#these are so fucking old i think it’s time for a redesign mayb
thwackk · 1 year
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here is my spiderverse oc (ft. a few other important characters) uhmmmm yeah.
the cat is Batman btw
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bbeelzemon · 2 years
frill got me excited about my comic and characters again so.... keep an eye out for potential content on the horizon
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
Happy Solstice, Shana! more Lady Mo or something else genderbendy?
Tony's spent her whole life proving she was good enough to make it in a man's world. Her own father had written her off as a debutante, but he'd let her spend time in his workshop and look over the papers spread over his desk, on his lap or a safe distance away from all the sparks. He probably thought she liked the pictures and the lights.
She builds an engine when she's six years old, her dress torn and stained with grease and and burning with pride as she grins up at her father.
It's the first time Howard ever sees her and, she thinks, when he stops loving her.
Existing in a man's world is different than being a man. She's not allowed to forget, to indulge, she can't ever be anything else any other way than a performance.
Her whole life is a performance, so maybe there's no real difference.
She can wear broad silhouettes and make sure no one calls her Antonia and keep her hair in it's iconic pixie cut have her employees call her sir - ma'am was her mother, she says with a laugh, and god knows she took more after daddy dearest - and she spends so much of her time having dick measuring contests with generals and business rivals and every man that thinks he can put his hands on her that sometimes it's a shock to remember she doesn't have one of her own.
It's not that she doesn't like being a girl, that she doesn't get a thrill out of outrageous dresses and all her soft curves, that she doesn't like at least seeing something of her mother in her mouth and her nose.
It's just that she thinks that she could be something more. That she is something more.
But that sort of things belong to someone who doesn't have her life, her job and her responsibilities and the eyes of the world watching her every move.
She doesn't even think about the fact that the armor is a man, narrow hips and broad shoulders and nothing feminine about his cold curves of metal, until Pepper sees it.
Pepper is quiet after, pressing ice to her bruises as she sits by Tony's hips. Her eyes stray to the arc reactor, a diamond of light glowing between her breasts. A circle would have been a more solid matrix but would have required her to get a mastectomy to make it fit.
She's thought about having a smooth chest before, but in the moment when it was an option that she could reasonably provide to the public - a medical device, for her health - she'd balked, and lost a day to redesign to make it something less, something that would fit and not require her to change to too much.
It had felt like a metaphor, or a sermon, as she'd beat sheets of metal until she bled.
Pepper asks, "Is it to protect your identity? So they don't think it's you?"
Tony stares, caught off guard, her mouth open in answer that she hesitates to give because she knows it's a lie. She doesn't like lying to Pepper.
She softens. "Or is it the opposite?"
Tony is sore and exhausted and Obie is acting strangely and Rhodey isn't talking to her (he calls her and he'll call again and again until she picks up, but he won't say a word, will just listen to her breathe to make sure she still is and then hang up like a fucking a coward) and she just killed sort of a lot of people and her weapons are where they shouldn't be and every defense she's built up around this question feels like it's crumbling around her.
"Pepper," she says, then can't bring herself to say anything else.
She doesn't want to lie to her.
"I like the paint job," Pepper says, hand soft where it's gripping her shoulder. Tony hasn't had soft hands since her father loved her.
"I like red," Tony says and Pepper's cheeks turn the same color as her hair.
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s1llydr3amscape · 21 days
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way!
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My security breach cast re-imagined when we first got the posters and merch leaks!!! I changed them into ocs because after seeing their in game designs I fell in love <33333
Another reason why Vanny is my fave is because I don't have to design her clothes /j
Extras and ramblings under the cut :
Zoomed in because I drew them on the same canvas like a goober :
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Many reasons why I chose to make the way it is are cause hehehehe
-I didn't like Roxy at first because off that funko leak being a reused model of Foxy. So I made her a hyena recolor using his model because I think they're cool, yet I still kept the fact she's the shortest because of Foxy in fnaf 1 being the shortest!!! And it did sorta happen with her being his replacement 😭She has short hair because I think one of her main appeals would be she would change up her hair every other week.
-Freddy is a moon bear because I miss Lefty. Also cuz I thought Fazbear Ent developed enough technology so that they could change colors during the night/dark like in the posters making them blacklight/neon. Also once again I miss Lefty and Also Nightmare. He had blue eyes freaky like that because I think FazEnt was developing new technologies to recognize guests by having their main stars test them out. And it did happen in the game so yay!!!
-I genuinely didn't think Bonnie would show up because off the leaks but at the time everyone designed their own version off him and so did I!!! I made him white and brown as a homage to Vannys help wanted mask. The blue streaks in his hair also relates to my Vanessa design. Reasons for this is because with how advanced the AI it was to trick them into thinking they were eachother friends. Why because the heartbreak would've been catastrophic.
-Chica didn't change much but I added brown because I love the color brown it is my top 1 color with purple following behind. Also because I love gradients I fucking love gradients you bet your ass if I add gradients I could <333 She has feather hair like that because off Big Bird I saw in a short fnaf sesame street horror yt video and that scared and gave me nightmares because of this one scene of a lady giving birth to his kid??? Idk it scared me alot. She's my favorite tho <3333
-Monty didn't change except he had circular glasses because I wanted him to match with Roxy as the newest additions to the Fazbear brand!!! Also man I wish one of them was a drummer but I couldn't decide between if Roxy or Monty would get it. I also didn't know Roxanne would be racing and gave her rock climbing. Reasons cause imagining her chasing you being able to climb walls would be scary. My only wish Is that I made his snout longer I want you to be able to hold it like a weapon
-They all have eyelashes because I think that is epic!!!
-Freddy is the tallest. Bonnie and Chica are the same height and Roxanne is the shortest
Might redraw them in my oc world version (if anyone would be interested it's basically also a robot story with my old fnaf oc's now turned rivals to Fazbear Entertainment) and not simplified but my other wips need me they are calling for me they are telling me to finish them and I must!!! Probably
And here's my older art after we got to see the game and the designs are wack oughhh :
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They would've fought with my pink yellow blue Vanny design!!! Which is the only one I redesigned because I love Vanny to much... You can see her pre-design here and oughh Pink Vanny <3333
-If you look closely Vanny has a Dino looking tail!!! And that's because I thought hey imagine each time we defeated an animatronic she'd sew a piece off their body onto her suit! So when we killed Monty she'd scavenged and get his tail!!! With Chica she got her chicken feet!! And with Roxanne she gets her teeth!!!
-Why because I associate her with Pinkamena cupcakes so much. Also to add onto my previous statement with Bonnie looking like her old mask. She changed her suit in the final act to solidify herself as the bad guy (final boss) who had been using the animatronics for his own gain.
-Man I never draw Chica with her head bow now that I think abt it same with Vanny's whiskers god what was I thinking!!!
Also sorry they're oddly cropped I watermark my stuff to remember what year I made them in and my old username is bad 💀
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anpanham · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel character thoughts / impressions (Episodes 1 & 2)
UM. what a weird first actual post for my blog for this year... this is long, and i miss making ACTUAL blog posts instead of small threads... And i've explained on my twitter my thoughts on Hazbin / Helluva from a critical standpoint and artist from art separation, yadda yadda yadda---
ANYWAY... Episodes 1 and 2 of Hazbin are (Officially) out now, and i have some thoughts on the characters i wrote down after watching (In bullet points, because most of these are fresh-from-the-brain thoughts i wrote on my tablet from my bed)
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(Spoiler alert, Sir Pentious isn't ruined and I AM SO GLAD. my snake babygirl... ilu)
Read on, if you wanna, spoiler warning btw!!!!!
-Charlie is good., Charlie is cute, but i fear for her safety, not everyone can new redeemed. she's like steven universe at points i stg 😭 (not a jab but i think it's funny)
-i like how they gave Charlie bags under her eyes a lot, she is a tired princess just like all of us
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-She gives off elementary school teacher vibes but in a wholesome way
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-Charlie's hair is SO CUTE MESSY..
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-PERFECT voice /gen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAGGIE NOTES
-GIRLBOSS (still, but more)
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-Vaggie is still cool, she just loves her gf and is sick of everyone's bs but is still supportive...
-If she doesn't get into a bloody death match with Alastor (and win) i will be disappointed /hj
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She doesn't seem to have as much of a temper as she did in the pilot, but seems more dead inside
-Good voice!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGEL DUST NOTES
-Angel... hm. Angel. he's Angel, for sure. Hi, Angel!
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Insecure about a lot, but also YOU CAN BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT!!!!! if vox doesn't kill val angel should. please and thank u.
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Also his voice is alright, just need to get used to it a little more
Also i hope he's not too bratty jealous of sirpent / whoever else charlie praises because again, it's ON HIM TO COOPERATE WITH HER CAUSE MORE??? ignoring his other stress sources (Val)
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-Waiting for him and Husk to kiss. I know it's coming
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-Just fucking block Val's number and rip up the contract (YES i know it goes deeper than that...)
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-At first i was kinda Eh about his voice but it's grown on me, the radio filter is a little more subtle than the pilot but it's still there which i'm glad for
Delightfully passive aggressive
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-Weird magic still, there doesn't seem to be any limits to it... we need to know what his weakness is...!!!!! please (maybe that will come later??) ....... i theorize he has underworld contact (Shadow-world, because of the shadow imagery?) , the underworld might be different from Hell maybe? (Where do those fucking tentacles come from, also weird monochrome demons)
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-Interesting he was gone for 7 years. 7 is an angelic number. HMMMMMM (sealed away by angels somehow??)
-Punchable (Vaggie please)
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-Weirdly enjoyable and not genuinely hateable like some of the other characters, but i also want to see his demise, maybe his sadism is rubbing off on me, but i want to see it badly...
-Sir Pentious... u are so good.. probably has some of the best writing so far, maybe... he's my favorite so. hhHHmm
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his voice is different but at the same time it's what you'd expect, i like it a lot... so silly, i pat him and his silly hat
-Pathetic old man. You win my heart (50x as much)
-Only one egg spoke so far, i wonder if they'll all have unique voices this time (the Japanese dub of the pilot did that lol)
-Genuinely a joy every moment he was onscreen (Too fucking cute... GRRRR)
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-How did he get into contact with Vox? Why would Vox want anything to do with him if he thinks he's a loser? (I guess easy access into the Hotel) ...Fuck em either way (DON'T BE MEAN TO SNAKE MAN)
-Cool temporary stunning hypnosis, maybe we'll see him coil and bite next, the snake attack traits are fun
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-His autism vibes grow stronger and it's canon in my heart
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-We LOVE a redemption song. please stay in the hotel with everyone, don't fuck it up!!! you're a good noodle.... 😭 The song was genuinely so cute... it's probably going to be the highlight of EVERYTHING for me, besides Nuggs..
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-i luv u kitty
-His voice is different but captures "Grumpy old alcoholic" perfectly
-His heart needs to be melted...
-Him holding the script in front of the camera was great
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIFFTY NOTES
-Niffty is a BIG COWARD. you can still love a "Bad boy" who's a redeemed bad boy!!!! just because he's not morally bad doesn't Not make him a Bad Boy. fuck u (i still like you)
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-Her voice is really cute, also her nightgown.. though finding out she doesn't have dark bug limbs but is just wearing gloves and stockings surprised me more than it should've... put them back
-Also autism vibes, love it
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-She still frightens me a bit
VOX -----
-Seems to carry the team, voice has grown on me
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-I can't stop looking at his weird finger claws, they almost look like
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he's just wearing things over his fingers, i dig it
-Interesting hypnosis power, i assume Alastor is immune
-Why can't Alastor and Vox just compromise and create a podcast?
-Hates Val (sorry shippers) ,,... kind of expected it since in old official sources it's been shown that he's been abused by Val too
-This isn't a note but everytime Alastor said "THE TV IS BUFFERING~" in their duet, the player kept fucking up 😭
-Decent song, I like seeing him and Al argue
-I surprisingly don't hate him! i'm glad. i wanted to like him (though, it's only been 2 episodes so far...)
VALENTINO ---------
-More manchild vibes than i expected tbh
-Voice is alright but his accent is weirdly inconsistent for some reason???? interesting direction
-His manipulation is shown well in the voicemail scene with Angel, he's literally got the "Nice Guy" energy
-Surprisingly didn't order Vox around as much as i thought he would
-Why does he have girl Fizzy bots...
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-Fashion design isn't something i expected, but then again i didn't know that much about her prior other than she's obsessed with social media
-British is also not what i expected but cool
-Uh. she didn't really stick out to me that much...sorry..... she's fine tho
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAM & LUTE NOTES
-Personally do not like how these angels look so menacing, i get that they're technically bad, but... make them look more angelic besides halos and wings??? they could easily be mistaken for hell residents. Also again, i feel like angels should swear less and drop swears in critical / good timed moments, it would be funnier... subtlety is not a thing i guess
-Adam's guitar solo was good tho, not really feeling his character tho, he's just an asshole but that's the point
-Adam looks like the fucking dress meme. I can't unsee it
-Lute is pretty...
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-Brandon Rodgers
-They sure were there for a second!
-i luv tom
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All in all...
Episode 1: 6-7/10
Episode 2: 8.5/10
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anonymouscheeses · 20 days
Vaggie and Valentino are connected and no one has been talking about it (I think 😭)
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Brutha. I've always known this but like these two are surface level similar yet so SO SO SOOOO different its terrifying.
Question might be, why tf am I comparing the r*pist and the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, inspiring, humble, generous, smeggsy, former angel?
Simply because they are both moth demon's that speak Spanish. It's a bit too specific. And rlly that's kind of all I have right now. Sure, you could say "erm actually, Vaggie isn't a moth demon 🤓" and ur probably right. But if she's not, why is it that in her redesign for the show they lean into the moth hair? It's look much MUCH more moth than in the pilot. So if Viv wanted to stray away from the moth theme, why make it look more like that? She may not he exactly a moth demon but she does have intentional moth features. Perhaps Vaggie just disguised herself like that, either way, still a connection..
I would get it if one of them were in helluva boss jst as a way to recycle and make room or whatever. But no, they are in the same show, same world, same ring of hell, same city(I think). It's a weird connection and I kind of don't want it to exist. Like at all. Because if they are connected I can't think of any other way they are except that Val could be a fallen angel. Which I CANT imagine. Unless Vaggie is like, a winner that became an exterminator, but genuinely that would be a bit complex. But what isn't in this show. Then again, Adam said he created her, or that could be a metaphor for that Vaggie was never noticed as a human and just brushed off to the side so therefore Adam "created" her (created a name and image/status of her). But that's unlikely, I don't they would be that smart lmao.
Personality wise, they both have anger issues. Pilot Vaggie and show Valentino are more alike but show Vaggie is still somewhat spicy. They also both have hot voices, sorry not sorry, like fuck Val (not literally) but his voice is BAZINGA 😍 and I'm a simp for Stephanie Beatriz. I'm a simple gal.
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Design wise they have rare commonalities. They are both heavily red but thats everyone in the show it make my eyes bleed. But. A weird thing someone pointed out in a slideshow on tiktok is that show Valentino has white stripes on his hips. Me personally I'm not sure what to think about it really. Like I mean it IS a new detail that spawned AFTER the pilot and it is like... on the EXACT place. But like, it's such a weird thing to include when it's such a common pose yknow?
Also the X's on the boobs are so sensual I cannot be the only one. And ykno Val is the king of sensual (🤮)
Maybe you could be asking, "if Val and Vaggie r connected jst because they are moth demons then that jst means that anyone that are the same species are somehow tied to eachother huh? 🤓" like Angel Dust and Zestial. But what I think differs from that is the fact these two have actual big similarities apart from jst the fact they are moths. Like what I just explained, personality, design, both speak Spanish. While Angel Dust and Zestial are only just both spiders. Angel's reason for being a spider is due to the ykno, "web of crime" thing. And Zesty man? Idk he probably got bit and fucking died by a poisonous spider. I mean, health shit wasn't exactly great back in his ye olde time.
For Val and Vaggie we have NO idea why they are moths
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But I did find this! From google AI.....? (I didn't even know that was a thing..) but, I think it's true. It explains the dynamic with Angel alot and I think that's an interesting detail.
Which could also apply to Vaggie because of her hyper-dependency on Charlie.
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Plus this fits Vaggie so. SO much. If my theory that Vaggie just disguised herself as a moth to blend in then that would be a good connection to the entire moth motif. Love, I don't even need to explain.
It can fit Val too if you think abt the disguise part a bit. Like he disguises himself as this charming and calming figure to avoid suspicion and lure victims... fucking creepy 🤮
Also in Vaggie's past designs she was more moth.
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Here is like. ONE image I could find that wasn't too blurry. Like I wouldn't say it's heavy moth but I think if you asked me what insect she was based off I would guess moth in like a few minutes. The colors being dark, the fluffy legwarmers. Yum, that's a mothy. (THIS DESIGN YHO KINDA PISSES ME OFF. WHY IS THERE THE FEMALE SIGN OK HER SHIRY I THOUGHT SHE WAS STRAIGHT IN THIS VER??? also str8 vaggie scares me don't ever bring up that thing around me. They are NOT the same. #notmyvagina)
From what I know there aren't any previous old beta designs of Valentino, so he was likely made for the show specifically.
Overall, they are both sexy Spanish speakers who are moth demons, in the same show, oddly specific connected design choices, and have some anger issues.
Oh also they both hate Angel Dust 💜
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shokolandish · 2 months
was thinking about comphet niffty
accidentally wrote this
this uses my vision/redesigns/rewrites of the characters, my niffty is not exactly the same as she is in the show, she's still pretty insane and fucked up most of the time, but sometimes she can say things that make sense and actually has empathy (sometimes)
idk i thought it would help her feel more adult-like
i love how insane og niffty is but her being so mindless doesn't really help her child-like-ness and i don't really like when shows/their fandom infantilises adult characters
also i would really love if niffty and husk interacted more so uh
idk if husk is ooc here but i tried my best to keep him relatively canon-like
[establishing shot of the bar]
[husk sits at the bar table all alone, wiping a glass]
[shot changes to the door, niffty peeks through]
[shot goes back to husk but the shot is wider, so we can see a tall chair being dragged to the stall, then we see niffty flying up and sitting down on it]
[buzz puts all four of buzz' hands on the table and blinks with all buzz' eyes one after the other]
[she's nervous, she taps on the counter with all her hands one after the other]
[husk, without any real reaction on his face, looks up at her for a few seconds, then looks back down and goes back to wiping the glass]
[the room becomes silent for a moment, the only things you can hear are the wiping of the glass and niffty's tapping]
HUSK (not looking up at xer)
You want a drink or are you here for something else?
[niffty looks at him, startled a bit]
[xe then looks away awkwardly, tapping even faster]
I... Actually wanted to talk. [pause] But some liquor would be nice.
[they stay silent for a bit, husk puts away the clean glass, then gets the bottle and pours it in a glass so it's half full]
[he moves it over to xer]
[he takes a new glass and starts wiping it too]
[niffty takes it and sips a bit]
[she cringes a bit from the taste but still gulps]
[she then slams the glass on the table, but it doesn't spill because it's not that full]
Oh yeah, that's the stuff.
[pause, husk looks at her with a neutral expression, stopping wiping the glass a moment]
...so, you still want to talk or..?
Oh! Right. [pause, she starts stimming by moving the glass a bit from side to side] I... Might have. Some. Weird feelings right now.
[husk doesn't reply, just looks at her with am eyebrow raised]
And i know they're... Kinda wrong, but... [pause, you can only hear the glass moving across the table and back] They... They feel so right somehow. It's... So weird.
[pause, niffty stop moving the glass for a moment]
HUSK (starts wiping the glass again}
Well, if they feel right, then what's the problem?
[pause, niffty looks away and starts moving the glass again]
I mean... It's not something... I'm supposed to be feeling.
HUSK (not stopping wiping the glass)
Why's that?
[pause, niffty stops moving the glass]
I kinda... Like someone.
HUSK (putting away the old glass and taking a new one)
Isn't that normal?
No, I mean, like... I like-like them.
[pause, you can only hear husk wiping the glass]
[not looking up at her] That's also normal I'm pretty sure.
[sigh] I don't think you really understand me.
[shrugs] Maybe you should explain it again.
[pause, niffty moves away the glass and starts tapping on the table again]
[she looks around, then looks down]
It's. Not exactly a boy.
And I'm... Also not a boy.
[she stops tapping]
Husk, that's... Not really. A thing that. Should happen.
[husk looks at her with a raised eyebrow, then looks back down]
Because I'm supposed to... Like boys.
[she starts tapping again]
Says who?
NIFFTY (moving her hands around/gesturing actively while speaking)
Like... Everyone? I dunno, I just... I always thought I liked boys. But now that i like... A girl... It feels very different.
HUSK (putting away the glass and the cloth he was wiping it with)
How so?
NIFFTY (calmed down a bit, looks more upset)
I thought what I felt towards boys was what... Liking someone felt like, but... Now that I actually like someone... I don't know if I... Ever liked anyone else in that way. I don't know if i have ever felt this way about any boy before.
[husk doesn't reply]
NIFFTY (stops moving around)
Husk... Can I like girls if I'm not a boy?
NIFFTY (surprised, flapped xer wings several times and flew a couple cm up, then landed down as xe spoke)
Yeah. Why not.
NIFFTY (not moving around)
Have... [pause] Other people ever felt that?
Almost everyone in this hotel have, I'm pretty sure.
NIFFTY (even more surprised)
Really? (flew a bit higher, landed back on the seat and winced a bit, but wasn't hurt) Even you???
I guess. I mean, I don't really care bout gender stuff when liking someone, so probably. Tho haven't really liked someone in a long time, but you know. In theory.
NIFFTY (sitting still)
Huh... I never really knew that was a thing.
Have you seen the people that live here? I thought it was pretty obvious.
NIFFTY (sitting still)
I guess I didn't realize that was even a possibility...
(shrugs) Eh, you learn something new every day I guess.
NIFFTY (taps on the table a bit)
You know, now I'm not sure I ever liked boys. Is that... Okay?
Yeah, why not.
NIFFTY (stops tapping)
[niffty smiles and looks away]
[niffty looks at husk, who already started wiping the next glass]
NIFFTY (smiles)
Thanks, Husk.
[xe flies down and quickly runs away, leaving xer unfinished glass of liquor on the table]
[husk looks over at it and sighs]
[he takes the glass, downs it in one gulp, winces a bit and moves away the glass from himself on the table]
[shot changes to the hotel]
[shot changes to the hill hotel is on, you can still see the hotel]
[fade to black]
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danvillecheese · 1 year
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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Pink [@somebodytolove31] (she/her or he/him)
Okey so basically I created her for a superhero school roleplay I had with friends, her tragic backstory is that her father is a deadbeat but is also a hero, he got Pink's mom pregnant and then told her if she ever approached him he would kill her. Pink had a nice life with her single mom until the mom got sick and decided to go to Hero, thinking maybe he would have a bit of compassion, needless to say he didn't and followed through his promise. Pink saw all of this and now it's her life's purpose to kill him, even if it kills her.
I recently refound the roleplay and decided to develop the character on her own, I may have changed the setting and her gender and other shit, but I've decided to not touch her backstory or her character arc where she starts making friends and realizes there's a lot more to life than just revenge (she still gets his dad arrested, but that's a long story)
Oh yeah did I mention she can turn into a wolf? She can turn into a wolf
Anyway please vote for her
Erin [@silveredcircuitry] (she/her)
Snarky and ridiculously overpowered illusionist who got captured by an evil organization for an unclear reason and by means that didn't make much sense because they required her powers not work on the people capturing her. That doesn't matter though because the entirety of the plot I actually figured out was just an excuse for her to cause problems and fuck with people psychologically.
Had a thing with making finger guns that would shoot out illusory (but still pretty painful) bullets and smoke. She is part of me wanting to draw finger guns so badly that I actually learned bits and pieces of how to draw hands.
Her sense of fashion was just an amalgamation of a bunch of things I found neat but also easy to draw at the time, including a bandanna around her neck and a bag shaped like a lime slice (some kind of citrus anyway). I didn't even have especially interesting taste in my current opinion. I did not draw her in evil government prison but my mental image of her is only in her street clothes and i think my idea of it was she just got dumped in a cell in whatever she was wearing when they kidnapped her lmao.
I'm genuinely a little tempted to redesign her as a character in a superhero or "one weird power per person" setting, with the finger gun gimmick as a necessary thing for targeting. And also push her fashion sense a bit further.
Anyway if nothing else you gotta give her props for having a fingergun motif and not being like. a pyromancer or anything that could make her physically do that. And also the mind games and teaching me how to draw hands :)
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amiizuki · 2 months
small edits of the epilogue designs of the main 5
(not including Eda, Lilith and Vee, I think they look okay and I honestly dunno what to change with their designs)
btw these are all gonna be edits of the renders from the owl house wiki, because my drawing skills are too ass to draw designs from scratch
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'ight, I gotta get this out right off the bat – I fucking hate Luz's ugly as fuck pants
everything else in her outfit looks great – I love the snake on the jacket (and how it kinda blends in with the stripes on her shirt), I love her wearing the striped shirt she was wearing in the pilot and I love that she's wearing Amity's old necklace, but the pants are just the worst. this shade of yellow looks like shit, doesn't fit with the rest of the colors (apart from maybe her eyes and part of the necklace, if you wanna stretch it) and those dumb patches just make her legs look busy/cluttered. so, I removed all the patches and made Luz's pants beige, similar to the ones she wore at the end of season 2 (that whole look was honestly really good, sad it was only used for a couple episodes).
oh and I also slightly tweaked her hair because it just looked weird to me. I dunno why, but both her slicked back hairstyle in s3 and the epilogue hairstlyle always looked off to me, and I can't quite put my finger onto why.
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I made a post on my sideblog a while back where I explained why I thought the hairstyle Amity had in the epilogue didn't really fit with how I interpreted her overall hair change over time. basically that whole post boiled down to:
Amity with a high ponytail/high bun/etc. – represents Amity under her mother's control (since Odalia has almost the same hairstyle)
Amity with her hair down or with a low ponytail/low bun/etc. – Amity is no longer doing what her mom says, she's making her own choices now
so seeing her go back to having a high ponytail in the epilogue just didn't sit right with me. and that's why I decided to give her a braid. since Willow cut her hair short and no longer has two braids, I thought it'd be nice to instead give a braid to Amity. I also wanted to try and make it a two-colored braid, since I didn't really know how else to incorporate her brown hair color to the hairstyle (I didn't want to just go for the simple "make one side of the hair purple and the other brown").
I liked how the Grom crystals were added into this design, I thought it was a pretty nice callback to the episode where the whole Grom dance happened, and so I kept them in my redesign as well – putting them as a part of a headband.
the remaining changes are super minor – I made her pants slightly longer, since them being knee-height looked kinda weird to me, and changed her earrings from these big, black (and kinda ugly lol) triangles to the ones she wore in "Reaching Out", so there would be a bit more yellow in the design to match Amity's eyes.
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this one doesn't have that much changed to it. I kinda wanted to do something with Willow's hair, but in the end decided against it, since I think her short hair, while looking a bit too simular to Luz's debut hairstyle, is still pretty cute.
I really liked the gold glasses she got in season 2, and so I made her glasses here gold as well. not only because I like them better, but also to make it match with her yellow top.
I see that they tried to do this whole asymmetrical thing with her legs – one leg has a knee pad and the other doesn't, one leg has a sock and the other, again, doesn't – and I'm not against it, but the fact that Willow only has one sock just looks off to me. so I gave her her second sock back, but made the other one yellow, to still kinda keep the asymmetry (and to, again, add more yellow to the design, so it wouldn't just be her top and bracelets).
...also slightly changed the main color of her shorts, because that shade of green looked ugly to me.
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(this one has even less changes than Willow lol)
my man just straight up lost all his blues
if you go to the owl house wiki and open the page with Gus' designs, you'll see that all of them have some shades of either blue or teal, and occasionally green in them (with the exception of his Halloween costume, that became his season 3 outfit, which is mostly pink-red). and since illusion coven's color is light blue, it makes sense to add the colors of his coven to Gus's outfits. but in the epilogue bro's just covered in yellows and browns, with the only blue being his pants. so that's the only thing I changed – made his vest and glasses blue, to return at least some of his illusion magic's color to him.
the outfit itself looks alright, he looks a lot like a teacher, which is what he is by the time of the epilogue (though it is weird that, despite being 16, he looks more like he's in his mid 20s lmao). I'm not entirely sure why he's suddenly wearing glasses here though, since I don't remember him ever mentioning having eyesight problems or even wearing contacts before (but maybe he did mention it and I just don't remember, I dunno), but eh, whatever. he looks alright with those, so I didn't remove them. but yeah, apart from the lack of blues in his outfit, Gus looks the best out of the main 5.
(had to enlargen his png with a random ai, idk why the one on the wiki is like 5 pixels large, who tf made it so small lmao)
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yeah, so, uh, the obvious question here... why does Hunter look like Caleb again?
wasn't his whole thing supposed to be how he's not just another Grimwalker? not just another copy of Caleb? not just Caleb? isn't that's why he decided to cut his hair, and specifically his Caleb-like fringe, to not look like him (and to simultaneously not look like Belos)? he even looks at himself in the mirror at one point in TTT, before he gets possessed by Belos, and says "I like who I am now" or something like that, I don't remember the exact quote.
and then Hunter not only gets his Caleb Hair™ back, after Belos possesses him, but he also gets Caleb's brown eyes after Flapjack brings him back to life, now making Hunter look EXACTLY like Caleb! which, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't this exactly what Belos wanted? a perfect copy of Caleb??
at first I thought that by the time of the epilogue he'd cut his hair again or style it differently, to not look like "Caleb 2: electric boogaloo", and so I just tolerated how he looked in FTF and WAD, thinking "eh, alright, he obviously won't cut his hair again anywhere in these episodes, everyone's busy with making Boiling Isles normal again, it'll probably be somewhere at the very end of the show, when everything's good again". and then, lo and behold – he did not, in fact, cut his hair, and he's still just Caleb™...
ignoring his hair – the design itself looks nice. I especially like the addition of Abomination, Illusion and Plants patches he sewn onto his apron, and, unlike Luz's pants patches, these actually work pretty well with the whole look, plus it's nice to see him add small things that represent his friends to his outfit (only one of Luz's patches represented anyone, which was Amity with that Abomination patch, and then it's just two random pictures that don't really represent anyone)
the main thing I wanted to change was his hair, just like with Amity. judging by this concept art it does seem like they wanted to give Hunter different hair, to not make him look like Caleb 2.0. (dunno why they decided against it though, that was pretty dumb of them).
so I basically just took the first hairstyle here and slapped it onto Hunter. apart from that, the only things I changed were that I made his sneakers pink (since his Grimwalker eyes were pink and I kinda thought I'd bring a bit of that color back here) and added some accessories to his arms – a glove on one hand and bandages on the other. I couldn't give him two gloves, since the right one would cover the Flapjack tattoo, so instead I put some bandages from splinters there (inspired by the same concept art where I traced the hair from).
and that's it.
again, I didn't do anything with the timeskip designs of Eda, Lilith and Vee, because I think they generally look okay and I don't really have any ideas on how I'd change them. as for every other character's new looks – I really don't care that much about them lol. Camila and Boscha look good, King barely changed, so he's pretty good too, and everyone else I barely even remember.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
The other day i was watching how people made fun of the Hazbin trailer and someone uploaded a clip from "Inside Every demon is a Rainbow" to say it was a downgrade and my jaw dropped when i saw that it was true, i always thoght that the "new" H.H had something that made it look worse than the pilot but i couldn't put my finger on it, and now i think i understand the reson.
So, these are the reasons why the new clip looks like a downgrade (in my opinion):
1)The Song.
No matter your opinion on Hazbin, we all agree that "Inside of every demon is a rainbow" is an iconic song. Its not a masterpiece, but it works really great to introduce the show. Maybe its nostalgia talking, but i love this song, i really like how it start slow but then goes into a fast catchy tune as Charlie is talking with enthusiasm about her proyect. The voice actress also is doing an amazing song because she sounds SO energetic and genuine, wich is clearly a sign of how much she loved that job. Its a cringe song, but in a "charming" and pure way, that is very unique and enjoyable when you turn off your brain a little.
Meanwhile, the new one sounds like a generic, forgetable, lifeless Disney song, the only difference is that it has curses and shit. Its like its trying to replicate the other one without understanding what made it so loved.
2) The damn camera movements
The pilot was fast moving, energetic and sometimes there were parts where you couldnt tell what was happening until you paused, but even so, it was easier to digest because the camera was still most of the time, it didnt need crazy movements. There was a million things happening on screen, but at leats the camera had slight movements so your eyes could at least know where your focus should be in (check out the "so all you cartoon porn addictions" part to see what im talking about).
The new one? It shakes and zooms like crazy every time a character takes a step and it makes it hard to the eyes to understand where the fuck they should be looking. Its not even funny, someone WILL get motion sickness.
3) The character designs
Im one of those people who didnt like most of the redesigns, now i understand why: because they dont fix ANY of the problems the original ones had: no less use of red, they still have a shit ton of unecesary details, they still have copypasted body types...
I would say some are WORSE.
Take Charlie, for example; she used to wear a light red shirt with black pants, she would blend a little bit in the background when interacting with it. Now she wears a bright red suit in bright red background and she gets lost EVEN MORE. The only thing they improved was her hairstyle.
4) The animation
Some people say that the animation is good and its just the editing that makes it look bad, but i disagree. Just take a look at the pilot and then the new clip, you will see a clear downgrade.
The old animation was so smooth and expressive, new one is choppy and is afraid of smearframes. Making characters with cartoony propotions look so stiff.
Its like those Sonic games when they used motion capture to animate Sonic and his friends. So they would be literal cartoons animals moving like realistic humans and it sucked.
4) The pilot was visually easier to "diggest" in general
I gotta say, while re-watching the clip of Inside of every demon, the only parts where it was hard to follow were when Charlie interacted with characters with exagerated designs and when she is rapping and there are a lot of fast scenes that ends before you have time to understand what you saw. The rest was just ok.
But in the new clip, it was 90% Charlie jumping around different backgrounds with a drunk camera man and in some part i paused to look at the wall cuz i felt like my eyes were gonna burn if i keep looking.
So thats it, there are some other reasons but these are the most important ones.
Sorry for writting too much, its such that im mad for what they did to a proyect i used to be obssesed with.
Anyway, hope Hazbin gets cancelled in the mid of the first season and the rest became lost media, have a good day 🩷
These are some great thoughts, Anon, thank you. New Hazbin doesn't have much appeal to outsiders, but it looks even worse when held up to the pilot.
"Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow" isn't the best song in the pilot, but it was an excellent song to introduce us to Charlie. It's not an easy one to sing either, but Charlie's singing VA nailed it.
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nightfallgazer · 2 months
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Wanted to show my Charlie redesign. All my thoughts on the canon design, my take on Charlie’s personality, and development of my redesign is under the cut.
By the Way: ❌🔥I do not support Vivzipop🔥❌and if you do not like fans redesigns, block the tag and scroll along.
Do not repost/edit/steal my art, thank you.
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My handwriting sucks ass lmao. Anyway, green text is design elements I like and blue text is design elements I dislike.
For my redesign Charlie in her based form:
I tried to make her look older like she is her 30s, not in her 20s. Even though canon Charlie is over 100 years old.
Less red!! I made her suit brown because brown and red look amazing together.
Gave her puffy shirt sleeves because those are my weakness and I want to give her a little bit of theater kid energy.
Her still has her hooved feet but I sucked at drawing regular feet, let alone animal feet but they are there I promise.
She is still 6'5 and dislikes being called ' Charlottle'.
In her Partial Demon Form:
I like that her horns ripped through her skin in the show, I keep that. It looks cool as fuck.
Her eyes became a four-pointed star and her cheek marks become scribbles when she is angry.
My Charlie has more of official title: Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Pride Ring but will earn the title 'Princess of Hell' over time by unleashing her true potential, showcasing her raw power, and developing her leadership skills.
Her personality: Charlie is still a kindhearted person but is not a doormat. If you double crossed her, you are on her shit list, end of story. Do not take her kindness for weakness. Charlie is snarky but is very low key about it. She likes to make sly comments under her breath. Does not swear in front of strangers. She likes to keep a professional appearance but does swear around friends. The only swear words she uses are ass, damn, bitch but when she is upsets, she will throw out a fuck. She likes to go around in Pentagram City to learn and understand the lifestyles of sinners.
For my version of Charlie. I want her to stand out more, like she is a child of the first woman and a fallen angel, she is one of a kind. So here is some of her quirks:
When she is excited, she 'baas' like a goat.
Sticks out her tongue at random moments. You can be having a normal conversation with her, and she will stick out her tongue. You can ask why she did that, but she would shrug and respond, 'I have no idea what you are talking about'.
Goats like stay in groups and cuddle up together when sleeping [according to a quick search I did] When sleeping, Charlie likes to surround her with a lot of pillows, V [I going to give her a different name when redesigning her] does not mind this and finds it cute.
Charlie is a very light sleeper and is not the nicest person when she does not get enough sleep, so you better not try to open up that one of those cakes with the plastic dome lid in the middle of the night.
Devlopment of my redesign:
Canon Charlie's her face reminds of a Sonic character. I think because how big her eyes are and having a black nose. Maybe that is the Sonic fan in me talking lmao. I made the shape of her eyes smaller but still keeping that apple shaped to her eyes. I have no idea what I struggled with designing her hair. I should not try to redesign characters when I am tried.
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For her outfit, I just searched up 'hotel manager uniform' and picked the first uniform I saw.
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I don't know if this has been asked or if you've talked about it, - and I do apologize for any clumsiness in how I sound - but do you think Ada would have any complicated feelings regarding how she's been objectified, sexually or otherwise, in-universe, whether it's by someone like Simmons, people she's worked for etc?
i'm gonna ramble a bit here so sorry in advance lol-
i think that the trauma she experienced from simmons is one that's glossed over a lot. especially the people who are like AdA doEsNt hAve AnY tRaUmA
people are SO FUCKING QUICK to baby leon, but if it's a woman- oh NOOO she doesn't deserve the same thing
one of my major gripes with a lot of people who "aren't happy with ada's redesign" (characterization, voice, style) etc. (ALSO YOU CAN GO PLAY THE OLD GAMES BTW THEY STILL EXIST. ) bother me a lot
it's 2023. can we not have ada be an actual woman character with likes/desires/dislikes/flaws/and a personality that isn't just "sexy asian spy lady" like have we regressed so much that when capcom literally designed ada to be almost completely covered from her neck down was a way to have her be less sexualized? (btw for the people mad about that, she still has her alt outfit!!! so stfu!!!)
also she was still sexy af??? she doesn't need to be literally naked for her to be sexy. (also there needs to be more talk about consent imo cause i really feel like the way people talk about ada makes me think they do not understand consent)
ada's always used her sex appeal in varying degrees in the games/movies. but it was always to her advantage (almost in a way so that she wasn't objectified unless she wanted it that way)
in regards to her damnation outfit and her re6 outfit, which i argue are still sexy but not as revealing as her re4 outfit. i think that was also capcom in a way to modernize her outfits but still have it be her. like okay i know people love her og re4 outfit, but it makes NO SENSE. and because of it, it's one of my least favourite outfits because of how impractical it is. i don't mind her re4r alt outfit though, it's still fuckin hot but yeah (i still think the og re4 dress is really cunty tho skfbsfjs it's good, it's just not my favourite, og re2 is also one of my least faves, the flats and the dress + leggings combo)
also yeah to go back to her trauma, i really wish we saw what she felt at the end of re2r, especially if she thought she was going to die. like- how traumatic is that. the way she also fell, but took the time to comfort leon before dropping. SHE DIDN'T CARE THAT SHE WAS GONNA FALL, SHE COMFORTED LEON FIRST
we still don't know if she knew that she was going to be fine or not. if she fell into water (which i hc more cause she's not seen with a hookshot prior so i don't really hc that she had it the whole time.)
i see that as a common hc that she had one that wesker gave her so that she could get out and survive the fall, but i just legit think she fucking fell. landed into water or something that made it so she was okay. and then figured out how to get out later. (with the help of wesker)
but yeah i do not hc the hook shoot reason.
also it's clear to me that simmons was fucking obsessed with her and she had to literally break ties with him because he was fucking insane, she knew he was a lost cause. i don't think she'd even entertain him at all, to work with him, so it seemed as she cut ties as soon as she could. i do think that he harassed her a lot, but it's also probably traumatic when she discovers that simmons killed hundreds of women to try and clone ada.
uh im eepy but i'll talk about this more later maybe lol
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creaturecomfortsva · 5 months
some old things i made.
i used to call my crochet shop "sadgirlcrochet". i started posting and selling my crochet stuff in late 2020, was dealing with some serious depression, and had only come to terms with being NB a few months earlier. calling myself a girl still felt right back then, or at least not painful. i put frowny faces on everything.
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this was the flagship product, the depressed daisy bikini. I'm thinking about re-designing these because they were always my best-selling product. honestly, as someone who works in marketing, "sad girl crochet" was branding gold. I could make any design that was popular with the tiktok crochet girlies but trade a smiley face for a frown and BOOM. iconic piece. hundreds of instagram likes. for example, my 420 creations in 2021:
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these are some of my favorite creations from that year. and while they're adorable, they're also simple. i wasn't exactly challenging myself on a technical level - more of my energy was going towards figuring out how to market via the instagram algorithm. because sadgirlcrochet was, above all else, marketable. the clothes weren't for crocheters. they were for followers.
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i redesigned the depressed daisy bikinis in 2021. i sold close to a hundred of these, maybe more. i didn't track inventory too closely (but i DID track my instagram followers, obsessively, at the time)
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i also had a really shitty phone camera, so i edited the fuck out of my photos to make the blurriness and low resolution into a feature instead of a bug. it worked for a little while. also, my living situation was hellish at the time, but we had a giant yard with this 70-year-old dogwood tree, and it made for an excellent backdrop.
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a commissioned witch hat i made for a friend. one of my favorite things i have ever made. after a while, i realized i liked doing commissions more than just creating products to sell to the masses because it let me push myself on a technical level.
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this was my most-liked photo of 2021. partly because of my boobs. that's fine. they look great. i created this top because of a commission that went viral, and it spawned so many copycats and fake etsy listings.
my feelings toward the top itself are mild. it's cute. i made it so that people would like and share this photo. there's not much heart in it, if i'm honest. i look back at this top and know that it was made almost algorithmically. granny square bralettes + halter straps + strawberries were all Very In right then so my hands produced this.
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the picture above is one of the first photos i took of myself and felt like i looked like my gender. gender euphoria, i suppose, though the stress of my life at the time dampened the joy. it was then that i started really questioning how i felt about having my online image so tied up in my girlhood. in my feminine body shape. i was 24 and recently estranged from my relatives and working through childhood trauma, including all my preconceptions about gender, and whether or not i owed girlhood to anyone.
i owed girlhood to my followers, though.
when i announced that i would be killing the sad girl crochet brand, a lot of people were genuinely upset. i lost over a thousand followers in three months. people didn't care what i, tabby, was creating. they cared about seeing Content under the Sad Girl Brand. that's okay.
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when creating for sad girl crochet i felt beholden to both sadness and girlhood. my primary mode of expression and self-understanding, my crochet, started to be incongruous with what i actually needed to express. instead of contending with my sadness and seeking to understand it, i exploited it. instead of finding my own version of girlhood, i recreated the girlhood that was shown to me online. it led to a pretty significant creative drought from mid-2022 till about three months ago, in late 2023.
when you make the art people expect of you rather than the art that is true, you kill a part of your soul. i know this now.
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i did my first craft fair in summer 2022 and immediately after, i was creatively bereft. what little bits of creative energy i had left were spent. a few months later my husband and i moved across the state, away from the hellish house with the beautiful yard, a fresh start. once we moved, i told myself, i would feel at home with sad girl again. and i kept waiting to feel the way i did in 2020 and 2021. but the more time went by, the less sadgirl felt like a creative outlet, and more an albatross round my neck.
and weirdly...i started to feel guilty about ever marketing my sadness in the first place. to grapple with the fact that i was making money off of other women and femmes with depression - and marketing to them on the basis that they were as depressed as me. the more i thought about it, the squickier it felt.
i barely posted anything in 2022 and 2023. i signed up for pattern tests and immediately dropped out of them. i made promises i didn't deliver on. eventually, i just stopped logging on.
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a lot of life went by. i crocheted for my family, my loved ones, myself. journaled. got back on tumblr. deleted twitter. started trading screen time for books. got outside more. made friends in the new town. and the longer i ignored sadgirlcrochet, the less i wanted to go back.
see, the thing was, i was actually healing and growing, finally. our living situation was stable. my family found our own little village. i came to terms with being trans-er than i'd let myself admit. sad girl was dead. i'd killed her. and that was healthy for me.
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creature comforts was born of a desire to be truer to myself and to live with more love. to craft instead of sell. to share instead of market. to be online without wearing a mask. to be active on tumblr instead of instagram. to be a creator and an artist. to let these desires be misunderstood by others. to love, unabashedly.
i'm excited to see where this takes me in 2024.
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subway-boss-jericho · 3 months
Current Stuff in the Works
Steady Tracks chapter 2 is still happening (I have finally gotten a second wind and am making decent progress)
I've been working on a short animatic for Spirit Keeper Ingo (It's mostly done but I haven't had the time to go back to it since the semester started)
Potentially might be starting a second fic in the near-to-far future. I realized one of the things tripping me up with STDNW was not having variety, so i might start another fic to work on when I can't make progress on ST.
I am also still working on that Uquiz. all the quiz parts are done but shockingly it takes longer than you think to write 30+ paragraphs about all the different final answers. oof. That's lower on my priority list but i'll probably get it done over the summer
Oh this is important also, STIngo is getting a redesign. It's not major, just wanna fix some shape language stuff. Make him look more pokemon. That'll happen officially at some point but again god forbid I set a concrete deadline sdjghdh ⭐Other animatics in the future, maybe some comics. Art hard, brain bad, fuck it we ball
Thank you for your time, have some doodles 👍 (these are between a month and a year old, horrors of constantly evolving art style n character designs, yadda yadda)
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yokakaiju · 3 months
tristamp thoughts/live watch ramblings
preface: i already have a very bad impression of tristamp. i literally have been into trigun for maybe a week now and i have seen most of 1998, but im trying to go into tristamp with a clear head and view it objectively, but i genuinely looked at the character designs and legatos redesign made me resent it immediately tbh...
ANYWAY, im live watching as i write this, so apologies if its sporatic
okay so the good stuff so far
uhh... its very pretty!!! ill give it that. it really shows the evolution of 3d anime over time, and as someone who typically doesnt enjoy it i think tristamp is absolutely beautiful. first 3d anime i ever saw was knights of sidonia and i have a deep appreciation for where 3d anime is now compared to a decade ago
i kinda like meryls new design the best? i like her hat, its cute. everyone else is so... eh, tho. merylls redesign is chill with me tho
roberto is fine ig. i like old men characters sometimes and like, idk whenever im not sad abt milly not being here im okay enough with roberto existing
now on to my ever growing laundry list of complaints that ik will get worse if i keep watching (spoilers for trimax probably)
one, WHY IS VASH LIKE THAT?? LIKE WHY IS HE SUCH A WHINY CRYBABY?? LIKE SHUT UP DAWG!!! idk, ik vash is a silly emotionally explosive highly insecure funny little fella and i love him for it, i think vash is a great character, but why did they make him kinda a pathetic bitch in stamp? like, i usually dont watch dubs but i am for trigun cause my tv is kinda far from my bed and i dont wanna sit uncomfortably to read subs rn (BLEH!!!), so maaaaaaaybe sub vash is better, and no shade to the va i like his voice a lot for vash tbh, but bro pls stop crying every two seconds im gonna lose it. why is vash lowkey proslavery (THIS IS A JOKE), BUT FR!!! why is he more like... idk chill with plants being used ig ????? im sure hes not really, but like... dude, you arent the same
two, okay this made me actually mad, but why in the actual fuck was knives immediately introduced and why is he like some weird well known plant stealing cave hermit??? like??? no??? he wouldnt do that??? also why is he so present in this world LIKE DOES LOST JULY NOT EXIST IN THIS CANON??? WHAT IS THIS??????? i literally hate this rewrite. like... trimax is right there dawg... you did not have to rewrite literally everything. addition as i watch episode 3, why is he like that? why can he make purple? why does he have razors??? he doesnt talk like that ever??? why is he so??? i hate him actually??? this is not the knives ik and love??? who is this skinwalker????? HE DID NOT ACT LIKE THIS IN TRIMAX WHO IS THIS??? I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THEY REWROTE KNIVES THIS WAY OH MY GOD
three, why did everyone get an objectively bland redesign? like... i dont mind vashs hair. idgaf, but i literally hate his fucking totk link "lost power source" green ass arm. why cant it just be an ugly brown robot arm with a gun in it. whys it gotts be all "cool" and "green" and "mysterious", like IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE CYBERCORE TECHWEAR NEOFUTURISM ASS SHIT!!! i havent seeeeeeen wolfwoof in action yet, but i fucking hate his tristamp design. WHY IS HE A TWINK??? WHERE ARE HIS BOOBS??? WHY IS HE NOT A PRIEST??? LITERALLY TURNED A PERFECT CHARACTER INTO A BASIC BITCH FOR NO REASON. also like... knives. why is he... why is he like that. put shoes on plz the sand is hot babygirl. why are you wearing a tumour coat and ugly matrix ass bodysuit? where did your shoulderpadded objectively cooler dio-esque military outfit go? especially tho, i DESPISE legato and livios redesigns. i think they are SOOOOO butt ugly in tristamp and FOR WHY??? WHY DID THEY MAKE LEGATO SO FUCKING UGLY??? LIKE HE WAS SO HOT IN 98 AND ESPECIALLY IN TRIMAX OH MY GOD HES SO HOT LITERALLY DROOLING THINKING ABT HIM RN MY BABYWABY BOOBOO BEAR. THEY BUTCHERED HIM SO BAD AND IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH!!! AND LIVIO OH MY GOD WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM??? HIS TRIMAX DESIGN IS OS FUCKING PEAK HE IS SO AMAZING AS AN EYE OF MICHAEL AND ESPECIALLY AFTER HE REFORMS AND BECOMES A COWBOY BABEYYY!!!! BUT NOOOO THEY MADE HIM AN UGLY ASS CYBERPUNK ASS BITCH!!! THEY MADE HIM SO FUCKING LAME AND BORING!!! PATOOEY I HATE HIS FUCKING DESIGN!!!! okay so wolfwood just showed up, can officially say hes the weakest version of wolfwood and that i do not like him. hes giving non sonic fan perception of shadow vibes. ALSO WHERE IS HIS MELANIN THEY TOOK IT AWAY!!! THE MELANIN VACCUM STRIKES AGAIN!!! tbf, he didnt have MUCH but he was a little brown, not literally just a white man
four, where. the. fuck. is. milly. i LOVE milly. she is one of my faves ever, im so sad she isnt here. genuinely...
five and probably last for rn, why is the pacing so bad. like its not good in trigun or trimax really, and especially bad in 1998, but it SO ASS!!! like its so blink and you'll miss it, which kinda stands for every trigun... but expected this to be like at least a liiiiittle better i dunno
conclusions: im gonna keep watching it maybe? but like... i dont like it. its bad imo. literaly have been into trigun for one week and am in mourning that trimax will likely never have a proper adaptation. i just wanna see angel knives in his full glory, not whatever tf tristamp is trying to push here
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