#the music helps
mad-hare · 2 months
Horse animation guides: beautiful polished, slow motion, well studied Cow walk animation guides:
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Let’s get Hind’s Hall to Number 1. Macklemore has stated that ALL proceeds from streaming will be going to UNRWA to help displaced Palestinian families. So, if you’re struggling financially, this is a brilliant way to raise funds that will help affected families get the help that they need, whilst simultaneously spreading a very important message.
You can find the track here:
Apple Music
Buy on iTunes
TikTok sound
It’ll essentially mean we’re getting streaming services to pay up, as typically they pay artists around $0.003 per stream— so, for example, if Hind’s Hall reaches 10,000,000 (ten million) on Spotify alone, that’s $30,000 for UNRWA. Life changing numbers.
The best way to amplify streaming is by adding it to your playlists, or making a playlist with duplicate additions of the song (with other tracks inbetween.) Again, thank you to Macklemore for doing this and using your platform.
Please let us know of any other artists doing the same! Let’s utilise what we can to get funds to Palestinians.
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gwendoodlin · 26 days
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Posting another Hozier drawing because I’m a sucker for backlighting
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transannabeth · 1 year
btw if you borrow dvds or cds from library you can rip them onto your own blanks or onto your hard drive or whatever. librarians don’t care and they won’t know if you do it or not
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beybuniki · 30 days
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kofi request: shinso and bakugo on an awkward 1st date <3
i don't think they'd go on a typical date, they'd rather have a low key date in the park just listening to music and talking about their fav bandsss
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bigfatbreak · 1 month
Can Luka do anything magical? Since you said he’s a kind of lindworm boy my mind went to “turns into a snake” or just is kinda snake-like, but since you put him in the “fae” category is he more similar to Adrien and Zoe (in the sense that he takes names or exerts influence on people)?
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yea he's got smoke. technically he's sort of "cursed" to have snake-like attributes until he's married, and if Juleka gets married before him he'll straight up turn into a wyrm, but its fine. they both know about the terms of his curse, so Juleka bullies him all the time about getting a girlfriend lmao
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agileo-101 · 6 months
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Help Wanted 2 doodles
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possessable · 4 months
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my friend suggested that my Athena does the weird owl head tilt thing which is incredibly correct and real
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dis one ^
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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"there, there- breakfast's almost ready..."
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r3ynah · 4 months
Family of Distinguished People.
So like what if, the Fenton family is just a family full of heroes, villains, and vigilantes. like.. just imagine a long line of people that had or has contributed to the world somehow. Like the Fenton parents as Supervillains, Jazz as a Vigilante, Danny as Hero. Dani just decides to travel not too interested, but does help with her family if needed, Dan does the same thing.
BUT WHAT IF joker is actually a close relative of the Fenton Family (ex. Uncle, Cousin,Family Friend) and like he's just there all happy with his (found)family during family reunions, birthdays and shit.
And the batfam are just like so confused and stressed to why the joker goes missing once a month.
While Joker is literally having a game of Monopoly with the elementary kids at amity park (the kids couldn't bother, they've saw scarier things they handled scarier things) cue Joker giving the kids a hundred dollars because he lost.
This is just one of my what if prompts, that i got locked up in a vault. Might delete this later who knows.
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akicklineisinevitable · 5 months
no genuinely i think the fastest way to a Max Jägerman Redemption Arc(TM) is putting him in the drama club. literally it would help him get over his toxic masculinity AND let him be a dramatic bitch without being a bully about it. High School Musical his ass
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zipsunz · 18 days
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for such a cheerful guy, amada-senpai listens to some really emo stuff...
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thequotegarden · 4 months
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fallinginaforrest · 6 months
This is a PSA that Lex Foster canonically uses She/They pronouns (or at least Angela Giarratana headcanons Lex to. However, I think there's this sort of unwritten rule that if the actor headcanons something about the character they play, it is generally accepted as pseudocanon)
Also Lex was high throughout the entirety of act one of Black Friday which is probably why she came around to Frank's bullshit during our doors are open LMAO.
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Bonus: a wip I'm working on atm
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artastic-friend · 6 months
Time to see if tumblr supports a post with 28 images.. (aka, long post warning)
Hi guys! been a little while since I shared Hellopaint doodles!!
(an excuse for me to post lazy art XD) /j
Here are a bunch from today and yesterday!!
DJ trying its best and struggling at crafting time with Sun:
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Music Man being fruity as ever:
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love them sm grr
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Some drawings for @wakebymoonsleepbysun, our token DCA liker 😁:
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And now all the drawings I did yesterday as well:
hypothetical where I wanna learn to DJ but mostly to spend one-on-one time with DJMM only for me to have to fake sucking at it so that I can have more lessons 😁
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Uh just casual simping, nothing to see here, go on, keep scrolling:
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Me as a mini music man that wakey drew me as a little while back
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DJ getting the best kind of compliment, A compliment from a little old lady:
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*collapses on the floor* I DID IT THAT'S ALL OF THEM OMG
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traceybrakes · 8 months
Let's Talk About Un-ironicizing Art!
In light of a lot of the conversations i've seen surrounding Death Grips and recent events concerning them, I want to take the time to point out that this is a good time to start thinking about how we engage with art on the whole!
For a long time, the irony poisoned method of consumption went unchecked in all facets of internet culture. As an internet musician in current day, I have noticed a sharp disconnect between artists and enthusiasts/casual listeners when it comes to attitudes surrounding music specifically, though I've witnessed it permeate all forms of art in some way.
I see people who have grown scared to engage on deeper levels, intentionally severing any resonant connections or knowledge learned from a piece of media before it has the chance to take root. In short, dare to be vulnerable! Dare to enjoy something on the basis that you yourself resonate with it, and not for any other nebulous reasoning. When masses of people relegate art to a spectacle, not only do artists become more likely to be disenchanted with the passions that fuel their work, but the consumer base ultimately suffers as well. All art at that point becomes less an extension of ourselves, less a vehicle to explore our identities, and is rendered a meaningless hulking sludge, or worse, the opponent to an already shrinking and narrow worldview.
Be not afraid to be unabashedly in love with the work that inspires you. Be not afraid to have the things you love misunderstood by by some. When you engage with work new and old, make sure to do it for yourself. Making and consuming art is inherently selfish, but being selfish is not inherently misguided. Allow yourself to learn, grow, discover, and repeat that cycle until the day you die.
To speak more candidly about my own experience, throughout the course of my life, there has been art that I've held near and dear to my identity, and own journey of self discovery that I seldom find others who hold the same sentiments to. I've always found this exciting. Exciting to hold something close to my chest as something so personal, and even more exciting when I can ease up on that grip when I find someone who I can share that with. However, I've also been through the throws of how the internet tends to chew up and spit out art that generally isn't understood by the many. I've fallen victim myself to the hive mind mentality that circles some artists and the cult of non-identity around them. This off-color ouroboros of knowing all about an artist's work and simultaneously upholding this facade of vapid complacency. I've come to the conclusion that if being openly supportive and connected to an artist's work or a particular piece of work automatically renders a person uninteresting and unambiguous at the very least, then I will live happily as an uninteresting open book. At the worst times, we see this line of thinking contribute to Death Grips being mocked and belittled en masse by people who are unwilling to engage with their art before they even get that far. It's heartbreaking, to me at least to see people put so much effort, emotion, and passion into transforming culture for the better to be rewarded with a crowd that's plugging their ears.
I realize I run the risk of sounding pretentious, self indulgent, or even patronizing to an extent; I apologize because that isn't my intention, I'm hoping to see gears shift at least on a micro level surrounding attitudes towards art appreciation. Remember to dare to be in love holistically with the art you engage with! Speak of the things you love in a way that makes that clear to others, and consider your peers to do the same! You and the people around you can only be better off for it.
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