#there's plenty more where this came from so feel free to ask for more! i'll read almost anything tma-related
fridayyy-13th · 2 years
so um. I want to kiss you.
but I’m already committed to my spouse. and instead I will say thank you thank you thank you for those fic recs!- I read literally every single one and also some by the same authors- if you have any other recs even have as good (wether they adhere to what I originally asked for or not) I would love them!! But mainly just thanks!
lol, you're very welcome!!! and i have plenty more recs where that came from--funnily enough, when my friend started listening to TMA i started compiling a list of fic recs for her! it's...a very long list. i wasn't kidding when i said i read entirely too much Magnus fanfiction (jmart or not)
but anyway! without further ado, here's a bunch more recs:
The Sea Calls Me Home by EN123, T summary: When Martin Blackwood takes a job working at Peter Lukas's estate, in the highlands of Scotland, he meets an odd man down by the shore, who looks at him like no one ever has. This man proves to be another secret Martin Blackwood must keep, for more reasons than one.
To be so sure of a love the world denies is a heavy burden to bear. But bearing it was, and will always be, a choice. And it's one Martin has chosen.
A Home For What Loves You by TheWrongShop, T summary: It was completely fine that Jon was following up on this very normal, non-supernatural statement at midnight on a Friday. He was going to find nothing at all, and then he was going to go home and sleep for fourteen straight hours and feel absolutely no qualms about moving case #0150409 directly into the filing cabinet marked "discredited".
Or: Jon and Martin investigate Carlos Vittery's basement and find the entity formerly known as Jane Prentiss together.
a consideration of tropes by gruhukens, T summary: "Do you know much about cataloguing?" Jon asks, a little out of breath from the stairs.
Martin, mid-trolley, rolls his eyes. The gesture he makes at the shelves around him is only emphasised by the book he's holding.
"What exactly do you think I do here, other than sit around and wait for angry patrons to yell at me?"
"Think of what you're going to yell back?" Jon says, and Martin's mouth twitches into a smile.
Asking the very important question: what if Jon and Martin had a gentle archives/library romance, and kept running into tropes? What if there was mutual pining involved? Only one bed? Fake dating? Hurt/comfort? Or perhaps, a soft and happy ending?
wake me up (wake me up inside) by IceEckos12, G summary: "No, I won't bother you for long," Elias said politely. "Just checking up on my favorite writer's club."
"Your only writer's club," Daisy muttered under her breath. Jon bit down on a laugh.
"Anyway," Elias continued smoothly, resting his hands on the back of Basira's chair while Daisy gave him the most acidic side eye ever known to mankind. "How's the most recent chapter?"
"Very good!" Tim said enthusiastically. "I'm about to get eaten."
"Death is imminent for us all," Sasha added with gravitas.
Jon's Moving Castle by IceEckos12, T summary: Martin Blackwood may not have a perfect life, but he does have a good one. That is, until a series of magical encounters leave him with an unfortunate curse. Out of other options, he goes to the wizard who lives in the moving castle for aid.
Life never goes how he intends it to, though.
This Lonely Knight by arthureameslove, M summary: Martin couldn't remember exactly when or why he'd joined the Knights of the Lonely. He supposed that was by design.
Knights of the Lonely weren't meant to last long. They were built to take blows, and if necessary, they were built to die. He supposed that suited him fine.
But upon an assignment to escort the Watcher's betrothed to the Kingdom of Beholding, Martin began to realize that, perhaps, there was something he was missing. Perhaps it was in the shape of a person with bright, intelligent eyes and acerbic wit, with prickly edges and a gentle smile when he thought no one was looking.
There was only one problem. He wasn't meant to let the Watcher's betrothed reach the kingdom alive.
The Unknown Watcher by arthureameslove, T summary: The world has changed, and Martin knows the new rules as well as anyone. The monsters come when the sun sets, so you best be home before then. Blast your lights, barricade your doors. Don't come out until morning. When Martin inadvertently stays out past sunset, he flees his monstrous pursuers and stumbles upon the Magnus Estate, eerie and seemingly abandoned, in the middle of the woods.
Inside is a man with a monstrous face and glowing eyes, who insists Martin is the key to turning the world back.
Or, a Beauty and the Beast au--tma style ;)
The Sharkivist is In by ArtificialDaydreams, G summary: "The shark was sitting in his desk chair when Jon opened his office door. Actually sitting in it, with a "hello my name is" sticker stuck to it with "Jonathan Swims, Head Sharkivist" written on it in black marker."
What if Jon has one of those plush blåhaj sharks from ikea?
i finally did a coffee shop au by probsnothawkeye, T (series, 9 works) summary of part 1: At least once a week the man came in and ordered tea, taking it to the table by the window and sitting there for an hour. He would flip between checking his phone and looking out the window, clearly waiting for someone to show up. Every time, without fail, the man would leave after an hour, a sad, dejected look on his face, only to turn up again in the next couple days and repeat the cycle all over again.
Jon continuously gets stood up at the cafe Martin works at. What happens when Martin finally talks to the sad man who keeps getting stood up?
Déjà Vu by CirrusGrey, T summary: Sasha remembers being unmade. Tim remebers being unknown. Jon and Martin remember being unwound. All of them think they're the only one. -------- The S1 crew wakes up in the past with memories up till the moment they died.
Archive Poltergiests by vanroesburg, T summary: "...did you need something, Martin?" Jon asked.
"Oh, uh, no, sorry, I was just wondering if- if you needed anything else? Biscuits, or help transporting anything?" Martin gave another flash of a nervous smile. This was normal behaviour, Martin was behaving normally.
Jon shook his head, but he did pick up the mug of tea, which Martin counted as a win. "No, Martin, all I need is your research on cases #0121102 and #0112905. Thank you very much," Jon said primly, taking a sip of the tea.
His face promptly scrunched up. His eyebrows knit together, he drew up his nose in disgust, and the twist of his mouth couldn't be interpreted as anything except utter distaste. God, Jon's face. This was better than he imagined.
Okay, act normal.
"Oh my god, Jon, is something wrong?! What just happened?" Martin asked, maybe laying the concern on a little thick.
Jon spluttered, confused for a moment before glaring at Martin, "What happened is your bloody tea's--"
Time to sell it.
"The tea?" Martin said, cutting Jon off quickly. He swiped the mug from Jon's desk, took a swig and swallowed it. God that was awful. He'd need to wash his mouth out after this. "What's wrong with it? It tastes fine."
do the stars gaze back? by bluejayblueskies, G summary: As they walk to the market, Martin considers just how unfamiliar all of this is to him. It's a rare occurrence to even hear about a celestial spirit visiting the earthly plane. He knows that the number of times he's seen Jon, much less spoken to them, is far beyond anything in anything in recorded history.
Because Jon is--for all intents and purposes--a star. And Martin has quite an impressive crush on them. It should maybe be terrifying, or at the very least remind him of just how very far out of his league Jon is. Instead, it's ... really quite wonderful. Jon is wonderful.
And now, Martin is going to go grocery shopping with them.
Or, Martin lives in a little seaside town and meets Jon, a celestial spirit with a fondness for books and human customs. He falls in love with them, even knowing that it's ill-advised and there's no way that Jon could love him in return.
... Is there?
snowed in by Athina_Blaine, T summary: "Do you think it's selfish? Trying to be happy?"
The snow is falling. Martin and Jon find themselves forced to stay for the night.
The Power of Self Respect by IceEckos12 & PitViperOfDoom, T summary: Jon's life has never been easy, but he's now in a place where he has friends, his job isn't wretched, and best of all, he's dating Martin Blackwood. Things are finally starting to turn around for him, so of course that's when he learns that he must defeat Martin's seven exes in order to stay with him.
There's something fishy about this whole thing, Jon is sure of it. But the only way to find out what is to throw down the gauntlet and fight for his love.
found this cute guy on the merry-go-round? by abeebumbling, T summary: Martin Blackwood hadn't meant to stick to the merry-go-round job for so long. It was boring, very boring, the music whiny once you've listened to it a hundred times, so anything even mildly interesting stood out like a sore thumb. Jonathan Sims being on the verge of a mental breakdown turned out to be one of those things.
alright! fifteen fics, mostly jmart but also some gen and some background ships. i love all of these fics a lot and i hope you do too!
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luveline · 1 year
Hi there! I hope your day’s been going well :)
Could you maybe write something with Spencer where Reader faints? Feel free to ignore this if you’re not up for it!!
thank u for ur request! fem!reader, 1.6k
"It's so hot," you say, startled. The lobby of the hotel had been blissfully air-conditioned. The difference hits you immediately. 
"Don't worry about blazers or professional attire," Hotch says, though he quickly amends, "within reason."
You take off your jacket and follow the herd of the BAU into the black SUVs. The SUVs are even hotter than the outdoors, blistering ovens of heat that have you feeling nauseous instantaneously. Spencer rubs your arm with the back of his hand swiftly —it's a friendly touch to say he's here, but it's quick to prevent any unnecessary added heat. 
It's August in Texas, 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Emily smells distinctly of sunscreen from the front passenger seat. Derek, behind the wheel, looks hot around the collar. Spencer looks as though he wishes he'd had a haircut before he came, chin length curls tucked tight behind his ears. 
Despite this, none of them complain beyond the general whine every now and then. You try very hard to shut up and focus on the case with them, but as the day goes on, bumping you from hot car to hot crime scene (with all inclusive smells of gore!), you feel wobbly on your feet. 
"Spence?" you ask, sitting in a hard-backed chair in the police precinct. 
"Yeah?" He doesn't look away from the geographical profile he's building. You're supposed to be helping, but your notes are half-hearted, likely useless. "What?" 
"Do you have any water?" 
He pushes a pin into the left of the map and grabs a ruler. "No, sorry. There's a staff room by the bullpen, the secretary said to help ourselves. Actually, she said to 'go ham.'"
"Okay. I'll be right back. And I'll be more helpful." 
"You're plenty helpful," he murmurs, leaning down to follow the line of his rules with a pencil. 
You don't feel helpful, you feel awful. Head heavy, eyes aching, every step sends a jolt through your teeth and jaw, your skull like a mashed potato. You know you're a poor sight with sweat wetting your hair and a crawling sensation between your legs and the fabric of your pants. 
Letting yourself into the staff room, you're unsurprised to find a bone dry water cooler and a crate of water bottles with only one remaining. Spencer needs a drink too, and he has a thing about germs. You frown at the water bottle as though that might duplicate it, but when it doesn't, you're forced to take it and put it under your arm. You look around for a mug to at least have some tap water no matter how ill-advised that may be. They're all dirtied in the sink and on tables. Fuck. 
Spencer is super, super lovely to you. You wonder sometimes if he might ask you out, or at least want to, but most of the time you're sure it's just a little extra friendliness because he knows how it feels to be the youngest on the team, how patronised or lonely it gets. And the weight of trying to prove yourself every mission, it's almost as heavy as your head. 
"Hey," Spencer says as you open the conference room door. "I think I've worked something out. Could you call Garcia for me? I've got dry-erase marker on my hands." 
"Got this for you," you say, offering him the bottle. He takes it without looking. 
"Thanks. Are you feeling any better? I know you can be sensitive to the heat." 
"Maybe we can get portable fans on the FBI budget next year," you say wistfully, pushing a chair in at the table. You lean on it to grab the phone in the middle of a sea of papers and cases and jackets, black spots popping up in your vision. "My head's rushing." 
"Hey, guys," Emily says, sounding strangely chipper as she and Hotch trudge in. Her hair is in a tight ponytail away from her face. 
You try to greet them and end up hanging your head. 
"Y/N," Spencer chokes, alarmed.
You slump forward over the chair, desperate to keep your footing and failing. Your shin knocks into the chair and your hands grasp at the top of it, but you can't hold yourself up any longer, knocking your face into the chair as you collapse. A cheap tent in a strong breeze, you fall with little more than a weak sigh. 
You're hurting a lot when you come to, blinking like your lashes have been brushed with glue. The lights have been turned off, and a blissful chill soaks your hairline. Someone presses a water bottle to your lips and lifts your head. You drink half the contents in three gulps and get laid down again with the utmost care. 
"She's coming around," Hotch says. 
Your neck aches propped over a leg. Two deft hands hold your head still. 
"Don't move too much," Spencer says, his voice odd. You blink as his face moves into view upside down. "An EMT is on the way, okay? You passed out." 
You can't find your voice. Spencer strokes your cheek with his thumb, says, "Hey, can you hear me? Let's hear your voice. Talk to me." 
"You don't sound like yourself," you say hoarsely, each word tenuous. You wince at the bruising heat that radiates from your nose with each word. 
"I'm worried about you," Spencer admits. "It makes it hard to stay objective." 
"No, you sound funny." 
"I'm worried," he repeats. His smile is strained. 
"She's okay," Hotch says. 
You realise Emily's got your hand in hers when she squeezes it. "Have you had anything to drink today?" she asks you, fondly incredulous. 
"No, she hasn't, and I didn't say anything about it. I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry, Y/N," Spencer says. 
"Y/N's responsible for her own preservation, Reid. And it's been a tough case, with the heat. Let's not blame anyone for anything." You press your chin to your chest to see Hotch's anxious frown. "We will be having a discussion about this later." 
You turn your face into Spencer's thigh. "Oh." 
"Don't close your eyes," Hotch says. He employs a firm, boss-like tone that has you rushing to follow orders. "You hit your head." 
"I don't feel well," you complain, wanting to close your eyes.
"Considering your behaviour," Spencer says, one of his hands trailing down your face, neck, and collar, where he rests it genially, "you likely have a mild to moderate concussion. And you're dehydrated, so you'll be feeling the effects more severely."
"Why haven't you been drinking?" Emily asks. 
"I just…" You blink sluggishly. "I don't know… We don't take anything that isn't coffee with us places and…" You lean your cheek into Spencer's hand, not quite connecting that it's his hand, or that you're laying on the precinct floor. "They only had one bottle in the staff room." 
"Why didn't you drink it?" Spencer asks softly. 
"I knew you hadn't had anything to drink, either." 
"We could've shared," he says, sounding genuinely confused. 
"You don't like sharing stuff like that. Germs." 
Spencer's voice is barely above a whisper, "I wouldn't care about your germs, Y/N. They're your germs." 
You don't have time to ask him what he means, but you've ample time to think about it on loop when the EMT arrives. He props you up, checking you over thoroughly, shining a light in your eyes and deeming you concussed.
"You don't have to see a doctor," the EMT advises. "But we're happy to take you to the hospital if that's what you want." 
"Yes," Spencer says, as you say, "No." 
Spencer puts a hand on your shoulder blade. It is an extremely forward move on his part, so unlike him that you recognise how odd it is despite your foggy mind. "She should go." 
"She fainted, Spencer," Emily says. 
"Exactly! So she should go to the hospital and–"
"I didn't break anything," you say, waving a shaky hand at the small but concerned crowd of people you've attracted. 
"Luckily," the EMT says. "Drink plenty of water and take it easy. Don't be afraid to call again if you feel worse." 
Hotch walks the EMT out, needing to take a phone call. Emily goes with him, promising to return with a dry shirt for you to wear now that yours has been soaked at the collar by the water they'd been cooling you down with while you were unconscious. 
Spencer settles practically knee to knee with you in two of the uncomfortable chairs, his assessing gaze frankly perturbing. 
"You'd share germs with me?" you ask. 
Spencer's hand leaps across the gap to yours where it rests on your knee. His eyes, brown and sweet, have all the light of a blinding smile as his lips quirk into something more sheepish. "If it stopped you from fainting, yeah. And even if it didn't, I'd be stupid to care about germs when I…" 
You breathe out slowly. "When you what?" 
"Well," he says, looking down at your hands. "I guess I just wouldn't mind your germs, that's all." 
If he's saying what you think he's saying, he's doing it in the most Spencer Reid way possible. Concussed, your charisma fails you. You've no wit to tease him with. 
You fold your hand around his. "Thanks for catching me," you say gently. 
He squeezes your fingers clumsily. "You're welcome. But it was actually mostly Emily." 
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majinbangus · 6 months
Soap teaches you a new skill through unconventional methods...
"Ye really can't do it?"
You glance at the man who made himself at home on your office couch. He came in earlier after training, claiming he had free time, so he decided he best spent it bothering you. You should have kicked him out as soon as he walked through the door. Somehow, the conversation he started got into the topic of rolling r's, and now he won't drop your lack of ability to do so.
"Yeah? It's not a big deal, Soap, plenty of people can't do it."
"I guess I'm just surprised. Figured it'd be something you'd be able to do."
You laugh. "Where'd you get that impression?I'm incapable of it. Trust me, I've tried. Videos don't help, and neither does someone explaining how to move my tongue help. I just can't do it."
"Maybe it's because you haven't tried the MacTavish way."
Your eyebrow twitches. He's up to something, you know it. You can feel it in your bones. Don't encourage it. Just stay quiet. It would be best it you don't as-
"What's the MacTavish way?"
You fool.
Immediately, you know you should have kept your mouth shut, but Soap's slashes into a self-satisfied, cheshire grin. Like the cat that ate the canary, he got you. Easy.
"Well, darlin." He leaves his spot from the couch and saunters over to where you sit frozen at your desk, unable to do anything the closer he gets. "I'm glad you asked."
He's right next to you in a blink, planting a heavy hand on your shoulder. He squeezes tightly, and under any other circumstance, it would have been comforting, but all it does is make you feel like prey. You gulp, and it's clear he sees because his eyes track the movement of your throat, smirk plastered on his face.
You don't dare say anything, eyes wide and head tilted back to look up at him. You've never felt particularly intimidated by Soap before, but standing before you now, in his sweaty fatigues, he somehow looks bigger than usual. It ignites something funny in your belly, something you can't really acknowledge with him looking at you like he might eat you whole. And he just might.
But the scary part? You would let him.
"You see- " the hand he has on your shoulder smoothly travels up the curve of your neck until he's firmly gripping your scruff, pulling an embarrassing sound from your throat " -the MacTavish way isn't something I show you. It's something you feel."
"Feel?" Your voice cracks and his thumb rubs soothing circles against your neck.
"Aye, feel," he confirms with a nod and bends down suddenly, face hovering just over yours, breath puffing gently onto you. You can barely hold back a flinch at the sudden movement, but the hand he has on you holds you firm. "It's an important life skill, wouldn't you agree?"
"U-um, I wouldn't say it's-" He squeezes your neck and you clear your throat, correcting yourself. "Yes, sir."
He huffs out a laugh and gentles his hold as if in praise. It oddly makes you preen. "So you'll let me teach you, won't you?"
It doesn't really sound like a question- it more borders as a command, and fuck him because he's not even your sergeant- but you can't bring yourself to say no, or anything really. All you can do is meekly jerk your head up and down, heart racing in your chest, and do your best not to whimper when he chuckles at you and says, "Good pet, just follow my lead and I'll have you rolling your r's in no time."
He doesn't give you a chance to say anything, pulling you by the scruff and leaning in to capture your lips. You instantly fail at keeping your noises in check. Pathetic little whimpers and moans get swallowed into Soap's mouth as he doesn't even attempt at easing you into the open-mouth, dirty kiss. It's sloppy and messy, but it's slow so you can follow along, even while it has you feeling like jelly.
His hand lets go of your neck, but you don't get a moment to miss it because it's quick to grip you tightly beneath the chin, fingers curling over your jaw and into your cheeks, ensuring you keep your mouth open, not that you would have closed it, despite feeling yourself drool.
You feel his tongue press incessantly against yours, playing with it, before guiding it into his mouth. He lets you feel the way he moves and positions his tongue as he begins to softly roll an r, a gentle purr-like sound producing from his throat. It's a curious thing to feel, and you're careful not to disturb him too much, but he isn't deterred. He only stops to hum in approval at your gentle exploration.
He repeats the roll a few more times before licking back into your mouth for his own exploration, moving your tongue around until it's positioned like his was. He pulls back with a filthy string of saliva breaking off and a satisfied smirk on his face. "Try rolling your r's now, darlin."
You attempt it, and while it sounds a lot better than before your lesson, you still don't quite get it.
Soap doesn't seem bothered by it, though. He just chuckles and says, "Practice makes perfect. I'll let you feel as many times as you need, darlin. Now gimme a kiss."
《 scene i wanted to include but couldn't:
Reader attempting to roll r's and Soap laughing at you because you 'look like a puppy trying to growl' 》
Be gentle please it's my first time writing an actual fic in a while ( ̄~ ̄;)
ugh i wanted to keep this shorter, sorry
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intriq · 1 year
dc universe characters but your their ex, and they want you back
could be hurt/comfort, maybe fluff. angst? idk, unsure about how to label this one chief
if you want to see any other characters in here, lmk via comment or send me an ask! [they are always open for requests n stuff, so feel free to send them] and i'll make sure to get them in here!
Also, big thanks to my beta readers: Lilac, Void, My bestie, and bat brat apollo! they helped make sure these didn't fall too out of character.
...at first, didn't realize just how miserable he'd feel after you guys broke up. Well, after he broke up with you.
He thought that you being possibly tied in to his life as Batman would make things oh so dangerous, and that maybe you'd be better off without him. And that just maybe he'd be better off without you.
But boy was he wrong.
After day one, he missed your presence.
After day three, he started missing your touch. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, the works.
After one week he missed seeing you whenever he came back to Wayne manor after patrol or whenever he'd had a long day being out and about Gotham, whether as just his regular self or patrolling the streets, fighting crime as Batman.
By week two, not even focusing on patrolling could keep you off his thoughts. It didn't exactly help that he knew your schedule. Actually, not even just knew. He had it memorized.
So he'd find himself particularly drawn to patrolling the area around where you lived more often, sometimes even doubling back to the area. Sometimes even three times.
Of course, it took a full month [and seeing you going on your first date since the break-up] for him to take action. He'd started sending gifts at first. Small things that you liked, whether it be books or lots and lots of flowers.
Then the gifts just got more and more expensive, more grandeur. After all, he is a billionaire, so it wouldn't hurt his bank account. Plus, it was a gift for you. So why wouldn't he?
If you still didn't take him back then, he starts sending you texts. Just cute little things such as "i miss you" and whatnot.
And then the in-person confessions, gift giving, and what-not started after. He'd drop by [after making sure no one was around to see at least three times] your apartment while he was in his full Batman getup, bringing you some smaller, easier to hide away things like bracelets and necklaces.
And during the day, he'd be where ever he'd knew you'd be. Whether it was your apartment, your job, anywhere, he'd personally come deliver you yet another gift.
Takeout from your favorite place? He's brought it to you for lunch.
He saw you post about something [whether it be a stuffed animal, jewelry, etc] on social media because it's cool or cute? It's been hand delivered to you by him.
"I saw you talking about how much you wanted these, so I got them for you. Why..? Because I miss you."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...was devastated when you broke up with him. He didn't realize that all this work being a vigilante that made him miss out on oh so many dates had taken as big of a toll on your relationship as it did.
And by the time he'd realized, the cracks had already formed, and you'd broken up with him. You wanted a partner who could meet you half-way, even if he was a little busy at times.
But that didn't stop him from immediately trying to win you back. Gifts? You've got it. Whether they were bought or handmade, it didn't really matter. He'd get you something.
Not to mention the texts, phone calls, voicemails, everything. He's going the full nine yards to show you just how sorry he is, and just how badly he wants you back.
"I know I've said I was sorry so many times, but I really am! I promise I'll do everything in my power to be there for our date nights, so please take me back.."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely wasn't expecting for you to break up with him. Sure, he's been in plenty of relationships before, but he'd never expected you to get the courage to tell him you wanted to break up.
He didn't even realize he missed you as much as he did until one night while patrolling, a month or two after your break-up, he saw you walking along the streets of Gotham.
And damn were you still as pretty as the first time he saw you. In fact, scratch that, as pretty as the last time he saw you. Which was when you broke up with him.
So from then on, when Gotham is just a little less quiet and he can afford to do a little slacking off, he walks with you. You had this weird routine of walking for an hour at night, anyway.
At first he made small-talk. Asked you how your day was, why you were taking a walk [he already knew why. he just wanted to hear that pretty voice of yours more!], how you'd been since the break-up, if you were seeing anyone [this was extremely important and he'd express why after a bit of prompting], as one does.
Then it ramps up to him telling you how much he missed you, how pretty and attractive you were still, the works. He then ramps up to just blatant flirting, maybe even making sure he was touching you in some way, like an arm around your shoulder. Or maybe even subtly holding your hand under the premise of him wanting to show you something that you didn't know the way to.
And after that, if you still didn't miss him enough to take him back? He's just obvious. Asking you on dates, showing up to your home with gifts, everything. He'll go the whole nine yards for you, just so you'll take him back.
"Aww, c'mon! Just one date, sweetheart. Please? I promise that if you don't want me back after just one date I won't bother you again."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely didn't want to admit he wanted you back until it's been nearly six months since you broke up, and words going around that your starting to date again.
This pisses him off, for reasons he wasn't sure about.
So before you know it, he's popping up just about everywhere. Getting him to admit he missed you and regretted the breakup is no easy feat, and you'll likely not ever get him to admit it out loud.
I can't really see Jason making any grand or large gestures, just small little ones that maybe have some sort of sentimental value.
He'd probably drop by your home every now and then. If he's hurt in some way, you bet your ass he's right there on your fire escape, knocking on your window to let him in.
Even if it's just something so incredibly minor he could take care of himself, he's using it as an excuse to see you again.
While he's not totally experienced with being overly romantic, he's got his moments of being just a little bit sappy.
"Why go through the hard work and trouble of finding someone else if I'm right here?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...wasn't expecting to miss you after you two broke things off. She figured she'd be fine on her own, but she was quickly proven wrong.
I can see her giving gifts, but she'd be more-so trying to spend as much time as she could with you. Texts, both early morning and late night phone calls, voicemails about how much she regrets breaking up, and probably more.
Lot's of "I miss you" and "I still like/love you" texts, maybe some "Can we please get back together?" texts mixed as well.
She'll make how much she misses you known.
"Please come back, I miss our little movie date nights."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...is just like Jason in a way, when it comes to realizing she misses having you around.
But she does come to terms with the fact that she misses you. She'll be a little hesitant to admit it in words, but she'll make it known in small gestures.
The breakup was definitely amicable, so you two are kind of just awkwardly still friends. But any time you two hangout, it borderlines being a date.
Movies? Only if it's something that will remind you of stuff you two liked to watch together when you were dating.
Going for a walk? She'll make sure you two just so happen to pass by a spot you guys went to for your first date.
She'll even still pretend to "accidentally" call you by the nicknames she had for you whilst you were dating.
But if even that doesn't work, she'll just start making you two "hangout" at places you've gone to for dates before.
"Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit since the last time we were here, huh? Brings back memories."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...of course, isn't really sure what to do when she notices she's missing you. You were probably one of her first relationships, which just only adds onto her confusion of what to do.
She'd probably go seek Babs and Stephanie out for advice, asking them what they think she should do. Just what she should do.
After getting advice from the two, she thinks it over for a little bit before she starts anything. She probably also tries to feel you out to check if you feel the same way she does.
And if you do, or if she finds out your unsure, she starts giving you small gifts. And I mean small. Just mostly little trinkets and knickknacks that she finds while out and about.
Buttons? Pins? Small figurines, no bigger than the palm of your hand? She's getting them for you.
Of course, this is to help her just get a little confidence before she drops the question about getting back together.
And when she does drop the question, she tries to make it sound like she's being genuine. She probably brought another small little gift, maybe one of your favorite snacks.
"I know you said you liked these when we were together, right? I know you may think I wasn't really.. paying attention, but most of the time, but I promise I was. And I'm sorry I didn't do that great of a job of showing you that I cared about you. Please take me back?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤKate Kane..
...is both similar to Stephanie and Jason. While she'll think she's better off without you, there's almost a constant reminder of you somewhere in her world.
And it just draws her back to you.
It's very much a push and pull sort of thing with her, as some days she's fully willing to admit just how much she misses you and wants you back, while others she'd never admit to even a word of it.
She'll also bring you sentimental gifts sometimes. Mostly just leaves them somewhere she knows only you will find them with a little note attached.
Though the contents of the little notes will greatly vary from "I miss you", "I know you like these so I got them for you", to just her name sometimes.
Saw these and thought of you. -K
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤDinah Lance...
...is most definitely bold and maybe even a little bit flirty. When she realized that she definitely wasn't ready to move on from you quite yet, she put all her effort into wooing you back.
She'd probably try to play off the fact you two are suddenly running into each other at things you like, it's really just so she can see you again. Making you unintentionally [but kind of purposefully] think of her again whenever you thought about the things you like.
After a bit of this, though, she just downright starts asking you out to dates. If she knows certain places hold sentimental value because they were your favorite date spots with her, she'll ask you on a date to there again.
"Oh? Didn't know you were coming here today. Maybe it's a sign you should just let me take you on a date today."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤHelena Bertinelli...
...wasn't usually the type to dwell on her exes. But you? You were all that was on her mind after the breakup.
While she spends many a night deleting text after text, trying to come up with the right set of sentences to tell you just how much she misses you and wants you back, she does eventually send something.
And from there she just gets a little bolder.
Lingering touches, like her hand grazing against yours if you are handing her something. Staring at you for just a few seconds longer than needed, all that stuff.
It does take her a bit of time to get the confidence to just straight up asking you out on another date, though when she does, she's already got it all planned out.
"Do you still like that one restaurant we went to for our anniversary? .... Why? Oh, well, I wanted to make sure I didn't need to cancel the reservation I made."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...didn't have thoughts of missing you. At first.
She did start thinking of you again when you two were assigned on a mission together. And all it did was really get you stuck in her head.
The way you looked, whether it was the way you fight or just generally how you look in your vigilante costume? It just kept replaying in her head over and over again.
So now anytime your out and about doing your own thing, under your vigilante guise? She's found an excuse to be joining you.
Whether that excuse is "you looked like you needed help", or "my patrols been pretty quiet, so I thought I'd join you", she's always got some excuse you can't argue back about.
Eventually she starts dropping hints about wanting to get back together with you. But whether she's good at dropping these hints or not is entirely up to how oblivious you could be.
Eventually she just tires out of dropping hints and just makes you look at her when she just drops the question. Think of the classic "grabbing your chin and turning your head to look at them" kind of deal.
"How about we go out this Sunday, hmm? ... Yes, on a date. What, did you think I was going to ask you to patrol with me or something?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...most definitely is stubborn when it comes to your break-up. He doesn't even want to entertain the thought that the reason he might be so grouchy whenever he sees you talking to someone else, or hears about how you may be crushing on someone else, is because he misses you. And is jealous, of course.
Even the sheer mention of your name around him, whether it be from his older brothers [mainly Dick because he is most certainly the teasing older brother type], he get's all grouchy and almost pouty.
He does try to help you out around school, though. He may act all mean and cold towards you, he'll act like he's "reluctantly" helping you out.
"you can't be trusted to carry this stuff," he'll try and say as he takes that stack of chairs, books, whatever it is in your hands away to do it himself. His hidden little agenda is that he's hoping you'll miss him because of him helping you out.
His "compliments" aren't always easily understood as such, though. "You didn't do terrible, for once" he might say as he hands you your graded test.
In order for him to get the courage to ask you out again, though, will definitely take some coaxing. [And maybe some teasing from Dick, too]
But when he does, it's a 50/50 chance of him saying it in a sweet way, or in his usual cold and almost brat-like demeanor.
"If I take you out on a date, will that get you to shut up for at least five minutes?"
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dead-lights · 1 month
because ya know. trailers. with lore.
i'll see myself out
but! before i go - I went and compiled all of the Vampires trailers I could find! I wasn't familiar with all of the shorts and I'm not 100% sure I found them all. There are a lot of contradictions, but aside from the gameplay trailer they can mostly be stitched together.
Also, I recognize I'm trying to wring blood from a stone, reading into things that EA never intended, but ya know. That's the point of exploring lore!
this is mostly validated by werewolves - Lily's dialogue confirms that Caleb was turned by Miss Hell, and the 7 years unlucky mirror confirms that Vlad ambushed her while she was brushing her teeth.
It looks like the bar Miss Hell attacks Caleb in is supposed to be in Forgotten Hollow. There are plenty of reasons he could've been there, but to me that implies that Lilith turned first, and he was there because that's where she hangs out now.
It looks like you're supposed to be able to see the normie parts of Forgotten Hollow from that cliff with the bench, rather than just more of the mountain. There's definitely supposed to be more than just those 5 lots.
I'm not sure if the person behind Miss Hell in the bar is anyone specific? they feel slightly familiar but I might be thinking of Leila Illes from island living, which came out afterwards.
It's unclear how Caleb ended up in the bathroom or whether he asked to turn - the animation is the same either way. In game, I've had a lot of success with both bat-form bathroom ambushes and the good ol' "ask for woohoo and then cancel the order as soon as you're alone together" maneuver so either is plausible. To me, it looks like she's reenacting her transformation, with her as Vlad, so she would've wanted unwilling prey. I've generally thought that Caleb followed her into the bathroom thinking he was going to get laid, but with that in mind it does make sense that she would've just ambushed him when he got up to pee (poor humans and their bladders can't handle their nectar). @charsimsalot has a lot of interesting things to say about how being forcibly turned would have affected Miss Hell in this excellent post about the apartment they built for the rebellious vampires!
That bathroom door is on backwards. I checked - that door only has a sign on one side. Maybe they really wanted to hammer home the point that this is a bathroom? the sink and toilet do a pretty good job of that...
Caleb is not a daywalker in this trailer - since this seems to show him in his earlier days, that 100% checks out. It takes 15 skill points to become a daywalker, which... yikes.
note: I know the sims is very gay these days but do keep in mind that vampires was released January 2017. Gay marriage wasn't fully legalized in the US until June 2015. It was a big deal that Caleb suave kissed a guy in the trailer!
fun fact: the song used for this, deadly flo, seems to be either very cheap or free to license. It is used in a few episodes of the Baking Championship franchise. Y'all, that franchise got me back into baking and directly inspired GOBC. I lost my absolute shit when I heard it playing! There are also parts of Holiday Baking Championship that sound suspiciously like the sims 2 theme... I kinda wonder if there's a simmer in their sound department.
Not really that interesting - earlier versions of their outfits/vlad's dark form. Lilith cannot actually turn into a bat in-game.
vlad bloodvein can use "deprive needs" (must be a master vampire at minimum)
brandy can turn into a bat (should be a minor vampire at minimum)
based on the view outside Brandy's bedroom window, it looks like the virtuous vampires might live in an apartment in San Myshuno?
vlad uses supernatural speed to collect figurines
Not very interesting - just Brandy and Elle eating.
↓↓↓ WARNING - jumpscare below ↓↓↓
lmao what
this one doesn't even seem real, but as far as I can tell it was in fact released as a teaser for the full trailer.
This is the official trailer - it lines up reasonably well with other lore. Also the song is so fun.
Most notably: this trailer shows that Caleb is the one who turned Inna. No context is given. Other promotional material & the in-game paintings show that she was a thrall, potentially for hundreds of years before Caleb turned her.
The exterior of the house where Caleb turns Inna looks exactly like Wolfsbane Manor. However, Inna's bedroom doesn't match any room in the manor. It looks like there is a nearly identical house where Widowshild Townhouse currently is, so either Inna was in that house, or Wolfsbane Manor has since been remodeled. It would be kinda interesting if Caleb and Lilith decided to buy Inna's old house when they moved...
When Caleb turns into a bat, he's in the graveyard to the left of Vlad's house. Maybe he and Lilith lived with Vlad for a time? It kinda looks like Vlad had a lot of vampires filtering in and out of his place.
Elle real horny. I wonder what happened to that guy - he isn't a gallery vampire but he shows up in a lot of the paintings. As far as I'm aware Elle doesn't show up in any paintings.
This trailer is an absolute mess. It contradicts enough existing lore that it shouldn't be taken as any sort of canon, but it's a decent source of inspiration to fill in the gaps, and I pulled heavily from it when I was choosing powers for the gallery vampires.
Elle uses her mist form (I checked the animations) - she must be a grand master. She can use Command.
Markus Crow has supernatural speed - must be master+
Lilith is using a computer at the beginning of this, which feels weird because this is supposed to be at least 50 years ago. That said, technology doesn't advance in the sims, so, sure.
This makes it look like Vlad just broke into her house and turned her like he did with Miss Hell, but to me Lily makes it sound like Lilith was a more active participant: "I remember when my cousin, Lilith, first told me she'd met a fascinating man named Vlad. After that, she started spending a lot of time "training" with him. I thought she meant they were workout buddies. It wasn't until later that I found out she'd been lured to the dark arts."
Lilith's bed is a reward from the painter career - not sure if the implication is that she earned it herself?
I can't really see outside Lilith's windows, but it does kinda look like Forgotten Hollow? Which doesn't make a lot of sense to me - why would she and Caleb have to move to Forgotten Hollow if they already lived there? That said, that isn't Lilith. And that isn't Caleb. This was from when their names were Gina and Raylan.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Note that "Raylan" doesn't have the good vampire aspiration, and his traits are completely different. The others aren't quite the same as the gallery sims, but at least they still have the same names.
Looking out the window, it looks like the Virtuous Vampires are in Forgotten Hollow with everyone else. In one of the shorts, it looks like they live in a big city. I'm not sure which I like better!
Lilith is used as the example for supernatural strength. While she doesn't actually have that in-game, this is part of why I like to make her fitness 10 brute with vampiric might.
Elle continues to be real horny. Who is that guy? I like the implication that they had to go get it on as bats because Vlad was taking a nap and they couldn't fuck in his coffin :(
Bonus! While this isn't a trailer, exactly, it's a promotional blog post from Vlad's point of view and it is the best. Every last part of this makes me happy, from Caleb and Lilith ganging up on Vlad to Vlad referring to sparring matches as "epic duels" (or, in this particular case, what seems like a pretty good training sesh for Caleb).
Nothing about Lilith makes it seem like she doesn't feed on people except a) her household description and b) this post. That said, those two things about as primary as canon can get.
Vlad claims to own 100 gray coats
Vlad only fought Caleb. There could be so many reasons for that - was Caleb the one who made the challenge? Does Vlad not want to fight his offspring?
Vlad claims that the Encyclopedia Vampirica is mostly based on him. Make of that what you will.
Second bonus: Did you know that Vlad has a normie cousin??? There was a bit of promotional content for seasons involving the Climate family. This is that time they invited Vlad over for Harvestfest.
Please let me know if I missed anything! There's a lot of material out there, much of it no longer available on EA's site, so it's definitely possible there are things I didn't find.
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brynhildr13 · 5 months
About the GazettE.
TL;DR I had recent experiences that reinforce my belief that Reita REALLY is still with me and with all of us. Even if they can be easily explained as coincidental. Please if you want, share something that has been helpful to heal. Take care. Gazerock is not dead. Gazerock never dies.
Full post under cut.
I consider myself spiritual, but not really religious. But let me take you through my last few days, if you so care. Its important to me and I want to share this in hopes that the others in this Fandom know that I share the pain and want to spread my own love and solace and peaceful mourning.
I took an hour drive to my twin sister's to have our birthday hangout on Wednesday. I had the GazettE on plus other vkei groups on shuffle, but I kept skipping most of the other groups trying to find the GazettE songs. A few came on and even with the heavy and rock and headbanging songs I was just sobbing. To the point where I told myself, "you have to keep your eyes open. You need to watch the road." But the TEARS were plenty and heavy. I also started to judge myself a little. Wondering why I was SO emotional.
Then I had one of those intuitive downloads where like, you know it didn't come from your own brain and then after you hear it your mind expands. I don't know who's voice it was. I couldn't repeat it if I tried. But it said, quote "but feeling is healing."
And I lost it all over. Because I knew it was right and I needed to sit with the feelings. So I let myself cry as much as I could.
And then, To Dazzling Darkness came on.
My favorite song. Well, one of them. The whole Beautiful Deformity album is iconic, but that song specifically is one of my favorites BECAUSE of Reita's bass part. (Plus my twin sister, with her music degree, thinks the song is well written and can back up why and that means a lot to me that my sister who isn't the most into heavy metal or knows the group near as well as I do likes THEIR songs BECAUSE they're good).
And after that I laughed a little and wiped my eyes and said, "ok. I get it. It has to mean you're here right now. Thank you."
Maybe it came from Reita. I'd like to think so.
Had tons of fun with my sister. Come home. Worked Thursday. That night i shed a tear or two as i watched a few music videos in bed. And i just said outloud and in my head. "As long as he's okay. I'd like a sign that he's okay, please." And i fell asleep. Fast forward to today.
Today's our birthday. I planned to grab my free trenta from Starbies cuz $0 is the only amount I'll pay there unless I'm desperate. When I got to the screen in the drive thru, i meant to order 2 cake pops for my treat. Cuz fuck it. Im desperate. I'm a sad bitch and I want cake. It's my birthday. But I have anxiety and panicked and ended up asking for them at the drive thru window instead.
And they gave me the pops and I waited to hand them my card and after a few seconds she came back up and said, "oh don't worry about them today. No charge." Once I was sure they didn't want my money I thanked them profusely.
And I drove away. And I smiled from inside. Cuz I'd like to think that that was my sign he's okay. Maybe he pulled some strings to make me smile and to say, with that grin on his face, "don't worry about me. I'm here. I'll be here. Have a cake pop you sad bitch."
I meant it when I said before his spirit is here.. there's truly a feeling of the hole in my heart filling a little. I feel like emotionally and spiritually he's here in my peripheral stronger than ever before. Especially because I had become more of a backseat fan that would slink out of the woodwork when they had new content. My "obsession" (hyperfixation) died down a lot after saw them in 2016 and 2019, and I shared my gift of art and they shared their gift of music. But that love and adoration never ever left regardless of how often I talked about it and showed it. Or didn't. Cuz NO ONE else in my every day immediate circle knows anything about them.
Cuz here's the thing, and this is just me, too. I don't have any better way or words to string together to say this other than this way. I KNOW that they don't "know me". Like , I'm not missing the physical presence like they are. I didn't sit with him every day talking about all the most common shared passionate things we're doing, etc. Etc. So I can argue for myself that because of that the burden is likely to not be as heavy as any of theirs. But music and the arts connects hearts and minds beyond the physical. And for me listening to the music keeps him close, and I almost think that I can Feel him when I hear it. I can imagine him putting a hand on my shoulder (with his endearingly weird thumbs, they always made me giggle.)
Idk I think Im getting a little off track. Long story short, he was physically here with me when he was at the shows. When he wasn't he was still there, off across the world, doing his thing. and while I knew that like in an unconscious way, i never really sat with that to be like "what are they doing right this moment" or that i could energetically feel them all at any time, you know? And I remember getting upset with myself cuz my first coherent thought after I metaphorically picked my stomach off the ground after it fell out of my butt was "well, it HAS to be ok cuz the world's still gonna turn." And that felt horrible to say. And that's not fair to me or to anyone who needs time to process this. I mean, YA, I GUESS, it WILL. But once again. This WILL still hurt for a while. And that's okay. That doesn't mean i have to "get over" it right away either. Cuz once again. The physical loss isn't felt (yet) or as heavy as the bandmen will feel. But I will feel. And my feelings are my truth. And i can argue the band itself will have worse grieving till the sun dies, and that still doesn't mean my feelings are literally less than for my own personal experience. And thats okay.
But getting back to the point of this, thinking and believing Reita's making his way to us, I now just have this new vibration around me that I know is spiritual in nature and it is energizing the room, especially when I play their music. He's here.
I keep thinking about The Haunting of Hill House and Nell's words in the last episode. And I don't want that to ever fade. I'm determined to keep him strong in my heart and my mind. Just like ruki said he and the guys would.
Anyways, I hope yall are feeling as okay as you can. I hope this may touch someone and bring more healing. Free to share things in the comments if you want, too.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
I’m not the writing tips anon, but loved your tips!!! Any more detailed tips for outlining and editing? Generally I get stuck into both of this and can’t seem to know how to do it in a effective way. Have a good june and a nice day! :)
other then the few relevant ones from my previous ask, here are some that came to mind:
firstly you'll need to brainstorm a bit, come up with the story. maybe you've scribbled down some notes over a period of time that you can now sit down and gather, perhaps fill in the holes and find strings to connect it all together. or maybe it is a true brainstorm and you haven't decided on any of the puzzles corner pieces yet.
my personal routine for when I need to figure out a story is to sit down at a time when things are calm and I can properly think, often it is by a window (there's just something about looking up at the clouds that gets my wheels turning), some days I put on some music (I prefer instrumental for this, often with the vibe I'm trying to capture in with the story) and then I kinda just meditate on it and write down any ideas that might strike me.
or if I feel stuck there and the ideas just won't come, then I go do something completely different. the lightbulb often gets turned on whenever I go take a shower or do the dishes or even go for a walk through a quiet place. or even the classic of watching a movie or tv show can grant me plenty of inspiration when I'm in lack of it. prompt lists can also be a great help (one of the reasons I have a whole side blog dedicated just to keeping them organised: @prompt-heaven)
and then when my list of messy notes is long enough, I put them in order and fill out the holes to make the story flow naturally from one moment to the next. I just play it all out in my head till it feels right.
depending on how long or complicated the story is, the process or outlining it can take various amounts of time. some stories come like a bolt of lightning while others you need to dig for. but I find it to be easiest when my mind and body is in a place where there is place for such a thing, when I'm not too stressed or tired or anything, those are the moments when I get stuck, and then I just have to take a step back and declare that that won't be the activity of the day and instead focus my energy on doing something that'll make me feel better so that I'll sooner get to a point where the ideas will come flooding in.
my biggest advice for this, I wrote in the previous ask (to never edit when tired and to always edit while reading out loud)
if gramma is something you struggle with, then I highly advise getting the free version of grammarly or other similar programs.
and if a part of your story isn't sitting well when you're editing it, then you can always rewrite it. you can make it something completely different or even just try to write the same premise though only rewrite it from your memory.
and try not to be too critical of yourself. sometimes, some stories, aren't ment to be made "perfect" but simply to be completed. for it to be done is enough.
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
I have a minor heart issue where I get episodes of a high heart rate and chest tightness. Can you possibly write one where their little has an episode like at home or maybe out with them running errands? 🥺💖
Hi there love! 💜
I really hope that you're fine! And I hope it's not too serious. You're so so strong let me tell you ❤️
I hope you like how i turned it, babe.
Enjoy <3
Warnings : episode of chest tighening, high heart rate, angst, comfort, pet names, working daddies, tiredness, daddies take care of you, cuddles, reassurance
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you're about to prepare you a good lunch when something from earlier is suddenly coming back. Fortunately for you, your Daddies heard you and are here to make sure you're fine, as always.
A/N : I'm so sorry for the late post. I got a bit overwelmed about some things and I didn't had the strengh to keep working on my writing.
I had started writing some request but didn't finished them. But today, I had free times after school and the most important things, I didn't had any homeworks and I have a big week end of four days, starting tomorrow. So i'll have plenty times to rest and get my shit together.
Thank you for your understanding my love, you're all the best! Love you so much
I hope you had a good start to the week and will have wonderful days!
Big kisses,
Second A/N : i don’t know if how I wrote it in exact same way you have it- probably not but I hope that’s okay!
You're comfortably laying on the couch watching your favorite show. You're laying in here since the moment you woke up, you went to say good morning to your Daddies in their office right after you opened an eye.
They have a lot of work and they told you yesterday that they'll be working almost all day so, before jumping on the couch to do nothing you went to them a little good morning.
You could say they were very busy with work so you didn't stay for too long in their office. They kissed you good mornings and asked you if you had a good sleep but nothing more. You didn’t want to be a burden so you quickly excused yourself and left.
Now you're laying on the couch laughing your ass off as your show plays on the screen. But unfortunately for you, its the end of the show so now you don't know what to watch.
You grab the remote and put something else. You don't know what it is, you never heard the name of this movie nor heard about it but that's the first thing you found so you decide to let it there.
As you lie back on the couch, a loud siren suddenly yell from outside making you flinch hard. You feel your heartbeat going faster for a moment as you look at the window where the sound came from. The jump caused you to be on a sitting position now.
You feel your breathing going back to normal and the pain you felt in your chest due to the fear is going away by it's own. You slowly lie back down on the couch, taking some breath to be sure you're fully calm now.
You put your attention back on the screen and the incident is now completly forget as you're mind focus on the tv.
The movie isn’t that bad but you’re still happy when the screen goes black, announcing the end. You get up from the couch and make your way toward the kitchen to grab something to eat since it’s now lunch time. You hesitate at going in your daddies’s office to give them their lunch, maybe they’re hungry too, but you decide to not disturbed them. The last thing you want is to make them grumpy. They’re grown men after all, they can go eat by themselves when they’re feeling hungry.
You grab the bread and start making a little meal while thinking about what you’re gonna do after. Maybe watching another movie ? Or probably not, you already watch a lot of tv and you usually get a headache if you overdo screen time. But drawing sounds good.
You grab the knife and start cutting your piece of bread in two pieces when you feel something weird in your chest. It feels like what happened earlier in the day. The same weird thing you felt earlier in the day
You let go of the knife you were holding causing it to fall on the ground. Your daddies’s attention turn toward the baby monitor in their office who is relied to the one in the living room and kitchen. Since this area of the house is relied to each other
You start panicking and take a hold of the island counter, your chest start to tighten and you feel your chest getting heavier and heavier as if all the weight of the world were sitting and punching your chest.
What is happening ? You were fine two seconds before that. You turn to look at the stairs and decide to go upstairs. Maybe laying in your bed is the best idea, right now.
It’s probably because of the screen, you thought, but when you start to walk, you immediately feel the need to sit down. You can’t bear all the pain and all the uncomfortable feelings you feel inside of you. You let yourself go and drop on your knees in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Bucky’s attention is still glued to the baby monitor while Steve is getting back to work. He keeps telling Bucky to calm down and that you probably just dropped a spoon or a knife you were using but something tells him to stay focus on it a little bit longer and Bucky’s instinct never failed him so this time, just like any others, he listen to it
When he hears you whining and your breath starting to get heavier and shorter, he stands up and walks toward the little things beside their desks. Steve almost rolls his eyes because he didn’t heard what his husband had. He just thinks he’s overreacting because you’re alone downstairs and it doesn’t happen every times.
He suddenly hears you falling and he almost drops the thing in his hand as he lets go of everything and decides to make a quick run to you. He opens the door in one quick movement and it’s like in almost two steps, he’s beside you.
You didn’t know you made that much noise until you see your Daddy running down the stairs and to you. He grabs your face with his hands and tilts it toward his, you sees his lips moving but the only thing you can understand is the panic and the concern in your Daddy’s face.
‘’Little one ?’´ he asks looking into your wide eyes ‘’can you hear me ? Where does it hurt ?’’ He asks but the look on your face tells him that you didn’t heard anything.
He stands up and easily lifts you up, he pulls you closer to him and you wrap your legs around his waist. With one hand, he assures your safety in his arms while with the other, he looks through the kitchen for your medication.
He exhales loudly when he finally find it and analyse it. He sighs a second time but a lot less happy than the first time as he puts the medication on the counter. He rubs your back slowly, he can almost feel your heart beating faster and faster more the seconds pass. ‘’It’s okay, babygirl. You’ll be fine, everything is okay’’ before reassures you, not knowing if your attention is on him again or still away.
‘’I’ll rest you on the counter island a little bit and then you’ll come back in my arms. Are you okay with that ?’’ He gently asks, hid lips against your ear as a small whisper comes out. You whine and shake your head, holding him tighter than before with the little strength left in you.
‘okay, beautiful. We’ll wait a little bit more’’ just as he said that, a blond figure appears from the stairs. Steve looks up and frowns when he sees the scenes before him ‘’what happened ?’’ He asks but gets a silence answer from Bucky.
Your Daddy turns his attention back to you ‘’how do you feel about sitting down for a bit ? I’ll be right in front of you, you can hold my hand the whole time so you can be sure I wonky go anywhere’’ he quietly asks and waits for you to answer.
You think about it and slowly nod your head. He smiles and kisses your temple. He walks toward the counter and wait until it touch your ass, letting you know that it’s the time to let go ‘’I’ll help you sit down. Firstly I’ll unwrap your legs and when I’m sure that you’re ready, I’ll unwrap your arms’’ he tells you so you’re ready and knows what will happen.
You whine but nod your head. He lifts your butt and rests it on the counter, he slides his hands along your legs who are around him and gently unlocks your feet. He brings your legs against the counter before letting go of your toes. He then slides his hands on your arms until it reach your hands behind his neck. He squeezes your hands before unlocking them too. He kisses each one of them and rests them against your laps. Just like he promised, he keeps a hand in yours and turns around to find Steve already walking to him with a glass of water.
Even if Steve weren’t here since the beginning of what happened, he still knows what to do for you and what to do for helping Bucky.
‘’Thank you, Stevie’’ Bucky says, grabbing the glass before turning around to look at you ‘’did you took these this morning ?’’ He asks showing you the medications. You look at it and shake your head. Every effort is hard to make, even one simple movement such as moving your head or your body away from your Daddy
Your Papa stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, he gently rests his chin on your shoulder, his hands gently stroking your belly just like you love it. It’s something who calm you and make you sleepy and your Daddies know that. They help you getting on a deep sleep at night by doing that when you can’t sleep. But this time, it’s to calm your little heart and to show you that he’s here with you and for you.
Your Daddies look at each other after you shook your head and sigh once again ‘’you know what is it for ?’’ Your Papa asks, turning his gaze to you and to the pills on front of you. You shake your head again. Why does they keep asking you question ? You just want to rest.
‘’Baby, look at me’’ your Daddy’s voice get your attention back to him ‘’those ugly things’’ he says showing you the pills with a grimace ‘’are for your own good, baby’’ he says tilting his head. ‘’it’s for your little heart, and we need you to take it because you are our heart and we need you to be okay because we love you. You need your heart to be in a good shape just as much as we need you to be inn a good shape. Do you understand us ?"
You nod your head telling him you understood even though you didn't really understood. Your Daddy looks at your Papa behind you and they both arch an eyebrow "are you sure you really understood, sweetie ?" your Papa asks, his breath lightly tickling your neck. You nod your head again. You're too tired to tell them you didn't understood and having to wait for them to expalin all over again. You don't have the strengh, right now.
Your Daddy chuckles, he knows what you're doing and decides to let it aside today because it's not the time. You're not focus enough to remember what they're saying even if it's important.
"Just take one now. You have to take it every morning after you woke up" he says giving you the pill and the glass of water. You cring and shake your head. It's bad enough that you have to take it every morning but he want to give one to you now ? In the early afternoon ? It's not morning.
"baby it's really important. Take it." he orders putting the pill in your mouth. You grimace and whine looking one last time at your Daddy for mercy, but the look on his face clearly say that every wars you're ready to take against him is a losing battle. Sighing you allow him to bring the cup of water to your mouth and to take a big sip.
You don't swallow it right away because it's not a small pill so you're scared but with the praises and the words of your Daddies are helping you a lot. It help so much that you finally swallow the pill causing your Daddies to yell their proudness at you. "You did it! we're so proud of you, beautiful" your Daddy says with stars in his eyes
"You're so strong! How did you do ? You'll have to teach me because i'm not as strong as you for taking pills" Your Papa says with a shocked face before winking at you.
You blush and look down at your laps, fidgeting with your fingers. They chuckle and you feel your Papa removing his arms from around you making you whine. It felt so good, his arms around you, the warm of his body against yours, the comfort and reassurance he can give you without actually speaking.
Those feelings are quickly replaced by your Papa's arms again as he lifts you up from the counter after he walked around it to stand in front of you. He leaves the kitchen with your Daddy on his heels and starts to walks up the stairs.
You look at your Daddy who shifts his gaze to you when he feels your eyes on him. He smiles brightly at you and brings his hand to your foot. He hold your toes all the way to their bedroom for a good nap time. You giggle at him because h can't stop making funny face to you to high up the mood.
Your Daddy lets go of you when you reach the bed and your Papa gently rests you down in it. Since you were still in your pyjama, you can immediately slide under the cover and wait for the warmth of your Daddies.
While one of your Daddies went to use the bathroom, the other went to turn off the light of the bedroom and light up the night light before crowling in bed beside you. You immediately snuggle closer to him and sigh in contentement when your favorites feelings come back with his arms around you. You close your eyes and wait for your Daddy to come back from the bathroom to snuggle with you too
You need it but you know that they need it too. They had a lot of work the last few days and really deserve to rest.
You smile when two others arms come around you and you don't need anything more to feel ready to fall asleep and rest.
Now that your heart isn't hurting anymore feel good, a whole lot better. It was scary, really scary but it helped you a lot that your Daddies were there for you, they didn't let you alone, they didn't let you down. They accompanied you to the end and always will.
That's something you're positive about. It took a long time to find someone who'll carry you up to the sky and above the cliuds in everything you want to do, even if it seems like a dumb thing, you needed someone like that. And you found it, you not only found someone, you found two people, two gorgious men who'll do anything to see you fly on your own.
"good nap, baby girl" your Daddy kisses the bak of your neck "you handled things so good, just like a big girl. Don't ever forget how proud we are"
"we love you, always and forever"
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hello, I am resubmitting my order. And I want to say that I'm sorry for these horrible comments that you are receiving without meaning, people have to understand that everyone has their time and deserves to live their life in the best way possible.
-> I have a pretty cute request I think? 😂 like, I'm a pretty whiny person when it comes to getting vaccinated. You can make it like it's Maximoff family day to go for the annual vaccines, Wanda and the kids get it with no problems, but Reader is a crybaby and gets all sensitive just wanting Wanda's cuddles afterward, which is funny because Reader is the strongest in the family, but at needle time she gets all whiny. I hope you can write because I really need a hug after getting vaccinated 😖
[ sorry if my english sucks, that's not my first language, but I hope you understand ]
I want you to feel free to do this or not. 😊
Vaccination Day
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: The yearly vaccinations updates brings out a whole new side of you.
Fluff | Mentions of Needles | They/Them pronouns |  0.9K | 
AC: I HATE needs! I used to donate blood just fine thou lmao! I hope this helps, I’m sorry it took a while!  
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"Well done Billy, you're all done! Just sit for a few moments then you can help yourself to a lollypop" the nurse smiled as she placed a Band-Aid on Billy's arm. "Thank you!" The boy smiled before he looked at you and Wanda as he swung his legs back and forth. 
"My turn!!" Tommy rolled up his sleeve to his shoulder as the nurse prepared the next vaccination. 
You hated to show it but you couldn't control how your hands where shaky and your eyes tightly closed when you saw the needle. "Something the matter baby?" Wanda whispered without taking her eyes off the twins. "You'll laugh at me" you replied in the same softened tone. Wanda slowly turned her head to look at you, she raised a brow slightly at your reply. 
"Laugh at you? Darling, are you scared of needles?" she asked with a now amused look. 
"Is that a question?" Wanda chuckled. 
"I told you; you would laugh!" you pouted before your eyes shifted to Tommy who sat perfectly still for the nurse, not even a flinch came from either of your boys as the needle pinched their skin. "Oh honey, if the boys can do without making a huss, so can you" Wanda's amused look didn't budge, you looked at her and sighed, "I'm being serious Wands, I hate needles! More than I hate spiders" you whispered so the twins wouldn't hear. 
"Your turn Ma!" Billy stood up and reached for a lollypop out of the nurse's jar. "It's okay buddy, Mom wants to get hers done first" you nervously smiled at your son before your eyes traveled to Wanda who just tilted her head slightly at you and shook her head.
You watched Wanda get her vaccinations with your nerves getting the better of you causing you to excuse yourself from the room. "Is Ma okay?" The boys turned to Wanda with a worried look. "They are fine, they just don't like needles" she explained trying her best not to let her amusement get the better of her. 
"But they don't even hurt" Tommy commented with a confused frown, "I know love but even though we are strong and can take a vaccine, doesn't mean Ma isn't strong either. Do you boys remember when Sparky ran away? Do you remember how scared you boys were and worried that we might not find him?" 
The twins nodded, "Well, that's how Ma is feeling right now. This is a little scary to them" Wanda added as the nurse placed a band-aid on her arm, "don't worry, I've seen plenty of adults get scared over needles, it's normal" the nurse pitched in. "Really?" the twins asked the young nurse, "of course" she smiled as she began to prepare the next vaccine. "Ma doesn't have to be scared!" Billy looked at Wanda who smiled softly at him, "Yeah, let's go find them" Tommy suggested.
"How about you boys wait here and I'll go find Ma" Wanda suggested before looking at the nurse, "is that okay? I'm sorry, I know you're busy" she added. "Oh, it's fine" the nurse smiled. 
Wanda stepped out of the room to find you sitting in the waiting room with your right knee bouncing to distract you from your nerves. She smiled softly to herself before she walked over to you and took a seat beside you, placing a hand over your bouncing knee. "Honey, it's okay" her thumb stroked your knee, "tell me what you need" she added as you looked at her. 
"Will you hold my hand?" you asked in a soft and quiet tone, "I mean, so I can squeeze it when the nurse pricks me with the needle" you added. Wanda couldn't help by chuckle, "yes my love, I'll hold your hand and after we can take the boys for ice cream before we go home" Her thumb continued to stroke your knee. 
"I'm not getting it done in front of the boys"
"Don't worry baby, they already know Ma is a little scared of needles" she chuckled before placing a kiss on your cheek, "come on love, lets get his over with so I can give you all the cuddles you want when we get home" she added. 
"I'd like that" you smiled softly. 
Wanda held your hand as the twins held your other has the nurse gave you the vaccination, light tears filled your eyes at the prick feeling from the needle. Even though you were seen as the strongest member of the family, the boys promised that from now on that they would hold your hand next year and make it a little tradition that Ma gets to pick a treat for after. 
Ice cream definitely helped take your mind off the events of the day, Wanda kept you close to her and showered you with kisses and praises to make you feel better. Although she couldn't help herself and made a couple of jokes which did actually cause you to giggle. After dinner and when the twins were tucked into bed, Wanda continued to shower you with love and affection, giving you the biggest and warmest cuddles as you fell asleep in her arms while watching your favorite movie. 
Even though you didn't feel so tough and strong today, Wanda didn't look at you any differently, you were still the strongest member of the family in her eyes and the twins.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz  | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @lizzieslcver | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | 
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2-kamikou-1 · 4 months
woag it's an intro post
hi I had my writing list as my pinned for so long but it didn't even have the desired effect so I'm making an actual pinned
([retheming in progress] dividers by @/sister-lucifer // layout by @ethereabun )
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hi m'name's adrien I'm a minor I'm transmasc & autistic & bpd I use he/it and some neos listed here. I strictly do not use they/them. this is my main so you'll see just about everything here.
I am in a closed relationship please don't hit on me ^^"
my primary special interest is project sekai so you'll see a lot about that here. my favs are Rui, Ena & Shizuku, my favorite units are N25 & W×S, and I am a massive shizuruikasa & mizuena shipper (there are plenty others I like though) but some other non-media ones are etymology & alt fashion, I have others but I can't think of them rn.
I post vents here sometimes. I try to tag them or put them under cuts but I don't always remember. feel free to shoot me an ask about it if it bothers you, and I'll go back and tag it.
because of my bpd I have semi-frequent self-isolation episodes where I often softblock my mutuals. I am prone to dissociation which means I also don't always remember this. If you notice I've softblocked you this is probably why. Don't hesitate to ask if you want to know- the chances of me remembering to follow you back are slim otherwise. If I really didn't want to talk to you anymore I'd hardblock you.
if we're mutuals please tag;
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pictures of crickets (or similar bugs that are dark colored with lots of spindly extremities, like whipscorpions)
anything related to the movie "girl, interrupted"
specifically sexual innuendos related to hospitals/doctors (anything else is fine though)
(list subject to change as I remember more things)
you can use #adrien no look as a catchall tag if you want but I have the tags for all these things blocked separately if you cba. ty 🧡
list of sideblogs
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list of rp blogs
list of writing
other places you can find me (tell me you came from here so I don't freak out!!):
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discord: adrien9174
prsk id (en): 445440127091621897
AO3: matsuu_u
tiktok: niigosho.enthusiast
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Hi, I requested 💘 for the Valentine's Day event with Broly. Could you also add 💌 to that request? Please??
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Broly | love confession
content: ( mutual crushing / pining, z!fighter reader, new friends to lovers, love confession ) warning: ( referenced canon-typical violence ) a/n: I accidentally deleted the first half of this ask while removing others I could not accept so I am winging it based on the hearts and I am sorry sender!
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover. - "Lover"
Imagine the Earth's surprise when another saiyan was discovered to have survived the desolation of Planet Vegeta. It wasn't until Bulla's birthday party and celebrating a year since the Tournament of Power did the rest of the earthling warriors have a formal introduction to Broly and his friends. Goku invited them all along to get away from the wasteland of Vampa and share some good food. Like the others, you didn't know what to think of them all. Especially Broly, and you were all right to be wary. The last birthday party you all attended with a surprise guest didn't quite go as planned but Goku was there to vouch for his new companions and reassured a pleasant event.
One by one, eventually everyone opened up and was able to get past the tension to enjoy yet another extravagant Brief Function. Somehow you managed to get to Broly when he was on his own. He stood over the spread of food with his hands already full, hurriedly packing the food in his mouth in the typical saiyan way yet somehow more savage. He didn't even strive to use the utensils around, simply grabbing with his bare hands what caught his eye and pushing it past his crowded maw in record time. You were hesitant to even try to build yourself a plate watching, afraid your hand may get caught in his path. Sensing the energy coming from him also dialed up your nerves being so close and without his admittedly sketchy companions that seemed to guide him. You would rather fight for your life in another Tournament of Power than go against this guy. Goku's sudden presence is what surprises you the most and exposed your staring however, his large hand clasping down on your shoulder and earning a frightful squeak alerting Broly to you both.
"Woah Broly, you might wanna take it easy! This food is for everyone to eat. (Y/n) here is waiting for her turn." Goku casually explained to the larger saiyan and you watch as Broly's eyes lowered down on you, your hands clenching your own plate at the natural glare but Goku gives you a slight nudge forward. "Don't worry, if I know Bulma there's plenty more tasty food where this came from!" He encouraged. You expected a response similar to the saiyans you've encountered in the past with a look like that but what followed completely caught you off guard.
Broly's brow furrowed with regret, his eyes softened at what he'd done. "Sorry." He utters gently, brushing his knuckles across his lips to wipe away the crumbs. Something in his expression embellished the sunlight reflecting his tan skin just right and shot through your chest, the word "adorable" crossed your thoughts when your heart skipped a beat. Your eyes, without thought, fall upon other handsome features of his physique that caused your face to shade with color. Only aware of your actions when Broly suddenly bows out of respect to you. "Please excuse me. You can eat now. The food is very good."
Your heart skipped again. "O-Oh. You don't have to be so formal with me. I'm just a guest like you. Feel free to keep eating, yourself. There's still plenty to go around!" You smiled. The little grin you got in return made your insides flutter. You continued to chat with the two saiyans before Goku departed at his wife's call to her side and for a slow and merry passage of time spanning only over an hour in reality, it was just you and Broly until one of his companions returned to his side.
That was the start of it, sharing stories of battles you've fought with good food and getting to know each other. Despite his intimidating power, he was so kind and well-mannered but brief with his words. There was plenty more to learn but you sadly had to part once the party ended and they had to return to Vampa. Not before you invited Broly and his friends back to earth for lunch in an effort to keep the pleasantries going, but mostly to allow them all to explore more of the wonders of food there was to offer. The two former Frieza Force members seemed cautious of trusting your intentions but after getting to know most of the earthlings already there was nothing to really worry about. Promises of more earth food tended to be persuasive these days, as well.
It was how you wound up becoming closer friends with the trio, but mostly out of intrigue of Broly. There was an attraction for him and how he got acquainted with the norms of the world whenever he visited with Goku. It told a story that Broly didn't seem ready to discuss and Cheelai and Lemo would insist on not prying.
But it became easier and more frequent to meet up when the trio moved to Earth, the planet Vampa now used as training grounds for Goku and Broly after the unforeseen destruction of their capsule home during one of their sessions. While the earth wasn't fit for a real training session, his living here now gave you the chance to also show off some of your own techniques. Being warriors truly helped grow your bond and it started to become clear your attraction wasn't one-sided. Soon you were eating together almost every day before and after his training, and you couldn't help to notice how he sat closer to you each time whenever you were alone. Your trained eye would catch the glances he cast your way and the tug at the corner of his lips when you tried to meet his gaze, but he turns away.
You then scooted a little closer and took his hand between your own, Broly turning back to you in slight surprise. You looked up at him with a big, yet bashful grin. You lean into his arm and pressed your forehead against his shoulder, wrapping one of your arms around his to secure yourself at his side. "This is nice?"
The new closeness relaxed him and you could feel his muscles unwind in a single, deep breath. "It is." Broly agreed with an affirming nod and a warmed smile. His other hand touches your arm hung up on his, his rough fingers brushing down the exposed skin. "Nice... (Y/n)?"
"I like spending time on Earth with you." He confided. "It is all nice. Much nicer than... where I was before." If it were possible to stay here forever, he would like to. But he does have a promise to his other friends to keep. They do enjoy the luxuries of Earth, but it does not seem to be their final destination. Where your hands meet, you close your fingers around his.
"You're always welcome, Broly. I really like having you here." Your hand is squeezed in return.
"Thank you. For being my friend."
"I think...we could be more than friends, too. I-If that's something you'd like. I-I would." You stuttered through your nerves suddenly building up.
"More than friends?" He asked, first genuinely perplexed by what was implied but then he came to his own conclusion. He turns to face you, a brightness in his eyes. "You want to come with us? I would like that."
"That...wasn't exactly what I meant." But you figured it was too good to be true the little group would permanently live on Earth where you and Broly could try moving to the next level. "Travelling through space, though? I thought those days were behind me." You laughed to yourself. It's been years and it wasn't a pleasant memory. "I don't know about that, Broly. I'm pretty cozy here on Earth."
"I can keep you safe." He insisted, his large hands grasping you affirming his excitement. "All of us." Broly nods. He wants you to say yes, he wants to stay in your presence and feel your warmth at his side. Your face showed hesitation, but, persuaded, you smile at him in return.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Mad Father AU Wally Darling x GN Reader (Night One/Prologue)
(Quick Concept/Prologue because this idea has lived in my head rent free for two weeks straight)
TW: Mentions of blood and wounds
You sprint through the rain, the sounds of thunder booming from above as you pull your cloak closer to your body. The rainwater is already soaking through to your clothes, meaning that your need for shelter is gradually growing more severe by the second. Who knows how much longer until hypothermia sets in? Worse yet, you've injured your leg stumbling about outside...
You came from far away to visit the small village, which you heard was filled with amazing artists, who have created the finest works of art. There was supposed to be an art gallery held there. Unfortunately, before you could find an inn or even make it to the village itself, a sudden downpour struck. Your carriage was stuck in mud, with water leaking through the bottom, so you decided to try to reach the village by foot. Along the way, you got lost, slipped, and fell down a steep hill, hurting yourself. You now feel that this march will be your death sentence.
You see some light in the distance, through the trees. Despite your exhaustion, you push yourself to run and investigate. You hope and pray that it is a house, cabin, or even a simple shack that you can take shelter in and warm yourself up. It seems that your hopes were more than rewarded, as a large mansion comes into view...
A dark, gothic exterior with a slight Victorian Era design. Dark bricks, with black roof tiles and an expansive garden in the backyard. The windows seem to be slightly tinted, but it is hard to tell in the darkness. You can't even see what colors the bricks are, exactly... Just that they are dark. It looks elegant just from the outside... But, you can't help but wonder why someone with enough wealth to own such a home would live this far outside the village.
It doesn't matter, as you quickly sprint to the front doors of the mansion, knocking on it as hard as possible. You are desperate to be heard over the rain, which is pouring so heavily at this point, you can barely hear yourself think over the sound of the droplets hitting the ground. You adjust the cloak on your shoulders, knowing well that it won't provide any warmth at this point, but instead hoping for comfort.
You flinch in shock as the front door suddenly opens, having not heard anybody approach the door. You see a man, with dark blue hair styles into a pompadour. His dark eyes look down at you, before they suddenly widen in shock. Before you can even ask for help, he drags you inside of the mansion.
"Goodness! You are soaked from the rain! Please, come inside. I'll help you warm up. You must be freezing." Grabbing your hand, he leads you down the halls of the building. Getting a closer look at him, you notice that he is wearing a white coat... is he a doctor? You must've hit gold in terms of finding someone who could help you!
Clearing your throat, you nervously introduce yourself. "Thank you, sir... My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm not from around here, so when I tried to make it to the village nearby, I got lost. You are a life saver..." You hear him chuckle, a light and airy sound, as he replies "Thank you, (Y/N), but it is simply in my nature to help others. My name is Dr. Wally Darling. Just call me Wally. Let me get you some dry clothing. I have plenty of extras... Here, let me take your cloak. It's best to remove excess wet clothing."
You hand him the cloak, shivering from the cold. He leads you to a large room, where he points to a closet. "In there, I have a lot of spare clothing. From dresses to suits and pants to even a few skirts and shorts. I have them because they were hand-me-downs from family members who lived here before me. I couldn't bear to part with them. It's great that they are finally going to be put to good use." He then turns, exiting the room as he says "I am going to place your cloak by the fireplace, in hopes that it will dry it off faster. Once you are done changing out of your wet clothing, you can place them by the fire, as well. It is down the hall, in the main entrance, where you entered."
With that, you are left to go through the large closet. To your surprise, he wasn't kidding by the wife variety of clothing he owns. Long, elegant dresses, posh suits and tailcoats, fancy nightgowns and sleep wear... He even has a large variety of shoes, from Mary Janes to men's dress shoes, and even slippers. Despite the fact that there is such a wide variety, you cannot help but think that every article of clothing gives the vibes of something a doll would wear.
It takes a while, but you decide to put on something you could sleep in comfortably. After all, you don't know when the rain will ease up... so you hope Dr. Darling will let you stay the night. Picking up your wet clothing, you bring it out to the main entrance, placing them by the fireplace.
Finally getting a good view of the place, it seems like the main entrance also works as a living room. Couches and a coffee table are placed by the fireplace, alongside an extravagantly carved rocking chair. There's also a bunch of bookshelves, filled to the brim with books, with a few porcelain dolls resting on top. The floors are a dark oak, with a red carpet lying in the center. You spot Dr. Darling sitting on one of the couches, sipping what looks to be tea as he reads a book... You think it is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but at the angle that he is holding it, it is a bit difficult to tell. He also seems to be wearing glasses to read.
He looks up from his book, taking off his glasses. He stares at you for a few moments, before he grins. "You look wonderful in that outfit. It suits you... Really, it does. Would you like some tea? I made some while you were getting dressed. It might help you warm up, alongside the fireplace." You nod quickly, sitting down on the couch across from him. "Thank you... That would be lovely... I'm exhausted and freezing..."
You watch as he stands, leaning over to grab the teapot that is resting on the table, before pouring you a cup of tea. He asks if you need any cream or sugar, before handing you the cup. You quickly begin drinking it, relishing the warmth you feel from it. You instantly become more relaxed than before. You look over to him, smiling. "You have quite the variety of clothes. Is there any particular reason why you are keeping them?"
Dr. Darling sips his tea, smiling. "I am keeping them for the memories, as well as the fact that, in cases like yours, they're useful. You'd be surprised by how many people come around in need of help." His eyes suddenly trail down to your leg, narrowing. "You're leg is bleeding..."
You quickly look down to your leg, scared that you might be bleeding onto hi expensive looking couch. Thankfully, you aren't, with your blood hitting the hardwood floor, instead. "O-oh... I didn't notice that. I guess I couldn't feel it from the anxiety rush..." almost as it on cue, it begins to hurt a bit. It's just a dull, throbbing pain, but you can tell it is going to get worse as time goes on.
Dr. Darling suddenly stood up, leaving the room without a word. You think that you might've upset him, at first, before you see him return with some cotton balls, gauze pads, and gauze wrap. He also seems to be holding some bottles of medication. He kneels in front of you, speaking softly "Hold still. I'll take care of it. You can stay for the night to heal up."
You nod slowly, watching as he disinfects and wraps your wound. After he finishes, he stares at your leg for a few moments, seemingly in thought, before saying "You don't seem to need stitches. The wound is long, going from your knee to your ankle, but it is shallow. It might take a while to heal, but you'll be fine." You smile nervously, asking quickly "Will it scar?"
"It might. If it does, however, you shouldn't worry. I believe that scars just show how resilient a person can be. They may not be the most appealing to look at, but... as you think about it, you realize that it shows that you've survived whatever caused it. Also, you could just cover it with clothing if you are nervous about showing it in public."
Your eyes widen for a moment, before you grin and nod. Dr. Darling then helps you stand, leading you to a guest bedroom upstairs. Along the way, you see various porcelain dolls on tables, desks, stands, and sitting on the windowsills. You find it very... odd... So, you ask "Are you a doll collector or something? You seem to own a lot of dolls." He lets out a throaty chuckle. "I actually make them! I love art, which includes doll making. Porcelain is my favorite form of that... It just has this perfect look... A porcelain perfection, if you will. A perfection I feel can only be achieved by that medium of art."
As the two of you stop in front of the guestroom door, he says softly "Oh, dear... I seem to be rambling, aren't I? I apologize. I just love artistry. I can get out of hand, sometimes... you are also the first person to visit me in a long time. Please, have a nice rest. I recommend you stay in bed tomorrow, unless you need to get food, water, or do other necessary tasks. I will check in tomorrow morning. Goodnight." Before you can ask any questions, he quickly makes his leave, heading down the hall and down the stairs
As you open the door to the room, you notice an off-putting smell. A bit like something is... off. More like as if something has spoiled. You don't complain, however, as you are just thankful for shelter and care. There's a large bed, a wardrobe, a large dresser, and what looks to be a small chest of toys. If you had to make a guess, this room used to be a child's room. If other members of Dr. Darling's family lived here before him and left him some clothes, it makes sense that they might've left other things behind, too.
You make your way over to the bed, smelling the sheets before laying down. It doesn't seem likey they are what's making the smell... you are way to tired to investigate further and the pain in your leg is increasing. You'll just investigate tomorrow, or when you are well enough to walk for long periods of time, again. You rest your head on the pillow, closing your eyes and falling into a relatively peaceful sleep.
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blushblushdrabbles · 4 months
Logan - Short Fluffy One Shot - Nap Time
This is inspired by one of his quotes he says in the game, where he mentioned how he was on night shifts and needed to take a nap but wanted you to be with him.
Any chance you'd wanna take a nap with me? I've been working a lot of night shifts lately, and it's starting to catch up… But I just can't get enough of being with you!
It was around afternoon, it was very peaceful and you were sitting on the couch listening to your music as you were busy stitching away your latest embroidery design, you loved making all different types of intricate patterns, from animals to the ocean to the stars and planets in space.
You heard steps as your head turned to notice your boyfriend, Logan, with a tired look on his face, walking towards you, inquiring. "Hey babe, what you're making now?" He leans down to get a better look at the design you were stitching, and you can smell the aftershave on his face.
You give him a quick peck on the cheek and brought up the stitching for him to see. "its a Cyndaquil!" You say happily. Logan gently took the stitching, tracing his fingers around where Cyndaquil's head was already stitched, feeling the soft but taught thread weaved around to make his face. "Its already looking great, sweetie" Logan says as he hands you back the stitching.
You giggle at his compliment and replied "Thank you Logan haha." Noticing how tired your boyfriend looked you remarked "Hey why don't you have a little nap, you look awfully tired. I know you were working the night shifts again." You gently took his hand and rubbed it. He nodded as he rubbed his face with his free hand. "Yeah honestly not a bad idea Y/N, these night shifts are really catching up on me. You wanna join me?" He smirked at that last bit as he held your hand.
"Hahah but Logan i'm not tired!"
"Awww but i want to be with you still." He replies with pleading eyes. You really couldn't resist those gorgeous, golden eyes of his, it was practically like saying no to a puppy. You hummed for a bit as an idea came to you. "You could sleep here on the couch with me, there's plenty of room and you could use my lap as a pillow hehe." You patted your lap and smiled, Logan practically beamed at the suggestion and plopped down his tired body onto the couch, snuggling his face into your lap. You giggled at the sensation.
"You comfy down there, fire boy?" You ask, smiling down at your handsome boyfriend, gently ruffling his hair. He took your hand gently and kissed it, replying "Yes, very much, you're very warm." He said, with a pleased look on his face. "Oh you want me to turn off the music?" Luckily that music was playing from your phone which was on the table next to you. "If you want to, i really don't mind it, i'm that tired i'll just fall asleep. You have enough room though?"
"I have plenty of room, don't you worry Logan, hehe."
Logan sleepily smiled at you and gave a big yawn. As he closed his eyes he said "Love you babe..."
"Love you too, babe."
And just like a light switch he was already asleep, quietly snoring to himself. His hands were wrapped around your legs, and you felt slight movement in his body. You couldn't help but gaze with love at your sleeping love. He had such a peaceful expression on his face, and you couldn't help but gently caress his face, your thumb gently going over his warm cheek. You smiled to yourself and made a mental note to wake him up before dinner as you went back to your stitching.
Hot damn! So glad i was able to get this one out, i really hope that you guys love it, i wanna keep writing more of this, but also improve more with my writing, i wouldn't mind hearing some feedback from you guys! Thank you! Might post this one on AO3 as well later on.
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starwarsmum · 4 days
Onto the next chapter of Introducing: Mousinette! Finally we see Marinette arrive in Gotham ❤️ there is a panic attack depicted in this chapter. It isn't intense, but it's there
As the Easter break approached, Marinette was snowed under by her tests and commissions. She apologised to Barbara but wasn't able to keep up with their weekly chats. She had a conditional offer for her university of choice and she had to get the appropriate grades. She promised that she would catch up with the other woman as soon as she was free but, for now, she was under more than enough pressure.
Marinette slept for 36 hours straight when the final test was complete, and the final commission boxed and sent to the buyer. When she eventually awoke, she was hungry, bleary and wanted to crawl back into bed to sleep for another 36. Unfortunately, Penny and Jagged had made plans to stop by that day and Marinette had promised to be available and not half-dead for the visit so she had to shower and make herself presentable.
“Lil M! It feels like forever since we saw you last, how's my favourite little rocker?” Jagged's voice boomed as he caught sight of her. She grinned and snuggled into a hug from Penny, making him cry out in mock outrage. “We were just talking to your parents about our plans for your break, Rockette.”
“Oh?” She was only mildly interested in the plans, as she knew her parents had asked her to keep her schedule free to help more in the bakery now that she didn't have the BAC breathing down her neck. “I hope they involve plenty of rest, seeing as I still feel like I haven't slept in a week.”
“Well, there will be plenty of time to sleep on the plane!” Penny said brightly, making Marinette pull away from her sharply. “Ah-ah,” she admonished, shushing Marinette before she could start bombarding them with questions. “Your parents agree that you've more than earned a holiday, which is why you haven't been allowed to take on any new clients, and your parents asked you to keep your schedule clear.”
“We knew you wouldn't do it unless you had another obligation, Marinette,” Tom said mournfully, regretful that they had had to trick their daughter. “We are more than capable of keeping the bakery running without you, and Penny and Jagged offered to take you to see your new university during the trip.”
“I don't even know if I passed yet!” Marinette exclaimed, throwing her hands up. It was only token resistance, she knew that if they had taken the time to work with her parents then there was no way she wasn't going. “How long do I have to pack?”
“Well, the jet leaves in 4 hours-” Marinette cut Jagged off with a screech, launching herself back upstairs without another word. The adults stood around chortling as they waited patiently for her to re-emerge with her suitcase. When she came back down half an hour later, pink suitcase and carry-on in tow, he continued as though there had been no interruption. “-and as we don't have to fly commercial, there'll be plenty of time for you to tell your little friends that you won't be available,” he finished smugly. 
“Maman, Papa, thank you so much,” Marinette squeezed them both tightly, promising to keep them updated while she traveled. They parted tearfully, but Marinette was also excited to see where she might be living in half a year's time. “I can't believe you didn't tell me, I have no idea if I packed everything I'll need.”
“Anything you don't have, we can pick up for you,” Penny reassured her. “Besides, it's only for 2 weeks, and we have a pretty packed schedule ready for you.”
“Wait, does Barbara know?” Marinette asked excitedly. When Penny confirmed that it would be a surprise for her too, Marinette squealed and immediately began planning what she would wear to meet the young woman. Penny eyed her carefully, noting the light flush to her skin and the over-bright sheen to her eyes. She knew Marinette had a good head on her shoulders, but also that she had a tendency to let her heart lead her, which didn't always end well.
Choosing to shelve that problem for later, Penny allowed Marinette to babble excitedly about everything from the architecture she had seen in pictures of Gotham, to the latest red carpet fashions. The nervous excitement kept Marinette bouncing in her seat during the flight, and whenever Penny and Jagged closed their own eyes to get some rest, she pulled out her sketchbook to jot down new ideas. 
When they eventually touched down, it was late evening in Gotham, meaning that Marinette's parents would be getting up soon to start their morning bakery routine. She fired off several messages to confirm that she was safe and sound in Gotham, unsurprised when only her parents messaged back.
They trudged to the Rolling-Stone’s apartment, Marinette yawning and bleary-eyed. The adults promptly sent her to bed, saying they would wake her at a reasonable hour to discuss their next plans. She sleepily demanded that seeing Barbara be a priority, as she was supposed to be having a video call with the woman the following evening anyway. Only once they had agreed, did she allow them to prod her into the room that would be hers for the next 2 weeks.
She was asleep almost before she had fully laid down, Tikki settling into the crook of her neck.
_ _ _
Barbara Gordon was used to long nights, being the main coordinator of the bat-family’s nightly activities. At 32 years old, she had seen her share of horrors and continued wanting to make a difference to their city. She was used to spending her days catching up on some sleep, before assisting the GCPD with cold cases so that she could afford everything she wanted.
When Penny Rolling had contacted her to help out with a budding designer's website, she had been intrigued. She had then proceeded to look for as much information as possible about the girl, not wanting to go into the agreement blind. She hadn't expected to find out about Parisian superheroes as part of her research, but she took it in stride as much as she was able.
Then she had met Marinette and immediately felt a protectiveness that defied logic. The girl was clearly competent, clever and driven, something Barbara appreciated, but there had been an underlying sense of vulnerability, which had ignited motherly instincts she hadn't known she possessed. She often wondered if this was how Bruce felt when he adopted yet another stray vigilante. It certainly explained why the manor was always overrun.
She had been relieved to find out that the ‘Hawkmoth situation’, as Marinette called it, was long resolved, and that she didn't need to worry about her brand new sister being caught up in attacks anymore. She had enough sibling-figures that threw themselves into danger with reckless abandon, thank-you-very-much. 
On this particular evening, the Bat-boys were needling her for information about her sudden acquisition of not 1, not 2 but 3 MDC original pieces. They were green with envy, none of them having been successful at locating Jagged Stone’s now famous designer (because she would not allow them to crack her firewalls, she was the Oracle for a reason) and so they had taken to trying to trick information out of her. 
“C’mon O, you know I've been a Jagged fan since the beginning. Our first date was at one of his concerts! We know she's French, we know he thinks of her as family, but how did you get ahead of us on the waitlist for a commission?”
Barbara snorted, keeping it to herself that she had deliberately asked Marinette to hold off on accepting the commissions the boys had sent her. The girl was strangely accepting of the request, stating something about knowing what it was like to tease a sibling-figure. She refused to elaborate, but Barbara wasn't too concerned - Marinette had a lot of friends, lots of them probably felt like family at this point.
“Can we keep the line clear, Nightwing?” Came Bruce's exasperated voice. “Oracle, how is the situation at the dock progressing?”
“Looks like you should be good to engage, they just swapped a couple of briefcases. I have some decent photos of the exchange, lovely and clear. I doubt this politician expected to have this much scrutiny, he's not even covering that very distinctive mole of his.” Being a corrupt official was bad enough - a sloppy corrupt official? It was like he wanted to be caught. 
A couple of hours later, Barbara signed off of comms, intending to get a better night's sleep before she had her catch up with Marinette the following day. It felt like it had been months, rather than weeks, since she had spoken with the girl, and she missed her. 
When she awoke the next morning, she had a message from Penny, who had apparently landed the day before and wanted to crash the video chat that night. Barbara's two favourite civilians, available on the same evening? Not just a ‘yes’, but a ‘hell yes’. She smiled as she tidied up her living space, knowing that Penny would want to stop for dinner after the call.
She got a response saying that Jagged had other plans that evening, so she found the details for her favourite local takeaway. She was just putting away her work when her phone lit up with messages from Dick. She was about to open them when her doorbell sounded.
After doing a visual and auditory check that it was, in fact, Penny Rolling at her door, she buzzed her up to the apartment. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. So she was instantly on high alert when she heard hushed voices making their way to her door. She grabbed her safety bat from the stand beside the door, and prepared to depress her emergency beacon.
As the door swung open, she leveled her bat at the two women who appeared, which made the smaller one almost drop the boxes she was carrying. Penny cried out in alarm, pushing herself between the two and shouting for calm. After a minute or two’s confusion, everyone had calmed down enough for Barbara to recognize Marinette.
“Well, I guess that means you're surprised?” Penny said into the strained silence. Marinette frowned at her, before dropping in front of Barbara and catching her eye. “I'm sorry Babs, I didn't think bringing Mari would be a problem, I just wanted to do a nice surprise for you-”
“Penny, could you take the boxes to the table and let Jagged know we made it safe?” Marinette interjected, smiling up reassuringly at the older woman. Once Penny gave a jerky nod and went through to the other room, Marinette dropped her voice. “It's okay, Babs, you're okay. Whatever you're seeing right now, it isn't real. Can you feel my hand? It's on your arm right now. Maybe you can remind me what perfume I chose today, I'm so scatterbrained.”
“Y- you smell like strawberries,” Barbara said in a strangled voice. “Strawberries and flour.”
“That's great,” Marinette continued, flashing a beam at the woman. “Can you tell me what you're thinking right now?”
“That I'm a grown woman and I'm having a panic attack,” she bit back a hysterical laugh. “I'm so sorry, I don't- I don't get surprise visitors. The last time someone came by unannounced I ended up in this chair.”
“Oh, my God, Babs, I'm so sorry,” Marinette's voice strained with tears, her comforting hand starting to shake slightly. “I had no idea, or I would have emailed you last night when I landed. Tell me what I can do to help you, please.”
Barbara took several deep breaths and fought to bring her heart rate down. She could hear Penny speaking tearfully to someone on the phone, probably Jagged. She startled again when Penny reappeared in front of her, holding her phone out.
“Babs, are you okay?” Dick's voice came through the line and Barbara started to feel grounded again. She let out a semi-hysterical hiccup and he carried on. “Do you need me to come to you? Or do you want to come here? You'll never guess who showed up here, Babs! Jagged Stone! Did you know Bruce knows him?”
“Dick, you knew that he knows him,” Barbara laughed. She wiped the remaining tears out of her eyes and glanced at Penny. “And let me guess, you're using his phone right now?”
“I totally am,” Dick said gleefully, and Barbara could almost imagine him sitting on the edge of a sofa, his knees bouncing up and down. “ And he said that he can get me an in with his designer! So now you won't be the only one with an MDC original!”
They had a very short conversation before they handed the respective phones back. Penny and Jagged had another quick conversation and they decided it would be better if everyone was together, so Dick was coming to pick the three up.
Marinette immediately began to fret that she hadn't baked enough, eyeing Barbara’s kitchen thoughtfully before deciding she simply didn't have time. “I'll have to make more next time,” she shrugged, making Barbara laugh, which made her beam back at the woman. 
When Dick showed up, he immediately introduced himself to Penny, squealing that he recognised her from Jagged's tour photos. Then he spotted Marinette and did a double take. Barbara could see him eyeballing the black hair/blue eye combo and wondering if it was too late to rescind the offer to take them to dinner.
“Dick, this is Marinette, she's like my French little sister,” Barbara said, beaming up at Marinette. She gave a subdued ‘hello’, no doubt still feeling guilty for sending Barbara into a panic attack. “Penny introduced us when Mari needed help with something, but we decided to stay in touch.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Dick, Babs has told me a lot about you. I'm sorry you had to come to get us after we frightened her,” Marinette said, looking down as her feet fidgeted. Barbara and Dick exchanged a look, communicating wordlessly. Barbara felt her heart twang as she rolled towards her.
“Listen, Mari, it's okay. You're a teenager who had no idea what I've been through, because I never told you. And Penny, I assume you forgot because you don't visit often, so I get it. I'm sure it won't happen again,” she ended gently, piling boxes of baked goods onto her lap to help move them to the car. “Now come on, we might as well get back to what I'm sure is a very eventful evening with Jagged Stone.”
They filled the car with mindless chatter, Marinette and Penny talking about things they'd seen in Paris, reminiscing the time Penny had been akumatised in Marinette's bakery, or when Fang had turned into a dragon. Dick kept shooting Barbara incredulous looks, but she only shrugged and asked light questions. She would have to explain it in more detail later, but maybe they'd bring it up at dinner.
As they pulled up to the manor, Marinette's eyes widened visibly. She turned and looked at Dick, looking bewildered at his very casual, almost disheveled looking attire. Penny laughed aloud, nudging Marinette until she closed her mouth with a snap.
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Could you do spamton that use to be a good friend and a big shot like but lose everything and hide out of pure shame of losing it all.
I hope I got your ask right, anon, here it is! I did what I think fit best, do enjoy :D
Long Lost Old Friend (Platonic Spamton)
Contains: GN reader, negative self-talk (coming from Spamton), hurt-comfort, major spoilers(?)
>)~ Imagine/headcanons
You and Spamton had been best buddies, it was no wonder you two soon became the talk of the city.
People would usually see you both together, hanging out in many places that it being a daily occurrence is just normal to accept as the charming part of the city.
Despite them seeing you and him closer than ever, you felt like there was ever-growing chasm that served quite a distance between you two.
It was glaringly clear, more so in some days.
The cashier chirped with a fresh smile as soon as Spamton and you got in the quiet cafe. Not because it was one of those days with less customers than usual, but because the cafe itself was the one with pricey royalty-like products.
“Hey, welcome, you two! The usual?”
“Yes, yes!” Spamton replied, equally as cheerful. “[Name], you can take a seat, I'll be paying, free of charge just like before.”
You frowned and went closer to the cashier, getting out your wallet.
“Let me pay for my own order at least, Tonnie, you know there's nothing special about this day, like before too. You can't keep paying for me and expect me to just accept it again.” It would be understandable if it was any other more cheaper cafe, but he was getting persistent in making you and him the regular of the cafe he didn't show any signs of stopping.
“[Name], [Name], my dearest most priceless friend in the whole wide world.” Spamton shook his head when he put his hand on yours and chiding you as if he wasn't the one who wronged you. “Not like that. It was merely unspoken agreement between us to not treat you any less. Believe in me and my respectable position as a successful salesman, there's still [plenty] more where that came from.”
You should've saw it coming. The abyss between that chasm served as a warning. Sooner or later, it would pull in either one of you to fall down.
In this case, he have fallen victim. For him who was an ambitious man just trying to survive in the highly competitive side of the world where it's mostly a dog eat dog situation... He have lost and got chewed out mercilessly.
Soon, Spamton vanished from your sights.
Asking for answers from the Addisons who were acquintances of his led you to a dumpster down the alleyway of the city, like now. Just looking and feeling from how the general area is structured, it gives off an abandoned that fits a castaway, not dared to be asked easily as it's not relevant anymore to their lives.
Knocking on the door of the building resembling a house(?), you wait in the eerily growing silence. Then, you call out to him again and this time with his nickname you two only use. “I only want to come check up on my friend, at least allow me this one thing so won't you let me in, Tonnie?”
For a moment, you hear a distorted chuckle from inside before the door snaps open. There behind the counter, you see him.
Who now lives in a shabby environment, who was left abandoned by his companions, who now stares at you with a growing smile and a wide stare you can't exactly pinpoint what he feels at the moment.
The silence is soon shattered by his scratchy voice.
“HE -EY BEST BUDDY HAVE I GOT SOME [[Very Specil]] DEAL FOR YOU IN [The Store]. A DEAL SO GOOD YOU WILL [$%$%]. [[You can, you should]] TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!”
You frown at his different tone of speech. So then you...
“Spamton. I'll give you a deal myself, how about you live in my house for a while. It's on me, to repay you for all those times you paid for me of course. But, most importantly, for being my friend... before. Let's get along for our future interest, okay?” Giving him your hand, you smile shakily. Be that as it may, seeing how much he has changed, he may not want to involve himself with the past—you—as a reminder how things took a turn for him.
Though, you can't assume more than that when Spamton only stares down at your hand for a disturbingly quiet moment in a blank static gaze. “You're too kind for me.”
As soon as you were wondering what happened, he suddenly shake your hand up and down in a excited but stiff manner.
“A DEAL [Too Good To Be True!!?] I'M [[$$%*$%*]] MYSELF IS A PROMISE. A PROMISE IS [[A Debt]] YOU WILL TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.” He's trembling with that grin like before. “DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF AGREEMENT AS A PART OF [[We Are Business Partners, right]]?”
You nod.
“OUR DEAL IS [Sealed, Approved] ! IT WILL BE IN AS PER TODAY UNTIL [[This Contract Is Active For A Lifetime]].”
That's one way for him to say you're best friend forever, you suppose.
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taekeofyourclothes · 1 year
you keep me open. (for)
Tumblr media
pairing v x reader conspectus "you're the only one who's holding me down..." a true blue tale between two beautiful hearts that wanted the best for the other word count 0.6k words notes inspired by szas' open arms :")) extremely pessimistic and negative beginning - SLIGHT ANGST ... be warned! this is a work of fiction but feel free to relish in the delusion lmao, look out for grammatical errors and possibly confusing structuring of sentences - my english is still fair so please go easy on me lol. please don't distribute my writings without my consent dearests!! feedback and criticisms are welcome and read well <3
at the back of your mind, there'll always be that voice repeatedly reminding you of how worthless and pathetic you come across. thoughts that'd revoke the smile on your face and dissolve your passionate outlook on the world, it was a conundrum - having plentiful ambition yet lacking the capacity to obtain even a miniscule taste of your dreams. you could even say it was paradoxical for it truly was - however, all of these insecurities and uneasiness.. they all seem to dissipate each time taehyung was around, he'd ease all your worries somehow as if they never were there every damn time.
and the more he continued to be next to you had you in a world of no more worrying about how you came across, it had you living in heaven on earth and you couldn't be more grateful. and it's so wonderful to look back on how back then you'd be choking on all these impossible ideas of yourself - ones that forced to put you in a high above everything else pedestal that nobody asked of you but yourself, ones that said you had to look a certain way that your hair had to look like this and your body should look like that when in truth the only people who'd give a single care about that was nobody. and god, it took you so long to realize that - but thank god, for helping you see it finally just with a little help from a loving friend like taehyung.
it was funny now but it warms your heart in pride how you went from that dark place in your life to getting back on your feet and freeing yourself of the chains that held you back from your truest self and you were glad alright to have him help you out with this journey, who would've thought it to go this way? it went from him talking to a brick wall to slowly hearing your silent voice hoping to be heard and him encouraging you to speak up to the brick wall with time breaking and being brought down to being together. you were worth it, he'd say - the man always had a way with his words. he scared off all your fears and proudly helped you carry all of your emotional baggage, he eased your heart to let you let yourself be open - it all came from a safe place, he loved you from the start and you loved him more. infact, you loved taehyung so so much - you had to open up yourself to the reality that he deserved better.
the idea baffled him, you were already the best. you were the one for him, you were the love of his life, and you were y/n - his forever ride. and you were so heartbroken to see that but you had to let him go, "don't push me away y/n... please." he begged on his knees teary-eyed, you tried to stand him up but taehyung wouldn't budge and so you had to kneel with him and hold his face to assure him.. "i'm not.. tae, you? i.. come on, i could never push you away.." you shake your head in full honestly looking deeply into his eyes where you could read how he'd lost you but he didn't.. he could never lose you.. "i'll always be here.. but you deserve more." he shook his head at that his eyes now spilling out tears so dissapointed in himself seeing you feel this way about your love, but he understood - this was who you are, he always did even if it didn't want it, because this wasn't about him. though it didn't hurt him to try say "you're more than e-enough, y/nie" he did his best not to stutter and smile knowing there'd be nothing to change your mind.. and nothing would, you love taehyung so much and it'll destroy you to see him get the love that he deserves but that was fine, you could say that's the greatest love of all... letting go.
this was for the best.
© live laugh love kim taehyung, good boy.
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