#the first part of the song is so obviously Merlin
dreamcubed · 2 years
more than a woman 2 | oliver wood x reader
song; more than a woman [bee gees] pairing; oliver wood x fem!ravenclaw!reader genre; established relationship, long distance(ish), fluff, light angst word count; 3,1k timeline; goblet of fire —> order of the phoenix warnings; swearing, relationship insecurities, one argument (gets resolved) summary; you were forced to endure one year of hogwarts without your beloved oliver, so how would that affect your relationship?
parts: || one | two ||
“more than a woman to me.”
Honestly, it was a good thing that Oliver wasn't at school for the Triwizard Tournament: Merlin knows you wouldn't have heard the end of him complaining about quidditch being cancelled. Still, you missed him, and it was certainly strange not hearing quidditch even mentioned once.
In the one and a half years that you had been together, the marriage joke had persisted, primarily thanks to the relentless Weasley twins. You figured your husband being long distance would be easier to deal with due to the mass amounts of work that NEWTs required. Obviously, you expected yourself to achieve good grades: you weren't a Ravenclaw for nothing. But good grades in the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests were difficult for even the most intelligent of people.
"Poor you," Chloe mocked at dinner during the first week of seventh year, "How will you ever survive without your other half?"
"Fuck off, Smith," you chided, scooping pasta on to your plate, "At least I have another half."
She rolled her eyes at you.
"You seeing him at Christmas?"
"I doubt it," you sighed, "I still want to see my family and his schedule is pretty packed."
"That's what you get for marrying a quidditch athlete."
You didn't bother correcting anyone anymore, and honestly, you didn't want to.
A weekly letter via owl was nothing compared to Oliver Wood in the flesh: you felt as if you had been starved all year of the one person you wanted to see the most. If only his quidditch team allowed enough free time for him to visit Hogsmeade so you could meet up, but it didn't, so you had been deprived.
You couldn't help but grow anxious as the Hogwarts Express grew closer to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, even thought Chloe said everything she could to reassure you.
What if he had fallen out of love in your time apart?
What if he wouldn't be excited to see you?
Sure, his letters to you over the last few weeks had contained nothing but enthusiasm over your coming reunion, but you couldn't help but wonder if he was waiting to break it to you in person.
The train came to a halt.
"Y/N, Y/N," Chloe said firmly, "There is no universe in which that man could fall out of love with you. Trust me, you mean more to him than quidditch."
"But, what if-"
"Look, there he is," she cut you off, pointing out the window at the man stood on the platform amongst the parents. One of his hands held a bouquet of fresh red roses, while the other hung at his side with the fingers playing nervously with each other.
Then, his eyes locked with yours, and all your worries melted away as your lips stretched into a massive grin. You ran out of the compartment and began shoving past people to get to the exit, almost barrelling into the conductor as you jumped on to the platform.
Oliver stood watching you with his grin matching yours, already opening his arms in preparation for what was about to happen. You jumped into them, almost knocking him over with the force in which you did it. You kissed him with the same force, like you had wanted to do for the last year so very desperately.
"I've missed you so much, lass," he said through heavy breaths after your kiss ended, "I've been going insane."
"I've missed you too," you replied, tightening your hold around him even more, "Have you gotten stronger?" You felt his bicep.
He gave you another toothy smile, "Aye. Didn't have a choice, the training regime is strict."
"Good to see you back with your husband," you heard Chloe say, and turned to see her pulling along not just her trunk, but yours as well.
"Ah, about that," Oliver said, dropping you from his hold and taking your trunk from Chloe, "It's about time we made it official, don't you think?"
Shock formed on your face.
"Don't look so surprised, lass, I've already waited two and a half years."
"Godric, this is so romantic," Chloe said sarcastically, making you roll your eyes at her. "Seriously, not even a ring."
"Ah ah ah," Oliver smirked, digging around in his pocket before pulling out a black velvet box.
"Get down on one knee in public and I will slaughter you," you quickly said, "Please don't bring attention to us."
He laughed, "Relax, relax, I won't. Here," he opened the box and presented it to you, "Will you officially become my wife, lass?"
You nodded, darting forward to wrap your arms around his chest again. "Of course I will, you stupid fucking quidditch man."
He smiled wider than you knew possible.
"This is my- our- flat," he said, presenting the space to you, "Obviously if you don't like it, we can move, but it's where I've been for a year."
"I like it," you said, "Although I want to make it less yours and more ours."
He nodded, "Do whatever you want with it, I'm not home much."
"Will I still not get to see you that often?" you slightly pouted.
Oliver pulled you in for a kiss, "I will be home as much as I can, lass, but professional quidditch is very demanding."
You had known that this was how life with Oliver would be, but it still made you sad.
"We need to tell our parents about the engagement," you changed the subject.
"They've been treating us like we're married for years," he chuckled, "So have our friends."
"Still, we should tell them, your mother hasn't stopped going on about me being her daughter-in-law as soon as possible in all the letters she's sent me."
"You talk to my mum?"
"Yes, Ollie, I talk to your mum. Believe it or not, I want to a foster a good relationship with my future mother-in-law."
"My priorities lie with my future nan-in-law."
"You thirsting over my nan?"
You scoffed, "Can't believe I've been replaced by an old hipster."
"Don't talk about Grace like that!"
You both broke out in laughter.
"Godric, I've missed you, lass," he sighed, "Never be away from me for that long again."
"Trust me, I don't plan on it."
It was difficult at first, living with Oliver and his jam-packed quidditch schedule, and there were many nights where you ate alone in front of the muggle television you had insisted on installing. But, as time faded away, you got used to it - it wasn't like Oliver was neglecting you, after all. On his days off, mornings off, nights off, etc., he would spend every waking second doting over you. Plus, on his full working days, when he got back so late you were already in bed, you couldn't help but relish in how he snuggled up to you immediately and muttered, "I love you so much," even though he was under the impression you were asleep.
The wedding planning took up a lot of your shared free time, despite the fact you were only planning on a small ceremony in his parents' garden. There were still the caterers, the dress, the suit, the cake, the rings, and so much more to sort out. It was stressful, yet you enjoyed it, as it meant furthering your relationship with Oliver.
You couldn't live without him.
You stared at the cold plates of food on the table, the steam that had been billowing off them having long disappeared along with your excitement. A heat retaining spell would have been easy, but for some reason that felt like giving in - to what, you didn't know. Instead, you sat in the corner of the room, on the floor, fiddling with your engagement ring. You wish you could say that you weren't crying.
It's just that - Oliver had promised that he would be home for dinner by six, he had sworn. The clock in the kitchen was ticking past eight and there was still not even a word from him.
Part of you was worried: what it something had happened to him?
Part of you was angry: he couldn't even let you know that he was running late?
Part of you was fed up: you should have expected this outcome.
The door opened, but you didn't look towards the man entering.
"Hey, love, I'm really sorry I'm late."
You didn't reply.
"Love?" he looked around, as he had spoken assuming you were in the main room - which you were, but hidden from his view. Once he walked past the table to head to the bedroom, you appeared in his peripheral, and he then quickly moved towards you.
You refused to look at him.
"Lass, please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
He hummed in confusion.
"Why were you late?"
"Coach changed his mind about the evening off 'cause we have a last-minute practice match this weekend."
"He shouldn't be allowed to do that."
"I know, but-"
"Did all your teammates just accept it? Let it happen?"
"Well, no, I suppose Rodnickel did leave-"
"Why didn't you then?"
Oliver sighed, "Rodnickel had to get home to his two small kids who would've been unsupervised otherwise."
"You had to get home to me." You were aware you were being a bit unreasonable, but you were exhausted.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, "Believe me, I wish coach saw that as a good enough excuse."
You sighed, admitting defeat.
"So, what did my gorgeous fiancée make for dinner?"
"It's cold now," you mumbled.
"Nothing a little magic can't fix," he winked at you, pulling out his wand to cast a reheating spell. Once steam was billowing off the delicacies once more, Oliver breathed in deeply through his nose and exclaimed, "Smells delicious, my love."
He pulled out your chair for you.
Fuck, you couldn't stay mad at him long.
In your opinion, the cosy cottage that Oliver had grown up in had been the obvious choice for the wedding location: it provided a beautiful view of the Scottish countryside. Therefore, you found yourself getting ready in the guest bedroom of the house, with your grandmother delicately fixing your hair. Not too long ago, Chloe had left the room after finishing the final touches of your makeup to get dressed herself, and ever since you had been sat in silence with your grandmother.
"Getting cold feet?" she asked, breaking the ten-minute silence.
You shook your head. Not in the slightest.
"I wish I'd been that sure on my wedding day."
You met her eyes through the mirror opposite you.
"But, no, you have no reason to be nervous. Oliver is a fine young man, and he loves you a whole lot."
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "It's weird," you finally spoke, "People make out getting married as being such a big deal, but this feels like the most natural thing in the world."
"That's because too many obsess over the rosy idea of getting married and starting a family, without thinking too much about who they're doing that with."
"You think they just settle with the first person who's up for it with them?"
"Yes and no. I do think most spend some time on choice, but at the end of the day, a lot of people jump at the opportunity of marriage when they reach a certain age."
You hummed, "Do you think we're rushing?"
Grace inhaled deeply, leaving a moment of consideration before saying, "No, I don't. You two still wanted each other after living long distance for a year, I think you both know what you're ready for."
Relieved to hear that, you fully grinned, "Thanks, nan," you checked the clock, "The ceremony starts soon, you need to finish getting ready."
"Yes, yes," she dismissed you with a wave of her hand, "I'll see you out there - you look absolutely gorgeous, my love."
You beamed.
Rowena, how did Oliver get to be so handsome? You were physically incapable of getting the smile off your face as you raked your eyes over his features: reaching the altar just wouldn't come quick enough.
But eventually you got there.
You passed the bouquet off to Chloe - your maid of honour - before assuming the position opposite Oliver. Briefly, you glanced at the audience of family and friends, and felt nerves ripple within you. They disappeared when your eyes met with your fiancé's, however, and somehow your grin grew even wider.
He looked gorgeous dressed up in the afternoon sun, and he was thinking the exact same about you. It was all you could think about as the wedding officiant began the introductions of the ceremony; you were a nervous wreck thinking about the vows you had so carefully crafted and rehearsed.
Oliver's were to be first.
"As I'm sure you know, quidditch is one of the biggest prides and joys of my life - I don't know who or what I'd be without it. What you may not know is that I'm most grateful to quidditch not for the masses of entertainment it provides me, but for the fact it's how I started talking to you, lass. From the day you insisted on connecting me with one of my role models, I've been undeniably attached to you. I never told you back then, but I think I fell in love with you the moment you first spoke to me - I mean who can blame me? Look at you."
Your heart was racing and you knew you must have looked flustered.
"It wasn't just your appearance, though. Right from the beginning, you've always spoken with such passion, even back when you were shy around me. I know all too well about passion, of course, and I knew it meant that there would never be dull moment around you. And, look, we're three years down the line now, and that prediction is yet to be proved wrong - you're still much more than a woman to me. I can't wait to never prove it wrong during the rest of our lives together. I love you so much, lass, I'm so happy you're now my wife."
The audience applauded his heartfelt words, and as you prepared yourself to say yours, you felt him warmly squeeze your shaking hands.
"Rowena, I- I don't know how to beat that," you began, steadying your voice as you spoke, "You know I had a crush on you long before we even had our first conversation, but I don't think you know how quickly it became love after we did start talking. Merlin knows I wasn't the only one who fancied you, I was far from special in that sense, but I felt special when we played quidditch one-on-one together for the first time. I'd never played it before then, which is surprising to a lot of people, I know, considering who my grandmother is. Truth is, I was always terrified of the sport, yet when it was you asking me I had very little hesitation about throwing my nerves away."
Oliver's face had flushed a light pink.
"And only you can do that to me - make me fearless, that is. Back then it was always more in a 'I can't pass up this opportunity with my crush' kind of way, but nowadays it's more in a 'you give me strength' kind of way, as cheesy as it sounds and as much as I feel weird for saying it. I guess that's what vows are about, though. I love you more than anything, Oliver, I always have and I always will."
As your words finished, the audience began clapping once more.
"So then, do you, Oliver Wood, take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, and promise to care for her, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
He didn't hesitate. "I do."
"And do you, Y/N L/N, take Oliver Wood to be your lawfully wedded husband, and promise to care for him, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
"I do." The words didn't feel real: nothing in that moment did. You were struggling to grasp on to reality as you pushed the rings on to each other's fingers.
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Oliver's lips were on yours in milliseconds, the sweet feeling like honey that you were so familiar with encompassing you. His arms tightened around you as the audience stood up and began cheering, filling you with an unmistakable sense of embarrassment.
But, you know what?
It didn't matter, because you were now married to Oliver - officially.
The clinking sound of cutlery against glass echoed amongst the tables, bringing everyone's attention to Chloe, who was sat near your side.
"If I may have everyone's attention, please, I'd like to make a toast to the bride and groom."
Eyes stared at her expectantly.
"I've known Y/N since the very first train ride we took to Hogwarts," she began, "Meaning I've had to hear her going on about Oliver a lot longer than the rest of you."
The typical laughs came in response.
"And Godric knows did she use me to get near him all the time - I can't exactly complain though, as she obviously knew what she was doing. Now, I don't know how many of you are familiar with this, but ever since before they were dating, there's been a running joke that they were already married, so, really, today changes nothing."
Again, laughter.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding - it truly is wonderful to get to celebrate my best friend and ex-quidditch captain's happiness, even if it means being forced to watch them kiss. I love you both, and I wish you a great marriage."
The tables boomed with applause as you smiled your thanks at Chloe, truly feeling as if you couldn't get any happier than that moment. You felt Oliver's hand gripping yours from under the table, and so you turned to look at him to see that his gaze was already on you.
"Hi," you said softly.
"Hi," he replied, grinning whilst his eyes flickered to your lips.
"Uh uh, keep it in your pants til tonight, mister."
He sighed dramatically, "You're lucky I love you."
You chuckled, "I think you'll find that you're lucky I love you."
parts: || one | two ||
written; 28/09/2022 —> 29/10/2022 published; 29/10/2022 edited; —/—/——
taglist; @workinatdapyramid  @iluvweasleys
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Okey, I finished Rise of Red.
—First, what a strange movie, truly. It wasn't like, terrible, but...
—Did it feel cut out to anyone else? Like incomplete? Or like they cut a lot of scenes? Some dialogues are strange and the movie expects us to feel things when everything happens so fast there is really no time for it. (And this is without even mentioning the ending)
—You can tell the director was trying to give this movie an entirely different look, and I dig it, honestly. I think this movie was very experimental and in the visuals at least, I have no complaints. The scenarios were more like what I wanted to see in a fantasy land like that, coloful, fun, a bit more creative.
—I miss Kenny Ortega's talent in musicals.
—Okey, the songs, I don't think they were bad, but because the movie is already so short sometimes it feels like a never ending music video instead of a movie.
—I def liked the songs from the second half of the movie better, they felt more in line with the kind of music secuences everyone loves about Descendants.
—Oh, the fist one in Wonderland I liked too, it had energy.
—I would kill for a scene of Chad with the rest of his family.
—I love how in Descendants, you can just intantly tell if someone is an extra or a character with name.
—Mad Hatter??? I liked to see him, he seemed like a potencially interesting character.
—The entire plot needs you to turn your brain off so it makes sense, and after over-analyzing this movies for years I can't do that 😅
—Obviously the the timeline we all though with the Disney Movies is destroyed.
—I loved seeing Merlin, he was kind of fun.
—Honestly they could have just made a movie about Merlin Academy with no conection to Descendants and it could have been more interesting. The movie didn't even seemed interested enough in the two main characters anyway.
—The message is strange too, the way they handdle moral dilemas is so strange. I don't have the energy right now to get into detail, but yeah, there is some strange things there.
—Like, we save Bridget not for Bridget but for Red, and still the possibility of finding redemption for Ulyanna's group is never brough up, even when they have kids who will get abused and neglected in the future too. Why? Because Bridget was "good" from the beggining? Because she didn't beloged with villains, but Ulyanna and the other's did?
—Also, why are they called VKs? I thought the term meant it was because they were the kids from the villains, not because they were kid villains.
—The ending was so?? This movie felt like it had no stakes despite Cinderella getting killed halfway through. (That scene with Charming was really dark, btw)
—The entire movie felt like it was building onto something, like some plotwist, some climax, and there was no payoff. We didn't even see the Dance they kept mentioning like it was going to be an important scene.
—I am not letting go the implication that even if the Queen of Heart's wasn't evil, Wonderland still refused to be a part of Auradon and Red still wasn't invited to Auradon Prep.
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niamhthefae · 2 months
i just watched Descendants: the rise of red for the first time and i have a lot of thoughts.
lets start with what i thought was good: the songs for the most part were okay, i quite liked 'love aint it' and that duet they sing then they're trying to decide if they should trust each other. i think the costuming was nice. also, im gonna be real with you all, they made hook gorgeous and i loved how cocky and silly he was in the maybe 2 lines he had. but as a dbd fan joshua colley did throw me off a bit at first, i was questioning how he went from monty to captain hook because thats kind of crazy. obviously that isn't their fault though.
okay. now onto the bad:
first of all, the pacing was terrible. it felt really weird because 85% of the movie was just filler and build up and then the actual climax and ending lasts for 10 minutes. and because it was so short some of the characters they introduced felt useless. i found this especially with the VKs. they're supposed to be the main antagonists but they have barely any screen time and you don't really get a sense of who any of them are as people. they pretty much introduced characters and then forgot about them and had them just linger in the background. same with the settings, they introduce this giant fish thing where the VKs hang out and a whole new school and cinderella's home and things but these will probably never be seeen again unless they decide to set another film in the past. but i honestly don't think they will so these characters and locations are probably going to get thrown away now, never to be seen again.
i think it could have benefitted from being a series, then we could have seen more of the characters and had some development and it wouldn't have felt so... i don't know, simple? the solution to everything seems way too easy for what was happening. at this point i would have even preferred they did a cliff hanger or something so it wasn't so anticlimactic at the ending. the first few movies felt like they really filled the space sufficiently, but this didnt.
i also feel like they completely threw canon out the window. the best example is when in the first movie maleficent tells mal that 'when she was her age she was cursing entire kingdoms' and then in this movie she was a lackey for Ursula's little sister. it doesn't make much sense to me. they also ignored the general canon of disney by giving most of the characters completely different backstories. they basically discredited the entire aladin movie by having them meet at school rather than what happened in the actual movie, same with most of cinderella. also hades is a god so why on earth is he going to a mortal school? he has no need for that. not to mention the fact that morgana/morgan le fay isn't a disney villan. they replaced her in the sword and the stone and even so, with merlin running the school it doesn't make sense for them to allow him to be there since in some versions morgan/morgana was the one who trapped merlin for eternity and even in the versions where that isn't the case she still basically destroys everything.
I also thought the main characters felt pretty weak. Both Chloe's decision to help Red break into the office and their decision to trust each other at the beginning felt like they came out of nowhere, they didn't really have much to persuade them or explain why they changed their minds at either point. and with Red, we dont see anything that would make us assume she's good or bad, we're only really told by red that she thinks she's bad but she wants to be good, and when she suddenly is at the end we didn't really see her be good, they just said she is, and we also literally see her do bad things. she got a bit annoyed and called for cinderella to be beheaded and she wants to steal and threatens to rip out someones tongue. we have only really seen her do bad things and then go 'oh no now i feel bad'. for a movie called the rise of red, they really dont have Red do much rising or really any kind of development, she's pretty much the same person at the start and the end of the movie.
would i watch it again? definately not. but i think if they want to continue with these characters then they could, i just think they should do things a bit differently next time.
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oneknightstand-if · 6 months
@necrolich666 replied to your post “On a completely unrelated note, did you know that...”:
This is obviously just a random funfact and not foreshadowing
What's that I hear? Do a fun fact for the Motorhome next?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Current Job: Transporting crazy Harbingers around the countryside
Favorite Color: Black (Also blood red and ocean blue)
Favorite Drink: Diesel (as all Class C motorhome tend to use)
Number of Skylights: 3 - one in the bathroom, one above the main living area, one in the cabover area
Number of Exits: 4 - the driver's side and passenger side doors in the cockpit, the main entrance to the trailer section, and an emergency exit window in the master bedroom
Bedroom Secrets: The bunk beds are available either plain, with a privacy curtain (obviously the superior option here), or with wooden drawers that make them look like a closet as if you're Harry Potter at the Dursley's!
So About Those Brakes: Only the best air brake system including a primary Service Brake, a secondary Parking Brake which doubles as an Emergency Brake (aka the low-air spring brake that comes on automatically during primary brake malfunctions) as well as an Engine Brake to supplement the primary brake. Brake Brake Brack
Family Life: Abandoned and neglected by his original family (And by that I mean he was one of the last floor models available at the RV dealer where Merlin was shopping)
Favorite Karaoke Song: On the Road Again
Cats or Dogs?: They have never run over a cat or dog or person, what are you insinuating?!
Dirty Secret: It's not recommended that you drink from the Fresh Water tanks, so no sipping from the faucets or toilets
First Love/Crush: Merlin, of course! Just the way that they run their hands over the sensitive parts of the steering wheel 😳
You'd Never Expect....: The secret RO! Be wary, they don't have plot armor in the game, however.
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 2 days
mordred through time (movies, tv shows, opera and musicals)
Part 3: From 2002 to 2010
Other Parts: Part 1: From 1949 to 1981 -> here Part 2: From 1982 to 2002 -> here Part 4: From 2014 to 2017 Part 5: From 2018 to 2023
Complete list of part 2 media with extra information and some of my thoughs regarding the evolution of Mordred’s role is under cut.
In part 2 I talked a bit about how in movie adaptations (since Excalibur 1981) Morgause disappears and Morgana takes her role as Mordred's mother. Here I wanted to note how we actually have a very big gap of Mordred movies in the 2000s. Most of the media in this video are recordings of musicals or opera or tv shows.
Another small point is that we have here the second instance of Mordred in a romantic relationship (the first instance being Mordred and his lady in "Sword of Lancelot") in Merlin BBC, where his love for Kara is a central part of his character development. The third and only other instance will be in a webseries (in part 4!).
2002 Merlin the Return: Craig Sheffer plays an over the top extremely evil Mordred in this tv movie. He is still Morgana's son, and he is the main antagonist (and a wizard). The movie is - an experience. It mainly focus on modern day characters meeting time travelling Arthur and Merlin.
2003 Gary Hughes' album "Once and future king": The song is "The Hard Way", one of the two songs sung by Mordred (the other being "Demon Down"). This album (divided in two parts) has a total of 20 songs sung by different artists each interpreting an arthurian character. It is an interesting narrative musical that follows the rise and fall of Arthur. We do not know if Mordred is Arthur's son.
2003 recording of Albeniz's "Merlin" opera: This is a 1902 opera that is rarely performed nowadays. This recording is the only available dvd of it, and Mordred (a baritone) is played by Àngel Òdena. Mordred is the main antagonist alongside his mother Morgana.
2003 Camelot, Papermill Playhouse: I was lucky enough to have some bootlegs videos of Camelot performances so I decided to put them as well. It is pretty interesting to see how Mordred's "The Seven Deadly Virtues" and "Fie on Goodness!" gets campier, more comedici and sillier! Here Mordred is played by Barrett Foa.
2005 Camelot, Bad Hersfeld (Germany): Another recording of the Broadway musical, here fully translated in German! This is the website of the open air event. Unfortunately I could not find the name of the actor.
2008 Camelot (Live from Lincoln Center): Live from Lincoln Center used to be a tv series dedicated to filming and sharing musicals and performances. This is thus another Camelot musical adaptation. Bobby Steggert (who is now a therapist!!) played an over the top, super-campy, queer coded Mordred! This is probably the first time we have a Mordred that is so obviously queer coded in his presentation.
2008 Merlin (BBC): This 5 seasons tv show was extremely popular, so much it led to the rise of a bunch of arthurian tv movies that were probably trying to ride "Merlin"'s popularity. The show is episodic-like, slightly comedic, and focuses on Merlin and Arthur. Mordred appears as a child (not related to Arthur or Morgana) at the end of Season 1 and he was portrayed by Asa Butterfield (not in video). Then he returned as an adult in Season 5, potrayed by Alexander Vlahos. This is another instance of a sympathetic Mordred. While he ends up being a villain and finding an alliance with Morgana, the show makes a point to explain his reasons. At this point this is the second time we see a sympathetic (but still villanous) Mordred on tv. Interestingly this is also the second time we see a Mordred who is in a happy romantic relationship (there are only three instances, it seems, in all media!), as Mordred is in love with a woman named Kara.
2009 Merlin and the Book of Beasts: This is a fantasy tv movie that focus on Merlin helping Arthur's daughter reclaim Camelot. It features a baffling performance from Merlin's actor (not sure what the director or the actor himself was thinking), and a villain called Arkadian who is supposed to be Mordred and Arthur's son. Here we go back to the role of extremely evil Mordred, and Arkadian also kidnaps his half-sister to marry her and continue the Pendragon dynasty. Mordred (Arkadian) is played by Jim Thorburn.
2010 Avalon High: This is a tv Disney channel movie adaptation of Meg Cabot's novel by the same title. The movie butchers the main story of the novel and tries to surprise its viewers by changing the character's arthurian selves. The protagonist Allie is now King Arthur's reincarnation (instead of the Lady of the Lake), and William (her love interest) is... unknown character instead of being King Arthur. The novel has William's half brother as Mordred, but the movie changes that and now it is the teacher (Mr. Moore) who is revealed to be Mordred, while Marco is just a misdirection. Mr. Moore is played by Steve Valentine.
2010 Merlin and Arthur the Lion King: Continuing our journey into sympathetic Mordreds, we have another one here! This movie is one in a series of tv movies/dvd movies by variation of "Arthur" and "Merlin" in the title. My personal theory is that the hope is that people would find the movie by googling for more popular media (ex. "Merlin 2008 BBC", "King Arthur 2004"). In this animated kids movie, Mordred is a kitten and one of Arthur's friends. He first works with Morgana to stop Arthur from becoming king, but then ends up deciding he does not want to betray his friend anymore. This might be one of the few iterations of a completely redeemed Mordred in movies/tv!
Extra note: 2003 is also the year Heather Dale (singer) released her album "May Queen" which has one song that in my opinion seemed to be sung by Mordred or to Mordred: "Crashing Down". Because it is not certain but only my interpretation I did not add it.
In the same album we also have "War Between Brothers" which reference to Mordred (sung by an external narrator). A previous album ("The trials of Lancelot" in 2000) also contains the famous song "Mordred's Lullaby" which is sung by Morgana to Mordred.
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faeriecinna · 6 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thank you for the tag @buffythevampirelover !
Project.Seraph :)
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The character of Nevaeh was my leap of faith into this one. Previously I had only ever really written horror/thriller and I had always been too afraid to create my own fantasy world, but for some reason I just couldn't leave the idea of my broken little angel alone. The more I imagined her in different scenarios and fleshed out different characters and a plot, I knew I had to write it seriously or I'd never forgive myself.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Honestly I really fuck with Plenty by Aeseaes for this one. The whole vibe is immaculate and it really encapsulates the mood of the story through the lyrics.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
I truly love them all for different reasons (except maybe Marco, fuck you Marco.) Though Nevaeh is my sweet innocent angel baby could never do anything wrong ever loml, and Queen Reinette is a favourite because I adore a good villain and I am very proud of the way I've written her character.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
I'm hoping the same kind of people who tore through Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments will find my books to be worth of a good read. Also my fellow 'Merlin made me realise I was queer' pals. Not quite as high fantasy but I think P.Seraph is sometimes quite reminiscent of The Witcher too.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
There are so many scenes that I've already imagined and desperately want to write, so writing everything in between to bridge the scenes together is so painful lmao. What do you mean I have to write about the journey to the castle before I get to write my big dramatic inciting incident???
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
A lot of the first half is based in the woodland so many animals are encountered, though crows and various other corvids are a recurring motif. Also a lot of horses! Most characters travel by horse, including my little band of travelling thieves and the Queen's guards. In the marketplace there is also a very well known cat that belongs to the tavern-owner and likes to steal from people's stalls lmao
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Mostly by foot, by horse, or by a carriage drawn by a horse.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Still the first draft rn but it's coming along smoothly. I have also been writing Project.Ink and fleshing out Project.Claw so I haven't been dedicating quite as much time to P.Seraph as I would like.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Who doesn't love a good enemies to lovers, right? This story absolutely reeks of betrayal, dark royalty, doomed love, war.... idk it has everything in it that I wanted to read all in one story and I hoped some people could relate
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Obviously, I hope to be published one day, and if it is, my hope is that it will be one of those books that leaves people reeling after they've read it. I want people to connect to it, to cry over it, to read it so many times it doubles in size. I want people to be as violently in love with my characters as I am and I want people to relate to the story in whichever way they see fit. I want it to mean something to someone. One day. Eventually.
no pressure tags for @melpomene-grey, @goldxdarkness, @darkangel319 :)
Blank under the cut
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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lucigoo · 5 months
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Ohh, forgot to post my latest Marauders fics . I have two I hadnt shared, so here we go. As always check the tags <3 You're Floo Was My Emergency Contact Summary - A fic based of this video by Satellitedude on Tiktok, thank you so much for allowimg me to use your video for inspiraiton. Some of the dialogue is theres, straight from the video.
Satellitedide: Sirius after he's arrested... - Sirius is in Moody and Kingsley's custody after Halloween 1981. Dumbeldore is his emergency contact but he isn't answering his floo....
The rat, alive, the stag dead, the wolf alone, the cub unprotected. The more canine-like part of his brain was barking and barking, loud enough to drive him to distraction. To make it difficult for the rational human part of Sirius (that was obviously overwhelmed with the day’s events) to talk, to explain. To make his friends understand the danger that those few people that were still close to him were in. He hadn’t been able to save so many of them. Benji, Gideon, Fabion, Marlene, Dorcas, Regulus. All had died and Sirius hadn’t been able to do a Merlin damned thing to stop it, to stop his friend being knocked down like those muggle bowling pins one by one. No, he had stood back, unable to be in the right place to save them. Just like tonight. Like how the sun had been blocked out forever because he allowed James to die on his watch, how the fire had been extinguished because Lily was no more Like how Remus would come back with a broken mutt alone as pack. 
I'm bitter: You were mine first - (Jegulus) Summary - Inspired by the song "I'm bitter," by Fletcher.
James catches Regulus in an alley after a Death Eater attack. One thing leads to another and Regulus revels in the fact James isnt as good as he pretends to be, he never has been Heres the snippet:
Regulus hated the fact that he took a deep breath and all but inhaled James’ scent. It smelt like home, and safety, but there was also the scent of HER, which filled him with rage. He didn’t actually wish for anything to happen to the new Mrs Potter. Not because he gave a shit what happened to her, but because, even now, he still loved James with every fiber of his being and something hurting her would hurt James. How he hated himself (and James) for the fact he couldn’t stop loving him.
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inahandful-of-dust · 3 months
Out of context WIPs follow-up
And the winner is: "Old Man has to Deal with A Lot of Things. He's also no longer dead - it's weird".
The fic is the already posted A Song of Wizardry!
With six rows of books along the left wall, two different clusters of clothes on the short bed and a disorganised pile of everything else between those two categories, Seerus stopped for a moment, studying the work he had done.
Sorting the books had been easier, even if he had found himself lost in the pages more than one time, intrigued by some spell or other that had obviously been invented in the past millennia or so. He was not arrogant enough, or stupid enough, to be surprised by the fact that the magical world had improved and changed greatly in the last eight centuries, but it was still deeply fascinating to discover just how many new things had been created, or old ones bettered. His fingers literally itched with the need to get his hands and attention on the Alchemy books.
More than all of that, though, part of what had taken him so long and caused him to lose himself in the bound paper had been the notes that filled the margins of every book until there was no more space on the pages. He had had to fight down a wave of angry tears and bitter curses when he had first recognized his handwriting as the same as the letter that had been carefully placed on the stool.
Severus Snape had been a young boy, so hurt by the world that he had felt he had no other choice than to take the extreme last step.
Severus Snape had been lonely, misunderstood and almost surely mistreated in some way by everyone he had met. The fact that he had been so obviously talented in practically every branch of magic that he had been taught – even if, personally, Merlin found him truly, genuinely surprised at the boy’s absolutely extraordinary understanding of Potions and Spellcrafting – that had almost surely not helped him fit in.
Thank you, everyone who voted! I am also definitely up to share some snippets of the other fics I described, just comment, ask, or ping me in any way you feel more comfotable with.
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Warnings: angst/ sexual themes, and mentions of anxiety
Note: the song Austin inspired this! Also I haven’t written for Jack in a while.
She felt hurt to find out that Jack wasn’t on the Kingsman side, but also found him cheating on her. None of the other members knew about his first dirty secret, nor the second. But loyalty was a big deal when being a Kingsman, so just to throw that out the window broke her heart
She just wanted this to be a normal meetup like it had been since she had to go to America. Even before the romance, this was the place he pulled his heart out to her. Seeing another woman in his bed made her realize that all of those moments were over. The phone call he had received and she listened over made her frustrated
She left the house without saying anything, and went back to the Kingsman headquarters. By this time Harry had recovered from being shot in the eye, and so he was in his quarters in the headquarters. She goes there when she got back
She knew Harry would know that she wasn’t lying, since he knew her well enough to sense when she is lying. She didn’t even lie to him anyway, so he’d know that she is telling the truth about Jack. And he did believe her, and got even more pissed off at him cheating on her too. “I’m so sorry that he did that to you. But we’re gonna take care of him together. Well obviously because of the killing part”
- Jack had asked her to come over the next day. She had her glasses on, and waited outside of his place to answer. Harry was in a helicopter with Eggsy and Merlin. They could all see what she could see, and hear. They all knew that Jack would recognize the glasses that’s why she was given sunglasses instead
She could hear moaning though, which makes her sad. She wanted to cry and scream, but kept her composure. Just like taunted. It kept going; he moans the woman’s name, she moans his. “That’s awful” Eggsy admits as they heard the moaning. Harry felt pissed off, and felt like doing something insane. But kept his composure. Just like taunted
“Jack!” She shouts loud enough for the other woman to hear. “Jack, who the fuck is that?” The other woman shouts. “It’s just a friend sweetheart. Don’t worry” sweetheart? The nickname only for her. The one he gave her when she was having a panic attack
The one he gave her as a reassurance that she was the only woman who he needed in his life. Tears started to leave her eyes now. Every part of her shattered now as she could see each piece of her on the ground. Every part of her was broken like glass, and each piece no longer fit where it used to
Harry had left the plane now with no amount of convincing to get him not to. The door opened to reveal such obvious hickeys on his neck. The woman stood by his side. “You told me to come here at this time” she says, which makes the other woman confused
“No I didn’t” he straight up lied, not caring about how broken she clearly looked. “I’ve got a text message to prove it” she was about to take out her phone when he finally admitted to her that he couldn’t be with her because she was on the side he wanted to destroy. The other woman had decided to leave since she was confused, but she knew she had to because it was the right thing for her to do after hearing that he was a cheater
“I wanted to love you” he says as she felt her whole body shake. This still didn’t help even if he wasn’t a cheater. He was still a bad guy, and that just really puts a cherry on top of this mess of a situation. “But instead I have to kill you” he takes out his gun, and she felt helpless now
She was about to accept her death, but he gets shot in the chest. She turns to her side to see Harry. He goes over towards her and hugs her once close enough. She buries her face into his chest after she had taken the sunglasses off. She wasn’t crying because of his death, but just his betrayal
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
cactus, nutmeg, papyrus :)
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I kinda want start learning more about stop motion and puppetry after watching pinocchio but I haven't actually done that yet aside from watching the behind the scenes stuff soooo I will say heidegger and social conformity which is the last thing I did at uni before break started... and obviously fuck that man and it's important to keep context in mind when analysing his work but I did find the way he writes and the points to discuss were the most interesting they've been this term... 💔
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
at my uni space i have very little going on except 1) my metal cowboy violinist (the BESTIE i have posted abt him on here before) and 2) various horror merchandise ie. my crotchet leatherface with a little plastic chainsaw, a killer klowns poster that watches over me while i sleep, the official film poster for child's play 1988, and a nightmare on elm street sign :) movie genres i am soooo normal about!
at my parent's house it's like. what if your 13-16 year old self threw up everywhere and in the years after you never cleaned up you just kind of stepped around it. so many middle grade books it's unreal. so many books it is UNREAL i am under fucking under attack frankly!! I've got raven cycle redbubble poster, a simpsons guardians of the galaxy poster i ripped out of a comic literally six years ago alongside my stack of simpsons comics i've never parted w because ???, a spiderman homecoming holographic poster. spongebob poster. spiderman funko pops. an abandoned simpsons calendar that's still on march of 2021. I think there's a captain america poster hidden under the bed somewhere. i'm looking around NOW like what the fuck is happening here i have an OVERWATCH POSTER on my wall?? anyway. there's a little foray into various cringe sprawling parts of my childhood 🖤 most importantly both places have noooo style and a dedicated wall for my cinema and concert tickets hashtag slay <333
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
read your mind by sabrina carpenter... i have been insanely annoying about emails i can't send recently but that's not MY fault that's because it FUCKS. i adore the way this song begins so calm and quiet and then just throws you into it 🫶 it's just fun to listen to!! and i don't want to say it but i'm an honest guy so i will anyway. that happened to my buddies merlin and arthur!!!!
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shana-rosee · 4 years
How did I not realize until now how perfect a Merthur song All I Want by Kodaline is???
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These are just the short little write-ups y’all send me. Ideas that I want to think about but don’t need/don’t inspire a full narrative. These are usually a paragraph or so on each of the relevant characters, or just a few paragraphs on what my thoughts are on certain topics/events/potentials within the universe.
I do NOT write reader inserts or anything close to that, so if you want to send in something based on romance/relationships, send me a ship, otherwise I won’t do it, I’m afraid. After all, how Character A cuddles depends heavily on who it is they’re cuddling.
Canon Time🧡
❤️What sort of Underwear do the knights wear?
🧡Birthdays in Camelot
💛Favourite Animals
💛How they are with children
❤️Reactions to Rollercoasters
💛The Gang's Love Languages
💛A general BBC Merlin Playlist
💛Various pairings’ reactions to their/their surrogate’s labour
🧡How they are when sick/injured
❤️Reincarnated!Gang's reaction to Arthurian Legends
🧡Everyone reacting to Gwaine/Leon
🧡Mercalot Headcanons
🧡Weird/hidden talents
🧡Merwaine Headcanons
💛What Kind of Drunk are each of The Gang
🧡Merleon Headcanons
🧡Various thoughts on how Mordred could have been good/redeemed
❤️The Gang’s hobbies/fandoms
🧡How they all swear
💛Leon Big Brother-ing the gang
🧡Cooking during hunts/quests/patrols/whatever
💛How Arthur would react if someone came out to him
🧡Merlyan Headcanons
💛How Arthur acts when various people are sick
🧡Everyone at pranks
❤️What are Merthur like as parents- Modern Day
❤️The Gang’s modern day social media/Spotify
🧡A compilation of times Merlin has threatened to turn various people/animals/inanimate objects into toads
💛A general BBCM playlist, part 2
💛What life is like when the gang all live in the same apartment building
💛The Gang when they lie (tells, etc)
🧡The Gang’s favourite season/weather
💛Hell’s Coming With Me, a Morgana song analysis 
🧡Phoenix!Merlin (He has to be burned in order to revive after death)
💛Various Arthur pairings cuddling
🧡Everyone’s coping mechanisms when shit things happen
🧡Mergwen Headcanons  Part 2
🧡Mordred’s first impressions/school boy crushes on the gang
🧡Merlin with an accent  Part 2
💛Various Ships’ proposals/vows  Part 2 Sort Of
💛Merthur-who is more embarrassing/who praises the other most
❤️How everyone texts
🧡Ships finding out about each other’s magic (Inbox)
🧡The Gang hearing stories/bard’s songs about their adventures except... wrong (Inbox)
🧡What characters actually, privately think of Merlin (Inbox)
💛How do they relax after a long/stressful day (Inbox)
💛Ships’ favourite things about each other (Inbox)
💛Each person’s favourite Yuletide/Christmas Gift (Drafts)
🧡My main (obviously there are a billion ways this could’ve gone, depending on the context) thoughts on how everyone first reacts to Merlin’s magic (Inbox)
💛What would they have as pets (Inbox)
🧡Resourceful Merlin (Inbox)
🧡Gwen and Leon's friendship (Inbox)
🧡Merlin/Arthur = Bad cop/Good cop dynamic with enemies (Inbox)
It will take me a while to get through the ones in my inbox (which are not necessarily in order) as I am writing full length fics at the same time!
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hops-hunny · 3 years
When He Sees Me
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.3k
Request: N/A
Summary:(Y/n) always thought she was too rational for love, until she wasn’t. (Based off of the song When He Sees Me from Waitress)
Warnings: Slight negative thoughts and angst but vast majority fluff and pining! Oh and positive use of the word fat.
A/N:  Fred is a little OOC in this?? But I honestly just imagine him as the type of guy to be sorta whipped if he really falls for someone.
I stick with real things
Usually facts and figures
When information's in its place
I minimize the guessing game
(Y/n) had always been a rational girl. In her younger years at Hogwarts, as all her friends began to giggle and blush at their crushes, she kept her nose in her books. Although she was curious of what they were experiencing, the thought never lasted long in her mind due to what her mother had told her from a young age.
(Y/n) was about the age of 6, sitting on the floor near the couch as she colored humming to herself softly. She had noticed her mom was in a bad mood due to her being sprawled out on the couch many upon many empty bottles of alcohol littered the table. She wasn’t sure why her mother was so upset but ever since they had seen her father at the park with her babysitter last week her mom had been in this mood and her father hadn’t been back.
“(Y/n) dear, promise me something.” her mother muttered to her half asleep. The girl turned around smiling at her mom. Her mom gave her a weak smile back as she pet the top of the girls head. “Never give your heart to a man. He’ll only leave it in pieces.”
At the time, the girl obviously had no clue what she meant but the older she got and the more she saw the people in her life get their hearts broken time and time again she had developed a clue. So, she simply focused on anything that wasn’t romance. School, plants, knitting, you name it and that’s what she gave her attention to. Even though it wasn’t a conscious action, it still affected her deeply.
I don't like guessing games
Or when I feel things
Before I know the feelings
How am I supposed to operate
If I'm just tossed around by fate?
Like on an unexpected date?
Although her friends described it to her many upon many of times, she still found herself absolutely clueless of what feelings of love was like. That's why when she saw him, she was confused by what was happening.
“Oh he’s simply lovely! He does this funny little things with his hands where-” Although (Y/n) was focused on her coursework, she was still listening to Diane as usual. She liked to listen to her friends retelling of experiences with lovers, soaking it in like a cheesy romance movie. She looked out the window needing a quick break from her work. Her breath hitched quietly as she placed a soft chubby hand over her heart feeling as it raced wildly in the chamber of her chest. Her body had a tingling sensation all over that she had never felt before as she felt herself get dizzy.
“W-who’s that?” she said in an airy tone, causing her friend to follow her gaze. There he stood, laughing and joking around with his friends pushing each other around. His ginger locks blew in the wind slightly and his skin glowed in the soft afternoon sun. 
“You mean you don’t know who that is? That’s Fred weasley! He’s like one of the most popular guys in our year. I can’t believe you just asked that.” She snickered some, teasing her friend. She stopped once she noticed the girl who was usually quick to snap back was unusually quiet. She smiled softly at her expression, noticing that look in her eyes. Whether (Y/n) knew it or not yet, she was absolutely enamoured with none other than Fred Weasley.
“I don’t like him. He makes me feel funny.” she said, however the way she looked out the window still said otherwise.
“Funny how?”
“I don’t know, just funny.”
“Like laugh funny or like funny funny?”
“Obviously not laugh funny, are you an idiot?” She asked, glaring at her blonde friend. She looked out the window once more. She noticed him look back causing her to gasp, eyes wide with shock. He winked at her causing her to scoff, pick her things up before shutting the library blinds and run off to who knows where.
Diane laughed to herself as she began to pack her own stuff up to go after her friend. She sighed before running quickly out the library to catch up.
“Ah, young love!”
With a stranger who might talk too fast
Or ask me questions about myself
Before I've decided that
He can ask me questions about myself
He might sit too close
Or call the waiter by his first name
Or eat Oreos
But eat the cookie before the cream?
“For the last time Diane, I’m not talking to him!” she said, slamming her book closed as she tossed it on the table in front of her. Her, Diane and a few of her other friends found themselves in the common room as they usually did on friday nights talking and gossiping about anything that came to mind. Today’s topic of discussion was the girl’s apparent “crush” as they called it. Considering she had nothing to base off of whether that’s what the funny feeling she had mentioned earlier in the week was, she decided to trust her friends in them saying that’s what it was.
“What? Oh come on, give me one good reason why you won’t.” Molly said, facing her friend her sharp green eyes boring into (Y/n)’s (e/c) ones. 
“Oh I can give you a PLETHORA of reasons why not!” the (y/h/h) girl exclaimed as she stood up. She began to pace, trying to rack her brain for good reasons on why not. “Aha! What if he butters both sides of his toast? Or-or what if he asks me too many questions on why I’m talking to him? Or if he’s as popular and well known as you say, what if he takes that as an excuse to ignore personal space boundaries and gets handsy?” 
“He’s a teenage boy, not a serial killer. Someone’s been watching too much muggle crime specials.” Molly said as she rolled her eyes, sighing as she leaned back into the couch. (Y/n) glared at her friend, letting out an exasperated sigh as she facepalmed. It wasn’t like she didn’t wanna do anything about these feelings. She most certainly did. Whatever would get rid of them the quickest is the route she wanted to take.
“Well, you could always let him know another way!” Ronnie said as they looked up at their friend. “You’ve got so many skills and talents, why not take advantage of it?” Although Ronnie wasn’t very talkative, whenever they opened their mouth they always said something that made perfect sense.
“As per usual Ronnie, you’re the voice of reason. Merlin bless Ronnie for all of eternity!” (Y/n) exclaimed dramatically as she got on her knees, pretending to worship her friend like a god. 
(Y/n) had been doing just that, making herself known to Fred without making herself known. The (y/h/h) girl had wanted to be anonymous about it, leaving things without her name however Diane pointed out the fact that (Y/n) had “the presence of a ghost” and that “even ghost had more of a presence then her” which meant that even if she did attach her name to the things left Fred would have no idea who it was. Because to be frank (Y/n) was, well, a nobody. 
She noticed this little ‘talent’(if you could even call it that) first year when her teachers would mark her as absent despite her being in the front row of the class and having some of the highest marks. She seemed to fly by unnoticed by all but her small group of friends which they all found funny, especially with Diane being one of the most popular girls in their grade if not all of Hogwarts. 
So, she started off small. She’d leave little notes for him in places she knew he’d find them, usually his first or last class of the day, and his seat in the great hall. She would watch him as he’d read them, flushing sometimes as he read them. However, his usual response was to read them out loud to George, bragging about how a pretty girl was leaving him notes.
“Ah listen to this one, Georgie! ‘Here’s a quidditch tip for you Fred. I noticed that when you’re on your broom you have a habit of going to the right which is why you often get stopped. Try switching it up sometimes! However, that’s not the only thing I’ve noticed. Somehow despite being in that dorky quidditch outfit, you still look just as fit as usual. Yours truly, (Y/n).’” He smirked at that part, a chorus of ‘ooo’s from his friends.
“Although she may be blind to say that, she does know her quidditch! Sounds like a catch if you ask me. I’m surprised she didn’t go for me, the better twin.” George said, choking on his toast as Fred smacked him on the back of the head.
Diane nudged her friend, glancing at her. She laughed as she saw her friend’s round face buried in a book to hide the overwhelming amount of shyness that was overcoming her. Even though this had become a regular thing, she still couldn’t stop the way her heart would race every time Fred would read one of the letters aloud. 
To avoid the notes becoming repetitive, she started to switch it up every once in a while. Baked goods, hand knitted scarfs and gloves, even flowers with meanings behind them made their way into Fred’s ownership. However, the more things he got the more not only him but other people became curious. Who was (Y/n) (L/n)?
But what scares me the most
What scares me the most
Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it?
What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it?
What happens then?
If when he knows me, he's only disappointed?
What if I give myself away, to only get it given back?
I couldn't live with that
Molly was currently trying to catch up to her soft friend, a sympathetic look on her face. “Why not? I think you should just go up to him and tell him! So many other girls have tried, claiming to be you.” she said, catching the other girl’s attention. She bumped into her as the (h/c) girl abruptly stopped. She turned to look at her friend with tears in her eyes causing her to look down at her agape.
“Do you wanna know why I haven’t just gone up to him yet? Do you really?” She said above a whisper as she looked up at her tall friend, silent tears making their way down her cheeks. “It scares me. It scares me even fucking more than what I feel for him does. Fred is just so..he’s funny, talented, popular. Who wouldn’t want him?” she choked out, looking away. “What if when he sees me, he doesn’t like me? Whenever he reads my notes or gets one of my gifts he always mentions how beautiful (Y/n) must be.”
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with that. Now I see what my mom was talking about.” she said as she walked off leaving Molly confused by the last part of her statement. She frowned hearing her friend’s words but she knew her better than to chase after her when she was upset. She turned the other way, walking quickly in hopes she’d make it to her lecture not too late. However, a flash of red hair out of the corner of her eye didn’t go unnoticed but it did slip her mind when she saw her friend later.
So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind
This way I get the best view
So that when he sees me, I want him to
(Y/n) sat in the library at a table by herself. It was a friday, usually she’d spend this time with her friends in the commons. However, after the never ending pestering to just talk to him, to face him she told them she wasn’t feeling well and that she’d be retiring early. It wasn’t a lie, she had completely planned on getting some much needed rest but as she lay in bed tossing and turning her restlessness turned into frustration leading her to read a bit to clear her mind. Reading was what she enjoyed doing when she wanted to clear her mind or simply escape the insufferable reality she was living in. But after she found herself reading the first line to chapter three 10 times she placed her bookmark between her pages, looking out the window.
It was if the universe was taunting her from the sight in front of her. There he stood, talking to another girl from their year. She couldn’t recall the girls name but it wasn’t that important, she was beautiful. She sighed as Fred laughed at something the girl said, patting her head before walking away. ‘It’s better this way. He can’t see you which means he can’t reject you which means you won’t get hurt’ is what she kept telling herself. However if that was the truth, then why did she feel so empty inside?
(Y/n) laughed along with her friends as they sat in the empty common room. Everyone from their house was Merlin knows where at this time as they all shared their intimate horror stories.
“Oh come on, that did NOT happen.” she said through laughs, eating another chocolate from the box on the table. Her cheeks hurt from the amount she had been laughing. Diane was in the midst of telling what happened during her recent sexual endeavor with some guy from her herbology class.
“I swear he did! His face was green and everything! Next thing I know he was blowing chunks off the side of the bed. I offered to take him to the infirmary but he didn’t hear me through his tears so I just made my exit as swift as possible!” she said laughing as well, face red from how much she had laughed through the telling of the story. They all continued to howl with laughter, someone else’s laughing triggering someone else to laugh even more. (Y/n) was the laugh one left laughing as her friends all began to grow quiet. 
“G-guys? Why’d you stop? Who’s next?” she said, looking at Molly who was on her left and Ronnie who was on her right. 
“Um, don’t look how (Y/n) but Fred Weasley is coming this way.” Diane said, causing the girl to stop breathing briefly.
“W-what?!” she whispered loudly, eyes growing wide.
“Yeah and um don’t freak out, but he’s looking directly at you. No pressure though!” Molly said, giving her a rough pat on her back as she offered the girl a smile. The (h/c) haired girl glared up at her. As Fred grew closer, their voices grew quieter.
“Why wouldn’t that make me nervous?!” she said through gritted teeth as she pulled on Molly’s curls causing the girl to let out a quick ‘ow!’. She chuckled nervously. “Well, we have nothing to worry about! It’s not like he knows who I am!” she said as she relaxed some, closing her eyes as she leaned back. She heard footsteps stop in front of her causing her eyes to shoot open as she looked at the ground. Huh. Those shoes didn’t look like Ronnie’s shoes. Matter of fact, they didn’t look like Diane’s either. Or Mo- oh no. She looked up, arms folded across her abdomen self consciously as she looked up at the man in front of her. She couldn’t help but take in his appearance.
He was in a white shirt, some spots see through from what she assumed was a mix of sweat and water. His flaming hair was mostly dry but damp in some spots and he adorned a pair of sweatpants that made him look quite godly in her opinion. If she had to guess, he had just gotten back from quidditch practice. It was weird for her to be this close to him intentionally. The only time she found herself close to Fred was when they’d walk past each other in the hall or when their classes would go by each other due to a required location change for the lesson. Therefore she had never been able to see the freckles on his knuckles, the barely noticeable acne scars that adorned his forehead, or even the way his Irish spring’s shower gel smelled oh so heavenly.
“I’ve been all around the castle for weeks, months even. I think the main reason it took me so long was not only the fact that I haven’t really seen you up close before, but all the other birds claiming to be you. It was like that one muggle film, what’s it called? Cinderfeller?” he pondered for a moment looking off.
“I-it’s Cinderella.” Ronnie chimed in, giving him an awkward smile. They were all quite stunned. Although they all knew that this wild goose chase couldn’t go on forever, they didn’t expect it to be Fred of all people to approach first. They were sure (Y/n) would reveal herself on her own time but it seemed that they weren’t the only one’s getting impatient with the girl’s excuses and whys.
“Right, thank you. So I set off, making a list of every girl in our year in the castle- with the help of George and Dean of course- and we spoke to quite literally all of them. It was easy to weed out the fakes because they couldn’t answer questions related to some of the gifts I had received. So by the process of elimination that leaves you, love. Are you (Y/n)?” He said, crouching down to her level. As hues of brown met hues of (e/c) it was much too intimate for the girl to handle. She sat there, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“W-well I am a (Y/n). I’m sure there’s plenty of others in the castle!” she retorted letting out a forced laugh, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt. Was the common room always this warm? 
“If I recall correctly, weren’t you bragging the other day about being the only (Y/n) in the castle? You said and I quot-” a quick stomp of (Y/n)’s foot on Diane’s caused the blonde to quickly stop whatever she was in the middle of saying. Fred looked down at the (h/c) hair girl with a quirked brow and knowing smirk. She was caught red handed. Without another word, he quickly pulled her off the couch with ease, dragging her along with him. She tried protesting and looking at her friends for help but they all simply waved and smiled at her, making kissy faces and noises. ‘Idiots’ she thought as she rolled her eyes. Fred continued to guide her, the path to where they were going looking awfully familiar until they arrived at the astronomy tour.
“Listen Fred, I just wanna say I’m sorry. I know you were probably expecting (Y/n) to be someone who looks like Diane, or hell, even Molly’s dumbass but I’m not. I’m just me.” She began as she walked to the edge, looking off the balcony. “I know now that you’ve seen me you’re probably disappointed. I’ve seen the girls you hang around all the time and they’re bloody gorgeous and-”
“So are you.” he whispered, causing her to whip her head around quickly.
“Pardon?” she responded with glassy eyes. The girl wasn’t too sure why her eyes began to water from three simple words. They weren’t the usual three words that cause or evoke such an emotional response but they felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. Her eyes followed the lanky guy as he walked over to her, tucking a few pieces of hair behind her ear as he interlocked their hands. Long, skinny and defined calloused hands meeting her soft thicker but smaller ones.
“So. Are. You. Beauty is such a fluid thing. There’s no one way to be beautiful, lovely. Museums have many unique and beautiful forms of art and so does life.” He let his hands wander on her sides, gliding up and down her love handles, waist, and hips. He took one of his hands to tilt her head up oh so gently. “If you were a sculpture, you’d be made of the finest of marble by the most talented of sculptors. Hell, if I wasn’t so bloody bad with art I’d sculpt you myself but I don’t think I’d be doing you much justice. It’d be a monstrosity.” he said, shuddering at the idea of him doing anything art related. (Y/n) found herself giggling at that.
“If only you applied this verbiage to your coursework. Perhaps you’d actually be doing decent.” she remarked as she continued to laugh. Fred gasped a bit before joining in as well with his own laughter. As the laughter died down, he lifted a hand caressing her cheek, thumb sweeping across the smooth skin. She found his eyes to see they were filled with adoration. “Fred Weasley, are you whipped for me?” she spoke softly as if she had said it any louder, that he’d simply disappear.
“I have been since the first time I saw you.” He responded, his own cheeks flushing a bit with a light crimson. She looked at him puzzled a bit before her eyes widened slightly.
“You remember that? That was months ago!” she noted. He grinned at that, pulling her closer.
“Of course I do. Imagine my delight when I found out that beautiful girl who slammed the blinds shut on me happened to be the girl my heart was slowly going out to with every note and kind gesture you sent my way. Merlin is definitely on my side.  Although I must be honest,” he looked away for a bit before lookin back at her. “The list was a huge help, but I also couldn’t help but overhear your conversation in the hallway that day. However I knew then wasn’t the right time to approach you, I assumed you would’ve just been more upset over the fact I was eavesdropping a bit.” he mumbled. She opened her mouth to question what conversation before she recalled what she had said to Molly that day in the hallway.
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with myself. Now I see what my mom was talking about.”
“Hearing you speak so lowly about yourself upset me quite a bit. I wanted to plan out what I was going to say a bit more and also make sure it was actually you.”
“I’m sorry you had to hear me say those things about myself. I usually don’t say such things like that, I’m very confident in the way I look. To me, fat and ugly aren’t synonymous but I know everyone isn’t so open minded.” she admitted, dropping her gaze to the ground. “I’m also new to this whole feelings thing. You’re the first guy I’ve ever had feelings for.”
Now, it was Fred’s turn to become speechless. He couldn’t believe his ears, he had the honor, no, the privilege of being the first guy to be such a sublime goddess of a woman? He felt his ears heat up and he knew he had to look absolutely ridiculous. “I don’t blame you, I am one hell of a guy!” He said, flexing his arms as he flashed her a cheeky grin. (Y/n) scoffed some, shoving him away as she rolled her eyes playfully. She pondered for a second before standing on her tippy toes planting a kiss on his cheek...or at least that’s what she had planned. Fred being Fred turned his head last moment wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed his lips into hers. She gasped softly, chills running up her spine again as her body tensed.
Even this was her first time having a kiss, she could tell this was a feeling she’d be craving nonstop. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling Fred down to her height. The ginger boy smirked into the kiss, trailing his hands all along her soft frame practically melting at the feeling. His hands snaked their way down to her ass, cupping the pillowy flesh between his large hands causing the (y/h/h) to moan softly. The Gryffindor pulled away, biting and pulling her bottom lip along with him.
“So, I have a question for you then…”He started, pressing his forehead against hers. She felt the warmth of his minty breathe hit her face as she looked into his eyes expectantly. “Do I really have a tendency to go to the right when I play quidditch? Because in my opinio-”
“Fred! Really?!”
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hrhbella · 3 years
Pairing: Theodore Nott x Reader
Word Count: 1k words
Summary: Is it over?
Warnings: N/A
Author’s Note: This song resonates with me in so many ways. I don't know how well it translated through this work. I had also had this as part of another work of mine that never got to see the light of day completed, which seems to be the start of a theme lately. Anyhow, enjoy the 2021-adjusted content. -B
Draco didn’t think that either of his two friends standing next to the bookcase on the other side of the common room remembered the others were in the room. They hadn’t stopped staring at each other since convening away from the group.
When Theodore had gotten up twenty two minutes ago, Draco had counted, no one was expecting what was folding out in front of them.
“What are we looking at?” Blaise whispers, leaning on his forearms onto the back ledge of the couch.
Daphne pulls her hands from her face, “The end.”
“Don’t be dramatic, Greengrass.” Pansy snaps, though she glances at the pair with worry hidden behind her emotionless mask.
“It wouldn’t be the end,” Blaise sits on the arm of the couch, “not of them. It has always been her for him.”
Draco’s breath fills the momentary silence, “I think Nott did hims-“
“I wish it wasn’t true!”
The group refocuses on the pair in front of the bookcase as Theodore holds a firm grip on some first edition to his left, not letting his gaze leave her.
“But I’m wasting my breath.”
Theodore starts, “No, darling. You’r-.”
She pushes her palm into his chest, “Then how did we get here?”
He stares ahead. He stares.
Daphne, exasperated: “Not nothing, Nott,”
Draco, with a semblance of hope somewhere deep: “Merlin’s beard.”
Blaise: “It’s starting to seem like the end, Parkinson.”
Pansy, beginning to be concerned: “We can’t be too sure.”
Daphne: “Too sure? He hasn’t said a word!”
Blaise, eyes wide: “What did he even do?”
Pansy: “I wouldn’t know.”
Daphne, interested: “Really?”
A hum of affirmation.
Draco: “I have permission to cause irreparable modifications.”
Blaise: “From who, might I ask?”
Daphne, peeking through her hands: “Does it matter?”
Blaise, grasping at the entire situation: “Not entirely.”
“-cause I would never treat me this shitty.”
Theodore opens his mouth but it closes before any sound comes out.
“You’ve made me hate this.”
“Hate what, love?”
“Dramatic if I’ve ever heard it.”
From Pansy: “Wrong choice, Nott.”
“Dramatic? I don’t talk shit about you to our friends. Never told any one of them anything bad.”
“I’m not und-“
“No, Nott. You’re not understanding. Why would I tell them what I put up with. That would be embarrassing.”
“You won’t tell me what I’ve done or what I am doing! How am I to know?”
“You were my everything. How could that not be enough for you?”
The group across the room watch as Nott finds the fibers of the carpet beneath his feet as interesting as a Nimbus 2301.
Draco: “Come on, Theo, mate. What did you do?”
Blaise: “She sounds final.”
Daphne: “Irreversibly.”
“And all you did in the end is make me sad.”
“It meant nothing.”
Pansy, holding tightly onto Daphne’s wrist: “He did not.”
Daphne, near tears: “He couldn’t have.”
Draco, understanding reluctantly coming into focus: “Oh, but he did.”
Blaise: “Who?”
Daphne, tears gently streaming: “What does it matter, who?”
Pansy: “Was it-“
“So don’t waste the time I don’t have.”
“Time? We are supposed to be brothed this summer! We have more time than anyone two people at our age could have! It didn’t mean anything to me, darling. Let me show you.”
“Don’t try to make me feel differently than I know I do. I can’t stand the sight of you. Everything. Everything, Nott. What isn’t comprehendible about that to you?”
Theodore takes a breath in, but quickly closes his mouth.
“No! Was your snitch-sized brain too powered up when your cock was buried inside her to be able to think with a semblance of foresight? Not even foresight, presight.”
“Not a word, love.”
She stares at him. Arms crossed. Feet firmly on the ground. Nothing about her seems unsure of herself.
Draco: “This is the end.”
Blaise, with a sad smile: “Of an era, some might say.”
Pansy: “No one would say that, Zabini.”
“Then we’re done.”
Theo chokes, “Done?”
“Merlin’s beard, love.”
“You ruined everything good. There’s no room for this to be misunderstood.”
“Don’t make this moment into something that it is not. She didn’t fall into your prick, Nott.”
“Darling, jus-“
“Just fucking leave me alone.”
They all, including Theodore, watch as she walks up the stairs to the room she shares with the other girls, who are currently processing the situation on the couch.
Pansy: “I guess my bespoke reconstruction of a Delfina Crimp gown is a waste.”
Draco: “A fucking dress, Parkinson?”
Daphne: “She was so excited to start their life.”
Blaise: “I wouldn’t agree and say she feels the same anymore.”
Daphne: “Obviously not.”
Draco: “How could he? She is our friend.”
Pansy: “How could he? Men are disgusting, Malfoy.”
Blaise: “I thought women didn’t know that.”
Daphne: “Oh, we know.”
Theodore has been staring at the archway she walked through this whole time, and only just turns back to his friends, “Wizengamot?”
“About as fucked as your mistress seems to have been.”
“Pansy,” Draco breathes, “now is not the time.”
Daphne is being cradled by Blaise, who is shaking his head as he looks at his dark-haired mate.
“Not the time? Just like he said, we have time. I will spend the rest of eternity making him sorry he ever had the nerve to exist in the same reality.” Pansy had never shown such deep rooted emotions in front of her peers.
“For the record, I didn’t ask for that.”
Draco scoffs, “You mean to say that you didn’t ask that witch for a quickie in the club’s powder room?”
“You knew?” Daphne exclaims, turning to face Draco with fervor.
“I had not realized the entirety of the situation until recently.”
Theodore: “You told her?”
Draco: “Not on purpose, if it makes you feel better.”
Blaise: “Feel better? He fucked another witch!”
Pansy: “You will rue the day, Nott.”
Theodore: “You still have not given me the votes. Unambiguous, please.”
Draco: “We w-“
Daphne: “Four nays. I hope that’s not too confusing because I can’t possibly think of another way to explain.”
Blaise: “He-“
Daphne: “Oh wait, she will be happier than ever away from you.”
The group watched closely as Theodore stormed out of the common room. Not one of the four remaining Slytherin enjoyed the deep, gut-wrenching, dark storm that was forming within each of them.
“It won’t be the same, will it?”
Draco sighs, “No, Daphne. I don’t think it ever will.”
> If you wish to write a formal letter to Her Royal Highness, please do so here.
> If you wish to see Her Royal Highness’ completed list of works, please do so here.
> If you wish to see some of Her Royal Highness’ most frequently asked questions, please do so here.
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Word count: 1.8k 
Summary: Y/N drunkenly confesses her feelings for George thinking it is actually Fred she’s talking to.
Warning: mentions of alcohol
A/N: I’m having way too much fun writing again, any feedback is always welcomed and if you have any ideas for future one shots let me know :)
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ my first little tag list, my heart ❤️ if anyone else wants to be added, just message me
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The Gryffindor common room floor feels like it’s about to take flight with the vibrations from the multiple speakers set up around the room. The Gryffindor quidditch team had won the first game of the year against Slytherin so of course celebrations were in order.
You found herself in the middle of the makeshift dance floor with Alicia and Angelina dancing and singing, no screaming to the music. You jump up on the nearby table taking a big swig of some fire whiskey. You start to swing your hips to the music and continue yelling the lyrics to your favourite song which just started playing. You hear a few people below whistling and cheering you on.
“Yeah! Go Y/N! Woo!” You think it was Angelina calling out, acting as your hype woman.
As the song comes to an end you jump off the table feeling like a rock star. As your feet make contact with the floor you stumble. Your legs seem to give way, maybe it was because of the way you landed but it was most likely because of the amount of alcohol running through your system, you fell to the floor.
“Woah Y/N are you okay?” Alicia was immediately by your side helping you up. You couldn’t control the giggles escaping from your mouth.
“M’ fine babe just need ‘nother drink” your words mixing into each other.
Alicia shakes her head at your drunken state, “I think you need to slow down love. C’mon, come sit down while I get you some water” Alicia guides you over to the couches on the corner of the common room, looking for a free one which isn’t occupied by a couple making out, she spots George sitting alone, perfect she thinks, a mischief glint in her eyes.
“Hey, do you mind watching this one for a minute?” Alicia practically pushes you onto the couch and you might as well be sitting on George’s lap with how close you are to him. The redhead just laughs and nods his head at Alicia who disappears back through the crowd.
The thing with being drunk is your vision tends to get blurry which is exactly what had happened to you, your surroundings becoming fuzzy. Fred and George can be tough to tell apart on a good day so add
some alcohol into the mix and some might find it near impossible. You always prided yourself on the ability to tell the 2 twins apart, noticing subtle differences in their appearance and the way they spoke which helped you realise which one was which. Although the butterflies George never failed to give you when he was in the same room as you, helped you in telling who was who. However right now in this moment you were absolutely certain the redhead sitting next to you was Fred, oh how wrong you were.
“Havin’ a good night then little one?” George says, placing an arm around your shoulder in an attempt to steady your swaying body, maybe using that as an excuse to be close to you.
“Oh loads” you yell over the thumping music, “my foot is kinda sore though, actually ya know what might fix that?” George is too entertained by your drunken rambling to answer. “I think some chocolate will help, don’t ya think chocolate just fixes everything, maybe chocolate has somethin’ magical in it. Don’t you think chocolate is just delicious?” you hiccup, George nods amused.
Your eyes widen as you’re reminded of something “Oh Freddie, I think I know why I love chocolate so much” George doesn’t think he heard you right, did you just call him Fred? He goes to correct you, but you keep talking.
“Chocolate tastes so warm and sweet, it reminds me of Georges eyes, his eyes are so warm and sweet to look at” you say almost dreamingly, George shuts his mouth pretty quickly. “George has the prettiest eyes. I mean he’s got the prettiest everything. His face is like, like it was crafted by angels. And he’s so funny, everything he says makes me smile, I like him so much Freddie.”
George thinks he must be dreaming, surely he hadn’t heard you correctly. You feel your eyes growing heavier by the second, resting your head on the redhead’s shoulder.
“Freddie, promise me you won’t tell George, I couldn’t take it if he doesn’t like me back.” You say curling into his side.
George doesn’t know what to say, part of him wants to tell you that he isn’t actually Fred, that he’s George and he does like you back but the other part of him kind of feels embarrassed he didn’t say anything sooner, so he opts for:
“I’m sure he likes you too.” He doesn’t think you heard it though, judging from the light snores coming from your mouth.
At that point Alicia is back in front of them, thanking George for watching you while she was gone, with a little struggle she is walking you back to your dorm.
The next morning George is sitting with Lee and Fred in the great hall, spilling everything Y/N said last night.
“I knew she liked you!” Lee exclaims, “like she’s always staring at you during class.”
Fred chuckles “maybe she thought she was staring at me.”
George shoves him in the chest, shaking his head. The tall boy is nervous to see you today. He isn’t sure what he is going to say, George knows he needs to tell you that he feels the same way but a part of him is worried you didn’t actually mean what you said. You were very drunk and drunk people tend to say some random stuff. He doesn’t have much time to dwell over it because he spots you and Angelina walking into the great hall. Your hair is a little crazy, obviously quickly been thrown in a bun and you clearly are sporting a killer hangover but he still thinks you look divine.
“Surprised to see you up so early Y/N, you were very intoxicated last night” Lee laughs as you and Angelina sit down.
You groan, rubbing your eyes “I’m surprised too, I feel like a zombie and my ankle hurts.”
Fred laughs loudly after sending a wink Angelina’s way, “that’s probably from when you jumped off the table after your little dance performance. You went tumbling down. It was hilarious” George whacks his twin over the head, eyeing you slightly as you put some toast on your plate.
“Merlin, I don’t remember that or anything from last night to be honest. It’s all so fuzzy” you mumble as you take a large bite of your toast.
George feels his heart drop a little, although last night you hadn’t realised it was actually him you were talking to, he thought it would be easier to confess his feelings if you actually remember last night, now he was too scared.
Later that day you and Angelina are back in your dorm room laying on your bed with Alicia talking about previous night.
“What even happened last night? The last thing I remember is dancing and that’s it” you laugh as you flick through a magazine.
“So you don’t remember chatting to George on the couch before passing out? You can thank me for that Y/N, I had the brilliant idea of having George look after you while I went to fetch you some water” Alicia grins.
Alicia and Angelina were the only ones who knew of your major crush on the tall sweet redhead. Many times, they have tried to convince you to just tell George how you feel and even try to meddle themselves.
You furrow your eyebrows, trying to remember if you said anything embarrassing to the boy.
“Huh, are you sure it was George? I swear I was chatting to Fred last night” you chuckle remembering some of your conversation.
Alicia shook her head, “nope it was definitely George, I know that for a fact because when I left to get your water, I passed Fred and Angelina making out” Alicia elbows Angelina’s side who is blushing profusely.
You shrug your shoulders, “well me and George then were having a pretty weird conversation about chocolate actually. I thought it would heal my sore ankle” the girls all giggle as you continue, “it was very random we were talking about chocolate and then…” your voice fades into silence as you remember how that conversation went.
Alicia and Angelina are confused as you leap of the bed and start running out the door, “wait what happened?” you hear Angelina yell as you run out of the room.
Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest, you need to find George. You are beyond embarrassed that you basically confessed your love to George, the whole conversation becoming clearer and clearer in your brain. But you are unsure if you had dreamt the reply Fred, no George had given you as you drifted off to sleep on that couch.
You enter the common room, scanning for a particular redhead who you find sitting on the couch with Fred and Lee. You run up to the group, out of breath.
“Did you mean what you said last night?” you blurt out, feeling very, very nervous.
George break eye contact from whatever he was originally looking at and meets your eyes which are desperately searching for a response “what?” he squeaks out.
Fred and Lee share a look at each other and move from the couch, figuring out that the pair need some privacy although they do continue listening to the conversation from the other end of the common room.
“Last night. On the couch. I told you that I liked you, well, I said I liked George because I thought I was talking to Fred. And then you said ‘I’m sure he likes you too’ so do you? Like me?” you feel like your heart is going to explode and you are well aware of the multiple pairs of eyes staring at yours and Georges exchange which is making you extra scared of the potential rejection.
George nods, not really confident enough to speak right now. What you do next surprises him. If he wasn’t already sitting down, he might have fallen over with the force of you leaping towards him. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his. George immediately grips your waist and kisses you back. You can hear some people cheering in the background which makes you smile into the kiss.
You pull away slightly breathless, “that’s good then,” George chuckles and you hear Fred from somewhere behind you say rather loudly to Lee.
“Imagine if she kissed the wrong twin.”
“Shut up Fred” You and George say simultaneously.  
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fathermarty · 2 years
ok i would like to be put in the marauders era and im a slytherin!
im 5'6 and im a fake brunette. she/her and a raging bisexual. if i could characterise myself it would be that im really adventurous and im really impulsive. i act like a child more time than a functional college student (take whatever you want from that) i like tall people ... i love playing sports they're literally my life. but i hate school. i read too much and i play the piano. i speak latin fluently. i listen to too much of the folklore album (sadly) i have two dogs whos names are salad and count. id consider myself a party animal? i like to party a lot when im not busy working two part time jobs. i deadass cant do anything without music. im also in love with 5 celebrities at the moment.
Okay, first of all, you sound like such a gem. I am so honored to have met you, Penelope! I hope you enjoy this. :)
Sirius Black
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You literally cannot tell me that Sirius would not be in love with you. I feel like he would know who you are because you're a Slytherin, but he really notices you when you laugh. Mostly at your own jokes or impulsive situations you get yourself into. He would be enamored by the fact you seem so unfazed by things around you, being the life of the party where ever you go.
Because you mentioned you are into sports there is no doubt in my mind that you would be a part of the quidditch team, obviously making that tension between the Slytherin Babe and the Gryffindor Heart Throb more prominent. What makes you different though is the fact that you show up to Gryffindor parties -- even when they beat Slytherin.
"Well surprise, surprise, come to crash a party, Penelope?" Sirius asks you the first time you show up for a party. "Well Sirius, judging by the fact this party is quite lame, I don't think I am crashing anything." Your effortless laugh makes Sirius swoon. Whether you just give a slight giggle or a full-on belly laugh, it was a noise of angels to him.
You guys go straight to calling each other by first names, this makes everyone assume you have been friends for years. In a way, without knowing, you both clicked right away. It was written in the cosmos for the two of you to cross paths. Sirius would even tell you this.
Over time, the more Gryffindor parties you attended, the closer you got to Sirius. [People definitely noticed the dynamic between the two of you instantly.] I feel like you both would challenge each other when drinking; who can shotgun faster, who can not blackout, silly things teenagers do when drinking. And by Merlin's Beard, did you give him a run for his money.
One day, after a Gryffindor party, you both were in class hungover contemplating the adventures of the night before. "I think I won that one Nelly," Sirius whispers from behind you. "You will only ever beat me when I am dead Siri." You both laugh together. Nicknames came so naturally between the two of you, it was comfortable in an unexplained way.
Sirius knew he loved you, not just liked but loved. He realized one day when you both skipped Potions to wander the grounds of Hogwarts. You started humming a song that you were learning on piano, and it was so beautiful to him. "Whatcha humming Nelly?" You stop and look at Sirius before laughing, "Well I could show you better than explaining it."
This led to the two of you going back to the Slytherin common room, which was abandoned, and where you found the comfort in familiarity with the piano.
Unknown to you, the song you were humming was by Sirius' favorite artist, Elvis Presley. He was in love with muggle music, something you also were fascinated with. You played the first few cords of Can't Help Falling in Love and Sirius knew right then he would marry you. You messed up one cord, being nervous from how intimate the moment between the two of you was, and tried to laugh it off.
"I could spend every day for the rest of my life listening to you play piano if it meant I would get to be by your side to laugh with you when you make a mistake." The simplicity in the statement but heartfelt emotion conveyed had your head spinning.
From that day, your relationship with Sirius changed. Glances and small smiles were shared between the two of you, innocent enough, but the gazes held more than words could illustrate.
Sirius was falling hard, and part of it scared him, but he wouldn't back down because of this. Little did he know you felt the same way, there was something special between the two of you.
After Hogwarts you busy yourself with work, something you found enjoyment in but also a good distraction. Sirius admired how hard you worked, another thing he realized he loves about you.
Sirius waits at your apartment door one evening, "It is now or never Sirius," He tells himself while pacing. You are surprised to see him to say the least, you guys have kept in contact but you always told yourself "If it is meant to be, then it will be," And with one look at Sirius, you knew it was meant to be.
"Hey Nelly, I was just uh-" Sirius stammers over his words, you smile knowing you are the one to jumble his emotions in this way. "Spit it out Siri," When Sirius sees the cocky smile on your face he decides actions speak louder than words, and he kisses you.
Your relationship was something everyone saw coming, the dynamic duo became me more prevalent when you two got together. It wasn't a chore to be together either, you found comfort in just existing in the same space. The connection between the two of you was so deep and whole that nothing could hinder it.
Sirius would for sure help you dye your hair, "You don't need to dye your hair, but since you want to, I would like to help you!" The small gestures from Sirius really made you feel seen, the small attention to the details meant the world to you. Sirius would even learn how to style your hair, simply because the closeness to you made his soul light aflame.
The comfort of your relationship always made you smile, Sirius always found ways to make you feel loved. Impromptu adventures to scenic places, or small hikes to places hidden away from the human eye. He made sure to always pick places he knew you would find peace in.
You had always wanted to find a quarry and go swimming while listening to music, and Sirius made sure to make this come true. Deep in a forest, there is a pond with a small cave attached. The water is the deepest blue, and the greenery surrounding it is so vibrant. It looks like a scene straight out of a magazine.
Neither of you wastes any time before jumping in. Sirius smiles as you stare around in astonishment, amazed by the fact that Sirius knows you so well. After a bit of swimming, you both head to shore for a quick meal Sirius prepared for you both. "Nelly wait, do you see that?" You turn around to see Sirius dive under the water to retrieve something. You giggle, thinking he probably found a fascinating rock. You meet him where the water meets the shore to see what he has. In his hand is a clamshell, you are confused, you wouldn't have guessed this was an area with clams. Sirius meets you and grabs your hand before kneeling down. He opens the clam to show the beautiful diamond ring sitting front and center.
Your hand flies to your mouth in astonishment, "Penelope, I have known since I first heard your laugh that I would marry you. Every day since then I have fallen so in love with you. The way you work hard every day when you play piano and sing off key when you pull silly pranks on me, but mostly, I fall in love with you because of how selfless and caring you are." Tears stream down your face, "Penelope, will you marry me?"
"Yes," Sirius smiles putting the ring on your finger, your arms fly around his shoulders. "You idiot, you could have lost the ring!" Sirius chuckles at your logic, he pulls you closer nuzzling his head into your hair.
I may or may not have gotten a bit carried away with this LMAO, but I really hope you like it!
<3 Mar
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