcoming your shyness because you believe in her so much-- it's not a gesture meant to be romantic, but Alcina can't help but see this as a massive statement of your commitment to her.
Seriously. This is such a massive thing for her that if proposals weren't already on her mind, she is mentally picking out a ring for you the minute this happens.
Then, of course, she glides into the room, kisses you until you're breathless and babbling, and smirks at the unfortunate peon who thought they could get away with insulting House Dimitrescu.
She's in such a good mood that she's considering going easy on the idiot. Maybe removing their tongue would be enough of a warning?
Donna Dimitrescu
You don't really know how it's possible but apparently some people don't like Donna Beneviento? Some people think she's scary and unpleasant????
Wild. Can't imagine what that's like.
The two of you are honestly the sweetest, most toothrottingly adorable couple-- blushing when you hold each other's hands, sneaking glances at each other across rooms, giving each other kisses and forgetting whatever was on your mind...
Honestly, anybody who's critical of your relationship with your girlfriend is just a hater. Fuckers can pound sand😤
Still, you are pretty shy, so it takes a lot for you to defend yourself if someone comments about you. It can take a lot of courage to stand up against rude remarks, and sometimes it's easier to walk away.
Defending Donna, on the other hand?
The minute someone even thinks about dismissing her, you are ready to throw hands.
"My lovely girlfriend already said no, meaning you're either deaf or too stupid to pick up on simple social cues," you purse your lips and give the rude and pushy Villager a patronizing once over. "You and your opinion are equally useless. Get the fuck away from us."
Donna blinks.
She... Was not expecting this??? At all?? You're so nice! You always tell her about your attempts to avoid confrontation! What's going on??? How did you get the guts to say what she's always wanted to say?
Meanwhile, Angie is LIVING.
The little doll chimes in to assist you with the verbal homicide, working as a tag team to absolutely murder this moron. She's half partner, half hype man, and is so excited to do this with you. Normally, she has to protect Donna all by herself, but she's relieved and reassured that you stepped in first.
You high five Angie, still glaring daggers at the unfortunate villager.
The two of you continue to ream into the villager, while Donna hovers nearby.
As surprised as she is, she's also grateful. She's only really ever had Angie to help shield her from insults and disrespect (and occasionally inducing horrifying hallucinations that make people claw off their own skin), but having you in her corner makes her feel safe.
Not to get totally sappy, but you're like her knight in shining armor in a lot of ways. And the fact you two are so similar is really motivating-- She wants to one day be confident enough to return the favor. Until then, she's happy to watch her two favorite people have fun insulting some stranger ❤️
Salvatore Moreau
With you being so shy, Salvatore is surprised how often he takes the lead in your relationship.
He's not normally all that outgoing, but you seem to bring out a side of him that's very protective. Whenever you have a bad day he wants to bundle you up and keep you safe from the world.
If he so much as holds your hand you start stuttering and avert your gaze. It creates a feedback loop where you both get flustered, but Moreau has never felt steadier. Despite your shyness, you make sure he knows how much you love him.
You're sweet as pie and twice as kind--Salvatore is the luckiest man in the world, nobody can convince him otherwise 💕💕
So it comes as a total shock that when a passing fisherman spits in your path and calls him a freak, your entire demeanor does a 180.
Your posture straightens and you look the villager dead in the eye, "I don't believe anyone asked your opinion."
Salvatore: 😳
This is not the time, and he totally knows it, but, uh, something about your tone??? Really does it for him???
While he's attempting to process why exactly he's starting to short circuit, you proceed to verbally shred this person to bits with clinical efficiency-- nothing is off limits.
They might try to defend themselves, but it's useless. You do not let up.
"Ugly? Monster? Bitch your teeth are throwing gang signs, don't throw stones from your shining glass house."
You insult their appearance, what they're holding, their smell-- you get so fucking mean that you might even make them cry.
Moreau is just lost right now, trying hard to figure out how exactly you were able to gain all of this confidence so quickly.
He's not upset! In fact he's very flattered! But, he also doesn't want you to get into a fight with some unimportant stranger. (After all, if they so much as throw a punch, they're straight up dead. Moreau is a patient man, but he's not that patient. You do not hurt his partner and live to tell the tale.)
He may a healer but...
Eventually he steps between you and the fisherman in an attempt to deescalate the situation, but you just kiss him on the cheek and step around him, determined to make your point.
Blushing hard, Moreau lets you do what you want. What can he say? Fish man likes himself a protective partner 💞
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is not the most social guy to begin with, so any opportunities you have to stick up for him are already pretty slim.
He mostly knows you as the shy, sweet, easily flustered partner that lets out a cute squeak every time he sneaks up to hug you from behind.
Karl's honestly happy just to spend time with you all alone in the Factory. It's not the best or healthiest mindset, but he'd be perfectly content to only ever see you for the rest of his life. Spending time with anybody else feels like a boring waste in comparison.
But occasionally, you do head out into town with him. Heisenberg wants you to be safe so he doesn't do it often, but running errands with you is a weakness of his. It's domestic in a way that he's never experienced before.
He likes it ❤️
What he does not like is the shopkeeper starting to give their opinions on the quality of your relationship with him.
Most insults Karl will let slide because he doesn't particularly care. However if anyone makes a comment on how scared (shy) you look around him, how you must be being threatened into being with him, how poorly Lord Heisenberg is treating you...he won't stand for it.
But before his fingers can even twitch towards his hammer, you snap.
"You're clearly the blindest cocksucker I've ever met--so wipe the cum out of eyes and mind your own fucking business."
Karl does a double take.
He's heard you curse before, but quietly. The words coming out of your mouth are WILD right now, he has NEVER seen you so angry. You're defending him with the aggression of a wild animal, and it's simultaneously HILARIOUS, but for some reason he's also getting a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest?
He doesn't need you to protect him like this, but seeing you blatantly argue how much you love and cherish him in public reassures him in a way he didn't know he needed.
Still, hearing you call the shopkeeper "shit for brains" is the funniest thing that's happened in years.
Heisenberg starts laughing, and the more you shout at the idiot, the harder he laughs. Is it weird how hard he wants to kiss you right now?
Eventually, he just has to drag you away, cackling as you continue to shout insults at the unfortunate shopkeep. There's got to be an alley around here for some good old fashioned privacy 💕
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
As promised: let's talk Hades, and how acts of abuse can create toxic environments for everyone around them, and also how people react to those environments--and to them being disrupted.
(For reference, I have just kicked Theseus's ass for the first time, it was exactly as satisfying as it was intended to be, and then I got predictably slaughtered a couple of chambers into Styx. Spoilers for everything through that point, but please no spoilers in reblogs/comments for anything after that!) Also, TW for a whole lot of discussion of abuse, particularly verbal and emotional abuse, and abusive familyworkplace dynamics.
Okay, so. To start out with, Hades is an abusive parent. He engages in innumerable acts of verbal and emotional abuse towards his son, because yep, that's what you call it when a parent constantly berates and belittles their kid for every perceived failure, including the ones the parent themselves could have prevented. Sometimes especially the ones the parent could have prevented. Zagreus failed at his office clerk job because Hades refused to teach him how to do it and then blamed him for not already knowing how. Cerberus tore up the lounge because Hades, who was actually there, chose not to stop him. Hades created, possibly deliberately, and then took full advantage of every opportunity he saw to insult and demean his kid, and the clerk job flashback shows us that he was doing so even before the escape attempts started. I'm pretty sure we're all on the same page here, but: yep, that all constitutes abuse, even if they're gods. Even if Hades has reasons for Being Like That. Even if you think Zagreus seems okay and unharmed by it (which: repeatedly throwing yourself into a gauntlet of violence that inevitably ends in your own pain and death because you're so desperate to escape home, not actually an indicator of someone who's okay). We all good on that?
Cool. Because I'm not really here to talk about how Hades' abuse directly impacts Zagreus right now (although there's for sure an essay in that too). I'm thinking about how it impacts everybody else.
Hades isn't as obviously unreasonable with anybody else in his kingdom the way he is with his kid. When we see him lecture somebody else, it's usually for an actual failure to do their job: Hypnos for literally falling asleep on the job and not doing anything that was assigned to him, Megaera for letting us past her so many time, Orpheus for being a court bard who refuses to sing. His attitude is super confrontational and unpleasant, but on the surface it doesn't necessarily look as fucked-up. Thing is, though, whether any individual act of aggression towards an employee/family member is justified or not (I would generally argue 'not', because aggression towards employees/family members is, y'know, not justifiable)--it's not about the individual acts. It's about the entire cultivated atmosphere of toxicity and abuse.
One of the very first things Meg ever says to us is, "I'd rather be on your bad side than his." Up until that point, we've got no reason to believe Meg has any history whatsoever of fucking up at her job. In fact, we've got plenty of reason to believe she's good at it. She's fiercely proud of it, she's frequently Employee Of The [Time Period], and we've apparently never even met her sisters because she handles her shit herself. But she's still scared of Hades. Dusa, who is an anxious wreck at all times because oh god what if she gets fired what if she gets fired what if she gets fired, in spite of apparently being absolutely exemplary at her job, is scared of Hades. Every single shade in the Hall is clearly terrified of Hades, and it's not because of what he's done to each of them. It's what they've seen him do to other people.
Which is how toxic environments work, whether they're work environments or families. The Court of Hades is of course both, always, with the bonus hell layer of you can't quit even if you DIE. An abuser in authority doesn't have to target you in order to make you feel scared, cowed, and desperate to please them. Humans (and gods who are basically extra-powerful humans) are good at learning by example. The residents of the Court get the picture.
So this Court is a minefield--and everyone except Zagreus is very good at tiptoeing around mines. We see it in Meg, so desperate to do her job well. We see that Hypnos very clearly does not give a shit about anything, but he still makes sure to have a list of excuses ready if/when Hades ever confronts him about failure to do his job, just in case. We see it when Achilles tells us that my ability to help you is constrained by the authority your father gives me, or whatever the line was sixty runs ago when he couldn't let me into locked chambers. The system, such as it is, works, and if Nyx talks to Hades as little as possible, if Thanatos avoids the Court entirely, if Achilles treads very carefully and knows how to keep his head down--well that's just the system, right? That's just how things are.
Even Zagreus seems to have had a role in that system as the court fuckup. He's the kid who didn't have a real job or purpose. He could take the focus of Hades' generalized, day-to-day ire off of everyone else, without triggering some of the more direct and violent ire because the work he was doing didn't really matter (a LOT of Hades' rage-triggers seem to be related to job performance, which means that the people with real jobs are of course the most at risk). And he could do so "safely" (big emphasis on the quotation marks there) because he alone of the court is Hades' actual kid, who's Prince of the Underworld no matter how much he fucks up. If one of Nyx's other kids gets something really really wrong, she might be able to protect them from some consequences, but Hades doesn't have any layer of supposed parental affection holding him back from getting violently furious about it. Zagreus gets a nice bedroom and the abuse is limited to words rather than divine power, and Hades is a dick to everyone but he only occasionally condemns people to eternities of torture, and only for good reasons like refusing to sing when your job is to be court bard, so it's fine, everybody's fine, everything's totally fine, right?
Except it's not fine when everybody is so clearly worried about anything going wrong. And it's especially not fine for Zagreus, who's the person to finally say no. He's leaving, for his own sake, because he deserves better and he's finally convinced he can have it. And that turns the whole system into disarray.
I am endlessly fascinated by the ways this game portrays different characters reacting to this upheaval in their carefully-mapped minefield. It's different for authority figures and peers and servants, different based on how people are positioned in the house under Hades' rule, and it's so spot-on and I love it.
Nyx, for instance, is absolutely calm about the whole thing, because Nyx has power. Hades can't hurt her. Hades can't even really do much against her children, not when Hypnos and Thanatos are gods in their own right. Yes, Hades rules the kingdom, but Nyx owns the land, and she gives no shits about his rages. And it's interesting, too, to see the lines she doesn't draw. The deal seems to be that Hades doesn't fuck with her, and doesn't outright threaten her kids (because Hypnos is bad at his job, demonstrably so, and Hades hasn't ruined him yet), and she doesn't interfere with the way he treats the people around him. She gives Zagreus advice and support and the mirror, but she also doesn't take a direct stand against Hades. He can't hurt her, but he could make life...difficult. She's protected, her position in the minefield is more of a safe viewing platform than slogging through the middle of it, but the mines are still there.
And then we have Achilles, who is one of my favorite characters in the whole game because of how he reacts to this whole situation. Achilles, like Nyx, is so supportive. Every single time you see him he has something encouraging to say. He gives us his Codex, secretly finds us weapons, trained us for years, clearly wants us to succeed. And still he's limited, not necessarily out of fear for himself (though he has to be scared for himself, he knows what Hades does to people who anger him), but out of concern that if he gives Zagreus too much help in one way, he won't be able to provide help at all later. He's still so careful.
Achilles and Nyx are so fucking important to this story because they're the only authority figures Zagreus really has in his life except for his father, and they are so supportive. They're what keep this story from being a nightmare of psychological horror and depression. They can't stop the pressure from Hades and this life in his house being miserable for Zag, but they can give us hope, remind us that Zagreus is still loved. And they have such an incredibly important role when it comes to guilt, which is one of the biggest ways toxic systems maintain themselves.
If Zagreus leaves, what happens to everybody else? Who takes Hades' wrath then? Who becomes court scapegoat if he's not there, and also, who gets punished for his escape? These questions matter, and we see him worry about it! He asks Nyx and Achilles both, is it going to be okay that you're helping me, are you going to be alright, will my father hurt you for this? And they are both so firm about telling him no. No, I will be fine. See, here's the list of reasons about why I'm going to be fine, why my position in this minefield is secure. They make a point of telling us that it's fine, that we do not need to hold ourself back from getting out of this abusive situation for their sake. That is instrumental in Zagreus's ability to keep making these escape attempts without feeling too guilty and worried and selfish to go on. (Another thing that's actually really important in setting up that dynamic--we see that Hades cares about Cerberus, even if he's using him as a pawn against us, and Cerberus seems to be the one figure in court who Hades doesn't get mad at. The dog isn't at risk, and that is really essential in keeping the story from getting too grim.) These people who we care about refuse to let themselves be held hostage to secure our good behavior.
It's also really useful for raising the stakes later in the story--we see Hades arguing with Nyx once or twice, and we see Zagreus feeling guilty about it, but it's also a sign that we're making enough progress to piss him off. After I finally made it out of Elysium on my last run, I came home to find him furious with Achilles in a way that actually makes me nervous, because Achilles does not have nearly as much security in his position as he says he does. (Achilles is such a good teacher/authority figure, because he knows goddamn well what Hades could do to him, and still refuses to let fear for his own situation stop him from helping the abused kid under his care escape his. And no, not everybody has the capacity to do that, but it matters so much coming from the guy who helped raise us. It matters so much. I do not even have the words for how much.)
It's also no mistake that many of the people we find supporting us along our journey are either the people with the most power in their immediate environment, or the least. Sisyphus helps us because what more could they do to me than this? Orpheus is a little wild around the eyes and somewhat disconnected from reality, and he wishes us the best because someone should get what they want and also he no longer gives a single fuck what happens to him. Eurydice has her own cozy little corner of Asphodel, as safe from Hades' rage as anybody anywhere in his realm because she's tucked in such an out-of-the-way middle place she's outside his notice. Dusa is so scared of everything anyway that, crush aside, she isn't any more threatened by us escaping than she is just by her everyday life here. Charon is unfathomable and unstoppable; Skelly literally exists to be a punching bag, and yet he also seems basically immune to pain, no matter what we do to him. There's no threat from Hades there.
So the people most at risk when I flip the world on its ear are the ones who have so much standing that they have something to lose, but not enough to protect them from losing it. Which of course brings us to Than and Meg--who are, of course, the two people who also seem by far the most upset by my attempts to leave.
As authority figures, Nyx and Achilles are constantly reinforcing the message that it's Hades' fault, not ours, if they or anybody else get caught in the crossfire of his wrath. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and it's not my guilt to bear. From Megaera and Thanatos, we get the opposite message--I am fucking with things, I am hurting people, and I need to stop. Zagreus isn't just abandoning them, as a friend or brother or lover or all of the above they're Greek gods who even knows. He's betraying them. They were in this together, as friends or lovers or whatever, but now Zagreus is sending earthquakes through the minefield they both still have to stand in. He is about to capsize this boat in the middle of a thunderstorm, he is fucking with the system, and they're the ones who are going to get most hurt.
I'm so curious how this is going to work for Than, who out of everyone we meet holds the closest role to Nyx's in terms of being sheltered from Hades' wrath. He's the guy who gets to leave, after all, even though he always has to come back. I've seen the least of him out of anybody so far because it took forever for me to get to Elysium, but two things really stand out and I'm so interested to see where they go. One, he really genuinely does care about Zagreus. He wants us safe, he wants us unhurt, the accessory he gives us only grants its bonus if we clear a room without taking injury, he keeps showing up to help. And two, he wants us to give up and go back and recognize how good we had it. Which is SO fucking interesting, considering how miserable Zagreus so clearly was, and how legitimate his reasons for being miserable were.
It makes me wonder so much about Than's standards for comparison. Does he know something we don't about what's waiting for us on the surface, something that might theoretically hurt Zagreus even more than staying down below? Has his life, which apparently allows him more freedom than anybody else in the Court, sucked horribly in ways we haven't seen, and that's why he spends so little time there in the first place? Either of those things is plausible, both of those things are plausible, and yet either one leads to this sense of patronizing, because he refuses to simply tell us. If something terrible is awaiting us, don't give us vague warnings, tell us what it is and let us decide for ourself! If you're fucking jealous because we might get out entirely and you're still stuck coming back here, say so. If you're worried about your mom--and he does bring her up, how could Zagreus turn his back on her like that, does seem to worry for her--then let's have an actual conversation about how many times she has insisted I do this and also how much I love her.
And, right, it's clear that a lot of Thanatos being upset is simply, you were going to leave me without even saying goodbye, you want to leave ME, which is understandable! But, like, he is demonstrably the one god who gets to visit the surface. He's the one person we actually COULD expect to see again. And he is absolutely also upset because there's an Order To Things, and we're fucking it up. We used to be his careless callow reckless friend who could talk back to Hades and get away with it, and now we're not, and everything is changing and we might leave him altogether, and we might leave him alone in that court without us, and he hates it.
Is it a short-sighted, selfish fear on his part? Yes, absolutely. Even if he's not scared of Hades on his own behalf, he is still frightened by what happens if we upset this system--and maybe it's the sanctity of a much bigger system than the Underworld that he's worried about! Maybe it's the whole divine and cosmic order. Whatever system he wants so badly to protect is enabling the abuse Zagreus has been dealing with for however-long he's been alive. Whatever system he wants so badly to protect OUGHT to be overturned, or at least shaken up. But this is what toxic systems DO. They convince the people within them that they have to be maintained, that a broken system that hurts the people within it is far better than no system at all, that changing the world is too scary and too dangerous. And Thanatos wants his whatever-Zagreus-is-to-him to be there, because he loves him and also because that's how the world works, and those things are all tangled up in one another, and that is how relationships are in a messed-up family like this so therefore I love it.
And Meg. Meg, the best for last, my dear, beautiful, furious, bitter, scared angry tired girl. I adore her. I am absolutely never going to date her, because the thing Zagreus needs most in his life hurts her, more directly than anybody else in the story, and that sucks, and it's not Zag's fault but they still shouldn't be together. Meg has taken more injury from this situation than anyone, quite literally as well as metaphorically, and it's not her fault any more than it's ours, but oh boy it has made her lash out and it's awful and it's perfect.
Meg's place in the Court of Hades is unique because she's not dead, not a mortal, not anything other than a god--but she's also not family. Nyx is not her mother. She's very much part of this system, she and her two sisters belong to Hades-the-realm and therefore also Hades-the-king, she can't leave, but she also doesn't have that protection of Nyx watching out for her in the same way. She's not royalty. She and her sisters (if you ask Hesiod instead of Virgil, which seems to be the interpretation the game's going with here) sprang from the blood of maimed Uranus at the same time as Aphrodite, but fuck knows Aphrodite isn't claiming them as siblings. And she can't be fired, exactly, but she sure can be demoted, and she sure can be made miserable in her job. Meg is vulnerable in a way very few people in Hades' employ are. She's a lot harder to do away with than any one random shade, but she's also a lot harder to miss blending in with a crowd.
What's more, she's the one person in this whole mess who is specifically tasked with stopping us from leaving. Hypnos isn't ordered to put us to sleep and keep us in our room. Thanatos can't be compelled or punished if he doesn't hunt us down. Achilles isn't told to lock us up and keep the keys. Meg is the one stationed at the doorway to Tartarus to keep us in. Meg is the one who gets in trouble when we leave. Meg (who Hades knows goddamn well Zagreus cares for, or cared for, who he absolutely knows we used to date) is the one who has to fight us again and again and again. And she's the one who keeps dying.
Again, it's this incredibly fucked-up guilt/hostage situation deliberately designed to keep people from fleeing abusive situations. Meg's insistence on fighting us now puts Zagreus in the position of having to hurt her himself again and again. Now suddenly we're the ones sticking a sword in our ex-girlfriend. Now suddenly someone can point to our desire to leave, to flee, to escape, and say, how selfish. How cruel. How terrible of us to want to go, when we're even willing to hurt the people we love to do it.
Except, right: Hades is the one who demands Meg stand there and stop us. Hades is the one who puts both of us in that position. Meg is also in an abusive situation, and she's willing to hurt us to protect herself. "I'd rather be on your bad side than your father's." It's easy to blame her at the start for being complicit, for being a tool of our father's abuse, for being on his side. It gets harder as the game goes on. I've killed her so many times. There's no way for her to beat me. She knows at this point that she can't beat me. She still fights, every single time, still throws herself upon that spike, not because she thinks she has any chance of stopping me but because she is so damn scared of what will happen if she doesn't try.
In fact, Meg's the one person we have actually seen face consequences for our actions so far, instead of just facing the threat of them. Her sisters are here. Her sisters, who she clearly does not want here, who are wild and violent and who she does not want in her life or anywhere near her, let alone near the job she takes so much pride in. She gets to deal with them now. (Hades doesn't have to deal with them. They're still not allowed in his court. But Meg does.) She gets stabbed, and bludgeoned, and shot, and lightning-struck, and poisoned, and every other thing we do to her. Thanatos doesn't. Nyx and Achilles and Hypnos don't. Bug Meg? Oh yes. Meg pays.
And yes, ok, she is complicit in this system. Everybody is complicit in this system. Zagreus who's trying to escape on his own behalf instead of overthrowing his father for the sake of everyone he'd otherwise be leaving behind is complicit in this system. Pointing fingers and pulling strings of who's more at fault? and who do we blame for this? is exactly how this sort of system perpetuates itself. Your sister always talked back at the dinner table and put everyone in an even worse and more violent mood. Your coworker refuses to work more than forty hours a week so now you have to take overtime to pick up their slack. You're enabling your dad by asking your sister to shut up, you're enabling your employer by working as hard as you do so you don't get fired, everyone's at fault, everyone's to blame, everyone is--
It's not everyone. It's Hades. It's Hades at the root of everything, and probably something big and institutional and fucked-up even beyond him. But even if everyone down in this Underworld does have to be trapped here forever, even if he's trapped here forever, Hades is neither challenging the system that put them here nor trying to make that fate better for anyone else stuck with him. He's just created an entire kingdom of backbiting and misery and people who can either go along with his whims or suffer the consequences.
At this point in the game, Meg is so fucking tired. Every time we run into her in the lounge, hunched over a table, the venom in her voice when she tells us "Do I look like I have anything to say to you?" is so bitter and so exhausted. There was a system, and she knew her place in the system, and it was a system divinely ordered by the gods themselves, and sure it was cruel but that's the literal will of the universe as far as she knows it. She had a role, and her role was vengeance and punishment and violence against those who'd committed the most egregious of sins in life, and there was a point to it, she was the divine deterrent to convince people not to do those things, and that was just, and that was right. The GODS THEMSELVES said so. How do you argue with that? You can't possibly argue with that!
And Zagreus is arguing with that. In trying to leave, he's questioning the unbreakable rule that nothing in the Underworld ever gets to leave it. In disobeying his father to do so, he's questioning the unbreakable rule that what the gods say is LAW. He's breaking everything.
And of course he's not trying to do any of that. He's not trying to destabilize the system at all. He's just trying to get himself out of it, to a place where he feels like he belongs and maybe a parent who's slightly nicer to him than this one. But toxic systems like this one break when the people within them have access to another option. When the kids find a way to actually leave, and not answer the phone, and not come home for holidays, and not deal with it any more. When the employees have the economic freedom to quit. When opportunities granted by education, money, social support, etc etc etc, show up and give people a choice. Even if the option is only ever for Zagreus--he's demonstrating that an option exists. Which is, of course, the one thing the system cannot ever allow.
I really like this game.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
hellu, can I request how would Delinquents, teachers, and bullies react to female reader pepper-sprayed the twins for self-defense when they try to beat up reader?
Hello, it's been a while, I'm sorry it took so long- I've been dealing with a lot of school assignments and I can't lie that I have frequent breakdowns over this-
I'll try and upload the requests that I already have and see if I should open up for requests again, or leave it be closed until the waves of work I need to do gets less overwhelming.
I hope y'all are doing great, stay safe everyone.
I'll make this a very short scenario boo.
TW: this is basically a civil war at this point- // for each pair, I'll add a different context (since technically the delinquents aren't from the same institution as the bullies) // female reader // bullying // self defense // anxiety // bullying (verbal and physical) // mentions of stalker behavior and brief mentions of distrust and paranoia
Triple Spice combo [Yandere!Teachers / Yandere!Delinquents / Yandere!Bullies x F!Reader - Scenario]:
🎇Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
So I'll explain what will happen- This is basically a post with three different timelines, each one based on each character type you're more interested in (example: you want some sour delinquents? You can follow the delinquent timeline and see how they react). Each follows almost similar circumstances, but still a bit differently to be able to fit for each individual timeline.
Come with me boo cause this one is long!
🎆: 🍒Bully's Timeline🍭
You have been the target of bullying for some weeks now, ever since you crossed some rich kids while going to your college. Unfortunately for you, they seem to be heading to the same location as you, apparently they also studied there- Although it should have been quite obvious. You're not the type to confront people physically, and you don't really feel like capable of fighting people of on your own, but because with their constant presence in your life you started to feel the need to get yourself prepared for what was going to come- Especially since you didn't feel like you could count on anyone.
You bought pepper spray in hopes of being able to stop your tormentors from continuing with their sick game.
That's when the incident happened, you were minding your own business when they came looking for trouble. You took the opportunity to finally put a stop on this by spraying their eyes with it.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
It was so fast and so painful that she couldn't even understand what just happened- Like- How dare you?! How fucking dare you?!! You think this is funny? This wasn't supposed to happen at all!
"- AAAAH!- what?- OH MY GOD-" Alexandra wasn't able to even finish her sentence, the pain was too much for her to handle. As she dropped to the ground trying to clean her eyes out, she couldn't help but feel confused as to what had even happened.
How could you do something so cruel to her?? Yes, she followed you, bullied you, made rumours about you, pulled your hair a couple of times and maybe she did throw insults towards you- But she didn't try to blind you!!
The worst part isn't even the humiliation she is going through, it's the fact you thought you would be able to pull a stunt like this and go away without any scars- She is so, absolutely livid by your stupidity.
Alexandra knows you must be liking this- And you know what? Enjoy your last free moments cause she will make sure you'll pay for it. She'll make sure to have a proper revenge under her sleeve, a proper punishment for harming someone like her in public.
Darling, darling, I hope you start looking behind your back from now on, never know what could happen when the person who is obsessed with you is just as insanely pissed off as they're madly in love with you.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
It was so fast and so painful that he couldn't even understand what just happened- Like- How dare you?! How fucking dare you?!! You think this is funny? This wasn't supposed to happen at all!
"- What- Oh my God I'm DYING!-" Adrien would be a lot more dramatic about it, even if he can articulate in great detail how much it hurts. In his panicked state, he started trying to wipe the substance with his sleeves- Which only helped to spread it more.
How fucking dare you not only hurt his precious eyes but also humiliate him on public like this?! What has gotten into you?? Yeah- I guess he did say hurtful stuff, followed you around to torment you, did throw stuff at you- But ya know- He didn't try to take your eyeballs out!?? Now that he thinks about it, he probably should have.
Adrien has a very weird view on your "relationship"- He thinks you're above him and so he must push you down, he loves you but being gentle with you will leave you to pull this kind of shit.
You're probably laughing to yourself now, the man is temporarily blind and you are laughing at him, you're somehow worse than he thought.
Still, he'll make you pay for it, don't worry about it dearest- You're fucked regardless. You tried to stand against him and now sadly he'll have to put you in your place again. Don't worry, it won't be so early- He still needs to prepare his plan.
Darling, darling, I hope you start looking behind your back from now on, never know what could happen when the person who is obsessed with you is just as insanely pissed off as they're madly in love with you.
🎆: 🍎Teacher's Timeline📕
You have been the target of bullying for some weeks now, ever since you crossed some rich kids while going to your college. Unfortunately for you, they seem to be heading to the same location as you, apparently they also studied there- Although it should have been quite obvious. You're not the type to get physical when it comes to defending yourself, but you felt that you still needed to do something about it- You talked with the only person you could trust in this moment, since they were your mentor and you needed some guidance from someone that could potentially help you solve this out.
Their idea was to be able to personally see the harassment happening so they could have visual proof of who is doing what to you, hopefully being able to expel the ones causing you harm.
They personally gave you pepper spray in hopes that if they aren't near you to help you, you can at least defend yourself in some way.
That's when the incident happened, you were minding your own business when they came looking for trouble. You took the opportunity to finally put a stop on this by spraying their eyes with it.
→ Matthew Robinson:
Although you thought to be in a situation where no one would be able to help you- Causing you to use your only item of self-defense- That couldn't have been further from the truth, as Matthew has made sure to pay close attention to you after you came by and ask for his guidance. It was a call for help and he would have been a horrible mentor to not make sure you'll follow his instructions, and it seemed like you did perfectly fine.
He got to be present to not only see the ones causing you harm, but also to see how well you're able to take care of yourself. He was going to intervene as soon as he saw them come closer, but you managed to stop them all by yourself- Honestly he is very proud of you for being able to stand your ground.
Since Matthew was able to see them starting the aggression just like many other witness surrounding the scene, he felt like he had an argument strong enough to be able to properly punish your bullies- Of course he is aware that the Coldwells have a reputation for getting staff members fired for trying to reprimanding them, but honestly he has been inside this place long enough already.
Getting fired isn't his problem, his problem is not being able to give them what they deserve for frightening you, and even worse than that: He needed to make sure you would stay safe in and out of college- You came to him saying they were following you outside of your classes, so of course he'll be worried for your safety.
After expelling the Coldwells, Matthew will just need to find a way of keeping you safe and under his surveillance, you may need more guidance after all, and it would be extremely worrying to not have you by his side. He just needs to plan out a better schedule for you two, one where he can be more present in your life after you're done with your classes.
I wonder what plan comes to his mind.
→ Madeline Allen:
Although you thought to be in a situation where no one would be able to help you- Causing you to use your only item of self-defense- That couldn't have been further from the truth, as Madeline has made sure to pay close attention to you after you came by and ask for her guidance. Madeline has been following you while you walked through the school's halls as she recorded every interaction you had with any of the other students. After you called her for help she entered full protection mode, she was set on getting your tormentors expelled.
However, Madeline hasn't been inside the institution to be able to earn the trust of the other teachers, or even the principal themselves- She needed some evidence and better witness testimony than those from students who were terrified of getting in trouble with the bullies around this place. You could say she had a guess as to who could be causing you trouble but she wouldn't be allowed to take action unless she could prove their identity and involvement in bullying you.
She gave you the pepper spray hoping you would feel less worried, to feel calmer in knowing you had not only something that you could use against them but also to symbolize how she would be there for you if you needed. Seeing you using it for the first time as you spray in the eyes of the culprits made her realize that she was in fact correct. Of course it's them, right?
If there is something wrong happening in Amaryllis, you can almost always pin it for being the Coldwell's fault. Bullying it's probably the least surprising thing this little demons have been accused of- Still, their rein over this institution and your worried little mind ends today, she doesn't care if she lost her job or if they try ruining her life by blackmailing her and such-
They can try but she is pretty sure they won't have any luck finding her, what can I say, she is good at burning evidence. What worries her though it's what will happen to you if they ever try to take their frustrations out on you again. She can't allow that to happen, you'll end up getting hurt and she'll feel awful if it was because of her interference in the case.
You need her help after all, right? You did come to her asking for guidance, and clearly you know nothing about physical self-defense- You clearly need someone to take care of you dearest. She needs to plan this out carefully, not only so the twins aren't allowed in school's grounds but to hopefully be able to guide you even if she is not your teacher anymore. But how could she have you near her everyday after classes?
I wonder what plan comes to her mind.
🎆: 🍋Delinquent's Timeline🐍
You have been the target of bullying for some weeks now, ever since you crossed some rich kids while going to your college. Fortunately for you, they didn't seem to go the same college as you did- Yet what you should have known was that nothing in life could have been so simple, you would still see them again over and over again after that incident. You started to feel anxious knowing that they were probably stalking you to know exactly when and where to find you, and since you already have to deal with going to a horrible institution and fearing for your own safety everyday.
You bought pepper spray so you could defend yourself not only from your stalkers but also from any possible classmate that could end up trying something weird with you.
That's when the incident happened, you were minding your own business when they came looking for trouble. You took the opportunity to finally put a stop on this by spraying their eyes with it.
→ Jackson Macnee:
He doubts you noticed that he was there when that happened, he doubts that you even care if he is staring at you at all- He always thought you were probably too scared of him to even tell him to stop, most people aren't scared of his appearance but are at least aware of his title, so they at least respect the path he walks. He is already used to this.
But let me tell you, to see the Coldwells come so near his territory seemed pretty interesting at first- Until he discovered why they were dumb enough to come here. He didn't know you were being bullied, let alone by these brats- He did notice you had changed your behavior recently, although he didn't pay any attention to it because he thought you were just getting accustomed with the way things work around Saint's Bernard hellhole of a place.
He was hoping that maybe you were just having issues with settling in- It is a rough place after all, and although he wishes deep down to be able to help you feel stronger he still feels like he shouldn't make you do something you don't want to. If you wished to talk to him, you should just go straight to him (even if he is aware of how terrifying that could be).
However, Jack was so far from the truth. His assumptions were confirmed fake after he saw the twins Coldwell treat you like he treated him- It was unbearable to watch, it was like he was seeing his past collide with his present self, you were reminding him of all the things he hated about himself, while also bringing his blood to boil in a desperate need to help you out. Yet he didn't need to do anything about it, you managed to defend yourself on your own.
It wasn't as rewarding to watch as he wanted it to be, but you sure did crack their ego pretty badly- He shouldn't have doubted you, after all he has been stalking you for so long, he should have known what you were capable of doing. Still, he doesn't trust the Coldwells enough to just let them run away like that, they would probably come back soon.
In the meantime, this should be a good excuse to get to talk with you, right? You clearly need some actual training, some flimsy pepper spray bottle isn't going to stop them from coming back. I hope you're ready to be trained by a lovesick delinquent, he won't be soft until he knows you can stand on your own.
→ Jannette Sartorius
She doubts you noticed that she was there when that happened, she doubts that you even care if she is staring at you at all- She always thought you were probably too scared of her to even tell her to stop, most people are scared of her. She is trying to get used to it.
Janette thinks she has every reason to observe you from afar, you're beautiful and you seem too precious to be in a place as horrible as this one, it must suck a lot for you to be somewhere like this-Seeing people like her.
She considered calling you to join her gang, but she is sure that you'll probably deny the offer- Physical confrontation was never your thing right? She can respect that.
Although you don't talk with her, or even interact with the other students at all, she did notice you were acting a bit more- Reclusive these days. Something was wrong, and sadly she would have to find out about it way too late.
Janette didn't know the twins personally, she knew they were rich and famous but- Yeah, she didn't really care about knowing anything about them, they're just some pretty faces amongst the others in the fashion industry. She does envy them a little bit, but tries to avoid anything relating to them since she feels self-conscious looking at their pictures. Now she has a new reason to hate their porcelain faces, they were stalking you.
They were stalking you and taunting you, and if you didn't do anything to stop them she would have already jumped in. They were alone, and honestly she doubts they have any idea of how to go one on one with someone- There is no way these brats have any experience in fighting, right?
Well, she didn't get to know that since they ran away after you sprayed their faces with pepper spray, clever girl.
She knows this is probably not the end of this, they did threaten to come back and hurt you for defending yourself. But you know- She doesn't plan on letting that happen, not again. Consider yourself lucky cause now you just got a new best friend who I set on protecting you.
Is there something wrong with that? Aren't you happy with being her friend? Well, you could just go to "girlfriends" if that's what you want- She wouldn't mind it at all.
Janette prefers to take care of you without you having to watch her beat someone's ass- But she could teach you a few things if you wished to, hey, spending time with someone so cool it's always nice, so of course she'll take every chance she can to spend as much time with you as possible.
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hlizr50 · 3 years
The Raven and the Songbird
Chapter 1
Read on AO3
The warmth of the sun wasn’t unwelcome. Azriel was the angel of death, wreathed in tendrils of darkness and mystery, but the summer sun was a balm to him. The light glittering off the stone of the training ring – the need to shield his eyes from the brightness – was a reminder that the Hewn City wasn’t his home, not his life. The light was a breath that whispered of life and potential.
He crossed his arms as he observed Cassian – brother in all senses of the word, save by birth. The sheen of sweat shimmered on his bare back as he paced around the ring observing the trainees, offering corrections verbally. And if that didn’t fix the errors he would ask permission to show them, to physically move their bodies to make the adjustment. That simple question was the reason so many more of the priestesses had chosen to join them in recent months.
Azriel scowled.
It was fucking disgusting that something so simple as consent was considered such a grand gesture. But it was a courtesy that hadn’t been granted to many of the females here.
It hadn’t been granted to her.
His shadows danced over his shoulders at the mere thought of her. He needed to get that under control.
He had let his gaze slide to the priestess – the Valkyrie – too many times already. She glowed in the sunlight, even without the perspiration now dampening her face. It had reddened with her effort, but also from the many days they’d spent baking in the summer heat. The color suited her.
No matter how hard he tried, especially in the past two weeks, his attention always turned to her. She moved with such grace, her long legs strong and swift. The leathers fit her differently than they had a year ago – her body had changed. Lean cords of muscle had developed where nothing had been before. She had never been frail – he would ever use a word like that to describe her – but now she was…
The Spymaster shook his head, willing his writhing shadows not to follow the dangerous path of his musings. He should not desire her. He didn’t deserve that bright spark that had begun to illuminate the male underneath the death and terror. He didn’t deserve her for the simple fact that death and terror and nightmares were what he was. But there was also the unspoken thing between them. The thing he’d done. The reason for the tension these past days and the reason he kept all of his leathers on under the blazing summer sun, relishing in the distraction of his discomfort.
Her eyes still haunted him.
The hurt that had dimmed Gwyn’s bright ocean gaze had nearly brought him to his knees.
Azriel hadn’t been party to the conversation, and he didn’t know how it had come about that Gwyn and Elain were both in the library, in the House, at the same time, in close enough proximity for Elain to notice the delicate necklace that hung from the priestess’ long, regal neck.
All of the satisfaction he had felt whenever he saw that gold chain tucked under her leathers or when she idly twisted the pendant in her fingers when she was reading… it disappeared when she had stormed through the dining room, desperate for the door, stopping short when she saw him there. His heart had cracked when he looked up at her.
Those beautiful eyes of hers, wide and glossy, swimming with hurt and anger. And embarrassment, further painted by her flushed cheeks, neck, further down. And still she had held that flower in her fingers, as if she couldn’t bear to let it go.
He didn’t get the time to register what must have happened. She scurried out the door, leaving a lingering breeze that smelled of water lilies and the salt of her tears.
The report he’d been reviewing slipped from his fingers and he made to go after her.
“Don’t you dare.”
It had been a long while since Azriel had felt intimidated, but Nesta’s voice had sounded to him much like he imagined his did when he was deep in the caverns of the Hewn City, pulling information from unwilling sources.
Cold. Measured.
Nesta’s eyes had all but glowed silver with her ire, even with her reduced power.
“What exactly were you trying to accomplish by giving Gwyn that necklace, Azriel?”
All he had done was stare back at her, unable to find his voice.
“Did you think she wouldn’t find out? Did you think about how it would make her feel when she did? That the treasure she hasn’t taken off for half a year wasn’t meant for her? That she was the afterthought when you couldn’t pursue the one you truly wanted?”
Nesta’s sharp words had opened a crater inside of him. That hadn’t been his intention, not in the slightest.
“That wasn’t my aim at all,” he had murmured. “I… would never want to do that.”
“Well that’s what happened, intentions be damned. Cauldron, Az, I know you didn’t want to hurt her. How could you be so fucking stupid?”
Nesta had left him then.
And he hadn’t spoken to Gwyn since that day, either.
But he still spied that thin gold chain around her neck.
Teal eyes snagged his gaze for a fleeting moment and a grin lifted her pink cheeks. Azriel only nodded and forced his attention elsewhere.
He had been avoiding her. It shamed him to admit it, shamed him even more to see her smile at him just like she had before. He had avoided her at night, as well. If he heard her in the training ring on those nights when darkness chased them both out of their beds he would retreat back into the house and go elsewhere. After all, he had other places he could go to work out some pain and aggression. He would not force Gwyn to relinquish the one safe space she had away from the Library.
He missed her, missed those nights where they understood each other without speaking, but bantered anyway. He missed sparring to the point of exhaustion so they could both find the rest they so desperately needed. He missed the nights where they didn’t train at all… when Gwyn just needed to breathe in the air and settle her mind and let the moonlit breeze dry her tears. Those nights she allowed him to just exist with her, silently support her. She’d trusted him enough to be there in those moments, to let him see beyond the vivacious young priestess with the irreverent humor and easy smile. She’d trusted him enough to let him see his darkness mirrored in her own.
He couldn’t imagine she would trust him with that now.
“Alright, ladies, that’s all for today.” Cassian’s voice broke him out of his reverie. “Take time to stretch and cool down. And hydrate. You’ve all been doing a lot of work out in this heat.” The training ring descended into female chatter and the sounds of clattering weapons being put away as the trainees were dismissed. Azriel saw the glint in his brother’s eyes and steeled himself as the general stalked up to him.
“You know, when I asked you to help with the Valkyries last year the expectation was that you actually train them, not do everything within your power to avoid a certain red-headed priestess.”
“I don’t know what –“
“Are you really going to try to lie to me, brother?” Cassian interrupted his automatic denial. “I can smell the tension on you. And you haven’t corrected anything she’s done in two weeks.”
“Maybe she doesn’t need it,” the shadowsinger ground out.
“Maybe she doesn’t, but that never stopped you before.” The Illyrian general gave him a wry smile and a wink. Azriel stared back at him, unamused at the insinuation – and the truth of it. His friend pursed his lips, the playful gleam in his eyes replaced with a softness that others wouldn’t match with the muscled male, the definition of a warrior. “You should just talk to her, Az. She’s not going to run away.”
“She should.”
“Az –“
“You didn’t see the look in her eyes that day, Cassian.” His voice was bitter and shredded as he returned his attention to Gwyn. Her smile gleamed as she laughed with Nesta and Emerie, copper locks riding the breeze. He felt Cassian’s broad hand fall on his shoulder.
“Brother.” Azriel turned back to him. “I may not have. But I know you, and I know Gwyn. So do you. She cares about her friends, and you are counted among them, at the very least.”
The Spymaster took a deep breath. Perhaps his brother was right.
“Nesta is worried about her,” Cassian murmured. “Says she’s happy but something is off. I can’t really tell, but I know better than to doubt her intuition.” The hand on Azriel’s shoulder squeezed once, then the general left him alone with his thoughts.
What could he say? How could he explain what he’d been thinking when he gave Clotho that necklace and asked her to give it to Gwyn? He had just wanted to make her smile without overwhelming her with his attention. Had she really never taken it off? And why was she still wearing it now?
Had he truly made her feel like an afterthought? Something second best? That guilt made his lungs burn as if he’d inhaled acid.
His thoughts were muddled as he surveyed the emptied training space. He could stand to work out the tension that had built over the training session, so he stepped in the direction of the small basket with long ribbons of material. The least he could do was wrap his hands before punching the padded wooden post into oblivion. At least he had that much sense.
His shadows whirled around him as the painfully familiar voice pierced the midday heat.
“So, are you ever going to speak to me again?”
Tag List: @tealnymph-writes @trashforazriel @secretlovelybeauty @meher-sumedha @imsointobooks @flora-shadowshine @positivewitch
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
This isn't necessarily abt LSZ, byt it annoys me when ppl are like " you must forgive the ppl who wronged you in order to be a good person"
Bcs some were raised passive, some are used to letting go, and learning to love yourself enough to be angry abt what happened is a rlly important and powerful message
I won't argue abt canon, bcs i have fic for it, but, as healthy as it is, it's also frustrating. LSZ has never been shown as a particularly assertive person, and him being angry at what happened would have been satisfying and shown that he's learned the lesson of not tearing yourself down for other's comfort ( which is more WWX to learn than his tbh, but whateves)
JL, on the other hand, who's angry and assertive and doesn't listen to anyone, him choosing to forgive and forget ( WWX) feels more powerful narratively, bcs it's an active choice, not something that's been trained into him, he chose to let go of the anger before to be more happy
So yeah, I've seen a lot of arguments, but i think this is what boils down to. We want passive characters, those who stood and suffered to get angry and validated, because so few of us ever get the chance to
Except... here's the thing. LSZ didn't learn to "tear himself down for others' comfort". He's a peacemaker, yes, he tries to resolve fights, yes, but that's just because he's the sort of person who prefers peaceful resolutions. Come on, that kid was raised by LWJ. I don't doubt for a second he was spoiled rotten. I think people forget that someone preferring to be quiet and gentle isn't the same as being passive; LSZ doesn't assert himself because... well, he doesn't particularly want to. He lets LJY do it for him, most of the time. I have on multiple occasions seen people insisting there's something wrong with LSZ/WWX and LWJ's parenting because LSZ doesn't like to start fights over things that don't matter at the end of the day, and like... there's nothing wrong with being the type to forgive others and let things go, so long as it isn't taken into doormat territory. LSZ chooses to forgive the Lans for their part in his family's deaths, because the Lans a) played a pretty small part on balance and b) have raised and protected him with love and care his entire life when they didn't actually have to do that; I'd argue that's just as powerful as JL forgiving WWX. It's just quieter. And LSZ does assert himself; he's just quiet about it. He doesn't shout like JL does, but he doesn't let himself be ignored either! Remember, it's LSZ who keeps the juniors from making a huge thing about LWJ tying WWX up with the forehead ribbon; the fact that he did it with a smile on his face and without ever raising his voice doesn't make that not assertive! In fact he seems to be the leader of the multi-sect duckling contingent; they all listen to him, even JL at least some of the time (which is more than most people get). Assertiveness and aggression are not synonymous.
So I guess what I'm saying is... why is it that JL is seen as assertive when he shouts and cries but can never get people to do what he wants (he can't even get LJY to stop calling him 'young mistress'!), while LSZ is seen as passive when he actually does get people to do what he wants without ever raising his voice? Why are screaming, crying tantrums (I love JL but. they are tantrums) assertive while calmly taking control of the group and leading them down the path you've decided is passive? Why should LSZ have to scream his anger to the heavens for it to be real? He's not angry at LWJ and WWX, because why would he be? He's not angry (or at least not more angry than anything else) at the Lans, because they're the family that raised him well. Why does it follow that he's not angry at the people actually responsible, people he never talks to and so has no opportunity to openly tear down for causing his family's deaths? And remember, LSZ temporarily leaves the sect to travel with WN (which he as a disciple would've had to get permission to do, by the way; I'd argue that going to LQR and saying "Hey, I'm gonna fuck off to Qishan with my fierce corpse uncle to learn more about my birth family" counts as asserting yourself!); it's partly to learn about his birth family, but I don't doubt he also wanted time to think about things away from the Lans.
You say his "passivity" is something LSZ was trained into, but... come on, look at the Lans. These are the most stubborn assholes in all the sects. They wouldn't be teaching him to be passive, they'd be teaching him to keep his cool while verbally eviscerating his enemies. He was raised to be polite and to show his elders the deference due to their age and experience; that doesn't make him passive. The only time we see him being anything close to passive is when Madam Mo is hurling insults at him, and I'd say that's more "customer service" than any actual passivity. He's expected not to make demands of his elders (hence why he doesn't go off on JC beyond the bounds of "Hanguang-jun says"), but I say again: he's clearly the social leader of his group. He's not passive, he just follows the example of his uncle (who once got two men who hated each other to swear oaths of brotherhood to make him happy; it wasn't a wise move in the long run, but it's impressive he got as far as he did!) and gets what he wants through diplomacy, rather than being intimidating enough to force people to do what he wants.
I... don't actually know where I'm going with this. I guess I just get annoyed whenever people talk like there's something wrong with LSZ (usually something about him being too passive) when... he's probably one of the mentally healthiest characters in the whole cast! This boy was raised well among people who love and care for him and because of that he's doing really well! He doesn't yell and cry when things don't go his way like JL because he was raised in an environment where he was treated with respect as a person, and he forgives the Lans not because he's been raised to passively take whatever's done to him as deserved (like WWX) but because he loves them, because they earned that love by being good to him. Why should that be seen as passive just because he doesn't yell about it?
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
pairing: remus lupin x reader
word count: 3k
warnings: language, none fluffy
summary: you know you annoy remus but that doesn't stop you from trying to get close to him
a/n: i actually like this fic more than I thought I would... anyway I'm actually motivated again so posts should be more frequent. I plan on writing the next part for pulled apart next
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    Remus has always been very good at ignoring distractions. Considering who his best friends were that was really no surprise to anyone around him. He had ignored parties and screams and fights and pretty much everything else you can imagine. He could probably read through a tornado if one happened to strike the castle. But we all have that one thing. 
    The classroom was quiet. The scratch of quills on parchment and the occasional shuffle of feet filling Remus’s ears as he did everything in his power to focus on the test in front of him. Potions was a subject he excelled in, yet he had barely finished the first three questions and now sat practically fuming in his chair, his mind clouded with irritation. 
    A pop once again resonated through the room and no one else blinked, the quills continued their march. Remus gripped his own feather so tight he thought it might break in two. A few moments later  the sound greeted his ears again and he whipped around. His eyes fell on you, your hair bouncing lightly as you tapped your foot to some inaudible rhythm. Soft pink bubble gum lined your lips, the corpse of a bubble being tugged back into your mouth for rebirth. 
    “Would you cut it out?” Remus hissed drawing more than one pair of eyes. 
    You tilted your head in confusion, reminding the boy slightly of a puppy. You glanced behind yourself quickly and then pointed a finger at yourself in a silent question. 
    “Yes you.” Remus scorned, “Stop popping your bloody gum.” 
    Maybe it was because of how rude he had been or maybe it was the cute red tinge of anger on his cheeks, either effect led you to the same action. You gathered the treat in your mouth inflating one of the bigger bubbles you had made that day, popping it between your teeth.  The noise was loud like the snap of a whip. You smiled softly at the boy's stiff reaction, “No.” You hummed turning back to your work. 
    Remus was pretty sure you had verbally slapped him across the face. 
    The library was crowded with people, almost every chair was taken, faces shoved into books and fingers stained with ink.
The quiet atmosphere was broken by James’s loud groan, “Godric, that test Slughorn gave us was dreadful.” he complained, his head hitting the table in front of him. A chorus of hushing which he paid no mind to followed. 
“Tell me about it.” Remus mumbled his mood still sour from the period before. 
Sirius snapped to attention, “Since when do you have trouble in potions?” 
Remus sighed, rolling his eyes at his friend's amusement, “It wasn’t the test you idiot.” 
James turned his head, his cheek now squished against the wooden surface, eyebrows scrunched.
“There was this girl.” 
“A girl!?” Both boys shouted in unison, James’s head popping up from the table. They both were shushed aggressively. 
Remus scoffed, “Not like that-”
“Was she just so hot you couldn’t focus?” Sirius mused, the smirk on his lips mildly irritating.
“Did she have the top few buttons of her blouse undone? I damn near fainted last time Lily did that.” James chimed in.
Remus felt his cheeks go hot, “What? No-”
“So who's the lucky lady Moony?” 
“Yeah I can’t believe you didn't tell us.” James pouted. 
    “I don’t fancy her, you idiots!” Remus snapped, earning multiple glares.
    James and Sirius’s smiles dropped, disappointment finding their faces as all the excitement they had just been tempted with washed away.
    “I knew it was too good to be true.” Sirius mumbled halfeartly. 
    “So what was it then?” James asked, “If you don’t fancy this girl what’s the issue?”
    Remus huffed, “She was being bloody annoying that's the issue. She wouldn’t stop popping her gum, it is one of the most infuriating things I've ever experienced.”
    Sirius quirked a brow, “That's it?”
    “James was there.” Remus continued, “He gets it, it was absolutely dreadful.”
    James shrugged, “I don’t remember hearing any popping.” 
    Remus gauffed, “Seriously? It was so loud.” 
    “I probably just tuned it out,” He hummed, “Why didn't you just ask her to stop?”
    “That's the problem.” Remus groaned, “I did and she was totally rude and popped it right in my face.” 
    “Sounds kinda bitchy.” Sirius mumbled, “Any chance you know who she is?” 
    Remus racked his brain, “I think her name is y/l/n something, I'm not sure.”
    Sirius paused, “Y/n y/l/n?”
    “That sounds right.” 
    Sirius whistled, “She is wicked hot.”
    Remus scrunched his face in mild disgust, “Is that all you have to say on the matter?” 
    Sirius nodded returning to Transfiguration book,
    Remus sighed, “You guys are no help at all.”
If you had heard the conversation that had just taken place you would have been sorely disappointed. In fact you probably would have stormed up to your dorm and pouted fiercely. 
Remus Lupin was someone you knew well. Probably too well considering he had never even looked your way until the period before. It's not like you were a stalker or anything, he was just… really cute.
He had caught your attention in 4th year and never seemed to let go as he slowly reeled you in with hazel eyes and soft smiles. 
You would count his freckles in charms and imagine running your hands through his hair in potions, he never seemed to notice the pair of eyes boring into his curls. You were pretty positive that your crush was hopeless. I mean this was Remus Lupin you were talking about, sure he wasn’t as sought after as Black but he definitely had his fair share of admirers.
Your friends, the few you trusted with important information that is, were always pushing you to take some sort of action on your crush. You ignored them for the most part claiming it was useless and he would probably end up with someone else anyway. Yet year after year he was still single. It was a bit shocking in fact. Almost as shocking as the words you had spoken to him earlier that day.
You buried your head in your hands for the third time that minute, embarrassment and regret were eating you alive. What the hell is wrong with me? You thought. 
Adrianna, who was one of your closest friends and the one seated next to you for the horrific event was snickering behind her hand attempting to turn it into a cough as you glared at her. 
“I mean at least you talked to him.” She chidded and you threw your book at her. It was her turn to pout.
You groaned, your head hitting the table infront of you, “I’m a fucking idiot.” 
Adrianna shrugged, “Well yes.” 
“Why did I say no? Why couldn’t I just say yes and apologize like a normal person?” You complained.
She shrugged again, “Maybe it’s just in your blood to be a dick?” This time she caught a quill on her forehead. “Sorry, sorry,” a pause, “You know you could use this to your advantage,”
You raised an eyebrow, “How the hell would I manage that?”
“You could apologize, you know like a normal person.” she giggled.
You cringed at the thought, “Why would I do that?” 
Adrianna rolled her eyes, “Because you were an asshole. And most people apologize after being an asshole.”
You scrunched your nose, “Do you have any idea how awkward that would be?” 
“You’re helpless.” She mumbled returning to her work. 
You pouted, “Well you're not very helpful.” your mind began to turn as she continued her essay, one you had already finished the night before. Then suddenly an idea struck. 
You marched up to Remus with confidence you didn’t actually have. Your anxieties buried beneath a blanket of boldness. Your hands shook, stuffed deep in your pockets. 
“Yes?” He repeated reminding you that you had indeed called his name. 
You glanced around at his friends, their eyes locked on you with amused smiles. You put on an uncaring mask and rolled your eyes at Potter whose smile only grew, “Could we talk away from your goons?”
Remus grinned a bit as Sirius gave an over-exaggerated gasp, “Yeah sure.” 
You nodded quickly turning and starting towards the staircase. You didn’t catch Remus raising his eyebrows back at his friends and he didn’t see you release a shaky breath.  
Once you both stood in the narrow staircase leading to the deviations room you turned back to Remus who stood two stairs below you, the height advantage made you feel powerful. 
He didn’t seem particularly bothered by it, “You here to apologize?”
Your eyes widened, he seemed snarkier than he had been in potions, almost like he was challenging you, “I was, but now I don’t believe I will.” you clipped back.
Remus rolled his eyes, “Can I leave then?” 
Panic struck you, this was not going well, “Actually I need a favor.” 
Remus was surprised, that was definitely not what he had expected.
You huffed, praying to whatever god was up there that this would work. “Can you tutor me in potions? I’m actually not all that good at it and I know for a fact you are.” One of those statements was a blatant lie. Potions had been one of your better grades for a while now but he didn’t need to know that. 
“Why should I help you?” Remus asked, taking a step towards you, the height advantage lessening. 
You weren’t really sure how to answer that, “I suppose you shouldn’t.” You sighed and Remus smirked, “But you will.”
He raised his brows, “And why's that?”
You popped your gum enjoying his flinch, “Because you are just so sweet.” you said it with a slight coo like you were talking to a young child.
Remus didn’t respond as you brushed past him.
“Meet me at the library tomorrow after lunch and don’t be late.” You called over your shoulder.
Remus stood in the stairwell staring where you had just stood. He let out a heavy sigh , his heart beating louder than it should have been. 
Part of you thought he wouldn’t even show and that instead you would sit in the library like a fool as Remus laughed about you with his friends. So when you entered the library and found the boy already seated at a table, textbooks and notes placed neatly around him you were surprised. You fought a wide smile skipping beside him and reaching for the book in his hands. Before you could snatch it away Remus snapped it shut and moved it aside. 
“Take a seat y/n”  He spoke, smirking at you, clearly happy about his quick reflexes. 
You rolled your eyes sitting beside him and glancing at the papers in front of you. They were notes, neatly taken, no doodles in the margins. 
Remus leaned over your shoulder, “I think we should start with the basics and see how much you already know.”
It was only then that you realised you were going to have to pretend to be terrible at potions. You swallowed thickly, “Sounds good.”
You surprised yourself with how easily you lied. You slipped up only twice, brushing both off as lucky guesses and contuinuting with your stupid little curade. 
Remus ate it up, showing you simple questions and walking you through them as one did a child. It would have bothered you if he wasn’t leaning over your shoulder with his breath soft on your neck. He smelt like chocolate and fresh parchment, his curly hair so close you could reach out and run your fingers through it if you wanted to. 
You walked back to your common room in a slight haze, your stomach full of wings.
Remus peered after you curiously. Your actions confused him, he could’ve sworn you had already known the practice problems he gave you. Yet you had struggled, almost comically. He supposed you were just really good at pretending to be smart. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to pretend to be stupid?” You groaned.
Adrianna shook her head too focused on the note sheet in front of her to really care about what you were saying. 
Your rambles continued regardless, “Do you think I’m going to have to fail my next test so I can keep Remus as a tutor?”
She sighed fed up as she tried to study over your speaking, “You know you could just ask him out like if you weren’t such a pussy.” 
You glared at her lacking real malice, “I’m not a pussy, I’m just creative.”
“Pussy.” Adrianna coughed quietly and you rolled your eyes, she was only a little bit right. 
As your study sessions continued Remus found himself growing strangely fond of you. The banter you offered was entertaining, despite the fact you took every chance to annoy him. Your sarcastic comments made his lips twitch into a grin. Your response to his own remarks; a scrunch of your nose, making him chuckle. You still seemed a bit off and for the first week, Remus wasn’t sure what it was. It was clear that you were hiding something, faking something but he just couldn't place it. 
A pattern began to settle in front of him quickly. Your slip ups became a bit repetitive. And by slip ups he really meant your success. You were good at potions. In fact probably better than he was. Remus wasn’t sure why you were pretending to be terrible at a class you clearly were doing well in, but he was even more confused on why he didn’t call you out on it. 
For some reason he was dead set on keeping you at those study sessions. In fact he used a nearing test as an excuse to meet you daily. He debated his actions in his own mind most nights, why did he keep wasting his time to teach you things you already knew he wondered. He always came up empty, even more lost than he had been before. 
You had thought Remus to be smarter than he was. The fact that he hadn't picked up on your seemingly obvious act was astounding. You supposed it only helped you if he fell for it hook line and sinker, right? You started meeting him everyday in the library, he was very adamant about you passing the upcoming test and you weren’t going to complain, it gave you more time to count the freckles that dusted his nose anyway.  
You hummed quietly to yourself, fiddling with your quill. It was the night before the test and Remus had been insistent on you studying late into the night. So now you sat in the Gryffindor common room under the hazy light of candles with notes you had memorized ages ago. 
The crack of the fire was a pleasant background noise to your tune as your eyes locked onto Remus whose hair had fallen in front of his eyes yet again. You smiled softly watching him scribble final notes onto his Transfiguration assignment. Your gum was slowly losing its flavor on your tongue. 
Feeling your gaze he looked up, “You want me to quiz you on them?” He asked, gesturing to the notes under your arm. 
“Sure.” You reposed picking up the paper and passing it off to him. 
Remus watched you carefully, answers came easily most of the time but every once and  while you would struggle, himming and hawing as you pretended you didn’t know how to respond. He played along until you finished the note sheet.
You were confused when he put it down, “Aren't we going to go over the ones I got wrong?” 
Remus sighed, “Why would I do that when you already know them?”
You furrowed your brow, “I got them wrong.”
“You know them though don’t you?” He smirked, “You know all the stuff that I’ve been teaching you.”
You laughed but there was no humor to it, “I don’t know what you mean.”
He only smiled more, “Yes you do.” 
You just sat there, your mind was spinning, you hadn’t really planned for the end of it all. You had no clue how you were going to explain this. 
“I’m curious.” Remus said, “Why go through all this trouble?” 
You just started at him opening your mouth to answer only to close it again. 
“Come on y/n don’t leave me hanging.” He grinned and you felt like you were going to throw up. 
“How long have you known?” You asked quietly.
Remus shrugged, “About a week.” 
You hesitated, “Wait, why didn't you say anything sooner?”
He shrugged again, “No reason.” 
It was your turn to smile “No really Remus, why waste your time with me?” You questioned. 
He sighed, “It wasn’t really a waste of time.”
“It wasn’t?” 
Remus felt weirdly trapped, “You still haven't answered my question.” 
“Fine you really want to know?” You said chewing your gum anxiously. 
He nodded.
“I wanted to hang out with you, and I wasn't really sure how to ask.” You huffed picking at your nails. 
There was a beat of quiet, the fire popped behind you.
“Now you tell me why you didn’t say anything earlier.” You said trying to divert from your embarrassing confession. 
Remus pondered his answer for a moment, “Because I like you.” 
Your eyes widened, “I thought you found me annoying.” you laughed lightly.
“Oh no I do.” He grinned leaning closer to you as you scrunched your nose in annoyment. “You know you could have just asked me out instead of pretending not to know anything about potions.”
You ignored the heat in your cheeks as Remus leaned just inches from you, “Where’s the fun in that?”
He chuckled, “I supposed there isn't any.” his breath was warm on your skin and your eyes slipped shut as he closed the distance between you. 
Remus’s lips were smooth and soft against your own, his hand cupping your cheek lightly. You ran your fingers through his hair as he tilted your chin back, deepening the kiss. 
He hummed lightly, you tasted like bubblegum.
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