#there are kids in that school who have no idea about this. if anyone is going to end up hurt its them. i hate that i cant do anything.
yuwuta · 2 days
my f2l yuuta idea of the week, if i may: childhood bsf yuuta, nerdy and shy, who grows up with you. ur popular but u always stick by his side, and he's in love ofc. stuttering and failed valentine's confessions, blushing whenever u show him affection, doodling ur name in his notebook in class, classic loverboy yuuta
this omg :(( i’ve had conversations about something similar—childhood friend yuuta, but i love the idea of him being a little nerdy omggg
you’ve known him since before you two could even talk, you were just infants babbling at each other, but i’m sure in yuuta’s little baby brain he was trying to say i love love love youuuu :(( your parents have so many pictures of all the pretend weddings you guys have had as kids, so many pictures of yuuta in his dad’s huge tux jacket and you in a big shirt with a makeshift belt that’s really just an extra long friendship “bracelet” yuuta made for you bc he was trying to make a bracelet big enough to show you how much he loves you, but he ran out of beads :(((
school is harder for him as you two get older, yuuta doesn’t make friends nearly as easily as he did with you but he always has you and it just makes him more in love with you… the horimiya of this all……. yuuta trying to recede into the background but you’re the friend that pulls him out of his own head and introduces him to maki and toge and yuuji and megumi and nobara and everyone else and sometimes he just sits at the lunch table w everyone and thinks how lucky he is to have all his friends but esp you because none of it would be possible w/o you :(( definitely gets a piece of food thrown at him by nobara who’s calling him out for looking dazed and lovesick but he just blushes and tries to hide it behind stuffing his face he’s so cute god,,,……. definitely doesn’t help that you call him cute too and he’s *////////* all day… doodling your name in his book is so real he’s definitely written “(_____) okkotsu” on a handful of pages which is why he’s so weirdly anxious/protective of his notebook he would literally fizzle away into dust if anyone every saw it GOD
don’t even get me started on the failed confessions PLS so many times he tries to hype himself up to leave a note in your locker or ask you out but either something goes wrong or he’s not specific enough, so it always seems platonic…. the misfortunes of yuuta…. leaving a letter in your locker on valentine’s day but he forgot your way more popular than him, so it’s just one of many notes buried in there and ofc he’s a fool so he didn’t sign his pls 😭 asking you to get ice cream after school and it’s cool, but the next day he sees you getting ice cream w megumi and he’s like oh… wait… you probably do that will all ur friends ofc,,,, just constant blundering i love him sooooo bad
the only time he gets it right is prom, and i can see him either (1) being fed up by his own blundering and really wanting to get it right, (2) being worried/jealous about hearing other people’s plans to ask you to prom, (3) you teasing him about waiting for a certain somebody to ask youuuuuu…. he definitely stutters and stumbles a bit, but he’s yuuta he’s just a sweetheart so it’ll work out :(((
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
Why did Tim confuse Danny with Dick?
Do you mean the one chat where Tim confront Danny saying "I know who you are?"
If so, the idea behind that one was that Tim mistook Danny for Robin from the verry beginning. As in when he was nine he saw Danny do the flip (I orginally had it that he saw Danny trying to impress Paulina on a school trip to Gotham University which is why he was doing stupid flips in the parking lot but I couldn't think of how to connect Danny and Bruce together from that so i never wrote out the idea) and went "That's Robin!!!!" Since the night before, he saw Robin do the very same move.
Now Tim is roughly seven years younger than Dick (from the comics I've consumed, but my knowledge of DC is mostly moives) so that would make Dick about sixteen.
In this au Dick and Danny are the same age. Which doesn't help Tim's misunderstanding especially since both are blue eyed and dark hair, with slightly brown skin.
They aren't related. They just look very alike, and that's a gaint coincidence. The thing was Tim just went about thinking the orginal Robin's identity was Danny Fenton.
He got Bruce and Jason correct but always assumed that Dick Grayson was unaware of what his Foster dad and Foster brother got up to.
At one point, Tim also thinks this was why Dick was just a ward and not adopted like Jason.
So he never bothers to go to Dick when Jason died. He went to what he assumed was the first Robin - Danny.
Danny himself was retired and attending Gotham U when the little boy (I think he was 13 when Tim became Robin in canon? But to Danny, anyone under 16 is the same as being five. ) came knocking on his door, accusing him of being Robin. He decides that Tim will likely either go through on his threat to expose Batman or try to be Robin himself.
He knows what it's like to be pushed into a hero role at that age, and Tim looks so small with a brain that's too big. Danny knows Tim will be hurt if he's out on the feild - either physically or mentally or even emotionally.
He hates seeing kids hurt even if he is retired and won't ignore the danger Tim is about to put himself in.
After a quick call with Jazz, he decides not to tell Tim the truth (that he was wrong, Danny isn't the organal, Robin) and steps up to help Bruce get his shit together.
Again, though, this was an idea I never flushed out, so there are plots holes like How did Tim get Bruce being batman if he had the wrong Robin? Did Danny live in Gotham since he was 16, or was he back in Amity Park after the field trip? How did Tim keep tabs on Danny if he wasn't? How did Robin keep appearing in Gotham if he thought Danny was in Amity Park? Did Tim never catch Dick slip up afterward while on the field? Who did he think Nightwing was? How did Bruce handle the random man showing up pretending to be Dick? Where is Dick?
To Many questions that I did not have the answers to.
So yeah, that's what that was about, lol.
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atti-rambles · 8 hours
i got into the "putting dungeon meshi characters in my culture/country/city aus" so now they live in the las vegas/henderson area
i am making art for it but for now my ideas
Laios and Falin: like a lot of people living in the Valley, they aren't born and raised there. I would imagine they would be from Minnesota bc I see them as Swedish/Norwegian and a lot of them live there. i was also born in minnesota so i'm super biased.
They'd would have moved there as teens and can't handle the heat very well and WILL question anyone finding the winter temperatures (usually like in the 60s F) as cold.
Marcille: I see her as being born and raised there and somehow not desensitized to the "sins" of the city. She sees the "sins" you see everyday in the more touristy parts of the city and just can't handle it (she is lesbian iykyk).
I imagine she went to one of those private rich people schools in the city. She studies medicine at Nevada State with Falin.
Chilchuck: He sooo moved there as an adult for a job he does not give the vibes of someone who was born there but someone who moved there and thrived. I think he'd prob be involved in housing development bc it's pretty big there.
I have no clue where he would be from, but that's okay he won't tell you 👍 he would sooo hate tourists also it would be so funny he would just avoid certain parts of the city entirely you are NOT seeing the strip if you visit, you're taking your ass there yourself, no local discounts for you.
Senshi: Born and raised there (totally grew up in the old town where the nuclear plant workers lived). I think he'd own a small restaurant in the city, we don't really have food trucks but I think he'd own a small place near the airport. He'd really enjoy talking to tourists and learning things about their cultures.
Izutsumi: She'd be a Japanese immigrant (fun fact the Japanese and Filipinos are the two largest immigrant groups in the Valley) who moved in with Senshi after she left Shuro's group. I think she'd be a typical high school student in the city tbh, those kids are built different.
Kabru: he reeks Californian who moved to Nevada to me (this fact makes chilchuck locals hate him). He'd go to school with Marcille, I think he'd be a psych major fr.
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itsoka-y · 2 days
Back on my bullshit with new (but not improved) headcanons about the ina11 kids because the hyperfixation do be hyperfixating. This time is about what kind of students they are, what subjects are they good or bad at or if they've ever gotten a write up (I think that's how you say it in English? But anyways a paper recording some misconduct within school grounds and all that)
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Contrary to (what I think is) popular belief, he can be somewhat decent at math once he gets the formulas through his head (he's terrible at showing the process tho, so he'll get the right answer but the teacher has to deduct points because he didn't provide how he reached said answer). His worst subject is English, and if the people at Level-5 weren't cowards and I could get things my way we would've seen him struggling to communicate with other teams during the FFI tournament (poor thing is a social butterfly and the fact he cannot properly befriend that one Italian kid or gossip with Domon and Ichinose's friends from Unicorn is torture for him). Speaking of him being a social butterfly, he's a chatterbox of a human, he'll talk to anyone who has ears to listen, therefore teachers don't know where the fuck to sit him in class because he'll yap his way into everyone's hearts (is not like he's misbehaving per se but it can be annoying from the teacher's perspective)
He got a write up just one (1) time and it was an accident. He overslept and by the time he got to school classes had already started and he freaked out a little, disrupting everyone inside the classroom before he got to enter. He then got a second write up because he didn't bring the first one signed by his mother on time.
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He's not too fond of things like literature, languages, art and such, which is a 100% influenced by his father, who I see as someone who completely dismisses anything related to humanities and says they are "easy" subjects and "what people who are not that smart like" (Shuuya wouldn't be that extremist, especially since he kinda sympathizes with the idea of liking/enjoying something society deems "useless" because of his father viewing his passion for football as such, but yeah he still kind of internalized his father's views on humanities, even if he's not as vitriolic as his old man). Because of that, both father and son got this agreement that it's okay for him not to excel in those subjects as long as he keeps his grades above a B ("You mustn't disregard those classes just because you don't particularly like them" is what his father tells him) and has straight As in everything else (aka the science subjects). So yeah, he's kinda cruising through school like that.
Personality wise, none of his teachers can gauge him, since he tends to keep to himself and just talks when talked to. He mostly socializes with the other players from the football team, so at the very least you know he's not a total outcast and has friends like a kid his age should, but yeah other than that you just can't get that much of a reaction out of him. So whenever his father goes to a parent-teacher conference he's just told Shuuya is "a pleasure to have in class" to make up for the fact that none of his teachers actually know this kid outside of his academic performance.
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Little shit has definitely corrected teachers the SECOND he caught an inaccurate fact leave their mouths. After being transferred to Raimon, most of his peers feared that he'd be one of those teachers pets that reminds them to assign homework for the weekend, but in reality he's very chill and doesn't really care about that.
In fact, most people expected him to join the student council alongside Natsumi and run that shit with an iron fist. The thing is, after leaving Teikoku, he doesn't want that kind of reputation for himself anymore. He's content with being the absolute commander on the field. Nothing more. Nothing else. But make no mistake, if he wanted to, he absolutely could.
He's really fucking good at everything. Kid is a full on renaissance man at age 14. Maths, literature, history, physical education, arts, you name it, his grades have never gone below a 90/100 (it happened one time and he was kinda sick that day ok?). You want to hate him out of jealousy but tbh you just can't help but be impressed (some teachers do be praying to catch him lacking tho, but they can't say nor do shit about it bc 1) he's not necessarily rude or impolite when talking back to the teachers, just sassy and 2) most importantly, they're scared shitless of his father. Perks of being adopted into wealth).
His biggest flaw is that he's a little stinker when it comes to people asking for his notes. He'll lend them (eventually) but he keeps track and will expect you to give them back in exactly one week time from the moment you get them (and it's not like he really needs them himself, let's be honest)
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Queenie got sent on her own to do some investigation on the other side of the world at age 14-15 for a whole season I think she should've come back with a full recognized degree in international relationships or something.
Anyways, the actual head of the student council anywhere she goes. She runs a tight ship. Takes no one's crap. Baby got business to tend to and has no time for yours or anyone's bullshit. Because of that she's got herself a completely misguided reputation of being a mean girl with a god complex, which couldn't be further from the truth. She likes things organized and under control, damn. They really hate to see a girlboss winning.
Any time they did a debate in class people felt the fear of God bc everyone knew whichever team she was in was going to be the immidiate winner. No one dares to utter a word against her in a group project. She just assumes the leader role (as she should) and starts leading them straight into the best fucking grade in the class.
She's got a good head on her shoulders as well. Like she's good at anything science related but she fucking sweeps within the humanities field. Especially once she's a bit older and can take elective courses in political science?? Or economy?? Her essays are college-dissertation level at age 16. She cites her sources as if she invented APA herself.
Everyone and their mother fears her as much as they admire her and I love that for her. She is THAT bitch.
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We love a woman in STEM 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Handwriting so neat you'll think she prints her notes. Absolute unit when it comes to chemistry and biology. Her lab reports are actually a work of art and there's not one decimal out of place (idk how a lab report works) I see her as having a calculator for brain and being really fucking fast with mental math.
She'd struggle a bit with subjects where she has to memorise things and then express her knowledge through words (basically, write essays) but she manages!! Thankfully short and direct sentences are her best friend and if she wants to spice things up she can always ask Natsumi to revise her work before turning it in (I also see her having insane time management skills, so she'll write the assignment weeks in advance and then the week before the deadline she'll have Natsumi revise it so she has time to touch up the things Natsumi tells her or rewrite parts if she needs to. Call that time management skills or call that anxiety. Your call)
Her main flaws are that she can easily turn into a doormat when working in group projects even if she sometimes feel like her classmates are not doing enough when it comes to work. On the same vein, she wants to participate more in class but in the end the sole idea of raising her hand to answer a question when the class is dead silent and have everyone's attention on her freezes her on the spot :( Elite member of the "pleasure to have in class" gang because she's so much of an introvert everyone mistakes it as her being super polite and well-behaved (teachers have sit down all of the class clowns next to her so they can "learn some manners" from her and it was hell. my poor baby)
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Atrocious handwriting. Not as bad as Endou's, but still, it's pretty damn hard to decipher her notes. Mostly due to the fact that, as a wannabe journalist, she has to take notes at the speed of a person's speech and cram as much information as possible. On the other hand though, she's an absolute champion when it comes to summarizing. In an exam, she starts writing very neat and tidy but as time goes by it starts deteriorating into a doctor's prescription (at some point she realizes she wastes too much time like that so fuck them teachers if they cannot understand her writing from the get go. She knows her shit).
She's a really good writer but when it comes to essays she has a tendency to overdecorate her sentences and the point she's trying to make can get lost in a sea of literary devices, so teachers had called her out on it.
She recognizes how interesting subjects like physics and biology are, but you make her do any kind of math calculation for them and she's done for. Thankfully she can always go to Fuyuka for help in that regard. Don't get it twisted, she loves her brother, and she knows when push comes to shove she can always rely on him to help her, but Kidou is not one to really explain things but rather repeat what the teacher said at a much slower pace thinking that's enough for anyone to understand (it isn't), hence why she mostly seeks Fuyuka. She stills passes her classes tho, once she gets the hang of a formula she becomes an ace at it, she just struggles a bit to get there. Other than that a really good student.
Also, everyone's business is her business. Knows the gossip on everyone and anyone within a 20 mile radius of the school, including teachers and staff. But you already knew that.
I'm going to leave this here for now bc I have a lot of things to say about a lot of characters and this is already long as it is (I think)
Soooo, like for a part two?
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chaosfairy18 · 3 days
Spelling lessons
A short (2k) fic with the idea that I posted recently of Dutchy not being able to understand English spelling (and being annoyed about it) and then accepting some help from Specs
It has some Decs (DutchyxSpecs) at the end because it was too cute not to (Also Dutchy's name is Zacharias and Specs' Victor, there is only a small scene that is relevant, but it can't hurt to say)
English spelling might be Dutchy‘s nemesis actually.
It wasn’t like he couldn’t write, he’d learned back in elementary school in the Netherlands, he knew the alphabet, thank you very much, and he also knew how to speak German – they lived close to the border – and even read most of it because it just looked similar, he could at least guess the meaning if he had to and since he knew how to speak it, it wasn’t too difficult to grasp reading or writing, all in all.
French was harder, but since there had been some people speaking French in his little town, he’d also learned speaking that.
He might have been an annoying kid, always hanging on their lips and asking for more words, more things to learn, but it was just too interesting to him.
Now he couldn’t really write much in French, he’d learnt a bit back then, but it wasn’t enough, not really.
Then he’d gone on that ship to America with his aunt and uncle. The time they had took to get to America was more than enough to grasp the basics of English, especially due to its similarities to French, Dutch and German. The men and women Dutchy had spent every day learning the language from mostly hadn’t been able to read though, and it wasn’t like he had to learn that. He knew how to read, it couldn’t be that hard.
After being basically ditched by his aunt and uncle he’d quickly found the lodging house – after all he had learnt the language and could ask around where a boy with some money could find work or a place to stay – and Kloppman hadn’t believed he was only there for less than a day, though he was even more impressed when he correctly guessed his accent and started talking in German which was still easier than English though it wouldn’t take long until he didn’t care what he spoke.
Now all that was well and good if it weren’t for the fact that he had to sell newspapers that had headlines. See, these newspapers were sometimes available in Dutch or German, but of course most were in English and for some reason the Americans or the Brits had decided to make their spelling the most confusing thing in existence. If he heard one of the other newsies say the headline, he knew exactly what it meant, but combining that with the letters he saw on the board? It felt impossible, even now.
Maybe it was his pride in knowing languages that kept him from asking anyone for help, maybe it was that he avoided the language classes in the lodge and instead took the ones on math, but at this point he was almost dead set to not comply with this idiotic spelling in newspapers.
That didn’t mean he could read the headline any better.
“What’s it say?”, he asked Skittery, pretending he was just cleaning his glasses and therefore couldn’t see it right now.
Skittery, who had been reading a novel of some kind as he was standing in line scoffed and snapped his book shut, obviously annoyed. “It says ‘learn to read, idiot’.”
Dutchy froze as he was just about to put on his glasses again. What had he just called him? He could read, in two (and a half) languages even, he could even write and speak more languages than Skittery could probably name, and he dared call him an idiot-
“Says the guy that fell into the river last week.”, interrupted Specs, subtly pushing Dutchy away from Skittery before he really could let the situation escalate and call Skittery names in 4 different languages and whatever else he had picked up over the years.
“That don’t make me an idiot, clumsy maybe. And I got shoved.”
The tall boy quickly got engrossed in his novel again, only looking up if Tumbler was running around him, otherwise ignoring them.
“You aren’t an idiot.”, was the first thing Specs said to him, all quiet as if it was a secret.
“I know. It’s not my fault English is so-“
“You can’t keep not learnin’ because you don’t want to, Dutch.” Specs pushed his hands in his pant pockets. “I could help you, if you want.”
Dutchy’s first instinct was to bite back that he didn’t need help, but maybe he did. And Specs was his closest friend, it wasn’t like he was making fun of him. “If you’re offerin’.”
“You could read books if you learnt. Spoil the ends for Skitts.”
He snorted, hitting Specs with his elbow. “You’ve seen me read books.”
“Not in English.”
“Fine. I’ll let you help.”
They got their papes from Wiesel – every day Dutchy had to bite back a comment on it was actually Weasel because he knew how to read that word – and split up to sell, Specs saying he’d come by later to start their ‘lessons’.
Of course, Specs had to keep his word, one unsold pape and a book in hand, bowler hat and vest already discarded somewhere in the bunk room. He wouldn’t get out of it then.
Dutchy let himself be dragged to the roof, the evening sun making the temperatures comfortably warm rather than sweltering. Specs dragged some crates to the middle of the roof, and they sat down around them, the newspaper and book placed on them.
“So, you can read the alphabet fine, right? That’s the same.”
“Again: You’ve seen me read a book and write my name.”
Specs rolled his eyes. “Yes, just wanted to make sure.” He opened up the first article of the World. “Maybe it’ll help if I read it to you. You know the words, then you’ll see the spelling as I say it.”
Shrugging, he moved a bit closer to Specs so he could properly see the line he had his finger under to indicate what he was reading. He didn’t want help like this, but since at a first glance he could only read the shorter words in the article he probably did need it.
“Man with parachute leaps from Brooklyn Bridge-“
“Wait that’s how you spell bridge? Where is the e coming from?” He could live with silent letters, at least if there was an explanation for them.
Specs pinched the bridge of his nose. “I dunno the rules, Zach. Just- read with me, okay?”
The rest of the article was interesting enough – the man had used a modified umbrella to jump of the bridge and had only barely survived – but Dutchy wasn’t sure how much he was learning yet. Some words he knew and recognized, others he was completely stunned as to where that spelling could come from and if he could remember them.
“I don’t think it’s working.”, he sighed after the third article.
“We just started today. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all’at.”
Dutchy bit back his retort and just kept listening to Specs read, trying to recognize words he’d heard today before.
Of course, the lessons didn’t stop after a day. Contrary to what Dutchy had hoped for, Specs was very good at remembering it every evening and dragging him to the rooftop, going through more articles or through a chapter of a book.
And even worse: He had to admit it was working.
Especially in papes there were headlines that came again and again, so he recognized almost everything on the chalkboard every morning now, there were just a few words that he had to quietly ask Specs about.
That also meant that he began to slack a bit in their lessons. It was working, but he didn’t like admitting to being wrong, so he still sat there – he was Specs’ friend after all and he was going through a lot of trouble to teach him – but he wasn’t listening to his every word anymore, instead looking up to see his dark eyes trace the words and his mouth open again and again.
At first it wasn’t that intense, just looking at his friend a bit before going back to the tiny black words, but the more he looked at him, the more he had to admit that he was fascinating to watch. His eyes were dark, even in the light, pupil and iris not much different in colour, almost as dark as the coffee they got from the nuns in the morning when they were lucky.
Specs didn’t seem to notice whenever he wasn’t paying attention, so it happened more and more over the days.
And not just in their lessons either. Dutchy’s gaze was drifting to Specs more and more frequently while selling, eating in the lodge, standing in line at the distribution centre and when they got ready for the day in the morning.
As already stated, Dutchy wasn’t an idiot, there weren’t a lot of reasons why he would be drawn to his friend so much. It was obvious, really, and the last few lessons he had spent his time half listening to Specs – he always looked so sad if Dutchy didn’t get any of the words they already went over – and half planning to show his affections to him.
Reading out loud a chapter of one of the few romance books they had down in the lodge didn’t work – Specs was only happy that he had gotten through it with almost no stumbling over words – and the extra touches while selling together didn’t seem to work either.
Maybe he’d just have to be direct about it.
The next evening they sat on the rooftop of the lodge again and Dutchy let Specs talk a bit, attempting to explain why a specific word was spelt how it was – because of course after Dutchy complained that he didn’t get the rules he had looked them up and asked Kloppman because he was invested into helping his friends like that – and only getting distracted by the way his lips moved and his eyes shone just a bit brighter than usual.
It seemed as good a time as any.
Dutchy made Specs trail off by tilting his friend’s chin up with his finger and leaning in close. “Maybe for today I can teach you something, Victor.”
The other’s eyes grew wide and taking his quickly reddening face as confirmation Dutchy kissed him for a short moment, smiling as Specs chased after his lips just a bit when he leaned back.
“So you’re okay with that?”
“Very.”, croaked out Specs, still not completely convinced this was actually happening.
Smiling wider, Dutchy pulled his glasses off – he’d felt them press into each other uncomfortably in the first brief kiss – and leaned in again, just trying out how Specs’ lips felt against his, how it felt like to hold his jaw as he did so, how he reacted when he moved his hair out of his face.
Everything was as good as he’d thought, Specs also getting more comfortable throughout the minutes, he almost wasn’t burning red anymore when they separated again, Dutchy leaning his forehead against Specs’.
“Hope you liked the lesson.”, he whispered, glad he’d begrudgingly accepted the offer for spelling lessons weeks ago.
Specs looked at him like he’d just taught him all the secrets of the universe. “Yeah. I’d love more. Only if you-“
He gave him a peck on the cheek. “Of course, darling.”
That made Specs burn up again, putting his head in his hands and groaning. “You can’t just say that!”
“I can call you whatever I want, darling.”
Specs curled even more in on himself, ears completely red. “Stooop.”
Laughing more about his friend’s state, Dutchy leaned in closer and put an arm around his waist, closing his eyes and enjoying the heat of the evening sun and his new partner next to him.
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picturejasper20 · 2 days
Danny Phantom Episode Guide
For newbies or anyone who wants to use it
Danny Phantom is a semi episodic animated series from the early 2000's. This means that there isn't much continuity in between and there are ideas that don't get explored more than one episode. Having that in mind, i'm going to highlight what i think are the ¨key¨ episodes from the show related to major plot points and character arcs like this.
I would still suggest watching all the episodes to have an overall idea of the characters, world and lore to interact with the fandom.
Season 1
1)"Mystery Meat": Introduction to the premise, world and characters. Introduction to Lunch Lady. Start with this one. 2)"Parental Bonding": Introduction to overshadowing, exploration of Sam's character and her relationship with Danny. Introduction to Princess Dorathea. Exploration of Paulina's character. 3) "One of a Kind": Introduction to Skulker, one of the recurrent villains of the show. Danny episode (?) 4) "Attack of the Killer Garage Sale": Danny and, in part, Sam development episode. Introduction to recurrent villain Nicolai Technus. Exploration of Danny's school classmates. 5) "Splitting Images": Introduction to Sidney Poindexter, secondary ghost character. Danny centric episode. Hints that Danny has a evil/ mischievous side (?) 6) "What You Want": Tucker centric episode. Introduction to the ghost catcher and the idea of how Danny can be separated from his ghost half. Danny gets ectoblast powers. Introduction to Desiree character. 7) "Bitter Reunions" Introduction to Vlad Masters/Plasmius as main villain of the show. Exploration of Danny's parents past and their connection to Vlad. The ¨plot¨ starts to kick from this episode. 8) "Prisoners of Love": Introduction to the Ghost Zone, the dimension where ghosts are. Jack and Maddie episode. Introduction to Walker as antagonist. 9) "My Brother's Keeper": Danny and Jazz episode. Jazz finds out that Danny is half-ghost/ is Phantom. Introduction to Penelope Spectra. 10) "Shades of Gray": Valerie Gray episode. Valerie becomes a major semi-antagonist to Danny and recurrent character from this point on. Introduction to Cujo the dog. Introduction to the idea of Danny trying to help ghosts instead of fighting them in some episodes. 11) "Fanning the Flames": Exploration of Danny and Sam's feelings for each other. Introduction to Ember McLain as antagonist. 12) "Teacher of the Year": Exploration of Mr.Lancer, Danny's teacher as character. Technus returns as antagonist. 13) "Fright Night": Introduction to the Fright Night character, connected to major future plot point. Danny and Dash Baxter centric episode. Halloween episode. 14) "13": Introduction to Johnny 13 and Kitty characters. Danny and Jazz centric episode. 15) "Public Enemies": Walker returns as antagonist, takes over the town and turns the city against Danny (Phantom). Introduction to Wolf character, who becomes of the first Danny's ghost allies. 16) "Lucky in Love": Exploration Casper High popular kids students, mainly Paulina. Johnny 13 and Kitty as antagonists. 17) "Maternal Instinct": Vlad's villain arc- Danny and Maddie episode. Maddie finds out about Vlad's true intentions with her but not about him being half ghost. Introduction to Specter Deflector invention. 18) "Life Lessons": Valerie's arc- Important development for Valerie and Danny's characters and their relationship. Skulker as main antagonist. 19) "The Million Dollar Ghost": Vlad's villain arc-Jack and Danny episode- acts as set up for major future plot point. Introduction to Guys In White, a anti-ghost hunters organization. 20) "Control Freaks": Danny and Sam's centric episode-exploration of Sam's family and her relationship with her parents. Introduction to Freakshow, a human who can control ghosts. Shows Danny being mind controlled and acting like a villain.
Season 2
1)¨Memory Blank¨: Paulina making connection between Danny and Phantom, otherwise it doesn't add much to the series. Sam and Danny episode- Desiree as antagonist. 2) "Doctor's Disorders": Tucker centric episode. Explores the idea of humans getting ghostpowers by ¨ghost disease¨. Spectra returns as antagonist. 3) "Pirate Radio": Introduction to Youngblood. Ember and Youngblood team up as antagonists. Character development for Danny and exploration of Danny's classmates. 4-5) "Reign Storm": Very crucial special episode that pays off character arcs and plot points from Season 1. Vlad's villain character arc-major development for Danny and Valerie as characters and their relationship. Introduction to Pariah Dark, Ghost Zone's backstory and Ghost King lore. 6) "Identity Crisis": Pretty good exploration of Danny's character, explores the concept of how a human-ghost can live separated from their ghost half. Technus as antagonist. 7) "The Fenton Menace": Danny and Jazz episode. Younblood as antagonist. 8-9) "The Ultimate Enemy": Another crucial key special episode from the show. Introduction to Dark Danny/Dan Phantom (fanon name) as antagonist and the idea of Danny turning evil in the future. Important for Danny's arc. Introduction to Clockwork, Master of Time and his superiors, the Observants. Important exploration of Vlad's character. Danny learns about Jazz knowing about his ghost half and their dynamic changes from here. 10) "The Fright Before Christmas": Christmas episode- Introduces the Ghost Writer and Christmas Truce between ghosts. 11) "Secret Weapons": Vlad's villain episode, acts as follow up for both ¨Reign Storm¨ and ¨The Ultimate Enemy¨. Jazz learns about Vlad being half-ghost. Jazz and Danny episode. 12) "Flirting with Disaster": Follow up from ¨Reign Storm¨. Valerie Gray arc-Danny and Valerie temporarily date in this episode. Valerie gets a suit upgrade. Technus as antagonist. 13) "Micro Management": Explores Danny and Dash's dynamic. Skulker as antagonist. 14) "Beauty Marked": Sam centric episode- Exploration of Dorathea's realm- Prince Aragon as antagonist. 15) "King Tuck": Tucker centric episode-Explores the idea of Tucker being descendant of an egyptian pharaoh and having some possible ghost powers (?) Hotep-Ra as antagonist. 16) "Masters of All Time": Clockwork returns as character- It... doesn't add much to the series but it explores an alternative timeline of what if Jack had turned into half-ghost instead. 17) "Kindred Spirits": Vlad's villain arc- reveal of why he has been using Valerie for all this time- deep exploration to Vlad's motivations as villain- Introduction to Danielle character. Acts as the ¨actual¨ finale for Season 2 18) "Double Cross My Heart": Sam and Danny episode. GIW as antagonists 19-20) "Reality Trip": Freakshow returns as antagonist. Introduction to the Reality Gauntlet. Exploration to how Jack and Maddie would react to finding out that Danny is a ghost. Even though things revert back to the status quo by then end, some of the concepts it explores are interesting.
Season 3
1)"Eye for an Eye": Vlad's villain arc-Change of the status quo. Vlad moves to Amity Park and becomes the mayor. 2) "Infinite Realms": Vlad's villain arc. Introduction to the Infi-Map and the Far Frozen yetis. Introduction to Frostbite character 3) "Girls' Night Out": Spectra, Ember and Kitty villain team up. Skulker as secondary antagonist. Some interesting development between Jazz and Sam. 4) "Torrent of Terror": Vlad's villain arc. Introduction to Vortex. Dany and Vlad work together in this episode. 5) "Forever Phantom": Introduction to Amorpho. Interesting exploration of Danny's character- an episode worth of watching. 6) "Urban Jungle": Introduction to Undergrowth. Danny gets ice powers and exploration of ghosts cores. 7) "Livin' Large": Episode that explores the idea of the Fentons becoming rich- GIW as antagonists. 8) "Boxed-Up Fury": Introduction to Pandora and Pandora's box. Box Ghost as antagonist 9) "Frightmare": Introduction to Nocturn as antagonist. 10) "Claw of the Wild": Wolf returns this episode. Walker as antagonist. 11) "D-Stabilized": Vlad's villain arc- Important episode for Valerie and Danielle character arcs- Valerie finds out about Vlad being half ghost. 12-13) "Phantom Planet": Series finale- conclusion to Danny's arc and Vlad's villain arc. Danny's identity as Phantom gets revealed to the whole world as Vlad's does. Vlad is exiled from Earth with everyone knowing about his ghost identity and villain nature. Danny and Sam become a couple. Gets followed up in ¨A Glitch in Time¨ Graphic novel.
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ocpdzim · 1 year
what you’ve got to understand about working conditions in education (and also other care-oriented careers) is that if they’re shit, two things are true at once:
that does not ever excuse being cruel to a kid, no matter what
until those conditions are fixed, education will continue to suck absolute shit
this is because when working conditions for teachers are really bad, many of the good teachers who recognize when they are reaching a point where they can no longer be the sort of teacher the kids deserve due to burnout WILL quit. they will do the responsible thing and go away for their own sake and the sake of the kids. and you end up stuck w a combination of new teachers who are trying their best but won’t last long, burnt out teachers who are trying their best but have nothing left to give and therefore aren’t very effective at actually teaching, and cockroach shitheads who take out their misery on the kids.
we have all had terrible experiences with bad teachers, many of them flat out traumatic, but for fuck’s sake please try to look at the systemic underpinnings of the problem for one minute. spitefully declaring that teachers don’t deserve good working conditions or even the right to complain about bad working conditions because ms. whoever in 5th grade was a bitch is only going to create more of her. if you want good teachers then we need an education system they can survive in
#i get so irritated w the post where like.#95% of it is a good post and then at the end op is like WAAAHHH teachers are complaining about burnout on my post about a bad teacher#like yeah no shit. if the field of education wasnt so hostile to everyone who works in it maybe they could have found a better teacher to#replace that motherfucker with. and then she would not be there to bother the kids any more.#as someone who Has had traumatic experiences w bad teachers.#its scary enough walking into a field i know is pretty much built to chew new teachers up and spit us out#hoping to be able to survive it long enough to do some good and be the kind of teacher i needed as a kid#without people acting as though it is some sort of crime for teachers to want. like. basic human dignity at work and enough money to survive#even people who are nominally pro-workers rights#you guys have no fucking idea how bad the situation is in schools right now#the reason bad teachers didnt get fired perhaps USED to be tenure#but nowadays its the fact that its rare for a school to be fully staffed *at all* bc so many teachers quit or died#so they'll hire and keep absolutely fucking anyone simply because the alternative is No Teacher. and an empty classroom#full of kids who wont learn anything except that the system doesnt even care about them enough to put a teacher in the room.#i have gotten job offers ON SIGHT from principals who know nothing about me and im literally not even legally qualified to teach yet#like before even telling them my name lmao#and im sure everyone else in town who expresses any interest in teaching whatsoever gets the same.
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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fiddleturnips · 22 days
Backupsmore University
Okay, so. The following is not very well written and has been heavily edited in my actual draft - the chapter it was in has been broken up and spread between like three different chapters. However, I realized that the context for Why Fiddleford Is Like That is sort of important for my other snippets to make sense.
Content warning for depression, but this section does not contain graphic detail. Further content warning for the American Public School System in the Nineteen-Seventies. (Specifically: the school system's relative inability to absorb non-average children.)
"Ah. Right." Stanford sat back down. The broken mug scraped across the tiles and clattered as Fiddleford swept. "Well, we were in high school. It was close to graduation. We'd been fighting anyway. Big time for me, because it was around the Science Fair-"
"Scholarship season."
"Your family weren't that well off, am I rembering right? I seem to recall you were seeking a full ride and couldn't get it."
"I was going to go to Westmore. If I could afford it, I would have anyway. But Backupsmore was a lot more manageable."
Fiddleford laughed. "Ain't that the truth."
"Wait, you were full ride. And you were, what, seventeen Freshman year? What were you doing there?"
"They weren't that strict on school transcripts," Fiddleford said. "A lot more welcoming of science and engineering portfolios. And I needed full ride, I wasn't getting a dime after a bug came by and wiped out my school stock."
"Your… your what?"
"Oh, you wouldn't have this sort of thing. Some of us livestock breeders, when a kid's young, we'll start to set some animals aside for them. You invest in a couple of pigs, add to the herd when you can, teach the kid to care for 'em, and when it comes time for high school graduation you can get a sturdy few grand even if it's just a small herd, then if you invest it right and keep an eye on the price of pork, you can pay a kid through college with a bit to spare. Only mine all got sick and died out."
"That is fascinating and tragic. You never talked about this."
"Yeah, I never talked to the Yankee kids about the fact that I was going to a bum school because my papa couldn't afford a better one because my pigs died and I didn't have school transcripts 'cause I didn't go to school. How do you think that woulda gone over?"
Stanford did know about Fiddleford's school history. At this moment, he was significantly exaggerating. He had gone to school, and he had excelled at school - for about two thirds as long as any other kid, if you combined all of the months.
Pines and McGucket were close college friends, in a lot of the same classes and clubs, spending study hours together in the tucked-away rooms that let them get as loud and melodramatic as they wanted. At first, Fiddleford had joked that he'd done a lot of special programs for county fairs as a kid. Then, he'd joked that nobody taught him per se as he'd just up and swallowed a library one summer and they all figured that was probably that. Then he'd joked that he was a dropout, and when pressed on that he'd grudgingly admit that no, he was homeschooled.
Then eventually the two boys got close enough and he got tipsy enough for it all to come out. The whole story was that the older he got, the more he skipped grades and got shifted to advanced classes and eventually got stuck in the school's Special Education department because as it was they had no idea what the hell else to do with him, the more he'd get bored and start stealing books from older kids and building things out of school supplies and on one memorable occasion stuck a fork in the electrical outlet - he'd been found with third-degree burns on his hand and a paper beside him calculating the exact voltage available from the wall outlet in comparison to the shock a human being could survive - anyway, the more all of that happened, the earlier in the year his Ma and Pa would have the hard conversation that the trouble he could cause at home was nothing like the trouble he was already causing in the classroom.
By high school, his Ma had sat him down and said: Look. You need an education. Every single word of what they teach you in those there classrooms matters, even the stuff you think is dumb and silly. So you're gonna stay home this year, we're getting permission to let you do experiments in the local tech college's labs for Chemistry and such and the rest you're figuring out on your own. And at the end of the year, you are submitting reports about what you learned to every single teacher in the school, and we'll see if they find fault in your methods.
She'd meant for him to get through Freshman core curriculum. He'd gotten through that most of the electives. The next year, he did the rest of the core curriculum and they rented out some textbooks from the local tech college, plus a special weekly tutoring session with the Language Arts teacher because his critical thinking was a bit underdeveloped and another with the AP Maths guy to whip his self-correction into shape. The year after that, they had a sit-down with a representative of the County and a recruitment man from a university and the principal of the high school he'd dropped out of. He couldn't legally leave the public system until he was at the legal age, but they all agreed that he was doing just fine on his own until then.
He wasn't seventeen when he enrolled at Backupsmore. He was sixteen. And he'd already tested out of Freshman and Sophmore classes, and the only other one there who'd done that was Stanford. The two were friends because up to that point, neither one had ever had a peer.
Stanford Pines was a by-the-book scientist. He'd completed every year of school the way it was intended, on time, and with very high marks. He'd also completed science fair projects and extracurriculars. Once he reached university, he kept a full schedule, his days planned to the minute, with an exercise routine and designated journaling time. His accelerated schooling happened because he did things to the letter, bull-rushed through the political game, took every advantage he could get, and was so damn good at his job that nobody could find a reason to keep him from going at it.
Fiddleford McGucket was a free thinking engineer. He couldn't keep his head on straight enough to follow orders, but he was "such a delight to have in class" and "unfailingly diligent with his homework" and "not afraid to do the hard, boring work that needs doing for a project's success," so he kept getting special treatment anyway.
For Stanford Pines, his combined arrogance with his peers, aggressively growth-minded attitude, relentless self-paced work schedule, and unfailing results put him through twelve doctorates and a self-guided grant program.
For Fiddleford McGucket, the combined inexperience working with others, habit of taking on all the work that was available to him so he could prove he was worthwhile, commitment to doing everything perfectly right the first time no matter how loaded his schedule was, and desperate, desperate need to fit in for once left him plastered to the floor of a bathroom stall trying not to cry out loud while he psyched himself up to get back to the lab every spring and autumn night for a year.
Pines and McGucket had both set astronomical standards for themselves that no normal human could possibly hope to achieve. Difference was, Doctor Stanford Pines had somehow done it.
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waywardsalt · 2 months
in post-ph specifically a really old idea ive had is that linebeck is extremely, extremely possessive of his coat, but if in a situation where he fears he might actually die, he gives it to the person he trusts to save him, or he gives it to someone he cares about that seems to be on the brink of death
#its not permanent unless he dies. which he doesnt in any of the cases of this happening#at the end of the day its like a symbol of his immense trust and respect for the person and a sign that he really thinks hes not making it#bc otherwise you cannot touch that thing. rn i really only have one scenario with this with link damien and bellum each#link’s is the one where hes afraid the other person will die but hes also afraid hes going to die at that moment its a whole thing#other cases are if he thinks he wont be able to get out of smth without it being damaged or if he just wants it to be safe#theres a bit where he has to be separated from the crew for a bit so he preemptively gives it to damien for safekeeping#generally if linebeck hands his coat to someone its a Bad Sign. something is very wrong#bellum is the only one who understands the gravity of it when he first sees it bc like. hes been in linebecks mind he knows the abstract#idea of how protective linebeck is of it. and he has no idea how to feel the first time linebeck gives it to him. its a warm feeling#with damien its a mixture of terrified and dutiful he understands it as being trusted with it and makes sure to keep it safe#he understands what the coat means to linebeck just not on the same visceral level as bellum. link also has a good idea of how much#linebeck cares about his coat but its filtered through being a slightly mischievous kid whos tried getting to it before. when hes actually#given it or sees linebeck hand it off the first (few) times hes really scared and a bit confused until the idea clicks for him#this is an ooooold idea i think its from back when post ph was mostly going to be a 50 chapter thing using a 50 word challenge list#if anyone remembers those. this shit originates from middle school. the olden days. before damien existed#i like linebecks coat being an item tied to his identity its what he wants its something he finds comfort in its something he made himself#salty talks#post-ph#this might carry over a little to some other aus but these situations dont really happen the same was as they might in post ph
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I hate burnt-out gifted kids
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toenzy · 11 months
People in the public eye speaking about these sorts of things can be so helpful, and it’s pretty brave of Dele Alli to be so open. Good lad.
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dreamcast-official · 1 year
#eli.txt#i do not know how i can just. go to bed and wake up tomorrow and not go to school knowing this shit could happen.#i know its probably not going to but what if it does. what if something does happen and people get hurt or fucking killed.#i just keep telling myself it probably wont happen but theres still a chance that it would i dont want to have to find out#i really dont want anything to happen and i dont think it will but what if it fucking does#what if people end up hurt. what if people end up dead.#people i fucking know people i go to school with everyday.#one of my friends could end up hurt or dead i dont want to have to find out if thats going to happen#what if by the time i wake up tomorrow people are fucking dead#what the fuck happens then. genuinely what fucking happens#i dont. know how to act right now. beyond the obvious letting my classmates know theres been a threat and telling them to stay home#but theres no way in hell everyone in the school is going to hear about it. even if they do no way everyone is going to be absent#even if most people dont go. what about the ones that do.#its not like the school itself is letting anyone know. they only told third years about the threat and i think thats fucking irresponsible.#there are kids in that school who have no idea about this. if anyone is going to end up hurt its them. i hate that i cant do anything.#i need to go to bed. nothing is going to happen. everythings going to be alright.#and if it isnt. well i dont know what the fuck to do then.
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sunrizef1 · 2 months
Girl back home
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x wife!reader
Warnings: cursing (I think)
Authors note: this took forever, but now I can actually work on whiv now that I’ve finished this
Summary: Everyone keeps trying to set Logan up, but no one bothers to ask if he's already got a girl (surprise! he does!)
Word Count: 4.2k (jesus)
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“What about her? she’s pretty,” Alex asks as he points at the five hundredth model to walk past the Williams garage that day.
If it hadn’t been his home race, Logan might have walked away an hour ago when Alex’s pointing started but instead, he stayed, choosing to endure Alex’s unrelenting matchmaking.
“No, Alex. I’ve already said no to about 50 other girls you’ve pointed out, what makes you think she’d be different,” Logan groans, his head leaning back to rest against the wall behind them.
Alex purses his lips, a frown on his face, “Why won’t you let me get you a girlfriend?”
Logan pauses to stare at the ceiling of the garage for a second before he turns his head to face the man next to him, “I don’t need a girlfriend.”
“Yeah sure man, I’ve seen you stare quietly at a wall by yourself more times than you’d probably admit. If that doesn’t scream “I need a girlfriend” then I don’t know what does,” Alex shrugs before turning back to face away from his friend, his hand coming back up to point at a pretty-faced blonde girl making her way past the garage, even smiling when she locks eyes with Logan, “Ooh what about her? She seems to like you!”
Logan just hums in response, his eyes closing as he leaves Alex to talk to himself.
In reality, Logan truly didn’t need a girlfriend. He had something even better, a wife. Who also happened to be you. You had met when you were kids and had been in love ever since. You liked to joke that it was love at first sight but every time you said it, Logan would wonder how much of a joke it really was.
You had been there for every step in his career, through the wins and the losses, through karting to Formula racing. So when he proposed after the end of the f3 season in 2020, no one close to you was really surprised.
You got married shortly after, neither one of you wanting a big, flashy wedding. Instead, the wedding was small but still nice, just some close friends and family in attendance. Even Oscar had been there and he made sure to reference the event to everyone who wouldn’t understand when around Logan. He loved to talk about the “party” Logan had in 2020 to the other drivers who, frankly, had no idea what he meant.
When he got his move to Formula One, you were over the moon for him. You didn’t worry about long-distance. You had made it work in the past and you both had total confidence in each other to make it work. You continued your degree in engineering and he continued his career in racing. You tried to make it to races when school would let you, which wasn’t often, and he was more than happy to fly you out when he could.
Logan genuinely loved you more than anything. With that being said, this meant that he did not have the time of day for anyone trying to set him up with the Instagram model of the week who had decided to visit a garage.
But at the same time, he also didn’t feel the pressure to share your marriage with anyone. He didn’t really know any of the other drivers very well and if they wanted to know more about him, they could ask. It’s just that no one ever did.
Except, it seems, when they wanted to set him up.
“Hey, Logan!” A British voice calls out to the American, whose head shoots up at the uncommon voice.
“What’s up, mate?” The blonde asks Lando, pocketing the phone where he had just been texting you to ask about your engineering final.
Lando grins and places a hand on the American's shoulder, raising his voice to be heard above the sounds of the paddock, “I was talking to Oscar and he mentioned something about your love life and something about you being lonely, I don’t really remember what he said but anyway, I’m talking to this girl and she has this friend who I think would be perfect for you.”
Logan’s face drops at the brunette's words, a frown replacing his smile, “I’m cool Lando, thanks though.”
Lando furrows his eyebrows, disbelief written on his features, “You sure, mate? She’s sooooo fine.”
Logan just nods his head in response, backing away from the McLaren driver slowly, “Yeah I’m sure Lando, you have fun thinking about your girlfriend’s friend though.”
Lando doesn’t seem to catch the diss as he just glances up and down at Logan before shaking his head and turning on his heel to head back to his garage. Logan sighs before taking his phone back out of his pocket to see another text from you. A grin breaks out on his face as he sees your name.
Logan hadn’t talked to very many of the drivers on the grid, often feeling on the outs of a lot of conversations. So he’s even more surprised to see Charles Leclerc making his way toward him at a club. A club he had only agreed to come to so he coule be Oscar's designated driver, by the way.
“Eyyy, it’s the American!” Charles says, the alcohol clearly present in his voice. The lights are too dimmed but if they were brighter, Logan would be able to see the lipstick smudges around his white collar.
“Hey, Charles,” Logan replies, scepticism laced in his voice. The Monegasque leans closer to him, the drink in his hand sloshing around in the cup.
“I have something to tell you,” Charles slurs a bit, leaning dangerously before a pretty brunette comes up and grabs him, based on her lipstick shade compared to Charles’ shirt, she had already been more than acquaintances with him before this conversation.
Logan glances at the pair before responding dryly, “Oh no.”
Charles grins before pointing back to where he had come from, a dark-haired girl sitting at the table, “That’s Natalie.”
“Navaeh,” the brunette pipes up to correct Charles as he nods in response.
“Yeah, Nivia. Anyway, she’s a friend of mine and she’s been eyeing you all night, thought you’d want her number.”
Logan rolls his eyes at the very clearly drunk couple in front of him, increasing his headache from the pounding EDM, “What an assumption there Charles. I’m actually good though.”
“What?” Charles asks, squinting to see the blonde under the club lights.
“No thanks,” Logan smiles tightly before moving to step around the couple and probably tell Oscar that either they were both leaving or Oscar was getting an Uber, “You guys have a good night though.”
The couple is already too busy sucking face to realize he’s left.
“I just don’t understand why they keep trying to set me up, I’m perfectly happy with you,” Logan complains to you over the phone a few nights later.
You were sat in your dorm, engineering work strewn across your desk and your roommate at a party somewhere. You were trying to get as much work done as possible before Logan came to Austin for the GP so you could spend the weekend with him.
“I mean, have you told them you’re married?” You ask, trying to stifle a yawn as your hand moves to write down the equation for the problem in front of you.
Logan shakes his head, the movement almost imperceptible through the small phone screen, “Nah, but it’s just that no one’s asked you know? I’m just waiting for someone to say “Hey Logan, you got a girl back home?” Before they try and set me up with some Instagram model they know.”
You smile softly as he talks, his hands moving to mess with his blond hair periodically. He eventually looks back to the screen once he’s done ranting and is met with your smiling face filling his phone screen, “What?”
“I love you,” you say warmly, your grin practically splitting your face.
Logan blushes before laughing and shaking his head to hide the redness on his face, “I love you too. I’ll see you next week yeah?”
You look down at the now-completed homework in front of you. Homework that could’ve taken about 2 fewer hours if you weren’t on call.
“Yeah I’m done with this. I’ll turn it into my professor tomorrow and after that I am free. When do you get in?” You ask, shuffling the papers together and sliding them into your bag before moving out of your chair and flopping onto your bunk, sleep clouding your eyes.
“Uhh,” Logan pauses, glancing at his suitcase. In reality, he was supposed to get in twenty two hours and six minutes from when he hung up the call, his flight leaving in three hours and arriving in Austin after a 16 hour flight and a 2 hour layover in DFW followed by an hour long flight to Austin. He would effectively be arriving about a week before any of the other drivers. Besides maybe Daniel. But he couldn’t say any of that. He wanted to surprise you, especially now that you had no work to do. So instead he just hums, “Next week I think.”
“That’s great, babe,” you yawn, a small smile on your lips at the idea of him being back with you again, “I can’t wait to see you.”
“Yeah?” Logan grins.
You hum, your eyes drifting closed slightly, “Yeah.”
Logan notices your less-than-awake state and finally decides to end the call, “Goodnight, I love you.”
You yawn again, your eyes fluttering shut, “Good morning Logan, I love you too.”
The call ends quickly after and Logan glances at the time, grinning when he sees the 8:24 am displayed on his phone screen. You’d both had to deal with the difference in time zones for so long, you probably had all the time zones memorized. Or at least you remembered enough to call out good morning instead of goodnight while he was in Qatar.
His flight touches down twenty-two hours later and the first thing he does is call you.
“Hey what's up?” It's about 10:30 in Austin and the only thing you were doing was picking up barbeque from this place on the edge of campus that your roommate had been raving about.
“Not much, just bored,” Logan replies, his eyes scanning the background of the face time call for where you could possibly be this late.
You glance down at your phone for a second to do the same, eyebrows furrowing, “Where are you? It looks dark.”
Logan glances around slightly before replying, “In a car,” he wasn't lying, he really was in a car. Just one that was ubering to your campus instead of one with his team in Qatar, “Where are you? It's like 10 pm over there.”
“Just picking up some food,” you reply, eyes looking over the moonlit sidewalk that threads through the well-kept grass that surrounds you.
“This late?”
You laugh, “I slept through dinner.”
Logan smiles before sliding forward slightly when the car stops, “Are you just going back to your dorm?”
You look around quickly, “Yeah it's like a quarter mile back though.” You tighten your grip on the bag in your hand, the plastic having started to slip. Maybe your Ugg slides hadn't been the best choice for this walk but you'd manage.
“Oh yeah I know where you are, I remember eating at that place last time I was there,” Logan pulls his suitcase out of the trunk and tips the driver, checking periodically to make sure you hadn't clocked him.
“Yeah yeah, really good stuff and the owner remembered me today, guess I've been there enough times,” You laugh, starting to move back in the direction of your dorm once again.
By the time you had stopped to readjust the bag of food and your shoes, Logan had already started to speedwalk in the direction of your dorm. As he walks he passes enough drunk college kids to fill the football stadium they had all visited so many times.
You're walking pretty slowly, enjoying the moonlight shining brightly on the campus. Your shoes definitely weren't making you any faster to be fair.
“You turn your assignment in?” Logan asks, hoping you don't notice his eyes darting around the campus in search of you.
You nod, reaching a hand up to rub at your sleepy eyes, “Yeah, he even gave me extra credit for turning it in so early.”
Logan nods absentmindedly and you raise an eyebrow as you watch him do it before his eyes lock on something and he abruptly ends the call, “I've got to go, love you!”
You stand staring at your phone with a confused look on your face for a moment, words dying on the tip of your tongue. Weird.
You shake your head before moving to walk again, Logan's weird actions at the forefront of your mind.
Before you can even take a step, someone calls out your name and you turn quickly to see Logan standing there with the biggest grin on his face.
You gasp and wrap him in a bone-crushing hug warmth spreading through you from his arms. You move to spread kisses all across his face and for a few minutes, you both just stand there, not having seen each other in a few months and taking the time to readjust.
“I missed you,” you mumble into his shoulder, unexpected tears starting to spring from your eyes.
He just sets you down before wrapping a hand around the side of your face, “I missed you too.”
You bring a sweater-clad hand up to wipe away a tear before grabbing the food in one hand and grabbing his hand in the other, starting to lead him back to your dorm.
He grabs his suitcase as you start moving, “Is your roommate here?”
“No, you know how she is. She'll be with her new boyfriend for a few weeks so we're fine,” you wave away his question as you walk toward the building a few hundred feet away.
He smiles in response, “Hope you got enough food for two.”
You just laugh joyously.
A week and a half later, you’re stood in the hotel room Logan’s team had provided him, the room much nicer than your cramped dorm room. You had spent the last 12 days exploring Austin with your husband, making up for the time spent away from each other.
You had accidentally slept through Logan’s departure for the morning, waking up to a text explaining that, with your busy class schedule, he wanted you to get as many days of sleeping in as possible but he had gotten you breakfast and it was currently sitting in the kitchen.
You smiled at the text, appreciating Logan’s thoughtfulness. In the kitchen was a coffee from your favourite coffee shop as well as a McGriddle from McDonalds, which, no doubt, hurt Logan to order considering he wasn’t allowed to eat them.
You quickly ate the food, texting Logan to thank him. He texts back surprisingly quickly, considering he was supposed to be in a meeting.
He filled you in on how his morning had gone before asking when you’d get to the paddock for the race. You replied that you’d be there soon, quickly sliding on a light jacket over your tank top and jean shorts, preparing for the Austin heat.
Considering you had never been in the COTA paddock before, you would rather be in any situation other than your current one. There were about three hours until the race and you had no idea where the Williams garage was. You had gotten in just fine but, for some reason, you couldn’t find the blue of the Williams employees anywhere.
Logan wasn’t answering his phone, which you expected considering he had already been reprimanded for being on his phone during a meeting once this morning. Now you were left by yourself, trying to navigate the busy paddock.
You were somehow in a sea of orange, eyebrows furrowed. You turn in a quick circle, eyes setting on a curly-haired man in an orange polo who you take a few quick steps towards, hoping he can help you with directions.
“Excuse me,” you call out to the man who turns around swiftly, eyes pulling across your figure before landing on your face.
“How can I help you, love?” The man replies, a British accent laced through his voice and a sharp grin on his rosy lips.
You glance around slightly, leaning away from the man’s hungry gaze, “Do you know where the Williams garage is?”
He nods his head but keeps his eyes locked on your face, his smirk unfaltering, “Yeah, yeah, it’s just down that way.”
He points to nowhere in particular, moving to lean against the wall you’re standing near, “What’s your name, darling?”
You have to hide the smirk that tries to escape you at the fact that this man clearly has no idea you were married and also clearly thought you’d be an easy girl to flirt with considering his unwavering confidence.
You tell him your name and a grin breaks out on his face, “Pretty name, I’m Lando.”
Ah, so this was Lando. You had only ever seen him with his helmet on and from what you heard from Logan, his current behaviour made perfect sense. Logan hadn’t talked a lot about the Brit but he had mentioned him a few times considering he was Oscars teammate.
You hum, glancing around amusedly around the garage. You and Lando talk for a few more moments before a shorter figure clasps a hand on his shoulder. You lock eyes with the newcomer, grinning when you see a familiar boy standing behind Lando.
"Hey Osc," You smile at the Aussie. Oscar glances sideways at Lando, eyes shifting across his face before they turn to you. You just smile sweetly at the man who reciprocates the grin back at you.
"Hey," Lando glances confusedly between the two of you at Oscar's response. When Lando's confusion goes on a bit too long, Oscar turns and swings an arm around your shoulder, effectively moving the both of you away from the still-confused McLaren driver.
"I assume you're looking for Williams, then?" Oscar asks, running his free hand through his hair which had already begun to stick to his forehead from the Austin heat.
You hum in affirmation, sliding your sunglasses down your nose as the two of you step into the sun to make your way to your husband's garage.
Oscar makes conversation as he pulls you along, talking to you about how his season had gone and also asking a lot of questions about your engineering classes.
“I’d do a video for you, shock all your classmates,” Oscar says when you tell him you had to do a presentation explaining the engineering behind a piece of machinery and you had chosen a Formula 1 car.
You laugh, shaking your head as you do, “Yeah? I'd take you up on that, but I have a driver who'd be much easier to get a video from.”
Oscar snorts, smiling as you reach the Williams garage, “Lando?”
You roll your eyes as the name leaves his lips, hitting the back of his head with the small bag in your hands, “Don't get me started on Lando. You know he tried to set Logan up with one of his friends?”
Oscar furrows his eyebrows, “What?”
“Yeah, Lando said you told him Logan’s love life was lonely or something like that,” You reply, glancing around passively in search of your husband.
Oscar somehow manages to furrow his eyebrows even deeper, mouth opening and closing in disbelief, “That’s not what I said at all.”
“Tell him that.”
You both walk into the garage after that, you move to make conversation with Benny who’s sat to the side, surprise crossing his face as he sees you.
Oscar, though, spots Logan and makes his way to him quickly. He clasps a hand on the blonde's back who turns to face him with a grin, “What’s up Osc?”
“Lando was flirting with your wife,” Oscar states flatly, trying to push down the grin on his face.
Logan blinks a few times in an attempt to understand what the Aussie just said, “What- why?”
“Don’t think he knew she was your wife, mate.”
Logan rolls his eyes before turning around slightly to resume his conversation with his engineer. He stops mid-turn and swings back around to Oscar quickly, eyes wide, “My wife’s here?”
Oscar laughs at the American's face, stepping out of his line of sight so he can see you conversing with Benny.
Logan grins, sliding past the other boy to step toward you as quick as he can, wrapping his arms around you from behind. Oscar can’t hear what you two say to each other but he can see the love painting your faces as Logan plants a kiss on the top of your head. Benny smiles at the two of you, walking away to let you two talk.
As Oscar leaves the Williams garage, he briefly debates telling Lando you were married, especially to Logan, but he eventually decides not to. He’d figure it out eventually. Also might help to have him learn the hard way.
You sat in the garage for the entire race. But when Logan ends the race in eight, you’re jumping up happily to follow the Williams employee guiding you to where he’ll be.
The moment he’s done being weighed, he runs over to you, pulling his helmet off and unzipping his suit to his hips.
He grasps the side of your face, pulling you to him as he kisses you softly. He pulls away slightly and rests his forehead against yours, lifting a hand to grab the one you have against the side of his face, fingers brushing over your wedding ring.
“Thank you for being here. I love you.”
You can’t help the lovely laugh that escapes you, throwing your head back a bit to escape the heat rising on your cheeks, “I love you too, dork. I’m so proud of you.”
He smiles before leaning to catch you in another kiss.
Lando had finished the race in 4th. Not bad considering who had finished in front of him. He’d already talked to his team so he was now just roaming around, looking for someone to talk to.
He locks eyes on you and takes a few steps toward you before someone comes running past him. He looks over to see Logan grasping your face in his hands before pulling you down into a kiss.
He can’t help but stand in shock for a few moments although he can sense a couple people walking up next to him. He glances beside him to see Charles and Alex, both also staring at Logan in disbelief.
“What the hell?” Lando asks, to no one in particular. Luckily, or unfortunately, for him, someone has an answer.
“Are you lot staring at Logan and his wife?” Lando doesn’t look over to catch the amused look on Oscar’s face as he asks the question. But Alex does, and he furrows his eyebrows at the younger man.
“Sorry?” Alex asks the Aussie who just smiles and turns back to the couple, still smiling in each other's embrace.
Charles is the first one to notice anything and he smacks the other two on the head when he does, “They’re both wearing wedding rings.”
Alex blinks for a second, caught in the strange reality that he hadn’t noticed his teammate wearing a wedding ring the whole season. He pulls out his phone to go through old photos and low-and-behold, Logan’s wearing a ring in every single one.
“Jesus Christ,” Lando mumbles, running a hand through his damp curls, “I flirted with her.”
“Yeah,” Oscar nods, hands on his hips, “I probably wouldn’t talk to Logan for a while if I were you. Unless you want to find out how they do it in Florida.”
Lando gulps at the boy's words, of course, having no idea how they “do it” in Florida but only assuming he’d end up with a black eye. Oscar has to stifle a laugh, knowing Logan would most likely just laugh it off if Lando genuinely apologized. Not that Lando would.
Oscar's eyes drift across the trio of confused drivers, most likely all going through their memories of the times they had tried to set Logan up.
“You told me he was lonely,” Lando finally whines out, turning back to Oscar who shakes his head.
“I told you he was lonely because his girlfriend couldn’t make it to any of the races. If you would listen, you would’ve heard that part.”
Lando has no defence to that and turns his head back again to watch as Logan laughs at something you said, fingers intertwined together.
When the news spread across the paddock the next day, Logan received a lot of incredulous texts from drivers and employees alike, all shocked that he was in a relationship, let alone married.
Logan didn’t read any of them, he was too busy hanging out with you.
Except, of course, the message from Oscar that included three specific drivers all with their eyes wide as they stared at him and you.
Tags: @casperlikej @evie-119
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The Daycare
Danny moves to Gotham after Lady Gotham themselves asks for his help.
Gotham's natural ecto has been deteriorating, and considering ecto was what held everything in existence together safely this was a major problem for Lady Gotham.
If Gotham got too bad it would spread to the rest of the world, and could cause it to cease to exist entirely.
So Danny came, as the Ghost King he had the power to filter in great amounts of the corrupt ecto just by being in the city.
But part of his obsession was protection & helping, Gotham already had a lot of help (Batfam). So he decided to focus on helping not with the problem at the top (villains), but with the problems at the bottom.
The problems at the bottom that would be the root cause in breeding more problems.
After all, many didn't start evil, but need and desperation pushed them towards that path.
So Danny moved to the worst part of Gotham, The Bowery.
What did he do there?
Why open a Daycare of course!
Many parents could not get a good or stable job simply because they needed to look after their kids and could not afford to pay the daycare fee.
Danny wasn't worried about money after all the coffers that he inherited as king would take forever to even make a dent in it, and that's only if he was living a very lavish lifestyle everyday for several human generations.
With this in mind his Daycare fee was pretty much nothing.
He would take care of the children of a very wide age group, while the adults could focus on getting a decent job or even returning to school for a higher education for better opportunities.
How does he care for so many children?
He duplicates himself of course!
At least in the very beginning, after a while he begins expanding his Daycare offering classes and tutoring to the children as well as free food at all times.
Who's helping him ?
His ex-rouges and other ghosts who volunteered.
Lunch Lady absolutely adores having so many people and kids to make food for, and Box Lunch can socialize and play with the other kids while she works.
Ember even volunteers to be the music teacher!
Danny has the help of many ghosts who once they heard his plans were very excited to help, many having the obsession with teaching children or in general. Other ghosts helped with building, expanding, and just generally helping maintain the building in great shape. Even building a very diverse and fun playground.
Of course all this catches the attention of Red Hood. Danny just appears one day on his territory with many others and practically having a building appear out of nowhere with how fast it was built, asking literal pennies to take care of the children, and free food for anyone who asks.
All that gains a lot of attention and is rather suspicious.
But the crime rate has been going down since he opened, which is a good thing.
But many people don't want good things and decide messing with Danny and his Daycare.
Unfortunately for them cuz Danny is absolutely down for violence if he's protecting what's his.
Villain: "What a lovely place you have here would be a shame if something were to happen"
Danny who has the audacity to fight Gods and win: "Someone call an ambulance! But not for me!
Also Danny: "These hands are rated E for everyone"
Other people:"Should we call someone for help?"
The ghosts:" Nah, let him have his fun he needs his enrichment"
Red Hood: "He's very suspicious"
Danny is absolutely covered in paint and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with the young kids: "Ah yes I'm totally doing normal Gothamite behavior"
Lady Gotham is having some self care spa time she's having a grand time: "Should I warn the young king of the other halfa (Jason)? Hmm best not, it'll be more entertaining if it happens naturally"
Just an Idea
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