#there are no laws against the Pals Batman.
intooned · 8 months
I am not a furry...
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Imagine this sign at the entrance to the preserve lmao
There are so many options as to who would put it there...
...maybe Laura (in an alive hale family scenario) because she REALLY doesn’t need to see her teenage brother and his little boyfriend awkwardly exchange handjobs ever, and that means EVER, again. God this is worse than when she walked in on him masturbaring years ago and she still hasn't completely recovered from that. Although "nice panties, Stilinski!" she can't help tease, pointing at his batman boxers. "Laura!" Derek screeches , frantically trying to get the zipper of his jeans up while simultaneously trying (and failing) to shield Stiles from his sisters looks. "Thanks Laur!" the idiot himself laughs. "STILES!" Derek looks scandalised and okay maybe embarrassing him is worth the nightmarish images she will now have to live with a little bit. She always liked the Sheriffs kid. What she can't, however, live with, is catching her uncle in a quite similar, if not slighlty more compromising situation with..."Oh my god is that Allison Argents DAD?? Uncle Peter what is wrong with you, he's married! YOU are married!" She puts the sign up right after that incident (and after snitching on uncle Peter to her mom). Enough's enough. Unfortunately some of her younger siblings inevitably stumble upon the sign and after asking their parents what "fuck" meant at the dinner table, with the Sheriff present mind you, Misses Hale makes her take it down immediately, scalding her especially strictly, considering the towns Sheriff (and their very likely future in-law) is present. If Laura tells them about her initial reason (stumbling upon Derek and Stiles) to get them off of her case and distract them, it's not her proudest moment, but well you gotta do what you gotta do and seeing her brothers eyes widen with fear is admittedly a nice bonus.
...Maybe Derek after he had to stumble upon yet an other pair of teenagers making out there when he justed wanted to to go for a nice little evening run. Stiles would obviously find it hilarious at first but also most definitely take it as a challenge. At one point they'd probably be patrolling the borders of the preserve after a particularly viscous fight with a coven of witches or something equally fucked and Stiles would jokingly initiate some making out wich would probably turn into either him blowing Derek or Derek fucking him against the sign. Either way Derek would somehow manage to leave clawmarks on it which, again, Stiles would be absolutely delighted over. The betas would probably shake their heads at him because he had forbidden them all from getting it on in the woods near his house since "just because we are part wolf doesn't mean we have to behave like wild animals, Erica " so what happened to practicing what you preach, boss? He'd be embarrassed but probably stand by it though, he's stubborn like that. If Derek wants to go to what is basically his back gardens and plow his mate into a tree or make out like teenagers with him in the flower field behind the old shed then he by all means will do so, it's his land . Also...he's the alpha goddammit >:(
...it admittedly does seem most like a Stiles thing to do though. Like he's not a werewolf, he can't hear or smell it (thank god for that one) from yards away if there's s someone doing the nasty behind a tree. No, poor, unsuspecting Stiles would have to inevitably stumble into what's going on resulting in him letting out a screech that would have Derek drop everything at the grocery store a town over and run to his mates aid. Because "Scotty, my pal, my brother, there is only so much our friendship can take. And having to see your bare ass in broad daylight is NOT one of them! Ugh hell no Allison, please tell me thats not-Oh hey babe, what are you doing here, I thought you went to get me icecr- woah what's going on with the fangs and the eyes did something happen??"
Anyways after one time to many he would eventually stalk towards the most popular make out spot, the sign in hand and hammer it into the ground without further explanation. It does speak for itself he reckons. Derek and the others would probably follow him and watch all amued. That is until Isaac jokingly says that no-ones going to listen to Stiles' sign anyways and Dereks eyebrows shoot up immediately communicating that his mates little sign will be taken seriously or else.... Also he's pretty sure Stiles is willing to make an exception for him....
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jellyfitzjelly · 2 years
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A TV show in eight episodes about Batman's most cunning villain of his rogue gallery: the Riddler! Eddie Nigma has finally decided to go straight and serve the public good with his impressive intellect — for a price. Mysteries and challenges abound in Gotham City, but will they keep Nigma away from his old life of crime?
Eddie Nigma is tasked by the Gotham Museum of finding the culprits behind the robbery of the newest exhibition of recently acquired ancient Chinese artefacts. Things get complicated when he finds the thieves dead – and their heart missing. The only clue seems to be the shattered pieces of a Shang dynasty vessel. Soon however, Nigma has a more pressing matter: a string of attacks involving a fox-like creature who devours the hearts of its male victims. Could it be that a broken vase has unleashed something wicked in Gotham City?
D. A. Saratoga quietly hires Nigma when her trial against murderous starlet Mindy “Baby Doll” Logan is disrupted by the death of a juror in a closed room with eleven other people. Is this a machination from the angelic-looking Logan or is this much more personal?
A wealthy businessman hires Eddie to protect a famous artwork by Théophile-Alexandre Steinlein during its exposition in an art gallery. What should have been easy money becomes a headache when Nigma finds himself face-to-face with an old friend with nine lives…
Mabel’s childhood friend hires Nigma to investigate the disappearance of her fellow successful showgirl Narjisse Lamar. The detective soon finds himself entangled in a deadly love triangle with rising mob boss Gianny Pisanello…and Jonathan Crane, aka the Scarecrow.
When a newly commercialized antidepressant turns out to have devastating side effects, it is up to Eddie Nigma to make sure Helms Pharma’s parent company doesn’t get to sweep the scandal under the rug until they can sell their stocks. But when said parent company is none other than Wayne Enterprises, can the detective truly match with the prince of Gotham?
When Nigma receives a single lock of hair and an ominous riddle, strange events and nightmares start befalling him. It soon appears the hair is from teenage oil heiress Ethel Declan, who got killed twenty years ago during a botched heist by the Riddler. Things go from worrying to creepy when Eddie becomes plagued by visions of the dead girl. Is her vengeful spirit back from the dead or is someone else seeking revenge?
Commissioner Gordon reluctantly asks for Nigma’s help when D.A. Saratoga goes missing, leaving behind only a trail of coded messages. The modus operandi appears to be the one of the Astrologer, who was none other than Saratoga’s first client as a lawyer fresh out of law school. The man has always maintained his innocence…until his death ten years ago. Eddie must dig out the past if he wants to save Saratoga in time and uncovers who truly is the Astrologer.
Donna Troy hires Eddie Nigma to investigate what is happening in Joliemont clinic, where her childhood friend Dick Grayson is being treated after a suicide attempt. Troy believes Wayne is covering her friend’s death up to steal the money left by the Hayley Circus. The truth seems much darker when Nigma discovers famed mercenary Deathstroke has seemingly kidnapped the young man. Yet the detective cannot help but feel that not is all what it seems, especially when he finally understands that Dick Grayson is none other than Nightwing… Deathstroke’s longtime nemesis.
Dedicated to @talesfromthenorsesmouth @enigmainvestigations and all the PI!Riddler blogs out there: thank you, you give me so much joy! Also dedicated to my good pal @noah-kuttler from the good old days.
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redjaybathood · 3 years
Ohoho I always said that BatJokes is a cursed pairing (forgive me shippers)
but bruce is teaming up with joker to take someone down who's even - in his perception - worse
And joker - not so bad, when he's not going around killing people
And, you know, some people even find him charming
And, you know, they make a good team. What if Joker's tendencies could be... Directed to better avenues? A psychopath catching psychopaths, a killer going after killers. Not killing them, mind (but honestly, for a sadist, not killing people may be even better). But, you know.
Thing is. Thing is.
They teamed up to go after Red Hood.
Red Hood had quickly and ruthlessly taken over Gotham and rules it without mercy. Drug dealers, sex trade and protection racket is under his purview. Those who break the rules (mainly concerning children or unwilling participants and introducing drugs to sex workers as a method of control) die. For everything else, he works in cooperation with some other rogues. Heists, robberies? Catwoman. Money laundering? Penguin. Contraband and car theft? Two-Face. Cybercrime? Riddler. Fraud is mainly free for all. There are applications, licenses, you have to submit a plan before doing crime in Gotham, unless you want to be dead or left, beaten and tied up, at a police precinct. And, it's safer for criminals to work organized. There's less infighting after the initial period, there's a know-how on evading Bats. Penguin tried, back in the day, something like that, but there were not a lot of people who supported him, and there were more people who ignored him. And with Red Hood, sure, there are frustrating things like: if you plan to kill someone during a robbery, you have to prove that your plan really needs it. And if your plan doesn't really need it? (And it never does) you better believe you won't be allowed to go through. And, if you messed up and killed someone anyway? You better go confess at the station yourself. It's tyrannical, that's what it is.
A lot of people switching to civilian jobs. Bruce, trying to save criminals, give them an out, outside of Red Hood draconian rule, creates charities, housing projects, jobs, funds education, child care, medical care, programs for addicts, therapy. Awareness campaigns. Buys prisons and sponsors Blackgate so there's no prison slavery and, the stuff that was produced in prisons now produced outside of it and they hire people who were released and pay them living wage. It reduces crime more successfully than Red Hood's capital punishment for any transgression.
Because, in the end: it becomes easier not to break the law and still have enough to live.
(Bruce, though, from a billionaire becomes a multimillionaire)
But it's not a panacea and a lot of people are still commiting crime and become Red Hood victims if they put a toe over the line.
So Red Hood needs to go. And Bruce can't catch him, not alone! (And sure as hell he is not allowing his kids near Red Hood; once, Robin happened by him by chance, and he got shot in the stomach; he is alive but that was still too close for Batman's liking; Hood needs to go)
And Joker just the guy to help him.
And, let me remind you, they work great together. They dismantle Red Hood's operations, they turn his allies against him. They also... Have fun? Flirt? Bruce doesn't know, but Joker does seem a changed man, a man who can do good... Maybe...
Finally, the confrontation. Red Hood, at this point, is alone and hunted not only by them but by the whole city. In the fight, Red Hood is severely beaten up but still keeps up. He gets Joker. He puts a knife to Joker's neck and he slides his gun on the floor to Batman.
"It's armor-piercing bullets, old man. If you want to stop me, you shoot me right in the head - or you shoot right through your pal here. Or I take him with me, as a precaution."
"Come on," Joker says. "If you wanted to be alone with me, you should have just asked. Oh, but buy me a dinner first!"
"Changed my mind," deadpans Red Hood. "You either shoot me dead or I mute him for good, cannot stand his yapping."
And Bruce - he cannot use batarangs, the guy has his helmet on. It could be pierced with armor-piercing bullets at this range, but not by the batarangs.
And to make the choice - not easier, but quicker, Red Hood also triggers the bomb.
What can Bruce do? He shoots Red Hood. He and Joker disarm the bomb. Bruce needs help because he's - he just killed someone, or shot someone, at least, it's not like he tries to check. He is throwing up. He is in shock. So it's mainly Joker who disarms the bomb.
There's a water bottle, and a warm hand on Bruce's shoulder, and then they're in a car, going somewhere. There's a kiss.
There's a body in the morgue. Its DNA or fingerprints are in no database Bruce has access to. Even his own. He checked. Several times. Because this man - this man Batman and Joker teamed up to stop - he looks awfully like Willis Todd. Like Jason would have looked, if he didn't die, or suffered from child malnutrition. Or if he dyed his hair white, just on the fringe, just a little.
But, Jason Todd's DNA or teeth or fingerprints or photo of his ears, even - it's not on file anymore. It has been deleted for some time, even before Red Hood appeared in Gotham.
Jason's body disappeared from the grave too. Bruce suspects Talia. But she never contacts him. Even as some old friends reappear in Gotham again: Freeze, Bane, Scarecrow, some of Ra's' people - she never does.
Joker disappears too.
A year from that day, he gets a present in the mail. Well, it's packaged like that, in any case.
He eyes the address (Metropolis) and expects to find a note with some aggrandizing and romantic bullshit.
He does not.
He opens the package. It's Joker's head. It's not pretty.
This is the last time he hears from Talia.
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dented-nado · 4 years
Well since you specifically asked: Twiddler
“Yah I like Eddie but he’s straight // BAD LUCK, HUH?”
“No he’s not”
I’m dying right now, the ol’ Harv(ey) stubbornly thinks that Edward fucking Nygma is s  t r a  I g ht love it.  Still one of my fave convos we’ve ever had.
Eddie’s POV
It had been about a year since he had joined the sort of halfway home that Bruce Wayne had opened up for Ex-Rogues. However Eddie was somewhat convinced the billionaire he now realized had been Batman the whole time (pfft, he totally could have figured that out… he just… hadn’t…) rather liked having he, Harley, and Harv(ey) as a sort of odd band of roommates. And well… a literal mansion wasn’t a bad place to stay in by any stretch of the imagination.
He certainly had expected (and been quietly and not so quietly jealous) that because Harv(ey) and Bruce had apparently been close as far back as when they were children, Wayne would certainly be ecstatic to have Two-Face hanging around. He still was a little bit taken a back that well… anyone would want him around.
But he really was trying to reform. Maybe part of it was because the routine had gotten boring and he’d started finding more quiet and less destructive games and puzzles more entertaining these days. Besides, he realized he could have more fun with such things when he wasn’t being hauled back to Arkham because he’d taken things a little too far so often.
That being said, he had a new focus, a new goal.
And that was the previously mentioned Harv(ey) Dent. The giant, the absolute unit that towered over him.
Two souls for the price of one. Harvey was quietly intelligent (though sometimes a little bit delightfully oblivious), kind, and soft. Then Harv, he was bold, had a wonderfully fun fashion sense, and had a gravelly voice that admittedly caused Eddie’s mind to pull a blank at times.
They were a man that could have half their face burned to a crisp with acid and still be the only man that had been in Arkham (in Edward’s opinion) that could really get it.
He still remembered the first time “two-face” had been escorted into Arkham, the sight of them had knocked the wind right out of him, completely stopped his plotting for his next attempt to outsmart Batman.
Sure, perhaps he had heard and sort of seen images of Harvey Dent, the famous distract attorney that had been nicknamed Gotham’s “white knight” on the tiny, crappy TV they were occasionally allowed to watch when they were let out of their cells. But that never did him justice.
Seeing him here? Up close?
What a man. A handsome man, carved by angels and blessed by the devil
Now if only he could get Harv(ey) Dent to notice him.
Since that day he’d tried time and time again under the hope that maybe just maybe… this giant of a man would consider a relationship of sorts.
He tried to impress them with his vast intellect, sitting close to him and going off about any fact or subject he happened to know. He then tried to drill Harvey about his knowledge as a lawyer (which he thought also might just be interesting to know). They were certainly a good listener… and Harvey warmed up to talking about legal jargon and the pains of law school with Eddie eventually.
He was able to talk to Harv about their mutual love of fun patterns and bright colors and agreed that anyone who dissed it just didn’t understand fashion. He also realized soon that Harv loved to talk when he was acknowledged, and Eddie was more than happy to encourage him to and lightly swoon at that voice.
However, they were still only on a ‘good pals’ basis.
Which maybe Eddie could have accepted, except he caught Harvey staring at him at times, smiling slightly whenever Eddie would talk about what interested him. And Harv, he had gotten Harv to laugh a few times.
There was something there, he knew it, but for some reason he couldn’t puzzle out, Dent wasn’t acting on it.
It continued to this day. Harley had suggested to Edward he simply outright tell Harv(ey) Dent he was interested in them. But that wasn’t fun or interesting, and certainly not as romantic as Eddie would like.
So, after years of frustration now, he decided he’d go to the one person who had known Harv(ey) Dent their whole life for advice.
Bruce’s POV
“So, that’s my dilemma.”  Edward finished, pushing up his glasses in a very matter-of-fact way.
Bruce sighed. The only person who had ever rivaled his own stubbornness and… stupidity when it came to others having an romantic interest in them, was in fact Harv(ey) Dent. This would no doubt be difficult.
He wasn’t even sure how he managed to get into a relationship with Clark and Diana, so he wasn’t sure how much of a help he’d be trying to get Harv(ey) and Eddie to pair up.
“I’m decently sure he’s interested in you.” He replied.
“I’m quite sure too, however nothing I do seems to get them to do anything.” Eddie expressed, looking completely exasperated.
“hrrn....” Bruce grumbled thoughtfully. “What have you tried so far?”
“Well… I’ve given them gifts, flowers seemed like a sure-fire method- yet he seemed to somehow take them as a platonic gift.”
Bruce stared at Eddie for a long moment. “Who gives flowers platonically?”
Eddie shrugged.
Bruce sighed. “Dammit Harvey… Harv…” He mumbled under his breath. “I could try talking to them, get some better idea of what’s going on their head, could be Harvey and Harv keep arguing on how they want to respond.” He suggested.
Eddie nodded thoughtfully. “That may be the case, that is a possibility I had not considered… thank you for your assistance batma….. ah… Bruce…” He corrected with a slight grin.
Bruce half smiled back.
Batman was on the case.
“So… Harv…. Harvey…” Bruce began wandering over to where they were sitting.
They were seemingly switching between drinking a hot coffee and a Frappuccino.
Harvey had complained more than once that because of their disagreements Harv ended up making them consume way too much sugar. Too much caffeine in this case it seemed.
Their eyes flicked over to him.
“Hi Bruce.”
“What’s up Pretty Boy?”
Bruce sat down across from them. “Eddie seems to be interested in you.”
Never hurt to be blunt with a lawyer.
Harvey snorted. “That’d be nice… he is really cute but…”
“I’m sure Eddie is straight, just our luck, right?”
Bruce had never been so shocked in all his life.
Straight?! E d  d I  e.
Str a I ght, Edward Nygma E Nygam s t ra ight
The two concepts being put together caused a complete error in Bruce’s mind that was slowly beginning to fry.
Who could possibly conclude that Edward was s t r aight?
The riddler…. The riddler who for a while greeted Batman like he was lowkey interested in a literal love-hate relationship
Str a I ght.
“Are you… fucking kidding me?” Bruce ended up stammering before he even realized it. “He’s not… at all!”
Harvey blinked at him a few times in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
Bruce gaped at them. They couldn’t be serious.
“Harvey… I… Harv… he… he’s not exactly subtle about it. In fact he’s very open, very much out and proud, flaming even. I’m sure he’d agree.”
Harvey looked at Bruce through squinted eyes. “Are you sure Bruce?”
“Sure, maybe he’s a bit more flashy than your average guy, but that doesn’t mean gay.” Harv added with a shrug.
“He calls you handsome at least 3 times a day.” Bruce said still staring at Harv(ey) like they were absolutely insane.
“Lots of people do.”
“Have you ever seen him even flirt with any women??” Bruce asked in disbelief.
“No but… well there’s always been more men in Arkham, and when do you even have time for that?”
Bruce was somewhere in-between wanting to laugh at them and slap them.
“He’s given you flowers.”
“Pretty sure he’s just being friendly.”
“Friendly…” Bruce wheezed.
This conversation was taking years off his life at this point. He shook his head and texted Edward.
“Get in here (the living room downstairs) It’s important”
Edward slid in and sat peppily down on the couch with Bruce within a few minutes, causing Harv(ey) to look between Eddie and Bruce in confusion.
“You rang Mr. Wayne~?” Eddie asked with a cheeky grin as he leaned his head against his hand.
“You know what these men just said to me?” Bruce began folding his hands together.
“Bruce nooo…” Harvey pleaded.
“No no, I think he should know.” Bruce insisted.
Eddie raised his eyebrows comically high. “Well don’t keep me waiting, what’s the tea?”
Bruce cleared his throat. “They said… they’re sure you’re straight.”
Eddie stared at Bruce for a minute, eyes widening.
“Me?” He asked completely baffled.
Bruce nodded.
Eddie threw back his head and laughed until his face turned red and he had trouble breathing.
Harv(ey) looked on stiffly, feeling as if they had made a mistake somewhere as the dawning realization slapped them in the face.
Harv(ey)’s POV
It was bad enough they had put themselves in denial so far they had missed out starting something with the small bean-pole riddle-man much earlier…
But now because they had convinced themselves Eddie was straight and therefore could have no interest in them… Eddie and Bruce were refusing to let them live it down.
And Bruce seemed to have gotten literally everyone in on the joke. Anyone Bruce hadn’t told between his partners and his massive family, Eddie had told.
Harley had begun kissing Ivy in front of them while they both traded off saying “no homo tho” between kisses until Harv(ey) groaned and left the room in a huff, leaving them both laughing maniacally.
Eddie had begun dramatically entering a room with a flourish announcing “Ladies and Gentlemen, Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals, the straightest man alive has arrived, you may all start the party.”
Even when they first slept together, Edward had started quietly laughing and mumbling about “how straight, and very much not gay at all this occurrence was.”
Bruce hadn’t been able to look at them in weeks without breaking out into a full on belly laugh at his expense, mumbling something along the lines of “The Riddler, st r a I ght, good lord...”
On one hand they were happy Bruce was laughing more but god dammit…
They felt a bit dumb about it to say the least.
“How did we ever think Eddie was straight?” Harvey thought to himself.
“I don’t fucking know. I really… really… don’t.”                                                                                          
Well… maybe giving everyone a little levity while still being able to date a cute red-head that seemed to know the strangest facts about almost everything that they could enjoy listening to him babble about for hours happily…. Was all worth it. Even if they were embarrassed by their comically stupid brand of denile.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: New York
(The following review contains spoilers, and if you would like to not be spoiled, I would recommend watching the episode before reading)
(I had to pause a LOT to get through this special)
-Oh s*** Cosmo bug and Astro Noir. That is so cool.
-Okay maybe its my audio, but their voices seem a bit deeper. No big, just something I noticed.
-Okay the yellow flower was cute. Good on you kitty.
- Also, side note. This is very nice animation. Very crisp.
- Marinette is moving on... kinda. Well, she is trying. Its not easy getting over someone you have a thing for. I guess that means Miracle Queen did happen and I will need to suck it up. But.... I am not moving on yet either.
- The puppet show was perfection. And honestly on par with what you would expect from middle school projects. (I almost thought it was the adults showing them and was like WTF)
-BACK THE F***. Madame Bustier is PREGNANT! PREGNANT?! I am so lost? What is the story!? Who is the father! Is she married? Is it artificial insemination! Is it the principal?
-Adrien so moved by Marinette’s outburst of Friendship. Marinette ‘Just a friend’ Dupain-Cheng is going the Tia Gardner method of friendship. Lol
-Marinette ready to fight and Gabriel just like ‘Yea sure whatever’ (Gabriel’s smile murders puppies)
- Kagami trying to cheer adrien up. If you love adrigami, get that juice. (That looked like a kiss kiss, but the angle seemed off, so I am not counting it that way.)
- Kitty Clicker is wonderful. This entire scene is gold.
-  Gorrilla doesnt like planes, poor baby
- Plagg, you are a devious little s***. I love you so much. As a writer, his dialogue on how to convince adrien is so devilish its amazing. Using technicalities to tempt adrien.
-Lukanette shippers get your juice... even if it was still tainted a bit by Adrien inclusion. You still get a kiss.
- Okay, can we appreciate that Adrien is also having the same amount of trouble as Marinette moving on, but also include Guilt into the equation? I love this because you KNOW Chat noir is going to get an ear full later.
-Marinette has totally moved on from Adrien.... Oh my poor sweet little girl. You havent. You havent even a little. This ride is litterally the reverse of Startrain and its amazing. Alya is NOT helping. Also, give the person that drew Marinette’s Daydreams a f***ing raise. They earned it
-Marinette pulling herself OUT of the situation. Now adrien is slightly bummed out. Well i am sure that this is the last awkward experience with Adrien she will have. It isnt like the two of them will get lost in NY together... thats whats gonna happen isnt it?
-Marinette walking past all the couples sleeping together. JULROSE GET YOUR JUICE!!!
-Ah yes, nothing like watching the sunset with your good friend. Yes, you good pal, Adrien. Who is Just a friend. Wow, the realization that Marinette used the word friend in this movie more times then Adrien did in the entire series so far. (Or at the very least close)
- Adrien, STOP! Marinette is trying to move on from you! Stop making it so damn difficult for her. (I am not serious, i am eating this s*** up like Sushi)
-Nino confirms he loves Adrien. ADRINO COME GET YOUR JUICE! But yea, I feel alya and Nino’s pain. So they are going to help them both.
-Adrienette hugs. Yes, good.
-And thank goodness for Techno Pirate! Saving everyone from awkwardness by trying to bring down a plane... thats heading for NY...
-OH SWEET! BATMAN RIP OFF AND Captain Marvel rip off! And their sidekicks, Robin rip off and... Medusa girl? Okay Neat.
-Jokes aside, Majestia and Night Owl are boss as hell.
-Wow, I know that Ladybug and Chat noir got powerups now. But these United Heroes make their powers look so bland in comparison.
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-Get rekt France!
-ADRIEN! DONT USE YOUR PHONE ON AN AIRPLANE! Well, unless he is using the in flight wifi, then he good.
-How come New York has a f*** ton of superheroes in this universe? America really gets all the cool stuff regardless of what fictional universe your in.
- Why are the superheroes so keen on watching over Marinette’s class? Do they know? Do they know Marinette and Adrien are there? Or is it like they just want to prevent an international incident. PLEASE LET IT BE THE LATER.
- I have only had Aeon for 15 seconds and I would violently murder anyone who harms her.
-Oh my Sabrina! GET YOURSELF AN AMERICAN BOY! ... And Chloé is going to ruin the fun. Oof tough break roomies.
-The entire class! I cant even! Not even a second after the door closes they out to party on the roof!
-Aeon, “See? They are made for eachother!”
- Damn, now that’s some guitar playing! Plus Her design is boss as heck. America really just has better versions of EVERYTHING.
-American boy basically snuck in to see Sabrina! GET IT GIRL!
-Nino and Alya be tag teaming this!
-Wow Zag, you stuffing me full of Adrinette goodness. Gorilla is a beautiful sunflower.
- Marinette and Adrien havent been in the US 24 hours and they already have two shippers of them. Also, what do doors have against them?
-Jess is Shipping it too hard. “Lets put them in danger!”
-Jess is having way too much fun with this.
-Hawkmoth akumatizing an actual Super villain. FINALLY!
- “Wouldn’t you rather have an Atomic Bomb?” I love Techno pirate.
-”Super Heroes should never use their powers for personal gain.”  Hmmm I wonder how this will back fire on everyone involved.
-Okay, I take back what I said, these heroes need some Miraculous asap.
- Ladybug is 100% justified in being angry with Chat Noir. It is his fault.
-AEON!!!! NO!!!!!!! Okay, guess i have to kill that techno pirate, and Chat noir
- Seems they really hammering it in that Chat noir f***ed up. They right though, but at least Ladybug isnt angry enough to agree that Chat noir should give up his miraculous to some rando. FLEEING FROM THE LAW!
-So lucky charm can only fix damage due to specific villains. It cant fix things when the villain is gone or they are out of range. I always knew it had limitations, but damn. Chat noir REALLY screwed the pooch on this one.
-Adrien no! Oh s***! He cant just... I mean.... He can but...
-Gabriel stole the Eagle! The Kwami of Freedom. The irony is so delicious here.
- So night Owl and Sparrow are both chick with Masculine superhero appearances. Thats actually pretty damn smart, great way to keep people off their identity.
-Welp, i am depressed. Adrien doesnt have Plagg.
- So an akumatized person can USE A MIRACULOUS WHILE AKUMATIZED! WHAT THE F*** THATS AWESOME. Also why didnt catalyst do that?
-Gabriel actually getting adrien out of there while before s*** hits the fan. That is actually kind of a decent parenting move. Granted he is going to cause it, but appreciate it.
-Marinette the bike thief is back! And she is an international criminal!
- She tried so hard. Welp I am glad that Marinette is clearly over... actually no. This trip made that clear.
-Liberation, Wow. That is the most American power I have ever seen. I LOVE IT.
- Okay, so I never thought i would say this. maybe there is such a thing as too much freedom? Or at least Freedom that lets you impede on Other people’s freedoms.
- I know what Zag is up to, and it is working. I want a tv series Of Jess and Aeon. They are wonderful.
-So Majestia can casually move the moon. Yea, thats amazing and terrifying! I love her.
-Quantum masking! So there is a glamor effect! I knew it! So Aeon knows who ladybug and Chat noir are.
-aeon will never see Tikki or plagg. Thats so sad.
-At least Adrien learned an important lesson.
-The was clever, using the keychain
- Eagle jess is epic.
-and Majestia can catch missles. Considering she can move the moon. Not surprising.
-OH DAMN, Night owl and Sparrow are LEGACY HEROES! Thats like the Phantom, Or like Jojo.
-That was sweet of Marinette and the class.
-Oh so the guardian of those miraculous came back to claim it.
-But now sounds like the set up for a new series.
Overall, I did greatly enjoy this movie. Though there were times i wanted to know more, and times I wanted to know less. I know this takes place sometime during season 4, but the exact time is vague. It did tell a really cool story. It felt like a three episode saga combined into one. It was kind of interesting. And damn the drama was higher.
I give it a 7.5/10.
I would rate it up there with my favorite ML episodes.
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Ko-Fi Request || TwoCrow Headcanons
Before Harvey became Two-Face, and before Jonathan became the Scarecrow, the two men only knew each other though letters. They were pen pals as children. Thanks to a a classroom project arranged by their teachers, they wrote to each other from different states and exchanged information.
Harvey and Crane told each other about their childhoods, their dreams, and their every day life. Harvey always felt bad for Jonathan, known full well that he came from a rough family life.
That was back in 5th grade, and even after the classroom project is over, Crane and Dent still sent letters back and forth. When Crane decided to move to Gotham later in life, in the back of his head, he had hoped he would find his friend.
And he did find Harvey, but for a while he stayed back and observed. He was still in college at this point, and knowing how Dent wanted to pursue law, he didn’t feel it right to interfere with his studies.
They did however, keep in contact through letter even then. Sadly, contact was dropped after Crane got fired from his then new university teaching position.
It wasn’t until years later, that they would reconnect at Scarecrow and Two-Face. When finally face to face, Crane was shocked to see someone taller than him--for he had always been the tallest kid. Even so, it didn’t dissuade him and he wanted to rekindle their friendship.
And that’s what they did, for awhile they worked together and schemed against the comment emery, the Dark Knight. They never could defeat him, but every loss brought the two closer.
One day, they decided to take the next step and begin a relationship. This actually worried Crane, he was brought up in a religious household and even though he had moved past that part of his life, inner struggles made it hard for him to accept their partnership.
But all it took to convince him was one kiss. After that, he was sold on the idea and he begin to fall hard for Harvey.
He loved both parts of Dent, Two-Face and Harvey. He get along well with them both and with his strength being in psychology, he was able to help Harvey with therapy during the worst episodes.
Two-Face appreciated this, his life long partner became a partner and crime and then a romantic partner in love. He wouldn’t have it any other way. The two are happy together.
Their strengths combine in very interesting ways. Harvey supplies Crane is with firearms that he customizes into fear toxin blasters and grenades. They together become Kings of Gotham’s underground. Even above Penguin, and Riddler.
They are happy together, even when they lose. They find reasons to smile, and love each other’s flaws. Crane often strokes Harvey’s burnt face, and Harvey complements Crane’s lanky features.
In Arkham, they would send letters back and forth through the guards. They never stopped contact, and would often complain vigorously if not allowed to be with each other.
To be truthful, Batman fears their combined might. He has defeated them before but somehow they come back even stronger each time. It fuels him with rage.  Nothing can stop Two-Face and Scarecrow!
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Reunions 2 [Part 6]
Reunions 2  [part 1] [Part 2] [part 3] [Part 4] [Part 4.5] [Part 5]
(Hang onto your butts. There’s a lot of exposition in this one!)
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As if to purposely contrast the grim nature of the events of their lives the sun shined brightly overhead in the Gotham sky. Surely there was no other reason for the odd weather. Gotham never had sunshine unless something was wrong.
And there were jokes to be made about Jervis Tetch not being familiar with seeing the sun given his roots.
He sat alone in the adorable little guest room, just watching out the window through the curtain. He could see the street beyond the small, fenced back yard of Alice’s apartment and all the people passing on it. Life was going on as normal even though this was the most unusual day there could be. Even in this most unusual of cities.
He’d considered wandering out of the room, but he worried what awaited outside.It was the weekend. Alice wasn’t at work. Meaning she was home. With him. Ready to shove him down the stairs for reasons he didn’t fully understand. It was for those reasons he didn’t really get any sleep either. He greatly wanted to look around the home but something told him that would be a poor decision on his part.
Oh, but this was the first time Alice had actually invited him to be in her home! True the circumstances were a bit... Unsavory.
Deciding to just get on with his day Tetch grabbed his clothes and dressed himself for the day. He’d been awake all night but the sun had been up for long enough that surely dear Alice was awake. And when he went to the door he could already hear her voice coming from the level below. Talking to someone, but he couldn’t tell who. Perhaps she was on the phone?
He peeked out the door, slowly pushing it open before he stepped out into the hall. Jervis’ blue eyes wandered the walls, looking over the wallpaper and the well cared for hardwood floors. Alice kept a lovely home. But what else could be expected from the most lovely woman he’d ever known? He made his way down the stairs. He made it about half way when he realized that Alice’s conversation wasn’t in fact over the phone.
“So, let me get this straight. Your solution to thinkin’ he might have somethin’ to do with this.... Is lettin’ him stay in your house? How’s that make sense?”
“Because if he is behind it, he can’t do anything with me watching him.”
“And he can’t be watched in Arkham?”
“No. Because if he gets arrested legitimately and not by Batman he doesn’t go to Arkham. He goes to prison.”
“And what’s wrong with that?!”
Jervis paused, hand hovering over the railing as the living room came into view. The two voices, Alice’s and what seemed to be a gruff sounding man’s, were coming from the kitchen. He leaned around carefully, balanced on the edge of a step as he peeked over. He couldn’t see much of the other fellow but he could see enough to know it wasn’t her boyfriend. He was too short and a little smaller. And older. The brown hair atop his head was beginning to grey.
“What’s wrong is that if he gets thrown in jail they aren’t going to care that it might not be his fault. They’ll throw him in a cell and close the case.They’ll stop looking for the person behind this because on paper it looks like his work.... And you know better than anyone how the GCPD is.”
The man didn’t respond. Not at first. Jervis could hear what he assumed to be a frustrated sigh. Just who did this old man think he was? Telling Alice what to do in her own home!
..... Something in the very back of his mind thought that was ironic but he paid it no mind. Didn’t seem relevant at the time.
Cautiously, Tetch stepped down the remainder of the stairs, shoes softly landing on the wood floor as he entered the living area around the front door. He was in full view now and Alice quickly took note of him, her cornflower blue eyes lifting from where ever they’d been staring off to settle on him. It made his heart flutter in a way only her gaze ever could!
But she looked as pleased to see him as she did the night before.
“Ah. There you are.” She greeted him coldly, taking a sip of what smelled like coffee from where he was standing. Yuck.
The older man’s face looked just as thrilled as he turned to look at the blonde man who just made his entrance. They were perfect strangers but it seemed this gentleman already had an opinion of the Hatter. And it didn’t seem to be one of high regard.
“Well, look who it is.” The man spoke, his voice thick with the accent most common to Gotham. That sort of quasi-Boston accent that only the upper crust or the lowest lives seemed to have. Tetch couldn’t peg the man for which he belonged to. “I was wonderin’ when you were gonna show your face.”
Jervis approached, shoulders square as he sized this new fellow up. He looked several years older than Tetch. Perhaps a decade older. So not one of Alice’s peers, most likely. His clothes were a mix of formal and the most casual of clothes. With a hooded jacket over top of a pressed blue, collared shirt and black slacks. He wore steel toe boots that were oddly clean given the intent those shoes are often worn for. And his face was covered by a bushy, but well maintained beard with streaks of grey to match his hair. But the blue in his eyes was unmistakable.
“How do you do?” Jervis finally greeted, smiling in a way that didn’t fully reach his eyes. “Family of Alice’s I assume?”
He offered his hand for a handshake but the other man didn’t take kindly to it. Not only was the offer snubbed thoroughly, Tetch’s hand was harshly slapped away. How rude! Not the greatest at first impressions, this guy.
“Save it, nutjob. We ain’t friends.” He pointed out, arms crossing squarely across his chest as he stared down his straight, narrow nose at the Englishman. “Not after what you did to my daughter...”
... Oh.
.... OH.
Jervis felt his stomach drop and his heart stop. Alice’s father? This was Alice father. He was meeting his dear Alice’s- Oh, dear. Oh, no. This-... Is this how he dies?
“S-... Sir.” Jervis Stammered, not sure if he should be delighted to finally meet what he thought at one point might be his future in-law, or terrified that said future in-law looked as if he were about to rip his heart out of his rib cage.
“Jervis this is my father.” Alice introduced him with a bland, tired tone to her voice. Jervis wondered if she had gotten any sleep either. “Dad this is the man who ruined my life. But you knew that already.”
... Ouch. Jervis tried not to give her a look but it was rather difficult. The comment stung like a barb. He’d only ever wanted her to be happy. Was that such a crime? Sure his methods were a tad... Extreme... But it was love!
“Oh, yeah. I knew it already.. And let me make one thing clear, pal.” her father walked closer, Jervis pedaling backwards. “I know what you did to my daughter.. I know what you did to her fiance. And what you did to my son... And if I find out you’re tryin’ to get my little girl killed because you couldn’t get your way-”
“Ah-!” Jervis yelped as his back hit the wall, trapping himself between it and this threatening, older male.
“- There won’t be a body for anyone to find.” The elder Pleasance growled, his voice dripping with an earnest, murderous intent. The tone of voice that only a hardened criminal came make seem sincere. Dear lord... Now he saw where Alice’s unknown temper came from. At least she did better to hide it than this man.
Jervis swallowed, nodding. He didn’t imagine Alice came from a family of killers but it was never safe to assume.
“Alright, that’s enough, Dad.” Alice intervened, grabbing her father by the sleeve and pulling him off of her ‘guest’. “He knows to stay in line. Right, Jervis?”
Jervis’ eyes fell on her and he nodded eagerly. Death threats were not a bluff one wanted to call when unarmed. Thankfully he was given his personal space back and he was free to breathe and emerge from the high collar of his jumper that he didn’t realize he’d been hiding in.
‘Dad’, as Tetch now knew him by, grumbled something to himself as he stomped off to grab the coffee pot from the maker and pour himself a cup. Mr. Pleasance didn’t seem a sunny time but it could be stress given the current circumstances. And, if he were honest, Jervis was confused as to why he was here. Alice had this handled fine! They already had the young Joseph helping so what was the need for another body in the mix? And this was before Alice inevitably called her new beau and told him what was going on.
Jervis was certainly not looking forward to that. He’d had enough of that sadist’s ‘punishments’ for a season. He at least wanted the weather to warm up first. Christ..
Exhaling in the hopes it would steady his heart, Jervis took the liberty of sitting at the table in one of the four chairs. Right where he’d met with Alice the last time they were in this room together.
“You need anything to eat?” Alice asked, moving past him to walk into her kitchen. “I’ve got waffles... Apples if you want one.”
A small smile turned up the corners of his mouth at her hospitality but he didn’t have much of an appetite. Not after the ‘conversation’ that just happened. But he wasn’t about to be rude in her home.
“An apple is fine. Thank you, dear Alice.”
Another grunt from Mr. Pleasance at that... Hm.
Alice didn’t seem to pay it any mind as she pulled out a shiny red apple and tossed it to the Hatter seated at her table. He caught it with ease and smiled gratefully her way. She didn’t even look at him.
“So. My dad and I have been talking about the situation-” Jervis didn’t tell her that he’d heard the latter half of their conversation, “And I think I have a plan that keeps us all safe.”
She grabbed an apple for herself, and pulled a knife from a drawer. As she walked to the table to sit across from Jervis she sliced into the flesh of the fruit and began to cut a wedge for herself.
“I’d love to hear it.” Mr. Pleasance hummed, standing against the kitchen island a few feet away. He didn’t seem too keen on sharing space with Mr. Tetch.
Alice didn’t say what it was at first, just cut her a sliver of apple and took a bite with a loud, satisfying crunch. The expression on her face was thoughtful. Perhaps she was mulling it over, thinking of the words to say.
“... Way I see it... We can’t find who did this by using a laptop. We need good equipment. So I figure we have two options.” She glanced between the two men, “We use one of your secret labs- not going to happen- or we call in a favor... Last I checked, all of your old equipment still falls under ‘evidence’ in your many criminal cases so your lab has been untouched for years. Meaning all your stuff is still there.”
Minus the mice he hoped!
“My old lab? I would have thought they’d have gotten someone to fill that place ages ago.” He mused, rolling his own apple between his hands across the surface of the table. “There were rumors that the bio-science divisions of Wayne Tetch got liquidated but I was certain my work was valuable enough to continue.”
“Well... You were half right.”Alice assured him, taking another crunchy bite of her apple before continuing, “I kept up contact with Dr. Kates for a while after I left. Turns out that they were trying to replicate your control chips in the hopes of finding out how you did it.. I guess, in the hopes that they might find a way to combat it should even more dangerous people get their hands on the tech... They got close but it never worked.”
Not surprising. It took Jervis fifteen years or so to finally have to knowledge and skill to do what he does. But it was fascinating to him that despite how his work had been condemned as ‘immoral’, others were continuing it.
“So, what? You’re gonna go back to your old stompin’ grounds and put this guy back in the place that started it all?” Mr. Pleasance asked, skeptical from what it seemed.
“That’s a theatrical way of putting it... But, yes.” Alice smirked at her father before looking back at Jervis. “I called Mr. Wayne. He’s agreed to help us. And keep it quiet. But he had some conditions.”
Oh, wonderful. What could that possibly be? It wasn’t as if Jervis had never used his technology on Wayne. So it wasn’t like the boy billionaire had any reason to trust him.
“I’m all ears.” He relented, drumming his fingers against the skin of the apple idly.
“You finish the project you were supposed to be doing when you went bonkers and turned this mind control technology loose on Gotham.”
... Oh.
“That-... Oh, honestly, Alice. I’m not even an employee of his any longer. He can’t expect-”
“Well considering you’re running rampant with his tech, I’d say you don’t have a choice.” She cut him off and he fell silent quickly in befuddlement. What could that mean? “You made the original control chips with Wayne Enterprises resources, on Wayne Enterprises funding, while working on a project for Wayne Enterprises... Legally he owns them. Which means the ‘Mad Hatter’ you’ve made for yourself is Wayne Tech property.”
Damn. She had a point. Legally he was pinned. So if he didn’t agree to her terms not only would they not find the culprit behind these attempted murders, leaving him stuck with the blame, but he would also be giving the patents for his invention to Bruce Wayne... And a Rogue was nothing if not proud of their craft.
“... Aaggh-! Alright. Fine.” He groaned, He huffed, shoulders slouching as he fell back against the back-rest of the chair. “I’ll finish his project. But after all of this nonsense is finished.”
To his bewilderment, Alice chuckled, “I thought you liked nonsense.”
“Touche.” He rebutted, a half lidded glance given in her direction before he picked up the apple. He posed one more question before finally taking a bite. “So, what is the rest of this plan of yours that’s supposed to keep us safe, hm?”
“When I can’t be around with you, you’ll be supervised by my father.”
Jervis nearly choked on the apple.
“What?” He coughed, beating his chest in the hope that would help it go down, “Alice, are you sure-”
“Good.” Her father smirked. “I don’t trust that hospital to keep you in. No offense to Bolton, Alice.”
“Dad!” Alice snapped, though there wasn’t a hard edge to it like when she was angry with Tetch, “His release had nothing to do with Lyle. That was all on the doctors buying his ‘i’m cured’ bullshit. I’m sure if Lyle had his way he’d still be there.”
“You have no idea...” Jervis mumbled, absently rubbing his throat. One might think it was due to the near-choking incident, but there was a ghost sensation at the memory of being in that horrible asylum.
But it wasn’t time to dwell on that.
“So, Alice... If I’m to spend time with Mr. Pleasance while you’re off doing... Other things.. Who is going to be with you? It’s your life in danger, not mine.” He pointed out with great, and growing concern.
“Yes, but I don’t trust you.” Alice jabbed, brows raised and eyes squarely set on him, “I don’t need a babysitter... Besides. I have friends at work. You on the other hand won’t be left alone anywhere because on the off chance this person is as deranged as you, we can’t have you getting jumped and dragged off before you have the chance to help us find them.”
Hm.. “Fair enough.”
Alice stood, walking around the table to Jervis’ side. He leaned away cautiously as she perched herself on the corner, legs crossed in a ladylike fashion as she carved out another slice of her apple. She smiled in sinisterly sweet down at him and he felt a great sense of unease.
“But I want to make one thing very clear.” She began, her voice quiet despite the fact that there was no one around who might even possibly hear her. “My dad’s a big softy. I love my dad. He might scare you now, and he might knock you around if anything happens to me... But I promise you. He will keep you safe. But if you hurt my dad, or let anything bad happen to him... I will personally cut your dick off.”
Jervis swallowed, that feeling of dread rising up again after only a few minutes of it going away. Mother of God... Alice was a vicious woman when she was angry. Giving the orders in his place, pushing him around, making the threats.
... He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He’d think about it later.
“N-... Noted. I’ll be diligent in getting to the bottom of this then.”
“Good!” Alice smiled more sincerely, hopping down from the table with a joyful bounce. Falling back into her pleasant, sunshine radiance that she was normally. “And while you work on that, I’ll be going around to my usual places and asking questions. Maybe someone in one of my regular hangouts has seen anyone suspicious around.”
She walked away, tossing her apple core into the trash bin on her way past it.
“Meanwhile you get to be reacquainted with your old boss!” She called over her shoulder as she seemed to strut towards the stairs, “Doctor Kates is just thrilled that you’ll be back. She’ll be letting you into your old lab once you get there. I’d suggest you don’t be late~!”
Dr. Kates... The obnoxious bat.
Jervis groaned, unhappily biting into his apple at the realization he would have to listen to her shrill shouting again. Ah, but he was a different man now. A stronger man. She wouldn’t be telling him what to do this time!
... He hoped. If there was going to be a woman telling him what to do it would be Alice or no one.
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renaroo · 7 years
This is so completely random, but you're very probably the only Batfam Stan that also loves the Superfam and knows the various members of both families. I was wondering, in your mind, which members of the Superfamily match up with which members of the Batfamily? Like for instance, I've always firmly believed that Linda-Mae matches up with Dick, while Karen goes with Helena. As far as Babs goes, they share her.
If I’m reading you correctly, you’re asking who roughly inhabits the same spots in the Superfam that the Batfam has, yes? It’s really a fascinating question because I think there are lots of comparisons to be made, but it’s also interesting because of the ways they don’t line up perfectly. Like there’s a big difference in their structure just by the fact that Lois is the clear matriarch of the family and almost none of the Superfam have been without a relationship with her. So getting comparisons for some positions does tend to get a little fuzzy. So, I’m just going to go through the family one by one, starting with the most obvious which is Clark and Bruce. 
Clark Kent: Obviously as the central family patriarch and the one who basically inspires everyone else to come into their own while attempting to live up to his impossible image, Clark is the most Bruce-like in comparisons. Which of course, their similarities are as strong as their differences which has been the source of their mutual respect and friendship over the decades and just make them incredibly fascinating characters to play off of each other in almost any circumstance. 
Lois Lane: In recent years Kate has kind of stepped up to be the momma of the Batfam in a sense, and to be Bruce’s equal which would be representative of Lois and Clark’s equal footing in their relationship, but Kate’s got much less of a background for this position and for obvious reasons her relationship with Bruce is nothing like Lois’. In that way I would put Lois much more as a Selina Kyle. They share a street smarts and sassiness, prefer to look out for themselves but can’t help but fall into the same circles as their romantic interests, and in most realities end up married. It’s not a perfect fit, but I would argue it on more than a few grounds. 
Jimmy Olsen: Definitely the Dick Grayson of the Superfam. Not only is he Superman’s pal, but he’s sort of the emotional bond that keeps a lot of the Superfam connected. He’s not only trusted by both Clark and Lois and inspired by both of them, but he’s also a confidante and romantic interest for Kara, was a friend to Linda, and in general is someone who is just by definition associated with Superman. It’s an iconic duo in a lesser sense than Bruce and Dick. 
Martha Kent: Originally I was going to say Pa is the Alfred, but honestly Martha Kent is most definitely the Alfred Pennyworth of the Superfamily. She is a supportive and endearing voice, full of wit, and is the first person Clark goes to when he needs advice or solace. She is beloved by all of the Superfam members and has ben denmother/actual mother to nearly all of them in one sense or another. 
Jonathan Kent: The more I think about it, the more I find that Pa is really a lot like Leslie Thompkins in Clark’s life. He has a bit of a harsher vibe to him and his disappointment is something that Clark is more conscious and fearful of, but it all stems from firm morality and a fear and protectiveness of his son. He is the guiding light for Clark’s humanity and is the sort of man that Clark tries to live up to without ever feeling he can fully achieve it. And all that despite clearly having well defined flaws of his own. 
Lana Lang: Hilariously enough, I would put Lana on the level of a far more important and far more relevant and updated Vicki Vale. Again this seems like a strained comparison (because it is) but she’s a former romantic interest and friend to Clark who loves him but also couldn’t deal as well with realizing that he is Superman or at least that he’s something beyond her comprehension. And there’s still some pining and nonsense there, fortunately Lana is with John Henry now and written much better. Speaking of which...
John Henry Irons: A less murdery and more accepted member of the Superfam than his Batfam equivalent, John Henry Irons is a lot like Helena Bertinelli in that they both were inspired by the “patriarchs” of the family, but did things in their own style and in their own ways. He relies on his background and heritage as much as Helena does and it has influenced him to where he is today. 
Kara Zor-El: An apt comparison for Kara is actually Barbara Gordon. Not only were they good friends in the Bronze Age, but they were similarly motivated. Despite both of them having just as much heartbreak and tragedy in their lives as Batman or Superman, they make the choice to not be defined by that and instead to invent their superhero identities as a way of fulfilling an obligation they feel either to law and order or to the sense of not wanting to lose their adopted new home to the same forces that took their old one. 
Natasha Irons: Is absolutely the Superfam’s Stephanie Brown for better or worse. Nat is selfmade, has a family history of criminal activity but chooses to follow her uncle and Superman’s influences instead to make herself a superhero. Despite all she achieves, for absolutely no reason that makes canonical sense to... anyone who’s read it, basically, John abruptly decides she’s undeserving of her suit and takes it from her? That causes her to make some mistakes and play into a trap by one of the family’s worst enemies and get held hostage and tortured. Fortunately she wasn’t needlessly killed like Steph, but she did come back in spectacular fashion. 
Mae Kent: Mae is a completely different character from Linda Danvers. Mostly. Kind of. So I’m going to treat them as such on this list. Mae is actually Clark’s adopted sister in the preboot and was taken in and cared for by Ma and Pa Kent. She’s fairly independent, making a name for herself outside of Clark even if they continued to have a good relationship. When Clark dies for a year, she is one of the top contenders for taking his place and becoming a surrogate Superman herself. In this way she most reminds me of Kate Kane, self-made while deeply connected to the family patriarch and sharing a family bond. 
Karen Starr: Completely depends on which version you’re going with but if you’re going with the most common, the preboot, I think Karen is the most like Harper Row. She’s a solid member of the family, but she’s also beyond the family, and it’s not in a bad sense. She’s still connected to everyone, and every inventive and set apart almost purely based on her industriousness (making her business empire!) but as much as she does team up with everyone and join frays, she’s mostly off on her own adventures these days and most of her drama comes from civilian life rather than just her time as Power Girl.
Kon-El: This is going to be so freaking controversial but here we are. If I was to pick any analogue in the Batfam for Kon it would not be his best bud Tim, but his fellow leap-before-thinking, bit of a bad boy, fellow leather jacket wearing Jason Todd. They both like coming back from the dead and having inexplicable genre jumps throughout their histories and their main angst comes from a conflict of ideals and perspectives with their parental figures. Kon also is constantly concerned with going over the edge and turning to a villain because of his “bad genes” which reminds me a lot of how Jason felt judged for growing up and being born into a situation outside of his control. 
Linda Danvers: It’s a bit of a cheat since they’re my favorite heroes I grew up with at the time, but when I think of Linda I always think of Cassandra Cain. Linda was not born into an abusive home life, but she was part of an abusive relationship and made mistakes that eventually led to a death. Unlike Cass, however, Linda’s death was her own. That was the turning point in her origins and from that point on she was led to being Supergirl out of not just a weird combining with Mae but through discovering a deeper level of morality and humanity than she had once seen inside of herself. And that became such a strong light in her life, she was even able to inspire the redemption of the very demon that had been responsible for her murder. 
Traci Thirteen: It might be a bit early to call this, but I think Duke Thomas is the most positioned in the Batfam with Traci. Traci initially was a pretty independent character who mostly worked under the “advisement” of Clark and came into her own with her own identity and style. They both have good families they lose to tragic circumstances and slowly find their place within the gaggle of other children in their families. 
Maggie Sawyer: Like I’m not saying it’s a purely lesbian thing, but it’s kind of the lesbian friend detective in the force who goes above and beyond and may or may not be a hero in their own right thing that I compare Maggie Sawyer and Renee Montoya. It’s a thing. And it’s a thing that unites them because they both have banged Kate Kane. Which is the real dream.
Cir-El: My poor sweet daughter is of course far too similar and too unused much like my other dear sweet daughter, Helena Wayne. They are both daughters of the matriarch and patriarch of the family from alternate futures that may or may not ever happen. They hold their father’s values and their mother’s attitudes and they both have awful terrible first costumes. 
Chris Kent: Even though their personalities are starkly different, there is definitely a common thread between Chris and Damian Wayne. They come from troubling childhoods and have difficulties with the concept of unconditional love. Their only aspirations are to live up to expectations and take the mantles of their respective fathers. And for as much trouble as it may cause them they stand up against the villains they fear most in the final hour even under threat of pain or death. They both have a “I choose my real family” moment with a parent that mistreats them, too. 
Jon Kent: This may seem like an odd comparison for now, but I get a Tim Drake vibe from Jon. Hear me out, there’s a lot of superhero worship and naivety about what his new superhero identity is going to bring with it. And while he’s much younger and less detectively minded than Tim, Jon draws on his knowledge of his father’s legacy as well as what he observes from his friends and other superheroes around him to creatively get himself out of jams. Not to mention he loves giving those moralizing speeches. 
Perry White: He’s Jim Gordon. Next.
Krypto the Superdog: THE ONE THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS. Ace doesn’t go out much into the field anymore so the most apt comparison here is actually Goliath the Bat Dragon. Aaaaand that’s what I’ve got. 
I hope this all made sense I had fun writing it out lol
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teentitansblackbird · 7 years
Chapter 2
Gotham Merchant's Bank. April 21, 2028. 1:34 AM.
Gordon had been adamant about beefing up security at the bank for weeks leading up to his retirement. He had a feeling that knowing the GCPD's top cop was on his way out the door would embolden some of Gotham's lowlifes into action. Unfortunately the old Commissioner's words fell on deaf ears, and the bank remained vulnerable. And of course Gordon was right; not even a day after the old man's retirement, a few men of questionable intent decided to pay the bank a late-night visit.
"Dude, are... are you sure we should be doin' this?" a younger man asked, his masked companions filling their bags with legal tender inside the open vault.
"Would you just relax, man? We pulled a hundred gigs like this all over Jersey, this ain't nothin' new," one of the older thieves shouted in response from within the vault. "Just shut up and keep watch."
"Yeah, but this is Gotham City, man!" The lookout replied. "You know what they say about Gotham! They say if you try to pull somethin', then..."
"Don't even start with all that crap, kid," another robber cut in. "Ya got a better chance of winnin' the Powerball than runnin' into him. Everybody knows that."
"But what about the kid? Everybody knows he's got--"
"Enough!" The oldest robber shouted gruffly. "I don't wanna hear another word about the freakin' Bat, you hear me? He ain't known nothin' about us, and he ain't comin'! Understand?"
An unprecedented silence fell over the chamber as no reply came from the lookout.
"... Kid? You still there?" The oldest thief asked as he turned to look back at the entrance to the vault, freezing as he saw no lookout, but instead what appeared to be a young boy in a red tunic and long black cape, a green eyemask over his face.
"Y'know..." the boy snickered. "You really shoulda listened to that guy." He grinned as he heaved on a rope in his hands with all his might, swinging the vault door shut with a loud CLANG and leaving the team of robbers in pitch-black darkness.
"Crap! Was that the brat!?" One of the masked men shouted. "How come we didn't hear nothin' from Tony or Dom??"
"They prob'ly took 'em out on their way in here..." the oldest grimaced. "God... the boss is gonna be pissed about this."
What came next was a voice unfamiliar to the thieves. It was low and gravelly, like a devil or ghost, accompanied by the sound of cracking knuckles, and the electronic hum of a set of shock gloves as the sparks from them illuminated the bat emblazoned on the chest of a figure standing in the center of the vault.
"You have a lot more to worry about than that."
From outside the vault, Robin could hear the sound of screams and gunshots, incoherent commands and a string of expletives sounding from the muffled voice of the thieves as they panicked in their counterattack. Along with this came the sound of static cracking about in the air as bones cracked and bodies were slammed to the floor (all still muffled through the monstrous door to the vault, of course). After a few seconds, the bank fell silent for a few seconds, until the boy heard a quick three knocks from the other side of the door. Quickly inputting the combination, young Tommy beamed as the vault door opened back up to reveal the Batman standing in the doorway, his arms crossed and a subtle smile on his face.
"Nice work, Robin." Damian winked underneath his cowl as he stepped out of the vault.
"Thanks, boss!" The Boy Wonder replied excitedly, shooting the Batman a thumbs up as he stepped backwards towards the corridor. "So what do we do about those guys? Close 'em back in the vault until the cops get here?"
"Sounds good to me. They won't be waking up for a few hours anyways." Damian heaved the vault door back shut on his way out. "I'm proud of you, Robin. You handled the two out front and the vault lookout impeccably."
"Well gee, thanks Unc-- uh, Batman!" Tommy replied, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out a nervous laugh. "It wasn't too hard, you're a good teacher!"
Damian chuckled. "We should get moving. It's generally not wise for us to still be around when the police get here... they're still not exactly on board with how we do things just yet."
"I've been meaning to ask..." Tommy began as the duo headed out back to where the Batmobile had been parked. "If the cops don't like us, how come you can still be a member of the Justice League? Why don't they just send someone out to the Hall of Justice and have you arrested?"
"It's a little complicated..." Damian started as the two of them hopped into the armored vehicle. "Basically, the UN came to an agreement when the League formed that as long as Batman was on active League duty, he would maintain diplomatic immunity. Now, if I'm on my own case outside of the League, that makes me fair game for arrest.  But as long as I'm working on a case for the Justice League, I'm fine."
"So... are we criminals?" Tommy asked as the engine roared to life. "Like... could we go to jail?"
Damian smirked. "No, Tommy. They'd have to catch us first."
GCPD Rooftop. April 21st, 2028. 3:34 AM.
Dick had been standing on the rooftop for about five minutes, looking down at the active floodlight splaying the emblem onto the clouds overhead. He couldn't help but feel strange about being on the opposite end of the signal after all these years, but he simply shrugged it off, knowing he'd need to get used to it now. After all, Gordon told him that it was an unspoken requirement of the commissioner to arrange these meetings... although why he couldn't just call his little brother and talk to him like normal was beyond him. Things in Gotham had always been a little more complicated than they should have been. Dick knew that by now.
"Good morning, Commissioner."
Dick whirled around in surprise to see the familiar purple eyes of his sister-in-law looking back at him. "Raven! Hey, mornin'! Kinda thought you were takin' a night for yourself."
"I did," Raven replied with a smile as she walked up to Grayson. "I needed to see Damian, and I just... I couldn't wait any longer."
Dick raised an eyebrow, a concerned look in his eyes. "Everything okay, Rae?"
The half-demon smiled back even brighter. "Yeah, Dick. Things are great."
"You bet that's right, Aunt Rae!" The two former Titans looked over to see Tommy Grayson pop over the ledge, dressed down in regular clothes with a duffle bag on his shoulder. "Patrol was awesome!"
"Hey, kiddo!" Dick called out, his arms outstretched as his son leapt into them. "How'd you do on your first night?"
"It was great! Uncle D says I'm even as good as you were when you were Robin!" Tommy grinned as he pressed his cheek against his father's, feeling the familiar scratch of stubble on his face.
"You better be, after all that training!" Dick laughed as he put the boy back on the ground, looking up to see his brother standing a few feet away, his cowl pulled off to reveal his face. Everytime he saw him, Grayson couldn't help but be taken aback by the fact that Damian looked almost exactly like Bruce.
"He was remarkable," Damian affirmed with a smile. "Hard to believe it, Richard, but he and I might just be the greatest."
Dick let out another laugh. "Good on you two. Maybe you'll put us here out of business!"
"I hope not," Tommy joked back. "Then how will we afford Christmas?"
"I think we can take care of it, Tommy." Damian winked at the Boy Wonder before turning to Raven. "Hey, what are you doing out here? Isn't it your..."
"Yeah, it is. But I wanted to see you," Raven replied, moving forward and taking her husband's hands. "There's... there's something I need to tell you."
Damian's brow furrowed. "Raven? What... what's the matter?"
The mage beamed back at Damian, her eyes shimmering with a familiar light peeking out from behind the clouds of her irises. "Damian..."
Damian's eyes widened as he gently pulled Raven closer. "What is it? Are you sick? Did, did something happen to--"
Raven put a hand on Damian's cheek as a single tear began to form in the corner of her eye. "No, baby. I'm..." Slowly, her eyes drifted downward as she guided Damian's hand to her belly. She looked back up at him, her face red with elation. "I'm pregnant."
Damian looked back into Raven's eyes for a moment, until suddenly it dawned on him. His eyes widened, and slowly his hand began to tremble in hers. "... y.... you're... no, no way..."
Raven could contain her excitement no longer, the air around them sparkling with purple light as she threw her arms around Damian's neck. "I am, I really am!" Damian pulled Raven in tight, and the two of them fell to the ground as he began to laugh. All around them the air danced with violet sparks as the two of them laughed and cried, their emotions overflowing.
"Wow," Tommy commented quietly to his father. "I don't think I've ever seen either of them get this excited."
Dick just smiled, putting a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "It's alright, pal. I think they've got a good reason to be... you're getting a new cousin."
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davidmann95 · 7 years
Who would you have Superman end up with if it couldn't be Lois? (Or, please justify my Saturn Girl/Superboy ship;))
On the understanding that I don’t *really* think another romance could work: Lana seems like the immediate obvious choice, but she’s too much of a symbol of Smallville and how that time in his life is behind him, so it feels off. Cat Grant’d never happen. Wonder Woman’s a whole article unto itself (maybe I’ll write it soon now that Jurgens confirmed on Twitter they’ve never been together in the currently operating timeline), but no. Maxima’s clearly off the table, even in spite of that hilariously mean cover where she and Superman make out on top of Lois’s grave. Assuming he was bi, Jimmy’s his pal and I feel like it’d be more weird than anything else, Batman isn’t exactly relationship material, and much as Smallville popularized it, Lex kinda sorta really wants to murder him all of the time. Historically he’d be fine with Lyla Lerrol or Luna Lynai, but they have the problem of being super dead and unbearably creepy, respectively.
The first option that strikes me as being at least kind of possible is Lori Lemaris. Yeah, it’d be hard for a lot of fans to swallow, but the idea of Superman dating a mermaid has always been a winner. Specifically I like the idea of Clark dating her, and everyone just shrugging it off their dorky coworker’s girlfriend being a mermaid as totally normal, because Jimmy nearly married the princess of the 5th dimension that one time and Lois dated Hercules once or twice. The tradeoff though is that her world would become an inherent part of his mythology, and unless you Brave-and-the-Boldified him and made him the goofy in-law, Superman’s already shaky rep can’t afford to have Aquaman as a fundamental aspect of his world. I know Saturn Girl and Zatanna are brought up by fans fairly often - I know he’s kissed Saturn Girl once or twice in the comics - and I guess I don’t have anything strongly against that. Sally Selwyn would probably be fine, assuming she and “Jim White” ever found each other again. If I really had to pick though - cheap as I acknowledge it is, given clearly her original purpose was at least in part as a Lois stand-in - I’d go with Chloe Sullivan. I always liked her on Smallville until her faux-Whedon wordplay reached a ghoulish critical mass in the last couple seasons, and she deserved better than Jimmy Olsen’s identical older brother and dimestore lime-flavored Batman.
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Lego Marvel's Avengers Walkthrough.
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0 notes
totesmccoats · 7 years
Dark Nights: Metal #1
This is how you start an event series. Specifically, giving the Justice League a Megazord they use to defeat Mongul is how you start an event series (even though, technically, it started with The Forge).
The League returns from the new Warmoon to find a mountain has sprung up in the middle of Gotham city, a hollow mountain filled with advanced technology emitting a powerful and unknown energy. Also investigating the mountain are the Blackhawks, in this iteration led by Kendra Saunders to recover Carter Hall’s research with his Challengers of the Unknown.
Bringing them to Blackhawk island, Kendra explains to the League about Nth metal, the multiverse (borrowed from Morrison’s Multiversity interpretation), and Batman’s prophesized role in the end of everything.
And that really is just the beginning. Go into this issue as fresh as you can and let it wow you with its references, deep cuts, and surprise character inclusions.
  Batman #29
Bruce Wayne invites the Joker and the Riddler to his home to try and make peace over a traditional French nine-course meal. It goes surprisingly well, especially after Bruce offers a billion dollars to whichever side can convince him that they should be the ones to kill Batman.
I’m feeling like this issue is a bit of an intermission in the arc, the eye of the hurricane, a brief peace before the war rages on. It’s nice from a pacing standpoint, while also giving King a great opportunity to just have Joker and Riddler talk almost directly to the reader in explaining their motivations and modus operandi. Riddler is arrogant and verbose, while Joker predictably doesn’t take any of it seriously.
Janin’s layouts in this issue are amazing, symmetrically dividing certain pages, spreads, and the book in total intro equally weighted Joker and Riddler moments, with Bruce doing his best to literally come between them and mediate. He’s also stacking the panels on top of the background plane, which gives the effect of the dinner being a polite formality for what each guest is really thinking – what they’re really hoping to accomplish.
  Superman #29
Following a spate of missing kids puts Superman on Parallax’s – the universal embodiment of fear and the power-source of the yellow lanterns – trail, but even if Superman can conquer his own fear, it may not be enough to stop fear itself.
Honestly, my favorite part of this issue may be how the Zoo Crew is a fictional property in the DCU, and how it had its own Zoo 52 reboot, and a Pokemon Go! Inspired app. The rest of the issue feels very on the nose, with Superman’s inner monologue going a little overboard on telling us how afraid he is for other people while “fear” is spelled out in various backgrounds. Also, considering the way that Parallax tries to enter Superman, I have a feeling that someone on this book may have a vore fetish going on.
Regardless, I generally do like Sinestro whenever he shows up in stories, which is weird as I’m generally not a fan of Green Lantern, and I’m hoping having Sinestro and Superman together leads this book into some fun places.
  Green Arrow #29
Holy hell; I did not know how much I needed Ferreyra drawing Batman in my life until this issue but I need more of Ferreyra drawing Batman. The opening pages where we slowly zoom into a puddle of blood only to see Batman perched on a building, reflected in red is the coolest goddam thing in comics this week.
Green Arrow follows Luthor’s advice to Gotham, where, as Oliver Queen, he pals around with the blue bloods long enough for them to lead him to the Ninth Circle partners in the city – the Court of Owls, who have begun using their Talons to hunt the poor for sport. And, of course, no trip to Gotham is complete without a visit from the Batman.
This isn’t as strong an issue as the last one, with Superman; but being in Gotham and around other rich people does give Green Arrow plenty of opportunities to just go off on how terrible rich people are, which I do always enjoy. Angry socialist Arrow is best Arrow.
  Wonder Woman #28
My favorite of Fontana’s issues of Wonder Woman so far, probably because it’s the simplest, plot wise.
Diana takes Etta home from the hospital to give her some in home care, but before she can even finish the dishes, they’re attacked by a sniper hunting a bounty on Wonder Woman’s head.
That’s it. A little bonding over hamburgers, then a fight scene, some background on the fight scene, and we end with promise of more fights. I still don’t like Fontana’s inner dialogue for Diana; the idea that there’s a peace in the bonds you make while at war is heavy on the bullshit; but Shea can script a good action heavy issue.
  Spider-Men II #2
The Spider-Men fight Taskmaster, who can more than handle both of them, making a clean escape while knocking Peter and Miles around for good measure. And, overhearing Taskmaster use his name in conversation, Miles finally begins to wonder who his 616 doppelganger might be – and what they have to do with Taskmaster.
In-universe, Spider-Man’s banter is supposed to be insufferable; not just to villains either, even other heroes think he talks too much. With Peter and Miles giving this a stereo effect, the insufferableness may even get to the reader. Even if you like the banter, which I do, it really is the rapidity and volume of it that gets to you. This thread is beginning to feel like a criticism of Bendis’ writing which, I guess goes to show why he’s kind of perfect for this book. Peter and Miles are two guys who, in-or-out of costume, are never off; always able to find something in the last thing someone else said to riff on. A scene with just Miles talking to his crush, Barbara, is much more charming, with Miles on the other side of the quips, but able to finally speak up enough to ask her out to the movies.
  Black Panther and The Crew #5
In ’69 (nice), Ezra begins to lose control of the Crew when they discover they can use their powers for personal gain. In the present, Manifold defends his block of Harlem from the Americops when they try to arrest a couple of kids out past cerfew.
There’s no arguing against the fact that Marvel’s mutants have always been analogues for minority peoples, but this may be the first issue I’ve seen to directly relate the treatment of mutants in the Marvel universe with the treatment of black people in the Marvel universe. Manifold narrates the issue, explaining why he’s decided to move to Harlem, and it’s because he realizes that people are afraid of black people in the same way they’re afraid of mutants in the Marvel universe. He finds kinship not through his powers, but through his skin color, and when he’s lost one family, is able to find another to protect and who will have his back.
Manifold expresses that Harlem chose him, and we get the feeling in this issue that it really did. Harlem didn’t have the same protections from violence under the law that other neighborhoods in the city did, so they elected vigilantes like Manifold, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, etc to be their protectors.
  Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #3
Another strong group of anthologies to the Bitch Planet spin-off series. Those People follows a soldier on his first mission out to arrest a group of terrorists that his CO’s make out to be demons, but – as we find out, aren’t nearly has harmful has he will be to them. Big Game is slightly similar in structure and tone, with a first time ranger out with his mentor on their first hunt of a “man-eater,” whom also, doesn’t live up to explanations. Love, Honor & Obey rounds things off with a noir inspired scene of a detective investigating a manslaughter case where a woman is blamed for the heart attack of a man having sex with her. All strong stories, all equally terrifying by how close they are to the lived reality of women and minority peoples. It does kind of weaken the second story to come right after such a similar one, but both have different enough endings, and work well enough on their own. Can’t really blame the writers for how the issue was structured, and I really don’t want to blame anyone working on this series because they’re all doing such great work with it otherwise.
Comic Reviews for 8/16/17 Dark Nights: Metal #1 This is how you start an event series. Specifically, giving the Justice League a Megazord they use to defeat Mongul is how you start an event series (even though, technically, it started with The Forge).
0 notes
aion-rsa · 8 years
BOOM! Studios’ June 2017 Solicitations
BOOM! Studios has provided CBR with the exclusive first look at covers and solicit information for products shipping in June 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Independents Comic Forum and discuss these BOOM!, Archaia and KABOOM! releases with fellow readers.
BOOM! Studios Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping May 2017
Product shipping April 2017
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Product shipping December 2016
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Jack T. Cole
Cover Artist: Jack T. Cole
Ashli’s first day as a nurse at Wiermont Psychiatric Hospital turns into a nightmare as a bloody riot sends her fleeing into the bowels of the hospital. Her descent takes her to a hellish world populated by lunatics and monsters, cloaked in a secret history of black magic and heinous scientific experiments.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Brian Joines
Artist: Bachan
Cover Artist: Derek Charm
The Wyld Stallyns are back, and this time they’re travelling across the whole universe! Bill and Ted have been kidnapped by a bodacious alien and are handed over to…their long-lost family?! Brian Joines and Bachan (Bill & Ted Go to Hell) team up once more for an all-new Bill & Ted adventure.
Retail Price: $7.99
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Artists: Marina Julia and Gaby Epstein
Main Cover: Ru Xu
Incentive Cover: Hailey Thurrott
The Lumberjanes vs… a dragon?? Featuring Holly Black (Spiderwick Chronicles)!
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Writer: Victor LaValle
Artist: Dietrich Smith
Cover Artist: Micaela Dawn
While Dr. Baker is being investigated, the Monster becomes entangled with a conflict at the U.S./Mexico border.
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Writers: Claudio Sanchez & Chondra Echert
Artist: Rags Morales
Cover Artist: Rags Morales
After a bruising altercation, Inferno dishes the dirt to Claudio about his parents, but will he listen?
GODSHAPER #3 (of 6)
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Jonas Goonface
Cover Artist: Jonas Goonface
A gig at a kid’s birthday party turns out to be a trap set up by a mob boss for our traveling musician and his god pal.
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Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist: Tyler Jenkins
Main Cover: Tyler Jenkins
Intermix B: Matt Kindt
Humbert and his police force face off against Robert’s militia in the Grass Kingdom.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Movie Poster Variant Cover: Julian Totino Tedesco
Classic Variant Cover: Paul Rivoche
Spectrum Variant Cover: Felipe Massafera
“Vintage” Action Figure Variant Cover: David Ryan Robinson
The war on the Planet of the Apes has begun!
WWE #6
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Artist: Serg Acuña
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Finn Balor Variant Cover: Robbi Rodriguez
Jake “The Snake” Roberts Variant Cover: Dylan Burnett
Action Figure Variant Cover: Adam Riches
Royal Rumble Connecting Variant Cover: Brent Schoonover
Dean Ambrose is hounding Paul Heyman and purposely provoking the scariest man in the WWE—the Beast incarnate, Brock Lesnar.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ollie Masters
Artist: Eoin Marron
Main Cover: Luca Pizzari
Subscription Cover: Jonas Scharf
SAMCRO partners with the Biker with No Name and tracks Jax back to the farmhouse, but what they find will shake the Club to its core.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Carlos Magno
Cover Artist: Kim Myatt
Final issue! A poison has spread across Skull Island corrupting its creatures and inhabitants.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Daniel Bayliss
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Connecting Variant Cover: Steve Morris
Morphin Variant Cover: Goñi Montes
Action Figure Variant Cover: Telmos Santos
The villainous Lord Drakkon wields the power of Saba against the Green Ranger as the Power Rangers fight for the survival of two worlds!
MISFIT CITY #2 (of 4)
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Kiwi Smith & Kurt Lustgarten
Artist: Naomi Franquiz
Cover Artist: Naomi Franquiz
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Artist: Amanda Kirk
Main Cover: Kat Leyh
Incentive Cover: Liz Prince
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SLAM! #7
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Pamela Ribon
Artist: Sam Beck
Main Cover: Veronica Fish
Variant Cover: Meredith Gran
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Artist: Katy Farina
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Subscription Cover: Rian Sygh
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THE DEEP #6 (of 6)
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Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: James Brouwer
Cover Artist: James Brouwer
Now a hit animated series on Netflix! Still trapped, the Nekton siblings must work together to get back to their family.
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Writers: Mad Rupert, Eva Cabrera, Matt Smigiel
Artists: Mad Rupert, Eva Cabrera, Matt Smigiel
Main Cover: Jarrett Williams
Subscription Cover: Pamela Lovas
Variant Cover: Renalto Faccini
Finn and Jake get lost. PB and Marceline try a cooking class that goes bad. Finn tries his hand at being a princess.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Artists: Jim Campbell, Cara McGee
Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Subscription Cover: Victoria Maderna
The conclusion to the Hero Frog mystery! Greg and Jason must decide if they should join the Hero Frog.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Ian McGinty
Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb
Subscription Cover: E Jackson
It’s finally time to decide who is the best princess ever!
Retail Price: $19.99
Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Artist: Serge Acuna
Cover Artist: Dan Mora
The secret behind the betrayal and destruction of THE SHIELD is revealed here! Why did Seth Rollins join Triple H and turn on his brothers, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose?
Collects #1-4 and WWE: Then. Now. Forever. #1.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Jakub Rebelka
Cover Artist: Jakub Rebelka
Once every seven years, Earth overlaps with Ektae, which breaches our world for seven days, bringing dirty magic and ideas. One man born of both worlds must sacrifice everything to put his fathers to rest and save himself in the process.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $49.99
Writer: Doug Moench
Artists: Mike Ploog, Tom Sutton, Herb Trimpe
Cover Artist: Malcolm McNeill
Experience the legendary 1970s Marvel Comics’ Terror on the Planet of the Apes, collected for the first time ever and remastered in this prestigious hardcover. This classic series follows two friends—man and ape—on the run from the law.
From Doug Moench (Batman), Mike Ploog (Ghost Rider), Tom Sutton (Doctor Strange), Herb Trimpe (Incredible Hulk), and more!
Retail Price: $24.99
Writers: Conor Nolan, Brandon Dayton, Feifei Ruan, and Jared Cullum
Artists: Conor Nolan, Brandon Dayton, Feifei Ruan, and Jared Cullum
Cover Artist: Karl Kerschl
The critically acclaimed Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Giants includes four mythic tales of when giants roamed the Earth, inspired by folklore from around the world and told in the spirit of Jim Henson’s beloved television series.
Includes exclusive behind-the-scenes art and more! Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Pamela Ribon
Artist: Veronica Fish
Cover Artist: Veronica Fish
Bestselling novelist, screenwriter, and retired Los Angeles Derby Doll Pamela Ribon (Going in Circles, Why Girls Are Weird) joins artist Veronica Fish (Archie, Silk) for a tale of friendship, heartbreak, and truly epic jams.
In roller derby you take your hits, get back up, and learn how to be a better jammer, a better blocker, and a better friend—if the competition doesn’t tear you apart!
Collects issues #1-4.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writers: Amber Benson, Sarah Kuhn
Artist: Siobhan Keenan
Cover Artist: Natacha Bustos
Your favorite girls from Beverly Hills are back in an all-new adventure! It’s senior year and Cher, Dionne, and Tai find themselves in a bit of a crisis of self… Where are they meant to go, and what are they meant to DO after high school? Luckily they have all year—and each other’s help—to figure it out!
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Brianne Drouhard
Cover Artist: Brianne Drouhard
Kelly Thompson (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink, Jem and the Holograms) and artist Brianne Drouhard (Harpy Gee) give us a dose of princess power with a twist in Mega Princess!
On Princess Maxine Titan’s 10th birthday, her fairy godmother grants her the powers of every princess, from speaking to animals to sensing a pea under a ton of mattresses. Max is more interested in being a detective than a princess, but when her baby brother goes missing, she’ll have to combine her princess powers with her sleuthing prowess to get him back!
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writers: George Mager, Jim Campbell, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Artists: George Mager, Jim Campbell with Danielle Burgos, Cara McGee
Cover Artist: Jim Campbell
The Eisner Award-winning series continues! Wirt and Greg find themselves at a crossroads in the Unknown where each brother has to take his own path, but something sinister is on their trail.
Collects issues #5-8.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Christopher Hastings
Artist: Ian McGinty
Cover Artist: Ian McGinty
Finn and Jake wake up in a bizarre world inside of BMO, and it looks like BMO is determined to give them the best game of their lives!
Collects issues #54-57.
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totesmccoats · 7 years
Dark Nights: Metal #1
This is how you start an event series. Specifically, giving the Justice League a Megazord they use to defeat Mongul is how you start an event series (even though, technically, it started with The Forge).
The League returns from the new Warmoon to find a mountain has sprung up in the middle of Gotham city, a hollow mountain filled with advanced technology emitting a powerful and unknown energy. Also investigating the mountain are the Blackhawks, in this iteration led by Kendra Saunders to recover Carter Hall’s research with his Challengers of the Unknown.
Bringing them to Blackhawk island, Kendra explains to the League about Nth metal, the multiverse (borrowed from Morrison’s Multiversity interpretation), and Batman’s prophesized role in the end of everything.
And that really is just the beginning. Go into this issue as fresh as you can and let it wow you with its references, deep cuts, and surprise character inclusions.
  Batman #29
Bruce Wayne invites the Joker and the Riddler to his home to try and make peace over a traditional French nine-course meal. It goes surprisingly well, especially after Bruce offers a billion dollars to whichever side can convince him that they should be the ones to kill Batman.
I’m feeling like this issue is a bit of an intermission in the arc, the eye of the hurricane, a brief peace before the war rages on. It’s nice from a pacing standpoint, while also giving King a great opportunity to just have Joker and Riddler talk almost directly to the reader in explaining their motivations and modus operandi. Riddler is arrogant and verbose, while Joker predictably doesn’t take any of it seriously.
Janin’s layouts in this issue are amazing, symmetrically dividing certain pages, spreads, and the book in total intro equally weighted Joker and Riddler moments, with Bruce doing his best to literally come between them and mediate. He’s also stacking the panels on top of the background plane, which gives the effect of the dinner being a polite formality for what each guest is really thinking – what they’re really hoping to accomplish.
  Superman #29
Following a spate of missing kids puts Superman on Parallax’s – the universal embodiment of fear and the power-source of the yellow lanterns – trail, but even if Superman can conquer his own fear, it may not be enough to stop fear itself.
Honestly, my favorite part of this issue may be how the Zoo Crew is a fictional property in the DCU, and how it had its own Zoo 52 reboot, and a Pokemon Go! Inspired app. The rest of the issue feels very on the nose, with Superman’s inner monologue going a little overboard on telling us how afraid he is for other people while “fear” is spelled out in various backgrounds. Also, considering the way that Parallax tries to enter Superman, I have a feeling that someone on this book may have a vore fetish going on.
Regardless, I generally do like Sinestro whenever he shows up in stories, which is weird as I’m generally not a fan of Green Lantern, and I’m hoping having Sinestro and Superman together leads this book into some fun places.
  Green Arrow #29
Holy hell; I did not know how much I needed Ferreyra drawing Batman in my life until this issue but I need more of Ferreyra drawing Batman. The opening pages where we slowly zoom into a puddle of blood only to see Batman perched on a building, reflected in red is the coolest goddam thing in comics this week.
Green Arrow follows Luthor’s advice to Gotham, where, as Oliver Queen, he pals around with the blue bloods long enough for them to lead him to the Ninth Circle partners in the city – the Court of Owls, who have begun using their Talons to hunt the poor for sport. And, of course, no trip to Gotham is complete without a visit from the Batman.
This isn’t as strong an issue as the last one, with Superman; but being in Gotham and around other rich people does give Green Arrow plenty of opportunities to just go off on how terrible rich people are, which I do always enjoy. Angry socialist Arrow is best Arrow.
  Wonder Woman #28
My favorite of Fontana’s issues of Wonder Woman so far, probably because it’s the simplest, plot wise.
Diana takes Etta home from the hospital to give her some in home care, but before she can even finish the dishes, they’re attacked by a sniper hunting a bounty on Wonder Woman’s head.
That’s it. A little bonding over hamburgers, then a fight scene, some background on the fight scene, and we end with promise of more fights. I still don’t like Fontana’s inner dialogue for Diana; the idea that there’s a peace in the bonds you make while at war is heavy on the bullshit; but Shea can script a good action heavy issue.
  Spider-Men II #2
The Spider-Men fight Taskmaster, who can more than handle both of them, making a clean escape while knocking Peter and Miles around for good measure. And, overhearing Taskmaster use his name in conversation, Miles finally begins to wonder who his 616 doppelganger might be – and what they have to do with Taskmaster.
In-universe, Spider-Man’s banter is supposed to be insufferable; not just to villains either, even other heroes think he talks too much. With Peter and Miles giving this a stereo effect, the insufferableness may even get to the reader. Even if you like the banter, which I do, it really is the rapidity and volume of it that gets to you. This thread is beginning to feel like a criticism of Bendis’ writing which, I guess goes to show why he’s kind of perfect for this book. Peter and Miles are two guys who, in-or-out of costume, are never off; always able to find something in the last thing someone else said to riff on. A scene with just Miles talking to his crush, Barbara, is much more charming, with Miles on the other side of the quips, but able to finally speak up enough to ask her out to the movies.
  Black Panther and The Crew #5
In ’69 (nice), Ezra begins to lose control of the Crew when they discover they can use their powers for personal gain. In the present, Manifold defends his block of Harlem from the Americops when they try to arrest a couple of kids out past cerfew.
There’s no arguing against the fact that Marvel’s mutants have always been analogues for minority peoples, but this may be the first issue I’ve seen to directly relate the treatment of mutants in the Marvel universe with the treatment of black people in the Marvel universe. Manifold narrates the issue, explaining why he’s decided to move to Harlem, and it’s because he realizes that people are afraid of black people in the same way they’re afraid of mutants in the Marvel universe. He finds kinship not through his powers, but through his skin color, and when he’s lost one family, is able to find another to protect and who will have his back.
Manifold expresses that Harlem chose him, and we get the feeling in this issue that it really did. Harlem didn’t have the same protections from violence under the law that other neighborhoods in the city did, so they elected vigilantes like Manifold, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, etc to be their protectors.
  Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #3
Another strong group of anthologies to the Bitch Planet spin-off series. Those People follows a soldier on his first mission out to arrest a group of terrorists that his CO’s make out to be demons, but – as we find out, aren’t nearly has harmful has he will be to them. Big Game is slightly similar in structure and tone, with a first time ranger out with his mentor on their first hunt of a “man-eater,” whom also, doesn’t live up to explanations. Love, Honor & Obey rounds things off with a noir inspired scene of a detective investigating a manslaughter case where a woman is blamed for the heart attack of a man having sex with her. All strong stories, all equally terrifying by how close they are to the lived reality of women and minority peoples. It does kind of weaken the second story to come right after such a similar one, but both have different enough endings, and work well enough on their own. Can’t really blame the writers for how the issue was structured, and I really don’t want to blame anyone working on this series because they’re all doing such great work with it otherwise.
Comic Reviews for 8/16/17 Dark Nights: Metal #1 This is how you start an event series. Specifically, giving the Justice League a Megazord they use to defeat Mongul is how you start an event series (even though, technically, it started with The Forge).
0 notes