#the first one is straight from the dream; i woke up to my clock but it was blue and not red; and then a hundred other displays blinked on
seveneyesoup · 2 years
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selections from my one and only nightmare
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Horny Bedtimes
[FNAF Movie] Vanessa x Fem!Reader
a/n: the first and third part of this fic is in first person, second part isn’t because it’s Vanessa viewing you, lmk if it's weird. Also the title is cringe so ignore that LOL I'm so uncreative pls :')
Content/Warnings: fluff, smut (soft), top!Vanessa, bottom!femreader, established relationship, implied consent given beforehand, Vanessa coming home late so she fucks reader in her sleep to make up for it
w/c: 1339
I looked out the window. Nothing. I glance to my side to read the clock that blares ‘23:48’. Vanessa was late in getting back home for the third time this week in a row. I was starting to forget how she looked, how she sounded when she first wakes up. How she would reply sparingly to my rants before we went to bed because she was too busy brushing her hands through my hair or softly dragging her fingers down my stomach. I sigh, annoyed but not surprised. Being an officer meant either an 8-hour roster or a 12-hour roster; lately, it seemed like Vanessa was getting more 12-hour shifts than anything.
I pout at my blank phone. She hadn’t even *read* the message. I swallowed the rest of the red wine in the glass and made my way to the bedroom, anxious. Though we had been dating for half a year already, I never wanted to seem like the clingy girlfriend. I mean, sure, I’d act as Vanessa's good little housewife by preparing all her foods so she didn’t have to run on coffee whilst on her shifts, as well as decorating our shared apartment we got one month after dating, but that was just because all girl relationships move quickly. Still, I couldn’t help double- triple- quadruple texting her and demanding her to return home.
I bit my lip as I changed out of her brown sweater, groaning at the deep scent of vanilla she used. Naked, I glance across at both of our closets in search of something to wear to please her. I debate over putting on an oversized tee and calling it a day when an idea strikes me.
I get into bed instead of changing. The clock now read 12 a.m. on the dot. If she can’t stick to the time she says she’ll be back, it’s on her for missing out.
Vanessa quietly moved throughout her shared home with you, placing her keys on a placement instead of the counter in case it disturbed you. She, admittedly, had forgotten her phone at her office and only realized how much deep shit she was in when she came back from her patrol, reading 24 messages and 5 missed calls all dating back an hour ago. She didn’t take off her police jacket and belt immediately as she usually did; instead, she made a beeline for the bedroom door.
As she creaked it open, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the top of your head deep in her pillow, your hair softly falling onto her side of the bed. She watched from a distance as she listened to your breathing, smiling to herself as you twitched and changed your position. The movement caused the sheet to fall off your collar and be caught by the top of your breasts.
Vanessa's breath hitched. She walked towards you and slowly pulled down the bedsheet, revealing your naked body. Swallowing, she moved the hair out of your face and glanced at your parted lips and blushed cheeks.
“All this for me, huh”, she sighed, caressing your stomach. She moved her hands up, carefully watching in case you woke up, and began working on your breasts. She squeezed and pulled on them, her eyes twinkling from the way you shuddered in your sleep.
“You're feeling this in your dream, poor baby”, she murmured, standing up to change into something more comfortable. Vanessa returned to you after placing her badge on the bedside table and ran her fingers from your inner thighs straight to your folds. Her gaze burned into your pussy, grinning as the tips of her fingers swirling around your clit caused you to jolt. Your breathing had become more rapid as she started to ease them into your entrance. The more she pumped, the louder a squelching sound was emitted. She stared at your resting face as it became more twisted and hungry, mentally burning the image of you like this into her mind. She toyed with your wet pussy, laughing darkly as she tried to fight your walls pulling her fingers back in whenever she pretended to remove them.
“I know, I know”, she said, “This isn’t much fun. You’ve waited so long for me, haven’t you?”. Vanessa leaned in and brushed her lips over your mouth.
“I think you deserve a reward”
I licked my mouth, then frowned. “What the-”, I thought, feeling something hard swirl around my lips. As I tried to lick it again to determine what it was, I felt my lips being parted and what felt like two long fingers slowly emerge into my mouth. My brain still foggy, I couldn’t make out anything except a voice drifting me away from my dream, holding me down to reality. I sucked complicity whilst I felt someone shift above me. As I was becoming more aware, I became acutely informed that my stomach felt like it was on fire and my thighs were sticky.
Opening my eyes, my vision landed on the outline of a blonde woman moving one hand rapidly between my pussy and her other hand being removed from my mouth.
“Hi”, she purred. My eyelashes fluttered. “Vanessa?”, I question. Before she could answer, I suddenly gasp and arch my back, feeling overwhelmed from the sudden gain of feeling as she was practically fisting me; four fingers were being forced into me at a brutal pace whilst a thumb was applying pressure on my clit.
I shut my eyes, crying out Vanessa's name over and over. “Too much?” she asked gently, sucking on my neck as I switch between grinding against her hand and trying to push it away. I shook my head, taking deep breaths at the abruptness of being fingered after just waking up.
She pulled her head away from me. Fuck, she looked absolutely sinful at this angle. Her lips were plump and her eyes looked animalistic. I met her eyes through my lashes, trying my best to keep them over. She trailed one of her fingers across my lips before leaning forward and biting down. I choked back a sob I was unable to hold it in anymore. She quickly broke apart from my lips, sensing this, and asked, “Do you want to cum like this? Or do you want my tongue?”. I whimper. Vanessa grabbed my face. “Answer”.
“Tongue”, I manage to reply shyly.
She quickly pulled out of my pussy, causing it to spasm, and crashed her face against it. I stop moaning and throw my head back, my mouth left in a silent ‘o’ shape, as she spits and laps up my pussy. Juices dribble from my cunt to her jaw, my legs shaking as I approach my orgasm.
“Vanessa- FUCK, I’m close”, I yelp, grabbing onto her ponytail and pushing her further into my wet pussy. She wraps her hands comfortingly around my thighs and sucks on my clit so harshly that all I see are stars. My vision turns completely white as I come hard on her face, gasping for breath as I go limp.
She laps at my fluid, stopping to let in a breath. She moves her head up to mine and smiles as I moan at the taste of my cum when we kiss. Groaning into my mouth, she breaks apart and rubs my thighs supportingly. “Water?”, she asks, not waiting for an answer and she grabs a bottle off a nearby table and brings it to me.
I sit up, sipping lightly before flopping back down. Vanessa waits a few seconds before cleaning me up. I stare at her as she finishes up, pouting when she grabs my hand to kiss it lovingly.
“I still don’t forgive you”
Vanessa arched her brow. “Yeah? What about now?”, she peppered my face with kisses, giggling as I squealed.
“Maybe a little more now”
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the-marvelclub · 5 months
While you were sleeping
bucky barnes x reader
Summary: Reader is in love with the mysterious man who goes every week to the bar where she works. When one night she witnesses a fight that leaves the man in a coma and he´s taken to the hospital, she is mistaken for his fiancée, unaware that the mysterious man is Steve Rogers himself. With no family and after losing everything in The Blip, reader becomes captivated with Steve's friends and their unconditional love for her that she can't bring herself to tell the truth. Things get complicated when she finds herself falling for Steve's best friend, Bucky.
Author’s note: This is my first time writing for Bucky and I'm planning to make it a series. Loosely based on the 1995 movie "While You Were Sleeping". English is not my first language. Feedback is always appreciated.
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If someone had asked you a couple of years ago if you believed in love at first sight you probably would’ve laughed in their face, the whole concept seemed to belong only in the white pages of a book or in the bright screen of a tv, but not in real life, real life was more complicated than that. The idea of giving your heart away to someone you just met was ridiculous.
But that was before.
Now you were completely sure that you belonged to him, that you had belonged to him from the moment he walked through the doors of the small and almost empty bar where you worked.
It was the way he carried himself, hands in his pockets as he made his way to the front bar, the way he wore that ridiculous baseball cap that hide his dirty blond hair, the way he had run his fingers through that full beard when he ordered a drink and how he had closed his eyes shut placing a hand on his chest laughing when Joe, the bartender and owner of the bar, told him a joke. You'd be lying if you said you didn't spend most of your time daydreaming about what it would be like to kiss him, hold his hand or even start a life with him. Well, I guess Joe was right, you needed a new hobby. His routine was always the same; Monday night, when the bar was almost empty, Steven would arrived and go straight to the front bar, order a couple of beers and exchange a couple of jokes with Joe. One hour later he would pay and then leave. Although you hadn’t spoken to him, you couldn't help but admire him from afar, happy just to see him once again.  
“Earth to y/n" Jimmy, your co-worker and next-door neighbor spoke, waving his hand repeatedly in front of your face forcing you out of your thoughts that always seemed to revolve around Steven and how much you wished the weekend would end so you could see him again. "Busy thinking about me?" You saw him giving you a crooked smile in the dim light and running his eyes up and down your entire body in a not so subtle way.  
“You got me" You sighed standing up straight, cleaning the table in front of you. Since the first day you started working there, he had taken a certain interest in you, always making flirtly comments and asking you to dates despite making it very clear you would never go out with him.
“I'm going to bed" he let out as he put on his denim jacket, little drops of sweat covering his chubby cheeks and making his curly black hair stick to his skin. "You are more than welcome to join me." He said winking at you and you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes at him, shaking your head in desapproval as you wave goodbye. 
The clock in front of you read 2:43 a.m. as you let out a yawn and rub your eyes from exhaustion watching the only clients left in the bar. Working as a waitress in a small bar wasn't your dream job but it paid the bills. Besides, Joe had taken you in and allowed you to stay in the small apartment above the bar for a reasonable price, which helped you a lot.
Things after the Blip hadn't been the same, one day you were in the kitchen of your beautiful apartment making dinner and the next thing you knew, you woke up on the cold hard kitchen floor with the most horrible headache. Strangers, who seemed to be living in your apartment now, giving you shocked looks. In a matter of seconds, 5 years had passed and everything you once knew had disappeared; your home, your job, your family. You shook your head pushing those thoughts away not wanting to think about it at that moment. Turning to look at the couple when they ask you for the check, you smiled, thinking about how in a few more minutes you would be curled up in your soft and warm bed. You really had to talk to Joe about switching to the morning shift. 
You cleaned the table once the couple had left and turned off the lights making sure the doors were securely closed. Grabbing the garbage bags you made your way to the back door and into the back alley of the bar to throw them away. The cold wind brushed against your skin making you shiver, the old streetlight which kept flickering was the only thing that separated you from the darkness of the night.
The dead silence that lately seemed to fill the city was interrupted by a sudden loud crash that startled you making you drop the garbage bags, turning around you saw a man lying on the ground trying to get up, where the hell had he come from?
You gasped.
It was Steven. Your Steven. Only this time his pretty face was covered in small cuts and blood was coming out of his nose dripping into his white shirt, the shock written all over his face when his eyes set on you made you froze. In a blink of an eye, he had lunged at you and pulled you behind the big metal trash container before the deafening sound of guns being fired and bullets passed by the two of you.
"Are you okay?" he shouted over the noise when you let out a scream and hold onto him, his worried eyes searching your face making sure you were okay. It was the first time he had ever spoken to you and you couldn’t breath, the words got caught in your throat, refusing to come out. You haven’t been this closed to him before. He seemed rather familiar. "Stay here, don't move" he ordered you when you didn’t say a word and then run into the alley again.
Your stomach shot up to your throat when you took a quick look to see what was happening; Steven was fighting with a man who were dressed in black, two more were lying unconscious in the floor, his cold and calculating look told you that he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. The smell of sweat and blood filled the air and fear ran through your body as you watched the man take the gun and point it at him, everything after that moved in slow motion; in one quick movement, Steven had snatched the gun from the man’s hands and threw it away as he connected his fist with his face. Blood splattered on the ground. You didn't know he could fight like that, his movements were fast and precise, as if he had been training for that moment his whole life. He smashed his knee against the man’s face and without giving him time to recover from the blow, he attacked him again, his fists reaching his already bloodied face again and again making him fall to the cement with a thud, totally unconscious. That's when a bright white light appeared, illuminating everything, a fourth man that you haven't seen before was leaning against the brick wall near Steven, he didn't look bigger than the man lying unconscious on the cement next to him but an uneasy feeling invaded you, he wasn't trying to fight Steven, in fact he hadn't tried to attack him, no, he was studying him, he was studying every move he made, that's why when Steven attacked him, he quickly dodged his blows and with a quick movement he placed both hands on his head, the white light no longer illuminated the alley but small flashes of light seemed to want to escape from in between his fingers, you didn't know what was happening but when you heard Steven howl of pain and fall to the ground on his knees you knew that he was hurting him.
You didn't know what came over you but the next thing you knew is that you grabbed a metal pipe that was lying next to you and ran towards that man, catching him off guard and hit him in the back of the head, making him dropped to the floor. You quickly turned around searching for Steven, that’s when you saw him, he was on his knees on the pavement, his back was turned from you, he stay there for a couple of seconds not moving before fallen to the ground just like the other guys. You ran to him immediately, dropping to your knees, ignoring the pain that shot up all over your legs as you did.
“No, no, no, are you okay? Talk to me" you whispered desperately as you brought your ear to his chest trying to see if his heart was still beating.  "Come on Steven, you have to wake up" you pleaded shaking him but his eyes remained closed.  With shaky hands you grabbed your phone from your pocket and diall 911.
He was not waking up.
"W-where are you taking him?" you asked the doctor once you finally caught sight of Steven, everything was moving so fast in the hospital, they were carrying a very unconscious Steven on the gurney and everyone was shouting instructions. You frowned as they look between Steven and you, curiosity and what it seems like confusion written all over their faces. What was going on?
The gray-haired doctor immediately turned around, finally noticing your presence when they led Steven through some doors and you tried to follow him. "Oh, you can’t go in there" he said quickly raising a hand, stopping you from entering those doors.
"No, you don't understand. I was with-"
"Are you family?" he cut you off, his gaze full of exasperation.
"No," you muttered. You just wanted to know if he was going to be okay. "But I was-"
"You can't go in. Family only." He interrupted you again "Wait in there" he said coldly pointing to the small waiting room.
You sighed in defeat knowing that there was nothing you could do now, you followed Steven with your eyes until you saw him disappear through the white doors.
“But I was going to marry him" you murmured to yourself, hating the fact that this was the first time he had ever spoken to you and now it was very likely that you would never get the chance to talk to him or see his handsome face anymore, hell you didn't even know if he was going to be okay, or if you would ever see him alive again.
You bit your nails feeling nervous as you waited in the waiting room. It had been 2 hours and you knew that they had already contacted his family and that you should probably leave but you couldn't help but stay to see if you heard at least something that would tell you that he had woken up. That he was okay.
"Hello, sweetheart" you looked up as you heard the nurse's voice standing in front of you with sympathetic eyes. "You're y/n, right?" You noded. "Come with me". Without saying a word you followed her, noticing that she was taking you to the intensive care area. "I'll give you a few minutes" she smiled stopping in front of a door and indicating for you to go in.
Steven was lying on the white hospital bed, machines connected to his still unconscious body, a sigh of relief left your body as the small sound that filled the room indicated that his heart was still beating. "Is he here? What the hell happened?" You heard a voice say before other voices chimed in and everyone started talking at the same time, commotion filling the hallway outside the room. You stuck your head out the window trying to see what was going on outside and your face lost its color. The Avengers were in the hallway along with the same doctor you had talked to hours ago and they were heading to the room. What the hell was going on? You slowly made your way to the wall as far from the door as you could when the group of superheroes enter the room, all their attention fixed on Steven, oblivious to the fact that you were in the room. You frowned at how weird the situation was and then you darted your eyes to Steven. Realization washing all over you.
You take in a sharp breath.
How had you not noticed before?  Blond hair, blue eyes, the only thing different about him was his beard which made him look very different from that golden boy that America loved. Steven... Steve. Steve Rogers. The Steve who used to be Captain America. You put your hand to your mouth in disbelief as to why you hadn't recognized him much earlier.
"What is going on?" You heard Sam Wilson ask, you remember hearing about him on the news although lately you didn’t pay much attention to what was happening, always too focus on your job or in attending the meetings of your support group.
"He's in a coma" the doctor began to explain and you took a breath "What they told me is that they found him in an alley unconscious, apparently there was a fight. We don't know much yet". You opened your mouth to tell them that you knew what had happened but the doctor spoke again "We don't know what caused this state, his vital signals are strong as well as his brain waves. He's a super soldier so i'm pretty sure he's going to be just fine". You sighed in relief as you listened to him.
"Thank you doctor, but we'll take it from here. We already have everything ready to transport him to the Avengers Compound." One of them talked and at that moment the policeman who had take your statement when you had called 911 hours ago walked through the door, his eyes fixed on you, the nurse who had let you into the unit behind him.
"I've been looking all over the hospital for you, I need to ask you a few more questions" he addressed you, making everyone in the room turn to look at you for the first time. You froze, your heart starting to pound as all eyes focused on you.
"Who's she?" The woman with short blonde hair spoke. You opened your mouth to answer when the nurse spoke for you.
"She's his fiancé."
Wait, what?
"She's Y/n and she's going to marry him" She spoke again throwing you a smile.
You shook your head repeatedly, your mouth opening and closing but no words came out, why had she said that? Commotion filled the room once again preventing you from speaking.
"Better yet, she save his life" commented the policeman smiling.
The whole room fell silent.
"I thought it was a fight," one of them said, confusion on his face.
"She fought the other guy, Steve was too weak to keep fighting, without her, he might not have survived".
They all stared at you once again, surprise written all over their faces. Before you could say anything else, the blonde haired girl, who you knew was known as Black Widow, walked up to you and wrapped her arms around you, making you freeze, squeezing you tightly before pulling away, only then you were able to see the tears that run through her face, she looked relieved but there was still worry in her eyes,  she wiped away the tears quickly before speaking. "I'm sorry, it's just that we hadn't seen or talked to him in over 2 years, we didn't even know he was here in Brooklyn, after everything that happened -" you could tell her voice cracked and she shook her head before continuing "We thought we'd never see him again. But I'm glad he found you and that you're taking care of him.” She whispered, a smile dancing on her lips. “Thank you for bringing him back to us, I can’t wait to hear all about you”.
No, no, no.
"Oh, and by the way, welcome to the family".
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elsweetheart · 1 year
i just wanna adopt a cat with ellie :((
i luv this ,, wrote this half awake enjoy
“babe? babe! fucking — ahh! shit, crazy little shit!” ellie whisper yelled, followed by loud crashing about in your living room space. you shot up, eyes finding the alarm clock that read 12:28AM, rubbing one of your eyes as you woke yourself up. this was the usual time ellie was meant to arrive back from patrol. usually, she’d shower and crawl into your bed with not much fuss— most times you wouldn’t even wake up, so for her to be causing such a ruckus you figured you should probably go and see what was going on.
you pad out your bedroom, rubbing the sleep out of your eye feeling the chill hit your body, only adorned in a tank top and shorts.
“el, wh’s a matter.” you croaked out, thinking this shit better be worth it. ellie, facing the couch spun around — an odd mixture of mischief and exhaustion on her face.
“babe, don’t freak out. i— i just couldn’t leave her okay, she’s really cute when she’s not freaking the fuck out — and, i know this is technically your place but i thought hey— why not—” ellie rambled as you squinted in the low light, the auburn haired girl having flicked on a lamp upon her arrival.
“what are you talking about?” you yawned, walking up to ellie in confusion. your eyes caught movement behind her and you frowned, craning around to see what it was.
it moved too fast to be able to tell at first, a bundle of black fur and two big sparkly beads. ellie moved aside, and you crouched down — coming face to face with a kitten.
the kitten seemed to calm at your slow movements, pupils dilated as it stared up at you curiously.
“a kitten?” you whispered, expression softening in awe. you had only seen a cat once before, it was a rarity to see any kind of animal that would be considered a pet in the old world.
“found her held up in some house. she hissed at me a bunch until i gave her some of the food i’d packed. she’s got her priorities straight, i respect it.” she chuckled tiredly, kneeling down beside you to look at her. “you wanna keep her? i mean, she can be ours. together.” ellie scratched the back of her neck, slightly nervous at the proposal.
“oh my god, yes. of course. i love her.” you pouted, slowly reaching your palm out. she sniffed it curiously before unsurely nuzzling her head into it.
“i see she has a favourite already. that’ll change, don’t you worry.” ellie sarked, standing up and stretching, body sore after her long hours out in the snow.
“uh huh.” you giggle, crossing your legs as you get comfortable on the floor.
“why don’t you make her a little bed for now down here. we can deal with her in the morning.” ellie suggested, her hand brushing your shoulder fondly urging you to stand. you did so, the two of you creating a makeshift cushion cat bed, the black kitten circling it a few times before settling. “there we go. now let me shower and i’ll be in bed. i’m fucking beat.” ellie walked toward your bathroom, already chucking her jacket aside.
you head back to bed, the sleepiness taking back over as you crawled beneath the warmth of your bed sheets. ellie joined you not so long after as you lightly dozed, sliding in behind you in a clean hoodie and shorts. her warm hands slid beneath your tank, resting on your tummy as she snuggled into you.
“we gotta—” you croaked, half awake.
“hm?” ellie lift her head slightly, placing a kiss beneath your ear.
“gotta… find a name for her.” you murmured, the matter clearly very important. ellie dropped her head back onto the pillow.
“pfft, already done. ellie junior.” she joked and you smiled lazily despite fighting sleep.
“we can discuss it in the morning. maybe it’ll come to you in a dream.”
“goodnight, baby.”
“night els.”
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 6 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: Jason Derulo’s - Want to Want me
Warning: None! YETTTT! KINDA
Thank you to my wonderful Beta for sorting out my terrible errors XD @lets-imagine-fanfics
You glanced at the clock on your bedside table with a frown heavily engraved on your face. You woke up three times during the night from what could only be called wet dreams, so the fact that you were awake again at such an early hour was an enigma to you.
You sighed irritably before sliding out of bed and slipping on your fluffy slipper boots. You threw on Scott’s hoodie before checking your hair wasn’t too unruly for other people to see. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad so you deemed yourself for the view of other people. Which at this time would most likely only be Derek and Peter.
You walked down the stairs with tired eyes, your footsteps heavy and slow as you shuffled your way to the living area. When the kitchen was in view you saw Derek, Peter and Lydia. You walked into the room without a sound and smashed your head against the clean marble counter causing Peter to flinch. You muttered an unintelligible ‘ow’ before standing back up, your movement quick enough to disorientate you for a second.  
“Bad night?” Peter questioned softly, however instead of answering you just slammed your head down again, this time on Peter's shoulder.
“I had an inhumane amount of wet dreams last night and I barely got any sleep. By the third one, I kind of wanted to go to Scott's room to sit on his dick just to end the pain.” You groaned as you swung one of Peter’s arms from side to side childishly.
“Well, you’re more vulgar than usual. Not to mention your actions and words appear to be rather contradictory to one another.” Peter snorted causing you to stop your childish actions.
“God, you smell like you just had a sex marathon.” Derek winced, his face full of disgust.
“You’re one to talk!” You snapped at you stood up straight point an accusatory finger at the younger Hale who quickly lowered his head.
“Carry on judging me and I’ll tell Jethan you stole their lube!”  
“So let me get this right, my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend’s twin, Derek stole their lube?” Lydia questioned with a smirk on her face.
“Jesus this pack is like a giant slutty orgy by this point. Scott’s mom Melissa is dating Chris, who is the dad of the first love of Scott, who is Stiles’ best friend, who used to date Malia, who is the daughter of Peter, who briefly went on a failed date with Scott’s mom Melissa and turned Scott, who is best friend’s with Stiles who’s now dating Derek, who turned Isaac who is now dating Scott’s first love Allison who is besties with Lydia who’s now dating Aiden, who is the twin of Ethan, who used to date Danny who was Jackson’s bestie, who used to date Lydia who was actually the first love of Stiles, who is dating Derek, who dated Allison’s aunt Kate, who is Chris’s sister who is now dating Scott’s mom. WOW! That physically hurt to get out.” You snorted with wide eyes, as you stared at everyone in the kitchen.  
“She’s right we’re like a giant pack orgy.” Lydia huffed as you thought about it seriously.  
“Talk about keeping it in the family.” Peter chuckled which only caused you to burst out laughing.  
“God, Peter, I love you sometimes.” You laughed as you wiped away some of your tears.  
You were picked up suddenly by your hood causing you to flail like Stiles before said person started carrying you around the kitchen like that. You looked at everyone else who looked amused by the fact you were literally hanging mid-air, being carried by what was obviously a wolf.
“Not on my watch.” Scott’s voice rang out and he sipped on what you resumed was coffee.
“Scott put me down you fucking caveman!” You screamed and he began flinging your limbs around again.
“No cos you might try and run away with Peter.” Scott huffed playfully, but you could tell he was grinning.
“Uncle Peter saaaave meeeee!” You screamed, making grabby hands at Peter who almost spits out his coffee at your words.
“Please don’t call me Uncle Peter it makes me feel like that old perverted uncle that always tries to grab your booty at family events.” Peter muttered, disgust evident on his face.  
“DERBEAR!” This time, however, said person did actually spit out his coffee. Derek looked at you like you’d gone crazy.  
“It’s like you and Stiles are one person split into two body’s…” Derek muttered with heavy scowl replacing his original shocked state.
You were currently throwing clothes about your room as you tried to figure out what you would wear for your date. You’d come to the pack house with Lydia and Erica after school, hoping to quickly find an outfit so the girls could do your makeup slowly. However, after taking a shower when you arrived home, you took one glance in your closet and the first thing that came out your mouth when you stared into the depths of hell was ‘I have nothing to wear’.
You knew it was illogical because you went on a major shopping spree less than a week ago but for some reason your brain was telling you, you had nothing to wear. Lydia scanned through your wardrobe before picking out an outfit quietly.  
“Put this on with your baby pink Calvin Klein thong and no bra. Scott seems to like you in Calvin’s so it’s a safe bet.” Lydia stated softly before ushering you to the bathroom.  
You gave a nod and walked into your small on suite bathroom, closing the door before you dropped your towel. You slid on your baby pink thing that had the Calvin Klein band around the top before grabbing the dress she’d gave you.
It was pure white, thankfully, it wasn’t thin so you wouldn’t be able to see the colour of your underwear. It was a pure white long sleeved bodycon dress, which would most likely reach your mid-thigh. You stared at the neckline before realising why Lydia said no bra it was a low V cut that showed a copious amount of cleavage.
You slid the dressed over your head before pulling the tight yet comfortable material down so it was sat perfectly before making your way into your bedroom. Lydia gave you a smirk and nod whereas Erica gave you an applause.  
“Okay, makeup.” Lydia stated as she passed you a dressing gown.  
“Why do I need this?” You asked as you put it on.  
“You’re wearing a pure white dress. If even a spec of eyeshadow fall out or powder get on that thing then it has to go in the bin.” Lydia snorted, rolling her eyes softly.  
“Why couldn’t I just put it on after my makeup was done?” You questioned, frowning at Erica who chuckled at your words.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” Lydia huffed before picking up foundation and the damp beauty blender.  
Lydia was adding the finishing touches to your makeup while Erica stood holding the straighteners while they warmed up. Stiles burst into the room, a pair of heels clutched in his hands, earning a raised eyebrow from you, as Erica separated your hair and started straightening it.
“Stiles, why are you holding a pair of cherry red high heels?” You asked seriously, your eyebrow still raised.  
“Get your mind out of the gutter! Lydia asked me to bring her cherry red Louboutin’s. She said it was urgent!” Stiles shouted, panting as he tried to calm his breathing.
“You know what Louboutin’s are? And look like?” You teased playfully, earning a chuckle from Erica.  
“I’ve been on more shopping trips with Lydia than anyone I know…plus…I was there when she bought them.” Stiles muttered with a blush as he placed the shoes in front of your feet before taking you ankle and sliding your foot into one of the shoes.
“I feel like a friggin’ Princess right now.” You giggled as Stiles slid the other shoes on.
“More like a Queen. Alpha’s are like Kings of the pack, therefore, more like a Queen.” Stiles chuckled playfully.
Erica finished your hair just in time to hear the front door downstairs open. Scott had gone home to do his homework and change clothes so when you smelt his scent and the door open and close you knew it was him.  
Erica brushed through your now straight hair making it look sleek and smooth. You straightened your dress as you stood up earning a thumbs up and eyebrow wiggle from Stiles. You glanced in the mirror before staring at like in shock.  
Your eyebrows had been filled in so they looked faded, while your skin looked flawless with slight contouring. Your eyes had been done with a perfect wing and natural yet thick false lashes and your lips had been done with a crimson matte red which was similar to your shoes.
“Isn’t my lipstick gonna…ermm…come off later?” You muttered with a blush.  
“As long as you don’t eat greasy food or Scott eats greasy food your safe. I used the good stuff.” Lydia chuckled softly, looking at you with a reassuring smile.
“Might come off if you suck hi-”
“OKAAAAAY THEN!” Stiles screamed, interrupting Erica’s comment.  
You snorted before walking out the room, your heart racing a thousand miles a minute but as soon as you got to the top of the stairs and saw Scott you breathing stopped. Scott glanced up at you obviously sensing your presence however when he did he began choking on thin air. The other pack members rush out at Scott’s reactions and glanced up the stairs. Some members gaped at you, however, the first to speak up was Ethan.
“I may have just turn undeniably straight.” Earning him a very loud growl from Scott.
“I can’t say I don’t agree.” Mason chuckled this time causing Scott to huff angrily.  
You walked down the stairs silently, a blush painting your cheek but you hoped the makeup would cover it. Scott was dress in his Biker leather jacket, tight black suit pants and a crimson red shirt that was tucked into his pants, his shirt had a few buttons undone causing you to swallow.  
“I hope you’ve got a jacket it’s not exactly warm out.” Scott asked carefully, with a slight concerned frown.
“I’m more concerned about the fact she has to get on a bike in that thing.” Derek snorted, causing your eyes to widen as you shot a look at Lydia who was standing at the top of the stairs.  
“Uncle Peter?” You muttered with fake innocence. Everyone immediately began to laugh or choking.
“No, you cannot borrow my Chevy.” He huffed as he continued reading his paper.
“What about the Mustang.” You whined childishly.
“What about the Ferrari’?!” You huffed, slowly losing your patience.
“You mean my LaFerrari’ Spider?” Peter gaped as if I’d totally gone crazy.
“It matches my shoes?” You muttered the excuse like it was the most reasonable excuse in the world.
“Ask Derek he has a car too.”  
“HELL NO! If you think I’m letting you borrow my brand new Camaro think again!” Derek screamed before you could even ask.
“If I let you borrow my Ferrari will you shut up and leave?!” Peter snapped angrily.  
“YES!” You yelled childishly, crossing your arms.  
He stood up moving over to the key holder on the wall. His eyebrow set down in a frown as he threw the keys at you. You smiled as you ran over and hugged him.
“Thanks, Peter.” You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek before taking Scott’s hand and leaving out the door without another word. You walked to the large garage, opening the door before uncovering his Ferrari. You squealed before hopping into the driver’s seat.
“Can’t I drive?” Scott whined as you reached down and took off your heels.
“No Peter leant it to me and if there even a scratch I don’t want you getting into shit. At least if it’s me who did it, I may survive his wrath.” You snorted as you passed the heels to Scott who raised an eyebrow at you in return.
“I can’t drive in heels that are bigger than me.” You responded sarcastically.  
You started the car as the garage door opened. The sound of the engine sending shivers down your spine. Scott chuckled at your satisfied expression before you opened your mouth and ruined the moment.
“I think this car turns me on more than you.” You pondered earning a glare from your boyfriend. He didn’t even dare dignify that with a response, so you set off to the restaurant he’d booked a table at.
You arrived after about 10 minutes, Scott exiting the car before you. He opened your door and crouched down as he held out his hand as if asking for your foot. You grinned as he slid the shoes onto your feet. He caressed the back of your leg slightly, looking up at you with a lust filled expression which almost caused you to whimper. Instead, you decided to break it up.
“You’re the second man to ever do this for me.” You said sweetly, yet somehow knew it would piss Scott off.
“Second?” He growled moodily.
“The first was Stiles. About 5 minutes before you arrived cos I was having my hair done.” You giggled knowing he’s chuckle at this.
He took off his jacket and threw it over your shoulders, before sliding his arm around your lower waist. His hands gripping your hip tightly, as you walked into the building. You had to refrain from moaning at the feeling.  
“If you keep manhandling me I’m going to ask that you take me outside and screw me against a tree.” You whispered seductively but somehow managed to keep your face in a sweet smile.
“And you keep talking like that we won’t even make it outside before I bend you over.” Scott retaliated huskily.  
You sat down as he pulled out your chair before pushing you in. His hands purposely brushing against the back of your neck. His rough hand causing shivers to run down your spine you looked down now noticing your nipples were apparently wanting an appearance because they were suddenly hard and extra sensitive.  
You quickly slid on Scott's jacket properly, earning a questioning glance from Scott that you ignored. His hand reached over the table, holding it out quietly. You took his hand with a smile as you tried to ignore the arousal currently stirring in your stomach. You stared at Scott forearms that were bare and filled with bulging veins. He’d rolled his red shirt sleeves up to his elbows, as soon as he’d sat down which was currently causing you to squirm in your seat.  
You heard Scott asked a question but you were so focused on how his arms would feel pinning you down while he drilled into you like an animal.
“Y/N!” Scott shouted, his voice finally snapping you out your daze.
“Y-Yes?” You stuttered as you looked into his eyes.
“Stop it.” He instructed, flash his red eyes at you.
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly, a blush creeping up onto your face once again.  
You ate dinner with mostly silence, as you both tried to avoid staring at each other too long. The tension was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife but either way, you ate the dinner and even had dessert. However, the taste of the cheesecake you were eating was merely a distraction, from your skin that felt like it was on fire anytime even dared to take a glance at you.  
You hurriedly ate the food then set your cutlery down with shaking hands. Scott sipped his water as he observed you from across the table his eyes felt like they could burn through you as you shifted in your seat nervously.  
“S-Scott?” You whispered softly, your words sounding breathless as you finally looked him in the eyes.
“T-Take me home.” You added, clutching at the hem of your dress in an attempt to ground yourself.
He quickly paid the bill before standing, grabbing your hand tightly as he dragged you out the restaurant without uttering a word. He put you in the passenger seat before making his way to the driver’s seat.  
You didn’t dare tell him you should drive because right now you were unsure of whether you’d be able to get either of you or the car home safely. He started the car and sped home faster than you’d ever seen him drive, even on his bike.  
When he parked the car he got out and made it to your side however instead of grabbing your hand he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You let out a squeal as he did so before he stormed into the house quietly. He stopped at the stairs and stared at the pack that was sat in the living area.
“Don’t come into my room for the next 24 hours unless someone’s dying.” He growled before storming up the stairs. You let out a rather girlish ‘eep’ at the implication you wouldn’t emerge from the bedroom until tomorrow evening.  
He burst into his room, kicking the door closed before throwing you on the bed. He stopped at the end of the bed and looked down at you, his eyes glowing the same red as your shoes which he slowly slipped off your feet before gripping your calves tightly, causing you to whimper.
“I’m sorry I tried to control myself, Y/N. Didn’t wanna make you cry…but right now, nothing sounds more tempting, than to hear you cry out my name.”  
Part 5 <- -> Part 7
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Covert Eyes (20)
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Prologue| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland)
Warnings: Stalking behaviour, anxiety, language, sexual references, angst, smut, heartbreak, gunshot wounds and recovery.
Summary: Lucas takes notice of a young woman, Amy, but his obsession and want to get to know her begin to spiral out of control. Amy knows that her recovery won’t be quick, and she now has another decision to face. 
Official soundtrack list:  here
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in.
“I knew you would,” Lucas said simply. “I know how much you adore your mum.” 
Amy pulled from the embrace and reached over to the bedside table, flicking on the lamp. Light illuminated the room, highlighting Lucas’ face. She could see the stern set of his features, evidence that he wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of the Holland family knowing about his and Amy’s true occupations. 
“Did you tell her about me as well?” Lucas asked, his face still straight. 
“She guessed,” Amy replied, not able to look Lucas in the eye. Shame swam in her chest and all she could do was question this move. Would it now cause a divide to form between them both? “I think by knowing what I do, it’s almost impossible not to assume that’s how I got into it.” 
Lucas’ mouth had suddenly become dry and he mentally battled himself to try and work out how he felt about this. When they discussed it earlier, Lucas had assumed that he would be angry if Amy told her family. However, he didn’t feel anger in those moments. Everything was confusing. 
Amy shifted from the bed and stood up, facing the window. She crossed her arms and looked down into the dark, dimly-lit street below. “I thought you’d be pissed off with me.” 
Lucas blinked hard, fighting the fatigue. Maybe tomorrow would be easier for him to process his emotions once he had slept properly. “I just want to get in bed with you and go back to sleep, Aim. I don’t know how I feel about this right now. We can talk about it in the morning.” 
The two of them got into bed, where Lucas spooned behind Amy. He kissed her head and heard her sigh. 
“Whatever happens, remember that I love you,” Lucas said softly. 
“I know, and I love you, too.” 
Lucas woke first the next morning, rising from the bed. It was nearing ten ‘o’ clock. He smiled at the sound of Amy’s gentle snores and shuffled out of the room and across the landing to the bathroom. Downstairs and he could hear chattering, two voices, Amy’s mum and dad. 
Once relieved, Lucas slipped back into the guest room to see that Amy was awake. She was lay on her back, gazing at the ceiling. “Sleep well?” Lucas asked. 
“Not bad. How about you? Did you have any dreams again when you went back to sleep?”
“Not that I can remember.” 
Amy slid up the bed and sat up, her head pressed against the headboard. “Can we talk about last night? I just…I really want to sit down and talk to Mum and Dad. I love them, Lucas. I’ve always been so close to them, especially Mum. I tell them everything, and not telling them this just feels wrong.” 
Lucas sat back down on the bed and reached across for Amy’s hand. “I’ve got no right to tell you not to talk to them, Aim. All that I ask is you don’t let this go any further than them. Even your sisters. Please just keep this between us and your parents, no one else. It can get messy if too many people know, and it can cause too many risks of compromise.” 
“Mum already knows we work together, so they know about you, too.” 
Lucas bat his eyelids, looking down at the bed and then smirked. “What’s the worst they can do? Hate their future son-in-law and out him as a spy to anyone who might care?” 
“Don’t be daft!” Amy hissed playfully. “They really like you. Mum keeps saying how happy we seem together.” 
“Because it’s true, from my side at least,” Lucas replied. 
Amy narrowed her eyes. “You know, you’re always saying how I talk shit with my insecurity. You’re not doing too bad a job yourself.” 
Amy requested a chat that morning with her parents and Lucas. All four of them sat around the main dining room table, with a mug of coffee each. 
“I spoke with Mum last night,” Amy began, directing her words to her dad initially. “It’s only right that you know. I don’t work for DWP anymore. I started with MI-5 the end of November.” 
“MI-5?” Richard asked, his eyes wide. “Bloody hell, love! How did you manage that?” 
“I was recruited. Back when I got shot; the man who shot me was a target. And…” Amy looked up at Lucas, seeing a reassuring smile. “Lucas works for them, too.”
“You were recruited together?” Richard asked. 
“No, I’ve worked for them for about ten years,” Lucas said. “I initially had to tell Amy that I worked for the police, and then once she knew what I really do, she was vetted. I really shouldn’t have told Amy about my job as early into our relationship as I did, but I trust her. And the fact she knew for a while also worked in her favour to get her recruited.”
“So you go out running surveillance on people?” Richard asked. His grey eyes had lit up in enthusiasm and intrigue. 
Amy smiled. “I don’t, no. That’s Lucas’ job. My role is just analysis, and I’m due to start training in a few weeks. I’ve been shadowing people in the office until my training starts.” 
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart,” Sharon said, taking Amy’s hand in hers. 
“This can’t go any further than just us,” Amy continued. “Not even Leah and Ruth can know. If too many people know then it can mean risks of compromise to us. But it’s too big to not tell you both.” 
The rest of the week passed by swiftly. And by the time that leaving day arrived, Amy hugged her parents tight. There was a new concern for her in their eyes, a concern that had only intensified since she had told them the nature of her employment. Richard had already made it clear that if any harm came to his little girl that he would find Lucas and torture him slowly. But that serious conversation was soon followed by a trip to the local pub, where both men shook hands and ventured out into the cold, leaving Amy and Sharon behind at home to curl up either end of the long sofa and watch Labyrinth with David Bowie, and laugh at his crotch in tight leggings. 
As Lucas and Amy drove away from the Holland house, Sharon and Richard waved them goodbye, then turned to disappear back inside. 
Sharon was quiet for a few minutes and walked on behind her husband, who shot into the kitchen to make a fresh cup of tea. “You alright, love?” Richard asked. He flicked on the kettle and leaned on the table, his upper body facing his wife. 
“I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something she’s not telling us, Rich,” Sharon started. “She gets shot by a terrorist suspect, and then MI-5 decide to recruit her? It doesn’t sound right to me. There’s something with the person who shot her, and I can’t shake that feeling. I can’t say that I’m completely over the moon with her change of job. I’m proud of her for how far she’s come, but I just have this heavy feeling in my stomach that she’s not telling us the whole truth.” 
“She’s not going to be able to tell us absolutely everything. I could tell that it took a lot out of her just telling us that she’s got a job with them. You know how they work – everything is top secret and hush hush. Maybe she can’t tell us.” 
“I’ve always told my kids they can come to me with anything, and Amy has always been the one who stuck to that. She’s never kept anything from me. Maybe part of me is jealous of Lucas because he knows the full story behind all of this, and I never will. It’s the first time that she’s kept anything from me, and I don’t think she’s doing it because she wants to.” 
“Of course she isn’t. You’ve just said that she’s never kept anything from us. She’s always been the most honest of the three girls.”
“I don’t want this job and relationship to change her.” Sharon shook her head in sadness and looked away, feeling tears sting in her eyes. 
“It won’t,” Richard said softly. He put his arm around Sharon and held her against him. “If anything, her relationship has brought her back out of her shell. Those years with Adam almost wrecked her. When she’s with Lucas, she’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Can you ever remember her and Adam holding hands like that, or just generally being affectionate?” 
The drive back to London was fairly swift, with little to no queues of traffic. 
It was early afternoon by the time Lucas pulled the car over to a spot outside their maisonette block. For a split second he was taken back to the times he had watched her enter and exit the building. It was when they had barely known each other, with only their morning coffee being a method of communication between them. 
Amy got out the car first and moved around to the rear end to get their suitcases out of the boot. 
Once the two of them had got their cases and were back into the flat, Lucas turned to Amy. “Before we get all of this sorted,” he began, his eyes drifting over the two suitcases, “how about we go out for something to eat?” 
“Yeah, okay. I don’t really fancy preparing anything.” 
After their meal at the local café, where they first met, Lucas and Amy walked home hand in hand. There was a flurry of snow on the air, and the sun tried hard to shine from beneath the thickening clouds. “Looks like it might be setting in for the afternoon,” Lucas said, quickly glancing across at Amy who seemed quiet again. 
Back at their flat door, Lucas unlocked it and let Amy inside first. 
“You okay, Aim?” he asked as he took his black scarf off from around his neck. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with me telling Mum and Dad about our jobs? You’re risking a lot because of me, I know that. Should I have listened to you on this?” Amy sat down at the dining room table and looked up at Lucas who was hovering a few feet away. He’d switched on the overhead light as the thick cloud outside seemed to be darkening the world. 
“I shouldn’t have been so worried about it, Aim. Now I see that I was quite hypocritical about it; I told you about my job a lot earlier than I should have done.”
“You told me because our relationship was riding on it, remember? You disappeared for nearly a week with no word, so I get why you told me. I did kind of corner you.” 
“Don’t question your decision,” Lucas reassured. “I know I need to let you make decisions for yourself and not be down on you. If we’re going to get married then I need to trust you with decision making.” 
The word married made Amy shiver. She still couldn’t believe that she was engaged to this gorgeous man in front of her. He had previously been the kind of man that she would have only dreamed about dating. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine a man like Lucas North would be interested. 
That evening and Amy made sure that Lucas’ work shirts were ironed as he was due on shift the next morning. Amy wasn’t due in until midday, but had decided to head in with Lucas anyway to build some extra hours. Music played in her ear buds as she ironed his shirts and a couple of her blouses. It was a long forgotten song from an old Bon Jovi album she’d downloaded a week prior. Lucas was taking a bath as she worked. He never took showers, even though Amy had a shower head over her bath. Only ever baths. Showers brought upon bouts of anxiety, reminding him of his time in Lushanka, his hell on Earth.
As Amy finished up the last shirt, she felt arms slip around her from behind, and smelt the faint scent of lavender from the bubble bath. “I wouldn’t have minded the company, you know?” he whispered. 
“I know, sweet, but I’ve got to get the ironing done for us starting back to work. I’m going to have a quick shower though before bed.” 
“I’m going to have an early night and read for a bit. Maybe we can do in bed what I had in mind for the bath?” 
“Or we could just do it now?” Amy whispered, turning around and pulling him into a kiss. 
A few minutes later and Amy found herself pinned beneath Lucas as they made love in their bed. It was slow, deep, intense. They always took their time, prolonging the build and pleasure. Lucas groaned and panted as he held her one leg aside, his hips moving in a rhythm. It had been over a week now since they’d been intimate as Amy had felt great shame at the thought of having sex in the bedroom next door to her parents. But now they could express their love and want again.
The next morning they woke to a light layer of snow on the ground and a thin mist veiling the sun which was still trying to scorch through the cloud. Lucas brought himself and Amy a take away coffee from their café and then they rode the underground to work. Little did they know, a pair of peering eyes watched through the crowds. They were focused on Amy, taking in her short stature, curvy frame and the way she never let go of Lucas’ hand among the crowds. 
“Positive ID,” the voice said softly into the microphone beneath his collar; it was paired with an American accent. “She’s with Lucas North.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @luna-xial @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @sazzlep @glassgulls @littlebird-99 @solairewisteria @aliasauthor @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers
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officialgleamstar · 7 months
hi trevally! could I get a uuuh 13. group hugs and/or 14. cuddle pile with marloakworthy.. <3
hiiii @silverlistenstothings :] <3 i ended up going for cuddle pile, but like. tbh it doesnt QUITE fill that in my eyes but hjbfjgbhjbdhjdbhj it just gave me a cute idea so i went for it even if it wasnt exactly what you asked for. its close enough to count i think!!! anyways
woke up young in lovers love
word count: 876 | ao3 link
When Hermie woke up, it was with a gasp, their heart pounding in their chest. It was hard to place exactly what they had been dreaming of, their thoughts foggy as the dregs of sleep lingered in their mind. Without their input, their hands started grasping for the bedsheets around them, trying to swaddle themself in warm blankets—
And instead, they hit soft flesh and a sleepy groan of annoyance. They jolted back in shock and landed straight on another body, and when they let out an odd squawking noise of surprise, a head popped up to accompany that body. Normal blinked at them, barely able to keep his lids up as if he was already dozing back off. Someone thumped them in the back of the head and when they whipped around, Scary was frowning at them, looking just as exhausted.
“What’s wrong with you,” she said flatly, sounding less like a question and more like an insult, and Hermie stared at her as they tried to figure out what was going on. Their heart was still working hard enough that they could feel it in their ears, but their brain was starting to slow, clarity creeping in around the corner.
Their nightmare was still escaping them, becoming more and more fuzzy - something with fire, fire, and little other than more fire - and reality seeped in in its place. They were at Normal’s house. The clock on his bedside table read 2:14 AM. They had Normal on their left and Scary on their right, all of them piled close enough that their thighs were pressing against one another. They didn’t have a blanket to grasp onto because Normal was swaddled in a tight cocoon of every blanket on the bed, leaving Hermie and Scary with nothing.
“Hermie,” Scary prompted, jabbing their side to bring them back to the conversation, and they groaned.
“Normal took the blankets.”
“In my sleep! I didn’t mean to,” Normal defended himself, still just sitting there without unwrapping himself, and Scary clicked her tongue. She sat up as well and reached across Hermie, starting to drag the blankets off of Normal while he squirmed. “Wait, stop- I’m cozy! I’m cozy, Scary, quit it!”
“We need to be cozy too, dumbass!”
Hermie sighed and fell back against the pillows, rubbing their face as Scary wrestled a blanket away from Normal. They were fine. They were in a safe space, tucked away in their boyfriend’s bed between him and their girlfriend. It was late at night, everything was warm now that Scary was tucking the blankets around the three of them, and they were starting to feel stupid for being so afraid in the first place.
Scary leaned across them again, pressing a kiss to Normal’s cheek, and Hermie finally realized that they were no longer bickering. Normal was still pouting, but the expression melted away at the kiss, and he tilted his head to catch her lips. Hermie watched quietly, unsurprised when they felt Normal’s hand find their own and squeeze it as Normal pulled away.
“You want a kiss, Hermie?” Scary asked and they shook their head. She settled back against the pillows, nudging their side until they rolled over. As they followed her quiet command, rolling over so they faced Normal, Scary draped an arm over their waist and curled up into them. She pressed her forehead into the back of their neck, a soft bump that reminded them a little of how Taylor’s pet cat greeted them whenever they visited his house. They smiled, small and private, and Normal gave them a bright grin back.
“Do you want a kiss from me?” Normal asked, using a tone that Hermie knew meant he was just trying to taunt Scary. Hermie rolled their eyes at him at the same time that Scary scoffed and he giggled, squeezing Hermie’s hand again where their hands joined between them. “Can’t fault a guy for asking.”
“I definitely can,” Hermie replied dryly.
Despite their words, when Normal scooted closer and turned over so his back faced Hermie, they let him drag their hand along with him so that their arm would drape over Normal’s side. They kept their hold on him looser than the way Scary clung to their back, leaving some room between them rather than burying their face in Normal’s hair. They honestly weren’t sure how Scary could stand it, but they rubbed their thumb in circles against Normal’s hand to make up the difference. By the soft happy hum Normal let out, the small gesture more than made up the difference.
Hermie let their eyes fall closed, taking in a slow breath. Everything smelled like Normal mixed with Scary’s perfume, and while they wouldn’t exactly call the mixture pleasant, it was soothing in a way they would never have guessed a few months ago. It was calming in its familiarity. They were safe and warm and fine, despite the nightmare, despite everything. Normal was tucked under their arm. Scary was clinging to their back. Their head was growing foggy with sleep again.
Belatedly, they realized they were happy. As they fully succumbed to their dreams once again, it dawned on them that feeling wasn’t as foreign as it used to be.
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dilf-whore · 2 years
two less lonely people in the world (part 5)
previous || next
pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst, unrequited love
summary: you’d do everything for your best friend even if it means your heart getting broken.
A/N: let me know what you think about this part, i feel like it’s kinda oof idk lol. comments/reblogs/likes are appreciated! tell me also if you want to be added to the taglist! 💗
requested: no
word count: 1.4k+
requests are OPEN
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Your eyes flutter open from the brightness of the sun shining thrugh your window. Your hand lands on the space beside you and realize it’s empty, he must’ve left and went to Nancy already you thought. You look over your clock hanged on the wall and see that it’s already 1 in the afternoon, it still felt like you didn’t get any sleep despite waking up late. You wipe the drowsiness off your eyes and head straight downstairs after fixing your bed.
“Good morning, I mean, afternoon” Steve greets you. A sceam escapes your lips and you hold onto your chest as your heart beats fast from his sudden voice, “you asshole! I thought you left early” you scold and try to catch your breath. He lets out a soft chuckle and motions you to come sit, “I woke up early and bought you some groceries you can get actual nutrients from. Come let’s eat, I made brunch”
You comply and look at him confused, “you sure you didn’t burn anything? Since when did you learn how to cook?” You ask. “Not long ago, started practicing ever since I heard Nancy likes guys who can cook” he shrugs, a smille forming on his lips. A wave of bitterness flows through your body, how you wished you could find someone who’d make such efforts for you, how you wished that someone is Steve.
But guess it’ll only happen in your dreams.
“Did you sleep okay?” Steve puts the hot meal in front of you. “Honestly, no. I kept waking up from time to time, that, that thing from last night always shows up in my dreams” you reply. “You?”
“Me neither, I can’t stop worrying about Nancy”
“Come on, let’s check up on her later. But first, let’s see if your cooking is worth Nancy’s love and attention, shall we?” You tease.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
A year has passed and you still couldn't process what Nancy explained to you both back at her place. The things you thought only existed in movies is actually possible in real life, superpowers, and other dimensions were in fact real. Apparently a girl her brother found in the woods can do things with her mind and sacrificed herself to save your lives, especially Will’s, who was taken to an alternate dimension they call the Upside Down. Barb was taken too, but she didn't survive.
You sit and graze your fork over your untouched soggy food served by the lunch lady. You feel a nudge on your side from beside you, “aren’t you gonna eat?” Jonathan asks. You face him, “I don’t feel like it. It’s just that uhm, I’m very tired to do so” you reply and shrug, glancing over Steve and Nancy in front of you right before you look down on your meal. Jonathn nods in response
You are tired, not because of school but because of Steve and Nancy’s relationship - it’s draining you. They’d often approach and talk to you when they have an argument, you’re the one that gives them advice on how to fix them or sometimes you, yourself fixes their problem. You’re also the one Steve calls to rush out and buy gifts for Nancy. It’s exhausting but you can’t say no to them, especially Steve because it’s what makes him happy.
“There’s a Halloween party happening tonight over at Tina’s. You two should come” Nancy speaks up.
“I can’t. I have to look after Will” Jonathan says. “What about you Y/N?” He adds.
“I don’t think so. I actually planned on just sleeping early” you move aside your food tray, finally giving up on trying to eat.
The bell rings and you and Jonathan head to the class you share with, “you know, you should try and go to the party. Even for like a few minutes, relax for a bit” you tell Jonathan. You could tell how stress he is with keeping an eye on his brother at all times ever since the events from last year, he really needs to have some fun even for a short while. “You know I can’t. I don’t want to leave Will out of my sight when mom’s not with him”
“I’ll go trick or treating with Will. Go to the party and have some fun” you suggest.
“Are you sure? I thought you wanted to rest?”
“It’s fine! I’ll pick him up tonight at 7”
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You walk around the neighborhood beside Will and his friends. You’d be lying if you say that you’re not having fun because you sure are enjoying their companies. They were fun to be with and made you laugh at their goofiness especially with the redhead’s pranks on the boys. “I thought you and Steve were dating, I got surprised when I found him in my sister’s room” Mike says, cringing at the memory. You just laugh in response, what are you gonna say anyways?
“You get that often huh?” Dustin, asks.
“Uhm yeah, more than I could count actually” you respond. Mike goes in front of you, “I’m gonna be honest, I think you and Steve look better together than with my sister”
The rest nod in agreement, “a match” Will adds.
“Exactly!” Lucas and Max exclaim.
Your cheeks grow warm at their statements, you don’t know how to react so you just laugh to play it off. Wished Steve also saw us a match you thought.
“Look at the house, it’s huge! I bet their candies are luxurious” Max points at the biggest house you’ve seen so far, and judging by its exterior and decorations, it seems like the owners are rich. They run to the house and you furrow your eyebrows when Will doesn’t follow, he was staring at the sky instead, his body’s frozen, it’s like there’s something up there but you can’t see whatever it is. This must be one of the episodes Jonathan told you about.
You approach him and put a hand on his shoulder, causing to jump in fright, “hey, hey, it’s me. Are you alright?”
“I, uh, I’m o-okay” he says.
“Do you want to go home?”
“Y-yes please”
You call out the rest, “We’re gonna get going now, stick together and don’t stay out too late okay?”
You and Will went back to your car and start driving back to his home. He was quiet, he just stared down his lap and never even looked ahead even for a second, he’s scared that it’ll happen again. “Want to talk about it?”.
He shooks his head, eyes still glued on his lap. You decided not to ask again, thinking that maybe he’d rather talk with his mom or Jonathan instead.
You drop him at his place and bid him goodbye, Mrs. Byers was already sitting outside. She was there the whole time, saying that she doesn’t want Will to get scared that he might be alone when he arrives so she decided to wait and indulge herself with some cigarettes and snacks as she did so.
You head back after, the breeze was getting colder but it was calming somehow. You wonder how the kids are doing, are they having fun? Are they also going home now? Did they get back safely? Is Will feeling better now that he’s with his mom? The drive was quiet even if the streets outside are busy with parties and trick or treaters. And your mind just suddenly went back to what Mike told you.
You sigh and stop yourself from thinking about it, you might just end up hoping and break your heart even more. Your mind may forget and distract you from those thoughts but your heart never does, it keeps calling and yearning for Steve. You know it’s wrong but you just can’t get rid of your feelings just like that, the feelings you’ve been having probably ever since you met him and had no idea how love even worked.
But you still try to throw away those things though.
Finally arriving at your place, you see a familiar figure sitting down on your porch with his head low. It was Steve, what’s he doing here?
You park your car and go out, you stand in front of him and he immediately hugs you tight before you could say anything. “What’s wrong?” You ask, hugging him back.
Steve’s body starts to shake from the loud sobs that comes out of his mouth, you never saw him like this, his grip gets tighter, he doesn’t want to let you go. He doesn’t want to lose the comfort you give.
“Nancy broke up with me”
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
taglist: @fujiihime​ @cassmoreiraxo​ @dzidziti @dessmxsworld​ @freaky-dcaky​
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forever and more - chapter 2
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word count: 2230
pairing: ateez x fem!reader
if anyone wants to join the taglist just message <3 a/n feedback is always welcome here, and please do send in whatever theories you have, I'd love to hear them!! also, very grateful for my lovely beta reader @layzfeelit <3
Standing at the edge of a forest clearing, I watched, confused at the scene before me.  
The full moon shone brightly in the night sky, casting down light onto Wooyoung, Yeosang and Seonghwa, who were standing in the middle, heads close to one another as they talked in hushed voices.  
As I made my way closer to them, the first thing that stuck out to me was their attire. Gone were their black suits and slicked back hair, in their place were dark tunics and chin-length hair.  
Tilting my head to the side, I furrowed my brow. They looked like they belonged in the Middle Ages.  
"How long until Yunho arrives with the ingredients?" Seonghwa turned around, now facing me. "If he does not come soon, we will not have enough time. The moon is reaching its peak."  
Hearing the wind pick up behind me, I was about to turn around but before I could see what it was, everything around me started to fizzle out. Though before everything went black, I could just about make out a tall figure joining the three, passing something to Seonghwa.  
"We should hurry up, the gateway will be closing soon." 
Opening my eyes, I was startled by the sound of someone knocking on my door. 
"Y/N? You up? Breakfast will be ready soon." 
Blinking away the confusion, I sat up, "Yeah, I'll be down in a bit." 
"I’ll go back down then. Or do you want me to wait for you?" 
"It's fine Mingi, you can head back down." 
Hearing footsteps walking away, I sunk back down into my pillows, trying to remember what the dream was about. But nothing came up. Shaking my head, I tossed the blanket aside and headed straight to the bathroom to get ready for breakfast. 
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"Mingi?" Sipping on a cup of tea, I looked up at Mingi, who was leaning against the kitchen island. "Do you know where San is? I haven't seen him all morning."  
Shrugging, Mingi sat down in front of me, "Not sure really, he went out in a rush before you woke up muttering something about..." His face scrunched up in confusion as he thought of the right words. "About dogs? I don't know, I don't really think I heard him right."  
Dogs? San doesn't have any dogs.  
"Hey, guys."  
San took a seat beside Mingi, resting his head in his palm.  
Frowning, I took in San's slightly dishevelled hair and the thin coat of sweat on his forehead, "You good? You look like you've just been wrestling or something."  
"Yeah, my dad called and said the dogs got out again. Had to head over to help him."  
Downing the last bit of tea, I got up from the table, "Okay, I'm gonna head up to the attic. My aunt has some things up there that she wanted me to go through. Are you two joining me or... Never mind, forgot you have work today."  
Looking up at the clock, I arched a brow, "Speaking of, shouldn't you two be going? You've got another half an hour before you're late."  
Chuckling, I watched as the two scrambled to their feet and make a mad dash out of the front door.  
"Bye boys~"  
Grabbing the mugs left on the table, I made my way over to the sink.  
"Let me do that."  
As I was about to start rinsing everything out, Wooyoung appeared beside me and took my place.  
Tilting my head to the side, I stared at Wooyoung. Where the hell did he come from? I didn't even hear any footsteps.  
"You do know that I have hands, right? I can wash out a couple of mugs."  
"Yeah, but it's my job, so off you go to whatever it is you need to do. And if you need any help, Yeosang is in the living room."  
Nodding, I walked through the corridor, stopping at the archway to the living room.  
I watched as he swiftly put down an old wooden box before he turned around.  
"Yes, Y/N?"  
"I was wondering if you could show me the way to the attic? I want to go through some of my aunt's stuff."  
"Of course," Yeosang walked over to me and led me to a door opposite the dining room. A door I originally thought to have led to a cupboard.  
"These stairs lead straight to the attic. There is a door to it on each floor in the same place."  
Yeosang opened the door for me, allowing me to go first.  
The stairway was slightly dusty and as I walked up, I noticed small, intricate patterns and drawings etched into the wood of the handrails. Some of them portraying creatures of some sort and others resembling runes.  
Once we were at the top of the stairs, I reached to open the door to the attic. As the door swung open, I let out a sneeze as the settled dust was disturbed.  
Sniffling, I quickly made my way across the threshold to crack open the windows.  
"Sorry about the dust. We have not been up here since your aunt's passing."  
Waving a hand around, "It's fine, I don't mind."  
Yeosang nodded before leaving the attic, closing the door behind him in the process.  
Looking around the attic, I let out a sigh, "Oh, this is gonna take forever to go through."  
Walking over to the nearest box, I opened it up to find some old journals and papers bound together.  
"Better get started then."  
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During the time I was in the attic, I found an old leather couch under a dust sheet, which is where I am currently curled up, going through some old letters that were just confusing me to no end.  
Frowning, I re-read the first paragraph of the letter in hand.  
Dear Ruth,  
I hope this letter finds you well. I am currently in the Cheshire countryside hunting down a coven of dark witches and I wish for you to join me. I know this request may sound strange, however, your assistance is of the utmost importance. You see, the coven has joined an alliance with a faerie.  
Blinking slowly, I looked out the window.  
What. Did. I. Just. Read. Hunting? Dark witches? Faeries? What is this? Supernatural?  
Shaking my head, I threw whatever thoughts I had out of my mind.   
Okay, so, these letters seem to date back to the 1700s, which means that the talk of witches and whatnot makes sense. Sort of. That was the peak of the witch trials in England, the end of the peak, but it was still a time when people believed that the supernatural walked amongst them.  
Startled, I whipped my head towards an old bookshelf. My eyes immediately landing on a book that was on the floor. Blinking, I saw a shadow move around from the corner of my eye, though when I turned my head, all that I saw were boxes.  
Putting the letters down, I slowly walked to where the book lay, crouching down to pick it up.  
Brushing away some of the dust from the cover, I scanned over it. The book was an old leather-bound one with intricate patterns adorning the front. Flipping it open, I was immediately met with detailed drawings of creatures and strange beings. Old English filled the empty spaces.  
"What're you looking at?"  
Quickly shutting the book, I quickly held it up, ready to attack whoever it was behind me.  
"Woah. Hey. It's just me. I just came up to ask you where you wanted to have lunch."  
Seeing Wooyoung hold his hands up, I lowered the book as I glared at him.  
"Don't do that! What is with you lot and scaring the hell out of me?! First Yunho and now you." 
Wooyoung burst out into laughter, causing me to pout slightly.  
"Don't laugh! It's really scary, especially when you're all alone and everything's quiet."  
Wooyoung shook his head slightly and slung an arm around me.  
"Sorry boss, didn't mean to scare you. Are you eating up here or -"  
"Kitchen. Definitely kitchen. It's starting to creep me out up here."  
Wooyoung walked me to the door, allowing me to go first. As I hurried down the stairs, I failed to notice Wooyoung looking back into the attic, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth as he stared at the spot by the bookshelf. 
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Sprawled out on the sofa, I closed my eyes and let out a breath. 
God, it's not even three yet and I was exhausted. What exactly did my aunt want me to find? She mentioned something about family heritage, but how am I supposed to find that? The attic is full of books and papers, and I haven't got the faintest idea on which is what. 
"Y/N? Are you alright?" 
Twitching, I breathed through my nose. I'm really starting to consider putting a bell on these guys or else the next thing they see would be me dropping and going into cardiac arrest. 
Opening my eyes, I smiled up at Seonghwa, who was peering down at me, brows creased together in slight concern. 
"I'm fine, Seonghwa, just a bit tired." 
"Then I would suggest going to bed for a bit." 
Laughing, I sat up, "Not that type of tired. My brain's tired." 
Seonghwa paused for a second, "Would you like to help with the garden? I find that that helps ease my mind sometimes." 
"Umm, yeah, I'd like that." Smiling, I stood up, "I used to help my dad with the garden. Not sure how good I am now, but I'd like to help." 
Making our way to the front garden, Seonghwa handed me a pair of gloves, a bucket and a pair of shears. 
"You can focus on the weeds and overgrown plants. I need to ask Jongho and Yunho to help move some of the branches that have fallen and then I will help you." 
Nodding, I watched as Seonghwa retreated back into the house before turning my attention to the garden. 
Crouching down, I began pulling at some of the weeds growing around the house. And while it did pull my mind away from all of the weird stuff in the letters and books, it also pushed forward the fact that everyone in that house made no sound whatsoever when they moved. 
It's always like they appear out of thin air. I mean, yes, Yunho scared me last night when I heard 'his footsteps', but I don't think they were his. They sounded closer and they were very heavy. When we walked up to my bedroom, Yunho's footsteps were very faint. They were barely noticeable. 
And then there's Seonghwa and Wooyoung. They make no sound at all. It's as if they materialise out of nowhere. 
Shaking my head, I pulled myself away from that thought before my mind came up with something impossible. 
Pulling out the last weed in sight, I put it in the bucket before stretching slightly. When my eyes caught sight of the window in front of me, I couldn't help but let out a scream as I fell backwards, chest heaving as I took deep breaths. 
The blond man that was in the portrait – Hongjoong - was standing there, staring straight at me with hard eyes. Blinking, I looked back at the window, but he was no longer there. 
I heard someone call out as faint footsteps came rushing towards me. 
"Are you alright?" 
Seeing a pale hand extended before me, I took it, allowing Yeosang to pull me up. 
"Is there anyone else in the house?" 
He tilted his head, confused, "I'm sorry?" 
"Are there only the six of us in the house, right now?" 
Yeosang paused for a second, "We are the only ones here. Why?" 
I pointed to the window, heart still stammering, "Because I just saw a man there." 
Yeosang stared at the window for a few seconds before turning back to me, "I'm sure it was just a reflection, why don't you head upstairs to bed and rest for a bit. And if you want, I'll have Wooyoung bring up your dinner later." 
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We'd finished dinner a couple of hours ago and I was now tucked up in bed, thinking. 
When I went down earlier for dinner, Yeosang and Seonghwa were talking in the kitchen. Well, arguing would be a better description but they weren't arguing with each other. It was as if there was a third person there that they were arguing with. 
Before I made myself known to them, I caught on to Seonghwa hissing something to thin air along the lines of 'She doesn't know yet. Don't do anything until she can help'. 
Turning onto my side, I closed my eyes. They knew something about me. About my family and whatever it was, it was something my aunt wanted me to know. And if I had to guess, the answers could be found in those papers and journals in the attic. 
Everything around me was dark. I couldn't see anything. 
"Though death we will part, but in life we shall find. For past, present and future, forever we shall be bound. Let our love be our anchor, and our powers shared through vein. Regardless of death, we shall find one another." 
taglist: @marievllr-abg @jackinmyarea @lexiigom @nichobins @babyhailey819 @@darkdayelixer
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(gif by periodcostumefantasylover)
Everything was dusty, gloomy, hazy. You were standing in a field of sand, infinite and dark. A desert, perhaps?
You found yourself into the unknown, you were not afraid, but definitely lost and disoriented. You could feel the wind howling around you and blowing into your face, you had to constantly push your hair away from your eyes as you attempted to move forward. You spotted the shape of something big and white taking form into the distance, unclear and foreign. And it was calling your name, silently but strongly.
And so you walked, one hand cupped on your forehead to protect yourself from the sandstorm. The brown fog began to subside, the wind died down and you could clearly see what stood in front of you more clearly now, so high and imponent, so beautifully made.
Everything was appearing a little blurry and, at first, you had quite some trouble putting it into focus. You could feel the warmth of the blazing sun rising behind you, but its comforting presence was mixed with thunders reverberating through the menacing clouds. As you stepped close to the big object, you noticed that it was a stoned barrier, the entry of something you were feeling attracted to, but that evidently you were not yet allowed to discover.
You squinted, inspecting every carving that had been masterfully created on those gates. There were complex ornaments, symmetrical sections and birds of prey on both sides, a weird alien-like mask built at the top and reflected like a mirror. But what truly captured your attention was the detail in the faces of someone imprinted into the stone, illustrating what you perceived as heartbreaking love story and distant memory. One of those faces was strangely familiar too, but your mind was all fuzzy and you could barely think straight.
You reached for one of the two doors, you felt the hardness and roughness of the stony material under your skin. You hoped to see it moving, opening at your touch, but something about that whole situation was somehow completely wrong. You stared at your fingers in utter confusion, as you suddenly counted more than you were supposed to have in one hand. It was like watching a glitchy monitor with an out of focus slide where things looked doubled and overlapped, your eyes couldn't adjust and your overall awareness had considerably started to fade.
The gates blew away, slipping between your distorted fingers in a handful of grains. The wind picked up again, swirls of sand engulfed you and dragged you into an expanse of pitch black before you woke up.
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(divider by firefly-graphics)
Snippet #2 from CH3. As short as this part is, I was actually excited to add it.
Now, the distorted hand with many fingers is actually an existing thing in dreams and it is known as a Reality Check for when you start gaining awareness and becoming lucid. Most of the time, hands look off in dreams (hence the glitchy view), you can't properly read, the time on clocks might change quickly and inconsistently, you may still be able to breathe if you pinch your nose and keep your mouth shut.
The whole topic is really interesting to me and I want to explore it more in my story. When Morpheus helped Rose to locate her brother through her dreams, the text on the poster she printed to find Jed was reversed and out of place.
And here you may wonder: "How can Reader experience this dream if in the previous chapters you said she cannot dream?" Well, the Dreaming is damaged with Morpheus imprisoned, so she is bound to never remember her dreams.
But the reason why she ended up right in front of the Gates of Horn and Ivory? The answer can be found in the previous snippet. Or in Chapter 3 as soon as it's posted.
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punchdrunkdoc · 2 years
Just Breathe - Epilogue
Summary: Six months after the events in Gotham Square Garden, Bruce is struggling to find balance between his role as Batman and his responsibilities as Bruce Wayne. His life is made even more complicated when he learns that someone knows his secret identity.
Notes: This is a multi-chapter, slow-burn Battinson/original female character story with romance, angst, and crime solving!
Also available on AO3
Reference pics and stuff
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4 months later…
An elbow to the solar plexus was not the ideal way to wake up in the morning. 
Especially after only a few hours sleep.  
And especially when said plexus was already sore from an encounter with a baseball bat-wielding thief the night before. 
Bruce groaned and rolled onto his back, rubbing the bruised area below his chest. He glanced over at Beth in concern, knowing what he would find. 
She was having a nightmare.  
Her hairline was damp with sweat, and deep lines creased her forehead. Her arms and legs jerked as if she was trying to escape from something.
It was a familiar sight - she’d been cursed with nightmares since her kidnapping. But they’d been getting less frequent over the past few months, and this was the first one in a while. 
He rolled back towards her, and stroked her hair. "Beth," he murmured into her ear. "Wake up, sweetheart. Its just a dream." 
He kept up the litany of soothing words as he ran his hand up and down her arm, the strong caress meant to ground her in reality, instead of whatever scene was playing in her mind.  
Eventually, it worked. 
With a gasp, she woke. She blinked up at the ceiling for a few moments, before turning to face him. Seeing that he was wide awake, she sighed. “I woke you up. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Do you want to talk about it.”
She rolled on to her side and snuggled against his chest. He rubbed her back through the t-shirt she wore to bed. His t-shirt. She still liked to wear his clothes - and he still loved seeing her in them. “Its the same as usual,” she replied. “I’m in the lab. Trapped and alone.”
She’d described it before as an amalgamation of her childhood nightmare with added details from her kidnapping. “Do you, um, need to talk to someone? Professionally, I mean?” he asked cautiously. 
She peered up at him. “Is Bruce Wayne recommending therapy?”
He rolled her eyes at her teasing. “I’m just worried about you.”
She scooted further up the bed until they were eye-to-eye on his pillow. “I’m fine. I’ve been dealing with nightmares my whole life. They usually just flare up when I’m anxious about something.”
“What are you anxious about?”
She raised her eyebrows. “You have to ask?”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re over-reacting.”
“That’s easy for you to say.”
He opened his mouth to respond but was cut-off by the sound of her alarm clock blaring. 
“Shit!” she yelled. She sprang away from him to shut off the noise and he chuckled into the sudden silence, looking forward to the upcoming chaos that was Beth in the morning. 
Four months of being a couple had taught him a lot about Beth Carraway. One of the things he’d learned was that she liked to sleep - a lot. She always set her alarm to give her the absolute longest time possible in bed. Which meant she only gave herself just enough time to get ready for work…and there was no slack in her routine.  
No time for a leisurely breakfast or to catch up on the daily news. No time to hit the snooze button and indulge in some morning kisses... 
And definitely no time to continue their conversation about tonight. 
Instead, Beth jump out of bed and raced for the shower, the water coming on moments later.  
Bruce loved their routine, despite the havoc of their mornings. Beth had shifted her hours at work which allowed her to finish by late afternoon. She would come straight to Wayne Tower, where he’d be prepping for his night as Batman. They would eat dinner, and spend several hours together, before he left to patrol the city. She would go to bed, and he’d crawl in beside her in the early hours.
It wasn't the most conventional schedule, but it worked for them. Watching her walk through the penthouse, kick off her shoes and greet him with a kiss was the best part of his day. Going to sleep with her in his arms, was the best way to end his night. Especially since - as she was a light sleeper - she would usually wake up when he got into bed, and they would make love.
Like last night. 
He relived the encounter in his head as Beth flitted back into the room, towel tucked around her. She grabbed a pair of panties from the dresser drawer and hopped into them on her way back to the bathroom. 
She’d officially moved into the penthouse - and into his room - a month ago. There’d barely been a discussion about it; she spent very little time in her apartment, and when she mentioned her lease was coming to an end, it seemed obvious that she would move in with him. 
Luckily, she agreed. This mouldering old tower only felt like home when she was here. 
Bruce stretched and got out of bed. He'd crash for several more hours once she left, but he enjoyed being awake for this - seeing her so at home in his - their - space.  
He leaned against the door jamb of the bathroom and winced as she injected the daily dose of serum into her thigh. The long needle and syringe had been replaced by a small subcutaneous delivery device, but he still hated watching it. "The sooner the lab develops a tablet form of that, the better," he commented.  
She shrugged. "It's amazing that I have this at all. I'd inject a javelin-sized needle into my spine if need be."  
He winced again at the imagery. But in truth it was amazing. The pharmaceutical company had managed to reverse engineer the serum in record time, removing the harmful mood stabiliser at Beth's request and producing enough serum in the last couple of months to keep her stocked for a year. 
It helped that their anonymous new owner was generous with the R&D funding... 
But the expense was a small price to pay for the freedom it gave Beth. 
Freedom which he benefitted from immensely. Now that she was able to experience skin contact, it was like she was making up for years of lost time. They made love constantly. They kissed even more often that that. She loved to hold his hand, and brush her fingers through his hair. She would graze her fingers against his arm if they passed each other. 
Like now - Beth trailed her fingers across his bare chest as she squeezed by him through the bathroom door. He smiled and turned to watch her shrug into her work clothes and quickly tie her hair back into a ponytail.
She was ready to go. 
She stopped by him on her way out the door, stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Sleep well.”
He caught her hand to hold her with him for a few moments longer. “I’d sleep better with you beside me. Do you have to go?” he asked, only half-joking. He never felt like they got enough time together. 
“Yes. Someone needs to earn some money around here.”
“Ha, ha.” Turning serious, he squeezed the hand that he held. “Beth…you will still come tonight. Right?”
She frowned and studied his face, obviously seeing the real fear in his eyes. “Oh, Bruce, of course I will. I’m sorry for making you think otherwise. I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.”
 A little nervous. 
Understatement of the century.
She was anxious as hell!
But she would suck it up, and deal. For Bruce. 
This was important to him. 
He had resurrected his mother’s charity foundation and was hosting its first benefit in twenty years. It was another step in his evolution from recluse to responsible head of his family’s organisation. Another step in rehabilitating Bruce Wayne’s image, and restoring his family’s legacy. Another step in his new quest to use his privilege and position to help the city. 
By night he would guard the city as Batman, inspiring fear in Gotham’s criminals and hope in its citizens. 
But by day, Bruce Wayne would restore the city to its former glory through philanthropy.
And it started with a gala. 
Which he wanted Beth to attend with him…as his date.
It wouldn’t be their first outing as a couple - far from it.
In fact, their first outing had been the day after their first night together - but it hadn’t been a happy occasion. The two of them had stood at the edges of a grave site, watching from afar as a small coffin was lowered into the ground, marked with a simple headstone: 
George Ryan.
After the funeral, as the small procession of mourners had broken up and made their way out of the cemetery, Bruce had remained in place, his eyes locked on that grave.
“Are you okay?” she’d asked.
“I just keep thinking that I should have done more.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Just…more. The next time I come across a kid like that, I’m going to try something different. I know I can’t save everyone - I’m not naive. But I have to try.”
She’d leaned against his side and squeezed his hand. “And that’s why I love you.”
They’d ventured out a few times since, but they both preferred the sanctuary of Wayne Tower, where they could be alone, without the world intruding on their happiness. 
And without the paparazzi getting in the way.  
They’d been caught once - emerging from one of the fanciest restaurants in the city. Bruce had treated her to a night on the town to celebrate her birthday, and they’d been spotted leaving the venue. Luckily, it had barely made a splash in the tabloids, with her dismissed as just his latest floozy.
Tonight was different. Being Bruce’s date for such an important occasion - one the press had been talking about for weeks - would be a statement of intent.    
After tonight, the whole of Gotham would know they were a couple. And she wasn’t sure she was ready for the scrutiny that would come from being the woman who had taken Gotham's most eligible bachelor off the market. High society mothers, gossip rags, social media trolls…they’d all be coming for her. 
So yeah. She was anxious.
Verging on terrified. 
“Are you ready?” Bruce asked. 
She took a deep breath, adjusted the neckline of her strapless, midnight blue gown…and lied. “Yep. Lead the way.”
He took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, and they stepped into the packed, glittering ballroom together. 
 “Well? Has it been as awful as you feared?” Alfred asked, coming to stand beside her. She was tucked into a relatively shadowed alcove at the back of the room. Bruce had gotten roped into a conversation with Mayor Reál about the Renewal fund, so Beth had taken the opportunity to fade into the background a bit.
Hours of making small talk had worn her out.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You knew?” Beth asked.
“That you were dreading tonight?” He chuckled. “Yes. I had an inkling.”
“Bruce didn’t see it.”
Alfred shook his head. “Bruce may have shunned the limelight for the past decade or so, but he was born into it. He’s used to the scrutiny. And he’s learned to ignore it. But for someone new to all this…I can understand how daunting it must be.”
She laughed. “You could say that.”
“But I’m proud of you,” Alfred continued. “I know what it took for you to walk through those doors with him tonight. And I want to thank you.”
Beth shook her head. “Tonight meant a lot to him. I would never have let him do it alone.”
“I wasn’t just talking about tonight.” Alfred faced her and took her hand. “Thank you for bringing him back to the world. This is everything I wanted for him.” He gestured to the gathering behind them, where Bruce was still taking centre stage. “To come back into the light. To carry on his family’s legacy. And to find a new family of his own - you.”
A lump formed in Beth’s throat at the sincerity in Alfred’s voice. But she didn’t know what to say. She felt humbled by the father-like praise - something she’d never experienced in her life. 
And as for his gratitude? 
She didn’t feel worthy of that. 
All she’d done was love a man that she found utterly loveable. 
She was spared having to respond by a soft gruff voice. “Beth?”
She turned to find Bruce walking towards them, a small smile on his face. “Can I have this dance?” he asked.  He noticed Alfred standing next to her, and added jokingly, “Unless you’re already spoken for.”
“She’s all yours,” Alfred said. He nodded to her and released her hand. She returned his nod, a silent acceptance of his beautiful words, before joining Bruce on the dance floor. 
 Bruce sighed as he collapsed back against the seat of the limo. 
Tonight had been a success, and it felt good to have resurrected a positive facet of his parents’ legacy. But he’d not exactly been in his element. Mingling with the crowd of business magnates, celebrities and politicians that made up Gotham’s elite had been torturous. 
He’d have rather taken on a gang of twenty thugs in a fight. 
But the money had flowed in, and it was all going to a worthy cause. Bruce Wayne was good for something, after all. He didn’t have to ignore that part of his life in order to change the city. He could embrace it, and take on the filth corrupting Gotham from both angles - in the light of day, and the dark of night.
With Beth by his side for both. 
He placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed gently. “Thank you,” he said. “For putting up with this tonight. I know it can’t have been much fun.”
She tilted her head to regard him fondly. “You don’t have to thank me. You know I’d do anything for you. Besides,” she continued, “I should be thanking you.”
“What for?”
“For the charity you picked for tonight. It didn’t feel like a coincidence.”
She was right - it wasn’t. When Alfred had given him the list of potential organisations to honour tonight, one had stood out above all the rest. 
A shelter for women and children fleeing abuse. 
A shelter which could have helped Beth and her mom all those years ago, had they made it to Gotham together. 
He shrugged at her thanks, and returned her words. “I’d do anything for you.”
She smiled at him as she fished her phone out of her clutch. 
Another thing he’d learned about Beth? She was a bit of a workaholic - even in her downtime, she couldn’t resist checking her emails. 
He tilted his head on the headrest and watched her scroll through the device, her bottom lip pinched between her teeth in concentration. The lights of the passing city bathed her in a flickering glow as Alfred drove them back to the tower. 
A quick intake of breath caught his attention. “Something wrong?” he asked
“I got a reply from my aunt. She wants to meet me.”
 A couple of months ago, Beth had made the decision to contact her mother’s family. 
It was born of an orphan’s desire to connect to the people who shared her blood - people who weren’t murderous sociopath’s named Montrose. But it was also for her mother’s benefit; Beth had managed to find her grave in a small plot in Gotham’s cemetery reserved for unidentified remains. She wanted her mother moved to a proper resting place, with a fitting headstone…and her family deserved to be part of that process. 
Tracking down the surviving members of the Parker family - her mother’s sister and a few cousins - had been relatively easy.  A much harder task was contacting them out of the blue. Beth had settled on sending a long email, detailing her story and what she remembered of her mother. And her death.
She’d agonised over the wording for weeks, finally sending the missive just a few days ago. 
And now she had a reply. 
Beth paced the underground lair, her high-heeled shoes clacking on the concrete ground and echoing beneath the sweeping staircase. The heavy silk skirt of her ballgown swished audibly as she traced a route back and forth in front of Bruce’s car. 
He finished strapping on his gauntlets, and caught her arm as she passed. “Beth stop. Why are you so anxious? You had to know they’d want to meet you.”
She took a deep breath. “There’s knowing in the abstract, and then knowing. You know?”
He laughed softly. “I guess.”
“I’m just…I’m worried they’ll hate me. That they’ll blame me. She only stayed with that horrible man because of me. She died because of me.”
“Hey.” He swept her into his arms and rubbed her back. “You were just a child. And she was your mother. She wouldn’t have blamed you for any of it, and neither will they. They want to meet you because you’re family. This is a good thing.”
He felt her nod against his chest. “You’re right. I’m being ridiculous. Blame it on exhaustion.” 
To punctuate her words, she yawned and sagged against him. It was close to 3am, so it was no wonder she was dead on her feet. “You should head up to bed. I’ll be home in a few hours - I just want to follow up on that lead on the drug dealer from last night.”
She stepped out of his embrace and leaned her weight against the workstation behind her. “Yeah. I’ll need a decent night’s sleep to sort out everything for the trip. I need to arrange time off work…and I’ll need to find a place to stay in New York, in case things are too awkward at the family home-”
“For us to stay,” he interjected.
“What?” She sounded confused.
“I’m going with you.”
She gaped at him. “I- I just assumed…,” she stuttered. 
“That I would let you go alone? That I would make you face that alone?”
“But when’s the last time you left Gotham, even for a night?”
She had a point. It had been years - a lot of years. But that didn’t matter. “The city can survive for a couple of weeks without me.”
She still looked shocked. “I can’t believe you would do that.”
“Beth…I’d do anything for you. Remember?”
Two days later…he proved it. 
He stood in the foyer of the penthouse, suitcases at his feet, waiting for Beth to join him. 
“Remember to call if there’s an emergency,” he reminded Alfred, who waited beside him. “I’ve set up an alert system on the police scanner downstairs - if there’s a major incident, you’ll get an early warning, so you can let me know-”
“I know, Bruce,” Alfred said patiently. “You’ve told me a million times. Things will be fine here. Enjoy your vacation.”
“Vacation,” Bruce repeated with a disbelieving laugh. 
“Yes, a vacation. Try to put Gotham out of your head and just live in the moment. Enjoy the sunshine - that’s the warm, light stuff that comes down from the sky during the day.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow at Alfred’s sarcasm, but the older man just smiled in response.
Just then, Beth came skipping down the stairs in a flowery sundress, waving her sunglasses above her head. “I found them,” she called out. 
“I guess we’re off,” Bruce said to Alfred. He pressed the call button for the elevator and ushered Beth inside, following her with their luggage. As the doors slid closed, the last thing he saw was Alfred waving goodbye, a proud, delighted expression his face.
In the parking garage, Bruce steered Beth to his vintage corvette. They’d decided to make the journey into a road trip instead of taking one of his private jets. It would be just them, the open road, and 300 horsepower beneath their feet. 
But she stopped dead at the sight of the car. “We’re taking this?” she asked, her voice squeaking with surprise.
“Well, I figured the ‘batmobile’ would be a little conspicuous,” he replied. She still insisted on referring to his car by that awful moniker…and to his consternation, he was starting to as well. 
“And this isn’t?!" she cried. "It’s a 1963 split window corvette - one of the most rare and collectible cars on the planet! Its gotta be worth, what, a half a million dollars?”
“About that,” Bruce shrugged. 
“And you want to take it on a road trip? Are you insane?”
He just laughed as he stowed the luggage in the trunk. “It’s a car, Beth. Cars are made for driving and enjoying.”
She bit her lip, looking anxious. He couldn’t resist teasing her. “I was going to let you do most of the driving…but if you’d rather we just took your car, or rented a Volvo from the nearest Hertz, we can do that instead…”
Her head flew up. “No! No, no, we can take this!” She snatched the keys from his hand, as if worried he’d change his mind. She opened the driver’s side door and settled into the seat. She smoothed her hands over the steering wheel, and glided her fingers over the leather-covered dashboard. Any potential damage to the car would be worth it after seeing her obvious joy and reverence.
She put the key in the ignition, but paused before turning it. “Are you sure? Really sure?”
She shook her head. “I can’t believe you’d let me drive this.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
It was becoming their mantra - the guiding principle of their relationship. 
They both recognised how precious their connection was. How rare and hard-won it was, after all the set backs and misunderstandings. They’d fought to be with each other, overcoming decades of fears and insecurities. 
And they would continue to fight, making sacrifices both big and small - like injecting a needle, or attending a public event…or leaving the city. 
Acts of concession, made with love. 
To preserve the gift they’d been given. 
Beth turned the key and the engine roared to life. Bruce settled back in his seat, ready to enjoy the ride.
Taglist: @hollandorks @grunge-n-roses5 @xmxrfx @neptunesands @caramelcandescence  @blossomedfloweroflove @wanderdreamer @angelsarecallin @stephenismyking @rabbitdictionary @starshipvelociraptor @yanna-banana @batmanlovesnirvana  @bees-fart-too @hypnoash @eravanaaaah @anescapistreality @beigetrash @shimmeringgrim @battinsonbaby​ @blue-aconite
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monthofsick · 2 years
Nightmare before Halloween
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 11: Unconventional receptacle
OCs: Thien, Tiago, Isaiah, Luka
This was the prompt that made me rack my brain for weeks. I really wanted the receptacle to be unconventional, but no idea seemed good enough - until Halloween came to the rescue. Finally, Thien has the dubious honor to get his own story after only being the designated sympathy puker twice.
TW: Vomit, severe ear infection, side effects of medication
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Thien was determined. Frustrated, unnerved and tired, but still determined to make the most of this evening. He had been looking forward to Tiago’s Halloween party for weeks. His family was out of town, so the friends had an entire house as their private venue. During the spooky season, the cozy Almeida home turned into a dark and twisted witch’s cottage of unspeakable horrors. Painted wooden panels and countless decorations turned the facade into a gingerbread’s house evil twin. Human sized spiders, boiling cauldrons, treacherous witches and an entire army of skillfully crafted jack-o‘-lanterns both attracted and frightened every kid in the neighbourhood.
It didn't stop there – the inside was decked out with fake spider webs, bats hanging from the staircase, a skeleton relaxing in his rocking chair in front of the fireplace. Curtains and carpets were replaced with crimson and black velvet. Red window foil resembling stained glass transformed the living room into a haunting recreation of Prince Prospero's ill-fated costume ball from The Masque of the Red Death. There even was a mannequin dressed in a blood-stained funeral shroud and an ebony clock with an ominous chime.
Honestly, there was no better place to celebrate Halloween. Thien was a connoisseur of classic horror movies and he absolutely adored Vincent Price's performance as the depraved Prospero in the 1964 adaptation of Poe's grim tale. Watching it in a chamber that seemed to have sprung right out of the prince's abbey promised the ultimate immersive experience.
That was until Thien was struck with his very own horror story just a week before the long awaited festivity. He woke up in the middle of the night and scrambled out of bed to take a leak when suddenly, someone drove a power drill straight into his left ear. Thien doubled over, pushing both hands against his head in a desperate attempt to alleviate the sharp pain. When he finally managed to stagger to the bathroom, the floor under his bare feet felt unsteady like soft rubber.
The next morning, Thien woke up in a swimming pool of his own sweat. He wouldn't have believed that it was possible to drown in wet sheets, but his feverish body was determined to prove him otherwise. Freezing and sweating at the same time, Thien got himself some Tylenol and curled up on the couch with a fresh blanket. The fever wasn't impressed by the pill and neither was the stabbing pain in his ear. Thien was grateful that one of his flatmates changed his bedding, he was barely able to muster the strength to even get up again.
Dead tired, yet unable to sleep because of the red hot needle piercing his eardrum, Thien suffered through an unending night. Short fragments of fever dreams were more draining then restful. At dusk, he felt even worse than the evening before. An immense pressure had built up on the left side of his head, contrasted by sudden, intensely painful stings. Thien popped another pill, but it only hurt more and more. Overwhelmed by the certainty that his head was about to explode, Thien pressed his palm over the auricle and buried his face in the pillow. It was like an insane lobotomist hammered an ice pick deep into his ear until the pain reached an agonizing peak – and then, all of a sudden, it stopped.
At first, Thien couldn't help but sigh with relief as the pressure was released. A dull, indifferent earache remained, accompanied by a muffled buzzing. Then, to his dismay, Thien felt some kind of liquid dripping out of his ear canal. Teeth clenched, he struggled out of bed and was instantly hit by vertigo and nausea. Groping along the wall, Thien staggered into the bathroom. When he forced himself to look into the mirror, he saw a yellowish, mucoid substance leaking from his left ear. The sight was enough to make him gag.
It was probably the sign that a visit to the doctor was inevitable.
After shivering in the waiting room for half an hour, Thien was examined by an ENT specialist. She told him that he had a middle ear infection, which was rather uncommon in adults (not helpful) and had caused his eardrum to burst. At least it was a rather small tear that would probably heal up on its own. Thien was prescribed an antibiotic to kill the bacteria responsible for the infection and prevent them from spreading even further.
So it was back to bed with more Tylenol and his new best friend Amoxicillin. Thien had four days until the party to recover and he wanted to make the most of it. Like a model patient, he made sure to drink enough water and tea, took his medication exactly as described in the package leaflet, rested and slept as much as possible and even bribed his flatmates to provide him with healthy meals. The fever did, in fact, go down and after the third day, Thien's temperature was back to normal. A diffuse pain lingered in his ear and sounds were strangely muted on the left side. But overall, he felt a lot better.
Too bad that his stomach didn't like its microbiome-killing visitors. Nausea became Thien's constant companion, but it wasn't so severe that he couldn't keep the pill or his food down. Everything was somewhat tolerable, it just wasn't good. After bemoaning his fate for an hour or two, Thien decided to kick his own butt and went straight into determination mode.
Halloween was his night. So what if things weren't perfect, it wouldn't stop him from having fun. He could rest again the next day.
As impressive as the decoration had been in broad daylight, it paled compared to the spectacle revealed after dark. Flickering candles brought the jack-o'-lanterns to life. Smoke rose from the witch's cauldron and the bubbling brewage emanated an eerie green glow. The giant spiders were looking for their prey with menacing eyes glowing deep red. It was truly a sight to behold and instantly lifted Thien's spirits.
"Damn it, I thought you had to stay in bed", Tiago grinned while he greeted from the doorstep, right next to a large pumpkin with a particularly dreadful grimace. Upon closer inspection, the two of them could very well be brothers.
"Are you scared because I'm bringing the creepy stuff?" Thien raised his bag that was jam-packed with all kinds of horror movies, from cult classics to notorious shockers. "Don't blame me if you wet your sheets!"
"Ugh, leave me alone with your weird fetishes!" Tiago rolled his eyes, then stepped aside to let his friend into the small entrance hall. The lighting was dim and a huge spider web covered the entire coat rack. Thien left his jacket at the tiny bench next to the shoe shelf instead.
The only light source in the adjacent foyer – affectionately known as the batcave – was a blacklight that revealed grisly details hidden in seemingly harmless pantings. Another surprise that had been invisible by day. And then they finally entered the main attraction: the black chamber, formerly known as living room. Everything was draped in black velvet – the couch, the chairs, the table, even the walls. LED torches cast flickering scarlet light through the blood colored windows. The Red Death figure lured in the corner and the sinister ebony clock was about to toll the hour.
It was incredible.
"I… I don't even know what to say except that I ab-so-lute-ly love it!" Thien clasped his hands in excitement. The adrenaline rushing through his veins made him forget about his earache and the queasiness for a minute. "This is just perf-ohmygod!"
Thien jumped as he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders from behind. Someone let out a distorted scream that turned into laughter just a second later. As Thien whirled around, he looked into the delighted faces of Luka and Isaiah who had been hiding behind one of the velvet tapestries.
"Why are you guys such assholes?", Thien coughed, but couldn't hold back a laughter himself, both as an aftereffect of the scare and relief that he could actually be here. "I'll make you regret this! Especially you, Isa, your stomach is so weak when it comes to gore."
"Hey, I'm not that squeamish… anymore", the redhead objected.
"Well, good luck while you're munching on this." Tiago twisted his lips into a malicious grin and gestured towards the dinner table. It was, quite literally, a feast for the eyes. There was black bean stew with a sour cream spider web drawn on top. Round slices of pimiento-stuffed olives turned deviled eggs into eyeballs. Hot dogs were carved and decorated to look like severed fingers, ketchup blood dripping all over the buns. Cheese bread puffs were wrapped up in strings of dough like mummies and chocolate truffles wore bat wings. Black caipiroska was served in erlenmeyer flasks.
"That is honestly so freaking cute." With glowing eyes, Isaiah grabbed one of the bats.
"No, it's not!" Tiago was visibly shaken by so much ignorance. "It's scary and disgusting! Whatever, dig in. And don't blame me when someone gets poisoned."
The friends loaded their antique plates, then made themselves comfortable in the TV corner. Thien wasn't exactly hungry, but how could he resist such a variety of both mouth-watering and gross looking dishes? At least he wanted to try everything. He had even double checked if alcohol would clash with his antibiotics, which it didn't. However, Thien had no desire to get drunk. It wasn't an enticing prospect when he already felt dizzy and nauseous to begin with.
Just like Thien had hoped, the black room's ghastly atmosphere did wonders for the atrocities on screen. After reveling in the gloomy ambience for a while, Thien brought himself to start eating. He didn't have the strong aversion against food that came with a stomach flu, but his palate was definitely more picky. The bean stew was hearty and flavorful enough to intrigue his tastebuds. The deviled eggs were a bit much though. There was a spicy kick to the yolk paste, probably Tabasco sauce, that irritated Thien's upsets stomach. The small piece of olive was enough to leave a lasting aftertaste that curbed Thien's appetite significantly.
Nothing bad could be said about the mummy bread per se – it was gooey, soft and packed a cheesy punch. Thien couldn't put his finger on what exactly was off-putting about the small round of dough, but it left him with a nagging unease in his belly. Maybe that was the source of his sudden reluctance to try the bloody finger hot dog. The gloriously disgusting design was right up Thien's alley and he wasn't put off by fake blood, no matter if it was in a movie or on a bun. The smell of meat and nitrate, however, didn't exactly appeal to him.
This was perfectly normal food, he told himself. This was food he liked. But the beefy sausage didn't go well with the overly sweet ketchup and even after Thien had swallowed, it left an oily film in his mouth. Thien couldn't bring himself to finish the whole thing. He hoped that the chocolate treat would help him get rid of both taste and mouthfeel, but the gooey fudge mixed with the meat grease in a highly unpleasant way.
At this point, Thien was fed up with anything edible. He placed the plate on the floor next to his chair and sipped on the pitch black cocktail instead. The crisp and tart flavor was enjoyable, until Thien's tastebuds betrayed him again and reported an intrusion of nail polish remover. Thien frowned, put the flask away and hugged his abdomen. His insides felt raw and a burning sensation had taken hold of his stomach. Even focusing on the movie didn't make him feel better anymore. It was like half of the bites he took had been stuck in his throat, pushing against his uvula with every bobbing gulp.
Thien's saliva carried a faint aroma of beans and cheese and chocolatey hot dogs, which would have been repulsive even if the fluid hadn't flooded his mouth like it did. He couldn't help but wonder if his belly was scolding him with angry growls – the TV was loud enough to drown out every other sound, but Thien felt it rumble and churn under his grip. His body was moving towards a direction he didn't like at all and maybe it was already too late to turn back.
"Damn it, I'm about to burst!", Isaiah groaned, taking the words right out of Thien's mouth. "'xcuse me for a minute, I gotta make room for more."
"Open the window when you're done!" Luka demonstratively held his nose. Thien licked his lips nervously. Hopefully, Isaiah wouldn't take too long.
Except that he did. Of course. At least ten minutes passed and Thien's stomach was bubbling like the witch's brew in the garden. He sank deeper into his armchair, only to have the shift in pressure force a burp out of his overboiling gastric kettle. It tasted as bad as it felt, sour and acrid. Thien's sore throat constricted in sync with his contracting abdominal muscles. The abundance of alkaline spit left a bitter taste in his mouth that didn't go away as he swallowed frantically.
Thien had to admit that this wouldn't end well if he stuck to his strategy of watching and waiting.
Careful not to send an unintended evacuation order to his stomach, Thien pushed himself up and left the black room. He teetered through the batcave towards the guest toilet door in the entry hall. It was still locked and Thien heared Isaiah humming inside. He took a deep breath and knocked.
"Aren't you done yet?"
"Uhm… no? I would have left if I was, wouldn't I?" Isaiah wasn't wrong, but that didn't help Thien with his emergency. Hot bile crawled up his throat, burning it like a sandpaper scrub.
"Can you hurry up a bit?", he croaked after forcing the rancid fluid back down. "…please?"
"I can't, especially not if you rush me. Or listen." Isaiah let out an uncomfortable groan. "Privacy, please?"
"Sorry, but I really need to…" Just as Thien was about to explain his dire situation, he was cut off by an unannounced surge of vomit rushing up his esophagus. He tried to swallow it back down, but the stuff just kept on coming. Desperately, Thien clutched his mouth with both hands. There was no way to contain the flood, he needed something to be sick in, and he needed it right now.
The kitchen sink? Too far away, Thien would probably explode on the way and splatter the entire foyer floor with his undigested stomach contents. The umbrella stand? It did look kind of expensive and Thien hadn't forgotten how Tiago had freaked out about Isaiah barfing in his mother's car. Family possessions were serious business to him. In an act of sheer desperation, Thien ripped open the entrance door, fell on his knees and lifted the lid from the big jack-o'-lantern.
Gentle warmth caressed Thien's skin as his face came close to the candle. Then he parted his lips and extinguished the flame with a jet of puke spraying from his very own fire hose. He had not expected the sheer force of the expulsion. Every single muscle from his neck down the chest to his abdomen cramped spasmodically, causing his body to jerk with a violent recoil as more of his dinner gushed from his mouth. Thien caught his glasses just in time before they could fall into the fetid mess bursting out of him. With trembling fingers, Thien put them aside – he had no intention to take a closer look at the cascade of sewage water he spewed into the pumpkin.
The violent heaves made him even more lightheaded, which in turn increased his nausea. One of Thien's hands held on to the jagged edge of the jack-o'-lantern with such strength that his knuckles turned white. The other one pushed against his aching belly that was gripped by a wrenching pain with every single retch. After the first spontaneous projectiles, expelling the remains of his meal became a more arduous task. Each gag pushed the thick mush just a little bit further up his esophagus. The physical strain brought tears to his eyes and pierced his left ear.
Suddenly, Thien felt a hand patting his back.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry!" Isaiah's bad conscience couldn't have been more obvious in his facial expression than it was in his voice. "I should have let you in."
Thien was unable to reply, but the thumps on his back helped his body to push the sick over the threshold. He tensed with another heave before he finally threw up a chunky blend of beans and dough and truffle and sausage bites. It tasted absolutely vile as it pumped up his throat and spurted from his mouth, plopping into the vomit pool below him with moist splats.
"Yeah, get it all out, you got this", Isaiah cheered him on. His closeness and touch did make Thien feel better. He wasn't used to someone taking care of him when he was being sick and he had expected it to only add awkwardness to the physical discomfort. Actually, it helped him to relax a bit and just let things happen. As Thien's body punched itself in the gut again with a vigorous muscle contraction, he leaned into it and bent closer to the jack-o'-lantern. More of the food he had forced down against his better judgment made a noisy return through his gaping mouth.
The messy slop Thien hurled into the pumpkin wasn't the only pattering sound anymore. His vomit had reached the jack-o'-lantern's razor-toothed grin and poured out of the creature's mouth as well. When Thien was finally able to catch his breath, shakily wiping his lips, the ghoulish pumpkin he had infected still kept on barfing down the steps.
"Damn it", Thien croaked. "I didn't think it would be so much."
"It's not your fault." Isaiah still rubbed Thien's back, even though he had stopped puking. "I had no idea you were going to be sick. Sorry I took so long."
"You couldn't have known. Just when I tried to tell you, it all came up." Thien spat out to get rid of the horrible taste sitting comfortable on his tongue. "By the way, did you happen to see cleaning supplies in the bathroom? I'd really like to destroy the evidence before Tiago finds out about this."
"Before I find out about what?"
Both Thien and Isaiah spun around, startled. Tiago was towering over them, arms crossed. Luka peered through the foyer door, curiously watching the scene unfold. Thien sighed in defeat and buried the face in his hands.
"I – I'm so sorry about this", he mumbled against his palms. "It's the antibiotics. My stomach wasn't great the whole week, but I swear this never happened before. Maybe the food was too spicy… or it's getting worse. I just couldn't hold it in."
"So… technically it's Isaiah's fault again because he's the one who was blocking the restroom", Tiago concluded.
"Hey, that's not fair!", Isaiah protested. "Don't make me clean up again."
"Don't blame him, he's not a clairvoyant." With a deep sigh, Thien put his glasses back on and got up from the ground. He was barely standing when a loud scream from the street made him flinch.
A tiny scarecrow pointed at them, then waved at her friends Chucky and Pennywise.
"You gotta check this out!", the little girl squealed. "There's a puking pumpkin!"
"It looks so real!" Pennywise stared at the front door in awe. "Not just dumb seeds and that stringy stuff from inside."
Wide eyed and a bit bashful, the illustrious trio crept closer. Scarecrow raised both her sickle and her tin bucket.
"Trick or treat!", she screeched with a voice resembling nails on a chalkboard. That kid had definitely practiced the grand entrance. While Tiago grabbed the candy bowl that had been strategically placed in the shoe rack, Chucky leaned over to his killer clown friend and whispered:
"It even stinks. This house is the best."
Thien had to bite his lower lip – not because he was embarrassed or nauseous, but to desperately hold back a hysterical giggle. The pint sized horror creatures thanked their chocolate donors with some well-rehearsed poses that were definitely more adorable than scary, then they moved on. As soon as Thien and Isaiah had entered the house and Tiago had closed the door behind them, the friends broke into laughter. Even Tiago couldn't contain himself, although he didn't roll on the ground like Isaiah did.
"That was honestly the funniest shit ever", Luka spluttered, clutching his belly. "Ti, you know that you have to leave the stuff there. They're going to hype up every kid in the neighbourhood."
"Guess there's no need to fear monsters when you have friends like you", Tiago snorted, trying to regain control. "So what. You gotta do anything to one-up your neighbours. Now get your lousy asses back into the living room, we're gonna clean up later."
"We? Did you just say… we?" Thien smiled warily. "So you can be nice if you want to."
"Don't tell anyone or I make you wipe up that barf with your tongue. Understood?" Tiago shoved Thien in the direction of the guest toilet. "Now rinse out that mouth, your breath reeks of puke. And by the way, the only things you get for the rest of the night are tea and saltines."
Thien swallowed down the thank you he had on the tip of his tongue. But the fact that, of all people, Tiago headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea made him feel a little warm and fuzzy. Even though Thien hadn't quite forgiven his body for acting up at the worst time possible, at least it had made this Halloween a night to remember.
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
paraselenae | lily of the valley
pairing: chuck billy x cliff burton (like blood from a stone)
genre: royalty au
fandoms: testament and metallica
*18+ only; minors dni*
Warnings: blindfolds, sex outside
*Please note that you are responsible for your own media consumption. I came here to write and relax, not police you.*
Summary: alex, eric, and chuck (schuldiner) are minding their own business getting something to eat when they notice a little hanky-panky going on in a nearby stretch of grass
Word Count: 4586
(drawing by me, don't you dare take)
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“Come and lay with me.”
Those were the words that had haunted me for what felt like so many minutes at a time. They came to me as if they appeared in a dream as I was just waking up for the brand-new day before me. I opened my eyes, and I rolled my head over the top of the pillow to find my new groom lying there next to me with his squarish face pointed in my direction: those luminescent eyes hid away from me under a veil of shadow and sun-kissed skin.
Maybe I was merely imagining it for myself, but I could hear it echoing through my mind, however.
“Come and lay with me.”
Moreover, I had no idea as to whom he was saying it to. He could be saying it to me, or he could have been dreaming as far as I knew. Those smooth dark lips parted ever so slight, and they breathed out a gentle sigh for me. His breath still smelled of peppermint from brushing his teeth the night before: there was a part of me that wanted to kiss him right on those lips, a little good morning kiss, but something held me back, however. I swallowed, and I moved my head back over the top of the pillow all so I could stare straight up to the ceiling overhead.
The room was cold: I shivered and tugged the blankets up over the bare part of my chest as well as my collar bones. I nestled down further into the mattress, and all the while, I tried to return to sleep, but alas, I could not. Nature was calling me, and I yearned for a cup of coffee as well.
I opened my eyes a second time, and that time, I caught a glimpse of the clock on the nightstand right next to me.
My mouth dropped open when I saw that it was nearly eight in the morning: I usually got up at around sunrise, so we could have a fresh pot of coffee before breakfast and before Chuck woke up no less.
We were arranged into a marriage, and yet, I couldn’t help but love him. He was like an older brother to me. I knew that that was an odd thing to say given we had married one another, but there was no denying as to how I felt about him.
And then, there was the other Chuck whom I loved.
The other Chuck, the boy from Florida who originally hailed from Long Island. The other Chuck whom I believed was my soulmate through and through. Every man alive had an angel of his own, the one whom he always returned to in the end, against all odds and against everything that the world threw at him, and my angel came with long dark curls and eyes that seemed to light up even in complete darkness. How I longed to touch and feel his body against my own, and how I longed for the two of us to run off together into the darkness, a couple of thieves in the night away from the world and away from all the cruelty that came after us to separate us and arrange us into holes that we needn’t have in the first place.
I ran my tongue along my bottom lip like that of a snake, and I slithered out from underneath the covers. The bare soles of my feet rested upon the beige carpet: we really had to get rid of this carpet, simply because it was so ugly, but also because overnight, it grew so cold; but also, because it was ugly. Chuck wanted something red and shaggy, and I knew that we could have something both red and gold, given we were newlyweds and crown princes at that point. But the man liked his shag carpet, though, like how he liked my shag carpet as well.
I smoothed down the sides of my head, but really, it was to feel the smoothness of my hair at the crown. I shuffled my feet underneath me, and I walked on over to the bedroom door: I hesitated there for a second for a glimpse back at Chuck still sound asleep there in the bed. I looked at the golden wedding band around my left ring finger, and I picked at it for a few seconds. We both had been forced into this whole thing pretty much against our will, simply because we were in a band together.
I peered over my shoulder yet again, and that time, I shivered a bit, even though it wasn’t very cold in the hallway there.
I was still shirtless, and I still needed my cup of coffee at that time of morning.
As I headed on down to the kitchen, I peered out the window by the front door, and I spotted the fine gray marine layer stretched across the sky out there. Another overcast day there in the Bay Area, and one where neither of us had any idea if it was going to rain at all. Sometimes, when it grew cloudy like that, we retreated inside for the day and rehearsed or jammed out songs together: there was a part of me that wanted it to rain because I was itching to play out a little riff that I had been kicking around for a few weeks up to that point. I ran my hands all along my bare upper arms, and yet, I relished the fact that I was walking around with no shirt on, and I was the only one awake at that point.
I ran my hand down my bare chest onto my bare belly, and I thought about indulging in something sweet for breakfast that morning. After coffee, of course.
I started up the coffee maker, and I leaned up against the counter’s edge with my arms folded across my chest. I closed my eyes and sighed through my nose.
How I wanted him. How I wanted to forfeit the crown to go and be with him in the end. How I wished to feel his body next to me: it had been some time since I last saw him, and we got together for a little round of lovemaking. It was before the wedding. The last time he and I spent some time together, it was the penultimate night of my bachelorhood.
I could still feel the soft grass under my head, and the smell of the ocean breeze over our bodies. An evening I would never forget in the least: where I had all but blocked the wedding out of my memory, I always had the image of that night imprinted on my skin and the side of my mind as well.
The warmth of the coffeemaker wafted up behind me in junction with the smell of the coffee itself. I pressed my hands on either side of my face and bowed my head: stray locks of my black hair sprawled over my shoulders onto my chest. I thought of him touching my chest right then and there as more of that warm, cozy aroma washed over me.
How I wanted something to nosh on as well.
The coffeemaker made a soft little ding! and I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I gently nudged a lock of hair back over my shoulder, and I turned towards the cupboard with the mugs.
I had no idea what we had to eat on hand, but I had a feeling I would see him again once I had my coffee and went out for the day.
The Chuck whom I was married to had only just woken up by the time I had put on pants and a shirt, as well as my long black coat. I ran a brush through my hair when he skirted past me and pecked the side of my neck.
“Where are you going?” he asked me in a low voice.
“I’m gonna take a walk,” I told him as I tucked my brush away into the drawer before me. “I’m also going to get something to eat—would you like anything?”
“Mmm... maybe a muffin?”
“Yeah, I think I can do that,” I said. “What kind?”
“Surprise me.”
I peered over my shoulder and squinted my eyes at him.
“You really want me to do that?” I asked him.
“Yes, yes, yes!”
“It’s a deal then,” I proclaimed as I flashed him a wink. He treated me to another peck on the neck, and then he brought his nose to the roots of my hair. “Mmm, you smell good. Soap and coffee.”
“I try my best,” I assured him with a slight shrug of my shoulders. He gently patted the seat of my jeans, and then I bowed out of there.
I put on my sunglasses and peered up to the gray blanket across the sky. I shivered from the feeling of the cold all around me, and I wasted no time in walking to the street corner followed by the small pocket of the town not too far from the house. I passed the milkshake place for the bakery, and I could smell the fresh muffins even from the street.
I spotted that tall, wiry boy at the base of the steps with a brown paper bag in hand. His long waves seemed to flutter, even though it wasn’t very windy outside: through the gray of the marine layer, his eyes shone to me, a pair of diamonds against the cold gray from the ocean. I felt my heart skip a few beats, and more so as I ran up to him.
“Hi,” I greeted him in a low voice once I came within earshot.
“Hi,” he returned the favor with that little smile across his face. I reached out to touch his arm and he beat me to it: Chuck moved in closer to me and pressed his lips onto my own. The simple feeling of his lips on my own made my toes curl inside of my shoes. He then moved back to show off the look on his face, complete with a little lowering of his eyelids at me. He drank me down with those bright eyes, so big and bright like the sky following a storm whereby there was not a cloud one up there and everything smelled so clean and crisp.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a million years,” I confessed to him in a near whisper.
“Same here,” he replied with a sly little smile on his diamond-shaped face. “I have been just dying to see you, my dark vampire prince.”
“Vampire prince?” I showed him a smile in return for that.
“Yeah, you’re like a little vampire boy,” Chuck teased me, and he tucked a smooth mousy curl behind his ear with a bow of his head all the while, as if he wanted to flirt with me right on the spot. “With your little gray streak and those deep eyes of yours.”
“You wanna get something to eat?” I offered him as I, too, tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “I mean, that is if—you haven’t eaten yet.”
“I haven’t! What’d you have in mind?” he asked me. “I’ll take whatever you want—I'm up for anything. Being Mr. Taurus and whatnot.” He gently ran his free hand down the front of his shirt: when we got together that last time, I got to touch his stomach and the skin under his waist. Oh, how I yearned to feel that soft skin again.
“I’m kind of feeling something fried at the moment,” I told him, completely oblivious to the fact that I would buy my new groom a muffin from the bakery right there next to us. “But you know, that’s just me. Mr. Libra.”
“You really are my soulmate,” he said as he moved in closer to me once again: that time, he rested his free hand upon my shoulder, and his fingers curled around the points as if he was about to give me a massage from the front. “Both of us, ruled by the stroke of Venus and the blood that has long fallen unto the earth beneath us.” He lowered his eyelids and pressed his lips onto my own once again, and that time around, I dared not curl my toes inside of my shoes. Instead, I relaxed every inch of my body, and I leaned in closer to him. He held back, and I glanced down to the paper bag in his hand.
“What you got there?” I asked him.
“Just some stuff for baking—” He opened it rather quickly so I could see the little jars inside there. “Some vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, star anise, and lemon extract. I'm making a carrot cake.”
“Ooh, that sounds good,” I noted.
“You know, given the choice, if I didn’t make music, I wanted to make food. Or be a vet and take care of cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, and horses.”
“I’d let you make me food any time,” I told him in a husky voice. “You know, we can go eat something, but you ought to come back to our place and bake your cake.”
He kept the tip of his tongue up to his two front teeth, and those bright eyes fixed onto me.
“Actually, I was thinking of making cupcakes,” he clarified.
“Carrot cupcakes?”
“The same. I hope you and your groom have a little—” He lowered his gaze to my left hand and the wedding band around my ring finger, and he sighed through his nose. “—little muffin tin or something like that in your kitchen.”
“I think we do,” I answered with a nod, “and... if it makes you feel any better—” I peered around us to ensure no one was listening, and I gestured for him to move in closer to me. “I wish I wasn’t married. I wish you and I could be together.”
“Really. I'm in love with you. You're a beautiful man. I feel you in my soul. You are a part of my soul.”
“It’s funny because—I feel the exact same with you, Alex,” he assured me. “The exact same way.”
I showed him my tongue. I was about to lean in for the kiss when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to find Eric right there behind me, with his long jet-black hair streaming all around his head like the longest mane on the most beautiful horse known to man. Those big brown eyes seemed to shimmer in the gray haze around us, and his milky white skin had the smoothest sheen I had ever seen prior to then.
“Hey, you two—what's happening?” he started in a low enough voice for us to hear over the breeze and the noise from the street.
“It’s happening, that’s what,” I assured him with a little raise of my eyebrow and a sly smirk on my face.
“What is it?” Eric asked, nonplussed.
“I’ll tell you later,” I promised him. He then shivered, and I looked down at his body, specifically at his bare lanky arms and the blue jeans fitted to his legs. “Where’s your jacket?”
“I didn’t think it was that cold out,” he coyly said, and I shivered once the words left his lips.
“Didn’t think it was that cold out? Eric, this is San Francisco. You know what it’s like here.”
“Hey, fellas—” Eric and I turned our attention over to Chuck, who had crossed the street without our knowing, and then we strode across the street all to catch up with him. I was hungry, but I also wanted Eric to be warm. Once we reached the sidewalk on the other side of the street, I took off my jacket, and I wrapped it around Eric’s body. He stuck his arms into the sleeves, and then I turned to Chuck by the brick wall next to the sidewalk: he peeked over the top of the bricks as if he was a peeping Tom.
Eric and I lingered behind him for a second, and then I brought my attention to the bushes behind the wall. I recognized that voice from anywhere.
I turned to them, and I gestured for them to follow me along the sidewalk. I shivered from the lack of a jacket around me, but I still moved along there at a quick pace until I reached the corner up ahead. I peered around the wall there and, sure enough, I spotted the two of them over there in the courtyard together.
I crept towards the bush on the other side of the wall, and all the while, I lingered back so they wouldn’t see me.
It was a lot more difficult than I had imagined, but I knew for a fact that I could do it.
I peered behind me to find Chuck and Eric lingered behind the bush closest to me.
“Get down, get down,” I whispered to them. The two of them bowed their heads and knelt next to me there on the grass: the former nestled his body right up against my own. I resisted the urge to relax and cuddle with him, especially with Eric nestled up next to me on my right side.
The three of us spotted Chuck, the man I was supposed to be married to, on the far side of the courtyard, with Cliff, the man whom Lars had had a connection with, and yet he married Kirk out of obligation. I couldn’t see what was in Chuck’s hand but the looks on their faces told me that they were up to something together. Something that I wanted to know for myself.
I turned back to the two of them behind me, and I pointed my head back in their direction.
“Move in closer?” Eric asked me, and I nodded. I inched across the grass to the bush closest to them, and the one closest to them that didn’t warrant either of them seeing us at one point.
Chuck before us handed Cliff the thing in his hand, and it was right then I realized that it was a blindfold. Cliff knelt on the grass with his back to us, and he put the blindfold around his eyes.
“Holy shit,” the Chuck next to me whispered right into my ear.
“I know,” I whispered back to him. “He’s getting down to brass tacks with him!” I returned to the sight before us, right as Cliff took off his hat and held still.
“I think this would be better if you lay down,” Chuck told him. Without further hesitation, Cliff leaned back towards the grass, but then he hesitated for a second. Kind of hard to do that when you’re blindfolded and down on your knees anyway.
Chuck held onto his shoulders and helped ease him back onto the grass. Cliff slid his legs out from underneath him until he was rested upon the seat of his pants, and then Chuck moved him onto his back. He lay still there as Chuck reached into his back pocket for something: a long thin piece of lace, to which he tied Cliff’s hands together at the wrists and then moved them up over his head there on the grass.
“Tell me if it hurts,” Chuck told him. “And then I’ll stop.”
“Promise?” Cliff asked him.
I adjusted my position there on the hard grass: if Eric was warm in my jacket, then I could be at ease for the time being. But I was still cold, however.
Chuck pressed his lips to the side of Cliff’s neck, and then he moved down to his jeans. Before he did anything, however, he shivered. If I was cold, I could only imagine how he felt right then.
“You like it cold, don’t ya, Cliff?”
Cliff muttered something to himself, but he never fully enunciated it. And I wasn’t willing to move in closer to pay better attention, either.
“If I recall correctly, you like it cold,” he said, and he unzipped Cliff’s jeans in one fell swoop. I swallowed as he tugged down his jeans and exposed his bare skin to the cold of San Francisco. I had always known that he was hung like a horse, but I had never actually seen it for myself until I did. He was gigantic, and smooth, as if there was no dildo in the world that could imitate the perfect shape should one of us jack off to him.
“Oh god,” Cliff muttered.
“Too much?” Chuck asked him.
“No, no. It's just—sudden is all. And I know that we can do it for a long time, too, Chuck.”
“That gives me an idea,” Chuck declared, and he stood up and walked on over to the bushes behind him. There was a soft rustling behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to find Eric had moved in closer behind me and the Chuck next to me. I returned to the two of them before us right as that Chuck, the Chuck whom I was married to, strode on back to Cliff with a roll of silvery tape in hand.
“Here, here—” he started as he knelt next to him and peeled off a piece of tape from the roll.
“We should do that at some point,” the Chuck right next to me whispered right into my ear.
“Shhh…” I pressed a finger to his lips. I returned once again right as Chuck put a stripe of tape over Cliff’s mouth. Bound and gagged right there on the grass, in broad daylight, and with his pants down no less. It was like watching a porno unfold right before our very eyes. There was a part of me that wanted to run on over there and snap Chuck out of it, but on the other hand, I wanted to stick my hands down my own pants for a little fondle. This was free porn, right before our very eyes.
“Relax. This won’t hurt a bit.” The Chuck before us lifted Cliff’s shirt, all the way up to his shoulders, and then he pressed strips of tape over his nipples. He arranged them into a pair of Xs on his chest all the while: x marks the spot.
“Would you like some whipped cream?” And Cliff nodded his head at him. Or at least I think he nodded at him.
“Holy shit,” Eric blurted out. The Chuck behind me and I swatted at him to keep him silent. We returned to the two of them as the Chuck out there sauntered over to the same bush again: I craned my neck for a better look there, but I couldn’t see anything. It was like he had a little cooler back there, one for all his kinky needs.
He returned with a can of whipped cream in hand, to which he shook it about and then he crouched down next to Cliff again. The point of the can itself met up with the tip of his dick, and Chuck shot a line of cream along the side, all the way down to the base and even onto the top of his thigh.
I was stunned. I could hardly believe it, and Cliff’s shuddered gasps and muffled laughter only added to it. Whipped cream on his dick, all while it was cold outside. Indeed, Cliff writhed from the feeling. From underneath the stripe of tape over his mouth, however, I could hear him laughing. Chuck grinned at him and nudged a lock of hair behind his ear even though Cliff couldn’t see him. There was something funny about it: for a split second, I pictured myself laying there before Chuck.
There, bound and gagged myself and with whipped cream on my own erect dick and down on my thighs, and he was about to lick it off me. To lick it off me and then follow it up with a little lick of skin as well. To come for him right there, outside, under the hazy gray San Francisco sunlight as the fog ventured in and out over us. And all the while, I knew for a fact that it was so easy to have people looking at us, and there was no way that I could see it for myself because I was blindfolded.
I parted my lips as Chuck held back his espresso-colored hair with one hand, and he brought his tongue to Cliff’s dick for a licking of the cream off the skin. I held still as he licked it all off as he reached the base of his dick.
He then brought his mouth to the tip.
He closed his eyes and moved his head down towards Cliff’s body for a hard sucking, and then he took his mouth off. Cliff's dick glistened in the gray sunshine, and his body shuddered and shook from the cold.
“Did you say you want some more?” Chuck asked him with a slight giggle to his voice. “Have some more.” He picked up the can of whipped cream again and left another line on the side of Cliff’s elongated dick. Another licking of the cream once more, and I was ready to fall over.
Cliff said something, and Chuck gave him a third line of whipped cream. Once he had lapped up that bit for himself, there was that little clear pearl of precum at the tip.
“Oh, don’t you dare,” Chuck coaxed him.
I felt something grip onto my knee, and I turned my attention back to the Chuck behind me right then. He had parted his lips and his bright eyes were the size of marbles.
I nodded at him, and he breathed harder as a result. I returned to them right as that Chuck ran the tip of his finger around the tip of Cliff’s dick. From a distance, I could tell that his touch was ever so light, which only made Cliff ejaculate some more of that clear liquid.
Chuck crawled up to his chest, and he very slowly peeled off the tape from his nipples.
I was ready to fall back onto the seat of my pants once Cliff arched his back and shot his load in the face of the tape being peeled off his nipples. Chuck stuck out his tongue, and that was when I heard some rustling behind me. Eric was getting out of there.
“We should go,” that Chuck behind me encouraged me.
“Yeah, we should—”
We followed Eric out of there and back to the street. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a low whistle by what we had just seen back there.
“I’m hungry now,” I confessed to them.
“I am, too,” Chuck confessed, and he licked his lips at me.
“Not that kind of hungry,” I assured him.
“You sure, Alex?” Eric quipped right then.
“Positive.” I held still with my lips pursed together, and then I looked down at my jeans. I never realized it until we were standing there on the sidewalk together, but I had come in my pants.
“We better go into the bakery for a muffin and maybe a few little wipes,” Chuck said in a husky voice.
“Yeah, I think we should,” I declared.
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mothlegs · 11 months
nightmare today woooo
cws for very brief (single lines) mentions of suicide and child sexual assault ( :( )
dresmtt. my adult where i live was leaving me which is based on irl stuff (irl hes not gonna be my adult anymore, it do be feeling like abandonment), some conflict between othet kids, my whiteboard went missing (it's already missing irl but i guess i had a second one in this dream?), talked to sleepy about yttd and wanted to show my "RANPO KINNIE" doodle (ranpo was in yttd in my dream apparently and irl the doodle is in my bathroom, not whiteboard)? oh and briefly a kid from my first group home was there but her name was Mathilde instead?
somehow end up dating my crush? he was laying on my chest and then kinda just put his mouth to my neck- not in a bititng/kissing way though?- and very clumsily asked to date me
S (evil) and B (beloved) were there and said something about thinking that wouldntve happened before christmas lol
in the dream im sharing my room with B, like our beds are so close it's basically the same bed
somehow i have a cigarette and im smoking out the window till S almost catches me several times. there were people outside and at one point there was a cow and a child with a cow head
oh also the rooms were like. a balcony sorta? like my room was outside and i had to walk past everyone elses windows to get inside
it kinda switches between me n B sharing vs not sharing rooms? like sometimes her room is next to mine and she has a cool balcony and sometimes theres nothing there and she shares with me.
anyways. S thinks im doing shit w my crush/dream bf, im not, he pokes his head out of his window to look at me? she also says something abt X (fellow kid) thinking hes above things and so another kid raped him?
idk why but im trying so hard to get cigarettes in this dream (ive never smoked irl??) and think my crush could get me a pack (he could irl) so im making all these plans to try to ask him ??
but then theres like. walls between the balconies. and a principal? and a slot in the wall where theres a box, and he takes it out, and shows me? i think? something? and at the time i dont really know what, but he then shows me these different disturbing faces and tells me to hope...for one of them, bottom right corner, it was something about gods i think. hope that what i saw was...something i dont remember. each of the faces were pale, wrinkled, hairless, and grimacing widely, showing many teeth. kinda scp-096ish? but a more human face. there was another set of pictures where they were screaming
and then the principal took a revolver out of the box and shot himself in the head
i woke up my crush to ask him about it. his phone charger was too short so i had to hold his phone at an odd angle to show him. i dont know how they got on his phone but they were. something about his home screen bothered me but i cant remember what. his clock/whether widget was beating in the background, like going bigger then smaller then bigger yknow, and he had various functions on the main screen, pretty much like mine but with more stats?
first i show him security camera footage of what happened, of...something. a creature, running up and screaming. i dont think he had much reaction to this
and then i show him it first-person. this is what i saw, apparently, but i think i saw it before the principal came to me. we watch it twice and he starts freaking out, and then it comes for us and i wake up
i still hear its screams very clearly. it was pale and wrinkled, like an old woman i guess, and had long straight yet...stiff, white hair. i think it wore a dress, kinda like a night gown, and had these...vine-like thingies around it
it was something related to gods and/or demons, it was supernatural in a (un)holy sense
it only came for us because i showed him
i still feel all tense just thinking about it
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snailmail11037 · 1 year
Tentacle man x chubby female reader
Smut read at ur own risk 🍋⚠️
(Cw: this is smut so read at your own risk!!) 
(sorry if its bad this is my first real fic <3)
(this is pretty vanilla but with mentions of your body and weight so yeah)
(Readers POV)
You ran into your room slamming the door as you entered. "those stupid girls!" "they don't know just how lucky they are!". You broke down crying, you hated your body, you were so tired of it you wished that you could just be pretty, that you could just be skinny like them. But you weren't. you were fat. You climbed into bed and tried to forget what had happened. How they teased you or how they told you that you'd die alone. You put on some music and eventually went to sleep.
You woke up in a cold sweat and looked at your alarm clock. 3:01am you have no idea why you woke up, you were having a nice dream too, one where you weren't alone. You heard a wet kind of noise like something wet was slithering around. "BANG!" you felt a cold shiver go down your spine there was definitely something in your room. "Who's there?" no response you prayed it was all in your head maybe you were just hearing things. Then you felt something slimy wrap around your hand, you froze. You turned your head to see a man? Or maybe an octopus you weren't sure.
"Are you here to kill me?" he opened his wide big mouth, he had big sharp teeth and a long tongue. "No, I heard you crying, are you ok?" you were shocked you thought this kind of stuff only happened in movies. "Um.. no but wait how did you get in here?". "I seeped through the floorboards" "oh ok then but what are you?" "I'm whatever you want me to be sweetie~" you couldn't help but blush at his flirty remark and your mind may or may not have gone straight to the gutter but still you were a bit confused on why he liked you. 
 I mean you were hideous. you started to cry again "hey wait!, is it what I said I'm sorry I didn't mean to be creepy". "no no it's not you I just- look at me I'm so fat and ugly I'm too big!" he paused "your not ugly, so what if your chubby I think its cute that you have a belly<3" before you could protest he leaned in and kissed you. You couldn't help but grin, this was the first time you had been kissed. He slowly climbed on top of you. you could feel your pussy grow wetter. Then your lips finally parted as you gasped for air. 
"I can tell somebody enjoyed that~" he put his mouth right next to your ear "your panty's soaked sweetheart~" you were blushing even more now. This was first time you could get a good look at him and damn was he hot. He had long white hair tied into a lose pony tail with brown eyes and that big mouth, he had tan skin with a bit of a chubby body. his torso  transitioned in to eight long purple tentacles. "let me show you how gorgeous you are baby~" "alright if you really think so".  
he started to make out with you your tongues swirling together exploring each others mouths. he quickly took of your shirt, then he began to kiss down your neck making sure to suck on all your sweet spots, you started to moan softly as he found each and every one on your neck "aww your moans are so cute love make sure to lot for me ok?" you nodded as his lips started to trail down your chest. he placed one hand on your boob and started to suck on the other one. his teeth gently grazed your nipple making softly moan in pleasure. His tongue grinding against your nipple after a few minutes you felt his mouth release you boob from its pleasurable prison
"Fuck your breasts are so soft baby I could squish them forever". "now.. let me give that adorable tummy some love" you felt his lips start to trail down your belly his kisses were so soft and loving, it was wonderful. "oh my look at all these pretty stretch marks" "looks like I'm gonna have a lot to kiss huh?" he started to kiss all you pretty stretch marks kissing all over your hips and tummy. With every kiss you stated to forget what those girls said. You started to feel pretty. Eventually he made it down to your thighs and my at this point you were so horny you just wanted him to plow you already. But you were also glad his was taking his time with you it made you feel special. 
"are you ready beautiful?" "of course" you said it almost in a heart beat. "Mmm.. ok sweetheart, now just relax and let me devour you~" you felt his hands grab on to your panty's and slowly start pulling them down kissing your thighs all the way down to your feet throwing your panty's somewhere on the floor. Then  without warning two of his tentacles wrapped around one on each leg and quickly spread them apart leaving completely uncovered. "my goodness you are so gorgeous down here, damn you really are horny huh?". "You look so delicious love, you don't mind if I have a taste~?". "No!, not at all please do" you chimed. You felt his tongue slowly drag up your pussy, his tongue flicking your clit. You let out a small gasp before he really started going to town on your clit. 
Sucking and lapping his tongue around your pussy, it didn't take long before you felt very close to cumming. he lifted his mouth from your pussy just for a minute "you taste so good baby I could eat you out all night~". "do you want me to put in a few fingers?" "yes please~". You felt two fingers easily slip inside you. You moaned loudly as you felt them curl inside you. Then he put his mouth on your clit and started eating you out again. After a while you felt that knot in your stomach grow bigger until you finally came your legs began to twitch. You felt amazing his tongue slowly slivered out of you as you felt your body melt into him. "My my you came hard" "do you want me to make love to now or if your too tired I could clean you up and tuck you into bed?". While you where deciding  You glanced over to see one of his tentacles dripping with some liquid?. 
You weren't sure what it was but then it hit you "holy shit is that his dick?, I don't have a clue how that's gonna fit inside me" you thought to yourself. "Oh right sorry my mind kinda started to wonder there, please do!". "ok then try to relax for me this will hurt a bit but if its too much for you dear please tell me I wouldn't want to hurt you~". Doing as he ask you took a deep breath and felt your body start to relax. You felt his slimy throbbing tentacle start to grind against you. Your body started to twitch as he rubbed against your clit, his hand began to cradle your face when you felt him slowly starting to enter you. Your eyes grew teary as you felt the searing pain of him spreading you apart. "Shh shh its ok it will feel better soon I promise" after a couple minutes of waiting you felt the pain turn into pleasure. "can I start moving now love?" you nodded. 
He slowly began to move, you could feel his cock throb inside you. You heard him begin to whine and grunt while he slammed inside you. "MmmMmm~ f-fuck sweetheart you feel so good". After A few more minutes of making love you could see his grip on you start to loosen, he was getting close, his tentacles now raped around your breasts squeezing them. "Ahhh~ god baby I'm so close, in or out baby?". "in please~" ( A/N your on the pill <3)  "alright then, oh fuck AHhh Mmm I'm cumming baby I'm cumming!". You felt his warm seed spill inside of you and began to come out of you. "god your so pretty baby I love you so much" he got you all cleaned up and you both went to bed cuddling.  You smiled knowing that you weren't alone anymore. 
oh my god (1436 words) I'm so tired sorry if the ending was a bit rushed I am very tired 
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wanderinguncertainty · 10 months
15 hrs
I slept for 15 hours straight. I didn't even flinch when my mom tried to wake me up. I told her I didn't hear her not until the last attempt of waking me up. As soon as I woke up, I felt so disoriented. I felt so detached from reality and really lost. My mom told me it's already 5pm. At first, I don't wanna believe it but when I saw our wall clock, that's when reality hits me.
I really slept for 15 hours without feeling anything. I felt like I was comatose for 15 hours. The only thing that I remember during my sleep was the last part of my dream.
I was at the pier, standing confused, then two strangers riding on a boat suddenly appeared. They were telling me to jump to the dark water. So yeah, I did jump to the water. It's kinda weird cause after jumping, I just let myself drown. I was at peace while drowning. I was calm. No signs of struggling nor signs of asking for help. I just let myself be eaten by abyss dark water. Till.. I heard someone shouting I cannot die yet, I just can't, while that someone shouting, that someone was pulling me as well from the dark water. That's the time I struggled breathing and tried to swim back to surface. While that certain someone was shouting at my dream, I was slowly hearing my mom's voice, waking me up. Then poof! I woke up. Dazed and confused. I was staring at my ceiling for about a minute I guess, trying to grasp the reality till it sink in to me… Geez, I almost died. It was a near death experience. If I didn't hear my mom's voice, probably I'm in a comatose situation or worst, I could actually die.
What amuses me the most is that, I am calm in that dark water. I am at peace. I am okay with drowning and disappearing. Do I really want to die that much? Hehe. I mean, yeah, I thought of dying every single day cause I know, no one would even bother if I die. I mean, I am not that important. Their life would be easier if I just disappear. No one will remember me though.
Hmm, I think I really need to rush in securing funeral plan.
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