#thats the thing i was thinking of i knew he fought over someone
The safety on his gun was turned back on with an inaudible click as Jason let the tension leak out of his body.
It wasn't often that someone broke into one of his safe houses, especially one that he hadn't used in a while, so seeing as some of his silent alarms went off he raced over ready to put a bullet in some wannabe robber or maybe a goon sent by another crime lord trying to start something.
Instead he found a prime bat adoption bait sitting in the living room floor, bare stomach pressed to the side of a ginormous egg. It didn't look like any egg hed ever seen either with midnight blue fuzz covering the whole thing. "Hey kid."
The kids head whipped around, startled by a strangers voice. "Who are you?" He asked incredulously, hugging the monster egg closer to himself, "How did you get in here? This place has some serious security."
Jason gave a short laugh, "Yeah, I know. I'm the one who put it there." He watched with mild amusement as the color drained from the kids face.
"You're the apartment owner? I thought he was supposed to be some big scary crime lord!"
"I'm not scary to you?" It wasn't uncommon for people to be intimidated by him. He was, as Steph put it, 'built like a fridge'.
The adoption bait stared into his eyes for a few torturously long seconds before simply saying, "No."
"So, whats up with the egg?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
"Thats my line, Todd." A voice said from across the room. Both him and the little intruder snapped there attention to the window where Robin was perched. Jason fought back the urge to chastise the little bat for using his real name seeing as he was out of costume at the moment. After all he was here as Jason Todd, normalish civilian man who came to see why his house was broken into, not Red Hood. Jason almost wished with was some goon working for a big bad even if it would have meant his secret identity was busted, he would have been at least dealing with that instead of Damians inevitable animal custody battle with the kid. Speaking of which.
"Hey kid, whats your name?"
"Danny Fenton." The kid-Danny, tilted his head. "I think."
Robin raised an eyebrow, causing his mask to sift with it, "You think?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah. Got blasted with something a few weeks ago and I don't remember much before that." His grip on the egg had loosened a bit and Robin chose this as he time to strike. Bird boy tried to lift the egg up out of the intruders impromptu blanket nest, but seemed to have misjudged the weight of the egg that was as big as both children's torsos and Danny was swift to take back his egg.
"What do you think you're doing?! Thats mine!" Egg dad hissed.
"Tt. I will be better able to care for the creature. You should just hand it over now. Do you even know whats in there?"
"No! Neither do you!"
Jason knew Robin couldn't refute that so he chose now to step in, "Where did that thing even come from?
He watched as Dannys scowl turned into a beaming smile as he told them about how he was hiding behind a dumpster for warmth when this egg just fell out of the sky and with quick thinking, managed to catch it with a bed of ruined pillows from a recent villian attack. "So you can't take my dragon egg away. I'm the only reason it didn't become a failed street omelet." Danny held his hands on his hips while giving Robin a smug look.
Before the demon brat could say anything or, more likely, try to wipe that smirk off the other kids face, a new person swooped in through the window. "You think its a dragon egg?"
The kid seemed unbothered by the Batman questioning him and just replied with, "Yeah! Look how big it is! Its gotta be a dragon!"
Bruce looked like he was about to have an aneurysm, "You found a large egg of an unknown, potentially supernatural creature and decided to incubate it?"
Jason decided he liked this kid.
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coffeewithcocoa · 3 months
Can I request male reader x Alastor were they are enemies by day and lovers by night? If you can thank you💕
Playing Pretend
Alastor x Male Reader
Warnings: Fluff//Romantic Relationship//Female DNI
Sorry if it’s not perfect or too short😅
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You and Alastor hated each other. No, Correction. You guys pretended to hate each other. It’s not for the reason you think but it’s just because he wants to keep his, ‘big, bad, scary, overlord’ self. He’s actually a big fat softy when and behind closed doors.
He’s been like this since you’ve joined the hotel, as bad as that may seem when it’s clearly not. Like said before, behind closed doors this man’s a big fat softy. Giving you, hugs, kisses, cuddles and much more. The only time you guys fought was in the morning. Why?
It’s so that he wouldn’t show weakness to the blind sinners eyes. Alastor thinks they’re clueless and don’t deserve to see an overlords soft side. Plus he still has Vox to worry about. Showing a soft side around him would cause everyone In pentagram city to see him as a damn joke. So when you guys got into an established relationship he made you swear to only show him love at night, in private, when everyone’s asleep.
It worked for you perfectly though since you weren’t the one for touching anyone who doesn’t have a good bond with you. That’s kind of why Alastor fell for you in the first place. The moment he laid a finger on you when you were knew you almost blew his head off, almost.
You’ve changed, sure, but you still would do that if you didn’t crave or want touch in that moment. A subtle noise made you snap from your thoughts. The jazz noises that filled the room now being mixed in with your boyfriend’s return from working that night.
Charlie has been making him up and down with more and more ideas for the hotel, hoping that it would get more patrons. “Good evening, Cher.” He showed his true voice towards you. It was tired and craving a break.
“Evening.” You replied. Knowing he wants a break but he wouldn’t get one till he allows himself for one. You went back to what you were doing before he arrived in your room, reading. Silence came between you as the room was still filled with the jazz you’d left on. Your voice breaking the short silence, “Charlie I’m assuming?”
“As much as I care for the doll she’s just a little too talkative Cher.” Alastor answered with a small hum. His lovely grin, that covers his face everyday, faded as he moved further into the room. Your head turned, placing the book down to stand up. “Is there anything you’d like me to do?” You asked going over to the radio that played the genre that your lover enjoyed when he was alive.
“Hm. Just your presence is fine.” The smile he had finally gained confidence again. Going back to its original bright self that everyone is familiar with. Alastor’s hand was focused on his dress coat. He may need it for when he was working or when it was morning but wearing such a thing around you felt weird. Yes he likes being neat and tiddy but he just wants a break.
Your foot steps being further away from him when he started and you being right in front of him when he finished made his gaze turn to you. A small smile placed into your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I hate waking up.” Alastor knew the answer to that and he on the same boat as you. “I know Cher. We do it because it’s to protect an innocent, handsome, sinner such as yourself.”
He has a way with words. And you hated it. Thats the only thing you really hated value him though. Everything else was something someone wanted really bad but he happened to fill up the categories perfectly! “I understand but why in front of all the others?” It was pretty obvious as to why the others didn’t know about the relationship going on between you too, but wouldn’t they be the first to know?
“Ha! They would be the last ones to know about such a thing Cher.” The speed that he can change moods scares you quite a bit. Even with it being as simple as him being tired to him enjoying the presence he brought to the room.
Sorry that it’s quite short. I’ve been tired and busy and nothing exactly came into mind once I got to this point, hope you like it though!<333
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fluffy-dixon · 3 months
Heyyy! So that's my first time writing a request so it's going to be bad. Anyway. I was thinking after an one shot or a drable,whichever one you prefer,of Daryl being realy insecure about his body and standing in front of a mirror and just judging himself(like every part of him,how he is worn down and reader needs someone better than him). And reader is 10 years younger than him so he thinks she is going to dump him for a younger guy. And at some point reader comes behind him and asks what's wrong and when she finds out she starts to reassure him he is so handsome and amazing and how she doesn't want another guy.(thats up to you but if he says something about the scars she kisses them...al of them ) so that's it. I hope you like this kind of thing❤️❤️
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The Seasoned Archer
for @kkarina1311 - slight nsfw if you squint but mostly fluff
The soft glow of the bathroom light spilled out into the hallway, casting a warm rectangle on the wooden floor. Your hand hesitated on the doorknob, the faint sound of water running and Daryl’s mumbled words reaching your ears. The past few days had kept you apart—Daryl out hunting for the group, you helping with the recovery efforts in Alexandria after the whisperers’ last but final attack.
Last night, you noticed his distance, a quiet reserve that didn’t match the hours of conversation you shared when it was just the two of you. But you brushed it off; after all, you knew each other better than anyone else. Five years of trust had blossomed into something more—a love that made every moment together precious.
Now, officially together for a year, you couldn’t imagine a world without him.
Peaking around the door Daryl was in there, about to step into the shower, and something in his demeanour caught your attention. He was fully naked, his back to me, staring at his own reflection in the foggy mirror. His brow was furrowed, a solemn look fell across his face as he looked at his appearance closer, he rubbed his stubbly grey beard, shortly followed by ruffling his hands through his hair observing the now silver delicate hairs popping out between his chocolate brown existing ones. He let out a sigh rubbing the tired bags underneath his eyes. You could see the anxiety and worry that riddled through him.
Pushing the door open, you stepped inside. The steam from the shower enveloped you.
“Daryl,” you said softly, you voice barely audible over the water. He jumped, spinning around to you and you saw the surprise in his eyes. Surprise, and maybe a hint of embarrassment.
“Didn’t hear ya come in,” he mumbled, reaching for a towel to cover himself. But you stepped closer, stopping him.
“Don’t,” you said, your gaze steady. “Don’t hide.”
He looked away, his jaw clenched. “I ain’t nothin’ special,” he muttered. “Just an old redneck with too many scars.”
“What’s brought this on?”
You moved closer, fingers brushing against his warm skin.
“Daryl, look at me.”
Reluctantly, he met your eyes. There was pain there, a raw vulnerability that tore at your heart. “I’m too old for ya,” he whispered. “You deserve better.”
Daryl’s fingers trembled, brushing against the mirror’s foggy surface. His reflection wavered, a mosaic of memories and regrets.
“You’re not just an old redneck,” you insisted, stepping closer. “You’re a survivor, a protector, and damn it, you’re my heart.”
His gaze flickered, torn between disbelief and longing. “I ain’t good enough,” he rasped. “Too many demons.”
“Demons?” You traced the lines on his chest, each scar a testament to battles fought. “These scars? They’re proof of your strength, your resilience. And your heart? It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever known.”
Daryl’s breath hitched. “I ain’t young anymore, “I saw you with the others, they’re all more your age”
Your heart sank.
“I’m just trying to help darling. Yes, you may be 10 years older than me but what does it even matter in this world?! It literally doesn’t bother me, plus older mature whisky is much better” you winked.
He sighed.
“Daryl, listen to me.” Your voice firm, unwavering.
“I love every damn thing about you Dixon, there is no man on earth that could match what you do for me, I would be completely lost without you. My heart will FOREVER be yours. Always. I’m not going anywhere, not without you anyway”
His gaze softened, and you saw a flicker of hope.
“No buts,” you interrupted. “I love you. Grey hairs, demons, scars, and all. I’m not going anywhere.
He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “I ain’t good at this, Words and shit” he admitted.
You smiled, leaning in to kiss him. “There’s no need for fancy words,” you said.
“Oh and…” you moved your head whispering into his ear, all sultry.
“…It requires a seasoned man to perform the actions to make me scream like that” you whispered, your teeth grazing your lower lip.
That was enough to tip him over the edge, Daryl encircled you, pulling you even closer, his lips found yours it was hungry and needy. Deepening the kiss his hands roamed all over your body, but you interrupted him, pulling back, arms still wrapped around his neck loosely, you spoke again,
“Daryl, you’re stuck with me” you whispered against his mouth, foreheads resting together as he panted against you.
He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that echoed through the bathroom. Tears flowing down freely down his cheeks in happiness.
“I love you so much Y/N, you have no idea just how much you mean to me” his voice cracked.
“I’m eternally yours, Daryl Dixon”
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kavehnanginto · 1 year
if you hold me without hurting me (you’ll be the first to ever did)
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pairings: childe, diluc, kaeya, kaveh
synopsis: life was nothing but pain, from the past to the present, it all bleaks of lost dreams and broken records of what life should’ve been. and now that you’re here they wonder if you too is but a temporary moment of happiness that turns into a melancholic memory
tags: depressed boys, again, trust issues abt u, mentions of death, mommy kinda leave kaveh, thats so sad, their parents kinda died, daddy issues, HEAVY CAPITALIZATION ON DADDY ISSUES, lana del rey song mhm, there is some fluff, please trust me
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CHILDE is, for you, the nicest man you have ever met. A gentleman who gave you flowers and showered you with love. But it didn’t matter that he loved you that much, because no matter he will always be in your heart. Maybe in some instances you fought, you apologized, just like any other couple.
But he was not like any other man.
You knew who he was, and the violent nature that he stands for. Although you never saw, you always hear his new target, his new schemes and… with that comes bursts of reassurance of your love, undying love, loyalty to him. The cycle repeats, and even the hundredth time, he will always hug you tight afraid you will go.
And with that you always hug him back.
Some say that such a man was so hard to love, but his lopsided grin, his cute gestures—they had no idea who he was on your view. Maybe it was just facade, or maybe this was the actual him they never saw. But it doesn’t matter. You were his first love, the one who showed him what true and unconditional love is.
And just like his family—he intends to keep your innocence over these matters, and he intends to love you forever.
“It’s okay to let me go… but please say the reason. I’ll give you all of me, all I want is for that to be enough.”
DILUC is a highly respected bachelor in Mondstadt. But to you, he is but a fragile dandelion drifting in the wind. The warmth, the silence and the breeze of the wind were most of the moments you spend with him. He sometimes wondered if this childlike domestic happiness is some fever dream, a sweet lullaby kissing him in the forehead.
Just like the sweet innocence of childhood, the nostalgia was coming back to him. You offered him something more, something deeper and something real than a nostalgic feeling, but never did the maids of Dawn Winery saw Master Diluc running once again at the lake with a smile on his face running to you. Being with you.
With all the years alone, his house simply a tool to help with his daily necessities, you changed it all. You were something to believe in, that he was worth all this joy, that he was worth something. That even with the pain, the deaths, the heartaches he think he rightfully deserves, this one glimmer of happiness the Gods gave him, this beautiful soul that was cursed to love him and he was blessed to love as well.
Without hurt, without pain, someone went into his life and willing to stay.
“The sound of the fire never gives me warmth in winters, perhaps having one more person is why I no longer feel so cold.”
KAEYA never really had a moment in his life that he believed that someone was going to stay. And he too believed that when he first saw you. Even with new memories, even when the years went and go he truly thought that you too will go away. Such preciousness of a pearl was no match for him, rusting and broken. Fixed only to be cut and sold. Used and mended.
Everyone had their own idea of what the Cavalry Captain is really like. A womanizer. An alcoholic. Manipulative. . But Kaeya never minded the roles that society wanted him to play, rather embracing the accusations of his characters. But one thing that seemed to be true in all the gossips around the town is that he hold his secrets pretty well. Too well.
Even too you. You never really wanted to know, there’s this nagging feeling in your mind that he still not trusts you. After all, life can always go backwards but even so your lips will be sealed. That’s a promise you are willing to keep forever.
His eye. His life. He trusts you with his life, he gives you everything you wanted but maybe it wasn’t worth it to answer all of your questions maybe? Maybe he too believed that you too will drift like the wind, just like his past, or maybe it’s him, like a ship sinking in the seas that even with all these things he wants to say, he didn’t want to break that trust and love you had. That love he wants to hold, the person he wants to cherish for a lifetime.
He’ll do anything for you, and his secrets will only harm you even if you know deep down inside that he was harming you too.
“The day you learn the truth, is maybe the day we’ll bid adieu.”
KAVEH was kind, perhaps too much. He treats you so good, even when he doesn’t have enough. That was simply his character, always asking if you’re okay, if you want this or do that. For you, he was simply an angel who fell on earth. A beautiful person who longed to play and create, art and festive.
And perhaps that too was a facade. You find him once crying over a box of toys, and there you cried with him too. It was not important as to why he cried but making him happy, for his joy was one that made the vines grow in the old trees and the one that even rain could never cover. He told you what happened, his past, his “sins” and there you never realized what he was going through.
But that doesn’t mean you can be here for him from now. Kaveh, who blamed everything on himself, could never really grasp how understanding you are. Listening to his words, crying his tears—like that of a little boy finding his peace. That he never found, now as a tall child searching for answers. But still apologizing when he answers. How can he deserve to be loved without hurt. To confess his crimes and be rewarded with a bouquet of flowers.
He longed to be loved, but now he believes that for someone to hold him tight this lonely night, his chest no longer felt so heavy. His heart no longer felt so tight. As now, it is whole for you.
“Sleep tight, and may you rest in a blooming new day, sweetheart.”
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wonnieluvr · 22 days
okay i have to say i hate emily. shes a bitch and i hate what she did to jamie and gray but i cant deny her character is so fascinating. shes literally like if greed was a person?
dont get me wrong as much as i hate her i understand the whole risk taking thing and wanting those experiences she never got to have BUT saying that she didnt need two boyfriends??? she literally could have experienced all the same things she did with one. thats why shes greed. she just took and took everything. from both of them and rebecca too.
but i just dont understand why she had such an effect on everyone? like avery describes her as pretty but she also said she was nowhere near as beautiful as rebecca. is it because she was sick and everyone felt bad? but like even then i cant imagine emily being a pleasant person to be around so i dont get how she made friends with anyone let alone dated two people 😭 but that could also be because we never met her? like we don't really know anything about her which is also really interesting to me. we know of her but that's only everyone's versions of her.
on a different note i keep thinking about the way jamie and gray had different feelings for her. like i just think that while jamie did love her but he didnt love her, you know? gray did. i assume thats why jamie wasnt as affected by eve, he didnt love emily the same way gray did.
jamie feels that way for avery so while eves appearance surely shocked him it still didnt take over and bring up old feelings (for a completely new person lmao)
(i also do know that he knew about eve before but theres still something different between hearing things and seeing them)
jamie and avery are perfect for each other but thats a different thought too. i'm so glad they never really fought because of eve (thank god, i would have cried)
but back on topic, i doubt emily loved them back. like, i feel like its the sort of situation where she just wanted to feel wanted. she probably mistook that for love and assumed she wanted both of them? but its all she ever had growing up too? familiarity? like its suggested that her parents were completely focused on her their whole lives and loved her (she was their miracle baby sort of though so i do kinda get that) but also like i wholeheartedly believe everything starts with the parents.
they were such a big influence in her life, they gave her everything, sacrificed everyone and everything for her and kept her happy. this comes back to the greed thing too. they gave her this idea that everything would bend to her will and she would always get what she wanted. (if you can't tell i have strong feelings about the influence parents have and how they raise their children cus it literally dictates someones whole life until they have clarity smh)
i think the whole jumping off the cliff thing too was like her acting out. she reminds me of gray in that way, she was losing control and she needed to do something she wanted to regain it. she knew she couldnt handle it but she couldnt handle not getting what she wanted more. idk if that makes sense but shes like trying to prove to herself and everyone else that she was fine with jamie breaking things off, that she could handle not being wanted and adored regardless of her actions and she was losing control of everything ig? idk i just think its really interesting the way she took things to an extreme because i imagine she was probably trying to do something else, something worse than what she feeling to get it to go away? emotions are so interesting in that way.
like rebecca (in her mind) was turning against her, jamie was leaving her and her parents would have stopped her from going with gray if they had known and at the time that was (hinted at) being what she really wanted to do and they were all telling her no. she took the only thing she had left to control (gray) and was trying to prove she was fine.
i cant put into words how many layers all of these characters have like jlb wrote such a wonderful series and i cant stop thinking about all the characters. i have so many thoughts running through my head and i could write a take on everyone ☹️
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giowritess · 3 months
fortnight [4]
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gif by @dameronscopilot
pairing | Benny Miller x female!reader [Grace Stratford] summary | you somehow end up pretending to be Benny's girlfriend for two whole weeks. is your heart going to survive that? probably not. warnings | making out, mention of certain body parts and i think thats all? word count | 1,4k author's note | im SO sorry that i took so long to post this!! my 3rd year (from 4!! almost over) of college has recently started and besides that i spent a full week from dusk till dawn on an archaeological expedition and i was so tired that i completely forgot that i already had this piece all done and ready. i particularly liked this piece very much heheh this series is slowly reaching its end, i think we'll have 2 or 3 more pieces at least. after that, i'm planning on some rick flag, bucky barnes and will miller one-shots for the future, so if you enjoy my writing, be sure to stick around, maybe activate notifications, send asks, anything! and in case you're wondering: yes i do take requests thank you very much. a sweetheart also known as @igotmajordaddyissues asked if i had a taglist and i don't, but here you are, one just for you. <3 as always, english isn't my first language and this wasn't proofread. anyway, i hope you enjoy it. kisses from gio! part three | masterlist | main masterlist
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You didn't mean to. Truly, you hadn't meant at all to do that. But that was how you wake up: face pressed against his naked chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your torso and both your legs tangled together.
Sleep had caught up so quickly on you last night that you had no recollection of him going to bed.
“Don't even think about getting up,” Bemy grumbled from where his head was tucked on top of your head. “Too damn early.”
True. From the closed blinds you could barely see the first glimpses of the day sky trying to infiltrate the room.
“How'd y'know I was awake?” You asked. He wasn't even looking at you.
“Because when you were asleep you weren't so stiff in my arms,” he replied, moving a bit so he could look at you, and damn. The moment his eyes found yours, it was as if someone had punched all air out of your lungs.
How was it possible for him to look even prettier like this, fresh from sleep, with glossy eyes and tousled hair? It wasn't fair. At all.
Him looking like that made you start to imagine things. Things like how he'd look after a long night of fucking. How his hair would look after hours of your fingers running through it, tugging at his roots.
“Why’d'you run away from me last night?”
That was the last thing you expected him to ask.
"I didn't run away from you,” you quickly replied, averting your eyes when his gaze got too heavy. “I was just tired.”
He didn't buy it, and you knew.
Benny chuckled, his voice still hoarse from sleep. “Yeah, right,” he murmured.
The truth was, you didn't know, either. Everything was so damn confusing that you had to constantly remind yourself it was all a farce. But maybe it was time to say to Hell with it and let loose. You looked at him again and found his eyes already on you.
“We're having fun, right?” Benny asked. Was that... concern in his voice? Or even, if you squinted, a tiny bit of insecurity?
How on Earth could you not be in love with him?
Yeah. To Hell with it.
“Yeah. Course we are,” you replied, smiling at him, and he smiled back. “Now shut up, 'cus we still got a few hours of sleep.”
He chuckled, apparently content with your answer, and resumed his previous position, tucking his head on top of yours and tugging you even closer.
Dying suffocated in Benny Miller's chest would be a lovely death.
It was close to half nine when you woke up again. Benny was still sound asleep, but you fought with teeth and nails against the temptation to snuggle closer to him and got up, earning a grunt from him in answer when you escaped his arms.
You were in dire need of a run. Your exercise routine was sacred—exercising was what kept you sane. Now, in this situation with Benny, you needed it more than ever. You loved running; it helped to clear your head and put your thoughts in order. There was nothing that a run couldn't fix.
That was the spirit you were in by the time you got back, drenched in sweat, with hair sticking to your forehead and your sports bra glued to your body like a second skin. Indeed, your head never felt clearer.
It wasn't bad, either, that Benny was the first thing you saw when you got back to the house—nevermind that he was talking to Samantha. He saw you first, and his sour expression changed instantly, opening a big grin.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said, wrapping an arm around your waist, and you pressed a kiss against his lips. His finger tightened on your waist.
You turned to Samantha and smirked.
“Sorry, Pam. Gotta steal my man,” you said, grabbing his hand and steering him away from her.
He offered no resistance at all, unlacing his fingers with yours and happily letting you pull him wherever you wanted to. You had no place in mind, however, the only goal was to make her jealous, so you dragged him to the kitchen and pulled him to the side, out of her sight. He stood with his back to the wall and you in front of him. Still hand in hand.
“You definitely made her mad now,” he said, laughing.
“That was the intention,” you replied, a smirk still on your lips.
Silence installed itself between you two, reality downing. You were completely alone in the kitchen. There was no need to keep the act on, but you couldn't bring yourself to let go of his hand. You saw as he glanced at your lips, going back to meet your eyes. You knew damn well what he was seeing in them—lust. And you could almost swear that was what you were seeing in his, too. You felt a tug on your hand—he was tugging you closer, and you let him, until your body was pressed flush against his. You could barely breathe.
Holy shit. This was really happening.
His hand left yours, going to your waist. The skin on your midriff was searing hot; you could say it was because of the exertion from the run, but you both knew it was because of his touch.
You didn't dare speak, afraid to break whatever spell you were in. You didn't dare blink, either, wanting to commit to memory every trace, every inch of his beautiful face. You'd never noticed that his left eye was full of small brown dots. It all fit so perfectly.
“Benny?” You whispered.
His left hand made its way to the back of your neck. You suddenly couldn't care less that your body was drenched in sweat, because all that mattered now was that his hands were on your body.
And then his lips were on yours, attacking, conquering and domineering every inch he could. His tongue slipped inside your mouth and he pulled you impossibly closer. Were he shirtless, you'd feel every trace and nook of his abs. His touch was urgent, needy—almost as if he'd missed you. Well, you sure did—for two years you dreamt of anything like this happening again. It felt like heaven; every touch of his lips sent shockwaves through your body, heat pooling at your core, making you feel all tingly and electric. Despite his shirt being in the way, you could still feel the traces of his sculpted chest; you were holding yourself back from slipping your hands under his shirt and wandering. Instead, you held yourself back and slipped your hands to his neck, one hand tugging at his hair–which was in the perfect length to be pulled at–and the other scraping your nails through his scalp, eliciting a groan from him.
“Fuck, Gracie,” he murmured against your mouth.
As if in response, one of his hands slipped to your ass and squeezed, hard. The thinness of the sports shorts you were wearing meant that it feet almost as if there was nothing between his hand and your skin. You wished there wasn't.
It was your turn to moan against his mouth.
There were no thoughts in your head. Just Benny, his hands, his mouth and his cock, that you could feel rock hard, straining against his shorts and pressing against you.
The loud clang of metal pans hitting the floor took you both out of the spell you were in, making you jump away from Benny, heart racing, almost as if you were both kids caught doing something wrong.
A chuckle came from behind you. “Sorry, lovebirds,” Elisa's voice came from behind, Luke's girlfriend.
You took one look at Benny, puffy red lips, chest heaving, and, like a coward, sprinted to the shower. _
By the end of the second day, you were slightly more accustomed to the role of Benny's girlfriend. He played the role dutifully, always close to you when he wasn't doing something, his hands always finding an excuse to touch you. You couldn't deny that it felt good. The kiss, however, was't discussed once, and you were thankful for that. You weren't really sure that you wanted to discuss it.
When you proposed this charade to Benny, you mentioned his ex and your ex as reasons. Now, you couldn't care less about your ex. To be honest, he hadn't even crossed your mind once in the last few hours. Benny was all that occupied your thoughts—and the occasional glares from Samantha, which you thought funny as fuck.
Again you went to bed before him. But by the time you woke up the next day, you were happy to be wrapped around Benny.
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by @reveriesources
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night3owl · 2 years
Crosshair x gn Teen!reader (platonic of course)
A/N: this is my first fanfic so sorry if it’s bad lol
Warnings: Order 66, nightmares, star wars violence, death, mentions of death, I think thats it? Lmk if i missed any!!
(Y/F/N)= Your fake name
Word count: 1319
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Blaster bolts were flying at you constantly, it seemed like they would never stop. The clones you fought along side with turned against you, showing no mercy. You followed Ahsoka to the ship Rex was in, both of you jumping in the air, falling.
You wake up with a start, another nightmare. That whole day was a nightmare if you were being honest. The day the Jedi fell, the day your best friends turned on you within the blink of an eye, the day you had to fake your death, and the day you couldn’t do anything about it. 
You rub your face to try and wake yourself up more. You get up and get dressed into a shirt, pants, boots, goggles, and mask. Your comm goes off, Cid was comming you.
“Hey kid, you still looking for some jobs?”
You walk through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone who might cause trouble. After a few minutes you reach Cid’s and go inside, going to the back where she usually gives jobs.
“-And you’ll be working with someone else for this job”
You walk in as Cid points to you. Looking around the room you see the Bad Batch, and a child..? You walk up to the holotable, keeping as calm as possible ‘they might have their chips out, you never know’. You hope they have their chips out, they were some of your closest friends. But that was in the past now, now you had to focus on your identity being hidden. And credits. Credits can get you a lot of things.
“This is (Y/F/N), the person you’ll be working with. (Y/F/N), this is the Bad Batch.” Cid points at you, then the Batch. You nod to them, acting casual.
“Here’s the job-“
You walk to the marauder from your apartment since you had to get your blasters, one on each of your thighs, resting in their holsters. You also got your knives and hid them in your boots, just in case. 
Once you arrive you notice Crosshair standing on the stairs, obviously impatient. ‘Of course he is, he’s Crosshair for force sake.’
“You took forever”
“It’s a ten minute walk each way, of course I took forever” You roll your eyes. Crosshair walks up the rest of the ramp, and you decide to follow him. Crosshair closes the ramp behind you two, yelling to Tech that you’re on the ship.
The mission was simple, in theory of course. Just sneak into an academy, find the person who wants out, and leave. Simple, right?
“Alright, we’ll split up into groups, Omega and Tech, you’re with me. Crosshair and (Y/F/N), you’ll go around back and watch our backs. Wrecker and Echo, you’re our backup” 
Everyone nods to Hunter, going to their groups. You walk up to Crosshair, looking up the cliff.
“So, how are we gonna get up there?” You ask him, although you already knew the answer to that.
“Just like how they are,” Crosshair nods over to the right as Wrecker throws Tech, Omega, and Hunter up the cliff. You turn your face to an expression of horror as Wrecker starts walking towards you two. Crosshair smirks, telling you that you’re going first, making you panic. 
By the time you protest Wrecker throws you up into the air while chuckling. You land on the edge of the cliff on the dirt, your left foot slipping off into the air. You quickly grab the ground and pull yourself up. Crosshair lands next to you as you stand up while wiping the dirt off of your clothes.
“You okay kid?” 
You start walking towards the back of the building. You and Crosshair walk through the forest, a comfortable silence between you two. You guys quickly get to the back of the building. Crosshair shoots a grappling hook above the second-story window and attaches the line to his belt. Realizing you can’t use the force to jump up, you walk over to him and grab onto him. He makes sure you’re secure before tugging on the rope to pull you two up.
You go inside through the window first, landing on a metal grate bridge that’s 6 meters above the floor. You make sure Crosshair is inside and there are no traces of you coming in.
“Hurry up kid, can’t be wasting any time”
“Yeah yeah”
You both walk over to the armory on the bridges, since that’s where the person is supposed to be. You got there before the others on purpose to make sure the coast is clear. Crosshair sends a signal to Hunter while you look around. “There’s no one up here with us”
“Don’t worry (Y/F/N), the less we have to shoot the better” You nod, looking down at the door. Suddenly you sense danger coming from the left. You quickly shove Crosshair and yourself down to the floor of the bridge and bring out one of your blasters, shooting down TK troopers. Crosshair quickly joins you and tries to comm the others.
“Kriff, they’re jamming the comms! Its a trap!”
“Obviously! They’re probably trying to get rid of whoever doesn’t like the empire!”
You can barely hear each other over the blaster fire. You sense more troops coming behind you and turn around to shoot them. ‘If only i still had my lightsabers.’ You both finally shot down all the troopers after a minute but still hear blaster’s shooting. You look down to see about 40-70 TK Troopers shooting at Hunter, Tech, and Omega.
Not caring anymore about hiding your identity, you jump over the rail, hearing Crosshair yell out your fake name. Using the force to cushion your landing, you take out your blasters and start help shooting down the TK’s. You can see Crosshair helping out as you get shot in the goggles, sending you to the floor.
You hear your fake name being called by multiple people. You take off your goggles since they’re cracked, which results in taking your mask off too. You quickly stand up, you weren’t injured since your goggles took the bullet. You start shooting again, this time using the force to aim. Within a minute or two all the troopers where shot down and you were almost to the front of the building. There were about 15 TK’s at the front doors. Crosshair signaled to you, ‘Sniper time’, you nod in response. You back up a bit while looking up at the bridges, Crosshair following you. Using the force, you throw him up onto the bridge above you. He quickly starts sniping the TK’s, all of them down within 30 seconds.
Crosshair jumps down from the bridge while you use the force to catch him. You all quickly run outside and head to the cliff, you didn’t realize how steep it was until now. 
“How are we going to get down?” You chuckle at Omega’s question, everyone else already knowing the answer.
“The same way we got up here of course. Up and away.” You use the force to lift them all up and throw them into the air and then jump off. Once you all land you go inside the marauder and Tech goes to the cockpit, flying the ship. 
“So, how long were you planning to hide your identity for?” Crosshair points at you with his toothpick, smirking. 
“Eh, hopefully forever,” you chuckle, “but look how that turned out.” 
Tech walks in, datapad in hand, “According to the empire you’re dead, same place and time as Rex, which I assume you know he’s alive”
“Gee, is everyone faking their deaths?” Echo complains, rolling his eyes.
“Only Rex, Ahsoka, and I”
“Commander Tano’s alive..?”
“Er, technically she isn’t a jedi anymore, she left the order a while ago.” You rub your neck, looking anywhere but at Echo.
“She wHAT-“
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mattmurdocksscars · 1 year
Would it be possible for you to write something with black widow reader and daredevil? 👀 Maybe something like the reader still being in the red room but wanting to leave because Matt told them that they were more than just a widow?
Okay, Nonnie. I'm sorry this took so long and I hope it's not actual trash BUT! Here you go.
Warnings: death, vomiting, stereotypical violence
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"You should leave. You hate working for Dreykov and what he makes you do. You're so much better than that."
You scoff, looking over at the man standing across from you. His red suit cuts an imposing figure against the night but you've fought worse than the Devil in front of you.
"And do what, D? What does an assassin do once they leave they're only purpose?"
It's the Devil's turn to scoff and shake his head.
"Thats not your only purpose. You could get away, live a normal life-"
"And just how am I supposed to live a normal life? Do you have any idea how many people I've killed? Not exactly a dinner topic. Then there's the whole sterilization thing. That's another fun conversation piece. Just drop it, D."
You go to turn away but the Devil's there, grabbing your arm and turning you back.
"What about those other Widows you know. Natasha and Yelena? They got out and are trying to save the others. You could go to them."
You sigh, shoulders sagging. In truth, you wanted nothing more than to get out, to be normal. But you feared that no one would ever see the good in you like the Devil did.
"D, please..."
The Devil takes your hand and moves close, a hairs breadth between the two of you.
"I can't make you leave, you have to decide for yourself. But, please. At least consider it. I know there's good in you or I'd already be dead." He says the last part with a wry little smile. He knows who would win in a fight, not for lack of trying on his part. You're just willing to go all the way, never have been able to stop like he does.
Daredevil had been your mission once. You hadn't been able to finish the job, your loyalties already wavering at that point. When faced with someone as good as him, you hadn't been able to pull the trigger. You were forever scared that now someone else would be sent in, someone without your hesitancy. Someone who wouldn't care about spilling the Devil's blood on the streets of the Kitchen.
And almost as if your thoughts summoned them, a knife came whistling through the air. The two of you just barely dodged, having been so focused on each other. You jumped away from the Devil, thinking the other Widow was after you but when they advanced on him instead of you, you froze. This was the moment you'd feared. Your loyalties had finally been called into question, your time spent 'tracking' the devil having taken too long.
You watched in horror as the other Widow and the Devil exchanged blows. For a few moments, it appeared the Devil had the upper hand but the Widow was craftier, willing and more than able to kill. She managed to get a knife between his ribs and you gasped at the same time as him. He stumbled back, one hand going to the wound, before he fell to his knees. The Widow stood over him and prepared to deliver the killing blow and you had moments to decide what to do.
The Widow's hand arced down.
You made your choice.
The thump of a body hitting the ground was one you'd been forced to get used to but it didn't make you feel any less sick in that moment. You turned and reached, emptying your stomach right there on the rooftop.
You startled when a bloody hand pulled your hair out of your face.
"Easy. It's just me." The low rumble of his voice made tears well up and you forced them down in favor of turning to him. His face was pale and drawn tight where you could see and you knew the wound he had would require medical attention soon. But that didn't stop him from cupping your face and pressing his forehead to yours.
"Thank you." He breathed, knowing what you had just sacrificed for him.
"What do I do now, D? I-"
"My name is Matt. And you come with me. Let me take care of you." You let out a watery laugh.
"You don't seem to be in any shape to be caring for anyone but... okay. Guide me and I'll get us there so we can patch you up."
You had no idea what your future would hold as you helped Matt from the rooftop, but you knew two things.
One, Matt would stay by your side as long as you let him, his loyalty demanding it.
And two...
You really needed to get into contact with Natasha and Yelena. And soon.
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cupidstwin333 · 10 months
Heyy, can a request a matchup for BNHA or OHSHC? Any fandom is good tho, just not black butler or obey me cuz I know nothing about them.
My name is Kasper but you can call me Kaz or kasey ( He/They) if you’d like. I’m 19 and a guy, I’m also gay mlm. I’m just going to give you a list so it will be easier to read.
I’m tall, I have a buzz cut thats bleached blonde, I’m have honey brown eyes, I shaved my eye brows completely off, I have an anti eyebrow piercing and snake bites, I’m pretty lanky too but I’m trying to build up muscle, I’m black and Italian, I have a lot of scars from a lot of things, and my aesthetic are Punk/Emo/Y2K. (Also I’m trying to grow out my beard a little bit, but not too much at all)
I’m an INTP, I’m an Aquarius, I’m protective and explorative and I can be an asshole sometimes.
Likes: I like politics (Punk, leftist, feminist, Activist, etc. not any alt right politics), volleyball, working out, metal, death metal, nu metal, rap, cars, Nascar, Rioting, protesting, skateboarding, exploring abandoned places, exploring in general, gaming, horror, and scary things.
Dislikes: Posers, people on the alt right, boring things, dsmp, people who strictly follow the rules, cold water, thunder, school, that’s about it.
Extra: Rn I’m a bouncer for a club but I’m working up to start bartending. I really want to keep working for clubs, bars, and casinos. Also I have NPD and Depression. I’m also a pot head and a partygoer ig.
Romantic or platonic, either is fine. thats it I think, thanks
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is...
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Ritsu Kasanoda
You worked at a private club in Tokyo as a bouncer, you were competent at your job and you enjoyed it. It was a normal evening and you were standing at the entrance until your supervisor told you to get inside and guard the V.I.P section. “We have a few special guests coming and I need you to make sure nothing happens to them.” You nodded and stepped inside. The V.I.P section was still empty, so you had some time. You headed to the bar and talked with the bartender. You two were close. One time after your shifts ended he heard you wanted to start working behind the bar. He taught you how everything worked and how to make a few drinks. However, you accidentally knocked over a bottle of whiskey and your supervisor got so mad and started yelling. The two of you tried not to laugh at how ridiculous his face looked. I mean there was no need for him to get that mad over a bottle of whiskey.
“Kaz! Hurry up!” your supervisor called out. With an uninterested face, you turned to see your supervisor. You sighed and walked over to the V.I.P section. “Good luck, Kasey.” The bartender said as he made another drink. Once you got there your supervisor started nagging again and you fought the urge to roll your eyes at him. He was annoying but that was all he was. He wasn't scary or intimidating he had all this talk but couldn't back it up. You looked inside and saw what looked like a Yakuza meeting. You were curious to see who the leader was so your eyes wandered to whoever sat in the middle. To your surprise, it was a young guy who looked around your age. Your Supervisor entered the room and said "This is Kaz and he will be here to cater to all your needs." He glanced at you and gave you a sweet smile. You knew exactly what he was doing. "I am not a waiter, ask someone else to do it," you replied with an annoyed look. Your supervisor came closer and whispered something in your ear "if you do this, you get a bonus immediately after your shift, they are willing to pay a lot." You needed the money tho, so you sighed and said "if there is anything let me know." You stepped outside to guard it. Until the red-haired "leader" spoke up "you have worked here for quite a while, right?" His voice was deep and raspy, it was attractive. You tried to ignore your previous thought as nodded and waited for him to continue, while you analyzed his features. He showed you a picture "Have you ever seen him during one of your shifts?" He asks and you shrug "Not that I recall" you stated. He hands you a piece of paper "Here is my number, call me as soon as you see him, he will come to this club." You accept the piece of paper and return to guarding the V.I.P section.
How it started:
Despite your vastly different backgrounds and lifestyles, you and Kasanoda found yourselves drawn to each other. You two would spend hours talking about your passions and beliefs, even if you two didn't always agree on everything. You loved how Kasanoda was willing to stand up for what he believed in, even if it meant going against the law or defying societal norms. And Kasanoda was fascinated by your strong convictions and commitment to activism.
Despite your busy schedules and dangerous circumstances, you and Kasanoda began dating in secret. You would steal moments together whenever the two of you could, sneaking off to abandoned buildings or dark alleyways for a stolen kiss or embrace.
Your love for exploring and your affinity for scary things proved to be a perfect match for Kasanoda's adventurous spirit. You two would often spend your free time exploring Tokyo's abandoned places, seeking out the creepiest and most chilling locations.
General headcanons:
💘Kasanoda loves to cuddle up with you on the couch and watch movies, resulting in you two falling asleep in each other's arms.
💘Kasanoda loves to dance together, often slow dancing with you in your living room to your favorite songs.
💘The two of you often cook together, trying out new recipes and experimenting with different flavors and ingredients.
💘You guys always support each other's dreams and goals, encouraging each other to reach for the stars.
I'd appreciate it if you'd reblog this, and I hope you enjoyed reading this <3
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wiihtigo · 4 months
8 9 17 with casey please itd be so funny
ask game
8. answered ^_^
9. If your character could have handed their role in the plot to someone else, would they have?
let someone else try to kill booster gold and get arrested for it..? hmm........WELL THE IDEA OF SOMEONE TAKING THE FALL FOR HER IS APPEALING BUT I DONT KNOW...what else would she do? doing nothing isnt an option....shes too angry to let things slide with her taking no action.....i dont think she would swap if given the chance. HE NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT HE DID WAS FUCKED UP AND HURT MY FEELINGS!!!!!!!!! ..<- her thought process there. she doesnt particularly care how others perceive her, she doesnt care that people are like murder isnt cool casey, her main problem here is letting someone thats not her wring his stupid neck for the specific reason of you were a bad boss
17. Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop?
yes. against booster gold. SHES NEVER GOING TO LET THAT GO..EVER
in the kindest timeline (new york ending), she will have to see him a smidgen more frequently bcuz much to her dismay, the carter kords dont scatter at the sight of her (although its more michelle and ted coming over) (and ted lowkey trying to avoid whenever caseys home) but she still has to look at his ugly mug on holiday cards ted sends to nell which makes her scowl still. but shes behaving. theres no risk of her trying to jump him again anymore (she probably thinks about it though)
...in the worst but also canon timeline she'll hold a horrible nasty violent grudge against the entire family. shes mad at booster all over again, she hates rip, she doesnt speak to michelle anymore but especially she HATESS ted. If anyone was unaware our dear sweet ladybug eventually steps on a landmine and fckn explodes as the canon end to her story (so says marty. i fought for her. i was toddler coughed on.) so the reason for her hatred for ted is that she thinks that he, as her former mentor, and one of nells closest friends, and also someone who LIVES IN A BUILDING WITH A TIME SPHERE shouldve ... DONE SOMETHING ABOUT THIS? Shes unaware that ted and Ripley actually had a nasty fight abt this exact thing but from her pov he just didnt even try to go back and save her. she holds this grudge forever but does nothing to act on it because she moves cities and never talks to anyone she knew again. I guess thats a good thing. She is known to resort to violence when thrown into the depths of hopelessness
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modpoppy · 5 months
favs from all my fandoms (new and old)
some of my favs from each fandom ive been in like ever
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genshin impact: my fav of all time kaeya alberich i love him Very Much So, hes just one of those characters who its like. UGH. where he just wants to be sweet but cant let himself get too comfortable where he is (literally in his case). i also relate to him irt my relationship with my family/sibling. hes just constantly aware of other people both to be cautious and to know the people he cares about more, hes been shown canonically to pay close attention and provide gifts that he knew people wanted
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runner up is ZHONGLI i related to him very much but i fogrgt why rn lol
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kingdom hearts: xion, not for very long but right around when i was finally actualizing my gender identity (id previously been very agender/masc) i rlly took to xion for like. Gender Inspo. i felt like even tho she got the short end of the stick she did her damndest to forge her own identity (roxas got his whole game and arc about it while xion bascially got fridged but its fine). when i finally let myself consider who i would be as a fem person, i pictured her :D
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one piece: sanji!! i already sorta liked him (okay maybe not in fishman island or thriller bark. that was. shit.) before heading into whole cake but. lord almighty. lemme tell ya i dont cry very easily over anime but whole cake took me OUT. sanji just tries so hard to be someone who doesnt cause the problems, hes cringe fail but he tries so hard to just be ALLOWED to exist bc hes fought so hard to believe he SHOULD uugggghhhhhhhhhhh. irt the straw hats i think he has some of the most unique and fleshed out philosophies (not wasting food) that his backstory perfectly contextualizes. also im on board with trans fem sanji
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runner up is YAMATO he is so beautiful AND hes a kinnie whats not to love im just mad hes not in the straw hats (yet)
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total drama: svetlana this was legit the only gif i could find of her on here. i dont need to explain myself svetlana sweep 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
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jjba: doppio/diavolo its FINE it COUNTS but technically 90% just doppio..... back in 2021(?) i dyed my hair like diavolo (pink with green spots) i feel like thats. all i need to say
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ace attorney: to the surprise of absolutely no one THE PHANTOM ive just always attached to the whole. Not Being thing. in the past i struggled rlly hard with depersonalization/derealization/dissociation/basically every manifestation of the phantom, so id connect to them (which i dont think helped lol). nowadays, i focus rlly hard on the idea of the phantoms semi-redemption bc its like... being a person not being a required prerequisite to existing/being in society if that makes sense???? its complicated and probably only makes sense to me :P
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runner up is obviously UENDO+ i love them all tell no one but i think kisegawa is my fav i wish she got more lines i actually only watched soj for them bc at the time everyone said the game was literal ass
(dw athena is in close third place shes literally my daughter)
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rvb: if you asked me while i was a fan id probably say agent maine but in retrospect grif was clearly my fav, especially later in the show when he was one of the few leads who had a genuine character arc. he feels the most like a real person idk man
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silent hill: every fucking gif of henry is him busting his ass thats all that needs be said
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danganronpa: i changed favs very often bc i had zero idea what constituted well written characters lmao i have ~eclectic tastes~ but the main character i rlly liked was touko/syo, her arc in despair sisters afairc was decently well done and her relationship with komaru was sweet, even if dr is kinda an inescapable grease fire. in hindsight, i think i also related more to her than i realized bc of her self esteem and the way her trauma/phobias seemingly blocked her from basic self care/socialization but it was really more about her never having the courage to push her own boundaries (idk how well thats shown in the game but that was my experience)
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runner up: korekiyo bc i liked him a lot for longer than most othr characters but afairc my perception of him was VERY heavily based on headcanons/fanon so i doubt id like him at all on a replay. best guess is id only maybe like shuichi or something. pretty much everyone in dr is an asshole tbh i cannot emphasize enough how ass my taste used to be my ability to pick characters i like boiled down to someone telling me a character was cool and i immedaitely absorbed them
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pjo: okay so this bitch is in a book so ofc theres no gif for him but jason grace is the funniest motherfucker on the earth. half the time id say something out loud while reading and hed immediately say that exact thing. absolutely exquisite. bro had no idea what the fuck anyone was saying half the time
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twst: i started playing for ruggie but immediately deuce also proved to be the funniest motherfucker ever i dont think ive ever seen his gimmick in anything else its so fucking funny i live for characters who seem like the straight man but then turn out to be equally as batshit as their peers (i stopped playing bc i had been misinformed and thought this was a college but these are HIGH SCHOOLERS why am i being isekaid into HIGH SCHOOL WTF)
now for some misc favs bc theres not really a fandom for them per se
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i love him and he is me
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oh my god and i found a gif of my favorite scene i love steven i also want to . attack him sometimes
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catlunisciawrites · 10 months
Oh brain came up with a interesting eartbound/mother 2 au situation, aka what would of happened 10 years later if Ness and the team didn't do the thing in year 19XX (if I remember the year right), like what if they went to take Gigas on when they are older 20 somethings not young teens. More under the cut because damn I had ideas
Giygas would take over the world and it would be post apocalypses most likely a weird tech heavy apocalypse if I think right but lets talk about the kids. They are the more main focus of this pile of blathering of a mad woman.
From what I have thought so far is Paula is well. So she was kidnaped by the Happy Happism cult during the events of the game to make into a priestess of said cult, Now, while there could be a dark turn for her, I disagree, there are lines in the game where she admits she will try to get the hell out...She has Psi powers, she is strong, a glass canon but thats still a canon so she could of taken them down, Now it wouldn't be instant but maybe a couple years of her secretly honing her powers to become stronger, maybe going with the bit till she takes them down from the inside all we know is she escaped and got out. She is very...angry, I think due to not only getting kidnapped by Happy Happism but also other times, She gets kidnapped at least twice in game so I would get very annoyed after a while so her on edge of getting taken would be there. I also like to think if someone does get kidnap she is the first to get up and go save them, not wanting another to deal with what she dealt with. Still with her trusty frying pan to take out those if her psi energy is depleted, her prayers never answered...till Giygas is being taken down similar to end of game.
Poo would be a Prince of a fallen Kingdom. His Kingdom Dalaam did fight against Giygas, fought his armies well but got overwhelmed and taken down, Poo being taken out of kingdom for safety he did fight, but he was then told to leave because someone has to lead Dalaam when Giygas is finally taken down, him knowing of this prophecy due to part of his training, he when better journeys off to not only train and gather the Kings items (which he does get the complete set due to training and battle) He is off to find the others not Ness, He knows this group needs to be made and formed to take Giygas down, its shown in game he was aware of it before Ness even met Buzz Buzz so he is now on this quest.
Jeff Andonuts is interesting my mind, So in this universe I like to think Giygas as a way to make sure he is not taken down has rounded up anyone who uses Psi Powers and has either had them join is side (aka the cowards, the pokeys etc of the world join him) or imprisoned in some horrible way maybe using them for some form of evil may it be a power source or something details not full on that. Which would explain why Dalaam was gone after first they have people who use Psi Powers via Muu Training they are powerful. But what does this have to do with little Jeff here? Well he is never detected, not seen as a threat, even though with his genius skill he defiantly is, heck his very distant father even decided to talk to him when shit went down because he knew both of them together could help others. His lab being used as a shelter almost in Winters. They have been working on weapontry to take down the monsters around them, and even possibly a item that can hide psi users let them use their powers with out being detected. Little finikey on that one right now but I do know he has made a lot of weapons, and really loves using those bottle rockets.
Now you maybe wondering, What about Ness? The main protag of the Earthbound story what did he do since he isn't the one traveling finding the others what will he do? Well when the attacks happened, He was at home with his mom and sister, he used his trusty baseball bat and well SMASH! he has a talent for it, he also has psi abilities and used them to heal his family when they got hurt, That is what he did a lot of when the world became what it is, when not in hiding he was healing, or protecting.
Now Other characters in the story in this au while details not fully fleshed out I have ideas.
Porky/Pokey is a high ranking member of the Giygas army. Shocking no one he bent over to him to keep himself safe and loved by his parents. So you know similar to game. Not much changed with his dysfunctional family. Picky is a good kid still though.
The Runaway 5 is interesting in this AU. So Attack happens building they were forced to work at gets majorly damage, contract more or less null and void now. So they are now free and they travel through out the land in their the van, Giygas doesn't deem them a threat they are a washed up band what will they do? But here is the thing, they are doing something. They do keep bumping into Poo and later on the others when they finally group up. They learn what they have been doing. Poo first talked about the Prophecy of the 3 boys and one girl meant to stop the great evil which is a great story lets be honest. The group use it as inspiration for new songs, using the stories these 4 young 20 somethings and their adventures to try and stop Giygas. The Runaway 5 are the ones bringing hope to the common people, they are the ones relaying what is happening. The families use their concerts as a covert way to learn what is happening to them. The underground resilience against Giygas sing these songs using them as inspiration and hope.
That one day, these 4 young 20 somethings, from different parts of the world, will collect what is needed, and take down Giyas
This is my idea of an au I wrote it down maybe I could possibly work on it some more later on, I have an idea for art of it at least which will take a bit to draw. If anyone is actually interested in this please tell me, I have ideas but I am not the best at like writing the ideas into actual scenes...hence why so much of my fanfic takes a long time to write. It takes me a bit. Would love an opinion.
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inosukeslefttoe · 1 year
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i’m pulling this shit out of my ass and all the emotions i’ve been having because i decided to binge devilman crybaby today. I first saw it in 2020 during the pandemic and decided it was one of the best pieces of media i’ve ever consumed. i was worried that my opinion of it would’ve changed by now BUT IT HAS NOT.
it honestly just such a beautiful piece of media,, i think i could talk for hours so i’m not even gonna mention the aesthetics and soundtrack and imagery and references and just focus on like. feelings.
THE CAT SCENE. became so much more obvious and important this time around. basically. akira is the cat and ryo is the one crying. we all know about akira empathy abilities and his weird “you’re crying too” when it seems clear that ryo ISNT and that he has no feelings. EXCEPT HE DOES !! he doesn’t know it at the time but deep down inside him is the ability to feel sadness and therefore the ability to love. tbh i think the reason he didn’t believe in either of those things at the beginning was because they’re both just so. human. ANYWAYS the way that akira sobs upon the cats passing despite the fact that he Knew it was gonna die mirrors how ryo cries for akira in the end. ryo knew akira was human and that he would eventually pass,, AND THEN HE EVEN FUCKING FOUGHT HIM TO THE DEATH AND KILLED HIM ?? yet he still cried over his corpse. and like ,, that literally makes no sense because HE KILLED HIM HIMSELF so why does he cry ?? why does he mourn this weak human that he knew was already dead ?? BECAUSE HE HAS FEELINGS. HE HAS STUPID MESSY IRRATIONAL HUMAN FEELINGS. OF LOVE AND HEARTBREAK AND SADNESS AND LOSS. and i think that might be part of what scares him the most. he lived his whole life thinking he was emotionless and superior and strong,, and as long as he had akira by his side to be the emotional one of the group he’d be fine repressing all his shit. but now akira is gone and he’s left to sit in his feelings and except the fact that he HAS them and that he’s a little bit more human that he thought. oh and also i just think that for someone who always talks about how the strong beat the weak etc etc ,, it seems a little silly for ryo to fall in love with akira who is the softest and (no offense) physically weakest baby boy out there. he literally had this coming.
the baton scene !! this one didn’t hit quite as hard as the cat scene but i still want to talk about it because i <3 repetition. i think it’s supposed to symbolize how throughout his life akira tried and tried and tried again to get ryo to feel his feelings and be able to give and accept love. no matter how many times he tried and failed, akira never gave up and still loved ryo because that’s what people do with those they care about !! and i think it just breaks my heart that ryo couldn’t accept the baton until after it was too late.
oh yeah and this is possibly my favorite development and new thought after my rewatch. um. so yknow how ryo doesn’t have any memories of being satan at first. i think that maybe this means that he could possibly not remember other things too. this might be a bit of a stretch but i feel like the point of being a demon or being trapped in hell is to yknow ,, BE IN HELL sooo ,, where i’m going with this is that i think that ryos hell and punishment from god is to be thrown into different variations of earth with different variations of humans and in all of them he finds akira and falls in love with him and only knows it until it’s too late. and THATS why akira/all the akira variants can tell him that he IS in fact crying, because they know with their magic empathy abilities that he DOES love them more than anything. i might be off but i love to torture myself <3 but like ?? it sorta makes sense especially with god rebuilding the world after ryo destroyed it. like what happens to ryo ?? where does he go ?? back to hell ?? back to earth ?? i personally like my little theory
i have never read the bible fully but i wanted to mention how i think it’s so interesting how all the religious imagery is like ?? flipped if that makes sense ?? like the imagery of akira vs ryo makes it seem the opposite of how it should be. and i wonder if this also applies to other scenes with more obscure imagery or references like the miko donkey scene ?? idk but i might look into it more. i think they did this because it’s supposed to show how nothing is ever truly black or white with humanity. emotions and love and sadness and just people in general are all so multifaceted and can’t really be explained with any exact science. by switching up seemingly obvious imagery and confusing the viewers a bit i think they show how everything is just on a huge greyscale
okay i think that’s it for now but i WILL update this if i have another thought
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cas0214 · 2 years
The Strongest
Chapter 8
A yuji itadori x reader fic
As Yuji watched you run away, he felt as if the world stopped. Like time had finally slowed down. He could faintly hear Sukuna laughing at him, making fun of him on how he made you run away. 
Someone he liked.
He made you run away.
But he couldn't understand, he could only see you running away from him. Looking back at him with glossy eyes. The tears falling down your face. 
He brought his fingers up to his lips. He could still feel that kiss. The way you were shocked and flinched away before putting your hand on the back of his head and getting more into it. Maybe if he didn't rush it, you wouldn't have run away. 
But he couldn't think about that right now, he needed to find Gojo. Grell in your mind. Yuji got up from leaning on his hands and started to run back to the dorms. He could still hear Sukuna laughing at him like he did with Mahito. He couldn't think about that right now though, he needed to get to Gojo. 
After he made it to the dorms, he slammed open all the doors looking for the white-haired man. he didn't open the doors that had his classmates were in so he wouldn't get scolded. When you opened all the doors, he realized that Gojo wasn't there. 
He's not there
Not there
Yuji ran to the nurse's office to see if he was with Shoko. He opened the door open and saw the brunette women with a cigarette in her mouth talking the white-haired man he needed. Both of them looked at him with concern, he could see Shoko blow out some smoke before letting it die away and putting the cigarette in an ash tray. 
But he didn't care about her. He wanted his teacher. Satoru Gojo.
He swiftly walked over to him and the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to his level before yelling right in his face. 
Why he didn't tell you 
Why he let it all to himself
Gojo was trying to pry his hands off of him, but it was useless. Yuji strength from Sukuna, and him not wanting to hurt Yuji got in the way of everything. 
So, he let the first year let it all out. He let Yuji yell in his face, punch him, kick him, and cry.
Cry about how he wanted to be with you.
Gojo understood what happened though.
You found out.
It shouldn't be a shocker since it is your body, and the cursed energy is leaving you, but he still doesn't want to believe it was happening. No one in that room did.
No one could see the few tears Gojo let out that night while holding a screaming first year.
I knew I couldn't go back to my room without someone hearing me sob, so I went on top of the roof. It was a spot me and Utahime would always go to get away from the nagging of the strongest sorcerer. She would always drink and complain, sometimes being quiet, while I just looked at the clouds or stars. Pointing out what shape I saw and making a dumb story about it. 
But she wasn't here now. She was in Kyoto with her students and not some kid that was close to someone she hated. I knew she at least tried to make a nice first impression for me but with Gojo and Geto there I could see it was hard for her.
Someone who was actually nice to me, who didn't give a shit what Gojo said or did. I could see the love in both their eyes, given I only saw him for a few weeks before he disappeared. I didn't even see him again when he fought Yuta Okkotsu and the rest of them, but I heard it was brutal. Maki told me what happened when I asked. Another thing I haven't told Gojo.  
He left when I came along though. Maybe he didn't actually like me, or Gojo for that matter. Is that the type of love I'm destined with inmy future? Someone I thought I could trust, love, tell all my secrets to, but to have all of that used against me. Thats what my father went through anyway.
Did I see Gojo as my father?
Did I?
Could I?
We haven't told each other anything in what felt like forever. Did we even trust each other anymore? 
Yes. Yes, we trust each other. He sees me as his own child. But do I see him as my father.
Man, I already miss him
But I have to deal with everything on my own. 
Thats what mother says anyway.
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superrunawaybanana · 16 days
enojgh words. just enough words. please just know you wouldn't have liked it if he did it to you.
they're not old hookups, theyre people he knew.
just enough. be calm.
maybe just stop.
how do i stop?
how do i stop doing the same things?
what am i actually doing?
still trying to get attention from people from that part of my life?
i guess that's weird.
even if i haven't done anything or said anything.
i guess thats weird.
and no i wouldn't like it.
he didn't like it.
he still cares what i do.
even after we break up.
he still watches.
he still cares.
he still gest upset.
we were doing fine, or at least being peaceful together. and then that. why?
why can't i just make better decisions?
why is it so hard for me to think about what i'm doing? and the logic behind it, and the unfairness behind it?
can i be innocent for once in my life?
can i be good for once in my life?
i have changed over the years. i thought i was a decent person. i thought i deserved alfredo. i thought someday for sure i'm gonna have a forever, that i deserved a happy forever. i don't really know who i am anymore after everything i'm not proud of.
i would have told him if i wanted to talk to other people.
i understand why he's upset. why am i being kicked out of his life? he said he
every single word now just hurts. just hurts. i want my old life back. i wish this entire year never happened. i wish i stayed with michael and never went on hinge. i wish i never went on hinge. i wish i never went on hinge.
i have to go on with my life with this whole year on my back now. i have to carry the weight of it. all because i went on hinge.
all because i went on hinge.
and now i have nothing.
i have nothing.
i thought i could come here with the little i had to bring and everything i wanted in the person next to me, i thought i could come here and have some kind of life that i wanted. in the four months we were here, i did nothing. i created more trash in my life. all there is in my life now is trash. i didn't make anything of myself, knowing how much issues i had. knowing that i decided before that i wanted to live on my own first before a partner because i wanted to work on myself first. i said that before. and there i was at the door, we fought the last hundred miles til we reached nashville. and i was at the door, it was time. it was time. it was time. to see what i was made of. to really be there for someona and really truly love and care for them, in this new life, sharing my life with someone. i was not cut out for it. not yet at least. i wasn't ready. i wasn't ready. i wasn't ready.
what the fuck am i supposed to do now? he doesn't want me here. he isn't who he used to be. the old him may have wanted me around. but right now, this is who he is. and who he is now, doesn't want me. its that plain and simple.
can we all just calm the fuck down please? and just be at peace again? can we just calm down and be fine again like we have been for the most part? please. please. please.
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Hello darkness my old friend
It's been awhile. Ive been in a funk. Denial. Whatever you want to call it. Ive done some things I'm not quite proud of. Nothing I should be ashamed of, im single, technically. I just wish my heart felt that way. I wish my heart could look into someones eyes and dig my fingers in their back and not see his face. Not cry out for him. Not wish he was the one on top of me. It makes me cringe. Makes me feel dirty. Makes me feel cheap. Breaks my heart.
It breaks my heart. Why, I'll never understand. He doesn't want me. Hes told me multiple times. He's shown me. Plenty of times.
I have to see him in 2 days. Two fucking days. Ive waited on this for an entire year. This moment. This exact moment. Ive waited and I've cried and ive begged time to fly by. For it to feel like this. For it to be this wrong. For it to feel this different. For it to look this different.
Because it is wrong. At least for me. I don't know how I keep getting this so wrong. How I keep getting myself into these situations.
Since I last wrote, ive hung out with 2 different people. The first one was a guy I met when I got back from the beach. He looked a lot like P actually. Crazy similar. His body was different though, unfamiliar and stiff. The sex wasn't great but we took a shower after and well, that was something. He rubbed my body and I don't mean like just rubbed, he poured into me. I know that sounds crazy but I cant even describe the feeling. He was massaging every single inch of my body, even the forbidden rolls. I let him, even if I never saw him again, it felt good and I deserved it. This man sat on the shower floor and massaged me for an hour combined, because he did it twice. Yes, I mean 2 separate showers. It was incredible. He left (after driving 3 hours) and I haven't spoken to him since. I was a tad salty at first because I felt super used, but in all reality, he didn't get anything out of it, I did. The sex was honestly trash, and the dick was wayyyyyyy too big, so I just took him off of my socials. He wasn't the one but I think that was probably the best experience I could have had after 2 years of being with the same person.
The next one, im still currently seeing. We get along really well. The sex wasn't good at first but has gotten better. He pretty much comes over every day after work and we watch our show and I cook. We run errands and get coffee. That's nice. He even pays for my coffee. Which sounds dumb but is really nice. The connection is there to an extent. Hes just not ty. No one ever will be and I know that, but he's just not him and he doesn't come close. He's nice to have around but thats about it. I don't see anything else coming of it. Im Ty's girl. Even if im not his.
I can remember the first time we met like it was yesterday and I remember exactly how my heart felt. I remember when we kissed and I kinda took a breath and my heart went 'there you are, ive been waiting." I know that sounds crazy and god did I fight it. I fought it so hard because even though I felt like that, my heart Was still p's. I kept telling myself you don't go through what you went through, to Meet the one 4 months later. I believed that. I kept telling myself that. But I think I always knew. Ty was different and I didn't know to what extent until he left. I didn't let my feelings surface until he was thousands of miles away. I guess it was a coping mechanism. I still got fucked in the end.
Everything with him was instant. Easy. It's hard to explain, it was the easiest thing in the world. Like breathing. I was scared of it and still am. But now im more scared of the feeling of him being gone than I ever was of letting myself fall.
I just still don't understand any of this. Myra leaves this weekend and my heart is heavy. Its broken. I never imagined losing either one of them let alone both at the same time. It's dark and twisted and im not sure if im going to be okay. I know the world will keep spinning and time will keep going, im just not sure I will.
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