#these are all really good questions ahhhhh
What are your top fave Percabeth moments (as many as you want). 😄😄
Hiii @emilia9622 👋! thanks for the ask!
oooh I like this question 😆 so here are my fav percabeth moments in the order of the books. also disclaimer: some really popular loved moments may not be here, but thats just because I wanted to focus on my favourite underrated moments. don't attack me!
the whole arc of their developing friendship in TLT
when percy mentioned that he and annabeth did dishes in som together and talked dirt about the new camp counsellor guy (who was he?) it really shows their friendship and their combined sass, and I want to hear that conversation in the show.
"you're a genius" (my delusional trait is thinking that annabeth heard it and no one will convince me annabeth didn't hear it)
slow dance at the end of ttc and all the scenes before that!! (I CANT WAIT TO SEE THAT ON SCREEN IT WILL BE MAGICAL)
another underrated cute moment from ttc: annabeth looking at percy gratefully after he saves her and him looking away shyly. I just think it's cute
"if i had to choose someone to re-attach my head, I'd pick you" he really thought he was doing something 😭 and annabeth FELL FOR IT SO GOOD, i cackle each time I remember it.
the second half of the staff of hermes is percabeth perfection. Paris date paris date paris date paris date ahhhhh
underrated moment in tlo: when annabeth almost fell into a hole and percy pulls her up and they just hold each other for one sec before percy does the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash and then grover and thalia being like "GUYS LETS GOOO WE HAVE A WAR TO WAR👏" it's one of my favourites of all time. it's tartarus (good ending). it's the prequel to tartarus.
Giving up immortality 🥹
annabeth keeping count of the time they were searching for percy
the stables scene
the whole of son of neptune
the whole of house of hades
annabeth reassuring percy that he would make a great older stepbrother, pushing away all the traumas she had from her experience as a stepsister. ughhh I love her <3333
the last chapter of cotg
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unanchored-ship · 19 days
can you pls give me ur favorite fact abt shrewsbury.... i dont care if i already know it i just wanna knows what fucking Gets you about him
you cant just ask me to give you one 🤧🤧
biggest reason is obv cuz hes a TWINk. A GREAT WHUMPEE. BUUUUT this is too broad since there are many twinks. lets narrow it down.
Tragic backstory, eh? Papa died cuz mummy liked sucking balls too much. Now you are forever cursed with chronic nervousness. Hmmm.
Oh yeah adding onto his papa dying, guess whose brother also got fucked in a duel. Lmfao. Shrewsbury loses. Do I need to discuss the emotional impact this most likely had on him??
Like... the guy was constantly nervous, arguably cowardly, timid, and jumpy.. but at the same time charming, generous, dignified,... you list the virtues. This is a very cool combo of traits!!
Also he was HOT AF but never took advantage of it. so points for that. (Although in the Nicholson/Turberville book it mentions in his younger years he had "moral delinquencies". but i dont know what its referring to i may have to do digging.) (Oh and in Weyman's Romance Berry's "wild and boyish days" are mentioned. Still dont know exactly what that mean..) "KING OF HEARTS" 😍😍
There is something seriously wrong with his relationship with Nottingham. He got sick cuz of personal jealously of Nottingham. Had useless shouting matches with Mr. Finch in the House. He wanted to resign cuz of Nottingham so bad Burnet had to prevent him from seeing William cuz he feared Shrewsbury would GO TOO FAR with William. That man was FUMING. You see where the secretaries ship comes from.
He's such a bitch to his uncle. next
he married such an interesting wifey!! she was known as an eccentric, an outcast in English society. Except Anne and George I LOVED HER. Like she was crazy in the eyes of the people but crazy and genuine is good when you're surrounded by liars and power-hungry ones. I love Adelhida she's my spirit animal.. also her brother is so fucking stupid and I'm here for it. They make a great family :3
Oh and going off of that marriage... Berry and Hida never had children. I have this peculiar thing for aristocracy peoples that don't have children. It's my asexual ass isn't it
He held some rlly powerful positions and was really critical in the government... while at the same time despising high positions. I love it when a non ambitious person is in a position people would die for.
In particular I like how Nicholson/Turberville refers to him as Harley's "tool". like. he's not ambitious. but he's got a massive amount of power(he was known as the nations favorite for a while lmao), which can be used to fucking sway the direction of England when utilized. Harley you lucky shit
So yeah hes got a really interesting personality, really interesting people he surrounds himself with, a tragic backstory yada yada
I just really really really like how he looks okay end of story
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polaraffect · 8 months
the worst feeling in the world is thinking you understand something and then taking a quiz on it and realizing that actually, you understood nothing at all
#damien.txt#my quiz grade wasn't That bad but it was also... not good#and i am frustrated because i feel like a lot of the stuff on the quiz was. not really discussed in depth in class#and now really all i want to do is go home and lay down in bed and maybe cry a bit#because i cannot deal with academic failure#but also i have a whole project due today that i need to work on so. literally cant do that#sighh. considering going to my professor's office hours to talk to him about this quiz bc. some of the questions man.#also maybe i can get him to take pity on me <3#i think i am maybe doing not as good as most of the people in this class which is.... rough. humbling.#i don't think that's ever happened to me before. but i think a lot of this is going over my head maybe#and bc this has never happened before i have no idea how to ask for help!!! ahhhhh!!!#literally it's compounding so much actually. like im getting lower grades on essays in this class than i ever have before in other classes#and it can't be that my writing is worse or something because i'm still getting higher grades in other classes?#so i guess it must be that i dont understand the content as well. but i literally have no idea what i don't understand#ahhhhh. Ahhhh!!! this class is not even in my field it's literally just a required class for my major!!!#i'm a literature major but we have to take like an 'advanced rhetoric' class and i took rhetorical historiography for some reason#and now. suffering. so much.#okay time to go. stare at a wall for an hour. and then start my project#academic.......... weapon...........................
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
Danyal Al Ghul: Incorrect Quotes and Miscellaneous Thoughts
Incorrect quotes-style snippets specifically for my danyal al ghul au here (which i really need to come up with a unique au name for atp). Because I thought it'd be funny. And also some miscellaneous headcanons thrown into the mix. Some context for the au: - Danyal is 5 years older than Damian (so 10 and 15) - Danny faked his death when he was 10. Talia knows and helped him with it. - Jazz, Sam, and Tucker do not know he's an ex-assassin.
-------- Snippet 1
Danny, dryly tapping his temple: I have, as the Americans say, irreparable psychological damage, right here.
Jazz, an older sibling first and foremost: well, it's good that you're self-aware.
-------- Snippet 2
Danny, aged 10, in the American foster planning to just age out of the system: *emanating Bad Vibes. Pure, Little Orphan Tom Riddle Energy*
Jazz, aged 12, coming in to adopt a new sibling with her parents: Him. This is my brother now :)
Danny: ...what
Lilo and Stitch is Danny's favorite Disney movie. He watched it when he was 11 with Jazz when she was attempting to connect with him, and by this point Danny was becoming receptive to her efforts. They had a movie marathon in the living room one night.
Safe to say? It resonated with his little 11 year old heart strongly, and he related very strongly with both Nani and Stitch. He got unexpectedly emotional and hid in his room for the rest of the night. Jazz felt really bad, but it had the intended (but kinda unexpected) effect of him trying to be nicer to her afterwards.
-------- Snippet 3
Dash, aged 12, causing trouble again and getting intercepted by Danny: *scaling up a desk* AHHHHH! GET YOUR LITTLE FREAK, FOLEY!
Tucker: Hey! Danny is not a freak!
Tucker, was the kid Dash was messing with: ....whats in it for me
-------- Snippet 4
Danny, saying some questionably immoral shit: What. Why are you looking at me like that.
Tucker: Bro. I mean this as kindly as possible; what the fuck?
Sam: yeah, I'm with Tuck on this one.
-------- Snippet 5
Danny, ranting about Vlad: if it weren't for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered him
Sam, painting his nails black: I'm pretty sure you'd slaughter him regardless of the laws of the land -- and quit moving, you're gonna mess me up.
Tucker: we've literally seen you debate yourself about this, Dan
Danny: ...you are correct, but it is the principle of things.
-------- Snippet 6
Vlad: I have experience my child, and the money and power attained through using those powers for personal gain, you say. I could train you, teach you everything I know! And all you have to do is renounce that idiot adoptive father of yours.
Danny, was already contemplating committing a Violence: ....
Danny, internally: I'm going to stab him *turns into Phantom*
Funny contrast I realized between Danyal and Vlad that iirc I haven't pointed out yet is that imo, Danyal doesn't rely on his powers nearly half as much as canon Danny does. He falls back instinctually on his League training, and thus sometimes forgets to use his powers in battle. This was prevalent especially early on when he was still getting used to the whole 'halfa' thing.
He incorporates them more often after a year, but still for the most part relies on his own physical hand-to-hand combat. He trusts those skills much more than he does his powers. I'm not sure where he is on a technical level compared to canon, but just to stay safe I'll say he's similar in power skill as canon Danny. Perhaps a little more finessed than him because his League training would probably have him trying to figure out his powers as soon as possible.
But in summary? Danny is strong in hand-to-hand combat, weak in powerset.
Meanwhile Vlad is the opposite. I can't recall if he even knows hand-to-hand in canon, but it makes total sense to me that Vlad Masters wouldn't because he's so confident in his monetary influence and ghost abilities that he sees no need for it.
And he's kinda got some merit behind it. He's very powerful and has 20 years of experience to experiment and fine tune his powers. He's got bite to follow up his bark. He's perfected long-range combat and his ability to phase through walls makes it impossible to corner him, but if you can manage it, then one good hit could probably knock him on his ass.
So in summary, Vlad is strong in powerset, weak in hand-to-hand combat.
And it casts a good contrast between the two of them in that regard. Danny, as a fellow halfa, can follow Vlad when he phases through walls and is fast enough to land a hit on him. His league training as an assassin, albeit rusty, is still deep ingrained enough in him that he can hold up as a rather veritable threat against Vlad without needing his powers.
But Vlad can force Danny to use his powers more often through use of his own. The duplication is the first thing to come to mind: Danny's fast enough to dispel them on his own without powers, and smart enough that he could figure out who the real one is if given a few minute. But that's not always efficient enough.
Good foils for each other that way. Also Vlad's Plasmius design mimics Ra's juuust enough that he looks like Ra's knockoff loser second cousin no one talks about, which only fuels Danny's hatred.
-------- Snippet 7
Danny, ranting about Vlad for the first time: --and it's only made worse by the fact that the little ingrate resembles a cheap knock-off of my grandfather!--
Sam, choking on her water: he what--
Tucker, doing a spittake: HE DOES?
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes Nine✦
(Sexual Implication) Ghost, trying to be sexy by whispering: Gaggin’ for it, aren’t ya, love? Soap: Nope. Ghost: No? Soap: I don’t gag on anything. Ghost: *404 Error* Soap: …Ghost? Si? Simon, are you alright?
-- Y/N: Let’s play a word association game! Ghost: Why? Y/N: Because I saved your ass last mission and I’m bored, so you owe me. Ghost: *sigh* Fine. Y/N: P e r f e c t . Gaz: ?? Y/N: Cold. Ghost: Winter. Y/N: Spring. Ghost: Mattress. Y/N: Soft. Ghost: Comfortable. Y/N: Pleasant. Ghost: Sunset. Y/N, With a shit eating grin: Beautiful. Ghost, unconsciously: Johnny- Y/N: YES Gaz: OHHHHHH Ghost: Soap: *gasp* Simon!~ Ghost: I’m going to go crash in a heli. Y/N: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT-
-- Alex: Bitch do you want me to jump across this table? Because I don’t have all day for this. Norris: You feeling froggy? Leap. Alex: Okay, well here I come- Farah: Alex no, no- hOLD OFF
-- (NSFW Joke) Y/N: Oh sorry. I almost drank out of your cup. Soap: Wh-Just go ahead, it won’t matter! Y/N: Well I- Yeah no, you’re right. I’ve drank out of your cups dozens of times. Soap: We’ve sucked the same dick- Y/N: That’s a good point! Ghost: ….*sigh*
-- Gaz: What kind of girl do you like? Soap: My wife. Gaz: And you? Ghost: Johnny’s wife. Gaz: OH- Price, knowing they recently started a poly situation: Pfft-
-- (Use of the word pussy because haha) Gaz, filming: Pffft- Soap: Shhshh- Y/N in the hallway: FORTY THREE FUCKING CENTS! AHHHHH Soap: *wheeze* Y/N: I NEED A SUGAR DADDY!! Gaz: PFFFT- Soap: I can’t breathe- Y/N: At this rate I’m ready to plaster my fuckin’ pussy on the sidewalk for some sPARE CHANGE! Gaz & Soap: *doing that silent cackle thing and smack each other in the arm* Ghost, leaning into the room: What the f- Y/N: SPAARE CHANGE, SPARE CHANGE! ANYONE GOT ANY SPARE CHAAANGE?! Gaz: *coughing* Soap: Steamin’ Jesus I’m fucking crying- Y/N, passing by the room: 🎵Walkin’ in a winter wonderlaaaand🎶
-- Y/N: Would you love me? Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Would I love you if…? Y/N: nO ThAt wAs tHE QuesTiOn-
-- Y/N: Pretty boy! With me I said! Rudy: Rudy: Rudy: Oh I’m pretty boy! Y/N: Yes! Oo that came out a bit quick- (Also works with Soap & Gaz, honestly)
-- (THIS IS A CONCEPT IM TOO WHIMPY TO WRITE, SO HAVE IT HERE! THIS COULD WORK WITH SO MANY CHARACTERS Also, NSFW warning) Ghost: I don’t miss. Y/N, on his ear piece: Never? Even with distractions? Ghost: *turns his scope* Not ever. *just about to take a shot* Y/N: Hmm…what if I went… Mm Simon~ Ghost: *misses* Y/N: Ya missed. Ghost: Cheeky bitch…
-- Gaz: Alright, so, since we’re now in America and we have some time to kill, I went and I got you something. Y/N: Aww Gaz, you really didn’t have to- Gaz: *puts down their Whataburger order* Y/N: OH MY GOD Price: Really? Gaz: *shrug* Soap: *snickering as Y/N Fucking demolishes some fries* Y/N, having the time of their life: Garrick you ever need your dick sucked, a dead body buried, a beer or whatever, you call me. I got’chu Gaz: BAHA- Soap: *wheeze* Ghost: Are you fucking crying? Y/N with their mouth full: I missed it so much.
-- (Team bonding exercises) Soap: You’re a football player, it’s in ya blood! Gaz: That’s racist. Soap: Your soul? Gaz: That’s racist! Soap: …your eyes? Gaz: That’s gay- Soap: That’s homophobic. Gaz: That’s black. Soap: That’s racist!! Gaz: Damn- (this one is extra funny since Gaz is now confirmed LGBT)
-- Gaz: You overrated little twink! Soap: Hey I am a TWUNK, alright?! That is a combination, twink, and HUNK, get it?? Hunk-
-- Soap: Hey~ Fem!Y/N: You’re Gay. Soap: …oh yeah. Soap: *looks at Ghost* Soap: Hey.~ Ghost: *sigh*
-- Soap: I’m gonna have to meet men lying down. Y/N: …I thought’cha did?? Soap: OI!
-- Soap: Everyone says what a giving person I am! Y/N: He’s talking about when you’re in an upright position.
-- Graves: What if there’s a connection? Y/N: I think there’s a connection between your brain and wallpaper paste.
-- Shepard: Now you’re always ornery, rude, unpleasant, and sometimes downright mean. That’s part of your charm. Y/N: Thank you, you colluding-county-hopping-idiotic-relic. Price: *pride*
-- Alex: Oh my god, how are you such a good driver? Soap: Because there’s illegal shit in here. Alex: Soap: Because if I don’t use my turn signal, we’re both gonna do fifteen. Because I am going to lie and say yours. Alex: ….. Soap: Put your seatbelt on, sweetheart. Alex: *clicks it in places* Soap: You are not safe!
-- (Sucking dick joke) Kidnapper: You’re gonna do as I say or I will make you regret ever being born. Y/N: Oh please, I’ve sucked dicks more intimidating than you. Soap: Oh this is why Simon was the way he was after we rescued you both last time.
-- Soap, shoving marshmallows in his mouth: This isn’t very ha-*chokes* MILF!Y/N, across the fucking base: ….*mom instinct* Price: ??? Ghost: Uh- Y/N: Something just happened. Kyle: PFFT-
-- MILF!Y/N: *letting Soap & Gaz lean on her while Price and Ghost stand close behind* Untrue. I’m a mother now. It’s really changed my perspective. Graves: And do you find it hard juggling life and a career? Y/N: You can juggle these nuts.
-- Soap: *rambling* Soap: Agh, sorry, I’m just goin’ on and on- Ghost: Oi, keep talking before I kick your ass. Soap: ….. Gaz: See? This is exactly what I m-where the fuck are these flower petals coming from?? ARE THOSE SPARKLES??
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valsarchives · 1 year
can you do a insta au w gracie abrams as the face claim! any story line u want 💓
a/n: hope you like it! someone asked me to make an insta au about these rumors and I mixed it with this i hope you don’t mind! i’ll make second part for this.
Face claim: Gracie Abrams
part two
my girl - t.c
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liked by iansomerhalder, emmaroberts, henrycavill and 10,593,105 others
rollingstone we are back with our favorite lady yourusername!!! we had an amazing conversation (some questions we asked might be what you wondered 👀) don’t forget to check it out! Link in bio.
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yourusername 🩶
*liked by rollingstone
ynmybaby MY GIRLLLL
username994 wowza ❤️‍🔥
yourfan385 my girl looks so fine!!!!!
ynsbabygirl can’t believe timothee prefered some plastic over this masterpiece
randomuser wait what?? They broke up?!?!
yourfan593 yeah they broke up 2 weeks ago and now he is rumored to be dating kylie jenner since january. If that’s true that means timothee cheated on her
timmytimmy he would never do that
ynsbabygirl well, he would never date kylie too right? but now entertainmenttonight says they’re officially dating 🤷🏼‍♀️
kissmeyn mommy 🥵
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ynlndaily I really didn’t want to believe he would do something like that but idk if I can defend him anymore.
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username560 I can’t believe it
timmyfan04 This is just a PR but they’re talking badly about timmy :(
username94729 well, he shouldn’t let that happen then
tchalmtfann I won’t believe this shit until there is a valid proof or some pictures of them together
randomuser noooooooo
ynsbabygirl idk if this is true but if it is that means Y/n made the right decision
timmytimmy pls tell me this is a joke
timmyfan3 Timmy nooo
yourfan0 he looks like her son💀
ynmybaby I just watched Rolling Stone interview. They asked about her relationship with Timmy and she said they ended it on good terms, she said “We didn’t break up for any dramatic reasons, we were so busy with our careers and we didn’t have time for each other and the relationship wasn’t going well because of that so we decided to end it. We still care for each other.”
username59275 istg these celebs always break up for being so busy for relationship. Give me the real reason!!
kissmeyn yes you’re right about that but Y/n always explained why did she break up with all of her exes, she never lied once so you don’t have any right to say that for her
username59275 yeah, you’re right i guess
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tchalametdaily Timothée spotted in New York, filming a commercial for Chanel directed by Martin Scorsese.
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timmytimmy OH MY GOD 🥵
tchalafann mom, your girl is in love with this man
calametfan5 🛐
timmytea WAIT WHAT
timotheefan15 I’m sending you the link!!
username594 ME TOO PLS
timotheefan15 sure!
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enews After a video by jessielyn_ on TikTok went viral, everyone talks about newly ended relationship these two shared. Since Timothée still follows her on Instagram (he only follows one person and that’s her) and likes some of her posts, the fans are still hopeful for them.
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liked by tchalamet, johnnydepp, kidcudi and 13,395,296 others
yourusername So ready for you Coachella!
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yourusername I’ll be waiting hon 💋
yourfan385 SO EXCITED
florencepugh go girl!!!!!
pauline.chalamet ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
kissmeyn i love you so much it hurts 😭
timmytimmy you look stunning!!!!
tchalafann I wonder if Timmy will be there, he said he will definitely come before they broke up :/
randomuser what if he shows up with kylie 🤯
timotheefan494 he literally said he wasn’t dating her
randomuser oh right!
zendaya THAT’S MY GIRL
hero_ft you’re the reason I’m attending Coachella this year
henrycavill same.
username5947294 HENRY IS ATTENDING COACHELLA?????????
random_username THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭
tomholland2013 Let’s gooo!!!!
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tchalamet’s story
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Could you do a batfam x batbro reader? Where reader is the 2nd youngest and they all accidentally forget his birthday, and they see him all teary eyed and they all feel really guilty and go to apologize to him except plot twist, batbro also forgot that it was his birthday and was teary eyed because he saw a really emotional scene in a video game he was playing and it made him tear up
Oh no... So much chaos... And short... AHHHHH.
Summary: (Y/N) and the family forget (Y/N)'s birthday.
Warnings: (Y/N) forgets his birthday, so do the others, recipe for disaster and chaos
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Today is a one special occasion for the Wayne family? Which one, I can hear you asking? Well, it's (Y/N)'s birthday today! It's a reason to be happy, right? Well, it seems that today, everyone has forgotten about (Y/N)'s birthday.
Even (Y/N) himself has forgotten about it. So everyone went on about their day, doing the things that they wanted. (Y/N) had plans to play God of War and finish up the game.
He absolutely loved the said game and Kratos kind of remined him of Bruce. Atreus kind of represented all of them and (Y/N) loved Atreus with everything in him.
This game was a gift for his last birthday and it was from Bruce too. After promising to Bruce that he would get good grades in school, Bruce hinted that he might buy the game for his son.
And what does (Y/N) do?
He studies and tries very hard in school and thankfully Bruce doesn't expect him to get straight As. He just wanted (Y/N) to do his best in school. That's something that he wants for all of his children. He doesn't want to kill any of them with with studying.
All of them are intelligent in their on their way in Bruce's eyes and he would nurture that. Which parent wouldn't, if they have the means of course.
(Y/N) was playing the game in his room, just enjoying the game. He was sad that the game was over, but hey, he didn't mind it. Be happy that it happened, right?
(Y/N) watched in silence, just crying softly at the ending. Oh he was going to buy himself Ragnarok, even if it was the last thing he has ever done. He needs to see Atreus and Kratos in another adventure. He put his controller down, crying at the end.
It touched him in the feels. Bruce and him have a similar type of relationship. There was, at first, some emotional reservations, but as the time has passed, the two have grown more closer. (Y/N) had to lay on the bed and hug his pillow to calm himself down.
As (Y/N) was crying upstairs, everyone was downstairs, just lazing around. It was silent, except from the TV where Jason was watching a TV show. It was all fine and dandy until Tim sat up out of nowhere, looking at his phone like he has seen a ghost.
" Tim? " Bruce prompted and the others looked at Tim. " What's wrong? "
" We forgot (Y/N)'s birthday! " Tim said, becoming paler and paler with every second that has passed. Oh no, oh no... Shit!
" No, it's not- " Jason stopped, looking at his phone. Oh no.
They have actually and ever so royally fucked up. Oh God.
" Oh no! " Dick said and Damian put his face into his hands. Bruce felt like shit. Oh God...
" Oh no. " Bruce said, rubbing his forehead.
" What are we going to do? " Jason asked, pushing his hair back.
" We are going to go upstairs, apologize with everything in us and then buy so many presents that it will look like Christmas. " Bruce announced, standing up from the couch.
" You are going to be first Bruce. " Jason said and Bruce just went upstairs, shaking his head.
" This is the reason why he didn't come down, he is too sad to come down. Angry at us too. " Dick said as they walked up to the door. Bruce couldn't disagree with that.
The question as to what was going to happen when they enter? (Y/N) could either explode at them or he could be too heartbroken to even talk to them. There was no in between with (Y/N).
Bruce opened the door and everyone has seen (Y/N) on the bed, crying.
" Oh (Y/N), we are so sorry. " Bruce has started, walking up to the bed and hugging his son tightly. " We didn't mean to forget. " Bruce said and (Y/N) stopped crying.
" What did you forget? " (Y/N) asked through the hiccups. What did they mean about that?
" We forgot your birthday and we are so sorry. " Dick jumped in and (Y/N) frowned, confused beyond belief.
" It's my birthday today? " (Y/N) asked, looking at his family members. What was the date today?
" Hang on. " Jason now, jumped in. " Hold up. Did you forgot your birthday? " Jason asked and (Y/N) nodded. Jason frowned and now Damian had to jump in.
" Then what are you crying about? " Damian asked, tilting his head. (Y/N) confuses him so much sometimes.
" I finished the God of War... And it hit me so hard in the feels. " (Y/N) said, breaking down into sobs once more. He buried his head into Bruce's chest and Bruce just rocked him back and forth.
The brothers looked at each in shock. Oh my God. He is the most human one in the family. No, Alfred is in the mix too. Alfred is also the most human member of the family.
" Would buying God of War Ragnarök be okay? " Jason asked, knowing that (Y/N) loves the game and Ragnarök came out a while ago. (Y/N)'s head perked up at the sound of it.
" Oh you are buying it. I don't care the fact that it's my birthday, if you don't buy it, I won't talk to any of you. " (Y/N) said, not caring that he was sounding like a spoiled brat.
Is it wrong to just want Atreus and Kratos to go through adventures? To get closer? And he wanted more of Brok. If something is to happen to him, he will die.
" Sure thing, how about we do that now? " Bruce proposed, making everyone a little confused. " We can buy it and then we can stop by to find you some cheesecakes. " Bruce said and everyone has agreed with the idea.
" Now, everyone get ready, you (Y/N) wash your face and we are going to meet in 20 minutes downstairs. " Bruce said and everyone shuffled out.
" Now, are you sure that game has bothered you? " Bruce pressed once they were alone. (Y/N) nodded, hugging his dad back.
" Yes B. I was sad about the ending, not about the birthday. " (Y/N) said, wiping the tears away. " Okay, I'm happy to hear it. Now get ready. "
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makethatelevenrings · 11 months
well since you've got me thinkin' of the bats again,
what do you think their Oh Shit moment would be? Like that single moment where they realise This Is It? Cuz I can't stop thinking about it. Like imagine just sitting in the living room with Jason on a lazy day and you turn and he's kinda just staring at you with this lovesick look and you ask whats up and he just shakes his head and looks away smiling like an idiot cuz ah shit, this is the life he wants.
Or or or you're out grocery shopping or smth with Bruce and it kinda hits him somewhere through the point of entering the store and picking up 5 different cereal boxes that he genuinely wants this forever and ever
and ahhhhh like this could go so angsty but also so sweet?
Ok ok I thought about this the entire drive home!!!!
Bruce - the two of you are visiting an orphanage that’s Wayne Enterprises is interested in funding (in reality, he’s investigating them for embezzling funds and child abuse). You came as Wayne’s dazzling arm piece to draw more press, but he knew you were much more than tabloid fodder. You couldn’t care less about listening to the director drone on and on about how much he was doing (read: not doing) and when a small hand tugs on the hem of your pants, you immediately kneel on the dirt stained floor and give the child your full, undivided attention. You nod along, ask questions, and make the child feel as though they’re special. You show them that someone cares. Bruce watches this with his heart pounding in his chest. He remembers a time when a young orphan was ignored by the world unless they were able to manipulate him and use him for their own agenda, to make themselves look good. He realizes with a jolt that you see him. You see the orphan boy in the alley, the broken man in the cape, and the actor in his suit. You see all of him and you give him your whole attention. Oh.
Dick - For you, it’s just an offhanded comment made as the two of you walk through the crowded streets of Bludhaven. “There’s a halal market on the next street. Can we stop and grab Damian some gulab jamun and namoura? He’s been stressing over his grades recently and I know it’s not much, but hopefully it’ll cheer him up.” A bolt of warmth strikes through his chest as he realizes that you’ve memorized Damian’s favorite desserts. You researched halal foods and the local markets. You checked in on Damian, listened to his frustrations, and read his tells better than anyone. He recalls how you’ve made these passing remarks about all of his siblings. How long have you taken care of them in this subtle, gentle way of yours? He laces his fingers with yours, lays a kiss to your temple, and lets you lead the way to the market.
Jason - The sun that slips through the linen curtains Alfred hung up one day bathes Jason in a delicate glow. He reclines on the couch, your head on his chest and legs tangled together, with a book in his hand. You’re half asleep but he whispers the words he reads regardless. How long has it been since he felt this relaxed? Your soft breaths release in little puffs that tickle the skin of his wrist, but he refuses to move. He doesn’t want to wake you up. He wants to lay in this position for the rest of his life. He wants to be with you for the rest of time, until the scythe of death comes calling for him once more, and he places himself between you and the Grim Reaper.
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acutecoral · 8 months
I think one of my favourite things with the Wilbur and Philza confrontation in the maze today is that...no one at any point said the eggs were missing to Wilbur at all before the event began
I could tell Philza tried though, like I noticed earlier he wanted to drop the news on Wil, but it's not easy to drop on anybody especially since Wilbur is clearly already overwhelmed and also just came back, there was hesitation in dropping it on him
And that's what makes Wilbur's accusations so good to me because it's not unfair! They're words said by someone who doesn't have context, who's ignorant and out of touch with the state of things with the residents of the island, who isn't familiar with the harm and hurt and sadness that hangs over the parents and families of the eggs ever since they were gone
But that's Wil's kid! That's his daughter! No one who can suitably fill him in can spare the time to actually tell him the extent of what happened! And whatever explanation they gave him wasn't actually good enough! Because!! Yeah!!! That was vague as hell and didn't answer his question to what people have done!! He was already in the dark about the context of the infiltration and had gotten frustrated from the maze, and now he was given that! How else was he supposed to react? No one was giving him a proper explanation!
And I just lovedddddd Phil's react here too! He's really been popping off with the rp lately!!! Let’s gooooo
Anyways, Phil understandably gets frustrated too! And the accusation and disbelief from Wilbur at the effort they've put to try to get their Kids back pokes at a sore wound that's been festering beneath the facade of calm and groundedness Phil tends to have. He's worried sick, he's always been worried sick and he and everyone else have been doing everything in their power to get their children back only to end up with people getting hurt or punished and whatever else. Of course he blows up! Of course he lashes out! It's unfair to call what they’re doing as uncaring! They care so much! They sacrificed so much for the safety and happiness of their Eggs.
Also the whole infiltration into the presentation also adds to Phil's stress because it's such a precious lead!!! He can't afford to stay back with Wilbur and explain things to him more carefully. He has to be there and figure things out with Cellbit and the rest of them! He has go!! Because it’s that promise of a glimpse of hope that could get them one step closer to understanding where their children went, and how to get them back!
Ahhhhh just!!! Muah!!! Good flipping rp here!! They played it so well 👏
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enihk-writes · 7 months
[hard to recall]
part of the [architect!reader] series can be read together with the other fics or as a standalone
pairing: pbss!chung myung x gn!they/them!reader
will be alternating povs from pbss!chung myung and mhdd!chung myung
summary: a hundred years and a few remnants later
word count: 5.50k
author's note: i got very demotivated towards the end but the og plot was supposed to be reader comes back from work to see mt hua in shambles and they tear down all the buildings they built just to secure funds and that's why the current sect looks so bare, and it's heartbreaking because reader is an architect and this was their life's hard work and cm knows that too and he realised there was virtually nothing left of that could remind him of them, like they put their soul into these structures and now it's gone type of thing,, and in the chaos of the aftermath when there was no one to lead the sect as the remaining elder they have to do it and everyone knows they tried their best and that they died miserable,, cm was supposed to find this out bit by bit through hyun jong and the other current elders... BUT like i said, i got suuuuuper demotivated towards the end because of writer's block so i scrapped the og idea... maybe i might come back to try writing it, but not in this story rn...
what does it mean to be loved?
what does it take to be loved?
power? fame? money? or was it a good heart?
they've always had a good head on their shoulders. some have said that it was a little too good. poised steady and head held high no matter the situation, had they been able to carry a sword like he, who knows what they could have accomplished?
but alas, they were not destined for such things.
the natural state of their qi clashed with the martial arts of mount hua. like water on fire, and it had left them weaker after each training session. they were lucky, having discovered this flaw early, or else they might have suffered more down the line.
talent is something you nurture to bloom.
he looks at them, eyebrows raised in questioning.
i'm going off to see what else i can do.
and just like that, they left. nothing much changed in his life. though, sometimes, he does feel as though it wasn't as noisy as it should have been. it's almost like there was a hard-to-ignore scratch on a perfectly polished marble.
the food tasted more bland now that they weren't watching over the cooks with an iron fist. the clothes didn't feel as crisp now, since the ones on duty these days didn't leave it out in the sun for as long as they used to. and dust was now left to collect in corners until it became too much to ignore, it wasn't like that when they were here — they would have gone down on their hands and knees to clean those annoying places obsessively.
he also might have missed that there was someone who talked to him like a peer, an actual peer, over most of the others who either talked to him like a child, their unreliable junior, someone to be feared and respected. it's nice to have someone your age to talk to, and he never really thought he needed that sort of companionship until they were gone.
well, he doesn't mind waiting. he was a pretty hard worker too, and wouldn't it be a little embarrassing for him if he had nothing to show for when they came back?
three years flew by so quickly, and he walks up to the front gates one unassuming day to find them reaching over to knock on the door.
he was a little shocked.
well, not shocked in the ah sense. but in the ahhhhh sense.
when they stood next to each other side-by-side, his mood went a little sour when he sees that they were still not much different in their height. he was hoping that he had grown more then they did.
welcome back.
mmh, i'm home~
he didn't ask about what they've been up to in the past three years while they were wandering across the country.
the elders seemed pleased when they all walked out of that long meeting, the elder in charge of the finance hall in particular looked a little happier than when he walked into the room.
huh. he would be lying if he said that this didn't make him wonder what happened to them in the past three years.
still, he kept his mouth shut, preferring to watch from the sidelines instead. grinning at them when they walked over in his direction, slinging an arm over their shoulders, annoying them like they hadn't ever left home.
dinnertime was noisy, the table where they sat was swarming with so many other disciples — all wanting to hear of their stories of the outside world. chung myung can't blame the others much, most of them weren't allowed to leave the sect grounds until they reached a certain age.
oh, him? he didn't get permission either, he just does it because he never cared about the rules. and it was this mindset that had all his seniors and other elders of the sect rubbing their temples in exasperation.
he watched from across the dining hall, chin propped in his hand, as the littlest ones tried to garner their attention by pawing at their thigh with small and chubby hands.
they laughed at the children's antics, carrying the youngest up from the ground, resting her on their lap as she was lulled to sleep against their chest. for a moment, they caught chung myung's gaze, looking at each other through the gaps between the crowd of people. they smile shyly at him, looking away when one of the older sect sisters asks them something.
chung myung's lips pull into a thin line, looking down at his half-empty plate of food awkwardly.
he wasn't sure why he wished for a moment that they were the only ones there in the dining hall then. maybe he wasn't used to having to share them with anyone, it was always just the two of them. with how chung myung was so quick to pick fights, nobody his age wanted to hang around him. only they had the patience to even try. and because of that, they slowly lost their friends — because if anybody wanted to be friends with chung myung, that person surely had something wrong with them.
he felt bad. knowing that he was the reason why nobody wanted to associate with them was a shitty feeling. he tried to chase them away in the beginning, never resorting to hurting them but he wasn't ever nice to them either.
go away!
that was always the way they greeted each other back then. he would hide from them in the tallest cupboards in the kitchen or in the trees or even the rooftops but they must have learnt something from his chung mun sa-hyung with how they still caught him each time effortlessly.
this is how it's supposed to be. seeing them surrounded by so many people, all looking at them in awe and wonder. this was how they should have lived all this time.
the usual appetite he had vanished. pushing the food away, chung myung gets up to leave, slipping away into the cold night and away from the action.
white puffs of air float upwards at each exhale, gravel crunched under his feet as he drags them to bring him back to his room. he doesn't make it far though — there was a pitter-patter of light footsteps coming his way. he sighs and chuckles to himself.
he would know that sound of footsteps anywhere.
looking over his shoulder, he sees that the toddler sleeping soundly in their arms. it was amazing, how they managed to carry the child running without waking her up from all that shaking. he wonders for a moment if...
chung myung-ah.
he tilts his head.
let's put her to bed. she must be tired from staying awake for so long, poor baby.
he listens to them coo softly over the little girl's nose scrunching up from the cold. chung myung curiously pokes at the mounds of fat stored on the child's cheeks, snickering when the kid frowns in their sleep, grunting in protest.
they gasp and slaps his hand away.
hey! don't do that!
they whisper-yell, cradling the fussing baby's head closer to their chest, shushing her cries. rocking their arms, hoping the child would go back to sleep, which she thankfully did.
chung myung only looks away from their accusatory gaze.
there used to be a nursery a little aways from the main dorms.
it wasn't there anymore. much like most of the buildings that used to stand here in mount hua back in its heyday.
it was just one of the many little things that had been torn down from trying to salvage sellable materials. that was nothing more than a product of time, and the actions taken by a sect struggling to feed the mouths living there.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
why would you do something this pointless?
chung myung couldn't understand them. he leans against the wall with his arms crossed, talking to them through their window, with him on the outside as they were drawing out lines on a parchment paper by candlelight.
hm... but i don't think it's pointless though?
they state simply, not once looking up from their work. feeling neglected, chung myung whines a little. they were finally back after a good few years and now that he wanted to spend time with them, they're too busy? please look at me. he wants to say, beg even.
you're awfully clingy these days.
he hears their breathy chuckle. and the corners of their eyes crinkle up, lips barely hiding that wide toothy smile he'd missed seeing. though, it looked less childish than he last remembered. that's right. they're both grown up now, they're both adults now.
he wishes that they could be kids forever.
mostly because kids don't think too hard or dwell too long on things that hurt their brains. and whatever new winds that have begun to sail on the ship since they've returned to mount hua, was bringing them to a different destination than he thought they'd end up. he wasn't going to gamble on the possibility that they might have taken notice of this subtle change like he did too. all these thoughts hurt his head.
he listens to the sounds of the calligraphy brush dragged across the paper, tingles travelling up to his brain. it was late, he should be back in bed... but...
chung myung yawns, not bothering to be polite around someone he's known his whole life. he hears them giggle again, but this time, they set their brush aside. leaning across the table, their fingers fiddled with something, soft clanks of wood bumped into each other for a moment before the window was finally thrown open.
come inside.
they call out to him with that same soft smile.
woah there! you shouldn't be inviting a man into your private quarters so easily like this! what if he misunderstands something... this is so intimate you know...
he gasps dramatically, even if this wasn't his first time in their room, this was his first time in their room as an adult. it was very much a significant thing to him.
they laugh again.
...you jest. we're friends, what's there to misunderstand?
ah. of course. they were only friends. nothing more, nothing less. what was there to get confused about?
he wordlessly climbs in through their window. taking off his boots before putting his foot down on their pristine floorboards. it's hard to forget about that time they scolded his ear off for dirtying the floor they had freshly cleaned.
you still remember to take your shoes off huh?
they mumble quietly.
you don't have to do that anymore though. i'm not as nit-picky as i used to be. i can always clean it up again.
he thinks they've certainly changed quite a bit.
his thoughts wander more, but his gaze never once leaving the drawings that came into being on the paper. thin and thick lines that formed into what he recognised as the entire scale layout of the current mount hua seen from above. he marvels at their small drawings of furniture in each of the miniature rooms.
he moves to stand behind them, eventually sitting on their bed after changing into the spare set of sleeping attire they've kept in their wardrobe just for him.
as the night wore on, he finally succumbs to his tired state, burrowing under the covers of their bed. he calls out to them to go to bed too, but it seems they've chosen to ignore him in favour of their work. he didn't have half the mind to try again — not when they had that look in their eye. it was almost like a possession, some innate obsession that they'd somehow unearthed within themselves in the three years they were gone.
he doesn't remember them ever being like that. if anything, they were the most laid-back person he's ever known. with no particular ambition, no wants beyond what they needed... not much plans for their future. he didn't know what happened to them before they decided to leave, he still hasn't asked them about what happened in the time they were away. they've changed, and deep down he feels a little bitter for getting left behind, falling asleep with those thoughts running in his mind.
the next time he woke up, it was the beginning of daybreak. the room was still dark even with the sky slowly turning into a pale violet. he felt the covers lift and they climbed into bed as quietly as they could, not realising chung myung was very much awake.
they gasp, startled by the red of his irises staring right at them from under the blanket's dark shadows.
you scared me...
they mumble and whine tiredly, falling into his chest, his outstretched arms circling their waist, pulling them closer.
his lips ghost on the crown of their head, a hand hesitates to cradle the back of their neck. what if that was too much? sure, they've huddled together under the covers on cold mornings like this countless times before... but they were younger then. now, things have changed. but maybe it's more him than they, or it was both.
he could think about that later. right now, he feels so warm and relaxed he feels himself drifting back to sleep again.
that day when he had dug into the ground to find the secret vault for the ledgers, he just barely missed the pile of scrolls sitting on the bottom of the bookcase.
he got curious, opened them and saw a set of familiar drawings.
the lines were faded from a vibrant black to a faint grey and the parchment had also turned a little yellow on the edges. his fingers traced over the writing at the corner of the paper. it was a signature of that person's name. he tries and fails to remember the way their hands held onto that brush they'd often used.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
recently, the elders have been discussing about what to do with some of the main halls.
you see, they've neglected the management of the buildings in favour of setting aside the budget for other matters like investing in expanding the local businesses or other miscellaneous affairs. they'd figured there wasn't really a need to keep up with building maintenance, not when these halls have been standing well and good for the past few centuries.
though the main issue now was that there was a wee bit of a nothing-too-serious case of termite infestation going on in the wooden frames on a select few of the said buildings. ugh, more work everyone around.
oh! but it's not for chung myung though!
he remained blissfully unaware about the current plight of a certain person until he comes across them slumped against the outer walls of the back gates, head in their hands.
there was a slight hesitation in his voice.
they look up to meet his worried gaze with a confused, sheepish smile. loud growling of their stomach interrupting the moment.
he feels his irritation grow. seriously! they were old enough to take care of their own needs! no sane person would choose to ignore those needs to keep on working!
nausea hits them hard when chung myung pulls them to their feet, the world around them spins as their knees grow weak and buckle. thank god for his reflexes, catching them before they fall to the ground — but now what?
he does what chung myung does best.
throwing the poor and sick, now his supposed patient, over his shoulder like a sack of rice.
they don't even bother fighting back instead, they fade in and out of the intense feeling of wanting to throw up on chung myung or passing out — wondering to themselves if this guy was genuinely trying to put them to an early grave.
put me down...
nuh-uh. you need to eat.
they groan in exasperation.
and they passed out soon after.
in the days following that fainting scare, everyone agrees to take a step back. probably feeling guilty that they were driving one of their own like a workhorse. but that isn't enough to stop someone who's a known workaholic. chung myung doesn't remember them being like this before.
though a friend was a friend, and he shoves down the ugly feeling slowly brewing in the pit of his gut to take care of them. he was dependable when he wanted to be. just don't expect it to happen every time.
he knew the corners of the sect they liked to be, and in each of those corners, he'd put down his clumsily made step-stools — uneven and shaky, made from scrap pieces of branches and logs he found. it wasn't the best workmanship in the world, though they were delighted that he did this for them nonetheless.
not long after, there was a second, more polished and well-made stool that stood next to each and every one of those misshapen ones. and in the duo's later years, a third one was added to the lineup.
it was a common sight for the younger disciples to see two of their elders and another guy hunched over, roasting water chestnuts by the back gate like a bunch of delinquents until sect leader chung mun would drag their two elders by the collar as the third person trailed behind sheepishly.
the back gates once made out of brick and stone had been torn down with only a low fragmented outline left behind. chung myung walks around that area until he stumbles on a mound of dirt by a wall still standing.
curiously, he kicks off the top layers of soil, revealing a splintered and rotting piece of wood. the more he unearths, the more the mound begins to take the shape of three step-stools.
his mouth waters at the smell of roasted chestnuts wafting from the kitchen. he hasn't had that in a while.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
loud banging noises from dawn till midday were the norm this past week.
almost everyone bit their tongues from complaining. it was a necessary process, after all. even the elders held back from commenting on the ruckus. of course they did, this whole mess was their fault! who asked them to neglect building maintenance!
they were perched on a bamboo scaffolding, mumbling curses under their breath. straining to pull out rotted wood, trying not to squirm at the disgusting look of wet mold. cleaning out the gaping holes and filling them out one by one was a cheapskate way really — but what the elders ask for, they had to deliver. no matter how tiresome the job was, they have to prove themselves.
somewhere in the back of their mind, a voice was always condemning them. telling them over and over on repeat how useless they were, not being able to pick up on the basic skill of using a sword in a martial arts sect. the odd one out, the nail that stuck out, the stubborn thorn that got on the soles of one's foot. all descriptors that applied to them. their master, a man whose name they didn't want to speak of, was a cruel one. they always felt like a freeloader, taking and taking like a parasite, his words, what use did they have other than being another mouth the sect had to feed?
just as the rest of the world faded into a blur, a familiar voice cuts through the fog of their spiralling thoughts.
he calls out to them, face red from a combination of alcohol, running away from the seniors and the heat of summer. he clamours up the scaffolding with a small basket and a bottle of wine, trying to hide himself from view.
you aren't expecting me to hide you from our seniors... are you?
chung myung laughs nervously.
i'm not going to lie to someone to cover your ass.
urgh... you sound like those shaolin monks talking about the five virtues of righteousness...
they were about to snap back when a flurry of footsteps came their way — chung myung retreats further into the shadows, stilling from making any more noise. they glance over at him, before turning over to continue with their work.
a few of the junior brothers stop at the foot of the scaffolding, panting a little. the boys look up to their senior, nudging amongst themselves to ask the whereabouts of their other runaway senior.
uh, senior... have you seen...
the timid voice of the junior was interrupted by the loud banging of the hammer against the wood. and every time there seemed to be an opening, the banging quickly resumed again.
the boys decided to just give up and report to the elders that they'd lost track of their runaway senior. grumbling amongst themselves about how they've wasted their time.
chung myung remained in his spot, only coming out when the coast was completely clear. all while they were still hard at work, pulling out the wood, and filling out the holes.
he reached into the basket, plucking out a kumquat from the bunch. he blows the dust off it and wipes it clean before nudging the fruit to the other's lips.
open your mouth... ahhh...
the kumquats were just as sweet and tart as expected. they chew on it thoughtfully, gathering the seeds under their tongue to spit it out. chung myung's hand moves to hover under their chin, and they raise an eyebrow in question.
you can spit the seeds on my hand.
ew. that's so disgusting. what are you? a pervert?
the man looks at them indignantly. urgh, they were so rude! it's even worse than when they first left mount hua! to have believed life outside shaanxi would have changed this block-head potty-mouthed person was a pipe dream after all!
you... you're cussing me out, aren't you?
chung myung shakes his head quickly, knowing they weren't above tattling to their elders if he pissed them off. he's known this first-hand since childhood, and it doesn't seem like things were going to change in adulthood either.
you can buy my silence with some of those mooncakes you have or with the mandarin oranges in the basket.
he sucks in a breath. they were asking for his favourite mooncakes... they were so cruel... evil, evil bastard! what friend? this was clearly the devil in disguise, maybe he should have brought talismans to test that theory...
he grumbles in defeat, getting to work by diligently peeling the skin off the mandarin oranges, splitting the fruit into its little segments, and feeding it to them piece by piece with slices of mooncake in-between each fruit to cleanse their palate.
mmh... our chung myungie can be such a good boy too eh~
shut up!
they cackle and drown out his insults with the loud banging.
the sect had been gifted a few carts of mandrin oranges by the merchant guild. chun myung had taken a few to snack on in his free time, and as he peels the skin off the fruit, he thinks about how nice it'd be to have someone to share these little slices with.
he bites on a piece.
it was sweet, but not like he remembered. and there was also a bitter aftertaste that left him feeling emptier than before.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
war was such a devastating thing.
beyond the obvious loss of lives, there was also the grief gained from seeing someone who is still alive and kicking lose all that made them... them.
chung myung hasn't been himself in a long, long time. he barely remembers through the haze of liquor-induced stupor the type of person he used to be before this endless bloodshed. he smiled less, got agitated more often, and even for someone who had always seemed to attract wayward troublemakers this was all too much. he wonders what went wrong, did that person also notice something was wrong with him?
no. that person surely noticed. they were an architect for god's sake — being observant was part of their job description. he wanted to ask them why they hadn't been so hard on him like everyone else. the tension hanging in the air had made the sa-hyungs lash out at him, he somehow became the scapegoat that took on the blame for the smallest errors. not that he minded, he understood they didn't mean it, but it doesn't make it any less hurtful.
he looks up, eyes clouded over and dazed. a vaguely familiar figure makes their way towards him, talking with someone, presumably the tavern owner, in hushed voices before a hand caresses his head gently. chung myung leaned into the touch, it was as comforting as it always was. he hasn't been seeing them as often as he'd like these days... he frowns at the realisation.
myung-ah. let's go home.
he groans as he feels them lean him against their shoulder. he's been told he smells like plum blossoms, most of the other swordsmen that practised the plum blossom divine arts did too — but they didn't, and he becomes curious about what they smell like. nuzzling his nose into the side of their head, he catches a whiff of what could only be described as laundry left under the sun.
this person... how was it possible for someone to be this comforting in every aspect of their being? it doesn't make sense, they were human were they not? how was someone able to have such a clear mind at all times? even chung mun sa-hyung slipped up once in a while, losing his patience, just like he did earlier today when he chastised chung myung for not taking things as seriously as he should have been.
do you... do you also think i haven't been doing my best?
he mumbles under his breath, voice strained and cracking just a little. he felt his stomach drop, out of nervousness or dread, he wasn't sure. maybe it was even both.
the two stop walking. they were at the foot of the steps leading up to the front gates. he looks at them, afraid to hear what their answer would be. he tries to laugh off his question, peeling himself off them and was just starting to go up the steps when he feels their hand grip at the back of his uniform.
they pull him back towards them and hesitantly pushed him to sit. chung myung watched the expressions on their face morph through the gaps of his hair hanging over his eyes. he was the most terrified he had ever been in his life — ever since he'd come to terms with the fact that he saw the person standing before him as someone more than a family or a friend, any prospect of them thinking of him in a negative light was enough to have him running with his tail between his legs.
he dare not say he was in love with them. not when he held so much unresolved resentment towards them for leaving him behind. he wished, still to this day that they hadn't gone off to find what they were good at. they should have stayed within the walls of the sect, they should have stayed here with him, where they would have never bloomed their talents and made everyone want to take them away from him. they could have been all his if they stayed, and he could have held them as close as he wanted, envelop them with his whole being. his love, all his, his, his.
chung myung-ah.
he tried not to make a face.
our chung myung works hard in his own way. i don't know about the others, but i do. i know you have your own ways of working hard.
they brushed his hair back, tucking some strands behind his ear. he hated it. he hated how it made him melt under their fingertips, hated how even after all these years he didn't have the courage to admit to something this simple.
they didn't know all of him. if they did would they still touch him this tenderly?
his hands find their waist, and then their hips. musing at the way their pupils dilated and shook, he tugged them towards him. they stumble over their feet, falling into his chest. there was a stupid grin plastered all over his face as the other tried to get up from the embarrassing position. his arms circle around them, pulling them in once more, setting them on his lap.
...you're drunk. you know that right?
they push away his face that had been inching closer. he holds their hand covering his mouth, pressing his lips against the inside of their palm — kissing it once, twice, a few more times until he felt satisfied, before moving their hand to rest on his cheek. he rubs his sand-papery jaw against their smooth palm, the tip of his nose tracing their wrist, thumb pulling down the long black bracer so his lips could reach the thumping vein lying under the thin layer of skin.
their breath hitches as his teeth grazes over their wrist, he ponders for a moment before biting down on the flesh. hard enough that they wince, whimpering softly, but not enough to draw up blood. they feel the back of their ears grow heated, not really wanting to find out whether it was from embarrassment or arousal. hitting at his shoulder with their free hand, they chide him for doing something so indecent out in the open, where anyone could see.
do you hate it?
that's not the point!
but... you don't hate this... right?
they turn away from his prying gaze. he wasn't wrong, they didn't hate that he was doing this. it's just... what if...
chung myung clicks his tongue. with a snap of his fingers, the alcohol in his system leaves completely in a translucent haze. he scoffs at the way their nose crinkled in disgust from the overpowering smell. he cradles their face into his chest, saving them from their little predicament. now sober, he agrees that he had been a little too carried away, so he digs his heels to the ground and kicks off into the air — still carrying them in his arms, jumping on rooftops until he reached the front of his private residence.
he refused to let them down even as he walked inside, despite their balled fist thumping on his shoulder. using that same scolding tone, still said in a soft voice, not once raising it in annoyance or anger.
with wide strides and feet falling heavily on the wooden floorboards, he locks every door and window in the residence — just in case someone becomes too nosy. tense body only relaxing in an exhale when they were both in the privacy of his bedroom. setting them down on the soft covers, he kneels at their feet, resting his chin lightly on the plush of their thigh, mumbling about how sorry he was for the roughness earlier.
it's okay.
their hands work their way through his hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp, cupping his cheek and turning his face up towards them.
chung myung was a beautiful man.
he knows it, but their look of quiet admiration made the blood rush to his face. he wasn't used to seeing someone look at him so lovingly, not when men and women would throw themselves on him from the lust they felt, not when most people closest to him always had a furrow on their brow from the antics he pulled. this was so new to him, he didn't dare move, lest it broke this tender moment.
have they ever looked at anyone like this?
probably not, he thinks, closing his eyes to savour the smooth pad of their thumb drawing circles on his cheek. smile tugging up the side corner of his mouth as the scent of the sun grows a little closer, their lips brushing over the hard lines on his face, his sun-kissed skin.
he doesn't have a lot of joys in this second life.
though there was one that everyone around him seemed to have picked up on. it was strange that someone as seemingly money-hungry as he was found content in the simplest things — his bedding washed in plum-blossom-scented soap, freshly dried to a crisp under the blazing sun.
what the others don't see was how behind the closed doors of his sleeping quarters he would hold onto the sheets so tightly in his grip his knuckles turned white. burrowing his face into the fabric, he breathed in deeply, trying to recall the face of his sun.
a hazy figure, a blurry visage.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
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merakiui · 2 months
MERA Your brain is magnificent
Just finished reading Angels in Tibet 😵‍💫 its so good and honestly one of my favorite fics of yours! .... Sugar daddy Azul is just so perfect, he would never spend his money on frivolous things. Its all investments and the money he spends on his love is just the way to secure the future he has in mind.
I have to ask how they met! God i need to know what made Azul 's head turn!!!! I need to know what the tweels think, AHHHHH I have so many questions!!!!!!!!!!
(つ≧▽≦)つ omg omg thank you!!!!!! I'm flattered it's good enough to become one of your favorites!! <3 hehe yes!!! Sugar daddy Azul is very smart with his money! Every purchase is intentional, and as you noted it's all an investment in what will be a wonderful future with his beloved. He is spoiling you while also thinking about what lies ahead!!!
As for how they met, I imagine it was on a sugaring site!!! :D Azul's really picky when it comes to these things and I think he'd have high standards for his ideal sugar baby (after all, as much as he wants a genuine connection to break his cycle of loneliness, he doesn't want to get into something that will risk losing money. He looks at it from a business viewpoint, as expected of our intelligent businesstako!). But the two of you match and agree to meet up, and ohhhh you're just the cutest thing! He's captivated with how awkwardly sweet you are. Calling him "sir" and being so polite, nervously fidgeting and saying "thank you" profusely when he covers the lunch bill..... insisting that you can't just let him pay for your portion, too, but he laughs and assures you it's fine. This is nothing (it's really nothing; he has lots of money). And you promise him you'll pay for the next meal! Oh, you're just so endearing!
You probably go on a few more trial dates before the both of you realize it's going to work, and from there you establish necessary rules and boundaries. Azul probably fell for your kindness and authenticity and all of the other charming bits in between. Also,, the sex is good. That's a lovely bonus. Pleasant emotional connections in and out of the bedroom!!!! >w<
And the tweels......... ojiisan eels,,,,,,, ITALIAN OJIISAN EELS!!!!!! I think they still tease Azul. >:D that time he got you a celebratory bouquet of flowers when you scored a job interview and you were so excited....... oh, they clowned on him HARD lol. Poking fun about how he's old-fashioned, about how he's like a schoolboy with his first crush..... and Azul just scoffs and rolls his eyes at them. But then the tweels completely understand why he is the way he is. You're just so adorable. They have a soft spot for you, too! Floyd told you that if anyone gives you any trouble, be it at school or work, you let him know and he'll handle it. You think he's joking, but the twins have lots of connections (some more dangerous than others). ;;;
Omg and maybe Azul takes you on a trip to his hometown (for the sake of the fic's setting we'll pretend it's like our world instead of twst world,,,, so Italy hehe). orz romantic sunset dinners, holding hands as you stroll barefoot by the shore, afternoon picnics, getting drinks in the evening, café dates in the morning......... maybe even visiting his mother's restaurant even though Azul just knows she's going to be all over you and him, asking when the wedding is, treating the both of you to your own private space for dinner, offering a complimentary lover's dessert. And you get to see the normally suave Azul being flustered AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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splitster · 7 months
answering ASKSSSSS
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featuring: headcanons, mspaint yonny, and more
check it out! ↓↓
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UHH the timeline is already hard enough to follow for 4 it's a little messy... I imagine for the pom wraith AU, it's mostly the events of pikmin 4 with some extra bits tacked onto it (like Olimar encountering the plasm at some point on his lonesome).
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WAHHH THANK YOU... heres some secret mod lore, yonny is the HARDEST motherfucker to draw for me. he was ever since i started drawing the rescue corps and he still is!!!!!!!!!!!! his stupid face is so HARD GRRUUAUUGGHH
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THANK YOU!!! i have a few bernard drawings/doodles in the pipeline to post eventually
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(ive done a few ask masterposts at this point so forgive me if i already answered this one) AHHHHH i mean pom DOES really like Olimar. he challenges her skills out on the field when she's trying to track him down as a leafling which she finds engaging, and she finds him quite charming from the logs she reads. after he's cured, he's nothing but kind and supportive.
i don't think she'd try to take off with him like the plasm, but she'd feel protective over him if something were to threaten him
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WAUUGGHH THANK YOU!!!! putting my favorite fictional characters into an enclosure and watching them
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THANK YOU!!! you get it, he's so wet and pathetic
YEAH i have more bernard incoming!!! he's so genuinely supportive and it kinda freaks pom out because she can't tell if he has ulterior motivations or not (he doesn't. he's just a really cool dude. they'll become besties💖)
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i'll perform the summoning ritual for you anon
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there he is. what a jolly fellow
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THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION... i had to consult with my friends for a lengthy food discussion (big hearts to @cosmicocoffee who helped me with like literally all of them)
for Pom, she's a wraith, so she just likes interesting and strong tastes. she's very partial to sweet things, and she LOVES chocolate (because that's one of the first sweets she ever tasted). although, she also like really spicy things because it's a neat feeling. as for least favorite, uh... i mean, the girl will literally eat soap for fun. it's very rare for her to have a food item she despises. they DO exist though, she fucking hates raisins
Dingo likes MANLY food, like MEAT and RIBS. well, he mostly likes being seen eating it. he does have a fondness for sweet things and smoothies. the town he grew up in could get pretty cold, so he grew up eating quite a lot of hot meals like caldo de res (he's especially fond of soups made the way his mama used to make them). he also picks up a fondness for hot tea from growing up with yonny, but he always puts extra honey in his cups. dingo HATES some foods though, especially sushi. the last time he tried to impress people by eating sushi, Dingo was hunched over outside the restaurant with Yonny rubbing his back...
shepherd! likes coffee. @soupvnova said she'd go to starbucks (spacebucks?) often to get the pup cup for oatchi which is very good. she has the healthiest diet out of all of them with routine exercise, protein shakes, lots of fruits and shit. she does have a weakness and a bit of a sweet tooth though, especially for cake. it hardly puts a dent in her diet though given her metabolism, she's a very built captain. she's not a fan of steamed vegetables... too squishy for her.
while talking about shepherd it is imperative to share that Oatchi will eat ANYTHING. if something hits the ground it is in his mouth immediately, shepherd has had to wrestle him to get space dog-unsafe food outta there before. although she will also constantly sneak him stuff from the dinner table
collin's fun because he enjoys eating healthy, he's a fan of fresh spring salads and stuff like pineapples and watermelon, but he also has to live off of a lot of processed/vending machine food because the man pulls all nighters frequently. he's also prone to stress eating... you can find him demolishing a watermelon and he's just. covered with seeds. he likes crunchy foods and seeds-- he's very hamstercore. he comes to Despise instant noodles because of how often he has to rely on them for food in the dead of night
fucking uhhh yonny, he likes foods that pair well with reading, he has pretty "mature" tastes and enjoys tea, maybe a glass of wine if he's feeling it. he often gets tunnel vision with his work and will neglect to eat, and as their doctor he'll have to set reminders on his phone to go have a meal so he doesn't fall ill. i can imagine he's not too into sugary things...
we already know bernard has some very expensive tastes, but he might just struggle with some textures or tastes in food. like, he enjoys pizza, this man is just a very picky eater... i can see him having tastes all over the board though. also he's protective over his stuff, he cared more about dingo eating his pizza than abandoning him
russ. uh... russ. yeah
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olimar and louie are not part of the rescue corps, but i could see olimar joining (and louie following) sometime after the events of 4! he'd get a much better benefits package... he'd be good at providing logistical support for rangers out on the field, although his achy back would probably keep him off the field himself
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AHH THANK YOU!! i have written some things but i don't have anything published -- to be honest, i'm not much of a fic writer. most of my writing is mostly just me talking through ideas/stories/cool character moments with friends, which is not a very shareable format unfortunately💔
i will say, talking about ideas with buddies gives me a shit load of ideas/motivation for drawing, and a lot of the stuff i've posted probably had that as an origin
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THANK YOU!! and yeah of course that's fine! every artist is a collection of inspirations, and i'm no exception. my style comes from studying what i like in art and media (made by other people). i'm honored you find me as an inspiration💖
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AUGH AUGH THANK YOU!!! i appreciate the anatomically correct hearts 💖💖
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YEAHH i have designs that i've been meaning to flesh out but i'm lazy... i've been sitting on a dingo and yonny wraith design for like a month now, i should just bite the bullet and post them as-is if i ever want to share them... oh well! it's all for fun, i'm not gonna stress about it looking good
thank you for reading this far!! and thank you all for the asks, i will continue to slowly get through them...
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aealzx · 9 months
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“There, you’re all taken care of little one,” Leatherhead’s announcement came with him unhooking the small curtain that had been hiding Lil Mikey’s arm from them.
“Heeyyy, you did it. Good job,” Raphael complimented, breaking off their conversation and getting up from the stool he was sitting on.
“Oh…,” Lil Mikey blinked, having lost track of time and not realizing Leatherhead might be done soon. It really hadn’t been that bad. He knew Leatherhead was doing something with his arm, but just like they had promised he hadn’t felt any pain after the few needle pricks. And when he lifted his head to look the other direction he saw only thick, soft white bandaging neatly wound around his upper arm and shoulder. As Raphael and Leatherhead undid the two medical restraints on him, Lil Mikey tried to push himself up, but only managed to jerk his arm awkwardly. “Ahhhhh I can’t move properly-” he wheezed, not sure if he wanted to laugh or give in to his growing anxiety.
Raphael made the choice for him, giving a soft chuckle. “Yeah, it’ll be numb for a few hours still. We’ll get you a sling. C’mere,” he explained, letting Leatherhead take care of locating a sling small enough while he helped Lil Mikey sit up. His mirth faded significantly when Lil Mikey was upright, and Raphael gently lifted the numb arm to relocate it to rest on Lil Mikey’s own lap. Leatherhead had taken off the black sleeve, and now Raphael’s thumb brushed lightly over the cracked network of scars running up the limb. “...These are some pretty nasty scars you and your brother have…”
Shifting to get comfortable while he waited, Lil Mikey was mildly surprised when Raphael brought attention to the scarring both of the teens had. “Hm?.... Yeah, I guess,” he shrugged, and Raphael could instantly tell he was trying to make light of it.
“...Is it too much to ask how you got them?” Raphael’s question left him before he could fully consider if he should ask it or not. He’d already learned that none of these other dimension brothers had been part of Battle Nexus fights, so he wasn’t sure where they could have gotten something so serious. All Lil Mikey had talked about so far were the Hidden City adventures they had had, which honestly hadn’t sounded all that dangerous to Raphael.
Lil Mikey looked to the ground in silent consideration, mentally questioning how much detail he wanted to give, if any at all. Eventually he looked up again with a tiny smile. “The one’s on Donnie’s back, yeah?” he asked, absently rubbing his hand up and down his arm. When Raphael nodded, Lil Mikey sighed slightly. “It was Shredder. This mystic demon possessed armor with a bad attitude. He clawed through Donnie’s battle shell, and Leo wasn’t around to treat it, and we still had to keep fighting. So even though Raph and April and I got it to stop bleeding, it ended up getting super infected,” he explained sullenly, still having residual remorse over it. “He says it doesn’t really bother him anymore. They’re a couple years old. But sometimes he can get sore, and hogs the heat pads with Leo.”
Even though the full explanation was appreciated, the first three words of what had caused Donnie’s scars was enough for Raphael to understand. That was right. They had dealt with Shredder when they were teenagers too. And he had been brutal, almost killing them a few times. “...So you had to deal with the Shredder too? Is he still around?”
“Oh? You have a Shredder here too? That’s funny,” Lil Mikey forced a chuckle, and started kicking his legs to ward off the discomfort, mildly distracted as well by Leatherhead bringing the sling over to help him into. “Ours isn’t around anymore, thankfully. Gram gram helped us take care of him-”
The conversation halted when one of the cautionary notification alarms echoed through the lair, a yellow light flickering on after the sound. Yet where Raphael expected an announcement to be made for what had triggered their alarm, the protocol abruptly shut off before doing so, returning the lair to the usual quiet state. Furrowing his brows, Raphael wondered if it was a false alarm, but didn’t comment yet since a glance at Don showed a similar reaction of confusion.
“...What was that?” Lil Mikey asked nervously, form slightly drawn in.
“A general notification for something we should be cautious about,” Raphael answered easily. “Usually it’s for if someone has gotten close to the lair, but not within the critical area around it. Or if one of our utilities is malfunctioning. Or someone almost discovered our network. That kind of stuff. Just things that aren’t urgent, but that we should still know about. Normally we get an explanation for why it triggered though-”
He cut off as the same alarm rang once more, repeating the same sequence of starting, but cutting off before making any announcement. This time Don was up and moving. “Let me check the systems. I wonder if the dimensional warps corrupted some of our data, or otherwise damaged our security.”
As Raphael watched Don leave he noted Leo returning to the infirmary with Splinter following along with him, hand resting in Leo’s elbow as usual. But he was more concerned about their security system than anything else, so looked back to Lil Mikey. “I’m going to go with Don. Is it okay if you stay with Leo and Master Splinter?” It was probably nothing, just a bug like Don mentioned. But he had a bad feeling gnawing at his gut that he didn’t want to ignore.
“Oh-.... Oh…. Yeah… Okay,” Lil Mikey voiced, blinking in surprise before realizing he shouldn’t be. Of course there would be another Splinter here. Just like there was one of each of his brothers, April, Casey… Why wouldn’t his dad also have another version of him there?
Giving Lil Mikey a pat on the head, Raphael stood and hurried to catch up with Don.
An hour into his search and Leon was smothering down the urge to frantically call out to his brothers vocally. He was in the area that the tracker said his brothers were, but having the wrong map made it unexpectedly difficult to figure out exactly where they were. For one thing it seemed the elevation for this New York was slightly different, for it was placing Leo as being several hundred meters above ground level despite him being on the street level. So having Donnie and Lil Mikey’s icons being below his own wasn’t helping. His search was supplemented by his portals, but he’d already startled quite a few people by popping into their home unexpectedly. Apartments, rooftops, alleyways, small shops, Leon was scouring them all within a nine kilometer radius around the location his tracker was telling him his brothers were, just in case the horizontal coordinates were slightly off as well. They had stopped moving, but he hadn’t seen anything out of the apparent ordinary in this city. Yet it was also hard to properly search while staying out of sight.
Moments away from yelling at the next human he saw to just go to bed so he could openly search the area, Leo froze as he realized there was an entire section he was missing. He’d been looking everywhere above ground, even popping into the sky in a few places just in case they were somewhere floating or something. 
But he hadn’t looked below ground yet.
With renewed motivation, Leon darted to the nearest manhole, teleporting inside and catching the ladder rungs. It had been a while since his own family had lived in the sewers instead of the subway, but it could have been a liable place to hide if needed. He wasn’t going to drop his guard just yet though. Remaining in the shadows and not staying in the same place for more than a few seconds, Leon flitted through the winding tunnels at a blinding pace, looking for anything that was different from what was this dimension’s usual. For the first part of his current search Leon only found what he would expect from the sewers of a large city. Filthy water, small rats, trash, rain debris, and loads of pipes. But about a kilometer from returning to the point where his location would overlap with Donnie’s and Lil Mikey’s his eye caught sight of something out of place.
Ducking quickly into the deeper shadows with a slight gasp, Leon took a moment to analyze what had caught his sight. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed it, but he was more than used to looking out for hidden cameras in the sewers. Donnie had many of them, and all of the siblings periodically helped him maintain them. And there was definitely one there, barely looking the other way from where he was.
Someone was down here.
Pressing his lips together, Leon tried to ignore the anticipation rising as he continued his course, heading towards his brother’s location once more, but randomizing his path. If they had cameras, who knew what else they had. So instead of taking a direct path he kept teleporting to an adjacent one, zigzagging his course in an apparently haphazard course around the end goal.
And eventually he reached a room that was obviously inhabited.
A bed in one corner, posters of wrestling on the walls, weights, armor, books. It looked like someone’s bedroom. Leon may have been curious any other time, but all he cared about now was that his brothers weren’t there. He knew he was close though. The facts he knew as well as the feeling of Donnie being nearby. So he moved to the next room. And then the next. And the next. Sticking to the shadows and rafters, remaining out of sight. This place was huge, but by the fourth change of location Leon had found someone, causing him to freeze where he was in the ceiling pipes for a moment to stare. Below him was another humanoid turtle, but he didn’t recognize anything about them. They were big. Not as big as Raph, but still bigger than the rest of them. Their shell and skin were also barren of any patterns, other than what was probably scars. And yet they still had an orange bandana tied over their head and eyes.
For a brief moment Leon wondered if the tracker he had was locating some other turtle beings that weren't actually his brothers. Tracking some other, dimensionally distorted version of them. But then he remembered the tracker wasn’t based on DNA, but a connection to an actual piece of technology each of them had implanted in them. Seeing this other turtle being felt like someone was pulling a trick, which only added to Leon’s scrambled, stressed emotions. He was not going to let this lead be a dead end. He needed to find his brothers and bring them back to everyone else. He didn’t think he could handle them not being here.
And then the other turtle looked up, and deep blue eyes locked onto his own.
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hhhhhhh this one ended up really long, but I didn't want to split it up 'cause I wanted to get to Leon again, but still wanted to include that first part |DDD
also side note since I realized I've brought it up once again in this, and there was a comment about it in the last one: Donnie being prone to infections is a headcanon I got after reading an article about softshell turtle care that mentioned they had to be kept in a super clean environment because injuries and infections were common for them. And that just made sense to me with how protective the bros are of Donnie.
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indieyuugure · 9 months
@indieyuugure, please don’t feel bad about your speed with drawing. We all are super excited to see anything you make no matter what amount of time has gone by. And as an artist myself, I understand that you shouldn’t rush just cause there’s a high demand for your work. :) Take your time, do it right, and take as many breaks as you need. :) Your comic and updates always make me SO EXCITED and I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT, but don’t stress about getting out your comics faster than you would like. :) Your mental and physical health mean far more than getting out a comic to your fans quickly. :) Hope this encourages you, Indie!! You’re doing amazing!
also, quick question. :) For the Mutation Situation, do you have any sneak peaks of how the turtles become human in the first place?
~ one of your many fans, Melissa
Aw, thank you so much, Melissa!💕💕🥰 It means a lot to hear that, you’re very sweet🥹 and so I’m glad that you and so many other people love my work! Your guy’s love and support really makes my day and drives me to do amazing things! I’m really happy that I can make something worthy of your praise!💕
As for your question, sure!
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After fighting the Kraang one night, the Turtles get ambushed by the Foot. After some battling, they end up getting injected with, what was supposed to be tranquilizers but is actually Baxter Stockman’s experimental Chemical X.
It doesn’t effect the, immediately, so to the Foot, it appears that it’s done absolutely nothing. The turtles kick their butts (like always) and start heading home. About a quarter of the way back, though Mikey starts feeling really sick, then Raph, then Leo, then Donnie.
Very shortly after that, their symptoms escalate as the chemical starts taking effect and they mutate into humans. They end up passing out on a roof top and wake up several hours later as completely naked humans. And that kicks off the beginning of the story.
Good question! :] I hope you’re having a good day ^^
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lara-cairncross · 2 months
Ah! I’ve got a question for you. What would Cassandra be in your fairy au. It makes sense if she’s a human like April but I can’t help but think she would make a really good scout fairy!
ahhhhh now, see, THIS is where I’m running into difficulties! Initially I think I answered another ask saying that only mutants/yokai would be fairies, and all human characters would stay human— but the thing is, I’ve kinda started breaking my own rule already!! I have plans for Kendra being a fairy!!!
At this point, I’m not sure what Cassandra will be, but I ALSO love the idea of her as a Scout Fairy! I’ll work on it ^^
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theebubblegumbitch · 1 year
i have been thirsting, extremely dehydrated beyond repair for the past three days now bc of Chad Meeks Martin. i beg of you, i need more content, he’s just.. so pretty.
hi hi so if it’s not too much to ask, perhaps could i request a fic where the reader is more so friends with Tara and Mindy since she’s a bit more shy and they invite reader over for the movie night and that’s when she meets Chad?? and he’s being his usual beautiful and charming self and she’s just overwhelmed and flustered
xtra brownie points if they give off bratz doll gf x himbo jock bf pls 🥺🫶🏽💞 i love your fics, your writing is inspiring tbh ahsjwjd
Girl's Night Interruptions~
Chad Meeks Martin x fem!reader
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Request: ahhhhh you’re a GENIUS bunny!! I love this idea!! also i’m so happy to hear that my writing inspires you! ngl that almost made me cry- anyway I hope you love it gorg <333
Synopsis: At first you were reluctant, but when your two closest (and only) friends Tara and Mindy convince you to come to a movie night, you realize sometimes meeting new people is a good thing…
Warnings: none really since this is basically just fluff, use of profanity, Chad being an absolute himbo, reader being a flustered mess!
Series: Pt.1 , Pt.2
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You weren't really sure why you agreed to this. You had told Mindy and Tara time and time again that you didn't really like the idea of parties, or gatherings, or anything of the such. It's not that you were super anti-social, you just- had problems starting conversation is all. Which is why the only friends you had made all of freshman year were Mindy and Tara, who were really good at easing you out of your tiny little comfort zone. Today that came in the form of convincing you to join them for a movie night. They promised it would be super chill and fun, the perfect girl's night to end the year off! So of course, you accepted.
You were now all about halfway through the first movie on the list, Legally Blonde, which was one of your favorites. All three of you quickly ran out of popcorn to share, prompting Mindy to get up to refill the bowl. "I'll be right back guys, pause it please!" Mindy had called out on her way to the kitchen. You were now left with just Tara, who quickly filled the silence by asking you questions. "Soooo how's your college love life been going so far? Had any steamy hookups?" She asked with a laugh as she nudged your arm. You felt your face get warm quick. "Cmon Tara, you know I don't like talking about that stuff." You said casually, not really mad at her for asking. "I know, I know, I was just curious." Just as Tara said that you heard Mindy walking back into the living room, and it sounded like she was talking to someone. "NO Chad, I already told you it's a girl's night. That means you can't join." Mindy had now taken her place sitting next to Tara again, leaving who you assumed was Chad standing in front of the couch.
Did Mindy have a brother? You didn't remember her ever mentioning him. "Cmon please, you know I'm not gonna bother y'all I just wanna watch the movie!" He was looking directly at Mindy as he gestured to the still paused TV, his request being promptly ignored. "You want to watch Legally Blonde? Really Chad?" Tara was questioning him, not fully believing his motive for joining the three of you. "Yes okay? It's one of my favorites I have like half of it memorized." Mindy scoffed at that, but from the look on her and Chad's faces you could tell it was probably true. "It's still a no Chad." He didn't seem to like that answer, continuing to practically plead Mindy to join in. "Ya know what fuck this, I'm watching it." And just like that he plopped down on the couch, right next to you. It was a fairly small couch and even just the three of you had barely any wiggle room, but with the addition of Chad you were definitely squeezed together. Chad didn't seem to mind though, quickly settling in and draping his arm over the back of the couch. Mindy, feeling defeated, grabbed the remote with a sigh as she accepted the crashing of girl's night.
"Fine, I guess you're staying..." She rolled her eyes at him, and he only grinned back. "Thanks, sis!" It was only now that he realized he was sitting next to a completely random girl as he raised his eyebrows at you. "OH I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asked, hoping the answer was no so he didn't have to be embarrassed. "Oh right, no you haven't. Chad this is our friend Y/N; Y/N, this is my idiot brother Chad!" Mindy quickly answered Chad's question, being sure to emphasize the word idiot. "Well thank you Mindy for that, charming- introduction, but I was asking Y/N, not you." He gestured to you as he said your name, now making direct eye contact with you. He was probably waiting for you to say something, considering you had been silent thus far. "O-oh yea I'm Y/N and uh Mindy never mentioned she had a brother." You stuttered out, hoping you didn't offend him in the process.
"Oh she didn't huh? Well now you know!" He said as he shot Mindy a glare and then you a grin. "Anyway it's lovely to meet you, and don't listen to Mindy about me being dumb okay? What I lack in brains, I make up for with Hobbs and Shaw here." Chad flexed each of his arms as he said that, and you now realized how attractive he was. Your felt your face get warm again, now hyper aware of how close the two of you were sitting. "Ah yes classic Chad, flex your muscles within the first five minutes of meeting a girl." Tara had said snarkily, perhaps hoping to annoy him into leaving the three of you be. "Hey they're my greatest accomplishment okay! Plus I'm sure she doesn't mind, do you?" Oh you definitely didn't mind. "N-No it's fine I don't mind." You were sure your voice sounded shaky as hell as you spoke. The longer this gorgeous man was next to you, the more flustered you got. So much for a peaceful girl's night...
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Some time had passed as the four of you watched the movie in what was mostly silence, besides the occasional comment Chad had made on Elle Woods being a "girlboss" and Mindy having something snide to say in return. Their dynamic made you glad you were an only child. You had now reached the scene where Elle Woods figured out that it was actually the daughter who had killed her dad. You loved this scene, and you had the monologue memorized since you were a little girl. You quickly went to match Elle word for word. You didn't even notice that Chad had gotten excited about the scene too. "...at the risk of deactivating the amonium thyglocilate!" You had both said, or rather yelled it, at the TV in perfect unison. You saw Mindy and Tara's heads snap to the both of you in shock. "I guess he really does like the movie..." Tara said as she grabbed another handful of popcorn. "I told you it's one of my favorites!" Chad said before turning his eyes back to the screen. The shared moment between you two made you feel more at ease, so you went to agree with him.
"Yea it's mine too." You were still pretty soft spoken, but at least you had found some more confidence. You had also found hunger. "Hey Tara, can you pass me the popcorn." She swiftly handed it to you and you set in your lap, going to grab a handful. Just as your hand reached the inside of the bowl, you felt Chad's hand bump against yours as he also went to grab popcorn. It was brief, but his hands were so pretty and soft that you felt like you would remember those two seconds for the rest of your life. You were basically gawking down at the popcorn bowl now, hand still in it. "Oh, sorry." Chad said, muffled through his mouthful of popcorn. God he was so cute."Oh it's fine, don't worry about it." You said as quickly as possible, avoiding looking directly at him. He only shrugged as his attention went back to the movie. It was only silent for maybe ten minutes before Chad spoke again.
"Okay it is literally so hot in here. Is the AC broken or something?" Chad asked as he looked towards Mindy. "Yea it stopped working like two days ago, I have to call and have it fixed." Mindy replied, still not taking her eyes off of the movie. "Well it's like unbearable, I don't know how y'all are wearing jeans." He gestured towards you and Tara as he said that. You didn't realize it was hot, you probably thought it was just him. But to be fair you were wearing your favorite bell bottoms and your thin pink tank-top with a black star in the middle. So it wasn't a very warm outfit to begin with. While you were busy reflecting on your clothing choices Chad had found time to stand up in front of the couch. And now he was taking his shirt off...
You thought you were going to pass out. "Cmon seriously Chad! Do you have to find every excuse to take your shirt off?" Mindy yelled out at him. "What I'm hot okay! Leave me be." He sure was hot. Way too hot... You almost wished it was just you and him so- "Hey! You okay there? You were kinda staring off." Chad said as he waved his hands in front of your face. Oh shit. You were staring, and everyone had definitely noticed now... "Oh my god Y/N! Were you staring at Chad's abs?" Tara asked in an almost squeely voice. You wanted the ground to swallow you, mainly because she was right. "What no! I was staring at the movie!"
You rushed to defend yourself, hoping it was believable enough of an excuse. Chad wasn't buying it though. "It's okay if you were I totally get it, I would stare at me too." You were definitely blushing now. Mindy once again rolled her eyes at Chad's comment, causing them to exchange another death glare, which gave you time to change the topic. "Anyway, we should probably keep watching the movie." Chad jumped a little as you said that, realizing he was missing it and going to sit back down next to you. You now realized what Chad meant by it being hot. You only hoped you weren't sweating from the intense shared proximity.
The rest of the movie went well, although there was one moment where Chad went to adjust next to you, spreading his legs open just a little wider so that he was touching yours. You swore you almost passed out. Finally the credits rolled and Chad stood up to start clapping, it was kinda cute. "Wooooo great movie! Gets better every time!" Chad yelled as he turned to face the three of you. "Yea whatever Chad, you done bothering us now?" Mindy asked as she also stood up with now once again empty popcorn bowl in hand. "Yes in fact I am, I will leave you ladies to the rest of your girl's night." Chad said as he grabbed his shirt off of the coffee table. He went to walk back to his room before stopping to lock eyes with you. "And hopefully I'll see you again later Y/N." He said with a wink that hopefully Mindy and Tara didn't catch.
Oh yeah. You would definitely be seeing him again.
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A/N: ahhhhhhh I love this one so much! i hope i did the prompt justice even though i struggled with the Bratz vibes thing. also i feel like i could totally turn this into a series if y'all wanted, just say the word! Happy reading my gorgeous babes!
-With love, Miss Grace<33
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