#the grimm succubus
darksaiyangoku · 1 year
Hellgoku Stories: Cinder's Aftersex with Nora
Cinder: *gasps and pants* Woah... that was amazing~!
Nora: Eh, *shrugs* I've had better. .
Cinder: What?!
Nora: I mean, you're good. But you're not Ren.
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grimm-writings · 5 months
Hey! Can I request a falin x reader where reader is a lone researcher in the dungeon and stumbles into chimera falin and the two fall in love?
Maybe Like a 5 times the reader has met chimera falin and 1 time the two get to meet after she’s turned back type story?
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…ft! falin x gn! reader
…tags! 5+1 format, reader is like slightly unhinged, fluff with moments of angst, slight suggestiveness
…wc! 2789
…notes! grimm tries not to come off as a monsterkisser for nearly 2.7k words, the fic,,,, hope you enjoy!!!! i love chimera falin so bad… 
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You can’t say you didn’t ask for this.
It’s a death sentence to traverse into a dungeon on your own, especially with your lack of combat skills.  If you were sane, you’d have hired a bodyguard to help take down monsters you couldn’t handle.  Fortunately, you are not, and decided instead you could very well handle monsters in a pacifistic way.
Any companion you told this to chose to stare at you like you admitted to dark magic.
So, you’ll simply prove the nay-sayers wrong!  After all, how hard can it be to tame some monsters?
Very hard, actually.  Like… incredibly.
You had to pride yourself in how you managed to sweet-talk some petty thieves for advice on monsters in the floor you’re currently on, even how to avoid orcs!  At least that much is out of the way.
As for fighting, well, sometimes a very sharp slap to the head with a book, or even the sharp tip of a pen can subdue anyone, if just to give you enough time to run.
Besides, blood makes for some extra ink if you just happened to come by a dead body!
Going purely on efficiency alone, you’re doing tremendous work!  When it comes to your study?  Not so much.
The purpose of coming all the way down here is that you have a very specific urge.  That being, to tame a beast.  Some researchers gained the will to try and do the same to elemental spirits, why not other monsters?
One of the most common rebuttals you receive is that monsters are animals, they can’t be tamed at all, and you shouldn’t even try lest you want your head bitten off.  Considering thus far you only got bitten by a walking mushroom, you think you’re doing rather well!  (You did take an hour to contemplate to yourself how a walking mushroom seemingly has teeth, though.)
That brings you now later to the fourth floor, trying to shield your notes from the water as you lament losing more ink.  Sure, you might write a little bit more than should be necessary, but you surely can’t be out already!
So, delight fills you as you peer past a doorway to see the top half of a woman face down on the floor.  Haha, you can likely drain her pretty easily for some ink!  Looks fresh enough, and some patches of her are already damp with red!
You skip over, humming as you do so, when all at once the woman jerks and looks up at you.  Her golden eyes pierce your own, making you freeze in place.  You wonder if something had gotten mixed up and a succubus ended up making its way to an upper floor, when the walls of the small tower the woman is inhabiting collapses.
A chimera screeches at you, as if telling you to leave it alone.  If you weren’t so awestruck, you would have tried to shush it, lure it towards you and petted its oddly human head.  Alas, you let the chicken-legged thing go, finding a safe haven for itself.
Day 1: I have found a beast in its purest form. I must pursue it. I must tame it.
‘Obsession’ would be putting your experience lightly.
You had never wanted to gaze upon a monster as much as you wished to see the chimera again.  Unique is its proportions, the lower body of a dragon and the torso and head of an adult tallwoman.
To anyone else, its face must be more of a lure.  With the prettiest face and… great assets to boot, like a fish drawn to an angler fish's light, a blindsided adventurer comes near.
You had tried to navigate where the beast has gone, observing the damages of certain areas to lead you closer to it.
Thoughts course through your mind like speckles of a daydream as you walk and walk and walk, trying to sneak past other enemies and adventurers as you do so.  What would its feathers feel like?  Is it different from the mop of blonde hair on its head?  You didn’t get the chance to observe its eyes – are they human or monster?  What of its body heat?  What is its diet?
Ah.  Diet.
Your own body stops walking in realisation.  By all means, comparing their mouth to the rest of their body, it’s ultimately impossible for the chimera to have a stable diet in this dungeon, correct?
Perhaps… you need to make a lure of your own.
Even after days of navigating the dungeon, you still have plenty of rations from the surface remaining in your bag.  Hopefully the chimera likes the most noble meal one can fit inside a lunchbox — meats and pasta with the richest sauce.  One could say your taste in meals is unique, eliciting a morbid curiosity.  If the beast is more in tune with its human side, it will react the same.
You don’t know what tempted you to arrange a table with two chairs on either side.  It’s not like the chimera could fit, but it was only suitable for your first formal meeting with it!  Oh, how you can’t wait to observe it eating, and so close…!
If you’re lucky, it may even attempt to taste you.
You promptly shake off the thought.
What you focus on now is to draw the chimera near.  It seems to favour secluded areas, but has been seemingly chased around.  Aw, is it scared of humans?  That’s just adorable!  Or, maybe, it’s resting before setting off on a search…  Now that’d be some juicy stuff!  Who’s the chimera’s prey?  Another monster, or humans?
Oh, of course you’ll use yourself as bait.  You’re not a coward!
You know basic enough spells that you won’t be entirely drained of mana upon use, lighting up a route to catch the chimera’s attention upon spotting it.  Down you lead it, making yourself look as bright and delectable as possible, before sitting in your seat, your meal readily prepared for the chimera.
You smile up at her as she pokes at the food you prepared, and she begins to eat.
Day 3: The beast was very hungry upon encounter.  Even when she finished the meal, she insisted on having something more.  I complied, and soon I had emptied my entire share of rations.  The chimera eats food made for humans easily. This elicits curiosity – it might be proof enough that the chimera’s existence in this dungeon is unnatural.  Even now, it looks too… human.  I feel uncomfortable now referring to the beast as such – an ‘it’. Thus, I will refer to the chimera as ‘she’ from here on.  It suits her.  She truly is magnificent.   All signs point to her being an attempt at creating a ‘beast-kin’, but instead of using the soul of a monster and body of a human, it’s as if it’s a mesh of both.  A disgustingly beautiful transformation.  To compare, it is not dissimilar to the breeding of a pug.  Deliberately done to appease someone, something.  A selfish birth. Someone must be wanting to do the same as I to the chimera – tame her to their whims. …I’ll have to look further into this.
You feel less in control of your studies these days.
The more you hang around the dungeon, scavenging for food and following your muse, the more insane you feel.  But, for the sake of research, you power through.
The chimera, she has been opening herself up to you.  When she gets anxious, her feathers ruffle, and you shush her with pets.  She calms down occasionally.  Once, you had encountered her, blood on her body and under her fingernails.  You cleaned her using the mana-infused water.  She had never looked so calm.
She doesn’t feel like a monster you have tamed, but a friend.
This scares you.
Sure, there’s the possibility that the chimera is an unnatural phenomenon, and isn’t even a monster.
But that also means you’re losing your resolve.
The chimera sits with you, as you scrub her red-scaled talons free of dirt and blood.  Her upper body leans on you, resting.  You can even hear little chirps slipping from her lips.
She’s so cute.
Even as her golden eyes soften, the small slits in them dilating to exhibit relaxation, she smiles at you.  You don’t flinch when her hands take your face to look at you.  She’s a bird after all – she might be trying to memorise you, how you look, so she knows not to hurt you in the future.
You were nearly about to reminisce on your further embarrassment when the chimera speaks.
Four words.  She spoke four words in the common language, leaving you staring at her.  You’re speechless.  She must know that she’s caught you off guard as she slowly tucks your hair behind your ear and moves away.
The moment is quickly ruined.  “Dragon!”  A boyish voice calls.  “There you are.  You’ve been leaving my side so frequently.  There’s no time to–”
An elf in a cloak freezes upon noticing you.  His heavy eye bags rival your own as he glares down at your sitting position.
You don’t do anything, merely looking up at your friend in confusion.  She is back to being silent again, reaching her arms out to the elf, as if about to pick him up.  He swats at her, before pointing at you.
“Kill them,” he demands her.
She hesitates.  You also find yourself unable to move.  So the chimera is under someone’s control after all.  This elf, forcing you apart from your friend.
You hardly process your friend lifting you off the floor, her fingers closing in around your throat.  Tighter and tighter.  Your eyes can barely make out her empty expression as she squeezes the life out of your lungs.
You fall onto the floor, and the mad mage leaves with his dragon in tow.
Day ??: “My name is Falin.” The chimera told me this last time we encountered one another.  She has a name.  A beautiful name that belongs just to her.  Falin. …I would say ‘my Falin’, but she is not.  She is under the control of that elf.  I wouldn’t want her to be my Falin anyway. She shouldn’t belong to anyone. I was revived by a kindly Eastern woman, who is accompanying a group of retainers following their lord.  They are joined by another party, also recently revived. Apparently, in my revival, I had uttered her name, “Falin,” and captured the attention of the malnourished lord. He is looking for her. …I was informed she is his love. Pushing personal feelings aside, I asked to come along.  I neglected to mention Falin’s current state.  I couldn’t do that to him right now.  Maybe once he sleeps, or eats… but not now. Falin, I wish to save you.  That is my goal now. You are not a monster to be tamed.
Today, you met Laios Touden.
He is Falin’s older brother, you learn.
You met a lot of people, actually.  You met Falin’s party, an elf who Falin went to school with, as well as Laios Touden.
“You’ve seen Falin?”  He asks you, brow creased.  He had leaned forward in interest.  Lord Toshiro, Kabru, and Asebi were also listening to you with intrigue.
You nod.  “Yes, but I fear the situation might be a little more than you have bargained for,” you vaguely inform.
Your words would be interrupted by Laios’ request to talk privately with Toshiro, to which you comply.  You do already have a feeling of what's being said, something Kabru seems to pick up on as he glances over at you.
“Falin… isn’t faring well, is she?”
“Not in the traditional sense,” you reply.  Kabru grimaces, clearly not appreciating your rather… erratic way of conversing.  You add before he could talk back, “she’ll come back for me.”
Kabru furrows his brow.  “Excuse me?”
His question remains unanswered until you are swept up in a heated battle.  Looks of horror cross everyone’s faces at the bloody acts committed by the chimera.
You merely smile.
“Hello beauty,” you whisper when she turns to you.  Falin steps forward, cornering you.  You welcome her with open arms – and the world becomes dark again.
Day ??: Scorned though I may be by Lord Toshiro, I know myself not to be mad, but in love. Yes, I am in love.  I know this now for certain. I know that he, too, is in love.  I do not see his wishes badly.  In fact, from a sane man���s mouth, it is perfectly understandable.  Dark magic is dangerous.  As is love.  He’s risking his own reputation for it, even if others don’t appear to see things the way he does. But when push comes to shove, I am not that sane man.  I am joining Laios Touden’s party in the retrieval of Falin. The aftermath of the battle consisted of a hearty meal.  Who knew monsters could taste so nice?  Keep this in mind for the next adventure. I had figured this all came from the result of black magic.  Marcille Donato is a much more interesting woman than I thought.  I’m sure I could learn a lot from her. Hence, we march forward.  I know you aren’t in your right mind, Falin, but trust that I am. I will risk it all for you, beauty.
The ice is cold underneath your fingertips.  The woman encased inside is relaxed, as if she’s merely asleep.  To see her completely separated from the lower half of the chimera body was something uncanny to you, so used to seeing her towering over you, able to squash you like a bug.
You turn to Marcille as she approaches.  “You had the right mind, keeping her fresh like this.  Deep down, you really did want to follow through with the plan!”
The blonde elf is sheepish.  “I did end up causing a right mess in the end.  It… It was selfish of me.”
“It was love,” you reply.
“Not the love Falin needs, though,” she finishes.
You both stare up at her in silence.  If you were delusional enough, you could swear you could see Falin breathing.
“I love her,” you admit, quieter than you have ever been.  “Is that alright with you?”
Marcille turns to you, her eyes wide.  For such a gossip, she really hasn’t picked up on it?
“I…”  She hesitates.  Her hands reach her trousers, and she scrunches up the fabric in her hands.  “It’s not my choice what – or who – Falin chooses.  I don’t think I have the right to decide anything for her.”
You nod, graciously taking Marcille’s word to heart.
You feel you’ve also changed throughout your journey.  Volatile as you may be, you appreciate Falin as she is.  An untamed beauty.  Not for anyone to claim or put their ideals onto.
She’s simply Falin.
“Come on,” Marcille takes your hand.  She has the kind of look on her face where you know she accepts you readily.  “Let’s go eat, okay?  For Falin.”
You smile back.  “For Falin.”
I don’t care about the day anymore. Falin is being revived today.  Soon, I’ll have a chance to meet the real her.  The beauty behind the beast. Ha.  I haven’t called her that for a while. Maybe I’ll follow Toshiro’s way and propose immediately too?  No, Marcille may accept me, but that might result in another need for revival. I can’t wait to get to know you.
the first time
Falin opens the door with a dazed expression, not expecting the crowd waiting around the door.  Of course, this resulted in quite the hoo-ha.  People running around, celebrating the successful revival of Falin Touden.  You wait patiently for you to be welcomed once more.
The woman is sitting calmly at her bed.  Some of her features are still feathered, but you’ve always liked how they felt underneath your fingertips.
She glances up at you, examining your form.
You’re taller than she thought.
“Hi,” you say, handing over a random blade of grass you picked.
Falin takes it.  Her fingers brush against your own.  She starts twirling the natural green between her fingers.  She smiles warmly.  “Hello,” her soft, tired voice returns.  It’s so sweet that you might melt.  “My name is Falin.  It’s nice to meet you.”
You know from the way she glances up at you that she already remembers you quite well.
Feeling the happiest you’ve ever been, you fall into Falin, pulling her into the tightest of hugs.
“It’s so wonderful to meet you too, beauty.”
Today, she asked me if she could belong to me. I said yes, but only if she belonged to herself first. She accepted.
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jestaar · 1 year
A scenario with yan! housewardens, where their darling goes up to them because they’re all hot and bothered and they can't handle their desire and they need their yandere to "help" them with it. Yanderes do not know how their darling got into such a state {of course they never spilled anything afrodisiac-like into their drink or cursed them with succubus spells... or did?..}
So what would yanderes do? Would they graciously help their darling or would they overstim the hell out of them {out of pure love of course! and as a punishment for being so stubborn before} or would they be mean and make their darling beg for it?
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Warnings: yandere themes, smut, everyone being delusional, bad humor attempts, darling written as fem
You were walking into ramshackle dorm after classes. You felt lightheaded and more sensetive to touch then usual. You chose to ignore your state (at least while Grimm was around) and do more important chores. But your horniness started becoming unbearable as the time passed. In the night, while Grimm was asleep and ghosts nowhere to be seen, you finally get to take care of yourself. But what is that? A strange glowing symbol appearet on your abdomen and it seems that your fingers are not enough to satisfy you. Thoughts about certain someone who could fill that emptiness inside you started crossing your mind. It was uncomfortable and emdarassing thinking that way about him. But who if not him can you trust with pleasuring you? You wash your hands, put back on your pajamas, exhale and march to his room
Riddle Rosehearts
° he is so embarrassed with showing affecton so you have to make a first move
° but you don't want to be affectionate with him??? You avoid his affections towards you at all costs and ignoring all hints he is giving you, so how can you two take a step further in your relationship when you act like that? {you don't have a relationship, at least not that you aggreed to any}
° he decides to give you a little push (a few drops of special afrodisiac won't hurt, but surely will guide you to the right decision)
°and oh how happy he was to find you at his doorstep that night! Of course he tried not to show it, but the way he smiled at you gave him away
°he slipped an afrodisiac in your drink that he prepared himself for you {not that you know about it, you wold've refused it if you did}
°and now he's almost shaming you for your imprudence (how could you not notice something like this in your drink? that's why you shounldn't accept gifts from anyone that is not him)
°that's his way of teasing, really
°and he is also mad at you for refusing his attention (why are you playing hard to get? He knows that you love him)
°after he's done with talking he will actually help you out, just torture you a bit in the process
"I will not let you cum until you say you love me. You have to learn your lesson after all..."
°he just wants all your love and attention for himself, is that too much to ask for?
°he will edge you with his fingers for hours, until you give up entierly and the only thing on your mind will be him {and his dick}
°you will be a sobbing crying mess in his arms when he decides to finally ease your sufferings
°he is so happy to have your eyes only on him now, it's not even funny
°he is not experienced, but he is very much willing to make you his properly (he waited for this for so long, he never been more ready in his life, he never been more happy in his life)
°he will be thrusting sloppily and maybe too out of rythm, but you would be already too far gone to care
°will probably hancuff you to his bed and just lay there hugging your body untill he falls asleep (finallyfinallyfinally)
Leona Kingscholar
°from the very first moment he laid his eyes on you he knew that he should have you no matter what
°but you never showed any interest in him, maybe feared him even. you never understood him {and you never really tried, you could care less about him, you just wanted to go home} . It's always like this. Guess it's just the fate of a second-born prince. But he's fine, he is used to it, he can handle it, he's a gangsta {he was never, in fact, gangsta}
°you were something he craved with his whole being, and yet another thing he could never have
°and day by day his obsession grew. And so did his frustration.
°he sent so many gifts, anything that he thought will catch your eye, so many letters {that ended up in the trashcan unread and unopened}, so many flowers {hat had the same fate as letters} {He never signed anything, but you knew who they're from, you knew} heck, he even tried to approach you himself but you just kept getting away from him (just like everything else)
°so he came up with this gem of idea: let you feel the crave similar to his. And he casted a succubus spell on you. Only he can get rid of it. (Only he can help you. You don't need anyone else. Look only at him. Talk only to him. Worship him. Desire him as much as he desires you. Maybe that will make you understand him and his love for you)
°once you knock on his door in the middle of the night he's alredy standing in front of you, waiting for an explanation for interrupting his sleep (he's been waiting for your arrival for so long, finally he will have you all for himself. He is so glad, so glad)
°after you explane your situation to him, he smirks (smirks, God, he smirks at you, the audacity of this lion) and invites you in
°you get the chance to sit on his bed but only for a moment. He is on top of you pinning your hands at she sides of your head and placing his knee between your thights
°he would kiss you first(oh God, he waited so long for this, so long) and then he would move to your ear and tell you how stubborn you were all this time
°he is mad and he will not even try to hide it, instead he will make you beg for him. Beg for him to touch you, to look at you, to fuck you already. And he will listen to your pleas as a gracious king he is
°no no, he won't prep you. You should alredy be wet and ready for him by the time he decides to start with you
°his thrusts are harsh and mean, bullying your walls with their frequency. But he just can't get enough of you
°he wants you to only remember his name when he's done with you (he only has eyes for you so it's only natural that you should look only at him)
°good luck walking next morning {oh, walking where? Didin't I tell you? You're staying with him forever}
Azul Ashegrotto
°he is so flustered whenever you're near him, he forgets how to breathe, let alone how to talk
°but he is always watching, he has eyes everywhere, you know (you are just so perfect, he can't help but look)
°you can never be alone, it's always him or the tweels somewhere in the crowd around you (he has to watch you, has to watch)
°he tried to hide his obsession, tried to court you "normally" - leaving flowers on your desk or doorstep everyday, sometimes even leaving letters asking things about your day or comforting you when something unpleasant happened to you {he never signed them, you never knew it was him, but the thought of having a secret friend was comforting to you}, getting rid of your bullies - he is a gentleman after all (why don't you pay attention to him? why don't you love him? is he not enough?)
°but his obsession grew and his patience grew thinner. His letters very soon changed from comforting to unsetteling and subtle eyes in the crowds turned into some unnotisable eyes watching your every move, every step, watching you every second of the day and then instead of bullies started disappearing your friends
°but you still tried to run away from him (he loves you, he loves you, how don't you understand that???)
°and then tweels suggested him giving an afrodisiac to you, as it will bring you to him with no trouble
°and so, as you were in Monstro Lounge, he brought you a cup of tea
"for special guests" he said (oh, you don't know what's awaiting you, you don't know)
°when you were knocking at his door he was already waiting (he was so nervous, so nervous!)
°he told you to come in almost immideatly
°he was trying to keep his cool, but it was so hard with you so close to him and in such a state because of him! {he just wants to think you love him, he can't stand the thought of you feeling otherwise}
°he will graciously help you out, but you wold have to sign a contract first! Don't worry about the price, asking for your heart isn't too much, is it?
°he will take you in his human form first, he's anxious that you will get scared by his octo form
°he is inexperienced, yet he has passion to make you his
°his thrusts are sloppy but he stimulates you with his hands too, he just wants you to feel the best with him (so you won't even think of going to someone else, not that you have a choice)
Kalim Al-Asim
°he is unbelievably obsessed with you
°since the moment you first talked to him, he knew he was in love
°and since than he tried to court you: parades in your honor, expensive gifts, parties where you were the main guest... And along with his heart he was willing to give you his trust. He never doubted a single thing you did, to him or others. to him you couldn't do no wrong (but other people? what if they hurt you? what if they poison you? what if they betray you like they betrayed him? he will not let this happen to you)
°but you never really answered to his affections, you tried to avoid him (you don't trust him, he understands... you must be scared of something. he hates whoever made you not trust him)
°and Jamil had enough of Kalim's sufferings
°so now you are under the effects of afrodisiac. When did you drink it? You won't remember. People never remember what they did when they were hypnotised
°and now you are running to Kalim for help (of course because he will never turn down your request, because he will always be there for you)
°you don't even need to knock on the door, he already waits for you outside his room, readily guiding you in
°he aggreed to help you a bit too fast after you explained your situation {not that you mind}
°he takes good care of you, first prepping you with his fingers while telling you that he understands why you were uneasy around him at first, that he is glad that you trust him enough to ask for his help (he is so happy, so happy you finally trust him)
°he will be slow and gentle with you (he is so happy that he has finally gained your trust, that he can show you how much he loves you, that he can protect you from things he been through)
°you have no escape now, he loves you and you love him {he is delusional, they're all delusional}
Vil Shoenheit
°in that sea of ugly potatoes you were the most gorgeous thing he ever laid his eyes upon (he had to have you, had)
°but why don't you notice him? (is he not beautiful enough? is he not enough for you?)
°he gives his all to self-improvement, he shows off before you, like a peacock, trying to get you to look at him. it doesn't work (he's not good enough. not. good. enough.)
°he tries to send you gifts, flowers, but you reject them every time (you reject him)
°he obsesses over his looks (not enough, not good enough), over you (perfection, absolute perfection. why won't you look at him?)
°he is upset that he can't get you to pay attention to him, he goes insane {like he wasn't before}
°he has to get you to himself (he is fairest one of all, after all)
°and so he puts a succubus curse on you
°when you come to his room, he is prepairing - he has to look better than he ever did (you were not expecting him to be awake, he needs his beauty sleep)
°he lets you come in {he sees what a mess you already are, he is proud of his work}
°he patiently listens to your explanation
°of course he would help you, but first he has to prep you! {more like training you before you take him}
°he will finger you torturingly slow, making you look at his beautiful face only (yes, look, look, never move your eyes away from him)
°after he decides that it was enough, he will make you ride him (finally, finally you're his)
°will clean you up afterwards, 10/10
Idia Shroud
°you never seen him in person, you probably don't even know he exists, but he looks at you every day
°you don't even suspect it, his cameras give him ability to stalk you without being caught (it's not stalking, he's just admiring you and making ure you're safe)
°(he wants to feel your warmth, wants to hear you saying that you love him, like in his favorite otome games) but unlike game characres you didin't have any fanart or fanfics, so then cameras became not enough
°he started arriving at school more. you never acknowleged his existence (he is hurt, but he understands that you will never look at some loser otaku like him)
°but everyone seems to forget one tiny detail: he's not just an otaku
°he tries to approach you through Ortho, he tries to text you (why do you never reply?), he buys you merch from your favorite games and shows (how does he know about them?)
°but you just refuse to even look at him
°and thats how you ended up with afrodisiac in your energy drink
°you were hesitant to ask him for help, but you did anyway
°he was giggling. That alone was terryfying considering your state but his grin made it worse
°he will tie you up and tell you how your tsundere act gets to him already
°he will put a vibrator in you, sit in front and enjoy the view {he will make dirty comments about you enjoying being watched but still basically drool all over you}
°after he had his fun he will clean the mess you made of yourself {no, it was him} with his tongue, and only then he will let you ride him (you're so impatient, he wanted to watch you more)
°he is actually taking photos of you when you lose your mind on top of him
Malleus Draconia
°when he first met you, he thought it was a blessing (you were a blessing)
°he wanted to spend every moment of his eternity with you
°(you are supposed to be his, only his) he hates when you pay attention to anyone other than him
°he wants you to have eyes only for him, for you to only love him
°but you always seek for the company of others and not his (why do you always run away? you can't be scared of him)
°he scares you, his insanity scares you
°and here Lillia gives him the best {it is, in fact, not} dating advice ever - put a succubus spell on you
°and thats right what Malleus did. (because you are just too shy to make a move. yes, thats why you never stay in the same room with him alone, you are just too shy. thats why he has to help you)
°you wanted to knock on his door but it opened by itself right away, inviting you in. In the room sat Malleus in all his almost naked glory
°you told him about your situation and he was smiling. smiling (he is so excited, so happy)
°he aggreed to help you a little too ethusisthically
°you only managed to blink and you both were already fully naked
°he sat you on top of him, putting his dick in. no, you weren't going to ride him. when he pushed himself fully in, he wrapped both his hands around your body and held you down on his length
°he was now telling you how happy he is to have you finally all to himself and that he is gonna make sure you both enjoy every second of this
°it's been a few hours. you've been cockwarming him for several hours. at first he talked, but now you were begging for him to fuck you or at least let you move. he was enjoying it a little bit too much
°and finally he decided to fuck you. but it won't be just one round. he wants to see you lose your mind on his cock (to see you lose your mind over him), to hear you scream and moan his name, to see you pass out from how good you feel
First writing attempt, let's gooo
I apologize for any possible mistakes, english is not my native language
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
The Unwilling One
Ren: Hey, Jaune, how goes the righteous questing of a Paladin?
Jaune: Oh, hey, Ren. It’s… It’s not, not going good.
Ren: Well, I guess it isn’t going good when you had to face a titan class Arachnid Grimm all on your own.
Jaune: Eh? Oh no that was easy. I just cut the back of its legs so it couldn’t run, then I smashed its head in with my sword. Bolstered by the sacred power of ‘Smite’ though. Several times.
Ren: Oh, then was it the time you held the breach in the wall at Mantle for three days straight, protecting the city from being flooded from a Grimm horde?
Jaune: Okay, I had help on that one! I didn’t do that all on my own. I wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long without all those mana potions. I did defend that ciry all on my own. Mostly yes, but not all of it!
Ren: Oh, okay…? Then was it because of that, Arc-Demon you slayed?
Jaune: Cinder Fall? Ha! She was egomaniac whose sole focus was on the accumulation of power. They always fail to comprehend the lie about power until it is too late to do so. Twas simple child’s play that one.
Ren: Then why is it not going good?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I have a harem…
Ren: Y-You have a Harem?
Jaune: A harem of shortstacks, well endowed shortstacks…
Ren: Shortstacks?
Jaune: It has a halfling, and a dwarf…
Ren: Good alignment creatures; that doesn’t sound so bad.
Jaune: And, a goblin, and a bloody succubus…
Ren: A-A succubus? Are you serious?!
Jaune: I thought I had two goblins following me around, but nope, turned out one of them was a freaking succubus…
Ren: A harem with a dwarf, a halfling, a goblin, and a succubus…? Why would a paladin make a harem with such kinds of members in it?!
Jaune: Do you think I planned this?! They’re the ones who have started all of this harem crap! It used to be the goblin, and the succubus who followed me around, always trying to get under my cod piece! Then the dwarf, and halfling showed up, then the goblin, and the dwarf kept fighting on, and on, and on, on who gets to sleep with me?! Don’t I have a say in all of this bullshit?! Ahh at least their fighting kept them off of me…
Ren: Not long I take it?
Jaune: Not long enough! That damn succubus struck a deal with the halfling to share me, share me?! Why don’t I get a say in all of this?! And, now that they’ve settled on who gets to have me, they’re fighting on who gets to go first?!
Ren: And, how is that going?
Jaune: Well, the halfling doesn’t care when she goes, she just doesn’t want to be first. She wants to ‘gather information’ before she proceeds any further.
Ren: That sounds reasonable, but given the context it does paint a rather… odd portrait.
Jaune: The succubus wants to go last so she can show me, ‘How a real woman does it.’ I would consider that empty boasting , but she’s a succubus so it ain’t a hollow threat.
Ren: Okay… W-What about the other two?
Jaune: Well, every other night for the past three weeks they’ve been ‘wrestling’ together to determine who’s the top bitch…
Ren: S-Seriously?
Jaune: Yes… I haven’t had a good nights sleep since they started, ‘wrestling.’
Ren: Nora’s the goblin in your team, right?
Jaune: I never said her name, how do you know I was talking about, Nora?
Ren: We may live different lives now, but we’re still friends. Close friends, but never as close as she wants to be with you. Besides, I’m a lanky elf. I may be a fighter, but I never had anywhere near the endurance that crazy goblin has, fortunately you do.
Jaune: Wait! A-Are you giving me your blessing?
Ren: Yes, yes I am.
Jaune: To sleep with, Nora…?
Ren: Indeed I am.
Jaune: …
Jaune: What the hell man?!
Ren: I tell you this to ease your conscience to let you understand that it is alright for you to engage in activities with, Nora, and if you so choose, those other girls as well.
Jaune: I know I was ranting about having an unwilling harem of horny shortstacks, but you’re making this feel really weird, and uncomfortable man.
Ren: I know, but I’m just telling you this to ease your conscience
Ren: …
Ren: And, to warn you.
Jaune: Warn me? Warn me about what?
Ren: Oh, nothing much, just that I taught, Nora some basic wrestling moves.
Jaune: You what?! What did you teach her?!
Ren: Simple stuff really. Moves to pin your opponent to the ground. Simple stuff like that.
Jaune: …
Jaune: You realize you’ve just fucked me over, haven’t you?
Ren: I did find it odd that she was asking for such advice in the first place. Oh well, it’s your problem now. So, good luck, Jaune!
Jaune: …
Jaune: I hate you…
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Replaced or not?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
For summary n details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me character x mc!
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"I really despise her, she gives me creepy vibes ngl " Dandil said.
"Yeah she's like ugh, if only the brothers had spend time with you they would've seen how much better you are!!" Ebella joined
"But it's a good thing they haven't we get to keep you all to ourselves" Norain said hugging you as you giggled at their clingy behaviour.
Dandil is a demon succubus. Ebella is another demon that holds the sin of greed. And Norain she's another average level envy demon.
I've been friends with them since I came here ..... actually I've been friends with almost all the demons here...diavolo has also praised me for it.
We chatted as our recess bell rang once again.
"what's your class ?" They all mused .
"......... mathematics" i groaned as they did too . They groaned because it's one of the subject we're not together.
My mathematics class go with Satan , Levi , and mammon and unfortunately Run hai. There's only one class i don't have with her and that is magic. The only good thing run hai has done so far is that she's able to bring Levi school......offline.
You sighed as you thought 'i still have Satan thou' but all that went to waste as you saw run hai was sitting beside Satan and was trying so hard to get him to talk. Satan saw you entering the class and eyed you in apology . You understand thou....not like you can do anything. You took and empty seat and sat down and took your notebook out try to do the homework you didn't do at HOL. (Cause like same bro)
"Oi human!! Liste-"
"I don't have any Grimm to spare mammon so you can go"
"The great mammon isn't here to ask for gri-!!"
Before mammon could say anything another person sat behind you.
You tensed and went stiffed bodied as you don't know this demon and you could easily die by his hands . You peeked from under your eyelashes and saw mammon was stiffed bodied as well.
"Lucien...grr" mammon growled at him . Thou unfortunately the professor asked him to go back to his seat. Now Levi , mammon and Satan all were eyeing you like you really are going to die.
"i don't like this..." You muttered under your breathe.
"Oh but I do very much darling~" the said demon beside you smirked and grins showing his sharp canine.
"I'm Lucien ". (This is how he looks)
You tensed . "Ah-i-i didn't meant that about yo-you" you stuttered as you tried to not look at him-
"Look at me when I'm talking to you love~" well damn. You looked from under your lashes and boy were you charmed.......no literally you couldn't move .....you tried but you couldn't he did something you are sure.
'move, move , move damn it MOVE!!'
"HAA-" You breathe in the air as you moved again .
"is something wrong mc?" "Sir i do not feel quite well...maybe I can go early please?"
"yes you may...it must be hard being a human " the professor said with a sympathetic smile and went back to teaching.
You packed your stuff and give a look to Satan . He nodded his head. As you just went to pick up your bag you froze again.
You could see this Lucian guy moving but you could not . You watched in horror as he grabbed you immobile wrist and did something that burner your hand in pain . When he removed his hand to your horror there was a bracelet like mark on your wrist now. (The mark)
"hah hah!" You panted and ran away from RAD and made your way toh HOL.
The main door creaked as you enter . Waiting for you in the hall was Lucifer. 'huh why is he here didn't he have to do sone stupid council work or something '
"Don't worry i was already informed about your health , care to explain what happened? Why were you suddenly unwell? Did you ate something bad?"
"What? NO!! What do you think happened? And whatever happened to me is none of your concern ...Run hai is still at RAD you should go back she might need you " you spat at him
'why does he care now huh'
"Of course it is my concern you are under my protection-"
"Yeah so much for protection Whatever" you ignored him and tried to went past him . But he grabbed your wrist.
The same one that had the mark . And it was still hurting .
You howled in pain and Lucifer immediately let go. His eye scanned your wrist and he let out a gasp upon seeing the mark.
"What is the meaning of this?" Suddenly he was in his demon form and you knew that you fucked up . And you fucked up very very bad.
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[A/N]: oooohhh we fucked up didn't we ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ. Also i introduced an oc . The art is not mine thou!!
Comments are appreciated!
Thank you for reading!!
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anonymous-harpy · 2 months
But what about an Aroace Succubus/Incubus?
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I'm thinking of a new persona here and I'm going to make it happen.
Grimm and Amp were potential candidates, but look out!
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rwac96 · 7 months
Type: Prompt
AU: Crossover AU: Crossover Fusion AU
Fandom: RWBY, Darkstalkers
Summary: Best Date vs Worst Date: Qrow Branwen and Morrigan Aensland
Meme: Best Date vs Worst Date
*The pair were walking through a trail, underneath Remnant's shattered moon*
Morrigan: "Quite a beautiful night."
Qrow: "Yeah..." *turns to the succubus* "but not as beautiful as you~."
Morrigan: *giggles* "Oh, you charmer~."
*Qrow & Morrigan were surrounded by a pack of Beowulves, each slicing and destroying the Grimm that each attacked them*
Morrigan: "Not my ideal date."
Qrow: "I'd say don't blame me...but I'd be ignoring the reality of my Semblance."
Morrigan: *bisecting a Beowulf* "Love, no self-hatred. It fuels these nasty things."
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 10 months
The Ultimate Emo/Scene Name List - WARNING: Long post, and make sure you read the trigger warnings!
Having trouble coming up with a name for yourself? Do you planning on using a part of your real name but can’t find a word to go with it? Well, worry no more!
Today, I’m here to provide as comprehensive a list as possible! I’ve scoured the internet, and some sources have some problematic suggestions. So, my goal is to break down possible names into easy to understand categories. Obviously, this will be a VERY long list, so keep that in mind. There is also a section purely made up of words used in the past that are to be used/reclaimed at one's own risk/discretion due to the words being used to oppress or belittle various minority groups. I will also be sharing my sources at the bottom for stuff I used from online, alongside any trigger warnings that may be needed. Without further ado, let’s go! Also feel free to reblog with suggestions to add!
TRIGGER WARNING: Some of the suggestions include elements of horror, violence, weaponry, gore etc.
Rex (as in T-Rex)
Raven (also applicable to pop culture - see Raven from Teen Titans and Raven Queen from Ever After High)
Jurassic (as in the Jurassic Period, also applicable to pop culture (see Jurassic Park))
Reaper (also applicable to foods (Reaper Pepper))
Fallen (as in Fallen Angel)
Curse/Cursed (in reference to witchcraft)
Hex (in reference to witchcraft)
Boo (common saying associated with Halloween and cartoony ghosts)
Bone (in reference to skeletons)
Sacrificed/Sacrificial (in reference to religious rites)
Anomaly/Anomalous (also applicable to pop culture, in reference to the SCP Foundation)
Supernatural (also applicable to pop culture, reference to Supernatural TV show)
Siren (also applicable to music, see Sleeping with Sirens)
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer
Pop Culture
Jigsaw (as in Jigsaw from the Saw franchise)
Ghostface (from the Scream franchise)
Krueger (as in Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street)
Myers (as in Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise)
Voorhees (as in Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise)
Chucky (as in Chucky from Child’s Play)
Lala (nickname for Draculaura from Monster High)
Hyde (as in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde)
Lestrange (as in character who shall not be named from franchise by TERF author that shall not be named)
Lockhart (another character from the franchise mentioned above)
Coraline (as in Coraline by Neil Gaiman)
Jinx/Jynx (League of Legends character)
Blitz (Helluva Boss character)
Loona (K-Pop group, Helluva Boss character)
Shadow (as in Shadow the Hedgehog)
Killer/Killa/Kyller (as in Jeff the Killer)
Grim/Grimm (as in Grim Reaper and the Brothers Grimm)
Eldritch (as in Eldritch Horror)
Eevee (from Pokemon; you can use any Pokemon you like)
Hellraiser (as in the film by Clive Barker)
Jabber (as in Jabberwocky from Alice in Wonderland)
Wonderland (as in Alice in Wonderland)
Jedi (from Star Wars)
Necronomicon (Evil Dead franchise)
Avenger (in reference to MARVEL's The Avengers)
Scourge (see Warrior Cats and Sonic Comics character)
Zelda (from Legend of Zelda)
Skellington (as in Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas)
Phantomhive (as in Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler)
HelloKitty (Sanrio character)
Akira (anime film of the same name)
Memetic (term used by the SCP Foundation)
Blackheart (as in the Ghost Rider villain)
Crimson (Red)
Rouge (also applicable to pop culture)
Scar (also applicable to pop culture, Lion King character,)
Eyeball (body part)
Fatal/Fatality (also applicable to pop culture, Mortal Kombat)
Berserk/Berserker (also applicable to pop culture, see the anime 'Berserker')
Bear Trap
Hurt (also applicable to emotions)
Pain/Pained/Painful (also applicable to emotions)
Battery (also applicable to technology)
Thorn (also applicable to pop culture, see Thorn of the Hex Girls from Scooby Doo)
Cocoa/Kokoa (alternatively; Coco/Koko)
Cheyenne (as in Cheyenne Pepper)
Ambrosia (also applicable to mythology (food of the Greek gods))
Stellar/Stella (also applicable to pop culture, Helluva Boss character)
Pluto (also applicable to mythology, Roman counterpart to Hades)
Persephone (Greek Goddess)
Hel (Norse Goddess)
Fenrir (Norse God)
Thanatos (Greek God)
Baba/Yaga (Slavic folklore character)
Artemis (Greek Goddess)
Freyja (Norse Goddess)
Cerberus (Greek Creature)
Hades (Greek God)
Loki (Norse God)
Medusa (Greek folklore character, can also reference the piercing)
Satan (Ars Goetia demon)
Beelzebub (Ars Goetia demon)
Athena (Greek Goddess)
Lucifer (Ars Goetia demon, Bible figure)
.exe (or similar file extensions, such as .sai, .txt, .rar, .szs, .psd etc)
Electronic (also applicable to music)
Panic/Panicked/Panicking (also applicable to music, see Panic! At The Disco)
Cowardly (also applicable to pop culture, Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Mercury (also applicable to mythology)
Azure (also applicable to colours/shades)
Elements/Natural Phenomena
Venom (also applicable to pop culture, Spider-Man character)
Drowned/Drowning (also applicable to pop culture (Minecraft mob) and weapons/violence)
Dust Devil
Aurora (as in Aurora Borealis, can also be applied to music if you wanna reference the singer AURORA)
Megalovania (song from Undertale)
Brightside (song by the Killers)
Hatsune/Miku (in reference to Hatsune Miku)
Anthrax (also applicable to 'Use at Own Risk')
Bring _ The Horizon/_ Brings The Horizon (reference to Bring Me The Horizon)
_ Eat World (reference to Jimmy Eat World)
Jitterbug (phrase used in 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go' by Wham and title of Hachiya Nanashi VOCALOID track)
Jitterdoll (niki VOCALOID track)
Breakdown (also applicable to 'Use At Own Risk')
These are names that have been used in the past BUT often rely on oppressive stereotypes involving women, mental illness/disorders, LGBTQIA+ people, Indigenous people and so on. Some of these are also just straight up mental/medical conditions and medications. I would advise only picking one of these if it is a term you wish to reclaim for yourself. Do so at your own risk.
Suicide/Suicidal (also applicable to pop culture - see Suicidal Sadie CreepyPasta)
Fag/Faggot (only reclaim if you are LGBTQIA+)
Genocide (added to here and not to 'weaponry/violence/semi-NSFW' due to the current genocides happening in the world)
Warfare (added here for the same reason as above)
Antorcha (Spanish for 'torch')
Bottom Jeans
Bittersweet (also applicable to foods and emotions)
Chick (also applicable to animals)
Carnage (also applicable to pop culture, see Spider-Man villain)
Daring (also applicable to pop culture)
J'Adore (also applicable to pop culture, see Jade J'Adore from Bratzillaz)
Killjoy (also applicable to music, see My Chemical Romance)
Light (also applicable to pop culture, Light Yagami)
Luz (also applicable to pop culture, Luz Noceda)
Marauder (also applicable to pop culture - won't say the name but you know what franchise this was popularised in)
Mortician/Mortuary/Morticia (last one applicable to pop culture, in reference to Morticia Addams)
Mayday (also applicable to popculture, see Mayday from No Straight Roads and the Helluva Boss character Verosika Mayday)
Miracle/Miraculous (also applicable to pop culture, see Miraculous Ladybug)
Necrotising (in reference to Necrotising Fasciitis)
Parable (also applicable to pop culture, see The Stanley Parable)
Vendetta (also applicable to pop culture, see V for Vendetta)
Vortex (also applicable to pop culture, Helluva Boss)
Zero (also applicable to pop culture, see Nightmare Before Christmas character)
http://esgbeauty.blogspot.com/p/scene-names-directory.html?m=1 (TRIGGER WARNING: site listed actual genocides as name suggestions (e.g. Holocaust) or elements related to genocides/wars (e.g. Kamikaze) - view at your own discretion. For this list, I opted to remove these suggestions as I think these are remnants of the edgy humour of the 2000s that is best being left behind.)
Some of these suggestions came from my friends and members in Scem0 K1dz (Discord server).
https://thescenebible.blogspot.com/2021/10/blog-post.html?m=1 (Currently working on slowly adding anything from here.) TRIGGER WARNING: A lot of names involve mental disorders, medical conditions and medications. I will be including some of these, mostly in the 'Use At Your Own Risk' section.
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So are the succubus and incubus models part of a future story or are just for fun. Also do the incubus have sex with women or are they just bottoms?
( I know they have different names but I don't like swearing sorry)
Okay so there are three question here so let me answer each
1.) At first they were just for fun, but a idea did form for them so yes they do have their own AU/ Story
2.) Incubus aren't necessarily bottoms, but sperm are the most effect means to satisfy there nature. Lowkey, they can easily seduce women, but men are the harder ones to ensnare hence why they have more feminine features.
3.) Techinically you didn't ask but just thought I'd clear this up, calling them Succubus and Incubus isn't wrong or anything. Think of Succubitch and Incubitch as just another name for them.
They simply use it to appear more slutty, in actuality there not really Incubus or succubus but instead Grimm (Hybrids) they are called that in the same way the Nuckelavee, Griffon, Leviathan, Manticore and other similar types called by mythological creatures.
They exhibit traits that align with text book succubus. incubus... At least on the surface. There is actually much different reasons behind why and what for they do this for.
But that'll have to wait till I do their AU
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Lucifer (OM) x Reader (GN)  MATURE (Tags): Sensual dancing/stripping, build up, dry humping, wing play, slight oral/finger tease  Words: 1K
It's after-hours at The Fall, the time where casual club goers clear the area and allow for the more, unhinged side of Devildom to come to life. Where the degenerates of this realm come to really show what a demon can behave like. The back  doors and halls open, where you can fulfill your desires with any patron you'd like if chosen. Any succubus or incubus was up for it, no matter who walked through those doors. Especially you. It was a rare occasion that anyone sampled a human, especially one like yourself. The "pet" of the 7 Demon Brothers, the rulers of hell. They could smell it on you as you walked to the bar, all eyes either devouring you or glaring in disgust. The bartender knows what you like already, some sort of a mind reader you guessed. As your drink slides to you casually, you turn to see the lights dim, and the crowd bunch together toward the center stage. The music starts, and you slightly cover your ears. The pitch, something off about it made you squirm, but the demons before you were going wild, cheering and hollering as they all seemed to grind and pulse against each other in delight. That's when you see him, it surprises you at first as you wouldn't expect him to be here performing. In a tight black long sleeve body suit with the shoulders cut out, his lean and muscular legs covered in blue dancer tights and heels, he steps out, his black and grey-tipped hair pulled back and the crimson of his eyes scanning the crowd as he grasped the pole. A random voice of the crowd whistled and screamed his name, Lucifer, which had him turn toward the cat call with a upturned nose. With a shimmy of his hips, he twirled once around, lowering to the ground in a split before lifting a leg flawlessly in the air. The crowd went wild, cheering the demon on. You watched in awe, taking in every graceful movement, though wondering why he maintained the same scowl on his face. Surely he volunteered for this, right? You decide to take your drink, leaving the amount of Grimm needed on the counter plus a tip before you make way to the stage. You try your best to navigate the mass of bodies, some moving out of the way for you and others refusing until you had to duck under a few pairs of legs, and all while not spilling a drop from your glass. Finally you reach the edge of the stage, where oddly, no one fought you on standing in your location, they were too busy staring at Lucifer as he continued his dance, before stopping completely to lock eyes with you. You'd think he'd be embarrassed, but it's the opposite. A smirk in the corner of his mouth forms and his attitude changes. The music stops, signaling that his performance was done. The crowd is displeased, but they all disperse, dancing amongst themselves to the rapid and pulsing EDM beats that filled the building with flashing lights. You look up at the stage again to see that the demon had left, but a tap on your shoulder causes you to flinch. It's the bartender, who takes the glass from your hand and gestures you to follow him. Unsure what you did wrong, perhaps maybe you left too little of a tip, you follow being lead to a large red door with velvet upholstery and gilded doorknob. "He requested you meet him here." is all the bartender says before opening the door, standing aside to let you walk in nervously.  The door shuts and you're left in a room only lit by black lights, the neon scenery stimulating your senses as a chill in the air crawls up your back. There's a chair in the center of the room, and you make your way to it. As soon as you sit down you feel a pair of hands slide over your shoulders and down your biceps. A low hum flows through your ears, your eyes closing as he spoke to you. "I'm glad you came...____" He says your name so seductively, you could feel your chest tighten and your core stir in excitement. "Make sure you open your eyes so you don't miss anything." He lets go of you and your eyes slowly open, the demon stands before you, his stride slow and calculating. The room suddenly fills with music, a tune that you're familiar with as he continues toward you. At the start of the break in the song, slowing building to the drop...he stops just a few inches from you. His arms reach behind him, gliding down the body suit as it slowly peels away from his skin. His eyes lock with yours again, his mouth parts fangs gleaming brightly in a flourish.  The drop hits, the body suit drops to the floor and his wings spread out with a powerful gust of wind. The blue tights stay on, as they wrap around your waist and the chair. His wings flutter and enclose around you, his body twisting and grinding against your crotch so you can feel his cock harden as he did so.  His breaths are erratic, his eyes wild as his thrusts follow the steady beat. You feel compelled to reach up and touch his cheeks, he presses against your palm, your thumb plays on his lips, his tongue darting out for a quick taste. You indulge him by sticking your pointer and middle finger inside, feeling his greedy tongue swirl around them as he kept his eyes locked on you.  You grab his thigh, he grunts, releasing your fingers so you can reach over and pet an outstretched wing. He throws his head back, a gasping “Ah” being heard over the volume of the music which shakes your core. You wanted nothing more but to either take him or him take you, the rhythm speeding up, a guttural growl bellowing from his throat. You take this moment to feel and tug at the base of the wing you touched, and it sets him off, the black lace thong he wore becoming wet with his cum as he arched his hips against you.  When he comes down from his his climax, he looks at you with lust filled eyes, the music coming to a close, with his chest rising and falling rapidly.  “I hope you’re ready for the next song, this time I won’t hold back...” 
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pristmaticrosevein · 5 months
Jaune is the only son of a family with seven daughters. His family has a crest, but he doesn't know much other than that. He's alone at home one night when he's attacked. He pulls out his grandfather's broken sword to defend himself until he is rescued by Ruby.
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salemdominance · 29 days
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"The succubus yes? She is VERY attractive but I admit it's all I see in her...A, and throw her to the grimm and stream it. Always good to give those pervs more." Salem decided after a moment of contemplation.
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cutepastelstarsalior · 8 months
My thoughts on Clone high season 3…part 2
Episode 6
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Hooray!!! Yippie!!!! JFK’s dads aren’t dead!!!!! Thank god
Abe and Mary calling each other babe and baby; cringe but in a so annoying cute way. Joan calling Confusies babe? Hmmm :/ 😬. Oh wow, I just realize that this is the second time (2) he’s been in a relationship. Wow!!
Omg serial killer episode.
Anna x Sacagawea 👀 👀 it’s cool to see which background clone and dating or kissing with other clones. (Cathrine x Anna x Sacagawea poly ship 👀 what if…)
Confucius and Joan not telling Harriet…cheating stuff!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh frustrating.
Killer cannibalism Mr b <3
Oh, I likes how they reconnect and semi work out their problems.
Yoooo Vince with 2 dads!!!
Episode 7
Abe and Joan sitting at their windowsill and talking is really dorky and cute!!
Then gang (mostly Joan) wants to befriend Mary and have her fit in!!! Yay!!!! Hope this goes well.
Cinnamon hasn’t made any new clones since 2012 👀
Mary not letting Abe see Joan anymore 🚩🚩🚩🚩 major red flag
There only like, 2 famous serial killers name Mary. So my guess she’s base off Mary Ann Cotton.
BLOODY MARY?????? (Didn’t she escape her mirror in season 2?) OH SHE BASE OFF OF MARY I THE FIRST WIFE OF KING HENRY
THAT IS NOT HOW THE LEGEND GOES. Ok before the modern Bloody Mary, a young women would walk up the stairs with a candle, backwards while holding a mirror. When she looks in the mirror she’s either see a face of her husband, OR a skull of the Grimm Reaper. In modern day, people turn off the lights and say her name with or without a candle. In modern time Mary is seen a a demon, witch, ghost (friendly or not) or covered in blood. The victims usually end up having their eyes scratched out, strangled, or having their blood drained out or souls stolen.
The only folklore I can find that resembles steals souls via sex is a Succubus. But they can’t hurt or drain their victims when they have sex.
The gang fighting skeletons!!!! :)
JFK offering to have sec with Abe…👀👀👀
Episode 8
Frida dad is a dilf. There I said it.
But yay!!!!!!! Seeing the clone high parents!!!!!!!! Yes!
I wish Frida’s dad was my dad :(
Oh hey Cleo’s mom is also alive!!!
Mr Kim I love you. He care so much about Frida!!
🎶makeover!! makeover!!🎶
:( awww Cleo and Frida broke up.
Episode 9
This friend group has major up and down problems….
Whoo Cinnamon lore!!
Omg lesbian genderbend common!!!
Episode 10
So if there is going to be a season 4, would it be about the characters doing the Cloney Island in the summer?
:( kind of wish the Joan of Arc and her foster mom plot would have been picked up…
Slaughter…Slaughterhouse cleanup??
Oh dang Abe can throw an ax!!
:( jfk feels objectified….cleo kind of does too :(
Abe and Joan getting together? Might to?? Eh, I don’t mind
Oh, guess Harriet and jfk are a thing now? Eh, ok I guess??
….cant somebody just carry Abe??
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bridgyrose · 9 months
One-shot idea: Ruby encounters a succubus, which ends with her getting turned into a succubus herself.
(Did a different take for this one)
Ruby sighed as she walked down the street of Mistral, nearly kicking herself for messing up on her last mission. Rumors of a grimm turned into rumors of a demon that lurked the night, but no matter how hard she searched, there didnt seem to be any answers she could gather. The only grimm she managed to find was nothing more than a pack of beowolves, and the “demon” she was after almost seemed to disappear before it could be found. Though, she was sure the demon was nothing more than a rogue huntsman killing to make a living. 
“I dont see you in these parts much, Red.” 
“Not now, Emerald,” Ruby said as she turned around to face the ex-thief. “I’ve had a bad day, and I just want to relax.” 
Emerald smiled a bit and took Ruby’s hand. “I know a few ways you could relax. We can go back to my place-” 
“And I’m not interested.” Ruby pulled away from Emerald and pulled out her scroll, looking over the mission report she had been writing, pausing in her step. She was still not ready to turn it in, and after the mess of a mission, she still wasnt sure what she was going to write. “But… it would give me a bit of time to try to figure out what to tell Goodwitch.” “You wont regret it!” 
Something tells me that I will, Ruby thought to herself as she followed Emerald down the street, watching her carefully. She trusted Emerald, but she still wanted to be careful around her. Though, knowing Emerald, a night to relax with her was going to be a night of mindless video games and movies with Mercury, or trying to be convinced to steal. Either of which sounded better than dealing with her report. 
“Hope you dont mind that Merc wont be around tonight,” Emerald said, looking back at Ruby. “Said something about a job that he wanted to do.” 
“You know I’m going to have to try to stop him, right?” 
“If you can find him, but I think you’ll find that you’ll be too busy to care.” 
Ruby looked at her curiously, but didnt press for any answers, trying to put what she heard about Mercury out of her mind. A night to relax, to put off anything to do with her report, and forget about the failure of a mission she was sent on. All too tempting to pass up.
She walked into the small apartment after Emerald motioned her in, sitting down on the couch with a heavy sigh. “Alright, so what’s the plan for tonight? And dont say looting. Just because we’re friends doesnt mean I wont arrest you.” 
Emerald sat down next to her with a grin. “Oh, its nothing like that. Just something to… kill the time. And to fulfill your desires.” 
“What exactly is that supposed to-” Ruby stopped, blushing as she watched Emerald change into Blake, slowly stripping her clothes. A pink tattoo of a heart just above her groin started to glow softly. “W-what are you doing?” 
“Getting myself comfortable for you,” Emerald said as she leaned into Ruby, stopping just a few centimeters away from her. “Or would you prefer, someone else?” 
Ruby blushed harder as she watched Emerald shift in front of her with her, changing into Penny. “I-I… I dont understand. I thought we were just going to relax.” 
“And we are. Afterall, there isnt a better way to relax.” 
Ruby felt Emerald put a hand on her cheek to turn her head to face her. Just before she could argue, she felt Emerald press her lips against hers. A soft moan escaped her lips as Emerald broke the kiss, not sure what came over her. Her cheeks burned as her blushed deepend, her body already starting to beg for more as Emerald started to strip her. Her breath hitched as Emerald gently groped her, her voice trembling. “E-Emerald.” 
Emerald placed a finger on Ruby’s lips, smiling softly as her red eyes started to glow a faint pink with her tattoo. “All you need to do is relax and let me do all the work. That’s what you wanted, wasnt it?” 
Ruby softly nodded as she felt Emerald kiss her neck, slowly working her way down her body. All she could see was Penny in front of her, one of the lost loves of her lives, working her way down her body and giving her pleasure that she had only dreamed of. The softness of her touch, the gentle kisses that peppered her, It was all better than she had imagined. Another gasp left her lips as she felt a finger enter into her, her legs spreading, quietly begging for more. 
Moans started to leave her lips as she felt Emerald pump her fingers into her, watching as the image of Penny faded and leaving Emerald staring up at her. Ruby leaned back and closed her eyes, letting Emerald continue working her as pleasure started to build. Just as she was ready to cum, the pleasure left her, piece by piece as if it was being pulled away like a thread. Opening her eyes again took effort as every last bit of strength felt like it was pulled away with her “What… what are you… doing?” Ruby struggled to ask. 
“I told you to let me do all the work,” Emerald answered as she licked her lips, moving up Ruby’s body once more. “All you have to do is relax.” 
Ruby wanted to argue, but her words were lost as she felt Emerald kiss her once more. Her eyes closed as she nearly drifted off to sleep, unable to fight to keep awake. The next thing she felt was pain running through her body as what felt like fire ran through her. She struggled to move, her body weak. Another gasp left her lips as she felt a brush move just above her groin, and then she felt Emerald press a finger to her lips. 
“I’m glad you’re awake,” Emerald said, moving the brush to her navel. “I’m almost finished.” 
Ruby tried to move her arms as she felt the brush around her navel, ribbon like strands of magic starting to run up her arms, restraining her. She winced as what felt like fire ran through her body as the heart marking on her started to glow as Emerald finished a pentagram around her navel. The fire then died down into a hunger as the ribbons wrapped around her arms and legs started to tattoo themselves onto her skin. The pink glow of her tattoos died down and she gasped as the new sensations took over. 
Emerald gently stroked her cheek and grinned. “Now we can have real fun.” 
Ruby sat up and panted as she felt a strange hunger run through her, rubbing her thighs together. “What… What did you do to me?” 
“I made you better. Come with me and I’ll make sure you’re relaxed.” 
Ruby felt herself get pulled by Emerald, her mind still fuzzy with everything she felt. She didnt realize they had left the apartment, her senses on overdrive as she walked through the streets. She pulled away from Emerald as she started to follow a couple, smelling the lust off them. She licked her lips as her silver eyes started to glow a soft pink, almost unnoticeable in the night. A smile crossed her lips as she caught up to them, licking her lips as she could almost taste the desire. “Would you two be open to a third?” 
The boyfriend turned around and looked Ruby over, smiling at the offer. “I think we’d be open.” 
Ruby smiled and walked over to the couple, feeling her hunger start to overtake her as she took the girlfriend’s arm. “Then I hope I can show you a good time.”
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setagaya-division · 4 months
A gift arrived in a elegant velvet black box for setagaya's vampire
A beautiful, antique silver necklace with a red blood ruby
But Mina see the necklace with a bad feeling because she felt a strange...aura around it
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But the jewel box have a card
"happy birthday young miss,let me introduce myself, i'm "Undertaker",the boss of Kumamoto's Starless Theater. I thought on give you a gift from a non-human to other, but contrary to your case i'm something close to death but i'm sure you already meet the succubus and the grimm reaper
This necklace isn't a normal accesory because a long long time ago the necklace belongs to Elizabeth Bathory herself, considering her legend I thought you could enjoys it
Happy birthday Mina Murray"-"Undertaker"
As Mina held the necklace in her hand, she could feel the emotions and feelings stemming from the infamous murderer herself, flowing into her. Of course Mina knew who Elizabeth Báthory was. When she had just discovered her powers and was doing research on herself, she came across this woman's name numerous times. About how she was a Hungarian noblewoman who murdered hundreds of innocent young women and bled them dry in an effort to keep herself young forever.
To be gifted with an heirloom from an infamous murderer such as her, it didn't exactly put Mina in a good mood. She didn't care if the gift was given out of kindness from a "non-human" like her. She didn't care if the person who gifted it was the personification of death. And she certainly didn't care for this gift.
Growling, the vampire clenched her fist around the jewel, prepared to crack the shard into pieces.
...Or at least that was the plan until she felt something stirring in her body, making her head pound with such intense agony. Falling on the ground, she groaned, placing a hand to her head, breathing heavily. This lasted for over a minute until the pain disappeared as quickly as it came.
When it was over, Mina stood up as if nothing had happened and took the jewel, which had fell on the floor during her frenzy, and placed the thing around her neck. Her usual vibrant orange eyes had now shifted into her familiar shade of red. As she finished sliding the jewel around her neck, she felt a quenching in her stomach. She couldn't have been hungry. She made sure to have her fill before the day was over.
...But a late-night snack wouldn't have hurt, right? After all, it was hard work staying young...
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grimmmedic · 1 year
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Muse: Aldrich Grimm
eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (gold)
Hair: blonde | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels
romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | sapioromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | vampire | fae | demigod | primate (sometimes a dragon)
education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other | limited | still in school | the fuck is school?
i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | redacted | brainwashed | shot | stabbed | poisoned
positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | estranged| Uncle
sibling(s): half-sister | half-brother | sister(s) | brother(s)| none | estranged
relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | unrequited
i have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | redacted
things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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