#the squid house au
dragonkingz159 · 2 years
Alright so Squid House AU. Rambling once again. This time about Luz and the events leading to her escaping the Octarain domes.
Like I said in previous ramblings Luz is an inventive octoling. She is a tinkerer and inventor, who doesn't really ask if she should invent something but rather does it anyway without thinking. A bit of an oddball, Luz never really made friends with her squadmates, in fact, quite the opposite, oftentimes being the but of most of the jokes, pranks, and hazing of her training squads before being transferred to a new squad where the cycle would continue. Eventually, Luz tested out of grunt training and into weapon designer or combat engineer training. Keep in mind this is the girl who, in canon, studies wild magic, glyph combos, and all nine magic tracks for fun all while building a portal to another realm in her spare time. Luz is smart.
She thrived academically, understanding the materials well enough, but still never really made any connections...mostly because she was obsessed with fiction books, comics, and what little fanfiction octarian society has and even wrote her own. She also questioned everything, even with hypno-goggles on, and everything got "worse" after the Calamari Inkantation. She was still loyal, but only because she had her mother who she loves dearly. She doesn't have to wear the goggles at home and they sing old octarian folk songs instead of listening to DJ Octavio. Camila even encourages her to invent things, as long as they're useful though.
So she invented things...but that didn't work either. Her teachers thought that her inventions were either weird or useless, at least according to them. Deployable miniature disco balls (regular disco balls not flash bangs), mechanical homing pigeons (filled with spiders), glue bombs filled with sea snakes (the snakes got stuck too). It was this last one she revealed at a weapons demo that got her in trouble.
It was probably really stifling for her and the hypno-goggles made it worse (Personally subscribing to the theory that the hypno-goggles were merely suggestive while the hypno-shades were complete brainwashing). So when they "suggested" Luz to be one of the first test subjects candidates for the new and improved hypno-shades? She panics. She's heard the rumors, seen people wearing them, unable to question orders and acting like an entirely different person, unable to take them off or even Want To. She wants to believe her mother, Camila, will protect her, but instead, she just sighs and Agrees.
In a daze, Luz tunes out the rest of the conversation as the program director explains the benefits of the new shades. She prepares herself. In her head she is half planning on running away, half wondering if this is maybe what she needs, that being under the shade's influence will "fix" her, make her "normal". But then Camilia suggests she throw away her Good Squid Azura book before getting on the transport. Her mother says goodbye, since she has to leave for work, leaving Luz alone at the end of the street, and as soon as Camila is out of sight, Luz breaks and runs. She grabs her book and nearly everything that could even remotely be useful out of the trash and begins her escape.
Course a 14-year-old octoling isn't going to get amazingly far by herself, less so in a blind desperate scramble to escape to literally anywhere else, and might have accidentally fallen into an octarian junkyard where she spends the next hour trying not to cry over her good Squid Azura book. Until a strange feathered creature steals it and her bag as she rummages through the junk looking for a way out of the hole she fell into. Cue chase, cue discovery of kettle exit, cue screaming because the sun is very very bright.
And the sight of a young octoling covering her eyes and hissing is what introduces Eda and King to Luz. Eda senses an opportunity, the kid can shift forms where she can't and King needs his crown back from the evidence locker in the Inkopolis precinct, plus the kid is an octoling which to Eda at this point means gullible. So the two strike a deal. Eda won't force Luz back through the kettle or gives her access to it so she can go back and all Luz has to do is help Eda break into the Inkopolis precinct. To which Luz agrees.
From there Luz using her octopus form sneaks into the precinct and opens it from the inside, letting Eda in. They find the paper Burger Crab (I mean might as well be a krusty krab reference) crown and Luz gets the "Us weirdos have to stick together" line. Cue fight with Warden Wrath, who is possibly a Crab or Lobster? Luz uses one of her inventions (the disco ball I'm thinking) and it causes such a ruckus with its flashing lights that it blinds Wrath and trips him by being underfoot, which buys them enough time to escape. Eda and Luz also let everyone inside out to cover their tracks.
Eda praises Luz and opens the kettle for her to use. Luz hesitates before deciding that she wants to stay on the surface. Wanting to learn everything she can (and maybe hear more praise) from the older woman. Eda agrees to house her for the time being and it snowballs from there.
So there's that! Luz's time in the domes and first adventure on the surface. Probably could have wrote that better but maybe later I'll actually write it out as a proper story. Anyway, let me know what you all think and what I should ramble about next.
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duckapus · 3 months
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A DJ with a trademarked version of their top-secret codename as their stage name, no less.
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potat0bag · 1 year
I’m practically vibrating with excitement over your Owl House AU
Where are the SS and OTH in your AU?
I can totally see the Squid Sisters being the Bards Against the Throne (BATs/CATs). The Siren Sisters perhaps. They’re bard witches.
Deep Cut come across them kicking up a fuss in Bonesborough in rebellion toward the emperor and are like “…Hey, we got the rebellion thing handled. Kinda the most powerful witches in the isles-“
“And what have you been doing”
“…*graffiti’ing the posters*…”
Kappa and I discussed Pearl being a Wild Witch having her own chaotic fun, meanwhile Marina is working under the emperor’s coven with abomination tech. She’s happy to be of such help with her special interest, but- sometimes she hears this ear-splitting scream from the trees and sees birds fly up from the area as bursts of magic erupt, a platinum-haired wild witch at the centre of it all - *full* of chaos and madness. And yet she sighs all happily. Because that self-expression, that joy in doing as she pleases - it’s so beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed the read! Thank you, and please keep the questions coming!
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askfacultystaff · 2 years
For @neko-sufis-world. This is redraw i did for you ^v^'
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As you can see, while Teenager! Rama, along with others and his enemies (Except Rusty Spokes was shot because he failed to complete Green Light and Red Light game, along with more than 100 others) beginning Sugar Honeycomb game, some people are carefully cutting dalgona shapped circle, square, triangle or umbrella. Things go clearly intense as Stella accidentally cutted entirely, which caused one of guards to shoot her to death.
And Teenager! Rama Raid was next who accidentally did just like Teenager! Stella did, Neko, who's one of guards approaches to him, Rama knows she's gonna shoot him to death as well, trembling, stayed silent. Until..... Instead of shooting him, she gives another chance by giving new one. What will he do if somebody sees it as cheating? If is true, then Rama will be next to get shooten to death by another guard.... If only he could regain conscious to get survived.
(Before he became a criminal, Teenager! Rama was really innocent as player OvO')
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emotional-squid · 1 year
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Every so often, my hyperfixiations combine and the results are epic crossover fanarts.
TOH x Ghost (band) AU
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cinellieroll · 3 months
☆ random aot headcanons!
eren, armin, mikasa, sasha, connie <3
cw: modern au, slight angst but nothing too graphic. there might be grammar errors too bc fuck proofreading honestly
small note: so the reason why i took so long to post is because i had to do a lot of things and my old draft got fucking DELETED and that affected my motiviation to write so...im so sorry 😭
- during armins childhood he used to be scared of dogs until he came over eren's house often. his fear of dogs eventually disappeared. (i hc that erens family had a dog that time and its a german shepherd)
- armin has had his own small shelf of books ever since he was a baby! he got his bookwork attitude from his father.
- meanwhile he got his manipulating skills from his mama (and no i don't mean this in a bad way. armins mom is a girlboss.)
- went to church every sunday when he was young till his early teens. eventually stopped because he became more and more devoted in school.
- every year he looks forward to vacations the most because thats where he gets to visit his other relatives in the province! they live nearby the ocean and armin always receives trinkets and seashells from them.
- if you ever get to live with armin expect a lot of magnets on the fridge. especially if they're beach related like seashells, squids and fish!
- always has chapstick everywhere he goes especially in school because he has a bad habit of biting on the skin on his lips.
- loaded with stationery bro like you name it, he has it
- he's kind of a picky eater and also has a few allergies like shrimp or a specific fish.
- had a lot of game merch as a kid. minecraft, fortnite, etc. you name it, he has it.
- very much a computer addict during his teenage years. his parents constantly scolded him for it and they eventually got tired of scolding him lmao
- has been sent to the guidance quite many times because of his recklessness. like every fucking school year you'll hear my boy in the guidance.
- the fact that jean has teased him way too many times because of it doesn't help
- one of those bitches who turns their pfp into a black screen and posts on his story "hiatus." then comes back the next day
- mikasa was mainly the one who taught him to drive, including levi
- road rage thats all im sayin
- during elementary and highschool there's never a day where he doesn't fall asleep in class. usually falls asleep in math or history
- always compares heights with mikasa to sew if he finally grew taller than her
- entered her goth phase once she reached highschool
- from other peoples perspective, they'd think miksasa would be a smoker but in truth she actually hates it. one of her main priorities are self care after all
- very strict with her work out routine. she can't miss a day of it unless it's her cheat day
- her cheat day is like once every 3 months bro
- but it's good for you because she lets you join her. if you're lucky she'll let you sit on your back while she does push ups ;)
- joined jujitsu and taekwando with eren when they were younger
- started walking to school by her own or with eren and armin when she turned 15
- always rolls her eyes or side eye people unintentionally
- very protective of her girl friends. if you're close enough with her she'll always accompany you everywhere like how she does with eren. she's constantly asking where you are on weekends and on school days she'll be waiting for you outside your classroom breaks.
- enjoys and i mean ENJOYS going to the mall and always look forward to cinemas. she'll invite all her friends for a good movie date!
- her favorite genre is horro and likes to watch conjuring with connie.
- her favorite color is purple and yellow!
- another one who falls asleep in class alongside connie
- after school convenience store hangoutd are very common when you're friends with her!
- if you're in a friend group with her and you feel left out, she'll most likely be the one to notice.
- no worries, she'll make you feel right at home!
- (istg this is the reason why ppl cry over her death i lub her sm..)
- very loud and obnoxious laughs but its okay because it's sasha
- is a basketball varsity student! to be honest he likes every sport where he gets to run and jump alot because it "fuels" something inside of him
- no school items whatsoever like he lost all of them after a month. he prays for the best and just picks up pens and pencils on the ground.
- always does bets with his friends. usually consists of who will treat everyone free food after school
- likes banana icecream / popsicles. like the ones where you peel it and stuff. also a slurpee lover. dude he just buys anything he finds delicious in the store
- sings out loud in the hallways when he's in an especially good mood. bro he got scoldes by the teachers once
- mainly teases jean out of all his friends but i feel like thats already canon
- also glides his hand on the ceilings when he gets the chance
- his bag smells like ass
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vxiphoid · 1 year
❨ summary ❩ genshin › genshin men playing minecraft with you ((ft. alhaitham, itto, cyno, diluc, kazuha, kaeya, heizou, & xiao))
tags ✧ modern au, drabble, fluff, chaotic energy, not proofread, cursing, ooc(?), established relationship, gn!reader, kaeya sets a forest on fire, alhaitham does not appreciate bees, mentions of pixelated deaths
amanuensis’ message ⊹ IM NOT TRYING TO KILL MY OTHER FANDOMS I SWEAR… im gonna back up from twst for a bit (im literally posting scarabia soon.) you can clearly tell who my favorites are… this unlocked a whole different part of my brain holy shit im deceased
⌜200+ e/chara ⌟
♫ blossom - t. shan
genshin masterlist
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╰┈➤ tbh he thinks minecraft is stupid, i mean, why not read a book instead of burning the images of pixels into your eye sockets😒 yeah, he’d just rather books. its a game about blocks, what could possibly be so interesting? he will admit the music is… nice. its nostalgic even though he’s never heard the track before. his favorite animals are the axolotl idk they’re his little pookies. its their little stick arms, they look so silly… as soon as haitham found out that you could color things its over, he make some sweet things like putting a sign on top of your shared house with both initials with colored dye. he’s so happy, just not very vocal about it, but he has the smallest of smiles. he definitely has headphones with the crochet sprout on it omg😭 alhaitham does not like bees whatsoever, they stung him for trying to get food. he just wanted honey :[
“look, the dog’s collar is blue. and the sign’s letters are green and then if you add a glow squid’s ink, it lights up.”
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╰┈➤ he has waited YEARS for someone to play minecraft with him omfg. certified snack hoarder for times like these. you both literally hit each other to show love, you’ve accidentally killed him once bc he didn’t tell you that he had like half a heart… itto likes the water, hates the guardians because who do you think you are attacking him out of nowhere??? gets one shotted by the elder guardian while trying to fight it with a stick and then blames it on magma blocks pulling him down. GAMING WITH HIM IS NEVER CALM GODS💀 you cannot lay on him or anything bc as soon as those cave sounds or disc 13 start playing, he’s already done sprung out of his seat. his screams are actually really funny though, you got him a cat from how much he’s been assaulted by creepers. when you introduced him to shaders, he was so in awe. “babe i have a shadow!” type of excitement JAKEJEJDMnda.
“the cat’s name is sir arataki the third, you are now my loyal guard cat. who’s an adorable little guy?”
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╰┈➤ look at this nerd (affectionate), ofc he plays cubecraft. loved it so much that when he didn’t have the actual game, he would play the really bad knockoffs💀 plays on console so you can sit between his legs, lean back, and game with him. cyno hate the split screen because he always gets confused on what side he’s on so he lets you use his switch, that way you’re both still comfortable. he’s more of an explorer if you do get mod packs for him, likes the horror ones the most. there’s nothing like hitting the enemy or shit talking the thing that could potentially one shot you with your s/o‼️ yall crouch a lot, its like a little dance. he really likes the disc “far” it itches his brain in the right way. definitely downloads the little raccoon mobs but then regrets it because he gives up all his berries to them, look at their little begging arms, literally how can you say no to that?? AND THEY WASH THE BERRIES. you both fall asleep to the ambience and to each others breathing all cuddled up ‘n warm. cyno absentmindedly sings the music while chopping wood or mining that shit has you SLUMPED. he kisses your head when you fall asleep, smiling like a silly goober.
“do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do, neow neow neow nneow neeeowwww… huh? oh, i’m almost done then we can go to bed, yeah? i’ll charge the switch too, don’t worry. just rest.”
(he’s singing that one part in danny lmfao)
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╰┈➤ diluc does not understand the concept of minecraft but its okay, he’s just happy to be here. he also doesn’t call it minecraft but “cave game”, the original name, he did his research though it is rare that he actually calls it minecraft. found out that you could breed animals and accidentally made a pack of wolves. diluc is really good with redstone its actually insane😭 he’s the type to protect you the whole time while you’re getting flowers for the house, boyfriend bodyguard. diluc doesn’t play much because of his job but when he does, he’s prepared to sit for hours and spend time with you :(. these are the times where he’s most affectionate, randomly kissing your cheek, getting water for the both of you before you play, etc. luc loves the mod pack “industrial”, he can build machines, how neat is that??? also it has way more OMFP with the added features it has yk? he likes the trains :D
“is the water running…? the water’s running, they have moving windmills!”
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╰┈➤ kazuha has the most expensive equipment yet doesn’t use this shit half of the time unless he’s streaming with heizou??? like im talking msi infinite rs pc, multiple monitors, a graphic drawing tablet, headphones with immaculate sound quality AND!!! the ear cups have fucking cyberpunk 3d wing guards on them. but anyways, minecraft, yes, he plays. in fact, kaedehara has about 10 beaten hardcore worlds every time a new update comes out, he must beat the game again. he rarely plays minecraft without his shaders so when you want to play the original og minecraft, he doesn’t mind, he actually enjoys the nostalgia. so much so the music is actually his background music when he’s just lazing around. words cannot express how much he dislikes (hates) wardens omg. he’ll protect you from them but if there were diamonds behind a warden, ig he’s going somewhere else😭 kazuha gives you random shit, weather that be something really sweet or questionable…
“love, do you want my rotten flesh? here<3 oh! and, i also got you some steak, you’re low on hearts…”
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╰┈➤ he’s heard of it, watched people play, just never played it. but when he does… he’s a menace. kaeya got his hands on flint and steel and set an entire jungle on fire… but he can be sweet sometimes! you’re the one protecting his ass while he walks around at night UNARMED to gather blue flowers for you. like you’re cute, but take a shield or something😭 he’s jumped off of a tall building before and landed on half a heart for a stack of bread you didn’t want. he’s rather oblivious to the mobs around him, he once thought shulkers were friends because they were just “silly little guys in little boxes” yk until they almost killed him. you bought him his own skin and introduced him to parrots and now its his favorite animal, he looks like a pirate!!! kaeya is chaotically sweet.
“yes, you almost died protecting me but how could you resist my everlasting love plus pixelated blue flowers?”
(has a cat unironically named ice spice LMFAO)
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╰┈➤ your boyfriend is good at literally anything else BUT minecraft. its the way this game constantly has it out for him too like what did bro do??🙁 heizou stream’s with kazuha every now and again and on those, he still doesn’t know what to do… he’d rather play on the servers, bedwars in particular. extremely good at bw, you’d rather NOT be his enemy😭😭 wins almost every single game even when he carries, rank 98 in the server. yet when it comes to a casual server between you and him, the chats are filled with his deaths and his hashtagged rages💀 heizou despises silverfish which is also why he hates going into strongholds, they could get stomped on for all he cares! >:( he has texture packs with really beautiful skies and then a picnic mod so he can stargaze with you and eats minecraft cake :(<3
“oh. babe, green is heading for our bed, no pressure or anything. i loovveee youuu😚”
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╰┈➤ xiao has the MOST downloaded mod packs, shaders, and worlds. not very expensive mod packs most of the time but when they are, they’re always good. spends his time fighting off mobs at night, #1 totem holder. he even has his own custom skin!!! he’s kinda been waiting for you to ask so when you do play mc together, you already have your own room, but when you voluntarily move your bed into his room to sleep… he melts. xiao loves cuddling while the two of you play, he’d rather your arms around him than the other way around, feels more intimate. you have matching hoodies for occasions like this. he has the dragon mod pack and has his own golden and orange dragon named ‘li’. he doesn’t talk while gaming, curses silently when he gets hit, but other than that doesn’t talk. if you want to talk, he’ll listen, he likes hearing about your day :].
“no, keep talking. i’m listening. see, li’s listening too.”
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amurih · 2 months
Fuck it ima put it out anyway.
COTL AU where instead of staying in the cult Narinder leaves and builds his own little plot of land that becomes a rare occurrence you find while crusading through the different biomes post game.
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Like it starts off when the lamb like spares Narinder and he’s like sent to the cult. And is in such a state of shock and bewilderment of what just happened that he doesn’t really know that the lamb is setting up their wedding until he’s at the alter. And he just SNAPS. To trade one prison for another? And to be stuck with the same being that not only took your crown, but your title as the god of death as your jailer? No thank you. Proceeds to walk out while the service is still going.
(I’m not the kind of person to think that he would be murdering or plotting to kill the lamb at every turn or possibly. No I would think that Narinder is smart enough to realize that he cannot fight the lamb in the condition that he is reduced to.)
Anyway, I want Narinder to experience life post-godhood by himself outside the cult. Maybe progressing over time you see how his plot of land develops into a pretty nice home for himself complete with a garden and an actual building/house. Not a hut, but an actual house.
All the while the lamb is going through it. It’s normal game play like one would post Narinder fight. Lore, upgrades, reviving the bishops, mystic seller, etc. All the while experiencing the highs and lows of ascension. I think the lamb would ask the other bishops once they get indoctrinated of how they went through their ascensions went. Only they would tell them that each went through theirs differently, so in the end it wasn’t really helpful.
So going through a process that you have no idea how to get through and the only person who does has fuck off into the land and hates your guts. Really fucking sucks man. So they try to “catch” Narinder while out crusading. Only they don’t find him physically, they find his place of residence while he is away.
I thought of a way to incorporate the quests that Narinder gives you when he is usually established in the cult. Could still be used: like there’s a book left on a table where you could peak in and see what’s going on with the cat that is currently away from his house.
“ I should head to Darkwoods and see if I can find more materials to build that fence and make more paper. Moving materials from one abandon home stead to this place has been challenging enough. My arms hurt after years of being bound to one position for so long...I wonder if camellias still bloom there now that Leshy is gone? If not I’ll have to develop a new alternative for this persistent strain and sharp pains I keep having. Got to get these walls up before it starts raining.”
“Bah! There’s not enough food at the last abandoned settlement let alone seeds. It’ll take long of a walk all the way to smuggler’s cove just to see if that sea louse got any thing. And it hasn’t been that long since the depletion of fish at pilgrim’s passage. I would have just stuck to what vegetables and berries I’ve got growing, but some animal or heratic keeps getting into my garden and stealing my food!when I find the person or thing that is stealing from me I’m going to make them into my fertilizer. In the meantime I should look into Anura and see if those foul mushrooms are still there. If I remember they are just as foul as Hecket when she would screamed about being hungry during dinner…Those should hold me over until I get this unwanted pest under control.”
“The wind and rain coming in through the holes on the side of the house that I use to see if any heretics come to kill me, has gotten too much. I’m tired of having to clean up the puddles of water that enters the home. And the curtains don’t do much in terms of trying to block both of these elements.That stupid squid Kallamar doesn’t need his crystals now that he’s gone. It didn’t help him when trying to hide from me. I’ll go to Anchordeep tomorrow and get some to make crystal windows. They sure would make it more beautiful than their temple…”
“Finally the loom is ready. It’s been a such a long time since I had decent robes. It’s easy to find cotton, but what I really want is a nice, soft, silk robe. One that doesn’t rub against these scars preferably. I miss the old one Shamura they made with their silk. But, that one got destroyed in the fight with that damn vessel. Maybe there is some in Silk Cradle. ”
(I’ll come back to this when I flesh it out more via work time daydreams)
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bridenore · 5 months
HD fic recs - disability (physical) / illness
Here are a few drarry fic recs where either Harry or Draco is suffering from a physical disability or an illness, whether it is permanent or temporary. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl [114k]
Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
All the Ashes Like Leaves by @firethesound [21k]
Nothing about being the Chosen One had prepared Harry for this. With most of the population blinded and man-eating plants running amok, he can only stay close to his friends as they make their way to safety. Not that he’d call Malfoy a friend, but the end of the world does rather make their ongoing feud seem trivial. And it just figures that it took nothing short of an apocalypse to make Malfoy seem like less of a git.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 [91k]
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Beds, Knobs, and Broomsticks by @fencer-x​ [46k]
A long-term mission to the Baltics that will take him far away from London sounds like the perfect time to cash in the embarrassing ‘Butler in the Buff’ coupon Harry received as a birthday gag gift—until Harry winds up injured in the field and sent home to recover three days into the mission, obliging him to endure one full month of inappropriate attentions from horny housekeeper Draco Malfoy.
Double Edged Sword by @romaine2424  [554k]
Harry thinks his life has been planned out, but the night he comes of age changes everything.  Now there are decisions to be made and a path to be chosen, and the choices before him will change the lives of everyone he knows.  But when destiny calls, Harry finds himself ready to listen. This is an epic story of the love between Harry and Draco.  Join them as they journey through their life together, through the good times and the bad, facing obstacles both external and internal, and see how they come to be who they were meant to be.
fly like paper, high like planes by @harryromper [47k]
Harry Potter, Head Coach of the Appleby Arrows, is very content leading a quiet life. He has a doddery old house-elf who makes his breakfast, a team of players who love Quidditch almost as much as he does, and a Kneazle that curls against his damaged leg at the foot of his bed at night. The absolute last thing he needs is a fit, tattooed, and wildly talented Draco Malfoy back from living his life on the margins. Soon he’s dealing with goblins for the first time since the war, traveling to Prague, eating dodgy squid, and maybe, just maybe, accepting that Quidditch, Malfoy, and even Harry himself are still capable of change.
A Fruit Tree in Winter by bryoneybrynn [29k]
After failing in his task of killing Dumbledore, life doesn’t go as Draco expected. Sometimes just surviving takes everything you’ve got. And sometimes healing is something you can’t do alone. Story goes AU/AR from the end of Half-Blood Prince.
Hades Paradox by @romaine2424 [32k]
For reasons unknown to most, Draco Malfoy came to Hogwarts soon after the battle and for five years had never left its premises. Auror Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts to deal with his psychological daemons, but soon realises Professor Draco Malfoy has his own magical and physical daemons to deal with. However, much to Harry’s surprise, Draco is coping well with help from the person Harry aspires to be.
The Homecoming of Harry Potter by @vaysh11 [5k]
Harry Potter returns to Britain after four years of exile. He is accompanied by his lover and friend, the young man who brought down Voldemort.
I dream of you, to wake by @harryromper [13k]
“Typically coma patients are made comfortable and left to regain consciousness in their own time,“ Draco points out carefully.  “Typically, yes. But when has anything about Harry been typical.” Hermione sighs, rubbing at her eye with the heel of her hand. “The Healer-in-Charge has consulted with experts at all the major wizarding hospitals. They all agree. Whatever’s happening inside of Harry’s head right now is killing him.” Draco Malfoy is a world-renowned dream-walker, and he may be Harry Potter’s only hope.
Kaleidoscope by Saras_Girl [104k]
If Harry’s honest, the last thing he needs is a house full of Draco Malfoy, but partners are partners, and perhaps, the thing he wants the least will turn out to be absolutely everything.
Match Fit by  @ravenclawsquill  [25k]
After picking up a groin injury just two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup Final, star Seeker Harry Potter reluctantly agrees to seek help from world-renowned Magi-Physiotherapist, Draco Malfoy. Cue sexual tension, naked sports massages, inappropriate erections and a healthy dose of acid-green lycra.
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by @lordhellebore [82k]
When Harry is forced to form a Blood Bond with Draco Malfoy under threat of death, he thinks his future will consist of a cold home and sexual frustration. But when a group of left-over Death Eaters decides to stir trouble, their lives change completely – and it takes them both some years to figure out whether it’s for better or for worse.
Oh, Sinnerman by @lou-isfake and @babooshkart [40k]
“I’m serious, Potter,” Malfoy said quietly. “That was some real bad luck you had, being there last night. They will come after you, and they will kill you—after torturing you for information on my whereabouts.” He pocketed Harry’s wand, but held on to his knife, twirling it between his fingers. Harry was distracted by its movement, the reflections of the bright, dawning sun on polished silver. “I’m not happy about it, either, but you’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future.”   He watched Malfoy’s face for a long time, in a staring contest he wasn’t sure he’d signed up for. Stuck with Malfoy, for the foreseeable future, on the run from a massive crime syndicate that had infiltrated the Ministry and was out for their blood.  It was all very familiar, except for the Malfoy part.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier [33k]
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
Per Solum Lacuna: By Words Alone by Azhure [560k]
A set of enchanted journals bring solace to two very unlikely lost   souls. Whoever said the art of penmanship was lost? This is a wizarding twist on the old fashioned art of correspondence (or the modern art of Internet chatting). What will happen when the mystery writers finally   discover the identity of their counterpart? Join this star crossed pair as they obliviously chat to each other; along the way learning about   life and love. Find out what will happen when their own voyages of self discovery lead them to the most unlikely of places. This is eventual   HP/DM, but other pairings for the protagonists along their journey.
Renaissance by @dysonrules [33k]
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He’s not in an alternate universe… it just seems like it.
Turn by Saras_Girl [306k]
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung by @femmequixotic [12k]
I sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry’s still alive.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime [23k]
Draco’s world gains a new component, just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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michiiyann · 5 months
Joongdok Random AU Ideas
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Joongdok shenanigans
Imagine both kdj and yjh are red-green color blind and one day hsy tries to put bright red lipstick on kdj and he’s like
“BUT I DONT WANT BROWN LIPS” and everyone is just like
“wut?” And he gets really confused.
Then Ysa is like
“Dokja-ssi, the lipstick is red…” and kdj is like
“no it’s not” and jhw is like
“wait, are you colorblind?” And kdj is like “No?”
And then yjh walks in and is like
“what’s wrong?” Cause everyone is just silently pondering kdj’s color blindness. Then kdj says
“Yoo Junghyuk-ah, Han Sooyeong’s lipstick is brown right?” And yjh is like
“yeah?” And all of Kimcom (the name for kdj’s group) is internally like “OMFG THEY’RE BOTH COLORBLINDDDD”
Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Squid and Sunfish
Once upon a time, there was a little squid. The squid had no purpose in life, so it just drifted along with the current.
Until one day, it came across a sunfish. Strange, thought the squid. Usually sunfish don’t come down this deep.
He asked the sunfish what it was doing in the deep ocean. To which the sunfish replied
“I’m looking for a companion.”
The squid was confused. The only one this deep for miles was him.
He looked the sunfish up and down. Surely this guy wasn’t looking for him?
“Well there’s nobody else here but me,” said the squid.
“That’s fine,” said the sunfish.
The squid blinked. Did this stupid sunfish really not get it? He was a loser with no life! Why would this guys want /him/ as a companion.
The sunfish noticed the squid’s distress.
“If you don’t want a companion, there’s nothing I can do,” He said flatly.
As the sunfish swan away, the squid felt an aching in its heart. He realized, he didn’t want the sunfish to leave!
“Wait,” said the squid. The sunfish stopped.
“If you really aren’t bothered, I’ll be your companion.”
The squid couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. Him someone’s companion? Really? The sunfish turned around and smirked.
That annoying way sunfish do. “Knew it.” He said. And from then on. They lived as companions.
The end.
Department story YJH
What if Joongdok AU where Yoo Junghyuk works at A department store and Kim Dokja comes in as a single dad who has to fix his door handle. Except he has no clue how and has no mechanical knowledge.
When Yjh saw a man walk in with a little girl holding his hand he thought--nothing of it. People bring their kids places all the time. But when the man seemingly walked through every isle in a lost manner for what felt like hours, Yjh thought it might be time to step in.
Usually he’d let one of his coworkers handle helping costumers since he-- hated when people went to department stores not knowing what they needed.
Alas, it was a busy day and all of the other employees were helping equally lost customers.
Yjh approached the man when he heard the little girl say
“daddy, why don’t you just ask for help?”--To which the man replied,
“don’t worry sweetie daddy knows what he’s doing…” and went back to looking at shelves that clearly didn’t house what he needed.
“Can I help you with anything?” Said Yjh almost startling the man.
He noticed the small girl staring at her father clearly--waiting to see his response.
“Ah, yes… well… could you point me in the direction of the doorknobs?” Said the man.
Yjh had to hold in his sigh. Only because he had seen the man pass the doorknobs twice in his search.
“Right this way.” He said in the most polite voice he could--muster. He lead the man a couple of isles down.
“Thank you.” Said the man gratefully.
Yjh simply nodded and went back to walking around.
20 minutes later he happened to walk by the isle again, and to his complete and utter shock, the man was still standing there. Yjh walked up--to the man and asked him what the problem was.
“Oh haha, it’s just that… I don’t seem to know what doorknob I need….” The man let out an embarrassed chuckle.
Yjh had just about had it with him. Really, the amount of stress this man was causing him was unnatural.
Yjh tried asking him which model he currently had or if he needed a knew one. The man said he just needed to fix his old one but beyond that he just pretended to ponder. Yjh asked if he had a picture of his old one to which the man said
“ohhhh that’s what I forgot!” At that--Yjh snapped.
He quickly offered to buy one of each kind of doorknob for the man and personally come to his house and instal the one he needed. The man simply seemed taken aback by the offer and the forwardness.
Of course, who wouldn’t with an offer like that. They exchanged--numbers and the man introduced himself as Kim Dokja. Once he finally left, Yjh’s shift was over.
Yjh realized this man had been in the store for a total of 2 hours. As well as that, he had only been looking for a doorknob. A DOORKNOB FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Yjh took an angry shower and went straight to bed.
The next morning he went into work and after his shift bought exactly what he said he would. When his coworker Hsy asked what he was doing he ranted about the situation to her.
“Wow, you’re down bad” she joked to which Yjh replied to by walking--to his car and driving away.
He texted Kdj and got his address. When he arrived he rang the doorbell. For a while nobody answered. He was getting annoyed because Kdj had told him he was home over text. Then he heard a door open from the back and the sound of rickety wood.
He-turned towards the sound to see Kdj with a tree beach in his hair.
“Hey, sorry about that. The front doorknob is the one that’s broken so we can’t get in and out of it,” he explained.
Yjh felt a pang of pity for this poor man. Kdj gave him permission to forcefully pull-the door open to fix the knob. He did so without much of a struggle. When he saw the state the doorknob was in he wondered how Kdj could’ve let it get this bad.
He wondered how many times he had jammed the door in and out before it got so bad he just couldn’t anymore.
He fixed the doorknob, and when he went to leave Kdj stopped him.
“You know, you could stay and have dinner. It’s the least we can do for all the help you’ve given us.” He paused. “Even if it was out of spite,” he added.
Yjh’s ears went red. Had his reaction really been so obviously out--of frustration?
“You don’t have to though,” said Kdj when he saw Yjh’s hesitation. “No, I accept,” said Yjh curtly.
When he sat down and tried the food, safe to say, he was thoroughly disappointed. Along with knowing nothing of mechanics, he also could barely cook? Yjh’s pea-sized brain saw this as an obvious cry for help and he offered to cook for Kdj every weekend. Kdj at first said know but Yjh was very adamant about it.
Finally Kdj agreed out of the guise that he wanted his daughter Byoo to have better food. In reality he was touched that Yjh-would want to help so bad.
Fast forward a couple months and Yjh asks Kdj to go out.
Somehow, unknown to even Yjh himself, he had fallen for the man who he had met lost in a department store. Kdj agreed and they became boyfriends.
Shoe on the other foot
Joongdok Idea that Kdj has really Small feet and Yjh has normal/large feet and as a scenario penalty they have to swap shoes.
So while they’re fighting Kdj has to deal with big boots that keep slipping off and he keeps tripping and falling.
And on the other hand Yjh can’t feel his toes but at the same time is in constant pain.
Not to mention Kdj wears dress shoes so Yjh is having even more fun.
By the end of it Yjh just gets tired of Kdj faking so he just Carries him.
What if Joongdok crack au where Kdj keeps buying decorative pillows and Yjh is losing his sitting spots
Yjh tries to sit on the couch but falls to the ground because there’s too many pillows on the couch.
Kdj: oh sorry let me move those^^
He throws them on an already humongous pile of other decorative pillows.
Yjh: why do you need so many??
Kdj: They make the house look nice
Yjh takes a look around the room and there’s piles and piles of pillows everywhere.
He gives Kdj a look of exasperation.
Kdj: well maybe we can put some in storage?
(I imagine this is on some kind of reality tv show and there’s a camera)
The camera cuts to Yjh gesturing violently to the tons of pillows in storage already.
Kdj: huh…
Then the scene switches to their bedroom and Yjh’s side of the bed is covered in pillows.
The camera cuts to one of those interview scenes
Yjh: I have 10% bed space left… I did the math
By the end of it they get Kdj help and he agrees to get rid of most of the pillows, begrudgingly. And Yjh can finally sit in his own house again.
The end scene is Yjh sitting in a couch and just smiling.
Pizza Hut vs Domnioes
Pizza Hut vs Domino’s but make it Joongdok
Also hsy is sys sister cause I need an adult
When lgy and sys decided to make the Domino’s and Pizza Hut in their local town call each other, they weren’t expecting it to blow up this much.
Or even in fact, kickstart a relationship It started as any other harmless little prank by kids would.
They grabbed two phones and had dialed the the two stores on them.
They snickered uncontrollably as the phones rang.
“Shhhhh- haha, shhhhhhhh” said lgy trying to contain his laughter.
“I know, I know,” sys was having an even harder time.
Brrrrr brrrrr brrrr.
“Hello? This is Pizza Hut what can I do for you?”
“Hello this is Dominos, what would you like”
Two men’s voices could be heard from the phones.
“What?” They both said in unison.
“This is dominos, you wanted to order a pizza?” Said the deeper gruffer voice.
“If I ordered something from you it definitely wouldn’t be pizza, heck, I’d be weary of a soda from you guys!” Said the other voice.
The other phone went silent. Then,
“Well that’s too bad cause that means you’re stuck with the stuff you people make… yeesh.”The other voice let out an obviously exaggerated gasp.
“How dare you? You know what, where’s your store??”
“123 west rd, and what’s /yours/“
Sys and lgy were dying laughing at this point, they had to go to the corner of the room.
“246 North st!” The other voice said harshly.
“You know what?” It continued, “meet me at 135 south blvd, I dare you!”
“We’ll get ready to be defeated!” Announced the other.
Then both calls hung up. Sys and lgy were silent for a momen before running into the other room.
“HSY!! CAN YOU DRIVE US TI 135 BLVD?? WE WANT TO SEE TWO GROWN MEN FIGHT!!” They said, in unison to the author who was trying to get her work done, now unsuccessfuly. Hsy looked at them seemingly to debate the pros and cons of granting their request.
However it wasn’t long before she gave in to her need to see grown men being idiots and she found herself driving. When they got there the pulled into a parking lot.
Nobody was there at first but then two men showed up.
One was a very plain looking man in a black button up and a Pizza Hut apron.
The other a very handsome man in a Dominos Apron.
“So you’re the apparently handsome man who thinks Domino’s sells pizza!” Shouted the plain looking one from about 20 ft away from the other.
“What do you mean, ‘sells pizza’ THATS WHAT WERE KNOWN FOR!” Bellowed the other from the same distance. “I wouldn’t call what you’re known for /pizza/!” The scrawny man taunted.
The handsomer man opened his mouth to reply but then paused.
“You- wait did you call me handsome earlier?” He asked befuddled.
The latter’s face went beet red. “W-well, yeah! Who wouldn’t,” he stuttered.”
The taller man seemed the think for a moment before stating,
“If you come to Domino’s we… /I/ could treat you a lot better than those guys at Pizza Hut.”
The other man seemed to short circuit for a moment. “B-but nobody out pizzas the Hut!” He said in a last ditch attempt to save his already fleeting dignity.
“Bet,” responded the other who then smirked devilishly.
Meanwhile lgy and sys were fighting over the left back window of the car for better view than the other. Hsy was simply enjoying the scene from the driver’s seat. They had their windows cracked slightly as to hear what was being said.
“10 bucks says they go out,” announced Hsy suddenly.
“I’ll take that bet! No way they’d go out!” Said Lgy. “Yeah! If you heard them on the phones you’d know!” Boasted Sys.
“We’ll just see,” mused Hsy.
Meanwhile in the parking lot, the men were at a standstill.
“What’s your name?” Said the skinnier man.
“Yjh, and yours?”
“Well Kdj, you wanna come to the better pizza store and earn a date with me?” Said Yjh confidently.
Kdj let out a small “sure” and walked away.
Unfortunately he was so far away Yjh didn’t hear him.
“Well?!” He shouted
“I SAID SURE!” Kdj shouted back.
And just like that Lgy and Sys had orchestrated one of the best and most entertaining events of their little town.
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shiyorin · 6 months
Time to silly headcanon
Primarchs but they are in Hogwarts Au
Because everyone need Hogwarts au :v
Lion El'Jonson 
Top marks in everything but has a resting bitch face
Secretly a big softie but acts aloof
Skips class to nap in the forest
Once stupefied a professor but claims it was an accident
They think he is Slytherin but he is Gryffindor
Slytherin prefect, always flawlessly styled hair and robes
Always changing hair and outfit more than Luna Lovegood
Hosts lavish potions parties in the Room of Requirement
Already opened a beauty salon in Hogsmeade on weekends
Ravenclaw but always in detention for arguing with teachers
Could single handedly build a new Hogwarts over summer
Always scribbling dark fortress designs instead of notes
Enchanted the suits of armor to attack people who irritate him
Jaghatai Khan
Always late to class because racing brooms in the halls 
Sends letters via hawk instead of owl
Hufflepuff seeker, fastest broom in the game
Enchanted his motorcycle to fly
Leman Russ
Gryffindor team captain, chill dude until someone mentions Slytherin
Parties in the Forbidden Forest weekly
On a first name basis with the giant squid
Sneaks hip flask of firewhiskey into class
Rogal Dorn
Hufflepuff prefect, stickler for the rules  
Enchanted the suits of armor as a personal army
Constructed multiple secret bases around campus
Reported Peeves to the headmistress at least weekly
Konrad Curze
Not actually a student, caretaker is convinced he's a ghost
Lurks in shadows muttering about "justice"
Won't stop leaving creepy notes in people's bags
Has never been seen in daylight
Gryffindor seeker and favorite student of professors
Runs free tutoring for anyone struggling in class
Tries to help everyone even if they’re mean to him
Secretly a vampire but hasn't told anyone yet
Ferrus Manus
Technically should be in Ravenclaw but hangs with Gryffindors
Top of the Transfiguration class
Always transfigures things by accident when angry
Stockpiles spare parts in the Room of Requirement
Kicked out of every class for flying into homicidal rages 
Secretly takes care of magical creatures in the forest
Pranks people by putting curses on bludgers
Weekly visits to St. Mungo's due to "outbursts"
Why is he Hufflepuff???
Roboute Guilliman
Head Boy and Ravenclaw prefect patrols the halls excessively 
Top marks in every class and pays attention except Prophesy
Binds rule books to smack people who break curfew 
Daily schedules include color-coded classes and chores
Constantly skipping herbology to smoke strange plants out back 
This Slytherin always smells like a wet grave and fungi
Hoards Doxys and bowtruckles in the damper closets 
Enchanted his robes to be self-cleaning but they’re still grimy
Magnus the Red
Runs the wizard chess club and gobstones club
Has a psychic duel with Professor Trelawney weekly 
Secretly teaching advanced magic to other houses in the Room of Requirement
Uses crystal balls to gaze into the future of quidditch matches
Somehow became the most hated Ravenclaw
Horus Lupercal
Charismatic Gryffindor prefect and heir to Dumbeldore
Talented chaser who carries the quidditch cups every year
Top marks but still finds time for partying with Slytherins
Already has several Hogsmeade businesses lined up for after graduation
Lorgar Aurelian
Runs Slytherin religious cult meetings in the Forbidden Forest
Always gets plucked from class for excessive proselytizing 
Has enchanted murals all over the school of super holy scenes
Constantly blessing other students whether they want it or not
Hufflepuff chaser, always lets the snitch go 
Best at Care of Magical Creatures, even the dangerous ones love him
Secretly bakes the best cookies in the kitchens 
Constantly in the hospital wing due to "potions accidents"
Corvus Corax
Introverted Ravenclaw, knows all the hidden passages
Best student in Defense Against the Dark Arts
Skips classes to research advanced transfiguration
Owl delivery? Nah he climbs in your window
No one knows if they're the same person or twins   
Always seen disappearing around corners and through secret passages
Top marks in Potions but no one knows which one is which
Pranks people by polyjuicing as other students
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dragonkingz159 · 2 years
*slowly opens door* hi...uhhh...I'm alive.
Alright so back to Squid House AU! This time about Lilith’s idol career.
Lilith Seathorne (gods the puns are killing me why did i do this?) is perhaps the biggest solo idol in Inkopolis, thanks in no small part to the sponsorship of Belo Ink. She has starred in movies, television series, a whole bunch of advertisements (all exclusively for Belos Ink. products and services), and of course has sang nearly non-stop since she arrived on the scene after winning the Singing Contest and beating her sister...by default since Eda quit...and was disqualified and labeled a public danger after she transformed into a kraken form outside of a turf war without any gear.
Which Lilith had nothing to do with of course, Why would you ask that? Hahahahahahaha
*Cough* Where was I? Oh yeah.
In short she absolutely hates it.
Not outwardly, publicly, no. Her managers would absolutely berate her for doing so. Just internally, privately, absolutely despises being a public idol. It's not a fun adventure filled gig she thought it would be.
She joined because she wanted to be the next Squid Sisters alongside Eda. To go on world tours, explore the world, and escape her little bubble within the city of Inkopolis. I imagine her obsession with history carries over here and she possibly also wanted to use her career to share her passion for history. Think David Attenborough but with shows about archeology or obscure history rather than nature documentaries, which was probably the direction she WANTED to go into with her career.
But that is definitely NOT what Belos Ink. wanted out of her. Instead of exploring the world she was kept in Inkopolis and forced to produce and sing EXACTLY what they wanted out of her. Which...was fine, because she was a big star now. With a lot of money to help fund whatever she wanted (as long as it was Belos approved, Branding, you understand? Can't have anything affect that perfect public image.)
I don't actually have any particular sound in mind for her singing career. So any suggestions?
So Products she doesn't even try, "Perfume that smells like the sea and salt? Whatever will those folk down at Belos Ink. think of next?" (It doesn't even smell like sea salt). Movies she doesn't really care for, "Her stone cold exterior brings a depth to each character she preforms as!" (she just didn't want to be there). Music she doesn't really connect with, "Top of the Records again with another Hit Single from Miss Seathorne" (it used to be fun singing with Eda when did it stop being fun).
Anyway, I'm unsure about what exactly she would be involved in. Since the "Golden Guard" is in a similar position, what with being Belos Ink.'s Top Model, but Hunter is also their private hitman and general scoundrel..."Its for the good of the company. You Understand?" and while that might work on Hunter, child clone soldier that he is...Lilith is...not that. Brainwashed and indoctrinated? oh yes. But not so much that she would be okay with crime. That works in canon because Belos and the Emperor's coven IS the government. In Squid House, Belos Ink. is a Company and a Business.
So I imagine Lilith is more or less completely in the dark about Belos Ink.'s darker motivations and dealings. While she herself publicly defends Belos Ink. because its all she has known since she won that Singing Contest and she is stuck dealing with the terrible TERRIBLE idol industry where her entire life is micromanaged and controlled. She doesn't realize that she is basically being abused because she is surrounded by luxury and kept so busy she is too exhausted to question anything around her.
Thankfully Luz and Eda cause such a public scandal and mess that they drag her into it and Lilith's unwillingness to denounce or abandon her sister as Belos Ink. wants causes her to be dropped as an Idol and blacklisted by Belos Ink...effectively ruining any chance Lilith has of working anywhere in Inkolopis. But that is fine! She has her sister again and a niece and nephew to spoil.
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nightmarerodent · 5 months
✨Kombat Kid AU headcannons✨
✨Featuring Satoshi and Frost✨
Kung Jin has keys to everyone’s rooms. Note that they did not give him the keys, he’s somehow just acquired them. No one knows how he managed this, no keys are missing, but he has them all the same for “reasons”.
Kung Jin used to have a crush on Takeda but that passed back when they were still teenagers. Now they are ride or die besties that will occasionally kiss the homies good night.
In a surprise twist no one was expecting, Takeda turns out to be the only straight person on the team. Given the fact that he was raised by an emotionally repressed ninja in love with an equally emotionally repressed assassin, this came as a shock to many.
Jacqui does NOT like Satoshi. She’ll play nice with him for everyone’s sake, but she won’t easily forgive him for all the crap he’s put Takeda through physically and all the stuff he’s still being put through emotionally.
Kung Jin is also wary of Satoshi and keeps a very close eye on him. Between him and Jacqui, Satoshi is being watched like a hawk.
Cassie would smash the mindflare in Baldur’s Gate. Yes, she gets judged for it, and though Jacqui is very familiar with the benefits of sleeping with a telepath, it is still a squid, and it is gross, and Cass should feel bad. (Kung Jin would do the mindflare too)
Takeda is an amazing cook. He used to help his mother in the kitchen before she died so he’s kept up the skill as a way of keeping her memory alive. Also out of necessity because Hanzo can’t cook to save his life. Cassie often jokes that Takeda will make a great house husband for Jacqui one day.
Cassie, Frost, and Takeda are all metalheads.
Cassie is the only one that can get away with calling Frost Elsa.
A small part of Kuai Liang was happy to see Satoshi back at the Lin Kuei, but a much larger, less selfish, part of his heart was braking for Hanzo.
Frost is very protective of Satoshi but she is also very protective of her friends as well so she is put between a rock and a hard place when it comes to his feud with the SF team.
Takeda starts spending a lot more time with Kenshi and a lot less time with the Shirai Ryu after Satoshi’s return, which honestly just ends up hurting himself and everyone involved even more.
It’s Kenshi that convinces Takeda to return to Hanzo’s side because though he is Takeda’s biological father, Hanzo is his legal guardian and by all rights his father as well and the man has been sending him nonstop messages asking about him, worried sick that he had somehow upset the boy.
The look of pure, unashamed, joy on Hanzo's face when Takeda returned had Satoshi seething.
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fantomette22 · 1 month
Ok, let’s hear about your favorite Gehrman and Maria happy AU!!
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With pleasure!!!! :D
Ok so for context yesterday I refound this post :
And I was like "hey guys in my happy AU Gehrman could totally get or make something like this for Maria!" And then it spiralled into "oh I completely forgot to explain my bloodborne "happy ending AU" so there it is finally I guess. I think I only share to a couple of persons so far XD (I have a few others many different AU and darker but it isn't for today).
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I already did a few drawings in link with it : here, here, here and there. Yeah with the gehrmaria ship involve so pass your way if that isn't your thing.
I did end up making the cottage house of the AU in Minecraft since a few months ago by the way XD I even have a tanner, hunter and a freaking cleric villager who now took possession of the house 😂😭 even Laurence decided to live here now I can't. I would need to redo it I kinda screw up proportions I think. Sadly Minecraft bedrock doesn't offer to put many details. I guess it would be better in the sims? If someone knows a good game to built house (and 19th century one) I'm taking it!
So now about the AU it's kinda an AU of my fic verse who can be consider like an AU as well I suppose (even if I tried to stay as canon complaint as possible in this one). Like you can guess from the name Yharnam doesn't became hell on earth and most people don't end up dying horribly. I will copy paste below the summary so you I can explain it better.
Bloodborne happy/good ending AU Summary :
Basically after bloodborne game event (in my fic verse interpretation) our dear baby squid good hunter decided it was rewind time and give everyone a 2nd chance. Don't ask me how
Then it's not clear but either the souls of everyone were taken and yet back in their old self, decades earlier of if people from the past dreamed of the future or a weird mixt of both. But it's what happened. Decades before the game invent (Byrgenwerth era) people started wake up and remember events that haven't happen yet + message from the new great one that they were giving a 2nd chance to make things right etc. It feels like a very strange dream but they knew it was real. Some people remember more than other and they especially remember their own future and they lived/are gonna live+ a couple of other things in game event for exemple.
Now it's up to them to not make the same mistakes and make things right.
So imagine it’s like 2-3am at Byrgenwerth, everyone wake up from well this dream/ nightmare and they basically remember everything that happened to them. So you haven hundreds of people outside in their pyjama. Crying, hugging, and some almost throwing hands with others 💀 quite emotional. I know it’s pretty crazy (i don’t have everything settle yet)
*Yeah you have people who were basically bestie at the time almost punching each other because one betrayed the other years later lol and people who didn’t like each other at Byrgen but become friends way later are hugging and crying. Some people were really confused xD like the one who die earlier on the timeline or weren't very important or just leave this mess early.
So of course you have Laurence & Gehrman crying and holding each other in pyjama in the middle of the dark campus. Then Maria show up in the distance 👁️👁️  it’s even more of an emotional reunion.
So you have this 2 idiots then Maria show up in the distance, they’re stunned and then Laurence tells him « what the hell you’re waiting for just go!!!» so he runs extremely fast (maria too) and they stop a few meters away from each other just staring. Then he tried to apologize says he’s sorry for everything. « YOU’RE SORRY?! » she’s kinda mad and sad about everything that happened she kinda hit him but he is surprise it’s not that hard then she hugs him and they hug each other and cry. (Yeah the Doll is discuss a bit later it's all good)
At some point Laurence try to eclipse himself and Maria’s like « you fucking stay here! » because she have things to say to this dumbass too.
So everyone reunite and all. With Caryll/ Rom/ Ludwig etc.They are hugging and all and then you have like Damian trying to kick Mico’s ass and nobody stopping him XD
Also Charles and Laurence threw hands 💀it’s a mess.
*People who’re not suppose to be very friends at this era are in each other arms and some bff are like throwing hands.
Then Willem show up and tell everyone to shut up and calm down 😂
Charles and Maria later go to Cainhurst to hug all their family who slightly remember all the shit too. And so it don’t cause a war again as well 😂 because they're kinda salty about their nightmares were the church + executioners killed them.
Anyway they all kinda calm down and some times later they’re all reuniting by Willem & Laurence because we need to talk about what the hell happened. « Yep that was real » now time to change it. 
After this mess and discussing what the hell happened and « we need to changed things! » they need to make a big plan how to avoid the fishing hamlet pb and save the orphan. they also can't just not use blood because it does save lives so it's quite complex.
So years later (because the beginning of it during like Maria, Ludwig, Caryll & Rom's hm 3rd of 4th years of university) they manage to make sure the hamlet don't became fishmen, and help Kos give birth (she isn't dead yet but her physical body do die afterwards). And baby orphan is fine and taking care off 👍
Then it's party time 😎 Well they still have things to take care of but I didn't thought of all the details yet. So Maria & Gehrman officially get together 🎉 (never really happened in my main interpret, it's complicated) and some times later travel between Yharnam and other places to help people around (to put it shortly).
THEN they buy a house next to a forest and a small village and live there for some time, maybe start a family etc (see the drawing with the baby!! I won't get into all the family detail today through). So they got the cottage/country house ✨
How they found it? Well funny story one day old hunters were on the mission (not the happy au but fic verse) and the mayor leave the house to them so they could sleep for a few nights and Gehrman really liked the house and even made a deposit for it for a few years if one day he wanted to buy it XD
Then after some time they accidentally adopt a lil dog too (before the huge white wolfhound years later) XD
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Something like this. Need to find a name for this lil guy.
And recently I've been thinking a cat could be cool too. A really fluffy one
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I made those 2 other sketches last year in link with the AU as well. I never share those so there it is.
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And I have a fic planned (1-2 chap max for now), an entire summary, a chapter plan and even a few sentences written for this AU in particular. But idk when I could write it. And I could even have 2 versions depending the rating @_@ so maybe one day...
So yeah it's a bit messy but it's all the fluff & some other things I need. And that's it for now!
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lqtusxtearz · 10 months
Mermaid's Tears
Word Counts:2.3K
Pirate x Princess AU
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The sounds of a large bell from the big church have woken up the people. People with no house woke up because of the loud sounds of the bell, and the maids of each household have woken up and started their routines to clean the house and cook for their masters. As the hours go by, the person who is covered in dark clothes and has a big black cloak always looks from left to right, looking suspicious. As the person was about to move, they were stopped by another person who looked so distressed that they held onto the person's arms and looked at them practically begging.
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"Thy highness, with all respect that I have, please don't do this. I don't crave to be the victim of thy father's spleen because of thy stupoid adventure that is most dangerous for thou to e'en hie! Please, for me and other maids in the palace, don't do this."
The person said that as she looked at you with a pleading look and as you craved her request, you forcefully pulled your hand away from her. As you craved in with her request, you saw the carriage and walked inside, and so did the maid.
"Does my father know about me doing this?
You said this to the maid as she looked at you and shook her head. No, you looked away from her as you looked out the window and saw your people doing their own thing to survive this cruel world. You sigh and set your gaze at your maid again.
"Why doth thou aye forbear me, Millie? thou wot this most musch that I wanted this aye since we were kids."
You said to her, Start a conversation, and you looked at her brown eyes as she looked away to avoid anger and resentment.
"You know very well that this stupid dream of yours is dangerous, and not only that, I am scared of your father. What if he does something to us and you are there to protect us? Millie said as she didn't look at you at the end of the sentence, and her statement makes you want to bite your lips.
"You have a choice to leave Millie, and you know that."
"You know your father's actions, princess or prince; he is a violent man to us, except for you."
You look at your personal maid and scoff. You tried your best to be as calm as possible for her because she has done everything to protect you in high society and at the royal ball since you were both little.
"I want this, Millie, I really did! Did you even read my note? Have you taken my advice to leave the palace since I will not be there any longer?
You yelled at Millie as she stared at you in anger, but she quickly calmed down.
"Yes, I do! But I made a promise to your mother that I would protect you as much as I could!"
"That is bullcrap; excuse Millie!"
As you were to argue more with her, you arrived in the palace with the lot of maids who look so distressed, and this causes you to feel bad because they depend too much on your protection from your father's wrath and idioticness. You got out of the carriage, and the maids looked at you with happiness and ran towards you and hugged you tightly.
"Please, your highness, don't ever scare us like that."
They said that to you as you looked down, nodded, and whispered sorry. As you walk inside your so-called home when it's a prison, in your eyes, as you walk towards your room, you find a maid who looks younger than you, and they look so nervous meeting your gaze, so you suspect that they are new. This doesn't mind you; walking in your room is also your safe space. As you step inside your room, you request to be alone and close the door, thinking of a new plan.
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Somewhere near the shore, there are people who woke up because of last night's party; some can barely stand up, some are strong enough to help clean everything around them, and some are still sleeping until one of them yells
"Wake up, you dirty squids! We have work to do!"
She said that as she looked around, some of them woke up and tried to sober themselves up as she stepped down from the barrel and looked at a specific person that she wanted to tease.
"Wow, Peter, your sibling is drunk. MJ would not like to see that."
she said as she teases the man name peter who chuckled and offered his hand who wanted some help to stand up which she glady take his hand and push up for him to stand up 
Hey, Snitches, get no more booze, Jessica."
The woman, who is named Jessica, chuckled and nudged him a little.
"Hey, that doesn't work on me; I don't drink."
She said this to him as she walked towards their captain's room and knocked softly at the door.
"Hey, you two lovebirds, I need you two to wake up."
She said as she again knocked on the door, and in response, the deep voice groans loudly, which Jessica chuckles at. She left them alone.
Inside the Room is a barely awake captain, and with a woman who has beautiful rich brown curly hair and is dark skinned, she woke up, and so did Miguel, the captain of the ship. He looked at the woman, groaned, and sighed.
"Look what happened last night. We are both drunk, so let's just imagine that we didn't do it, okay?"
He said it coldly, which broke the woman's heart. She named her Alisa, and she nodded her head in silent understanding as they both got out of the room. Miguel Yelled
"Okay, everyone. Have they gotten any information about our goals?"
The captain said as he arranged his disorganized clothes on the sides
"Guess what, Miguel, ESTE Captain!
Peter said to Miguel, There captain, as he tried to sober up by drinking water.
Okay, if I remember clearly that we are looking for a mermaid—"
"Straight to the point, Peter."
Sheesh, okay. Okay, as I heard last night, someone can locate the Mermaid tears, and the only one who can have that ability is one of the royals."
Peter said as he again drank his water as he tried to sober up so that he could help the others on the ship.
"How can we find that person with the same ability as Royals, unless you suggest it?"
No, we are not doing that. That is too much risk, and we could get into war for kidnapping some spoiled brats."
Miguel said as he frowned and was in deep thought, but he was cut off by Peter.
"Lucky for us, this place has some Bastards, thanks to the late king, who is kind of like..yknow.."
Peter said as he looked at Miguel, trying to catch up on what he was trying to say, to which Miguel nodded and understood what he meant.
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You are thinking about your plan to get out of this palace without your maids or any of the servants knowing, and as you were thinking deeply, you didn't hear your voice calling out to you on the other side of the room. With none of her calls answered, she got worried and opened the door, only to see you in deep thought. She knew what you were thinking, so she interrupted your thinking session.
Your highness, whatever your plan is, don't do it; you have everything here in the palace! Also, your father plans a banquette for your"
She said as she held your hand, looked at you with concern in her eyes, let go for 5 seconds, and closed your door that she would definitely tell every servant around the palace and cause a big problem.
Night in the Banquet
You arrive the night with the most beautiful dress that you have in your wardrobe as you try to distract yourself as you prepare your stuff in the kitchen wardrobe as you smile at the guess and even flirt with some of the young dukes there and there. You dance with some of the young dukes and chat with them. You excuse yourself since now you found out the maids and servants are now small and this is give your chance to change your clothes quickly as you ran inside the room and lock the door and changes your clothes as thought you where alone you heard someone behind you, you turn around you saw the new Servants eating food and once they saw your face they quickly bow down in a weird way...
"What are you doing?"
You said to the servants as you looked at them as you continued to take off your jewelry and put it on your bag, and then an overthinking came to your mind.
"Shit, are you going to tell everyone?"
I said to the new servant, who still bows down in a weird way, They look at you and ask questions.
"Where are you going, princess or prince?"
They said looking at you while bowing creeps you out and tells lies.
"going to a friend's house"
They stood up and looked at you and held your hand, which creeps you out, but you couldn't do anything to not risk anything.
"You must not go, your highness; it's night, and no guards are looking after you."
They said this as they looked at you worriedly, but you tried to reassure them, trying to be as fast as possible since the time was ticking and the maids would look after you.
"Look, I can take care of myself now. Please let me go. This is an order from your Royals."
You said using your power as the heir to the throne, to which they nodded and let go of you, and you took this chance and grabbed the bag from the robe and ran towards the harbor, which the ships are trying to leave since only 2 days they are allowed to be here. And then, all of a sudden, you saw a flyer that said they needed new members with special abilities. As you read someone link your shoulders to yours, as you were about to puunch who this person was, they quickly said
Hey, you seem to be interested in that, and since you are interested, do you have any special abilities? "
You looked at the man suspiciously and nodded, not saying a word since you had never seen him before. He smiled at you and yelled, Great!
"Great! Come with me!"
He said as you two walked towards the ship that you hadn't seen it before, and this caused you to panic a little, but keep yourself calm. He looks at you, smiling, and leads you inside the room where the captain is.
"Hey Miguel-ESTE Captain! Look for new people who want in."
"Okay, you better talk fast because we are leaving in a couple minutes and there are some promising"
The person who drags you here smiles, looks at you, and asks one simple question.
"Do you have the Ability to locate the mermaid's Tears?"
He said, looking at you smiling, and that question shocked you because that type of ability only royals have, and not only that, only the Heir to the throne has that ability.
"Don't lie; you see that girl staring at you there; she can sense that you are lying, and we don't like liars."
And since this is the only chance that you could go on an adventure, this is also a risk since the ability that they are looking for is kind of dangerous to use, and you don't have your requirements for the use of the ability to be useful, so you have to lie.
You said that as everything is now silent and you hope for the best, the lady that is starring at you is fake, but sadly, the universe isn't on your side.
"they lied"
The man looks at you, and so does the captain, and that action you took angered him, so he asked the question again.
"Looks like you lied. We don't like liers again. Do you have the ability to locate the --"
"Captain! I found this kid hiding in our ship. What shall we do with it?
You look to see who it was, and it was Aikid that you saw in the palace, and this panics you a little. You were about to run towards the kid, but the lady grabbed you by the shoulders and gripped you tightly.
"Let the kid go! She's with me!"
You yelled, making the captain and man that dragged you here look at you, and this gained advantages from the Captain. He grabs the kid and points a dagger at her neck.
"Look, we are kind of in a rush, so we ask again. Do you have the ability to Locate the mermaid's tears?"
He was cut off by you, and you yelled and nodded your head.
Yes, I can Locate it! "
"Looks like we got ourselves a real blood royal."
Alisa said as she giggled, You tried to protest but couldn't since this woman could sense that I was lying. So I look at the captain as he lets go of the servant as she runs towards me.
"Well, welcome aboard, your royal highness."
He said it in a cold and despite tone that sends shivers down my spine.
"Arrange our ship; we are leaving before they notice that one of the Royal family is gone."
I guess this is a new adventure, I guess.
"Why do you need a mermaid's Tear? Aren't you afraid of the legends?"
I said as I looked at the captain, who looked at me and shook his head.
"For my daughter, I will do anything."
His replies caught me off guard and nodded, the kid look at me fear in her eyes as i try to comfort her as best as i can and i found out later that she was Mute 
I was about to leave the room until I heard his voice.
"Who said that you were going to leave this room?"
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fieldofdaisiies · 9 months
𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝟕: 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒚
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Azris Hogwarts AU for @erisweek2023🧡 ~6k words
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As the clock's hands show 11am the Hogwarts Express lurches forward with a jolt. The train's whistle is louder than the chatting of the pupils who haven't seen each other for over six weeks, finally reunited and trying to find places to sit down. 
And so, once again the journey begins, for some of the pupils for the first time, for some for the last time. 
Eris loads his hand luggage above him, rolls back his shoulders, smoothes out his white shirt and then claims his usual seat alongside his house mates. His long legs are stretched beneath the small table, crossed at the ankle. And thank Godrick, the mark he bears since this summer, his mark, is hidden beneath the sleeve of his shirt. It is nothing he is proud of, nothing he wanted, but he had no other choice. 
Slowly, Eris' attention returns to reality. His friend, Tamlin laughs loudly as Elain Archeron trips over his out-stretched foot. He is sneering at her, her disheveled demeanour, having fallen to the ground and landed on her bag. Plants and books about Herbology are scattered around her, pages torn, branches of the plants and flowers broken or twisted. 
The young Hufflepuff only bites down on her lower lip, tears rising in her eyes from the pain that erupts in her knees where she hit the ground. "Foul beetle," she grumbles through gritted teeth as she collects her things, and gets up. She hurdles away, quickly following after her older sister, Feyre who is already in the next compartment, not having noticed her falling. Tamlin is lucky, because if Feyre or Nesta had noticed what he had done they would have punched him right in the face.  
"Isn't the little Mudblood dating your bastard brother?" Dagdan asks. He snorts and points the end of his wand at Eris. 
The seventh year Slytherin flashes him a glower and shakes his head. "Don't mention that, or I will curse your stupid ass."
Deep inside his heart, Eris loves his little brother. But no one can know this, no one can know about their secret meetings where he warns Lucien about what is happening in the world, where he checks to make sure Lucien is alright. And Lucien…he can never know that he now bears…his mark. Koschei's. There are so many secrets now, secrets that weren't always there. Once, Eris used to be a happy, young boy, joyful about going to Hogwarts. This no longer is. Now he is serious, sad, torn and twisted. Scared. 
"Last year, huh?" "Fucking finally," Amren chuckles, claiming her seat next to Eris. He moves over a little, making room for the short, dark-haired witch. 
Dagdan snorts, but then is attention moves to Nesta Archeron passing them, chin held high and not deigning her housemates a single look. 
"Not sitting with us, beautiful?" Dagdan drawls.
Nesta turns her head a little, gives him a once over, her stare flat. "I would rather sleep in the Forbidden Forest or kiss the giant squid in the Great Lake than sit with you."
Just like every year, Nesta sits with her sisters, and their boyfriends and her boyfriend. Cassian is in Gryffindor and it took her a damn long time to allow herself to fall for him, but now she loves him more than anything. 
She does find two of her classmates alright — Eris an Amren— but the rest she can really do without and since she only tolerates the other two, she rather opts to sit with her family and friends. 
"Making out with the squid is probably not much different to making out with Dagdan, is it?" Eris comments, a sly smile on his lips, as his eyes trail over Nesta. 
That makes Tamlin laugh wickedly, but the slap he earns himself from Tamlin immediately shuts him up. 
Nesta is gone in the meantime, not paying anymore attention to them.
"Big mouth, Vanserra. You are the one who hasn't hooked up with anyone in ages."
"We had summer holidays, how would you know?" the oldest Vanserra brother shoots back, hoping his glower will edge onto the Cruciatus Curse. 
He is not in the mood to talk about anything related to love. Love is fucking awful, and annoys him. And in all the chaos, and whirlwind in his mind, definitely something that is not on top of his priority list. 
Tamlin only snorts and shakes his head, not finding the right words for a come back. 
Tired of the conversation, the Vanserra boy leans his head back after a moment, and closes his eyes. And then…Bloody hell!
Maybe love is higher up on his priority list than he thought. His thoughts immediately start to wander, going to…to the stupid Ravenclaw half-blood…And he immediately shuts up his brain. These are thoughts he can't allow. 
They are long past London when Eris blinks open his eyes, absently staring out of the window. "They are recruiting," he hears Tamlin say and quickly hits is leg under the table. What a fool, talking out loud about it. "Who?" Dagdan asks, the obvious idiot he is.
"You know who," Tamlin answer him, but Eris' warning glare is enough for him to not continue speaking about this topic. 
The atmosphere is gloomy, the scenery eerie, no excitement comes from the pupils as the Hogwarts Express comes to a halt at the platform of Hogsmead station. Students leave the train, crowding along the platform, getting ready to go to the castle. Anxiousness and nervousness weigh heavy in the air, a sense of uncertainty going along with. Koschei is rising to power, and people —mostly Muggles of course— grow more and more afraid the imminent danger. 
Eris Vanserra is nothing, but elegant and arrogant confidence when he steps out onto the train platform, smoothing one hand over his neatly combed hair, the other moving into the pocket of his trousers. The air around him is crisp, a breeze carrying the scent of pine and moss, as it touches his skin. His amber eyes scan his surroundings, halting on the big gates. 
Beside him, Tamlin Fahrhan grumbles loudly, complaining about something Eris couldn't care less about. Dagdan wears an amused smirk on his face, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his trousers as he saunters a few steps behind the two boys. "Our last year," he comments. 
But Eris does not answer him, his eyes are still on the gates, on the Aurors behind them, searching every pupil and all the luggage upon arriving. Cold sweat breaks out on the back of his neck, a kernel of panic and anxiousness taking root inside of his chest. 
"Can you believe this nonsense?" Eris mutters, his tone tinged with disdain. "Searching our trunks as if we're hiding dark secrets." Like the fucking huge secret hidden beneath his sleeve! He is terrified, but masks it in sheer arrogance and disdain. 
Tamlin snorts and shakes his head. "Honestly, do they think we are Death Eaters or what?"
Dagdan chuckles, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, that I would not deem as something bad, you know, Tam." 
The two boys chuckle, but Eris doesn't. He feels like throwing up, the tattoo feeling like it is burning its way right through his pale skin. Shame and regret feel like they are sinking claws into Eris' heart. 
As they make their way towards the gates, their grumbling continues, complaining about being searched and all the unnecessary things happening, but Eris does not pay attention. He is caught in his own mind, pained and haunted by what had been done to him during the summer holidays. It wasn't his choice — the choice was made for him. Beron made this choice for him. 
The Aurors check them only quickly, Eris glowers at them, hoping they remember who his father is so they will let him pass — and they do. 
The majestic Thestrals —only visible to Tamlin at this point— are awaiting them when they reach the carriages. Eris, Tamlin, and Dagdan climb into the carriage, no conversation happening between them, until Dagdan unfortunately has to open his mouth.  
"At least the Mudblood is pretty. All three sisters actually are," Dagdan mumbles, gazing back into the distance when the carriage departs. 
"By how much you talk about them, one could get the impression you have a crush on Elain Archeron!"
"Shut up, Tamlin!" Dagdan growls and slumps back into his seat. He flips off his friend, with a grimace on his face. 
Once again Eris is in his own mind. The creaking of the wheels, mingles with the wind around them as they continue their journey to the castle.
As the carriages come to a halt in front of the castle, Eris, Tamlin, and Dagdan step out onto the cobblestone, heading for the inside. 
The Great Hall, brightly lit and welcoming, awaits them, its doors wide open to let everyone in. In here everything seems lighter, the people happier — chatter and even laughter fills Eris' ears and he looks around in the Great Hall. 
Eris once again wears his demeanour of arrogant confidence, a mask and shield he has perfected for himself. He veils his face in cool boredom, strutting towards his house table, just when someone walks past him. Not someone…Azriel Moretti. 
He is also already dressed in his robes, his dark blue Ravenclaw tie in perfect place just like the glasses sitting on his nose, as he wants to walk to his table. 
All house tables are adorned with goblets, and plates filled with all sorts of dishes. But Eris is quicker, not sure why he even bothers to talk to him…maybe because he wants to spend time with the handsome Ravenclaw, with the beautiful brown eyes and the lovely glasses? Ugh, hell no…
"Moretti." Eris' lips curl into a sly smile as he turns to Azriel, who has stopped walking and also turns around.
"Well, well, well," Eris drawls, his voice dripping with a feigned air of superiority. "Look who we have here. Look who has returned again, the Ravenclaw half-blood, so very smart and brilliant. Must be tough, not being part of either side, huh? Not a pureblood and not a mudblood either."
But Azriel looks unfazed, tired, his expression emotionless. He stares at Eris for a long moment and then brings one hand up to adjust his glasses. 
"Being half-blood doesn't seem to be bad to me, and everything is better than being like you — a pure breed who thinks that that sort of thing really matters in life."
Eris raises an eyebrow, momentarily caught off guard by Azriel's unexpected response. His usual air of arrogance threatens to waver. His nostrils flare, eyes sharpening on the Ravenclaw. "Oh, how wonderful of you, Embracing your…oddness."
Azriel's lips curl. "Better odd than like you."
When the fuck did he grow that confidence to answer back to me? the Slytherin boy thinks. His glower only intensifies, but damn is it hot that Azriel turned so confident and strong over the holidays.
Eris opens his mouth to retort, but no words come out, he is too stunned. Azriel's subtle confidence has left him momentarily speechless and he does not like this. Before he can find his voice, Azriel leans forward a bit. He is the same height as Eris, another thing the Slytherin doesn't really like about him. But then…there is hardly anything the Slytherin really doesn't like about Azriel. 
Over the last year he has figured out that he actually likes too many things about Azriel. Too many things no one can ever find out about. No one can know about his crush, it would be his end.
"You know, Eris," Azriel says, his voice dropping an octave, "I am pretty alright with the way I am. It took me a damn long time to accept it, but now I can say I feel good about myself, my heritage. And no matter what complexes you have about your own heritage, don't leave your frustration out on someone else, it doesn't make you a better person. It only makes you look pathetic. "
Eris' cheeks flush slightly, embarrassment flooding his entire being. He clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Moretti. I was just messing around with you, not my problem that you don't understand some fun."
Azriel chuckles coldly, his laughter like a melody that caresses Eris' skin. "Of course, Vanserra." Azriel's gaze is stern and hard. "But I want you to remember one thing: it's not the blood that defines a wizard, but his heart and mind. Maybe you should remind yourself of that from time to time."
With that, Azriel turns around and walks away, not deigning the Slytherin boy another glance. Frustrated, embarrassed and deeply annoyed, Eris heads to the Slytherin table, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. 
What goes unnoticed by him is that as Azriel walks over to the Ravenclaw table, he turns and his gaze lingers on Eris for a moment before he sits down and dives into his meal, his heart beating with a secret that is only his share. But he will never do so.
The feast begins, the pupils are greeted, Headboy and Headgirl are announced — Rhysand and Feyre, to no ones surprise. 
Then the pupils are warned about the dangers lurking outside the castle walls. And then the pupils are sent of to their dorm rooms. 
In the quiet Slytherin dorm room, the moonlight casts a gentle glow upon Eris' pale skin. He leans against the headboard of the bed, his long legs crossed at the ankles. His roommates, Tamlin and Dagdan, are fast asleep, their snores drifting to him, but otherwise the room is calm — one could hear a needle drop.
Eris is wide awake though— too many thoughts are coursing through his mind. 
And somehow, he can't help but think back to his encounter with Azriel in the Great Hall. He remembers the witty come-back the Ravenclaw had, his confident responses, and the way his eyes shone with some unplaceable emotion.
Alone with his thoughts, Eris lets himself dream. He traces his fingers along his bedsheet, mulling over his feelings. And then…he smiles as he replays the memory, hearing Azriel's voice in his mind, seeing his eyes. His heart suddenly beats faster at the sheer thought of the Ravenclaw. Idiocy…
But in the quiet of the Slytherin dorm room, Eris allows himself to hope for something more, something completely impossible.
With a sigh, Eris settles into his bed, pulling the sheets up to his chin, thoughts of Azriel warming his heart. The memory of their encounter becomes a secret source of joy, even though it was all but joyful. But it was…something and a good distraction from all the chaos and pain in his life. 
"Same old bullshit," Dagdan comments as Professor Devlon strolls to the front of the Potions classroom. The first week at Hogwarts was rather uneventful, but now that the second week has started, things are starting to become more interesting. 
"Today, we are brewing a potion of which the name should for now be a secret to you. And I will chose the partner you are working with."
Groans and annoyed grumbles fill the Potions classroom, the pupils letting their displeasure about it be known out loud.
The professor turns around, his brow raised, black robes like a veil of darkness around him. "Anyone wants to say something?" he asks, in his deep rumble, speaking very slowly. 
Everyone is calm. 
"I thought so. Now, let me put you into pairs." And so he starts. 
Some are happy with their partners, some are not. Emerie from Gryffindor, who is in a team with Tamlin nearly throws a cauldron through the whole classroom when she finds out about her partner.
But it is another cauldron that should bring Eris and Azriel together. "Moretti, Vanserra."
Eris' eyes nearly fall out of their sockets and the groan Azriel releases speaks volumes. 
Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Cassian, and best friend of Azriel, quickly reaches his hand over to give his friend a supportive pat on his back. "You can do this, Azzy. It is just one potion."
Azriel fights the urge to roll his eyes and walks over to where Professor Devlon is waiting next to a cauldron, Eris already standing next to him — obviously Devlon would chose Eris' cauldron, him being head of Slytherin House obviously makes him favour the Slytherins. 
"Don't mess this up, I need a good grade." "Funny, I was going to say the same thing," Azriel grumbles and turns to Eris, a disdainful expression on his face. Azriel pushes his glasses up his nose as he draws in a steadying breath, steeling himself for what lies ahead — having to work together with Eris. Being in close proximity to Eris. 
With the cauldron in front of them bubbling softly, the two boys set out to work, their movements cautious. Eris reaches for a vial of crushed rose thorns, his fingers accidentally brushing against Azriel's as they both reach for the same jar. Their hands linger for the blink of an eye, and they exchange a fleeting glance that holds a hint of intrigue. But quickly they look away, and pull their hands back.
"Watch it, Moretti and take a step back," Eris growls. "I'd hate to see your glasses fog up from the heat of the cauldron."
Azriel rolls his eyes, his lips curving into a wry smile. "I'm more worried about you accidentally dipping your fingers into the liquid." Not a good come-back, but the only one Azriel could come up with. His mind is racing, heart beating to fast — he still feels Eris' fingers against his. 
Somehow, they slowly find their rhythm, falling into a pattern of actions and they work perfectly together, without any conversation passing between them. 
Eris pours a good amount of peppermint and Pearl Dust into the Caulrdon, while Azriel grinds moonstone powder. "Easy there, Moretti," Eris quips, "we don't want you to grind it down to nothing."
Azriel only shakes his head and then adds the powder to the potion and it starts to bubble a little more. "Looks good."
Eris smirks. "Talking about me?"
"No, about myself." Azriel quickly turns his head, not able to avoid the small smile that appears on his lips. 
Their banter continues, and soon turns from not so nice remarks to subtle flirtation — somehow unbeknownst to them both. As they lean over the cauldron, their shoulders brush against each other, a sensation that sends a shiver down both their spines. Their eyes meet once again, a spark passing between. 
The potion continues to simmer, and they are constantly checking if everything goes well. 
Azriel and Eris are the top students of the class, and barely ever fail any potion. But this time, it is a little more difficult. With the constant distractions…
Both look into the cauldron and then lift their gazes. Their eyes lock. In that moment, the classroom fades away, and it seems like it is just the two of them. Their fingers brush once more, the touch fleeting, as they both sharply pull their hands back from the cauldron. 
Eris's heart races, his breath catching as he meets Azriel's gaze again. Time seems to stand still.
And then, as quickly as it began the moment between them is gone. Eris reaches up to brush a few strands of hair out of his face. They have curled around his forehead from the steam rising from the cauldron. 
But it is the wrong arm and his sleeve shifts, revealing a glimpse of ink on his forearm. 
Azriel's eyes widen as he catches sight of the tattoo – his mark.
"Eris," Azriel starts, his voice cautious, "what is…?"
But Eris pulls his arm behind his back, panic flashing across his features. Cold sweat breaks out all over his skin, panic gripping his heart with icy claws. "Don't. Don't ask. Just… promise me you won't say anything."
Azriel doesn't react and so Eris grows angry. He glowers, teeth clenched. "You can't say anything. I warn you. Think of your pathetic Muggle mother," he seethes. 
Shock flashes in Azriel's eyes, just like pain and disappointment. Azriel takes a step back, his lips parting but no words leaving his mouth. 
Eris takes a cautious step forward. He wants to take back the words, wants to tell Azriel that he would never hurt his mother, but his fear, the panic running so deep in his veins, has been stronger and made him say something he did not at all mean. The Slytherin wants to apologise, explain himself, but he gets no chance to do so. 
"Tell us what yours smell like!" Devlon orders, suddenly appearing in front of them. 
Being so caught up in their own conversation, the two boys haven't noticed that everyone else has stopped brewing and it is time to do a presentation in class now. 
"Go on then!" Professor Devlon commands, no hint of kindness nor any room for protest in his voice. 
Azriel harshly shoves Eris by his shoulder as he steps forward, closer to the Cauldron. 
"Step back, I can only smell you, Vanserra."
"Says the one who bathed in cologne this morning — its the only damn thing I can smell," Eris growls, although his heart aches. Why the bloody hell does his life have to be so terribly difficult?
In this moment, as they present their potion, even Amren is quiet at the scenery that unfolds itself  in front of the pupils. She is watching the two males through squinted eyes, a sly smile on her lips. Are they truly revealing their most hidden secrets in this moment, their crush for the other? Obviously unbeknownst to them… 
"That, is indeed highly interesting," professor Devlon says, his eye brows raised. "Is that all you can scent, Mr Vanserra?"
"It is, I can barely make out the other scents over his cologne. But I think there also is…spearmint, and hint of old parchment, and night air."
Professor Devlon taps the side of his face, as if in deep thought and then waves his hand. 
"Good, good. As it should be. Class is over for today."
"Won't you tell us what potion it was, Professor?" Azriel asks, but Devlon does not hear him or decides to ignore him.  
"Amortentia, Azriel." It is Gwyn who answers him. She is in his year and in his house. Her teal eyes meet his when she says in a soft voice, "It lets us scent the things we like the most, the things we desire, those things that attract us." 
There is small curve to her lips and then she walks past Azriel, following after Emerie and Nesta, leaving an absolutely stunned Azriel behind. 
Holy Helga! The things we desire. 
Eris hasn't heard the conversation, his mind is racing, thoughts too loud and he knows he has to talk to Azriel. He walks up to him when the Ravenclaw is about to follow Cassian and Rhysand. But Eris is faster. Hidden behind the robes, he grabs Azriel's arm, pulling him to him. 
There is warning in his voice, but also fear when he leans in closely. "Astronomy tower. 10pm. Come alone."
He does not wait for an answer, he only holds on to the sliver of hope that Azriel will come.
The moment Eris steps outside the classroom, a painful, dreadful time is about to start. He has to wait until it is 10pm to find out if Azriel will give him away, and if he even shows up. 
He barely communicates during his time at dinner, and also not later when they sit together in the common room. He excuses himself early, leaving for his dorm room. Both Tamlin and Dagdan give him questioning looks, sneering at him for being a baby who needs a lot of sleep. Amren simply does not care about him going to bed so early, she just shrugs her shoulders and Nesta, when he passes her before the staircase, has something like empathy glimmering in her eyes. 
But it is only fleeting, and Eris not at all in the mood to talk to her. His mind is racing, heart beating faster than a stallion galloping in the wilderness. 
He feels so empty, so sad, so torn, and broken. When he is finally alone all the emotions reach the surface, and he silently sobs into a pillow. 
Later, he washes himself, not immediately putting back on his pyjama shirt so he can look at the tattoo, his mark for a moment. Everything inside him convulses, until there is nothing but a painful ache in his heart. 
Everything hurts just at the sheer thought of what had been done to him. It wasn't his choice, he never made this choice. His father did and his mother had to stand by and watch. 
He does not look at it directly, the steam from bathing earlier making the tattoo barely visible through the mirror. But it is there. And if he can't see it, he will always feel it. It is burned into his skin…and that until forever. 
Eris' fingers curl around the frame of the sink, his teeth clenched, until he pushes off and finally dons his night shirt. He brushes his damp hair back, securing them at the nape of his neck with a hair tie. 
He hopes he can somehow make Azriel see that he did not want this. He hopes Azriel will somehow understand he was forced to wear his mark. Azriel is a smart boy, and also kind, Eris thinks, he will understand it. Or at least, maybe not tell anyone.
But what if Rhysand or Cassian, Azriel's best friends, already know about it? Would he really keep a secret from them?
Although, Eris doubts it, he holds on to the glimmer of hope — Azriel would first let him explain…
The handle on the clock ticks almost painfully slowly, reminding Eris exactly how miserable his situation right now is. And it is very miserable. 
When Dagdan and Tamlin return to the dorm room, Eris is still awake but pretends to be fast asleep. They also wash and finally climb into their beds, falling asleep soon. But Eris is wide awake, awaiting the time to finally go up to the astronomy tower. 
And so the time passes, so terribly slowly, but at some point 9:45 arrives and Eris sets out for the astronomy tower — calm and smooth as a cat. He can't be caught. Under no circumstance can anyone catch him. 
Eris, his wand tightly grasped in one hand, wanders through the corridors, always watching out for any imminent danger. He doesn't know what wanders the corridors of Hogwarts at night, you can never be careful enough. 
The air is cool and crisp, goosebumps appearing on his skin. But they don't appear because of the cold, but because of how nervous and anxious he is. This talk will decide about everything. 
If the talk even happens. What if Azriel does not show up? What if he already told everyone?
Doubts start to gnaw on Eris…Maybe it had been a bad idea to ask him for a talk in the first place?
Eris' bare feet — so caught up in thoughts, he forgot to put on slippers— move over the floor as calm as possible. 
He releases a low and relieved breath when he finally arrives at the staircase leading up to the astronomy tower. With careful and coordinated steps he climbs upstairs and—
His breath catches in his throat, heart hammering against his rib cage. 
Azriel turns around, adjusting his glasses, and gives Eris a once over. Just like the Slytherin, Azriel is dressed in his pyjamas…and barefoot. 
"You are late," the Ravenclaw says matter-of-factly. His face is expressionless, on the edge of cold.
"I didn't think you would come," Eris breathes, finally taking the last step. 
"But I am here. So what do you want to tell me?" Azriel takes a step back, leaning against the railing that surrounds the astronomy tower. "How you got the mark? If you are proud of it?" Azriel raises a brow, waiting.
Eris swallows around the lump in his throat, it is probably the size of a peach. He wipes his clammy hands down his thighs, his jaw aching from how hard he clenches it. Then he shakes his head. "Did you tell anyone?"
Azriel looks pained, almost like he had been struggling with this question for the past hours. And he has. It has plagued him ever since he spotted the mark on his classmate's arm. 
The Ravenclaw gives his head a little shake and Eris releases another breath of relief, before Azriel says. "Not yet…"
"You can't tell anyone, Azriel." Eris is in his face in an instant, hands brace next to Azriel's body on the railing. "Hogwarts is all I have. The only place where I am safe, where…I…" His voice breaks, not able to finish his sentence.
"Are you not safe with your Death Eater mummy and daddy?" Azriel retorts, glowering fiercely.
"My mother is no Death Eater!" Eris quickly defends, glowering as well. 
He can see his breath —or is it Azriel's?— between their faces and it distracts him momentarily. Their closeness does. 
Azriel raises a surprised brow. "She is not?"
"She would never." Eris swallows thickly. "And neither would I. It wasn't my choice. I did not agree to this, I was forced to do it." "Everyone has a choice!" Azriel growls, shoving his face forward, his forehead now pressed against Eris'. "Everyone has a choice, Eris."
Eris grows angry, because he didn't. It is simply wrong. Sometimes you don't have a choice. He clearly didn't. 
"I did not. With a father like Beron, you don't have a choice."
Eris' eyes close, when tears start to burn in them and already dampen his lashes. He inhales a deep, shaky breath and makes a move to step away from Azriel. But the Ravenclaw is faster, his hand…with scars on it, curls around Eris' wrist. "You were forced to do it?"
Eris nods slowly, and the first tear slides out of the corner of his eye. 
"Do you believe in what they praise? Blood purity, I mean." "I did…I did for a long time." "Not anymore?" Azriel's tone is careful, but much softer. Eris shakes his head. 
"What has changed?" the Ravenclaw knows this is his only chance to properly talk to Eris, to see if he really means it, or if he just pretends to be something better so Azriel won't give him away. 
"Many things," Eris breathes, Azriel's hand still on his wrist. And it really shouldn't feel that right.
"Enlighten me." Azriel won't let him go that easily. 
"My little brother…Lucien. I think you might know him?"
Azriel nods, his expression once again unreadable. 
"He as a Pureblood is dating a Mud—a Muggleborn now. Elain Archeron. And this somehow already changed a lot about how I see things. And I realised that blood purity is simply wrong, our beliefs are. And then—"
Eris cuts himself off, swallowing thickly once again. Will he lay all the cards on the table now? Reveal everything? Maybe this is his only chance…
"And you."
"I changed?" Azriel seems irritated, his brows raised.
Eris throws his head back with a loud groan. "How thick are you? You fucking changed something about me, okay? I have an enormous crush on you. And I don't give a damn about you being a Half-Blood or your mother being a Muggle. I couldn't care less and that was when I realised that I am not like them. That I am different. That I want to be different!"
Tears freely roll down the Slytherin's face. His declaration somehow hangs in the air between them, heavy and tangy, but Azriel, gathering all his courage, does what he has been dreaming of since quite a while. 
He slams his lips onto the Slytherin's, his arms curling around Eris' shoulders so he can bring him in as close as possible. Eris pushes the Ravenclaw against the railing, his tongue brushing Azriel's lip. He can't kiss him hard enough, fast enough. 
The Ravenclaw's glasses are wedged between their faces, low groans and growls, erupting in both their throats, hands touching every possible place just to feel more of the other. 
Once their lips are swollen, breaths ragged, their lips part, but their bodies stay close, holding onto each other. "Azriel," Eris breathes, needing a moment to ground himself. 
"My Amortentia…the potion we brewed today. It smelled like you." There is a small, sheepish smile on the Ravenclaw's face. Azriel adjusts both his glasses and his hair and finally meets Eris' gaze. 
"Amortentia…" Eris' voice is tinged with wonder. "Mine smelled like you." He smiles then, relief and something like hope in his eyes. 
"I don't want to drag you into this with me, Azriel."
Eris brings up a hand, brushing his thumb over Azriel's cheek. "It is my battle and it won't get easier, I don't want you to be in danger because of me. I bear his mark, and I am part of the Death Eaters, I can't bring you into this with me."
But Azriel vehemently shakes his head. "Too late. I am already in this with you. From now on, we are doing this together. I will help you get out of it. Or I will protect, but you don't have to deal with all of this alone."
"Azriel—" "Don't Azriel me! I will help you with this, and you can't stop me."
"Good Godrick, I don't deserve you." Eris shakes his head with a small, sad chuckle and leans in to press a kiss against Azriel's lips. 
"You don't deserve what was done to you, Eris." Sadness passes over Azriel's face. "But we will find a solution. Together."
Eris intertwines their fingers. "Together."
~~~~~~~ erisweek tag list: @brekkershadowsinger @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @liftyourhipsformelovex @elsie-bells @the-sweet-psycho azris tag list: @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt@brekkershadowsinger  @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams
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