#theres too many skin related killings
gammagoop · 11 months
here’s a kind-of-masterpost of the notes for my Last Life Fantasy AU !! i will add more to this in the future, but here’s what i’ve got now:
(its long so just click the read more)
General world notes:
Not really kingdoms since theres less than 20 people total but the various alliances do have castles/towers/homes of similar grandeur
There are fantastical creatures, but theyre not as common as normal animals, and none that the players come across are too extremely dangerous.
^ Except for the Wither! In which the Wither is a horrible decaying demonbeast that’s summoned by Grian
^ I’m thinking the typical Minecraft hostile mobs are replaced with things like kobolds and big rodents and . skeletons which ig are still the same
The Boogeyman is genuinely believed to be a curse in this world. No one quite knows where it comes from, but speculation ranges from ghosts to old magic to divine punishment
^ Those cursed by the Boogeyman become snappier, more on edge. There are no physical changes other than being visibly more tense, but it’s very hard to spot if you don’t know how to look for it
^ It’s also popularly believed that the curse will subtly enhance one’s strength and magical power, but also make them more vulnerable to attack
I haven’t decided if the members still have multiple lives, or if its more of an injury thing. I’m leaning toward the latter, in which someone is grievously injured in the place of dying (at least until the final death) because that also leaves room for life-giving to become healing magic. Perhaps one can only heal so many times before they become aggressive and combative in place of a red life? And different people are more or less vulnerable to that insanity
When I describe a person or group as ‘magical’ I mean that they can use magic at will. Any person can use magic if reading a spell that was written by a magic-user, but only some members can use magic without that. <— italics bc its important
^ The most common spells used by non-magic people are healing-related
^ Those with magical ability manifest it through instinct and will, rather than word-for-word spellcasting
Non-magic users can also use magical items, which are items enchanted by a magic user to perform a specific spell (ex. Scar’s crystals)
Fairy Fort/Shadow Alliance:
Fae people. Generally humanoid-looking, if not for their pointed ears and shimmery skin. They have whimsical and nonpowerful magics
Primarily within a magically protected circle of dense trees, which is later burned down by Cleo after she’s betrayed
visually they are kind of 4 seasons coded… Lizzie being Spring, Bigb being Winter, Ren being Fall, and Cleo being Summer
The strongest magic user of the group. Even so, she doesn’t use it to hurt people directly, more just for evasion and negotiation
The boogeyman curse puts him much more on-edge than he normally is. He would have never thought he would kill a teammate, but the jitters and the pressure really got to him
Can communicate with animals at a low level (not full conversations, just notions of instincts) due to his magical ties to dogs
Fiercely protective of Lizzie
^ Drawing on myths of fae: maybe he was once a dog himself but was transformed into a person by Lizzie?
Not quite a zombie but has ties to the dead. Generally just a green-skinned fae creature, but her injuries leave more prominent marks
The river over which they were betrayed is said to be cursed with Cleo’s blood
Team BEST:
A team of knights who serve no crown. They serve each other and themselves, a tight but troubled group
This group has no magic users, but are the strongest in non-magical combat
They live in a castle which was once painted white, but has since faced some decay
They ride horses
Doesn’t like to keep his helmet visor down because it obscures his vision. The visor gets torn off when he gets to his red life
Wears a different style of armor from the rest of the team, both due to his own independence and his different fighting style
He prefers ranged combat to melee, meaning his armor is lighter and easier to move in
In the leadership role of this team, but by his own admission he’s not really their leader. He more just organizes plans and makes sure that everyone is on the same page
Highest in ‘rank’ and thus gets fancier armor. It’s not really stronger than any of his teammates’ but he gets a big feather on his helmet and a cape and some cool designs engraved in his armor :D
Wears goggles instead of a helmet since he dabbles more in traps than combat. Pretty bad at melee anyway
Nonhuman but humanoid. Likely some infernal species? Not necessarily demonic, but he’s tied to heat and fire
Is more adept at performing spells as a non-magic user and therefore is always called on to heal Bdubs when he goes crazy (thanklessly)
Wealthy in resources. Not magic users, but have access to various spells and magical items
More reserved than the other teams
Very skilled at less chaotic combat
Small but extravagant (artsy) castle
More combative than Scott
I gotta work the axolotls in somehow but I’m not quite sure how yet…
Enjoys wearing more fancy outfits (cloak, gold accessories) but still relatively protected
Happily taken in my Pearl and Scott after leaving the fairy fort, wears much more armor then
Wears less extravagant accessories than Pearl or Scott
Magic Mountain:
The most powerful magic users on the server (due to being wizards)
Not necessarily a team since they don’t work together much, but they have a wizard solidarity with each other
Live separately on the same mountain. Scar lives in a small-ish cobbly tower with lots of trinkets and hidden compartments. Joel lives in a cabin-like house within a small alcove in the mountain
Visually more warlockish, but has no patron and therefore is a wizard. Uses his magic more directly and more aggressively than Scar– just replace all his traps in canon with spells (that mostly went wrong)
Not a very accurate magic user, but when he hits he hits hard
Evidence toward the theory that the Boogeyman curse makes you both more powerful and more volatile
Rarely uses his magic directly, instead imbues his crystals with (often weak) spells for fun and profit
Is more of an accurate spellcaster than Joel is, but almost always uses his magic for selling and trading rather than attacking. He’s not great at combative spells anyway
Jellie as his familiar…………………thinkin about it
Artisans and philosophers. Not as wealthy in resources as GGG, but they have a good amount at their disposal
^ Haughty A-HA!!!!!
Mostly unmagical, but it’s possible that Grian and Jimmy have some weak or dormant powers
Live in towers, similar to canon but more structural
Artificer, proficient in small machines and automated farms
Philosopher who speculates on the nature of their world
Similar skills to Mumbo, but plays more of a diplomatic/negotiation role within the team
Builds larger farms and machines than Mumbo does
Has a more peasant-ish outfit than his teammates
Proficient at building small devices like clocks and spyglasses
More combative than his teammates
Astronomer, not as focused on that study as his teammates are on theirs
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casieyfran · 1 year
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Guardian Angel
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairings: Padme Amidala/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader
Rated: T
Chapter: (1/1)
A/N: English is not my first languange so expect grammatical errors that i will apologize in advance, you have been warned! And i only just start writing recently so expect a poor writing style. Characters are rightfully belong to George Lucas
Summary: Vader is being hunted by the ghost of his past. Literally.
It started when the troopers heard a sound of a woman crying
They were not foreign of the sounds as they heard it regularly when they bring prisoners on board so it comes naturally to ignore it
But then strange things happen that becomes harder for them to ignore. There were rumors between the troops often use to past times and to entertain themselves. There was a ghost in the ship.  some says they could have sworn they saw a woman, she always appear in the halls, walking, her footstep made no sound, she dressed in a blue gown, trailing in the floor as it sweep like a flowing river, her brown curly hair sway down to her back, her skin pale like a moonlight, no one have ever seen or have a glimpse of her face, she disappear before anyone ever got close or ever think of it but she leaves with little white flower on her trail.
Then there were rare days, when they heard a screeching scream on the back of their head, so loud they check if their ear was bleeding, yet there was nothing. It was a fleeting moment some think it never happen. But no one could ignore that how the window or the ground vibrated. Everyone present have felt it and witness it that they realize it wasn't just on their own who was experiencing that strange phenomena.
Oh they feel, and they feel. Her sorrow and pain. She grieve and weep. They felt it. So much, They felt sorry for the crying lady.
What is her story?
When the troopers were on their break, they couldn't help but talk, rumors circling around the ship
Some says she was once a prisoner who have been killed in this ship, her death weren't bring to justice, her body was forgotten, her soul was unrest so she dwell as she never died in peace.
Then there was another story among related to their own belief of their homeworld, that the father had sent his daughter to the galaxy they created and see if the living fare well. she was optimisitic and good. That it breaks her heart that the galaxy was on edge of being teared apart, drench in blood, war, famine, death, darkness claims everything. She mourn of what have come to happen, she mourn for the galaxy she have once love.
And there was another one, where she mourn of what she lost. What was taken from her. For what could bring someone to be in so much pain than losing everything?
There are many stories, but no one will ever know. Like no one will ever see her face. Did she cried on blood? was her face was too beautiful that no one should look as it will strike their heart?  Or was it too broken that she was ashamed and hurt. What could be it?
But what all they agreed on is that she is an angel
No one knows where that words come from or what it means but everyone had heard of it. They avoided talking about anything that they couldn't quite understand such as the force, anything related to it is somewhat a taboo for it would linked to the jedi and jedi are nothing but a fading memory, a passing whisper, a story.
Yet they say an angel is messenger of the force, a spectator.
But theres one that'd stuck in their mind - they are the most beautiful creatures in the universe
They may have never seen her face but it is a word that feels right something they couldn't explain. So they call her an angel.
A weeping angel
The rumors never escaped the executor, no one would believe them, and no one would understand her pain, the way they felt them. So they keep it to themselves.
Like they never asked why did she only appear whenever their lord darth vader was on board.
Continue reading the rest here!
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2d-dreams · 1 year
Hi, happy WBW! (As usual, I am @writeblr-of-my-own, this is my main and apparently I can't switch them).
I am hungry and it's almost lunchtime for me, so for today's question let's talk food! If someone were to come in your world, what would be the best places to eat food there? What does a typical dish look like? Are there differences between cities?
I wanted to follow this with art and lots of details, but my body isn't allowing that, so I'll just answer with what I got.
Flatlanders' diets are mostly made up by vegetables and legumes. They might add fruit and insects – insects are any living being that can fit in their mouth entirely.
Any typical Flatlander dish, from their view, doesn't really look like anything, even to the most intellectual and well-practiced sighted Circles. From above, many different dishes may look near identical.
Flatlanders mostly tell them apart by texture, telling apart different vegetables by the angles or number of bumps in their perimeters. [cooking is too low for any self-respecting Polygon to do, only Isosceles and Women do it, so Feeling the ingredients is fine.] There is also the more delicate recognition by smell [and by extension and quite obviously, taste]
Leafy vegetables, their flowers and their seeds are a staple of Flatlander cuisine because they don't make much of a mess. Some fruit and all animals become a mess when killed, as instead of flesh they only have juices inside, which spill and are a hassle to deal with. Small animals make less of a/no mess or can be eaten in one bite. Big animals aren't worth the time and effort, and are dangerous to keep, so beyond beasts of burden they don't see much use.
The favorite animals for Flatland consumption are bees! They're small enough, and soft enough thanks to their nearly circular bodies. They also keep a unique taste related to the plants they fed on, usually being sweet. They also produce other foods like eggs, honey, larvae, and pollinize crops. They're awesome.
[Fun fact, some of the queens of the species of bees that are commonly kept by 2D beekeepers feed off of the body juices of other animals instead of nectar/etc like their workers. Many Irregulars are fed to the bees...]
They likely have a domesticated cow-like animal exclusively for milk and related products. [And food for the b e e s. and bones. Maybe scrap off the little amount of skin on their perimeters for food.]
Seasoning is usually done through sauces/salsas - you mix whatever specific stuff you want, and add in a special ingredient. You can either wrap the food inside of a string of solidified sesson-sauce like a weird taco or drop it in liquid form into the dish, coating it with the sauce that will quickly semi-solidify on the food. Yes they can be sweet too!
Some of the most common dishes include..
A mix of several different vegetables, flower petals, seeds and legumes. Usually the seeds/etc will be wrapped in a leaf of the vegetable. A dry version is just this, but a juicy version may add dead bees or small fruit. Like a salad. The name translated might be "flowerbed". Like tacos, eggs or toast, a basic nice meal.
Two different types of bread. Flat bread [known as dimbread] and fluffy bread [brightbread].
Flat bread is simple, easy, straightforward. It does not rise like our bread, but its relatively soft.
Fluffy bread is more like ours, filled with little pockets of air that give it the fluff. To make it this way, they put the liquid batter in a closed box at high heat, where it will turn to gas, expanding to all the space inside. When it is gas it must be cooled down extremely quickly.
Theres prob more but its 432 am
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honeyxgang · 1 year
im slowly being forced outta retirement bc nobody is writing the fic ideas i have in my head so to start here’s some waka headcanons. mostly sfw but gets spicy toward the end so yktv mdni
Short King Waka Headcanons 🤲
doesnt just like trolling people, he can also be very playful
actually did really well in school just didnt like going relatable
shit almost went left in his youth with alcohol but his friends helped him through shoutout to the final timeline
loves kissing and his favorite feature on a potential love interest is lips so hope you’ve been hydrating. bonus points if you have on a gloss instead of lipstick. the shine catches his attention
is eternally grateful to rihanna for fenty gloss he’s now willing to go to war for her
if he really likes someone he gives them a nickname
is very physically affectionate. hugs, cuddles, holding hands, etc he doing allat
since he has an oral fixation he actually takes really good care of his teeth + makes sure his lips are always moisturized
aka straight, white teeth + and a literal perfect smile 😩
wears cologne. he smells delicious. probably the mixture of the cologne and pheromones
doesnt enter into romantic relationships often instead being more likely to flirt casually with absolutely no intention of it going anywhere/the occasional one night stand
believes in letting girls down gently if they do catch feels though
team his parents are alive. no sibs though
gets mistaken for a child me too
has a motorcycle and a car (i see him as a man with money idc idc idc)
deflee into rap, hip hop, and r&b
comes off very very very aloof until he gets to know someone. he’s not shy through
some girls are disappointed to get to know him and find out he’s not even the stereotypical bad boy/fuckboy. dude watches documentaries and enjoys learning new things and is completely unashamed of that and would probably be first to apologize in a fight. his version of netflix & chill is him putting on a wwii documentary and you not being there
that’s one way to pique his interest though teach him something he didnt know before
wears other jewelry too (necklace, bracelet)
the type of bf who would lose his mind if you got a necklace with his name or initials
very laidback and slow to anger
he fought in his youth because he was targeted for his height. then he kept fighting bc he liked throwing his weight around 🤷‍♀️
hates bugs to the point where he might make you go kill whatever has got in 😐
could use some work with verbal communication (“im glad manjiro died” cmon bruh. ik that happened in one of the fucked up timelines however im sure he still sucks bc he only talks to 3 people)
by that i mean he can come off sounding harsh af when that’s not his intention. unfortunately he’s a straight arrow. hope you have tough skin
keeping in line w black twitter’s “dudes w the best d” ranking since he is both skinny and short he is hung like a horse that’s where his height went and knows what he’s doing when laying pipe 🤌
high school was a very horny time for him
you would not fucking guess that just by looking at him and idk where he tucks his third leg
seriously theres always a moment of silence when he gets his pants off. whoever is about to have their spine realigned is like 👀 and he’s just sitting there like 😏
tripod is long and thick good luck sis 🫡
doesn’t do one night stands often or at his place bc once somebody gets a taste they’re ready to commit to his dick marriage
uses condoms bc he’s not ready for fatherhood. if he doesn’t have any he’s not penetrating. yall can do oral though
1000/10 in bed because he likes eating pussy AND will fold you into the mattress 🧎‍♀️
loves getting his dick sucked and he 100% believes in dsl’s 🫦
they gotta look natural though. he has a grudge against kylie jenner for influencing so many people to get botched lip injections 😒
he’s gonna watch bc the way somebody lips stretch to fit him + get all red and plump from putting in work? >>>>>>>
100% the type to grab hair
and the headboard
also will push your knees to your chest if yall in missionary seriously he’s small but man’s is strong
comes to the slow conclusion that he’s an ass man and therefore loves anything from behind
if you’re sending nudes gon head and send something in a thong or g string. if you haven’t heard from him in a few days he might call you
will spank you. just be ready for that
believes life is too short for bad sex and therefore is permanently on demon time 😮‍💨
you’re going to question all of your life choices once youve survived finished. also good luck walking
maybe take a day off work
in conclusion i am down bad
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4chanid · 5 months
i dont care how the fuck traumatized you are. youre sitting there identifying in an ideology thats killed MILLIONS. as a "gender" i literally identify as many xenogenders but you cannot identify as that dude, i know me saying this wont stop you but if you went outside for 5 minutes and said youre a nazi youd get your fucking head kicked in RIGHTFULLY. you saying youre a nazi is meaning you support the murder of anybody who isnt white, especially jewish people, you want dictators who will enforce that, and you support at least most of hitlers actions. thats it. thats what a nazi is. if you say "well i dont actually" then thats like me identifying as pupgender and saying "oh no i dont like puppies and dont identify as one and i think theyre disgusting" doesnt make sense does it? and if you think it DOES then i genuinley think you need help really, you wouldnt go get a swastika tattoo because you know that theyre bad people and actual nazis would bash your face in and would enjoy everything you love, under nazi dictatorship youd be one of the first, i dont care if youre radqueer or whatever as long as you dont hurt anybody thats okay, its just not my thing, but this does, this genuinley does hurt people dude, it does no matter how much you deny it, it does hurt people. if youre a nazi sharpie a swastika on your forehead and shout 14/88 and see how that turns out, even if you dont align with the ideologies somehow(then its just pointless) its like skinheads, people think theyre nazis, theyre not, if you saw a skinhead in public knowing every skin youve seen is a white supremacist nazi, youd assume that they are too, unless they was wearing a SHARP badge, then youd know theyre not racist, and most likely not a nazi, but the difference is that theres actual skinheads that arent nazis, but every nazi is well, a nazi, a racist horrible person who supports murder of minorities, and youre preaching you are one. no matter what you think your identity is it means a horrible person, i cant change what you identify as but fuck it hurts people, but i doubt your brain has developed enough to know when youre hurting people and when youre not. since youve gotten this far.
Alright, back from taking a break from fronting, what did I miss? More hate asks? Great. I'm going to dissect each point, this will be a long post so I hope you're prepared.
"youre sitting there identifying in an ideology thats killed MILLIONS. as a 'gender' i literally identify as many xenogenders but you cannot identify as that dude" While my transnazi identity is connected to my gender, I assume you're referring to me being transnazi in general, in which case that isn't gender related. I'll explain this again. Due to me in source being/having similar ideologies, I identify as a transnazi, not because I approve of cisnazis. I do not agree with cisnazi ideology, that's the first thing you should learn before making these claims.
"i know me saying this wont stop you but if you went outside for 5 minutes and said youre a nazi youd get your fucking head kicked in RIGHTFULLY" I'm not even going to touch on this, depending on where you live, you could have the same reaction to saying you're queer or any other identity you think is valid, let's not base morality on what other people think, alright? You are also taking how I identify out of context to make it sound worse, but I'm loosing patience to try to explain this to you.
"you saying youre a nazi is meaning you support the murder of anybody who isnt white, especially jewish people, you want dictators who will enforce that, and you support at least most of hitlers actions. thats it. thats what a nazi is." First off, we as a system aren't white, so do with that what you want, it'd be pretty weird if we were a cisnazi considering we're non-white, queer and mentally disabled.
"if you say "well i dont actually" then thats like me identifying as pupgender and saying 'oh no i dont like puppies and dont identify as one and i think theyre disgusting' doesnt make sense does it?" Let's not go down that way of thinking, there are many ways to identify with xenogenders apart from "I like this thing". Maybe that is someones way of identifying with pupgender, that they don't like puppies or identify as one, you think people having more unique experiences with xenogenders makes them invalid or something?
"you wouldnt go get a swastika tattoo because you know that theyre bad people and actual nazis would bash your face in" Yes, cisnazis are bad people, good job! I also share a body with 400+ other people, I would never think of getting something like that because it frames us all as bad people, I'd rather be the only one you think is a bad person because I know I can defend myself, I don't know if they can.
"under nazi dictatorship youd be one of the first" Rude.
"i dont care if youre radqueer or whatever as long as you dont hurt anybody thats okay, its just not my thing, but this does, this genuinley does hurt people dude, it does no matter how much you deny it, it does hurt people." Identities themselves don't hurt people. My identity just makes you uncomfortable so you think it's hurtful. That's all this is.
"if youre a nazi sharpie a swastika on your forehead and shout 14/88 and see how that turns out, even if you dont align with the ideologies somehow(then its just pointless) its like skinheads, people think theyre nazis, theyre not, if you saw a skinhead in public knowing every skin youve seen is a white supremacist nazi, youd assume that they are too, unless they was wearing a SHARP badge, then youd know theyre not racist, and most likely not a nazi, but the difference is that theres actual skinheads that arent nazis, but every nazi is well, a nazi, a racist horrible person who supports murder of minorities, and youre preaching you are one." God it hurts to read this, I'm usually not going to care about grammar or spelling because everyone goes through their own struggles but holy fuck. This is one sentence. This could be like five.
"no matter what you think your identity is it means a horrible person, i cant change what you identify as but fuck it hurts people" Again, identities themselves don't hurt people, it's the actions attached to them. Yes, if I was spouting hate speech at people who didn't consent to it or if I was justifying cisnazi actions, then I would be a horrible person, but I'm not.
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malwarechips · 3 years
ok so i want to ramble about dinosaurs idk what im gonna talk about but i will talk about something (special interest moment) putting it under a cut bc it WILL be long
FEATHERs. FEATHERS ON DINOSAURS. /POS i love it so much, its so cool. even if its thought that larger dinos such as t-rex didnt have feathers, dinosaurs like Archaeopteryx?? BELOVED!! its so fucking cool! AND VELOCIRAPTOR, TOO! murder chickens... /pos
ALSO TEETH.. THEY HAVE SUCH COOL TEETH DUDE... AND CLAWS TOO! i feel people forget that dinosaurs are animals too, and they'd adapted to their environments, as animals do! people also seem to forget that dinosaurs arent some movie monster made up by jp or something, they didnt kill everything in sight bc that would take more energy than just killing one or two meals to fill themselves would what's the point in chasing after that other alive thing when you just killed something and its right in front of you to eat?
i also also dont think some people realise quite how incredibly rare finding things such as preserved skin and tails and feathers is!! the amount of events that have to line up for that to happen is amazing!!!
AND DINOSAURS WERENT THE ONLY COOL PART! theres pterosaurs, reptiles, bugs, plants, fish... EVERYTHING!!! theyre all so cool! hell even the Earth itself! its all so fuckin cool dude! have you SEEN how big those ancient bugs are? how cool pterosaur skeletons look? even leaf-prints in rocks are cool! and its so interesting to think how we'll probably never truely know how things like prehistoric sharks looked. cartilage n all that!! its why we only have the teeth!
everyone knows dinosaurs and birds are related, but more specifically; birds, dinosaurs, and crocodilians are all archosaurs! IIRC crocodilians have been super helpful in figuring out certain dinosaurs' muscles! so have birds, actually!
onto my favourite dinosaurs: AUSTRORAPTOR! my favourite dromaeosaur.
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its thought to have been piscivorous!!! which is super interesting and i love it so much! its also a pretty obscure raptor from what i know, which is kinda sad ive always loved dromaeosaurs and how bird-like they actually are; theyre among the dinos thought to be feathered.
and theres also BARYONYX! my first ever favourite dinosaur.
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theyre spinosaurids, and therefore related to spinosaurus! unlike spinosaurus, they lack a sail, but were also likely mostly piscivorous (if you cant tell, i tend to lean towards piscivores for some reason) their headshape is so interesting to me and im not sure why but. look at it! its so funky! /pos fun fact; their name means Heavy Claw, after the large claws on their hands!
back to misc dinosaur rambling;
its always really annoyed me when people 'shrinkwrap' dinosaurs, (referring to when dinosaur reconstructions will be very close to the bone, almost like. starving-looking) give em some muscle! give em some bulk! but not too much they werent balloons either theres a nice middle-ground somewhere in there, im yet to personally hit it with my style, though that weird bone that some skeletons have between their legs? thats part of their pelvis! it doesnt stick out weirdly, its nicely tucked away, yknow, inside them, like a skeleton should be! their stomach doesnt stick tight to their ribs, theyve gotta have organs somewhere. and thats where those go!
i always love it when reconstructions go a little wacky with colours and crests, though! crests we see on skeletons (dilophosaurus for example) may not have been the full size of the crest, as its possible it was larger, but composed of mostly cartilage instead of bone!
and i dont mean to push herbivores out of the spotlight, they deserve one too! their feet are rlly cool! yknow how so many toys of dinosaurs like triceratops have those weird elephant-sorta feet? iirc thats not accurate!! they had more obvious toes! as for biped herbivores, duckbills are so cool! their skulls look awesome! (and the sounds that scientists and palaeontologists have speculated they may have made are even cooler!)
AND DINOSAUR PARENTING/EGGS! oviraptor, right? that egg-thief? those were actually its own eggs! that was a mother guarding its nest, not a little guy stealing another dino's eggs! iirc its thought that t-rex was actually a very good parent and would mate for life! (im not sure on the accuracy of that one anymore, though, it was a while ago that i heard it) occasionally we find fossilised eggs with IN TACT SKELETONS OF THE UNHATCHED DINOSAURS IN THEM! its so cool! (and very helpful for figuring out a dinosaurs life cycle, i assume)
Coprolites are fossilised animal shit! cool, right? no? well theyre actually very helpful in figuring out an animal's almost exact diet! and sometimes even behaviour! how cool is that???
dinosaur ramble over because i cannot think of anything else to say and my brain is now tired (i should do that more it was nice to ramble for so long)
TL;DR: dinosaurs are fucking incredible animals. animals, not movie monsters. and i wish more people saw them like that! and herbivores are just as cool as the carnivores everyone knows like t-rex and velociraptor! also, appreciate ALL prehistoric life, not just the dinosaurs and pterosaurs! (although dinosaurs are my main interest when it comes to prehistoric life)
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limelocked · 4 years
some backstory: basically look at this post then work on the assumption that phil is like Ancient/ages slower than humans/players
phil meets babyblade for the first time (brought to you largely unedited from discord messages)
thinking about phil being a traveller, walking or flying from town to town trying to find the new place to stay for like 100 years as a cryptid, passing thought a town, well developed with electrical streetlights not yet too common for testificates or players. The day pass slowly into night and with an unwillingness to take into an inn he settles to finding a cave or tree to camp in.
Techno is at that point perhaps half Phils height but still built shockingly strong for a child and he knows well not to disturb armed people sleeping in the woods. The dew clings to his hooves and fur as he inspects the man sleeping among the leaves and his wings. Phil is already awake, watching back from under the shade of his hat, seeing this upright, scar covered, piglet inspect him. Phil slowly moves as if he's just woken up and techno scampers away
phil knows about pigmen, hes never seen one of course but he's heard plenty about them. Theres villager texts with myths about them and its generally accepted that they're the cause of ruined structures though different cultures seem to disagree on if they caused the ruin or caused the building now in disrepair. He asks in town about pigmen but they only talk about what a pest the zombie pigmen and piglins that come through the resident portal are, the undertone of hate matching that of those that theorize towards the more... evil side of the pigmen. 
 They have heard nothing about any pigmen in the area, for all the town knows, and for all that most people know. They dont exist and they might never have
So he goes back to the forest and "accidentally" leaves some food and trinkets at the food of the tree, barely getting any sleep as he waits for the little creature to arrive. And he does. And with caution the piglet studies the food and items for a while, freezing with every movment of the wind through phils great folded wings. Techno takes some of the food, not all of it, and none of the items even though a cheap dagger seemed to make him hesitate on that choice
It goes on for a few nights, phil sleeping through most of them but knowing who it was that took the gifts and left the little napkin neatly still covering what he didnt take and who he found one morning returning with a handful of berries as a return gift. Phils back fucking hurt sleeping in the tree but he'd gotten invested now so what're you gonna do yknow?
Its noon after a week and a day and phil is half nocturnal because of this little thing coming to take and give like trade under his tree. He's almost falling asleep when bushes move and he's back on (exhausted) high alert. He doesnt move. Under him theres no napkin or items or food this time, he just needed a nap, but that doesnt bother the pink spot down on the ground from moving closer and inspecting the spot.  He's disappointed but returns shortly after with more berries and a messy leg of lamb. He thinks, as phil will never find out, that he's stolen everything this stranger has in terms of food so he has to give back some that he's gotten himself right? its only polite? 
"did you get the lamb by yourself?" to say that techno jumped out of his skin would be an underestimation. 
He didnt freeze but instead, just as cautiously as he seemed to do everything, hunched down into a fighters stance knowing well that the man with wings above him could easily catch him "dont worry mate" phils tone became softer, testing the bounderies of this child "-im not going to hurt you if that's what youre worried about"
he didnt change positions other than to look up slowly to.... g- glare? was this little pig kid GLARING at him?! what was that gonna do?? who would be intimidated by this adorable little fuck?!?! Phil would admit it every time anything even remotely related came up later that he laughed, i mean who wouldnt? hed liken it to a puppy glaring you down and how could that be taken seriously its just cute if anything 
techno, covered in scars of battles both with people and with nature, looked at this winged man in almost disbelief. phil, the nicknamed angel of death who seemingly could never die himself, was almost falling off the branch he'd been using as a bed for a week clutching his stomach as he laughed.
"what?!" the impatient, small, voice piped up after a few seconds "whats so funny!?" the seriousness both stopped phil in his tracks and Didnt Help At All. the tone was serious and.. desperate. it caught him off guard and finally his balance fails and he falls, unfurling his wings to catch himself and kicking up leaves and dust from the ground before his adorable little thief 
 "you're a piglet, you couldnt beat me up so stop looking like it" this was the closest the two had ever been, still a few meters apart but it was apparent that techno had only just realized just how Tall phil was compared to him, and how imposing his wings were when stretched to their full width
"heehh i could totally kill you" fake it til you make it, a strategy that had won him many battles before and it had only failed him.... a few times....  "oh could you?" while techno sounded cocky and serious phil was playful and in the ears of this kid, taunting  "mm.. ya" but phil didnt fail to notice how easily a child had threatened murder
A month can go quick and a conversation can go slow. A festival had been set up in the time that it took the two to finish their talk under the tree, or so techno would have you believe. There had been three weeks of food being left by both parties and playful banter countered by genuine threats becoming less so by the meeting. Phil had gifted techno, who'd in exchange given his name, the dagger he'd looked at that first night. The exchange was there sure but phil had also had to joke about techno not being able to kill him with bare hoof hand things, he'd need, yknow, a weapon
They sat then, that meeting in the woods a month after their first encounter, sharing food in relative silence. "-and you dont have any parents im guessing or else you'd not be hanging out with this stranger" phil said absentmindedly, a retort to his own lack of family
"fuck off"
stunned. he looked at techno shocked not only at the swear but at the nerve he'd apparently struck, "sorry mate- didnt mean.." he trailed off, studying the pigs reaction but there was none, he'd just kept eating... he watched for a moment more before debating taking another bite of his own food but, no, no he could be stupid "that means you can travel more though right?" a recovery, but only a stepping stone
"mm, guess so yeah" bait effective
"have you been to to the north much?" "... nah.. mostly around here and west" there was a long pause before the eventual "i think" that phil had come to expect at this point, though this time it wasnt accompanied by an equally unsure "im pretty sure"
"well im leaving town, could come with me?"
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akirameta84 · 3 years
had a weird dream last night, and so decided like a normal person to turn it into about 2k words of a oneshot :]
i havent proofread it cause i dont really care, and it probably doesnt make sense at a lot of parts but it was a dream so.
perfectly okay to reblog btw
WARNING: theres a suicide joke right at the beginning, but nothing else related to that
Today was a nice day.
That really wasn’t too interesting, but with school, most days were ‘bad’ bordering on ‘I want to kill myself in algebra.’
Her mom was picking her and her brother up from school early today. Why, she didn’t really know. It could be for some awful reason like their dad passing away, her anxiety really wanted to let her believe that one today. Or they literally could just have a dentist appointment she wasn’t aware of. But going home early in any capacity was nice.
Either way, now she was looking for her brother. Something about the act just felt wrong about that action though, and she brushed it off quite easily this time. Her brother was 13, and could find the fucking door to the school just fine. It just felt necessary. Chalk it up to anxiety again.
She paused upon reaching the outside door, leading to the separate building the choir room was in. Stepping outside, she groaned as the heat hit her skin. Of course, the inside of the school building was absolutely frigid, and as such she had donned a hoodie. But outside? From what it felt like, probably somewhere in the hundreds.
Well, it wouldn’t do good to whine. She was already back inside, having entered the choir building.
In front of her was a large empty space.
Distantly, she swore she could make out Christmas music, some arrangement of Carol of the Bells was being sung. While it was October, she was in orchestra herself, and knew everyone started preparing for the winter concert right after the fall one, hence playing the music so early. She herself was playing some We Three Kings arrangement.
She stood in a large empty room, with gaping entrances in lieu of doors leading to many other rooms.
Huh. Well, this was strange, but she couldn’t claim to have ever been in the choir building before anyways.
It was hot in here, too. She grunted, aggressively shoving off her hoodie and grabbing a hair tie from her hoodie pocket. Good thing she kept a few in there, was what she thought as she tied up her hair into a ponytail. Did the choir building not have air conditioning or something? Damn, she almost felt bad for her brother.
Stretching, she picked the right entrance. The singing got louder, so she supposed this was the right direction. Man though, she hated Carol of the Bells. It was an irrational hatred she’d had forever, and just because she’d be putting up with it for her brothers concert didn’t mean she liked it one bit.
This room was the same as the last, completely empty too, with a high pitched buzzing coming from the cheap, bright, industrial lights above her.
Maybe band borrowed this space for marching season? In this weather it’d be impossible to practice for too long outside, as even before school at the dark hour of 7 AM it was nearing the nineties in Fahrenheit.
She didn’t quite understand why it was the choir building that was like this and not the band room, but schools weren’t exactly known for making smart, or even rational decisions.
Keeping going right, the next room looked like an office of sorts. A desk empty of everything aside from some 90s computer that looked straight out of an old movie was squeezed against the wall, with a plastic lawn chair sat in front of it. There was nothing else, not even a lamp, with the same whining lights present. There was also a window in front of the desk, completely covered by blinds.
Was it just her, or did this room feel smaller than it looked? It was definitely the size of an office and not the grand empty space of the other two rooms.
She shrugged it off. It was probably nothing, and just her expecting consistency.
In a spur of the moment action, she reached over for the window, pushing up the blinds.
Out the window was another room. The exact same as before, except three closed doors were on the other side, reading ‘Practice Rooms 1-3.’
She stepped out the office through the opposite entrance as she’d entered, passing through another empty space as she headed towards the practice rooms. The singing stayed the same, and she knew she wasn’t getting closer, but the first doors she’d seen had caught her interest much more.
Also, had they started over? Sure, that was normal for practice, especially so far away from the concert when the music was new, but they’d sounded almost professional quality to begin with. She mentally shrugged it off. She couldn’t sing for the life of her, so what did she know.
Entering, there were the three practice rooms like she’d seen through the window. But, when she whipped her head around in search of it, all she saw were three gaping maws on every wall but the one with the closed doors, and not a window in sight.
Okay, that was…unnerving, to say the least. At least the practice rooms were still there.
The little windows the doors had revealed nothing but darkness, with the lights presumably being off. Guess there were no private lessons in choir today. Not that she’d know if there were, neither her or her brother took them to begin with.
She tried the door handle. It moved in her grasp, but not more than a minor wiggle. Locked.
Meh, she probably should stop dwelling, and the doors all presumably being locked was for sure her sign of this. The sooner she got her brother, the sooner she would be free from school.
She stepped towards every entrance, choosing the one where the singing was the loudest. Impressively, she’d already managed to loose her sense of direction. Still, she wasn’t too worried about not being able to find her way out, her brother would definitely know the way.
The next room had her immediately crying out, wincing her eyes shut and reaching to cover her ears. The music had doubled in volume, and the sudden loudness had scared her. It was so loud she swore she could even pick her brother’s voice out from the entire choir of children.
Finally feeling adjusted, she opened her eyes. Damn, the whole class she’d likely just found and walked into would’ve seen her make a fool of hersel-
There was an entire orchestra. Playing. String instruments, wind instruments, and of course a choir were playing.
She couldn’t make out any of the members. Attempting to focus on facial features or even the instruments themselves being played caused her vision to blur. Her feet to sway. Nausea to rise. So she stopped doing that.
Christmas decorations were spread out around the arrangement of the orchestra, so decrepit they almost looked posthumous. It was almost sad. What a lovely arrangement of Carol of the Bells, though. They sounded fantastic, though. She’d always been a sucker for this song, it sounded so pretty when played right.
Her vision swam, and she spun on her heel.
Thank god she’d finally gotten her brother, he was just as happy to be leaving school as she was. Although, it would be nice if he walked besides her instead of being the classic creepy pest of a sibling, standing right behind her and breathing down her neck.
There was a door to her right. Thank god, her brother didn’t even have to lead her back through the labyrinth. She must’ve unintentionally gone in a circle, to reappear at the front of the building so easily. But, she wasn’t complaining.
She stepped outside and shivered, a piece of paper clutched in her hands. Thank god she already had her hoodie on, being smart enough to put it on while gathering her things to leave class. The orchestra room was always so hot, but she knew the rest of the school at functioning air conditioning, even perhaps too much of it.
For some reason, the pass reading she was excused from school made her hand itch.
Something stroked her neck, and she jumped, dropping the violin she was carrying. Damn, if it’d broken, that person was gonn-
Nobody was there when she finished twirling.
Maybe something had hit her instead. She reached a hand to the back of her neck, feeling around in her hoodie. A small circle of an object met her hand. A hair tie?
She was correct, as she brought it to her face. A pink hair tie. That was certainly weird, it looked just like one of hers, and felt like it had fell right from her head.
While she had a lot of hair ties, she hadn’t used them in months since she cut her hair into a pixie cut, for obvious reasons. Strange. She shoved it into her hoodie pocket, empty of anything until she added the hair tie.
Oh well, it wasn’t too important. She walked down the fine arts hallway, beginning the annoying trek to the front of the school. Her school was too big. For some reason, she felt the urge to pause at the end of the hallway.
And so she did, stopping in front of the choir room right at the end of the freezing hallway.
For some other reason, she got the urge to check for her brother. The notion was ridiculous though, for he didn’t even go to the same school as her, being one year off from high school. He wasn’t even in choir to begin with, taking orchestra like her.
Oh well, it wasn’t too important. She had a cat at home to go greet, even if she dreaded having to share a car ride home with her brother. His school was closer to their house than hers, so him and their mom were certainly already in the car waiting for her.
As she exited the fine arts hallway, a gust of hot air hit her neck. That was weird, since it was so hot outside the air co-
Oh! She set her instrument down, pulling her hoodie off and over her neck. It was hot outside, she probably shouldn’t be wearing this, no matter how cold the building was.
The hot air hit her neck again, but strangely, only her neck. Maybe the demons who controlled the school were turning the heater on.
That was awful, but oh well, it wasn’t too important to her. She wasn’t going to be sticking around much longer.
The choir began singing, and she cringed. While Carol of the Bells was a nice song, they really needed more practice.
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uncloseted · 3 years
there's a part of me that still thinksa bortion is murder. i act like i support it to fit in but deep down i dont. please just listen. i think forcing someone to go through a pregnagncy they don't want is inhuman but it also feels inhuman to kill a baby and i dont like thsi idea that if youre 4 weeks pregnant and you want it its a baby but if youre 4 week pregnant and dont want it then its just a clump of cells thats just not how scence works. so theres this woman who was forced to get an .
Anonymous asked:
abortion and she was 6 months pregnant and apparently th baby waws born alive but it died shortly after from ashpyxia and i just dont know what to think. i know forcing smeone to get an abortion is just as bad as forcing them to give birth and that theres no such thing as a six month abortion and at least wher e i live abortions are only available until week 14 but like wwhat if someone is 15 or 16 weeks or 7 months, do they not have a choice anymore? please dont think im a bigot im not im so
Anonymous asked:
sorry i just dont want to be brainwashed by ANYONE, pro life or pro choice and im just so easily influenceable i just want to support whats right you know
No worries at all! I don't think you're a bigot and I'm glad that you want to engage with this issue critically. I'm happy to give you the facts as they stand and offer you my perspective on the issue. Apologies in advance that this is a bit long, but please try to stick with me until the end! All of this is important in understanding the different sides of this discussion.
There are a few main categories I want to talk about in this answer: legal, science, politics, and culture. For now, I'm going to avoid delving into any religious or metaphysical questions about what is and isn't considered "a person", since while those conversations are interesting, I don't think they're particularly useful in the context of discussions about abortion. As Harry Blackmun wrote in the court opinion for Roe v. Wade, "we need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate."
Starting with legal issues, there are a few points I think it's important to make in order to get a sense of how we relate to abortion. Abortions are legal in 98% of countries. 34% of countries, including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand most European countries, and China, allow abortions on the basis of a the pregnant person's request, without needing to prove that there is risk to life, risk to health, risk to the fetus, economic or social reasons that abortion is a necessity, or extenuating circumstances (such as the pregnancy being a product of rape or incest). The vast majority (93%) of countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, such as outlawing abortion except in cases where the pregnant person is endangered, are in developing regions. There are five countries that completely outlaw abortion. These are: Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Malta, Nicaragua, and the Vatican City, all countries where the Catholic church has significant influence.
Of the countries that do allow abortion, there is always a limit on how far into a pregnancy a person can be when they choose to terminate. Beyond that limit, the person doesn't have a choice anymore, and must carry the pregnancy to term (except in extenuating circumstances). The most common limit is 12 weeks (3 months), although some countries allow abortion up to the point of "viability", where the fetus can live outside the mother's womb with artificial aid. Typically, the point of viability is around 24 weeks (6 months). In the US, 87% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, and 92.2% were performed at 13 weeks or fewer. For reference, pregnancies are typically around 40 weeks long.
Forced abortion is illegal in almost every country, including the US and the UK, and it is considered an act of violence against women. It is just as bad as forcing someone to give birth, which is why all countries do their best to prevent it from happening. While forced abortions can and do happen, particularly to victims of sex trafficking, I think the solution to this issue is to put policies into place that protect vulnerable women, instead of trying to ban abortion entirely.
So, most countries allow abortions up to 12 weeks. What does that actually look like in terms of the fetus? Here's a timeline of fetal stages of growth:
Weeks 1-4: at this stage, the "baby" is actually an embryo. It starts out as just a fertilized egg. The amniotic sac forms around it, and the placenta develops. The eyes, mouth, lower jaw, and throat are in very early development. Blood cells are taking shape. By the end of week 4, the embryo is smaller than a grain of rice. It is very literally "just a clump of cells" at this point.
Weeks 5-9: the "baby" is still an embryo. Its facial features begin to develop, folds of skin that will eventually become ears grow, tiny buds that will eventually grow into arms and legs form, the neural tube, digestive tract, and sensory organs all begin to develop. Bone starts to replace cartilage. At about 6 weeks, a heart beat can be detected. After week 8, the baby is considered a fetus instead of an embryo, at which point the fetus is about one inch long.
Weeks 9-12: the fetus' arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are fully formed. It may be able to open and close its fists and mouth. Ears are formed, and its reproductive organs begin to develop. By the end of week 12, the fetus has all of their organs and limbs, and their circulatory and urinary systems are working, but everything needs to continue to develop in order to become functional. At the end of week 12, the fetus is about 4 inches long.
It is important to know that the miscarriage rate is highest in the first trimester (before week 12). Among women who know they're pregnant (typically further along than 6 or 7 weeks), 10-20% will miscarry. 30%-50% of all fertilized eggs miscarry.
Other important developmental markers include:
During month 4 (weeks 16-20), you can see the sex of the fetus.
During month 5 (weeks 20-24), the fetus starts moving around.
Between week 22 and week 24, brain waves appear in the cerebral cortex.
At week 24, the fetus may be able to survive if it is born prematurely, provided it has intensive care.
Somewhere between week 26 and week 30, the fetus may be able to feel pain, although we don't know that for sure.
A fetus is not capable of thinking, communicating, reasoning, self-motivation, feeling emotions, or consciousness. They don't have a concept of the self, and they don't know that they exist. They are essentially sedated for the entirety of the pregnancy. Since we use "brain death" as the primary criteria for death, it makes sense to me that we might consider "brain life" (the point where a fetus exhibits brain activity) as the point at which a fetus becomes a person.
While some people will refer to an embryo as a "baby" from the time they discover they're pregnant, scientifically, it is a clump of cells, whether that clump is allowed to continue to grow or not. It's not something we would recognize as a baby, or be able to interact with as if it were a baby. An embryo is a precursor to a baby, kind of like how a seed is a precursor to a plant.
Some other arguments
I want to quickly touch on some other arguments for abortion rights that people make. I'm not going to delve deeply into them, but it didn't feel right to leave them out entirely. These are arguments that don't depend on whether or not a fetus can be considered a person.
Bodily Rights
There are many situations in which we prioritize individual bodily rights over the right of someone else to live. For example, we don't force people to donate organs to people who are dying, even though a donated organ would save their life. Advocates for abortion rights argue that those same bodily rights should be extended to a pregnant person.
This argument usually looks something like, "but what if that fetus was going to cure cancer when it grew up!" Basically, it's saying that abortion is morally wrong because it deprives the fetus (and the world) of a valuable future. To me, this completely ignores the deprivation that already exists by forcing a person to carry and birth a baby they don't want, and potentially the deprivation that comes with raising that child. People who make this argument never seem to ask, "what if the pregnant person was going to cure cancer?"
Slippery Slope
Some people argue that normalizing and legalizing abortion may lead to people also accepting euthanasia. I am unconvinced by this for two reasons. 1. Slippery slope is a logical fallacy and 2. I absolutely do think we should legalize euthanasia for certain situations.
I don't want to dig too far into this one, but what I will say is that the US is a country that (at least nominally) has a separation of church and state, and the religious beliefs that other people hold should not infringe on a person's rights to make choices about their own life.
History and Politics
The practice of abortion itself is incredibly old. The Sanskrit epic Ramayana, which dates to the 7th century BCE, describes abortion being practiced by surgeons and barbers. In the Assyrian Code of Assura, circa 1075 BCE, a woman is allowed to procure an abortion except when it's against her husband's wishes. The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BCE. Japanese documents show records of induced abortion from as early as the 12th century, and it became more prevalent during the Edo period. It is considered to be unlikely that abortion was punished in Ancient Greece or ancient Rome. All major Jewish religious movements allow abortion in order to save the life or health of a pregnant woman, and often support abortion for other reasons as well. Christianity has a more complicated relationship to abortion, for reasons that I'll go into in a bit, but for now let's just note that there very much were ancient Christians who believed abortion was morally permissible at least some of the time. Before the 19th century CE, first-trimester abortion was widely practiced and was legal under common law throughout the English speaking world, including the US and UK.
The reason I bring all of this up is because the political debate over abortion isn't really that old, and the debate tends not to actually be about the morality of abortion as an act so much as it is a proxy for other issues. The first backlash against abortion in the English Speaking world was in the 19th century, and was a direct reaction to the women's rights movement, which was starting during that time. In the US, anti-abortion laws began to appear as early as the 1820s, but picked up in earnest by the late 1860s. These laws were introduced for many reasons, including the fact that abortions were being provided by untrained people who were not members of medical societies and concerns about the safety of abortifacients. By 1900, abortion was a felony in every US state, but they continued to become increasingly available. By the 1930s, licensed physicians performed an estimated 800,000 abortions a year.
Jumping forward a little bit, let's talk about the history of abortion in the US just before Roe v. Wade. It's estimated that in the 50s and 60s, between 200,000 to 1.2 million abortions were being performed per year, even though they were illegal. Throughout that same time, the second wave feminist movement was growing, and was increasingly advocating for birth control and liberalized abortion laws. As a reaction to second wave feminism, a number of anti-abortion organizations, primarily led by Catholic institutions, cropped up to mobilize against the legalization of abortion. It should be noted that, at the time, abortion was not an issue for evangelical Christian groups. In the 1960s, 17 states legalized abortion for a variety of different circumstances. Then in 1973, Roe v. Wade happens, ruling that a pregnant woman has the right to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. The ruling was 7-2 in favor of legalizing abortion. Even after Roe v. Wade, Christian Evangelicals were neutral to positive on the ruling. It's only after 1980 that Evangelical Christians started to organize around abortion as a political issue and joined the Catholics to form what we now think of as the Christian Right. There's a lot to say about that and why that switch happened, but for the sake of brevity, just know that the evangelical backlash against legalized abortion in the US started not as a moral crusade, but as a way of convincing people to vote for Ronald Regan instead of Jimmy Carter (who wanted to de-segregate schools). No political debate happens in a vacuum, and it's important to understand what other factors might have been at play when looking at where these debates come from and how the sides formed.
Lastly, let's talk a little bit about the cultural impacts of banning or legalizing abortion. The right to have or not have a child is necessary in order for women to achieve equality with men. Countries with high gender equality, such as Iceland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden, also have easily accessible abortion options. Criminalization of abortion disproportionately impacts poor women and women of color, and does nothing to address the systemic issues that may cause them to require abortions in the first place.
Researchers from the WHO and University of Massachusetts found that banning abortion is an inefficient way to reduce abortion rates; in countries where abortions were restricted, the number of unintended pregnancies actually increased, and the proportion of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion also increased. When abortion is banned, women aren't not having abortions; they're having illegal abortions that are done unsafely.
There is also some evidence to suggest that legalized abortion actually decreases crime rates. 20 years after the legalization of abortion in the US, there was an unprecedented nationwide decline of the crime rate (including murders, incidentally). The drop in crime is thought by some to be a result of the fact that individuals who had a higher statistical probability of committing crimes (people who grew up as unwanted children in poverty) were not being born.
Which brings me to my next point- the majority of people who are "pro-life" (at least in the US) aren't really pro-life. They're pro-birth. If they were truly pro-life, they would be interested in making sure that all of those babies had their needs met after they're born. They would be interested in making sure those babies can lead long, healthy, safe, and productive lives. They would be for universal healthcare, expanded social safety nets, parental leave from jobs, universal basic income, raising the minimum wage, mandated vacation time, increasing funding for public schools, decriminalizing drugs, abolishing prisons or at least reforming the police. They would be against the death penalty (ironically, some of them are actually for the death penalty for women who have had abortions), and for increased access to birth control, comprehensive sex-ed in schools, increased gun legislation, against war and nuclear weapons, for enforced mask wearing to prevent people from needlessly dying from a global pandemic... but those issues don't factor into their "pro-life" stance. They're for "the baby gets born and then has to pull itself up by its bootstraps like the rest of us."
Closing Thoughts
Look. I'm not super jazzed about abortions. I understand how they can feel like an ethical issue. I think we should do what we can to reduce the number of abortions that are performed- teaching comprehensive sex-ed in schools, making birth control and emergency contraceptive options widely accessible, letting men know that reversible vasectomies are an option. I think we should make abortion easier to access, so those who do need it can make the decision early in the pregnancy. But I also think that it's a very personal decision, one that's irreversibly life altering, and the person who's going to experience the life altering event should be the one who decides what happens. 65 year old conservative, Christian white men who will never be pregnant (and frequently don't really know how the female body works) shouldn't get to make that decision for them. As someone for whom pregnancy would be life threatening, I want to know that I have options should that situation present itself someday.
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poptod · 3 years
The Breeding Kings, pt. 3 (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
Tumblr media
Description: The blacksmith.
Notes: I Love this story but i know yall arent that interested in it which is kinda yikes for me but theres no way im not finishing this fic whether its now or two years from now WC: 7.8k (again im so sorry)
By the time you and Ahkmen actually made it out of the pyramid, most of the stars had vanished, and the dawning light of the sun sparked a panic in the Prince's heart. He hurried you back to the shore, picking you up and setting you in the boat before pushing the boat far into the water. Constant glances over your head let him keep an eye on the shore, on the rotating guards at the gates, and where was best to tie the canoe back up.
In the end, he found a spot as far away from the gates as possible, securing the boat before helping you out of the rickety contraption.
"Have you school?"
"Unfortunately," he muttered beneath his breath, adjusting his belt.
With that he took your hand, jogging down the wooden docks until you came to the entrance. He ran through that as well, terrified of anyone recognizing him, and didn't leave enough time for you to think on it long. Ever respectful, he saw you home before sprinting back to the palace by himself, wind burning his eyes all the way up.
For the next couple days he took extra care in his physical health. Learning to calculate the time of day and its' relation to the curvature of the earth, while in the blazing heat of the sun, had not fared well on his sleep-deprived mind. When he returned home that evening, he slept over 12 hours in a dead faceplant on his bed. Upon waking he found Piye looming above him with a knowing expression.
"How much time have you been spending with that Yogi?" They asked in a clearer, less clogged voice than Ahkmen had been able to manage through the amount of beer he'd had recently, paired with how little sleep he had.
"Didn't come home one evening," he grumbled, raising his hand to wipe away the tiredness from his eyes. "Got a lot of sleep last night, though."
"I can see that. Get up. We've got some time yet before the weekend," Piye said with a clap that roused the young Prince.
"Good morning, my Prince," said Naguib, who slipped in through the door. "The Pharaoh's dinner with the emissaries from Ebla is tonight. He wants you there."
"I have other places to be," Ahkmen whined, his shoulders drooping as he looked up.
"So does he," Piye said flatly.
School passed by without him ever seeing you, a fact that disappointed him more than it saddened him. His mood got him into a small verbal bout with one of his teachers, and though Piye tried to hold him back, the school day ended with him in one of the study rooms watching Yafeu argue with his father.
Ahkmen huffed, resting the weight of his head on his open palm balanced on the table in front of him. Yafeu couldn't tell him that he wasn't allowed in the school anymore, but the Priest would do his best to make sure Ahk got the second best punishment.
"I expect more from you, Ahkmen," his father said quietly as they walked side by side back to the palace. "None of your brothers have the skills or the wherewithal to lead a country. That responsibility may fall to you."
"Kamun is the oldest, isn't he?" Ahkmen grumbled. "He's the one who's going to be Pharaoh."
"Nothing is set in certainty, my son. Now then, in a few hours the Eblans will arrive, and a dinner will follow."
"Does that mean I have some free time, then?" Ahk asked with a sudden, bright change in tone.
"I want you to get ready," Merenkahre said, frowning. "Not play around with your friends."
"I'll only be there an hour at most," he said, playing off his own innocence.
The Pharaoh paused in the street to look down at Ahkmen, before letting out a long sigh.
"Very well. One hour."
Ahkmen didn't wait to return to his room––he turned and immediately set back off down the road, dashing and twisting through the crowds that formed the closer he got to the temple of Osiris. He barely looked to see where his hands and feet were as he climbed over the familiar crates, landing back in your alley and ducking back into your home.
To his surprise, Piye was already sitting in your waiting room, their feet set on a high shelf with their butt in a pile of blankets.
"Oh, hello Ah–"
You entered the room with massive goggles on.
"-hhh whhhat's up?" Piye corrected with wide eyes.
"... not much," Ahkmen said slowly. "I have a dinner with my parents in an hour, so I can't stay for long."
"I do need one help," you said as you pulled your goggles off, examining the material in your glove-clad hands. "I need a.. a..."
You snapped your fingers, attempting to recall the name of something. Ahk and Piye waited patiently.
"A kaentam," you muttered before a curse. "It is the rocks that kiss."
Piye stared at you dumbfounded, their mouth half open.
"You mean a magnet?"
"I think, yes," you said, though you didn't look sure. "Panya and her rock are still not... I do not know the type of her rock. I need your 'magnet' for to find the – the name."
"Well it's not exactly easy to find magnets," Ahkmen said slowly, picking at his chin as he thought.
"No, yeah," Piye agreed in the same contemplating tone. "I know they're used in medicine, but it's a... an unconventional treatment. Kind of expensive."
Ahk stared at the ground, continuing to play with the skin of his jaw.
"I think I know where we might find some," Ahk said after a moment.
"What is it?" You asked, stepping nearer.
"Osiris' temple. Priests have areas for medicine, and we already know the layout of the place."
"It's late, though. We're not allowed to enter after sunset," Piye pointed out.
"That's why it's good we know the layout!" Ahk said as he stood. "Now let's go."
"Don't you have a formal dinner in an hour?" Piye asked, watching Ahkmen leave out the door with a quirked brow.
"Let's gooo!" Ahkmen sang from outside.
Anything to distract from the coming responsibilities––anything to earn your favor, to win you over in some fashion he was convinced he hadn't already won you over in. You followed him out with a smile, murmuring a small greeting and thanks before Piye also appeared from behind you.
"And onwards we go, to Osiris, to Osiris," Ahk sung as he scaled the crates, followed by you and Piye in order.
"We have obtained," Piye continued the song with a grunt, "forever and ever, what your Grace will gift us."
"You talk like your heads have nothing in their side," you said, to Ahkmen's great amusement.
As Ahkmen originally suspected, most of the temple's inhabitants were too preoccupied with the evening adulations to notice three children, however strange looking, entering the complex. Ahk entered first, donned in his usual golden fabrics, followed by Piye, who by themselves always looked out of place no matter where they were or what they wore, and then you, a child at Piye's side, dressed in an unfamiliar but royal fashion.
Murmurings and voices could be heard from the tall roof of Osiris' temple, where many of the hour priests gathered to scan the heavens. Already the brightest stars shone through the light of sunset, a fact Ahkmen was quite glad about, since it would keep attention off him.
"Yafeu's room here has many, many supplies," Ahkmen whispered as the three of you crept down the open hallway.
"How do you know that?" Piye asked.
"I was sent there so he could yell at me and he's got bookcases and chests worth of things in there. What a monetary bastard," Ahk said with a tut, chuckling from his own humor.
When he reached the door to Yafeu's office, he slowly turned the lock, letting the wood door swing open with a creak. He motioned Piye in, then you, before following in himself, locking the door behind him.
Although Ahkmen might've been privy to the private belongings of the high priest, you and Piye shared no such knowledge. Piye, who had to bow down slightly due to the height of the ceiling, slowly scanned the room, from the pots to the jars and tapestries hanging from the walls. A reed mat had been set on the floor, keeping away the dirt and sand anyone might drag in.
"Where does he keep his medical supplies?" Piye asked quietly, taking a ginger step forward as they scanned the shelves with their eyes. When they spotted nothing useful, they began to rifle through them with their hands.
"No clue. Let's start, shall we?"
The three of you set to searching the room, categorically searching the different shelves––Piye for the tallest two, Ahk for the middle, and you for the lowest. You tried your best to keep quiet, wary of those who passed by outside the door.
"Why do you need a magnet again?" Ahkmen asked after several minutes of silent searching.
"Panya's rock seems iron in a... clean.. way? It is.. not how you see it in earth, and I don't know it. But your magnet will," you made a motion with your hands of them colliding together, "if I am right."
"You must know quite a lot about metals," Piye said, not bothering to tear away from the work at hand. You and Ahkmen, however, had stopped to look at each other when he spoke.
"My family is... kaghruppakal, moving.. metal, to make into things," you said as you reluctantly returned to the baskets on the bottom shelves.
"Blacksmiths," Piye said.
"Thank you," you said. "My father father's had it learned by the Kings in my home. They give us a good home for years, but they give no... money. So when new King comes, we had no home after."
"What do you mean, new King?" Ahk asked with a confused furrow in his brow.
"It is long and I do not know the how to say in Egyptian, but a man killed the King and stole his name," you said quietly.
"Is that why you left your home?" Ahkmen asked. "There was a revolution?"
"More of a usurping," Piye muttered.
"A little, yes," you said with a nod, before falling quiet.
Ahkmen waited a moment to see if you would say anything else, and a moment to wonder if he would say anything else, but ultimately returned to scavenging through Yafeu's belongings.
More gold bracelets.
Ancient scripture.
"You have to leave for that dinner pretty soon," Piye said in a dull voice.
"I don't need to leave for anything or anyone."
"Ureka!" you suddenly cried, a toothy smile coming to you as you forgot yourself.
Ahkmen and Piye both shushed you, to which you quickly apologized in a much quieter voice.
"I saw them," you said, extending in your hand a pair of magnets stuck to one another.
"Oh thank Gods," Piye said in a rush of breath, their hands immediately falling from the tall shelves. "Let's get back and see if it reacts to your stone."
"No, no, I bring it here," you mumbled distractedly as you dug into your large pockets, pulling out the shiny metal.
He watched in bated breath as you raised the magnets to Panya's stone. The whole of the process meant little to him, but it was part of your job, and he enjoyed partaking in little bits of your life.
This handicapped understanding of your work left him rather confused at your excitement when the magnets stuck to Panya's rock. You gasped, marveling at the reaction. As you moved to your feet, you never looked away, holding it close to your chest.
"Irumpu," you said through your smile. "Iron."
"I'm quite glad you've figured this out, but for the time being, we need to get out of here without being spotted," Ahkmen said, putting his hands on your shoulders before gently moving you aside, and opening the door a crack.
Piye spoke in a mumble with you as he stuck his head outside, the cool air of night filling his lungs, distinct from the stuffy walls of Yafeu's office. There were few people in the courtyard, as most of the priests and workers were still preoccupied with their finishing tasks for the night.
He motioned the two of you over, leading you silently outside. You crept along the wall with quick feet, skipping out of the temple, and running back into your home in a smiling rush.
The rush of adrenaline in his blood soon dissipated, comforted by the familiar shades of red and gold always resting upon your crown. Still staring at the metal, you collapsed down in your cushion pile, moving to hold the ball above your head as you stared. Ahkmen chuckled at your behavior, taking a seat beside you as Piye fell in a similar manner as you did across the room.
"Happy?" Ahk asked teasingly.
"Very," you said. "I must to find who had made it. The old King shows my father father's how to make it, but I never ask. And," you snapped your fingers, "then it is gone. When they go."
"Your grandfather knew how to purify and mold iron?" Piye asked in a low but loud voice, sitting quickly up.
"Yes, and it is good for..." you made a stabbing motion, "things that make people dead."
"Weapons," said Ahkmen.
"Etuvaka. Not many know how it makes, and that is how – why we come here. Makes better money, more than a city. Our city, people know how to," you mimicked squishing and molding things in your empty hands, "do with iron, so it is all every shop. Here, it was my family, only my family."
"That must've been quite the business at the time," Piye said in a softer voice, still low as they contemplated your words.
"We make good money," you said with a nod. "But I know this not. I want... to see.. find the maker. Hear his words."
"You'll probably want to see Panya, then," Ahk said. "It was her who found it, right?"
"I think yes."
"Wonderful. You'll go find her, and I will take him home," Piye said as they stood, gesturing to Ahk with their chin. "Dinner, remember?"
"Has anyone told you how irritating you are?" Ahkmen said, but nonetheless obeyed and stood.
"Your father reminds me every day," Piye responded flatly as the two returned to the palace.
Ahkmen drummed his fingers against the table below him, leaning the weight of his head on his raised knee. His mother had forced him into his royal clothes––the actual royal clothes, not just the expensive ones––and the crown his parents had made him gave him headaches with its' weight. Pure gold was heavy.
Ebla was a trading nation from the north who supplied a small but important type of material rarely found in the desert; wood. That was what Merenkahre and the Eblaite queen spent two hours talking about. Wood. They brought other goods such as rarely-found textiles and handcrafted artifacts as well, but they focused on the wood. It made sense, since that was what Egypt required the most, but it still bored him terribly.
Piye was much luckier by his reckoning. They didn't have to attend duties such as these. All the things they had to do were fun, things like gathering ingredients from the markets or the side of the Nile, going off on quests to defeat mythical beasts.
The young prince huffed, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from tapping his fingers too loudly. Walls of grandeur surrounded him, a good enough difference from your home that he was nearly shocked when he entered his own home, staring up at the towering ceiling. His style was slowly changing, as it usually did, to accommodate new aspects of his life; this had happened before on many occasions, as he suspected it did with many other teenagers his age.
A dream to look at. He would reckon your smile would match against any angelic beauty––anything holy was a common miracle in comparison to the subtle, entrancing magic of your laughter, his hand holding yours as he dragged you, pretending not to notice the racing of his heartbeat. A dream.
He wanted nothing more than to scoop you up and drown you in kisses. In order to avoid his own disappointment at his fantasy not currently being reality, he bit deeper into the inside of his cheek, pressing down harder on his open palm.
Hours later, he stared up at the canopy of his bed, the sheets tossed around his body till most of them hung half of the bed. His breathing was the only noise in the still room.
Until his breathing irritated him so fiercely he sat straight up in a huff, a frown on his forced expression.
"Fucking... thoughts," he muttered to himself, halfheartedly punching one of his pillows.
He could not manage to tear his mind from you. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of you, and adrenaline built in him as he unwillingly imagined your face. Would you mind if he came to see you? It must've been past midnight. You worked during the day. He shouldn't bother you.
Ten minutes later he was fully dressed and sneaking out of the palace, a shroud of cloth concealing his identity as he moved along the shadows. He reckoned Piye, who also slept inside the palace, did not want to see you at this hour, and he left them to sleep.
Ahkmen wasn't sure what he was looking for in returning to you, but as per usual, fantasies spared no expense in the luxurious self-indulgence department, scenes playing behind his eyes of the two of you 'naturally' finding yourselves in intimate situations. Most of it consisted of him finally getting some sleep, this time with you in his arms or wrapped around his waist.
Despite his embarrassment concerning previously mentioned fantasies, they did inspire him to move faster, and before he knew it he found himself standing in front of your tent, hesitating for the first time.
Again his doubts plagued him. He comforted himself with the fact that he had come all this way, and it seemed a rather foolish idea to give it up now.
With that he entered, his eyes immediately falling to the one candle lit in the shadowed room. The usual rushlights set about the entrance room––where he and his friends usually sat about and did nothing––had disappeared, leaving much of the folds of cloths in shadows that casted stark against the single flame.
"Yogi?" Ahk said in a much quieter voice than required.
The sound of rustling blankets had his heart sinking in his chest. He had hoped, at least, that he wouldn't bother you from your sleep––most of him believed you would be up all night working.
"Aganu?" You murmured softly, high and quiet with the sleep pulling at your lips.
"Uh, yes," he said, trying to peek behind the curtain separating your bedroom front your shop. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late. I thought you'd be up, I – I can leave."
"No, no," you mumbled. "Is good. Come here."
He gulped, gingerly stepping forward and pulling away the cloth door. Behind it, you lay in a pocket of space built into your fabric wall, drowning you in luxurious blankets of red and gold. All that remained visible was your eyes, an adoring sight in his mind.
"Why've you got that light in the other room?" Ahk asked quietly, kneeling down in front of you.
"More not strong. It is very red," you said, poking your finger out to gesture to the room as a whole. "Good for night sleeping. Why are you coming here?"
"You mean your house or your bed?" Ahk said, stepping away as he became aware of his closeness to you.
"My house."
"Couldn't sleep," he said with a shrug. "Thought you might be able to help."
"Why?" You asked, before backtracking. "Wait, that is not the word I mean. Um... how do you want help?"
"I don't know. Maybe you have a potion, or just a better bed than I do," he said, chuckling.
"I have both."
"Hey, you haven't even felt my bed," he said in a teasing manner. "How do you already know your bed's better?"
"Because it is not hard."
Fair enough point––Egyptian beds were essentially a table built for the purpose of sleeping. Good for the hot weather, bad for the joints.
"I don't want to disturb you, though," he said quietly as you began to rise, sheets and thick blankets falling from your shoulders to reveal the naked expanse of your chest and stomach. He gulped, though fortunately not audible, as you stretched your hands up.
"It is no problem," you said, sighing deeply as your arms fell.
Rooting around in your bed, you found a large but thin blanket, wrapping it around your body before you left your comforts. You yawned as you stood, but faithfully wandered to your potion storage. Ahkmen had never seen any of your potions, as he didn't believe a hangover cure counted as one, and thus he looked eagerly over your shoulder when you knelt down. Glass and pottery clinked together as you searched.
"What kind of potions do you make?" Ahk asked, stepping back when you once more rose to your feet.
"To help bodies," you said, gesturing to your own body, "and soul." You tapped your heart.
He frowned. Obviously.
"Do you have like, a love potion?"
"Why you ask that?"
"Just curious," he said quickly.
"I have... khamam potion. You make a man drink it and they will.. have..." you trailed off, unable to explain fully. "Love to you? When they make the children."
"Sure. They do the sex. Man or woman," you said with a dismissive wave of your hand.
"How do you make a potion like that?"
"You think I give it with no paying? I must make money, Aganu," you chuckled softly, bopping his nose with your finger, before sobering to speak. "This is a potion that will make you calm. Ready for sleep, yes."
"Oh, thank you," Ahkmen said, taking the small, clay bottle. "How much do I owe you?"
"Speak more about the sky."
He quirked a brow.
"That's your price?"
"I want to know more. I go to school to clean, not hear, but I want to," you said, taking his hands in your cloth-covered hands, and staring upwards. "I am alive to see and hear and I want to hear you."
You couldn't be aware of the effect of your words. Not with eyes that innocent. But, as usual, his heart raced painfully in his chest, overflown with an affection he had no choice but to hold back.
"... very well," he murmured, and led you back to your bed. You crawled in, surrounding yourself in blankets once more as Ahk sat on the floor, carefully watching your sleepy, fluttering eyes.
"The sky––well, more specifically the night sky, is a woman. Her name is Nuit. At sunset, her head in the west consumes Ra, and in the morning, she births him again. Her eyes are the sun and moon. Her lover, Geb, is the earth, but they are forever forced apart by Ra, who placed their father to separate them," Ahk said, reciting information he had long known. "His name is Shu. He is the air that lets us breathe."
"Why did Ra want them apart?" You asked quietly, muffled behind your blankets.
"Nuit became pregnant by Geb. Ra found it an abomination, cursed her to never give birth on any day of the year. But Thoth helped her––won a few games of Senet against Khonsu, god of time, and earned her five days in which she gave birth to five children."
"Osiris on the first day. That's his temple you work at. Then I believe it was.. Horus.. Seth, Isis, and her sister, Nephthys." He paused to yawn. "Those are the epagomenal days, at the end of the year. Pretty big celebration."
"I like to see this," you mumbled.
"I'll take you this next year," he said. "There's plenty of food and beer for everyone."
Your breathing was beginning to slow, and when Ahk noticed that, he fell into silence. Instead he stared at your closed eyes, your cheek squished into your pillow. Too much to look at. The better half of him yearned to reach out and touch you, but the remaining bits of his conscious reminded him that that was, beyond anything, an incredibly strange thing to do.
He was even more grateful for his decision to remain still when your eyes opened on an inhale, blinking slowly as you met his gaze.
"Tired?" You asked. "Potion does not takes long."
He chuckled, "yeah. I'm pretty tired now."
"What time does it take to walk to your house?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe thirty minutes."
"You are.. you will fall by then," you murmured.
"Yes. It is a strong potion."
You paused, scanning his body and its' position near you.
"Remain here," you said, soft as the silk you drowned yourself in. "For the night."
The rope around his heart tightened at your request. His imagination, somehow, had come to fruition.
"Where will I sleep?" He asked, fighting back another yawn.
"All places. Do what you want," you sighed. "Or you fall sleep in the street."
"Very funny. Scoot over."
You glared up at him, but eventually gave in, scooting closer to the wall to make room for him. He pulled his jewelry off him before sidling in, hoping to avoid hurting you accidentally.
When he turned to face you, he found his forehead crowning you, his nose just barely brushing against yours.
"Thanks," he murmured. "You didn't have to."
"I know," you whispered in a breath, closing your eyes.
Only a few hours later he was awakened by something prodding at his face. His eyes fluttered open, blearily finding Piye above him, poking his cheek with a fireplace fork. Ahkmen groaned, turning over on his side.
"Don't you ignore me, you royal pain," Piye said, prodding him harder yet. "Do you know how many lies I had to tell to your father?"
"Piye, it's way too early in the morning for this," he said groggily, throwing his arm over his eyes.
"It's midday!"
"I got here late," Ahkmen said as he slowly fell out of the bed, sliding onto the floor.
Piye grasped the top of Ahk's head by his hair, lifting his face and kneeling to meet him.
"I swear to the Gods if you had sex with a ci–"
"I did not," Ahk hissed, wriggling till Piye's grip loosened.
Reluctantly, Ahkmen rose to his feet, brushing the wrinkles out of his clothes and pulling your blankets off the floor, placing them back on the bed. The lumps in the cloth suggested your presence, but as he pulled them away he found the rest of the bed empty. He stepped back in surprise.
Piye looked over his shoulder, frowning as they, too, saw your absence.
"Isn't this Yogi's bed?"
"It was last night," Ahk said.
"I am here," you said from behind. Ahk whirled around, coming face to face with you struggling to pull on a large, ornate coat.
"Oh. What are you doing?" Ahk asked with a frown.
"I am placing my coat."
"We can see that," Piye said flatly. "It's hot outside. Why do you need it."
"Pockets," you said, opening your jacket to reveal a plethora of pockets sewn into the inner seams. "I do go to market now. I will see for the man that had made this."
You reached into one of your pockets, pulling out the block of pure iron some blacksmith had thrown away.
"Will I go to Panya? If she wants to?" You asked, pocketing the metal once more.
"Probably should," Ahk said with a yawn, stretching his hands high enough that they raised the cloth ceiling. Piye nodded in agreement.
"She likes to stay in control," Piye added.
"I can help you get there," Ahk offered expectantly.
"Oh! Thanks many," you said, grinning wide. "I do not know to find her."
"I better come too," said Piye, who crossed their arms. "He always seems to get into trouble without me there."
"You say that as though I don't get into trouble when you're with me, too," Ahk chuckled.
"I'm not in the mood today, Ahk," Piye whispered, gripping Ahk's upper arm tight enough to leave temporary marks.
"Then don't come along," Ahk whispered back. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
Piye glared at him but said nothing, walking swiftly out the door and closing the flap behind them. It left Ahkmen once more alone with you, awkwardly shuffling his feet as you prepared yourself, carefuly to remember all your tools.
"Thank you, again," Ahkmen said after a moment of silence. "For letting me sleep here."
"Yes, yes. Go now."
You pushed him out the door, following as you fixed the tassels of your pants. Thin ropes flipped every which way till you knotted them, tightening around your waist, before you set off towards the common streets. Ahkmen followed, though he couldn't see where Piye had gone.
Murmuring conversations surrounded him, circled by flocks of people heading towards Osiris' temple. Shoulders and feet pushed on him, shoving him about as he headed in the opposite direction, always searching for your scarlet red robes. They set you quite wide apart from the usual crowd, and thus the Prince used them as an identifier.
People cast looks in his direction as he continued to shove and push, a constant stream of shaky apologies tumbling from his mouth. He considered himself adept at moving through crowds, but he had clearly not gotten as much practice as you did, which combined with your smaller size, led you to stop far ahead to wait for him.
He panted as he reached you, pausing with a heavy chest.
"Feel you good?" You asked, quirking a brow.
"I don't do well when I haven't eaten in the morning," he said, his voice cracking as he bent over slightly, his hands on his knees.
"Funny Egyptian man," you laughed, reaching up to ruffle his already messy hair. "You are... too full of money."
"I wouldn't doubt that," he muttered, recalling the many luxuries his father had given him throughout his life.
"I buy your food, we will go," you said as you returned to walking, slow to allow him time to catch up.
"Oh, don't worry about that," he said, waving his hand dismissively as he rose to follow you. "I can pay for it. Don't waste your money."
"... yes," he said, after having given up on trying to decode what exactly you'd meant.
As the two of you entered the main streets of the city, the conversations of strangers grew louder, more densely packed between houses and stalls full of goods. Through the street you now walked down, there must've been at least five different spice carts. Careful mountains of cumin and ginger were placed in the corner of nearly every stop.
Near the end, he found a small stall of a woman selling beer. He reached for you, pausing your step as he dug into his own pocket, pulling out a silver ring.
"One cup, please," he asked, to which the lady politely acquiesced. He set the ring down on her counter. "Will this do?"
"... one more than that," she said, her gaze flickering from the ring to Ahk's eyes.
He pulled out another ring, and with that she handed him the cup, taking the rings simultaneously.
"Have a good day!" She said as the two of you left.
Ahkmen sipped at his drink with a satisfied sigh, relaxing into the sweet, familiar taste. Your drinks were good, but far too alcoholic to be worth any sustenance.
"I want a little," you said, moving on your toes so as to see inside his cup.
"Sure," he said, and handed it to you. You returned it after a couple swallows.
"We look for Panya, yes?" You asked.
"Oh, right. I'll take you to her house."
Panya didn't live far away from the center of town, so in a matter of minutes you were already knocking on her door. What you didn't expect, however, was for the High Priest of Osiris' temple to answer it.
He eyed you up and down, your odd way of dress, the dot on your forehead, before his gaze fell to Ahkmen. It was then his eyes narrowed, coldly recognizing the prince.
"What do you want," he said, leering down at you.
"Your daughter," said Ahk, who was leant against one of the pillars outside Panya's mansion of a house.
"You may not have her."
"I –"
Before Ahk could finish, something tugged on the inside of his arm, pulling him away from the doorstep. You didn't seem to notice, busy conversing with Yafeu. He turned round, stumbling with broken balance before he looked up, meeting Piye's eye.
"What are you doing?" He whispered, glancing back to you and the priest.
"I've been thinking," Piye murmured, leaning down to lessen the space between them, "I don't think we should go around the markets just talking about a purified iron. I think it might land you in trouble."
"Why?" He scoffed.
"I’ve been at all my father’s meetings with the Pharaoh and his generals and they’re talking about iron. How to get it, how to use it, how to control it, everything,” they said.
“Well why’s that a problem? They did the same thing with wood.”
"Not like this! Iron, it – it's incredibly strong. If we had armor made of that, shields made of it, weapons made of it, it'd give us an enormous amount of military power, and with your father in rule, I don't think that's a good idea," they said in a growing volume before they remembered Yafeu was there, and quieted down again.
"What's wrong with my father?!" Ahk gasped.
"Nothing!" Piye hissed, eyes darting back up to Yafeu to see if he had noticed. "He just has a habit of oppressing people!"
Ahkmen snorted. His hand shot up to cover his mouth, quiet giggles wracking his body.
"I'm sorry," he wheezed, "that shouldn't be funny. Sorry."
"It's fine," Piye said with a long sigh. "You know what I mean. If word gets to him that this little immigrant over here has a key to finding how to shape iron, he isn't going to take a visit and credit them with the discovery. He's going to deport them, cover it up, and claim he learned it from the Gods. You know everything’s a game to him."
Ahkmen's breath caught in his throat as Piye laid out the consequences in plain, simple terms he could understand. That would be the end of your friendship, but more importantly, it was also the end of your livelihood. You were still young––around his age––and you didn't know much else except living in Egypt. If he were to take your word, your home to the east was far, far away, and ruled by an unjust dictator. You would not make the journey there alone, let alone when you actually reached your city.
"What do you suppose we do?" Ahkmen said after a minute or two of deep thought.
"I think –"
"We can go here," you said, passing by them with Panya and, unsurprisingly, Unas bringing up the rear.
"Wait –"
He went to stop you, but Piye stopped him first.
"Best you don't tell them. We're not from the palace, remember?" Piye muttered, before promptly following you off the steps of Panya's house. Ahkmen, however disgruntled as he was, followed as well.
"I wish I was poor," he grumbled, walking alongside Piye, who kept a fair enough distance from you and your customers.
Piye struck him with a flat palm against the back of his head. The weight in his neck rolled forward, kinking it awkwardly, to which he let out a yelp of pain.
"Don't say that. Others in your country, in this city, starve. They would give anything to be you."
His frown drew tighter, irritant clogging his thoughts. Every inconvenience angering. He breathed deeply, willing the feeling away, and sped his pace to catch up to you. Panya might've been up there, but her presence would be a small price for yours.
The markets approached faster than he realized, and soon he was once more surrounded by strangers bartering and advertising. Thin tarps of orange and dusty yellow spread from one side of the thin street to the other, sheltering merchants from the hot sun, and allowing them to hang different products on the lines. He ducked under rings of cloth and over piles of incense, shakily following your wavy trail through the walkway.
Heat began to redden his cheeks, and it was then he realized that you'd made it to the blacksmith area of market, near to the kitchens. Fire stoking bread and metal filled the open air, made much clearer by the absence of the shading tarps.
"Uh, Yogi," he said, grabbing your shoulder to stop you before you could enter. "I think we should keep on the down-low, this purified iron, people might start talking."
You looked him up and down.
"Okay," you said, turning back round to enter the shop.
It took until evening before you made any progress. Most everyone you met was skeptical of you, which wasn't surprising considering the size and age of your group. But the last man you came to was still working, even as everyone around him ate dinner, readying to leave for home or staying for music.
He had long hair––longer than Piye's, trailing down to his mid-thigh. Unlike theirs, his was black, and much stringier in comparison. The knotted rope used to hold his hair back as he worked was crude at best, and one he had to constantly fix. Ahkmen didn't see it, but you noticed he was much skinnier than most of the other blacksmiths, who had grown muscles over the years of their work.
You approached him much like you approached everyone; a bright, commercial cheerfulness that came across as dangerously fake. To those who had spent good time in the markets, it was easy to see through. Those who hadn't, however, couldn't quite decode why you were unsettling, other than you being foreign.
"What did you say this was for again?" The man asked, his voice a quiet, low rasp. He had seated himself amongst your menagerie, matching the height of Piye, who was of course the tallest member.
"We are trying to find the owner of an amulet," Panya lied smoothly, pulling off one of her many necklaces and handing it to the man. "Or rather, the maker."
He took the necklace with skinny fingers, twisting it round in them as he surveyed the whole of it.
"Gold, ruby.. copper," he muttered, pointing to each of the different beads as though you could understand him mumbling. "Silver?"
Panya gestured for the amulet back, which he gave, and she strung it back around her neck.
"Iron. It's the purest we've ever seen and we're looking for the source," she said, pointing to the rest of the group.
"The durability is incredible. I would love to have access to that kind of things in my buildings and such," Unas added.
"I know," the blacksmith said, his hair still drooping long in front of his face. "I have been searching for a way to purify the ore, but I cannot get my fires hot enough. I keep getting... what might be iron, but it never looks right. Then again, I – I don't know what the correct product would look like."
Well then, Ahk thought, that explains why it was in the junkyard.
You leant over to Ahk, moving to your knees so your lips met his ear as you whispered.
"Can I show him what we found now?"
"Um.." his eyes darted over to Piye, who was listening intently to the man's woes, "sure."
Tapping on the blacksmith's shoulder, you brought his attention to you and the heavy malformed metal in your hand. His eyes widened, near imperceptive behind all his hair, but certainly filled with shock.
"Is that my...?"
"It is iron," you said with a grin. "I live in a city where lots of iron everywhere. Here, not so much, but that is iron."
"Unas found it in the junkyard in the southern part of Memphis," Panya said, pointing a thumb to her friend.
"Shit," the man breathed out, combing a hand through his hair. "I don't know which one that was."
"Which what?" Ahkmen asked.
"Which heat level," Unas answered for him. "It takes a specific amount to actually purify different ores. Otherwise you might burn it into a charcoal."
"And the all other rocks and," you motioned grinding your fist into the palm of your other hand, "the rocks you smash until they are sand."
"Powder," Ahk said.
"Yes. I see, when I was 5, my father has powder in his furnace, in the iron," you said with a variety of questionable hand motions. "Red, and... a bright black. Shiny."
Ahkmen listened intently for the next hour and a half as you, Unas, and the blacksmith conversed about smelting techniques. Apparently, all of you had, at one point, attempted to smelt iron out of the ore, a fact that was made appalling because Egypt didn't have any iron. Most of the iron within the country was either imported or from the meteor, which was confined to only serving the royal family.
Even Piye eventually tired of the conversation that never seemed to stray from smelting, though you did for a short time discuss techniques for copper. Piye had an incredible sense of patience, so when they tapped Ahk to tell him they were leaving, Ahk realized he usually would've left ten minutes into the conversation.
It clicked quite quickly that he wasn't really listening––he was watching you, and that had somehow occupied him for a full hour and a half. A creeping sense of embarrassment had him hunching his shoulders.
"Unas, we should go, we have that thing in the morning," Panya murmured into Unas' ear, though Ahkmen still caught it.
"Oh, right," he said in a deflated tone. He stood, brushing off his skirt before facing the blacksmith. "Thank you for your time. Is it alright if I come back sometime? Might be better to have more than one person working on this."
"How old are you?" The blacksmith asked in his usual mumble.
"... okay," he said after a moment. "You're old enough."
"Oh, good. Well thank you, anyway," Unas said, before motioning to Panya to leave. He bowed his head slightly as he left the circle of conversation, following his friend back into the markets.
As she left, Panya turned to walk backwards, holding her hands out to you. You quickly caught her drift, and threw the ball to her. She thanked you from a distance.
"We should leave soon as well," Ahk whispered to you.
A few minutes later, the two of you were once more walking side by side, wandering down the now-vacant streets. Ahkmen had no idea where you were going, but was along for the ride no matter where you ended up. As you hastened your step, you took Ahk's hand, forcing him to match your pace with a giddy laugh.
"The night is clear," you said, walking backwards to face him without halting your step. "You will show me the star shapes, yes?"
"The constellations," he said with a soft chuckle, his body filling with a warm, lighthearted haze. "Of course."
You led him back towards your home but ignored the alleyway entrance, instead reaching the doors of Osiris' temple. The tall walls marked themselves steep against your small stature, casting long shadows in the moonlight, that tonight shone like a shell of the sun. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words died stillborn as you tugged him into you. His chest met yours as he stumbled clumsily.
"Be safe, funny man," you giggled, looking down at him as his head's weight rested awkwardly in the crook of your neck.
What little citylights remained in the dead of night faded away as you scaled the tower, your neck craned upwards to the heavens. No matter how tall the roof of the temple was, no matter how high you climbed, the stars never seemed to move any closer. Their distance must've been incomprehensible, but inconsequential when grasping Ahk's hand to help him onto the roof.
He panted softly as he stood on his feet once more, brushing off the dust that came from the temple walls. You left him to wander to the center of the stone plateau. His breathing slowed, attention centering on you as your eyes still stared up into empty space.
You turned, noticing the heat of his gaze.
"Speak to me," you said in a voice that moved like music. "You tell on Sopdet, yes? And.. Sah. Nuit and Geb."
"Lie down with me," he said.
You dutifully obeyed, sliding down next to him, your clothes and hair splayed out.
For a good hour he pointed up, tracing the outlines of constellations he had studied all his life. Since you didn't know their shapes on paper, he drew the images in the dirt and sand collected on the roof, showing you how random collections of dots made up women and beautiful creatures, the everlasting Gods in the sky.
"I want to be... something beautiful," he murmured, looking down at his own shoddy illustrations. "Like the stars."
"You had say that when you will die, you will go to the stars, right?" You asked softly.
"In death," he said with a small nod. "I will not be able to see this earth. I will be one amongst millions. It's strange, but... I wish I could stay here forever. A star close to home."
"You are scared of being nothing," you said. "But we are nothing. We are nothing to birds, or to other cities. We are already nothing and everything. It is what you choose to make of you––make more of your everything, or sleep in your nothing. There is happy things in both."
"No time wasted in happiness is truly time wasted?" He said, remembering a familiar anecdote from school.
"Yes," you said with a smile.
Silence filled the space for a few minutes, stilled by the slow breathing of Ahk's chest. He closed his eyes, exhaustion tugging at him, all of which he ignored.
"Aganu?" You said, nearly whispered.
"I like my hours with you," you murmured, wide, warm eyes staring bashfully at him.
"I do too."
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campeyourdiems · 3 years
Hello i saw you stuff and was wondering if you could give me a matchup.
Okay so i have amber eyes, jaw beaty mark, birthmark lots of scars, (want flower tattoos but parents would kill me) brown thick shoulder length hair, almost never feels good, super flexible, paints nails, pretty tall and my aesthetic is like pastel, pastel goth, space, cottage core.
Also im omnisexual she/they/ze and sometimes he
My persomality is laidback, realist, understanding, charismatic, pretty confident, not afraid to speak up, dad jokes, bit of twisted morals, very specific, sassy, jealous, touch starved, polite, great with kids, daydreamer, wise, protective, picky, stubborn when i want to be, deep, not used to any form of affection, eccentric, trouble taking care of self but loves helping others, fears-not being enough/being hated by everyone/being forgotten/sophacateing also this sounds ridiculous but doing dishes causes tons of axiety to wear ive peeled off my skin on my foot (five times) while doing dishes. Also severe ptsd, depression, and god knows what else with what ive been through.
And my hobies are aerial silks, hiking, reading/writing, colleting stuff, wants to start cosplaying, walking, watching tv, theorist, just doing whatever, gets into a hobbie really easy, art- wood carving, painting, sculpting, animateing, ect..
Favorite things are seals, chickens, ravens, foods, coffee tea and Orange juice, stuffed animals, music lots of alternate, jazz, pop and rock or a mix of them, anime, comics, zombies, supernatural stuff, superheros and villains, history, collects and loves snowglobes, suvoniers, purple, white and red, has a sweet tooth, blood, mystories, likes the thrill of stuff and adventure. ;D theres what i could think of good luck and love your work.
Sure anon! Sorry, this took a bit to get out, been a bit cloudy-headed today and I sorta had a panic attack in the middle of writing ah-ha. Hum,,, as for your matchup, I think both David and Daniel could work! Here's why: [Notice: This may be written as more of a poly out of habit, I apologize]
Both would adore your appearance and your aesthetic. The pastel goth and space would match Daniel pretty well and the pastel and cottage core would match David. Your personality suits them both quite well in certain aspects. As I've said with another matchup IIRC, David could use someone with a laid-back personality, and IMO, Daniel could too. Both are a bit..tense in their own ways. You may want to be careful with your realism, however. It could unintentionally hurt David if you're too blunt with it and Daniel,, his reaction to it depends on how you use it- Both enjoy your charisma and confidence, though David enjoys your dad jokes a bit more than Daniel would- Your ah...morals are likely a draw to Daniel however given his own sense of morality or perhaps lack thereof in some cases. Both are sassy, jealous, and stubborn in their own respects so they'll have no problem with it. David's rather touch starved and Daniel's just not used to affection in general, so that'll be interesting. They won't mind reminding you to take care of yourself or helping when possible. They can both relate quite a bit to many of the fears you listed, though they may be confused by the dishes until you explain it to them a bit. David won't mind doing them and Daniel understands a bit, he just hates doing dishes- Daniel himself has a sort of PTSD though he'd never admit to it and David struggles with his own depression. They'd both find your aerial silks interesting for sure and I'm certain they'd love to watch at some point. David would obviously love to hike with you and both of them would enjoy reading your work if you'd allow it. David also tends to collect things, mostly things he's found in nature that he's found pretty. I feel like Daniel would collect a few things too, but just a small box of shiny things. Neither has cosplayed before but I know David would be interested in trying it with you! They'd both have very different preferences in terms of shows but I'm sure you'd be able to figure something out! Whatever hobbies you get into, they'd both end up interested in it at least somewhat. All the favorites you listed make me imagine a few gifts they might give you, actually. =w= Ha! Sorry again that it took so long, dear. I've been struggling a lot today. ;w; Hope you enjoy it!
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
From Baby to Babe~
I once wrote this  https://miss-choco-chips.tumblr.com/post/190983954737/theres-a-point-in-all-the-rouges-gallerys-lives and @theturdis wanted a fic about it, so... Just remember, you asked for this hon. This ain’t my fault.
Tagging @animemangasoul who just told me to tag them the next time I wrote something. 
Fair warning everyone, I somehow did this in one sitting, and, I can’t stress this enough, there’s no edit whatsoever. Like, none. Enjoy, if you can ignore the eyesore of my multiple mistakes.
Bruce despairs in the knowledge of his sons growing up hot.
When Dick came back to Gotham as the new Nightwing for the first time ever… well. 
Bruce didn't like to think about the first suit, back then. All those feathers and glitter, the plunging V neck, the mullet… His son had insisted on it being the trend at the time. Bruce just couldn't grasp how was he supposed to blend into the night and take anyone by surprise. There was too much... everything, and not nearly enough stealth.
He was an innocent man, back then. He looked at a horse gift in the mouth and was completely blindsided when it raised on it’s hind legs and kicked him where it hurted.
When Selina approached him a few weeks after N had come to him with the blueprints of his new suit, he had been quiet relaxed. Or as relaxed as one can be when crouched like a gargoyle and looking over the city. He was just getting back on track after… Jason (it still hurted, and probably always would, to think about him), his new partner helping in ways he couldn’t foresee, violence tampered by Tim’s brilliant smile every time he came to Bruce with the answer to a particularly difficult riddle he had been having trouble with. He had to get his act together, because Tim was so bright, mind so beyond what Bruce could ever aspire to, and he was at such an impressionable age… If Batman allowed himself to fall deeper into despair, he would set a dangerously bad example to the kid, which could be really damaging… to the world at large. He was the kind of kid that B wanted on the side of Justice, because the opposite would be quite catastrophic.
So yes, he had been very distracted lately, merely glancing over Dick’s blueprints, noticing the lack of brilliantine and gold, and giving his wholehearted approval. 
Stupid, innocent man he was. He had needed Catwoman of all people to open his eyes.
(To this day, he still wondered about Alfred’s reason for not warning him sooner. Perhaps, and this was the theory he had running, the old butler had been just so delighted at seeing the Disco suit gone, he would approve almost everything in its place, and Dick’s virtue had never been his responsibility to preserve, so to hell with it.
Betrayal always hurted the worse when it came from those closest to you)
-Hey handsome.
She rolled her eyes, already beyond his brood, and just walked out of the light, joining him into the shadows with a sigh at his dramatics. 
-No theft today?
The woman grimaced a bit, letting herself fall at his side with as much grace as she did everything else. Diamond claws scratched at her scalp, carefully not tearing the frail skin, and Batman finally conceded and turned his head to look at her directly. She was never so hesitant.
-Look. I really, really don’t want to be the one telling you this. I would literally rather leave this to anyone else, but… it’s getting out of hand.
-What is it?
-Nightwing. Hadn’t you noticed anything about him?
That got whatever rest of his attention she hadn’t already caught. Speaking of his sons always had that effect on him.
-What happened to him?
-Nothing, just… He’s been out a lot, hasn’t he? I thought he didn’t operate in the city as much…
She was stalling, which was worryingly out of character for Selina. But since this was about Nightwing, he had to be patient and let her talk her way into whatever information she was going to lay on him.
-I’ve been… -training a new Robin, not that he could tell her that- busy, lately. He’s picking up the slack while I’m focusing on it -a.k.a helping him both patrol the streets and teach Tim. 
-I noticed the changes, yes, whatever therapy you’re doing is great for you -she encouraged, more honest than he thought her capable of. He could already see her deadpan when she figured out the reason for his change, his ‘therapy’ as she put it, was an eleven year old thrusting himself at this dangerous life of his.
-Well… Anything noteworthy about him lately? Crime Fighting related?
Since she was stressing the words so much, he gave them deep thought.
-He has been on a streak lately. A lot more arrests… What’s your point?
He could almost see the second she internally said ‘fuck it’ and just blurted everything out.
-That’s because his new suit is, and this is coming from me, B, indecent, and every criminal out there is focusing more on his ass than his punches and flips so he’s kicking ass easier.
Bruce kicked his way to the forefront of his mind, the father in him hip checking the vigilante out of the way so he could properly freak out.
What? He knew the suit was a lot more tight than the former one, but he’d been so relieved at it being mostly black he hadn’t given more than a cursory look… and he barely saw the man in it, often training together in workout clothes and coming and going to patrol at different times. He… wasn’t prepared for this.
-Excuse me?
-I’m sorry, someone had to tell you. Normally, I’d be completely on board with a suit change from boring to daring, and you know of my good relationship with leather, but I’ve literally seen that kid grow up. If I have to listen to Harley talking about Nightwing’s ass one more time, Ivy won’t need to worry any more about the Joker killing her, because I will do it myself.
He wanted to thank her for standing up for his son, but he was still busy internally screaming.
-You want to hear Riddle’s last work? While looking directly at N, he asked ‘is buttcheeks one word? Or should I spread them?’. And then he winked. Winked, B. At your eighteen year old kid. You need to get your ass on gear and make sure Nighting changes his. I mean, I’m getting used to it, but you’ve been doing great lately, violent wise, and I’d hate for you to relapse because you heard Zsaasz asking N to tie his ropes tighter and harder.
B… needed to go back to the cave and call N back early. They had to talk.
When Jason came back, the first thing to break past the ‘holy shit my son is alive’ wall surrounding his brain was just how tall he had grown. How strong, how broad, how big. The little boy he had picked up from the street, underfeed and hurting everywhere, had turned out almost bigger than B himself and twice as brave. The wave of pride he felt was massive, but the feeling was short lived. 
Jason was killing criminals, had even attempted to murder Tim. Even if the father in him could, in his desperation, try and overlook the first bit, the same side couldn’t get past the second. Tim was as much his as Jason, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.
The relief of him being back that overflowed from Bruce clashed horribly with Batman’s unbending morals, and the two sides warred for days for control. The attack on his youngest son had been the deciding factor in who finally won; Bruce couldn’t fight the darkness in him when he needed it to help protect Robin from his predecessor, as much as it pained him.
Theirs was a long road, a difficult path to come back together as a family after so many mistakes on both parts (more his than Jason’s, he knew, but admitting so was so hard…), but they had finally, finally came back together. All his children, sitting around the dinning table at the manor, throwing food at each other behind Alfred’s back, Dick failing to give Jason a noogie, Tim succeeding in elbowing his way past both of them to claim first picks over the brownies, Damian rolling his eyes while sneakily drawing in his notebook what B suspected was a portrait of the three of them, Cass and Steph laughing at their antics… His heart felt like it could give out.
Again, his mind was anywhere but in… that. Already used to the dirty looks aimed at Nighting, he focused his anger into strength behind every punch, taking care to kick specially hard when aiming at the criminal’s genitals as light punishment for the lust they aimed at his oldest, but not longer trying to essentially castrate them.
He had the hang of it, and it was just one child. He could do damage control with one, it wasn’t that hard. Stephanie wasn’t really his, just under his protection as a mentor, and even then, she was mostly Barbara’s; Cass could and would take care of anyone who dared look at her in a way she didn’t like, so she was also good. Seventeen year old Tim and thirteen year old Damian were babies, so they wouldn't be an issue for a long, long time.
And then. And then, Steph had opened her mouth.
-Why can’t Tim do this? -she had whined, raising the heels to eye level and studying them with profound distaste- I hate fighting on these. He’s much better than me at that anyway, and he makes a hotter chick than I when he goes full out on his undercover gig.
Red Robin, who was walking past her on his way to the training mats, high fived her.
Barbara’s voice came from the Batcomputer, Oracle’s voice filter not needed while they still were on the Cave.
-Because he and Jason can’t act like a couple for more than two hours before one of them breaks into hives or laughter, and this is an all night long gig. 
-Then why can’t Tim and Dick go? You just need a girl as pretty arm candy distaction, the guy is the one who’s gonna do the work, and Nightwing can take care of a few drug dealers himself.
-While Dick is certainly pretty enough to gain permission to enter this very private party -the man, stretching with Tim, stopped mid motion to give the computer finger guns. Barbara coughed to cover a laugh and kept going-, the goal is for him to be invited into the boss’s personal office, and we can only do that if he’s interested in what he sees. From what Tim gathered for me on his last recon, he favours… Jason’s body types more than Dick’s.
Bruce, who was just getting out of the locker room, suit fully in place except from the cowl, raised an eyebrow at that, stopping to analyze his second oldest. Tilting his head, and still as confused, he asked what would undoubtedly bring him an unhealthy amount of regret in the very near future.
-What does that mean? Jason’s...body type? You mean tall? Dick is also pretty tall.
There was total silence in the cave for a few moments. Dick and Tim got up from their positions, shared a look, and made a run for the showers, claiming they were ready for patrol (they weren’t, not warmed up enough, but he had other things to focus on now). Damian, already fully suited, tutted and dragged the hood of his cape over his face, almost completely covering it. Cass looked on impassively, and Stephanie seemed to be getting a worryingly amount of glee from whatever this was.
Jason himself was… blushing? What?
-Who’s gonna tell him? -finally asked Barbara, amusement breaking her professional facade.
-Oh, me, me! Let me do this!
Apparently still a naive man, he nodded at the blonde, ready for someone to clear this up for him.
He was regaled with a half an hour long rant about biceps, pecs, and thighs that could compete against tree trunks and win. It was supported by apparent citations from different criminals that ranged from appreciative to full on scandalous.
In the end, everyone left the cave, Batgirl with a notorious spring on her step, and Bruce had to stay home instead of going out, needing the night to fully process about his second son, almost twenty one but twelve in his mind’s eye, apparently featuring in multiple Arkham calendars. 
He came out of that realization a scarred man, to say the least.
It was barely a few months after his traumatic chat with Stephanie when it happened again. He’d like to say he was ready for this.
He wasn’t.
When Conner Kent found him, he was completely focused on his WE’s work. For once on the office, with the TV providing some white noise in the background, he was fully prepared for a day catching up. He couldn’t keep letting Tim take over most of the work, the kid deserved to have a normal (or as normal as any of them could achieve) teenage life.
He was of course notified the moment the meta breached the city’s limits, but figured he was here on Titan’s business or hanging out with Tim. The light knock on his office window was a big surprise.
-This is unexpected, Conner. What can I do for you? -he greeted after letting him in- Tim isn’t here today, he’s giving a press conference.
-Yeah, I know. I’m actually here for you. We, the team, heard from Tim you’re making the blueprints for his next suit.
This conversation was already going in a very confusing way. Why did they care about Tim’s gear?
-Well, you need to double check with us before you show anything to him -something akin to indignant surprise must have shown in his face, because the meta quickly raised both hands-. We don’t mean that as you needing our approval, of course you’d know better how to keep a non-meta well protected. We know jackshit about kevlar and armor. But it’s the… style, that has us worried.
He let the anger bleed out of him, replaced with puzzlement.
-What do you mean?
Conner looked down, as if gathering strength, then up and straight into Bruce’s eyes, a feat very few younger heroes could achieve. This was serious.
-Tim isn’t big like Jason, or as… stretchy as Dick, but he has… very, very attractive features. I won’t go into detail with you about how thin his waist is, how shapely his legs or cute his ass. That’s not something I need to say or you to hear.
Yes, it definitely wasn’t. Bruce was having an inkling as to where this was headed, and he didn’t like it. Tim was a baby! Barely eighteen and so damn small!
-But I do need to tell you, his ugly ass suits have been good at keeping that all on the downlow. We made fun of him for them, sure, but never encouraged him to change, because we know what will happen if he does. It would be awful. You think Nightwing and Red Hood have it rough? Tim has Ra’s Al Ghul’s undivided attention and appreciation. If we add attraction to it? Mayhem. Absolute mayhem. We can barely keep him from being kidnapped by older, nasty villains as it is. We don’t need the extra work, sir. I’m begging you on behalf of the team, don’t let him get anything that would look good on him. Like that Untranet suit he told me about, for example. That one would be so bad. Or the Red Robin one with tighter pants and a domino under the cowl so he can take it out and flash the world his luscious hair. 
Bruce fell back into his desk chair. Elbows resting on the table, he buried his face into his hands.
A long silence filled the room.
-You already approved and made one of those, right?
A small, shaky nod.
-...The Ultranet one?
A firm shake. 
-Fuck me. The Red Robin with tighter pants and domino?
Another nod. Conner sat abruptly on the empty chair in the other side of the desk, like a puppet with its strings cut.
-Well, fuck. 
Fuck indeed. 
Bruce despaired.
This time, he would be ready. He swore it on his honor, on his oath, on his parents.
So when Damian turned sixteen, growth spurt kicking in (he towed over Tim, and it wouldn’t be long until he left Dick in the dust as well), he made a thought but necessary call.
He phoned Talia.
-We need to talk. About Damian, and… sex appeal.
Her shock was evident even through the phone.
-Excuse me? My son is a child. He has no such thing.
He closed his eyes. Once, a long time ago, he’d been just as naive. Now he knew better. 
It was a hard lesson to learn, but she needed to. And quickly. Damian was growing faster than his other children. Time was of essence.
-Let me tell you what I wish I knew years ago, when Dick decided to change his Nightwing suit.
She was probably going to hate him for opening her eyes like this, but Bruce just couldn't do this alone. 
He could deal with Talia’s hate, but criminals lusting after his baby son? Hell no. He might actually go rouge.
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Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
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karaslluthor · 5 years
supercorp fanfic masterpost pt.2
this has been in my drafts for over a year so here ya go and hasn't been updated since then but if u haven't read these then ur welcome. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
its literally a big ass list jsyk and i did all the tumblr tags back then so idk if they are still the same users but hopefully lmao. 
original part 1 is here boysss
somewhere i have never travelled (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9268886/chapters/21008012)
kara and lena visit all different places lenas lived and then they find a home together and its super cute and fluffy I cry
Paranoia Incarnated - @justmickeyfornow
mickey is my fucking supercorp spiritual guider with the best fucking fic and ive read it about 322934 times and still is sooo good. Also the whole heartbeat thing KILLS me. SO MUCH ANGST but literally its worth the death u go through trust me
Transcendent Interactions 
Kara and lena share this bond thing from birth and can feel each others emotions and they finally meet and its so great like im actually fucking in love with this fic and kara gets herself off all the time thinking lena doesn’t know idk just read it u wont regret I stg
Closer and Closer (Until We Collide) - @hallow777 
Im a slut for bed sharing tropes and this is so CUTE like lenas all freaking out because she keeps waking up cuddling kara and alex is oblivious to everything and its just soooo good
So, This Happened?
Drunk kara leaves drunk alex for a more suitable cuddle buddy aka lena lesbian luthor and lena sleeps in a supergirl t shirt bc of course
Holy mother of fuck as if this fic didn’t absolutely ruin my fucking life??? Lena has to go to London for a month so she invites kara to come with her and lena has a gay awakening and realises shes in love with kara and its SO FUCKING GOOD
just one wrong move (baby, baby)
lena is having karas baby from this alien tech accidentally! And lena is so loved and its so cute like honestly and obviously they fall in love bc duh
hold me, my dear (and don't let go)
kara is a professional cuddler and lena hires her services bc shes a sad touch starved young lady and deserves to have some hugs in her life hello fluff my old friend discovering the moon 
alex and lena brotp and holy fuck does it deliver!!!! Alex is like a wingwoman we all need and kara and lena just need to communicate tbh but AMAZING
Focus on Something You Love, and Breathe
Lex is a little shit as always and wants to kill lena bc he thinks shes in love with supergirl (which she is) so kara says she can stay with her and obviously the angst is juicy and ruined my life. So. Good. Read. It.
College theatre au but like literally one of the best college aus ive ever read!!!! Lenas just a big lesbian and karas confused and they bang secretly and its glorious
it's a boy!
lena takes in a super powered alien baby that falls from the sky and gets a weird neighbor in the form of kara danvers and theres not many chapters yet so im not sure whats happening with kara yet but im super excited for this!!!
Break My Fall 
Kara dates monel but kisses lena as supergirl and its angsty and smutty and all round a good fucking time
carefulness can be damned 
Post 3x7, literally smut with some plot need I say more??
A Foolish Wit - @seabiscuits-us​
if you haven’t read seabiscuits fics are you even a supercorp fan?? Lena needs a husband and Clark Danvers is positively charming and also actually disguised as a man, I mean.. quality content
In My Veins
im soooo excited for this fic because the lena/alex brotp is written so well!!! Basically lena and alex become really good friends bc they both deal with their issues by drinking obvs and kara thinks they are secretly dating and gets upset and im SO READY FOR THIS ANGST
Would You Catch Me If I Fall For You ('Cause I'm falling) 
This is absolutely amazing and so captivating and I was honestly on edge the whole time kudos to the author!!!!! Kara goes back in time to warn lena about her dying on the venture and lena falls in love with her but she disappears and then when real kara and lena meet, kara doesn’t remember knowing lena and ughsalkdhsla its so good.
We Need a New Song
Oh my good golly gosh this fic ruined my life. Ballet au that has barely any ballet and an abundance of GAY and I had to take a moment after reading this to collect myself tbh
and stick it into someone else's heart 
Rhea infected lenas boobs in a cage dress with some weird alien stuff and her and kara have to bang or THEY’LL DIE pretty much but they love each other
The Laws of Fate 
soulmate au where everyone has a red string and lenas points to the sky and shes confused af but it’s a gay slow burn and the angst is good for ur soul
My Sun 
Lena gets into a car accident and kara thinks she died but lex is a maniac and wants lenas help and fdjsaklfs it’s a rollercoaster let me tell you
Mercy on Me 
lena falls under black mercy and in order to bring her back karas has to break her poor little gay heart bc lena thinks her and kara are in looooove AWWW heart shatters
Be your own Hero 
Collection of supercorp one shots!!!!!! Quality content lemme tell yaaaa
pick a blossom and hold it to your breast (honey, you know that’s my love bursting loud from inside) 
kara and lena rely on their late night phone calls with each other and get the feels and go on a date and they are just cute adorable dorks that are nervous  
your voice is pretty, baby (but i’d rather have your pretty skin instead) 
part 2 of pick a blossom ^^^ still adorably cute and a smut chapter I mean come on, treat yoself
kara and lenas first told in the cutest wayyyyyyyy
lena works with lillian to save supergirl and its oh so angsty and kara always believes her girl bc that’s canon
My personal Santa in heels 
Kara loves Christmas almost as much as she loves lena, almost
Soulmate AU where everyone can have a device installed to tell them the time until they meet their soulmate, kara and lena love each other but kara cant have a timer installed obvs kryptonian skin and its so cute and soft and angsty
The Fatal Flaw 
Super cool and different fic and keen to see more chapters from this!! Kara doesn’t have her powers (yet) and she meets lena at a party at college and then clark tells her shes actually an alien ooooo im keen
Stay the night 
Lena inherits the national city womens basketball team and star player kara danvers is a muscly babe and they try not to fall in love BUT ITS JUST TOO HARD BECAUSE THEY ARE SOULMATES also I love jack in this such a wingman
MATTTTTTTTEEEE lena is the daughter of the governor and shes a little rebel. She falls in love with kara but her family has arranged her marriage to monel BUT LIKE THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH btw they are aliens but like in 1865 so cool. Pls update I love this so much
All Our Bodies in the Grass - @seabiscuits-us​
fuckkkkk this fic honestly, amish au and lena knows nothing but kara is down to help her out while also sharing lovely girl mags ;)
Kara and lena are friends with benefits but feels get involveddddd, lenas a useless lesbian
All the little lies 
Kara comes to earth and falls in love with lena but she has to go back to krypton and breaks lenas heart in the process, but she comes back and its only been like 7 months but its been like 3 years for lena!!! (I cant remember exact dates don’t judge me)
half melted m&m's 
lena needs a fake wife to stay in the country so kara is ever so helpful and agrees to be her wife, oh I do love a fake wife trope and this delivers!!!!
The Wrong Superhero 
Lena gets saved by batwoman and supergirl thinks she is super jealous because of superhero-related reasons but shes just in love with lena
We'll Take on the World 
College au, just useless fools in love that need to communicate and make out more
And they call me from beyond the stars 
Omg I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH ok so kara is a ghost (still from krypton and stuff) but no one can see her except lena so lena works on trying to get her back into the physical plane of existence so she can find alex but they FIND LOVE WITH ONE ANOTHER oh my god so angsty let me tell ya be warned
Wait for me to come home 
idk where to even start on this fic honestly, im pretty sure most people have read this bc it’s a rite of passage but fuck it gets me everytime!!!! Army au and there is so much angst and I love it
An Unexpected Surprise 
supercorp baby au!!! Kara and lena bang and kara ends up preggers. Iconic  
Days in a Lifetime 
Kara and lena grow up together, massive slowburn but worth the wait!!!!! ACTUALLY GO AND READ ALL OF STENS BECAUSE I JUST REALISED HOW MANY I PUT IN HERE AND THEY ARE ALL FUCKING GREAT
Do you wanna (like you know I do) - @seabiscuits-us​
another seabiscuit, I couldn’t not put this in!!! CAPE COD and sharing of bunk beds!!! Pls update this my soul is withering away
Purple and Black are my Favorite Colours 
Kara gets in contact with kryptonite that makes her gp! And her and lena b a n g    
danishes and other sweet treats 
oh my fuck this is so cute and its like a long one shot so I mean get on it because kara and lena go to a conference and share a hotel room need I say more  
Sun Kissed 
Kara takes lena on a roadtrip to the science museum for her birthday and my good golly gosh its so cute I could ascend to heaven
Only Human 
A one shot with two chapters in different POV but lenas jealous of monel and then supercorp bang and its all angsty and lena protects kara and tbh they need to communicate but happy endings and love all round
The Right Thing 
Lena freaks out because lex knows her and supergirl are dating and does the most dramatic thing (of course) by distancing herself from kara and did I say angst???/ also I cried multiple times in this
funny how the stars crossed right 
Kara and lena keep meeting at parties and have super dorky costumes and fall in love (literally love anything written by you btw, im going to go ahead and say I would have all yours bookmarked so everyone just check them ALL out)
Accidental Text
kara accidentally sends a love confession to lena and its short and cute!      
Unspoken Promises
supergirl and reign battle and lena finds out about kara being supergirl and supercorp are just obliviously in love
Green (Kara loves it and hates it in equal measure)
Im a sucker for a jealous trope and boy does this deliverrrr. Karas hella jealous of lena having other friends but realises its because shes super in love with her
Karas jealous because lena is flirting with supergirl but lena knows kara is supergirl so shes actually flirting with kara, nice!
My Donuts
Karas really jealous of sam and lena spending heaps of time together and then kara walks in on them having donuts and she fucking loses it because its their thing duh.
when we get there 
Lena invites kara to her beach house to chill and they obvs fall in love because they are cute af
Have a Break 
Lena is determined to work out how to use a vending machine to get kara her candy and kara and winn are watching it all unfold via cameras in catco, basically lena vs. the machine (himym singing voice)
Self doubt and comforting talks 
Drunk kara, comforting lena fluff and adorableness
Shopping carts and a beautiful girl 
Kara crashes into lenas car in a shopping cart and they go on a date and its SO CUTE
lenas oblivious to kara being supergirl even though kara slips up all the time!!! #nicehalloweencostumekara
Lip Bites & Long Gazes 
lenas a big gay flirt and kara gets frustrated and flustered and calls her out and they make out
Off the Record 
kara spots lena at a gay club and they dance and make out *lizzie mcguire voice this is what dreams are made of*
Not so secret 
the superfriends take a weekend away and kara and lena bang pretty much smut but its cute
come be my lover, be my getaway car 
How many amazing tropes can you fit into one fic (aka the fic that made me lose my fucking mind oh my god its so good, had it include)
A one time thing
Kara and lena end up banging in a motel and kara has an internal meltdown its great
This is Home 
Listen here, this is the most adorable thing my two eyes have ever witnessed. Lena doesn’t really have a home kara the sweet soul she assists her in finding a home with her (aka its kara, kara is her home get it)
Her Biggest Fan 
lena is apart of the supergirl fandom, aka shes me
Drunk Puppy
kara being a drunk gay mess wanting to hunt seashells with lena
Act Natural
kara and lena have hickies and try to hide them on a beach trip with the gang  
Like a date, date 
kara asks lena on a date and lena has a gay panic attack pretty much
everyone thinks kara and lena are dating so they just start dating? Amazing
Stop following me, creep 
Please clarify 
Lena tries to tell kara she loves her and wants to date but karas an alien and just doesn’t get it, so cuteeeee
Fate is Written in the Ink (part 1) 
Fate is Written in the Ink (part 2)
Soulmate au!!!! Any ink on your skin appears on your soulmates and omg its so cute like kara draws all this art on herself and lena gets to see it too!!!!!
Muddle my heart (then add a dash of lime) 
Kara keeps going to the bar because punk/bartender Lena is a babe and she has a big lesbian crush on her
be hopeful, don't get broken (stay caught up in the moment) 
angsty dog au and I mean PUPPIEs and SUPERCORP need I say more?
The makings of a family 
Clark is the one who arrives after being stuck in the phantom zone and kara has to look after him and lena helps her out and wow new baby for supercorp
Let Your Guard Down 
Lena in a DEO uniform sparring with kara and its so angsty because lenas mad at kara for not telling her the supergirl secret and then they bang and did I already mention lena in a DEO uniform???  
Do you not like the service here?
Thirsty kara and waitress lena, lenas jealous of alex l o l
here is where time is on our side (part 1) 
our corner of the universe (part 2) 
long oneshot but fuck me its so good. Post daxamite invasion/mon-el coming back and both are healing from everything and go on a roadtrip just wherever the map takes them and oh my fuck its so cute and everything u want in a fic. Part two is the follow up
The Uncanny Valley 
cadmus replaces real lena with a robot version and kara didn’t know but then kara finds lena and its cute  
put these battered bones to rest 
soulmate au (you should know by now im a sucker for a good soulmate au), lena has a foreign name on her hip (its kara btw)
another soulmate au hhehehe soulmates feel each others pain obvs both these babies have a lot of paiiiiiin in their lives
Love is Garbage 
Literally a garbage truck au, im not even going to say more
i know you're out there somewhere waiting (i know the stars can hear us praying) 
Whats this??? Another soulmate au!!! Classic lover one arm, enemy on the other, honestly lena deserves more and just waits for kara to love her and I love this fic, also they help sam!!  
Monster in the Mirror 
Supercorp reveal in the middle of the lena/edge poisoning children episode oooooooh so angsty but happy love ending
Supercorp first ever sleepover!!! This is so cute stop
Please Clarify 
Lena tries to ask kara out in every single way possible and kara is an oblivious alien
love is a flower, you gotta let it grow 
Unrequited love makes u grow flower petals in your lungs but when ur love is returned it clears up, this was dope and I love ur work
where our hands hurt from healing - @seabiscuits-us​
its seabiscuit do I need to say more?????? I will tho. Alex and lena match on tinder and become besties and I live for alex/lena brotp so….
blessed be (the mystery of love) - @seabiscuits-us​ 
*dj Khaled voice* ANOTHER ONE, look I love every single fic this one does not disappoint and nothing like a good light hearted first date fisting hahahahahaha
The Luthor and the Super That Saved the World 
Fit it fic for the season three finale where there is more supercorp and less shit writing, LOVE STENS WORK
Kara Danvers and the Brown Belt of Lesbianism 
Karas gay brown belt that she always wears that makes her look like a big ol lesbian drives lena mental bc she so gay
like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry 
What Happens in the K Room Doesn't Stay in the K Room 
green-eyed monster
Kara shows Lena what makes her Super 
Supergirl, Kara, and a Luthor walk into a bar... 
Late Night Heroics 
Good Vibrations 
Two Lena Luthors and a blonde walk into a bedroom... 
Her perfect match 
Girls' Night 
Happy Halloween, Supergirl 
What She Wants 
make the rules then break them 
an animal within an animal 
THE WILDEST THING IVE EVER READ, STRAP THE FUCK IN (youll understand my pun when you’ve read it)
2K notes · View notes
My headcanon has always been that Alec figured out he was gay very early in life (I've ALWAYS been/I ALWAYS knew/I ALWAYS dreamed) which is... interesting bc visibility and representation must have been a huge issue when he was growing up. This sort of reinforces my interpretation that Alec has always been very in touch with his feelings and very honest about them (he only chose to hide/not act on them). Which is I think what Magnus figured about him from the very beginning ->
-> (it's rare to find a shadowhunter with such an open heart). Which is also funny and sort of on point bc Alec's siblings were widely mistaken about Alec's issues. It also explains why Alec doesn't have any major hang-ups about relationships or expressing his feelings, something a lot of viewers took an issue with (like why is Alec not emotionally stunted or things like that). That said, I keep thinking about Magnus and how he was exploring his sexuality. I mean imagine Magnus talking to his father. Magnus: I feel like I'm into both men and women 🤔 Asmodeus: Great! The amount of people you can seduce and murder has increased exponentially 👀 I mean, poor Magnus 💀
i feel bad for laughing at the asmodeus part but ur so correct hdbdudbdidndidndidndidn
and u know i agree with u 100% on the Alec stuff, this is a hill I'm willing to die on, Alec knew that he was gay since forever, he wasn't lying to himself, he just chose to keep it to himself. he made that very clear every time he talked about it too, i always KNEW i couldn't get what i wanted, I've ALWAYS dreamt, like you said. key words always, knew, and wanted. he was extremely aware throughout the whole process and i can't see it any other way. Alec is terrible at lying and that includes to himself, hes painfully logical and aware and hes been trained to pay attention to his own body/reactions/thoughts and approach them logically and dissecate them from the very beginning. theres no way he was oblivious to his own feelings, or else his lies in s1 wouldnt be so clearly bad.
Alec is, for better or for worse, painfully self aware and that's something i identify with, possibly the part of him i relate to the most. he's struggling because he know it's not safe to come out and he's decided that he wont, so he doesn't, to anyone. but he knows exactly how he feels and that that's his choice. then, when he meets Magnus, he's confused, not because he wasn't ready to face that he liked men (he knew that pretty damn well) but because he was questioning whether he really wanted to go through with his "closeted for eternity" plan. and there was the whole marriage thing. but he wasn't confused about what he wanted, not for a second. he was confused about what he was going to do, and how honest he could be to Magnus about it.
and like you said that's why their transition into a relationship goes relatively smoothly. if Alec were in denial, it would be a lot harder for him to go from that to the Alec we see later on, who is very emotionally available and open with Magnus, who loves him openly and unashamedly, who threatens Maryse to make her respect him and their relationship, who bursts into Magnus' house like "hello lets have sex". Alec can fit into a relationship with so much emotional honesty because he's always been emotionally honest. he just chose not to tell people about it because he was in a place where that wasnt safe
as for Magnus! I hc that his sexual discovery went like, relatively smoothly. I mean he was raised in a recently-colonized Indonesia, which. okay had europeans out there trying to ruin things, but was very open and accepting of both gender and sexuality, and didn't have a binary view of either. and asmodeus wouldnt care because like you can't tell me that demons and angels give a shit about gender, even if by some odd reason they did have a gender system that's exactly like the modern western european mundane one. so i think that growing up, Magnus didn't have a lot of issues with his sexual & gender identity. It wasnt like "figuring out" and "coming out", more like it slowly became clear and he was like "okay". not a lot of denial involved.
I've talked about this here (sexuality) and here (gender) and there i put more sources and everything so I'm... gonna leave that here rjdndjdnfk but i think Magnus' self discovery wasnt the problem, the problem was the shock of getting to England after the Asmodeus Yeet and seeing how different things were.
i mean, he was no stranger to queerphobia (he had a dutch stepfather after all) but when he was a kid, the dutch didnt really manage to colonize Java and interfere with their customs because the javanese empires were stronger, so they were mostly settling by going there to trade, same as always. so Magnus didn't really have to live in a time where people had to hide who they were
and then he comes back from Edom and it's like. you will literally be executed for this. what in the fuck. people meet in like secret underground clubs, terrified of making every mood. some dont even do that and suffer alone. no one thinks this is weird. people act like its always been this way. what the fuck
and hes struggling because after he banished asmodeus he thought he could finally be himself, you know? escape the need to like get his approval and the fear of angering him, get away from his gross, manipulative claws - you get it. he thought he could breathe and be out in the open and live his own life, but he can't, because so many parts of who he is - his culture, his origins, his gender, his sexuality, the color of his skin, his heritage, his powers - are being constantly repressed by the meat grinding machine of early capitalism and colonialism, and it's like, wow.
so Magnus never really lied to himself, either, but he did learn how to hide, and do it well. he doesn't have a lot of internalized queerphobia in the sense that he thinks it's bad that he's trans and bi, but one of the most prominent results of queerphobia in his life (aggravated by a thousand other things) is that hes gotten used to bottling things up and compartmentalizing himself and his identity. hes learnt to be what ppl expect him to be, and to show them only what hes safe to. its instinctive for him, to hide certain parts of himself, be it his immortality, his queerness, or his pain. and it's one of the reasons he struggles so much to be fully open and honest with Alec about how he feels. it's why it's so instinctive for him to stop everything and hide because his glamour went down. he knows that Alec knows about it, but he's used to hiding the parts of himself that people dont want to see
and that's without throwing Camille and her abuse into the mix (which i talked more about in the aforementioned links. like not to self promote but i am pretty proud of those asks so you know) and of course Asmodeus himself, and how they also taught magnus to hide his weaknesses, not be honest, "stop whining", cut off his own feelings and thoughts to please them. again i talked about this in the links. okay ill stop idndidn
in short, Magnus never really struggled to come to terms with his identity, but he learnt quickly that he isn't palatable, and he never will be - not to his mom (even if again i dont think she killed herself because of him, but Magnus believes it), not to his stepfather, not to his father, not to mundanes, not to the white european queer community, not to anyone. so he knows that, to survive, he needs to be able to bottle things up, and even if the people he loves work hard to convince him every day that this isnt the case (Catarina, Raphael, Ragnor, Dot, Alec) old habits die hard
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chikkou · 4 years
I'd ask this on your Lisa sideblog but you don't have anon on and I'm shy lol, but do you have any headcanons relating to Lisa the First? Like Lisa's views on religion, her relationship with her mother, if any of the various worlds we see mean anything?
hoh man i didnt even know anon wasnt on LMAO... ill turn it on after i post this!
also fuck YEAH i do holy shit i fucking LOVE lisa the first!! i know its sort of the black sheep of the lisa series, since it is a completely different type of game and was clearly austins first game, but i fucking ADORE it dude. the music - which he made ENTIRELY IN THE FREE TRIAL OF FL STUDIO BY THE WAY - is FANTASTIC, the art direction is actually pretty fucking incredible for an rpgmaker game that uses a good deal of basic assets, and the gameplay.... ok yeah that part is a bit lacking but its a yume nikki-style game be nice it was his first time LMAO
ANYWAY back to ur question. first and foremost, i think this is not even a headcanon so much as straight up canon, but lisa DESPISES christianity. marty is christian, probably catholic given the golden crosses everywhere, and he is a fucking scumbag hypocrite. lisa likely associates all of christianity with this line of thinking, as there is one room in the bile area where the melted martys (although i suppose we can just call them joy mutants now LMAO) simply stand in a circle surrounding one big cross. the role of the melted martys is up for interpretation of course, as is everything, but after playing the painful and seeing them described as “mindless sheep,” i think this is how lisa viewed them. so they likely represent other people that, to lisa, are probably just as sick and disgusting as marty
lisas relationship with her mother... i go back and forth on this one a lot. i can never decide if i prefer the headcanon that lisas mom died in childbirth, and so lisa never met her, or if i prefer that lisas mom was around for a very short time and then either left or died. the fact that she says “i didnt want to leave” at the end of the first leads me to believe that she most likely died. in either case, the memory of her mother was clearly important to lisa, as she wears her pendant through the entire game and its explicitly noted as being a gift from her. in either case, i think that the death/absence of the mother is heavily implied to be the primary cause behind martys descent into alcoholism and lisas abuse, since the white room strongly implies that marty did at one time sincerely love and care for her as a father properly should 
as for the meaning of each of the rooms, i think most of them are fairly self explanatory, but some of them are a bit more vague, so ill break it down in terms of how i see it (and ill put them under the cut because its long as hell):
martys house - this is the most literal one. pretty self-explanatory. the dark, yet vibrant colors and the ear-bleedingly loud tv are pure sensory overload, something lisa probably deals with on a regular basis. when lisa goes outside and it turns into a sky of marty faces, i think this is the transition into the psychological part of the game
the lobby - this is honestly just pure yume nikki ripoff LMAO... but if i had to ascribe a symbolic meaning to it, i think its probably a quiet and safe area for lisa to retreat to in her mind when she needs it, but even that eventually gets sullied as tricky rick makes his way there, too (and tells her hes “just waiting” when she talks to him). the majority of gameplay is lisa searching for items with which to kill tricky rick, who always abuses and disparages her whenever she talks to him, telling her she’ll never forget. as for the reason why... well, take one look at him and its pretty clear whats going on there. (the name is also a reference to richard nixon, whose nickname was... well, you can figure it out!)
the town - the bar area is 100% my favorite from this world; lisa clearly hates alcohol and anyone who drinks it, associating them all with marty, and that music... all i can say is YUCK. the entire section also consists of lisa having to give up something in exchange for what she needs to move on, and usually getting the raw end of the deal out of it (she gives one marty a banana, he gives her a banana peel in return). she does all that while avoiding a marty following her outside who repeatedly tells her “you cant escape,” and upon reaching tricky rick (who is atop a narrow, columnar, PINK mountain), it becomes pretty clear whats happening to her. 
the sea room - fucking marty spiders man. im assuming they represent the sickly feeling of crawling skin she gets when she looks at him or is anywhere near him, but holy GOD they are annoying to deal with. she kills tricky rick with pills here - we dont know what kind of pills these are, but i interpret them as sleeping pills, and given the rumbling music and the rapid cycling marty background, i wonder if he forced her to take these. marty is everywhere here, but the only one she can speak to is seen chilling on a raft of some kind. marty likely spent much of his time recreationally, i.e. drinking, so it makes sense why this would be here
the rope room - theres no symbolism here this is just pure comedy (LMAO). if i HAD to assign some meaning to this area, it would be that lisa likely is so despondent at this point that putting in effort to do anything feels utterly pointless, much like climbing this long-ass rope was
the white room - as i mentioned earlier, i personally believe that this area depicts the previous relationship between marty and lisa (and also has one of my favorite songs in the game). he is shown doing traditional fatherly things - he is no longer wearing sunglasses and is wearing a suit, meaning he was likely employed, and is actually smiling. he also spends time with her in a completely platonic, familial way. when she interacts with him, there is a little heart over his head. after lisa walks through the golden statues (which will reappear later), the entire world becomes filled with bile, and martys appearance returns to that of the other martys, but with an extremely warped, grotesque face. the item she needs in this area to kill tricky rick is found between two golden crosses.
notice that all of the items she kills tricky rick with - a razor, pills, and now a plastic bag - are things that a child could plausibly get their hands on; none of them are explicitly weapons. i think this shows both her age and how often she must have considered using those things against him. 
the bile room - probably my favorite area in the game, and also features what i consider the quintessential lisa song. this area really drives home lisas disgust with marty and with christianity as a whole - it almost certainly has the highest concentration of crosses, and it is also quite literally covered in wall-to-wall bile, dirty water, and disgusting houses. a lot of the most graphic sights, like the melting martys and the pond martys (no idea what to call them LMAO) are here, so i think this is pretty much the lowest circle of hell for lisa. marty gives lisa a freshly cut finger in exchange for a napkin here; im not necessarily sure what that represents, but i think the napkin was used by marty to masturbate (as he says “i needed that” after he takes it), so perhaps the finger is martys?
lisa kills tricky rick here in a cave that is not-so-subtly shaped like a penis, and gets a vhs tape in which he pretty explicitly states what is going on in the game; he even pretends like he doesnt know who lisa is at first, which somehow makes it even more disgusting. the fact that vhs tapes play a role here sort of makes me wonder if marty really WAS filming some of what he was doing, and given that lisa the joyful confirms that brad was forced to somehow participate in lisas abuse, that is.... horrific to think about, honestly
the marty tape - this tape just has the player (as marty) walk up to lisa and suited marty, who are having a tea party with a plastic tea set. they both get hearts over their heads if you talk to them. i think this drives home that he and lisa did once have a normal relationship, and perhaps theres some part of marty who misses that? theres a LOT of ways you can interpret this; having the player become marty really calls a lot into question.
the mansion - the room leading here has a marty staring directly at the player who informs lisa that she needs a sword to progress. unsubtly, the sword must be placed into the crotch of a womans statue. the mansion inside is beautiful and ornate, and easily the most gorgeous area in the game - and it all leads to what appears to be a proto-joy mutant marty, sort of looking like jabba the hutt. i dont doubt that this is intentional, given that jabba the hutt is associated with slave leia, and its not at all a far leap to call lisa martys slave. the golden statues of women, as well as many golden crosses, are everywhere in this area. its actually quite a large space with a lot of thought put into it, so im really upset that i cant figure out more of what it represents LMAO
the final area - lisa seems to go back to her actual house, but upon leaving her room and entering whether the living room would be, the whole area changes. she encounters herself in a blood red room, but when she talks to the other lisa, she turns into marty. i think this represents a clear question - who is lisa without him? IS she anyone? or is she just a vessel for him to do with what he pleases? she encounters a naked marty telling her to give up shortly after, and flees from him, but is followed by voices repeatedly telling her that she must accept her fate. i think this clearly show the mental state of lisas last days. she was tormented, eternally. she truly felt there was no escape from marty. even the background becomes nothing but martys face, over and over again, as the end screen flashes.
at the end text, she finds a video tape, and in the tape sees someone who is ostensibly her mother from behind. she apologizes for not being there for her, but when that figure turns out, its martys face that she sees. the sky turns into marty. the music becomes corrupted and overrun with pretty fucked up laughter. she tries to run, but marty is already everywhere. theres nowhere for her to run. and then the game is over.
note that the video tape comes AFTER the games end screen, which stops not long after the appearance of the naked marty. so i personally believe that the “game over” represents her deciding to take her own life, rather than just give up and accept her fate. by running from him into the blackness, she got away from marty the only way she could have. it is sad and horrible, but that is honestly the best ending that she could have gotten in this game.
the first is definitely not as good as the painful in terms of gameplay, that much i can agree on, but i really think people miss out on a lot by not playing it. i think its really crucial to see lisas life from her own perspective before you can see it from brads - after all, brad may have known more than anyone else about what was going on, but he did not experience it like lisa did. for brad, lisa is a symbol of his own regrets and failures, but lisa was a PERSON (well, in-universe anyway LMAO). she suffered on her own, with pretty much no one to help her, and then she suffered so much that she couldnt take another second of it. 
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