#the same scar when she is reincarnated
echantedtoon · 4 months
Been thinking about this for a while now and I don't know if it counts as yandere but it is how the demons take a bride (or husband for the lady demons unless you also want to imagine that it's a lady.)Yeah. I know old trope but I really like this trope and I wanted to make headcannons for the Upper Moons. I think they'd all have a certain main element fueling that desire for their specific Bride(or Groom for the ladies).
When it comes to the lady demons like Nakime I'll leave Y/n's gender up in the air for anyone to interpret if the ladies also get a wife or if you prefer them to get a husband.
Warnings for yandere-ish (???) themes, kidnapping mentions, possibly death mentioned, mentioned wounds and scars, mentioned illness, mentioned bad vision, etc.
If any of these warnings upset you pls don't read. I will be including Daki/Ume in the line up as part of Gyutaro's part but she will be strictly PLATONIC yandere!! Absolutely NO romance between her and reader!! And her parts will be minor.
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-You have to be a very specific kind of person to attract this man's attention. I think it'd most likely be one of two things that guarantee his bold interest. 1. you are a reincarnation of his wife or 2. you remind him of someone he used to love long ago but never could have especially if you were close to/was with Yoriichi. But whatever the case he finds himself taken by your familiar being.
-He doesn't even know why he bothers with it. But he can't help but watch you from afar. The old feelings resurfacing. He tells himself that it doesn't matter anymore. Most likely you wouldn't remember him even if you were a past lover, and even if you did you'd most likely believe him dead by now or want nothing to do with him.
-He is perfectly content with just watching you live out your life. He's learnt so much about you through just secretly watching. He learns your favorite tea, you love long walks at morning, you work just around the corner at a tailor shop.
-He's content until it no longer becomes enough. He starts to wonder. Do you still smile the way you used to? Do you still wear the same sweet perfume you did back then? He walks into your work one day in disguise. You weren't there being so late, but he ends up buying a Jacket you personally tailored.
-Muzan definitely knows about you. He knew the exact moment Kokushibo saw you. He just doesn't care and sorta lets Kokushibo get away with it being his most loyal demon. He doesn't allow his obsession to interfere with his missions and in turn Muzan is idgaf.
-He is a very traditional man and believes in courting a woman before marriage. In his mind you both are still married/together, he just needs to make you aware of it again. So he starts leaving small gifts for you when you're not around.
-At first you're confused but you think it's just a harmlessly sweet gesture from a secret crush. A few flowers on your doorstep every other night, maybe a small gift of a necklace or hair pin, however your quickly get freaked out when the gifts get TOO personal.
-You came to work one day and was freaked out when your boss handed you a decorative vase an 'admirer' left you for you after he overheard you mentioning it. (You only ever mentioned it once to you boss in private with no one else around.) Your boss is also slightly confused since they also hadn't mentioned that to anyone.
-You freak out more than ever when you come home and find a pair of wedding rings and a shiromuku(wedding kimono) laid out perfectly on your bed.
-Kokushibo sees nothing wrong with his behavior. As in his mind you both are still together, you are still his woman, and he's going to reclaim what is his own. This is just letting you know what he expects. He can't comprehend you'd be against this.
-He's not allowing you to go, especially after he lost you last time to his brother's affections. Whether these affections were platonic friendship or romantic lovers is up to you, but his internalized inferiority, jealousy, obsession, and greed won't allow him to let you go.
-You shriek when you first see him reveal himself. He doesn't understand why you're reacting like this. Don't you recognize your husband? You can't get away. He's holding you to him in an embrace as you freak out.
"Death may have stolen you from me..but I will deny the reaper of his claim to you once again."
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-Again you have to be very specific for these men to even consider taking you as a bride. For Douma, it'd be because of the way you make him actually feel things.
-However this ends up happening or when it does is entirely a thing all of its own but for the sake of not making this a mountain of a post, we'll leave that part up to whatever you interpret for now.
-The problem is that he has legit NO idea of what he's even feeling. He's never felt adoration, anger, happiness, etc so how is he supposed to know what this fluttery strange feeling in his chest is?
-So for a long while even he's not aware of his growing obsession with you. He just knows these feelings are not bad. He knows these feelings are coming from you. So somehow he deduced that you are the problem for his new predicaments.
-For this reason he has you looked over by the cults resident healer in case you're using some kind of sickness or chemistry stuff on him. Gets more confused when you are perfectly fine. Nevermind that demons couldn't get sick.
-You become weirded out by how clingy and stalkerish he's suddenly become overnight. He's not even aware he's doing it and if he is he doesn't care really. He just knows you're the cause of the fuzzy warmth in his chest and he's starting to like it.
-The only chance for you to escape is now while he's still confused on what he's feeling. Afterwards it's too late.
-EVERYONE notices his behavior and there's a mixed reaction to it all. Some congratulate you which you're so confused on and some express their happiness to their founder. Douma is just even more confused at it all. Eventually someone notices his confusion and asks him about it, then proceeds to explain what's he's feeling because he's not so sure himself.
-This revolution is mind blowing to him. He's literally the shocked Pikachu meme.
-In his mind as he thinks about it, technically he's been already courting you for nearly a year now. Showering you in affection and gifts and treating you like the goddess you were. So the next logical step would be marriage and that thought actually has him giddy at the thought of you in a shiromuku.
-You've been giving him subtle hints that you're uncomfortable the entire time but he either flat out ignores it or it just flies over his head.
-He randomly wakes you up in the middle of the night and asks if you're not busy the next day.
You blink at the shadowy creepily happy smiling figure too tired to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "I think?"
"Alright." He's silent for a moment. "I made us an appointment with a local priest."
You mumble a nothing response, still on the brink of sleep.
"Just remember to take the day off," he presses. "Hello? Are you there?"
"Uh huh." Your eyes won't even stay open.
"It's settled then. We'll get married tomorrow." He claps happily as he makes his leave. "Go back to sleep now, Lotus blossom."
He leaves and you breathe a sigh of relief as you snuggle into your bed again-
You jolt up. Did he say married?
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-Akaza has never, has not, and never will harm a woman. He himself is unsure of his past where this stems from but he feels a familiarity to something deep but distant when he first meets you.
-You either are dealing with a similar illness Koyuki experienced, or you're a demon slayer whom had to retire due to injuries. Let's go with the second option for this one.
-Akaza had randomly heard recently that a demon slayer had to retire and was currently in the area he was in. He's always looking for a good fight so it's not a no brainer he'd seek you out. What he doesn't know was that this particular retired slayer was a woman. He doesn't realize this even when he first sees you until you horrified and scared seeing a demon in your home confirms that you are indeed the person he's looking for.
-Akaza is shocked. Not at the fact that there's a lady slayer (he's seen plenty of strong lady slayers) but at how you look. He's never seen a woman covered in so many wounds and scars even amongst other slayers. He's so stunned he asks you about it. You're more confused on why he doesn't outright end you, but you answer his question to avoid provoking him. An entire gang of demons has ganged up on you and if it weren't for a Haishira you'd be dead. However your current state left you unable to continue.
-He's angry. About a lot of things. How dare those lowlifes! HE'S obviously not gonna be getting a fight here. There's no way to release this anger- You're stunned as the angry demon just leaves without another word, but he takes it out on some rocks some miles away.
-Akaza ends up swinging by much to your growing horror and worry. He never comes close or makes threatening actions towards you, but you've seen him multiple times staring into your window or you'd see him in the distance barely visible through the darkness. It always freaks you out.
-Akaza doesn't mean to scare you, he just can't help but be curious about you. He finds himself thinking about you and your poor condition a lot. For some reason it pangs his heart seeing you limp about knowing it's permanent to your walking pattern or get angry when he sees people stare at you funny. He even ended a man who insulted your beauty by calling your battle scars unattractive not that you had any idea. He just..feels an odd need to give you care. It feels so... familiar. Second nature.
-He's just so entranced by you. Your smile, your gently nature, your kindness- Despite your losses and bad treatment you still treat everyone so gently. It makes his heart race with something so familiar yet so foreign.
-Reality shatters for him when he hears of your arranged marriage. After returning you had to move back with family who were all horrified to your condition. Their logic was that you needed to get married like a sensible woman and you should be grateful someone was willing to put up with you as a wife.
-In Akaza's view no one would ever treat you like you deserved. He knew he could care for you like he did for-... Someone that makes his head fog. HE CAN'T LET HIM TAINT HER SMILE. If you needed a husband to provide for you then he's happy to step in. Don't be surprised when you wake up to him carrying you out the window.
"Anything that is gold is often buried beneath where everyone's minds skim over without a second thought. You won't have your gold tainted to rust by another."
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-Let's be fair. Gyutaro (and Ume/Daki) were never treated as an equal. He was always treated like a piece of garbage (and Ume a pretty doll) so he's gotten used to the fact that he's just destined for that.
-So he's surprised when his sister just starts yapping about another girl in her workplace. It's not out of the ordinary for her to talk about other girls mostly complaining about them or demanding he do something about it. But he's surprised that she's not complaining but gushing about how she made a friend....What?
-Gyutaro.wav is confused af
-She proceeds to proudly gush to her brother about how this girl 'actually knows her place' and 'knows how beautiful Daki is without even needing to know her.'
-Gyutaro.exe is VERY confused af
-She notices his blank stare and scoffs in annoyance. "She's visually impaired you dolt! Honestly it wouldn't be much of a difference if she was actually blind." Oh. Well now he's less confused. Turns out you're new to the house Daki is currently working in and she had originally planned on eating you outta jealousy, however changed her mind when you complimented her voice.
-Daki.wav is now confused. She was used to being complimented on everything from her beauty to her hair to her walking even but her voice? It was then she learnt you weren't blind but you might as well be with how bad your vision actually was seeing everything in colorful blurs. This confuses her. Confused her enough to spare you that night and instead you both just sorta awkwardly talked casually. You politely asked her what it was like to be a famous oiran and if she had any tips for make up as you couldn't see well enough to tell if yours was good.
-You had spoken to her without fear, or condensending, or even any flat out adoration. It was just as if she was another person on the street and not a cannibalistic monster. Honestly it was ..nice. Hella confusing but actually nice for once being treated like another. She decides she will not eat you. After all it wouldn't harm anyone if you couldn't see the red flags in front of you, and you believe her anyways when she said she's beautiful.
-She decides you are her default friend and you now listen to all her problems and tantrums whenever she wants. You gently listen awkwardly sometimes with a frown after you hear she had punished another worker. However there's very little people here nice to you and her reputation alone has kept troublemakers away from you so you decide her friendship is worth more than the cons of not having it.
-She's very territorial over her one friendship. Almost toxically so. If you want something you had BETTER get it within the day or there's hell to pay! If there's a customer you don't particularly like he had BETTER find another girl. No is not an option. Even the house master is scared of her so all complies.
-Gyutaro has legit no idea of what to think of this but his logic is whatever his precious baby sister wants she gets so if you make her happy being her friend then he'll leave you alone and leave her too it. He hasn't met you yet tho. Most of the time he's either out hunting or asleep dormant in Daki's body. Sometimes he heard you two talking but tuned it out as it was mostly boring or his sister complaining to you again. You two completely meet by accident.
-One day he came back from hunting, the two had to split as it'd look suspicious if she suddenly disappeared, so as usual he went to go clean up the mess. The two were just talking when the door suddenly opens and they both freeze as you stand there smiling. Turns out you had just come to say good night to Daki and didn't even see the demon in front of you. However you are barely able to make out a second blurry figure in the darkness. It prompts you to apologize for interrupting her and her customer to which both relax from their tense posture remembering you couldn't actually tell there was a six foot something demon in front of you.
-Daki is prompted to scoff and explain that it wasn't a customer but her brother visiting. In turn Gyutaro is stunned as you genuinely smile his way and greet him like he was another friend. It quickly becomes awkward as he just stares. His brain can't compute a girl(a pretty girl at that) was smiling and talking to him normally. He answers in grunts and quickly leaves the awkward scene.
-Is later shocked weeks later when his sister informs him that you sometimes ask her how her brother is doing. He's not used to having anyone think of him so nicely even as a second thought. The way he reacts gives Daki the idea of making her brother come out to again meet you. (She forces him out and doesn't let him merge until he meets you again.) He's shocked at how you still genuinely are kind to him offering him tea and asking if he'd like to hear you play the shamisen.
-Man becomes fastly smitten by you. With so much touch starvation and affection denial he has it was inevitable. You suspect he might like you by the stutters of his floundering voice but out of respect to your friend you remain casual and never bring it up to either of them when they visit you.
-You've got two demons utterly obsessed with you for both two different reasons. Daki is unwilling to lose her only friend. In her mind NO ONE is allowed to be friends with you! She's the best! So she's your best and only friend! She's very possessive over things she sees as hers and you're no exception. She even was jealous of Gyutaro's affections for you at first but quickly realized it would be easier to share her big brother with you. They share practically everything else anyways. She still gets annoyed when he takes your attention for too long tho. You were her friend first!
-Gyutaro is obsessed with the way you treat him. The way you don't back away from him when he gets close. The way you smile at him. The way you don't treat him like the scum of the earth. He's a very possessive man, even more than his sister. Any visiting customers you have are never seen again. Any present or past he finds out about are quickly taken as his dinner for daring to touch what's his.
-If he doesn't get them then Daki will. She eliminates any threat within the house. Any servant who stares at you with disdain or someone who gets too friendly is swiftly delt with.
-You're hella confused when the house master says he is cursed with many runaway workers.
-Both absolutely FREAK when they return to the house and You're not there anymore. Daki realizes this first when she goes to see you and finds you GONE! All of your belongings are gone and your room is empty. Practically tears the house apart looking for you and calling your name. Her panic wakes up her brother concerned she's in danger but also freaks out when she informs him you're GONE! She goes to the house master after not finding you anywhere else and DEMANDS they tell her where you are with murder in her eyes.
-Turns out a man had bought your marriage contract after watching a show of yours playing the shamisen and singing. You were relieved to be leaving and had left with him after waiting for an hour to say goodbye but your friend never showed up.
-Daki ends the house master in a rage as her brother appears. It's not too hard to find you being lead by your soon-to-be husband leading you towards the train station. Had they been ten minutes late then you would've been completely out of the E-District.
-Instead you're quickly absorbed into Daki's belt as her brother violently rips the man apart in a blind rage. You aren't going to leave your best friend behind and he wasn't going to let another man have your hand.
"I'm your friend! Don't you get that?!"
"I'll cut down anyone who tries to hurt my precious sister or take you from me. You're mine."
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-This man and Kokushibo are similar. Both have inferiority issues against younger brothers(Ik technically Zenitsu n him aren't brothers but bare with me) being better than them in swordsmanship one way or another. With Yoriichi and Kokushibo it was more complicated. Between Kaigaku and Zenitsu it was that ONE Thunder Breathing technique he never conquered.
-His inferiority and greed has caused him to make so many bad decisions (if you've read the manga or read his wiki then you know what I mean). He's not one to want to be out done even if he has to resort to underhanded tactics.
-You both met when he was still human and training under Master Jigoro. You were a simple healer often just helping patch him and Zenitsu up after training. He's annoyed and often doesn't give you a second thought that is until Zenitsu starts running his mouth obviously. He asks you to marry him ten minutes after you both just met.
-Kaigaku has known you for a few years longer than Zenitsu because he's older and came to train here before Zenitsu but you both have never been close before. He's short with you when you talk otherwise he's usually quiet. You talk to him anyways even if he never answers back. You're used to it.
-He hates how you just patiently laugh off any and all attempts Zenitsu makes to you. Why are you tolerating that idiot?!(Nevermind you also tolerate him and his stupid attitude.) He gets jealous of your interactions and how Zenitsu is just finding over you before he meets Nezuko. He barely sees you after his final selection and becoming a slayer but his furious mind boils over at the thought of you spending more time ALONE with Zenitsu before he too goes to his Final selection.
-With both Zenitsu and Kaigaku gone, and Jigoro insisting he can take care of himself, you're reassigned to a different residence where multiple slayers pass through. Ironically it's where Kaigaku is. All good and bad feelings punch him at once seeing your smiling face again as you stitch up his most recent wound.
-He likes you so much and how you treat him, but he's internally enraged when you share that kindness with anyone outside of him. Hearing you speaking to him about Zenitsu and your other patients only enrages that boiling point. However it only reaches that point when you inform the ever silent man about your own slayer fiance you met through your patients.
-You're sad when one day Kaigaku stops showing up for a long while. News of his betrayal and Jigoro's death really hadn't reached a lot of people with all the Haishira and slayers training for the final fight in the Infinity Castle. Your slayer fiance included.
-You do however receive news of your fiance's mysterious gruesome death at the hands of a demon. You're more heartbroken when you also hear of Jigoro's death. Devastated and crying your heart out over your loss. However those sobs turn to screams when you're face to face with blackened eyes of death as a sinister smile.
"What are you crying for? It's his own fault."
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-(Ok. Bare with me. Ive never written for her before and even researching her backstory this is probably not going to be very long and ooc. Take as platonic or romantic.) Let me start by saying that she does not get out much. Like at all. So you two really don't meet face to face.
-She discovers you by accident when she opened a door in a busy street and happened to see you sitting on the side of the road also playing a biwa for money.
-She hasn't seen another fellow biwa player for a while and decided to keep the doorway open for a while to listen.
-You are not very good with the biwa. Your playing isn't bad it's just not the best. Nakime knows this but considering she's never met another person or heard another instrument for a long time she can't help but get interested. Learns quickly that you are a lot better playing the shamisen than the biwa and always opens a small window or doorway on nights she knows you're gonna be sitting on your corner playing.
-She starts to think about teaching you how to play the biwa and doing a duet as you play your shamisen next to her biwa. Starts to really like the idea of permanently having your company in the castle.
-She doesn't really abduct you until after a show a drunk patron steals your instrument and smashes it on the ground laughing at your crying face.
-A loud strum of a biwa is heard as both you AND the drunk man is teleported. You're shocked to suddenly find yourself on a platform with a woman sitting right across from you. The drunk man was also teleported. She teleported him to where she knew a gang of newly turned hungry demons were.
"Apologies for the sudden introductions however it seems you need a change of residence."
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-(I don't like him too much but ik there's a lot of people who do and can't find content for him same as those who like Nakime so I'll include him too for all you Gyokko fans.) Mans is a baby. Very sensitive to his projects being insulted even if they deserve to be called that, most either are 'too dumb to notice his great skills' or always insult him. When in reality his art is so gruesome that people can't help but he horrified by it or insult him. The only one who seems to get him is Douma which is why he gifted him the pot but they aren't really friends.
-He meets you by complete accident. He was out too late and ended up deciding to hide in a pottery worker's shop. He likes to sneak around and spy on other artists anyways. His pot was sun proof and all he had to do was duck inside and wait until night again. However he wasn't counting on being bought.
-You had come in looking for a new vase to decorate your table after your old one accidentally broke. You happened to spot Gyokko's and completely fell in love with how pretty it was! The purest white you've ever seen with beautifully perfectly painted flowers and leafy vines. The pottery worker doesn't even remember making this piece but a paying customer was a paying customer so he sold you Gyokko's vase.
-Gyokko is absolutely offended by the pottery worker claiming his vase as his own and plans to end him later...But he also is very intrigued by the bold compliments you gave so he decides not to end you yet.
-When night comes he sneaks out to find quite a sight. Turns out you are also an artist sorta. You make custom jewelry and clothing for people, and baskets on the side. He's intrigued and extends his body around to look closely at all of the fabrics laid about, and written patterns, and little pieces of jewels ready to be put together for a simple but pretty piece to wear.
-He ends up going from the back of your shop to the front finding a lot of finished pieces of yours displayed and ready for sale. He's very intrigued by the kimonos. All of the patterns are individually sewn on. Cherry blossoms, storks, flowers- All are sewn on thread after thread by hand. It's like a canvas but made of fabric with thread as the paint. He's seen a LOT of kimonos but the attention to detail and precision to the likeness of the real thing was truly remarkable. For a woman.
-He decides since you really hadn't been a nuisance and complimented his work then he'll not end you for taking his pot. Instead of taking his pot with him, he leaves it and teleports to a different pot that way he can still sneak into your home without a problem.
-This goes on for two years. He'll pop in every so while when you sleep and look around for an hour or two before leaving. There was always different dresses displayed with different beautiful scenes sewed into them or he'd see one you were working on on your workshop bench. The needle paused in sewing the stripes of a tiger or the veins of a leaf.
-One day he comes back but hides in the pot because you're working late and tending to a customer who needed a dress for a ceremony. As you both talk the customer compliments 'your pot' and asks why you never put flowers in it. You answer- "I don't want to damage it by filling it with water or having rose thorns scratch it's inside. Besides it's beautiful enough by itself."
-As if this man didn't have enough of a big ego- This happens around the start of the second year and he ends up fond of this fellow artist. He gets the idea of gifting you another case to gage your reaction. This time you find a deep blue pot with waves painted onto it. You're unsure of where it came from but you might up moving it by the first vase mumbling to yourself about how pretty it was! Man's ego skyrockets.
-You are confused when you thank your friends for the pretty gifts only to be told they didn't make any of the ones you have. You get more confused when you start finding pots left on your doorstep two or three times a month. You never see who leaves them but you're so taken by how each one is so pretty that you never complain. Just assuming it was a secret admirer. Gyokko's ego boosts higher when he sees you had gotten two big shelves and placed them up to be displayed. He loves seeing you light up when you look at them excited for when the next one arrives.
-You're happiness seems to be improving your work too as Gyokko ends up find you making full on landscapes on your dresses. He notices you've suddenly become happier and giddier lately and blushing even but he doesn't think it's anything other than your adoration for his craft.
-Confused when one day he finds no new dresses being made except for an absolutely beautiful shiromuku in the process of being made. He assumes you've been paid to make a bride her ceremonial dress. He has absolutely no idea of the real reason behind this behavior until he comes back earlier one night and is shocked to find YOU wearing the dress to try it out as another friend of yours does your makeup testing out what colors would look best with you in the dress.
-Seeing you in your own homemade bridal piece and your face dolled up is like he's looking upon living artwork. He's in awe as you both giddily talk about your wedding-..Wait. Wot? You're telling your friend all about how the pottery maker you had originally bought your first vase from had fallen for you and came forward to be your secret admirer leaving all of the vases as gifts.
W H A T?!
-Gyokko is ENRAGED!! How dare that lowlife claim his precious skills as his own!? More so how dare he use it to trick this beloved artist into letting him marry you?! He was claiming all his hard work!! He's becomes more enraged when you mentioned that your fiance wanted you to retire from your craft and be a stay at home wife after you marry. A mantra of "Oh over his dead body" is repeated over in his head as he temporarily disappears to take care of a problem.
-Soon after your friend leaves you're smiling at yourself in a mirror only to freeze in horror and shriek out as something monstrous comes clawing out of the first ever face you've ever gotten. People are horrified and shocked when they find your fiance dead and you no where to be found.
"Art is a beauty in of itself. However there are few people who can truly appreciate you as such."
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Hoo boy that was a lot. I'm gonna do a part 2 with Hantengu since that guy needs to be tackled along with clones on his own post and a part 3 with the lower moons. Hope you all enjoyed this.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Thinking about my own grandpa and how he'd comfort me with sweets/icecream whenever i had the slightest inconvenience and i just dream of whether he'd still do it to me as a 23 year old, ruffling my hair, letting me cut his birthday cake, scolding my parents when they got mad at me (yes i snitched on my parents), wiping my fat tears with his handkerchief, showing me his drawings of airplane engines as cold air blasted through the ac, letting me eat food from his plate that my mom made me bring him lol.
and like it grandparents are sooo sweet man. they couldve been okay-ish parents to their own kids, but then they get grandkids and they're like a whole different species *sniffle* theyre so precious.
and now my mind goes to that yandere todoroki clan au (i think it was the bullied series) where at the end, reader dies because of rei, and the whole fam loses their sanity. then one day, reader is reincarnated (its her quirk) as dabi's baby and dabi shares the news with his siblings because he needs to restore their sanity too (cause he feels responsible for them too, the "eldest kid" syndrome).
anyways, after you, his daughter had died, enji lost it and killed rei and then just vanished into the mountains to mourn his loss. years later, for whatever reason, he finds out about you. he's standing there, watching toddler you looking at him with curiosity. you stumble towards him, and Enji's on his knees at this point, he's in shock. your scars, your marks from your previous life dont even register to him until later on, all he can focus is you- its you, his baby. his daugher. his child that he swore to protect and failed.
your legs give out when you reach him but your hands reach for him and enji's already lifting you up, bringing you to his chest. his eyes are filled with tears as u look at him and babble, your hands grabbing onto his shirt, touching his face, big doe eyes staring at him.
he hugs you, silent sobs wrecking his body as he gets a whiff of your head. you- you smell just like her- like his daughter.
It really is you.
he doesn't let go of you, even when you eventually fall asleep in his arms, rocking you gently as he stares down at you in awe and disbelief. he doesn't let you go even when dabi tries to take you back, even when dabi insists that he won't keep you two apart, that you need to rest in your bed as he explains everything.
he finally let's you go when you wake up and reach for your dad (dabi), crying when enji doesn't let you leave his arms. but he relents, enji relents when you cry- it hurts him so bad, he's reminded of all the times how you used to cry before, how you used to beg him for help, beg him to save you. his heart breaks to see you like this, in tears.
enji's only partially conscious of what dabi is saying to him, explaining to him that you're now "his" daughter and enji's "granddaughter" and that's how things will be if they need to work. But enji doesn't care whether you're his daughter or not, all he cares about is that he's in your life because he needs to- he will keep you safe. He won't make the same mistakes again. Never.
i can just imagine the siblings and enji all sitting down together to make decisions about your life in extreme detail so that they ensure that no harm befalls you ever again, and if by some extreme badluck you die, they need to make sure that you reincarnate back to them.
they plan your every day, they make sure that at least one of them is with you at all times, and most importantly, they make sure youre safe and happy. when you start going to school, you're taken to school by Shotou because Dabi (who went back to working as a chef) has to go to work early. then at school, your teacher is more than likely Fuyumi (and if she's not your teacher, then she still works at your school). then after school, you're picked up by Enji who takes you out for ice cream (always, he doesnt care if its before u have had lunch. he needs to make up for all the times he couldnt give u ice cream because of rei) and also buy you any toys u want. enji is just enjoying you padding away and pointing at things that catch your eye. at home, natsuo has returned from his shift at the hospital and then starts heating up the food dabi had already made for you, before letting enji put you down for nap time. when you wake up, natsuo takes your vitals and a basic medical check. by dinner, dabi is home and you welcome him by launching yourself at his legs with a thud. he laughs, picks you up and pecks your cheek before taking you into the kitchen with him to make dinner while you tell him all about your day.
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two-white-butterflies · 3 months
parallel lines | d. targaryen | part ten
Description: An ordinary middle school teacher moves to a desolate town with her fiancee. After suffering episodes of vivid nightmares, she realizes that his uncle looks exactly like the man in her dreams.
Pairings: daemon targaryen/reader, aemond targaryen/reader
Trope: Reincarnation
series masterlist |
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Grief makes us do unspeakable things. It sharpens our claws, and protects us against things that may happen in the future. It forces us to be reserved, makes us shut up.
But sometimes grief makes us explode.
Makes us yearn for the love that hasn't been granted to us.
"You're not allowed to talk to him." the police guard scoffs.
Alicent weakens. Her first child tied in cuffs, never allowed to live life as a free man again. "I'm sorry," she mouthed - staring deep into Aegon's eyes. His lips pressed into a thin line, entirely unsure if the descent into madness was caused by his parents.
He cannot blame them, even if it was.
He walks away.
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So you're leaving in the morning, on the early train.
The music in your airpods blasted. Harwin continued loading your luggage into the trunk. He doesn't know when he'll see you again.
I could say everything's alright. I could pretend and say goodbye.
"We'll keep in touch." you promised, wrapping him in a warm embrace. Daemon's hand found the small of your waist. "I'll call you everyday." Harwin made the same promise.
Basically his full-sister at this point.
"- I'll miss you." Harwin pressed a kiss on your forehead.
Daemon opens the car door for you. It was the beginning of your life. A life that you fought hard to have again.
I won't stop loving you.
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I'll always be here by your side. I'll never want you to say goodbye.
Aemond smiled, hearing the radio play your favorite song. He wonders if you're better now - living the life that he took for so long. "So Mr. Aemond Targaryen, is it your first time in therapy?" the older woman adjusted her glasses.
"Yes." he answered with a smile.
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yourname: ❤️ thank you for visiting us in 🇦🇺 thank you for the cute photos @helaenasphotography
liked by harwinstrong and 321 others
harwinstrong: My Heart 🥲🥺
helaenasphotography: always welcome guys! ✨
RhaenyraStrong: When are you coming home? Missing youuuu soo muchhhh - yourname: soon, i promise!!
It's been five years since you disappeared off the face of the earth. You can still remember the day that you left. It was a Sunday.
May 7, 2023.
You moved to Switzerland with Daemon, enjoying the snow and the scenery around you. He started teaching in an international school. You postponed your law degree, instead you focused on running a daycare and healing from your scars.
You were lucky to welcome your first child.
After Switzerland, you moved to Australia.
The warm sand was kissing your barefoot. The beach was beautiful in the morning, you liked the way the sun stung your skin. "Let's go for a swim," Daemon pleads, "I don't want to get stung by jellyfishes, love." you whined, but he continues pulling you in the water.
The water was warm, though slightly colder than the sand. A sigh escaped your mouth feeling the seaweed wrap around your feet. It was another day in paradise. "They won't bite, I promise." he pressed a kiss on your lips.
He was enjoying this life.
"It's not my problem if I get bitten anyways." you wrap your arms around his body, using him as a floater. He chuckles, remembering the time he had to haul you to the hospital because of a snake bite.
It was a garden snake, not the venomous kind.
"I'm sorry for that," he laughed, walking until the water reached your shoulders. The seaweed was ticking your thighs. "I'm glad that everything happened the way it did. I got justice for my mom's death. I got you. I got Daenerys." you whispered.
"I love you, Dae." you confessed.
"I love you too," he hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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harwinstrong posted to his story!
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caption: daemon n daenerys. visited australia 🇦🇺! cheers mates
RhaenyraStrong: Aww he looks so cute RhaenyraStrong: Please take more pictures!
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Harwin smiled, helping you load the luggage inside of the car. "Two years and you're finally coming home." he states, placing his hand on your head and messing with your hair.
"I'm sorry that it took a while. We had a lot of things going on." you exchanged a knowing look with Daemon.
Harwin takes a closer look at the little boy. "Jesus, he looks exactly like you." he observed. "- don't let Daemon hear that." you placed a finger to your lips, continuing to rock the little boy to sleep.
"The car is ready." Daemon says, opening the door for you.
Harwin sits in the passenger seat, while you and Daenerys are in the backseat. "Is she strapped properly?" Daemon does his final rounds of safety inspection. "We're ready to go, dad." you confirmed.
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yourname: thanks for the photos @helaenasphotography ❤️
liked by harwinstrong and 1,382 others
RhaenyraStrong: Congratulations are in order!!
jacejacejace: I'm so excited for the wedding 😍 ate that
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daemontargaryen: "If there is heaven in this life, it is my mother." ❤️
liked by harwinstrong and 96 others
RhaenyraStrong: Daenerys was so little then 🥲 they grow up too fast
joffreyminecraft_gamerboy: uncle daemon can u plese by me robux? - daemontargaryen: ok
LaenorVelaryonLaw: Keep posting pics of Dany and (Your Name) I'm tired of seeing your eyesore face on my newsfeed - daemontargaryen: You follow me, so?
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"Dany, be careful. Vissy has soft bones." you dutifully reminded. In the span of five years the children in the family grew.
Rhaenyra and Harwin had Aegon, Viserys and Visenya.
"I don't know how you take care of these many kids. Daenerys just by herself is a handful." you chuckled, admiring the way Rhaenyra raised her children with tenderness and affection. "Harwin decided to have an early retirement, so we're with the kids 24/7." she humbled.
6 children. 1 teenager, and 1 adult child.
She's a legend.
"Has Jaehaerys and Jaehaera ever asked about their father?" you inquired, wondering if you should help shoulder the boulder of raising Aegon's kids. "I legally adopted them, as far as they're concerned Harwin and I are their parents." Rhaenyra confirmed.
Aegon was a strange creature. He always had that blank look in his eyes. He'd always joke about the most deranged topics, but when his children entered the room - his eyes would light up. He was a horrible person, but you think that he's a good father.
To some extent.
"Enough of that, I'm so excited for your wedding." Rhaenyra placed a hand on your forearm. Your eyes light up at the thought. "I already picked out a few bridesmaid dresses. I just need y'all to choose." you announced. "- I think they're in my room." you remembered.
Rhaenyra motioned for the maids to grab the gowns.
"Let's have a fashion show!" you smiled.
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yourname: 08.23.24 🖤 Officially Mrs. Daemon Targaryen
liked by 1,239 others
helaenasphotography: Congratulations guys! I couldn't stop crying last night :(( ❤️
RhaenyraStrong: We did it baby!!!
harwinstrong: congrats sis and bro
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daemontargaryen: thank you for marrying me.
liked by 100 others
harwinstrong: Thanks for inviting us. We had fun.
helaenasphotography: Congrats guys!! 🥳 Cheers to forever
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fl3shm4id3n · 11 months
ₜₕₑ Fₐcₑ ᵢ ₗₒᵥₑd ₘₒₛₜ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐬𝐨, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 '𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞' 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴀꜱᴛᴀʀɪᴏɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ! ᴛᴀᴠ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: Star-crossed lovers concept, unhealthy obsession, mentions of passed abused, reality confusion/ Dream-reality, she/her refer to reader's past life self, slow burn?, a bit of angst and comfort. Not edited.
A/N: I hope ya'll like this second part, any feed back is appreciated.
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He couldn't believe it, the myths about reincarnation were true. You, who was once his Lady, his once Lover, of Her. You were right here, except you were a totally different person. But with the face he once loved most. The face he couldn't ever forget. As much as he wanted to be happy to meet you again. He felt a huge amount of guilt. That he couldn't protect his Lady. That if he were to be in the quarters sooner, then he would have prevented Cazador from killing you. It would eat him up so much, he just began to ignore that guilt, even thought he didn't want to.
Astarion was very observant about you, he would pay attention to every small detail of you. How kind you were despite the tadpole in your head. He also noticed the love you had for music and embroidery. Yes, you were just like her. You shared her same traits. Not only that, but you were just beautiful, you shared her same beauty. Both inside and out. He couldn't keep his eyes off you. Astarion had the idea to always have his eyes on you. He didn't want anything to happen to you, even though you knew how to defend yourself. Just the thought of you getting killed gets to him. He didn't take it to an extreme, but he just wanted to keep his guard up.
Whenever he'd have a chance to be alone with you, he'd take it. Always making the time for it, as if he didn't want to be away from you. Ever. He was there when you were given a lute after you helped a lady with her music. He loved to watch you play the instrument. He wouldn't mind listening you for hours, playing that lovely music. When he'd watch you play, you looked just like her when she did. You seemed much more relaxed when playing, your hands weren't shaking as if you were being forced with fear, your fingers bleeding and nails broken. You looked absolutely stunning, she looked absolutely beautiful.
Not only that, but he'd watch you sew. When there was not much to do. You'd sew in your free time. You had some materials in your stuff. Astarion would lurk by and watch you do your handy work. It was beautiful, you were as talented as she was. He remembers when you had found a black velvet coat that would fit him perfectly, so you decided to embryoid him some gold colored peacocks and other kinds of designs on the coat. He loved it. He swore that he'd cherish the garment for the rest of his life. The smile on your face made him happy, specially since you had her same smile.
Another thing that he had caught on. The mark on your left side of the neck. It was two little dark spots, right where the bite would have been. He always wanted to get a better look at it. He knew that she hated that scar, because it was a form of branding by Him. But now it was a birthmark of yours. Proving that you were really her. His one and only love.
It was no secret to you that Astarion was basically following you around like a lost puppy. At first you thought it was harmless, but the more you thought of it, the more you realized that this was becoming something than just a man trying to be friends with you. Did he want to be more than friends? You have noticed his strange behavior towards you, as if, you reminded him of someone he used to know. As weird as it seemed, you didn't want to be seen as rude towards him, but you also knew that there was more than just him following you around.
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"Astarion? Can I talk to you?" you asked the male who was busy looking at himself in a mirror, which was odd of him to do. "Sure, what is it darling." He gave you his full attention. You grabbed his hand and took him away from the camp and into the woods. He had a goofy grin on his face, as if we were about to do more than just talk. When you were in the woods, face to face with him. "What's been on your mind lightly?" you asked him, in which he gave you a confused look. "What are you talking about? I'm completely fine." He said, now getting nervous of what you were about to say.
You sighed. "There is something that is wrong, ever since we met, you've just been tagging along with me. I don't mind at all, but I know that there is something going on." You explained, Astarion felt frozen, you've caught on. Now he'll have to confess to you why he's been acting the way that he has. He didn't know how to break it to you, how to tell you that you're the reincarnation of his once love of his life. Will you hate him? Will you drive a wooden stake into his heart? What would you do? "Astarion? Please tell me what's wrong, I'm willing to listen to you" You encouraged him, now getting worried.
He couldn't hide it anymore, he had to confess to you. Astarion let out a loud sigh as he rubbed his face with both hands. Then he looked at you. "This is going to be weird, but... You, you used to be the woman I fell in love with centuries ago." He confessed, making you raise your brows at him in surprised. You watched how he took out a small piece of paper from his shirt, then he handed it to you. You took the small parchment paper, it was old, but still remained together. Opening the paper, you saw the picture of a woman. Except this woman looks just like you. But she was dressed like a noble woman. Her hair was up adorned with flowers and other hairpins. Earrings and with a slight hint of what you assumed was makeup. She looked beautiful, it was almost as if you were staring at a picture of yourself.
"That woman, she was you in past." He added, you heard the sadness in his voice. You looked at him, seen the sad look in his eyes. You only nodded, looking back at the picture of your past life. "I understand now. Why you've grown some interest in me and why you're always so protective." You said while looking at the drawing. "I knew I should have done something, I wished I was there sooner that you wouldn't of died." Astarion whimpered out. In the verge of tears. You got close to him, putting the picture back in his shirt and you placed your hands on his cheeks. "It's okay, it's not your fault." You tried to explained to him. "But it was, you got killed and I wasn't there." He cried out, tears rolling down his cheeks.
You cleaned his tears with your thumbs, as he began to sob in sadness. "Astarion, Its not your fault." You said comfortingly. All Astarion could do was cry. "It's not your fault." You explained to him, then he fell to his knees, still in tears. "It's not your fault." You repeated as you hugged him close to your stomach as his arms wrapped his arms around your waist. "It's not your fault." You said again, stroking his soft hair. All he could do was cry, this guilt has been eating him up for days. He felt as if he was dying. He finally got to be able to express his feelings. As much as he didn't want to be seen like this, he just couldn't help it.
"I'm sure that she would've understood. She knows that you would have done anything to protect her." You tried to reason with him, but he was still in denial. "I would have done anything to save you. To make sure that you were safe from him." He said, as he continued to sob. As much as you didn't want to disappoint him, you just had to. For his sake. "I'm not her." You said to him, this made him look up at you. His eyes were red swollen red and filled in tears. You gave him a sadden look. "You're not her?" H asked, almost confused. "I'm not her." You told him more sternly. The more he looked at you, the more of her appearance began to fade. He began to see less of her and more of you. Yeah you might have shared the same face, but you had your own features.
Your small facial scars were more visible, the shape of your nose was way more different than hers, as well as the shape of your face, and hair. But what didn't really change were your age, except the color of them. They were alive then they were did. The more he looked at you, the more changes he saw of you. You were right, you weren't her, anymore. You were you. Astarion got up from the dirt floor, still looking at you in the eyes, with tears still remaining in his eyes. "I see now, you're not her. At least not anymore." He told you. He sighed, wiping his tears away. "I need some time to think." He said, giving you a small smile. You gave him a small smile in return. Then he turned away, leaving deeper into the woods.
Once alone, Astarion was sitting near a riverbank, thinking about what just happened. He was too blind to see, he was asphyxiated of the thought of you being her. You were, once, but now you weren't. You were a completely different person and it took him forever to realize that. It felt refreshing. He no longer felt that huge amount of guilt he had build up, but that wasn't it. He needed to do something else to completely be free from the guilt.
Back at the camp, everyone was asleep, except for you and him. You were both standing in front of the bonfire. "Are you sure you'll do it? You don't have to if you don't want to." You told him. Astarion was holding the old picture. "No, I have to. Or else I'll never truly be free from this guilt." He said, as if a lump grew in his throat. You only nodded. Then without thinking twice, he threw the small paper at the fire. Slowly burning away, the once parchment paper had now become ashes. You saw the look of hurt in his eyes, but you knew that he was doing what was best for himself, for once.
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Days had passed since that night, Astarion felt all kinds of relief. He no longer felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. He felt much more lighter than most days. He also felt new emotions. More much happier and relaxed. He hasn't felt like in centuries. He felt happy despite Cazador being after him. He thought back of that night where he got a reality check from you. He felt grateful that you had helped him with this. Not only that, but he began to see you. He no longer saw her face, he saw your face. As if it were bran new face he's never seen in his life. That was a good sign. He didn't completely forget of her, but he knew that she would have wanted for him to move on and be happy with someone else.
He had stopped comparing you to her. That meant that he no longer felt the guilt that he had been feeling for decades. Everything that you did, felt new, as if he had never seen someone do the things you did for years. He saw you in a bran new light. Everything about you had began to fascinate him more than ever. But what caught his attention the most was the way you treated those around you, how you were willing to help those in need of helping. But he also saw how kindness wasn't always the answer, and violence would often had to play a role in some situations. You were just an incredible human being. The only person who had somewhat stored his faith in humanity.
Astarion had fallen in love with you, again, but instead of your past life. He was falling for you, and hard. It no longer felt like an obsession as before, but real love. The problem was, that he had no idea what to do with his new found feelings. He had forgot how that feeling felt like many years ago. But he was willing to learn again.
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"Do you have a moment dear? I'd like to speak with you" Astarion got your attention, you nodded and looked right back at him. "What is it?" You asked him, seen the small blush on his cheeks. "I know we didn't have a good start, but. Since that night, I began to grow these new feelings towards you." He explained. "Now I see you, for you. I no longer see her, but you. You're.... you're incredible. You deserve a lot, well at least to me. I would like for something... for us to start something new, something real. But I understand that you wouldn't want to be with me, after what happened in the past." He admitted.
You couldn't help but give him a small smile. "I do want something with you. I've liked you for the last couple months we were together, but I just didn't want our relationship to start with an unhealthy obsession. Because who knows what might have happened if it started that way." You explained. You saw the look of guilt her had, but he quickly added to the sentence. "But I've changed, I've realized that I fell in love with you. And I again, apologize for that, I really am." He said, you could hear the sound of his voice, how he was actually sorry and felt guilty for that. "I know you did. I trust you." You said, then you took his hand into yours. Feeling his cold skin against your warmth.
Astarion couldn't help but smile, taking both your hands into his. Feeling your warm embrace. "I... like this." He said, with an almost shy smile. "But, I honestly don't know what we're doing." He said with a small chuckle. "I know where we could start." You said with a smile. "Oh? And what would that be?" he asked with a grin. Then you got close to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. Astarion's arms were spread. Not sure on how to react, but he followed your lead. Also hugging you back, pulling you as close as possible to him. It felt good, being able to move from the guilt, to fall in love again.
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ₚᵣₑᵥᵢₒᵤₛ ₚₐᵣₜ, ₙₑₓₜ ₚₐᵣₜ?
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asherthehimbo · 11 months
Outliving the stars | Choi San
synopsis: You've always felt a part of you was missing, the desire for something greater only being lessened when you were gazing at the stars. You know you lost something, someone, you just dont remember what, who. Maybe the astrology major your friend sent you on a blind date with has the answers.
Pairing: Choi San x Male!reader
Info: one shot, words(2.1K),
Trope: reincarnation, Immortal x mortal, hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of nightmares, anxiety, topic of death, suggestive jokes, it's said they have sex but no actual smut, injuries, birthmarks shaped like scars, insecurity, self scrutinizing, social anxiety, overthinking, talks of past lives
Song inspo: Burn out the stars - Bryce savage
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It was at times like these that you wished you could punch your best friend. Wooyoung was sweet, but you swear he had it out for you, sending you out on a blind date with nothing but a first name. Now you were standing at the planetarium entrance like an idiot waiting for someone you didn't even know.
Wooyoung had pesterd you for three weeks until you finally gave in. He kept trying to set you up with one of his classmates, and you were too tired to register what you were agreeing to. "Come on [Name], you can't keep being hung up on some mystery guy from your dreams. San, on the other hand is perfect, broad shoulders, an astrology major, rich, handsome face, smooth voice and he's kind" Wooyoung rambled on as you were sitting in your dorm, trying to finish the economics paper you had that was due on Friday.
"Do you want me to go out with this guy, or do you want to do so yourself?" You asked him, only receiving a pillow to your face as a response. Sighing, you looked at Wooyoung, who was taking up your entire bed. "If I go on this date, would you let me finish my paper in silence?"
Wooyoung immediately jumped up from the bed. "YES, OKAY YAY!I'm gonna go tell San you agreed! Oh! This is gonna be so much fun! SATURDAY 1PM SHARP, " Wooyoung shouted while jumping around before sharply turning on his heel to sprint out of the room, leaving with a shout of "WEAR THOSE CUTE JEANS I BOUGHT YOU!"
You only sighed, turning back to your paper and relishing in the silence.
You did, in fact, end up wearing the jeans he bought you, black baggy jeans with white stars splattered on them, matched with your red converse, and a red hoodie.
You did not want to be here, it was cold, people were staring (probably because of the scar on your face, a voice in your head told you, you ignored it) and you were craving a strawberry refresher. You guess arriving an hour early wasn't the best course of action, but you were up early, not being able to sleep the night before.
Dreams of your faceless lover had once again plagued your mind. It had been a common occurrence ever since you turned 10. You would be cuddled up in the arms of a man you could not remember, but you knew him. In a soft grass field he would be holding you tightly, you would both be watching the stars, you listening as he points out different constellations, these dreams were safe, they made you feel at ease.
But all too often, these dreams would evolve into nightmares, the same 7 scenes playing out. Your therapist had said it must have been a physiological way to deal with your own insecurities. The birthmarks that littered your skin had always looked like scars. You remember talking to her when you were 12. She said it was your brain trying to justify the marks, trying to create a story for them.
You believed her. After all, she knew better, but these dreams just felt so real, so vivid. You would hear your own heartbeat slow down and hear the cries of your mystery lover as he holds onto you. You could feel the tears dripping from his face onto yours. No matter what turn these nightmares had, they always ended with you dying in his arms.
You guess Wooyoung had been right in his concern, as your best friend he knew first hand the effect these dreams had on you. The nights you wake up gasping for air, vomiting out your dinner, clawing at your neck because something in your throat is burning. The times you're awake while your consciousness is still trapped in whatever nightmare you were experiencing. He had been there since the age of 10, he had been there.
You rubbed together the two sleeves of your hoodie, starting to feel more uncomfortable as time passed by. People were walking past, laughing, and giggling at one another. You wondered what was so funny, what were they all laughing at? Were they laughing at you? no, you didn't do anything funny, did you? oh, it's your face, right? Your face is funny, it's ugly, creepy, the scar covering your eye, one you did not deserve. A mutated freak born with scars that were not earned a fake, a- "[Name]?" A hand on your shoulder disrupts your anxiety fueled thoughts.
You turn around to find a black haired man, he's a little shorter than you, although his shoulders are broad. Jawline sharp, eyes as soft as a warm blanket on a winter's night, despite the intimidating structure of the man, his eyes, his smile, his dimples, he seems inviting, familiar almost.
He stands smiling at you, the arm he used to grab your attention is hovering awkwardly in the air, his cheeks are flushed, a pink matching one of the familiar drinks in his hand. "Umm, I'm San? your date. " he seems unsure of himself, but you find it cute, having to suppress a giggle so as to not make him feel bad.
You give him a small smile as you mentally thank Wooyoung for choosing someone good looking,"Nice to meet you, San." You nod your head at him as you shift your weight between your feet. You're being so awkward right now, but something tells you that San doesn't mind.
Despite your lack of social skills, the interaction itself does not seem awkward. Although you can feel something straining it, you brush it off to first date jitters. "Oh!um I also got us some drinks, Wooyoung said you liked strawberry refreshes, although I don't know if he was messing with me. He has a tendency to do that lately, but um drink?" San asks as he lifts up the hand, holding two drinks questioningly. His shoulders seem to tense as he awaits your reaction.
"Woo didn't lie, I do like Strawberry refreshers, thank you" you nod your head at him, his shoulders relax as he lets out a breath of relief, he picks up the pink drink from the holder in his hand and gives it to you. Your fingers touch for a moment as you take the drink from him and you jump back a little, San doesn't seem all that surprised, but he chuckles "Static electricity's a bitch, huh?"
You don't think that's how it works, but you laugh along nonetheless. It's weird as you walk with San into the planetarium. You don't like new people, don't feel comfortable around them, yet with San, it's different. You feel safe with him. He feels so familiar.
You spend the day following San around the planetarium, he excitedly points out constellations, and you swear the fake stars above your head shine dimmer than the light in Sans eyes. Somewhere along the line, your hand had been intertwined with his, as a precaution to not lose one another, you told yourself.
The date ends when the sky outside matches the one in the planetarium, a dark purple background with little specks of light twinkling above you both. The date lasted the whole day and you were having so much fun you didn't even realize, Wooyoungs gonna kill you for not telling him how everything went immediately but you can't find it in yourself to care about the headache your best friend will inevitably give you tomorrow morning.
That night, you sit on your bed, smiling down at the goodnight text from San, despite him having wished you a goodnight merely a few hours before when he walked you to your dorm. That night is the first night you sleep peacefully, no dreams of your mystery lover, no dieing, no waking up in a cold sweat despite it being winter. Nothing
Instead that night you sleep, cuddled up with the tiny red star plushie that San won for you at one of the planetarium games, you named her 'astéri' the greek word for star. Also, the exact name you put as your contact for the man who won her for you.
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Your relationship with San had been a fast development, one date, then two, then you start eating lunch together, he starts walking you to classes, he joins your friends and you on movie nights, he plays games with Yunho. San becomes a part of your life faster than you can imagine, and you don't even care.
It's on your hundred day anniversary, a hundred days of dates and hangouts, and obviously being together despite no official title, that San officially asks you to be his boyfriend.
It's an emotional ordeal. He made a picnic in his backyard, creating a fort where you could both lay down and watch the stars on the soft grass. It's summer now, much hotter than when you first met, you wear a red tank top. San has expressed his love for your collarbones before, and thinking back to the moment makes you blush.
He was a bit tipsy when he blurted it out, face flushed pink given the alcohol of the drinking game he had played with your friends earlier, the room was hot, filled with college boys and liquor, so of course you took off your jacket, San had started cheering, then giggling, talking about how much he liked your neck, your collarbones. You don't know if he remembers this moment, you hope he doesn't, it would save you the embarrassment.
San presents you with a necklace on the night of his confession, a black leather strap threaded through a red star that's rimmed with silver. On the back of the necklace, the name 'astéri' is carved, under it lies numbers which look like coordinates. You don't ask.
San slips the necklace around your neck, fingers trailing dangerously slow along your shoulders. You were scared at first, you liked San, loved him, as much as you trusted him, you were scared of what his reaction would be.
He may have seen you in strappy clothing before, but he's never seen the extent to which your birthmarks your scars cover your body. The worst of them were located on your waist.
Despite your hesitance, the way San looks at you after you agree to be his, after you agree to let him be yours, it makes you want to kiss him, let him embrace every part of you and let you do the same to him.
He looks at you like you yourself were the star and who were you to deny a mortal access to a celestial entity?
That night, you learn the true extent of San's love for you, the way he trails his fingers overy every inch of your skin, extra soft kisses placed on the marks littering your body, he's gentle almost as if he knows the phantom pains they bring you, despite you never having told him.
That night you and San become, you and San, under the stars. On the soft blanket he laid out in his backyard as the warm wind of summer nips at your exposed skin.
It's when you're lying down, breathless, in between San's arms that he starts talking, answering your question from earlier that night. The numbers on the back of the necklace, the coordinates, are of a star San bought in your name. He literally bought you a star and named it 'astéri'.
"You deserve the whole galaxy, and yet I do not have the power to retrieve it for you. This way, you can have a piece of the outer world, and it can have a piece of you"
You don't think you've ever felt so loved in your life. You had fallen for San so quickly, so hard. It's hard to imagine a time when he wasn't in your life, despite the fact that you hadn't known him long, everything with him just felt so right.
You were sure you were meant to be with San in every lifetime, meant to spend every moment of your life with him. When you told him this, it had been the first time you ever saw him cry, genuinely cry. It was as if your words affected him more than you knew. You're sure they did.
That's one thing you never did understand about San, he has told you everything about himself, but you still felt as if something was missing, a piece of information locked away, it was like he was guarding it, scared you would find out. He thought he hid it well, but you prided yourself on knowing people, knowing your boyfriend. You trusted him. He would tell you when he was ready.
You and San would watch the stars burn out together, watch the world fall in each others arms, protected by a love so pure that the only thing left in the universe would be you and San
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 25 days
Hello! I really love your work! Please rest if you need to!
Can you please do Donna x Reincarnated!Reader?
So apparently they were childhood friends (who crushes each other but never officially in relationship) but R died and Donna became the even more reclusive as she is. However, decades later a researcher from outside the village came to do some research and she has the same face as R, turns out it was R who got reincarnated. But R has no memories or whatsoever, but frequently got dejavus or dream about the Manor, dolls, and a faceless woman (who is ofc Donna). R feels very familiar with the house and take residence in the manor with Miranda's suggestion. And Donna tries to get closer to R, knowing it is R reincarnated and they were kinda yearning for each other a lot during the times they live tgt, but Donna being Donna, she's too shy and pessimistic with her "deformed" face (eventho Past!R said Donna's past scarred face when Donna was young is beautiful) and she eventually take off her veil and R still found her so beautiful and enamored all over again. Even more~
Also Angie can be the wingman for both of them~ until they both confessed to each other and got together then R remembers everything.
It can be angsty or hurt/comfort with lots of fluff :3
Yesss!!! Thank you for your words, and for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :)))))
I know who you were
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reincarnated! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Donna being Donna, fluff, happy ending, as always ;)
Word count: 9,039
Summary: Why? Why is everything in that house so familiar to you?
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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Tanti auguri a te…
That innocent birthday song was overshadowed by a few claps, while someone, someone you weren't able to make out, blew out the candles on a cake. The number on them was 16, you'd have to remember that.
“Come on D… make a wish,” you said excitedly, happy for the joy of that person, that girl who had no face, who had no name.
“Oh… I…” the mysterious girl stammered, with a distorted voice, an impossible one to understand clearly. “Okay, I wish…”
“No, no, if you say it, it will never come true!” you shouted.
“She's right, Mistress…” another dark voice said, it seemed like a man's voice. “Try to say it mentally.”
“Could Angie also make a wish?” that broken, blurry, dark voice said. Angie, a name you should remember…
“Hey, stranger,” a male voice brought you out of that little nap. The car was no longer moving. You had reached your destination. “Wake up, we're here.”
“Ugh…” you protested, yawning, quickly taking out the notebook you always carried with you and writing down those details that seemed relevant:
16 years old
“Are you going to stay there all day?” the taxi driver insisted, in an unpleasant way, but with a tremor in his voice that revealed something different, an unknown fear.
You frowned, picking up your backpack and getting out of the vehicle after paying the man, who seemed to sigh in relief.
“I see that kindness is not your thing,” you murmured, still sleepy. The man laughed, shaking his head.
“Not when a foreigner asks me to take her here,” he defended himself, counting the money you gave him. “Let me give you some advice…”
You nodded curiously, putting your backpack on your shoulders, checking that your phone had no signal, so you snorted.
“Don't let the wolves eat you…” the taxi driver said laughing, starting the car and disappearing down that snowy road.
“How funny, look how I laugh,” you said in a mocking tone, with a face of displeasure. “Anyway…”
After taking a look around, you finally saw the village, your destination. As you went down those dangerous hills, you took out the paper you had in your pocket, one that only had one name written on it: Miranda.
Your trip to Europe was not a coincidence, or something you wanted to do while you had finished college. No, it was something different. As a student of plants, of ecosystems, your intention was to investigate that place, one that your own parents recommended to you.
They were scientists. They dedicated their entire lives to the amazing field of biology. As a good daughter, you followed in their footsteps, trying to complete your doctorate with something new, something original. Your parents were the ones who told you about that place, that village where they worked years ago, with another scientist, the so-called Miranda.
Without thinking much, you headed to Romania, alone, willing to make them proud.
“Excuse me, miss,” you said kindly to a villager you crossed on the way. The woman looked at you suspiciously and stopped. “Do you know where Miranda lives?”
The woman opened her eyes and shook her head, walking away from you with a scared face.
“Oh, okay,” you said, crossing your arms, taking a look at that sinister place. Your eyes narrowed while in your head your thoughts seemed to find that place in one of your memories, in one of your dreams.
You may have been a scientist, but not even the most experienced doctor could tell you the meaning of those recurring dreams, strange dreams about houses, dolls, faceless girls...
You had been dreaming about those things for so long that you started your own research. Everything was always blurry. You would forget it after a few hours, so you decided to write it down. You didn't know if you could ever solve the mystery, but at least it wasn't always present in your mind.
“(Y/N), right?” a voice behind you, along with that slightly sinister atmosphere, made you jump in place.
Behind you was a woman, a strange woman dressed in priestess clothing, blonde, elegant, with a smug smile.
“Oh, yes, it's me,” you said nervously, embarrassed by your reaction. The blonde looked at you, without removing that smile from her pale face. “Are you Miranda?”
“Yes, I am,” she answered dryly, turning around and indicating for you to follow her.
“Your parents were very considerate in advising you to work with me,” the strange woman commented, serving you what seemed a cup of tea.
You nodded, staring at the priestess. You weren't expecting a young woman, or at least not that young.
“Yes, and, I, I appreciate your hospitality,” you said pleasantly, tilting your head. Miranda looked at you curiously and laughed softly, sending a shiver through your body.
“Anything for my old friends…” she said in a soft voice, sitting down at a desk. You shifted a nervously, something that the woman noticed. “Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, no, no, it's just that… I, I didn't expect you to be that young,” you said sincerely. She laughed again in a sinister way, shaking her head.
“I suppose it's understandable… The last time I saw you, you were just a crying baby,” she joked. You were surprised by that statement, feeling more and more uncomfortable. Was it a dream?
“Did you know me?” you asked, surprised. As far as you knew, you had been born on the other side of the ocean. The priestess frowned, as if she knew she had said something she shouldn’t, something you didn’t know.
“Let’s leave formalities aside,” the blonde sighed, taking an old file from a shelf and placing it on the table. “The first thing is to find you a place to stay.”
“Yes, of course,” you said, nodding, looking at those old photographs of the village. One of them, an old house, guarded by a waterfall, caught your attention.
It wasn’t just the peculiarity of that place, its beauty. You had seen that house before, in your dreams. You were sure.
“Wait a moment,” you said, putting a hand on the page so she wouldn’t keep turning it. Miranda stopped, looking at you in silence while you took out your inseparable notebook.
A house with a waterfall, surrounded by forest.
A dark forest, a small clearing where there was a grave
A wooden bridge swinging over a cliff
All of those were notes from your dreams. You couldn't stop looking at that photograph. It was that house, that very house.
“Is something wrong?” Miranda asked, while you examined your notes. You looked up and shook your head, rubbing your forehead, which was already breaking out in nervous sweat.
“No... It's just that... That house,” you said, pointing at the photograph. Miranda frowned and approached it, looking at you confused.
“That house?” she asked curiously, her eyes staring into yours.
“Yeah, I've seen it before, I'm, I'm sure,” you murmured, confused, thinking that maybe you were still asleep in that taxi.
“How can that be possible, (Y/N)? It's the first time you've come here,” Miranda said, with a suspicious but interested tone.
“I know but… I, I've dreamed about that house, I'm completely sure,” you said, placing your finger on the photograph, sighing and shaking at that coincidence.
“Dreamed,” the priestess said, with apparent disinterest.
“Yes, I… Tell me, is there a wooden bridge to get there? An elevator?” you asked, without thinking very well about what you were saying. They always told you that those dreams weren't important. Your PhD could be in danger if Miranda considered you a disturbed person.
Her eyes closed slowly as she nodded, confirming your intuition.
“Tell me, (Y/N)…” she murmured, slowly getting up from the desk, not taking her gaze off yours. “Does the name Donna Beneviento sound familiar to you?”
You could barely hear it, but you tried to look for that name in your notebook, or one similar. No, it didn't ring a bell. You had never heard it before. It was a completely unknown name to you.
“No, it doesn't ring a bell,” you said, shaking your head and frowning, putting your notebook away again, trying not to get nervous.
“Mm,” the blonde murmured, sketching a brief fake smile, as if downplaying your words. “Well, I think I know where you're staying… Excuse me a moment, I have to make a call.”
You nodded, relaxing, still looking at that picture while the priestess picked up an old phone, dialing a number on it and waiting impatiently.
“Donna, dear…” the woman commented. You turned your head slightly to pay attention to that conversation. “Yes, yes… Listen to me… No, Donna, I said listen to me. I have a job for you… Oh, no, a simple one… A stranger has come at my request to do some research in the village… No, nothing like that… No, Donna, taci…” she murmured, looking at you, realizing that you were listening to her and rolling her eyes mockingly.
You looked away. Well, after all, you didn't need eyes to listen.
“The girl comes to investigate about plants, fauna, you know, those stuff…” she continued talking. “Simple, dear, she will stay with you. Yes, Donna, in your house… Oh, please, can you just speak up for yourself? That puppet of yours is giving me a headache.”
“Oh, much better…” Miranda sighed, relaxing her tone of voice. “No, Donna, I'm completely serious, the girl will stay with you and there is no discussion possible. Try to be nice, mm? Oh, and keep Angie out of it, at least for a while, I don't want the girl to run away, yet…”
Those words were like a switch for your nerves, making you tense. Angie, that name, Angie, you had heard it in dreams, you had written it down.
Miranda hung up the phone, bringing you out of your thoughts and approaching you again.
“Well, it seems you already have accommodation,” she said, joining her hands, with a slightly different attitude. “You will stay with Donna, one of the village Lords. Not all outsiders are so lucky, right?”
“Lord?” you asked curiously. Miranda laughed in a fake way, nodding.
“Relax, dear, I'm sure you'll get used to this place little by little. Oh, and one more thing… Donna isn't… Well, let's say she's not very well in the head so… Be careful with what you say, mm?”
“Not well in the head? Is she dangerous?” you asked, a bit scared.
“Oh, no, she’s not… Well, if you're careful, of course,” she joked disinterestedly. Your desire to leave the village increased by the moment. “She's a very peculiar woman, but I'm sure she'll be nice to you if you're nice to her.”
“Miranda… Who's Angie?” you asked again, acknowledging that, indeed, you were aware of that phone conversation.
“Mm, I suppose you'll find that out in time too,” she answered coldly, dryly, making a gesture to indicate you to get up from the chair. “Now go, I'm busy.”
“Okay, okay,” you whispered, getting up, frowning. “How do I get to that house?”
“I'm sure you'll know how to get there, (Y/N),” Miranda said, writing something on some papers, not paying attention to you.
Confused, you left that kind of laboratory, looking around for the way to that mansion, to the house that repeatedly appeared in your dreams.
“Oh, excuse me, sir,” you said, stopping a man who was pulling an old cart. “Would you be so kind as to tell me how to get to Donna Beneviento's house?”
The man opened his eyes wide, leaving the cart on the ground and shaking his head.
“Do you want to die, girl?” the villager growled, leaving you stuck in the snow. “Stupid outsiders...” he hissed before picking up the cart again, looking at you with a disgusted face.
“Okay, thanks,” you said, furious at that attitude, or rather, scared.
You walked through the village in confusion, not knowing where to go, not knowing which way to go. You decided to stop asking, since no villager seemed willing to help you.
“Oh…” you said, stopping at an old wooden door with a symbol engraved on it: a moon and a sun. Again, you reached for your notebook. You had seen it before, in your dreams, you had drawn it on one of the pages. “I, I guess it’s this way.”
Your nerves prevented you from remembering, from focusing your gaze on those trees that seemed familiar to you, on that wooden bridge that you heard creaking in the same way as in your dreams. You hadn’t been wrong, that was the way to the mansion.
As you crossed that bridge, a strange feeling invaded you, one that you hadn’t had for a long time. Two abandoned cabins were next to you, two cabins surrounded by stone angels that you approached automatically, putting a hand on them.
“You can’t get me, you can't get me...” a voice sang.
“What?” you asked confused, at the sight of a girl running through that place, a girl being chased by another one. The sensations, the voices and strange images were also part of your life, although never that intensely. “I think, I think I need a break...”
Walking a little further, you came to that clearing, one decorated with a grave that jutted out of a mound, the grave of a girl, Claudia Beneviento.
“Now she walks through the valley of death... How sinister,” you said, reading the inscription on that tombstone.
“I should have died instead of her...”
“Don't say that, you would have left me without you...”
Children's voices came back to torment you. They weren't visions, nor dreams. They were sensations, air currents that carried those voices to your mind, faceless, meaningless voices.
Finally, going up an archaic elevator, the mansion stood before you. It was the same waterfall, the same sound of running water, the same cool, damp breeze, the same smell of flowers. Everything was the same.
“Ahem,” you said, climbing the steps towards that house, meditating, making the decision to knock on the door instead of running away and never coming back. “Hello?”
The door suddenly opened before you knocked, making you step back. A woman appeared, dressed in black, with her face covered by a veil, Donna Beneviento, surely.
“Hello… I'm…” you said shyly, kindly extending your hand towards the woman, who seemed nervous, frozen, with her hands shaking.
“No… It can't be…” a hoarse voice whispered from behind that veil, taking several steps back. “You, you can't be here.”
The lady seemed very nervous, too much. Yes, you knew she wasn't mentally well, but that attitude didn't make any sense.
“Miranda told me I would stay with you for a while and…” you stammered. She shook her head profusely, breathing heavily. “Oh, hey, are you okay?”
“It's not true… This, this can't be true…” she muttered to herself, turning around and resting her hands on her head, moving on herself. “No, you're not here…”
“Well, yes, I am,” you said cautiously, getting a little closer to the lady, risking putting a hand on her shoulder, a hand she immediately pushed away with a furious growl. “You… You're Donna, aren't you?”
“What? You're asking me my name? How dare you show up at my house and…?” she stammered, pushing you away unpleasantly. “Non… Non è possibile…”
You stepped back a little, looking at the door, seriously considering turning back. But it wasn’t fear or that woman’s erratic attitude anymore, something else was pushing you to stay, a heavy feeling that fell on your shoulders.
“Oh, Italian… Okay…” you murmured, remembering Miranda’s advice: be nice. “Um.. Io… Sono… Sono…”
“Stop pretending!” she squealed, nervous, pointing at you with her finger “You know Italian perfectly.”
“What? No… Of course I don’t…” you said confused, frowning and putting your hands in a surrender position.
“Of course you do, I… I was the one who…” she hissed, sighing nervously, controlling her breathing. “You… You are…”
“(Y/N),” you said with more courage, extending your hand again towards her, who seemed to stop when she heard your name. “Mi, Miranda has spoken to you, I’m the girl who…”
“(Y/N)? Is that your name?” she asked with a calmer tone, but with her hands shaking as she approached again. “Are you sure?”
You laughed confused, running a hand over your forehead as you nodded.
“Well, quite sure,” you joked, biting your lip, watching how that madness dissipated little by little.
“How old are you?” the lady in black asked, curious, uneasy, but at the same time, more serene.
The question surprised you, but you shrugged. After all, you were her guest.
“25,” you answered in a kind tone.
The lady in mourning sighed, letting her shoulders fall, shaking her head.
“25…” she repeated, in a whisper. “I see… No, it can't be…”
“Um, I…” you said, interrupting her senseless murmurs. “I, I don't want to be a bother, really. I can, I can find another place to stay and…”
“No,” she said dryly, with a brusque, sudden tone. “Mother Miranda has ordered me to take you in, and that's what I intend to do.”
“Mother Miranda?” you asked, frowning at that strange name, that curious nickname.
“Come,” the lady said, turning and going up the stairs, where, on the wall, a portrait of a woman seemed to be watching you.
It was a beautiful woman, wearing the same dress as Lady Beneviento, holding what looked like a sinister doll. A shiver ran down your spine again.
“How cool, it's really cool!”
“My dad gave it to me, it's called...”
“Here, (Y/N),” the woman in black interrupted that kind of feeling, those voices that echoed in your head, pointing to a small room, where you would surely stay.
“Oh, okay... Do I stay here?” you asked nervously, passing by her, smelling the lavender of her perfume, one that, strangely, also seemed familiar to you.
She nodded slightly, letting you pass without taking her hidden gaze off you, you could feel it.
“Th, thank you… Donna? Lady Beneviento?” you said with exaggerated kindness. A growl came from the black veil, as if the simple act of saying her name had been terribly offensive to her.
She didn't answer. She simply left the room, closing the door with a loud slam.
“Well, it could have been worse,” you sighed, letting yourself fall on the small bed.
You were too tired to start your research and, after everything that had happened, you decided to call it a day, lying down and closing your eyes.
“You're wrong... Nobody could ever, ever like me with... This, this face...” a young woman said, again, without a face, without a clear voice, sitting next to you in a vague place.
“Nonsense, you are... You are beautiful, D…” you said, convinced of something you couldn't see.
“No, I'm not,” the teenager said, with a voice that was increasingly dark and distorted.
“I, I like you...” you said shyly, looking at your legs, dressed in a strange dress, full of patterns of colors that you had never seen before.
“Do... Do you like me?” the young woman asked, with a distant voice, just as vague.
You nodded, with the familiar burning sensation of blushing on your cheeks.
“I like you too…” that dark voice said, that blurry figure, leaning closer to you. “Even though… Even though we are friends, I… I wanted, I wanted to tell you that…”
Suddenly you opened your eyes, waking up from a dream like any other, of conversations with a faceless woman, with an unknown girl, a conversation too lucid, too concrete.
“Uff…” you sighed, sweating in bed, shaking your head and looking for your notebook, although you had nothing to write on it. “When I get home, I'll have to see a doctor…”
Tired, needing to freshen up, you left the room in search of the bathroom, peeking through the door, checking that there were no sinister ladies nearby.
The house was completely dark and, not wanting to disturb your hostess's rest, you took out your useless phone, turning on the flashlight to guide you around that place.
“Much better…” you sighed when you refreshed yourself in the sink, with that inaudible voice, with that feeling from your dream still very present in your thoughts. You turned off the tap, or well, you tried to, it seemed that the sink had no intention of obeying you.
As if you had a silent revelation, you pulled the handle, moving it gently until the water stopped coming out. It was like… Like you suddenly knew you had to do this, like you'd done it before.
You stood there, stunned, looking at yourself in the mirror.
“There's a trick, you have to pull it a bit, otherwise it won’t close… My parents say that one day they will fix it…”
Again that strange voice passed through your mind, forcing you to put your hands on your temples, which were throbbing intensely, threatening another one of your horrible migraines, migraines that you had since you were very young.
“Not now…” you said in a whisper, knowing that you hadn't brought your medications, that you didn't consider them a priority. “Shit, does this crazy woman have some ibuprofen?” you asked, walking towards the stairs, going down them slowly.
The portrait caught your attention again, that stoic beauty, that sinister puppet…
“Hello? Lady Beneviento?” you asked in the darkness, illuminating the mansion with your phone, getting no answer. “I'll have to look on my own… I'm a researcher, right?” you joked to yourself, passing through the door that seemed to lead to a dining room, one that, somehow, you found familiar.
The musty smell, the furniture, that feeling of loneliness you had already felt. You didn't have to pay attention to the obstacles, you dodged them without wanting to, knowing where they were. You didn't give it any importance, your head was already starting to hurt.
A creaking sound behind scared you, the sound of wood sinking under something, a small footstep. Nothing, everything seemed to be as usual. Everything? No. In a small corner, on top of a sofa that you thought was empty, there was something, something sinister that you recognized instantly, a doll, the same doll in the portrait.
You were born curious. Nothing could stop you from approaching it.
“What is this?” you asked, approaching the puppet, carefully picking it up and moving it in your arms. The sound of the wooden joints caused another horrible feeling of déjà vu. “A ventriloquist doll?”
You examined that doll with curiosity, moving it to look for something, something that would tell you why your heart had started beating fast.
“Why do I have the feeling that we have seen each other before?” you murmured, passing your hand over its broken face, destroyed by the arrangements that it had to have over time.
“Ha! Not at all, stupid! Get me off your filthy foreign hands, stupid, stupid!”
“Yiahhh!” you screamed, letting the puppet fall to the floor.
It couldn't be a dream, or a nightmare, or even your imagination. You had seen that doll move, you had heard it speak. You weren't crazy, you had heard it.
“Shit,” you said scared, stepping back, looking at the doll, which was now inert on the floor. “What the...?”
Fearful, you picked up your phone, pointing it again at the doll, which didn't seem to move. Relieved because you thought it had been a silly thing, you picked it up again, leaving it on the couch with a frown.
“Damn jet lag…” you lamented, passing a trembling hand over your forehead, sighing, watching that horrible doll.
But the doll was not the strangest thing of all. In a corner, on a nearby table, there was what looked like an old framed photograph, a black and white one, straight out of another era. Two girls appeared on it, one of them dark-haired, with hair as black as the night, with skin as pale as the Moon. On her face there was a scar that kept her right eye closed.
You didn't know who she was, you couldn't know, even though she looked suspiciously like the woman in the portrait, a few years younger, of course.
But that coincidence wasn't what made your body tremble again. Next to her, another girl smiled excitedly, holding a teddy bear. You had to look at her several times to make sure that, like that doll, it hadn't been some kind of hallucination due to the time change.
“No...” you sighed, picking up that photo, looking at that girl over and over again. “It can't be...”
You nervously picked up your phone, hurriedly browsing through the photo gallery until you found what you wanted, a photo of yourself when you were little, a photo of a girl identical to the one in that portrait.
“Amazing,” you said, comparing the two photos. There was a rather disturbing resemblance.
A sinister laugh distracted you from your astonishment. You searched everywhere, focused on the doll. Nothing.
Fearful and scared, you decided to go back to your room. Maybe in daylight you could clarify everything.
“Good, good morning,” you said in a timid voice, rubbing your eyes as you walked down to the dining room. The lady in black was already there, sitting at the table, quiet, as if she were a ghost, as if she wasn't even there.
Walking towards the table, you glanced at the doll, which seemed to still be in the same position. Donna's response to your kindness was a simple nod.
“Um... Can I... Can I have some coffee?” you asked timidly, pointing at an old coffee pot. “It looks great. It smells great.”
“You don't like coffee,” the lady said in a hoarse voice, with a soft tone that seemed a bit different from the day before. You frowned, sitting in front of her.
“Oh, well, no, not especially but... You know, college changed my mind,” you explained amused, pouring some liquid into a cup, not having noticed that information she provided, something she shouldn't, she couldn't know.
Donna sighed, playing with her spoon, not wanting to look at you, but at the same time, not being able to not do it.
“Mother Miranda says you’ve come to study plants,” she commented, after a tense moment of silence. You nodded, setting your cup down on the table.
“It’s for my PhD. My parents told me this place could be very interesting,” you explained in a calm voice, still keeping an eye on the doll on the couch.
“Your parents,” she said, completely ignoring your motivations.
“Yes…” you affirmed with a fake smile. “It, it seems that they knew Miranda for a long time. She worked with them in some kind of scientific corporation.”
“But you weren't born here,” she said, with a dark, intriguing voice, as if she knew the answer to her own questions. That made you remember things that you didn't like to talk about.
“No, I… I was born, I was born in… Well, I don't know exactly where I was born. I'm… I'm adopted,” you said, annoyed by that indiscretion. The lady in black nodded with disinterest.
“What happened to your biological parents?” the woman in black asked, sinking a dagger into your fragile feelings, starting to annoy you.
“I, I didn't know them, I…” you murmured with your hand shaking, with the sadness of your past starting to stir your heart. “I don't feel comfortable talking about this with a stranger.”
“Stranger…” she murmured, crossing her arms, as if she were mocking you. You couldn't know, the veil on her face hid her expressions. “You're in my house, you have to show some respect for me.”
“Respect?” you asked, arching your eyebrows. “You're the one who asks me personal things. In my country that's disrespectful.”
“Do you know what is disrespectful?” Donna asked, getting up from her chair and getting dangerously close to you. “Your existence.”
You stood there open-mouthed, not knowing how to respond to that offensive comment, closing your eyes, sighing and trying not to lose your nerves.
“Great, I like you too,” you joked, making the lady turn around abruptly, without saying anything, just breathing with difficulty.
The image of the night before, the image of that photograph you accidentally put in your backpack came back to your mind. It wasn't the best time, but, after all, you weren't doing much to stay in that house. You would have to get out of doubt.
“I'm sorry,” you apologized with a grunt. “I was rude.”
“Me too,” she said, apparently calmer, ignoring your comments.
“Okay…” you sighed in relief, slowly taking the photo frame out of your backpack, looking at it once more. “Hey, who is this girl?”
The lady froze when she saw you with the photo, snatching it from you with a strong tug of her hands.
“What are you doing with that?! This is mine!” she screamed furiously, kicking the floor and tightly clutching the photo to her chest. “It's mine!”
“I, I know, I took it by accident because…” you said nervously, trying to explain why you kept it, what you wanted to know.
“Don't touch my stuff!” Donna protested, upset, with a voice broken by rage and sudden sobs. “Don't touch her!”
“I'm, I'm sorry, but it's just that...” you said, approaching her trembling figure.
“Stupida! What have you come for?! To torture me?! Is it because I couldn't save you?!” she screamed deliriously, unhinged, totally out of her mind. You could run away, take advantage of her madness to escape but... You didn't.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, approaching slowly, trying to calm her down. “Donna, I...”
“Perché?! To lose you wasn't it enough? Haven't I suffered enough?” she stammered, sitting on the floor with her knees on her chest, burying her covered face between them. You, bent down, trying to grab her wrists.
“Please, calm down, please, I, I didn't mean to…” you said nervously, feeling sorry for that sick woman, unintentionally intoxicating yourself with that familiar lavender scent.
“Donna, Donna! Don't do that!” a third voice, which you didn't hear, approached you. “Don't pay attention to this fool. Donna, Donna, sing, sing with me…”
A soft song came out of that black veil, one that seemed to calm her under your watchful gaze. You were so nervous that you didn't notice there was someone else there.
“Fool, damn foolish outsider, you made my Donna cry!”
The voice spoke again, while the lady ran out, crying inconsolably.
“I didn't mean to make her suffer,” you said, standing up, brushing the dust off your pants. “I don't…”
You opened your eyes when you realized there was something strange, someone, something that shouldn't be there. You slowly turned your head, staring in astonishment at that doll, a doll that was no longer lying inert on the couch, but standing next to you.
“No…” you sighed, slowly moving away, your body paralyzed by fear. “Oh, no…”
“What are you looking at, you fool? Have you seen a ghost?” the doll said again, confirming that you hadn't imagined it. It was alive.
“How, how can you…? Oh, no, no, you can't be alive,” you stammered, suppressing the impulse to take out your phone and record that phenomenon.
“You're the one who can't be alive! Stupid outsider!” the doll shrieked, in an unpleasant, shrill tone, walking away from your petrified body. “If you mess with my Donna again, you'll pay dearly! Keep that in mind, Angie is always watching!”
“Angie?” you repeated, blinking in confusion. You had dreamed of that name.
Maybe some fresh air would do you good, and besides, you had to start your investigations.
During the day you walked around the village, looking for those places you saw in your dreams, leaving the plants aside, having a new objective: to know why that place was so familiar to you, what was happening in that cursed village.
The night came too soon and, without wanting it, you were already back in that mansion, next to that living doll and its disturbed owner. The atmosphere was still tense, but something had changed. In front of you, a plate of food that she had prepared for you was waiting.
“It's not poisoned, eat,” Donna whispered, with a voice broken by the crying of hours before, but with a slightly different serenity. You, distrustful but hungry, obeyed.
“Mmm, it has a lot of oregano,” you commented with a false smile. “I always liked tomatoes with a lot of oregano, how did you know?”
The lady shrugged, as if she didn't feel like talking.
It was true that she looked dangerous, that her problems could cause you to have them, but, above all, you had something in mind, you wanted to know why the girl in the photo looked so much like you, why, for so many years, you had dreamed of that place, that house.
“Well…”you stammered, breaking the silence again. “I, I'd like to know something else about… Angie,” you said, afraid of her reaction, looking at the doll, which seemed to be entertaining itself with some balls of wool.
“Angie,” Donna repeated.
“Yes, I… Well, I've never seen a living doll,” you said amused, hiding your fear.
“I suppose you haven’t,” she said, coldly. “If you don't annoy her, she won't do anything to you.”
“Oh, okay…” you said, disappointed with the answer, continuing with that silent dinner, at least until your desire to know, to understand, came back to your head. “So… What do you do here?”
“I make dolls,” the lady answered with a disinterested whisper, leaving you speechless again.
“Wooow, there are a lot of dolls…”
“My father makes them, one day I will be like him”
“Will you make one for me?”
“As many as you want…”
Inopportune whispers echoed in your head, making you drink water, so those feelings would not worsen the tension of that dinner, the first of many others.
“Wow, that's... interesting,” you murmured, feigning interest. Donna didn't answer. She just stared at you through her veil. “I don't know many people who make porcelain dolls.”
That caught the lady's attention, tensing her body and breathing nervously again.
“I didn't say they were porcelain dolls,” she said in a cold, distrustful tone.
“Oh...” you said, regretting your boldness. Porcelain dolls, another entry in your notebook, a recurring vision in your dreams.
Everything was related, there was no doubt. The only thing you didn't understand was what Lady Beneviento had to do with it.
“You knew they are porcelain dolls,” she said again, taking you out of your thoughts, out of the memories of your dreams, memories full of dolls, of laughter, of faceless women.
“No, well, not really,” you said apologetically, pretending that your success had really been a coincidence. “I just said it randomly.”
“That's not true,” Donna whispered, getting up from the chair, approaching you with the same dangerous, slow and threatening step. “You knew it, how?”
“I, I don't know,”-you stammered, blushing at your lie.
“No matter how much you deny it, I know it's you,” she whispered, bringing a hand to your cheek, one that made you stir, but not move away.
“I, I don't know what you're talking about,” you said nervously, turning your face away so those soft caresses would stop.
There was no more conversation. There was nothing else to clarify your confused thoughts.
The days passed slowly, your dreams became more and more unbearable, more intense, the voices that sounded in your subconscious revealed things you didn't know, words that you didn't understand. That figure, that blurred face of that woman refused to be revealed.
You had so many new notes in your notebook that there were no blank spaces left. But all that information didn't make sense. It was confusing, confusing names, distorted voices, imaginary scenarios inside or outside that mansion.
Your doctorate was the main loser. It was as if everything you had gone to do in that village blurred with time. That was the place of your dreams, of your visions, of all the sensations that remained latent in your feelings.
Donna didn't seem to want to overwhelm you with strange phrases, with stupid accusations like the first few days. Her attitude relaxed, she seemed more comfortable with you, although always absent, shy, distant and at the same time eager to get closer.
She was the only thing you didn't understand, but somehow, that voice, the softness that her hands seemed to have, that lavender scent... All of that started to confuse your feelings, to make you start to feel attracted to her, hopelessly.
“Hi, I’m back...” you sighed, carrying two shopping bags.
Of course, living in that huge mansion could be an order from Miranda, but that didn't mean you could live without giving anything in return. Shopping was a task that the lady in black assigned to you, thus freeing herself from having to face her anxieties, the discomfort she felt with people around.
“(Y/N),” she whispered, getting up from the sofa, stoic as always, nervous as never. Yes, her nerves seemed to get worse in your presence, but the softness of her character didn't show it. It was a contradiction.
Donna Beneviento was herself a contradiction, a very... attractive contradiction.
“I think I have everything…” you sighed, leaving the bags on a table. “But I'm afraid that fat guy doesn't make bills.”
She laughed shyly, approaching you and looking at the contents, puzzled by a bottle of wine.
“What is this?” she asked, taking the wine out of the bag, showing it to you. You shrugged.
“Oh, it's Mastrala wine,” you said passively.
Donna laughed again, shaking her head.
“I know what it is but… Why did you buy it?” she asked in a lower tone, getting a little closer to you, giving the bottle back to you.
“Oh, I hope you don't mind. The Duke had that bottle there, and… I don't know, I don't really like wine but I thought I could do something with it,” you said, placing that bottle on the table, one bottled that, since you saw it, caught your attention.
“Something?” the lady in black asked, her voice shaking and her hands playing erratically with each other.
“Yes, well, I was thinking of making something sweet, maybe…”
“Zabaione,” you said, but so did she. You two spoke at the same time, you said the same thing. It was a strange, tense moment, one that made you blink several times.
“Y-yes… Right, right…” you sighed confused, your head claiming your attention again. “Um… Well, I, I guess you like them…”
“Of course she likes them!” Angie interrupted, comically pushing Donna closer to you. “She makes them well, very well, don’t you Donna?”
“I, I guess so,” the lady in black murmured, kicking the doll, who laughed amusedly. You still hadn't gotten used to the puppet, but deep down, you liked it.
“Great, I'll make them right away,” you said, wanting to leave the room before the shadows of the unknown lurked again.
“Why don't you make them together? It could be funny,” the doll suggested, with a strange laugh
“Angie, no…” Donna said head down, with an embarrassed tone for the doll's increasingly less subtle impudence. It was as if Angie knew that something had started to grow between you two.
“Eh, it's true, why not?” you said, rubbing your hands. “But I warn you that I'm quite an expert. Since I was little I made them perfect.”
“Yes, that... That would be... Good,” the lady stammered, guiding you towards the kitchen.
As you entered that dark room, more memories, sensations that you lived in your dreams began to haunt you.
“Stop adding sugar or it will be too sweet”
“Just a little more…”
“(Y/N),” the hoarse voice of the lady in black blurred the voices in your head. “The sugar is in…”
You looked down, automatically opening the door of a cupboard, taking out the sugar packet, without really knowing how. How could you know it was there?
“Here,” you said in a small voice, a bit confused, more than usual. “Um… I'm going, I'm going to get the yolks.”
Cooking with the lady in black seemed like a good candidate to be your favorite hobby. Donna laughed while you talked about anything, about college experiences, about your travels… Everything seemed like a gift to her, like a sweet melody that calmed her spirit. Her soft laugh, her shy words and that sweet accent, also calmed yours.
“Perfect, I told you so,” you said, admiring the result with satisfaction. “I can't wait to try them.”
“You were always so impatient,” ​​Donna whispered, wiping her hands with a rag, leaving you again with a loose wire, speaking to you in the past tense, as if she already knew you, as if she did one day.
“It's one of my flaws, yes,” you murmured in a less euphoric tone, helping her to clean up the kitchen. “What do we do with the egg whites?”
“The egg whites? Oh, well, maybe I could make a…”
“Meringue, I love meringue,” you interrupted, with an innocent smile. She nodded, sighing sadly. “My mother used to make it, but I constantly annoyed her, always…”
“You always stuck your finger on it,” Donna finished your sentence again. Once again, you couldn't deny the evidence. She knew too much.
“Y-Yes…” you affirmed, nodding slowly, with a cold sweat running down your forehead.
“You could never stay still, Olga,” she said, making you frown, blinking several times, thinking you had heard wrong.
“Olga?” you asked confused. You didn't remember that name in your notebook, or in your dreams. More problems, more unanswered questions.
Donna looked at you, but then pulled away, shaking her head.
“I'm sorry, I’ve made a mistake,” she said in a very low tone, one that was regretful and broken. “Take the sweets upstairs, I'll make some tea.”
“Okay, but…” you said, seeing how the lady seemed to tremble again, how one of her crises was about to ruin a wonderful afternoon. “Should I help you?”
“No,” she growled, clenching her fists tightly. “Go away.”
“Are you okay?” you asked, putting a hand on her back, one that she rejected, moving violently.
“Vai via!” she shrieked, making you, resigned, obey, taking the tray with the sweets and leaving the lady alone, beginning to sob.
You waited a while for her to go up again, with the annoying Angie dancing around you.
“Hey, Angie, who's Olga?” you asked, picking up the puppet from the floor, causing it to kick violently.
“Let me go, you rude girl!” she shrieked. “Have you never looked yourself in a mirror?”
You obeyed with a frown, knowing that you would never get an answer from that irreverent puppet. Luckily, Donna soon appeared.
The taste of those sweets along with the tea transported you to an unknown place, recognizing the mixture of the darkness of the house, the humidity, the steaming tea, those delicious sweets...
“Even though you're my friend, I... I, I want, I want to tell you that...”
“Come on, talk”
“I know it won't come true if I say it, but, but... My birthday wish has been... To give you, to give you a kiss...”
That image appeared in your head, the image of that strange dream, of that blurry woman who slowly approached you, placing her blurry lips on yours. You even brought your hand to your mouth, believing you had felt that kiss, you had noticed the softness of those unknown lips.
“(Y/N),” Donna, who had remained silent until that moment, spoke to you. The sensation of that kiss disappeared with her words. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you in the kitchen.”
“No, well, it's okay,” you said, trying one of those sweets, much less pleasant than that imaginary kiss. “We all make mistakes.”
“I haven't made a mistake,” she said in a more serious tone, with her cup of tea shaking in her hands. “Do you remember the photo you stole from me?”
“Oh, I didn't steal anything from you, I took it by accident and…” you said, getting scared by that cold attitude, one that she hadn't had with you for a long time.
“Taci, I'm talking,” she protested, nervous.
You nodded, eating slowly, bringing your cup to your lips so as not to say more nonsense.
“The, the girl was… She was…” she said, her voice breaking. “Olga, she was my best friend, the only one, in fact…” she explained, causing your heart to beat faster for no reason. “Let me ask you a question, (Y/N).”
“Mm,” you murmured, interested in that conversation, afraid to say why that girl, Olga, seemed so curious to you.
“I know you don't like to talk about it but… What is your first memory?” she asked in a mysterious, studious voice. You gulped down the tea, embarrassed by the answer.
“You're not the first one to ask me, the, the kids at school laughed at me when I answered,” you said amused, but nervous.
“I'm not going to laugh,” Donna said, with a serious tone, with one that said under that black veil, there was no smile. “Answer, per favore.”
“T, the truth is… It's not exactly a memory... It was more like a dream,” you said, lowering the tone of your voice, immersing yourself in your thoughts, in the dream that was the first, the first of hundreds of them.
She nodded for you to continue.
“Well, I dreamed that I was surrounded… I don't know, by some kind of black branches… I know it was cold, I remember the cold and…  I, I don't know, suddenly my parents appeared and… I, I woke up… Or so I think.”
“Mm,” she murmured, calmly placing her cup of tea down. “Do you usually have those kinds of dreams?”
“Not exactly,” you said, with a serious tone, frowning, ready to reveal for the first time, your concerns, feeling strangely safe next to Donna, comfortable, even… Happy. “This, this will seem crazy to you but… I… I have been here before. I mean, before I arrived… I couldn’t explain why but I… I already knew this place, this house…”
“Did you know me?” she asked suddenly, not surprised by what you were saying, something that confused you even more.
“No, I'm sorry... I've never, ever dreamed about you,” you said, sure of your words.
“I've been dreaming about you for over 30 years,” she whispered in a sad tone. “Since I lost you.”
“30 years?” you asked confused, with a burning sensation in your chest, with all those unknown voices wandering through your mind, overwhelming you, making you tremble. “But, but that's impossible, I... I'm 25 and...”
The lady in black didn't answer, she simply moved her hand to the veil that covered her face, moving it away, letting it fall on the table. She was a beautiful woman, really beautiful, the woman in the portrait, the girl in the photograph. Dark hair, pale skin, one eye, the other hidden by a horrible scar.
You, absorbed by her beauty, by discovering the appearance of that woman for whom you were beginning to have feelings, stood still, studying her features.
“You are… You are beautiful,” you stammered, with a different feeling in your chest, with a deep, sonorous beat, a different one, not nervous, but excited. The voices fell silent, the thoughts of your dreams stopped appearing. In your mind, there was only Donna.
The lady in black, letting a tear slide down her cheek, shook her head.
“You still don't remember me,” she said, lowering her gaze, desperate not to make you understand what she wanted to say, that missing piece in the puzzle of your mind.
“No, I'm, I'm sorry… I don't know why I would have to remember you… I, I don't know what I'm doing here, I…” you said, overwhelmed by the situation, nervous, with an imminent anxiety attack. “Hey, Donna, I, I had a good time with you but, but, I think, I think it's better that I go before I lose my mind.”
“Don't go,” Donna whispered, getting up from the chair at the same time as you. “Don't go, please.”
“I, I don't know what's going on, why, why do I feel like I should be here and at the same time I shouldn't. I don't know why... I, I can't stand it anymore,” you said, shaking your head, with a crazy look, walking towards the entrance. A strong grip on your wrist prevented you from doing so.
“Even at the risk of losing you once again, I can't let you go without first... Without first fulfilling my wish again,” she sobbed, approaching you. You shook your head, crying too, too nervous.
“Your birthday wish,” you said without thinking, remembering that recurring dream, that kiss that a few moments ago you thought you felt on your lips. You went pale, with your eyes wide open, paralyzed.
The lady in black nodded, running her hand over your cheek, getting closer, closing her one eye before closing the distance between you, before kissing you slowly, with soft lips.
A shock went through your body. A tremor nullified the mobility of your muscles while your brain ran through all the images of your life, all your dreams, your dèjá vu. There were no longer blurred figures, incomplete sentences. The truth was revealed in your mind.
“Blow out the candles, Donna”
“Olga, do you think I'm beautiful?”
“I like you, Donna”
“I want us to be friends forever…”
“I have something to tell you”
“I liked kissing you, tell me you'll come back tomorrow”
“I'll come back tomorrow…”
The woman without a face, that blurred figure, was no longer one. Black hair, a scar, a melodic accent, a soft voice, a dazzling smile, the smell of lavender…
Donna, it was her, she was the mysterious woman, that woman of your dreams, that little girl who played with you, that young woman who kissed you that rainy afternoon, that afternoon after which, you couldn't remember, or dream anything.
Endless experiences, memories, clouded your thoughts while her lips kissed you, while that feeling of having done that before invaded you, telling you that it was true, that you were madly in love with her, with your best friend, that you kissed her, that she kissed you, that that afternoon you came home and everything went black.
Family, friends, a strange cult, the figure of Mother Miranda... Your whole life passed through your thoughts. But it wasn't yours, it couldn't be yours.
“Oh, Christine, look at that...”
“My God, it's a baby...”
“Where did it come from? Poor girl...”
“Look at that, it's the mold...”
“God, what does this mean?”
“I, I don't know, but, we can't leave her here...”
The voices of your adoptive parents were the last thing you heard before opening your eyes, before pulling away from that warm kiss. As if drugged, as if you were very far from that place, you brought your hands to the brunette's face, looking at it again and again, with the salty taste of your tears still on your lips. Donna, it was Donna, it was that girl you loved, the one you loved once, in another life.
“Donna… It's you…” you sighed, confused but sure of what you saw, of what you felt. That attraction for the lady in black disappeared under a sea of ​​love, of feelings that had remained locked away for too long. “My God, Donna, I, I remember you.”
“Do you remember me?” she asked confused, letting herself be caressed by your trembling hands, getting closer, studying your lost gaze.
“I, I don't know why but… I… I…” you said nervously, smiling involuntarily, drawing her towards you to kiss her again. “I, I, I loved you, I loved you even without knowing you, I knew I loved you…”
“(Y/N)…” she sighed, shaking her head. “I could never tell you… You, you left before I could tell you how, how in love I was with you.”
“I… I died, right?” you asked, unable to stop caressing her, unable to stop smelling that lavender scent, her scent, the scent of the unknown love of your life.
“Yes, you… You, you fell off a cliff… And… I… I was left so alone…” she said, kissing you desperately.
Everything fit, even your irrational hatred of heights.
“I, I don't know how to understand this… I, I’m (Y/N). I’m, I'm not Olga…” you said nervously again, grabbing her sweaty hands, losing yourself in the softness of her skin. “I will never, never be.”
“So…” she whispered, moving away from your touch, sobbing heartbreakingly. “Even knowing, knowing who you really are… You, you will leave.”
“I don't know who I am, or who I was… I just, I just know that… That I love you. It’s the only thing I'm sure of right now.”
“Who loves me?” Donna asked abruptly, with her lips pressed together, with a fury shining in her eye.
“I love you,” you whispered, lowering your head, not wanting to think that you had been reincarnated, that you were never (Y/N), that you were a projection of a girl who died, who ceased to exist, and then came back.
“Who are you, (Y/N)?” she asked again, coming closer timidly, taking your hands, playing with them, hoping to hear an answer that wasn't a rejection.
“I, I guess if… If I want to know… I'll have to, I'll have to stay with you,” you whispered softly, pulling on her waist, kissing her again, wanting to feel those soft lips on yours again, and forever.
“Will you stay with me?” she asked, pulling away, crying just like you, confused, just like you, but in love... Just like you. “You, you don't know me. (Y/N) doesn't know me.”
“Of course I know you,” you said smiling. “You've been living in my dreams for a long time.”
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mah-o-daryaa · 9 months
Avatar Cycle Trivia
Avatar Wan
Wan's name translates to "ten thousand" in Mandarin Chinese, as he lived ten thousand years before Avatar Korra. His name is also a pun on "one", as in Avatar number one.
Wan wore the colour of each of the four nations during his battle against Vaatu. His robes were yellow and orange (air), his armbands were green (earth), his sash was blue (water), and his scarf was red (fire).
In addition to becoming the first Avatar, Wan is also the first true firebender, as he was the first person to learn firebending from a dragon.
By fusing with Raava during Harmonic Convergence, Wan is technically the oldest Avatar to be identified, being 21 at the time.
The Earth Kingdom battlefield where Wan died is the same field that Zuko visits millennia later in Zuko Alone (Book 2: Episode 7). Interestingly, Wan first appeared in Beginnings, Part 1, which was the seventh episode of Legend of Korra, Book 2: Spirits.
Avatar Yangchen
Yangchen is the only known Avatar to have a sibling (Jetsun).
Yangchen is technically the first Avatar to have an established Team Avatar (not counting Wan and Raava).
Yangchen had split-personality disorder with her past lives, where she essentially suffered from nightmares of her past lives bleeding into her present self.
Yangchen's companion Kavik is the first person ever seen get chi-blocked.
Yangchen did not like the idea of people creating statues of herself in the future. Ironically, she was greatly revered in the Four Nations, and a statue each was built in both the Eastern and Western Air Temples.
Avatar Kuruk
Kuruk is currently the only known Avatar whose predecessor and successor were both women (Yangchen and Kyoshi respectively).
Kuruk had more lovers in 3 decades than Kyoshi did in over 2 centuries (the true story is more tragic).
Kuruk had a habit of challenging random people to feats of strength, which makes him the only known Avatar in history to have participated in an Agni Kai.
Kuruk was the best hunter and tracker in the history of the Four Nations. It's said there was nothing he couldn't hunt or track down (that includes spirits).
Kuruk is the only known Avatar to enter the Spirit World after death. Considering that only people with a special connection to the Spirit World can enter at death (such as Iroh and Yue), this means Kuruk must have had a spiritual connection rivalling that of most Air Nomad monks or nuns.
Avatar Kyoshi
Kyoshi is the only known Avatar known to be of mixed nationality; her father was from the Earth Kingdom, while her mother was a renegade Air Nomad.
Kyoshi had a rare condition with her earthbending where she could move large objects with ease but had difficulty in moving smaller objects (Suffering From Success).
Kyoshi has witnessed more passings of Sozin's Comet than anyone else, with three (not counting Lao Ge).
Kyoshi learned the secret to immortality from Lao Ge, which led her to have the longest lifespan of any Avatar.
Kyoshi has threatened both the Earth King and the Firelord.
Avatar Roku
Roku and Firelord Sozin share the same birthday.
Roku has been featured in the introduction sequences of both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.
Roku is the only known Avatar to appear old when he was called upon by the current Avatar.
When Roku entered the Avatar State for the first time, he destroyed the Fire Sage Temple.
Roku's dragon Fang is the only animal companion ever seen in the Spirit World.
Avatar Aang
It took Aang longer than any Avatar in history to become fully realized, being over a century old.
Aang has a scar on his back and on his foot, because of how electricity works.
Aang choosing four toys out of thousands – to identify him as the Avatar as these four toys were the same ones that past Avatars had chosen for generations when they were children – was the same procedure used by the Tibetan Buddhist monks to recognize the next reincarnation of the Tulku Lama.
Aang has met the original source of every bending art: a flying bison for air, the Moon Spirit for water, badgermoles for earth, and two dragons for fire.
Aang is the first Avatar to have his picture taken.
Avatar Korra
At four years old, Korra is the youngest Avatar in history to be identified.
Korra is the first Avatar to learn spiritbending.
Korra is the only Avatar to break out of bloodbending without the use of the Avatar State (sorry, Aang).
Korra is the only Avatar to have killed a member of her own family (Unalaq).
Korra is the first known person to ever tame a polar bear-dog (Naga).
Wan and Roku are the only two Avatars to die in combat.
Roku and Aang are the only two Avatars to fight a volcano. Aang was successful, while Roku died.
Aang and Korra are the only two Avatars to ever be defeated in the Avatar State.
Aang and Kyoshi are the only two Avatars to ever get hit by lightning. Ironically, when Kyoshi was hit by lightning, her chakras were opened and she gained the ability to enter the Avatar State; conversely, Aang's chakras were blocked and he was unable to enter the Avatar State.
Kuruk and Roku are the only two Avatars to have been identified the "traditional" way in their respective nations at 16; Wan fused with Raava at 21, Kyoshi was identified at 16 when she recited Kuruk's poem, and Yangchen, Aang and Korra were identified at younger ages.
Yangchen, Aang, and Korra are the only Avatars to have been identified at younger ages than 16.
Wan, Aang, and Korra are the only Avatars who are modeled after real-life people. Wan is modeled after co-creator Bryan Konietzko (but with cooler hair); young Aang is modeled after Arjuna, Sifu Kisu's son (but Aang is bald), while adult Aang is modeled after co-creator Mike DiMartino; and Korra is modeled after various female MMA fighters, most notably Gina Carrano.
Roku and Korra are the only two Avatars who have worn an outfit from each of the four nations on-screen.
Roku and Korra are the only two Avatars to have connections to royalty. Firelord Zuko, and thus every following Firelord, are descendants of both Roku and Sozin, whereas Korra's father was a member of the Northern Water Tribe's royal family, and was later elected as the chief of the newly independent Southern Water Tribe.
When Kyoshi first met Yangchen, she (Kyoshi) mistook Yangchen for her own mother.
When Kyoshi first met Kuruk, she almost drowned her physical body trying to communicate with him.
Roku and Yangchen are the only two Avatars to have hugged the current Avatar at the time (Aang and Kyoshi respectively).
Wan, Korra, and Kuruk are the only Avatars to refer to Raava by name, although the latter (Kuruk) had never met Raava.
Yangchen, Kuruk, and Aang are the only Avatars to have invented an airbending technique. By extension, Kuruk is the only person outside of the Air Nomads to invent an airbending technique (he didn't get his mastery tattoos, what a shame).
Aang and Korra are the only two Avatars to learn energybending.
Kyoshi, Roku, and Aang are the only Avatars to use bending after their respective deaths.
Kyoshi, Roku, and Aang are also the only Avatars to have descendants (but let's be realistic, so did Kuruk).
Aang and Korra both learned their native element from a companion of the previous Avatar, and their final element from a descendant of the previous Avatar. Aang learned airbending from Monk Gyatso, a companion of Roku, and learned firebending from Zuko, Roku's great-grandson. Korra learned waterbending from Katara, Aang's wife, and learned airbending from Tenzin, Aang and Katara's youngest son.
That's all the fun facts I could find.
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
I decided to create a masterpost or two with all the reblogs that I like in hopes that when someone sends out the “help me find that post” I can find it faster. It will be added to slowly because I do not have the patience to do it all at once. Also in no particular order of preference.
Keep in mind none of these posts are my works and I do not claim them as such.
If you see *** they are really good prompts with lots of reblogs.
Will be edited later, last updated: 7-21-24
Multi-story masterlists
Specific Story lists
Jason is Catnip to Danny
Hyena Danny
Finally Getting Help
Wrong Robin
Badger Day
Man has needs
Take out for Dummies
Danny is just some guy
Changling AU (part 5, other part links at bottom of post)
Fast Car Driver Danny
Haunted Car
Harmless Series
Don’t eat anything
Hero Tweets
Just a Bite
Single posts
Ellie realizes how dangerous Danny’s home is
Danny’s Rescues from the Infinite Realms
Green Lanturn & crew stuck in IR
Dead on Main
Jason courting Danny with a casserole
Overprotective Fenton parents shovel talk
Danny courts Jason by giving him wine cups made from the Joker’s kneecaps
Jason becomes a Ghost Summoner after giving Danny food***
Dream Lover***
Soulmate summoning ring gone wrong
Dead Tired
Coffeeshop accident
Dead Serious
Dead Silent
Danny kills the joker with his thighs
Danny on the run from the GIW
Superman startles Danny and gets a concussion***
Danny In Gotham
Sleepwalker Danny who escapes all traps
Unknowing Fae Danny works at coffee shop
Danny pretends to be a Vampire***
Feral McGee
Danny only gets a Vacation from work in Gotham
Danny seems like an Oracle of Delphi***
The GAV affected by Fear Toxin
Tucker streams while Danny does what Danny does in the background***
Danny is kidnapped(?) by Batman***
Danny gets hired for a money laundering front***
Portal is built in Gotham, not Amity
Naga Danny
Villain Danny
Danny’s obsession is twisted, forcing him to be a villain
Danny teaches heroes their mistakes by being the villain***
Adopted Danny (as in not Bio Fenton)
Danny is Hal Jordan’s son
Harley asks Batman to take away her son
Harvey Dent is Danny’s bio parent
Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne
Danny distribution system
Danny makes a sales pitch to join the Batfam
Reincarnated Danny
They wake up as Talons
Clockwork reincarnated as Alfred
Misunderstanding’s that end in chaos
High Danny mistakes Batman for Jack
Summoning Danny
Number is not in service
Danny: Please get that stalker (Ra’s) away from me
Demon Twin/Brothers
Damian is normal by Amity standards
Maybe(?) his lost twin
Nyssa steals Danny
Danny undercover in Amity
Jazz decided she wanted a brother
Tim Twins/Brothers
Danny and Tim are half-siblings
Danny sleep teleports to another dimension
Jason and Danny are brothers
Jason is a Baby ghost, adopts babier ghost Danny***
Ghost King Danny
Danny needs to take care of the Lazarus pits
Danny finds out there is a Ghost LOA
Danny possesses the president
Danny takes Jason’s online cooking class
Danny forgot what is regular human
Jack was a hitman named Phantom
Ghost Calls
Danny & Jason have the same scars
Superman was supposed to wait for the JLD
Water Core Tim
Fenton Driving curse still applies
Danny asks Wonder Woman to make him a grave on Themyscria***
Kryptonite is actually trapped souls
Danny and self-fulfilling prophecy
Danny pretends to be a demigod son of Hades
Danny gifts Red Robin a jar with Ra’s eyes
Vlad Cloning Danny was actually a much worse offense, breaks oldest ghost law
Amity got put back in the wrong place after the Pariah Dark fight.
Jason involuntarily taken to the ghost hospital
Phantom Letters
Danny learns Astral magic
Miscellaneous Angst
GIW succeeds in shooting the portal
Loki falls through to the IR and is adopted by Danny
Pure DP (not crossover)
Danny was Eldritch the whole time
Danny gets sprayed with a chemical where he hallucinates the person he hates
Demon!AU (with Art)
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impossiblesuitcase · 5 months
Levana has two core tenets that drive her entire personal philosophy, both actively damaging and sustaining her: her need to be beautiful and her need to be loved. They are irrevocably intertwined and are ultimately her undoing.
Two people in her life dictate these notions--Channary and Evret. Channary implanted the desire to be loved and the necessity to be beautiful once Levana is disfigured. Without any willing participation from Evret, Levana carries over these insecurities, needing to be loved by him when Channary fails her and needing to keep up her glamour to feel beautiful. If Solstice is the only woman he can see as beautiful, that's what Levana must become. She sabotages her relationship with him after she shows him her true appearance; she refuses to be loved for her true self, and once he sees it, he must be disposed of. Evret lives on in Winter, who reinforces that Levana cannot ever control them as she wears her three uniform scars with pride.
With the death of these two motivators, she feels free of the burden of needing them. But the demand to be beautiful and loved is indefatigable, so she replaces them with an unearthly, ethereal glamour in her quest for vanity, and the contrived love from her citizens to feel wanted. These are both fundamentally artificial and never satisfy her, so she must always strive for more. Her body, face, voice 'improve' countless times over decades, as she is never sure that they are perfect enough. Her armies become fiercer, her inventory larger, and she sets her sights on the largest territory to conquer--Earth--all in the name of supplying her people to buy their love. Levana could have at any point abandoned her course of tyranny and used her circumstances to reform herself and her country's systemic disparity. She chooses every day to reject these opportunities and each action deepens her need to maintain the façade of love and looks. She is to be pitied, but not to be pardoned.
In order for Levana to be defeated as a villain, she must not only die, but must have her philosophy completely overturned. Kai takes the place of Evret and she replays her manipulation in the same way on their wedding day. But when she marries Kai, glamouring as his lover as she did to Evret, he dismantles her beauty, stating that she will never be as beautiful as the glamourless Linh Cinder. This directly mirrors Evret's loyalty to Solstice and it hurts Levana--not because she loves Kai in any way like she loved Evret--but because the message lives on in him. She is always inadequate.
Her glamour and her loyalties fall in one fell swoop. Her people come to her door to kill her, and her true face is blown up in the sky, permanently tainting her image. With her vanity blighted, all that's left is the fundamental nucleus of her problems: her relationship with Channary. It is the chief relationship in her life, even posthumously, and is the very cause of her perverted worldview. Levana never killed Channary and that is her greatest regret.
When Cinder arrives--Channary's near reincarnation in appearance--Levana has her second chance. It is particularly imperative to her to eliminate Selene because Levana was never loved by Channary, while Selene was. Her existence is a mockery of Levana's pain because it clarifies that Channary was capable of love and actively withheld it from Levana. However when Levana burnt Cinder alive, she levelled the playing field. She assigned Cinder a life of enduring the same prejudice and inadequacy that she faced. Therefore in their final battle, Levana likens Cinder to herself and her need to be desired. By killing Selene, she will finally prove that she has killed her need to be loved by Channary.
To do this, she sets up the perfect replica for this prophetic revenge. Cinder's friend will betray her as Channary did Levana, and Cinder will retaliate as Levana herself wished to do. It is particularly powerful that it is not Kai in the room at this final battle. Romantic love is irrelevant now. Instead it is Thorne, whom Cinder loves as family. Their almost sibling-like dynamic is now reflective of Channary and Levana. Levana asserts that this kind of love is false. But Cinder and Thorne demonstrate their loyalty to one another--even when Thorne is manipulated to hurt her, Cinder attacks Levana, not him. He proves his love in his sobs and apologies as his body rebels. Levana's final desire, to prove that love is merely a conquest and a war, is dashed.
In the end, Levana stabs Cinder, but it doesn't matter. Her worldview is shattered, her tenuous beliefs severed. That is where Levana is defeated. The final shot that kills her is simply to finalise the matter. Her tenets die with her and can be replaced with the true forms of beauty and love. Cinder and Winter, disfigured and scarred and unashamed. Kai, who loves Cinder and loves her appearance because she gave him good reason to, and never through manipulation. Cinder, who attains loyalty from the citizens of Luna and Earth alike through her action and compassion.
Love is not conquered, love is not a war; it is earned.
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dunmeshi-darlings · 6 months
Hi! Are you new? Love your works btw.
If it's okay. May I please request Marcille ?
Scenario: Her human s/o passes away from old age, leaving her and their grown up kids sad and depressed.
Then, centuries pass, we're now in the modern age. Marcille finds herself working for her reincarnated s/o, who's now a CEO, as their secretary. Unfortunately, s/o doesn't remember their past life.
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Hello!! yes i am indeed new, only made my blog just recently, and aWwww thank youu! OOooh first angst ask, and of course its for marcille lol.
As much as she hated it, she always knew this was eventually going to happen, this is perhaps the long lived races greatest curse. That unless you love another long lived race, you will be forced to watch the people you love grow old and die meanwhile you still have centuries ahead of you...This understanding didnt comfort her at all when your time finally came and you passed away. It was all so much of a blur for her...She remembers crying for days on end, heart wrenching sobs would tear through her for hours and hours on end. it felt like she was drowning in this pain, that it was choking her and that it was all consuming. She is lucky to have your and her kids (now grown up) there for her or she may have gone mad with this pain.
Of course while the wounds of loss never truly disappear, they do turn to scars and those scars fade over time. And time (as it is want to do) continued ever onward, the world moved onward and eventually so did marcille. She would always love you no matter what and the memories of you, despite being centuries ago still ache in her chest. However she did eventually relearn to live her life normally, especially with the support of all of your kids. As the world grew and evolved into an age of magical and scientific wonder, she to evolved and grew.
Eventually thanks to Marcilles Centuries of magical studies and experience land her a job that is fitting of somebody of her grand knowledge....as a secretary (even in this world, Years of knowledge and training doesnt mean much to the world of capitalism but i digress). She ends up getting an incredibly well paying career as a secretary for a particularly famous Magical tech company, moving up the ranks and finally getting the promotion to secretary for THE CEO of the company.
On marcilles first day she wanted to make a good impression for the Ceo, she wore her fanciest office dress, made sure she looked as best she did, and had spent the night prior Organizing the CEOs entire schedule ahead of time, that way she would show up to work with an entire days work already done. She wanted to impress them after all.
She did note something odd, Each time she read the CEOs name she couldnt help but feel a soft blush across her face and a warmth in her chest. She wasnt sure what it was and eventually chalked it up to perhaps anxiety getting to her, but something about this feeling felt so familiar to her and she couldnt put her finger on it.
As she walked into the office that day with a stack of paperwork she heard a voice that struck her like lightning. She felt all the blood drain from her face as she dropped all of the papers she had. That voice...oh god that voice...she had almost forgotten what that heavenly voice sounded like...but this was impossible...there was no way. "Woah hey, are you ok? your marcille, the new secretary right? My names Y/N"
The moment Marcille raised her eyes to look at the owner of the all too familiar voice, an all to familiar face greeting her again after centuries. Marcille could feel the tears streaming down her face...there you were....after so many centuries...there you were again...the love of her life... there you were, the same face she vividly remembered centuries ago. The same face she woke up to countless times smiling lovingly at her, the same face she remembered promising to spend there days with, the same face she remembered in there most intimate moments, the same face she remembered crying over as they lowered it into the earth all those centuries ago. She cant help but reach her hands out, wanting to cradle the lover she lost so long ago
However the person takes her hand and helps her stand up, telling her that its ok and there is no need to be so nervous. That you had heard nothing but good things about marcille and that not to let you being the CEO fool her, you are actually quiet down to earth. However marcille shook her head as the tears continued. " Y/N....dont you remember me?....its me...marcille......dont you remember our children...?"
marcille takes your hands in hers and looks up at you, her eyes pleading as you look down at her. Marcille was hoping for something...a spark of revelation, a shout of happiness, a deep embrace...something special.. But her heart shattered when you only looked down at her sadly and shook your head. In this magical world the concept of reincarnation was a well known thing, so you knew that based on this reaction you must have been the reincarnation of Marcilles loved one. "i...im sorry marcille...but no, i dont remember anything..im sorry, i know this must be hard and i wish i could tell you that i remembered everything...but i dont."
Marcille breaks down in sobs, wailing in sorrow..it was like she lost you all over again, but this was so much worse. Before when you died she lost you and it hurt, but she knew that there wasnt anything that could be done. It wasnt like the dungeon, she couldnt have brought you back to life (plus the two of you had agreed for that she wouldnt revive you, that you were old now and when it was your time you wanted to rest.) This was worse though, you were gone but so very close..you were literally standing in front of her, but you may as well have been dead to her. You were now like a specter, a ghost of a happy life long since passed that would haunt her, reminding her of the suffering she felt so long ago, she thought she had finally managed to let you go, Only for this ghost of loves past to remind her every day of the love she lost so long ago.
Though this was the first time you had ever met marcille (atleast in this life) you felt so awful for her, you couldnt imagine what this must have been life. You sink down to your knees and hold her close as she sobbed, you weren't sure if this was making the situation better or worse all things considered...but you knew she needed somebody to be there for her in this moment. you hold her close and let her weep centuries of sorrow in your arms, holding her close as she weakly clings to you, hundreds and hundreds of years of pain finally spilling out as you hold her. This moment feels familiar, holding marcille in your arms feels so familiar to you... if you had any doubts about being the reincarnation of her old lover, this moment thoroughly wiped away all those doubts
Eventually the elf woman's sobbing slows down to a soft weak whimper, you use the spare tissue you have and wipe her face off as you look down at her with a soft smile. "like i said...i dont remember anything about our past together, i am so sorry about that...but, i wouldn't mind getting to know you better, maybe it will spark some old memories...or we can make new ones of our own." you say down to her, causing the elf woman to sniffle and finally smile again, a smile that you couldnt help feel like you had been missing for so long without realizing it. "yeah...that sounds nice"
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ceasarslegion · 3 months
Hot take but I think if reincarnation were real, any reincarnation of Hitler would take that knowledge to the fucking grave. There is no one that would publicly admit that if it was true.
No we have the answer to this already it was called kin drama and it happened in 2016. I remember the year because it was when I worked in that office job and would scroll tumblr and play overwatch with my chief editor (who was also supposed to be working) on the company computers when we had nothing to do but still had to stay until 5pm. Ubisoft mideast was in the same office building as us and we shared a wall that was right next to my desk so sometimes I would hear the devs and researchers imitating death howls while discussing AC: Origins in ways that I didnt have to sign an NDA for because they didn't know I could hear them if I put my water bottle to the wall. It also smelled like homemade hummus in that office and the CEO (it was a locally owned business so we had one singular corporate level and the CEO interacted with the writers) made everyone sit on these new age woowoo chairs that imitated bean bags while also being office chairs and made us hand in our astrology charts so she could decide what our strengths were on team projects based on our star signs. She put me in charge of the entire editor's job while he was on leave based solely on that I was a Capricorn despite being 18 years old and just graduated high school at the time. Anyway this is to say this real-world ambience was so incredibly specific that everything I ever experienced in that office is burned into my memory like I was branded across my ass. And I distinctly remember kin drama peaking while I was trying to find out the plot of AC: Origins via metal water bottle. I also played the entirety of undertale in that office which I think scarred my psyche in ways we have yet to see until my 50s.
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bee-the-loser · 4 months
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₊ ⊹☼ Pairing: The8/Xu Minghao x reader ₊ ⊹☼ Synopsis: Multiple chance encounters across lives, with a soul somehow fated to yours throughout ₊ ⊹☼ Genre: Reincarnation au, slight fantasy/historic au ₊ ⊹☼ Word count: 1.67k ₊ ⊹☼ Warnings: Mentions of death, loss and grief. Minor character death mentions ₊ ⊹☼ A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while as I didn't feel that the story was done yet. However, it's at a good point right now to post. Maybe I'll return to add to it further at one point though.
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Loss is an emptiness that eats away at the soul, a metaphorical knife carving it’s design on the surface but leaving behind wounds deep enough to bleed. And the strange thing about loss is you let it. In a sense it’s a sickly beautiful thing to experience as the blood pours out staining over the pure memories and taints them to be forever red. A crimson red that’s the same as the heart that somehow still beats inside your chest, because while it feels like everything should be still, time moves on. Time still encourages hearts to beat and wounds to bleed.
And bleed they do…
Your first loss shouldn’t be considered that actually. There are so many factors that completely contradict it as “the first loss you experienced”. For a start, you had lost people before. A woman who never had the chance to be a mother, your mother, passing away before she got even a second with her child. A young boy, who once you considered a brother, starved under the night sky with his eyes locked onto the moon. After all, Grief was no stranger to your soul. He visited often and settled in your bones like a heavy sick reminder of life.
No, none of these was your first loss. A kind of deep grief, yes, but they felt inevitable somehow.
Your first loss came in a form you never expected. A loss of opportunity and the questions of what could have been. Leaving the first scar of many dotted over your skin.
You didn’t know his name the first time, you barely got to know him at all actually. It was a fleeting moment that stopped the world if just for a second. Even if it was just for you.
The makeshift grave you created when Chan died was positioned out in a forest glade on the edge of town, giving him the privacy and peace he deserved. An ideal place for him to continue watching the night sky like he did when he was tangible, and now as a star, a place for him to look down on from above. It seems childish now thinking that was how the world worked, that he would stick around for you.
You know better now.
You had been spending the afternoon visiting him, after collecting flowers for your little stall, coming to rest up in the willow tree sheltering the glade from the outside view. The branches allowing you a raised position to look down below, which is how you spotted him initially. This dark haired beauty dressed in clothes that didn’t seem typical for that of normal adventurers. You assumed that’s what he must be, no one else tends to come out that far. Somehow, he had stumbled onto Chan’s clearing though, only the fates may know how, and came to a pause in front of the poorly carved headstone you placed on the first death anniversary. It didn’t matter that there was no body to bury, his memory would live on.
Something about that resonated in this figure’s mind. It wasn’t obvious at first but moments later when you got the first glimpse at his soul-bearing eyes and the way they scanned the words told you all you needed. He was memorising the words, breathing out his very essence into the world and immortalising this time. The phrase you had heard many times before bringing tears to your eyes as it was spoken out loud after a year again.
“The moon sure is lonely tonight”. He was just reading out loud that time, but maybe that’s why it left such an impact. There were no deeper connotations or commitments that suffocated the moment. It was raw and real.
If given the chance of every lifetime, you would chose to return to this moment eternally.
He left not long after that with a new print on his soul in the name of Lee Chan and the fleeting thoughts of a phrase once whispered. It wasn’t until afterwards that you saw the carefully placed bundle of forget-me-nots. Flowers that symbolise memorises and the concept of thinking of loved one ones while one is away. You don’t remember ever have crying as hard as you did that night as you allowed yourself to break down after having repressed everything for a long time. The hope that someone else would continue to think of the young boy and maybe one day return providing a sort of comfort you never realised you needed.
You continued with your routines and visits but never once saw the stranger again. Your first loss came unexpectedly and you couldn’t help but think of what could have happened if things were different. Had Chan been alive to greet him? Had you spoken out to him? Had you got to know him? But you didn’t and so the opportunity passed by and life continued until death came to claim you too.
What you didn’t expect was the life that came after and the memories that flickered back to you slowly. You could remember it all clearly at first but the more time progressed and lives were lived, the hazier things became. So you wrote to remember. Diary entries inked across pages depicting and detailing each moment and connection you continued to share.
It took you a total of three lives to realise you and your stranger were somehow connected. You seemed destined to spot him under the moonlight over and over again, each time bringing something new for you to note.
However, it was your fourth life that something truly changed, with an opportunity for the two of you to introduce yourselves. A night-time balcony overlooking the palace gardens providing a shared relief from the noise of the party inside. You had yet to see your stranger that lifetime and you certainly weren’t expecting to find him approaching you from behind on his own escape from the ballroom.
Your eyes had found comfort in the solitude of the starlit sky, with a faint recollection of a young voice discussing constellations in great enthusiasm. Your body curled up onto the stone edge with the coldness contrasting to the heat radiating from the party inside. There had been no mention of the balcony being off limits but it seemed abandoned in that moment similar to how you felt. Maybe that is why when you heard the small thuds of footsteps approaching you assumed it was a guard coming to bring you inside. However, as you turned around to face them, your breath stalled inside your throat.
There he was…
Face to face, the moments that followed allowed you both to subtly scan each other’s figures, sharing a second of joint solitude. His clothes reflecting his obviously high social status, yet you naturally found yourself focusing on his deep, knowledgeable eyes. The ones that both equally haunted and comforted your thoughts. Then he spoke and his light voice rung out in a whisper like he was afraid to break the silence.
“I’m sorry for interrupting you, but I needed some time away from the chaos and couldn’t help but notice you out here alone with only the moon for company. You both seemed rather lonely tonight. Would you mind me joining you?”
The paraphrasing of the familiar line rang in your ears as you couldn’t help but tear up and turn back to the full moon in an attempt for comfort.
“Not at all, feel free to join us.”
His figure stepping closer as he approached the balcony edge himself and admired the view before the two of you. It was a comfortable silence that followed, neither of you feeling the need to fill it with meaningless chatter at first. However, as you turned to gain another glance at him, wanting to capture every detail for your writing later on, your gaze fell onto the baby blue flowers that lay in his pocket.
As he turned to meet your eyes, he saw the way they lingered onto his flowers and then noticed the similar ones decorated into your own outfit.
“Hmm, there is something special about the resilience of these little blossoms which bloom in clusters throughout marshy harsh terrain. In a sense I admire the way they manage to preserve and grow with those tough conditions. It’s something I often see reflected in humanity, although, unlike the flowers, not often do people manage to make it full bloom I find.”
The philosophical answer was not one you had expected from him, but certainly wasn’t unwelcome. You had your own greater meanings to the flowers that you shared back with careful consideration, still unsure of if your stranger retained his memories like you. It was something you noted in a previous life where you tried to speak to a different Chan and was left alone once more, that not everyone had the privilege, or was it a curse, to remember like you do.
“For me, they symbolise remembering those who once were but no longer are. A promise to keep the memories of them alive for as long as you live. The stories you experienced and the thoughts you shared allowing a part of them to stay.”
Silence settled back down between the two of you, which is why you could hear the song that started to play out by the band. A slow dance of sorts. In some twist of destiny, he reached his hand out and asked for your hand before the two of you spent time twirling across the balcony. This moment shared only by you two and the sky.
As you came to a close and the clocks chimed to signal an hour passing, with you settled in your stranger’s arms, two names were breathed out into the universe before you parted ways and he disappeared back into the ball.
“Xu Minghao.”
A name meaning brightness and vastness, one that seemed to fit the person you came to spend time with perfectly.
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shiftingwithmars · 1 month
Eighth Horcruxe-Mattheo Riddle
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A/N: Hey sillies!! So this fanfic is gonna be a little different from my others. This is basically just my headcanons about Mattheo. He’s my little crybaby and I love him, okay? Also trigger warning for this one.
Summary: There’s more to Mattheo Riddle than meets the eye.
Warnings: Possible mentions of abuse, mentions of smoking and alcohol, death and reincarnation. Please read at your own discretion!🙏
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Mattheo Riddle was not a force to be reckoned with. Everyone was already scared of him, due to him being the son of the most evil wizard of this generation. His temper didn’t help. When he wasn’t picking fights with another student, he was drowning his sorrows in firewhiskey and cigarettes. He had the kind of aura that sent people running the other way. And his laugh? Bitter as nightshade. There was this constant negative energy to him, like a shield spell that was made of darkness.
But that was just how other people saw him. Although some of it was true, no doubt. There were things about Mattheo that he didn’t even know himself. He didn’t know what happened when he was child. He didn’t know the mistake that his father made. Or the real reason behind the scar on his left eye. He didn’t know the real reason on why everything around him descended into chaos.
The rumors were never ending. The stares and whispers he tried hard to ignore. He’d heard it all before. “Run, here comes Riddle.” “He’s just like his father.” “Who would wanna date him?” Those constantly repeated words that were the same reason he cried at night.
And the nightmares. The nightmares that woke him up in the middle of the night, constantly haunting him. Nightmares filled with pain, his screams echoing around Malfoy Manor. Aunt Narcissa rushing into the room, her face filled with horror. “What have you done?” She’d ask, pulling eleven-year-old Mattheo into her lap, cradling him against her. His father’s expression dropping. His insane mother actually looking concerned for once in her life, although the expression quickly shifted to a cold smile.
At 15, he was diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar disorder. That definitely explained some things about him, but there was still something else. That feeling of negativity everyone got around him. He never understood it. He always blamed himself, always though HE was the problem.
It wasn’t until sixth year that he finally figured out what was wrong with him. He had been out past curfew, heading towards the Astronomy tower for a smoke. That’s when he stumbled across the golden trio talking about horcruxes. That’s when it all made sense. Those horrible nightmares, the scar on his left eye. The reason why nothing in his life seemed to go right.
He never told anyone. That was, until he got a little too drunk and blabbed to his best friend Theodore Nott. When the time came for all the horcruxes to be destroyed, he has Theo destroy the eighth one, aka him. Of course, he survived, but the part of his father that was inside him was finally destroyed.
His luck began to change after that. Things finally started looking up for him. He got a good job, and he got married to y/n, the girl he’d been dating since sixth year. She was the only one besides Theo who seemed to truly understand him. And maybe, just maybe, Mattheo would get his happy ending.
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bloodychazorite · 5 months
(These are all the headcanons I use in my current fic and will probably use for my future fics, in case you’re curious!! :))
So, first, I don’t think Charlie is any bit human at all. I think he’s full, pure-bred slime with a Core that gives him sentience. The Core is a heart shaped, made of enchanted ruby and plated in gold around the edges. 
During the time he was a God in the SCU (Slimecicle Cinematic Universe) he had three (That’s an incredibly long story that I may actually write one day so this is all you get for now). Now, he’s been reincarnated with one, sentient ever since. However, he’s full slime, nothing human about him. Without the Core, he’d just be straight slime. He’s probably one of the—if not just the only—sentient Slimes there is.
His skin scars because when he’s hurt enough, he needs to get more slime to repair himself. The slime isn’t his, however, so it doesn’t match his body completely for a while while it blends together.
Another type of scarring that can happen to him would be dehydration cracks. If he loses enough water, his slime will crack in a lightning-strike type pattern. It takes a while for those to go away as well, just because they need time to fill in.
Yes, he has bones, but he doesn’t need them. He has them because they make it so that he can keep his shape. When he was Gegg, he’d keep some but give the rest to Quackity for safe keeping.
“Where’s my left arm?” Charlie asked, digging through the bag Quackity kept on him.
The other only shuffled his foot back and forth, mumbling gently. He bit his lip as he spoke. “I needed food, man.”
“So all I had was seeds and currently unused bones.”
A beat of silence, before a slow, creaking head turn. 
“You used my bones for bone meal.” His voice was flat and his lips were pinched. “Are you deadass?”
“Just kill another skeleton man! I needed food!”
Charlie threw up the melty stub where his left arm should’ve been, waving it back and forth and dripping goo all over the ground.
“Do you know how fucking hard it is to find intact skeletons that will fit perfectly with the one that I currently have?! And that have five fingers?!”
Quackity rolled his eyes, shrinking in on himself. “Uh...No..?”
Charlie smushed slime into his face and laughed at his dramatic screaming. “It is incredibly fucking hard!”
Charlie keeps bones on him most of the time, in case he breaks the ones he’s got. Sometimes they take a minute to get used to, some of them too big or too long or too small, but it happens nonetheless. It’s also the reason he takes any fall damage ever. Without the bones, he wouldn’t take any fall damage. Those bones also determine his general height. If he wanted to be taller, he could find/construct a taller skeleton and get more slime.
Slimes are naturally acidic at a certain level at all times. However, with prompting, his level of acidity will rise. Prompting can look like danger, or threats. It can also be emotional, with extreme rage or sadness, the works.
“Oh no, not today fucker!” Mariana screamed as Slime tried to step outside during another argument. His skin dripped from the agitation but Mariana couldn’t care less.
Slime attempted to brush past him, breath heavy. “I’ll be right back,” He mumbled, "I need to go.”  
He stepped to the left, Mariana doing the same. 
Then, to the right, where she followed once again.
“Move your ass, I need to go now.”
“Hell no, you will stay and we will talk this out.”
Slime shoved past her, briskly rushing for the door. Mariana, wings twitching in agitation, whipped around and grabbed his wrist.
He smelled the burning before he felt it.
Before the white, lava hot seer hit his senses.
She nearly cried out in pain, staggering backward and scraping her skin against the hardwood as she fell. Scrambling into the wall, she groaned in agony and grasped the wrist of the suffering palm.
“Fuck- oh, fuck!” 
Slime was right in front of him, suddenly, knelt with fear in his eyes. “Fuck, I am so sorry, I can’t control it I swear, I would never do that shit on purpose—” He rambled as Mariana writhed, swearing in shock and pain.
Her vision swam as she sobbed. 
“I swear, I-I can’t… control it.”
He’s burnt a few holes in the floors before.
All in his slime, there are acid glands everywhere. 
Because he’s got acid literally built into his system, the bones he’s got tend to break down after a while. Depending on how emotional or just how much he purposely activates his acid secretion, they could last from anywhere around two weeks to a month, usually. That’s what the skeleton in his basement is for, an extra set of bones. 
Slime’s are the closest things to aquatic creatures without actually being aquatic. Being naturally drawn and attracted to moist environments, he can’t breathe underwater, but he doesn’t actually need to breathe so I guess it doesn’t matter. When swimming, he creates fins to help. The only reason he drowns is because he takes in too much water and becomes so liquidy that he just… dies, I dunno LMAOO
Being generally docile creatures, living either underground or in swamps, most Slimes have shit eyesight. They mostly rely on vibrations in the ground and auditory sensory input. Great hearing, terrible sight. Slimes are also ambush predators! They’re slow, but they’ll eat anything. If looking for meat, they’ll hide under the soil and wait for the vibrations of something with four legs. 
“And where’s Charlie? I wanted to talk to him.” Phil asked as he stepped outside. “He said he’d be here.”
Roier, Cellbit, and himself had all been in Mariana’s house for a while now—Phil being there under the assumption that Charlie would be there. 
Mariana shrugged and glanced around. “Ehh, somewhere.”
Then Juanaflippa sprinted forward and stopped on the open ground, jumping up and down. Her tiny feet pattered the ground as she skipped in circles around the open area. Bobby tilted his head in response before Richas yanked him towards the 
Phil looked to Mariana for a look of mild amusement to say it was normal, or a look of confusion to make him feel like he wasn’t going insane because—even for Flippa—this wasn’t exactly typical from his perspective.
To Phil’s surprise, however, he stepped a bit forward and began to rhythmically tap his heel against the soil. 
“Fuck-!” His heart found itself in his feet as something squeezed tight around his ankle, holding firm as he jumped away. He grabbed for a weapon as a light green hand pulled further from the ground.
A wrist, an arm, a… a goo monster.
A goo monster holding a suspiciously familiar pair of glasses.
His body tied itself back together, becoming more and more recognizable. They stared at each other for a minute.
“I swear I was aiming for Roier.”
Charlie, because of the core, has much better morphing and shape shifting abilities than normal Slimes. With enough observation he could literally be anyone. He’d looked at Juanaflippa so much that his Gegg looked a bit like her. The people he spends a lot of time looking at are the people he can most easily imitate.
“So you can just look… however you want?” Fit asked 
“Uh-huh.” Slime replied offhandedly, focusing on the little craft they were working on for Richas’s half birthday.
Neither of them had ever heard of a half birthday before then.
“Without effort? You don’t even have to like… try?” 
Sue him, Fit was incredibly curious. Sentient Slimes just didn’t exist, Slime was the only one he knew and would probably ever know.
He became even more curious (and slightly defensive) as Slime began to stare at him, an expression of scrutiny behind his gaze.
Then, a familiar lopsided grin and covered his face for a minute. A sloppy squishing sound resounded from behind his hands that made Fit wince.
The taller gasped as Slime’s face became uncovered.
Fit’s own face stared back at him, with only a few uncanny details astray.
“Christ, Slime! You just keep that ability all to yourself? Do you know how much trouble you could cause with that?!” He all but yelled.
Slime laughed, shifting his face back to its normal appearance. He winked before turning his head back to the project.
“Who’s to say I haven’t caused any trouble?”
Fit—from that day on—lived in fear of the people the Slime could be.
Charlie is all types of temperature sensitive. It's crazy.
Too hot, he’ll get all melty and struggle to hold his form. Leave his bones behind him and become a puddle.
 Too dry, he’ll dehydrate and crack up. It’s incredibly painful, which is why slimes tend to stick around damp, humid areas.
 Too cold, he’ll freeze, becoming a literal Slimecicle. Just like hypothermia, his fingertips, toes, and nose will turn a shade of blue first, eventually infecting the rest of his body. Also hella painful.
A good tactic if you really wanted to torture a Slime, stick them in the cold. They wouldn’t be able to stretch or morph after a while, it'll hurt like hell, and you get to decide how bad it is. GOOD STUFF
A 60 to humid 70 degrees Fahrenheit is generally ideal. The island tends to run a bit higher than that, but it’s not too extreme of a shift so he’s generally okay with some extra water.
Haha, he picked Eggxile in a place that was out of his comfort zone, just cause he knew he didn’t deserve comfort. He sent himself to a place that was too hot and too dry for a Slime. That's fun.
Uhh, that’s really all I can think of for right now, but I’ll repost this anytime I add to it :DD If you’ve got any headcanons you wanna talk about or you wanna talk about mine, please do!! I’ll literally talk for hours, you have no idea
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misteria247 · 11 months
Do you think that Flora is a bit haunted by the fact that she and Wild have done this song and dance before when it comes to the Triforce and Ganon? Do you think that as soon as she seen the other heroes she was filled with this dreadful sense of knowing?
Like Flora looks at them, she sees Time and sees just how much of a toll being the Hero of Time has taken on him. She sees Sky, the very first hero and sees how burdened he looks sometimes. She takes in Wind, and sees how he's barely a teenager shouldering the world already. She notices Legend and his absolute bitterness towards the Goddesses and his fate. She notes how Hyrule always seems so worn down despite his hopeful attitude, and she gets glimpses of Warriors and the scars of war that he now carries with him. She observes Twilight and how he was torn away from his quiet village to become a beast for the Goddesses. She takes heed of Four and how his journey has left him changed and different forever in so many ways.
Flora sees them all, these heroes who were ancestors or reincarnations of one another. All of them born for the sole purpose of the Goddesses plans. All of them forced to become heroes, to fight against a fight with an evil that refuses to die. Flora looks at them and sees how they are all broken in their own ways, and then she sees Wild, her beloved knight and sees that he's joined the long line of heroes chosen by the Goddesses. Who's life will never be the same.
And then she thinks about the other variants of her. Of the other princesses who came long before her, and she can't help but wonder if they saw what she sees. Can't help but wonder if they too are haunted by the knowledge that their heroes are doomed to fight in a war that shouldn't involve them to begin with. Yet they are pulled into it each and every time.
Do you think that Flora grows to dislike the Goddesses? Because they have not only made her suffer but because they have made Wild and his brothers and their princesses suffer as well. Do you think that Flora grows to resent Ganondorf because he refuses to stay dead? Because he refuses to let them have peace?
Like do you think?????
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fantasy-relax · 2 months
Greetings my Lord, apologies for appearing so suddenly, I just wanted to say that I love how you write, very fantastic, amazing, very very good! What I love most is that you include NB, Androgynous, and male characters as well, though I am not part of any of the genders or sex I've stated, I'm grateful that you write what you like and write the way you do, and I'm sure some of your readers appreciate that as well, and the ones who do identify as the genders stated above, I like to think that they feel seen, can't say for sure but I hope:]
As always, you are amazing, and you have talent for writing, you make me feel emotions! You are Fantastic my Friend and I love and respect that! I will now go back to my cave. Until then, my Friend!
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BUDDY STOP YOU WILL MAKE CRY! *You* are giving*me* feelings everytime you go outside of the your cave
Thank you! Really, really thank you!
I'm very self indulgent, that's obvious in my writing I mean I started because nobody was cooking what I needed, so I put my chef hat on.
I understand when somebody doesn't vibes with the story, again i do the same when I read so no hard feelings!
I don't have a preference for pronouns but most of the time is nb and female in my stories.
My resident evil Brainrot is low for that the updates are taking time. It doesn't help that my brain debated for more work when i still needed to finish what I have, like i have been having ideas about:
Alcina x fem Reader, omegaverse and reincarnation, biological daughters: Alcina in an arranged marriage, Alcina showing exactly where Cassandra gets her stubbornness in SADO, regrets and second chances.
Miranda x nb Reader, omegaverse and reincarnation: divorced reader with a child, Evangeline (prefers Eva) ask her depressed Opa for a vacation and for some reason she asks to go to Rumania, Eva has her memories and has a faint connection with the megamycete. She wants her family back as her mother does.
Bela x Alpha fem reader, Alternative SADO timeline: Cassandra never found Alpha, reader is older, more scarred mentally, emotionally and physically.
Daughters x fem g!p reader: Fucked up foreign reader ends in the castle with her sister, the self control about her most dark desires is tested.
Donna x g!p reader continuation of Just a dream timeline.
Donna x fem Reader: pervert maid reader lusting for her 'Innocent' boss.
Yeah my brain is a bitch so I am grateful for your ask and comments, give motivation!
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