#the OTHER reunion for double awesomeness
ivyprickedthorns · 2 years
I love HTTYD with all my heart, but a Native American man touched his hand to the snout of a horse (a real animal) as a show of trust between the two characters eight years before the white boy touched the snout of a dragon (mythical) as a show of trust. Just saying
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week in BL - I'm finding rankings difficult, there's a lot of middle of the pack action and some serious top contenders
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Dec 2023 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 5 of 12 -  I love how they’re slowly revealing bits of their past to each other. It parallels the slow burn of them falling in love with each other. Knowledge + understanding = affection. I cried during the part with his doubles partner, of course I did. As has been mentioned many times in this blog, I am a sap. Also I’m realizing that there is something particularly clever about this show: Because Day is blind, there must be a ton of physical touch. And physical touch is something that Thai BL does really well. 
(I gotta say, while I ADORE JimmySea in these roles, a small part of me wonders how JoongDunk would have handled these parts.)
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 3 of 10 - Phaya is SO DAMN SMITTEN. It’s great. Have I mentioned recently how glad I am Billy got this role? This was the: “it’s not a date” date ep. 
I gotta say these 2 BLs are neck and neck favorites right now.
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 1 of 12 - Uh oh. I like it a lot. I think I was always going to because I have a soft spot for TayNew on screen. It is such funny to watch Tay play such a stiff character. I like it. This is very fast paced for a Thai BL I wonder where they’ll take it with this speed, are they’ll following the manga more closely? 
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My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) ep 7 of 8 - Wait, no. Wahl you’re such a problem. The pacing of this is very KBL. I’m not mad about it but it feels odd in Thai. Still enjoying this one the most as my "early in the week" offering.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 2 of 10 - The booty call flirting is next level with these two. Like Bed Friends but with less pain. I love that Nail is such needy evil wild child - the story gets all its tension from that.
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Baby boy gives off so many danger signals I wouldn't tap that with a 10 ft… pole. Him is a braver queer than I. I do like how the high heat is being used to drive the story. It stands in stark contrast to Playboyy. Which is using high heat to drive, well... piles apparently.
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 6 of 10 - I'm enjoying it again, the main couple is getting more BLish. 
Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 3 of 6 - Shin and Peach flirting is very cute. Although they got into that sack swiftly. Guy leaving was contrived and reactions overwrought but okay babies. 
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - Now I'm mostly just confused.
Which timeline are we in?
Do they know each other in this one's past or not?
Have they met yet?
Who has which memories of what?
I feel like I’ve been through a lot for the show.
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I’m not saying the reunion scene in the theater was worth it, but it was a really spectacular reunion scene. I’m terrified that there’s one more episode. I wish it had ended here.
Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 2 of 12 - I’m just not that into it. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 4 of 14 - A new ship has been set afloat, we are now Team #WayKim / #KimWay and if you're not with us, you're against us. Trash watch happening here.
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 5 of 8 - oh look, it’s everybody’s favorite big brother!
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That was a kind (and kind of lovely) coming out sequence. KingUea being the worst best Gay Advice Dads is awesome. Mai is SO SWEET. And we end on some good old miscommunication / misinterpretation, so that Jade can behave in an even more unhinged manner next ep. Our brief respite from absurdity has ended. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Fake Love ep 16 of 24 - They cute fake bf but it’s oddly unappealing. I mean most us queers have slept with each others exes, that’s swimming in a small pool, for ya. In my experience, only hets get butt hurt about it. (Hets never use enoug lube, they butt hurt about everything.) So the whole drama just felt confusing to me. Or maybe that's just my experience with swimming in lube? 4/10 whatever... not recommended
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Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 4 of 14 eps - I’m seriously considering dropping this. 
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - They cute. Are aquariums now gay? That’s not the definition of fish that I grew up with. 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 2 of 8 - I'm suffering from terrible second lead syndrome. Glasses guy is new Best Boy. Also, Rise is trying to earn the Namgoong Award for Best Wingman. 
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It Finished But...
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 14 eps - completed it's run. Reports are:
It's pretty good horror but not BL. Ending is unresolved.
Given that info and this review here, it's not for me. DNF
It's Airing But...
Behind the Shadows (Korea movie) - a historical I'm interested in (if it's BL) but have no idea how to find.
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if it's safe.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed with ep 1. Been told I shouldn't bother.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until after it completes its run next week.
Next Week Looks Like This
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12/14 Dear Kitakyushu (Thai/Japan movie) in theaters in country only, I know nothing about distribution.
Still coming:
12/23 Dead Friend Forever (Thai horror) iQIYI
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED). With the end of the year upon us I'll do an "announced for 2023 but never happened list" soon.
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Of course I loved all the little language moments. I am here for the kinkification of phi.
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That request for a shirt was v sexy phi+na. Thank you Jimmy.
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Last Twilight bringing the pronoun and particle game to play hard.
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It was a nice kiss. (Absolute Zero)
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This as a perfunctory flirting kiss, I anticipate we still have The Kiss to come.
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I love that Phaya's personality seems to be spin doctor, just accuse the boy of doing that you are already doing to him (or want him to do to you).
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Boyfriend shirts!
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And a meta reference.
The Sign is basically made for me.
(Last week)
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ckret2 · 1 year
👀 I want to hear more about this Bill AU
You were the very first person to send me an ask about the Bill AU, and it was an open-ended question, so I've been saving your ask special for... a fanfic. IDK how often or how much I'm gonna write actual full fic for this AU but for now, here: the first half of Bill's reunion with the Pines family. (Attempted murder included.)
(Edited 7/28/2024 - now compatible with TBOB!)
February 25, 2013
The vengeful demon standing in the door of the Mystery Shack possessed only four items in the universe:
Two safety pins.
A time tape tied around his waist like a belt.
And a tunic he'd fashioned himself in the style of an ancient Greek Doric chiton, folded and pinned so perfectly that the wearer must have seen them thousands of years ago when they were at the height of fashion.
Soos couldn't identify an authentic Doric chiton. All he knew was that the tourist who'd just come in looked like a short fat lady with brown skin, curly golden hair, weirdly skinny arms, bulging jaundiced eyes, and a toga made out of a bright purple children's Pony Heist bedsheet.
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Soos laughed, flashing the tourist a double thumbs up. "Hey! Awesome toga. That should really be like a thing. Imagine if we all wore togas. We could just wake up, roll our bedsheets around us like a burrito, and go out!"
"Watch out, you can't tell when Big Fashion is listening in." 
"Haha. Who?"
The tourist hadn't looked at Soos once; instead, her gaze was darting around the shop restlessly.
"Are you shopping for something specific?" Soos asked with his best customer service voice. "Post cards? Snow globes? Weird taxidermy thingamajigs? Pants?"
"Where are the Pines?" the tourist asked, casting a sharp look at the "employees only" door, then the vending machine.
"Oh, Mr. Pines! The original Mr. Mystery! Heh—he actually retired a few months ago. The Mystery Shack's under new management!" Soos planted his fists on his hips and puffed up his chest. "It's me, I'm the new management."
"But where are they?" the tourist pressed.
"Uhh, he and his bro are somewhere in South America, I think? Hey, if you wanna meet him in person, his last letter said he might visit for spring break if the family can make it. First week in April."
"First week in April," the tourist muttered. She glanced over her shoulder toward the door, thoughtfully fiddling with the time tape wrapped around her waist.
"Oh, dude! I've tried to use a tape measure as a belt too! Haha! It worked great, until I bumped the button and it retracted. Yeesh. Hey, do you want a fur belt? We sell fur belts now." Soos turned away, rummaging through the new display next to the t-shirts. "They're all sustainably, ethically harvested! I bought a bunch of old rugs from the Northwest Manor to slice up."
Soos grabbed up a fuzzy pink belt. "Check it, I think this is unicorn hide or something. Bet it'd go so good with that Pony Heist toga..."
The tourist had seemingly vanished in thin air. Soos looked around. "Huh." He shrugged and stuck the belt on a shelf beneath the cash register in case she came back and decided she wanted it later.
Once all the other visitors had left for the day, and Soos was left alone to clean up, he thought back to that togaed tourist whose yellowish eyes had never stopped moving—the way she'd looked toward the door as though worried someone was following her. Soos glanced around the shop nervously. "Is anyone there?" He lifted his broom like a samurai sword. "Hello? Big Fashion?"
Nothing answered. He shrugged and kept sweeping.
April 1, 2013
A vengeful demon who possessed nothing but two safety pins, a time tape belt, and a purple Pony Heist bedsheet chiton stood in the center of the Mystery Shack gift shop.
Which was weird, because Soos didn't hear the door and she totally hadn't been standing there a moment ago.
"Oh hey! Toga Lady!" Soos turned to Wendy, who was picking up a few bucks working spring break while Melody visited her family. "It's Toga Lady. She came in like a month ago. The toga's cool, right? I think it's cool."
Wendy glanced up, choked back a laugh, and scrambled to grab her phone for a picture.
"So, where are the Pines?" Toga Lady asked, with an edge of impatience.
"Oh, dude, did you come all the way back here to meet them? Sorry, the Mr. Pineses couldn't make it. They couldn't get a flight out of Atlanta." Soos stopped, frowned, and pulled a water-stained letter from his pocket to double check. "Sorry, Atlantis. Something about a giant lobster attack?"
"Daryll would pick now to invade," Toga Lady muttered. "I suppose the children aren't here."
How did she know about the children? Maybe she'd visited last summer and remembered them? Like, early summer, before Pony Heist came out. Soos would have remembered the toga. "Naw, heh. They went to Roswell."
"Oh, cool," Wendy said distractedly, busy texting a picture of Toga Lady to everyone she knew. "Checking out the competition."
"Yeah, Dipper's sending me like a billion pictures of the alien museum."
"Well," Toga Lady said impatiently, "when are they showing up?"
Soos was beginning to get the impression that Toga Lady was less an admiring fan, and more one of those customers. The kind that used speaking to the manager as a threat. All the same, he said, "June first, for sure. That's when the kids get here for summer break so the Mr. Pineses are coming too. Definitely. Promise."
She rolled her eyes—one of them twitched, like she'd gotten something in it and was struggling to keep it open—but said, "All right, fine! June. What's the difference? I've waited this long." She leaned next to the door by the snow globe shelves, fiddling with her belt, as if she was settling in to wait right there for the next two months.
Soos frowned—she might drive off tourists, blocking the door like that—but said, "Oh! While you're here, I thought you might be interested in this belt." He reached past Wendy to grab it from beneath the cash register. "I didn't get a chance to show you last time before—"
He looked toward the door. She was gone. "Huh. Did you see Toga Lady leave?"
Wendy shrugged. "Wasn't looking."
"Huh." Soos replaced the belt. At least he knew when he'd see her next.
June 1, 2013
"What's with the belt?" Stan asked.
"Oh! It's for a regular." Soos pointed with both hands at the fuzzy pink belt peeking beneath his suit jacket. "I think she's comin' today. She wanted to meet the original Mr. Mystery."
"Hey, an admirer." Stan's chest puffed out and his grin widened. "Is she cute?"
"Uh... if you like bedsheet togas?"
"Ooh, a party girl."
"These are new," Ford said, inspecting a jar with an alien fetus floating in green goo.
"Oh, yeah!" Soos said, following as Stan joined Ford at the glass display case. "Dipper sent me like, a billion keychains of these little alien guys from Roswell. So I started filling Abuelita's empty spice jars with aliens and green jello. Cool, huh? It looks like we stole them from a secret government lab or something."
Stan laughed, slinging an arm around Soos. "Listen to this! Brilliant! I knew I put the right guy in charge."
Soos grinned goofily. "Aw, gee, Mr. Pines..."
A flash of purple caught the corner of his eye. Toga Lady was leaning next to the door by the snow globe shelves, fiddling with her belt.
Here was a chance to show off his great business instincts with Stan watching. Time to make a sale. "Oh, hey, Toga Lady! I didn't hear you come in! Still rockin' Pony Heist, huh? Hey, I've been trying to show you this belt I think you'll like..."
But she wasn't listening to him. Her gaze was fixed on the Pines twins' backs. As Soos watched, her expression darkened, and her grin widened.
The vengeful demon reached past the snow globes, seized a heavy "mysterious green crystal cluster ($250)" made of glue and broken glass, and heaved it up over his head. "Hey, Sixer!" Face contorted in a snarl of a smile, he turned the cluster over, sharp shards pointing downward. "Welcome home!"
Bill Cipher swung the glass weight down toward Ford's head.
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(If you wanna keep reading, all chapters are on tumblr right here!)
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
Spoilers below the cut, and warning it's long. My thoughts are all over the place rn so you'll get more organized posts tomorrow
Ep. 1
“Just the one.” FML
Darius you’re such a funny little guy
“I’m not talking about the island I’m talking about what happened after.” AHHHHHHH. The way this line was delivered and animated.
The family photos on the wall feel so symbolic. 
It’s sad how Darius has to go through this process of grief again.
What’s Brand doing to get himself into trouble?
*soft music plays* “And here with me live are the improbable survivors of the Jurassic World incident, the Nublar Six” CAN YOU HEAR ME FUCKING SOBBING.
Ben scrunched over that little compute please I can’t 😭
What’s especially sad about Darius’ grief is that he’s not just sad and depressed as if he’s accepted her death, it’s that he pushed himself into a sort of state of almost denial where he’s still calling her and stuff.
These raptors are freaky
1st episode over yayyyy
Ep. 2
Not the keys Darius 
The tensionnn
Ben and his driving skills 
Ben’s poor van
Ben still being the well prepared man he is
Ben…I’m concerned what is that board you have going on there
Why are these grown ass men living such horrible lives? Eating canned cheese out of a dirty mug? A spoon in a boot that makes sloshing noise?
Ben back at it w the shaving cream/ whipped cream. 
Darius is so unconvinced
BEN throwing Darius phone out like it was nothing plssss and his reaction 
She’s so pretty though
Very ominous great way to emphasize Ben’s paranoia 
These poor traumatized kids
“Is your friend okay?” “No.” PLSS I’m glad he knows it
Ep. 3
Sammy’s ranch is so cuteeee
The locs thing omg 
“Have you seen my pitchfork” she asks casually as if she’s a witch hunter during the Salem witch trials 
What do you mean Sammy isn’t talking to her parents 
Their reunion is soooo cute 
Sammy you are a queen and I love you.
I forgot we were in Texas lmao
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT’S SAMMY SEEING BROOKLYNN FOR ME 😭 now it’s definitely for sure that Sammy died her hair in honor of B. Brooklynn’s jacket 😭
SAMMY 😭😭😭 “or Yaz pulling away from me”
Got me ugly crying 
Ep. 4
Darius’ humor is immaculate 
Everybody’s calling Ben by his full name and I love it
Nooo the brothers are fighting
Kenji has… downgraded
Oop- no the money loss
Sammy that kick was awesome marry me plz wait no u have Yaz marry her and then marry me
I knew they were fighting but god damn he rlly just shut the door or Darius like that
Kenji I love you dude but take this seriously 
Ooh the tension
Ouch, brooklynns death
Double ouch, Kenji blames Darius. Of course 
“Once you lose my trust, you lose it. Forever.” Damn. Hang on let me go check off Kenji and his daddy issues off my bingo card rq
The girlies aren’t in a good place 😭😭 “why did she say something?” Plssss
I love how Sammy car jacked Ben by tickling him for his keys
Them abandoning Darius with Kenji 💀
I  love the rock climbing scene 
“where were you the night Brooklynn died?” Oop- we’re doing up this now?
OH!? oh
Awww fuckkkkkk 😭
That’s another mark on my card
but also damn… poor Kenji 
“Wait how do I get back down?” You’re so real Darius 
Aww bumpy noooo
Ep. 5
“Hey that song kinda reminds me of that” *turns music off* oh
“Not taking family advice from a kid who hasn’t called his own mother in over a month.” OH. WERE YOU SILENT OR WERE YOU SILENCED. THE BOYS ARE TAKING SHOTS AT EACH OTHER 
“Oh yeah, Darius warned me. LMFAO
Ohh she told you Benjamin. No more carob. 
The gyrosphereeeee
Oh fuck this guy whoever you are.
“Free the Dino’s.” YESSSSSSSS 
I had a feeling we’d see kenjis dad
“Did you have Brooklynn killed?” Oh going in hot ig
OK, I feel bad for Sammy because even after all of these years, she makes one mistake by spying for mantah corp and people still kind of hold it over her head, even her best friends. that must suck 
Ooh the tension
“Don’t do the Japanese thing. You know I don’t speak it.” Ooh we’re bringing the culture too! JW ain’t playing 
Oh shit-
I love how Ben and Sammy take down a Dino abuser just as a little side quest
Aww they’re so cute  OH MY GOD WTF HE’S THE “WEVE GOT A PROBLEM DUDE”???
“Im not afraid to get my hands dirty” oh shit-
she’s so pretty thoughhhh
Aww brooklynnn 
Aww the trauma poor baby I just wanna give her a hug
“Any particular reason I’m here and not Sammy?” Ooohh
Yaz I love you. You’re so pretty, and cool, and just a bunch of good things
Are you gonna answer the phone Yaz?
“Wait you’re coming here?” You can hear the panic in her voice.
Yaz is definitely suspicious. 
I love this episode already
It’s so amazing that they’re actually addressing their mental health. I don’t think I’ve ever heard children’s shows say the words  traumatizing and ptsd.
Oop. So this is where you live Yaz?
Awww I love Ben and Yazs friendship so much
Ooh time to drop the news
This place is so pretty and nice and Yaz genuinely seems to be happy. Also she knows people :)
“Benny Boy.” Aww
Sammy is not enjoying this place lmao
“You’re favorite.” Oop-
Oh shit
I love that Sammy is trying to protect Yaz but she is taking it a little too far. Ben is me, I can’t see I’m blinddddd blinddddd blindddd
But also Yaz you didn’t keep in contact?? 
Oh shit Yaz has a point though *shrieking*
Not the fucking time Ben 
I take it back this isn’t my favorite episode I don’t love this episode
Ben struggling to give advice plssss. I love you dude
I love Yaz and Ben’s friendship so much though
“When me and my girlfriend—“ the swoop up, like right Yaz. “I’m sorry girlfriend?” Right. That’s what we’re all wondering
“Why does everyone act so surprised when I say that?” BECAUSE YOU’RE GAY??
aww poor Sammy I just thinks Yaz needs some great room. 
Sammy was definitely abt to say “how the hell”
The little side eye Ben gives Yaz after “big Ben’s got moves” <3<3
OH FUCK THEY ARE TRAPPEDOh dpw is here they got it
the little hand hold <3<3
Ep. 7
Oh they are under under.
My worst fear lowkey
oh shit…
poor kenji… awww fuck this is so sad. 
Who is this guy??
Uh oh… the dpw
Kenji poor baby
Ben really? Ductape
That’s my strong girls 
Nah this shit is terrifying 
Oh thank god 
Oh shit we’re finding out what happened 
Aww a little girl 
Oop corruption… but for a good cause?
Oh shit
How tf did Brooklynn not feel those footsteps?
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
Is Brooklynn actually dead? Moment of truth.
Awww no no no no 😭 Darius fuckkkkk 😢
I can’t believe they actually showed a pool if blood. Brooklynns pool of blood
Wait so they saw her dead body? So she’s actually dead? Or what?
Oh fuckkkkkklk 😖 
Not the random Italian 😭
Ben was WAITING to throw those phones
Yaz I love you. “I am so going to haunt them from beyond the grave.”
Her house is so cuteeee
Please Sammy your voicemail 😭 I love how we’re getting to hear everyone’s voicemail
Oooh the plot thickens
Ep. 8
KENJI YOU CANT BE SCREAMING LIKE THAT ALSO WTF WAS THAT SCREAM but also I can’t judge that’s me when I see a spider 
Oh I forgot abt all of those voicemails Darius sent
Aw lowkey poor dinosaurs
Who is he?
Kenji you’re such a goofball. Eew no I take it back gagging barfing gross wtf 
No Brooklynn what’d we say abt the baby talk pls no
Yes, Darius I am sufficiently uncomfortable 
Uh oh the boys are tussling I’m getting flashbacks to Ben and Darius 
Awww dariusssss 😭
Camp fam try not to get recognized by strangers challenge quick, start
Damnnn Sammy that was smooth. 
Darius… why are you in that gross ass tub
Camp fam boys try not to be gross challenge 
Please get out of the fucking tub
You don’t know what’s been done in there
Are we just abandoning all self respect we have 
oh is it the video? The video of her death?
Oh fuck… 
YAZ 😭😭😭 “boo.” Please I love youuu
Right, that’s my reaction lmao
Oop Brooklynns mad
Nah cause she stared at that dinosaur for 3 straight up seconds girl has your time on numblar taught you anything??
no wonder your ass got ate
I’m sorry that’s mean.
I love you girly
Oh fuck.
Girly is dead
“You and me, we’re brothers right?” STOP YOURE BREAKING MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭
Will we ever find out why Darius wasn’t there??
Oop dinosaurs 
What’s wrong with bumpy??
“What are you looking at?” Pftttt
Uh oh. He’s dead…
Oh well
Oh now they’re really looking 
“Yeah I don’t like that at all.” Yeah but I loveeee you Sammy 
Ep. 9
Poor Sammy but girl you need to chill
Awww. I love yasammy and seeing them work through the it issues. ASWWWWWWW
OOH the gangs all here
How tf did Darius and Kenji scale that fence
Oh shit,
Miss ma’am you are too pretty to be participating in nefarious acts like this 
Lmfao “okay we get it you’re a climber”
What did I tell you girl? Way too pretty to be doing this shit
Come on Kenji put those protein drinks to work
Yaz wearing a crop top 🥰
Awww bunny nooo fuck fuck
Awww Ben 💔
Oh fuck no I would not be climbing up there 
the gangs all here
Okay kenji 
Damn Sammy you stay trying to knock kenji out I love you ❤️ 
Also the part where Yaz is covering both their mouths? So badass
Awww reunion how sweet
Oh so when they said international they meant international 
Oh shit…fuck… Brooklynn :(
cmon did you rlly have to ruin the happy moment?
Ep. 10
Oh the plot THICKENS 
oh shit…
WAIT so it was the atrociraptors that killed Brooklynn???
what if it’s Ronnie?
Oh it’s Mateo okay. 
Aww yasammy
Oh?? The Broker??
Lmfao not them shitting on kenjis camper
Are they going to Brooklynn’s apartment?? Abroad?? 
AWW FUCK :( :(
wait…… is she texting…
Wait wait wait this could be either good or bad but I’m thinking good
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 9 months
2023 Favorites
I'm kinda glad I was keeping track of what I watched, in retrospect, because looking back over my posts this year, I realized I forgot about a lot of stuff. XD After looking over the recaps and excluding rewatches, here's my top ten New Stuff I Watched for 2023:
10. Cabinet Of Curiosities
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Bizarre nightmares unfold in eight tales of terror in a visually stunning, spine-tingling horror collection curated by Guillermo del Toro.
If GDT is your guy, give this a watch. Creature features, cursed objects, aliens, you name it. 8/8 tentacled eldritch abominations.
9. Wolf Creek
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Three backpackers stranded in the Australian outback are plunged inside a hellish nightmare of insufferable torture by a sadistic psychopathic local.
Holy shit, this was intense. And as I said initially, so mean. If you're into Texas Chainsaw Massacre, try this. I'm into franchise bingo, so I'm going to look into the sequels and TV series. 3/3 heads on a stick.
8. Requiem For A Dream
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The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island people are shattered when their addictions run deep.
I get the feeling this is one of those that hurts so much more on rewatching, so there's that to look forward to. I've also rarely seen movies that do so much harmonizing between the music and the visuals, and it was so satisfying. 4/4 refrigerator jump scares.
7. Evil Dead Rise
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A twisted tale of two estranged sisters whose reunion is cut short by the rise of flesh-possessing demons, thrusting them into a primal battle for survival as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable.
This was probably the most fun I had with a horror movie all year, TBH. Horror exploring family dynamics will always be a fave, and this brought plenty of fresh stuff to the franchise while also holding onto the core traits. 5/5 Staffenies.
6. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
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A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people.
This was the most fun I had watching a movie all year, period. If you know nothing about DND, it's a good fantasy movie. If you're a DND nerd, the game mechanics are baked into it. If you're a fan of found families, guess what! 6/6 stealth checks.
5. Cowboy Bebop
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A ragtag crew of bounty hunters chases down the galaxy's most dangerous criminals. They'll save the world--for the right price.
I got exactly what I wanted out of this, so haters be damned. The anime is a masterpiece and a classic, but if you're not in the mood for the existentialism and other heavier themes, here ya go. 3/3 shower-bath-showers.
4. The Black Phone
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After being abducted by a child killer and locked in a soundproof basement, a 13-year-old boy starts receiving calls on a disconnected phone from the killer's previous victims.
Near perfect, as far as I'm concerned. The older I get, the more kids-in-danger as a concept fucks with me, making this the most stressful movie I watched this year (though It Chapter One gave it a run for its money, and I still think they would make a great double feature). 5/5 black balloons.
3. Evil Dead (2013)
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Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods.
It's gnarly. It's badass. I almost puked. I had THE BEST time. The story works as an effective allegory, the effects are gruesomely awesome, and the finale is metal af. Plain and simple. 70,000/70,000 gallons of fake blood.
2. The Crow
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A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his fiancée's murder.
Beautiful, sad, aesthetic for days, hella good soundtrack. *chef kiss* I still haven't seen The Batman, but they seem visually similar, so if you like that, you'll probably like this. For more in-depth thoughts, read my post. 1/1 epic rooftop guitar solos.
1. The Fall Of The House Of Usher
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To secure their fortune (and future) two ruthless siblings build a family dynasty that begins to crumble when their heirs mysteriously die, one by one.
Not just a new favorite Mike Flanagan. A new favorite in general, and my number one for the year. I just screamed about this one last month, and I don't have anything more to add. I've seen Succession comparisons, and while I have no idea how accurate that is, there's my "if you like that, here's this." Holy crap. 7/7 deadly sins personified.
Happy New Year! 🥂
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domesticatedangel · 1 year
this was inspired by @deancrowleycas and I dedicate it to him and all his awesome work!! Thank you for all that you do <3
p.s. i wrote this in an hour and it has not been proofread, please be kind
The thought pops into his head randomly one day, as most do for him. Of course, it wasn’t quite that random at all, looking back. It had actually been a perfect set of circumstances that led to this very important, life altering revelation.
Dean had been craving sweets, as it were. He blames it on the kid. How is he supposed to say no to Jack when he conspires that they can double their ice cream spoils by having it before and after dinner, just as long as Cas doesn’t catch them?*
*It is of note that, while the six year old capital-G God tries to plan this, he is essentially stage whispering right in the earshot of said angel, who would not need any kind of celestial power to overhear him.**
**It is also of note that Jack still, miraculously, goes unheard. 
 And so it goes.
But now, it seems that the conspiracy has grown deeper. It’s not just a scoop of ice cream before dinner anymore, or a cookie when homework is done, or a piece of ruby red, cherry candy when aunt Rowena comes around. At least, not for Dean. After so many pointed looks from Cas over the amount of wrappers littering the kitchen table, even he’s taken measures to hide it away. 
He has a sweets problem. So what? He thinks it’s a treat well deserved. 
And that’s what he tells himself as he’s standing in line at the grocery store, one hand on the cart handle and the other secure on Jack’s hand (since he’s apparently “too grown” to sit in the cart now), all while scanning the candy stand. He feels a tug on his arm and looks down.
“Can I get something, Dean?” Jack asks, cute and polite. He already knew what Dean was thinking. 
“Thought we compromised, kid.” Dean responds and nods towards the grocery belt behind him. “We got you that cereal to keep you off the sweets for a while.” 
Jack tries not to pout, but it only comes off that much more of a scowl, a familiar one at that. It takes everything in Dean to not laugh at the expression. But he’s also nothing if not a pushover for that expression, whether the face is six years old, or a milenia. 
“Alright, okay,” Dean sighs and crouches down to Jack’s level, who’s still too busy squinting in spite to reach Dean’s eyes. “How about we get something to share?” 
At this, Jack immediately perks up, and Dean rolls his eyes fondly, turning back to look at the options. He catches something on the very bottom shelf.
“Ah-ha.” He says and reaches for the candy. “Perfect.” 
“What is it?” Jack asks, looking over Dean’s shoulder. 
“It’s delicious, is what it is.” Dean responds, standing up. He throws the candy on the belt right as the cashier starts ringing him up. “And perfect for sharing.”
Back at the bunker, Dean sits next to Jack at the library table as he works on a worksheet, candy opened in between them. The little boy swings his legs back and forth under the table and takes a piece of chocolate that Dean broke off for him. Dean, in turn, takes a piece of his own. 
The bunker door opens up then, and a set of footsteps starts down the stairs.
The second Jack heard the door, his chair was screeching out from under the table. By the time his tiny legs carried him to the steps leading into the war room, Castiel was already there, picking up the excited boy for a hug. Dean sat back in his chair and watched the reunion, munching on another piece of chocolate. 
Cas left on a hunt with Sam and Eileen. Low level case, something about a vortex and too many owls. They closed it in only two days, Sam and Eileen electing to stay behind for some time off spent in a cabin and that's about as far as Cas went in his text, for Dean's sake. But now, Cas has returned, and that's all he cared about at the moment.
“Oh, I missed you.” Cas says, planting a kiss on Jack’s giggling face. Jack throws his arms around Cas’ shoulders and buries his face in his dad’s neck, inhaling his scent. Cas walks towards Dean, and Dean stretches his head up, waiting for his own kiss. Cas had full intention of giving him one, until he stopped half way, sighing instead.
“Dean.” Cas says disapprovingly, and stands back up. 
“What, what’d I do?” Dean questions defensively, lowkey slighted at being deprived of his kiss. Cas just presses his lips together and raises his eyebrows, looking past his husband and down at the table. 
Dean follows his stare, right at the bright yellow wrapping that was peeling all around him. He looks back to find Cas looking at him now, Jack still perched on his hip. Dean grabs the almost halfway gone chocolate bar and breaks off a piece, offering it to the angel. 
“It’s a Toblerone.” Dean explains, knowing that that’s not the response Castiel wanted. “Want one?” 
Jack whips his head up from Cas’ shoulder. “I do!” 
Cas is quicker than Dean. “No Jack, no more sweets.” 
Jack does his pout again, this time dropping his chin on Cas’ shoulder, but he knows Cas is more final than his other dad. Cas gives Dean the look, the one that says see what you did? though it had no real heat. Dean just shrugs cheekily, earning an eye roll. 
It’s when Cas turns away from Dean, that he receives his revelation. He’s still holding up the pointed chocolate, which just so happened to match up with Cas’ profile at that moment. 
“Hey look,” Dean says, delighted as all get out. He stands up just as Cas turns back to Dean. 
“What?” Cas asks, clearly tired and wanting to go get his son some real food. Dean closes one of his eyes and holds up the piece of candy. 
“Jack, buddy,” Dean calls out to his son, “doesn’t this look familiar?”
Jack, to his credit, turns his head to look, still pouting. But when he sees what Dean is doing, he lifts his head, looking between the candy in Dean’s fingers and Cas’ face. Then, he starts laughing. “What?” Cas asks, more confused now as he alternates looking between his husband and child. “What??” 
“Your nose looks like candy, daddy.” Jack giggles behind his hands. 
Cas’ face is scrunched in confusion as he regards his son and just as he turns to Dean for clarification, the hunter has already stepped right into his space, where he plants a big kiss right on Cas’ nose. And as he’s distracted, Dean pops the chocolate into Jack’s awaiting mouth. 
Cas is still confused when Dean pulls away, but it’s overshadowed by the sheer amount of fondness in his eyes. He gives Dean a real kiss then, both of them smiling into it. 
“My turn!” is all the warning they get before Jack’s tiny hands are pulling Cas’ face towards him, his entire nose getting engulfed by his son’s mouth. 
Jack is going ahhh, voice muffled by his dad’s face, as Cas tries to pull him off, no Jack, what did we say about biting! 
Dean watches it all happen, laughing, and breaks off another piece of chocolate.
And so it goes.
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lotus-pear · 9 months
GOD I LOVE KNKDZ SM I wanna hold them and treasure them like literally they could be so precious they have so much potential and ik we have to wait a few more months but I'm sooo fuckin excited to see if they have a reunion if they don't I'll probs cry from stress or smth like even if someone doesn't ship it they're partners istg they are soo important and I hope we can see more of them in action cuz kunikida has been crying (canon) from stress and trying to bring shit together, like he was really working on gathering the members together again and like poor bby I feel so bad he needs a warm hug, also I feel like getting your hands cut off and your ideals crumbling in front of you was traumatic like he's ok now physically but I feel so bad and dazai is being fucking shot and falling of an elevator while defeating fyodor and walking it all of like ??? I need a sick fic with knkdz and the ada in general he deserves that and I hope so fucking sooo FUCKING much that they get a fuckin reunion like this is all I can talk and think abt now I keep repeating myself, I hope atsushi, dazai and kunikida get one bc I miss their trio so idk what is happening now that s5 is over and the Manga is catching up in a few months bc we saw that they're fighting again like oh fuck ngl I hope dazai gets hurt more so more sickfics or maybe Canon sickfics like in it actually fucking happens in the series but whatever in the end I want the ada to be safe again and destress a little bc oh my god this was their biggest fucking mission in their life and its been going on practically since the guild but whatever I have so so so so so so high hopes for the future and the rise of knkdz (I also ship skk but knkdz is my no. 1 and need way more of them) I hope knkdz will rise and conquer we have to get our fucking game up us knkdz advocates we have a DUTY anyways love ya ur so hot for that knkdz vs skk rant its fucking unfair pls pls pls pls post more knkdz I'm going feral its my last will to live I will kms if the Manga doesn't have them I will defenestrate asagiri I will find him trust me I fucking will anyways anywho anyfuckingway thank you for being a part of the knkdz cult we can soo win we just have to wait for asagiri and like OMG I just had SUCH a dopamine rush like I practically almost jumped bc IM SO EXCITED to see them YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH PLS PLS PLS ASAGIRI PLS DONT DO THIS TO ME I CAN HEAR THEM I CANNN HEAAAAAR THEM PLS PLS PLS DONT PUNISH ME I WANT MORE KNKDZ I WILL FUCKING COMBUST anyways ur so cool and ur art is fuckin awesome have a great day and new year hopefully full with happiness, success, change, and kunikidazai
REAL OMFG‼️‼️ bitches forget that kunikida has been partnered with dazai for two entire years, only one less year than dazai’s partnership w chuuya (before ur like noooo it was seven!!!!! that doesn’t count. chuuya and dazai met at fifteen and didn’t even get partnered that year. it was only during the events of stormbringer when mori realized the only counter to chuuyas corruption was dazai’s ability and he made them go on missions together like they did during the arahabaki incident and they became known as double black. dazai left the mafia when he was eighteen due to oda’s death)
anyway knkdz have also had to trust each other with their lives time and time again and kunikida values this trust more than anything, always relying on dazai even if dazai pisses him the fuck off. dazai says himself that the ada is home to him when talking abt it to sigma, AND WHAT IS HOME BUT A PLACE FILLED WITH HAPPINESS AND THOSE WHOM YOU LOVE DEARLY AND WOULD DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT
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rainbowchaox · 2 years
Speaking of? I love the ranchers and it’s not because the sole reason I got into ships which is usually right after the media when my wall gets full of art and fics and it’s because the fandom I usually start to ship. And not because I thought they were cute.
Hell honestly I barely knew Tango before Double Life. Like I knew who he was but literally never watched his content. I honestly was late on the bandwagon on both flower husbands (primarily because it seemed like everyone I knew shipped them and it was too much at the time and once I did ship them they decided that was end of offical content in empires 1) and Ranchers. (I do fancy me some flower husbands but at it’s height I was the person that refused to ship it because it was popular and everywhere lol)
The fans of ranchers were like slightly different in the way that it was like a less a tidal wave of content I saw and more them gushing how adorable they are. I Remeber literally my wall being full of like wishes and prayers for them to win (and we all know how that went.)
Anyways I started to watch them both. I never and I mean never rewatched the same two videos from both channels but I did with the ranchers. I never got into the MCYT shipping sphere more than liking art or maybe reading some fics my friends sent me. Like I said during 3rd life despite watching the flower husbands I was just lukewarm. It could be that I just hopped from dsmp and was a voice in techno chat which was like werid with shipping idk. I knew there was a solid shipping community ESSPECIALLY in dsmp and hermit fans.
I think what caught my eye was because how literally they never even knew each other that well but once they were forced to be soulmates it’s was so genuine and natural? Like it had a sort of easy going that I could dive into without knowing any of their history or inside jokes as a newbie with eyes that only knew Jimmy.
I knew Jimmy and his fanon by heart. So that’s why I was primarily interested in his pov. And Jimmy is bullied (affectionately) and that is well known by his fanbase. And how tango interacted with him was the complete opposite.
They legit didn’t know Jack about each other so both of them fell into their base selves and just decided to be each other hype men. And I find that beautiful and no wonder why this pairing held me by my neck. I AM always weak for pairings like this. And always go for chemistry because I’m ace as heck.
Soon I became another Rancher Fan praying and wishing for their win somehow. I Remember ranting to friends how this pairing could finally beat the canary curse. And I remember when they eventually didn’t.
I never ever felt so strongly about silly Homoromantic esque blockmen. And I Remeber how the fandom of the ranchers all collectively went into what is best called a media depression. But even after like a week all the creatives decided NO and dropped amazing fics and art. That whole week of buff Jimmy art LMFAO.
And how excited everyone was about the reunion (still can’t believe the whole literal hearts eyes in Tango POV. The mad lad my beloved)
And yeah that’s why I think they will always be my ship in MCYT and why I adore it in all its forms. Team Rancher was just awesome at its height. And I think I know why everyone is or was into flower husbands at the ship height if this gives me any hints.
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blowflyfag · 6 months
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Wrestler ANNUAL: Winter 1983
For years, Bobby Jaggers hadn’t seen his father. He didn’t know where he was, or even if he was dead or alive. Then a letter came into our office from Jagger’s Dad, asking for help in locating his son. It seemed a simple task for such an awesome result. We’re glad it turned out so well.
By Bill Apter
THE LETTER WAS addressed to me. I opened the envelope, as I open all my mail first thing in the morning. Usually, it’s a letter from a fan asking a question, a report on some match, free-lance photos, requests for advice on breaking into wrestling, a personal letter to be forwarded to some wrestler.
But this one was different. Very different.
Dear Bill Apter: 
I wish to express my sincere thanks for your help in locating my son Bobby Jaggers. It was through your magazine and individual help that we have again located each other.
It’s a small world only when you are not the one looking for someone.
I have no doubt it couldn’t have been accomplished without your help.
This letter was signed Bobby Jaggers’ father, Lewis Jeaudion.
Mr. Jeaudion enclosed a letter describing his ordeal. I decided to include it in its entirety.
“His name was Bobby Jeaudion. Even as a little boy, he was big. I remember when Bobby was 12 and a member of the Washington Little League baseball champions. Baseball was his first love. Bob was a power hitter with homeruns a specialty. But he loved all sports and lettered in both baseball and football at our local high school in Vancouver, Washington.
Bob’s ambitions were to go into college sports, eventually pro sports, and hopefully a coaching position. But life has a way of changing plans. During Bob’s senior year in high school, his mother died suddenly from a massive heart attack. After graduation, Bob joined the Army. Bob insisted on volunteering for duty in Vietnam. He spent one year in Vietnam with the First Comb as a combat infantry man.
After discharge, Bob returned to his home town, found a job at a local mill, and attempted to settle down. For a while, Bob submerged his deep love for sports. Yet a friendship with some of the local wrestlers, especially Lonnie Mayne, rekindled Bob’s dormant desires. One day Bob decided to try a career in professional wrestling and took to the road to find his fame and fortune.
Several years passed, and although we were able to maintain contact, again life changed plans.
[Days after being reunited with his father, Bobby Jaggers battles Jim Garvin. Above: Bobby Applies a headlock. Below: Jaggers lands an elbow.]
Single life wasn’t for me. After eight years of loneliness. I found someone to share my life. And 31 years in the Fire Department enabled me to retire. With retirement and my new partner came a new life.
I sold the old home and moved to a one-acre lot on the banks of one of my favorite fishing streams. Unfortunately, in all the hectic shuffling, Bob and I lost contact. Try as I might, I couldn’t locate him.
My only clue was his profession-a pro wrestler.
[Bobby looks to ringside as he receives encouragement from his number one supporter, his father. Almost everyone has noticed that Bobby's intensity has increased since the reunion.]
I pressed my search in this direction. At the Portland Arena I found a local fan sincere in the belief Bob was wrestling somewhere in Montana. However, A number of phone calls reached a dead end.
I was desperate. I really didn’t know what to do. I turned to Bill Apter, managing editor of The Wrestler, for help. I wrote Mr. Apter and explained my predicament. A week later, a letter arrived. Just a line, a name, and a number. 
My call to that number reunited my son and me. My thanks go out to all the editors of The Wrestler magazine. This would have been an impossible task without their help.”
[Garvin doubles over in pain as Jaggers twists his left wrist. Although Jaggers is not a fan favorite, this story is a touching one for any caring human being.] 
Every once in a while you do something that makes you feel very good. When i received Mr. Jeaudion’s request, I immediately got hold of the proper people and forwarded the information. As wrestling people always do, they respond quickly and with compassion.
I don’t want to receive any credit for this. I didn’t do this to have people say what a nice guy I am. I didn’t even want to receive publicity about this affair, but both Jaggers and his Dad insisted.
Sometimes you forget that there are people involved in wrestling. Sometimes the senseless savagery and relentless treachery numbs you to the kinder, decent people who comprise the majority of the sport. 
I'm glad I was able to bring together two people. I'm very glad.
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puppiesandnightlock · 7 months
LINK: Goodbye Was Not Our End (pt. 3)
Something about their meeting had been bugging him. It wasn’t the meeting itself, although the awkward air had left something to be desired. It was Damian himself, it was like Jon was now seeing him differently. It could have just been because of the time passed, something past physical appearance, but whatever it was kept a hold onto him for the rest of the day.
He picked Laurel up from the daycare center and let her watch a movie in the meantime, while he attempted to sort himself out.
There was something there and he would not be able to sort it out by himself. He went into his room after double checking Laurel’s activity, and dialed Kathy.
“How did it go?” The words were said the moment she picked up.
“ I also accept hello, how are you, and good evening.” He said, a teasing note in his voice.
“That’s bull, I helped your disastrous fashion choices and you promised me the details on your estranged famous pop star bestie.”  
“It went…okay. I can’t tell if it was more for closure than anything, but we’re going to meet up again.” Jon sighed, putting the phone on speaker and laying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. 
”Well, that’s good, right?” A rustle of papers and a pencil scratching something out on them accompanied her words. ”Even if y’all can’t get back to where ya once were, it can still be turned back into a relationship that means something again.” 
Jon exhaled, fidgeting with his hands. “There was something off about it, almost like I noticed too much and too little at the same time. It felt so good to be back together, you know?”
“Reunion euphoria.” Kathy summarized. *”What was the biggest thing you noticed about him?”
“Well, it faded, I guess, and became awkward.” Jon scratched his scalp gently. “Um, I guess it would have to be his overall physical look.”
”Hmm. Describe it to me?” Kathy sounded almost… amused? No, that couldn’t be right.
“He was taller, but still way shorter than me. Nothing’s changed there.” He chuckled fondly. “All of his features were shared now, an adult’s face. My parents would say that he looks just like his mom.”
“Wasn’t his mom, like, the most beautiful in the world, according to both your parents?” 
Jon sputtered, tips of his ears going red. “W-well, i mean-”
“And didn’t you have a crush on him early on before…I hate to disrespect the dead, but that bitch?” 
“I don’t see what that has to do with anything.” he glowered at the phone from his vantage point on the bed.
”Jon, I think what’s going on here is that you realized he had a glow-up.” Kathy’s voice definitely had a tinge of amusement and it caused the other boy to scowl.
“S’not like he needed one to begin with.” The mutter was still picked up from the other end and caused the girl to laugh, the sound coming a bit staticy.
”There’s your proof, bestie. Look, it doesn’t mean something has to come from it. Objectively speaking, you’re not half bad yourself, and I'm not trying to date you.” 
Jon groaned, shoving a pillow on his face. “I don’t like adulting, Kath, take me back to, like, elementary.”
She snorted. ”It’s not that bad. Look, focus on rebuilding your friendship, getting somewhere is the first step. If you need me to pick up Laurel one of these days, you know I'm always happy to be Aunt Kathy with the angel.” 
“Mkay.” He took the pillow from his face and stared at the ceiling. “I’ll let you know. Thanks, Kathy.”
“Of course. Who else would help you sort out your disastrous life?” She laughed on the other end. “Take care of yourself, talk later.”
The call ended and Jon was left with more confusion than before.
It was rlly good to c u again 
Ik u said we could meet up again 
And i thought it might be easier to have my number? 
Its xxx-xxx-xxxx 
ROBIN_Official is typing… 
Unknown number 
Its damian hi 
Im free next wednesday 
Awesome same plac as last time 
Yeah, sounds good. Same time? 
Sure sounds good. Cya then ^^ 
See you then! 
Gradually, the visits became regular weekly events, the old, crumbled bond being the foundation for a new tentative relationship to be built on top, not quite what it once was, but something healing under the bandaid. Every meeting and visit, the long missed conversations lasting well into the nights was a new stitch in the gash.
Damian became D, then Damian again, before Dames, and Dame and over the few months, it became Dami again, affectionate and sweet.
The stiffness faded, and they fell into an easy new rhythm none were willing to break. The subject of their past was a dark, locked chest in the top shelf, gathering dust. Opening it would be Pandora’s box, but it was entirely necessary. 
Both were unwilling to bring the subject up again, not wanting to let the past break them again. It was costing the both of them, Damian from guilt, and Jon feeling like he was hiding a vital part of his life.
About three months had passed from their first meeting in October, and they were now in the middle of January. Laurel would be two soon, and Damian had no idea she existed. Jon kept meaning to mention her, but what do you tell your old best friend about something like this?
Oh yeah, so I didn’t tell you in the few months we’ve been meeting that I have a child! Her mom is the same person who destroyed our friendship!  
No. Absolutely not .
This was such an important part of him that he wanted to share, something that he was so proud of. Overwhelming everything else, however, was that same old feeling of fear and worry. They’d worked so hard to get where they were now, despite not having it in them to talk about the roadblocks.
It would be fine, right?
Damian stood out in front of the cafe, scanning the crowds for Jon. The lunch rush hit their quaint little meet-up spot like no other, and with how regularly they came, the wait staff was not above holding tables for them.
Their normal server, a perky high school kid with a green and pink ponytail grinned at him, two menus in her hands.
“Afternoon, Mr. Wayne! You and Mr. Kent want your normal table?”
Damian nodded, lighting up as he saw Jon’s head of curls bobbing in the sea of people. He waved his hand and Jon appeared, grinning at both of them.
“Hey, Dames! Dalia.” They followed the waitress as she led them to a table outside, known by most of the staff as their table.
“I’ll bring you two your usual drinks?” She waited for confirmation, scribbling it down on a notepad as they gave it and rushing away.
“Oh my god, Dames,” Jon blurted out as Dalia left. “You will never believe what I heard walking into the Planet this week,”
Damian grinned, leaning forward as if they were two schoolgirls in the courtyard, letting Jon blabber on about the latest gossip.
“And then after she said that, Jen got so mad, I told Kath and she says that they’ve definitely got something going on there-”
Two glasses were placed on the table in front of them, Jon pausing in the retelling to look up at the person standing there.
Another high school kid with dark red curls and brown skin, a direct contrast to their usual server, and held a notepad in one hand.
“Dalia got held up with another table, but I can go ahead and take your order.” 
“Thank you Hayden!” Jon chirped with a quick glance at the name tag, before ratting off their usual order, looking at Damian for confirmation.
He nodded quickly and Hayden scribbled it down before dashing off to a different table.
“Alright, that’s my fill of workplace gossip, you got anything for the table?” He sipped his sweet tea and waited. 
“Well, Skylar’s 3rd graders absolutely destroyed all the paints and Akira has this weird guy who shows up like every other day, hates books and tries to hit on them but gets a latte so they can't tell him anything. Dick’s been taking his gymnastics classes much too seriously and Jason sends videos of him hanging off things that he shouldn’t be with Father begging him to get off.”
Jon snorted. “Little brothers.”
“Indeed.” Damian sighed. “My older child complex is going insane, I’ve gotten the urge to drive all the way back down there to full name the both of them.”
He laughed, remembering what a mother hen Damian had been as a teen. The other man watched fondly, drinking in the sight of his joy and the song of it ringing in his ears.
Their food was dropped off by Dalia, and they continued their conversation. They had definitely gone over their normal time, and neither seemed to notice, until Jon’s phone began to ring. He ignored it, but it persisted, and looking sheepish, he answered. 
The grin dropped and a horrified expression came over his face. Damian reached over, mouthing a question. 
”Are you okay?” 
Jon shook his head near violently, standing up and shoving his phone in his pocket. “I’m so sorry, Dames, but i gotta go-”
“No, no, that’s fine, but what's going on? Are you okay?” Damian tugged on his sleeve, concerned.
“Iforgottopickupmydaughter.” He wrenched his arm from his grasp and jogged off, leaving Damian slack jawed in the back of the little cafe.
“He has a daughter ?” 
Jon bolted into the daycare, having broken several traffic laws to get there in under ten minutes. There were still some kids and parents there, Laurel sitting alone in a chair too big for her, legs swinging.
“Hey, hey Princess, I’m so sorry-” He bent to her level, cupping her face. She was surprisingly calm about it, unlike what he would have been as a child.
“It’s okay.” She said finally. “Grown-ups come back.” 
Jon was on the verge of tears, laughing weakly. “That’s right, Laurel, I’ll always come back. Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
A few minutes later, as they were driving to the apartment, his daughter’s voice spoke up, smaller than he’d ever heard it.
“Why didn’t Mama come back?”
The car nearly swerved, and Jon breathed in, steadying himself. The rest of the way was silent until he parked, and turned back.
“Mama…isn’t here anymore. She can’t come back.”
“Is she…in the stars now?”
she didn’t deserve the stars. Jon chose his next words carefully, taking a minute of silence. 
“Not exactly. She’s just…gone. She didn’t go to the stars, but she can’t come back either.”
He unlocked the car, getting out to open Laurel’s door and bring her down from her carseat that she insisted on unbuckling herself.
“Okay.” She said finally. “That’s okay.”
Something in his heart twisted painfully, and he swung her up into his arms. “How about we have some dinner now, okay?”
Admittedly, he’d forgotten all about why he’d been late to begin with. He’d just started a movie with Laurel half asleep on his side when his phone lit up, heart dropping to his stomach in dread.
Dami 💚
Would you care to explain  
why you didn’t tell me you had a daughter? 
I’m not mad  
I didn’t want to scare you off  
That was wrong of me  
I want to explain. 
Are you free this weekend? 
I can make time 
Same place? 
Yes, see you then 
“So.” Damian brought the cup to his lips. It was earlier then they would normally meet, and the chilly air had prompted them both to order warm drinks.
“So.” Jon nibbled on his bottom lip.“I owe you like, the world’s biggest explanation.” 
The other man laughed, Jon shutting his eyes and letting the familiar sound ring in his ears. He kept his hands around the cup, feeling the warmth seep through the ceramic. 
“That you do. You don’t have to tell me anything you’re uncomfortable with, but I'd like to have a general gist of what happened.”
Jon breathed in and opened his eyes, and began to talk.
“We didn’t break up when I moved to Metropolis, which I'm sure you know. After the summer, in my first year of college, she came back, and we picked up where we had left off. I knew I should have broken it off, because even though we hit our…roadblock, I could still hear your voice. You were always right to me back then, even when you were wrong.”
His laugh was awful, a small chuckle filled with bitterness.
“That was one thing I always hoped to be wrong about.” Damian whispered, long eyelashes brushing his bronze skin. Jon took a small sip from his cup and continued.
“Two years and we were twenty. It should have been enough, but something kept me there, and she always insisted that she loved me. I was so close to breaking it off, I had finally had enough. But that’s when she told me she was pregnant.  I couldn’t just leave her like that, my parents would have killed me. We eloped, cut a cake, and stayed here. We were so young, D. Too young.
“Then the baby was born. She had just turned twenty-one, and after a bit, didn’t want a baby. I didn’t understand, she’d carried the child, our child, decided to keep it, and after the novelty wore off, she was ready to give up. I was alternating between full parenting and classes because she didn’t want to parent.”
Damian was catching on slightly, still curious about the past tense. How, how had the boy he’d once known, full of sunshine and sharp edges, soft but capable, had gone through hardships like this.
“It was a Friday and I was so done. She left the baby and went out and trust me, I was absolutely pissed. There was a knock on the door, and I must have looked like the dead, answering the door with a Met U hoodie, a baby in one arm and a bottle in the other. I saw the officer and I knew. There was no way that it could have been anything else.”
He was silent, swallowing the lump in his throat. “It wasn’t love, not anymore. I wonder if it had ever been, really. But still, I held out hope. Some kind of hope that maybe we could save it, have some kind of family. She died on impact, which made me feel somewhat better. I was torn up over it for a while, but I had my parents, and Kathy. They helped with the baby a lot.”
“Car crash?” Damian whispered. He was all too familiar with those.
Jon’s face scrunched up in what seemed to be-
No, no. couldn’t be.
Slight amusement? 
“In a way.” He said slowly. Damian waited for him to go on, filled with confusion. “It was a bus.”
“The bus crashed?”
“No…no she was hit with it.”
“She was hit…with a bus ?” Damian squawked. 
“I mean, there were a bunch of other people but she was front and center. It was speeding and there was something wrong with the driver.” Jon hid his face with his cup, watching Damian gawk at him. After a few minutes, right as Damian took a sip from his own, he remarked with a raised brow,
“Ironic, isn’t it?”
Tea was spit everywhere and Jon cackled, Damian’s coughs turning into shaky laughter.
“Jonathan Samuel Kent, what would your mother say?” he sputtered.
“Oh, she agrees. She never thought she was good for me.” Jon handed him, still chuckling as Damian sopped up the mess. “Took me awhile to see it in that light, but I recognize she was hurting me in more ways than one, and though no one ever deserves death, I’m not torn up about it anymore.”
Damian smiled softly at him, hand reaching across the table to touch his. “I’m so sorry that we weren’t there for each other when these things happened. I’m here now, and so are you, and we’re friends now, I think. We’re going to build what we had back up, and I have a feeling it will be better than before. No more secrets?”
Jon moved to grip his hand like they used to when they were children
“No more secrets.”
The shorter man leaned back, lips turning up in fondness. “Now that that’s out of the way, tell me about your daughter!”
Jon brightened, immediately letting go to whip out his phone. “Oh, gosh, Dami, I've got so many pictures! Her name is Laurel, she’s almost two, and she has the fluffiest curls-”
He rambled on and on, Damian soaking it in and cooing over the pictures. Laurel, it seemed, took much more after her father, with her long dark curls and bright blue eyes, small smattering of freckles over her nose. The only trace of the child’s mother was the slightly tanned skin, a lovely mix of features creating an absolutely adorable child.
“When can I meet her?” He blurted out in the middle of one of Jon’s stories. If possible, the beam grew brighter, and Jon nearly bounced in his seat.
“Literally whenever. I can bring her here, or you could come to the apartment, or i could bring her when you meet Kathy-” 
“The apartment sounds good.” He said quietly, stopping the ongoing chatter. “Her ground, and besides, I'd like to see it.”
They both stood, the taller one bumping his shoulder with the smaller one’s. “I’ll text you the details?” 
“Sounds good.” They watched each other, before settling into a warm hug, speaking of sorrow and a small hope for renewal.
They broke apart and went their separate ways, content and peace drifting over them. They were starting again. They were starting again, and this time, they’d both make sure it would be the last time.
10 notes · View notes
rosileeduckie · 3 years
Between You and Me
That’s where Dean’s happiest.
Dean is gonna have a night off whether he likes it or not. Perhaps the efforts of two of his favorite people will convince him. @wordstrings, it’s been an honor to be your Squealing Santa this year, and I beg you pardon the late gift 😅 It’ll have to be a Christmas/New Year’s gift to double the fun. I do hope it’s worth the wait and makes you smile! As always, thank you to @ticklygiggles for being this event’s awesome host and keeping it going each year ♥️ Happy Holidays to all, and to all a Merry Squealing Santa!
SFW. Potential warnings: none. Supernatural, Dean/Benny/Cas tickle fic.
Word count: 5,595
As was ever irritatingly more frequent the older he got, Dean was ready to park the car, get out, and fall asleep on any bed he landed on. Now, he was justified; he hadn’t quite reached the level of post-forty fatigue that incapacitated him after a figurative or, more concerningly or laughably, literal milk run. He and Sam had spent most of the night chasing a trio of ghouls between the cemeteries of four small Idaho towns, and then, when that was sorted, driven through the morning back to Kansas. And then, when they’d barely pulled the Impala into the bunker garage, Sam’s phone had picked up a blip of what looked like vampire activity in northern Illinois. Sam had tucked and rolled out of the car to nurse yet another bungled shoulder, and Dean was back on the highway to see if he could turn a head-start into a finished job before Sam’s first pain meds had worn off.
But in the morning. That’s when he’d make use of the head-start. For the night, he just wanted to sleep.
He silenced Baby’s purring engine and grabbed an overnight duffel from the back seat. The Impala’s keys, he slipped into one pocket, and he pulled his motel room key out of another. After unlocking the door, he edged slowly into the room, hackles habitually raised with no one watching his back. Thankfully, it was as clean and dark and typical as any other motel room, complete with a kitchenette to make coffee in when morning came, a bed to flop down onto and not move for hours, and a tv to provide cable static lullabies to fall asleep to.
Ready to be unconscious as soon as possible—but more likely after ordering some late dinner and showering to scrub away any sneaky ghoul viscera he’d missed that morning—Dean flicked on the light, set his duffel on the bed closest to him, and turned to close the door.
Nothing could have woken him up so much as the telltale sound of fluttering wings behind him in the kitchenette. Dean all but whirled around, hazel-green eyes alight as he beheld the trenchcoated angel who had appeared.
Castiel was already smiling at the expression of blatant surprise and delight Dean wore, the dark-haired man’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Hello, De—mmph!” His usual greeting was cut off by a much more exuberant ‘hello’ from Dean, which involved introducing their lips with such fervor that it sent the angel back against the fridge behind him. When Dean did pull away, able only to bear the distance between their touching foreheads, Cas chuckled gently. “Hello.”
“Hello, yourself,” Dean replied, winding one hand in Cas’ hair and pressing the other upon his lower back as he pulled him closer for more hello kisses.
Eventually, Cas had to pull back, leaning his head against the refrigerator with a smile spread across his rosy cheeks. Dean was not deterred, kissing down Cas’ jaw and neck until the angel chuckled fondly. “Are you waiting for an invitation?”
Dean looked up at him, confused but ready to offer a sarcastic but flirty reply, and saw that Castiel’s blue eyes were not on him, but on the door he suddenly realized he hadn’t shut. He followed the direction of Cas’ grin, his own smile widening once more.
From where he stood in the door, Benny grinned crookedly. “Am I not allowed to enjoy the view?” After a beat, he cleared his throat. “But, also, yes, being invited into the room to take part in this little reunion would be nice.”
The vampire’s joke got Cas’ nose to scrunch in a smirk and Dean to huff out a laugh. “Get your ass over here, then,” said Dean, an eager little trill zipping down his spine when Benny entered the room, shut the door, and beelined toward him.
“With pleasure,” Benny purred, grabbing Dean by the belt loops of his jeans and pulling him into another equally breathtaking hello kiss.
“I—” Dean started to say when they parted from the kiss, only to be struck dumb with a happiness that made his chest ache as he looked between Benny and Cas. “How? How are you guys here? Sammy and me were—?”
“Sam may have passed on the address of your motel,” Benny shrugged, trying to look innocently despite how the corners of his lips twitched.
“After telling you of some convincing evidence of a lead down here,” Cas added.
Dean blinked as that information slotted into his brain. “That little shit’s shoulder is fine, isn’t it?” he said, shaking his head.
“Afraid you’ve been duped, darlin’,” Benny laughed.
“So the case—?”
“Was only slightly fabricated,” Cas confirmed.
“I mean, there is vampire activity here, so it wasn’t a total lie,” Benny added with a snicker.
“Sam agreed to tell you whatever would convince you to make the drive here.”
“But, before that, he had said that you needed a break, which we were happy to help with.”
“Guys—” Dean said. His mind was still spinning from having been tricked, however benevolently. It was almost out of instinct that he tried to interrupt, to slow down the tide of fondness just to stubbornly insist that he didn’t need a break; he was fine, really. Deep down, he counted himself profoundly lucky that his significant others didn’t let him get a word in edgewise and let him convince himself of that—that he was fine, that he didn’t want a break—too.
“You have a free night, Dean,” Cas said, laying a hand on Dean’s shoulder with a gentle smile. “We promise, we wouldn’t ask you away from something important.”
“Even if it’s for something as important as this,” Benny nodded, drawing Dean’s gaze once more by reaching to cradle his jaw with one hand.
“Have this night with us—”
“Or two.” Benny’s hand trailed down Dean’s chest and to his hip, grin audible in his voice even as Dean’s eyelids fluttered shut with a sigh. “Or three, or four, or—”
“Rest,” said Cas, a smile in his words as well, his hand moving to hold Dean’s lower back in case the mix of driving fatigue and teasing hands would be enough to knock the poor hunter out at the knees. “And we’ll send you off in the morning to chase the next case. But, for now, rest and—”
“GUYS.” At last, Dean’s interruption was loud enough to silence them, but he didn’t fill the empty space right away. He’d always been good at thinking on his feet and adapting to his surroundings, but, shit, they’d really caught him off guard with this loving ambush. Going from irritable from the drive to elated at the reunion to dizzy from all the talking and touching—it was a lot to adapt to. In that moment of silence, Dean took a breath, and felt something else expanding with the air in his chest. Happy. He was happy, so happy. And, tonight, he could just let himself be happy. Dean’s smile grew so fast and wide that it nearly split his cheeks, and he pulled Benny and Cas in for a hug. They adapted much more quickly, their chins hooked over either of his shoulders and their chuckling breath ruffling the hair on the back of Dean’s head. “Thank you.” In the next beat of content silence as the hunter looked over his boyfriends’ shoulders, Dean’s brows furrowed, though his smile stayed big and bright. “How are all three of us gonna fit on that bed?”
Benny hummed, angling his head so as to press a nuzzly kiss to Dean’s neck. “Guess we’ll have to get cozy.”
With a snicker, Dean tried to dodge the scruffy kisses, only to be met with hands holding his back and Cas waiting on the other side to dote similarly.
“Oh, I think we can manage that,” Cas agreed, the tip of his nose brushing Dean’s ear and his stubble tickling Dean’s neck.
Dean did wriggle out of their arms then, knowing if he let himself indulge in their nearness too early, he’d never hear nor want the end of it. Even as he cleared his throat to bury the snickers that wanted to spill out when they kissed his neck, Dean knew he was still sporting a grin and a flushed pink behind his freckles. “Only after I shower. Feel like I still got ghoul stink on me, and I wouldn’t want you guys to deal with that.”
Cas pouted, his eyes still fixed on Dean’s neck and the flush creeping down it, and ironically had to have his attention diverted by the resident vampire.
“You hit the shower and get comfy, sugar,” said Benny, hooking a hand around Cas’ elbow but winking at Dean as they made their way back to the door. “Me and Cas’ll rustle up some dinner for you.”
At the mention of food, Dean’s stomach grumbled gratefully. “Thanks.”
As the door closed behind the pair, Dean went to root through his duffel from some cleaner clothes. With fresh sweatpants, boxers, and a t-shirt under one arm, he paused to text Sam with his free hand. First was the usual all-clear and confirmation of having arrived at a motel, and then something for the occasion, calling Sam a little shit and a bad liar, but thanking him nonetheless. Sam just sent back a smiley face.
With how quickly his life could turn from delightfully dull to monstrously busy, Dean could be quite precious about his free time. Especially showers. Before living in the bunker, he’d nearly always have to cut showers short to save hot water for Sam or another hunting buddy, or because they were on a severe time crunch. His hurry today wasn’t begrudging, though. Nice and refreshing as the shower water felt, he was eager for what would come after, the time he got to spend with his two favorite people. Dean may have been too excited, though, as Benny and Cas hadn’t returned by the time he hopped out of the shower, toweled off, and changed clothes. No fuss to be had about that; Dean was sure he could entertain himself. He set his duffel on the floor and took its place on the bed, lounging comfortably after leaning over to grab from his bag his laptop and, as an afterthought, his dad’s hunting journal. It was his free time, Dean reasoned; he could spend a little of it poking around the web for the next possible case.
Dean had barely had his laptop open for ten minutes before he heard the lock in the motel door click, and he swore under his breath as he scrambled to shut the device and his journal before stuffing both under his pillow. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to look nonchalant as the door opened.
“Well, look how good you listen,” Benny teased, and Dean opened his eyes just to roll them. And then widen them eagerly when Cas set a greasy-bottomed diner takeout bag on the kitchenette table. “Thought we’d have to pin you down for the whole weekend to get you to relax.”
With a chuckle, Dean pushed himself up from his bed, diverting the path to his dinner to pause and plant grateful kisses on Benny’s and then Cas’ cheeks. “Oh, the commander knows I can follow orders if I want to,” Dean said as he sat at the table, waggling his eyebrows at the angel.
Cas’ ears visibly reddened, and he avoided all eyes as he sat down on the edge of the bed Dean had vacated.
Benny sat across from him on the opposite bed, bumping their knees together with a grin. “Feel like that’s a story I definitely need to hear.”
“I would rather go back to talking about pinning Dean down for the weekend,” Cas said, casting a half-hearted glare toward Dean when the hunter snickered.
Said glare slid easily to Benny when the vampire shrugged and sat back on his hands. “If you command it, I won’t argue.”
Dean couldn’t help but laugh between bites of his burger at Benny’s prodding and its resulting in Cas sending his glare heavenward. “We’ve got all weekend, Benny. Plenty of time to tell you that story.”
“I’m lookin’ forward to it.”
After such long stretches of driving in quiet or to worn cassettes he tuned out after the third play, Dean always forgot how nice it was to just listen to familiar voices converse. So, when the silence awaiting Cas’ response stretched on, Dean looked up, only to nearly choke on a fry. The angel’s conscious attempts to avert his gaze from teasing eyes had ended up with him noticing the disturbed pillow on the bed beside him, and it had piqued his interest enough to reach beneath it and pull out the still-warm laptop. It was Dean who had to look away then, pretending to be very interested in his half-gone meal, when Cas sighed, not having to open the laptop to know what Dean had been using it for. “Oh, Dean.”
“What?” said Dean, who couldn’t save himself from replying by continuing to eat when his mouth was suddenly dry. “Nothing. It’s porn.”
Benny snorted at that, reaching over to grab the journal from under the pillow as well, turning it over in his hands and realizing what Dean had been trying to hide. The vampire shook his head and tsked. “I was joking, but maybe pinnin’ him down for the weekend is the best thing we can do to get him to relax.”
With a hum, Cas nodded. “I agree. Especially if we tickle him. He won’t want to do anything else, then.”
It was hard for Dean to chew when his heart was pounding in his ears. While, yes, Cas was right—Dean being pinned under his two much stronger partners and tickled until he was too hoarse to make excuses about a hunter’s work never being done and too happy to want to do anything but cuddle was probably the only way they could get him to relax—he didn’t have to talk about it so casually. Not when just thinking the word made giddy butterflies take flight in Dean’s stomach, made him ache for touch (even more than usual). The hunter swallowed, cleared his throat. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” Even he could hear how thin his voice sounded, knew how unconvincing the statement was when heat flushed up the back of his neck.
Dean had finished his fries before he realized the silence was stretching on again, and, when he looked up, he realized that Cas and Benny had taken his words as a request to not talk at all, and instead to just watch and wait for him to finish eating, their smirks patient and hungry.
“Okay, that’s worse.”
At least, some of the tension making Dean’s neck hairs rise dissipated when Benny snickered at that. Dean was able to duck his head before his cheeks went too pink, busying himself with the tv remote conveniently on the table beside him. His food was fully gone, and he was in a vulnerable state with nothing to focus on other than his companions.
“Dean,” said Cas.
Taking the last swig of his beer, Dean hummed in reply.
“Don’t make me make you come here.”
Suddenly, Dean was standing before them, hands in his pockets and lower lip between his teeth. Logically, he knew he must have cleaned up his dishes, turned away long enough for Cas to have miracled the beds together and for he and Benny to have moved to sit at the foot of the now single huge bed. He knew Cas hadn’t made him approach, but had let him. Hopefully the last thing he’d need the strength for that night, to let himself be vulnerable.
Cas stood up to cradle Dean’s jaw in his hands, blue eyes warm and gentle. A twitch of the angel’s lip was the only warning Dean had before the hunter was thrown and tackled to the bed, pinned beneath Cas’ wait laying atop him as well as two devilish grins. Between the long stiff hours of driving and now the excitement bubbling in his chest, Dean couldn’t help but struggle under Cas’ hold, even as his own smile grew wide and his heart hammered happily. Practiced and powerful, Cas was unfazed by Dean’s wriggling, holding fast by crab-clawing his hands down Dean’s sides and diving in to kiss his neck when the hunter’s head fell back in merry chortles.
“Thought angels were supposed to be more graceful,” Benny teased when Cas’ hands got too near Dean’s waist, making the hunter shriek and buck and nearly unseat the angel.
“By definition only,” Cas replied with a chuckle. His hands abandoned their downward trek in order to pin one of Dean’s wrists and scribble under his arm. Dean wailed and flailed and gripped the back of Cas’ coat with his free hand, writhing out of reflex but clinging so as not to get too far away. “But, please, you are welcome to demonstrate more grace while tickling him.”
“Oh, it would be my pleasure.”
Dean couldn’t even properly catch his breath when Cas withdrew his hands and rolled off him, too busy already giggling and stammering, “Wait, wait wait—!”
Benny’s fangs were sheathed, but Dean would have sworn he saw them gleaming as Benny swung a leg over Dean’s thighs to take Cas’ place holding him down. “No can do, darlin’.” The hands Dean had instinctively wound in the collar of Benny’s shirt, Benny gently pried loose, kissing the pulses in Dean’s wrists—thundering in panic and delight—before clasping their hands together and pinning Dean’s down on either side of his head. “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for, bein’ as Cas got longer to get familiar with all your lovely spots, don’t you think?”
When Benny’s eyes meandered down from Dean’s face to his chest to his stomach, the pinned hunter wriggled subconsciously. “As much time as I have with his!” Dean said, his wobbly smile going smug for the briefest second when he saw Cas blush in his periphery.
Relief like the scorching sun dipping behind a passing cloud fell over Dean when Benny’s teasing grin was aimed at Cas. “That so? Angel’s ticklish, too?”
“Another time,” said Cas rather than affirm or deny.
Benny tipped his head and turned his gaze back to Dean. “You’re right. For now, it’s all about Dean.”
And Dean was burning all over again. He was sure Benny would be able to almost taste the hunter’s blood for how it rushed to his cheeks when Benny leaned down to whisper lowly in Dean’s ear.
“Uh-oh, big bad hunter,” Benny crooned, grinning all the wider when Dean’s legs twitched under him in a half-hearted attempt at escape. “Looks like a monster’s finally gonna catch you. Why fight it?”
“Because—!” But Dean could squeak out no more of an excuse when Benny growled playfully and moved Dean’s hands higher, fully extending the pinned hunter’s arms above his head on the bed. The vampire hardly needed to hold them down for how jellylike Dean felt his arms becoming.
Benny’s growl transitioned seamlessly into a gravelly chuckle that made the hairs on Dean’s arms rise. “Why fight it, if that’s really all the fight you’re gonna give?”
Dean’s heart was pounding loud enough to fill the space his lack of response left vacant, loud enough for one soul-attuned angel and one keen-eared vampire to hear clearly as eager and elated rather than fearful and flighty.
“Good,” said Benny, brushing the tip of his nose against Dean’s, smile softening but still crooked with mischief. “No need to fight this monster.” His gaze slid toward Cas. “But just in case…”
Cas must have taken the hint, because one touch to his wrist and Dean felt his arms freeze in place under a blanket of grace. Dean wanted to groan, but his breath was stolen as Benny sat back, fingertips winding a teasing trail down his arms, hopscotching over his armpits, and coming to rest on his chest.
With a wink, Benny moved from atop Dean in favor of reclining alongside him. “Thanks, Cas. Feels like you’ll be able to critique my tickle monstering better like this, don’t you think?”
“Mm,” Cas agreed, smiling as he mirrored Benny’s position on Dean’s left side. His eyes sought Dean’s, listening with ear and soul for even the tiniest flicker of dissent from the hunter. Dean’s cheeks flushed impossibly warmer when he realized Cas would find none; Benny had been right about there being no fight in Dean for tonight.
After the adrenaline rush of anticipation Dean had been riding, it was a relief to laugh when his partners finally attacked. Uncoordinated at first, just because he’d been wrecked by Cas’ fingers so many times while Benny was new to this play, but by no means ineffective. Dean instinctively tried to hide his flustered face and stifled giggles as Cas’ fingers fluttered devastatingly and delicately around his belly and along his ribs—the angel’s favorite places to start when he was planning on giving Dean tickly affection for a good long while. The hunter tried to bite his lip against a squeal when Benny’s calloused but gentle hands tickled under his arms and down his side. Dean was used to Cas’ style, quick and featherlight with occasional bout of merciless tasering or squeezing; Benny’s was another matter entirely. Unhurried and relishing every titter, Benny set his hands dancing with the gait of a slow starburst, blunt fingernails sweeping over every jumping nerve as they moved in and extended out. When those lazy but evil spiders focused all their attention under Dean’s arms and along his chest, Dean snorted and ground his heels into the mattress before succumbing to broad-grin chortles that had him throwing his head back against the pillow.
When his eyes weren’t scrunched tight from the width of his smile, Dean occasionally caught the fond gazes of his partners, eyes glowing with warmth at seeing him so happy. Dean couldn’t have said if that was more flustering, or the fact that Cas was coaching and encouraging Benny’s technique every so often with a nod or a chuckle. When the angel tipped his head, Benny followed, and Dean’s gasping reprieve lasted about two seconds before their hands zeroed in on his lower stomach and set him wriggling with a fresh bout of quaking laughter. The ticklers’ hands danced around one another atop the soft pudge under Dean’s navel, Cas’ fingers fluttering quick and digging in sporadically like a sudden rain while Benny’s slow and steady and unyielding movements crossed Dean’s skin like thunder. Together, they had Dean cackling and twitching like his nervous system had been struck by lightning; if the rest of him was washed away in the deluge, he wouldn’t have noticed, too enamored with the touch of his lovers and the laughter ache in his chest.
Dean didn’t see the signal to do so, but he felt both pair of hands withdraw from his belly, albeit leaving teasing phantom tickles still tingling under his skin, as well as Cas’ index and middle finger touching the hunter’s sternum and blessing him with a rush of healing air into his heaving lungs. It was like a second wind, rejuvenating his body that had gone pleasantly and familiarly boneless and peaceful from laughing so hard but not diminishing the increased sensitivity in his nerve endings from the session either. It was good, since, when his sweatpants were shimmied down just enough to bare his hips, the hunter’s fight or flight instinct would have kicked in and sent him torquing against his bonds whether or not he had the energy for it.
It wasn’t the thunder-and-rain fingers that touched down on his most ticklish spots, though. No, it was lips, soft and warm and framed with scruff, that doted his hips with featherlight affection and made Dean howl. Stubbly kisses were everything good and everything awful all at once. One part soft kisses that, on his hip bones, usually had him giggling and melting, and one part scratching that had him thrashing and shrieking. Without pausing in planting kisses, Cas touched Dean’s thigh, divinely locking it in place to prevent Dean from interrupting the torturous attention he so loved. Jerk.
Dean hadn’t meant the thought to slip out—he wasn’t exactly thinking coherently enough to be aware of thoughts beyond ‘breathe’ and ‘please’—but Cas evidently took the insult as insolence worthy of further playful punishment, because the angel bit back. Literally. Delicately and deliciously, Cas nibbled along the outer ridge of Dean’s hip, nuzzling the bowl of the bone with his stubble as he went. Add to that Benny taking advantage of Dean’s frozen leg to tickle the underside of his thigh, and Dean was screaming. Only briefly though, as the onslaught was intense enough to drive him to silent, wheezing hysteria in seconds. No heavenly mercy could save him from this gay wrath. Not that he ever wanted it to.
He was only human, though, and, when his first bout of being tickled to ecstasy needed to wrap up to keep his lungs from popping with exhaustion, Cas nodded to Benny, and the tickling and binding grace faded away, leaving Dean to catch his breath through raw-throated gasps and a lasting dopey smile. Cas sent another rush of air into his lungs, and Benny kissed his way up Dean’s side, and they both lay alongside him for a cuddle as he came down from cloud nine.
“Now,” said Cas, brushing tears from Dean’s eyes and hair from his forehead, only to chuckle when Dean groped for the angel’s and the vampire’s hands to hold, “what have you learned from this?”
The hunter’s deep exhale was still wobbly with giggles as he replied, grinning, “There’s way more fun things to do on vacation than research.”
“In the ballpark,” Benny snickered.
Cas shook his head with a small smile. “We can try again tomorrow.” His smile only grew as Dean’s heart cantered excitedly at the thought. “First, you should sleep.”
Dean’s eyes usually got heavy after a thorough tickling, but, as he glanced over Benny at the bedside clock, he saw it was definitely late enough to turn in for the night. He almost felt bad for having had dinner so late, but the workout he’d just gone through took the guilt away. He was too happy to care, anyway.
“We tucker you out enough, darlin’?” Benny teased, pressing a kiss to Dean’s temple when the hunter hummed affirmatively. “Okay. Don’t fall asleep before I get back though, alright?”
Dean turned on his side to snuggle his back into Cas’ chest and properly enjoy the view as Benny got up to walk away. Only then did Dean’s eyebrows furrow. It was sleep time; sleep time meant snuggle time, even if Dean was the only member of the trio who needed sleep.
“Cas,” said Benny over his shoulder, “be a dear and hand me our suitcase?”
The angel lifted a hand to snap his fingers before slipping an arm around Dean’s waist. In a blink, a change of nightclothes appeared in Benny’s hand.
With a nod, Benny stepped into the bathroom and shut the door with a smile and a, “Thank you kindly.”
Dean leaned back into Cas’ arms, closing his eyes as the angel kissed the freckles up the back of his neck. The hunter felt warm inside and out. On one hand, he wanted to sleep so tomorrow would come faster, so his boyfriends weekend could continue. On the other hand, he wanted to stay wrapped up in the safety and serenity and afterglow of that moment forever.
Benny returned in clothes that would be more comfortable to lay down in and swapped places with Cas as Dean’s big spoon. Cas could have snapped his fingers and just given himself and Benny some pajamas, but, Dean knew, they were all quite sappy about the feeling of domesticity and comfort of returning to their partners awaiting them. Getting up from a snuggle sandwich for any reason was often laborious, but getting to walk back to it and see a space left open to be filled was as sweet as rejoining the cuddle itself.
His eyes have closed of their own accord as he mused amidst his leftover giggle-high, Dean jumped a little when Benny’s hand around his waist began to make slow, lazy laps under Dean’s shirt and around his belly button.
“Vampires are gluttons, you know, Dean,” Benny whispered, kissing Dean’s pink-tinged ear. “Seeing you laugh like that, I just might not be able to resist.”
Dean curled up, ducking his head away from Benny’s lips but not escaping the shivers his words left behind. “Benny,” he huffed, too tired to hold back a few giggles.
“Shh,” Benny teased, pulling Dean back against his chest and finding little resistance. “You don’t want to ruffle Cas’ feathers now, do ya? You’re supposed to be resting.”
The hunter was about to bite back that he had been resting before a certain vampire had roused him, but Dean bit his lip instead. “Ruffling his feathers is a good start.”
Benny’s hand slowed to a stop, and he leaned in interestedly. “What did ya say, sugar?”
“You asked before if Cas was ticklish,” Dean said, closing his eyes once more with a grin. “He showed you my worst spot, so I’m returning the favor.”
“Good to know,” Benny chuckled. “After we get you some breakfast tomorrow, maybe you can give me a tour of his sensitivities yourself, though I know I can take your word for it. S’more fun, don’t you think?”
Dean nodded, pinching his lips together when Benny’s fingers began skating around his stomach once more.
“Unless you feel awake enough to show me now. Otherwise, I’m happy to keep doing this.” Benny’s little finger brushed the edge of Dean’s hip, and the hunter jumped again. Euphoric as the evening’s play had left him, Dean knew he needed to sleep, which wouldn’t happen if he let Benny indulge his tickle-hungry tendencies anymore tonight. However, drifting off to the sound of Cas’ low giggles—that, Dean knew he could do.
When Cas returned, he lay down facing Dean, enveloping him into the cuddle and kissing his collarbone before drawing up the blankets. Perhaps he’d thought Dean had drifted off already, because he twitched in surprise when Dean encircled and arm under and around the angel’s back, pulling him tight against himself with a yawn.
“Cas, I’m sorry for this.”
Dean’s eyes were still closed, but he could practically hear Cas’ brow furrow. “For—?” And then rise sharply when Dean’s hand, splayed upon Cas’ upper back, began to scribble languidly between his shoulder blades. “Dean—!”
“Benny’s threatening me.”
“I wasn’t threatening,” Benny chuckled, shifting to look over Dean’s shoulder and watch the angel pinch his lips together on a smile. “I was teasing.”
“So I have to show him where to tickle you until I fall asleep.”
Cas groaned, and Dean couldn’t help but crack an eye open when the angel let slip a few stray giggles.
Dean kissed Cas’ cheek, wrapping his other hand around the back of Cas’ thigh to hitch it up and within reach of impish fingers. “Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”
The angel pressed his forehead against Dean’s, smiling big enough now that his eyes shut and his nose scrunched up. “I—! I didn’t say that; I just want you to get some rest—!”
“I am resting. My eyes are closed,” Dean replied, making it so. He didn’t need to see anyway, not to scritch his fingers up the side of Cas’ thigh and over to the edge of his shoulder where he knew the best spots hid. “I’m sleep-tickling.”
“And sleep-teaching,” Benny added, audibly grinning down at the pair of them. “Real well, too.”
Cas seemed to resign himself to his fate, squishing his face half into the pillows and half into Dean’s chest, thankfully able to keep anything louder than gentle, low laughter at bay since Dean was targeting his worst spots with only light touches. Dean sighed as Cas’ sweet chuckles rumbled against his chest, spurred from the blissful hum only when Benny snickered in his ear and gave an encouraging pinch to his hip. The vampire wasn’t mean about it either; Dean knew when his fingers were slowing and could tell Benny was just gauging if he was still awake. For as long as he could, Dean hung on to the heavenly moment of shared warmth and laughter and contentment, but Cas’ giggles were growing quieter, and Benny was playing with Dean’s hair, and their breathing was slowing to keep time with his, and eventually Dean couldn’t help but drift off into sleep.
He'd wake to find himself still wrapped in Benny and Cas’ embrace, complaining about a stiff spine and arms until they tickled the morning grumpiness out of him. They’d lain all night with him, after all, just to keep Dean company even as he slept, to sandwich him in safety and sweetness. What had he learned, when asked that morning? That he had the best partners ever.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.15--Episodes 10-11
I have watched through S2E11; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—The absolute cruelty of trying to convince me that Dr. Hopper was dead! I might never get over it *falls dramatically onto fainting couch*
—On the other hand, I now know that Dr. Hopper can bake. 🌟The more you know🌟
—In Storybrooke, Red wears fedoras, fingerless gloves, and vests. In the fairytale world, she wears lace blouses, corsets, and a cloak. Either way I’m happy.
—Pongo crying at Dr. Hopper’s funeral is below the belt. I hate it when dogs cry.
—Is Dr. Hopper going to get Pongo back? I mean, it’s sweet that Henry was deemed Custodian of the Dog, but Dr. Hopper might be lonely.
—I love how Rumplestiltskin has been wearing more crocodiley stuff lately, just to make sure we don’t forget.
—Mr. Gold being good with dog is a pleasant revelation.
—Red having wolf-to-dog communication (wolf-to-dog conversation) is awesome. I love when she uses her wolf abilities.
—Hook’s comment about the poor random sap Cora actually murdered having to look like Archie *contemptuously* was stupid. I’d much rather have a boyfriend who looks like Archie than one who looks like Hook. I mean, I’d like to believe I’d pick brain/heart content and personality over looks, in which case Archie stills wins by about fifty bajillion miles, but tbh I find Archie much cuter than Hook.
—I think one of my favorite things about Belle is that she’s intelligent. OG!Belle? Yeah, she reads, but that’s more a symbol of her different-ness than her brain power. This Belle, however, is a smart person, with solid deductive reasoning skills. She thinks outside or inside the box, whichever will get the job done best, and she only has one blind spot. (That would be Rumplestiltskin.)
—Speaking of which…I knew they weren’t going to have a happy ending. I deluded myself into thinking maybe she could break his curse in the fairytale world someday, but I didn’t really believe it. One of them was always going to end up dead (which I’m not ruling out yet) or amnesiac.
—I knew something would go wrong with THE LINE in this episode. Either Rump’s charm wouldn’t work on him, or a hawk would snatch the shawl off his neck, or there would be a time limit he didn’t anticipate. Basically the only thing I didn’t expect was Hook shooting Belle across THE LINE.
—Rump should’ve killed Hook when he had the chance. I may be a bit more sympathetic to Regina now, but Hook is one guy I will never have any pity for. Also, he’s pretty sleazy. A guy like that I would knee in the nuts without a second thought if he got as close to me as he does to every woman he encounters.
—Seriously, of all people, Belle is the most likely to groin-kick him, and she never got to. Bummer.
—I love, adore, cherish, exalt, laud, etc. Mulan and Belle’s dynamic together. Instead of pulling the standard, predictable crap and having Mulan refuse Belle’s help out of wounded pride or stubbornness, Mulan was like, “Girl, you are one good beast-tracker. Help a sister out?” *And then* Mulan is injured, and instead of pushing it so she could be the hero, she goes, “You got this, Belle. Here’s my sword.”
—They really had to double down on the Beauty and the Beast stories, didn’t they?
—The beastie was pretty fine. Kinda reminds me of Solgaleo (I went for Lunala, no surprise there, but Solgaleo is still cute as heck). I was kinda disappointed when it turned back into Prince Philip.
—Gepetto being sad at Dr. Hopper’s funeral was exactly the kind of angst I needed, but where is my Gepetto and Pinocchio reunion? This is getting ridiculous!
—ooooOOOOOoooo, an unknown person crashed their car into Hook! *bows down* Thank you, mysterious stranger!
—Henry calling Dr. Hopper just to hear his voicemail after his supposed death is too sad.
—Where has Regina got to? I’m assuming the only reason she wasn’t in episode 11 is because she and Cora are off somewhere planning evil things and practicing their evil laughs.
—There’s something interesting to me about the way Mr. Gold’s limp is depicted, but I don’t quite have the brain cells to actually figure it out at the moment. Suffice it to say, it’s not just *this guy has a disability, so he’s obviously weak* or *this guy has a disability, so the disability is his entire character*. We actually don’t even know the specifics of why Mr. Gold (and pre-Dark One Rumplestiltskin) limps. And needing a cane isn’t his entire character, either; nor is it a darkly decorated, scary showpiece to reinforce that he’s a bad guy. It’s just a mobility aid, which he occasionally uses as a weapon; this, in fact, shows it’s even an extra option for him (when traditional weapons don’t suffice). It’s intriguing, and I think very different from the way such a character trait might be treated in a lot of other media.
—I guess Rump will never find his son now. Yet another thing to be sad about. As if there weren’t more than enough already.
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fanworks creators self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fanworks you’ve made, then pass on to at least five other creators.
Angela! You are so awesome to send me this ask! I would never deem to put myself on the same echelon of your fantastic, remarkable, and outstanding gif-making skills. But there have been a few that I’ve made that I’m pretty darn proud of. Thank you for sending this my way and letting me brag. 💖
1.) I love this set, kiss me and i’ll kiss you back, it was inspired by one of my favorite sets that I have surely reblogged in the double digits by now, so when I got inspired to make a follow up, I gave it a shot. Let me tell you, the timing on this was such a struggle, but I’m so proud of how it turned out!
2.) Finding parallels to gif has always been a favorite thing of mine to do, so I couldn’t let these moments with these silly boys, dorks (affectionate), not be put side by side with their corny humor. It’s just classic Ian and Mickey, in my opinion.
3.) My first post to hit 1k notes, now that’s a glo up, it’s always been a personal favorite of mine. And I really love showing off how badass Mickey truly is.
4.) I also really like putting together meta/headcanon posts with gifs, a couple of my favorites of those are the 10x06 reunion scene, and the 10x09 pavement scene.
5.) My last favorite is the Hall of Shame shared looks segment that I turned into a gif set. I just really love the way these two look at each other.
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real-life-cryptid · 3 years
Hello! I must admit that you caught my interest.. Could I know more about this bsd au ?
Also what is the "flashy" comeback of Dazai and Chuuya??
AWESOME. i love answering questions about this au. btw everything i post about it will be found under the tag #bsd music industry au sooo. winky emoji. ok back to your question
dazai osamu and nakahara chuuya, back when they were both signed under the port mafia label as teenagers, were made to perform as a duo under the name "Double Black". mori enforced this partnership because boy bands were a huge craze at the time, and dazai + chuuya were his only teenage hires with potential. both of their voices worked together amazingly, and the contrast between their on-stage personas, as well as their looks, made them popular with the public. Double Black rose to the top of the charts consistently with each album, and they became celebrities.
however, after some time, dazai suddenly stepped down from performing in general. he broke off his contract with the Port Mafia, and left Double Black without warning. speculation began to occur that dazai left because of corruption within the Port Mafia, or clashes with chuuya over their differing personalities and goals. separately, the rumors were true-- but they were not the reason for his departure.
dazai's disappearance from the public eye was sparked by the suicide of oda sakunosuke, his closest friend and confidant. oda was not a very well known musician, despite his talents. he refused to sign an official contract with the Port Mafia label, and so, the Port Mafia suppressed all press about him-- to the point that even his death was unknown to the public.
oda had fallen into a depressive state after the deaths of his adopted children in a freak car accident while driving home from school, and lost the will to pursue music independently. with his family and his passion gone, he ended his life— but not before leaving dazai a goodbye message. in his goodbye message, he told dazai that he knew the other didn't care about pursuing music or fame, but if he were to continue doing so, he should do it so that a corrupt organization like the Port Mafia will never be able to profit off of him. unable to ignore the words of a dead friend, dazai left the Port Mafia, and kept a low public profile before joining the Agency.
now, back to the present day of the au. the Guild aims to buy up the Port Mafia and Agency labels to have a monopoly on the japanese music industry. both labels are not particularly thrilled about an american organization coming in to try and enroach on their territory, so they come up with a plan. Guild artists are topping the charts right now, so to bring the Guild down, they need to put their own artists on top.
this is where Double Black comes in. with the reunion of Double Black, even for just a short while, the buzz around the singers of the Guild will fade and Double Black will top the charts once more. the "flashy" bit is because dazai and chuuya made the announcement of their reunion on public television. more specifically, during an awards show with a duo performance of a brand new song from Double Black that nobody has ever heard before.
tldr; this is the au equivalent of one direction getting back together. if it were 2016 again that is. what im saying is that Double Black was like the jrock one directionhfFGDHH
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This Week in Gundam Wing (January 9-15, 2022)
Happy Sunday Gundam Wing family.  Here’s your weekly roll-up, so show your fellow fans some love!
--Mod LAM
I Reincarnated as a MInor Villainess... (CH.41-42/84) by @thaiteaaddict​
Pairings:  Heero x Duo, Trowa x Quatre, Wufei x Meilan, Dorothy x Relena
Characters: full cast
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings:  AU - Fantasy, AU - Isekai, POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator
Summary:  After being killed in a traffic accident, Duo wakes up in a medieval fantasy novel - except he's woken up as one of the novel's minor villains who was supposed to have died in a main character's backstory. Intent on righting the wrongs of his novel counterpart, Duo sets out to change his fate and just maybe improve the relationship between himself and his estranged husband, Duke Heero Yuy. (Duo is isekai'd into the body of a novel's villainess character and runs with it.)
Wild Tonic by @lifeaftermeteor​ for @deathscythehell​ (HGE)​
Pairings: Duo x Quatre, background Heero x Trowa
Characters: five pilots
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings:  holidays, office christmas party, alcohol, friends to lovers, fluff, getting together, post-canon, post-endless waltz
Summary:  No one throws a holiday party like the Preventers.
Past, Present, Perfect by @gemstonecircles​ for @picimadar​ (HGE)
Pairings: Heero x Relena
Characters: Heero, Relena
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: established and long-distance relationship, reunion sex, PWP but with feelings
Summary: Bad weather threatens Heero and Relena’s holiday plans, but no blizzard is a match for Heero making it to an appointment.
The Gift Holiday by @duointherain​ for @seitou​ (HGE)
Pairings: Heero x Trowa, Duo x OC, Quatre x OFC, Wufei x OFC
Characters: 5 pilots + Relena, Zechs, Dorothy
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: family feels
Summary:  Trowa and Heero have been married for years. The holidays get Trowa down a little bit, so this year Heero has a plan... it's a good plan... it's a this will work plan! And there are a couple dozen kids, Quatre and his wives, Wufei and his wives, Duo and his orphanage... all visiting in Trowa and Heero's home. It's just a dinner. Heero is still sure it's a great plan!
Even on the Darkest Night by @expewrites​ for @theboringbluecrayon​ (HGE)
Pairings: Trowa x Quatre
Characters: Trowa, Quatre
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: winter solstice, past relationship, reconciliation, hurt/comfort, implied sexual content
Summary: For the tenth anniversary of the armistice, the gundam pilots are set to reunite at a cabin Preventer has in the woods.But when Quatre and Trowa find themselves alone there together, the other three delayed by work and weather, they have to wonder if that wasn't the plan all along. And if maybe this is their chance to rekindle what was in danger of being lost.
2021 Holiday Gift Exchange Art
Shower Time (2x5) by @lila-oh for @anaranesindanarie 
Double Team Surprise (1x2x5) by @seitou for @trickzill-art 
Relena by the Fire by @avaantares for @lifeaftermeteor 
Cathy and Dorothy by @helmistress for @feanaro07 
Quiet Evening (1x2) by @feanaro07 for @duointherain 
Pilot Group Shot by @gemstonecircles
WTF Zechs (Heero and Relena) by @gemstonecircles
Hair Twists (Wufei and Sally) by @gemstonecircles
New Duo Costume design by @ghost-proof with @incorrectgundamwingquotes and @bettertasting
Gundam Wing meets Sesame Street by @gundayum
2021 Zine “Deep Web” Easter Egg by @2pcbart
Real Recognizes Real (Duo on Heero) by @the-reanimated-bhg
“Do you come with the car?” (4xD) by @darksharinganz​
Other Fanwork
Gunpla and Cosplay
Tallgeese Fluegal by @weirdunclegamer​
Headcanons and Discussion
Masters Thesis + GW, a tempting idea by @kickeddownthestairs​
Other Fun Stuff
@janaverse continues to post screencaps of their GW Sims, so be sure to check them out!
@utamonogatari continues to share some awesome screenshots from the show. Be sure to check out their tag.
@incorrectgundamwingquotes brings us the laughs (Example A, Example B, Example C)
Memes by @the-reanimated-bhg​ continue with Une defenestrating people, Mariamaia being brutual, Wufei screaming into the void, and Quatre’s horoscope
Calendar Events
The 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange with @thisweekingundamevents wraps up today (January 16)!  Keep an eye out for a final roll-up post.
@gwcocktailfriday is welcoming the new year with this week’s prompt.  Post your responses on Friday (January 21) between 3-5PM EST!
The so-called “Big Gundam Server” is hosting the year’s first server meet-up on January 29-30.  Be sure to watch @lifeaftermeteor​ for more info. 
Church of Lemons 2022 has sign-ups open with @church-of-lemons​​! Sign up for a date between February 14 and March 6, so be on the lookout for a veritable avalanche of citrusy fics during that window.
Sign-Ups are open for the 2022 Lemony Shenanigans Event with @gwlemonyshenanigans​​.  Sign-ups will close on March 1, and then posting will begin DAILY May 1-31.
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gra-sonas · 3 years
Tumblr media
CW viewers first met Nathan Dean as Jackson on the hit "Vampire Diaries" spinoff "The Originals." However, his werewolf stint on the series wasn't his first foray on TV. The actor starred in over 300 episodes of "General Hospital," later scoring roles on shows like "Bunheads," "True Blood," and "Once Upon a Time." Between his notable TV appearances, Dean appeared in movies such as "Teeth," "The Roommate," and "Pet."
Luckily for CW followers, the network frequently features actors from past projects in new endeavors, providing fans with plentiful reunions. After a successful run on the vampire show, Dean scored a leading role as Max in "Roswell, New Mexico." Sticking true to his supernatural roots, Dean plays an alien deputy (the outer space kind, of course). Early in Season 3, the CW greenlit a Season 4, with filming on the horizon.
Looper spoke to Nathan Dean in an exclusive interview, during which he dished on Season 3 of "Roswell, New Mexico," what he really thinks about UFOs, and what it was like working on "The Originals," "Once Upon a Time," and "True Blood."
Do you have a favorite moment with the cast on or off set?
I mean, I think this past year was probably just our first day back, being everyone was so locked down in the pandemic and just the fact that we were able to come back in October. I remember the first [day] we were trying out all these new COVID protocols. We had to wear masks. We had to do the thing, but just to see our crew again here.
I mean, the crew we have here in New Mexico is such a family to us. And being able to be on set, we had a day zero, and a day double zero, and test days. And the first day back was just the crew and me. And it was just so wonderful to see everyone again and realize it wasn't necessarily the apocalypse, the end of the world like we all thought, and we're back. We're back, and everyone was good, and everyone was very conscious of being healthy and staying in the bubble that we had, and just to see their faces again was fantastic.
The series recently changed showrunners. How do you feel about the new direction? And can you tease anything that fans might expect from Max's character arc this season?
Yeah. We did. I mean, Chris Hollier is our showrunner now, and he was a producer for us the last couple of years. And when he took over, we tried to move not only Max, but I think every character, into a more adult, mature way of operating. We spent a lot of time in Season 1 in particular, but Season 2 as well, flashing back to high school. And we all had a high school outlook on each other. And moving forward, we've been able to mature the characters, I think. And this year is a great year, I think, for Max in particular, because he has to literally look himself in the eye and become the person that he was meant to be instead of someone he used to be.
Were you a fan of the original "Roswell" before snagging your role on the series?
I had never actually seen it. I mean, I don't watch a whole lot of TV, and I was familiar with the show, and I knew the book series. So yeah, when we decided to reboot this thing, it was really, really cool to see the support that we got from the original show. And we've had some of the people back. Shiri [Appleby] directed episodes for us. Last year we had ... Jason [Behr] was back for a little bit. And it's just great to know that we're in this family. It's not like no one saw us as trying to take it over or rewrite history. We're just embracing the history that's already there and just building on it and spinning it into a modern world. So yeah, their support was wonderful, and we're excited to have more of that going forward.
What direction do you hope Max goes in the future?
Well, Max spends a whole lot of time this season having to look himself in the face — literally questions a lot of things. We've done a lot in the past, the high school flashbacks and this and that, but I think this year, not only for Max but for all the characters, we see this maturation happen where you're no longer looking backward into who they used to be. Now this season, we're finally looking forward to who we want to be. And I think Max and Joan embody that dynamic, but yeah, you see it with Michael, Isabel, Maria, Liz. You see every character really take a step forward this year, and that's a credit to our showrunner and to our writers for trusting us to take that leap and move the show, looking forward instead of looking back.
Are there any particular adult storylines that you're excited to maybe see him tackle or that you'd like to see him tackle?
Well, I think it's his relationship with Liz, really. We ended Season 2 in a pretty bad place. I mean, Liz runs off, Max goes all arsonist on her, it's a little bit of an immature response to something. You just have a temper tantrum and light everything on fire. But I think this year, yeah, we really see Max and Liz move forward in a way that is much more mature and adult and respectful. And they, I mean, obviously the elephant in the room is, "Well hey, you blew up all my stuff." "Yeah, sorry." But how do you come back from that? And I think we see them take a step forward in a big way this year, and I'm excited for people to see that this year because we haven't historically had a very adult relationship, and now we're moving towards that.
Is there anyone you'd love to see appear on the show?
I mean, I would love to have Jason [Behr] back, I would say. I mean, he wasn't with us for long last year, and it was just great to see him and learn from him and watch him work. So I would love to see some more of the 1940s flashback-y kind of stuff, learn some more of that. We have a little bit of that in season three. We have some of that, which is a lot of fun, and yeah, I mean, I'm always in for that.
I love flashbacks, other time periods, different things that shows do. Is there a time period that you'd love to see the show tackle in flashbacks?
Yeah. I mean, we get into it this year, more of the ... Because the crash was what? 1947, I believe. We get into that a little bit more, and that's always fun. I love that time period. I love being able to play in that arena, and hopefully, we get some more of that in Season 3, and hopefully, going forward in Season 4, we'll have some more of that as well.
Have you been able to direct yet?
I have not. I haven't tried. I haven't asked to. Actually Maria, Heather [Hemmens], who plays Maria on our show, she directed this past year. And I know Michael Trevino, who plays Kyle, he wants to get into directing. So hopefully, we'll have him this coming year. And I haven't looked to direct on this show. I would love to direct a short film or something like that, but on this show, I'll leave our show to the professionals. I'll find directing somewhere else.
"Roswell, New Mexico" actually films in New Mexico. How do you think that choice has positively affected the feel of the show?
Oh, it changes everything. I mean, New Mexico, I don't know if you've had a chance to come out here, but New Mexico is such an amazing place. I mean, they call it the Land of Enchantment for a reason. Growing up in Texas, I've driven through New Mexico a million times, but I never stopped. And when I finally got here and just took it in, I mean, the sky is huge out here. The air is different out here. It's everywhere you look: the sunsets are incredible. It informs so much of the show.
And also, having crew from New Mexico, having a local crew out here, you see it on our show, the turquoise, just the style, the whole thing. But we see that every day. That's just the people that we work with, and to be able to film here, I think, informs so much of what it is to crash land in this crazy place. And yeah, I don't think we could pull this off anywhere else. This is such a wonderful place, and yeah, we're very lucky to be here.
Speaking of crash landing, New Mexico has been a hotbed for reported UFO sightings for years. Have you ever seen anything weird yourself, or have you heard stories from other cast members or locals?
I haven't heard any abduction stories, but it's definitely ... we get on set every time there's an airplane or an airline will report that they've seen something weird. We're the first ones to know about it. I mean, the skies here are crazy — there are times when you look up in the clouds, you're like, "Is that something? I don't know." But yeah, I mean, we have all that here. We're very much in it, but yeah, I have not personally been abducted yet, but I'm hoping for it.
Fingers crossed? [Laughs] So in June, the government released a report confirming that they can't explain 143 UFO sightings, which is a wild revelation. Do you think that there's any credence to the idea that these might be actual extraterrestrial events, or do you think there's a simpler explanation to all of that?
I mean, I think it definitely it could be. I'm not writing it off. When you hear, you see videos, you can see video of Air Force pilots, and there's something on their radar that you just can't explain. I don't know if it's aliens. I don't know if it's probes or some sort of drone that someone sent out, I don't know. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was true. I mean, I think the universe is too big of a place for us to be all alone here. And if aliens are going to come somewhere, you should come to New Mexico because it's awesome and we're waiting for you.
So would you be team "Leave the aliens alone and let them do their thing," or "Let's initiate contact and see what happens"?
Oh, I would love to initiate contact. I would love to. I would love to go on a spaceship. I would love to go explore that. I think if ... There are all these movies, "War of the Worlds." There's all this stuff that imagines aliens are going to come here and destroy us. If you're going to travel all that distance, you're not looking to destroy anybody. So I think it would be a really interesting conversation. I think we would have a lot to learn from an advanced civilization that traveled all this way. I think we would have a lot to learn.
The series tackles a ton of critical social issues like immigration, ICE, and domestic violence. Have there been any of those subjects that particularly resonate with you and that you're proud of the show for homing in on? And is there something that you'd like to see them do in the future?
Well, for me personally, I mean, I'm a cop on the show. That's been a huge debate over the last couple of years, and this season, we get into the good and the bad of that. We see the good sides of it and what it can be, and then we also can see the bad side.
And for me personally, that's been something that I think we've talked about a little bit that I'm very happy with. And also, I mean, everyone just went through this huge pandemic. We can't ignore that. So that's something, when our character of Kyle, who's a doctor — what he's had to go through — I think that's one of the things that makes our show relatable and makes our show ... we're not shying away from the cop controversy. We're not shying away from the things people had to go through with the pandemic.
We're willing to talk about it. And thankfully, we have such a great platform to do that with this backdrop of aliens and all this stuff. We can really home in on the human aspects of that world, given the fact that we're an alien show. It makes talking about the human stuff much more, I think, palpable. And yeah, that's something that we've always done. And going forward, we'll see what the world has in store for us the next year or two, and we'll talk about that, whatever comes up, we're here for it.
Several other actors from the "Vampire Diaries" universe have also come to "Roswell." What was it like working with Riley Voelkel and Steven Krueger again — and getting a chance to work with other "TVD" alums, like Michael Trevino and Kayla Ewell?
It's great. I mean, CW does a great job of keeping the family together. Working with Trevino is fantastic. He's a great guy, and I've known him for a long time. Same with Jason Krueger and Riley. I've known them for a long time, and just to have those familiar faces around is always nice, but it's fun too then to see these people who, we come from this vampire-werewolf world, and now we're in this alien world. It's fun to see that transition and get to see what else they can bring to the table.
Definitely. So you've been a werewolf, you've been a vampire, you've been an alien, and you've even been a fairytale character. Do you have a favorite? And do you gravitate more toward shows with supernatural undertones, or did it just sort of happen that way?
It just sort of happened. I mean, I would say for me, my favorite is always just being a human. That seems to be the hardest job to get, but no, I mean, it just sort of happened. And it's fun because, like I was saying, having a backdrop of something supernatural highlights the humanity.
I mean, if you have this ... There are aliens, and there's this, and there's that, but then you have these human moments, and those are the ones that you hold precious because sure, you can throw people around and you can jump out of trees, and you can do all this crazy supernatural stuff. But at the end of the day, it's about the human moments. And I think that's what supernatural shows tend to bring out the most.
"Roswell" isn't your first time being on a CW show. You also starred in "The Originals." What was it like working on set with Phoebe Tonkin and Joseph Morgan and the rest of that cast?
Oh, they were great. I mean, we were out in Atlanta, and I mean, geez, that was like five, six, seven years ago now.
Really? That long?
Right? Crazy. But it was great. I mean, every set is going to be different, and we were in Atlanta for "The Originals." And so we had the Atlanta crew there, and we got to know that city a lot. And then moving out here to New Mexico, it's a completely different landscape. It's a completely different setup.
Thankfully it's nice to always have the familiar faces, but yeah, we have a New Mexico crew, and this platform is totally different because we're not talking about supernatural witchcraft and this and that. We're talking about sci-fi. We're talking about aliens. We're talking about all this other stuff. So I mean, they're both different. I mean, I loved Atlanta. I will always love Atlanta, but yeah, I'm just grateful to be out here in New Mexico now.
Is there anything you wish that Jackson did on the show before your storyline ended, and how do you feel about your character's first ending and then getting to meet Hope and Hayley again at the end?
I think that was a really sweet way to go out. Jackson was always a passenger on that ship. The story was about the vampires and about Phoebe's character, and Jackson was always just sort of a bystander. So, to have that kind of closure with Hope at the end and have that moment, it was nice. I think Jackson serves his purpose. The story wasn't about him, but yeah, it was nice that they brought me back, and I was able to have that moment.
To that end, "The Originals" birthed the backdoor pilot for the "Legacies" spinoff. Would you come back for something like a flashback episode if given the opportunity? Or are you happy with where it ended up?
I'm happy where it ended up. I think "Legacies" is on its own journey now. And I know the actress who plays Hope, and I know that they're on their own path. Jackson doesn't really have a place there.
The great thing about the entire "Vampire Diaries" franchise is its deep roots in history, culture, and folklore. Do you have any favorite storylines, time periods, or pieces of folklore that the show tackled throughout its run?
Yeah, I mean, I think when I was doing the vampire/werewolf stuff, it was fascinating to learn so much about where those legends came from. The origin stories of, you have, what was it? Vlad the Impaler was one of the first people thought to be vampires and these horribly dark stories that gave rise to these myths and legends.
And it was really, really fun to just learn about all of that and to learn the history of where these myths come from and why they're so compelling today. I mean, why do we still talk about this stuff? What is it that draws our attention to it? So it was just fun to learn, I mean, from an intellectual standpoint, just get into the mindsets of people that may have thought these bloodthirsty sorts of things. It was kind of wild, and yeah, it was a lot of fun to learn about.
You had a stint as James in the last season of "True Blood." Was it difficult coming on so late into such a beloved show? Were you nervous, or did you feel welcomed right away? And what was your biggest takeaway from that series?
I definitely felt welcomed. I actually knew Deborah Ann Woll, who played my love interest off the top. I knew her from way long ago. We actually go way back. So I was familiar enough with the cast and crew. They welcomed me in. It was weird coming in at the end of a show because they had been together for seven years at that point, that cast.
And stepping in, I got to see a lot of the heartbreak and the sadness of it coming to an end, but I was grateful to be a part of it. And I learned a lot from Stephen [Moyer] and from Anna [Paquin], and it was a great environment. I wish it had gone on longer, but I was grateful for the year that I got there.
You played another classic fairytale character in "Once Upon a Time" as Hansel. What was that experience like? And how do you feel that the show handled its own spin on the Hansel and Gretel fairytale? And do you have any fond memories of that set and that cast?
Well, I love that set. I mean, actually, our current showrunner, Chris Hollier, was one of the writers on that show. And I was in a situation this year similar to the one I was in when I was on "Once Upon a Time" — getting to have this dual life, this secret life. And I like the direction that they went on "Once Upon a Time," it was a lot of fun, but it was a great crew. It was a great cast. And it was fun to play a little darkly twisted version of a fairytale character. You think fairytales, you think happily ever after, but yeah, I didn't have one of those kinds of characters on that show, and it was really fun. It was very fun to play the dark side of all that.
Is there any other franchise that you'd like to break into? "Star Wars"? Marvel? Anything like that?
Oh, any of it, all of it. Yeah, sure. I mean, I would love to, Disney+, they're doing a lot of great stuff with Marvel and with the "Star Wars" franchise. And I mean, I would love to be any part of that because Marvel's just awesome. So, that would just be fun, but "Star Wars" is cool because it's a time period in and of itself. They really have created this out-of-time universe that there are spaceships, but they also have lightsabers, and they're sword fighting, but they're flying through the galaxy. So it's this weird mashup. That would definitely be fun. I mean, I would love to get into any of that.
Would you want to play an alien? A Jedi? Or a Sith?
That's the real question.
Maybe a Sith. I don't know. Yeah. I think that would be fun. Yeah, yeah. You just don't have rules at that point.
I feel like the Jedi don't follow any of their rules either. [Laughs]
That is true. They have a lot of rules, they just don't listen. Yeah.
Is there anything else that's upcoming for you that you want to talk about?
I don't know. I mean, right now, I'm just focused on Season 4. We get started in a couple weeks. I'm curious to see how we springboard off of Season 3, because Season 3 is wild, and I hope people enjoy it as much as we did filming it. So I'm excited to tackle Season 4, and then beyond that, we'll see if we get to Season 5.
We'll be lucky to do that, but yeah, I mean, there are always projects. There's so much happening in the world of TV right now and in film, and there are so many different avenues that you can take. We had actors on our show that were directing their own short films this past year that were doing all this. So there are tons of avenues for it. And I'm just focused on Season 4 right now. I'll be doing that for the next six months, and then beyond that, we'll see. We'll see what comes down the pipe.
Is there anything else about the show or anything else you want to add?
No. I mean, not really. I mean, I think I'm excited to hear feedback and to hear what people think about the different, the Jones, Max difference, this sort of dichotomy that we have in Season 3. I'm excited to see what people think about that and what that reveals going forward. And then, yeah, again, I'm excited to see these characters take a step forward in terms of their maturity with each other and respecting each other and Liz and Max finally figuring it out and finally getting on the same page for the first time. So that'll all be fun. That'll be fun looking forward.
Definitely. Well, congratulations on getting a new season before the current one has even popped off. I love seeing that.
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