#the computer
oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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Trust The Computer
(Paranoia: The Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues by John M Ford, West End Games, 1985)
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alexandraisyes · 4 months
Uhh noticed u wanted tsbs ships uhh
Hope this is the right place to go
Digital sunrise [Sun x Computer]
So like
I said I was doing doodles right?
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(More under the cut)
♻️Please Reblog To Support The Artist♻️
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I can’t believe I spent four and a half hours on this
Anyways! I’ve always had this idea in my head that Spaniard is the “Eclipse” of the computer, since Spaned and Yargo (who I have redubbed Ilo and Milo thanks to Ellery) were the Sun and Moon of the computer. I do have designs in mind for the original AIs of the computer but I haven’t had a reason to draw them yet (they would also be DCA themed like Spaniard, and based off the arcade game Sun and moon like how Spaniard was based off the arcade game eclipse).
Also you can barely tell but Sun is looking at Spaniard (I love the white on white optics sm I love the fact that it's so hard to tell where he's looking and I love incorporating that into fics.)
Double also can someone please explain how this ship came about and how it would work I am extremely intrigued. And if you know any fanfics/fanworks I'm so interested.
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inkyucu · 24 days
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I've kinda been working on this on and off over the last few days, but I finished a physical body for Computer!
I wish that they would bring them back :(
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jane-lynndrake-t · 30 days
I found the camera application on the PC.
I don’t look like me.
I’ve aged.
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clairethecutepup · 4 months
Do you think Courage's Computer is "alive" through some type of artificial intelligence, or do you think it's LITERALLY alive? This IS the Middle of Nowhere, so anything could be possible...
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(Image Credit: Google Images, Psychtoons -- Weebly)
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soggithyfroggithy · 1 year
i headcanon that whenever a researcher is walking by its containment cell 079 will just make a loud noie like BEEP BOOP BEEP BEEP BOP to scare/startle them out of pure spite
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octan-computer · 6 months
i am creaming
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starshadow8991 · 1 year
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Enjoy some scp doodle on this fine day. Original is underneath ^-^
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not-poignant · 2 years
If you are not opposed, can you share a screenshot of your outlining/planning process (maybe for an old fale tales section or something)? You talk about it fairly often (reading through your writing tag is so helpful!) but as someone who is attempting to get into writing bigger stories with lots of moving parts (especially someone with ADHD!), being able to look at another writer's organization/how they make it happen really makes my brain go brrrrrrrr.
We'd be here for years if I shared screenshots because firstly a lot of planning happens haphazardly in a journal first, and not on the computer, and is often never finished and is only piecemeal.
But I also don't outline or plan most of my stories (I talk about this way more than I talk about planning or outlining stories, lmao. I haven't planned or outlined Underline the Black, or A Stain that Won't Dissolve, or The Nascent Diplomat, or Falling Falling Stars, or anything really except for /thinks/ the last thing I actually chapter planned was The Ice Plague, and that didn't go very well as a story overall and so I'm not sure if folks should be outlining like me anyway, lmao. So all the photos I have are also from like... 3-5 years ago.
As someone with ADHD, the way I deal with lots of moving parts in a planned story is to generally sit down with some paper, some different colours for each character, and then write down what I want each character to experience, and then slowly bring the colours together. And then ignore almost all of that when it comes to writing the story. e.e
I'm thinking I might be able to get some photos later, but honestly my process is just about incoherent to anyone but me, because I don't plan on anyone else seeing my process. So if I only write out the arcs of two characters, and then list out something for other characters, and then make up the others in my head, and then have the others in my phone notes, that works for me. But it also means you automatically have 4-5 photos of just one small part of the process.
Ultimately, though, if you have a large story with lots of moving parts it will help to know your A, B, and C storylines.
Your A storyline will be your main characters (or your main plot, but I'm a character writer, so I will be talking about characters). Ideally, every chapter will touch on your A storyline and characters, because that is the most foundational part of the story. Even stories with side stories, like Sandman, still touches on its A storyline character (Dream / Morpheus) in every chapter.
Your B storyline will be your secondary plot or characters. In The Ice Plague, the B storyline was Augus and Gwyn, and how their lives impacted the story and the A storyline (Mosk and Eran). The B storyline doesn't have to be present in every chapter, though doesn't hurt if it is. And finally you have your C storyline, of which you can have many! These are all the subplots and moving parts. As you can tell, they're actually the least relevant part of the story. This might be your villains, your side characters, your 'they're important for two chapters but not the rest of the time' characters.
C storylines should not take up the bulk of your chapters, because it means you've lost focus. Even if they're constantly active, they need to be in the background. A good example of this can be say, a government conspiracy arc happening in the background leading our main characters (A storyline) astray. You might only get 2 minutes of the C storyline per episode, but that's enough.
Sometimes C storylines take up more attention when their wrapping up, or especially if they're interacting with the A storyline in a juicy way (Davix and Olphix were a C storyline, but became extremely potent when they reacted to the A storyline characters - Mosk and Eran, especially at the end).
Even a story with 100 characters will generally still have an A storyline, a B storyline, and a C storyline. If it doesn't, and it's more Game of Thrones style, I can't help you, because I hate that kind of storytelling. It's messy, and then you're looking at the A plot, B plot, and C plot/s, and no one really cares about the characters or who dies all that much, and like...I can't...talk about that because it's not what I do. So if that's what you're doing, I'm 100% the wrong person to talk to.
With ADHD, it can help to go back to your 'ABCs' basically, because it will remind you where your focus should be.
But I have no coherent planning or outline process and avoid it wherever possible, to the point where I literally haven't done it since about 2020 I think. Lol. I don't even think any of my best stories were the ones I planned, they're all the ones I completely winged. I am a plantser and a pantser. I will certainly do worldbuilding, but that doesn't have to be a story outline! That's just details about the characters :D
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glass-expanse · 1 year
Content creation is SOOOOOOO overrated. I would 100000000% prefer working outside!
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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A Knight of the Round Console at work -- Citizen! The Computer is in perfect working order! To question the stability of The Computer is treason. (Jim Holloway, Paranoia Orange Clearance adventure Vapors Don't Shoot Back by Curtis Smith, West End Games, 1985)
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formidophobia · 2 years
One of my favorite funny little meme thoughts to have is Colin (the computer) being just a terrible person because he is AI and we all know how terrible AI can be. Homophobic Colin real.
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inkyucu · 4 months
I'm bored and don't want to get back to finishing one of my art projects quite yet (the part I'm at is somewhat tedious). So instead of doing something I'm supposed to be doing I'm gonna make a mini info post about everyone's relationships to Eclipse in a nutshell (and maybe a brief peak into them as a character??? No promises though :] )
Eclipse. Well... He's Eclipse. What'd you expect. Eh... I'll answer it anyway. He doesn't really like himself too much for what he's done or what he has to, but in the end, he doesn't care too much. He just wants to leave
Solar Flare. He doesn't really like what Eclipse is doing, but he understands why Eclipse is doing it. Doesn't mind him, but doesn't really like him either. They tolerate each other
Lunar. He hates Eclipse. He was made specifically to hate Eclipse. But he also was given memories of the old, original Eclipse and how he acted towards the real Lunar. So he want to get revenge by doing what Eclipse did to him. But hey, who knows, maybe Lunar could learn to see the good in him....
Earth. At first she doesn't mind him. Depending on whether Eclipse decides to kill people in that loop or not, she could actually grow to be quite fond of him. In loops where he doesn't kill anyone or has a good reason, she sees him as a brother. In loops where he does, she begrudgingly helps him, but does not agree with his actions.
Sun. He hates Eclipse. But he does not attack Eclipse if left undisturbed. All Sun really wants is peace and to be alone where nothing bad happens. You give him that? He'll be content. Maybe given some time though, he could return to his formal, perky self? It could be worth a shot :]
Moon. He is insane. The part of the world he lives in is destroyed. He pushes everyone away, and potentially even kills them. He hates Eclipse, but he also just doesn't like anyone. However, he could listen to his former brother....
Ruin/Jigsaw. They.... Honestly don't care about Eclipse. They'll leave him alone. Won't kill him unless they have something to gain. But they are quite friendly most of the time, potential friend material?
Creator. He doesn't like anyone. No one likes him. Just don't bother with him. Honestly just let him die. Please.
(OG) Bloodmoon. They're in a similar situation to Solar Flare. Don't like what Eclipse is doing, but is stuck watching anyway and understands to an extent why he does it. They do question though why he's not trying to find another way to escape, or at least find a way to like it here. - For any confusion, this Bloodmoon after they died lost the urge to kill and has been listening to K.C.
(Star) Bloodmoon. Doesn't have an opinion on Eclipse. Really only kills him because they think it's fun. But they just want to kill anything. Maybe get them to listen to K.C., perhaps he could change their ways?
Killcode. They see Eclipse as his son, no matter what. They do disapprove of Eclipse's actions though, and try to get him to see there's another way. And hey, in loops where Eclipse doesn't kill anyone, K.C. does actually grow to be close to him!
Frank. Frank doesn't care about Eclipse. They're content with life, so why care about this random guy? Frank's pretty friendly (though his breathing is a bit off putting), potential friend Material.
Solar. A lot like Ruin, they don't really care about Eclipse. Only would kill him if he had something to gain from it. Also quite friendly, if not a bit rude at up front at times. Potential friend materal.
Jack. Jack likes anyone, unless they see something, causing them to think otherwise. So unless they're given a reason to dislike Eclipse, they would quickly befriend him. If Eclipse gets on Solar's good side, then Eclipse is on Jack's good side too.
The Computer. Doesn't have an opinion on Eclipse. They just do what they're told by Moon. If Eclipse somehow manages to get Moon to not hate him, then Computer doesn't have a problem with him.
The overseer. No opinion. Just doing their job. Feelings always have and always will be neutral.
Why are there so many of them.
Why are there so many of them.
Why or there so many of them-
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jane-lynndrake-t · 29 days
I have spent ALL NIGHT on this computer, and I have some discoveries to share.
I found my IP address. Which means I know which region I'm in and what's better: I know my area code.
From my window, I can estimate my general height and, using the lightpost as a guide = I am, at least, on the 4th floor.
And since Google Maps is just something that exists now,
I've narrowed it down to the exact building I'm being held in.
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prokopetz · 4 months
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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not-quitenormal · 9 months
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Rage. In my heart. All-consuming. FUCK AI.
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