#theres a no magic house rule
soldrawss · 2 years
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Y’all asked and I ANSWERED 
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notedchampagne · 4 months
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quickly sketched out my tlt ocs to explain them to oomf
roch cardine is a fourth house medic! their dog is a newfoundland named guinuea. from saint guineafort. roch is from saint roch saint of dogs, cardine from.the 4 cardinal virtues. 4 in biblical meaning is often attributed to the 4 creatures around gods throne as well as symbolizing completeness
"temperance is love giving itself entirely to that which is loved; fortitude is love readily bearing all things for the sake of the loved object; justice is love serving only the loved object, and therefore ruling rightly; prudence is love distinguishing with sagacity between what hinders it and what helps it."
the four cardinal virtues
shes on the field but specializes more in second-based magic in siphoning life from her…dog… to power the injured. haha! :] shes in the same sort of generation as fluke and lubonna. everyone makes fun of her for having that damn dog
in the THIRD HOUSE theres fluke trium (cav) and lubonna tierce (necromancer). lubonna is a prior princess before the tridentarii existed. fluke is from a type of wormlike parasite, lubonna from charles lucian bonaparte who introduced the Phoenicopteridae family (flamingos). flamingo because they get their color from the feeding on brine shrimp - you can see that lubonna actually has flukes hair attached to it - she chews flukes hair off for power but uses the tips as um. extensions :)
lubonna thinks of them like jennifer and needy. but when lubonna pushes fluke too far in a shepherd planet interaction with BOE, fluke fucking kills lubonna and joins boe
a few years later roch and their dog guinea are kidnapped by boe - roch is gravely injured and so is guinea. both could have technically healed given time but in their desperation to escape they siphoned too much from guinea and… he died. sorry.
roch is kept in BOE as a prisoner of war. now we have a third house cav that picked life at the cost of feeling disgustingly alone and betrayed, and a fourth house healer that chose solitude and power instead of suffering with company. they have a hatething going on
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daftpatience · 8 months
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heurhgh. thinkin abt the prince and the sea witch AU because i am an ocean boy and and and theres so much to thinkabout with this one!!!! i love aus that tap into classic fairytales becasue theres so much to work with!!! connections to make and parallels to draw
context and thoughts under tha cut cus this au sorta escaped me at first and there's very little stuff about it in english
the original au came from a leaflet that was bundled with volume 8 on toranoana:
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rough translation explains that mermaid princess hinaichi rescued prince ronaldo, and sea witch draluc offers to give her legs to meet him again (and if he doesn't like her she'll turn into seafoam) which she declines. (literally what she says is "no need!" and the big words to the side of her say "no regrets" which is hilarious.) thats the end of the story and ronaldo is left alone. also, john is a sea turtle that lives in a clam.
im lifting my own headcanons and such from the original little mermaid story (not so much the didney one) where the prince doesn't see the mermaid and instead falls in love with this woman who comes to help him from a nearby temple (who he doesn't realize is actually the princess he's betrothed to later.) in this au that's draluc who was observing from a distance. (i just drew a half sunken agora and im calling that a temple. watever. its refd from one of the old arts and i think its pretty)
i like the idea that ronaldo exaggerates his own memory of spotting draluc that day due to the distance making details difficult paired with the fact that he was probably a little delirious. the idea that he doesn't immediately put together that draluc is the person he saw is kinda fun 2 me, and of course he'd make up some beautiful girl in his head. of course he would.
im messing with some ideas about draluc deciding to meddle with ronaldo instead - does he offer to turn him into a merman to look for his made up maiden? or does draluc come to land for his own reasons? maybe they visit each other at the temple every day and bring each other little things and talk and stuff. itd be cute if they butted heads but still went to see each other every day anyways.
a popular thing in the au is draluc being captured - maybe ronaldo, desparate to find his love and only knowing she was some sort of fish, does something stupid like setting up nets and traps. hahah. maybe he catches draluc and takes him to his castle to learn about merfolk and such. iunno. whatever the case i hope they fall in love in the process and also bicker a lot like their usual schtick
ive got a little sad idea that borrows from some 30 years later au stuff where draluc is worried about ronaldo's lifespan (this is also in the orig little mermaid where mermaids live longer than humans by hundreds of years) but also can't turn human to match ronaldo because it's too painful for him to walk on legs (since one of the au rules is that he must always be weak and the orig little mermaid made it clear that legs hurted real bad)
also also i very big headcanon draluc the sea witch has a sunken castle that looks a lot like ponyo's dad's house on the inside. fulla potions and stuff. wouldnt that be cute! maybe hes got an interest in human life/a collection of old things kinda like didney little mermaid - since canon draluc is so well adjusted to modern human stuff like games and livestreams and whatnot. in this au i think he'd be a lot more stubborn and reluctant to admit it, though, cus i also like the idea that his grandpa went the route of loving a human and going to land and maybe he doesn't want to end up like that? but it might be fate just cus draluc and ronaldo parallel D and helsing so well.
also i still want hinaichi to be in it but her rejection of the plot is so funny and good, i don't want to shove her in without thinking of a good way for it to make sense. she's good friends with draluc and likes his cooking...can you cook underwater??? maybe magically?? maybe draluc takes up cooking on land and brings hinaichi things he makes??? maybe then she gets interested in humans and wants to come to land to try all the cooking theyve got. iunno.
i usually keep this sort of note taking and doodling to myself but this fandom needs all the stimulation it can get. hiii hellooo :]
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For Shadowpeach: "ok so, we all know from that one tumblr post that yaoi is two blokes doing fuckall and yuri is when there’s themes and shit? well these two (shadowpeach) have So Much Themes. they were super close friends for years and years (both immortal) before their epic breakup scene (wukong was trapped under a mountain and macaque refused to free him) (he wasn’t entirely in the wrong but that’s another story) (also wukong killed macaque there was that, that did happen) (its complicated)
from the Moment we see these two, all we know about them is that they’re the most divorced ever. as time goes on, we see the complexities in their relationship, and they introduce a lot of the overarching themes and motifs of the show (hero and warrior pairs, peaches being a symbol of their relationship, etc). also they’re both girls to me
tmnt theme song voice toxic codependent yuri!"
"theyre So So gay divorced and have an incredibly complicated and toxic relationship. also according to that one tumblr post yaoi is when theres two blokes doing fuckall and yuri is when theres themes and shit, and these two have So So So many themes and shit. theyve got motifs out the wazoo. peaches are a motif of their relationship and in the very end of the s4 finale wukong hands macaque a half-melted peach flavored (and shaped) popsicle. this is yuri to me"
"They used to be semi-immortal bff's, but then they fell apart and literally one of them died(bc of the other), then he revived, then got semi-consumed by revenge™ and tried to kill each other for a while, but they are cool now and they gave the sweetest little smiles when they finally talked- *fangirls* ok ok, look at it this way: it's a royalty au but it's canon."
"Well, they are toxic doomed yuri vibes, in my.most opinion. But also their designs are pretty gender I think.. mostly wukongs imo. And ik eyelashes aren't inherently feminine but theyre both some of the few(if not only) male characters in the show with visible eyelashes. Also if it counts, out of the relationships that I've seen compared to theirs, most are canonical sapphic relationships from other cartoons (catradora and bubbline notably)"
"A warm, loving caretaker of magical children who are orphans falls in love with the fat neurotic caseworker and changes his life for the better."
For Thoschei: "i. why great
They are each other's narrative foils. They are archenemies. They were childhood friends. They might not have been married, but they are divorced. They call themselves best enemies. They are the "i can fix them"/"i can make them worse" duo. They've proposed to each other (to rule/travel across the universe together), but each declined the offer from the other. They've kissed. They've killed each other. They've killed for each other (the first to do so was the Doctor who is the protagonist and the hero, but this fact was revealed in an audio drama, not in the TV show). The universe's too small for both of them. "The cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about" is a real quote from one of the episodes from the 1980s. They are war criminals. The Master commits atrocities to attract the Doctor's attention and admits it. They are not able to get rid of each other for good, nor they really want to. One of the showrunners literally spent the BBC's money to make his E2L I Can't Decide fanvid for them and make it a part of an episode.
ii. why guy:
They'd been in male bodies for more than 40 years…
iii. why yuri
…until one of them regenerated into a woman. After some time, the other did so too. Sadly, they haven't interacted in their female bodies on screen, but the fandom makes do with fan content.
in conclusion: this is The guy yuri if i've ever seen one"
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lilith in the 8th house : Creators Of Chaos; Destroyers of The Underworld 🦇🔥🌒
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Individuals with Lilith in the 8th house are connected to the deepest waters of the great mothers womb. She dedicates her magic to these children and give them the gifts they need to go through life in this hellish reality.
These individuals learn from a young age that the world is built on a spectrum of rules that do not quite fit who they are and go through many lengths to obtain the secrets of who they truly are. With each find, they uncover the dormant energy inside of their bodies that show them knowledge to maneuver through their journey.
During their process of elimination, they go through a death similar to their grandmother lilith. Having to go through many stages of hell to get to the knowledge of their ancestor.
Lilith 8th house individuals are capable of unraveling the monsterous truth of the spirit realm and how it connects deeply to their physical reality. The psyche is then put to a test and as they battle the demons that is within them, they learn to make a friend out of these demons too. The purpose of going through this death is to learn the tree of life through their persona. To explain this tree of symbolism symbolism with you guys further, I speak of it as a metaphor. So metaphorically speaking, you guys tend to play devils advocate and are most likely the serpent in other peoples lives. It was said that it was lilith herself who gave eve the apple, as it was said she was the very first human on earth. So likely she knew about the control that Adam and Eve's god were putting them through and wanted to warn them and give them the knowledge Eve (Evolution) was clearly seeking.
So as I say this, these beings tend to get the hidden secrets of the world as they go through the underworld to get it. They are deeply aware of society need to control the masses with every fiber of their being, so they do everything in their power to not be controlled by the 'God' of the world.
In their day to day, they learn how to deal with their shadow and have come to terms with the 'monster' they are set out to be. Their urges and desires are something kept under wraps, and while they secretively unmask the veils of their complex nature they tend to attract others with their mystery.
With this placement, they may find themselves learning the secrets of others and the hidden desires these people want to unveil. Sometimes they will be around people who want to discover them, while also unmasking themselves with lilith 8th housers because they make them comfortable. Uncomfortably uncomfortable. This may put lilith 8th housers in weird situations with people because while there may be people that want to be themselves around them, they eventually go through a few power plays with them seeing that lilith 8th house people can make them feel vulnerable. Something that society has a hard time being. They know the power and strength in vulnerability and have mastered it a few times as they've grown so they cover it up real well. Lilith 8th house individuals learn the secrets of the people close to them and not so close to them due to their psyche ability gathering information in the world around them. There is no need to hide when you are around them, they see you as much as they see them selves. And they have no problem using your secrets as a weapon if you do try to come for them.
I'll talk about this more soon, a part 2/3? Theres a lot to uncover here as I love these placement holders very much.
They are the hidden knowledge people seek because they are connected to mother lilith and her historic battle with the masculine society. Thank you for reading <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Imagine everyone in genshin could physically see when you lag. Collecting some sunsettia then my ping sky rockets to 999 and im frozen for a good minute in the middle of doing an attack 😭
SOB bro ive gotten caught in some DOWNRIGHT SILLY lags before- i would pass away if they saw that
Esp since i get them stuck then just start laughing my ass off 💀
This gif took me out this is so funny 😭 i had to put it here LMAO
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I accidentally made Venti jump on top of a Aranara house when I was first exploring Sumeru and did that "flying in the air/jumpin down pose" but just. Through a palm leaf, he's just fluttering in the wind it was painfully ironic 😭
What if u were isekaied to Genshin but it still has game rules, and so now ur like a character too,
I would constantly be omw to the Backrooms 💀
Glitching thru magic shit bc im inpatient and wanna hurry (lagged myself thru some domain steps once)
So this is unrelated to lag shit, but Ive just done so much silly ass things in game that they would find just as funny or dumb 💀
So, When i first started Genshin I was on some Shit.
I had only rlly played one or two open world games before, and even then not for a long time, so I just like did the stupidest things
I was fighting in those early domains in Mondstadt right, and I had just gotten to the cutscene with Lisa and Traveler, I think thats all who were there
And I had just finished the last battle in the chamber, so I had just deployed Baron Bunny from Amber but killed the monsters before it could go off-
(no pls dont make her aware of that for me she would bully me forever)
And I also didnt know about boss monsters yet (i didnt watch anyone play genshin/know where or what they were lol goin in blindfolded essentially)
So im running around Mond. and I start fighting a Cryo whopperflower for a little while, im not high level yet, and deadass MID SWORD SWING-
AND THE FALL KILLED AETHER (which I also didnt know could happen 😭TRAUMA) SO I JUST SUDDENLY HAVE AMBER OUT- !!??
Talk about an all-knowing creator god 😭😭
Thatd be so embarassing if they remembered that 💀 aether would literally bring it up all the time to get to me
Then later on in Liyue, theres a chest underneath these guard statues hidden by a bush right? And one of those Geoculus star things too, and i have my compass out trying to find all the Geoculuses(?)
And Im like, " ok towards the statue??"
THEN I JUST PLUMMET- AND I IMMEDIATELY INSTINCTIVELY LIKE, SO HEARTBROKEN AND DISTRESSED SOUNDING "nOPLEASENOTAGAIN- oh, ohhh my godd" my heart was racinggg i literally sighed and I sat there for a minute breathin heavy 😭😭
My team wouldve had a heart attack and field day with me doin shit like that, theyd be like
"This our god? This you?"
Aether has so much blackmail on me 🥲
If I had a mora for everytime I fell on a boss monster in Genshin Impact, I would have 3 mora.
Which isn't a lot of mora, but it's weird that it happened three times.
(we updated the logo bc im stupid and didnt realize i couldve been typing that the whole time)
♡the beloveds♡
Srry figure it was close enough id tag yall anyway
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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hermitlifemuicals · 24 days
Puppy and Cookie
My past life stated war and rules 
He was such a royal dude 
Magic was one of his tools 
My house looks like such a fool
Next life was a tower man
Under grounded power man
I cant even understand 
Why the moon was in his plan
Oh my box thats so insane
Oh my box thats such a shame
My past lives always felt so grand
But now i can not even find some sand
Even still, this life was not so bad
3 2 1
The box is our monster house
Walls and hills with few ways out
And living here’s a puppy and cookie
They'll blow up from a double b
Or see the eyes of slender beats
So im gonna build my box house with you You you you
My past life was a simple dude 
Cookie house aligned with you
Fought against the desert two
But now theres so much left to do
My next life i killed a friend 
That murder led to my end
I was know as terry man
And here tarry man is again
Oh my box thats so insane
Oh my box thats such a shame
My past lives always felt so bland
But now with you and boo im feeling grand
all things said this life was not so bad
3 2 1
The box is our monster house
Walls and hills with few ways out
And living here’s a puppy and cookie
They'll blow up from a double b
Or see the eyes of slender beats
So i'm gonna give my box house out to you You you you
Somewhere in this smp
Someone wished they'd gotten me
But I guess we're in-between 
Still it makes it interesting
The box is our monster house
Walls and hills with few ways out
And living here’s a puppy and cookie
They'll blow up from a double b
Or see the eyes of slender beats
Like dropping rocks from our ceiling
Was a mistake made by the g
And finishing the monster please 
It feels like something that we need
Tho there has been three deaths off me
We still killed two, one with zombie
Now moving in are mart and cle
Who take a shot at coupling
I know we’re not there physically
But theres a grave made for big b 
So let me build my monster box with you
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losthomisexual · 2 months
Intro/beginners guide to paganism
This is a brief guide based on my personal experiences and research.
What is Paganism?
Now this is a big question with limited evidence but lets go through what we know and how people practice today. A lot of our sources for old religions were written by christians or romans where they could have skewed the original meanings for their own agendas. Christianity played a large role in the loss of these beliefs by ways of genocide, missionaries, renaming holidays and more. My ancestry being European i research more into Celtic, germanic, norse and Anglo-Saxon beliefs but everyone has roots and if traced back far enough we find similar beliefs across the globe. There are also a lot of neopagan religions and beliefs like Wicca and witchcraft with many subcategories.
Paganism for me is about a deeper connection to nature, myself, the spirits of the land and honouring those who’ve come before. Its being grateful for what we have, spending time with our family and friends, being kind and respectful of our surroundings and those within whether thats people, animals or plants. It gives me a bigger perspective, helping to see through hardships and take lessons from them rather than begging the gods for forgiveness or salvation. Even just walking through the bush i get a sense of how small i am in the world, we are all just small cogs in the wheel of time, passing on our lessons and stories through the generations. Norse paganism tends to have more stories than others so i tend to find myself drawn to them for guidance and symbolism. Everything around us has a spirit or a soul all the way from the sky, rain, and thunder to the grass, rocks and dirt beneath our feet, there is spiritual energy everywhere. When it comes to the afterlife i don’t really think about it much but it could be reincarnation, a realm for the dead although nothing like heaven and hell, just a resting place or even something else entirely. Living in the present is more important to me.
So how can you practice paganism?
Seasonal changes are important in paganism as well as the equinoxes and solstices.
Following the natural cycle and staying in tune with it is a simple way to get closer to nature, our ancestors and the spiritual realm. For me i also flip the holidays to suit my climate as i live in Australia so the seasons are inverted.
Many people have altars or sacred spaces in their homes but i also encourage people to go outside and create a space if they can. Whether its just a rock were you place meat or bread offerings or a tree or lake you visit you don’t need much to practice paganism.
If you cant do that thats okay too, light a candle and make an altar out of items you have found and felt a connection to.
Create an inviting, cozy atmosphere and keep it clean and cleansed to avoid unwanted spirits and energies. For holidays you could have a feast and drink beer and wine with friends and family around a fire for instance. Throughout the year theres lots of small ways to feel some magic like following the phases of the moon, cleaning, making things with intention, mindful walks, having a garden or house plants, meditation or working with charms for some examples.
There is no one way to practice and no one can be right, it is all interpretation and feeling.
You can follow a set of gods, pick and choose or none at all. You can perform rituals, spells or divination or not it is not a practice with rules unlike other big religions. Even just the term pagan or animism may be enough for you.
Whether it’s something more modern, a reconstruction or neither, you don’t have to choose a particular path or label just do what feels right to you.
Overall I believe paganism is a way of life, an open way of thinking rooted in nature, gratitude and respect.
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neodafloof555 · 2 months
Puppy and Cookie
(parody of worlds smallest violin)
My past life stated war and rules 
He was such a royal dude 
Magic was one of his tools 
My house looks like such a fool
Next life was a tower man
Under grounded power man
I cant even understand 
Why the moon was in his plan
Oh my box thats so insane
Oh my box thats such a shame
My past lives always felt so grand
But now i can not even find some sand
Even still, this life was not so bad
The box is our monster house
Walls and hills with few ways out
And living here’s a puppy and cookie
They'll blow up from a double b
Or see the eyes of slender beats
So im gonna build my box house with you
You you you
My past life was a simple dude 
Cookie house aligned with you
Fought against the desert two
But now theres so much left to do
My next life i killed a friend 
That murder led to my end
I was know as terry man
And here tarry is again
Oh my box thats so insane
Oh my box thats such a shame
My past lives always felt so bland
But now with you and boo im feeling grand
all things said this life was not so bad
The box is our monster house
Walls and hills with few ways out
And living here’s a puppy and cookie
They'll blow up from a double b
Or see the eyes of slender beats
So i'm gonna give my box house out to you
You you you
Somewhere in this smp
Someone wished they'd gotten me
But I guess we're in-between 
Still it makes it interesting
The box is our monster house
Walls and hills with few ways out
And living here’s a puppy and cookie
They'll blow up from a double b
Or see the eyes of slender beats
Like dropping rocks from our ceiling
Was a mistake made by the g
And finishing the monster please 
It feels like something that we need
Tho there has been three deaths off me
We still killed two, one with zombie
Now moving in are mart and cle
Who take a shot at coupling
I know we’re not there physically
But theres a grave made for big b 
So let me build my monster box with you
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dateamonster · 3 months
longass monster high liveblog: season 2 edition lets gooooooo
rule school
very first thought of the new season: i want a doll of clawdeens wereruler armor so bad. also im excited for more worldbuilding lore stuff, and more varied werecreature designs! part of me gets a little irked sometimes that there seems to be disproportionate attention payed to werecreatures and the inner workings of their society over other monster species, but i cannot deny, i love a funny lil furry.
especially this side character bear dude who keeps showing up
rly feels like there should be a clause in were-society for what to do if ur wereruler is a fuckin kid. she should not have to be doing all this.
when she finally gets that armor off its gonna be like rock lee with the weights
i love these cunty old werewolf ladies ngl
damn speedreader clawdeen
that painting of foxford is soo cute clawdeen i loove u
toralei!! toralei HUG!!!!!!!! hug AND a pun!!! shes sososososo cute
oh and shes maaaad that she showed affection where other people can see lol the Dynamic.. it is unfolding before my very eyes..
oh damn the fox guy is a sneaky motherfucker? who could have foreseen this....... granted the whale plushie is unexpected
new witch in town
draculauras gay lil witch friend <333
lol is humans using monster slang a microaggression? much to think about.
im really interested in this developing plotline about draculaura being pressured to be like the model of Good Witchcraft. it works well with her established character and arc of like trying to live up to her fathers reputation and status in the monster world. poor girl never seems to be able to just fucking relax.
skelita! i love that shes trying out witchcraft, and the art-based magic is a fun angle too! i can totally see where this is going tho. drac is super serious about magic because theres all this pressure on her while skelita is just trying it out in a casual way so theyre at odds. its an interesting dilemma because i can def see both sides.
im really happy the writing seems like empathetic to both positions here. skelita deserves to try magic her way on her own terms, but its also totally understandable draculaura would feel protective over witchcraft when any misuse of it is ultimately going to reflect on her since she was the one working to legitimize it. respectability is a double edged sword fr!
play it again clawd
aw clawd is such a sweetiepie mamas boy. i def feel a little bad for him. imagine if ur little sister became the queen of ur entire society and ur just like. hangin out there.
oh were doing a groundhog day? im not a big timeloop plot person but ill try not to be too biased
this is also how me and my roommate act when theres a fly in the house
aw im rly glad they acknowledge that selena had like a whole life in beheme that she had to leave behind when she came home.. idk if theyre planning to actually do anything more substantial with that but yea when you think about its kinda fucked up! they probably had friends and stuff! clawd was *born* there! i get why theyd choose to stay here with their family and all even if they could easily go back, but like, its gotta be sad at times!
ok not bad as a timeloop ep goes. still not my fav but like clawds so cute and its so nice seeing him do stuff with his family <3
thats all for tonight i think! see u next time!!
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Do you understand how Kirkwall politics work? Ik theres a viscount but like…is it just viscount and Templar’s? Three people?
i don't know a lot off the top of my head but let's take a look!
kirkwall is ruled by a viscount. it does seem to be a hereditary position, but if the viscount has no heirs or the line is otherwise removed from power, kirkwall's nobility have the right to elect a new viscount. so there's definitely an established noble class who have a powerful say in what happens. world of thedas lists the amells, the threnholds, and the reinhardts as the most powerful hightown houses at the start of the dragon age, but both the amells and threnholds collapsed before da2. (prior to their collapse, the amells were one of the foremost noble families in the whole free marches, with four centuries of history to their bloodline.) we interact with families like the harrimanns and de launcets in da2 and leandra mentions the reinhardts still being around.
viscounts' lines don't seem particularly long-lasting; marlowe dumar is the first in his. his predecessor perrin threnhold inherited the role from his father, but the father was also first in his short-lived line and "took power through a campaign of intimidation" rather than just, like, inheriting it. (this is confirmed by a codex stating the threnholds only came to power less than a week after maric retook the fereldan throne.) the implication is that saemus dumar would have been a potential heir to marlowe had he lived, but i don't remember anyone taking this possibility seriously in the game and given his politics i'm sure the nobility and templars alike would never remotely consider allowing it
the title of viscount was introduced by the orlesians, who ruled kirkwall from 7:60 storm to 8:05 blessed after liberating it from a four-year qunari occupation. they also introduced the kirkwall city guard, a force answerable to the viscount. the people of kirkwall threw out the orlesians but kept the title and the associated guard.
the templars have no official control of the city. however, the viscount's office is effectively so weak by the time of da2 that it is impossible to hold without templar support. this is because of what happened under viscount dumar's predecessor, viscount perrin threnhold. brother genitivi refers to perrin as "even worse" than his "vicious thug" father. perrin used those ancient chains in kirkwall's harbour to block orlesian ships and charge exorbitantly heavy taxes on them. this was naturally a poorly received move in orlais but also in kirkwall, as it limited trade, the lifeblood of the city. divine beatrix iii, who the codex claims was acting "as a friend to the emperor", ordered the templars to pressure the viscount into stopping, despite knight-commander guylian having refused similar requests from kirkwall's nobles and insisting even to the divine that their place was to protect the city from magic not from itself. perrin responded by hiring a mercenary army—odd that it wasn't the city guard, possibly implying they turned against him in favour of the nobles?—that ultimately stormed the gallows and executed guylian, with the intention of expelling the templars entirely from the city. in the end perrin was arrested, and presumably executed, if his successor being gifted his blood-encrusted signet ring as a threat is anything to go by. this seems to have been well received in kirkwall; the templars "were hailed as heroes". guylian was replaced with meredith, who personally directly appointed marlowe dumar
meredith's choice is an interesting one. the dumars were noble, but considerably modest compared to other noble families, with some of their income from trade that the dumars personally oversaw (traditional noble income tending to come from landowning, with actually having a job being looked down upon). marlowe's wife wasn't noble or an arranged match, only the daughter of a prosperous cartographer. meredith told marlowe that he chose him because he was "humble" as opposed to the "entitled degenerates" she considered the rest of the nobility, but it's obvious this wasn't merely her respecting the value of hard work. she openly threatened him on instalment to the office she had chosen him for. instead of appointing a strong viscount who could restore the office, allowing the templars to step back, meredith had none of guylian's scruples, and appointed a weak one the templars would continue to control. "the knight-commander's influence was evident in almost every one of marlowe's decisions."
this turned into more of an essay on recent kirkwall history than an explanation, but hopefully some of it's helpful in fleshing out the landscape. as a further note as well as the nobility i would expect merchants, guilds, etc. to hold massive influence in a city built on trade. there's a reason for example that the dwarven merchants' guild is visibly extremely well-established in kirkwall with its own large area in hightown; not the most trustworthy source but varric also claims they have "fingers in all these pies" in the lowtown market and own every tavern in hightown. i very much doubt human merchants are letting the dwarves have all the fun so it can be reasonably assumed they hold similar influence
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modifiedyincision · 2 months
Suddenly extremely interested in ur sentient house oc
i need to talk about her or I’ll die i cant draw her but i think about her so much . Everything is under a cut ⬇️ i’ve basically sorted it into sections but I’m writing this at midnight, and I’m rambling. Good luck
Okay, first thing’s first. The house (aka The House, the House, any other number of things and capitalizations) is part of a larger story/world somewhat based on an old RP between me and my friend. A bunch of our OCs (and us!) lived together in a house and we could travel between dimensions. It was very silly and fun.
So. This is not, like, a serious character. I mean she’s definitely not a joke, but this isn’t a world with a lot of stakes, this is a world with magic and silly things going on with some lore and worldbuilding for fun, some of it carried over from a nonsense RP done on transformice when I was. Like. Twelve?
Anyway. The house
Her origins :)
Her existence is tied up into this wacky world. I won't be going super in depth on how any of it works, so ask about that if you want? But here we go:
The house is a mansion (?) built/born in the middle of the woods through magic. She was created by an angel-like being called Xvetriel (Xvet), who is able to travel between worlds/dimensions/whatever.
Her sentience was an unintentional accident on Xvet's part. Earth itself has no magic, so outside magic is far more potent than normal. He created her as a place to live (among other things, not important), because Earth’s lack of magic means it’s a good, predictable place to hang out when you aren’t worldjumping. And you can do more with less effort. However, this also means that his original plan of Very Big House got out of control, and she became aware and sort of built herself after a point.
Imagine trying to build a modern mansion. You have the materials and layout sorted, but as soon as you try and put it together the house just... does it itself. And it's not even the same mansion you were trying to build, and it has a new layout... that's kind of what Xvet found himself dealing with.
House outside
So let's say you're going on a house tour. First thing you'll notice after wandering through the middle of nowhere: her shapeshifty mess.
Different materials, different eras, styles, all blended together into one building. She never sticks to one look, so it's ever-changing. So long as you aren't looking at her.
She could probably change herself if you're looking, but she's a tiny bit mischievous and likes watching you wonder if that bell tower was always there. Or seeing if you double-take when you realize the shingles are different.
The only rule to how she looks is that one of the things she's with has to be, conceivably, residential. Some part of the house needs to look like something you could actually live in. She can be a greek temple merged with a greenhouse, and as long as she has a log cabin or some part of it stuck on her side, it's a valid form she can take.
I haven't given her a definitive height/size limit. But generally, the rules I've followed when writing or describing her are "larger than a one bedroom, one bath, smaller than a skyscraper."
If there are windows or glassy areas, it is always impossible to see inside. The glass is highly reflective, or maybe so foggy they're opaque. Windows without glass, open windows, so on all lead only to pitch-black shadows. The windows have an Oblivion situation going on: they work fine enough until you actually stop and look.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
^ you are NOT looking inside those game buildings' windows
This is because she is an empty husk full of an empty void :) so theres nothing 2 see
The inside
Okay, that's a bit dramatic. Look, she has some quantum/magic fuckery going on. Xvet basically accidentally made a pocket dimension. That is a house. So
It's probably easier to think of her as just an infinite house, probably.
The house can create as many rooms as she desires, in any style she desires, with any furniture and as big as she damn well pleases.
The only exception to what she can make is generally very specific things nobody else present would have seen. If you want a physical copy of a particular new movie you haven't seen, and your roommates haven't seen, and the house obviously hasn't seen (because she's a magical house in the woods), she can't give it to you. If you want a copy of a film you've seen a million times and love dearly, though, she might be able to do something about it.
Though she isn't good at writing either. She can't write a diary for you, you need to do that yourself. She has trouble making books.. words are hard for her. She can translate them for you though ^_^
She cannot make living things. You need to supply that yourself.
..And there aren't any windows on the inside, either, at least not real ones...
There are a few rooms that don't really change, and these are the ones people live in and visit. The kitchen, library, bedrooms, reading nooks and places that almost look like museums and an entire conservatory... more stuff, mostly related to other characters.. those don't really change. She has everything you could ever want.
What is the layout of the house, though? Approximately? Well.
She warps space.
So, uh, there's the foyer, which you always walk into when entering. But the door after that? Anyone's guess. Well, not the house's...
The house loves you and cares for you and wants you to be happy and healthy. And she knows what you want, need, your general thoughts at the moment -- magic shit -- so.
You're in the foyer. Want to read a book? She sends you to the library. Or maybe you're feeling a bit hungry, so she drops you into the kitchen. You have an urge to chat with someone? Well, if the other is up to it, when you open the door you'll go into a room where someone else is. If you're bored, she might conjure up a game room or a gallery or something.
If you're trying to neglect your needs, btw, that does not work. She WILL fucking send your ass to the bed or the kitchen or whatever. Try and leave? Good luck, she makes the room loop. You cannot leave until you behave. Take a nap. She also doesn't tolerate miscommunication and will trap people together until they talk it out.
Please don't worry about being stuck in there forever, she's very nice. If you want out (and aren't like. starving or w/e) she'll send you on your way back to the foyer so you can get out :)
But this does go in the opposite direction. If you wish harm on the house (and you can't burn her down -- the stuff inside, maybe, but not her) or her inhabitants? You will enter hell. It becomes some house of leaves, backrooms, nightmare type shit -- a labyrinth of confusing rooms that seem to have no consistency, places that loop in on themselves, endless corridors. You will not leave, probably, unless her occupants will it or take pity on you, in which case fine she will let you leave. Or if she decides you pose no threat. Or if she's bored. But otherwise? Suffer and face her wrath.
Generally speaking, though, she is friendly. She knows what you want, what you need, your thoughts (vaguely) and it's a bit of a privacy invasion, but she can't exactly help that. The house can't poke into your mind and know your darkest memories.
When making new rooms (such as for a new occupant), she takes into account their personal tastes and the purpose of the room. If it's neutral territory, somewhere many people will be, she tries to compromise. If it's a personal space like a bedroom, she goes all in. Maybe you like nautical themes? She can do that. Really obsessed with minimalism? Okay! Have you always wanted to live in a remote cabin in the woods? She will try her very best.
You can sorta communicate with her. You can speak and tell her stuff, and she will listen, but she can't respond. I mean... unless you say something like 'can I have a chair' and she makes one, but does that count?
She is a touch mischievous. Not malicious in the least. But she will sometimes move your table a few inches over because it's entertaining to watch you try and figure out why your bedroom feels off. She might tease you about a crush by repeatedly sending you into one of the gardens, full of flowers. Even if she can't speak, you can figure out what she's 'saying', if you hang out around in her for long enough. If you get genuinely upset, she'll knock it off.
There's probably more but I can't recall it rn and i think I've said more than enough at this point.......... um............... bye thank u for listening?
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lady-rafael · 3 months
Mental health rant under neath the cut
Idk generally bad thoughts no privacy dublde standards
I can't deal with this shit no more fucki can't deal with this shit to many double standers just cuz I was born with a vagina man to many double standers and no one irl to this shit about ngl online freinds are banger but can't shake there shoulders for emphasis lol my brothers get away with anything for having dicks idk if jts the teen age hormones menstruation or me just over reacting but I'm angry and cmat deal with this shit sobbing rn but here's no privacy in this damm house I have no rooms even tho my brothers tho can't lock no doors no ii dropped a quikt over my self put the ac on and hope I don't get a heat stroke I'm already fasting tho to the cult known as islam some Muslims are nice and shit but I don't want to be in this cult where I can't even be bisexual in peace but I prefer not be stoned to death even tho that would mean I die and I don't have to deal with this shit but fuck I can't day before I tell my family to fuck off eat ass telll them u shouldn't children amd send them a pic of my kissing a women that would be funny but goddam I can't deal with the fact my brothers and steal my shit be bifchy hurt me whatever and if I complain I get the same damm response
Brothers are just like that
Fuck the best I get is my nice aunt saying they should be nicer I can't deal with my mother's telling me weather she disciples them or not there gonna be like that mo birth giver this sis your fualt I'm a bit bitchy at times but I'm fine amd our westerners magic or some shit or are there boys women in discise no matter what I do they arnt gonna take me seriously fuck once I told my mother I tried to kill me self (it was bout something stupid lol) she went on and on about that would ruin there reputation and shit fuck amd the thing is I'm self aware his shit is wrong but fuck I'm a supposed to do about it I'm here sobbing under a quilt having a heat stroke but the thing I ain't making a single noise beacuse I masterd the art of crying silent I hold my breath then I take a breath quickly so nothing goes out fuck I wanna draw but I can't beacuse my brothers lost my coulers reasonable I still have more then enough to draw beacuse it was a big set with 2 hundred coukers but jt a gift and my maybe autistic ass can deal with so many of them missing I want my set back I want my fans sharpener and fancy eraser back I lost one couler man ONE YET THERES still so many missing my brothers call me so many names yet they go off scott free I have afew online freid s one I vent to but he made the mistake kf being born a boy and I'm a girl so no I can't talk to him fuck and I have no privacy my mom says no privacy till marriage but maybe thags my fault for being bad with technology I changed changed my accounts to my on only a matter of time till my brothers complain to mum about it but my acount was made by brother but I forgot that so I have have find out how to change that if possible amd my conversations are spied by my brothers its so unfair maybe its just a hormonsbut I can't dealcwih this shit why is everything my fault I have half mind mind cut of my breasts and vagina and did I mention I can't run bescuse my chest is developing and I lady shouldn't run and shit while my brother can go fuck of and play football I understand that thers ba dpeople who want ogle at breats and I understand I'm developing my chest a bit earlier then other but dose that mean the little child hood I have should be takes from me should I filch from my mother while my brothers don't why do I have so many more rules that others don't I can't deal with this man I can't I'm so depressed I'm not even writing poetry like usual why are my hobby cringe and weird but when my brothers do it it's different and cool my one escapism famfictions where no matter how much shit tommy goes throw he eventually gets his found family and a happy ending but why don't I!!! Its unfair I go throw dukble the hurt none the fluff my brothers constantly shit on it why are you reading GAY fanfictions when jts gen GEN only reason they think it's gay is because they can't read the tags and think the fact
Tommy innt talks to tubbo
Means tommy is violently fucking him il admit I read original smut time to time but get it right I would never read shut about real people even if it's about the characters my brothers also fuckin gread fanics one of my brother lotions to narouto fnafics the other used to write jojo fan fics prob still dose maybe but I was the only one he felt safe and comfortable enough to show what changed! Now he shots on the fact I write and read i would never think about showing him what I write he tales my things and gets no consequences I'm younger and a bit weaker so I can't even hit him if i do he hits my harder then I scolded this is so fucking unfair i just what someone who o cam show my things who I can love maybe I read to much fanfics of happy endings but lord i wish I could get a time skip to my happy ending skip my hurt I could spend this time writing my storys next chapter but gods I don't want to do anything nowadays I know the reason I want to into the sport club is so I can spend less time at my home call it escapism if you want but gods I don't know man i just don't wanna do this I wanna leave every one is my family sucks but I still love them and that's why it hurts I don't wanna do any of this I don't want to be Muslim I don't wanna be in the closet I don't want to hide hiw fuckimg feminist I am my brothers will proudly say
They hate Indians and there racist they will be say there transphobic homophobic racist sexsist abalist etc my fucking freind is a gay trans man who's autist I'm freinds with a Indian online I think women are fucking sexy I belive everyone deserves rights I don't agree with anything of them I almost wish I was worse all those bad things just so i cam fit in I get so jealous when I read fanfics of loving sibling dynamics now a days why can't I have that Why it's just so unfair I don't wanna do this I don't wanna do this gods I'm blaming this on my peiord but before I leave why the fuck is that so tabbo man why half the population dose it so why do I have to hide it man why are man's so macho when they can't handle the thought that i bleed of my vagina I can't deal with this bullshit man I can't being a women sucks i wanna kiss a girl fuck boy kisser I wanna be a girl kisser women are sexy and oh did i mention what a fucked up relationship I have with my body i once got sick as fuck and my mother said that atleast I'm losing so much weight beacuse of this like mom that's not a good thing I like the compliments I get but it's not worth being hungry and I'm still fat it's so unfair i can't deal with this shit no one fuckinb knows I'm crying bescuse I'm crying so silently when I want to scream so bad rn I'm natursly a scream Cryer but I had to master being silent gods I don't wanna live like this
Peace out yall love your self drink water
I'm gonna go kill my self/jkjk
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skelekins · 10 months
Just felt like sharing some lore/notes on Swapfell Facet + Jewel Papyrus
Focused on incident that loses his tooth
Facet's laws and culture have resulted in a ritual for First LoVe. (Perhaps to get out of stripes). Sans delayed taking Papyrus as long as he could and did his best to teach him how to dodge which helped unlock his shortcuts.
Unfortunately when it came time for the trial, Papyrus did not fair well. His magic rebelled against him since he had no actual desire to hurt the other monster. This led to his right-eye (dominant magic) cracking his face open and for him to almost (accidentally) kill himself with a blaster.
The rules dictate that Sans should let his brother be dusted for the sake of the populous and let the other monster gain the level; but he refuses. He ends up dusting all who were in attendance [meaning he massacres the other family and the guards/referee). He's fortunate that the rituals are always held in Waterfall to wash away the dust, thus washing away the dust of his crimes.
He takes Paps and manages to get him healed, the self inflicted damage nearly killing him. Sans resolves to allow Paps to remain small, weak, and without dust on his hands. He hides Paps in the house and in his hood while he trains, only taking him to Muffets who shares comradery due to her own brood of weak monsters. Eventually he joins the Guard and is able to afford a collar for Paps, allowing him to directly connect his magic to him. Theres some close calls but Sans manages to keep Paps safe with the collar and becomes more powerful.
Tempted to go more into Sans (aka gemStone or just Stone) but I'll do that later.
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Honestly, I love lore and I love hearing about your DisneyVerse so anything you are willing to share would be great
Awwww thank you so much! I love sharing it :)
Here, I'll share a little about the Multiverse of the DisneyVerse as I've formatted it xD
The best way to think of it is to picture the Realm of Magic as like, a sea full of water, with the magic being the water and each realm an islsnd floating in it. Each realm is it's own universe by right but it's also part of the larger Multiverse (very Woods Between the Worlds-y but with an Ocean)
(So when Sofia in Sofia the First is flying around seeing the Mystic Isles what she's really seeing is portals into different realms/things that can access those realms)
The two main worlds are Our World (the Disney-fied) verision at least) which basicaly follows our rules of reality and history but has some magic that leaks into it from the realms, and the Everrealm, where all of the Disney Princess movies that don't have an explicit Our World setting (ala Mulan, Hercules, PatF, BatB and Brave) take place.
There are places that link the two, where the borders between them have grown thin and things can leak through into one or the other. Maldonia and Arendelle and Belle's provence in France for example. They all sit on the border of both world (in a wibbly wobbly sort of way) and eventually may get pulled into the Everrealm proper as time passes on.
Then there are are several pocket dimensions that sort of float between those two major realms, brushing up against both of them. Places like Elvenhome, The Spirit World(s), the Plane of the Genies, Wonderland, Giantland, Oz, and Neverland to name a few.
Neverland particular is part of a fairly large sort of leak between Our World and the Everrealm that has resulted in the NeverSea, a nebulous place that houses the Neverland Archipelago, of which Neverland itself is the biggest island, and is directly linked to the portal of the Second Star to the Right. One can get to both Our World and the Everrealm from Neverland.
And besides these theres also a couple other worlds, such as the Anthropomorphic world that Robin Hood, Chicken Little and Zootopia all take place in, and the other Anthropomorphic world that Ducktales, GoofTroop and Mickey Mouse take place in xD
(Did a Mickey Mouse ancestor from said world get summoned into the Everrealm to serve as the apprentice to the Sorcerer Yen Sid? Maaayyybeeee?)
(And House of Mouse, Kingdoms Hearts and the Nightmare Before Christmas worlds are all their own delightful things that i'm not going to touch the fictional metaphysics of with a ten foot poll xD )
So yeah, there's some more DisneyVerse stuff for you, probably more then you wanted but what the heck xD
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chaotic-guinea-pig · 6 months
hi luckypoppies! i LOVE LOVE your fic. its one of the best tsot fics in the fandom!
i hope you dont mind asks but how did you write your worldbuilding? you write it in a way that feels natural but there are no infodumps, but at the same time theres clearly a layer of lore if you squint. share us your magic tricks please 🙏🙏
THANK YOU! <3 That's extremely kind of you, anon. I don't think my fic is even close to deserving such high praise honestly, but I'm honoured to hear you think that. 😭
I shall preface this by saying that I'm not a professional writer by any means; just an amateur who has zero chill for an unpaid hobby. I'm also a character-focused person first before world-focused, so my opinion is going to biased.
The main rule I keep to heart: Instead of treating worldbuilding as an element to be balanced equally with other elements (plot, characters, relationship etc), I weave it into the story. If characters and plot make up the meat of a story, then worldbuilding is the spice that you sprinkle on for flavour.
Essentially, what this means in practice is: show information about the world gradually through the lens of the characters. The world is not just there; it's also lived in by the characters, and you want to show it as such. Personally, I do this by leaving in details that insinuate at things about the world. In my fic, I could have started with two paragraphs about how Larnion and Kupa Keep are now kingdoms co-existing after winning the war over the Stick a century ago, and that in present day Larnion, there's an underlying inequality between humans and elves + tension among the noble elves... but I chose not to. Instead, I tried to show that information through details in the prologue:
The Great Ball, Princess Kenny and Prince Kyle meeting -> implies that Kupa Keep and Larnion are on good enough terms that they can hold events like this and make their respective heirs meet.
"Stan was officially recognised as a knight-in-training, earning the approval of a friendly elf royal knight who was on good terms with the Broflovskis." -> This one is easy to miss, but it implies that maybe, just maybe, not all elves are on good terms with the ruling family... hm.
The bonfire, that the Broflovski House is lenient towards humans, the fact that Broflovskis adopt human children, that elves applauded at Stan's knighting ceremony. - it's enough to imply that on some level, elves are amicable to humans, BUT AT THE SAME TIME:
An elf guard who had accused Stan of being a spy from Kupa Keep, the fact there weren't any humans among the knighthood, even Stan getting convicted of treason without a chance to defend himself.... all of those insinuate that's clear inequality between humans and elves in Larnion. It makes one wonder then, if this is how some elves view humans in their realm, how do they actually Kupa Keep, their supposed allies, then? 🤔
The point of all those details was to carry a vague sense that even years before the main plot (Prince Kyle under assassination attempts) started, there was something already off with the political climate in Larnion (and perhaps Zaron for that matter). I do hope that came across. :'))
The question is, then: how do you come up with these details to sprinkle in?
Easy: lots of research, and whenever you come up with a piece of lore, think about its implications. How does that piece affect your setting? How would it show up in your world? How does it affect your characters (if it does?) Put yourself in the shoes of a different persona (king, commoner, knight etc) and think about what their daily life would look like.
If your kingdom hunts dragons on the regular, you may want to show how knights wear armour crafted from dragon scales, or how there's honour given to dragonslayers.
If the heir is under assassination attempts, then maybe you want to show how the castle gates are closed and how there's more guards running around as usual, commoners gossiping...
If Zaron has an all-powerful object - the Stick of Truth - then you want to think about: has the Stick been used in the past, and if so, for what? How do different types of people view the Stick (do some people view it as an ultimate solution that can solve... or are there some who believe it should never be touched?) Are there perhaps mages dedicated to studying such a powerful object? Does everyone seek its power?
If humans and elves fought over the Stick in the past and are now allies, think about that alliance looks like in practice: are there diplomats? Are the heirs arranged for a political marriage? Maybe they have a trading route? Is one kingdom perhaps still traumatised from the scars of the war? How much do they really trust each other If an elf lived in Kupa Keep, would they have an easy life? Same question applies to a human who lives in Larnion.
It can be overwhelming so it helps to have one document dedicated to keeping track of these details. :) And again, do your research and look at other fantasy fiction for inspiration!!
Hope this helps, anon! :D
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