#the priory of the orange tree fic
Council and Comfort
by cosysocks
All the way to the highest peak in Seiiki, Nikeya chases a ghost. A dream. Dumai.
Words: 3606, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Day of Fallen Night - Samantha Shannon
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Noziken pa Dumai, Kuposa pa Nikeya
Relationships: Kuposa pa Nikeya/Noziken pa Dumai
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Reunions, Bathing/Washing, Hair Brushing
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46087492
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zoyas-blueribbon · 2 months
There is a painful drought of chassar fan fics and it’s killing me. like other that the entire;
Ead: I don’t want to be exiled to the middle of nowhere where I will be entirely alone after just being alone in a foreign country where I can’t truly be my self with anyone for fear of being BURNED ALIVE for eight years
damn that sucks but hey! *finger guns* you could always pop out a kid for us and then we’ll send your sister instead :D
He was one of my favourite characters and if I can’t find any cute fluff of him being a dad to ead or possibly him and zāla I will be FORCED to write it myself
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niceminipotato · 1 year
Here’s the next little installment to my little PRIDE fest. Now this one gave me trouble only because I wanted to keep the author’s writing still but that did prove quite difficult. I still tried and I hope you all enjoy. This little fic was for Ead and Sabran from Priory of the Orange Tree. This is my favorite book of all times as of now and Sam is my favorite author. Anyway I do hope you like it. (I got the image online and I couldn’t find the source but this is the dust jacket for the book so yeah)
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PRIDE - Irrevocable
It had been a long day, not the longest since she had returned to the priory but long enough that she craved the solitude her new chambers provided. Despite the time that had already passed she still felt as though the chambers did not truly belong to her. Oftentimes she wondered if the day would come when she would feel completely at home in the large rooms. A gentle and tremendously welcomed breeze caressed her skin as she sat out on the balcony. The thunderous roar from the Wail of Galian helped her settle while the ever present scent from the orange tree lulled her further. 
Five years had passed since her parting from the land of the deceiver, from Inys, from Sabran, the other half of her soul. The time spent away from her had been difficult and at times painful, however, what they had said—more importantly what Sabran had said—remained true. The South needed the prioress and Virtudom needed its Queen. They each had things to do, problems to take care of, people to lead. While she was no queen, as Sabran was, she still was part of the thread that held the cloth together, and thus leading was something she, as much as Sabran, needed to take care of.
Many a night she dared dream in the vastness of her bed that there beside her lay the one she loved above everyone else. She would feel the ghost of cold smoothe fingers caressing her skin, igniting that deep well of fire within. Just under the scent of the orange tree she could smell the creamgrail in Sabran’s hair. In the rush of the water she could hear the soft hum of her voice. There in the dark with her thoughts for companions she wished she was prioress no more. Wished she was slayer no more. That the threat of Fyredel was not one she had to worry for. She relished in those selfish moments, where the weight upon her shoulders would lessen and all that mattered was the way Sabran would fit in her arms.
“I thought I would find you here.”
“You bring news, Chassar?”
“Some say lack of news is far better than many.” 
Chassar joined her on the balcony. The weight of years were showing more and more in the lines of his face as time went by. Sometimes she wondered when he too would leave her to be with the Mother.
“Wise words.” 
“Eadaz, you look tired.”
“Is that why you are here? Have you come to tuck me in as you did when I was a child?” She let out a chuckle and he smiled at her.
“If it is required, Prioress.” 
Silence filled the space between them for a time. Ead knew there was something bothering him and though she disliked having to wait for explanations she remained quiet and waited. 
“Last time Sarsun returned he brought something.”
“He did?”
“He did.”
Tilting her head in question she wondered why Chassar had brought this up now and why he had waited this long. “Did he bring news? I sent him out the evening before last since I had received no news.”
“If by news you mean an Inysh letter then yes he did.”
Ead perked up at his words, her eyes traveling to the pocket of his tunic. The fact that the letter had been kept from her was now a forgotten matter. She wanted to read her words, smell her scent, see that lovely crest she used only for her. Her heart thrummed in her chest in expectation. 
Chassar placed his hand over it drawing her attention back to his face. The lines on his face were more pronounced as he frowned at her. He seemed displeased, almost disappointed. She could not yet understand why. Not until he spoke.
“The daughter of the deceiver has little need for the priory, Eadaz. The amount of letters the two of you have exchanged is absurd. What could the Inysh possibly need from you? When they have yet to accept the fact that Galian was a liar. What could they need when we are still seen as heretics?”
Her blood began to simmer but she cooled herself with a deep breath. “After all this time, Chassar, one would think you would have figured out the answer to your questions, without having to ask me.”
“Eadaz, you are the prioress. You have a duty to the priory. To the south.”
“I have a duty to the world. This new world we are bringing. This world after the Nameless One. Have you forgotten what our mission is, Chassar? What we sand for?”
“I have not forgotten what our mission is. The priory stands to guard not only the South but the world. It is a great honor to do this and I am proud of all that you have done. But you need to understand that divided attention does not allow success.”
“My attention is not divided. I am here. I am working to attain what we have yet to attain. Exchanged letters do not change that.”
Rising from her chair she moved inside the chamber, Chassar following close behind. If her work had been lacking, if she had somehow been careless, she would understand his questioning, however, she had been anything but.
“Eadaz, why her, the pretender? Why Sabran Berethnet?”
The way he spoke her name made Ead turn. “Chassar, when you talk about her, be sure to mind your tone. If you have a letter for me, leave it here and go.”
“I only worry for you, my child.”
“Prioress.” She corrected.
“Do not patronize me. You kept correspondence from me, you have questioned my integrity, and now you are treating me as you would a child.” Ead watched the guilt riddling his face. “I have worked tirelessly. I have suffered. I have given my whole self to the priory and I regret nothing. If given the choice I would choose this life time and time again. A portion of my heart, however, belongs to Sabran. Sings only for her. Again if given a choice, my heart would belong to her time and time again. I will make no apology for it.”
“I understand that there are forces that draw us to another. But Eadaz, she is there and you are here. This love you speak of is barely a bud that cannot be watered.”
“The bud you speak of has already opened. It is strong and can weather any storm.”
Chassar chuckled and shook his head. “You speak with milk and honey in your head. You speak as naive lovers would of the Milk Lagoon.”
“I speak the truth. What I feel for Sabran Berethnet,” her name felt sweet in her tongue and fell gently from her lips, “is irrevocable. Not the distance nor the time will make it less real. Not our past nor our present can take it away. This Milk Lagoon you mention, we will find it.”
She was not sure whether it was her words or the conviction with which she said them but she could see his walls going down. The disbelief and uncertainty in his brow softened until he let out a sigh of defeat.
“Forgive me, Eadaz. I only worry for you.”
“I know and I am forever thankful for you caring for me. If I ever stray I know you will bring me back to the correct path. 
“I will always do my very best.” Chassar reached for her and she let herself be drawn forward and into a hug. 
“I love you, Chassar.”
“And I love you, light of my eyes.” As he pulled away he reached in his pocket taking the letter and presenting it to her. “Here. I shall leave you to your letter.”
“Have a good night.”
“You too, Eadaz. Do try to rest. I was not lying before. You look tired.”
She wanted to tell him the letter in her hand would remedy that but decided against it once she saw his knowing gaze. Once she nodded he left her alone in her new chambers once more. Heading for the balcony she carefully tore the seal with that lovejay crest Sabran used only for her. After settling on the chair and a deep breath she began to read.
My dear Ead,
Tell me, how do you fare? I am well, tired, and at times irritable but well. As I sit here, I wonder what it is you are doing. Perhaps you are hunting wyrms or riding with Aralaq. Or perhaps much like myself dealing with boorish leaders and their endless opinions. Meg tells me you would probably tell them to leave you be as you have better things to do. I did that the other day, and I think it may not have been appreciated. It was fine though. Loth made peace with them in my stead. I suppose, at times, being queen also has its merits.
On a different matter, I think Sarsun has decided my bed is a far better place to rest in than the aviary and I am inclined to agree. Why nobody told me how foul that place could be baffles me. When I went the other day the knights kept looking at me as if I had gone mad. They should have warned me. Instead I soiled my skirts and because of the foul smell I ordered all of the garments I had burned. Again only you ever told me the truth—as much of it as you could.
I have been meaning to ask you something. It is not because Ros, Kate, Meg, and Loth have been asking, truly. But do tell me, Ead, after these ten years, what are we going to do with all of these rose petals? For now I will keep them with me. Also if you would, please write to Loth, jealousy is evident on his gaze, especially when you write to Meg and not him. He tells me it is fine but we both know how much that word means to him. 
Time draws short, Sarsun is giving me that impatient look. It would have been better if I had written before he arrived. I shall do that next time. Never forget, I love you Eadaz uq-Nara and my heart still knows your song as I know yours knows mine.
Sabran Berethnet
With a smile she made her way to bed, the letter and petals clutched to her chest. She lay there her cheeks almost hurting from her grin and she closed her eyes briefly before opening them again and thinking back to the question Sabran had posed.
“I often wonder about the same Sabran. What are we to do with all of these?”
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ipusingularitae · 2 years
WHAT DO YOU MEAN 1) there's only 43 fics of TPOTOT on ao3; 2) most of them are angst Y'ALL WE NEED SOME SOFTNESS AROUND HERE LET'S CHILL PLEASE
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vaginadentatacas · 9 months
attention to all my longfic readers. sometimes you have to stop and look up the word count on the actual physical books you own. just for a sense of scale. 225k seems long but reasonable on ao3, until you realize that is an 800 page BRICK of a book when put onto paper. this is a terrible exercise but extremely necessary, because sometimes you may be forced to confront the fact you have read a fic the length of war and peace in the span of four days
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crossthread · 11 months
Hot take? Unpopular take?? Imma try to get somewhere with this point but like. I really think reading fanfiction inherently increased my standards for literature.
Cause for a while now I've only solely read fics in the past few years, like probably finished like two published books a year maybe (even though if I count my fic reads I'd easily be in the 100s from word count alone) and like. Recently got into the YA side of booktok, tried reading several of the most popular ones cause i kinda miss published books, and I just. side eye that shit?? Best example is ACOTAR. Read like 4 books in that series. Kinda get why it's popular cause the overall the main plot points (hot romance and kinda Mary sue protag) are good enough to get you into it but like. I genuinely had to force myself to finish it?? I have no idea why this is so popular.
Cause literally when I hold the ACOTAR up to my top 20 fics. Nothing. Not even my top 50 fics. Cause first off the plot is good enough but it's not something I've never seen before either. Same with characters. The writing style?? Straight up nope. Like. Is this really the standards for a good story?? There's so many good authors that write excellent smut and plot and characterization and just FANTASTIC writing style and overall quality of work and just. I don't get it.
I'm assuming this is a me thing, because I tried going through several YA novels and just. The quality of writing reeeally leaves a lot to be desired. The best thing I can come up with for the reason behind me feeling like this about YA is that the last time I was reading insanely, I was a teen, and now I'm in my early 20s so there's a good possibility that the same things don't intrest me anymore. But I keep circling back to the level of writing cause like. Idk. Just. I feel like while the plot and characters for a lot of these novels are good, what falls short is how it's written??? Like wtf.
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pandalilysbox · 2 months
I forgot to reply I'm sorry 😭
I work in a supermarket, on the tills and occasionally in the deli! glad your program went well! the yoga naptime sounds pretty great tbf!
how have you been??
don’t even worry we’re both equally guilty 💀
LMAO yes the nap time was fantastic i just could not believe that no one else was falling asleep?? like we were all so exhausted and working our asses off??? and I was the only one who was constantly falling asleep??? like bffr
i’ve been okay!! just in disbelief that after this month ive gotta go back to school kill me i can’t do this
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tallseaweed · 6 months
Buddy Request: are you a Loki obsessed high fantasy lover?
I would really like to connect with fellow Loki fans who want to rant about/analyze Loki and Thor's psychology, family dynamics, Asgardian society, Jotunheim, magic/seiðr, and the Nine Realms. Ideas/thoughts that aren't canon-compliant with the MCU are more than welcome!
Here are some fics with these types of themes that I have thoroughly enjoyed and been inspired by:
Ásgarðrian Galdr by Valerie_Vancollie
Bargaining by proantagonist ( @proantagonista ) [thank you SO MUCH for the rec @alwida10!]
Frostbite by Maiden_of_Asgard
Once More With Empathy by Kairyn ( @bfaymiller )
A Fairytale Beginning by the_lady_amphitrite ( @the-lady-amphitrite )
Let me set the scene:
For the past year and a half, I've been working on developing a longfic featuring a Thor 2011 Loki and an OC Sigyn. Honestly, I don't think that I'll get around to posting it anytime soon (there's still so much work to be done on it), but it's constantly on my mind. It's sort of a hybrid concept of the MCU, Norse Mythology, my own ideas, OCs, and magic systems. It has an epic scope with multiple arcs and characters from most of the Nine Realms. Do you like characters with wings? I got you covered. An imminent threat to the Nine Realms? Check. An in-depth analysis of Ásgarðr and Jǫtunheimr's history uncovered during Loki's identity crisis? A Jǫtunn OC? A Laufey that never wanted to lose his child? Check, check, and check.
I've found it hard to talk to people about all this because it involves a LOT of worldbuilding. Epic fantasy definitely isn't for everyone and this will not be a "light" read. Some non-fanfic stories that have inspired me along the way include the Roots of Chaos series by Samantha Shannon (The Priory of the Orange Tree and A Day of Fallen Night) and Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. So if you like those types of stories, you might like the ideas I come up with.
If you relate to anything I've said, I also want to mention that I would love to hear about your ideas as well! If you feel trapped inside your own head and feel hesitant to "info-dump" on people, I am the person for you. And hey, maybe we can inspire each other :) Fanfiction is not about gatekeeping, and I have been unabashedly inspired by so many different takes on Loki that I've read along the way.
Sending this out into the Tumblr void, hoping it finds the right people!
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justagalwhowrites · 2 months
For fic readers and writers, if you wanted some idea of scope when it comes to word count, this is The Priory of the Orange Tree. It is a NYT best selling fantasy novel that takes up a sizable chunk of space on our bookshelf (the picture below isn't mine, sorry, I was lazy, but it gives some idea of how thicc this baby is.)
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The husband is currently reading it and he got through about 2/3rds of it in 4 days of reading on the beach last week. It is 880 pages long and 225,000 words.
On AO3, seven of the 20 most kudos-ed Joel/Reader fics have more than 100k words and four have more than 200k.
I promise, you're probably reading and writing more than you realize you are! And just because it's fan fiction doesn't make it any less worthy.
Thanks for spending your time with these stories ❤️ It means so much to share this space with you. Love you all!
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softandslow · 11 months
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printed one of my favorite fics as a paperback! what an honor to be able to have a physical personal copy, i'm so happy to be able to hold it in my hands. as someone who grew up watching/reading naruto from around the age of 13, and came back to it as an adult years later, this beautiful story healed a piece of my heart. it was so fun to design and format the look of this physical version. thank you @sasubaeuchithot for giving me permission to print this!
in case someone is interested, printing process details are below the cut. ✨
fic: Kizuna Hikari, combined with its companion second piece, Kizuna Shiten, both by YoungAndOverIntelligent
summary: The only reason Sasuke keeps coming back to Konoha is because of that mattress. The bed is his only respite. And perhaps the dumbass who owns said bed might be worth it, too.
Or, another canon divergence 699 that showers Sasuke with too much (deserved) love and attention that we all need for these unprecedented times.
Title means "Bonded Light". It'll make sense when you're about 100K in.
if you also print a physical version and use the cover design linked below pls tag me, i'd love to see!
full front, back, and spine cover design spread PDF can be downloaded here
fully formatted text PDF can be found here
i used barnes and noble press' "personal use" feature
for anyone familiar with the paperback version of "priory of the orange tree" by samantha shannon, the physical copy of this fic ends up being a similar size!
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
hi!! i know this has beeb asked before but not for a while and I thought there might be some releases since then, so : any Queer High Fantasy? I've been recommended Priory of the Orange Tree before. Thank you!!
Not sure when the last time was but here’s what’s currently on my radar! (You can also find these here, and an asterisk means it’s not out yet: https://lgbtqreads.com/sff/spec-fic-by-subgenre/) I bolded some of the ones that are newer or coming out in the next few months.
*Splinter & Ash by Marieke Nijkamp – NB
Sir Callie by Esme Symes-Smith – NB
Female Protags
The Winter Duke by Claire Eliza Bartlett
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco – L
Queen of Coin and Whispers by Helen Corcoran
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst – L,B
Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst – B
The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine – B
Noble Falling and Noble Persuasion by Sara Gaines
Rule by Ellen Goodlett
Havenfall by Sara Holland
*Hearts Forged in Dragon Fire by Erica Hollis
The Afterward by EK Johnston
Empirium by Claire Legrand – B
Belle Révolte by Linsey Miller – BA
These Feathered Flames by Alexandra Overy
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski
It Ends in Fire by Andrew Shvarts
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria – B, A
The Third Daughter and The Second Son by Adrienne Tooley
Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells – B
The Thousand Names by Django Wexler
Male Protags
Cloaked in Shadow by Ben Alderson
The Runebinder Chronicles by Alex R. Kahler
Skybound by Alex London
So This is Ever After by F.T. Lukens
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas – T
Non-Binary Protags
Spell Bound by FT Lukens
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller – GF
*A Hundred Vicious Turns by Lee Paige O’Brien
Female Protags
A Broken Blade by Melissa Blair
Tales of Inthya by Effie Calvin
The Vanished Queen by Lisbeth Campbell
Rook & Rose by M.A. Carrick
The Night and its Moon by Piper CJ
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark
*Warmongers by C.L. Clark
The Gardener’s Hand by Felicia Davin
*The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang
Dragonfall by L.R. Lam
The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
From Under the Mountain by C.M. Spivey
The Drowning Empire by Andrea Stewart (Amz)
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
Malice by Heather Walter
When Women Were Warriors series by Catherine M. Wilson
Male Protags
Kirith Kirin by Jim Grimsley
The Cadeleonian series by Ginn Hale
Tales From Verania by T.J. Klune
A Chorus of Dragons by Jenn Lyons
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
*Dark Moon, Shallow Sea by David R. Slayton
Stagsblood Trilogy by Gideon E. Wood
Genderqueer Protags
*The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang
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A New Path to Walk
by cosysocks
‘Like squires to knights,’ Canthe said, nodding. ‘Is it possible to change paths?’
‘In certain circumstances.’ Tunuva picked up a wooden doll and returned it to the chest of toys. ‘One of my brothers was raised as a warrior, but later, he knew he belonged with the men.’
It is far from unheard of for a sibling of the Priory to change the path they were born into. But when a new sister has to learn the ways of war without the prior decade of practice her sisters have, her transition is not always smooth. As is the case for Agriya.
Most wyverns slumber now the long haired star has passed, but in the years since a few hungry and desperate ones have awoken to spread terror. Every sister must do her part to fulfil the Priory’s new purpose, and in doing so earn their red cloak. Even Agriya, who will do anything to prove her worth.
Words: 3413, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: A Day of Fallen Night - Samantha Shannon
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Original Trans Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Esbar du Apaya uq-Nāra, Balag (A Day of Fallen Night)
Relationships: Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original Character-centric, Trans Female Character, Friends to Lovers, Post-Canon, Serious Injuries, Disability, Sparring
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48931330
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
hi bee :) semi-new anon here just hoping that you’ve been doing okay <3 i wanted to say that i absolutely adore your writing, and will happily read it, no matter what fandom it is you’re writing for, or if you’re just writing original works /gen!! your writing has always inspired me heavily hehe, it’s wonderful.
also, on the topic of original works, do you have any good novel recommendations? i’ve recently gotten back into reading and have been super into fiction, but i’m down for any sort of recs. one of my favourites at the moment is good omens :)
here’s your daily message to go have some water or tea and take care of yourself !! 🌷
hello hello!! I'm doing pretty alright now, feeling a lot better than I was this past week :) and that's so sweet of you to say, it's so reassuring knowing I have so many of you guys willing to read my silly stories no matter which fandom they're about (or even if they're original)
and yes I do have some recs!
I made a post about two months ago now talking about books I'd read that I really enjoyed so there'll be some crossover here but also some new ones I've read since then
one of my new favorite novels is The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. it's a heavy fantasy story following 4 different intertwining POVs. the fantasy world itself is made up of several different countries all inspired by various real world cultures that's not just limited to western europe which is incredibly refreshing. the world itself is incredibly fleshed out and interesting, the characters are all very diverse and have so much depth, and there's also a very beautiful sapphic romance <3 I'm reading the prequel to priory right now and I'm also loving it so far
another book I really enjoyed is actually a duology—The Radiant Emperor series by Shelley Parker-Chan. the first book in the series is She Who Became the Sun which I really enjoyed, however the sequel book He Who Drowned the World is the one that absolutely blew me away. just letting you know in case you're not comfortable with it, both books contain sex and some graphic violence. the story is set in 14th century China when it was ruled by the Mongols, and it's an incredibly well done queer retelling/fictionalization of the rise of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Emperor who ushered in the Ming dynasty. the text engages with so many themes of the expectations of masculinity and femininity and how they restrict people, and really dives into gender expression and how it can be wielded in different ways. again the first one was really enjoyable, but the second one was on a whole other level and I'm still reeling over how good it was and how much it emotionally hurt me.
ok and then last one for now
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone - I know we all heard about this one thanks to the iconic bigolas dickolas wolfwood on twitter but also they were so right about this book. it's gorgeously written. the book itself is mostly written as letters exchanged between two women who are time traveling agents on opposing sides of a war for who controls the timelines. it's a beautiful love story, it's sci fi but with a heavy bend towards spec fic which I personally really like, the world concepts are incredibly fascinating, and it plays around with time travel in a very intriguing way. it's a very short book so it's an easy one to burn through. I checked this one out from my library but I'm highkey tempted to go to a bookstore and actually buy a physical copy for myself just because there were so many gorgeous lines I want to highlight
hope this helps!! my taste in books is usually: sci fi/fantasy/spec fic with sapphic women so hopefully that's something you enjoy as well lmao
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sitp-recs · 4 days
Do you have any non HP recs? Movies, books, music, fics etc etc. Top 5?
Hello friend! Thank you for this ask and I’m sorry for the delay. Yes, I definitely have non-HP recs and am always here to obsess over discuss my other hyper-fixations lol I tried to keep this short & sweet but not sure if I managed! What about you, any fic/movies/books recs to share??
Non-HP fics:
In the Stillness of Remembering by elise_509 (Steve/Tony, MCU)
Revelations by rtc anon/theproblematique (Peter/Tony, MCU)
Invisible Boy by dollylux (Sam/Dean, SPN)
a man—with human flesh by spqr (Paul/Duncan, Dune)
Blue-Eyed Monster by Only_1_Truth (Bond/Q, 007)
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Books - I’m reading again after a LONG hiatus! 1-4 are recent favorites (queer fantasy):
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
Family Meal by Bryan Washington
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Music - just picked 5 random favorites:
Blood - Lianne La Havas
Born to Die - Lana Del Rey
Carrie & Lowell - Sufjan Stevens
Currents - Tame Impala
Goela Abaixo - Liniker
Anime - for those interested in BL (boys love) manga, I do a bunch of recs at @pink-heart-jam
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Ask me my top 5/10 anything!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hi, sorry if it's late, but can I ask for your persoal top favorite queer books and (maybe) your top fav fanfiction (from any fandom but your all time fav)? Thanks so much.....
Also why do you think mlm or wlw romance is more interesting than mlw (het) romance?
Feel free if you want to ignore the last ask, thanks for your blog....
Why do I personally enjoy gay romances to het ones? Preference and taste probably. I also tend to enjoy the angst, longing, tropes, passion, etc in the way its written more than I do in the ways those things are written between a straight couple. And that's not to say I don't enjoy straight romances either! I have plently of het ships I love too, and a few good romances that aren't gay 😂 I just have a preference, and that's okay! As for recommendations!! I have a LOTS! If you want to tell me about what YOU like to read, I can give even better recs. But for in general, some of my favorites...
I have posts about QUITE A FEW here already that you can check out (please do)!:
^ you'll find queer characters in most of the lists of recs honestly at least somewhere. BUT I do have posts specific for Sapphic, Achillian and Ace recs there. So start there!
I'll also throw in that I'm recently quite obsessed with fantasy Sapphics with swords in my books lately! So books like "The Jasmine Throne." "This is How You Lose The Time War." "Priory of the Orange Tree." "Gideon the Ninth." "Girls of Paper and Fire" and "Legends and Lattes."
Come back for me if you want more!
And some of my favorite fics (of various fandoms! Exciting!) In no particular order, I'll link a few for you!
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That Isn't Nothing by Taekookschanbaek
(I KNOW OKAY, in my defense I didn't realize the authors name until AFTER I read and loved the fic lmfao but it IS SO good, I promise lol)
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "A look into the lives of pro exy players Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten. The world says they hate each other, but when Andrew gets transferred to Neil's team, their teammates begin seeing something else between them."
In Which Neil is a PR Nightmare by CoverYourEyes
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "Eve was not the best person in the world. Sometimes she didn’t hold the elevator open when she saw people rushing to catch it from the other side of the lobby. Cutting the line at Starbucks was a semi-regular action. But Eve did not deserve to be Neil fucking Josten's publicist.
Or, the one where Neil does what he wants, picks fights with reporters, discovers Twitter, breaks the internet, and really shouldn't be allowed out of his house. Andrew does nothing to discourage him."
The Men In Apartment 22B by jjmash
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "Andrew and Neil's new neighbors are extremely confused about the two mysterious men in 22B. Are they dating? Are they in the mafia? Are they rival assassins who've fallen in love? As always, the truth is stranger than fiction."
Blame It On My Youth by youreyestheyglow
(Locked fic, you need an account. This fic is THICK but it's by far one of the best Andriel fics I've ever read or just in general. SO GOOD and so emotional and so sweet and so cute)
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "10 years after the end of The King's Men, Andrew and Neil have decided to foster a kid. They have low expectations for themselves--they're not exactly ideal parenting material--but at the very least, the kid will be safe with them. But neither Andrew nor Neil do temporary very well.
Full disclosure: highly character-driven, minimally plot-driven."
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(Wangxian and MDZS IS my newest hyperfixation and I love the juniors dynamics fics so much lol)
The One-Body Problem by metisket
Fandom: MDZS
Ship: Wei Ying x Lan Zhan
Summary: "The good news is that Lan Jingyi has found a mentor, friend, and constant companion through the difficulties in life.
The bad news is that that’s because he’s been accidentally possessed by the Yiling Patriarch."
Operation Old Men by Chiharu
Fandom: MDZS
Ship: Wei Ying x Lan Zhan
Summary: "An ill-fated parent teacher conference reunites Jin Ling's wayward uncle with Sizhui's father. AKA: A matchmaking disaster as told by Jin Ling, Sizhui, and Jingyi."
And Time Is But A Paper Moon by Sami
Fandom: MDZS
Ship: Wei Ying x Lan Zhan
Summary: ""Zewu-Jun. You once told me about a house surrounded by gentians, where you visited once a month, and how Lan Zhan still waited there, even when the door no longer opened."
Xichen feels light-headed. He feels shocked, and angry. He has never told anyone such a thing, but Lan Zhan is giving Xichen a look of utter betrayal.
"You told him?" Lan Zhan whispers. "When?"
Wei Wuxian takes Lan Zhan's hand. "About twenty years from now."
Wei Wuxian starts again from the beginning."
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(the first time) he kissed a boy by buzzcut__season
Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: Langa x Reki
Summary: "Reki is insecure about his lack of kissing experience. Langa just wants to help him feel like he's good enough, even if teaching Reki to kiss means breaking his own heart."
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The Gambler by MooeyDooey
Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: Joe x Cherry
Summary: "Joe and Cherry run into a problem. Conspiracy theories have started to surface in some fan forums of "S" that the two of them are secretly dating one another.
Both of them agree that the idea is absurd, but can't agree on which one of them would be the better boyfriend if they actually were dating. So they decide to have a competition, to see who can be the better romantic partner when pitted up against one another."
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The One Where Nico Has 30 Boyfriends by a_million_stars
Fandom: PJO
Ship: Will x Nico
Summary: "“Seriously? Me and Lester?” Nico looked ready to kill him. “If you keep speaking to me I think I’m going to throw up.”
Or, a new friend from college desperately tries to figure out who Nico's secret boyfriend is. He messes up. A lot. If only Nico didn't have so many weirdly close friends from high school."
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Burgundy (not Maroon) by Eggplant_Crusader
Fandom: Wednesday
Ship: Wednesday x Enid
Summary: "They're driving each other insane. It can't last. One of these days, one of them will surely kill the other. Enid wants to avoid that. Wednesday can't wait."
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Like Everything Glows by Annie_Vi
(One of the only people I'll read RPS fics from. Everything this woman writes is gold, this is my favorite though, and the first i read of hers)
Fandom: BTS
Ship: Jimin x Jungkook
Summary: "Jeon Jeongguk watches the sun rise and set on the water every day without wondering what may lie far beneath the surface. One nighttime walk along the beach upheaves his entire life, sending his human morals into a tailspin as he questions what his beliefs really are."
(I need more shows with good wlw ships that have good fics too!! If anyone has any good recs, send them my way!! Also there are so many good fics I've read that i realized i never bookmarked and now i cant remember what they are. Lesson learned. Bookmark everything! Thanks for the ask!!)
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Oh darling fandom grandma, do you have any current recs for some good fiction books? Something kind of like Tamora Pierce's tortall books? (sorry if you haven't read those books, was the only series that I could think of to reference)
Perhaps surprisingly, I have never actually read any Tamora Pierce books, but I am going to categorize this request, hopefully not inaccurately, as "imaginative, diverse, feminist/female-centered fantasy." In which case, you are in luck, because that is also My Jam, and I have the following enthusiastic recs, many of which are doorstopper-size and should keep you busy for a while:
The Daevabad Trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty (City of Brass, Kingdom of Copper, Empire of Gold). Set in both 18th-century Egypt and the magical djinn kingdom of Daevabad; complex and morally grey female main characters; lots of garbage men; all characters are people of color; political intrigue, magic, sass, adventure out the wazoo, and Muntadhir al-Qahtani my most beloved, I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO READ THESE BOOKS
The Rook and Rose trilogy by M.A. Carrick (only the first two books are out: The Mask of Mirrors and The Liar's Knot). A lush Venetian-inspired fantasy setting, a con-artist female main character, family intrigue, political manipulation, complicated plots, exploration of colonization and cultural appropriation; MORE PEOPLE LIKEWISE NEED TO JOIN ME IN SHIPPING REN/VARGO/GREY;
The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon (The Bone Season, The Mime Order, The Song Rising, The Mask Falling): set in an alternate-history future England with sci-fi, telekinetics, fallen angels, a ruined Oxford, underground resistance groups in London, a badass female main character; generally one of the most imaginative spec-fic series I have ever read;
The Priory of the Orange Tree, also by Samantha Shannon; I recommended this book in a separate post recently because I love it. Tons of historically-inspired settings, lots of female, queer, POC characters; ASOIAF-style political intrigue and dragons without the Male Author grossness;
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud (The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem's Eye, Ptolemy's Gate, plus prequel The Ring of Solomon). This series was formative for me as a teenager, all right. F O R M A T I V E. If you have not read it you need to do so right away, and I don't care how old you are. Stroud absolutely rips the British Empire to pieces, dismantles the Special White Boy fantasy trope, explores slavery and imperialism and cultural genocide, and is also both incredibly funny and incredibly heartbreaking in the course of three YA books.
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri; lush female-led epic fantasy set in a fantasy world based on ancient India; supposed to be the first one of a series so there are more to come;
Uprooted and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik; retellings of fairytales with a cast of diverse female characters, especially Spinning Silver which is a reimagining of Rumpelstiltskin in an Imperial Russian-inspired world with a Jewish main character;
The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger (Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless, Timeless); set in steampunk Victorian London with vampires and werewolves; badass female main character; Absolutely Everyone Is Queer; like Jane Austen crossed with P.G. Wodehouse;
Anyway, there are possibly more that I could think of, but these are what came to mind after an initial perusal of my own bookshelves, and should be enough to get you started. Happy reading. :)
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