#the devil in me prompts
stardustprompts · 2 years
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the devil in me  -   the dark pictures anthology  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying   tw ;  death ,  language 
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‘I will never be weary of you.’ 
‘that’s my (name), always finding that silver lining.’ 
‘how’s the marriage going?’
‘I’m starting to think I’ve gone and married a thrill seeker.’ 
‘see what happens when you chase a thrill?’ 
‘this feels like some sort of treacherous plot.’ 
‘I know that word. it’s french for something illicit.’
‘you know, this tub is awfully big. I think there might be room for another body.’
‘I really thought you’d have a little more fight in you.’
‘don’t fight it. it will only hurt more if you do.’ 
‘it’s really tough when just being honest means everyone thinks you’re a bitch.’ 
‘I’m sick of being on my own.’ 
‘it’s a fucking mess, to be honest with you.’
‘I was born with the devil in me.’ 
‘I’m waiting to hear what the catch is, no offense.’
‘it was 100% your fault. because you fly by the seat of your ass.’
‘just trust me.’ 
‘jesus, you try to give someone a compliment... ‘
‘how are you not in jail?’
‘you watch too many horror movies.’ 
‘bitch, I’m always camera ready.’ 
‘stop trying to make me like you.’ 
‘try not to fall and die.’ 
‘this reminds me of shit summer camps.’ 
‘you’re afraid of heights?’
‘oh shit! we’re all gonna die!’
‘don’t look down.’ 
‘you always knew how to get me through the shit, didn’t you?’ 
‘you are such a dick.’
‘oh my god! I think I peed a little!’ 
‘this place does give me the willies.’ 
‘scream if you need me for anything.’
‘I’ve blocked that from memory and do not want it coming back.’
‘you talk in your sleep. not sure I ever told you that.’ 
‘you’re cute when you’re worked up.’ 
‘you trying to scare me now? revenge? cause, good job...’
‘if my cheeks are red it’s from this wine, not because I’m bashful.’
‘I’m just fucking with you I’ve wanted to kiss you for months. I just was scared to make a real move.’ 
‘you have to let this go. we’re fine, (name).’
‘in the work that we do -  the very important work -  the truth is the star.’ 
‘next round’s on me, promise.’ 
‘I’m supposed to buy ‘nothing’ is eating away at you?’
‘what about taking a huge risk and just doing something?’
‘flimsy. I don’t buy it.’
‘you trying to butter me up?’
‘why are you letting them all think I broke up with you?’ 
‘ugh, I can’t decide if that’s sweet or selfish. or both.’ 
‘you can’t just roll up and drive - by psychoanalyze me.’ 
‘you have to accept the reality that this did not, and will not, work.’ 
‘maybe we should just add this topic to our ‘discussion no - fly’ list’.
‘remember our talk about boundaries?’ 
‘that scared the fuck out of me.’
‘you know he meets anger with more anger.’ 
‘that... sounded very sincere.’
‘I deserve better than this. so do you.’ 
‘I heard enough, thank you. I know what betrayal sounds like.’ 
‘great. happy? you have a future, and I don’t.’
‘am I the only one whose getting really freaked out by this place?’
‘as much as it pains me from the depths of my soul to say it, I’m starting to side with (name) on this one.’ 
‘not that I want to agree with you like ... ever ... but that’s what I’ve been saying.’ 
‘don’t come crying to me if you end up dead.’ 
‘I can’t decide who the judas is. I have so many options.’
‘you’re going to find out very soon that you won’t get very far without being a team player, (name).’ 
‘you don’t always have to get a word in, (name).’ 
‘of course you’re enjoying this.’
‘what do we do? we’re like... alone here.’ 
‘this is my don’t be scared song. sing it and I won’t be scared long.’
‘choices, (name). make better choices. this is your own damn fault.’
‘it’s a two person job to pull (name) away from her mirror.’
‘hey, help! somebody help me, I can’t see a thing!’
‘try to relax, slow deep breaths. in and out.’ 
‘you’re okay now. you’re safe.’ 
‘I’m not fucking tired!’
‘kills me to admit it, but (name) is right.’ 
‘we don’t know that’s what actually happened.’
‘this is when you suddenly choose to take a stand?’ 
‘we’re not safe here.’
‘I think maybe you’re confused about what you saw in the dark.’ 
‘I know what I saw.’
‘we’ve already got a plan, it’s leaving.’ 
‘would it kill you to think positively for a change.’
‘your delusions make for such great plans.’ 
‘just stay put so I know where to find you.’
‘I’m leaving, (name). you coming or not?’ 
‘sorry, just... still freaked out.’
‘you really don’t care about anything else, do you?’
‘i’m freaking the fuck out.’ 
‘shit! gimme your hand.’
‘we’re trapped. jesus, we’re trapped!’
‘maybe you’re right. but you don’t have to be an asshole about it.’ 
‘maybe that was a shitty thing to say, I’m sorry.’
‘ no, no, no. don’t put  ANY of this on me. this is all you.’ 
‘I guess I didn’t even think of that.’
‘guess I was holding out hope things would change for us. deep down, I’m still hoping.’
‘it was my fault.’
‘no it’s not fucking okay! it can’t be! I have to live with this every day.’ 
‘you have to get the fuck out anyway you can! just get the fuck out!’
‘there’s a lot of miles between eccentric and murderous.’ 
‘oh good, you hear a creepy kid voice too? I was worried I was finally snapping.’ 
‘I was worried I was finally snapping.’ 
‘are you losing your shit? ‘cuz I don’t need that right now.’
‘stop being such a damn wimp.’ 
‘are you okay? please say you’re alright!’
‘he wants us to chose, doesn’t he?!’
‘I don’t want to die! please help me!’
(name) is playing a game, and it’s no fucking joke!’
‘I’m suggesting we use our heads.’
‘we can make guesses all day, but if we die here it won’t matter.’ 
‘I’m not playing detective. I just want to survive.’
‘maybe isn’t good enough.’ 
‘no one is going to believe any of this without proof.’
‘crazy implies out of control. this is methodical.’ 
‘we’re not the first, are we?’
‘if something goes wrong one of us will be dead.’
‘you don’t have to do this.’
‘if it looks like it’s going south, get the hell out of there.’ 
‘please come back.’
‘if I see (name), he’ll wish I hadn’t.’
‘tell me you’ll be careful. tell me I’ll see you again.’
‘good, because I think I love you.’ 
‘well, now I have to come back.’ 
‘tell everyone I chose this. and if you get the chance to fuck him up, do it.’ 
‘how could you just leave her like that?!’
‘when I was a kid, I didn’t speak much.’ 
‘good thing you didn’t become a killer.’
‘suck it up, princess.’
‘I don’t suppose there’s any good news.’
‘if we go off - book we’re just going to make things worse. let’s stick to the plan.’
‘can you not freak me out any more than I already am?’
‘I was too scared to stop and look. I’m sorry.’
‘(name) you are out of your mind.’ 
‘I am not a murderer.’
‘do you hear what you’re saying? that is insane.’ 
‘you’re in shock and you’re not thinking straight.’ 
‘you’re in shock. all of us are. don’t beat yourself up.’ 
‘please tell me you can hear me.’ 
‘(name), I thought I lost you.’
‘no talking! I said hands where I can see them!’ 
‘after all this, starting over sounds like a good idea.’ 
‘so, probably not the right time to ask this but ...  like ... are we a thing?’ 
‘dude, trauma - bonding is legit hot. fuck yes, we’re a thing.’ 
‘how could I forget? you bring it up every chance you get.’ 
‘what did you win?’ 
‘this is gonna be so much fun!’
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lazylittledragon · 22 days
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at the friday panel andrew wincott said raphael and astarion should go on holiday together and i can’t stop thinking about it
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the-witchhunter · 4 months
So Lucifer Morningstar, the fourth of the fallen, (retired) ruler of hell, the Devil himself, is a character in DC comics, appearing in the Sandman comics, his own solo run and various other comics
He is absurdly powerful
The thing is, Lucifer still has access to his Divine power, unlike other fallen angels, and is actually more powerful than other angels
What does this mean?
Lucifer was the guy that shaped the matter to create the stars, an ability he still has
Enter one Danny Fenton
“Omg(oh my ghost) I’m a HUGE FAN of your work”
Just Danny fangirling over the literal Devil because of stars and space
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shinfuransan · 22 days
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I probably deserved it. Maybe next time I'll offer a bucket of fried chicken and avoid shit like this?
I'll bite back. Just give it time.
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scuttlingcrab · 2 months
What if Raphael sent Tav an embarrassing gift? Something he'd definitely find pleasure in, but Tav would be mortified to receive? xD
LOL. Thank you for sending me this one. I died writing this, had me grinning from beginning to end. x
Summary: Raphael gives Tav, his very favourite client, a generous gift after she signs his contract.
Notes: Some suggestive imagery from the devil we know and love.
Link to my other work in the Devil's Archive.
The Devil's Muse
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(Image via keylana-dragon)
“I beg your indulgence. A brief word, before you depart.” 
Raphael spoke in a low rumble, intending his voice for Tav but unperturbed whether or not the other companions overheard him. 
Tav hesitated, her ears perking up as his voice shattered the silence. She hovered near the door of his suite in Sharess’ Caress, halfway through the threshold as she attempted to make her leave. Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach waited on the landing outside, the companions lingering like flies on a rotten corpse. 
Raphael casually leaned against the desk, resting his hands on the smooth, rich rosewood. He lightly tapped his fingers on the surface, warming up his digits before the second performance began. 
The little mouse was always the last to leave his company, lagging behind her companions. It was only for a moment, but that was long enough for Raphael to take note, keeping a detailed record after each encounter.
She tried to play coy, never giving Raphael the satisfaction of losing himself in those dark delectable eyes. He could often feel Tav’s gaze on him as soon as he turned his back to her, those eyes burning through his very body and spirit. 
Despite her attempts of acting aloof, with her crossed arms and narrowed lips, she remained at the forefront of their conversations. Raphael would catch her leaning towards him, edging closer as he spoke his rhymes of wisdom and warning. Tav in turn spoke softly when she addressed Raphael, her words blunt yet voice cracking with emotion. 
That confounded mortal fanned the flames of his desires the more detached she presented herself. She was becoming a nuisance; occupying every waking thought and following him freely into every dream. Raphael had an insatiable longing for carnality, his chest overflowing with passion. He had been reduced to his primal instincts, letting his lust for that woman lead his motivations instead of his ambitions for the Crown. He would need to be more cautious. 
“There is one thing I wish to show you… now that the contract has been signed.”
Tav raised an eyebrow, biting her bottom lip as she watched Raphael, waiting for him to continue.
“What in the flaming Hells does he want now?” Karlach shouted, shoving her obnoxious face through the doorway. “C’mon soldier, we need to leave.” 
Karlach placed a hand on Tav’s arm, trying to lure her outside. Tav remained cemented, grabbing Karlach’s hand in return. 
“Hold on a minute.” Tav responded, “let’s hear what he has to say.”
“It would be in your best interest, little mouse, if it was just the two of us.” An edge of warning in Raphael’s tone.
“Oh, go on then, devil.” Karlach sneered.
“Come now, Karlach, no need to be unpleasant. Can we not speak with civility?” 
Tav regarded the situation with curiosity, her intense stare shifting around the room. Raphael could just about hear the rusted cogs turning inside of that tadpoled infested brain of hers.
Tav nodded, walking to the centre of the suite. 
“Alright, Raphael. I’m not interested in any more secrets. Whatever you have to say or show can be done in front of everyone.”
Karlach stomped her way into the room, standing close behind Tav. The Tiefling's infernal engine roared, the flames in her chest growing more chaotic as she shot Raphael a scathing glance. Shadowheart and Astarion shared a few hushed words as they followed Karlach, shuffling reluctantly back inside the Devil’s Den. 
“So be it, if you insist.” 
Raphael snapped his fingers and a large painting sizzled into view, suspended above them. The entire party gasped in unison. 
“A gift for my new treasured client.”
The painting showcased Tav reclining on a leather chaise lounge against a dark grey backdrop, her body bending with pleasure. She was draped in a red robe, the sleeves falling loosely off her slender shoulders, stopping just above the hill of her breasts. Her eyes were closed and her lips wore a savoury smile, as if she was on the cusp of release. Her dark wavy hair poured off the edge of the furniture like a waterfall. 
Raphael beamed, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk as he respected the painting in the very presence of his muse. He had painted Tav’s likeness from memory, hoping he would be able to do her justice by capturing her unique beauty on the canvas. 
Whether Tav signed Raphael’s contract that afternoon was debatable, he would’ve delivered his gift to the little mouse regardless of the outcome.
He had worked diligently behind the scenes since their last rendezvous in the Shadow-Cursed Lands; sketching mockups, painting, re-painting, one failed canvas after another, until he successfully recreated the image that plagued his mind for what felt like an eternity.
Raphael knew it would never be perfect, he still found flaws as he stared at the painting; minor errors in the brushstrokes, a few shadows that could’ve perhaps been blended better. He only hoped it added to the charm and the little mouse would not notice. 
Raphael returned his attention to his guests, immediately observing Tav. She was frozen in place, her eyes wide and fixed on the painting, as if she was hypnotised by it. There was something different to her face now, something Raphael always yearned to see from the mortal. A faint gleam in those eyes, a playful smile slowly crawling up her delicate lips the more she stared at the artwork. Had he stirred something in the little mouse? At long last? 
“Perhaps, at a later time, we can admire it together, once the Crown is in my possession, yes? Until then, it will remain in my House of Hope. For safekeeping, naturally.”
“This has got to be a fucking joke, right?” Karlach shouted, getting in between Tav and Raphael. “I told you he was a creep!”
“I don’t know, it does capture her essence... in a drab, lifeless kind of way.” Shadowheart murmured, her cheeks blushing as she continued to gape at the painting.  
“And here I was thinking only his poetry was questionable.” Astarion whispered, giggling like an ill-behaved schoolboy. 
“I often forget how ignorant you mortals are. A pity.” 
Raphael straightened his posture and kept his chin held high. He tightly clasped his hands behind his back, imagining what it would feel like to have his fingers around the companions' brittle necks, ridding them of their pitiful lives. Those foolish twits would feel his wrath in due time. Perhaps one, or two, would perish when they fought the Elder Brain. Yes, that would be most preferable.
Raphael instead approached Tav, ignoring the companions and their onslaught of criticisms. He turned to face the painting, standing beside her. Raphael could see Tav out of the corner of his eye, feeling the warmth radiating off her body as she continued to stare at the artwork. 
“I never took you for a painter, Raphael.”  
“I occasionally dabble in mortal amusements from time to time, when I’m feeling inclined.”
“And do you always give your clients such risqué gifts? These types of things are open to suggestions.” 
“It’s an innocent gift, I assure you. But now I am most curious, what does this painting tell you?”
Raphael crossed his arms, his fingers trembling as he raised a hand to his chin, anticipating her answer. 
“A promise of what could be? Maybe what more could be offered?”
“Very astute. I have been known to provide exceptional entertainment when certain deals have been met.”
Raphael tilted his head, taking an opportunity to lean towards Tav. It was a subtle gesture, but their bodies were now touching, linked together. With his arms still crossed, he removed an index finger from his lower extremity, lightly caressing Tav’s exposed forearm. The little mouse did not flinch at his touch but he saw her smile grow. 
“One note though.” Tav whispered. 
“Go on?” 
“I think my jawline is a bit off, don’t you think?”
Raphael bit his tongue, unsure whether he wanted to incinerate the little mouse or take her by the neck and violently kiss her.
Raphael had Tav's signature but he’d only praise the occasion when that little mouse bestowed the Crown to him. Her contract didn’t amount to a hill of beans when compared to his grander schemes. Raphael would not rest until he had succeeded in his plight to unite the Nine Hells, until he faced Mephistopheles, and claimed his birthright. 
Raphael had once made a promise to himself not to allow any distractions. It was too perilous, opening him up to failure and eternal punishment. But that damned little mouse found a way through his defences, crept through the cracks of what he thought was a sturdy foundation. The woman had caught Raphael in her snare. Until he held her in his arms, until she was his, she would continue to plague his dreams. Perhaps along the road to ascension, he would add Tav’s heart to his list of conquests. 
“I will make sure to keep that in mind for my next piece.” Raphael noted, turning to face the rest of the party. 
The silence was heavy, the awkwardness weighing on the companions. Raphael stared at each of them until they looked away, unable to handle the intense heat of his gaze without melting. 
“You may take your leave. The room is getting far too crowded for my tastes.” Raphael waved the party off, walking back to his desk. He left the painting floating above him. 
“Gods, I thought he’d never ask. Fucking prick.” Karlach whispered, practically sprinting out the room. 
“Tav, you owe me a damned drink.” Astarion groaned.
Shadowheart had no words, but she curiously eyed the painting a final time before trailing after Astarion. 
“Don’t disappoint me, little mouse. The fate of the world, our very futures, hang over your shoulders.”
Tav remained in the room, staring amorously into Raphael’s eyes. He held his breath, relishing the seconds he was allowed to devour her magnificence.
“Thank you." Tav mouthed, and quickly made her exit.
Raphael released a sigh, resting a hand on his desk to keep himself from combusting. That damned woman.
The curtain had fallen on this act, but it was not yet the finale. Change was brewing, mists of uncertainty clouding Raphael’s judgement, and for once, he was not fearful of what was to come.
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Mother I'm on my knees and begging for a SPICY fallen angel villain × cursed by the devil hero. May thy pen shine and glamor 🙏🏻
The villain let out a relieved moan.
As they could feel it inside them, hard and hateful, they allowed themselves to close their eyes and enjoy the moment. They took in slow breaths, concentrating, preparing.
Eventually, they looked at the hero and a smile tugged at the corners of their mouth.
“Are you flirting with me?” they asked. One of their hands followed the hero’s collarbone.
“You tell me.” The hero pushed further and caught by surprise, the villain laughed breathlessly. They took the hero’s hand.
Back when they’d been an angel, they’d never felt anything like this. It was a new and exciting feeling. Something only a human body could experience like this.
“I swear,” they whispered. “One day, you’ll find yourself on your knees for me.”
“Is that so?” Another push. Another desperate gasp for air. The hero’s fingers dug into their biceps and the villain’s heart raged in its cage. It was cruel, very cruel.
They looked down at the knife in their chest, at the dark blood that ran down their body. By now, the hero’s hand was covered in it. A “mortal” had complete control over them and they weren’t even hiding it.
“You foul creature,” the villain said. The problem was that it hurt. It was an indescribable pain. The villain had been through all kinds of things like this throughout the centuries. Hell, they’d been tortured for the majority of them.
But this knife in their chest and this person in front of them were for some reason much more effective.
The hero was — in their own way — admirable. For a human, they were very brave. Their voice was sweeter than forbidden fruit.
Something about them excited the villain. They awoke something inside them. Something very ancient.
“I didn’t know your blood is red. So human,” the hero said. They dug their fingers close to the wound into the villain’s skin and there was nothing else for the villain to do but to grunt pathetically.
“You are full of surprises.” Their lips brushed the villain’s cheekbones until the hero let go of the blade and stared at its place there in the villain’s chest. “My immortality doesn’t look this pretty.”
“You can’t kill me like this,” the villain whispered. “You’re not the only who’s cursed. Not the only one who’s been punished.”
They pulled out the blade and let it fall to the ground, eyes wide. It was a horrible feeling, something they hopefully could forget some day. But the hero didn’t seem surprised.
The blood dropped to the ground and formed a little lake.
Clearly, the wound wasn’t closing right away. The villain knew it would take over an hour for them to see the scar. Usually, the bones would take much longer. Blood wasn’t a problem. They had bled for hours, years, centuries before.
“I would have killed you a long time ago,” the villain said. They put their head on the hero’s shoulder, almost embracing them in a strange hug. “I didn’t know your patience back then. I didn’t know your dedication.”
The hero pulled them closer and the blood dropped down the hero’s stomach as well.
“Do you like it? Do you like the way I am?”
“I do,” the villain said. “You are delightful, even though you try to kill me all the time.”
I want to kiss you. What does it feel like? What does it feel like to kiss someone?
“You know I cannot stop.”
“I don’t want you to. I hated you for that as well. I didn’t see you. But now I do,” the villain said. They could barely breathe. Their damaged lungs were filling up with blood but their self-healing body sew them back together. They were on the edge of drowning the entire time. “And I will keep haunting you.”
It was quite clear to the villain now. For the first time in their life, they had a real desire.
“Then I will keep killing you to lift the curse,” the hero whispered. “I look forward to the next centuries.”
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splickedylit · 3 months
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Long overdue sketchbook scanning session: original concepts only edition haha. Noting some common themes I didn't notice while I was drawing: Hottie with their tits out. Skeletons. "Oh this person grew up religious huh 😐" vibes. Putting extra arms on things for no reason. TBH? Excellent. I have no regrets and will continue.
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vngful · 4 months
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hello vngful nation :3
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[Your Fav] : There’s nothing I can do, sweetheart.
[Your Fav] : I’m not real, you know that.
[Your Fav] : None of this is.
[You] : So what do I do now?
[Your Fav] : My love, it doesn’t matter.
[You] : Well, if it doesn’t matter..
[You] : Can I stay on the phone with you, at least?
[Your Fav] : Okay.
[You] : How was your day?
[Your Fav] : It was.. good.
[You] : Yeah?
[Your Fav] : Yeah..
[Your Fav] : My day was good.
[You] : Okay..
[You] : Hey uhh [C/N]?
. . .
[You] : [C/N]?
[You] : [C/N], are you there?
[You] : [####] ??
[You] : [####] please don’t leave me
[You] : I’m scared, [####]
[You] : Don’t leave me alone please
[You] : Please come back
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devilboycomic · 2 months
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Date night and Spirits
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storytellering · 9 months
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Spartober day 1 - Daddy issues
prompt list by @whatsanapocalae1!
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bluehairandproverbs · 18 days
Prompt meme: “ you wanna know what your problem is? ”  
“You wanna know what your problem is?” Daniel slurs, “You’re so goddamn pessimistic.”
“Daniel, this conversation is over.” Armand has had enough. They’ve had this conversation before. They have it every time Daniel becomes inebriated and perseverates about his own mortality.
“No, no, no, listen to me —” Daniel rasps, grabbing a fistful of Armand’s shirt. Armand grabs his wrist — carefully so as not to break it — and pulls Daniel’s hand away.
“That’s quite enough,” warns Armand.
“If you really loved me, you’d do this for me.”
“I won’t do this because I love you.”
“Bullshit. You don’t know how to love,” sneers Daniel. “You’d watch me die, you son of a bitch.”
Armand pushes Daniel up against the wall with a thud. Daniel merely gapes at him, wide eyed. “You will never speak of my mother again,” Armand hisses in Daniel’s face.
Daniel’s shock morphs into peals of laughter, much to Armand’s astonishment.
“Why are you laughing? Explain yourself.”
Daniel only shakes his head.
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raayllum · 5 months
‘don’t leave’ for rayllum?
for a less angsty version of the same prompt/pairing Send me a number with a ship and i’ll write it (accepted ships are tdp canon ships + rarepairs (claudiez, sorpeli, corvus/terry, sorvus)
"Wait, no!" Rayla ran after him, skidding down a pebbled beach, the crumbling husk of Elarion on the horizon. Callum stood unnaturally hunched a few feet away, the starlight flickering in his eyes when she grabbed his shoulders.
Fighting it, but barely.
"No, no!" She cupped his cheeks in her hands, her eyes burning as he struggled to meet her gaze, face twisted up in pain. "No, Callum—stay with me. I know you can fight him off. You're stronger than this!"
One eye was wholly white now, pinkish blue crowding the corners. The other was still flickering. Her panicked breaths turned to dry sobs, nearly matching his own. He was just as scared as she was, but she couldn't fall to pieces. She had to be here for him. She had to keep him safe.
All she could do was beg.
"Please stay—please, don't—don't leave."
Tears spilled down her cheeks as he looked at her, unseeing and eyes filled up with starlight. Aaravos' voice came out of his mouth.
"Oh, my poor Moonshadow elf: you taught him how."
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Hey, big fan of your prompts especially the hero/villain ones! I was thinking if you could do one where the hero and villain are secretly in a relationship but then when hero's away for their duties for some time, villain who only does petty crimes is framed for a big heist and imprisoned and tortured severely by hero's team. Hero comes back and astonished at the conditions and goes to meet villain in prison. Can you please do a prompt with their interaction there, I think it would be very whumpy!
The hero remembered the cold.
It was a type of cold that would crawl into their boots and linger there, numbing their feet and turning their fingers blue. Not only was it painful, it was also a constant, a problem that needed to be fixed but wouldn’t change, no matter what they did. A cold that wouldn’t repent, a dark and very intimate thing.
Within the cell, the icy air was stinging in their lungs with each laboured breath and as they stared at the villain, they wished they were someone else. Someone who didn’t have to control their emotions, someone who could act without fearing the consequences.
In each corner a camera, observing the villain from every angle for 24 hours a day. No escape.
Not in this condition. Not when they were covered in their own blood, had a broken knee, a broken wrist, many cuts and more bruises than anyone could count.
“You deny the accusations made against you,” the hero stated. It broke their heart. It broke their fucking heart to proceed like this. Acting like a professional, not allowing themselves to look at their lover for too long, continuing the protocol — they cursed themselves for showing their obedience to their team. But what was their other option? Getting caught and tortured and with that, ending every little glimpse of hope?
“I do,” the villain rasped. “I deny it.”
They finally looked at the hero, exhausted and tragically struck down with pain.
“Is there any evidence to prove your innocence?” The hero’s voice was quiet as they stared at their lover who seemed in too much pain to move which in itself caused pain again.
I will kill them all, the hero promised in their mind. An imbalance possessed their actions and it was slowly — very tediously — getting difficult to gain control over their thoughts again. They felt themselves slipping on a moral ambiguity that began to glorify gruesome acts of violence.
They were afraid that if they fell, they’d never return to their old self.
“I was with my spouse that night,” the villain said. “Though I doubt they will make any kind of statement. I wouldn’t let them either.”
Christ, the hero was ready, was so ready. Guilt ate them alive, made a meal of them and had fun while devouring them. The guilt and the anger were a perfectly septic mixture to foretell their grand fall.
“Why is that?” The words were sour on their tongue as they felt their throat swell up. Images of their laughing spouse flooded their mind. But with one harsh push, the hero was pulled back into reality and other images replaced the old ones. A dead villain. Killed when they were stealing. Murdered in their own home. Assassinated on a walk with the hero.
“I’d do anything to protect them,” the villain said. “If I needed to die to keep them safe, I’d pull the trigger myself. To make sure it’s done properly.”
“Would they do the same for you?” the hero asked. Too aware of the haunting cameras, they concentrated on the villain, put their whole energy on them and tried to find stability. But it didn’t help — their voice was still shaking and they were still too close to crying.
“Without a doubt,” the villain said.
“Then why aren’t they here?” the hero asked, trying to stick to the old patterns of interrogation.
“Because they’re good. They’re not a villain.”
“They seem pathetic. They’re letting you rot here,” the hero said and hell, they meant every word. Why hadn’t they come home sooner?
“I’m protecting them.”
“You mean you’re getting yourself killed for someone who failed to act.” Their dark promise formed a plan.
“Careful,” the villain warned, despite being in no position to do so. “It’s not their fault. My blood isn’t on their hands.”
“No,” the hero said, “but someone else’s blood will be.”
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kaezerdoodles · 1 year
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She’s explaining how their outfits are inspired by what they like and that hers is cooler because it’s inspired by Star Wars while his is Star Trek- he is doesn’t see the point in this.
I didn’t mean to make them offset opposites but the Cyan and Magenta just work so well for them! Also- space cape for Dan!
And for the record I enjoy both Star Wars, Star Trek AND Stargate.
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mrsjellymunson · 9 months
Teach Me
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For the @steddiemicrofic challenge October prompt: ‘suck’.
WC: 480 | Rating: E | CW: drug use (smoking weed), oral (m rec) | Tags: post S4, canon-adjacent? (Steve’s never smoked), Steddie smut.
Summary: Eddie and Steve discover they both have things they can teach each other.
Steve had never even smoked a cigarette, let alone a joint, too concerned with keeping himself in rude jock shape. But now, after everything, he was envious of the others’ relaxation, wanted some of that for himself, hoped it might even help him sleep a little…
He’s not sure why he chose Eddie to teach him. Scratch that, he knew exactly why. Whilst Jonathon and Argyle would’ve absolutely been great about it, they didn’t draw him in nearly as much as the scrappy-haired, lanky metalhead with the chocolatey brown eyes and rosy lips…
Oh god, concentrate!
“So, you bring it to your lips, make a seal and inhale…”
Eddie demonstrates, slotting the joint between his plush pink lips and hollowing his cheeks slightly, making the end redden, puffing up his chest as his lungs fill, then exhaling a long, grey plume.
“You might need to hold it in for a little bit, get used to it, then inhale a bit deeper when you’re ready.”
Steve lets out a stuttering breath.
“Don’t be nervous, it’s easy once you get the hang of it.”
Steve licks his lips, salty sweat tingling his tongue. He takes the joint, places it between his lips, and, anxious, looks to Eddie for final guidance.
“You’re doing great, honestly.”
Steve presses his lips together, Eddie adding encouragingly,
“Okay, now… suck.”
Eddie didn’t expect Steve smoking a joint to look so good.
Steve didn’t expect weed to make him so horny.
Eddie had never even kissed a guy, let alone given a blow job, too concerned with keeping his sexuality hidden. But now, after everything, he was envious of the the others’ relationships, wanted some of that for himself, hoped it might even help his confidence a little…
He’s not sure why he chose Steve to teach him. Scratch that, he knew exactly why. Whilst guys in bars would’ve probably been great about it, they didn’t draw him in nearly as much as the perfectly-coifed, built babysitter with the golden eyes and solid pecs…
Oh god, concentrate!
“So, you bring it to your lips, kiss it, lick all the way up, anything that feels good…”
Eddie experiments, slotting Steve’s tip between his plush pink lips and hollowing his cheeks slightly, making the end redden, puffing up his chest as he breathes through his nose, then exhaling a long, warm breath.
“You might need to hold it in for a little bit, get used to it, then go a bit deeper when you’re ready.”
Eddie lets out a stuttering breath.
“Don’t be nervous, it’s easy once you get the hang of it.”
Eddie licks Steve’s slit, salty precum tingling his tongue. He takes the head of Steve’s cock, places it between his lips, and, wide-eyed, looks to Steve for final guidance.
“You’re doing great, honestly.”
Eddie presses his lips further down Steve’s shaft, Steve adding encouragingly,
“Okay, now… suck.”
Thanks so much for reading!
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