#the porridge project
thejoyofseax · 8 months
Steel-Cut Oats
What I think of as "ordinary" porridge is made with rolled oats. However, there are also steel-cut oats (aka pinhead oats, or "Irish oats"). Steel-cut oats are the groat (the oat grain without the kernel) chopped into a few small bits. I bought a pack of them in order to try them out; they almost certainly represent a more period-accurate form of oat porridge.
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They have a much longer cooking time than rolled oats (which are steamed, and thereby part-cooked); 8-10 times as long. As such, they're far more likely to burn at the bottom in a moment of inattention. Ask me how I realised this, go on.
So far, I've only made this form of porridge once, and used milk as the liquid. For completeness, I'll also try water and buttermilk. I have to say I'm not as keen on this form, so far, but I suspect that some of that is that my ASD brain has settled on rolled-oats-buttermilk-and-raspberries as the "correct" porridge, and everything else hereafter is going to be wrong unless it's distinct enough to come across as a different dish.
It does resemble the US grits a lot more than rolled oats ever do, though, and I'm given to wonder if there's a rolled corn equivalent.
Thinking about the process of preparing oats to make into porridge, I'm guessing that the actual early Irish preparation is running oat berries (maybe groats) through a quern once or twice. That would, I think, result in a variety of sizes of oat pieces; some quite large and very like this modern form, and others smaller, down to what would essentially be oat flour particles, if the quern caught it just the right way. So the cooked porridge would likely be a bit less homogenous than this, but quite possibly in a pleasing way. That'll be an experiment for a future point, when I have access to some sort of grinder. Or indeed, an actual quern.
Standard (Rolled Oats) Oatmeal Porridge
Back to The Irish Porridge Project
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lunasilvis · 2 months
Applied as a volunteer web (re)designer and consultant for a foundation which commits to alleviating the situation of child patients with cancer (for 1 day) by fulfilling their dying wishes.
For a longer time I wanted to do a volunteer project to strenghten my portfolio prior to starting work in fall, but felt selective about it. But this is a great enough cause, no need to explain further.
Stoked on this project and help them gain more publicity + connect to their target audience more seamlessly 🙏
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whiskeysorrows · 1 year
What is it with popular books having just ‘representation’ and zero depth? One without the other is just a pile of paper I had to spend money on, not a piece of fucking literature
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gay-porridge · 9 months
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Them: Kill your enemies with kindness
Me: Wrong, hide my sketch layer and deal psychic damage!
(You can have a peek at my sketch layer minus flats below!)
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Restless over here like: "Aye lil mama, lemme whisper in yo ear."
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fixomnia-scribble · 6 months
Scientists found an amazingly well-preserved village from 3,000 years ago
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Text below, in case article access dries up:
LONDON — A half-eaten bowl of porridge complete with wooden spoon, communal rubbish bins, and a decorative necklace made with amber and glass beads are just a handful of the extraordinarily well-preserved remnants of a late Bronze Age hamlet unearthed in eastern England that’s been dubbed “Britain’s Pompeii” and a “time capsule” into village life almost 3,000 years ago.
The findings from the site, excavated in 2015 to 2016, are now the subject of two reports, complete with previously unseen photos, published this week by University of Cambridge archaeologists, who said they cast light onto the “cosy domesticity” of ancient settlement life.
“It might be the best prehistoric settlement that we’ve found in Britain,” Mark Knight, the excavation director and a co-author of the reports, said in an interviewThursday. “We took the roofs off and inside was pretty much the contents,” he said. “It’s so comprehensive and so coherent.”
The reason for the rare preservation: disaster.
The settlement, thought to have originally consisted of several large roundhouses made of wood and constructed on stilts above a slow-moving river, was engulfed by a fire less than a year after being built.
During the blaze, the buildings and much of their contents collapsed into a muddy river below that “cushioned the scorched remains where they fell,” the university said of the findings. This combination of charring from the fire and waterlogging led to “exceptional preservation,” the researchers found.
“Because of the nature of the settlement, that it was burned down and its abandonment unplanned, everything was captured,” Knight added.
“As we excavated it, there was that feeling that we were picking over someone else’s tragedy,” he said of the eerie site in the swampy fenland of East Anglia. “I don’t think we could smell the fire but the amount of ash around us — it felt close.”
Researchers said they eventually unearthed four large wooden roundhouses and an entranceway structure, but the original settlement was probably “twice as big.”
The site at Must Farm dates to about 850 B.C., eight centuries before Romans came to Britain. Archaeologists have been shocked at “just how clear the picture is” of late Bronze Age life based on the level of detail uncovered, Knight said.
The findings also showed that the communities lived “a way of life that was more sophisticated than we could have imagined,” Duncan Wilson, head of Historic England, the public body responsible for preserving England’s historic environment, said in a statement.
The findings unearthed include a stack of spears, possibly for hunting or defense; a decorative necklace “with beads from as far away as Denmark and Iran”; clothes of fine flax linen; and a female adult skull rendered smooth, “perhaps a memento of a lost loved one,” the research found.
The inhabitants’ diet was also rich and varied, including boar, pike and bream, along with wheat and barley.
A pottery bowl with the finger marks of its maker in the clay was also unearthed, researchers said, still containing its final meal — “a wheat-grain porridge mixed with animal fats” — with a wooden spatula resting inside the bowl.
“It appears the occupants saved their meat juices to use as toppings for porridge,” project archaeologist Chris Wakefield said in the university’s news release. “Chemical analyses of the bowls and jars showed traces of honey along with ruminant meats such as deer, suggesting these ingredients were combined to create a form of prehistoric honey-glazed venison,” he added.
Skulls of dogs — probably kept as pets and to help with hunting — were also uncovered, and the dogs’ fossilized feces showed they fed on scraps from their owners’ meals, the research found.
The buildings, some connected by walkways, may have had up to 60 people living there all together, Knight said, along with animals.
Although no intact sets of human remains were found at the site, indicating that the inhabitants probably fled the fire safely, several sheep bones were found burned indoors. “Skeletal remains showed the lambs were three to six months old, suggesting the settlement was destroyed sometime in late summer or early autumn,” according to the university’s news release.
Ceramic and wooden vessels including tiny cups, bowls and large storage jars were also found. Some pots were even designed to nest, stacked inside one another, Knight said — evidence of an interest in aesthetics as well as practicality.
A lot of similar items were found replicated in each home, Knight added, painting the picture of completely independent homesteads for each family unit rather than distinct buildings for shared tasks — much like we live today.
Household inventories often included metal tools, loom weights, sickles for crop harvesting, axes and even handheld razors for cutting hair.
The roundhouses — one of which had almost 50 square meters (nearly 540 square feet) of floor space — had hearths and insulated straw and clay roofs. Some featured activity zones for cooking, sleeping and working akin to modern-day rooms.
The Must Farm settlement has produced the largest collection of everyday Bronze Age artifacts ever discovered in the United Kingdom, according to Historic England, which partly funded the 1.1 million pound ($1.4 million) excavation project.
The public body labeled the site a “time capsule,” including almost 200 wooden artifacts, over 150 fiber and textile items, 128 pottery vessels and more than 90 pieces of metalwork. Some items will go on display at the nearby Peterborough Museum next month.
Archaeologists never found a “smoking gun” cause for the fire, Knight said. Instead, they suspect it was either an attack from “outside forces,” which may explain why the inhabitants never returned to collect their possessions from the debris, or an accidental blaze that spread rapidly across the tightly nestled homes.
“Probably all that was left was the people and what they were wearing; everything else was left behind,” Knight said of the fire.
But the preservation has left a window for people to look back through in the future. “You could almost see and smell their world,” he said.
“The only thing that was missing was the inhabitants,” Knight added. “And yet … I think they were there — you certainly got glimpses.”
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onionninjasstuff · 1 year
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greetings followers. i had an idea, blacked out for an entire week and woke up with my fingers and wrists obliterated into bone porridge and with this on my screen. welcome to doomed by the narrative, otherwise known as the world is ending but at least they got the drip, otherwise known as me projecting my severe existential crisis on the innocent sillies. these guys are toast lmfao, but maybe hope isn’t always about survival.
featuring my dumbass sense of humor, questionable creative choices and the following idiots
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amethystsoda · 9 months
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon Recipe masterlist - part 1
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(project started in July 2023 and ongoing! I'll continue updating as the recipes are posted — all recipes so far were created before they appeared in the anime) part 2
Recipe 1 - Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hotpot
comparison pics / process video / video and recipe commentary
- full list continued after the jump -
Recipe 2 - Man Eating Plant Tart
gelatin hell process 1 + process 2 / failed tart process video / comparison pics of redo / redo video with quiche
Recipe 3 - Roast Basilisk
brining / kfc super shy meme / oven setup and finished bird / planning for recipe 4 / process video
Recipe 4 - Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet (Omelette)
comparison pics / process video
Recipe 5 - Mandrake Kakiage and Giant Bat Tempura
Planning for recipe 5 and 6 / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 6 - Living Armor Soup
comparison pics and commentary on process / process video
Recipe 7 - Golem Field Fresh Veggie Lunch
planning for 7 and 8 / cooking research / process video / comparison pics
Recipe 8 - Freshly Stolen Vegetables and Chicken Stewed with Cabbage Accompanied by Plundered Bread
comparison pics / process video
Recipe 9 - Naturally Delicious Treasure Insect Snacks
planning 1 + planning 2 / coinbug carving process 1 + process 2 / gem making test / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 10 - Special Interfaith Holy Water and Exorcism Sorbet
planning / process / process video / comparison pics / second comparison with anime
Recipe 11 - Court Cuisine: Full Course Meal
planning 1 + planning 2 / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 12 - Boiled Mimic and Kelpie Oil Soap
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 13 - Porridge made from Grain that was just Lying Around
comparison pics and thoughts / process video
Recipe 14 - Giant Parasite from a Giant Kraken Grilled Plain and Kabayaki-Style
eel defrosting / comparison pics and process / process video
Recipe 15 - Farcille Raspberry Tart
planning for tart / ganache process / final pictures / process video
Recipe 16 - Grilled Kelpie
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 17 - Tentacles with Vinegar + Tentacle and Kelpie stew, prepared with Undine
planning / comparison pics / process video / (fullmetal alchemist stew meme)
BONUS - All the DunMeshi meals so far edit
Recipe 18 - Tentacle Gnocchi
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 19 - “Let’s Cutlet the Red Dragon”
original katsudon attempt from 2023 / katsu excitement / comparison pics / process video / anime comparison
Recipe 20 - Red Dragon Meal
planning 1 / planning 2 / oxtail broth update / pickled daikon recipe / comparison pics / process video: part 1 and part 2 / recipe post
Recipe 21 - Lost Red Dragon "Ham" + Orc Medicine Toast
comparison pics / process video
Recipe 22 - Travel Rations Set for Adventurers
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 23 - Jack-o'-Lantern Potage and Sauteed Dryad Buds with Cheese
planning / pumpkin bowl face / comparison pics / process video / blooper reel
BONUS - (dunmeshi zine chef contributor announcement!!!)
Recipe 24 - Eisbein-Style Cockatrice and Dryad Bud Sauerkraut
planning / sauerkraut poll / comparison pics / process video
BONUS - DunMeshi tiktok milestones!
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thedensworld · 3 months
Let me | C.Sc
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Pairing: Ceo!Seungcheol x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, office romance
Summary: Seungcheol has known your for a long time and has been very grateful of your dedication as his worker. It was supposed to be just like that.
Seungcheol spotted you at the bus stop on that rainy evening, your clothes soaked through from the downpour. His instinct urged him to offer you a warm ride after what must have been a long day, but he stifled the impulse, convincing himself it was too late for a U-turn. Earlier, he'd overheard a conversation among his staff. Seokmin had generously offered a lift to whoever needed it, knowing full well you usually relied on the bus. Seungcheol sensed Seokmin's subtle invitation, but before you could even consider it, the seats in his car were quickly filled by eager colleagues.
"Y/n usually takes the bus, right?" one of the staff asked, and you shook your head, dismissing any concern. "I think I'll just take a cab. Don't worry about me."
Guilt gnawed at Seungcheol's insides as he contemplated his decision. He made a snap judgment, making a U-turn back to the bus stop, but you were nowhere to be found. You must have caught the bus already. With a heavy heart, Seungcheol returned home, the weight of missed opportunity and regret lingering in his mind.
Seungcheol's advertisement company had humble beginnings with just four employees. As the founder and Chief Officer, he led the charge, with Seungkwan handling PR, and you and Mingyu comprising the design team. Despite knowing you for nearly five years, Seungcheol realized he'd hardly exchanged more than professional pleasantries with you.
That rainy evening at the bus stop lingered in his mind, your image soaked by the relentless downpour. Even though it was just a passing moment, he couldn't shake the memory.
"She's sick, finally taking a day off," Mingyu informed Seungcheol when he inquired about your whereabouts that day.
"Sick?" Seungcheol's concern flickered. The thought of you unwell tugged at his conscience, adding another layer to his already heavy heart.
Mingyu nodded solemnly, a sigh escaping his lips before he handed Seungcheol another draft for the upcoming project. It was the design you were supposed to handle, but now you were at home, resting.
"This," Mingyu gestured to the draft, "she wants me to make sure you confirm it by today. Let me know if there's anything to revise, she said she'll do it today."
Seungcheol's expression tightened at the thought of you working even while sick. He shook his head, disliking the idea of you pushing yourself when you needed rest. "Do you know where she lives?" he asked, a sense of urgency creeping into his voice.
Seungcheol stood in front of your door, a sense of urgency gripping him as he clutched a portion of porridge and a pack of medicine in his hands. He couldn't fathom how he had ended up here, but the need to ensure your well-being drove him forward. With each press of the doorbell, the weight of his worry grew heavier. Ten seconds passed, then twenty, then a minute, yet there was no response. Frustration etched across his features as he pushed the doorbell again, the sound echoing through the silence of the hallway.
As he waited, a barrage of questions flooded his mind. "Are you okay?" he wondered, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow. Desperation urged him to try the door passcode pad, his fingers tapping out random combinations in a futile attempt to gain entry. Disappointment washed over him as each attempt proved unsuccessful, but a glimmer of relief emerged when he realized you hadn't used the most obvious combination.
With a newfound determination, Seungcheol tapped out a sequence that had been etched into his memory—the company anniversary date. The click of the door unlocking caught him off guard, a mix of surprise and relief flooding his senses. Stepping inside, he was greeted by the familiar surroundings of your home, yet the absence of your presence only heightened his concern.
"Y/n..." Seungcheol called out, his voice laced with concern, but there was no reply. He navigated through the dimly lit hallway of your apartment, his heart pounding with each step. Upon reaching your bedroom, a sense of familiarity guided his movements as he set the items on your kitchen island before peeking inside.
The sight that met his eyes sent a jolt of alarm through him. There you were, lying weakly on your bed, cocooned in blankets, with the glow of the bedside lamp casting a soft light upon your form. Your labored breathing and flushed cheeks spoke volumes, confirming his fears. Without a moment's hesitation, Seungcheol approached you, his hand reaching out to touch your forehead, which burned with fever.
Calling out your name urgently, he watched as your eyes fluttered open, struggling to focus. "S—Seungcheol?" you rasped, your voice devoid of its usual formality, he thought it was a sign of your weakened state.
"Are you okay, Y/n? You're burning. Let me take you to the hospital," Seungcheol urged, his voice tinged with worry as he moved to assist you. But before he could make a move, your hand caught his wrist, halting him in his tracks.
"Seungcheol, is that you?" you asked, your voice betraying a sense of urgency. Your eyes darted around the room, searching for answers. "How could you get inside? How—do you remember?" you questioned, your grip on his wrist tightening as you struggled to make sense of the situation.
Sungcheol's brow furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand. What do you mean?" he inquired, his concern deepening as he tried to comprehend your words.
Your hand suddenly released his wrist and moved to your hair, your expression clouded with confusion. Seungcheol watched helplessly as you whispered to yourself, questioning whether you were dreaming or hallucinating. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he realized the severity of your condition.
Seungcheol's confusion only deepened as you pulled your comforters tightly around you, shaking your head in disbelief. "This must not be real. It could be because of the medicine," you muttered to yourself, your arms wrapping around your body in a protective gesture.
"Hey, it's me..." Seungcheol called out to you, his voice gentle yet firm. Your teary eyes met his, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still.
Seungcheol watched in awe as you approached him, your trembling hands reaching up to cup his cheeks. "You're home..." you whispered, tears now streaming down your cheeks. His heart clenched at the sight of your vulnerability, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he leaned into your touch, the warmth of your hands against his skin grounding him in reality.
As your sobs intensified, Seungcheol felt a wave of emotions wash over him. Your house, your voice, your touch—all felt strangely familiar, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of disorientation that lingered in the back of his mind. What was happening to him?
"You're finally home..." you sobbed, burying your face in his chest as tears continued to fall unchecked. "You remember home," you whispered between sobs, your words echoing in the silence of the room.
What is happening?
Mingyu sat opposite Seungcheol, his expression grave as he prepared to deliver an explanation for the events of the previous night. Seungcheol's gaze bore into him, demanding answers, as he struggled to make sense of the familiarity of his surroundings.
"What's this?" Seungcheol gestured toward the house, a sense of unease creeping over him.
Mingyu lowered his head, a gesture of apology evident in his posture. "I didn't expect you to come here," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. Seungcheol's mind raced with questions, but before he could voice them, Mingyu diverted the conversation to your condition.
"She's being treated at the hospital. It was stress and exhaustion," Seungcheol explained. Mingyu's eyes avoiding Seungcheol's penetrating gaze. It struck Seungcheol as odd, considering Mingyu's usual propensity for defiance.
"Okay..." Seungcheol began, his tone clipped as he struggled to contain his frustration. Mingyu's heavy sigh only added to his growing sense of unease. "She's gonna hate me for this," Mingyu muttered, a hint of guilt in his voice.
Seungcheol's scowl deepened at the implication that Mingyu was withholding information from him, information that could potentially impact his life. As Mingyu continued, dropping a bombshell that left Seungcheol reeling.
"You lost your memory two years ago," Mingyu revealed, prompting Seungcheol to nod in acknowledgment. Memories of the car accident flashed through his mind, a reminder of the near-death experience that had robbed him of his past.
But Mingyu wasn't finished. "And you...you were engaged to her," he stated matter-of-factly, leaving Seungcheol dumbfounded.
"What?" Seungcheol's voice was laced with disbelief as Mingyu confirmed his status as your fiancé.
Mingyu nodded solemnly. "Yes, you two were engaged before the accident. You had been in a secret relationship for a long time and decided to get married. But then...you lost your memory," he explained, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the air.
Seungcheol felt as if the ground had shifted beneath him, the revelation hitting him like a ton of bricks. His mind struggled to grasp the enormity of what Mingyu had just disclosed. Engaged? Secret relationship? Marriage plans? It all seemed so surreal, like a plot from a melodramatic movie.
His gaze shifted to Mingyu, searching for any sign of deception or jest, but all he found was sincerity mirrored in Mingyu's eyes. This was real. This was his reality, whether he remembered it or not.
A myriad of emotions surged through Seungcheol—confusion, disbelief, and a twinge of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what he might discover about his past and his relationship with you.
"How...how could I not remember any of this?" Seungcheol's voice trembled with uncertainty, his mind racing to piece together fragments of memories that refused to surface.
Mingyu sighed heavily, his expression one of empathy mixed with regret. "The accident...it took everything from you," he replied softly. "But we've been trying to help you remember, to piece together the fragments of your past. It's just...it's not easy.".
Mingyu bypassed the entrance to your room and instead led Seungcheol to a different door down the hallway. Seungcheol's confusion deepened as Mingyu turned the doorknob and gestured for him to enter.
"What's this?" Seungcheol questioned, his voice betraying his confusion as he stepped into the room.
Mingyu's expression softened as he followed Seungcheol inside. "This used to be your room," he explained, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Both of you shared this space before...before the accident," he added, his words heavy with unspoken emotion.
Seungcheol's eyes roamed the room, taking in the familiar surroundings—the cozy bed, the shelves lined with books, the photographs adorning the walls. Despite not remembering, there was a sense of comfort and belonging that washed over him, like a distant echo of a life he once knew.
"You two were happy here," Mingyu continued, his voice quiet as he gazed around the room. "You had plans, dreams...a future together," he said, his words tinged with sadness.
Seungcheol's heart ached at the thought of the life he couldn't remember, the memories that remained just out of reach. He longed to feel that sense of belonging again, to reclaim the love and happiness that had once filled this room.
"I'll give you some time alone," Mingyu said softly, placing a reassuring hand on Seungcheol's shoulder before quietly slipping out of the room.
Alone in the room that held fragments of a life he couldn't recall, Seungcheol closed his eyes and let himself sink into the memories that lingered in the air. Despite the uncertainty of his past, one thing remained clear—he would do whatever it took to reclaim the love and happiness that had once filled this room, and to find his way back to you.
As Seungcheol's gaze swept over the room, it landed on the vanity table, where a glint of light caught his eye. There, nestled among the trinkets and baubles, lay a simple yet elegant ring. His breath caught in his throat as he reached out, his fingers trembling as they closed around the familiar metal.
With a sense of trepidation, Seungcheol slid the ring onto his finger, feeling the weight of it settle against his skin. Instantly, a rush of familiarity washed over him, like a wave crashing against the shore of his fractured memories.
Tears welled up in Seungcheol's eyes as he stared at the ring, his vision blurred by the overwhelming emotions coursing through him. It was as if this simple band held the key to unlocking the mysteries of his past, a tangible reminder of the love and commitment he couldn't remember.
He traced the intricate design with his fingertips, each curve and groove sparking a distant echo of a life he once knew. Despite the gaps in his memory, there was no denying the depth of emotion tied to this ring, to the life he shared with you.
Seungcheol bowed his head, tears streaming down his face unchecked. In that moment, surrounded by the echoes of a life he couldn't remember, he made a silent vow—to reclaim his memories, to rediscover the love that had once filled his heart, and to find his way back to you, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.
As Seungcheol observed your presence in the office, a sense of gratitude and concern mingled within him. He couldn't pinpoint exactly when he started noticing you, but he appreciated your hard work as a member of his design staff. However, there was something about you that troubled him—the subtle aura of melancholy that seemed to follow you like a shadow.
Seungcheol often found himself analyzing your habits, noting how you stayed late in the office long after everyone else had left. He couldn't help but worry as he observed you taking the same bus home every night, your expression tinged with a sense of weariness that tugged at his heartstrings.
Despite his best efforts to lift your spirits, Seungcheol couldn't shake the feeling that you carried a heavy burden on your shoulders. He wanted nothing more than to see you smile, to banish the clouds of sadness that seemed to linger around you.
With that in mind, Seungcheol decided to surprise you with a small gesture of kindness—he bought flowers for your team's designated room, hoping to brighten your day. But his well-intentioned gesture backfired when he discovered that you were allergic to flowers.
Seungcheol couldn't help but curse himself for not knowing such a basic detail about you. He had wanted to bring a ray of light into your life, but instead, he had inadvertently caused you discomfort.
Determined to make it up to you, Seungcheol resolved to find another way to lift your spirits, to show you that you were valued and appreciated. Despite the setback, his determination to bring a smile to your face burned brighter than ever before.
As Seungcheol's concern for you grew, he couldn't help but notice the rapport you shared with Mingyu. You seemed to have a closeness that bordered on familiarity, and Seungcheol found himself feeling an unexpected pang of jealousy.
He watched as you and Mingyu exchanged knowing glances, shared inside jokes, and collaborated effortlessly on projects. While he knew that Mingyu was a trusted colleague and friend, Seungcheol couldn't shake the feeling that you were too close, that perhaps there was more to your relationship than met the eye.
The sight of you laughing at one of Mingyu's jokes or leaning in close to discuss a project sent a twinge of unease through Seungcheol's heart. Despite his best efforts to rationalize his feelings, Seungcheol couldn't shake the nagging sense of insecurity that gnawed at him. He found himself scrutinizing your interactions with Mingyu, searching for any sign that his fears were justified.
"You're going home?" Seungcheol heard Mingyu ask you as you were on your way to call it a day. He caught a glimpse of you nodding excitedly.
"A big day?" Mingyu inquired, and you stopped while scrolling on your phone to show the taller guy something.
Mingyu gasped and looked at you while you laughed. Seungcheol watched both of you conversing with ease, observing if he had misread Mingyu and your relationship as colleagues.
"Want me to drive you home?" Mingyu offered, but you shook your head.
You waved goodbye to Mingyu before saying, "The bus is coming. Don't wanna miss it! Bye..."
Seungcheol's footsteps echoed softly as he approached the bus stop near the hospital. His heart quickened with each step, anticipation mingling with worry. Mingyu's message had left him scrambling, his mind racing with concern for you. He knew he had to find you, to make sure you were alright.
And there you were, sitting alone, a solitary figure amidst the bustle of the city. Relief washed over Seungcheol as he took in the sight of you, but it was quickly replaced by surprise when he noticed the weariness etched into your features.
"Seungcheol..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, and he could see the surprise mirrored in your eyes as you looked up at him.
"I'm here," he said softly, his heart aching at the sight of you looking so small and fragile. Mingyu's words echoed in his mind, reminding him of why he was here.
"Let's go home, I'll drive you," Seungcheol offered, reaching out to take your hand. But you recoiled, pulling away from him, and his heart sank.
He searched your eyes for answers, confusion swirling within him. Why were you pulling away from him? Didn't you know how much he cared about you, how much he wanted to take care of you?
But your response only deepened the mystery. "I can't," you mumbled, and Seungcheol felt a knot form in his stomach at your words.
"Why not?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. "I'm the one driving."
"Still..." Your voice trailed off, and Seungcheol could see the turmoil in your eyes. There was something you weren't telling him, something weighing heavily on your mind.
As the bus approached, you rose from your seat, and Seungcheol quietly followed suit, taking the seat beside you. The journey to your apartment passed swiftly, the familiar route bringing a sense of comfort despite the tension between you.
Seungcheol couldn't shake the feeling that there was something deeper at play here, something he couldn't quite grasp. The realization dawned on him as you both walked to your apartment building. It wasn't just about the time saved by taking the bus; there was a deeper fear lurking within you, a fear of being in a car, even a cab. It all clicked into place—the reason behind your drenched state that night, your insistence on taking the bus.
As you reached your door, Seungcheol couldn't hold back any longer. "Are you scared because of me? Being in a car?" he asked, his voice tinged with regret.
You stopped in your tracks, your body tense, but your head nodded in confirmation. Seungcheol's heart sank at the admission, a wave of guilt washing over him. "I'm sorry I don't remember anything, but don't be like this," he pleaded softly, hoping you would understand.
You finally turned to face him, and for the first time, your voice held a hint of defiance. "Like what?" you challenged, your eyes searching his for answers.
Seungcheol was taken aback by your sudden assertiveness, but he gathered himself, his hands slipping into his pockets as he met your gaze. "Like... this," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, his heart heavy with the weight of his own shortcomings.
You sighed heavily, turning your body to open your door, the weight of the conversation settling heavily between you and Seungcheol. "Go home, Seungcheol," you said, your voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and resignation.
But before you could step inside, Seungcheol took a hesitant step forward, his words pleading for understanding. "You said this is my home."
Your heart ached at his words, the truth in them impossible to ignore. But you stood your ground, facing him with a quiet resolve. "Don't be like this, Seungcheol," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the hum of the city around you. "Just because you found out everything doesn't mean it all comes back the same."
There was a raw honesty in your words, a vulnerability that laid bare the complexities of your emotions. And as you stood there, facing each other in the fading light of the evening, you both knew that some wounds ran too deep to be healed by mere understanding.
Seungcheol's heart sank further at your words, the weight of your pain heavy upon him. He reached out, wanting to erase the hurt etched in your expression, but hesitated, unsure if his touch would offer solace or only deepen the wounds.
For a moment, silence hung thick between you, the only sound the gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze. Then, with a heavy sigh, Seungcheol stepped back, his gaze never leaving yours. "I understand," he murmured, his voice laced with regret. "I'll go."
Seungcheol's steps to his office were slow, his heart heavy knowing you were not on the same floor as him this week. The staff were buzzing with questions about your absence, as it was the first time you had ever taken leave. Your absence had created a noticeable gap in the working atmosphere. However, Mingyu managed to handle the situation excellently by delegating all the work to the staff and explaining that you were on vacation.
"So, calling Y/n is prohibited this week," Mingyu announced to all the staff during the morning briefing.
Seungcheol buried himself in work, the meetings and paperwork serving as a distraction from a truth that was slowly dawning on him. Even after a week, all the relevance are still seemed impossible. But the inexplicable attraction he had felt towards you suddenly made sense; they were memories of feelings he couldn't deny, even after two years of forgetting you.
He sighed deeply as he leaned back in his chair, feeling a wave of frustration wash over him. Mingyu usually juggled two roles: being a key member of the design team and acting as Seungcheol's secretary, handling emails and scheduling. But with you gone, Mingyu had to take over all your responsibilities, leaving Seungcheol to manage his own emails and appointments. Once again, he found himself overwhelmed and more than a little distracted.
Seungcheol didn't know how he suddenly found himself standing in front of your door after office hours. The last time he was here was two days ago, and since then, the guilt had been gnawing at him. He rang your bell, hoping against hope that you would open the door with a welcoming smile. But there was no response, even after his fifth ring.
He was about to give up and step into the elevator when he saw your figure standing inside. So, you had been outside.
You looked surprised by his presence, immediately stepping out of the elevator and asking, "What are you doing in front of my place?"
"I haven't seen you in the office for almost a week. I'm your boss, Y/n," Seungcheol replied, trying to sound reasonable.
You opened your passcode lock and entered your home. Without waiting for your permission, Seungcheol pushed the door and followed you inside, protesting about your attitude toward 'your boss.'
"I'm packing. That's why I couldn't come to work these past two days."
Seungcheol's brow furrowed. "You're moving?" he asked, noticing a frame with a photo of the two of you placed inside a box, ready to be packed.
"There's no reason for me to stay with all of this," you sighed, opening the tape and sealing the open boxes lying on the floor.
Seungcheol's heart sank, feeling oddly betrayed by your pessimism. "You don't want to fight for us anymore?" he asked, as if he wasn't the one who had forgotten everything about you.
You stopped and dropped everything from your hands. "Everyone has limits, Seungcheol, and I've hit mine," you said, turning to face him, your arms crossed defiantly.
"How about me? It's not fair for me to just find out about our relationship and then lose it again," Seungcheol argued, challenging your resolve.
Your face shifted slightly, your eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability as you tried to maintain your composure. "I don't care about you, Seungcheol. I've been dealing with this alone for two years. You deal with it yourself!"
Seungcheol grabbed your arm and turned you to face him again. "Then why did you stay these two years? Why didn't you leave me right after the accident? Why did you stay?"
You held his gaze for a moment before looking away. "Because I thought there was hope. But there isn't. So I'm deciding to stop now."
"Why? Are you embarrassed that I found out?" Seungcheol asked, and you fell silent. "Is it that embarrassing for you that I found out everything?"
"Isn't this a good start for me? Wouldn't it help me recover my memories if I knew the truth? Not with all the subtle signs you gave me through your designs, referencing places we had been."
Seungcheol raised your left hand and showed the ring around your finger. "You wore this, showing everyone you were engaged while I had no idea you were engaged to me. Did you want me to remember through that?"
His voice rose unconsciously as he spoke, but you remained stoic. The silence between you was thick with unresolved tension and unspoken emotions..
"Then, should I do this?" you asked, reaching up to cup his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
Seungcheol tensed at first, but then he responded with equal fervor. When he felt you beginning to loosen the kiss, he immediately grabbed the nape of your neck, pulling you closer, not letting you step back even an inch. His other hand found your waist, pulling your body firmly against his.
As you broke the kiss to catch your breath, Seungcheol couldn't help but notice how beautiful you looked, breathless and flushed from his kiss. He pinned you to the wall, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear before whispering, "I like you, Y/n. I mean, even after I forgot you, the feeling was still there."
Without waiting for a response, he crashed his lips back onto yours, this time with even more passion. His hands began to roam the contours of your body, slipping under your top to touch your bare skin. You whimpered, and the sound made Seungcheol ache to be closer, deeper.
"You're so beautiful..." he whispered in between kisses, his voice husky with desire.
"S—Seungcheol..." you gasped.
"Stop calling me that. Call me by the pet name you used to," he murmured, his lips trailing down your neckline and shoulder.
"Yeobo..." you breathed.
A smile spread across Seungcheol's face as he began to pull your top off, unclasping anything that covered you. "Do you want this?" he asked seriously, looking into your eyes as if he hadn't just been worshipping your body with his kisses.
You nodded fervently, pulling him into another kiss. Seungcheol quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pants, then tapped your thigh, motioning for you to jump on him. The kiss never stopped as he carried you to a room Mingyu had mentioned, the room where you two had shared so many memories. He was relieved to see it still felt familiar, untouched by time.
"There's no stopping after this, Y/n," Seungcheol warned, his voice filled with a mix of desire and seriousness.
You nodded again, more eagerly this time, and with that, Seungcheol began to touch you, closer and deeperdeeper.
It was midnight, and Seungcheol lay awake, watching you sleep in his arms. His eyes couldn't stop tracing the contours of your face, and his mind couldn't stop grappling with how all of this had happened.
How could he have lost all his memories of you after the car accident two years ago? Why did he have to find out about this now and not earlier?
You moved in your sleep, your eyes fluttering open. He kissed your forehead as you looked at him and smiled. A wave of guilt washed over him as he realized that, even after spending the night with you in your shared room, he still couldn't remember anything.
"Hey," you whispered, your voice soft and sleepy. "Can't sleep?"
He sighed, his fingers gently brushing through your hair. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I want to remember. I really do. But everything still feels like a blank slate."
You reached up to cup his cheek, your touch tender and reassuring. "It's okay, Seungcheol. I know it's not your fault."
"But it feels wrong," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "I should remember us, our past, everything we've been through. And yet, it's like trying to grasp at smoke."
You shifted closer, your warmth a small comfort against the cold uncertainty that plagued him. "We'll figure it out together. One step at a time."
Seungcheol nodded, though the guilt remained. He wanted to hold on to the hope you offered, to believe that somehow, they could rebuild what was lost. But for now, he could only focus on the present, on the feel of you in his arms, and the love that still lingered between you, even if the memories did not.
"Do you remember the car accident?" you asked him in a whisper. Seungcheol shook his head. "I only remember waking up after days."
You nodded, understanding. "I still remember it," you suddenly said, stopping Seungcheol's breath.
"You... you were there? You were also there?" he asked, and you nodded. Your hand ran from his forehead to his temple and down to his neck, as if you were painting something on him.
"We were bleeding. You were bleeding. There was so much blood, and you were unconscious. I remember I couldn't move. I just watched you bleeding after a truck collided with our car."
Seungcheol watched you close your eyes, suffering from the memory. He held you closer, whispering that he was okay now and that he was with you.
"It happened after the company anniversary, which was also our anniversary. We argued while you were driving. I still remember that before we started the car, I refused to wear my seatbelt, but you put it on for me. I could have died that night."
Seungcheol listened intently as you recounted everything you remembered about the accident two years ago. Your anniversary, which was also the company anniversary, and the number combination you used for your door passcode. The grip of your hand on the sheets around you two was powerful, as if you regretted surviving or still had the memory buried deep inside.
"What were we arguing about?" Seungcheol asked.
You shook your head. "I don't want to tell you. It kept us apart for two years."
Seungcheol's hand went to your back, rubbing it softly as he assured you that knowing might help him remember. "Please, it might help me."
"You found out that I had helped you secure company investors and clients through my father," you finally said.
Seungcheol's expression softened as he absorbed the information. "And that upset me?"
You nodded. "You felt it undermined your efforts and achievements. You were angry that I had intervened without telling you."
Seungcheol sighed, the pieces slowly coming together. "I see... I'm sorry. I must have hurt you a lot."
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "No, Seungcheol, I was the one who was wrong. I must have hurt you so much while we were together that you forgot everything about me. I've spent these two years reflecting on our relationship, on all the mistakes I made."
He opened his mouth to protest, but you continued, your voice trembling. "I intervened because I thought I was helping, but I didn't consider how it would make you feel. I was too focused on my own way of supporting you. And that wasn't fair to you."
Seungcheol's grip on you tightened, but he remained silent, letting you speak.
"I've thought about all the times I might have hurt you, all the ways I could have been better. And I've wondered if maybe I deserved to be forgotten," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe losing your memory of me was a way for you to start over without the pain I caused you."
Seungcheol shook his head vehemently. "No, Y/n, don't say that. It wasn't your fault. It was an accident. You didn't deserve any of this."
"But it happened," you said, your eyes searching his. "And now, here we are, trying to piece together something that was shattered. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything. For not being the partner you needed me to be."
He cupped your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "We both made mistakes. But we have a chance now to learn from them, to grow together. I don't want to lose you again."
You nodded, your heart aching with a mix of sorrow and hope. "I don't want to lose you either."
Seungcheol kissed your forehead, his lips lingering there as he whispered, "Let me take care of everything from now on."
Mingyu visited you at the hospital, his expression weighted with guilt as he confessed that he had spilled everything to Seungcheol the day before—your relationship, engagement, and even the life plans that had been erased from Seungcheol's memory.
You looked at Mingyu, panic rising in your chest. "Mingyu, you shouldn't have told him everything."
He hesitated, his eyes conflicted. "I thought he needed to know the truth, Y/n. He deserves to remember."
Tears welled up in your eyes. "You can't tell him... You can't tell him about us planning to get married because I was pregnant. And... and that we lost the baby in the accident."
Mingyu's expression softened with understanding. "Why? Why keep that from him? He has a right to know."
Taking a deep breath, you tried to steady yourself. "Because I love him, Mingyu. I love him so much that I don't want him to carry that guilt. He's already lost his memory of us. I don't want him to blame himself for something he couldn't control."
Mingyu nodded slowly, torn between respecting your wishes and wanting Seungcheol to have the complete truth. "But Y/n..."
"No, Mingyu," you interrupted firmly, wiping away tears. "Promise me you won't tell him about the baby. Let him live his life without that burden."
Mingyu sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping in resignation. "Okay, I promise. I won't say anything about the baby."
You exhaled in relief, grateful that Mingyu understood your decision, even if it weighed heavily on him. "Thank you, Mingyu."
He gave you a sad smile. "I just want what's best for both of you, Y/n. Seungcheol deserves to be happy."
"And he will be," you whispered, though your heart ached with the weight of the secrets you carried. "He will be."
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ruth-odyssey · 3 months
༺✩༻ D is for Delightful (part 2)
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mattheo riddle x fem!reader
wc. 1.9k words
summary: after pairing up with a slytherin for a potion project, you somehow find yourself unable to tear away from him  
tw. fem!reader, reader is implied to be a gryffindor, party, mention of minors drinking. Set in sixth year but everyone is 17
a/n. This is part 2 of D is for Dangerous. Mattheo is actually so hot I had to physically stop myself from turning this into smut 😔
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Quidditch season has its way of bringing students of the same house together. No matter your opinion on your fellow housemates, quidditch is quidditch. Heading down to the great Hall for breakfast, you can feel the excitement of the first match of the season; Ravenclaw against Slytherin. You sit down at the Gryffindor table, serving yourself some porridge, fruits and a cup of coffee. As you start eating, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. You turn around, meet with Mattheo, smirking at you. “We’re hosting a party tonight after the match, wanna come?” You knit your brows. “Already planning a party? You didn't even win yet!??” Mattheo flashes you a confident smile. “Winning is guaranteed, Ravenclaw’s team isn't winning anytime soon.” You snort, teasing him. “Nah yall gonna lose.”
Mattheo gasps dramatically at your response, clutching his heart, pretending to be under some sort of great physical pain. “How dare you. Do you have no faith in me???” you laugh at his dramatic antics. “Are they even gonna let you play? You skipped detention the whole week.” Mattheo grins slyly at you, as if you had asked an absurd question. “Of course they’ll let me play, I'm the best chaser we’ve got” He says cockily, earning himself a glare from Blaise. “Besides, I’ve already got out of those detentions with a little help from Theo, no need to worry.” You roll your eyes, serving yourself another cup of coffee. “Please don't bring Theo into your shit…” You look around, trying to catch a glimpse of the boy. “Theo isn't even here, is he still asleep???” Draco pipes up. “He's up, probably still under the shower.” You nod. “Well you better catch the snitch quickly, it's cold as shit outside.” Draco rolls his eyes at your comment and scoffs. “Don't tell me what to do, I'll catch it at my own pace.” You sigh, already regretting not bringing something hotter against the cold November weather. Before anyone can add anything, Theodore arrives, greeting everyone with a nod. “Well well well, look who decided to join us…” At Theo’s arrival, you decide to take your plate and cup, sitting down at the Slytherin table. Blaise smiles, knocking your shoulder with his. “Finally decided to join us huh?” You salute him. “Yes sir.” He lets out a soft chuckle, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice. You glance to your right, Theo still standing up, still half asleep. You pat the spot next to you. “Sit down and eat. You have 10 minutes before you guys have to leave.” Theo’s eyes meet yours, he nods and takes the stop next to you, you serve him a cup of coffee and Lorenzo starts piling up food on his plate. Theo blinks a couple of times, trying to chase the fatigue. “How are you so… hyper this morning?” His voice is still laced with sleep, deeper than usual. You smile, hoping he can't tell how his voice alone is affecting you. “This is actually my fourth cup of coffee.” Theo shakes his head, mumbling Oh dio under his breath. He takes a bite of food. “If we win, will you come to the party?” Mattheo sends him a look “You mean WHEN we win.” You smile and glance at Mattheo who's already looking at you.
The next few minutes are spent by Draco, Mattheo and Blaise discussing the best way to beat ravenclaw – in the most humiliating way possible – Theo nodding along, playing with the food on his plate. They leave in a hurry to get changed in their quidditch robes. Lorenzo gets up and starts heading to the quidditch area, you and Pansy following. The three of you head out of the school, the freezing November breeze making you shiver. Tucking your face into your scarf you decide now is the perfect time to talk. “I am NOT lasting ‘til the end of the year, Riddle is gonna be the death of me.” Pansy laughs, as if she was expecting you to bring up Mattheo, Lorenzo on the other hand looks concerned considering how much you ramble about him. “May I ask why Riddle out of all people is gonna be the death of you?” He inquired, his voice tinged with playful judgment. You flash him an apologetic smile and start gushing about Mattheo. “Did you see how he looked at me earlier??? I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.” Pansy grabs your arm, a delighted laugh escaping her lips, as Lorenzo gives you a weirded out look – he's not quite sure what you mean by that. 
The match finally came to an end, Slytherin completely obliterating Ravenclaw with a whooping 250 to 50. You meet up with the rest of the group in the Great Hall for lunch. “Mattheo that goal was something else, I mean throwing the quaffle all the way from the Slytherin goalpost and scoring? It was amazing.” Blaise nods in agreement, headlocking Mattheo, ruffling his hair. “You were insane out there mate, I didn't expect you to score like that.” Mattheo finally getting out of Blaise’s tight grip, he smirks at you. “Told ya we were gonna win. Now you better come to the party angel” You roll your eyes trying to ignore how your stomach seems to be doing cartwheels because of a simple pet name. Pansy smiles. “Bring your dress so you can get ready in my room.” “Okay!”
“You look great.” You make eye contact with Pansy through the bathroom mirror, adding some mascara to your lower lashes. You’re wearing a black slip dress, with black high knee boots and your hair is down. You smile. “Thanks Pans, I love your dress by the way. It's so cute!” Pansy smiles, crouching down to put on her heels. You let out a yawn, feeling the lack of sleep of last night – as well as the caffeine crash – getting to you. You set the mascara tube down, giving yourself one last once over, before heading into the Slytherin common room with Pansy. As you both get down to the common room, pansy whispers “Go get your man.” in your ear. The party is in full swing, music blaring and people drinking and dancing everywhere. The room is dimly lit with Slytherin color, the atmosphere lively and electric. In the sea of partying students, you spot Mattheo, cigarette in one hand, drink in the other. He spots you too, greeting you with a hug. “Hey, nice dress” He speaks loudly, trying to make himself heard over the loud music. He hands you a drink. “Thanks! Pansy kinda left me. Do you know where she went?” Mattheo looks around, trying to find her. He taps your shoulder, giving you a shrug. “I can't see her sorry angel.” He pauses, taking a hit of his cigarette, blowing the smoke into rings. He smirks, eyes roaming around your body. “Seems like you’re stuck with me sweetheart.” You roll your eyes, unable to meet his – suddenly finding the content of the drink he had handed you interesting. You glance at him
You take a sip of your drink, face scrunching at the taste of alcohol burning your throat. You turn back to look at Mattheo, only to find him already looking at you. It's not the way he usually looks at you, with mischief because saying or doing something that would get him in trouble, there’s something different in those eyes and it seems whatever changed somehow makes you even more drawn to him. You can already feel your body loosening up, the alcohol making its way in your system. You grab the half burned cigarette from his grasp, taking a hit. There's a hint of surprise in Mattheo’s expression, that's quickly replaced by delight and something else you can't quite place your finger on. 
You are not God's strongest soldier. Three drinks in and you somehow found yourself resting your head on Mattheo’s chest, arms around his waist, one of his hands on the small of your back, the other holding onto his – technically yours since he stole it – drink. The scent of his cologne – a citrus and musky scent– filling your nostrils. The party is still raging, people everywhere and it doesn't seem to stop anything soon. Mattheo gently whispers in your ear. “Hey sweetheart can't have you falling asleep on me, why don't you call it a night huh?” – you can practically see the small smirk that must be forming on his face – You distance yourself from him, just enough to see his face. His eyes find yours and he smiles. It's a smile you could get used to seeing – it's sweet and it makes you believe you might actually have a change with the boy – you nod, silently agreeing to call if for today. “Mkay… I'll go to sleep.” Maybe it was because of the smile he’d flashed or maybe it had only to do with the alcohol you had, but you get on your tiptoes, kissing him goodnight. “I think you missed darling, you must be very drunk if you don't know where my lips are” Its harmless teasing really, usually a simple eye roll to brush it off would have done the trick. But today, you decide that yes, maybe you should kiss him if it means he’ll finally realize you’d like to be the only one he flirts with, the only one he kisses. And so you roll your eyes, “You’re so demanding Riddle, you’re lucky I love you.” and kiss him. It’s sweet, you can taste the lingering taste of the alcohol on his lips. He pulls you closer, deepening the kiss, his lips moving against yours and you're suddenly aware of what you're doing. You break the kiss and mumble a quick “good night” before heading upstairs, crashing in Pansy’s room
Drinking was not a good idea. At all. Whatever was in the drinks, it was strong, strong enough that you find yourself waking up the next morning having absolutely no recollection of why you were not in your bed. You can tell Pansy is in bed with you by the steady sound of breathing behind you. You try getting up an arm wrapping around your waist, someone snuggling into you. You freeze, turning your head slightly – to your surprise Mattheo is behind you, seemingly still asleep. “Hm Mattheo? Wake up.” You try shaking him awake. He makes a noise between a groan and moan but he opens his eyes, taking you in. “what?” You look at him bewildered, wondering how he could be so calm. “What??? What do you mean ‘what’??? The hell are you doing in Pansy’s room and why are you sleeping next to me???” Now it’s Mattheo’s turn to look confused. “Hey hey hey, calm down princess, I'll have you know last night you crashed in MY room, and i need my beauty sleep so I slept on my bed. I was sure you wouldn't mind… you know since you love me.” he adds teasingly. Oh the bastard. You can already feel your cheeks flustered and unfortunately for you, the memories of last night are finally becoming clearer. And you can clearly remember not only telling him you loved him but the feel of his lips against yours. You blink trying to chase the memory from your mind. “I- ok maybe I do. But so what?” He smiles as if he knew you would say something like that. “I was thinking about asking you out so that we could share our first kiss more… romantic setting but looks like you beat me to it angel.” “Oh shut up Riddle.” He smirks. “So, can I be your boyfriend?” “Yes”
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 2 months
Some details from the LITA special novel:
Sky and Pai
Pai sells his condo immediately after the assault in ep 13 and buys a new, larger one in a high security building.
Pai loves seeing Sky cry. Not in a mean way- tears of happiness absolutely preferred- but he is deeply touched that Sky has recovered to a point where he is now able to cry again.
Sky's father realized Sky was gay after the assault by his ex in high school, but they never talked about it. Sky was scared to bring Pai home because he didn't know how his father would react.
Sky's dad knew the moment he brought Pai home that they were dating. He asked Pai to take good care of his son and always accepted Pai as a son-in-law. He loves seeing how well Pai takes care of Sky.
Pai doesn't like Sky being around his (Pai's) family PURELY because they're obsessed with Sky, and he ends up completely kidnapped by them (Golfing with dad, shopping with mom, galleries with the siblings, etc.).
Sky resists moving in with Pai throughout his university days, just to be closer to school during high-stress times. Still, Pai's condo is their main residence.
If Sky is put in danger by his new friendship with Graf (Pakin's boyfriend, who is frequently targeted by Pakin's enemies), either Sky is taken immediately to Pai, or Pai brought immediately to him.
Sky does not believe he's attractive or cute (even though Pai tells him he is CONSTANTLY), but he is damn well aware he's amazing in bed and confident in that.
If Pai and Sky are apart for more than 2 weeks (because of Sky's work or Pai's business trips), they both start going a bit mental (leading to a very hot video chat).
Sky and Pai get married around 8 years after the events in Love in the Air.
Sky is now a professor of architecture at his old university.
Sky and Pai babysit Pai's niece/nephew, but don't want kids of their own (though they leave that as an 'unless we change our minds' kind of thing).
The vows they use in "Wedding Plan" are actually lines Pai says to Sky that Sky later paints into a portrait of Pai with his bike.
The wedding planning service they use in "Wedding Plan" is one Pai approached first to plan a surprise anime-themed birthday party for Sky.
Rain and Payu
Payu told his mom about Rain after their first night together, and he and Saifah both shared stories about him, but no one ever told Rain.
Rain wanders downstairs in his undies one night and Payu's mom is just THERE. She pretends not to know who he is and disapprove of him while force-feeding him porridge... she and Payu are the exact same flavor of tricksters who enjoy seeing Rain anxious.
Strict no-sex-outside-of-the-bedroom rule put in place by Rain because Saifah once caught Rain riding Payu on the sofa and teased him for days.
Rain is not afraid to stand his ground and put Payu in his place if he thinks his man is wrong. He may leave the fight for morning, but he won't bend if he doesn't agree.
Rain ends up working for a top architecture firm (maybe the one Payu used to work for, unclear) and takes on bigger and bigger projects.
Two years after starting his own firm, Payu asks Rain to come be his work partner (he asked before the firm opened, but Rain wanted to gain experience so he could be Payu's equal).
Payu cried when Rain agreed to come work with him because they were both so busy that they barely saw each other anymore. Now, no matter how busy they are, they will still be together.
Rain and Sky
Rain blames himself in part for Sky being assaulted again by his ex, and won't leave Sky's side at races unless Pai is there.
Rain and Sky still hang out constantly and are thick as thieves.
They befriend Pakin's boyfriend Graf (at Pakin's threat/request), and Pakin softens towards them somewhat in gratitude.
Rain is nearly stabbed in a bathroom by someone who mistakes him for Graf. He's saved by Sky and Chai (who was secretly following).
Rain and Sky frequent the races and bring their own snacks and candy, every guard and repeat guests know them and greet them on sight.
Thanks to Sky and Rain, the dangerous, illegal, underground street races have more of a carnival atmosphere. Pakin doesn't care, so long as the rules aren't broken.
Pai and Payu
Still involved with the races, no matter how busy they get with work.
As much as Sky and Rain hang out, Pai and Payu also meet up in their spare time with others who are or were involved with the races (mostly former top racer Oat).
If Pai wants to plan a surprise for Sky, he will go to Payu's house and borrow Rain to help scheme.
Payu is the official-unofficial tutor of the young ones. If Sky seems to be struggling with a concept and stressed out, Pai will call Payu for help.
Payu and Pai both leave Sky and Rain plenty of space to be individuals. All of them have their own friends and go places they want to go, then come tell their partner about their adventures.
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konigsblog · 1 year
Hi! This is my first time asking something :D 
Do you do anything, not nsfw? And if so, what would some random könig headcanons you agree with? Like habits and stuff you’d think he’d do? (does that make sense lmao)
If you just do nsfw you could make them nsfw headcanons.. Or just combine both aha
**HII.. i do write for sfw and fluff, as well as angst it's just not really requested as much as smut :) but here, hope you enjoy this!!! 🌙
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silly könig headcannons
⭒ mentions of weed use, fluff.. 🌷🎀
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⭒könig who prefers cats over dogs. they're quieter and calmer, has a ginger cat called ‘spice’ that's fiesty to new people. he loves the animal to death, and hands it to his oma when he's on deployment.
⭒i've mentioned this before, but i feel like könig was in a band as a kid, just a school one. he played the drums and was pretty emo in his teenager years...
⭒he sleeps in the weirdest positions. he'll either wake up with his body contorted into different ways, his arms above his head and across his chest with his legs intertwined with eachother.
⭒he's an easily jealous person, always top of his classes and getting 100% on his tests. his mother always wanted the best outcome for her son, so she was shocked when he decided to join the kommando spezialkräfte instead of becoming a doctor or a lawyer.
⭒has 100% attempted to get up but fell because his legs were stuck and tangled in his bedsheets.
⭒gets second hand embarrassment far too easily. he's cringing on the inside when someone does/says something stupid.
⭒absolutely hates the summer. it's horrible; everybody's sweaty and stinks, missions make him want to peal his skin off. definitely prefers autumn/winter.
⭒his favourite food to eat whilst sick is soup, a special homemade soup him and his mother made together while growing up. her own special recipe that he only teaches to his closest of friends.
⭒loves late night conversations. they're so deep and understanding, chatting for hours 'til your jaw hurts and the sun his peaking through the curtains.
⭒either drinks black coffee, really bitter. or drinks the most sugary coffee ever, no in-between. (tell me your opinions)
⭒is a morning person. gets up early and has his breakfast, something quick and easy, like toast or porridge (oatmeal), has a morning shower 'nd everything. (i love adding salt to my porridge/oatmeal)
⭒hates when people say germany and austria are the same. will definitely have a whole rant about the differences 'til you understand fully.
⭒smokes weed a lot, pretty much an addict. he says it's to calm his nerves down but he gradually started doing it more and more often. a stoner fs.
⭒enjoys movies, a lot. he loves sitting down with a blanket beside him, covered in orange cat hair. will probably make a bowl of popcorn to eat whilst watching, but ends up eating it all before he's even 30 minutes in.
big, bear hugs. we all know that the big, brute and towering man gives amazing hugs, but he really wants to lay atop of you, to cage you with his warmth.
⭒has a tendency to over share, rants sometimes while pretending to be confident, finding anything to talk about before feeling a bit uncomfortable with what he'd said.
⭒isn't shy. it's my biggest pet peeve when people make könig out to be someone shy, scared, ect.. he's not shy, he's socially anxious, but that doesn't make him quiet. he either puts on a front and pretends to be confident with a cocky, loud personality.
⭒absolutely adores milk. he drinks like a gallon in two days, that's why he's 6’10.
⭒enjoys mint chocolate chip ice cream, hates strawberry, especially if they have chunks. (self projecting)
⭒enjoys doing the dishes, finds it satisfying. until he touches food and gags.
⭒avid banana hater, the texture to the taste, everything about it makes him feel ill.
⭒listens to music for hours, usually something rock or heavy metal, loud music in his ears and the loud explosions gives him some hearing damage.
⭒usually smells woodsy, fresh cut trees and vanilla.
⭒germaphobe. doesn't like being near people when they're sick and will avoid them, probably because he gets sick too easily, despite having a strong immune system.
⭒isn't a very emotional person, he has sympathy for others but can't express it through tears and emotions. he's cold and aggressive to the recruits, blaming them for his issues because he struggles taking blame and fault for situations and needs a punching bag.
⭒owned a fish when he was around 7, cried because it died. turns out it was alive and he saw it swim down the toilet. never got another fish again, traumatized.
⭒doesn't like being told he's in the wrong, will refuse and deny it 'til he's forced to either apologise or end the friendship.
⭒curly ginger, or wavy ginger, you can't change my mind.
⭒doesn't really understand tiktok that much, or instagram. not really something that he's interested in, but occasionally uses twitter for like 5 minutes.
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⭒has anemia, or iron deficiency. takes a couple naps a day because he doesn't like taking his supplements.
these are all i could think off 😵‍💫 tell me your personal headcannons!!
banner credit; @cafekitsune
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thejoyofseax · 1 year
The Irish Porridge Project
We know that cereal grains were in use in pre-Norman Ireland. We also know that yeast baking doesn't work very well in Ireland's climate, such that soda bread is the traditional Irish loaf, rather than the yeast breads and sourdoughs that most other European cuisines have. But bread soda wasn't available in period, so the bread of the medieval era seems mostly to have been flatbreads and some kind of biscuits or crackers, with yeast bread only really available to the rich and in (some) monasteries. Everyone else seems to have gotten along with porridges as the main use for grain. There's even mention of wheat porridges being the appropriate food for royal fosterlings.
"Porridge" in modern English mostly means that it's made from oatmeal, and indeed, it's called just "oatmeal" in some places. But it's possible to make porridge from any grain. The Southern US dish called grits is a maize porridge, for one example. So what I want to do over the next while is try out every kind of porridge that pre-Norman Irish people could have gotten hold of.
There is the issue that we don't actually know what all the grains were. We have a list from the 8th century Bretha Déin Chécht: bread-wheat, rye, spelt-wheat, two-row barley, emmer wheat, six-row barley, and oats, but we don't really know what some of those are, and the translations are dubious in some cases. In this case, I'm going to go for emmer, einkorn, durum, barley, rye and oats. That list may be adjusted if I find more or that some (durum, perhaps) were not available in period. I'll also look at grain-like stuffs like pendulous sedge and fat hen, and see what can be done with those.
Next, there are multiple forms of grain that can make porridge. The full grain "berry", the slightly trimmed groat, various crushed and rolled forms, and coarse and fine flours. In addition, there are malted, roasted, and fermented options for each, and different grains might be mixed. This is adding up to a lot of different porridges!
As I try them, I'll add links here and describe what results I get, including other people's opinions of them, when I get those. I have a couple of co-conspirators on this project, and as they send me the results of their trials, I'll add them here too.
I'd also like to credit Magister Galefridus Peregrinus, whose class in non-baking use of Fertile Crescent grains at Pennsic 50 jumped my initial research and thinking on this particular project by years.
Standard (Rolled) Oatmeal Porridge Steel-cut Oat Porridge Fermented Oatmeal Porridge
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justporo · 1 year
Tavern Talk
I really wanted to write a little something about the companions enjoying a moment of banter at breakfast - so have them complaining about Astarion and Tav not being able to keep their… nightly activities subtle… Spoiler warning!
Pairing: Astarion / GN!Tav
Warning: Talk of sex
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(Gif from here!)
The whole party was sitting together eating breakfast in the tavern they stayed in - except, Tav and Astarion sat a few tables away and none of them were really eating. While the vampire and the wood elf were sitting at their small cozy table in the corner being all cute, the rest of the party sat at the big table in the middle and openly stared at the couple - a spoonfull or two even forgotten halfway to its destination.
„I swear to all Gods that will listen that if I have to endure them going at it one more night, I‘m going to kill myself right here, Absolute be damned“, Gale moaned pressing the balls of his hands into his eyesockets. He did indeed look even more tired than usually. Seemingly, the fact that he had one of the two rooms next to the happy couple was to blame.
„I agree, maybe Tav should‘ve taught this wretched vampire to not moan so loudly - even the bard‘s yapping would have been less annoying“, Lae‘zel agreed - she had the other room next to them. She stabbed the fruit on her platter as if she tried to murder it and chewed it angrily. Karlach snorted a little at the githyanki‘s murderous mood while she took a bite of bread.
„Well, if it‘s in his nature to be this vocal than it‘s better to let it out than forcing it down“, Halsin chimed in, a somewhat dreamy look in his eyes while eating another big spoonful of his porridge. He was the only one that wasn‘t really staring at the two other elves.
The druid‘s comment made all heads turn to him for a hot second. „Eww“, Shadowheart made quietly and scrunched up her nose while she kept twirling her sole cup of tea in front of her around.
„Tchk, druid, if you don‘t mind sleeping next to what sounds like a dying owlbear then I‘ll happily swap rooms with you and maybe you can ask to join next time they‘re at it“, Lae‘zel spit towards the towering elven druid.
„That‘s absolutely not what a dying owlbear would sound like“, Halsin answered very matter-of-fact, staring down at the table now with furrowed brows. His pointy ears had turned a telltale shade of light pink.
„You‘re all just jealous“, Karlach entered the conversation. She sat relaxedly on the bench leaning back and crossed her arms over her chest: „Jealous, because they are getting some and we all don‘t.“ „Tss, getting some is not the problem. But you don‘t have to rub it into everyone‘s faces how much amazing sex you‘re having“, Shadowheart responded, nose still scrunched up in disgust.
„So, what I‘m hearing is that you might have a big orgy with an endless amount of lovers in your room every night and none of us would ever know and you would absolutely never sass us about it in your sarcastic little tone you have sometimes“, the wizard replied dryly to Shadowheart‘s remark while raising an eyebrow at the half-elf and gesturing towards her with one hand. „Well, I wouldn‘t tell you, for starters, Gale. Just because you can never keep your mouth shut doesn‘t mean the rest of us can‘t - stop projecting yourself on everybody else.“ That earned Shadowheart snorts and chuckles all around the table - and the wizard did not have a witty reply anymore.
Silence spread through the group. Lae‘zel kept murdering her breakfast, Halsin munched on his food as did Wyll. Karlach kept forgetting to put her bread in her mouth to actually eat it while still throwing glances over to where Tav and Astarion were now holding hands and leaning their heads together like the lovebirds they were. Shadowheart and Gale kept holding on to their hot beverages. Shadowheart usually skipped out on eating for breakfast - and Gale seemed to still fight with being deprived of his beauty sleep.
„But what‘s changed? We all know they fucked before“, Karlach finally broke the silence. The comment earning mumbled approval and more groans around the table („Don‘t remind me, tiefling“, Lae‘zel spat). „They smooch all the damn time in front of everyone and at the most inappropriate times. I mean, it‘s not like they‘re trying to hide anything“, Karlach continued and shrugged. „Yes, by the Gods, I‘d hope they would hide it“, Gale whispered under his breath and stared at the ceiling in desperation.
„I‘d assume what‘s changed is that they‘re both now truly free to choose the one they love and act upon it - without ulterior motives or fear behind it.“ This was the first time Wyll offered any insight on the topic. He had rather politely held his tongue on the matter, not wanting to judge and indulge the gossiping.
„Hmm“, the druid agreed with him and nodded solemnly, „I would think breaking out of your slavery of two hundred years and experiencing real love and genuine connection after that can quite positively turn your world around for the better.“ „Don‘t romanticise that they can‘t be more subtle!“, Shadowheart immediatly exclaimed and crossed her arms over her chest.
„Well, for what it‘s worth I think they deserve to enjoy their love in peace for a bit but if you‘re all so bothered about it, I can go and talk to them about it later“, Wyll offered, completely being the diplomat about the whole thing.
„Chk, warlock, don‘t bother - I feel like these people don‘t want a solution, they‘d rather sit here every morning and gossip and bitch about it“, said Lae‘zel who had finished her food and was now just sitting between the others while brooding.
„I‘m all about handling this like adults“, Gale said and lifted his cup of tea halfway ,“but if they insist behaving like rabbits, we might as well-“
The group never found out what the wizard would have proposed, because he made a sudden jolt and splashed his tea all over himself. Gale squinted through the streams of liquid running down his face and turned around.
Astarion had snuck up on them and kneed Gale in the back, making him spill his drink. Murder twinkled in the vampire‘s red eyes. Karlach and Halsin had broke out into full, body-shaking laughter, even Wyll and Lae‘zel let out a chuckle while Shadowheart just shook her head in disappointment.
„If you keep talking about Tav and me in terms of critters, I will gut you like one, wizard. And that goes for all of you“, Astarion hissed after he had leaned down to Gale who was trying to soak up the spilled beverage with some napkins.
„Please do, if you two keep insisting on being godsdamned lovebirds. You‘d be doing me a favour“, Gale replied. Astarion hissed again - but now with a dirty smirk on his face: „Well, if that‘s the case you‘re also happy to come over and watch next time, bastard.“ „You should clear that with Tav first, Astarion“, Shadowheart added dryly. The round chuckled again and now seemingly relaxed. Astarion still looked ready to spill innards but the tension in his shoulders had loosened a little.
„Yo, Tav“, Karlach shouted over to the elf after she had calmed down a bit from all the laughter „keep your guarddog in check, would ya?“ Then she laughed again. Tav just flipped her off across the room and started laughing as well.
Halsin meanwhile had finished his meal and made to get up. He walked over to Astarion and patted the vampire on the back who winced at first but relaxed quickly again. „Maybe keep it down a little next time, so we can all keep being friends, eh?“, the druid offered in a friendly manner and smiled at the vampire.
Astarion made to protest: „I‘m not your…“ But then he stopped while his gaze wandered over this unlikely party of adventurers and back to Tav as well and realised the druid was right: they were, all of them, his friends.
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nicecupofangst · 3 months
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So I ended up doing a silly and hopped onto the Peter-in-Gotham bandwagon like our old masters did.
Meet Peter who is wearing a dollar store Robin suit. His hobbies include ballet, dimension hopping and identity theft. Also that's a bag of porridge under his arm don't ask, lil bro is hungry.
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fluidstatick · 1 year
Things that I love about Exquisite Exandria:
Regions are culturally coherent and comparable to our own traditions! Tal'dorei has pies easily recognizable as originating in the Americas, while Issylra's dishes are clearly Scandanavian (smørrebrød! Salmon with mustard!). Rosohna boasts a gorgeous fusion between Russian and East Asian cuisine (Frost worm [Venison] stew with yucca, chinese cooking wine, Japanese curry, and cold weather apples!). Jrusar is Mediterranean, but in a Greek, Italian, and diaspora Jewish way (Lamb! Mortadella! Brisket!), while Ank'harel is Mediterranean but in a Palestinian, Iranian, Turkish way (Couscous! Porridge with figs, pistachios and orange blossom water!). The attention to detail regarding geographical proximity and cultural interplay is absolutely gorgeous.
The Lore!! This thing reads like a travelogue, a warm, loving anthropological study, and a cheeky nod to our heroes and their friends from all three campaigns. Victor admits he's been eating gunpowder. We get to learn what exactly is under the gravy in Pretty's famous Meal. Frumpkin teaches our friendly authors to make fish tacos. We get Pike's purple jewel cake recipe, a GoFiBePo charcuterie board (all five hours of prep included!), and, yes, an approximate recipe for Fusaka. Don't put it in any non mouth orifices!
This whole project is equally hilarious, touching, and staggeringly competent in its consistency. The lore and the recipes are equally detailed and enticing. I know Exandria better than I did before I read this thing, and there isn't a single recipe in it that I'm not deeply curious about trying to replicate. I can't recommend it enough if you're a Crit Role fan.
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Food & Drink in Ancient Egypt
Food and drink in ancient Egypt relied on barley and wheat, the primary crops cultivated along the Nile. The Egyptian diet was based on bread, beer, and vegetables. Meat was expensive and only rarely eaten. The majority of people ate fairly basic meals, while the upper classes consumed more exotic and varied dishes.
Pantry Scene, Tomb of Menna
The Yorck Project (Public Domain)
Bread & Porridge
Breads and porridges were the base of the Egyptian diet. They were both typically made with barley or emmer wheat, the two staple crops of Egypt. Grain was ground by hand with stone querns to produce flour. Despite efforts to prevent it, grit and sand often found its way into flour while it was being processed and transported. Many mummies have teeth worn down from years of eating gritty bread.
Egyptian cuisine in fact allowed for the preparation of bread in all possible shapes: flat, conical, spherical, sometimes molded into shapes of objects or animals, and extremely varied ingredients could be added to the dough for sweetening or aroma: lupine seeds, coriander, a decoction of figs, and poppy or ryegrass seeds. (Tallet, 320)
The most common style of bread was a dense flatbread made with flour, salt, and water. The dough was typically formed into round or triangular shapes, but it could also be shaped into human or animal figures. This could be baked on a stone inside an oven, on the floor of the oven itself, or even buried in hot embers.
Because bread was so important, many different varieties were invented. Some types of bread included fats, oils, eggs, or dairy in addition to the basic ingredients of flour and water. Leavening was used to create fluffier loaves. Special types of ovens and pans were used to bake bread of different shapes and consistencies. Bread was sometimes topped with seeds, seasonings or nuts before baking.
Model of Bakers from Meketre's Tomb
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Copyright)
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