#they both really like sittin up there!!!! :0
mypimpademia · 4 years
hey girly !! i have no clue if your request are open are not but can you do the “hey shawty your man around” tik tok trend with bakugou,shinso,mirio or whoever you want
Bakugo x reader, Shinso x reader, Mirio x reader
TW: Swearing
Notes: my requests are open as long as my bio says so
Lmfao ummm.... ngl I had a request before this but my ideas for this one have been sittin in my head since I got this and my brain is this close || to straight curb stomping me if I dont write it💀
On Mirios part, he still has his quirk
@myhoodacademia @bnhainthewoo @iiminibattlehero @ecao @v-vpluto @cheerfulpeople1234 @strawberry-ice @mixxfi @renzai @liltodo @deepsleepysheep @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @soy-diablito @myfandemons
Chile... do you have a death wish?
If so, then continue reading❤
Katsuki actually doesn't know about this trend... because he's a nerd and stays on pro hero fan tiktok
And really only hears about trends like theses from Denki and Sero
So yall are probably chillin, and you just decide to do it
Sitting next to each other on the couch, youre using Katsukis legs as a footrest, and you pull up the audio
You were scared for your life, but you wanted to see what happened
Plus, if you do shit like this and you date Katsuki at the same time, you just prepared to see God when you feel like bein on yo bs💀
And when you hit that play button, you completely accepted that fact
Hearing the ring tone, Katsuki perked up, and side eyed you, wondering who it was
"Yo whats good shawty, yo man still around?"
As soon as he heard a male voice that he didn't recognize he snatched your phone out of your hand
This man defined 0 to 100 on the spot and did it flawlessly, award winning type shit
When he cools down after yelling his lungs out for 10 more seconds, he finally looks at the screen
Your phone got turned to ash before you could blink
"This is your own fault."
"And I didn't make you do what you just did."
Hes highkey petty about the whole thing too
"Katsu, can I use your phone?"
"Where's yours? Oh wait, you decided to make a stupid decision and don't have one anymore."
But he eventually buys you a new one when he feels like he tortured you enough (a month later btw)
Now this man...
You can never tell what he's thinking
So you really didn't know what to expect
You're probably in his dorm, chillin on Hitoshi's bed while he's in the bathroom taming his unruly ass hair
At first, you were just scrolling through TikTok (sound low for plot purposes, he can't know whats going on) and suddenly you came across one with the audio
You scrolled through some of the ones using the audio, and found them pretty funny, and decided to try it out yourself
So you turn up your volume, and opened up the sound
You reposition yourself so that your camera would be pointed towards where he comes out of the bathroom
And you started recording
"Yo whats good shawty, yo man still around?"
There was a second of silence before you faked a reply
But as if on command, right when you uttered a single syllable, Hitoshi stepped out of the bathroom and just stood there and just looked at you
Again, you can never tell what he was thinking, so you didn't know if his reaction was good or bad or somewhere in between
But regardless of what it was, it cracked you up
You started laughing hysterically and got up from his bed and walked up to him and held the camera up to his face and then stopped the video
And then a second later you feel his palm hit your forehead, and when you blink yourself back into reality you follow him back into his bathroom
"What kind of reaction is that??"
"It wasn't a reaction, I already knew about the trend."
"So you just hit my forehead for no reason?"
"I didn't hit you."
"Then what did you do, Hitoshi?"
"It was a love tap."
Usually, he doesn't ever have negatively reactions to anything
So you weren't scared going into this, especially since it was just for a tiktok
Youre lying down on his couch, and just scrolling through your tiktok
When you came across a TikTok using the audio
The video was light hearted, and all the boyfriend did was laugh and play fight with the person behind the camera
It honestly made you think of your own boyfriend, and you wondered how he'd react if you did it
Hearing distant footsteps, you made a split second decision to do it then and there
You quickly opened up the audio, and when the footsteps were close enough, you pushed the record button
"Yo whats good shawty, yo man still around?"
A second later, Mirios upsidedown face was in front of yours
"Who are ya' talkin' to Sunshine?"
Tilting his head back up, he saw that you were just on TikTok
"Oh! Haha, gave me a real scare for a second babe."
Mirio gives you a long kiss to your cheek, wrapping his arms around you
Then looks up at the camera and winks, sticking his tongue out
When you post it, the entire comment section just calls him adorable and says you're both so cute together
If youre looking for the most wholesome reaction you could get, Mirio is the way to go
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danteinthedevildom · 3 years
Ngl I’ve been thinkin over the brother’s fears stuff from the most recent (?) lessons (bc I’m a dirty cheat and saw spoilers so ofc I went and looked up as much shit as I could) and like,
Ok shovin thots under the cut bc it got long oop. Also bc spoilers but y’know.
1 - Lucifer thinkin the “light” (which is ofc God lbr) was his fear despite not fearin it at all is p. weird. Like there was no hesitation, no fear. He just looked at it and went “ew it’s you never thot I’d see you again” and killed it. So clearly that’s NOT his actual fear. Def. Simeon’s I think, like he says a lil later.
So either Lucifer knew it was Simeon’s and “claimed” it to save Simeon’s feelins or smthn or he legit figured it was his fear bc the only thing he could think to be scared of is the guy who threw him out. 
Which like. Is such a fuckin non-answer re: his actual fear (tho he did say once goin back to the Celestial Realm was his “greatest fear” or smthn so maybe that’s still true so they didn’t figure that bringin it up again’d be that fun), but is interestin bc it says a lot abt how he sees God. 
Like. He got beat and kicked out and had his sister (almost) killed, but he’s still got 0 goddamn fear of his dad. Literal creator of everything God with a capital G don’t scare him. I figure bc he already did the worst thing he could’a done, and he survived that, so what else’s there to fear?
Tho it bein Simeon’s fear is... hm. Def. makes it sound like Simeon’s fearin seein God again. Either bc that’s just smthn any angel’d fear - maybe they only see God one-on-one if they’ve done smthn wrong so that’d be like seein your headteacher pop up outta nowhere, knowin he only comes outta the teacher’s room when you done fucked up - or bc he’s hidin smthn that makes seein God a really Bad Thing. Guilt or worries over some kinda sin? 
I mean duh. He’s in love with MC. That ain’t a hidden thing anymore. He’s kissed MC plenty times and I think even said the L-word once or twice. That’s def. grounds to get murderised (as we know, RIP Lilith). 
Also hella interestin in a metaphorical sense tho. Like, God’s a light. Simeon’s scared of somethin comin to light. Da-dum-tss, but what a hella cool way of showin that it’s a (technical) secret that’s got him all wound up.
2 - Mammon and Levi both fearin demon-form Lucifer is... understandable, but also kinda sad. Like, legit sad, not “wow ur so sad lol”. 
Levi’s way of sayin it makes sense tho. Lucifer only goes full demon form when he’s hella pissed, or outta control. He’s so damn powerful he don’t need to go into that form often, bc he can handle p. much anythin without it - plus he’s just got a p. good control on himself, so no accidental demon-form slips.
Unless ofc he’s so fuckin angry that it just leaps out. We’ve seen it. He gets murderous, and boom - form’s out. Or, situation’s so damn dire it’s got him on edge, and boom - form’s out. Him bein in demon form’s never good.
But him bein in demon form and after them is even worse.
Makes me wonder tho. If it’d just been angry Lucifer, why’d Levi specify it as his demon form’s anger? He gets angry at them hella often, and Mams esp. is strung up p. much daily, so clearly they’re not scared of him bein angry at them. 
It’s him bein angry at them while enraged. So either they’ve both pissed him off before bad enough that he’s gone full demon form, and whatever happened then was so fuckin terrifyin they’ve never recovered from it, 
Or they know that demon form Lucifer is scary shit, and even tho he’s not gone for them like that before, it’s smthn they’re terrified of in principle. Like, you’ve seen your dad mad on the phone before, and he’s never yelled at you like that, but you know he’s capable of it and that’s terrifyin as shit bc what if you do smthn that pisses him off enough to yell at you like that?
A lil part of me leans towards the latter bc tho they were scared it wasn’t smthn Levi said as tho it’d happened. More like smthn he’s hypothetically scared of. Plus idk what times Lucifer’d be so pissed he goes full rage at them? His demon form’s only really come out when the family’s in danger. Even shit like Lotan bein summoned don’t usually end in a demon form Lucifer (I’m p. sure anyway).
3 - Ok so like who was surprised by this. Asmo’s beauty is p. integral to who he is. He’s nothin if he’s not beautiful, and that’s what I think scares him. Not the bein ugly, but that bein ugly means he’s not Asmo.
Means he can’t get the attention he needs, can’t be loved by ppl, won’t get all the adoration and affection - he won’t be popular. And Asmo hella needs to be reassured that he’s pretty and loved. It’s who he is and what his identity is based on. 
Plus we’ve seen I’m p. sure a couple scenes where he’s been a lil worried/nervous abt if MC likes him for him. Beyond the beauty. He legit don’t think there’s anythin worth lovin if he’s not pretty, so ofc him bein ugly’s gonna be his biggest fear. Bc who’s gonna love him then. 
4 - Also smthn no-one’s gonna be surprised by. It’s his whole sense of identity. That’s not gonna go away for him overnight, y’know? The fact that it was angel Lucifer, tho - not just, like, normal Lucifer - was a p. cool touch.
That’s his roots. Not Lucifer the demon - Lucifer the angel. That’s what he’s based on. Smthn he never was but was always part of. 
He’s legit just the Lil Hal-Dirk connundrum which jfc that’s showin my fandoms huh. Is smthn that comes from smthn else its own unique person, or is it just a copy that’s always gonna get drawn back to what it was? How can it be original when everythin it is came from smthn else? 
That’s a hell of an identity crisis. Even bein Wrath and bein p. physically different and even likin different shit’s not enough to stop that feelin of ig imposter syndrome? Or of just bein a fragment of smthn else. Esp. when you know everyone else’s their own damn being. No one can understand where he’s comin from bc his “birth” was totally unique. He’s not just, like, Lucifer’s son or whatever - he’s legit a part of Lucifer’s emotions that just got plopped out one day. 
(Except ofc he’s not bc Lucifer knew he was different and felt him like a different presence for a while before the Fall but Satan’s got his memories and that’s kinda like bein someone anyway, ain’t it?)
So yeah, not surprisin, but also? I rlly hope he gets confident in who he is one day. Legit the idea that he’s still sittin there goin “who am I?” just hurts. 
5 - This bitch got trauma. Lbr it was either gonna be Belphie or it was gonna be Lilith and we all knew that was comin. Beel’s still not over the death of Lilith and his “role” in it (bc survivor’s guilt is a bitch and he’s still thinkin “not being able to save two ppl in two different places at the same time” is a sin), so losin anyone else is gonna hurt him.
But bein the reason he lost them? Oh that’s gonna hurt him even more. Esp. with the blame he’s still puttin on himself. It’s one thing to be like the passive cause that someone died but bein the active cause? Even by accident? Poor Beel. 
I don’t think anythin could’a been worse for him. That ain’t just a fear, that’s outright smthn he’s still strugglin with PTSD over. Like hell no shit he almost/did break down over it, that’s just shovin a trigger right in his face. 
6 - Bein alone, bein abandoned, not bein able to find anyone in pure darkness. That’s... damn. Either that’s lingerin trauma from bein locked up in the attic, knowin that no one was gonna find him or could hear him (which, fuck, how much did he try’n call for his brothers to come get him only to realise no one was gonna come?), or smthn set up that fear before the attic and the attic just made it hells of worse.
Like that wasn’t just “bein in a room apart from ppl”, it was outright “not knowin where anyone is, or seein/hearin/feelin them”. Total sensory deprivation. 
Oh. His worst fear’s not feelin anythin. That’s. Y’all. 
Idk how to end this now I’m just big hurty thinkin abt the last two jfc. No wonder Belphie’s always wantin to be asleep next to smthn. “He sleeps better with someone there” no sir you just hella fear sleepin bc your sin’s legit exactly what you’re terrified of and havin smthn there’s the best way to fix it. 
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madtype · 3 years
Cabaret Club Czar Training - YUKI (Part 1)
i'm slowly working on transcribing every training sequence from yakuza 0's cabaret club czar minigame - figured i'd start with our first hostess, yuki!
highlights: - yuki giggling like a weirdo - majima getting emotionally decimated at multiple points by a completely oblivious yuki - yuki (excitedly): i... don't have any hobbies!!! - both of them being a little bit dumb and mean, bless their hearts
full transcript under the cut!
MAJIMA: Okay, let's do a little conversational training.
YUKI: Y-Yes... Thank you for your help with this!
M: What's up, Yuki-chan? Ya nervous or somethin'?
Y: N-No, I wouldn't call it nerves. It's more like... battle butterflies!
M: That so? Well, I guess that's encouraging enough. Alright, ya ready to pretend I'm a customer?
Y: Y-Yes...
Y: H-Hello, customer! I-I'm Yuki! I look forward to a fun conversation with you!
M: Uh, you sure you've got this?
M: Okay, well, let's start with an easy topic. Tell me 'bout some hobbies of yours.
Y: S-Sure. Hobby talk... Um... So all I have to do is tell you about them, right?
M: Yup. Come to think about it, I don't know much about you either. Let's use this little practice to get better acquainted, eh?
Y: Hobbies, okay. Let's see here. Hobbies... Hobbies... Ah!
M: Got anythin'?
Y: Yes! I... don't have any hobbies!
M: Hey, hey, if you wanna be a hostess, that kinda talk ain't gonna cut it. You just flatlined the whole conversation.
Y: But, I really don't have any hobbies... Oh! I doubt it counts as a hobby, but I do write in my diary every day!
M: A diary, huh? That's a great start, actually. What do ya write about in it?
Y: Oh, just boring stuff like what happened today, what I should make for dinner, how my bonsai plant's growing... That kinda thing.
> Little details work.
M: You got an eye for detail then, Yuki-chan. That suits you just fine.
Y: Wow, Majima-san, you actually give people compliments?
M: What? 'Course I do, when they deserve 'em.
Y: Really? But Majima-san, I don't think I've ever gotten a single compliment from you.
M: Well, that's because you... Well, you're... Nevermind.
Y: Oh, you mean I don't deserve any compliments, is that it, Majima-san? You sure have a way of putting your foot in your mouth!
M: Hey, I ain't said squat.
> Bonsai?
M: Wait, wait, back up a bit. Bonsai?
Y: Huh?
M: Wouldn't you think that tending bonsai would count as a hobby? I bet your older clientele would love hearin' you babble on about that.
Y: Oh, I see! You're right, that might work. Majima-san, you're a lot sharper than you look.
M: ...Are you sayin' I look dumb, Yuki-chan? Anyway, why didn't ya mention your bonsai hobby in the first place?
Y: I-I only have about eight years' experience with bonsai, and in the bonsai world, that makes me a nobody. A more experienced hobbyist would just laugh at me.
M: Hmm, I see. Well, I think it's pretty amazin'.
> Yeah, boring...
M: Hmm, yeah, a boring diary like that's just gonna deflate some libidos... Not a great conversation starter.
Y: Wh-What's that supposed to mean? I may not be the most entertaining or glamorous, but you don't have to insult my poor diary!
M: Shouldn't you worry more about me insulting you than your diary?
M: ......
Y: ...... (heh)
M: ......
Y: ......
M: You really clam up when the guest stops talkin', don't ya?
Y: Y-Yeah, I guess I do. It's just, I feel like it would be impolite if I just started talking all of a sudden.
M: Impolite? That ain't the right idea at all. Our customers are here specifically to talk to girls, Yuki-chan. You've gotta lead 'em in with some topics.
Y: B-But I... I don't have a clue what I should talk to them about! What should I do if it gets quiet?
> Try to smile a bit.
M: If a conversation's running thin, just put on a nice smile. A woman's tears can cut like a knife, but the steel of a smile is a thousandfold stronger.
Y: Y-Yes! I understand! I just have to smile a bit, right?
M: Yeah, give it a go then.
M: ......
Y: [smiling awkwardly] ...Hmhm. Hmhmhm.
M: ...?
Y: [nervously] Hehhehhehheh... Hehheh... Hahahahaha...
M: Whoa, Yuki-chan, let's put the brakes on that one.
Y: Huh? Why? I was just trying to smile like you told me...
M: Sorry, Yuki-chan, my bad.
Y: What? Why are you apologizing?
> Try to compliment them.
M: If you're drawin' a blank on somethin' to talk about, try a compliment. Ain't a man in the world who would turn down a compliment.
Y: A compliment? Like, say something nice about his face or something?
M: Yeah, his face, his voice, maybe his personality? If he looks even a little well-off, try sayin' something nice about his clothes, his shoes, or, hell, even his watch.
Y: Wow! Now I... Majima-san, this is the first time I've felt like I can really look up to you! I guess you don't wear that janky eye patch for nothing!
M: Wait, is that your idea of a compliment?
Y: Wh-What? I was trying really hard to compliment you... I-I'm so sorry.
M: Hoo boy... The road to success is gonna be long and bumpy for you, Yuki-chan...
M: Let's see, what else is a good conversation starter... Do you have some kinda talent, maybe? Eh, on second thought, scratch that...
Y: Wh-What are you talking about? Even I have something I'm good at!
M: Oh, no kidding? Okay, what is it?
Y: Um, well... I'm... O-Older people do tend to like me...
> Older gents, huh?
M: Hey, ya see, everybody's got a hidden talent. That'd make you perfect for the older clientele.
Y: Oh, maybe you're right. I was always my grandpa's favourite, so I bet that's why I can speak a little more naturally in front of older customers.
M: Hey now, why didn't ya tell me sooner? We can't be lettin' a talent like that go to waste, Yuki-chan.
Y: Majima-san, I'm sorry. But thank you!
M: Then it's decided. Yuki-chan, you're gonna be our older customer specialist. Every grandpa who walks in here is gonna get assigned to you!
Y: Whaaat? I'd like to talk to some younger clients too...
> That's a talent?
M: Hmm, can you even call that a talent?
Y: Well, I suppose it's not exactly a talent... But sometimes the older customers give me candy, even if all I do is sit next to them doing nothing!
M: That's... amazing, but you should prolly try to take care of your customers instead of sittin' there like a mute.
Y: O-Ohhh. I-I'm sorry. I'll be careful, I'll be careful...
M: (Yikes. Come to think of it, it might be how green she is that's makin' her so endearing to the old gaffers.)
> You're a grandkid type.
M: I see, so the old guys fancy you, do they? I suppose ya do seem a little like a grandkid.
Y: R-Really? I'm not so sure about the grandchild part, but I was always my grandpa's favorite.
M: Makes sense. But that's actually a big plus in our line of work. I could let you handle all the grandpas who roll through the doors.
Y: Ah, thank you. But it would be nice to get a break from the grandpas every once in a while...
M: Alright, let's change gears. Why don't ya tell me about a weakness you've got, instead. Anythin' come to mind?
Y: Weaknesses? I have a lot of those...
M: Why does that not surprise me?
Y: Hey, don't be rude!
M: Heh, I'm just messin' with ya. Well if you've got a lot, how 'bout ya pick one for me. Anything's fine.
Y: Let me think... To be honest with you, I-I guess I'm not very good at talking to men.
M: Eh? If you're no good at talking to men, why the hell would ya work in a place like this?
Y: Um, that's, uh... it's because... Oh, I know! It's because I'm not good at it! I thought I could get used to talking to men by working here!
> Y'know, I'm a man too.
M: Yo, you do realize... I'm a man too, right?
Y: Oh, that's true. But Majima-san, I can talk to you just fine.
M: Haha, and why's that? 'Cause I'm such a supportive and considerate guy?
Y: Haha! I don't think so. I'm probably okay with you because you don't seem like a man at all.
M: Hey, what the hell does THAT mean!?
Y: Eek! I-I'm sorry!
> You're lying!
M: Oh come on! You're lyin' through your teeth! You're a real terrible liar, Yuki-chan.
Y: I-It's not a lie! I-If you're sure it's a lie, let's see you prove it, huh!?
M: Damn girl... What've you got to hide, anyway? Listen, it's fine if you've got secrets, but if you wanna last here, ya gotta learn how to hide 'em better than that.
Y: Heheh... I'll work harder at that.
M: Okay, I think that'll do it.
Y: Th-Thank you for the lesson.
M: Sure thing. Good job.
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nightwingvixen23 · 4 years
Batman : I have eyes on the extortionist
Red Hood : aight, time to show him just where the parties at
Batman : i’m in no need of routine reinforcements on this short pursuit
Red Hood : then what the hell is my happy bi ass here for ?
Batman : you're to stay with Red Robin at this exact locale where Robin will henceforth meet up with you at 0:002. After which, I should have Nightwing with me and you three are to meet with us at Crown Point. it will be there and then that i will update you on your immediate operation, Red Hood
Red Hood : so you’re telling me that I basically got hustled into  baby sittin’ duty ? no seriously B, What. The. Hell. Is. My. Happy. Bi. Ass. Really. Here. For ?
Batman : *ignoring Jay to check the current time*
Batman : I'm headed out.
Batman : *leaves*
Red Hood : *mocking Bruce hand puppet* ‘ iM hEaDeD oUt WhEn In ReAlItI iM pIoBaBlY gEtTiN sOmE gOoD hEaD fRoM mRs KiTtY ’ blahblahblah
Red Robin : *makes a distressed face* how do you know her head is even “good ?”
Red Hood : i don't. but she moves a lot like Dick, and lemme just say, that his head, is up to P-A-R 👌
Red Robin : *mourning the loss of what little innocence his mind had left to spare* god i wish we were actually really talking about people's literal heads....dear lord, why did I ask
*All of 3 whole minutes later*
Red Hood : *distrustfully silent*
Red Robin : *suspicious*
Red Robin : ...I know you
Red Hood : hm ??
Red Robin : I know how determinedly reckless you are, beyond impulsive, and completely ungovernable. not to mention that you're tapping your foot; i know you're stressed that Batman didn't allow you to come along but just relax
Red Hood : oh, no worries on when it comes to my stress gettin' outta hand Red. 'cause guess what ? I took your advice from the other day and got myself some stress balls
Red Robin : really, you did ??
Red Hood : yup. sure did
Red Hood : *pulls a red stress ball out of his pocket*
Red robin : you know what ? other people are so quick to prejudge the usage of a stress ball. the satisfaction it can give to you when just squeezing it tight. i’m so glad you did this for yourself ! and actually took a second to listen to me for once-
Red Hood : *squeezes stress ball*
Red Robin : i myself know how much using a stress ball now and again helps me. yanno, during episodes when I just want to scream curses until my lungs bleed, or, just deck a random guy in the junk-
Red Hood : *tosses stress ball in the air a few times*
Red Robin : but then I simply grab up that little ball of salvation, clutch it for a bit, and it's like the world is at peace again, so, good for you, Red Hood !!
Red Hood : *tosses the stress ball across the alleyway they stand in*
Red Robin : good for you for taking on this neighborly form of stress relief !!
Red Hood : *draws twin pistols*
Red Robin : ya know, i’m really really proud of you Re-
Red Hood : *unloads both clips into the stress ball*
*ally way being absolutely lit up by gunfire*
*stress ball falling to it’s abrupt demise*
Red Hood : *has to walk up and shoot the damn stress ball just one more fucking time for no reason at all*
Red Hood : well hot damn do i feel a lot better !
Red Robin : yeah so that’s not how those work. . .
Red Hood : really ? could'a fooled me. oh well, i bought like 3 dozen of these little fuckers and i’m goin through'em like candy; wanna get ice cream later ?
Red Robin : why would I want to go get ice cream with your clinically insane ass
Red Hood : because this clinically insane ass is feelin so peachy right now that it’s up to havin the ice cream be on it tonight
Red Robin : not literally I hope
Red Hood : up to you
Red Robin : pass...on the literal part, but you can for sure pay for my ice cream
Red Hood : you’re no fun, be more like Dick
Red Robin : once again...pass
( ...Jason brought 9 more stress balls to their doom later on that night due to the ice cream store running out of chocolate ice cream...i mean, what kind of an ice cream store runs out of mother fucking C H O C O L A T E ice cream like come on man, get it TOGETHER people.... )
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trashtheater101 · 5 years
Been meaning to make this for a while: Free list of skele-prompts! No credit needed (although I’d love to read it if you make one, maybe drop me a note?), and feel free to change ANY of the details or ships. This list is meant to ✧INSPIRE✧ not restrict. 
These are largely old ideas that I realize I’m probably never going to get around to writing myself and thought I’d share. Mostly Papcest, but there’s some left open for Fontcest and Sanscest, and you can always change it up. I probably forgot some, so I’ll add to it as I remember them.
RoyalMoney (Poppy/Cash)
Poppy is a wealthy, and unbearably bored Nigerian prince. Kept safe and sound, a prisoner in the castle by his overprotective brother, Poppy is allowed only limited contact with the guards or servants, and nothing at all with the outside world. When a thief breaks in through his bedroom window (captured easily by the Great Prince Poppy! He’s sheltered, not helpless!), Poppy can't help being intrigued… [His brother can shove it; He’s decided to keep this one.]
Fellcest (Red/Edge)
Red is a scientist. Or at least he used to be. He’s studied the wonders of the universe, tested the limits of time-space, and even broken through the divides between worlds. […none of it compared to learning the way his brother reacts to flirting.]
SpicyHoney (Edge/Stretch(Rus))
Edge is a loyal knight, through and through, and Rus is the true heir to the throne. Edge is determined to protect him no matter the cost. Even now that the kingdom has been overthrown and they were barely able to escape with their lives. Even now that they must keep moving, and live in hiding, lest Rus be captured and executed. Even though Rus is used to being pampered and spoiled, and Edge is the only one left to treat him with the sort of devotion and reverence that a true prince deserves. [Originally a Edge x Anyone, but the pouty, stubborn prince kept morphing into Rus, soooo…]
Edge and Stretch are stuck in a car together for a long trip, and expect to bicker the whole time. Unfortunately 5 minutes in one of them accidentally confesses. Neither are prepared for this, and now the car ride is spent dealing with THIS instead... oh dear… 
Stretch needs to get a physical. Cool, no big, even doctors aren’t sure what to do with a pile of bones, so no point in being embarrassed, and—bonus!—most don’t know how skeleton magic works, so he gets to skip the more invasive stuff. Except—wait—this time his doctor is a skeleton? A really hot skeleton?? And since Stretch is missing so much from his chart, he’s getting a THOROUGH exam??? ...great… [Bonus points for Stretch aggressively flirting to hide his nerves, “w-wow doc. i don’t usually spread my legs before the first date, haha. guess you must be special.”]
SpicyBBQ (Edge/Slim)
Edge’s new lamia is a dominant type, strong, and eager to breed him. But Edge isn’t inclined to submit, and he’s pretty sure he knows exactly how to tame his horny pet. [Succeed or fail, both are tasty~.]
MapleBlossom (Slim/Papyrus)
Slim is the lead singer/guitarist/drummer in an up and coming band. Hanging out at an afterparty of one of his shows, some cute little groupie, or a fan, or whatever, catches his attention when they start chatting him up. Slim is charmed, and while he’s got a pretty firm rule about not fucking the fans, he’s gotta make an exception this time. He’s gonna rock this groupies world. [Except that Papyrus isn’t a groupie. Or a fan. He was just invited along by a friend and thought this stranger might want someone to talk to. But boy is he flattered by all the attention! Is this… flirting?!?] 
SweetMoney (Sugar(HT!Pap)/Cash)
Taking his first ever train trip to the big city, Sugar ends up sitting next to a stranger. Cash seems friendly enough on the ride, but when they get off he refuses to leave??? He keeps insisting it’s too dangerous for someone like Sugar to be alone in the city, and that all well and good, but Sugar’s pretty sure he has a stalker now??? Blood had warned him about this… oh well… For a stalker, Cash is awfully charming. 
Edge x _______
Edge is an Alpha. All the Papyruses are Alphas, so of course he’s an Alpha. He is the most Alpha-y-est Alpha to ever Alpha, thank you very much. And as long as he keeps taking his Alpha-supplements, surely no one will be any the wiser. But the supplements can only repress his instincts so much when he’s surrounded by so many fine, aggressively-dominant Alphas. And let’s be real, how long would it really take a group of Alphas to notice an Omega in their midst? [Easily could be one-on-one, but this prompt is feeling pretty gang-bang-y to me~] 
In hindsight I think I may have seen this idea around before (so let me know if it’s already a thing…), but Edge as a Heinz Doofenshmirtz-(Or like MegaMind, Dr. Horrible, fuckin.... Team Rocket??)-style villain! Over the top dramatic! But also pretty ridiculous... But definitely EVIL!!!!! But also is he though??? Red is his henchman. His love interest can be the Hero, but also could be his usual kidnapping victim, or the cute skele from the laundry mat, or I suppose his henchman, or a brand-new unique dynamic! 
Loud Top Edge. That’s really all I’ve got for this prompt. It really didn’t have to be under Edge specifically… you could make it anyone, but I was thinking of Edge. ...as just... a… noisy… really verbal top... yeah...~<3
Papyrus x _______
Someone has been stealing apples from Papyrus’s apple orchard, and he is determined to catch the culprit! [Well, it turns out the culprit happens to be very attractive and that is a whole new, very different problem!]
Papyrus x _______/Sans x _______
Undertale is Universe 0. It’s the base, the original, the one every universe is spun off of. As such, there is some sort of general law of attraction pulling all the copies towards their originals. Or at least, that’s Sans’s theory anyway. That would explain all these Sans’s that keep hitting on him and—don’t think i don’t notice the rest of you making passes at my bro-! are you looking for a b a d  t i m e ? 
Bonus Lamia prompt
[A]’s lamia goes into a submissive heat. No matter what they do, however, [A] can’t seem to satisfy them. A quick google search reveals their lamia is looking to be bred with eggs, but—uh—[A] can’t produce eggs, and neither of them really want kids yet anyways, and—hey, you can buy safe to insert pseudo-eggs!—Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna give you just what you need~ 
- - - - -
A list of loose themes and thoughts. Poke through and see if anything catches your attention. Or maybe mix some together? (Conveniently numbered for a random number generator!) 
1. Bitties
2. Asleep on shoulder
3. Shopping trip
4. Bandaging after sparring 
5. Broken down car
6. Attractive salesman
7. Trapped in a box~ 
8. Good old fashioned temporary amnesia 
9. Is that a dog in your jacket? 
10. “If you touch him I will END you...!”
11. Crossover
12. Lamias
13. The meal was unrecognizable...You eat it anyways. 
14. Classic fairytale, but with a twist! 
15. A more obscure fairytale. (With all the ‘wtf??’s they tend to entail.)
16. “Please tell me you meant to do that...”
17. Ectoboobies
18. “God, you’re so hot… You look hot! SWEATY! Do you want a drink!?!?”
20. Borrowed pajamas
21. Candle light
23. Someone not normally collared: collared~! 
24. “Sit down and shut up! ...I’m going to serenade you now.”
25. “What will it take to make you realize I’m no good for you?” 
26. Running out of water
27. Physically shielding from harm
28. Can’t stop staring
29. Broke something important
30. He only ever acted like this when he was covered in dust…
31. Well... people always say you should marry a doctor
32. “I think I’m falling for you” 
33. “Guess you fell for me~” 
34. A bad vacation
35. Missing the bus 
36. A WAY too fancy restaurant
37. Good morning kiss
38. That’s probably a serial killer chasing you tbh. 
39. Lost & alone… 
40. Annoying Dog is secretly a matchmaker
41. A goodbye note
42. Freezing cold
43. A slow dance after the lights go down
44. Exploring
45. Hey! You’re that actor/singer/etc I like-! Why are you grinding on me!?!? 
46. “I failed you…”
47. A non-traditional Heat symptom
48. Soul-bonding: the aftermath. 
49. 2 dudes sittin in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cause they’re very gay and sorta nervous and-gosh-it sure is hot in this hot tub… 
50. Flowey: “Okay, look. I don’t normally give advice but…”
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Welcome to the Jungle podcast. I'm Sophie Renker, Environmental Science undergrad and I am Erin Beiter, Wildlife Science... Bachelorette... holder.
I graduated.
On our podcast today we decided to discuss the differences between sustainable lifestyle in an urban setting versus a rural setting and the different challenges and solutions that you can use and take.
So on the first segment of our podcast today we decide to discuss space. Obviously in the suburbs you have a yard, you have a big home. I'm sure [when] you were growing up in the suburbs of Buffalo can attest to that. Yeah, we had a pretty big yard and a little wooded patch where you could stash things like my neighbors did have a compost pile in there. Three of them in fact
And you just really can't do that in a city.
I've tried, it really doesn't work out that well. Yeah, a lot of college students and Millennials are living in apartment complexes or live in the city and they have, what? Like four rooms and a pet?
And yeah, if you do have some sort of semblance of a yard, it's not always up to you what you can do with that yard. Your landlord might have restrictions. So when it comes to discussion of things like compost or homesteading for people who live in urban areas, that's not an option. No, and it's a whole lot of work to
put together like a community garden if you don't already have one. If you do want to, like, reap the benefits of something like that.
or like, you know,
anything like that.
But there are different ways that you can do things inside. You can have like a lil herb nook on your counter. Yeah, or you could try doing some light composting maybe some aerobic composting or even in Manhattan they have places where you can drop off compost. But yeah, the city of Syracuse has one but I think you need to like pay people to take it. I know at least restaurants in the area need to pay to have somebody take it away or I don't know if you need to pay for it at the site but it is an option for people who can't afford it who want to take it to a facility.
If you're like me (who is insane), you can throw your vegetable scraps off the side of your porch and hope that the squirrels eat it. Yeah the squirrels do love of spare pizza. Yeah, they actually do. But not everyone can get away with that. And if your neighbors happened complain well you're out of luck. Mine haven't yet, so I will continue to do so. I think we have a couple of rotting pumpkins outside as we speak. They have holes bored into them so the squirrels can get into the inside. But I guess that's another thing is not everyone has the capital
to embark on different projects to be sustainable. Even those little composting boxes. Those can cost money. I don't know how much but I think when the latest like both like a good stainless steel one that you put on your counter that has a filter was closer to $30.
That's not too bad. But that's just the kitchen one, not including the huge ones that just look like an upside down trash can, those are like $100. Yeah, and they can get even more expensive from there. Especially if it's a tumbler [type of composter].
So if you don't have permission from your landlord to dig up your lawn, or you don't have a lawn at all, it can be very challenging to compost. Yeah.
One solution if you want to take this route (again, it's a little nuts) you could-- if you eat a lot of vegetables, you could feed them into some sort of animal that you keep with you in your house. Like a caged one. Such as a guinea pig or an herbivorous reptile. Rabbits? Rabbits. Rabbits are really great. You can toilet train them. You could change your diet, be on the same diet as a rabbit. How cute is that? Have you heard of red worm composting?
I have. I have. I feel like that would do well in a small area too. It still-- it takes up like one of those big plastic Tupperware containers, but you can kind of like tuck that away in a closet for dedicated enough. Yeah, that's true. And you don't have to put it like outside to get that good decomposition. You got little buddies to do it for you. You just have to be dedicated enough to pick out all the worms at the end of each cycle. Gosh, that's true. If you have kids maybe they would enjoy that. I’m sure that they would. At least I would have when I was a kid. I can see my parents roping me into something like that. Chores: sweep the kitchen; vacuum the rug; dig out the worms.
Oh, I like that a lot. I’m going to make my kids do that. And then use the composted it's to put more dirt in your herb garden. Your tiny miniature herb garden on your counter next door window. That’s another thing: grow lights are a rip-off. Grow lights CAN be a rip off. I, you got to just know the right websites. If you're looking to grow plants indoors.
You can find them. They're good. They're out there. We recommend LED lights from experience, the plants really like them. The plants really like them. Don't bother with the pink, blue, purple, red lights. They hurt your eyes and the plants don't even like him that much.
Yeah, just got like a gentle LED light and they'll be fine. Yeah, probably like 20 bucks for a panel. Yeah one foot by one foot. You could probably even like paste it under some cabinets. Oh yeah that’s a good idea. Definitely.
And you know, in these Syracuse winters like there's no way you're going to be able to grow any type of plants in the winter without one. Yeah. Yeah for sure. Extend that growing season.
That way
I don't know. I feel like I'm always buying herbs and throwing them away. Like you think that you're going to need to make something with them and they just rot in the fridge. Wouldn’t it be great if you just had them on your counter and they never went bad? That’s what saved me. I grew lettuce from a little Hydroponics kit that my mom got me for Christmas. It's fabulous. It comes with its own light, it like cycles the water through, all you need to do is like dump some nutrients in the water every so often. But it grew so much lettuce. And when I would always buy lettuce from the supermarket, and I would bring it home and I'd be like ‘Hmm
that lettuce has been in there for some time’ cuz I just haven't been feeling like salad! But you know, when it’s your own lettuce you’re just like ‘Wow. Look at that lettuce. Look at you go. I'm going to eat that. I'm going to eat that right now.’ And if I don't feel like it, it's just going to make more lettuce for when I'm ready for lettuce, man! I really like it. It was a good time.
And I think the hydroponic system was a pretty penny, it was like a hundred bucks, which is a little more than
I could personally afford but
If you really if you want to take on a project you could make your own pretty easily, and there's a lot of people out there who,
On the internet, could probably show you how. You know what’s another thing is time. Another thing that's kind of intimidating for people is not only space and money, but the time it takes to learn the lingo and watch all these YouTube videos and then browse online for what equipment you need, and what if you don't have any tools? Yeah it’s just so many trips to the store. Like honestly time is-- it's a real project like getting into more sustainable life cuz you do need to do a lot of research
about a lot of these things. Just like buying new like those sponge tampons. I went to a sustainable menstruation product table today at [SUNY] ESF and they had sea sponge tampons, and reusable pads, and menstrual cups. And you just kind of look at it and you go: ‘What the hell is this stuff?’ Yeah, and you're like, ‘I got to learn more!’ and then you're like ‘Shit. I don't have time to do more’. Yeah it’s like ‘I got a meeting in five minutes. Please explain to me what this sponge is and why I should put it up my vagina.’ Yeah. And like ‘I had a bad experience with the Diva cup, please tell me in-depth on how the Luna cup is better and won't hurt me.’ Oh no.
Like, I don't have time to dig deep and I know your customer reviews and, you know, snatch these little tidbits and, you know, actually work up the courage to spend the money on the thing and like ‘Ahh!’. It’s just a whole process. Gosh, the amount of time. The amount of time that I've spent in the Amazon customer review section must have been years off my life. Honestly. Honestly, yes.
I want to know what I'm buying is legit, like honestly. But I mean, unless you're just crazy, you don't want to spend that much time in there. Yeah.
The important thing is is that sustainability doesn't have to be perfect. Right? We're saying all these things, but we don't even do all of them. Not at all. We recycle. We've grown a couple things. We tried composting. It’s still kind of sittin and I don't know if it's actually composting, but you know we’re trying. It’s out there. We make efforts. Yeah, and that's the point is that you're not just kind of sitting around doing nothing consuming and hoping that everything will be okay. And at least feeling like you have some semblance of control over what happens to our planet. Like plastic waste reduced, just waste in general. I even like to think about single-use paper products sometimes.
I think about single-use plastics ALL the time. And I’m saying single-use paper like toilet paper and paper towels. How many years did it take for this tree to grow and then for us to cut it down and just use it in a second? How far has it traveled? Like, is it going to break down properly? How long is it going to take to break down? It's like a natural material but it’s going to a landfill. I don’t know. It’s just a rabbit hole. It’s a bit of an existential crisis sometimes.
So I guess the point of this podcast is to just kind of introduce normal folk --who don't have a lot of time, space, or money--to just kind of the concept of sustainability and how we can all have an imperfect version of sustainability... but in numbers we have strength. Yes indeed.
In numbers, we can influence the larger system I think. If 8 billion people try just a little bit in some ways, they have a huge impact. It’ll have a huge impact like--like if you really just gotta have take-out every week, that's a lot of plastic waste, but you know, like you can make up for it in other areas. Like you can do what fits your lifestyle best and it doesn't have to be everything. It really just doesn't have to. Even just carpooling is great. Even like carpooling, riding your bike if you are able and willing like it really does make a difference. What is it, 30% of Transportation carbon dioxide pollution in the United States is just single family
cars. It’s just people driving to the grocery store. It's just people doing normal everyday things. Driving to work every day. That is one third of all of transportation costs when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. If all of us took a little bit of responsibility, then something amazing could happen. For real. And it is happening! Like this is a trend, like this is not going away.
And I like it.
I don't know how to fix the single family car thing cuz I personally own a car and boy I drive it alone SO many places... but... that’s just another example--
But that’s a product of two hundred years, maybe not 200 years, but at least a hundred years of the people before us the way that America was structured. So it you can't even blame yourself for the system that we are in but we can still try our best to change it in little ways to make it better. Yes.
It’s not your fault that there isn't like amazing public transportation everywhere we go. Yeah, we were born into this system and it's not like we have to fix everything overnight or make everything perfect. It's just making little choices, just try and being conscious about your actions. And like what you buy, and what you throw away, and how it will affect our planet. Yeah.
And when you put it that way it really does seem like anyone could do it. Literally anyone can.
Anyone can
Alright, that's about it for our introductory podcast of the jungle. Again I'm Sophie Renker, and I'm Erin Beiter. Have a good day. Thank you for listening.
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(this gonna sound wierd) How would Hanzo, Genji and Zenyatta react finding out that their S/O can bend element? (you know like Avatar the last airbender ecc. You can choose if she/he can bend element or only one) Hope your havig a good day!
I left which element reader bends open for interpretation, so enjoy picking which of the four their s/o bends!
Also my day is okay, thank you. Even though the reply to this question is a long while after the question was actually asked.
Actually in awe???
He’s never really seen any ‘abilities’ even vaguely similar to his own that weren’t artificial before
Let alone the bending of an e l e m e n t
He has to take a hot a second to process and recover
He’s just sittin’ there like 0-0 for a good solid minute
Lord help him
Has quite a few questions
Is it a familial trait like his family dragons? Was it something that developed in you as you got older or did you just decide one day that you were going to learn controlling an element?
He’s heard of witch/Wiccan lifestyles but he’s never heard of this kind of magic
Is it magic??
Are his dragons magic???
You might have to help him chill out a little bit before you explain things to him
Seriously, save him
Loves to watch you show off your bending abilities, especially if you’ve just learned something new
Has shown off his dragons once or twice
Gets a little nerdy about it, tbh
Y’all know he’d be a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender
Plus, like Hanzo, he’s never really seen anyone with abilities so similar to his own that weren’t of the artificial kind
Show off now, ask questions later
Practically begs you to show him your favorite tricks
He’s mesmerized and hella excited
He shows you his dragon as well
Spoilers: His dragon likes you and your ability just as much as he does
Wants to come up with moves to combine your bending powers with his dragon wielding
If you’re up for it, that is
Once the excitement’s calmed down and the two of you are relaxing is when he’ll ask some questions
One of the first ones is if it takes energy to use your ability or it’s the type of thing where you siphon energy from the element you’re using as you’re using it
From this point on, until he’s grown used to the new knowledge, he’ll probably ask a question whenever it pops into his head
He also has some tips on control and strengthening abilities from his teachings with Zenyatta, which he’d be happy to offer if you’d be interested
It probably surprised him when you first showed him
Not that it’s something completely new to him; it just wasn’t what he was expecting when you called him over
He can’t help but marvel at the delicate but trained movements you go through when demonstrating your powers
The movements are almost like a dance
Tbh, he’s more mesmerized by you than the element your bending
When you finish showing him, he claps and tells you it was a beautiful performance
Probably has a couple simple questions
Offers to both learn beside you (he’ll watch and encourage you as you learn, and learn a bit more about your bending in the process) and mentor you on how to keep things in control as you continue to learn and your power gets bigger
He loves how excited you get when you learn something new and he always enjoys mentoring
Gives you little tasks to do around the home to help heighten your control (ex. if it’s water, he’ll have you water the plants in and outside the house; if it’s air, he’ll ask you remove debris off the walkway, etc)
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toogoodmusic · 3 years
Hailed by Rolling Stone as “a country artist you need to know,” rising singer, songwriter and musician Brandon Stansell has been slowly making a name for himself in the country world - and doing it on his own terms. Coming from a  family who was never supportive of Stansell’s sexuality in addition to pursuing a genre of music that hasn’t been inclusive to LBGT+ artists, Stansell has been working hard to redefine the genre. In 2018, he made history when CMT premiered the music video for his song “Hometown” that follows the emotional journey he faced when coming out as it was the first LGBT themed video to appear on the platform. Since putting out his first EP in 2015 he’s been both an  advocate and inspiration as he continues to be vulnerable and sincere in his music and his latest EP, This Must Be The Place is no exception. The six track record showcases his own take on the country-pop sound that infuses soulful vocals with introspective storytelling. This Must Be The Place is described as “a perfect picture of this specific time in the young songwriter’s life” and with its raw honesty you’ll feel like you’ve made a new friend after listening. He celebrates the recent EP release by taking on the latest Too Good Ten. He shares the story behind the songs on the EP, why representation matters, what is was like collaborating with Cam and so much more. Check out the full interview below:
The Too Good Ten. Ten Questions. One Artist. Too Good.
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Photo Credit: Karen Marie
1. Starting from the beginning, what was it about music that you were so drawn to? What went into the decision to pursue it full time? 
BRANDON: Well, I have been singing my entire life. I started working for Opryland in Nashville when I was six-years-old as performer and really never looked back. I knew I would spend the rest of my life chasing those stage lights.
2. Huge congrats on the release of your latest EP, This Must Be The Place. How did you end up deciding on these (6) songs to include on the project? Which one were you most nervous to release and why? 
B: Oh, thank you! It’s always exciting to release new music. My writing tends to be quite personal, so every release usually reflects what’s going on in my life at that moment, and this record is no exception. The EP is about dating again, dates gone wrong, and days when I’ve felt weighed down by the days behind me rather than what’s ahead. It feels both personally reflective and re-inventive in a way.
3. Now I read that “Good At The Time” was a date gone wrong – what’s the story behind that one? 
B: My co-writers Sam Creighton and Will Jay got a lot of laughs in at my expense while we were writing this one. The song is about a Palm Springs getaway that went a little off the rails - I will spare you the details, but they’re all in the song so…go listen!
4. There are now (3) openly LGBTQ+ country artists signed to major labels (Brooke Eden, Lily Rose, T.J. Osborne) which is up from 0 just over a year ago and your video “Hometown” was the first LGBTQ+ themed video to play on CMT. As a part of the LGBTQ+ community and being in the country music space, what do milestones like these mean to you?
B: It’s exciting to see other artists finally comfortable enough to come out. Country Music needed these people! Queer people who love country music needed these people. Aspiring queer country artists needed these people. Where there once seemed like there was no space for the queer community in this genre, there is now. And I feel very grateful to have been in the mix of such incredible artists who have helped turn the tide. We’re still aways away from where we need to be in terms of equality and visibility but we’ve taken some huge leaps in the past few years.
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5. You collaborated with fellow country artist, Cam on the emotional single “Hurt People.” How did that collab come about? Who else would be a dream collab on a song? 
B: Well, I adore Cam. We met a few years ago at a benefit show in Nashville and just stayed in touch. When I had a work-tape for this song, I sent it over to her and asked if she wanted to feature on it. She responded with a bunch of crying emojis…and I took that as a YES! I was so happy and honored to have her - she is the real deal. As for another artist collab…there are things in the works, so stay tuned!
6. What’s been the best or most influential piece of advice/tip/trick that’s stuck with you over the years (personal and/or professional)? 
B: A friend of mine once told me if I kept waiting for someone to open a door for me, I’d spend my life sittin’ behind a closed door. That’s been motivating to me over the years.
7. In the “Pick Up Where We Left Off” music video it depicts some of the stuff we found ourselves doing during quarantine last year like puzzles, gaming and drinking straight from the bottle. Besides music, how did you pass time and/or keep sane during the isolated times in 2020? 
B: Well like most people, I spent a majority of my days just trying to keep it together. I am so grateful I have music as an outlet. On my worst days, my guitar was a really good friend to me. I’ve put out two EPs since the start of the pandemic. And I would say, the music really did save me.
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Photo Credit: Karen Marie
8. If you could say one thing to your younger self and one thing to your future self what would they be? 
B: It’s gonna be ok.
9. If you could only listen to (5) artists for the rest of your life who would they be? 
Miranda Lambert
Tracy Chapman
Brandi Carlile
Fancy Hagood
Years & Years
10. What’s the rest of 2021 and early 2022 look like for you? 
B: Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to say I’m turning the newly released EP into a full record. I’m currently writing the last few tracks and will be back in the studio later this month. The full record will come out early 2022!
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Photo Credit: Dave Dinette
A huge congrats to the talented Brandon Stansell on the release of his recent EP, This Must Be The Place and a huge shout-out to him for taking on the latest Too Good Ten. Keep up with his journey, the upcoming full record and those to-be-announced collaborations by checking out the links below:
0 notes
zhauric · 7 years
Layers: Asande Stormborn
Name: Asande Stormborn Eye Color: Amber Brown Hair Style/Color: Wavy Usually in Ponytail/Brown and no not natural damn you Height: 6′0″ Clothing Style: Scoffs at dresses more times than not. Usual casual and tight fitting
Your Fears: “Not bein' able to live my life like some old weakened wretch that can't stand on 'er own two feet!” Your Guilty Pleasure: “Beddin'.” Your Biggest Pet Peeve: “Bein' cowardly.“ Your Ambition for the Future: “To always be able to ride the waters and maybe even own one of'em airships too.”
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “Time for the fun to begin!" What You Think About the Most: “What adventure is out there just waitin' for me to come and capture it?“ What You Think About Before Bed: “Gods above and below don't let nothin' happen to my damned ship while I'm sleep!” Your Best Quality Is: “My arse? Alright, alright. Loyal to my family and to my crew. I'll brook no disloyalty to either.“
Single or Group Dates: “Single if I'm to do one. Can't remember last time I had a real one to be honest.” To be Loved or Respected: “Respected. Last time I thought there was love the salt water addled brain, wool headed goat fuckin' bastard bet and loss me throwin' damned dice!" Beauty or Brains: “Why in the bloody abyss would someone just have one? To the bottoms with your rules. I'm takin' both and ya just have to deal with it.” Dogs or Cats: “Cats to catch any mice 'board the ship. Otherwise one tis good as the other."
Lie: “Ya bet yer damned arse I do. Hard to do some of the work I do without it!" Believe in Yourself: “Oh void yes. I'm damned good at what I do and when I do it." Believe in Love: “Pfft. What has love done for me? I don't know. Seen others wit it and, yeah, guess I believe in it. I'm more of a show me type. Right here in my damned face." Want Someone: “I...I don't know. Hard to trust again, ya know? But yeah, I can't say it wouldn't be somethin' nice to have at some point...I guess..."
Been on Stage: ”Oh now you're talkin'! By the abyss yes and damn thing if it isn't a wonderful time to belt a tune and have a ship or room of folks goin' 'long wit ya word for word even when they are shite face drunk!“ Done Drugs: “Pfft. Abyss no. I need my wits.” Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “No. Absolutely not. I refuse to."
Favorite Color: “Red.” Favorite Animal: “Same question as 'fore. Cat. Get dem damned mice off my ship. One time called my cat Tom though and he always seemed to get his arse handed to him by the mice. Funny thing that." Favorite Food: “Sweets and more sweets. Mmm...and I think sweets again. Did I mention sweets?” Favorite Game: “Dice and no I'm not bettin' a roll in the sack wit me.”
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “10th of the Sixth Umbral Moon.” ((December 10th)) How Old Will You Be: “Not supposed to ask that. Anyroad it's goin' to be 28.” Age You Lost Your Virginity: “None of yer damned business.” Does Age Matter: “Depends, right? I don't need no little boys or girls in my bed, right? If ya meanin' someone older than me by like ten years or younger than me 'round the same then no. Don't matter.”
Best Personality: “Adventurous and willin' to just go out and do somethin' at times. No over thinkin', no bein' scared 'bout what might and might not happen.  Just go for it and where the bones fall they fall.” Best Eye Color: “Lost myself in some blue ones 'fore cause they remind me of the waters.” Best Hair Color: “Black gives this sorta mysterious and dark appeal that makes me...ya know.” Best thing to do with a Partner: “Test the bedpost for good craftsmanship? Other than that...well...sittin' under the stars and watchin' the waters would be damned nice. Damned nice indeed."
I love: “My family and my ship.” I feel: ”Free.“ I hide: ”My fears and my coin.” I miss: "My family when I am away. 'Fraid somethin' will happen when I am and I will be to blame for not bein' there.” I wish: “I could turn back time and stop my brother from comin' to save me. I just wish he hadn't ya know? It was when his losses began really. Wit me bein' weak then.”
Tagged by: @toryannaeldsten
Tagging: @salpphie @lulu-ffxiv @rokachan @nightmaze @galofeorzea​ @aurelle-ffxiv @the-handsome-rogue And apologies if any have done it or hate being tagged. Forgive this poor wretched soul *smiles*
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edamamefiend · 8 years
do all the letter asks, fucktruck
LMAO fucktruck thanks b lolA- At what age did you have your first kiss?i'm pretty sure i was 16B- Have you ever been in love?nah lolC- Do you have a crush/who is it?ya kinda but not really? idkD- Have you ever dated anyone?nopeE- What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done?one time i sneezed like four times and then full on peed my pantsF- Have you ever flown in a plane?ya a few timesG- Do you prefer boys, girls, both, or neither?bothhhhhH- How many times have you been in love?0 bI- What are your interests?not only Death but also DyingJ- What is the worst joke you’ve ever heard?when my dad was drugged up one time he texted me "what did the snowman say to the other snowman? do you smell carrots?"K- How many times have you been kissed?ummmm like 10 probably lolL- Are you in love?no wtfM- What’s most important to you?probably work rn like i need money lolN- Have you/would you ever send nudes?yaO- How often do you cry?a LotP- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done in public?sat in a fountain but it wasn't onQ- Make up your own questionhow high r u rn emma?a very highR- Are you right or left handed?bothS- What is your weirdest sexual fantasy?lmao tmi y'all but i was just talkin about this the other day and i'm kinda into choking? lmaoT- Do you trust easily? nahU- What style of underwear do you wear? mostly the cheeky undies from pink like they're not like super sexy but they're so fucking comfyV- Are you a virgin?yaW- Who is your best friend?i have a lotta best friends honestlyX- What are your exes like?i don't have any 🤙🏻🤙🏻Y- What’s your favorite place to be? the dunes down the street from my house in the summertime like just sittin by myself playin some music it's litZ- How many words can you list that start with the letter z?zebrazenon girl of the 21st centuryzenon the zequelzoology
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anns-rats · 6 years
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cinematic parallels
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