#that’s not true and I blocked that person for my own comfort relating to other incidents and repeated attempts to set a boundary
vakarians-babe · 9 months
paranoia? you mean parannoying.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Law x Fem Reader
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read these warnings before reading this fic. Genuinely, I implore you. I started writing this fic on a whim a few weeks ago, when I was contemplating my own experiences with reproduction-related health conditions such as the one that will be addressed later on in this story (endometriosis). Reproductive education and health is something that I feel very strongly about, and I feel that topics such as pregnancy complications and loss aren't addressed enough in media for fear that they're too taboo or shocking. Which, to be fair, is true, at least for the shocking aspect. Pregnancy loss is difficult, traumatic, and life-changing, for better or for worse, truly dependent on the person and the world around them.
Now you might be wondering... why would you drag one piece into this? well, i don't know. i felt like it, perhaps. Law is a character who resonates very deeply to me, his character is emotionally complex and layered, and imagining him in a scenario like this one became very interesting to me. Combine that with everything i stated above and taddaa, you get this fic.
this story does and will eventually have a happy ending (a very happy ending!) however it will take a bit to get there. this is a multi-chapter fic that i'm moving from my ao3 to my new blog, and the same warnings there apply here.
if this fic doesn't seem like your cup of tea, i encourage you to check out some of my other fics on my blog. i have a few law/readers that are tooth-rottingly fluffy and much more feel good.
with all that out of the way, thank you for reading.
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Chapter 1
The air in the room was as stifling as a sauna from the stress and anxiety filling the air.  It was so silent, the tiles surrounding the small area blocking any and all noise from outside.  The door was closed, caging you in.
You were sitting on the toilet lid, your hands rapidly perspiring and your whole body shivering with nerves.  Across from you, your husband had his arms crossed, his head hung low, his heel bouncing off the floor.  The tension was unlike anything you had ever experienced, however this had unfortunately become the norm for the past six months.
On the side of the sink sat a long white stick.  Neither of you wanted to look at it.
“Do you think it’s ready now…?” you asked, inwardly cringing at how pathetic and weak your wobbly voice sounded.
Law picked his head up, his golden eyes creased in profound concern and worry.  “It should be.  Five minutes, right?”
“I think so,” you replied.  With a trembling hand, you grabbed the stick from the counter.  Law watched your every movement with a close eye.  With a deep breath, you flipped over the test and gazed at the result window.
A single red line.
After the last failed attempt, you made a joke that you didn’t have any more tears left in you to cry, but clearly that wasn’t the case as fat, salty tears rapidly welled in your eyes and flowed down your cheeks.  Law immediately knew what the result was the second your lips twitched downward.  His heart sank into his stomach, immediately stepping toward you, grabbing the test from your hand and blindly chucking it into the small garbage can in the corner.  He knelt on the floor in front of you to pull you into his chest.
“Damn it…” you whimpered.  Your body forced you to take a shuddering inhale before sobbing an anguished, “FUCK!!!!”
Law’s heart broke.  He didn’t even know what to say to comfort you anymore.  6 months of failed attempts at conceiving a very wanted baby had caused nothing but pain to both of you.  You had both been scientific about the process.  All birth control and protection was ceased, and the two of you were religiously tracking your cycle to make sure you would try during your ovulation window, but nothing but failure after failure showed up.
You thought you were broken.
Law thought he was broken.
You wept into his shoulder, your body shuddering with each pained sob that crawled from your sore throat.  Law’s hands were frozen around you, firmly gripping your back.  You couldn’t see the tears that were forming in the corners of his stern eyes, biting his lip and forcing every muscle in his face to prevent those tears from slipping downward.  The last thing you needed was to see him cry, but he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to hold it in.
“Law…” you whimpered into his shoulder.
Law stayed silent.
“I’m sorry–”
“Don’t you dare apologize,” he quickly retorted, cutting you off.  He felt you lurch in his arms.  “This isn’t your fault.  It’s not anyone’s fault… it’s…”
Now you stayed silent.
Law took his own shallow inhale.  “I… don’t know.”
For one of the only times in Law’s life, he was rendered completely incapable of speech.  Normally calm and analytical, looking for every possible solution or reason for an issue, he was now left completely helpless to the crashing waves of sheer dejection.  As your quivering body clung to him like a lifeline, his entire brain was scrambling for some sense, any logical thought, for the current predicament, but it was starting to become glaringly obvious to both of you.
It was very likely one of you was infertile.
When you finally picked your head up from his shoulder, Law’s previously broken heart fractured into even more irreparable pieces.
Your eyes were puffy, swollen and bloodshot from your tears.  Your entire face looked bloated from the force of your crying, and you were clearly flushed.  You looked, for lack of a better word, completely miserable.  Law helped you stand from the closed toilet seat, keeping your eyes away from the trash can where the negative pregnancy test lay on top of discarded tissues and makeup wipes, to guide you to your shared bedroom.  Neither of you had to say a word, you knew he was going to put you into your shared bed and let you get some much-deserved rest after the stressful eternity (10 minutes) you had just endured.  It was almost 8:00PM anyway, and regrettably, both of you still had work the following day.
You didn’t fight it when Law eased you down onto the mattress by your shoulders.  You kept your eyes pinned closed, not wanting to let your husband see any more of your beaten state.  You rolled over onto your side and hid in your pillows.  You didn’t hear Law mention that he would join you after cleaning up, and you didn’t notice the overhead light dimming.  You simply begged for sleep to take you quickly and painlessly.
When Law finally returned after washing his face, he gazed dejectedly at your weary form.  Finally asleep, fortunately, but your cheeks were glossy with fresh tears.  The man carefully crawled into bed behind you, carefully pulling your body into his.  He wished more than anything that he could make your pain go away.  He ran through the many years you had been together, and struggled to find a time where your sorrow was as profound as it was this evening.  His mind was constantly at war- his analytical, doctor side beginning to list specific reasons why this could be happening, and his sincere, passionate, loving husband side breaking apart reflecting over the sound of your sobs.
It could have been either of you.  But it also could’ve been both of you.  The thought was enough to finally force the tears in Law’s eyes to break free and travel down his cheeks.  Some of them plotted into your hair.
You awoke to the sound of whispering in your hallway outside the bedroom.  The blinds covering the window above the bed you shared with Law were pulled shut, but the sunlight still beamed through them leaving patterns on the walls and floor.  The side Law slept on was empty and freshly made.  No surprise, he left for work early in the morning after all.  You slowly sat up in bed, your head pounding.  The events of the previous evening came rushing back to you, but you felt nothing but an empty melancholy, a dark fog that hung over your brain and clouded your vision.
The door to your bedroom slowly opened.  You looked up just in time to see a very large, very fluffy cloud with four legs and two beady eyes come sprinting into your room.  Its feet ripped across the carpeted floor as It hopped on your bed with a loud huff, immediately snuggling on top of your duvet and leaning into your body for some much needed cuddles.
You mustered a weary laugh, your hands instinctively moving to the back of the dog’s neck to rub his fluffy cheeks from behind, eliciting happy grunts from the large animal.  He had his tongue out, a tiny pink blep among the sea of rich white fur.
“Bepo,” you sighed.  “You know Law doesn’t like it when you get on the bed.”
“He missed you!” called a voice from the hallway.  Spiky red hair appeared in the doorway.  “So did we, actually.  I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
Shachi had, actually, woken you up, but you didn’t need to tell him that.  “No, not at all.”  You shook your head.  Bepo’s tail was wagging in your face, causing you to sputter out small strands of loose fur from your mouth.  The red-head entered your bedroom, leaving the door open.  The smell of French toast instantly wafted into the space, making your mouth water and your eyes widen.  “Is Penguin cooking?”
“Yee-up,” Shachi replied, popping his lips to enunciate the word.  “Law invited us over, if you couldn’t tell.”  He flashed a smirk.  “You got the day off, by the way.”
Your eyebrows wrinkled in confusion.  “What?”
“Law called in sick for you,” the man confirmed.
You frantically reached for the night stand and grabbed your phone, tapping the screen to illuminate it.  It was almost 10:00AM, and sure enough, your alarm had been turned off.  Three texts from Law sat waiting on your screen, as well as two texts from your coworkers.
Sorry, I broke into your phone to turn your alarm off.  You get to sleep in today, I called you out sick.  I didn’t tell them anything, just that you weren’t feeling good.
Shachi and Penguin might be there when you wake up.  I did tell them a little about what happened, just so they know to give you space if you need it.
Call me if you need anything at all, I love you.
I heard you called in sick today!!!  I hope you’re alright, let me know if you need anything!
Nami Swan
How r u feeling?  If u caut the flu u can blame Usopp :P
You smiled, your heart beating in your chest.  “You guys are too much sometimes.”
Shachi proudly rested his clenched fist over his sternum as a display of pride.  “Nothing is ever enough for your best friend!”  The sight made you chuckle.  
You were caught off guard by Penguin entering with a much larger platter of food than you ever expected.  He excitedly approached your bedside with a wide grin, marveling at his own work.  A bowl of mixed fruits, a plate of French toast drizzled with maple syrup and dollopped with a swirl of whipped cream, a small portion of sausage on the side, and a single unopened bottle of apple juice.  You graciously accepted the spread, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely befuddled.
“You guys know I’m not actually sick, right?” you asked, glancing at your husband’s best friends with concern.  You shooed Bepo away from getting too close to the sausage.
“We know,” Penguin clarified.  “We can treat you to a nice breakfast even when you’re not sick, though!”
You smiled, forcing down the lump that formed in your throat.  “Thank you guys, I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I know what you’d do,” Shachi stated.  “You’d eat your breakfast and savor every bite!”  He stood up from your bed and clapped his hands twice, beckoning Bepo off of the bed and over to his side.  “We’ll take Bepo for a walk around the neighborhood!  Take some time for yourself!”  The two men left with your dog in tow, leaving you to stare in awe at the spread of food.
Your mind was reeling.  Law’s text informed you that he had given his two friends a brief summary of what had happened, but you didn’t really mind.  If anything, it brought you some comfort to know that you and your husband’s two closest friends understood the predicament you were currently in and were more than willing to go out of their way to support you.  You also couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Law calling you out sick for the day, putting your passcode into your phone to turn off your alarm, and making sure his friends would be there for you when you woke up.  You were beyond grateful for such an incredible support system, but just to be on the safe side…
You grabbed your phone once more, opening your text messages with Law.
Good morning baby, thank you for calling me out.  Im feeling a bit better, Shachi and Penguin made me breakfast.  I hope you didnt give them too much grief ;3; Take care of yourself today, I’ll see you when you get home.  I love you!!! <333
With your breakfast completed, you slowly trudged to the bathroom to take a relaxing shower.  The sight of your negative pregnancy test filled you with nausea, but you pushed past the feeling and turned on the water.
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turretistrying · 2 years
The Caged Bird and the Chased Mouse
Chapter 1: The Bird Gains Company
What happens to a poor isekai’d player when they forgot to play the Sumeru Main Quests before being transported into the wonderful world of Tevyat, only to be chased down for being a supposed ‘Imposter’? Well they end up in Sumeru with next to no idea of what’s to come next or what to expect and ends up with youngest of the Archons.
A/N: woah you guys seemed to like the,,, lets call it the prologue,, despite me not being a huge writer ehe! That prologue got more than most of my art (which you should check out heheh self-promotion) BTW: Nahida isnt a yandere, it might come off as so, its not supposed to. No matter how old she may be in canon she looks like a baby and is my baby that I will protect.
No warnings this part!
Nahida was surprised when she saw someone who wasn’t a Sage or related coming into the sanctuary.
Before the mysterious person came in she was simply taking a nap to escape her true reality of being contained in her prison, not expecting anyone to come through that day as the sages were needed elsewhere for what they seemed to be planning. The creak of the door woke her from her soft slumber to look at the commotion, it was a figure dressed in a dark cloak that covered almost everything but their footwear. It looked like they were in a rush and exhausted, gasping for air as they pushed their whole body against the door to close it as soon as possible. Then came what Nahida assumed was the guards trying to get in but didn’t seem to be able to get through.
The person turned around and looked up, locking eyes with Nahida. She was taken aback with how… Familiar, the person was, as if she knew them already, similar to have she felt when thinking of Rukkadevata. Nahida was unwilling to break eye contact, as if she broke it they would disappear.
They slowly made their way to the middle, apprehensive but concerned. When they got to the middle they climbed over the flower structure and stood up, reaching their hand up to Nahida. She took a second to understand but eventually pressed her own small hand to the floor of the cage, even thought they couldn’t touch each other because of the height and the prison, they both felt comforted by the gesture.
They lowered their arm and started to lower their whole body to sit down. Once sat down they stretched and laid down despite the odd shape of the flower. Nahida kept her hand on the floor, and watched them.
She knew whatever was keeping the door closed wasn’t going to last, and she didn’t want you to be taken away and likely imprisoned, like her…
Nahida whispered to your exhausted body “Everything will be okay, I’ll make sure of it.”
Your eyes closed.
As you fell asleep Nahida reached out, with her minuscule amount of power she had, to your unconscious body. The green chains slowly and gently wrapped around your body, with it flickering in and out of existence as each moment passed. She was exerting herself to bring you into her prison, at least she’d be able to protect you and make sure the sages don’t do anything to you while you were in it. You were getting closer and closer to the walls, and eventually, started to phase into it, with the chains dissipating into green pixels when their job was done. Nahida pulled you the rest of the way in, and collapsed on your body, her head lying on your chest.
She was so incredibly tired from that feat, and wanted to truly sleep and not just nap. She wrapped her arms around you and dozed off.
Your arms wrapped around her in your sleep.
Two lonely beings, comforted by each other.
The Archon of Wisdom and The Creator.
The caged bird and the poor poor chased mouse.
Out side the door, dozen of guards stand confused. Vines and flowers have twisted and twined together, blocking the door entirely making it next to impossible to get in without use of an axe. Seeming growing out of nowhere with no time at all.
Hey! How’d you like this technically first chapter? I know it’s shorter than the first I did, but I wanted it entirely in 3rd person and not have to swap and disrupt the flow of things ya’know?
As I said at the top, this is a platonic thing, please please PLEASE for the love of god don’t interpret this as romantic. I will disclose if something is ‘romantic’ (but like the SAGAU au is infamous for it’s yanderes so take that with a grain of salt) and this isnt it, the children are pure because they are my babies. ESPECIALLY Nahida.
If your name is crossed out then it means I couldn’t tag you im sorry :(
Taglist: @no-name-omo @moosieman123456
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alastorgould · 1 month
Why I think it is wrong to sexualize Rocket: a rant/vent
I’ve been seeing tons of posts and comments that have made me super upset lately. So much so that I’ve had to block #roquill (most of the gross stuff is from that ship I hate roquill so fkn much omg ). And I’ve just felt like I need to talk about it even though nobody asked for my opinion.
Please note must of this can be defeated by ‘he’s just a fictional character’ but ill address that in a bit.
Rocket’s story is fundamentally about he trying to overcompensate and regain control of his life after years of trauma and abuse. There is no point in the comics or movies where he is recovered in any meaningful capacity. Of course you can be attracted to fictional characters but it’s upsetting when his most sexualized quality is that he’s ‘bratty’. His anger issues are a trauma response and he isn’t like that at all when he’s comfortable. His characterization is that of a broken man dragging his way through life and realizing it’s ok to find comfort in other people. Sure, he’s witty and clever and furries love him but the fact that I’ve seen comments on Rocket art like “he’s such a power bottom omg…” when it’s not even suggestive makes me want to throw up.
Now the weird part of this post
I see the characters I kin as not only real people, but as facets of myself. When I personally see Rocket sexualized, it feels like an attack on ME. Rocket is genuinely one of the things that kept me from ending it for so long. I developed severe maladaptive daydreaming to cope with being bullied for being queer in the Deep South. For many years i promised myself I’d survive to see gotg vol 3. I’ve found such deep comfort and solace in him that the way I think and process things often connects to him. His personality molded to me and has stuck. He is me. Of course not literally; I know full well he’s just a character; but his story and his motivations and how he is as a person reflects myself so deeply I find it hard to separate where he ends and I, myself, begin.
I’ve heard that the character you relate to the most is how you see yourself; and that is fully true here. Me and him are just trying to gain control of our lives and make it through without relapsing. Even though I’m not an alien lab experiment or badass bounty hunter; I feel for him. I often think of him as a little ghost in the back of my head, guiding me through my life and a trans and autistic person in a rough spot.
Of course, I can’t and won’t stop anyone from liking what they like. I just wanted to share my experiences with Rocket and how much he truly means to me :)
(yes I should probably get real therapy yes I pirated every single gotg comic yes I own the plushie from Disney world yes I have thousands of headcannons that I’d love to share if anyone wants to hear them)
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Can I request TADC cast x reader who just kinda...emotionally shuts down when they get stressed? Like someone who just responds to stress by freezing up and not saying a word. Can you write some HCs for how each cast member would help them through such a shutdown?
Also not quite related to the request, but can I use some of your HCs for some fanfic ideas?
TADC cast x reader who shuts down/freezes when stressed!
yahoo !!! think i might do this and one more request then go stretch my silly legs based on admins own personal experience with them shutting down n shit and what helps with them so uhuh obviously; what helps me isnt universal so !!
aaaaand to answer your question; yes you may! i dont see why you shouldnt be allowed to use my hcs! otherwise whats the point of me sharing them with others/letting people requests, you know :0?
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i think it would take him a minute to realize that theres something wrong, or he will notice immediately i think it depends on how long you guys have known one another. but for the sake of story telling lets say its the first time hes seen you freeze up. i like to think that sometimes caine spectates IHAs to make things are running smoothly... or as smoothly as they can... thats when he notices youve kind of just... standing there off to the side. takes you off the the side. at a loss for what to do, and he might actually think that theres something wrong with you; like digitally or coding wise that theres something wrong. not like, mentally and physically. very bad at comfort the first time because he doesnt know whats going on, but if you explain to him hes going to do his best to help. takes you away when he notices somethings off, sometimes even pauses or cancels the IHA if he has to, takes you to your room or his own room (does he have a room?) so you have a space thats familiar and calm. caine, as a partner is wrapped around your finger and will follow every command you give him, and this is especially true for moments of distress. so really it depends on what you personally need for comfort!
honestly pomni seems to freeze up as well in moments of stress, but she seems to snap out of it after a moment; at least going off of what we have seen in the pilot! so i think she would be able to relate to you when you have your moments. with that being said, i dont think pomni is good at delivering comfort. i think i might have said this yesterdays request w/ a crying reader where she just. sucks at giving comfort. like most of the other characters on the list (if not all) she will try to take you off to the side so you can have some space. doesnt know how to proceed though; does she try talking you through this? do you need a moment alone? i think she would try to fill the silence with random conversation; words that arent exactly tied to the current thing going on, you know? just to fill the noise. another one where youre going to have to fill her in on what works best for you personally when youve unwinded enough to be able to think straight, you know?
drum roll please
she takes you off to the side; but with a twist! she takes you to your room so youre somewhere familiar and safe, so you... well feel more comfortable and safe. i think she would also talk about random things, like pomni to fill the silence; but while pomni kind of just talks to nothing, ragatha would leave the conversation open just enough so if you were to... say want to join her in this distraction, then you have a spot to join. you know? not totally blocking you off from an escape, but also not forcing it onto you before youre ready to move forward. if that makese sense. at least thats what personally helps the admin. definitely walks you through some grounding, i think
easily one of the worst, i think. not because he would kick you when youre already down, but because proper comfort and soothing really isnt his thing. his entire deal is that he picks on and bullies everyone to keep himself entertained and busy.... that doesnt strike me as someone who is very emotionally mature and ready to be able to help someone who is shutting down... so i think the first few times he might actually make things worse due to the simple fact that he has no idea what hes doing. after a few scenarios of you freezing, though, i think he would slowly figure out what needs to be done... okay so take you away from whatever is stressing you out, dont push you... checks notes... dont be intimidating, you know basic stuff! not stellar, but hes learning... probably just pushes you down to sit on your bed, or even his bed if his room is closer. doesnt talk, i think; you guys just kind of sit in silence, i think. mostly because jax still doesnt know what to say tbh
sorry jax fans </3
honestly as i try to come up with ideas for kinger, i can see kinger being the type to shut down and freeze in moments of stress. he either outright freaks out, or just goes still and quiet. its a coin toss for him. same song and dance, he takes you away and to somewhere quiet and not... overstimulating... more often than not he takes you to the pillow fort; or hell he might even start building one right there around you! leaves the softest and most comfiest pillow for you so you can hold and squeeze it however you wish. impromptu stress toy, more or less, i think. tends to be very controlled and quiet when you get like this, idc what anyone says kinger would be the king of comfort (dad/grandpa vibes yk) tries to come up with solutions as well as ways to prevent this happening in the future; or at least work out a system so you have a way out before things get too terrible
like a cross between jax and pomni i think. they kind of sometimes underestimate the depth(?) of these scenarios and how impacting it can be; but they are also so so bad at comforting people in general. rather than taking you to the side i think they would try to get everyone else to leave if theyre not confident that your state wont get worse if they touch you. only really does this if you shut down in a space thats like; not the common living area... though i do think they would still try to tell everyone to back up should the location be there... tries to lower their voice and make it sound softer; which is way harder than it looks! theyre so used to being sarcastic and tired sounding! another case of "it takes some time to get right" you know? generally does try their best though, does not ever make you feel less than for your reactions or minimizes you
genuine panic when it happens, especially when it happens for the first time. kind of stuck on what to do since her response to stress is different from yours (you freeze, she cries). though i do think she would have a solid means of helping you out. takes you to her room, and lets you draw. thats it
well okay i should be more specific. she lets you doodle around on papers to try to get the feelings out. not even like, doodles in the way of flowers or people or what have. just scribbles and lines and circles, just to help you through it, you know? tries to quiet reassure you that youre safe in here with you, and surprisingly enough, does a decent job of keeping herself held together for your sake... doesnt pry for you to talk if youre not ready, and keeps an eye on you to make sure youre safe. similar to kinger, you guys try to come up with a system to help avoid these situations/have a way out
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la-tramontana · 1 year
I'm seeing some union support but not many stories about what exactly a strike can be like to experience personally, which I certainly didn't know about before it happened. I think more of us should share experiences.
When I was on strike, there was a period when I had the assignment to ride around on a bicycle and photograph every dumpster at our worksite, mark locations, and find out which fellow unions were in charge of emptying them.
(this didn't end up happening because my health collapsed, but it was something I was expected to do)
The reason for this was that we had sympathy from groups like the Teamsters who drive UPS trucks. By law they could refuse to deliver across a picket line, but that line could not be the metaphorical line of a struck workplace. It had to be a literal picket line and as our internal support for the strike flagged we were going to send groups of about 10 people to form picket lines around dumpsters and loading docks.
Because keeping our wages so low was driving a large and comfortable margin of profit for our employer, losing a large portion of their workforce to our labor action didn't do that much. We had workers at other sites waking up early to form picket lines at worksite construction sites, and picketing loading docks, stopping deliveries of substances that needed to be frozen, which ruined them.
We had a strike kitchen which served a lot of bad coffee and butternut squash.
We had riotous memey chats and constant arguments with our union staffers, fellow workers, and everyone split on whether to demand disability rights and childcare or give up or what. We were constantly, nonstop fighting. My phone would overheat and I'd look at it at 11 PM with more than new 900 signal messages.
At one point there were serious and pointed conversations about whether the lead negotiator for the other side was hexing our guys and about whether we needed to supply the bargaining team with protection from the evil eye.
We had folks scouting ahead on bikes ahead of the lines checking for cops.
We had multiple cars charge our picket line and clip workers.
We had a picket line drag show.
We shut down bus access to our worksite for days by staging a dance party around the entrance to the terminal for hours. Bus systems need to be reliable for them to be worth running. After blocking the terminal enough times our employer shut down the bus.
We had folks from HR standing far off and taking photographs of our pickets and movements. I got a feeling of constantly being watched, both by worksite labor relations and the staffers in my own union.
We had local anarchists barricading entrances to the worksite with makeshift structures, including just a wall of bikes. One of the barricades was charged by a car, which dragged a bike beneath it for some 50, 60 feet.
The anarchists also liberated workplace cafeterias so that for hours and hours no one had to pay and everyone ate for free, they spread leaflet material that was anti-union boss at our staging area and ran away, they chalked up anti-cop messages. How we loved 'em!
Staffers tried to go behind my back to pull another lead strike captain for my turf but they didn't succeed in cutting the head off the snake. My companions were true to the end.
Some of them are now organizing their apartment buildings. Some won positions in union leadership.
We passed a contract that we all agreed was horseshit, with inadequate protections, and we're all-in now on defending the letter of it as our employer tries to claw it back.
Support the labor movement. Corruption happens, but it isn't the job of bystanders to regulate or manage it.
The union is the people and right now, we need support for every strike, every time. One day longer... one day stronger... to the line, to the line, to the line.
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Okay so I know I haven’t been posting in like forever about Isabela Madrigal or Encanto despite this blog originally being meant as an Isabela appreciation blog, my interest in Encanto has kinda died down for the time being due to no new stuff being made and me hyoerfixating in other things to my own detriment(so if you’re wondering why I haven’t updated my fics in a while, this is why), and I’m sincerely so sorry about that…but also a thought has been with me for a while and I have to say it now especially because it’s exactly on topic for a blog such as this and it’s something near and dear to me that makes me so happy.
The headcanon that Isabela is a lesbian makes me so proud and grateful to be a lesbian. In fact, it’s actually what originally helped me realize I was a lesbian myself. And I’m not saying this in a “thirsty” way mind you(although she is also my cartoon crush), but seeing so much of myself in her and seeing her as a lesbian and knowing that so many people in the Encanto fandom, lesbian or not, also see her in the same way, was a huge comfort to me. I didn’t have any idea of the true reason it meant so much to me to see a character like Isabela—portrayed as the most graceful flower, unambiguously and unapologetically feminine in her own way even after her transformation, as the most beautiful and also darkest-skinned of the Madrigals, and who has my same sassy but sweethearted personality and wears my favorite color—being viewed as a lesbian, but it was. And it’s a headcanon that I’ve always held near and dear to my heart ever since I first heard it.
And it was that headcanon that lead me to start educating myself about things like lesbophobia, compulsory heterosexuality, femme erasure, labels like butch/femme, and other things related to lesbians, as my respect for the lesbian community only grew and grew. And eventually I came to the epiphany that I was also a lesbian! Crazy, right? Well, if you’ve known me long enough then it’s not crazy at all lol. So, in conclusion, whenever I think of the headcanon that Isabela is a lesbian, especially a femme lesbian, it always makes me think of my own journey accepting my femme lesbian identity and how important and beautiful it is to me. Even if it’s just a headcanon, it makes me so happy to project that identity onto a character so similar to myself. It’s cute to imagine that I have something in common with my favorite character of all time even if it’s only in my head. It helps me feel seen and validated. So thank you, Isabela Madrigal! And to all of the other people out there who also hold and support this headcanon, thank you as well!
Anyway, that’s it, so have this cute little Isabela gif to top the whole thing off!
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(obligatory disclaimer that this is only about my own personal experience and feelings towards the “Isabela is a lesbian” headcanon, it is NOT meant to be taken as gospel, nor to erase the inherently cultural message that the movie sends about generational trauma in Colombian families, it’s literally just me gushing, I KNOW very well that Isabela being a lesbian is NOT CANON by any means so please don’t try and come onto this post to derail and accuse me of being racist or only having the headcanon because she didn’t want to marry Mariano, which I don’t. if you do, then you will surely be blocked. this is my own personal anecdote and is to be taken as such, don’t read anything into this that isn’t there, thank you. 😉 ik that discourse is deader than ground beef now but i just wanted to say it just in case anyone gets any smart ideas.)
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dootznbootz · 3 months
hello, sorry it's me again, you've basically become my comfort blog-
I was on reddit and out of curiosity typed in "Circe rant" because idk, I was feeling salty about the book.
I saw a post that had some legitimately good reasons and indicated that this is all just the person's opinion.
But when I checked the replies everyone was just disagreeing with them and being very rude?
Like, they complained about how the book doesn't feel feministic because Circe isn't that likable of a character? And then half the replies were "Uhh she's supposed to be morally gray" "I disagree, Madeline told her story very well." "What gave you the impression this book was supposed to be feministic??"
(Disregarding half the reviews on the cover are calling it a "great feministic piece")
I was kinda pissed so I went to post my own thought about why I really dislike Miller's take on Circe. And 80 present of the replies were just flaming me-
Some guy said people can interpret her anyway they want because she's not real. Someone said I should be more humble and that I just don't like Circe as a character (which is not true). And so on.
Something I've seen is that the Circe book fans are so sensitive good god- Whenever someone criticizes their book they go full defensive mode. Trying to reason with you when most of the time you're the one who actually knows more about the actual character-
They act like all of our concerns on the book actually have a reason and make sense? Honestly, props to us for being bold enough to voice our concerns on a book that basically has a cult following-
Again, really sorry for coming here to bother you. I'm just salty and I genuinely really like your takes
That's really sweet that you feel safe and comfy on my blog. That's what I'm trying to be. Thank you 🥹
You're not bothering me <3 I can understand being salty about the book. It makes me salty too. It's why it's honestly good to block the tags and avoid most of that stuff. Make friends and find the community that actually understand what actually went down in the Odyssey and what happened to Odysseus. There are plenty on here! :D Also quite a few who have really neat and fun stuff about Odyssey Circe while still being respectful of Odysseus!
I don't recommend trying to fight with these folks. It's frustrating but they're not gonna change their mind. As they don't want to. Inform and educate sometimes especially if people ask but don't waste so much energy on it. It's not good for you. It's okay to vent and rant but I don't recommend searching it out. <3 You'll just stress yourself out :D
I think the book is almost like, the most "basic angry feminist shlock in a bland and easy to consume can for pre-teens" book, you know? And that's why so many people cling to it. I can see SOME people taking comfort in the anger maybe?? But idk. Anyways it has so many classic "YA shit". Girlboss who has "no flaws and can do no wrong" who actually isn't a very nice person (what's with so many characters being so mean and moody???), the mean, MEAN men who are just soooo awful to her and try to push her down. The other women who are just slutty and so dumb. They don't get it. etc. etc.
I think it's a lot of younger fans who are JUST starting to see a lot of "adult shit" and it's scary so it's nice to have...idk this?? I don't understand it. As I was never really one to be into that or really even behave that way. Odysseus is much relatable and hopeful as insane as that is.
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rob-thedairyqueen · 6 months
you tagged "ass" as 'swearing tw' ? you will never survive the outside world 😭
Ah, that’s an interesting perspective! Thanks for sending this ask. Let me break down what it is you’re actually telling me— or at least, what I think you’re telling me. Correct me if I misunderstand you!
1. You’re operating under the assumption that I tag for swearing because it bothers me personally.
This is actually partially true; I don’t personally like swear words, and that is part of what motivates me to tag it. But I never actually block this tag, so I’m not using it to filter out posts for myself. Rather, I’m mostly trying to give anyone else who *would* like to filter out swearing the opportunity to do so. Many people tag things specifically for their followers, and not for themselves.
Even if I was filtering posts out, what’s wrong with that? Isn’t it responsible of me to understand my own limits and curate my online space in a way that works for me?
2. You’ve taken the indication that swearing bothers me as an indication that I’m not able to engage meaningfully, politely, or effectively with people who do.
That’s a bit of a jump. I can and do listen to people who use those words, and appreciate what it is they have to say. I just happen to tag their posts online while I do it. The fact that I’m reblogging posts with swears in them— generally because I like them in some way or agree with their message— regardless of the fact that I don’t use or especially like certain words should tell you right off the bat that I don’t implode as soon as I hear/see one.
But let’s ignore all of that for a second. Let’s assume that I’m exactly the person you think I am: someone who, for whatever reason, is so upset by swear words some or all of the time that I cannot meaningfully engage with others who use them.
You’re right that such a person would possibly have a very hard time relating to and working with others. That would make their own life quite difficult, as well as the lives of the people around them. And the thing is, I’m sure that person would probably be well aware of this fact, because they’re living it. And they’d already probably feel bad about having this problem.
So what good does telling them they are doomed to fail do? What is your motivation for saying something like this? It doesn’t feel like you’re trying to help me. If you wanted to help me, you would maybe try to see what exactly caused my discomfort with swear words and try to suggest solutions to get me more comfortable and therefore better able to adapt to my environment.
This feels like you are simply trying to shame me— a stranger— for a perceived fault. Why? Are you frustrated that people around you seem overly sensitive and therefore unable to discuss serious issues? I think a lot of people worry about that. Completely fair. But there are a lot more constructive ways to address that issue than poking fun at someone for doing something harmless in their own lane.
I’m happy to continue talking with you about this, if you genuinely want to have a conversation. This is pretty entertaining.
Watch as the reason you came at me is because I accidentally tagged a post that was using that word to refer to a donkey and not a butt. LOL If that’s what I did, let me know which post it was and I’ll remove the tag!
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ofthecedartree · 3 months
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This is a roleplay blog portraying Cedar Oriel, a Love & Deepspace OC. This is created for entertainment purposes only. I (the admin) am in no way, shape, or form associated with InFold PTE LTD. or the Love and Deepspace franchise. PLEASE READ THIS POST BEFORE INTERACTING.
"𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖."
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Before interacting with the muse through the blog, please be aware of the following:
I (the admin) reserve the right to refuse to answer (and subsequently delete asks and interactions that I do not feel comfortable with answering. This will come without warning. Please don't take it personally, this is for my own personal comfort!
Minors and blogs without a specified age will be automatically blocked!
You may interact with Cedar through asks (anon or not), mentions, reblogs, etc. This account is mirrored-lit. This means that you are free to interact using shorthand prose, semi-para, multi-para, lit, or semi-lit, or however else you see fit. Whichever way you interact, I will match you!
Anyone in the Love & Deepspace universe may interact. This includes other OCs, or canon characters! You are free to interact as with a platonic relationship, whether pre-established or developing.
Cedar is primarily shipped with Gabriel (@), in main verse.
In AU verses, shipping is allowed, with canon L&DS characters, but not other OCs. Please discuss with me prior to establishing a ship!
Account DMs are open, you can slide in at anytime, especially if you wish to plot something or discuss something beforehand!
Admin is 21+ years old. Interactions that are NSFW (sexual) in nature are allowed, but will be hidden under the mature filter. Please be careful of the media you consume.
— Suggestive posts tagged: cw. suggestive. — Explicit posts tagged: cw. explicit.
If sharing art into my asks or tagging me in something, please be careful. CHECK FIRST if the artist allows reposts. If they do not, please only share the art via a link ONLY and do not share the image itself. If they do, please always credit back via a link and a username. Let's respect our lovely artists~!
Please be kind! Avoid hate, shaming, the use of slurs or derogatory terms, etc. This is a judgement-free environment. Let's all have fun!
Content will remain mostly in-character; however, if necessary, OOC-related content will be indicated by the following:
This blog is operated by: @cloudxxiia / @rose-tinted-kalopsia . The same is true for: @kaiakaya and @thomasicism .
— Posts beginning as: "🔥; text" — Posts tagged with: "when the lamp blows out. ooc." — Replies/tags formatted as: "(text)"
The following are information about the muse, Cedar.
Cedar (she/her) is an OC based on the Love and Deepspace franchise. She does NOT follow the MC plotline of the franchise, and is centered around her own story.
— AGE: 24 — BIRTHDAY: August 24 — SIGN: Virgo — RACE: Human — EVOL: Fire — OCCUPATION: Waitress, Horror novelist —
Black cat energy.
Cedar often comes off as snarky or mean, due to her frequent sarcastic comments and more obviously cynical attitude - especially outside of her waitressing hours. She’d roll her eyes and glare often, and she doesn’t have the friendliest exterior.
But she means well, she does, really. She just doesn’t know how to express her thoughts and emotions in a more pleasant way, so she tends to default to sarcasm, especially when something happens that she doesn’t like.
In truth, she holds a lot more emotions in her chest than she lets on. She’s gullible and easily riled up, and whatever “calm, unbothered” vibe she may give off initially would often disappear the more you get to know her. It’s only due to her desperation in “controlling” these emotions that her cynicism tends to prevail instead, but she’s learning to be healthier with her expressions.
— Nicknames: Cece, Ceddy, Ced, Woodie, Gaia, etc. — Hobbies: cooking, writing (horror novels) — Likes: Books, writing, cats, horror, gore, coffee, rain — Dislikes: Rude customers, obnoxious noise, fire — Virgo sun, Scorpio rising, Capricorn moon. Chiron in Aquarius in the 4th house. — She’s written two horror novels so far, under her pen name Ash. Both books have been well-received, but not so much to consider herself particularly famous. — "We Live In Your Walls" depicts the story of a child who finds a crayon drawing of a strange family — it's inscribed with the words, we live in your walls. — "‘Til Death Do Us Part" depicts the story of a woman who suddenly finds herself waking up in someone else’s body every morning — and each day ends with her being stalked and killed by the same murderer in black. — She’s not particularly secretive with the people around her of her identity as Ash, but her persona as an “author” remains mysterious to her readers. Her co-workers know, and she writes often during break times at the diner. Really, if you ask her, she’ll just tell you with a shrug. — She doesn’t like nicknames, at all, but never truly does anything to stop anyone from calling her by any. — She has almost started several fires at the diner due to rude customers getting on her nerves. Almost. They stop immediately when they see sparks.
Main Face Claim: Kim Suyeon / Sheon (Billlie)
— Height: 154cm + 5cm heels — Hair: Waist length, wavy, chestnut brown with blonde peekaboo highlights — Eyes: Long, narrow, red — Makeup: Dark brown eyeliner, dark brown mascara, pink eyeshadow, pink lipstick, pink blush — Fashion: Long silhouette—crop tops, long skirts, mary janes
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The following are tags that will be used across the blog.
out of character — when the lamp blows out. ooc.
suggestive posts — cw. suggestive.
explicit posts — cw. explicit.
queued posts — queue're not alone.
reblogs — from the silence comes a scream. (reblog)
prompts — and then there were none. (prompts)
answered — we live in your walls. (inbox)
roleplay — once upon a time
thoughts — look behind you. (musings)
The following are interaction-specific and verse-specific tags.
main verse — ablaze; main.
lore and background remain the same. love interest: gabriel.
au verses — through the veil; au.
lore and background may change. love interests may vary.
gabriel — my gabriel. of flames ignited; for you i burn.
cheshire — cheshire; the space around me is filled with you.
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loveharlow · 4 months
i admire u sm, you don’t even knowww girl. First of all, 4 graduating!!! I fr feel like a proud mum, well done 🎓!!! That’s such a huge accomplishment. Secondly, ur writing & immense attention to detail and plot points- impeccable. Svn is constantly on my mind.
I’m just rambling on ab life here, so I apologise in advance for the waffling below, but basically- my one aspiration in life is to become a singer-songwriter/performer. Ever since I was little, it’s been my dream: on Monday, I sing, on Tuesday, I sing, and on Wednesday, I sing some more- I hold so much passion for singing. In the next 5 years of my life, I want to have recorded a country-pop album alongside a talented producer. I write songs/come up with loose ideas for songs as frequently as possible, and I have both a vocal coach who I’ve been seeing for 5yrs,& additionally, a singing teacher who I’ve just begun lessons with. My VC has been giving me tips on songwriting and stuff, which is brilliant, n I also have some musical theatre singing exams July 6th! 🤞
But in regards to songwriting, I struggle to conjure up differentiating song topics- they’re always the same subjects, which is rlly boring icl! And because of that, the lyrics I write are also incredibly repetitive across the board, as they all speak of the same topics. Now, I THINK I’m making slow progress with my songwriting skills, which is awesome, but I can’t for the life of me come up with song topics that are true and from the heart, as well as differentiating.
SO sorry for rambling on like this ml!! I j needed someone to talk to.
If you have any random pretty words or phrases that might spark some inspo for me, that’d be wonderful, or any general advice- it’d be so so greatly appreciated.
I adore your work btw!!! Keep being amazing, and I’m sooo excited for next chap of svn! You’re killing me 🩷🩷
This made actual tears well up in my eyes you have no idea🥺 and thank you sm! Graduating was something I was actually scared I wouldn't be doing so I've been patting myself on the back for the last couple of days.
And good for you! You found a passion and are working towards making it your reality, that's such an icon thing to do ughh🥰 Also, good luck on your exams sweetie, you seem like a such a sweetheart and I'm sure you'll do amazing!
Ahh yes, the artist's block. Writers, Artists, and Performers always experience some kind of blockage that stops us from being great🙄 I'm not sure what advice to offer though, what pulled me out of my slump was realizing that I couldn't be afraid to put myself down on the page.
When I first starting writing, I was inspired by the things I was reading so some of my earlier pieces aren't fully me. But I realized that if I follow in the shadows of others, I'll never have my own. Maybe try getting more in-tune with yourself and who you are as an individual. Don't be afraid to use your personality, life experiences, and quirks in your work! Try to become effortlessly comfortable in your own skin, don't worry about the feedback you'll get after. Try and try again, y'know? You could also try looking at life through the eyes of people around you inspiration (if they're okay with it, of course), get the chance to use your music to tell someone else's story.
As for those random pretty words, OF COURSE?? I love looking through unique names/aesthetic words so I have a couple already scattered throughout my writing docs:
Hiraeth (one of my favs) - a homesickness for a home you cannot return to or that never was.
Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time.
Illuminate - to supply or brighten with light
Synodic - relating to/involving the conjunction of stars, planets, or other celestial objects
Obeisance - any action that shows deep respect for someone/something
Aureole - a radiance encircling the head or body, as in religious paintings
Morphean - of/relating to Morpheus, to dreams, or to sleep
Some names (can still be used as words)
Calista (greek) - most beautiful
Valkyrie (scandinavian) - chooser of the slain
Aurelia (latin/roman) - the golden one
Ivy (british) - climbing evergreen plant, also associated with loyalty and devotion
Primrose (british) - first rose (associated with protection, safety, and love)
I hope you make it where you desire in life and I hope I could help, even in the slightest! xx
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gentil-minou · 2 years
I'd love to go into psychology. I think that diagnosing people is absolutely fascinating, but I have a really hard time with empathy. I can understand characters in TV shows and books and why they do the things that they do, but when it's real people it feels like there's a mental block or something? I just have to try really hard to be understanding and patient and I think that doing that for years would make me feel terrible. I have the right personality to be a psychiatrist, but I hate science and I know that I'd hate doing medical school. I know that there's other jobs in psychology (like a research psychologist, or a professor or something maybe) but getting a PhD is phenomenally hard and I'm not sure if I can do it. I feel like, for a therapist or really for anyone in psychology, having a lot of empathy is almost a requirement. Can you be a therapist if you have a hard time with empathy and relating to people?
Hi! I'm so excited to hear you're interested and I always love talking to folks who are passionate about this as a career! We need folks, yes including folks like you!
For starters: psychology is a broad field and not just one career. There's different types and paths to follow, not just the stuff you see on TV. It can be stuff like psychiatry (which is more medication based and why more like med school), therapist (my field which I didn't need a doctorate for in the USA, only my masters and liscensure hours), occupational therapy (which is its own field and so so very important), school counselor. And etc etc. Some folks even use psych in other fields, like teachers and I know it helps im advertising and marketing. It's so multifaceted that there really isn't a limit!
What I mean to say is, in short, it's about figuring out what you're comfortable with doing and what's the right fit for you. And you have time! One of my classmates in my masters was 50, and they're terrific. Higher education is necessary, but there's many paths for the same thing. I'd say see what opportunities might be available for you now to test the waters, see where your interests lie. Do you like working with kids or adults? Do you prefer play therapy or talking about feelings? Do you like moving around and working on motor skills or helping someone in a crisis or trauma situation? Are you interested in social work or working in schools? Start with researching and see what sparks your interest, the more passionate you are about it the more motivated you'll be to go to school for it.
And as to your second question: you already HAVE empathy. You said you understand what a fictional character is thinking and why they act a certain way, and that's a start.
It's true having empathy is an important skill in this field, but it's a SKILL for a reason. It's something we have to practice, and that's part of why school is so important. Part of it is understanding how someone's experiences lead to they way they act, which comes from not just empathy but understanding the symptoms in play here.
I'll give a real example: a parent comes to me and says they don't like the work I'm doing with their kid and they want a new therapist, even though the kid doesn't. My instinct, and this I cannot stress enough is valid and normal reaction, is to be hurt and upset. I'm even angry, because I know I am doing good work and it's the parent who has been causing issues. I'm frustrated and so very very hurt.
But I can also acknowledge that my feelings are separate from the situation, that I need to dig deeper to find out the full bigger picture here. This career is a lot like detective work, because we have to search for clues that might tell us why someone does or acts a certain way. So for this parent I might think about what I know of home life, current events that might he impacting them. Does the parent have their own mental health that causes issues? Are they upset with me or the situation? And can I help them figure put and communicate? It builds on more than just empathy I think, and it's something that comes largely from experience and recognizing patterns.
It doesn't always come naturally, but it does come with practice. You definitely have empathy if you are able to think about how your reaction affects another person. It's just building on those skills! Gathering experience and letting yourself learn, recognizing what might be a weakness that you can build on. And crucially: Practice practice practice!
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cryptidpandas · 1 year
here's my ramblings about the Hamato ninpo, specifically Leo's ninpo, and how it all relates to trust
spoilers for my fic, up to chapter 18
(Skip to the " ~~~~ " for the main point of my rambling)
When I first started writing the ideas I had for my fic, I knew from the start I didn't want Leo to have the ability to use his ninpo/portals. It's basically a road trip/adventure fic, so being able to use portals would kinda make everything too easy. Not much character growth if you can just teleport away from all your problems. (there's probably a deeper analysis there about Leo's signature ability being portals and how he deflects negative emotions and some sort of connection, but that's a different topic for a different day)
So, the next question was if Leo couldn't use his portals, how did he lose them in relation to the story?
The easy answer would be an incident with the Krang, just like in the movie. But, I also wanted Mikey and Donnie to be able to use their own ninpo, so it had to all be on Leo. ALSO, I didn't want too much focus to be on the Krang, since one of the main plot points is that the invasion didn't last very long, and wasn't too traumatic. (also that the government is actually the true villain)
I went back and rewatched the last few episodes of season 2, as well as the movie several times.
When the brothers unlock their ninpo, it's because Raph learns how to trust in his family. The line is literally "trust us, like we trust you". So, the basis of ninpo itself is the trust they have with each other.
In the movie, their ninpos become 'blocked', which could be seen as a metaphor for them losing trust in each other (Raph vs Leo, Donnie and Mikey not agreeing with Leo, but following along anyway, Leo not trusting in his brothers, etc. I could go WAY deeper into the movie analysis, but again, different topic for a different day). And while it's not directly stated in the movie, they all unlock their ninpo by Leo learning to listen, and trust, essentially, his brothers, and himself.
In the fic...they don't have the same situation with the Krang. Instead, they're put into a broken world with a more complex political situation.
When you're in an environment with constant trauma and no positive resources, you start to lose trust in yourself. Finding hope becomes harder and harder, especially when you're supposed to take care of others or be in charge/a leader.
The Krang apocalypse is basically the worst-case scenario: the world is literally being destroyed, and all life is being wiped out or Krang-ified. You either hold onto hope and keep fighting, or you die.
In an apocalypse like The Last of Us, or any zombie media (The Walking Dead, Z Nation, World War Z[the book], etc), most of the conflict is on a more intimate level. The zombies caused the collapse of comfortable, normal society, but it doesn't happen all at once, or on an even playing field. Some areas survive better than others, some pieces of society (like the government) sacrifice others to stay alive.
It's kinda the main difference between alien invasion movies and zombie movies. Aliens, while very bad, can unify everyone against them. Zombies, typically, bring out the worst in human nature/society.
By putting the Hamatos in a zombie infested world, they have to face the breakdown of society in a way that is the antithesis to TRUST.
You can't trust the government, you can't trust humans, who in turn can't trust mutants/yokai, and you can't trust that the person standing next to you isn't Infected and hiding it.
So, Leo loses his trust in himself, the world, and his family. And that breaks his ninpo. He can't trust anyone, so it's better to be alone and trust no one.
But, then he ends up taking care of Casey, and the two of them together, they being to heal. Leo has no choice but to start trusting in himself so he can protect and train Casey.
And then, he has to save Casey, and he needs his ninpo to do it.
When it comes to forgiveness and learning how to trust yourself again, it's not just saying "I'm sorry" over and over and over again, taking all of the blame for yourself. Guilt is not black and white. Yes, there are things that can be directly cause and effect, and apologizing for mistakes is important.
But living beings are full of mistakes, and make them constantly. The kindest, most genuinely good person you know, has made mistakes that they could be blamed for, and they will make mistakes again.
You will make mistakes that are technically your fault, and learning to live with that is just part of life.
Leo takes every mistake he's ever made and lets them drown him in guilt and shame, then creating a cycle where his lack of trust, care, and forgiveness for himself leads him to making more mistakes/poorer decisions.
The only way he's able to unlock/fix his ninpo is by acknowledging the fact that he can't just keeping saying "I'm sorry" or hold onto the guilt because he thinks he deserves it. The only way out is through, and part of it is accepting that mistakes will happen, and he will fuck up. But what matters is that he keeps trying to be better, and trust in himself that he can do it, and also trust in those around him who he cares for, and who care for him in return.
I almost did write a Good Will Hunting-ish scene of Leo nonstop apologizing, and Raph saying "it's not your fault", but....it's not that simple. Because there were things Leo could have done differently, but also........he was hurting...mentally, emotionally, and physically.
But, that also doesn't mean he's supposed to just let himself rot in the guilt of it all. There are ways to make amends, there's ways to be better, but also....he's a person, and people make mistakes.
Leo is, ultimately, a good person, and a hero. But he's flawed, because literally everyone else is, and being a good person/hero doesn't mean he won't make mistakes, and also shouldn't be held (or hold himself) to that standard.
There's a difference between knowingly hurting others and causing harm, and lashing out because you yourself are hurting.
That's........pretty much everything in my head about that. I apologize for the repeated/redundant or scatterbrain arguments/ramblings, but also, my ADHD is strangling me and I don't have time to go through and edit this. Hopefully, it makes enough sense (just like Leo, I'm trying not to hold myself to impossible perfectionist standards akdsfdfsf. Practicing what I preach and all that)
Anyway, if you read this, ily and I hope you have a wonderful day <3
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allysketches · 2 years
what's ur opinion on TERFs
not welcome in this blog or anywhere near me in general, in fact, if I see someone like that interacting with my posts it's an automatic report/block.
but I understand the ask and I must make it clear that I want nothing to do with that vile woman who shall not be named as I stand for everything that she's against, and since I can't simply delete her from reality (or send her to prison, since, frankly, that's where she should be) the least I can do is be vocal about it.
it pains me and saddens me deeply that this beloved story that has been for so long a refuge to many people, especially those of marginalised groups and minorities that saw themselves in some aspect of this fantastical world, despite its flaws, and felt empowered by its positive themes - friendship, acceptance, belonging and its power to triumph over evil and hatred - turned out to be written by this terrible, hateful, egotistical person that is now actively harassing and persecuting one of these marginalised group non-stop and with seemingly no consequences... it would be ironic if it wasn't utterly tragic and didn't have very real consequences to very real people.
this simply isn't something we can overlook. she is using her influence and her money to hurt people, and the more she gets the more evil she'll do. trans people's lives have to come first, so above anything, support them, amplify their voices, do what you can. I, for a while now, no longer consume or support anything officially hp, the movies, the books, licenced merch, bc under no circumstances I want to support this woman, whatever small the difference may be at the end of the day...
and, for this same reason, I heavily debated for a long time if I should even post anything hp related to begin with and why I ultimately decided to. I saw how the fandom reclaimed this story and characters and made it their own, working with passion and creativity to transform this universe, each making small differences for the better, to give it more depth, make it more unique, more personal, diverse and inclusive - from short headcanons, to gigantic fics - and so I thought that maybe that's what matters: this collective transformative power, building a wonderful, welcoming community for everyone. adding your own voice to a conversation but also listening to others. going against whatever the creator thinks or wants, in favour of your peers.
it is an admirable thing to love something and not only be capable of acknowledging its flaws, but to try to make it better. 
and for those that grew up comforted by this story, and realised, because of it, that you were not alone, that there is a place for you, that you could be truly yourself and be loved for it: all of this still stands true, nothing that that woman says or does can destroy that, you already yield the power of this message and the meaning of it lies with you, not with her. we can't let the bigots win.
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kinfromtheaether · 9 months
Questions and Answers
Hello again my Skyward souls.
As I am a new blog, I thought I would tell a little about myself and the kind of Otherkin I am, my history with the term as well as its community. I wil try to be brief as I am prone to overexplaining and off track rambling, in which case I apologise and request that you keep on reading regardless as I shall get to the point eventually. Without further ado, let us begin:
Q. Who are you?
A. As I mentioned previously you may address me as Aerheart or Aer for short. I will not reveal my true name or location for my own safety and wellbeing, so kindly do not ask for the specifics. I will, however, say that I am very much an adult, so if that bothers you I urge you to block and move on as I have zero tolerance for uncalled hostility.
Q. How did you learn about Otherkin?
A. Three years ago I saw a fellow fandom member answer the question "What is kin?" with "A character you heavily relate to!". I was very sceptical of this definition, having learned to take everything on the internet, especially fandom terminology, with a grain of salt. So I did what any capable internet dweller should do and looked things up. And that is where I learned of Otherkin and how important and REAL it is to many. And I could not help but think how cool I thought every one of these people were.
Q. How did you learn YOU were Otherkin?
A. The more I read about Otherkin as hours of searching turned into days, the more I saw myself reflected in these strange, misunderstood people. I began to question myself and my experiences, finding more and more evidence that pointed to me being one of them. My childhood, teenagehood, my thoughts and feelings all throughout my life... all of it lined up like the stars and planets above until they aligned in a perfect line. And thus, I awoke. And thus, I began searching for my home(s).
Q. What are your kins?
A. I am Polykin, meaning I have multiple kin types. Although I have confirmed some, I remain ever the explorer and constantly question myself and my feelings thoroughly, ever hesitant to truly confirm any new kintype. Nevertheless, my kintypes are currently (Fictionkins censored for my own comfort):
Lyr4 (P0k3m0n SS)
T4vr0s N1tr4m (H0m3stuck)
The kintypes I am considering:
Geraldine "Deena" Redwood (OCkin, T00n)
Bird Therian (I am uncertain which specifically, although I do have a strong lead)
P3r1d0t (SU)
S1lv3rm1st (D1sn3y F41r13s)
R3td3x (N0 Str41ght R04ds)
M4k1e S4s4k1 (N3g1m4!)
L0r3l41 Blynd3ff (3p1th3t 3r4s3d)
All of these are subject to change at any time. Identity is fluid and everchanging. I am no excempt of that.
Q. What KIND of Otherkin are you (Spiritual or Psychological?)
A. I personally see MY Kintypes being Psychological in nature, although I do genuinely believe in the multiverse existing in some form.
That said, I will never discredit anyone with spiritual explanations for their experiences as I see reality as vast and unexplainable, holding immense potential and wonder where anything can be possible, especially things that cannot be explained with "reason" and "logic". Call it the Agnostic in me, but as long as whatever force(s) governing this realm come out of their place of dwelling and tell us, without a shred of room for interpretation, how things work, every belief you may have is equally as right or wrong.
Except the beliefs that bring harm to other people, especially minorities. I will not apologise for saying this to you, but... you f***ing suck.
Q. Can I ask a question relating to Otherkin terminology/other such information?
A. You may, but bear in mind I am still a fledling in this regard as well and while I will do my best to answer such questions, I am not the representative of all things Otherkin. For more accurate information, I suggest you ask others in the Otherkin community for their input and come to your own conclusions. After all, no one can know who you truly are other than yourself.
Q. "Otherkin is delusional/you're mentally ill/other harmful comment"
A. I will not converse with anyone who comes into my inbox with hatred and an unwillingness to accept the diversity of "humankind" in their soul. You will be blocked on sight. Goodbye.
That concludes my basic QnA. If you have any other questions my inbox is open for any curious wandering soul. If your question is suitable enough, I will add the answer here for future reference with the inquirer's permission.
Have a good rest of your day. Till next time.
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devinevirtue · 1 year
🔥 give us ur salt
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Meme - Accepting
Tumblr media
Hi. You! Ily! But okay. I'll be a lil salty for you bae. So, I think that people need to take a step back and learn to mind their own business and also learn to just curate their tumblr experience. Now, I know that sounds rather blunt and rude but, it's true. I have seen over the years how some people believe that they are entitled to learn every little detail about your personal life or dictate how you should run your tumblr blog or who you should/shouldn't interact with.
People used to overshare all the time on Tumblr in the past. I did too I won't lie. But now as I've grown, I don't do that much anymore. I keep things vague such as not publishing my exact location, barely mention my family or my job. I also don't post photos of myself anymore for my own comfort unless my face is blanked out. Nor do I post any of my other socials here on Tumblr. I have grown and learnt to keep to myself.
Curating comes along with minding your own business to an extent I believe. You're not gonna like everything someone else likes and that's gonna relate to everything such as fandoms, ships and characters. Don't be harassing someone just because they like things you don't like. It isn't going to change their interests at all, so simply just block/blacklist and move on. It's a lot easier than sending hateful messages. Like I'm here to relax and enjoy the things I like. Not have someone tell me why I shouldn't like xyz. I just block immediately if people try to dictate what I should/shouldn't like.
It's the same with everyone you see. You're not going to like everyone you see/meet on tumblr. Tumblr likes to give this happy vibe of 'you can get along and be friends with everyone' which isn't true. Sometimes you just don't click with people or like what you see. It happens. However. This doesn't give you the right to tell someone who they can interact with just cause you don't like somone.
I personally have the viewpoint of blacklist/block who you don't like/want to see and keep it at that. It's what I do. It's easy to do and causes no fuss. I'm curating my tumblr experience for myself no one else and I think others need to learn to do the same to have a more relaxing time here on this website before devs destroy it once more.
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