#they don’t piss peach juice in this one
unlucky-few · 2 years
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“Poison & Grenadine”
A story of two soldiers, a disciple of the Moon and one of the Sun; finding love in one another after the war halts.
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callme-dickmaster · 1 year
sweetheart - (eddie munson x reader)
Ch. Sixteen - Eddie’s Girl
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summary: eddie finally gets the balls to ask y/n the question he’d been avoiding for months
cw: 18+ (minors dni) this is obnoxiously long, unfortunate use of y/n, afab!reader (i’ve been meaning to put this one in) language, fluff, like tooth rotting fluff, mentions bruises left from abuse, billy’s dad, implied smut at the end -i think that’s all-
author’s note: it’s been such a long time omg sorry it took me so long to upload this but a ton of shit got in my way and i haven’t had the time to do much but edit the chapters i already wrote or uploaded. but this one is out finally soerrr enjoy it lol love you <3
<<Part 15 --- Part 17>>
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Eddie woke up to an empty bed the next morning much to his dismay. He groaned, running his hands down his face. He got up, went to the bathroom, and put on some pajama pants before deciding to try and find something to eat. “Morning!” Y/n chirped, flipping over an omelet in a pan. Wayne lifted up his mug in greeting and smiled up at Y/n when she served him his breakfast.
“Thank you, dolly,” Wayne said, sipping his coffee before cutting into his omelet. Y/n smiled sweetly at Eddie and took the pan back to the stove. Eddie followed and leaned on the counter next to her. He was silent for once as he watched her and looked her up and down. Dark purple love bites showed down the side of her neck and just under the collar of the shirt she was wearing that she stole from Eddie’s closet. A faded Dio shirt and a pair of black shorts she also obviously stole. Eddie glanced at Wayne who pointed between him and Y/n and gave him a thumbs up. Eddie smiled and flipped him off, making Wayne chuckle and take a drink of coffee.
Eddie came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “I thought you left,” he mumbled. Y/n smiled, whisking the eggs and mushrooms in a bowl.
“No, I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. Also, I like it here, why would I leave?” She asked, smiling at him sitting on her shoulder. Eddie grinned and let her go to grab a plate from the cupboard. Y/n poured the omelet mixture into the pan and watched it. This just confirmed what Eddie was hoping was the truth: Y/n liked him too. Why else would she have stayed?
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and took her arm, staring at the dark purple bruises on her wrist. They contrasted so brightly against her skin he was surprised he didn’t see them before. He stuck out his bottom lip, gently running his finger over them. Y/n raised an eyebrow at him, “You good?” She asked.
Eddie blinked and nodded, still carefully examining the blotches of purple and yellowed skin. Y/n bruised like a peach, but Billy always loved to leave his mark.
“What, uh… what happened?” He asked, rubbing soft circles on them. Y/n shrugged nonchalantly, plating Eddie’s breakfast for him.
“Billy was pissed we were hanging out again. It’s nothing new, don’t worry,” she said, kissing his cheek and moving to the fridge. Eddie closed his eyes with a sigh, and he cut into his omelet.
“It’s onions you don’t like right?” Y/n asked. Eddie smirked and nodded; his cheeks red at the fact she remembered. Y/n grinned and gave him a thumbs up. She poured herself a glass of apple juice, smiling at him over the rim of the cup. Eddie squinted and shook his head, “Behave,” he mouthed.
Y/n bit her lip and shrugged cheekily, prancing off to his room. Wayne leaned back in his chair, watching her until she closed the door behind her.
“So… how long has that been goin on?” He asked his nephew, smiling suggestively. Eddie smiled, poking at the last bite of his breakfast. “About twelve hours. You know, Wayne, I-I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this way about someone before. It’s soon, I know, but…” Eddie trailed off, turning red up to his ears. Wayne smiled, patting the table across from him. Eddie sat down, scooting in close and waiting for Wayne’s words of wisdom.
“Just be careful, Ed. Treat her good. You know better than anyone how easy something can hit rock bottom. I know you like her a lot, I can tell she likes you a whole lot too. Just take care of her. Keep her safe… Watch out for her. Okay, son?” Wayne asked, nodding at him.
Eddie smiled, looked at his bedroom door and nodded. “I will… I promise I will,” he said. Wayne smiled, pat Eddie’s shoulder and stood up, wiping his hands on a paper towel. He closed the blinds and set up his bed, bidding Eddie a goodnight before he got comfy for a nap. Eddie took a breath before going back to his room where Y/n had been hiding out.
She was laying in his bed against the wall, apple juice still in hand as she read a random book she found on his nightstand. “Hey…” Eddie said, grabbing her foot and wiggling it. Y/n snickered, turning the page in his copy of The Hobbit.
“You like The Hobbit?” Eddie asked, crawling over to lay beside her.
Y/n smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m only one chapter in. I’ll let you know when I decide,” she said.
Eddie laid his head on her shoulder, reading the pages that he practically had memorized at this point. Y/n wrapped her arm around him, letting him lean into her side and hug her tight. Y/n ran her fingers through his hair, making him let out a content hum as he shut his eyes.
“Will you read to me?” Eddie mumbled. Y/n giggled, hummed a ‘sure,’ and started the next paragraph.
“And of course they did none of these dreadful things, and everything was cleaned and put away safe as quick as lightning, while the hobbit was turning round and round in the middle of the kitchen trying to see what they were doing. Then they went back and found Thorin with his feet on the fender smoking a pipe. He was blowing the most enormous smoke-rings, and wherever he told one to go, it went…”
Eddie smiled softly to himself, burying his face in her shoulder. “Is Wayne asleep?” Y/n asked when she finished the page. Eddie nodded, a sleepy ‘mhm’ coming from him. Y/n grinned and put the book on the table before she threw her leg over him and straddled him, sitting on his stomach. Eddie smiled; his eyes still closed as he trailed his hands up her thighs to take her hands.
“We can’t be doin’ that right now, babe… He’s right out there… it’s Saturday,” Eddie mumbled, rubbing circles into her hands with his thumbs. Y/n smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to a hickey she left on his collarbone.
“No sex! I just wanna kiss for a bit…” Y/n said, leaning down and pressing her lips to his. Eddie smiled, sliding his hand into her hair as he kissed her back. They made out lazily in his bed. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck while she was seated in his lap. Eddie ran his hands up her back, rubbing calming paths up and down her spine. Eddie groaned softly, peeking an eye open before he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them over until she was lying beside him. Y/n giggled, looking into his big brown eyes. Eddie smiled softly, brushing his hand across her cheek. Y/n’s eyebrows twitched, seeing that he looked deep in thought as he stared at her.
“What?” She smiled.
Eddie squinted, “W-what does this mean?” He stuttered. Y/n tilted her head like a confused puppy, simply not understanding what he was asking.
“Like, what does this mean for us?” Eddie repeated. Y/n shrugged, very lightly pinching his wrist. She wanted him to ask her. She needed him to ask her. Just… really quickly ask her out. Even if he said something like, “You wanna just keep having sex?” That would be fine too! Though Y/n would really like to be his girlfriend. She could only imagine by the way he treated her as a friend how much better he would treat her as a partner.
“What do you want it to mean?” Y/n asked, smiling softly at him. Eddie bit his lip, hesitating before pulling her impossibly close, not wanting to pop the bubble they’d surrounded themselves with. They both had it in their heads that talking about what they were doing meant that everything had to change, and they didn’t like change. But Eddie’s been told before that sometimes the change was good. That the change didn’t always mean that everything was going bad. Just a new road to go down.
But Eddie was scared. He really liked this girl, and he was afraid if he told her how he felt, asking her out, everything would change. And he didn’t figure for the better.
“W-well, I don’t know, I guess…” Eddie trailed, “I mean… if I asked you to go out with me, like be my girl and stuff… would you say yes?” He mumbled, clenching his fist in her shirt nervously.
Y/n smiled and nodded, tossing her arm over him, and snuggling into him. “Yes?” Eddie asked excitedly. Y/n giggled, “Yes, Eddie, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Eddie’s face broke out into a huge grin and he pulled her forward, pressing his lips to hers again. Y/n smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck as his went around her waist. He let Y/n break the kiss first but set his forehead on hers to ground himself.
Y/n smiled, soothing her thumb across his cheekbone. “You okay, pretty boy?” She giggled.
Eddie grinned and hummed, afraid that if he opened his eyes it would all go away. That none of it was real and he was dreaming. That she wasn’t real. But, as if to prove him wrong, Y/n snuggled closer to him, kissing his neck as she nestled as close as she could get.
Eddie drove Y/n home around dinner time, and she made sure they held hands the whole drive. He drew imaginary circles over the back of her hand, listening to her mindlessly talk about something Robin said in gym class.
Eddie walked her up to the door after parking the van in the street. “So… I could pick you up on Monday? For school, I mean,” Eddie said, twirling his hair around his finger. Y/n smiled, looking at her feet but shook her head.
“I wish I could. I gotta be there for Max…” she said with a sad smile.
Eddie snapped and tapped his foot, “Damn… I forgot about him. Fucking shithead. Keeping me away from you,” he giggled.
Y/n laughed and nodded, mumbling ‘yeah, such a shithead’ before Billy stomped out onto the porch. He glowered at them, pushed past Eddie and went straight to his car.
Y/n ran a hand through her hair with a sigh, “I should probably go inside… I’ll see you soon, okay?” She said, standing on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. Eddie smiled and pulled her into a hug. He leaned back and gave her a peck on the lips in goodbye, not missing the surprised look on her face.
“Are we good?” He asked.
Y/n nodded, “Better than good. Bye, love,” she said, stepping inside.
“Bye, babe,” Eddie replied, walking back to his van. Y/n smiled and shut the door, laying her back against it and biting her lip. She covered her face with her hands and giggled into her palms.
“Why are you so happy,” Y/n’s stepdad Neil sneered from his spot on the couch. Y/n’s mom Susan sat next to him with genuine interest in her daughter’s happiness.
“Oh, nothing! I just like it here,” Y/n said, waltzing back into her room. Neil rolled his eyes and turned back to the TV.
Monday morning Y/n walked into first period with a sigh. She almost didn’t do her makeup that morning since she had absolutely no motivation, but she liked making other people uncomfortable with the way she looked.
Eddie was there early that morning for one and he was waiting for her in the chair behind hers. They didn’t get much of a chance to talk because Mr. Mundy called Y/n up to his desk to talk about her grades on the last couple of tests. Once she finally caved and agreed to tutoring from Chrissy Cunningham, class started. Eddie was disappointed but he still got to see her. After class Eddie had a deal, so again, he didn’t get to talk to her. He would just have to watch from afar…
He sighed, leaning against his van and smoking a cigarette during what was supposed to be study hall. Eddie blew out smoke, deciding to sit in the back end of the van and read whatever Stephen King novel Y/n forgot in there.
The second the bell rang, Y/n jumped up from her seat and booked it to the science wing where she knew Eddie would be. And there he was. Digging around in his locker for his history book that was wedged in pretty good with all the other stuff that got shoved in.
“Munson!” Y/n hissed, meeting him at his locker. Eddie smiled down at her, his heart rate picking up when he saw her. “Hey you! I’ve been meaning to call you,” he said, tossing another book in his messy locker.
Y/n ignored her flaming cheeks and smiled, reaching in to pry his history textbook out for him.
“Oh! Thanks!” Eddie laughed, covering his mouth when he snorted.
Y/n giggled, pulling the book away and out of his reach as he reached for it so he could go crawl into a hole and die. “What do I get in return for this act of pure kindness?” she smirked, hugging the book to her chest. “You don’t do anything out of pure kindness, babe,” Eddie replied.
“Just kiss me,” she sighed, leaning up and kissing him.
Eddie smiled, pulling her closer by the belt loop. He was still floored by the fact that she wanted to kiss him like this. On her own. Not because of a dare, not to make a joke of him, but because she wanted to. In front of everyone. Y/n pulled back, setting their foreheads together and scratching the stubble on his jaw. Eddie grinned, placing his hands on her hips.
Of course, the moment had to be ruined by something…
“Okay, lovebirds, let’s get to class!” Mrs. Click said, waving at them to move on. “Come on!” She urged shooing them. Eddie rolled his eyes and stood up straight before he grabbed Y/n’s hands and started walking towards their fourth period. Y/n pulled him to a stop once they rounded the corner with a sinister smile on her face.
“I was thinking of skipping… maybe check out the back of your van?” She giggled, lacing their fingers together and biting her lip to seal the deal. Eddie’s eyes widened and he smiled widely, “You’re a succubus,” he laughed, but still pulled her towards the back parking lot where his van was parked.
“You don’t seem too upset by that,” Y/n said. Eddie turned to her with a huge grin.
“Why would I when I’ve got the prettiest girl in Hawkins for a girlfriend?”
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taglist: @sisgotdemons @tlclick73 @deafeningmoontragedy @marjoriea13 @playfuloutcast @twosluttychains @leetaeilsnecktattoo @lil-quinnie @razzles-bottom-lip @originalstar1 @yessargeantbarnes @bebe07011 @shotgunhallelujah @uselessastheginlasagnaa @mynameismothra @niragis-right-hand-rabbit @shecagobaby @moviefreak1205 @munsonmunster @chonkzombie @sadbitchfangirl @screaming-blue-bagel @urdad-hot @kjaxm @xxaestheticboyxx @ok-boke @coffeeaddictednymph @ohmeganav
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small author’s note: hey y’all it’s been the longest time omgg I’ve just been really busy with theater and work and school and all kinds of stuff just gross icky shit. But I’m back okie? I say that every time but i mean it for real. Ok love you <3
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sallysgrancanwrite · 4 months
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Chapter Seventy-One
The next morning Chloe went with Emma to take Mimi out. She was afraid of her being alone. Michael could hurt Emma just to get at Chloe.
As they walked outside Chloe saw broken car windows in Beth’s car. She was going to be really pissed off.
She went back in and told Beth her car windows had been broken.
Beth was irate. Chloe was right. Beth was not taking this well.
“We all know who did this. Call Tom to come see the damage and arrest Michael” Beth screamed.
“We have no proof he did it, Beth.” Edith said. You know he’ll deny it.”
“I’m so ticked off. Now I have to get two new windows put in. I’ll call my insurance and see what they’ll cover.” Beth said.
“What they don’t cover we will help you with.” said Bob. “We are putting alarms on all our vehicles,” he said.
Beth called her insurance and because she had full coverage they would pay for all but the $500.00 deductible. She could come up with half.
“Don’t worry we’ll cover the other half.” Go take it in and have it done. “ said Edith.
Edith and Chloe followed Beth to the shop to have new windows put in. They had to leave it for the day. They would have to pick it up tomorrow.
Beth was still fuming over it. “Edith can you take me to work? I’m already late.” Beth asked.
“Sure. What time do I need to pick you up?” Edith asked her.
“I’ll get a ride from one of the waitresses.” Beth told her.
When they got home they found out from Bob that a trial date had been set finally. It would be after the holidays.
“It has been set for January 21st,” said Bob. “Just a few more months, Chloe. Justice will be served. I know it. I trust the people to see through his lies. And we have proof of his abuse. Pictures, remember?” Bob said.
“I know, but I’m still afraid he’ll get off somehow.” Chloe said. “Can you help Emma, Edith? I’m taking a hot bath.” Chloe asked. “I need to relax. Who knows what he’ll do now that a date has been set.” Chloe remarked.
“I can watch her for an hour then I have a doctor appointment. “ Edith said.
“I won’t be long.” Chloe said.
When she came back down Edith was just getting ready to leave. Chloe had been in the bath longer than she thought.
“Are you okay Edith? You aren’t sick are you?”” Chloe asked.
“It’s nothing, I'll talk to you later. I have to run.” Edith told her.
Chloe was worried. Edith never went to the doctor. Could something be wrong, she wondered.
Chloe started helping Emma with her hand writing.
“Let’s do the alphabet first, both big and little letters.” Chloe told Emma.
“”Okay Momma. Can I have something to drink please?” Emma asked.
“Yes, but get busy with your work.” Chloe told her.
Chloe hurried to get the juice for Emma so she could fill out the divorce papers.
“Here you go. While you work on your alphabet Mommy has to fill some papers out.” Chloe told her.
Chloe had always dreamed of marrying someone and growing old together. Michael destroyed that dream. Now she was having to file for divorce. She hated that. But it was what needed to happen for not only her but for Emma. She didn’t need to be living in a violent home.
Edith got back home and looked concerned.
“Is everything alright Edith? You look upset.” Chloe asked her.
“ I’m fine. I just need to lay down for a bit. I’m just tired.” Edith told her. “Could you make a pie for supper Chloe?” She asked.
“Sure. Peach okay or would you like something else?” Chloe replied.
“Peach is fine. I’ll be up in a bit.” Edith replied.
Bob went to check on Edith. It wasn’t like her to lay down and nap.
“Edith honey, are you okay? Did the biopsy come back yet?” Bob asked her sitting on the bed next to her.
“I’m just tired sweetheart. Yes, the biopsy came back. Bob, it’s positive for breast cancer. But they say they caught it very early. I need surgery.” Edith said as she started to tear up. “We’ll tell the girls at supper.” she continued.
“It’s going to be okay. I just know it. They may be able to get it all in surgery. Let’s try not to worry.” Bob told her as he leaned in and kissed her. “I’ll help Chloe with supper, you just rest.”
Deep inside this was killing Bob, but he didn’t want Edith to see him worried or scared. He needed to be strong for her.
Bob came into the kitchen to help Chloe wip something up for supper. He found that Edith had left out some chicken in the fridge to fry up.
“I’ll fry these up if you want to get some Mac and cheese started and a salad.” Bob told Chloe.
“Sure. Is Edith okay?” asked Chloe. “It’s not like her to be so tired.”
“She’ll be fine after her rest.” replied Bob, knowing he was lying.
As supper was getting done Beth came home.
“How was work?” asked Chloe.
“Busy as heck.” Beth answered. “But the tips were great today so that makes it worth it.”
Edith came down and they all sat down to eat. Bob and Edith were unusually quiet during the meal.
“You two are quiet.” stated Beth. “Is everything okay?”
“We need to talk to you.” Edith started. “A few weeks ago I found a lump on my breast. When I told you that I was visiting relatives I was actually getting a biopsy done. I got the results today. I have cancer.” she said, choking up.
The girls sat stunned. Unable to talk at first.
“How advanced?” asked Beth.
“They say they caught it early, but I need to have surgery, a lumpectomy. They are going to have it scheduled for next week. Hopefully they can get it all.” Edith replied.
Chloe still hadn’t said anything. She couldn’t imagine losing Edith.
“Chloe, you’re quiet.” Edith said.
“I’m just shocked and worried for you.” Chloe said.
“Listen, I believe with how early they caught it that she will pull through.” said Bob, trying to calm everyone’s fears. “Let’s take it a step at a time.”
“Now, who’s hungry for peach pie?” said Edith, changing the subject.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
What condiment does each Sans drink? (Updated)
*breaks fingers*
So for all who don’t know, each sans has a favorite condiment, and most of them will even drink/eat it on its own
Sans/oak: ketchup of course! And we all know he treats it like a smoothie.
Star/lilac: mayonnaise lol. He sometimes eats it with a spoon to piss off honey/basil
Red/rust: he’s a mustard man! He only “drinks” it to prank someone though
Mal: he LOVES pickle juice and I’ll secretly drink it from the jar at 3am when he thinks no one is watching
Charm: he loves chocolate sauce! The Hershey’s kind you put on ice cream! He does drink it, but considering it’s Hersheys, most people don’t look at him weird for it
Lord: he loves ranch dip, and will dip almost anything in it. But he doesn’t drink it. He’s better than that
Wine: he LIVES for the kfc gravy. And no one must know. Only coffee is aware of his secret
Pop: he likes the tangy orange squeeze dip you put on fruit and ice creams! He doesn’t drink it, but he will put it in sandwiches though
Pluto: this chunky boy will eat any garden salsa by the spoonful.
G: sometimes you can catch him licking up the extra olive oil off his fingers from cooking. G can tell the difference between virgin and extra virgin by the smell
Peaches: he eats cranberry sauce like it’s a fkn pudding. Rancher thinks he’s disgusting
Snipe: he too is a ketchup enthusiast with sans and oak. The only difference is he grew up on the dirt cheap off brand stuff and doesn’t like the popular brands cause of it
Butch: he’s a BBQ sauce man! He doesn’t drink it but he does put it on everything
Ace: honey. And he has really refined tastes too. He only likes the farm standard stuff. Lavender honey is preferred
Sparks: does the sour candy juice from those squeeze pops count? The more sugar the better!
Lush: he’s a total weirdo who loves sour cream for some reason. And he’s, he does eat it on his own
Gears: he legitimately thought teriyaki sauce was supposed to be a drink the first time he tasted it. Gears loves it that much!
Orion: he’s the black sheep of the sanses because he does not have a favorite condiment! That’s right! Orion is a normal guy who only eats condiments with their intended foods
Fisher: considering the guy is a seafood enthusiast, it’s no surprise his condiment of choice is Tatar sauce.
Ram: surprising no one, he likes a honey bbq sauce. Because it goes great with pork and mutton!
Cider: he really loves horseradish sauce! And he does eat it when his family isn’t around lol.
Moose: MAPLE SYRUP. Enough said
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 year
Mewtwo: if i had a boyfriend, what would it be like?
Celeste: well he'll have to learn how to cook.
Teen Aliza: i think we're getting off-topic and derailing from the fact that i'm scared of being gay.
Mewtwo: sweetheart. being gay. is not.
Celeste: OoOoOoOo lEeEsbiAns- see? It's not ✨espooky✨
✨ Random Quotes From The Fam✨
Let me tell you about scary, kid.
-Crypt, after snapping at Adam.
But that's not the reason i'm taking your souls.
-CL4RA at her victims.
Take him up to the ferris wheel.
-MEMORY punishing mewtwo with bi panic.
Son of a bitch everything's real.
-Adam being Adam.
(source: PM Seymour, It Came From Tumblr)
[she never gets her turn]
(source: ask-the-void-man)
Ash: hey who's this?
Indigo: Peach just changed every single contact name to legendary/mythical pokemon.
Ash: what's mine?
Indigo: Celebi.
Indigo: oh hey Ash.
Ash: FUCK.
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(@pokemon-ash-aus these idiot siblings belong to that guy)
Ding-a-ling Cocksucker okay- you can't do that to hell and get away with it-
Giratina at Dialga in that one movie.
(@luckynutt123 YOU'RE DOING THE LORD'S WORK)
Mewtwo: Adam... Adam why is he named KoraidonDEEZ? Why? I hate that name-
Adam: ey Two.
Mewtwo: what-
Adam: mewtwo.
Mewtwo: wh-
Adam: mewtwo...
Mewtwo: what.
Adam, yelling into the mic:
Adam: wHEEZE-
Adam: oh shit this juice bangin' yo!
Mewtwo: that's paint, asshole.
Mewtwo: I’d like to live through a week that’s not a whole new verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”
Mary: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
Adam, local bisexual: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Mewtwo: If the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you’re not allowed to do it.
Adam: Here's two facts about me.
Adam: 1. I hate hot people.
Adam, pointing at mewtwo: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Mewtwo: All of your existences are confusing.
The Squad: How so?
Mewtwo: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Adam: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate.
Adam: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Mewtwo: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices.
Mewtwo: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Mewtwo: what doesn't kill me better start running because now i'm fucking pissed.
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artinahat · 1 year
Chapter One
I was not prepared for the trials of U.A.
The entrance exam was incredibly difficult, I barely got enough points to scrape by. My parents were over joyed they had hyped me up and been there for me every step of the way, and now I was heading into class 1-A. The class where legends were born, this year taught by pro hero Pinky AKA Mina Ashido. I don’t like her hero name though. It was wasted potential, with a quirk like that there are endless names and possibilities, I could never say any of that aloud and never to her face.
I chose a desk close to the front and another girl plopped down right beside me. She had tanned skin and bright pink hair and strangely familiar green eyes that glared daggers into Pinky.I winced, if looks could kill our homeroom teacher would be six feet under. Her most noticeable feature was how strong she appeared to be, she looked as though she was on hella steroids. She was shorter than me though, maybe by three inches. I knew I was tall but I didn’t expect to be the second tallest in the class, after Ito, the girl with a spider quirk that’s eight feet tall.
I held out my hand. “Hello! My names Akane Smith! What’s yours.”
She looked at me with an incredibly bored expression and didn’t respond. A lively voice called out from behind.
“Her name’s Tsuki Midoriya, she’s a bit of a bitch so I thought I tell you to watch out she all bite no bark. My name’s Sana Kirishima by the way.” He had dark red eyes and sandy blonde hair that was shaggy and was riddled with small braids at the bottom.
I could feel Midoriya’s intense stare sink into the back of Kirishima’s head, for the most part he seemed unbothered and just continued to converse with another girl. Her hair was mostly black and shaggy but had pink tips and a pink streak that fell across her face. Pinky tried to get everyone to calm down so that she could take attendance.
“All right time to go outside so that we can test your quirks and natural abilities!” Pinky said in oe of the most up-beat and cheerful voices i’ve ever heard as she led us outside. She handed me a softball and Instructed me to throw it as far as I could using my quirk, I willed the ball to go on as fast and long as it could and ended up traveling 1 000 meters. I was proud of myself and used all of my will power not to jump up and down in excitement as the other students threw their soft balls the most noticeable being Midoriya, Kirishima and two more people, also known as the legacy kids.
I’d heard rumours about the legacy kids in the washrooms and change rooms. There were rumours about how they killed people or how the were covered in scars or were secret villain spies. I don’t really know if these are real or if I should believe them, but I hope they’re just girls being little shits. The most likely rumour was that they trained under the hero commission itself and were super-humans. That would be really cool.
We did more training and Mina cheered us on throughout, her lively voice a welcomed distraction, the Legacy Kids seemed to be uncomfortable, not used to praise it seemed, they were an odd bunch full of different personalities that don’t seem like they would even fit together. At lunch I learned their names, the shaggy-haired girl was named Keiko Sero, and there was a boy with poofy short black hair named Haruto Monoma. The name makes sense now, they must be the descendants of some of the pro heros, the ones that went missing.
“Soooooooo…” Monoma asked me. “Know Candice?” Midoriya seemed pissed by this and she whacked him on the back of his head.
“No one here wants to here your weird sex humour right now.” She said angrily. continuing to eat her lunch.
Monoma mock gasped and pouted haughtily as he looked away, Kirishima held his hand gently.
“So Smith, what’s your quirk? And how many do you have?” Sero asked brightly, sipping her peach juice.
I sweated nervously, so much so that it must have been noticeable. “I have one quirk, Puppet. As long as i’ve touched it before-hand I can control an object or human four seven minutes, and please just call me Akane.”
Sero looked at me skeptically for a few seconds before talking about how she had inherited her father’s quirk annd a breathed a silent breath of relief.
I just got away with the biggest lie of my entire life.
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sugawara-sweetheart · 3 years
parasite | part ii (m)
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❥oikawa x fem!reader x kunimi x kindaichi | seijoh x fem!reader 
❥warnings: mentions/descriptions of somnophilia, public sex, rough sex, biting | minor implication of cheating | Stockholm syndrome, manipulation | noncon, heavy degradation, humiliation, spitting, voyeurism, nipple play, dacryphilia, handjob, choking, slapping, cock-slapping, facial + creampie
❥word count: 5.4k
hell has always been depicted one way. crimson fire and blood sweeping across, anguished face melting into skulls, darkness plaguing. but that’s wrong.
this is hell.
being oikawa tōru’s dirty little cumslut is hell.
you thought it would’ve gotten better after almost three years of finishing high school had passed but it’s the same. you wake with a heavy heart, stinging tears building in your eyes and oikawa’s cock forced its way into your aching cunt, his lips pressed to your throat, staining fresh bruises over the old ones. it was foolish to think the day you folded up your aoba johsai uniform for the last time ever that you were free of your dirty time at the school, but you were so wrong.
and it isn’t just oikawa. it isn’t unusual for iwaizumi to turn up at the door of oikawa’s doorstep, not just to see his best friend because the two are still inseparably close, but to demand you.
“come on, you’ve been hogging her for too long, making her into your slut. stop being greedy and learn to share, shittykawa.” is all he spits, tugging you away roughly by the arm whilst oikawa merely laughs.
“play nice, iwa-chan!” is all he calls, waving you away.
sometimes iwaizumi just can’t wait. more often than not he’s fucked you in his car, the cold windows steaming up as he grunts in your ear, hips snapping into yours till his hot white cum spills all over your clothes, clinging to the fabric. and then when you finally return back to his apartment it happens all over again. you can’t find it in yourself to cry anymore but maybe iwaizumi’s more careful than oikawa; there’s always a tenderness in his eyes when he brushes your hair out of your sweating face, asking you if you’re okay. but what are you supposed to say? tell him no, you’re fucking done with this shit, as if they’d ever let you go?
even makki and mattsun hadn’t fully let go. the two may have moved away to tokyo for university but they still return often, sometimes together, sometimes alone. too many assignments. close deadline. girlfriend is pissing him off. and all oikawa does is laugh cheerily, swinging his arm around his shoulder, a suggestive gleam in his crinkled eyes.
“need some stress relief?” and you’re whoever’s for the night to use as they wish.
maybe if you had applied to another high school or another club or you weren’t so outgoing, things would’ve been different.
but instead you’re oikawa’s little toy to be passed around as he wishes, and he’d always been a good senpai to his underclassmen, a good captain to his former teammates even to this day.
yahaba gets you first after he graduates. you don’t know what happened to the sweet, charming boy who always went out of his way to treat you like a delicate angel because the way his hand strikes your cheek burns with a sting as he drives his cock into your cunt relentlessly, spitting about what a dirty slut you are, how you’re only good to get fucked, the only thing you can do is take cock. but he isn’t as bad as kyōtani. you were sure you were lucky to be alive, after his hands locked around your throat too hard, squeezing your airways tight till black spots began to appear in your teary vision.
even iwaizumi and oikawa had been stunned when you’d returned. deep bruises stained your arms and bite marks etched into your legs, handprints on your throat and welts on your cheeks, pink cum clinging to your panties. neither of them had been able to say anything but there was a deep crease between iwaizumi’s brows as he rubbed the ointment carefully onto you.
“gonna kill him.” he hissed to himself when you winced with the pain and flinch at his movements. but they still didn’t refuse the next time kyōtani came around asking for a go.
but even after everything- even after he lets you be used, be spat on and slapped, have your hair pulled till strands are ripped from your burning scalp and there’s bite marks bruising your skin- the only time you feel cathartic calmness wash over you is when you’re in oikawa’s arms, his fingers brushing through your hair, his clean scent filling your nose.
“oh, you’re such a cute, little slut. a good girl.” he hums, nuzzling his face against your cheek with a smile on his face. if it had been different, you’d have looked like an adorable couple perhaps. but this was anything but.
one night when you’d been lying next to oikawa, staring up at the dark ceiling, fantasies began to paint in your mind. what if your innocent teenage crush on oikawa had been reciprocated differently? maybe you’d be lying beside him optionally, that you would choose to kiss him and let him touch you and he wouldn’t laugh at you and mock you for sobbing even though your wetness is drooling from your tight, slutty hole- and even if he did, it’d be okay because it’d just be a fantasy and you know he’d love you. or what if you had refused that night what feels like so many years ago? what if you had pushed him away, asked him to leave, if you hadn’t given in to the heavy sense of not wanting to disappoint weighing down on you?
“what you thinking about?” you start slightly at oikawa’s saccharine voice purring in your ear as he shifts, pressing his body against yours and resting his hand over your waist. you try not to tense too much- he always hates it when you do. “don’t you trust me, y/n-chan? you know i’d never hurt you- why would you think i would?” he’d pout, scandalised and hurt by the idea of you being scared of him, even though you know he doesn’t really care. in fact, you’re sure he likes the fear.
“i’m just thinking.” you breathe. you can feel his eyes piercing into you, even in the darkness as your eyes flutter shut. that fantasy of being free is so beautiful. “tōru, would you ever let me go?”
“let you go?” he laughs but you feel his arm tighten around your waist. “where would you go?” you don’t reply but his legs tangle with yours and he pulls you into his hold, resting his lips against your ear. “i care for you here. i give you a home, food, clothes- anything you want i give you. you wouldn’t have anyone else like that in the world.” he sounds hurt, voice mocking and it makes your chest twinge. he wasn’t wrong; he was busy practising and playing volleyball, heading towards his dream of being a pro-athlete and competing at the very top nationwide- worldwide even perhaps- but he still always came home to you. he still always had time for you. “why would you want to go?” there’s a heavy pregnant pause and your throat feels tight before you can mumble out an apology, shaking your head to dispel the fantasies you crave. the tension washes away and you can feel his lips stretch into a smile as you curl into him. “that’s right, sweetie. you’d never want to leave me.”
spring used to be your favourite time of year. cherry blossom always looked so beautiful and there was nothing as exhilarating as finishing the long, strenuous academic year and getting to admire the beautiful pink blossom decorating the trees, drifting in the light airy breeze. before you would celebrate- it used to be sweet, happy memories to be sipping peach tea under the cherry blossom trees as the warm, spring air carried your laughter with your friends: oikawa, iwaizumi, hanamaki and matsukawa. oikawa still takes you to see it, but now pink blossom bleeds into scarlet with his fingers gripped around your wrist, a bitter taste weighs heavy on your tongue.
one spring night oikawa invites kunimi and kindaichi round. their cheeks are flushed pink with tipsy joy in the warm living room as they sip cold beers, laughing over old memories with the sounds of a volleyball game on television playing in the background. it’s supposed to be a nice thing- a senpai, a captain, treating his underclassmen for finally graduating, but your stomach still churns with anxiety, cold sweat dampening your skin even when you shuffle closer to oikawa. the soft scent of his cologne doesn’t calm you now and your glass of juice weighs heavy in your hand. you’re sure if you even try to open your mouth you’ll be sick.
but you don’t mind.
it’s better to feel ignored as you sink into the couch, staring at the blue and yellow striped ball flashing on the television than to acknowledge kunimi and kindaichi’s eyes boring into you. something about them makes your skin crawl- it’s been a few years since you’d left high school but it feels different now. back then they had adored you- you were their manager, their senpai who always gave them the coldest water bottles first, who defended them from the other senpais, who always cheered them on and offered to buy them ramen and meat buns after practise. and now you can’t say exactly what it is but they look at you differently.
“another beer?” oikawa asks and the two dark-haired boys nod. you try to swallow the thick lump in your throat when he gets up from beside you on the couch, prising his arm away from you even if you try to cling to his sleeve and the living room door snapping shut behind him makes all the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. you try not to look at them, staring at the television screen but it’s hard to focus when the bright light stings and bleeds out into white lines from the hot tears building in your orbs. there’s a flash of movement. your heart drops as you sink into the couch, horrified to find kindaichi has moved from the other end closer, kunimi standing from the armchair and towering over you.
“you guys okay?” your voice wavers and you grip the hem of your shirt tight, hoping it’ll mask how your hands tremble but you can’t even meet their eyes piercing into you.
“we’re not stupid, you know.” kindaichi spits first. you can see it now, hear it- the disgust laced in his tone, in his narrowed eyes. “we want our turn.”
“w-what?” kunimi scoffs next, shaking his head as a somewhat amused smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
“don’t play dumb, y/n. we know you’ve been their little fucktoy for years now. and now it’s our turn to use you too.”
an iciness strikes through your chest as you stare at the two boys, cowering as you sink into the couch, shaking your head furiously.
“n-no! it’s not like that!”
“really?” there’s a harsh mocking to kindaichi’s tone, his eyes widened in faux disbelief. “are you saying yahaba and kyōtani were both lying? that your cunt was the tightest little hole they’d ever fucked? that you weren’t so good at taking dick right now down that little throat?” you gasp, spluttering  on your words as you try to protest. they edge closer as fear rises in you, and a desperate squeal falls from your lips when kindaichi’s heavy hand grips your shoulders, pushing you flat against the  couch.
you cry out as his fingers fumble for the buttons of your shirt, your hands clawing at his and legs flailing, and he grunts when your foot strikes into his stomach.
“you fucking bitch.” kunimi hisses, grabbing your hands as kindaichi clambers over your legs, his sheer weight feeling like it’s crushing your bones.
“stay still, dumb whore- do you think anyone’s going to help you?” the buttons come falling off your shirt as kindaichi rips it open and your scream is lost when kunimi sticks his fingers into your mouth, your throat closing up on the drool that spills from your lips.
but then the door opens and oikawa stands in the doorway, mouth hanging open and three beers in his hand.
“what’s going on?” you sob heavily when kunimi pulls his fingers from your mouth and releases your wrists, your hands immediately falling to your chest to cover yourself up and neither kindaichi nor kunimi try to stop you when you scramble away from them, hurrying to oikawa. he lets you fall into his arms as he places the beers down on the coffee table, holding you and swaying you gently with gentle shushes.
“t-tōru, t-they-” you shake as you cling to him, wet tears staining your cheeks as you bury your head in his chest and he coos as he cups the back of your head.
“oh, it’s okay, sweetie. don’t worry, i’m here now.” his voice is so gentle. but then he chuckles. his chest vibrates against your head as you tense in his hold. it doesn’t feel like safety anymore.
“you guys couldn’t wait, huh?” tuts oikawa, lifting a brow as he stares at kindaichi and kunimi, a mocking smirk tugging at his lips.
“everyone else got a go on her.” says kunimi. “so why can’t we fuck the slut too?” you flinch at his words, clinging to oikawa’s t-shirt tighter as he merely laughs.
“you can- i’m not saying you can’t. but do you even know how to fuck a woman?” you shake as he pulls you away from him, cupping your face and tilting it up so his eyes can lock with yours. he always scrutinises you, taking in your watery eyes that waver with fear, your trembling lips that whispered begs fall from.
“what was that, sweetheart? i can’t hear you.” the only sound in the room other than the ignored television is your heavy pants as you can barely gasp for air. blood rings in your ears and your heart pounds, knees feeling weak as you cling to oikawa.
“p-please, tōru- d-don’t let them.”
“aw, baby.” your eyes clench shut as he grips your face, swiping his thumb messily over your cheeks, rubbing your tears into your flushed skin roughly enough that it hurts. “don’t worry, i’ll take care of you.” you groan when his hand suddenly reaches under your skirt, grabbing your clothed cunt as you squirm but he’s too strong, pressing his fingers against your clothed clit and rubbing it through the fabric as kindaichi and kunimi stare hungrily.
“tōru, stop it!”
“oh, don’t act like you don’t want it.” you struggle as he spins you around, forcing you to face the two men with your back pressed to his chest. one of his large hands easily grip both your wrists and the other rubbing your pussy through your panties. it’s humiliating, how they both stare at you like you’re nothing more than a piece of meat, darkened eyes lustful and hard outlines of their cocks pressing against the tight restraints of their jeans. “you were such a good manager to them too- it’s only fair you let them watch. besides,” you shudder as he presses a kiss to your neck, teeth grazing the sensitive skin. “they might pick up one or two things for when i'm not here.”
“please-” you try to turn your head to face him, pleading eyes wide. you’d been used so many times before. you’re exhausted by now. and now, there’s more of them to use you? would there be any end to this? “tōru, i-i’ll do anything else, just-” fresh tears build in your eyes as you try to wrestle his grip around your hands. it starts to feel warm between your legs, your panties growing damper. your toes are almost starting to curl in your socks as oikawa’s fingertips rub swirls on your swelling clit. “j-just not like this.”
“aw, that’s rude to our guests, y/n-chan.” you hate the feeling of his hot breath dancing on your skin between the open-mouthed kisses he presses to your neck and jaw, still damp with the tears that stream down your cheeks. “besides, you’re getting so wet. are you sure you don’t like this?”
“bet she loves it, the slut.” kindaichi scoffs, voice permeated with a groan as he palms himself through his jeans.
“oh, you bet.” oikawa smiles. his hands are forceful when they shove you onto the couch, making you groan as your back hits it harshly, but you have nowhere to run as he cages you in. his large hands grip your thighs, spreading them out with his nails piercing into the bare flesh of your thighs and you’re horribly aware of the little wet patch in the centre of your panties, clinging to your folds, when he tugs down your skirt, letting it pool at your ankles. your half-torn shirt comes off next, your bare nipples pebbling in the cold air.
“tōru-” it’s a pathetic pleading whine as you try to cover yourself up, try to push your legs together but you can’t, not with oikawa between them. “don’t want to.” it’s humiliating, it always has been every time you’ve been stripped bare and shared between a group of men you thought were your friends, but time has desensitised you to that. but now it’s different, it’s new yet nightmarish images flash in your mind. you had been so young then, so young and scared and feeble. and you’re falling back into that. or maybe you never left it.
“oh, don’t whine, baby.” he pouts, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.
a gasp falls from your lips when he leans to your chest, his tongue flicking and swirling around your pebbled nipples, making your eyes flutter shut as you squirm below him. you don’t want the whines to fall from your lips but they’re hard to control. “she’s really sensitive here. look.” he rolls his fingers against the little buds, causing you to jerk and your toes to curl in your socks but hurt is etched all over your face, making oikawa simply laugh as he continues to flick his fingertips along your sensitive buds. “cute, right?”
“i bet she’s so wet.” sneers kunimi, his eyes flickering up from your chest to your face. through the hot tears brimming in your eyes you can clearly see the coldness he stares at you with. you’re nothing. there’s no mercy for the girl he’d respected as his senpai, his sweet manager-chan who he’d let ruffle his hair and tease him for being so lazy. you’re nothing but a mere- “slut.”
“look at her still struggling.” you whine at kindaichi’s snarl, but it bleeds out into a breathy gasp as oikawa wraps his lips around one of your nipples, sucking and lapping as he chuckles against your skin, kunimi scoffing with agreement.
“she does this a lot.” oikawa smiles when he releases your nipple with a wet pop. you feel like a little doll on display, there to be used for entertainment. and even though you’re not new to it, it still hurts all the same. more possibly. “but once you keep going,” his grip around your wrists tighten as he sits on your kicking legs, making you groan at the pain of his weight, and his other hand grabs your jaw forcefully, fingertips pressing into your cheek roughly. “she starts to like it.” the manic grin on his face sends shivers running through you that you fall frozen. all you can see is oikawa blaring in your mind like a horrible hallucination. “like the horny bitch in heat she is. she’s an insatiable cockslut.”
he prises your mouth open with his fingertips squeezing your cheeks and you flinch when he spits, a cold globule landing on your tongue. the horrible sensation makes you cringe but you’ve been conditioned, almost like a dog, that your pussy clenches.
“messy bitch.” you barely even get to process kindaichi’s words before oikawa’s shoving his fingers into your mouth, weighing down heavy on your salivating tongue. they edge towards the back of your throat, your throat tightening as you gag and you jerk under his weight, making them laugh sneeringly and stinging tears well in your eyes.  how pathetic.
“she really is.” oikawa smiles, his eyes flickering between kindaichi and kunimi. “and she’s good with her mouth too. because she’s a good little slut, aren’t you?” he nods his head slowly, almost like he’s urging a toddler to speak and you can only glower at him through your tears with his fingers forced in your mouth. “go on, say it.” kunimi and kindaichi watch with keen interest, horrible smirks plastered on their faces and you can clearly see the way they’re palming themselves so eagerly. how is it all the men you’d trusted, the same men you considered good enough to be family, were all so depraved?
“y/n-chan…” you try to force the humiliating words out but  it’s pathetic with drool bubbling from the corners of your lips, making you slobber all over oikawa’s hand and your own chin. your chest wrenches with the deep grunt kindaichi releases, the buckle of his belt clicking and a fresh wave of hot tears arise in your eyes again. this is embarrassing. worse than embarrassing.
“look at her crying.” says kunimi with a twisted smile on his face. “cry some more, bitch.” and you feel pathetic when you do, your face crumpling as hot tears run down your cheeks, your sobs muffled by oikawa’s fingers in your mouth. he groans as he slowly rocks his hips into you, grinding his erection against your body whilst kindaichi slowly strokes his cock.
“she looks pretty when she cries, right?” oikawa smiles.
you gasp for air, your throat feeling tight, when he finally rips his fingers from your mouth. strings of saliva break and splatter over your messy chin and he coos at the drool glistening off his fingers.
“messy girl. but it works as the best lube for your sloppy pussy, doesn’t it?” he releases your wrists and immediately you bury your sobbing face into your trembling hands, the tears running into the drool as oikawa spreads your legs wider.
“tōru, please- this is enough.”
“we’ve not even started yet, stupid bitch.” kindaichi growl cuts through harshly and you flinch when he grabs your hands, yanking it towards his cock. “just shut up and take it.” you recoil at the sight of his dick, slapped against his clothed stomach. he’s thick, the bulbous head leaking beads of precum and the prominent veins lacing along, but you don’t have a choice when his strength easily overpowers yours, grabbing your hand and spitting into the palm of it. his saliva feels horrible on your skin but it’s surely worse when he forces your fingers around his length.
“you’re a natural, kindaichi.” laughs oikawa. “do you like that, y/n-chan? do you like his cock in your hand?” you hate it. you hate the warm weight you’re forced to squeeze as kindaichi exhales heavily- but you barely get to cry out any protest before oikawa shoves his fingers into you.
it burns- three fingers already stretching you out with sharp scissoring motions that makes you gasp, your hand tightening around kindaichi’s cock and you hate the moan it draws out for him. oikawa isn’t usually like this- he’s rougher with his sharp fingerfucks against your spongy walls, your saliva mixing with the squelching wetness that fills the room.
“oh, she’s so tight just around my fingers.” oikawa hums. “just imagine how tight you’ll be around my cock.”
“and so wet too.” kunimi’s eyes are widened slightly as he watches how your pussy sucks in oikawa’s fingers, drenched in a thick sheen of your glistening slick. “fuck.” he groans under the sound of his zipper being undone and you cringe as you see him pull out his cock from the corner of your eye. it’s too much- warm pleasure begins to swirl in you, your toes curling at the rush as the pressure builds in the pit of your stomach, oikawa’s hips grinding his hard cock into your leg, kindaichi forcing you to stroke his length and kunimi jacking off right by your face. it’s horrible. it’s suffocating and you feel like you’re drowning-
a heavy moan falls from your lips and your hips jerk at the sudden hot flash of pleasure that rushes through you. a bright grin spreads across oikawa’s lips as his fingers stutter, and then he does it again. and again. his fingers rub against that sensitive spot that has the pleasure surging so much faster through you. your moans are harder to hold back, even though you hate them, but wetness drools from your cunt so much more.
“she likes that.” oikawa chuckles. “didn’t you say you didn’t want this? now look at you, soaking my hand and moaning like a whore.” you groan as he puckers his lips, spitting directly onto your glistening folds as slick dribbles down between your spread thighs.
“her cunt is so messy.” kindaichi murmurs.
“yeah.” oikawa exhales. “it’s this spot right here when you curl your fingers. it’ll make her cum so hard, just like a dumb whore she is. won’t it?” his voice sounds distant but his mocking tone is harsh as blood pounds in your ears and pleasure builds higher and higher. your skin feels hot and you’re so wet, walls gripping his fingers tighter. “you’re going to cum, right? cum now.”
your orgasm rushes through you, heavy and forceful as a string of moans fall from your lips. wetness gushes from your cunt, soaking oikawa’s hand in your release as your hips buck up into his hand, your own tightening around kindaichi’s cock. he and kunimi stare hungrily, entranced by the strings of slick that cling to oikawa’s fingers as he smiles proudly.
“wasn’t that nice?” you feel so fucked out. your mind is cloudy, blood pounding and heart racing as you stare at oikawa, dazed and breathless.
“she’s so fucked out.” kindaichi says and you don’t even flinch as he taps your cheek harshly, his fingertips stinging against your hot skin. “already?” oikawa hums in response as he unbuckles his belt, a happy smile painted on his face.
“oh yeah. it makes her a whole lot better to fuck when she’s a dumb, fucked out slut.”
he groans as his wet fingers close around his cock, spreading the slick over the veiny skin as his head falls back. he strokes himself slowly, squeezing the head and  chuckling at the precum that oozes from the flushed slit.
“oh, this cunt is going to feel so good.” his cock is heavy as he slaps it against your swollen clit, making you jerk with the sensitivity but his hand pins your hip in place with a bruising grip as he slides his cock into your wet hole. with the amount of wetness pooling below you the sting is minimal but you hate his deep, pleasured groan, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as your walls cling to his length.
“t-tōru-” his name falls softly from your lips and you want to push away at his hips, stop him from filling you up any further with his thick cock as the sensitivity makes you shudder. “t-too big.”
“take it, y/n-chan.” he grunts through gritted teeth. his hips are sharper as he pushes into you, making you gasp as it takes.
“that’s what you’re here for.” kunimi hisses. “you’re just a cockslut.” you flinch at his words, your face crumpling as tears stain your cheeks once more but this time it makes oikawa groan louder, his hands circling your throat as he bottoms out in you.
“oh, you look so pretty when you cry.” you hate the feeling of his wet tongue on your cheeks, lapping at your tears with his fingers around your throat, but it ends quickly when he quickly pulls away, frowning at kunimi. “you can use her hand, you know.”
the younger man doesn’t hesitate to snatch your hand, dragging it towards his cock and you shudder as he licks your clammy hand, his wet saliva coating your skin before he forces it around the base of his cock. he’s thicker than kindaichi, longer too, and a deep breathy moan escapes him as he forces your hand along his length, just like kindaichi.
“now watch.”
a cry escapes you and your head fall back as oikawa starts to pound into you. he’s rough and fast, cockhead almost slamming against your cervix and hipbones snapping into yours.
“h-hurts. please.”
“i said take it.” oikawa’s voice is a deep, primal growl, rumbling deep from his throat as his fingers tighten around your neck, squeezing the air out of you. your walls clench tighter, body tensing but it just seems to make it hurt more as your eyes clench shut, pain pulsating through you as he pounds into your cunt for his own pleasure. “or cry. i don’t care, it just turns me on more. right, guys?” a breathy laugh, half a moan, falls from his lips as kunimi and kindaichi chuckle in agreement.
“she looks like such a slut right now.” the latter breathes. his hips buck up into your hand faster as he watches oikawa’s cock drive into your cunt. “getting railed with two dicks in her hands.”
“well, she’s taken more than this.” oikawa smiles. “you know back when we were in third year, we could pull her into the locker room before a game and she’d jack all four of us off. a real cumdump.” he taps your cheek mockingly as you glower through your tears whilst kunimi and kindaichi both moan at the lewd idea, their hands around yours forcing you to pump their throbbing cocks faster.
“when we get her, i’m gonna ruin her.”
oikawa laughs at the idea, releasing your throat to cup your face as he continues to drive his cock into you. your wetness drools all over his length, squelching lewdly as he smiles sadistically.
“pretty when you’re get fucked, aren’t you?’ his sweet lips press against the corners of your mouth, soft and tender. but the palm that strikes your cheek moments after isn’t- your head swinging limply to the side with your tender skin burning. “she likes it rough, you know? anything goes really”
“oh yeah? this too?” your scalp burns when kindaichi tugs you and you flinch when he grips the base of his cock, slapping the warm weight against your wet lips and cheek. and you hate how it makes oikawa and kunimi groan, the former fucking you faster whilst the latter bucks his hips up into your hole, forcing your fingers into a hole for him to fuck his cock in.
“oh, i think she likes that, kindaichi. she’s squeezing so much tighter.” oikawa laughs as he finds your clit, swirling it slowly as he tugs your face back to him. you can tell he’s taking you in carefully with his sadistically gleaming eyes- he likes seeing your wrecked makeup, your tears and drool, the hurt and pain. “do you want to cum? i’ll make you cum now, baby. you’ve been so good for us tonight after all.”
it used to be a trap. he’s said it plenty of times before- but it didn’t stop until he wants it to. or iwaizumi, or whoever the fuck is using you.
so you have to take it- you take oikawa’s cock pounding into your tight hole, him spitting onto your drooling cunt and swirling your thumb whilst kindaichi and kunimi use your hands, bucking their hips up into your fingers. you don’t know how many times you cum, time blurring but you’re exhausted and your throbbing cunt aches as oikawa’s thrusts become sloppy, his fingers squeezing around your throat again.
“i’m going to cum.” he groans. “going to cum in this tight little cunt. oh, you’re going to take it, won’t you? you’ll take my cum just like the perfect little cumdump-” he breaks off with a loud string of moans, cock twitching and warm spurts shoot into your cunt, flooding your warm walls. and kindaichi and kunimi aren’t far behind- their cocks hang in your face as they jack off with fast pumps, deep moans and breathy swears falling from their lips as you’re forced to watch them till hot ropes of sticky cum shoot from the flushed slits, splattering all over you. it’s everywhere- clinging to the skin of your chest, your tear-stained face, your hair whilst oikawa’s loads drips from your abused hole.
“what a fucking mess she looks.” kindaichi mutters. he looks disgusted.
“a proper cumslut.” oikawa just simply laughs, brown eyes crinkling with sheer amusement.
“well, at least you guys know how to have a fun time so make sure you show her that next week. i’ll be angry at you kouhais if they don’t.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I found this on my laptop?
Magnus frowned at Maia but she didn’t bat an eye. Alright, he thought, it was time to bring out the big guns.
He pouted at her.
“So, I can’t give free drinks to any cute people?” he asked, leaning against the wooden counter.
“Nope,” Maia replied shortly.
Huh. Maybe the pout needed more voltage.
“But what if they are super cute?” Magnus asked, pouting even further. “Like Chris Pine cute?”
“Still nope,” Maia shook her head.
“Are you telling me that if Chris Pine walks in here tonight, I can’t offer him a free drink?” Magnus asked incredulously.
Maia sighed, half tired and half exasperated. “I can assure you that Chris Pine is not going to walk into this bar on a Sunday night.”
She paused and looked at Magnus seriously.
“He better not walk into this bar when I am not bartending,” Maia said. “I will be so fucking pissed if that ever happens.”
Magnus wondered how much it would cost him to hire Chris Pine to visit the bar on Maia’s birthday.
“What’s the point of running a bar if you don’t get to give free drinks to cute people?” Magnus gestured at the patrons.
It was Sunday night and Hunters Moon was buzzing with anyone who hated Mondays – which was pretty much everyone.
“The point is to make profit so I can pay off my student loans,” Maia answered and slammed the cash register with a loud thud – she could be a little extra sometimes.
“You had to guilt me with the student loans, didn’t you?” Magnus pouted, for real this time. “Capitalism is a bitch.”
“Magnus, you don’t have to-”
He jumped over the counter in one smooth motion and put a finger on her lips. Cute people come and go – but friends are forever.
“I promised I will take over for you tonight,” Magnus smiled. “I won’t give anyone free drinks – even if they are Chris Pine cute. I promise.”
“Just for a couple of hours okay?” Maia said, as she picked up a napkin from the cupboard, probably hoping to clean the counter for the hundredth time. “It’s mostly just kids from the nearby campus. You can close up by 11.”
He smiled at her and took the napkin from her hands and put it over his shoulder. “Maia, I’ve got this. I just need to look pretty and serve alcohol. I’ve been doing that might my whole life. Just ask my dad.”
“Magnus, your jokes are more depressing than they are funny,” Maia pointed out, looking rather concerned.
“Hush, you!” Magnus shushed her. “Now why don’t you go back to the apartment and prep for the interview with the bank tomorrow?”
Maia was applying for a loan so she can renovate Hunters Moon to make it bigger and better. He wished he had the money to make her dream come true – but he didn’t. So he had decided to help her in whatever way he could. If that meant serving alcohol to redheads and Star Wars nerds with what were clearly fake IDs, Magnus didn’t mind one bit.
“You are the best-est,” Maia smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “You are sure you can handle it, right?”
“Maia, I know my way around alcohol,” Magnus reminder her again. “I once drank so much gin that I almost got married to a plate in Poland. Or was it in Philippines? It was a country starting with P. I remember that much.”
“If that anecdote was supposed to make me feel better, it failed miserably,” Maia groaned, shaking her head.
“The only thing that can make you feel better is some hardcore prepping for your interview tomorrow,” Magnus informed her. “Now off you go. I’ve got this.”
He turned around, already taking orders from a blonde girl in a leather jacket. He saw Maia exiting the counter and picking up her backpack. She turned around and gave him a fond smile.
“One drink,” she said. “You can give one free drink.”
“One?” Magnus said in disbelief. “But there are so many cute people here!”
Maia put her backpack over her shoulder and winked at him. “Then you better find the cutest of them all – and it better not be Chris Pine!”
Magnus pouted at the door, which closed after her. He looked around the bar once more - the small cozy space which will hopefully be a big cozy space in the future. It was full of cute people alright. But how could he just choose one of them? It seemed like an impossible mission.
“Alright cutest of them all, show yourself!” Magnus announced dramatically, half joking and half wishing.
Right on cue, the front door bell jingled and two ridiculously good looking people walked in. They looked like students – but Magnus did not make that assumption based on the usual signs like the dark circles under their eyes or the ramen stains on their t-shirts.
These two were actually carrying a pile of giant text books as they found a corner booth and settled down. Magnus was trying to figure out which one of them was cuter when the door opened more and his quest to find the cutest of was settled – probably forever.
The man wore a simple gray sweater and had dark floppy hair that fell just above his eyes. Magnus wanted to know whether he didn’t comb his hair or didn’t know how to.
And his face. Oh my god, his face. 
It was cute. Probably the cutest thing Magnus had ever seen – which is really saying something because Magnus had once attended a cat fashion show a couple of years ago.
The cute, no – cutest – guy’s face scanned the space, searching for someone – probably his girlfriend, if Magnus’ past luck was anything to go by. Even if this cute stranger turned out to be miraculously and conveniently gay, he was probably still here to meet up his boyfriend.
Magnus was used to his shitty luck.
The man’s eyes stopped on him and his mouth parted open, forming a slight O. He shook his head, his ridiculously cute hair flopping around making him look even cuter. The man started looking around again, this time more urgently.
“Face!” he yelled at someone. Or may it was Trace. Magnus couldn’t hear him over the patrons.
Mr. Cutest of Them All walked towards the two ridiculously good-looking students and immediately started gesturing aggressively at the counter. The two students peered over at the counter – at him? – and pointed at their books.
The man sighed and put his face in his hands. Clearly the three of them were dealing with some sort of personal drama. Magnus, despite wanting nothing but to talk to the cute guy, decided to give them space.
For now, he decided to do his job as promised and started taking and making more orders. One hour down, Magnus had successfully poured drinks, breaking zero glasses – although he did break a couple of hearts when he refused to give them his number.
They should really blame the stupid cute guy who was now brooding in the corner booth. The two mysteriously good-looking friends – friends? – seemed to be reading (studying? In a bar?) their giant textbooks in silence.
The blonde one did come over to get a couple of beers but didn’t say much. Magnus wondered if it would be a good idea to send over a drink to their table. Maia did say he could give one free drink after all and he didn’t think no one cuter could walk into that bar tonight – or any other night for that matter.
The bar was starting to empty out slowly as Maia had promised although the corner booth remained the same. Magnus shrugged and decided to clean up the counter since he had to close up in half hour. He was looking for Maia’s cleaning cloth – which she probably should wash more often – when someone loudly and awkwardly cleared their throat.
Magnus turned around to find the cute guy sitting on one of the bar stools, his fingers clasped neatly on the counter before him.
If he had thought the other man was good looking before, he didn’t have words for what he was feeling right now. Magnus could actually see his clearly now. His face, pale but beautiful – like porcelain that you want to caress at first sight. His blue eyes were so deep and enchanting and would definitely give Chris Pine run for his money.
The counter was empty, and so was the bar mostly, but one customer was still a customer. So Magnus decided to stop thirsting and starting pouring – alcohol, just to be clear.
“What can I get you?” Magnus asked, putting on his best smile.
No harm in smiling, right? It was just good customer service.
Okay he might have also unbuttoned one (or two) or his buttons while he pretended to look for something but that’s mostly because New York can be ridiculously warm in…January.
“Can I get a Cake by the Ocean, please?” the man asked.
“A what?” Magnus blinked.
“A Cake by the Ocean?”
“Uh, I don’t know how to make one of those,” Magnus replied helplessly.
Great his first impression on his cute stranger was that he was a loser who didn’t know fancy alcoholic beverages.
“I am sorry,” Magnus said quickly. “I am not a professional bartender. I am just covering for a friend. But I can look it up on the internet and see if I can make it for you.”
“No worries,” the man smiled, and Magnus wanted to kiss him. “It smells like orange juice and vodka. But also tastes like cranberries, I think? Oh – and peach schnapps!!”
“Hold on,” Magnus said slowly. “Are you talking about a Sex on the Beach?”
The man blinked at him once and then twice. His eyes widened in realization and he face palmed and groaned so hard that his friends looked over at the counter in concern.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” the man said, his voice muffled by his hands. “This is so embarrassing.”
“It’s really not,” Magnus smiled. Can this guy get any cuter?
“Why would anyone even call a cocktail that?” the man complained. “It’s a terrible name.”
“It was actually coined by this guy from Florida. He was asked by a peach schnapps company to create a cocktail featuring their product. So he made this,” Magnus gestured at the cocktail he was currently making, “He named it Sex on the Beach because most of the spring breakers who visited Florida at the time were looking for sex or the beach. It was really good marketing strategy to be honest.”
Cute guy looked both impressed and surprised at the same time. Cute guy looked cuter.
“I didn’t expect you to offer me an explanation and definitely not a comprehensive one at that,” the man said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Magnus winked – because of customer service.
“You said you are covering for a friend,” the man after a minute of silence. “So how do you know about the sex on the beach thing? Do you happen to know random details about random alcoholic beverages?”
“While that would certainly look excellent on my resume, unfortunately no. My knowledge of alcohol is limited to mixing cocktails and making hangover cures. But I was a linguistics major at Columbia. I spent an entire semester on etymology. I may have a little obsession about discovering the meaning of things. So I happen to know random shit like this.”
“That’s actually pretty cool,” the man smiled again.
“I am glad you think so,” Magnus said genuinely. “My dad doesn’t see the point of pursing linguistics.”
“Most parents don’t understand the purpose of learning for passion,” the man pointed out. “They think we need to get a degree so we can get a job. They don’t really care if we like what we to learn or enjoy what we do.”
Magnus blinked.
The man was not only breathtakingly beautiful but also eloquent and deep.
“I agree,” Magnus replied. “But if we are going to talk about our parents, we need something stronger than a cocktail with orange juice.”
The man chuckled.
Magnus used to think that the most beautiful sound in the world was the sound a cocktail mixer makes when you are getting yourself booze after a long day at work – or short day at home.
But now he wasn’t so sure.
Maia can think whatever she wants – but if his depressing jokes can get another laughter out of the mystery man it would be worth it.
“Alec,” the man said, now smiling.
“Short for Alexander?” Magnus smiled back.
“Yep,” Alec nodded.
“Do you know the etymology of your name?” Magnus asked, as he waved at the last patrons – other than Alec’s friends – who were leaving the bar.
“It means protector, right?” the man guessed. “For Alexander the Great or something.”
“Actually it goes further back,” Magnus corrected, glad they were talking about etymology and not something like…baseball. “It was actually an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. She was a total badass. You should be flattered.”
“Well then, consider me flattered,” Alec grinned.
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aiiwa · 4 years
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— iwaizumi hajime.
⤷ genre: college au - fluff / smut
⤷ warnings: cursing, mature content and themes. smut: fingering (vaginal and anal), unprotected sex. kind of proof read but if you see a typo...no you didn’t.
⤷ word count: 6.4k
— a/n: set in the “FRESHMAN YEAR” universe, and is a continuation of “PRETTY IN PINK” - which i suggest reading before this. for those who wanted some real action after pretty in pink, this is for you <3.
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a couple of weeks had passed since the incident. at least that’s what you had been addressing the day you had sent photos of you modelling your new lingerie to iwa, as. things had seemingly returned back to normal, photo unmentioned, and still your steady friendship continued with the oblivious brunette.
and now november had announced its arrival, with your boots beginning to disappear under crunchy oceans of cherry, merigold and bronze, and the potent, musky-sweet smell of browning leaves swirling around the air. it was the tell tale sign that fall was well and truly here, and what better of a time to drive out of town for the day, and celebrate momijigari.
at least that’s what you had told yourself before, what was meant to be a two hour drive, turned into over three hours spent in a car with the oversized toddlers know as your best friends.
“i’m hungry~!” whined toddler number one from behind you.
mattsun outstretched his long arms, reaching around the passenger seat you sat in, in an attempt to steal more of your snacks. you had made sure everyone knew to bring their own food and water, double- no, triple checked everyone was on the same page. but of course it was no surprise that mattsun was the only one to turn up empty handed. so when his grabby hands slapped against your cheeks for the nth time, you angled your face and snapped your jaw right on his thumb.
mattsun shrieks, jolting back away from you. “fucking hell, y/n!”
twisting around in your seat, you smirk, watching as he checked over the distinct bite mark on his red thumb.
“ha, serves you right.” pipes the figure slouched next to mattsun in the back seat. “ugh i need to take a leak.”
the peach-haired, number two toddler was none other than makki. he’d woken up cranky that morning, and it only seemed to worsen when he’d been shoved into the back with the chatty mattsun. within the first ten minutes he had tried to suffocate the latter with his pillow, and when that didn’t work, he took to blasting music in his headphones and facing himself towards the window for majority of the ride. only engaging with everyone when you began snacking, and he had decided to drink all of his juice just to spite mattsun.
“oi, iwa! control your gremlin!”
“shut up.”
“no, you shut up! you didn’t even want to share your juice with me!”
“i will literally piss on you right now.”
losing interest in the bickering duo behind you, your attention diverted to the third, brooding toddler beside you in the driver’s seat. you had spent majority of the drive admiring the way iwa handled himself behind the wheel; the flex of his arms under the fitted cotton of his blue long sleeve as he turned the wheel, and how the pads of his long fingers would tap against the worn leather to the beat of whatever tune began playing on shuffle. yet out of everything, it was when iwa took to mumbling the lyrics of whichever cheesy love song you were belting out to, that you found yourself falling even deeper into the pit of your affections for him.
throughout the drive, iwa had mostly managed to ignore the others’ antics - with your intervention of course. but with how tight his grip on the steering wheel had become from the squabbling in the backseat, and the dark look brewing under his cap; it was clear how close he was to losing his cool.
extending your arm out in front of him, you offer the hershey bar in your hand, brushing it against the pout of his bottom lip. iwa’s olive eyes glance questioningly at you from the side, to which you only offer a small grin.
“take a bite.” you order. the, ‘you look like you need it,’ is silent, but obvious in the way you prod the treat at his closed mouth.
his eyes returned to the road before him as he parted his lips, pink tongue making a brief appearance before he took a small bite of your chocolate. you attempt to retract your arm, until iwa moves one hand to grab your wrist; bringing you back to him to take a bigger bite of the sweet, thumb rubbing against the inner side of your palm.
the corner of his mouth tugs upwards, as he mumbles a small, “thank you.”
heat floods your cheeks, and you catch yourself before you drop the chocolate on his lap. distracted by the deafening beat of your heart pounding in your ears, you don’t notice the silence that fills the car, or the not-so subtle click of mattsun snapping a photo of the two of you in the front and sending it to the group chat. you’re pulled out of your slight trance, by a flash of peach entering your field of view.
“that was disgusting...ly sweet. and now i suddenly need to puke, so hurry it up would you.”
as makki leans back, mattsun is quick to replace him, popping his head between you and iwa.
“don’t just ignore me, y/n, feed me chocolate too!”
rolling your eyes, you shove the bar in his mouth; the rest of you three laugh as he falls back into his seat, all the while he happily munches on the treat.
a little time passes before iwa’s flicking his indicator, signalling his turn into the free parking space outside the nature reserve. he shifts the gear into park before everyone piles out - makki walking over to wrap his thick, fossil grey scarf around your neck, the cashmere soft against your skin; while mattsun offers to carry your little backpack, only sending you a sly smile when you question his reasoning for taking the bag from you. you hug iwa’s offered arm to your chest, as the four of you start trekking along the uneven pathways leading towards lake kawaguchi. the walk isn’t necessarily long, but none of you are in a rush - strolling leisurely and enjoying the atmosphere.
and when you finally reach the end of your walk, you still yourself, awestruck by the beauty surrounding you. the glassy lake shimmering under the afternoon rays, crisp maple leaves painted red, swaying to the breezy flow of the cool wind, and the tinkling laughter from young children running about on the golden fields - filled your chest with warmth.
“it’s so beautiful here.”
your voice comes out as a whisper for only iwa’s ears to hear; with makki off to relieve himself and mattsun trailing after him, acting as if you didn’t see him rummaging through your snacks. iwa only hums in agreement, missing the way he hasn’t even acknowledged the view, his gaze set solely on you.
this is what the tradition of momijigari meant; taking time away from your busy schedule to spend a moment to enjoy this small piece of life. and of course, capturing the moment with some of your favourite people on camera. so when you busied yourself with taking photos with the towering men, it really shouldn’t have surprised you when your phone began to buzz with an incoming facetime call.
sliding your thumb across the screen to answer the call, you’re greeted by the sight of oikawa’s toothy grin; illuminated by a bright light you knew had to be artificial, since it was nearing two a.m. in argentina.
“yahoo, y/n-chan! you didn’t think i’d miss out on a photoshoot did you? i already missed out on you feeding me chocolate!” you shoot an embarrassed glanced at iwa, noticing the slight furrow between his brows and the faint dust of pink across his cheeks.
“photoshoot…?” a confused makki mumbles behind you.
mattsun leans over your shoulder, shoving his face in the camera. “oi, isn’t it late for you?”
you raise a single shaped brow as oikawa scoffs, brushing his fingers through his perfectly styled hair. “the pretty face of this group has finally blessed you, and that’s all you have to say?” mattsun scrunches his face in offence, as oikawa continues. “besides, i may be in a different country but i refuse to miss out!”
and it was because of his soft pout that you found yourself posing with your phone by your face, making sure to catch oikawa’s best angles; having long given up on questioning the setter and his antics. the so-called photoshoot came to an abrupt end later on when a tired and cranky oikawa yawned, apparently ruining another photo according to him, and iwa’s finger just so happened to slip and disconnect the video call.
“he’s stubborn.” was all he had said when you, makki and mattsun side eyed him. “we should head back home before it gets late.”
the drive back to tokyo seemed relatively faster than the journey to fujikawaguchiko. it was as if your body went into autopilot as you sat behind the wheel, this time taking responsibility as the driver while the boys napped; only coming to when you were parking iwa’s truck into their apartment’s parking lot, moments after the sun had set.
it was a silent and unanimous decision to order take out for dinner, the four of you seated around the black walnut dining table to dig in. meal times with the boys were hectic, and competitive for the most part - it was survival of the fittest. you were often being challenged by mattsun - tonight having lost the last few gyoza to him.
though it became obvious who the real loser was when mattsun flopped his head onto your lap, while you were lounging out on the settee.
“y/n~” mattsun drawled out. “rub my belly, it hurts!”
“please, y/n~! my one and only best friend, the moon to my stars, the curry to my rice-”
he releases a satisfied sigh once you reach a hand out to press your palm against his stomach, rubbing soothing circles to stop his whining; and you catch makki roll his beady eyes at the two of you, as he flicks through suggested films to watch on netflix. iwa strolls into the living room, pillows and a comforter stacked in his arms; laying them neatly on the couch he shares with you on movie nights.
“oh, iwa, could you send me the photos please?” he nods his head once, barely glancing over at you and mattsun; pulling out his phone and dropping himself unceremoniously across the adjacent sofa. “thank you.” you call out once your phone pings with several notifications.
still rubbing mattsun’s stomach, your free hand casually scrolls through the pictures from today.
you snicker to yourself at the first series of chaotic images. a selfie with smushed faces pressed together and a phone-sized oikawa tucked right under your jaw, a blurry pic of the boys throwing vermillion leaves at each other, and even a timed snapshot where you, mattsun and makki had leapt on iwa’s back - your legs wrapped around his torso, while makki squished you from behind, and mattsun had flopped himself on top of the pile. there was even a shot of the aftermath, your phone and oikawa somehow surviving the tumble, and a deadpanned iwa staring straight at the camera as the three of you behind him cackled with your heads thrown back.
at least a few wholesome pictures had been captured. a sweet group photo with all of you huddled by each other in front of a vibrant maple tree; you and iwa were flanked by mattsun and makki respectively, as oikawa was held between you and iwa like a prized trophy. even a rare moment where makki and mattsun had their arms hooked around each other, with easy going grins on both of their faces, had been caught.
butterflies erupted in your tummy, fluttering about once you swiped to the next photo. it was a candid shot of you and iwa standing by the brilliant blue lake front. you were leaning into his side, holding two leaves at the top of your head to mimic cat ears, face tilted upwards. giggling, your eyes were shut, and only now can you see that you missed the soft smile iwa donned looking down at you.
it was almost painful to admit that together you looked like a couple, and it didn’t help that most times you even acted as such. sneaking a glance at the man in question, you watch him chatting quietly to makki, gripping your phone tightly in your grasp at the sound of him laughing at whatever snide comment escaped your peach-haired friend. you couldn’t help but sigh, being in love with one of your best friends only got harder each day.
unknowingly you had already swiped to the last photo iwa had sent, so when you return your gaze the screen, you shriek; dropping your phone flat on mattsun’s face.
“um, what the fuck, ow.”
iwa’s sharp eyes shoot towards you instantly. “what’s wrong?”
you only shake your head, warmth filling your cheeks and an itch you just can’t scratch prickling under your skin. makki only shrugs, shifting his attention back to the television. iwa is more hesitant, the feeling of his olive eyes giving you a once over does nothing to calm your nerves from being sent into overdrive. when he finally turns away, you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“ugh, what even had you going even more crazy than usual all of a sudden?” mattsun groans from your lap. as he reaches to lift your phone off of his face, you’re quick to snatch the device away.
“n-nothing!” he only raises a thick brow at your defensive tone, before grabbing your hand to continue your ministrations.
glancing around the room, you pull the screen close to your face; taking in the photo, you felt your mouth run dry. 
there was no way this could have been sent to you on purpose - because the sight of a shirtless iwa at his second home, the gym, was definitely not taken at lake kawaguchi. anyone with eyes could tell how ripped iwa was under his fitted shirts. but over the past few months you had noticed that he’d run off to the gym more often; and it was obvious in the way his clothes struggled to stretch over his bulked up build these days.
it was a mid work out, mirror selfie; iwa’s dark, mocha coloured hair plastered to his forehead, bare chest glistening from the sweat dripping down from his neck. he was seated on the rubber floor, one long, tanned leg stretched out in front of him with the other bent at the knee, elbow resting loosely against his leg. your eyes greedily took in the defined dips of his toned stomach, dark snail trail leading downwards to the evident bulge of his grey shorts; the hem cutting into the flexed muscles of his thighs.
the heat pooling between your thighs as your imagination ran wild was just about to peak when-
“oi, y/n.” you almost jump, locking your screen, and blinking away the dazed look in your eyes. when your vision cleared, you found makki standing in front of you. “we’re gonna watch the movie now.”
“oh, right.”
mattsun rolls off your lap with a groan, complaining to makki about who is gonna rub his belly now, while you stand up. shuffling over to iwa, he stretches before shifting and making room for you to squeeze in next to him.
“c’mere.” he mumbles, throwing his arm around you and pulling you into his side.
the beat of your pounding heart is almost deafening in your ears, you’re near to hyperventilating, as your mind is sent into overdrive. the two of you were always cuddling platonically during movies, ever since the one time you had complained about being cold in their apartment. but this time was different. ‘is this how he felt when you had sent a picture of your new lingerie?’ you think to yourself. you spend the next hour deep in your thoughts, completely lost to whatever is happening in the sci-fi film makki had chosen, and when the end credits start rolling on the screen - iwa announces he’ll drop you off back to your dorm.
it’s close to midnight; so makki wishes you a goodnight, as a sleepy mattsun rests against his shoulder, making grabby hands for you not to go. you wave as you leave, following after iwa who opens the passenger side door of his truck, helping you jump up into the seat, before closing the door and making his way to the driver’s side.
your dorm isn’t too far from their apartment complex, so you’re not surprised at how quick the ride is. the street is unusually busy, yet completely void of any roaming students. and with no private parking for students, iwa’s forced to pull up near a secluded cluster of tall trees, a bit away from the dorm entrance.
“i’ll walk you in.” iwa says, leaving no room for argument. he reaches for his phone, as a message flashes across his screen. “oh, oikawa asked why you’ve been ignoring his messages.”
“huh?” you flip your own phone in your hand, watching as the facial recognition unlocks and suddenly iwa’s gym selfie is on full display for the both of you. it takes a moment for you to process the situation, and all you can manage is a simple, “oh,” as you resist the urge to fling your phone out of the window.
“nice photo.” iwa pipes up, you don’t even try to look at him, but the smirk in his tone is evident. “where’d you get it?”
his question throws you off, and you’re quick to turn your head to narrow your eyes at him. “what do you mean? iwa, you literally sent it to me?!”
“really? shit i must have done it by accident.”
“an accident?”
“yeah, like what you did to me. remember?”
you gasp, moving back almost as if you’ve been struck, while iwa simply laughs at your expression. a full on belly laugh that has him throwing his head back, illuminated by the glow emitting through his open moon roof. you should’ve been dwelling in the embarrassment that came with him turning your own words back on you - yet you found your own laughter mixing in with his. only when both of you had calmed down a bit, did an electrified silence fill the car.
fiddling with your phone in your lap, the strands of hair curtaining the sides of your face, is brushed aside and tucked behind the cuff of your ear. glancing at iwa, the corner of his mouth is pulled up into a fond smile as his thumb caresses the shell of your ear.
“sorry for teasing you, pretty lady. couldn’t help myself after you sent me that picture looking all pretty in pink.”
“i…” words escape you as his large hand trails down the side of your cheek. you’re suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to do something - it’s almost at the tip of your tongue, before you grab at his wrist and whisper a, “fuck it.”
leaning over the middle, you reach a hand to hold the back of his head as your lips press against his own. lips even softer than they appeared, the lingering taste of his wild cherry lip balm, the same one you owned, tasted sweeter than you remembered. after a moment, of the kiss not being reciprocated, you pull back.
“just had to do it once.” you murmur, lips still tingling.
iwa’s minty breath fans across your face as he releases an airy sigh. “then let’s do it a second time.”
this time his hand wraps loosely around your neck, pulling you towards him, and slanting his mouth over yours. you moan into the kiss as his tongue darts out to tease your lower lip. leaning into him, you almost keel forward as this time he pulls away. slightly breathless, you open your eyes to take in the barely restrained lust and adoration in his handsome features, mimicking you’re own.
“third time’s a charm, right?”
the devilish grin iwa gives you in response to your innocently posed question, has you climbing over the centre console. at the same time he’s rolling the chair back away from the leather steering wheel, making space for you to slide onto his lap and straddle him. molding your lips to his, the feeling of your tongue exploring his mouth and you grinding into him slowly; has him release a hiss as his hands grab at the fullness of your ass.
tugging at his collar, your words are muffled against his mouth. “take this off, now.”
he chuckles at your demand, pulling the hem of his shirt past the bulk of his shoulders and over his head - blindly throwing it to the backseat. you drag your eyes over the sight of his broad chest, taking in every delicious dip of his stomach; leaning forward, your tongue licks a tentative stripe along his neck, that has iwa’s breath hitch before peppering wet kisses along his skin. your hands roam around his toned body, while his own larger ones slide under your top; a searing hot trail following his exploration of your body. he draws small circles at your hips, leading up to hold your waist and bring your even closer against him.
“your turn, baby.” he whispers to you, fisting the bottom half of your top. “be fair to me, i wanna see more of you.”
sitting up straight in his lap, you slip the thin top over your head; following his suit in flinging it to the backseat. your hair brushed past your bare shoulders, exposed skin feeling the chill of the autumn night; but the look in iwa’s olive eyes, irradiated by the moonlight streaming in from the uncovered moonroof, was scorching hot. rough palms, flat against your smooth skin, slid over your tummy, teasing the sheer mesh of your bra, before playing with the baby blue ribbons on the straps.
“y/n.” iwa groans out, tracing the floral stitching and feeling the hardened nubs of your nipples under the fabric. with the moon haloing behind you, the way he stares up at you is so raw and intense, it has you frozen in anticipation. “you look so fucking beautiful in blue.”
he doesn’t wait for your response as he reaches behind you to unhook your bra, freeing your breasts from its confines. iwa’s quick to take a pebbled nub into his hot mouth, suckling as his fingers tweak the other. your fingers thread through his dark locks, when he moves and switches his focus; a lewd string of saliva dragging from your nipple to his pink tongue. stuttered grinding from his mouth distracting you, had you reaching a hand between each other to palm his erection - wanting to ease some of the tension. but iwa’s quick to snatch your hand away.
“iwa...let me touch you?”
releasing you from his mouth, he kisses the pout from your lips. “no, baby, don’t worry about me.”
“why not?” you whine.
“i wanna make you feel real good, gotta prep you for me first. is that okay with you, baby?” he only smiles softly as you start to relax against him. “i need to know if you’re okay with this. care about you so much, i just want you to be comfortable. let me know if you wanna stop right now.”
“no, h-haji...please, i don’t want to stop. i want you so bad. i need you, ah-”
your consent was all he needed before he pulls you back into him, kissing you so slow you feel dizzy; his hands travel low on your body, working the button of your jeans, as your fingers dig into his shoulders. when he breaks away from you, he helps you slip out of the dark denim, tugging each pant leg off until all you wearing is the stringy, baby blue panties that leaves little to the imagination.
“fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me.” iwa groans out, rubbing a hand across his face as you giggle lightly. while you hover over him, he quickly strips off his pants, kicking them off onto the floor before grabbing onto your hips. “flip around on me, baby. that’s right, face the front.”
settling down onto his lap, the thin cotton of his briefs does nothing to hide the print of his hard-on he’s sporting underneath. and with your back pressed to his warm chest, you roll your hips teasingly into him.
“come on, haji...let me help you.” you huff, continuing to grind against him.
“oi, cut it out.”
his grip on your hips tighten in warning, and you gasp as he manhandles you easily. shifting you around so that the heel of your left foot digs into his thigh, the other secured at the edge of the leather wheel; he has your legs wide open. before you can even think about any stragglers catching you so vulnerable; iwa hooks his arm under your thigh, pads of his fingers brushing over your clothed pussy.
“haaaa~” you breathe out, hips jerking into his touch.
“fuck baby, your panties are soaked.” he continues to tease you over the drenched crotch of your panties. iwa rubs lazy circles, casually sliding under the material to play with your silk folds. his touches have you yearning for more, as you feel yourself slowly going insane as he starts to coat his fingers in your slick.
“mmm...touch me, haji...properly.”
wriggling around in his embrace, you keen once he pulls his hand away from you; holding his fingers before you, showing off how they glisten so prettily in under the moon. and then you watch over your shoulder as he leads his hand to his mouth, and licks his fingers clean.
“you taste so fucking sweet.” he’s quick to bring his fingers back to your drooling pussy, coating his fingers once again, but this time bringing them to your own lips. “here, have a taste for yourself.”
opening your mouth, iwa wastes no time pressing his long digits flat against your tongue. sucking on his fingers, you savour the saccharine essence of your pussy; moaning at your own flavour sending your tastebuds into overdrive. iwa hums, heated gaze taking in the way you take his fingers in your mouth; he slowly pulls them back out with a pop - smiling softly at the way you stare at him, all wide-eyed and wanton.
“should we get you out of these messy panties now, baby?”
at your eager nods, iwa presses a kiss to your shoulder as he has you lift your hips up; slipping your soaked panties off, and placing them on the passenger seat side the two of you. sitting you back down against him, he hooks both arms around the undersides of your thighs, grabbing at your soft flesh and spreading you wide open for him. you whimper when a big hand cups your sex, rough palm brushing against your throbbing clit.
“shh.” iwa coos, entranced with how you’re rolling your hips to grind against his hand. “i got you.”
he presses his thumb against your clit, circling the sensitive bud peaking past your puffy lips; as his middle finger teases your slit. slowly he pushes his finger inside you, a heavy, relieved moan escapes your throat, as he easily slides in and out of you. through heavy lidded eyes you watch as fog clouds the windows of iwa’s truck, the glass steamy; while perspiration collects between your bodies. you’re brought back to focus on iwa, when he teases a second finger against your slit, dipping inside you and stretching you out even more. hissing, you clench around him; the lewd squelches as he fucks you with his thick fingers, has you digging your heels into his thigh and the steering wheel.
the way iwa’s fingers reaches deeper inside than you could ever on your own, and the added stimulation to your clit, has the tightening coil in your belly snap as you cum all over his hand.
“oh baby, feels good doesn’t it?”
“yeshhh...h-haji, mmph-”
he doesn’t stop pumping you with his fingers, letting you ride out your orgasm to the end. even when you feel the high descend, twitching at the slight overstim, you expect him to stop. but all he does is bury his face in the crook between your shoulder and neck, dragging his teeth across the sensitive skin as the hand not occupied with your pussy, fondles your ass. you lean into him, mewling at his touches when your breath hitches at a new sensation.
“haji, no! it’s dirty!”
the hand at your ass had moved to pet at your puckered hole - completely drenched in your cum, he was sure he could slide a single finger in with ease. and he was right. the feeling of your tight hole being prodded, stretched by the tip of his forefinger, before sucking the entire digit inside - had you throwing your head back in pleasure.
“f-ah-uck! oh shit, nghhh!”
“you gonna cum again for me, baby?”
the feeling of both your ass and pussy being stuffed full of iwa’s fingers is overwhelming. you’re a panting and moaning mess, writhing on top of him. and when the back of your head is thrown back into iwa’s shoulder, all you can see is hazy stars in the sky as you stare up, completely intoxicated by the feeling of his fingers moving inside you - brushing against the thin barrier of skin between your two holes. the familiar pressure in your tummy has you bucking your hips and crying out.
“you’re squeezing my fingers so tight.” he maintains the same steady pace, fucking his fingers into you nice and deep, while working your sensitive clit. its only a few seconds later he hits a particular spot that has you jolting forward, crying out at your sudden release. “shit, that’s right, i can feel you cumming all over my hands again, baby.”
you can barely think straight as your body trembles from the aftershocks of your second orgasm. still in a daze, iwa eases his fingers out of your twitching holes, and you groan at the empty feeling.
“you okay?” iwa asks, wrapping his arm around your waist. you nod, chest heaving as you attempt to steady your breathing. “you think you can cum one more time from my fingers-”
“no!” you grab at his wrists when he moves to play with you again. “i need you inside me, haji. please.”
whatever calm iwa had possessed while pleasuring you had vanished at your words. sticky hands lifted you up by your waist, turning you around to straddle him - while he slightly lowered the back of his seat. lip locked, your hands find themselves wrapped around the nape of his neck, while iwa’s hands grab at your body - stilling your wriggling form as he grinds up into you.
without breaking the kiss, you reach down and ease your fingers under the elastic waistband of his briefs; hand brushing against the tip of iwa’s cock. that earns you a muffled groan as he allows you to hover over him and slide the boxer briefs down his muscled thighs. your mouth salivates at the sight of his cock slapping against his toned stomach. he was easily the biggest you’d ever seen, with a thick vein on the underside, and a red, angry tip leaking pre-cum.
“fuck, you’re so big haji.”
he hisses when your hand touches him, you can barely wrap your fingers around him; and you start to question if he could even fit inside you. iwa notices the slight hesitation in your movements.
“we don’t have to.” he reassures, brushing the hair out of your lust filled eyes. “i can play with you some more, or i can eat you out in the back seat-”
“-haji.” you cut him off, stroke him before lining him at your dripping entrance, grinding the leaking tip across your slit. “i’ve wanted this for so long.” lowering yourself, you gasp at the delicious stretch of his tip entering you. “i’ve wanted you for so long. don’t hold back, give me everything.” and with that, you completely impale yourself on his cock.
“fuck, y/n, i can feel you clamping down on me- shit baby, you gotta move.”
lifting one leg at a time, you shift around off of your knees, steadying yourself on your tip toes; before grabbing onto iwa’s shoulders and starting to slowly ride him. his hands roam across your body freely, loving squeezes trailed in their path, as praise after praise is whispered out to you.
“you take my cock so well, fuck.”
your fingers dig into his shoulder blades as you quicken your pace. bouncing yourself faster on his fat cock, iwa’s attention is drawn to to the way your breasts move in front of him; massaging the soft flesh, and then leaning forward to smush his face between them.
“could stay right here forever.” his muffled voice croons. 
you whimper at the feeling of his hot tongue dragging a wet trail down the valley between your breasts, and you’re certain plum love bites will have bloomed across your chest by sunrise. your arms shoot up to press against the foggy glass of the moon roof above you, palms pressed flat against the steamy window, handprints painted on the transparent screen - as you bounce harder and faster. the lewd sound of your ass slapping against his thighs and of your pussy sucking him in with each stroke; shows how desperate you are to cum again.
“you’ll cum on my cock, won’t you baby? i can feel how close you are, shit, you’re so close aren’t you?”
the way you ride him gradually becomes sloppier the closer you are to cumming, so when he holds your waist and helps you bounce on him, you cry out in relief.
“f-fuck, feels s’g-good, haji! nghh, yes, yes, yes-!”
only as he reaches a hand down to roll your sensitive clit between his index and thumb, do you fall apart on his cock. your velvety walls spasm around him as he continues to fuck you through your high in chase of his own, overstimming you even more as you cream all over him, tongue lolling out. the sheer intensity of your orgasm has you collapsing forward onto his heaving chest, a babbling mess, while he holds you to him.
“you made such a mess on me, baby.” he huffs out.
“h-haji.” you whimper into his neck, arms looped around his. “s’too sensitive, haaa~”
your knees are by his hips, the tops of your feet pressed against his inner thighs, as he rolls his hips into you. large hands slide down your spine, over the curve of your ass to knead the smooth flesh in his palms.
“just hold on to me baby. you got one last one for me, don’t you?” all you can do is nod, releasing an onslaught of mewls and moans. “that’s a good girl, fuck.”
iwa is relentless in pursuit of his own orgasm - fucking into you at a punishing pace that has your mouth jar open in a silent cry, his truck jolting with each snap of his hips. your juices completely drench his cock, allowing him to slide in and out of you with ease, and you’re sure by now your pussy has been shaped out by the imprint of his cock. you can feel him throbbing inside of you, close to his climax; while his fingers dig into your ass shoving you down on his cock, and hitting your sweet spot over and over that you can’t help but gush all over him yet again.
“h-ah-ji, hnghh!” you sob, your body spent and thighs slick with your cum.
iwa only lasts a little longer with the way you were clenching down on him; pulling out of your fucked out pussy, and setting you on his thighs. he fists his cock in his hand, jerking himself a few times before thick, white cum spurts out - coating his entire hand and painting his stomach.
“mmm baby, that was fucking amazing.” he growls out, leaning back into the seat to catch his breath. “d’you feel okay?”
you only hum, entranced by how much cum he spilled. or wasted, you thought to yourself.
“can you reach over to the back and grab the towel in my gym bag, gotta clean us up…” your lack of focus has iwa trailing off. “y/n?”
“we don’t need the towel.”
reaching for the hand covered in his seed, you bring it to your mouth. iwa tries to question what you meant by that, though he’s cut off when you lick a tentative strip across his palm. gathering his cum on your tongue, you swirl his essence around in your mouth, before swallowing. you make a show of taking each finger in your mouth, sucking his cum clean. once his hand is licked clean, you slide down his lap; ready to do the same over his abs.
“you’re so good to me, y/n.” iwa runs his fingers through your hair, and then pats your head. “y/n?” he calls out again, still petting your head just as your about to trace the dips of his stomach with your tongue.
“y/n? y/n?”
you move back away from him. “what?”
“y/n? oi, y/n? wake up!”
iwa watches as you jolt up from where you had fallen asleep on his lap. makki, who had been hovering over you, moves away as you try to swat at him - a confused look on your face.
“you fell asleep.” makki informs her. “you were interrupting the movie. if you’re that tired, just sleep in one of our rooms.”
lazed out on the other couch, mattsun pipes up; “yeah, you were making these ugly noises and then iwa said you licked his hand, what a weirdo.”
he only clears his throat awkwardly, finding a sudden interest in the beige walls of their living room. he misses the horrified expression on your pretty face, scrunched up in utter embarrassment, before you turn to start arguing with mattsun.
iwa was grateful for the pillow resting over lap, hiding the evident hard-on he was sporting. he wanted to argue with mattsun too, because the sounds you made were definitely far from ugly.
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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murphslass · 3 years
Nervous Much? Pt. 3
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> Pt.1 >> Pt.2 >>> Pt.4
Warnings: fluff, heavy kissing, teasing, plus sized!reader
“I’d love to.”
He says as you unlock your front door and lead him in. His hands stay in his pocket as he follows you toward the kitchen. He leaned against your countertop as you go to fish out the first aid kit.
“Why you getting that shit out?”
“Because, that creep got a few blows on you too. Especially with the lovely scratch on your forehead and your blistered knuckles.”
“C’mon now sweetheart, you really don’t have to do that.”
“No, you are a guest. Besides I thought you were a gentleman tonight.”
“You’re I did say that didn’t I? So I am at your disposal babycakes.”
You giggled as he bowed in your direction. You prepared your things and held Negan’s hand. Examing the small scars and a little blood you frowned. You stayed concentrated to make sure that he didn’t end up with any permanent marks.
“I’m warning this is pure alcohol and it’ll sting.”
“Whatever. I’m no pussy.”
He scoffed as you soaked a cotton ball in the solution. He then flinched at the touch and you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.
“Ha. Ha. Go on keep laughing it up. But I can’t help it, this fucker hurt.”
“Don’t worry it’ll be fine big boy. Now I just have get the mark on your forehead before I get out the bandages.”
He nodded and let you continue. You groaned as you had to go onto your tip toes to reach his head and forget that he’s tall. Negan giggled and brought his hand to hip to keep you secure. You finished the cleaning him up and wrapped his knuckles in gauze and a bright red bandage on his forehead.
“There you go!”
“Well I appreciate it beautiful.”
He said as he flashed a toothy smile, you went pack everything back up and feel Negan’s body press against your back. He goes to kiss the area behind your ear and you moan as the sensation sends goosebumps down your body.
“Mmm! You are sweet as a fucking peach baby.”
“I need to put this away Negan, here I’ll also make a couple of drinks.”
You say as you laugh nervously and escape his hold. He just chuckles to himself as he leans against your counter. You saw him out of the corner of your eye as he keeps his eyes on you. Walking towards the liquor cabinet and pull out a bottle of Crown Royal and Malibu.
“Which one do you want?”
“Either or honestly depends. You drink it straight or use shooters?”
“Well I have juice and coke. I like them so I don’t get drunk fast.”
“Oh yeah! I love some coke. Let’s drink up baby.”
You loved his enthusiasm and go to pull glasses out. Negan walked towards you and saw you going to unscrew the cap of one of the bottles. His hand going on top of yours. You froze in your steps and felt his finger tips going up your arm. You could feel your body heating up and his hand moving onto your shoulder then your neck. You whimpered as he turned you to face him before kissing you. His lips moving against yours slowly so he can feel you. His hands guiding you to lean against the surface as he grew more hungry with his kisses. His hands grab onto your ass to pull you to sit on the counter. You gasped at how strong he was and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips. His soft tongue massaging yours and his hands pulling your thighs to his slender waist. You whimpered at his touch and you could feel his smile against your mouth. He reaches to bring your arms onto his neck. Your fingers go into his dark hair as he moaned into the kiss. You could yourself growing more needy for him. Slowly you made out for a few minutes and pulled away to breathe again.
“Fuck you taste good. Wonder what that sweet kitten tastes like.”
He said with a dark smirk as your face turned bright red. He just loved seeing you flustered.
“Do you have to have such a dirty mouth?”
“It’s how I express my love and it’s apart of my charm.”
He smiled and you couldn’t fight the grin on your face.
“Do you still want that drink?”
“Not really. But maybe we could move this to the bedroom?”
You nodded and laughed when lifted you in his arms. You just pointed him in the right direction and he happily kicked the door opened. He placed you onto the bed and you for once you felt confident.
“Before we really get into this baby, I really need to piss.”
“Oh the bathroom is right behind you.”
“Thanks sugar lips.”
He smiled as he walked away. You sat up to get comfortable and strip away your clothes. Soon you were left in your panties as you didn’t want to have hassle with your bra. As the door began opening you moved under the sheets. Negan appeared but without a shirt this time. He smirked and made his way to crawl on top of you.
“Hmm I wonder what you got hiding under here. Let Daddy have a look.”
He says as he hooks a singular finger on the top of the covers. At first you resisted but then he pulled hard to reveal you to him. Negan let out a low growl as he took you in.
“Holy shit princess. You’ve got a smokin’ hot body here. Can’t wait to eat you all up and have you screaming my name.”
You bit your lip as he dived in and by kissing on your neck and massaging on your breasts in his hand. You moan at the nice feeling and hold onto his shoulders. Your slipped shut and the bed felt so warm and comfortable.
Morning came quick as you woke to Negan spooning you. He was in his boxers and you couldn’t remember anything from last night. You shifted and sat up to try to remember something, but nothing came to mind.
“Morning sunshine.”
“Hey. Did we have sex? Because if we did then I can’t remember it.”
“Nah we didn’t. You actually fell asleep before we got things going.”
You covered your face and groaned loudly out of embarrassment.
“Oh my gosh! You gotta be kidding me. I’m so sorry Negan.”
“For what? You were tired. And I had to admit you’re cute when you sleep.”
You didn’t say much as Negan moved closed and gently ran his fingers down your back. You giggled at the tickling feeling and lean back to lay on his stomach.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be baby.”
“But I feel like I’m leading you on and-“
“Hush that bullshit. You’re not leading me on and besides if I thought that I wouldn’t be here. But I really fucking like you and I enjoyed our time together sweetheart.”
“So you think that we could try again?”
“I mean I won’t say no baby. But let’s do that later and just go back to sleep.”
You agree and go back into his warm embrace as he covered you both up.
Part 4 coming soon…smut
@ffakc @negans-attagirl @jonasdean02 @eddiesgirl @littlebadgirly @cosmilla @iluvneganandjamie @little-bad-girly @ohyoubetterbejokin @bratty-dolly @jdmsgal
72 notes · View notes
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x female!OC
Part: 6/??
Series Masterlist
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Sam turned around to watch JJ tiptoe gently through the door. He placed his feet so deliberately she wondered how often he was required to practice such silent exits and entrances. Just when she thought he was finished, he caught the toe of his boot on the threshold and tripped, slamming his whole body into the wall and allowing the screen door to slam shut behind him.
She let out a small laugh as JJ fell to the floor, eyes and nose scrunched with his teeth clenched as he waited for a scolding that wouldn’t come.
“JJ, I said you could come in, it’s fine”
“But you just said your mom is home!” He said in a strained whisper “and here you are sneaking me in and not being very sneaky!!”
She leaned down to grab his hands and pull him up off the floor “we don’t have to sneak, she’s asleep, she defintely didn’t hear any of whatever…that was ”
Sam dropped his hands and walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pawing around for something to eat. JJ gave her a questioning look, “asleep? It’s ten am on a weekday.. does she work the night shift?”
The girl shook her head no as she peered into the fridge, still biting her bottom lip between her front teeth and allowing the cold air to pour out and cool her face. “Is she like a nurse or something? Does she work a weird schedule?” JJ asked
Again, Sam shook her head, turning towards JJ and shutting the refrigerator door “she doesn’t work, kinda hard to keep a job when you don’t get out of bed”
JJ eyed her quizzically, “then how..” he looked around the small house, it had nearly the same layout as the Chateau, but that’s where the comparisons stopped. It was clean and actually pretty nice, considering its location on the south side. Not a book on the shelves was out of place, not a speck of dust on the tables or furniture. The only houses this clean he’d ever seen were on Figure Eight, and they had housekeepers.
“She gets alimony and child support from my dad, apparently that wasn’t enough though” she said matter of factly, referring to her mom's draining of her college fund. She reached into the basket on the counter and pulled out a peach, biting into it and making JJ’s eyes widen.
“Damn, that is some kook shit, alimony and child support? Fancy” he said as he spun around on a barstool, still surveying the space, “you sure she won’t wake up and get pissed at me for being here?”
Once again she shook her head, chewing the peach and swallowing, then wiping the juice away from her mouth with the back of her hand. She set the piece of fruit on the counter, wiping her hands on a rag and then opening her mouth to call out “MOM I'M HOME!”
“Sammie!!!” JJ hunched up and whispered aggressively.
She looked at him and rolled her eyes, shouting out again “MOMMA?! MOM!!”
JJ stared at her with wide eyes, he didn’t think he’d ever heard her speak so loudly or with such conviction.
“Hold on, hold on, let’s try one more,” she said, holding up a finger and walking past him to the short hallway where the bedrooms were located. JJ watched her take in a deep breath, then he nearly fell off of his stool when she started shrieking and screaming “MOM HELP ME!!! MOM HELP!!” It sounded like she was being murdered.
The boy jumped up from his seat, walking through the living room towards her, glancing out the windows towards the the house next door “your neighbors are probably calling the fucking police now, Sammie”
Sam turned around, red in the face from all the screaming and walked back to the kitchen nonchalantly, picking up her peach and licking the juices that were coming from the bite she had already taken “but she didn’t wake up, did she?”
JJ eyed the hallway where she had just been standing, there was no noise or movement. “Are you sure she’s…okay?” He danced around the idea that her mom could be dead in there if she didn’t hear the screams her daughter was letting out just seconds ago. He stooped down to pick up a Knick-knack that adorned the side table he was next to, turning it over in his hands.
“Don’t steal anything, please.” Sam said flatly, as JJ shot her an unamused glance “she’s fine, I’ll go in and check on her in a bit” she said and then took another bite of the peach and hopped up to sit on the counter. “I have a few chores to get done around here, and then what do you want to do today?”
JJ shrugged and replaced the little decorative item to its rightful place, “I dunno, up to you” he mumbled as he wandered further into the room, eyeing the books and photos displayed on the shelves and walls.
Sam huffed as she discarded what was left of her uneaten fruit into the trash and then got up “fine, well, make yourself comfortable, like I said I have a few things to do.”
“Where’s your room?” JJ blurted, dragging his eyes away from the family photos to meet her eyes with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
She scoffed and pointed at the hall, “on the right, weirdo” she said as she faced the kitchen sink and started the water. He ambled casually down the hall and stood in front of the door “don’t go through my drawers, Maybank!” Sam called from the kitchen.
She knew him too well. JJ chuckled and opened the door, setting his eyes on the room in front of him. It looked just like every other room of the house he’d seen, perfectly tidy, not a single item out of place. He didn’t know what he had imagined when he thought of Sammie’s room, but this was definitely hers.
JJ walked slowly through the door, almost tiptoeing as he had earlier when they came into the house. His eyes flicked over photos of the Pogues on the beach tacked on the wall, with old swimming ribbons and medals, photos of her marching band friends and magazine cutouts all over. He eyed the bed in the corner, smiling at the worn plush fish that he and Pope had fought to win at the carnival freshman year. The bed was perfectly made, and didn't look like it had ever been used.
He then ambled over to the desk on the opposite side of the room, eyeing the books she had stacked up on one side and the highlighted calendar hanging on the wall behind it. He looked at the dates she’d marked and the notes beside each one, “band camp” blocked out a whole section, nearly two weeks, “first day of school” was still a couple of months out, and “Pope’s birthday” shortly afterwards. JJ shook his head, God she's so organized. He didn’t even realize that Pope's birthday had coincided with the beginning of school, of course she’d have it highlighted on her calendar.
His eyes travelled down and looked over the little trinkets she kept on the work surface, various crystals that Kie had no doubt given her, notepads and pencils, shells and beach glass that she and John B were always picking up; And then JJ’s eyes fell on a basket of tiny bottles, each one differently colored and equally vibrant, and he couldn’t remember a single day he’d known Sam that she hadn’t worn nail polish. He eyed the bottles, digging through the basket until he found his favorite color, a nearly empty bottle of olive green. JJ rolled the bottle between his fingers for a split second and then deposited it in his pocket.
JJ didn’t know why he stole things like this, little things, inconsequential things. He just couldn’t help it. He knew John B called him a Klepto, and he wasn’t wrong, so he never said anything about it, just went on stealing whenever something caught his eye that he liked.
At the sound of footsteps coming towards the room, he whipped around, catching the sight of Sam gingerly opening the door to the room across the hall, carrying a glass of water and a plate. She shot him a look through the open door and then turned and made her way into the dark room.
Another thing he couldn’t help? His curiosity. JJ moved quietly to the door frame that Sam had just disappeared into, and peered in. Letting his eyes adjust, he clung to the door frame and craned his neck to see into the room in another vain attempt to be sneaky. As his eyes adjusted he started being able to make out shapes, piles of things scattered all over the dark room.
And then one shape that was moving, JJ could just make out that Sam was knelt next to the bed, whispering and stroking her mothers head as she laid motionless on the bed. “Hi momma, it’s me,” she said softly and sweetly.
“I brought you some water and a snack, whenever you’re hungry,” she whispered some more, standing up from her kneeling position, but still bent at the waist to be close to her mothers face, “I’m gonna go to Kie’s for a couple days, don’t worry about me, okay?” Sam leaned in even closer, placing a kiss on her mother’s head.
JJ took that moment to peel himself away from the door, scurrying to the living room and throwing himself down on the couch, even though he was sure Sam knew he was listening, he didn’t want to make it more obvious than it already was. She emerged from the room and pulled the door shut, carrying various cups, plates and mugs, then made her way past JJ and set them all in the sink. He sat quietly and watched her as she washed the dishes and placed them on a drying rack, grabbing a rag in her hands and wiping them dry.
“I just have to grab some clothes for the rest of the week and then we’ll get out of here, sound good?” Sam said in the same soft voice he’d heard minutes ago.
JJ nodded, pretending to be focused on the rings he wore on his fingers. “Yeah, whatever”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw her sigh and shake her head, and then Sam moved towards the back hallway, opening up a closet to reveal a washer and dryer. She popped the dryer open and pulled out a pile of clothes, gathering them in her arms and bringing them back to her room. Again his curiosity got the better of him and he got up, following her into her own room this time.
“How long has she been like that?” JJ said as he stood against her door frame, watching her fold clothes and place them in the tote bag she carried whenever she stayed over with the Pogues
She replied without looking up “bout since my dad left, she never got over it”
JJ attempted to do the backwards math in his head, he remembered her mentioning her parents divorce back in middle school, sixth grade maybe? “Sammie…. It’s been years..”
Sam set down the dress she was trying to fold and looked at him right in the eyes “it’s fine JJ, just forget about it, please?”
“It’s not normal” JJ pleaded with her making his way into her room. “Shes depressed JJ, she’s not abusive, chill” Sam shot back.
“I guess…” JJ said, trailing off, then thinking better of it, “I mean isn’t neglect a kind of abuse?”
“Oh my God, I’m not abused JJ, this is nothing like the bruises you hide from your dad” as soon as the words were out of her mouth Sam wished she could reel them back in, stuff them back down, but it was too late.
JJ stared at her with wide eyes, she was the first one of his friends to actually bring it up and he wasn’t sure if he should feel angry or relieved. “I sleep next to you almost every night, I couldn’t help but put the pieces together, I’m sorry” she whispered as her eyes brushed the ground.
Before he could speak again she cut him off “none of our lives are normal, JJ. You know that better than anyone.” She was moving faster now, stuffing clean clothing into her bag “Your parents? John B’s? We’ve all had one parent leave, and one who had to pick up the pieces. Each one of our parents dropped the ball, and we’re the ones who have to just deal with it, right?!”
“Does anyone else know?” JJ asked
Another shake of her head, “but I think Pope is catching on, I’m running out of excuses for why she’s not around for school stuff”
JJ nodded, taking a seat in front of her on the bed with his hands in his lap “why didn’t you say anything before?” She looked at him and bit her lip, holding back tears as she tried to finish folding the last few items, “I don’t want anyone to worry about me, I can take care of myself, I’m fine” Sam insisted, though a few tears were breaking free, running down her cheeks before she could wipe them away.
JJ’s heart felt like it might explode out of his chest, he wanted so badly to reach up and wipe her tears away himself, but instead his hands clenched into fists, then relaxed, “hey” he whispered, “we’re good, right?” Sam nodded, sniffling and frantically trying to wipe away any evidence that she had been crying. “I know about your mom, you know about my dad, neither of us has to deal with it alone anymore, okay?” Again, Sam nodded in response, slinging her bag over her shoulder before wiping at her face one last time.
“Good!” JJ said as he jumped up, clapping his hands, earning a flinch from Sam “now, let’s go enjoy our fucking summer”
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thetragicallynerdy · 3 years
in sickness and in health
“’M fine.”
Matthew frowned at him. “You nearly coughed up a lung not ten minutes ago. You are not fine."
Aly turned towards the kitchen and tried to raise his voice louder despite his scratchy throat.
“Clay, tell him –“
“I’m on Matty’s side,” Clayton called before he could finish. Something crashed to the ground, followed by a muffled curse, another clatter.
“Are you –“
“I’m fine -“ Clayton appeared at the doorway, wiping hair from his face, a dripping metal mixing bowl and towel in hand. “Just dropped a damn bowl. I’m fucking fine, but you ain’t, Aly.”
Aly scowled. A cough tickled at his throat, and he barely suppressed a shiver, but that was just because of the draft. He was fine. “I fucking am too.”
“Fifty bucks and a bottle of whisky says you’ve got a fucking fever,” Clayton shot back. “And none of that ninety nine point two bullshit, a real one.”
Oh, he was on.
“Deal,” Aly rasped. “Matty, where’s the thermometer?“
Matthew gave him a long suffering look. “Really? A bet?”
“One I’m gonna win.”
Matthew sighed, but pulled a thermometer from his jeans pocket. Aly stared at it, then at him.
“You happened to have it in your pocket, huh?” he asked drily.
“Sure did,” Matthew said, a mite too cheerfully.
“You’re a bad liar.”
Matthew rolled his eyes, turned on the thermometer, and held it out expectantly. Aly sighed, but took it anyway, sticking it under his tongue and leaning back to wait.
It didn’t take long. The thermometer beeped, and he took it from his mouth, squinted down at it –
And felt the triumphant grin fall from his face. The screen of the thermometer was red, and displayed a bright 101.8°.
Clayton disappeared. Matthew took the thermometer gently from his hand, reading the screen.
“Think it’s time for some Tylenol,” Matthew said, voice calm, and more gentle than Aly wanted it to be. “And some juice.”
Aly thunked his head against the back of the sofa and scowled up at the ceiling. “Fuck.”
“I know, babe.” Matthew settled on the sofa beside him, setting one warm hand on his knee. Aly let himself list into Matthew’s warmth, shivering as a solid arm curled around his shoulders and tucked Aly into Matthew’s side. Soft lips pressed against his temple. “Being sick sucks.”
“I have to work tonight, what am I going to –“ he stopped, swallowed, closed his eyes. “Miriam’s gonna be pissed.”
He didn’t even hear the footsteps approach. Someone settled on his other side, the sofa depressing under weight. Aly opened his eyes, looked at the glass Clayton was holding out in one hand, the two pills in the other.
“Tylenol and peach juice,” Clayton said. “And I already called Miriam two hours ago. She ain’t pissed, but said she will be if you try to come in before next week.”
Of course Clayton had called her. And of course he’d known that Aly would end up here, too, falling for a bet and finally admitting that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as well as he wanted to be. Clayton was always so much smarter than he gave himself credit for. Matthew, too.
Conniving bastards, he thought fondly.
“Stay home and let us take care of you,” Matthew said softly. “Alright?”
Aly swallowed. His throat hurt, and the more he let himself sit, the more clear the ache of fever was, the pounding in his head. The tickle in his throat, the way his chest felt tight from suppressing coughs. “Guess I don’t have any other choice.”
Clayton shook his head. “There’s always a choice. Not stayin’ home would be a stupid ass choice,” he added, “but still a choice.”
Aly snorted. “Right.” Reaching out, he took the glass, then the pills, washing them down with peach juice.
“Didn’t think we had any peach juice in the house,” he rasped, raising an eyebrow at Clayton. They didn’t buy juice often, but when they did, it was the only kind he drank
“We didn’t.” Matthew murmured. Clayton glared at him over Aly’s shoulder, but he kept talking. “Clay went out this morning, before you woke up.”
Oh. Well. Fuck.
It shouldn’t have made him want to cry, but it still did, a lump growing in his throat, eyes feeling hot. “You didn’t have to do that.”
Clayton shrugged, pink dusting his cheeks. “Ain’t a big deal. Wanted to.”
And wasn’t it as simple as that. He wanted to take care of Aly, so he did. As had Matthew, both of them folding him into their care before he’d even noticed.
“Thank you.”
Clayton leaned in, pressed a kiss to Aly’s forehead. “No need to thank me. I got a delivery coming in at the shop this afternoon, but Matty’s gonna stay with you.”
Aly twisted his head back to look at Matthew. “Don’t you have youth group tonight?”
“I called in, Johnny’s got them for the night. It’s about time he earned the title of Assistant Youth Pastor.”
They were too good for him.
“All I have on is sitting on the couch with you, Matthew continued. “We have a season of Chicago Med to get through.” Clayton made a face, and Matthew pointed at him. “Not a word. You ain’t here to watch it anyway.”
“It’s so fucking bad, Matt –“
“Not a word,” Aly and Matthew said in unison.
Clayton flipped them both the finger. “Fuckers. We’re watchin’ The Great British Bake Off when I get home though, I ain’t sittin’ through another hour of doctor what’s his face –“
“Clay I swear to God –“
Aly started laughing. And then he started coughing, dragging himself upright and leaning over as cough after cough rattled his burning lungs.
Someone took the glass of juice. Another hand landed gently on his back, started rubbing slow circles, and a voice murmured soft reassurances in his ear.
His hands were shaking when he finally settled back against Matthew, exhausted. Clayton was watching him too damn carefully, and Matthew held him like he was afraid he would break.
“Alright?” Clayton asked.
Aly nodded. “Sorry.”
Clayton shook his head. “Don’t need to be. Here - a drink might help.”
He took the juice back and drank dutifully. Then let Clayton take it and set it on the coffee table, let him and Matthew tuck a soft blanket carefully around him, let Matthew press a kiss to his head and Clayton press a hand to his cheek and let them care for him in the only way they knew how.
“I’ll be ok,” he mumbled to Matthew after Clayton kissed him goodbye and slipped from the room, heading for his shop. “Don’t need to stay with me.”
“I know you will.” Matthew leaned his cheek against the top of Aly’s head, curled his arm a little tighter around him. “But I want to.”
And that – that was enough. In another day or two, he'd be better. But for now - for now he had one boyfriend to watch trashy tv with, and another to get him peach juice. And really, what more did he need?
So he nodded, and let himself lean a little heavier against Matthew. "Alright, love. If you say so."
Matthew hummed. "I surely do."
This was a little ficlet written for folks over on the undeadwood server, featuring modern au boyfriends AlyClaySon and sick Aly. No idea if this’ll go anywhere, but thought I’d post the little ficlet here.
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some-kindofgnome · 3 years
question of the night: what are your HQ faves drinks of choice? what kind of drunk are they?
omg cee this got... so out of hand lmao HERE WE GO you asked so i am gonna tell you 
literally everything there is to know about my favourite drunk HQ boys 💖 
w: drinking/intoxication, some drunk kisses and taking care of drunk people 🥺
Bokuto: okay this is multi-faceted because I FEEL LIKE bo’s favourite drink is like a strawberry daiquiri. especially if it’s the kind that you bring home in a can and blend up yourself. It’s soooo sweet and delicious and he’s also just not the type to get caught up in whether or not that’s an embarrassing thing to like drinking or not. so that’s definitely what he’ll have if, like, anything goes.
If he’s, like, out at a restaurant or at someone else’s place for a party, he’ll go for a cider. Maybe something sweet, like blackberry or cranberry cider if he can get it?? I hc that Bo has a big sweet tooth in all areas tbh.
When he gets drunk, everything that makes Bo… Bo gets amplified. He will speak louder and louder the drunker he gets, until somebody mentions it to him. Then he gets self-conscious and will whisper for the rest of the night. His body runs hot like a radiator when he’s drinking AND he needs everyone around him to know how much he loves them and how happy he is that they’re hanging out with him.
By the end of the night, he gets all needy and clingy, laying sloppy kisses on you at every possible opportunity. He definitely needs a babysitter to make sure he doesn’t get in bed with his shoes on and will keep up a consistent, low ramble about how much he loves you and how good you are to him until he passes out in the pillows and snores louder than he ever has in his entire life.
Akaashi: akaashi sits on the opposite end of the spectrum. Contrary to what many people like to write about him I think he DOES drink on the reg, even if it’s just, like, a drink here or there when he has to take work home. Either way, he definitely strikes me as a wine guy. Loves to pour a nice sweet red, definitely NOT picky about drinking it out of a wine glass or not.
Akaashi is a BIG FAT lightweight, though. It only takes him, like, two glasses of wine to start feeling really woozy. Not that you’d really be able to tell, unless you took a good long look at him. Akaashi pegs me as a really high-functioning drunk who just sort of bobs around the party with his cheeks flushed and eyes a little hazy, liking the way the wine makes his head buzz pleasant and soft.
I think he gives in a little more easily to affection that would normally make him clam up a little, if that makes any sense. Like, if you go in for a hug he’s gonna lean into it a little more than he usually would. He might actually hold onto you for a little while longer than normal, too, turned just a little clingy when the wine lowers his inhibitions.
But by the end of the night he’s definitely the one you can still rely on to put you safely to bed. he’ll be well sobered up by then and, even if he rolls his eyes, would half-drag you all the way home through the snow if it meant making sure you got home safely.
Atsumu: OKAY this is another kind of complex one. I have the feeling that when Atsumu goes to a party or like goes drinking with friends he orders beer. Beer all the way. Cheap, shitty beer, whatever they’ve got on tap, blah blah blah. And he likes it fine, it gets the job done. Maybe it bloats him a little more than he’d like and sends him to the sticky bar bathroom to piss one too many times a night, but it’s better than standing at the bar and ordering
what he’d rEALLY LIKE TO BE DRINKING which is a cocktail 👀 I think he would be into cocktails that don’t taste like they have alcohol in them honestly aldfjlskdfj I don’t think he likes the taste of most hard liquor so he would want something with like lots of peach schnapps or like fireball with apple juice, whatever weird house drink the bar served with like a thousand different mystery ingredients to mask the taste of the cheap vodka in it.
Atsumu is a MESSY drunk too, like stealing-drinks-off-the-bar, shouting across the table, laughing SO loud and slamming his hand on the bar so hard it knocks over the cocktail peanuts. he also gets like, horny and REAL flirty, but in the dorky way. Inhibitions GONE. Dumb pickup lines ENGAGED. He’ll also like, get the pickup lines wrong which make them even more nonsensical.
If he’s been wanting you in ANY capacity, if he’s so much as LOOKED TWICE at you before, you’re gonna know after sharing a couple of drinks with him. He ALREADY can’t be trusted with keeping secrets, but after a night of drinking there’s no WAY. Oh ALSO he and his brother BOTH turn beet red after exactly one (1) mL of alcohol. so you know it’s affecting them when they’re flushed from chest to forehead.
SPEAKING of Osamu, he is the one fucking respectable idiot who likes his liquor NEAT. He’s got that sophisticated palette, and I have a feeling he’s a really big wine enthusiast too (and like- know how to pair it with food really well, etcetc) but his idea of an indulgence at the end of a long day is like… a good single malt or like a fucking butterfly pea flower gin with nothing in it.
And he’ll stand there in the middle of a party drinking THAT or drinking his fucking sophisticated-as-fuck cocktail, like an Old Fashioned or a Negroni like it’s no big deal. Just don’t make the mistake of trying to make conversation by asking him what he’s drinking, because he will never stop talking.
I think that’s definitely the most distinctive feature of drunk ‘samu is that he just.. runs his mouth. Constantly. He’s not particularly boisterous or sloppy (like his brother) and he’s capable of like… having an intelligent conversation, he just never shuts up and will ramble enthusiastically about anything you can get him onto. Drunk Osamu is a lot friendlier than normal with that telltale (adorable) drunk flush about the tops of his cheeks, his nose, forehead, neck and ears.
He’s also really affectionate and loving with you if he’s had a couple. It’s still that cute sort of quiet, loving affection, but he’s not shy about PDA at all when his inhibitions are down. He’ll come up behind you at a party and put his arms around you, rest his chin quietly on your shoulder and kiss your temple. He’ll take your hand and pull it into his lap if you’re sitting next to each other, eyes trained on you with the MOST loving smile touching his lips. He’s a simp for you every day, but it shows extra hard when he’s drunk.
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Prompt: “Can you do a mob!Roman Reigns x Pregnant Reader where they are in a meeting and someone disrespects her?” Requested by the lovely @purpledragon04 (I’m also tagging my girl @ziasaph ‘cuz she wants all Roman related stories...and I can relate babe! Hahaha)
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Mob!Roman Reigns x Pregnant Reader
Warnings: Mob themed related subjects(drugs/gun),cursing,explicit violence,mentions of murder,harassment.
Notes: I’ve always wanted to write something Mob!Roman related but I’ve never had any good ideas,until the amazing @purpledragon04 request this. I’ve had some free time today so I dedicated to write this.So there you have it, I hope you like it babe.🥰 Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I woke up as soon as the smell of fresh toast and scrambled eggs filled the bedroom, I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful man holding a tray fool of food,shirtless and barefooted with his hair down,only in a pair of black sweatpants that hanged dangerously low on his hips.
“Good morning baby girl” He softly smiles
“Good morning Ro”
He placed the tray of food on top of the bed on his empty side and approached me kneeling on one knee,placing one big hand on my round belly,pecking my lips,looking at my bump and asking in a soft voice
“And how are we feeling today?” While he rubbed and gave light pecks all around my belly.
“So far so good!” I answered as I ran my fingers through his thick,silky,dark hair.
“Good” he pecks my lips “ ‘cuz I’ve brought us some food”
He got up and walked to his side of our king size bed,placed the tray next to me so he could sit on the bed.
Ever since we’ve found out I was pregnant Roman did this same morning ritual every day without a fail! He would wake up before me and cook himself our breakfast. And to be honest I don’t know how he could do it,for 6 months straight now,every single day. It mesmerized me how much dedication he had with my and the baby’s well being.
“What did I do to deserve you?To deserve this everyday?” I honestly asked while I pointed to the tray
He shyly smiled and I could swear he blushed before answering “Baby girl,you’re making a big deal out of nothing really,it’s a simple gesture that I like to do,because I love you and our little bundle of joy” He rubbed my bump “I just like to take care of you both that’s all...now let’s eat before the food gets cold”
I smiled and took a good look on the tray,there was scrambled eggs,plain toast and toast with jam,fruit salad,water,coffee and juice. I eagerly reached for the coffee when...
“Nu uh! You’re not drinking that missy!” He took the coffee out of my sight “I’ve made you some peach juice and there’s water.”
I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh before saying “The doctor said that I had do control the amount of caffeine I drink and not to totally quit it,you know?”
“First things first,don’t roll you eyes at me missy. Secondly yours and the baby’s health comes in first place,so that means no caffeine for you”
“But I-“
“There’s no arguing about it! Now drink your juice and eat your breakfast!”
“Whatever you say,dad” I scoffed
He briefly chuckled and said “Don’t you worry baby girl, later tonight, I’m sure the same words will come out of your mouth with a different tone to it” he deviously smirked at me.
I was finishing opening the last package with some of the baby’s items I’ve bought online, to find the one thing I was looking for. A romper with some beautiful and delicate flower patterns on it, with the saying ‘ I may be small,but I’m a one big wish come true’, the same words Roman said to the baby when we’ve found out I was 4 weeks pregnant.
I smiled and made my way to his office, I was so excited to show him what I’ve found that I bursted through the door saying
“Hey Ro,look what I’ve foun-“ I stopped talking as soon as I saw he wasn’t alone “I’m so sorry! I didn’t knew you had a meeting,that was so reckless of me to burst in like that,sorry.”
“It’s ok baby, it’s a last minute meeting, I didn’t even had time to let you know, it’s ok tho, I know you didn’t mean to” He smiled “Besides,we’re pretty much done here.” He stood up from his chair,made his way towards me at the door and whispered “I’m just gonna go grab something really quick,so I can give to David,then I’m all yours ok?”
“Sure,Ro” I answered and he pecked my lips
“I’ll be right back baby” And he quickly went down the stairs.
Personally, I don’t like David, as matter of fact I fucking hate him! He is one of the guys who takes shifts with Ben selling Roman’s product on the streets. And he’s a total pervert.
Every time he sees me he flirts (borderline harass) me, making disgusting comments about me,my body,my clothes..and since I got pregnant it became worst, I once caught him saying that he loved the fact that I’m pregnant now,because it would make my boobs look bigger and I would look so good that way. To say that he’s disgusting and filthy is an understatement, he’s the worst scum bag I’ve ever seen! I never said anything to Roman because I know David is one of his top guys and I didn’t wanted to ruin his business,but I swear that many,many times I wish I had told him.
David stood up and made his way dangerously towards me
“Well, well...what do we have here?Two beautiful girls” He reach his arm to touch my bump and a ferocious mother instinct took over me. I could take care of myself but I’ll be damned if he touches my baby!
“Touch her and I’ll kill you myself” I snarled.
It may sound dumb, since she wasn’t even born yet, to think that he could actually touch her. But he knew that to me touching a woman’s pregnant bump was as intimate as touching her baby. And he would never,ever touch my baby girl!
“Calm down mama” he chuckled “I mean no harm! I gotta say tho Y/N, you look as beautiful as ever” he measured me from head to toe with an aroused look upon his eyes and I had to hold myself from throwing up.
“You know I would give anything for that baby to be mine and not his right?” He approached me carefully
“Stay away from me”
“Calm down tigress!” He lightly laughed
“Don’t you dare to touch me or her! You make me sick!”
“I just wanna give my girls a hug,that’s all”
Pure fear surrounded me and I turned away to run,but he was faster pulling me towards him, wrapping his arms around my belly making my ass rest on his erection.
“See,how I get whenever I see you tigress?” He started to caress my baby bump and hot tears poured down my eyes making my sight completely blurred. I felt someone quickly yank him from me and I cleaned my eyes to see Roman on top of him restlessly throw punch after punch on his face.
“Have you lost your fucking mind motherfucker? You must have a death wish boy!” Roman said while he continued to punch him with such a ferocious rage that I was pretty sure his face was getting unrecognizable.
He started to choke in his own blood, so Roman stopped his actions, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulled the 9mm gun he always kept on his pants back waist. He put the gun nozzle on his cheek close to his lips and David started to cry babbling something along the lines of please and sorry. Roman just ignored saying
“Who the fuck you think you are boy? You live from my money, live in one of my houses, sell my drugs and still you think you can come to my house and mess with my pregnant woman” Roman dragged the nozzle from his cheek to his closed lips “And unborn daughter, under my roof and it will all be ok? Open your mouth” David begin to cry even harder “I said open. your. fucking. mouth boy!” He screamed and David slowly opened his mouth.
Roman places the nozzle inside of David’s mouth and continues to say scaringly calm
“What’s the matter Davie? I thought you liked to touch and talk obscenities to pregnant women. Go on now,continue what you were saying to my wife” David paralyzed “C’mon Dave, don’t be shy! You clearly have no respect for women, specially for my woman, or myself for that matter. So go for it, I’m all ears now!” The light beige rug beneath David started to slowly become a darker beige tone, was he?..
“Oh Davie, you filthy motherfucker, you’re pissing on my fucking rug???! Unbelievable! You know I’ll have to discount this from your paycheck right?” Roman was now laughing uncontrollably, he looked at me with amusement on his eyes
“Do you see this Y/N? David is scared...poor thing!” He continued to chuckle “Are you afraid to die Dave?”
“Yes, sir” David barely mumble
“Don’t you worry Davie boy, I’m not gonna kill you...I’ll just make you an example for any dumb motherfucker who thinks he can disrespect my wife or daughter..” Roman smiled
It has been 2 weeks now,since the incident with David. Roman has never once spoken about him since Ben took him out of our house.
I was in the baby’s nursery, organizing some of her clothing in the little lavender and white wardrobe we just bought for her, when Roman came through the door.
“Whatcha doing baby girl?”
“Trying to organize the chaos” I laughed,there were clothes and toys all over the nursery.
He placed one hand on my bump and whispered “And what’s my other baby girl doing,huh?” He kneeled down and nuzzled his nose on my belly, placing his bearded cheek on it right after.
“Oh definitely sleeping!” I chuckled
“I wonder where did she got it from?” He tried to hold back a laugh
“Uh” I gasped, pretending to be offended “Roman, are you trying to imply that I’m the lazy one?”
“No baby! I would never say such thing!” He smiled while pressing his chin to my bump so he could look at me with an amused look on his face.
“Yeah right you wouldn’t!” I laughed while I stroked his bearded cheek. He stood up and sweetly kissed my lips before going to the little wardrobe.
“Oh,this is cute” He said while holding a yellow dress with big black polka dots in it.
I couldn’t stop the thought that lingered on my mind for 2 weeks now, and before I could process what I was saying the words left my mouth.
“Ro, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, baby girl. Whatcha wanna know?” He answered still amused by the baby’s dresses
“What happened with David?”
I could see that his whole body tensed, before relaxing again. He took a small hanger out of the wardrobe, hanged the little yellow dress on it and put it back on the baby’s wardrobe before turning to face me,while calmly answering
I love Roman,although he’s a big guy and all of that I was never afraid of him, but I’ve never seen such a cruel, cold look on his face...and to be honest it was kinda scary.
“David...” I whispered
“I don’t know what you’re talking about baby” He gave me the coldest smile I’ve ever seen in my life.
“Roman...you’re kinda scaring me,love” My voice came out quite shaky
“Y/N, baby girl..” He came to me and cupped my face on his hands “Look at me baby” I did as he asked
“Y/N, I sincerely tell you that I don’t know who this David is or what happened to him. I’ve never met any David baby girl... You look a little flushed, why don’t we go downstairs to the kitchen and I’ll make you a sandwich huh? I need to keep my girls healthy” He leaned one hand down to my belly and the other one stroked my hair.
“What do you say baby?”
“Yeah Ro,that sounds nice”
“Good” He sincerely smiled at me and the warmth was back to his eyes “C’mon” he intertwined our fingers as we went down the stairs to the kitchen “I have to take care of my girls” He said while he looked at me with a smile.
That’s when I realized that whatever happened with David I would never know, and to be honest with you, I don’t even think I wanna know anymore...
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
Final episode (for now), final edition of this thing I still haven’t titled, for 6x06, “Babylon’s Ashes”
First of all, I peeked ahead in the player timeline and saw a shot that killed a lot of tension for me, so...don’t do that if you want it to be a tense experience, I guess.
Now onto the real thing.
Duarte, standing there like a creep. What’s up with him?
Predictably, Cara and Xan’s parents are freaking the fuck out about this.
That said, she’s just trying her best.
Ooh, love me a good battle plan scene. Love it when a plan comes together.
Drummer and Holden, with the plan. The plan that’s gonna go wrong, I’m certain.
Chrisjen’s way more right than she knows.
Final time seeing the title sequence in a new episode. Maybe. Who knows? Don’t think I’ve ever skipped it. Probably won’t start when I do my rewatch.
So...Filip. We going by the book on this one, or... :(
Sure did get a lot of Bobbie in tank tops this season. And a lot of her smiling. Very nice.
And we’re talking Alex. Aw.
Peaches, please get some rest. No, don’t go look at the juice. Hit your bunk.
Awww. Naomi’s finally warmed up to her. (Okay, look, I’m definitely peeved that Naomi barely talked to her or Bobbie or Drummer (or even some rando woman), but, whatever. She tended to be oddly isolated in the books, too, maybe she’s just an extreme introvert.)
Oh boy. Oh boy. Clarissa, no. Honey. Talk about this with someone. And also go to bed. (Nice touch of bittersweet, though.)
Hey, one last Roci Family Dinner. Very cute. Nice calm before the storm.
Holden’s definitely rubbed off on all of them, especially Amos.
Maybe a bit of a missing man formation vibe at this Roci Family Dinner, I don’t know.
Oh, got a bad feeling about seeing Drummer alone here. She’s the Pirate Queen of the universe, though.
One last space battle. Gonna be a good one.
Oh...oh SHIT.
Very messed up that my first thought was “that’s a callback to season one I didn’t expect”. Things are going extremely wrong and...ah. Of course. The “freighter” was the Pella.
No, Drummer!
Oh boy. That was...rough. But they did bloody Marco’s nose...speaking of, incredibly disturbing that he just let Rosenfeld choke on her own blood.
Ring assault, here we go. My favorite space battle in all the books.
Damn shame we didn’t hear Frankie’s rendition of “pull the trigger, let’s get this apocalypse on the road”, but at least we got “good hunting”.
Very high risk maneuvering here.
Oh no, Clarissa!
Lotta badass piloting from Holden. Almost like we didn’t even...nah, not gonna this time.
Really had to fake us out that long, huh. Almost believed it. Probably would’ve and had to stop, if I hadn’t, y’know, done what I described before the read more.
Ground assault. Pretty much the Battle of Endor, here. Maybe in reverse. I don’t know. One last look at Bobbie being a goddamn superhero.
Whole crew, being badass together. Love it.
Oh boy. How’s the gang gonna get out of this? BOBBIE IS HOW. Five seconds, cooler than any of the Iron Man movies.
Oh FUCK, oh no, oh-”Fuck yeah, Roci.” (TBH, sounded more like “fuck yeah, boss” to my ears.)
Man, I actually thought they’d off someone here. Really glad they stayed by the book.
Marco didn’t see this coming at all. And he didn’t see Filip getting really pissed coming, either.
You know, he’s not...wrong. Center of power for humanity’s definitely gonna be Medina, going forward. Just...not with one of Marco’s in the big chair.
And you can see, now, Filip no longer has that devil on his shoulder.
Amos has a point, here. No way Marco wouldn’t move heaven and earth to find the Rocinante. They’d have to fight this battle eventually. The last stand is inevitable.
And then...the Whammy.
Come on, Filip. Come on. Oh. Oh no.
Yes. Hahaha. YES!
Oh dear. Oh, you poor woman. Naomi needs all the hugs now.
Holden in a dress shirt, nice. Love that.
Nice to see Sanjrani back at the table, despite it all.
Drummer’s absolutely right. No Belter’s gonna go for this, and it’s gonna rip the peace right open, and you’re back at square one.
Love that they don’t shy away from Marco having a point. Love that Holden of all people is the one saying it. He’s a lot smarter than anyone gives him credit for, including a good chunk of the fandom.
Ah. Nobody else in the TV continuity can take the job, though, I guess. So of course Holden’s gotta be the first President of the Spacing Guild Transport Union...
...For all of five seconds, and then he hands it to Drummer. Holden’s gonna Holden. Can’t believe Chrisjen of all people didn’t see this coming. Not the best look, but considering how much they all built up how the president had to be “apolitical”, and then they picked Holden (who is very...not apolitical, and also a fucking Earther), everyone at that table who isn’t Holden and Drummer had that near-heart attack coming.
We foreshadowing Captain Bobbie Draper, or is this just having someone not Holden in the pilot’s seat?
And, one last time, Holden in a nutshell. Really wanted to ram it home in the final few minutes, didn’t they.
Oh, SHIT, they did fake us out! HELL YEAH!
Final shot, Naomi and Holden, and then the Roci flying off to...wherever.
11 notes · View notes
sayonarasanity · 3 years
Chapter V
link to AO3
Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
notes: the song that will be mentioned in this chapter is She's a Rainbow by Lola Marsh and also here is the Spotify link. I highly recommend you to listen to it especially while reading that part. it's truly an incredible song
The first year of high school passed by in the blink of an eye. Between the adjustment of classes, advanced math, and literature, teachers of idiosyncratic character treats and a variety of teens in the class he didn’t even understand the period between September and June. If he was being honest there wasn’t much noteworthy difference between middle school and high school except for the lessons and maybe some physical changes among his peers as well as himself. Save for the height part. Apparently, he wasn’t gifted like that giant Mike or the very sophisticated Erwin Smith.
There was nothing much to do during the summer break. He worked alongside his uncle in the market to at least gain some money and not spend his whole time lying on his bed, sweaty and gasping for a breath while a single leaf on a tree begged for a tiny breeze to make it wiggle. He read some books, watched some TV shows, played soccer with the other boys in class; Mike, Erwin, Oluo, Guther, Eld and even Moblit when or if they were around. Went to the beach with the same squad in addition to girls like Petra, Nifa, Nanaba and Hanji.
Most of his time was spent with Hanji, of course. On the roof, in the attic, in each other’s rooms, sometimes at the library—because the heat didn’t stop Hanji from being a complete nerd—and sometimes she helped him in the market while stuffing his mind with countless  mind-blowing  topics.
And so came the second year of high school.
And it took Hanji only two weeks to be late for the first class in the morning.
“I can’t believe you actually slept in,” Levi told her after she came inside the class during the break, gasping, her face flushed red possibly from running, hair dishevelled and absolutely not  combed,  and sat down on her desk in front of him.
She was trying to adjust her breaths as she turned over to face him. The dispersed, brown strands were covering her face, some of them had stuck on her reddened cheek and forehead. After the not so successful haircut, Levi had given her, she had also gotten bangs. Courtesy of her mother. “I was reading a book last night.”
“And?” He raised a brow.
She pushed the glasses up, and leaned in closer, putting an elbow on top of his desk. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“What kind of book could possibly make you stay awake all night?”
“It’s called The Blind Owl.” She shivered as if a chill had gone through her body. “It was the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read. And the thing is I couldn’t stop reading it because it was also ridiculously intriguing,” she sighed and rubbed her eyes under her glasses. “It cost me my sleep though.”
“That bad, huh?” Levi asked, but it was obvious from the dark circles under her eyes.
“I mean, it wasn’t that bad actually. It was masterfully written for sure. It was just—”
“Yes. There is no other word to explain it.” She ran a hand through her dispersed hair, but her fingers got stuck between the knots. Then she looked at her wrist and groaned frustrated. “I forgot my hair tie.”
One of the things the almost six years of friendship with Hanji had thought him was to collect the items she had a habit of forgetting, mostly in his room. He had a drawer full of her lost, black hair ties. He kept a few on his pencil case or sometimes, like today, he carried one of them on his wrist. “Here,” he said extending it to her.
“What would do without you?” she whined as she took the tie from him.
“You wouldn’t survive a day,” Levi pointed out. It wasn’t even half-joke.
“Agreed,” she nodded. She had finished tying up her hair. Now her face was more on display, the flush on her cheeks was nearly gone. Levi realized that her nape was not covered with the too-short strands that couldn’t make it into her sloppy, little ponytail.
His hand moved instinctively, naturally even. “Your hair has grown long again,” he told her with a frown. And when his fingers touched her bare nape, she winced quite clearly for his frown to get deeper. He retreated his hand upon her reaction.
Her hand held the place he had barely touched seconds ago and when she noticed his expression she laughed. “God, your fingers are cold.”
Levi folded his hand as a fist, pressing his fingertips on his palm to see if his fingers were indeed cold as she had said. His body temperature was low, it was no news to him but at the moment his fingertips was not that cold for her to give such a reaction. Maybe because she had run here it was her body which was unnaturally hot, he reasoned, not really satisfied but he would accept it for the time being.
“Do you want me to cut it?”
“No,” she objected, avoiding his stare. “I’ll use it like this for a while.”
Her hand went on rubbing her neck, it seemed like an almost unintentional, absent-minded motion at this point.
“I made some research,” Hanji said when the silence got a little awkward for their standards. She then looked through her bag with both hands and slammed a wrinkled piece of paper on his desk.
“What’s this?” He examined her inelaborate handwriting but couldn’t understand the overall concept of what was written. Meanwhile, Hanji brought a pen over the page and underlined two words that were written in capital letters.
“These two are the best universities of the country,” she started to explain. “Both in terms of education and in terms of different opportunities for students. Student clubs are very much active also the campuses are huge.”
Levi had heard of the universities of course. They were named after the cities they were located in. Sina was almost three hours away from their town and Rose was even further in the opposite direction. But they had to leave the town at some point if they wanted to receive a good education. As Hanji had told the two of them were probably their best options and if they manage to keep their grades high enough there was a chance for both of them to make it into the same university. But, which one?
“But” she carried the pen over the word Sina and drew a circle around it. “Since Sina is a technical university, I think it is a far better option for us considering the departments we want to study.”
Levi hummed thoughtfully. She did have a point.
“Also,” she continued, eyes glittering. “Great professors like Keith Shadis, Theo Magath and Darius Zackly are teaching there. Imagine the lectures…” she shrieked with excitement and wiggled in her seat. “It’s gonna be so fun!”
Levi shook his head at her quite early thrill and snatched the pencil out of her hand. He drew an arrow to the word Sina and wrote elegantly above: GOAL. “Sina it is then.”
Hanji took the pencil back and while nodding she scratched the word he had just written and instead, bringing the pencil a little to the crosswise she wrote: DREAM.
She looked at him then as if to confirm, with a bright smile on her lips and eyes full of the glitter of the dream she held so close to her heart. It was contagious. Levi felt his lips curling up, and maybe a tiny bit of that lustre in her eyes had reached out to his own. And he thought that maybe it wasn’t that hard after all.
How naïve, a sly, foreign voice whispered in the back of his mind. Little boy, how naïve.
“So, what’s going on between you two?”
Hanji lifted her eyebrows upon Nifa’s question and moved her stare to whom the question was directed. Nanaba gulped her bite with seemingly a little more force than necessary and blinked innocently at Nifa. “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” Nifa wiggled her brows, smirking mischievously at their suffering friend. “You and Mike.”
Petra hid a chuckle behind her hand as Hanji bit her cheek inside to stop her smile from shaping so obviously. They were sitting in the backyard of the school on an arbour for lunch. There was still for about half an hour until their next class and from the looks of it, Nifa had decided to use it for some gossip.
“Nothing,” Nanaba answered nonchalantly then she brought the straw of her peach juice to her mouth and took a very long sip. Hanji didn’t miss the faint blush on her cheekbones. “We’re friends.”
“You’re a little too close for being friends, don’t you think?” Nifa asked with a sweet voice, dropping her chin on top of her intertwined fingers, smiling.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Nanaba brushed her off, taking another bite from her sandwich.
“Stop tormenting her, Nifa,” Hanji interrupted just as Nifa was about to say something else. “She can tell us when she feels like it.” Hanji then smirked at a very pissed Nanaba, who was glaring at her so hard Hanji thought she could catch flames just by responding to her stare.
Suddenly, someone dropped something in front of her with a loud “pat” and Hanji looked down, startled, to a packet of chocolate milk, then looked up to a frowning Levi.
“Did you eat?”
“Yep!” Hanji rested her chin on her palm and smiled at him. “Did you?”
He nodded silently and gestured at the milk standing on the wooden table. “You’re gonna pay me back for that later.”
“Stingy,” she murmured as he turned his back to her. Hanji saw the other boys gathered up around a bench a little away from where she and the girls sat. And before Levi went too far away, she shouted behind him, “When shall we meet again?”
He glanced at her above his shoulder. “After school,” he said, flatly.
“Come on, Levi!” She lifted her chin from her palm, disappointed. “You should’ve said “when the hurly-burly is done”, I thought you were better than that!”
He turned his whole body to her this time, walking backwards. A smirk played on one corner of his lips, midday sun caught his eyes, and her heart skipped a beat. “And you should’ve asked, “in thunder, lightning or in rain?” I thought you were better than  that , genius.”
Take him and cut him out in the little stars.
Levi was beautiful. Hanji recalled the day she had first realized it, the faint yellow leaves and the crackling sound of fire. The realization had hit hard, and she couldn’t have understood the reason why right away. It was startling that was for sure but after some thorough and logical consideration, she had decided that it was all about being a teenager.
It was that simple. Thinking a boy was beautiful was natural. Besides, it wasn’t just Levi. Erwin, for instance, was attractive. With a sharp chin, bright, blue eyes and that shiny yellow hair that always looked so soft like cotton. He wasn’t necessarily beautiful though but attractive still, handsome even.
And he will make the face of Heaven so fine.
Levi turned his back to her again and Hanji snorted, opening the straw of her chocolate milk. “He got me bad.”
When she put the straw between her lips for a long sip, she realized the silence that has settled on the table and when she took a glance above her glasses, she saw the three other girls looking at her.
“What?” she asked after gulping.
“What’s with you two?”
It was Nifa again and this time the question was directed at her. “You and Levi?”
Hanji blinked, trying to reason her question. “What about us?”
“You seem close,” Petra added instead of Nifa. Her hazel eyes curious as she observed Hanji. “Like real close.”
Hanji frowned and pushed her glasses back to their proper place. “We are best friends.” They seriously hadn’t understood it for a year?
“I bet everyone thinks you’re dating,” Nifa said laughing.
Oh? “That’s ridiculous,” Hanji said, shaking her head. “Why would I date my best friend?”
Nifa shrugged, and Petra looked thoughtful. “How long have you been friends?”
Hanji didn’t know why but she felt her stomach curl. “Since we were eleven.”
Petra hummed and the conversation seemed to be over like that. Hanji chewed the plastic stick thoughtfully and with distress, she couldn’t find the reason why. The curl stayed solid in her stomach, sharp and insistent. Absently she noticed that Petra was staring somewhere with a strange expression in her eyes and when Hanji followed her stare, she saw Levi standing in front of the bench the other boys were sitting. Mike who was standing next to him had wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and he looked content, his features relaxed, his black hair looked smooth touching his forehead.
That all the world will be in love with the night.
Goddamn Juliet, she thought bitterly, frowning she took her eyes away from him. Goddamn Shakespeare.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
It was Wednesday afternoon on a nice autumn day. Near them was a tree slowly getting peeled off its leaves, and the clouds were reflecting the orange light the sun created. It was also reflecting on her ginger hair, making it shine almost yellow.
“I, uh…” Petra cleared her throat, squeezed her hair behind her ear as the blush that had appeared on her cheeks gradually became more visible. “This is harder than I expected.”
Levi raised his brows. He had been wondering what Petra wanted to talk to him ever since she asked him if they could meet after school in the backyard this morning. He had found it a little awkward because it had felt like she wanted to talk to him in private and he couldn’t have thought of any reason why she would wish for that.
“You look nervous,” he told her.
“Well, of course, I am,” Petra laughed, not a cheerful one. “I am trying to…”
She let out a sharp breath as if she was angry at herself and she wasn’t looking at him too. Her eyes were scanning their feet, her fingers were fidgeting, brows furrowed.
And Levi was quietly getting an idea about why she wanted to talk to him.
“Just tell me,” He tried to encourage her, feeling his own heartbeat getting faster abruptly.  
Finally, she looked up at him, her cheeks painted crimson and she took a long, deep breath before she said, “Would you like to go to the cinema with me?”
“Oh,” he said.
Not the kind of reaction he should’ve given apparently. Petra bit her lower lip anxiously at first, searching his eyes. He must be pretty shocked for she looked a little discouraged upon his reaction. But within seconds she gathered herself up, her shoulders held high.
“I… liked you since the seventh grade,” she said, the blush spread from her cheeks to her neck, but she continued to be resolute without looking anywhere else than him. “And I thought that there is nothing wrong with asking a boy out if that boy doesn’t seem to be doing it anytime close.”
Levi felt his own cheeks heating up. Admittedly, he had never realized Petra had such feelings for him. “Sorry.”
Petra laughed, somewhat forcefully. “It’s okay,” she gulped, and a weak smile vibrated on her lips. “Just don’t be harsh if you’re gonna say no.”
Levi considered her offer quietly. Petra had always been a good friend and she was a nice person too. Kind, tidy and even funny. She loved painting and drawing and was pretty gifted at them as well. And she smelled fresh, Levi guessed it was because of the softener she used on her clothes, her hair was soft, and her eyes were pretty.
“When do you want to go?”
Said pretty eyes glittered as she beamed at him. For a second, in the back of his mind, he saw a very similar image belonging to another girl with auburn hair and hazel-brown eyes who had a smile that reminded him of the rainbow after rain and sun.
“What about this Friday after school?” Petra asked, excitedly.
“Sure,” Levi responded, trying to smile and ignore the weird feeling in his stomach.
When he stepped into the roof, the night was chilly, the sky was full of transparent, quietly moving clouds, the stars were shining behind them, the Wanning Gibbous was hanging low on the horizon, and Hanji was standing on the edge of the roof, her head laid backwards.
Levi didn’t even know if he breathed, his heart jumped to his throat as he threw his schoolbag to the ground and walked closer to her from behind cautiously. “Hanji, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Watching the sky,” she replied, smiling.
Levi felt a muscle move on his jaw; his heart was beating so loud it almost hurt his ears. He focused on adjusting his breaths. In and out. “Don’t be ridiculous. Get back down.”
Hanji shrugged and Levi nearly had a heart attack right then and there. He felt his eyes widen, and his breath hitched. “I feel closer to the clouds like this.”
“Hanji,” he took slow, careful steps towards her. The night breeze was toying with her dispersed hair, her face was tranquil, her eyes never left the sight of the clouds. The smile that was drawn on her lips was unmoving like it was craved there by the hands of a masterful sculptor. And he watched her, his heart still beating fast and loud, his breaths irregular, and his eyes wide, and he thought about—
how free she looked at that moment like she belonged to the sky, the stars and the moon. As if they shone for her only.
hide your fires.  
Brown hair and brown eyes but Hanji was luminous. She kept the colours hidden, had a brush and a palette ready in her hand. The murky night did nothing but to contrast the light, she had a way with the world which made her stood out among the dullest of sounds and faces. Even on top of a derelict building, she was—
Let not light see—
the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He grabbed her wrist, inhaling hard and thick then he drew her back with a quick move of his arm. Her body turned and crashed against him, and he stumbled backwards a few steps, but he kept his balance, wrapping his arms around her waist securely, without any intention of letting go. He vaguely heard the surprised shriek Hanji made upon his unexpected move. And he half-expected her to push him back, to laugh it off and to say that he was being dramatic again. That nothing was going to happen anyway, it wasn’t like she was going to jump.
Yet instead, her arms circled his neck as she rested her cheek on his head and at that very moment Levi realized that he had never thought of losing her, of what would happen if she were to leave his life. Just like he had never imagined a day without the sun rising. The thought was uninvited and unwelcomed, and it cropped a fear in his heart so profound, he drew a shivering breath in before he buried his face on her neck. Then he pushed that thought deep down to the dungeon in his head never to see daylight again.
“I’m okay, you know,” Hanji spoke after seconds.
“Stupid,” he said, holding her tighter. “Stupid four-eyes.”
“Mm,” she muttered, amused. Then she started to move left and right making him follow her movements as if they were dancing. “I’m going to let all the world know that Levi Ackerman cares for me.”
Levi placed his forehead on her shoulder, pressing hard. “Someone needs to care for your sorry ass, or you’ll drop it down a goddamn building.”
She laughed, and it felt so good to hear it he immediately craved the sound soon as it faded away. Hanji stopped moving afterwards, then put her hands on his shoulder to push him slightly back. He withdrew reluctantly but kept his hands on either side of her waist not ready to let go just yet.
Her eyes were somewhat misty as she watched him, as the sharp peak of a mountain lost behind a grey fog. Levi frowned at her, searching for a sturdy branch to hold and to obtain some kind of a clue about what she was thinking. He came back empty-handed, and Hanji snapped out of it soon after, smiling at him brightly and warm. Her hair was all over her face, her glasses were askew, and he brought a hand up to fix them.
Then he flicked her forehead instead.
“Ouch!” She exclaimed, touching the slightly damaged skin.
“That was for almost giving me a heart attack,” Levi said nonchalantly and walked past her to grab his schoolbag. Then he sat down, bag between his legs as he searched for the snacks he bought after school.
“Geez, I’m sorry,” Hanji muttered as she placed herself next to him. “But you were just being dramatic. I wasn’t going to jump anyway.”
So, here was the thing, he needed to tell Hanji.
But he didn’t know how. Through all those years they had been friends, there had never been a secret among them. He knew everything about her. From the fact that she had fed a frog in her room when she was only seven without telling neither of her parents and how she accidentally killed the poor animal by forgetting to feed it properly. And to the very first crush, she secretly had on a boy who didn’t even know who she was when she was ten. Each and every detail in between had been craved in his head, everything about her was a book he had learnt by heart, and he knew that for her it was the same.
He didn’t understand why he was so unwilling now about telling her about Petra. Frankly, he was going to tell her yesterday but when he saw her standing on the edge of the goddamn roof, he had forgotten all about it in a second. Thursday, which was today, he couldn’t have found a chance to talk to her alone and tomorrow was Friday. And he had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do.
Levi traced the shadows on the ceiling with his eyes, lying on his bed. It was near eleven pm but he didn’t have any sleep. Should he call Hanji? But no. It wasn’t something he could tell on the phone. It would be absurd and out of nowhere—
His phone started to vibrate on the bedside table.
He jumped a little, surprised at hearing a sound other than the voices in his head then stared at the phone for a while until he decided that it was going to ring till he opened it. And so, he did.
“I thought you had fallen asleep,” Hanji spoke before him as he lied back down, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“I was trying to,” he lied.
“Oh, sorry,” she apologized without sounding a bit sincere. “But this is more important than your sleep so…”
He raised a brow. “What did you learn again?”
“A lot of things. But that is not the reason why I called.” Levi heard some clatter he guessed it was the pressing of the computer keys. “I found a new song.”
He exhaled, wearily. “Seriously?”
“Wait before you judge,” she said. “Do you remember the time when you said, this is going to sound weird but, I was a rainbow?”
“I hate you,” she said, darkly. “It was our first time in the attic. I had told you about –”
“I know, Hanji.” He rolled his eyes. “Of course, I remember.”
She grunted and said some things he couldn’t quite pick clearly under her breath. “You don’t really deserve this but since I’m a nice person I’ll let you listen to it.”
He snorted, lips curling on the corners, and he waited for the song to start. And not long after, he heard the first notes, then a soft voice of a woman followed. He also heard Hanji accompanying quietly behind, murmuring the lyrics alongside. Then he closed his eyes to focus on the song properly.
Dearest, I'm broken
My body is unspoken
How could I be loved?
Wake up in the morning
Feeling uncertain
Like a burning old scar
For I remember
The joy I’ve had as a child
Various colours I’m hiding inside
She’s a rainbow
And I am
A difficult man
It was as if the song, the lyrics, the notes, the singer’s voice were each had little hooks, they captured his soul relentlessly. He felt captive, unable to move. The song made him feel way too many things, with an intensity that nearly choke him as he lied there. His throat felt tight, even after the song ended, notes faded, and all he could hear was Hanji’s regular breaths a complete opposite of how his heart pounded at the moment.
“So?” She asked when he was unable to speak. “What do you think?”
Levi cleared his throat, he needed to talk dammit. “It was nice.”
“Just nice?” She didn’t sound pleased at his response. “But you have to listen to it every day Levi so that you wouldn’t forget me.”
“Forget you?” Was she kidding?
“We don’t know where life would take us,” Hanji told him, her voice calm now. “It’s the reality of the world. I’m just guarantying myself.”
Oh, so she didn’t know? That no matter where life carried him, no matter how high and wild the waves would be it would change nothing. The sun would rise from the west, and all the world would crumble, melt and disappear. But he wouldn’t forget her.
“What if you forget me?” Levi redirected the question to her, wondering her answer.
“I wouldn’t,” she said, not hesitating.
“How do you know?”
“If I’m a rainbow then that would make you the sky, remember?” Some distinct shuffling came to his ears, and he imagined her lying on her side, the phone still on speaker resting on top of her pillow. “Whenever I look up at the sky, I will think about you.”
“Sappy,” he whispered, ignoring the aftershock her words caused.
She chuckled in response and yawned loudly. “Only for you, clean-freak.”
Friday after the last class ended Hanji gathered up her things quickly. It had been an incredibly long and tiring week. She couldn’t wait to spend some time with Levi on the roof, just talking about things that didn’t matter, things that were easy to speak of because they were still young and had years ahead to take them seriously.
She waited for Levi outside, leaning against the school building as he went to the bathroom. She busied herself with observing the exhausted students leaving the school borders, chattering between themselves. It was getting chilly and the black denim jacket she was wearing didn’t do a good job at protecting her. She pulled the sleeves of her sweater to her palms to at least cover her hands. She spotted Petra a few inches away from where she was standing. She was walking back and forth, fiddling with a piece of paper she held in her hands. Hanji found it a little strange but shrugged, deciding it wasn’t her business.
Finally, among the rain of students that walked through the school gate, Levi appeared. His face and some parts of his hair damp, indicating that he had just washed his face.
“Feeling refreshed enough?” Hanji asked, smirking.
“Yeah,” Levi murmured, and he looked around briefly.
“Come on,” Hanji pushed herself up from the wall. “Let’s go. We better grab something to eat on the way. I’m starving.”
She had taken only a few steps when she heard Levi calling out to her quietly. “Hanji.”
He appeared to be uneasy as he looked at her, brows knitted, and lips pressed. Curiosity rose within her swiftly as she expected the words he was about to say.
“I can’t come to the roof with you today.”
Of all the things she thought about that was the least, she had expected to hear. Her stomach started to burn again, and she imagined a cauldron inside. Burning so fiercely and it never promised anything good. “Why?” Hanji asked, sounding just as surprised as she possibly looked.
Levi’s eyes moved to somewhere above her shoulder. She wanted to trace his stare but was too busy observing his expression, a little anxious, tense and what? Embarrassed? But why?
“I… am going to the cinema,” he blurted eventually, his eyes finding her again. “With Petra.”
Cinema… with Petra?
“As a date?” She sounded bewildered again as if she couldn’t believe her ears. It wasn’t something to be that surprised about considering their age, hormones and everything. But it was Levi. Levi… It had always been the two of them, now imagining him spending time alone with someone else—she hadn’t prepared herself for that.
“I guess,” Levi rubbed his neck. Oh, he was shy about it too? Was he excited, was he looking forward to it? Was he going to hold her hand as he held hers? Did he even  like  her? When had this thing happened anyway?
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He seemed guilty, and he should be too. They were best friends for a reason. If she wasn’t going to be the first one to know about his first  date, what was the point to it?
“It happened just this Wednesday. I couldn’t find a proper time—”
“This Wednesday?” She tried not to reflect her disappointment in her voice. “It was two days ago, mind you. You had plenty of time.”
“Did you ask her out?” Hanji went on, not giving him any chance to speak. “How long have you liked her?”
“It’s not—” He frowned, his jaw tightened, and a blaze came to life in his eyes. “She asked me.”
“Oh? How brave!” She felt like laughing and somewhere deep inside she knew that she was exaggerating, that she should be happy for him instead. Yet the disappointment was much heavier, and it stood out so blatantly, so arrogantly that it didn’t give her any time to think reasonably.  
“Hanji, don’t.” He stepped forward but she withdrew in an instant.
“Have a nice date,” she said, and she failed at hiding the sarcasm behind. And she thought she saw a flickering of hurt in his eyes but didn’t stay long enough to acknowledge it. With a final look she gave to a confused Petra, she walked out of school. And the cauldron bubbled, bubbled and it burned, and it hurt. Then Hanji wished it would turn the wildflower to ashes to its roots so that it wouldn’t spring again. Wishful thinking it was because the wildflower was already the reason why the flames come alive in the first place.
Hanji didn’t quite remember when or how but she was sitting on the swing on the park near Levi’s house, the park they had buried the dead bird all those years ago. Strange how the years passed. She felt old for some reason despite the fact that she was only sixteen and life hadn’t even started for her yet. But she yearned for that little girl now, playing snowball fight with a boy who drank a little too much tea and swore a little too much for their age. Then she cursed at herself for being so frail, for letting her emotions draw the road she would walk.
The streetlamp near the park had a weak light. It trembled from time to time, squeaking as if it was at death’s door. She pondered it was a good metaphor as to how she felt now. Exaggerating? Maybe. But Levi had become such a constant in her life, it felt like the time Jack had crashed her glasses. She remembered how blurry everything seemed and how dizzy she had felt.
She blinked and following the voice she lifted her eyes up from the ground. It was Erwin, standing in front of her, with a curious expression painted on his face. What was he doing here?
“Are you okay?”
“Huh?” Hanji shook her head, realizing that she had been blinking at Erwin absently. Then nodded, voicing a half-hearted chuckle. “Yeah, I’m fine. What are you doing here?”
He sat down on the swing next to her, dropping his school bag on the ground. It was a funny sight. A boy of Erwin’s age and height sitting on a child swing. His legs were much too long for that, but he used them to move back and forth slowly.
“I was just passing by,” he said, shrugging. “What are you doing here alone? Where’s Levi?”
She didn’t need to be reminded of the fact that whenever someone saw one of them alone, they immediately wondered where the other was.  I am acting like a child.  Then she started to move back and forth herself, holding the chains on either side. “He is on a date,” she informed Erwin. “With Petra.”
Then the movements of her legs fastened to the point where she had to curl them so that they wouldn’t slow her down. She used her body against the wind, it ruffled her hair, and her hair blocked her vision. And she thought about Levi who was with Petra and Petra who was kind and pretty. Petra who had shiny hair which was always combed and tidy. Petra who was funny and nice and—
Ah, her vision was blurry. Had she dropped her glasses again?
“Hey, slow down!”
She couldn’t slow down but someone, Erwin, she remembered, made her. He was holding the sides of the swing, kneeling down in front of her, he looked into her eyes. Hanji noticed his eyes were a different kind of blue not so fierce like the winter ocean, but kind and worried at the moment. Yellow, thick eyebrows knitted, “Are you okay?” Erwin asked.
It was the second time he had asked the same question and it confused her a bit. Did she look that bad? “Yeah,” she confirmed. Her voice came out cracked.
Then Erwin reached out with his hand. Hanji waited silently as he wiped her cheek with his thumb and under her chin with his knuckles. His hand shone under the shrieking light of the streetlamp when he withdrew it, with tears, she realized with a startle. She lifted her hand then, her eyes wide and touched her damp cheek.
“I can walk you home if you’d like,” Erwin offered with a voice so gentle Hanji thought she hated it. Hated because she didn’t want pity when she was the one that had brought this upon herself.
She blinked at her wet fingers, her sight getting blurry again and used her other hand to adjust her glasses.  She could walk herself home, and she opened her mouth to say that much to Erwin. But words betrayed her half-way and what came out was, “I’d appreciate that,” instead, as she accepted, silently. “Thank you.”
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