#they don’t get to join the melting pot of hero worlds
dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Cohabitation (a.k.a.. a List of Places Superman is Not Allowed to Go) 20.2.23
DC, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug, Megamind.
France is the big one.
Paris specifically, but all of France largely decided better safe than sorry, and stands in solidarity with her capital.
There is probably a small missive somewhere from Paris asking the Justice League for help when their supervillain first raised his head, the kind the JL got all the time and had thankfully ignored. Sent to them back before anyone really comprehended what might happen if someone who could turn normal civilians into supervillains with just some negative emotions got his hands on trained and practiced supers, and appropriately decided solving this would be best left to the miraculous team already working on it.
So the whole Justice League is banned from France, but especially Superman. Superman is somewhat known for being weak to magic and mind control, and the last thing anyone wants is to fight a magically mind controlled Superman with enough additional power on top of his own to make a whole extra super.
Another one is Metro City.
No-one is banned from Metro City, technically. It’s just understood that Metro City has one superhero, and one supervillain, and anyone else trying to insert themselves into things will be booted out quickly, fiercely, and with much prejudice by one of the two.
The JL might even be able to go there on vacation if they wanted to, so long as they stayed off the clock, but no-one really wants to find out.
It’s also understood that Metro City’s hero is like Superman if he was a millionaire with no weaknesses and speed to rival the Flash’s, and his villain can -regardless of never winning- somehow keep up with him. So if they want to be left alone to their city and their weirdly co-dependent relationship, then that is probably best for everyone.
Then there’s Amity Park.
Superman is actually the only hero banned from Amity Park, on pure account of almost every entity there having possession/mind control as a basic part of their power set.
Other than that, Amity Park wasn’t exactly ignored by the Justice League, it’s just that they were a small town with a specific problem, and their local hero -Danny Phantom- had it well in hand.
In fact Danny had it so well handled that eventually he became the Ghost King. A new High King of the Infinite Realms is a spammer in the works no matter how you look at it, and Danny’s beginning to poke his head out of his town to see what the rest of the world is doing.
Day (630/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 20th of Feb
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 38
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Your hero journey has continued like normal until you are called in for an important mission.
Words- 2073
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: Fighting, angst, violence, fluff, MHA WAR ARC SPOILERS
Night had fallen over the dorms and you all had planned for Hot Pot to celebrate the near end of the term. You and Mina were holding plates and cups bringing them to a table when you heard the front door open.
“Seriously? The house arrest boys are late again?” Sero calls out. “No meat for you if you don’t help us cook!” Kaminari adds.
“I’M ON IT!” Midoriya says speeding past your classmates and heading right toward you.
“Hey, IzuKU!” You greet him when he grabs your arm quickly pulling you away giving you a small second to place the plates down before you’re pulled down the hallway, “Is everything alright with you-” Your words are cut off when you’re pushed against a wall and his mouth is pressed against yours. You let out a noise in surprise before quickly melting into the kiss. His hands are sturdy holding your face close to him and your hands wrap around his waist pulling him closer. The feeling of running out of air gets to you and you pull back taking in air while Midoriya tries leaning in for more but you put your hands out to stop him.
“Hey hey…while I won’t deny an amazing kiss like that but something’s up…are you okay?” You push his hair away from his eyes and he sighs resting his head on your shoulder surprising you and you hold his head close to you.
“I really like you…you’re important to me.” He says leaving you silent and he pulls back looking at you pushing your hair back he looks at the small scars on just your face, the cut on your forehead during the work-study still healing, the scar highlighting your cheekbone during your debut with Kirishima. “You don’t have to say anything back…I just wanted to let you know.”
You nod pressing a delicate kiss to his lips, “Okay…let’s head back they are probably wondering where you dragged me off to.” Slipping your hand into his the two of you returned to your classmates to enjoy this meal.
“Nothing beats a hot pot on a chilly day,” Kirishima says, stuffing his face with meat before reaching over to steal a piece from your bowl but you smack him away with your chopsticks. “Dude there’s plenty!”  
“Once it’s warm again we'll be second-years,” Jiro says. 
“Before we know it, yeah.” Asui says and Uraraka sighs “What a rush this whole year’s been.”
“Hey, we get to meet the new first-years!” Mina points out. 
“But since the Hero course doesn’t have clubs we won’t interact with them much,” Momo says and Mina sags disappointed. 
“A whole new crop of hero hopefuls? Love it!” Iida says, “We still have three months remaining! Don’t forget about the final exams standing in our way!” 
“Cut it out, Iida! Your nagging is gonna ruin the food!” Mineta cries out shooting Iida a glare. 
Todoroki looks down at his food confused, “It doesn’t taste any different to me.” Mineta’s eyes widen as he yells at Todoroki. 
“Listen you! Enough of that overly literal airhead shtick!!” 
Jiro laughs, serving herself, “Panicking about exams, Har-dee-har.” 
“Speak for yourself!” Mineta yells trying to get his point across but everyone just laughs. Looking at each of your classmates you think about the memories you experienced together as strangers, a moment being enemies, to classmates, and growing closer friends from it. If you told your younger self before she entered U.A. you would get to meet the most amazing friends and guys in the world who accepted you for who you were. You probably would have laughed saying getting into U.A. itself was a dream before returning to that dingy apartment you called home.
The rest of the Hot Pot continued with Class B joining you all enjoying the night before the early hours started everyone had cleaned up and you headed to bed. With the winter ending spring had finally arrived a new year and the term coming to an end was just upon you all. Resting within Midoriya’s arms sleep has taken over the two of you as dreams occupied the both of you.
“Y/n….” A voice calls out within the dark as you roll over trying to fall deeper into sleep.
“It will be excruciating months of pain but when it is all over you will be perfect!”
“It has always been your destiny.”
“The Symbol of Fear.”
Two voices spoke but it wasn’t clear who it was you try ignoring them, but a sudden dread feeling makes you restless.
“And the girl?”
“Why she has had years to be perfected into his weapon.”
“She can’t live on.”
“Unless he commands it, the sword lives.”
“The Sword of All For One.”
Standing within shadows they swirl around your ankles when you see someone else there but you couldn’t make out who.
“Y/nn~” Two voices mix together as they turn and you look in horror seeing Shigaraki but he was fused with All For One the two in some grotesque hybrid monster, “Together until we are reunited…” He steps forward and when you try stepping back the hands of shadows hold you in place as you fight within its grasp.
“I call to you now…I can….touch you.” His voice slurs switching between Shigaraki’s and All For One’s and his hand looks like a claw slashes out cutting right along the scar on your cheek. Pulling his hand back seeing blood covering it he grins.
“Shigaraki…Stop!” You choke out as the shadows slowly choke the life out of you, he stares at you before his hand shoots out striking your chest and digging into your chest. Blood spurts from your mouth as you stare at him gasping as he grabs something ripping it from your chest. Your heart pounds in his hand blood sprays from it and from the hole in your chest. “I am the true successor…you’ll die by my hands.”
Squeezing your heart until it explodes his laughter filling your ears. Gasping for the air you shoot up in bed clutching your chest feeling where the wound should be but nothing resides there.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Midoriya mumbles having been startled awake alongside you. Pushing himself he runs his hand up and down your back calming your fast heart rate. Moving your hand away from your heart you sigh trying to calm yourself.
“I’m sorry…I just had a nightmare..” You say looking over at him and he nods bringing his hand to your cheek and rubbing it when you both feel something on it. He pulls his hand back while you grab your phone turning on the flashlight. Lighting up the two of you both of your eyes widen seeing two different things. Midoriya sees the scar on your cheek bleeding once again and you see painting Midoriya’s hand red.
“You’re…bleeding.” He says before climbing out of bed to grab a tissue to stop the blood. You’re frozen in bed your hand rising to your face touching it and seeing the scarlet liquid stain your fingers. It wasn’t a nightmare…he had come to you. He could create a connection…he could touch you.
Shigaraki had gained All For One.
March…end of the month. That day heroes vanished from the city.
Spring arrived, warmer weather, the flowers to bloom, and life returning from the winter that killed everything off. The wind blows through your hair as you stand alongside the mountain looking down at the city.
“There’re heroes in those foothills!” Burnin says pointing far out to the mountains on the other side of the city, “We’re gonna back them up and help evacuate the city!” The silence from everyone is deafening just waiting for the moment. You all were pulled out for a mission by your respected Agency but you hadn’t realized you were brought to the same mission.
“They’re moving in!” Burnin yells, “That’s our cue! Move to your assigned sector and get those civilians outta there!” You all took off running down the mountain hitting the city and beginning the evacuation process. From two fronts one in the mountain and the other at the hospital many things had occurred in just minutes. Comrades and enemies were slain by their respective opponents as the battle had just begun.
“He’s not breathing…”
Floating in a space, fragments of a home rest around him, “Where am I…?” He murmurs.
“Daddy said all that stuff, but…” The man turns seeing his older sister standing in the decaying office of their fathers, “Don’t worry. I’m on your side, Tenko.”
“Sorry ‘bout that. I shouldn’t have done that.” She appears now in the backyard the night they all died, “I was the one who said it had to be a secret. Sorry.”
“Oh. That.” He sighs rubbing the back of his neck, “Whatever. That stuff doesn’t matter…anymore.”
“Tenko.” His mother’s voice calls out and there she is towering over him, “Do you still want to be a hero?” He looks up at her and a frown appears on her face, “You’ve rubbed your eyes all ragged…they’ll only get itchier if you keep scratching.”
A young boy hair black with red eyes stands in his place, “I’m okay now, mom.”
“TENKO! DID YOU SNEAK INTO MY STUDY?!” His father's voice booms and his mother decays disappearing into space looking over his hair now a light blue. His father’s hand reaches out to stop him but he places his hand against it and cracks appear decaying. He explodes in fragments the boy now having white hair.
“Tenko…” Looking past his father stands a girl in her pajamas covered in dust and debris clutching her blanket between her fingers, “What happened to mama and papa.”
He hesitates at that moment looking at the young girl sniffling trying to wipe the tears away before his face grows cold, “They’re dead.”
She looks up at him with glassy eyes before shadows come over covering her until it’s all gone and standing in that child’s place is a girl. Still young but older having lived a lifetime. Hair white as snow dressed in her school uniform but it was drenched in blood, wounds from the raid litter you sending a chill down his spine. The day he saw you die in front of him.
“Ten-” “TOMURA…” You go to speak but another voice takes over yours. Just behind you on the path stands a man covered in shadows. His master, the man who watched over the two of you, the man who forced his quirk on his sister. Made her into a weapon…no made her powerful.
“Master! You’re looking like Kurogiri.”
“COME TO ME, NOW.” His voice echoes through the space.
Present Mic drags away the doctor defeat written across his face as tears pour from his eyes, “He foresaw his downfall and entrusted all he had to his successors..”
“Successors?” Present Mic says. All For One had another player involved?
“He even chose to pass on his quirk. So, just like I once did for him…he took in a duplicate of his own quirk…and split the original…." The doctor says.
“To Tomura and Y/n Shigaraki.”
He walks towards his master when hands reach out stopping him, those of his mother, his sister, his mother’s parents’, his father’s hand reaching out, and his father’s mother's hand holding him back.
“Tenko!” His father yells out.
“Don’t ever forget.” Her voice calls out as his past memories hold him back.
“Enough.” He says swiping his hand out decay spreading and ending the memories, rejecting them. Let the memories die.
“Tenko please.” His last sister calls out to him. Standing between him and his master, the shadows of the space and decay were getting to you crawling up your feet. Your hand reaches out to him, “Brother…”
Looking at you staring at your hand, you’re asking for his hand. After all this time you want him.
“Don’t do something stupid Tenko…because you won’t win. I won’t let you.” You speak words from before to him and his gaze hardens.
“I’ll kill you then.” He says before his hand grasps your neck with all five fingers and cracks appear covering you, “This is my destiny. Don’t reject who I am.” He says before walking to the shadow covering his master.
Electricity rushes through his body as he seizes, and life is brought back to him as power and hatred flood him.
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@jazzylove @coochiehaitachi @me-e-mo @galaneiaeris @nothingtoseehere-01 @endlessmari @twitterpat @one-hell-of-a-potato29
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
somewhere only we know
chapter two: don't know where, don't know when
pairing: jean x gn! reader, mikasa ackerman x gn! platonic! reader
wc: 2.2k+
tags: angst, fluff, aot manga spoilers, mention of food/drink, mentions of death.
a/n: chapter two !! finally done my exams, this took me a while to finish but hopefully it sounds good and you enjoy it !! feedback is always appreciated
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The shrill noise of the kettle broke you out of your thoughts.
You reached over to the cupboard situated next to the stove, taking two tiny teacups alongside a teapot and set them down on the countertop. Hands moving like clockwork, you grabbed the loose leaf tea jar and placed two spoonful's in the teapot. Your hand moved to grasp the small cotton cloth from the counter, swiftly pouring the hot water into the teapot before placing the kettle back to cool down.
You chuckled at the sight in front of you; the teaware set adorning your family crest, the piece of cotton bearing the Azumabito clan’s symbol, and the tea blend was an old Braus family recipe. The entire house was like this, a mish-mash of objects from here and there, never truly fitting in where they were. You began setting up the small table, placing the teapot and teacups down. The raucous noise of the wooden chair scraping against the floor made you grimace.
Your fingers began to trace the delicate needlework on the cloth, occasionally catching on raised bumps of threads. It was the work of a skilled artisan as well as an amateur. Mikasa and her mother.
Waiting for Mikasa to return from her bath, your fingers traced the embroidered emblem, you began to get lost in your thoughts once again.
“Is the tea ready?” Mikasa’s soft voice interrupted your repetitive movements.
You quickly set down the cloth and shot her a kind smile. “Yeah, come sit.” You poured out the tea in her cup before pouring out a cup for yourself.
She accepted your invitation, sitting opposite you. The woman began scooping spoonfuls of sugar in her tea, an old habit from training years. You remembered how you once mistakenly took her cup, thinking it was yours until you took a sip and immediately spat out the sickeningly sweet liquid. The others and she wouldn’t stop laughing at you until Captain Levi had come and threatened you all, bearing that stone-cold expression that struck fear in your bones. How was he doing?
“Are you okay? You seem out of it today.” Mikasa looked at you; worried expression etched into her face, eyebrows scrunched together.
Your fingers circled the teacup, and you let out a sigh looking down at the fragrant liquid. You could lie, tell Mikasa you’re okay; knowing her, she wouldn’t prod you any further with questions. Though she would spend all night thinking about you, and you didn’t want to worry her. Option two was scarier, in your opinion; you could open up and tell her what was troubling you, Mikasa would undoubtedly be concerned, but she would appreciate your candidness.
Taking a deep breath in, you glanced back at the girl before your eyes landed on the frame behind her. “I’m just anxious about tomorrow,” you let out a nervous chuckle, eyes meeting Mikasa’s again.
“I already told you, we’re all a little different. It’s nothing-”
“No, it’s not that; I- what if they hate me? Mikasa, what if he hates me.” Your eyes shifted between the frame and Mikasa’s, voice coming out as a whisper.
She took a sip of her tea. Your name slipped out of her mouth in a tired sigh, “they would never, and Jean isn’t like that. He could never hate you.”
The framed picture behind Mikasa was of the scouts on their expedition to Marley. Sasha had pulled the lot of you inside the cramped shop, begging all of you to take a photograph. She had said that you all needed to document the momentous occasion; who knew when the opportunity would come again. Your beaming faces contrasted the scowl the Marleyan had on his face when you all crowded in his tiny shop. Commander Hange had even managed to get the Captain to join in, and subconsciously you thanked Sasha and Hange for their pestering. Who would have known that it would be one of the last times you would see them alive and breathing, that after that night, everything would change.
You noticed Mikasa’s soft smile in the picture, and Eren-who stood behind her, was looking at her instead of the box camera. Armin had his arm around Eren’s shoulders, and Jean and Connie were next to him, directly behind you. Your eyes trailed down Jean’s arm; it rested on your shoulder. You were sandwiched in between the Captain and Sasha, head resting on her shoulder. All of you were giving your best smiles, save for Eren. He was living through his hell, and the rest of you were oblivious to it. How could you have known?
He had stayed behind with you at the photographer’s studio after everyone had left to visit the other shops Marley had to offer. The both of you walked around, observing the various framed pictures the Marleyan had hung up to advertise his work.
Jean trailed softly behind, watching as your fingers traced and lingered on the stained brass frame.
“What do you suppose their stories were?” You turned your head, smiling at the boy behind you. He approached you, his finger and thumb hooked under his chin, as he thought of a story for the people seated in the photograph. You waited for him to amuse you with his foolish tall-tales, noticing that Jean screwed his eyes as he intently examined each person in the picture.
He raised his eyebrows, a grin breaking out on his face; he flickered his eyes to yours, “they’re a South-Marleyan family hiding a terrible secret. They’re those godforsaken Island Devils.” He leaned in to whisper in your ear.
You pulled away, head whipping back to see if the photographer had heard; thankfully, he was preoccupied with developing your photos. You spun back around to hiss at Jean, “You can’t just say that, you dipshit! What if he heard!”
Jean laughed at your stressed state, “Well, you don’t need to worry; he didn’t.”
You began to walk away from him, but before you could get far, he reached out and wrapped his fingers around your wrist.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me.” You looked back at him, his eyes pleading for you to stay.
You relaxed your shoulders and rolled your eyes at him, “wonder what shitty story you’ll come up with for our picture.”
“Brave heroes, their valiant efforts saved the world, and they were given mountains of gold and the finest wines possible to repay them for their kind acts.” He pulled you closer to him, and you giggled at his antics. “Oh yes, and one soldier more extraordinary than the rest-”
“Obviously, that’s me.” You quickly cut him off, silencing him with your remark. You gave a quizzical look at the boy, who was now sporting a noticeable blush.
He sharply inhaled and gave a smile, opening his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, the Marleyan shop owner began to talk, “Your jibber-jabbering is getting in the way of my work. If you’re not buying anything else, leave my store.”
Jean took your hand in his and offered the man a quick apology before pulling you out of the shop with him.
It wasn’t as if he hadn’t held your hand before, and yet the simple action sent your heart fluttering. His hands were warm and his grip tight; you wanted to melt into his touch and never let go.
However, the moment was cut short, as once you were out of the shop, Jean promptly let go of your hand, apologetic eyes meeting yours, “didn’t mean to pull your hand, sorry ‘bout that.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
You flexed your hand to shake off the feeling of his slender fingers against the back of your palm. He didn’t want to hold your hand back then; would he want to now? Why were you desperately clinging onto that memory of him?
“Do you regret coming back with me?” Mikasa’s soft voice broke you out of your trance.
“No, God no. Don’t say that. If I had to go back and have the possibility to make a different choice, I would still go with you.” You looked straight at her, gaze conveying your unwavering resolve.
You brought your hands up to your face to rub your tired eyes. “I don’t regret coming with you. I just never got to see them one last time, and I don’t know, how do I face them?” You let out a frustrated sigh. “Before, I could at least say that, hey, these are your friends, you know them better than anyone else, but now-”
You shook your head and set your eyes upon the chestnut cabinet directly underneath the picture frame. “It’s like I’ve been iced out.” You raised an accusatory finger at the cabinet which was situated under the picture frame. “Three whole years and the only reason I know Jean's even with the rest of them is because of Armin.”
Inconspicuously placed, the cabinet blended into its surroundings; for the most part, it held dishes, pots and pans alongside any other trinkets that didn’t have a place to belong. However, in one of its chipped and worn drawers, tucked away under a false bottom, were several letters addressed to a Miss. Mikasa Ackerman from a distant relative in Hizuru. These letters, of course, were actually from a Mr. Armin Arlert, from Marley, detailing updates about the peace talks that involved him, the other scouts and the ex-warriors. The letters were always short and concise, never revealing too much, as a protective measure. The exact reason for why you had stashed them in a hidden compartment; to ensure that if these letters ever fell in the hands of Yeagerists, that they would not be able to grasp the entirety of what Armin’s plans were. However, it also meant you were left to fill in the missing pieces, also missing the whole story.
“I miss him, but who exactly am I missing? We’re both different people now, and I don’t know if I’m ready to face that.” You waited for a response from the dark-haired girl in front of you.
“That head of yours is your worst enemy.” You scoffed at her statement.
“Just listen to me for once, please?” Mikasa tentatively reached over to wrap her hands around yours.
“I understand that you’re scared; I am too. But you can’t keep getting lost in the ‘what if’s’ of a situation. Tell me, how long have we known Jean?”
“Eight, no, ten years?” You sighed, wondering where she was taking this.
“And tell me in those ten years has he ever decided anything without understanding other perspectives?”
“No, well-”
“Fights with Eren do not count.” Her eyebrows quirked up before she continued. “Jean is one of the most caring and compassionate men I know. He would want to know why you left before ever being absolutely positive that he hated you. Not that he would, he adores you; I’m sure of it even after all these years.”
In a way, she was right; you were making assumptions about his character despite knowing him for so long. Yet the nagging thought persisted in your mind. The only way to resolve it would be to speak with him, which brought upon another challenge. Even if he didn’t hate you, how would you gain the courage to talk to him after all this time?
“Your tea is cold. No point in drinking it now.” Mikasa stood up to clear the table, but you swiped it from her, giving her a weak smile before she could grab the cup.
You wrapped fingers around the teacup; the porcelain no longer radiated the heat from the liquid and felt cool to the touch. Mikasa watched you as you walked over to place the teacup on the kitchen counter. Her fingers skimmed over to grab the cloth with her family symbol ingrained on it.
“Mika, I don’t tell you this often, and I should, but thank-” Before you could finish your sentence, there was a knock at your door. Mikasa gave you a confused look; it was too early for the others to be arriving, so who could it be?
You hesitantly approached the door; the both of you rarely got visitors. Occasionally the Braus’ would come by, but even then, the family would let you know before they visited. Twisting the handle, a sheepish-looking young man met your gaze as you opened the door.
“Hand-deliverance of a letter from Her Majesty, Queen Reiss.” You stared at the boy wide-eyed, whipping your head back to look at Mikasa; she shared the same shocked expression.
Mumbling a quick thank you, you closed the door after the boy departed. The letter felt heavy in your hands; neither of you had spoken to Historia in “official” accordance. What could the Queen want?
Mikasa hurriedly made her way over to you, “what does the letter say?” She urged you to break the wax seal which hid the contents of the ever-elusive letter.
“The queen wishes to have us join her for dinner at her home.” You looked over at Mikasa before continuing to read the letter, “she wants us to bring Armin and the others as well.”
a/n: jean is coming dw, ik yall are waiting for that anddd ik that there hasn't been a lot of romance-y parts but there will be !! i would love to hear your thoughts on the chapter and the series !! I am hoping to get these chapters out weekly thats the unofficial-official schedule as of rn
taglist: @httpglxssy, @keijikunn, @clean-soap, @lin-xoch
tagist form in pinned !!
Leave a like/reblog if you enjoyed reading this. I would appreciate it a lot <33
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Have you ever seen where they get kids to ask the players tough questions and there all dress up and have fake beards and stuff. Maybe you could do that with Jules and Katie asking the team all these really hard questions?????
Thank you for giving me an excuse to spend an hour and a half watching adorable kids ask questions and melt the hearts of celebrities. You’re my hero. There are no fake beards here, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! Sweater Weather characters belong to the incredible @lumosinlove!
“These chairs are so small,” James said as he scooted closer to the table. He nearly knocked Talker over with his elbow as the four of them squeezed in; the two kids on the other side shared a look.
“Ready, everyone?” Dorcas asked. When she received six thumbs up, she turned to the camera with a cheerful smile. “Hello, Lions fans, and welcome to Lion Pride! We have a couple of very special guests today to do the introductions.”
“Hello! I’m Katie and I’m six!” She held up six fingers and all four hockey players melted a little bit.
“I’m Julian, and I’m ten.” He waved, a little shy.
Dorcas smiled. “And how are you two related to our favorite Lions?”
Katie lit up and pointed behind the camera. “That’s my dad!”
There was a chuckle in the background. “Can you tell them my name, mon chou?”
“Pascal Dumais, but everyone calls you Dumo.” She swung her legs and her tulle skirt fluffed out.
“Remus Lupin is my older brother,” Jules said with a grin. “But Finn thought he was my dad.”
“It was an honest mistake!” Finn protested around a laugh. “Cut me some slack, Little Loops!”
“Do you want to do the intros for the guys, too?” Dorcas asked. Katie tugged on Jules’ sleeve.
“Can I go first?” she whispered. When he nodded, she hopped out of her chair and ran to the other side of the table, tapping each player on the shoulder. “This is Pots, Talker, Harzy, and Sirius.”
“Aw, man, I didn’t get to do any of them,” Jules pouted.
“You can ask the first question,” Dorcas said, hiding her smile behind her clipboard. “A quick reminder for our Lions: if you refuse to answer any of these, it means you hate children. Take it away, Jules!”
“Okay.” He cleared his throat and looked across the table with a solemn expression. “How many sticks have each of you broken?”
“Oh, that’s a tough one,” James mused. “A lot, but not always on purpose.”
“I haven’t broken that many,” Talker said. “I’ve forgotten to return quite a few to the rink after games, though. I think I have about five in my trunk that I keep meaning to put back.”
“Maybe…ten? Fifteen?” Finn rested his chin on his hand. “I should start a tally board.”
“Too many,” Sirius laughed. “I need to be more careful.”
Katie wiggled in her seat as she picked up the question card. “Why do you swear so much?”
Matching expressions of shock painted all four players’ faces. “Have we sworn in front of you?” Finn asked in a small voice.
“Mon dieu, I’m the worst person on earth,” Sirius murmured as Talker leaned his forehead on the table.
James opened and closed his mouth a couple times before answering. “Uh. Well. I don’t know, Katie. Instead of answering, I’m going to take this time to personally apologize to you and your dad, who is laughing his a—his rear end off in the back, as well as promising to form better habits.”
“If you could be any superhero, who would it be?” Jules asked, seemingly unfazed by the previous question. Wordlessly, Sirius gestured to his Captain America t-shirt.
“Spiderman,” Finn said without hesitation. “He’s the coolest.”
James unzipped his jacket to reveal a Superman shirt. “We didn’t coordinate this,” he said, tilting his head toward Sirius. “But yeah, Superman’s the best.”
Talker thought for a moment. “I really like Hawkeye. Are we talking Marvel or DC here?”
“Anything? Hmm. I’m going to go with the Flash, then.”
“Nice.” Jules reached over to give him a high-five.
“I got Jules’ approval, everyone else can go home.”
“What’s your greatest fear?” Katie asked, still swinging her legs.
The table went silent. Sirius turned to Dorcas. “Is this the plan? Get us rolling with fun stuff and then give the hard ones to the five-year-old in a princess dress?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Cool. Well, munchkin, I don’t like bugs and I’m not a huge fan of the dark.”
“Vegetables,” Finn said sagely, which sent both kids into a fit of giggles and made all the adults break into sunny smiles. “God, you guys are cute.”
“Pomeranians freak me out,” Talker answered once they had calmed down a bit. “They have those tiny little eyes and sharp teeth.”
James shrugged. “I’m not a fan of heights.”
“I thought you wanted to be Superman?” Jules frowned. “He flies all the time.”
“I think I’d be less afraid of heights if I knew I could fly.”
“So you’re afraid of falling, not heights.”
James looked to the camera. “And now I’m getting psychoanalyzed by a ten-year-old. Uh, yeah buddy, I guess so.”
“Hmm.” Jules looked back to the question card. “Who would win in a fight, you or our moms?”
“Your moms,” Talker said immediately as the others nodded. “No contest.”
“How would we even get in that situation?” Sirius asked. “What the did we do to make the nicest women in the world that mad?”
“Stole brownies,” Katie said with great gravity for one so young. “Mom says you four are the worst about it.”
“Mom wouldn’t even have to fight you.” Jules cocked his head to the side. “I feel like she could just give you a disappointed look and that would be enough. Katie, your turn.”
“Yay!” She brightened again. “What is your favorite cereal?”
Sirius smiled. “Fruit Loops.”
“Cheerios,” Talker said. “They’re good for you physically and emotionally.”
“I’m with Talkie on this one,” James agreed.
Finn gave them all disappointed looks. “You’re so old. Mine’s Lucky Charms.”
“Okay, Leprechaun Boy,” James snorted. Finn reached over and smacked the back of his head. “Hey!”
“Do you ever play hockey at home?” Jules asked. “I feel like Sirius doesn’t have to answer this one since it’s so obvious.”
Finn laughed. “Does tapping a puck around on the carpet with brooms counts?”
“Yeah, that counts.”
“Then yeah, sometimes.”
“I have no space in my apartment to play hockey,” Talker said. “Though I plan on moving someday and then the answer will be yes.”
“I made a rink in my backyard.” James smiled slightly. “Lily likes to skate sometimes while I run drills.”
“My turn, my turn!” Katie scooted her chair closer. “Okay. Out of everyone on the team, what two people would you take with you on a dessert island?”
“Desert,” Jules corrected quietly.
“Desert island. Are there deserts on islands?”
“I think they mean like super sandy beaches with no people on them.”
James mouthed a thank you to Dorcas, who gave him a thumbs-up in return. The other three looked at the kids with unbearable softness. “Well, I’d feel awful if I took your dad with me, so I think I’m going to go with Finn and maybe Kasey. We’d have a blast.”
“Nice, dude.” Finn fist-bumped him. “Unfortunately for you, my choices are going to be Leo and Logan, since I already know we could live together without starting a war on the third day.”
Sirius thought for a second. “I think Nado would actually be able to survive on a desert island, so I’ll bring him along, and for the second one…maybe Kasey? Yeah, Kasey’s cool.”
In the ensuing silence, Jules gave him a significant look. “Aren’t you forgetting someone?”
“You’re not on the t—” The realization hit him like a truck; his eyes went wide and he slumped in his seat as the others burst out laughing. “Oh no. Oh, no, no, no.”
“Your own fiancé.”
“Please don’t tell him.”
“He’s gonna laugh so hard,” Jules cackled, leaning back in his chair. Even the camera crew was losing it in the background. Dorcas had to step out of frame. “You’re never going to live it down.”
“Well, the first person I would bring with me is Remus Lupin, because he’s read a lot of books and definitely knows how to survive on a desert island,” Talker said around his snickering. “And then I’d bring Cap, because God knows that would get entertaining after Loops finds out about this. The sarcasm would be off the charts.”
“Okay, next question.” Dorcas came back into view, still grinning. “Jules, go for it.”
“Can I ask Katie’s question again so Sirius can give a better answer?” he asked gleefully. Dorcas hesitated, then shook her head. “Bummer. What was cool when you were young that isn’t cool now?”
“When?” Finn looked scandalized. “I’m 24!”
“Yeah, and?”
“Ugh. Um, maybe Furbies? People were really into Furbies when I was in high school, though I can’t say I’m sorry to see them go out of style.”
James bit his lip in thought. “Tamagotchis.”
“I loved those things!” Talker said excitedly. “My sisters and I used to go nuts with those things!”
Sirius smiled. “Lite Brites.”
Finn’s eyes went wide. “I forgot about those!”
“Regulus and I each had one and we loved them. That was the only thing we agreed on and we used to sit—” He paused for a second to laugh. “—we used to sit in the middle of the ice rink in the backyard, still in our skates and everything, and do Lite Brites for literal hours.”
“That’s so cute, oh my god.” Talker shook his head. “What a nostalgia trip.”
Katie knelt on her seat and rested her arms on the table. “Who skates faster, you or me?”
“You,” all four answered in unison.
Jules rolled his eyes, but he was clearly hiding a smile. “How many push ups can you do?”
“How many can you do?” James countered. A flash of competition lit on Jules’ face and all the guys grinned. “Uh-oh, there’s the Lupin glare.”
“How about we have a little competition?” Dorcas suggested. “See how many everyone can do in thirty seconds?”
“Absolutely,” Finn said. The four of them had a little bit of trouble getting their knees out from under the kid-sized table, but eventually they succeeded and gathered in the middle of the room. “Katie, are you joining us?”
She smiled innocently. “No, I know I’d win.”
“Get ready.” Dorcas pulled her phone out as they knelt. “On your marks, get set, go!”
The guys went easy on Jules from the outset, but they made it look like those pushups were the hardest exercise they had ever done in their lives. Talker took a second to dramatically wipe his forehead and James’ wheezing was almost comical; Jules, however, was giving it his best shot. When the timer finally went off, Finn collapsed with a groan. “I forfeit.”
“Did I win?” Jules panted, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
“You did, congratulations!” Dorcas put her timer away and winked at the camera as they headed back to the table. “Great job, everyone. Katie, your turn.”
“Do you live in a mansion?”
“I live in an apartment,” Finn said.
Sirius shook his head. “My house might be big, but it’s not a mansion.”
“Does a two-story house count as a mansion?” James asked. “No? Then no, I don’t.”
“Who is your least favorite person on the team and why?” Jules turned to Sirius with raised eyebrows. “Are we going to have another desert island problem?”
Sirius threw his hands in the air, speechless, as the other three cracked up. “Jules, can I adopt you?” James begged around his laughter. “Please?”
“You’ll have to fight my mom for that, I think.”
“My least favorite person on the team is James Potter,” Sirius sighed. “Not the person I’m getting married to.”
“We could get married. Lily might mind, though.”
“Full offense, but I know way too much about you to ever consider that.”
James ruffled his hair and turned back to the kids. “My least favorite person on the team is Remus Lupin, because he ran me over in practice the other day.”
Finn side-eyed him. “Didn’t you trip him after he stole the puck from you?”
“He ran me over.”
“Sure, Pots. Um, my least favorite is Kasey Winter. He threw ice at me while we were in the ice baths.”
“Logan took my Gatorade last week and hid it all over the rink,” Talker said. “I’ll never forgive him for such a crime.”
“Oh, I like this one!” Katie exclaimed as she looked at her card. “What’s the best birthday party you’ve ever had?”
“My tenth birthday was at Red Robin and I got a Power Ranger outfit.” Talker grinned. “I was the coolest kid on the block.”
“My eighteenth birthday was pretty fun,�� Finn said. “There was a bouncy house and Alex almost broke it because we were jumping too hard.”
“Does it have to be my birthday?” James asked. “Because my son’s first birthday party was awesome.”
“He threw cake in Sirius’ face and a food fight broke out in the backyard.”
“That was a pretty great day,” Sirius agreed. “My last birthday party was my favorite.”
“You spent the night with us!” Katie said happily.
“I did, yeah,” he laughed. “And I had a really good time.”
Jules perked up when he read the next question. “I love this one! Do you have a lucky pair of underwear?”
“Yeah, totally.”
“Of course I do.”
“Is there a superstition I don’t have?”
Jules looked especially pleased with those answers as Katie picked up her card. “This is the last one,” she warned. “And it’s super important and super hard. What kind of dog would you be and why? You can take your time, I don’t mind.”
“Thank you, Katie, we’ll need it,” Talker said as he desperately tried to contain his smile. “I’ll go first, if nobody minds. I would be a border collie because one, I love them; two, they have a lot of energy; and three, they love making friends.”
“That’s a good one,” she said seriously. “They’re also very soft.”
“Yes, they are.”
Once Finn managed to suppress his quiet laughter, he raised his hand. “Can I go next?” Katie nodded. “I’d be an Irish setter. They have red hair and they’re really affectionate. Plus, I met one the other day at the park and haven’t stopped thinking about him.”
“This was a tough question, Katie, but I think I’m going to go with a golden retriever,” James said after a moment. “They’re good family dogs and they like to be on the ice with those big ol’ paws.”
“That’s what I was going to say!” She beamed at him. “Sirius, you don’t have to go. I already know what you’d be.”
He raised his eyebrows, looking highly amused. “Do you now? Can everyone else know, too?”
“Well, it’s obvious,” she said. “You’d be Hattie. She looks just like you and she gives the best hugs.”
A small puff of air left Sirius’ lungs and he blinked as James reached over and patted his shoulder. “Oh. Okay.”
“That wraps us up,” Dorcas said, looking between them with a soft smile. “Any closing statements from our guest stars?”
“Ready?” Jules muttered to Katie, who nodded rapidly. “On three. One, two, three!”
“Go Lions!” they shouted in unison with matching grins. The camera crew cheered and the players applauded, all laughing.
“Thank you for tuning in, everyone! Remember to like and subscribe for more content.”
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thesweetestkimberry · 4 years
(icy) hot chocolate
pairings: shoto todoroki x reader
summary: not only are you homesick, but you’ve also harbored feelings for the icy hot student in your class.
warnings: might be a curse?, ooc, doesn’t make sense, mentons of selena and chocolate de la abuelita 🤷🏽‍♀️
notes: pls have mercy, it was like,, 2 am, this one hops around and i might take it down,, but enjoy anyway !
『° 。✰˚⋆☾⋆。✰°』
after you’d finished your homework, or what you wanted to finish, you were left feeling a bit disheartened. your family sent you to this school in hopes of you being able to master and better your quirk, even going so far as to give you the opportunity to become a world renowned hero.
so after saying your goodbyes to your friends and family, you were on your way to japan.
the transition was slightly difficult, especially considering the amount of culture shock. the manners and daily life was so different from what you were used to, however it was helpful to have a few staff and students speak english to aid you.
Aizawa knew a bit of english, mostly due to being friends with present mic. all might spoke english as well, along with some students who were able to hold conversations with you in said language. momo and todoroki were the ones you mostly conversed with, momo was nice enough to help you in classes and in anything you had difficulty understanding.
you only knew shoto spoke english when he asked you a question one day during lunch. a non important one, but it sounded fluent enough, only responding with how his father put him and his siblings through private education during their younger years. apparently that’s where he began to learn the language.
you’d gotten along with the class pretty well, your personality allowing for a little bit of everyone to want to befriend you. despite all that, something drew you to the dual quirk user. was it his looks? his quiet nature? maybe his obliviousness that you sometimes found endearing.
it wasn’t long before the girls were able to tell that you’d been less than sneakily about eyeing him.
“you like him!” mina shouted one day at lunch, your hand slapping over her mouth to quiet her, the outburst earning a few confused glances from your other classmates.
“ooo (y/n)’s got a crush?” kaminari teasingly asks, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close, “let go of her dipshit!” sero scolds, reaching over to yank his friends arm off you. you send him a grateful look, only to have it turn into one of disgust.
“did you just lick my hand!?” you shout, furiously wiping it on mina’s uniform, watching her laugh.
“but seriously (y/n), you can’t hide it from me!” she said in a sing-song voice, poking a finger at your chin and using it to turn your head to where todoroki was sitting, next to iida and midoriya.
“no way! you have a thing for todoroki?” denki announced, you and sero smacking him to shut him up.
your breath hitched when you turned to check if shoto had heard you, only to see his mismatched colored eyes staring right back at you.
you squeaked and ducked your head, covering your face with your arms, suddenly wishing someone’s quirk could just make you disappear.
with a few muttered apologies from denki, lunch had ended, and back to class you all went. you hoped and prayed you didn’t have to interact with shoto anytime soon.
as if the ancient deities of the past answered your prayers, you didn’t have to be in close quarters with him until classes ended, meaning you’d all be going back to the dorms.
forgoing dinner, you sat in your room, embarrassed.
“oh god, i bet he thinks i’m fucking weird.” you groan, flopping down onto your bed you palm your eyes. the sensation causing bursts of light to seemingly appear behind your closed lids. adding onto your embarrassment, you’d become upset, resulting in wondering about how things could be different back home.
of course this trivial little mishap didn’t deter you from wanting to attend UA, but it did make you wish you had advice from your friends and family back home. finding yourself missing them, you checked the time, realize it’s midnight. way past curfew.
you also realize that you’re craving something sweet. walking over to your little pantry, you pulled out a familiar pack of hot chocolate.
making your way quietly and carefully out your room, you hopped into the elevator and made your way down.
unbeknownst to you, someone had crept out of their room and pressed the button for the elevator, bringing it back up as you exited, walking to the kitchen.
you hummed to yourself, a familiar tune of a cumbia by a famous singer from your parents’ time.
pointing yourself some milk in a pot, you unwrapped the brick of a chocolate, savoring the smell. you broke the chocolate along it’s grooves, about to add in enough for you, only for a cough to draw your attention.
your head shot up at the sound, your voice caught in your throat at the boy who stared back at you
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to disturb you.” he says slowly walking up to where you were, “todoroki!” you exclaim in surprise.
“what are you doing up? i didn’t wake you up did it?” you ask him, worried you had disturbed his rest with your noise.
“don’t be silly. i already happened to be awake, i also heard you humming, what was it?” he asks, finally making his way next to you, so close that your shoulders were almost brushing, “oh! it’s called dreaming of you.” you inform him, dropping in the chinch of chocolate into the now warm milks
“want some?” you ask, gesturing to the pot you were stirring. “what is it?” he questions, leaning down and catching a whiff of the mixture, “it’s hot chocolate.” you respond.
“hot chocolate? it’s a beverage correct?” he asks, the question making you look up in surprise.
“yeah, it is. but why do you say it like you’ve never tried it.” you joke, waiting for a laugh or smile, only to receive a blank look.
“oh my god! you’re trying some.” you say definitely, watching his brows shoot up, “are you sure? i wouldn’t want to be a bother.” he says with a pink tint to his cheeks that you don’t seem to notice,
“just give me a few minutes and it’ll be ready.” you say adding in an extra chunk of chocolate for shoto, mixing it in and watching the milk turn a darker shade of brown.
“my grandmother used to make this for me all the time,” you share, watching how he stared at you intently, “she even used to add cinnamon.” you continue, making sure the chocolate has melted completely before turning off the stove.
before you could move, shoto beat you to the cabinet where he retrieved two mugs, yours and his.
shortly after moving into the dorms, the whole class had gone out to the mall in search of things that would make the dorms more homey, and to avoid any confusion, you all decided to get individual mugs.
yours was shaped like a frog, whereas shoto’s was a red and white striped mug, for obvious reasons.
serving the hot drink, you carefully handed shoto his. as he took the mug, your fingers brushed gently against one another, the feeling shooting a warm feeling throughout both your bodies.
the two of you quickly part, blushing and turning away from one another.
“careful, it’s hot.” you warn, although feeling stupid because of his quirk, “i can cool it down.” he says simply, placing the mug in his right hand.
“i... i overheard denki say something during lunch.” he said after a brief pause, your body freezing and nearly dropping the mug in your hands. quickly setting it down, you bowed your head, afraid to meet his eyes.
“i’m sorry about that, you must think i’m weird.” you apologize, still not meeting his gaze, unaware of how soft it fell on you.
“no not at all.” came his response, his answer shocking you. “in fact,” he says, setting down his mug, “i’m glad you feel the same way.”
his words made you nearly jump out in joy, your heart screaming and face flushing.
“feel the same way?..” you ask, slightly disbelieving his words, “yes, about having feelings for you. i have for quite a bit now.” he admits, a pink blush looking beautiful on his skin.
“todoroki i,” “shoto, please.” he cuts you off, “shoto... i-i feel the same way, although you already knew that.” you groan, a blush taking over your features as well.
“would it be alright of me to ask if you’d like to join me for an evening out?” he says shyly looking at you, his eyes darting between you and your mugs on the counter.
“are you asking me on a date?” you confirm, watching as he nods before standing straight and looking into your eyes, “yes.” was all he could say, a faint flame lighting up in his hair and on his shoulder.
“of course,” you answer, watching his face light up, his eyes showing how truly happy he was, even is his mouth only showed the hint of a smile.
“but you have to try the hot chocolate or else i’m not going.” you tease, watching him scramble to retrieve his mug, “calm down,” you giggle, “i’m only joking.”
he stares at you, a faint smile still on his lips, “well, here’s to us.” he toasts quietly, tapping your mug with his before raising it to his lips, taking a sip.
you gouged for his reactions smiling wide into your mug when you saw his eyes widen, “this is delicious.” he says looking at you, holding the drink close to his chest, “i’m glad you enjoy it, it’s mostly a comfort drink for me.” you say taking a few sips of your own.
“thank you for allowing me to share this drink with you.” he says gently nudging your shoulder with his, the action surprising you.
“thank you for reciprocating my feelings.” you say, daring to rest your head against his shoulder, considering he was slightly taller than you were.
“how could i not? you’re everything.”
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delicatelyherdreams · 5 years
Sound of Silence
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve comes home.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1479
A/N: This is a request from a lovely anon. It’s taken me a while to write because I’ve been so swamped with school and work and scholarships and everything in between. Thank you for your patience anon! *This has not been edited.
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He’d been gone for a long time—too long. The mission had taken longer than any of them had ever expected, nearing a month in duration, and he was beaten, bloody and bruised. He craved home. He wanted it with a burning passion.
Sitting in the quintet with his team had him homesick. The mission had been a success, sure, but they were now a week overdue. Everyone wanted to be home as badly as he did. Home was where warm beds were. Home was where the familiarity lay. Home was where she was.
Oh, how he wanted to be in her arms again. Oh, how he craved her touch, her love. Oh, how he craved her.
She was worried when he called to let her know that he wasn’t going to be home for a long while. He felt bad for having to break the news to her, but he had no other choice. When missions run long, he needed to tell her.
But now they were going home, and all was good.
He wasted no time in gathering his things when they arrived back at the compound. He didn’t even bother changing out of his suit; he just scooped up his bag and ran out of the building to the car that was waiting to take him home—to take him to her.
They shared a spacious apartment in Brooklyn. She’d only laughed when he brought her the listing. “Still a Brooklyn Boy, Steve?” she’d chuckled.
“You know it.”
A fond smile fell over his lips as he thought of home. He longed for his own bed again. 
The drive was an hour long. Steve thought that he might explode if he waited in the car any longer, but he reminded himself to be patient. He’d waited a week, he could wait an hour more.
Felix, his driver for missions and the like, glanced at Steve through the rearview mirror. “Ready to be home?” he asked with a teasing smile.
“More than you’ll ever know.” His eyes turned toward the window as he gazed at the busy streets and sidewalks. 
It wasn’t long before the car pulled up to his building. Steve nearly leaped out of the car while it was still moving. Bag and keys in hand, he thanked Felix before dashing out of the car and making his way to his home. He flew into the elevator and jammed his finger onto the button for the eleventh floor. He could hear apartment 1109 calling his name. He could almost see his love dancing behind the door, waiting for him.
Music filled the apartment when he finally did arrive. He could hear her humming to the melody, short phrases and words escaping her mouth in unison with the lyrics. 
Her voice was like heaven and he found her quickly in the kitchen. She was cooking for them, a stew that Steve had provided a recipe for. It was his favorite; his mother used to make it for him. (y/n) only made it for special occasions.
Seeing her, with her back turned to him and not a care in the world lifted a massive weight from Steve’s shoulders.
Her hips swayed from side to side, her lips mouthed the words in tune. She was totally oblivious to his arrival. 
He set his bag down inside the entryway and made quick, quiet steps to her back. In a moment, he was behind her, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her in tightly to his chest.
She didn’t even jump. She knew it was him. She smiled softly. “You’re back,” she said, the smile filling her voice. 
“I’m back,” he confirmed, nuzzling his nose into her next and pressing his lips to her sensitive skin. “Miss me?” 
“Always.” She turned around so she was hugging him. The stew on the stove was partially forgotten as she reveled in his embrace. “You were gone a long time.”
“Too long,” he agreed. “But I’m home now.”
“I’m making your favorite. I thought you’d appreciate a little taste of home.” 
He smiled. “I do.” 
She pulled away from him slightly so she could just cup his cheek. Her smooth hands filled his skin with a warmth he’d almost forgotten existed and his eyes fluttered shut. “Why don’t you get changed out of this suit and I’ll finish dinner. Then we can eat, yeah?”
“Hmm. Yeah.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I won’t be long,” he said as he pulled away and stalked off to their shared bedroom.
It smelled of her, he noticed as he set his things down by the closet. He could see their bed where her side was all ruffled and his was nice and neat. One of his sweatshirts rested on the pillow beside hers. She must have dragged it out for those long nights when she missed him. 
He smiled sadly at the sight. He hated having to leave her, but that’s what happened when the world needed a hero: he had to leave his girl for a bit. 
He walked over to the dresser and pulled open the top drawer where his pajamas lay. He quickly snatched a plain white shirt and a pair of checkered flannel pants. These were his comfy clothes and he’d be damned if he didn’t take advantage of them on his first night home.
Changed and refreshed, Steve left the bedroom.
(y/n) had already set the table, pouring out the stew into two identical bowls. It steamed as it sat in the bowl. She looked up as she saw him leave in the corner of her eye and smiled softly. “There’s my Steve.”
“It smells delicious, love,” he said as he walked over to the table and took his seat. It was cold but still molded to fit him. It’d been so long since he’d sat in this chair. He really didn’t want to leave it again. 
She set the pot back on the stove to be dealt with later before coming to join him at the table. She took her seat and took her spoon. “Let’s dig in.”
As they ate, she spoke constantly, filling him in on what he had missed in the time he’d been gone. She spoke of neighbors and family and friends and the children she saw at work. She talked about what she had for dinner and that she missed him and that she thought of him every night. 
He loved the sound of her voice. How long had he missed it? Hearing it again, now after so long without it, was like heaven. But, then again, she was heaven.
She was truly his miracle, he thought as he looked at her from across the table. She was one of the few things in his life that remained untouched by all the negativity and stress that came from the Avengers’ lifestyle; as pure and untainted as the day he met her. She wasn’t innocent to what he did, but she wasn’t as corrupted by it as him and his team and he relished in that fact. He wanted to protect her for as long as possible.
Dinner passed by happily, the stew all but licked clean from the bowls. (y/n) rose and reached for the dishes, but she was stopped by Steve’s warm hand. 
“I’ve got them,” he said hastily, giving her a smile in the process. “You made dinner, at least I can do the dishes.”
“Okay.” Her smile was soft. “I’m going to get us set up on the couch, okay?”
“I’ll be there in a minute.” 
They found themselves on the couch in their pajamas with an old movie on the television and a tub of ice cream between them. Steve could feel the unbearable chill through his flannel pants but he didn’t mind. (y/n) was beside him and filled with all the warmth he’d ever need. 
“Steve,” she moaned. “The ice cream will melt.”
“Let it. I’ll buy you some more in the morning.” He nuzzled his nose into her neck. “Just let me hold my girl for a bit longer.”
He felt her growing heavier in his arms, the weight comforting and familiar. He craned his neck down and nuzzled his nose into the top of her head, in her hair, and just let it rest there. Her scent had always calmed him and he wished he never had to leave her. 
Maybe he could retire. He’d earned that much, right? A life of simplicity was more than what the super soldier deserved. He could do it. One day. 
One day the world wouldn't need him anymore and he could just be here, here with her.
Basking in the sound of silence that fell when they fell asleep in each other’s arms, hopelessly in love and tired and content.
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lalunely · 4 years
daddy katsuki
Katsuki is naturally a workaholic. In his day offs, he still insists to be in-call and responds immediately to any reports near around his neighborhood. His partner’s not particularly fond about his habit, he sometimes forget they do have two daughters and he leaves without letting them know. That caused a minor emergency family meeting. Katsuki apologized by making them a very rare, special dinner. His daughters were really impressed of his cooking skills, his partner usually cooks for them so Katsuki didn’t really have enough chances to showcase his remarkable talents expect for being the current number two hero. And a good plumber. Not very good, he exploded the toilet two times. His eldest was not really happy as her room was next to the restroom.
For now that they’re expected to be staying at home in this time of pandemic, crime rates are unsurprisingly still present, but the police are advancing their security hundred more times and some pro heroes are taking shifts by pair to patrol each night around the city. Katsuki only has one shift every Tuesday from four in the afternoon until ten. He’s getting the hang of it, he’s spending lots of time with his family and learning more about them each day. There was one time, he was praised by his daughters (who are already grown up, how the fuck did that happen) that he’s improving and that they plenty appreciate his effort. Katsuki cannot stop smiling every time it crosses his mind.
Deku and Shouto often visits and his daughters love them so much. They always cling on to them and Katsuki threatened to kick Todoroki off the building if he give money to his daughters without him knowing ever again. Todoroki swiftly announced they’ll be having a mini party at his place for Christmas and Katsuki bellowed at him, saying that he’d rather stay at home than have his family possibly catch the virus from attending his party. His daughters didn’t really liked the tone of his voice.
That’s why now, Katsuki’s all bored after finishing God-knows how many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares in YouTube for the past week. He decided to practice the dishes he’ll make for Christmas because he’ll prove to Todoroki how much he doesn’t want to attend his mini Christmas party and get COVID-19 and also he wants him to be away from his daughters because they’re his.
Call Katsuki possessive, because he is.
It’s late afternoon, Katsuki is preparing the ingredients he ordered online the day before on the dining table. He put on a tank top he wore this morning and tied the strings of the orange apron behind his back. He silently cursed of how hideous it looks but it’s their only apron, he can worry for something else.
Katsuki puts his phone in a stand and places it in front of him. He scrolls in his notes and review the recipe again. He’s making Chocolate and Lime Mousse. Now, Katsuki never made this nor eaten this before, but he saw Gordon Ramsay made this with his daughter and thought he’ll give it a try since it looked pretty doable and his eldest daughter loves fruits and desserts.
Speaking of the devil, Katsuki heard quick and heavy footsteps down the stairs and of course he knows who it is.
“Satsuki!” Katsuki shouts, his voice echoes to the whole floor.
His eldest daughter, Satsuki (16), dressed in dolphin shorts and oversized shirt halts in her steps and turns around to the direction of the kitchen.
“Yeah, Dad?” She answers, slowly making her way to him. “Whatcha’ doin?”
Katsuki looks at her. “Practicing Christmas desserts, you wanna join me?”
“You were really serious about that.” Satsuki’s eyebrows furrowed. 
“Of course I am. I am a man of my words.” The girl snorted. “Will you help me or not?”
“Fine, I don’t have anything to do anyway. I was going to crash in the couch anyway.”
“Fantastic. Go get the white chocolate in the fridge then.” Katsuki said, eyes back on his phone and he occasionally scans the things in front of him to make sure he got everything right and present.
Soon Katsuki is heating up double cream in a pot and Satsuki is breaking the white chocolate in pieces just like her dad told her to. It’s comfortably quiet as they work on their own. Satsuki’s humming under her breathe and shoved the last piece in her mouth, squealing in delight. She gave the bowl of chocolate to her dad who thanked her under his breathe.
“What’s your favorite chocolate? White? Milk? Dark?” Katsuki asked Satsuki who’s leaning on the counter and watched the cream simmer.
“Uhm...” She hummed. “I love milk chocolate with nuts. Only with nuts.”
“But you’re allergic with nuts.”
“I honestly don’t mind.” Satsuki looked down at her arms where scattered marks of her allergies are standing out of her pale skin. Actually, she does. It’s just that everything with nuts are delicious. 
“What’s yours then?” She asked.
Katsuki’s arm stopped, he looks up for a second then shrugs. “I like anything, but dark’s pretty good.”
Satsuki’s nose crinkled. “It’s bitter.”
“I drink expresso straight from the glass.” Katsuki snickered at her and he removes the pot from the heat and Satsuki watches him pour it in the bowl of chocolates. “Look at that.”
Satsuki switched places to have a better look. Her mouth slowly opens in awe as she watched the white chocolate melt with the piping hot cream. Katsuki glances at her and he smirks, putting the pot away in the sink. He caught Satsuki dipping her finger in the bowl and licks the chocolate happily. 
“Oi! No fingers!” Katsuki snarls, making his daughter laugh. “Don’t put that finger again or else, Satsuki.”
“Gods, it was just a bit. You’re overreacting.” Satsuki snorts at him and Katsuki gives her a daring look, before attacking her soft spots on her sides and Satsuki trips down on the floor squealing her lungs out.
Five minutes after that, Katsuki brings out a tray of eggs from the fridge.
“Now, you have to separate the white from the yolk in the eggs.” Katsuki said and he proceeds to crack one egg, sliding the yolk to the other piece and letting the white part slide down to a ceramic bowl. Satsuki does the same, and they repeated that part until they separated six yolks from the egg whites.
Katsuki fishes out a whisk and handed it to Satsuki. The girl eyed him suspiciously.
“Obviously you need to whisk it.” Katsuki said in a ‘duh’ tone and rolled his eyes.
Satsuki hesitatingly takes the whisk and shoves it in the bowl. “You’re just making me do everything here.”
“I cracked some eggs and made the mousse, excuse me.” Katsuki crossed his arms on his chest and huffed. Satsuki shakes her head. “We’re going to take turns. I’ll go after you. Thirty seconds only.”
Satsuki grunted in acknowledgement and she continues to whisk the egg whites quickly to let it foam, and she has been at it for fifteen seconds now. Satsuki momentarily pauses, rests her already sore arm and regains her breathe.
“What the hell.” She cursed under her breathe and heard Katsuki snicker behind her.
“Ten seconds left.”
Satsuki increases the speed and squealed when the bowl almost slipped out of her grip.
“You can stop, I’ll take it here.”
Satsuki sighed and thanked him then Katsuki flashed a blinding grin at her while holding an electric whisk proudly in the air.
“What the heck?! ” Satsuki screeches, Katsuki’s grin only grow wider as he plugs it in the socket and laughed out loud. “That’s cheating! How could you?!”
“How could I? I don’t know what you’re saying, darling.” Katsuki said in a teasing tone. He turned the electric whisk on, it made a loud sound and Satsuki screamed at him.
“I’m out of here, dad.” Satsuki raised her hands in dismissal, walking out of the kitchen. “It’s over.”
“Satsuki!” Katsuki calls out, he bends backward slightly and bursts out laughing again. “Get your ass back in here!”
Of course, Satsuki walks back in. Complaining.
“You can’t do that to me!” She cries. “Thirty seconds?! This fucking weakling of a whisk? And you’re using that machine?!”
“Because -”
“I was staring to feel competitive!” Satsuki cuts him off and Katsuki pressed his lips together to stifle his laugh. “My arm is limp!”
“Because it’s the best way to whip egg whites!”
“Then why didn’t you give me that in the first place?!” Satsuki falls on the floor and pouts at him. The sight made Katsuki coo and he pouts at her back playfully but ends up laughing again. Satsuki slaps his calve and Katsuki released a girly screech.
“Oi, shut up!” Katsuki’s head whips around the room. “Someone might take that the wrong way!”
“You’re a dirty player, dad.”
“Stop with that now, Satsuki. Come pour the sugar carefully in the bowl now.”
Eventually, Satsuki stands up and do what he said. Though there’s a disappointed frown on her face and Katsuki can’t help but to chuckle fondly at her. He stops the machine and placed them on the side. 
He leans over and put a hand behind Satsuki’s head, pressing a kiss on her temple and Satsuki’s frown deepens. Alright, he’s starting to feel bad now.
Katsuki sighs and crouches to her height, but the girl avoided eye contact.
“Come on now, you’re that really upset, are you?” Katsuki said softly.
Satsuki doesn’t answer.
“I’m sorry, baby. Daddy’s sorry. Can you help daddy now? We’re almost done though. I promise I’ll give you more chocolates after this.” Katsuki pulls her in his chest and wraps his arms around her shoulder, swaying their bodies sideways. He feels her grunt on his chest and Katsuki cracked a smile.
He pulls away, crouching down again but this time Satsuki meets his eyes. Her eyes, just like his -- bright, shining rubies but hers are glassy and moist. Katsuki’s heart breaks and he pouts playfully at her while Satsuki’s lower lip trembles.
“You can forget about it and help me instead. Daddy’s gonna be nicer now.”
“Don’t call yourself that, it’s weird.” Satsuki sniffles but she waits for Katsuki to finish folding the foamed egg whites.
Katsuki smiles to himself. What a time to be fucking alive, indeed. (Ironically, the world’s in chaos.) He could never ask for anything else. He’s happy but this is a different kind of happy, you know? This is more than achieving the number one spot - this is more than just being the fucking number one hero, it is something phenomenal he’s never felt before and it’s getting better every day he realizes more of the life he has now.
aight i might’ve binged watch all of gordon ramsay’s youtube and facebook videos in two nights straight do i need help
btw this was a quick, soft katsuki headcanon ha i just cant help thinking if katsuki’s gonna be a chef, he’s gordon ramsay u can’t tell me otherwise
hope u enjoyed :)
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Vision of you
Pairing: Doyle x reader
Request: Can you please do a Doyle from angel imagine where the reader and Doyle are together and have their first kiss
Requested by: @mrshotchner (it won’t let me tag you sorry)
A/N: I used his first meeting with Angel as inspiration, Doyle meets reader before Angel and convinces them to come along for the good fight. I move time on a little so we can have our first kiss at the end. 🖤💜
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You worked together for a while, having barely spoke to him. One morning he had climbed up onto the desk and announced that he quit. Apparently, there was a spiritual experience that he was being called to. The good fight, he called it, echoing words that had not yet been said. You frowned at him but shrugged, sliding your headphones back on and taking the next caller as you typed out their information. He was promptly escorted from the building and was not permitted to clear out his stuff.
You finished your gruelling shift at the call centre, trying to sweet-talk customers and up-sell to the best of your ability. It wasn’t good and it definitely didn’t feel honest, but it was work. Not everyone could up and leave for spiritual experiences when there was rent due next week. This thought reminded you of the guy that had happily quit. His name was Boyle- or was it Moyle? You had exchanged numbers before after promising to cover his shift once. You felt bad that he was made to leave his stuff and so you went over to the desk that had already been taken by another employee around ten minutes after he left but his potted cactus and notepad that had nothing but a crude drawing of said cactus remained untouched.
You decided to take them, something was telling you it was pretty important that you made sure they were returned to the correct owner. You cleared your own desk for the day (everyone hopped desks but you were allowed a decoration each), shrugged on your jacket and left the building. You flipped up your cell, looking for the man’s contact information.
Doyle! That was it – his name was Doyle. You hit the contact and waited for him to answer your call.
A phone nearby started to ring and you looked up, moving the phone from your ear. He stepped from out of the shadows and smiled, his smile was slightly crooked in a way that only now you realised was cute as he walked towards you. You ended the call and the ringing stopped.
“You lookin’ for me, darlin’?” He asked, his lilt echoing around the underground car park.
“I was, uh, looking for the owner of these” You admit, rather than agreeing that yes you were in fact looking for him. The way he asked implied he was expecting you which made you confused.
“Well, you found me. Want to get a drink – my treat. As a thank you?” He posed it as a cheeky question, but something behind his eyes was serious and waiting almost desperately for your answer. In reality, Doyle knew that this was going to happen – he left the cactus on purpose (he had never once brought any decorations for his desk at work before). The Powers wanted him to convince you to leave your place of work too and join him – apparently you had a big part to play in their plan.
“Yeah, one drink. That should be okay” You smiled, nodding. He took the cactus and the notepad, swiftly throwing the items in the nearby bin before looking back up to you with a smile. Your expression was a picture of shock so he moved the conversation along.
“Which one’s yours?” He asked, gesturing around at the cars but you just shook your head.
“It’s just a shortcut – I don’t really need to drive I live close and if I need to go further out I’ll just get a cab” He nodded along, he already knew this. The powers had shown him flashes – he knew how this was going to pan out.
The tricky part in all of this, was convincing you. When you arrived at a bar, one you had heard about but never been in, he paid for your drink despite your protest that he had just lost his job.
“Y’see, I’ve been sent here by the Powers that be”
“The Powers that who?”
“Be” he repeated, the side of his mouth crooked in a smile at your confused expression. He found it sweet.
He then launched into a long-winded explanation, filled with wild side-tangents. Something about atonement and then to sweet talking you before charging back into talking about the proper way to dispose of a vampire.
He insisted you were paramount to this all-powerful plan. Secretly, he decided that even if you weren’t he would have said the same thing to convince you to stay around. You were speechless by the time he had finished, but you did somehow feel that he was being genuine. That demons were terrorising LA and there would be some prophesised hero that you should both probably help out and save the world while you were at it.
There was something about his demeanour, it put you at ease. You finished your drink and just stared his way as a silence stretched between you. You weren’t sure where you could even begin to reply to his explanation which had lasted at least an hour. Saying that, you enjoyed his voice so you definitely could have sat there and listened to him speak for longer.
“Trust me, darlin’?” He held his hand out, that cheeky smile plastered all over his face with no sign of ever stopping. You took his hand to shake it, but he moved to kiss the back off your hand. You moved it away and he chuckled with a shrug. You couldn’t help joining him in his smile, it was ridiculously infectious and you cursed him still with a smile on your face. You could see yourself getting on with him, maybe you really should trust him on this.
It had been a month and Doyle had spoken to Angel and the three of you, although things had started off a little shaky, were starting to work together properly.
You had quickly caught feelings for Doyle, his charming nature had got the better of you. Not that you would admit it to him. You had this unspoken promise to each other, this trust that had only grown since you knew him. But you had been unable to express that you wanted more than a friendship with him. There was always something in the way, so you had tried to just savour any moment you shared with him. Little did you know, he was doing the same. Any moment, even if it was mere minutes he got alone with you, even just joking around between cases, he would play them back in his head afterwards.
Eventually, Cordelia joined Angel Investigations too. You liked her mostly and you decided it was good for Angel to have someone familiar around the place. You couldn’t say he ever opened up, but he was fond of Cordelia. You had originally been worried she may catch Doyle’s eye but if you could read his mind you would have known that’s the furthest from the truth. He often thought about you, kissing you. Touching you. Sometimes a case would snap him out of a very vivid scene and he would find himself slightly disappointed that he would have to focus on reality until the next demon was off the streets.
One evening, after a case the four of you had been sat around the desk complaining about how the one client you had that week had turned out to be double-crossing you and had refused to pay you. 
“Ew, I mean did you see those demons? Some creatures weren’t made for good lighting” Cordelia stated, starting to launch into a rant about demons staying in the dark underground lairs they deserve before you cut in.
It struck a chord and you had noted that Doyle had looked ridiculously uncomfortable. Mainly because there was a lack of his eyes on you, you often caught him staring and always smiled back when you did. But there was a distinct lack of attention from the man, in fact, the only thing that met his gaze was the flooring Cordelia was still yet to clean despite it being her turn this week.
“Cor, stop it. A lot of demons are friendly and just because they don’t look the way you do doesn’t mean they don’t deserve some compassion” You stated, before reminding her she might want to give the floor a look at. 
He never once told you about his demon half until that night. His eyes were glassy and he had drunk too much liquor and it all bubbled to the surface. The way you had so easily cut Cordelia off. Meant every word you had said. It gave him hope. Hope that he could be himself with you, completely. No more hiding behind his smart remarks or throw-away comments.
So he said it. Out loud. He still told you as if he was expecting you to go. Leave him and never talk to him again. All because of the way he looked. 
You shook your head softly, prying the bottle from his hand. He had been clinging to it all night, having felt guilty for keeping it from you but to insecure to reveal it. You took him into your arms and held him close to you as his arms wrapped around you tightly, almost cutting off your circulation.
A week later, he caught up to you. He had been trying to find a way to express the way he felt. The gratitude he had to you for being so kind with him. He had noticed the way your eyes lingered on him and a smile spread across your face when he spoke to you. He noticed how often the pair of you would break off from the others and spend ages talking together. And most importantly, he had noticed that this had all continued in the same way since he had revealed to you his other form. You truly liked him for who he was. Not despite of anything. 
So he just walked straight in, took his hand and pulled you to meet his lips. You were shocked by his action and so didn’t kiss back right away, but soon you melted into the kiss as he moved against you with an intensity you were sure you had to be dreaming. Your hands started to slide up his back as you relaxed into the kiss, your lips parting as his tongue requested entry to your mouth. The sensation was dizzying, as if kissing were something new only you had discovered. The first and most perfect kiss in the world. Because it was him and you. His insistent mouth parting your eager lips, sending sizzling electricity along your nerve-endings and passing them through to his. Transferring everything to him, as he promised the same in return. Evoking a sensations neither of you had ever known you were capable of feeling until now.
Doyle’s eyes snapped open, his lips still felt as if yours were brushing against his and so he moved his fingers to lightly touch them. He then reached for his head, the discomfort from the vision was something he hadn’t felt with such intensity for a long time. The visions would never create such a vivid story before this one and that’s how he knew this was something important. Special.
He got up from where he had been on his knees in his room, having been caught up in the vision for a while. He looked over at the cactus that had been on the cabinet in his room since before he moved in, his eyes casting upwards as if in deep thought about something. As if he needed to consider what to do next. He nodded to himself, making his decision.
He quickly got up, swiped the pot and the notepad beside it and made for the door: apparently, today was the day he was going to quit his job. He had never enjoyed a 9-5 anyway, and if it meant meeting you, well, he was going to have to do as the vision says.
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nikibogwater · 4 years
Bunch of backstory theories/fanfic fodder for Nari because geeking out helps me unwind and also I can’t find a way to comfortably stick all of this into a proper fic:
The Eternal Forest that she gets her title from is a very real place. I picture it as being deep underground and lit by bioluminescent plants/animals, ala the Hidden World from HTTYD. I like to think that it’s a place where time feels frozen, where there are no influences to be felt from the world above, and where, if any change occurs at all, it is extremely slow and scarcely noticeable, hence the name “Eternal.” (On a somewhat related note, I think it’d be really cute if she took Douxie and Archie there someday and excitedly showed them around her home 🥰)
While Bellroc states that the Arcane Order has “watched over magic since the stars were young” (ep 5: “Battle Royale”), Nari is clearly connected to the planet in a way that her siblings are not. What is also interesting is that Nari’s whole aesthetic (life) is at complete odds with the rest of the Order, who both embody elements of destruction, even before she chooses to leave them. This leads me to theorize that not only is she the youngest of the Order, but that she was also born on Earth, likely when life itself first began here. Which also conveniently leads into my next theory...
Nari was born from the Life Tree, Yggdrasil (because what is ToA if not a lovely melting pot for all kinds of mythology?) which sits at the center of the Eternal Forest. She is still connected to the Tree, and can return there to revitalize and heal if she is badly injured. Her connection to the Life Tree would also explain her unique ability to sense the souls of all living things across the globe. 
I suspect that Nari’s magic is ill-suited to combat. When we see her join the Battle of Killahead, while the rest of the Order is happily slinging their spells around, Nari uses absolutely no magic whatsoever (at least that we can see). If her magic is specialized for the giving/maintaining of life, it would make sense that it’s practically useless in a real battle. 
I also suspect that Nari’s magic is enormously weakened by her having left the Order. They do seem to form a sort of Triad, seeing that all three must be present in order to open the Genesis Seals. In particular, I don’t think she has the ability to bring people back from the dead anymore. When Douxie returns from his brush with the Other Side, Nari isn’t standing anywhere near him, meaning she probably didn’t magic him back to life, which I don’t know why she wouldn’t do unless she was actually incapable of it. Also having a character who can just zap people back to life would probably negate about 95% of the dangers our heroes face, now that she’s on their side, and therefore take away all of the tension of the story.
Given the way Nari always visibly cowers and cringes whenever the Order is nearby, I kind of think there might have been some emotional (or maybe even physical, if you're of the mind to take the angst that far) abuse going on before she left them. The fear that she displays just seems too intense to not stem from something personal. Also y’know...I like the feels that come from imagining her slowly getting used to being properly loved and cared for by Douxie and Archie. 👀
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pastelgrungewrecker · 5 years
Growing Up, Growing Old
Your little brother never tells you But He loves you so
He couldn’t take comfort in seeing his eldest sister slowly walk across the room. He tried; he smiled when she brightened and leaned against the wall- but the sound of her prosthetics on the kitchen floor made his heart crack like ocean ice in a storm.
He started braiding his hair; oh, how long it’s grown after all this.
Every time he closed his eyes, little gold stars winking out in the lonely dark of his room; every time they closed he saw his hands that day. Painted in old rose petals and shaking as his body curled in searing pain from head to toe to center in his little glass heart.
He remembered her bubbling, rasping breaths, he remembered the crunch of glass under his feet and the crunch of bone beneath his fists before he watched the funeral shroud of sluggish red spreading over his sisters stomach, her waist, her face.
The blur in her green eyes as he ran against the creeping clouds in them.
They called him a hero for saving her, his fathers rained praise on his shoulders ike diamonds and gold bu as he watched Mimi sitting with Chrona or Dani or Kiki and she laughed wth them he could hear the hurt in her voice. He could hear her pride breaking slowly down, he could hear the doubt rising and curling around her shoulders like chains, like a collar.
She came home with glasses, looking down as she took them off and couldn’t meet his gaze when he asked what happened.
‘My vision’s gone wonky.’
‘Head trauma from the accident.’
“It’s nothin’, kiddo, I’m fine- honest!”
It was hard to sleep after that.
He’d wander the house; checking and rechecking locks and lights and windows and doors. His fingernails nipped down to the quick and bags starting to form beneath those twin gold stars tat watched a world that should’ve been softer; should have been kinder, gentler, better than the one before.
He returned to school, Mimi leaning on his shoulder before they parted ways to go to their buildings. Chrona nudged Dani and Kiki off on their path after hugs and hair ruffling and QD said nothing as Chrona reached out and gave his hand a squeeze.
Peace didn’t last long; recovery is never a straight path.
And he recognized the wounds on his classmate’s face as they stared across the classroom at each other that afternoon.
QD’s hands curled into fists; hellfire rose in his chest as recognition dawned on the braggart in seat A5. Gloating as QD began to melt down from starlight to molten gold and brimstone; regaling the class with how he had hurt QD’s greenclad guardian angel.
He didn’t remember walking forwards. He didn’t remember swinging fists and he didn’t remember the words he snarled in Whirl’s voice but he remembered the hands on his shoulders and arms- the teacher pushing and pulling him away and the weak sobbing from his victim on the floor.
Soft words, soft touches-
“Quickdraw, why don’t you head to the office. I think you need a few more days to recover from everything that happened.”
Mimi was there already; her face worried and her backpack only half zipped. She wobbled to her feet and cupped his face- he couldn’t hear her speak, and he looked down as his pulse thudded in his ears.
“C’mon kiddo- I’m on half-days still, we’ll walk home together like when you were little, okay?”
“But... Your l-”
“My legs are fine; I’m more worried about you.”
She put her arm around his shoulder, he hooked his fingers in her pocket and looked at her like a lost soul.
They heard the sounds of soft voices, and both turned to see Dani and Kiki waving at them both, walking with a teacher who looked concerned. Mimi sighed, setting off at as brisk a step as she could as Dani and Kiki ran to bury their faces into Quickdraw and hiccup.
“It was another incident Miss Mimi; Kiki just seemed to stare into... nothing and then they were inconsolable.”
“I understand sir, I’ll let Papa Ratchet know as soon as we get Chrona and get home.”
Quickdraw felt his heart break as Mimi seemed to sink into herself for a moment- he knew what was going on behind her eyes. He knew the face of self-blame.
It was one he wore often enough.
Chrona joined them soon, face like a stormcloud and silent as the grave. She reached out, snatching at Mimi’s free hand to hold tight to it as she chewed on the end of her ponytail like she had when she was too young to know better. Dani and Kiki held tight to Quickdraw’s jeans and hiccuped their fears into the afternoon air- and they began to walk home.
The prosthetics creaked as Mimi took her steps, leading them as she always had but now with a shake to each step and her new glasses sitting low on her nosebridge. The scars on her face still hadn’t faded into her normal skintone- standing out like sketchlines and highlighting the similarities between her and Perceptor.
The house was silent when they came home.
Mimi gently guided her younger siblings to do their homework, to wash up for lunch. Quickdraw watched, feeling his chest hurt and cramp as she wobbled back and forth in front of the counters- counters he curled against once, screaming for Brainstorm as he stared in horror at bloody hands. A counter Whirl scrubbed for a full day with his eye shut tight so he couldn’t see the funeral flower stains left by accident.
“Yeah QD? Watch out, hot pot comin’ through-”
She was making macaroni and cheese, a staple in the house around lunchtime. Quickdraw absently though about how she always added extra cheese and glanced around for the grater.
“Mimi, when was the last time I hugged you?”
She paused, setting the pot down on a potholder to prevent the counter being scorched, “...I. I don’t remember kiddo. You always used to though- well, you’d hug my legs cause that was all you could reach.”
Quickdraw felt the a knot rising in his throat as his eyes burned.
“Yeah kiddo?”
“C-Can I ha-have a hug? Ple-ease?”
She turned quickly, face softening as she held her arms open. 
He sobbed once, and buried himself against her- holding tight with aristocratic fingers with the nails chewed down and sobbed hoarsely around words that tasted sour from how long they’d rotted in his throat.
Mimi’s hand petting his braided hair, pulling the tie free and combing her fingers through it. Chrona’s tiny voice hiccuped from the doorway, Kiki and Dani standing on either side of her.
She waved them over, shifting Quickdraw just enough to fit everyone in her embrace.
“I saw your blood on my hands and I couldn’t...”
“I thought you were going to die when Quickdraw started running-
“They on’y told me an’ Kiki you were sick until the hospital-”
Mimi’s smile was cracked and tired- Her hands still shook thinking about that day, “I’m sorry I wasn’t stronger for you guys.”
“Mimi?”, whispered Quickdraw, blinking his starlight eyes, “...We love you.”
“I love you all too- I’m gonna be okay; we all are. I promise.”
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alfredosauce50 · 5 years
Who’s the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 17
Wordcount: 3,330 The reader is referred to as she/her
Following the introduction of the items for auction, people settled down to be served lunch. Guests and staff present at the event called this lunch, but to the uninvited few, it was dubbed the first phase of their plan. The moment the drawn curtains were closed again, the woman on stage strut past the many treasures to the presenter who just joined her on the elevated platform hidden by waterfalls of fabric. From the surface, she was either an unfortunate girl taken against her will for her body to be exploited or a brain-dead prostitute desperate for quick dough. That was what the presenter thought at least when he laid eyes on her cleavage. And for judging a book by its cover and perhaps staring at her breasts, he grew too distracted to even notice the woman throw her arm back. He only glanced up when he caught a fast blur of movement in his peripherals, but before his brain even came to acknowledge the little pickle he caught himself in, a fist collided with his temple to knock him out cold. Letting out a grunt, black engulfed his vision and he felt pain explode in his head similar to being bludgeoned, but luckily for him, he only felt it for a second. He fell onto the ground in a heavy thump, and when he did, the woman ground her heel in his back. 
She glowered down at the motionless body and continued to dig into his skin with her shoe. "That's what you get for staring!" The man in the tuxedo stood in the grand hall and continued to dart his eyes all around the curtains as if he could see what was behind them. The fabric was still flowing around after being closed, but he was not focusing on its movement. Instead, he had his interest piqued on the bottoms of a pair of heels click-clacking around the stage. If you narrowed your eyes to squint at where the pair of feet were, you would be able to see the dark gray fabric of somebody's jacket meet the ground. "Best in her field, you say?" He breathed into his earpiece with wide eyes. The jacket was then dragged away off stage. "Can't argue with that." "Yep! She always gets the job done." Flavio piped in his ear. "You don't need to worry about the staff working backstage, Happy. She's got it under cover." Said man nodded. "Yeah, I think she does." A deafening crackling sound was heard and he cringed at that. That signaled the entrance of another one of their confidants, so he prepared himself to hear what they had to say. "She's doing her bit, Happy. Now you go do yours!" A gruff voice hissed at him. A bead of sweat formed around his temple at the reminder and he glanced around frantically. That was right. He was so distracted by Elizabeta's skills he let his purpose fly right past his head. "Right, right. Gotcha. I'm going to the kitchen now." The man responded, beginning his trip to the location as mentioned. As he power-walked through the long, winding halls, that same confidant added something else. "Lunch has already begun so the butlers are gonna come out any second! You better get those stubby legs of yours pumping!" "Hey! No need to call me names!" He complained, his volume lowering into a whisper towards the end of his statement. Nearly walking past the very destination he needed to get to, he took a few steps back before peering inside. On the receiving end, a maroon-haired figure kept his muscles tense as he listened in on what the pathetic security guard needed to say. Even with this minor inconvenience that posed little influence to the outcome of their plan, his heart was hammering without signs of slowing down. As he felt the little thumps reach the very tips of his fingers, his breathing grew shallow. "Don't make me go in there, Happy!" He growled. Even with his tanned complexion, blood was draining from his face to render him extremely pale thanks to the drop in oxygen flowing through his veins. Never had he remembered being this anxious before. Nothing but worry plagued his mind like a dark cloud. If this plan were to fail, his will to go on would disappear along with you. So this plan can't fail. He was going to make sure of it. Even so, he could not get rid of these thoughts and continued to breathe quickly, unevenly. If it were not for the hand slapping onto his shoulder to snap him out of a potential panic attack, he would have passed out. Glancing up with round eyes swirling with pure fear, he found himself staring at the softened expression of his partner. "Allen. It's going to be alright. Everything's going smoothly. Just take a deep breath and calm down." He spoke gently. It did not look like it at the moment, but he was shocked and perhaps even awestruck at the emotion the other was expressing. Allen always gave him the impression that he was not to be messed with and had nothing to lose. He was fearless. He even kept his head up high in the presence of the police despite being a wanted criminal. But here he was, shaking in his chair with glassy eyes. Whoever you were, it was clear as day you were the world to him. The blonde let out a small sigh as the other just crumbled in front of him. Allen just buried his face in his hands in silence. "Trust us. We've got eyes and ears everywhere and the most professional agents in the state working with us. We won't let you down." Regardless, Allen could not calm the thundering in his chest. Sure, the police lent a helping hand, but that did not mean it was a guarantee for success. What more was that Allen was let down by them a few too many times to trust them, and he never liked them to begin with. A memory suddenly struck him like a spear. And it just so happened to be the voice of his cousin, screaming at him after he told him to stay out of business he did not want him involved with. "What the hell? I’m not just going to ‘lay off’! (F/N)’s my friend and she needs a hero! The police are far more qualified than you, and they’re going to actually find the fugitive. That way, they’ll bring justice and get the bad guy!" It was not just a reminder why Allen hated this side of him. He was blinded with his love for justice and superheroes. And they were both beautiful lies in his opinion. Allen did not dwell long on this thought, however. It was what Alfred commented about qualifications that struck a chord in him. The police were not qualified for this at all, relatively speaking. Even with their skills, it was nothing compared to knowledge and experience. Flavio was more qualified despite never having harmed anybody before. Hell, even Happy was! He was the strongest player on the team. So why was he just sitting outside, when he could be helping his friends inside? He needed to go inside. The fear slowly thawed from his heart and was melted by a burning determination to intervene. The pounding he felt in his chest slowed a little, but it continued to thump violently against his ribs. Clenching his hands into tight fists, his knuckles turned white and the officer sitting with him held onto his arm. "Don't." Allen pulled his arm from his grasp and stood up, letting his chair scrape loudly against the ground. Throwing on his bomber jacket, he loomed over the other with a weak grin. Arthur was wondering where the Allen he met went; turns out he had always been here. "I don't think you and your department's got what it takes to take a guy like Luciano down. Nothing personal." He finally said. "I'm going in. If you want this plan to succeed, you'd let me." Turning on his heel to burst into a sprint towards the building's entrance, a few of the patrons of the eatery stood up with tense expressions. Before they could chase after the retreating figure, the blonde held up an arm to stop them. "And I don't give a damn if you don't wipe my record clean!" His earpiece crackled as he entered the lobby. "I'm going in the kitchen now. I'm commencing with the plan." Steering clear of the places with surveillance, he grabbed an unfortunate passerby and knocked him out. Once he stripped him of his formal wear he did not have, he changed into them and kept him in one of the storage rooms. Allen then pressed the little device in his ear to respond. "Change of plans. I'll be helping Liza's team. Alfred and Flavio, keep updating me on the situation. Happy, you go give that motherfucker a taste of his own medicine." "And I'm sure he's gonna love it." The said man responded. Once he appeared in the doorframe of the kitchen, he felt a flinch when he was greeted with an explosion of stimulants for his senses. So much to smell, see and hear. The clanging of pots and pans, the sizzling of food in hot oil, the frantic shouting of instructions and squeaking of food trolleys were heard. It was pure chaos. Happy refused to let himself become distracted again, so he put on a brave face and navigated his way through the suffocating room. He approached the man who had been screaming at the chefs and cleared his throat. "Hey. I'm serving Luciano's table for today and I need to know what drink he ordered." Happy started, grabbing his attention at the mention of the name. "A bottle of Smirnoff." He responded without hesitation. "Give it to him with the lid on." "Thanks." Turning on his heel, a small shrewd smile curled at his lips and he collected a bottle of the specified drink. He removed the lid with a pop, disregarding the instructions he was given and dropped a small pill in it. He did this all with a poker face, but inside, he was screaming. Although he lived a very eventful life as a bodyguard, he had never done something like this-- drugging someone. And with a roofie, in other words, a date rape drug. As the little white tablet began to fizz up the drink, he hid it there on the counter with his body for a few moments, intending to wait for the white froth to disappear. "Oh god, I can't believe I'm actually doing this..." "You better believe it. Everyone's getting their drinks, hurry up and get out there before he gets suspicious!" Flavio suddenly hissed, making Happy's heart skip a beat. He grabbed the bottle while it was still fizzing and left in a hurry. As he made his way through the halls, the froth slowly disappeared, but not entirely. Once he made it to the table in the center of the grand hall, he wiped the sweat from his forehead he did not know had been there and placed the drink in front of the man with a cigarette in his mouth. "Your vodka, sir." The moment you sensed the presence of someone behind Luciano, you darted your eyes to the butler and felt your heart rate calm. Like he knew you were staring at him for relief, he returned the eye contact and his lips twitched up just the slightest. You then diverted your attention to the bottle filled with clear liquid, noticing that there were still a few bubbles simmering up around the top. "Grazie." You heard the man mutter. Happy took that as a green light to leave, and so he did, walking away with a triumphant smile. Once he disappeared out of sight, the Italian man picked up the bottle and inspected it in his hand. Only then did the bubbles completely disappear. "There is a good reason why I always order water when I'm outdoors." He started, taking another puff of his cigarette. "Or at least, clear beverages." Even when the burning stench of smoke entered your nose to fill your lungs, you turned your head to him with your lips ajar. You tasted a sour little flavor in your mouth and your stomach churned. As he crushed the end of his cigarette in the ashtray into little specks of black and white, he rolled his magenta hued irises over to you. Those eyes of his were glowing in your perspective as he stared you down like they belonged to that of a nocturnal predator. "It's easier to tell if it's been tampered with." He continued with a devilish grin. The patronizing expression along with the words that left his mouth rendered you speechless. You were frozen to your seat, taken aback by how clever this man was. It was no wonder he was the face of the underground crime industry. Only he did people wrong, not the other way around. From then on, you felt the icy cold hands of fear clench around your heart again. Luciano was the very man who challenged Allen's status as the top dog, so it was not going to be easy to weasel you away from him. If you wanted to escape his grasp, you would need to communicate with your friends who were there with you, but the question as to how to do say lingered in your mind. Ripping your gaze away from his burning one, you let the bottle become the center of your attention. "What do you mean by that?" You asked in a feeble voice. "Have you ever been poisoned before?" He chuckled, the death in those eyes finally dissolving away. "Of course not. I can't let people beat me in my own game, can I?" Luciano picked up the bottle and poured some of it into his empty glass until it was half full with the clear liquid. "And whenever I doubt the safety of something I'm served, I always give it to someone else first." Making his way over to the table next to yours, he approached a female guest and kissed her hand. Their conversation was not very long before she accepted his offer, inferring that it did not take long for the woman to fall for his unparalleled charm. He returned with a small smile. Once he was comfortable in his seat again, he watched the woman take a sip of the drink she was given. "The effects will kick in soon. And she'll be down in thirty minutes." You took a mental note of that number. "What happens if she collapses then?" Luciano shrugged. "Then she collapses. But not for no reason. It just means that there was something in her drink." "But... How did you know? How did you know that someone tried to drug you?" He laughed, but in the most attractive way. "I don't know if you're playing dumb, but whatever it is you are doing, it won't work. Isn't it obvious, ragazza? Vodka doesn't fizz." The technical crew went down like flies. Regardless of who they worked under, it was only inanimate objects like wires and machinery they encountered problems with, not people. They did not put up much of a fight, but it was the security she broke a sweat for. Luciano's staff were skilled, very skilled, but they were not skilled enough. It may have taken some time, but it was not difficult to incapacitate them. And once the team of ten were all unconscious including the two buff men in shades, they were removed accordingly and transported outside quietly by a few members of the cleanup crew. They too were wearing formalwear thanks to Flavio's wardrobe. While this was happening, Flavio and Alfred scouted the vicinity and located Luciano's security floating about the place, giving her a map of the exact positions of her opponents. However, by the time she made it to their locations, not a single soul matching the physical descriptions she was given was present. Twirling a handgun with a hand, she scanned her surroundings with an inquisitive look. In save for the few employees occupying the halls and reception, there was no sign of any of Luciano's underlings. She pressed her earpiece with furrowed brows. "Uh, guys. I don't see them in the lobby. Don't tell me they left to someplace else." Heavy breathing was heard echoing loudly from two places, her ear and right in front of her. When she glanced up to the source of the sound, she blinked furiously upon immediately recognizing the male. Those vengeful blood-red eyes and dark maroon hair could not be missed. "They didn't leave. I just took them out." He responded in between breaths. The woman took long strides towards him, and before another word left her lips, she looked over her shoulder. She then faced him with narrowed eyes. "All of them? And where are they now?" She whisper-shouted. Allen laughed lightly and brushed past her to walk back to the grand hall. "Loosen up, lady. While you were making out with the tech geeks backstage I took care of his security and every single one of his cronies." Usually, she would have shot right back, but she was too impressed to do even that. "Are you serious? That fast?" She exclaimed, trailing after his form that continued to advance towards the tall double doors. "You didn't shoot them, did you?" Although that would have been the quickest way to get the job done, it was the least efficient. Firing a bullet was an explosion of noise and would ricochet off every wall in the building. Every single soul in the hotel would know the second the victim collapsed, and if they happened to miss such an obvious sign, they would eventually come across a pool of blood if it was uncleaned. Surely he wasn't this stupid. "You would've heard me." He murmured, not even bothering to spare her a glance. "But you didn't." Allen never slowed as he stormed towards the only thing separating him from you. The brunette walking with him did not stop firing him questions, including why he was even there when he wasn't supposed to be, but he left them unanswered-- all except this one. "Who are you?" She knew his name, but it wasn't his credentials she was after. The arm he had outstretched to reach for the glistening door handle stopped for a moment. What was his story? He grabbed the handle firmly, feeling the cold touch of the metal meet his palm and fingers. Allen couldn't anticipate what was waiting for him in the grand ballroom. He did not even know anybody's position. Where you were. Where he was. Luciano could even be waiting right behind the door for him with a knife laced with a potent poison. It all dawned on him when he touched the handle like a last-minute warning from an omnipotent force watching over him, but there was no time for safety. The slippery son of a gun would be gone before they were given the next set of instructions. So here he was, about to enter a scene bound to unfold into pure chaos. That was exactly what he was born in, so he did not mind taking a visit to his hometown. "I'm just a street rat who doesn't have a lot to lose-" He answered, reaching into his jacket. Everything that had happened in the past few years all lead down to this single moment, including all his mistakes he ever made that caused others to suffer. But he was going to make things right. "-but everything I know and love and everything that makes my life worth living is behind this door."
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Original post: http://segadores-y-soldados.tumblr.com/post/178514582600/bootypheasant-bootypheasant
Making a separate post so that the OG posters don’t have to deal with my ramblings, lol.
For reference:
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If you are going to cite the image, please reblog or like the post from Bootypheasant, or reblog or like the original post from Crimsonsalutations.
As for my ramblings:
I’m not 100% on the Francis thing, but I’ve got nothing else to refute it.  According to Chris Metzen, “Jack Morrison” was derived (both parts) from John Wayne’s name: Jack for “John”, and Morrison from Wayne’s real name, Marion Morrison.  Morrison also conveniently overlaps with being etymologically derived from St. Maurice, the patron saint of soldiers.
I would also personally lean towards O Negative as his blood type because this makes him a universal donor.  Given Jack’s role as the sole medic on the original Overwatch Strike Team (Ana did not have her biotic rifle yet), this physical attribute could have potentially saved the lives of his teammates during the Crisis (though emergency blood transfusion is very risky and would have been a last-resort effort).
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It also pairs well with Gabriel’s canon blood type being AB Negative.  Gabriel can only receive blood from other Rh negative carriers.  AB Negative is the most rare blood type that we have statistics for: only .6% of the U.S. population has it.
Given Gabriel’s SEP-era transformation into Reaper and his resulting condition, it is not improbable that SEP actually deliberately put an O Negative, possibly medically-trained soldier like Jack Morrison in his squad.  Gabriel’s SEP condition, his shotguns, and the tactics surrounding these were likely incredibly expensive for the program and the military, and giving him all the “resources” he might require was possibly a priority.
Jack specifically enlisted to participate during the Crisis, and he also specifically joined the Soldier Enhancement Program to increase his own abilities.
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However, Jack himself notes that other things interfered with Gabriel’s (and his own) ability to be a strategist and commander. 
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Jack to Lena: “They were willing to try anything.  Commander Reyes and I... Well, they tried everything.  But politics, mismanagement, egos... At the end of the day, Overwatch was the only way to win that war.  But we had to be given a chance.”
While the majority of this article has either been retconned or refuted by both in-game canon sources and Blizzard dev statements (see the Jeff Kaplan “These guys loved each other” and “Gabriel Reyes was Jack Morrison’s partner” audio clips), it should be noted that some parts of the article are still relevant:
Reyes, a hardened and highly respected veteran, grew up about as far from rustic Indiana as you could get—the sprawling urban melting pot of Los Angeles. Despite their differences, the two soldiers became friends. Their decision to join Overwatch together would change the world, for good and for bad.
This does not actually conflict with what Jeff has said more recently:
No, these guys loved each other - like, they’re best war buddies.  And in a lot of ways, Reyes was relieved that Morrison had to have the more political role.
This is combined with the increasing evidence that Jack was not only aware of Gabriel’s “Reaper condition” but likely facilitated his ability to use it, in Overwatch, Blackwatch, and possibly “beyond” (in the current Recall era).  Jack willingly following Gabriel to Overwatch - knowing that there was the high possibility he was committing himself to being a frontline soldier, the future Strike Team’s only medic, and possibly Gabriel’s sole medical lifeline in an emergency - shows the increasingly detailed atmospheric and environmental storytelling being constructed in Overwatch.
This is not to make Jack’s decision to follow Gabriel somehow more noble or stoic than Gabriel’s own decision to leave the U.S. military for the U.N. task force.  Rather, I personally think it shows a deep level of trust between both characters, and likely that the decision to leave for Overwatch was 100% mutual.  From the very outset, there is the implication that their relationship is borderline symbiotic, in an almost literal way - which is something they carried on with for decades afterwards.
To add onto this, Junkenstein’s Revenge, which occupies the unique space of being effectively a “canon AU” to Overwatch, has shifted the relationship between “The Reaper” and “The Soldier” over the last two iterations.  Dracula Reaper and Immortal: 76 share a deliberate design element that appears to imply a closer relationship between the two than initial gameplay roles show.  Popular “fanon” puts Immortal: 76 as Dracula Reaper’s human thrall, which is a popular trope in the concept of vampires.  This may not necessarily be canon, but the design element does seem to give it some support.  There’s more speculation on that here.  In the story of Junkenstein, The Reaper (Gabriel) was a former ally of The Soldier (Jack), The Alchemist (Ana), The Viking (Torb), and The Lord of the Castle (Reinhardt), paralleling the original Strike Team.  “Something” happened to him - a number of lines imply that The Witch (“Evil” Mercy) cursed him into becoming The Reaper - and of the four original Heroes (76, McCree, Hanzo, and Ana), The Soldier shows a good deal of empathy for the Villians:
McCree: You ask me, you pump something full of these chemicals, electricity and whatnot, that’s not a man - that’s a monster. Soldier: Maybe so, or maybe they’re not as different as you’d think.
This is a cheeky reference to SEP.  Consider the semi-canon interaction between Ana and Soldier: 76:
Ana: For a man of your years, you’re looking pretty good, Jack. Soldier: 76: Well, all that stuff they pumped into me has to be good for something.
Considering that Soldier: 76 is getting a new (probably) Legendary skin for Junkenstein 2018, I’m interested in seeing how this “canon AU” evolves.
I have my fingers crossed for a “SEP Soldier: 76″ skin (with a legible dog tag) for Archives 2019 - the demand among fans is high enough, and he is the last member of the original Strike Team missing a Crisis-era skin (Reaper has “Soldier: 24″, Ana has “Horus”, Reinhardt has “Crusader”, and Torb has “Ironclad”).  It isn’t a matter of if, but a question of when.
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notstars-doors · 6 years
Take Me Back To The Start
Ch. 2: Little Wonders
Dick and Wally's first date.
Both of them.
When Wally arrives, frazzled and windswept and fifteen minutes late, Dick can’t help but smile fondly. It’s been almost a decade, but he can always count on Wally West to be consistently inconstant. Dick had come a few minutes early, just to see if Wally’s habits had changed in the time they’d been apart – he hadn’t been counting on it. That’s why at twelve minutes late, Dick had gone up to the register to order their coffee – which he now holds out to Wally when he finally finds Dick leaning against the back wall of the café.
Wally takes the still steaming paper cup, a crestfallen look on his face as he takes Dick’s now empty hand in his own. “Dick! I’m so sorry, I-”
“Why?” He cocks an eyebrow. “You’re right on time.”
“What?” Wally glances at his watch. “You said 2:30, right?”
“Yup. Which is why I expected you at 2:45.”
“You- What?”
“We were best friends for thirteen years, you think I never planned around ‘Wally Time’? You really haven’t changed that much.”
Wally’s adorably confused, brows furrowed together in an expression caught somewhere between wanting to be offended and loving that Dick still thinks about things like that.
Dick doesn’t give him the chance to decide how to feel, instead leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his lips. Having almost definitely run here at the speed of sound, Wally’s face is flushed, his lips a little chapped and responsive as ever as he melts into the kiss. Dick smiles, breaking the kiss just as Wally starts to move in, stepping around him and using their entwined hands to pull him out of the café.
“C’mon, we’ve got a whole afternoon, let’s not waste it.”
“Okay…” Wally lets himself be dragged along, shaking his head clear from the kiss. “Wait- what the hell is ‘Wally Time’ ?”
It’s been almost a week since the two of them had their spontaneous reunion. They decided the morning after that if this was going to work, they’d have to figure out how to spend time together outside of, well, literally every other part of their lives. Away from jobs, “second-jobs”, kids, friends. Just the two of them, learning each other all over again. It was miraculous that they’d managed to find a day both of them were free so soon, but Dick counts his lucky stars that they did.
He’d missed Wally.
He’d spent eight years without him, but the second this particular red-head was back in his life, he’d started taking up more space in Dick’s mind than he’d like to admit.
Dick couldn’t stop thinking about that night. Or the next morning. Or all the things they did that night and that morning. At work, on the rooftops – all the freaking time, Wally’s dumb, wonderful smile is imprinted on the back of Dick’s eyelids every time he closes his eyes.
A coffee date is simple. It’s normal. They need something normal to start this relationship again, because nothing about them has ever been normal or thought out or planned. They’d thrown themselves into a relationship years ago, and as good as those years were, they lead different lives now. More complicated, adult lives. A part of Dick wishes that things were still as easy as they used to be, but then he realizes that their lives have never been easy. Being together had just made things bearable.
Bludhaven might be a crime ridden hovel of a city, but damn if snow doesn’t make the neon lights and dirty sidewalks just a little bit easier to ignore. The city still winds twinkle lights around every stubborn tree, hanging tacky silver stars from broken lampposts. Somehow, that small effort makes Dick love Bludhaven even more. The resilience of the citizens to find beauty and hope in the smallest things makes Dick proud to be their hero.
From the look of on Wally’s face as they walk past a barred-up window display of an ancient Santa robot, he’s clearly not as charmed by the place as Dick is.
The earbud in his left ear blasted an upbeat pop song that he knew from somewhere, but Dick couldn’t place it. It was Wally’s turn to pick a song, Dick’s expensive headphones plugged into his iPhone and volume all the way up. The song was bouncy and bass-heavy and very early-2000’s, and he’d be able to figure it out if he wasn’t burning up from head to toe. If Wally’s hand wasn’t brushing against his every five seconds. If Wally’s laugh wasn’t sending shivers down his spine and his stomach into his throat. If Wally’s eyes weren’t burning a hole in the side of his head every time he refused to meet them.
If Dick and Wally weren’t on their very first date, and if they had any idea what they were doing.
“Dude, you’ll get it by the chorus.”
Dick rolled his eyes. “You said that about the last song too.”
Wally waved a dismissive hand. “It’s not my fault you’re lame! Use that freaky Bat-memory, dig deep! I know you know this song, they played it at like, every middle school dance in America.”
“You forget that I went to a private school that played live jazz and had a mandatory waltz at school dances.”
“I’m still not convinced that Gotham Academy isn’t Hogwarts in disguise.”
They both laughed at that, their breath visible from the chill in the air.
It was cold, but not freezing, the snow drifting around them like it didn’t want to touch the ground. Gotham in December was always pretty mild, the heavy weather always hitting in January after the holiday madness. Every store window on Mainstreet was glowing with twinkle lights and shiny baubles, potted evergreens and fir trees lining the sidewalk. Giant golden stars hung over their heads from old cast iron lamp posts, and every building had massive holiday advertisements projected onto worn brick walls. This area of the city was always beautiful this time of year. Dick found most of his city beautiful in it’s own way, but he knew Wally would appreciate this Gotham at it’s best - sparkling and otherworldly and extra in every way.
Wally’s fingers brushed against his knuckles again, causing Dick’s heart to skip a beat - again - and he took a deep breath to will away the impending blush. At least it was cold enough that he could explain away red cheeks and ears, despite how bundled up he was. So much of him wanted to bury his face in Wally’s neck and soak up all his ridiculous body heat, but just the thought had his heart pounding and his breath catching again. Which was so stupid - he’d always hugged Wally for warmth, the guy was a walking space heater and Dick had never once questioned the thought of clinging to him like a koala when he got cold.
But that was before he’d realized that he had it bad for his best friend, and it had changed everything.
Even now, on an actual date and knowing that his feelings were returned, Dick couldn’t move. He wanted to reach out and touch, to feel Wally’s glowing warmth on his skin. He wanted that contact with every fiber of his being, but something inside him kept his arms tucked tightly at his sides.
Which was why the ever-graceful Dick Grayson almost tripped over his own feet when Wally took his hand and laced their fingers together.
“Why Bludhaven?”
Dick turns, catching Wally’s curious eye. He’s been staring around at the boarded up windows and triple-locked doors as they walk down a slushy sidewalk, features of the city that Dick is used to by now. Wally may have once spent a lot of time in Gotham, but Gotham is a far cry from Bludhaven even in it’s darkest times.
“What do you mean?” He asks, even if he knows.
“Why did you decide to live… here?” Wally’s voice drops ever so slightly as they pass a disgruntled looking woman, probably not wanting to offend any citizens that weren’t Dick.
Not that Dick is that offended. He gets it.
“I’m not really sure.” He answers honestly. “I came here once to help Bruce solve a couple cases, and after that it just seemed like the most natural place for me to be. I guess?”
“It just doesn’t feel like you.”
Dick ponders that for a second, then raises an eyebrow. “It doesn’t… feel like me?”
“Wanna expand on that a little?”
Wally’s friendly smile and barking laugh is out of place on Bludhaven streets. “I don’t know how to! It’s just… dark. And gloomy.”
“I grew up in Gotham .”
“Yeah, but, here feels... hopeless.”
Dick is quiet for a moment. “Maybe that’s why I need to be there, then.” He can’t help but notice the small smile tugging at Wally’s lips. “What?”
“And you say I haven’t changed.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Wally shrugs, the smile still there, but now a little sad. “You always have to put so much pressure on yourself, y’know that?”
“I… what?”
“You still put the world on your shoulders, one messed up person or place at a time.”
Wally’s looking at him now, and Dick’s finding it hard to respond when Wally’s looking at him like that . Like he knows him inside out, like he knows every crack and fault in his armour, but smiles despite it all. The look is fond, and familiar, and has his stomach twisting in an oddly pleasant way.
“Like you don’t do the same with your own city - oh sorry, cities , now.” Dick replies, his mouth a little dry so his humor follows suit.
“I have superspeed and a population of citizens who actually put effort into healthy, functioning lives. My jobs a lot easier than yours.”
Dick’s not sure if he should laugh or be offended on behalf of his city. A chuckle slips out despite himself. “Hey man, they’re doing their best.”
Wally tilts his head to the side, considering that with a raised eyebrow. “Fair enough.”
His chapped lips parted in surprise, looking down at their joined hands for a moment before finally meeting Wally’s gaze. Freckled cheeks were flushed red, the tip of his tongue licking his lower lip as he looks at Dick in anticipation.
“Is this okay?” Wally asked softly. “I’ve been wanting to do it all night.”
Dick let out a breathy laugh, wondering how on Earth they even managed to get to this point with how apprehensive they both were. He squeezed Wally’s hand, securing their hold on each other and resting his own free hand on Wally’s forearm. “Of course it’s okay.”
Wally’s smile was blinding, all hesitance gone. His eyes were shining, dark and green and wonderful, and so deep that Dick must have been falling into them, because he was moving closer to Wally now than he had all night.
His fingers toyed at the edge of Wally’s jacket, the fabric light and cold through his gloves. Wally had never needed a thick jacket, and it was something Dick envied every winter as he wrapped layer after layer around himself. Now, though, he counted it as a blessing as Wally’s body heat radiated through the fabric and warmed his hand.
The weird invisible barrier that been between them all night was gone now, that simple moment breaking the tension and letting Dick shove down that thing in his chest that kept him from reaching out.
He had unspoken permission now, the look on Wally’s face telling him everything he needed to know.
He’d almost caught up to Wally’s height at this point. The competitive spirit in him wanted to breach those last two inches just to hold it over him someday, but in this particular moment he was okay with being a little shorter. It wasn’t much, but it was just enough that when he moved even closer, Wally had to duck his head to follow him.
Which gave Dick the perfect opportunity to shove his cold nose directly into the crook of Wally’s neck.
“So, how’re Jai and Irey?”
The bridge they’re on is long and quiet, the stillness of not-quite rush hour only broken by the occasional car rumbling by. They’d both tossed their coffee cups a while back, now opting to hold hands as they come to a halt in the middle of the bridge.
The proud smile on Wally’s lips answers the question before he even opens his mouth. “They’re good. Finally growing at a normal pace now.”
“How old-?”
Dick frowns. “Shit, didn’t you only have them… what, four years ago?”
Wally sighs, leaning on the railing of the bridge and watching the water flow beneath them. “Yeah. The Speedforce is great in some ways, in others… regardless, they’re finally living a normal life. Well, as normal as a kid hero and a former kid hero can live, anyway.”
“Oh right…” Dick had heard about that fiasco from Roy. What they’d gone through, and what Irey had done to save her brother. “How’s Jai dealing with that?”
“As well as a teenager with a superhero sister and divorced parents can deal with it.”
Dick lets out a slow breath, puffing his cheeks out. “That… can’t be easy on your end.”
Wally shrugs. “No, but nothing about our life has been easy. You get used to it. I’m just glad I get to see them grow.”
It’s a simple thing for Dick to lay his hand over Wally’s, squeezing gently. His fingers are warm even when pressed against the cold metal railing. Dick will never cease to be amazed at how warm Wally has always been.
“I’m glad too.”
Wally turns to him, a soft smile toying at his lips. He squeezes back, hearing everything that Dick means behind those words. “How’s Mar’i? I can’t believe I haven’t met her. Is she with Kori today?”
“Yeah.” Dick nods, a proud smile on his lips that he’s sure mirrors Wally’s. “She’s… a little firecracker.”
Wally snorts and rolls his eyes. “Of course.”
“It’s true!” Dick can’t help chuckling at his own bad joke. “She’s spectacular.”
“That’s what every dad thinks about his kids.”
“No no, just you wait til you meet her. You’ll see.”
Wally throws his head back with laughter, and Dick can’t help appreciating how his shaggy ginger bangs fall away from his face. There’s something warm and comfortable in his chest, despite the chill of the air around them, and the longer he looks at Wally the stronger that feeling grows.
“I’m sure she is, babe! I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying.”
Dick blinks, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. “Did you just call me ‘babe’?”
Wally pauses, his lips pursed in surprise, then shrugs. “I… Yeah, I guess. Kinda slipped out. Is that weird? To already be saying that… again?”
Weird isn’t how Dick would describe it. Unexpected? Sure. Dizzying? Yeah, that works. But weird? Not quite. It’s almost like he’s used to it. It took him to a second to even register that Wally had said it, the word feels that familiar.
“No, I don’t think so.” Dick looks down at their hands, still linked together, resting on the cold metal railing. “I mean, our relationship isn’t exactly… normal , by any means, is it? So, what’s weird for us?”
“That’s… a very good question.”
Dick leans into Wally’s side, smiling when Wally’s head knocks against his own in automatic response. They stare down at the water for a while, both a little lost in thought as they ponder their situation. Dick had never really thought about being… here. Sure, over the years, he thought about Wally. He thought about their history and how he was doing and if he should - could - send him a message or something. He’d get a pang in his chest every time he was reminded of an old inside joke, or when he passed one of their old haunts in Gotham.
But now they were together again - both literally and emotionally. Every time he even looked at Wally, a ghost of that nostalgia rushed through him. As if this isn’t actually happening. As if Wally isn’t here, and he’s just lost in a memory as he stares at something painfully familiar.
But this is happening. This is real . And Dick really isn’t sure how to navigate this strange place they’ve found themselves in.
“Okay.” Dick finally breaks the silence, his voice soft and almost getting lost under the sound of running water beneath them. “How about this…”
Wally turns to face him. “I’m listening.”
“We take this as it comes.” Dick starts, gesturing between them. “We used to date, so it’s natural that we fall back into some habits. We don’t question them.”
“Even though you just did-”
“Shut up, I’m planning here.”
Wally grins, raising his free hand in surrender and gesturing for Dick to continue.
Dick huffs, flicking Wally’ in the shoulder before starting again. “Anything… new, we talk about. Anything old that shouldn’t come back, we talk about. Our lives are different now, this isn’t going to be the same as it was before.”
“It kind of feels the same though, doesn’t it?”
Wally catches his eye again, his voice deep and quiet in it’s hesitance. Dick’s heart stutters at the sound, his mind flashing back to the first time Wally had ever asked him something like that. His tongue flicks out to wet his bottom lip, most of the freckles faded from his cheeks, which aren’t as rosy as they had been. But the anticipation in his gaze is exactly the same, and Dick feels like he’s falling.
The smile on Wally’s lips could outshine the sun, and Dick can’t help but lean in to catch them with his own. The kiss is soft, and sweet, and perfect in that moment.
Fuck planning. They’ll figure it out as they go along.
“Shit! You’re freezing, dude.” Wally, flinching in response to Dick’s cold skin on his, sounded mildly disappointed, but he curled his arms around Dick’s shoulders regardless.
“Not all of us burn with the heat of a thousand suns twenty-four-seven.” Dick replied, his breath wetting the crook of Wally’s neck beneath his mouth. He wound his arms around Wally’s slim waist and settled comfortably into the chest of his best friend.
“Fair enough.”
Wally buried his face into Dick’s hair, nuzzling his temple a little, and the sensation has Dick gripping a little tighter at the back of Wally’s jacket. They were standing in the middle of a mostly empty street, holding onto each other like they never wanted to let go, under the pretense of sharing a little body heat. It was dumb, and weird, and very, very them. And Dick felt like maybe this whole thing didn’t have to be such a big thing after all.
Dick pulled away just enough to look at him, swallowing the lump in his throat. Wally was looking at him, green eyes curious and warm just like the rest of him, and Dick felt no need to hesitate when he spoke.
“Kiss me?”
Wally’s small gasp lasted about a millisecond before he was swooping in, Dick leaning into his touch as their lips finally met.
For as quick as Wally was to move, they didn’t crash into each other. It was gentle, and Wally held him like a china doll he was afraid to shatter, so Dick was the one to pull them closer and cling a little tighter. Wally’s hands came to rest on either side of his neck, the heat of his palms sending shivers down Dick’s spine.
It was soft, and sweet, and perfect.
Dick didn’t know where this relationship was going. He didn’t know if they were meant to be, or if they could make this work. He sure as hell didn’t know if they would be like this forever.
All he knew in that moment was that Wally was warm, and here, and all his.
Fuck it. They’d figure it out as they went along.
102 notes · View notes
shooter-nobunagun · 5 years
Tea for Two (R-18)
//Random summer one-shot inspired by my trip to London. Takes place shortly after the manga ends.
R-18 because...I just do that.
“Ugh, it’s muggy here as well...maybe I shouldn’t have worn long socks,” Sio fanned herself as they de-planed, getting hit in the face with a gust of moist, not-hot but not-cool air. “Adam, I thought you said London was cooler than Tokyo during the summer...”
“Uh, this...is?” The British man raised a white eyebrow as he hauled their bags over his shoulder. “I mean, Great Britain is an island love, I can’t do much about the humidity...but 23 degrees celsius is cooler than 29, no?”
“Yeah, I suppose...I guess I got spoiled spending all that time in San Francisco...ahh, the ocean breeze was soo nice! Geronimo and Babe Ruth said it’s because California has a dry heat, which is why it feels nice even when the temperature’s higher.” Stretching her arms out, Sio seemed to be hugging the breeze as it blew again, despite the dampness in the air. “Well, better than melting in the sun during Comiket. Is London always this, uh...grey?”
“More or less. You’re lucky there’s no rain today,” Adam shrugged, running a finger through white locks that were starting to stick to his face. “But yeh, wouldn’t expect too many sunny days if I were you; I wasn’t joking when I said London’s pretty overcast year-round. There’s a reason weather is the de-facto conversation starter.”
Sio giggled as they exited the terminal, Adam expertly navigating them straight to the rail station. “Iya, I really do think it’s nice. I mean, it’s not all clouds—I can see some sun.”
“Like I said squirt, yeh got lucky today. Now come on, let’s catch the express before it leaves—I’m not waiting around for the next one.”  ------- The rail system—or ‘The Tube’ as Adam called it—was quite similar to what she was used to in Japan, yet Sio couldn’t help but gawk at each station they passed through, wishing she had more than one pair of eyes because there was just too much to look at. Gothic architecture with modern skyscrapers, the iconic white, blue and red signs as the train screeched into each station...it wasn’t quite as clean or orderly as Japan, but there was something about the messy, almost frenetic atmosphere that made her feel more alive than back in Tokyo. 
“Ah, Adam wait—” Sio fumbled with her newfound Oyster card, while Adam simply tapped his phone. “Wha—did you just pay with your...phone?”
“Yeh, everyone’s movin’ t’ contactless methods these days; the Oyster’s not bad if you’re visiting, but honestly it’s way easier to just use one thing instead of grabbing out a card over and over again.” Sio struggled to keep up through the crowd on her shorter legs as Adam plowed resolutely ahead. “Surprised Japan doesn’t, considering you can do just about everything else with your phone over there.”
“Huh...maybe it will.” After transferring to another line (with Adam grumbling all the way about how the DLR was still crap and why couldn’t they upgrade the line), they finally exited at Greenwich, where his mother lived.
“Right-o, here we are...” Turning the key, the wooden gate slowly creaked open, Adam going through the entrance while Sio was still entranced by her surroundings. Outside of London was much quieter, with more trees and greenery, but she could still see the metropolitan areas across the river. 
“Oy Sio, you comin’ love?”
“Ah! H-Hai!” The brunette dashed through the gate, only to nearly run into an older woman with greying hair, and before she even said anything Sio knew this must be Adam’s mother. “O-Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t...I, uh...it’s...n-nice to meet you, Mrs. Muirhead.” She bowed low, face burning with embarrassment.
“That’s quite all right, dear. It is very nice to meet you at last, Miss Sio Ogura. Adam has told me much about you; quite fondly, I might add,” the woman gave a small smile as Adam broke into a faint blush. “Please, do come in and make yourself at home—and I do mean that quite literally; you’re going to be my daughter-in-law, after all.”
Sio squeaked incoherently as she and Adam both turned bright red, even though it was pretty much public news at this point. Adam hadn’t been keen on turning their engagement into a public spectacle, but he relented after Sio agreed with DOGOO’s committee that the world could use some good news after officially ending the war upon her return. Though, if she’d known what a frenzy the media would make out of this piece of news...headlines such as ‘ENGLAND’S DARK ANGEL PROPOSES TO JAPAN’S SECOND RISING SUN’ and ‘TWO TWISTED FATES: DEMONIC WARLORD ENGAGED TO BLOODY KILLER’ flashed in her memory, each headline getting more and more outrageous until she decided to never read another piece on their upcoming marriage again. 
Luckily, this visit to his hometown was low-key and under wraps; a couple of folks here and there gave them sideways glances when they thought they weren’t looking, but for the most part the couple was mercifully left alone. Which was a relief, considering Sio wasn’t sure how much more ‘celebrity fame’ she could handle, even if they were international heroes. Some holders such as Gandhi and Babe Ruth took it all in good stride, but Sio just wanted to go back to being her introverted, otaku self. 
Just, with a fiancé now.
“Wow...this is, your room? It’s so...neat.” Sio took a glance around, standing by the door as if waiting for permission to cross into such a personal space. A single bed covered in dark sheets sat in the corner, with a computer opposite to it. A couple of faded gaming posters tacked on the wall (she smiled inwardly as she saw an ad for Metal Gear Rising) and his guitar, which had been shipped back with his personal belongings weeks earlier, sat neatly propped against the corner. “You got a nice view of the river.”
“Eh, it’s alright; mum kept it tidy when I was away.” Adam sighed and flopped onto the bed. “Uh, you can come in, you know...”
“Ah! Sorry, I was just...nevermind,” she shuffled over to the bed, hesitating for all of two seconds before flopping down next to him, Adam’s arm automatically coming across to scoop her close to him. “It’s just...I realized, I’ve never known what your life before DOGOO was really like...until now.”
“Hn; ‘s not that interesting, trust me. Growin’ up in a small place, single-parent home, gettin’ into rows with wankers who didn’t know how to keep their mouths shut...” He turned and sighed into hair, Sio flushing with coziness as he spooned her. “An’ then hearin’ voices in your head that you can’t make heads or tails of, until one day I finally realised, who I really was...what I was.”
“Adam...” Sio wanted to say something, but judging from his wistful tone and the way he was holding her, she sensed he wasn’t in the mood. ‘Maybe later on, when we’re less tired from the trip.’
She was just about to drift off into a nap when there was a light knock, followed by a “Adam? Sio?” and she shot up like a rocket, even though they hadn’t been doing anything.
“Hai—I-I mean, yes?”
“Did either of you want some nosh? I have tea ready if you’d like.”
Nosh? Sio was sure it meant something nicer than what it sounded like, but she couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Her English was much better after joining a supranational organization, but it wasn’t perfect.
Next to her, Adam stirred and stretched, blinking those sleepy emeralds as he pulled his shirt down. “Sounds good, we’ll be right down mum.”
“Adam...what’s ‘nosh’? Is it something for tea?” Sio whispered as the two descended the narrow steps. “I’ve never heard of it...”
Adam could’t help but snort in response at the sniper’s confusion. “Hah, you could say that—it just means food, is all. Ah, I forgot; you’re probably not familiar with British slang...”
“Well, I mean I know some...like ‘bloody hell’, ‘bollocks’, ‘wanker’...”
“Er, Sio, those are swear words...best not to be repeatin’ them ‘round my mum, yeh?” 
“Oh yeah? Well considering who I picked it up from...it’s your fault for swearing so much around me,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, only for it to turn into a squeal as Adam tickled her around the ribs. “A-Adam...! S-Stop it...you jerk!”
“Adam Muirhead, I thought I raised you better than to manhandle a lady like that. Especially your fiancée,” his mother appeared at the bottom, arms crossed and eyebrow raised in a manner that made her strongly resemble her son (or was it the other way around). “Tea is ready and waiting, you two. And please, don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s something else you’d like.”
“Oh, wow! It’s so cute!” Even though they often had teatimes aboard the A. Logan, Adam’s mother had clearly gone out of her way to make it special for her visit: a three-tiered dessert rack filled to the brim with tiny sandwiches, scones, and even some items she didn’t recognize—some type of pancake with holes?—both savory and sweet, and a large pot of aromatic black tea awaiting to accompany them. Small pots of clotted cream, jam and lemon curd surrounded her plate, and Sio had to stop herself from just shoveling every single item into her mouth at once.
“Do help yourself dear, and don’t be shy. There’s plenty more where that came from.” Her eyes twinkled in that way just like Adam’s whenever he was pleased about something, as Sio first took pictures of every single pastry with her phone, before popping them in her mouth.
“Uwaa! Oishii!! This is so delicious! Thank you so much, Mrs. Muirhead...these are really good! I’ve never seen them on the A. Logan, or even in Japan...” She especially like those pancakes—crumpets, they were called—slathered with a good deal of cream, whereas Adam preferred his with jam. “Wow Adam, you must’ve been so lucky growing up, getting to eat this all the time...”
“Hah, don’t get too excited, squirt. This spread is usually for special occasions; regular tea is closer to what we had on the A. Logan—but yeh, if you’re really looking for authentic, British comfort food, can’t beat mum’s cooking.”
Afterwards, Sio was so full she felt like dinner couldn’t possibly be an option, but as soon as she caught a whiff of savory meat and potatoes wafting into Adam’s room as they were playing video games...
“Whoa! Is this a...pie? I thought they were usually for desserts...”
Adam’s mother smiled as she put a whole pasty into the girl’s plate, with plenty of thick gravy and a spoonful of spring peas. “Yes, but here in England, they can be savory too. This was Adam’s favorite dish growing up. Beef and stout pie, with a side of peas and carrots. Actually, I daresay his favorite part isn’t so much the meat pasty as the glazed carrots.”
Sio���s eyes widened in their sockets. “Wait, Adam...your favorite food is...carrots?!” Even now there were still new things to learn about him, it seemed. Of course she knew favorite foods were highly subjective and could range from anything, but carrots? A vegetable? ‘That’s the last thing I’d associate with a serial killer...but then again, I, Oda Nobunaga’s reincarnation, like chicken, so look who’s talking...’
“Um, yes Sio...what, don’t tell me you find that hard to believe?” Adam pouted in mock disbelief. “I feel like you have this mental image of me being this, this...complex, secretive badass when I’m probably one of the most laid-back guys among all the holders...”
“A-Ah...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that...” Sio shrank back in embarrassment, but Adam and his mother only laughed in good humour.
“Ah, so I see my son wasn’t exactly open with you in the beginning, was he? Adam, you should know better than to toy with a lady’s feelings like that...”
“Mum! I did no such thing of the sort...I just wanted to make sure she was serious about it, first,” Adam complained, though his ears were turning red and he spent the rest of the meal in a hushed mood, though Sio noticed he ate all the carrots and even took the ones she couldn’t finish.
As she finally felt her eyelids droop during their tenth round of after-dinner Tekken, the sniper suddenly realized she didn’t know what their sleeping arrangements would be. ‘Uh oh! I-I mean, I don’t know how much Adam has told his mom, but...she isn’t expecting us to, to...share a bed, is she?’ Even though engagement was pretty much a silent indicator of ‘yeah we’re sleeping together’, there was no way Sio ever wanted to broach that subject.
“Um, Adam...?” The silver-haired man tilted his head in her direction as he shut off the console. “D-Does...does your mom...er, did you...have you, told her about...us? L-Like, y-you know...um, that...” She coughed awkwardly and a few seconds later his face started glowing as well.
“...Oh. Uh. Um. No, I...haven’t. I-I mean, what, did you expect me to tell everyone we’re shaggin’...? ‘Cause I don’t know about you, but uh, my...love life...is pretty private, even if it is my mum.”
Sio shook her head frantically. “N-No! I-I mean, I don’t want you to—no no, I don’t mean it like that, I mean you should feel free to tell your mom whatever you want it’s just—I mean, uh, how are we...sleeping tonight?”
As if on cue, there was a light knock again, this time his mom entering with an armful of blankets and a sleeping bag. “I suspect you two are probably all knackered out by now, what with the time difference and all. Adam, I’ve pulled out your sleeping bag from the closet, that and the quilt should be quite comfortable for you on the rug. And Sio, here’s an extra blanket in case you feel a chill at night—I’m afraid summers here aren’t as warm as Tokyo, it can get surprisingly cold.”
“Oh, th-thank you, Mrs, Muirhead...I really appreciate it,” Sio suddenly felt shy; it was strange to be taken care of like a child again, when she’d spent the last few years learning to be independent while strategizing and fighting in a war and even managing a relationship. It was like being young and home again, with her parents to dote on her and not having a care in the world.
“Not at all, dear,” said Mrs. Muirhead as she laid out the bedding for Adam on the floor. “You’re our guest, and family, now. I want you to feel as such.”
The sniper only mumbled a ‘thank you’ while looking at the floor, too self-conscious about her soon-to-be new role. ‘That’s right...and Mrs. Muirhead will be my mother-in-law, after we’re married...and my parents will be Adam’s in-laws...’ Strange how thinking on it so intently could make her feel so detached, all of a sudden. Shuddering, she hugged herself tightly trying to get rid of this odd feeling, before burrowing herself in Adam’s arms as she always did when she felt unsettled.
“Oy, somethin’ wrong, love?” Adam gazed at her with concern as he patted her head. “Don’t want my mum to catch on? I can move downstairs if you’d like.”
“No! No, don’t go...that’s the last thing I want,” her voice was muffled against his chest. “It’s just...sometimes I get this, weird feeling, I can’t explain it. It’s like all of a sudden I can’t feel anything...I don’t know why it happens, but it’s...weird. And I don’t like it.”
“...I see.” Adam didn’t say anything more, instead holding her tighter and rocking her slightly, patting her on the back until the girl’s grip eased up. “Better now?”
Sio nodded. “Yeah...thanks, Adam. I...I always feel safe when you hold me...”
A rush of warm affection filled his chest, not the first time but Adam was a bit surprised at the intensity of it. You’d think after being together all this time and hearing Sio comment so often on how much she loved being held the effect would diminish, but it seemed this was not the case. “...Of course. Sio, I...I love you.” He gave her a small kiss on the cheek, before pulling her into an embrace. “You know, it makes me happy to hold you, too.”
“Unn...” Sighing, Sio nuzzled his chest slightly, before finally settling underneath the covers on Adam’s bed. Well, at least his mother made it clear without words that she was all right with them sleeping in the same room, if not the same bed.
“I’m going to get some water, but you should sleep first if you’re tired squirt.”
Smiling to himself, Adam quietly went downstairs. There were times where he felt he had to do more for her, and still it frustrated him that he couldn’t protect her from these spontaneous bouts of melancholy—but then again, he still struggled against fits of depression himself, so perhaps he wasn’t one to judge. 
“Adam? Still up?” His mother stared over the top of her spectacles as she finished the evening paper. “Is Sio settling in all right?”
“Yeh, don’t worry she’s pretty much out; poor thing must be right knackered after traveling so far.” He filled a glass from the kitchen and was just about to go back upstairs...
“...By the way, it should go without saying, but I am placing my trust in you, Adam Muirhead, as a grown man with the same level of responsibility.” Adam froze on the steps, not sure if he should turn around or even say anything, or if what he was thinking was what his mother was referring to at all—
“—No funny business. Is that clear?”
Adam swallowed nervously.
“...Yes mum.” ------- “Ah...I guess it did rain after all.”
Sio stared out the window next morning with bleary eyes, taking in a grey landscape as raindrops pattered against the glass. “Man, it’s really coming down too...”
“Well, better get used to it, squirt; welcome to summer in London.” Adam yawned and stretched lazily, still lying on the floor. “Though, it’s pretty unusual for it to come down this hard...normally there’s just enough rain t’ be a bother but not enough for an umbrella. Everyone just deals with it, honestly.”
Sio took a deep breath in, enjoying the fresh scent of rain. “Still, it’s kinda neat, I guess...also makes it a lot cooler.” 
After washing up the duo trekked down the steps, only to find a neat platter of eggs, bacon, sausage and more, along with a handwritten note. As Sio marveled at the full English ‘fry-up’ additions of tomatoes and baked beans, Adam scanned through the note while shoveling a piece of blood pudding into his mouth.
“Huhn, mum’s out shopping. Says she wanted t’ get somethin’ special for dinner,” he commented while lazily spooning the beans onto his toast, before topping that with another rasher of bacon. “Seriously mum, there’s no need t’ go all out...”
“Oh man, I’m so full,” a sigh from the sniper as she sipped her cup of strong, hot, milky tea. “I can’t believe you guys eat this everyday...” She’d done a decent amount of damage, but trying to finish the tomatoes and mushrooms and beans was a bit much, and that wasn’t even counting this ‘blood pudding’—or as she later learned from Adam, sausage made with pork blood.
“Heh, not everyday, squirt. A full fry-up’s pretty time consuming to make. But yeh, it’s nice t’ indulge once in a while.” 
They stared at the rain in a content silence, both sipping their black tea softened with plenty of milk and sugar. Although the rain certainly dampened their plans to explore the Royal Observatory and see the meridian line, Sio didn’t mind just staying indoors, cozied up with a warm cup of tea and her fiancé. There was something quaint about simply watching the rain in a quiet, English cottage.
Soon enough though, the two found themselves sitting in Adam’s bedroom again, this time with Sio perched on his chair in eager attention as Adam played a few pieces on his guitar. Even though it wasn’t anything beyond some acoustic parts, Sio still enjoyed hearing his smooth voice and the warm melodies from the guitar.
“You know, you really are a good singer, Adam,” Sio smiled as he put the guitar away. “I know you said you’re not interested in doing it professionally, so I’m glad I can hear it whenever I want.”
Adam couldn’t help but blush from her praise. “Anytime, love. It is a good hobby to have, even after all this time.”
Sio was now casually flipping through old picture albums and yearbooks, Adam finally having relented after she wheedled and begged him to show her what he looked like as a teenager. “Aww, you were shooo cute,” she gushed as the page fell upon his class photo during primary school graduation, “I just wanna pinch those widdle cheeks...” Still, she could tell from the photos that Adam had been quiet and rather serious, even as a child. While not outright scowling (as he so often did when they first met), it was rare to see him genuinely smile, although a later photo did show a boy with shaggy white hair sporting a small grin, though the occasion, Sio couldn’t tell.
Somehow though, as they were going through dusty picture albums with light banter about his old school life (’I can’t believe you didn’t have a girlfriend’), Sio found herself snuggling closer to Adam, enjoying his warmth and the feel of his well-muscled arm against her. And then somehow the photos were forgotten as she leaned against his neck, strands of his hair tickling her cheek and as she giggled he turned and breathed against her hair.
“...Can I kiss you?”
Sio felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks; Adam wasn’t the most romantic or best with sweet-talking, but when he turned up the charm it always made her flush from head-to-toe in the most vibrant of ways.
The photos were soon tossed to the side as the two rolled around on his bed, making out with the sort of fever passion that teenagers had when they were engaging in illicit behaviors while the parents were away. Sio wanted to take off her clothes, but it was hard to think about doing anything else while Adam’s lips were hungrily consuming hers, and especially when a hard lump pressed against her groin, making her insides throb with anticipation.
“M-Mm....A-Adam, w-wait,” Sio panted breathlessly as he lifted up her shirt, planting kisses all between the valley of her pert breasts now. “I-I thought, y-you said your, mom...d-didn’t, want us...ah!” She arched her back as he pinched her stiff nipple.
“Yeh, but only if she finds out,” a husky whisper as he slipped a hand underneath her shorts, only to find her knickers soaking wet as he began teasing her nub through the cloth, Sio whining from the stimulation. “C’mon, she won’t be back for another few hours, I guarantee it—when she goes marketing like this, she goes all out.”
“A-Ah, b-but...I, your...sheets,” the sniper moaned helplessly as Adam started to finger her just the way she liked—rubbing her clit with short, hard strokes while one finger dipped through the side of her panties into her hot slit, stirring her juices up until Sio felt like she was going to go crazy. “I-I...y, you know I tend to...make a mess...”
“Eh, who cares. ‘Sides, I’ll just toss ‘em in the wash after. Relax love, it’ll be fine,” he murmured, fingers now pumping in and out of her soaked pussy at a steady pace while Sio moaned and writhed. “Gods, you’re so hot...I want you so bad, Sio, right now...” He rubbed himself against her thigh and she gasped. “I want to just...shove myself into your tight, wet, hole...and never stop moving...”
“Nng...th-then, do it, already...what are you waiting for...if you’re so, desperate...” They hadn’t even removed all their clothes but Sio didn’t care anymore; she wanted him inside her right now, and especially with the time limit the sooner the better. “Please...put in inside me Adam, right now...I want, to feel you...inside.”
Growling, Adam hastily undid his trousers with some difficulty, before shucking off just enough to thrust in with a satisfying moan. “Oh! Fuck, you feel amazing, love...” Gasping, he immediately set a strong pace, Sio squeaking with each thrust as she held onto his shoulders.
“Oh! Oh! Ah...Adam...!” Breathing hard, she tried to thrust her hips to meet his, but it was difficult to match his pace when he was also desperately kissing her all over. “Nngg...it’s so hot, my body feels...so hot!” That boiling heat, building up deep in her belly and between her legs...arching her back, Sio could feel that tell-tale tension as her orgasm started building to the peak. 
“A-Adam! I-I’m...I...!”
“Shh, hang on love, just...hang on for a minute, yeh?” Grunting, Adam forced himself to slow it down a little, even though he wanted nothing more than to thrust with reckless abandon and gorge himself on pleasure, until both of them were completely spent. The hot, slick tightness of her inner walls as they pulled and squeezed with each thrust...truly there was nothing better than making love like this, spontaneous and desperate without a care in the word. Sweat clung to his forehead as he breathed harshly, determined to come at the same time as her. She was going to come soon though, he could tell—and he was getting there too, sooner or later...
“Hnn...nnngg! A-Adam, I, c-can’t...hold back much longer...” Another tremor laced her body but Sio managed herself to hold back, letting out a sigh as the tension lessened—but just barely. That teetering, sparking pinpoint of pleasure that would tip at any moment...there was simply nothing else quite like it. It made her quiver and writhe, hold her breath and pant, clinging to that desperate edge...she squealed when Adam nipped her delicate pink breasts while running a thumb over her slick little pearl, her most sensitive spot. “Aaahh! A-Adam...it feels, s-so good...when you, finger my clit like that...! I-If you, keep doing that...I-I’m gonna, c, cum...!”
“Just do it; ‘m gonna come soon, myself...” he grunted, as Sio cried and fisted the sheets. Seeing his beloved sniper caged beneath his arms, both of them staining the bed where he spent his childhood...the juxtaposition of childish innocence and adult passion made for a strange atmosphere, but Adam didn’t have time to dwell on it as his orgasm hit, a strong wave of pleasure arching up through his belly and then up his spine; his release flooding deeply inside Sio as she gasped for breath, back perfectly arched. Heaving for air, he made sure to at least move off to the side so he wouldn’t crush her as he collapsed into the pillows.
“Hah, hah...I came too soon...” Sio mumbled in exhaustion, wishing to have at least held out for a little longer. “I always wish it would last longer...” Though she knew it was nearly impossible, still she would like to try holding onto that blinding pleasure, when she tipped just over the edge for as long as she could.
“Heh, I think we’d be in trouble if that was the case,” Adam responded drily, propping himself up on one elbow as he stroked her face. “But hey, that means there’s always round two...or three or...however many you want...”
“Adam! You perv,” she smacked his arm playfully as he returned it in kind. “Hmm, I want to, but your mom’s bound to be back pretty soon, right? And also, you need time to wash the sheets...”
“...I hate it when you’re right.” With a sigh, Adam heaved himself up and began to strip the sheets, now damp with sweat, saliva and...other fluids. As Sio put on fresh linens, Adam dumped the soiled sheets into the washer and set it for the fastest cycle.  
Coming back, he expected Sio to be fully dressed, but instead the girl only had on one of his old t-shirts, not even knickers as she appeared to have fallen asleep, curled on his bed. For some reason, Adam found himself smiling, shaking his head very slightly as he too, decided that a kip wasn’t a bad idea to while away the time. ------ Something was clattering in the kitchen as he woke with a start, for a moment confused by how dark everything was until he noticed the time—
They’d definitely overslept by a long-shot, the short nap somehow lasting all the way until his mum came home and, from the sounds of it, was already prepping dinner. 
Well, whatever, he could just say they were tired from jet lag and not because of any little misbehavior—
—the sheets.
“Fuck!” Adam swore under his breath as he hurriedly tried to make himself look somewhat presentable, as the sniper next to him finally stirred from all the commotion.
“Mmmnn...Adam...? What time is it...”
“Oh shit, I totally forgot about the sheets in the washer—bloody hell—!”
And amongst the sniper’s confusion he darted down the steps, only slowing down at the very last second to make it at least appear like he’d just woken up, all the while praying his mother didn’t check the laundry when she returned.
“Ah, Adam. You’re awake, I see. Still getting over your jet lag?” His mother called out in a cheerful voice from the kitchen.
“Ah, yeh...sorry ‘bout that, we...didn’t see much of you today.” Making like he was getting some water, he casually circumvented the fridge as he surreptitiously tried to peek inside the washer—
“—I already hung out your sheets for you. Next time, don’t just leave them in there, otherwise they’ll get musty and wrinkled.”
Adam’s heart caught in his throat and for once, he genuinely didn’t know how to respond or what to even make of his mum’s answer.
“Is Sio awake? When I came back I saw the two of you were still asleep, so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
Shit, shitshitshit this was bad. There was no way his mother could mistake their relations now, not when she’d already subtly hinted at them last night. In a panic he tried to remember if he’d covered up Sio’s bare bottom or not, but at this point did it even matter? She’d come home, found both of them asleep, together, on his bed, with his sheets in the washer. Even if they were both semi-clothed, if that wasn’t a blatant ‘we shagged while you were gone’ Adam didn’t know what was.
“Ah, she, uh, she...just woke up I think.” His throat was dry and his heart was pounding, but there was nothing more he could do except pretend everything was normal. Well, as normal as it could get...
“Oh good, do you mind letting her know dinner’s about to be ready in a bit? That way if she wants to freshen up she has some time.”
Now was his chance! Mumbling a ‘yeh’, Adam beat a hasty retreat back up—
“—Oh and Adam? After dinner, let’s have a chat, just you and I.” His mother was smiling merrily at him, which was never a good sign. 
Fuck, fuuck, fuuuuuuuuuck—
Mustering every bit of training and wit as Jack the Ripper, Adam swallowed nervously, nodded a ‘sure’, and resigned himself to the inevitable ‘sex talk’ that would no doubt follow dinner. ‘Fuck me...’ 
“Eh? What’s wrong, Adam?” Sio blinked those sleepy maroons at him, already changing into her usual outfit.
Letting out a defeated sigh, Adam sank into his chair. “Haaaah...I fucked up; the cat’s pretty much out of the bag, now...” The sniper blinked in confusion as Adam buried his head in his hands. “I fucking forgot to take the sheets out, so of course my mum noticed them when she came back and she saw us asleep, together—”
As Adam groaned about what a pain the arse this would make things, Sio could only muttered a very small ‘oh’, while turning a faint red. ‘Whoops...I guess I should’ve been more careful as well...’
“W-Well, I-I mean, I guess it’s probably...obvious at this point, right? I-I mean, you weren’t expecting her to think we were, virgins until our wedding night or something...” Sio blushed nervously, the thought of actually getting married and their wedding night making her more self-conscious than admitting to her mother-in-law that yes, they were sexually active. “Sorry...if you want, I can go with you...”
“Nah, it’s all right, squirt. It’ll just make things more awkward. ‘S fine, I kinda anticipated this sooner or later anyway so...might as well get it over with.” Sighing, he got up from the chair as Sio finished making herself decent. “Anyway, we can worry about that after dinner. Speaking of which, I hope you’re hungry, because I’m fairly certain I saw mum taking out beef Wellington from the oven...”
That certainly got the sniper’s attention. “Beef Wellington? I’m there!”
And despite the awkwardness the two went down the steps hand-in-hand, together.
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thethespacecoyote · 7 years
Oooh the icecicle one!
have some modern AU meet-cute :)
Rhys usually didn’t stop for coffee on his way to work, but with his pot at home temporarily busted and his caffeine addiction not going away anytime soon, he didn’t have much choice. Luckily, he’d managed to find a decent little cafe not too far from his usual driving route—not too busy that it’d add more time to his commute, but busy enough to ensure its quality. In fact, over the past week, he’d grown pretty fond of their menu, especially the strawberry-yogurt scones he’d started tacking onto his usual order of a whole-milk, vanilla bean latte.
This morning, Rhys had left a little bit early from his apartment, so he ended up with some more time to spend at the cafe than usual. Instead of grabbing his coffee in a to-go cup, he opted for one of the ceramic mugs and, after casually flirting with the handsome businessmen behind him, sat by the window, admiring the late-winter morning from the warmth of his cozy chair.
Though the snow was starting to thaw, the outside world remained cold, with the sun only occasionally breaking through the clouds to shine upon the commuters, both in the street and on the sidewalk. Rhys cradled his warm cup with a gentle grin on his face as he watched the people outside, letting the warm coffee and tender pastry settle pleasantly in his stomach.
After awhile, he started to observe the guests in the cafe as well—most of them young professionals like himself, with the time to stop for a cup of coffee before heading into work. Nothing special, save for the man he’d been flirting with in the line. He was sitting at the granite bar over by the espresso machines, nursing a simple black cup of coffee in between bites of scone. Rhys smirked giddily into his own cup, pleased such a handsome guy shared his good taste.
Jack. Rhys had caught his name when the barista had called out his order. He repeated it over and over in his head, his lips even occasionally mouthing along. Jack. Jack! Jaack. He chuckled softly as he entertained the thought of sliding over to continue their flirting from before.
Unfortunately, the clock on his phone continued ticking on no matter how relaxed and flirtatious he felt, and soon enough Rhys had to get up, wiping up the crumbs left from his scone and quickly depositing his used mug in the little dish-bin by the condiment bar. Rhys checked his phone again as his belly rumbled, and against his better judgment he decided to jump back in line and grab another scone to tide him over for the rest of the day.
He was definitely going to be late now if he didn’t hurry, so he rushed out the cafe door, only to unexpectedly lose hold of his keys, sending them spinning to the sidewalk. Rhys cursed, hobbling over to pick his keys up off the floor. He bent down, grabbing the ring between his fingers—only for someone to roughly grab him from behind and heft him up, actually up off hi feet. Rhys shouted, arms flailing as he tried to elbow his assailant in the ribs, only for a sharp crash to shatter through the air and send screams of surprised through the others on the sidewalk.
Rhys blinked dumbly as his feet touched back down on the sidewalk, immediately drawn to the huge pile of broken ice now scattered all over the concrete. He jerked his head upwards, eyes narrowing on the culprit—the conspicuously absent space in the row of thawing icicles hanging from the very top of the building.
“Now that,” a deep voice practically purred into his ear, “was a close one.”
Rhys shivered—both in realization of how close he’d come to at least a trip to the emergency room, and due to the fact that the voice in his ear belonged to the same man he’d heard order a medium black coffee and a strawberry scone just behind him back in the cafe.
Rhys looked over his shoulder as broad hands fell to his hips, steadying his balance. He hoped that Jack didn’t see his legs trembling gently from the adrenaline as he turned around with a small, thankful smile.
“That was….quite the save…thank you.” Rhys laughed meekly as the man shuffled him out from underneath the overhanging roof, both of them addressing it with a decent amount of caution. The broad palm patted his hip, the weight and warmth helping to calm Rhys down.
“No problem, kiddo.” Jack kicked at an errant piece of ice, watching it skip over the sidewalk. “Jeez. You’re lucky, that icicle could’ve killed you…”
“Y-Yeah, right?” Rhys’ knew smiling was inappropriate given his brush with death, but the look of concern on his handsome hero’s features left him a bit giddy. “Wow…guess everything really is thawing out, huh…”
Rhys faltered, eyes eventually falling to the brown paper bag still clenched in a death grip in his hand. He quickly opened it up, sighing in relief upon seeing his pastries still in tact.
“I can’t believe it…even the scones survived.”
Jack snorted, amusement finally batting away the worry on his face.
“Talk about priorities, huh? Though if those are the strawberry ones, I don’t blame ya. They’re the best. Worth the near-death experience, huh?”
“D-Definitely.” Rhys joined in the light chuckling, nervousness slowly melting away. “I, um…is there anything I can do to repay you?”
“Well, I’m probably gonna call the city and get them to safety knock the rest of those suckers out…I can’t spend all my time saving cuties like you. But if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to walk you to your car…you know, just to make sure you make it safely.”
Rhys’ brain had shorted out around the moment he’d  been called a “cutie,” so he just nodded dumbly in response, feeling as if he’d started walking on clouds as Jack hooked their arms together and accompanied him down the sidewalk towards his car.
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ohthehypocrisy · 6 years
Breath of the Wild 2 Idea Dump
I’m not putting a Read More break on this because I really want people to see this or even skim over it just a little. If you don’t care you’re free to ignore this post.
Below is a composite list of things I’d like to see in a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild. All of these are just my ideas and are subjective ways to improve upon the previous game’s gameplay and story and other things.
-As the game is a direct sequel to BotW, the overworld would require very little changes. Of course the land itself will change because of developments like new towns, excavations of mountains or forests, bridges, as well as other minor things.
-The exception to this would be The Great Plateau and Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle would become a historical site whereas a new Hyrule Castle would be built within the Great Plateau. The time between BotW 1 and BotW 2 would mean that the castle would still be in development, but it would look almost finished. (i have no basis for this suggestion, I just think it would look cool)
-Examples of new towns would be where the original Shiekah Towers stood. Remember that they were hidden until BotW 1, so these towns would be built around these landmarks. While defunct now, the towers are treated differently by each town. Some research them, others treat them as godly gifts. 
-This means that civilization would be established around these ordinarily inhospitable areas like that one in a bottomless pit or in the Gerudo mountains. This is justified as much of Ganon’s malice has weakened, Guardians all over Hyrule shut down forever, and people were allowed to prosper in the wild. 
-Hyrule in BotW was definitely big, but it could be bigger. The border could be expanded and allow much further exploration, such as islands, mountains, and maybe even some sky islands. It could even be teased to call some of the sections things like Holodrum Border, or Termina Isle. Wouldn’t that be something?
-You are a 15 year old kid living in Tarrey Town, if you remember that sidequest from BotW 1. Of course, you can be either a boy or a girl, but unlike in BotW 1, you choose your name since you are an unrelated incarnation of Link.
-Tarrey Town is a rich melting pot of different cultures and species. The town was originally built on top of a plateau but extended into the forest and lake below once it expanded.
-The head chief is Grooson, having been put into power fairly recently. He is from a long line of Gerudo woman that moved into the village when it was first built and is proud of his bloodline. Grooson aspires to be great just like the previous chiefs and vows to protect his town from harm, and is especially protective of kids like you. (Naturally this means the story takes place at the minimum of 100 years)
-This means you are a sort of pampered child. Your uncle is one of Tarrey Town’s soldiers and has been hoping you would join the royal army just like he did, but Grooson doesn’t approve of kids like you wielding weapons and training. As a result, you are inexperienced with weapons and in fights in general. Your uncle promises to get you into sword training on your 16th birthday.
-It all comes crashing down when one day the town is attacked by monsters. Although most of the citizens managed to escape, you don’t see your uncle escaping with your group. Grooson stops you from looking for him and tells you to go to Hyrule before tossing you into the horse drawn carriage and sending you away to try and hold off the monsters to cover your escape.
-(BIG OL EMPTY SPACE BETWEEN HERE AND YOUR TRIP TO THE LOST WOODS) The royal family believe that it is time to draw the Master Sword once again, but they do not know who could be the hero reincarnate. As you are the only child wearing green and with blonde hair, you are sent and accompanied to the Lost Woods in an attempt to pull the Master Sword. (and also to avoid unnecessarily putting multiple children in harm’s way)
-But to everyone’s surprise, the Lost Woods had been burned to the ground, the Great Deku Tree reduced to cinders, and the Master Sword shattered from its pedestal, only its hilt remains.
-Before leaving, you hear a weak voice from the remains of the sword. You pick it up without telling the knight accompanying you and you return to Hyrule Castle.
-While everyone is panicking over the apparent destruction of the Master Sword, the swords spirit appears to you one night, lost, dazed, and confused. She is ghostlike and missing most of her body, and conversations with her yield very little as she is constantly forgetting details, until you show her one of the pieces of the Master Sword.
-She tells you that’s her memory and she takes it. She remembers her name (Fi of course) and function, but nothing else. You tell her what happened, and she tells you what to do. You must go and find the pieces of the Master Sword and return it to its former power in order to combat the new evil.
-Because of her limited memory, she cannot offer insight to locations, people, items, enemies, animals, or anything. She can, however, save “blueprints” of weapons and adapt their form, but this costs magic and it runs out over time. You get the first blueprint inside New Hyrule Castle of a sword.
-Fi has lost her monotonous voice over the years and gained a curious and optimistic persona, as well as a minor wild streak that shows up during battle (for instance, she will suddenly shout attack commands when an enemy is stunned or leaves themselves open for attack. I mean, shoving the sword into enemies thousands of times over the years does something to you).
-Meanwhile, the Royal Family is reinforcing their army, but are shorthanded in messengers that could send letters requesting assistance to other regions of Hyrule. You are granted the opportunity to travel and send these messages as quests and side missions, all of which can help you and reward you with items and allows you to explore the world at your own pace (although without a Shiekah slate, you are only given a barebones map. Fi will later be able to help you with this once she has more memory and can draw data from Shiekah towers).
-Fi has a limited memory and magic system, but it grows exponentially once you have gained more of them.  By gaining a blueprint, the Master Sword can take the form of any weapon at any time, but its use is limited by magic. The upsides are that these weapons won’t break, but physical weapons will retain an advantage over the Master Sword (such as bonuses from armor, the ability to throw them, magic usage, etc.)
-However, if you have a physical weapon, she can copy its form temporarily. This can be useful if the weapon is about to break. She will only have the ability to copy the form while you have the weapon physically, as she lacks the memory to maintain the form once it’s gone.
-Keep in mind that due to Fi’s limited memory, you won’t be able to access every blueprint right away. Pieces of the Master Sword (henceforth known as Master Shards) are hidden all around Hyrule and can even be in the possession of other people that think it’s a rare material. Whereas Korok Seeds could help you expand your inventory, Master Shards replace them in BotW 2. Not every single Master Shard is needed to beat the game.
-Blueprints are acquired by locating the original shrines from BotW 1 and collecting data from them. Not all of them will have weapon blueprints.
-Fi can obtain blueprints for objects other than weapons, such as a temporary bridge, a binocular, a ladder, rope, a lantern, a paraglider, and other incredibly useful items for exploring Hyrule. The effectiveness of these items increase the more magic you have, which is what will be limiting you early game and stop you from, oh, say, generating a ladder to the top of Death Mountain or something.
-When using a blueprint weapon, magic can be spent on extra powerful attacks such as the spin slash, or causing a minor earthquake with a hammer.
-With enough memory, Fi will be able to save recipes of your most successful meals and potions, and will be able to save more later. She will even notify you if you have collected enough materials for a specific recipe if you ask her to.
-Fi will log the wares of a town after you’ve visited their shops so that next time you visit, she can tell you if they are selling items you happen to be low on. She needs memory for this, though, and once this becomes available to you she will only be able to log one town at a time and will need more memory for more towns.
-Likewise, she will log enemies if she has the memory to spare and save their possible drops as well as attack patterns. Side note; she will compliment you after a battle if you lost little to no hearts and show concern if you lost a lot of them and ask that you take a potion or something.
-As said before, not all shrines will have weapon blueprints, as some of them will have data for weapon skills you can use to improve your combat abilities, such as a downward sword stab, pole vaulting with spears, and the spin attack among other things. These come in the form of combat trials against enemies that are vulnerable to these skills.
-(Not sure if runes and the climbing mechanic would return for this, just stating this here)
I might actually add more to this, but I think that’s all I got without going into specifics such as weapons and item crafting and junk. But this is what I would think to be the ideal BotW sequel that could come out after the first game. Please tell me what you think and if you have your own ideas. Thanks for reading.
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