#the document of this fic is a battlefield
wilmonsfolklore · 5 months
More WIP Love
Thank you to the dear @bigalockwood for the tag!! <3
Another snippet from my ever growing chaotic untitled youtube au that involves surprisingly little Youtube:
""It's beautiful," Wille said, when the notes had fallen away and Simon had stopped singing.
"And?" Simon's voice was quiet through the speaker of his phone, a lot more delicate than a few seconds ago.
"And," Wille swallowed, because they'd realised what they wanted to say next. "And, I really want to kiss you right now," Wille whispered, because he could pretend to have courage too even if he didnt feel it.
Simon was quiet."
I don't quite now who to tag because I lost track of who's done this but if you want to share a (second or third) snippet of a WIP consider yourself tagged <33 I love reading all of these
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luna-rainbow · 1 month
Hi! I don't know if you have already read this Bucky's "analysis": https://www.tumblr.com/dreadnought-dear-captain/651270983166132224/cw-this-essay-is-about-about-trauma-including?source=share
I find it absurd that a person who claims to be knowledgeable in the psychological area and also to have lived through traumatic experiences themselves, can say that the depiction of therapy in TFATWS is OK and that it is "right" or "healthy" for Bucky to "take responsibility" for something he had no agency in. This is one of the many aspects that seem to me to be terribly wrong.
I'd be very grateful if you could share your opinion.
Sorry for the late reply, life’s been really hectic lately!
I vaguely remember reading this back in 2021. I don’t know if I ever got through the whole thing. I’m not trained in psychology so I can’t pretend to be any sort of expert.
There are some points I agree with, particularly to the headcanon that Bucky is actually very resilient rather than “fragile” — he has to be, to have lasted that long under Hydra, retained most of his innate willingness for good, and for Hydra to have been forced to use the methods they did to break him. While we’re on this topic, it’s not uncommon that people who leave abusive situations go through a period of “fragility” or being more open with expressing their vulnerability, because they’ve finally exited survival mode. I’m always soft for recovery fics where Bucky clearly has that stubborn resilient streak but also lets himself be vulnerable in front of someone he trusts.
It's not the first time that a self-proclaimed psychologist has tried to justify Bucky's arc in TFATWS with reclamation of agency (I feel like I've read a similar essay from someone else). My problem with these analyses has always been - Bucky is not a real patient, he's a fictional creation, therefore any talk about his psychology and in particular internal consistency can only be as good as the narrative. When you have a narrative that is as clunky as TFATWS, where it clearly made no attempt to consider Bucky's past, character, and motivations in many of the choices he made, it's ridiculous to examine this Bucky as though the writer had intended him to be a study of trauma recovery. It's like trying to debate the safest speed the Titan submersible should have descended at, when the real problem is that it's a creaking tin can from the get-go.
The problem with the reclamation of agency argument is the same problem with his healing arc. Just as Bucky already reclaimed his humanity and social connections by the support he got from the Wakandans, Bucky also already reclaimed his agency in the preceding movies. Are we forgetting his first act of disobedience to his handlers in pulling Steve out from the river instead of finishing his mission? Past that, he spent two years living a crime free and reasonably cosy life. He had a roof over his head, he was dressed clean and groomed, he was going out and conversing politely with shopkeepers, his apartment was sparsely furnished but lived in. All of these took a series of careful choices from someone who not only was forced to live with no agency for 70 years, but also had no identity, no documents, no money, and likely very little familiarity with this new world he's woken up to. He also made major choices that directly impacted the world around him, whether it was to divulge the location of the other Winter Soldiers, or joining Steve against the other Avengers, or choosing to go back to cryo, or accepting T'Challa's recruitment to go back onto the battlefield. He was not forced in any of these choices, and he had a lot to lose in each of them, but he still made the choice -- and the people around him, Steve and T'Challa, allowed him to make that call.
So yes, theoretically, if Bucky was a real patient, of course agency is a major theme in his recovery and a way to redirect away from overwhelming helplessness (although...Bucky's never acted as though he falls comfortably onto learned helplessness; again, the first thing we see him do as soon as he recalls any inkling of his past is to take agency into his own hands). But narratively? This is just regressing Bucky back to...oh, I don't know, early post-CATWS and retreading the recovery path he had already demonstrated.
And sure, trauma recovery is something that happens over a long period of time and people can vacillate between well-adjusted and emotional wreck, and we can argue given the events of Endgame, there's good reason for Bucky to have rollercoasted to an emotional slump by TFATWS. But - once again - this is a fictional construct, and if you took a step back and looked at the narrative as a whole instead of "Bucky should be allowed to make bad choices because he's mentally ill", there is no character justification for why Bucky would break Zemo out of jail or fight with Wakanda, very borderline justification for why Bucky would confuse the shield for his friendship with Steve, and minimal justification for why Bucky would crash Sam's mission in the first place. Not to mention the 20 things that doesn't make sense about the Flagsmashers and post-Blip world, and what authority Sam and Bucky were even working under. If the overarching narrative doesn't make sense, what even is the use of trying to rationalise his actions in a psychological sense?
As to your specific point about "the depiction of therapy in TFATWS is OK and that it is "right" or "healthy" for Bucky to "take responsibility" for something he had no agency in" - I'm not sure how it's argued in the original essay because I don't want to read the whole thing, but this feels like a really weird therapeutic strategy. If we equate Bucky's situation to rape - which we probably can after they inserted the stomach turning scene of Zemo selling Bucky to Selby - I'd like to know which therapist would sit with their rape victim and say it's "right and healthy" for them to take responsibility for the rape, ie the situation during which Bucky had no control over his identity or wishes. From what I've seen and read of victims in recovery, whether that's as survivors of abuse or rape or homocide, they find solace in taking control of the emotions they are left with in recovery -- i.e. the grief or rage or indignation, and repurposing that into a sense of mission, such as starting victim help groups or campaigning for policy change or fighting to get the criminals arrested. But again, that's not reclaiming the situation as something they had "responsibility" for, but rather to make the best with their experience and being a safety net for others. But that hadn't been what Bucky's therapy was about, Raynor was basically implying Bucky was dangerous and out of control and needs to make amends to prove himself stable. It wasn't about unravelling what Bucky feels about the long helpless 70 years of imprisonment and redirecting it to a sense of purpose, it was to make Bucky "pay back" the other victims...as a parole condition to make him suitable for society.
So no, it was not an appropriate therapeutic intervention, because at no point did it have Bucky's best interest at heart, nor - based on Sebastian's portrayal - did it have Bucky's buy-in. And as I've always said, it was also incredibly unfair to the other victims on the receiving end of Bucky's unexpected appearance and "amends" without any sort of neutral mediator.
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sgt-tombstone · 3 months
CoD Military Realism References
For those of you who want to take your fic writing realism (or general military knowledge) to the next level, here is a compilation of real-world, declassified military documents ranging from field manuals to military academy graduate theses all pulled from the Internet Archive. If you're looking for something specific, I highly recommend browsing through their military collection, as they have handbooks on every military topic imaginable, including specific weapons and military operations.
All of these are incredibly outdated because all of the in-date stuff is still classified. That being said, some of these are more outdated than others. Use them at your own discretion and don’t feel obligated to make every detail of your fic entirely accurate. Fic writing is supposed to be fun for everyone involved. Don’t let the real world intricacies of the military distract you from making those military men kiss sloppy style 🖤
The resources that I personally find most useful are highlighted in blue but all of them have lots of valuable information. Read at your own discretion; the vast majority of these are official military documents and could contain shocking/triggering details.
Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (DoD, 2001)
Good for looking up military jargon you don't know
Acronyms: pgs 488-606
Dictionary of United States Military Terms for Joint Usage (DoD, 1950)
Basic Training and Care of Military Dogs (US Army, 1972)
Military Working Dogs (US Army, 2005)
Good for any fics including our bestest boy (Riley)
Includes overview of training, administrative details, various jobs, and vet support for military dogs
Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad (US Army, 1992)
provides doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures on how infantry rifle platoons and squads fight
chapters covering doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures, and includes a tactical standing operating procedure
State, Official, and Special Military Funerals (US Armed Forces, 1965)
Handbook for Next of Kin of Army Prisoners of War / Missing Personnel (US Army, 1972)
designed to provide important information in limited detail to the next of kin of missing and captured members in order to promote a better understanding of Department of the Army policies and procedures
unfortunately relevant for our favorite sudsy sergeant and his family :(
Hand Signals
Radio Operator's Handbook (US Marine Corps)
Chock full of jargon and technical details that will unfailingly make you sound like you actually work with radio tech
Not recommended for anyone looking for a general overview
Tactical Single Channel Radio Communications Techniques (US Army, 1987)
See above
Combat Skills:
Combat Skills of the Soldier (US Army, 1984)
tells the soldier how to perform the combat skills needed to survive on the battlefield. These are basic skills that must be learned by soldiers in all military occupational specialties (MOS)
Great overview of camouflage, fighting positions, movement, communications, first aid, etc.
Hand to Hand Combat (US Marine Corps)
A little goofy but hey, hand to hand combat stays relevant, no matter how old the information is
Combat Training with Pistols and Revolvers (US Army, 1988)
Close Combat (US Marine Corps, 1999)
provides the tactics, techniques, and procedures of Marine Corps close combat
provides both the lethal and nonlethal close combat techniques needed to handle the situation responsibly without escalating the violence unnecessarily
Explosives and Demolitions (US Army, 2007)
the reference manual for explosives and demolitions procedures that support combat operations, as well as, peacetime training missions requiring demolition applications
Soap's favorite document (he'd probably know it front to back)
You know it's good when the table of contents is almost 20 pages long...
Camouflage, Concealment, and Decoys (US Army, 1999)
intended to help company-level leaders understand the principles and techniques of camouflage, concealment, and decoys (CCD)
Military Diving (US Army, 1999)
Likely the longest resource on this list
Incredibly in-depth; probably only useful if you're writing an entire mission underwater or involving serious diving
Combat Diving (Canadian National Defense, 2002)
contains the information required for the planning and execution of combat diving operations
A far more accessible resource for diving information than the Army diving manual (the Canadians know how to be succinct lmao)
Night Combat - Historical Study (Center of Military History, US Army, 1986)
Scouting and Patrolling (US Marine Corps, 2000)
provides the doctrinal foundation and the tactics, techniques, and procedures for scouting and patrolling from the fire team to the company level. Although the information focuses on infantry units, much of the information is also applicable to combat support units that are assigned patrolling missions
Staff Duties in the Field (Canadian National Defense, 1995)
describes procedures for staff work prepared in support of field training exercises and for the planning and conduct of land force operations
Notes for Officers and NCOs on Methods of Instruction (School of Infantry, 1946)
A really cool teaching manual for officers and NCOs who are in charge of instructing new recruits. Doesn't outline what to teach so much as how to teach it
Army Non Commissioned Officer’s Guide (Us Army, 2002)
provides noncommissioned officers a guide for leading, supervising and caring for soldiers. While not all-inclusive nor intended as a stand-alone document, the guide offers NCOs a ready reference for most situations
people always forget that Soap and Gaz are leaders in their own right, with soldiers of their own to command (or at least they would've before joining the 141). This is an excellent guide for how they would act in a leadership position
Commander’s Tactical Handbook (US Marine Corps, 1988)
contains reference material frequently used to organize, plan, and conduct Marine ground combat operations. Its intent is to assist small unit leaders functioning at the company level and below, but it also serves as a field reference guide for all Marine leaders
Intelligence Officer's Handbook (US Army, 1998)
Probably not really relevant for anyone's fics; the 141 doesn't work in intelligence, and this handbook is for specific units within the US Army. An interesting read, though
Types of Operations:
Mountain Operations (Canadian National Defense, 1976)
Combat in Built-Up Areas (US Army, 1992)
Desert Operations (US Army, 1993)
Jungle Operations (Canadian National Defense, 1978)
Ground Combat Operations (US Marine Corps, 2002)
provides the doctrinal basis for the planning and execution of ground combat operations for ground forces
River Crossing Operations (US Army, US Marine Corps, 1998)
Mountain Operations (US Army, 2000)
Training for Urban Operations (US Army, 2002)
Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Urban Environments Master's Thesis (US Army, 2003)
Not really an urban environment guide; explores whether or not the US Army needs better guidelines for urban warfare tactics
Guerrilla Warfare and Special Forces Operations (US Army, 1961)
Kill or Get Killed: Riot Control, Techniques, Manhandling, and Close Combat for Police and the Military (US Marine Corps, 1991)
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Operations (US Marine Corps, 1998)
Doctrine for Special Forces Operations (US Army, 1990)
Raid Operations (US Marine Corps, 2002)
Land Force Information Operations (Canadian National Defense, 1999)
describes a multidimensional concept used by the Army to achieve success across the continuum of operations. Information Operations (lO) is an essential combat function that must be integrated with the remainder of the combat functions to maximize combat power
describes the concept in detail, and outlines how lO relates to other combat functions and contributes to the success of commanders on the battlefield
Scout Platoon (US Army, 1999)
describes how the scout platoon conducts its primary missions, reconnaissance and security
focuses on the principles of platoon operations and on the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) the platoon uses to acquire information and provide security and protection for other units on the battlefield
covers a variety of supporting tasks and operations the platoon must perform or coordinate, either as part of its reconnaissance and security missions or as assigned by the commander
Engineer Reconnaissance (US Army, 1998)
Operations in a Low Intensity Conflict (US Army, 1992)
provides tactical-level guidance to brigade and battalion commanders and staff officers for planning, controlling, and coordinating combined arms operations in a low-intensity environment
focuses on tactical units' tasks and missions across the operational continuum just short of declared war
Counterguerrilla Operations (US Army, 1986)
Counterinsurgency Operations (US Marine Corps, 2004)
Basic Medical Information:
Basic Medical Terminology (US Army)
Special Forces Medical Handbook (US Army, 1982)
Aidmans Medical Guide (US Army, 1973)
Medical Platoon Leaders' Handbook (US Army, 2001)
Basic Human Anatomy (US Army)
Basic Human Physiology (US Army)
Basic Patient Care Procedures (US Army)
Force Health Protection Nutrition and Exercise Manual (US Navy, 1999)
Treating Wounds in the Field (US Army)
Combat Life-Saver Medical Tasks (US Army)
Medical Interoperability Handbook (ABCA Armies, 2000)
Combat Stress (US Marine Corps, 2000)
Combat Stress Control in a Theater of Operations (US Army, 1992)
Self Aid and Buddy Aid (US Army, 2000)
Taking Vital Signs (US Army)
Preventive Medical Services (US Army, 2000)
Food Service: Army Rations, Food Packets and Supplements (US Army, 1968)
Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties (US Armed Forces, 2000)
Physical Readiness Training for Combat (US Marine Corps, 2004)
Specific Scenario Survival:
Summer Survival Course Handbook (US Marine Corps, 2002)
Winter Survival Course Handbook (US Marine Corps, 2002)
Basic Cold Weather Training (Canadian National Defense, 1974)
Soldier's Handbook for Individual Operations and Survival in Cold Weather Areas (US Army, 1986)
Basic Cold Weather Manual (US Army, 1968)
Combat Water Survival (US Marine Corps, 2003)
Ordnance Materiel in Extreme Cold Weather 0 to -65 F (US Army, US Air Force, 1959)
Map Reading and Land Navigation (US Army, 2001)
Survival, Evasion, and Recovery (US Armed Forces, 1999)
A really cool survival guide; recommended read for anyone
chock full of fun and useful acronyms
What to Expect if You Get Shot
Finding Your Direction When Lost
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare (US Army, 1997)
Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations (US Army, 2000)
provides the philosophy of and doctrine for medical evacuation in a theater of operations (TO)
Tactics, techniques, and procedures for accomplishing the medical evacuation of sick, injured, or wounded soldiers are included
Environmental Injuries: Snakebite, Arthropod Bite/Sting, Plant Contact, Heat/Cold Injury (US Army)
Sniper Training (US Army, 1994)
The best sniper reference on the list
Not necessarily up-to-date but provides an excellent overview of every aspect of sniping, including equipment, ammunition, marksmanship, the effects of weather, field techniques, sniper positions, observation, mission prep, communications, tracking, etc
Sniper Training Program (US Navy SEALs)
Modern Snipers (2016)
Counter Sniper Guide (US Army)
Regardless of what we may call him, the individual who is shooting at police, firemen, soldiers or citizens is certainly dangerous. In order to counteract, we must employ a trained individual whose knowledge and skill fall within the dictionary description of a sniper, whom we shall refer to throughout the manual as a COUNTERSNIPER
Super badass ngl
Sniping (US Marine Corps, 2004)
Good explanation of sniper teams, equipment, training, skills, etc with helpful tables at the end
Special Operations Sniper Training and Employment (US Army)
Useful appendices at the end
Scouting, Patrolling, and Sniping (War Department, 1944)
Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Intelligence:
Understanding and Surviving Terrorism (US Marine Corps, 2001)
Counterterrorism Handbook (2002)
Emergency Response to Terrorism (USDoJ, 1999)
Aptitude for Destruction: Organizational Learning in Terrorist Groups and Its Implications for Combating Terrorism (RAND, 2005)
Countermobility (US Army, 1985)
Counterintelligence (US Army, 1995)
Intelligence Preparation of a Battlefield (US Army, 1994)
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pairing: kitana/reader
warnings: none, just fluff <3
a/n: my first kitana writing! i’ve loved her for a very long time and i felt the need to write about her because of the lack in fics about her. i might write about other mk ladies as well ;) This fic contains mentions of good Sindel, because Kitana deserves a good mother!
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Rain patters against the window of the castle as thunder rings from above. Kitana sits in the silence of her office, the only sounds coming from the rain and her brush signing away documents picked from the giant pile of paperwork next to her right hand. Ever since becoming Outworld’s Kahn all the work she had as a princess greatly increased, leaving virtually no time for any leisure, only scribbling away on documents, meeting dignitaries and council meetings. Kitana felt overwhelmed, but as she had learned since she was a child, she bottled those feelings away, hiding them away on the outmost corner of her mind, continuing to carry her duties with her head held high, however she was alone no longer. Two soft knocks ring in the heavy door, slightly starling her, however she quickly composes herself, bushing her clothes and uttering a commanding ‘Enter’.
The massive door is slowly pushed open, dragging across the ground and creaking loudly. To Kitana’s surprise, a woman emerges from the dark holding a candlestick. The warm light of the candles shine on her face showing brows furrowed in sleepiness. She drags her blue tinted robes towards Kitana’s desk and stops right in front of it. Kitana can feel the woman’s anger radiating from her as the calm and quiet that formerly inhabited the room is replaced with distress. Placing the candlestick on it, she crossed her arms and glares.
“It’s late”. Is all she says. The woman keeps staring, more like glaring, as Kitana clears out her throat. She gets up swiftly, crossing the desk and coming to stand next to the other woman. A pitiful look crosses her face, twisting into an apologetic pout.
“My queen, I apologize for my lateness. The council has been debating over these matters for weeks now and I wished to present more accurate research, however it seems as I have neglected you”. The Kahn bushes her wife’s hair away from her face, kissing her cheeks. She gives one kiss after another, twisting her love around until they both face each other. Kitana places her forehead against her wife’s, their noses brushing against another, until the other pulls back. She steps backwards, turning and leaning on the large wooden desk.
“You have said that a lot these past few weeks. I intend to forgive you, however you must know this is not right. After we had won the battle, destroyed our enemies together, I expected more. Our wedding was the most beautiful Outworld had ever seen, your mother congratulated us both with a painting to signify our eternal love, this one that sits above your desk. Our honeymoon was the most magical moment of my life. But now? Now all I see of you are the painting across this castle. Tell me Kitana, how will we fix this?”. The young woman says, a grimace present of her face. She pondered about their marriage and the amazing time they had shared.
When they bested Kronika and the mighty Shaolin had given their universe another chance, the two women rejoiced. Having met on the battlefield while her Queen served under her, they quickly bonded over their knowledge of battle strategies while planning attacks. Late nights discussing what territories they would invade turned into talking about their shared interests and soon, a confession of love. As soon as Kitana had become Khan, they married in a most beautiful ceremony, the former Queen Sindel blessing their union. The main ballroom had been filled with blue flowers, those coating the walls as light fixtures shone a very soft light on them, the entire room shining like the moon. Kitana wore a white dress, as was customary for the ceremony, her lover wearing one in baby blue to match the circlet worn by the Kahn. When they finally kissed, cheers could be heard from all of Outworld. All of that passed through both their minds, contemplating. Kitana thought back from the past few weeks, lonely days and ever lonelier nights without her lover to warm her in the tender and affectionate hugs.
“For starters, I will adjourn tomorrows meeting. We shall spend the enter day together, Perhaps we could go to that coffee place my mother always recommends. Believe me, my love, I shall never leave you again. If I ever do, slice me with my very fans, because that shall be someone eles” Kitana smiles to her love as she sees a slight smile cross the other woman’s face and a laugh falling from her light.
“I do not need your fans. I shall rip your false copy with my blade. But, yes, take me to that coffee shop. I had been wanting to taste their cakes for a very long time. I will want more evening like these, however. You are not forgiven yet” The Queen moves forward, taking Kitana’s hands in hers and moving for a kiss. Their lips touch, moving against each other in a passionate dance before the Kahn pulls away.
“Oh yes, my dear. I shall keep you on your toes!” Kitana kisses her again, picking her up and placing her gently on the table. The two lovers kiss into the night, their happy giggles ringing about in the cold castle, warming the quiet walls once more.
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sofasoap · 2 years
Little secret.
Pairing: John Price x f!Reader + 141 boys.
Summary: When Soap and Gaz found out something their captain been keeping a secret for a long time. and Ghost is amused. This is part of the "Mini" MacTavish universe, but the reader isn't " Mini".
Warning: M rated, swearing. Before anyone starts the debate, the age gap between Reader and Price is not huge. All consenting adults here. Also the flash back event was from quite a few years ago. So don't come argue with me thanks. You are responsible for your own media consumption , minors DNI.
A/N: This is what I call, when you can't find food, you create your own food. There's so many angsty Price fics out there I want this man to be happy.....
Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic “ “The Favorite MacTavish” ” which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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" You met her before."
Soap and Gaz's mouth dropped open.
"... At my wedding. His son was there too."
" OH WOW HOLD UP there's too much information to process here." Gaz push his seat back and holding both hands up.
Ghost, Soap and Gaz sitting in Price's office, waiting for him to come back for mission briefing. When the topic somehow turns to Price's love life.
" I never seen Price mention or seen anyone that he is interested in before." Soap mentioned
" .. You know he is married right?" Simon cuts in and drop the bombshell news.
" Not only at my wedding, you two seen her around the base few times too."
" WAIT WHAT??? how is that possible??"
The office door opens and Price came in with documents in his hand. Soap jump to the opportunity attacking Price with questions,
" Told you what?"
" That you are already married! and.. and have a child as well!"
Price throw the file onto his desk, eyeing Ghost silently, why did you tell them. Ghost just shrugged his shoulder and sip on his tea.
"I don't have to tell you every bits and pieces about my private life do I?" Price sigh.
" But.. "
" Shut up and let's start the meeting."
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Price thought back to the day you two first met. Well, technically you seen him around the base few times, and when he comes into the infirmary, but you were never the ones to treat him, nor have you two ever interacted.
But secretly you always have eyes on him.
You were a rookie medic at that stage, and Price was already a big presence in SAS, you heard a lot of stories and his deeds on battlefield. People gossip about him, how he is still single is beyond everyone's believe.
"Bravo 6 to Watcher 1, I been compromised, taking fire."
" Roger, meet at the rendezvous point. Go!"
Price started running through the street, trying to throw off his chasers. Suddenly a pair of hand pulled him into the alley way and yank his head down into a kiss.
While still in shock he can faintly hear running footsteps getting closer.
"Don't turn around, They are heading the other way now but still too close." you whispered after breaking the kiss and quickly taking your scarf off and wrapping around his neck and remove his beanies.
".. Who are you." Price asked as he buried his face into the crook of neck. You shivered a bit when you feel his beard grazing against your skin.
" A rookie medic on holiday here."
" How do you know I am in danger."
" I saw Laswell before around the street, and you sitting in the cafe, put two and two together there must be a mission." You let out a breath. " They are gone now." You push him away a little. But he still kept his hold on you.
You were telling the truth. You are on your holiday in Amsterdam, visiting your high school friend who moved to Netherland after getting married. Today as your friend had something else on, you took the chance to do a bit of sightseeing yourself by strolling around the city. That's when you saw Laswell, trying to conceal herself by the street corner. She look at you and by instinct you knew she is here on business, not to compromise the mission you just kept walking.
Feeling cold, you saw a cafe further down the canal. Deciding to get a take away coffee so you can make yourself bit warmer, you spotted Price sitting just in the corner, turning his face away. You walked past him, order a cafe and went on your way.
A while later further down the street you vaguely hear the gunshot being fired, and Price running towards your direction. Without thinking you pulled him into the alley way and kissed him. You don't know why you did that.
" Bravo 6, do you copy."
" Watcher 1, I got extra package. Heading to rendezvous point now. "
" Sorry." You apologised.
Price sighed. " Let's get moving."
You got through the rest of your holiday without anymore drama. After you got back to the base, you couldn't forget the way he look at you after Laswell dropped you off in a safe spot before leaving. Price quietly thank you for your help, you can sense he wanted to say more, but stopped himself short.
You tell yourself he thinks nothing more of you other than a fellow soldier that helped him during the mission by pure chance.
.. Until he comes into the infirmary one day, with a dislocated shoulder.
You were the only one on duty. He wasn't surprised to see you, but you were. Bit flustered you ask him to sit down and check his injury.
"What were you doing??"
" Sparring with the new recruits."
" You should be more careful. Looks like an old recurrent injury too. You know how to pop it back yourself right?"
Price didn't respond. Even when you pop his shoulder back into the socket.
" .. Thank you." He quietly thanked your help again. just like he did in the car.
You wave him off. " Alright, don't do anything too strenuous for next few days. If any problem, come back to the med bay. "
Afterwards you often find him coming in with all sorts of injuries. very minor ones too. Your fellow medic starting to tease you;
"Our lovely Captain Price must have a crush on you. You should see his face last time when he came in while you were on leave. He look so disappointed that I was the one to treat him." They laughed.
" Don't be ridiculous." you scoffed. Price will never have feelings for you, a little rookie medic that isn't great on the battlefield and really contributes nothing on the grand scale, unlike them, heading out on counter terrorism missions, taking down cartels. But you do think it's odd he kept coming in for little things, as before he hardly turns up unless it's one of his fellow teammate escorting a.k.a force him to have some major injuries to be looked at.
One late evening, you were on night duty, while everyone else was either in bed or off on dates for Valentines day, you heard a knock on the door.
" Come in."
Price pop his head in , with two cups of coffee in hand.
" Oh. Um, Captain, what can I do for you? Are you hurt?"
" I am not disturbing you am I?" " No, I am just finish writing clinical notes from this morning. Come in. " He closed the door gently with his foot and approach the desk.
Putting the coffee down on the desk, he took a seat.
"Is that for me?" he nod his head once.
" Oh . thank you." You took a sip. Vienna style coffee. Just the way you like it.
He must have seen the surprise on your face. "... I asked your friend."
No wonder. You knew something was up when they begged you to swap the shift tonight. " Please... I got a date to go to! It's Valentines day.. and You got no plans that night right? sorry not trying to insult you. I promise I will return the favour next time if you need someone to change your shift...". Damn them , you cursed.
Face burning, you quietly sipping on the coffee.
"... are you free next weekend." He suddenly asked.
Raising eyebrow, " I can be.. Why?"
".... Can I take you out for dinner." he mumbled while hiding his face with the cup. You choked. IS he asking you out?
And the rest is history.
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"So Captain , where does your.. wife work in the base?"
" None of your business."
" She's a medic in the infirmary." Ghost replied.
Price shot another death glance at Ghost.
" OHH, I must ask about her next time I go in. "
" Stay away from her you two. That's why I didn't want to tell people" he growled.
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Ghost is secretly a shit stirrer. Mini gave him a gag gift one year that says " keep calm drink tea " for his ability to shit stir and watch the chaos unfold as he drinks tea.
Thank you for reading!!!
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marwhoa · 1 year
request: none! (well technically so, technically not!)
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🝮 little drabbles !
tmnt x readers; usually rottmnt
author’s note: hi! I haven’t been givin y’all anything lately, and me and my bestie *cough @tmntxthings cough* have a shared document for little writes and ideas we randomly have! Figured I’d give y’all some as an apology for my heavy lack of new writing :))) Also fair warning, my Drabble writing is very “bare bones” kind of ideas :)) not usually as descriptive as my published fics.
word count: I don’t feel like it :))
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┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Mikey x Mermaid!Y/N
Mikey secretly sneaks off at night to be by the water, listening to it and watching its waves crash against the dock he sat upon. Legs kicked, disturbing the water’s surface.
He notices something disturb the waves with a splash, one that gave the oddest feeling that it wouldn’t have been a little fish. It stirs his curiosity—not enough to dare a dip into the water, though. He can’t swim, so why would he do something so foolish?—but my do his eyes search the inky abyss for it’s disruption. This night lends to no answers and neither does the next.
Imagine his amazement one day, finding the suspicious splash reoccur each time he visits the dock, but this particular day, he sees something—someone?—gazing at him with wondrous eyes and a friendly smile. It was a shine like that of a child discovering something amazing.
Bonus idea:
Mikey and his brothers are fighting villain by the docks. He gets knocked off and at first, they’re like “!! Mikey! Ah, he’ll come back up, we need to keep going” and then Donnie freezes and is like “… He’s a box turtle.” And they’re like what? “He’s a box turtle—They-They don’t SWIM, THEY DON’T SWIM, MIKEY—“
They turn towards the water, ready to leap in, when suddenly Mikey comes up and they’re like “??!?!? How?!”
Pushing him up are the frantic arms of a mermaid. All brothers are speechless, Mikey’s unconscious. Y/N stares at them then gestures frantically to the passed-out brother, trying to tell them, “ help him! give him air! do it, land creatures! “
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie x Y/N
(apocalypse angst, tw for detail)
Donnie was holding Y/N’s lifeless body in their arms, screaming at them in misdirected frustration, “WHY WERE YOU EVEN HERE, YOU NEVER BELONGED IN THE BATTLEFIELD! I TOLD YOU TO ST… TO STAY… “ He chocked on the heavy sobs and screams, wiping at his running nose, and spiraling downwards until all he could do is hold your body so tight. His screams are heard for as far as possible, compromising his position to the enemy, but there was nothing that could stop his wails.
Surrounding him are alerted Kraang monsters. Whirring, cawing, screeching—all painfully obvious signs that he’s unsafe, that he should be getting away, escaping—tucking tail and running!
And yet he doesn’t stop screaming at you, wiping hair out of your face roughly. “Open your eyes—open your GOD DAMN EYES, Y/N, PLEASE.” An alien appendage stabs through the flesh of his shoulder, jerking him forward and then back—away from you—as it violently shlunks out of the wound, but he couldn’t care less. His voice raises, cracking under the pressure as he yanks away and scrambles back to what was once you. He begs you to wake up, to please please just get up, you guys needed to get out of here!
Over and over again, he begs.
And he begs.
And he begs.
Begs until it’s the last thing he can say before blood fills his mouth and the last bit of life is drained out.
“ Please… “
His voice is weak, far from the strength you ever knew it had.
“ I’… “
“ I’m sorry, ju… just o… p… ”
“ open… your eyes… “
There’s just something about that inconsolable sadness, where they hold the body of someone once so full of love, begging in frustration that they please, PLEASE come back.
The choked sobs, the heavy wails, the desperation to hold them no matter the danger.
Trying their hardest to never let them out of their grasp as if that somehow symbolized facing the truth in its entirety, the truth that you were gone.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie x Y/N
(apocalypse angst again)
Donnie’s in his lab. It’s the apocalypse. He’s tinkering away on his gear, when one of his devices dings, indicating a video has been sent. This happens whenever his tech breaks, turns off, when their location changes drastically, if he set it to do so, etc. Many reasons, so he thinks nothing of it.
He doesn’t even realize the smaller screen beside his monitor shows one of his bands have been broken, gone offline, and stopped monitoring the heartbeat and life signature of a particular someone.
He clicked on the video, planning to let it play in the background—maybe it picked up something interesting or helpful with turning the tide of this war.
He watches with a bored expression as the display boots up, until he realizes he recognizes the voice. It’s Y/N’s wristlet that sent the video in? He hadn’t even noticed she was out. Donnie casts a glance behind him, as if doing so would make her appear at his doorway, laughing loudly as she beamed her signature smile and shattered his ears with her loud voice (that he would never admit he loved, never, never ever!)
His attention is brought back to the video as she says something. “What…?” He whispers, looking down and grabbing his mouse to rewind. “What did you say…?” He whispers, leaning in with his head heavy against his palm while his elbow’s leaning into the metal desktop.
A grunt echoes through the video’s wavering audio—a mental note to update their decibel limiters is made—before an obscenity slips her lips and she growls out a, “It was risky, but Donnie will know what to do!”
He gives a prideful grin at that, chuckling as he closes his eyes and replays that in his head. ‘ Donnie will know what to do ‘ is probably the smartest thing she’s ever said, he thinks, humming a bit too peacefully. He’s brought back to his senses as her scream crackles through the recording. He stares wide-eyed at the monitor as the view of a Kraang Commander “Bot” looks down at her. Donnie grabs the sides of the computer screen, clutching tightly as he yells, “Get out of there!”, ignoring that she wouldn’t be able to hear him at all. He watches helplessly as he hears her struggle and scream, yelling insults and cursing, shouting, “For the Revolution!!” before a loud thud and crack. The video’s display has streaks through it and discoloration, indicating damage done to the wristlet. The one /attached to her arm/. Tears well up in his eyes as he shouts, “NO!” as the bot’s foot slams down, disconnecting the transmission entirely. That must have been when the file was sent to him.
He glanced over at the monitor for life signatures, seeing Y/N’s listed as “Undetectable”. Donnie feels himself become weak and light-headed. Anything on his table promptly meets the floor in a fit of rage.
Why her, he mutters.
Why was she out, he yells.
The only thing that calms him is the silhouette that appears in his doorway. He turns, shouting, “Get out, now isn’t the time!” Only to hold his breath as Y/N stands breathless and tattered up, leaning into the doorway as if it were the only thing holding her up. Frankly, based on her state, it probably was. She grins tiredly, shaking a strange circuit board in her hands. “Wh-Why the long face, Don… Donnie? Ah, sorry, I’m… H-Hey, is that my transmitter’s—“ Her eyes roll back as she slumps forward.
Y/N WOULD'VE hit the floor, if not for the desperate hold the genius Donatello had on her. He had sprinted across the room and opened his arms to her desperately. Whatever trinket she brought in could wait, slipping from her weak fingertips to think against the floor.
Best believe as soon as she woke up, a huge scolding was in place! She gave him the scare of a lifetime.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — 2012!Donnie x Y/N
(are you sensing who my favorite character is yet?)
I’ve had this idea for a while for 2012 donnie where y/n is his computer that got some mutagen on it
And then y/n crawls out of the fried computer, glitching all around the room before finally settling above donnie and being like “wooo !! It feels so nice to be able to be free now hey did you know you type really hard like REALY hard oh my gosh it was like a jackhammer on my back and omg your brother the orange one has the stickiest fingers ever just tap tap tapping and getting all my keys sticky oh but hey you always do your best to make sure I’m functional you’re so cool for that! Wanna know some cool funfacts? Searching Google Databases for Fun Facts, loading, ding! Hey, did you kn—“ and he’s just like “ I don’t know if I should be amazed at this literal super computer person or angry that someone more annoying than Mikey has appeared…”
Donnie’s just throwing a wrench across the room, apologizing when he hears Y/N squeak. Turns to see a part of their body glitching out from metal touching them. This tech hes working on won’t work, so they zap on over, floating above his head and leaning on top just for fun, then just goes “Searching Circuitry 62KBLG3.78K Guides on Google Database” and he’s like “What? Did you just identify—never mind that, what issue is there?” And they give a big happy grin, floating above the circuitry and holding a hand out, “One second!” They cheerfully exclaim, zapping out of the air instantly and making sparks come off the scraps he’s working on. Mans panics like holy hell what just happened where did they go when WHOOSH, the tech boots up and their body zzts out. Hands in the air gleefully, they’re like, “Finished! I did it, Donatello!” And he’s all giddy like whoa! You did?!? How did you??? And boom, friendship flourishes!
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Casey x Y/N
(Betcha didn’t expect that?)
Y/N and Casey are out on a mission, they’re in charge of being stealth scouts given that their slick stealth abilities—best of their line.
The scene takes a turn for the worst when they’re in an overgrown building, trying to get a better angle to the scene, to the place they’re contemplating a hit on. The two of them enter a slo-mo state as a kraang tendril juts out from the middle of no where and nics Y/N in the face.
They stumble back and the two share a split second of locked-eyes before quickly making a break for it—their position has been compromised, Casey shouts through his mic. He grabs Y/N’s hand and yanks them with him as he makes a sharp turn, knowing full and well that sharp turns are their weak point. They’re trying to get to a “safe” space, running through the dilapidated halls and crumbling floors. Ahead of them is the opening, a large, long-since shattered window. If they could just leap through that, then the tech around their wrists would give them the boost they needed to escape.
So they focus on that, running as fast as possible—occasionally stumbling or falling through the floor. One helps the other, leaving no one behind.
They’re almost at the edge when an ear-splitting screech stuns Y/N for one second too many. The alien appendage slices across their thigh, rubberbanding through the wound and back to the monster behind them in a fashion similar to a serrated knife.
Y/N screams out, Casey stalls. He pivots on his foot, rushing back to them and reaches out for their hand. He can carry them, he can take it. No one gets left behind, especially not them.
Y/N shakily but swiftly takes his hand, ready to quickly pick up slack so as to not jeopardize them.
But, right before they’re hoisted up onto their feet, their blood runs cold as the monster’s tendril shlunks into Casey’s shoulder, jerking his body back. Away from Y/N, leaving their hand cold, and soon their heart heavy as his feet stumble right off the window’s crumbling edge. The alien’s ligament yanks out of his body as the boy slips down. He’s gone, so fast, as if he wasn’t standing in front of them a second ago.
Y/N is filled with adrenaline immediately as they scream so loudly that their ears ring, the wavering sound in their eardrums could never match the pain in their chest as they stumble and rush to the edge, leaping off and narrowly dodging the next attack sent their way. Falling through the air, the grappling hook around their wrist lets out a series of beeps as it detects an uncharacteristic descent, instantly swinging out to attach to nearby rock and rubble stacked firmly. Y/N ungracefully slams into the wall, scrambling for footing with an injured leg before they began their aided swing down, searching everywhere for Casey. He’s no where to be seen, the further they go and still no sign of him!
Their feet plant firmly into the ground, hundreds of feet below the building’s drop, yet still no Casey. Tears are welling up as they throw caution to the wind and cry out his name.
“ Casey! “
No answer.
“ Casey, god—god damn it, please! Where.. “
No answer, they rub their eyes harshly of the spilling tears.
“ Where are you, CASE—“
A hand clamps against their mouth. A soft yet injure—familiar, too— voice whispers into their ear, and they can’t help but melt into the hold, back pressed against his chest.
“ Y/N, you know how dangerous.. dangerous that is, don’t shout in Kraang territory..”
“ Casey! “
They hugged him tight, excruciatingly so. Scares in the apocalypse were the worst.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Mikey x Y/N
(apocalypse au)
Y/N sits under an old abandoned monument, around the same time as always, telling the sculpture about their day because they have no one else to listen and tell it to, being that they’re a humble nobody living outside of society in a little abode deep in a quiet forest.
One day, on a particularly heavy day, they’re telling the monument about what they saw when they went towards the city—it seemed as though there was an apocalypse of sorts beginning, so back home they ran, fearing that one day the apocalypse would encroach on their home.
When that happens, they worry what will become of their beloved friend, the unspeaking sculpture.
Sending it time to return home, they wipe their teary eyes, glance again at the stone smile of a long-forgotten hero, and leans into them for a hug.
As they do, suddenly there’s a rush of gravity. Arms wrap securely around their shooken frame as they pmf gently into the grassy beds below.
“ Whoa…”
Says the sculpture, glancing down to stare are their patron with a smile. Orange eyes flicker with a friendliness as he caresses their cheek.
“ Finally, I’m free to do this..”
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Someone x unhinged!villain!Y/N
Villain!Y/N, menacing and feral. Always avoids the cops—always. That includes the brothers. You don’t really terrorize New York that often, so tbh they forget that there’s a real top shooter within their zip code.
They’ve tried to fight you once before and basically got that you are your own form of chaotic lawful, kind of like a real Robin Hood one step away from immoral, unethical. So, deeming you a step behind Hero, they leave you to your own devices. After all, most antics of yours only bring harm to their enemies, never really innocents, so of course they wouldn’t make you a priority.
One day, one of the brothers is in a real conundrum—cornered, isolated, and taken off guard. The tides of the battle teeter both ways, not exactly lending anyone an upper hand, until this player strikes a good hit to the dude’s jaw.
Imagine their shared fear when something a few paces away catches their attention: a figure, silhouetted by the light behind them, wearing a maniacal expression with a substance dripping their hands.
“Come now,”
Crack of the neck, sickeningly so,
“That one’s mine. What high horse you on to be scruffin up what’s mine, baller?”
The fighter lasts only a second of surprise, twinged with fear, before you’re in their face with frighteningly fast speed, hand gripping their face in a way that seems like slow-mo to the downed brother. He watches the fighter get risen and then slammed into the ground. Silence plateaus until finally he speaks up,
“ … Thanks? “
“ Thanks? “
You respond confusedly, eyes glinting with an emotion softer than the wild-child energy it usually embodies.
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That’s all for now :)) thank you for reading uwu
If there’s any of these that you’d like to see as a longer fic, just ask I guess.
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angelseverything · 4 days
Pinning Wings ~
A Yosano backstory fanfiction
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Big thank you: to @arborvitaeandrogyne for being my beloved beta, @lifeiz for helping me with the banner and @sister-lucifer for the divider!
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
CW: Graphic depiction of head and neck injury • Mori is gross no way around it so DNI if that bothers you • Canon behavior • Manipulation • Emotional distress • Panic attack
Word Count: 14,020
Synopsis: She has no clue how instrumental she is to securing their victory in The Great War. This power will go far beyond what she could even think is possible, he'll make sure of it. He'll take her, indoctrinate her, to the future, his future.
Mori fought the urge to simply just get up, commandeer her and vanish. He looked down at himself. No, not like this. This situation requires a fair amount of sensitivity and prerequisites if he's going to get the ideal result. He'll need to meticulously draft up that document and get permission for this operation. Then, he’ll do his due diligence in researching Akiko Yosano’s family, history, and all the things she’ll need once they begin the assimilation process. He thought how lovely it would be to have such a charming girl stand by him. Soon enough, he'll begin the preparations.
After finishing up his tea and yokan, Mori left the money on the table and walked right out, making sure to leave behind a generous tip. It was only fair, for he was about to take something far more precious…
A/N: (Aka my take on the story of how Mori discovered Yosano and drafted her into the military). Also if you want the Ao3 link it is the chaptered version! More notes at the end of the fic :)
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  ~A child fervently pursues the flutter of wings. Once his eyes were set on the butterfly, he wouldn't stop until he had caught it, for it was just too lovely to leave alone. The insect’s small frame undulates up and down, frantically flying for survival.~
It was his day off. A rarity for the man, however the day was not for recreation. Ougai Mori may not have been on the clock but his mind still revolved around the state of his underdeveloped special ability infantry corps. A war using abilities be damned if the ability users under his command were subpar at best. He was granted clearance to lead an experimental platoon of men to fight in close quarters combat on Tokoyamijima Island. The battles will be beginning soon. The success of their performance would determine if special abilities were to be fully integrated into the Japanese military. They needed to be exceptional. The young man was under a lot of pressure, being only 26 and already the chief medical officer meant it was his duty to order his group of men and allocate treatment depending on priority. He was the scale that weighed the difference between life and death for those he led. With the narrative of war changing before their very eyes, special abilities had completely dominated the battlefield altering what was humanly conceivable when it came to mutilating bodies, claiming territory and imposing oppression amongst populations. 
  A newly forming headache throbbed at his temples, for he was also due to write a regiment in document form and submit it to his Commander in Chief defending the use of special abilities. Mori knew this needed to be approved and enacted; effective immediately if they wanted to stand a chance in victory. With the Great War coming to an end and the entirety of America and Europe prowling for more power, they needed to act with twice the tact and thrice the ferocity if they wanted to evade the oncoming annihilation. 
  As Mori was lost in thought, his stomach churned, pulling his attention away from the ongoing war. Tea sounded nice, it was his day off after all so he decided to go on a walk. There weren’t many people out and about this early in the morning in Sakai city, where he was based. It’s better to get to know the place a little more, just in case he should need anything. With plain clothes on he strolled out. Small leaves had begun to make their return after the frigid winter months, buds poking out from the branches speckling them in light green. Song birds sat perched up top chirping out to one another in their shrill song. The spring breeze was light but chilly, just enough to pierce through a jacket, he quickly strode across the quiet street and into a local yokan shop. The little sign on the glass said open. Smirking selfishly to himself, hoping to find a cute girl to take his order and cater to his needs.
  ~ ~ ~
  Upon walking in, a small bell attached to a string chimed cheerily signifying his entry. The shop was completely enveloped in the scent of a warm sugar and red bean paste. Decorative scrolls hung from the walls and smooth wooden paneling covered the wall behind the glass display containing all the flavors of yokan, much to Mori’s dismay the women at the front seemed to be in her fifties, likely the owner of the shop. Her dark graying hair was tied back as she looked at him with kind crinkled eyes.
  “Welcome! Welcome! Come in, it's still cold out these days.” She gestured to him smiling. “I’m Yosano Satoko and I’ll be serving you today. What would you like?”
  “It is, isn't it?” He mused. “I’ll have an order of mizu yokan and a small black tea.” He stated, brushing a rouge strand of inky hair to the left of his face with the back of his hand. 
  “Wonderful! Please have a seat wherever you’d like. I'll be there with your order shortly.” 
  With that he nodded his head and walked to find a place to sit. The store was rather wide, a mother feeds her squirming toddler confections close to the front, and there, by the right window, a businessman tapping away on his computer grunting in frustration as his coffee grows cold. With the intention of mulling over his options and obligations for the military he chooses a booth at the back left corner oriented towards a closed door at the front of the shop. 
  It suddenly swings open and a young girl carrying a big box walks out, a very young girl. She couldn't have been any older than 12. She was just… lovely. Mori’s mud colored eyes dirtily trailed her up and down. Her shiny onyx hair bobbed up and down and rested right under her chin once she finished placing the box behind the glass containing the yokan. She was adorned in a pale yellow dress with ruffles on the straps. A white apron was tied around her waist finishing with a bow in the back. Though her frame was slight and doll-like there was purpose in her walk, an urge to complete the task. Good, he thought, all young girls ought to have this much vigor. She was truly a delight to watch, such youth, such freshness… Far sweeter than any yokan being served. Wasn’t she too young to be working? Regardless, it didn’t matter to him when she was just that adorable. The older woman patted her head, but the little one was in no mood. In her swift haste to return to the room she turned and her dress fluttered behind her. Mori’s fixed gaze stalked her as she paid no mind to the patrons of the shop.To his gratification the door was left open ajar and as the girl slipped inside, he cocked his head to the left to get a better view. Happy to just idly watch her. 
  “Hurry Soshichi!” The girl exclaimed in a hushed yell. There was another figure there, an even smaller boy. “Finish preparing the chestnuts, we’ll need them for the syrup soon. It’s almost rush hour and mom will be busy out there with serving, so I need to be ready with the next orders of yokan when the ones in the display run out!”
  “But Akikooooo!” He whined. “I don't like working with the chestnuts! The syrup always makes my hands really sticky and washing them off always takes a long time, I don't want to!”
  “Shhhh! Be quiet, aren’t you ashamed? The customers outside will hear you. What will you do once we get noise complaints? I don’t want to hear it. The usual workers are out today and dad is out buying more supplies. It's all hands on deck today, so do your part! We need to help and we need to be useful.” Akiko viciously hissed. Soshichi hung his head in shame, hair shagging over his face. Both her hands were placed on her hips and her chin jutted out in annoyance. Rolling her eyes she sighed out, “You're still too little to help with the actual cooking, we don't want you to get hurt. Believe me, I promise you will be working when you're older. So just leave that to me and stick to the easy stuff yeah?” Her eyes softened. “And if you’re good I’ll let you mix the yokan paste.”
  “Really!?” He gleefully piped up hopping from foot to foot.
  “Yes, now go do what I said. I have to get started cooking the next mixture.” With that she disappeared deeper into the building to what seemed to be the kitchen. It was surprising how far back the room actually went.
  Mori snapped out of his trance the moment Satoko Yosano appeared before him with a plate of mizu yokan and his steaming black tea.
  “Here you are sir, enjoy.” Her voice a soothing hum, she bowed politely and walked away. So this was the mother of those children... Lucky woman, they seemed well in spirit.
  Upon returning his gaze to the room he couldn't help but chuckle at the pure audacity from springy, young, Soshichi. He had completely abandoned his post by the chestnuts and began gathering random ingredients from the high shelves. Fully disregarding what his older sister had asked of him. Typical behavior of a youth he presumed, he’d admired how freeing the feeling is to act on your own accord regardless of what superiors ordered. 
  The boy climbed a creaky wooden ladder angled at the wall to reach the top shelf where a glass jar of fine white powder sat. His era of joyous rebellion was just as short-lived as his life…
   In an effort to reach the jar one of his tiptoed feet lost its footing, before he could even yelp, he went plummeting down smacking his head on the table letting out a grotesque crack. His body then crashed to the ground shoulder first, his head lagging behind soon rolling to follow the sharp and sudden movement. His body lay there, contorted and broken, his fingers convulsing. Blood began to pour from the front of his head dripping onto his white shirt and denim overalls pooling around his upper body.
  Mori sat there stone-faced, he'd witnessed plenty of horrors at the hospital, and myriad more in war, but this was just hapless. Foolish thing, he thought. It's one thing to act of your own accord but to put yourself in a position that you are incapable of overcoming is another. Such a shame, such a waste, to lose life this early. That child had hardly had the chance to live. Mori’s knees moved into action. He is a doctor after all, might as well take a look. He'd have to be intensely careful though, head injuries are incredibly delicate, this is a guaranteed trip to the hospital for surgery if the boy isn't dead already. He'll need to call an ambulance and prioritize vertebrae stability if they want the young boy to ever walk again but with the way his neck was oddly bent the chances of that were grim. Incredible how fatal a seemingly small fall can permanently alter the trajectory of one's life. His poor body. His poor family. 
  Before Mori could even make it out of the booth, the young girl bursted into the room after hearing the thud, her gaze quick and sharp. Despite the noise the fall had made, the multiple coffee machines running, humming, beeping and the high-pitched squeals coming from the toddler the sound was rather muffled. All she could do was groan at the sight before her. Groan? She just witnessed the broken bleeding body of her younger brother and she just groaned? Mori stood there in calculative silence, baffled, she then spoke up. 
  “Special ability, ‘Thou Shalt Not Die!” Glittering purple and blue butterflies materialized out of thin air. Soon one started glowing until it was nothing but a bright silhouette, it flew directly onto the boy's crumpled form, exploded into sparkles and lit up the room in its brilliance. Its radiant particles glimmer and dissipate into thin air. The light enveloped the boy, and as if he was a knot being untied his body began to reset exactly to the way he was before the impact. He lay there sitting in his own blood, skin shiny and soft, aside from his crimson stained clothing, there was no evidence of the injury left on his body. 
  “What were you thinking! What did I just tell you!?” She pinched his earlobe with her thumb in forefinger, twisting it painfully. “Don't you know how dangerous it is to reach up there at your size? I mean come on Soshichi, how hard is it to follow instructions? Don’t be such an idiot! You'll never get anywhere if you can't listen to people! And just as I had the burner going too.”
  “Ah, ah! Akiko stop!” He shouted as he pathetically pawed at her wrist but his attempts were futile since she was stronger and he was still weak from the transformational healing.
  “No! Clearly I need to stretch your ear out because you can't listen! I just can't even understand why you would do that after I specifically told you to focus on the chestnuts. You can't just do whatever you want whenever you want, you won't help anyone that way!”
  “But I was trying to help! I was grabbing the kanten powd-”
  “Stop it!” She cried out, the boy couldn’t help but shake his head and wriggle in her grip. 
  “The customers will hear you!” He squeaked in a last ditch attempt to free himself. She shakily exhaled and released his ear from her prison and her face began to grow red and puffy. It was then, a mixture of hot and distressed tears began to leak from her violet eyes. The horror and pressure of this moment finally catching up to her. How she hated crying in front of people.
“What if I didn't hear you fall, Soshichi? What would we do!? I don't know how much time a person can stay dead before my ability doesn’t work anymore! I don't know the limits of how much I can fix you! I've had to do it three times already and that's not okay.” She gently takes his face in her hands, her eyes pleading. Soshichi’s lips start quivering at seeing his older sister so troubled, his Akiko hardly ever cries. He quietly started to hiccup, guilt and regret making their way over his features. “I know you don’t do it on purpose but you’re stressing me out. That's not ok, Soshichi… Sometimes I feel I can't take care of everyone and I need you to do your part. Mom, dad, Haruki and Sayako need you, and I need you too... You would have died three whole times if I didn’t have this ability. What if I didn’t have it? What if I couldn’t save you? You need to think about that. Please, please, I’m begging you Soshichi. Be more careful. We can’t keep doing this.”
  “I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!” He lept into her arms and his wails were dulled by her body, her arms wrapped around him and she gently rocked both of themselves back and forth on the floor where they sat, kissing the top of his head. She softly rubbed his back and shushed his whimpers comforting the both of them. 
  “I think it's best if you go home Soshichi. Go take a bath, I’ll clean the rest of this up.
  “But Akiko-”
  “No, please, just let me do this, go rest you had a long day and just…” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Think about what happened today and what you will change.”
  “I-ok.” He obediently got up and grabbed his coat, putting it on to hide the stains from the accident; then he hurried away out the back door. Akiko got up, removed her soiled apron and dusted herself off. Taking a moment to steady herself, her body drew in deep breaths as she stretched her arms upwards. Soon she returned with cleaning supplies. Unsuspecting of the painfully perceptive eyes that monitored and noted this dreadful event.
  Mori's eyes were completely blown-wide. What an ability… He'd never seen anything like it. “Thou Shalt Not Die” rang in his head. His mind was racing to process what he just witnessed. He thought just how correct he was to take a liking to her so soon. What an extraordinary child. Very befitting of what her name meant, “bright child”, if not her by her ability, than by her character so kind, so considerate, responsible, and feisty. It was hard to believe she was so young, incredibly well spoken, and assertive. One whose abilities and talents were wasted, no, squandered on a place like this. He needed to know more about her ability immediately, her limits, capability, drawbacks and potential. He needed to be with her, to study her. Yes. With her by his side all would be right; she was the key. He refuses to let this darling unbloomed flower grow in the wrong garden. 
  He leered ecstatically, this girl was exactly what he was looking for. She was the answer. with an ability like that she could keep resurrecting soldiers; they'd be, essentially immortal… He imagined just that, an immortal army created from her ability full of fighting soldiers who will just keep defying death, resurrection becoming their new code of conduct. Retreating had just become obsolete. Losing wouldn't be plausible with such an overwhelming advantage on their side. What a treat this really is, he thought. Any ability looked pathetic and meek next to hers, his own paled in comparison.
   Immediately having a new idea for what he was going to write about, the “Immortal regiment” sounds fitting. He'll have to write and submit it to the Special Ability Doctrine and his words would definitely cause some heads to turn but an opportunity like this does not come so casually. He didn't care whether it was divine intervention or just folly luck but this little girl has changed the very concept of war, once again. He refuses to fall behind in history, not when there will be such a magnanimous tool at his command. In war there is no salvation. Through this brutality the United States was able to capitalize on the rest of the nations. Becoming an elitist hegemon that ravaged through taking whatever it wanted remorselessly. Using special abilities is the only way to compete as Europe began to utilize similar tactics, quickly catching on. Those who clawed their way to the top to avoid their own peril in mediocrity by abandoning the old and the faulty. Tradition has no place in the new world that thrives in bloodshed and gore. Never has. This isn’t just a tactic to avoid destruction and forge allies. No. It’s a leveraging opportunity to attain a foothold in the globe’s power system.
   She has no clue how instrumental she is to securing their victory in The Great War. This power will go far beyond what she could even think is possible, he'll make sure of it. He'll take her, indoctrinate her, to the future, his future. 
  Mori fought the urge to simply just get up, commandeer her and vanish. He looked down at himself. No, not like this. This situation requires a fair amount of sensitivity and prerequisites if he's going to get the ideal result. He'll need to meticulously draft up that document and get permission for this operation. Then, he’ll do his due diligence in researching Akiko Yosano’s family, history and all the things she’ll need once they begin the assimilation process. He thought how lovely it would be to have such a charming girl stand by him. Soon enough, he'll begin the preparations.
  After finishing up his tea and yokan, Mori left the money on the table and walked right out; making sure to leave behind a generous tip. It was only fair, for he was about to take something far more precious…
~ ~ ~ 
Two weeks had passed since Mori's visit. He now possessed the proper permission from the upper brass and the documents he required for this endeavor; there was only one clear goal for today and she was all he could think about.
   Mori was officially on business today… It was a very early morning, still dark out as the sun hadn't fully ascended into the sky. A slender woman with blue eyes and braided blonde hair in an updo soundlessly accompanied him. She was dressed in a costume-like nurse's garb: white blouse, frilly apron and a matching headpiece overlayed a long navy blue dress. The birds had just begun to chirp and the streets were eerily quiet. The yokan shop opens at 6:00 a.m, it was Mori’s plan to arrive at 5:00 during setup, hoping to collect her before customers begin to flitter in. After looking into it, he found out that the Yosano family only has the children help on weekends, Saturday it was. Clad in his crisp soldier uniform he matched the woman’s navy one. A white armband with the red squares symbolizing medicine wrapped around his bicep and his hair was tied back. He practically marched into the store. The bell rang notifying the woman at the front who was bent over fixing something in the glass display. The man’s presence overtook the room. The little sign on the glass window wasn't even flipped to “open” yet. 
  “Oh my apologies, we are technically closed at the moment, feel free to come ba-” She froze, heart standing still, gazing up to see the tall soldier standing over her. Arms folded strictly behind his back and his shoulders squared. Her tone switched up immediately. “Pardon me, how may I help you?”
  “Are you Yosano Satoko, the mother of Yosano Akiko?” He already knew the answer, but for legality’s sake he had to verbally confirm her parental guardians. Satoko’s eyes widened in shock at the mention of her daughter’s name. Her mind pondered the thought of having seen this man before but with so many customers in and out it was hard to keep track.
  “Why yes, I am. Is there something wrong sir?” She put a hand over her mouth. “Is she in trouble? I can assure you she is a very well mannered girl-”
  “Quite the contrary Mrs Yosano.” Mori chuckled. “Your daughter has been personally selected to be drafted into the Japanese military, under a fully sponsored medical scholarship.” 
  “Pardon? This must be a mistake… She's just a child, only eleven years old. She can’t be in the military.” Her voice was quiet and horrified at the thought.
  “Ah, I can understand your confusion, allow me to fully explain-” Mori smoothly voiced with practiced persuasion. 
  “Hold on, I'm sorry, one moment… I-I need to get my husband” She exclaimed fearfully, motioning her hand up and down in order to pause the conversation as she disappeared into the back. Soon enough she reemerged with a man shorter than Mori but taller than her, his dark hair was balding but he compensated for it with a mustache. He was dressed in a white tank top, apron and black trousers; he had the body of a man who lifted many things in strenuous physical labor but also one of a man who never refused any treats fed to him by his wife.
  “What is the meaning of this!” Bellowed the man, his round face flushing a deep angry shade of red. It was clearly visible that he was previously lifting sacks of riceflower, evident by the smears of it on his clothing and his heavy breathing. He radiated anger at being disrupted from his demanding work for a reason as bizarre as this.
  “Please calm down Mr Yosano, my name is Dr. Ougai Mori-”
  “I don’t give a damn what your name is! What business does the military have with our daughter?” He spat maliciously sticking out an accusatory finger at the soldier. Mori’s tone conveyed a sense of calm and collectedness. 
  “As I previously mentioned to your wife, your daughter, Akiko Yoshino has been drafted into the military with a full medical scholarship”.
  “Drafted!? Have you lost your mind? Are you mentally deranged? That girl is a child! What could the military want with a child? How do you even know her?” He growled suspiciously, low and protective. Mori closed his eyes and sighed, mourning how easy this confrontation could’ve gone had her parents had more sense of the bigger picture. 
  “A report on the military���s private domain states that your daughter has a very rare healing ability, one that would be instrumental to the military. There is a new regiment being implemented regarding individuals with special talent like hers. Due to the circumstances involving the current war some priorities have shifted as the front remains dier. She could save so many lives, think of the soldiers that will get to keep fighting, and return to their families.” 
   “That's not her responsibility! She's just a kid, what part of that do you not understand? Children in the military are illegal. You disgust me. What parent would let their little girl in war? I refuse to let my daughter in any battle! Disgraceful, I don’t know what you boots in the army are planning but this… This is sick! You should be picking on young healthy men if you want help with the war effort. Leave my family alone!” His eyes blazed at Mori, eyes flickering to the ghostly woman beside him. His wife grabbed his arm, nodding quickly in agreement. 
  “My apologies, but you misunderstand me. She wouldn't be anywhere near battles, as I said this is an educational opportunity on the basis that she’ll study medicine. Nobody is more passionately protected in the military than the medics who heal. As you know the current state of the country has taken quite the hit. You should know yourself how many businesses and schools have closed from the war. This will promise her an education, her future. Despite how brutish the military may seem. All we are doing is looking for brilliant young minds with potential like hers. I can personally guarantee that she would be studying under me, her commanding officer. I’m the chief medic and I would be overseeing everything.”
  There was a slight shift in Mrs Yosano’s eyes, seeing this more as an academic opportunity for her child’s future. Skeptical still as she wasn’t fully accepting of the idea.
  “You mentioned that she would go on a full scholarship?” Her husband‘s face flashed an expression of betrayal momentarily but she shot him a pointed look. He knew it all too well so he stilled himself wanting to see where his wife was going with this. Mori’s lips curled into a smile. He was starting to get through to them. Good.  
  “Yes, the government will be covering all of her expenses including lodging, uniforms, meals, and anything else she may need. This program is unique and adequately funded.”  
  “Who will take care of her, you don’t seem like the type to have children of your own? She may be responsible but she’s not grown. What about the soldiers who would want to paw at her? Oh heavens so many men, away from their wives… I can’t even imagine it.” She grimaced, turning her head away. Mr Yosano held her shoulder and narrowed his eyes at Mori expecting an acceptable answer.
  “I assure you she will be under my constant supervision, at all times. She won’t leave my side, ever.” He states surly, moving his right hand back to his hip, thumb grazing the leather belt that secures his gun, resting it there. “And this-”  He steps to the side gesturing with his left hand toward the woman standing wordlessly next to him. “Is Elise, she will also be present as her caretaker should she need anything at all.”
  “Hello, it is nice to meet you both.” Elise politely waved in greeting, bowing her head slightly, her voice soft and robotic, she stared at them with those vacant blue eyes… There was something off about her, something inhuman. 
  “All that’s needed of either of you is to sign these documents stating that you have given your permission to allow Miss Akiko to study with us.”
  This was too much too soon. The Yosano’s looked at each other in silent agreement, they knew that there was something wrong with this program. It seemed too good to be true, too sudden, that never seemed to be a good sign. Who in their right minds would be involving children in a war? It’s shameful to think Japan would stoop so low. Of course they would want to help their country but not at the cost of their child, never at that. Yes it would be a shame for her to miss out on this educational opportunity but it makes them incredibly uncomfortable to send Akiko so far away from them, their protection, their family and home. To send her away from everything she has ever known to cold barracks and rigid untrustworthy strangers. It’s too big a risk. 
  Tsuyoshi Yosano didn’t like the idea in the first place. He was raised in the fields as a young boy, education never held the same place to him as hard work. He felt that Akiko doesn’t need to be involved with any of that at such a tender age or any age at all; she is best with her family, where she belongs. Satoko Yosano was unnerved by how quickly this military man came into their store and immediately knew of their daughter by some “report” but by who, how? It was making no sense, and that foreign woman, Elise. How could she let a stranger as empty as her look after her baby, no she decided she wouldn’t have it even if it was all paid for.
   With all their reasoning the most important topic hadn’t been broached, how would Akiko feel about this? It’s all about what’s best for her, what she should do, but no one even told her about the life changing choices being made for her right now. She never mentioned she wanted to become a doctor, who gets to make that decision? If that’s what she wants, then she can work towards it on her own time, not like this. It’s not like the school their children attended got closed. After that brief glance between the parents that felt like eternity, it was Mrs Yosano that spoke up.
  “Apologies, however Akiko won’t be participating. We understand the opportunity you’re offering her, but it is for the best that she stays with her family. This is a choice I would have liked for her to have a say in but as parents we agree on this decision. Thank you for the offer.” Her voice was clear, firm and unwavering; her husband crossed his arms and punctuated her statement with a singular nod. It was a stark contrast from how timid she was when the soldier first arrived; however after hearing his business their decision was final. Topics regarding her children were non negotiable. 
  ~ ~ ~
  “How unfortunate it is that you say that. That’s a decision that you’ll want to rethink, immediately. Believe me, I truly wanted to make this a smooth and beneficial transition for everyone, unfortunately, you lack the gravity of the situation.” He dryly chuckled, slightly shaking his head in predicted disappointment. He started, taking a few steps too close, creeping forward, concern seeped into the faces of Akiko’s parents. 
  “What are you saying?” Mr Yosano threatened with a scowl, narrowing his eyes. His voice resumed its pugnacious nature at the soldier’s incessant pressing. He loathed the smug sneer that edged into his face.
  “Allow me to make this undeniably clear, failure to sign the papers transferring the custody of young Yosano into the military will result in the immediate arrest of both you and your wife. Your unwillingness to comply violates the Japanese Penal Code Article 95B, obstruction of military affairs is considered high treason and depending on the degree will be punished accordingly. The fact that this very operation is so critical to the war, any hindrance such as this will not be taken lightly.” He recites dipping his head to the side in feigned sympathy at their situation. “It appears your hands are tied~” A wicked grin stretched across his face at the sight of Mrs Yosano’s quiet gasp. Her trembling hand cupped the bottom half of her face. Mori was nothing if not prepared. Mr Yosano lunged forward grabbing fistfuls of Mori's uniform in his hands pulling him harshly towards him. Mori let himself get yanked, instead he coldly stared straight into his eyes, dark and unyielding. 
  “How dare you threaten my wife and I! I’ll report you! I’ll make sure they’ll remove all disrespectful bastards like you, now get the hell out of here!” A hot angry breath huffed out from his flared nostrils. 
  “I would advise you to let go, you wouldn't want to add physically assaulting and threatening a soldier to your growing list of charges.” Mori sighed, the tone shifted from smug satisfaction into something more quiet, malicious passive aggression. “Highly unlikely that the upper brass will sympathize with you due to your blatant impudence, especially with an eyewitness available.” Mr Yosano's eyes shot to the blonde woman standing there idly, a simple smile painting her face. “It’s my word against yours, the chief medical officer, or an alleged trader.” Mori stuck out his chin, his sharp unblinking eyes glared into Mr Yosano’s. “Your ignorance is so palpable it’s wrinkling my uniform and your daughter is more important than you’ll ever know. She is the very thing that can change the outcome in this war and the country will not suffer this great a loss due to your hyperactive emotional state. Besides…” His expression shifted to that of a coy predator, one mocking its prey before the carnage. “Haven’t you considered who will look after your children if you're rotting in a cell, or swinging from the gallows? According to my records, both of your parents on both sides of your families are deceased, and there is no suitable kin to take them in. Mrs Yosano has a brother but he's been arrested for two separate drug charges. I highly doubt they’ll be placed with him. What a shame.” Sighing in faux empathy, he ensures to make eye contact with both Yosano parents in his next words. “Charming ten year old Haruki, quite the budding athlete, and he seems to like going to all of his afterschool clubs too. Then there’s eight year old Sayako~, a beautiful girl. Tell me, how are her music lessons going? Picking up a new hobby is so exciting. Ah, and how could we forget rambunctious Soshichi? Six years old and so full of energy my, my, what a free spirit. How would they handle him hm? Such a pity if all these lovely children end up orphaned and alone during a time of war; where government funding to orphanages is tight and everyone is too focused on getting by rather than adopting children. You wouldn’t want them to be split up, separated, to be raised by strangers, or worse abused, would you? The painful irony is, your daughter’s future remains the same regardless of any irrational choices you make. Once you both are reprimanded, I'll simply take darling Akiko into my care, without any hassle or obstacles. It would be the both of you leaving them all homeless.” Mr Yosano’s fists shook as they unclamped their hold on his uniform falling to his sides. For the first time he was genuinely speechless, averting his eyes to the floor. Mori began to tug and fix his clothing, nonchalantly brushing any dust off. 
  “Take me!” Mr Yosano barked. “Leave the children out of it and take me.”
“The military has no use for you Mr Yosano.” Mori replied coldly. “The point I made about your daughter saving lives would be null if you joined in her place. That’s not how this is going to happen.” 
  “How could you do this!?” Mrs Yosano’s voice quivered with rage, eyes digging into him insolently. Her mind was racing; this was all happening too fast, her heart was thundering in her chest, her soul felt blackened and twisted into knots. Sweat beaded along her neck and dripped down. Her clothing felt too tight. Everything felt too tight. Ashamed and enraged she thought to herself, how could she let this happen under her watch? Just who is this poison, this devil that injected himself into their lives, lurking in every dark corner whenever they weren’t looking. Insidiously creeping up on them until it was too late. Feeling absolutely ill over how long this monster spent looking through their records spying on her children. Her children!?
  “How could I do this?” Mori asked in mock incredulousness. Conceited smirk returning to his face at the fact that he won, not that he was worried. “How could your selfishness deprive your country, your military and most importantly your daughter of this opportunity? I’m doing your daughter a favor by giving her an education found nowhere else. All the things about her scholarship still stand. She’ll be a heroine. History will chant her name with victory for the things I know she will be capable of.” He ominously reached into his belt pulling out a pair of silver handcuffs… Opening them slowly, the sinister clicking echos within the room. Seeming to be the only sound audible amongst the running machines. He stalks closer. “Now, what will it be?” Before he can take another step Mrs Yosano scrambles for the papers spread on the glass counter. Frantically signing her signature. This was an impossible decision, but sending Akiko far to school is the lesser of the two evils right? This will be good for her, right? She needed to believe so. 
  Mr Yosano’s face contorted in pain, he was at an absolute loss. Nothing he could do would change the final outcome. He fought back tears, his wonderful, kind, sweet, innocent daughter. Oh God, how would he explain this to her? Her siblings? How could he prepare her for this when he could hardly keep himself together? 
  “Excellent! I’m glad to see you’ve come to your senses.” He takes the documents, neatly folding them before handing them to Elise who seals them in an envelope and places it in her bag. “Now, let’s bring young Akiko out. I'd like to introduce myself before we leave.”
  “You can’t. She’s not here right now. We will send her when she is good and ready.” Mr Yosano interjected, voice gruff and choked. He was trying to delay this as much as possible, to do damage control. He will not lose his daughter today. Mori hummed disappointedly, he was a patient man but his patience was thinning the longer this interaction ran. 
  “And here I thought you’d know better than to lie to a soldier. I know she’s here. Before I respond harshly and walk back in there and bring her out myself. I’m giving you the opportunity to do this quietly, without her siblings involved. Don’t ruin the one chance I’m offering you. I expect one of you to bring her out quickly, try to leave the building with her and the gallows I mentioned will be a reality... I understand you want your daughter to be ready but trust me the brain of a young girl like her doesn’t need preparation time. The sooner she comes with me, the faster I can get her situated and acclimated to her new life. It’s better that way.” His gaze melted into something pensive and distant. “That's the thing I love about children, fragile as they are, they're resilient, moldable. She will recover, she will adapt. They’re more mature than we give them credit for; it's how they survive.” His morals were beyond reason, it was his own line of thinking that permitted this type of detachment when impacting the lives of other people.
   Mrs Yosano pivoted to go but her husband put a hand on her arm, a silent request to let him do it, she hesitated but soon obliged letting him pass. Too many thoughts on how to break the news to his beloved daughter sprinted through his fevered mind. Should he act like it's just military boarding school that will give her an edge in life or should he tell her the truth in the little time he had? Once he left the main room Mrs Yosano spoke up, she was reeling and she found it difficult to voice all her concerns.
  “When will we be able to visit her?”
  “You won’t be.” He stated flatly. There are many top secret government affairs taking place at the base of operations that require special clearance. By law nobody but essential personnel can be allowed inside, no exceptions. She’ll be released when I, her commanding officer, declare she’s completed her service. As it’s written on the second paper in paragraph five that you signed. Speaking of which, you will be sent a copy of the documents confirming the arrangement. The original version will remain with us, should you try to renege any forms of consent you may have previously given.” 
  Mrs Yosano stood in silent terror, just what did she sign? What she would give to wake up from this nightmare. Her breathing became irregular. All sound muffled as it felt like thick fabric was stuffed deep within her ear canals. Black and white worms squirm and wriggle, invading her vision. The pain in her abdomen thrummed, pulsating. She slid to the floor and sat down, feeling faint. Not only was her baby going to be shipped off to the military but they weren’t allowed to visit. She wasn’t allowed to come home unless that vile man said so…
  ~ ~ ~
  Akiko stood in the middle of the storage room suppressing a yawn. Placing her hands on her hips, she huffed out a frustrated breath at the sight of her incompetent siblings. 
  “Come on guys I know it’s early but we have to get started, we’ll be opening soon! Especially you Haruki! You’re the second oldest and the only other person I trust to work over the stove.” She hastily shouted, tying a securing bow around her apron.
  “Relaaax ok? It’s too early for you to be yelling at us.” He drawled, unapologetically letting out his own yawn. “Look at Sayako.” He points to the young girl with twin braids hanging in the air, head tossed over the back of the chair she sat passed out on, clearly finding it too early. “Besides, we hardly get any customers this early in the morning and we have enough stock before we run out. Chill out.” The stock in question was quickly being accessed by Soshichi already chomping down on some matcha yokan, his eager hand plunging into the box grabbing another one. Haruki narrowed his eyes, a sly competitive smile tugged at his lips. Noiselessly, he snuck up behind the thief grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around.
  “You gonna pay for those pal?” He leaned into Soshichi’s face, raising his eyebrow. 
  “I’m actually the owner of this place.” Soshichi says with the coolness of an established entrepreneur ten times his age. 
  “Well then you do really bad business!” Haruki lurches his hand out snatching the uneaten yokan in Soshichi’s hand. Soshichi tried to pull his hand away but his older brother was far faster, pulling it to his lips and taking a big bite out of the sweet treat. “The last thing you need is more sugar. We can hardly keep you from bouncing off the walls already!”
  “Heyyyyy! That was my breakfast, mine, you stole it! Get your own!” His voice was so shrill and whiny it rivaled that of an incredibly feral squirrel. The volume was immense enough that it woke up Sayako, who grumbled at being brought back to the land of consciousness. With small hands rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she looks up to see her brothers snacking on the inventory. Realizing she wants in on the action she pipes up.
  “Oh! Oh! Can I have some too please?” She asks expectantly perched on the chair.
  “Sure, if you can get over here and get some before this pig eats up everything and runs us out of business.”  Her older brother teases while roughly tussling their younger brother’s shaggy bangs. Without having to be told twice Sayako hops off the chair stumbling over to get herself a piece. 
  “I’m not a pig! You’re a pig, so big and fat!” It was a simple joke that Haruki had said and it was meant to be just that, unfortunately Soshichi had taken high offense to his pig comment and went all in, slapping him with sticky, grubby, hands.
  “Hey! Hey! I’m not fat, you're just mad you're still small and weak.” He laughs eating his yokan with one hand while swatting at Soshichi with the other. A small fit of giggles comes from Sayako as she nibbles on her yokan at the sight of her brothers fooling around.
“Weak!? I’ll show you who’s weak!” His face turned angry, red and riled up as he started to kick at Haruki. Akiko rolled her eyes watching this mess unfold, she walked in between, pushing them apart. Even having to dodge left from one of Soshichi’s kicks in the process. 
  “That’s it! What’s wrong with you two!? Honestly I can’t even-”  She paused at the sight of the yokan being thrusted at her face, gazing at her brother in momentary shock.
  “Go on, take it. You look like you need some too.” Haruki smiled, a bit cheeky, but sincere as he knew Akiko wouldn’t take any for herself. She scanned it, gaze softening, even though she knew it was probably a way to get her to shut up she grinned at being offered some. She was willing to guess that behavior like this is what kept Haruki out of trouble at school. Regardless, she decided to accept his peace offering and indulge just this once. It had been so long since she last had some. She took the piece and lifted it to her mouth, taking a small bite. The earthy flavor mixes in with the syrup balancing it out making it perfect, not too sweet. It’s flavor is mild, but it’s a reminder of home. Memories of her mother feeding it to her before she could even walk. She shakes her head smiling. 
  “What would you bunch ever do without me?” For a brief fragment in time everything was serene as the siblings were snickering towards each other, then suddenly, after those words, their father barged in huffing and sweating, face all flushed. Something was wrong. The kids all froze in silent horror at their seemingly aggravated father catching them red handed in eating up the yokan stock. Mr Yosano buffers at the sight of all his children devouring the store's supply, he couldn’t give any less of a damn in the state he was in. There were far more pressing matters at hand.
  “Everyone except Akiko, in the kitchen now!” A pang of guilt bubbled in Haruki’s chest. His older sister was the one trying to keep everyone on schedule, she didn’t deserve this. Pushing past her he spoke up. 
  “Dad, it was my fault! I was the one who gave everybody the yokan! Your problem is with me!” Akiko locked eyes with him nodding her head in thanks, grateful for his willingness to take responsibility, although she felt a little bad because at least she was used to getting yelled at most of the time. Even if he was just a year younger he was still her younger brother. Usually she was the first to hear if there was something she was doing wrong or if there was a problem. Over the years of her young life she developed a high standard for behaving in order to keep the peace. 
  “Haruki out now!” His elevated agitated voice left no room for argument. Haruki slumped his shoulders and walked out, but not before giving his older sister an apologetic look. Soshichi lingered in the back but did not leave, nosy, he wanted to know what was going on. Sayako swung by taking his hand in hers and shuffled out of the room, effectively pulling them out and shutting the door, he complied with no complaints. Nobody wanted a part of what was about to go down. That just left Akiko alone in the room staring wide eyed at her father. Thinking what she could have possibly done to upset him so much. 
~ ~ ~
Her father strode over and without any hesitation he pulled her into a bone crushing hug, pushing her face into the crook of his neck and holding her there. Akiko’s spine became stiff and rigid at the sudden gesture. Of course her dad was affectionate, but only when the occasion called for it. He was a stern and disciplined man, seeing him act with such assertive tenderness caused a sickly feeling of dread to coil in her stomach. Her heartbeat quickened at the feeling of his beating erratically against hers. Body heating up emulating the hot sticky sweat that leaked out of her dad’s pores. His grip on her let up once he heard her grunt, dead giveaway he quite literally squeezed the air out her lungs. Akiko pulled her head back, heart dropping as her weary eyes met his red rimmed ones, practically about to burst with anguish.
  “I love you Akiko. Your mom and I love you so… so much.” He rasped out, murmuring it into her ear. Something was very wrong... That word was hardly ever used, once when Sayako fell severely ill but even then it was so scarce. They obviously loved one another but it was shown through actions, not words. Akiko could count all the times she’s heard it on her fingers, but her mind was puzzled nobody was hurt? Nobody was sick? What could it be? 
  “Dad, what's wrong? Is mom ok? Akiko’s voice radiated concern, mustering up the most logical conclusion she could think of. Her father pulled her in close and in a hushed voice spoke with urgency. 
  “Akiko, listen to me, we don't have much time. There is a soldier in the store. He knows about that ability of yours and is going to take you to go study medicine with him.”
  “What!? I don’t want to-” 
  “Shh, let me finish, I’m not supposed to be telling you this but I have to.” His large calloused hands go up to cup her face rubbing soothing circles on her cheeks. “He came in demanding you. He knows us, he knows our family and we don’t know how. We don’t have a choice, believe me we did everything to get him to leave. I want you here, everyone wants you here but we don’t have a choice. But it's going to be ok. Your mom and I will take everyone to come see you and soon enough you’ll come back to us. You’re going to be ok. You’re smart and responsible. Don’t let anybody put their hands on you, or make you feel less than. Just do your best.” Akiko’s mind reeled helplessly at all of this frantic contradictory information forced on her. Who was this soldier? How does he know her family? Why does she have to go? She could feel her heart as it palpated so harshly against her ribcage she could see her own chest pulsate. 
  “H-How long will the school last?” She asked in a frozen daze, confusion muddling her thoughts. 
  “I don’t know…” They stood there within each other's embrace for a stolen moment; up until Mr Yosano’s face contorted into one of torment and regret. Soundlessly Tsuyoshi Yosano took his daughter’s small soft hand into his rough and ragged one and began to walk out of the room. Into the horrid future.
   Her trepid foot falls were so quiet as she dawdled behind her father’s wide body. What deeply unnerved her was how distraught he looked, how truly afraid he was. She’d never seen him like this, he was a force to be reckoned with. Seeing him so powerless had its effect on her. Her hand began to shake in his large one at what awaited her at the front of the shop. 
  Upon leaving the storage room and turning right, that's when she saw her mother shakily drinking a steaming cup of tea while leaning against the glass display. Turning her head the flowy dress of a pretty blonde woman caught her eye, she looked more decorated than dressed and straight ahead… There he was, the tall, lean, soldier in his dark uniform and two coal colored strands of hair framing his face. His posture was straight and sure without any stiffness, his chin and chest stuck out as his body loomed over the rest of them. He was huge in her eyes, almost double her size. She could barely make it up to his chest and in order to look up at his face she needed to tilt her head back. It was when she got closer she could make out the details whilst peeking out from behind her father’s back. Her breaths were short and distressed, flying in rapidly from her nose. She was frightened. She was uneasy. It was the way his neck stretched to the side in order to get a better view of her. The way she felt his intense gaze consuming her whole, dragging up and down her form, assessing her. That suspicious closed lip smile that radiated pleasure coupled with an all too knowing mirth in his eyes, eyes that promised nothing but fear. 
  “Hello Miss Yosano, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Dr. Ougai Mori, but you can just call me Dr. Mori~” His voice had a pearly lilt to it, and his temperament contained an air of infatuation that made her shrink from behind. Stepping in closer ever so slightly, he extends a long arm giving her his white gloved hand to shake. However, Akiko was petrified in place, unmoving as her arms lay stiffly at her sides. Upon noticing her rejection of his greeting he couldn’t help but chuckle. Reminiscing on some of his old memories spent as a resident physician; terrified children clinging to their parents trying to avoid their doctors visit all together. He raises both his hands up in a disarming gesture, an effort to ease the tension. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to give you a checkup if that’s what you're worried about.” He says playfully. Akiko couldn’t keep her eyes from rolling at the comment, tightness ever so prominent in her shoulders. Noting the eye roll, he was pleased to see that even with all that fear she still exudes so much attitude. “I do believe some congratulations are in order, the people of the Japanese military have selected you to be drafted on the basis that you'll come and study medicine with me, practicing your skills, and your ability.” A brief pause overtook the room.
  “What if… What if I don't want to go?” Her quiet voice filled the silence slowly but surely finding the words to speak up to that man. 
  “Of course you will. You were personally selected for your talents and willingness to help others. Besides young lady, when the country calls you to action, you must rise to the occasion. You're no stranger to the fact that there's a war going on. We need your help. Rest assured you won't be in the middle of any fights. You’ll be learning the trade of healing. Something that’s natural for you. I must say I'm a little envious, something that took me a decade to learn you can do in seconds. What an incredible gift. Once we leave…” He pauses to check his watch to ensure they're on schedule. “I'll explain everything in greater detail.”
  “When do I get to go home?” Her question is quiet but firm. 
  “Go home hm?” He mused lightheartedly. “We haven't even gotten there and you're already thinking about coming back? There is so much to be done, but to answer your question you can return once I, your superior officer, officially declare that you have completed your service.” There was an unspoken way in the possessiveness of his eyes and the way they lingered on her that told everyone he had no intentions of letting her go. “Once we're alone on the plane later, I can tell you the specifics of how your routine and objectives will be laid out. I can’t do so now due to the confidentiality of this operation.”
  “Wait, we're leaving today!?” She steps forward so she is beside her father, his firm hold still protectively wrapped around hand. Mori nodded with absoluteness. It should’ve been obvious to her but with how hasteful and frantic her father was it was difficult to understand. All of this was difficult to understand. God she felt so stupid. In her puzzled state she thought perhaps he just wanted to meet before the day she actually had to go, if only. She stole a glance at her parents to see their expressions, horrified to find the pure fear in them as they agreed. If it was just military schooling why do they look so distraught? Why does this soldier know about her ability when her father always told her to keep it a secret? She never used it in public. Her mind was a hurricane, chaotic and in disorder. There were too many things that didn’t line up, the way her siblings were ushered away, the soldier’s seemingly docile disposition, her parents distress, the vague implications of what she’ll be doing once she’s there, and the urgency of it all. Her brain was perceiving this array of unsettling details but what she lacked at her tender age was the cognitive ability to process all of it. Her eyes sharpened, narrowing at the force above them, heart thumping angrily. They weren’t telling her something... That conclusion made her fists shake with frustration. Especially because this was her life they were altering. She would be the one going all the way to the military leaving everything she ever knew and loved behind.   
“I can see that you feel a little apprehensive, but if you could see it as-”
  “No! No, I don’t want to go with you!” Her voice started to raise in volume. She was certainly nervous but with her life being tampered with she couldn’t bring herself to be mindful and polight. “There’s something that nobody is telling me and that’s not fair. You don’t get to just walk in here and take me away! You don’t get to pull me away from my life! It’s mine and I don’t care about the military or their rules! I’m not going, plain and simple. I have better things to be doing than to be going with a liar like you!” Akiko huffed out exasperated, placing her free hand on her hip and pointing her nose in the air. She had no proof of his lie but there was something in the manner of his tone that conveyed something disingenuous. She was frustrated and over it, if her parents weren’t going to say something to this pathetic soldier she would. She couldn't fathom why this guy had her father all scared, she’s seen him chase away far scarier men. She could see that he was tall but the look of him didn’t appear to be too threatening, just weird and creepy. What was that thing her dad just told her to do, right not let anyone treat her lowly; with the way this obnoxious soldier talked down to her she might as well practice those skills now. 
  Simultaneously, both her parents both gasped in unison. Mr Yosano felt a twinge of pride at his daughter’s ability to advocate for herself but quickly went back to concern as he didn’t want the situation to escalate. Maybe he had to hold his tongue but it was comforting to hear his girl share the same sentiment. Mrs Yosano immediately ran to Akiko’s side, mouth agape, quickly clinging to her right shoulder for both protection and support. She was beyond terrified because she’d seen what this awful man was capable of.
  “I apologize on her behalf! She doesn’t quite understand what is happening and she’s very afraid. Normally, she would never act like this.” She stammers out panic stricken. Akiko angrily looks at her mom not appreciating the way she spoke for her but decides it's better not to say anything. 
  “Such fierce resolve~” Mori quietly let out an almost inaudible hum of delight placing his knuckles on his cheek. Her mother’s heart dropped barely hearing it herself. Did this grown man just swoon at her eleven year old daughter? That couldn’t be what she just heard. The Gods were going to have to give her strength to get through this. Every primal instinct in her body was telling her to rip him to pieces. So concerned about how the other men would react to a young girl in the barracks she hadn’t had the chance to vet out the man who would be taking her child away. Akiko looked over confoundedly, she was repulsed by the gratified expression on his face. 
  She was even more exquisite up close. How long had he waited for this moment? He was simply elated, even with his soldierly restraint he found it difficult to suppress his urge to beam. She clearly inherited that temper from her father, such a waste on a man like him but it suited young Akiko just fine. Mori was completely captivated by her vibrant violet eyes transfixed on scowling at him, all this attention, just on him. He could get used to that. She had her fire, fire in which he would take great pleasure in subduing and controlling. In multiple different facets, she was the perfect addition. He knew they would do much together. 
  “Unfortunately dear girl, the decision has already been made. You will be coming with me today. Your parents have already signed off on your departure.” He wished he had a photo of her face, so shocked and flushed, poor thing, can’t even realize the power she holds. Akiko threw her head in both directions, double taking what she had just heard the soldier correctly. She needed to see it in the eyes of her parents to confirm if this was correct.
  “You signed me away! H-How could you!? You were the ones who said you didn’t want me to go!” Her voice cracked in hurt and betrayal, she was crumbling down. Hot devastated tears sprang from her eyes at the sight of her parents. All that fuss about wanting to keep her here and they willingly signed her away! Her heartbreak was so tangible it looked like she was suffering an actual heart condition with the way she gripped her chest. She despised crying and despite her best efforts to stifle it, her wails only grew louder as she processed the ramifications of this. “Why? Was I not good enough? Did I not do a good job, is that why you want me gone?” After everything that she did, why wasn’t she enough? The reality was that she was too great, too young. 
  If Akiko Yosano was crumbling, then her parents were decimated. 
  “Akiko it’s not like that at all! I promise you we did not have the choice you think we did! You’re an excellent daughter and we are proud to be your parents!” Her father could barely get his words out at the sight of his daughter reduced to this. His face contorted in agony knowing the reason as to why he couldn’t answer. Mr Yosano contained nothing but raw hatred for that wretched excuse of a soldier. Vilifying them like this in front of their own daughter, as if they’re the evil ones. Normally any child would feel a swell of pride at the words her father just spoke, especially coming from a man like him, but with the circumstance in which they were delivered Akiko couldn’t consider them as real. He tugged her closer by the hand, trying to wrap her in a hug, not letting go. She resisted though, looking up at him with tear heavy lashes. 
  “If there was a choice then why do you want me gone?” All her mother could do was quietly match her daughter’s tears. Hesitantly reaching out a hand to stroke her back. Her chest felt like it was being impaled by blazing hot blades. Her ribs gave off the sensation of stabbing and sharp excruciating agony as they splintered in her chest piercing her heart and inner organs alike. Akiko wanted answers, deserved answers but how could she tell her? How as a mother could she tell her child that she failed to honor her most basic job to protect and care for her? To tell her that she’s being sent away in order to save her siblings? That she was essentially an inevitable lost cause regardless. Satoko Yosano couldn’t care less about dying herself as long as it meant her children were well. Should an all mighty higher being come down and demand her life in exchange for her child’s she’d do it instantly but there were more babies of hers at stake this time. Above all else, how could she ever break the news that despite what they decided they could not save their darling Akiko from this fate, from that sick, sick man.
  Mori found that this would be the proper moment to intervene; his previous comment having done its desired effect. It will be easier to adjust her to the military’s routine with the rift in trust between her and her parents. Despite their desperate pleas with their daughter, their lack of an explanation will cause a seed of doubt to grow. Taking a single step forward he bends down at the hip, not to meet her at eye level, but just so he's looming over them.
  “Don't be that way, it’s quite the opposite. Your parents are doing you a great service by sending you to study with me. While your classmates will be learning the base curriculum, you’ll be participating in the saving of lives. It’s an honor to become a doctor, for both your parents and for yourself.” His expression suddenly became more serious and commanding. “You say you don’t care about the military so would you rather have soldiers die? Never to return to their families? Is that what you want?” There was a cold, disorienting silence with such a resounding effect, everyone could hear their own hearts pounding in their ears. Her face was swollen and irritable, after what just transpired between her parents and the furious rubbing she had just done to rid herself of those troublesome tears; she was left in a volatile state emotionally. All Akiko could do was swallow the thick saliva that lumped in her throat. It's not that she wanted people to die, and she definitely wanted to do right by her country but from the way his voice held a level of expectation it felt illegal to have wants of her own. She was genuinely tired of this man and his seemingly never-ending ability to spew out jargon and philosophies.
  “Don’t-” Her father started but before he could even articulate the rest of his sentence Mori held up a hand to silence him. His detached eyes continued staring into hers without breaking contact. 
  “Miss Yosano, when your commanding officer gives you a task, you complete it. When an order is prompted to you, you obey it and when a question is asked of you, answer it. Now, I will ask you again, do you want to be responsible for the death of soldiers in our nation? Do you care so little for this country that you’re ok with being the reason their blood stains your hands? Is that what you want?” Though he wasn’t yelling, the cadence in his voice was urgent. It came out harsher than he intended but it was a necessary evil. He hoped he could ease up a bit once she understood her place in things. It would be no fun otherwise.
  There were tremors of rage all over her body. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could he get her so wrong? Clearly he had no idea who she was as a person. She lived for helping people, but how else was she supposed to express her concerns without sounding like some ungrateful brat? Heaven forbid she wasn’t ready to drop everything and join a war at the ripe age of eleven. She’ll set him straight. Pushing past her crowding parents she strode right up to him bridging the gap. She jerked her head upwards to glare at him indignantly, wanting to face him head on.
  “Of course not! I love my country, it’s my home! I wouldn't mind helping the soldiers but I’m sick of you making it sound like I'm a bad person! I’m not!” Slamming a hand over her heart as frustrated tears pricked her eyes. “I’m not a traitor, I didn’t choose this. How was I supposed to see this coming? I never want anyone to die. If I have to help soldiers stay alive I-I can do that.” Upon the realization of it a wave of deflation and dread swam in her insides. There is no good excuse she could possibly have to justify apathy to the fighting soldiers in her country. No matter what she could try, nothing seemed like it would work. Her own parents even signed her away for goodness sake. “If my ability can be used to save them… then I guess it's alright.” She muttered out defeated. 
  “Excellent~ I'm glad we're in agreement.” Without faltering he reached out and encapsulated her wrist in his hand, the one that connected her hand to her heart. “We have a fight to catch dear, I think it's best to get going, don't you hm?” His repugnant smile juxtaposed the vice-like grip he had on her small wrist.
  Shoving past her worried parents to stand right before him might have been one of the worst decisions she ever made. 
  ~ ~ ~ 
  Akiko felt a dense ball hit the pit of her stomach, curdling all its contents inside. She went wide-eyed in shock. She should have been more careful, she should have stayed where it was safe. So caught up in proving him wrong she failed to realize it was all a ploy to get her to charge at him. She fell for it and strode right into his trap. 
  “Huh!? Wait, we can’t go yet I’m not ready!” She stammered out in disarray. 
  “Nonsense, you have everything you’ll need already at the base. The only thing that’s missing is you.” Mori said, chuckling to himself a little. She began to tug at his grip insisting he let go. 
  “No that’s not what I mean! Hold on, I didn’t get to say goodbye to my siblings! They don’t know! I can’t just leave them here without saying goodbye!” The tears that had dotted her eyes broke free like a flood breaking through a dam. 
  Everything was racing, it was hard to breathe despite the amount of air she was heaving in rapidly, she could feel her heart rate spike at the predicament she found herself in. Her parents' involvement in this was one thing but this man not letting her see her siblings again, she couldn't tolerate it. Yes they bickered and fought but in the end of the day they were her best friends, her family. They took turns bothering and taking care of one another. They celebrated each other's happiness and felt each other’s pain. How could she bear giving them this kind of pain when she wasn’t ready for it herself? In this life it was just them. They didn’t have the blessing of a large extended family, so they had to stick together, to build their own village, it would be just them when their parents inevitably pass. She was the eldest daughter after all. Who would look after them when their parents were too busy running the store? Who will keep everyone together when they’re gone? Then a devastating thought rattled into her head: they won’t have her ability… What if something happened and she wasn’t there? Earlier this month Soshichi had an accident, he was such an energetically troublesome little boy... She would never forgive herself if something happened and she wasn’t there. Her head began to pound from all these nightmares plaguing her thoughts.  
  “Surely she could go in for a short goodbye, even if it’s quick?” Her mother implored in an attempt to find some common ground as her and her husband approached their daughter. Mori shot them a warning glare, his eyes telling them not to come forward. Lest they want the repercussions that follow those actions. He breathed out a tired sigh and shook his head. He was disappointed, hoping the girl would forget about them while he swept her away from the chaos he created. 
  “You'll write to them.” It was a blatant lie as his true intention is to keep her so incredibly busy with the war and her ability that gradually she’ll lose the will to keep writing to them. Why would she want to trouble her family with such violence and agony? It would be for the best to leave her family out of it; they live in a different world than she ever will “Besides, you wouldn't want to stress them out with this would you? Your siblings are rather young and I don't think they'd understand the responsibilities you have to look after. There's no need to feel this way, you're acting like you’ve been selected to become a hitobashira. What you have been chosen for is an enormous privilege, all great people make sacrifices.” 
  “Well I’m not that great! I don’t care how smart you think you are but you need to get that out of your fat head!” She shrieked at her limit, sobs racked her small frame as she shook with affliction. She was incredibly overwhelmed and far too exhausted: it was 5:47 am after all. Her head was throbbing and her throat burned from dehydration. 
  She was writhing in his hold, twisting and squirming in an effort to free herself. Deep down subconsciously she knew that this wasn't going to achieve anything but at the same time what else could she do to show how upset she was. In a situation where her choice was never an option this was the only thing she could do. As much as she felt that this was such an embarrassing display she couldn’t help or control anymore. Although she loathed to admit he had a point. She wouldn’t want to trouble them with this. Was it that selfish of her to need them too, to rely on them for some support in the same way she would give them reassurance and comfort? The very thought of never seeing them again is what kept reducing her to this state, that is what lit the fire in her soul to keep resisting. 
  “Don't be afraid.” The first thing Akiko felt was a new pair of hands holding on to her left arm. When she turned her head she found that blonde woman, Elise, at her side. She winced at Elise's smile, so sweetly artificial it was sickening. She tried to tug away but with no success, grunting and breathing in sharply as she sniffled. 
  “Miss Yosano.” His voice was devoid of all emotion, serious and uncaring. The moment her eyes met his, she cowered at the alarming feeling that engulfed her. Something far inside told her to stop struggling before things got any worse. Mori doesn't mind a little bit of a challenge but this was becoming excessive. 
  The tears had traveled their way into the crevice of her nose, down the corner of her mouth, and off her reddened irritated face. With his face now softening, he released her wrist and unfastened the button to his left breast pocket, pulling out a white handkerchief. Wordlessly he began to languidly wipe down the planes of her supple face. The swift change in his demeanor gave her whiplash. She could not stop herself from reflexively recoiling at his touch, vapidly turning her face away in one last rejection but to no avail. It didn’t deter him in the slightest; he was diligent and persistent in cleaning up the tears that streaked around her deep frown, making sure to pinch her nose at the end to capture any wandering snot that may have dripped out. 
  “Come now, don't ruin your face. I hate seeing cute little girls like you cry~ Let's focus on what’s ahead.” Mori folded the cloth before pocketing it, putting his hand on the small of her back and Elise held Akiko’s hand. Both nudging her out the front door. She only had seconds left as she began to unwillingly walk out. She whipped her head over her shoulder and looked back at her weeping parents. 
  “Mom, Dad… I’m sorry for yelling, I love you both so much, and please! Please tell Haruki, Sayako and Soshichi that I love them too and that I’m sorry I couldn’t tell them that myself.” She could barely choke out the words but she’d never forgive herself if she left without saying anything even if that’s not everything she wanted to say. There were too many things to say, but it was all she could come up with. 
  “We can only love you more Akiko!” Her mother cried. “I promise to tell them your message!” Satoko Yosano reached out her hand gripping at the air, already mourning the fact that she'll never get to hug her eldest, touch her first baby ever again. 
  “J-Just promise to come back to us Akiko.” Her father coughed in a poor attempt to hide the emotions in his voice. All the stress could not be good for his health.
  “I promise.” Her voice lost its volume as they stepped out of the threshold of the family run yokan shop. That cheery bell signifying their devastating exit. 
  There is a thick and painful silence as the ringing of the bell ceases.
  Nothing could have stopped Satoko Yosano’s cries. She’s in her husband’s embrace, arms intertwined amongst one another. She buried her face in his shoulder using him as a way to support herself upright. 
   “What kind of parents are we? We don’t deserve forgiveness!” She gasped out between sobs. He couldn’t even bring himself to answer, too restrained by his own self hatred at being incapable at protecting his child. All he could was hold his wife, the feeling being the only thing grounding him. How would they cope with this irreparable loss? Their grief was a gaping wound that would only grow, festering with rot.  
  Haruki had his arms wrapped around Sayako and Soshichi. All of them were huddled in the back of the kitchen terrified. There was an immense amount of muffled yells and cries coming from the central part of the store. As well as a voice they couldn’t recognize. Haruki couldn’t even put together a picture of what was going on out there. Completely unaware that the family he loved so much was about to break beyond repair. 
  Unbeknownst to the Yosano siblings, their older sister was gone forever…
  ~ The child has inevitably captured the lovely butterfly, its wings desperately beating down on the glass enclosure of the jar. He made plans to pin down its radiant wings and mount it for display. His prize, his possession. For it was only fair, he went through all the trouble and effort of catching it himself. That poor creature, there will be no mercy. Its fate eternally sealed by the larger hands that plucked it out of its life and into the jar.~
If you made it this far I love you I love you I love you😘💖!!! Ngl I made this an extra chapter because I don’t like the look when the notes section is too long at the bottom. Anyway you’re here you made it!! Yosano nation how we feeling Yosano nation? Meet the reason for why studying for my biology final was so excruciating. This fic was banging its fists manically in my fragile brain. Brace yourself I’m a big yapper and I’m silly. 
AUGH this concept breaks my heart and I crave to know every detail about what Yosano went through during her time in the military. If you guys want more stuff like that let me know. Also if you guys have other fics like this please drop the link. I hope Mori suffers for all of eternity <3 Although I will say writing smart people is both really fun and also the very worst. It forces you to think like them and part of the reason this took forever is because I procrastinated the Mori character study for so long. Owie I think all the research I had to do for this fic formed a new wrinkle in my brain!!! Child psychology, Japanese penal codes and yokan recipes for example😩
Guys I told my friends this was going to be a short little 2k-3k max one shot and uhh. That did not happen… I also told them to give me a week deadline to finish it, that was on June 7th🤡🤡🤡 In my defense it spiraled out of control it became all about what the fic wanted not what I wanted!!! AND to top it all off I had a very typical Ao3 writer excuse for not finishing on time so allow me to formally apologize below. 
To my precious darling readers,
Please accept my cordial and humble apologies for the tardiness of this Akiko Yosano backstory fan fiction belonging to the Bungo Stray Dogs Fandom. As I was laboring over the creation of this written work I had failed to recognize that the day of my tooth implantation had arrived. I found myself numb to the heavens as the Periodontist drilled a screw into my jawbone and a nurse tenderly held my face to keep my head from reverberating about. Due to this long awaited procedure I was rather mentally delayed for the first few days. I assure you such an inconvenience will not occur again unless all my teeth begin to fight back and disown me. I once again apologize for any inconvenience or distress this may have caused. 
Love your #1 Yosano stan, Angel
Hehehe since I was specifically told to rest for two weeks straight it gave me an ample amount of writing time. It’s never not gonna be funny to me that I was on painkillers while writing the ending of this fic, meaning I was physically incapable of feeling pain while I put you all through that.🤭 I’m not a sadist buuuut I hope you felt things. Like pain for example 😃
And for the far future since school is starting again😬 I’m looking for hot beta readers in my area (aka this side of the internet). However I have no clue how to swing that so I’m putting this here dm me if you’re interested. I’m looking for someone who has the time, better grammar than me(at least decent and can spot my fumbles), and can handle heavy angst should I feel like taking out my problems on fictional people again.😉👍Also I can’t pay you babes but that’s ok we do it for the love of the craft. 
I genuinely want to publish a novel one day and fanfic really is the best practice. It’s not my first time writing fanfics but it is my first time posting so if you wanna give me constructive criticism or if I’m missing a tag please let me know. Just be nice to me😭 I really wanna hear what you guys have to say. Especially about my favorite girl Yosano who did nothing wrong ever actually!!! Comment don’t be shy I’m very soft and squishy I promise. Even if it’s just a keyboard smash a little goes a long way:) have an immaculate day, night, limbo or ascension until the next time I can’t hold my rot in🥹
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georgies-ftts · 6 months
Got very tired last night, like actually don't remember what I was doing sort of tired and managed to almost perfectly document the next part of my current merthur fic in a way I actually still understand and I think I'm hilarious so I'm sharing it with you which means there a spoilers (The Lost Raven on ao3)
Arthur gets back to his chambers, tired n all that, about to go do some law changing probs. Merlin is somehow??? standing upright clinging onto the bedpost or like... the air? about to hit the floor or smth idk
“What the fuck-”
Arthur catches him and Merlin cries out in pain or like just something cause he’s like… half deceased and shouldn't have the capability to stand but you know... plot n all that shit
“Tf do you think yer doing mug”
“What am i doing here, i have things to do, like washing n shit”
“No dumbass get back into bed and heal before i stab you lol jk i love you and you’re awake and not dead thought you were dead but you’re alive and you were upright almost not upright but you were def upright for a hot sec there”
“No bitch I have to wash your bastard socks and you know I have magic and I'm gonna die and you're gonna kill me but also I'm in your bed and not dead so wtf is going on are you ill or cursed or mental or all of the above???”
“No fuck u”
“Huh…no i never, stfu, i didn't said a word, prick.”
“Yuh huh whatever you say.”
“Sleep. And i'll sleep here beside you., cause we're besties and that's what besties do definitely maybe probably” 
“Okay lol”
"Did you run away from me on the battlefield"
"Lol yeah i'm traumatised by the law and fire."
end scene probably after some big words i dont actually understand
There’s deffo some barely acknowledged or non-purposeful hand holding and then they sleep, peaceful and all that and arthur definitely isn't having another crisis
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Forceful Intervention AU - Masterpost
After some new developments within the canon itself, plus some thoughts on certain characters and their story arcs having changed, I've decided that the Forceful Intervention Verse needed some refurbishing.
There's a lot that's changed and some things that will stay the same. That said, a lot of the Our Bonds are Forged in the Stars series fics are now technically defunct as they don't 100% fit the story anymore, but @lost-on-kamino's A Different View fic is still valid and their writing is great, so I'd give it a read!
All AU Info under the cut!
Summary: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every choice a consequence. In one universe, a series of actions and choices slowly doomed an entire kin to extinction, leaving only three brothers to deal with the guilt and grief until their very last breath. But in another universe, a slightly different outcome leads to the surviving clones getting a chance that would have otherwise been stolen from them.
(Note: The overall timeline is nodded at via the eras in which each storyline takes place. The storylines themselves are not presented in order and can actually happen simultaneously due to some plot points overarching.)
--Story Arcs--
-Clone Wars Era-
A Marshal Commander's Cautionary Tale - Prior to Fox being appointed as the head of the Coruscant Guard, his temporary predecessor begins to notice shady happenings involving Palpatine and the Republic's overall corrupt government. Throughout the course of several weeks while Fox transitions from a position of battlefield command to stationary bureaucracy, Sturm uncovers the Sith Master's plot against the Jedi and ends up not only being silenced for it, but also becomes a cautionary tale that serves to keep in line the newly promoted Marshal Commander of the Guard.
Sturm's Legacy - After his betrayal of the GAR and apprehending on Christophsis, Slick ends up being surrendered into the custody of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence under the pretense of being interrogated for information. In reality, Palpatine merely tossed Slick at the feet of his more bloodthirsty underlings, so that they could do with him whatever they pleased and be somewhat appeased by the Chancellor's "most graceful generosity". Tortured for several days and then thrown out with the trash, Slick is found and rescued by a few Guard patrolmen, and his horrific treatment sparks the seeds of rebellion in Fox and his men.
Ponds Survives - By sheer dumb luck and a few inches, Aurra Sing's shot does not kill Ponds as intended. Left permanently blind and with a traumatic brain injury, Mace Windu's loyal commander is permanently relegated to the Jedi Temple in an effort to keep him out of Kamino's radar while he adapts to his new circumstances. This later affects the outcome of Operation Nightfall, as Ponds manages to help coordinate the evacuation of several Jedi, younglings and important documents out of Imperial space (ultimately preserving a part of the teachings, but not being able to save the Jedi Order itself from being eradicated).
The CG Recovery Program for Wayward Brothers - Through Fox's meticulous planning, clones of various battalions that have been slatted for decommission are pulled into the Coruscant Guard for safeguarding. They are either given new numbers/designations (in the hopes to keep them away from further scrutiny), or are spirited away to secret housing within the deeper levels of Coruscant that have been essentially lost to time.
D22 the "Rookie" - During a heavily publicized mockery of a trial, after realizing that the Chancellor planned to use a heavily traumatized Dogma as a scapegoat for the entire incident on Umbara, Fox orchestrates an elaborate rescue mission that involves a bit of smoke, a few mirrors and an obscene amount of fake blood. Tricking the entire Republic and GAR into believing the rookie sergeant was killed in a prison riot ends up being much more easy than anticipated, especially when the best position for him ends up being one of constant surveillance (After all, who in their right mind that wants to stay under the radar, would even dare to become the Coruscant Guard's archivist?).
Cats in Strange Places - There's something odd about the steadily increasing number of stray tookas and loth cats, that keep cropping up in places where the Jedi and clones have been. One cat in particular seems to be in multiple places at once, something which doesn't appear to surprise the Coruscant Guard whom seem familiar with this particular feline.
Seeds of Doubt - Prior to escaping prison, Boba's negative perspective of the clones begin to shift as he learns more about them through observation and brief interactions with the Coruscant Guard. Caught between a desire to preserve the memory of his father and his longing to have a family, the renegade clone's drive for revenge slowly becomes the foundation for his future as the Daimyo of Tatooine.
Resource Management - Palpatine gathers test subjects (MIA & supposedly KIA clones) to use in his personal experiments. These various projects serve to look into achieving immortality, to test ancient forms of Sith alchemy, and/or to test the usefulness of recovered artifacts. Many are given to Dr. Hemlock to use in his own projects (including high profile clones from certain battalions), while others are used in Palpatine's own personal experiments.
-Post Order 66-
Clone Resistance Story Arc
Echo and Rex cut ties with CF99 - After the loss of Tech, Echo and Hunter's relationship becomes extremely strained, which leads to longer and longer periods of absence between Echo and the squad. Even after Omega and Crosshair escape from Tantiss, both Echo and Rex slowly begin to permanently part ways with CF99 (seeing as Echo no longer feels welcomed or respected, and Rex cannot afford to stop all rescuing efforts when things are beginning to heat up on their end). Agreeing that it is in everyone's best interest to formally cut ties (rather than force one another to do something they don't want to do), the two groups simply move on with their lives. While 3/4 of CF99 are not pleased with this choice (with Omega being especially upset about it), Hunter is content to focus on giving Omega a better life after everything she's gone through.
The Smuggler & the Dove - Rex establishes a clone smuggling network with the help of two ex-GAR members, so as to more efficiently track down and transport scattered clone stragglers that not even the Empire managed to gather on Tantiss, or that had escaped from the Imperial research base during CF99's rescue of Omega. Both Mae and Dove seem to have personal reasons to want in on this operation, while also having secrets of their own that they keep hidden well away from the clone captain.
The AI Conscience Program - While on a recon mission, Echo discovers some very unusual classified data within an Imperial research vessel. A few weeks of unexplained symptoms and bouts of sleepwalking after accidentally downloading more than just the research files later, Echo's two new "guests" (AI copies of Fives and Tup created for unknown purposes) make themselves known and embark on a quest to acquire bodies of their own.
Forgive and Forget - During a high-stakes mission with Rex, a run in with Fox proves disastrous, when a rather violent altercation breaks out between Echo and the ex-Marshal Commander of the Guard. An altercation that ends with the three of them captured by opportunistic slavers. Despite past transgressions and some bitterness, Fox does everything in his power to get Rex and Echo out of the mess they landed themselves in. And, through being forced to work together, some past misunderstandings and awful truths come to light.
The Failsafe - Echo and Dove are both captured after a mission goes terribly wrong. While Dove is taken away to forcefully take part in an Inquisitorium-funded experiment, Echo is pulled away to be tortured for information. Unwilling to give away any intel that may jeopardize the clone resistance, Echo resorts to a failsafe he had Tech install into his neural relay in case of his potential capture. This failsafe turns out to be a mind-wipe that leaves him with amnesia, but no less capable of escaping his captors via a hastily stolen supply ship.
Cody Wakes Up - Having been used as a prototype for the Dark Trooper project, Cody ends up as a withdrawn semi-mechanical shadow of his former self. However, upon being selected to serve as a warden for Dove while she is experimented on, Cody slowly has his humanity reawakened by her insistent kindness. Thirsty for both revenge and freedom, the cyborg commander unleashes all hell upon the research station and manages to rescue both himself, Dove, and the results of her experimentation.
Epifania Story Arc
The Great Coruscanti Escape - Several Coruscant Guard members who's chips didn't activate, begin the arduous task of escaping the heart of the Empire by all means necessary. Many fail along the way, but others refuse to give in. Even if their GAR brothers seem to have forsaken them completely.
The Archivist and the Communications Officer - Dogma emerges from the isolation of the CG Archives long after Order 66 was given out. Startled and very confused by the state of things, he manages to reunite with Rhythm and the both of them escape Coruscant together in search of somewhere safe to lay low.
The New Sheriff in Town - After landing on the rather quaint (and hard to find) planet of Epifania, Dogma and Rhythm accidentally find themselves in the middle of a dispute between the small town of Bakkskrash and a gang of thugs. A dispute that ends with the leader of said gang dead by Dogma's hands, the daughter of the town mayor safe from danger, and a shiny sheriff's badge in Dogma's possession. Neither Rhythm nor Dogma know how they ended up in this position but it might as well happen.
The Guard Remnant - After becoming the new law enforcers for the small town of Bakkskrash, Sheriff Dogma and Deputy Rhythm discover that they are not the only clones who've chosen Epifania as a safe place to hide. Reunited with the Guard Remnant (a small group of Guardsmen that managed to escape Coruscant by the skin of their teeth), the duo take it upon themselves to both maintain order in their new home, as well as help the others find their places within the community.
The Lost Children of Mandalore - Epifania's rich history as a safe haven is slowly revealed, when the Guard Remnant is introduced to the various ancient Mando clans that dwell on the planet. Known as the Lost Children of Mandalore, these clans (many lineages spanning back to the Old Republic era) are not only the last remnants of Mandalorian culture that has been lost to time and New Mandalorian creed, but also more than eager to accept the clones as their own due to their heritage and compatible code of honor.
Wilhelm and the Ghost Archivist - The ever present and peacefully dormant Wilhelm, protector of Epifania, awakens from his centuries long nap to welcome a new archivist into his expansive halls. Surrounded by the unending knowledge of many a millennia past, Tech's restless spirit finds both peace and purpose keeping track and documenting all ongoing galactic affairs.
Little Tulpa - A visit from the ever cantankerous Sponge leaves Dogma with a responsibility he never considered he'd ever be confronted with: That of parenthood. Perhaps raising an innocent little tubie will do the reluctant Sheriff of Bakkskrash some good? And perhaps the presence of a young child will ease the pain of the Guard Remnant who's own childhoods were stolen from them.
Of Unexpected Reunions & Mixed Feelings - After traveling with Mae for a while on their journey to create new better bodies for themselves (or at least better than the two BD Units they'd hijacked), the AI copies of Fives and Tup are unexpectedly reunited with Dogma. Mae proposes to the sheriff that he help her create Replica Droids for the two AIs to claim as their own bodies, through the simple donation of a DNA sample so that the two could more easily acclimate to their new corporeal forms. An idea that (due to years of unaddressed trauma and bitterness) Dogma promptly rejects, much to the horror of Fives and Tup who do not understand why their brother would deny them this chance so easily.
The Sulu Ra Chronicles - An old nightmare rears his ugly head back into Dogma's life, threatening to uproot everything he's built for himself, his young son and his brothers. Some tests are merely of the mind. Others are physical chores of herculean nature. Sulu Ra and his machinations and twisted experiments prove to be both, especially when it comes to how willing his intended target's allies are to keep him out of the Mad Cloner of Kamino's grasp.
Upgrading Echo - The amnesiac Echo's escape pod somehow manages to get past Epifania's vast meteor field, and crash-lands near one of the many Mandalorian settlements. Scared, confused and unsure who to trust, Echo becomes a bit of a local cryptid until he is finally captured and dragged to the only medic in the area: Sponge. Helping heal wounds and medical issues that have gone untreated for far too long is only half the battle. Upgrading some of his cybernetic prosthetics another quarter of the battle. The true challenge is helping the once proud ARC trooper regain his memories and sense of community...
Synthetic Genetics - After overcoming many trials and tribulations (many of them extremely emotionally tolling), both Echo and Dogma reach a point where they are willing to reconcile their relationships with Fives and Tup, and allow for Mae to use their DNA samples to be taken and used to create Replica Droids to house the two AI consciences.
Final Stand at the Farmstead - A notoriously violent group of slavers makes its way into Epifania and begins to terrorize the local towns in search of easy merchandising. Upon discovering the Sponge Clan's farmstead, a brutal battle ends in tremendous sacrifice for a clone medic and their four legged companion, as well as the unification of the many clans of the Lost Children of Mandalore who declare any enemy of the clones as their own enemy. Epifania becomes an official sanctuary planet for clones.
Fox's Warpath Story Arc
A Twist of Fate - Having witnessed the deaths of several of his Guard brothers and had his neck snapped by Vader, Fox feels like his time (and what little luck he ever had) has inevitably run out. Much to his horror however, an old ally stumbles across him and decides to lend an unwelcome helping hand. Forced to live despite having no real desire to carry on, Fox wanders aimlessly from planet to planet while trying to come to terms with all his past failures.
A Stumble in the Dark - After accidentally crash-landing on Epifania, a severely injured Fox stumbles across a water well and passes out from exhaustion after drinking his fill. He is woken up quite rudely when Dogma literally trips over him, while on his daily trip to collect water for the town of Bakkskrash. Fox is thusly reunited with what is left of his family.
Live, says the Ferryman - Despite his body being on the mend and having been reunited with his Guard brothers, Fox's despondent and withdrawn nature begins to worry several people. Recognizing where his depression might be leading him to, an entity that has grown quite fond of the clones (especially the Coruscant Guard) decides to give the lost commander some sense of direction. Sometimes the best revenge starts out with living well out of pure spite.
Fox the Bounty Hunter - Having overcome the stagnant cycle of self-pity and apathy he'd trapped himself in, Fox decides to do something about the Guardsmen still trapped within Palpatine's grasp. While gaining some prestige as a bounty hunter simply known as Rosso Vulpes, Fox enacts the second and third stages of his revenge by rescuing brothers that Rex's clone resistance has overlooked, as well as killing past abusers that had once crushed the Coruscant Guard under their heel.
The Clone Scrapheap - Several months after Tantiss's fall, Fox manages to locate one of Hemlock's private shuttles that seems to be traveling the galaxy seemingly on autopilot. Boarding the ship, Fox not only discovers what has happened to many brothers who were unaccounted for during the liberation of Tantiss, but also comes to a terrible realization over who is unwittingly commandeering the ship and its twisted experiments.
Operation: Delta Squad - After being promised valuable information that would speed up his imperial clone liberation mission, Fox agrees to work with a remorseful Scorch (who was rescued from the ruins of Tantiss but left physically disabled by his encounter with CF99) in locating the rest of his squad (who were being used as ransom by Hemlock to keep him in line prior to the destruction of the research facility). Tracking down the remainder of Delta Squad proves to be a bit of a challenge, but it's a mission that comes with a much welcomed surprise in the end.
Falling with Style - After four years of agonizing search, blood, sweat and tears (many of which were spent tracking down, rescuing and relegating forgotten or abandoned clones to new housing), Fox finally finds the two brothers he's wanted to free the most: Thire and Alpha-17, the only remaining vode still under Imperial control. Knowing fully well that this will be his very last mission, Fox gives it his all to save his ex-Guard kih'vod and the closest thing he ever had to a buir. While victory is sweet and the return to Epifania is celebrated, Fox has very little time remaining. His wounds are much too severe this time.
Rebirth of the Soul: The Candlelit Fox - Having fulfilled the purpose he gave himself, enjoyed what little he could live as a free soul, and watched his family both heal and thrive in their adopted home-world, Fox feels content enough with all he's achieved to let his ailing body draw final breath. A visit from the Ferryman of Epifania offers him a chance to leave a much more long lasting legacy. Fox passes on, and from his ashes rises Vela the Traveler, a fledgling Force Entity and patron saint of lost wandering souls.
-Rebels Era-
Force Wound Story Arc
The Thing in the Storm - After the Tribunal's grave-site was disturbed by Vader's dark presence, a powerful Force Wound forcefully tethered to the realm of the living the countless restless spirits of those who'd died in the crash. Confused, in pain and terrified, the amalgamated 332nd Company began to hunt down the one they believed was responsible for their abandonment and agony (Rex).
King Hunt - Long after Rex tried to run his Clone Resistance and eventually settled down on Seelos with Wolffe and Gregor, the amalgamated 332nd Company had spent years trying to lure the captain with elaborate distress messages. Those unfortunate enough to heed the call were consumed by the ravenous Force Anomaly, which only lost more of its humanity the more lifeforms it assimilated into itself. Well into the full swing of the conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire, Thing in the Storm manages to finally find a way off its moon-prison, bringing the hunt for the "traitorous king" to the wider galaxy.
Force Bleed - As the Thing in the Storm grows stronger and more bloodthirsty, its presence begins to be noticed by both still active clones and anyone who has been touched by the Force. Having recently been reunited with Omega after she'd joined the Rebellion, both Echo and Dove sense the impending danger that is actively seeking out Rex, and decided to embark on a journey to warn the captain of the violent storm that is brewing in the horizon.
The Storm Approaches - Dove, Echo and Cody manage to locate and reunite with Rex, who's been lured out into a snowy planet very similar to the moon where the Tribunal crashed. The similarities do not go unnoticed by the captain, who is uneasy throughout his trek trying to figure out what brought him to such a desolate planet with no real signs of life to be seen. Realizing this is an elaborate trap, Dove finds the group some shelter before a massive storm-front hits their location. Then a most perilous game of cat and mouse truly begins.
A Friend in the Dark - After dodging several ambushes and attacks from the incomprehensible abomination hiding within the storm, the group gets rescued by a familiar mercenary who may have been trying to unsuccessfully heal the horrific wound in the Force that the restless spirits of the 332nd Company have become. Zed warns the group that the Thing in the Storm is not at fault for its own actions (as they are a victim of terrible circumstances), but that if any further attempts to bring them to reason fail to work they will have no other choice but to destroy it to prevent any more damage to be done to the Force itself.
Jesse Wakes Up - Now knowing the true identities of the Thing in the Storm, a guilt-ridden Rex decides to give himself up to appease the monster his brothers have become. Dove, Cody and Echo do not agree to this plan however, and convince Rex to instead try to talk things out. Initially this does not prove fruitful, as the amalgamated 332nd are so consumed by their collective fear and anger that they immediately lash out. But, as the group tries time and time again to reach out and calm them, Jesse's consciousness begins to reawaken within the abomination.
A Monster at their Side - After regaining full control of his senses and then reigning in the rest of the terrified souls that form their amalgamated form, a repentant Jesse begs Rex for forgiveness over what transpired on the Tribunal. After being told of what truly went down on the day Order 66 rang out, Jesse decides to join the Rebellion as both an intelligence officer and potential assassin (as his new abilities as an eldritch abomination make him an ideal infiltration unit). He hopes that by doing some good, he will be able to make up for all the pain and chaos he and the rest of the 332nd caused as the Thing in the Storm.
-Sequels Era-
The Auction - Aoife a semi-omniscient gal completely out of her element, is tossed into a rather unexpected misadventure when she stumbles upon a black market auction that has a rather pricey and rare treasure among many stolen goods: A clone trooper frozen in carbonite. Unwilling to just let this slide, Aoife reluctantly bites off more than she can chew in her attempt to do the right thing.
A Colossal Conundrum - Having managed to successfully thaw out Hardcase (a clone that should very much not be alive) and explained to him that he has woken up 30 years in the future, Aoife has very few options when it comes to getting him medical attention as neither of them have a credit to spare between them. Undeterred by carbonite sickness or even the poorly treated burns he's saddled with from his stunt in Umbara, Hardcase attempts to break away and help himself. This in turn ends with them both stowing away in a supply ship that is headed straight for a Space Station known simply as the Colossus.
Friend or Foe? - While doing their best to get by while doing small jobs for Captain Doza on the Colossus, Hardcase and Aoife come across a few friendly faces who seem to be familiar with the nearly forgotten clone army. These new allies are certainly comforting to have around (especially for Hardcase who is still adjusting to being without his brothers), but they seem to be keeping tabs on something that is happening behind closed doors. Something that has to do with the new hotshot pilot/mechanic that Jerek Yeager has taken in...
Adrift in a Galaxy Far Far Away - With the Colossus on the move and Kaz's ties to the Resistance becoming all but confirmed, Hardcase is struggling with just sitting around doing nothing while Aoife's mind seems elsewhere. A certain Kel Dor mechanic decides to step in and try to help the antsy clone make up his mind, while a mysterious child that seems aware of Aoife's odd circumstances begins to follow her around like a shadow.
Ah! Pirates! - A chance run in with the Crimson Corsair reveals what it was that was bothering Aoife so much: The fact she knew Hardcase was not the very last clone, and that she wasn't entirely sure how to bring it up with him because she did not know how to track down the other living clone trooper. A little upset with her but not one to hold a grudge, Hardcase quickly reassures his friend that he's not mad at her for not telling him sooner (after all what good would it have done if he'd known and been unable to find his brother?). Both end up making a vow to both find a way to find Kix and to find a way to get Aoife back home. Which means both finding a way to track down and contact the Meson Martinet and her crew, as well as find someone who may or may not know something about what exactly brought Aoife into this particular universe.
Seeing Double - When a seemingly charming merchant comes to the Colossus on a business venture, things turn a little sideways when a supposed pirate appears and begins causing trouble for the Space Station. Teaming up with Kaz and the Aces, Hardcase and Aoife attempt to scare off the pirate, only to instead find out that not everything is as it seems. The clone army may slowly be falling into obscurity, but various bits and pieces of their history have value and Hardcase would rather die than let them fall into the hands of those who hold no respect for his vode or their culture.
Triple Brotherly Reunion - Dominik keeps up with his end of the deal he made with Hardcase and Aoife, and gets them a meeting with the crew of the Meson Martinet. While on their way to the meeting spot in Takodana, the duo is followed and seemingly hunted by something that keeps scaring off the local fauna... Hardcase and Kix are about to find yet another impossible remnant of the past, while Aoife slowly realizes that nothing is as black and white or set in stone as she's been lead to believe. Not even what should be considered the "canon events" of a universe.
Supporting Cast
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rivangel · 6 months
Hello Kane! I was wondering if you could recommend to me your favorite eruri fics, please? Thanks for answering 💓
yes for sure! eruri is my favorite. here's a top 10:
This Feeling I'll Forget by thefangirlingdead
Levi suffers from short term memory loss, and while that makes it hard for him to find love, he finds Erwin.
completely iconic. just a beautiful oneshot with angst, fluff, and falling in love. seriously can't reccommend enough regardless of what you're looking for.
ALL of obiwhat's eruri fics
especially if you are a fan of hurt/comfort or sickfics. there's not a single one i don't hold in insanely high regard.
1 the smell of rain (my favorite)
2 desire to burn
3 rice porridge (INSANELY cute)
the two of them by fuchsiaring
It roils in his chest: desperate, aching, empty. It sears his throat, stings his eyes. He’s dizzy with it, how it hurts, how he needs it. It burns like a wound, sweet like the summer breeze, and Levi relishes, lets it swell, lets it overtake him. --OR-- 5 times Levi cries during sex + 1 time he doesn’t
Tumblr media
hands-down the best eruri fic i've ever read. i believe in my ao3 bookmarks i have that exact note lol. i binged it all in under a day and then reread it the next day.
it's how i got inspired to write my first longfic (in the aot fandom), and to write eruri (after writing xReader for a long time). ughh it's so sexy and sweet and even a canon fix-it on top of all that. SRSLY is a must-read if u like eruri.
when making this list i went back and had to reread a chapter
in restless silence by GateBreaker
Levi stares at their joined hands, eyes rounded and a bit lost.
Worried, Erwin gently prompts him. “Levi?”
“I had them,” wide eyes stare into Erwin’s, imploring. “I had them, Erwin.”
VERY hurt comfort-y. that's by far my biggest taste if no one can tell yet.
I Can Help You, You Know by avatays
Levi didn’t say anything, just pursed his lips and stared at the desk. Erwin didn’t understand why Levi was so uncomfortable, until he realized— “Levi,” he began softly. “Can you not read?” --- Erwin finds out that Levi never learned to read. He decides to fix that.
Tailor Made by Occasus
The one where Erwin takes Levi to the tailor.
🧎🏻oh jesus. pretty much pwp. erwin is kind of a kinky fuck, oral, and there's breathplay
With You by FoggyGlasses
In the warm Summer breeze, Levi is helping clean out old documents from Erwin's office. When faced with papers he can't read, Levi goes to the commander for help. After a short lesson with lots of encouragement, both men are reluctant to leave each other's comfort. The gentle sunlight leaves them reveling in each other's love.
I Will Love You by thefangirlingdead
Levi tells Erwin that he loves him right before their certain death on the battlefield. Only, they don't die.
Let Me Take Care of You by inkbetweenthekeys
After returning from a mission into Maria territory, Levi seeks Erwin out. Erwin is frustrated that Levi doesn't take better care of himself.
i reread this one a lot. comfort with smut, levi injured
Anything You Want by fuchsiaring
“It’s not what you think,” Levi says, words spilling out fast. His low voice is strained, just a bit, just enough that Erwin can hear the tension. “I kept it to fix the sleeve, I, uh… I’m going to sew the button back on. I’ll wash it and give it back, as… as soon as it’s fixed.” Never, not once in the years since they met, has Erwin heard Levi stammer like this.
“Why are you wearing it?”
oh jesussss🧎🏻virgin levi and service top erwin in canonverse. just so sexy theres nothing else to say wow
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barbex · 22 days
I’d love to hear about “dance in yellow” from your WIPs!
Love, thedastrash
Oh thank you!
Amazingly, this is an unpublished fic! See? I'm trying. I mean to finish it before publishing. Thanks, I hate it.
I'm on the forth chapter and it's a trope collection with Fenris x Anders, with
fake dating/bodyguard
enemies to lovers
heist and thievery
ballroom dancing
Zevran! being too sexy
Anders is a sexy BAMF, Fenris can't deal
"you touch him, you die"
and so on.
Have a taste:
"Why don't we ask him?" Zevran says and opens the door, revealing Fenris to the room. He hadn't even noticed that he stepped closer. If Fenris had any doubts about the man's skills as an assassin, he knows better now. 
"Fenris, there you are." Hawke calls out, oblivious to his eavesdropping. Hawke is a force of nature, but awareness of his surroundings outside of a battlefield is not his strong suit. "Have some wine. Listen to this great plan, it's gonna be fun."
"Fun?" Fenris asks as he steps into the room. 
"And lucrative," Isabela says, twirling her dagger. "Stealing from rich fucks is my favorite game."
"That sounds promising." Fenris fills a glass with red wine at the table and slowly turns to where Anders sits. His long legs stretch out from the stuffed chair and he seems to drown in his ridiculous coat, the feathers fluffing up to his ears. 
Anders rolls his eyes. "Wait till you hear the plan. You'll change your mind."
"I was able to procure invitations for Lord Falange's extraordinary party, happening in [X] days." Zevran pulls two richly decorated cards from his vest and lets them flutter onto the table. "It's the event of the year, and the rich asshole density is unparalleled." 
"And while we're at it, we'll procure —" Hawke is clearly proud of this new word he learned from Zevran "— some highly sensitive documents to shut down a slavery operation Lord Falange keeps on the side."
Fenris takes a long sip of his wine, savoring the taste before he swallows. "An extra incentive, I'd say." 
Hawke takes Isabela's hand and pretends to place a kiss on it. "I'll be a big shot merchant and Isabela will be my hot wife."
Isabela winks at Fenris. "The hottest." 
"What do you need me for?" Fenris asks.
"You'll have to play my bodyguard," Anders says with a gravelly voice.
Fenris freezes. Not this. Not again. "No."
"There, I told you." Anders throws his hands up as he looks away, his hair falling in front of his face.
Fenris turns to Hawke to glare at him. "Why Anders' bodyguard, why not yours?" 
"Because we need someone to get really close to Lord Fuck-his-face," Hawke says and gestures dramatically at Anders, "and this lord has a special taste for lanky, blond brats." He takes a step closer to Fenris, smiling at him. "It's only for show. You're not really his bodyguard. But we don't want Anders all alone with the guy, just in case."
"That does, in fact, make me a bodyguard."
The smile on Hawke' face brightens. "Just a little. You're more like backup, in case things go tits up." 
It's impossible to deny Hawke anything when he puts on this soft smile. At least that's what Fenris tells himself when he glances at Anders and imagines being his bodyguard and cannot really find fault in that. "Alright. I'll do it."
"Wait, you're fine with this?" Anders gets up to step around him, searching his face. "Remember, you'll have to listen to me, do what I say, and actually be nice to me, at least for a bit."
Fenris holds Anders' gaze, ignoring the heat rising up his neck. "I am sure I can pretend for a while." It sounds harsher than he meant.
Zevran sidles up to them with a disarming smile. "An angry discussion between bodyguard and employer might even be a useful distraction at some point."
"I'm sure we can provide that, easily," Anders spits out. 
He doesn't look Fenris in the eyes again, not for the whole rest of the evening. Fenris tries several times to catch his gaze but the mage never looks at him. He seems to be lost in thought, staring out of the window despite the darkness.
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mayonnaisepudding · 1 year
Clone Fic Gift Exchange for @obixwan
Cody x reader | Enemies to lovers but in a literal way | SFW | TW: it's SWTCW | Word Count: 911
Other Tags: @cloneficgiftexchange, @ghostofskywalker
You hadn't been working with the 212 very long. But long enough to figure out that they didn't like you. You didn't blame them, you wouldn't like you either. It had only been 2 weeks since you had earned the trust of the republic since you defected from the separatists.
You're pretty sure the only reason they tolerated you was that you had been providing valuable information. A civilian employee, who Dooku decided knew too much. For reasons unknown to you.
The only reason you had even had an opportunity to defect was because Dooku didn't want to directly kill you and raise suspicion, so he sent you to an active warzone. A soon to be active battlefield. A way to get rid of you without drawing any attention. When you accidentally discovered this you made copies of important documents, maps, and plans in a way that no one would notice and snuck away from your would be grave.
And now you were here, on a Jedi cruiser. Surrounded and saved by the people you had believed your enemy.
You were incredibly lonely. The only two people friendly with you were Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi and Commander Cody. But both were always busy.
You hardly ever saw the General, but the Commander seemed to go out of his way to speak to you at least once a day, even if only to say a quick good morning.
As for all his brothers, they all seemed to go out of their way to avoid you. You could hear them talk about you behind your back in all the breakrooms and the mess hall.
You were sure the only people who didn't hate you were Obi-wan Kenobi and Commander Cody. The Jedi was expected, a peacekeeper who believed in second chances, or in your case, just a chance.
But the commander had been unexpected in his welcoming of you. He was incredibly kind, not distrustful, but trust was something you were definitely earning from him.
You had grown fond of him.
As a matter of fact, the only reason you hadn't tried to escape the Republic as well was because of him.
"y/n? Are you in here?"
You bolt up. You had gotten very lost in thought as you sat in a corner of the least popular breakroom while working on typing up as much important information as you could remember from being a separatist, admittedly not much, and you hadn't heard Cody come in.
"Ah! Sorry! Yes I'm here!"
"Was getting worried about you," he had his helmet off as he calmly walked over to you, finally laying his eyes on you. "Nobody had seen you for a few hours."
"A few hours? What time is it?"
"2100," he sat next to you. "What are you doing in here?"
"Typing the information the Jedi council wants, not much else to do when you're not a soldier on a military ship."
"I meant what are you doing in here alone," he looks concerned. "Nobody ever comes in here, according to Commander Tano it has 'bad vibes'."
You smile and look away a little embarrassed. You came in here because you were pretty sure nobody wanted you around. But here was Commander Cody, who went out of his way to look for you, because he was worried about you.
"Are you okay? The boys haven't been giving you any trouble have they?"
"N-no, no trouble. I just didn't want to bother them. I want them to enjoy the time they have off, I know they don't have much of it," you still aren't looking at him while you say it.
"What do you mean?" Cody's concern still evident in his voice.
It takes you a moment to respond, and when you do it comes out barely a whisper.
"You and the Jedi are the only ones who don't hate me. Not to say you like me. But it's very obvious your brother's hate me."
"It's okay Commander, to them I'm just another separatist, I'm the enemy in their eyes."
The silence hangs in the air. Contemplation from both of you. It's not like any of you could have controlled where you were born, you were born on a separatist planet, and they were born Kamino clones. Literally born enemies.
"I am a little embarrassed to admit," you start, your face going a lovely shade of red. "With the way things have been right now, I hate everything. I hate the separatists, but I also hate being so alone with the republic. Everything I do, I do for you. You're really the only one who talks to me, talks to me without insulting me under their breath and behind my back."
"...I'll talk with them."
"You don't have t-"
"I want to. They aren't being fair to you."
You turn to face him. He has beautiful eyes. His brothers have the same color eyes, but that's really not what makes them so beautiful. The genuine kindness he seems to show everyone is. They look so tired.
"You should go get some sleep, you look exhausted, y/n."
"You should look in a mirror," you quip.
He chuckles softly. Slowly standing up and offering you his hand, "then allow me to escort you to your room, so we can both go to bed."
Your heart flutters.
And you take his hand.
While the lonely pain still stung your heart right now, it would all be worth it for him.
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blucifer08 · 1 year
Naru Lore Dump
Okay I used to have like a pinned post about my characters and their lore but things changed and the story grew a lot; and someone needed an entire document for a fic thing from me so ytd i put together a VERY rough summary of Naru's lore from pre-ARR to EW and I figured I'd share it here and pin it to my page in case anyone wants to know about Naru.
This is, very rough, very simplified, but it gives the general gist of Naru's story and themes, so if you're ever curious, here it is under a readmore:
Naru grew up on the Steppe. She is a Kahkol, and her family was killed early on and she was left to wander the Steppe on her own. As a result, she was forced to learn to hunt for herself and to clean the animals herself. She got very good at dismembering. That is her main trait in battle later, she is very good at identifying weak places in joints in order to cut someone up in battle with ease–to make up for her smaller size as an Au Ra. 
Eventually, Magnai picked her up off the Steppe and she was introduced to the Oronirs. She was given to a family, and Magnai treated her like a younger sister. Naru learned of Nhaama and Azim, and in this story, she found comfort. Ever since Naru can remember, she has felt a stark loneliness inside herself–even further than the loneliness of having lost one’s family. Something deeper, as though something were missing. And upon hearing the tale of Azim and Nhaama, Naru became horribly fixated on the idea that finding her Nhaama would help fix that feeling. (This was very influenced by Magnai, though his gendered view didn’t really get passed onto her)
Naru left the Steppe in search of her Nhaama, becoming convinced that they would not be anywhere on the Steppe, as she decided she didn’t fit in there. She then joined the Doman resistance for a time with young Hien. Naru developed a crush on Hien, of which he lightly used as a point to keep her fighting for their cause–Naru’s skill at dismembering was a great advantage for them. Naru took up the samurai sword under his tutelage and quickly surpassed him. She eventually kissed him as a show of her adoration, and he turned her down, shattering her young, fragile heart. She continued to fight for a time, though her spirits had dropped.
During an intense fight, Naru gets shot in the side. She has to flee the battlefield and winds up knocked out on a shore. A fisherman picks her up and tends to her, and she ends up travelling from port to port. Her wound becomes infected along the way, and after a long adventure, she stumbles upon Ul’dah. She eventually collapses onto a side street, her infected bullet wound becoming too much to bear.
She is approached by a pink-haired Viera man. He’s a bit cocky when he offers her help, but she’s in no place to turn him down. He carries her away and to an unmarked door in the Sapphire avenue exchange, and down to what seems to be a bar. He reveals himself to be Levi, a white mage, studying to be a black mage, but perfectly capable of helping her. He tends to her with practical means and with magic and she rests there in a small apartment above the bar. His name is Levi; and he introduces her to his business partner: Ehva, a Miqo’te from Limsa who used to engage in a little piracy to pay off her parent’s gambling debts, but now has settled down to enjoy running a bar.
Naru is quite lost at this point, but she agrees to stay and help out at the bar for room and board. She moves in with Levi in the apartment–Ehva lives somewhere else, citing needing a better separation of work and fun than Levi needs. Naru is terrible at bartending, and she often slips out of the work to take up adventuring instead. This earns her a slight reputation in Ul’dah. 
One day, Naru and Levi are on a walk when they come across a man advertising his future-telling. He offers them a free session. He calls himself Solomon, and tells their futures. To Levi, he gives a very vague, clearly half-assed reading. But to Naru, he suddenly becomes incredibly interested and excited to spill the details. He smiles and tells her, “Your Moon is not far. You will meet him in this life, but it will not be as you expect, budding adventurer.” This elates Naru, and it is the beginning of when Levi notices Naru has a problem.
Naru is borderline obsessed with destroying the lonely feeling she has. It has made Naru obsessed with finding love, she believes that there is someone out there made for her and only her. Levi assures Naru over and over throughout their early adventures that she doesn’t need love, friends and family can be enough, and that SHE can be enough for herself. 
(There are things occurring in the background here. Solomon has his own story and own motivations, but it doesn’t matter for the intents and purposes of this document! But he basically goes and tattles about Naru’s connection to the Ascians, of which will elaborated upon. It is worth mentioning that Solomon is part voidsent, and part of his motivation is to steal aether from his clients)
The story proceeds per usual for a while, per normal ARR things. Levi and Ehva abandon their bar for a time and join Naru on her adventure as warrior of light, and during ARR, Levi and Naru get incredibly close. They’re inseparable best friends–despite Levi’s constant irritation with her point of view of the world. In my canon, Levi is possessed by Lahabrea at the end of ARR instead of Thancred, so there’s a bit of angst there but it still doesn’t diverge too insanely from canon.
Things start to change for Naru during her first meeting with the mysterious white-robed Ascian, Elidibus. He gives his little speech about their plans and wanting to check out the Warrior of Light, but Naru feels a strange feeling around him. She ignores it for now.
Until during Heavensward, Elidibus approaches her again in her room at night. She immediately attacks him. He insists that he just wants to speak to her, that he is not there to hurt her, but she won’t have much of it. After nearly getting stabbed through with a samurai sword, Elidibus finally relents and leaves. Until Naru attends a Masquerade ball that Aymeric has invited her to. Elidibus appears at the banquet with no mask; thus concealing HIS identity as an Ascian. Naru dances with him, and the feeling returns. She becomes confused and steals off to a balcony, which he follows her to. Naru impulsively kisses him, he is rather surprised as romance wasn’t necessarily his intent, and reveals his identity. After a bit of back-and-forth and having to accept she just kissed an Ascian, she decides to perform a crazy trust test and drags him off a balcony with her to see if he would save them both–he does.
After this they kindle a secret relationship. He reveals that, long long ago, the world was whole. And in that time, he loved someone. He can’t remember them. Not their face, not their name, he just knows he loved them. He knows he hurt them in some way before the world was ripped asunder, and something happened between their souls. Now Elidibus holds a piece of their soul, and they held a piece of his–and when they were sundered, it meant Naru had a considerably sized fragment of his soul within her.
Thus, the lonesome feeling she had always felt was one he had experienced too. Their souls were reaching out for their other pieces, trying to become whole once again, unnaturally torn apart somehow. They fall in love, spending time together in secret. Naru becomes a bit distant, but Levi is pleased to see that she’s suddenly no longer interested in finding her moon–However he has no idea she has already found her “moon.” She didn’t outgrow the idea; Elidibus simply satisfied it. 
Things go fairly per MSQ. Naru and Elidibus never concede on their ideas, merely they often agree (with exceptions) not to talk about it. They fail to uphold this agreement when Elidibus possesses Zenos and their relationship becomes a bit rocky, but mends eventually because they have become fairly co-dependent on each other emotionally.
Naru proceeds into Shb, but Elidibus warns her that if she continues down the road she is on, they will ultimately fight. She is stubborn, and holds fast to her ideals. Naru is an actions person, not a words person, and she often remains quiet when they have these conversations on the Source, between her adventures on the First. She will let him watch her refuse him. 
Emet-Selch and Naru grow close as Emet-Selch manipulates Naru with his woes and sad tales. He speaks of Azem, and quickly connects the pieces for Naru that she was once Azem, and Azem is the mysterious person whom Elidibus had loved. Emet-Selch is very kind to Naru at first, attempting to pull Azem’s nature from her. However, Azem was a bold and brash person who said what was on their mind. Naru by contrast is a bit quiet, sometimes a LITTLE shy, actions over words, and keeps her thoughts to herself. Emet-Selch, in his delusion, perceives this as weakness on Naru’s part. He continues having her consume light warden after light warden, and once she’s near to bursting with light, just like canon, he invites her to Amaurot.
Naru, ever keen to handle her problems herself, stumbles to Amaurot by herself. He welcomes her sweetly at first, and waits for the moment she can barely even move, then reveals that Naru is not good enough. She is not like Azem, she will never be enough. Naru refutes this, and says she doesn’t need to be like Azem.
Emet-Selch clarifies. He claims that Naru is like Azem in only one way. That she is selfish. He provides the rest of the details on Elidibus and Azem’s souls, that Azem had begged Elidibus during the final days to be with her, to refuse to become Zodiark, to finally abandon his duty and think of himself and to think of her. He refuses. She begs again, and asks him to merge souls with her (Lahabrea and Athena style) so that he may understand her feelings. She begins the process, hoping that showing him a bit of her love for him will change his mind… But he is persistent in separating “Elidibus” and “Themis.” He rips their souls apart and in the process, their souls get fragmented and swapped. Azem ran away, and Emet-Selch caught up with her and heard the tale. He tried to stop Azem, but they ran away and hid for the remainder of the time before the Sundering. 
Emet-Selch poses this as similar to Naru’s actions now; she refuses to give up her desires (being a wol, saving the world, not letting the ascians win) and demands that Elidibus give up his duty–and this is causing him strain. Emet-Selch exaggerates, getting into Naru’s head and manipulating her into thinking that she has caused Elidibus a lot of suffering. 
Then the light becomes too much, and Emet-Selch whisks her away to lie in wait for her friends to arrive. Levi, Ehva, and the scions arrive and Naru has turned completely into a sin eater, dubbed “Desiderium.” (Longing.) There is a long, emotional battle, and Levi tries to appeal to his best friend, and it works. Naru’s strong will and desires stirs her dynamis, and allows her to take control of her body once more and to protect her soul from being completely obliterated by the light. And as a Lightwarden, she destroys Emet-Selch. After this, she is permanently a sin eater, one whose body is manipulated into shape by Dynamis. Naru must work hard to keep control of herself at all times; and at this time those around her must be wary of passive light damage. (Later Vrtra gives her a warding scale and this protects people from her light.)
5.3 comes around and it’s obviously rather emotional, neither Naru nor Elidibus backs down. But it ultimately reveals to Levi that Naru was in love with an Ascian the entire time–which isn’t really the big betrayal. It’s that Naru never grew. Levi thought he had had an effect on his best friend, that she had learned to find worth within herself and love herself, to love her friends, and fill the gap she felt herself. But it turns out, that the entire time, she was just relying on someone who Levi sees as manipulating her. She was being ‘weak,’ in his eyes, choosing to let Elidibus soothe an ache that he saw as an ache that shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
He goes to Naru’s room when she’s resting afterward, and the two have a massive argument. Naru is covered in light scars after the sin eater ordeal with Emet-Selch, and Levi calls them ugly symbols of her weakness. She had gotten too close to Emet-Selch, and clearly too close to Elidibus. This fight breaks them up severely, and Ehva tries to calm it, but the two will not speak to each other for some time.
Naru does most of Endwalker alone, for this reason. She casts away the samurai blade and takes up the scythe, choosing to wear clothes that cover more of her skin. She and Levi meet in Garlemald later, and he tells her that she’s insane for trying to do everything on her own. She tells him that, “If you want to join me, then beat me in a fight.” They fight, but Levi knows he has no chance of beating a Light Warden, essentially, by himself. They take out their anger on each other.
Elidibus in the tower sends Naru to Elpis. He apologizes for the dependency he created, admitting that though he did not realize how far Naru’s obsession with the “azim and nhaama” story went, he did understand to some extent that he had caused her to be incredibly emotionally dependent on him. He sends her to Elpis.
Long story short for Elpis, Naru tries to kill Emet-Selch for having turned her into a sin eater, he is obviously confused, Hythlodaeus and Venat have to defuse things, Emet-Selch half apologizes. Naru does a lot of investigating into Azem, wanting to know how different they truly are. She doesn’t find out much. She grows closer to Emet-Selch, starts to heal slightly internally about the things he said to her at the end of Shb. 
She leaves and MSQ completes as normal. Naru considers summoning Elidibus to help fight Meteion but she wants him to rest and leaves him be. Levi and Naru make up in UT and Levi sacrifices himself to help Naru get to the end. 
There are a lot more shenanigans going on in the background that aren’t really dire for me to list. The fortune teller, Solomon, is a very important character. He ends up helping Fandaniel gain control of Zodiark and he toys with Naru’s depression after having lost Elidibus in order to steal her bountiful aether and her gil. Solomon also becomes involved with Levi, who becomes a powerful black mage, and wants his aether (and a few other things…) as well. 
Endwalker is a lot about Naru learning to be happy with herself, learning to grieve, and accept the good and bad about herself and others. 
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bespectacledbun · 11 months
an update list of fanfic ideas I have planned for ikepri; one-shots:
antivenom — chevalier returns from an ambush, injured and soaking in blood, returned to the beast he once was. emma takes care of him and brings him back to his humanity. (soff post-battle TLC for chevie. emma washes his hair and bandages his wounds)
needs and wants — chevalier michel is not a man with many needs. his sheets are silk and his clothes are finery; his meals are a delicacy and his education unmatched. as for wants… there is nothing a beast of a prince could— or should— want for. at least, that’s what he tells himself (character study)
profane — chevalier does not believe in god. not in the way others do. but he cant help but think heaven is real, for he sees a glimpse of it when he takes emma to his bed (desire and agnosticism. some risqué themes)
keep me in your eyes forever — the blade to emma’s back hits four inches higher and two to the left, striking true through her heart. when the last thing chevalier see is emma’s lifeless eyes, he thinks of all the emotions they looked at him with before; wariness, fear, surprise, confusion, curiosity, anger, and love (true love route canon divergence. emma dies on the battlefield)
achromatopsia — a world where a person sees in monochrome until their destined lover brings color to their life. what a joke. nobody would want to be tied by fate to the brutal beast (alternate universe, soulmates, angst)
stages of grief — post-romantic route reveal. how leon navigates his secret with his brothers and his changed dynamics now that he doesn't have to carry the weight of it alone (leon character study, but really just exploring their brotherhood)
nameless, faceless or damnatio memoriae — every morning leon wakes up, gets dressed, and eats fine food off of finer plates. every morning, he pores over countless documents regarding the infrastructure and economy of his beloved kingdom and makes sure every citizen under his rule can smile for another day. every afternoon, he goes to the training hall with his brothers and sweats out his nervous energy. every night, he head out into town and drinks, dances, loses himself in the blur of nameless and faceless people. every day, “leon dompteur” loses a little bit of himself to his name (one shot character study, kind of angsty because existential crisis)
longer fics:
retrouvailles (informally known as rosen fic) — once upon a time in a kingdom of roses and refinery, there lived a common woman who was intelligent, kind, and beautiful. she caught the eye of the brutal beast, the coldest of the princes in the kingdom, but instead of fleeing in terror, she managed to get close to the beast and melt his heart, transforming him into a human again. and then..... she disappeared. (canon divergence from romantic end, accidental pregnancy)
pearl bay — when silvio ricci and rio ortiz decide to vacation separately in the same small coastal town, neither of them expect to run into each other. they also don't expect to be sitting in the town's jail, charged with the murder of a local who’s body washed up in the bay… or to have the local bookstore owner offer her help in proving their innocence (modern setting, small town murder mystery, no romance or love triangle)
a dagger through the heart — as a part of the newly formed peace treaty between rhodolite and obsidian, the emperor of obsidian decrees that a marriage will be arranged between yves, the half-obsidian prince, and a daughter of an esteemed noble family. the only problem? yves's bride-to-be is a trained assassin, and her target is her new husband (idk if i want this to be an oc fic or a female reader yet 💀)
ignis fatuus or smoke and mirrors — emma doesn’t usually do this. she doesn’t usually go to the local off-campus clubs, or have a drink too many and flirt with the cute boy next to her at the bar, or take him home with her. but when she runs into the same guy on campus and he seems to have no idea who she is, she can’t help but think there’s more to him than meets the eye (alternate universe: modern day university, ONS with keith)
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Lukeim Yurin
(Il Dottore x assistant! GN! Reader!) 
A/n: this is my old fics and I decided to polish it, due to this week's chaotic schedule. Been scratching my head for a while after writing three separate fics. Enjoy, even though there isn't much of a plot than the others....
Tags: fluff, crack, lazy post, Dottore, ft. Pulcinella and Pierro
"There is law with the lawless law." - Scribe
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The Director of the Fatui had appointed you as the 2nd's assistant after a while of personally serving under him. 
You didn't bother to ask why, since you think of it as punishment from your most recent misstep. To your new boss, it's pretty boring to say something out loud unless you want to get transferred again. 
Il Dottore found you rather odd at first, not much of a reaction inducing person yet there’s something unnerving- well that’s what he had heard of the rumors surrounding you. But he does appreciate that he doesn’t have to say what items he wanted, all he has to do is just show his hand and you’ll immediately know what he wants.
"Tch…  " He clicked his tongue in annoyance before raising his hand to snap his fingers to order you around and suddenly, instead he felt something pushed in his grasp. Looking at it and it's the item he wanted. Not even his other copies could complete his request without telling them.  You didn't even expect a thank you from him, so you just stayed at his side waiting for his orders. Dark tinted glasses blocked his view of seeing your expression. 
One time he stuck out his foot to trip you. Since you were carrying a stack of papers and documents from other Dottores. No other movement was made, only for you to go around him instead. Which amazed the younger replicas to his distaste. 
You’re practically perfect in every way in the young eyes of his other reflections, the perceptions having some ideas that you aren’t human. It excites him to think if he could just make a reaction out of that resting bitch face of yours.
There are other times where you surprised him and very special guests, managing to rally his clones for his surprise grand entrance.
“Unfortunately for you dear patients, I invited the second seat of the Fatui Harbingers, the outcast of The Akademia, the wise doctor of Snezhnaya, Akademia’s mad genius; Summa cum laude, Il Dottore!” His replicas clapped whenever he took a step towards the very special guests. He won’t lie, the horrid faces he got after you introduced him like he's the guard dog from the abyss using some of his titles and made a few on the spot is just chef's kiss to him.
Though it irks him that you prefer hanging out with the young copy of him, bold, brash and cringe-worthy to the very core. 
Curious enough, Dottore had ordered someone to gather information about you. He didn't want to ask Pierro of your background probably out of pride. Came nearly empty handed, only your name, where you’re born, age and other uninteresting stuff that he already knows. Unsatisfied with the results he had resorted to having his duplicates to try and gather information out of you. Still, a slow but somewhat effective plan.
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Until one day you were going with him to Foutaine, and stopped by a ‘ faithful servant of the law’. Dottore was accused of something he didn’t commit, which is ironic considering what crimes he has done in the name of research. Since he was your boss, you had to take a stand for him. The court, a battlefield you thought was left behind in the past. 
When the judge told you to take the shades off, it was the first time you took off your sunglasses, seeing those lifeless (color) eyes. Looks pretty as if it were just foggy marbles. 
They’re pressing for Dottore to answer clearly for a way to pressure him into confessing. You on the other hand remained calm and objected that what they're asking is impossible and irrelevant. For a foreigner, the judge had accepted that and overruled it, turning their leads into a deadend. 
“Are we done here? If we are, my boss and I will take our leave. I have heard great things about this mystical place, it's amusing to see not only clowns but an entire circus made manifest.” You knew that it struck a chord with the lawyer and detective.
This trial is ruining the accuser, Dottore had plans for that pesky lawyer and that detective. But didn’t expect you to suddenly laugh.
“Pft …. Hehe …haha …” Chest rumbles, pursing your lips, arms wrapped around your abdomen to stop yourself from laughing.
“Hahahahaha!” There you are laughing hysterically when you hear the prosecutor and detective say that the law is absolute.
It has been at least a few seconds since you’ve started laughing. Doesn’t even feel like it, time felt like it was stretched into hours. Tears started to be produced from your eyes.
The judge had recognized that spine chilling glee, one of their best lawyers. Their old partner, a renegade. 
“Ha…. haha …. Sorry, it was just so funny seeing someone so confident in the system alone. Hilarious, really!” What's so belittling is that you're not trying to insult them. In fact it's commendable that they have that much trust, rather than improving it further as time goes by. 
"People died and you laughed!" The detective looked at you with horror. 
"And I'm - pfft…  tired pretending mrrrpgh mm! Hehehe I'm not!" Giggling to yourself before calming down. A hand on your mouth to try and stop laughing. 
Dottore had to admit it, it is quite the spectacle seeing a place that's supposed to be where a person must be judged and prosecuted, turned into a playground to wreak havoc in a few words.
After all that you even had the guts to pull out a knife on an innocent bystander, threatening to let you both go. Not caring if you got a bounty on your head anymore.
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"Ah, Lord Harbinger Jester is going to nag me again for doing something stupid like that. Anyway, sorry about that boss." You stretched your arms while apologizing so casually, it's comforting somehow.
"Did you have fun, boss?" A smile graced your face when you faced him once you two were alone.
"You're blind, aren't you? How?" Dottore is genuinely curious about how you were able to move around without fumbling. 
"Wow, saying all of that after I saved you from those clowns?" Arms crossed, huffing. 
" Just answer the damn question." 
" You're a smart cookie, figure it out." Earning a huff from him.
That vexed him but he did manage to put two and two together with that. Since there's one clone that reported to him, and it's the same one that you favored amongst the rest. 
"I KNOW! I know…  ____'s blind." The actual Dottore sighed at the one clone that's reporting to him.
"Even told me you didn't know." That made the doctor rub the sides of his forehead.
"Well…  at least ____ told you about the leave today, right?" The tensed air made the clone shut up.
" Say, what? "
"You didn't get the message about Mr. Jingle bells transferring ____ to the Pucinella's group?" They both stared at each other, and realized they got played. 
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Absolutely salty, not only he had to clean up the remains but he lost his best assistant too! He couldn't stand the sniveling whimpers of his newly appointed assistant.
"Stop moaning, you're ruining my focus!" He hissed, head facing the agent who was hesitant on giving the scalpel to him. "Useless." He muttered under his breath.
Dottore misses your antics, often he finds himself wondering how you're doing under one of his co-worker's care.
He'd seldom see you in the icy halls of the cryo archon with a pen and clipboard with a smile on your face.
Perhaps he could ask Pierro to place you back under his wing, keenly aware of how you'd answer to him.
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author-morgan · 1 year
Hello! I'm currently reading through your amazing backlog of fics, and you are such a compelling and excellent writer. Fan fiction writers add an air of anachronism to anything historical that generally disrupts the flow and takes the reader out of the story, but I never get that when reading your work. As someone who wants to get into writing AC fan fiction, do you have any tips for maintaining historical accuracy? I tried using the games for details but found their info to be lacking. Thanks!
Thank you, thank you. ❤️🥺🥰❤️🥺🥰
Not to sound like a broken record, but research, research, and more research. I won't sugarcoat it because it takes a lot of time to dig around for good sources about certain historical periods, and more often than naught, I find those in scholarly journals or historical texts themselves. Find historians who specialize in a certain period of history. I like Roel Konijnendijk for Ancient History, and, for example, I’ve read the Histories by Herodotus for my Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey stories, especially the long fics. (Just ask @mrsragnarlodbrok, she knows how crazy I can get when looking into historical stuff for fics, even if it's literally almost a PWP, lol.) 
Watch documentaries and listen to trusted podcasts about history! You'll absorb a surprising amount of information just by listening (I often have some sort of documentary on in the background when I'm working from home—the HistoryHit YouTube and related channels are all great places to start looking, especially for Greek-Roman stuff).   
Even though it is difficult to remove the influences of modern morals, standards, and ethics from my worldview and writing, I try my utmost to be true to what would have been commonplace for the societal views and standards within the respective eras — that means someone living in Saxon England is more than likely going to be a Christian and live by what the Church says until the plot potentially demands otherwise! 
It's also vital to understand the limitations of the knowledge and technology of the time you're writing for. One of the most egregious faux pas I can think of in this respect that I’ve seen repeated (whether it be for historical fiction or fanfiction) comes with wound treatment and care — in a world without proper sanitation and antibiotics, things like gut wounds would almost always be fatal. 
Speaking of wound care, look for old medical books and accounts of battlefield treatments (e.g., the American Civil War era) to know how things would have been treated. Looking into the native vegetation from an area and digging around for any medicinal properties can help you construct your own types of authentic (perhaps not accurate, though) cures. This plays into my next point, don't be afraid to make reasonable extrapolations!
Diction! Language matters. Modern language and slang will distract from the overall authenticity of the story if not done with moderation or intent. Sure, you don’t have to go back to Ye Olde English, but make sure you’re picking words that fit, especially in the dialogue, and that there is consistency. Something that helps me write for the Gilded Age (late 1800s) is reading letters people used to write one another. In general, I feel tossing in a few swears (like fuck) now and then won’t kill the mood so much, but if you can find period-appropriate swears, then even better! This is a case where reading historical documents and texts can help.  
Don’t overlook the small things! The small things can help create a sense of authenticity. This can be something like understanding the fabrics and dyes available during a certain time period and the style of clothing that was common (and how these differed between classes). A commoner in the Viking period wouldn’t have silk pillows or “mounds of silk” on their beds. Are certain foods available during the time period you’re writing for? Potatoes are probably the worst offenders for this. 
One last thing is just watching historical/period films and TV shows. Often, there are common bits of misinformation or tropes you can start to spot once you start researching that don't really fit—once you spot those, don't do it (unless there's a very good reason for it)!
I’m sure I’m just scratching the surface, but these are the key ideas and philosophy that guide me when writing fics for historical (and fantasy based on historical eras — Game of Thrones) times. In the end and given the nature of the fandoms I write for, I personally strive for authenticity over true accuracy.
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