#the way this has been sitting in my drafts for six months lmao
nen-si · 1 year
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2:54 AM
tasm!peter parker x fem!reader
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summary: you want to know why peter's been distant lately.
warning: injuries, mentions of typical spiderman violence yk, my inability to write a crime accurately (don't look into it too much), reader's a little oblivious to the obvious.
wc: ± 3000
a/n: i hate this endingg!!!! but i need this out of my drafts. let's also pretend that this trope is so original and not overused at all lmao. requests open:)
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The incessant ticking of the clock above your head was beginning to piss you off.
The small restaurant was fairly busy, no one would've even be able to hear it, but you'd chosen the table next to the window–the one with the clock hanging on the wall adjacent to the big glass pane. You'd chosen this table because it was Peter's favorite. He loved watching the bustling city outside as the two of you enjoyed your meals.
You'd think that after living in the city as long as he has, that the scenery would have bore him by now, but he absolutely loved people watching. He could spend hours sitting outside on the rooftop or by the big window in your bedroom, just staring down at the people and cars going about their day or night. He could find entertainment in some of the most mundane activities, and that was one of the many things you adored about your boyfriend.
Right now, however, it was hard to think of how you much you adored him, but rather how mad you were at him. Tonight was your and Peter's six month anniversary, and although you weren't one to celebrate every little milestone, Peter had insisted that you go out for the night. Ironic, since he's not even here right now you thought.
You looked down at your wristwatch, almost in a way to spite the big one that hung right above you, and checked the time. It was a forty-eight minutes past eight. You'd been sitting here for almost 50 minutes waiting for Peter to show up.
You checked your phone, praying he had left a message saying that he was on his way, that he was just running late, but the empty lockscreen staring back at you only made a knot form deep in your belly.
Wait till nine, your mind tried convincing you. He's probably just really caught up at work. So you waited impatiently, your heeled foot nearly tapping a hole into the restaurant floor. After a few more minutes, your waitress approached your table. This was her second time at your table; she had come around first at around twenty minutes past eight, and you had kindly asked her to give you some more time, because you were waiting for someone.
You could see the pity on her face, her probably thinking you got stood up. But you weren't getting stood up, because Peter was just a bit late, and in a few minutes he'd walk through the door and the two of you'd enjoy a wonderful dinner. At least, that's what you were trying to convince yourself.
"Are you ready to order ma'am?" the waitress asked politely. You shook your head, putting on your most convincing smile. "No not yet, I'm waiting for my boyfriend, he'll be here any minute," you said. The pity on her face only seemed to increase. She gave you a weak smile and a nod, and went on her way to help another table.
You glanced up at the small TV that was displayed against the wall on the other side of the small restaurant. It was replaying an old football game from the previous week, before being interrupted by a local news channel's lives broadcast. The TV was muted, but you could see the headline at the bottom of the screen in big bold letters as the reporter stood gesturing at the scene behind her:
The fact that the city quite literally had it's own superhero always amazed you. Here this random guy was, jumping around in a blue and red suit, fighting bad guys and catching criminals, basically doing the cops' jobs and for free.
You've never had any personal encounters with the elusive hero, but you've heard enough stories from people about him, about how charming and slightly cocky he was and how they so desperately wanted to know who hid beneath the mask. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a bit curious to know too.
On the screen you could see Spider-Man lowering people from the second floor of some building by his webs. After lowering everyone to safety, he dissappeared back inside the building. It seemed to be some kind of hostage situation, people scurrying around confusedly and police cars surrounding the building.
You were so enthralled by the scene playing out on the screen that you hadn't noticed how much time had passed. When you looked at the little clock being displayed in the corner of the TV, your heart sank once again.
It was five minutes past nine, and no Peter in sight. You could feel your cheeks burning up from anger. A whole hour. Peter made you wait a whole hour, and it didn't look like he was gonna come any time soon. The anger was quickly replaced by sadness, the tears of frustration already fighting to fall from your eyes. You made your way over to the counter of the restaurant, apologizing for wasting their time and tipping your waitress for her effort, before making your way to the door.
It felt like everyone's eyes were on you. They could all probably tell you've been stood up too. There was no other reason for a girl to be walking out of a restaurant after ordering nothing for an hour with her head down and tail between her legs like a kicked dog.
The air outside was refreshing. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your racing heart and somehow will the tears away. It was no use; after months of forced stoicism and pretending like Peter's recent negligence didn't hurt, the dam finally broke. You decided to take the walk to your apartment rather than hailing a cab, reasoning that the cool city air would do you good.
On your walk, the sobs continued to leave your mouth quietly. You missed your boyfriend, you missed being able to spend time with him and just be around him. The two of you worked at different times and lived on different sides of the city, so it was already hard to find a time when both of you were free.
The two of you hadn't been together for too long, but it truly felt like Peter was the one for you. When you first made things official you couldn't stay away from each other for too long. You always went on little dates and would meet up whenever the both of you were free, but recently your boyfriend's been very distant and you've been seeing less and less of him. Tonight had been the third date where he'd stood you up, and you couldn't help but think the worst.
What if he was seeing someone else? What if he didn't enjoy being with me anymore and this was his way of asking to break up?
The thoughts left your mind as soon as they were conjured up in your brain. Peter would never do anything like that to you. Not your Peter. He was the sweetest guy you had ever been with and there wasn't a day he wasn't telling you how lucky he was to be with you, or how pretty he thought you were and how much he loved you.
Even on the days the two of you weren't together (which were almost always lately), he'd still send you messages telling you how much he missed you, or would send flowers to your apartment when he knew you were feeling down and he couldn't be there.
Peter was a sweetheart, but you still couldn't help but wonder why he'd been so distant lately. You pulled your phone from your purse, quickly checking to see if he had left a message yet, but still nothing. You shoved your phone back into your purse angrily and started walking faster. All you needed right now was a hot shower and your bed.
As you entered your apartment you hastily toed off your shoes at the door and threw your purse on the nearest table. After a long, piping hot shower and a bowl of leftovers (you still being hungry due to your failed dinner plans), you decided to head to bed, where you cried some more before falling asleep.
A loud banging woke you up in the middle of the night. You checked the alarm clock on your nightstand, and when it read 2:54 AM, you turned yourself back around and ignored whoever chose to bother you at this ungodly hour.
Not even a minute passed before the knocking returned, this time followed by a shout of your name, not loud enough to wake up the whole floor but loud enough for you to hear. When you recognized Peter's voice, you groaned, kicking the covers from yourself begrudgingly before dragging yourself to the door.
You pulled it open aggressively, and when you were met with Peter's silhouette slouching against the doorframe, his head hanging low, all the angry words you had for him sat stuck in your throat. He looked up at you and his big brown eyes found yours in the dark of the hallway. He gave you a weak smile and you had to fight everything inside you to not smile back, reminding yourself why you were mad at him.
"Hi, sweetheart," he whispered. All the anger suddenly returned, and you found yourself slamming the door in his face, but before it could fully close, he blocked it with his foot and invited himself in. When he got out of the dark hallways and inside your apartment, you noticed the bouquet of flowers he held tightly in his hand. They looked like they had been through a lot, and the dress shirt he was wearing (most likely for your date) was untucked and heavily wrinkled.
"I don't want to talk to you," you said, turning your entire body away from him and crossing your arms like an arrogant child, trying to get him to leave, but he was stubborn, putting the flowers on the nearest table, gripping your arms and turning you to face him again. You refused to make eye contact, rather looking down at his pair of dirty sneakers. "I know, but let me explain myself please—"
"And say what?!" you snapped. You hadn't realized how loud you were until you saw Peter flinch slightly, his grip on you still not loosening. "What are you gonna say Peter? You got caught up at work? You had an 'emergency'? You—" when you finally looked him in the face, you got a good look at him in the warm light of your living room/kitchen.
He had a lot of bruising around his face, a rapidly darkening black eye and a busted lip. You looked down at the arms still holding onto you, and you could see similar marks lining his arms. Most of them looked very fresh.
This was another part of Peter that added to up sleepless nights, worrying yourself sick over your boyfriend. He always seemed to have some sort of bruise whenever you'd meet up. Sometimes it was something small like a cut across his eyebrow or a nasty gash on his cheek, and other times it was way more major, like the one time he showed up to a coffee date with a broken arm after being just fine three days prior.
The best part was how fast he'd heal too, no less than a weak and he'd look perfectly fine. It didn't make you feel any better though, and you'd still worry about where he was getting beat up like this.
You tried asking him about it, multiple times, but every time he would just cover it up with a lame joke or just completely try to change the subject. You stopped asking after a while, but that didn't mean you weren't concerned about his safety and curious about what was causing all of these injuries.
"Peter what happened to you? Your face? Are you—" you wanted to reach out and touch his face, but he stopped you with a hand that quickly caught your wrist. "I'm okay," he said, smiling sweetly and giving your wrist a quick kiss, before letting go of your hand. "No you're not. C'mon lemme clean you up," you said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bathroom, almost completely forgetting about the argument.
The patter of your socked feet filled the quiet of the apartment as you led Peter to the bathroom. You sat him down on the toilet seat and quietly moved around the almost-too-small bathroom, opening up the medicine cabinet above the sink to retrieve the first aid kit. You started to clean the small cuts and gashes on his face.
His hands hesitated before making their way to your waist, holding onto your hips. Every time one of the cuts would sting, his grip would tighten slightly. The silence stretched on while you continued to patch him up, and after a while you decided to speak up.
"Look, Peter, I understand if you don't wanna, y'know be with me anymore, but even if we were to break up I'd still be concerned about you. I don't like seeing you get hurt and i can't help if—"
"Woah, hey what?" Peter interrupted your rambling, "I don't want to break up." "Then why do you keep canceling our plans, how come I never see you anymore?" you asked, pausing the work on his face. He winced slighty when he noticed your anger had returned.
"I've just...I've been busy, sweetheart," he said softly. "I've been busy too Peter, but I make time, because I wanna see you, and because I miss you like crazy. Do you even miss like you say you do? Because it surely doesn't show."
"Of course I do!" Peter said, the grip he had on you unconsciously tightening again. "Then why don't you make time?!" you said, the tears of frustration quickly returning to your eyes, "and what about all these bruises, huh? Every time I see you you're hurt somehow and I don't like that, 'cause I don't like seeing you hurt, Peter." By now a few tears had already unwillingly fallen, and you tried to swiftly wipe them away with the sleeve of your sweater.
It both warmed and broke Peter's heart to know that you were so worried about him. He really did miss spending time with you; you were his best friend and he loved being around you. He didn't want you knowing about him being Spider-Man, because he didn't want to put you in any danger. He wanted to keep you as far away from that part of his life as possible, you meant too much to him and he wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to you.
He wanted to tell you on many occasions, he'd come close too many times to count, but he'd stop himself each time.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, not knowing what else to say. "Don't apologize, just talk to me, please," you said brushing your fingers through his soft brown hair. The action calmed both you and him down, and he closed his eyes for a moment, appreciating your touch. It was then when he realized how much he missed your touch, how much he missed you, and being close to you. He felt like he hadn't talked to you, or really even seen you in forever.
Peter didn't know what to say, he wanted to be honest with you, wanted to tell you so bad, but he wanted to protect you above all else. The silence between the two of you stretched on until you sighed, removing your hands from him completely and sighing.
He started panicking, he knew what this meant. You were going to break up with him, tell him to get out and never talk to him again, and even the thought alone made his heart sink down to his feet. He braced himself for the inevitable, retracting his hands from your waist and getting ready to get up and leave.
"It's really late, would you like to stay the night?"
He was definitely not expecting you to say that, and the look on his face certainly told you that. "Are you sure?" he asked, not knowing what else to say. "I don't want to taking the train at this time. You can take a shower while I reheat some leftovers for you," you replied dryly, making your way out the bathroom and to the kitchen.
Peter took your advice, still not sure why you weren't screaming at him to get out of your apartment. After a brief shower, he found some of the clothes you had borrowed from him folded neatly on the toilet seat. He put them on and made his way over to the kitchen. After a much appreciated meal the two of you made your way over to your bedroom.
He found himself immediately moving towards the small plush chair that stood by the big window, lowering himself into it and staring down at the city. You stood next to him quietly, placing your hand on his head and running your fingers through the strands once again.
"I promise I'll tell you one day," Peter whispered, turning his head to look up at you. "I know," you replied, "until then, I'll just patch you up when needed."
You wanted so badly to understand what was going on with Peter, but you knew that there was no getting through to him now, because he was stubborn as hell. So you'd take what you could get for now. And in return he'd try and be there more for you, because he missed you, and the selfish part of him loved you too much to let you go, even if that were the right thing to do.
"How about you move in with me?"
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bigalockwood · 5 months
August and Rousseau
I’ve outed myself as the #resident horse expert (thanks @youngroyalsconfession for the title I’m genuinely elated bc I’ve never gotten my own online moniker lmao) and I think it’s time that I contributed some more unasked for and useless horse knowledge to the YR discussion. This has been sitting in my drafts for ages and since I don’t see myself finding any time to research this further in the next few weeks, I thought I might as well post it before season 3 drops. Plenty of posts have been made about how the August-Rousseau situation could play out, and I don’t want to talk about those theories today, because I have anything to add right now.
As has been pointed out many times, horses are expensive, at least in western, industrialized countries. They used to be a necessity for most people, because they were a mode of transport, used to harvest food etc. This is still true in many parts of the world, but not Western and Northern Europe. There, horses have become a luxury, and are usually notoriously expensive, especially if you can’t keep them on your own grounds and produce your own hay. And even then- vet bills are painful to look at, and there are plenty of other costs, too. So, August most definitely won’t be able to pay for the monthly expenses that come with having a horse, at least not if he gets no financial aid by the court or doesn’t sell some of his assets. And even then, I’m not sure what they would say when they learn that they are financing a horse of all things (especially since August has zero interest in or knowledge of horses). In the following you can find a rough overview of just how expensive owning a horse is. Keep in mind, these numbers are generalized. I’m not from Sweden, but another European country, and even if I were, prices fluctuate a lot depending on the success of harvest, proximity to large cities, services offered by the stable, etc.… But maybe it can give those of you less familiar with horses a better idea of just how fucked August actually is.
Stable: this variable is already very hard to judge. You can find fairly cheap barns, but you usually have to do at least part of the work yourself, too (just imagine August mucking out Rousseau’s stall lmao). Feed is often included in the price, doesn’t cover any special needs, though (hay is included, but anything else you have to buy yourself). However, Hillerska is a prestigious school. They have a groom (our beloved Marcus) to take care of everything the owners don’t want to do (mucking out, feeding, taking horses out to the pastures and then back inside). You can find yourself with anywhere between 200- 600 Euros per month, depending on the services offered. Knowing what we do about Hillerska, you can expect the cost to be at the higher end.
The farrier should come every six to eight weeks and, again, costs depend on what work needs to be done. It can be anywhere between 50 Euro (bare hoof, only need to be trimmed) to close to 200 Euro (horse shoes for all four hooves). As long as Rousseau isn’t being exercised he’ll most likely only need a trim. 
Insurance depends greatly on your horse and its value (it’s hinted that he is valuable in the show) but generally costs between 50 to 150 Euro per month where I’m from.
Vet costs (assuming your horse is healthy and you only need to get the recommended vaccinations and check-up’s as well as anthelmintics) will usually be around 400 Euros a year and can go way up, depending on whether your horse has any special needs. Rousseau seems to be healthy, so we’ll assume he only needs the bare minimum.
Based on what he definitely needs to buy/pay for, the annual cost would be somewhere between 3400 and 12.400 Euro. Which is a super rough estimate and doesn’t even cover any extra expenses (Rousseau most certainly doesn’t only eat hay but also other feed specifically for sport horses). A horse can easily cost up to 21.400 Euro per year. August saves some money because he doesn’t take any training sessions and thus doesn’t need to pay for a trainer. He could also lend Rousseau to the school and let other students ride him; a deal like that would reduce how much he needs to pay for the monthly care of Rousseau.
But either way: August has to pay between 295 and 1800 Euro per month. If he wasn’t struggling financially, he probably wouldn’t even notice such a “small” expense. As it is, he can’t even pay his own tuition. There’s no way he’ll be able to pay for a horse.
(Would also like to, again, state that this is extremely generalized; I just wanted to highlight how much a horse usually costs).
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smooth-boob · 6 months
⭐ !!!
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut Game
Thank you for sending this, and once again I am literally so sorry, but this is just going to be a long diary entry about The Bustle in a House, a Bridgerton fic I wrote, particularly the epilogue. My inner monologue is loud, and normally it's just me in here! Apart from being unhinged in tags, I don't post a lot of personal things on here, but I have something to say!
I feel like I talk about The Bustle in a House a lot on here, and in terms of hits/kudos/statistics, it's not one of my most popular fics (I mean, it's not shippy and it's aggressively sad, so I get it lol), but it was really a breakthrough story for me! Link at the bottom for shameless self promo, woo.
It's funny, looking at my google docs now, I guess it only took me six weeks to write, but it was literally all I thought about for those six weeks. I was scratching at the walls of my enclosure writing this thing. Apart from a couple Bridgerton one-shots and a quickly abandoned fic, I hadn't written almost anything on my own in such a long time. It was also emotionally charged and gritty and I was so impatient to get the story out but I needed to get it out the way that felt right.
Beyond that, I struggle(d) to write complete stories that aren't just scenes stitched to each other. Honestly, Bustle is still like that, but it all stitches together very nicely if I do say so myself. Still, I had been agonizing a little bit over the fact that I didn't know how the fic was going to end. I couldn't keep writing it forever...I mean, I guess I could, because it's really not that long, and there's actually more of it in my drafts, but I was trying to tell a very particular story and also have I mentioned that I am impatient? But the story didn't have an end because it's an origin story about unhealed trauma, so what was I going to do with that?
So, at least to give myself a bookend to the real story, I wrote the epilogue. I wrote it in a thirty-minute fit of inspiration one evening while tipsy on red wine, sitting at a desk in my parents' house where I'd been living for about three years because y'know, pandemic, and I was feeling trapped and burnt out and indecisive and afraid, etc. and if you read it, you might see me staring at you through Anthony, wink wink. (Quick caveat that, unlike Anthony, living with my parents was an overall loving experience at that point in my life!)
Anyway, in true Hemingway spirit, I wrote drunk, and when I went to edit sober, I was delighted that it didn't need much help. I obsessed over details, like changing scotch to whisky and then to brandy (it's sweeter, and he's so young). This is not to say that the epilogue is perfect; it's not, but it is what it needed to be.
It is a love poem of a kind for a character that hit me hard. It's a short prose poem about grief and loneliness and the 'wrong' ways to heal and it's about thinking you're at the acceptance stage of grief but really it's just depression. It's about losing parts of yourself and coming of age into something that doesn't feel right but feels inevitable, and so you stop fighting and just get on with it. It's about the before, and Anthony not knowing that he has an after and eventually, yes, years later eventually, he's going to be okay. More than okay, he's going to be happy.
(And he only has a year until Doing The Voices, and I let him be happy for at least a few nights in that! He doesn't know that he's doing the right things when taking care of his family. Not always, but more than he knows he is.)
As for me, I moved out of my parents' house and into my own newly purchased 'bachelor lodgings' (so to speak) about a month after I posted the last chapter, and I'm writing more than I have in years! Baby steps! Adult steps!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk/therapy session. Probably no one should ask me anything else for a while lmao, who knows what will happen!
Read The Bustle in a House on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47126467
Or if you don't feel like being sad, read Doing The Voices instead: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47976274
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oersteds · 1 year
twiz lore summary (With Shitposts) (Part Four) (vine boom)
But wait! There's more! Call today and get a free Time Crash with your Corpse Flood, FREE!
Long post under cut.
Content warnings for: General horror themes, fourth wall breaking(?), obsessive character
note: this is all a rough draft / shitposty summary. even the first three parts. i'll probably never actually write the whole fic, i just need to get the ideas blasted out of my brain before it collapses into a black hole
It's the next afternoon, Twiz and the others are awake. They went to bed at 5 AM, what did you expect? They scramble on down to the beach. There's more people there. Fuck.
A few passionate townsfolk decided to stay up a little longer, trying to determine where all the corpses are coming from, or how most of them are still alive. (And why I keep calling them corpses despite almost all of them being Not Dead.)
They've all come from a single location, far off on the east. Math wizardry has determined that it's coming from a specific building. It's been identified as [whatever the fuck Twiz's homeland is called] Castle. Yes that's a placeholder name, what're you gonna do, call the cops?
"Hey, wait a sec. I lived there!" oh she has no idea does she
"I could probably sneak in and find out what's up!" ohhh twiz you sweet summer child. you have no idea, do you?
Also, this is Viltas, Twiz's childhood friend. He comes into play now. Same artist as before, same link [here]
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Viltas is an ice mage, and Twiz's childhood friend. He was there to witness Twiz unsealing the ressurrection magic, and got some rez magic of his own from the explosion. He's also very good at being evil
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(i am so sorry to the artist for making viltas so evil here, lmao. they've no idea)
(Image captions, in order from top to bottom:)
"You offer to investigate the corpse flood, because it's your homeland, so you'll be familiar with it!"
"Your new friend is very insistent on you not going, but you promise you'll be okay! (Why's he worried...?)"
"You get there, everything's gone sideways, you can't find your cat either, why did you sign up for this...?"
"The mages guild has seemingly forgiven you, at least! This might not be too bad...?"
"You get to the castle, the staff seem very friendly to you! (A little... *too* friendly...)"
"You find a time to sneak out, and investigate further. You find a girl who looks vaguely similar to you, and is wearing your style of clothes. She begs you to hide her, because she'll be killed when they find you both. (Oh god)"
"You found your cat. He's lounged on the lap of your childhood friend, who's managed to take over your homeland in a matter of months. He's looking at you with an intimidatingly affectionate stare. (You *really* should've listened.)"
"Your childhood friend lost his mind because he thought you were dead after you unsealed the ressurrection magic too violently. He's behind the corpse flood, and countless other atrocities, all to bring you back."
"He's going to kill someone he'd kept around as a ""replacement"" because you're here to stay now. Better get comfy, pal! Have fun!!! (Hopefully you hid that stranger well enough, or that she can run fast!)"
Yep. Twiz just found a captive. She fucked around and has now found Alicia, who's being kept as a ""Twiz replacement"" for Viltas. Worse yet, she seems fully aware of this, and of what'll happen to her when Twiz is found. Twiz agrees to hide her, because neither of them asked for this shit.
With a deep sense of unease, Twiz regroups with the guards who keep insisting on following her. She's led to the throne room, where Viltas sits on a throne (duh) like the bastard he is. He explains "everything", but not before clearing the room of everyone besides Twiz and himself. Incoming verbal stunlock!!!
He'd taken over the entire kingdom in the span of a month or two, "replaced" the entirety of the mage's guild Twiz had been a part of, and is keeping everyone rather complacent with everything through a lot of bread and circuses. And, despite the atrocities, he's still kind to "his" people. They're almost like a buncha cats... Speaking of which!
The bastard has Twiz's cat, too. Granted, any good friend would take care of an assumed dead friend's cat, but STILL. (Probably a testament to the cat's blind faith. They don't care who you are, or what you've done. If you feed them and properly give them affection, they'll love you.) And the cat seems pretty affectionate with him, lounging on his lap.
He's behind the corpse flood. All of the people who'd washed ashore? He ressurrected them. Or... he tried to, at least. He didn't think any of them would survive, but all he really cared about was getting Twiz back. Not to mention, his plan doesn't really need him to pull living people from different time periods... He just has to pull anything from other times! To wear down the integrity of time and space itself. After all, he's to summon a God. A God that he'll use as a weapon. He won't stop at just one country. He needs more. Being the Demon King that he is, he's insatiable, can never do enough...! (Wait, two demon kings...?)
As to how he's able to do this... You already know, don't you, Twiz? You've the same ability, after all... You were there. Surely, you'd heard that same God...? Ah, but that doesn't matter. You'll see it for yourself soon. Perhaps you can use Nihilo, too! Perhaps... Well, regardless of how he's done this, he's done it. (don't look in the basement, twiz)
He's been doing this all for Twiz. Because he """loves""" her. He just wants her to be """happy""" and """safe""" with him. (Fucking BULLSHIT, by the way! Twiz was doing a perfectly fine job staying safe on her own!!! Not to mention she hasn't been able to get in a single sentence during this fucking monologue.)
Oh, but... He feels so awful, for having tried to replace Twiz with this random princess he'd ressurrected... So, to make up for it, he'll kill her. For Twiz~! (Despite her not fucking asking for ANY OF THIS.)
Twiz is screwed. Better think of a plan, and fast...! Anyways I'm holding Part 5 hostage until Tumblr gives me my fucking polls feature. (joking. it'll come out when it's ready. though i really want my polls... tumblr pls.)
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Chapter Four
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy this next instalment of ETTC!! Thank you to everyone who has been liking, commenting and messaging me about the story. It means the world.
Warnings: Explicit language, consumption of alcohol
Word Count: 8.2k
Story Page / FAQs / ETTC chats.
The pub was busier than Amelia had ever seen it that night, though there were only an additional five tables occupied than normal. Though there was a certain hustle and bustle that came with those few extra people, Amelia welcomed it with open arms. 
After three in the incredibly quiet village where not a lot happened, being surrounded by more people was just what she needed. It made her feel a little more at home. 
The only issue with there being more people in the pub was her usual table in the far back corner wasn’t free like it normally was. So, she opted to sit in front of the roaring fire, letting the heat radiate throughout her entire body. She sat far enough away that she wasn’t sweating from the heat, but close enough that when the door opened, she didn’t feel the draft entering the building. 
Her steak and ale pie with mashed potatoes went down a treat and just as she was about to get up to get another drink, Kaine walked over with a drink for her. 
‘How did you?’ 
‘Read your mind,’ he replied with a smirk. ‘No, it’s a bit of a habit you have. After you’ve eaten, you’ll wait five or so minutes and then come up and get a drink.’ 
Amelia was shocked. She’d not realised that she was so readable but at the same time, she should have known. Everywhere she turned there was someone who knew something about her life that she didn’t know was common knowledge. 
‘Well thank you,’ she offered as she took the glass of wine from him. 
‘No Taron today?’ 
‘Kaine, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you,’ Amelia mumbled as she looked at him, his tongue pressed into his cheek. ‘There is nothing going on between Taron and me.’ 
But oh how she wished there was. 
‘But if you must know,’ she continued, emphasising ‘must’ by tilting her head ever so slightly to the left, ‘he is working until six and then will probably be going home to put his feet up because if you haven’t noticed, it’s bloody freezing outside and he’s been working since eight this morning.’ 
‘You know an awful lot about his work schedule for there to be nothing going on between you,’ Kaine jested while grabbing Amerlia’s empty plate and walking away before she could reply. 
Another glass of wine later, Amelia finally pulled her phone out of her bag. There were random instagram notifications of people liking her most recent photo– one she had taken months before to try and make people believe she was still in LA and not in the English countryside– as well as her daily Co-Star notification and three text messages. 
From: Haz :) 
They’ve asked me to do three more press interviews! I’m so tired and just want bedddddd… and my partner in crime. Work isn’t as fun without you :(( x
From: Mama
Any men popped up since last time we text? Xx
From: Lukey 🤍
Lmao that sounds…interesting. Any plans for tonight? 
Choosing to ignore her mum for the time being, simply so that she could avoid having another conversation about the lack of a man in her life, and knowing that it would cause Harry to pout and playfully sulk if she were to reply to Luke first, Amelia decided to respond to Luke first. 
To: Lukey 🤍
I’ve just had tea at the pub and I think I’m going to sit here for a couple of hours and have a few drinks before heading back for the night :)) 
Her fingers moved fast against the keyboard on her phone and she only made a couple of mistakes that were easily fixable. It didn’t take Luke long to reply which could only mean that she was on her way home from work and bored on the tube. 
From: Lukey 🤍 
That honestly sounds perfect! I think I’m just gonna pop 10 Things on and eat my weight in chocolate lmao. Don’t tell H but I’m going to open the Quality Streets early :))))) 
Amelia chuckled before sending a quick reply and promising not to tell Harry of his boyfriend’s antics. She locked her phone then, putting it on the table in front of her and enjoying the final song that the live band was playing. Over the course of their set, she had taken a couple of videos to show Harry the next time she saw him. 
As families and a few of the older gentlemen started to trickle out of the pub, a few others started to trickle in, filling the seats that sat near the small clear space that had been designated as a stage. Amelia paid close attention to everyone around her, her love and need for people watching kicking in fully. 
Kaine weaved his way through the tables until he stood at the front of the room. He clapped when the band finished their cover of Bohemian Rhapsody before he stood behind the microphone and cleared his throat. 
'Evening lads and lasses.' He was unable to continue speaking from the low mumbles of everyone in the pub repeating ‘evening’. 'It’s Friday night karaoke night! I’ll leave a little sign up sheet here for you to write your names down then when our ever so lovely Kelly comes in, I’ll come and sign everyone up properly. Bar’s open all evening!' 
With that, everyone clapped again and the pub’s sound system kicked in, playing a song that Amelia couldn’t quite remember the name of. She kept checking her phone to see if she had any more text messages but she didn’t so she finally replied to Harry. Or at least she started to. Halfway through her text two hands landed heavily on her shoulders and she almost jumped out of her skin. 
'What the?' 
As she turned around, the two people she least expected to see stood smiling widely at her. 
'If it isn’t Pretty Baby Bray…' Harry joked playfully. 
'What the hell are you two doing here?' Amelia replied with her hand on her heart. She was easy to scare and Harry knew that, which is why he would purposely scare her when they were on set together. 
'I don’t know about this idiot but I missed you like crazy,' Luke piped up from next to Harry. 
Amelia saw her close friend and stood up from her seat. She instantly wrapped her arms around Luke and held him tight. Her friendship with Harry had resulted in a really close relationship with his boyfriend and they would often have brunch dates when they were both in the same city. 
'Do you want a drink, babe? I’m gonna go grab myself a beer.' 
Luke let go of her friend and turned to his boyfriend, thinking for a second before turning to Amelia. 
'You’re here a lot. What do you recommend I get?'
'Southern Comfort and Diet Coke,’ Amelia replied instantly. ‘Sweet and tasty. So bloody good. I’ve gotten a little tipsy on them a few times.' 
'Two Southern Comforts and Diet Coke coming right up,' Harry spoke happily before walking over to the bar to get the drinks. 
'Who introduced you to that drink?' Luke asked gently as he sat down next to Amelia, leaving the seat with the back to the fire for Harry. 
'Taron,' Amelia replied simply.
'Taron? Taron as in the Taron you keep texting H about? Talking about how he makes you flustered and nervous all the time? How on many occasions you’ve ‘made a complete fool of yourself’ but Taron was gracious and simply brushed it off? How there hasn’t been a guy before Taron that you have ‘fancied the pants off’?' 
Amelia couldn’t reply. Her cheeks were red hot and visibly darker in colour. She shifted in her seat and drank the last bit of the drink she had already all while Luke laughed at her. 
'You’re so predictable, babe. Is this guy really that amazing?' 
He really was. He was the most amazing and Amelia couldn’t comprehend how she’d been so lucky as to have him in her life, even if just for a short time. 
Though she didn’t have the heart to tell her friend that she and Taron weren’t exactly on the best of terms at that point. Ever since their incident in the street a few days before, they hadn’t spoken. Not for want of trying. Taron had texted Amelia multiple times trying to get her to let him explain and he’d even tried to call her but she ignored it. She was too scared to know the truth.
When Kaine walked over to the table with a tray of four tall glasses a little while later, each filled with a beautifully ombréd drink in them, Amelia was beyond confused.
'What is this, Kaine?' She asked as she tilted her head up so that she could look at Kaine properly.
'A Snookums. Harry mentioned your nickname a little earlier. It’s basically a Gatsby but with muddled strawberries,' Kaine replied as though Amelia should have known what the drink was. The only problem was that even after being told what it was Amelia still looked completely clueless to which Kaine, and Harry alike, couldn’t help but laugh. 'There’s brandy and gin in it as well as apple juice and strawberries. It might be gross but I thought you’d appreciate something different.'
Amelia took a small sip of the drink and her eyes fell closed in pure euphoria. 'Oh…my…god. That’s so good, Kaine! You’re going to have to keep these coming tonight.'
Luke and Harry chuckled from their places as they took the first sips of their own Snookums’. Amelia hadn’t been lying, it was really good, and Luke could tell that if she were to keep up and drink more then she would slowly become more and more drunk.
'I’ll keep ‘em coming, lovely. Talk to you soon.' Kaine gave Amelia a small wink before walking back to the bar where he was met with a multitude of older men waiting to be served.
'Why’s the barman winking at you?' Luke asked curiously.
'You two got a thing going on?' Harry added playfully.
'You two are actually as bad as one another, you know? That’s Kaine and he’s my oldest friend’s boyfriend.'
The look of pure hurt on Harry’s face caused Amelia to bend over in her seat laughing. Of course, she knew that he wasn’t really hurt or she wouldn’t have laughed. But he was an actor after all.
‘Haz, stop being a child! I haven’t spoken to Thalia in a while and I don’t know when the next time will be either. You know that you’re my best friend…after Luke.'
'Ha! Told you she loved me more!'
The group’s playful banter was exactly what Amelia had been missing since she first arrived in Rivercliffe. It wasn’t that she didn’t have friends there because obviously she did. It was just that herself, Luke and Harry would take the piss out of one another and then laugh about it. There was something keeping her from being her true self in the village and as much as she knew what that was, she was scared to admit it properly.
'Hey mate,' Harry chirped as he walked up to the bar for the third time that evening.
'Hey mate. You’re Amelia’s friend…Harry, right?'
'Aye that’s me. Look, mate, I desperately need your help.'
Kaine put his hand towel back through his belt loops before putting his hands on top of the bar and lifting his head slightly. 'Depends what it is, but sure I’ll bite I guess.'
'Perfect. Do you know a bloke called-'
'You’re going to ask me about Taron aren’t you?'
Harry knew that there was a possibility that Kaine wouldn’t know where Taron was, but he had to try. When Amelia had called him the night everything happened in floods of tears and near a panic attack, he wished that he could have been there to hold her and calm her down. And even if it killed him, he would get them both back talking again because Amelia hadn’t been as happy before as she was when she was with Taron .
'How did you…?'
'Look, Harry, I’ve got eyes and a brain. Those two need someone to bash their heads together and I feel like you’d be the best person to do that anyway. Amelia mentioned that he’s working until six and then he’ll probably be heading home.'
'Perfect. Do you think if I head off to try and persuade him to come for the karaoke night you could make some excuse up with the missus and Amelia about where I’ve gone? I’ll be ten minutes tops.'
Kaine nodded with a smile. 'Course I can. Be quick or someone’s gonna steal your seat I can guarantee it.'
'Will do. Thanks again, Kaine.'
'It’s no problem, brother.'
With that, Harry was legging it out of the pub and running all the way back to the bed and breakfast where Taron should have been getting ready to finish his shift.
As though the universe was working in favour of Harry, Taron was just closing the gate behind him when Harry turned the corner.
'Taron!' He shouted the best he could through his pants. If there was one thing that Harry was, it was unfit.
'That’s me.'
Taron stayed where he was until Harry got closer to him so they could talk without shouting.
'I’m a friend of Amelia’s.'
Amelia. Even hearing her name had Taron’s stomach twisting awkwardly. For days he’d tried to get in contact with her just so that he could explain what happened and for days she had ignored his efforts. At one point he was contemplating catching her when they were out and about so that he could tell her to her face but he chickened out at the last minute.
'I know what happened between you both the other night.'
'Look, Harry, I swear I’m not-'
'I know,' Harry spoke quietly. He knew that with Taron trying to get in contact with Amelia that he was telling the truth. 'She’s just fucking stubborn. But she also knows deep down that you were telling the truth and she feels stupid and is scared to admit that she was in the wrong. It’s the way it goes with her.'
'I’m not mad at her, if that’s what she thinks. I don’t think any less of her for thinking what she did because if the roles were reversed then I would have done the same'
'I know, pal. That’s why I need you to come to the pub before her and my other half get too suspicious as to why I just left them. Come with me and explain to her. She won’t walk away if I’m there because I won’t let her leave.'
Taron thought about it for a while, watching the way that he could see his breath in the below freezing temperatures. As much as he wanted to go to the pub and see Amelia, he was scared. What if she refused to listen to him? Or worse yet, what if she told him that she hated him and didn’t want to see him? His heart broke when she walked off from him and he didn’t think he could deal with her telling him to his face that she hated him.
'Listen, I know it’s scary and you’re unsure as to how she’ll respond but she wants to talk to you. Told me herself.'
'I’ll come.'
'Your left big toe was cold so you went to get your woollen socks?' Luke asked with raised eyebrows as Harry sat himself down on his seat and pushed himself closer to the fire so that he could warm up. In the heat of him leaving the pub he hadn’t taken his coat with him. 'You’re not even wearing them.'
'Well, you see, what happened was-'
Harry couldn’t even finish what he was saying before Taron was putting his drink down on the table and sitting next to Amelia. Harry nodded at him with a small smile before he turned to his boyfriend and kissed him quickly, wrapped an arm around him and pulled him into his body. Amelia turned to glare at her friend with her tongue in her cheek before she turned to Taron with her lips pulled between her teeth.
'Luke, this is Taron,' Harry spoke, needing to clear the tension at the table. 'Taron, this is my boyfriend, Luke.'
'It’s lovely to meet you, Luke.' Taron offered Luke his hand and dipped his head down slightly when she shook it. 'Amelia’s said so much about you. Says you’re one of her best friends.'
'Amelia is truly the best.'
'She is.'
With that they all fell quiet again. Amelia lifted her glass in a hurry and pulled it to her lips, tipping her head back to down the rest of the liquid which burnt her throat.
'I’m going to go get another drink,' she said through gritted teeth before she harshly pushed her chair back and practically stormed to the bar.
'I’ll go make sure she’s okay,' Harry muttered as he kissed Luke’s forehead and followed his friend. 'Oi,' he said as he poked Amelia’s shoulder, 'he’s come here so that you can listen to what he has to bloody say. And I’m not letting you leave this pub until you’ve heard him out.'
'Why, Harry? He’s just going to make a fucking fool of me and I’m going to feel even more dumb than I already do. And if I don’t, I’m going to make a fool out of myself because look at him.'
Taron was sat chatting to Luke quietly but all Amelia could focus on was how good he looked. When he sat down he took his long line coat off and she was fully able to see his outfit. A white t-shirt and black jogger style trousers. He looked good. He always did.
'Please, Amelia. It broke my heart hearing you so down the other night. He really does just want to talk to you.'
'Fine. I’ll hear him out. But if this ends badly it’s on you.' She poked at his chest before thanking Kaine for her drink and walking back to the table.
Throughout the course of the evening, more people had signed up for the karaoke…including Harry who only smirked at his boyfriend and best friend. He was always the one to get up and sing, though normally he would need a couple of pints down him first.
When Luke brought that fact up, he shrugged it off with a wink, 'Ahh, but angel you’re forgetting something. By the time I’m called up to sing, I’ll have a few more than a couple of pints down me so I’ll be good.'
'You’re a knobhead,' Luke breathed quietly. Truth was, she loved when Harry sang and she knew that even at a karaoke night when there was a high chance that he would be drunk, he would still be amazing.
'Yeah, but I’m your knobhead,' he replied just as fast, leaning forward to press a swift kiss to his lips.
Amelia watched her two friends in awe. She could barely remember the last time that she kissed someone she was seeing out in public without a care in the world, though it was probably before she’d been in any films and didn’t have to worry about the media. 
Long gone were the days where she felt free enough to even hold hands with someone let alone kiss them. She longed for a relationship as, what seemed to be at least, perfect as Harry and Luke’s. She wanted someone to kiss her while they were out and about and them both wind up giggling like they were in those very first stages of a relationship where everything was new and exciting.
The only issue was that she longed for a relationship like that with only one person. No one else set the butterflies off the way that Taron did, and no one else seemed to care about her the same way that Taron did. Even when they were simply having a small conversation, Taron’s entire attention was on Amelia and what she was saying. When she was with him, she didn’t have to fight for his attention and that’s what she loved.
'What song are you going to sing?' Amelia asked gently as she lifted her drink up to have more of it. The almost overly sweet beverage left her closing her eyes again and when they opened, Harry was shaking his head with a chuckle.
'You really are something else, you know that?' Amelia nodded. 'But I’m going to sing Faith.'
'I don’t even know why I asked in all honesty.'
'Yeah I’m surprised that you asked. Are you gonna sing something?'
'Hell no,' Amelia replied quickly. There were some things that she would do at a drop of a hat but singing in the pub to strangers? No chance. 'There are some things I will never do.'
'But you’re an amazing singer! They’d all love you.'
'My dignity wouldn’t.'
'I’ve never heard you sing,' Taron whispered awkwardly. He and Amelia had talked about what happened and they agreed to put it behind them but they weren’t back to what they were before.
'Don’t hold your hopes up, mate,' Harry added through a chuckle, 'she hardly ever sings anymore. But you’ll be lucky if you do hear it. Like an angel, she is.'
'Harry, I swear to god I will throw my drink on you.'
Taron laughed quietly from his spot. When Amelia turned to look at him his smile disappeared, until he saw her give him a small smile. Oh, how he’d missed the way her smile made him feel. It was as though the butterfly which was tattooed permanently onto his stomach fluttered around in giddiness and his head went light as he tried to control his breathing.
'I’m going to go and get another drink, would you like one?' He asked everyone at the table, but mainly Amelia who suddenly couldn’t take her eyes off of Taron.
It was the first time in a while that she truly looked at him and took him in. He looked dishevelled, almost like he hadn’t slept in days. The bags under his eyes were deep purple and rather visible. His lips were chapped and cracked in places and his eyes looked sunken. Not to mention the mess of hair on the top of his head. He looked unwell.
'I’ll come and get one,' Amelia replied quietly, turning to Harry and nodding when he gave her a look as if to ask if she was sure.
They walked to the bar in silence. Taron had his eyes on the floor while Amelia had to fight herself not to grip onto his hand. Though she did have to grip his bicep when she almost tumbled forward.
'Careful, Pretty Baby.'
'How is that you’re always saving me from falling on my arse?' Amelia chuckled, getting to the bar and leaning on it to catch herself properly. 'Are you okay?'
Taron was taken aback by the question. It wasn’t a typical ‘are you alright?’ question. There was meaning behind it, like Amelia really wanted to know how he was doing.
'Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?'
Lies. He wasn’t okay in the slightest. He’d barely slept a wink since they last spoke to one another and had opted to sleep on the sofa where he wasn’t surrounded by her scent which lingered on his sheets. For days the only thoughts clouding his brain had been Amelia. Each ignored text and unanswered phone call made him recoil back into the sofa more.
Work was the last thing on his mind and he had, regretfully, called in sick from both jobs because he didn’t want to risk running into Amelia and upsetting her. He did, however,  take walks around the village in hopes of seeing her because seeing her out in public would surely be easier than seeing her in the confines of a small cottage building.
'Taron, I know that’s not the truth.'
'I’ve barely slept.'
Amelia wasn’t expecting the truth to cut her so deep. But it did. Knowing that Taron, her lovely Taron who she adored, hadn’t slept to the point where he looked physically ill hurt her. She could feel her stomach clenching at the thought and she had to take a deep breath to even begin to relax herself.
'I’m sorry,' she whispered. She was well aware that Taron would try and tell her that it wasn’t her fault but she knew that it was. If it wasn’t for her not letting him explain in the streets then he would have slept and wouldn’t look ill. But she didn’t, and he didn’t.
'It’s not your fault,' he whispered back. Amelia let out a tiny, breathy chuckle. Taron was predictable in the best possible way.
'It is though. I should have let you talk but instead I just thought about myself and how I felt so I’m sorry.'
'If it had been the other way around then I’d have done the same,' Taron confessed.
Amelia regretted looking up at him. The fluorescent lighting of the pub cast a weirdly gorgeous glow over Taron’s entire face. The shadow on his cupid's bow made his lips look that little bit more full and kissable. More kissable to the point where if there wasn’t a roomful of people around them, and she was sure that Taron wanted to, she would have pressed her lips to his gently.
'I’m still sorry.'
'What can I get for you both?' Kaine asked when he walked up to them.
'Another round of Snookums' please, Kaine.' Taron spoke confidently for the first time that evening and it warmed Amelia’s heart.
While they waited for Kaine to make the drinks, Taron drank Amelia in. He paid close attention to the way that her hair fell on her shoulders and the way that her top lip protruded ever so slightly more than her bottom lip. It wasn’t until then that he truly realised how much he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to grab her wrist so that he could spin her around and he wanted to cup her cheeks delicately as he pressed his lips to hers gently.
When Kaine announced that Taron was going up to sing, Taron himself had chuckled because he wasn’t the one who had put his name down on the sheet. It was only when Harry patted him on the back and winked at him that it all made sense. Luke scoffed a laugh while Amelia death glared at her friend. 
Taron stood up slowly, throwing daggers at the man he had just met before walking over to the stage area and standing behind the microphone stand. He pointed to Kaine when he was ready for the music to start and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. 
The opening notes of Endless Love started playing and within the first few words Taron  sang, Amelia was truly transfixed. 
Completely and utterly fixated. 
His voice was so delicately soft with a certain amount of gravel to it too. The gravel that Amelia loved so much. He looked nervous to start, and he could barely be heard over the chatter that was still in the pub. But as he got a little further in, he grew a little more confident. Amelia couldn’t not stare at him. She was so unbelievably confused as to how the guy she’d thought was perfect since the very start could become even more perfect so quickly. 
'He needs a Diana,' Harry whispered into her ear before sitting back on his chair with a smug smirk. 
'Of course you did this on purpose, asshole,' she whispered back with a small smile of her own. She should have known that Harry would pull something like that, it was in his nature. 
Though, to start she had no intention of getting up to sing with Taron for she wanted to sit and enjoy the soothing sound of his voice. She could hear him sing for eternity and she would be content. However, when she could hear him start to struggle singing both parts of the song, she downed the rest of her drink and stood up. Harry let out a small cheer as she walked away, not missing the way she put her middle finger up at him. 
'You’re a dickhead,' Luke whispered into his boyfriend’s ear. 
'Yeah, I know. She’ll thank me later though.' 
'You’d better hope she does. I’d have fucking killed you.'
Harry only laughed at his boyfriend before lifting his pint to his lips so that he could take a swig. His eyebrows furrowed when Luke lifted his hand to his lips to stop herself from laughing. He refused to tell him why he was laughing so he resorted to lifting his phone up to check his face in the camera. Much to his dismay, the head of his lager had left a white moustache above his top lip. 
When Amelia got to the table where Kaine sat, she grabbed the microphone that he was holding out to her and switched it on with the switch at the bottom of it. As soon as she saw the red light flash three times she took a deep breath and started her walk to a startled Taron.
'Two hearts,' Amelia sang softly. 
Taron didn’t know what he was expecting when Amelia started singing, but it sure as hell wasn’t what he thought. 
Her voice was smoother than fresh honey, velvety in his ears as he heard it. It was softer than the fluffiest blanket he had ever owned and it comforted him even more than he would care to admit. There was something so transcendent about watching her sing that he almost forgot that he had to sing too. 
He finally started to sing again, his eyes locking with Amelia’s as she turned to look at him. Neither of them could look away. They were so focused on one another that the entire room began to melt around them. Harry and Luke, Kaine and every other person disappeared and left them purely on their own. 
It didn’t take long for Taron’s lips to quirk up into a smile. His smile lines deepened and his dimples became even more prominent. He had to close his eyes to refocus himself on the song that they were singing, perfectly falling back into it.
When his eyes fluttered open again, everyone else was back in the room and he felt somewhat scared. But as soon as Amelia’s eyes met his once more, he felt calm. He was always told that when in front of a group of people he should find one person or thing to look at to calm himself. He just never expected that to be someone as amazing as Amelia. 
'I’ll be a fool for you, I’m sure.' 
Amelia could feel every beat of her heart pummelling her ribcage. She struggled for breath as she tried to continue to sing. It wasn’t easy though. Taron’s eyes bore into hers and she felt herself grow lightheaded and dizzy. 
Everything about Taron was perfect. He was funny, happy, so incredibly thoughtful, he didn’t take himself too seriously, and above everything else…he treated Amelia like a regular person. When she was around Taron, she wasn’t Pretty Baby Bray. She was Amelia. Taron treated her like he would treat everyone around her and she didn’t realise just how much she needed that. 
'You mean the world to me.' 
Amelia had to look away from Taron in order to try and hide the smile that she was fighting. She found Harry’s eyes and gave him a death glare which had him laughing and he slapped his knee as he tried to stop himself. Luke smacked his arm gently before nodding at Amelia with the biggest grin. 
Taron and Amelia sang in perfect harmony. Their voices mixed together seamlessly and it was almost too perfect. Even with their obvious nerves they didn’t miss a single beat and Harry continued to smile smugly from his place. 
'My endless love.' 
As the song ended, Amelia dropped her arm with the microphone and took a few deep breaths. Taron mirrored her actions.
'I’m sorry,' he whispered as they walked off the stage and back to the table. 'I should have told you that she was coming to mine.'
'Please don’t apologise. I’m an idiot for assuming that something was going on between you both.' Amelia finally smiled at Taron properly just as they made it back to the table and Harry couldn’t hold his smug grin in. 'Shut up, arsehole.'
'Hey now. You should be thanking me, Snookums.'
'Snookums?' Taron questioned through a chuckle.
‘We were a married couple in our new Christmas film and his character called me Snookums. Harry here refuses to call me anything else now.'
'Snookums. I like it just as much as Pretty Baby.'
Amelia could feel her heart burst and her stomach clench all at the same time. She got giddy when he called her love but hearing him call her Snookums was something else. Not to mention Pretty Baby. Throughout her career, she’d been called Pretty Baby Bray by so many people and it had become a point of annoyance for her. But hearing Taron call her Pretty Baby, without the Bray, made her heart do somersaults. He truly was one of a kind.
'I got some money ‘cause I just got paid,' Harry sang loudly into the microphone while Amelia held her tenth Snookums in the air as she swayed gently. 
She started to loosen up a little bit after her fifth drink and by the eighth she was away with the fairies and signed herself and Harry up to sing together. Harry, being just as drunk if she was and if not even more drunk, jumped at the suggestion and immediately suggested they sing Saturday Night. Luke and Taron only laughed at the pair before they sat back back in their chairs with giant grins plastered on their faces as they watched the other two prance to the stage in fits of giggles. 
'Oh, how I wish I had someone to talk to,' she sang back just as excitedly. 
'I’m in an awful way,' they sang together, moving themselves so they were facing one another and laughing as the song carried on without them singing. 
They were so busy laughing at one another and trying to catch their breaths that they didn’t finish the rest of the song. The alcohol that they had been drinking over the course of the evening  had definitely made its way to their heads and made them feel like school children who were having a sleepover and staying up past their bedtimes. Their giggling got so bad that in the end, Kaine stopped the music and sent the two people who could barely stand up straight, let alone walk, back to their table. Taron and Luke greeted them with huge cheers and they dramatically bowed before falling into their seats and giggling. 
'I’ve missed you,' Harry hiccuped as he flung an arm around Amelia’s shoulders and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek. 
'Me too,' Amelia replied as she kissed Harry’s cheek back, feeling the stubble that was growing against her lips. 'Don’t ever let us not see one another for so long again.' 
'I won’t. As soon as Luke suggested that we come and see you I jumped at the idea because I’ve missed you like crazy.' 
Amelia and Harry’s relationship truly was one for the ages. They would say constantly that they didn’t feel like friends but siblings. Though they felt like those siblings who would playfully bicker and jokingly shove one another. Everyone who ever met them always said that they were always joking and laughing when they were together. 
Including in interviews. Interviewers who had never met the pair would leave the room with the widest smiles and were always gushing about them. There was never a quiet moment in interviews and they bounced off of one another perfectly. 
When Harry told Amelia that he had a boyfriend, Amelia had been a little worried to start. She was worried that her relationship with Harry would change and she wouldn’t get to see him as much. The complete opposite happened, however. When Amelia met Luke, she knew straight away that Harry’s relationship wasn’t going to affect their friendship at all. If anything, Luke brought Amelia and Harry closer together because they could go out as a group and have fun together. 
'Taron, you have to watch this video,' Harry exclaimed in excitement. He turned his phone to Amelia so that she could see what video he was talking about and he immediately got a cushion to the head. 
'You can’t bloody put that on!' She groaned dramatically. 'Taron, you can tell him to do one. You don’t have to watch the video.' 
Truth be told, she didn’t want to watch the video because of the memories that surfaced when she did. It didn’t matter how much time had passed, the memories were still incredibly raw. 
'Yeah but now I’m intrigued. Hook your phone up to the TV, Harry.' 
Taron’s words made Amelia grumble again. The video that Harry was going to put on was Amelia’s least favourite interview and he knew that. The question that she was asked haunted her for months after it was aired and it made her think back to a time where she wasn’t necessarily the happiest behind the scenes. 
'Okay so let’s take a look at the food we have here,' James spoke into the camera. Amelia, Harry and James sat around the table. They all looked incredibly nervous…including James who’d played the game multiple times before which didn’t instil much hope in the other two.  'We have, uhh, salmon smoothie, a beef tongue, bird saliva, a herring rollmop, a scorpion, fish head, hot sauce-'
'Is that safe? To do hot sauce I mean,' Harry asked with wide eyes. 
'We’re about to find out, Harry,' James laughed as he spun the table one last time. 'and finally…bull penis.' 
Between each item, the audience had been moaning groaning and Amelia felt herself gip at the stench some of the items on the table let off. She regretted ever telling Harry he could choose if they did it or not because at that moment she couldn’t think of anything worse to do than eat some of that stuff. 
'So for the benefit of anyone who doesn’t know how the game works…Harry, Amelia and myself will be choosing food for another person at the table to eat before asking a question. If the person answers the question they don’t eat. If they don’t answer…it’s down the hatch.' A couple of audience members laughed in response. 'Now just so we’re clear, none of us have seen these questions so they could be on anything at all. I’ll go first and I’ll be asking Harry a question.' 
'Right,' Harry sighed as he eyed the multitude of food in front of him. 'Can we not have hot sauce right away? Actually yeah, let me have it. Then I won’t be able to taste the rest of the food when I eat them.' 
'Now you’ve said that, I’m going to give you the bull penis.' James spun the table until the plate with the fishy roll was in front of Harry. 
'Haha you’re going to have to eat penis,' Amelia chuckled as Harry picked it up to sniff, immediately dropping it back onto the plate and gipping. 
'Only if he doesn’t answer the question,' James answered, lifting his first card. 'Harry might give it to you to try for your question.' 
'You dare, Harry..' 
Chuckles filled the entire room and James even slapped his thigh in laughter. 
'Okay, moving on with the game. Harry,' James paused as he read the question before he sat back with his lips rolled into his mouth. 'You’re here to promote your new Christmas film with Amelia, Christmas Staycation.' 
'I am indeedy,' Harry answered slowly. He eyed James who giggled lightly. 
'In the film you and Amelia kissed under the mistletoe but… who’s the better kisser, Amelia or your boyfriend?' 
'How the hell can I answer that?!' Harry exclaimed with wide eyes. He looked at the bull penis in front of him and lifted the plate up to his nose once more. He regretted it instantly, however. 'They’re both really good kissers, just to let you know.' 
'That wasn’t the question,' James laughed. 'I’ll ask you again just in case you forgot. Who’s the better kisser, your girlfriend or Amelia?' 
'Yeah, Harry. That wasn’t the question,' Amelia repeated with her lips puckered playfully. She knew that there was no way Harry would answer the question. Not even if he was paid to answer it. 
Harry took a deep breath before lifting the penis to his mouth and popping it in his mouth, chewing it slowly and gipping around it. 
'Yeah, you eat that d…ang bull penis,' Amelia spoke slowly, turning to James and watching him try not to laugh. 'Don’t worry, Luke, babe, I’ve got your back. But you might not have a boyfriend anymore if he gives me something nasty in a second.' 
Amelia spoke into the camera and winked as she made a heart with her hands and blew a kiss too. James couldn’t hold his amusement as he watched her interact with the camera while Harry sat and tried not to throw up around the penis he was eating. 
A few moments later, Harry finished the food and instantly took a large gulp of water to wash it down. 'That was fucking nasty.' 
Everyone cheered and James laughed harder than he had the whole segment. He silently ushered Harry to give Amelia a food to eat and he immediately put the scorpion in front of her. When he read the question he howled in laughter and had to drink more water to calm himself down. 
'Amelia, you’re currently dating Henry Caville who we all know played Superman.' 
'Oh god I know where this is going don’t I?' She asked through gritted teeth and Harry only nodded. 
'Does he ever make you call him Superman in bed?' 
Cheers and hollers from the audience deafened Amelia to the point where she could hardly hear James admit that he didn’t envy her. She closed her eyes and let out a large sigh before lifting the scorpion and wrinkling her nose at it. 
'There was this one time…' she laughed hysterically and watched as James and Harry’s eyes alike widened thinking that she had actually called Henry Superman while in bed.  'No, he never made me call him Superman in bed, thankfully.' 
'That’s boring. If it were me I’d make you call me Superman,' Harry joked, earning a death glare from Amelia. 'Close, close and finished.' 
'You’re not funny.' 
'No, I’m hysterical.' 
'Amelia, it’s your turn to choose something for me to eat if I don’t answer whatever question it is that gets asked,' James spoke to bring everyone’s attention back to the game they were playing. 
Amelia looked around the table to find something to present James with before she turned it around until the bird saliva was sitting in front of him. She could see the colour drain from his face and his hand lifted to his forehead. 
'I’ve had to drink this before and it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.' 
Amelia laughed quietly before showing Harry the card to which he burst into fits of laughter and shook his head at James, 'Enjoy drinking it again, mate.' 
'Is the question really that bad?' 
Rather than telling James how bad the question was, Amelia straight up asked him and watched as his eyes grew three sizes bigger. 'Who’s the most high maintenance and hard to deal with backstage, me or Harry?' 
Ooh’s and ahh’s erupted from the audience. Harry sat back in his seat with a smug grin on his face and pointed to Amelia with a wink. Amelia turned to her friend and flipped him off behind the card she was holding before she turned to James and pointed to Harry. 
'And that’s all we have time for tonight! It’s been a pleasure.' 
'Come on, James. Who’s the hardest to deal with backstage?' Harry goded with his tongue in his cheek. He was taking great pleasure in watching James struggle to come up with an answer. 
'When you’re both together you’re honestly two of the most ridiculously hard to deal with. You’re continuously pulling pranks on me and you run away giggling when I try to get you.'
There wasn’t a single person in the audience not laughing and Amelia and Harry looked at each other laughing themselves. They loved playing small pranks and having as much fun together as they could when they were together. James’ face showed them that he didn’t really mean that they were both hard to deal with. In fact, he would never say anything but he loved when they would play pranks on him because it gave him a smile during the day. 
'Being honest, there’s neither of you that are the hardest to deal with or high maintenance so I can’t actually answer the question.' 
'Drink the bird saliva,' Harry declared. 
'Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!' The audience’s chants left James turning to them with an unimpressed expression. 
'You’re meant to be on my bloody side.' 
'James… drink the saliva.' 
After a deep breath, James necked the bird saliva and tried his best to keep it in his mouth but in the end he had to spit it out into the bucket by his feet. When he was sitting back up and glaring at Amelia and Harry, the cameras moved so that they were facing him. 
'Ladies and gentlemen, this has been spill your guts or fill your guts with Amelia Bray and Harry Styles!' 
After James’ final words, the TV in Taron’s living room went blank and Harry could be heard guffawing from his seat. Whenever he watched the video back he laughed just as hard as he had when he was filming it. Luke slapped his arm and turned to Amelia who was sitting motionless on the sofa. 
She didn’t speak up for a while after the video had finished and everyone was starting to get a little bit worried about her. 
'Everything alright, love?' Taron asked tentatively. 'I thought it was a really funny game.' 
'It would have been funny if they’d asked me a different question.' 
Harry sat forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his knees. 'What do you mean? That was a hilarious question.' 
'Again, it would have been.' 
Amelia’s repetition of her first response left everyone in the room confused. She had quickly grown quiet and fragile almost as she sat next to Taron  with her knees pulled up to her chest and Pickle by her side nuzzling into her.
'What do you mean ‘would’ have been?' Luke asked quietly.
 Amelia hadn’t told Harry why she hated the interview so much and he never pushed her on it because he thought she was messing with him. But seeing her sit next to Taron  genuinely almost in tears with her arms wrapped around her body made him see that maybe she wasn’t joking. He turned to Luke who shrugged her shoulders at him. 
'Henry and I…we weren’t together anymore when we filmed that. We’d broken up the night before and I had to act like everything was fine.' 
'Amelia, why didn’t you ever tell me?' Harry asked quickly, confused as to why he hadn’t known that his best friend was no longer in a relationship that day. He was confused and slightly hurt, though he knew that if Amelia didn’t tell him that there was a reason for it and he understood. 'I’d have made sure that there were no questions about him.' 
'Because I didn’t want to believe that we weren’t together anymore. It was an argument that blew up in the hotel room and I wound up sleeping on the sofa in the room.' 
'I’m so sorry,' Taron whispered as he wrapped his arm around Amelia and pulled her into his body where he held her tightly. She relished in having his arms around her again and she could feel herself becoming so comfortable that she let a few tears fall. 
'It’s fine,' she whispered back, 'it was a while ago now and I should be over it.' 
'Did you love him?' Taron’s question caught Amelia off guard. She nodded her head anyway. 
'I think I could have been but I also don’t think I was.' 
'You’re bound to still be upset when it wasn’t all that long ago and you had strong feelings for him. But you’ve got so many people around you who just want you to feel good, myself included.' 
'Thank you, Taron.' 
'That’s okay. I don’t want to take away from this moment and I’m sorry that I am but we really need to be heading off to the bed and breakfast if we’re going to get there in time.'
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friendlytacosyumyum · 2 years
Bakugo with a s/o that matches his personality
oh BOY oh bOY oh boY
Bakugo x gn!reader
warnings: swearing
type: headcanons
this has been sitting in my drafts for over a month LMAO soRRY- slowly working my way through the asks! apologies guys :)
- literally HATES you at first
- you were the new kid and everyone was crowding around you bc they were like "omg new student" IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS SENTENCE
- is like ���who the fuck do they think they are?”
- thinks he’s better than you
- definitely shit-talks you WHENEVER possible
- doesn’t matter what it is, he has something to say about it
- you stole his spotlight once 💀💀 he came AFTER you ready to beat the shit out of you but then you were like “no hitting girls” and left before he could retort
- always tries to 1-up you
- oh you got a 97 on that test? he got a 100. you did good during training? he managed to create three new moves to use against you. your parents told you they were proud? his yelled at him-
- literally cannot handle your energy sometimes and regrets dating someone who has his temperament (you would never let him leave you tho <\3)
- if you're quiet sometimes he's internally freaking out bc it's like the calm before the storm. you're about to unleash a fucking tornado on him 100%
- you went off on him once for doing something and he didn’t even respond bc he thought you yelling at him was so hot
- “are you even fucking listening?”
- when you two are paired for training the building gets destroyed. doesn’t matter what your quirk is, it somehow turns destructive when you’re sparring with him. aizawa says you’re not allowed to go against each other anymore :(
- you asked him if he would still love you if you were a worm. he said no. you got pissed. almost ended your relationship tbh (true story, i was there)
- hates letting you sleep in his room bc you make him stay up past his bedtime
- “one more episode!”
“it’s 9:30.”
“i will hit you with this remote goddammit- sit your ass back down and turn the lights off so we can finish this season before midnight.”
- the entire class saw you yelling at him and just sat there in awe
- you’ve earned the nickname “lion trainer” and whenever bakugo gets mad at someone they come and get you
- “uhhh… y/n? i told bakugo he looked like a pomeranian again…”
- you’ve saved denki’s life so many times- he can’t help but piss bakugo off and he consides you his guardian angel
- the class actually didn’t believe you two when you said you were together. literally just sorta laughed it off and were like “april fool’s is six months away, dumbasses”
- bakugo almost smacked the shit out of them, but you beat him to it 😌🥰
- loves doing missions with you bc you have no self-preservation. doesn’t stop you either. you wanna run into a burning building because there’s a dog trapped inside? he’s right beside you, ready to blow the fire up. you want to try to take down one of japan’s most notorious villains despite having less than three years of experience? he will support you until you fail (then he’ll laugh at you)
- sleep fights. unfortunately, you sleep-fight too, and aizawa has had to separate both of you several times because it got too intense.
- threaten to kill each other daily, i don’t make the rules
- “dumbass.”
“the fuck did you say to me? i’ll kill you.”
“not if i kill you first.”
overall very chaotic 10/10 i would like to watch you get into a fight with him bc i know you're a bad bitch who would win
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kimnjss · 4 years
capital h | pjm + jjk
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⇢ pairing: jungkook x reader x jimin ⇢ genre: smut. ⇢ word count: 7.6K ⇢ theme: established relationship | threesome.  ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, slight nipple play, oral (f/m receiving), threesome, semi-public fingering, humiliation kink(?), slight dom!jimin, slight switch!jungkook, slight sub!reader, voyeurism, exhibitionism, penetrative sex, unsafe sex (wrap it up, loves!). a hint of jikook at the end. ⇢ summary: after learning of the activities your boyfriend and his best friend use to partake in, you can’t help but what to be apart of them. everyone always says, two is better than one, right? ⇢ A/N: this has been in my drafts for about three months, lmao. finally, i finished it and posted it! im lowkey excited because this was a lot of fun to write, and i’ve never written anything like it so! alright, yeah... let me know what you think x.
Your damp locks laid sprawled against your boyfriend's muscular thigh. Warm fingers twisting the wet curls between his fingers. Movements slowed due to the toe-curling, orgasm-inducing, mind-blowing tub sex you just shared. The last thing you had wanted was to get out and brave the cold air, but laying here, wrapped in his sheet with nothing underneath, you didn't want to be anywhere else.
 Being in Jimin's arms was a rare occurrence these days, moments like this becoming cherished treasures that you looked forward to. Excitement was the easy way to describe how you felt when he and his six best friends were pulling up in front of your house, inviting you to spend their day off with them.
 Of course, it was all Jimin's doing, you wouldn't have met any of those guys if it wasn't for your chance meeting with the handsome dancer. They liked you enough, though. Each showed you that they accept your relationship in their own way.
 Seokjin, the oldest, had become something of a big brother to you; oftentimes taking your side on the rare occasion that you and Jimin argued. Never failed to give you insightful advice after the fact. Yoongi didn't really pay you any mind, but he thought you were cute and often times found himself cooing at you. You were closest to Hobi and Joon, becoming fast friends due to your like personalities and sense of humor. They thought you were hilarious, Jimin didn't see it.
 As for the two youngest... despite you dating his best friend, Taehyung didn't really show much interest in you, neither did Jungkook. Yet, Taehyung did put in the effort to make conversation and make you feel included, unlike the youngest male. You had been convinced that he didn't like you, until a few weeks ago when his blatant staring began.
 He'd be quick to look away whenever he knew he was caught, but he wasn't that sneaky. You never missed the cocky grin he'd try to hide or the knowing look he'd shoot in Taehyung's direction. There was definitely something up and it definitely involved you.
 “What do you think of Jungkook?” The question was falling from your lips and you had your never-ending thoughts and overthinking to blame. 
 Jimin let out a snort of a laugh. “Jungkook? My best friend, and teammate? The guy that's been like a brother to me for the past 7 years? I guess he's alright,” Sarcasm dripped from his words and you rolled your eyes, lifting your head from his lap.
 Your hand met his shoulder, gently pushing him back against the headboard. “I'm being serious. What do you think?”
 “So am I. He's like a brother to me, why?” He found this sudden interest in the maknae odd...? Especially for you. It was obvious that the two of you didn't really socialize, so why were you asking about him all of a sudden? “What do you think of him?” Jimin prompted when your answer didn't come fast enough.
 Taking a moment, you debated whether or not you should even bring this up. As he said, Jungkook was like a brother to him... what if calling out his weird behavior ended up rubbing Jimin in the wrong way and now you were without a boyfriend.
 Jimin wasn't the type for dramatics, though. Everything was comfortable with him, not many things reaching his 'serious business' radar, so this should be fine, right? Right. “He's fine...” You buffered, teeth chewing at your lower lip.
 Jimin pinned you with an expectant look, hated whenever you, or anyone, beat around the bush when there was obviously something on their mind. Taking this, you urged yourself to go on. “...I've just noticed like lately he's been... checking me out?” Mentally, you flinched, hoping the news wouldn't upset your boyfriend.
 His chest rumbled as he barked out a laugh, head cocked back as the sweet sounds left his plump lips. Pillow soft punches met his stomach as you tried to get him to focus. “I'm being serious, Jimin! He's always staring at me with that stupid face,”
 You imitated Jungkook's seemingly signature facial expression, eyebrows raised and tongue pushed into the inside of your cheek, eyes tracing over your boyfriend's body hungrily like Jungkook had done to you many times before. Another laugh left his lips at the sight of your face and you were scoffing, pushing him back again.
 “I don't know why this is funny to you. I just told you one of your friends has been mentally undressing me, you should be livid!” You were quick to silence the insecure thoughts that his lack of reaction had floating around your mind.
 It was no secret that Jimin was a jealous guy. What's his, is his... you were his! He should be enraged that some guy was looking at you like a piece of meat, he was the only one that was supposed to look at you like that. So why was he laughing?
 Seeing that you were obviously upset, Jimin was reaching for your arms, uncrossing them from your bare chest. His hands held loosely on your wrist as he pulled you toward him, landing a soft kiss to your lips. “I think it's funny because it's not a big deal. Me and Jungkook are boys, he's not gonna try anything with you.” He assured you, another kiss landing on your lips.
 “Okay, but, I heard him and Taehyung talking and-” You weren't even able to finish your sentence because he was sitting up, squinted eyes finding yours. “Taehyung was talking about you?”
 Oh, now he wanted to be jealous? Scoffing, you pushed him back against the headboard. “Yes.” You couldn't help the roll of your eyes. “I was trying to tell you. Not only is Jungkook always checking me out, but I heard them talking about you and us... and something about an H?”
 Jimin's expression softened, eyebrows relaxing as his cheeks tinted a few shades light of red. “Oh.” Crooked teeth worried his lower lip as he reached a hand up to push his hair back on his forehead.
 “Oh? What does H stand for, Jimin?” Obviously, he knew exactly what they were talking about and it was making him... blush? “It's nothing.” He answered a bit too quickly. “It's something.” Your words chased his, a slight bite in your tone.
 His eyes widened. “What are you gonna get mad if I don't tell you?” Laughter laced his words, but it wasn't the 'Ha-ha so funny' type of laugh, it was a type of nervous laugh he let out when he felt like he dug himself in a hole.
 You were nodding your head simply, shoving the blanket from your waist. “Yup!” Hopping from the bed, you began searching the room for the jeans you had ditched the second you were entering his bedroom. Jimin was sitting up quickly, voice stopping your movements just as you got your jeans over your thighs. “Alright, alright! I'll tell you. Come sit back down,”
 A triumphant smirk spread across your lips, as you crossed the room back to his bed. You sunk back down onto the comfortable mattress, crossing your legs underneath your bum as you awaited his explanation.
 “First of all, this was before I met you so you can't hold this against me,” He prepped and you nodded your head, gesturing with your hand for him to go on. “A while ago... with my exes, or just like girls that hung around us... Jungkook and I would, you know...”
 You had pretty a good idea what he was alluding to, but you weren't the type to graciously take a hint. “No, I don't know... you would, what?” He was rolling his eyes at the smirk on your lips, hands pushing his hair back out of habit.
 “Share them, our girlfriends, the groupies... It was fun, you know? Capitol H doesn't stand for anything, it's literally what our bodies do,” He let out a short laugh and you picture the way an H looked. “...So I'd be the middle part?” You clarified, your words making Jimin's eyes snap up to you.
 “Who said...” His words trailed off, brows furrowing as he visibly went through the thoughts bubbling in his mind. You didn't blame him. Despite the occasional interesting position or location, you liked to keep it pretty vanilla.
 Well aware that Jimin was more experienced than you, you didn't want to disappoint. You always thought vanilla didn't technically mean boring... at least it didn't to you. But after hearing that he use to partake in regular threesomes you couldn't help but wonder what else the other girls he's been with let him do.
 Just the pure fact that you were considering this, putting yourself in the situation was enough to baffle your boyfriend, confuse him enough to convince him that you were just fucking with him. A laugh slipped past his lips as he shook his head. “Come on, Yn. You wouldn't be into that.”
 “How do you even know?”
 “Well, because I know you. It was a long time ago, Yn. They were just talking shit, you don't have to-” Annoyed, you were cutting him off.
 “I might want to. I could be into it, you don't know. Jungkook is cute and...”
 His face was twisting, and you were afraid you had said the wrong thing. Sure of it when the words left his lips. “Are you saying you want to fuck, Jungkook?” Thankfully, he didn't exactly look angry... just a little bit put off?
 A hand reached out for his, easily lacing your fingers together. “Listen, I know I'm not that... adventurous, when it comes to sex... but if it's something that you enjoyed doing or if you just want to, I'm just saying... I wouldn't be against it.” Your thumb soothes over the back of his hand and enjoys the smile that pushes onto his lips.
 His eyes soften again, staring up at you lovingly. The confusion of whether or not you had just admitted you were into his bandmate gone and forgotten. “I promise, I like the sex we have just fine, don't worry.” He was leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, his arm wrapping around your waist to pull your body into his.
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 Four days passed since your conversation with Jimin. More and more time was spent around their dorm, soaking up as much time with him as you could before he was jetting off to his next schedule. Being around him all day, though, meant that you were around his friends all day too.
 It wasn't a big deal, these guys were cool. At least, most of them were. In the past days, Jungkook had become bold, to say the least. Not looking away when he's caught staring, instead of waiting for you to be the one to break. On top of that, it was like the kid never knew when to shut up, always coming up with a snarky comment or undermining you but at the same time calling you 'Noona' with that boyish grin of his.
 Jimin no doubt told him all about the talk that you two had if those boys were sharing girls... there was no way they weren't sharing secrets. You don't know what you knowing about their sexcapades did for him, but it clearly had gone to his head. It'd be best to just ignore him, you decided. No matter how undeniably attractive he was, there was nothing there for you. You didn't want him. Didn't need him, no matter the dampness that ensued whenever he smirked. And of course, you didn't ever notice the size of the bulge that constantly pushed against his pants. Was that boy always hard, or something!?
 Like right now, just walking across the lawn in search of the ball he had been playing with, but right there fighting against his swim trunks... a huge boner! You cursed the moment Jin suggested a pool party would be a fun way to spend the afternoon.
 It had sounded fun at the moment. Yoongi said he was going to barbecue and you were even more convinced when your boyfriend was making his way down the stairs shirtless in his swim shorts. The sexy one-word tattoo on full display, ripples of his abs seemed to glisten, the single trail of hair below his belly button disappearing underneath his waistband.
 Yeah, you'd definitely enjoy this afternoon. So sure of it, until you were catching sight of the man that followed him down the stairs. Jungkook, of course, who else could irk you just with their presence?
 A lot taller and more muscular than your lean boyfriend, black shorts hanging loosely on his hips, giving you a perfect view of the well-worked on V-line that acted a huge fucking arrow to his dick. Gentle lips found the top of your head, a strong arm wrapping around your waist. “You look pretty,” Jimin mumbled into your ear, and you grinned, leaning into his chest.
 Jimin was always very vocal when it came to the things that he liked to see. You showing some skin? Definitely at the top of his list. Took that into account when you picked out your swimsuit for this gathering; a red triangle string bikini, lacy black flowers decorating your breasts, and hips.
 It was obvious that Jimin thought you looked good, could tell with the lingering glances in your direction as you laid on your back trying to soak up some sun. What you didn't account for was the slight chance that his friends might think the same. And by friends, you meant Jungkook, of course.
 Poor kid couldn't take his eyes off of you, not even for a second. Which explains his constant need to get out of the pool and retrieve the ball that he kept failing to catch. The situation almost funny, if the sexy flex in his arms as he pulled his body out of the water didn't always catch your attention. If your eyes weren't automatically trailing over every ridge and bump of his muscles.
 He'd smirk when catching you, toss his long wet hair before slipping back into the water. Wouldn't even wait to see the annoyed roll of your eyes, not as it mattered – he had already caught you staring, more than once. Acting as if he didn't affect you was a waste. And to make matters worse, Jimin was always right there observing each and every one of your interactions with the kid, face giving nothing away.
 Not angry, or annoyed. Just watching, as if he was curious to see what you'd do. How you'd react. As if he had put this whole entire thing in motion earlier and was observing the aftermath. 
 By the time Yoongi was announcing dinner, your body was buzzing with annoyance. Or was it desire? Either way, you were about two seconds from ripping your hair at the roots. Jimin sat beside you, the first time he was within arms reach the entire evening. He grinned, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and pulling you close engulfing you with his sweet scent. 
 Stupidly, you found yourself relaxing in his arms. Head falling on his shoulder while a hand lifted to press against his stomach. He was warm but still a little wet from the pool. You felt the movement of his head but didn't bother with lifting your head to see who he was speaking too. Stupid, because seconds later the spot next to you was being taken up.
 Guess who.
 Of course, Jeon Jungkook was slipping into the space beside you, a cocky grin playing on his most likely soft lips. His eyes flickered over to Jimin's before he was dropping his focus back onto you.
 “We've got burgers and hot dogs, and Jin is coming out with the chicken,” Yoongi called out, stepping toward the table with a tray of meat in hand. The second the food was in reach, the boys were hurrying to load their plates.
 Like the ever so dotting boyfriend, Jimin loaded up your plate as he did his. Comfortable conversation surrounded the table, voices overlapping and thick strings of laughter falling from their lips. You weighed in where you could, beaming when you were able to make a few of them laugh along with you.
 It was fun. Talking to them, getting along. Despite the fact you had been dating Jimin for a while, conversations with most of his friends were surface level at most. It didn't really bother you, but it was a good feeling knowing that if needed, you could get along with these guys.
 “No, yeah... if you're into old-time movies, you should definitely check out...” Taehyung's words were fading into the background, your attention slipping from what he was saying and to the warm hand on your thigh. Jimin's. An unsuspecting smile on his lips when you looked up to catch his gaze. 
 Just barely catching the title of the movie Taehyung was referring to, you turned your attention back to him. “It's good? I should check it out.” He nodded, all at once losing interest in the conversation, Jin's story catching his ear.
 There was a mischievous glint in Jimin's eye as he spread your legs apart, tips of his fingers trailing up your bare thigh. His head tilting until his lips were able to reach the skin of your neck, leaving a wet trail of kisses down the length.
 You felt your body melting into him. Ready to succumb to whatever he had in store for you, the tingle of anticipation rushing through your veins. A familiar heat spreading throughout your body, lips curling into your mouth as you waited. The press against your left side had your eyes snapping open, darting to the cool tattooed hand making it's way up to your thigh. Jungkook.
 His fingers inching up your thigh, closer and closer to your core while Jimin held your legs apart, fingers tight against your flesh. “If you don't like it, tell him to stop.” His words are hushed against your ear, and you're nodding quickly, hearing the sincerity in his voice. 
 Jungkook wastes no time, callused fingers finding your clit through the fabric of your bikini bottoms. He presses down, fingers moving in circles as your body jolts at the sudden friction. “She's sensitive,” He speaks as if he's taking notes rather than trying to hold a conversation. You hold your breath, legs spreading slightly. Jimin's lips fall from your skin, cheek resting against your shoulder so he can see.
 Never did you think you'd be the one to have such a penchant for something as risky as public foreplay, but here you were growing wetter by the second, the thought that either one of his friends could catch you with a simple turn of their heads. It had you unbelievably turned on, mixed with the fact that your boyfriend was watching you rather than doing it definitely added to it.
 Jungkook laughs beside you, but not at you. Delved in a conversation with Namjoon across the table as if his fingers weren't pushing your bottoms out of the way underneath the table. A long finger lazily traces over your wet folds. Jimin's chuckle covers the gasp that leaves your lips when Jungkook's fingers graze over your bare clit.
 Jin is smiling appreciatively in his direction at the support of his joke. You were going to get caught. The thought and the consequences weighing heavily on your mind, causing you to shift attempting to close your legs. “It's fine,” Jimin assures you with a whisper, strong hand holding your leg in place.
 The moment you're relaxing, Jungkook's hand is reaching down to grasp your other thigh. Easily lifting it to hook over his own, giving him total access to your throbbing pussy. It's not lost on you how hot it feels to be exposed like this, but you're not given any time to analyze what it means as soon as Jungkook traces his fingers over your entrance.
 The tips of his fingers take their time with gathering the wet arousal that had accumulated between your legs before they're moving back up to tease your tight hole. Teeth digging into your plump lip as the tips of his fingers slowly begin slipping into your core.
 Trying your damnedest to keep your face from giving away what was going on underneath the table. You force yourself to concentrate on the words coming from Namjoon's mind, although they're just words... not coherent enough to follow the actual story.
 Slowly, Jimin is reaching his thick fingers down between your legs, using his middle and index fingers to spread your lips further apart, giving him a better view. You gasp, Jungkook's fingers pumping shallowly in and out of you. 
 For a moment, your body stills, afraid you had been too loud just then. Calming when you realize none of them were looking in your direction, not even Jungkook who was the cause of all of this. No, he was seemingly wrapped in conversation with Taehyung, a teasing smirk on his lips that you guessed was meant for you.
 Jimin was the only one look at you, watching Jungkook's long fingers bury themselves deep inside of you. He's flexing them, curling and uncurling as the pad of his thumb fingers your needy clit. He's basically drooling at the sight, wet lazy kisses landing on your shoulder. His hand resting over his covered crotch, palming himself through the fabric. 
 A louder, desperate whimper is falling from your lips. This time catching the attention of Taehyung. Words coming to a halt as his eyes dart between the three of you, a wide smirk slipping onto his features. “Are you alright, Yn?” There's a teasing glint in his eye, letting you know he's not at all asking if you're alright. No, he knew exactly what was happening underneath the table and he was making it all of his business to tease you about it.
 Plastering a tight-lipped smile onto your lips, you muster all the strength you can to nod your head. “I'm fine,” There's a strain in your voice, giving him enough reason to pull a look of concern, his head tilting to the side.
 “Are you sure? You look a little flushed,” His brows furrow, topping off his fake worry and you're suppressing the urge to roll your eyes. The encounter is catching Namjoon's attention beside him, his gaze lifting to study your face. “Oh, yeah. You don't look so good.” He weighs in, actually looking worried about you.
 Jungkook takes this growing attention as an invitation to speed up the movement of his fingers. Hand tightening on your thigh, keeping you from snapping your legs shut. Two fingers plunging deep inside of you, tips brushing against the spongy spot inside of you. Jimin's domineering gaze watches your face, waiting for your response.
 However, it doesn't come. The thrusts of Jungkook's fingers, mixed with the relentless strokes of his thumb on your clit has a moan falling from your lips. It's loud and breathy, and definitely recognizable even if all attention wasn't on you. You see Jungkook's eyes widen from the corner of your eye, but he's being really careful about not looking directly at you.
 You do, actually, see him steal a glance in Jimin's direction... almost as if he's asking for guidance, but he's being ignored, Jimin's lust-filled eyes never leaving your face. “Take that kinky shit upstairs,” Yoongi speaks flatly, bored expression on his face as he stares at you.
 Jimin's hand is quick to reach between your legs, adjusting your bottoms as Jungkook withdraws his fingers from inside of you, pushing your thigh from his. You ignore the way your walls flutter at the sudden emptiness, snapping your legs shut as embarrassment reddens your cheeks and dampens your pussy.
 “Let's go.” There's no room for protest with the way he speaks, excusing himself from the table as he looks expectantly between you and Jungkook. The younger male is quick to stand, watching you as he pushes his glistening fingers into his mouth. Your heart pounds as he slowly sucks your juices from the digits.
 The other boys have turned their attention from you three, still, your body felt hot. Cheeks flushed and pussy pulsing with want. Need. You needed them, both of them. Need to have both of them on you, around you, inside you. With a breath, you're standing, following them into the house and up into Jimin's room.
 Jungkook shuts the bedroom door, flicking the lock as Jimin turns to look down at you. “You still not against this?” Eyes much softer now, gentle hands finding your hips in order to pull your body toward his. You're nodding without a second thought, want buzzing in your veins. No way were you backing out now.
 Despite the grin rapidly growing on his plush lips, Jimin was still asking: “Are you sure?” Your words chased his, hands reaching up to land on his jawline. “I'm sure,” Your lips found him, instantly being parted by their thickness. His tongue twists and tangles with yours, a single hand reaching to grasp your jaw, holding your head in place as he licks into your mouth.
 Suddenly, he's pulling back, soft eyes tinted with a dark desire. He's turning your head with the grip of his strong hand, your eyes finding Jungkook who had moved to stand directly behind you.
 Jungkook is quick to capture your lips with his. Soft lips tasting heavily of cherry, you kiss him back, body turning, melting into his as the erection between his legs brushes against your lower belly. He bites into your lower lip, tugging it slightly and pulling a whimper from his lips.
 You feel his smirk as his tongue slips past your parted lips, mapping out every inch of your mouth while his hands drop to your scarcely covered ass. Hips pushing back, involuntarily surrendering more of your ass to his. Jungkook's lips are falling from yours, hands sliding underneath the fabric of your bottoms to cup your bare ass.
 “Jungkook,” You gasp out when his hands squeeze down hard on your ass, grip pulling your body tight against his. With little to no effort, Jungkook is lifting your body off of the floor, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. He walks the two of you to the bed, laying your body onto the soft mattress.
 When he had moved was lost on you, Jimin now sitting comfortably on the chair adjacent to the bed. Hard cock straining against the fabric of his swim trunks, his hand resting over it as he watched you with his best friend.
 With your legs hanging loosely from his hips, Jungkook leans down to bury his head in the crook of your neck. Sucking wet hickeys into the skin while his large hands trail down the gentle curves of your body, fingers finding the tight bows on either side of your hips. Your breaths come out labored, rapidly losing yourself in the way he's tonguing at your skin, teeth grazing its sensitivity.
 “Fuck,” He groans, hips pushing into yours. The sound of his voice nearly startling you, with how quiet he has been since the start of all this. “I never thought I'd have a chance to have you like this,” He sighs softly against your skin. Only a second was spared for you to wonder just how often he thought about having you like this. If Jimin knew.
 Jungkook's hands were quickly traveling up your back, a single tug on the string of your bikini had it loosening around your chest. He wastes no time with discarding it, tossing it somewhere behind him before leaning down. Hot tongue connecting with your hardened bud, rolling it around in his mouth. A soft moan slips past your lips, head falling back just enough to catch sight of Jimin.
 Teeth worrying his plush lips, a hand-dipped into the front of his shorts as he watches you. Hooded eyes find yours and you swear you see his cock twitch in his hand. Your fingers tangled in Jungkook's hair, holding his head against your chest as he grinds his covered cock against the flimsy material of your bathing suit.
 Your legs tighten around his waist, pulling his closer as you lift your hips. Jimin's groan mixes with the sound of yours, Jungkook's head lifting only for a moment to catch sight of his older friend, only to drop back down mouth latching onto your neglected nipple.
 “Make her cum, Kook,” Jimin speaks hastily growing impatient with how slow Jungkook was being. How he seemed to be taking his time, reveling in each moment he had with you. Allowing himself to memorize every inch of your body while he had the chance.
 The sight demand has Jungkook's body jumping to action, teeth grazing over your nipple as his hand travels down the front of your body dipping into your bottoms and covering your pussy without pause.
 Your legs squirm while his fingers toy with your bundle of nerves a wet trail of kisses, creating a line from your breasts down the middle of your body. You're sprawled out beneath him, legs wide as you wait for what you know is coming. It's not long before his head is between your legs, looking up at you with the sexiest pout and you feel as though you could cum at the sight.
 “You're soaked,” His head is tilting slightly, licking along your slit in one click motion and you're moaning out. “I've always wondered the sounds you'd make having your cute little pussy eaten.” His thumb is covering your clit, stroking it gently as your core flutters, from the growing smirk on his face, it's safe to say he noticed.
 Strong hands holding your legs apart, Jungkook lunges forward to press his soft lips against your folds. He sucks kisses against your damp lips, tongue stroking against them slowly. You're whimpering, can feel your pussy dripping as you reach down to tangle your fingers in his soft locks.
 He's quick with the up-down movement of his tongue against your slick pussy lips, tracing over each ridge and cure but avoiding that one spot he's sue would have you falling apart instantly. Instead, kept his thumb pressed against it still, motionless.
 Your hips lift, rocking into his face while his tongue lowers to tease your wanting entrance. Large hands curling around your hips to grasp the cure of your ass, pulling your body tighter against his mouth. “Fuck, Jungkook!” The shout falling from your lips as he ups his speed, the tip of his nose nudging against your clit.
 Jimin's breathy groan sounds from behind you, the familiar fap of his hand working against his hardened cock filling your ears and egging you on. His thumb slowly plays with the head, spreading the precum leaking from it. Having him watch you, turned on by the sight of you moaning his friend's name, turned on enough that he was jerking himself off at the sight. It made you feel hot, an unexplainable rush of desire coursing through your veins.
 Jungkook is pulling his tongue from inside of you it quickly being replaced with two long fingers. He pushes all the way to the knuckle, curling them to press deep inside of you. You feel the coil in your stomach slowly tighten as he continues his movements, your orgasm approaching.
 A silent scream leaves your lips the moment his lips are wrapping around your neglected clit, sucking softly as his tongue teases it. Hips lifting and rolling, body convulsing as your orgasm begins to wash over you. Jungkook's grip tightens around your shaking thighs, holding your legs in place as he pushes another finger inside of you.
 His lips suck down harder, head tilting to the side to twist your clit along with it. That paired with the new stretch of his added finger have you cumming hard all at once. His name leaves your lips in a desperate mewl, grip tightening in his hair as your back arches off the bed.
 Jungkook's pulling his fingers from your body, letting up on the suction around your clit relaxing into gentle licks of his tongue. His strong hands cover your ass, holding your body against his mouth as you ride out your orgasm. He laps up every bit of your wet cum, ignoring the sensitive twitch of your legs until he's finished. Until he's satisfied and sitting upon his knees, licking your arousal from his lips.
 He's staring at you with so much want, lust, lips slightly swollen and very red. His hair sticks up messily around his head from the grip of your fingers, chest heaving with heavy breath as he watches you.
 Jimin stands from his position behind you, hands tugging his shorts the rest of the way down his legs before he's taking slow strides in your direction. With much effort, you're lifting your body until you're seated. He grins down at you, a hand wrapped around his length while the other reaches for the nape of your neck.
 “I want you to suck me off while Jungkookie fucks you open, how's that sound?” He's wearing such a sweet smile on his face, a direct contradiction to the words that fall from his lips and the vulgar things they convey. You're nodding your head quickly, either way, leaning into his touch as his hand travels to rest against your jaw.
 Jungkook has stood from the bed, discarding his shorts in the process. He's rummaging on the other side of the room, but your focus is not on him. No, your attention is stuck on the man in front of you. His soft thumb brushing against your lower lip, your mouth falling open. He grins.
 “You made me so hard baby. Loved seeing you cum on Kookie's tongue, did it feel good?” You're nodding your head, eyes snapping up to find his. He chews on his lower lip, tracing the curves of your lips with the tip of his cock. You try to move your head to coax his cock into your mouth, but he's having too much fun teasing you to let that happen.
 Pushing your tongue out, you manage to slide it over the underside of his cock. He groans, head lolling to the side as he gives in, slowly guiding his cock past your lips and into your mouth. Your lips latch onto his dick and quickly begin licking and suckling at his length. His teeth dig into his lip as he watches you, hand reaching to grasp your hair.
 “Your mouth feels so good, baby.” He pants, rocking his hips forward slightly. Your body warms at the praise, sucking harder and speeding the bob of your head. His lower belly tightens, both hands tangled in your hair and tightening to hold your head still. Mouth widening, you allow him to push his hips forward, taking more of his cock down your throat. 
 You let him gag you, spit gathering around your lips as tears brim in your eyes. Hands braced on his hips as if that'd be enough to slow his movements. With the fucked out look on his face, the grip in your hair; it was obvious he didn't plan on letting up any time soon. Not like you even wanted him too, anyway.
 Jungkook was coming to crouch behind you, large hands finding your hips. The palm of his hand is slapping against one of your cheeks, forcing your body to jolt forward a muffled moan leaving your lips. The movement pushing you down further onto Jimin's cock, the head hitting against the back of your throat causing a cough to fall from your lips.
 Reluctantly, you pull back, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips to his length as heavy coughs shook your body. Jungkook let out a loud laugh, hands on your hips positioning your body onto your knees. Jimin's unmistakably gentle hand rubbed at your back, attempting to soothe your coughs as he lined his cock with your lips once more.
 You were taking him into your mouth once more, sucking with much more fervor this time. He chuckles above you, eyes flickering up to Jungkook who's fingers caressing your wet pussy lips. “She's so wet, Hyung. Think she liked choking on your cock.” He comments, fingers lazily stroking your pussy.
 Warmth spreads through your body at his words. Jungkook was much different from Jimin, sexually as well as everything else. Where Jimin never mentioned how much he knew you liked to suck him off, Jungkook was more than willing to voice his revelation that you were particularly dripping. As if he got off on the thought of embarrassing you, and it should annoy you, but it only made you want him more.
 Wanted to prove to him that you didn't so easily wither, that it would take a lot more to make you shy away. No matter the blush the took over his cheeks every time he was crude.
 His hand reached for your hair, tangling in the soft strands and slowly pulling you off of his friend's cock. Your back was soon pressed flush against his chest, a strong arm wrapping around your waist. You can see Jimin clearly now, muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat as his palm stroked his wet cock.
 Jungkook's dick is pressed firmly against your ass cheek and your hips slowly rock back, rubbing against it. He bites back a groan, hand dropping to hold your hips in place. “You want me to fuck you, Yn?” His mouth is right by your ear, but he's speaking loud enough for both you and Jimin to hear. “Want me to make you cum, again? But this time on my cock... make you fall apart while your boyfriend watches, you'd like that, huh?” Rough fingers find your clit, flicking and tugging at it. And you nod frantically, spreading your legs wide from him and avoiding the lust-filled gaze of your boyfriend.
 He reaches for your chin, lifting your head so you're looking directly at Jimin. Jungkook moved behind you, shifting his hips until the tip of his cock nudges your awaiting entrance. “Say it,” He hisses into your ear. “Tell him,” His lower lip drags over the shell of your ear, fingers dipping lower to spread your lips for him.
 “I want-,” You feel heat growing in your chest, Jimin's expectant gaze making you feel small. He's stroking his cock much slower now, waiting on labored breaths. Jungkook's fingers pinch your clit and pleasure shoots through your veins, body twitching. “Don't be shy, princess. He can take it...” His fingers rub figure eights into the bundle of nerves.
 There was no telling how you looked right now, fucked out and panting. Desperately trying to wiggle your hips in hope to steal away more than he was letting you have. Lips are swollen and cheeks tear-stained from having Jimin's cock down your throat moments before. Your back arches against his chest as he drags the length of his cock over your slit, teasing you.
 “I want!” You shout, an electric shock of pleasure fueling you, “Jimin, fuck... watch me. I want you to watch me when Jungkook fucks me,” You plead, crazed eyes staying trained on your boyfriend. “Want you to see him make me cum.”
 “Fuck,” Jimin groans, at the same time Jungkook is pushing inside of you. His thick cock spreading your folds and breaking through your walls. You let out a loud whine, pushing back against him welcoming each inch of his length. He's groaning only when he's bottoming out, hands falling to your hips, body dropping onto your knees again.
 “She's so tight,” Jungkook sighs, pulling his hips back until the tip of his cock is catching on your pursed entrance. He pushes forward quickly, pulling a wail from your lips. Repeating the action until he feels your walls loosening around him.
 He's soon falling into a steady pace, hips snapping against yours as his fingers bruise your hips. Your legs spread wide as you fist at the bedsheets below you, whiny moans leaving your lips as you move back against him. Jimin steps back, no doubt taking in the sight in before him. The way your eyes continue to roll, flushed cheeks and mouth open wide. How your back curves into the globes of your ass the ripple with each strong thrust of Jungkook's hips. “Fuck, baby. You're taking his cock so well,” Jimin praises with a proud look on his face. 
 His soft hand brushes your hair out of your face, holding it back in a makeshift ponytail. “How does it feel, baby?” Weakly, you lift your gaze to look up at him. “S-so good,” Voice hoarse and breathy. Jungkook grins behind you, angling his hips to slide deeper inside of you.
 “Such a good girl,” Jimin's free hand wraps around his cock. And your mouth is opening before your mind can register what he wants, warm cock filling your mouth, your lips wrapping tightly around the base.
 He's sliding down your throat easily, your head bobbing in time with the slow thrusts of his hips. You reach your hands forward to grasp his balls, hands massaging against the velvety skin and his pants. Incoherent mumbles of praise fall from Jimin's lips as his head falls back.
 He looks so hot, even from this angle. The veins of his neck prominent with the clench of his teeth. Collarbones thick and on full display, housing his well worked on pecks and the tight ripples of his abs. His hand lifts to grasp your hair, holding your head in place to thrust shallowly down your throat.
 “S-shit, I'm cumming.” Jungkook whines from behind you, hips pressed flush against your ass while his legs tighten. You feel the familiar expansion of the condom around his cock as the sounds of his whiny moans fill the room. Jimin lifts his head, a chuckle leaving his lips as his eyes find the pink-cheeked man in front of him.
 “That was quick,” Jimin teases, pulling his hips back until his cock is falling from your lips. Jungkook does the same. Your body shocked instantly with emptiness, you whine in protest, hips wiggling in search of your release.
 “It's been a while,” Jungkook defends, slumping against the mattress, arms lifting to cover his eyes. Desperately trying to slow his breathing, not paying any mind to the cum that leaks the condom in thick globs painting the sheets underneath him. “Did Kookie even make you cum?” Jimin's words are directed to you and you're quick to shake your head.
 He tsks, hand reaching for your thigh and flipping your body onto its back. Your legs spread as he lowers himself between them, cock easily pushing its way deep into your pussy. A moan falls from your lips, hips lifting to meet his thrust. “Let me show you how to do it.”
 Jungkook is removing his arm from his eyes, turning his attention to yours and Jimin's bodies. He watches as Jimin's firm ass lifts and drops into you, each powerful thrust pushing your body up. Watches as your nails mark up his smooth back. Listens to the way his groans mix with your whimpers.
 Your eyes catch his for a moment, and you're soon realizing that he's not watching you. Mouth parted and eyes dazed as he stares. But not at you. Jimin's reaching his hand down, fingers finding your clit as he pushes you toward your nearing orgasm. Eyes screwing shut, you let yourself feel it.
 Toes curling and back arching as your release washes over you. Jimin hisses from the way your walls clench around his cock, his thrusts becoming sloppy, untimed. Jungkook watches as he cums, filling you up. Your name falling from his lips in a breathy moan. Your legs tighten around his waist, holding his body tight against yours.
 Minutes pass before Jimin is pulling out, rolling onto his back with a huff. He grins wide down at you, lips catching yours in a loving kiss as his hand moves between your legs, pushing his escaped cum back into your pussy. You can't help the giggle that leaves your lips from the feeling.
 “You did so well, baby.” He's complimenting you after his lips are releasing yours. You smile wide, eyes shifting between him and Jungkook. “It was amazing, thank you.” Jungkook nods his acknowledgment while Jimin presses another kiss to your lips, before standing from the bed.
 “I'm gonna go run you a bath,” Jimin grins, kissing the top of your head gently before disappearing into the bathroom. The second he's gone, Jungkook is standing from the bed. His cheeks are flushed, hair messy, and he looks out of breath; but nevertheless he's moving as if he couldn't get out of there fast enough.
 You let him. Don't bother to ask him why. You know why. And now that you knew, all the little things surrounding were starting to make sense. As if a neon sign had been flashing the warning from the beginning, but you had chosen to ignore it. Explained it away as Jungkook being a protective best friend, but you were wrong. You were so wrong. Realization was hitting you all at once and you wondering how many of their conquests found out the exact same thing.
 Jungkook was in love with Jimin.
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teriwrites · 4 years
NaNoWriMo: Wrap Up!
I can’t believe another November has come and gone. I can’t believe something that I started doing in 8th grade just for fun has become such a big part of my life that, nine years and 10 nanos later, I’m still already excited about next November. It was through NaNoWriMo that I finished my first ever first draft of a novel (it was when I was 13, and it was absolute trash, and I love it). I’ve met countless friends, collected countless WIPs, and really driven home how important writing as a medium is for me. 
Now that the sappy stuff is over, here’s some more fun stats and things:
End Word Count: 50,563!!
I did it! I hit the 50,000 mark yesterday, and then finished up the chapter I was on this evening. I knew going in that this month was going to be particularly hard on me - moving all my stuff home, exams, big research paper, all on top of trying to write part of a novel. And I was really nervous about how I was going to manage to keep up.
Somehow, I actually was more consistent this year than I’ve ever achieved before? 2020 was the first time that I ever managed to write every single day of November (even if one of those days was only 5 words and doesn’t even show up on the site’s little daily chart). And honestly I might be more proud of that than I am of actually hitting the big 50K. 
It helped that my project was really fun this year. I haven’t always loved every moment that I’ve been working on Beneath Alder Creek - the usual bouts of loathing anything I put down on the page showed up as normal - but even when the quality itself was in question, the actual story never stopped being something I wanted to write. 
I can’t possibly go through the whole thing and pick out all my favorite pieces right now (sometimes, prioritizing nano means falling behind on hw lmao), but here are a couple more recent snippets.
Excerpt 1:
The throne room was far smaller than Winnie had expected, especially coming from the front hall. It was strikingly similar in size and setup to a chapel, with rows of pews all facing a central pulpit. Only, rather than a lectern for a preacher, a platform was raised to draw focus to a large, golden throne. The throne itself was intricately beautiful, but Winnie hardly noticed it, too concentrated on the figure sitting upon it. Queen Ceridwen, Enid had called her. She was at once both divine and grotesque, white skin with dark veins that stitched themselves into a tangle of smaller lines, like the splitting of branches as they extended from the trunk. Her eyes and lips were black, or near enough to create a stark contrast, and matching, sleek horns stretched out from where her hairline ought have been. A golden crown jutted down to the tops of her cheekbones and tucked back behind her ear, extending up in spikes that shot out like a sunrise, each one longer than Winnie’s hand. Perhaps even more chilling than her appearance were her eyes. There was a fathomlessness to the darkness, the depth of shadows that brought with them the fear of the unknown. Though the Queen’s expression remained passive and detached, as Winnie stared at her, she had the feeling that the matriarch was not actually with them but making her observations from somewhere within those cavernous eyes. “Speak.”
Excerpt 2:
The music was still playing, but its calm, ambling tempo had quickened with Winnie’s heart rate, and its soothing, entrancing melody broke into a high, panicked frenzy, piercing through the forest. Birds that had been resting on branches took flight. The fish dashed through the water, twisting and thrashing. A line of ants at Winnie’s feet broke formation as they hurried away from the lake. But for all their terror, Winnie was drawn in all the more. One step. Her foot was beneath the water, but she no longer felt the cold. Two steps. The hem of her dress was wet, quickly taking on more weight. Winnie felt none of it. Three steps. Winnie was halfway up her calf in the lake, and the ground beneath her feet was steadily sloping down. Four steps. A sudden plunge up over her knee. The splash could not be heard over the urgent pipe. Five steps. Suddenly up to her waist. Winnie struggled to keep her balance, raising her arms to hold them above the surface. Six steps. It was more of a slide than a step, as Winnie hit the end of the decline. Only by lifting her chin could she keep her face out of the water. She had made progress, nearly halfway to the island. Seven steps, and a sudden tug at the back of her dress. Winnie was dragged backwards out of the lake, choking against her collar.
Excerpt 3:
Winnie paced silently between two large trees, hands clasped tightly behind her back. She had been doing so for several minutes, ever since discovering Taliesin’s abduction, and though Enid had begun by patiently watching, her claw-like nails drummed against her sleeve as she waited for the human girl to say something. Just as Enid took in a deep breath, preparing to interrupt Winnie’s clouded thoughts, the young woman stopped, turned to her companion, and asked, “Did you see which way they went?” “What are you planning to do, track them?” Enid asked teasingly, but her smile faltered at the solemnity in Winnie’s eyes. “You can’t be serious. You’d have no chance against a scout, they’re meant to move without a trace.” Winnie’s earnest gaze deflated into disappointment. As she stared down at the ground, past Enid, her eye caught Taliesin’s pack, still lying where he’d left it. A rush of hope filled her with renewed optimism. “Perhaps Taliesin left some kind of trail for us to follow! Something small, like breadcrumbs. That’s always how they mark their path in fairytales.” Enid leaned against a tree, examining her nails with disinterest. “Of course he doesn’t expect us to follow him. What reason do you have for helping him out, anyway?” The callousness in her voice was unexpectedly brutal. Winnie knew that Enid and Taliesin did not seem to get along, and likely that what little tolerance for each other they displayed was purely out of respect for the deal that had been made. But to show no care for his capture was a level of apathy that Winnie hadn’t expected. “I still have a deal that needs to be fulfilled.” It was true, and better, something that Winnie knew Enid might understand. The woman’s expression remained cold. “As I see it, you can cut him out of the deal. Our aims both lead us to the Dusk Court. You find your brother, I get help dethroning an advisor, and we go our separate ways.”
Excerpt 4:
Back into the bog. Winnie no longer worried herself with her skirts, allowing them to drag through the stagnant water. It was a mistake, she soon discovered, as the drenched fabric weighed her down and made the progress even slower. With an exasperated groan, she stomped at the ground, kicking up a spray and lodging her boot into the mud. Taliesin appeared at her side, having turned back while she was distracted. “Having trouble?” “Just tell me how much farther we have to go before we reach these all-knowing Three,” Winnie said darkly, glaring at him from beneath strands of hair that had come loose from the lopsided bun she’d attempted. “I think I have a better idea,” Taliesin offered. He reached out his hand, and Winnie let hers drop into it, clutching at her skirt with the other. Taliesin’s eyes closed, and Winnie felt the boot free itself from the mud. She breathed a sigh of gratitude, but quickly realized that her foot had not stopped there. She was no longer eye-level with Taliesin, but looking down at him slightly. The droplets from her skirt and shoes hitting the water below revealed that it was not the golden man who had sunk, but she was levitating a few centimeters over the ground!
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olliethealright · 3 years
Three Steps From Home: Update 4
Hey everyone! Long time, no see! Basically, I’ve been unmotivated for the past month or so, and as a result I’ve barely touched my socials. Good news, I’ve written the next eleven or so chapters of my WIP, and it’s almost doubled in word count lol. I don’t want to do a full sized update on every chapter because that would take a stupidly long amount of time, so I’m just gonna summarize and then give a little excerpt (this ended up being chapters 11-16) Not every quote has a picture because I am a tad lazy lol. Enjoy! 
Trigger Warnings: Emotional abuse, toxic relationships, homophobia, self harm, suicide, mental health, drug use, religious content
Disclaimer: Please don’t steal my words, ideas, characters, etc.
chapter eleven - problem child - 2118 words
theme song - if i get high - nothing but thieves
summary: Jude and Aaron have one last dinner with Jude’s mother before moving to Seattle. Shit goes down, Jude’s father is addressed, Jude’s mom has an anti-religious experience, everyone is upset. 
except - Jude thinking about his family before his dad left
I was two months from finishing my Junior year as a top student, six from applying to every out of state school I could think of, fourteen from leaving everything and never coming back. From the outside, the Alvarez-Carter family was a model of the American dream; we took family photos everywhere we went and cooked each other dinners on alternating days of the week. We  attended every house party, where my mother exchanged gossip like trading cards and my dad sipped Bud Light from a bottle and played cornhole. At those same parties, I flirted shamelessly with every girl in the vicinity, then cited my religion as the reason I wouldn’t do more than exchange pretty words.
The night dad left wasn’t the first time my parents fought in front of me, but it was the night they shattered the already paper thin barrier they had held between me and their issues. I never knew who started it, never knew who threw the first punch, but I knew who delivered the killing blow.
chapter twelve - golden days - 854 words
theme song - ribs - lorde,  also chelsea - phoebe bridgers 
summary: Aaron and Jude move into their new apartment, very light airy vibes, Jude idealizing everything, Aaron and Jude being adorable (yeah can you tell nothing actually happens in this one lmao). 
excerpt - Aaron and Jude leaving Montana
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A taxi dropped us off at the Amtrak station the next morning. Our breath rose in front of us on the platform, I tiled my head back and tasted the sunlight; sweet and overflowing with new beginnings. Maybe, I’d be lucky enough to catch one for both of us. 
chapter thirteen - unholy creation - 900 words
theme song - reflections - the neighborhood
summary: Aaron’s mental health takes a turn, Jude is worried but has no idea what to do, Jude and Aaron fight for no good reason
excerpt - a description of Aaron falling off several wagons 
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You were a shell of fragile bones and sharp edges when I wrapped an arm around you during a scary movie or curled against your chest late at night. You started wearing a flannel or a sweatshirt over every outfit, an extra layer to hide your ribs and hip bones and elbows, so sharp they could cut through glass. I stopped holding you so tight, afraid of the snap of calcium or cartilage or spirit.
okay one more because I like this chapter haha - Aaron getting mad when Jude asks about his parents
“It’s not about them, alright? I’m not going to talk about them because they’re not part of my life, they don’t control anything. Stop asking about them because they don’t matter, and I wouldn’t tell you if they did.”
You said the words like a chant, a litany, like you were the one who needed convincing. I pictured my mother in her dark dining room, palms up to God, praying for a miracle. You looked like her then, all the fear and anger coming out in one jumble of meaningless words. I flinched away when I should have stood my ground.
chapter fourteen - (has a title but I hate it) - 674 words
theme song - fear of falling asleep - TENDER  
summary - Jude has a mental breakdown, Aaron buys him sleeping pills and then takes them himself, they (kind of) fight, everything is toxic
excerpt - Jude watching Aaron sleep (it’s a weird chapter)
You took my meds that night, I cheeked them until you turned your back, then spit them into the dishwater and washed them down with green suds and scraps of tofu and rice. An hour later, you were passed out in our bed, skeletal limbs stretching out like the fragile branches of a birch tree. I watched as your chest rose and fell, dappled in moonlight and the neon buzz of constant electricity. For a few moments at a time, I convinced myself that your steady rhythm of in-and-out had stopped, I watched as you left this world and then came back. I couldn’t tell how much time was in between.
chapter fifteen - forest, electric (aka my favorite chapter in the book?) - 1279 words
theme song - are you bored yet - wallows 
summary - in an attempt to renew their relationship, Aaron takes Jude on a hike to a construction site in the middle of the night. The two sit on the roof and watch the sunrise. 
excerpt - starting the adventure
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We walked four blocks south to meet our Uber, then set off down the winding streets of the city. It was one in the morning and if I looked close enough, I could convince myself I had woken up in a ghost town. Or maybe I was stuck in dreamland, where my boyfriend was perfect and everything I saw was real and I didn’t have to negotiate with myself when I needed an hour or two of rest.
excerpt - the end of the chapter that I just really like
We didn’t talk about our problems that night; we pretended I wasn’t sick and you weren’t hooked. That night, my mother didn’t hate you, we visited your parents once a year during glamorous Scottish vacations, we weren’t runaways. We dangled our feet over the edge of the roof, neither of us thought about jumping, about how our stomachs would drop faster than our bodies, about the inevitable crush of bones and life that awaited at the bottom.
That night, we leaned into each other and locked our hands and whispered ‘I love yous’ until a band of pink and orange lit the horizon and we realized we would get caught if we stayed much longer. We walked the two miles home and fell asleep curled in each other’s arms an hour before your 7:00AM alarm, two before you would leave the apartment again, eight before you would return home just before your high wore off.
I knew all these realities to be true at once, so I breathed in cologne and coffee grounds, took a picture in my head so that image of you, asleep and unaddicted and bathed in the sunrise, would stay with me forever.
chapter sixteen - gods and monsters - 1378 words
theme song - freakin out on the interstate - briston maroney 
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summary - Aaron and Jude’s friends come over for the Fourth of July, Aaron comes home drunk and makes his friends leave, Jude’s friend tells Jude to break up with Aaron, Jude refuses 
excerpt - Jude convincing himself that everything is fine when it is clearly not fine (aka the theme of the book and also should probably be the title)
You were sallow and gaunt, your hair was greasy, your breath smelled of vomit and alcohol and whatever else you had taken. You were a monster in our bed, but I could feel that lazy half smile against my skin. I could close my eyes and see you sitting in that tea shop, long limbs sprawled over the pillows, the sun on your skin making you glow like a god.
That image of you couldn’t lie, not when I had lived that moment, not when it had been so beautiful. I wouldn’t leave you because you would be alright and this would pass. You convinced me everything would look better in the morning, all our problems would fade with the rising sun.
You were wrong. They didn’t.
Okay, this is getting way too long so I’m gonna end it here! Thank you so much if you actually read all that! If you want more information on any chapter, just message me and I will do that. The update on the last few chapters of the first draft should be out somewhat soon, and I may or may not have a new WIP coming up :)
ALSO, it has come to my attention that most people have these things called taglists? And I don’t have one? If you wanna be on mine for this project, or any future projects, message me or repost this and I will make one. Thank you for reading!
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davidobrikk · 5 years
dancing with a stranger : david dobrik (1)
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You thought moving to LA was the best thing that happened to you. That was until you met him, David Dobrik. A sweet pure relationship turned into sorrow and pain as a reunion happens months after the breakup. 
AN: I’ve decided to make this into a short series as it was getting too long for one imagine. Bare in mind, I barely post especially since I’m doing my studies + ngl I forgot about this imagine as it has been sitting in my drafts for five months lmao. 
Inspired by my own breakup HAHA 
To say you missed him was underestimated. You miss those days where he would come home exhausted, and seeing you on the couch made him sigh with relief and content as he would flop right beside you. You miss being able to curl up against him, slowly falling asleep to the sound of his heart beating. 
He was your absolute everything from the moment you guys met. You had moved to Los Angeles three years ago to start an internship for a film production where you met Josh Peck, who so happened to be visiting the studio. Overtime your friendship with Josh became a sibling bond, and next thing you knew you had met all of his friends, including him. 
“Just come out this one time, please.” 
“Josh, you know I don’t like parties.” you exclaimed as Josh tried to pull you off your couch. 
“I know, but it doesn’t hurt to leave your house for once. Plus it will be fun. You’ve met all of my friends, well except one, and they will all be there! You’ll have Corinna, Liza and Kristen to talk too. They like you, trust me.” 
One way or another, Josh will find a way to convince you. At the end you would have agreed to go out seeing as you haven’t done much since you got to LA. 
“Alright fine,” Josh’s eyes widened with excitement, 
“but you owe me a twenty pack of chicken nuggets,” you say “with barbeque sauce” poking him in the chest within each word before walking off to your room to grab your essentials. 
Behind you stood Josh with his hands in the air in surrender motion, “aye aye captain.” 
The drive wasn’t as long as you anticipated. Turns out the location was a ten minutes drive from your apartment block, but you insisted getting your chicken nuggets first which added an extra five minutes. 
It was clear that you were nervous, but what for? You had already met all of his friends who you get along with well, and you’ve hung out with a few of them every now and then so what makes tonight so different? 
“Are you ready?” 
Looking down at Josh’s camera you could tell that he was filming. When you had first met and he told you he was a Youtuber, you didn’t believe him. Obviously growing up with Nickelodeon, you knew him from Drake and Josh but Youtuber? Didn’t see that one coming. Eventually you became used to the idea of a camera being around during your hangouts, and often forget its there. 
“Yeah. Lets go before I change my mind.” 
Walking towards the front door you could hear the music vibrating through the walls. The closer you got to the door you could see bits of the house and guests walking by with red solo cups in their hands. The click of the door brought you back to reality as Josh pushed open the door before both of you walked in. 
“Yo! Josh is here!” You heard someone yell from what seemed to be the living room. Without your glasses it was slightly hard to see who the voice belonged to, but you could see someone dressed in all black getting up running towards the entrance where you stood. 
“David! Nice to see you man,” Josh reached over giving David a hug before pulling away turning towards you. 
“David, met Y/N. Y/N met the man of many hours, David.” 
“Hi, nice to meet you. I like your hair by the way!” he greeted stretching his arms out for a hug.
You had recently dyed your hair purple seeing as you needed a change. You had dark roots and didn’t want to go too extreme so a dark subtle purple was the perfect fit. 
“Thank you. I like your um, I like your home?” You mentally facepalmed yourself cursing at your awkwardness as you returned the hug. You felt David’s laugh vibrate through your body before pulling away.
“Come on, I’ll give you a tour around the place. Would you like a drink?” 
It has been six months since you last saw David. You knew at some point you would come across each other seeing as you share mutual friends, but you didn’t expect it to be so soon. 
Before the breakup, you and David were the iconic duo. The fans loved you, of course there were some who were hesitant about the two of you as they still clung onto David and Liza, but that never bothered you. Whenever David needed help with a skit; you were always there to help out even if that meant being blindfolded, and having a snake moving around you. Whenever he would get frustrated you would be the one to calm him down. You were so sure that he was the one you were going to marry. You were always there for one another. 
But of course all good things must come to an end. It started with you being home alone. You and David didn’t live together but overtime of the relationship; one of you would end up falling asleep in the other’s bed.
You felt a vibration on the couch indicating that a text came through. Pulling up your phone you saw a text from David.
David: Are you home? 
You: Yeah, what’s up? 
Five minutes flown by and not a single response. You unlocked your phone to type out another message, and before your thumb could hit the send button you heard a knock on the front door. You weren’t expecting any guests as half of the vlog squad was on tour, and the others were out of town. 
Swinging the door open; the sight of your boyfriend dressed in all black with a the infamous red pair of vans stood in front of you. 
“Hi Y/N,” the sound of your sweet voice was music to his ears as he looked into your eyes, and saw flashes of confusion due to an early return of the tour yet lust with passion and love. Guilt rushed through his entire body knowing that what he was about to do will ruin everything, and will lose the one person he loves the most. 
“Listen, we need to talk.” What? Where was this coming from? 
As the words spilled out of his mouth, you felt your chest tighten with fear and anxiety. Your breathing patterns begins to fasten whilst trying to gather what you could have possibly done wrong. 
“Talk about what?” 
“C-Can we please do this inside, and not in the doorway. Please?” 
You pushed the door wider allowing David to walk in as you turned around making your way to the couch. You heard the front door click indicating that David clocked the door before making his way over. 
Your eyes were trained on the ground. Fearing that if you looked up at David, you’d immediately break down into tears despite the feeling of your eyes starting to tear up. 
You felt the couch dip a little as David sat on your right. None of you said a word as silence and tension filled the room. You rubbed your hands against your jeans trying to get rid of the sweat that was starting to form. 
“Y/N, I love you and you know that.” Do I? I thought I did. 
“But I just feel like this relationship isn’t going anywhere, and best if we stayed friends.” 
Not a single movement or sound came from you as your head replayed his words over, and over again. Half of you want to snap at him for saying such a thing, but the other half wants what is best for him. 
“You don’t think this relationship is going anywhere? What the fuck, David. I don’t know about you, actually no wait I do now. But I thought things have been perfectly fine between us, David.” 
David could feel his heart breaking within every word you spoke as he took in your words. You had every right to be mad, hurt, and confused. 
“I have done nothing, but support you, loved you, cared for you. I have been through thick and thin to be there for you, and in return you say that this relationship is going nowhere? I have met guys throughout my life where I thought they were different, but turns out they were all assholes. I gave up on finding ‘the one’ until I met you. You are different. David...” 
You could feel the anger inside increase every second. Your hands were shaking with frustration as you pushed your hair away from your face. You turned your head to the side to look out the window, not wanting to look at him. 
“I have known you for almost two and a half years, David.” Still refusing to look at him. You knew at some point you would have to as you sighed into your hands showing a clear indication you were heartbroken. 
“And within those two years I have gotten to know you inside and out. I can read you like an open book so tell me, David.” 
The tension was too much for you to not make eye contact. You turned your head towards him as you locked eyes with him. Sadness, and guilt glared in his eyes while yours showed mercy, pain and hopelessness. 
“What is the real reason?” 
Nothing came out of him. You watched as he sat on the couch in pure silence twisting his Cartier rings that you once loved the cool feeling of whenever he intwined his fingers with yours. 
“What. is. the. real. reason.” 
David flinched as you repeated harshly yet calmly. Throughout the two years of knowing each other, David has only seen you snap like you did a few times. Seeing you like that towards him gave him the chills. 
“I met someone else.” 
Your heart dropped to the floor as a loud sob filled the room. You covered your mouth trying to muffle the outbreak, but it was too painful to not too. The room started to spin from the lack of oxygen your body was getting as your breathing became heavy and fast. 
“Get out.” 
“Y/N I-” 
“Get out!” 
Almost immediately, David pushed himself off the couch as he gathered his phone and keys before walking towards the door. Reaching for the door knob, he turned around to see a sight he desperately wanted to erase. Collapsed on the living room floor was you heartbroken in tears. Knowing that he was the one that put you in pain caused tears of his own to form. 
He wanted to run back to you, hold you in his arms as he beg for your forgiveness. He wanted to let you know that you were the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, not her. 
But it was too late. 
Walking to his car, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Wiping the tears away that managed to escape, he saw a message that was waiting for a response. 
Liza: Did you do it? Did you break up with her already? 
David: Yeah. I’ll be over in 10 x
AN: Since this is the first imagine/story on this blog, there isn’t a masterlist yet. As the story progresses I will eventually make one, but as on now I’m just really lazy lol. Hope you liked it!!! 
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leatherbookmarking · 4 years
OK SO WELCOME 2 GUSU LIVEBLOGGIN because i reblogged but didn’t comment, like a little worm,
(from ch1)
1. lxc listening to (i assume) mainsteam radio warms my heart to no end
2. god!!! i’ve been sitting in the same place since i was born, essentially, but the feeling of returning to a beloved place!!! is v nicely shown here.... dreamy sigh i went to one (1) summer camp (? trip? who knows) and hated it 65% of the time but let’s blame that on me being 11 and not entirely into the concept of “rich kids in a catholic school” concept (lmao guess what junior high i went to 2 years later) BUT based on this into alone (and quarantine yearnings) i would 100% abandon everything and fuck off to gusu at any given moment
3. lan zhan is so protective of gusu hhhgggggg i am soft like tapioca pearls
4. i am soft like overcooked tapioca pearls... the way camp elders act with lwj is so ughhhh and “zhanzhan” ZHANZHAN!!! MOM I DIE
6. (while vibrating) family dynamicsssssss
7. “Wen Qing unceremoniously shoving Huaisang over to be able to sit next to Wangji“ i love a girl
8. loving how lwj chooses not to ask re: mysterious new staff member when he’s still in the car with xichen, yknow? so he can react to it in peace and privacy, and then, as everyone’s like, oh you KNOW, considering who’s joining us this year! (lwj internally: who) oh don’t you know yet! (lwj internally: WHO. WHO!!!) wouldn’t you like to know!!!
9. wei ‘of course i am not experiencing any negative emotions, what are you talking about, i am SMILING, see? happy!” wuxian strikes BACK oh how i love this stupid boy
10. i vaguely remember you saying something something i don’t want to write serious stuff, they’re xianxia characters in a summer camp setting!, and then i was like OH HO BUT BY ALL MEANS, and then you did, and then i’m like :’’’’’’’’’’’’) it’s fine.jpeg hurt me!! hurt me with sixteen years old boys on a summer camp!!!
11. back 2 the present and xichen once again wins the mvp title. “alright, here’s the thing--”
13. baby
14. “Xichen,” he repeats, almost desperately, but everyone else clearly sees the opportunity to leave this particular situation“ SITUATIONAL COMEDY AT ITS FINEST!!!!
15. absolutely in love w/ how everyone takes one (1) look at lwj and decides ha! this sounds like a he problem! bye!!!
16. even xichen
18. MIANMIAN MIANMIAN MIANMIAN being tiny!!! hugging lan zhan!!! i love you!!!
19. “you’re the one getting shorter” okay ao MAYBE my heart burst in my chest from sheer tenderness, but also maybe it DIDN’T. can you prove it? thought so!!!
20. tapioca update: it didn’t go well. however! if you ever need wallpaper glue,
21. picturing jc wrangling nhs fills me with so much joy also
22. GOD!!! wwx standing on top of the stairs!!! time stopping!!! ‘oh no he’s hot’!!!! LAN ZHAN YOU GAY DISASTER
23. lan zhan: Processes how hot wwx has gotten
Do I Have To Say Anything
24. “Wei Wuxian tries to match his death glare, a very valiant attempt for someone with a face as animated as him, and gives up about three seconds later, bursting into laughter“
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25. THE EXODUS!!! AH THE DRAMATIC EXODUS!!!!! i am a BIG slut for “ugh you HAD to come back and LIGHT A FIRE IN MY CHEST AGAIN, you ASSHOLE >:/” moments, the SLUT LEVEL in me overshadows jin guangshan’s, i am QUEEN SLUT for moments like those B L E S S
in which we move onwards to ch2. will i embarrass myself further with excessive exclamation marks? let’s find out!!!!
26. “wow. you’re doing such a good job selling me this“ i was already in heart eyes over the bros but this line just!!! lol
28. [DRAFT]!!!!!!!!!
29. lan xichen is having at least as much fun as i have with this situation, and i love it
30. but he does have the courtesy to look ashamed
31. from time to time :-)
32. but not always :-)
33. lan “brother i love you but you and wei wuxian should be KISSING as we speak so don’t you ‘you didn’t’ me :>” xichen
34. “do you remember how many rules he broke” you sure it’s just the RULES, my boy
35. i’m honestly, honestly really loving lxc here. like yes the two main idiots are delightful but... zewu-jun.... cute....
36. “all the other things his head is suggesting he do“ SNORT is “sit on the floor and sulk about wei wuxian daring to exist, and like this” one of them gfkhgfsk
37. “surely there’s no way in hell xichen would“ xichen, as soon as wangji went to his cabin: please. please. PLEASE
38. the part about crown shyness is tiny but so pretty. i feel severely lacking in summer camp tree trivia now
39. “And then Wangji sees him, and all rational thought promptly abandons him for dead“ wangxian summed up in one sentence (jk)
40. SO UH IS HE SINGLE i wholeheartedly enjoy wwx being Whacked
41. “when Wei Wuxian recalls the people who used to, and still should be, standing by his side, he only meets with a dismissive ‘Long story’ from his brother, and a somewhat nervous ‘I’ll tell you later’ from Nie Huaisang” oh? oh??  oh??? OH?????
42. oh yeah i forgot 2 mention before but lwj playing the guitar makes me feel... things... like yeah string instruments BUT guqin is so fancy and dignified, meanwhile guitar is... somehow... i mean of course lwj is a pro and makes everyone swoon playing the easiest chords but the THING is guitar is such a friend-shaped instrument... i need to lie down hold up
43. A NING A NING A NING A NINGGGGGGGG THE BOY IS HERE!!! making wwx almost inhale his harmonica no less! king of powerful entrances, truly
44. “what really happened to Nie Huaisang’s older brother, who was once ride-or-die for both Gusu and Lan Xichen (he got a job very far abroad, that’s all Wen Ning knows, and Wei Wuxian promises himself he’s going to pour some alcohol into Huaisang eventually to make him spill the beans)“ vibrates, at the speed of a hummingbird’s wings
45. the grass scene is wonderful 2 me for two reasons: one, WWX PLAYING A BLADE OF GRASS. i just watched a yt vid in which a dude does make it actually play, which is amazing, but my experience consists mostly of emitting one PTWEEEEET and making everyone almost jump out of their skins. good times! two, the contrast between this scene and the one in ep2... cql: wuji.mp3, slowmo, passionate gazes, wtg: wwx torturing a blade of grass, STILL making lwj (wayward) come to him. true love!!! truly true love!!!
46. yells @ wwx’s cute habit still being present
47. the following scenes are too gentle and sweet for me to formulate coherent thoughts.... i’m just sitting here, chihanding, sighing dreamily, thank you, bless
48. “Lan Zhan he once knew is still in there“ ah, sensei, sorry, i won’t be submitting my thesis this year.... i need at least six months to cope with this sentence... ご迷惑をかけて申し訳ございません
49. BABY WANGXIANS bonding over rabbits... lan zhan looking almost proud when wwx mentions his big brother...
50. “WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A GREAT SUMMER, YOU AND I” OI!!! WEI WUXIAN!!! WEI YING!!! is it legal to be so (gestures) CUTE at the tender age of nine??? hm???
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headcanon-baby · 5 years
Can you do how to tell he’s in love with you with Alex Summers
how to tell if he’s in love with you? this dork??? Y E S 
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- this boi is 82731678210% more of a dick whenever you’re around and he’s literally on your ass the minute you open your mouth
- he says shit like “oh speak of the devil and she arrives”, “hey shorty, didn’t see you come in - oops, guess we all know why” and “whoa look what the cat dragged in today - oh wait it’s you” 
- he says it all in that snarky, teasing way of his and sometimes you don’t know whether you should get turned on or kick him in the dick
- the thing is he doesn’t really know WHEN to tone down on the teasing and then it’s too late and you storm off and you can literally hear mystique slapping alex on the back of his head for being such a dumbass
- has never apologised a day in his fucking life but leaves a plate of cookies outside your door with a note that says, “i think i took it too far” which is the closest to an apology he’s ever going to make
- if you haven’t noticed, he likes giving you borderline insulting nicknames, “shorty” is a common one, followed by “loser” and “tiny”
- makes the stupidest excuses to sit next to you during meal times 
- “alex why are you sitting there that’s my spot” “it’s so i can help this shorty here reach for the salad, duh” “alex the salad is right in front of her” “….i’m grounding you” 
- tends to hang his arm around your shoulders without thinking too much about it 
- gets antsy when he finds out you’re going out with your friends without him and he literally marches over to scott, grabs his shoulders and tells him to “fucking watch over her she’s useless without me” and scott is like “lmao sure trash brother” 
- every time you’re training together he finds every opportunity to take off his shirt
- or flex
- or both
- you notice that he tends to hover over you like a ghost in group conversations. he doesn’t contribute much aside from the random quip or snark comment but he glares at anyone who tries to get too close to you and he just stands behind you like a protective bulldog waiting to attack
- you think it’s kinda cute
- for some ABOMINABLE reason, he likes waking you up at 5am. not for breakfast or anything but to fucking JOG FFS
- “wakey wakey eggs and bakey time to run you slob” “summers i swear to FUCK - ” 
- alex looks and acts like a Jock almost 99% of the time but boy this man can COOK. after the jog he makes breakfast for you and you think it’s all a scam and he’s poisoned your eggs but he just looks at you abashed and just mutters, “I like cooking for people” and your heart just dies inside
- you think alex is some sort of magician especially that time when you’re with your friends and peter just looks around and is like, “your boyfriend not here today?” 
- for some reason alex knows EXACTLY when to pop out of nowhere at that exact moment to deny everything with the biggest fuck off blush on his face
- sometimes you think he’s self-conscious because every time you enter the room he discreetly tries to fix his hair 
- is a super POSSESSIVE FUCK. when you go out together with friends to the movies he makes sure to ask you every time whether you’re cold and even when you tell him your not he makes you wear his jacket anyway while glaring at peter who’s about to offer his 
- “maximoff i swear to fuck if you -” “whoa calm down homeboy i was just about to offer storm mine no need to get your panties in a twist” 
- scott discreetly tries to offer you hints that alex is in love with you but every time he opens his mouth alex dog tackles him into a bookshelf 
- “hey you know my brother - ASDHAGGFALLKSL” “ha. ha. what were you about to say lil bro? oh hey shorty whats up with you” “ALEX SUMMERS YOU BROKE MY TEETH” 
- yeets himself when his hand brushes against yours while you’re walking and everyone is just so exasperated because it’s literally a recurring gag that happens at least once a day
- “hey scott, don’t take this the wrong way, but I think your brother is whipped” “he’s been whipped since the day he met her what’s new” 
- he likes picking you up 
- no literally 
- he just picks you out of mcfreaking nowhere. like in the middle of a conversation or you mention that you’re heading to bed he literally just fucking picks you up in his arms bridal style and runs the fuck away laughing with you while you’re gripping on him and screeching
- “do I even weigh anything to you???” “nope it’s like carrying a bunch of grapes” 
- he’s amusingly pleased whenever you call him by his x-men alias 
- “you got a kink for your superhero name, summers?” “hey back off it’s a cool name”
- whenever you’re hit on in public alex just scoffs and finds every single insult he can think of about you to deter the dude away
- “you shouldn’t do that, she probably hasn’t showered for a whole week”, “you really wanna date a girl you can’t see when she walks into the room? alright dude if your standards are that low”, “she puts milk before the cereal. you really gonna hit that?” 
- has failed his confession about 6 times in six months. he chickens out before he can ever finish or gets an untimely interruption from someone in the house
- “okay so the mansion was gonna explode right? so I waltz in there like oh hey guys what’s up - OH sHIT ALEX wERE YOU ABOUT TO - ” “maximoff i swear to god” 
- you think his heart is full of snark and wit until one day you find him intoxicated at the dinner table with charles and beast and mystique basically the Whole Gang™ completely red-faced and sulky and everyone is just laughing at him because he talks a lot of shit but he sure can’t take it
- “he’s had a bit too much to drink,” charles says politely as alex flat out sobs onto the table while beast pats him on the back
- alex just continues being emo until he sees your ass and he just. wobbles towards you and the first thing you know he’s giving you the biggest, bone-crushing hug you’ve ever had and mumbling like an idiot 
- beast is about to intervene until you wave him off and you silently drag alex back to his bedroom and the whole time he’s just moaning and sobbing and telling you how nice your hair smells and you’re just smh 
- and then out of curiosity you pop The Question™ and he answers so fast it gives you whiplash
- “hey alex, do you like me?” “h-h-huh???? like you?? n-nah i love you loser” “wait what” 
- he doesn’t let you leave the bedroom even after you tuck him in and turn the lights off and he makes you sit by his bed and hold his hand to sleep and sweet fucking jesus he even pulls out the puppy dog eyes no you and you’re like gdi
- and then out of nowhere he starts to drunkenly babble about his past, telling you all about how scared he was when he got drafted for war, how close he became to getting experimented on because of his x-gene and how fucking terrified he was at the thought of not being able to come back to the mansion and see everyone again
- he pulls your hand against his face and he just. BREAKS down crying and confesses that he sometimes dreams of losing you in the war and it scares the shit out of him
- it takes awhile for you to calm him down, rubbing his hand with yours in comfort until alex pulls you closer to him and grips your hand until he’s shaking and asks 
- “d-do you t-think i’ll e-ever have a chance w-with you in t-this lifetime?” 
- and being the fucking impulsive piece of shit you are you lean into him and grab his face and give him the softest, sweetest kiss you’ve ever given anybody and he just stares at you giddily touching his lips blown out of his mcfreaking mind
- “ask me again tomorrow when you’re sober, dork” 
- he does 
aaaaaand i’m done. sorry i haven’t been taking requests! been hella busy and dying and i just got out of hospital so kEK
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tamago-hoe · 6 years
Out Tonight - Langst Oneshot
Based off the song Out Tonight from RENT so this has been lurking in my drafts for a while, and i’ve finally decided to post it lmao
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of self-harm
When Keith walked into the observation deck unable to fall asleep; he wasn’t expecting this.
Said boy swivelled around, a goofy, lopsided grin gracing his features. “Keef! My man!” He hiccuped, wobbling his way towards the other Paladin. “Wassup?” Keith eyed the bottle in Lance’s hand, flicking back up to the boy who had since slung an arm around Keith’s shoulder. “What are you doing?”
“Loosen up man!” Okay, Lance may be a goofball, but not to this extent. “Have a drink!” He offered the bottle, Keith scrutinising the label written in Altean.
“What is this? Where did you find it?”
“I... Don’t know! It tastes gross but after a while it doesn’t matter! I mean, I feel great!” He cheered, snatching the bottle back and taking a long swig.
It dawned on Keith that it was not simple juice or water. Keith was no genius, but Lance was acting drunk, so whatever was in there had some sort of alcoholic substance or properties.
“Lance, you need to stop, it could be poisonous!” Raising his voice for some sort of authority, Keith reached for the bottle, only for Lance to step back, cradling it in his arms.
“Boo, you’re no fun.” Lance pouted, his reflexes pretty quick considering he was not in his normal state of mind. “Let me have my fun!”
“Lance, that’s probably some type of alcohol, meaning it’s illegal to drink until you’re 21!”
“In England you can drink at 18!”
“You’re not English.”
“We’re in space Keef, who’s gonna stop me? There’s no police and the aliens don’t know about the age of drinking.” Lance gestures to the stars scattered across the dark sky through the large window. “Do they even have laws? And I don’t even know how old I am anymore, when was my birthday? What day is it? Ah well, let’s say it’s today and I’m turning 21. Cheers!” And another swig.
“You - You’re right.” Keith admitted, slumping down in his seat. “Hey Lance, pass us some.” Lance skipped over, happily handing the bottle to Keith. Smirking victoriously, Keith jumped away, “Ha! Now you can’t drink more!”
“Sorry, I drank it all!” Lance laughed hysterically as Keith tipped the bottle upside down, not even a single drop falling out.
“What the hell Lance?! We’re going to the medical wing now.” Keith grabbed Lance’s arm, only for Lance to pull away. “Lance?”
“What’s the time? It’s gotta be close to midnight...”
“Probably? Why does it matter? Lance, you could be dying-“
Lance snorted mockingly, “Dying? Sounds dangerous. But I don’t want to die right now.”
“Then we need to-“
“Right now I want to put on tight shorts and flirt with a stranger.” Keith spluttered in shock at Lance’s blunt confession. “I want to be the cause of a fight, you know? I want danger!” Lance spun too quickly, Keith rushing to help him stand somewhat upright without falling.
“You’re already dangerous enough, and isn’t possibly being poisoned enough danger?”
“I don’t want “possible”, I need definite! Life’s too short!” Lance whined, pushing Keith away and throwing his arms up. “I want to go out tonight!” He decided firmly.
“No Lance. Where would we go anyway?” Keith sighed heavily wondering how he ended up like this, following after Lance as he meandered through the pristine corridors.
“I know a place, where this chick can dance in the rain!” Lance sung, suddenly turning on his heel, pressing a finger to Keith’s chest, looking up through naturally long lashes. “We won’t need money, I always get in for free. You can get in too, if you get in with me.”
Lance was going to be the death of Keith, his whole face flushing an intense red. “That’s not the issue!” He snarled, flustered, Keith pushing Lance away this time, folding his arms across his chest.
“I have to go out tonight Keef!” Lance stressed, voice taut and whiny as he clung onto the Red Paladin, “Lets run away! We’ll be back by the time the sun rises!”
“There is no sun.” Keith pointed out, though Lance was unaffected by Keith’s statement.
“Take me out tonight! Keeeeeef!” Said male jutted his chin the other way as Lance practically threw himself on Keith, lips curled in a pout. “Let’s go out tonight! I have to go out tonight!”
Keith sighed heavily, “Why do you HAVE to go out?”
For the first time that night, Lance fell silent for a moment.
“Can’t sleep in a quiet ship, it’s too far from home. I miss when the Spanish babies cry.” He mumbled, his eyes downcast, clouded with an unreadable emotion.
Keith was quite happy in space, he had his Mother and Shiro and he loved being a Paladin. He found out a part of who he was- something he never would’ve found out on Earth. He could finally put his skills into use, and helping people at the same time. He was saving the universe- that was cool to him. He was pretty content. He belonged in space. He didn’t miss Earth at all- what did Earth have that the rest of the universe and space didn’t?
On the other hand, Lance was homesick. Much so. Being in a quiet ship in the middle of undiscovered space was quite the change from his usual noisy household in a town where he could always find something to do. In space there was nothing quite like Earth’s rain; no nightclubs, no pubs, and Lance’s home was no where in sight. The tree’s on the planets were never as green as Earth’s, the flowers never smelt as sweet, the food never tasted as warm. Most of all the people. There was no one who could quite replace the familiar faces he missed dearly.
Keith rested a hand on Lance’s shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. “Lance, I had no clue-“
“So let’s find a bar, so dark we forget who we are!” Lance cleared his throat, grinning widely as he gripped Keith’s hand, not letting the tears welling in his eyes fall just yet. “So the scars from never’s and maybes die!” Holding Keith’s hand, a single clear thread fell down his cheek as he sent Keith a closed eye smile, pulling him down the corridors.
“Lance...” Scars? Their precious skin-care obsessed blue paladin has scars? -That was what he was implying anyway. How little did they know about him?
“I have to go out tonight.” Lance repeated, the same six words he’d been saying since Keith had found him and the empty bottle. “Just take me out, please take me out tonight.” Lance’s bouncing steps turned to solemn sole dragging, pleading to Keith with tears freely falling as his smile wavered and wobbled, his composure crumbling beneath Keith’s feet.
“Lance, for now let’s get you checked out.” Keith reassured the boy, tugging him towards the medical wing. Question could wait until after.
“Don’t forsake me..!” Lance begged fruitlessly, “Just take me out tonight!”
The pair slumped to the floor, Keith’s arms wrapping firmly around Lance’s trembling body. “Not tonight Lance. I promise that we will go out. Once you reach 21 we can get drunk in a bar together and be night owls and roam the streets. That’s not a never or maybe- it will happen.”
“Will I reach 21?” Lance sniffled.
“Of course.”
“Don’t make empty promises Keef.” Lance giggled, snuggling into the crook of Keith’s neck, Keith’s cheeks heating up as Lance’s breath tickled his skin. “You’re sweet.”
“Can’t say the same about you.” With Lance in his arms, Keith made his way to the medical wing, realising they’d ended up at the air lock. Was that planned? Just what was Lance thinking?
“Don’t care. No time for sweet delusions. I live how I please.”
Keith rolled his eyes. Even drunk Lance was arrogant. “What the about others in your life?”
“Living every day like it’s the last; of course I’m considerate to others the same way. We’re all in the same boat. Or castle-ship actually.” Lance drawled, a feeling of dread haunted Keith. Still, he did nothing as Lance continued running his drunken mouth off, “We could die any day, so we gotta live for tonight! If it’s not by Galra, my body will kill me first! That’s why I love danger! No going back! I get to control when I die, I choose to risk it! I don’t want regrets when I do die. Living on the edge is thrilling!”
“We won’t let you die Lance, not at the hands of Galra or anyone else.” Keith huffed. Huh, so Lance was both a flirty drunk and an emotional drunk.
“Even from myself?”
“What do you mean? Why are we even talking about this?” Finally the pair arrived at the medical wing, Keith paging Coran then taking a seat next to Lance, who was laying on the bed, being surprisingly compliant considering his earlier behaviour. “Doesn’t it get tiring?”
“Yeah. It does.” Lance breathed, voice barely above a whisper. “I’m really tired Keef.”
“No Lance, stay awake.” Keith said sternly, adjusting the bed to a sitting position to hopefully keep Lance awake. “You have to stay awake. Talk to me, about anything.”
“Did you know I have CHD? I haven’t needed meds in years now.”
Keith’s heart stopped. “W - What?” He uttered, eyes blown wide as Lance casually assessed his nails. “Doesn’t that mean you’re getting better?”
“Keef.” The way Lance drew out his name made his heart melt and twist painfully all at once in his chest. “They gave up. I was meant to have surgery. It means my body is giving up on me. It means it’s stopped trying.”
“That...” Keith went from stunned silence to quick-fire questions, brows furrowing in confusion and disbelief. “ When? Why? How? Why didn’t you tell us? We could do something about it! Why wait until now?! What about the surgery?!”
“Doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I’m just trying not to ignore the inevitable.” Lance shrugged halfheartedly, shaking his head with his eyes closed and arms folded across his chest, “I was meant to have the bypass a month after we left Earth. I was unstable. Still am I guess.”
“No... No no no, Lance, you will make it. We just need to program the pod-“
“It’s fiiiiine Keef.” Lance groaned, blocking his ears childishly. “Didn’t want it anyway. I don’t want no balloon or - or something in my chest.”
“For God’s sakes Lance! Why didn’t you say something?! We’re not letting you die!” Keith didn’t realise he’d been crying until Lance wiped away the tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Don’t cry Keef.” Lance’s offered a cheesy grin, “I know you won’t let me die, so I’m letting me die.”
“That doesn’t even make sense idiot.” Keith scoffed, letting Lance play with his hair. Lance was still here. He wasn’t gone yet. He would take Lance to the pub and watch him dance in the rain and purr like a cat when he was drunk for some odd reason. Lance would live. Keith promised it.
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starkniall · 7 years
How long did it take you to write "but first we'll live" and how long do you think it'll take you to write the one you're currently writing right now? I'm curious because I love your writing and I want to get into writing myself so I wanna get an idea :)
gOd “but first we’ll live” was A Struggle, it’s the one i’ve struggled with the most out of all my fics, i started with it almost 2 years ago, but abandoned it like halfway through so it was just sitting there in my drafts for an entire year, so without counting that year i’d say it took me about six months tbh, it was the one that took me the most time, bc it was such a hard fic to write and idk why, maybe bc i was never 100% sure about the ending, and i had all of the boys in every scene to focus on and sometimes i wrote 2k of ot5 interaction and then read it over again and realized it was useless to the plot so i deleted it all again, it was SO HARD to write that one honestly ;-; im proud i finished it, but at the end i think i finished just to have peace of mind rather than bc i actually figured out how i wanted the entire plot to end so im still kind of frustrated about that one.....
im rambling lmao im so sorry!!! it didn’t use to take me that long to write fic tho, the oneshots usually take me a day, maybe a weekend if there’s a proper plot, i wrote some in about 3-4 hours and there were others that took me 3 days, it totally depends on my motivation/inspiration and at what time of the day i write lmao, if i can write in the middle of the night everything flows better for me. tho it’s always different, like, for “everything stays but it still changes” it took me about a month bc i wanted to do proper research about christmas traditions in ireland and i wanted to get it right, so when there’s research to be done it always always takes me more than a week at least.
and about the peter pan narry au im currently working on, well...let’s say it will take me another week at least to finish it, i think (i hope), it’s been going well, i’ve got 2k that i wrote in about 4 hours the night after i watched the movie (bc i have never seen it before), and those 2k have like, the basic scenes i want to write, i still need to read it over and add details to make it flow better, but being completely honest the last time i opened the doc was on the first week of january i think, bc i’ve been having a rough time with life lately, and i start uni tomorrow so i wont work on it again until next weekend, which is when i think i’ll have it proper finished.....i ramble too much im really really sorry omg....to give you a proper answer, this new fic has so far taken me about a week, if you sum up the days i spent on it when i got the prompt, and i hope to work on it this week too before uni gets hectic again, so i’d give it a guess of 2 weeks total for this one! 
when it comes to things like these, when i had to actually watch the movie, or when i have to take days on proper research (like with “let me put you back together), it always takes me longer than a couple hours and it’s mostly bc i feel insecure about whether it is accurate or real enough, i doubt myself way too much and that makes it harder but also makes the feeling after posting them so much better, more worth it, i guess, i love writing, and im sad i dont do it as often as i used to, but it’s something i always enjoy and i hope you do too!!! writing is great, absolutely amazing, even if sometimes it takes longer than you expected, it’s always sooo very worth it at the end, tbh not even just at the end, sometimes you write a lil paragraph that makes u feel proud or you finally figure out the scene you felt was missing. it’s a wonderful process and i LOVE it all
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