#they’re all baby
multifandom-lesbian09 · 10 months
My hyperfixation rn is Good Boys. Those boys are my babies. I literally love them with my entire soul.
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
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did somebody say dadkarios
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 257
Now Danny loves space. He loves everything about it, to the point his core quite literally is space. And he’s also a baby ghost, even if he could argue he’s not in human form. But see, being baby has an honestly great consequence once it’s noticed- despite the Observants’ best attempts at hiding it, the assholes. 
Of course he would be far more worried- and even a bit pissed- if his caretaker wasn’t who it was. Look, he’d never met Clockwork’s siblings before, but apparently everyone was really against Clockwork himself adopting. 
But Clockwork as his uncle is fine. Besides, his caretaker is Space! Space itself is holding him, cooing gentle words in the sounds of the very cosmos. And they’re huge, like parts of their body going through portals so they can fit outside Long-Now sized big- and apparently Clockwork can get just as big and they can get even bigger- 
Okay, he needs to take a breath- even if he doesn’t need to breathe- to stop his squealing because holy Realms this is so cool. 
Space is awesome! And he’s getting so much more rest than he did in Amity- and even if Space sort of shrugged at the idea of school at first, they did help him set up online schooling. So there’s that, and it’s just the start! 
He gets to learn so much about space and it’s honestly kind of… nice? To be taken care of? And he can do whatever he needs for his Core and Obsession with only a few interruptions to take care of his living needs. Erm, sort of living needs? 
But even that gets turned into a bit of play or even a lesson too! He’s honestly having such a good time right now! He’s learning so much about spaaace! And dimensions! And interdimensional portals and- oops! No one saw that. 
Ahem- But he’s learning so much about space and getting to explore other dimensions with Cosmos! And sure he no longer looks as human as he once did and all that, but he’s seen so many people who also don’t look human that does it really matter? 
Of course it doesn’t, and he matches his sort-of-dad! Even though the streaks of color in their hair are more of a brown-red like they’re literally bleeding out the cosmos around them instead of it fading to void and space like his own. But still! They match and it’s fun! 
And they’re going to go on another trip from the in-between to one of the dimension realities! He’s going to start a game of tag this time he thinks! But no cheating with portals or bending space! Tag! 
Look, the Justice League? Not paid enough for this. In fact, technically not paid at all due to being volunteers (not that it stopped them from finding money in their accounts) but still. 
There is some sort of figure… being… thing… zooming around the asteroid belt, about the size of Earth itself. Let them repeat themselves. A planet-sized creature (are those hands or paws? Tail or simply its body stretching? Hair or the Abyss-) is currently darting around the asteroid belt like a child running through grass. 
That is, without noticing or caring if something bug-sized might be crushed. And they are very much bug sized, as the governments are concerned about. Like really concerned about. Like talking about trying to nuke the entity if it wanders closer sort of concerned. 
Which they are all very concerned and very much like, against. Because it isn’t seeming to notice the asteroids it’s knocking into their area. It’s like… not a space whale or eel or anything like that but also is something like that. 
And they would also maybe like to see if they can attempt to talk it down first maybe and-
That creature is the baby. And mama just arrived, stretching across the entire galaxy, from them to Pluto and beyond, like something took the cosmos and shaped it like clay into some sort of form. Like reality itself has wandered into their galaxy with what they are suddenly realizing must be a very young child. 
Shit, they really have to make sure no one tries to piss either of these things off-
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fyepertine · 6 months
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The gangs are all here!!
(except BW and GH cuz I can’t draw furries 😭❤️‍🩹)
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vintrage · 1 month
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a collection of wolves, not doing well
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bluebeesknees · 2 months
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Get this man some olaplex asap 🤧
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rubydubydoo122 · 8 months
Why is it that Batman’s ok with Antiheroes if it’s Catwoman or Talia Al Ghul, but when it’s the Red Hood, suddenly he’s beating the shit out of him
~Jason Peter Todd at some point
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 months
“sirius, i’m stuck,” fleamont called out, tapping the crossword with the tip of his pen. “shade of sky blue, nine letters. come here.”
drying his hand as he came out of the kitchen, sirius sat on the armrest, looking at the paper. “cerulean.”
“doesn’t that have eight letters?” fleamont asked, pushing his rectangle-framed glasses up his nose.
“it can also be spelled as caerulean,” sirius said, leaning forward and pointing to a word at the top of the page. “that’s loquacious; overly chatty,” and gesturing the one somewhere in the middle-right , “demure; modest and reserved. so, not like james.”
fleamont chuckled as james put his hands on his hips in the kitchen.
“as if you’re particularly demure,” he retorted, accentuating the last word right as his mother gave him a look. james leaned down for her to kiss his cheek; euphemia patted it affectionately.
“i’ll be out to buy some groceries for dinner,” she said, “i should be home in about an hour or so.”
fleamont stood up, groaning as he peeled himself off the armchair. “oh, no, the boys and i are going to take care of that,” he smiled, as sirius and james headed towards the door, bickering, “right boys?”
both of them nodded, their topic of conversation shifting. fleamont put an arm around his wife and kissed her cheek, as james gagged and sirius chuckled at him.
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lemonlimestar · 1 month
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anything can be yuri if u read enough random 90s elseworlds comics
bonus doodle
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sunshine-zenith · 1 month
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Daddy’s gotcha, daddy’s here, see? Nothing to worry about, not as long as your dad is there to catch you…
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verawhisk · 6 months
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mommy astarion inspired by the cute awesome @fire-shadow-dragon-god :’)
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lilislegacy · 6 months
*set in the future*
camper: hey jackson, how did you figure out how to get past those monsters ealier? leslie said there were hundreds of them in the cavern guarding the staff
percabeth son: *shrugs*
percabeth son: well from a combination of my memory of greek myths and the use of deductive reasoning, i was able to figure out their weaknesses. it wasn’t about being the strongest. i just had to make them think i wanted the same things as them. as my mom always says, even strength must bow down to wisdom sometimes
camper: alright wise guy. but once you got past them and got the staff, how did you get back out? they must have known you tricked them by then
percabeth son: the cavern was below the ocean, i just collapsed it on all of them. it took a few minutes, but i got it
camper: how though? the cavern was thousands of feet below sea level
percabeth son: like my dad always says, given time, water can overcome any barrier
camper: still, that’s a lot of freaking power coming from a legacy. even a big 3 legacy. realistically, you should have been trapped down there
percabeth son: dude, the sea does not like to be restrained
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 292
“Oh I am blaming all of this on you T,” one of the beings in the summoning circle groans, burying their corpse-pale head in clawed hands as their white hair flickered. 
“Me? Excuse me, I wasn’t the one to accept the summoning!” another being protested, hood hiding most of their face save for molten-gold eyes and glittering runes or code on dark blue skin. “I was trying to figure out how to convince PK to change our schedule to include more sleeping, so don’t look at me, look at S!” 
“Well I didn’t accept it,” the only girl-sounding one scoffed, her crown of thorns seeming to writhe and bloom in her black hair for a moment. She crossed her arms, narrowing green eyes just a few shades darker than the white-haired one. “Maybe talk to whoever decided to summon us?” 
All of the sudden the cultists and heroes were being peered down at by a trio of… honestly whatever they were, because they didn’t seem to be the “Infinite King” the cult had been attempting to summon. Actually, they kind-of-maybe looked like kids… Which probably meant their parents or caretakers wouldn’t be too pleased. 
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kartsie · 1 year
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I love all the stories of the batkids being raised together
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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casstelli · 18 days
good w animals neil josten x good with kids andrew minyard do you see the vision
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