#there's a disclaimer here that to get the effect in the gif you have to complete the acid tunnel of love scene
graphic--horde · 1 day
How do you make your stamps? :0
Disclaimer: this is an obscenely long explanation, with pictures. Efficiency is stupid
So, for the static ones, I make a 99x56 px file on ibis paint x. Other programs are probably available online but I don't use them.
After that, I either upload an image I want to make into a stamp, or I draw one.
Then, I find a frame I want to use. Ill upload them here but let it be known I stole all of these right from deviantart
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Most of them are from Lil-Devil-Melii on deviantart. The rest i have no idea. They're not all 99x56px but you can crop the canvas it's fine
Make sure to erase the edges of the picture , so they're transparent. It's not as cute otherwise
Upload those frames over your image in whatever art program you're using and viola, stamp.
For moving ones, it's a lot harder. Mostly because I refuse to download Photoshop.
There are a couple ways to do this. Some are simple animations, like with flashing text and whatnot. For these, you download the individual animation frames from your art program. Make sure it's transparent.
Then, upload each frame to ezgif.com under the option "GIF maker." You can play around with how fast each frame goes and whatnot but in the end, it'll be a stamp with some rad text that moves. This is easy, and doesn't make me want to shit my pants and cry. If you're new, do this. This is fun. This is good. This does not kill me inside
I made that↓ stamp with this method :)
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this next one is how we turn gifs into stamps. This one makes me sad. It involves math and sucks. But we gotta do it. For the vibe
First, grab your gif. I'm using this cow gif because it's awesome
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Then, I resize it using ezgif. Literally everything for this will be using ezgif. I am a simple man
At this point you should decide what frame to use. I'm using this one because its the first one I clicked
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Figured out what size the inside of the frame is. That's what I resize the gif to, so the edges can be transparent. The inside of this one is 93x50 px, so those are the dimensions I'm making the gif.
Figure it out by putting the frame into ibis paint and realizing the canvas to fit just the inside of the frame, then seeing what the dimensions are. But there could be easier ways
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Woah it's so small now
Then, still on ezgif, I go to the "crop" option.
Make sureeee to upload the smaller gif
press the button that says "extend canvas size", and then put the "width" and "height" as the dimensions for your FRAME. This'll put a bit of a transparent border around the gif. For this frame, I did 99px and 56px.
The "left" and "top" boxes show how many pixels the cropping happens from the edges of the canvas. The formula for finding that is
(width of gif / 2) - (difference between gif width and frame width / 2) = left box
For me it's (93 / 2) - (6 / 2) = 43.5
Then you do the same.for the height, which for me ends up being 22 from the top
This is reallyyy touchy and annoying though
Here's my result , with no visible difference
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Okay so THEN you go to the "overlay" option, under "effects." And upload your frame. If the cropping was done right, you shouldn't have to move the frame at all and can just download it
Here's my result:
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if you don't care about transparency, you can resize your gif to be the same size as the frame, and then put the frame over it. But I'm a slut for transparency
Anyways. I'm sorry if anything was unclear, it's two am. And I hope this was helpful :) these really are fun to make once you get it down
also if anyone has an easier way to make stamps from gifs, please god tell me
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chishiyaisasnack · 13 hours
Dare, part 7
Part 6
Hello again! Long time no see. My writers block is still in full effect. Anyway, here’s a little fun one. It’s not very smutty but that was all I could muster this time. I do have bigger plans for the next chapter, and hopefully it won’t take me 6 months to finish it.
Disclaimer! This is (light) smut. Minors and those of you who don’t like the topic, please stay away.
It’s written and posted on mobile so I apologize for any wierd formatting.
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How did you end up in a cleaning closet in the meeting room that all the executives were going to gather in, in approximately three minutes? And how did Chishiya end up in it with you? Those were some of the questions that were buzzing through your mind as of this very moment.
”I did not agree to this,” you scolded him, not sure what you did agree to, to be honest. The tiny room was filled with things such as vacuum cleaners (covered in dust, what an irony), mops, drawers and buckets stacked on top of eachother on said drawers - all lit by a dank, yellow lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. For such a nice hotel, this cleaning and supply closet had been severely neglected.
”You said that you would help me clean, remember?” Chishiya shot back at you, his back turned against you as he rummaged through some cabinet filled with different types of detergents and cleaning products.
”This isn’t cleaning though, is it?” No matter how many taps with your foot on the wooden floor, annoyed sighs you made or ”hurry up” coming from your mouth, Chishiya still wasn’t done when you heard the entrance door to the meeting room open. The air was filled with voices, becoming clearer after each person that entered the room. You were out of time, if you wanted to get out of here you had to go now. One last look - okay, glare - at Chishiya, who had stopped his rummaging and were putting something in the pocket of his hoodie before him turning around to face you, and you were ready to leave all this dust behind you (Chishiya included).
”You are just going through stuff in drawers,” you hissed at him, only making him smirk. ”That is not cleaning.”
In the background, chairs started scratching against the floor as the excecutives started to sit down. They were right outside the door now and you could hear every word they were saying.
”I guess Chishiya won’t grace us with his presence today,” the Hatter exclaimed loudly in the joined room, followed by a sigh that was probably heard across all of Tokyo. ”I guess we’ll start the meeting without him.”
Your heart was beating out of your chest as the stress of getting the hell out of there was pouring over you. They were going to hear you, they were going to think that you were listening in on them. Or worst of all - they would try to make you join them. Hell no, you were getting out of the damn closet.
”Okay I’m leav-”
Chishiya slapped a hand over your mouth before you even had a chance to turn away from him, and grinned back at your horrified expression. What the hell was he doing?
Your eyes were shooting daggers into Chishiya’s dark orbs, silently telling him to let you leave the closet before they started the meeting and said something that you didn’t want to hear. You were not going to be an accomplice to whatever scheme they were making. There was a reason why you refused to be in that group of idiots. Standing up straight, you took a quick breath and reached for the door handle, just to be grabbed by Chishiya’s hand and dragged further back into the closet.
”If you leave now they’ll force you to join in,” he whispered, so amused by the situation that you wanted to kick him in the shin.
”If I don’t leave now they’ll think I’ve been listening behind their backs,” you hissed as low as you could while pulling your arm out of his grip.
”Are we starting this or not?” Niragis irritated - make that irritating - voice broke the stare off between the two of you and you made another leap for the door. Just to once again be stopped by the man next to you, who this time decided to force you out of his way and block the door with his body. God damn it.
”Fine,” you muttered. ”I’m not listening to them though,”
Chishiya smirked and watched as you took a few steps further back into the small room. You thought that the further in you were the less they would be able to hear you when you eventually would cuss Chishiya out for whatever he would do next. What he did do next was not a scenario you had expected.
”This might take a while,” he whispered, following you like a shadow. ”We should do something to pass the time.”
Reaching the end of the closet, now fully turned towards him again, confusion took over your annoyance for a second. What did he mean with ”something to pass the time”?
Before you could utter even a ”huh”, Chishiya had gotten closer, now so close that you could feel his body against yours. His hoodie was soft against your skin when he took one last step and was now flushed against you. Soft lips and pointy hair tickled the side of your neck as he spoke again.
”I dare you to not make a single noise before those people leave the room,” he said, his voice barely a whisper aganist your ear but still so loud that every nerve in your body turned to life. Slender fingers ghosted over you arm, from your fingers to your elbow, then back down again before running them along the bottom of your shirt, teasing them along your stomach. Oh, that bastard.
Still, you couldn’t deny how good he was at getting you going. Your breath had already sped up, your hands clenched onto the sides of his hoodie and that tingling feeling between your legs was already there. You barely registered that his hand had moved further down and was now playing with the waistband of your shorts, successfully popping the button open before reality finally hit your lust clouded mind and snapped your eyes open. When did you even close them? Moving your head back so that you could look at him, you shot daggers into his eyes, seemingly making him even more amused than he already was.
”What the fuck are you doing?!” you mimed at him, but that only made his grin wider and his hand snake it’s way down your pants faster.
You wanted to stop him, but you also wanted him to continue and get into your panties already. Conflicting feelings, but you knew that the latter was the one that was going to win. Pissed at yourself for giving up your pride so easily, you spread your legs a little to give him better access. Chishiya was so happy with himself right now, you could feel it in the way that he wiggled his hand under the waistband of your underwear and gently stroked over the skin above your center, taking an extra second to linger there just to tease you just that tiny bit more before finally moving further down.
A warm finger slid over your outer folds, treathening you enter at any second but still taking its sweet time. You dug your nails down into Chishiya’s arm to try to ground yourself while you were waiting for him to stop toying with you and touch you properly, but as usual he had other ideas. You could feel the smile on his lips as he pressed them against your neck, right below your ear, dragging out a soft sigh from your throat.
”Shh, they’ll hear you,” he whispered softly before pressing his lips down again. A light dab from his finger reached your clit, and even though it was barely a touch it sent a jolt through your body. Smirking at your response, Chishiya finally started to move his finger - unfortunately it seemed that he had lost all memories of how to do it properly. You knew that he was having fun messing with you by the way his finger just happend to miss your clit while drawing circles around it. If you didn’t know better you would think that this was his first time ever touching a vagina. You rocked your hips in frustration, trying to get him to stop his teasing, and with a silent, snickering, huff of air against your ear he stopped playing and started stroking you just the way you needed him to. Slow, calculated motions that sent electricity through your body. He knew exactly how much pressure you wanted, what speed you needed, and he gave it all to you.
”Feel good?” Chishiyas words were barely there, so soft and quiet that you almost thought that you imagined them. A tiny nod was all you could give him, your face now buried in the hoodie on his shoulder to make sure to keep quiet, and to muffle any possible noise you unthinkingly made. You would not lose this time, you refused.
The voices outside were long gone from your mind. Even if they were there, your ears had blocked them out and replaced them with the sound of your own heartbeat mixed with Chishiya’s breathing. It was almost as fast as your own, flowing next to you like a calming white noise. That, blended with the smell of him clouded your mind and let you enjoy the warmth that his fingers quickening pace was giving you. It felt good. So good.
It didn’t take long for you to feel it, the tightening in your belly, the fire heating up your body, the bliss that was going to spill over. You dug your nails down a bit harder, earning more pressure from his finger, driving you closer and closer and-
Both you and Chishiya froze, teeth clenched to not make any sudden noise and give away your position.
”Let’s just fucking kill them off then!” Niragis voice echoed through the room, merely a few meters from where you and Chishiya was fixed in place. His hand was still between your legs but he had stopped moving it in preparation of getting caught. Slowly, you lifted your head up from his neck and stared at him, trying to find any help with how to react, but Chishiyas eyes were excited. How was he always so calm during situations like this? One noise and you’d both be busted, and yet here he was, with that stupid smirk while waiting for what would happen next.
Seconds felt like hours as you both stood there in complete silence, waiting for Niragi to walk away from the door seperating the group from the two of you. Your heart was racing and beads of sweat were starting to form on your neck as you held your breath. Fuck, what if he tried opening the door? What if he slammed his gun into it instead of the wall and accidentally broke it open? Just to see you standing there with Chishiyas hand inbetween your legs. There was no bullshitting your way out of that. You would have to live with the constant harassment of the beach making fun of -
The finger pressing down on your clit abruptly interrupted your thoughs and you couldn’t help but to almost squeal in suprise. Thankfully you were clenching your teeth hard enough to not let it slip out, but Chishiya’s face was amused nontheless.
Thankfully Niragi decided to head back to the table and leave the door alone without any further slamming on walls. As soon as you heard the footsteps become lighter you let your head fall back onto Chishiya’s shoulder, choosing to ignore the excited expression that was plastered all over his face. If you didn’t know better you would think he was trying to get caught. You barely had time to let go of the breath you had been holding in, before his fingers returned with full force and pushed your body right back to where he had left you - on fire and with that tight knot in your belly that was so close to unravelling.
”Hmm…” he hummed happily into your ear, fingers not relenting. ”It feels like you enjoy almost being caught.”
”Shut… up…” you tried to mouth back at him, but as soon as your mouth opened his fingers found their way to your entry. Inch by agonizing inch two of his fingers sank deeper until he started to rythmically move them, stroking your walls with ease from how wet you were. He let the palm of his hand rub against your clit while his fingers rubbed your sweet spot over and over again, guiding you to the orgasm your body had been holding in.
You came with a huff of air, muffled by the white fabric that you were desperately clinging on to. Chishiya continued to pleasure you through your climax, softer and slower but still enough to drag out every possible second of bliss. When you were finally coming down from your high you raised your head back up and took a deep breath, which you almost choked on when you heard the chairs in the room outside all slide over the floor at the same time.
”Okay, the first one to see Chishiya will tell him to come and see me,” the Hatter loudly ordered the crowd, clearly bothered that he would have to repeat the meeting to the man who had heard it all, but ignored it to play games with you. His voice was followed by footsteps, and just like that the room was empty again.
”Good job,” Chishiya smugly whispered before removing his hand from your panties, to then nonchalantly wipe his fingers on his own swim shorts. Your eyes followed the way they curled into the fabric, swirling around on there to dry off any traces of you before heading out. You crinkled your nose at it and hoped that he would wash them as soon as he got back to his room - but then realisation hit you like a brick.
”How are you not hard?” The slight squeak in your voice turned his attention towards you once again. The front of his shorts were flat as a pancake and his hoodie wasn’t even covering up that particular area.
”Why do you ask?” Chishiyas was enjoying your suffering and shame, no doubt about it. ”Do you want to get me off too?”
He swung his hips back and forth, mocking you.
”No thanks,” you retaliated, sour that he was able to keep such control of his body while you had just let him finger you in a dusty closet with people outside. You decided to change the topic. ”So what do I get for winning?”
”You get the honour of washing my shorts later.”
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ariadnesweb · 2 years
The scene after defeating Spamton has been talked to death already, but a neat thing that occurs in it is:
You can choose how it ends. Even if you can’t choose anything else.
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-Yes, there’s different dialogue options depending on if you choose ‘Yes or No’: if you choose ‘yes’ Susie and Ralsei attempt to cheer Kris up despite our attempts to declare everything is fine. 
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And then the cutscene ends like normal, with Kris facing the 4th wall, and we regain our control over them.
(And Ralsei reveals an interesting amount of knowledge about Kris’s background...)
- And if you choose ‘no’ Ralsei shuts down an attempt to discuss what happened with Spamton. 
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(...While making suggestive comments that Kris should focus on him (the love interest) instead.)
But as the scene ends...
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Kris moves on their own to exit.
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Seems that choice did matter, after all.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 months
Life is like a Box of Chocolates || LandOscar
Summary: When you take an edible chocolate with your boyfriends it has an unexpected side effect. Warnings: 18+ only, edibles, smut, oral (both), mmf. WC: 2. 3k
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The box looked inconspicuous enough. 
Oscar turned the packaging over and read through the ingredients while you and Lando opened three individually wrapped treats. They looked like any other boutique chocolate you had tried but this one promised more than a sugar high. 
“Bottoms up,” Lando said with a grin. 
You tapped your square of chocolate against his with a reciprocal smile. “I hope so.” 
You both bit into the treats and moaned at the decadent richness that coated your tongue. You couldn’t even taste the drug that would absorb slowly into your system, leaving you with a long lasting high that would surely make the boring dinner party better. 
“Oh my god, that was so good!” you hummed as you licked your fingers clean and found Lando had finished his too. 
Oscar chuckled as he saw a spot of chocolate in the corner of Lando’s lips and kissed it clean before grabbing his own piece. “We normally take half.”
“You’ve never been to this event before, trust me, you’ll need a whole one,” Lando assured him, taking the chocolate and guiding it to Oscar’s parted lips himself. 
Your body started to heat in response to the small sounds Oscar made as Lando fed him. “Why are you two teasing me? You know we don’t have time to play before the car gets here.”
Reluctantly, Oscar pulled away and swallowed his mouthful before returning to pack up the box. He opened the box again and put the few remaining wrappers back in, before noticing the instruction booklet under the tray. “Uh, guys, I don’t think this was weed,” he mutters.
“What do you mean?” Lando said with a laugh. “This is the box Daniel said to get.”
“Wait, Danny?” You hoped you hadn’t heard correctly. “The same Danny who has been trying to get back at you for the prank in Vegas?”
Lando laughed and shook his head, but realisation seemed to slowly dawn on his face and he snatched the box out of Oscar’s hands. His eyes scanned across the page of tiny disclaimers until it fluttered with his shaking hands. 
“What did you give us, Lando?” you asked as you looked between both of your boyfriends. “Osc?”
“Okay, so, don’t panic,” Oscar’s words immediately made your heart start pumping faster and he pulled you into his arms to draw soothing circles over your back. “It’s fine, baby. You might just feel a little…”
“Horny,” Lando answered for him before he couldn’t suppress his laugh any longer. “I’m going to get him for this.”
“You don’t sound very worried,” you said to Lando before looking at Oscar. Obviously, he was never one to worry so he just shrugged.
“I’ll take care of you if you need it,” he promised.
“I can’t tell if this is the chocolate or me,” you grumbled as you sat between your boyfriends in the backseat of the car. Your hands gripped their thighs in an effort to keep them from roaming any higher, but it was a losing battle. 
“That’s just you, baby, it said it could take an hour to kick in,” Lando said, fiddling with his tie again. “Why do these have to be so tight?”
“He says it like he didn’t asked to be choked last night,” Oscar chuckled, reaching over your shoulder to tuck the tie back under his collar. “Now relax.”
“That was the plan,” Lando said with a roll of his eyes. “I’m going to fucking kill Danny.”
“Worry about that later, we’re here.”
You accepted Oscar’s hand and stepped out after him to the flash of cameras. It was hard not to feel inadequate when you were standing beside two of the most handsome men you had ever met, but when they curled their arms around your waist and whispered sweet words the worry fell away. 
“You look so beautiful, darling,” Lando said softly as he brushed his lips over your cheek. “I’m having a hard time keeping this PG-13.”
Oscar caught his finger under Lando’s chin and turned his hungry eyes away from you. “Stop looking at each other like that, you’re not the only one having a hard time,” he groaned. You couldn’t help glancing down his body but the black suit pants hid the ‘hard time’ he was growing in them. “Stop looking at me like that,” he warned. 
“I can’t help that I am infatuated with you two,” you said innocently, a sweet smile drawing his attention to your kissable lips. “Tsk, tsk, stop looking at me like that, Osc. Have some self control.”
Lando laughed and led you away from Osc as he tipped his head back with a silent prayer to survive the evening with his brats. When he had his composure back, he scanned the area for you but in those short seconds you and Lando had disappeared into the busy venue. “Fuck,” he groaned before beginning his search.
The crowd of businessmen swallowed you whole and it was only Lando’s hand that kept you from being swept away as he followed the bodies into the venue. His stiff back that you tucked in behind was the only outward sign that he hated the event but it was a night that couldn’t be avoided as McLaren needed investors to continue its growth. 
“Drink, love?” he asked over his shoulder.
“Only if it’s strong,” you winked. He smirked before suddenly changing direction and towing you towards the bar. “Shit!”
Lando turned quicker than your eyes could follow and he was glaring at the shocked stranger who stared at the damp splash in your dress. It would have made you laugh if the dress wasn’t worth more than your monthly pay and currently freezing from the icy drink that now decorated your bodice. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there,” the man apologised. 
“You didn’t see her?” Lando asked in disbelief. He couldn't understand how anyone could miss the most beautiful person in the room. 
“It-it’s just water,” he stammered as he reached to brush the water drops away but Lando caught his wrist before he could touch you. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, I wasn’t paying attention,” you said as you peered around for the bathrooms before spotting the arrow pointing down a hall. “Come on, Lan.”
“Watch where you are going next time,” Lando imparted the advice as he turned with you, feeling your elbow nudge into his ribs at the attitude. “What? There is no way he didn’t see you. Everyone else can’t take their eyes off you.”
You rolled your eyes at the idea and stepped into the room as he opened the door for you. “It’s you they are staring at,” you corrected.
He slipped inside the powder room behind you and checked the attached room for the toilet was empty before he attacked. His lips threatened to ruin your makeup as he pinned you between his body and the wall, grinding himself along your front until your eyes fluttered shut. “You don’t see what I do,” he murmured between his heated kisses to your neck. His hand ran up your thigh, finding the slit in the dress so it could climb higher and brush the edge of your panties. “So fucking sexy and everyone knows you’re mine.”
A throat cleared and your eyes flew open to see Oscar leaning back against the door, an amused smirk on his lips as he watched the show unfold. “Yours?” he taunted as he snapped the lock into place.
“Ours,” Lando accentuated with his usual sass that had Oscar pushing off from the door and crossing the distance in two long strides. 
Desire was pooling at your core as you watched Oscar’s hand envelope Lando’s throat and pull him closer. Their lips collided with a fierce need to determine dominance and Lando tried to fight it before he succumbed to Oscar with a moan. Satisfied, Oscar pulled back to see Lando’s pupils blown out and a breathy whimper escaped his swollen lips. 
“You are both mine,” Oscar clarified before his eyes danced over your body and noticed the wet material. “What happened?”
“Some idiot spilt his drink on her.”
Oscar grabbed a hand towel from the shelf and started to dab away as much moisture as he could but every brush of the material sent little bolts of lightning across your body. Suddenly it felt like your body was on fire and you bit your lip as the flames reached your core.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned as the last touch caught the underside of your beast and it felt heavy with need. “Do that again, please.”
Lando was feeling the same heated effects course through his veins as the chocolates reacted with his body. “I think it’s been an hour,” he chuckled, reaching for the stiff peak he could see pressing against the thin material of your dress. He brushed the back of his knuckles over your nipple and hummed at the sound you made for him. 
Oscar abandoned the cloth and sank to his knees on the tiles. He swore he could smell your sweet arousal, the mouthwatering scent driving him insane as he bunched your dress up and kissed your core over the lace. The ax of time hung over your head as you all knew the dinner was about to begin but you didn’t care  the moment you looked down at Oscar’s eyes. 
“Just a quickie,” he agreed as he read your mind. Lando crushed his lips against yours as Oscar pushed your panties aside and tasted you with a languid swipe of his tongue. One boyfriend made you cry out and the other stole the sound with his kiss. Your hands tangled their hair, feeling the different textures between your fingers as you deepened the kiss and rocked your hips against Oscar’s face.
“Fuck,” Lando groaned at the pretty sight. “I’m so unbelievably hard right now.” He grabbed your hand to prove his words and you stroked his length over his trousers. “I don’t know if I want to kill Danny anymore.”
Oscar laughed against your clit and the vibration curled your toes in your heels and you cried out at the sensation. The sound cut through Lando’s amusement and his belt snapped open, his trousers falling just enough to free his cock. Your hand wrapped around him and he covered your hand with his, guiding you up and down in long slow strokes. 
“We are going to make a mess of your dress, baby,” Lando moaned as he felt his orgasm coming embarrassingly quickly thanks to the chocolate. You barely heard him as your own impending release hazed your mind but Oscar thought quick enough to pull away. Your body missed his mouth instantly but your cunt clenched at the sight of him taking Lando’s cock deep in his throat. “Fuck, Osc, that’s it, babe.”
You could hardly breathe as you watched Lando’s jaw clench and he shuddered as he spilled himself in Oscar’s mouth. Your boyfriend’s throat bounced as stood up and he swallowed the mouthful down, leaving Lando to sag against the wall while he recovered. 
“You missed a spot,” you said as you leant in and caught the drop of cum that clung to the corner of his lips. A soft hum reverberated as you shared the taste with a kiss and you pressed yourself against him to feel just how much he was feeling the drug too. “Need a hand?”
“Not quite,” he smirked, turning you around to face Lando. “Hold on.”
Lando reached out and you gripped his forearms as Oscar bundled your dress up in one hand and pushed your panties aside again with the other. He gave no warning before he sheathed himself deep inside your cunt and you buried your face in Lando’s chest with a gasp. You felt impossibly full before he snapped his hips back and then buried himself in you, over and over, an unrelenting pace that quickly brought back the edge of your orgasm.
Your cries were muffled by Lando’s dress shirt and your nails threatened to rip the expensive jacket he wore as you were rocked by your release that came so suddenly white spots danced across your vision. For a second your body was disconnected from your mind and the two only collided back together when Oscar joined you, warmth pooling in your core as he filled it with his seed. 
“Wooow,” Oscar chuckled as he pulled out and combed a hand through his hair. “That shit is strong.”
“At least we have something to take the edge off,” Lando said, before tossing the hand towel to Oscar. Oscar ran the towel under the warm tap and carefully cleaned up the mess he made before he pulled your panties back into place and let your dress fall around your unsteady legs. 
Oscar curled a brow at his boyfriend and the glint in his eye that said he expected a few more stops to this room during the night. “Let’s try to make it back to the hotel next time.”
“No promises,” he said with a wink. “Now, shall we go and sit through a bunch of old man speeches and try not to fall asleep?”
You looked down at your dress and found the wet patch had dried considerably, so much that it wouldn’t even be noticeable in the dim lights of the hall. “You still owe me a drink.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Lando gave you a salute and unlocked the door, opening it to an empty corridor. “A strong one. Osc?”
“No, thank you, one of us has to be responsible.”
Lando looked at you, his lips barely suppressing the grin on his face. “He says it like he didn’t just fuck you in a bathroom.”
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suntoru · 5 months
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─ SYNOPSIS: the three times you coincidentally bump into toji fushiguro and the one time you find out it was intentional.
─ WARNINGS: 3.4k words!! not proofread, swearing, fluff, ooc toji?, mentions of a dildo, mild violence, creepy perv (not toji), BABY MEGSSS, idk i started yapping halfway through
— AUTHOR’S NOTE: GUYS I LOVE TOJI. I LOVE HIS SLUTTY WAIST. disclaimer i’m only like 6 episodes into jjk i apologize if the characterization is off!
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— the first time your ever meet toji fushiguro is on a friday at 8PM. you don’t expect to be so downbad for somebody you just met, much less in a grocery store in your pajamas, but here you are. and fuck, he’s hot. he’s clad in a snug, black compression shirt that outlines his biceps so nicely and enticingly low-waisted white sweatpants that fall deliciously on his hips… compared to him, you look like a hobo in your ratty old pajamas. scratching your head in embarrassment, you instantly look away before he catches you staring— and thank god he speaks up, his voice interrupting your less-than-innocent thoughts.
“think that’s mine,” he motions casually to the black-haired cherub curled up in your arms. the little one’s eyes, swollen and red from the relentless wailing for his papa just seconds earlier now lights up immediately, adoration clear in his eyes. his tiny little arms outstretches towards toji in an adorable plea to be held. rolling his eyes, toji relents, scooping megumi up with one arm and securing him in his hold.
“cute kid.” you coo, ruffling the doe-eyed toddler’s hair affectionately.
“yeah… cute little brat,” he mutters in a low voice. “where’d you find him?” you giggle softly. “was in the toy section playing, noticed he was alone, then started to cry… be more careful next time, okay, ’gumi?” the child nods his head shyly, burying his face in his daddy’s chest. you wish that was you don’t u u horny degenerate /lh
“swear to god, he won’t listen to me when i tell him stuff. and he gets sad too easily, cries when he isn’t allowed to buy whatever he wants…” toji scoffs, pinching megumi’s cheek and a small whine escapes the toddler, effectively tugging at your heartstrings. what a cute little family.
“the mama must be real pretty; cause he certainly doesn’t take after his grumpy papa.” you lightheartedly joke, allowing the black-haired baby to toy with your fingers. “the mom’s out of the picture.” toji nonchalantly reveals, an unexpected hush falling over the conversation.
wide-eyed, you realize the awkwardness that your comment had caused. “i-i’m so sorry!! i didn’t mean to—” you stammer, feeling a pang of regret. “‘t's fine, shit happens.” he shrugs his shoulders ever so casually, dispelling the tension in the air. “it’s just me and this little gremlin here,” he adds, and despite his earlier insults towards the adorable baby, it’s crystal clear he loves him— even if he won’t readily admit it out loud. being a single dad… you can’t even imagine it. must be so hard…
you're so caught up in your feels that you don’t even notice when toji takes a peek into your grocery cart, a snicker escaping him. momentarily confused, you follow his gaze and then it hits you— oh no. what you originally came here to do, the reason you didn’t even have time to dress properly was because it was the last discount day for– looking down in horror, placed proudly, right on top of your cart, is an obnoxiously bright pink silicone dick.
the realization hits you like a ton of bricks, and a flush of embarrassment colors your cheeks as you fumble for words. “i-i… um… c-can explain!!” seemingly enjoying your flusteredness, he loses no time teasing you. "someone's clearly single." he remarks, a smug look plastered on his face. he snatches it out of your cart, dangling the object just out of reach– this bastard!! capturing megumi's attention, the innocent curiosity in his little mind interprets the funny-looking object as a potential toy, prompting him to reach out with grabby hands.
in a state of panic, you swiftly smack it out of toji’s hands, but you fail to realize there’s somebody in your way– you accidentally hit a balding, middle aged man square in the face with a dildo. a fucking dildo. letting out an audible gasp, you quickly turn away as the now angry man swivels around, searching for the perpetrator angrily. your efforts to stay inconspicuous prove futile as the 6'2 sorcerer can't contain his laughter, earning a few odd stares from shoppers passing by.
"it's not funny," you whine, feeling the heat creeping up to your face as he wipes away a tear, still clutching his stomach. he grins tauntingly, wholeheartedly amused.
"nah, that shit’s hilarious."
— “mama, mama!!” coincidence seems to strike once more, for your second encounter with toji fushiguro comes about a week later. you’re minding your own business in a neighborhood park, in the middle of texting your friend when little megumi joyfully latches himself onto your leg, gurgling happily, effectively scaring the shit out of you. safe to say, you're surprised— mommy? you'd met him once for thirty minutes and he's imprinted on you.
but you can't find it in yourself to be mad; he's practically looking at you with stars in his eyes. so you cave, crouching down to meet his height, patting his teeny tiny head gently.
"hi megs!! where's dada?" you question, and sure enough, the adorable little cherub points enthusiastically to his father, who happens to be engaged in conversation with two women. they’re giggling obnoxiously, stroking his biceps and being overly touchy, and he seems to be enjoying it. in an instant, all your former attraction seems to dissipate in an instant. an annoyed huff escapes you— of course, he's a manwhore. you should've known, he seems like just the type, but letting your kid leave your sight was just completely unacceptable.
feeling pissed, you can practically feel a vein bulge in your forehead. you’re going to knock some sense into that thick skull of his. scooping up megumi, you march up to toji, making sure to be extra cautious while holding him in your arms. what was he thinking? is it like this all the time? him getting distracted by a pair of tits and forgetting about his own son? seriously, this man needs to get his act together.
as soon as he’s in range, your free hand swiftly makes contact with the back of toji's head, letting out a loud ‘thwack’ noise on impact. he lets out a painful groan. "the fuck?" toji curses, rubbing the back of his head. unfazed, you return his sass with a stern expression.
"the hell do you think you're doing? talking to girls instead of taking care of your kid? no wonder 'gumi wanders off all the time, you didn't even notice he went missing! stop thinking with your dick all the time and start thinking with your head!!" you scold the older man as he scoffs. "me? you're one to talk, buying a rubber cock for your lonely ass. who the hell are you to judge my parenting?"
you're about to retaliate when the two girls exchange a glance, scowling in annoyance as they side-eye both you and toji. "y'know, if you were married, you could've just said so in the beginning." one of the girls pipes up as the other nods her head. "yeah, stop wasting our time loser, lets go." and before he can respond, they storm off dramatically. he rolls his eyes at them, sticking up his middle finger at their backs.
“whatever. they were bitches anyways. and you’re a real killjoy.” you flick his forehead lightly. “the fact that i, a complete random stranger, takes better care of this kid than you is quite concerning.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever.” he mumbles snarkily, attempting to snatch megumi away from you. he can’t believe his eyes when the chubby little baby starts to tear up, clutching onto you tighter and repeating babbles of ‘mama.’ “megumi, get down from there!” toji hisses. “listen, ya little brat, that ain’t your momma.” glaring, you attempt to hand back the stubborn ‘brat’ to his father, but to your (and his) dismay, he continues to latch onto you with an iron grip. if you didn’t know any better, with how megumi was acting, you’d think toji had never dealt with a child before. all he did was glare daggers at the both of you; the longer the interaction went on, the more irritated he got. a scolding glare towards his son, then the stranger.
“for the last time, stop clinging to that woman! she isn’t your mother.” the poor baby’s eyes glass over, about to burst into tears as you rock him in your arms, letting out a huff in annoyance. “calm your whining. you think he’s going to listen if all you do is yell?”
“fine. i’ll just… pick him up then.” toji grumbled, looking annoyed as he bent over to retrieve his son from your arms. as soon as he picked him up, megumi began wiggling and trying to get away from his father. “stop that.” toji’s face was filled with annoyance as his son’s stubby little fingers wrap around your shirt tightly. he tries his best to be gentle as he pries the baby away from you, yet the little boy began to cry and reach for you. it was clear the youngest fushiguro had developed a strong attachment to you, the stranger who helped him once before.
“‘gumi…” you coo in the softest voice you can manage, pinching his cheek softly. “listen to dada, okay? i’ll buy you ice cream if you’re good.” at the sound of a frozen treat, he instantly stops crying and settles into his papa’s arms, gurgling happily. toji looks at you in utter shock; he lost count of the amount of times he had tried so talk some sense into his little son— but just once from some random stranger, he chooses to listen. the 6’2 sorcerer sighs in defeat, sending his baby another scowl.
clearly, megumi has no sense of loyalty.
— “well, well, well… you again. i’m starting to think you’re jus’ following me now.” for the third time, you guessed it: toji fushiguro. at this point, it was becoming harder to dismiss these encounters as mere coincidences; had the universe suddenly decide to play matchmaker?
“huh?” you scoff, glancing up from your notepad. of course, he had to choose this exact coffee shop to stroll into while you were on your shift. “i work here.” he eyes you cockily, emanating more of that stupidly hot confidence that somehow makes your heart beat just a little faster than it should.
“be honest— you really just got the job cause you heard i’d be here today.” deadpanning, you roll your eyes. he can’t be serious; he’s such a manchild. “yes, because you’re such a celebrity. where’s megs?” you question, noticing the absence of the adorable baby usually accompanied by his obnoxiously sexy father.
“daycare.” he responds with a lazy drawl, his voice a low, resonant hum that sent shivers down your spine. he seemed engrossed with picking something at his nails, the nonchalant demeanor accentuating the sculpted lines of his features. "you know, it's a shame. you seem a lot less charming without a certain little one running around." you yawn, deliberately trying to piss him off.
as if challenging you, he straightens up, piercing grey eyes locked onto yours. leaning forward onto the counter, his proximity sparks something in your core— was he always this pretty? no wonder he’s popular. his lips look so damn kissable. (you wonder how they’d feel against your own.) your heartbeat picks up as you find yourself unable to keep eye contact, pupils darting elsewhere. you really hope your cheeks aren’t as red as they feel.
“…u-um. your order?” he grins cockily, pulling back at your surrender. “an espresso. and here, the extra dollar's for you.” he casually tosses you a crumpled wad of cash, and at a glance, worth just a little over one dollar and fifty cents. …you can already sense a burgeoning headache destined to plague you by the end of the day.
“…just— whatever. keep the money. it’s on the house.” you groan, escaping from the dumbass man to the back to retrieve the coffee beans. as you scour the shelves stocked with coffee supplies, you attempt to find the espresso beans.
you thoughts, however, are interrupted when your coworker suddenly pops up, prompting an involuntary shriek and effectively scaring the shit out of you. she beams brightly, enthusiasm radiating from her as she clutches onto your arm, ignoring your reaction completely.
“that customer is just my type!! tall, handsome, hot… mind switching with me, please, please, pleeeeeease??” she begs, her eyes wide with desperation and in her best attempt to coax you. you end up relenting pretty easily— after all, you owe her for the numerous overtime hours she's covered for you, but you can't ignore the unmistakable pang of jealousy tugging at your heart. what’s wrong with you? you shouldn’t care, not in the slightest. shouldn't. he's a random stranger who you just so happened to bump into three times now. toji fushiguro is a womanizer, a horrendous father, and an arrogantly cocky man. but for some reason, you find yourself growing… attached.
your eyes follow your coworker, parading out of the storage room with her lips freshly glossed and a flirty smile on her face. a pang of annoyance prickles at you; you're sure he'll absolutely eat her up.
determined to distance yourself from the sight, you trudge over to the adjacent cash register, taking over for your fellow coworker's customer. a friendly smile graces the face of the person in front of you.
"hi." he smiles brightly, greeting you in a friendly manner. "can i get an iced americano?" you nod, ringing his order up. his request is met with a nod from you, and you smoothly proceed to ring up his order. the clinking of the coffee machine acts as a backdrop to the interaction, your mind momentarily distracted by the lingering sensation of unease in your stomach. once done, you serve the ice-cold drink to the customer, who happily takes it, eyes gleaming in satisfaction before winking charmingly.
"and an extra tip for the pretty barista." he says, his tone suggestive as he hands you a bill. is he... really hitting on you? the air thickens with an uncomfortable tension, and you mutter a somewhat awkward thanks, his smile widens, and he leans in, making you feel slightly uneasy.
"isn't this the part where you give me your number?" he teases, leaving a silent pause that hangs in the air. "uhm... i'm really sorry, but... uh-" before you can finish, he boldly grabs one of your hands from across the counter, getting a little too close for comfort. "no need to say anything, cutie. our lips can do the talking." the fuck is wrong with this creep?
you attempt to snatch your hand back, but his grip is like iron. panic starts to set in as beads of sweat form on your forehead. what are you supposed to do in this situation?
just as the tension becomes nearly unbearable, a large hand intervenes, firmly gripping the weirdo's collar. a hand you so thankfully recognize intervenes just in the nick of time. toji's voice, dripping with venom, cuts through the charged atmosphere.
"why the fuck are you touching my spouse?" his snarl, coupled with an ice-cold glare, sends shivers down even your spine. a plausible lie, and extremely believeable. the smaller man stutters, his eyes searching frantically for an escape from toji's wrath. "i-i, um..." he stutters, eyes looking frantically for help. without a moment's hesitation, toji forcefully drops the intruder to the floor, his intense glare bearing down on the now-submissive figure.
"next time, i'll make sure you pay for it." he warns with a chilling undertone, his voice resonating with a quiet but unmistakable threat.
— seven days after the incident, you find solace in a quaint bookstore, its ambiance offering a quiet and peaceful haven for your studying. you're deep in thought, productivity at an all time high. however, the tranquility is soon disrupted by the unmistakable bickering of a child, no older than two, engaged in what seems like a standoff with a fully grown adult. who in the hell would argue with a kid...?
suspiciously, you stand up, leaving your laptop unattended for a split second to take a peek into the book aisle where the sound was coming from. and just as you suspected; there stands toji fushiguro. you suppress a giggle seeing him all crouched over, a pissy expression on his face.
"ya little rat, go give this to y/n. mama. mama, y'hear?" he hisses under his breath, his words an amusing blend of authority and exasperation. he attempts to give a rose to the stubborn little cherub, who violently shakes his head in refusal. holding a book almost as big as himself, he stomps his tiny foot, lifting the curious george volume even higher, adorned with a big pout that adds an extra layer of adorableness to the scene. "i'll read to you later, so just-"
"well, well, well… you again. i’m starting to think you’re just following me now."
you quip, echoing the words he tossed your way exactly a week ago. a smug grin stretches across your face, savoring the sweet taste of his embarrassment. he whirls around, momentarily losing his cool, a curse escaping his lips as he throws his head back. is that a hint of pink dusting his cheeks? you can't help but revel in delight. and as if on cue, megumi beams at you, his small frame waddling towards you with unbridled joy as you scoop him up with ease.
"mama!!" he cheers as you ruffle his hair playfully before turning your attention back to the other 6'2 baby towering over you. "looks to me like you're the obsessed stalker." you tease, a genuine grin stretching across your face. wiping a mock tear from your eye, you catch a glimpse of toji's eye roll, his attempt to feign composure failing as a trace of a pout plays on his lips.
"shuttup," he groans, rubbing the back of his head. he attempts to use this banter as a distraction, sneakily concealing the gift behind his back. but you're not one to be outplayed.
"not so fast..." you grin, skillfully snatching the crimson rose from his grasp before he can offer any protest. it's undeniably pretty, and you find yourself admiring it, a soft smile playing on your lips. you glance back at toji who, now hands tucked into his pockets, deliberately avoids eye contact. "never knew you were much of a charmer." you playfully jest, twirling the delicate flower between your fingers as a teasing smile graces your lips.
"i'm not." he shrugs, an air of nonchalance surrounding him. you set megumi down, allowing him to gleefully grab another dr. seuss picture book.
"awww, so then am i just special?" you snicker, lashes fluttering softly, the lighthearted banter echoing through the quiet aisles of the bookstore. perhaps a little too loudly, as an employee, with an air of rudeness, suggests that all three of you should be a little more discreet before you're escorted out.
apologizing profusely, you struggle to contain your laughter as the employee, irritated by the disturbance, makes a dramatic exit. unbeknownst to him, however, a janitor quietly mops the floors right behind him— resulting in an unfortunate slip and a rather audible rip as his pants succumb to the unforeseen mishap. your face turns pink, and you bite your lip, desperately trying to stifle your laughter to avoid drawing further attention and the risk of being kicked out.
you manage to slap toji's mouth shut, a preemptive measure against the impending witch cackle that could escape if left unchecked. the employee shoots both of you one last glare, clearly unimpressed, before huffing and storming off in a hasty retreat.
exchanging a knowing glance with toji, you finally peel your hand off his mouth, the quiet snickering between you two escalating into unrestrained laughter. as the atmosphere gradually settles, you can't help but notice toji's intense gaze fixed upon you, a look that goes beyond mere amusement.
it's a gaze so deep, so penetrating, that it seems to hold an enchantment of its own. in that moment, you feel like the protagonist in a love-struck tale, caught in the gaze of someone who sees more than just the surface.
toji fushiguro is a womanizer, a horrendous father, and an arrogantly cocky man. …but… you think you can manage.
and so you find your arms slinking around his waist, a huge, unwavering grin plastered on your face. "you're such a baby, y'know? if you liked me you could've just asked for my number." he grumbles under his breath, yet tugs you closer to his body warmth. rolling his eyes, he flicks your forehead, lips curving up into a smile. "you're the worst."
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© KAEFFEINEE 2024. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
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azrakaban · 22 days
I love the Smiths - Mattheo Riddle
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A/N: It's short. I know. I'm just in shock. #4 in jkrowling?! HELLO? TYSM I LOVE YOU AAAALL
Summary: Mattheo finds a non depressing person who listens to the same depressing music as him
Music suggestions: Back to the old house (2011 remaster) - The Smiths, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - The Smith
Warnings: Mentions of drug use (not Mattheo or reader), cursing, fluff
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT DO DRUGS. I never have and never intend to, all descriptions of the effects of weed are brought to you from compulsory PSHE lessons (That's all I'm basing it off of so may be inaccurate) :) 
Pronouns mentioned: The reader has she/her pronouns, but feel free to change it in ur mind, it's not plot relevant xxx
Mattheo's POV
Sometimes all you need at the end of the bad day is rain and a smiths vinyl.
And fortunately for a certain younger Riddle son, that's exactly what he had. Well, that and a pack of cigarettes. 
He lit one as he sat back against the cracking stone bricks of the tower walls, just as A There Is Light That Never Goes Out came on. He exhaled the smoke, feeling partially guilty about the health effects he'd been so dubiously warned about by the posters plastered across the school walls. 
It's not like professor sprout didn't mean well by growing medicinal cannabis for some students, it's just that some slightly more raucous Ravenclaws and Gryffindors saw it as a personal invitation to get high. 
Not Mattheo though - he didn't like the stuff, knew it fucked with your head in the worst way possible, so he steered clear of it. He stuck to depressing 80s music to keep him happy. Ironic really. 
He looked up at the stars, trying to spot patterns before drifting off into his mind. 
'Because it's not my home, it's their home
and I'm welcome no more...'
"I love the smiths." Came a voice from the doorway, and Mattheo spun sharply. "What?" He said quietly. 
"I said I love the smiths." Came the voice again, and this time it registered with him that it belonged to a gorgeous girl standing in the doorway.
He grinned, returning the nervous smile on your face. "Yeah?? Well, you've got good taste then." He said, taking a puff of his cig. You flicked it from his hand with a small smile. He looked up at you, confused. 
"Why-?" He said, raising an eyebrow. 
"I heard you complaining about it in transfiguration earlier. At least, I think it was you. Sounded like your voice. It was a deep voice, whining something like 'Theo I wanna quit but you keep putting them on my bedside so I caaaaaan't.'" You imitated him perfectly, and Mattheo laughed. 
"Yeah, sounds about right." He said, smirking to himself. 
You laughed with him. "I imagined you looking at him the way a toddler looks at you before asking if you have games on your phone." You admit, smiling as you sit beside him. 
Mattheo stifled a laugh. "Really? I think I was more looking at him like how a kid looks at their parent before they ask them to watch them do something really bad, like a backflip that turns into an A&E trip." He replied, trying to light another cigarette. You flicked that one off the tower. 
He nodded, mouthing a quick thanks. You laughed. "I'll take those." You stole the cigarettes from his pocket, leaning across Mattheo. Instinctually, he sniffed, smelling your shampoo. You pulled back, looking confused.
"Did you just sniff my hair?" You said, half laughing. He flushed. "It was right there! What was I gonna do? Smelt good though." He acknowledged. "Some kind of spice?" He guessed. 
"Cinnamon." You replied, smiling. He ah'ed in acknowledgement, before he looked up at the stars. You mirrored him. 
"Look. Taurus." You pointed up at a cluster of stars. Mattheo looked up, not seeing anything. "Is it really?" He replied, raising an eyebrow. You giggled. "No idea, but it could be. Why, did it make me seem smart?" You replied, looking over at him.
"Will you push me off of here if I say no?" He laughed. You gently pushed him. "Debating it. If I push you I can steal your vinyl and player." You smirked. 
"Ah, but without me, you'd have no-one to listen to them with." He gently shoved you back. 
You nodded, agreeing with him. "True that."
He smiled, and you sat in silence for a while, before he broke it. "So, what brings you up here at midnight?" He queried, looking at you with a strange expression. 
"Friends. They're driving me insane." You replied, laughing a little. He nodded with you. "Same here." He sighed. 
You looked at him. "What did yours do?" He laughed. 
"Nothing much... they have good intentions it's just..." He grimaced.  "They're trying to set me up with this girl I've never met. She sounds great it's just... I want to know someone before I ask them out, you know? God that sounds corny." He groaned, and your mouth quirked, eyes seeing the stars but not registering them.
"No, I agree. Blind dates are awkward." You shuddered. "Have much experience?" He teased. You shook your head, smiling. "I'm going off of several cheesy rom coms." You shrugged.
"A romance girl hmm?" He smirked. You shoved him. "Loud and proud, tease me all you want, at least my standards aren't the bare minimum." He looked surprised. "It's not a bad thing you know. In my cheesy romance movies, the romance book girls tend to be the best love interests." He shoved you back gently as you gasped. 
"You watch romance movies?" You said quietly. "Don't give me that look, Blaise's mum loved them and I spent summers with them. You learn to tolerate them." He chuckled. You smiled.
"Do you have a favourite?" He gave you a look. "Don't be ridiculous."
You gave him puppy eyes and he relented. "10 Things I hate About you." You smiled happily. "Good choice." 
And then something hit you. "Did you call me a love interest?" He looked confused. "What?" 
"You said the romance book girls are the best love interests are the romance book girls directly after i said it. Do you see me as a love interest, Mr Riddle?" You teased, and he flushed again. 
"You know who I am?" He said quietly. You nodded. "Then why for Salazar's sake are you still here?" He raised an eyebrow. 
"You didn't ask me to leave, so why would I go?" You looked confused. He shook his head. "If you know who I am you've probably heard the rumours about what I'm like. That I'm like... him." You got the implication. 
"Well, you haven't tried to kill me, and you've had plenty of opportunities to push me off the tower, so I'd say you're pretty good in my books." You smiled. He gave you a weak one, clearly still processing. 
"So, do you see me as a love interest?" You repeated, smiling as he blushed slightly again.
"Maybe I do." He murmured. You smiled. "You're cute when you blush." You kissed his cheek before you stood. "Where are you going?" He said, looking crestfallen.
"I prefer to get to know people before I cast them as my love interest." You replied, smiling. 
"See you in transfiguration." And with that, you made your dramatic exit. 
He smiled to himself as you left, and sat there for a few moments in contemplation. What in the fever dream?
Mattheo was just leaving charms as he saw a head of (y/h/c) hair leave the history of magic classroom. He looked closer, spotting your gorgeous eyes that he'd been lost in the previous night. And then, in horrifying mortification, he realised he didn't know your name. 
"HEY! SMITHS GIRL!" He yelled, pushing past people to catch up with you, you span around, smiling. 
"Hi." He said a little breathlessly, and you giggled. "We umm, only listened to Side A of my vinyl last night, you wanna do Side B tonight?" He asked, crossing his fingers in his robes. You nodded, smiling, as his friends caught up. 
"I'd love to. But i don't want to keep you from your friends. Hey Theo." You waved to the guy standing behind Mattheo. Mattheo froze as Theo smirked. "Hi n/n. Mattheo, this is the girl I was telling you about. Y/n, Mattheo, Mattheo, Y/n. Though it seems you two are already aquainted?" He raised an eyebrow. 
You flushed. "A little." You murmured. Mattheo nodded sheepishly. "See you tonight, Smiths Girl." He smirked. 
"I have a name!" You called as he left with his friends. "SEE YOU TONIGHT Y/N!" He yelled back, laughing. Theo smirked at him. 
Over the next few weeks, you two grew incredibly close. Yapping about people, buried trauma... everything and anything that came up under the moonlight. 
"I love the moon." You said after a particularly deep talk, which had Mattheo nearly on the verge of the tears for the first time in he couldn't remember how long. He turned to you, giving you a sad smile.
"Why's that?" He murmured, watching your features illuminated by the light. 
"It's known you your whole life, through every bad fringe, through every cringy Twilight era, and still loves you. It still doesn't go away, except during the day, which is when the sun watches you. You don't need it then. But as soon as you do, it's there. It only goes when it has to, not because it wants to." You said thoughtfully. Mattheo chuckled slightly.
"Sure you're not over personifying it there?" He whispered, gently nudging you. You shook your head. 
"Look at that and tell me you don't think it can feel." Mattheo looked. And this time he saw. 
He saw what you saw in the moon. He saw what it represented in you. And he decided in that moment, he would stay. He would be your moon, if you would be his sun. But how could he tell you that? He couldn't, god no. 
So he just let his hand inch closer to yours, getting close, so unbearably close and then moving away, like magnets. 
"Y/n?" He murmured. You turned to look at him. "Yeah?" You whispered. 
He swallowed the words he wanted to say, instead opting for something that wouldn't probably make you turn and run away from him. 
"Thank you for telling me about you. And thank you for hearing about me." He said, giving you a small smile. 
"Don't thank me for something I'd willingly do whenever." You replied, watching the stars, and Mattheo wasn't sure if something inside him healed or broke. 
"You'll be the death of me." He chuckled lowly. You smiled. 
"I'd rather be the life of you." You replied, giggling before standing and going to leave. He reacted on instinct, grabbing your hand and pulling you back. 
"Stay? Please." He murmured, pulling you back down. You let him pull you, and found yourself sat between his legs, back against his chest, watching the stars. 
Another song came on, and you smiled. "I love this one!" You said, and stood again. For a moment, Mattheo panicked, before you held out a hand for him. 
"Dance with me?" You whispered, eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Well, to Mattheo, your eyes sparkled all the time, but more under the starlight. 
He stood, smiling as he took your hand and fake bowed, wiggling his eyebrows as he gently rested his hands on your hips, pulling you a little closer. 
You smiled, dancing  in silence for a while before he spoke. "It's a little cold." He said, and you nodded, shivering a little. "Mhm." You said. Damn, you should have brought a jumper. He noticed you shivering. "Come here, y/n." He murmured, outstretching his arms for you. 
You hesitated, and he worried that he'd pushed you too far, before you conceded, moving into his arms. He rested his chin on your head, happy to be a source of warmth if it kept you happy. You snuggled into him and Mattheo physically felt his heart ache, like it wanted out of his chest and into yours. 
"Honestly, fuck you." He said, groaning. You looked up, seeming surprised. "What?" 
"You come up here, where I was fine alone, and share all these things, and  that make me share things that I haven't told anyone before, and what's fucking more, you don't make me feel bad about it, you help me, and suddenly I'm not fine alone, and I need you."
"And I don't like needing people, it just gets you hurt, but you're not like other people, and I'm okay with needing you, because everytime I see you, you heal some tiny part of me, and fuck you because I am so hopelessly, desperately, in love with you." He said, walking back and forth infront of you as you tried to process. 
"I'm sorry." You whispered, smiling. He groaned. "And now you're apologising for it, and you look so fucking pretty and all I can think about it how much I want to kiss you." He exhaled, running a hand through his hair, damp from the rain, and a raindrop fell down his face like a tear. 
"You should. Kiss me I mean. I'd like that." You whispered, and you were barely through with your sentence before his lips were on yours, and you were kissing him, and his one of his hands was cupping your face and another one held your waist.
Mattheo kissed like a man starved, but oh god was it amazing. He kissed you, because you were his oxygen, his everything. 
When he finally broke apart from you, he grinned, then laughed softly, and so did you. 
"Merlin, I love The Smiths." He exhaled, still laughing quietly. You giggled. "Me too. But they share my heart with this one guy, can't think who." 
He laughed at that too. "Can't imagine who you'd be talking about." 
You smiled. "Yeah, it's this stranger I met on the astronomy tower, who likes the same music as me, and is super nice when you get to know him, and who i think loves me too. Oh, and he's also really cute." You added as an afterthought. 
"He's definitely in love with you, given he's usually a little shit to everyone else, including his best friends. OH SHIT. Theo. He's going to be so smug. We CANNOT tell him. I'm begging you." Mattheo fell to his knees, pleading with you in  mocking way. 
"Tell him what?" You smiled innocently, and Mattheo rolled his eyes. 
"That I am yours, Y/N, if you want me, and you are mine if you want that." He replied. 
You nodded. "I want that."
Mattheo kissed you at that, and before you left the astronomy tower, and before he said goodnight to you.
The next day, Mattheo saw you outside his charms class, and you shot him a smile. He gave up at that, walking over and giving you a short kiss, smiling into it when you kissed back before the two of you pulled apart. 
"What happened to staying secret?" You murmured, giggling at the surprised expressions of your friends and the surrounding students. He shrugged. "I love my smiths girl." There was a cough behind you, and you turned to see Theo smirking. 
"HA." Theo coughed loudly, his smirk growing more cocky by the second. 
"DON'T." Mattheo glared. 
"Okay, I won't, jeez." Theo put his hands up in mock surrender. 
Mattheo relaxed. 
"Just call me cupid." 
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A/N: WOAH. Azra uploaded twice within a month, is she okay? NO GUYS. I have a new crush. YIPPEE. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this crack fic and didn't cringe too much reading it. xxxx
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usergif · 11 months
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HOW TO: Make Animated Neon Text
Hi! No one asked for this tutorial, but this is one of my favorite typography effects as of late — so I thought I'd share how I do it. You can see this effect in the first gif of this *NSYNC Celebrity set and the last gif of this Anthony Bridgerton set. Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop. It's also exclusively in Timeline and uses keyframes for the fading effect seen on the blue text.
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1.1 – Choose a dark scene. This effect looks best contrasted against a dark background. You can definitely do it with a bright background, but just like a neon sign irl, you only turn it on in the dark/at night — so keep that in mind! 
1.2 – Determine the length of your clip. Depending on how much you want your text to flash or fade in, you'll want to make sure you have a scene long enough to also allow the text not to flash — reducing the strain it takes to actually read the text. For reference, my gif is 48 frames.
1.3 – Crop, color, etc. as you would. New to gif-making? Check out my basic tutorial here!
Before we animate anything, get your text and any vectors laid out and formatted exactly as you want them!
2.1 – Finding neon sign fonts. It's easy as going to dafont.com and typing "neon" into the search bar!
2.2 – Fonts I used. Neon Glow by weknow | Neon by Fenotype | Neon Bines by Eknoji Studio
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And to not leave my fellow font hoarders hanging, the font for "tutorial by usergif" is Karla (it's a Google font) 🥰
2.3 – Group your text layers. (Conditional) If you plan on having multiple text layers like I did and you want them to appear connected (like how the last letters of "NEON" and "sign" intersect with the wand icon), I suggest putting the layers into groups according to color (the shortcut to group layers is Command+G). If you don't group your text and just apply the outer glow settings to each individual layer, you'll end up with something like this:
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—where you can see the glow overlap with the line, instead of the smooth connection you see in my final example gif. I'm using 2 colors for my text, so I made a group for red and a group for blue.
2.4 – Apply Outer Glow. Right-click your text layer (or your group if you have several layers) and select "Blending Options" to open the Layer Style menu. Check "Outer Glow" and feel free to play around with the settings until you like the way your text looks!
Your outer glow color should be darker and more vibrant than the color of the text itself. The text should be within the same color family but much brighter and, sometimes, almost white (see Step 2.2 again for my text colors).
Here are the settings for the Red Glow (the glow color is #FF3966) and Blue Glow (#00F0FF):
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These aren't always my exact settings but they're pretty close to my standard. I always set the blend mode to Hard Light and usually have the opacity at 100%.
For every gif I use this effect on, I like to play around with Spread and Size. Spread will make the glow look denser and "expand the boundaries" (source: Adobe) and Size will diffuse the glow and blow it out so it covers a larger area (Adobe says it "Specifies the radius and size of blur").
2.5 – Duplicate your text layer/groups and remove glow. We're only going to be animating the glow on our text, and since doing this affects its opacity/visibility, we want to preserve the base text by creating a duplicate.
I just hit the Command+J shortcut to duplicate my groups and delete the Outer Glow effects, making sure that the "No Glow" version is above the "Glow" version:
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I also put all these groups into one group called "Text" for organization and so I could apply a drop shadow to all the elements for better visibility.
This is for the effect you see on the RED text in my gif!
3.1 – The 0.03-Second Rule If you've read any of my animation tutorials before, you're probably already familiar with this rule. In my experience (and for reasons I can't explain), Video Timeline pauses every 0.03 seconds (try clicking the forward button a few times, you'll probably find a "duplicate" or paused frame). So, keep all your layers a duration of 0.03-second increments (e.g. 0.06 or 0.09 seconds can also work) and align them on the Timeline at 0.03-second intervals. If you don't follow this rule, you'll get duplicate frames when you export, resulting in a choppy final gif.
3.2 – Trim and arrange your text layers. Only on the layers/groups WITH the Outer Glow effect, trim them into several segments of varying lengths where the glow will be "on" (visible) and leaving spaces where the glow should be "off."
Typically, I'll have a mixture of 0.06 and 0.03-second text. That's when the glow will be visible. Between each "flash" of visibility, I've got a 0.03-second blank space, baby *pen clicks* and I'll write your name:
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The layers shown above are arranged with a few flashes and two long segments of no flashing. This is the order and duration of each segment shown above (purple = visible segments):
0.06 blank, 0.06 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.24 visible (the long bit where "FLASHING" doesn't flash at all), 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.12 visible
(I only did this for the text that says "FLASHING" to give it a glitching effect. The other red text keeps the glow visible starting at the first long segment.)
This is for the effect you see on the BLUE text in my gif!
4.1 – Animate using the Opacity Keyframe. Again, we're only touching the layers/groups WITH the glow effect. If you only have one layer of text, you'll find the Opacity Keyframe by clicking the film reel icon:
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If you're working with groups like me, you'll find it in the Timeline panel under the group when it's expanded:
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As you can see, I already added my keyframes (lil diamond babies). And luckily, it's super easy to do!
4.2 – Add the ending Keyframe first. We're starting at the end because our layers/groups are already at 100% opacity. Drag the playhead (the blue arrow attached to the red vertical line) to a spot where you want the glow to be 100% opaque — this is where the glow will be fully "on" or visible. [Again, follow the 0.03-Second Rule. You will get duplicate frames regardless when using keyframes (this will be explained in the note in Phase 5), but abiding to the rule will mitigate the amount of dupes you get.]
Then, click the clock icon by "Opacity" to place a keyframe:
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4.3 – Add the starting Keyframe. Go backward from the ending Keyframe you just placed (I went back 0.12 seconds — but you can play around with the duration of the fade, just keep it a multiple of 0.03):
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And drop another keyframe, this time by clicking the diamond icon by "Opacity":
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4.4 – Reduce the opacity on the starting Keyframe. Keeping that keyframe you just placed selected, go to the layers panel and reduce your layer's/group's opacity to 0%:
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Now, this Outer Glow will slowly fade from 0% to 100% opacity.
And just for a visual aid, here's where my fade-in keyframes are in relation to my flashing segments:
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To refresh your mind, the 0% Opacity Keyframe starts when "FLASHING" is visible for 0.24 seconds (the first long segment of visibility).
With these keyframes, you'll get a smooth fade-in à la ✨light switch with a dimmer✨
Yay, we're finished! Convert from Timeline back to Frames and export your gif!
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NOTE: If you only did the flashing effect and followed my 0.03-Second Rule, you shouldn't have any duplicate gifs. BUT if you included the fade-in effect using keyframes, you WILL have duplicate frames. 'Tis the nature of keyframes. 🤷‍♀️ I had 4 extra frames where the fade-in starts, which I deleted. So, as always, I recommend checking your frames when you convert from Video Timeline back to Frame Animation — and manually delete any duplicate frames.
Sorry this tutorial is so long 🙈 I over-explain so you're not just mechanically copying steps, but understanding the WHY behind each step! Thanks for bearing with me
If you have specific questions about this tutorial, feel free to send a message to usergif and I'll try my best to help! :)
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cal-kestis · 1 year
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HOW TO: Do a Motion Blur Transition Using Timeline or Frame Animation
Hi! Someone asked me for a tutorial on the transition effect in the second gif of this set (also featured in this set and the text on this set). So, here it is! This is one of the easiest and least tedious of the gif transition effects in my opinion — and I’m going to go over how to do it both in Timeline and Frame Animation (using the screencap method). Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop.
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This phase applies to both the Timeline and Frames method!
1.1 – Prepare your caps. (New to gif-making? Check out my basic tutorial here!) 
The key to this kind of gif is making sure your final gif, with all the transitions, won’t be too long or too big of a file to post (Tumblr’s limit is 10 MB). 
If your gif is going to be big like mine (540x500px), you might want to keep your total frames between 50-60. I decided to try getting away with a whopping 70 frames total... because I like to test fate (spoiler: my final gif ended up being 9.6 MB 🙈). Since my gif is transitioning between two scenes, that means each scene was 35 frames. 
If you aren’t doing screencaps like me, just make sure your clips are equal in length. And if you’re transitioning between more than 2 scenes (like the Mando example I linked at the beginning), you’ll have to use shorter clips/fewer frames per scene. In my Mando gif, each scene was 16 frames and my final gif was 64 frames. 
1.2 – Crop, sharpen, color, etc. as you would. For this, since you’ll probably have 2 more more sets of coloring, just make sure your coloring is only being applied to the appropriate gifs. The way I do that is by aligning my adjustment layers with my gif as you can see in the screenshot in 1.3 below.
1.3 – Arrange your frames or clips. If you’re working in Timeline, drag the clips/layers of your second gif so they’re immediately after the ones of your first gif. I like to keep things separated in Groups: 
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Note: I’m keeping my text layers separate because I don’t want the motion blur to affect them. But if you wanted to make your text transition from one word to another, you can either follow the same steps I’m about to show you and apply them to your text layers, or simply merge your text layers with your gif and adjustment layers, so they can all get the motion blur filter applied to them!
If you’re working in Frames, simply paste the frames of your second gif after the frames of your first gif. Again, you can either keep your text separated or part of the motion blur.
T.1 – Divide the Timeline. Using the Scissors Tool, you’ll want to divide each gif so there are 3 small segments at the beginning and end. (3 is my go-to, however, for my Mando gif, I actually only did 2 segments because each section was already so short.)
Now there are two options for this:
OPTION 1: Simplest, 00:01 Seconds Each, Makes Duplicate Frames
You might be wondering, why on earth would I want duplicate frames? You wouldn’t, usually. But this method only causes the duplicates to happen on the blurred frames, so it’s not noticeable at all! However, if you’re like me (read: Type A) — just knowing there are duplicate frames may bother you. If that’s you, go to Option 2.
Each of these segments are the absolute smallest Photoshop will allow, a duration of 00:01. 
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Sometimes Timeline won’t let you cut things that short (for me, this typically only happens at the end of a clip). So my work around is to cut the segment so it’s 00:02 seconds long, then drag the clip until it’s as small as it can be. Here’s a gif showing that process:
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You can see that after I dragged the clip so it would be 00:01, I also dragged the big clip over so it would still continue as normal. Timeline is neat because, even if you divide a clip, each segment can be dragged back to its full length. 
OPTION 2: 00:02 / 00:01 / 00:02, No Duplicate Frames
Timeline works in a weird way... when you move forward one frame by clicking the right arrow, you don’t always see movement in your gif. And if you don’t line up the clips properly with the movement, it can create duplicate frames. The easy way to fix this is by making the 3 segments 00:02, 00:01, and 00:02 seconds respectively. This goes for the segments at the beginning and end. 
You can see the duration of each segment and an example of how the gif doesn’t move on certain frames in this gif of my workspace:
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T.2 – Apply the Motion Blur filter in varying distances or strengths. Now that we have all of our segments, it’s time to apply the blur. Motion Blur is under Filter > Blur > Motion Blur! 
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This is the window you’ll see when you click it:
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Note the fields where you can change the angle and distance. 
The angle is basically the direction in which you want the blurred effect to stretch. I always do 0 because I want my gifs to blur together horizontally — I just think it looks smooth. You can play around with it if you want to get a different effect!
The distance is what I like to refer to as the strength of the blur. But really, it’s distance because it’s how long the blurred effect is being stretched.
The rule of thumb here is to apply the filter in a gradation. The part at the beginning of one gif should go from strongest (greatest distance) to weakest (least distance). The part at the end of one gif should go from weakest to strongest. 
I keep things easy to remember and do 20, 15, 10 for the beginning and 5, 10, 15 for the end. The reason the numbers aren’t the same is because I don’t want the end of Gif 1 (which is blurred 15px distance) to be the same as the beginning of Gif 2 (which is blurred 20px distance). If they’re the same amount of blur, I don’t think the transition looks as smooth.
Here’s my entire timeline and the strength of blur I used for each of the transitional clips:
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T.3 – Export That’s it! Convert from Timeline to Frames, export your gif, and there you go! 
Reminder, if you decided to do Option 1, you’ll have duplicate frames, and therefore more frames than you started out with when you initially imported caps.
F.1 – Apply the Motion Blur filter in varying distances or strengths. In Timeline, we created segments. But in Frames, each frame acts as one of those segments — so we don’t need to divide anything. We can just get straight to the filter!
Now, disclaimer: the way I’m working with Frames right now is with the adjustment layers merged with the frames. I typically work in Timeline, so I colored in Timeline and then converted into Frames for this. However you work, just make sure the coloring from one part of your gif doesn’t affect the other part.
Anyway, here’s where to find Motion Blur again:
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And here’s what the window will look like:
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Now just apply the filter in increasing and decreasing degrees. In case you didn’t read the Timeline section, I’ll paste exactly what I said there:
Note the fields where you can change the angle and distance.
The angle is basically the direction in which you want the blurred effect to stretch. I always do 0 because I want my gifs to blur together horizontally — I just think it looks smooth. You can play around with it if you want to get a different effect!
The distance is what I like to refer to as the strength of the blur. But really, it’s distance because it’s how long the blurred effect is being stretched.
The rule of thumb here is to apply the filter in a gradation. The part at the beginning of one gif should go from strongest (greatest distance) to weakest (least distance). The part at the end of one gif should go from weakest to strongest.
I keep things easy to remember and do 20, 15, 10 for the beginning and 5, 10, 15 for the end. The reason the numbers aren’t the same is because I don’t want the end of Gif 1 (which is blurred 15px distance) to be the same as the beginning of Gif 2 (which is blurred 20px distance). If they’re the same amount of blur, I don’t think the transition looks as smooth.
Here are all my frames and the strength of the blur I used for each of the transitional frames:
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Note: I wanted to mention again that I kept my text layers in a separate group and didn’t apply the transition to them:
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F.2 – Export Finished! Easy peasy! 
If you’ve read my other tutorials, you already know this tip — but since I’m part of Discord servers where members are encouraged to share embed links to their creations, I often rearrange the order of my frames before saving them. (This tip is also handy for making sure the best frame of your gif is visible for Tumblr users who turn off auto-playing gifs.) In this case, I made frame 27 my new frame 1 because I didn’t want my embed preview to look like a blurry gif. Everything will still be in the same order, but anywhere your gif is paused, the best frame will be displayed!
Anyway, that’s it! If you have specific questions about this tutorial, my ask box is open. Hope this helps! <3
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testingthewatersss · 5 months
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Hi! I'm still figuring the difference between messages/inbox tbh but as long as you send in the request I'll get to it. I'm trying to keep all requests anonymous when posted so sometimes I'll message a link to whoever sent it. If it's anonymous I might start replying to the message so the sender is notified (assuming that works)
thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy <;3 (last disclaimer- I'm British so my only context for 1940s America is from movies and anecdotes)
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Date Nights Trigger warnings for?nothing v v lighthearted fluff? Bucky Barnes x F reader Oneshot 1500 words fluff & comfort 18+ MDNI
Bucky tells you what your dates would've been like in the 40s.
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"I'm tellin' you, Buck" Y/N beams, "if it's got food and candles, it counts as a date night."
Barnes is still tugging at his boots in the door way, looking apologetic as ever, like him being late off a Quin-Jet is something he could've prevented.
Her eyes roll, "It's fine- you text me to let me know you where behind schedule, the pizza has been here for ten minutes, and- you've finally got your boots off-"
He cuts her off with a kiss, dipping her back dramatically like hoping that the corny gesture might add to the romance.
The feeling of her laughter against his lips makes him smile so hard that his cheeks ache, and then they're eating and drinking red wine that is too good to have with stuffed crusts from Albie's.
and that's when his mind wonders again,
to dance halls and evening walks in formal jackets and what it might be like to push her on a rope swing in a pretty sun-dress-
"what are you day dreaming about?" Y/N chuckles, quirking a brow at the pinkness in his cheeks.
"…date nights" is the reply he settles on after a minute, pressing a kiss against her cheek before settling back onto the couch.
"wow" she says, laughing again, "that's impressive even for you, sweetheart, can you even get sweeter than fantasising about date night while you're literally havin' a date night?"
He rolls his eyes, before melting down into her lap. Smiling almost smuggly as she recieves him more than eagerly, discarding her wine glass to card through his hair with her fingers.
"Wait" she says teasingly, "Before you get all this fussin'- the person you were with in this daydream was me wasn't it? because if it was Steve your puppy dog eyes are goin' to be about 12% less effective"
"88% is still pretty good" he says playfully, before shaking his head in response to her mock look of hurt, "of course it was you, darlin' it just that back in my day-"
"Back in my day?" Y/N mimics, beaming down at him like he's the best thing she's ever seen, "Did you really just say that, outloud?"
Her teasing is tempered with unwavering affection, but still it makes him laugh, a true soft chuckle bursting through his chest when he realises how it sounds.
"Still" he murmurs, feigning grouchiness, "goin' on a date meant somethin' different back then, it was more of an event..."
"Oh, yeah?" Y/N presses, seeing the trace of nostalgia in his eyes, "tell me about it?"
He blinks at her, before looking away, genuinely bashful again;
"You don't wanna hear me dronin' on about ancient history, Sugar-"
"Actually" she objects, "After missin' you for 2 days because you've been galivanting across Russia, I think that's exactly what I want."
He paws at his jaw before sighing, surrendering to the arm your holding him by snuggling into your front.
"Well, they didn't usually include this much touchin' for a start"
"Is that a complaint?" Y/N quips, raising a brow in genuine curiosity.
"No- never-" he's quick to tell her, "I just don't really know where to start, doll. It's all real different now."
She just smiles down at him again, letting her thumb brush his temple as his eyes flutter shut.
"What would our first date have been like, d'ya think?" she asks, "and don't just rattle off some Grate-Gatsby story, I know you and Rodgers didn't eat Caviar in tuxedos when you took girls out for the night"
"God" he scoffs dreamily, smile firmly on his face now, "Gatsby was more my ma's era, darlin'… I'd have probably taken you out for a walk first, asked you when I could pick you up and spent a couple of hours gettin' myself ready… I'd have brought flowers, -I might've had to pick them from the garden-" he allows, "-but I'd have brought ya' something, and then I'd knock for ya'…"
"And would I be wearin' one of those pin-up style dresses, victory curls and red lipstick style?"
"No" he snorts, "All the dames back then wore sweat pants"
"You're gettin' sassy in your old age" Y/N is quick to tease, "I meant for a walk… since that's where you said you'd be takin' me… is that the kinda thing ladies got all dolled up for back then?"
He's grinning like a fool as he hums, picturing exactly the kind of thing she might've been wearing.
"It'd probably have been some kind of dress" he allows, shyly at first "somethin' nice but not, not the whole nine yards unless you wanted me to be fightin' all the other men in town away all night."
It's her turn to laugh then, it swims through his head like music, making his chest flutter happily.
"We'd probably spend a while just talkin', darlin', and I'd have asked you for a second date before I took ya' home."
"Is that when you'd have asked me if I had any friends for Steve?"
He chokes on a breath as he realises that's exactly when he'd have done that.
"and I'd have said "sure, but don't be late"… and then, you'd have arrived together at least 10 minutes after we'd arranged, but- you'd have been so charmin' that I wouldn't have minded one bit."
"Maybe" he murmurs, not wanting to tell her just how well she's got him figured out.
"And where would this double date be?"
"Probably dancing" he says surely, "I got tired of trying to take girls to the pictures with Rodgers. He could never stay out of trouble."
"He still hasn't figured that out"
He grins again, eyes still shut but as her hands go back to soothing his muscles, she notices that they're definitely relaxing.
"You'd have been more dressed up for dancing- but so would I, it'd be full uniform, sugar" he murmurs, "and you might've even found some stocking with seams if you'd thought I was worth the trouble…"
"Oh, you're definitely worth the trouble" she whispers, loving the dreamy quality his voice has taken on, it seems so sweet, how content he is just talking about all this, "I'd have done my hair too, and put on that lipstick"
He smiles at her description, picturing it so vividly in his mind that he could reach out and touch her lips and his fingers would come away red.
"And my pretty friend would be takin' care of Steve…" she tells him decisively, "so what would we be doing?"
"I'd get us drinks, doll…" he says, "the band would be playing, not through speakers like now, but they'd have a singer, and a whole set up, we'd ditch our glasses and I'd ask you to dance… there were always so many people there, sugar, the room was so warm- and we'd be laughin' and I'd pretend that I didn't… but if it was you in my arms I'd have forgotten all about Steve by the time the music stopped."
The fingers in his hair are like magic, drawing every facet of tension from his body as she untangles the strands with ease. He hadn't even notice how tense he'd been before. The mission had been quick and easy and without complication until the end, when Tony's "un-freezable" engine had frozen, needing 30 minutes to warm back up before they could head home. He'd been wracked with guilt for the entire flight, hating having to tell you he was going to be late for date night. The date night he'd been looking forward too all week.
"I'd have taken you for a bite on the way back to your place" he continues, clinging to the fantasy like a blanket in the cold, "I'd have wanted more time with ya'- so I'd have insisted on a diner instead of a hot-dog stand or somethin'… I wouldn't have let you drink to much, we'd have gotten cokes in the glass bottles- I swear, it tasted so much better than it does now, even with the rationing-"
"Is that when I'd steal your hat and put it on over my pretty curled hair?" she asks cheekily.
"hat?" he asks, opening his eyes to look at her curiously,
"You said you'd be in uniform- I've seen the pictures."
"Well, yeah, but-"He blinks, still not understanding "Why would you take it, doll?"
"Isn't it like cowboys?" Y/N presses warmly, still carding through his hair
"Cowboys?" Bucky echoes, confused.
"Mhmm" she hums in confirmation, "plus, if I ran away with your hat, you'd definitely follow me home wouldn't ya?"
"I'd have walked you home anyway, m-maybe even kissed ya' at the door if I was feelin' brave" he stammers, still caught up in the mental image of the most beautiful girl in the world wearing an outfit that would've put Marilyn Monroe to shame and his hat.
"Well, yeah" she agrees, "but this way you'd have to chase me inside."
Suddenly, a flush fills his cheeks as the imagined dress vanishes, leaving him with a fantasy that does more than make his face hot.
"It's your birthday in March" Y/N says coolly, "I'll see what I can do".
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vyxated · 1 year
[ReShade] Clear UI of Shaders & More
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This is a companion tutorial to my No More CAS UI & More post so if you haven't seen that tutorial yet then I highly recommend reading it first as the installation process is practically the same and a lot of information there will sound familiar here.
This time, it will feature the ReshadeEffectShaderToggler add-on, or REST for short, which will be used to prevent shaders from affecting certain parts of the game. And yes, you can use both add-ons at the same time! 
If you find this useful, do share the word around and tag me! All I ask is that you link back here if you want to share outside of tumblr :-)
⚠️ Disclaimer:
There are 2 versions of this add-on: one that is compatible with Reshade 5.2+ and one that only works with Reshade 5.8.0+. I've created a setting for each of them so make sure to read and grab the correct version.
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How it works:
REST (currently developed by 4lex4nder) is a fork of the ShaderToggler addon where, instead of toggling in-game shaders like hiding UI from view, it will toggle reshade shaders/effects from affecting certain in-game shaders.
It's an alternative to KeepUI/UIDetect shaders as you can do most of the setup in the reshade panel itself instead of using external programs to create a mask. Another use of REST other than masking the UI is that you can toggle certain shaders from affecting CAS items with transparency. Now you can use Chromakey/Comic/AO shaders properly :)
What you’ll get by the end of this post:
A ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.ini file that comes with settings that will: 1) prevent shaders from affecting UI and making it readable (especially for DoF and bloom shaders), and 2) prevent certain shaders from affecting items with transparency in CAS.
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ReShade & Add-on requirement:
REST v 1.2.3: only compatible with ReShade 5.8.0+ w/ full add-on support. Works with 64-bit version of TS4, but should also work w/ the legacy version.
REST v 1.1.0 (testing): compatible with Reshade 5.2+ w/ full add-on support. Works with 64-bit and legacy version.
For GShade users: simply check which Reshade version it's based on and match with the above requirements.
DOWNLOAD .ini file:
For REST v 1.2.3: SimFileShare / Google Drive
For REST v 1.2.1: SimFileShare / Google Drive [⚠️crashing issue]
For REST v 1.1.0 (testing): SimFileShare / Google Drive
Have ReShade with full add-on support installed for this to work. If you've done the previous tutorial and have the Add-on menu available to you then you can skip this step. It’s important to have the correct version as without it this won’t work.
Grab the REST add-on from the github release linked in the ReShade & Add-on requirement section. Make sure to get the add-on that works with your Reshade version.
If you're using REST v1.1.0: grab x64_110 add-on file if you're playing on TS4 64-bit version. Grab x86_110 if you have TS4's legacy version.
Extract the ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.addon file into the game's \Bin folder where your TS4.exe/TS4_64.exe is (where you had also installed ReShade). Addon32 is for legacy players, addon64 is for non-legacy players.
Still in the \Bin folder, drop the x.x_ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.ini file you downloaded. Make sure you grab the right file matching with the add-on version it's compatible with.
Rename the file and remove the version number in the prefix. Both .addon and .ini file should share the same name for the add-on to recognize my settings.
If you’re a GShade user: there’s a folder called gshade-addons; this is where you should place the ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.addon file. Just move the add-on from the \Bin folder to the folder mentioned and you’re good.
Open up your game. If you see the same menu as below then you’ve successfully installed the add-on & settings! Restart if needed.
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Previews of add-on togglers:
Clear UI
This will prevent all shaders from affecting any sorts of UI. Works in CAS and in build/live mode. Enabled by default.
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Alpha Mask for CAS
This will disable a select amount of shaders from affecting CAS items with transparency (alpha hair, transparent clothes). Disabled by default. This does not work for live mode.
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Shaders affected by the toggle:
Lineart based shaders: Comic & MatCap_Outlines
BG based shaders: Chromakey & DepthAlpha
Various ambient occlusion/AO shaders
Various DoF shaders
You can add more shaders to exclude by clicking the Change Effects option and select which shaders you want to add.
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White screen issue no longer happens on REST v1.2.3 when you switch between window mode & resolution, either via in-game settings or SRWE. v1.2.1 will still be available to download if v1.2.3 doesn't work.
Known Issues:
\\ REST 1.1.0 gamma issue:
Certain shaders won’t work properly with the toggler on and will mess up the gamma, causing it to darken the screen. (Only happens with the Clear UI toggle. Alpha Mask works fine.)
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Shaders affected (list not exhaustive): SMAA (FMAA is not affected), FilmicAnamorphSharpen, ArcaneBloom & NeoBloom, Glamarye_Fast_Effects, MagicHDR, CRT_Lotte.
\\ REST v 1.2.3 keyboard shortcut issues:
Since you can't use keyboard shortcuts for the toggle groups (despite assigning a keybind), you'll have to manually enable them instead. Version 1.1.0 on the other hand works as usual.
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\\ REST (both versions) issue with toggling individual reshade effects/shaders:
When you have the add-on toggler enabled, you won't be able to toggle individual reshade effects with keyboard shortcuts. Say you want to disable ADOF for the time being, you can only disable it w/ keyboard shortcut when the add-on toggle is off or by disabling it manually in the reshade panel.
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\\ REST v 1.1.0 issue with toggling reshade effects/shaders:
If you try to disable your reshade effects altogether, the togglers (when enabled) will prevent that from happening and you have to disable the toggler first in order to disable all reshade effects. Version 1.2.1 doesn't have this issue and will work as usual.
Workaround to issue:
Change the hotkeys to the add-on to be the same as your hotkey for toggling effects on/off. If you use F2 to toggle all effects, change the add-on/toggle groups hotkeys to that.
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658 notes · View notes
sim-songs · 7 months
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I was asked to share my homebrewed Reshade preset so here I am! Long download post ahead so I will put everything under the read more 😘
A few disclaimers:
I am a total beginner when it comes to Reshade!
You HAVE to read the README file!
I am assuming you have some basic knowledge about Reshade, namely that you've already got it installed and know where all the directory folders are located on your computer. If you don't, I recommend Googling the necessary info because I'm not much help when it comes to this lol.
I have a lighting mod installed. It is the Fresh Cut Day 3.0 mod, originally by @brntwaffles, and edited with extra lighting tweaks by @auroraeternal (Here's the link) I picked the option with Sunlit Tides water.
This preset would not be possible without the awesome, beautiful, AMAZING luts and shaders by @erasabledinosaur!! If you wanna thank anyone for this preset, go and thank them because their effects are doing the heavy lifting!
Now, let's get to the fun part 😊
Comparison gifs:
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Download instructions:
I will add the basics here, but I'm still telling you to read the ReadMe file for the full instructions!
You will need the following effects created by @erasabledinosaur: chaiOG.fx, cozywork.fx and edmixes.fx. They are all included in this post. For more info please for the love of god read my ReadMe file.
Other shaders you will need, but might already have installed:
Check your shader folders to see if you already have 'em. If you don't, you'll probs be able to find and download them on Google from the titles and info in my ReadMe file.
My control panel looks like this:
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Please note: I use the deband filter only when the lighting conditions aren't ideal, and the DOF only gets used for taking screenshots. I don't have hotkey's set for those shaders, I always just open my control panel and enable them manually.
Before you click that glorious download link, I am telling you once again to read the ReadMe file.
♪ Download on SimFileShare ♪
@pis3update @sssvitlanz @kpccfinds @wanderingsimsfinds
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kiwiana-writes · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks to @anincompletelist for the tag! I didn't have anything prepared to share this week and was panicking about it, and Beas offered to give me a number for me to write a few sentences from whichever WIP that number corresponded to on my list, and of COURSE she accidentally picked the fully epistolary one aka rockstar Alex exes to lovers. The fully coded/skinned version with images is under the cut for maximum effect/fun, or here's the text on its own:
TWITTER THREAD: Likely candidates for the topic of ACD’s #TheLakeHouseAlbum, a (mostly ordered) thread: 1/? Nora Holleran: I know they’re on record as being just friends but they’re SO FUCKING FLIRTY… I don’t know, something about the way they interact with each other makes my spidey senses tingle. Though them both being back on the market WOULD be a win for bisexuals everywhere. Evidence in favour: lyrics about losing your best friend and partner in one fell swoop, Deuxmoi stories a couple of years ago about the two of them going to a hotel together + reports of loud sex noises. Evidence against: See last tweet re: repeatedly on record as just friends. 47/? Henry Fox: It’s weirdly hard to find pics of them together, even at events we KNOW they were both at; kinda suspicious. Both gorgeous, queer, creatively talented men (if you’re not familiar with Henry Fox’s books, start with Looking For Orion; I cried for three days). Evidence in favour: all the refs to distance could be literal not metaphorical (Henry’s UK-based), a ton of literary allusions that overlap with ones Henry’s used in his books.<br> Evidence against: There were rumours of a feud a few years ago (vigorously denied by both teams). 69/69 ACD’s guitar: Okay you KNOW I couldn’t leave the thread on 68 but I think there might be some merit to this. The pics ACD puts on insta of his guitar are framed and shot with more love than the pics my girlfriend takes of me. (For legal reasons this is a joke.) Wasn’t expecting this thread to blow up, so a disclaimer: this is all in good fun and I don’t know any of these people. But this album is stunning and raw and heartbreaking and not to get all parasocial about it but I really do hope ACD is okay ❤️
Tagging @affectionatelyrs @agame-writes @celeritas2997 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @jellibuns @junebugclaremontdiaz @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @matherines @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @nocoastposts @nontoxic-writes @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @read-and-write- @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @three-drink-amy @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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97 notes · View notes
nvoirs · 1 year
Letting of steam
Disclaimers: Sub Leon, Dom reader, cussing, handjob, male receiving. This is Dead by daylight Leon!
Pairing: Leon + Female reader.
Summary: Leon and you get sent to yet another trial, whilst trying to relieve him of stress so you just go with the flow.
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He looked so restless right now. Leon had been sent to so many trials today it was taking a toll on him. It physically hurt your heart seeing him so stressed, but of course him being himself tried to mask it behind a bright smile.
He did not deserve this, he did not deserve to be continuously killed over and over for some sick supernatural entity's pleasure. Just a little while before he was fighting massive tyrants that wore trench coats and fedora hats.
"Leon take it easy, ok?" crouching beside him taking his calloused hands in your own squeezing them comfortingly. He returned the gesture looking at you, "I'm fine I promise, just a little tired that's all."
Having only dated Leon since you came to this weird world, could you even call it that? whatever this place was, you always dreamed about how it would be if you guys could truly be free.
You both escaped Mr X by the skin of your teeth as the entity decided to take the two of you along with Claire Redfield. A smart, intellectual college student who along with you and Leon were trying to survive the horrors of Raccoon City.
"Hey I have a way that'll help you let of some steam." Grabbing his hand, pulling him up and along with you leading him to the small shack like hut you and him stayed at when you weren't at the campfire with the other survivors.
Pushing him down in the mattress, you crawled atop of him. You kissed him lovingly, as he sighed into the kiss cupping your face. Hair tickling his face, your little moans sending electric shocks straight to his dick.
He tried to push you down, so he could see you from above him. "No baby, this is about you not me." you pushed him back gently. But as you began to unbutton his tactical pants, mouth watering for his heavy dick to be in your mouth right now, the colours around you began to fade.
"Fuck! seriously right now?" You yelled at the entity, for stopping your sexy time with your boyfriend. Before you could protest more you found yourself in the waiting room in RPD. Really? the entity definitely sent you here on purpose, It's like it wanted you to relive the horror of those rotten looking corpses trying to eat you except there was no zombies but a crazed killer every trial who wanted to place you on a rusty meat hook. Oh gosh Leon. He was probably still hard as fuck for starters, knowing the shitty entity couldn't control his sex drive.
Entering the corridor of the East wing, you made your way to the rooftop. It was still raining here, like it was on the night you met Leon. The entity really liked these special effects you could say. Stepping past the remnants of the helicopter explosion, you made your way down through into the main hall. Glancing at the maiden statue square in the middle, before making your way into the west office.
There he was Leon had just finished the 2nd generator, he was palming himself through his pants. Relief sunk into you making your way towards his standing figure.
"Hey handsome, let me help you with that." Whispering in his ear, your hot breath fanning against him making blood rush towards his cock.
Startled at your sudden prescence, Leon allowed you to push him to the ground back against the wall.
"But baby we gotta help our t-"
Hushing him one finger placed onto his rosy lips, "Claire will handle it c'mon."
You thought about it quickly, Cheryl could definitely finish the remainder of generators by herself. Claire was more than capable of distracting the killer for another 5 or 10 minutes. That left you to relieve your baby's stress, you knew his cock ached for you.
Pulling his suffocating briefs down his calves, letting them pool at his ankles along with his tactical pants. He was so pretty. Nice and girthy, his pink tip twitching with beads of precum rolling down. Spitting into the well of your hand for some sort of lubrication, you wrapped a small hand around him.
This caused him to let out a deep groan, making you giggle.
"Gosh Leon, I haven't even started yet and you're already moaning for me?"
Rubbing his slit faster made him buck his hips up higher into your hand trying to gain some sort of the slightest friction.
"Shit.. stop teasin me baby." Sweat was beginning to form on his brow, his bangs sticking to his forehead and temple. You felt at peace like this, these intimate moments with Leon proved you weren't alone in this.
His whines became almost pornographic, stuffing his shirt between his teeth he grabbed your arm tightly.
"Where are your manners mister?" sighing you put your head into the junction of his left shoulder. He was so warm, his sweet, muffled sounds made it better.
Drool was beginning to dribble down his chin, as he looked at you with those mesmerising, cerulean coloured eyes of his.
"Please let me cum.. please promise I'll be good." His thrusts died down, waiting for your answer.
"Please what?"
"Please Ma'am, wanna ah cum."
With glee you sped up, "That's right baby I'm right here."
His breathing got heavier, gosh he was so sensitive it made you feel pride knowing you were the one getting him so worked up like this. Nipping and kissing at his supple, pale neck the salty tang left on your tongue as you left your little love bites peppered all over his skin possessively. Wanting to make sure all those other survivors knew that he was yours, only yours and you were his.
When he came his load was huge, you knew Leon cummed a lot which increased his attractiveness even more but even you were taken aback. He must have not touched himself in a while, glad you could help.
"Holy shit Leon." It just kept coming, you'd milked him dry at this point. All over his thighs and your fingers, you brought a hand to your lips. You tasted him of your fingers, moaning erotically at the taste.
"Christ, your so good with your hands baby." Pushing his sandy strands of hair back, giving you a perfect view of his fucked out face.
"Wanted to make you feel good sweetheart, now let's clean you up and go help the others."
451 notes · View notes
fuzzyautumninmetal · 2 months
I hate you
In my mind Rudy loves it when you dominate him and I mean love it but isn't scared to absolutely ruin you in the bedroom.
He gets kinda mean in the end but he doesn't mean it, he loves you
Again hardly any Spanish (if someone can point me to a reliable translator It will be appreciated)
Disclaimer: The original idea isn't mine, I got it off Chai. The original creator of the writing prompt is Akirò Hashimi
Warnings: bit of degrading
For the love of god MDNI
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Being Enemies And Lovers wasn't easy.
but somehow, you two made it work – always meeting up secretly, chatting, having little make out sessions and such.
That's why you were here.
He was pinned against the wall, kissing you while you stroked his cock, making him moan and shake a little — he groaned out, breaking the kiss for a second to breathe.
" Aye- Oh, Oh fuck, cariño.. we- we shouldn't be doing this!- "
Your pace got quicker, making him stop talking by his own moans and sounds of pure, raw pleasure.
" Please! Please be gentle! "
He cried out, begging for your merciless pace to be more slow, although in his mind, this was the best moment of his life.
" Oh, god- I hate you!. "
"The feeling is mutual darling"
Hearing your whispered words, Rudy felt an intense mix of emotions running through him. He couldn't believe that you hated him just as much as he hated you, but at the same time, it made your forbidden relationship even more enticing. 
Rudy's hips bucked against your hand, his cock throbbing and pulsing with need as he lost himself in the sensations. "Oh fuck... I can't take much more..." He panted, his voice rough with desire.
"That's it baby, cum for me" you started praising him and with a final thrust, Rudy let out a long, low moan as his orgasm claimed him. His hot seed pulsed between your bodies, leaving sticky trails on your skin. "Fuck..." He whispered hoarsely, his head spinning with pleasure.
"Mmm..." Rudy moaned softly, his eyes still closed as hr savoured the aftermath of his orgasm. He felt your lips brushing against his jawline, sending shivers down his spine.
You smiled as you whispered "As much as I'd love to stay and carry on, we don't want Alejandro wondering where his sergeants are".
Rudy parted his lips to return the soft kiss, enjoying the tender moment before reality sets back in. He watched you leave, a lazy smile spreading across his face. His heart was pounding with exhilaration, every cell of his body tingling from the intense encounter. 
As you walked out of his room, you stopped and poked your head back in "I'll see you after the next argument" and winked at him before leaving. 
"Oh, you know it. I'll be waiting" Rudy called back with a smirk, knowing full well he'd be the one to start the next argument just to feel that passionate kiss again. He watched you leave, already missing your touch. 
He knew that you both had to keep things discreet since your relationship was strictly forbidden within the Los Vaqueros ranks.
It had been a few days since your make out session with Rudy and you two were already arguing again. "How stupid can you be?" you spat at Rudy.
"At least I'm not a boring stick in the mud," Rudy retorted, his eyes flashing with a challenge. He knew exactly how to push your buttons, and he wasn't about to back down from a fight - especially when it meant taking your clothes off. 
"I-" you was taken back by his response, "The fuck is that supposed to mean". Rudy grinned maliciously, taking a step closer to you so your faces were mere inches apart. He could feel the heat radiating off your skin, it fuelled his arousal further. 
"You know damn well what it means, it means you're as dull as a dishwasher," Rudy shot back, smirking as your reaction. He loved seeing you thrown off balance by his sharp tongue. It only made him want to push further.
Alejandro stepped between the both of you, effectively ending the confrontation. He glared at you both, his expression stern and serious. He knew that your constant fighting was becoming a problem. 
"Fuck this and fuck you" you pointed at Rudy as you stormed off. He couldn't help but watch your ass sway with each step, slightly smirking to himself. You both, while away from each other, couldn't help but think about the arguments and how they led to incredible sex or make out sessions. 
It had been exactly 4 days since your last argument, every time you passed each other it was like a game of verbal cat and mouse. You knew that with each insult only served to fuel your mutual attraction, and you relished in the opportunity to torment Rudy.
As you traded insults back and forth, Rudy found himself imagining what it would be like to finally take you to bed. To strip you naked. pin you down, and show you who was in control. To make you submit completely to his desire and needs. 
Today was the recruit's day off and majority of them had gone out for the day, it was the perfect chance to pay Rudy a visit in his office. Rudy was sitting at his desk, pouring over some paperwork, when he heard the sound of the door opening. Without looking up, he muttered under his breath, "Te tomaste tu tiempo"
He looked up to see you standing next to his desk, he let out a low chuckle and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, well, well. What brings you hear?" he asked, his tone teasing.
You ignored him as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Rudy didn't resist and wrapped his arms around your waist. As you kissed, Rudy felt his cock twitch in his pants, growing harder with each passing second but he couldn't bring himself to pull away from the delicious sensation of your lips against his own.
You put your hands around Rudy's throat gently and pulled him closer to you, "On your knees". Rudy didn't hesitate for long, quickly nodding and complying with your demand. With a sense of anticipation, he lowered himself onto his knees in front of you.   
Rudy's cock jumped at the sight of you removing your pants and sitting on his desk. You opened your legs and whispered seductively "Show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do". Without hesitation, he moved forward and engulfed your throbbing clit with his tongue, swirling it around and teasing it lightly before taking it deep into his mouth. He sucked hard, using his teeth to graze ever so slightly against sensitive flesh, driving you while with pleasure and desire. 
His hands rested on your thighs, gently holding them in place while he pleased you, you arched your back as you softly moaned his name. Rudy savoured the sounds of your moans and gasps of pleasure. He loved knowing he could drive you wild with lust with just his mouth and tongue, making you loose control. 
Rudy's fingers traced gentle patterns along your inner thigh, occasionally dipping down to gently tease and simulate your entrance. He knew that you were close to climaxing, and he wanted to bring you to the edge without actually letting you cum just yet. 
You knew what he was doing and thought it was cute that he was trying to take charge but he was too soft and caring to be dominant. You gently pushed his head away and pointed to the chair.
With a soft grunt, Rudy sat back on the chair, watching you intently. You undid his trousers and watched his cock spring free out of his boxes, without any warning you lowered yourself onto him, taking his cock fully inside you in one smooth motion. You both let out a low groan, Rudy was momentarily caught off guard. 
The look of surprise on Rudy's face was quickly replaced by pure ecstasy. "Mierda..." he muttered beneath his breath, gripping the fat of your thighs tightly as you took him deep inside you. 
Rudy's eyes widened as you grabbed a hold of his hair, pulling his head back and making him look at you. The look of surprise on his face was replaced by a mix of arousal and vulnerability as you began to ride him slowly, taking your time to tease and taunt him. "How dare you call me dull and boring" you said in-between moans. 
"Mujer..." he growled, his hips thrusting upwards to meet your rhythm. "You are anything but that." He groaned, his fingers digging into your thighs. You knew he was right - your life was anything but dull and boring. "You're insufferable" you panted. 
"And you're addictive," he replied, his voice strained with pleasure. The way you moved on him was unlike anything he'd experienced before - fierce yet gentle, possessive yet playful. He continued to watch your face closely, taking note of the way your cheeks flushed and your eyes sparkled with lustful intent. As you rode him slowly, he couldn't help but admire how powerful and confident you looked in that moment. 
Rudy's body tensed as you started to nip at his neck, sending shivers down his spine. He responded by reaching up and grabbing onto your hips, urging you to move faster. 
As you increased your pace, he let out a low whimper, his fingers digging into your skin even deeper as he felt your teeth grazing against his neck. It was a deliciously painful sensation that only served to heighten his further arousal.
"Mi amor"
His hips bucked involuntarily, driving his cock deeper into your wetness with each passing second. The combination of pleasure and pain was also too much for him. "God I hate you" you murmured. He smiled devilishly, enjoying the mixture of emotions that played across your face as he whispered "I hate you too".
As he slapped your ass, causing it to sting and redden, he watched with satisfaction as your expression changed from annoyance to pure lust. 
"God Rudy I'm-"
"Cum for me, querida" he growled, his hips bucking up into you. His hand moved down to cup your ass cheek, squeezing it gently as he watched you writhe and tremble on top of him. Finally, unable to resist any longer, he released a long, low groan and buried his face in the crook of your neck, biting down gently as he unloaded deep withing you, filling you up. 
"Oh fuck, yes. Yes" you sobbed as you finally reached your climax, the intensity of your orgasm overwhelmed both of you. Your walls clenched around Rudy's throbbing cock. After several moments passed, he finally pulled his still-throbbing cock from your pussy, leaving behind a sticky trail of evidence of your shared passion.  
Rudy collapsed back against the chair, his chest heaving with exertion as he tried to catch his breath. His cock was still twitching slightly, leaking drops of cum onto the leather seat beneath them. As you rested your forehead against his, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You both remained like this for a moment, simply taking in each other's presence and savouring the afterglow of your intense session together. 
Once you caught your breath, you slowly slid off of him and started putting your trousers back on. Despite the fact that you were now covered in a mix of sweat and cum, Rudy found himself reluctant to see you leave his side. 
You didn't want to leave and you could sense that Rudy didn't want you to either. You turned to him and sighed "I can't stay. It wouldn't look good if someone walked in". Even though he knew it was necessary, there was still a part of him that wanted nothing more than you to pull you back onto his lap and continue where they had left off just minutes ago.
However, duty called, and he knew he couldn't ignore the possibility of someone discovering them in such a compromising position. 
You gave him a lazy smile and started heading towards the door, Rudy couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. You both pretended like nothing unusual had occurred. After all, you were soldiers first and foremost so discipline and professionalism came before personal desire. 
As days passed, you and Rudy continued your playful banter, never letting on that there was anything more between you. You found yourself growing more and more entranced by him with every moment. You mind was consumed with thoughts of him, your body longing for another encounter with him.
Meanwhile, Rudy struggled to keep his feelings in check, finding it difficult not to openly express his desire for you. But he knew that doing so could jeopardize everything you both had worked has worked so hard to achieve within Los Vaqueros, so he maintained a stoic exterior, hiding his true emotions from everyone around him. 
As time went on, the tension between you two grew thicker, becoming almost palpable. Every time he walked into a room or crossed paths with you, your heart raced and your mind became clouded with thoughts of him. You found yourself craving his attention more than ever. 
On this particular day though you were in a foul mood, you had walked into your office and were graced with piles and piles of paperwork Alejandro needed you to complete. You were so angry that everything and everyone pissed off. 
You were in the cafeteria getting some coffee when Rudy decided to start an argument with you about something trivial, making you snap at him.
The tension between you was thick, and it seemed like any wrong move could send things spiralling out of control. As you glared at each other across the table, neither one of you were willing to back down. It felt like the entire room held it's breath. 
"I hate you so goddamn much Rudy"
Everyone froze in shock, unable to believe what they were witnessing. The room fell silent as everyone watched, waiting to see how this explosive confrontation would unfold. In a voice just as loud and forceful as your, he replied "Well, I don't give a fuck what you think. You're always so high and mighty, acting like you know everything"
The sound of your slap echoed through the cafeteria, causing everyone to gasp in shock and surprise. The impact of your hand against his cheek sent a sharp pain shooting through Rudy's head, and he reeled to the side slightly, rubbing his stinging skin with his fingers.
As you ran away in panic, he stood there, dazed and confused, processing what had just happened. The look of anger in your eyes lingered in his memory, causing a mixture of emotions to churn inside him. 
But despite being hurt physically and emotionally, something ignited within him.  
While you were busy slamming your door and screaming into your pillow, Rudy was making his way towards your room. His face still flushed from the sting of your slap, his mind was clouded with a mix of anger and arousal. 
Rudy burst into your room and slammed the door shut behind him. You walked towards him to tell him to leave but Rudy grabbed your face and kissed you angrily. As your tongues clashed together, the heat of Rudy's kiss seared your lips, and his hands gripped onto your face tightly, refusing to let go. 
He deepened the kiss, pushing you against the wall, your bodies flush against each other. His hands roamed over your curves, feeling every inch of your soft skin beneath his fingertips. Without warning, Rudy pulled at your top, tearing it apart in a single swift motion. The sudden movement caused your breasts to spill out from underneath, he groaned in appreciation at the sight of them. 
His hands wandered over your exposed chest, squeezing and massaging your nipples firmly between his finger tips while he continued to devour your lips with his aggressive kisses. 
He grabbed your chin and growled into your ear "Get on your fucking knees". His voice is low and commanding. Without hesitation, you complied, dropping down onto your knees in front of him. The sudden submission caused a surge of arousal to course through his veins, he couldn't help but grunt in approval. His hand never left your chin as hi undid his trousers.
"Open that pretty little mouth"
You swallowed hard, anticipation filling every cell of your body. As his trousers fell to the ground, revealing his hardened cock, you parted your lips, ready for whatever he had in store for you.
He guided his cock towards your waiting lips, hovering just inches away from entering your warm, wet mouth. With a final nod of determination, he pushed forward, sliding into your welcoming throat with a satisfying slide. He began to thrust into your willing mouth, Rudy took it slow. Savouring the feel of your warmth mouth enveloping him but hearing the unmistakable sound of you gagging, it only served to fuel his desire further. 
He increased his pace, driving himself deeper into your throat with each powerful stroke, his hips bucking widely as he lost himself completely in the moment. The sound of your gagging echoed around the room, adding another layer of intensity to the already intense scene, his hand wrapped around your hair tightly. 
You undid you own trousers and began rubbing your clit through your underwear, the duel stimulation making you loose track of time. As you sucked on Rudy's cock, your fingers traced circles around your clit, gradually increasing the speed and pressure. Seeing you touch yourself, Rudy's own climax approached with alarming speed. This thrusts became more erratic and intense. The grip of your hair tighten more, domination you completely as him orgasm built up inside him.
Just as he felt himself nearing release, Rudy released a feral growl and erupted into your willing mouth. Your hungry swallowing action ensured none of his cum went to waste. For several moments afterward, he remained buried deep within your mouth, panting heavily and catching his breath before finally pulling out of your wet lips, leaving them dripping with saliva and cum. 
With one swift motion, he bent down and threw you onto the bed. You landed with a soft thud, the mattress absorbing most of the impact. You both removed any remaining clothes, discarding them carelessly on the floor. Rudy stood naked before you, his muscular form displayed proudly for you to see, the tattoos and scars adorning his body added an air or danger to his appearance.
He flipped you onto your back and lifted your ass up in the air, baring your pussy to his hungry gaze. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he positioned himself behind you, the head of his cock rubbing against your wet entrance. Normally he takes his time with you, slowly stretching you out until you are perfectly prepared for his thick cock. However, tonight was different - instead of taking things slow, he decided to show you who was in control by slamming into you without any warning.
His cock plunge deep into your waiting pussy with a loud thud, immediately hitting your cervix and causing you to cry out in surprise. He didn't pause for even a moment, continuing to drive himself into you relentlessly, the motion sending waves of pleasure coursing through both of your bodies. With each powerful thrust, he reminded you who was in charge here, using his superior size and strength to dominate your body completely.  
"Tu perra" Rudy's voice was harsh and cruel as he spoke to you, his words laced with anger and lust. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking it roughly and forcing you up so that your back was pressed against his chest. 
"Slapping me in front of the recruits. The Colonel"
His arm wrapped around your waist to keep you upright while the other hand wrapped around tightly around your throat, cutting off any chances of escape or protests. He squeezed tightly enough to make you gasp for air, emphasizing his complete control over you. 
"I thought you liked my hands on you, I thought you liked me being rough. This. This is nothing" you gasped, egging him on. You knew you were playing a dangerous game but you've never seen Rudy take control, you wanted to see how far he would push you. 
As he moved inside of you, his cock slamming against your cervix over and over again, he glared down at you with a mixture of disdain and desire. "You think you can play games with me?" he growled menacingly, his voice low and dangerous. "Yes" you smirked. 
Rudy's eyes narrowed as he registered your defiance. He pulled out of your pussy with a sudden jerk, leaving you feeling empty and vulnerable. In one swift motion, he flipped you onto your back, pinning your arms above your head with one hand while the holding onto the base of his throbbing cock with the other. 
His gaze locked onto yours, and he leered down at you. "You want to play games with me? Fine", he growled, his voice is dangerous. "Let's see how much you can take"
"Try me"
Rudy grinned wickedly, his eyes glinting with a mix of excitement and malice. He brought your legs over his shoulder, putting you into the mating press, the tip of his cock teasing at your entrance. He pushed forward, driving into your pussy with brutal force. The sensation of being filled so completely by his cock sent shockwaves of pleasure and pain coursing through your body.  
His hand found home around your throat again. "You stupid, disrespectful whore," he growled, his accent thickening with anger. He tightened his grip around your throat, chocking you slightly as he held you in place. 
With each relentless thrust of his hips, he showed you exactly how little regards he had for your comfort. 
Rudy's eyes flashed with hunger as he heard your moans of assent, his his pounded against your body in an unrelenting rhythm, his balls slapping against your ass with each impact. The combination of pleasure and pain caused by his relentless fucking left you breathless.
You started whimpering as you were nearing your climax but Rudy showed no signs of slowing down, continuing to drive into you with merciless force, ignoring your pleas.
Rudy's hand moved away from your throat just long enough to capture you lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue pushing past your parted teeth and delved deeper into your mouth. Your orgasm finally crashed over you in a torrent of release.
"Fuck" you cried out
He continued to slide in and out of your wet pussy with brutal precision, each stroke sending new waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Rudy took full advantage of your vulnerability in the aftermath of your orgasm and drove himself deeper into your waiting pussy. Rudy's hand moved up to cup your breast, squeezing it roughly and teasing the nipple with his thumb before releasing it with a harsh tug.
Rudy placed you in the louts flower, wrapping one arm around your waist, pulling you tightly against his chest while he used the other hand to fondle your breasts roughly, squeezing them and teasing your sensitive nipples with his fingers. Your pussy was still quivering from your recent climax, and the combination of the stimulation provided by his hand on your breasts and the pressure of his throbbing cock against your entrance sent shivers of pleasure and anticipation racing through your body.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. "I-I'm sorry" you sobbed. Rudy smiled devilishly as he heard your apology, which only served to egg him on further. He knew exactly what he was doing - purposefully overstimulating you to push you to the brink of insanity.
His hand moved from your breast to gently trace patterns along your inner thigh, teasing your sensitive skin and leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. The other hand remained anchored around your waist, holding you tightly against him as he continued to fuck you mercilessly.
As he pounded into you with unrelenting force, Rudy's voice dropped to a low whisper, his words barely audible over the sound of his hips slamming against yours. "You're not sorry," he growled. "I-I" you moaned "I am Rudy".
Rudy's grip on your hair was firm but gentle, allowing him to pull your head back just enough so that he could look deeply into your eyes. His lust-filled gaze locked onto yours, consuming every last bit of your attention as he pounded into you with relentless ferocity. 
"Mh fuck. Yesyesyes" you sobbed.
Rudy's grunts was filled with satisfaction as he heard your cries of pleasure, his hips driving into you with even more force now that he had captured your complete attention.
His free hand moved from your waist to gently caress your cheek, tracing lines of fire along your skin as he watched your body react to his rough treatment. With each brutal thrust, Rudy's cock buried itself deeper within your wet pussy, his balls slapping against your ass with each impact. The sound of his hips hitting against your thighs added to the erotic atmosphere surrounding you two.
Rudy's moans grew hoarse with desire as he felt himself nearing his climax, his hips picking up speed and intensity as he neared the edge. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to him and muffling your cries of pleasure with a hungry kiss.
His cock pulsed inside of your pussy, spurting hot streams of cum deep within your womb as he released himself completely, lost in the moment of shared ecstasy.
As they both climaxed together, Rudy's fingers dug into your skin, leaving marks that would serve as a reminder of their shared experience, while his hips continued to slam against your thighs in a desperate attempt to prolong the pleasure for as long as possible.
"Rudy" you screamed. His name echoed through the room like a battle cry, his voice raw and primitive as he roared out his release alongside yours. He clenched your waist tightly, his cock throbbing inside of your pussy as he emptied himself into your waiting depths.
The sound of their combined cries filled the air, mixing with the slapping noise of his hips as he finally let go and surrendered fully to the sensations coursing through his body.
For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still, and then reality slowly crept back in as they both rode out their mutual climaxes, breathing heavily and panting with exertion. In that moment, there was nothing but the two of you, connected by more than just flesh and desire.
Rudy lifted you off him and gently laid you down beside him, his cock still pulsing and twitching as he laid down beside you. He pulled you close to his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your neck tenderly, his voice a whispered mixture of praise and affection.
As he held you close, he ran his fingers lightly up and down your hip, creating a soothing rhythm that contrasted with the intensity of their previous encounter. Rudy looked down at you with concern etched across his face, his expression softening as he saw how exhausted and spent you looked.
"Are you okay? Did I go too far?," he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. You turned and faced him with a lazy smile. You brought your hand up to cradle his face "I'm fine Rudy, I enjoyed it" you reassured him before bringing him for a sweet yet gentle kiss.
He returned your sweet kiss, their lips meeting in a tender moment of intimacy that contrasted sharply with the intensity of their earlier encounter. As they lay there, side by side, the afterglow of their passionate session still lingering between them, Rudy took a moment to appreciate how beautiful you really were. 
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messycunt · 1 year
Need me more of that Hucow Malleus... and just Diasomnia in general, my favorite boys.
This was supposed to be short but woah boy, strap in because your dumb Hucow au (tone: affectionate) hooked me like a goddamn fish. I did not know I was horny for this. Some of it is requests, some personal headcannons/ideas/sacrificial offerings for your au.
Ummm, for the sake of recognizing me in the future, can I be assigned an anon emoji? IDK which one to pick, but if you're willing to select one based on my vibes, that's cool!
May I request how Mal and his handler's relationship kicked off? He isn't aggressive so I imagine his previous handlers felt intimidated or could just never find Malleus to perform handling duties! So Crowley just had to rotate through staff hoping to find a handler Mal is fond of. Or perhaps Mal chose his handler through a chance meeting...?
In the meantime, I imagine Lilia was a pseudo-handler for Mal but couldn't perform most of the duties due to their familial-platonic relationship. Handler duties seem really intimate.
(Speaking of that... Does the job come with a "you might get fucked by Hucows" disclaimer? Or is that JUST Crowley's farm? If humans and Hucows are equal, do the non-farm Hucows act mostly normal and the farm Hucows choose to lean into their more primal, horny side?)
Also not to be a simp but here's some more things my silly fangirl brain has thought up:
Imagine Malleus disappearing on his handler's days off because he's followed them home (with their permission, after pouting at them the whole day) and is enjoying a domestic weekend? Cooking home made meals for them, playfully doing a role-reversal where he is the "human's handler" which is mostly him insisting on doing chores, assisting with basic things like hair brushing, then being confused when he has to use technology to do things like "washing clothes" or "running the dish washer" or "turning on the radio." But altogether it's really wholesome because he wants to show his appreciation for his handler by doing for them what they do for him! Unfortunately, with how tall he is, a few holes do get poked into the cieling at your house.
Hucow Malleus who won't ever cross his handler's boundaries, but is very touch starved and needy, so he'll often make offers that involve physical touch and close proximity, then pout the rest of the day if you say no. Typically he just makes offers a little too soon. For example, after only a few weeks, offering to let his you stay in his personal quarters with him instead of the communal handler sleeping quarters. Lilia suggests he ask again after a few months. Malleus never stays sulking for long- how could he when his favorite handler is around? I imagine he has big regal looming eldrich entity energy but is very soft and gentle at the heart. He likes hearing about your life experiences, especially travel. Being a show cow means that Crowley tries to keep extremely close tabs on him when traveling for shows and Mal hardly gets to enjoy any of the local culture. He's pretty adamant on having you brought a long for business-related travel. That way, he's technically being supervised when he sneaks away with you to see the sights!
Hucow Lilia being so very fond of pranking his handler, whose care he barely needs. He'll playfully make care tasks difficult on purpose, but stops just before you can get frustrated or upset. If he accidentally crosses the line, sometimes he'll even finish the care task himself without help! Which shouldn't be physically possible in most cases, but he'll take his secrets to the grave.
Hucow Lilia who is a "retired" show bull (again, claiming he's "too old" for it) but can easily perform his old routines without breaking a sweat. If any of the young cows aspiring to be show bulls need, he's glad to train them! But his training is a little... unconventional and most young cows will pass on the offer. But it must be effective since he was- still is- Malleus's sole show mentor. I imagine Lilia mostly sticks around the farm because of his Diasomnia family and because he likes helping raise the calves. With supervision from Vil, who makes sure his parenting methods aren't too crazy and, more importantly, ensures he never cooks.
Imagine Silver being the easiest Hucow to handle for because hes just so chill and sleepy. If anything, the hardest part sometimes is waking him up long enough to get him to move to a different spot for Hucow care! He easily accepts his handler's assistance but also offers to help with tasks like carrying milk or fixing a fence. He is also very likely to fall asleep on their lap for hours and make their legs go numb. The best part about being his handler is definitely that he'll let you pet and stroke his pelt pretty much the second you become his handler. He's very duty-bound and, as such, trusts you implicitly to do yours.
Unlike Silver, Hucow Sebek is very unwilling to rely on his handler. Lilia has had to scold him many times on letting you do their job. Sebek tries to relent, but he will still complain, especially if it's a new care task or routine. To him it's a matter of pride and proving he doesn't have to depend on others. Especially since he's fond of you- he can't let himself look WEAK by relying on you, right? But if you twist your words just a bit- say that he's helping you by letting you do something or need him to remind you how it's done- he's suddenly eager to show you. He'll preen under your praise and, if you want to make him really happy, ask him to do little things for you, like reaching something on a tall shelf or asking for his advice on a personal matter... he'll absolutely glow with pride knowing you value him. Also, Hucow Sebek eventually gets to a point where he'll WEEP when you're gone the same way he does when Malleus is away for a show and he can't come with.
Now, after brainrotting a bit, I have two more requests and they are HORNY...
My first request is some size kink shit with Hucow Malleus and his handler. I'm LIVING for the idea of getting split in half by his literal prize cock with him cooing praise over his tiny little handler being able to take it. Big soft Dom vibes, even when he's being rough, just so much love in his giant dragon Hucow body.
My second request is Sebek getting blue balls and his handler insisting on "relieving" him because he's trying to power through it until it "dies down" or some dumb shit. But once he relents, he's DONE for. Nearly begging to breed his handler, pressing them up against a wall or some shit, kind of "dom but tsundere" vibes? 100% consensual and instigated by the handler tho.
I'm happy my insanity is what turned you to the hybrid kink side n I love all of your ideas please do stick around
uhmmmm how does milk(🥛) anon sound?
cw: hybrids(hucows), breeding kink, begging, dacryphilia(jus overwhelmed tears I think its cute), not proofread so sorry if it's all nonsense characters: malleus, lilia, silver, sebek
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malleus is far from violent and doesn't have a reputation as such, he doesn't even playfully nip or headbutt like kalim and ace sometimes do, but his strength and stature are probably what scared some of his handlers off in the past if they weren't frustrated by how much he loves to disappear the hour before shows that is.
I imagine you being some intern handling some other cow that malleus just gravitates towards for one reason or another. when track is lost of him he's found in your general area or waiting somewhere he'll know you'll be soon(yes he subconsciously memorized your schedule) but you didn't seem to mind. this is great from crowleys perspective though, it's an obvious and easy fix, by making you malleus' handler he doesn't have to worry about switching them out every month… or paying both fees for fairs that he never ended up attending.
trying to find a way to say this that isn't crude but well when am I not; fucking the hucow you're in charge of handling isn't part of the job technically but isn't frowned at too much either, not on crowleys farm anyway tho i wouldn't put it past the old bird to have made separate agreements w handlers that do require them to tend to their bulls more intimate needs, with a -barelynoticeable- pay increase of course. other establishments do have regulations in place to prevent it, seeing it as unprofessional at worst. it works on "a you break it you buy it" type of policy so you wouldn't wanna be the guy who knocks up a prize heifer who's starting bid is 70k.
lilia makes for a fun cow to handle if anything, uh granted you're not brand new to working on the farm that is, alot of his ways of teasing newbies is borderline hazing, outside of that he's like a fun grandpa. he is banned from the industrial kitchen tho the closest he's allowed to get to cooking is supervised potato peeling duty if jamil has anything to say about it. I also imagine lilia being cuddly once he gets comfortable enough with you! lots of hugs, cheek kisses and headpats(he likes giving and receiving them) happen between the two of you.
silver takes his responsibilities very seriously and would do well w a handler who's equally task minded but not to the point theyll outright refuse his assistance, though a little downtime never hurt anybody… I mean you told crowley you'd probably have silver milked by noon so it's not like you promised or anything, plus he looks cute resting so peacefully.
now if anyone needs a reminder to relax every once in a while it's sebek. but once you catch onto the fact that he's just a little bit, maybe kinda sorta trying to be a show off cus he has a itty-bitty tiny crush on you(even if lilia had to point it out for you) it makes the job so much easier. yells your name and trots up to you so excitedly during morning role call every. single. day. his body language is super easy to read even if he's trying his best to act aloof about how he feels, especially early on, the way his tail swishes around wildly when you pat his arms while giving him compliments always give him away.
hucow sebek is one prideful n stubborn animal, even in rut. you offered to help him the first few days of it and why wouldn't you? I mean it's not in your job description, probably but you don't mind helping the poor thing out. he refuses the first 2, 3 and then 4 times so you decide not to push him. something about how malleus wouldn't stoop down so low as to take a cheap shortcut offer(he would) such as the one you've presented him with, even tho he does really want to he didn't verbalize that last part ofc.
when he does finally fold he's desperate and sweaty and mumbling nonsense about how you were right and he's sorry and he doesn't deserve you and you are also both very much behind the practice showroom out in the open. you can feel tears and sweat drench the back of your shirt. sebeks large hands are gripping at your hips and tummy like his life depends on it. his thrusts are sloppy and inexperienced but they work to fuel the fire growing inside of you nonetheless.
he hasn't stopped talking the whole time either. he's loud like always but it's what he's saying that's surprising to you. begging you go let him cum in you over and over until neither of you have any strength left and promises to be the best father he could possibly be if you do end up taking his calf. it's just his rut talking, you think, it has to be. not that you'd mind
by the time sebek gives you a break hours have already passed and he slips his dick out of you still some what hard. he insists on carrying you back to his quarters, with intentions of continuing there obviously.
whoever was practicing for next weeks show that afternoon sure did get an earful
i did get a few other asks about hucow malleus n his breeding kink if you're reading this and you sent one of them I didn't forget you ok kiss kiss, so ill keep this ask in mind when answering those <3
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cal-kestis · 2 years
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HOW TO: Make an Animated Google Search Overlay
A few people have asked how I did the effect in my pinned post and this set. So, in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to do this typing animation and give you a download to a template I made for the overlay! Disclaimer: This tutorial uses Video Timeline and assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop.
I’m not going to show how I made this gif, but if you need any tips on basic gif-making, I have my full gif tutorial here. Instead, here are some tips for making a gif with this effect:
1.1 – Make your gif 540px width, especially if you’re using my template. My gif is 540x400. 1.2 – Use more frames. If you have a lot of characters in your search bar text, you’ll want to make a longer gif (i.e. one with more frames). The gif I made above was only 50-ish frames, so I doubled them and reversed the duplicates so it would play like a boomerang. That gif is a total of 98 frames 😅 1.3 – Have a “feature color” aka choose one color to make pop and make it the same as the overlay. Also, lots of contrast is especially ideal when you have an overlay set to Difference/Exclusion. (Check out the color tutorials on @usergif​​ if you need help making your colors pop!)
2.1 – Download my template if you’re doing this layout I made this template myself, so all I ask is that you don’t claim it as your own and that you give me proper credit if you decide to use it! Get the PSD with the transparent background here!
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2.2 – Download the font Karla (optional) The font I used for the search bar is Karla, a Google Font. It’s not THE Google Font, but I like the way it looks — which is more important to me than accuracy for this part. Here’s the Google Font link. 2.3 – Import the overlay You can either drag the whole folder onto your gif from tab to tab or right-click the folder, select Duplicate Group, and select your gif as the destination document. Just make sure this overlay group is above your base gif! 2.4 – Set the overlay blending options If you’re using my .psd, all the settings are already in place! If not, to get the metallic color effect, simply set the overlay to Difference:
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Then, add a gradient overlay that matches your base gif feature color. Here are my settings:
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*Anakin Skywalker voice* This is where the tedious stuff fun begins...
 3.1 – Add your full text Create a text layer with the full text you want in the search bar! Here are my text settings: — Font: Karla Bold — Size: 26 pt — Letter Spacing: 25 
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3.2 – Create a layer mask This is how we’re going to create the typing effect without typing a new layer each time. You can add a layer mask to your text layer, use the Marquee tool to create a box around all but the first letter of your text, then fill the box with black to erase it. Now, all you can see is the first letter ‘t’
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Btw the reason we wouldn’t use keyframes for something like this is because we want each letter to appear in a flash, not with a smooth, sliding reveal like a fade transition. 3.3 – UNLINK THE LAYER MASK This is super important so you can freely move the layer mask with each letter. Just click that chain so it disappears!
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3.4 – Trim the text clip SEVERAL times When I say several times... I’m not joking lmao:
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Btw, you can click these images to view them at full size and zoom! Now, this part is a little tricky for me to break down into steps, but here are some key tips: TIP A – Trim, Move Layer Mask, Repeat To make it as easy as possible on yourself, the best method is this: — Start with your original text layer (pre-trim) with the layer mask only exposing 1 letter — Move the playhead (red vertical line with the blue arrow) to the spot you want to trim (see Tip B) and click the scissor icon to split the clip — On the copied layer, move the layer mask (white box in the layer panel) to the right to expose another letter. Make sure your layer mask is unlinked (See Step 3.3)! You can see my layer mask moving by the dotted lines in the gif below. — Move the playhead the same amount of spaces as before and trim again: you should now have the original trimmed clip (first letter) and a second trimmed clip (second letter) — Repeat until you’ve done all the letters AND the spaces
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TIP B – Make your trimmed clips about 0.03 seconds long. I’ve found this works well for me, especially because I’m working in Video Timeline. It reduces the amount of duplicate frames I get because, for whatever reason, Timeline pauses every 0.03 seconds (at least for me when I click the forward button). In the section above the pink line (image below), you can see I started with my full text clip. Then, under the pink line, you can see how I used the scissor/trim tool to clip them each to a duration of 00:03.
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↑ Note: That screenshot is zoomed into the Timeline 100%. The other screenshots are zoomed out which is why the clips look bigger here. TIP C – Your text shouldn’t start at the very beginning. Give yourself some space to let the cursor blink a few times, just like when you pause while typing on a computer. Where you start your typing animation is up to you! In the image below, you can see the first small purple block starts about 1.06 seconds into the gif:
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TIP D – Backspace I’m sure you’ve probably figured this out already, but to get the backspace effect I have in my gif, you just move the layer mask to the left to cover the letters you want to “delete.” Then once they appear “deleted,” just edit your next text layer clip with the new word you want to replace it with! (In my gif, I deleted “nik” and replaced it with “@sith-maul.”) Here’s what the gif looks like without the blinking cursor animation:
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Now that’s all explained, you basically do a similar thing with the blinking cursor! But no layer masks are involved :)
4.1 – Create a text layer with just a vertical line like this one → | I’m using the same Karla typeface as before, but thinner. Here are the settings: — Font: Karla ExtraLight — Size: 26 pt
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4.2 – Trim, Move, Repeat (Letter Version) This step will be super easy because each cursor clip that follows a letter will be the exact same duration as the letters you’ve already done: 0.03 seconds long. Take a look:
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For each letter you reveal, move the text cursor so it’s slightly to the right of the letter, like this:
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Do this for all the letters and even the spaces! 4.3 – Trim, Move, Repeat (Blinking Version) This type of text cursor is slightly different because: — These clips are “slower.” The reason is that the Letter Version cursor goes too fast for the Blinking Version. So I doubled the duration of the blinking cursor to 0.06 seconds! — There are spaces between these clips that are the same duration as the clips themselves: 0.06 seconds. — This text cursor starts at the very beginning of the gif and continues after the text is finished “typing,” directly after the last Letter Version cursor. Just add however many blinking cursors you want to the beginning and end of your gif, skipping over the parts where you already did the Letter Version! Here’s how it looks in the Timeline at the beginning of my gif:
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Here’s how it looks in the Timeline at the end of my gif (note: it continues directly after the last Letter Version cursor):
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Here’s how the blinking cursor would look at the same speed (0.03) as the letter version:
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Here’s how the blinking cursor looks at double the duration (0.06):
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That’s it!! Just convert from Timeline back to Frames and export your gif! As always, I recommend checking your frames when you convert from Video Timeline back to Frame Animation — just in case you may have gotten any duplicate frames. Again, if you want to know more about that process, my full gif tutorial is here! And ta-da, here’s the final gif!
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And that’s it! I really hope this makes sense because I’m not really sure it does 😅 But if you have any specific questions, my ask box and DMs are open! <3 Also, check out these gorgeous recreations of this effect from @steverobin​​ (Keke Palmer set) and @jakeyp​​ (Jake Peralta set)!
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