#the mod said to do it and everyone in the comments said to do it but no one tells you HOW to do it like hello?!!??!?
hpdrizzle · 17 hours
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🌦️ It's time! REVEALS ARE HERE! 🌦️
Don't let the tornado of excellent works blow you away! We had 28 works submitted this year, by fest regulars and new participants alike!
A rainstorm of thanks for everyone who participated this year, and to all of you who followed along and showered our creators in kudos and comments. 🌈🌧️
Please enjoy the works below 💜
~ Your Drizzle Mods (@nanneramma, @patriceavril, @sleepstxtic, @uncannycerulean, @lumosatnight)
☔ These Silhouettes on Us [Fic, T, 6427], by @rainjulyx
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: A fateful total lunar eclipse, the blood moon, befell London's sky. This heralded event led Harry's meandering path to cross with a ghost of his past—one that he's been trying his best to forget. “The blood moon brings luck,” they said. And this eclipse could be Harry's awaited turning point. At the moment the moon turned blood red, his blood burned bright.
☔ Rainy Day Adventure [Art, G, Digital], by @mugsdontlie
💧Pairing: Neville Longbottom & Trevor 💧Summary: Young Neville and his toad Trevor on a rainy day adventure in the pond.
☔ there's always been a rainbow [Fic, M, 3403], by DrPansyParkinson
💧Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom 💧Summary: Neville Longbottom has one last assignment to finish before we leaves the DMLE and starts teaching at Hogwarts. Unspeakable Pansy Parkinson is annoyed he's leaving her behind. ...and that's before the flooding starts.
☔ His Whole Life [Fic, T, 3958], by @hey-flynn
💧Pairing: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood 💧Summary: Marcus and Oliver retell the stories of when they fell in love to their grandchildren.
☔ up above us [Fic, G, 5166], by @poljupci
💧Pairing: Ron Weasley & Harry Potter 💧Summary: They're in the woods. They're alone. They're hungry and desperate and all out of plans for what to do next. It's then that Ron decides that the only logical solution would be to retrieve an ace from up his sleeve - a secret he's never shared (and never plans to share) with anyone. It's unorthodox and ridiculous and not the kind of tool he'd usually like to rely upon, but it's not like any of them have any better ideas. So he waits until he has some semblance of privacy and, for the first time in his life, puts all his cards on faith showing him the way. Or: There are some things they don't teach you in Divination.
☔ Hero on the Plains [Fic, T, 1815], by @maraudersaffair
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: A tornado is headed straight for their home, but Harry knows exactly what to do. cue the Home Depot theme song
☔ the fires [Fic, T, 1971], by @dracopetal
💧Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley 💧Summary: They had been running from the fires for days now, and it was just the two of them left.
☔ Hot Girl Summer [Fic, T, 5494], by @sailtomarina
💧Pairing: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley, Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley, Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley 💧Summary: With the war now over and a summer heatwave in full force, the last thing anybody wants to do is worry about what the future holds. What about Quidditch and a birthday barbecue at the Burrow, instead? Or, Hermione finds herself the willing eye candy of not one, not two, but three eligible Weasleys? How can a girl choose? Why should she have to?
☔ A Cumulus Condition [Fic, T, 11934], by orolin
💧Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley 💧Summary: Pansy likes nothing more than teasing Ron, her Auror partner of the last few years. But when a joke shop invention of George’s leaves everyone able to see Pansy’s true emotions, to her horror everyone can now see that she quite enjoys it when Ron teases her back. Or; and alternative title: Cloudy With a Chance of Cock
☔ Come in With The Rain [Art, G, Digital], by @legendrarry
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: ”I'll leave my window open /'Cause I'm too tired at night to call your name / Just know I'm right here hoping /That you'll come in with the rain…” Or, Draco sits beside his window and tries to understand just who was hurting more; the London sky that wouldn’t stop crying, or his own broken heart?.
☔ tenderness of the wind [Fic, T, 1867], by @girl-with-goats
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle 💧Summary: Harry is an ethereal being of wind that only manifests physically during a heavy downpour near magically potent places—specifically, in the Forbidden Forest. That's how Tom finds him.
☔ 2 Weeks on a Desert Island [Fic, T, 10342], by vitruvian8008
💧Pairing: Lily Luna Potter/Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Luna Potter/Blaise Zabini, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley 💧Summary: Lily Luna Potter was excited for her voyage to Slytherin Kingdom. But that soon turns into a nightmare as they end up stranded on a desert island. With the sun blazing down on her, Lily’s life is about to change.
☔ Water Music by Goddess47 - a Podfic [Podfic, G, 34:16], by @cailynwrites
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧Summary: Severus keeps hearing piano music...
☔ A Tale of SeasANAL Relief [Fic, E, 8383], by @minimindi
💧Pairing: Firenze/Ron Weasley 💧Summary: “Firenze, I want you to understand something so please look at me,” Ron waited until Firenze looked him in the eyes again then continued. “I am the Keeper of Keys and the Gamekeeper for Hogwarts. My entire job is accomplished outside. The irony of this situation is not lost on me. I will do anything to be rid of these allergies,” Ronald said with as much confidence as he could muster. How bad could this magical cure be? OR Ronald and Firenze bang away Ronald's allergies and find love in the process.
☔ In his Element [Fic, G, 3318], by @viridianrynn
💧Pairing: Neville Longbottom & Trevor the Toad 💧Summary: When a massive spring storm engulfs the castle, everyone retreats to the Hogwarts castle to escape the rain--everyone but one Neville Longbottom and his trusty toad Trevor, who instead set out to their favourite local haunt - a pond. This is a light little story on the friendship that binds Neville and his familiar together and their shared enjoyment of nature.
☔ No One Ever Died From a Little Rain [Fic, T, 2286], by @dancingsparks
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: This has gone on long enough. We will get Potter and Malfoy together. Once and for all.
☔ (I've Got) Sunshine on a Cloudy Day [Fic, T, 20233], by Kendra_Storm
💧Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Blaise Zabini 💧Summary: When a magical pandemic rages across the Wizarding World, Neville is enlisted by the Minister for Magic, Hermione Granger, to grow a rare plant that just might be the cure. The only problem is that the plant is extremely temperamental and requires very specific weather conditions to grow. Fortunately, there is an Unspeakable whose speciality is weather magic. Unfortunately, that Unspeakable is Blaise Zabini.
☔ a little deluge [Fic, T, 1591], by OrangeScript
💧Pairing: Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley 💧Summary: a misunderstanding leads to a kiss in the rain
☔ The Bite [Fic, T, 7225], by @nightfalltwen
💧Pairing: Gregory Goyle/Hermione Granger 💧Summary: There is an uptick of werewolf bites and Gregory Goyle is a victim of one. Hermione brings him wolfsbane to get him through the transformations and a friendship develops.
☔ by august, he was mine [Fic, G, 2908], by @panicissharp
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: It starts with an umbrella. Or, well, actually, it starts at Hogwarts.
☔ Downpour [Art, G, Digital], by @saijordison
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: This art goes along with today's second work, Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l’Espoir. Prompt: Harry and Draco are babysitting Teddy when a magical storm passes through, rendering all magic useless. The two have to take care of Teddy the muggle way.
☔ Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l'Espoir [Fic, T, 20282], by skotini
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: Harry thought he’d just be looking after Teddy for the afternoon. Having Draco Malfoy as his co-babysitter was NOT what Harry had signed up for – especially when there’s a freak magical storm, a rain-soaked Malfoy, and more French than Harry can handle.
☔ A Rainbow in My Sky [Fic, T, 22862], by @blackseatwenty
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧Summary: Suddenly, the bowl spun, the insides glowed, and it emitted a burst of magic. A pair of vivid green eyes materialised inside the silver interior. "Hello," a slightly high-pitched male voice said. Severus choked back a gasp, released the bowl and stumbled backwards, his long black hair falling over his face. "Ow." The eyes darted left and right around the bowl's lips. "Why did you drop me? That hurt." Severus pointed his wand, "You teenage imbeciles have gone too far!" “Hey, why are you shouting and pointing that stick at me?” The bowl shook on the ground, and the blue lights pulsed. Green eyes suddenly rose like floating lights, eying their surroundings. "Are you my companion? My name is Harry; it's nice to meet you!"
☔ Birthday Rain [Fic, G, 2755], by @magikfish
💧Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter 💧Summary: It's Albus Potter's dreaded 15th birthday party, and all he wants is for he and Scorpius to just be left alone.
☔ Split In Half Will Have To Do [Fic, T, 2755], by @strawberrybasilsorbet
💧Pairing: Amy Benson/Original Male Character, Amy Benson & Dennis Bishop, Amy Benson & Tom Riddle 💧Summary: Amy has spent her entire adult life chasing clear skies.
☔ The Pleasure's in Walking Through [Fic, E, 7739], by @nanneramma
💧Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger 💧Summary: Sometimes summers felt like melting. This one did, especially when Hermione visited.
☔ A Line-storm Song [Fic, E, 12626], by @dodgerkedavra
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: Harry holds it together for five years after the war. Well—he sort of holds it together. Then his Auror partner Pansy Parkinson says it’s going to rain.
☔ Worth the hike [Fic, T, 1587], by @patriceavril
💧Pairing: Sirius Black/Mary Macdonald 💧Summary: “I don’t want to go back to taking exams and…” She let the uncertainty of the future trail off into the crash of the waterfall. “Well, we could just stay here, but we’ll run out of cigarettes,” Sirius said.
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lelianaslefthand · 6 months
mod: okay now create a bashed patch
me: what is that how do i do that
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joyceisfox · 4 months
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Forever Autumn Part 6
🍂Hello!! hope you guys everything is well:)
🍂Sorry for my late arrival, everyone has been waiting for a long time,
🍂Last month, I said I would make some clutter items, now it's here!
🍂Hope you will like it!! ♥
PS: If you have any thoughts on next month's CC, please feel free to comment on me:)
Search Forever Autumn or Joyce to find the items
Some items  share the same textures,  please ensure that there is a file ending with 'texture' in your Mods folder
New 16 items
Base Game
DL: Early Access 
Public on Jun 25th 16:00 Beijing Time
Please do not claim as your own.
Please do not re-upload.
Please do not re-edit.
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cheriladycl01 · 8 months
Sidewomen - Twitch Quartet x Youtuber/Streamer! Reader
Plot: Y/N started a youtube group with 5 friends from school, and they all got famous. They had one video with the Sidemen, which led to them jokingly being called the Sidewomen. What happens when she comes onto one of the F1 boys stream.
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Back when you were younger you and your friends would make funny videos, it was a group of 5 of you. You guys always joked about how you were the off brand spice girls, all having majorly different looks and personalities but somehow made it work.
As you guys got older, and content wasn't just silly kid like videos your subscribers grew, as did your names in the community. You ended up getting lots of attention and ended up making a video with the Sidemen. It was one of their $200 dollar v $20,000 dollar holidays. Josh and one of your girls, y/f/n, were the people out of the challenge and prepared it for you.
On one team, it was you, y/bf/n, Tobi, Simon and Harry and on the other team it was your your other two friends with JJ, Ethan and Vik all on the other team.
You guys lucked out in the video and ended up getting the $20,000 holiday being sent to The Sands Hotel in Barbados. You guys spent the week there doing watersports, art, sightseeing and relaxing. After this video, people jokingly started referring to you as the Sidewomen. You guys did similar challenge videos on the joint account you all had, but on your individual accounts you all had different passions.
One of you big ones was gaming, as well as travel. One year in 2019, you'd done a Budget Travel with me around the world. Where you'd followed the F1 Grand Prix around the world, attending each race with the cheapest ticket you could get, and the cheapest flights and standard accommodation. You camped at Silverstone, which was difficult considering you had at this point 10 million subscribers and people had noticed you.
This got you a lot of traction and in Abu Dhabi the last race of the season you were given a paddock pass upgrade. You filmed around and showed what was offered at the different hospitalities and you met some of the pit crew, but out of respect you didn't haggle any of the drivers.
They noticed this. Of course they did.
There was a buzz when you'd come into the paddock. One majorly different from when different celebrities came in. You knew the sport and you knew the sport on a technical level. If you wanted to in a different life you'd be a commentator or an engineer.
The drivers were shocked that every time they saw you to try and say hello, you were busy talking to a mechanic from Aston Martin, or a Social Media Member from Red Bull, or the coffee girl in Ferrari hospitality... you were seemingly walking around and talking to everyone but the drivers.
Once the pandemic hit, in early 2020 and it was said that the Australian GP had been cancelled and the rest of the season seemingly had as well.
But this was fantastic for content creators, you were now pretty much what everyone was watching. So when you saw Lando, George, Alex and Charles all streaming on twitch sim racing against each other you took the opportunity to be a menace.
You subbed to each of them, tier 3 of course before gifting out a load of subs.
"Thank you so much y/t/h (your twitch handle) for the 50 gifted subs, that's insane" Charles said seeing the notification pop up. Everyone in chat started to go wild, realizing it was you.
"Thanks for the 50 gifted y/t/h, really appreciate it!" George had said before proceeding to crash into a wall and look at the camera in defeat before reversing his car and driving towards the pit lane.
"Ah thank you, how do you say that name... y/t/h? Thank you for the 50 gifted, I'm still new to this so I'm sorry if there was a message with that and it didn't pop up for whatever reason, mods ... let me know" he says, as sweet as ever making your heart warm.
"y/t/h ... what the hell is up!" Lando exclaims being the only one to actually recognize your twitch name and know who you were.
"Lando who are you talking too?" George asks hearing the boy not muted.
"Wait you guys know Y/N Y/L/N right?" Lando asks having made you a VIP in his chat so he could see your messages easier and seen that all of them didn't have the realization that it was you.
"Yeah, her videos have saved me in quarantine!" Alex exclaimed remembering that him and his girlfriend Lily often binge watched her videos, calling her their shared wife as a joke.
"Oh, yes she's the one that did the 'Not a rich man's sport series' right? Where she did every single GP but on an minimum wage workers affordable budget to show you can still do it! I love that series!" Charles exclaimed.
"Dude, who doesn't know Y/N, I grew up watching her because she was only like 3 years younger than me and she was incredibly relatable. I watch her whole groups videos" Alex admits before Lando bursts out laughing.
"Okay, so how haven't you realized she's in your guy's chat and is gifting subs to you!" Lando laughs, he starts DMing you on Instagram asking for you discord.
"SHE'S WHAT" Charles exclaims, before looking over into chat to see them spamming your name.
"No way" George says quietly.
"OMG Lily! Come here, our wife is in my twitch chat" Alex shouts out before everyone goes quite.
"Huh?" Lando asks with a little bit of a choke.
"Lily and I agreed we can have one genuine celebrity crush, but its gotta be mutual and its Y/N so she's our shared wife now" he explains making the rest of them all laugh.
"Hello everyone!" you say as you joined the discord call before all hell breaks loose.
"I cant believe this right now" George mutters to himself, Alex was yelling to trying to get Lily to come join him and to come on camera to say hi to you.
You launched up your own stream so the boys could also say hello to you properly.
"Hey stream! What's going on, yes you guys will be meeting some very cool people today. We have Williams Racing Driver George Russell, Red Bull Racing Driver Alexander Albon, Ferrari Racing Driver Charles Leclerc and lastly Mclaren Racing Driver Lando Norris joining us today" you introduce before they all say hello on discord. Your chat was half and half, either spamming that you were streaming with the zoom zoom car men, and the other half asking who the hell these people were.
"Holy shit, there's 30k people watching us online right now" Lando says looking at your view count going up.
"So, Lando suggested that you guys interview me, or like give me a quick fire quiz about 2019 considering i was there for all races!"
"Ohhh okay sounds interesting! I'm first!" Alex offers and you smile at the camera.
"Where was my first race with Red Bull?" Alex asks and you smile.
"Spa right?"
"Ding Ding" Lando shouts loudly making you flinch and laugh at the sound.
"Okay my turn! How many podiums did i have in 2019, and where were they" Charles asks.
"Oh come on, he wins in Spa, he wins in Monza ... you had two" you recite the quote of the year to him and see a big cheesy grin on his face.
"My turn how many points did i get in my rookie season of 2019" George asks and you sigh.
"Such potential there George but unfortunately you came out with 0 points!" you shake your head sadly.
"Okay me next hmmmm, my rookie season was wasn't great either... I don't know what to ask. Oooo what was my highest position?" he asks and you look stumped for a second.
"P6?" you ask more than answer him.
"Actually fella's i may have to check that myself" Lando pauses not quite sure.
"Why on earth would you ask a question you don't know the answer too..." you exclaim in outrage, looking to the camera with a 'wtf' look.
"Look, last year was ... well I don't even know how to describe last year!" Lando exclaims before he cheers.
"You were right it was in fact P6 i got that in Bahrain and Austria" he explains.
"Look, even though i had a weird and wacky year from staying in a hostel in Belgium to a Love Hotel in Japan ... I remembered everything from that year!" you say backing yourself up.
"Okay back to me, where was my highest place drive in Torro Rosso?" Alex asks.
"Oh fuck, in Torro Rosso, mmmmmm. Oh my gosh my mind has gone blank for any races higher than P8 for you. P8?" you ask sheepishly knowing its not but its the only race you could think off.
"Nope it was P6 in Germany!" he laughs and you sigh with an 'oh damn it' and a light smack on your desk.
"Okay me me! Who did i race for before i moved to Ferrari?" Charles questions and you role your eyes before looking over to chat who are spamming Tifosi.
"Alfa Romeo Sauber and lets be for real you slayed that rookie season pookie" you say, and everyone laughs.
"God what is this pandemic turning us into... slay ... what even is that?" Lando ask like one of those old middle aged mums who squint when you show her something on your phone.
"SLAYYYYY" you scream and chat start to spam the emote you made for it.
"Okay, well what was my lowest race finish?" George asks.
"Erm including DNF'S?" you ask and see him shake his head before saying no on his stream.
"P19, you avoiding that 20 like I avoid my ex-man boi" you chide making everyone laugh.
"France is not you friend" you admit, looking up to double check you were right, showing chat George's statistics from the 2019 races.
"Okay, and me what is the name of the new esports gaming org that I am going to launch soon"
"Quadrant, which chat... he wants me to leave to leave fnatic for them. Chat what do i do?" you ask and chat spams you with yes or no's and its funny to see the split and the argument. Twitter would have a field day over this later.
"Oh god Y/N why do you have to create chaos everywhere you go!" Alex laughs before he makes a weird noise.
You change tabs to check his screen, and see Lily. You gasp loudly making sure everyone can hear.
"What?" George asks.
"Alex who is that beautiful woman on your screen and is she single" you ask, knowing full well its Lily his girlfriend since last year. You'd seen their posts on instagram.
"No way, she didn't just say that. Your lying" you hear Lily mumble before looking unsurely at the camera and chat to see if they would tell her it was all a joke.
"Y/N this is Lily, she's my ..."
"Yeah i don't care about that lemme talk to her, cos she's gorgeous" you say and Alex hands Lily the headphones.
"Hey darling" you try and say in a seductive voice and you see Lily fold on stream, banging the desk lightly and biting her lip.
"Your hand in marriage please Y/N?" she asks and you nod enthusiastically to chat.
"Lily, we spoke about this... she's are shared wife" Alex admits making you stifle a laugh before returning serious.
"Alex, get away. You aren't involved here!" you say before everyone laughs, joking how they feel like they are interrupting your's and Lily's first date.
Afterwards you spent a lot of time streaming with them, you couldn't travel as much as you used to for your YouTube channel so you ventured out of your usual stuff, going as far as to start a podcast and join a gaming org.
It was even sadder, not streaming with Charles, George and Alex anymore. Sometimes Lando continued to stream, but after the pandemic you didn't get to see that silly and chilled out side of them as much.
You'd gained... and managed to save a lot of money in the pandemic. So come the 2022 season, you were offered a 'small' and 'unprofessional' job by Formula One, you were basically your own social media for them. You were given a paddock pass to every race, you were given podcast privileges with pretty much whoever you wanted and they paid you all to give them more traction.
You created the opposite of your first video where you went on the best flights and the snazziest hotels, even going on Max's private jet for one event.
Everyone loved it, and you still did your normal videos on the side, like day in the life, and those aesthetic travel videos that everyone secretly loves, lifestyle and beauty videos etc.
Apart from the fact that the pandemic was awful and harmed many and really created a rift between some of you friendships and family and had, at one point got you nervous about your income, had actually paid of and turned out to have one of the best outcomes for your future in content creation.
A/N: My heart really goes out to anyone and their families who were affected by the pandemic, it was an insane time for all of us and is shocking that it genuinely happened in our life time. But it taught everyone so much, and we all learned a lot while this was occuring!
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19
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theother-victoria · 6 months
been thinking of street racing with aventurine bc I imagine he’d like the thrill of it too…
tags: not proofread, I typed this out in tumblr drafts, some suggestive comments, flirting, gn reader, I don't know anything about street racing so pls forgive any inaccuracies, banter (they're so silly)
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Aventurine, who pulls up to the race in an edgy and sleek sports car, drawing the attention of everyone else there- yours included.
You lean against the side of your car, watching him as he leaves opponent after opponent in the dust. He's skilled, you'll give him that. From the aggressive driving style and the make and model of the car, you're betting it's just some bored teenage boy with daddy's money to burn, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't at least a little bit curious about the person behind the wheel.
A few easy wins later that night and you're slated to race against him. He takes his sweet time pulling up to the finish line, but to your surprise, he rolls his window down for the first time that night and you're able to get a good look at him. He's no teenage boy but he has the same mischievous look that implies he's up to no good.
"Checking me out already?" he remarks, his (captivating) eyes twinkling in delight, although they're hidden behind his sunglasses. "And I thought I'd for sure be the one to make the first move."
Oh, so he's a flirt too. You can barely hear him over the loud purring of his expensive and modded car's engine and you know tonight's race will be a tight one.
"I see you've got money. What's a rich boy like you doing all the way out here?"
His grin widens.
"Ooh, you’re sharp. I like that and the way you talk.”
"Why don't you tell me who you are first?"
He laughs and shakes his head. He rolls up the window, much to your irritation, but not before saying one last thing and sending a wink your way.
"If you win, I'll tell you who I am. How does that sound?"
Damn. No other choice but to accept since the race is about to start.
You end up losing, but just barely. You had to push your car to its limits and he wasn't above playing dirty too, giving you a couple of close calls throughout. Although, he at least didn't endanger your life like some others have in the past, so you'll give him that.
After the race ends, you pull into a brightly-lit gas station with some people there. Shortly after, another car pulls up next to you and he steps out.
"Not bad, not bad," he says, clapping lightly. "It's not often that I find someone that can at least keep up with me, much less overtake me a couple times."
"So you were following me."
He raises his hands as a mock display of innocence.
"Hey, relax! Don't be so hostile! I just wanted to get to know you a bit better, that's all. Besides, you wanted to know who I am, right?"
You watch as he scribbles something onto a business card.
"Wasn't that only applicable if I won?"
"Eh, I've changed my mind now," he says, handing the card to you. "I don't make deals that don’t pay off and I'd consider it a loss if I didn't get at least your number tonight."
"You still didn't answer my original question. What's someone like you doing all the way out here? Surely you have more important matters to attend to, right?"
He laughs.
"Wow, you really don't know who I am, huh?"
"... What's that supposed to mean?"
"Ah, nothing. Just talking to myself. But to answer your question... I suppose it's because I enjoy the thrill of it. It's like gambling. Not knowing whether you'll win or lose, or even live or die. After all, the higher the stakes, the higher the excitement- why're you looking at me like that?"
"… You're insane."
"Sure, sure, sweetheart. I'll pretend that your reasons aren't the same as mine and that the adrenaline rush doesn't excite you every time. Why else would you willingly race, night after night?"
With one last wink, he gets into his car and drives away. You finally glance at the business card, only to do a double take and gape at it in shock when you realize its contents.
Aventurine, one of the IPC's Ten Stonehearts? No way... this guy's an IPC exec?
You don't know whether to feel proud about the fact that you got an IPC executive's number without trying or humiliated about the whole exchange...
There's a winking smiley face and an "call me xoxo" written next to the phone number.
And against your better judgement, you do just that.
He turns out to be an interesting companion. You'd think that with his demanding position, he'd be traveling all over the galaxy every day- which is true, to an extent, but he's always there for your weekly races and frequently drags you out shopping with him. He teaches you how to play poker and how to count your cards, if you didn't know how to already. He then tries to get you to play a round or two against him, which you promptly refuse each time.
("I spent all that time teaching you how to play and this is what I get in return? Boo, you're no fun. But a round or two never hurt anyone, right?"
"Aventurine, even a round or two is a surefire way to go into debt to you. Absolutely not."
He pouts and grumbles like a little kid every time.)
He also pays for additional mods to your car. When you try to refuse him, he merely brushes off your concerns.
"Sweetheart, I don't think you understand," he said back then. "I make more in a day than what it costs to mod your car. To me, this is nothing. Besides, I want an opponent who can keep up with me. If you start falling behind, well, then that's no fun for both of us, right?"
One night, there’s a particularly high-stakes race that you’re slated to compete in. The cash prize is one that’s too big for anyone to pass up.
Well, except for Aventurine. That amount of money is probably nothing by his standards.
For once, he’s not racing. When it’s your turn, he waves you over with a teasing smile as you’re getting ready.
“Say, how about raising the stakes for tonight?”
“What now?”
“Let’s make a bet.”
“… Fine.”
“If you win, we go on a date together. My treat, of course. If you lose, then you’ll have to play a round of poker with me.”
There isn’t an ounce of shame in his words. You openly gape at him as he beams at you proudly.
“… What?”
“You heard me.”
“Why though?”
He shrugs.
“Simple. I know this is a bet that will pay off. And I’ve been wanting this to happen for a long time now. So…”
He leans in close, lips teasingly brushing over your ear for a moment.
“Don’t disappoint me. I want to see you try and turn the tides in your favor for this race.”
You pull away from him.
“I accept, but only because I am not going into debt because of poker.”
He laughs.
“Go on then, sweetheart. I want to see you leave everyone behind in the dust. Oh, and don’t forget your good luck kiss!”
Aventurine blows a kiss to you. You roll your eyes as you climb into your car. Insufferable, that’s what he is. But if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s reading people. Meaning he must’ve noticed that you wanted this too.
You roll your neck and focus on the road ahead. The race is about to begin.
That cash prize and date with Aventurine is yours.
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bloodplague · 26 days
Addressing all allegations
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Before mentioning everything, I'd like y'all to note a few things.
— Trigger warnings: Mentioning gore, slurs, Offenderman, mentioning an abuser (Crystal Castles, Ethan), mentioning of alcohol, etc. — Please do not harass Seirei over this at all. Yes, she made 2-3 videos about that and yes, she has spread some false information, but this is about me and not her. She does not deserve to be harassed. Seirei has been harassed over this, which is why I wanted to mention this. [ @seireitonin ] — Some people don't want their names leaked, so obviously I will draw over some users. — If I'm unsure about what prons to use for different people, I will use they/them. — I don't know where people got that from, but I'm not 25, nor am I in my twenties. My age will be mentioned in this post. Topics: 1. Doxxing & Spamming gore 2. Crystal castles 3. Kastoway 4. Lulu canon sheet 5. Offenderman „headcanons“ 6. Sally‘s channel 7. "Groomer" allegations 8. L slur 9. Asher 11. School shooting jokes? 12. The whole SA thing 13. "Ben drowned controller"-person 14. August and her personal relationship 15. Alcohol mentioning 16. Overly dark humor 17. Krunkatron
I think people tried to doxx me over all of this now, sending my IP address to Seirei and (possibly!) others, which is a bit wild but there's not much I can do except get a VPN. They also threatened to doxx a literal 13 year old and spam them gore images which is fucked up, nicely said. "Tulip" is the "frenchfucker67200" person.
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Crytal Castles
Because someone mentioned me supporting Ethan Kath, I'd like to mention that I don't. He's a terrible person who has abused Alice Glass (The old lead singer of Crystal Castles) for years and more.
I do love listening to Crystal Castles and ramble about how much I love the music, but did not say anything positive about Ethan. I don't idolize him either. I idolize Alice Glass, who unfortunately was a victim of Ethan.
As far as I'm informed, Alice is the victim and Ethan the abuser. I heard rumors about Ethan being innocent, but there's too much against him. I'm just a Crystal Castles listener, I do NOT know what's the 100% truth.
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I made a video, claiming that "Kastoway didn't actually do anything" and people shouldn't immediately believe everyone claiming stuff without showing proof, and now I'm basically getting called out for that too. I researched a bit and went through his sister's TikTok who made a whole google doc about Kastoway, linking it in her bio. People claim Kastoway is trans-phobic and supported a really weird creator (Sally's creator, La_Mishi_Mishi), so I wanna show what I actually found related to that since I never saw anything confirming that Kastoway is trans-phobic.
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The links in the doc don't work anymore. Also another screenshot of me saying "as far as I know" and not saying "100% the truth".
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Lulu canon sheet
Basically; In our Discord server, every character has her own channel for canon information and images. I threw in most canon drawings the creator made, including one where she was very exposed with only a part of the chest-area covered and the hips including private areas. This was a scar, body and bruise reference. I only put it there for scar refernece purposes, though I see and understand how this drawing is disgusting and should not be shown in a public server. I deleted it after talking about it with someone I will keep anon and a few mods.
Because people got upset over me adding a sexuality headcanon, it's canon that Lulu is straight. When making the headcanon about her being straight, I had no intention of "sexualizing her". I just threw in a headcanon about what sexuality she could possibly have since apparently she's dating someone?
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^ This is all canon information. I'm not sure what "via" means, so I'm not gonna comment that, that's all I could related to Lulu's age. I do not know how old she is on the picture, but assuming she's a minor, I deleted it from her channel.
Someone basically claimed I was making Offenderman headcanons:
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^ , even though that's straight up a lie? Those are not my headcanons, those were canon facts. For context, we have channels for all characters and their canon information, including Offenderman (until he got removed). I copied those from his canon sheets on DeviantArt, I did not write them myself.
Rough context to the Offenderman channel: He was supposed to be a part of the book because of the whole 4-Slender-brother thing and I planned on killing him off & was NOT gonna include ANY of his actions, but after people expressed their discomfort towards Offendermans channel and him being a part of the book, I removed him completely.
I also like to mention that I don't support Offenderman nor his actions at all. I only added him to have "the 4 Slender-brothers" in the book.
Krunkatron was willing to purposely take something out of context which is kinda crazy, but also what you have to expect when it comes to using Discord, I guess.
But yeah every time someone tried to tell them, they got blocked.
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Sally's channel
Krunkatron claimed I called Sally "sexy" which is also a wild thing to say, purposely taking it out of context.
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This is all copied information I threw in the channel after copying it from her canon sheets. I didn't read everything, I just threw everything in I found. A while later I went through everything and noticed the "sexy", so I removed it.
As far as I can tell, La_Mishi_Mishi (Sally's creator) was explaining the "meaning of the name Sally" which you can literally see on the screenshot too.
Though, I don't see why they would have to include that in a character description of an 8 year old, so I'm absolutely NOT defending them & removed it. Not to mention that they drew weird shit as well.
Groomer allegations
I don't really have much of a choice in this since allegations like that are serious as hell, so please, I'm not 25 (where ever people got that from). I'm a minor. I was never comfortable with revealing my age or talking about it a lot, since I got groomed several times and wanted to avoid that happening again.
Some of my friends didn't know, so don't pounce on them, only a few knew. The me driving a car video, that was in a parking lot. I've shown my ID to a few people like August, Vanessa, Asher, Alory and Jack too.
I never planned on sharing my exact age. Once people started making guesses, saying they think I'm 19-24, I just went along with it because I was not comfortable sharing my age.
With that being said, most of the allegations are probably cleared up. Specially the "jokingly flirts with minors"-thing.
And before krunk comes at me for my diagnoses, surprise, you can get diagnosed at the age of 15 in Germany. Some personality disorders can be diagnosed at 15 and yes, I got my diagnoses by several professionals. Faking mental disorders is disgusting, I don't do that.
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There's basically a screenshot of me saying the L slur, and I just want to say that I didn't know it was a slur. I don't use slurs I'm not allowed to use, so I immediately stopped saying the word once Alory (the person who I said it to) explained it.
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Some people claim it's not a slur, some say it is, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I will not use it again since I'm not a lesbian and have no right to use that slur.
Some people claim Asher is a n.zi, and I just want to reassure everyone that he is definitely not one. He explained several times that he does not support any of HABIT's actions and rambles about how terrible he actually is. And no, I'm not "grooming Asher"?? Like I said, I'm a minor myself. In fact, I helped Asher get rid of groomers to stay safe 3 times now.
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School shooting jokes
I basically made a joke about something like "shoot them like the kids in America", and honestly, isn't that the most common joke? I see so many famous YouTubers like Markiplier or Flamingo joke about it, almost everyone on TikTok and literally everyone I talk to. I see how people are uncomfortable if they suffer under trauma related to school shootings, so I won't make those jokes anymore, but aren't they more or less normal at that point? (genuine question)
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Tumblr is only letting me add 30 images in total, so I'm trying to think fo a way to show screenshots without being forced to make 6 different posts.
The "Ben Drowned's controller" person
Basically a 12 year old that was upset that they got kicked from our server. You have to be 13+ to use Discord. Either way, they claimed that Virus (someone who tried to get nudes from a 13 year old and someone who tried to groom Asher) was not a groomer.
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Please note this person is ONLY 12, so DO NOT HARASS THEM.
They were spreading false information, claiming Virus (aka Kiro on those pictures) is "normal", even though he's far from that. Virus is 22, telling a 14 year old about his kinks, offering to write smut, writing smut, talking about porn and sending sexual drawings. This is absolutely not okay. Saying "Asher could've told him to stop" is not a valid excuse either. Why would an adult tell a minor about that in first place. That's just disgusting.
August and their relationship
There's nothing much I have to say to that other then that people shouldn't send around screenshots of August's and their ex's DM's?
They are both the same age and (as far as I know) were comfortable with what happened, bringing up their old relationship has NOTHING to do with all of this, so stop.
Alcohol mentioning
The whole alcohol mentioning has been stopped about 2 months ago. People already expressed their feelings about this, so I stopped. I used to send pictures of my collection at times, which some people twisted into "promoting alcohol" as if I was telling people to drink.
As said, I stopped around 2 months ago (I think) and won't really mention alcohol anymore. I don't know why people brought it up again if we stopped.
I'm gonna post a "part 2" tomorrow or once I can, talking about all the overly dark jokes I made. It's like 3:17 AM and I have to go to work in a few hours so yeah I'll do that tomorrow.
A few more notes!!!
— I'm most likely gonna delete overly rude comments because it's just unnecessary (looking at Krunkarton who said "Idc if youre a minor, slit to the bone"???) — Read everything before commenting something please, I don't wanna explain things several times when most answers are in this post — Again, I'll address the rest in the second post because of the picture limit
Telling 13 year olds stuff like that is feral. (most of the comments are towards 2 of my friends so yah)
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Lmfaooo what a week 😅
So a lot of people are, understandably, leaving the fandom. Drama like this always tends to put people off and unfortunately that affects the media they’ve come to love. I’m not going to be one of those people bc honestly, I don’t even know if I was ever that “in” the fandom in the first place to even leave it. My account isn’t and never was a nevermore account, yes I’ve made a few nevermore post but those were infrequent and amongst posts and reblogs of multiple other fandoms. I’m also in the discord server but I’ve only ever been a lurker, and usually only ever go in it when I want more context to something I’ve seen on tumblr. With that being said however, I still plan on reading nevermore when (or if) it continues because in THIS particular instance I can easily separate art from the artist and I’ll explain why in a moment.
Like I said I’m not and never have been very active in the fandom. I learned about this drama through a post from an account I follow and went through the server to find more context. I was not present through any of the actual conflicts but I’ve seen the conversations.
So why am I commenting on this?
Well mainly I want to make a point about para social relationships as well as moderation of servers and fandoms as a creator.
I just want to preface this by saying that after reading through all possible context, perspectives, takes and evidence I could find or come across, I genuinely don’t think red is necessarily a bad/morally wrong person. I DO however think she is in the wrong in this situation especially due to how she handled everything. As for how a lot of people are reacting to everything, there’s a couple of things I’d like to note:
From what I’ve seen, all of this is just one big thing of “he said/she said” and pointing fingers as well as just picking sides. If your absolutely distraught because red didn’t turn out to be the person you thought they were simply because she said things you didn’t like, I understand the disappointment and frustration but please remember that content creators in general aren’t your friends. You don’t know these people, they just do things you happen to like. Now I’m not saying you SHOULDN’T feel upset about it, it’s ok to and you even should if it’s an issue to you feel strongly about but please keep in mind that this isn’t a “sign of their true colors” or anything because you don’t know what they were actually like to begin with. Ofc I don’t mean that to say “expect the worst from people” but more as a reminder that can hopefully help you to look at the situation more critically and logically before jumping in guns blazing. It’s understandable if it affects you emotionally, you were emotionally invested in their work; but please realize this before you let it get to that point. Now on the other side of the coin, there’s the people who I feel as though will just pick the creators side simply because they’re fanboys and will stand by them no matter what. I’m DEFINITELY NOT saying that’s what everyone who’s on red side is, but naturally there’s bound to be a few that are going to dickride for the sake of dickriding. Regardless, there’s a lack of willingness to listen and understand from both sides (at least from what I’ve noticed) and that’s a problem because when no one wants to listen then what’s supposed to be a community coming together to resolve an issue just turns into a giant flame war. Also this should go without saying, but at least give the mods a chance. They obviously handled the whole situation horrendously but they aren’t going to do their jobs any better when they’ve got people coming at them with pitchforks.
Speaking of the moderators. I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how red and the other mods have managed to fumble this badly…….like it’s almost funny. All said and done they all had ONE very simple job and they blew it. Although I very much disagree with it, I do understand red’s decision to unban crimson. They wanted to give them a second chance, sure whatever. What I DONT GET is why would they not at the very least check to see if anyone else would be comfortable with a decision that would possibly affect them or even impact their safety. At the very least a warning to or a discussion with the victims would have been something. Not only that but even after they unban them, once red saw the NUMEROUS amount of people that were upset about it they, they should have immediately banned them again and then apologize after instead of some rushed explanation. But I get it stress gets the better of you. I understand their desire to keep things as transparent as possible (which i appreciate and I’m sure so do many others) but from that first apology/explanation it felt more like red trying to shake responsibility off themselves and pointing fingers in the guise of being transparent. I did see where red was trying to get at in her first statement, but there was also things that she honestly should have just had the foresight to realize wouldn’t put her in a better light, and this is aside from the victim blaming-esque wording. red basically says that she felt like a group of people (including Laci the one who reported crimson) were just out to get crimson, which is absolutely insane but then again it’s the internet so who knows. However it’s super clear that Laci obviously wasn’t lying bc the things she accused crimson of did in fact happen. So even bringing that up was enough for me to raise my eyebrow at but I digress. Then red practically says it was hard to handle the situation bc the evidence provided was censored, but Laci literally offered to give the uncensored versions so that was completely disingenuous on red’s part at best. To me it just seemed like the mods were looking for excuses for what could be there own laziness at best and negligence at worst. Their biggest fault so far is not being very good at actually listening to their audience and taking them into consideration. She also brought up that fact that Laci was apparently the only person to report crimson which I did not like to say the least. One of the victims confided in Laci and Laci brought it forward. I understand reds suspicions about Laci not being in the actual server where it happened but how are you going to immediately jump to “well why did no one else bring it up” instead of stopping for a sec and thinking “ hm clearly these victims feel uncomfortable stepping forward”. Which they had to do now anyway because of how bad the issue became. They should not have had to do that. Better it be just one person reporting, even if it’s someone you don’t like, than no one reporting and the issue persists under the radar.
And then there’s red’s formal apology…
First off, girl why are you dropping names??? A bunch of who are supposedly minors? Like let’s be so fucking for real right now😭
And then the audacity to be like “please don’t go after or dm these people” like babes if you were genuinely worried about them you wouldn’t have used their names at all. ESPECIALLY when in the end it was completely irrelevant and borderline inappropriate since it really had nothing to do with crimson, their actions or how you handled them. Not to mention the act of calling them “cliques” when literally all they were was side servers. Like if they’re cliques then what does that make red and everyone who’s on her side? It was very clearly just a biased reaction to people saying things she doesn’t like about her, which by all means she has the right to respond to but not in a way that is clearly trying to sway how everyone else sees them. The way red describes everything is as if it’s middle school drama and then proceeds to play directly into it. Don’t get me wrong her apology was fine, when she was ACTUALLY apologizing. Everything else felt like a last ditch effort to drag others under the bus with her. It was lowkey embarrassing to say the least.
Again, it’s important that I make it clear that I don’t believe red is a bad person. I just think she’s an immature person, or at least she is in how she handled everything and continues to handle it bc like I said I don’t know her, and don’t care to frankly. I didn’t start reading nevermore to be buddy buddy with her. Like if we look at the grand scope of things, this is a grown woman beefing with kids. Obviously they aren’t all kids, most of them aren’t I believe but she’s practically stooping down to school yard conflict in how she’s responded so far. Especially at one point in the server when she was being called out and jumped to “yeah I guess I’m the bad guy and totally evil. You all should hate me”. Like actually cut that shit out, what are you doing. I mean honestly.
And my final point because I’ve ranted long enough. I mentioned before that in this instance I am willing to separate the art from the artist, I stand by that because I genuinely do think this is a situation where red could hopefully grow from this and rectify things. The actual unbanning was a stupid and inconsiderate move on her part, but I don’t think she meant any ill-will or had any malicious intent. I disagree with the people calling her a r@pe apologist because that’s honestly just a huge reach. I’ve also seen some accusations of red and/or Flynn being racist, promoting inappropriate art knowing there’s minors around and from what I’ve seen it’s pretty iffy. Regarding the racism, I don’t believe that they are. Their characterizations of the characters regarding their ethnicities IS stereotypical and was obviously just very surface level research into those respective cultures but I chopped that up to ignorance rather than racism. As a woc I was frankly just relived they didn’t make the poc characters centered on some kind of discrimination or tragedy from their era, which yes is something that shouldn’t be ignored but also I don’t know if rednflynn could accurately and more importantly, respectfully portray those types of issues. Nor is it even their place tbh. With that being said however I don’t belong to most of the cultures the characters belong to. To me it never seemed like they were making a caricature out of these cultures, especially since their ethnicities are barely relevant to their stories anyway but I acknowledge that it’s not my place to deem what’s offensive or not.
As for the promoting inappropriate art of the characters and creating some themselves. Yeah they do. I’ve never been shocked about that nor did I think it was something that they are wrong for doing, I mean it’s their own work. Granted I didn’t realize how many minors were in the fandom but that’s literally every fandom, there’s only so much you could do about it. I don’t know if nevermore has a rating but it’s not like it was something ever promoted to be kid friendly, it’s obvious that some scenes are just straight up fan service. While I personally don’t like fan service it never was enough to impact the story so I personally never saw an issue. But point is I don’t think they should have to monitor what is and isn’t appropriate for minors but things get tricky when they have a server where they are clearly aware of minors.
And then there’s other things like people accusing them of promoting SA or some shit like that bc of a lot of stuff involving Montessor which frankly, that’s just a media literacy issue on the readers part. So yeah with that being said I don’t think red is a bad person, although I understand why a lot of people are done with them which is completely fair. I’m pretty much in a grey area about it, who knows if they end up getting in an even bigger scandal, hopefully they come out better from this but only time will tell. The best/smartest thing red has said throughout this entire debacle was that they’re taking a step back from the fandom. I think it’ll be good for everyone, especially them. It seems like it’ll take stress off them anyway. Plus the hole they’ve dug for themselves is already halfway to china by now so there’s that
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
top/bottom discourse in the Genshin fandom is annoying
hear me out, I don’t have anything against people who like one fixed dynamic only. Unless they go out of their way to harass other fixed/switch dynamic shippers
and that’s exactly what happened to a zine artist. The zine is for profit, also still in the making but they announced a guest artist who doesn’t care about strict dynamics, they occasionally lean towards the other dynamic (let’s call it vanilla) but would draw the fixed dynamic (chocolate) for this zine
people who wanted chocolate only were angry about the fact that an artist who leans more to vanilla was invited for a chocolate zine. They called it “false advertising” and “being lied to” and “how can we make sure this person will only draw chocolate?!” and “how dare you invite a VANILLA artist for CHOCOLATE!”
the harassment was so bad that the artist deactivated their twitter and I’m really sad to hear that. What more, there were Chinese fixed shipper in the comments who insulted the zine mods and artist, making comments like “it looks you slept with each other” or “if you don’t get why were complaining, you’re stupid!”
and I’m just like… this is no big deal.
This zine is not out yet. No one lost money, no one was hurt by “false advertising”. The zine mods protect the artist and said switch shippers are welcome as long as they draw the fixed dynamic the mods decided on, which the artist will do or would have done. If you don’t like the product, you don’t have to buy it! It makes me sad that something so little exploded into something so big
Unfortunately this isn't just a Genshin issue. Fans are fucking rabid about top/bottom discourse and it usually boils down to some kind of heteronormative-vaguely-sexist flavor.
You see it most often in ships which have very obvious dynamic and personality differences. The "little sunshine one" is always the super feminine uwu bottom. The tallest one is always the top, though some people like to add a little spice by making them a submissive top.
And don't get me wrong—I'm not immune. I have the odd pairing where I'm more fixated on a set sexual dynamic, but I'm a switch shipper through and through. And I'd certainly never try to dictate that my preferences in fanon are the universal rule.
In all honesty, I'd have cancelled the zine. People need to learn that actions have consequences. If you want the fun fandom thing, you have to be respectful. Too many people have caved to fandom pressure and harassment and just aided in educating people that being cunts effectively gets them what they want. People need to learn there are consequences to ruining it for everyone else.
(Because lets be honest, you are going to be nobody's favorite person if everyone knows you're the reason they lost out on something.)
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theabigailthorn · 2 years
Surely with how popular you are you would have had a few cancelling attempts, but you're drama free. How? I thought you'd be target number 1 with TERFs.
So the thing is, people on the internet have and do try to wreck my life! But it's true that I get less of it than a lot of other women, and I often ask myself (and them) this same question. I think it comes down to a few factors. In no particular order:
I'm white and thin
I don't post selfies very often
The Philosophy Tube Jutsu: I never use my platform to say anything bad about individuals, so I don't make enemies
I'm British
I don't put my pronouns or the word 'trans' in my bio. I mention it if it it's relevant but to a casual troll looking for someone to go after there are more obvious targets
My brand: in terms of online content, my brand is 'Educational and Compassionate.' I try to be even-handed and listen to all sides and never be angry, and people are maybe a bit reluctant to get mad at someone who does that? In terms of acting, my brand right now is 'I'm Trying Hard and I'm On My Way Up!' which I guess people like?
I have a posh accent
I don't make online content about video games
I'm pretty enough that men like looking at me but not so hot it makes them angry
I transitioned in private before I came out publicly. I knew that when I did I'd get a lot of backlash, so I pre-emptively muted LOADS of words in my comments section and wove a kind of digital safety net
I'm so busy that I often miss whatever the discourse du jour is and don't get involved. As a wise woman once said, 'Do Not Tweet.'
I deliberately dress and present myself as 'classy' in public-facing stuff
Most of my content is scripted, so by default it attracts people who like to sit down and listen
Philosophy Tube is literally all about critical thinking and not taking things at face value. So if a typical Philosophy Tube Subscriber sees a post that says 'I saw Abigail Thorn kicking a puppy down the street!' they're more likely to stop and think, 'What's the evidence for this?' This means that when there are hate campaigns and lies spread about me (and there are, from time to time) my core audience sees through it and sticks around
I have very good mods! Big shout out to all the lovely people on r/philosophytube and all the people who moderate my livestream chats!
I have a social media manager who can look out for hate and pre-emptively guard against it
I don't hitch my brand to other people. I sometimes do little collabs or appear at events with other creators but for the most part I fly solo. That means if another creator blows up or posts something awful I minimise my chances of cancellation-by-association. I'm friends with lots of creators but for the most part I keep it behind the scenes (Learned this one the hard way!)
I'm not a sex worker. Those people get hate like you wouldn't believe - the sex workers I know are the toughest folks I've ever met!
I'm not very fun to bully! I do get death threats and hate campaigns and people make fake porn of me and libel me and all that stuff - literally every day - I just never talk about it publicly so trolls don't get the satisfaction of seeing me get upset. I just mute and block and move on silently. When I have to talk to a lawyer or the police about someone causing a problem, I handle it behind the scenes
Platform size. When TERFs in British media go after someone they tend to pick on people smaller than them, cause they're bullies.
I built my platform slowly, so I've had time to adjust and get used to how it impacts my life
People have tried to cancel me in the past and it's blown up in their faces, e.g. the Trump Transition Tweet Incident and the B*ck A*gel Affair.
To be absolutely clear, a LOT of this is luck and privilege. I'm not trying to blame the victims of online harassment: yes, some of these factors are things I choose to do but not everyone is able to make those choices. It's also the unwinnable game of respectability politics: yes I might get less hate because of the way I dress or whatever, but fundamentally that won't protect me if I get arrested and sent to a men's prison. These things aren't a substitute for a more just distribution of power. There's also this final possible factor:
It just hasn't happened yet.
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aroacecharacters · 1 month
Intro Post
Hello everyone! 
This is a blog for writers who are interested in writing aspec characters but may have questions about the identities. The goal of this blog is for writers to be able to submit questions and hopefully get some advice. 
If you aren’t a writer but you are aspec please feel free to follow as well, we would like to have a whole community of aspecs to give advice as well since this blog only has two admins.
As I said before, this blog is run by two admins. We are both arospec asexuals.
Mod Ryn is 23, uses he/they, and is amicusromantic and asexual.
Mod Atlas is 24, uses they/he, and is arospec and asexual.  
Now, here is how this blog works. 
If you are a writer looking for advice, please submit an ask. We will do our best to answer and if we don’t know we will still post it for others in the community to answer. 
If you are aspec, feel free to reblog or comment with your own advice for the questions. 
This blog is for all identities that fall under the aro and/or ace umbrellas. You can also submit questions for other aspec identities such as aplatonic or atertiary, but since the mods don’t fall under those categories, they will just be posted for follower advice.
If you have a question that may need a follow up ask or two, feel free to use an emoji to identify yourself if you are on anon. Just don’t use a purple or blue heart because those are reserved for the admins. 
Due to the admins being adults, we have busy lives so our posting days will be on Sundays and Wednesdays. Depending on how many asks we get we will try to get as much posted on those days, up to ten a day. 
As soon as possible we will try to get a post set up for frequently asked questions to cover some basics. 
Last but not least, please be respectful, we are all trying to learn here and one person doesn’t speak for the whole community.
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updatingranboo · 1 year
tips and tricks for ranboo fans to make chat (and the community) a better place!
hello! since the rebrand is coming up i decided i wanted to make a list of certain things ranboo fans should be discouraged from saying/doing, to keep chat/the community fun and keep from pushing ranboo back into the box of a streamer they no longer are. i personally don’t believe in cringe culture, i think everyone should be able to have fun, but at this point certain jokes and comments restrict ranboo from growing as a person and do reflect on the community. this got a lot longer than i was expecting, apologies! lets begin.
gender jokes (“genderman”, you stole my gender etc)
a super obvious one. getting gender envy from ranboo is normal and super awesome! nothing wrong with that. but the jokes have been overused. the genderman one specifically has ties to minecraft which, while ranboo doesn’t care about being associated with minecraft, it’s still a tie to their past content they would prefer to leave behind. this is the same level as calling them an “mcyt”, while there’s no harm in it and ranboo really doesn’t care, it’s also just.. not really true anymore and hasn’t been for years. let them grow!
2. *blank*boo/general spam
*blank*boo is nothing but spammy. all it does is fill up chats and replies and brings no substance to anything. spamming “tiredboo” when they yawn, “madboo” when they yell etc. is not contributing anything meaningful to a chat. it’s annoying and drowns out actually fun and interesting comments. as for general spam, you can use a few emotes here and there! but when all you do is spam emotes it again just floods the chat. when ranboo tells chat to stop spamming, you stop. don’t take it as a challenge, you will just get banned. yes there is delay, but you can see what other people in chat are saying too. spamming lag, telling them they missed a dono, anything where you find yourself repeating what other people are saying to either get their attention or just because (except for using bttv emotes) just don’t. i know most people are used to speaking in a fast chat, but the truth is chat doesn’t have to be fast! if you don’t have anything to say, you can just stay quiet. even spamming the PETTHEMODS emote defeats the purpose !!
3. telling off chat
slightly related, you don’t have to tell off chat either. going “chat stop” “oh my god chat” just adds to the spam. change the subject! ignore the spam and let the mods take care of it. focus on reacting to the stream and being silly, not being backseat mods.
4. the swearing obsession
ranboo is almost 20. they make so many innuendos every stream. they are heavily considering adding a mature warning to most streams from here on out, and as we have seen they no longer are the “family friendly” kid who they used to be. he can say shit and fuck and people can be normal about it. you don’t have to say LANGUAGE or go THEY SWORE ?????? he’s an adult and can swear. all of his friends swear and a huge portion of us in the community do too. it is not a big deal
5. telling ranboo what to do
back seating in video games, as well as in other situations when it’s NOT ASKED FOR is not fun. let ranboo do what they want. this applies to just general things too- you don’t need to tell ranboo to go to sleep. they can make that decision themself. again, he’s almost 20.
6. assuming ranboo is uncomfortable with something
it’s always good to be careful about respecting boundaries! but don’t confuse your own boundaries for theirs. ranboo has said many times that if something bothers him, he’ll talk about it! it’s safe to say they are more uncomfortable with you harassing an artist for drawing something you personally don’t like, over the actual art itself.
7. the chat hopping/mentioning ranboo unnecessarily
we all love ranboo. that is very obvious. their friends love them too! but when you go into one of ranboos friends chats or comment sections and start either asking about ranboo, telling his friends to play with them, or making unnecessary references to their content, it makes their friends want to do things with them less! streamers are their own people. there’s nothing wrong with watching one of ranboo’s friends streams because ranboo is there, i do it all the time. a lot of us do. the biggest thing is to be RESPECTFUL to the person who’s stream you are watching. if you chat, chat to the streamer! you don’t have to mention ranboo. or, just stay out of chat if you don’t think you’ll be able to stay on topic. you don’t have to speak in chat! there is the flip side of this, don’t bring up other streamers in ranboos chat unnecessarily either! no one cares if you saw two colors and it made you think of something unrelated. it’s so disrespectful to the streamer to do this.
8a. unnecessary negativity
the internet can be a very negative, reactionary place. seeking out negativity just for the sake of an argument is unhealthy and can also expose others to arguments that they wouldn’t have had to see. bait, obvious unchanging bigots, and also people who just don’t like ranboo (which is valid!) don’t need to be engaged. in the case of trolls, bait and bigots, they only bring negativity and are there to cause arguments. don’t give them the attention they want. As for people who just don’t like ranboo, you can leave them be too! Not everyone has to like ranboo. he can handle it, you don’t need to defend him or try and change someone’s mind. now, unnecessary negativity does not equal call outs/criticism!
8b. please criticize !
if something happens in the community, or from ranboo directly that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say something and help make us all better people! ranboo wants criticism. if it’s purely in the community, try reaching out to the other person first! often things can be settled privately so as to not hurt others by dragging them into the conversation or making things heated and causing people to attack each other. on the other side of this, if you see criticism from someone and feel the need to defend ranboo: don’t. if you are affected by something (ie. you are a person of color and the topic is racism) feel free to add to the conversation! if you do not have an opinion on something (ie lesbians call out lesbiphobia, and you are straight) keep it to yourself. let the people actually affected by something talk and have an opinion, and support them. it may feel like people are “attacking” ranboo (or you!) but they are not. they are real people with real, valid feelings, who want to feel safe in a community when in real life, they may be constantly victims of horrible things. listen first. if you still have your own opinions, reflect on them and why you feel the way you do, and dissect any implicit bias you may have. these are all important things that keep a community safe, happy, and mutually respectful!
ranboo encourages everyone to be good people and use common sense. remember when you say something, people other than ranboo see it too! every account has a person behind it, so treat each other with respect and help make the community a more fun and safe place for everyone to be in. ranboo has no tolerance for bigotry, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, ableism, and so on. remember to be aware of the things you are saying, and if you don’t know why something is wrong, look it up or try asking someone politely!
thank you for taking the time to read all of this! this list is non exhaustive. there are plenty of other things you can do in the community to make this a better place, from uplifting the minorities in the community more, to supporting artists by reblogging/sharing and commenting on their art, and more. at the end of the day though we are here because we love ranboo, so by following guidelines like these and putting in the effort, you show ranboo and the other people in the community you care and make everyone proud.
that’s all for now! keep boobing!
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nebulouscuriosity · 20 days
Skyrim Mods: Regarding the State of the Subreddit.
For clarification, I originally posted this on the r/skyrimmods subreddit - both as a response to one of the new moderators, Sir_Lith, and as it's own post, which was deleted by one of the other new moderators, AsphodelusPoet. I planned on posting this under the main post they've been directing everyone towards, "The State of the Subreddit", but I found out I was banned from posting for a day due to an unspecified rule violation. This is my text, in full. I know it's a lot, but if you are in this community, I ask that you read through this. I reached out to multiple other users in order to put this post together, and I want to bring attention to a serious issue regarding the current environment of the subreddit and how it has fostered multiple harassment campaigns and led to the doxxing of two separate mod authors in recent memory. I say this with love for the community, and to ask Thallassa to step down from her position and take accountability for her actions.
I originally typed all of this up in response to this comment by u/Sir_Lith, one of the newest moderators to this subreddit. I also posted this to its own post in order to actually have more visibility, but it was locked by u/AsphodelusPoet, another new moderator. To be clear, I am not trying to bash the moderation team with this post. However, as many other members of this community have realized and stated, things need to drastically change moving forwards. I do genuinely hope to have an open discussion regarding all of this, especially including the moderation team. As a disclaimer, I do not personally know Goredev or Thallassa, but I've been a member of the Gore discord server and this subreddit for a little over a year and a half each, if I had to guess.
For the sake of being fair to both parties involved- you do realize the discord server for Gore was routinely flooded with people from this subreddit attempting to harass Goredev because one of your moderators boosted the visibility of a post that accused him of being a sexual predator? The moderators of the server, the regular members of the server, and lurkers like me can all attest to what we saw, and that's without what may have been said to GoreDev in private or in other servers. This went on for multiple days, hundreds of people attempting to brigade the server, many of them posting hate speech and directly targeting several members. One stand out incident was a specific member being targeted for her race and sexuality as well as being mocked for the recent passing of her father. If you'd like to talk about targeted harassment, we shouldn't only focus on Thallassa.
Am I saying any of this is your fault? Not in the slightest. You were not part of the moderation team at the time. However, this is an issue that should be addressed, especially by Thallassa. People in this subreddit are still acting like Goredev is being melodramatic for being effected by a severe accusation and wanting an apology from one of the people directly responsible for that post reaching the visibility it did. That, in my opinion, is not an outrageous demand.
Multiple individuals who were involved with the events last year have stated that Thallassa was not receptive to resolving this issue privately. When she refused to communicate privately then, when an innocent man was being harassed and doxxed, why would things be any different now? There's a reason the people who were involved a year ago are still hurt and upset. If the moderation team would like to handle this privately, Goredev has stated he would be receptive to it. He, out of everyone here, seems to just want to put this behind him properly and move on.
It's imperative to note that the accusations Goredev faced last year would have had significant impact on his personal life if he and the other members of his community hadn't dropped everything they were doing in order to clear his name. As another commenter said, Goredev was in the military at the time and currently has custody of a minor child. Allegations of sexual misconduct, harassment, and grooming could have wrecked his actual real life. This isn't just internet drama. This is an innocent man's life that was put in the crossfire, especially with the doxxing that took place. That is not something that can be smoothed over with a PR apology. He could have lost his job, custody of his child, and so much more if he didn't act as quickly and efficiently as he did.
This is not the first time a mod author has been affected by behavior like this, either. Kukielle, author of Daegon, was rather publicly harassed, doxxed, and sent death threats on the regular by members of this subreddit. Pretending that the situations with Goredev or Kukielle are the first time something like this has happened is an insult to the other people who have been harassed out of this community. Thallassa was a moderator during these incidents, too. Her inaction to safeguard individuals in this community has put several people in immediate danger. There should have been action to protect these individuals, rather than letting drama sit and fester in the comments of obviously inflammatory posts. Despite the wording of the first rule of this subreddit, this subreddit does not foster a positive environment for many of the mod authors who have been slandered, harassed, and brigaded. There needs to be substantial change in the moderation policy of this subreddit in order to keep people safe.
Now, in my own personal opinion, Thallassa needs to take action to properly rectify this situation. I'm not a reddit moderator myself, but I've helped moderate a fair few public discord servers in the past. This entire situation is a shitshow, and it can not be resolved by arguing semantics with people. I'm familiar enough with reddit to know that the main post has been getting downvoted, as are many of the responses from the moderation team. My suggestion would be having her step down from her role as soon as the new moderators have gotten accustomed to everything behind the scenes. As it currently stands, her involvement in the events of last year is a large stain on her reputation, and, as such, the reputation of the subreddit at large. It's not an easy action to take, but it will be the one to cause the least problems down the line.
I do not expect a response to this post at this point. You and the others have shown no interest in actually addressing the issues at hand, but sidestepping and arguing semantics. But I do hope you will take at least some of what I have said into consideration. If not here, in the public form with your community as audience, then in private. Thallassa, if you are reading this- please, just apologize. Give everyone in this situation a break, rip off the bandaid, and just get this over with so it doesn't have to continually be dragged out both in this subreddit and the respective discord servers. Let your newly appointed moderation team actually do their jobs instead of having to constantly moderate this thread, this drama that should have been resolved over a year ago.
Before my separate post for this got removed, most of the comments were supportive and in agreement of this post. Please, admins, listen to your community. I know I am not the only one feeling this way. It's incredibly frustrating for us to feel like we aren't being heard.
If this post ends up being removed again, or if I get banned for this- fine. I'll keep my screenshots, you can keep your moderation logs. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope to see positive change moving forwards, but hard decisions must be made for that change to happen.
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ashen-char · 2 months
dating amber freeman - hcs
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ship: amber freeman (scream) x gender neutral reader
warnings: toxic behaviour (jealousy, possessiveness, etc.), swearing, mentions of canon violence/violent tendencies. this is the more tame of the amber hcs though
notes: this took a while! i was debating on whether to do amber during the movie, or a very toxic nsfw leaning take. those will be separate hcs. thanks to @certifiedpuppyslitter for the help! requested here
✦ amber is alone in her old creepy house a lot. she despises how lonely it feels and often has you over to ignore how empty it is
✧ her parents divorced when she was really young, and her dad got custody. a hotshot lawyer, he's always away, and she's always been distant with her step-mom. amber doesn't like letting people get to know her
✧ amber was a total daddy's girl. she loved to argue even as a kid, loving how people would say she's just like him - whip-smart and could win any argument. she even wanted to be a lawyer to be like him
✧ but he was less and less present, and eventually she stopped hoping he'd be around more. stopped trying to impress him, realising that her accomplishments don't mean he'll say he's proud of her
✧ he's always away on business trips which is why she can invite everyone over as much as she does
✧ parties, sleepovers, movie nights, you name it
✧ amber is very lonely deep down. only child, she doesn't let her best friends truly know her
✦ because of her parents, she had to grow up very quickly and take care of herself
✧ so she's got a lot of surprising skills. really self-sufficient. she cooks amazingly, and likes cooking for you because, as she says "cooking for a single person kinda sucks"
✦ she'd scoff if you ever said she was clingy, since amber likes to act all tough and independent
✧ but it's the truth, amber's happiest when you're spending all your time with her
✧ if it can't be in person, she sits in vc with you on discord
✧ whether amber gets to yap away about her beloved horror movies or the latest band she's into, or listening you talk about your day, or even silence
✧ amber just likes that you're there on the other side
✧ and amber loves to sleep on call
✧ she'd get angry when you leave, even if your phone dies, accusing you of leaving her alone
✧ (but she's kinda easy to win back, all you have to do is promise to watch stab with her, or set aside some time to be "all hers")
✦ speaking of discord, let's be real. amber's a loser
✧ she spends her time on reddit and discord, and on occasion places like twitch, tumblr, or 4chan
✧ it's not her fault! she was online at a very young age cause she was so alone
✧ trying to make friends, trying to fill her time so she wasn't so bored, trying to connect with people. amber was totally on omegle as a kid
✧ she's always arguing with strangers on the internet about her stab theories and how bad it's gotten, how derivative the sequels are, or ranking her favourite killers
✧ she's a mod on r/StabUnfiltered, a smaller subreddit off of the main stab one because she kept getting her comments or posts removed there for being too "inflammatory" or even "trolling" for her hot takes
✧ amber would stop in the middle of hooking up because she was bidding on stab memorabilia on ebay
✧ she'd be pissed all day and it'd be because she lost an auction, or some twitter idiot had a bad take on ghostface motives
✦ amber is on letterboxd 24/7, clocking in like it's a job
✧ whenever you two watch a new movie together, best believe amber is reviewing that shit like she's a critic
✧ and you're the type that just enjoys watching movies for the experience. amber absolutely gets heated at you when she asks what you thought about a movie she thinks is 1/5, and yo shrug and go "eh it was fun i guess?"
✧ but amber lets you off the hook when you kiss her and tell her that you enjoyed it because you enjoyed spending time with her
✦ she's also a loser in love. honestly, she's a bit of a simp for you
✧ love is the one thing where she doesn't try to pretend she's tough
✧ amber has these sweet nicknames for you that she peppers in all the time, ranging from babe, love, hun, sweetie
✧ she's pretty touchy. amber holds your hand under tables or under blankets, rubs your back when she passes you, absentmindedly plays with your hair
✧ amber loves teasing her friends about their relationships, like chad and liv's lack of a sex life, but she'll defend you like a knight if they even try to tease her back
✧ and best believe they tease amber about how whipped she is over you
✧ if you invite her somewhere, even when she's hanging with her group, she'll ditch them in an instant (well, not in an instant. she does always tell tara where she's going)
✧ she flips everyone off if they tease her about you, but internally she's smiling. she loves that they talk about you in relation to her, loves being brought up as a couple
✦ you painted the portraits of amber that she has up in her room
✧ by the next time you came over, she already had them hung up on her walls, bragging to her friends that you did them and how talented you are
✦ possessive
✧ when you dress up for her, she shows you she appreciates it
✧ BUT she also doesn't want anyone else to see you like that
✧ she'll whisk her jacket off and drape it over you, insisting that no one else deserves to even look at you
✦ protective af too
✧ she'd wrap her arm tighter around your waist if people are walking too close, with a fierce glare if they almost bump into you
✧ amber would watch your drink like a hawk at parties
✧ she'd insist on going with you to places if you want to go anywhere at night, and she'd definitely tell you to stay over if it was dark out
✦ gets jealous easily
✧ no looking at other girls, no following other girls on social media
✧ you're in for a huge fight if you dm anyone else, even if it was for something fairly innocuous like asking where they got their outfit
✦ oh and she loves to argue. you swear it turns amber on to fight
✧ she jumps at any excuse for it
✧ "why did that girl smile at you? how do you know her?"
✧ "why are you on your phone? i'm literally right here"
✧ she'd accuse you of ignoring or forgetting about her, then give you the silent treatment
✦ amber gets pissed off when you spend too much time with your friends
✧ and honestly, considering how close she is with her friends, it's hypocritical
✧ like, amber still has sleepovers with tara but god forbid you say you're hanging with any of your friends one on one
✧ amber will be at your door in an instant, claiming that you two made plans and that since she's here, she may as well hang out with you two
✦ sometimes, you don't really get why amber likes you
✧ you can't keep up with her horror movie rants like her friends, or even those weirdos she's always arguing with online
✧ like, amber's dream is to go to film school and she's so passionate about it that you wonder what you're even adding when you just go "you'd be amazing, baby" and "that sounds awesome, of course you're gonna make it"
✧ you try to be supportive but you feel bad that you don't really understand her 100% of the time
✦ when you ask her why she chose you, amber looked at you like you were being ridiculous. because the answer is obvious to her
✧ she likes you because you make everything easier. being with you is one of the few things that can make her mind go quiet
✧ like, yeah, she loves horror but even amber can be drained by how obsessed she gets with things
✧ you make her feel normal. you make her want things other than violence and pain
she doesn't want to throw her life away so bad when you two make plans for the future
✧ she admits that you're the reason she even thought about film school in the first place
✦ amber never really thought of life outside of woodsboro until you started bringing up universities, or apprenticeships, what next year could bring
✧ that's the first time amber actually thought about what she wants to do
✧ and she's wicked smart, so you were surprised that she didn't already know what universities she wanted to apply to
✧ AP classes, honor roll, college scholarships, you name it
✧ but when you ask about her plans, amber just shrugs and says she'll go where you end up going
✦ she can feel like a regular girl when she's around you, instead of all the pretending she normally does
✧  cheesy teenager shit that she always thought she was too good for
✧ dates to the local bowling alley, sneaking out, sharing a shake at the diner, going to the mall, camping, baking brownies for your birthday since she knows you prefer it from cake
✦ with you, amber can feel less damaged. less above it all
✧ she didn't think she was capable of a genuine love like this before you
✧ you make her think that she could be a decent person if she tried, that she's not defined by the monster that she could be
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bad268 · 6 months
Could you do another pezzy fic? Maybe even the rest of the boys too (puffer, droid, Grizzy) something like a faceless streamer getting like made fun of and the boys help them?
Agoraphobic (Pezzy X Faceless! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (You caught me in a Pezzy mood, so I tried it lmk if it's shit)
Warnings: Online hate, agoraphobia
POV: First Person POV
W.C. 1291
Summary: When chat takes hate too far, the reader quits only to return for more hate (and loosely based on Agoraphobic by Corpse Husband).
As always, my requests are OPEN
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My whole career started by accident. The pandemic shut down everything, including where I worked, and I got laid off. Streaming became a sense of normalcy in the craziness that was the world. Games were what I did best given that I was a game designer and tester. 
It started one night when my boyfriend, Pezzy, talked about it. He said his friends were thinking about it, so the next day, I logged onto Twitch.tv and streamed my favorite game for the moment, Among Us. It was a low-IQ game, and the fun graphics were interesting to look at. I joined a random lobby, and the rest was history.
I blew up from my imposter plays and impeccable detective skills. My viewers went from 10 to 100 to 1,000 and before I knew it, I was at 250,000 viewers. Through this time, I never care about a camera. Mainly because I knew they would tear me apart, and I would not subject myself to that torture. However, recently, it seemed that people did not even need to see my face to trash me.
“If you guys can’t behave, I’m going to either get more mods or just quit,” I said one day on stream when it seemed like the hate was never-ending. Every other message I saw was a comment about how I am probably ugly, I can’t pull anyone, or just flat-out calling me degrading names.
It never stopped.
I put up with it for nearly four years before calling it quits. Despite the support from Pezzy, telling me not to listen to anyone else, it was hard to be berated every second of every stream especially when it seemed like everyone used the highlighted texts or text-to-speech to shout at me. 
It really took a toll on my mental health. I became so self-conscious, and the fact that I had severe social anxiety did not help my case. I retreated into myself as I got bigger, and the bigger I got, the more paranoid I got. It got so bad to the point where I retreated into my house, and I could barely function without antidepressants.
One day, I was feeling spontaneous. I wanted to stream. I wanted to game. I wanted to interact with people. I asked Pezzy if I could join him for a Mario Kart stream, but play off-camera in the same room. 
The stream started off fun. I won a few, lost a few, and had some fun battles in the game against Pezzy’s friends. Then, it turned south.
Ex-fans and haters filled Pezzy’s chat and his friends’ streams. Their mods could not keep up either. It was becoming the only thing we could see, and it was getting in the way of their normal conversations with their chats. 
“Mods, do we need some backup? Where did these people even come from?” Puffer said as he looked to his moderators for help, but noticed they were doing as much as they could. “There’s so many of them!”
“It’s like they spawned out of nowhere,” Grizzy laughed before getting serious as well, “but for real guys, knock it off. They’re not doing anything wrong.”
“Yeah, if it doesn’t stop, I’ll end stream right now,” Pezzy gave an ultimatum as he looked over at me to see how I was reacting. I was pretty numb, but my mood was visibly ruined. “You know what, guys. I’m gonna end the stream anyway. I don’t know when I’ll stream next, so look at my Twitter. Bye, guys.” 
The other guys did not need to be told twice as they followed suit and ended their stream as well. They each sent reassuring messages to me as I left the room once the camera was off. 
I walked outside to sit on the patio. Since we just moved to the new house, we had not had the chance to get patio furniture yet, so I took a seat on the concrete. I was still under the cover, but I sat right on the edge. It was pouring rain, something that rarely ever happened, but it was my favorite weather. Rain was always so calming for me, and it made me feel at peace despite the thunder I read online. 
After a while, Pezzy joined me. He sat beside me with a blanket that he put over my shoulders and pulled me into his side. The serenity of the rain combined with the comfort from Pezzy helped calm my racing heart.
“I love when it rains” I broke the silence, looking out into the yard as I refused to look toward Pezzy. I let it hang in the air for a beat before I sighed, “I can’t do shit right. I can’t learn my lesson. They don’t want me online, but they give me shit for not streaming. I can’t even play with your friends without them finding me.”
“It’s not your fault they’re assholes,” Pezzy consoled as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm. “It’s never been your fault.”
“It’s my fault I subjected myself to it in the first place,” I pointed out. “If I had never streamed in the first place, I never would have been in this situation. These people are taking the piss out of gaming, and I’m sick of it! I can’t go outside without thinking someone will find me! I am so paranoid about my privacy. It’s like I’m on house arrest.”
“You know the odds of someone recognizing you are slim to none,” Pezzy tried to intervene as I spiraled.
“No, Pezzy, you don’t understand how I think,” I pressed, turning to look at him as I grabbed his hands. “Pezzy, they’re always asking questions about my face, and I can’t stand it. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. I lived in three apartments before I agreed to move in because somehow, someway, someone found out where I lived, or at least they found my P.O. box and said they knew my address. I live in fear every day that someone is going to find me.” I stopped for a second to let Pezzy absorb what I was saying. I could see the recognition in his eyes. I continued, “Pezzy, it has been 1000 days since I had the first threat. I have not been able to function for 1000 days. I love you, Pezzy, but you will never understand how I think. It’s just too complicated.”
“Listen, I may not understand it completely, but I’d like to. I love you too, and I never understand you fully, but I will always be here to support you,” He leaned in to kiss my forehead before leaning his forehead to mine. “I don’t want you to fight your battles alone. I’m here for you. I do not care how many people I gotta fight to tell you otherwise. I’ll fight from the trenches if I have to if it means I get to help you through anything causing you pain.”
“You don’t mean that,” I dismissed, looking away as I felt tears fill my eyes. “You really don’t, Pezzy. As much as I know you care, there is no way you’d be willing to help me in that way.”
“I do! I’d do anything for you,” Pezzy consoled as he put a hand on my chin to turn my face to look at him again. “I’m with you till the end of the line, remember? We’ve known each other our whole lives, and I’m not leaving your side. I don’t care how dark or difficult it may seem. You are my person till the end of the line, and I’m here for the long ride.”
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creators-lounge · 1 year
✏️ Creators' Content ✏️
This post is for anyone who is curious about our server members' content, and to share a lot of suggestions for people to check! 💕
Since Tumblr is a website that mostly depends on reblogs, everyone is welcomed to reblog to give these amazing creators a well deserved boost!
Remember to also encourage other content creators as well, you may make someone's day with a silly reblog or comment!
Note: This post might be edited depending on the members' information, comic updates, projects updates, etc, so check the original post instead of reblogs.
Note 2: This is a private server for plenty of reasons, we do not accept requests nor petitions to join, so we would be grateful if you do not put that pressure on our mods or on our members. Sorry in advance, and hope you still enjoy all of our artworks! You may check our QnA for a better explanation if you'd like, too.
v Members' Comics Section v
ALIVE by @tatatale
> First Chapter
A L I V E is not an AU as such, but a buch of characters from different AUs and timelines who decided that they'll form an AU. So it's technically an AU, but no. Enjoy.
Bovid-20 by @hansama
> First Chapter
Bovid-20 is a (very short) suspense mystery comic that tells the story of a home invasion in the middle of a lock-down. You are the main character of the story.
Bitty Problems by @theskeletongames
> First Chapter
A comic featuring bitties with Sanses, primarily focusing on Underfell Sans and his bitty
Delivery! by @anovainspace
> Comics
Three out!codes from collapsing alternative universes came together to one void, all just wanting to obtain access to the multiverse for their end goal; therefore, they created an alibi to not create suspicion for wandering around different places. Setting up a pen paling system for others to contact each other through mail and delivering said mail. 
Don't Forget by @zirkkun
> First Chapter
“Don’t forget us. We’re with you in the dark.” After years of abandonment, the Undertale multiverse has been mysteriously shrouded in darkness. there only remains one survivor by the name of Ink… but despite a faint hope from everyone who died that everything can return to normal, he’s forgotten all the pieces to restore the multiverse back to what it once was.
Flicker of a Neon Soul by @harmonytre
> First Chapter
Since the beginning of time, monsters have had colored souls. Only the royal family's soul could change color. That is, until two young skeletons find their colors.
How to greet a new pal by @theskeletongames
> First Chapter
A crossover comic with Sans falling into Underfell.
Idoltale by @nekojaf
> First Chapter
Idol and her friends go on a big multiverse adventure after a new and strange Force threatens their universes.
Impostortale by @s3-izures
> Masterpost
Armed with an obsession for masks and semi-immortality, a shapeshifter roams the multiverse in search of roles to fill, missions to complete, and shenanigans to commit.
Non-Lethal AU by @s3-izures
> Masterlist
A certain Destroyer has been found... except this one doesn't seem to be destroying anything so far. In fact, he seems like a bit of a wimp, doesn't he?
Paper Crane by @little-noko
> First Chapter
Where timelines and lives ends, in the void are countless shattered souls struggling to remain alive and come back to the living world they came from. A being without a name gather them to form a single entity, with nowhere to go, they found themselves traveling endlessly to make sense of who they are and why they are here.
Prismtale by @harmonytre
> First Chapter
Havana, Sans, Scarf Mouse, Bob, Monster Kid, Fuku Fire, and Ficus Licker are thrust into an adventure they'll never forget. Will they find a way home? How will they deal with their new powers? Who on earth is PC?
Save!tale by @mumder
> First Chapter
Sans is stuck in a ruthless loop of genocide runs. Except after the 678th reset, he for some reason awakens with all his memories, including one that haunts him - the image of a star. This fixation slowly drives him insane, as he becomes obsessed with becoming the epitome of determination.
Spitetale by @nosebleed-inglishera
> First Chapter
After several genocidal routes, everyone in the Underground started to remember, causing monstersto fearing for the next time they get killed again. Will Frisk take the choice to finally save everyone and fix their mistakes?
Timetale by @allesiathehedge
> Prologue
Seven hundred years after they were sealed underground, monsterkind still hopes that they would one day return to the surface. Not only does Sans have to worry about finding a solution to destroy the barrier on behalf of the King, but he also has to face a ghost of a past that he sorely wanted to keep buried. Will Sans be able to make peace with himself, his duties, and his failed love? Only time will tell...
Underlust Reimagine by @zirkkun
> First Chapter
An Underlust AU that takes a spin on the original concept to present a thematically similar story, but with some slightly different aspects that have led some of the characters to take different roles.
Under/Source by @slylock-syl
> First Chapter
After a virus wielding hacker threatens to cause chaos throughout other universes, Necros takes it upon himself to track them down and protect anyone he can along the way.
Underwizard by @susartwork
> Prologue
Humans began hunting monsters to gain great magical powers from their souls. After a huge massacre, seven human wizards decide to seal the monsters underground with a magic spell. Hundreds of years later a human child appears, determined to free all the monsters and save them from a new threat.
Unitale by @toky502
> First Chapter
Unitale (An alternate tale) is a comic of an alternative and altered version of many other stories from other undertale au's together, is just an alternate tale more.
Various comics by @wr-n
> Masterpost
> Eldritch AU
> Dust comics
Dust Comic is a comic following the Bad Sanses as they look for a way to cure Dust of his lethal dose of Determination and LV.
Members Projects and WIPs
Blocking Sans by @samess-moon (Twitter)
Damaged tale by @6nimus9
Damaged tale is an Alternate Timeline of Undertale that takes place in a frozen post-genocide timeline where only o̸n̵e̷ ̵c̸h̷a̷r̷a̶c̵t̷e̸r̸ remains, basing its concept in how consequences can strike back.
Encantale by @codeyspace
The Human vs Monster war ended a millenium ago. Monsters trapped in the underground with hope and magic. What should've led to their extinction was instead replaced by something... enchanting.
Escort Mission by Yoki-Doki (DeviantArt)
Way before the events of Undertale, even before the war between humans and monsters, a little girl lost her way in the monster kingdom. This is the quest to help her return home.
Flowerfield AU / Ask Sunflower by @asksunflower / @tatatale
This is an ask blog about a silly guy who acts like a cat and a goat king, but is actually a skeleton. He likes flowers and tea, and sometimes things happen.
Herb by @omero-megane (Twitter)
LAU by @nixensibrat
Lonertale by @blvdcharms
Lonertale is an AU revolving around a medieval, single-most pacifist timeline where war between humans and monster is post-poned up until the main cast of characters are young adults. Follow Asriel and his friends as they go on to protect monsterkind.
Storyteller by @cursedmuii (Twitter)
“I exist based on the will of stories. I have no place to return, no name, or age, but I am called Storyteller... Come here with me, I can take you everywhere with the stories I tell… only you listen to them.”
Strays AU by @stoukadraws
“Give me your hopes and dreams, and I shall grant you true salvation.” An unknown human falls into Mt. Ebott, and begins their journey through the Underground...But something is off. Will they discover what’s truly going on behind the scenes?
Undereats by @sui-imi (Twitter)
A food delivery service that works with restaurants across the multiverse. It's run by a Gaster called Exec. They work together with - and are located in - Commercetale, an AU where trades and sales empower monster magic.
Underforgotten by @nezu-tan
Undergut by @theartist-june (Tw. Gore)
Undergut is an AU where hunger makes for desperate times. It’s not that there is no food… it’s that food could barely sustain, could barely satisfy. Magic is not enough. We need more… more…! Will you be able to survive the hunger?
UnderREM by @socksandbuttons (And @/ohlookanothercartoontofallinto)
Dreamtale with dreams and the cast of Undertale.
Underrewind by @wishingstarinajar
A comic and fanfiction/short stories are currently in the works to tell the story about Rewind, the main protagonist of this AU.
Undervalue by @6nimus9
Monsters, instead of getting trapped down by a magic barrier, are trapped directly by humans, who after winning the war started by greed have decided to take advantage of the monsters’ ability to create precious stones and gems of different values.
Wickedtale by @alch3mic (AO3) (Read Tw's.)
WICKEDTALE is a reader insert fairytale inspired Undertale AU set in the twisted Ebott City. As one of its many unfortunate inhabitants, do you have what it takes to survive in such a wretched town surrounded by secrets and misery? Well, luckily for you there seems to be a certain skeleton in your life who will go to any lengths to assure your happy ending together.
Great artist you should check anyway!!
@bloowe-blu - @lazzlady - @minaruzi- @normalayasstuff - @sanssupremacy - @shenzcorner
Other fandoms content!
@galaxii-star (Multifandom) - RazzyPossum (FNAF) - @jadenskyfare
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oscconfessions · 4 months
Hi guys! From this point forth, we will be removing ANY confessions deemed to be “low effort.” (The TL;DR is anything written in bold. I provided further in depth explanation to hopefully answer any potential questions if any section confuses you.)
What we will consider low effort:
>Anything less than a sentence, such as just stating just a character name or just a ship name.
>Confessions that contain a similar premise to another confession submitted in quick succession. Such as “Bot ii is my favorite character” followed shortly by “I love Bot ii”. That being said, confessions expressing the same viewpoint but proposing different ideas will NOT be considered the same confession. If a confession submitted after another echoes a similar opinion, mods may choose to screenshot or copy and paste the second confession and attach it to the original confession. (Note that this may only occur if the secondary confession is submitted off anon or uses an anon tag; any anonymous repetitive asks without any identification will simply be deleted.)
>General spam confessions will also be deleted, such as if the same user/anon submits the same ask over and over (such as “I love bot ii!” followed by “bot ii is so me!” followed by “bot ii yay” etc. or if they just spam the inbox with the same exact confession over and over.) If your post does not break the rules, it will eventually be posted. Be patient, please do not submit the same/similar confession every day thinking that will speed up the process.
>Non-confessions. Shitposts or images that are not confessions may be deleted. This depends more on the moderator queueing, but if the content is considered to be irrelevant it may be removed. Similarly, posts that are one sentence followed by a long and irrelevant copypasta that floods the feed may be deleted. We do still permit posts that may just be asking for recommendations/asking questions/etc. but we may become a bit stricter with what actually queues. If it’s a question that can be answered via a simple google search it may be considered spam.
>Finally, we encourage you to compile any similar thoughts into one confession. Rather than confessing “I love bot ii” and then submitting another confession stating “I love four bfdi”, you can combine these into one confession regarding favorite characters.
The definition of “low effort” varies from mod to mod, there is no concrete definition, however if your confession falls under one of the above categories it will more likely than not be deleted.
These rules will be implemented to help reduce spam and allow us to keep the ask box open more frequently, as the queue hopefully will not get as long! Unfortunately we can only post a maximum of 50 posts per day (with automatic queue), so once the queue exceeds high volumes (it’s at like 300 right now 😭) we get a really bad backup of confessions, and it takes even longer to have confessions post.
If you want to submit a confession, we do encourage you to refrain from submitting redundant asks (i.e., if you agree with a confession, commenting rather than submitting an entire confession in agreement or reiterating the posted ask is preferred.) We also encourage not submitting asks considered ‘popular opinions,’ or that are just repeating confirmed canon. This definition, of course, is different for everyone, and asks considered ‘popular opinions’ won’t always be removed, however reducing confessions that simply repeat a sentiment shared by pretty much everyone or that are just stating canon fact (such as ‘i hate proshippers’ or ‘two tpot is an algebralien.’) will allow more thought-provoking and interesting (or discourse-y) content a chance to be posted.
If you believe your confession falls under any of the above categories, it’s strongly preferred you do not submit it so that mods can focus more on queueing rather than deleting spam.
Thanks for your cooperation :]! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!
also sorry for picking on bot for this entire post 💔
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