#the innocent man
dangermousie · 8 months
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justforthoughts · 2 years
I think I have perhaps watched all of Song Joong Ki's dramas and I have yet to find one where he's not atleast obscurely referenced as good looking or something to that effect. Not one.
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old-dramas · 2 years
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My parents may have been ignorant, but they taught me that.
The Innocent Man (2012) | Ep 3
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skyasma · 2 years
Anyone makes Song Joong Ki cry or hurt him, all you wanna do is to drag him out of the screen and protect him at all cost. But his characters come with more than enough smartness and swag to overcome anything and I love him for that. Whether he is the 'Innocent Man' or the Vincenzo he bounces back with style.
Here he is 37 and 20 with that abundantly blessed face, leaving you with no choice but to believe him at every stage.
This is written only for him.
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,7 Benim puanım: 5
Drama: The Innocent Man  / The Nice Guy/ Never Seen Anywhere In The World
Hangul: 세상 어디에도 없는 착한남자
Director: Kim Jin-Won
Writer: Lee Kyoung-Hee
Episodes: 20
Date: 2012
Genre: Melodrama
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Song Joong-Ki, Moon Chae-Won, Park Si-Yeon, Cho Seong-Ha, Jin Kyung
2012 KBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2012
Best Actor (Song Joong-Ki)
Best Actress (Moon Chae-Won)
Netizen Award (Song Joong-Ki) & (Moon Chae-Won)
Best Couple Award (Song Joong-Ki) & (Moon Chae-Won)
İzlediğim en eski kore dizisi olan bu muhteşem kötü diziyi sadece ve sadece Descendants of the sun izledikten sonra Song Joong-Ki merakımdan izledim. İzlemeyin, kimseye de bu kötülüğü yapıp izletmeyin derim. Bir de uzun uzun yazmış çekmişler, 20 bölüm. Çıktığı yıl düşünüldüğünde, belki o dönemin beğenilen dizilerinden biri olabilir. Ödül bile almış olduğunu düşünürsek, birileri beğenmiş belli ki. Ben zaman aşımından sonra izlediğimden olacak ki, güzide Türk dizilerimizi asla aratmadı. Keza bizde bu diziyi çalış Türk versiyonunu çekmişiz.
Ufaktan konusunu anlatayım, adet yerini bulsun. Kang Maru (Song Joong-Ki) dizide geçen “nice guy”’dır. Evladım tıp okumuş asistan doktorluk yapıyor. Mezun olmasına 1-2 senesi kalmış. Gerçekten dizideki tek “nice” şey bu karakterdi. Onu da o kadar “nice” yapmışlar ki, artık iyi olmaktan çıkmış, saf olmuş, aptal olmuş, fantezi olmuş. Neyse Kang Maru’nun lanet olasıca bir çocukluk arkadaşı var. Küçüklüğünden beri gözünü para hırsı bürümüş fakir bir köylü kurnazı, Jee Hee (Park Si-Yeon). Bu hanımefendi, yaşına başına bakmadan bir haltlar karıştırıyor. Gecenin bir yarısı Kang Maru’yu arıyor. Gel diyor beni kurtar. Bizim saf da, hastalıktan yerde kıvranan kardeşini orada bırakıp koşa koşa Jee Hee ye gidiyor. Şeytanın vücut bulmuş hali Jee Hee, bir otel odasında süsten püsten suratı görünmez halde, yerde de kendinden yaşça büyük bir adam ölü yatıyor. Ne oldu ne bitti derken bizim muhteşem iyi yürekli doktor adayımız “sen şimdi kaç ben yaptım derim” demesin mi!!!
Yemin ediyorum anlatırken gerildim. Kız kaçıyor, adam hapse giriyor. “Nice guy”’ımız hapisteyken bu sevimsiz kız bir kere bile ziyarete gelmemesinin yanı sıra, babası yaşında zengin bir adamla evleniyor. Evlendiği adamın bizim şeytanın yaşlarında bir kızı var. Üzerinden iyilik akan başrolümüz, iyi halden hapisten çıkıp evine dönmek için uçağa bindiğinde, uçakta kriz geçiren bir kızcağıza denk geliyor. Uçakta doktora en yakın kişi kendisi olduğu için yardım etmeye karar veriyor. Kızı tedavi edeceği sırada fark ediyoruz ki, hasta olan yolcu Jee Hee’nin evlendiği adamın kızı Eun Gi (Moon Chae-Won).
Dizinin konusu bile konu gibi olmadığından anlat anlat bitiremedim. İşte bu iki karakter uçakta karşılaşmalarından sonrasında, Kang Maru intikam almak istiyor. Dizi bu aşamada intikam konusunu temel alarak, üstüne koya koya entrika ağları ile ilerliyor. Mantık yok, heyecan yok. Aşk desen asla izleyici inandıran bir sevgi bile yok. Kang Maru’nun kardeşine olan sevgisi bile inandırıcı değil, öyle söyleyeyim. Sonuna kadar o kadar zor izledim ki, kelimelerim de tükendi bende tükendim.
Song Joong-Ki oyunculuk anlamında elinden geleni yapmış, hakkını yemeyeyim. Böyle bir senaryoya fazlaydı. Moon Chae-Won ise sanırım çirkin şansından joong-ki ile oynama şerefine nail olmuş. Şeytan kadın ise bundan sonra başka dizide rol alamamış olabilir. Emin değilim. Dizi boyunca sürekli kötülük, entrika izliyoruz. Yeşilçam filmlerini aratmayan hafıza kayıpları izliyoruz. Kötünün neden kötü olduğunu anlamadan, açıklamadan izliyoruz. Adamın intikam hırsını izlerken bir anda “ben sana aşığım, gel benimle ol” buhranını izliyoruz. Sonra “ben diğerine a��ık oldum” kararsızlığını izliyoruz. İzliyoruz da izliyoruz…
Vallahi zamanında izlemiş olanları zamanında bırakalım. Şuan izlemeyi düşünen varsa izlemesin. 
Raven Melus
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krytus · 1 year
the fact that he could Tell something was wrong. is so
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demigods-posts · 1 month
now is a great time to remind all of us of how noble a hero percy jackson is. because he refused to harm the demigods who fought beside luke. as much as he hated the fighting them, he understood why the were fighting. he recognized the gods failed them too. and to not acknowledge that in the aftermath of the war would be disingenuous to the lives lost on either side. and not only that. but he was the only demigod brave enough to tell gods how it is when they offered him immortality. he told the gods to their face that their faults in leadership and parenthood are what lead to their near demise. that they must swallow their pride and nurture the things they create, or the threat of a revolt will follow them. and his ass used his gods-given wish to make them promise to give their children a fair chance at a better life. no one was doing it like him. happy birthday, man.
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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favorite horror movies (61-90)
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platoapproved · 1 month
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The building had been crawling with gentle humans who noticed not a thing as they’d stolen the clothes they now wore, uniforms of the young, and left by a broken door into an alley. Not my brothers and sisters anymore. — QUEEN OF THE DAMNED
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justforthoughts · 2 years
Let's go! Others include Battleship Island, Obs & Gynae (I still didn't manage to learn the name lol), Penny Pinchers, Deep Rooted Tree, Will it snow for Christmas and Triple.
I might be missing some, I'm not sure.
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old-dramas · 2 years
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What is your world like?
The Innocent Man (2012) | Ep 3
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socgf · 3 months
matt dillon rolling down the window to talk to the cops you’re my favorite genre
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katabay · 1 year
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
ALRIGHT alright. so previously I did an illustration that explained the premise of all this, that it's inspired by the narrative choices that Bresson made in his film Lancelot du Lac etc
to dive in more into it (because this is something like derivative fiction. I'm putting concepts into a blender and seeing what comes out of it): the setting is haunted by the previously existing narratives that started cannibalizing each other until it regurgitates itself into the more well known narrative beats, and something else about the invasive rot of christianity and empire mythmaking into settings. it's an intertextual haunting, if you will! and this scene takes place during the grail quest narrative, but the temptation of Perceval plays out differently.
in both Chretien (and Wolfram's) Perceval narratives, what 'wakes' Perceval up (in more ways than one. desire and self actualization in one go!) is seeing knights, something his mother tried hard to keep him from. so instead of the temptation of lust & etc in the Morte narrative taking the form of a lady, it takes the form of a knight. the temptation to renounce one's faith to serve something else remains.
so Perceval still stabs himself, but instead of continuing on the grail quest in the shadow of Galahad, he becomes the narrative's Fisher King because his earlier state of being as a the grail quest hero is creeping back into his marrow. it was waiting for an opening, and stabbing yourself in the thigh is one hell of a parallel!!!
that wound isn't going to heal buddy, and the state of the setting will now be reflected on your body. sure hope that Arthur hasn't like. corrupted the justice of the land or anything. that sure would suck for your overall health.
all the red in this sequence is because in de Troyes' Perceval, Perceval takes the armor of the Red Knight and becomes known as the Knight in Red.
and now for the citations, which I will try to order in a way that makes sense!
Seeing Knights For The First Time
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
The Temptation of Perceval
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Le Morte Darthur, Mallory (modernized by Baines)
The Fisher King, and Perceval The Unfortunate
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
On Perceval and Gender, etc.
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Clothes Make The Man: Parzival Dressed and Undressed, Michael D. Amey
On Wounds
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Wounded Masculinity: Injury and Gender in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur, Kenneth Hodges
The Red Knight
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
On Arthur and the Corruption of Justice
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The Failure of Justice, the Failure of Arthur, L.K. Bedwell
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fruit-sy · 1 year
(Spoilers for the "A Knight Stranger" companion quest if you wanna go into it completely blind!l)
A couple of drawings inspired by the Luocha companion quest lol
i. Armchair detective March and best girl Luocha
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ii. My reaction to Yassified Luocha's english voice
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iii. Welt comments on March's story telling
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kettlefire · 3 months
Not Always a Villain (DP x DC Prompt)
Alfred Pennyworth is a man who always stands on business. Despite what the world might think, Alfred is truly the scariest man within the Wayne family.
He is a man of morals, that is correct. There are some lines Alfred refuses to cross. Harming kids is one of them. However, some morals become flexible when it comes to his family.
Alfred isn't Batman. Or any of the other vigilantes under Batman's wing. Alfred is simply a butler, and that's all that matters. He loves his family, deeply and truly. If there is a day when no love is shared, that is the day he is dead.
Despite all that, Alfred is detatched from the vigilante work. His job is to be there for the Wayne family. To offer them help in any way he can. And Alfred always delivers.
Even if it goes unnoticed, just how large of a role he plays.
Alfred is content with his role, with his life. He is more than happy keeping his darker traits hidden and tucked away. Unneeded in a family like the Waynes.
That was until a new villain appeared in the scene. A young man who seemed to strick fear in the hearts of everyone who encountered him. With snow white hair and blood red eyes.
Alfred barely spared a thought to it. Barely paid attention to the chatter about this villain. It wasn't his job to. Alfred was simply a butler, and that was all.
That was until the day it happened. Damian Wayne was sent to the hospital. Bloodied and broken. A truly brutal attack.
When Alfred looked down at the young master. Bruised in a hospital bed with a tube helping him to breathe. Bandages hiding most of the damage, but the whole family knew. This was an extremely close call.
In that moment, Alfred Pennyworth snapped.
He pulled some strings and checked in a few long, overdue favors. Before long, Alfred was on his own mission. He didn't breathe a word of it to Bruce or the others.
Alfred knew they would try to stop him. Or worses, they'll try to join in. This was something Alfred needed to do. Despite being an overall kind-hearted man, Alfred still had the heart of a stone cold killer.
He failed when it had been Jason. Alfred wasn't going to fail Damian. Not another Wayne kid will be failed. Not anymore.
Alfred had been so set on doing it. In taking out this villain before things escalated further. This young man was clearly cold-hearted, willing to hurt anyone and anything.
That's what Alfred thought.
What he believed until the moment he was face to face with the young man. It had been so certain. The man was unbelievably cold. Laughing in the face of Alfred's words, only stroking the old man's anger.
That was until Alfred had landed a hit, and everything shifted.
Blood red eyes suddenly shifted to bright lazarus pit green. The cruel look in those eyes suddenly changed to a horrified guilty expression. The man had stopped the fight in an instant.
Pulling away from Alfred. Terror and guilt clear as day as the villain seemed to retreat. In that moment, it all seemed to click in Alfred's mind.
This wasn't a villain. He wasn't a monster only determined to hurt anyone in his path. He wasn't the Joker.
Even when green eyes turned red once again. Even when the young man struggled and fought against him.
Alfred didn't yield.
He slapped special cuffs on the man, removing the powers he had. Dragged the villain all the way back to the cave.
Even when the anger and recognition flooded everyones' expressions. Alfred didn't stand down. He held strong, refusing to let anyone get their hands on the young man.
The young man that seemed too much like a young boy.
Alfred pushed the crusade to help. Laid his case out. Pulled the trust card. The supposed villain wasn't the person Alfred had beef with.
Not after hour long interrogations. Getting as much information as they could. It was a struggle, but it found an end. Alfred had no qualms with this young man.
No, he quickly learned who was to blame. Who was the person who deserved Alfred's anger. Deserved to pay for what was done. Alfred had a name, and soon... Very soon, that person will be in an obituary. A name was all Alfred needed.
Alfred was going to take down this Freakshow. Even if it was the last thing he could do.
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Oh yes, the crime vs the criminal scene in the Wilson-Howlett household.
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