#they are a word on their own plus they have a secondary meaning as an acronym
thewertsearch · 4 months
EB: i would like to be culturally sensitive, but i wish it didn't have to be like that for you. […] AG: Well, thanks John. That's nice of you to say. 8ut let's face it, it doesn't fucking matter anymore, since our whole race was wiped out! […] AG: […] we'll never actually get to come of age and enter troll society, and see if we got what it takes. AG: 8ut that doesn't mean we stop growing up! AG: I think the game knows it's always gonna 8e played 8y kids, and it always rigs it so they enter right around the cusp of sexual maturity, whatever the race is. AG: Which kinda makes sense, since if they succeed, they've got their whole lives ahead of them to do whatever the hell they're going to do in their universe, like start repopul8ing and whatnot.
Vriska thinks that Sburb Players are always kids, because the game wants to give them more time to live in their universe. I'm a little skeptical, and not just because it de-canonizes my Homestucksona.
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With the scale of what we’ve seen so far in the game, I didn’t expect a paltry concern like human lifespan to matter. With access to cloning, time travel and brain duplication, rejuvenating one's body would be trivial for a non-ascended Sburb Player, let alone a god of Life or Time.
AG: I really think how successfully they mature is tied to success in the game. It challenges the players in all the ways they need to 8e challenged to grow, which is different for every individual, and veeeeeeeery different for every race.
If Sburb absorbs the cultural standards of its Players, then I’m very happy we didn’t see the Quests that the game tailor-made for the Alternian Empire.
That would explain why we’ve never seen any troll Consorts, though. It's because they were conquered.
AG: I don't think we were so hot at that aspect of the game. In fact, I'm sure we were quite awful. Hell, even I wasn't that gr8 at it! I actually just kinda fell ass 8ackwards into the god tier, to 8e honest.
I wouldn't put too much stock into Sburb's idea of 'growth'. Its primary purpose is to propagate reality, and it's probably designed to mold you into someone well-suited to that task, regardless of your own desires. Your happiness and personal fulfillment is a secondary concern, at best.
Listen to what Sburb has to say, if you want - but take it with a huge pinch of salt. I doubt it has your best interests at heart.
AG: 8ut what really gets me is this didn't even occur to me until just now, while I was sitting around thinking a8out it. […] AG: That was why the game split us up into two teams. AG: It knew as we came of age, we'd pro8a8ly start killing each other. AG: So it just provided the stage. Red team vs. 8lue. It was so simple! All we had to do was what we were naturally inclined to. It might have worked out 8etter for us.
I don't agree with this take on the teams, either.
My interpretation is pretty much the opposite of Vriska's. I’ve always believed that the game pretended to split the trolls into teams, in order to trick them into joining one single cooperative group. If we assume propagation is Sburb's primary goal, then it must have concluded that this arrangement increased their chances of victory. In other words, the trolls are better together.
Plus, Sburb has never even hinted that the game can or should be played competitively. I think Vriska's just searching for reasons why everything's gone so wrong, and she's fallen back on Alternian conditioning again. Successful trolls kill, so her team must have failed because there weren't enough killings.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 4 months
AN: Remus is trans and Rosie is his deadname before transitioning.
Rosie looked at her reflection in the mirror and felt stupid. She had never felt comfortable in her own skin. Worse with lose hair and the girly clothes her dad had bought for her.
That pink shirt with hearts disgusted her. It read: "Pretty girl". The skirt was awfully uncomfortable. And she looked like a clown with the little color her mum had put on her face.
Rosie had been following the advice of Sirius’s cousins. They were older prettier teenage girls. Rosie had met them recently since they were staying at the manor for Sirius’s eleventh birthday. Apparently it was important since he was going to a boarding secondary school in Scotland next year. Rosie didn't want him to go.
"Don't you want to give Sirius his first kiss?" Bellatrix had asked after her and her sisters teased Rosie repeatedly about her being Sirius’s little girlfriend.
It hadn't helped that Rosie had blushed repeatedly at their comments.
"He is not going to fancy you if you dress like a boy" Bellatrix had added in a mocking tone.
"Bella! Don't bother the poor girl" Andromeda added with a motherly voice "Plus, Sirius is too young to kiss girls"
"I think it is about time" Bella tutted "He is eleven! He is becoming a little man"
"Maybe if Sirius has a girlfriend he would be less annoying" Narcissa commented with a little soft laughter.
The girls discussed as if Rosie wasn't there. But she surely fancied Sirius. The idea of giving him his first kiss was appealing. In a few years, that was. Rosie wasn't sure if she was ready for that kind of stuff.
Although Sirius’s cousins were right. He was growing up and each day he was more and more handsome. Rosie liked his mischievous eyes full of life and his pretty smile. He was surely the most beautiful boy she had ever met. At least prettier than the boys at her school.
The Black Sisters told Rosie everything she needed to know to get a boy's attention. "Get pretty" they said. It was all about clothing, makeup, bating one's eyelashes, and being vulnerable around them. It was about femininity and sensibility. Nothing about being genuine. Nothing about how Rosie actually was. But she had to believe them. These girls had had boyfriends and kissed boys. So they must have known what it needed to be done.
Rosie’s parents prepared a little chocolate cake for Sirius. Just like they always did for her. They hadn't been invited to dinner at the Manor. But still Rosie wanted to celebrate with her friend.
The minute Sirius crossed the Pool House door that evening and Rosie said: "Hello", he frowned as if something was wrong.
"Moony... What are you wearing?" Sirius laughed.
And just with those words, Rosie felt stupid. Of course Sirius looked good with everything he wore. And he was elegant today, for his birthday.
"Don't you like it?" Rosie asked with a knot on her throat.
"You look ridiculous" Sirius nodded realizing something "Annoyingly girly like my cousins..."
"Don't you mean she looks beautiful?"
Sirius was embarrassed by Hope Lupin's presence. He blushed in a cute way. Then probably noticed the tears in Rosie’s eyes.
"Aah..." he blinked nervously "Yes, Mrs. Lupin. Rosie looks beautiful"
Rosie blushed and looked away. Hope seemed content with Sirius’s answer. She smiled.
"Happy Birthday, Sirius" and she had no problem with giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Sirius went even more red if possible. Rosie wished she could make him blush one day.
They sang Happy birthday and ate chocolate cake. As the evening went on, Rosie felt more like herself. She forgot about the kiss and didn't pay attention to what she was wearing. She got more comfortable around Sirius. They were best friends after all.
With Rosie’s parents they watched their favorite movie: Labyrinth. It was a tradition for Rosie’s birthday. So they decided to do it for Sirius’s as well.
All was well until Rosie’s parents had to go back to the Manor for work. Why did The Black's decide to call them the night of their son's birthday, Rosie would never understand. But Hope kissed Sirius’s head, wishing him happy birthday and Lyall rubbed his head saying "You're almost a man, mate. Congrats". And they left the two kids alone.
Though Lyall's words reminded Rosie of what Sirius’s cousins had said about him. How he was becoming a man.
When the Masquerade ball scene came up with that romantic song that Hope loved, Rosie felt nervous again. And when the Goblin King danced with Sara, Rosie wished to dance with Sirius this song one day.
Rosie gave a side glance to the boy next to her. Sirius was eleven. He was leaving for Scotland in August. He would grow up there and probably date prettier girls. And he was going to forget about Rosie eventually. But not if she gave him his first kiss.
He was too pendant of the movie and Rosie knew he liked it. He usually got bored with movies.
"What do you think about.... Kissing?"
Sirius raised an eyebrow though his eyes were still on the screen.
He shrugged "I've seen Cissy kissing Lucius and it looks disgusting... Heard Bella saying that you have to put your tongue on the other person's mouth..."
"Eugh!" Rosie exclaimed "It is disgusting"
She hadn't been told she had to do that.
"I know" Sirius nodded "Never want to do that in my life"
"Not even as an adult?"
Sirius shook his head.
"Mum says is nice" Rosie tried "That when you are an adult and you fancy someone that's all you want to do... Kiss them"
Sirius made a face of disgust. Then his intense gray eyes focused on Rosie. He looked at her as if she had gone mental.
"Do you want to do that, Moony?"
Rosie blushed. She shrugged "We all do it eventually..."
"Well, not me!" Sirius exclaimed leaning back "I am gonna be the first boy not to kiss. Never marry. I am going to go on adventures... And you are coming with me, obviously, Moony"
Rosie was rather sad and disappointed. Although when she thought about the tongue she was relieved.
"Don't you want to try it?" she asked playing with the cushion on her lap "How do you know you won't like it if you don't try?"
"What are you saying, Moony?" Sirius snapped "Why are you acting so weird? It is my birthday! I was bored at dinner with everyone saying I am becoming an adult and I should behave like one. And then I come here, because I wanted to have fun with you, Moony... And you make me watch a stupid movie and talk about kissing as an adult!! I don't want to be an adult!! I don't want to become a man. I don't want you to become a woman. I want us to be kids forever!! And have fun!! And now you're acting like my cousins... Saying I should kiss girls... I don't want to! And I want you to stop being weird and annoying like them!!"
Rosie was speechless. She felt stupid again. Sirius’s cousins had been filling up her head about kissing Sirius. When she wasn't ready for that. Rosie liked him. Maybe as an adult or a teenager she should think about that. Kissing and dating. But not now. Rosie wanted to be a kid as well.
"Sorry, Rosie.... But if you are going to be like this, I rather play the boring games Regulus makes me play"
Sirius raised to his feet ready to leave but Rosie stopped him.
"Sirius... Wait!"
Sirius turned with hope.
"I'm sorry..."
Rosie got to her feet as well.
"I am gonna change and then we can do something fun" she smiled.
Sirius smiled back "Play pirates?"
Rosie grinned "We could and oh! How could I miss it! It is not a birthday without Moon Wishes..."
The smile Sirius gave her was magnificent.
"And a prank on your annoying cousins"
Sirius nodded enthusiastically.
"That's my Moony! She's back!"
Rosie loved to be his Moony.
Sirius was probably leaving in August but it was months until then. Rosie wanted to take the most advantage spending time with her best friend.
She leaned in with a smile on her face. Sirius froze. Rosie could tell he was red as a tomato. But all that happened was a kiss on the cheek. That for now...
And Rosie laughed at Sirius’s panicked expression. He was blinking hard.
"Happy Birthday, Sirius"
Remus could spend days kissing Sirius nonstop. It was amazing how his lips made him feel. It was not fair that they needed air to breathe and they had to stop.
Remus liked everything about it. The way Sirius used his tongue, giving Remus shots of pleasure. The way his lips were soft and so tasteful. The way he ran his fingers through Remus's hair. The way he smiled in between kisses. The way his eyes traveled through Remus's face as if he was one of the most beautiful person in the world.
"Okay, I think I need some air" Remus chuckled as he unglued his face from Sirius’s after what felt like forever.
He liked caressing Sirius’s jaw and chin delicately.
Sirius smiled in response.
Remus rolled his eyes with a smile.
"We've been snogging for ten minutes" Remus protested "And in the compacted space of the janitors closet"
Sirius giggled "I like kissing your lips too much"
But Sirius backed away and leaned on the wall next to Remus.
After a brief moment of silent from both of them trying to catch their breath, Remus started laughing. It was the irony of be kissing his lifetime crush in secret that for Remus was funny.
"What?" Sirius asked with curiosity.
"Do you remember when we were kids and you swore you would never kiss anyone?"
It was dark in there but Remus knew Sirius blushed.
"I was ten!"
"Eleven actually..."
"Oh shut up!"
Remus laughed once more and Sirius accompanied him with a gorgeous smile.
"To be fair, I didn't know how good it felt to snog someone" Sirius shrugged "Especially someone that kisses as well as you"
Now it was Remus's turn to blush. He wasn’t sure what exactly Sirius felt for him. He was afraid to ask. Although he suspected it was not the profound feeling Remus had for him. But Remus accepted it all. He would take anything from his Sirius. The gorgeous boy that had always owned his heart. Even more gorgeous now at seventeen.
"Thanks for that"
"You are a good kisser, Moony. I don't complain"
And neither did Remus. He couldn't. He couldn't force Sirius to give him what he wanted. Sirius needed time to figure out his feelings, who he was.
There was a another moment of silence. They were smiling though. Sirius with his eyes closed. Remus wanted to believe he was enjoying the moment. As much as Remus was.
"Oh! I am never going to kiss anyone, Moony!" Remus started imitating Sirius’s voice, exaggerating it as a kid's one. Sirius smiled and opened his eyes.
"I am gonna be a lips virgin forever and probably a virgin forever as well... And we are going to only have adventures! Because that's the only thing that is worth!"
Sirius laughed openly and loudly, dropping his head back. It gave Remus pleasure to provoke that.
"Such a cute little boy you were, Padfoot..."
"Oh shut up, Remus Lupin! You wanted to take my lips virginity so badly! You, pervert!"
Remus chuckled. It was true.
"I even put the Labyrinth song that I liked"
"Such a romantic"
That made Remus laugh. And Sirius was looking intensely at him. He had that kind of look that left people speechless, out of breath. Remus loved that he was using those eyes on him. He liked to believe he was the only one. That no girl had ever had that privilege.
"Enough break we've had, don't you think?" Sirius asked as he bit his lip in a really sexy way.
Remus genuinely smiled because he was happy. And as Sirius pulled him for another kiss, Remus gave into it willingly. How crazy was life.
Sirius hadn't been his first kiss. But he was the only one that mattered.
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midnightwerewoolf · 1 month
Favourite Senorita Cometa characters and moments?
Hello??? another person who likes and reads Señorita Cometa???
I'll just make a quick top 3 since if I were to classify them all I would take a long time writing.
I love Alex.
She's a Rascal, I love characters who are absolute rascals, plus the smarts? plus the insane parkour agility? Besides she's just such a well meaning and cunning person, you can tell that with the right backup she can do amazing stuff. Go off queen, save your best friend!
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Alex give me your gender. Also if you have seen @arechanga Twitter? that one Male!Alex drawing she made? God, damn. really nailing down the stuff I like.
2. ¡Xolo, Xolo! It's Lottie!
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Gotta say, I adore Lottie her story is super beautiful and I admire how she's still informing people even in the guise of a vtuber. You can see how much the things that happened messed her up but she's still so strong. I could never ask for a better information broker than her. Also I love her model! literally an axolotl inspired vtuber and she sticks to the bit, wow. I love her.
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Honestly? Adal is such an amazing friend and huge sweetie. 💖 Like, sure he's a cop but the type of cop who would try to change things from the inside in a corrupt system, and I'm so glad he's been stepping out of his own comfort zone due to Alex's antics but he's also there to support her and be her rock when she needs it.
Honorable mentions go to:
Detective Puig, man I love a smart detective who knows how to do his job and is a good actor.
Sofía, she is amazing. What a woman I can understand Adal.
And of course Martina! I adore her, sure her role is pretty secondary thus far but she's so understanding and compassionate and she's such a good friend. I love her!
As for moments...
The one I love the most is Lottie's backstory and how she meets Puig, really made feel a lot for her and how much she has gone through. For her work and words to be recognized and believed in was such a hard hitting moment.
I can't talk about more because most moments come from later in the webtoon and I would rather not spoil things. Really loved the Chavo Del Ocho shout out with la vecindad del Chavo, that made fucking scream dude.
Also, if anybody read this, give Senorita Cometa a read! Such a fun and amazing story about a gentleman thief who is looking for her friend, Cometa is of course Alex who I mentioned at the top and she's absolutely charming, all the characters are really well done, the art is really good, and the story is super engaging specially when there's chapters with music? that's when you know stuff is about to get real!
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writing-for-soup · 19 hours
✍ writer interview
tagged by @luvwich, read her interview for insight into how an evil genius works, and for insight into how an evil moron works, check out my answers below the cut 💕
When did you start writing?
I've written basically my entire life, like when I first learned to write I used to just copy fairytales word-for-word in my own notebooks. Then I always liked English the most at school, did my undergrad in English Literature and Creative Writing, and then did an MA in Creative Writing right after because I Wasn't Ready to be in the real world yet.
I used to write fanfic as a teen, then more or less forgot all about it until I played Cyberpunk 2077 in late 2023, had a mental breakdown (only partially related), and then couldn't get River fucking Ward out of my mind. Since then, it's kind of blossomed into it's own thing and this year I've written 138k+ words and it feels great.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I love a classic murder-mystery thriller, but I'm currently writing one of those and I have almost a full outline for another, and I think both will stand as original stories I might even seek to publish, so does that count?
I love a good sci-fi or fantasy series and I've never written anything like that, the level of world-building involved is so intimidating but when you read it done well it's sooooo good (see Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam trilogy or Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness).
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I feel like my style is distinguished, but I do always think about writers who hugely influence me when I'm writing. Margaret Atwood is the first to come to mind because I feel like her writing is so unique and compelling for me.
I'd be lying if I said I don't also regularly think: would @luvwich do this? Especially in the early days of my longfic. Reading her fic, Arpeggio, was so influential to me. My own fic has very much grown into its own creature now, but at the start, it was Arpeggio's voice I was listening to when writing.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
It's called my living room sofa, sometimes with a dog included. Usually in my pjs, with a cup of chai, and ideally some chocolate. If it's raining outside, I am completely in The Zone.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Seeing a handsome brown man. I'm not kidding, that's usually how it starts for me. If he's a secondary character who's kind of out of the way and also has a rock solid moral compass? It's already over for me.
If I'm ever lacking, talking to my friends @lily-alphonse and @totallyhumanexe is the easiest way to clear the block and get creative juices flowing. It's good to have such juicy, juicy friends ❤
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Is rampant horniness a theme? Is pure desperation a theme? I like writing couples who are so in love and crazy for each other because I think overwhelmingly eager consent is very sexy. This doesn't surprise me at all.
If sometimes my characters are bossy power bottoms or whimpering messes or incredibly blunt and mean...that also does not surprise me.
What is your reason for writing?
Ideas grow and bloom in my brain and if I don't get them out they'll take up all the space and leave no room for things like my PIN number and my partner's birthday etc.
Plus writing fuels so much joy in my life. It's good for my soul.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Like anyone, I post my writing partially because I want the gratification of a comment from someone. I'm always grateful to readers for their comments, no matter what they are.
The best comments though, the ones that are the most impactful for me, usually reference specific lines in my work and elaborate on what it was about that part that they loved or that moved them.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
World's most brilliant, evil, stupid, amazing, lovable and intensely attractive person. A Woman For The People. A Girl's Girl. Soup.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I feel confident overall about my writing abilities. I think my dialogue is strong, and I think I'm good at getting into the psyche of my characters. I hope my greatest strength is making my writing consistently interesting.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I like it, I read it. I can feel how much it's improved in this last year alone and I can't wait to reflect again in another year and hopefully see greater strength and distinction 💪
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
To be totally honest, I mostly just think about me. Often, when I write, I'm filling the void of what I wanted to read that simply didn't exist yet.
I do sometimes include moments that I've noticed are popular in fics that have influenced mine, but even that is largely because I enjoyed those moments just as much as other readers, and so I wanted to see them in my own work as well.
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Hello! (I follow your blog but i think this is the first time I'll drop by? Love you!)
So, about Wilmon Endgame thing: I think that they will be endgame. Whenever I get kinda skeptical about it, I just remember Edvin's words from his S1 promo: "Wilhelm's problem is not that he's in love with a boy, Wilhelm's problem is being a prince." If they are not together by the end, it will just mean that in the end, Wilhelm's problem WAS being queer and it got solved by their breakup. Which is, I don't think it's the message the whole team is going to give to the audience after striking motifs like Revolution, or Them Against The World. Being a prince IS actually all of Wilhelm's problem and after confessing that he was in the video- media and the public opinion(a secondary branch of problems stemming from the monarchy) will start weigh in their lives. And they're 16 ffs. They WILL have a really hard time dealing with this shit, even grown adults are not able to handle it at all!
Will there be difficulties? Yes. Will there even be differences of opinion between Wille and Simon? Yes, that's how being together works! But do I have a doubt about their relationship and their longevity? Hell no! I've been a fan of this show since almost two years and the way I have seen the show unfold, I trust the storytelling.
Plus, since S2 dropped, I have been just enjoying the ride of seeing the show and letting the story go on its own rather than watching it with expectations swirling in my head which trust me, it just ruins the viewing experience. Of course no one knows what's in store for us and we can either be utterly wrong or right about what will happen, I would still suggest that just enjoy the journey for the last time!💜
~heartbreakprincewille 💜
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mangatxt · 1 year
any advice on how to improve writing style/get ideas for fics and dialogue? i’m forever in love with the way you write. it flows well, and the dialogue is super authentic and funny. i’m trying to get back into writing after a couple years of being crushed by the american secondary education system, so any tips would be much appreciated.
keep it up with the good work! i look forward to continue reading :))
Holy moly, this is a super kind ask. I'm so happy to know that you enjoy my work. Thank you for sending this!
As for the meat of this ask -- I'll do my best! I'll offer some reflections and then link some resources I've personally found helpful! I apologize for the length of this answer. This ask gave me a lot to think about, and brevity is my weakness as a writer.
I answer this with a few caveats:
I'm not an expert. I'm just loud.
I teach writing for a living, but I don't teach creative writing specifically. I do, by nature of my job, have more time for reading and writing than I did as a full-time student or corporate employee. That alone makes a huge difference. Everyone goes at their own pace, and it's hard to be creative without time, especially when you're starting out or getting back into writing after a break.
I write humor, so I'll discuss that primarily. While writing has rules that generally yield better results, comedy works often because it violates those established rules. Like many writing teachers, I have fully internalized the touted "canon" of Strunk & White's Elements of Style and George Orwell's Remedy of Six Rules. But sometimes, adverbs are funny. So I'll write an adverb, say "fuck you George Orwell," and, scandalously, call it a day.
If you want to deconstruct and consequently ruin comedy forever, start with Theories of Humor and then, to extend your suffering, hit the footnotes.
Humor writing is culturally dependent. You won't make everyone laugh. You'll flop. You'll embarrass yourself. You have to be willing to risk being unfunny. So it goes.
You can always publish anonymously on AO3 if it helps you start. Or for any reason. You can change your mind and claim it back to your account. Or you can abandon it entirely. I've done it plenty. Sometimes, it's what you need to do to draw up the nerve to put yourself out there, and that's completely fine.
My first personal rule is that I write stories for myself, fic or original. If someone else likes it, that's a bonus. I write what I want to read. That factors into my overall writing style too. I write how I'd want someone else to write it for me. Even if someone's written it before, which is often the case with fic writing and popular tropes, I might want to hear it in another way. See: The Two Cakes Principle.
My second personal rule is that I write something every day. Even if it's a little bit. Even if it's all trash. Anything's better than nothing. Write without editing. Write without your spell checker on, even. (As they say "write drunk, edit sober" -- I don't drink much, so for me that means "write at 3AM, edit at not 3AM"). The more you play around with words and practice your voice, the easier it will get. Part of this is honing the muscle or whatever, but part of this is also gaining familiarity with structure that will make writing forever easier. How do journalists crank out stories everyday? There's a structure to newspaper and magazine articles that makes it easier to plug in the words and go. You'll find your own in creative writing too. Plus, the more you write, the easier it is to let go of things (aka kill your darlings). (Killed darlings go in your bits folder.)
My third personal rule is that I write every idea down, no matter how vague or ridiculous, because I might be able to use it later. I never want to lose things. I use my phone notes for this. They're full of silly ideas -- funny things I overhead at the library, out-of-context conversations I imagine Reigen and Dimple having, Wikipedia articles that I liked, funny plot concepts, etc. The other day, I wrote down, "The gang carbon-dates Dimple." I dunno where I'm going with that, but I like the idea. I write a lot of my plot ideas in IASIP title card style. It's more fun that way. Always prioritize having fun.
One last personal rule is that the mechanical act of writing has a purpose. You're rarely writing for the purpose of writing well, right? Most of the time, in class or at work, I'm writing for the purpose of being understood by my audience, and therefore, I do whatever I must to make my message better understood, even at the expense of "good writing." Here's a silly example: I've learned the hard way that some of my co-workers can't fucking read. So instead of paragraphs, I write emails in bullet points with bold and underlined text. At the expense of prose, the message is more likely received, and that's the goal.
This example might be on the nose, but it applies in some way to everything I write. When I write fic, I have to have a purpose. Maybe I'm trying to make myself laugh. Maybe I'm trying to explore some theme or feeling. Maybe I'm trying to correct canon. Maybe I'm trying to speculate how the conman will handle a Situation. Whatever that end is, I find the writing comes easier when I focus on the end more than the process of writing. It helps me stay focused, when I remember that writing's just the tool. I hope that makes sense.
Developing a writing style or a narrative voice depends on the writer. I'm an amalgamation of what I've read and watched and enjoyed, combined with formal writing education and my own personal narration. I hate to be the person who says "read a lot to write more!" I hate it so so so much, but...it's true. (That said, it doesn't have to be the classics. I get inspiration from there, sure, but I also get inspiration from sitcoms and crossword clues and the inane HOA emails my landlord forwards to me. "Honored neighbors, we are ecstatic to announce fire alarm testing next week..." Like, I'm sorry? That's a work of art I've filed away for later.)
For fics, some of the way I write is homage to the original creator. I consider this a plus, not a requirement. ONE writes satire. He's foremost a humorist. Most of his works are genre deconstructions. Like most shonen mangaka, he writes shorter narrative arcs that sum to (or in his case, reflect across) the overall narrative arc of the work. He's also pretty cringe/over-the-top with wordplay and cultural references (pop and traditional). When I try to reflect elements of his style in my own work, I find his characters easier to work with. For me, it's hard to write something fully comedic or fully serious with MP100 characters. The alternation between comedy and tragedy in MP100 works because it plays on emotional investment in the characters and subversion of expectations.
That said, I'm going to have to add something controversial: as a fic writer, how much you adhere to the original work doesn't fucking matter. (See my first rule -- write what you want to read.) Fic writing is meant to be transformative. The amount that you should care about canon depends on what you're trying to accomplish. My advice is to play fast and loose as much as you want. Unfollow and block the "he wouldn't fucking say that" people if it helps you write. I do, because they're annoying. Characterization is a product of audience internalization. Further, every work is for someone. Most importantly, you're doing this for fun, not pay or obligation. Sure, maybe ONE wouldn't write Reigen saying a particular line, but ONE also writes homophobic stereotypes into his works. No matter what you do, by definition of writing a fan work, you're gonna stray from canon. It's not holy word. Don't waste your finite man hours stressed about it.
Moving on to discussion of "get ideas" -- I mentioned I write every idea down. I try to stick with ideas I know fairly well off the bat, because it's easiest to write what you know. In absence of that, I find more inspiration in the research into an idea. Much of the action in TPC was heavily inspired by George Santos's many misdeeds, which I read in the news or on Wikipedia.
If I can distill the idea into a premise, it informs my narrative voice in a given work. Write what you know applies to premise as much as character perspective. You're always going to have an easier time writing a character you relate to or you encounter in real life and know quite well. You might consider this to get started. Personally, I find Reigen and Mezato easiest to write, because I relate to them the most. I find Serizawa and Shigeo more difficult to write, because I have more trouble relating to their life experiences. On the other hand, I find Roshuuto easy to write, because his brand of villainy is more familiar to me.
There's this notion of plotting vs pantsing. A plotter outlines every facet of their work before doing any writing. A pantser makes it up as they go (read: "by the seat of their pants"). Figuring out which one you are will enable you to write more comfortably.
Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. For MP100, I always know where a work will end when I start. In TPC, the second scene I ever wrote was the epilogue. For me, the middle is what's more up in the air. In my experience, it's very difficult to be a total pantser and write comedic multi-chapter works, unless you write the whole thing before you post. It's not impossible, but in my opinion, humor relies on callbacks and repetition so much that you risk writing yourself into a wall if you're not careful. In general, I don't start formally "fic writing" without an overarching premise, but the premise might be as simple as: "Against everyone's better judgment, Reigen runs for union president. It blows up in his face."
This was my original outline for TPC before I even wrote chapter one:
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I had the overarching narrative and the rough timeline for the mini-arcs in mind when I started. A lot of it ended up changing or shifting. I had a few themes I wanted to cover and comedic elements I wanted to set up. But when it came down to more specific mini-arc narrative details, I either plotted later or got away with pantsing it entirely.
Sometimes as I write chapters, I get stuck on individual scenes. Maybe I'm struggling to write scenery, or I haven't figured out a character interaction, or the dialogue isn't flowing the way I'd like. To deal with that, I have trained myself to write out of narrative order as needed. I write the scenes I'm most excited about first, and then I come back and fill in the rest of the connective tissue. This is easier in Scrivener, which is what I use to write, but you can set up any word processor to do this. Even within scenes, I sometimes skip parts that I need to think about for longer. Sometimes, I don't even finish sentences.
I'll write something like:
"Apparently you're quite popular on a particular Mobbit sub," he tells Reigen. Reigen's not sure he wants to know which one. "It was r/<SOMETHING FUNNY>. Did you know they hit a million subscribers this week? I think you helped."
And then in the middle of the night or in the shower or at the grocery store or whenever I think of "<SOMETHING FUNNY>", I fill it in later. When I edit, I make sure I clear out any remaining "<>." I do what I can, and then Future Ani does the rest. *handshake emoji*
For comedy writing, there are rules I follow that I'll link later on. While I've been inspired by a lot of other humor novelists or essayists, I also take a lot of inspiration from TV and standup.
I took a screenwriting class in college -- and while I didn't get the knack of screenwriting (B-, unlucky), I did learn a lot about plot progression, dramatic irony, show-not-tell, rule of threes, and scene setting. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I found it helpful. You can see some of that inspiration manifest, for example, in that many of my fics have cold opens. I've always liked that comedic structure for drawing in the reader while establishing an overarching theme for the chapter. I do a lot of scene-switching and flashbacks as well. Scene-setting in comedy often involves juxtaposition -- e.g. "what if we put the weirdest loner from 7th division in a highly-collaborative corporate setting?". You're subverting expectations, and this is where you break the rules. Sometimes, comedy is about using the funniest word or word combination possible to describe something.
On that note, take some tips from poetry too. Alliteration, repetition, synecdoche, a lot of poetic devices work well here, because, like poetry, comedy writing depends on build-up and timing. Rules are best broken when it's rare and unexpected. It's way funnier and impactful when a character who never swears drops an f-bomb when they've finally had enough. Here's another example: in general, you should avoid epithets in fic writing, but it's all about being judicious with your timing. I can call Reigen "the union's esteemed president" instead of his name in a scene in Executive Privilege, because I juxtapose it with him doing something less-than-esteemed.
Perhaps less obviously, the TV influence manifests in the way I write dialogue too -- shorter and generally interleaved between the characters. While I read everything I write out loud during editing to check flow, I especially focus on tightening up dialogue. I don't always get it right, but I try to make sure that every word in a piece of dialogue has to have a purpose: either characterization or timing, in that order. Serizawa uses a lot of "I think" or "In my opinion." Reigen...does not do that. And Dimple is a master of the last word in the form of a pithy quip. If I plan my scenes to use that characterization to support the comedic timing I'm shooting for, it works all the better. (e.g. -- let Reigen babble on like an expert about something he doesn't actually know anything about, let Serizawa think on it for a while and come to a conclusion that puts Reigen on the spot, let Reigen backtrack, and then let Dimple add his jab at the end. And scene.)
Aaand that's a lot of reflection. Probably too much reflection. These are some considerations that have helped me over time, so I hope others might find it helpful too. Getting started is tough, and it's often terrifying to put your work out there (and somehow, even more terrifying to put a GDoc in front of a beta reader, I haven't a clue why but it's true for me!). But once you start, I promise it gets easier! You'll build yourself a foundation and continue to pick up things you like, discard things you don't like, and grow from there.
Thanks again for sending this ask. It means a lot to me. Happy to continue the conversation and field other people's thoughts on any of this! Like I said, this is a reflection on my process, but everyone develops their own unique approach to writing over time. Mine changes over time too. Above all, I hope you can heal from the crush of the education system, find enjoyment in writing again, and discover the style and process that works for you <3
Resources (AKA things I personally have bookmarked):
general writing (in addition to Strunk&White, Orwell, and others mentioned earlier):
how to get out of a writing slump (this fixed me once)
masterlist of general writing resources
another big ass masterlist
resources for describing places
masterlist of facial expressions
how to write an inciting incident
i found this recently: cultural differences writing work set in japan
i also follow writing prompt blogs, nanowrimo, character and relationship week blogs, etc. prompts can be a great way to start and build community with other writers!
comedic writing:
basic tips on writing humor
comedic devices
comedic genre
i can't find the link for this BUT: humor and comedy is not inherently less complex or wise or valuable than non-comedic work. writing is writing and fics are fics, whether they make the reader laugh, cry, or both.
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bonefall · 1 year
You know what's a super classic conlang thing I'm shocked we haven't done? A kinship terminology chart! We should totally have one, get in those terms for uncle/aunt, grandparents, nesprings, the whole of it!
LETSGO, full list of the familial terms they use in Clanmew, plus a straightforward explanation of the concepts that have been floating around!
Blood relation is simply Gan. This is a term that's more related to bloodline; Nyams is for people you consider your family. Both of these are translated as 'Kin.'
So to start with, the only constant for a kitten is that they have a Mi.
A Mi is a Primary Parent. This is a non-gendered term; there are many reasons why a non-birthing parent may be the Mi of their litter. It also doesn't necessarily refer to whoever suckled the kittens. Whoever spent the most time and energy raising the litter is its Mi.
Fernsong was the Mi of his litter. Torear, biologically Harestar and Kestrelflight's uncle who adopted them, was their Mi. Breezepelt is the Mi of the litters in his polycule.
If, for some reason, the Mi was unable to care for their kittens, their Ba is expected to step up and become their Mi.
Most kittens also have a Ba.
A Ba is a Secondary Parent. This exclusively refers to cats involved in kittencare, to try and imply that an Honor Sire that has no role in raising their children is a Ba is something that supporters of Thistle Law do. It inherently means closeness.
For example, when TigerClan took over, Rippleclaw was considered the Ba of Swansong, even though Oakheart had raised him along with Stonefur and Mistyfoot.
Never use "Ba" for an Honor Sire unless the Honor Sire is co-parenting, such as with Firestar and Sandstorm. "Ba" can also be a title that a cat rejects completely, such as with Breezepelt to Crowfeather, Brambleclaw to the Three, and Dovewing to Lionblaze!
"Ba" applies to all kitten-involved members of a polycule. Heathertail and Harestar are both Ba to the kittens that Breezepelt is the Mi of. In cases of there being multiple Ba, usually a creative nickname is made up to differentiate them. For Harestar, his Clanmew name (Yywayayiaoyr) has so many Y sounds that his children call him Ya!
A Mwaow is a relevant biological parent. Usually a mother if referring to wild egg-laying animals who don't care for their young, though occasionally Wairre is used for "sires" specifically.
"Mwaow" is what Swansong feels is most fitting for his sire, Rippleclaw. Breezepelt wants to be extra insulting and call Crowfeather a "Wairre" sometimes.
To call your Ba a Mwaow is very insulting, and a rejection of them as your parent. Likewise, it is insulting to say that a cat's Mwaow is their Ba if they don't feel that way.
And finally, the term for Honor Sire in Clanmew is Kurruaow. Honor-Parent. They make no distinction between dams and sires in Clanmew.
To summarize;
Gan = Kin/Blood
Nyams = Kin/Family
Mi = Primary parent
Ba = Secondary parent
Mwaow = Biological parent, neutral but non-endearing
Wairre = Biological sire, used mostly for animals
Kurruaow = Honor Sire/Dam/Parent
What about the sisters and brothers of your parents? Their kids?
There are Mi-Auncles, Ba-Auncles, and First Cousins. Further than that is just thrown under Gan, if at all.
Myami = Mi-Auncle
Byama = Ba-Auncle
Rabir = Cousin
Multiple-births are very common to Clan cats, and furthermore, multiple litters are seen often. Defining your place within your parent's litters is very important socially!
So, in addition to having words for an older or younger litter of siblings, there are also words for your size within your own litter. Clanmew is more concerned if you were a large kitten or a runt than your birth order, but this could be crudely compared to the human concept of older and younger siblings!
This is an important concept because size growing up would mean you had the upper paw in brawls, to your suckler's milk, and were considered the 'most mature.' Runts are considered to need more protection and 'babying.'
If there was a situation where two littermates were equally sized, they often squabble over who was really the bigger sibling. This doesn't relate to adult size-- Fallenleaf was the largest of her litter, but Lionblaze is bigger than her now.
Firra = Siblings (Broad term, often assumed to be innately plural and referring to several types of siblings at once)
Kafrrif = Sibling of older litter
Eefrri = Sibling of younger litter
Wifeerr = Littermate
Wikfrra = Larger littermate
Weesfwa = Smaller littermate
A baby cat, referred to as a 'kit' or 'kitten' is simply called a "mew." But that's not typically the word they're using when they're talking about their children. There's also additional words in Clanmew for the children of different litters, and how an auncle refers to their sibling's kittens.
Nia'u = Child/son/daughter
Neewarr = Litter
Niak = Child of first litter
Niawi = Child of second litter
Nia'eef = Child of third/any more litters
Rabnif = Nespring/nephew/niece
Niauga = Grandchild (of child you were the Ba of)
Nini = Grandchild (of child you were the Mi of, can be given for closeness)
Kurrnia = Stolen kit, rightfully won through battle (Archaic)
Garrmwa = Ancestor (For non-ancient ancestors that can still be tracked with deduction. Great grandparents, not Thunderstar.)
Sharrarram = Ancestors (For ancient ancestors, far beyond modern memory, who live in the stars. Thunderstar.)
Ami = Mi of my Mi (This can also be applied as a term of endearment. For example, Heartstar is the Ba of her kittens, but Tawnypelt is still Shadowsight's Sharrmi)
Garrmi = Ba of my Mi AND/OR Mi of my Ba (Like Ami, can denote a type of closeness.)
Genrrarg = Ba of my Ba/Someone who is still a grandparent, but not a close one. (This is the term that Breezepelt's kittens eventually use for Crowfeather)
Shegarra = Descendant (For the sake of completion; typically used by StarClan)
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Mismatch bits and pieces.
All things too short to have their own ch.
A way to call a class
I noticed that when I read about a class of students in English, it was called by the year that class graduated, which is different from how it is in Thai. In Thailand, we count a class based on the school they are in. For example, Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy are in Class 36th. That means there are students who have already graduated from this school in total 35th generation, and they are the 36th.
Education system
3 years 
about 3-5 years old
The class number is typically written as อ.year/room number or simply year/room number, with the assumption that anyone who will need to use the number is aware that they are for nusery. 
อ. is the abbreviation of อนุบาล-anuban-Nursery (ป. for prathom and ม. for matyom. Read aloud as Or, Por, and Mor, respectively.)
If you're in the third year, the first room, it can be written as อ.3/1
ประถม-prathom-Elementary school
6 years
can be divided into 2 parts, 3 years each, prathom ton(ต้น-first) and prathom plai(ปลาย-last)
about 6-11 years old
มัธยม-matyom-Secondary school
6 years
can be divided into 2 parts, 3 years each, matyom ton and matyom plai
After matyom ton, one can choose to continue studies in matyom plai or switch to vocational classes. At present, the choice of vocational education is not very popular among families with wealth, and there is some negative bias.
about 12-17 years old
Usually 4, but this can vary depending on what you study.
*Most schools in Thailand have 2 semesters.
From nursery to secondary school, it usually like this:
Semester 1 starts around mid-May and ends in late September or early October.
Semester 2 starts around the beginning of November and ends in late February or early March.
At the university, it is usually like this:
Semester 1 starts around September and ends in December.
Semester 2 starts around February and ends in May.
But it may change if there is an announcement from the Ministry of Education.
*There are 9 years of compulsory education. From prathom to matyom ton.
Thai Baht bank notes are divided into five denominations: 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 baht, which are sometimes referred to by their colors: 20-green, 50-blue, 100-red, 500-purple, and 1,000-gray(1,000 baht banknotes are actually more brown than gray, but maybe because brown 10 baht notes were used before, or the 1,000 baht notes might have used to be grayish, they are called this way.) As for coins, we have 1, 2, 5, 10 baht and 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 satang. One hundred satang is one baht. Satang is not used much, and if we do use it, we will mostly use only the 25 and 50 satang coins.
System of measurement
The metric system is the most popular. Other systems will be used if the topic requires it, such as using tea spoon and cup when baking or using Thai measurement for gold weight and land.
In Thai we have the word กับข้าว-kapkhao, which is things to eat with rice. When we eat it, it's commonly with many people, and we share it together, not somebody's in particular. At each meal, the kapkhao and the rice will be placed on the table for everyone to scoop up and put on their own plate. If you eat with someone you are not super close to, then you should have an extra utensil for scooping up kapkao and rice as to not make the other party uncomfortable. As for when you eat with friends, I would recommend using it also, but it is up to your group of friends' hygiene standards.
Disclaimer:this is my perspective as a daughter of a family in Bangkok.
Getting grounded by one's own parents as a punishment is not a real concept here. I'm quite sure about that. Like, it's kind of redundant? Most of us already have to tell our parents all about where we go, when we will be back and with whom before we go out, and if they don't want us to go, then we don't. Plus, our public transportation wasn't that covered, so if a kid who still can't drive and lives far from it wants to go out, then having parents drop off and pick up after is kind of the only option. It's not like normally we are free to go out whenever.
Gap year
Taking a gap year wasn't the norm. It is often seen as a waste of time, and the people who did it might get gossip that they had to do it because they couldn't pass the exam.
Colors of the day
We have a color for each day, which came from a tale about Songkran, and it is common knowledge. Thus, when we want to color code something day-related, we use it and assume people will understand. A bakery company, Farmhouse, had been color-coding a bag sealer as a sign to tell what day their bread was put on shelves since 1987.
Sunday – Red
Monday –Yellow
Tuesday – Pink
Wednesday – Green
Thursday – Orange
Friday – Blue
Saturday – Purple
We use both the Buddhist era (BE) and the Christian era. Sometimes we choose one to write down and sometimes we write them both side by side, Thai numerals for BE on one line and Arabic numerals for CE on another. But if it's an official document, it's more likely to be only BE. 
This year(2022) is 2565 BE.
Tiping is not part of our culture. Nowadays, some people have begun to start tipping due to the influence of other cultures, and there are both positive and negative opinions about that. Some say extra money is definitely a good thing, but some say if we started tipping people, the employer might see it as an opportunity to reduce their employee payment.
There are no words that translate directly into "Chinatown" in Thailand. Each neighborhood is usually called by its street name or landmark near it, and those Chinatown are that way too. The most popular one in Bangkok was called Yaowarat.
Move out
Not moving out of one's own parent's house is normal. Moving out is normal too, but from what I know, nobody will expect their kids to move out for no reason. Some families even dislike that very idea. Like, if you want to move out for no other reason than you just want to, there must be something wrong.
One of my friends who has a big family and really wants to try to live alone for once, but can't say so because her mother will surely be upset, is now planning to apply for something that requires her to stay somewhere else, so she can use that as the reason she has to move out.
Insect as a snacks
While it is a thing we do have, it's not that popular. Many have never eaten it before. Many eat it once just to try it and never again. There's a good chance that there's no one at all in a room full of people who eats fried insects on a regular basis. It's not exactly rare, but also not something that sells everywhere.
Don’t touch the head
Is something I heard many foreigners talk about Thai people, and I guess, while it might be something they were told by a Thai, it got exaggerated. Sure! You shouldn't go around touching strangers' heads. But that's just common sense, right? Why would anyone think they could touch any part of a stranger at all? For a close person, it's a completely different thing, and don't forget, everybody has a different and will have different boundaries!
Touching monks
It's not that women can't touch monks, it's that monks can't touch women, and we cooperate with them to make it easier for them to stay in the precepts.
The religion in Thailand consists of about 94% Buddhists, about 4% Muslims, about 1% Christians, and the rest are others. It can be seen that there are more Muslims than Christians, but Christians are mentioned slightly more in the entertainment media in my opinion.
The name of the month in Thai can tell which month has how many days. Months with 30 days end with "Yon(ยน)", months with 31 days end with "Kom(คม)", and February ends with "Phan(พันธ์)".
Although Christians are not the majority in Thailand, we do have some Christmas celebrations. The mall will play some Christmas songs and sell decorations or other Christmas-themed items, for example. It might not be that big, but it's there.
My mother says that we Thais will take every chance to have a festival and a celebration. Lol
Dishwashers aren't a popular household item. I don't know the reason.
Age of majority
In Thailand, one will reach their majority at 20 years old, but you can become majority before 20 after your lawful marriage, which can occur with legal guardian permission at 17 or older, or, in a special case, when you are younger than 17 but older than 15, and there is a reasonable cause for marriage and the court grants the permission.
Age of consent
Doing something indecent to someone who is under the age of 15 is illegal, regarding that person's consent. As for someone who is more than 15 but still under 18, it will need both that person and their legal guardian's consent to be legal. If one of them gave consent, it is still illegal. If both parties are under age, then they are both in the wrong and can both be sued by each other's parents.
Driving license
The applicant for a temporary personal motorcycle license must be at least 18 years of age, but if it is for a motorcycle with a total cylinder of not more than 110 cubic centimeters, it must be at least 15 years of age.
A temporary car driver's licensee must be at least 18 years of age.
Public-car and public-tricycle licensees must be at least 22 years of age.
A public motorcycle licensee must be over the age of 20.
A road roller, a tractor, and other driving licensee under section 43 must be at least 18 years of age.
Floods are the most common natural disasters in Thailand.
In Bangkok, there are a few choices for in-town transportation. such as Bts, Mrt, buses, mini buses, taxis, tuk tuks and motorcycles. As for travel between provinces, there are trains, tour buses, vans, and airplanes. Once arriving in other provinces, public transport options vary from area to area but are often more limited than in Bangkok.
Insect screens
Typically, windows are equipped with insect screens. They can be hinged, sliding rails, or something else, but they are usually there.
Apparently, in some places, they are not typically installed. I'm a bit culture shocked. Do you usually have it or not? If not, could you tell me what it is like?
Social media
Facebook currently has some reputation for being an old people's platform but is still popular.
Twitter is also quite popular.
Line is the most popular one for chat apps. It is something you will need to have if you need to communicate with a lot of Thais. Many people complain about how it's not a good way to send files for work or that it makes it hard to separate between private time and work time, but it still maintains its status as being the main means of communication in offices and universities.
Tiktok is gaining many new users during the quarantine.
I searched in English for a bit and think you could find information such as daily cases or any regulations easily enough. As for the Thai people's opinion in general, we can sum it up by saying that many of us have no confidence in our government.
and here are some details:
We have worn a mask for PM 2.5 since before COVID-19 broke out and many will likely still wear it until we are sure there is no COVID left.
Vacine distribution is not very consistent and thorough. So, at the same time, there is someone who gets their third vaccination and someone who hasn't gotten their first yet. 
After COVID-19, no-contact deliveries have become extremely popular.
The first queer media that gained popularity in Thailand were Japanese manga and anime. So we adopt the Japanese term "yaoi" for BL and "yuri" for GL, and that is the reason why we usually call queer series "series Y" in Thai.
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simnostalgia · 10 months
I've recently learned how to scrape websites that require a login. This took a lot of work and seemed to have very little documentation online so I decided to go ahead and write my own tutorial on how to do it.
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We're using HTTrack as I think that Cyotek does basically the same thing but it's just more complicated. Plus, I'm more familiar with HTTrack and I like the way it works.
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So first thing you'll do is give your project a name. This name is what the file that stores your scrape information will be called. If you need to come back to this later, you'll find that file.
Also, be sure to pick a good file-location for your scrape. It's a pain to have to restart a scrape (even if it's not from scratch) because you ran out of room on a drive. I have a secondary drive, so I'll put my scrape data there.
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Next you'll put in your WEBSITE NAME and you'll hit "SET OPTIONS..."
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This is where things get a little bit complicated. So when the window pops up you'll hit 'browser ID' in the tabs menu up top. You'll see this screen.
What you're doing here is giving the program the cookies that you're using to log in. You'll need two things. You'll need your cookie and the ID of your browser. To do this you'll need to go to the website you plan to scrape and log in.
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Once you're logged in press F12. You'll see a page pop up at the bottom of your screen on Firefox. I believe that for chrome it's on the side. I'll be using Firefox for this demonstration but everything is located in basically the same place so if you don't have Firefox don't worry.
So you'll need to click on some link within the website. You should see the area below be populated by items. Click on one and then click 'header' and then scroll down until  you see cookies and browser id. Just copy those and put those into the corresponding text boxes in HTTrack! Be sure to add "Cookies: " before you paste your cookie text. Also make sure you have ONE space between the colon and the cookie.
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Next we're going to make two stops and make sure that we hit a few more smaller options before we add the rule set. First, we'll make a stop at LINKS and click GET NON-HTML LINKS and next we'll go and find the page where we turn on "TOLERANT REQUESTS", turn on "ACCEPT COOKIES"  and select "DO NOT FOLLOW ROBOTS.TXT"
This will make sure that you're not overloading the servers, that you're getting everything from the scrape and NOT just pages, and that you're not following the websites indexing bot rules for Googlebots. Basically you want to get the pages that the website tells Google not to index!
Okay, last section. This part is a little difficult so be sure to read carefully!
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So when I first started trying to do this, I kept having an issue where I kept getting logged out. I worked for hours until I realized that it's because the scraper was clicking "log out' to scrape the information and logging itself out! I tried to exclude the link by simply adding it to an exclude list but then I realized that wasn't enough.
So instead, I decided to only download certain files.  So I'm going to show you how to do that. First I want to show you the two buttons over to the side. These will help you add rules. However, once you get good at this you'll be able to write your own by hand or copy and past a rule set that you like from a text file. That's what I did!
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Here is my pre-written rule set. Basically this just tells the downloader that I want ALL images, I want any item that includes the following keyword, and the -* means that I want NOTHING ELSE. The 'attach' means that I'll get all .zip files and images that are attached since the website that I'm scraping has attachments with the word 'attach' in the URL.
It would probably be a good time to look at your website and find out what key words are important if you haven't already. You can base your rule set off of mine if you want!
WARNING: It is VERY important that you add -* at the END of the list or else it will basically ignore ALL of your rules. And anything added AFTER it will ALSO be ignored.
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Good to go!
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And you're scraping! I was using INSIMADULT as my test.
There are a few notes to keep in mind: This may take up to several days. You'll want to leave your computer on. Also, if you need to restart a scrape from a saved file, it still has to re-verify ALL of those links that it already downloaded. It's faster that starting from scratch but it still takes a while. It's better to just let it do it's thing all in one go.
Also, if you need to cancel a scrape but want all the data that is in the process of being added already then ONLY press cancel ONCE. If you press it twice it keeps all the temp files. Like I said, it's better to let it do its thing but if you need to stop it, only press cancel once. That way it can finish up the URLs already scanned before it closes.
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tawus · 8 months
what is your advice on writing smut? i rlly struggle with creating the chemistry and the tingly feeling in the pits of my stomach it ends up coming out too formulated
Sorry about the delay in answering this. I’ll give my personal pointers and also a more well-rounded resource at the end for the deeper dive
1. Good smut is driven by dialogue, with stakes
Usually for the purpose of turning us on, you gotta have dialogue. Endless descriptions of sexual acts on their own end up becoming dull and nowadays there is SO much smut content out there that if you get bored with one, you can instantly click on a different fic.
Sexual acts come secondary and they’re tied to the primary thread of the tension-filled dialogue between the characters. All the way to the end there’s gotta be dialogue, and the sexual acts are performed almost in the background.
Plus, this is fanfiction, right? We turn to fics to be able to indulge in the attention of our 2D faves. So any dialogue line you write - we will read in the voice of our favourite character and that is what breathes life into that scene.
One of my best smut works is in chapter 6 of Sophisticated (warning: very filthy), but god knows I spent so much time building up the tension between the characters that some readers actually began complaining under the previous chapters, going "When are they gonna fuck already??". When they finally did fuck, 10 out of 10 readers admitted it was worth the wait. Doesn’t mean you gotta write a slowburn longfic to deliver a great smut, but you gotta establish the stakes for either character: what do they have to lose as a result of this lapse of judgement? What does it mean for each of them to let the other fuck them? Don’t be afraid to give your Reader character a personality and preferences - I know a lot of ‘x reader’ authors are afraid to do this, but I do nothing but this.
2. Good smut has to turn me on as I write it
This is lowkey TMI but it is what it is. I tend to write my smut scenes in one sitting, or two if it’s a really long one. I make sure to sit down to write it at a time I know I won’t be interrupted, so that I can catch the horny flow and ride it to the very end. I don’t think about how my sentences turn out, I just keep writing and writing it as filthy as it gets. Editing the text on a later day will fix it all up.
Onanism beforehand is forbidden btw. If you do, post-nut clarity will set in and you won’t be in the right mind for writing smut.
3. Good smut is built around MY kinks
Say, if you chose to take on a commission or a request, in that case you might be forced to write someone else’s kink – and even in that case, it won’t come out quite as genuine if you don’t at least try to embody their kink. But in general when you’re writing fics, centre your smut scenarios around your OWN kinks. That way they will come out most authentic. Don’t try to cater to everyone; you’ll never be able to. Whatever your favourite way of doing the nasty is, write it that way and I guarantee you there will be readers out there who share your preferences and those will be the ones who appreciate your work.
4. You can be inspired by well written smut, but please, for the love of enjoyment and author integrity, don’t copy – it shows.
Sorry, this isn’t directed towards you, but I’ve had experience related to this where someone copied my smut scene almost word for word and I was just like…bruh. In any case, because there is already so much smut content both here and AO3, people are just looking for something new, something unorthodox, something that doesn’t use the same cookie-cutter smut sentences, scenarios, and terms. So the more original your scene is, the better! Don't be afraid to get extra filthy with your descriptions or dialogue lines, venture out of those bounds you read in other smut fics.
And here is the external all-rounded source for writing steamy stuff: ‘I Give You My Body’ by Diana Gabaldon. Dm me if you can’t get it anywhere
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cocoabuttavasa · 5 months
the art of sisterhood, the importance of black sisterhood. my love letter to my bestfriends.
Sisterhood by definition and quite simply means the relationship between sisters.
Prospective Lines foundation is community and togetherness. This project in collaboration with my bestfriends of over ten years is the very meaning of the lining of what prospective lines as a whole means. the art of showing up for those you love most. my friends are the true epitome of what being a woman means; loving, carefree, creative, full of life, full of laughter, full of endless amounts of joy and love. they are one of the highlights of my life, and life without them, would simply be unbearable. these ladies make loving them easy. Peace, Mia, Jill, Mariatu and Temi are the very essence of my heart. I have struggled to put into words what having a great friendship can do for one, and today I've finally got it. A great friendship fuels your soul and gives you life. That, and having God at the centre of your union. The cheat code for sisterhood in words - is simple and whilst there is no right or wrong way.
This is what I've nailed it down to, transparency, accountability, consistency, communication, commitment, understanding and honesty.
This project was my way to showcase our lifelong friendship in photographs. I wanted the shoot to reflect them and be fun and full of love. Our collective @ne6retias was established on the social media platform, Instagram in early February of 2023. We wanted to create a space to showcase our togetherness, our 10 plus years of friendship, the community we have built together and having a safe space to just be ourselves. That is everything that the Negretias Instagram represents as it's a mirrored reflection of how we've always been, just showeased on a broader platform for everyone to see. It is quite unique to see friendships that last out of secondary school. Especially close friendships. This project entitled,
'Negretias's (Berry's Version) being this weeks 'faces' highlight, on the launch of our site 'Prospective Lines' is the most special way to release my heart to the world. So to my very own Benny, Jilly, Mimi, Mari and Tem Tem. I say thank you. Thank you for this wonderful gift of friendship. For our sisterhood. For creating a safe space for me and giving me hope and support in every element of the phrase. Thank you for being my guiding light and sticking beside me for all of these years. I can only pray that God's love continues to shine through all 5 of you.
That God strengths you, protects you and makes you happy. All I want is happiness and love for all of you. I want you to win in everything you do. You are all so hardworking and I admire you all so much in different ways. I love that we all bring something special and authentic to our sister circle. With that being said, the 6 of us are, forever.
I'll be here to support and celebrate you forever. to pour into you when you most need it and even when you don't. I love you all day, all night for the rest of my life! Negretias world forever and ever and ever and after that! Here's to you my loves.
the love of my life is, the love of my life 🫀
(this is from a post from my website, thought I would share 🪽)
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mk-wizard · 1 year
Pokemon the Anime: I love Ash Ketchum but...
Hi, friends. Fun fact about me: I love Pokemon! And I loved the anime! To me, Pokemon is a part of my childhood that I will always cherish dearly and it was one of the first animes I got into. Looking back on it, it still holds up, but there is one thing that I have come to realize about it. We need to talk about Ash Ketchum...
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Now, let me make it clear that I love Ash Ketchum. I think he’s adorable, funny and his passionate energy rubs off on you in all of the right ways. Plus, he is passionate without being obsessed and still cares enough about people and doing things right that he has a heroic streak. However... he is not a good fit as a main character because while we root for him and love him, his story is too linear, his character development is minimal, we all knew he was going to win in the end and honestly, seeing his story unfold all the time got very dull. Plus, we never really got to know Ash as a character. Just to give you an example, in ALL of the anime’s run, we never find out who his dad is/was or what his mom does for a living. In other words, he is an MC who never really develops beyond his professional skills and never really get to know. We know more about Team Rocket (Jessie, James and Meowth) than we do about Ash. To me, he would have worked better as a secondary character not an main one. In fact, this lack of details and repetitive formula is why I eventually stopped watching the anime. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Ash won in the end, but... his story took way too long and got dull. The character who would have main a great MC for the anime is someone who did undergo a lot of development, maturing and more.
Gary Oak. Now hear me out...
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The Pokemon anime is essentially a tournament anime series where the standard formula is that the MC goes in and comes out the winner. However, Gary would have been unique, compelling and memorable for many reasons if HE was the MC.
First off, unlike most MC’s of this genre of anime, Gary is initially not likeable. He is egotistical, unkind, rude and a big bully. I remember than as a girl, I hated Gary and used to wish his grandpa, Prof. Oak, would ground him. However, as the series progressed, so did he. He softened his behaviour, learned humility and let his rivalry with Ash go which freed him emotionally and allowed him to grow up. While he still has a mischievous and competitive streak, he doesn’t get mean about it nor is he a showboat. And he dropped the personal cheerleading squad. He now seeks to better himself rather than constantly having his ego stroked which is something really refreshing and enjoyable to experience. I can’t really say his journey was a redemption story. It was a growing up story and a tale that reminds us that we all had our phases as kids, but we grow out of them.
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Secondly, as I stated before, Gary let his rivalry with Ash go and became better for it. When he did, he realized, his calling wasn’t to be a trainer, but a researcher and he was actually really good at it. Honestly, it was this turning point that made me realize that Gary’s story was more interesting than Ash’s and I really wanted to see more of his story. In fact, I also found myself wishing we saw more of his story before that turning point kind of like Ashoka Tano’s from Star Wars, but unlike her, we were deprived of that. I would even argue that this was a reoccurring flaw in the Pokemon anime series: they never answered the questions everyone kept asking and never let us get to know the true MCs. The point is, I don’t know of any other tournament anime where the rival decided to graciously step down and turn their attention towards their true passion. Now... imagine if the MC did this. I know Pokemon is a tournament anime, but it is also an anime about Pokemon first. Gary should have gotten his own spin-off anime simply because he is the most unique rival there is in this kind of setting: he quit and was better for it.
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Thirdly, having the show concentrate on him would have given us a chance to get to know the other MCs more and FINALLY answer a lot of the questions that to this day are still left unanswered. It’s very clear that the Oaks and Ketchums are very close the way the Burns and Greene family are close on Rescue Bots. I really enjoyed seeing how close the two families were and how Prof. Oak was like a father figure to Ash and a sweet grandpa to Gary. Also, Prof. Oak himself is an interesting and entertaining character. To this day, we still don’t know who Mrs. Oak was or who Gary’s parents are. Or who Mr. Ketchum was. It is a shame to me that these blanks were never filled because it is implied that they were great people and these missing pieces would explain why these characters are the way they are.
Anyway, this all just my opinion and as a rare treat, here is my fan theory about Prof. Oak’s wife, Mr. Ketchum and Gary’s missing parents... And I really want to say this first because this fan theory always made me mad, but I will try to say it nicely, but firmly.
Prof. Oak is NOT Ash’s father nor is it possible for him to be because Nintendo would never allow such a disturbing thing. And because of the Professor and Mrs. Ketchum’s age difference, it would imply that Gary is Ash’s uncle while being the same age as him. That is sick and wrong on so many levels and not something they would ever want on Pokemon and we already SHOULD know from the start that Prof. Oak can’t be Ash’s dad because has black hair.
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Professor Oak is a redhead and so is his mom. And their relationship is not romantic now either. It is that between two good friends. If it is anything beyond that, I think Prof. Oak may see Delia as the daughter he never had. Same goes with Giovanni. He cannot be Ash’s dad because he looks nothing like him.
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Plus, Ash has two distinguishing marks on his face that his mom doesn’t have which means he got that, his hair and olive skin tone from his dad who had all of these features. My fan theory is that Mrs. Delia Ketchum is a widow and her husband is no longer with us. Plain and simple. He was obviously a good man and a good husband who left a good impression on Ash, but I think he died most likely of disease while he was very young.
As for Mrs. Oak... Agatha is NOT Prof. Oak’s ex-wife because if she was, we would have always known it and be treated like a relative. Once a family member is revealed, there’s no point in hiding it so the anime always came clean when it came to that at least, but the most we got out of Agatha is that she was an old rival of Prof Oak which means that is all she is. Period.
I think the good Professor is divorced on bad terms considering he never speaks of his wife and has no ring which from experience, I can tell you is often a tell tale sign that you were once married, but it ended badly. As for Gary’s parents, I think that knowing Nintendo, their state is simple: they’re alive, but career driven people where they aren’t home very often so they left caring for the kids to Prof. Oak and Mrs. Oak (if she was alive then). Nothing dramatic or over the top. Just simple and short like that. Also, I think it is safe to say that the Oak family is well off (including the ex-Mrs. Oak) considering they all live so well.
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Finally, how does Giovanni have ties to the Ketchum and Oak family? Well, Giovanni is in fact old and close to Prof. Oak’s age. His mom had him young, and while he is rich enough to afford facials that make him appear young, if you take a really good look at his face, he has wrinkles, a receding hairline and his face has lost some of its fullness which implies some sagging. My fan theory is that he was once rivals with Prof. Oak in their youth and Mr. Ketchum is one of the few people who managed to beat Giovanni in a Pokemon Battle.
Like I said, this series is made for kids. It wouldn’t include adult theme dramatic elements like that. I admit some of the characters have exaggerated and weird backstories with some drama, but it never becomes dirty, adult or something you would find in a trashy soap opera.
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charmstwit · 1 year
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@marauders-omegaverse-fest invited everyone to share a preview of their fest submissions, so PigeononaCloud and I thought we'd share ours. This is a WIP long fic that we've been working on for a few months that currently sits at over 60 chapters and more than 235k words, plus more than 50k words in in-universe side fics. The main pairing is Wolfstarbucks (James x Remus x Sirius) with several side pairings. Multiple POVs. Rated E. We are very excited to start posting this, and thanks so much to the fest mods for hosting this and helping us with some technical things.
Secondary genders have been repressed for generations until one day they are suddenly back. James, Remus, and Sirius are just trying to navigate 7th year at Hogwarts without losing their minds. Luckily for them, they are best friends who are willing to help each other out. It's just a little bit of knotting between friends, right? Totally temporary.
“Well I have a rule,” Sirius sniffs in his haughtiest voice, because he likes to get under Remus’s skin. Remus almost looks grateful for a moment. “I think there should be no jealousy about other alphas or omegas.”
“You think that?” James asks skeptically.
Sirius frowns. “I do.”
“You got jealous once when I said my mum was my best friend,” James says.
“Well she isn’t, I am,” Sirius says with some annoyance. “I thought we sorted that out.”
“You got jealous when I looked at Fabian Prewett too long,” James says.
“You were giving him a best friend sort of look!” Sirius snaps. “Which, again, is me!”
“I think that’s fine,” Remus says in the tight voice he uses when he’s lying. “No point getting jealous. We’re just friends. Doing this to stay safe.”
Sirius swallows a wince. He didn’t need the reminder that Remus and James would never look at him like that. He nods, looking somewhere over Remus’s shoulder. “Right. Friends.”
“Best friends,” James adds.
“So no permanent marks,” Remus says. “Right? I mean… you’ll both want to find your own mate one day. A real one.”
“And you. You’ll want a real mate,” Sirius says, trying to sear the truth deep in his brain. This isn’t real. He can’t hold on to this. It doesn’t really belong to him, they don’t really belong to him. This is just a short and lovely fantasy. Or—not fantasy. Fantasy implies that he wants it, and he wants… well, it doesn’t matter what he wants, anyway.
So this is just the short term. Fun. A lark. 
“Right. Nothing permanent.”  James asks, his hands tight on his snitch. He looks like his stomach hurts. “Any other rules?”
“No,” Remus says quietly, a matching look on his face. “No. You?”
“I want to finish what I started,” James say determinedly. “Maybe it’s just short term, but we’ve got all these hormones and I intend to enjoy myself. Unless there’s a rule against that.”
Remus sighs. “James, I—“
But James is already rolling to his feet. “I dare you.”
Remus’s brows furrow. “You dare me?”
“I dare you to let me suck your cock. Unless you’re chicken.”
Coming to AO3 on September 4
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Silhouettes In the Spotlight - Bucky Barnes - Fourteen
Summary: Bucky Barnes has worked immensely hard to have a filmography expanding across genres and garnering accolades from critics, peers and fans. Y/N Y/L/N, with her debut novel (fan-fiction turned New York Times Bestseller) has two other best sellers under her belt. Next is her highly anticipated fourth book lined up for release. SHEILD Productions has acquired the film rights to her debut novel and they want Bucky Barnes to play the lead (aka himself) by any means necessary. This story is about angst, lust, heartbreak, and love. After all fairytales only exist in books and movies right?
Warnings: fluff, angst, insulting language to the reader by a secondary character, alexander pierce is still a shit head he doesn't understand personal space, SA mentioned not described, drugs mentioned not consumed, entertainment industry language (basically misleading way of delivering news), slight amount of smut, dirty talking, legal stuff being spoken about, fbi workings. reader has alot of anxiety described through this chapter at various points.
Pairing: Actor!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7.6k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist || Fic Masterlist || AO3 || Fic Playlist
Chapter Thirteen || Chapter Fifteen
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Fan’s excitement for book announcement turns sour, watch Y/N Y/L/N Take Control Of The Situation, We Stan A Powerful Woman
Fans Praise Steve Rogers Standing Up For Y/N 
Smouldering Hot Dolores Sets The Runway On Fire While Walking For Best Friend's Brand
Loki and Ace Are They A Thing? When Will They Admit To Their Hidden Romance? 
Bucky Barnes and Y/N Share An Intimate Moment Amidst Chaos, Five Times These Two Were Bestie Goals.
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Bucky watches from the sidelines of the lit fest. The auditorium brimmed with excitement. He wondered if this is how you felt during the cast reveal for your previous books. Pride weaves into his bones as you step out on stage, massive applause breaks out and he can’t help but wolf-whistle as well. 
You’re his girl and he would be damned if he didn’t come out to support you. He has to bite his lip before he moans seeing your outfit, yet again. The way the suit pants cling to your ass has his own tightening. 
Flashes of this morning coax his mind, your hands in his hair tugging him closer and pushing him away. The taste of you on his tongue. Fuck he needs to remain between your legs for days before he can satieate himself. 
Your eyes find him just as he licks his bottom lip. Heat pools in your belly at the thought of Bucky on his knees, licking the remnants of you from his lips, his stubble glistening. 
He smirks at you as he watches the slight shift in your demeanour. He knows you’re thinking about this morning as well. 
“Oh my god.” He hears a voice exclaim, “That's! That's Bucky!” 
He turns his head around, sure enough a few seats down they raise their phones for a picture. 
“Hey could you hold off on posting that? I’m here to support her.” He calls over the voices that are slowly going down in decibel. 
They nod he knows it's a long shot but he has to take it, today was about you. To an extent Steve as well, given he was on the panel from HYDRA’s Publication House too. 
Steve walks out next waving at the crowd, the cheers are deafening, flashes of the cameras ensue. He comes over smiling and hugs you. 
The host gestures for the two of you to take your seats.  
Yelena sits next to Bucky, Angel next to her. 
After what Bucky had said to Yelena she hadn’t spoken to him more than required. However she was speaking a little more to you, which he appreciated. 
The crowd begins to settle into silence as the crew checks for the mics and hands one each to Steve and you. 
“Welcome Everyone!” The host cheers, “I’m Peter Quill, your host for this fine evening in literature. Though as an entertainment presenter I may not be qualified.” The crowd laughs, Peter grins. 
“Now I can, however, ask right off the bat if these two have been having fun filming, I Think I Met You In My Dreams Once.” 
The crowd cheers again, Steve laughs and you chuckle. Both smiling at the crowd. 
“Are you having fun on the film set? Ms. Executive Producer?” Steve teases, you roll your eyes at him. 
“When you aren’t taking too long in hair and make up, yes.” 
“Hey, I’ve got to look great to bring your character to life.” Steve defends, raising a brow in challenge.  
“You’re right, Beck did have his hair blow dried and then a pommade made with more spray to hold.” Your deadpan delivery makes Bucky laugh, Steve always was the worst when it came to his meticulous hair process. No matter the role this was always the case. 
Steve rolls his eyes, “It’s all good fun.” He says with a smile. 
The two of you turn back to Peter. 
“Now, Y/N we heard some news that you broke Steve’s heart.” Peter tilts his head and gives you a knowing look. 
“Oh yeah, he’s upset that my new book doesn’t have a character inspired by him.” You explain. 
“I don’t wike it.” Steve pouts like a kid, slapping his hand on his thigh. 
“Oh you know what I meant you smart lady.” Peter points a finger between the two of you. 
Steve shakes his head, “Honestly man, let it go. We’re here to talk about books.” 
“Right, right.” Peter shuffles through the cue cards. 
Steve looks at you, you smile at him. Then your gaze shifts to Bucky. He smiles at you. Seeing him there cheering you on makes you beam brighter. Happiness coursing through you at having a partner support your endeavours so wholeheartedly. 
“So Steve, do you plan to return to writing? Maybe a joint venture?” Peter gives yet another speculative look. 
“Hmm maybe I could, you never know I do have one more book in my contract. I wonder if a murder mystery would be fun. Would you all read it? Though I mean I’d have to ask our favourite author for tips.” Steve looks at you then at the crowd they cheer in agreement. 
“Murder mystery and fun?” Peter shudders, “I don’t know why chicks dig that.” 
“Are you critiquing reading preferences, Quill?” Steve tuts, “in a room full of readers and writers established and budding. Damn.” 
You shake your head disappointed at the judgement rolling off in waves from Quill. 
“Oh come on you gotta think it's a little messed up.” He defends. 
A chorus of boos ring. 
“Depends on what morals you follow.” You chuckle when you hear a hoot, “Morally grey tends to be a favourite colour.” 
“Rhys Bass! Baby!!!” A person calls out and everyone cheers. 
“Llyod Hansen!” Another person exclaims. 
Steve laughs, “I wouldn’t know where to place Llyod.” 
“Oh trust me, we do.” You answer on behalf of everyone. 
Bucky chuckles, Yelena looks at him. 
“Are you on the spectrum of morally dark colours?” She whispers. 
“Don’t think I am.” He laughs again. 
The interview goes on, the questions get directed more towards Steve. Quill shoots the random question to you but they aren’t about your book. 
Bucky’s hands are tight fists on his knees. What kind of blatant disrespect was going on?
Yelena sighs disappointed at the yet again horrible question,
‘Did you write the books because you felt sad you never had a long term boyfriend?’ 
‘How are the sex scenes so vivid?’ 
Bucky’s texting Sam, he wants to know everything there is to know about Peter Quill. 
“So Y/N, tell us, do you feel insecure about a woman like you being given such a huge platform for your book? I mean you clearly knew what would sell and from having a plus sized character to instead having smoking hot Dolores playing—,”
“I want to stop you right there.” You raise your hand to gesture Peter to shut the fuck up, “Your questions are highly disrespectful, yes multiple of them are disrespectful. Look around this room, genuinely, everyone here is from different backgrounds, cultures and sizes. You don’t get to sit there and make comments or assumptions based on how I look. Also, there is more to Dolores than her looks.” 
“Now you’re being rude, sweetheart, I’m just asking you simple questions.” Peter chastises, “It should be easy to answer.”
Bucky stands up, “And you’re an absolute gaslighting fucker.” He calls out. 
“Bucky Barnes?” Quill laughs, “Nice to see you man.” 
You shake your head, Steve looks at you then Bucky, finally to you. 
“Do you want to punch him or should I?” Steve rhetorically speaks while standing, rolling back his sleeves. 
“No, actually none of it. Everyone, I'm terribly upset that this event probably didn’t go as you wanted. I had big news I wanted to share but it seems Peter Quill can’t leave his investigative, intrusive, entertainment roots. Anyways to save Peter the trouble—,”
“Y/N.” Gidieon Mallick walks on stage cutting you off. 
You look at him. 
“Mr. Quill, please leave the stage. You’ve done horribly and not followed our given cue cards at all. Blatantly, disrespected one of our most prestigious authors. Ms. Y/N please be assured that you will be receiving an apology from him. Everyone, we will be taking a short break.” He announces, gesturing with his palm he asks you and Steve to follow him. 
The two of you follow and the crowd breaks out into chatter, Bucky, Yelena and Angel head out towards the two of you. 
You’re biting on your tongue while Gideon reprimands the interns and Peter Quill. 
Bucky catches the tail end of the conversation. 
“Absolute fucking atrocity! How can you go off script??” His skin tinged red as his anger grew. Steve rolls his eyes, as if this wasn’t what they wanted. Drama for more clout. 
“I really am sorry.” Peter looks at Steve and you. 
“Save it.” Steve says, grabbing your hand and leading you to your group. 
“So Bucky and Steve standing up for you is going viral already.” Angel informs you to look at her tiredly and then at the floor. 
“Are they going to talk about the new book?” You ask, she nods.
“The buzz is being generated enough, I’m hoping we can have no advance reader copies and the only sneak peeks that come are from you.” Yelena adds, you look at Bucky.
His scowl is trained on Quill. You move towards him, reaching for his hand. 
He recognises your tone, wanting him to dismiss the matter. 
“Feather.” He warns you as well. 
“Please?” You look up at him with a small pout. 
Bucky melts, rapidly the anger leaving him, “Fine.” He chuckles as you grin, having won your way. 
“Come here.” He says, tugging on your arm and you’re pulled against his chest. His arms wrapped around you, your shoulders drooped. Home. He’s home. 
“You’re home.” You mumble. 
Bucky kisses the top of your head. 
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“As we have discussed and contemplated, we’re in agreement. An in-store release will ensure more buzz.” Gideon and his team are all smiles. 
Yelena looks at you then back at them, “Perfect, we’re glad we’re able to work in a way that caters to both the teams.” 
“It always is a pleasure working with you Miss Belova.” He moves his hand forward, she meets him halfway. 
“And Ms. Y/L/N we are positive the book is going to be a hit, our editor had some concerns but with the way HYDRA is climbing upwards we know this will only take us further on success. 
“I sure hope so.” You smile beaming brightly. 
“Well printing is well underway so we should have you start signing within the month for in store copies—,”
A chorus of phones chiming around the room occurs. Everyone’s devices in their hands. An intern swiftly moves to switch the TV on, the news reports flooding in,
“In a shocking revelation done by Peter Quill of Entertainment Today, he has uncovered the ongoing affair between Alexander Pierce and Actress Dolores. Sources wonder is this why she stays on projects even due to her diva behaviour? There is a thirty year age gap between them fans suspect predatory behaviour and the grooming of Dolores done by the decorated producer and owner of HYDRA—,”
The picture flashes and you have to clutch your hands tightly. It reminds you all too well of your own experience. 
“Switch to HYDRA.” Gideon sneers, the intern scrambles to switch. 
“In a horrible breach of privacy, our esteemed leader Alexander Pierce was found consoling a distraught Dolores and this story is being turned and twisted by entertainment tid bit and disgraced reporter Peter Quill, who, if you remember insulted Steve Rogers and Author Y/N Y/L/N publically at the announcement of her highly anticipated fourth book.” Sharon shakes her head disgusted at everything. 
“We have reached out to Mr. Pierce and Dolores to find out from the source the matter and set the record straight.” She adds, “For now I will allow my team to take over coverage of the forest fire crisis ongoing in Los Angeles.”
“See, nothing to be worried about.” Gideon smoothens his tie, giving a tight lipped smile. 
You nod. 
“I’m sure Mr. Pierce will explain.” Yelena adds. 
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Peter Quill stares at the cops parading around his home and then the small little white powder bag they somehow found inside his home. He was good with this, never letting the party boy side of him touch the limelight in which he shined and thrived. 
Now he was sitting in a room in the police department. A camera in the corner turned off for privacy with his lawyer. 
“Mr. Quill, you have a phone call.” His lawyer hands him his phone. 
“Hello?” Peter greets.
“Mr. Quill, I suggest you heed this warning.” 
His eyes wide, the caller’s voice easily recognised. 
“I was doing my job.” He defends, “I was sent—,”
“Peter, save yourself some dignity, I know other things about you as well. We don’t want those coming to light do we?” Alexander chuckles. 
“Alright then, I’m sure your lawyer will be able to handle this matter. Consider this a final warning, Mr. Quill. I do not like my privacy invaded and after today I’m sure you will agree.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good boy.”
Peter hands the phone back to his lawyer as the line goes dead. 
“I hope you recorded that.” Peter says, his lawyer smiles.
“I always do.” 
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The dominos begin to fall. 
The first being Dolores and Alexander’s speculated affair. No matter how many times the two clarified the situation people wouldn’t let go. 
Edits of fans and experts of body language labelling Alexander as a predator. Dolores the victim. 
You swallow thickly as almost all of the signed on creatives of HYDRA were ushered into the auditorium housed within the headquarters. 
The issue was rapidly evolving and frankly getting out of hand. Interviews being stopped in the middle asking how the best of advocated actors, actresses, directors and producers are associated with this kind of man. 
All of your social media feeds were drowning under the comments, some very horribly rude and outright attacking you on a personal level. 
“I told you not to read them.” Bucky chastises from next to you. You tuck away your phone. 
“I can’t ignore it already. The whole mandate of saying nothing is annoying me, countless people want him to be taken down.” You complained to him. 
“I know it’s bothering me as well.” He sighs, grasping your hand gently, you feel the soft ridges of the metal as he rubs soothing circles onto the back of your hand. 
You stare at the limbs, just wanting to lift his hand and kiss it. Just to see the sweet flush that would coat his cheeks. Just to see that shy smile of his, just to admire him. 
“We’re in public.” He warns, reading your mind, “As much as I love you doting on me, I don’t think SHIELD—HYDRA,” He corrects himself,  “can tolerate another piece of drama.” He snorts. 
“Careful what you wish for,” Steve exhales loudly as he sits next to you, “dogs are sniffing around for something that might break the internet further than the current scenario.” 
You roll your eyes, “What are they going to do? Have them release more photos, of others?” 
“Possibly.” Steve gives an apologetic smile, “Angel’s heard conversation that maybe they might pitch the three of us being a throuple.” 
“The fuck?” Bucky says, you groan. 
“I don’t think we can take that news down like that.” You defend. 
“Well, think about it, over time speculation has happened.” Steve says you and Bucky exchange a glance. 
“People ship the two of us.” Bucky adds sharing a look with Steve. 
“Oh god.” You press your palms against your face. 
“This is not what I envisioned happening when I wrote Stucky x reader.” You mumble prompting Bucky to laugh. 
“I did like the werewolf one.” Steve praises, Bucky chuckles, nodding in agreement. 
Your head snaps towards Steve then Bucky. 
“You.” You glare at your boyfriend. 
“In my defence, Steve asked me about it first which is why I had to read it.” Bucky raises his hands. 
You turn to Steve, “You.” your tone is hopefully menacing. 
“Sorry.” The blonde says very unapologetically. 
The microphone feedback makes everyone look up at the stage, the three of you in the secluded corner watch on as the legal head of HYDRA, Schmidt is standing at the podium. 
“As you are aware of the recent negative light shed upon Mr. Alexander Pierce, we ask you all to check your emails for the social media statement that will be issued from all of your accounts over the next twenty four hours.” He concludes, hand running over his tie.
“We assure you that no predatory or grooming behaviour was done by Mr. Pierce.” He declares, “As you know a man of his stature and power will be cursed by the media and preyed upon by women who want money. Ms. Dolores has set the record straight and all will be well again for us. I hope there are no questions that would like to be asked by all of you.” 
The silence just continues on, no one dares to say anything. 
“Alright then, you’re all dismissed please post the message on your socials. It is mandatory on your contracts.” Schmidt completes then walks off stage. 
“Fucking hell.” Natasha’s voice has the three of you turn.
“Nat, pleasantly surprised you didn’t skip out.” Steve smiles at her, she rolls her eyes. 
“Mandatory meetings are all the fun.” She says, her gaze shifts to you. 
You offer a small smile, she looks back into her phone. Bucky’s hand rests on your shoulder to offer comfort. 
You look down at your phone, reading over the generic statement that provides a stance while saying you take no stance. 
“Miss Y/N?” 
Four pairs of eyes fall upon the intern as they clutch their folder tighter. You offer a smile. 
“Mr. Pierce would like to see you in his office. I’m supposed to escort you there immediately.” They say, you nod. 
You feel Bucky tense behind you. His hand moving protectively to your shoulder. You place your hand upon his, “It’s just a meeting, I’ll call you okay?” 
You turn to meet his gaze, still unconvinced. 
“I’ll wait for you.” He declares. 
“As will I.” Steve adds. 
Gathering your bag, you step to the aisle. Natasha grabs your arm, turning you. 
“Since when?” She questions, green eyes trained on you, observing every little flicker of emotion running over your face. Through the cracks of your poker face. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Natasha.” You reply cooly, gently prying your arm out of her grip. 
“Y/N.” Her jaw tightens, eyes narrowing as she doesn’t buy your lie. 
“Nat,” Bucky calls out, distracting her enough to allow you a moment to slip away. 
“Bucky, you better tell me.” You catch her words, Bucky meets your eyes across the auditorium. 
Asking for your approval to tell her, you watch as Steve shakes his head. You look at Bucky, he gives a subtle shake as well. They’re against telling her. 
You shake your head as well, exiting the auditorium. 
The lift’s music seldom distracts you from the increased pounding of your heart. Each beat echoing across your form. You grip the support bar. Perspiration coating your palms. 
The intern regards you with worry, a tight-lipped smile doesn’t ease their concern. The ding announces your arrival to the floor. On cue your phone rings, discreetly you answer it from your watch. 
Bucky’s with you, he’s with you. 
Alexander’s assistant beams at you, heading to open the door. Heels clicking and adding to the dread flowing through your veins. 
He must know your plan. 
He must know what you’re trying to do. 
Dolores probably is his pawn. 
Another betrayal. 
Another fucking disaster. 
You’d lose everything. 
You’d lose Bucky. 
Your mind is the worst enemy and the best friend you could have. 
“Ah, there you are, have a seat.” Alexander says from the desk he’s perched upon, facing the chair he requests you to take. 
You sit, placing your bag down and turning your watch face inward. 
“I read through the manuscript, I think we have a hit on our hands.” He grins. 
You smile, “Thank you.” 
“Though towards the end, I see you changed the original direction you wanted to take, why is that?” His fingers drum along the mahogany table. 
“Did you not like it?” You ask, he leans in closer prompting you to shift back. He smirks, eyes tracing over you. 
“You don’t have to be afraid of me, sweetheart. What happened that night, is just insurance against your thoughts of insubordination towards me. Even if you would never, the thought can taint your mind.” He raises his hand, fingers stroking your cheek. 
You cower back further, fingers tightly gripping the handles of the chair.
“This is why I prefer Dolores, always so easy to manipulate and bend to my will and fancy. The mouth on her. Such a good little fuck. I wonder if you…” He hums.
“Please don’t.” You whimper. 
You feel him draw closer, “I won’t, as long as you keep your damn mouth shut. Now your little book’s rights are going to be bought but I’m going to sell them for a profit after the launch.” He shifts away walking to the drink cart. 
You watch him pour himself a drink. 
“I’ll provide you with a percentage to take care of your mother. After all, we're a family here at HYDRA.” He grins, you nod, “How is she?” 
“Doing better on the new medication regime.” You answer, his smile turns menacing. 
“Good, you wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise that, would you?” He questions your integrity. 
“I won’t let anything happen to HYDRA.” You say, it pleases him. 
“Good, now run along. I’m eager to have you personally sign my copy once the printed books come out.” Alexander gestures with his hand for you to go out of the office. 
You scramble away, only when the elevator doors close do you breathe easier as the floors increase between Alexander and you. The doors open at the parking level. 
You’re tucked into the corner of the elevator. 
Bucky stands there, gaze trained upon you as you stand supported by the railing. He steps onto the elevator. 
Covering the distance to you, pulling you to his chest. Your hands move to wrap around his shoulders. 
He sighs once you’re safe in his arms, with him. Gently he cradles your jaw, making you look up at him. Stroking your skin with his thumb. His lips press to your forehead. Then brush over your lips. 
The doors open again, 
“Holy fuck!” The camera flashes. 
Bucky turns, lips no longer against your own he presses for the close door button but the paparazzi block it with their lenses and feet keep the doors pried open. 
You grab onto his jacket to prevent him from lashing out at them. Your phone chimes. Bucky looks down at the screen as well. 
From: A. Pierce 
You two can’t keep a secret, allow me to tell the world on your behalf. 
Unless you would prefer another few secrets revealed. 
Bucky looks back at your face, your hands shake. He closes his eyes, this is not what he wanted. Not how he wanted to reveal to the world he was yours. 
“Feather.” His voice anchors you over the increased roaring of the paps. 
You look up, “James.”
Soft lips press to yours, you close your eyes, allowing Bucky to guide you. Your palm cupping his cheek. 
You knew this kiss was his apology, his admission, his pain, his acceptance, his plea, his protection and his love. 
Bucky hopes you feel all that he wants to say to you. He hopes he hasn’t disappointed you, he hopes you understand. 
When you kiss him back, his shoulders sag with relief. 
He turns you away from their prying eyes, shielding you with his body. The security finally pulls the paps back allowing the doors to close. 
Bucky’s forehead rests against yours, you want to cry. This is not how the two of you envisioned the world knowing. 
Another moment stolen away. 
“I’m so sorry.” He whispers, you only hug him tighter, hiding away yourself against his chest. 
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Everyone on set regarded you differently. The crew whispered as the new couple passed by, Bucky holding your hand not letting go. He leads the two of you to the breakfast table. 
Steve, Loki, and Ace are waiting for you at the table. 
Natasha watched from afar, Maria shaking her head disappointedly. 
“What?” Nat questioned. 
“I hate when Alexander does this, uses the personal lives of people to his own gain.” Maria sighs. 
“What do you mean?” 
“The news with Dolores broke, I was with Alexander and Nick. Instead of trying to have things be smoother or address it. He wanted to know if anything was going on between them on set. Pulled information off of a crew member.” She explains. 
Nat’s gaze moves to the two of you, you both had been careful. She made sure you would get moments tucked away with Bucky. The senior staff are bound by ironclad NDAs. Though Alexander could have pressured anyone. 
The world hadn’t been kind. Questioning Bucky’s choice as well as your own. 
Then they’d say it was perfect, a broken imperfect man with an imperfect broken woman. 
Kind words lost amongst the sea of horrible words. So much so you had deleted the apps from your phone. 
Bucky had hoped to spare you from this part of his life. He knew you could take negative reviews or critique for your books. 
Over the past days he saw you reading everything discreetly. He wiped your tears, had you wipe his own. 
You knew people could be horrible, you’d seen it. Now you were living it. 
Reclusiveness had turned into a better option, words that you had learned to handle were overwhelming. 
You missed interacting with fans, they supported you. Several supporting your relationship, defending it as well from the haters and trolls. 
Sam wanted the two of you to issue statements or do an interview. Bucky was against it, the two of you were together, some would like it and several wouldn’t, he only cared about your wellbeing. If you wanted to speak to the world he would speak with you. 
For now he was supporting you in the chaos to which you were newly introduced towards. The move had helped Alexander no longer an article floated about his pictures with Dolores. 
“Imagine if it was the throuple thing?” Steve jokes, Loki glares at him. 
“Then you two would have to take turns cheering me up.” You add, Bucky snorts. 
“She’s making horny jokes, she’s really upset.” Ace remarks.
Loki shakes his head, “I thought horny jokes were her forte.” 
“They are, dirty fucking mind.” Bucky chuckles, you poke his cheek. 
“You love it.” 
“I do.” He kisses your cheek. 
“I’m happy though, you don’t have to shy away.” They grin, you smile. 
“Yeah it has its perks, not hiding.” You shrug then look behind Ace at Nat. 
“I want to speak to the two of you.” She says, “In private.” 
Bucky shares a look with you, the two of you follow Nat to her trailer. She locks it, a determined expression on her face. 
“Alexander was informed by a crew member about the two of you. I know we were discreet and we did everything we could to keep prying eyes away.” She states,
“I think it’s one of the core cast, Dolores yes but she already has everything on her plate. You two need to reevaluate the friendships forged.”
“Why are you worried?” Bucky raises a brow asking on your behalf, the two sisters had made their stances clear only wanting professional relationships with you. 
Nat exhales, “For whatever reason, you both are withholding information from me. When I asked Yelena and she kept her mouth sealed shut too, I understood it ran deeper than a surface level issue.” 
You seek out Bucky’s hand for comfort, his thumb strokes over your tattoo. He knew the action grounded you as well. 
“I want to apologise for the way I’ve acted, pushing you away. Being rude and frankly the opposite of the friendship I found with you.” She shakes her head disappointed at herself. 
“Nat…” you don’t know what to say to her. 
“I’m not seeking instant forgiveness. I know it will take time to repair things. I just, I know how he can be and yet I thought you were after the money.” 
You wince. 
“I’m sorry, I really am, I just want to get to the bottom of who is behind telling Alexander.” She presses, watching as Bucky and you share another glance.
“Look it was bound to happen, and we already have a plan to smoke the leak out.” He grins, you giggle.
Natasha regards the two of you perplexed by the positive attitude, a stark contrast to the way the two of you have behaved over the past few days. 
This was the next domino, have the public find out about the two of you. Dolores had been on your side, she wasn’t blabbing that much you knew, because the story was to be about the throuple with Steve and Bucky if it came from Dolores.
This much was sure that Alexander was being overly cautious. Which meant he would want to keep an eye on everything, which meant he would slip up.
“Well, if you need me to do anything, let me know.” She adds, you nod at her.
“I need you to continue being mean and reserved, I have to tell different people different things you said to us here.” You let her in on the plan.
“So just continue the way you are and we can always meet up privately.” Bucky shrugs at her.
“It's good seeing you this happy, Barnes.” She smiles at him, “You take care of her.”
“I’m trying every day.” His blue eyes gaze down at you, softening as he regards you being there in his life. Being his happiness, adding to it.
“You succeed everyday.” Your eyes find his warmth spreading through your chest at the love you feel just from his gaze.
“Alright then, now before the clothes come off, please leave.” Nat gestures to the two of you out the door.
“Bye, Natasha–,”
“Nat.” She corrects you trying to undo one step.
“Nat, I’ll see you on set.” 
She smiles as do you.
“Alright, we’re going to move in on Pierce tomorrow.” Darcy informs the three of you. 
“We want you all in a safer public space.” Scott adds, “I believe your book launch is placed appropriately?” 
You nod, “It's in place.” 
It had been almost a month and a half now since the book was cleared into printing. The movie schedule was constantly thrown off by Dolores to aid with the case’s timeline. 
Prompting Natasha to keep asking you to step in over and over so they could shoot the opposite cast’s scenes. 
The leak was in place tonight, the book had to tank. It was the only way you’d be able to free yourself. 
Andy and Matt were working hard on finding loopholes for Bucky and Steve. Most of the ways out however involved paying their way out. Signing another set of contracts that cut off their ways of income and working in the industry. 
“We have a lot of evidence against him, it will be a process to go through. Given his position and influence we anticipate a bail. However we anticipate travel restrictions so that he cannot flee the state or country.” Darcy takes a deep inhale then exhales slowly. 
“We have one chance. One. Are you three sure you want to come forward with everything he’s put you through? There are other victims who have said yes and others who have said no. We will not force you, you need to make this decision on your own.” She waits, observing the three of you. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time.” Dolores says, “I want him to rot and if he dies that's great too.”
“I’m in.” you answer. Everyone turns to the woman on the left. 
“We’ll take him down.” Maria Hill promises. 
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The crowd is still there surprisingly despite the overnight leak. The night was filled with caffeine and chaos. A lot of people had downloaded the book based on the numbers Yelena had observed. 
Social media was in an uproar. People who read the leaked version, divided in opinion. Goodreads was getting reviews based on the leaks and trying to disregard them or block those to stop prompting readers to be tempted to read the book. 
Several accounts who made it their life’s mission to hate on you because Bucky was off the market were sharing download links to tank your ratings and for once you wanted them to not get blocked off. 
The outfit for today was cream pants that hugged your curves, paired with a navy top which was low cut but in a way that gave nothing away. It was teasing enough for Bucky. You chuckle remembering his expression at the fitting. 
Bucky stands before you with a small box in his hands. You raise a brow. It was five minutes till you had to go out to face the crowd at the bookstore signing. 
“Just, I had this made as a ‘happy book launch day’ gift.” Bucky swallows a sudden nervousness taking over him. 
“James, why are you nervous?” Your palm cups his cheek. 
The red flush takes over his features. He gnaws at his bottom lip, “I just—, I’m wondering if this was a good idea, I mean not the giving you a gift but the gift itself.” 
“I just, I hope you like it and I know you don’t like the whole materialistic aspect so I tried to combine the emotional aspect too—,”
“Baby,” you place your free hand right over his sternum feeling his heartbeat against your palm, “I’m going to love whatever you have in that box. And the fact that you put so much thought into it? I already love it.” 
A smile breaks out across his features, the crinkles by his eyes enhanced and pure joy radiating from him. Handing you the box he moves to hold you by your waist, watching as you open it. 
The velvet is soft and you see a soft glimmer as the gift catches the light. He takes your gasp as a good sign, his nerves begin to settle. 
Across the box, lays a necklace, the pendant shaped like a quill, an exact replication of your tattoo. The shaft of it has a line of diamonds that reflect in the light. You look up at your man, not understanding why tears are gathering in your eyes. 
“It’s beautiful.” You whisper, “I love it, James… Thank you.” 
Bucky leans in brushing the escaped tear away from your cheek with his lips, “May I put it on you?” 
You nod, he gently takes the necklace from the box, moving behind you. He meets your gaze in the mirror. The soft metal touches your skin and he watches the pendant shift as he decides the perfect length to wear it upon. 
His fingertips trace along the nape of your neck to your shoulders. Bucky presses his lips to the crook of your neck, “Perfect even better than how I envisioned it.” 
Your hand moves to his hair, running your fingers through it as you turn your head to kiss him. Warm hands encircle around your waist yet again holding you close. 
Slowly your lips part, Bucky groans, watching the piece of jewellery nestle over your sternum drawing his eyes to your breasts. 
All too soon he has you pushed against the wall, lips latched to yours as his hands explore your body, cupping your breast and palming it. You whimper onto his tongue. It only urges him on. 
There is a knock on the door, “I hope y'all are decent.” Sam hopes to the heavens above. 
You make a displeased sound as Bucky pulls away from you, gently setting your legs down from where they were around his waist. 
“Patience, Feather.” He whispers, your hands roam over his chest. 
“What is it Sam?” He questions, blue eyes trained on your seemingly innocent face. 
You know the warning look. You don’t heed it. Your hands move to his belt buckle. To you Sam’s voice already drowned out. 
“Feather.” Bucky hisses as your index finger trails over his growing erection. 
“Don’t you want to see me just in the necklace?” You look up at him, pushing the fabric lower, allowing yourself to give him slow gentle pumps. 
Bucky’s hands come to rest on the wall on either side of your head, caging you in. You bite your lip, his eyes turning towards the stormy blue you loved, not the kind out of his anger but the kind born out of you making him unravel, turning him feral, needy. 
Bucky’s flesh hand grasps your neck. The thoughts begin to fly out the window from your mind. 
“Feather, don’t start something you won’t finish because if I have to take over. Everyone will know just by your stride that you got fucked in the green room by your man.” He squeezes gently, your palm squeezes his length. 
“You’re my good girl aren’t you?” 
You nod. 
“Words Feather, my good girl uses her words, even if she’s being a needy little brat.” He chuckles, if you turned him needy and feral for you he knew how to do the same to you. 
“Yes, your good girl.” You answer. 
You watch as he leans in, his breath fanning across your face, you just want to taste him.
“Can you both not?” Sam groans, “I cannot with you both right now, Y/N, you have to be out in five minutes. Stop letting him seduce you.” 
Bucky closes his eyes, you giggle as he withdraws his hand from your throat. 
“Feather, I know it's yours but you gotta let go of my dick please.” 
“Oh, oh,” your skin heats as you retract your hand helping him get decent. 
“For the record, you seduced me.” He narrows his eyes at you. 
“Hey, we both know you probably thought of me naked with only the necklace on before I suggested it.” 
His mouth hangs open, sputtering to cover up the clear truth. You cover your mouth to stop laughing out loud. Bucky shakes his head, a bemused grin on his lips. 
The door is opened to a disappointed Sam and Yelena staring at the two of you. Their arms crossed. 
“Just wanted to wish her good luck.” Bucky defends. 
“Right, and does that involve your fly being open?” Sam raises a brow, Bucky scrambles turning around then huffs. 
“It isn’t—,” he shuts up at Sam’s stern expression. 
Yelena raises her phone to her ear, “She’ll be out in thirty seconds.” 
Bucky pulls you close, lips pressing against yours in a quick kiss. 
“Good luck, Feather. Once we’re back home I’m going to tell you the reason behind your nickname.” He kisses you again, leaving you breathless grasping onto his shoulders. 
“Th-thanks.” You squeak out, he squeezes your ass, your eyes widen, skin heating, “J-James!” 
He only gives a wink coupled with a cheeking grin. As he follows Sam out you watch him walk backwards laughing at your befuddlement. 
“Ready?” Yelena questions, offering her hand to you as she always did, walking with you till it was your turn to venture alone. 
You grasp her hand, nodding, “As I’ll ever be.” 
There is a chorus of cheers when Yelena walks out to introduce your arrival. You spot Bucky, Sam and your mother sitting in a section reserved for family. It makes your chest warm seeing that area occupied finally. 
When you step out it’s as surreal as the first time, the cheers, the squeals, the happiness of your readers infectious. 
The first two hours are a blur of writing names, interacting, hearing the reader’s theories for the book and maybe a snippet of your next one. You take a sip of water as the line is held back for a moment. 
You grab the sharpie as the line begins again, 
“Hi, thank you for coming out to see me today—,” your mouth dries when you look up at the figure towering over you. 
“If you could make that out to Alexander Pierce, that would be great.” Alexander smiles at you. 
“A-alexander?” You find your heart plummet, he was supposed to be behind bars by now. 
He pushes the book across the desk. Nudging your frozen hands into action. Opening the book you write down, his name,
“How about a sweet message?” He raises a brow, “I am your boss after all.” 
“I um, sure.”
To Alexander Pierce, 
Your actions speak louder than my words, which is why people can hold them in their hands.
He peers at the message, eyes narrowing then he smiles. He parts his mouth about to speak when you watch him descend onto your table headfirst. 
You shift back standing, the chair plummets to the floor. 
Darcy Lewis and Scott Lang stand behind Alexander, pressing him down on the table and extending his hands to cuff him. 
“Alexander Pierce, you’re being placed under arrest for multiple charges of sexual assault, blackmailing, non consensual administration of narcotics, and financial embezzlement.” Darcy speaks clearly, her voice ringing above the bookstore’s clamour. 
Alexander struggles in the grasp, “You’re making a grave mistake, Agent.”
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” She says, Alexander’s gaze locks on you. 
“You opened your mouth, didn't you? If I come to know you have, I’m going to ruin your life. You fat fucking slut.” He roars, Darcy presses his shoulders down to prevent him from getting up. 
Bucky’s cologne suddenly surrounds you. You look up, only to see his chin. He has you tucked against his chest protectively placing his arms around you. 
“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?” She waits for his response which is only laughter. 
“Oh Agent, you’re all going to regret this, don’t you know who I am?” He sneers. 
Darcy rolls her eyes, “Alexander Pierce, do you understand the rights I have just read to you?”
“I do.” He seethes, “I want my fucking legal team.” 
“We will contact them.” Scott says, they lift him up from the desk, he looks at Bucky. Anger coursing through his body. 
“I warned you Barnes. Now you will know the consequences.” The older man spits out. 
Bucky makes sure you cannot look at Alexander, palm blocking your head’s movement. 
“Are you threatening me? Mid arrest? I haven’t done anything to you Alexander. I have always respected you.” Bucky speaks, Alexander’s anger only grows, he’s dragged out. 
The bookstore grows quiet. Eerily so, the cameras still held up despite the FBI retreating and leaving. 
Bucky gently shifts from you, still holding your hands within his own. You regard the entire store only hoping the threats he made will reach online so they can be used in court as well. 
“Everyone I am so sorry, the event will have to be postponed to a later date. Those who did not get a chance to interact will have their tickets refunded. You will retain your book and the signing will take place at a later date.” A representative from HYDRA announces. 
Bucky leads you back inside the green room. Sam and your mom are already watching the news unfold on his iPad. 
She looks up at you demanding an explanation. 
“I’ll explain later, mum—,”
“What did he do to you?” She cuts you off. 
“Mum,” you swallow the lump forming in your throat. 
Her eyes move onto Bucky, “Why was he threatening you? You were supposed to take care of her.” 
He kneels in front of her, “I regret it everyday that I couldn’t protect her.”
“Mom it isn’t Bucky’s fault.” You sit next to Bucky grasping her other hand, “I’ll tell you everything. Just you cannot blame anyone but Alexander okay?” 
She regards the two of you, Sam shifts, “I’ll make sure the three of you have some privacy.” 
He walks out, shutting the door behind him. 
“Alright, tell me and no covering anything or hiding any details. I may be sick but I’m not weak.” She warns, “I didn’t mean to blame you Bucky, I just, she’s my only child.” 
“I know, I just, when I saw her that night, I blamed myself. I should have known better.” He sighs, you grab his hand with your free one. 
“We’ll tell you everything, if it becomes too much tell us to stop and we will.” He requests of her. 
“You will do the same.” She says, the two of you nod. 
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Alexander Pierce Arrested At Signing Of Author Y/N’s Fourth Book
Dolores Looks Sombre Exiting The FBI Branch 
Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Other HYDRA Creatives Come Out In Support Of Long List Of Victims Of Alexander Pierce’s Abuse 
‘This Is A Shock To Me’ Says Ace In Recent Interview Praising Alexander Pierce
Author Y/N Continues Book Signings Amidst Ongoing Court Case — How Exactly Harrowing Was The Ordeal If She Can Function Normally?
Brock Rumlow Arrested In Conjunction With Charges Pressed Against His Uncle 
HYDRA Projects All Come To Standstill As Crews Organise Protests To Support Victims Os Sexual Assault. 
Bucky Barnes And Y/N Y/L/N Spotted Getting Cozy At His Favourite Restaurant, Onlooker Spills The Beans On Their Conversation.
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A.N.: so the queue didn't work and i had other one shots as well prepped but nothing went through so i manually reedited everything since i lost most of it unfortunately, i hope you guys enjoy the chapter, i know sometimes its fast paced compared to slowburn, we're nearing the end of it
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icey--stars · 1 year
Born For Tragedy: Part 19
Series Index
She was tragedy. Nothing except death, fear and pain followed in her wake. When she was young, she was beaten. Now she’s the one doing the beating as an assassin. A mysterious stranger comes to her, paying an absurd amount of money for her to kill Beron Vanserra, and protect the eldest son until the job is done. She stumbles across a story much similar to her own, and knows what must be done.
WARNINGS: slight nsfw (its the morning after), somewhat graphic depictions of a dog birth also rhys is kinda an ass in this (does that count as a warning? idk, i see it more as “seeing the other side” from a previous hewn city citizen’s pov) AND NSFW content (SMUT) after the words “I am a deadly warrior,” She growled, shoving her face into his chest. “Fear me.” - there is a secondary warning farther down!
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
The next morning, they woke up to loud pounding on the door. Which, in all honesty, scared Valda shitless and sent her tumbling to the floor, barely dressed and going for her knives. Eris was even worse. He had leaped right off the bed and had fire crackling from fists as he marched toward the door angrily.
It was actually both very endearing and she wanted to kiss him again because holy fuck, he was hot, but also hilarious and wanting to make her break down in laughter at the same time.
Eris snapped his fingers after a moment, fully dressed. It looked a bit ruffled, but good enough for the High Lord of Autumn. He glanced at Valda.
Valda snorted and stepped out of view of the door as Eris swung it open and raised a flaming fist.
“What the fuck is the reason for bugging me and my mate this early in the fucking morning? Shall I take your head? Is that it?” Eris yelled.
The male on the other end let out a fearful squeaking noise and Valda put a hand to her lips to stop her laughter.
“Sir-” The male began. “It’s-”
“It’s what?” Eris snarled.
“T-Taunya, sir. She’s- She’s in labor right now,” the male stuttered.
The flame in Eris’s fist disappeared as he sighed.
“Next time, don’t you fucking dare bang on that door unless I have actually risen for the day, got it?”
“If something is urgent, you get one of my brothers so I don’t burn your face off,” Eris growled. “Now go. My mate and I will come when we please.”
The male squeaked again and she heard hurried jogging down the hall. Valda finally let loose some of the laughter she’d been holding in.
Eris sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. “I swear, I’m going to burn his face off anyway.”
Valda laughed harder, putting a hand on her mate’s shoulder for support. “That’s-” she gasped for breath. “That’s the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while.”
Eris rolled his eyes, grinning. “Alright, calm down my love. I do actually want to go see Taunya.”
“Oh, for sure,” Valda said, walking to the closet. “Give me a moment.”
When she leaned down to get into a drawer for socks, she felt Eris slid a hand from the small of her back down.
She turned to flash an amused look at Eris as he lightly groped her ass. He smirked. “What? You expect me to think clearly and resist this beautiful ass of yours?”
Valda sighed and chuckled softly before taking off Eris’s shirt and then sliding her clothing on– still black.
However, Eris chucked her a sweater of his when she came out wearing a tight, short-sleeved black t-shirt. “It’s cold out,” he said in explanation.
She sighed, rolling her eyes and then put the sweater on.
“I won’t freeze,” she said, moving toward her boots.
“Oh yes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you uncomfortable,” Eris replied. “Plus, I know you’ll complain.”
“I would not,” she protested. Eris tilted his head and raised a brow. Valda sighed. “Fine, maybe. But seriously, this place is at least warmer than the Winter Court.”
Eris’s eyes flashed with anger for a moment before he sighed and released it. “This is bad timing, Taunya,” he growled, mostly to himself.
Valda hummed, sliding her boots on and tightening them sufficiently. “Why’s that?” She questioned.
“Because of the stupid mating frenzy,” Eris admitted. “And honestly, if any male or female looks at you a certain way, I think I might take off their head.”
Valda’s thoughts took a turn and she thought of how she might react to something similar and felt rage and lust burning under her skin within seconds.
She sighed. “We’ll try not to take off anyone’s head or mist anyone to a bloody mist,” she said.
Eris gave a little half-chuckle as she walked over, offering him her hand. “And I suppose we’ll try not to scandalize your entire court as well.”
“Shall we winnow?” He offered. She nodded and then they were whisked away to the kennels within seconds.
There were three other individuals in the kennels in addition to the dogs. Kuhn Vanserra and then two servants.
Kuhn turned to glance at Eris and then his nose wrinkled. “Cauldron, remind me not to bother you in the mornings,” he grunted, turning back to Taunya who was laying in a pile of comfortable looking blankets with… 1 puppy already suckling. Nimbus, the male and father, looked stressed and was sitting next to Taunya’s head, whining softly.
Valda went to lean against the wooden walls of the kennel, watching from afar. Eris leaned down beside Nimbus, petting the male ghost hound gently and then Taunya.
“Hey girl,” he said gently. Taunya whined, moving her head straight into Eris’s lap. “You weren’t due for another two weeks,” he continued. “Didn’t wanna wait on these pups, did you?”
Nimbus whined, nudging at Eris’s elbow with his nose. The dogs seemed to take great comfort from Eris being there, which was adorable. They seemed calmer than before.
One of the female servants cast a gaze over to the High Lord and Valda tensed, biting her lip on a snarl.
Kuhn stood, moving away and toward Valda as Eris took over his job of petting the poor laboring female.
Eris’s gaze snapped up and he seemed to scowl at Kuhn.
Kuhn glanced between them before understanding dawned on his face and he moved to the other side of the kennels, still watching, but not near Valda anymore.
Cauldron, the pair of them, Valda thought with a chuckle. The Forest House was about to be set on edge.
“Is the pup healthy?” Eris asked, looking down at the one suckling on its momma.
“He is,” a servant answered. “We’ve got another one coming very soon.”
Eris nodded, looking down at the pup and then at Taunya who tensed suddenly.
“There’s the head!” One cried.
And another puppy slid out, covered in a bloody and clear looking mess.
Taunya sat up with a groan and immediately began licking the puppy clean. The pup whimpered and everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief. Valda didn’t know much about dog births, but she did know that them making any sort of sound was a good sign. The same was for fae– crying was a good sign.
Taunya pulled the pup to her belly before huffing and laying back down again. Eris gently checked the gender by taking a hold of the rump and head and turning it over before gently guiding it to nurse. 
“A female,” he noted aloud to everyone. “Good girl,” Eris praised the ghost hound. “How many more?”
“Just one sir,” one of the servants answered.
It was a while before the third pup finally made an entrance. At first, the pup appeared to not be breathing but Taunya kept furiously licking at the pup. One of the servants pushed her away, but the mother growled and continued.
Eris was allowed to gently take the pup into his hands and then let out a sigh of relief. “She’s breathing,” he told everyone. “Just a quiet one. Go ahead, Taun,” he told his hound.
Taunya licked Eris’s fingers for a moment before moving back to her puppy.
The servants did a few more checks, double-checking on making sure there were no more pups and then giving Taunya a little protein snack before leaving. Almost not soon enough for Valda’s nerves as they kept getting too close to her mate that she felt like leaping the wall and pulling them away forcefully.
Kuhn leaned down beside the dogs, smiling. “What are you going to name them, brother?”
Eris hummed. “Two females, one male,” he mused, glancing at Valda. “I have names in mind.”
“Well?” Kuhn prompted.
“Bane, for the male. Zelda for the eldest female and then Tempus for the quiet one,” Eris said.
Valda instantly recognized those names. The two female names had been ones that she’d told Eris.
She sent a little smile toward Eris who grinned back.
“Those are good names,” Kuhn said. He put a hand on Eris’s shoulder and stood.
Valda snarled, her resolve to not break gone.
Kuhn immediately removed his hand from Eris’s shoulder, standing and putting placating hands up toward her. “Sorry,” he said. “Forgot already. I’d rather not be killed-”
Valda sighed, walking around the wooden wall to stand beside Eris. “I won’t kill you, but I think it’s time for you to go.”
Kuhn dipped his head. “Yes, Lady Valda.”
Eris turned sharply and called after Kuhn. “She might just be High Lady one day, brother.”
Kuhn laughed. “Then I shall call her High Lady Valda… Vanserra?” He said hesitantly.
Valda remained frozen as Kuhn made her way out.
Eris slid a slightly sticky hand into hers and pulled her down and kissed her gently. “You don’t have to do anything,” he assured her. “It was just an idea. I just like messing with him.”
Valda nodded, smiling as she kneeled beside him. “Would you ever want to get married?” She asked hesitantly.
Eris hummed. “Only if you wished for it, mate. Though, I doubt you would want Vanserra as your last name.”
Valda hummed. “Why’s that?” She asked.
“Didn’t you kill my father?” Eris teased, poking her with a smile.
Valda huffed, rolling her eyes. “Yes, but why would that stop me? It’s your last name.”
“What about yours?” Eris questioned.
“Callahan has no value,” she answered. “It’s just a poor mining family in the Night Court. Honestly, the only reason I keep it is just to see if anyone is smart enough to actually track me down. And so my dear brother might still learn of my wonderful achievements.”
“Is he even still alive?” Eris questioned.
Valda nodded. “According to the fact that my tattoo hasn’t disappeared, yes.”
Eris hummed. “Hm, maybe if I visit Hewn City again I’ll see if I can meet him.”
Valda rolled her eyes. “You want to murder him, don’t you?”
“Well, who wouldn’t?” Eris asked. “Honestly.”
Valda scoffed, chuckling. “I’ll let you meet him as long as I get to spit in his face first. Maybe my mother’s as well.”
“Anything you wish, love,” Eris answered.
She hummed, testing the name on her tongue. “Valda Vanserra, High Lady of the Autumn Court.” Then she chuckled. “That sounds hilarious. And I have a feeling Rhysand would be extra terrified of the Night Court with a fae from his own court here.”
“Oh, completely,” Eris agreed. “He’s still demanding who the hell you were. Apparently, his dear shadowsinger can only find so many clues and not enough. By the way, did you ever manage to get paid for killing my father?”
Valda laughed. “I did. The male didn’t even protest, just handed over the gold like it was nothing. Weird ass male though.”
“How so?”
“I mean, it was an Illyrian,” she mused. “Paying for the assassination of a lord of the Autumn Court. It sounds so weird. And even weirder, the male seemed to be covered in weird ass darkness. Like he was a bastard with some High Fae powers, you know? However, he didn’t have any siphons I could see, so maybe it was just that.”
Eris’s brows furrowed and then he froze. “Holy fuck, that bastard,” he growled.
“There are only two fae with Illyrian wings with that sort of darkness,” Eris explained. “And you know of both.”
Valda tilted her head, looking toward the ceiling for a moment. Then her jaw dropped. “Holy fuck, the Night Court paid me to kill Beron?! What the absolute-”
Eris growled to himself. “Seems it's time I have some words with Rhysand.”
“I’m coming,” Valda said sternly. For multiple reasons. First, she was not leaving her mate to Rhysand’s fury. Second, she wanted to hear why the hell she was hired by the Night Court from his mouth herself. Honestly though, why the fuck did they pay her to kill Beron?
“You don’t-”
“I’m coming,” Valda repeated. “I want to see their faces myself.”
Eris chuckled. “Very well, love. I will set up a meeting once I feel like not yanking you under the sheets and killing every male in a fifty mile radius.”
Valda felt heat in her core set alight.
It was nearly two weeks before the constant lusting seemed to end. Valda didn’t even think it was possible for lust to last that long. They split their time between the bedroom and Taunya. The council tried once to bug Eris about coming to a meeting, but Eris declined and said he would deign when to come to a meeting without any hesitation. Their faces were… indescribable. It was hilarious.
Taunya was doing adorably with her new puppies. Each one of them already had custom collars made, despite not wearing them because they were so young and barely able to even sit up.
However, Eris had decided it was time to get to the bottom of Rhysand’s infatuation with the Autumn Court’s business and planned a visit to Hewn City.
Valda prepared herself for every scenario possible, planning to go in armed to the teeth.
“Ready?” Eris asked, making sure his sleeves were straight one last time before offering his hand.
Valda took it with a little grin. “I’m ready,” she said.
Eris turned back to face forward, but cast a small glance at her. Assuring. Comfort and love flooded the golden bond between them and then she felt the familiar whirr of winnowing.
They landed on a marble floor and Valda let loose some of the darkness that lived within her, glancing at Eris whose eyes were ablaze with amber fire. He wore a crown on top of his auburn hair while she’d taken to simply become a complete walking weaponry.
They were right outside of the ballroom. She knew this place and took a deep, calming breath, letting the feeling of the bond within her lead her forward with Eris into the open space.
On top of the dais, there were two thrones. One with a male and the second with a female. There were two winged brutes standing as guards on the third step of the dais, and a golden-haired High Fae female on the first step.
Valda tried not to shake as the male on the throne turned his gaze on them. The violet eyes made the flight instinct within her very, very loud.
“Rhysand,” Eris began, walking confidently into the room. Valda walked at his side, her hand in his. She let his hand center her and raised her chin higher.
“Eris,” Rhysand said, leaning back into the throne. The picture of a male at ease. “To what do I owe the visit?” Cauldron, that voice.
“You know why,” Eris said, his voice taking a deeper, more lethal tone. “And I expect answers.”
She glanced over to the brute Illyrians, fixing them both with a glare. The bigger of the two, with bright red siphons that were glowing, she knew was the General. Cassian, to be exact. The other, with blue siphons and had shadows swirling around him was the Spymaster. Azriel.
The females– Morrigan, and the High Lady, Feyre Cursebreaker.
Rhysand fixed Eris with a bored look. “Oh really,” the male mused. “Answers for what, I could ask? And perhaps why you are bringing that High Fae of yours into my domain.”
Valda finally fixed her gaze on the High Lord and took a deep breath, settling the fear in her gut. Gods, the things this male had caused for her. The things he’d done…
She spoke confidently and clearly as she glared right at Rhysand. “Valda Callahan,” she said. “Of course, you might know me as the Shadow. If you’ve done your homework, then you know what I am capable of.”
Rhysand tilted his head curiously. “That might explain a few things,” he mused. “And explain the rumors I’ve been hearing from the Autumn Court.”
“What have you heard?” Eris asked, his tone bored.
“Oh, this and that,” Rhysand toed around the point. “The most interesting news has got to be that you’ve fallen deeply in love with the assassin of your father.”
Valda smirked. “Does it scare you, Rhysand?” She asked. “That Eris has someone so powerful at his side?”
Rhysand turned his gaze on her, and then down toward her feet where her darkness obscured some of her feet. “Not in the slightest,” the High Lord answered. “Your power is easily understood and conquered, as it is my own.”
Eris tensed, his hand squeezing hers tighter. “Conquered?” He repeated.
“Oh dear, it seems I’ve upset the High Lord of Autumn again,” Rhysand said, turning towards Feyre. “Whatever shall I do?”
Valda felt like she was buzzing with leashed fury. “You will do well to respect him,” she growled. “And me. I’m sure you’re familiar with the effects of the mate bond? Hmm?”
Eris seemed to relax as Valda gained some of the upper hand again.
“Either way,” Valda continued, not letting Rhysand reply even as the male’s jaw opened to do so, “This is not the topic of our meeting. The topic of our meeting is why the fuck you decided to hire my services to kill Beron Vanserra. After all, there are only so many Illyrian males with money, and the darkness of the Night Court.”
Rhysand froze, the fae stillness settling on his features like ice.
Eris gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “It does beg the question, Rhys, on why you decided you had so much power over the Autumn Court.”
Rhysand sat up slowly and then stood. Azriel immediately walked toward the dais as the High Lord began to descend.
Valda tensed, resisting the temptation to bite her lip nervously.
Rhysand paused three feet before them and looked Valda up and down. “Perhaps I underestimated you,” he mused. “Perhaps the Shadow isn’t all knives and has some brains after all.”
And that comment must’ve snapped Eris’s impulse control as her mate snarled aggressively and flames appeared in the hand that wasn’t currently holding her hand.
Azriel drew a dagger from his side. Valda fixed him with a glare. “If you draw a dagger, shadowsinger, then you will be the cause of the fight that will occur.”
Azriel glared at Valda, his shadows behaving oddly as they raised up on his shoulders like asps preparing to strike. However, his hand paused where it drew a dagger from his thigh. She put her free hand on the handle of her sword at her hip.
“You were hesitant to act, Eris,” Rhysand finally began. “So slow, so careful… or perhaps afraid? Of what your father could do. So I took it into my own hands.”
Valda bit the inside of her lip roughly at the comment on Eris being afraid. Her mate had faced more at Beron’s hands than Rhysand could ever imagine.
“You had no right to do that,” Eris said. “The Autumn Court is not in your filthy hands.”
Rhysand tilted his head and then smirked a little. “Isn’t it?”
Valda drew in a sharp breath, inaudible, but she felt like pouncing right then, or sprinting as far as fucking possible.
Eris was unwavering though and grabbed her tighter before replying. “It is not,” he growled. “The Autumn Court is not under your control, Rhysand. It never will be. You have no control, despite what you think.”
She felt mental claws suddenly slither along hers and she sucked in a breath and fortified her mind, closing her eyes for a split moment. She had not practiced her mental walls very much, but she’d learned them young, while living in Hewn City. The claws seemed to scrape along the walls before drawing away.
When she opened her eyes, she glared at Rhysand. “You dare to try and enter my mind, Rhysand?” She asked, growling. Valda gathered her magic, letting the feeling of it sit heavy in the air. “Do you think I am weak? Do not forget that I successfully killed a High Lord alone. What could I possibly do with the most powerful High Lord that Autumn Court has ever seen at my side as my mate?”
“Are you threatening me?” Rhysand asked.
“Do you want me to threaten you? I will protect my mate with my life, and through that, my court. If you dare to think the Autumn Court a puppet you can control, then you are sorely mistaken, Rhysand. I was raised in this nightmare. This Court of Nightmares. I know you, High Lord. I know how you work. I know how fucking cruel and weak you can be.”
Rhysand’s power rose to muffle my own and I tried to not take a step back, forcing my legs to be stone. “You think this is weak?” Rhysand growled. “I could shatter your mind without even a thought.”
Valda merely smirked. She’d gotten him riled up now. “You are incapable of controlling your own people, what else am I to think? They fear you, they do not respect you. The Autumn Court has achieved more change than you have in centuries.”
Eris seemed to be pleased as he watched her, though the bond still flickered with anger.
“Does this assassin speak for you, Eris?” Rhysand finally said. “Better find a leash soon.”
Eris abruptly heated, the feeling of it filling the air, but the heat never touched her. “I’d be careful, Rhysand. That assassin is set to be High Lady of the Autumn Court.”
Rhysand’s gaze flicked from Eris back to her and she merely smirked. “Does this get under your skin?” She asked.
Azriel seemed to snap beside his High Lord and suddenly lunged forward, dagger drawn toward her. “You will not speak to my High Lord in such a way.”
Valda glanced down at the dagger in his hands, held inches from her throat. “Did you think that would scare me? I’ve killed the most powerful assassins on Prythian. I’ve had a knife held to my throat before.”
Eris growled. “Put the fucking knife down,” he snarled, a flame appearing in his hand and then jumping out of his palm to be held near the dagger. Valda couldn’t even feel the heat. Eris was exceptional when controlling that power, she’d learned. She should’ve known that from when it didn’t burn her after he came to power, but alas, it took a bit more convincing. But she no longer feared his fire in any way. However, Azriel did seem to.
The male pulled the dagger back by a fraction.
She glanced at his hands. She knew a little about the scars of the shadowsinger. Burn scars. She knew it was a dirty move to use someone’s trauma against them, but she couldn’t help but feel a little bit of satisfaction in the way the male seemed to be apprehensive.
“I said put it down,” Eris growled.
Azriel reluctantly lowered his hand. The fire dissipated as well.
“You must think yourself above me or something,” Eris growled, glaring at Rhysand. “You dare to try and manipulate my court, and threaten my mate, even try to enter her mind, and hold a dagger to her throat? Do you think I am weak? The Autumn Court is not under your control and will not be manipulated in such a way ever again.”
“Technically, it was Azriel who held a dagger to her throat-”
Eris cut the pretentious fuck off, “Bull fucking shit.”
Rhysand glared at Eris before seeming to gather himself and rolling his shoulders back, picking off an invisible piece of lint. “Very well. You’ve proved your point. Congratulations.”
Well, if that wasn’t sarcastic, then Valda never once managed in her life to be sarcastic.
Valda rubbed her eyes with her forefinger and thumb. “You really are as bad as I remember,” she muttered.
“What do you mean by that?” Rhysand questioned.
“You’re a pretentious motherfucker with no regard for anyone else but yourself and your family. This court under this mountain doesn’t matter to you, does it?”
Rhysand narrowed his eyes. “What do you know of my court?”
Eris squeezed her hand.
“You wouldn’t remember, considering all that has happened since but you do not care for the wellbeing of the citizens here. Not at all. My father was executed needlessly, and so was the lord who killed him. I don’t care for either of them, but I know quite a bit about how this court works just by sneaking into this room for a day.”
“What were you doing in here?”
Valda’s lips tightened. “You don’t need to know the specifics,” she answered. “I am not under this mountain anymore. Though, I suppose some of my family might still be.”
“Ah,” Rhysand chuckled. “Yes, your brother is. As is your mother.”
“I see you’ve done your research at last,” Valda mused.
“You seem quite uncaring of the fact I know who they are.”
“I have no care for the people who abused me,” she answered emotionlessly.
Eris squeezed her hand comfortingly. She felt that assurance flooded through her and gave her more confidence.
“What sort of abuse?” Rhysand asked, tilting his head slightly.
“You have no business knowing that,” Valda retorted.
Rhysand smirked a little and hummed. “What a fiery female you’ve chosen, Eris.”
Feyre Cursebreaker stood from her throne and walked down. I eyed her carefully, but I did not know this female. All I knew was rumors and stories from Under the Mountain. Supposedly, she was intelligent and powerful. Enough to break the curse, collapse the Spring Court from within and even use powers from all the courts. Absolutely terrifying, but of course, I was also quite terrifying.
She met my gaze briefly before glancing at Eris. I tensed, but waited for her to speak.
“Eris,” she began, speaking clearly, but not too loudly. Eris seemed apprehensive, but waited patiently. Feyre continued, “Yes, we did hire an assassin to kill your father, and how wonderful that it succeeded. Our methods were not the best, but in your hesitance to act, we decided we were done waiting. Our goal was to kill Beron. Now that the Autumn Court is ruled by someone we are more… familiar with, and is less likely to help anyone rule the world, we are perfectly happy with allowing the Autumn Court to be as they are. We did not control you, we did not mean to exude the fact that we control Autumn, but I can see how it may seem that way.
“Valda, yes, we did hire you as the Shadow. However, you seem to be taking on a role that is not the assassin we knew you as, so I do dearly hope we can move forward.”
A moment of silence went by. Valda considered Feyre’s words. She certainly was convincing.
Rhysand curled an arm around Feyre and put a hand on her hip. Possessive fae males, she thought.
“Don’t try to pull the strings again,” Eris said sternly. “And perhaps we can move forward.”
Valda yielded to her mate’s decision. She wouldn’t have cared either way. It would be best to move forward, but the Night Court must also not think that Autumn is weak in any way.
Feyre gave an odd smile. The smile both seemed real and fake at the same time and made Valda think that she expected that answer. Confident, Valda thought.
“Now, let’s all stop threatening each other, shall we?” Feyre asked. “Perhaps a drink?”
Eris glanced over at Valda and she dipped her head.
The drink surprisingly… went well. The threatening went away with the problem mostly squared away. However, I did notice that Azriel kept a very close eye on me. Eris glared at him quite a lot for it. Despite the room being extremely tense, once Eris and Valda winnowed home, it seemed that the meeting had been mostly a success. Autumn Court had shone their strength.
“Val?” Eris asked hesitantly into the dark when they lay in bed.
“Yeah?” She asked groggily, looking up toward Eris’s chin where she was settled. He looked down and smiled slightly.
“Would you-”
“Spit it out,” she groaned. “I’m tired.”
“Would you ever become High Lady?”
Valda grumbled for a few seconds before sighing. “I mean, probably. If you think that’s a good idea. We’d probably have to get married for that to happen.”
Eris hummed in acknowledgement. “We would,” he agreed. “But only if you want to.”
“I want to.” Valda yawned. “But not tonight. I’m tired.”
Eris chuckled, amused. “You’re adorable,” he mused.
“I am a deadly warrior,” She growled, shoving her face into his chest. “Fear me.”
Eris laughed and his chest jumped. Valda grumbled, pressing him onto his back so she could lay mostly on top of him and force him to stop. The movement seemed to have a different effect on Eris, however.
She chuckled as he hardened against her thigh. “You seem to enjoy me on top of you too much,” she muttered.
Eris paused, sliding his arms up her back teasingly. “You can’t act as if you don’t love it.”
Valda grinned, lifting her chin and scooting forward to near Eris’s lips. “I do,” she agreed and kissed him gently.
He brought one hand up to cradle the back of her head, pressing his lips to her. This kiss was gentle, edged with need. She felt arousal sliding down her spine and she groaned, reaching for the bottom of Eris’s shirt.
“Cauldron, I can’t resist you,” she muttered and moved her lips down his jaw, lingering by his ear, causing a little whimper to escape her mate. She grinned, and kissed her way down his neck before settling on a spot that would show above even the highest of collars. She nipped the spot and sucked gently.
Eris seemed all too happy to let her mark him.
When she pulled away, she grinned as she examined her mark. A nice red bruise was there. “You’re mine,” she muttered.
Eris gripped her hip with his other hand.
“You need something?” Valda asked, smirking down at him.
“Please, for the love of the gods, fuck me,” Eris begged.
Valda chuckled and slid his shirt up over his head, and helped him get his sweatpants and boxers off before taking off her own pajamas, groaning as she felt Eris grope her ass.
“Needy,” she noted and leaned down to kiss Eris again.
She reached down with a free hand and angled him to slip inside of her. She let out a muffled moan at the same time as him, curling one hand into his hair and the other along his neck, just resting.
“You feel so good,” Eris muttered.
This dark, loving sex felt amazing, Valda thought.
She grinded her hips against him slowly, lazily even. “I fucking love you,” she groaned.
Eris wrapped both arms around her, hugging her close. “I love you more.”
“Debatable,” she chuckled.
Eris thrust his hips upward in retaliation. Valda gasped, pressing her forehead to Eris’s. “Fuck,” she groaned. “So good.”
Eris continued the movement and they grinded against each other, moaning and saying dirty praises aloud.
Valda felt herself building rather quickly. “Close,” she muttered, kissing Eris again.
Eris renewed his efforts. When they broke away, Eris spoke roughly. “Come for me.”
She moaned, feeling herself crest over the edge of that sweet pleasure. Eris followed, heat exploding within her.
The pleasure felt endless and when it finally faded, they were both panting and relaxing lazily into the sheets and each other.
A brief thought occurred to her and she opened her eyes, letting Eris slip out of her with a little wince.
“I should probably take a tonic,” Valda muttered, rolling to Eris’s side so she could curl up into his side.
Eris seemed to be silent for a few moments before asking, “What do you think about children?”
Valda yawned. “Maybe one day,” she managed to say. “But not now. Being a mother is hell. My little alias about being a nanny wasn’t a complete lie. The young assassins needed some babysitters. Toddlers are absolutely horrible to deal with.”
Eris chuckled, running a hand through her hair gently. “I don’t think I’d be a good father without researching quite a bit.”
“Why’s that?” Valda asked curiously.
“I didn’t really really have the best role model, did I?”
“That’s fair,” Valda chuckled. “I didn’t have a good one either.”
“The pair of us,” Eris joked. “Somehow trying to become better than our parents.”
“It’s hard,” Valda chuckled, shifting so her hand rested on top of Eris’s chest, right where she could feel his heartbeat. “I mean honestly, how does parenting even work?”
Eris huffed a little laugh. “We’ll figure it out if we want it,” he said, turning to kiss her forehead gently. “For now, we try.”
“We try,” Valda agreed and snuggled closer to sleep.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
For those listening- I'm gonna be real with you. I don't have pt. 20 written AT ALL and its smut, which takes a particular mood for me to write it. so, just saying this now so its out there: pt 20 may not be on time, i apologize. life is busy atm and writing takes energy lol
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@bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess, @imma-too-many-fandoms, @mali22, @sassybluebird, @bubybubsters,
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colorsunimaginable · 1 year
the spare // chapter sixty-two // death eater ! tom hiddleston oc x plus size ofc - voldemort wins au
story summary: 
While on a mission to avenge the death of her best friend, Ilvermorny graduate Melisa Alder finds herself in the middle of the fight to defeat Voldemort. Upon capture after the Dark Lord's triumph, she's being sold at an auction with other muggle borns and blood traitors. Her only hope is also her only bidder - the tall, dark, and handsome Thomus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger half-brother. Is he just another Death Eater or is he hiding more than just his face beneath the mask? Will she realize her true potential to be one of the resistance's greatest weapons?
*a Voldemort Wins AU with Tom Hiddleston cast as an OC x a plus size protagonist* *takes place in The Auction universe by Lovesbitca8*
words for this chapter: 4k warnings for this chapter: cunnilingus, squirting
Chapter Sixty-Two:
“Did it work?”
God, his voice. Rich, deep, smooth baritone.
After the initial shock that left me frozen, my throat tightens and my face flashes with heat as I try to blink away tears. I sniffle, and the fact that I can hear it forces another crack into the dam.
Footsteps barely register as I quickly raise my fingers to my ear and snap.
Sweet, sweet relief spreads from my chest as the sound comes in clear and tears finally cascade down my cheeks, my face crinkling from the emotion.
Someone kneels in front of me. Strong, warm hands clasp mine tightly in my lap.
“Are you alright?” Thomus presses, his lovely voice close now, in front of me. “Does something hurt? Are you feeling ill?”
I work the muscles in the back of my throat, trying to use my voice, but I don’t think that’s working yet. So I just sniffle again and shake my head.
He brings the backs of my fingers to his lips, trailing kisses over my knuckles. “Then why are you crying?”
I pull my hand from his and fingerspell.
“Happy?” he asks hesitantly and I nod. I point to myself, to my ear, and then to him, barely keeping the smile off my face as my fingers touch his chest. He squeezes my hand before I feel him turn. “H.S.?”
More footsteps approach. “Are you hearing any sort of ringing, dear?”
I recognize the voice as belonging to the Healer he brought me to, Hippocrates Smethwyck. There’s a roughness to it I hadn’t noticed when I first met him, like he smokes. I shake my head in response to his question.
“Muffled sound?”
“Are our words slurring?”
“Any sounds dis –“
“What about her other senses, Rakepick?” Thomus demands, interrupting Smethwick.
An unfamiliar voice joins in from farther away, whom I’m assuming is Rakepick. “As I’ve stated before, the curse Lestrange cast on her is one of his own making,” the man bites out, clearly annoyed.
“So you say,” Thomus snaps back.
“So the evidence says,” Rakepick replies. “The evidence you have given me.” The distinct sound of heels upon hardwood begin from the direction where Rakepick’s voice is coming from. He’s pacing. “His blood was absorbed into her skin. There isn’t a simple counter curse for blood magic. You should consider yourself lucky she’s otherwise unharmed.”
“Unharmed?” Thomus hisses. He stands, turning away from me. “Losing vital senses is what you consider to be unharmed?”
The man’s pacing stops. “Absolutely,” Rakepick states. “She is not dead nor is she actively dying.”
“What else can be done?” Smethwyck cuts in, his tone calmest of the three.
Rakepick sighs. “At this point I’ve exhausted all I can think of. If I attempt to restore her sight or voice, she could lose her hearing again. Or worse.”
“Worse?” comes Thomus’ voice. It’s calmer now, almost… fearful?
Thomus? Afraid?
There’s a pause. “Restoring more than one of the senses she’s lost might trigger a failsafe. I’ve seen it happen with tombs in Egypt and Syria. When the first line of defense fails, a secondary measure takes its place to ensure maximum security.”
“What does that mean for a living being?” Smethwyck asks.
“I’m afraid that since we were able to bypass a part of his curse restoring her hearing, if we attempted to restore another…“ Rakepick hesitates again, “the true effects of the curse would be revealed.”
Someone – Thomus, I believe – starts stomping around, his breaths coming in quick and sharp. “So there’s nothing to be done?” he demands.
“Whatever your next attempt, it should be to rid her of the curse entirely.”
The somber finality of his words settles across the room. Heavy. Suffocating.
I close my eyes, focusing on deep breaths. My chest is so tight with anxiety that it’s painful. My dull fingernails dig into my wrist, distracting me from the dizzying emotional pain. It clears my head enough to shove some positivity in its place.
I can’t say for sure which of the senses I’d rather have gotten back. Hearing or seeing both would come with their own set of problems. I’m sure if I could talk I’d just be talking into the void, as per usual embarrassing myself.
Getting my hearing back isn’t so bad. After all, I can hear Thomus’ voice right? I can listen to music. Maybe communicating won’t be so difficult anymore. At least it’s something, and I’m grateful for it.
“I best be off then,” Rakepick announces softly. He begins walking, sounding like he’s going to pass me.
I blindly reach my hand out, grabbing his arm. He stops abruptly, turning towards me. The tips of my fingers come to my lips, and I move my flattened hand slightly downwards in his direction. My mouth moves around the silent words.
“She’s thanking you,” Thomus says quietly.
Rakepick takes the hand on his arm and puts it in his, shaking it. “Good luck.”
“I best be off as well, Thomus,” Smethwyck says.
Rakepick releases my hand and the pair of footsteps retreat from the room. Their voices along with a familiar female one, come from what I assume is the hallway, and then there’s a soft knocking.
“How did it go?” Narcissa’s voice asks, her heels click on the floor as she approaches. Her tone is hesitant, prepped for the news to be good or bad.
I grin and wave in the direction I think she is, before pointing to my ear. I repeat the same simple signs I used with Thomus earlier.
“You can hear me? Oh, that’s just wonderful!” I can sense the smile on her face just from her voice. “It must be such a relief.”
I just smile and nod.
“Aren’t you pleased, Thomus?” she asks, doubt in her voice. There must be something on his face. It makes my own smile falter.
“I’m downright cheerful, can’t you tell?” he replies acidly.
“What did the Curse-Breaker say?”
Thomus starts striding towards me. “Nothing good.” His hand clasps my elbow and he pulls me to my feet. “I’ll discuss it with you later.” My hands go around his arm as he starts guiding me – to the door, I assume.
“You’re leaving?” Narcissa asks, following behind.
“I’m going to take her to the cottage for a few days,” Thomus replies. His tone is biting – still annoyed. “I want to keep her under surveillance, make sure there won’t be any delayed reactions.”
“Alright,” she relents. “Make sure to bring her here if you have to leave for an extended period of time.” My chest warms hearing her concern for me and I don’t know what I did to deserve it.
After a walk down to wherever, he pauses to grab my arm, where I know the tattoo is. We step forward and I feel hot flames lick at my ankles for a moment before it’s gone, the padding under my shoes softer. When I breathe in through my nose, I recognize the familiar scent of the cottage.
Thomus still holds my arm, but I pull it out of his grasp when I turn to him. Stretching up onto my toes, I slip my arms over his shoulders, pulling him tight against me. His arms wrap around my waist, holding me to him just as tightly. A heavy sigh escapes as I relish the comfort and safety of his embrace.
After a long moment, his grip loosens but I hold firm, not wanting it to end. When he realizes that, he refastens his arms. As my cheek presses into his neck, my nose getting tickled by his growing beard, he lets out a soft chuckle.
“Missed me?” he murmurs.
I sigh again and pull back, bringing a hand up so he can see my thumb and forefinger hover centimeters away from each other.
He releases a sharp, amused exhale. “A little?”
I nod and pull him back into my hug, squeezing tighter than before, then release him. Sensing what he’s going to ask me next, I point to myself and fingerspell, feel fine.
“Reading minds now?” he asks.
I shrug and turn towards the rest of the room. With my arms outstretched, I feel the armrest of the couch, the chair with the tv, and then nothing as I slowly make my way across the room. Luckily, there’s no vases for me to knock over here. One hand finds the base of the stair railing, and the other feels for the doorway to the kitchen.
“Are you hungry?” Thomus asks, his voice close behind.
I shake my head, turning it to show him the W I make at my lips.
“Hm, thirsty.” His hands are on my shoulders and he guides me forward until my stomach presses into the island counter. I hear him move around the kitchen, opening a cabinet and the fridge, water pouring into a glass. Then he takes my wrist and places the cup in my hand.
As I’m drinking, a swooshing comes from the back door before familiar meows and loud purring erupt, moving towards me. Soft fur weaves its way around my legs as Caelan greets me with head-butts. I put down the glass and crouch, scooping Caelan’s cat Animagus in my arms. My cheek nuzzles his while I scratch the back of his head.
Over Caelan’s purring, I hear Thomus sigh. “Just when I thought I had you all to myself.”
A soundless chuckle shakes my shoulders and a bit reluctantly, I put Caelan on his feet.
I assume Thomus is looking at me and so I start to sign. Palms up, I move them side to side in front of me and fingerspell symptoms.
“Symptoms of what?” he asks.
I point to him and spell said delayed reactions.
I know this isn’t complete or proper sign language. When I fingerspell I make sure to keep my pace steady and let my hand go limp at the wrist between words. I do it this way because I definitely don’t remember every sign I need, nor does anyone I’m talking to know sign language – especially American sign language.
“Oh, right,” Thomus murmurs. I hear him step closer to where I lean against the counter. “I might’ve fibbed about that.”
My eyebrows come together as I make a face, showing him the letter Y.
His forearm brushes my hand on the counter as he leans on it, his hand sliding along my waist. I wait a long moment for him to respond, and when he doesn’t, I start signing again.
I sign where, point to him, and spell been.
“Where I normally am, tracking,” he easily replies.
“Who else?” he says, as I should already know the answer. Which I suppose I do.
I feel Caelan still rubbing along legs and try to find the bravery to voice questions I’ve been dying to know. Caelan will just have to wait.
My pointer finger finds Thomus’ chest, then I spell let Rodolphus take, and I point back to myself. My anger and frustration about it come through when I point back at him and emphasize my letters, let.
His hand at my waist rises as he steps closer, rounding the corner separating us. I sign why as his other hand cradles my cheek. He lets out a heavy breath and touches his forehead to mine.
“I thought he wouldn’t try anything with Lucius there,” he murmurs, his tone laced with anguish. “With me there.” He inhales sharply, his chest rising unevenly beneath my hands. “I’m doing everything within my power to make things right.”
One of my hands slides up his chest to his face, my fingers running through the longer length of his beard.
“I’m sorry,” comes his soft admission. Sincere, vulnerable.
I bite my lip, struggling with a sudden tightness in my throat. Even if I had my voice, I’d still be at a loss for words. Who knew a simple apology would make me so emotional?
He shifts his head back and he glides his thumb across the lip between my teeth, making me release it. The next breath I take is shaky too, and turns into a gasp when he leans in to kiss me. It starts out sweet and tender, but gradually heats up when his hands start down a familiar path along my body. Our panting fills my ears, and when I bite his lip he groans, pulling me tighter against him.
Thomus digs his fingers into my hips, his own rolling his hardened length against my stomach. I release a breathy sigh, mimicking his movements, my fingers finding home in his hair. His thigh presses between my legs, right against that spot that really wants more pressure. I tilt my head back as his mouth latches onto my neck, biting down over my pulse. When he sucks at it, my hips grind down against his thigh, the pleasure combo dizzying.
A mildly distracting thought pops up in the back of my mind: I hope Caelan has left, having put two and two together to see I’m not available to talk.
Thomus brings me right back into the moment with his hot breath at my ear.
“Upstairs,” he growls. “I need my mouth on your cunt.”
When I don’t react, my mind blanking at how fucking dirty his words are, he slaps me on the butt and orders, “Now.”
I leap out of his arms, biting my lip in an attempt to keep the giggly grin off my face. I’d absolutely hate to ruin the moment.
With my arms outstretched, it’s a short distance to the doorway, then to the stairs where I leap up them faster than I normally would have. All I can picture is him chasing me up the stairs, right at my heels.
Which, funnily enough, is not far from the truth as I reach the top and my split second indecision on which room to use makes him guide me to the right, to his room.
“Take your clothes off before I rip them off,” he barks from behind me. I stride into the room and stop when I meet the foot of the bed. I turn to face him, my hands on the hem of my shirt, before I decide against that, bending to untie my shoes first. He groans almost painfully, hopefully at the sight of my ass in the air and my cheeky work-around to his demand.
I hear his clothes landing somewhere as I straighten. Hands back at the hem of my shirt, I lift it over my head while toeing at the heels of my shoes to kick them off. I fling the shirt somewhere on the floor and quickly roll my leggings to the floor, kicking them off as well. I think I’m wearing one of the matching lacey sets today.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines when I’m upright, my hands going around to undo my bra. Before I can he shoves me back onto the bed, where I land with a heavy bounce. “That’s good enough.”
 His hands slide along my thighs, rounding my knees and pushing them open. I lean back on my elbows and try to imagine his face as he hums in approval. His thumb runs down the very damp crotch of my undies.
 “You’re wet, aren’t you?” he says, and I nod. “Show me.”
Shifting onto one elbow, I let my fingers glide down to my pussy, rubbing myself over the material. My fingers find the lacey edge of the panties, slipping beneath it without exposing myself. God, I’m soaked. The slick wet sounds reach my ears as I move my arousal around, circling my clit. My teeth sink into my lip and my eyes close as the pleasure spreads.
“Look at you,” he breaths, his words slow. “Such a tease.”
In addition to my own noises, I can hear his hand pumping his cock, and I marvel at the rush of confidence I feel.
Maybe it’s because I can’t see myself. Maybe it’s because I can only picture what he sees – some glorified, sensual version of myself that’s a stranger to me.
I can’t see him, but I think I enjoy being watched. My body – and what I was doing to it – a magnet for his eyes. All of my flaws don’t exist, because to him they were never flaws in the first place.
I slip a single finger inside my wet warmth, gasping when the pad presses against my g-spot, and that’s when he breaks.
His hands grapple for the waistband at my hips, hooking his fingers in and yanking them down. I hear some threads snap under his eager aggression as the material pulls from under my butt.
I’m not too far from the edge, so when he kneels, his face is right over my cunt. His breaths are hot and heavy before he buries the lower half of his face between my legs.
What would’ve been a moan escapes me in a rush as the rest of my back falls to the bed. His tongue sweeps through my folds, tasting me before lapping at my clit. The noises coming from him feasting on me is utterly obscene. His soft and wiry facial hair rubs at my bear cunt as his jaw works his tongue, adding extra sensitivity to the area.
As he laps repeatedly at my clit, my hips are already rocking, pushing against his face. My fingers clutch the comforter beneath me so hard they ache.
I feel his hand brush over mine as he slides an arm around my leg. My inner thigh presses against the side of his face, cradling his head. His hands destination is my fupa, which he grabs closest to my cunt, and pulls it back. This exposes my clit more and I feel it briefly tingle in the cold air before his lips descend, sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth.
My jaw drops and my hips jerk at the sensation. If I was in my right mind, I’d be embarrassed he’d had to move a shameful part of me, a part of me I hate. However, the way his mouth is enthusiastically devouring me has me delirious and obviously not in my right mind.
Thomus momentarily gives mercy to my clit so his tongue can dip down to my hole, where his other fingers are holding my lips spread wide. His tongue swirls circles over it, building up aching, anticipating pleasure. I flex my muscles down there when his tongue penetrates me and he moans.
His mouth pulls away from me, I’d whine at the loss, but I can tell he’s hovering from his heavy breaths blowing over me. He replaces his tongue with his fingers, first one, then two. I get the sense he’s watching his work, slowly pushing them in, stretching me out. He sinks them deep, up to his knuckles, turning them up so he can press along the top ribbed wall of my cunt as he slides them out. He repeats the motion and this time my walls clench as he pulls them out.
A breathy chuckle escapes him. “Look at you,” he says again, even slower this time, his voice gravelly and hot, melting my insides while sending shivers across my skin. Underneath the cups of my bra, my nipples harden into stiff peaks. “Such a greedy little pussy, begging to be filled. Merlin, you’re so wet.”
He moans again before shifting, mouth returning to my clit. His tongue and fingers work in tandem. My free leg plants its foot on the edge of the bed to push against his face, like what he’s already giving me just isn’t enough.
Without releasing my clit, the hand holding back my fupa lets go to find my clenched hand on the bed. He tugs at my wrist until I let go and he guides my hand to the crest of his head. His fingers press on the back of my hand, encouraging me to grab hold of his hair. I grip his hair and he covers my hand, using it to push his face further into me.
With his mouth on my clit, his fingers inside me, pushing just inside my aching desperate hole, and now control over his fucking head, I know I’m this close to losing it. My hand holds his head in place while my hips grind and thrust against him. His tongue flattens and his fingers still, pressing harder against my g-spot while I fuck his face.
My legs are trembling, my back is bowed, and I can hardly breathe. All of my instincts are telling me to release, to let of this overwhelming pressure.
So I do. I let go and I cum so hard I’d have screamed if I had my voice.
My eyes are in the back of my head, my mind so gone I’m barely aware of the sudden rush of wetness flooding my pussy. It flows down over my ass and to the bed where I can feel it soaking. Thomus is moaning, his tongue retreated back to his mouth as he gapes, panting. My hold on his head relaxes, my brain finally registering how fucking wet I sound as Thomus continues to rub my g-spot.
Then his mouth is on me again, sucking my clit so abruptly that I cum again. This time I’m acutely aware of the literal waterfall of liquid coming from me as his fingers move in and out. It’s so fucking hot that it draws out a third wave, less intense, but the orgasm still has my body jerking, helpless to the pleasure.
When I’m finally spent, I manage to pull Thomus away. Though my body feels as though all my bones have melted away, I sit up, bringing Thomus’ mouth to mine. His face is sticky, beard soaked through like he’d spilled water on himself. My hands run over his shoulders, one down his… damp forearm, and the other to his cock.
I expect to find it hard and aching, but when I reach for him, he’s soft. Still sticky and warm, but soft.
The discovery makes my kiss falter, confusion and guilt settling over my face.
Thomus doesn’t let those emotions last because he presses his forehead to mine, a soothing chuckle comes from his chest.
“What can I say?” he murmurs. “I really liked you squirting on my face.”
My eyes widen and he guides my hand to the bed. Down just over the edge, where it’s still wet from me, there’s a separate, globby mess there.
I just sit there in dazed disbelief at the realization that I squirted on his face and he came from it. A full, actual orgasm.
He pulls back, sitting on his heels I assume, because his hands glide over my thighs. “Have you ever done that before?” he asks. “Squirted?”
My head feels light as I shake my head. My lips slightly pucker, repeating the word wow.
Wow wow wow.
Lazily, I reach back and finally undo my bra. It slips off my arms and Thomus’ hands immediately cup my breasts. His thumbs roll over my nipples and he leans forward, kissing my shoulder and then my cheek.
“I hope you’re ready to do that again,” he says, hunger still evident in his voice, “except with me inside you.”
I can’t help the smile that breaks out across my face. My face had finally started to cool, but now a new blush heats my skin. I push at his shoulders and shake my head. He pulls back and my hand is up, spelling naptime.
He outright laughs and the sound is music to my ears, filling my chest with… affection. For him.
“I suppose I did wear you out today,” he muses.
I nod, pulling his hand as I scoot further up the bed. He follows, crawling in after me. I settle on my back, utterly exhausted. He drapes himself over me with his head on my shoulder.
Thank god for sleep. It means I can push off analyzing the budding problematic emotions within me for just a little while longer.
bonjour bonjour! y'all are getting this chapter sooner than ao3 today. i realized I never properly announced this, but my posting schedule has changed. i'm now updating every other Monday. if you've made it this far into my fic thank you from the bottom of my heart. as always, let me know what you think! reblogs and comments are much appreciated. enjoy 💕
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