#theyre brothers your honour
bounceblooms · 7 months
Tucking his lil bro in
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Tails would demand a bedtime story but the "bedtime story" is actually one of his quantum nerd physics textbooks or something and Sonic sighs in desperation. They compromise and he reads Tails a picture book with birdies on it 😁
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lemonlokkich · 6 months
A Legendary throw
Legend wasn't mean.
Well, okay. He could technically maybe, perhaps come off as slightly rude sometimes. But it honestly was not his fault. 
He was just emotionally inept. 
Sadly, knowing you're emotionally stunted did not fix said ineptness either. Which left Legend where he was right now, staring down the worst man he's ever had the displeasure of meeting in his entire goddesses damned life. 
Warriors and his stupid, really punchable face. The face of a man that was currently grinning while he not so very subtly put a snail inside of Legends bedroll, presuming said Legend couldn't see him. 
This assumption was stupid, incredibly stupid. So stupid in fact that Legend couldn't help but openly gape at the man while he shuffled away from the scene of the crime, assuming himself to be the ever so smooth and unseen criminal as he viewed himself as right now.
Smug blond bastard. 
Technically all of the Links here were some sort of variation of blond, with the exception of maybe Hyrule with his brunette hair and Legend with his original hair colour being a nice, lovely, decidedly NOT blond, shade of pink. 
Well, before he bleached mostly all of it to prevent standing out like a cherry blossom among oaks, as said by his late uncle.
But this was not the point right now. The point right now was that Warriors was by far the most blondest, smuggest, punch worthy person in his life right now. 
And he was going to do something about that. 
Now, as a point stated previously above, Legend was quite emotionally stunted, curse of the heroes spirit or something or other. So, of course, one would naturally expect that in an effort to learn the skills of healthy communication between him and his brothers in arms he would calmly get up and talk to Warriors about how it's completely unethical to put snails in someone's bedroll. 
Legend only did the first part though. 
He slowly got up, bones cracking in the satisfying way they usually did and wandered over to where Warriors was standing, shoulders shaking ever so slightly in barely concealed giggles.
He was clearly very proud of himself.
“Warriors.”  Legend said calmly, tapping his power bracelets together to activate them just in time before Warriors turned around to face him, expression smoothed out and casually cheerful instead of smug and cheeky and dumb- 
“Legend! Brother! Comrad! Fellow hero under the triforce of courage! How are you? Did you need something?” Warriors said brightly, confidently, like nothing was wrong. 
Legend took a deep breath, reached out to put his hands on the taller man's shoulders and smiled warmly back. “Yes actually, could you perhaps not scream?”
“Why would I scream?”
Legend proceeded to swiftly grab warriors, lift the man up above his head and throw him into the forest. 
Warriors screamed.
Legend had a feeling that the W in Warriors maybe did indeed stand for Wuss that day. 
If you want to read more silly stories of mine pay me a visit on my AO3 account; LemonLokkich. Thanks for reading!
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hybbat · 10 months
Love that Grian's the only one who sees Jimmy and is like "I will end your series" and yells at other people that they can hit Jimmy back. Everyone else is indulging the silly little guy causing mischief, but Grian would NEVER
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boughkeeperdain · 1 year
Dick: Okay truth or dare?
Tim: Truth
Dick: How many hours have you slept this week?
Tim: ...Dare
Dick: Go to bed
Tim: I don't like this game
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Early risers 🌄🌟
(Do NOT tag as ship.
Tcesters, proshippers and rise april x turtle shippers DNI )
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fluff-e-boy · 4 months
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barbatos please. mercy.
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darkartistyt · 1 year
for requests: a barnham? knight guy?
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barnham is so hard to draw but goodness he's fun :)
also how could i pass up the opportunity to draw him with hershel
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lesbiankakyoin · 8 months
people SHIP hamura and yagami??? jesus christ dude
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sreppub · 6 months
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I think Dick is 13-ish when he meets Bruce in this AU.
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sad-leon · 9 months
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So some of y'all need to go touch some grass and learn that brotherly affection can include forhead and cheek kisses without it being gross
I like to imagine Leo is very affectionate, but when his brothers show him affection, he freezes up. Especially after the invasion, he fucking cries when his brothers show him affection wihtout him needing to "earn it" or anything like that
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nintendont2502 · 2 months
I have so much respect for dirkhal truthers but unfortunately I'm hopelessly obsessed with the concept of learning to care about your younger self (and by proxy yourself) by caring about a younger version of yourself. and also he's your younger brother a robot
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phantomdecibel · 2 years
okay so basically all the talk abt my boi euryl inspired me to whip up this quick lil thing now enjoy poli n euryl bullying odys into getting some sleep :)
oh yeah it doesnt have a name. so suffer i guess /j-
“When was the last time he slept, again?” Eurylochus muttered, crossing his arms as he watched Odysseus trip over his feet again. out of the corner of his eye he could see Polites wince, and then relax as their friend managed to right himself and carry on as if nothing had happened.
“I,” Polites hesitated, voice equally soft. “I’m not sure, to be honest. Its… been a while, though, if I had to say.”
Eurylochus snorted.
That much was obvious, and they both knew it. Polites watched Odysseus with an intensity that could rival a god’s, barely blinking as the two of them watched Odysseus stumble again. The man beside him tilted his head, just slightly, to the side, and Eurylochus found himself mirroring his friend. Normally Odysseus would have noticed them by now – following the man around staring was one of Polites’s favourite tactics to get Odysseus’s, or Eurylochus’s, attention and let him know he was about to get in trouble. It was… slightly unnerving, if Eurylochus was being honest, but amusing, too.
Point was; normally Odysseus would have noticed them following him around like this, and either glared them to the point of laughter or shooed them off. The fact that he hadn’t seemed to realize they were there was… concerning.
“If you don’t try talking to him soon,” Eurylochus sighed as Polites started trotting after Odysseus, following at a more leisurely pace, “then I’m taking matters into my own hands.”
“Oh, please don’t,” Polites snickered, glancing back at him. Eurylochus rolled his eyes, and nodded after their friend’s retreating back.
“Better hurry up and try something, then. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tripped over the side of the boat at this rate.”
“Alright, alright,” Polites conceded. Eurylochus picked up his pace so that they were walking side by side, and shared a look with him as Odysseus nearly fell over again. “Okay, okay, I’m going. Cut him off for me?”
Odysseus had never liked being confronted about his own poor self care (none of them did, to be honest), and if he saw Polites approaching him he would probably make a break for it. If he was tired enough though… well, if he were tired enough then Eurylochus should be able to herd the man right into Polites’s trap.
And, well, if that didn’t work…
Eurylochus nodded silently and took off, making his way around Odysseus from a distance. This was an old game by now; one of them would do something dumb, go too long without sleep, for example, and the other two would force their hand in any way they saw fit. It would be telling just how tired Odysseus was if he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There weren’t many good hiding places on the deck of a boat, but Eurylochus wasn’t exactly trying to hide – Odysseus hadn’t noticed him yet anyways.
Which. Concerning.
Eurylochus circled the deck, keeping one eye on his two friends, until Odysseus was sandwiched between himself and Polites. He still hadn’t noticed him, even though Eurylochus was right in front of him.
Looking past his weary friend, Eurylochus caught Polites gaze. The other man nodded, slowly and deliberately, and Eurylochus slowly started deliberately making his way over to Odysseus. Unlike earlier, when he was trying not to be seen, Eurylochus made sure to step a bit heavier than usual, and caught Odysseus’s gaze with a frown.
Odysseus froze when he finally, finally noticed Eurylochus stalking forwards, before wrenching their gazes apart and turning on his heel to hurry away – and running right into Polites.
Gotcha. Odysseus must be exhausted for that to have worked, the trick had been his idea in the first place, and one they used all the time in a number of different situations.
Eurylochus fell back as Polites trapped their friend in a conversation, gesturing with his hands. He didn’t need to know the exact words to know what was being said and what to watch for; while he himself had been in that same position on a number of occasions, Odysseus was the chronic overworker out of the three of them. Him and Polites had long since perfected forcing the stubborn man to get some rest.
Sure enough, Odysseus shook his head, waving a dismissing hand towards Polites. Polites himself didn’t look too surprised, with his hands on his hips and lips pursed with what Eurylochus had long since learned to recognize as concern. He let Odysseus go without too much of a fuss – an unusual sight for most of the crew, who were valiantly pretending they weren’t watching. Polites glanced back over at Eurylochus, though he really didn’t need the signal, already on the move.
His turn.
Odysseus had apparently forgotten he was there, because it was laughably easy to slink up behind him, following in his wake for a couple of steps until his friend relaxed, shoulders slumping as he realized Polites wasn’t following him.
A mistake, really.
Eurylochus lunged, using all the extra speed and strength he’d amassed from years at war to swipe Odysseus’s feet out from underneath him. The man yelped as he fell, flailing a little in surprise, but Eurylochus was quick to catch him and throw him over his shoulder, holding his friend there with one arm.
“Oof–” Unbalanced, there wasn’t much Odysseus could do to protest the rough treatment until he’d gained his bearings, but at that point it was much too late. “Wh– hey! Eurylochus–”
Odysseus struggled, trying to kick him in the side. Eurylochus just weathered through the weak blows, and tightened his grip, hauling the other man off towards his cabin. Polites trailed behind them, snickering and waving the befuddled crew off. Eurylochus turned towards him briefly to shoot his friend a smug smirk, while Odysseus glared between the two of them. Polites rolled his eyes at Eurylochus, but snickered just a little bit louder each time Odysseus’s baleful glare was fixed on him.
“Put me down!” Odysseus hissed, flailing some more. Eurylochus felt him shift, presumably to swipe at Polites. He probably missed though, Eurylochus was holding him too tightly for him to go far, and Polites had been lingering out of reach last time he’d checked. Plus, the man in question only started wheezing with laughter. Odysseus writhed in his grasp, twisting to gently bonk Eurylochus on the head and repeating “Put me down!”
“No can do, Captain,” Eurylochus hummed, amusement dying. As funny as Odysseus’s flailing was, the circumstances were still… concerning. “This is an intervention. You need some sleep.”
“I’m fine,” the man objected in vain. Idly, Eurylochus adjusted his hold on his friend again. Odysseus clearly wasn’t, but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter anymore.
“You’re not,” Polites gently pushed back. He must have still been a bit too far away, because Odysseus didn’t try to swat at him again. “Eurylochus is right. You didn’t even notice us following you around all day.”
“I did–” but he sounded more petulant than honest. Eurylochus snorted softly.
“We both know you too well for that. It’s bedtime for you.”
Odysseus hissed unintelligibly, kicking weakly again. Polites darted past them, off in the direction of Odysseus’s cabin, leaving Eurylochus to deal with their squirming friend on his own. He grunted as another kick collided with his ribs, but there wasn’t any real force behind it. They both knew that Odysseus wouldn’t be escaping any time soon, even if the man didn’t want to accept it yet.
Still, getting continuously kicked in roughly the same place would bruise eventually, even if it didn’t hurt, and that was something Eurylochus was looking to avoid, thank you very much. Luckily, their destination wasn’t far.
Sure enough, Polites held the door to Odysseus’s cabin open, and grinned as he held up a key at Eurylochus’s enquiring glance. He nodded and darted into the room, studiously ignoring Odysseus’s newly envigored attempts to escape.
This had to be done quickly, in and out before Odysseus had a chance to react, with the door locked before he could reach it to try and stop them. Eurylochus eyed the cot in the corner, piled with a number of extra blankets and pillows Polites must have gathered. Hmm, this should be fine…
It was slightly more difficult with the way Odysseus was flailing, but Eurylochus still managed to drop the man from his shoulder and catch him again without too much fuss. Just a little bit closer, then he could run.
“Do not–” Odysseus hissed, but there was no stopping Eurylochus now.
With one last step, he hoisted Odysseus up into the air and tossed him onto the pile in the corner, turning on his heel and booking it out of the cabin. Polites slammed the door shut in time with a thump coming from back inside, probably Odysseus falling from the bed in a desperate attempt to untangle himself from the blankets, and locked it as Eurylochus held it shut in case Odysseus managed to reach the door before the last step of their plan could be completed.
Seconds after Polites had pulled back with a satisfied grin, something collided against the door with a series of muffled curses. Eurylochus stayed leant against it, but the door held firm. When no further escape attempts followed, he pushed off it to offer Polites, who had fallen to the ground in a fit of laughter, a hand up. Once his friend had composed himself, Polites leant back towards the door, where Odysseus’s footsteps could be heard pacing back and forth.
“Get some rest, my friend!”
Eurylochus nodded, even though their friend couldn’t see him. “We’ll make sure the fleet doesn’t burn down while you’re gone, Captain. You’d better be asleep by the time we get back.”
The two of them waited until Odysseus’s footsteps had stopped, and then a minute more. When it seemed like the man had finally accepted his fate, the two of them crept off.
“That went better than expected!” Polites chirped, clapping his hands together.
“That it did.”
Polites bumped their shoulders together. “I totally thought he was going to bite you, my friend!”
Eurylochus snorted and rolled his eyes, elbowing his friend in retaliation.
“He knew it wouldn’t have helped him,” he side-eyed the grinning Polites, not bothering to fight down his own smirk. “Which is why I’m always the one who grabs him.”
Polites scoffed good naturedly, but didn’t otherwise respond, and they continued to make their way to the bow of the ship.
“What are you all looking at?” Eurylochus called out to the lingering crew. “Full speed ahead!”
Edit: oh yeah forgot to mention – ignore the implication that doors can only be locked from the outside lmao
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laulo821 · 8 months
so yesterday i saw a post saying "robot displaying pixelated lipsticks marks on its screen-face" (and more but not applicable here) and though of them ... loving sigh
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Clam Chowder belongs to @zapsoda
but i forgor the prompt til the midst of my nap time so it's done very after i saw that post anyways. do robots dream of electronic love ... anyways that's the L.I.Clam or the EllyClam they're a couple now
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atrashmammall · 2 years
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Tommy had often wondered what life would be like if he had wings of his own. He had seen people walking down the street; long deep blue wings with flecks of white like stars, short black wings that seemed they would barely hold the persons weight and yet they did, flash golden wings that he was almost certain were not their natural colour but who was he to judge.
It wasn’t uncommon, something similar to the genes for hair colour or eye colour, every now and then you got the gene for wings, or maybe it was for horns, or antlers, hooves, any number of different traits and characteristics could be found among the sea of people he knew.
He often wondered what having wings would be like.
Turns out it would be quite inconvenient. Read more here!
Or, that fic where tommy wakes up with wings and needs some help figuring out how to use them! This was part of a found family event i did and the creators of the event as well as the person it is gifted to are tagged in the fic! Enjoy!!
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sweetteainthesummerx · 3 months
the wedding bells ring!!
series masterlist
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
dior.n.goodjohn posted
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dior.n.goodjohn still in shock that the baddest baddie is off the market 😫 congrats to my best friend, partner in crime and the most talented woman on earth
tagged: aubreyyang, alexandrasaintmleux, oliviarodrigo, lilymhe, leahsavajeffries
liked by aubreyyang, olliebearman and 78,112 others
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aubreyyang I LOVE YOU I cant wait to have u as my maid of honour
oliviarodrigo stop the last photo turned out so good!!
olliebearman who's that baddie in the first slide wow
-- dior.n.goodjohn ur so luck that she walks you like a dog
-- user1 BYEEE she clocked him w that one
user2 her having the girls but also Ollies little sister in her bridal party is everythingg
dinobeganovic_ posted
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dinobeganovic_ letting the man have one more wild night (we knocked Oscar into the ocean) before being tied down forever (we confiscated his phone because he kept trying to text Aubrey)
liked by charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc and 56,384 others
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aubreyyang my mans devoted what can I say 😘
-- olliebearman love you babe
-- landonorris can't believe their letting kids get married
-- olliebearman ur like 5 years older than me
-- landonorris I said what I said
-- aubreyfanpage22 they went public and now they have no shame 😨
oscarpiastri anything for my brothers big night
-- user3 girl the f1 friend group is another level
lilymhe posted
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lilymhe big day for my best girl
Aubrey, the first time I met you, you were 17 and out of your first relationship. It pained me to see someone who held so much love in their heart to be hurt. Now, 6 year later you've found the man of your dreams who treats you like a queen. I'm the proudest big sister 🤍
tagged: aubreyyang, alexandrasaintmleux, oliviarodrigo, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries
liked by i.am.charliebushnell, dallasliu and 83,002 others
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user4 im crying sm they're perfect for each other the haters can shut up
morganfreeman my little girl is all grown
aubreyyang lily ilysm words cant describe how grateful I am for your wisdom and company its helped my relationship so much
alexalbon our daughters so old
-- user5 this is so wholesome
--pastryboii33 ever since Oscar made that joke the grid has become an interconnected weave of familial ties
aubreyyang & olliebearman posted
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aubreyyang & olliebearman mr. and mrs. bearman
liked by mckennagraceful, zendaya and 201,998 others
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aubreyyangfan1 the real ones know the soft launching days
user7 aren't they kinda young
-- olliebearmancontectts they're 24 and 26 so no not really
lewishamilton congrats!
terribearman welcome to the family!
-- aubreyyang ty mama bearman xx
user8 just watched their wedding video AND I SOBBED
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang got married to the loml, anyways how was your weekend?
tagged: olliebearman
liked by walkerscobell, lilymhe and 99,923 others
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f1tracks00 the sheer amount of fame at this wedding
-- user10 who was there
-- f1tracks the whole grid, aubreys current and past costars (Morgan freeman, Michelle Yeoh, dallas liu, Mckenna grace, the whole Percy jackson cast) and like hella celebrities
charles_leclerc shoutout to LEC for catering the dessert
-- alexandrasaintmleux babe not the smalls promotion rn
alexandrasaintmelux the most beautiful bride
olliebearman posted
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olliebearman my beautiful bride
tagged: aubreyyang
liked by scuderiaferrari, oscarpiastri and 92,105 others
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scuderiaferrari congrats to the prince and princess of Ferrari!
-- user11 wow she is so ethereal
-- olliebearman ikr
aubreyyang my handsome groom
ollieyangg92 the way ollie was crying when she was walking down the aisle
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls @destinyg237 @ilivbullyingjeongin @eiaaasamantha @1uvsptnik @yla-aira @ririyulife
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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naurimastaur · 1 year
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Summary: In which George and Fred devise a plan to trick y/n into admitting their feelings for George
Pairing: George weasley x nonbinary!reader
Tw: my attempt at writing xx
Please don’t take this seriously this one is just for fun!
“Georgie?” Fred called out smacking the back of George’s head in the process. “Are you going to sit there like a stupid git for the rest of your life staring at them, or are you actually going to do something about it?” George sort of fancied his best friend y/n. They were awkward. He was awkward. It was a mess.
“I dunno, I just, what If I ruin everything?” He replied defeated, an almost foreign response coming from the twins, who in their approach to everything, were annoyingly cocky.
“I don’t doubt that,” Fred replied unhelpful. It was in his nature to be a dickhead at all times.“But this is y/n we’re talking about! We’ll just ban them from the burrow or something if they say no.” There was a reason no one went to the twins for advice.
George looked to his brother, deadpan. Fred looked back, grinning.
“ Or,” he suddenly lit up, an idea brewing in his head. “what if we get our hands on some of that amortentia thing? Say we need their help and before you know it theyre all blah blah blah dreamy George smell and we’ll know!!!!” It was almost certainly a failing plan, but it was better than anything George had in mind and sadly he shared his brother’s brain cells. Or lack thereof.
“ OI y/n!” Fred called out. “ George and I are testing out a new product and we would be honoured if you and your royal nose gave it a try. It’s a real business investment!” His accent mocking that of a commercial salesman from the muggle tvs.
“Fred Weasley if you think I’d willingly stick my face anywhere near something you have made, you are a bigger idiot than you make yourself out to be,” they responded. Having been best friends with the twins for five years, they had long learnt their lesson on trust and why exactly not to place it in gingers. They gave one last unimpressed look and walked away.
Fred and George shared a look. Perhaps if they actually thought plans through they wouldn’t be in this position right now.
“ Well hey!” Fred said “ At least they spoke to you! That’s a step!”
“No you git, they spoke to you.”
“ Yes but you look like me so it’s all the same,” Fred replied, once again trying to lighten the mood. “ What if we get Hermione to try it? They won’t suspect anything if it comes from her.” Thus another plan equally as devastating was formed.
It only took a couple of hours of threats and promises no one intended to keep to get Hermione on board. She agreed based on the terms that the twins would leave her alone to revise after. Short time pain for long term gain some would say.
“Hey y,n!” Hermione smiled ever as friendly, walking over to where y/n was in the great hall. “Im sorry to bother you but we’ve been assigned this potion and I can’t seem to figure out the ingredients. I was thinking since you’re a fifth year you might know them?” Hermione was as good at lying as the twins were at making plans.
“ The twins didn’t set you up for this did they?” Y/n replied unconvinced.
“ No! Merlin no! I’m really stressed over this y/n and I really thought you could help me but if you can’t take me seriously I’ll ask elsewhere.” Maybe Hermione wasnt that bad after all.
“Oh no I’m sorry! Of course I’ll help. Alright I smell rain and-,” they paused after seeing a tuft of ginger hair appearing from under one of the tables from the corner of their eye, a pair of brown eyes following, most certainly that of Fred weasley. Hermione, the brightest witch of her age, seemed to have fallen victim to a Weasley scheme. Depressing. Y/n decided they weren’t going to let themself miss out on the fun.
“And?” Hermione near shouted, clearly trying to direct the attention back to herself but forgetting human social skills in the process.
“And-Oh! This last smell is kind of like husky?” They said uncertain. “I totally get why you couldn’t figure it out. I’m so sure I’ve smelt it before though.” Hermione quickly responded with a ‘mhm’, unsure where this was going and uninterested all the same.
“Oh I know! This smells like Snape’s hair! I can almost taste the grease,” they replied with the most genuine smile they could manage. They had nothing against Hermione, but this awkward, subtle form of revenge was far more entertaining than they had anticipated.
Hermione paused, clearly filled with regret and remorse for what she had inserted herself into. “You-.” She exhaled before starting again. ”You know what professor Snape’s hair smells like?” She replied cringing but slightly curious. Maybe she could buy the professor shampoo or something to get on his good side, after all Gryffindor needs all the house points they can get.
“Oh yeah I’ve taken a couple of sniffs before when he wasn’t looking,” y/n grinned. ”Do you think he noticed?” Now Hermione was just disturbed. She stared blankly at y/n before taking the potion from their grasp and walking away. This is what she gets for choosing to socialise instead of revising.
Waiting in the common room was George, an accomplished grin set on his face when Hermione walked in, which slowly faded when he saw her face. Not that that wasn’t his usual reaction when he saw the know-it-all.
“So?” He questioned fishing for a response. “How’d it go?”
Hermione stared blankly back at him.
“Unless you’re professor snape it seems they dont have any interest.”
George was really beginning to regret his existence.
A/n: this was way longer than I had anticipated and was also marinating in the drafts much like the nits in Snape’s hair <3
While you’re here check out a prank to die for
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