#that presents a woman using feminism for herself
Your stance about politics, do you really think Taylor view on America’s politics is something you can relate to? Because for me, i live in Europe, and her politics is typical rich white girl politics and I don’t think that necessarily in a bad way. Just seen how she uses feminism when it benefits her not when it benefits other women.
So I think I look at politics quite differently from you in a few different ways. I don't think relatibility is important or even relevant when it comes to evaluating other people's politics.
I do disagree with Taylor politically. Her statement about the Equality Act was all about the problems it would create for business. I don't think that's about her identity - rich white women can and do hold a wide range of ideas. We disagree about capitalism (among other things - including the carceral state). That doesn't surprise me - my politics are radical and I expect to disagree with a lot of people.
I also disagree with you anon. I don't know what you mean when you say this: "Just seen how she uses feminism when it benefits her not when it benefits other women." It's not a framework that makes sense to me - either in general, or when talking about Taylor Swift.
Feminism is the collective struggle for liberation of all women. Meaningful politics isn't a charity project - but people coming together with a starting point of their desire to change their own oppression. The strongest politics starts from seeing your own oppression and the way your oppression is intertwined with other people's oppression and building bonds of solidarity on that basis.
If you're not talking about feminism as a political movement - but feminism as a set of ideas - then women using feminist ideas to make sense of their life is what is supposed to happen. That is very much the point.
Turning the way other women engage with feminism into yet another thing that women should be judged on doesn't fit with . If there are specific political actions that Taylor Swift has taken that you disagree with - then talk about that. I just don't have much time for casual and unserious dismissing people for engaging with feminism wrong - with no specifics. I think it ends up reinforcing, rather than resisting an individualised version of feminism, which I oppose.
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rosabell14 · 2 months
The hunters of Artemis, Reyna, and Asexuality in Riordan's writing
I kinda started thinking about this since Reyna became a hunter. I could never articulate why I hated this Choice. I was asexual after all. Shouldn't I be happy about this rep? We Ace people barely get any after all. Then I realized that it's because I just didn't like the hunters as ace representation. And I didn't need to be grateful for mediocrity.
You want to know why the hunters of Artemis suck in general? And as Ace rep specifically? Because Riordan did not write them with that mindset.
Like people are so busy hailing this man as the king of representation in literature(blegh) that they forgot how heteronormative and white(sometimes racist) the original series was. Y'all really think this man was thinking about writing asexuals in the year 2007? Get real. What Riordan was doing was a white man trying to write feminism and failing (there's a reason most of his female characterization of female characters boils down to tough "not like other girls" characters who are dicks to the boys around them yet also to the girls around them if they're jealous)
Now onto the hunters.
The hunters when first presented in TTC are not a group of asexuals but rather religious celibates. Fantasy Pegan nuns if you may. The first problem arises when their ages are brought up.
"Then the archers came from the woods. They were girls, about a dozen of them. The youngest was maybe ten. The oldest, about fourteen..."
Remember, before ToA gave us Emmie and Jo, the hunters WERE all young girls. Now why in the world are they so young? Especially when in the actual myths, the hunters could come from any age whatsoever? Well the reason is a doozy.
"Are you surprised by my age?" she asked.
"Uh… a little."
"I could appear as a grown woman, or a blazing fire, or anything else I want, but this is what I prefer. This is the average age of my Hunters, and all young maidens for whom I am patron, before they go astray."
"Go astray?" I asked.
"Grow up. Become smitten with boys. Become silly, preoccupied, insecure. Forget themselves."
Hooo boy. What a way to phrase it. Going astray. Losing themselves. This kinda confirms that the reason why Artemis goes after young girls specifically is because she only wants girls who have yet to finish puberty. Girls have yet to discover their own sexuality. Now I'm not a representative of Asexuals everywhere, but I'm pretty sure most of us don't discover our sexuality at the age of ten. Let alone have the maturity to decide to become celibates about it. And let me reiterate: celibacy is not sexuality. Sure asexual people CAN choose to be celibates but it's not the same thing at all. In fact Zoe and Thalia are big cases for this. Both of them had liked men before(herakles and luke) but joined for their own reasons. Thalia to escape the prophecy and Zoe out of heartbreak. Hell, Bianca herself is mostly swayed by the idea of having no responsibility and a new family.
Now Rick does another thing that goes against the myths. The exclusion of make hunters. Artemis frequently hung around or taught male hunters who respected her. Daphnis, Scamandrius, freaking Hippolytus whom Artemis greatly cared about. Oh but we need to come up with bullshit reasons why Nico can't just join the hunt with his sisters so the hunters of Artemis are all: Ewww men. Also note how at no point does Riordan mention people who fall in love with women.
Now the next point is the oath itself. Artemis says this:
"What oath?" I said.
"To forswear romantic love forever," Artemis said. "To never grow up, never get married. To be a maiden eternally."
When I tell you that Emmy and Joe were retcons . Rick was freaking INSISTENT on the hunters being kids. Also note the three points: to never fall in love, to never get married, to stay a maiden.
I mean I think I don't need to explain why obsessing over the virginity of young girls is creepy. Does Riordan think girls older than fourteen can't keep it in their pants? And let me be adamant here Riordan only cares about the virginity Clause here. He mentions falling in love and marriage because he sees them inherently intertwined with sex.
Now onto the wording of the oath itself:
'I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.'
I mean you might be able to interpret men here as mankind and therefore excluding women as well. But I have many reasons to believe that Riordan didn't even CONSIDER women as a possibility(someone inform this man that lesbians existed smh 😞). Also note that falling in love is not mentioned in the actual oath but maidenhood is.
Now onto the next big issue. Percy Jackson's Greek gods and its chapter on Artemis. It basically confirms all of my problems.
"IT’S NOT THAT ARTEMIS HATED ALL MEN, just most of them. From the moment she was born, she knew one critical fact: Guys are kinda gross."
No mention of girls. In this chapter Percy(Rick) brings up Artemis' disdain for dudes over and over again.
“Let me be a maiden forever, Father,” Artemis said, twirling her finger in Zeus’s beard. “I never want to get married.---- But you can grant me a bunch of followers: ocean nymphs, river nymphs, wood nymphs—what the heck, how about mortal girls, too? Any girls who want to join me can become my followers, as long as they remain maidens like me. They should probably make the decision when they’re about nine years old, before they get interested in boys, because after that, they’ll be all distracted and of no use to me.”
Yikes yikes yikes. Ladies and gentlemen the age has been lowered to 9. Freaking 9. Also I guess girls older than that don't need Artemis' protection then? (the real problem is that older/married girls should be out of Artemis's jurisdiction and under the protection of other gods like Hera, Hestia, and Ares. But Hestia is barely there. Hera is terrible and the Amazons also suck)
Now when I tell you that Artemis' big point was about virginity, I mean it. This actually has mythological evidence.
The myths actually DO mention what happens when female hunters fall in love. Rhodopis and Euthynicus were two hunters who offended Aphrodite by choosing a chaste life so she had Eros make them fall in love. However note that they weren't booted out of the hunters for falling in love, but rather after having sex in a cave. THAT was what Artemis took offense to.
Another myth is the story of Aura. A huntress who offended Artemis by comparing their breasts(Greek mythology am I right?). Saying that her breast were better than Artemis' because they were smaller and hey maybe that means that Artemis isn't actually a maiden. Artemis punishes her by making her lose her VIRGINITY. She goes to nemesis for revenge. Nemesis goes to Eros who makes Dionysus fall in love with Aura and when Aura refuses his advances he ties her up and... Yeah you can guess where I'm going with this.
But hey! Those myths aren't in the Greek gods book. You know which myth is? The myth of C(K)allisto. And this one angers me so much I want to chew on the drywall.
The way Riordan writes it. Zeus turns himself into Artemis, brings Kallisto's guards down with the disguise, gets close to her and then when Kallisto REJECTS Artemis' supposed advances, forces himself on her. I need to say this again. Kallisto does not fall in love, she isn't seduced, she does not break her oath. But we still need a reason for her to be yeeted out of the hunters so her lack of maidenhood it is
“You were my favorite,” Artemis said. “If you had come to me immediately, I could have helped you. I would have found you a rich, handsome husband and let you settle into a new life in the city of your choice. I would have allowed you to retire from the Hunt with honor. You could have gone in peace. Zeus’s assault was not your fault.”
Kallisto sobbed. “But I didn’t want to lose you! I wanted to stay!”
Artemis felt like her heart was breaking, but she couldn’t show it. She had rules about her followers. She couldn’t allow those rules to be broken, not even by her best friend. “Kallisto, your crime was keeping the secret from me. You dishonored me, and your sisters of the Hunt, by not being honest. You defiled our company of maidens when you were not a maiden yourself. That I cannot forgive.”
I want to slap this man so hard he flies to the opposite side of the universe. We are not here to blame victims of assault guys! Except we are! But with extra steps. If you get attacked, it's not your fault, but If you are too scared to admit the truth then you deserve to lose your only safe space and turn into a bear. Oh nooooo Kallisto DEFILED Artemis' company by being an icky non virgin. The moment you lose your virginity even if it's not your fault you get punished. But not because I'm gross but because YOU lied. How terrible! And he expects us to feel for ARTEMIS???
But rosabell! This is how things go in the myths. What was uncle Rick (bleghhhh) supposed to do? I don't know... Choose a different version of the story? There are versions were Zeus/Hera are the ones who transform Kallisto into a bear. There are versions where Kallisto actively CHOOSES to sleep with Artemis. Granted it's still assault because she's being lied to but at least then, she'd have a degree of autonomy in the events. At least Artemis could rightfully accuse her of breaking her oath. But noooo, Riordan doesn't know lesbians exist. He actively makes Zeus into a canonical Ra*ist. Why is he on the throne again?
(the fact that this book came out AFTER HoH y'all 😭)
Once again, Riordan sees maidenhood(virginity)/love/marriage as intertwined. This is NOT what being on the aroace spectrum means. You can fall in love but not have sex. You can have sex but not fall in love. You can have sex AND still be an asexual. You can be married and still be a "maiden". Riordan doesn't get to claim to be such a progressive ally for retconning the hunters in 2017, TEN years after he first introduced the hunters because he suddenly remembered that lesbians exist.
Or more like because he doesn't know what to do with his female characters. The hunters more than anything are Riordan's heroine dumping ground. If you don't want it put them in relationships, either kill them(Bianca whose main purpose is to die) or make them eternal virgins(the hunters, Rachel). The fact that some people genuinely think that Calypso should have joined the hunters astound me. Girl suffered for years because of the gods and you all think that the best thing outside of Leo for her(not that I like Caleo) is to become a servant to the gods? Because you can't perceive a female character doing anything else if she's not in a relationship. Like with Thalia, this at least made sense on a strategic level because she didn't want to reach sixteen. Oh but we also don't know what else to do with her so she needs to want to be a hunter after the war is over so we give her a half-assed argument with Luke and now she can be all: wah wah Zoe you were totally right about boys. And the cherry on the cake is that she doesn't even get to be in the final confrontation with Luke or say goodbye to him because of a freaking STATUE. And after pjo her personality becomes Zoe 2.0 and her and Jason get ONE measly meeting.
When I first spoke of not liking Renya joining the hunters this is what I mean. Riordan had so many options with Reyna. Why did she have to leave her esteemed position which she worked so hard for? Two boys rejected her? Why couldn't she go reconnect with her sister more then? She could have joined the Amazons. But nooo Riordan was so allergic to the fans asking him wether she could be Bi or a lesbian. For the stupidest reasons too? Oh Reyna being a lesbian would come off as stereotypical because she got rejected by two guys beforehand! My dude, do you think people don't say the same thing about us who are on the aroace spectrum? That we say we are aro/ace because we got rejected before? Come up with a better excuse next time.
My brother in Christ couldn't even allow Reyna to talk about her sexuality and whatnot. It couldn't even be fully about her. No. He had to turn Reyna into his own mouthpiece admonishing the EVILLLL fans who may have shipped Thalia and Renya. He literally had her say the word "shipping". How cringe can you get? And then he had the audacity to admonish the fans by saying: Why does a strong friendship always have to progress to romance?
It's a sentiment I agree with but coming from this man, it's extremely hypocritical? I don't know Richard maybe because YOU are obsessed with shipping? No character can escape your shipping hands unless they're eternal virgins or dead. You literally turned the Argo2 into Noah's ark2. So much attention focused on shipping that the seven barely felt like friends.
Why does Reyna need to join the hunters? She can choose to not relationship without having to become a servant to female Peter pan.
This is actually a really adequate metaphor when you consider that Emmie and Jo say that they have not met Artemis in YEARS and Apollo mentions that the two of them were lucky she let them LIVE. god can you imagine joining Artemis when you are 9? At an age when you have still not finished maturimg cognitively and therefore shouldn't be trusted on taking a freaking celibacy vow(were you even given the talk yet that age) and after 70 years you decide you want to leave? If you're lucky Artemis will part with you on good terms but SIKES every person you probably knew before joining is now dead. Where is THAT angsty Bianca fic?
Speaking of Bianca. How she was handled also angers me. In another post, I've already talked about how the hunters barely gave her adequate information before letting her join.
How Zoe was the main reason for her death. Zoe KNEW that at least 2 people might die in the quest she was given and yet she decided to bring the least experienced girl to the quest and couldn't even watch her properly.
But you know what else pisses me off? The fact that THEY should have been the one to tell Nico about his sister's death. I've always hated how Chiron made Percy the CHILD tell Nico the other CHILD about his sister dying. But more than anyone, it should have been the hunters' responsibility. Bianca was THEIR responsibility. She died in a quest to save Artemis. The least they could do was tell her remaining family of her fate. The Doylist reason of course is that we need to kickstart Nico and Percy's complicated relationship and have Percy discover that Nico is a son of Hades. But in universe, the fact that they immediately fuck off from the camp upon regrouping makes them come off as extremely selfish. We don't even know if Bianca was given a funeral by them or not. We see Artemis being upset about Zoe but we never see her react to the news of losing Bianca.
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The Fucking Fight Club (2)
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Summary: Hazel tries to control her powers during the first fight club. But because she's a loser, she fucks up. A lot.
Pairing: Spider-Woman!Hazel Callahan x Classmate!Reader
Warnings: Mature language, use of (Y/N), mild violence, mentions of bruises and blood
Word Count: 3866
Note: Okay I know I gave y'all the first chapter yesterday but you guys surprised me with so much likes, I quickly whipped up the next chapter. The ending is kind of bad but lmfao idc. It's extra long cause I probably can't write until next weekend due to fucking midterms. I wish I could drop out and write fanfics all day long. But life is unfair to the gays. - Bia <3
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“Okay, before we actually do this, I want Hazel to practice controlling her punches.” 
Josie had dragged PJ and Hazel to a hiking trail in the nearest forest. This wouldn’t have been mandatory if Hazel didn’t have the super-strength to murder a human with a single blow, but since she did, Josie wasn’t about to let the feminist self-defense fight club happen without a bit of rehearsal. 
“Fine, mom.” PJ rolled her eyes. She was used to Josie’s dramatic cautiousness, but this seemed like a waste of time. She turned to Hazel and offered her face. “Hazel, just relax, and punch me.”
Hazel did a double take. “Punch… punch you?”
“Okay, I don’t like that tone. I know how to take a punch. Something people would always say is ‘PJ knows how to take a punch.’ Come on up.”
“PJ, she literally beat up a grown man with metal octopus arms last week. And the week before that, a man made of indestructible sand. You remember that? On the news? You might know how to take a punch, but you don’t know how to take her punch.”
“That’s why we’re practicing!”  
“I meant like practice on a tree or something.” Josie waved towards the nearest tree, standing about 25 feet tall. “Hit a tree, Hazel.” 
Hazel shrugged, before pulling back and punching into the middle of the tree. In a split second, the tree quaked under the assault, its massive frame crackling under the exact spot of Hazel’s fist. The bark gave away first, exploding outward in a radial pattern. When she retracted her hand, there was a massive dent on the thick body of the tree, jagged fault lines extending from the center of the impact. 
PJ’s eyes widened. “Holy fuck. That could have been my face.” 
Josie shook her head. “Okay, so, obviously, you have to calm down. By a lot. Try the same thing, but like, weaken it?” 
Hazel nodded. She then gently tapped the tree with her fist. 
Josie shook her head again. “That was clearly too weak.” 
Hazel sighed. “I don’t know if I can do this, guys. I’m so used to punching psychopathic criminals who want to kill me, so I’m always using at least 90% of my strength.” 
“Which is why I brought this.” Josie pulled out a piece of paper from her bag. It turned out to be your face printed on an A4 sheet with a speech bubble that read, ‘punch me!’ “Now, hear me out—”
“-Actually, this is brilliant,” PJ said, taking the paper from Josie’s hands. She taped it to the tree and presented it to Hazel. “Imagine the tree is (Y/N). She’s standing in front of you. She’s sexy, she's wearing a bikini, she’s ready to learn, and she’s asking you to punch her. What do you do?” 
Hazel stared at the tree with your face on it. In spite of this entire scenario being outrageously stupid, Hazel’s eyes fixated on the piece of paper, trying to immerse herself in your 2D face. It seemed to be a copy from last year’s yearbook, one that she had spent many hours staring at. She felt weirdly guilty as she wrinkled her eyebrows.
“I don’t really want to punch her.”
“Well, you have to! This is for feminism!” PJ groaned when she saw the hesitancy in Hazel’s face. “Hazel, women like strong, protective people. Why do you think there’s a hulk shrine in the girl’s second floor bathroom? You punch (Y/N) straight in the face, and she’ll immediately fall in love with you.” 
“-She will, Josie.” 
Hazel nodded. It was worth a try. If she wanted to wrestle with you in this club, she had to try. With a measured breath, Hazel extended her arm, fingers curling into a tight fist. She delivered a punch, focusing on her strength rather than causing harm. The moment of impact was firm but gentle, almost considerate towards the tree’s bark. It was as if the tree had barely registered the encounter, although its leaves were left shaking. She turned to her friends. 
“Perfect,” PJ whispered, her eyes glistening in awe. “Let’s go beat some bitches up.”
“Not how I’d word it,” Josie muttered. 
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That afternoon, you were taking a hike in the same forest with Isabel and Brittany. It was quite calming, walking and talking with your friends in the middle of a beautiful forest. Birds were chirping, winds were breezing– And you guys were completely alone, since nobody really came here, and if they did, it was usually after sunset to do drugs and film porn. 
The three of you reached the midpoint of the trail to take a small break, when Brittany pointed at a nearby tree. 
“Hey, isn’t that…” 
You followed her finger to a tall tree that seemed to be beaten up by someone, with its bark splintered and smashed by a form of impact. And in the middle of its trunk, was a photo of you, with a speech bubble that read ‘punch me!’. 
Your heart dropped. 
“Oh my god, (Y/N), somebody wants to kill you,” Isabel gasped. She walked up to the tree and ripped the paper off. “Isn’t this from our yearbook?” 
You reached out to take the paper from Isabel’s hand and inspected it closely. It was indeed a page from the previous year’s yearbook, with your smiling face captured in a freeze-frame moment of your junior days. The speech bubble, however, had been added later, which meant that someone had deliberately printed your face, edited it, and pinned it to a tree to violently punch it out. 
You felt a chill down your body. Who could have done this? You knew it was hard to be friends with everyone from school– but who would despise you enough to do this vicious and also slightly weird property damage to nature? 
“We should report it or something, like to a park ranger,” Brittany offered, sensing your panic.  
“No, They’re just going to tell us not to come back here wearing shorts,” You sighed. There were no cameras on the trail or anything, and the park rangers were men who were probably going to comment on your appearance instead of the actual problem at hand. “I have to do something about this by myself.” 
You needed protection. No, you needed to learn how to protect yourself. You needed teachers who could help you protect yourself from evil highschool men. 
You needed Hazel Callahan. 
You turned to your friends with a determined face, masking your fear before saying;
“Do you guys want to join a self-defense club with me?”
 Isabel and Brittany paused, exchanged glances, then nodded. 
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“What the fuck. These girls are ugly.”
It was the first club meeting for the feminist self-defense fight club, and there were exactly 8 girls waiting in the gym. Absolutely no sign of you. Hazel laid on the gym mats, trying not to show her disappointment. She reached for her phone, staring at your number in her contacts. She never got to texting you because she was panicking over what to say one night, and was busy fighting off muggings and carjackings every other night. 
“Are you stressed? Cause I’m stressed,” Josie muttered, as the advisor for the club hopped in, earning a sharp breath from Hazel. 
“Hey, ladies! Let’s get it poppin’ in this motherfucker.”
Hazel blinked. Mr. G was the advisor for this club? 
This was going to be absolutely horrendous. 
“Alright, uhm… hello, everybody,” Josie tried, looking around the gym filled with girls jumping on trampolines, hula-hooping, scooting, and balance-balling. “Okay, excuse me, sorry, I feel- sorry–” 
“-EVEVRYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP.” PJ hit the floor with a broom, each collision echoing through the space with a ‘BANG’. 
“This isn’t a little hangout, okay? Oh it’s not a sleepover or playtime. There are serious rules that we need to establish, okay? 
“First? Listen to Hazel.” 
Hazel lifted her hand in a subtle gesture. 
“Second? Be on time. Except for you,” PJ pointed to Mr. G. “You come whenever you want. What time is it?”
“-3:30! Club starts at 3:15. Not 3:16, not 3:17. But the door closes at 3:15. No exceptions!”
Hazel smiled. Other than the fact that they were the ones who were actually late, PJ was doing amazing, putting authority towards the three girls and setting the ambiance. PJ could be a menace sometimes most of the time, but when she wanted to get shit done, she got shit done. Hazel was almost too distracted by PJ’s rant—
“-I don’t care, if you’re like, oh, but I had to go get extra help for math because I need to get a full ride because my mom lives in a trailer and she loves her boyfriend more than me, bleh blah blarh blargh– Shut up. My dad left me and I’m incredibly punctual–”
–That she didn’t even notice you walking into the gym with Isabel and Brittany following closely behind. When she did notice, her heart seemed to pick up speed, her lips curling into a smile even without realizing. Josie recognized the smile– one that Hazel only had when she was talking about her crush— and Josie turned around, motioning to PJ that the holy trinity had entered the gym. 
Your eyes met with Hazel’s, and you waved in acknowledgement. She almost dropped her notebook as she looked around to check if you were waving to someone else, and then she fumblingly waved back. You giggled. Hazel had this face that effortlessly radiated innocent charm. You weren’t sure why, but you were drawn to her slightly nerdy demeanor. (it’s called being gay)
“Hey, guys. Come on in,” PJ rasped. “Uh… we’re just getting started here.” 
You walked to Hazel and stood beside her. “Sorry we’re late,” you apologized. 
The three girls shook their heads. “Don’t worry about it—”
“-Uhm, the rules were for next week, but this week is good–”
“-Yeah, no worries, take it easy.” 
Annie seemed confused. “Okay, I just want to make sure– This is a self-defense class, right? Where we can learn to protect ourselves against football players.”
“And the criminals that Spider-Woman has been fighting? Cause, uhm, crime rate has been going up so criminals are gonna pork us. They’re gonna pork us.”
“I thought we were fighting each other for money. There’s a cash prize, right?” 
“I thought this was to be a part of like a local, underprivileged female community.” 
“My identity is completely attached to hers so I just go wherever she goes.”
“I thought I could learn how to protect myself. Cause I’m pretty sure someone’s trying to kill me,” You added. 
“What?” Hazel turned, her eyes filled with worry. 
“Everyone’s here for a good reason!” Josie laughed. “So, you know, why are we nitpicking reasons?” 
“Yeah! So, let’s jump in. Hazel, why don’t you take it away?” 
PJ and Josie stepped back and began clapping. Everyone else followed along into a scattered and confused applause. Hazel walked to the front, opening up her notebook to the page reading ‘Self-Defense Club.’ 
“Okay. Hi. I’m Hazel. And I’m going to teach you guys how to fight. Maybe throw some punches. Some kicks.”
There was a bit of silence, maybe a single cough. PJ spoke up.
“(Y/N), since you’re closest to Hazel, why don’t you volunteer and step up?” 
You shrugged. “Sure.” 
You weren’t completely sure what was going on or how exactly Hazel was going to teach self-defense, but you dropped your backpack to the floor and walked towards Hazel, who looked incredibly afraid of what was going to happen next. She looked over your shoulders to PJ and Josie. 
PJ mouthed the words, ‘Punch her. She’s the tree. Punch her.’
Hazel sent signals through her eyes meaning, ‘I can’t– I’m not gonna punch her.’ 
PJ continued to mouth the words, ‘Punch her. Hulk shrine. Imagine her wearing a bikini.’ 
Hazel’s face contorted with disbelief, her eyebrows raised in surprise, and her mouth slightly agape. Was she actually going to punch the girl that she’d been crushing on for years? Was this really the way to do it? She tried to ignore PJ who was now mouthing ‘punch your virginity away’ and instead curled her hands into fists, imagining the tree, the print-out of your face saying ‘punch me!’, you wearing a bikini, your smile, your wave, your eyes, your body—
-While you stood beside her, wondering why Hazel looked like she was about to shit herself. You began to open your mouth to ask if she was okay. 
—And she flung her fist to your face. 
You didn’t even register what had happened until a sharp burst of pain radiated from your nose, and you found yourself laying on the floor of the gym. You heard gasps and shouts and something about Mr. G trying to shut the club down (“Hey hey hey hey hey– I don’t know about this shit-”) as you slowly sat up, tasting liquid metal. The pain began to spread to the rest of your face as your eyes blurred up, leaving you momentarily stunned and struggling to regain your composure. 
“Fuck, (Y/N)- I’m so sorry-” a horrified voice rang in front of you, and you felt a warm hand against your cheek. The hand seemed to be shaking, and you wiped your hazy eyes to see Hazel kneeling beside you, her expression embedded with guilt. “Oh my god. Oh my god.” 
“You didn’t even warn her!” Annie screamed. 
PJ shrugged. “Okay, we didn’t get warnings in juvie. Juvie was way crazier. One time, this girl’s punching me in the rain. Fall to my knees. It’s muddy. I get up– I’m blind. Punch her right in the middle of her face. Broke her fucking nose.” 
“Pretty sure Hazel broke (Y/N)’s nose too,” Annie grumbled. 
Isabel hurriedly handed you a couple of paper towels as Mr. G pushed the crowd to assess the situation. 
“Let me see her,” Mr. G ordered, gasping when he saw the amount of blood coming from your nose. “Oh, shit, man, we gotta shut this down.” 
“No, No—” 
“-Shut this shit down. Shut it down—” 
“-No, Don’t blow the whistle– Don’t blow the whistle!” Josie yelled. Everyone went silent, turning their attention from you to Josie. “I know that, you know– this is a little messy and bloody right now— Hazel, can you take (Y/N) to the nurse’s office–  but like, the only way that we can learn how to defend ourselves is by teaching each other.” 
Josie continued on with her little speech as Isabel and Brittany offered to take you to the nurse. But Hazel denied their help, rambling something about how this was all her fault. She picked you up fairly easily to your surprise, bridal style, and carried you out of the gym. You clutched onto her and rested your aching face into her stomach, feeling embarrassed.
When you arrived at the office, the nurse had gone home already, leaving Hazel to place you on the examination bed and find the medical kit. She seemed really anxious as you touched your face, your hand coming back dripping in red. 
“God, juvie really taught you how to punch, huh,” You joked, battling your agony with humor. Hazel didn’t laugh. Instead she grabbed a cloth and ran it under the sink water, indulging the silence. You tried again. “Hazel.” 
It was ignored once again as Hazel kneeled in front of you and started cleaning your face, her thumb gently holding your chin. She was very obviously avoiding your gaze with the best of her ability. 
“Hazel, look at me.”
Hazel finally looked up to your eyes. She looked like a child knowing that she was about to be reprimanded or put on time out— and you almost felt sorry for Hazel, even though you were the one bleeding out. She seemed to grimace as you opened your mouth, getting ready to be shouted at. But instead, you asked;
“Why didn’t you message me?”
Hazel paused. 
“I gave you my number. You didn’t message me,” You said again, completely serious. “You don’t like me?” 
“No, I like you!” Hazel exclaimed. Her cheeks turned into a shade of pink as she tried to reword the sentence. “I mean, I don’t don’t like you, I… I’m really sorry. I wasn’t sure if you even wanted to come to the club, and I’m sure you don’t want to anymore-”
“-No, I want to.” You interrupted. “I mean, my face hurts like a bitch, but… it was a solid punch. And I really do need to learn how to defend myself like that. I think someone’s trying to kill me, so I want to be ready.”
Hazel cocked her head. “Is someone attacking you? Do you need help?” 
You shook your head. “Not exactly, but I did see my face taped onto a tree, and someone had hit it really, really hard. Like, incredibly hard. Maybe with a rock, or something? I don’t know. I think it might be a death threat.”
Color seemed to drain out of Hazel’s face. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you–” You explained, mistaking Hazel’s pale skin as fear. “Listen, I’m not angry at you. Well, okay, I am a little, I think you could have warned me about the punch, at least, but… I know that you’re still recovering from your past and you’re probably on edge all the time.” 
Hazel nodded along, as it was partially true– she was on edge, but mainly because you were staring down at her with blood on your face and you still managed to look hot as fuck. She choked on her words before saying, “Still, I shouldn't have punched you like that. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m really sorry.” 
You smiled. “This is the whole point of the club though, right? You punch me, I punch you… and we become stronger together– ow.” 
You winced when the cloth touched a particular spot on your nose bridge, being reminded of your injury. 
“Shit, sorry, here—” Hazel instantly dropped the cloth. She carefully cupped your face, examining your wound with sincere worry. She was used to seeing wounds on herself, but seeing them on a person that she liked— seeing them on you, made her particularly upset. 
You were surprised to see Hazel being so serious. Every time you tried to talk to her, she was either nervous or punching you. To see her so focused on your face made you feel a bit self-conscious, leading you to comment on her skills to break the silence.
“You seem to have a lot of experiences patching someone up. Do you do this often?” 
She chuckled, “You have no idea.” 
You assumed she was talking about juvie, and you recalled seeing the bruises on her face the last time you talked to her. Was Hazel still having problems with crime even after prison? You stared at her, your heart throbbing with sympathy for Hazel. What struggles had she faced in her past for her to learn to punch so strongly, to patch up bruises, and to always be nervous around others? 
Hazel pulled away from you, finishing up the basic patch-up. She started putting the medical kit away as you caught sight at the mirror across from you.
“Great. I look awful.” You sighed, lingering on your reflection.
“No, you don’t.”
Hazel tore her eyes away from the kit and responded, as if you had said something completely out of reality. You laughed and shook your head, looking at the floor.
“No, my face is a complete mess–” 
“-You look pretty.” 
You tore your eyes off from the floor to Hazel. She was staring at you with a soft look in her eyes, one that you felt yourself getting lost in. She had such… honesty within them, as if she fully believed your beauty underneath the red and blue color. 
“You always do.”
And for a moment you wondered how you had never truly seen Hazel before— when the soft glow from the sun streamed through the window, casting a warm light over the two of you. Hazel’s brown hair, cascading into a messy mullet, framed her face which seemed to be burning up each second that passed. 
“...you too,” You muttered, a shy smile replacing your dumbstruck expression. “I hope you know that.”
Then it was her turn to gawk, at you and your hands timidly placed on your legs which dangled from the examination bed. She was reminded of her crush that had been sitting in her heart for years. She had just spent 5 minutes in a room alone with you— and for a second, she was almost glad that she punched you. 
And all of a sudden, Hazel seemed to recognize the lack of space between the two of you. Had you been this close to her this entire time? Your face was just inches apart from hers, and time seemed to stretch as you two gazed at each other, hearts thumping in unison. It was as if the wall Hazel had managed to build around her feelings towards you crumbled within this moment. Hazel’s lips parted, just a fraction, as if inviting the inevitable to say—
“-The club isn’t being shut down!” 
The office door swung open with a bang. 
Hazel immediately leaped back from you, as you whipped your face towards PJ and Josie who stopped in their celebratory tracks, analyzing the odd tension from the room.
“Oh, sorry, we thought–” Josie gaped, rubbing the back of her head in awkwardness. “How are you doing, (Y/N)?” 
“I’m doing okay, actually. I should go. But I’ll see you later, bye.” You hopped down from the bed and started walking out of the room, talking a bit too fast for anyone’s comfort. You almost fell over while you ran down the hallway, unable to accept what had just unfolded. What was that? You almost— you almost kissed a girl. You almost kissed Hazel Callahan.
In the meantime, Hazel was also mortified at the fact PJ and Josie had interfered right then and there. She hid her face with her hands which her friends mistook for anger.
Josie tried to calm her down, “Okay, I know that today was kind of a disaster and you made (Y/N) bleed, but after you left we managed to grow the spirit. Everyone’s into beating each other up now. It’s kind of working.”
“And, I honestly don’t know what just went on right now but… (Y/N) just said she’ll ‘see you later’. Which means it kind of worked for you too,” PJ added. “And it doesn’t seem like you broke her nose, which meant that you can actually control your power!”
“Are you still up for this, Hazel?” 
Hazel peeked out from hands, her face still red, her heart still sprinting, her mind still thinking about your lips— and how you said you would see her later. A smile tugged at her lips as she nodded and said,
“Let’s fucking do this.”
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Previous Chapter: The Origin
Next Chapter: The Set-Up for Chapter 4
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cat-in-a-mech-suit · 1 month
Transmasculinity Throughout Time: Hatshepsut
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Kicking off this first post in what I hope to be a long series by saying that I am just a guy who likes obsessively researching things and I am absolutely not a historical expert, and in this case, not an Egyptologist. My perspectives and interpretations are my own. You are welcome to have other ones.
Hatshepsut is known as Egypt’s first and only female pharaoh, and is discussed as such throughout almost all material about them. I will be nonetheless using they/them pronouns to refer to them, but during their life they used both masculine and feminine pronouns. The tendency to project modern ideas onto historical figures is common. Especially in the case of people who exhibited signs of transmasculinity, it is common for their entire lives to be reduced to “women who cosplayed as men for power” which is problematic for obvious reasons. Cis men coveting masculinity for the pursuit of power in a patriarchal society is never a reason they are actually women, yet it is okay to do this with historical transmasculine people in the name of feminism? There is a clear double standard. So, I will be using gender neutral pronouns because we can’t really know if Hatshepsut was alive today whether they would identify as a woman, trans man, nonbinary or as none of those identities. I am simply going to be discussing the history and some of my interpretations.
In the context of ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was a living embodiment of the masculine god Horus. Hatshepsut embraced this role after coming to power, ascending from the position of queen regent alongside a child king once their former husband Thutmose II had passed, to “his majesty the king herself.” As their rule progressed, they were depicted as more and more masculine in statues and reliefs, using the same ceremonial fake beard as male pharaohs, muscles, and other masculine signifiers. They didn’t stop wearing makeup and jewelry when presenting as a male king though, which some historians take as evidence to support a female gender identity - it could mean that, but it could also just mean they liked to be fashionable and didn’t subscribe to restrictive gender roles!
Like kings before them, Hatshepsut emphasized their connection to the gods by telling a story to justify their rule. However, the story they told had to be exceptional - and it was. Hatshepsut’s throne name, Maatkare, translated to “truth is the soul of the sun god.” This demonstrated a connection to the sun god, Amun or Ra, and to Maat, the tradition of maintaining harmony in ancient Egypt. The story was that Amun had appeared to their mother who had conceived Hatshepsut for the purpose of being king, commanded by the god of creation Khnum, to “fashion [them] better than all gods” with “the great dignity of a king.” In carvings, Khnum created Hatshepsut as a little boy. This explanation for their lineage is especially interesting because it emphasizes their connection both to their mother’s bloodlines and to being the child of Amun, not ruling as just a queen regent, but as a king.
During their rule of 20 years, Egypt’s trade flourished and there was an immense period of construction during which countless buildings and statues were created, and temples renovated. Unfortunately after their death, extreme measures were taken by Thutmose III to erase all records of Hatshepsut from existence in order to preserve the line of male kings. These efforts were primarily successful, and much of their history has been lost to time. There are many things about Hatshepsut that we will never know.
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pruneunfair · 2 months
The internalized sexism in remarried empress, (for an ask)
*this is going to be a long one so hold on tight*
It's no question that remarried empress is one of the most popular manhwas on webtoon and being so popular it holds a lot of influence, unfortunately, that influence promoted the internalized misogyny in not just the readers but in other works as well.
In the first chapter, Navier is presented as this baddass perfect woman, during her divorce trial she brings in a hot rebound who also happens to be another Emperor so she wont have to give up her life as empress, sounds pretty feminist right? Unfortunately that's only one of the few times we see anything related to feminism at all.
We are soon sent back a few months before the trial and right away, Naviers ladies in waiting are tearing another woman down and already believe this new woman is a threat to Navier because the Emperor Sovieshu is attracted to this newbie
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We are shown the basic concept of how the narrative wants us to view these two characters. Navier is perfect empress who is being wronged by her husband and this unnamed woman who's only crime so far was existing is a wench and a homewreaker, the ladies imply it as some sort of extreme act of disrespect for having to bathe what they believe to be a slave, proceeding with sucking up to the lead by saying they only wash their hands to bathe her as they don't even wash themselves and even when they admit this mystery woman to be beautiful they backtrack to making sure Navier is supported. You might think that this is just friends supporting friends but it goes beyond on that later on.
Later on we are introduced to this mystery woman, Rashta, a former slave found by Sovieshu in the woods who is immediately portrayed as rude, stupid, and a crybaby
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The reason she cries is because she was struck and referred to as "the slave" while she wasn't very polite it's clear Rashta isn't doing this on purpose, rather it is sheer ignorance and an unusually large optimism
now, a lot of people like to say that Rashta must've done something on purpose to get Laura imprisoned and that she knew what she was doing, therfore justifying the hatred for her existence. However, Laura hit Rashta for reaching out to Navier and calls her a wench in the process
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Some fans use the excuse that she smirked after Laura got sentenced to 3 days imprisonment and yes while that is excessive for Laura, Rashta was a slave only a few days ago and she's been mistreated by nobles her entire life plus I don't think she's smart enough to pull off Hannibal levels of planning like that, I personally think her smirk here is meant to be more of a "that's what she gets for treating me like that." Then a "hee hee my evil plan worked!"
the rest of the comic goes the same way, Rashta is continuously portrayed as a whore who ruined Naviers life by turning her husband against her, and she's written to be hated as a pick me who won't know her place. Rashtas pretty much every part of those "other girls" in those not like other girls templates. She's girly, loves the attention, emotional, dainty, overly sweet but secretly only has ulterior motives, and in the novel, she acts extremely childish even referring to herself in 3rd person, even when she makes good points it's all intended for the reader to laugh and jeer at her.
Shes practically designed to be the pick me archetype for baddass mary sue fans to despise and she sadly only gets worse as time goes on, not just in morals and personality but also in her writting
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And how is Navier perceived?
Shes endlessly perfect, everyone loves her including several different powerful men from all different countries. Even her cheating ass husband is given the cheapest redemption arc in the end just for being sorry that he cheated and realizing how much he wants her. All the characters your meant to view as good adore her and anyone who doesn't is written as the meanest bad guy on the planet worthy of death. While she isn't the worst character I've seen, the narrative tries so hard to make her more amazing that Navier looks worse as a result, such as not caring about slavery despite being described as kind and devoted to all her subjects. Ergi even says it straight to us that there will always be that invisible wall between her and the poor.
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The characters we're supposed to see as good are:
Heinrey: A king who planned on going to war with Naviers country and only stopped when he fell in love with her at first sight, who also tortures and threatens anyone who even so much as inconveniences or talks shit about her all while he puts up an innocent front to appear non threatening (wonder who that sounds like)
Kaufman: A grand Duke who drugs other people with love potions which are essentially date-rape drugs and gets away with it once another woman takes the blame
Kosair: Naviers brother who violates Rashtas autonomy by slipping abortion drugs in her food and it's never talked about again.
Lebetti: One of Rashtas slave owners who still continues to harass Rashta and views anyone lower than her with contempt including her own nephew and so on
And who are the characters we are supposed to hate?
Besides Rashta and Sovieshu, the only other characters so far are Krista, the former queen of the west and her father
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Ironically Krista is hated for the same reason readers supported Navier for: not wanting to replaced as queen, which isn't helped by Heinrey asserting that Navier is the one and only queen and anyone who objects will face serious consequences but they fix that by dumbing her down and blaming her for Kaufman drugging Heinrey. As for her dad, the old Duke. While he is the only man actively against Navier so far the only ways he has been punished is being told that Krista killed herself. (In the novel the old Duke does face serious consequences which involved him being murdered along with innocent people after his son attempted a hit on Navier)
But overall you get the message, most of the characters you are supposed to love are men and ladies with no personality, men who do atrocious shit yet we're supposed to look past it and conveniently the only man who is punished is an ugly bastard.
The ladies in waiting are the biggest contributors to the internalized misogyny, often they support it by insisting any new woman who shows up must be an evil whore, even Krista's ladies in waiting do this
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Not like it matters though anyway since Navier basically wins most of those girls over on her side and they're never seen again
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You see what I mean? Every other woman in this story has little to no character, they exist solely to push the FL up and punch down at any woman they don't like which usually consists of women that either dainty "other girls" or ironically women in a situation similar to Naviers and any woman who opposes Navier is affectly an idiot who gets girlbossed back into place. Meanwhile almost all of the men who commit absolutely horrible acts get away with it since they all essentially go awooga for Navier, with the only exception being less than conventionally attractive dudes like Krista's dad.
for fucks sake even Alan, one of Rashtas other masters who 🍇ed her, got her pregnant and participated in keeping her child away from her until she got successful is viewed as this sorrowful wittle baby who got taken advantage of by the evil Rashta and was "wrongfully" told to screw off by her. It took an episode where Alan was so unfathomably stupid to get readers to realize they shouldn't side with a rapist, and yes, while the narrative will try to push the idea that Rashta took advantage of him to raise her status and that she consented. News flash: a slave cannot consent to someone who owns them, it's like a student-teacher relationship.
Now the hypocrisy. Navier can do one thing and it's viewed as such a girlboss power move but when someone else like Rashta does something similar, it's embarrassing and pathetic. For example, Rashta is mocked by nobles mind you, for wearing an expensive and flashy wedding dress. Meanwhile Naviers wedding dress is literally weaved with thousand of gemstones
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Hey, it's their words not mine.
Or how Rashta was considered evil for stealing Naviers spot as empress (even though Rashta didn't even want to be empress at first and Sovieshu gave her the offer, it's not like she held a gun to his head) but when Krista shows distress over being replaced as queen, the comments basically tell Krista to suck it up because Navier deserves it more. Everytime a man does something wrong in this story, the characters and even the readers trace it back to somehow being a woman's fault.
Readers are even encouraged to laugh at Rashta for not being able to learn as fast and eventually having a breakdown from the stress (not to mention she's also pregnant here so those hormones must be going wild)
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yeah let's just blame a pregnant woman who wasn't educated in reading until a few months ago for not being able to be as smart or stoic as Navier and then crying from the stress.
finally, how this promotion of internalized misogyny affected other works. The Trashta nickname has become so popular that it is used everytime a woman who doesn't support the MC or even just inconveniences her is introduced, constantly the comments never shut up about the "new trashta." Even women who don't mean harm like Helena from kill the villainess was treated horribly because she's the "other woman" it erases any attempt at creativity in these stories and dumbs down any other woman who isn't constantly worshipping the FL as an evil bitch who needs to go.
Conclusion:The Remarried empress isn't the feminist power book with complex characters, maybe in season 1 but not anymore. Women who even think about being rude to Navier are punched down and killed if they don't change their mind while almost all the men are excused for their cruel actions because their hot guys with abs who only wanted to protect the one and only goddess Navier.
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juju-or-anya · 2 months
Every time someone says “Eloise isn’t a real feminist at least Penelope did something” I have to laugh. They are making her out to be Lois Lane when she runs a gossip column. Her feminist action is only for her. She found a way profit of the status quo thats it. Gossip isn’t feminist just because its associated with women. Gossip is how we enforce societal expectations by publicly shaming people and reminding others they can always be shamed. The idea that Penelope is a “better” feminist than Eloise is silly. Im not saying Eloise is a perfect feminist of course she isn’t she is sheltered and had to bribe a maid to learn about sex. No one that sheltered will have fully formed feminist theory or activism. But to say Penelope is a good feminist for her individualist actions is wild.
It's essential to recognize that no woman is a perfect feminist because there is no such thing as a perfect, uniform feminism. Feminism and deconstruction are personal and unique processes that each woman undergoes at her own pace, in her own way, with the information and resources available to her. Feminism is both a social and individual construct, with many facets and branches that reflect the cultural, social, and individual diversity of the women who embrace it.
For example, a high-class, white, Christian, English woman will have a different experience of feminism than a mixed-race, Latina, lower-middle-class woman in Argentina. Each positions herself on a branch of feminism that best represents her context and experiences.
With this framework in mind, my perception of Penelope as a feminist is deeply questionable. Despite founding a lucrative business without a man's help, Penelope did so at the expense of other women, which contradicts fundamental feminist principles. She does not practice sisterhood; she views other women as competitors or tools, as seen in her perception of Marina as a rival and Madame Delacroix as a means to an end. Simply being a woman and self-sustaining does not make her a feminist, as exemplified by Margaret Thatcher. Although Thatcher broke many gender barriers by becoming the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, her conservative policies and lack of support for other women in politics were criticized for not aligning with feminist ideals.
Penelope Featherington presents herself as a woman who has defied social expectations by creating Lady Whistledown, but her practice of undermining other women to elevate herself and profit from it is inconsistent with feminist principles. By using her platform to spread gossip and undermine other women's reputations, Penelope perpetuates a culture of competition and surveillance among women instead of promoting solidarity and mutual support. This behavior is the antithesis of feminism, which seeks to empower all women and fight against the structures of oppression that divide us.
In contrast, Eloise Bridgerton cannot be directly labeled as a feminist, especially considering the historical context of 1815 when feminism as we know it did not yet exist. The first wave of feminism in the United Kingdom began between 1830 and 1840. However, as early as 1792, women like Eloise were starting to question traditional gender roles, laying the groundwork for the future feminist movement.
Eloise represents those early women who, without calling themselves feminists, began to entertain feminist ideas. If we placed Eloise in 1830, we could consider her one of the first feminists, perhaps even actively participating in protests. Eloise seeks to break out of her privileged bubble, learn about the world's realities, and advocate for minority rights, despite the limitations imposed by her time and social position. She is a young woman from a prestigious family, close to royalty, and her quest for freedom is hindered by her family's and society's expectations. Deciding to be a spinster is a radical statement in her context, a direct rejection of social norms dictating that women must marry and be compliant.
Eloise demonstrates a critical attitude towards established norms and a genuine curiosity to understand and challenge the injustices faced by women and minorities. She does not just seek her own benefit but is interested in the well-being of other women and the fight for meaningful societal change. While she cannot be categorized as a feminist in the modern sense, her questioning spirit and desire to break with oppressive traditions align her more with feminist principles than Penelope's actions.
On the other hand, Penelope shows no interest in learning about or advocating for minorities. She wants to belong to and benefit from the privileged social circle, seeking validation and acceptance from high society. To achieve this, she created Lady Whistledown, using rumors and secrets about other women to gain control and monetary gains, demonstrating a competitive and utilitarian view of women. Instead of using her influence to promote equity and support among women, Penelope chooses to manipulate and exploit other women's vulnerabilities for her own benefit.
The lack of sisterhood and the exploitation of other women to gain power and personal profit is profoundly problematic and antithetical to feminism. In her quest for validation and status, Penelope perpetuates a culture of division and distrust among women, something that feminism works hard to dismantle.
For all these reasons, it is absurd and offensive to claim that Penelope is more feminist than Eloise. Eloise, with her desire to challenge norms and learn about injustices, embodies the spirit of feminism much more than Penelope, whose behavior undermines the movement's fundamental principles. The true essence of feminism lies in solidarity, mutual support, and the collective struggle for equity and justice for all women, not in personal gain at the expense of others.
Setting aside the beautiful and very professional text I wrote, Penelope epitomizes the white, privileged woman who plays the victim and believes that because she has suffered, she has the right to make others suffer. Instead of confronting those who truly harmed her, she targets those who have done nothing to her. Her envy of the Bridgertons is so deep that she wants to be like them but also wants to hurt them. This is evident from her comment, "You're just a pretty Bridgerton," and her other remark, "At least I did something; you just talk."
Excuse me, Penelope, but at least Eloise talks to minorities as equals, not as if they were her servants.
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ae-neon · 3 months
Sarah Janet, do NOT piss me off
“Enjoyed that*, did you?” Chaol growled.
“Immensely.” Celaena patted Chaol’s arm as she took it in her own. “Now you must pretend that you like me, or else everything will be ruined.”
“You and the Crown Prince share the same sense of humor, it seems.”
“Perhaps he and I will become dear friends, and you will be left to rot.”
“Dorian is more inclined to associate with ladies of better breeding and beauty.” She whipped her head to look at him.
He smiled. “How vain you are.”
She glared. “I hate women like that. They’re so desperate for the attention of men that they’d willingly betray and harm members of their own sex. And we claim men cannot think with their brains! At least men are direct about it.” (🙄)
*The "that" in question being Dorian telling Celaena about her alias as a jewel thief
(after picking her up from the mine, spending a night there, spending 2 weeks on the road to the capital and having spent at least a night in the castle. He has already said her real name out loud in public, she has introduced herself to a servant and signed a letter with that name but sure...)
Then Dorian insinuates both him and Chaol are both sleeping with her/gonna sleep with her? All to slight Kaltain, instead of just telling either his mother the queen or Kaltain herself that he has no interest in her. So no, men are not direct about it.
Also Celaena earlier drops a potted plant from a balcony, aiming directly for Kaltain because Kaltain was bad mouthing her over Dorian (Celaena's captor technically) but misses, so really saying she hates Kaltain for betraying and harming members of her own sex for male attention is too ironic. Not to mention Celaena almost breaking her neck when Chaol implies Dorian is out of her league. Typical sjm MC hypocrisy
ALSO ALSO Kaltain is a lesser noble woman in a patriarch feudal society. Her life DOES depend on men. She literally has no choice in the matter
“They say that her father is as rich as a king,” Chaol said. “I suppose that’s part of why Perrington is so infatuated. She arrived here in a litter bigger than most peasant huts; it was carried here from her home. A distance of almost two hundred miles.”
“What debauchery.”
“I pity her servants.”
“I pity her father!” They chuckled, and he lifted the arm linked with hers a bit higher.
First of all, Chaol is a lord. Celaena is a princess. Both are in the favour of the prince whose dad basically owns the continent and benefits off of slave labour. Pointing out that Kaltain's father is rich is supposed to do what exactly
Second, Celaena girl...
"I pity her father🤣😭🙏💯🔥💀"
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Literally I wouldn't care if Celaena hadn't tried to justify her behaviour and just said she hates Kaltain
but to try to use the mental gymnastics of liberal feminism to say Kaltain is bad because she's competing for the prince's attention (her literal job as a lady of court) while also saying men are naturally less messy? And being a messy catty bitch with your colonising male friends while you do it?
So much of this book is nonsense like this. Celaena tells us she loves clothes and dressing up and being pretty and so girly
but then swears she being stabbed by her corset and that her dress is impractical and that's why she prefers tunics and pants because it's easier to kill 37 grown men in combat that way
But then dresses in a corseted dress for the first day of the competition despite not knowing what to expect
Nothing is adding up.
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To be fair, these things can coexist but in better writing they would present themselves appropriately. Here it is just thrown together one sentence after the other with no attention to the blatant contradiction
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balkanradfem · 11 days
To the anon who sent me a message about how she hates her era of being libfem and can't forgive herself!
I think the only way we can go easy on ourselves is to see that it happened to all of us, all of us were affected and most of us were trying to be kind, understanding and reasonable in those times, and what was presented to us as 'kind and understanding' was saying 'not all m*n'.
And the thing is, we didn't have all the information back then. We didn't have the stats. The actual amount of violence and abuse m*n unleashed on women was carefully and meticulously hidden behind closed doors, endless victim blaming, endless rationalizations. And we were so young! We couldn't have looked at the situation and immediately go 'oh yes it's very clear males are dangerous, violent and destructive and we need to get away from them asap', we all had some connections to males in our lives, we all were at least somewhat manipulated into spending time with them and tolerated their stupidity, and we didn't know yet what was in front of us!
And it's not only the lack of information and real stats being deeply hidden from our eyes, it's the societal pressure. I remember whenever I expressed my opinions on blaming males for their actions, I would be persecuted for it immediately, I would be told I was 'not a real feminist', people in my friend circle would look at me as if I was a disgusting, dangerous and evil creature and they wanted to take distance from me, that's not something a woman can just ignore or feel okay about! We're all susceptible to self doubt when our surroundings tell us that we're wrong, even evil for thinking the way we do. Even when we're 100% right, peer pressure gets to us, gets us to doubt our own minds. We don't often have it in us to fight for our views if we have no support and everyone stands firmly against us.
I don't believe I would fully be able to be a radfem now if I didn't find a community of support and access to all of the information on tumblr, and in all of the feminist books I've been reading; it's the community and access to information that helped me stand firm on facts and reality.
And also there are women in the very late stages of their lives, who are still defending m*n, and in fact, most of women are doing it still, we are in the minority. A lot of information is still being withheld from women. And I don't judge or hate any of them, I know with proper access to resources, information and support, they would all figure it out.
And you did figure it out! There's no shame in getting more information on a situation and then changing your mind and standing firm with reality, it's what people are supposed to do. It's the only way to get closer to reality, to shape our worldview. I believe you're expecting the impossible from your younger self, none of us were able to figure it out immediately, or all on our own, so there's no fault if you couldn't either. And you don't have to be open about it if you don't feel comfortable, but a lot of people would be comforted to know that it's not only them, that it happened to others too, that being a libfem is the only way to eventually become a radfem.
Also I live in a country where feminism itself is still a bad word, and in most places there are not even libfems. Patriarchy is not being questioned at all, no positive statements are published about women. Women here would be estatic even to reach libfem level! And I know it's something we look down on because it's easily co-opted by other movements to promote practices harmful to women, but it is in its inception, a form of feminism, an attempt to fight for positive public opinion of women. It does not come from a place of harm, and most of harm inflicted by it is usually by another movements involvement and influence.
I know it might not affect you at all, but I can tell you that I would never hold you guilty for being a libfem at all. You've done nothing wrong. You've just lived in an era where it was the most feminist thing to do at the time, and you figured out a more effective way and followed that! I'd be proud of that! You couldn't have done anything better than that.
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incense-and-nonsense · 9 months
Finished watching Arcane last night and I have some thoughts about Ambessa Medara that I need to get out of my system.
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What I find fascinating about Ambessa as a character is the fanbase's reception of her: she's a big muscle mommy with a hidden soft side. However, I don't think the show's writers want us to like her and especially don't intend to portray her as an attractive person. The reason I think this is because (aside from her gender) she's a textbook example of a toxic, hypermasculine, alpha-male power fantasy.
Let's elaborate. Only a few minutes after we're introduced to her (having invited herself into her estranged daughter's world in a display of Emotionally-Healthy Parenting TM), she announces that she's off to "sample the local cuisine," gesturing towards a male consort/companion who awaits her.
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And then there's this scene:
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Here we are shown Ambessa naked in a bath being massaged by the same comparatively small companion we met earlier. The power dynamic in the relationship is clearly one of domination and submission. She's indulgent in her consumption and luxury and lobs criticism after criticism at a visibly uncomfortable Jayce, all while the artwork behind the two reinforces how this exchange will play out: Ambessa holds all the power, while Jayce is on the defensive.
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In short, everything about the way Ambessa talks and carries herself is meant to convey one simple message: I am powerful. She never needs to insist on her power--it's self-evident.
On the surface, this seems like an extremely well-written feminist icon. Ambessa is strong and confident, bending to no-one and self-assured. In flashbacks and in her own dialogue, she's presented as someone who is willing to take ruthless and decisive action regardless of other's feelings. She exudes confidence and charisma and never apologizes for the space she takes up in other's lives. Other people exist largely to fulfill her goals and desires. Further, later she reveals that she exiled her daughter Mel because her daughter's more merciful and diplomatic nature weakened Ambessa and her resolve.
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In short, Ambessa is the textbook icon of hypermasculine power fantasies enfleshed in a woman.
Thing is though, these traits don't become less toxic when they happen to belong to a woman. Imagine the two scenes above if the character's genders were swapped. Then what we see is a confident, muscled warmonger who establishes his place in the social hierarchy through displays of sexual dominance and belittling those around him. Imagine Caitlyn attempting to discuss the situation in Piltover as a nude, muscled man insults her competence and strides naked over to her in a clear display of power. That's not a character we celebrate; it's a character who makes us feel violated by their very presence. Moreover, it's a character we've all probably seen before a hundred times.
Toxic behavior doesn't stop being toxic when done by a woman instead of a man.
Ambessa is not intended to be a likable character. She manipulates and dehumanizes others (especially sexually), refuses to show mercy, and pushes away those closest to her out of her fear of weakness. She's not an icon of female empowerment. Her character is a commentary on how easy it is to think that feminism means adopting the toxic ways in which men have often exercised power over others. Dehumanization and exploitation aren't behaviors that we should celebrate just because they make a women look strong. Rather, we should re-evaluate what we think strength looks like.
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genericpuff · 8 months
Honestly it’s getting tiring seeing the sobbing chronically of the cast ; Hera , Demeter, Persephone and probably more . Like it’s giving big baby cry cry energy instead of idk something proactive. Not sure if It’s just me getting that from the latest chapters???
I have two schools of thought on this.
On the one hand, I can fully understand wanting to show the vulnerability of these characters, to not send a message that emotions are bad and that people should just "toughen up". This is trying to be a "feminist" piece of work after all, and much of feminism preaches vulnerability and empathy and allowing oneself to get back in touch with their own emotions, rather than shutting themselves away from them which is often perpetuated by the societal expectations and norms of toxic masculinity.
Persephone crying as she confronts Apollo - the man who she now understands assaulted her - is understandable and real. A reasonable reaction to an emotional situation that many people can empathize with.
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Hera crying as she reveals the true extent of the damage Kronos caused her is understandable and real. He's quite literally been stalking her in the recesses of her mind and it's reaching a breaking point.
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But on the other hand, there's a difference between wanting to show a character showing their emotions and then learning to overcome the challenges they've presented with - whether they do it independently or learn to trust in others to help them - thus growing in the process and coming out stronger on the other side vs. using a character purely for torture porn. As much as we preach concepts like "normalize crying" in a very simplified way for the sake of being easily understood, such simplifications often result in a lack of nuance.
An entirely other subject to use as a comparison point to explain this nuance - it's like the difference between having a character who's become so jaded and disconnected from the concept of empathy that even murder becomes just a menial task to them vs. murderhobos. Murderhobos are not interesting or complex or empathetic or relatable, they're just written (and in the case of where the term comes from - Dungeons & Dragons - played) for the sole purpose of having an edgy uncaring character who thinks they're free from consequences while they fuck up the lives of everyone around them in a completely irredeemable way (and is often protected from such consequences due to plot armor, unless it's in D&D, in which case you'll likely be politely asked to either change your character for the sake of the campaign or leave.)
There's nothing to gain or learn from murderhobos. They only exist for the satisfaction of an ego complex - "I don't care what you want or how it affects the people around me, I want to kill people without consequences because that's as creative as my imagination can get in my own personal fantasy."
There's nothing to gain or grow from anymore when we get another scene of Hera bleeding mascara as she cries over her situation with Kronos while still refusing to actually tell anyone what's going on with Kronos, despite the fact that we had an entire fucking therapy speak episode where she realized she needed help. So it feels like it's purely there just to play on the trope of "sad woman is saaaad, won't anyone help herrrr?" which is really starting to learn into learned helplessness.
This is especially apparent with Persephone, who, upon causing a massive problem for everyone, has taken it upon herself to shut herself away while her loved ones deal with the problem. If she needs the time to cry and process what's going on, that's fine. But while that's happening, we know mortals are dying and that she's turning the situation into a learned helplessness pity party of "I'm a monsterrr and no one likes meeee :((((" while having zero self-awareness that yeah, she did cause this problem, and her locking herself away in her literal mansion isn't exactly going to help the situation.
I've already used Tamberlane as an example of approaching the subject of learned helplessness and how it's fundamentally different from simply being vulnerable and having emotions, but I'm gonna share it again here because it's really relevant and Persephone needs someone to give her this same wake-up call.
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Considering Demeter was the one to approach her at the end of the last episode, I'm hoping she'll be the one to broach the topic with her, but judging by how Rachel's treated it so far with every character reassuring her with empty platitudes that accomplish nothing but comforting Persephone over something she caused like "Noooo you're not a monster, you're the best queen ever and you're trying her best!!" (and the fact that Rachel has spent so much time turning Demeter into public enemy #1 that her readers still can't fucking give her any shred of empathy even after finding out she lost a child, fucking yikes) I'm not holding my breath that this week's episode is gonna actually have that same level of emotional maturity or growth. This is the second time in the entire comic we've seen Persephone suffer the consequences of her actions out of many that have been harmful, some accidental, others very intentional (which Rachel has even supported her doing in a very unironic sense, it's safe to say Rachel really truly does believe that Persephone is entitled to abuse people). And judging by how things went the first time, it's hard to have the benefit of the doubt and assume Persephone is gonna actually take accountability and learn and grow from this. She didn't the last time and her character has only devolved since.
Sure, feeling like you've fucked up to such a monumental degree that you'll never be able to show your face in public again is something that's real and relatable and worth crying over... but crying is an emotional response, not the actual solution. It is a PART of expressing and processing emotions, but ultimately those emotions are not actions, just REactions. Crying is okay, crying is a normal response to grief and sadness, but if you don't actually take steps forward and continue to wallow in the sadness, blame everyone else around you for it, and simultaneously rely on everyone else to carry the burden of your own actions for you, then that's when it exits the realm of healthy emotional processing and broaches the unhealthy realm of learned helplessness and emotional manipulation.
If anything, her entire monologue in the last FP episode was more about Rachel being upset over criticism of her comic and her self-insert that, like Persephone's deal with Erebus and the "plague" that followed, she earned over not addressing the issues in her work sooner and instead choosing to double down - both through Persephone's abusive behavior within the narrative and Rachel's passive aggressive meta-commentary on that abuse being okay because "she's earned the right to lash out".
The only people in this entire comic who have "earned the right to lash out" are the women that Rachel has villainized along the way in the pursuit of giving her self-insert everything without effort or sacrifice. And even then those people would still have to rightfully answer for their wrongs and grow from them - because there is no right to abuse, there is no right to harming others, especially not if the "others" you're harming are people who were victims in their own right that you turned into imaginary enemies so you could have someone to punch down at in the absence of a spine to stand up for yourself against the real perpetrators. And in doing so, Persephone herself has become a perpetrator, who sheds crocodile tears that no one is buying because the writing is on the fucking wall.
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enlitment · 4 months
top 5 frev women?
Thanks for the ask! Oh, this one's going to be tough as well. But let's see...
Lucile Desmoulins
Much more than a pair of fine eyes, Lucile was, like her husband, heavily invested in politics. She shared Camille's convictions and is even reported to have defended him in front of others. She did pay the price for her loyalty in the end, when she was only my age (though it should be noted that the whole Germinal/Indulgent business is much more complex to be accurately presented in this short overview of course).
I also really like her writing! Her 'advice' to Marie Antoinette is definitely quite something. Go read it if you haven't! Her diary is also at times quite relatable. ("I feel that I am born to live far from men. The more I examine them, the more I seek to understand them, the more I see that one should flee from them.”)
Bonus - my favourite quote of hers on women's place in society:
To hear [men] speak, we are celestial beings, nothing is equal to us. Ah! may they deify us less and leave us free!
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2. Simone Évrard
I have to confess I was sleeping on Simone for the longest time, but she is such an interesting figure! She continued to be so supportive of Marat even when times were incredibly tough for him. I'm convinced he wouldn't be able to achieve half as much as he did if it weren't for her. She then went on to defend his legacy long after his death, despite the fact that it caused quite a few problems for her. I find her incredibly inspiring!
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3. Charlotte Robespierre
Listen, I'm always going to appreciate a single lady who made it her life's mission to try and take charge of the narrative.
In all seriousness, I'm still not quite sure how her mind worked, but I find her incredibly interesting. Especially the way she seemed to be so protective or Maximilien (re: Éléonore?), both during his life and after his death. She also seemed to have been so strong-willed, much like her brother, perhaps even more so. The fact that she accompanied Augustin to suppress the revolt in Nice is still kind of mind-blowing to me. And the fact that she was supposedly going to marry Fouché at one point? One of my favourite historical what-ifs, honestly. Just imagine!
(That said, my knowledge of her is quite lacking. If anyone can recommend a good biography on Charlotte, I'd be really thankful!)
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4. Olympe de Gouges
Okay, here's a controversial one!
Obligatory 'am not a Girondist!', but I feel that I still have to give her some credit for her feminist ideas. Yes, her feminism was centred on upper-class women, but I still see her contributions as an important first step. Déclaration des droits de la Femme et de la Citoyenne is one of the most crucial documents in the history of feminism in my opinion.
I also appreciate the fact that while classist, her feminism was much less 'white-only' than that of a lot of women that came after her (case in point a lot of the Seneca Falls suffragettes in 19th century America). Again, not all of her views on slavery probably stand up to the test of time, but I will always appreciate anyone in the 18th century who expresses abolitionists sentiments, which she did.
She is also the author of many of my favourite french revolution era quotes:
"A woman has the right to mount the scaffold. She must possess equally the right to mount the rostrum."
She has a point and honestly? Well said.
(Side note - also kind of obsessed with her address to Robespierre. "I suggest we should bathe together in the Seine but to entirely depurgate you of those blemishes with which you have smeared yourself since 10th June, we should attach sixteen or twenty-four pound cannon balls to our feet , and together race into the flood ….")
That said, the narrative that she was executed for her feminist views is both incorrect and extremely tiring.
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5. Pauline Léon
How can I not mention the leader of female Sans-culottes herself? To counter de Gouges, let me mention another French revolutionary feminist that is - in a lot of ways - an antithesis to Olympe, since she was: a) a radical republican b) a member of the working class.
She seemed to have been incredibly courageous and always managed to find herself right in the centre of the action (Bastille, Champ de Mars...). There are unfortunately not that many resources on her as on some of the other female figures, but I think her story is incredibly important. More so for the fact that she was one of female revolutionary figures we know at least something about that wasfrom a working class - as opposed to upper class - background.
My favourite fact about her is that she wanted to establish all-female militia group to defend the country against counter-revolutionaries. Not going to lie, it was a wild proposal, but it would be kind of amazing to see it happen.
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(It was not easy to find her portrait, but this should be her I hope?)
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megabuild · 5 months
so you like transfem etho right? how do you think she figured it out?
did pause call her a girl once and etho decided she liked it or was there more thought involved
i don't think she ever "figured it out" in the way most people would but that's mainly because i see etho as having a very weird upbringing. she was very lonely as a child and didn't really start meeting people from wider society who treated her like a human but also would inflict gender roles on her until mindcrack when she was like... mid 20s. and yeah there definitely was a bit of teasing there but i don't think it really awakened anything in her more just confused her. if you pushed him about a bit and called him a girl insultingly he'd be like ? No I'm not. Because he has lived so far detached from society he can't even conceptualise the idea of feminity being a "weakness" yet #feminist but also he was raised to play very particular roles and wear very particular masks and girl is not and never has been one of them, he is a Guy, theres no questioning that.
But then yeah of course there is because she leaves mindcrack on pretty bad terms and spends some short time alone before she gets pulled onto hermitcraft and while she's sitting alone she does eventually realise oh, people can do that, people can change. And that fucking terrifies her, so much, because she already has horrible identity issues and doesn't really fully understand it so to her it's an all or nothing 100% change of self, and that's sort of awesome in a way but also really scary because that means rejecting literally everything about herself both past and present and she goes AHHHH FUCK and puts that back in the box and then xisuma recruits her like at the end of iron man when they were setting up the avengers movie. And she goes to hermitcraft and doesn't think about any of that for a really long time despite the never ending horrors happening all the time.
In my head he sort of. Doesn't Get Over It but he comes to terms with all the weird shit that happened to him when he was younger re: 404 and the LP between HC 5 and 7 like he was away on a soul searching mission. And then HC7 has its own fresh nightmares as he comes to terms with HC5 because that was a can of worms itself but this time the difference is that he has friends around him who gets it and can help him. And this is roundabout the time she starts to think about it more because she gets quite close to grian post-mycelium resistance and grian is a trans girl who takes estrogen and everything which is like, everything etho was terrified of, and they have some very clumsy and candid conversations where grian is definitely Not the best person to talk to because she's like well you're fucking stupid. But after talking to her and maybe cleo a bit too though idk if they would have been close enough at that point and bdubs too because while he doesn't know anything about this he knows a lot about etho, she eventually realises wow this doesn't have to be a new mask or a massive upheaval this is just something i can try out on the side if i like it. And so she does! Originally just with her absolute closest friends using she/her sometimes (she ends up using he/she alternately, because she doesn't really have any problem with he/him) and while she never formally Comes Out because that's not her style it spreads until most people use it.
Etho is very much a character of certainty imo, he likes rigid ideas when it comes to himself so he knows what to live up to, so i think not making her label her gender (or sexuality except that's. A different can of worms albeit a slightly less complicated one) is a bit of a character growth thing as much as it is a personal decision. Learning he can not constantly stress over the finer details or try to live up to what others decide he should be whether that's a man or a woman or something else entirely and just accepting that she's herself, and that's her own choice, is a Big Thing for her. though i don't know if she recognises that .
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sharpened--edges · 2 months
A stroll through any bookshop at the moment reveals an array of bright, celebratory volumes, reminding us of women’s extraordinary resilience in the face of injustice. Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience, gathers stories of women ‘with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done’. (Note the uncanny echoes here of the bullish, phallic insistence, by Boris Johnson and Donald Trump, on getting Brexit done, on building the wall.) British MP Yvette Cooper’s She Speaks: The Power of Women’s Voices celebrates speeches by women through the ages (including by Theresa May). Outspoken: 50 Speeches by Incredible Women from Boudicca to Michelle Obama, by Deborah Coughlin, features some of the same speeches. And MP Jess Phillips is the author of Truth to Power: 7 Ways to Call Time on BS. Her feminist credentials are tightly linked to a posture of defiant truth-telling; she is also the author of Everywoman: One Woman’s Truth About Speaking the Truth. Being outspoken, it would seem, is a requirement of any self-respecting feminist subjectivity; if you’re not talking loudly about gutsiness, are you even a feminist? Discernible in this pattern of feminist publishing is what Rosalind Gill and Shani Orgad have termed ‘confidence culture’, which holds that it is not primarily patriarchy, capitalism or entrenched institutional sexism that hold women back, but rather their own, individual lack of confidence—a lack framed as an entirely personal matter. The valourisation of confidence as a psychological stance is also at work in initiatives such as Gmail’s Just Not Sorry plug-in, for instance, which encourages women to replace phrases such as ‘I’m sorry to disturb you’, or ‘I just wondered if’ with direct, assertive formulations. Confidence culture is evident too in Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s 2013 Lean In, or Amy Cuddy’s TED Talks (Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are) advising women to assume ‘power poses’. These poses supposedly lower cortisol and increase testosterone in advance of intimidating meetings, job interviews or promotion requests, realms in which women are routinely told they are not assertive enough. Here, encouraging women’s individual power and assertiveness becomes synonymous with feminism. It is on herself that a woman must act, and in so doing she simultaneously flies the flag for all women. Confidence is key to achievement while also advancing equality and diversity. It is a form of self-work that each woman must undertake in order to succeed, and in order to respect herself for not having succumbed to the odds stacked against her. Confidence culture’s way of talking to women, in the tones of a cheerleading friend, exhorting positivity and self-realisation (you go, girl!) may be no bad thing; and, sometimes, that galvanizing self-talk in the bathroom mirror can help. And yet this way of speaking to women skirts evasively around a glaring problem: that women are often punished and criticized (they are bitchy, bossy, angry) for precisely the confident, assertive poses and behaviours they are being asked to cultivate. What’s more, these exhortations of positivity keep vulnerability anxiously at bay; they render insecurity or lack of confidence as ugly, abject and shameful—something any self-respecting woman would not feel or at least not express. There is in these modes of address an almost manic insistence on strength; they are at great pains to present women as almost heroically invulnerable. Sara Ahmed describes this ‘zooming in’ on confidence as implying that girls are ‘their own obstacles, in the way of themselves’. As Gill and Orgad put it, ‘if confidence is the new sexy’, then ‘insecurity is the new ugly.’ Is this hierarchy of feeling helpful?
Katherine Angel, Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again: Women and Desire in the Age of Consent (Verso, 2022), pp. 15–17.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 month
The sexual experience of most women occurs within heterosexual arrangements, and this experience is often lived out as an attempt to escape from the practice of sexuality. It is the experience of avoidance. In the past, it would have been said that a woman's avoidance of sex represented a failure to fulfill her conjugal duty. Today, such talk is outmoded. Now it would be said that she is avoiding intimacy in an unhealthy way, that she is rejecting sexual agency, that she is rejecting pleasure, short-circuiting emotions and needs that are natural and good. In the past, failure to acquiesce may have resulted in rape or forced sex. Today, the remedy for nonacquiescence is found also at the level of desire. Women must learn to desire sexual pleasure by eroticizing violation. The oddity is, women must learn to desire. To learn such "natural" desire, women are encouraged to engage in scripted masturbation, to create fantasies where none exist, to try "adventurous" and "new" sexual techniques, to accept pornography—in other words, to seek out as desire the disorientation that accompanies sex.
Attempting to achieve nonacquiesence to male-constructed "needs," women learn to recognize even the subtle signs of male desire. Enough women have learned how to avoid becoming available to it so that mention of women's headaches is a male joke. So women do have headaches, and dress and undress in closets, deliberately gain or lose weight, become alcoholic, develop other drug dependencies, carefully orchestrate schedules, and attempt to shut down all communications that might hint at intimacy.
There are some feminists who seem to believe that these activities of sex avoidance represent the quaint subterfuges of a long-dead past—but they are wrong. This dismissive view may be a function of some social privilege that most ordinary women do not have. We believe the life of sex avoidance is the reality for many women in heterosexual arrangements.
Women's historical sex avoidance can, with feminist consciousness, become an act of sex resistance. The sex resister understands her act as a political one. Her goal is not only personal integrity for herself but political freedom for all women. She resists on three fronts: she resists male-constructed sexual "needs," she resists the misnaming of her act as prudery, and she especially resists the patriarchy's attempt to make its work of subordinating women easier by "consensually" constructing her desire in its own oppressive image.
The patriarchy attempts to reach within women to fuck/construct us from the inside out. This attempt assumes many forms, such as sex "education" and sex advice. Popular advice columnists counsel women to use pornography, pornographic fantasy, and sex toys in order to "enhance" their sexual lives. Such advice, which relies on the patriarchy's account of sexual "normalcy," never questions the practice of sexuality and the ways in which this practice precludes women's rightful options, including the option of sex avoidance. The choice to avoid sex is never perceived as valid. Women are schooled to "choose" pornography and pornographic lives under the threat of losing their primary relationships with husbands or boyfriends. They are taught by male "experts" to desire male-constructed sexual pleasure.
The normalcy of such coercion of desire makes untrue the claim that our sexuality is our own. As long as the price of not choosing sex is what it presently is for any woman, sex is in fact compulsory for all women.
-A Southern Women's Writing Collective, “Sex Resistance in Heterosexual Arrangements” in The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism
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bibibbon · 5 months
Nobara has so much wasted potential
Oh the jjk queen of wasted potential and what could of been one of the best female leads in shonen but dam did that fail so badly.
Hot take but Iam not fully against nobara actually being dead and not coming back but if that happens/ if it was geges intentions I don't think he did it well considering that characters like maki and Gojo just forgot about her. Her impact in the story also seems to have lessened significantly and we would be lucky if yuji thinks about her whereas we have nothing from megumi's side of the story.
Nobara first starts of as a character that is quite ambitious and ignorant. This can be explained from the fact that she comes from a quite,secluded and small village, a village that she hated the traditions of and felt somewhat trapped in. These feelings are what influenced her desire to travel and go to the city. She got the opportunity to travel and study Jujutsu in Tokyo Japan and took it. She then chose to enjoy life and create new memories leaving the village behind. That doesn't mean that she forgot about fumi or saori rather she is reminded of them through her Jujutsu work.
Gege is great at presenting nobara as an ambitious teenage girl who just does whatever she pleases. There are multiple scenes where we see nobara casually vibing with itadori and heck being a bit bossy (a she should) and just having overall fun around her friends. Nobara is very protective of those that she cares about and this is further emphasised when she is shown to care and like maki whereas she hates and dislikes mai. When momo is describing the stuff that mai had to go through she dismisses it saying that she doesn't truly care for it because she doesn't like Mai but we see her have a talk with yuji before the fight saying that they should help maki. We see nobara being sympathetic over what maki had to go through and heck even trash on zenin traditions yet Mai doesn't get this treatment from nobara. I personally find this to be an interesting writing choice, it shows just how protective nobara is of the people that she cares but how cruel (it's not the right word but similar to it) she can be to others that she doesn't care for.
I have mixed feelings when it comes to the nobara and momo interaction. Momo, a second year reveals the reality of the jutusu society to nobara. Due to nobara's closed of upbringing and her naivety she does come of as ignorant in this situation. Momo talks about the inequality and misogyny plaguing Jujutsu society and how that has affected both maki and Mai. Nobara does acknowledge the inequality and harshness that maki faces and she also acknowledges Mai's yet she states that she can't bring herself to be empathetic or really care for mai considering that she hates her. Nobara's response to this situation is quite ignorant but it is to be expected after all she is a 16 year old who is sheltered to the truth of Jujutsu society by her late grandma who was rightfully against her joining jujustu high. So she makes this into a woman Vs men type of thing and her response is how she loves herself and does whatever and whenever. In my opinion this is an alright and flawed response, it could of foreshadowed that this is something she needs to work on. Gege could of used nobara's character as one that tries to fully understand the idea of feminism and not the heavily teenage marketed girl boss feminism that she seems to take on board and care for, yet he doesn't.
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I love that nobara has such a strong character, she isn't afraid to show what she is thinking and she will do whatever, whenever while also deeply caring for those close to her. That doesn't mean she doesn't have her own flaws, she is heavily ignorant in certain areas and can come if as unsympathetic towards those she doesn't like it care for like Mai.
The idea that nobara cares deeply for others is displayed throughout the series especially through her ideology and understanding of life. Nobara only has enough space in her heart to care for those that she likes and views her life as a bus ride where there are seats for people she cares for and they live life with her. She says this to yuji after they defeat the painting womb brothers and we see a clash between yuji and nobara's ideals. Nobara however states that some stuff that happens in her life are out of her control and that there are people who come in and intrude brining their own chair into her life and joining, becoming a core member of her life like yuji itadori. This ideology comes up again before her 'death' where we see her surrounded by loved ones sitting on chairs but also see many empty chairs which could symbolise how many other people she has a space to care for in her heart or how the chairs will never be filled with people considering her death.
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Nobara will do anything for the people that she cares for. This can be seen where she is willing to keep megumi's secret from yuji so he isn't hurt by the knowledge that it's sukunas fault for the painting womb incident or how she seems to fully want to murder mahito and says that she hates him for hurting her loved ones aka Yuji. Nobara has also been seen protecting maki and being very sympathetic towards her. Also in shibuya nobara was heavily concerned for nitta and Gojo after hearing what happened.
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I also love the platonic relationship between nobara and itadori. How they met for two weeks and his death had a huge impact on her or how she got violently upset at how momo was dehumanising yuji and labeling him a curse. This is also reciprocated by yuji who full on started to sob after her death, how she was one of the reasons why he was going to get revenge or how he felt guilty for having fun with Hana and thinking about how he might be replacing nobara. their platonic relationship is everything to me !!!!! And I love seeing them goof of together.
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That is to say that I think nobara and megumi's relationship is heavily underdeveloped on the other hand. Yes, they do have their moments but they are few to none. I admit that nobara and megumi got a chance to bond after yujis death and they seemed to do that, they also had their moments in chapter 64 with osawa and trying to figure out if yuji has a gf, megumi also trusted her enough to tell her about his theory of the attacks being sukunas fault and he trusted her to keep it a secret. However, other than that they don't have many moments which is a shame.
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Now there are two ways nobara's character arc could of went. Both of them could of been beautifully written if gege actually tried to focus on her, however I do prefer option 2.
She actually has a canonically confirmed death in shibuya. Nobara would be the first jjk character to actually have the "perfect death" well this is from nobara's view anyway. From nobara's view she has done everything that she wanted to do, she got to explore and do what she wanted, yes there are things that she didn't get to achieve like meeting up with fumi and saori again but most of her life she did what she wanted to do and that was enough for her. Her death can also be the first death that doesn't actually curse anyone, heck many characters died and their last words harmed a character one way or another even if nanami never intended for his death to harm yuji. It still burdened him since he took nanami's pain and he vowed to take on said burden. Nobara on the other hand only wanted yuji to tell everyone that it wasn't that bad, she had a good life that was cut at a bad time. Nobara's death also could of been a parallel to haibara and representing the death of innocence within the younger generation of Jujutsu society, her death also makes her more tragic. Nobara never got to grow up, she never got to do what she wanted to do or she never never never got to develop out of her less desirable characteristics like her ignorance and developing a better understanding of feminism. Nobara also never got to become a strong sorcerer and so much more. Her death creates a what if scenario for the readers where we know that none of it will happen because she is dead and confirmed to be so. If her death was cannonically confirmed by gege we would of also gotten a scene where all of her Jujutsu sorcerer friends actually get to have a proper reaction to it and where yuji can at least share her last words to the others. I always hated how her death was basically unconfirmed and she just ended up being forgotten about with no one including her closest friends like maki not having any reaction over it. We got something in chapter 143 but it wasn't even a confirmation and honestly didn't serve nobara any justice. Also a cannonically confirmed death would of made ch 210 where yuji is worried for replacing nobara more impactful and would of given us a proper insight to how yuni is grieving nobara's death, how he thinks thay he is being selfish enjoying himself while nobara is dead and he couldn't do anything, heck he didnt even manage to kill mahito. Also, we would of gotten a proper burial or had a little sentimental scene where Jujutsu high/ nobara's friends make a little memorial for her.
She manages to come back and joins the fight later on. Iam all for nobara waking up after shibuya and developing RCT when she needed it the most considering that in dire situations someone has developed RCT like higumara. Nobara manages to come back and considering that she didn't get the perfect death because she came back is ironic and I really like it. Now not many people know that she came back aside from a handful at the beginning like shoko. She then tries to join back with the others yet shoko encourages her to act from the shadows and just overall act from behind. Nobara witnesses yaga's death and hears about yuta being sent to kill yuji. She then decides to go and explore what the higher ups are doing and if theres a way she can help and get Gojo out. During that mission she meets Yuki tsumoko and they have a talk, nobara talks about her CT and Yuki talks about her studies of the soul. I like to think that they would of developed a mentor and student relationship with nobara being a higher up spy and sharing information to Yuki when needed. Nobara heard of the culling games and sees what's happening from the outside, she hears of what happend to megumi and tsumiki and feels bad for them. she ends up leaving the higher ups and going back to her hometown hoping that her grandma maybe left something that can help her or she can find out something by going back to her roots. She enters and goes back home, there she reunites with her parents and they tell her what her grandma was doing and the full extent to what the straw doll technique can do especially if embedded with RCT. She takes what she finds from her grandma and makes her way back to Jujutsu high after learning that Gojo has been unsealed. As she travels she meets many reincarnated sorcerers and learns from them various things like how Kenny managed to bring them back or what he plans to do or what sukuna is up to in general. With all of this information she goes back to Jujutsu high and by the time she arrives it's a day before the battle or the day of the battle. Nobara has a reunion with her friends and informs them of what she learnt. With the last finger in gojos possession both yuta and nobara half the finger. Yuta consumes it to develop sukunas CT and nobara is going to use it to weaken sukuna and attack the soul with itadori. She is also helping shoko with the injured by using a bit of her RCT. When arriving back she learns of yukis death and the truth as to what fully happend when she was gone. Throughout her journeys nobara ends up learning of different things and honestly has her views challenged many times. Her time working for the higher ups with a scar on her eye has made it difficult and she comes to understanding of what momo was talking about and learns how truly corrupt and unfair Jujutsu society is.
I love nobara she genuinely had so much potential and I hate how the narrative treats her. Heck I don't care if she is dead or alive gege could of and should of given her better than this!!!
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ineffectualdemon · 9 months
I get so angry about the reframing of late early 2000s and 2010s feminism as fake or lesser because it leaned into girl power and women embracing their sexuality and dressing "for themselves" not for men even if matched stereotypes of feminine fashion
Because it often comes with the insinuation or outright saying that these women were conned by men who tricked them into thinking things they were being subversive when they were in actuality "giving in to the patriarchy"
Which is completely revisionist because misogynistic men fucking hated it
There was such an emphasis on negging by pick up artists and proto incels at the time because the patriarchy doesn't want women who are confident in their bodies and sexuality
Yes they want women to be sexually available but on their terms
A woman who dresses for herself, even if it's what's considered conventionally attractive, does not care if a man compliments her or says he approves OR disapproves
A woman who is comfortable and confident in herself and her sexuality and knows what she wants when it comes to sex is in a position to reject men easily
That wasn't useless feminism
It was feminism that said "I can like these typically girly things and still be strong and confident and in control of myself. I shouldn't be looked down on even if I like things that are stereotypical to my gender"
And to be honest as someone who is genderqueer and leans towards more masculine presentation that helped me a lot with unpacking my internalised misogyny
And I realised as I realised my gender and what I felt comfortable with I didn't have to wholesale reject feminity to embrace masculinity
And you know what was the clincher for me?
I shit you not it was Rarity from MLP:FIM
(my kid was super into it)
She used fashion as an art form, was very stereotypically feminine but kind and strong and not in spite of her interests and personality but because of them
Yes the fashion industry and makeup industry are fucking corrupt and shitty as are most industries but that doesn't mean fashion or makeup as concepts are evil or inherently antifeminist and if your feminism doesn't include people who are into things that are stereotypically feminine then you're alienating people
Idk. For something that helped me be less judgemental of women as a whole and unpack internalised misogny to be treated as "useless feminism" pisses me off
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