#there's so many errors aaaaaa
talietikasero · 2 years
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had something else planned for today but didn’t get to it so here’s a colored jack-o sketch. this is the companion piece to the armored aria i did back in september
sketchy lines and the other one’s wip below
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and here’s the linked post i mentioned
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diagonal-queen · 3 months
Your blog is very safe, me thinks. Very comfort, if that makes sense lol. I have a request, feel free to ignore this but I can't help but to wonder what a few BSD men would be like with a very mature/maternal and responsible s/o who tends to put themsleves last and burn themselves out (preferably fem, as I am an older sister who has taken on the role of caregiver and project HEAVILY) I'd like to see Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo and Jouno. (You can throw in anyone else if you want)
BSD boys with a self-sacrificing girlfriend
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allan Poe, Ranpo Edogawa, Saigiku Jouno x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are they with a caring and self-sacrificing girlfriend?
♡ cw: Swearing, use of fem titles, she/her pronouns, mentions of stress and burnout.
note: Thank you for the sweet message anon <3 it's truly a shame that you and i are the exact same person who have experienced the exact same burden of raising children we didn't choose to have. but i've moved out now so i'm free!! come live with me queen tf we're besties now. apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Fyodor is a trad man. I'm sure he has some weird beliefs about how women are supposed to have some normalised feminine traits, but this is too much even for him.
It really pains him to see you be so selfless, truly. Though he admires your kindness and patience, he just wants you to be content. He wants you to be comfortable.
Does he enjoy having what is basically a personal maid around? Yes, yes he does. Does he feel guilty for feeling that? No. But does he recognise that your current self-sacrificing routine is unhealthy? YES HE DOES.
So...he simply does not make you do anything at all. If you want to do something for him that's on you.
If you want to do something for someone *else*, he probably won't really let you. Unless it's like family or something, then he understands, but no, you're not helping that random child get their kite unstuck from that tree no matter how much you want to, myshka.
Fyodor absolutely doesn't involve you in his work. He knows that'll only stress you out more, and that's the last thing you need. As such he keeps you away from his coworkers (especially Mykola. Sorry Mykola lovers)
He comes to value his time spent relaxing with you, because he also acknowledges that he could use a break every now and then as well. There's nothing quite as comforting to him as lounging around alongside you- you don't have to be talking or even doing the same thing, as long as you're there together.
Listen, Fyodor does care about you, and he values your health and wants you to be relaxed and uncaring as much as is possible. But if you, his sweet woman, wants to make him a cup of tea, who is he to turn you down?
I don't know exactly how to explain Poe here. Just hear me out
He is genuinely so like stressed and anguished about your lack of self-preservation in favour of caring about others. He constantly thinks about it and writes tragic poems about it and shit
Like he's like 'my love......she does not see herself as i do, as a beautiful star....with every act of kindness her light dims ever so slightly...until she's reduced to nothing.........the irony of the good deeds of man..............;-;'
He will go all out in his attempts to make you feel calm and comfortable and happy. Oh he will buy you SO many presents it's disgusting. He will rent out whole restaurants and like even theme parks and shit if that's your thing. He'll stop at no lengths to give you some respite, and it's honestly quite sweet
All that being said, he does love that you're so attentive and caring about Karl. He's definitely watched you play with him and then started blushing super hard because the word 'parents' suddenly crossed his mind and now he's thinking about children and aaaaaa
ABSOLUTELY writes a scenario in which you can relax. Whatever you want- an empty beach, a forest, a liminal space, he'll write it all for you, and gift you the book so you can go there whenever you want :>
He's basically a sugar daddy, except you're in an actual relationship and it's not all about the money. Your boyfriend just happens to be loaded as fuck
At the end of the day, Poe is such a hypocrite because he himself is such a workaholic that he practically lets it consume him, too!
You're both absolute messes. Drink some water and sleep for god's sake. And for the love of all things good take care of each other.
Bro knows exactly what's up. Sorry, he's got you all figured out fr
That doesn't mean he won't let you baby him though. At first. He'll just let you, along with everyone else, clean up after him and buy him shit
BUT soon, soon he realises that this behaviour is rather detrimental to your health. He sees the circles under your eyes, he notices these things. And he's like '...oh shit'
Ranpo doesn't have any shame or reservations. He straight up confronts you about it. 'Why don't you ever take care of yourself?' And he's not playing around this time
And no matter what your excuse is, he's like 'not good enough. We're going to get ice cream RIGHT NOW and you're going to talk to me about this. Now lead me to the ice cream parlour immediately'
(I may or may not be paraphrasing this particular quote)
The point is that he presents you an avenue to open up about your struggles, stress and psyche. And he really does want to help- the fact that he gets ice cream out of this is just a bonus
From here on out he'll keep an eye out for you. Every time you find yourself getting overworked or burning out he'll make you take a break. This could be a nap or sending you home or a surprise outing- anything to get your mind off work and people.
Ranpo is a stickler for the rules, sure, but he's also lazy as shit. Any time he doesn't feel like working, you're now not allowed to work either. You have to hang out with him or else (he'll be a little sad)
He doesn't necessarily introduce any...permanent solutions to your predicament, but he does have you looking forward to your couples-down time each day, and that's something!
Over time, you do learn to balance yourself and external responsibilities. And he will absolutely be taking credit for it lmao
Jouno is very...self-important, we'll say. Not like, completely selfish or anything, but very much tends to prioritise his own opinions and time and such.
You make him do a complete reassessment and breakdown of all of his thoughts and beliefs he's built up over the course of his lifetime
/j but really, you're unbelievably different from him. You're both willing to put yourself in danger or wear yourselves down, but *you* don't have anatomical medical adjustments that practically make you invincible.
Jouno wants to protect you- and he's not willing to negotiate. He's not letting anyone hurt you, even if on accident. He's especially not willing to let anybody take advantage of your generous nature, which is probably more likely anyway.
He's such a scary dog actually (lol get it?? get it cause he's one of the Hunting Dogs? DO YOU GET IT-) he'll accompany you anywhere if you ask him to.
When he wants to do something for you, he will do it. You're not lifting a finger miss girl
Like he really will take care of you! When he's off work, of course. His job is kind of important, but you best believe you're getting pampered when Jouno is off the clock.
My mans is romantic as FUCK: cooking you nice dinners, reading to you before bed, massages, cuddles- as well as engaging in your interests alongside you of course
He just thinks it's so cute to see you engrossed in something that YOU enjoy, and will encourage your down time
Jouno is gonna make sure that you take care of yourself too, because when he's not around, who better to look after anybody than you? That's the most important thing to him.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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saintobio · 2 months
hello babe!!!
howre you? i wish you a lot happiness!!!!
anyways, i wanted to say that i understand how yn has her heart sickness, because everytime i think about sn&sy, my own heart hurts a lot, even more so after the last chapter. ch 9 was so heavy and angsty that i cried and i don’t cry that much because my emotions have been numb. what’d you do? how can a normal person write that? i take multiple breaks reading these chapters and sometimes even my absolute addiction and temptation is unable to make me read them all at once.
it’s just so appreciable how you write so beautifully. i love reading your fics not just because of how well they’re written, but also because it makes me feel an intense pain, and i love that pain, i want that pain. that’s not me saying that i don’t want yn to be happy; because idc about gojo as much as i want yn’s happiness. she’s done some ‘not-so-good-things’, but she’s also been through such agonising times and she just deserves happiness at this point of life and for someone to choose her, to love her despite her flaws. and as much as i want gojoyn to be an endgame. it’s fine if they aren’t, because they’re both mature people and deserve happiness. i hate how gojo has treated yn in the past, but i’m also kinda impressed by how far he’s come. i understand him going for akemi, as much as i hate how he chose yn’s bff, but that’s understandable, (i’ve s family member who had a similar accident and after that brain damage, he’s not been the same person, and coming from that, i think satoru went for the person who took care of him the most.) i’m suicidal on behalf of my sweetheart yn. i just want her to be happy, and cared for in love. and i want someone to pick her. and on this heartbreaking journey towards a happy ending for them, i’m in for all the heart-wrenching angst and rarely heartwarming moments!
it pisses me off how akemi went for her bff’s ex husband and istg i hardly care about how she fell in love(?) with him, because babe your bff had a life and death situation because of that man, how can you approach him??? it doesn’t matter that she’s moved on, you still do not go for your bffs ex, that’s a girl code. she may be a good person (questionably so, but hey, im not a pious hermit either to be judging her.) but she’s a real bad friend. her guilt is questionable when she she asks for a family from satoru right after she feels bad about betraying yn. like at least give time for that guilt to fester. i’m sorry i’m ranting. these are my personal feelings. and i love for writing akemi. she’s a well written character, much more than many other characters that i’ve come across.
sera. my baby. my queen. i do not stand by what she did in sn, but goddamnit, i’ve always loved her and her dedication and her aspirations. she wasn’t always bad, and i’m sure had the fic from her pov, we would have liked her more. because shes hardworking, and headstrong and FUNNY. and i love how she stood by yn, and her character development has been so beautiful. she deserves sukuna so much. they’re both my babies. i love that she could get this in her life.
there will be a lot of errors in this ask, and please forgive me for them. i’m extremely tired. exhausted even.
till next time, babygirl!
thank you sooo much, i’m kinda glad you can feel the pain through my writing bc i guess that means it’s effective ? :’D i write way too much angst to the point where i just can’t tell how angsty something is bc i’m alr so numb lol T-T
but aaaaaa ur description of sy!yn hits hard while i’m writing sy10. idek if a person can realistically have this much anguish in her life but i do share ur sentiment of wanting her to just be happy, even if it means she won’t end up with gojo in the end 🥹 it’s the idea of acceptance and letting go that just hurts so damn good. tysm, it’s such a good perspective to read!
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
Here's some dating dean hcs because I have MANY thoughts on this man
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His love language is acts of service. He tends to view most relationships as transactional, he will rarely do things for others without expecting something in return, so you know how big of a deal it is that he does things for you without ever expecting anything back. When you're with Dean you can forget about carrying your own bag, paying for your own food or even rolling your own cigarettes. Dean wants to do it all for you, to show you how much you mean to him.
Your relationship is fast paced and intense. Dean doesn't ever feel casual emotions, he can't just love you, he's hopelessly, irretrievably in love with you. It's borderline obsessive, he's never felt unbending loyalty to anyone but himself before, but when it comes to you, he would do absolutely anything for you, and he makes sure you know that.
With the epic highs, come the epic lows too. Arguments with Dean are heated, frenzied and unpredictable. Dean loves you so much that it's almost painful for him, and he finds it hard to believe that anyone could ever love another person so ferociously, let alone you loving him with that same intensity. Most of your arguments stem from this issue, he's terrified that one day you'll turn around and tell him you don't love him, so sometimes he starts a fight just as a way to get it over with and give you an out.
The arguments become less frequent when Dean finally begins to understand that love isn't just something you feel, but something you do. No matter how strongly he feels love for you, he knows the feeling alone isn't enough to maintain a relationship; he has to improve himself, he has to compromise, instead of just worrying that he isn't good enough for you, he has to do everything he can to be good enough for you.
He thinks you're the smartest person he's ever met. The way you articulate your thoughts, the way you remain rational and logical without letting your emotions get the best of you (something which he struggles with) are traits that he really admires. He could listen to you talk for hours, just in awe.
You're the only person he cries in front of. Dean's been through a lot, and late at night sometimes he just has to let himself feel. He's beyond thankful that he doesn't have to go through that alone anymore, every "Shhh, sweetheart it's okay", every night you've stayed up, rubbing his back and holding him while he cries, helps him more than you can ever imagine.
He loves just goofing off with you. Skipping lectures to go plinking (shooting cans and beer bottles etc), watching horror movies and trying to make eachother jump, or just observing the rich kids from a distance and laughing at their ridiculous designer clothes.
Kisses are his favourite thing EVER. He's not one to shy away from pda either, he pretty much always wants to make out with you.
He's a big spoon for life, he thinks you're the most adorable thing he's ever seen and he loves just holding you tight and protecting you as you go to sleep.
He's willing to change for you, he no longer just coasts through life seeking cheap thrills. With you, he found purpose, and despite all his flaws, he's gradually getting better.
A/n I'm half asleep while writing this so ignore any grammatical errors etc, I cannot brain right now.
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details
Check my pinned post to find my masterlist too :^)
Replies and reblogs are greatly appreciated :^))))
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actualbird · 1 year
i ended up on the tot wiki page for aaron recently and some details there really brought me so much joy and sparked some thoughts on my end
1 ) huh....did luke and aaron become friends because they were both DETECTIVE FANBOYS?????
"[...] With a passion for detective novels, Aaron uses his alternative identity, Sphynx, in order to challenge and defeat misfit detectives who walk on the wrong side of the law." -from the Big Data Lab Entry on the wiki
i find this funny cuz i already knew this, what with how heavily the Sphynx thing is featured in luke's personal stories, but it only now clicked in my head that, occupations aside, this is a common interest they both have. theyre both detective fiction NERDS.
we know luke is into sherlock of course, and he might also be into agatha cristie because of the book hes got on his bed with "AGATHA CHRISTIE" loudly emblazoned over it---
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--but it makes me curious as to what specific detective novels and fiction aaron is into. does he also like the sherlock novels? does he have a favorite? did he and luke meet at the NSB because they got into an argument over which sherlock adaptation was best? in the year 2022, luke pearce was 17 years old and already in the midst of his Disappearance/NSB Recruit Boogaloo, and also the mystery movie Glass Onion came out, did luke take a break from the training to watch it together with aaron?
"he's a friend from the NSB" luke says about aaron to mc in the beginning, completely glossing over many details like how aaron's saved his life in the past and how aaron has a vigilante alternate identity and, Most Importantly, how aaron is a fandom buddy.
[at some point in the past]
aaron: youve totally written johnlock fic, havent you, kid?
luke: shut up
aaron: can i read it?
luke: what! no! it's---special to me, youre not allowed to--
aaron: i can beta your writing for you. fix up any pesky grammatical errors
luke: ..................i'll consider it
2 ) his featured quote on the page
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i have no comments here aside form the crying actually, im just extremely emotional about aaron and luke all the time but especially Now because of this, because aaron is so wonderfully unwaveringly stubbornly a believer even the faintest glimmer of hope and how one needs to hold onto that, and that kind of mindset is what luke needed when he was at his lowest and aaAAAA
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3 ) aaron the PECAN MAN
"Originally, Aaron is from a hometown outside Stellis that grows pecans, and he sometimes leaves boxes of them as gifts for his fellow doctors." -from the General write up on the wiki.
i cant believe i missed this detail, but it's true, it happens in luke's blossom chapter personal 02-01 (thank u @scientistsinistral for letting me know where!!)
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i wonder how i missed it because it is JUST the kind of perfect tiny mundane character detail that i LOVE. aaron the pecan man from pecan town who leaves pecans from pecan town as gifts for others. im immensely endeared by this and think it wld be very funny if this became a running joke between him and luke
i now hc that whenever luke's birthday rolls around, aaron's gift to him is pecans. when luke gets injured on a mission and wakes up in the hospital, the "get well soon!" gift left on his bedside table is pecans. when aaron learns that luke finally confessed to mc and that theyre dating, his congratulations gift to luke is pecans. when luke and mc get married, guess what his wedding gift is to them? pecans.
[at some point in the past]
aaron: hey, so what did you end up naming your new pet bird?
luke: pe---
aaron: :D
luke: ----eanut. peanut.
aaron: :|
luke: what?
aaron: you really set on that, already? there are better nuts out there
luke: ...
in conclusion: i love aaron.
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exoticalmonde · 7 months
Arknights Chapter XI - Return To Mist
So... Chapter Eleven is at its end and because I am desperate to have enough Originium I need to go through as many chapters in Adverse level as I can so this terrible Clown Fiesta of a skinset coming out tomorrow would be mine.
And conveniently enough, Dr. Kryo is here to help me out.
Mandatory Opening video because it's too good to skip. I love re-watching these after I'm done with a chapter.
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Me, frantically: "Kryo, Gummy is gonna be eaten." Kryo: "AH- UH- STALL WITH GRAVEL." Me: Stalls Gravel: *Gets devoured* Pinkie, returning out of nowhere: "I see Gravel has been used. They really took 'Eat dirt' to a next level."
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I have had this woman ever since I started playing, and I have spent all this time almost not reading anything about her. My lass was in Kazimierz, she's here in Victoria with us now, she's a follower of the wendigo, a witch... and I still gape at the mention of her actual relations and experience.
She's a necromancer and a Sarkaz with the funkiest horns ever and just refuses to elaborate, uses her dark arts to heal as a mock of redemption... or something.
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Me: "IS THAT--" Pinkie, amused, sarcastic, smug: "Yeah?" Me: "Now I don't care who it is."
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Kal'tsit lore, Kal'tsit jumping in front of us to save me, to save Amiya little baby saw so much and she's sobbing limp in my arms after the wall crumbled underneath her tiny little bunny feet!!!
I am so sad oh my golly Mrs. Cat lady you are in the middle of all the drama, you are THE historical event you horrendeous fossil you, all the horrible things that happened happened because of you and now everybody is mad; what does your brain see that we do not, what sort of demons haunt you, whose voice do you hear that guides you, I need to know. ---
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Pinkie: "Oh hey Kal'tsit, what are you doing there?" Me, who already knows: "I don't want to." Kryo: "Are you ready to hear the team comp? Oh, it's pre-set. Tell me when you're ready." Me: "... Let me go through the story first. I feel like I need to learn the context before I witness it." Pinkie: "Yes please." Me and Pinkie: *Reading* Kryo: *Falls asleep* Me: "Alright, we're done now. I'm ready for guidance." Kryo: "..." Me: "Kryo?" Kryo: "..." Pinkie: "Is he gone? I have time. Let's do it." Me: "... Alright." ---
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Me: "I want to save her." Pinkie: "You can't stop a canon event." Me: "I don't want it to be a canon event."
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Pinkie: "O, he's coming." Me: *Sad whimpering*
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Pinkie: "Oh, here it comes." Kal'tsit: *Dies* Pinkie: "Now he's gonna leave. So long, losers. Refuses to elaborate."
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Me: *Pogging* "It's the sword!" Pinkie: "Wow, now we have TWO swords that only work if the one destined and chosen by the sword is wielding it."
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Man... My life in Operation 11-18, am I right?
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Kryo: "Why is he panting in my ear? Dog, chill!" Me: "Thank you for your services... Both Hung's VA and Hung himself."
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Me: "I don't know which one is worse, a level where the enemies are only three 'No Data' boxes, or the levels where there are three rows of them." Pinkie: "Hey, but you get to find out for yourself, right? It's the fun part of it. Trial and error." Me: "I don't want trial and error..." ---
Me: "What was the Steam Knight music called again?" Pinkie: "You don't need to know." Kryo: "Sexy Vampire music." Pinkie: "Damn it... It's Vampire Sex Music." Me: "Reverse-psychologises you into telling us the name because you think we got it wrong and you always need to be right." Pinkie: "... How dare you."
Me: "So, the Vampire Sex Music." Pinkie: "Yeah." Me: "..." Steam Knight:
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Pinkie: "I wish he was someone we could get as a character one day. Imagine being able to deploy the Steam Knight." Me: "He's gorgeous. Look at that."
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Me: *Squealing* "Look at her! Baba! Look at her tiny ears. Oh my god her teeny tail. I love her." Pinkie: "I remember when people were super surprised to just... see baby Siege out of nowhere."
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Lord, this scene...
Absolutely insane.
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First try, here we go-
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Pinkie: "I think you need a better Hoshiguma." Me: "..." Kryo: "My Hoshiguma was lvl40 E2, I think hers (lvl25 E2) would be fine." Pinkie: "I struggled and mine was lvl60." Me: "Maybe because you didn't have Ebenholz E2 level 90." Pinkie: "WELL! You're right. You'd think that I'm missing the boss-killer on the Boss stage and would do something about him sooner, but I just haven't been able to around all the other things I need to do for this game." ---
Me and Kryo: *Finish the stage on the second try* Us: *Celebrating* Me: "It was so much easier than I expected. I've seen so many elaborate videos that are... Really nothing in comparison." Pinkie: "It seems I am the problem. Skill issue."
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yay, you opened them!
as I mentioned, do you have some random lance headcanons? like, just general ideas you have about him, maybe how he is as a person, friend or partner
Hey hey, hello!👋 Thank you for ask! I hope you like them and it matches Lance's character as well. Wow, my first ask yay, God I'm so nervous I never did that before help me AAAAAA
I think that as a person, it's pretty obvious here: a wise, compassionate, fearless, kind of unshakable and stoic person. We love him for this.
Can be quite tough with enemies, but never had a personal grudge against other adventurers and monsters. I think he is a calm person by nature. But he will not avoid conflicts, Lance rather will try to resolve problem peacefully. If there is no peaceful solution, then beware, he is a strong and smart battle mage, so he will kick your ass like no tomorrow. ⚔️⚔️⚔️
As a friend, it's the same, but with good friends he is more open. Frequent conversations about new places, exploration of new monsters or artifacts, discussions about life, ect. I think to you as a his friend Lance will reveal his secret side - being a nerd.
And because of that, I honestly think Lance would love Solarion Chronicles: The Game. Why so? This game is basically like DnD that develops logic, teamwork and creative problem solving, so Lance would enjoy this stuff. A lot of people don't know about it though (Lance has to keep the prestige status of an unshakable person, right?), and his friends are unlikely to be interested in this (maybe Jadu, because I think they are good friends). So if Farmer became his friend and somehow offered to play, then Lance will calmly agree (but inside he is like "Hell yeah, a fellow player").
As your spouse, it was a little ambiguous at first. Don't get me wrong, Lance is a wonderful husband, he will be loyal to you and will truly love you. But this man also has a duty to his Guild, to Castle Village, to all the people he swore to protect. And Lance believed that with his crazy routine, his new life and duties as your husband would not fit into the usual routine of an adventurer and magician. So he was afraid that this was the point of no return.
But my dear Lance didn't fully understand that our farmer's routine was even crazier. Our farmer manages to rule a huge farm, befriends with all the residents of the Stardew Valley, catch exotic fish, protect the world from monsters as a fellow adventure.
So when Lance, as a Farmer partner, about to go to the First Slash clan on a Wednesday, and tells his partner: "eat dinner without me today," he feels a little lonely, even surrounded by his guildmates.
Only later this evening, Farmer came to First Slash clan with a plate of tropical curry (you know for whom) and a torpedo trouts for the Jolyne request, the Farmer hands the plate of curry to Lance and say something like: "eat dinner without me, uhuh, sure, you can only dream", winks and makes it clear that Lance's partner is sleeping with him tonight in a cramped bed.
And in that moment, Lance's cheeks turned pinker than his hair (poor Lance, my God 😅).
His Guild mates looked at the whole thing in mute shock, and Jolyne laughed all over the room. But you know what? Lance doesn't care. Because Lance realized that he found his most precious treasure, his dream come true. And will never give you to this world. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It turned out longer than I thought, but I tried to shorten it as much as possible I hope there are not too many grammatical errors
Well then, hope you enjoyed it and thanks again for asking ❤️👋
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offical-dystopiantale · 4 months
Heya! I recently found your fic and I just wanna say… WOAH. There is obviously so much love and dedication going into this story! The covers for each chapter too????? LEMMIE TELL YOU. I. LOVE. THEM. AAAHSJAKKSKSLLA
AAAND I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE THE SHIPS!! The established relationships like Error and Ink feel so natural!!! And the new ones don’t feel rushed either, wich is unfortunately common.
overall a 10/10 story, and deserves WAAAAAY more attention and I will be recommending this for anyone looking for a good juicy undertale fanfic!
Aaaaaa thank you so much!! I'm sure many of you know that I've... really been struggling with my writing recently. I'll talk about it when the next chapter comes out (WHICH IS SOON I PROMISE) but it comes done to me being very hard on myself.
And to be honest I've just had... kinda a shit day today, so seeing this.. really made the day better again, so thank you. I truly appreciate how much you all enjoy my work,, <3<3
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crusnikroxas · 1 year
HIIII!!! Another ask bc I read Cadaverous, and omg I have many thoughts! This is gonna be a long one strap in my friend
I said in a comment I truly wonder about her father, like I swear *he's* the reason she isn't human, but I'm probably wrong! As well, I wonder if her mother knew when she was born. I have a lot of feelings Abt her mom and none of them are good lmao
But ! I'm quite intrigued, because you put Toriel In your story! A lot of HorrorTale fics don't use her, they say Frisk killed her! I was happily surprised!! (Also I don't read many HorrorTale readers bc... They always do noncon and that's an ick for me but anyway)
I also find it rlly funny how Sans is *also* not gonna talk Abt the whole soulmate thing. I rlly wonder what Papyrus would say... And also I am gonna cry, bc in DEISY papyrus called MC sister, and I can rlly see that *hurting* mc here real bad, I wonder how , if at all, that's gonna work. Especially since MC has more of a protective streak with siblings. (Mood)
I'm really excited to see how you do Grillby's, and other monsters! And I'm still just very excited to see how MC reacts more to genuinely kind people. Because I think, no matter what, Papyrus is kind and especially to someone important to his brother! And like it or not, Mc is important to them. I wonder if she's gonna still destroy humanity and start another war that destroyed the world already. Or if, without their food, theyrw still gonna send people down the hole. Instead, they may just eat them. Really, don't know what they thought would happen by hurting their literal food source . Should have just tried to keep MC happy, really. Kiss her ass! Or yk. They coulda not been absolute shitlords and instead been kind human beings- but then it wouldn't be a story!
I'll probably message more as I gain more thoughts and reread, but GOD every story you write always makes me want to know more! You have a great way of making us question what really went on in their backstory. I always wanna know more!
Thank you as always for writing, it's a pleasure to read it every time! Thank you!
Aaaaaaaaa >////< Thank you so much!! Honestly, I means so much to me when people like my writing, I'm so happy 😊♥️♥️♥️
And on to the questions! Or thoughts 🤣
Hmmm.....all I can say is it's very interesting that you suspect y/n's father may be the cause of all of this 😌 And as for her mother - yup, she's she's horrible person, completely irredeemable 😂😅 But y/n was born naturally, and before her sister, making her the elder sister! Nothing weird there.
Oh really??? I didn't know that! Every Horrortale fic I've read does have Toriel there - even if she's o lying mentioned briefly. Basically, I have more plans for her in the story, ehehehe. >:3
Sans and y/n already have something in common, yaaay! 😂 Sans is....well, a lot more complicated as a character than he first appears (and yes, he's already a complicated dude 🤣) - but we'll unravel more of that later on.
Ahhhhh, my poor Papyrus 😭 He's been through a lot (well, they all have), so he's got a lot of hurdles to jump. The sibling thing may or may not feature 😉
Aaaaaa, I'm so excited about introducing Grillby and everyone else! Let's just say that they're going to be, we'll....pretty damn important lore wise, at least in terms to why y/n is the way she is.... >:3
Nah, you're good, the people on the surface really are shitlords 😂 Well, not all of them, but that's another story 😉 But yes, they made a massive error....or, at least, Michael did. But then, he's also a completely unhinged dude, so he wasn't really thinking about anyone but himself. Things will be changing up there....that's all I can say. 🙃
But again, thank you so much - and thank you so much for reading! 🥺♥️♥️♥️ And thank you for the asks - I really love receiving them, ehehehhe 😊
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zelphin124 · 8 months
I hope nobody else sent this yet- But here, for you~
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
Aww! Thank you skele-things! I appreciate it! And no one has asked me this yet (:
DISCLAIMER: I have many many many many many many OC's... especially outside the Undertale fandom. BUT- I'll try to center around Undertale as those are known best! Questions below!
I mean, I love all my boys equally what do you mean- Winter Sans. Outside of UTMV? Garrison, a character in my novel.
For the UTMV - Iro!Sans. My girl has been with me for... six months now.
Too many. UTMV-wise, eight 6. I have six, for now.
For the UTMV yeah! I've kept all of them!
I got inspiration for SeasonTale based off one Game of Thrones clip I saw with a dragon, a man, and a woman, and the bad sanses. It was literally only one scene, and it sparked a story!
Heh, Sanses... Outside of UTMV? I love writing elves, creatures I make myself, or humans! Humans are so interesting when they're powerless in a powerful world.
Unless you count a girl Sans original... nope! As for my other books, I've made a TON of fantasy species! The main character in my novel, The Fergen, is a Fergen! Which is an elf with dragon wings and can breathe fire! Lmk if you wanna hear more.
aaaaaa sadly I am not confident in my art enough to draw my characters... I will learn someday, I hope!
Winter: "Must you cause yourself pain to get revenge? It isn't worth it! This is only hurting you!"
Oh yeah! SeasonTale and IroTale have very complex and intricate stories that I am in process of writing! You can find more info on their masterposts!
Oh, good question! Although some come close, nope!
Yep! Winter Sans and Summer Sans are brothers! That's why Summer's eyes can sometimes be seen as snowflakes!
Male. I make a lot of females outside the UTMV though; it's been really interesting to learn about how the male mind works when writing them!
Crap ya didn't give me any concept to go off of! Haha! I am a creative dumpster, if you give me some concepts, I can definitely spit out some ideas!
Yes, I have given a ton up outside the UTMV, so I am sure it could happen with my Sanses, unfortunately. But I don't plan to anytime soon (:
If Cocoa!Sans doesn't count, as I made it with a community, then probably Iro!Gaster, who is timeless. W!Gaster is like... 250 years old too.
Oh yeah! All the time! It's how I flush out some of the lore! Usually, it's on discord.
I was about to say none but then I remembered Reformed!Error, haha! So I guess 1?
Like I said I love all my boys equally- there's Chester from my novel... as for my UTMV? Hmmm... Maybe F!Gaster (Fall!Gaster). He's very cowardly and I don't like his character, but it serves a purpose.
Definitely Iro!Sans. She went from a maintenance Undye to who she is today. She's developed a LOT.
I created all my Season Sanses together... probably Solstice!Asgore. He's a new edition to the story!
Nope! I don't have the money to cosplay ;'/
Iro!Sans probably, mainly because of how her villainhood is from her brokenness, and honestly... she just needs a big hug. I relate to some of her brokenness and needing a hug so she's always been a character that in every scene I write with her, it hits deep.
Nope! None that I know of! If you have please let me see!
Probably Cocoa!Sans! I don't get to talk about my jolly old pal and his cafe a lot! He's super sweet and loves serving coffee from CoffeeTale, and his cafe is a universal hotspot! I've heard there's a lot of similarities between him and Ccino, though I've never read Ccino!Sans' story before.
WOW! What good questions! Thank you for allowing me to answer them!
Always feel free to ask whatever questions you have! (: Have a splendid day!
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miniaturetalekitten · 2 years
Hello! It's me again! So, I know that I give you a whole lot compliments all the time but this time I want to focus more on you, and you only.
I absolutely love that you care about everyone and treat everyone equally, and there is no exceptions for you! You're  patient and understanding, and very nice in general! You are talented and creative, I appreciate the time and effort you put into your art and writing! But I mostly love your views and opinions on things! With every post you create it's almost as if you were writing your heart out, haha! Your blog is entirely made out of your thoughts, if you know what I'm saying.
I know that you use a transtalor and there always are a few errors here and there when you write, but that's fine! What counts is that you're still trying your best and having fun, even with knowing that there's mistakes. You know... To me, what really matters is what is in your heart! Your personality is really the most important thing to me. You are perfect the way you are right now!
You are a gentle soul and I am glad to have a great person like you around! You always light up the mood with your loving personality when you're here, and I love that feeling!
So, yeah! That's my thoughts on you! It's always so fun to talk to you! I love doing that! <33
1.) Heeey, you're here!!! Hooray! ^^ Hip Hooray to you!)
I'm pleased that you're having fun with yourself so you can write me! :D
Fascinating, isn't it?) I personally know this feeling, as if you get rid of a hard day in one second, and to forget about all the bad stuff turns out easily, one such reason costs me my whole life, I remember once and for all! That's my case, but what about someone else's?)
When I saw you, I certainly wanted to respond quickly, but I was so happy, carried away by their spinning thoughts, which wanted to break out, intensified, giving a breakdown in my program, screaming hard, hard, I even squeezed inside, mmm!
And it lasts with me a very long time, just about everyone is happy as it seems to you, who not only does it, but also comes here, aaaaaa~ to talk to someone a little, or even more, (though I will be happy to communicate in any form) thoughts or live, it is a precious gift for me. Really! I was thinking of a good song, I'll show you now!
Songwriter: Alexander Timofeyevsky.
The Song of Crocodile Gena - lyrics.
Let the clumsy pedestrians run
Pedestrians in puddles,
And the water flows on the asphalt.
♪ And it's not clear to passersby ♪
♪ On this bad weather day ♪
Why I'm so jolly
Oh, I'm playing the harmonica
In front of passersby,
Unfortunately, it's only my birthday
Only once a year
♪ When the magician comes in ♪
In a blue helicopter
He'll show you a movie for free
He'll wish me a happy birthday
¶ And I guess he'll leave me ¶
♪ And probably leave me a gift of five hundred popsicles ♪
♪ I'm playing the harmonica ♪
In front of passersby,
♪ Unfortunately, it's only my birthday ♪
Only once a year
Unfortunately, it's my birthday
Only once a year
This song reminds me of that angelic feeling that if my birthday is far away from me I am not discouraged, because this feeling replaces people, replaces that meaningful day when I was born, it's like being reborn again, as butdo still not know sadness, sadness, loneliness! I'm not saying that I do not love my birthday, on the contrary, I do not notice how time flies when I'm with someone, you have contributed to this ... thank you all for giving me this meaning in what you are, how many important things you do and how warm I get from the existence of all you~
Also, I love you with all my heart! ;*
Let's move on to your words, dearie!)
Ah! I'm embarrassed! / )///(\
If anything, you don't bore me at all, you remind me a lot of me, I also like to give compliments or joy to people passing by, as you yourself understand, I'm not me without it, all parts of our personality are important, If there is not at least one it's not as good as it sounds, On the subject of thoughts, eh! How would we live without them? Thanks to them we can all begin to act from the beginning, continuing to burn desire for what prepares each, new day, and perhaps a minute, you can never guess what will happen to you or when something will happen good, (bad) all this is experienced not only on solstredotokosti in life, in this second living free, and thoughts also help it all breathe pure energy, someone can quickly do some things, wanting it, and someone wait and so to infinity, I mean-
I wonder what everyone is thinking about-
Crazy, right?
In everything there is a routine and at the same time a full-fledged rest, it should be for everyone, because without it nothing is possible, (my opinion) here when I rest I feel not completely rested, and how the relaxation comes, that is, you should not overload yourself, to blame for what you leave behind all, in something you have no time and it seems that time is not enough, unpleasant, I understand, sometimes the emotions take over the person, I can not be always as you see me, it is normal! :З
It's like I said, it all goes away, not at once of course, because you have to get used to not rushing deliberately sometimes, this can make you more and more tired, from my personal experience of being in a similar state... In such cases my thoughts are empty, which is funny, I still can not think of any cool ideas for drawings, I draw what I want, that's true, but when it comes to extras it is difficult, as if I stop... I do not feel sad about it, do not avoid what is already happening, no matter how hard I try, no matter how it all seems lost, I am sure it is temporary, you just do not let yourself be offended! That's what you need to remember! I wish you the same, bunny! Please take care of all of yourself, despite the fact that it will rain in your soul, hail or hurricane someday! I believe you shouldn't hold back sometimes, since it helps in some cases, it will ruin you in others, keep an eye on the situation! All mistakes are little keys to greater heights!
Woohoo, I'm babbling again, I love doing this in front of someone! I hope I make you happy, with what I've written here that you love to read so much! I love reading you too, even though I'm quiet! Yes, I know, I've been watching Russian blogs! They wrote there just as I did, about their observations! The best thing is to understand the interlocutor, communicate with him, no matter what country you're from, other languages I love and respect them all! There may be some problems, I don't deny it, but these problems will gradually get better! Nothing stands still! You read me like a book, I am even more pleased with it, and further you lord is able to read my thoughts...about you, everything you wrote about me - applies to you too! You are so special, it's not just the translation that makes my words get lost, it's MORE lost from you!
Hip hip! HOORAY!))🌟🌟🌟
1.) Хииии, ты здесь!!! Ура! ^^ Хип-ура вам!)
Я рада, что тебе весело с самим собой, поэтому ты можешь написать мне! :D
Очаровательно, не правда ли?) Мне лично знакомо это чувство, как будто ты избавляешься от тяжелого дня за одну секунду, и забыть обо всем плохом получается легко, одна такая причина стоит мне всей жизни, я запомнил раз и навсегда! Это мой случай, но как насчет чьего-то другого?)
Когда я увидела тебя, мне, конечно, захотелось быстро ответить, но я была так счастлива, увлеченной своими крутящимися мыслями, которые хотели вырваться наружу, усилились, давая сбой в моей программе, кричали сильно, сильно, у меня даже сжалось внутри, ммм!
И это длится со мной очень долго, почти все счастливы, как вам кажется, кто не только делает это, но и приходит сюда, ааааааа ~ поговорить с кем-то немного или даже больше, (хотя я буду рад общаться в любой форме) мыслями или жить, это драгоценный подарок для меня. Действительно! Я думала о хорошей песне, сейчас я тебе покажу!
Автор песни: Александр Тимофеевский.
Песня крокодила Гены - текст песни.
Пусть бегут неуклюже
Пешеходы по лужам,
А вода по асфальту рекой.
И не ясно прохожим
В этот день непогожий
Почему я весёлый такой.
Ах я играю на гармошке
У прохожих на виду,
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
Прилетит вдруг волшебник
В голубом вертолёте
И бесплатно покажет кино.
С днём рожденья поздравит
И, наверно, оставит
Мне в подарок пятьсот эскимо.
Ах я играю на гармошке
У прохожих на виду,
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
Эта песня напоминает мне о том ангельском чувстве, что если мой день рождения далеко от меня, я не унываю, потому что это чувство заменяют люди, заменяет тот значимый день, когда я родилась, это как заново родиться, так как бутдо я все ещё не знаю грусти, печали, одиночества! Я не говорю, что я не люблю свой день рождения, наоборот, я не замечаю, как летит время, когда я с кем-то, вы внесли в это свой вклад... спасибо вам всем за то, что придаете мне этот смысл в том, кто вы есть, сколько важных вещей вы делаете и какое тепло я получаю от существование всех вас~
Кроме того, я люблю тебя всем своим сердцем! ;*
Давайте перейдем к вашим словам, дорогуша!)
Ах! Я смущена! / )///(\
Во всяком случае, ты мне совсем не надоедаешь, ты мне очень напоминаешь меня, мне также нравится дарить комплименты или радость проходящим мимо людям, как ты сам(а) понимаешь, без этого я не я, важны все стороны нашей личности, если нет хотя бы одной то это не так хорошо, как кажется, если говорить о мыслях, ах! Как бы мы жили без них? Благодаря им мы все можем начать действовать с самого начала, продолжая гореть желанием к тому, что готовит каждый, новый день, а возможно и минуту, вы никогда не сможете угадать, что с вами произойдет или когда произойдет что-то хорошее, (плохое) все это переживается не только на солнцестоянии в жизни, в эту секунду живешь свободно, и мысли тоже помогают всему этому дышать чистой энергией, кто-то может быстро делать какие-то вещи, желая этого, а кто-то ждать и так до бесконечности, я имею в виду-
Интересно, о чем все думают-
Безумие, верно?
Во всем есть рутина и в то же время полноценный отдых, он должен быть у всех, потому что без него ничего невозможно, (моё мнение) вот когда я отдыхаю, я чувствую себя не полностью отдохнувшей, а как приходит расслабление, то есть не стоит перегружать себя, что ты виноват(а) в том, что ты оставляешь позади всё, на что-то у тебя нет времени и кажется, что времени не хватает, неприятно, я понимаю, иногда эмоции берут вверх над человеком, я не могу быть всегда такой, каким ты меня видишь, это нормально! :З
Как я уже сказала, всё это проходит, конечно, не сразу, потому что иногда вы должны привыкнуть не торопиться намеренно, это может заставить вас всё больше и больше уставать, исходя из моего личного опыта пребывания в подобном состоянии... В таких случаях мои мысли пусты, что забавно, я до сих пор не могу придумать ни одной классной идеи для рисунков, я рисую то, что хочу, это правда, но когда дело доходит до массовки, это сложно, я как будто останавливаюсь... Я не грущу по этому поводу, не избегаю того, что уже происходит, как бы я ни старалась, как бы все это ни казалось потерянным, я уверена, что это временно, вы просто не позволяйте себя обижать! Это то, что вам нужно помнить! Я желаю тебе того же, Зайчик! Пожалуйста, берегите себя, несмотря на то, что когда-нибудь в вашей душе будет дождь, град или ураган! Я считаю, что иногда вы не должны сдерживаться, так как в одних случаях это помогает, в других - разрушает вас, следите за ситуацией! Все ошибки - это маленькие ключи к большим высотам!
У-у-у, я снова лепечу, мне нравится делать это перед кем-то! Я надеюсь, что осчастливлю вас тем, что я здесь написал и что вы так любите читать! Мне тоже нравится читать тебя, даже несмотря на то, что я молчу! Да, я знаю, я следил за русскими блогами! Они написали там так же, как и я, о своих наблюдениях! Самое лучшее - это понимать собеседника, общаться с ним, неважно, из какой ты страны, другие языки я люблю и уважаю их все! Могут быть какие-то проблемы, я этого не отрицаю, эти проблемы постепенно разрешатся! Ничто не стоит на месте! Ты читаешь меня как книгу, мне это еще больше нравится, и дальше ты, господи, способен(а) читать мои мысли... о тебе, все, что ты написал(а) обо мне - относится и к тебе тоже! Ты такой(ая) особенный(ая), это не просто перевод, из-за которого мои слова теряются, это еще больше теряется от тебя!
Гип-гип! УРА!))✨🎇✨🎇
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o-kye · 1 month
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Entry # 414 User: kye Status: hot but in none of the good ways Message: hi guys!!! feel free to send asks, i love talking to people and getting ranted at and hearing all ur tea. if you dont read the rest of this then have a good day i love you all okay bye Notes: tone tags are mucho appreciato!! gendered terms are cool (except man/women) if used in a genderless way ! terms of endearment are cool too, i use them a lot. i also leave conversations randomly, im never mad or anything :) i just have quite dwindling mental health. if your name is aspyn and you find this tell me hi so i know to quit talking about my aro awakening (and thank you for being my aro awakening). Entering File Database: filesort-alphabetical ...
Bears_in_Trees.mp3 Description they fix me Cavetown.mp3 Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Dungeons_and_Dragons.exe Description haha im totally procrastinating making plans for dnd club hahhaha. who gave me all this responsibility. oh wait me. Ghosts.mp4 Description Hi who’s gonna let me fuck Sasappis thank you Good_Omens.mp4 Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Hazbin_Hotel.mp4 Description onewayradiobroadcast and staticmoth and radioapple and huskerdust raaaaah i feel things Marauders.pdf Description i need to read some fuckiing fanfitcion already Naethan_Apollo.mp3 Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Osemanverse.pdf Description loveless and radio silence and aaaaaa Our_Flag_Means_Death.mp4 Description Stede and blackbeard and oluwande and jim and buttons and frenchie and lucius. Also stede is so me Rainbow_Kitten_Surprise.mp3 Description A MASTER OF MATCHBOX GUITAR SESSIONS YOU'RE A MASTER OF PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MAGIC TRICKS Riordanverse.pdf Description i love my little latino twinks, leo valdez and nico di angelo im so gay for you. also im cabin 7 you can deal with it cuz im slaying and what are you? Scott_Pilgrim_Takes_Off.mp4 Description i love my gay boys Stardew_Valley.exe Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Station_19.mp4 Description i would die for travis and vic if you even cared
May Be: Virus Depersonalization_Derealization.exe Description [error, field was left blank.] The_Kids.pdf Description i live and die for my kids theyre avery kaime thames and alle and AGH see more Chain_Ask.pdf Description [user chose to leave this field empty.]Text_Faces.pdfDescription :/ and :l are crimes to use on my page. and many other text faces sometimes but mostly that one because i was pavloved you can ask but you dont wanna [End of text]
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theliteraryluggage · 2 years
Hi, Ace! Do you have any writing rituals? When re-reading your own work, do you annotate your own work or leave yourself comments, or do you just mentally take note of what you want to fix/change/anything?
AAAAAA Apple thank you so much for the questions!! I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I had a friend over all week so I haven't really been on tumblr much.
Do I have any writing rituals?
That's a good question. You know, there's something I just realised as I was thinking about what to write in response to this question: When I am about to start writing and think about how I want to start, I pick at my skin. Usually in my face, but it can also be at my fingernails or wherever there's something to pick at. It's not a healthy habit, but it keeps my hands busy without distracting me while I collect my thoughts.
Other than that I'm not sure. I write in so many different situations and settings, I'm not really sure there's anything they have in common. If I'm at home, I make a drink, usually tea, before I start, but when I'm writing elsewhere I don't need to have a drink to write. If I'm going for a specific atmosphere or writing something inspired by a certain song, I will listen to that song a couple of times, but then I'll turn it off, bc if at all possible I prefer to write in silence. I do always reread at least the rest of the scene/chapter before I continue writing, to get back in the flow of it.
I wouldn't really call any of that a ritual, though.
When I'm rereading my work, if there's small changes I wanna make, I make them immediately (i.e. changing an idiom or description, switching out a name, fixing a continuity error). If I want to change something that needs more work ... well, usually I just make a mental note of it. Which isn't ideal, bc my memory isn't great and if I end up not working on something for a while, things tend to slip away. I do sometimes take notes in a separate doc, or at the bottom of the doc if I'm not working in Scrivener, if it's something really important or something I'm very excited about. But I don't do it enough, I need to be better about it.
Thank you so much for these very thoughtful questions, you're lovely! I hope you're having a great weekend 💖💖💖
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splynter · 3 years
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Introducing ✨ ten different AU versions of my sona ✨
They all have names, personalities, and an unnecessary amount of lore/headcanons which will most likely be rambled on here at some point :3{
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flame-shadow · 2 years
GRABS U BY THE SHOULDERS koretta??? also fraught is an awesome name so i am curious about them too!!!! i gotta be honest im curious about all of them but aaaaaa
Koretta! A member of the City Guard and strongly motivated to be helpful to the best of her abilities. She’s humble to the point of underselling herself, but thankfully, her efforts are still recognized. 
When the Radiance worms Her way in through Koretta’s desperate desire to protect, She turns the powerful guard against her charges and her fellow guards. However, she is not slain. She receives enough wounds that she blacks out from the pain. When she awakes, she’s in a sturdy cell and confused about many things. She only has hazy memories, but surely that was a dream. She’d never attack... she’d never... she... She’s told what she did. She’s horrified. She tells her interrogator what she was thinking and feeling and what might’ve been the cause; maybe knowing will help them prevent further weakness with the others. Then she withdraws. It’s hard to just sit here in this cell when she wants to move around. It’s hard not to dwell on what she did when anyone who walks by either glares at her or hurries past fearfully. It’s hard not to want to accept the whispered offer for a way to break out and forget it all....
Koretta really likes tea. Here’s a sketch of her helping some citizens:
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And Fraught! Oh, my beloved spider. I love her so so so much. Y’all have no idea. She is the source of the happy chemical. I don’t talk about her much outside the RP server that I made her for because her story is intertwined with characters belonging to other people, and that gets complicated to share with people not familiar with all the history and interactions.
But, I will share Some things.
She is a weaver by skill and profession, though the silk things she creates have no magic to them. Well, until she gets involved with the Soul Sanctum. The resulting “soul silk” that she can produce has some magical properties, but in order for it to be used to its fullest potential, an inventive and adaptable weaver is necessary. Luckily, that’s what Fraught is, and through plenty of trial and error, she creates patterns that produce effects - braid a cord a certain way to transmit thoughts like you were speaking, shape a large web into an array that collects ambient soul particles and funnels them into a gem placed in the center, etc etc. If you can think it, and it can be powered by soul magic, there is a possibility that Fraught could weave something applicable.
She’s generally cheerful and expects people to be honest and open. Sometimes she’s a little ditzy and naive, but then there are moments when she picks up on subtle details and surprises everyone. 
When she was a spiderling, she wanted to be a hunter or a warrior, but she proved to not be so great at that, and eventually she tried weaving, where she had some natural talent if not an accompanying interest. She grew to appreciate weaving, but it took a while.
I love her so much. Look at herrrr <3
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cozymochi · 3 years
(Scared to be off anon but I understand that you don’t want drama in your askbox so it all good)
ANYWAYS- do you have any mini tutorials on how you draw Irkens or the Tallest? Cause holy sh*t the way you draw in the canon style makes me go 👁👁
Love your art!!💕
AAAAAA THANKSSS, And sorry this took. I dunno. Weeks to respond to, but after frequent trial and error I could not for the life of me come up with any “tutorial.” 😔 I’m kind of a failure like that. I’m not even much of a “teacher”
You can take what I have though, even if it’s pretty sloppy and unfinished 😭 And I can try explaining stuff, but this premise is really broad 😔😔 I wouldn’t know where to begin. Any canvas with a pink background is the “new” stuffI tried drawing specifically for this ask, while a white canvas is old.
Sorry that u had to go off-anon though, and sorry if this is a bit of a hot mess that isn’t very concise or helpful and primarily just… nonsense. I’m sure better “explanations” exist. Again, I’m not a teacher nor a tutorial person, really
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I drew up this random image at one point in the hopes that It’d be something?? But, tbh. It probably doesn’t help. So I have no idea if this breakdown even makes a lick of sense. I just know they consist of mostly basic shapes. I meant to go in more “detail” but my brain got destroyed.
Every part of Zim’s body is a triangle in some way. Like, if u look at that image maybe u can see what i mean but 😭😭 idk.
It’s mostly just, I suppose, a matter of remembering that despite the fact these are 2D characters that are extremely stylized, they do have some kind of 3D form involved at all times. I personally keep Zim as my “rule of thumb” basis or something when drawing Irkens. Everybody is just a fucked up version of Zim. The Tallest’s heads are just Zims, but longer. Or, Skoodge [not pictured] is just Zim’s head but wider (and he is ALL head pretty much).
There was one time someone asked me advice on how I draw the Tallest, and to this day I never finished it, and with how busted my mindset became towards my own work, i probably never will.
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Sorry I don’t really get into the body much, but I tried to recently (as you’ll see) and didn’t get far.
But, kinda like the Zim thing, the Tallest are also basic shapes. They’re a bit weird on having triangles and circles though. Though, I suppose it would be more accurate to call them spheres, cones, and some cylinders.
Random aside: I think folk get stuck on the joints of their arms in relation to their shoulder pads a lot… I try to keep in mind that their arm joint is always locked in a single place, yknow, like actual shoulders. The pad just moves with the arm.
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Sorry the drawing is so sloppy this is where my mind fell apart.
Uhhh the Tallest are kinda weird with their long necks and craning. I kinda see where the neck connects with the body as some kind of “pivot” point. That is, if I were to be a lot stricter with that dinosaur neck. There’s a reason that neck tends to be shortened or ignored altogether.
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Zim’s eyes are a bit more self-explanatory being ellipticals (not so much circles tbh, but eh). While the Tallest have parallelograms (not rectangles, their eyes don’t have any right angles- i keep that in mind too) They’re also weird since their one of the few characters whose eyes don’t stick out of their head when turned to the side. But, they do curve with their head— but not when facing forward.
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Tho sometimes they do wacky shit like this so they tend to break their own “rules” anyway. I dunno. There’s really no set right/wrong means, I just keep a lot of that minor stuff in mind. I think it all would just depend on what you’d want to do
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Irken mouths are weird, a lot of the “rules” that used to exist like more strict geometric stuff doesn’t exist anymore due to art evolution. But, again, I really think it just… depends…?
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Have no teeth, stretch the face, put the teeth at the bottom/top, don’t leave the face, break open the face, etc etc depends on what u want.
Anything I do at this point just came from watching too many clips or sometimes digging around the comics.
i used up the image limit but there’s no other drawings anyway 😭
the end?
This isn’t all that helpful or satisfying I’m really sorry, I really don’t know how to explain this at all at the moment. Sometimes I do, but maybe I don’t. I also didn’t wanna leave this in my inbox any longer.
Maybe just study reference sheets, or if u can get ur hands on any notes from the art book- reading those might be useful. Sure, they’re outdated, but i dunno they sometimes have useful notes involved
thanks tho for asking anyway, normally i do like answering this sort of thing but I really did just fall apart at some point and messed it all up
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