#the amount of fanfics I’ve read of them the past few days
miranita · 1 year
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cologona · 1 month
If you won some sort of lottery contest and DC allowed you to write a comic run for any character, any topic, no limits, what would your comic be like?
What kinda plot and characters would you want to etch into official DC canon? (Or would you prefer to write an elseworlds kinda thing?)
-redhoodinternaldialectical from the "main" blog
Sorry it took a while to answer this, I got pretty carried away! Jason is my favorite character and the character I know most about, so of course I'd write about him. This is going to be pretty long winded and fanfic-y, hope you don’t mind!
First things first I’m making both UTRH and Lost Days mostly canon again. Jason was a crime lord who did Mean Crime Lord Things for a while and that’s what I’ve decided everyone is referring to when they gesture vaguely to his villainous past.
I’m also bringing back the original “big boob” backstory where Jason makes Bruce laugh on the anniversary of his parents’ death. Catherine was an opioid addict due to illness, Willis was the person who taught Jason about cars (and thus how to jack tires) and Faye Gunn is no longer Jason’s grandma. (I really disliked Ma Gunn’s “redemption” in RHATO.) Just in case, I’m also reiterating Sheila’s role in Jason’s death.
Here’s a few lines I came up with for the Todds:
Jason keeps the letters Willis sent him from prison - the ones Ma Gunn hid- in the same picture frame that holds his Robin graduation photo with Bruce. He loved and resented Willis in equal parts, but mostly he regrets not having gotten more time. It’s all the same with fathers.
Catherine is curled up in bed, her expression is half a grimace. She asks Jason, who is reading a picture-book by her side, to get her ‘medicine’ for her. Jason doesn’t know how else to help her feel better so… that’s exactly what he does. In a moment, he returns with a small heart shaped box and a cup of microwaved soup.
If I can imply in some way that Catherine is in denial about the possibility of her dying I’d like to do that too.
I’m also doing a total overhaul of the All-Caste.
Essence is getting proper Tibetan braids, Ducra is going to wear a khampa chuba instead of her current old coat, and the Acres-of-All are getting reimagined as a towering Ziggurat with all the murals, pillars, curtains, and ornate trim befitting a monastery! The All-caste of memory will be bright and fantastical, but the ruins of the present will be dark and spooky.
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Some references for what I'm talking about.
I’m also reframing the “Absolute Evil” part of the All-blades’ description to be an epithet for the Untitled. The sword is not literally judging Goodness and Evilness anymore; now they cut through negative psychic energy Jujutsu Kaisen style. I don’t think I need to spell out a justification for Jason being able to summon them whenever, but for any sticklers I’ll just say it’s because Jason- like the Untitled- has a lot of bad feelings and trace amounts of Dionesium in his system (among assorted other chemicals.)
Since Lost Days is being brought back that means instead of spending an entire 3 years with the All-Caste, Jason only spent a few weeks with them during his world-wide training arc. Ostensibly because a little magic would give him an edge over Batman. Ducra wouldn’t normally just give away powerful magic weapons to any chump with a free weekend, and she knew Jason was dangerous, but since the All-Blades are so specific and the ritual to attain them nigh-unsurvivable she saw an opportunity to use Jason. Sure she's one of the Good Guys, but she's not called a conniving old witch for nothing hoohoo!
Now a few plot ideas for a vague overall mini-arc.
First, Jason goes to ugly lengths to protect or prevent consequences from finding one of his family. Maybe someone threatens their secret identity…? The ‘opponent’ should be someone innocent and/or noble but not easily bought or fought. Maybe Vicki Vale, another Hero, or some kind of wealthy heir. The point is to cast doubt on if Jason’s return to the Bats is really so unquestionably redeeming. Jason has pretty much chosen to betray his morals for them after all.
Then, Jason chooses not to kill a villain who shortly afterwards victimizes more people and skips town before he can get caught. Basically a rehash of Diplomat’s Son except the Garzonas figure gets away. It’s technically a win for Batman- his presence kept Gotham safe after all. But it doesn’t feel like a win, especially not to Jason.
And finally, Jason frames himself for various murders committed by victims against their abusers. Maybe kick the story off with one of Ma Gunn’s boys killing her and telling the cops it was Red Hood in a desperate bid to avoid jail.
Obviously Jason can’t be allowed to do this long-term. It’s a bad precedent to set, an obstruction of justice, etc… Jason hasn’t broken The Big Rule though, and Bruce can only act so sanctimonious when those same complaints could be are made about him as well. There’s no way this ends any other way than Batman running Red Hood out of Gotham again and they both know it, but neither deviates from the path set before them.
One or two “monster of the week” issues where Jason fights various assassins and bounty hunters sent by his more influential enemies might be good- one should occur right after the above story. A consequence for his “return to form” so to speak. Batfamily fans may appreciate a scene where Bruce says something indicating that he ran Jason out for his own safety as well as Gotham’s. Batman may be able to hide in Bruce Wayne’s skin during the day but Jason’s only identity is that of Red Hood, and at times that makes him vulnerable in a way other heroes aren’t. This + some panels contrasting the generic mercenary look of Jason’s guns and equipment with the Bats’ spandex future-tech will be great for showing how separate Jason is from the Bats.
Now while Jason’s out of Gotham again there’s this detail in one of RHATO’s flashbacks that I want to expand on- that being how he used to be able to summon a lot more All-blades.
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Red Hood Outlaw 34
“I had a lot of soul back then” - implying that he has a lot less soul now…!?
Jason’s been through a lot, in life sure but also more recently. Fight scenes where the All-blades take the form of daggers would not only be cool and evocative of the wavy dagger Talia gifted him way back when, they’d be good visual sign of his declining emotional state.
Later on as his soul ‘shrinks’ further, I’d give him a pair of mystical guns through which he can channel his All-blades into bullets. If it’s another gift from Talia I’m thinking dark brass revolvers with paisley filigree and a red Endless Knot charm hanging from each handle. If they’re from Essence or S’aru I’m thinking black lacquer and silver cloud-patterned ornamentation, with red coral embedded on either side of the gun. Beautiful Bayonetta-style guns with glowing red veins and a cowboy flair!
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antique guns which inspired me
As for what he’s using the All-blades (All-bullets?) for, I think it’d be fun to have Jason exorcising some ghosts. He can solve various murder mysteries, figure out why this place or that person is haunted, and get into fights with horrific otherworldly creatures. Jason is an interesting character to do this premise with because he might just determine that some some spirits should get their revenge, and act on behalf of a ghost rather than erasing it.
I’m not sure whether I’d want to have Essence join him or not… On one hand it only makes sense that Jason would help Isabel and Essence find a way to free themselves from the Blood Blade, and that goal would provide his character with some direction. Then again, Essence/Isabel could be cool as antagonists. Jason might see some ghosts as valid but Essence probably wouldn’t see any merit in appeasing manifestations of lingering resentment. She’s similar to him in that she also turned her back on her family, but she’s different in that she did it because she believed so wholeheartedly in their cause. She’s old and sort of a Jedi, but she’s hot-blooded and she’ll never not be Ducra’s daughter in the same way it seems Jason can never escape Batman’s shadow. I bet she has some real juicy sunk-cost fallacy type thinking too, that’d be fun to dig into.
Anyways I think this is a pretty good set-up to explore the politics/morality of forgiveness. What makes the difference between an injustice and a hatchet that ought to be buried? When is forgiveness empowering and when is it coerced? Who is it that must forgive? Justice vs Revenge, that whole kind of thing.
Other than the supernatural stuff I want Jason working with Talia, and I’m reintroducing Sasha to the post-52 continuity. Duela is getting nixed.
I don’t really have any specific plot ideas for Talia, but I would like to establish Jason as one of her associates. With Lost Days back they have basis for an actual relationship again. They’re not always on the same side but Jason can sometimes do tasks for Talia (outside the purview of Ra’s and the LOA), and Talia can occasionally support Jason with various social power-play type moves.
An instance of Jason getting into a fight with one of the Bats because he’s doing a favor for Talia would be great! I wouldn't write Talia as an evil evil bad horrible dragon lady, so it shouldn’t be a huge blow to Jason’s status as a Good Guy. Also I like the idea of Jason and Talia’s relationship mostly being inferred through their actions supporting one another, rather than directly showing much ‘on-screen’ interaction between them.
Also it’ll be interesting to go into Bruce, Dick, and Damian’s reaction to finding out that they’re not the only ones Jason is loyal to. Bruce thinking Talia was a bad influence on Jason (like fanon), silently frustrated because what he really wants is for Jason to be a full Bat-Believer (like the good old days…). Dick being fine with Jason never falling fully in-line with Bruce, provided that at the end of the day his loyalty belonged to his family.
-brief topical detour to talk about Sasha-
The new timeline of events is that Jason and Sasha met as fellow patients while Jason was in his Vague Villain era. They escaped the hospital building together (Sasha in her bloody dress, and Jason naked save for his skimpy hospital gown dhoti) and having no one else they stuck together. They got close but at some point Sasha lost her memories, giving her a chance at a fresh start. This was around the same time Jason “redeemed” himself and so just like Max Dawkins, ‘Numbers’, and Gabby Christiensen -Sasha became another person from Jason’s past that he didn’t let himself have a relationship with.
Sasha was just old enough that she didn’t have to be sent into foster care, so with some help from Wayne Foundations she got her GED and her feet underneath her. Now… she goes to work, goes to her physical therapy appointments, fights with her mother over the phone, and yes- sometimes she goes to the club.
The new Sasha still has spiky red hair but her face looks entirely normal save for a subtle scar tracing around her jawline and chin- the edges of where her mask used to sit. She wears dark makeup and even darker clothes. She’s prone to false memories and dissociation. She’s lost most of her ability to feel pain. She can’t watch certain shows she used to love anymore because they trigger her. She never returned to Russia. She doesn’t have many friends.
Since this is comics, her reintroduction will come by way of a dramatic fight. Sasha will regain her memories one day and show up out of the blue to fight Jason, angry and heartbroken that he abandoned her. He tries to explain himself but she just says look what they did to my face, referring to the facial reconstructive surgery she was given while amnesiac. She’ll be difficult to fight, not only because being a partial Dollotron gives her enhanced strength but also because she’s being reckless and the longer they fight the more strain and damage her body accrues.
After Jason apologizes and they reconcile (they will both cry) Sasha can become a recurring side character that Jason visits, keeping him grounded and up to date with Gotham. I think it'd be cute for her to bid him farewell by saying she’ll hold the city hostage until he comes back. (Is Sasha going to become Jason’s love interest? No. If I give Jason a love interest it’s going to be Numbers.)
--Going back to the previous topic, I want Sasha’s return to be part of this greater arc of Jason addressing his "shrinking soul" problem. My brain is a little fried now so I’m not exactly sure how but she is related. I think she ought to be.
Jason wants Bruce to be right. He would like for his problem to be fixed by going home and saying sorry. But at the end of my run I want him to face the reality that it’s not about that.
...Perhaps it should be about Jason 'abandoning' Gotham? I don’t really want the final thesis of my run to imply that Jason’s soul would just be fixed if he killed Rogues though, and Jason always came back whenever a big disaster was happening so it doesn't quite fit anyways… Jason does believe in the value of “pure” heroes it’s just not what he’s supposed to be. Whatever his problem's “about” , it ought to prompt Jason to stop taking Bruce’s shit. I'm saying the man is literally breaking Jason's spirit.
I’m sympathetic to Bruce but I wouldn’t write him as a nice father. I would also have scene where a younger Bat accuses Jason of being overdramatic despite 'not even having it the worst’. I don't know who 'has it the worst' but I want to make a statement that you don't need to win the pain-race to be fed up.
Ah anyways, now my brain is really fried. I hope this post was coherent all the way through, I neglected to edit and organize my thoughts as much towards the end. Thank you for asking me such a great question, I had a lot of fun thinking about it! :D
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idontknowreallywhy · 3 months
for the fic writer asks <3
10 - Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
Typed it into Notes app on my phone where live most of my drafty bits - no “blinks” but I use the word “blinked” an excessive amount… basically every doc comes up 🤭😳 I mean the characters have gotta keep their eyes hydrated… right?
This is the most recent un-posted one:
She checked her seatbelt for the twentieth time and forced herself to breathe evenly. She was in a seat, not in a crate. This was safe. This was legal. Nobody was going to catch her. Nobody would die. She trusted the pilot with her life. It was an airfield it was supposed to smell of fuel. She was in a seat. With a belt. She was supposed to be here. It was… a plane. She… felt herself sliding uncontrollably in the darkness…
She jumped as a gentle touch to her arm dragged her back. She blinked the grey fog from the edges of her vision and tried to wrestle her heart rate into something resembling functional.
“Estera? You with me?”
Scott was twisted around in the pilot seat, that all too familiar crinkle of concern between his eyebrows. She swallowed and nodded furiously.
28 - On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
String… length thereof… some days I’ll struggle to manage a sentence even though my head is full of scenes… others I get in a bit of a frenzy and write a few thousand words… then spend ages messing about with them so most won’t make the cut. If I’m in commute one-shot mode I guess between 500-1000 words?
41 - Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I am an avid re-reader. If I need to relax/escape, rather than picking up something new I will more often will pick up a book I have already read and get embroiled all over again - I don’t find knowing the ending spoils it in the slightest. I still ride the same rollercoaster. The same goes for fanfics. Some days I just need one of the stories I already know will carry me away - there are a couple I could probably write out large chunks of if asked I’ve read them that many times… @gumnut-logic’s VT Green, @sweet-christabel’s Misconceptions, @womble1’s Hallmark Christmas and @lenle-g & @tsarinatorment’s Just a Bruise (which will forever be known to me as “the comfort rock” being some notable examples…
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lovedianagrey · 11 months
some cool observations I figured out after asking myself what makes a good fanfic
I wanted to randomly talk about how wonderful fanfiction is. Like really. It’s genuinely one of the most wonderful experiences being here has to offer. I’ve been having a really tough time these past few weeks, and the only thing that keeps getting me through a day has been to sit down and read a couple long fics. I’m an avid AO3 reader (don’t you dare suggest any other platform for me for reading, I like the organization okay), which yeah means I don’t read as carefully as the next person but I do read like 90% of the fic so that means something right? Reading a whole 300,000 words a day, while still having time to cook three meals separately, have a two hour tutoring session, and some space to freak out over my AP scores has got to be a superpower.
Anyways, my point is this: fanfiction is fucking amazing. How many ways worlds can come together, how many times characters can fall in love and it doesn’t get boring is just that, fucking amazing. The amount of great material I’ve found has been stellar. And since I’ve had so many hours to waste the past two weeks, my urge for fanfic reading has been consistently there. Which is strange to me because I’ve barely wanted to read, period. Academic, casual, printed, or online for months. But fanfiction is perfectly centered in what I love.
Yet I was thinking how do you make a good fanfic? After all, there’s so much, some of it is just better than the rest. And I figured I’d explore that.
Firstly, there’s the whole charm of fanfiction, since there’s something powerful in having characters you know. I’d like to highlight that it’s entirely possible and true that people can have completely different experiences in the fanfiction world. There’s Y/N and its whole self insert genre, and there’s the whole original characters' situation in universes that are explored within the OG material. Of course there’s a whole sub division of fanfic readers that love it, adore it, write it, and consume it, and who am I to judge? I guess when I say good fanfiction in this post, it’s about how good character based fanfiction works out. Because in my eyes, good fanfiction challenges the framing of a character, and works to develop a tangible change in both internal and external measures. For example, I was reading this two part (not-yet-fully-completed-but-doesn’t-really-end-in-a-cliffhanger-so-it’s-okay-as-someone-that-doesn’t-like-reading-uncomplete-stuff-I-give-the-green-light) Spideypool fic where the ship mainly worked as an empowering device for the story of Peter Parker (spoilers guys, he’s Spider-Man) finding connection, with his boss (it’s Harry Osborn :o), with his fellow superheroes, with his dying aunt, with his new boyfriend, and finally, with himself. The fic works with multiple characters to develop the plot. Good character based fanfiction in this case revolves about the multiple relationships developed between said explored characters. Because characters are fundamentally different from the source material, writing them and giving them needs and actions that feel indebted to the original want of the characters and balancing their choice from said wants is hard. It’s a fine line, tying it all up. Developing something independent from the original material to some extent, from a possibly canon compliant conversation to a whole different universe, and using that independence to further an enrichment of a world or character is necessary. Otherwise, stories bring themselves to a stalemate. Otherwise, stories bring themselves to lack character and connection to the reader. 
Meanwhile, in I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio (a musician!au Soukoku fic) works with incredible storytelling design, using a past and present narrative as well as work with the characters' feelings and journeys with the description of music and their lyrics. Good fanfiction, here, uses positively impacting narrative tools to develop a good, tightly done story. In the fic, the development of falling in love, betrayal, heartbreak, and healing are explored. The way the characters connect, disconnect, and reconnect is just amazing. And the way that connection or lack thereof is explored works well with the narrative style of story. Two POVs, each having two time spaces. These POVs worked around the release date of Corruption, the fictional song the two main characters created together in the fic. The interaction between time settings allowed to further explore the characters’ memories and experiences wholly. It was a better choice than to write linearly. Much more entertaining as well. This is good fanfiction, using the narrative to explore and enrich once again the story. 
Finally, there’s the greatest, most important aspect for a good fic. A great story. I wanted to highlight my first auditive fanfic in my life, and the only author I’ve been so unquestionably loyal to since I first heard her story: Mira Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction on YouTube has forever been feeding me with rich stories, great jokes, and heartbreaking tears. What A Catch works as a creative outlet of all the powerful characters and their archetypes, and applies both a challenging reframe of a character and great narrative control. The story begins with all the main characters of the series as adults, in a wedding, unaware of the twisted memories that Hawkmoth has influenced. The story develops and explores something further than the previous two discussed factors. Before getting to that though, I want to clear up, I love romance fanfiction. It’s what I read 99.9% of the time. But I also enjoy stories that further the relationship not just with internal plot devices. The story of Marinette and Adrien is a long one, especially in the real world when the show’s been airing since 2015. However, there’s a magic in exploring something outside situations while adapting the narrative to continue the story already explored. Developing mayhem, confusion, stakes, as well as creating character growth within the flaws and victories that come with the challenges set in a fanfiction is important. Essential. Otherwise, fanfics turn into retellings, lightly chipping away the power of a story and beginning to re-make something already done. Archetypes are tools to work on choices, wants, and needs of a plot device. Characters breathe and feel with their own choices, wants, and needs along said plot. And stories? They make characters and feelings and experiences simply real.
In conclusion, what makes good fanfiction? In my humble opinion, it brings the following things. As expressed previously, first of all comes the challenging reframing of a character where depth is furthered or a new role is given. Consequently, the character keeps its original charm and familiarity while still developing a growth within the story and itself. Secondly, there’s the usage of palpable narrative control. Using narrative and literary devices to explore a story creates a better execution to the plot and the whole experience of the tale being told. Additionally, I’d like to plug in here that this requires good grammar and developed vocabulary (this doesn’t mean you need to be wordy or overwhelmingly poetic, just enjoyably readable). Thirdly, there’s the banger. The true reason stories can be done over and over again: they’re not being done over and over again. A good fanfic tells something new, explores something better, explains something different. A good fanfic has originality in its fundamental magic. For something to genuinely work as a banger in my book, you have to tell something I haven’t heard before. Something that will capture the reader. You can read a hundred coffee shop AUs, but did all of them make you feel the same, did all of them make you taste the need for more? Probably not. Because some of them will have something more than the fundamental establishment of the AU. Because there’s something new under the surface of the plot. I’ve listed three very different fanfics. One was clearly driven in canon spaces, another in a completely alternative universe, and the final one works after the culmination of the work explored in the original material. Fanfiction is endless, and it’s powerful. People may spit on its masterpieces, but we know its beauty. And it is as dashing as the sun, it is as changing as the ocean, and it is perfectly fitting of the puzzle that we’ve created for our comfort, our mind, and our heart.
Thank you for reading this far! 
Happy reading <3 PS: This was the Spideypool fanfic in case anyone was interested
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noname-nonartist · 9 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Ooooo!!! Hi CC!!! ^w^/
Thank you so much for the asks!!!
Hmm okay! So 5 things that makes me genuinely happy…. Okay! Let’s go!!!
1. Project Sekai!
Atm, it’s my current hyperfixations! An Shiraishi and Mizuki Akiyama has my heart and soullll!!!
2. Drawing!
Whenever I have the energy (and if I ended up liking the drawing enough to post it lol), I do enjoy drawing a lot! It’s like. One of the only hobby I have since childhood tbh lol~
3. My Past Hyperfixations!
This would include Marigolds by Colbub, Persona 5, Baldur’s Gate 3, Jujutsu Kaisen, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Genshin Impact, Ace Attorney, One Piece, and Fire Emblem Awakening!
Of course there are a bunch of other things I got super hyperfixated about (heck, technically I always go back to Pokemon and Digimon since it was like my childhood), but these are the ones I remember being hyperfixated for monthsssss and so much so I would spend hours on ao3 reading fanfics of it!
(The expectation being marigolds since that’s technically an ao3 fic, A REALLY GOOD ONE, but I am in the discord server for that fic. :3c)
4. Cute Plushies (And I guess Merch of my Hyperfixations too lol)
Luckily I don’t really go on a spending spree… that often! (sometimes the AHDH impulse wins, don’t worry, my max is $150, and even then I don’t reach that limit, and I only do it at least every few months) O3O;
But I do occasionally enjoy getting a cute plushie at an arcade, in fact my bed has a good amount of them (mostly from my siblings winning them for me or giving it to me lol).
And now that I’m an adult (Oh god… I’m an adult), I do have a few Merch that I’ve bought! (A few of them were also gifts from friends and family)
The merch being about Jjk, Persona 5, Genshin Impact, Digimon, and Pokemon!
Watch me. I’ll soon get some for Project Sekai too!!! I just keep spending my Project Sekai indulgence savings on the costumes within the game lol. I’m responsible I swear!
5. Friends and Family!!!
I’ve been pretty lucky to have pretty good siblings. Of course, we didn’t always gotten along while growing up and we’re still not perfect, but I do really love them and really appreciate every thing they have done for me. :’3
And I really appreciate my friends too! Both online and in person too!!!
In person due to me being friends with them for so long, (and a few more recent ones too!) who I’ve always enjoyed being around with and makes my day better! ^w^/
And my online friends! While it’s some times hard for me to always DM them/interact with them due to real life stuff (sometimes I be reallly tired from work rippp X-X;), I always cherish our interactions and always wish you all the best days since you all deserve it!!!
Okay! That’s all now it’s time to tag! But since I’m super shy, I don’t wanna tag peeps who had reblogged my stuff. >x<;
So instead, I’ll just tag my online friends who had reblogged my posts in the past! That counts right? :Dc
Again, no pressure!!! ^w^/
@melodiclune (lol yep, ya count too~), @hxhhasmysoul, @himi-wiz, @tinyballerinadancer1, @sabrondabrainrot, @wrathofnature, @majycka, @olasketches, @thedemonreblogs, @blizzardream, @chocodajib
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Now since I’ve been pulled into the Naruto fandom and have decided to worldbuild Uzushio, I’ll lay out some headcanons of mine and of things I’ve read from fanfics that I absolutely love.
These are specifically for a story I plan to write soon and so some of my worldbuilding is not canon at all. This is specifically made to push the story forward that I want to make.
* When Kaguya initially introduces chakra to the world, the Uzumaki clan already exists in what present day called Uzushio. They are stone workers a few families large that settled there out of a desire to get away from there war torn world. They learned how to navigate the dangerous whirlpools with their ships. Uzushio is settled in a shallow valley ringed by a large volcanic mountain range. The front faces a large bay which is ringed by several large islands.
When chakra settles into the world, a combination of the power of the whirlpools and large basins of magma under the earth draws a larger then usual amount of chakra into the bay, forming the spirit of Uzu. The Uzumaki make contact with the spirit and their souls and all their like-chakra descendants are bonded with the sentient chakra. This make it so that when the Uzumaki die, their spirits are able to stay on the earth until they want to move on. Only the Uzumaki are able to see their spirits, not even branch families that come from the Uzumaki and make their own clans can see the spirits.
With the latent chakra in the air and how much has gathered in the bay, the Uzumaki and the 4 other clans that make up the future Uzushio are granted longevity and vitality, with the Uzumaki living up to 150 year and the other clans, having come later, living to about 120.
The village of Uzushio doesn’t start out as a shinobi village and doesn’t even get that designation until Konoha is established 1000 years down the line as the first Hidden Village. Instead, they consider themselves a Chakra Village. The only people who can live in Uzushio are clans that can use chakra, as the majority of people who live in the elemental regions are civilians because they can’t use chakra. The people of Uzushio use chakra in their daily lives but are generally doing jobs that civilians do in canon, like being merchants, doctors, blacksmiths, fishermen, etc. But all of this is augmented with chakra abilities and seals. These clans that settled here were not separated and were actually called by the spirit of Uzu, who can sense the dispositions of clans and whether they were a good fit for the Uzumaki people. She called 4 clans that could come together to protect each other.
There was only one main clan that started as shinobi before they came to Uzushio in the first 100 years. They settled to be able to raise their children in peace much like they did in Konoha. But as other shinobi clans outside the Land of Eddys developed their own Kekkei Genkai, they found that their singular abilities was not enough to protect the merchants and clan civilians that wanted to travel as well as fulfill the daimyo and nobles requests. So they offered to train any person who wanted to become a shinobi. With this and other clans having already developed clan and chakra abilities and seals but not using them much for combat, the citizens of Uzushio are easily able to add a military side to their Village.
The Uzumaki were not originally royalty. While a daughter of Asura did marry into the clan and their members regularly chosen as the leader or Seiza (named for constellations who the fishermen followed as guides), they did not become royally until a Uzumaki leader married the only heir of the Daimyo. It was then decided that because of the Land of Eddys only extending a few islands past the domain of Uzushio, the roles of Daimyo and Seiza be merged, with the nobles city still existing and having their roles but the center of the government residing within the city of Uzushio. The samurai were appointed to be the guard of the nobles. Thankfully with the Land of Eddy’s being so small, the nobles have a pretty humble disposition for nobles and are rich off of land trade. Eventually as time wore on, the nobility died out and the samurai clans left for other lands. It was from then on that it became normalized for the main line Uzumaki to raise their children as future leaders of Uzushio from childhood.
Uzu has a big role in how Uzushio operates. Not only does she have to approve of the future leader of Uzushio, but she also decides if one is considered a part of Uzushio. While every child has a seal drawn on the bottom of their big toe at birth as to be able to recognize another Uzushioian by touching them, Uzu inhabits the space of Uzushio from the mountain range to the islands borders, below the seas and above. She also is connected to every body of water connected to the ocean. So even if a Uzushioian dips their toe in a stream in Kiri, if it’s connected to the ocean, Uzu can detect their innermost intentions. So if one marked with the seal but plans betray another Uzushioian, their seal is wiped away from their body and they are no longer considered part of Uzushio.
Thats all for now. I’ll probably explain in further depth who the clans are and other smaller details of Uzushio and it’s culture. But it could go on for awhile.
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autisticempathydaemon · 5 months
Hi! I’m here for the redacted boy pairing, I saw it on your blog and honestly wasn’t going to submit, until I read the questions and thought that they were super fun, unique, and interesting! The song I’m fixated on at the moment is This is what Autumn Feels Like by JVKE. The lyric I always look towards too whenever I play it is “Love is like riding a bike, scary but then it’s alright. I got the hang of it, right?” Because I feel like it’s a pretty good analogy! And I definitely relate to always wondering whether or not you’re doing something correctly 😅. My Enneagram Type is 6 apparently (I took the test just now) and I’m an ENFJ if that helps. I don’t think I’ve ever gone out of my way to listen to a ‘gargantuan YouTube essay’ but I do enjoy hearing people ramble about their interests if that’s similar! My childhood imaginary friend was Lucy from Narnia, I used to imagine that we would go horseback riding and I would run away to Narnia with her and never come back. To fall asleep I usually stay up watching shows (current obsession is criminal minds) or doing things like that and then passing out, though if I can’t sleep I usually just count until my brain shuts off. I would love the name Adrianna. I just think it’s really pretty and it has a lot of nickname options! Which is one of the few things I dislike about my current name, there are like 2 things you can call me to shorten it and one of them reminds me too much of my dad for me to feel comfortable with people using it. I think my favorite audio is either the decorating for the solstice one with David (I’m feral for the way he explains it all and then goes out of his way to tell Angel that he doesn’t want them to feel left out and that they’re the most important part of his life!!) or the one where Vincent tells Lovely about the monarchal summit (oh the foreshadowing) and about his first time there (I think it’s called Cuddling with your Vampire bf but I could be wrong). The Redacted boys I don’t get the hype for but don’t necessarily hate are Ollie (sorry dude, I’m sure you’re sweet and all but it’s just not my cup of tea) and Vega (I do actually dislike him! Everyone talks about this one video of him in the imperium but I’m too scared to watch the whole imperium and no one has given me a clear answer on what video it is that he’s not a ass). I’ve read the Lunar Chronicles (highly recommend) so many times that I practically know them by heart. I have a soft spot for twisted Fairy Tales and LET ME TELL YOU THEY DO IT SO WELL! This may be an odd answer but I’d want Damien as my best friend. I feel like we have a lot in common and I love me a sarcastic but incredibly driven kinda guy, that’s how a lot of my friends are. I don’t have a go-to topic when I tired, but everyone can tell because I start giggling like crazy, as if everything is funny 🥲. My gas station drink is the Cumberland farms slushies, I would mix the blue and red to make purple. I’m a sucker for the Spotify daily mixes tbh, bc I don’t have premium and they offer me the most amount of control as far as changing the song, replaying it, and only listening to the ones that I want to, plus it’s curated which I very much enjoy. My guilty pleasure media is probably in part Redacted 😅 but also I enjoy SOME Yandere stories that I find on like fanfic websites. And I’m talking about like ‘log this person is so dedicated to you! How fun! 🤩’ I usually scroll past when it’s like an actually ab-sive situation or senario. I really enjoyed this thank you!! 😊
Sorry this is the same person who just submitted the last ask (the one with the imaginary friend being Lucy from Narnia) and of course after I submitted I thought of some extra to add 😭 sorry for the inconvenience, I just wanted to add that I’m an Aries and a huge swifty, have a good day!!
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Hmmm, this is hard because I feel like ENFJs could really work so beautifully with a lot of people- at least, Redacted people. In the end, I decided to pair the Protagonist, the natural leader, with our favorite leader, David Shaw.
After all, ENFJs, Arieses, and Sixes can be summed up as confident, principled idealists, the kind of friend who takes charge and takes care of their own. You’d be a wonderfully extroverted contrast to David, the perfect mate of the pack Alpha. I also like David for you because Sixes tend to be motivated by a desire for stability and security in their lives, and… well, c’mon. He runs a security company. I need not say more.
In addition to the pun, there’s so many cute, little things that’d be charming about your life together. Criminal Minds marathons would be so fun with David; he strikes me as the type who can always guess the UNSUB, and he feels a strong kinship with Hotch. He wouldn’t really understand the Taylor Swift hype, but that wouldn’t stop him from pulling some security connections to get you killer seats when she tours close to Dahlia.
No matter where you are, I'll be there/ We can be the generation/ Who learns how to love/ Mistakes and empty promises/ Will never be enough/ So tear apart these giant hearts/ That beat inside us now/ Let's conquer the percentages/ And rise above the crowd/ And I won't let you fall (won't let you fall)
This song is one of the most down to earth yet romantic songs I know, and that’s why I like it for you and David. Fun fact, the duo who sings this are married, and this is the song they wrote and performed as their wedding vows. That’s the kind of heart-melting, ooey gooey lovey shit that I think suits David and his partner, because that man is a sap and not good at hiding it.
Lasko, I like for you for two reasons. One, he could use a friend and partner like you, he needs it. Two, I can see him also being a Narnia kid growing up, so that’d be a really cute thing for y’all to bond over. Geordi, I also think could use a partner like you, but honestly he’s mostly a runner up because he’s my favorite Redacted boi to headcanon as a Swiftie.
note: it’s no inconvenience at all, lovey, you’re good 💚
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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What is with the slew of out of character All For The Game fics?
This is going to be rant-y and full of spoilers, so feel free to skip. Trigger warnings for anything mentioned in the books (if you’re reading this and you’re not in the fandom, mostly SA).
What the hell is going on? I’ve been reading in this fandom for 5 years and while there are still some really excellent fics being published these days, there are also so, so many that are out of character.
The rise of the Kevaaron ship terrifies me. Who is shipping this? Aaron is extremely homophobic and very in love with Katelyn. These are two very important aspects of his character. His homophobia is a major source of conflict between him and Andrew and him and Nicky, and while you can have him learn and grow in a fic (and some people have written that really well!), I think making him gay/bi/whatever takes away from that. Also, he really, really loves Katelyn. Enough to date her in secret for a year while risking Andrew’s wrath. Enough to fight for her. Enough to agree to go to therapy with Andrew. Loving Katelyn is a really important part of Aaron’s character and I feel like people are throwing it away because they want all the main characters to be paired off with each other. What do Kevin and Aaron even have in common?
But that’s not even my main issue. I’ve been scrolling through AFTG fics for the past few days, trying to find one that is both up my alley and that I haven’t already read. And there’s a really strange amount of fics where Andrew and/or Neil are out of character? There are fics where Neil says “please” in front of Andrew. There are fics (not future fics) where they don’t ask “yes or no” before touching each other. There are fics where Andrew has good communication skills and openly comforts Neil. Why is he doing that?! Andrew’s methods for comforting Neil are putting a hand on the back of his neck, telling him to stop freaking out, and saying comforting things like “your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay.” (The Raven King). And IT WORKS. Neil finds Andrew’s apathy comforting. Andrew may go to therapy, but he doesn’t talk like it. Please stop writing him like he does.
Also, what’s with all the sex AUs? I understand that people want to write whatever AUs they like in whatever fandom they like. But there’s been an explosion of fics where Neil and Andrew are porn stars/fuckbuddies/Neil’s a prostitute. In this fandom more than any other, that makes no sense. When people write fanfic AUs, they are taking the canon characters and setting them in a new world. And in order to do that, they have to keep certain core characteristics about the characters the same. Neither Neil nor Andrew would ever be the type to have casual sex, and that is an IMMUTABLE CHARACTERISTIC for both of them. (I’m not saying Andrew would never sleep with strangers. I’m saying he would be extremely careful and would never let his walls down with his one night stand). Andrew’s trauma happened early in his life and has completely shaped the person he has become. If you excise it from the story and make him completely free-spirited about sex, you’re writing about a different character. That is not Andrew Minyard.
I’m also convinced some of you don’t understand how asexuality works. Neil is demisexual, which means he needs a deep emotional connection with someone to be attracted to them. This means he would never be attracted to Andrew unless and until he knew and trusted him. He would not have sex with Andrew once upon meeting him and suddenly like sex. It’s not about Andrew just existing as a person! It’s about how Neil feels about Andrew. Sexual attraction and libido are also two completely different things, so a person can feel horny but without wanting to do anything about it or involve another person. (Neil never seems to experience this in canon, but it’s possible he could experience it). There are some really great fics in the fandom that accurately portray Neil’s sexuality! I just wish more people were careful when writing Neil because he’s one of the very few canonically ace characters in media and I don’t think people are necessarily trying to change his sexuality but I think they’re forgetting it’s a valid and important part of his character and writing attraction how they experience it.
Please do your research before writing! I know fanfic is for fun and for free and something people do with their spare time. There’s no rules and you can do whatever you want! If you want to completely ignore this post, that is your prerogative. I’m just getting really frustrated trying to find a fic to read that is not out of character and I needed to vent my frustrations.
If you understand why this is happening (especially with more recent fics) please comment and let me know! Im genuinely curious. And if you have fic recs, please leave them! I’ve read all the big ones, but I’d love recs for less popular but very in-character stories.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
I try to focus on the comments I get, and I don’t want to be ungrateful. I do appreciate them more than anything. But i can’t help but rely on them *too much*, and compare them to those of other writers. Especially to yours. In any fandom I’ve ever been in, I’ve never seen anybody get the kind of feedback you get. Like people saying you change their lives, and everything. Enough that they get tattoos inspired by your work. I just don’t think I have that in me. That ability to inspire or affect readers long term—beyond just a quick read before they’re onto the next story. I don’t know if it comes down to style or energy, or if some people are just special. But I feel like if I can’t get people to feel that intensely, then maybe I should just stop writing. But I don’t want to quit. It’s like a vicious cycle, so discouraged that I don’t write, and if i don’t write, then how can i reach anybody at all?
Hello, lovely. So I've been thinking for a few days how to reply to this because I think honestly all writers feel like this at one point or another and visibility of the struggle is really important, especially when participating in fandom.
It can become very easy to get stuck on needing comments and feedback to continue and while fanfic is great for this kind of "as you go" support/encouragement it can also be really amazing to sidestep fanfic altogether for a while. Write something JUST for you. Write a book. Poetry. Anything where you're not getting feedback. Touch base with your creative self again. Fandom can be exhausting at times and we give so much of ourselves without even realising it, so if you're not feeling good about fanfic, that's an excellent sign to take a break. There have been months, years in between my participation in fandom/fic writing and I promise, taking a break is natural and healthy. Energy is cyclical and we need to replenish.
This brings me to my second point, which refers more directly to the kind things you said about me specifically. While I would not ever deny that I consider myself a capable writer and I have a lot of confidence and very passionate belief in myself, I've also been writing for a very long time, since I was twelve. I've been in fandom writing fic since i was 17. I've been writing professionally since i was 25, and I'm in my 30s now. I do tend to devote a stunning amount of time and mental energy to writing: in the past, at the expense of my health. I don't do that anymore, but it's an example of why you should never compare yourself to other writers because the situations are always so radically different. It's easy to look at statistics and think, "Why can't I do that/get that?" but the reality is that everyone is at different stages of their journey, and everyone is completely different.
I have no doubt that you're a talented writer because talented writers question themselves all the time. You have stories inside you that need to be written and told in the way that only you CAN! But they won't happen if you're worrying about comments/hit numbers, etc...
Generally, I've found that success is what happens when you're too busy to notice it. Focus on your work, on the next project, on yourself. Dig deep, branch out, love your process and expand, experiment, and remember to take a break when it's not fun anymore. Your mood is always guiding you. If you're happy, excited, and passionate, you're on track. If you're despondent, miserable, or anxious, it's time for a break. Fandom can be wonderful, but it's also the perfect breeding grounds for "comparison blues". Fanfic should make you happy.
I'm always here to offer guidance and support.
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Light In The Darkness - Joel Miller
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Amy O'Leary has a grudge with Joel after he failed her before, but a forced scouting party and a rainstorm later and they are brought together closer than Amy ever could have imagined.
Author's Note | Wow. Pedro Pascal really out here reigniting my need to write steamy fanfics. We love him over here.
Pairing | Joel Miller x OFC
Warnings | Violence, blood and hella smut.
Word Count | 4.8k
Read on AO3 here.
The sun was high in the sky, warming Amy’s skin as she turned the soil over in her small vegetable patch. She made small holes in the dirt with the handle of her trowel and dropped some seeds into the holes before covering them up. Once all her seed packets had been emptied, she took her watering can and drenched the soil in the rainwater she had carefully been collecting over the past months. 
“What are you growing?” Came a voice from behind her. 
Amy turned around and saw Ellie stood near the back porch of her house, “Well, I’ve planted a bit of everything,” She answered, “Whether any of it grows remains to be seen.” Both girls chuckled a little at Amy’s admittance that the past two attempts at growing anything had failed miserably. 
“Did people do this a lot before?” Ellie asked. 
“Of course,” Amy replied, wiping her hands on her jeans, “My grandad had a garden the whole town envied before all of this happened, but I have to admit I was more than happy to get what I needed from the store.” 
Ellie was quiet for a moment, fiddling with the gardening tools that Amy had set out on the porch steps, “Did you need something?” Amy asked. 
“Joel and Tommy wanted to see you,” She replied, “Something about a scouting trip.” 
Amy sighed and pinched the top of her nose, “I told them before I wasn’t going out again.”
“That’s why they sent me I think,” Ellie answered, “They knew you’d explode if one of them came to speak to you, all they want is to talk to you about it.” 
Amy’s mind flashed back to the last scouting party a few months back. It had been the first time she’d gone out in years because Steven had twisted his ankle following a particularly strenuous attempt to dance with one of the girls in the bar. Amy could handle herself and had managed to keep herself alive on a cross-country trek much like Joel and Ellie had, but all she really wanted was peace and quiet. 
It had all started well, a few days hiking through the mountains to a small town that was known as a bandit camp. It usually had good pickings once the gangs realized there was a hoard of infected just outside the walls and left as quickly as they could. One of Tommy’s scouts had let them know it had been empty and it fell to Amy to pick up her gun and head out with the two brothers to collect what was left behind. 
To be fair to them, they had found aa huge amount of stuff on the raid – canned food, a cache of ammunition and most importantly, medicine. As they were strapping up their horses to head back to Jackson, Amy noticed another smaller group of tents and camp beds at the end of the street. She suggested to the brothers that they check it out before leaving but both were hesitant – that close to the town perimeter and they were risking waking up the hoard of infected. 
“Just cover me then.” Was Amy response as she took her gun and made her way to the bottom of the street. 
There had been a hoard of more ammo and medicine that she was stuffing into her backpack when she heard a low whistle behind her. She looked up and saw Tommy motioning to the fence in front of her. A single infected was making its way towards the fence. She held her hand up in acknowledgement and hurried to put the last few bottles of pills in her bag. And that’s when it all went to shit. 
Out of nowhere, a clicker came storming out of one of buildings to her left, catching her off guard. She let out a high-pitched scream and in one movement the clicker had her on the floor. She struggled with one arm to keep the clicker as far away from her skin as she could as she fought to get the knife unsheathed from her belt loop. She was kicking her legs and trying as hard as she could to get the clicker off her enough to stab it, but in the end settled for sinking the knife right into its face several times. 
By the time it had stopped moving and she’d thrown the body off her, she was covered in blood but thankfully no bites. It wasn’t until she stood up that fury flowed through her blood. Tommy and Joel were stood, exactly where they had been before, not even a gun cocked. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” She spat as she made it close enough for them to hear you. 
“It wasn’t a clean shot.” Joel had countered. 
“I don’t give a fuck if it was a clear shot or not, asshole,” She shouted, “I needed fucking help.” 
“You seemed to handle it pretty well.” He said in that annoying Texas drawl he had. 
“No thanks to you two,” She spat out as she walked to her horse, “Were you just going to watch that thing rip me apart? Thought you’d break into some of these crackers to watch the show?” 
The two brothers were silent with a response, “That’s what I thought,” Amy huffed, “Get on your fucking horses, I want to go home.” 
As they’d neared the gates at Jackson, Amy had made it clear she had no intention of going out on a scouting party with the two of them, and that had been that for the past few months. Tommy had sought her out to apologise for not stepping in and she’d accepted his apology, but she and Joel had given each other a wide berth, avoiding each other where they could. It didn’t help for Amy that she thought he was quite possibly the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, even if he was single-handedly the most irritating person she’d also met. 
“All Tommy asked was that you go to his and hear them out, you can still say no.” 
Amy sighed at Ellie’s insistence. She couldn’t help but feel fond of her, she reminded her of her own sister, lost to her many years ago. “Fine, I’ll go.” She relented. 
“They’re waiting at Tommy’s now,” Ellie said, as Amy turned away, “Oh and Amy?” 
“Yeah kid?”
“Will you finally teach me how to make a pie with that fruit you grow?” 
Amy let out a chuckle then, “Of course kid, if I can keep the plants alive.” 
“Absolutely fucking not.” 
“Amy please, we need you to do this.” 
Amy, in an attempt to keep her cool, pressed her palms into her eyes and took a deep breath. 
“The last time I went out with him, he did nothing to help me when a clicker almost ripped out my jugular.” 
“Hey, neither did Tommy!” Came Joel’s angered reply. 
“At least he fucking apologized, unlike you.” Amy retorted. 
“Alright, lets calm down a little,” Maria, Tommy’s wife said, stepping into the conversation, “Amy, this is only a trek up to the lodge and back, we’re not talking days away and we really need the supplies up there.” 
“You know if I could go I would,” Tommy spoke, “But my back’s been done in for days, and everyone else we could spare is helping to fix up the dam and we need that done just as much as this.” 
Amy took a second and noticed everyone, including Joel, were looking at her. 
“Son of a bitch,” She hissed under her breath, “Fine. But, I swear to god if you pull anything like that shit again I will cut off your balls, you understand me?” She pointed to Joel. 
“Loud and clear, ma’am.” 
“Could you hurry it up a little bit?” Joel shouted over his shoulder. 
“You have way longer legs than I do,” Amy countered, “So no, I cannot just hurry it up a little bit.”  Joel stopped at the top of the hill and waited for Amy to catch up. As she rounded the brow of the hill, Amy took a second to catch her breath before taking a look at the view down into the valley below. 
“I never get tired of that view.” She mused out loud. 
“Well, can you maybe get tired of it now, I’d like to be in and out and back down that hill before that rainstorm hits.”
Amy rolled her eyes but agreed that she too wanted this to be over as soon as possible. There was only so much more walking behind Joel and freely looking at his ass that she could take before she went mad. 
It was a simple job, into the lodge to collect some supplies and then straight back down again. They’d found what they had needed and filled their backpacks in no time.
“We’re gonna have to haul ass back down to avoid the rain.” Joel said as they left the lodge and started the slow descent back down to Jackson. 
Amy cursed her damned knees the whole way down for not being what they once were, they made her slower than Joel once more and as soon as the rain droplets started, she thought she might cry. All of a sudden, the heavens opened and both she and Joel were drenched. 
“You run on ahead!” She cried out to him as she tried his best to shelter under a tree. 
“Does that count as an offence that’ll get my balls chopped off?!” He shouted back. 
Amy moaned as she looked to the sky, rain drenching her face, “It’s just my knee’s Joel, I can’t go much faster than this.” 
Joel looked at Amy as she walked closer to him, clothes already soaked through. Amy could see there was a moment where she swore she could see the thoughts whirring in his brain, before she found herself being unceremoniously swept up into his arms bridal style. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” She asked as a crack of thunder bellowed through the woods. 
“You’re already drenched,” Joel spoke, “Stay out like this for much longer and you’re gonna get sick, and I’m worried for my balls.” 
As he made his way through the woods, Amy couldn’t help but be in awe of his strength, being able to carry her and continue walking at the pace he’d set. And not to mention the way he smelt when she rested her head on his shoulder. Musky and manly, the scent of sweat for the exertion mixed in with whatever he used to wash his clothes in, and Amy was ashamed to admit to herself that a burning sensation had started in the pit of her stomach. 
Once someone had let them in through the gates, Joel rather unceremoniously dropped Amy to the floor. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the loss of his body against hers, but she quickly felt him grab hold of her wrist, “My place is just over there, let’s wait the rain out there.” 
“Here, change into these.” Joel spoke quietly as he threw a shirt and some jeans that were no doubt going to dwarf you. 
“You don’t have to dress me,” Amy spoke, “My house isn’t even that fair, I should just go.”
“Amy,” Joel spoke in what was something akin to a growl, “You are soaked through and it is torrential out there, dry yourself off and put the dry clothes on before you get sick.” 
Amy gathered the clothes and the towel he had given her previously and walked down the hallway to the bathroom he’d pointed out before. 
Once she had peeled her soaked clothes off Amy threw on the plaid shirt Joel had given her. As expected, it dwarfed her and looked more like a dress than anything else. Deciding the jeans would make her look like a clown, she looked at herself in the mirror to make sure her ass wouldn’t be on show in her underwear and left the bathroom, squeezing her auburn hair with the towel. 
“You got something against trousers?” Joel mused, sat on his couch. 
“I appreciate the gesture Joel, but they would have fallen to my ankles as soon as I moved.” 
A loud crack of thunder echoed through the house, followed by the sound of the rain getting heavier outside. Looks like she was stuck here for a while. 
Amy sighed and took a seat on the other side of the couch to Joel. 
“Ellie not here?” She asked. 
Joel shook his head, “I asked Maria to watch over her whilst I was gone, she’s probably got the girl working somewhere.” 
“She’d a good kid you know,” Amy offered, “She wants me to teach her how to bake pie if I can get those fucking seeds to grow.” 
Joel snorted a laugh from his nose, “Hey, I don’t need your judgement thank you, Joel Miller.” 
“From what I’ve heard, you’ve tried growing every year since you arrived and have yet to pick anything.” 
“No harm in trying again.” Amy retorted. 
A silence hung in the air for a while as Amy worked her damp hair back into a braid down her back, then another sigh as the thunder and rain continued outside. 
“Do you remember rainstorms before all this?” Amy asked, trying to fill the silence, “I remember about a year before the outbreak our entire street flooded, you should have seen my dad, running around the whole house, grabbing anything he could find and shouting at us to get it upstairs,” Amy was laughing at the memory it brought forward, “My mom said there was no way it was going to rain enough to flood the house and she was right,” another sigh, this time tinged with sadness, “She was always right.” 
Joel didn’t offer a reply, she just watched as he looked intently at the wall across from them. The room was silent for a few minutes until Joel broke the silence. 
“You want a drink?” 
Amy looked at him intently, “Depends what’s on offer.” 
Joel stood from the couch and went to the kitchen, she heard some banging about before he reappeared with a brand new, unopened bottle of whisky and two glasses. 
“Where the fuck did you get this?” Amy exclaimed, picking up the bottle, “This is seriously good stuff Joel.” 
He took the bottle from her hands and unscrewed the top, “Tommy has a stash of the good stuff, he gave me this one on my birthday, just never had a reason to open it.”
Amy looked him dead in the eyes for the first time since she’d been in his house, “And I’m good enough a reason to open it?” 
Joel just scoffed as he poured the amber liquid into the glasses, handing one over to Amy. She took a small sip and coughed as it burned down her throat. 
“I haven’t had alcohol in a long time,” She tried to explain, “This isn’t the stuff you usually find in a bandit camp.” 
“S’alright,” Joel spoke, “Not everyone can handle their whisky.” 
Amy sat open mouthed at his cheek, “I could drink you under the table, Miller.” She said, draining her glass in one gulp. 
He looked directly into her eyes and did the same to his glass, “Prove it, O’Leary.” 
Amy couldn’t tell how much time had passed since they’d opened the bottle of whisky, but it was sitting on the table, half-empty as the two of them swapped stories. 
“You know what I miss?” Amy asked, whisky flooding through her veins. 
“I am sure you’re about to tell me.” Joel answered, moving positions to look at her a little better. 
“I miss dancing,” She answered, “My friends and I used to go to this club all the time before the outbreak, Friday night, we’d drink tequila, and we’d dance with boys and it was like nothing bad could ever happen to us.” 
“You were old enough to go to clubs before the outbreak?” Joel asked, eyebrow raised. 
“Fake I.D. my friend.” Amy sang back, moving to refill their glasses. 
“And these boys?” Joel coughed a little, trying not to make it awkward, “You ever go home with them? 
Amy threw her head back in a chuckle, “You’re such a dirty old man,” She replied, “I never did, but some of my friends did.” 
“Ahhh, a good girl then?” 
Amy stopped dead as she lifted her glass to her lips, “What did you just call me?” she asked, testing the waters. 
“I think I called you a good girl.” Came Joel’s challenging reply. 
She took a deep breath, trying to decide if she was going to take the next move. She didn’t know if it was the whisky or the way he was looking at her but something broke in Amy’s brain. 
“You should be careful throwing that phrase around so easily.” She warned. 
“And why would that be?” Joel asked. 
Amy scoffed and thought about replying, but instead, she pushed herself up from where she had been lounging on the couch, moved as close to Joel as she possibly could, took his face in her hands and planted a kiss right on his mouth. 
It was a soft, barely-there kind of kiss, she wanted to test the waters, but as soon as Joel’s warm hand slinked around her waist and pulled her into him, she was gone. Joel pulled her into his side and moved so he could press his lips harder into hers and before Amy knew what had happened, their tongues were entwined and the sheer joy of finally feeling what it was like to be touch by Joel Miller was enough to set Amy’s skin on fire. 
She pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, searching for a sign to stop, but she didn’t find one. Nothing in his deep eyes told her to stop, in fact, it was as if there were coaxing her to go further. 
“Joel,” She breathed, “If I go further I don’t think I can stop.” 
“I don’t want you to stop.” Came his simple reply. 
All of sudden, something animalistic took over Amy’s brain and whilst her lips were moving against Joel’s, her hands were pulling at his shirt collar in a demand that he take it off. Just as his hands moved to undo the buttons keeping his skin from hers, there were footsteps running up the decking and the front door flung open. 
Amy flew away from Joel as if he’d burnt her, cradling her knees to her chest as Ellie flung her backpack onto the floor and turned to see them. 
“Oh!” She exclaimed, “What are you doing here Amy?” 
“We got caught in the rain coming back from the lodge so I just dried off and waited it out here.” She explained, “Although you look dry so maybe I should head home.” 
As she darted from the sofa, down into the bathroom to put her own clothes back on, Ellie shot a knowing glance at Joel who was stuck to the sofa, “Seriously dude?”
“What, kid?”
“Nothing.” she drew out the end of her sentence, winking at him before she headed down the hall to her own room. 
When Amy came out of the bathroom, Joel was nowhere to be seen, so she emptied her backpack of their loot onto his kitchen, slung it over her shoulder and made to leave. 
Joel was stood on the porch as she closed the door. 
“I, um, I left the stuff from the lodge on the table in the kitchen, and your shirt is in the bathroom,” She spoke softly, “Thanks.” 
Joel turned around to look at her, leaning himself against the railings. In the dusky light he looked absolutely devastating to Amy and all she wanted was to wrap her legs around his waist and kiss him until the world melted around her. 
He reached out a hand to her, which she gladly took, letting him pull her body towards him. Joel leant down and whispered in her ear, “Let me get her to bed and I’ll come to you?” 
Amy’s breath hitched in her throat as she looked into his eyes, “I hope that’s a promise, Texas.” She spoke, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek before walking away. 
The sun had set long ago and Amy had been trying to suppress the butterflies in her stomach by wiping down all of the surfaces in her home. Twice. She had set a pot and some coffee she had managed to find at the back of her cupboards onto the kitchen side to at least look like she knew how to host a man she had spent the last year pining over. 
She had started to worry he wasn’t coming when she heard three soft knocks at her door. She took a deep breath and smoothed over the clothes she had changed into when she got back, before opening the door. 
“I was beginning to think you’d forgotten me.” She spoke softly. 
“Forget a kiss like that?” He raised an eyebrow, walking into her home and closing the door behind him, “Not a chance.” 
Before she knew it, Joel had taken her hand and spun her so she was pinned by his body to the door. She slowly wrapped her arms around his shoulders whilst Joel’s hands found home on her hips. With very little effort, he picked her up and just as she’d imagined earlier in the day, her legs were wrapped around his hips whilst his mouth was trailing soft kisses from her ear down her neck. 
“Bedroom?” He whispered into Amy’s ear. 
Amy let her legs drop from his hips, taking his hand in hers she walked slowly down the hallway into the room she used for her bedroom. 
She stood at the foot of the bed, watching Joel move towards her, “Be a good girl and lie down for me.” 
His words made pleasure bloom in her abdomen and Amy couldn’t help but rub her thighs together as she made home on her bed. Once she was led down, Joel made a point of slowly unbuttoning the shirt she had been so desperate to take off earlier, throwing it to the floor once it was off. 
Amy marvelled at his broad chest, peppered with hair and scars, that only added to her desire to take more of his clothes off. He slowly lowered himself onto the bed, moving to place himself between Amy’s thighs as they kissed once more. 
Amy let her hands wander over his shoulders, drug them down his chest as she moved to lightly nibble at his lower lip. Her hands rested on his belt but Joel took both her wrists and pinned her hands above her head. 
“Good girls are patient.” She growled into her ear. 
“But Joel,” She groaned, bucking her hips into his, feeling his hardening cock through his jeans, “I want you so badly.” 
“And you’ll have me, but you need to let me have my fun too.” 
He slowly moved to pull at her wrists to sit her up slightly, making quick work of pulling her t-shirt over her head. A low whistle left his lips as he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. Joel couldn’t really believe his luck – the most beautiful girl in town, with her auburn hair and milky pale skin, was underneath him, grinding into his hardening cock, begging for him to touch her. He felt like all his Christmas’ had come at once. 
Joel used his deft fingers to roll her nipples, earning a heavy sigh to escape from her lips. Once he’d toyed with them, he dipped his head and took one in his mouth, continuing his ministrations with one hand, whilst he rolled his tongue over the other, earning a moan from Amy’s throat. 
“Fuck Joel,” She swore, running one of her hands through his hair, “I swear if you don’t take my jeans off I’m going to die.” 
He chuckled against her skin, deciding he needed it just as much as she did, he sat back on his knees and made light work of unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them off her legs.  “Tsk, naughty girl, no bra and no panties, what are we going to do with you?” 
“I’m hoping that you’re going to bury your face in my pussy and eat me out like it’s your last meal.” 
There was a moment where Joel looked straight into her eyes, chest heaving and then he slowly put his hands behind her knees and pushed them up, exposing her already soaking pussy to his mouth. He bent his head so his mouth was a whisper away from her core, breathing his hot breath just onto her slit. 
“Joel I swear to fucking god, put your fucking mouth on me already.” 
As if he needed any encouragement, he used his tongue to lick from her dripping entrance all the way up to Amy’s clit, letting the tip of his tongue move over the little bundle of nerves. She let out a gasp as she grinded her pussy up into his mouth, wanting as much friction from his tongue as was humanely possible. 
It didn’t take Joel long to bring Amy to the edge of oblivion – choosing to switch between using the tip of his tongue on her clit lightly, to licking the sweet juices that were flowing from her pussy. He had her exactly where he wanted her, writhing under his mouth, cursing him under her breath and grinding her pussy into his mouth wherever she could. That’s when he pulled out his wildcard. He pushed two of his fingers into her slick entrance as he closed his lips over her clit and sucked. 
It took all of ten seconds for Amy’s orgasm to slam into her. Her thighs clenched as tightly as she could get them around Joel head as she called his name into the darkness. He worked her through the aftershocks of her pleasure and then quietly, as she was catching her breath, kicked his shoes off and shucked his jeans off. 
Amy had barely caught her breath by the time Joel was pressing a kiss to her lips, letting her taste herself on his mouth. She idly moved her hand down to take his cock in her hand, pumping him a few times before he settled between her thighs and in one swift thrust, he was inside of her. 
“Fuuuucking hell, Joel,” Amy moaned, he had stilled to get her used to his size, “Move, please.” She begged. 
Joel was only too happy to oblige and was moving in and out of her at a slow and languid pace, every time he pushed his cock into her dripping pussy, she would grunt or sigh and 
Joel thought if he wasn’t careful, this would all be over far too soon for his liking. 
“Honey, it has been a long time and those sounds your making are bringin’ me to the edge.” He managed to growl into her ear. 
Amy silently placed the palm of her hand on Joel’s chest, pushing him back just enough for him to slip out of her pussy. He watched as she flipped herself over onto her hands and knees, moving so her chest was against the bed and her supple ass and pussy were offered up to him. 
“I’ve already had my fun Texas,” She spoke over her shoulder, “Fuck me until I scream and then you’re free to do whatever you want.” 
Joel almost had to pinch himself and was thankful that his brain was working ahead of him. He didn’t need telling twice. He slammed his cock back into her pussy and set a punishing pace, using one hand to hold her hip with the other grabbing a handful of her beautiful hair to pull her even closer onto his cock. 
Joel was hitting a spot in Amy that she didn’t even know she had, all thoughts had left her mind and all she could do was cry out every time Joel’s cock hit her walls. All she could hear from behind her were grunts and moans and she could tell form the pace of his thrusts he was close. 
Wordlessly, Joel pulled himself from her pussy just before he came undone, fisting his cock a few times before letting out what Amy could only describe as a roar as thick ropes of cum hit her ass. 
She let herself flop onto the bed as Joel walked silently to her bathroom, coming back with a towel to clean her off. Once he was satisfied she was clean, he crawled back onto the bed and pulled Amy to his chest, placing a chaste kiss to her forehead.
“I’ve missed this,” He mused quietly, as Amy ran circles on his chest with her fingers, “From before all this, fuckin’ a beautiful girl, that’s something that’s not happened in a long time.” 
“You best believe it won’t be the last time either Texas, that mouth of yours was magic.”
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So this will be tough to answer considering that carlos's actor is sadly no longer with us and let his memories live on
I was wondering if you ever had to do a story of carlos last few days with jane and his friends how would you do it
Like I love how they payed tribute to him in the royal wedding but I was surprised we never really got to see Jane sadness or her missing carlos
I guess it depends? Whether he saw his death coming or whether it’s as unexpected as the news of Cameron’s death was. If we go with the former, I’d put more focus on how everyone tries to cope with knowing someone is about to die. Specifically the underlying denial of everyone involved. Mostly I’d focus on Carlos trying to make the most of his last days and spending as much time with his loved ones as possible, tying up loose ends and crossing as many things off his bucket list as possible until his time runs out. Then there’s everyone around him coping, The denial, the pain of the truth constantly being thrown in your face, the powerlessness and the constant wondering what you could have done to prevent this. The trying to get everything out of the last few days because you don’t wanna live with the regrets of wasting time. Your deepest fear being that you’ll spend the rest of your life knowing you could have done more, and now it’s too late.
Then, finally, when it’s all over, I’d probably write about the inevitable ending to the story. Those who are left to pick up the pieces trying to stop that constant, niggling voice in the back of their head telling them it wasn’t enough. They weren’t enough. They could have done this that or the other and things might be different. They could’ve stopped it or at least slowed it down. The slow process of realizing that no amount of blaming yourself, justifiably or not, will change the past. It’s done. Carlos is gone. It’s too late to do anything about it now and all anyone can do is learn to live with it.
If it’s unexpected, I’d probably focus entirely on his friends and family. Specifically the different ways people try to cope with grief. The different stages of coming to terms with the fact that Carlos is gone and what forms they take in different people. The extremely emotional and the complete shutdown, the constantly doing something just to avoid thinking about it and the inability to do anything at all. The bottling everything up and the learning to let go. Grief is a slow process and it never really ends. It doesn’t leave, it just dulls to background noise. No matter how far you get, there will always be some kind of pain attached to the memories.
This was honestly hard to write. Apologies but I’m about to hardcore overshare so skip if you don’t wanna read it. I’ve written exactly one published story dealing with grief (fanfic for The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes) and that’s for a reason. When I was grieving, I was also dealing with a severe depressive episode, so I had a complete shutdown. I didn’t feel anything. Nothing about the situation felt real to me. But I saw the reactions of people around me and both of the situations I described above are ones I’ve experienced.
Two times, I watched a grandparent slowly die of illness. Years were spent seeing their health slowly deteriorate and trying to come to grips with that reality. It didn’t make the end easier when it came. All it did was shatter the illusion that maybe some miracle would save them and they’d pull through. One of these times happened right after an unexpected death. Everyone thought she’d live longer, and then she was gone. One week of thinking she’d be okay, and then it was over. It happened so fast I didn’t even have time to comprehend what was happening. None of these situations were easier, they were just different. It’s the sudden impact of a train against your heart vs the creeping cold spreading through you with every day you watch someone’s condition get worse. It’s watching someone battle against an illness until they’re so drained they give up the fight vs watching someone slowly lose touch with reality until they don’t even know what’s real and what’s in their head vs not even being able to watch anything at all because they’re already gone and you didn’t even get to say goodbye.
It’s never easy. And maybe the worst part is that you’ll never know if you had a hand in this or not, nor will you ever find complete closure. There will always be something, some regret or “what if”, and it’s inescapable.
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I’ve finally decided to upload the whole fanfic on here this is the start of it if you’d like to see more just let me know I’ll post a chapter a day unless anyone ask for more I’m really proud of this I know there are mistakes and all but here we go
Angst involved it does get mature eventually but for now just fluff and angst
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It was late the buzz of Manchester leaking through my bedroom window as I lay in bed on my laptop in the mist of an online game of Pub-G (lame I know ). I've been playing for hours. I was supposed to be going to bed at least 3 hours ago ,that was the plan as I've got School tomorrow but for some reason I can't bring myself to close the game for the night. Doing things to preoccupy my mind is all I've needed for the past two weeks I've started studying for my GCSE,s probably to finally complete them in a few weeks and I'm so stressed about them. I kept ending up in games with and user called GeoDan16 and if by fate we keep ending up as the last players in the game and battling one another. I've won 7 of the 11 games we have played. I've added his user in the lobby of the games and I'm just waiting to see if he adds me back , This was so I can possibly have someone to speak to as I play. It takes about ten minutes before the acceptance alert rings through my room , as my laptop, phone and IPad light up due to having the game on all of them for all occasions. Spotting the alert on the corner of my laptop screen I pick up my phone and swiftly type a message. Yes I know I'm using my laptop and I could message them there but it feels better to message on my phone and play on my laptop. I just type a simple
TrumanBlack: " Hey there ...... these games are wild . You played good tho ;)"
I then just put my phone back onto the bed next to me and decide I want to watch YouTube for a while and hopefully let sleep consume me. After racking through YouTube for a video to watch I come across "Daz Blacks latest video I click on it , select the big screen options and pause it before it starts. I place me laptop down next to me and slide from my bed and into my on suite so I can use the bathroom and brush my teeth for what feels like the 20th time tonight. I've smoked an excessive amount tonight and I don't understand why. Hearing my alert tone go off again I quickly finish up in the bathroom and make my way back to bed and see my notification my my phone screen "message from GeoDan16". I open my phone properly to read it
GeoDan16: "Yo :) , thanks , how many games was that ?"
Pulling my blanket back around me I press play on the YouTube video and sink into the heat of the mattress and softness of the duvet
TrumanBlack : "I believe it was 11 , and I won 7 LOSER"
GeoDan16 : "Uhhh...rude , I still won 4 so excuse me but you ain't the overall winner "
TrumanBlack : "No I'm maybe not but I still did better than you ;D "
I know this is probably weird to think as I don't even know this person but feel a buzz something that says I'm gunna love them , like I've known them years and we're just catching up
GeoDan16: "Were just going to have to have a winner takes all round someday huh....also Truman??, What kind of name is that it's kinda interesting is someone obsessed with the Truman show or something "
TrumanBlack : "Nah I just came up with the name when I was like ten and it sounded kinda edgy :D "
As I'm laying there my eyes start to feel heavy and I can feel them starting to drop and I yawn. But I try to ignore it so I can stay up a little longer and hopefully learn more about this person
GeoDan16: " So it's not your real name then ???"
TrumanBlack: "nope it's actually Matty , what about you , what's your actual name "
GeoDan16 : "Contrary to popular belief it's not geo or Dan ... the names George "
TrumanBlack: "George...That's an old guys name...how old are you....im not talking to some ancient man am I "
I laugh to myself because obviously I can't be he played well ...too well for an old guy BUT I've got to cover my tracks my mum always tells me to be more safe online
GeoDan16: "Nah man I'm 16....oldest in my year .... Year 10 what about you ...Matty is 100% not your full name what are you 12?... rebelling against anyone who calls you your full name "
TrumanBlack : "I'll have you know George that I'm actually 17 not 12 and no my full name is Matthew but I only get called that at school or when I've pissed my mum off or my best friend.....but also year ten so your from the UK then"
GeoDan16: "yeh southwest London ....Wbu "
TrumanBlack : "ay im from Manchester "
It's not very often you meet someone from the same continent as you this late at night on these games so this is quite cool
TrumanBlack: "why you up so late then Georgie???"
GeoDan16: "I ain't been called Georgie since I was 7 Matthew :D , also I just can't sleep it's soooo cold right now ....and you ?"
TrumanBlack : "just stressing about GCSE's man ....I know I'm not dumb but my maths and physics are gunna go down the drain and I don't wanna fail "
GeoDan16: "ahh I feel ya bro ....I've just started studying for my GCSEs too but your must be year 11 and going to be doing them soon right ?"
TrumanBlack : "yup they start in a few weeks "
My eyes are now struggling to stay awake and my screen has become a blurry mess as I attempt to keep my eyes open and without realising it my phone slides out of my hand onto the duvet and my eyes shut slowly
GeoDan16 ; "I could help if you like "
I don't see or hear this message come through as I'm too far gone and too tired to realise and I just fall asleep and hopefully dream of good things
GeoDan16 "g'night Matty "
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loregoddess · 2 months
2, 3, 8, and 19 for the fandom game, for any fandom(s) you feel like talking about :)
(for 3, fic and/or meta posts, can't actually remember if you've posted straight up fic before haha)
2. My favorite fic from the fandom that I’ve read
I haven't read a ton of fic sadly (although I haven't read a lot in general the last few years due to college making me read So Many academic papers and books that I got burnt out and haven't quite recovered my love of reading. Yet). Although, my friend @lookerdewitt has written literally some of the best fic I have ever read, so I would probably say one of their fics.
3. My favorite fic from the fandom that I’ve written myself
I have actually sort of written fanfic (both legit fanfic, and also a few "thinly veiled technically fanfic if you changed the names" for a fiction writing class that I had to write several stories for and wanted to see if I could get away with it), but I haven't actually. Shared those fics with anyone? Partly bc I have historically almost never finished any fiction writing project that I have started, ever, and partly bc I'm just shy about sharing my writing in general.
I have been working on a LoZ fancomic idea for the past uhhhh four or five years (technically last decade since I first came up with the idea in late high school and then had it sit in the back of my head for several years bc all I had was a setting and a handful of characters), and I have never in my life stuck with a project this long, so I guess that would be my favorite from my personal works bc it's apparently something I care about enough to not abandon entirely. I've actually made a decent amount of progress on my "detailed outline" recently, so here's hoping I can stick it out and actually get to the script and then to drawing pages one day.
For meta posts I think my favorite is actually my analysis of the Octopath 1 cast and how the major antagonists in each of their stories acts as a mirror and foil to each character. I really enjoy analyzing stories in general, but I so rarely write it out, so I was happy to actually do so for once. Gave me a lot of confidence for all the other meta and headcanon posts that I wrote afterwards.
There's also a Legend of Dragoon meta post sitting partly-finished in my drafts where I analyze themes surrounding each dragoon spirit and its wielders, which I haven't finished bc I only remember to work on it when I'm doing my yearly replay of LoD, and also bc it started looking like it might need to be a series of posts due to uh....length. Like I make a lot of lengthy posts, but each dragoon spirit's analysis was about a short essay's worth of words, and there are eight spirits soooo....hopefully I'll finish that one day, bc it's an analysis I've spent years thinking about.
8. Is there anything I wish people would write more about in fics? (A dynamic, an exploration of an arc, just a character that doesn’t get much screentime, etc)
I'm always a sucker for post-canon healing/recovery/rebuilding arcs. Can't get enough of them honestly (when I have the motivation to read). There's something so fascinating about looking at a character who Went Through Some Stuff, but the main narrative didn't look at the effects of that, and so a dedicated writer took up the challenge of trying to explore what comes after.
Most of my favorite characters are weird side characters who don't get a lot of love from the writers of canon or fans, so I'm always glad to see stuff for them as well.
19. Favorite headcanon
Oh hmmm, there's a lot and it depends on which media we're talking about, so if you're curious about a specific game let me know. Off the top of my head though hmm...
Okay I have this headcanon that Milo TriStrat snorts when she laughs genuinely. Like sure she's got the ladylike proper, cute laugh that's part of her spy job and totally fake, but when she is being fully honest and laughing for real, she snorts.
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jon-withnoh · 2 months
many congratulations on completing nie wirst du!!! what a ride 🎉🎉
for writer's ask -
🕶️ - what helps you concentrate when you write?
📗 - do you want to write something outside of  fanfiction? if so, what about?
🐇 - do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
🥳 - why did you start writing fanfic?
Thank you!! And thank you for the questions :)
What helps you concentrate when you write? A couple of things! I can do a drabble in between other things or even sneakily write one at work, but for longer prose or poetry what helps most is knowing I have a sufficient amount of time set aside for writing. I also write best in liminal spaces, especially trains. Airplanes are okay too because I don’t like flying and writing is a great distraction. Other things that help in no particular order: sufficient food and hydration, white noise (my current favourite is ocean waves), having done some stretches because I always have back pain, my adhd meds, and knowing I don’t have anything urgent I need to be doing instead.
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about? I am a writer irl though I don’t give many details on here. I’ve mainly been writing poetry for the last couple of years, but fic has actually given me an entry point back into prose. As a rule, I love writing about the different ways humans connect with each other (or don’t) and the way our bodies move in relation to each other. I also enjoy delving into complicated relationships.
For you write for yourself, others, or both? Both! I write for myself in that I’ve always had a need to write. It helps me be a person in the world to have that creative output and play around with words in a way I wouldn’t get to do otherwise. Fic’s been playing a large role in helping me adjust to a full-time job and still feel vaguely fulfilled in life. Poetry has been very cathartic in the past and has now become a way for me to delve deep into that fun experimentation with words and the way they appear on the page. But I’ve also always known that I want my writing to be read. Whether it’s here on tumblr, over on Ao3, in literary journals and anthologies or, one day, in a full book of my own, I like putting my writing out in the world and having people read it. What I like even more is when people actually want to talk to me about it or when I find friends through reading each other’s work. So yes to all three. I write to feel fulfilled, I write to bring others writing they might like to read, and I write to have some of that feedback come back to me.
Why did you start writing fanfic? There are two answers to this. When I was about twelve, I wanted to write but didn’t really have a concept of what made original work original work. I started a few fics for different fandoms and finished none of them. I also started a short story around that time that ended up turning into a novel I worked on for over four years. Looking back it is of course slightly embarrassing to read my writing from back then, but at the same time, I’m still so proud that young me persevered over so many years and finished a whole book. And I’m glad knowing younger me always had a place to go to in their head if life was a lot. As for Rebecca fic — I saw the musical in Vienna and it changed me. I didn’t expect it to, I didn’t even realise it had done so after I left the theatre, but when I woke up the next day something “had changed within me” (ha!). I spent my seven-hour train journey back home listening to the Stuttgart cast recording, devoured the book, read most Rebecca fics on Ao3 and was appalled to find that there were very few finished fics that gave either the narrator or Danny a happy ending. I was also in that strange liminal place between finishing university and getting a job, so I had a lot of free time and a lot of creative energy waiting to be tapped. Then I started writing Was Wird Aus Uns and was met with so much excitement, enthusiasm and kindness that the rest is history. Now it’s just become a beloved part of how I spend my free time.
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pockethep · 6 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "pockethep"?
I’ve had this Tumblr for a molten minute and originally it was a Pokemon themed blog before I deleted my side blogs (a choice I regret every day). The Pocket in my user came from “Pocket Monsters” and the HEP was just tagged on because a lot of pocket monster themes names weren't available but younger me wanted to be open to having a blog that wasn't just 1 thing.
Now for the fics…
These are in no order whatsoever. This is based purely on fanfics that I love that no matter what I keep going back to, there are honestly a lot I could put especially if I think harder but its late and I'm typing on my phone.
Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom on AO3. (My Hero Academia)
Genuinely an amazing fanfic, probably the best BNHA fanfic I’ve ever read which is a strong title to hold. It even has its own TV Tropes Page. It was Published in 2016 and I read it religiously. It had it all, Queerplatonic relationships, Drama, Angst, heartwarming moments, and realistic character depictions. It’s one of those fanfics that most people in the fandom know as “One of the Big Ones”.
A Breach of Trust by Phantomrose96 on AO3 (Mob Psycho 100)
Another “One of the Big Ones” and another fanfic that I’ve been following since it was published way back in 2016 (a wonder how 2016 had a lot of really great fanfics just like how a lot of good writing came from the quarantine). This is such a good fanfic, that really expands past the base content of the manga/anime and has a well fleshed out world as well as characters. It’s a drama that has a good dose of angst and I love the way the relationship between Mob and Reigen develops.
Issho by ToastyToaster22 on AO3 (Mob Psycho 100)
Normally I’d try to keep it one to a fandom with these types of lists/asks but Issho was really good. Once again has the bonus of being a fanfic from one of my favorite anime/manga. But it highlights one of my favorite characters, Teru, in a way that develops him very well over the course of the series. Issho is just the first of ten parts and I'd recommend reading all of them.
Salvage by MuffinLance on AO3 (Avatar the Last Airbender)
One of my comfort ATLA fanfics. A great amount of humor, angst, and a lot of found family. I absolutely adore Hakodad pics and Zuko honestly deserves it but Salvage has the plus of adding more additional siblings and a cute isopuppy because Zuko really deserves it.
fool in the moon by arahir on Ao3 (Trigun)
Despite having read the Trimax manga and having seen the original Trigun anime, I didn’t actually start reading fan fiction for it until Trigun Stampede paraded through…And BOY was I missing out. Although fool in the moon is a recent addition to the roster of amazing pics, it’s up there as one of my favorite. It’s a vashwood fic with a healthy dose of angst and comfort. I don’t know what it is but Trigun writers all have the ability to write the most visceral things.
(HONORABLE MENTION: A Ship and his Anchor by DerringerMeryl who aced the Vash whump.)
Press 9 to delete this Message by moriturism on Ao3 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
One of the most cleverly written fics not just on this list but that I’ve read. I can’t recommend it enough, even to those that don’t ship satosugu. This is a hurt no comfort fic and the way my stomach sunk reading the date for one of the last messages is a feeling few people can replicate. It’s good all around. 11/10
Those Hands Were Meant To Love by Ahenix on Ao3 (Spy X Family)
I think this is one of the big fics for Spy X Family and for a reason. It’s fluff without plot, and I love a good bit of found family and fluff especially centered around my favorite “fake” family. I read this one a couple times last year because it’s cute and its only 6 chapters.
Cascading (In a good way) by Hubbleablubble on Ao3 (Genshin)
There are a lot of well written genshin fics but this one is my favorite both for the ship (Kaebedo) and that I enjoy the way the characters are written. I like how everyone was written in this. Although it’s only a chapter the pacing was great, especially as it told their story from strangers to friends to lovers. It also mentioned Khaenri’ah Royalty Kaeya which is a huge plus.
(HONORABLE MENTION Song of Resistance by TheOpticalMouse absolutely check this out, its a series of 2 fics)
Starstruck by shizuoh on Ao3 (Yuri on Ice)
All that needs to be said is that the author basically created the Actor Victor Nikiforov tag on ao3. It’s a fic that’s been there since around 2016 when the show debuted and it hasn’t left my favorites for a while alongside a lot of others. Featuring the aforementioned actor Viktor, a barista/babysitter yuuri, and Yuri as a child caught up between the two. There are a lot of great’s and this is one of them.
(HONORABLE MENTIONS: There are a lot of Yuri on Ice fics I could have put here so…Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart aches by Reiya (The Biggest Diamond among the rest of the diamonds), crust and sugar over by ShanaStoryteller, Where the Cliff Greets the Sea)
Academic Intrigue by kassvea on Ao3 (Word of Honor)
It’s a modern AU, college/university AU with well written characters that are true to the original source. It’s a story about starting over, especially given the scandal at the start of the fic. I love the connection between Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing in all forms of media but this is one of my favorites.
(HONORABLE MENTION: Sanguine by jaemyun this is one of the big word of honor fics and for a reason.)
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nyxsomnia7 · 2 years
L'Manburg Lovers (Tommyinnit X Reader)|| Chapter 1- “Simping” Gets You Somewhere
“Good afternoon, mornin’, night y buenas tardes, buenos días, buenas noches, whatever Chat! We’ll start doin’ stuff in a few minutes and as always I’ll try to read Chat and answer any questions.” I said, smiling to my camera and waving as Chat comments came flooding in; mostly people asking how I was doing and saying hi.
“I’m doin’ pretty okay, thanks for askin’ Chat! Better now that I’m here, with y’all, and we gonna be checkin out this world I’ve been working on for a while! Sound good, guys?” Chat spammed POG and my personalised “Les GOOO”  sub-emote of me dressed in my signature navy giant blanket hoodie looking extremely excited.
I giggled and opened the world, listening to the first dono of the stream: “Hey Nyxie, How do you feel about the people shipping you with TubboLive and Tommyinnit? P.S. love you and your streams; you’re the best builder ever, Grian should be proud of you queen! ♡❤️💛💚💙💜♡” Read the soft robotic female voice.
“Thanks for the five dollars, Woild’sYerErster54! Certainly not the best builder ever I mean half my stuff is just Grian Build Hacks, but thanks! About the shipping um, well, as you guys know I’m good with being shipped and fanfic and all that fun stuff as long as it is,” I started, bringing up my hand into view to list of the rules on my fingers, “Legal as I am only 17 and the fan fic doesn’t get too spicy. That’s it. Just the two rules. But I do watch both of them, kind of a fan, so I don’t mind, just please always make sure the person is comfortable with being shipped and in fanfics and with fans using real names and all that jazz.” Chat kept spamming “Respectful Queen POG” which I giggled at. 
“Any way, Chat, I’m proud of this absolute mess of a town that I’ve built!” I said as the world loaded in, A simple concrete road connecting the build of the day to my cyan mansion and the very much under construction skyscraper hotel, “Yes I did it in creative, yes I know that makes it less impressive, but still.” I went into f5 to show my minecraft skin looking into the camera and punching the air. “But look, guys! I did a new build style and it doesn’t look bad!” I ran in front of the large, white, modern build I had managed to get tolerable. Chat commented mostly positive things, largely about how pretty and clean it looked. “You guys have been asking for another build tutorial stream, so I figured this is something simple you can try to do along with me like Bob Ross but with small levels of rage infused in there!” I said cheerfully. I got to work explaining what to do and how to customize it so it wasn’t too copy and paste. 
After a bit more than half an hour, I got a dono that really stood out: “Lol, Nyxsomnia simps for me and Tubbo pathetic. Decent build tho” I looked at the person who donated and the amount: Tommyinnit for $42.69. Chat started freaking out, flooding in “Tommy in chat!”s and “Simp”s in Chat. 
“Wait, is that real? Is that the blondie bitch-boy, demon child, Hamilton kinnie himself? On my lil’ builder stream no one really wants?” I asked. I pulled up Tommy’s twitch, He was streaming: Investigating My Simps I opened it. My stream was showing. Tommy was smirking but crossing his arms at being called a bitch-boy. “Oh my God it’s actually him. Listen, Tommyinnit from Technoblade I don’t simp for you. Tubbo maybe on some days, you? No way in Hell.” I said. My phone buzzed and I saw he had followed me on Twitter and sent me a message. It was a discord link. I opened it, surprised to find it was the chat room Tommy used to communicate with all his streamer friends, and joined the VC he was in. 
“Um, hi.” I said, struggling to sound and look calm. I mean, I talked to him as a character in my 3 AM lonely time rants but never thought I’d talk to the real one.
“What the fuck, Woman? I give you money out of the kindness of my heart and you don’t thank me like every other person who donates, but proceed to call me a bitch-boy, demon child, and Hamilton kinnie!” He shouted in his characteristic scream.
“Ah, screaming and not referring to females by their name, now I know for sure it’s you. In my defense, Tommy, I mean, it’s not like I expected you to actually be on my miniscule stream!” I said defensively. He took a pause and I didn’t even have to watch his camera to know he was tilting his head around in theatrical consideration. 
“Okay that bit is fair I guess, I mean I am friends with Dream and I’ve got like 500 thousand odd Twitch followers so ehaaa I guess that makes sense.” He said chuckling, saying the last bit quickly like he always did when he was bragging about something. I rolled my eyes and tried not to smile or laugh.
“So, now that that’s all cleared up, you gonna find the stream of some other poor alleged Tommy simp or you gonna stay here and be a nuisance?” I asked, a bit of giggle naturally slipping into my tone. 
“I mean you were supposed to be the last stream I looked at so it’s stay here and bug you or help Tubbo with his bee house and I’m not doing that shit.” 
“Well, if you’re gonna stick around I won’t stop you, just don’t be too much of a problem. I have a poorly designed modern house to finish helping the people make.” I said, smiling to the camera for Chat. 
“How dare you. You’ve really hurt my feelings here, woman. I am not a nuisance or problem whatsoever!” He said. I smirked and giggled softly. 
“Sure Tommy.” I said and added the next step to the house.
“That looks like shit.” Tommy said as I finished it. I frowned at him as he smirked. Our Chats both started attacking him for being mean to me when discord made the sound of someone joining the VC. He sighed, “Hi Wilbur.”
“Tommy, stop being mean to Nyxsomnia.” I heard Wilbur say. My eyes went cartoonishly big, like I’m talking Vanellope Von Schweets big.
“Hi Wilbur.” I squeaked out, I could tell I was grinning massively and blushing. I mean he’s Wilbur freaking Soot and he’s scolding Tommy for being a jerk to me. 
“Hello, Nyxsomnia.” He replied warmly.
“Oh, you can just say Nyx or Nyxie or something like that if you want I know my username is kinda long.” I said hurriedly. Chat was teasing me for my reaction to Wilbur defending me.
“Alright, Nyx. In any case, apologize Tommy.” Wilbur said sternly.
“Sorry, woman.” He grumbled.
“Good.” Wil said.
“Thanks, Wilbur.” I said quietly.
“You’re welcome. Anyway, Tommy I need to chat with you when you’re free.”
“I can just leave and you guys can talk. I’m almost finished with my stream and it’ll go faster if Tommy isn’t here to comment and start stuff.” I said.
“Alright then. Bye.” Wilbur said. I said goodbye as well and managed to finish my stream in twenty minutes, Tommy had raided me a few seconds after I left the call and since I’d never had the numbers to raid someone before I just raided Tubbo at Chat’s demand.
About two hours later, I was trying to get the motivation to pick up my room when I gave up and got up to go take a shower. Once I got back to my room an hour and a half later, wrapped in a towel with hair dripping, I noticed a string of notifications from Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube. I had to force myself to put pajamas on before looking at them or I’d never put them on. Once I had wrapped myself up in some decently summery jammies, I checked the Twitter notifs first, expecting some nice fan art or a fan DMing me to talk about something. Instead I found this: 
WilburSoot has followed you.
TubboLive has followed you.
Fundy has followed you.
Dream has followed you.
GeorgeNotFound has followed you.
SapNap has followed you.
BadBoyHalo has followed you.
I almost dropped my phone in shock. I checked the other two apps to find the same messages. All this because Tommyinnit stumbled across my stream? I never could have even imagined this. It was something out of a cliché fanfic and it was actually happening to me. I sent screenshots to my group chat with my friends with the message: 
Looks like ya girl just got 
dropped into an X Reader fic,
place your bets on which
 tropes Imma end up followin’ and
 which character is simping for me.
Myka (Sweetest Baby)
So happy for you! 
Don’t end up in any alternate
dimensions without us!
Micah (Remus Gremlin)
Holy crap that’s a lot of 
famous dudes in one screenie!
You’ll probably end up going on a trip
no human being can afford 
and no sane parent would ever allow.
And we all know it’s gonna be 
SnapChat or something lol.
*puking noises*
Lexy (Grouchie Lil’ Storm Cloud)
What does this mean???
Oh yeah, you don’t understand
MCYT. These people are all
famous streamers. Tommyinnit
ended up streaming with me today
and I am benefiting greatly from it.
Lexy (Grouchie Lil’ Storm Cloud)
Still don’t get it but glad you’re happy.
I continued texting my friends and checking in on my fan pages until midnight, when mom instructed me to go to sleep and took my phone. After two hours of vaguely watching YouTube videos and commenting like I was streaming, I finally managed to get to sleep.
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