#the mcu needs to make more bad movies i love it when they does that
communistkenobi · 2 months
Obviously art does not rest on methods, media, or the amount of effort a person exerted in making it, but I think AI art is yet another way that capitalism is changing the form and function of art (separating artworks from their original meaning on a different and even larger scale) and given that it is made by exploiting workers (the original artists and the people they pay pennies to sort through it to remove disturbing images) it makes people feel yet more powerless in the face of corporations so there is a big negative reaction to it. This negative reaction may not be articulated in the way you want but I think it's very understandable that people have reactionary feelings about large scale corporate exploitation.
just for the record before I respond, I am replying to this ask in good faith just as you are asking in good faith, I’m not angry at you and many of these questions I’m asking are rhetorical, for the purposes of reflection. So please no slapfighting in the notes, thank you!
First: I’m not disputing exploitation. in fact privileging AI as uniquely exploitative handwaves away the massive amount of exploitation that artists already endure and have endured for a very long time, as well as the horrific amounts of labour exploitation involved in mass producing the ‘tools of the trade’ so to speak.
But this is, again, a non-sequitur to my argument, which is that art produced under exploitative, destructive, “lazy” or politically repugnant conditions is still art. MCU films are art regardless of the fact that they are 3-hour long informercials for the American empire and require massive labour exploitation from CGI animators, actors, film set workers, and everything else: advertisements are art: AI art is art. Horrifying, trite, unoriginal, bad, socially destructive, maybe all of those things are true and we can talk about the merits of those claims (I certainly have strong opinions about them), but what is politically gained from saying bad, unoriginal, horrifying, or trite art isn’t art? Whose definitions are we using here, and if those definitions should be universalised, what does it mean for artists who are only unoriginal, only bad, only whatever else?
I return to my original example: are children not qualified to be artists if they only make “bad” art? I used to trace movie stills from Harry Potter photo books as a child because I loved the characters - am I a fraud for doing so? Am I given grace for my incompetence and “theft” on the basis of me “still learning how to do real art”? When does this grace period end? If we argue that only struggle can produce art, what level of struggle? Struggle for whom? Drawing isn’t difficult for me because I was taught how to hold a pencil, read, write, and draw by a western industrial publicly-funded primary school by a teacher paid with public tax dollars, supplemented with help every night from my mother and father, two married cishet middle class people in a mostly stable (if miserable and verbally abusive) marriage - all of which is resting atop stolen indigenous land. Under what historical conditions can arguments for artistic struggle be made? When we argue for struggle(/hard work/whatever) as the basis of art we are pre-supposing a universal subject whose struggle is globally standardized and calculable - which in all of these discussions on here is (implicitly, though sometimes explicitly) a white able-bodied settler living in a western state who benefits from universal primary education that teaches them the foundational skills of how to make art. You can probably add university educated to that too, given how many of these arguments seem to be swarmed by undergraduate students.
Arguing that there needs to be some threshold for method, labour, intent, or message for art to ‘actually be art’ is politically reactionary and is what I am responding to. It requires transcendental claims about the Artist as a unique labourer set apart from and superior to all others, one whose skills are universalised and whose intent is always observable and present in their work. So if people want to talk about exploitation they should talk about exploitation, not the definition of art. It’s not my fault people can’t stay on topic!
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jinxquickfoot · 6 months
So I finished my Age of Ultron rewatch. It's been a couple of years since I last saw it, and here are some random thoughts I had on it:
Things I will maintain I like about this movie:
It has some of my favorite jokes in the MCU, and they're usually the little moments. The little nod of validation Rhodey makes after getting a laugh at his "Boom! You looking for this?" story. Clint telling Steve he's no match for Ultron and Steve replying with, "Thanks, Barton". Clint's "Yeah, you better run" after Pietro has long since disappeared with Wanda, there are loads of them.
I like Vision, Wanda and Pietro. Despite being secondary characters with not a huge amount of screen time, Wanda and Pietro feel like real people with real backstories, and Paul Bettany is wonderful the first time we see him as Vis.
It's the only movie we get to see the Original 6 hang out as friends.
I love that Fury randomly shows up in the middle and is like "let me make a sandwich while we discuss how not to let the world end also by the way hi Tony I really care about you"
Other casual appearances of other MCU characters, something that is so lacking Phase 4 onwards. Sam being at the party and Thor going to Selvig for help makes the world feel lived in.
RDJ's never dropped the ball as Tony but his performance really stuck out to me here, god he's good
Steve and Thor have multiple moments of teaming up and working together, what an underrated duo
Hulk vs Iron Man suit inside an Iron Man Suit fight
The Avengers do their best to evacuate Sokovia before Ultron attacks, which does not excuse the amount of damage caused there, but I do think is a plot point everyone forgets about (myself included)
And things that annoy me (skipping over the stuff everyone talks about like the Natasha/Bruce plot):
I hate how Joss Whedon writes Steve, both here and in Avengers. He only feels like Steve when he's being given jokes, otherwise he is so self-serious and stiff, the core of Steve is his heart and it is nowhere to be found in this movie
The movie spends so long setting up character arcs that feel promising and have no payoff. What is the point of Laura telling Clint the Avengers need him if he's going to retire at the end of the movie. Steve has several references to finding home in a way that doesn't go anywhere (Until Endgame, I guess). Don't get me started on Natasha.
It's trying so hard to have a theme but it never says anything unique. Bruce, Tony, Natasha and Vision all refer to themselves as monsters. Ultron decides that the Avengers are the bad guys. Steve has a speech all about proving they're not the monsters Ultron says they are. Based on WHAT? What is the message of this movie?? That the Avengers are better than the evil AI who wants to kill everyone?
(I half-feel there was a previous draft where Clint was their heart, or something, or he died and they were like whelp Phil Coulson 2.0 let's go avenge him, and the random pieces of that are still floating around the script with nowhere to go)
NO ONE is remotely concerned enough when their friends are getting hurt (maybe just the hurt/comfort lover in me, but still.) Natasha comes across as the only person who cares when Clint sustains a life-threatening injury. No one seems to be bothered that Natasha is being held captive by a psychotic supervillain. Tony shows more emotion over a fictional future where they die than when someone is actually in danger.
They really could have had a premise where they weren't allowed to access technology at all and could have gone retro with everything and they didn't and that just feels like a wasted opportunity. Clint and Natasha digging out old spy tech. Steve being like "Yes! This is familiar! I got this!" Tony making genius inventions out of tech from fifty years ago. Come on, it was right there.
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shackleton2 · 8 months
I'm working on this fic where I'm trying to write an emotionally dark take on post-Winter-Soldier recovery, where Steve & Co capture Soldier-Bucky right after the events of Insight, when he's still almost entirely in the grips of Hydra's programming.
I loved this Sebastian Stan quote someone shared on here: “That’s why he doesn’t kill him. That’s why he saves him. That end scene to me was always like: ‘I don’t know what this is, I just know I’m supposed to do this right now. Whatever this is, I’m supposed to protect this for some reason.” I love the heartbreaking urge to protect Steve being impossible to erase or repress despite everything, but what stands out for me is also that this confirms what his expression and act of walking away seem to say on the riverbank: he has no idea what the hell is going on. His brain didn't go "OMG STEVE" and switch him back over to Bucky Barnes in that incredible final moment on the helicarrier—the wall of programming just got its first tiny crack.
It drives me crazy that the Soldier walks away after saving Steve—he wants to know why he saved him, how he knows him, obviously, but he walks away from the simplest way to find those answers-STAY WITH STEVE, drink hot chocolate under blankets with steve!! It also drives my fangirl heart crazy what a stubborn resilient competent independent SOB post-WS Bucky is. He doesn’t trust anyone and he doesn’t want anyone to own him ever again.
He’s got conflicting lines of thought that lead to the same conclusion: He’s programmed to kill Steve, those are his final standing orders, and obeying orders is all he knows. If he wants to keep Steve safe on some level, he knows that won’t be with him, because of those orders, because Hydra owns him. On the other hand, if he’s realized that Hydra is his enemy, he also knows that SHIELD is Hydra, and Cap is affiliated with SHIELD, and thus can’t be trusted to keep Hydra away from him. And/or he disobeyed orders and abandoned his mission, and he doesn’t know why, but he does know the consequences for doing that, and thus has a lot of resentment for the guy that made him do so.
To be clear, I love the Bucky Barnes character and I think any narrative that casts him as a reformed villain who needs to make up for his past actions is bullshit. He is a victim, not only of what was done to him, but also what he was forced with zero agency to do. Having said that, I’m also totally riveted by the Winter Soldier as a bad guy, a threat, a killer. In the MCU movies he goes off after the Insight debacle and somehow deprograms himself all alone, and the next time we see him in Civil War he’s got his sense of himself as Bucky pretty much back—he’s in control of his actions, he knows his and Steve’s history, and he doesn’t want to hurt people. I’m stuck on what else the story could have been instead of the hand-wave transition from brainwashed murderer to Steve Rogers’ loyal friend. The only traumatic encounters with the Soldier Steve experiences are those in the movie where he’s actively trying to kill him, which that’s definitely bad enough for poor Steve—but what about traumatic emotional encounters? What about Steve Rogers trying to talk and reach his friend, but the person he’s talking to is the Soldier immediately post-Insight, still mentally in Hydra’s possession much more than his own?
Anyway one day this little scene came to me and I'm building this WIP, including these notes, around it. Successfully? Who knows, not me.
He regarded Steve through the glass with a hint of curiosity. His voice was soft and quiet. “Why do you come?”
Steve leaned forward and tried to meet those icy eyes. He couldn’t help it. “You’re my friend. You might not remember me, but I will always be your friend.”
The Soldier tilted his head, still questioning. “That’s why you come here?” Every day, Steve thought he heard unspoken; he wasn’t sure whether Bucky registered his presence at all some days, but maybe every instance was recorded in his mind. Maybe not. What happened to a supersoldier brain when it incurred severe sustained deliberate damage was a riddle they were just beginning to examine.
Steve was determined to be steadfast, but there was little he could do to calm the intensity of what he felt. He wanted Bucky to ask these things, because he wanted him to know these things, and he would tell him again and again forever in the hope he would one day believe him and then remember himself.
“I’m here because I want to know how you’re doing. I want you to know I’m here. I’ll come every day unless you tell me honestly you don’t want me to.”
Still the cocked head, the mystified expression. “You come because…he was your friend.”
He leaned in an inch more and found his forehead touching the glass. “You’re my friend. You are Bucky Barnes. You were born in 1917 and we grew up together. You are a good man. What happened to you…was wrong, and I will do everything I can to make it better, for the rest of my life. That’s a promise.”
The cocked head straightened and it looked like some kind of comprehension dawned. He was looking at Steve in a way he couldn’t remember Bucky ever looking before, and after wondering for a few moments Steve realized it was pity on his face.
“You think he’s here.” The look of pity intensified. “You think you...can talk. To him.”
Steve swallowed. “I…I know he is. I don’t know how to convince you it’s true, but I swear it. We played together as kids and then we grew up and lived together and then the war came and we fought together. And now we’re here. I know you don’t remember, Bucky, but there’s no way I’m giving up on you, even if you never do. I know you. I’ve known you as long as I can remember.”
On the other side of the glass Bucky’s expression had settled into the blank resignation the Soldier often wore. He licked his lips, an oddly human gesture that hurt Steve’s heart, and then said, with what might have been an attempt at gentleness, “Your friend. Is gone.”
Steve took a moment, felt his forehead press a little harder on the glass. “If he’s gone, who am I talking to?”
“What,” the Soldier corrected, and then answered, “Hydra.”
He was going to need a lot of punching bags later. “Emotions don’t help,” Natasha had told him, brisk and flint-hard the way she was when she was being kind. “Men think they understand this, but they don’t. Understand it.”
Steve was beginning to understand. He didn’t howl or pound on the glass or leave to find a fight. Instead he swallowed again and asked with a calm that shocked him, “So you…believe in Hydra? In what they do?”
“The Soldier is the fist of Hydra. Weapons don’t believe. They do not need to. The Winter Soldier. Is. Hydra.”
That was the most the Soldier had spoken in one go.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
the way i have absolutely flooded the kubosai tag is crazy😭most of the recent posts are mine.. my bad..
... anyway, im thinking about kuboyasu picking up different hobbies as a form of anger management, teaching himself coping mechanisms and to use his hands in more gentle ways and let himself make mistakes without taking his anger out in unhealthy ways..
knitting, crocheting, art (he already draws but he wants to do it more and start painting n stuff too), or even scrapbooking or journaling ?? he also already stress bakes/cooks lol.
and since he does it so much, he has so many little pieces of art and he ends up gifting most of them to saiki.. because kubo thinks theyre crappy, but saikis eyes lit up in a way kubo doesnt get to see often when he caught sight of kubos crocheted little pink cat with a suspiciously saiki-like grimace on his face.
so now saiki has all kinds of little knitted/crocheted blankets, pillow cases, stuffed animals, gloves, sweaters, etc. (he made a lot of scarves, bags, hats, coasters, etc. at first since those are easier for beginners, and at first he was keeping them for himself and his mom but the house has too many damn coasters and they do not need that many accessories and sweaters.. so the whole friend group started getting them, but mostly saiki.. and saikis mom started receiving some too).
and little paintings of cats (because kubo definitely loves cats but also saiki just reminds him of one so he draws/paints them for him a lot.. he doesn't know if saiki actually likes them, but he says he doesnt mind so..) and some cute paintings of their friends.. he makes a lot of vent art but saiki obviously does not receive that stuff☠️.
he also tried to learn yoga.. but he learns quickly that he just isnt very good at keeping his hands still and unoccupied for too long.. he might revisit that later, but for now hes just trying to at least learn slow and calculated motions with his hands..
he probably also starts helping kusuo and kurumi with their gardening (because they definitely have a garden). i doubt arens mom has a garden but i bet he could convince her to help him start one after enjoying it with the saikis so much.
the scrapbooking/journaling he mostly keeps to himself.. its mostly pictures of him and his mom, his friends, and him trying to document his feelings in messy pages of writing/doodles/choas..
i love the idea that he starts collecting stickers+fun pens+washi tape to use, which is something he totally would not normally fixate on but he starts getting really excited about it..
tbh it's probably mostly silly stickers from anime he likes, like one piece and dragonball.. a lot of his other interests like the yakuza movies wouldnt have stickers he could get so he just doodles the characters.
but he starts branching out into sillier and more colorful stuff, mostly thanks to chiyo, kokomi, kusuo, and shun. chiyo+kokomi have lots of girly stickers and glitter pens that they give him when they catch wind of the journaling..shun has lots of silly stickers from comic books and theres a surprising amount of harley quinn+poison ivy along with the mcu stuff(mostly spiderman).
chiyo+kusuo have like vocaloid+prosekai stickers, but kusuo mostly is just the reason aren has lots of bright pink+green on a lot of his pages hehe..
anyway, a lot of the gifts he gives to kusuo start getting really.. obvious ? he once gives him this crocheted pink cat with a blank expression and a purple dog whose taller and smiling, both wearing glasses, that are permanently knitted together holding hands☠️and kusuo just.. accepts it. and a lot of the stuff he receives along with their other friends are suspiciously more detailed than everyone elses and there are a lot of hearts and the cat+dog thing becomes a frequent motif and theres so many coffee jelly stuffies and keychains its insane
shun will get like.. a black and red sweater, meanwhile kusuo gets a purple sweater covered in pink hearts+matching gloves+a scarf+socks+a tote bag+a headband ??? aren are ur hands okay seriously
kusuo keeps every single gift obviously, and the first dog+cat plushies along with some other gifts are on his desk so he can look at them literally all the time..
yet somehow they arent dating yet😭aren basically professed his undying love with all the hearts and romantic ass offerings but neither of them have really said anything out loud yet☠️☠️
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utilitycaster · 3 months
i could not agree more about your assessment of the cr campaigns. when looking at them as one overarching story, it does make sense why c3 is the way it is and why it probably will end after the ruidus plot is resolved
and i hate to invoke the mcu, but it would be like after the whole culminating fight with thanos in avengers endgame, where heroes from all the past movies got together to fight and even heartbreaking sacrifices were made, they were to suddenly pivot to a side adventure that they had forgotten to do previously
it would just feel a bit anticlimactic, won't it? anyway, i'm all for c3 being just the moon campaign and then one shots or maybe even exu series where we fully get to explore other places
OK full disclosure I quit keeping up with the MCU before Endgame but like, I had a similar thought process of "this is like if, after the shawarma scene in Avengers, they they spent half an hour following the Avengers as they went to a laundromat and upped their MetroCards."
I think the structure that makes sense is for Bells Hells, after they return from this mission, to spend a little time on other things, but really I don't feel like most of the outstanding items must be resolved in the campaign? Like, Ashton and Chetney have a lot of hooks out there because Travis and Taliesin are both good at generating such things and came with very strong backstories, but there isn't a deep need for pre-campaign end Nobodies closure or dunamancy research. I'd enjoy these things, and there are ways to gracefully do them in an in-between arc, but I wouldn't feel like the plot nor the character suffered if we didn't have them. Same goes for Dorao or Tuyen for Chetney. I'd love to see FCG investigate their past and connect with D and I'd hope that would be an interim plot; it looks like Laudna is leaning into some Delilah stuff more in earnest and that's fun too, but as mentioned Orym, Imogen, and Fearne's stuff is pretty much all contained within the Moon Plot and everyone else's either should get done before the big bad, or can be left for a post-campaign thing.
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thevibraniumveterans · 4 months
S2 of WHAT IF…
Ep1- “…Nebula joined the Nova Corps?”
Love the bleak opening sequence
Fascinating how Nebula narrates the context. Her “five years of isolation” hits hard.
Nova Prime siding with Ronan was a surprise
Ep2- “…Peter Quill Attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?”
Cool intro; Peter leaning into his inherent powers is interesting…
The Winter Soldier being Gorbachev’s tool to contain Peter is surprising, but not unexpected…
“Does anyone have a plan?”/“I have a plan; retreat.” 😂
Thor announcing that Peter killed off all the Nine Realms except Earth; Peter needed containment to prevent him being too powerful.
Hope breaking Peter out is unexpected.
But Peter defeating his dad is a great ending.
Ep3- “…Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?”
Cool X’mas riff in the beginning music
Avengers Tower… looking festive.
Happy getting accidentally injected with Banner blood is unexpected.
Beethoven’s 9th riff playing when Darcy discovers a whole collection!
“Time for the Hammer to get nailed” 🤣
Overall, great X’mas episode.
Ep4- “…Iron Man Crashed into the Grandmaster?”
Cool that the Guardians of the Multiverse (from S1) are back!
Gamora’s origin story is a Tony Stark episode that looks to focus a bit on Valkyrie? Interesting…
Wonder what Gamora is doing there.
The little Chinchilla is adorable.
Tony with the nicknames (“Technicolor Dream Coat” is a Andrew Lloyd Webber musical reference) is hilarious
Also, Tony building a suit that reforms into a race car on command, and back, is AWESOME
Turns out, Tony inspired Gamora to be a hero.
Gamora melting Thanos, did not see that coming.
Ep5- “…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?”
Cool Avengers team; with Carter and Janet instead of Steve and Banner.
It’s kind of what if 2012’s Battle of New York went differently. Then we pick up kind of CATWS but it’s Peggy and Nat.
Peggy’s spin-twist was really cool.
The whole reverse-CATWS but instead of Bucky gone bad and Steve finding out, it’s Steve gone bad and Peggy finding out.
Bucky as a Secretary of State? Did NOT see that coming. But makes sense that Bucky would be the one to try to bring Steve back. Truly a reverse CATWS.
The Stomper Suit keeping Steve alive, I wonder how.
Carter’s hilarious Star Wars reference to carbonite.
Also, the camera panning around Steve and Peggy, is a mirror of the Tony/Pepper one in Endgame.
Melina being part robot is also kind of creepy.
Captain Carter having a musical is hilarious too
Also, the emotional vibes kind of veering into CACW and “Black Widow” territory is quite fascinating.
Peggy disappears thru a portal, only to be greeted by Wanda.
Ep6- “…Kahhori Reshaped the World?”
Ragnarok comes early…
Also, this episode isn’t the first time we see the horrors of Spanish conquistadors invading on native land; we last saw that in Wakanda Forever a few years ago.
But when the Watcher narrates the context, it mirrors the Black Panther movie’s narrative about how the Vibranium came to Earth and ended with the peacemaking between various tribes.
Also great to note that this is the first MCU entry where nobody, except the Watcher (and Stephen Strange at the end) speaks English.
It’s really awesome that the Space Stone energy gives the people from the Sky World (who are formerly Mohawk natives from Earth) and Kahhori very, VERY interesting powers.
KAHHORI MOVED THE PORTAL TO THE LAND!! That is an insane amount of power and strength! That’s wonderful!
Kahhori and her people sinking the Spanish Armada is a sight to behold.
Ep7- “…Hela Found the Ten Rings?”
Hela suddenly being able to speak Putonghua was a surprise.
Odin says that the bearer of Hela’s crown be merciful, which explains why Hela is at first unable to lift it. Just like the first Thor movie.
I kind of wonder why Wenwu would invite Hela to wear a traditional dress; but more importantly, why does he have one ready?
MORRIS RETURNS!! Best fuzzy thing.
Hela visits Talo.
Folding paper. That’s basically Origami. IRL history has it that China has its own paper folding traditions long ago, just like Japan, but separately.
Hela being upset that Fenrir as a puppy was taken from her, is something interesting too.
Asgard, a realm of Norse legend, and Ta Lo, a fictitious Chinese fantasy realm, coming together to free the cosmos, is something I did not see coming.
Ep8- “…the Avengers Assembled in 1602?”
Tom Hiddleston as Loki narrating Hamlet? Not surprising.
Wanda summoned Carter from three episodes ago, and turns out Thor knew about this here.
But what are those portals? Wanda warns to stop them.
Wanda speaks of a lost traveler…
Tony says “Forerunner” but the caption says “person”.
Loki speaking of William Shakespeare writing about Iago in the play Othello.
Rogers Hood. Hilarious combo of Steve Rogers and Robin Hood.
Rogers and Carter double-teaming with the shield is really cool.
Where did the Destroyer come from?
Hogan throwing out all manner of old fashioned insults is hilarious 😆
Also, why is Hogan a hulk in this episode? He was one in the Christmas episode but this one?
Turns out the Forerunner is mainMCU!Steve?
The main effect is that Carter is alone again.
Strange Supreme makes an appearance. Which we leave on a “TBC” for next episode. The fact that he went to fetch Kahhori in Ep6 must mean something big is in the finale…
Ep9- “…Strange Supreme Intervened?”
Interesting; we get the full MCU theme for the title card. We never got the full theme in previous episodes.
Peggy speaks with Strange, who keeps dangerous beings inside their own little crystals.
If the Watcher is a metaphor for us, and Strange implying that the Watcher may not always be right, that means that we might not also always be right about certain things.
Peggy enters South Dakota… where Red Skull (HYDRA) exploded the Tesseract. But why would Kahhori be a danger to the Multiverse, considering Strange net with her last episode? Why is she considered a danger in this one?
Also, Kahhori now speaks English. Not odd, per se, but it helps. She says Strange is “a universe killer.” Which, in some way, he is.
Also, a dragon from Ta Lo, which kinda sells the point.
Hela being insulted that Kahhori sent the swords back is hilarious 😆
Peggy gets an Infinity Armor is pretty to cool. Also, Peggy and Kahhori vs Strange? That’s also really cool.
Peggy gets sent back to her home, but it’s an illusion, and she sees right through it.
Though, playing with the lives of so many people to face Strange, that’s a weird effect, perhaps meant to be “comedic” in a way, but comes off as cruel, which might have been the more intended effect.
Also, the characters falling to the portal just basically overpowering Peggy with their weapons? It’s very interesting because it’s not overpowering her for no reason, she NEEDS to be overpowered to stop an already over-powered Strange. She needs to be MORE than him to win.She gets Hela’s crown, a large sword, and multiple other weapons, while Kahhori uses her powers to lift Thor’s hammers and also uses the Ten Rings. Both Peggy and Kahhori MUST be overpowered to overpower Strange and stop him.
Strange becomes a huge devil monster and falls into the Forge.
Peggy goes to the Watcher.
S2E9 ending exactly as Loki S2E6 did, that’s interesting.
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pickypickypeak · 7 days
The kind of Wish criticisms that annoy the hell out of me are the ones where people unnecessarily compare the film to other movies released at the same time and even Disney's older works. There's nothing wrong with comparisons as a "what to do, what not to do example", the issue I have is that these are often be hella biased.
I like the classical and renaissance Disney movies but I would be lying my ass off saying they don't have problems (the racism, characters of color being played by white actors, outdated stereotypes and gender roles). Some people dismiss these issues because they prioritize on their own nostalgia more than improving them. Hell, they say Snow White was the worst princess but when Disney announces a live action remake, they defend her largely because a mixed race latina actress as casted to play her.
Some of these comparisons can be nonsensical if one were to pay attention. They say Trolls 3's villain song is better, even though Mount Rageous a pop cover mashup while This is the Thanks I Get?! is an original in a poo style. They say Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is a better movie about wishes even though TLW's theme is about appreciating life and the family and friends you have while Wish's themes is about encouraging and supporting each others to pursue their dreams. They use Bruce Almighty as a comparable movie yet they let Bruce off the hook despite he misused of his powers out kf laziness and causing the town into brief chaos before fixing it while they villainize Asha for Magnifico's own actions and the non existent "consequences" of returning people their wishes as if Magnifico allowed the non existent "bad wishes" to be in his hoard in the first place (he deemed Sabino's wish as bad because he didn't like knowing people other than him getting attention and he flat out spites Asha and Sabino during the ceremony).
THIS!!! Here’s an example (I probably used it before but it really fits now): some people are like “why have the forbidden book in the first place? It makes no sense the writing for this movie is so bad” well where the hell did the beast get the enchanted mirror?? How does the evil queen have a talking mirror in her castle and no one questions it? Where did the genie’s lamp come from? In frozen we just had to believe elsa was born with ice magic for no reason (they invented lore for the sequel but it wasn’t planned. They were gonna leave it with no explication hadn’t been for the incredible success). Theses are NOT plot holes; they’re just things you’re supposed to not ask questions about in a fairytale. It’s literally not that deep. Or better, you CAN ask questions and maybe imagine scenarios, but a movie isn’t inherently bad for not explaining it all to you. We’re not required to know how the queen got the mirror, or how magnifico got the book. It’s not “bad writing”; you’re just evaluating a disney fairytale movie through average mcu youtuber’s lens (everything needs to be addressed, otherwise it’s poorly written and “it makes no sense” (so what? Does a singing lion and warthog make sense in the first place?)).
Not to talk about the other problems you’ve mentioned; the stereotypes, the gender roles… as much as we love them, ANY movie has its issues. Many things wish gets blamed for, I can find them in other movies too. And actually, some of them aren’t even bad things, or at least they weren’t until wish did it. I’ve seen someone go “asha’s friends are just for the sake of diversity🙄” but like… is that a bad thing? Big hero 6 members were diverse too. Gee, winx are 20 years old and they’re all diverse. How am I supposed to take that criticism seriously? “They’re just forcing diversity on kids” my man I’ll tell you something. Remember when pocahontas (with all its issues) had a whole song about painting with the colors of the wind. Well I know this is shocking news to you but. It wasn’t actually the wind. She was talking about skin colors. The song was about racism. It’s from the 90s.
And the songs comparisons oh my. “Good to be king from journey to bethlehem is a way better villain song than this is the thanks I get” yeah, this is 100% relevant! It totally makes sense to draw a comparison between the guy who killed infants because he was not sure about which one was Jesus, and king magnifico from wish! I’m so surprised king herod’s song sounds so ominous! I’m sure ALL of these people have the journey to bethlehem soundtrack on their playlists and sing the songs out loud because they are SO much better!!❤️
Don’t get me started about the snow white drama, you are absolutely right, people get mad over something they couldn’t care less seconds ago (just like they did for ariel and tinker bell lmao). They’ve been shitting on snow white for years, there’s been ENDLESS youtube parodies and essays about disney princesses and especially snow white being “weak”, “a bad example for girls because she makes chores and settles for a man” and other bullshit but! As soon as the actress playing her (who happens to be not white) says the exact same thing, everyone is like “oh my goddd!!! Disrespect for our snow white!!! A woman can have love dreams!!! Walt disney is turning in his grave!!!” Like wow bro. You suddenly care now. You are so coherent and definitely not racist👍🏻
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Sorry, but I like sylvie and think she's really perfect for Loki. YOU try making up a better match for him!
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I write, so fucking watch me.
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Let's break this down into what MCU Loki/Larry!Loki (because like it or not, he's canonically Loki Prime now) needs/would respond to most in a partner, where Sylvie falls short, and where any asshole with a pen or keyboard could've done better.
1- Loki needs to recover from his hideous past family trauma. Every single MCU film he is in, to some extent, adds to his already miles-long list of reasons why he should trust no one in this existence, least of all the people closest to him. In order to fall in love, he has a LOT of barriers to break down, and the TVA has only been seen to break those down via more psychological torture. An ideal partner for Loki would be patient, level-tempered, and someone who can soothe his past pain as opposed to tell him to suck it up, he deserves it. Sylvie ultimately only adds to his trauma by using him throughout the series despite his permitting her to get close to him.
2- Loki needs to be forgiven for his past sins. Yes, he nearly conquered New York City. The films went over all that. He got punished in TDW. He basically received further punishment throughout Ragnarok, where no one trusts him until the climax, when he pulls through with the escape ship. He's long since redeemed himself, and while Larry!Loki hasn't gone through the events of TDW and Ragnarok, the movies still indicate he can and has felt guilt for his past transgressions. In this timeline, perhaps instead of constantly being punished, he could find a forgiving ally who shows him the deeper sides of himself that remain unaffected by his bad choices. Sylvie is further punishment for Loki, not forgiveness. She puts him down, commands him, treats him like an inconvenience, and he follows her subserviently as if paying off a penance instead of moving forward.
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3- Loki needs to be validated and loved without compromise. So few people have shown love for him. Real love. Thor does sometimes, but his relationship with Loki is far from consistent. Loki loves his mother, but he's been shown her death at the TVA so now even that's just another bullet wound in his chest. He's never had any consistency or reason to get comfortable with anyone. The show seems to think Loki doesn't need to be given a soft word or a peaceful embrace because of his past penchant for violence. Why not? We don't tell traumatized veterans to 'suck it up' even after being violent in war (or, rather we shouldn't be). Sylvie taunts and orders him around, devaluing him at every turn and sending mixed signals.
4- Loki needs an equal (at the very least!). Loki is still a trickster, a mercurial god of Asgard who would probably find a companion who measured equal-to (but not above OR below) him in terms of intellect and attitude. Why would he be able to fall in love with anyone who makes him feel unworthy, seeing as he places so much value on power and external validation? I'm not sure why the MCU thinks it's anywhere in Loki's MO that he'd be romantically/sexually attracted to being 'beneath' his partner. Wouldn't the opposite be true, given how he LITERALLY TRIES USURPING THE THRONE?? Sylvie is stated outright to be his superior in every way, serving to only further demote Loki's worth in his own eyes.
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Characters can be left up to interpretation, but I still think it's messed up as hell to say that Sylvie is perfect for Loki. I sincerely get by on the thought that, odds are, TH hates the character as much as we do. I think it's travesty that all the hype around season 2 implies that we really getting the continuation of the 'true love story' of Loki and Sylvie.
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sunhlland · 13 days
This blog write all right. Idk how all his project outside mcu all get one way or another does bad or it's streaming numbers or box office. Idk hod it'd happened like probability so small,like we don't know it'd his team or it's him not knowing what hd doing. Did someone reading scripts alongside him to give advice? If u think about its somehow coming it's always something bad storytellers,pace,bad challengers development or something else?now he have bad reputation in Hollywood or big ppl not take him seriously. Plus mcu actors nowadays it's like swimming against stream,u like need proof to everyone and add some,all should be ideal and only then they will let go of his neck. I'm kinda sad for Tom. But on another dude he said himself that he don't wanna be actor 😔 like if it's not u passion why u forcing it dude idk working through pressing on urself. Idk idk like I stop expect anything, I wouldn't surprise if he retire after spiderman. Tom a man of unrealized potential
First, when did Tom say he doesn't want to be an actor? Do you think that if it were like that he would continue trying and working on it? I think he has just been unlucky, remember most of his movies were released in the Covid19 season. Chaos Walking, for example (poorly executed, definitely, but would have done well at the box office if not for...zero promotion and covid).
Tom was very young when he started taking on a lot of unscripted projects. and I read somewhere that he wasn't sure about playing Cherry but the Russos convinced him (they bribed him lol, I'd say ) and since he feels he owes them part of his career, he said yes... The Russos have a name there out and (Advenger is a success to this day although it hurts those who hate the MCU) but it turns out that the direction of these men was bad in cherry. Now his performance, his acting skills (if you read the reviews) has always been praised... even today. (there is an agenda against him for being part of Marvel duh)
The common people love him, praise him... and even on Twitter they always defend him with..."the broh needs a better agent" "he always chooses bad projects" etc... they know he's a good actor. Those who say it's a flop...who are they? some Z fans who hate him bcuz he dates her and are jealous. Fans of other actors who for some reason feel threatened by Tom.... (and why do you think that is?😌) some idiots who think they're cinephiles and believe that hating everything that has to do with marvel makes them intellectual...🤪 ? LMAO.
You say marvel flop too? huh that will never be the case with Spider-Man, don't worry...Tom is not just any Marvel actor...he plays the most beloved character of all superheroes and the most famous. And people love it... 🤭
To this day his most watched movie outside of the MCU is TDATT, and most people always praise Tom's performance. And it's the most viewed bcuz it's from Netflix. If TCR .....
None of my friends have Apple TV and even I had to pay for 2 months of that horrible app just for him.. when I recommend the series... no one has Apple TV... I hate apple tv...Anyway.
I give you some advice, if you have such a poor perception of him, I think there are more actors out there for you to follow.
Tom is 27 years old...not 40. There are actors who were recognized just last year with 5 years older than Tom...and I am not going to mention names...🤐🤓
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20 questions for fic writers
The impossibly lovely @mihrsuri tagged me in this a couple of weeks ago, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get round to it - but I find myself in need of distraction, just a little bit, as Last Cat Standing is in the veterinary hospital getting his radioactive iodine treatment for his thyroid, and we can't have him back for maybe ten days as he's going to be somewhat radioactive for a little while; I'm sure he's going to be fine (this is the treatment described to me by the treating vet as both 'the gold standard' and 'magical', in that it's effective in 99.5% of cases, and in the 0.5% it isn't, they just give it another go and then it's effective), but we haven't had an entirely cat-free house for this long in 20 years, and I'm feeling a bit weird about it. Also I'm procrastinating finishing off an essay plan (I'd rather just write the damn essay but no, we have to submit a plan for tutor feedback to make sure we're on the right lines, and as you all know by now, that's really not how I work XD )
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 362 (plus another 76 on the other account for the fandom that does not speak its name...)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,491,388 (good grief; nearly 1.5 million?! and if you add in the 270,606 on the other account, that's 1,761,994 O.O )
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tolkien (chiefly the Hobbit movies, and LotR, a mix of movie and book-'verse); King Arthur (2004); Fisherman's Friends (fandom of one); The Alienist (TV; occasionally); Marvel (occasionally, chiefly bits of the MCU and X-Men comics/Evolution); Top Gun (here and there) - and a bewildering number of others...
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? My Heart Is An Empty Vessel (621); Shape Up (422); Safe (414); Not Alone (413); The Unworn Jumpers of Molly Weasley (343)
This is bewildering but also a fine illustration of the vagaries of AO3 and the absolute folly of measuring anything by the amount of kudos a fic has: Empty Vessel is three and a half years old, took two years to post and has 115 chapters, so was at the top of the tag many many times over those two years. Shape Up and Safe were written and posted not long after Top Gun: Maverick came out (I don't know how busy the tag still is, but it was very busy when the film came out so the fics in that fandom got a lot of interaction because a lot of people were there looking for fics) and are both one-shots. Not Alone is also a one-shot (for X-Men: Evolution) and has been up on AO3 for nearly twelve years (and has had a bit of a boost with the release of X-Men '97). And Unworn Jumpers (on which I really ought to put some sort of disclaimer, along with the small handful of other ancient HP fics I've got up there) is a seasonal one-shot that's been up for over ten years and tends to get a bit of a boost every December. So *shrugs* go figure. And if anyone wants to help the only HP fic in the top five not be in the top five any more, Come Home is only 36 behind it, and it is fluffy and cute and has Elrohir persuading Maglor to come to Imladris for Midwinter somewhat in the guise of the Elfling he hasn't been for a very long time... :D
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes. Sometimes it takes me a while (oh god six months, but I got up to speed with them all and now I'm trying to make sure I do it within a week) as I am a champion procrastinator but I feel it's important for me to say thank you. And sometimes squee a bit. :D And sometimes it makes me a new friend, which is extra-awesome.
I have a few very very old comments on the stuff I posted before 2020 which I never did get round to answering, which I feel bad about, but I also feel like it would be weird to go back and answer them now...I dunno, what do you guys think?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't do angsty endings very often, but The Last Watch (in which Bard dies) is really sad, and Never Forgotten and See This Storm Through (in which Sigrid and Thranduil comfort each other after the funeral, and Legolas comes home to Dale to look after his father and his family and grieve with them, respectively) are almost as sad although they both end with a small amount of hope.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Ah, most of my fics end happily :D I'm far too tired for anything but, most of the time, these days. But let's face it, My Heart Is An Empty Vessel ends with a coronation and a wedding (spoiler alert! XD ) so let's go for that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I am lucky; the closest I've had was some anon complaining about Empty-Handed being a spoiler for the then-unposted Empty Vessel although the events it 'spoiled' were inevitable in the context of a mortal-immortal relationship, and someone whingeing in a bookmark comment that Thorin and Bilbo don't even talk until the end of Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities, thus completely missing the point of the fic (and the 'past' after the pairing tag) - it wasn't about them - which made me chuckle as much as the rudeness annoyed me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sometimes. I have phases when I feel like it, and (much longer) phases when I don't. It's generally only fairly tame and euphemistic (with the single and solitary exception of that one hanahaki fic about the twins the premise for which, although not the smut, came to me in a dream) and probably not all that imaginative since, as the acest of aces, the whole idea completely bewilders me XD
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not unless you count various different parts of the Tolkien legendarium. My brain just doesn't work that way.
11. (there doesn't seem to be a question 11; I feel like this might be one of those Tumblr traditions, as I've definitely done question memes on here before that have been lacking in a question 11...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have! I am deeply honoured that my KA fic Anniversaries was translated into Russian by Elenabu some years ago, and It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like... appears on Lofter in Mandarin, translated by AntheaXi. There were a couple of other Russian translations of some of my very old stories, but that was 15 or 20 years ago and I can't actually remember which or where.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! A long long time ago, the fic that eventually became the original novel that is Two of a Kind, the tale of Hal and Jack, was a co-production, and I really enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth - and of course, there is the Tudors OT3-'verse fandom stuff that @mihrsuri and I have been pinging to and fro just recently, which is also hugely enjoyable. :D :D :D
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh, too many to name! Gawain/Galahad from KA2004, the bi widower dads, Legolas/Imrahil, Elladan/Elrohir, Erestor/Glorfindel, Sigrid/Tauriel, to name but a few.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I am determined to finish All I Want Is You. I am also determined to finish part whatever it is now of It's Always Been You, although that's been on the back burner for a long long time. There's one WIP on the other account which I'm also determined to finish although who knows if I'll ever get there. I'm not one for saying never, though. I was out of Tolkien fandom for 16 years, and after the fandom that does not speak its name fizzled out, I genuinely thought I'd never write again. And yet...here I am.
16. What are your writing strengths? Ooooh, I dunno. Spelling, punctuation and grammar, dialogue, leavening the serious romantic stuff with a bit of humour, kindness and love for the characters and settings, happy endings and quite a lot of fluff. :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. XD Can't plot to save my life.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Only when necessary for character reasons, and always provide a translation. Otherwise you're shutting out readers who don't understand (unless it's not important that they actually understand precisely what's being said as long as they get the gist).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Knowingly? X-Men (comics), and that fic is here, although I posted it ten-odd years after first posting it to ff.net.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? All of them. I cannot possibly choose.
Thank you so much for the tag, lovely! Entirely no-obligation tags go to @lemurious, @verecunda, @writerman, @scary-grace, @seagull-energy, @herawell, @thenookienostradamus, @sallysavestheday, @myeaglesong, @palavapeite, @bigneonglitter, @bishkebab, @peonybroadbeltofbuckland, @redeemer46, @spiced-wine-fic and anyone else who wants to do this - if you see this and fancy it, please consider yourself well and truly tagged!
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raccoonfallsharder · 7 months
Day 17: Triptych
smut ♡ (day 17 ~ praise kink) 18+ only • Word Count: 5,514 Summary: rocket’s girlfriend is a virgin in three different universes. based on a reader comment ♡♡♡ in three parts smutty foreplay, mostly. minimal editing & very oversimplified “plot”/set-up for each vignette. heavy on the praise kink. use of slut (affectionate). references to exhibitionism and impact play. orgasm delay & overstimulation. no use of [y/n]; minimal editing. i liked this when i wrote it two days ago but i can no longer tell what words mean so if it's no good i deeply apologize (you deserve nice things) ♡ anyway during kinktober we say "fuck everything - including plot.”  ♡
based on day 17 of @flightlessangelwings’ Kinktober 2023 Prompt List banner created by @the-purity-pen ♡♡♡
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♡ comics (rosenberg, ewing, etc) ♡
You’re on the ship for cycles before Rocket speaks to you beyond the necessities. It takes him a while to open up to Earthers and he doesn’t know you. Frankly, he doesn’t need more friends - he’s got his hands full with these d’ast flarkin’ idiots already.
But one sleep shift, you just can’t seem to close your eyes, and you find your way into the cockpit. You know he’s been flying the whole time, by himself, and he must be tired. You bring him a mug of coffee, just the way he likes - so hot that the generous amount of milk almost scalds, with just a little bit of sugar - and you sit quietly with him while you sip your own.
♡ comics (skottie young) ♡
Groot has adopted you and honestly, Rocket is more annoyed at the fact that his best friend is always picking up strays than he is annoyed at you. You’re actually not so bad - he’d rather be stuck with you than Star-Lord, for instance. You also seem to get almost as excited as he does about Groot’s wrestling matches - not even because you have any money riding on ‘em, but just because you like Groot so much and you wanna support him or whatever. Your face lights up at those d’ast matches. Rocket doesn’t think he’s ever brought a princess to a match and not had her be annoyed about it, so seeing you all excited and yelling and cheering at them kinda does something to him.
Plus you’re always giving Rocket your big beautiful grins and shining eyes and if he didn’t think it was generally a bad practice to fuck his crewmates, he’d absolutely try to get into your panties. He bets you wear the cutest, most simple ones. Terran cotton, probably - maybe with a little ruffle around the hips. Pale pink, or with a stupid little bow in front. Polka dots, maybe.
Rocket spends a disproportionate amount of time thinking about your panties.
♡ movies (mcu, gunn ) ♡
Rocket’s had a stupid, nonsense want for you since day one, much to his displeasure. At first he tries to crush it down by acting like a jackass. Nothing’ll scare a Terran humie off more quickly than being myself, he thinks bitterly.
But it doesn’t work. You try to give him his space but otherwise, you don’t treat him any differently - don’t look at him any differently. You still make him a cup of coffee when you pour everyone else’s and you still tell him good morning and good night. You still check to see if he needs anything when he’s been flying or fixing things for way too many hours in a row.
He likes you for that even more. He might even be starting to frickin’ love you, which is horrifying.
read more on ao3 ♡ read Day 15: Sunshine ♡ read Day 14: Soft ♡ read Day 13: Proof ♡ read Day 12: Heavy Artillery ♡ read Day 11: Nod for Yes ♡ read Day 9: Practice ♡ read Day 8: Turbulence ♡
@evolvingchaoswitch ♡ @wren-phoenix ♡ @pretty-chips ♡ @suicidalshitstick
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anki-of-beleriand · 2 years
The house at the edge of the world Ch.2
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff/SW! x Female!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI! +18, angst, jealousy, drama, slow burn, hurt and comfort, friends to lovers, pregnancy, romance, fluff, mentions of depression and self harm, healing, R owns an Airbnb that welcomes many known characters from Marvel, R has powers, Wanda needs healing, and so does R, R sometimes is an asshole but for a good reason. More warnings as the story progress.
Author's Note: The story follows up the events of Wandavision right before the twins birth. Since I didn't like the fact Natasha died in Endgame, she is alive as well as Tony everything else just happens the same way it does in the movies. We will see some Eternals and mentions of all the new members of the cinematic MCU.
English is no my mother tongue so I do apologize for any grammar, spelling or funny mistake.
This is slow burn so it will take sometime for R and Wanda to get there, but there would be signs and confussion and drama.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 -Chapter 14 - Epilogue
A helping hand
They used to tell her time would cure everything.
She remembered her mother telling her this after her first pet had died, she had been sad and had learnt from a very early age that dead was a fundamental part of life. She didn’t like it one bit because losing someone you loved should never happened. It was supposed to be forever.
Her mother had tried to explain it to her, but it was actually her father the one who could go through her stubborn mindset and finally made her understand that losing someone you love to tragedy or natural causes was something meant to happen.
“The important thing, Wanda bear, is for you to hold onto the memories, the teachings and that happiness and love they left in you. That’s how you remember them and honour their memory, by carrying on and making sure you keep loving and being the beautiful person you’re now. Because that’s the person the love, the one they honoured even in death.”
Wanda had always kept those words close to her heart, and when her parents died and she and Pietro waited under the rubbles of their home she hold onto them for dear life. Her father and her mother had trusted her with that, with Love; they had always said of the two Wanda was the one who felt the most, ready to love without measure to be protective of those around her. It was one of her best qualities, and her cursed.
Because even if she tried to forgo the growing pain in her heart, she could not let go of the memory of losing her parents. Of never being able to see her dad smiling at her, calling her Wanda Bear, of her mother tugging her in, or sharing small gossip while laughing and teaching her the secret ingredients of dinner. Wanda held tightly to the pain and grief until she and Pietro offered themselves as experiments.
She wanted revenge for what had been taken away from her.
It was not fair.
But then…Ultron happened, and she became a monster, her powers showing more of that unstable nature of overwhelming emotions she didn’t know how to handle. The overwhelming pain she experienced when Pietro died, the emptiness growing deep inside her heart and darkness filling up the space in her mind where her family had been.
She was left alone.
She was left lost without a real place to belong to.
Vision had been her saviour in many ways. He had come to her at a moment in which she was really unsure or what was expected of her, or what she was supposed to do. And she fell in love, because he showed her that love was not that bad and it was something she was allowed to experience without having to let go of her past, or those she had loved before.
Wanda would forever hold close to her heart the moments she had lived with Vision, every single tear, every single smile and conversation, the time they spent together was something she would treasure in a special part of her heart.
Then, Thanos happened and she was made to kill the one person she had loved more than life itself.
“I feel you.”
Once again she was alone, she was lost and this time around there was nothing there to anchor her to reality.
Westview had been heaven.
And it had been real.
The pain of losing everything all over again never left her.
It didn’t leave the first day, or the second. It didn’t go away on the tenth and, by the time she reached the fifteenth day it was still there piercing right through her soul and heart. Everybody forgot how it was, how it felt and if she was honest with herself, she was pretty sure not many cared or understood what it was like to be like her.
No one had to face the morning, how the world around her was like a nightmare while she waited patiently for the night in which she could dream. When she closed her eyes she was transported to the world that matter, the one she had created with sheer will in which life was perfect. No pain. No loneliness. A place where she had a family, her children, her husband, her brother…happiness.
There were days in which she felt so much that her only relief was found in the study of the Darkhold. The book she had stolen from Agatha had been a great instrument to learn about herself and her power, and as she read each word the possibilities of recovering what she had lost in that world became clearer. Wanda knew with time she would be capable of making her life with Vision a reality, to go back to the place where she was to have his children and be a happy family with her was just a few pages away.
However, and this little fact caught her by surprised, whenever the Darkhold was not enough and Wanda was left with cold and desperate there was only one thing that could bring peace to her heart.
It happened by accident.
She didn’t mean to spy on you, nor was she meant to make of those morning routines a…well, a routine.
The second morning of her imposed vacation found Wanda trying to make some tea, the night had been a bliss, and the morning a complete nightmare; Wanda woke up to an empty bed, tears rolling down her eyes trying to catch what she had lost in the land of dreams.  
The tea warmed up her cold hands, her body shivering while she tried to compose herself. Her eyes flickered to the window, watching as the golden rays of the sun sneaked inside the kitchen announcing another new day. Without thinking to much, Wanda approached the window feeling an easiness she hadn’t feel for such a long time. Her eyes started into the distance, losing herself at the sheer beauty that was the morning right in front of the ocean when, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a figure approaching.
It was Y/N.
That morning you were wearing your usual training attire, black sweatpants, and a black top, you had on your earphones moving your lips to the lyrics of the song playing inside your head. Without really noticing the green eyes on you, you started working out stretching and warming up while enjoying the summer morning.
It was nothing out of the ordinary, a normal training session of someone that had a habit of doing exercise every morning. What really caught Wanda’s attention, was the easiness in which you seemed to let go of everything around you. How could you ignore the world so easily and give yourself to the solitude you obviously lived in. There was such a calmness behind your gestures, a peace that was reflected in your actions that Wanda envy.
By the time Wanda realized she had been staring, you finished your routine and went back inside your house. Whatever Wanda had been thinking on that very first morning, she dismissed it as curiosity. Nothing else, nothing more.
Everything would be easily forgotten, even the thought of you being attractive, if it had happened just that one time.
But it didn’t.
The next morning, almost by accident, Wanda found herself looking at you out of the window. The same routine, the same outfit…probably a different song.
And then, just as the darkness inside her mind tried to take over, just as the whispers of words said by Vision, or the what ifs in the world she had created plagued the days and nights, Wanda’s mornings were dedicated to observing the approaching sun and you. And you and her observations of you became a morning routine, something she was waiting anxiously only to dismiss as a mere causality, nothing worth thinking over or looking deeper into.
Wanda found excuses for her actions, she convinced herself it was a coincidence. That she actually enjoyed the mornings and the sight of the ocean, she even convinced herself that she was just curious because the love of her life was Vision and it was impossible for her, after all this time to feel anything but mere curiosity towards someone else that wasn’t him. It was just not possible. Wanda loved Vision with all she was and all she had, that was why she was looking for a way to go back to her world, to their world.
Wanda could downplay her reactions; she could even kid herself about the reasons behind her peeking. What she could not deny, what she found impossible to deny was that every morning for a single instant could forget all about her pain, her loneliness, her misery.
On the morning number seventeenth of her imposed vacation, Wanda found herself going to her usual spot on the window in the kitchen. There was an eagerness behind her footsteps, her fingers tapping impatiently on the kitchen counter while she waited for the water of the tea to be ready. Her eyes flickered to the window, then back to the teapot until she decided the water was warm enough, in less than two minutes she was standing in her usual spot waiting.
The night before had been awful.
And Wanda was just looking for some comfort, for some peace. The young woman waited to notice the backyard was empty, the sun coming in and the waters of the ocean reflected the approaching morning with an impassiveness Wanda didn’t feel. The young witch pursed her lip leaning against the wall, her eyes sweeping around the backyard until her brows knitted up together in concern and disappointment.
You had never stopped doing your morning routine ever since that first morning Wanda saw you.
The fact that you didn’t show up that morning made Wanda’s heart twisted uncomfortably in her chest. The coldness she had been experiencing since the night before came in rushing through her veins, the dark cloud above her head growing as she finally realized you would not come that day.
It occurred to her at that very moment how pathetic she really was.
She had never spoken to you, she was even rude on the day she actually met you. What she had been doing as of late was behaved like a freaking weirdo watching you without you being aware of this.
Wanda clenched her hands tight around the mug on her hands, her eyes growing red with her mind already pushing her back towards the Darkhold. She needed to get out of this world, of this reality and go back to her home, the real one…
A loud knock on her door broke the darkening thoughts in Wanda.
Wanda turned sharply to the front door, startled by the sudden interruption, and wondering just who could be, she made her way to the front door wearing a frown of perplexity. The mug forgotten on the kitchen counter.
The door flung open to reveal you standing right at the threshold with two white cups with steam coming out of them. Wanda stood there with her eyes wide open by the shock, while you offered a simple smile your eyes gleaming amusedly at the young woman in front of you.
For a moment nothing was said, you could tell Wanda was checking you out with a mixture of surprised and confusion that settled on her green eyes. You for your part could tell the woman in front of you had spent the last couple of days doing nothing but existing. Wanda wore some loose pants, worn out shirt, with her hair put into a ponytail and a face denoting lack of sleep and constant crying.
You cleared your throat lifting the cup on your left hand, soon the smell of hot chocolate hit Wanda’s nostrils and the woman almost smile at the gesture. She held back, though with her eyes trying to glare at the woman standing right before her.
“I thought today we could go out for a stroll, you know?” You broke the silence nonchalantly, still offering the cup filled with hot chocolate. “I figure that, instead of you ogling at me through the window we could talk and I could actually show you around.”
That was all Wanda needed to come back to earth, soon her confusion turned into annoyance though she wished the blush would just be dismissed as anger and nothing else.
“Ogling at you? I believe you must be mistaken.”
“So, you’re not the one standing by the window in the kitchen?” You asked perplexed, blinking a couple of times though the tug on your lips told Wanda you were mocking her. “Should I be worried someone is inside the house trying to take a peek at my morning training?”
Wanda tried to compose herself by putting her shoulders back and straightened up, her face changing the tension into an expressionless mask she had practiced several times before. Her eyes hardened as they tried to ignore the tug at her heart.
“Perhaps, that’s what’s happening,” Wanda really wanted to hit herself for such a lame answer, she felt mortified when the knowing glint crossed your eyes. “Either way, the only interesting thing in the backyard it’s the sight of the ocean…”
“Whatever makes you sleep at nights…” You shrugged stepping closer, without meaning to Wanda took a step back with her eyes growing big. You stopped your advanced, scowling at this you lift the offering cup once more.
“I brought you this, chocolate, dark in water, right?” You asked to which Wanda couldn’t help but nod surprised, her hands wrapped around the cup watching the warm beverage with confusion.
“How did you…?”
You waved your hand away stepping back, “never mind that, as I said, I came here to invite on a morning stroll, perhaps getting out of the house for change.”
“Thank you, but I don’t think now it’s a good time, I…” Wanda answered way to fast, almost stumbling over her words. You set your eyes on her, for a moment that seemed like an eternity you thought about her words, how evident it was she had been wallowing in her sadness all this time.
You had promised Natasha you would look after her, and while you made sure everything was alright you also realized it was time to just approach the young woman and see what would happen.  
"What? You haven't brood enough in the last couple of days?" You pointed out arching an eyebrow while looking closely to her reaction, “I promise you it won’t take long, and then you can come back here with that dark cloud above your head and drown back in your self-pity and sadness. Wouldn’t want to ruin your wallowing in misery.”
You could see the myriad of emotions crossing those green eyes, sadness, and disbelief, then anger and desperation. You were quite sure no one had dare to call out her actions, this seemed to be the very first time she heard those words and was confronted with the reality of her actions.
You took a sip from your coffee, what would Wanda do? Would she follow or was she too far gone to even try and do something about her life? About her sadness?
With a last glance, you turned around waving your hand in the air.
“Don’t worry, I understand if you prefer to be alone, in the house…wasting your time and your life for something as stupid as your mistakes.” You waved your hand away. “Good day, Principessa.”
Wanda stood there with her mouth hanging open for a second before she glared at your back, she was seething playing around the words in her head. They hurt, and they hurt even more knowing they came from a stranger she had been admiring from afar. Confusion settled in her mind, though her anger was stronger than any other emotion she felt at the moment.
With the mug still on her hand, Wanda took long strides to get to you. Her hand grabbed your forearm turning you sharply to face her. Her eyes gleaming red, and her face contort in anger, and desperation.
“How dare you speak to me like that? Who the fuck are you to tell me how to feel or how to act? Who gave you the right to…?”
Wanda was cut off by you jerking your arm away, there was an infuriating grin on your face as you lifted a hand and Wanda stopped her tirade.
“This is a free country, Principessa,” you replied lifting your chin, your eyes gleaming in  defiance at Wanda. “I can do and say whatever the fuck I want, to whoever the fuck I want. Even if they don’t like it when I face them with the truth.”
Wanda wanted to wipe out the arrogant smile on your face, her eyes grew red as she stepped closer to you. You tilted your head with all the tranquillity in the world, your body tingling at her closeness, the magic in Wanda coming in waves at you. Fifteen days had been more than enough to let Wanda out of your sight, things had not improved and while you certainly could care less about what she had done previously, you did care what she did in the now.
The tension was quite evident, and Wanda couldn’t help but wonder if you were an idiot or you were hiding something. No one had stood to her the way you were doing right now; no one even dare when she was getting her powers ready to act. You decided to take another seep from your coffee, then stepped closer to Wanda until the both of you were a breath away.
"Besides if it gets the job done,” you continued casually, “why shouldn’t I do it?”
Wanda almost faltered in her step; the closeness of the other woman made her lose her control. She let go of the anger to try and get a hold of her mind, of how she never noticed the colour of your eyes or the softness of your skin. How there was age and youth all in a single face, or how the hair gleamed dark gold when under the right light while in another, it was a nice shade of caramel. Wanda scoffed standing back, her face turned to the side but the frown still present.
"What do you mean?" The young woman finally asked puzzle.
You shrugged walking past her, “it made you get out of the house, now we can stay here and you can use your powers to teach me how I shouldn’t talk to you like that. Or we can follow on my original plan to show you around. Your choice, Principessa.”
The walk was done in silence.
It was a warm morning; the smell of summer filled the hill and the breeze caressed your skin as you walked down a dusty path. The trees and the grass around you were of a deep green mixing up with soft earthy colours, the birds singing right above your head brought comfort to your heart.
You had always loved your life in this part of the world.
It brought a peace no other place or person could, not after everything that had happened. Life had not been kind, and after a while, you learned you didn’t owe the world a thing. The moment you open your side house for visitors, you made it your duty to make sure they could find in there what you did at some point. Peace. Themselves.
Sometimes, it worked. And some of them were still your friends. Some of the best you ever had.
Some others…well, everyone dealt with the world differently.
“Where are you taking me?” Wanda finally asked looking around herself, feeling the breeze on her face for the first time in more than two weeks.
It was a beautiful morning, and the place was amazing.
The only sounds those of the nature and your footsteps on the ground. You turned left and then you were going down some nature-made steps to an open space lying in between a group of high trees.
“A friend of mine, she comes by sometimes and whenever she is here, she likes to take care of her garden.” You explained stretching your hand to Wanda to jump down the last step.
Wanda lifted an eyebrow ignoring your hand, she landed without any effort walking past you. You followed the young woman with your eyes, pursing your lips before going after her.
There was a small hut to the far corner of the round space. It held a bed, and some candles, books, and a tea set. What had Wanda quite surprised was the fact there was a garden right in the middle of nothing. From that point they could see the ocean stretching out through the world, the rest of the mountain chain lifting protectively around them and the trees covering this small space of land.
The garden was beautiful.
It was circular in form, the edges decorated by flowers of multiple colours that Wanda was not capable of naming but that she admired for what they were. The inside of the circle was made of gravel crossed by steppingstones setting the path right into the hut. The white gravel had taken the form of waves, curved lines following a pattern Wanda could not decipher but obviously had a meaning to the owner of the garden. The rest of the space was decorated by violets and lilies giving it a lively colour that for some reason brough a smile to Wanda.
“Thena loves taking care of her garden, and the flowers.” You continued as if the silence hadn’t stretched too long. “And I come here once in a while to make sure the flowers and her plants have enough water.”
“Why?” Wanda asked before she could stop herself, you knitted your brows together looking back at her.
“Plants need water.” Your answered earning a clear glare from the woman, you chuckled making your way to the hut. “Because I can, and because she will be sad if something happens to the garden.”
Wanda observed as you made your way around the small hut, coming out with two water bottles. You bit on your tongue softly glancing around the garden, your eyes fell on the plants growing to the right then to the left.
“I wouldn’t mind the help, you know?” You continued your eyes away from Wanda.
“What makes you think I want to help?” Wanda pressed forth, observing your reactions.
You snorted shooting her a quick glance, “you’re here, right?”
Wanda looked away clenching her jaw, she hated the smugness behind your voice and the smile adorning your features. She finished her drink trying to organize her thoughts, her heart beating fast and her mind at ease in the middle of such a beautiful garden. Of such a beautiful setting. When she went to look over at you, she found you kneeling down in front of the plants looking around before putting some water on them.
With a sigh she started walking towards the bottle of water you left on the ground, with a frown she put the mug there and grabbed the bottle before moving opposite to you and watering the other plants.
You glanced back watching Wanda bended over the flowers, her face finally softening the rough edges it held ever since she arrived there. Your lips curled slightly before you continued your work.
There were no more words between the both of you.
By the time you were back home, Wanda was deep in thought and the weight she had on her was returning slowly. The young woman furrowed her brows giving your mug back.
“How did you know I like chocolate?” Wanda finally broke the silence, you shrugged taking the mug while locking your eyes to hers.
“I didn’t.”
Wanda nodded a little confused, you turned around ready to leave when her voice reached out to you.
“Thank you.” It was but a whisper, uncertain and confused.
“You can go back there whenever you want, it would be really appreciated it if you help water the flowers once in a while.” You mentioned casually, then you left never looking back to the woman that had her eyes glued to you.
It took her a while, but in the end Wanda took your offer and decided she needed to go back there.
The next time she was back to the garden, she was alone. The thoughts inside her head were dark, filling her with sadness and desperation, screaming at her to just go ahead and take what was hers. The world was at her feet, always had been.
The moment she took a step inside the garden everything faded away, and she set on to work. And thus, every morning after watching you out her window, Wanda went back to the garden to ease her soul and the thoughts that were slowly but surely consuming her.
She never noticed it, nor did she paid it any mind, but soon she found herself wondering about her host, about her life in such a solitary place, about the garden and her training sessions.
Soon, while working around the garden or giving in meditation, Wanda forgot about her pain and her ambition. She never noticed the peace in her heart, the tranquillity in her mind, or the fact she actually liked the different kind of smiles you were capable of producing.
It always went unnoticed by her that peace reached her out every morning, only to let herself be overwhelmed by the darkness of the afternoons and the nightmares and desperations of the evenings.
Wanda never noticed it, yet slowly but surely she was starting to change the question was if she was ready to accept the change.
If she was ready to give herself and others a new chance.
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cookieandbread · 4 months
I rewatched X-men Apocalypse like today and here are my thoughts (keep in mind I barely remember the other movies and have not read a single X-men comics in my entire life. also I am incredibely sleep deprived and english is not my first language)
I don't remember much from first class but I remember I LOVED ALEX. AND THEY KILLED HIM. THEY KILLED MY BABY. (I barely remembered his name but I'm emotionally attached okay)
I also remember Erik and Charles being gay as fuck and it's so funny how hard the writers of this movie try to say "no no they're not gay" but fail miserably
Erik losing his family (AGAIN) killed me tho. he's not even my favorite character but PLEASE give him a happy ending. PLEASE. I could write an essay on why he needs a happy ending.
about Erik's family... I love and hate the "Peter is secretely Erik's son and he has to tell him" storyline. love because I have daddy issues and I love Peter and hate because there's one thing and one thing only I remember from Dark Phoenix and it's that PETER DOES NOT TELL ERIK HE IS HIS SON. IN FACT, PETER ONLY APPEARS IN LIKE THE 20 FIRST MINUTES OF THE MOVIE AND THEN FUCK OFF. I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT I'LL NEVER SEE THAT DAD REVEAL ON SCREEN AND I DON'T THINK I'LL EVER BE ABLE TO HEAL FROM IT. I'll never recover. "I'm your... I'm here for my family too." will haunt me til the day I die. (Now don't get me wrong I 100% understand why he didn't tell him at that moment and it would have been fine by me IF HE HAD TOLD HIM IN DARK PHOENIX)
why does Pietro Maximoff gets so little respect? in the MCU they kill him in the first movie he appears in and the Fox changes his name and shits on the only storyline he has. why do they hate him?????
still on Erik: did he really need to be the villain again? if I remember correctly he kind of turned bad guy at the end of First Class because he killed the guy who murdered his mom because he couldn't make the coin move and then he was full on bad guy in that one X-men where they went in the past (Days of Future Past according to google) and it made sense because of his past and how he was forced to see violence as the only answer but like... AGAIN? with Apocalypse???? (according to google his name is En Sabah Nur) I get the guy had kind of manipulated his four accomplices into joining him but like... did it have to be Erik??? I get the whole repeating the cycle of violence, but isn't the point to break out of it? it feels kind of repetitive
still on En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse, I would have loved to see more how he manipulated Storm, Magneto, Angel and Psylocke to join him. while Erik had a reason to join back the X-men (he's super gay for Charles), Storm changing sides felt kind out of nowhere???? like we see her hesitate a little but we don't understand why she hesitates now when Apocalypse is fighting for the world he promised and not when he killed people (albeit to protect her but like...) I mean I guess there's the whole hero worship for Ravent but then why did she went with Apocalypse in the first place? Raven is a hero because she showed how mutants could cohabitate with humans, not by destroying them!!!! if Storm admires her, why going against everything she represents???? AND WHY DID THEY ALL WENT "yeah okay still rooting for that guy" WHEN APOCALYPSE WAS EXPLAINING TO CHARLES HOW BIG HIS CONTROL ISSUES WERE
whatever is going on with Hank and Raven... I just... don't like that ship. it made me uncomfortable when I watched First Class, it still makes me uncomfortable.
I remember liking her more in First Class and Days of Future Past tho??? she kind of annoyed me in Apocalypse. like wdym you wanna make child (I think they're children? not Peter but the rest) soldiers???? did the first X-men not teach you anything???? YOU AND HANK ARE LITERALY THE ONLY SURVIVORS OF THAT?
they never give us Storm's name??? or maybe I wasn't paying attention but I'm pretty sure THEY NEVER GIVE US HER ACTUAL NAME??? I guess I could find it if I searched on internet (update: I did, she's called Ororo Munroe, that's so cool) but I'm pretty sure they never say it in the movie???? like they just call her Storm???? DO THEY EVEN CALL HER STORM BECAUSE NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT I DON'T REMEMBER PEOPLE CALLING HER THAT EITHER???? (I have a short attention span tho)
from the little I remember of the 2000's trilogy, my favorite chatacter is Storm and I was so sad she had like so little dialogue. I hope it's better in Dark Phoenix??? I mean I'm not gonna rewatch it because I remember really not liking it the first time but PLEASE I BEG YOU let my girl TALK and have a PERSONALITY
Kurt is adorable. I just want to wrap him in bubble wrap and make sure nothing happens to him ever again.
I like Jean but I really don't care for her whole Phoenix thing. it probably has to do with how many times I've watched X-men 3 when I was younger (too many times) and how much I did not like Dark Phoenix but it bores me. like okay we get it she has that dangerous thing inside of her and it's very destructive and it's going to kill everyone she loves and she's going to have to die to prevent that. we get it. can we move on now? idk it frustrates me that Jean gets to have a movie centered around her not once but twice while both Peter and Ororo (and so many other but they're my favs) can't have basic character development.
I genuinly did not care for Scott. also how did he not get character development when his brother died??? he cried about it 2 seconds and then poof. out of sight out of mind. I wanna know how he gets rid of his grief so easily
I've checked when the other movies take place and... I don't understand... how are they aging... I'm so confused... wtf is that timeline... why is there a movie every 10 year? what is everyone's age ????
do I regret rewatching this movie? yes. yes I do. now I am going to obsess over how they could have handled so many things (notably Peter's daddy issues) so much better and lose all my sleep to fix-it fics.
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hollowsart · 6 months
Hello same anon as last time - my "sneaking suspicions" about why you might not be a fan of mcu mysterio (without seeing your other posts about mcu mysterio) generally my suspicion boils down to: design (him not looking like Spock with his black hair bowl cut from the comics and not having a purple cape), motivations - e.g: shoving his motivation for hating spiderman onto iron man (instead of letting him be Just a spiderman villain make him another generic tony stark hater who has beef with Peter cause he's the next best target), and personality - at least as far as I'm aware mysterio in the comics doesn't seem super murdery and in the MCU he's pretty cool with just causing hundreds of casualties at the drop of a hat.
So yeah. Basically just ya know the MCU doing the MCU thing and not quite matching up to the comics version of Quentin.
(P.S: as much as I enjoyed watching Jake Gyllenhaal be silly as mysterio when I watched the movie I went "hmmm" so I get why you might not be a huge fan of the MCU version).
Ah, yeah. that's pretty much it tho I don't really have any issues with his costume overall. it's not really that bad tbh?
but yeah, tl;dr you pretty much clocked it.
It's nice that people were introduced to the character for the first time through that movie! it's nice! don't get me wrong! but it really does hurt that some just kinda.. don't wanna branch out and explore more of the character from other media including the comic source. they seem more into the actor playing the character than the character itself, at least from my perspective.
there's already very little love and appreciation for the character as a whole, so to see people making posts and comments about how the mcu version is an improvement/upgrade to the original, among some other things I've seen.. really doesn't help.
There's LOADS to love and enjoy about Mysterio! He is a technological genius and a special effects expert, he is a melodramatic theater nerd to the heart and soul, he is a go-big-or-go-home type of character, but he can also be down to earth and not trying to attract any attention whatsoever if he wants or needs to be.
The character as a whole is an entirely deeply complex one, very rich with an interesting personality and other traits!
I know I've made a fair number of posts (check out my 'quentin beck' or 'mysterio' tags!) talking about Mysterio and all the cool and neat things about his character. The more I look up and learn about him, the more interested I become and I want to share that with others in hopes they'll also see what I see, even just a little, in the character.
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ryanmeft · 6 months
Movie Review: The Marvels
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This is Ms. Marvel’s house, and everyone else is just a tenant. The latest MCU outing is the lowest point of the franchise to date, with a muddled and poorly-explained plot, two wooden leads, an underutilized villain, and entirely too much MCU advertising. At a brisk 105 minutes, it is somehow both overstuffed and rushed. So how, then, can I say you should see it? Two words: Kamala Khan.
It is thirty years after the original Captain Marvel. Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) lives on a spaceship and seems to hold down a job as a galactic peacekeeper-ambassador, though how this keeps food on the table is unclear. Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), also residing in space but on a massive station, sends Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) out on missions to investigate…something. This something, which looks kind of like the way movies always portray event horizons, is a strange disturbance in space that can A: cause wormholes, B: be used as a source of power for the villain and C: make it so that the movie’s three heroines swap places whenever they use their powers. It’s a cosmic maguffin working overtime.
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This plot is, to be kind, a mess. The Space Something causes Danvers and Rambeau to swap places with each other and Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani), lead hero in the Disney+ show Ms. Marvel. As the characters swap powers, they shift between Kamala’s home, Danvers’ spaceship, Fury’s space-station and various other planets, including an intriguing one where everyone speaks in song. None of these feel like any more than pit-stops for the plot, and we constantly wish the film would pick one or two and focus on those. So, too, does Zawe Ashton’s villain get slighted. Superhero movies usually deal in uncomplicated maniacs, and Ashton’s Dar-Benn bucks that trend, with a legitimate reason to be pissed off at the hero. This reason is done away with in a flashback and never explored as a deeper part of the character. Like Thor: Love & Thunder, the movie could have benefited from slowing down and taking more time to establish its villain as a person.
Let’s leave aside the plot for a moment, though, and discuss the young woman named Kamala. For those who watched the show Ms. Marvel, no introduction is necessary. For those who didn’t, she’s a teenager in Jersey City who inherits light-bending properties from a time-traveling gauntlet inherited from her grandmother. Her powers are less important than her personality, for she ends up being the glue that barely holds a confused and dull film together. Played by newcomer Iman Vellani, she has that Spider-Man energy, bringing an enthusiasm and seemingly effortless charm to every scene she steals.
She also happens to be a massive fan of Danvers, yet Vellani knows how to hold back and let her enthusiasm build rather than just running up and spouting a one-liner. Her expressions, body language and every line of dialogue are perfect for the character, which is good, because the film desperately needs her. Larson and Parris never manage to generate any individual sympathy from the audience, and spend all their non-Kamala time dryly reciting details of the impossible-to-follow plot or making bland promises of heroism. At one point, when CM must reduce herself to tears over having accidentally done a very bad thing, it’s obvious Larson is forcing the waterworks, and when Parris must confront a vision of her deceased mother (Lashana Lynch), her reactions are right out of summer stock.
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Vellani’s only credits so far are all playing Ms. Marvel, but if the universe loves us, she will be a star long after the MCU has finally crumbled to dust. She and Jackson are the only ones on screen who seem even dimly aware of how silly this all is, and they treat it all like a game. You can’t say the movie doesn’t have some clue what the audience wants, because in the best non-Kamala moment it multiplies the previous film’s mutant alien cat into dozens. I won’t tell you why the film needs these cats, but does it matter? An alien mutant kitten is its own reward. To get that reward, you need to have watched several TV shows and movies (I won’t say which ones, to avoid spoilers), and the film often feels like homework that most people forgot to do.
Once we’re done with the nonsense plot, the rolled-over-and-died dialogue, the emotionally hollow acting and constant pushy references to the larger MCU, we know only one thing: Ms. Marvel needs her own movie. She’s already left this one in the dust.
Verdict: Average
Note: I don’t use star ratings. Here are my possible verdicts:
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid Like the Plague
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ircn-dad · 2 years
Hello!! I was wonder what you think about NWH? If you have seen it. Have a nice day.
hi! thank you for the question!
i hope I'll not get a lot of hate for this, but I'm not really a big fan of that movie. I wouldn't say it's the worst movie marvel has ever made, but it's not the masterpiece everyone says.
I don't have a lot to say about the plot. It's simple and not sophisticated, there are some plot holes but honestly they are present in every marvel movie . One thing I didn't understand is why Peter and Strange didn't talk APPROPRIATELY before the spell. You're telling me that Strange, a man who is a lot conscious and always careful with every plan he makes, didn't even bothered to ask Peter "hey do you want everyone to forget who you are or you want your friends to remember it?". Strange isn't a fool, I can't believe he didn't think about it before making that spell. Or maybe, he didn't even tried to convince him to do something else or make another plan. But okay, they needed a plot and even if it's poor I can go for it.
What I cannot go for it is the fact that nostalgia carried this movie. Without Andrew and Tobey, this movie would be nothing. Marvel does a lot of this lately: they make movies/shows and they make cameos to make people watch it because you know that fans will love every second of it and will concentrate only on the cameos, not the plot. That's not how you write movies. You cannot treat your fans like this, you just want to make your bag full of money and don't care about the plot or the characters.
Yes, the characters.
Honestly May's death was...rushed. We didn't see Uncle Ben in the MCU, but we know that he was there and that Peter became spiderman because of him. So what was the point in May's death? To hear the famous "with great powers comes great responsibilities" quote? We didn't need that because we already knew that Peter felt a lot of responsibility on his shoulder. We knew it from civil war, where he said to Tony that he has to do something because If he didn't help anyone with the powers he had, it would be his fault if bad things happened; We also knew it after Tony's death. Peter lived with the constant feeling that he had to be like Tony, while blaming himself for his mentor's death. What was the sense to make May say it? He already knew he had a lot of responsibility.
Another thing I want to say is how they treated Tony. In Far from home we see Peter grieving him through all the movie, he misses his father figure and now he has to live without him. Idk how Marvel thinks grief works, but nwh Peter and ffh Peter are not the same person. I can't believe he didn't mentioned him not either once. They completely erased Tony's influence in Peter's life and I'm like...what? Marvel took the little kids on twitter pressed about Tony too seriously.
And what can I say about the end... it sucked. No, i don't feel happy seeing Peter swinging though new york knowing he now has no one.
I can't see this as a new start because this is not the Moment Peter became spiderman.
Peter was already spiderman, homecoming proved that when we saw Peter learning he didn't need the suit to be a hero. He lost Ben, he blamed him self for that, he already felt the pain every other spidermen felt. There was no point in Peter losing everyone so that he could understand what being Spiderman means, because he already knew.
(IMO the spell doesn't make sense... why strange didn't go with the original spell? If he made everyone forget about Spiderman, the villains from other universes wouldn't come neither. In this movie Strange was literally dumb to agree with every nonsense plan of Peter)
I don't have a lot else to say, because I refuse to watch this movie ever again. They ruined Peter's character, and if what I heard from Spiderman 4 rumours is true... then they will have ruined him even more: They want Gwen to be the new love interest of Peter, but that doesn't make any sense. Peter decided to not tell the truth to MJ because he didn't wanted to Risk her life again, BUT he's willing to risk another life all over again? No i cannot accept that.
MCU really said fuck off and decided to bet everything on the cameos
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