#things just got built up between us so much that no having to completely cool down is like taking a punch to the chest
erisweekofficial · 1 month
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Tonight we're SO excited to celebrate @littlest-w01f! 👀
🔥 Are you a fan of OCs? Want to read about multiple OCs? Anna's got you covered! Her Eris masterlist has several fics you can check out, but we recommend checking out Flames and Darkness, a mulit-chapter story that has us sitting at the edge of our seats.
We dare you to read her Eris Omegaverse week fic ft. Eris getting pegged 🤭
Read more to learn about @littlest-w01f 's thoughts on Eris and what she's getting him for secret santa!
What inspired you to start writing for Eris? And especially for Eris x OC instead of any other ship? I feel like there is so much to Eris that we don't know yet, we've barely begun to scratch the surface of his character. And honestly, from everything we do know about him, he has the makings of an amazing character if he's done justice (And I really hope I do). I feel like Eris is the kind of a character that if you try hard enough, you can ship him with anyone, and it will always make perfect sense. While I was reading Acowar I already was in love with what he could be so I built onto that and started getting fic ideas, some might think that he's lightly OOC in my fics, but he's perfect to me. I ship him with multiple of my OCs, I look at his character and decide what type of person would suit him best and build my character off of that till they are their own person whose sole purpose isn't being shipped with Eris, and sometimes the original reason I shipped them changes and I can see for myself that these OCs I have created always end up being more intimately attached to the character I pair them with as time goes by. I love my pairings cause they are special to me. I put him with many different types of characters and I love writing how he reacts differently to them, he's more cold to some he's a puddle of fluff with some.
What are some of Eris's most misunderstood qualities?
 I feel like we don't really know the real canon Eris at all, because we're seeing things from the pov of the Night Court so there is no reason for him to be his true self with them and it's easy for him to be lumped with "people who don't like/care for the IC" and some people hate him for that while the others love it when there is so much more to him. Obviously many people have pointed out the similarities between Eris and Rhys, but the main difference between them is that we see Rhys from the eyes of someone he loves and cares for that's why we see him giving reasons to his actions, while with Eris we haven't got that yet. Even still, it is clear to see that Eris has a close relationship with his guards and was genuinely worried for them when they were taken. Just because he doesn't care enough for one set of characters, doesn't mean he doesn't care at all. I doubt anyone knows the complete true Eris as of now but I hope we get to.
Can you give me a name for one of Eris's brothers? And also for one of his dogs?
Omg thank you for asking me this, I love names and their meanings, Eris is the damn lady of strife and I think it's all pretty cool. I named the second Vanserra son "Arlin" in one of my fics and will carry it forward for the rest of the fics which means "Warrior", which makes sense to me as after the Heir comes the Warrior. For the puppies, well smoke hounds, the youngest is "Ivy" in my eyes cause she always loves getting tangled up in vines and Eris has to free her every two seconds before she rushes off again to tackle vegetation, and that image in my head is too cute.
You have to get Eris a gift for secret santa - What are you getting him?
A. New. Father! With a ribbon and everything. Talking seriously, I feel like he's never had something cute before so a soft little fox stuffie or something along those lines I HC that Beron threw away any toys Eris had when he deemed Eris too old to play/have fun... That b*tch 😒
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I watched Damsel last night and I gotta say, the depiction of the dragon was immaculate. Like this is really inspiring stuff for a DM to pick up on.
Like it's the complete package. The flaming birds announcing her presence and apparent cruelty? Ohhhh and the fire breath itself was amazing. Like something between fire and napalm and how it melts the rock partially where it hits. This isn't something you can just put a shield up to, it'll ooze around and stick and warp the metal.
Moon above, the lair too. I feel like recent fantasy has kind of built up the expectation that you go through trap-filled caverns to get to a dragon's lair, which is where you actually fight her. But no the entire mountain is her lair in Damsel. You never know where she's going to turn up, her voice carries strangely, and there are few places she can't get to. Oooh how she just dives in out of nowhere at the "window" (iykyk), apex falcon behaviour. I fucking love that she probably could have just flown up the singing crystals or melted them with fire to end it, she keeps them intact. Like they're probably the only thing she could call entertainment for decades and it's not like it goes anywhere anyway. I don't know why but that's such a neat detail to me.
The whippy tail? Fantastic. The way she uses her wing to support a limp? Perfect. I love the twist on the dragon's horde too. It's just bits the princesses carried on them, brought back to the long-cooled golden albumen of her clutch. Fucking... the kingdom had more gold than her, but her horde was a hundred times more personally precious. It meant something other than wealth. And I bought it completely, Shohreh Aghdashloo's performance was so fucking feline and motherly in the same stroke. I never got tired of hearing her taunt and roar and even calmly speak.
The sheer show of power that was the firestorm, though. The actual height of her depiction. Wreathing the mountain in flaming clouds to rain cataclysm on the surroundings was incredible to see. That's the moment, right there. That's a fucking DRAGON. You think flyby fire breath attacks are what raining hellfire is? Cute. Here's Meteor III because I'm ticked off.
Actually perfect. I could spend the rest of my time talking about how the rest of the movie was kinda mid but I honestly don't care when it gave me this much Dragon.
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tc-doherty · 7 months
Sword Fighting for Writers (New and Improved!)
This is not about modern fencing, this is about historical battlefield sword fighting. My credentials are that I studied Bolognese fencing (a northern Italian style from the 1500s) for several years and was preparing to take my black belt ~equivalent~ exam the year that I was injured and had to quit. Naturally, I started taking those lessons to learn more about sword fighting because I write about battlefield fighting a lot. This is information that I learned that should be helpful for other authors who haven't taken classes like that. (It's very long)
The very first point is one that I have spoken about multiple times and mentioned above. Historical fighting is not fencing as we know it today. Modern fencing is a sport. Historical fencing existed as a way to kill your opponents. These moves have the potential to kill someone, they are dangerous literally by design. This is a foreign attitude to us today but it's very obvious once you have completed a set of moves with a sword and think "oh yes, that would kill someone absolutely".
The point is, if your characters are sparring please, please make sure that they are in protective gear. These moves are still dangerous with blunt steel, they are still dangerous with wooden swords. I got bruises like you wouldn't believe moving at one quarter speed without gear on. Even with gear I've heard about all kinds of gnarly accidents including the time my classmate went to a competition got an entire blunt sword shoved through his hand. A sparring match should never be full speed without gear, and even with gear it probably still shouldn't be.
Sparring matches tend to go to a certain number of points rather than one continuous duel. They're quick - the longest match I ever saw was maybe 3-4 minutes and the quickest was over in 45 seconds. Once a point was scored they would reset to the beginning and go again.
Now that that's out of the way, let's go!
The anatomy of a blade!
Typically a European sword is sharpened at the top and blunt at the bottom. In Bolognese these are referred to as the "weak" and the "strong". You want to make sure that whatever attack or defense you're doing, you're at the right distance to use the correct part of the sword. If you try to block an attack with the weak, your sword will get smacked out of the way. If you try to land an attack with the strong you won't have the momentum to land it meaningfully (plus it'll take you dangerously close to your opponent).
Swords are not particularly heavy. I have two one-handed swords and one two-handed sword and they are all between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds. But you can definitely tell a difference based on how well a sword is balanced. My steel sword is almost a pound heavier than my synthetic sword, but the steel is much easier to use because it's better balanced. Of course it weighs on you over time but if weapons are too heavy to carry and use effectively for several hours, then they're more danger than they're worth.
Sword fighting isn't just sword fighting!
We love swords because swords are cool and the rule of cool is important, but historically a single-handed sword wasn't the weapon of choice for the battlefield. They would be your backup weapon in battle and the weapon you carried while traveling. The point is that these are schools of fighting. Any character who studied under a master would not just know one-handed sword. They would know two-handed sword, polearms, dagger fighting, cane fighting, grappling…they would know all kinds of different things because the school is built off the same principles and they apply to any weapon you happen to pick up. Excluding archery. I have no experience with that so I can't speak on it. I will be referring specifically to sword fighting, however this post applies to everything that would be contained within a single school.
Example illustrations from Bolognese treatises with different weapons:
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All sword fighting is not created equal!
Bolognese sword fighting has a lots of quirks that are not present in other styles, such as the idea that our sword is in front of us 99% of the time. Yes, really! Surprisingly that's not actually universal. Bolognese fencing can start with either leg leading whereas a lot of styles have you use only your dominant leg and arm. It's also unique in the fact that every single stance is a usable defensive guard, and every attack you make is a logical conclusion of moving from one guard to another.
The overall motto of Bolognese sword fighting is that it's better to lose than to win without elegance:
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Bolognese was not only functional, it had to be beautiful as well. The national style can be used to inform the personality of your character's sword fighting and it's always a good way to create tension/danger if you have characters who have studied different styles come up against each other. There was a joke among the Bolognese students about going up against German fencers because they had a nasty habit of running onto our swords and breaking their ribs, because they simply didn't expect the sword to be in front. Muscle memory is your friend, but it can also get you pretty good if you rely on it entirely.
Another unique feature of Bolognese fencing is that they don't encourage you to move first. It's very much about trying to trick your opponents into making a mistake. It's heavily based on feinting and baiting and all kinds of tricks because sword fighting is primarily reliant on muscle memory. Some styles would consider this cowardly, but Bolognese takes the opinion that it's foolish to move first and give your opponent so many options:
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I just want to give people the perspective of how different styles can be and how you can really put a lot of thought into what kind of country or area your characters come from and what their sword fighting might be like as a result.
Okay, so how does sword fighting actually work?
It's all about control. You try to control the distance between you and your opponent and you try to control what moves your opponent can make. This is basically too obvious for people to really think about if you haven't done it.
Every weapon has a range that it works best in and in order to fight effectively you need to make sure that you are making the best possible use of that range. If you get too far away you won't be able to attack, but you can bait your opponent because you have just that little bit of extra distance to move if they fall for it. If you get too close you get within grappling range, and that's a whole other kettle of fish. I never ended up making a post about grappling and I personally hated doing it, but it is something that I'm willing to talk about if people are interested.
As for controlling the movements, that's what the guards are for. If you stand in a specific posture, you can drastically limit how many moves your opponent is able to make, which makes it much easier for you to retaliate. It's not one to one of course! Any guard that you stand in might have 2 or 3 options that your opponent can use, and each of those options might have 3 or 4 responses that you can make. But it's much better than the nine (at least) options that your opponent can make to begin with if you aren't standing in a way that makes some of them impossible:
Cuts in Bolognese:
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Specific sword movements!
Cut, a slashing attack which is generally delivered to the head and limbs. You can do a cut to the torso but given how thick clothing was at the time (not even counting on armor or shields) you generally wouldn't be able to do enough damage to make it worth it. On a related note, dagger work in the past was not a cutting style the way that knife fighting is today, they were mostly used for stabbing because the clothing was just too thick to do anything else.
Thrust, a stabbing attack which is generally delivered to the torso.
Bait/invitation, to stand in such a way that encourages your opponent to attack you in a specific manner. Pulling this off successfully is harder than it sounds, if it's too subtle they might not notice and if it's too obvious they'll probably realize it's a trap. You have to make your invitation seem like an accident, a weakness they can exploit, in order to lure them into doing what you want them to do.
Feint, pretend to do one action in order to take advantage of your opponent's response. When you feint an attack you won't commit fully. You might start from half a step further back than what would usually be useful or not attack as deeply or both. You need the attack to be shallow so that you can regain control quickly and do the attack that you actually intend to do. This can often be in response to a bait, if you recognize it. You trick the opponent into thinking that they're tricking you, and take advantage of that!
Stringere, (this one might be specific to Bolognese idk but it's fun) could also be called something like a press or a constraint. Basically you slide your sword slowly down the length of your opponent's sword and apply pressure to it, this can force a hesitating opponent to move. And if they don't move, you can just stab them super quickly. It's fun to do, and scary to be on the other side of.
Beat, hitting an opponent's sword with such force that it completely throws it out of the way leaving an opening for you to exploit. For this you would want to hit the weak of your opponent's sword, and it will generally push the sword off to their dominant side or down. Pushing an opponent's sword right in front of their chest obviously isn't going to make things easier for you. If you beat upwards, it's fairly easy to gain the momentum to turn that around into a descending attack.
And that's basically everything that you would do with a sword. A duel between two people would be give-and-take, as some moves bring you closer together and some moves take you farther away and cause your opponent to chase you. Some things like a bait or a stringere (or a beat, occasionally) would be used at the beginning of a duel, when you have room to do them safely. But they could also be done in the middle if your characters end up breaking off somehow and backing up. It's also not uncommon for a duel to end up in grappling if the moves just bring them too close and that becomes a more viable strategy.
Swords compared to movies!
I was not particularly surprised to learn that yes, you absolutely do feel a strong hit and it can make your hand or arm go numb, that made sense. However, I was surprised to learn how much of sword fighting really is just sword on sword because I had often heard people talking about how that is flashy for the movies but not actually accurate. But it is accurate! Sometimes you would have a shield, dagger, or cloak in your other hand (anything in your other hand is generally used for blocking, not really dual wielding as such) but a lot of time it is just two people with swords whaling on each other and your sword is both your weapon and your shield.
Naming sword moves!
I don't really know that you need to do this but if you are writing a fantasy story and you want to make the sword style seem more established you can.
In the case of Bolognese most of the names are extremely literal (head guard, face guard, the attack 'fendente' just means 'to the teeth') but a few of the guard names are more poetic.
Like the guard of the unicorn, where your sword is pointed down from above like a unicorn rampant. There's the iron door guard which is "harder to get through than an iron door", and its cousin the iron door wild boar guard which is similar but allows you to attack from the side like a boar with its tusks. Literal or poetic, you can do whatever you want so go nuts!
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the-derpy-duck · 2 months
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Ok so I haven’t finished the season 2 episodes yet but so far I think it’s been less good than season one but I don’t dislike it. I think, so far, it’s been good. Season 1 was really good and I think a lot of people built up expectations for season 2 and when people have really high expectations the end result tends to disappoint people regardless of its actual quality. Because the potential of where the story could go wasn’t really divisive and as long as that story is unfinished people can take that potential and run in whatever direction they’d like to. The decepticons potentially being not pure evil made people, myself included, interested. It presented an idea and people got attached to that idea and built up a lot of expectations for it. Specifically with Starscream because a most TF media tends to gloss over or oversimplify his morals and relationship to Megatron and the world around him. Armada is the main exception I can think of outside of like IDW, but generally the shows present the relationship between Starscream and Megatron as highly questionable to outright abusive without any other commentary on it and no one really giving a shit. Which could be intentional and helping to characterize the decepticons as a group that doesn’t care about its members because everyone ultimately either wants power or to not die, but I honestly don’t think a lot of the writers were thinking about that. Cyberverse COULD have been intentionally ignoring all of the death (which there is a LOT of) to show how Cybertronian society has decayed and made war and death and suffering so common that no one really stops to grieve. But it also could have been a kids show that had 11 minute episodes and was taking on topics that it was not ready or able to properly address. Same for TFA and TFP (and rescue bots, as much as I hate to admit that). I like these shows and I like to believe my own reading of it, but I do not believe that this was at all the intention of the shows writers.
The author is dead and I killed them, but it was really cool to have a TF show that actually seemed to be diving into the repercussions of Cybertronian society and specifically the consequences of Megatron’s actions on the people around him. And for those consequences to hold weight and be taken seriously, not brushed off because the characters affected by him were also villains. And that’s part of why I think people are disappointed by season 2 so far. Because it seems that all the potential was just waisted. The time skip caused us to miss out on a really ingesting idea, it would have been really cool to see the decepticons go from siding with the heros to being against them. Starscream’s entire thing is betrayal and we skipped over a major betrayal???
And my commentary is very starscream heavy because a lot of what people liked was centered around him. After Megatron he’s probably the most complicated character, especially morally speaking. We haven’t gotten the entirety of season 2 yet. I think this might only be 1/3rd of it. So I don’t want to make a big statement like ‘earthspark is ruined! The show sucks now!’ because I don’t think that’s true at all. I wish a few things were done differently, but I want to see this story completed and I want to see what story they are trying to tell. I don’t think a story being incomplete negates it of criticism (*cough*tfa*cough*) but I think it’s not fully fair to make a final judgement on an incomplete product, especially if it is still being made. Season one of earthspark was some of the best storytelling trasnformers has done imo, but it is not the completed show.
TL;DR: Season two is alright, it’s also not done being released yet and I want to wait until it’s completed to make a final judgement. Oh and also bumblebee is here
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javaelemental · 2 months
Re: Batman: Caped Crusader
I just finished Amazon Prime's ten-episode run of the new Batman cartoon, Batman: Caped Crusader, and I have thoughts.
They did some super cool stuff with the villains they used this season. (It was good. I'm assuming there'll be more seasons.)
The show offers some commentary on class warfare, police and government corruption, the nature of crime and criminals, and the nature of Batman.
So let's talk about the villains, and let's start with Firebug because holy shit, he had one of the most horrifying scenes I've seen in a cartoon in recent memory. Firebug's an arsonist, and there's this amazing and absolutely bone chilling scene that shows how he sees the world: Everything is aflame and everyone is on fire and he's happy, and it's happy, and it's appalling. I loved it. More plz.
Harvey Dent - God, I loved how they handled him. So, he's generally presented as a multiple personality to some degree or another, and they did that here, too. But usually Harvey's evil side is his ugly side, and his good side is his pretty side. This show reversed that. They made it very clear through camera positioning and angles that it was Harvey's "pretty" half talking all the evil shit.
I liked how all the villains had a motivation. Except Penguin, whose main thing seemed to be, "Look, she's a girl now! That's different, right?" Other than that, it was pretty much the same character doing the same things.
Harley was fun, and I really appreciated how her motivation was "OMG, I am so. sick. of all these rich, narcissistic-ass bastards who will not learn better," and not domestic abuse at the hands of a psychopath. Her origin and motivations are completely divorced from the Joker, and I love that.
Gentleman Ghost. I was all, "Wow, they're just diving head first into supernatural shit, eh?" Also, he was a bad guy who was mad about The Poors getting uppity. Who then got his ass beat by the richest guy in Gotham.
Bullock and Flass. Oh, man, I cannot wait for Bullock's face-turn when Flass finally pushes him one step too far.
The dynamic between Alfred and Batman. I was not loving it at all, but then Dent called Bruce out on it, and the Gentleman Ghost episode, and the ending... and now I'm like, okay, we're watching a healing journey for Bats, here. And the way he was treating Alfred was a symptom. Okay. I'll allow it for now.
Still can't see any version of Alfred not sassing Batman all the way into the ground, though. Alfred's being way too nice.
Christina Ricci played Catwoman. Yeah, that Christina Ricci. They got a bunch of great voice talent for this show.
Really liked the 40s vibe and tech.
Loved the art. You can tell Bruce Timm had something to do with the cartoon. Solid gothic art deco aesthetic. I was also vastly amused with how 75% of the characters on the show were built like a refrigerator.
The Nocturna episode where Bruce Wayne gets his ass beat by the carnies because they mistook him for a child predator. LOOOOL
The Nocturna episode where Batman gets gumped by a skinny little preteen (with super powers, but still) and another child has to swoop in and save him, almost certainly staged that way because nobody wants to watch Batman beat up a twelve-year-old girl.
It was good stuff, folks. Go watch it.
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voidnoidoid · 2 years
Jimmy, aka Tumble Town's Outlaw (+ rambly character progression analysis and stuffs)
my take on Jimmy's villain arc is that instead of trying to reclaim his role as Sheriff, he should instead become the most feared outlaw the empires have ever seen.
old timey sheriffs often toed the line between justice and crime, and Jimmy has made it clear he's not above some corruption: bribery, stealing, manipulation, shady deals, arson etc. He's not the pillar of justice and upholder of the law he makes himself out to be. Hell he doesn't even follow his own laws sometimes and he let Scar break all of them! So why not turn to crime and vengeance?
recently I read an article about Kid Curry, a notorious outlaw of the Wild West, and I thought hey, what if Jimmy's character went in that direction? (PG-13 of course cmon) He could have a cool nickname like Dynamite Jim or something. Another thing I noticed is that Jimmy doesn't use a gun, saying that he is averse to using that kind of weapon, despite most cowboys carrying some form of firearm on them. He prefers to use a bow and arrow and his lasso. Could it be that he's used a gun before? Anyway I think it would a real turning point in his character arc for him to start using a gun, and ironically name it the Peacemaker (after the colt single action army revolver)
I find the Sheriff turned Outlaw story really compelling given what we know of Jim's character so far. Other people have brought this point up but Jimmy's whole character seems to tie in with themes of isolation and loneliness. Tumble Town doesn't have any villagers or custom citizens anywhere. The saloon is empty and devoid of any beverages. It's just Jimmy and his horses around here. Almost as if Tumble Town is completely deserted.
We don't know anything about Jimmy's life before he became the self-proclaimed Sheriff, but I assume his life before that wasn't a happy one. Why else would he crave respect so desperately, unless he wasn't afforded any before? He hates being seen as powerless and lesser than, as being called a toy is very much a soft spot for him. Him shrinking down in size and having his peers literally and metaphorically look down on him isn't helping either. From the beginning, Jimmy was never one to be taken seriously, as he was a goofy, good-natured man who kind of bumbled into being a Sheriff.
He demanded respect by imposing his laws upon every empire, despite not really having any right to do so other than being "The Sheriff". He is the leader of Tumble Town, not the whole 12 empires after all. Jim didn't really do much to show that he deserved the kind of authoritative respect he wanted from everyone, but the other rulers still liked having him around. People he considered allies such as Gem, Sausage and FWhip treated him nicely for a time, but either tolerated his Sheriff playacting and/or made fun of him by playing into the whole Toy Story bit. They were his "friends" but didn't give him respect as Sheriff and as a person.
For the majority of empires Jimmy has been treated as lesser than, as someone who isn't even human. He wasn't given basic respect asa a person. Joel outright mocked Jimmy by calling him a toy to his face, and every single person who has interacted with Jimmy has engaged in the toy bit. Hell, his own deputies, FWhip AND Scar, didn't treat him like an equal.
FWhip became deputy for his own gain and wore the toy story alien uniform to subtly make fun of Jimmy without him knowing. He did get attached to Jimmy though and took it extremely personally when he got fired for disrespecting Jimmy, getting back at him by stealing the hat and badges. I do think c!FWhip took it too far and is basically an embittered ex.
Scar on the other hand, was extremely nice to Jimmy and literally built him an entire train and a bunch of buildings as well as setting up villager trading posts for him. It's a really kind and generous thing to do for Jimmy, but despite that he still doesn't respect him in the way Jim wants him to. He gave Jim a whole pep talk about how "being Woody is a good thing" which, while being very sweet and encouraging, also unconsciously reinforces the fact that Scar DOES see Jimmy as a toy just like the rest of Empires. And when Scar was imprisoned by Jimmy for like 10 seconds, he threatened to call Jimmy a toy to get himself out of jail.
Alright fast forward to present time. Jimmy meets the Old/Past Sheriff and learns more about being a real sheriff. He learns how to get people to respect him more and is really excited to have a mentor figure, especially someone who used to be a real Sheriff running a town. Excitedly, he calls his friends over to the great bridge, riding atop a horse, to share about the cool thing that happened to him. Notice Gem, Sausage and FWhip are all wearing the Dawn Sunglasses, and Jimmy isn't, which creates this feeling that Jimmy is an "other" and not part of the in group. Instead of listening and congratulating him, all three of them crouch and poke fun at him for being small. Jimmy is all too aware of how everybody is treating him. He promises to be a better man, a better Sheriff they can all be proud of. And so he begs them, "so do you guys finally respect me now?"
Do you see me for who I am?
Will you finally see me as your equal?
Your friend?
And he is shot dead.
They've made their point loud and clear, and Jimmy has had enough. No more playing games. If they refuse to respect him, he will make them fear.
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livseses · 2 months
Yay! We had our first session of @nyroka 's PF2e campaign!
We were so nervous leading up to it. We got tons of prep work done before hand, so the few hours before were that sort of "hurry up and wait" anxiety. We were ready to run, so there was nothing we could do to settle ourselves while the clock ticked closer to game.
It was great! Well, rocky and awkward as any roleplay heavy session 1 should be expected. Maybe less so. Technical difficulties from playing with some features for the first time popped up. A couple of blind spots in our prep shook our confidence. But in the end, we were more prepared than we weren't.
Speaking of prep, we had a bunch of maps! There were 5 separate scene locations (plus the starting city itself). Foundry VTT added a feature recently where you can set up regions that trigger automatic stuff in them (usually when a character's token walks into them). So we had all of these maps set up to have exits that teleport a character to the city map (and spots on the city map that teleports them to those individual scenes). It was all very slick! The PCs could move from their starting scene into someone else's smooth and organically.
We also made a few handouts. The built in journal is frustrating to work with, but we eventually figured out how to properly make a document that had the NPCs picture on one side, and information about them on the other, without the formatting going wonky. We also used a meme maker to make parchment scroll notice thing (an advertisement one of the characters posted to get the other PCs to join their adventure). We spent a few hours yesterday morning futzing around in GIMP trying to figure out how to remove the white background. Lol it felt silly spending hours trying to turn the background transparent, when a white background would be fine. But! Now we know, and that upgrade is going to be applicable to so many documents we make in the future!
We also had a cool quest tracker mod installed (Simple Quest), but sadly we were too busy to use it how we intended. We wrote up some quests for the individual PCs that were partially complete. It was a cool bit of story telling having stuff like having "Hire the eccentric wizard" marked as complete, followed by "Don't let the eccentric wizard distract you with info dumping about extradimensional spaces" marked as failed. We had planned to reveal more quest items, and check items off as the scenes progressed, but we were too busy with all of the NPCs to remember!
Which fried our brain! Most of the time, when we run games in Cellaphage (the setting for this game, that Ny, Ahri, Aros, and Kelspur also come from) we don't so much roleplay the NPCs as we channel them. It's not like our normal switches, but "possession" is a pretty close description. We hand the character our voice and they just do their own thing. So part of our exhaustion was from all that switching.
Speaking of voices, omg we got to do so many voices! We use accents as an auditory shorthand for the different regions/languages of Cellaphage (e.g. giving a French accent to the vampires). We surprised some of the players by springing on them that the country they start in uses an Australian accent. That was super fun doing 4 separate character voices, but applying the same accent to them. Idk how well others could hear it, but we could tell the difference! I think by the end of session we had voiced like 11 NPCs? Again, brain fried by all this switching 😆
We like the suspense of doing cliffhangers, but we don't like how cliffhangers means that the game is in stasis between sessions (we like when our players roleplay outside of session). We found a really cool best of both worlds though! At the end of the session, I narrated a scene taking place from the villains' perspective, that sets up the encounter the party is going to face. It did the dramatic set up of "Oh no how does this turn out" but leaves the players able to think, plan, and roleplay what their characters are doing between sessions. Also I got to make it nice and creepy to fit the "haunted woods full of vampires" they're going to.
We're excited for next week! And we're so so so happy to finally be running a game of Ny's design that let's us just relax, be crazy, and ride the waves of dissociative madness.
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fisherrprince · 2 years
wanted to ask, could we get a look in to how you put together your animatics?? I've been toying with the idea of trying to make one of my own, but I've got no idea where to start
oh yeah totally
though to be fair, a HUGE chunk of my time is spent listening to about 20 seconds of a song and imagining how the images move around like a little movie, and I refine a ton of stuff in my head before starting to actually put scenes down on paper. This happens with non-music boarding too, imagining different versions of how the scenes line up with dialogue/music. So step one: put a song on repeat and daydream for at least two hours. But, if you aren’t sure how to do this, I’d suggest looking at animatics, MAP projects, AMVs, animated musicals, fight scenes, etc. what do they do that’s cool? Imitate them.
after that, I have most of the main images with some blank spots im not sure how to fill until I put them down. I make something like this and get the compositions of each main image looking more or less okay in this form. This is also the stage I figure out the in between blank spots. I try not to have weird camera moves or other storyboarding don’ts, but some storyboarding donts are completely valid to break if you know what you want aesthetically. As usual. This one was actually pretty clean, but check out all the framing edits. i always have to make the frame bigger
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If you really don’t know what goes in between things, don’t be afraid to focus on some little details of the scene, pull out and show us the setting, put some flowery symbolism on screen, give us some fun little comedic anime inserts, or do what cowboy standoffs do and build tension. What we used to do was draw paws stepping across the screen or eyes blinking, lol
next comes audio sync! I like to get the timing extant on copies of these rough thumbnails before moving on. It helps my brain work through smaller more animated movements + testing if the things I came up with for the blank spots work. and also just makes it happy. And also, most importantly, it tests if the compositions work. If you can see it, the whole sequence with mom was a blank spot until I sketched it. I usually do this step in roughanimator even if i don’t finish it in roughanimator. Keeps it very rough.
after this is just a lot of polishing and layers! For lots of small animatics, I just use roughanimator and leave it like that. It’s surprisingly good for a very basic program. But, for things that need tweens or lots of camera movement, I use toon boom harmony. It’s more powerful and is actually supposed to be used for animation, which. Yknow. I do. I tried storyboard pro, it wasn’t my favorite.
Here are some, I guess, miscellaneous more technical tips for making your animatics feel nice!
If you’re going for lots of movement, try out timing it so big movements or scene transitions line up with the spikes in the audio WAV. If it doesn’t feel right, move it a few frames BEFORE the spike/audio beat. Your brain usually wants to see something move barely before it hears it - this works for dialogue especially. BUT! Don’t feel like you have to do this for every beat. unless you want to feel like Wes Anderson, which you can do and I will not stop you.
If you’re going for something slower with not that much movement, try motion tweening! or adjusting something very slowly so we don’t linger on one still image for forever.
you don’t need crazy camera angles for everything, but put a few in there for spice. This all depends on your mood you want to cultivate. Slow = flatter, spacious, details; fast = lots of moves, weird angles, perspective; disorienting = slow/jerky weird angles etc etc. the camera has emotions built into it. Because the camera is you! surprise!
watch storyboarding tutorials. lots of people zoom in too much when they draw and I am not excluded. Also, keep in mind the eyesight rule. It’s hard for me to explain concisely but… you as the artist are always leading the viewers eye somewhere, with every shot you make. Don’t make them dizzy by having the center of attention jump around to six different spots for six shots straight - if you find yourself unhappy with a sequence, especially a fast one, see if your line of sight is going all over the place and try moving the subject of a shot or two somewhere else or having them move/gesture towards the new shot’s focal point so the viewers eye moves there naturally. I’m actually not great at doing this when words/lyrics are involved, pmv makers have my respect.
contrast is your friend. If you want to emphasize a big fast move or big bright image, put little slow moves or simple images right before/after it. and vice versa! this counts for camera too!
easy camera shakes are just 3-4 frames of cam down/up/down less/up less, a blank tween or two (easing back into normal), and then a key for your desired normal camera location. Or left/right, whichever.
your brain needs about six frames to fully register an object as being an object. If you want someone to see and really See it, rather than just get a glimpse of it and go "What was that!" It needs more than six frames.
don’t be afraid to experiment!!!!!! And don’t get overwhelmed! Everything I just described I MOSTLY do off instinct, which you’ll get a sense for after you make one. Or like…. Ten. Does it feel good in your heart? Then that’s what’s important. Find an idea you want to make move, figure out your limits (programs, attention span, drawing capability, make sure not to commit to a minute long amv if you dont KNOW you wanna do a minute long amv), and plan around that. When I was A Child, people on youtube were just making like three amvs per second and cringe hadn’t been invented yet so they were all mostly untrained unpolished and so so important and based to me. Stop thinking so hard about it. You gotta get that animatic out there into the world or it’ll start fermenting in your brain and make you sick. So what if it doesn’t turn out exactly the way you imagined it? You’ll have another idea tomorrow. And if it matters that much, you can always do it again. Go make! Good luck!
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jaywaslost · 9 months
A week away
Long story short I got bored and decided Finch and Hacker decided more content, so this was born
Ooooof course this includes some headcanons @asukamood and I have, in our defense theres barely any canon content of either of them. Anyways, enjoy what you're getting into :D
“You don’t just- get to do that! You don’t get to disappear for a week and not answer my questions when you come back Finch.”
The words hung heavy in the air, each sentence a weighted accusation that Finch felt like built up to a feeling of guilt that was growing with each second. He stood there, caught between the exhaustion and the emotional storm in Hacker’s eyes.
The door slid open, noise echoing through the otherwise silent room.
The man in the doorway looked around, but couldn’t see anything within the darkness of the house.
The hour was quite late, around 3:45 in the morning. Finch had just gotten back from a week-long mission, exhaustion written all over his features.
Putting his shoes away, he didn’t even bother taking his hat off before immediately collapsing on the couch. He shouldn’t be awake at this time, but some things can not be helped, this was one of those times.
It had been too long since he got to lay down and take a breather. It felt strange to do so after nonstop movement, but it was a welcome change of pace.
Heavens knew he needed it anyway.
He should probably eat, but his muscles were too sore to even think about getting up and grabbing something, let alone having to look around in the dark.
It was late, anyway. He may wake up Hacker with too much ruckus.
It’d been a while since he got to talk to Hacker..
His..fiance. 5 months earlier, the taller decided he wanted to take their relationship to the next level and took his chance when they were alone after an outing. It was clearly planned for a while, the ring picked perfectly to his size and liking.
It wasn’t all too flashy or big, but clearly not an ordinary run-of-the-mill one, perfect for his tastes.
He really knew what to look for.
It was meant to be a regular week for them earlier, but that was until lord Dream himself requested Finch’s presence urgently.
Neither of them knew the reason or how long he’d take, but it was expected to not be longer than maybe a few hours at most, a day if overkill.
But here he was now, back after a week.
One where he completely disappeared.
He didn’t check his phone during those few days, both lacking the ability and chance to.
He wonders if Hacker said anything about it..
It’s not the time to think about this, he should change.
Letting out a sigh from his lips, Finch sat back up, pausing momentarily to calm his head as it suddenly decided to make his life harder and feel like it was about to explode. Hacker would have loved to make jokes every time he said his head was pounding the last few days.
It felt oddly strange not to have someone laughing at every other word he said that could be misinterpreted.
He had gotten too used to the other’s presence, hadn’t he?
..no clue if that was good or not, but it wasn’t time to worry about that.
Finally mustering up the energy to get off the couch, he stood and decided to go to the closest bathroom in hopes of at least managing to wash his face before getting some much-needed rest. The last thing that mattered at that time was if the lights were on or not; Finch was very aware he looked like an absolute mess but didn’t have enough energy to care, not one bit and not at this hour.
The bathroom light flickered dimly as Finch entered, casting shadows all around him. The mirror reflected a face marked with exhaustion, dark circles beneath tired eyes. His hair was more messy than he’d usually leave it to be, uniform slightly wrinkled. As the water ran, he cupped his hands and splashed it on his face, the cool sensation felt refreshing even with the weariness that weighed him down.
Leaving the bathroom, he finally made his way to the room he and Hacker shared. The hallway felt longer than usual, each step echoing in the silence of the dimly lit apartment. Finch found himself leaning on the wall for support almost the entire time, his legs protesting the effort.
Leaning against the wall, Finch began to regret not just staying on the couch. The warmth emanating from the room felt inviting, but it was too late to go back now. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open, ready to face whatever awaited him on the other side.
The door creaked open, revealing the unlit room in all of its messy glory. It wasn’t a surprise to see some of his belongings lying around, it would be safe to assume the other got lonely and missed his presence. The cold air from the window hit him in the face immediately, causing him to shiver a little bit. It seemed like Hacker forgot to close it before going to sleep that night.
As his eyes adjusted to the room and its lighting once again, he noticed a figure sitting by the edge of the bed staring right at him. A rhythmic tapping sound echoed through the space, only stopping when their eyes met.
This should have been expected, Hacker has never been one for a normal sleep schedule and he wasn’t there to enforce one on him either. It probably spiraled out of control while he was gone.
The sound of the tapping wasn’t easy on the headache, but before Finch could get a word in, the other spoke up.
“Looks like you finally decided I was worth seeing again?” Hacker asked, words laced with spite.
Wonderful, this wasn’t going to be fun. The tapping had finally stopped, which was a relief at the very least.
”Hello to you too, Hacker," Finch managed, though the words escaped his lips in a monotone whisper. The energy required to sound out any warmth or emotion into his greeting seemed beyond his grasp at the moment, he was barely capable of processing what he heard and getting himself to say a thing at all. His initial dream of collapsing onto the bed and slipping into much-needed unconsciousness now felt like a distant fantasy, shattered by the tension that hung in the air.
The blond man, sensing Finch's mood, got off the bed and approached him cautiously. His tone shifted from stern to a more pressing concern.
"Where were you?"
Finch met Hacker's gaze with a wearied expression, his eyes heavy with fatigue. He then glanced back at the clock on their desk, a silent acknowledgment of the ungodly hour that had unfolded in the silence of their shared space. Neither of them should have still been awake at that time.
"Why are you awake? It’s 4 in the morning. That’s really not good for you, we ta-"
"I asked you a question, answer me," Hacker interrupted, his demanding tone hinting at the weight of whatever had transpired during the other’s absence. The room, illuminated only by the new soft glow of the desk lamp Hacker turned on moments ago (Finch doesn’t know how he missed that), felt suspended in a quiet tension, both men standing in the middle of a conversation that seemed to get them nowhere so far.
“I’ve waited for days wondering where you were. You didn’t respond to a single text. I'd have preferred you left me on seen; I’d have at least known you were ALIVE-”
“Can we please leave this for the morning? You need to rest. I c-”
“You don’t just- get to do that! You don’t get to disappear for a week and not answer my questions when you come back Finch.”
The words hung heavy in the air, each sentence a weighted accusation that Finch felt like built up to a feeling of guilt that was growing with each second. He stood there, caught between the exhaustion and the emotional storm in Hacker’s eyes.
At this point, Hacker's frustration seemed to overcome the concern he felt. Was it that? Had they merged? Finch couldn’t tell.
He had never found himself feeling so conflicted over anything. The walls seemed to close in, the silence amplifying the gravity of the situation. It felt slightly difficult to breathe, why had he not thought of this? Finch’s shoulders slumped, and he ran a hand through his disheveled hair, searching for words that could at least break some of the silence between them. Yet, the weight of the unspoken lingered, his tongue feeling heavy.
Hacker's frustration began to morph into a deeper worry as he took in the sight of Finch. The lines of exhaustion etched on Finch's face spoke volumes, and beneath the weariness, Hacker caught a glimpse of something else – vulnerability. That was enough to shake whatever he had built up, any anger that might have felt at that moment fading away.
The other never showed vulnerability. He was raised a soldier and never grew out of that, never allowing himself a moment of fragility or one second of relaxation either.
"Finch," Hacker's voice softened, concern (or perhaps regret?) replacing the anger that had fueled his previous words. He took a step closer, his eyes searching Finch's for some explanation that could quell the rising anxiety within him. The ‘flame’ was smaller than usual, from what he could see it was a light blue instead of the usual yellow or white.
"I get that you've had a tough week, but you can't just shut me out like this. What happened?"
Finch hesitated, his gaze dropping to the floor before meeting Hacker's eyes again. Every cell in his body had been screaming in protest to his movements, it took everything in him to stay standing the entire…20? minutes they had been arguing if it can be called that.
If he wanted it to end, Finch knew he had to at least say something to calm the other’s nerves.
"It's complicated," he began, voice still as blank as it was before, but now carrying a hint of desperation "I didn’t expect it to last this long, but it turned out the mission I was deployed on was given to us based on mostly false information. I had to figure out what to do on my own with that."
Hacker's expression shifted to a mix of empathy and frustration, it was more like childish annoyance in a sense. "Well then whoever gave that information should’ve been the one dealing with it, not you. I was alone for so long waiting for you to show up in what you said would’ve been 2 days, did they really not have anyone else to help or anything?” he complained.
Finch nodded. The room felt quieter, the tension slowly dissipating as the atmosphere got lighter. At the lack of another response,Hacker finally let Finch’s shoulder go and dragged him towards the bed, realizing how likely it was that he didn’t rest during that entire ordeal.
"We’ll be talking about it tomorrow, do you hear me?" Hacker stated firmly, Finch nodded. The room felt quieter, the tension slowly dissipating as the atmosphere lightened. At the lack of another response, Hacker finally let Finch’s shoulder go and gently guided him towards the bed, recognizing the likelihood that Finch hadn’t rested during that entire ordeal.
Finch, caught in the undertow of exhaustion, managed a low but affirmative murmur. The events of the past week, the stress he had been carrying, all felt a little more distant as He lowered himself onto the bed holding onto the other for some support. He was still fully clothed, staring at the ceiling. In any other situation, Hacker may have joked about that, Finch willing to lay down in his work clothes and risk them getting ruined, but it didn’t feel like the time to (that didn’t mean he wouldn’t in the morning, though).
Hacker lingered by the bedside for a moment before going to turn off the lamp he switched on moments ago. He didn’t hesitate to get into the bed next to his beloved right after, he earned the right to some cuddles at the very least after all of that, Finch should have heard all he told Blue during this absence! He was so miserable on his own.
Finch didn’t protest, if anything he pulled himself closer to the other’s embrace having not felt this safe in days. He didn’t know why it felt that way, not like Hacker was capable of fighting someone off if the house was for example broken into.
Regardless, it was nice. He didn’t mind it.
Shockingly, despite his fatigue, Hacker was the one who fell asleep first. Finch only realized it when he tried to turn to his side but got pulled closer instead.
He didn’t try again, letting the sleeping Hacker do as he wished. The other was a heavy sleeper, he didn’t have to worry that much about waking him.
“You worry too much for me” he muttered, a weight setting back in his chest.
“This is why I feared accepting your advances, it’ll be the death of you. I’m not worth all of that” he sighed, though a smile didn’t leave his face.
With that, he drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
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chipped-chimera · 1 year
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WIP WEDNESDAY - 21/06/23
(I mean it’s technically Friday now between timezones and spoons but have this otherwise I’ll keep forgetting) My first WIP Wednesday! Thanks @theviridianbunny​ for the tag! I’ve been really getting stuck into modding - as well as falling into my usual mod habit of ‘start like six project at once and end up with a million WIP files' but I guess I’ll talk about the major ones.
Graphic design is my passion ...
(Long) rambling about mods I'm making + things I've learned below the cut~
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My V’s tatt project is still ongoing, and I’ve (somewhat begrudgingly) been trying out Substance Painter to work on bits of it, mainly polishing seams between UV maps. It’s definitely got a lot of benefits, especially for graphic placement in really tricky areas (like anywhere in the entire head mesh region for example) but I still think a lot of the heavy work will still be done in Photoshop so I’ll probably be writing up both experiences with them when I do that tutorial I keep hinting at for complex tatt work. I’ve started drafting a tumblr tutorial but I wonder if that’s the best format, maybe a PDF? Google doc? Github wikis look cool? (tho I think I need to pay for that) - if y’all got suggestions for tutorial formats pls let me know!
As for the other arguably overly-ambitious-project-where-I-bit-off-more-than-I-could-chew ...
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H A I R.
Hair has been the bane of my existence for about the past week( ... weeks? Maybe two?), most of it involving cursing, a lot of reverse-engineering game meshes and smashing my head against blender. But if not already evident from my monowire post - I am a stubborn bitch with too much time on my hands so even though there were at least two moments where I wanted to curl up on the floor under my desk and just stay there - we got there.
This all started because my favourite hair mod which I cannot split from my V’s identity was acting funky and the shape of it had been altered since a physics update. It wasn’t her anymore. So I needed new hair. I tried editing the existing hair. I tried importing the old hair mesh. I tried so many things and they didn’t work out one way or they threw a million errors or there were an obnoxious amount of verts.
I even tried looking for replacement mod hair. None of them fit, all of them felt too ‘clean’ for my V. So I just concluded: FINE. I’ll make my own damn hair. From scratch. At least then I’ll actually KNOW what’s going on with the mesh, right?
Problem with hair is tutorials are very limited in respect to Cyberpunk, so I had to learn a lot of this by myself and looking at other processes used for building game hair. I’ve had a previous stint in game design at uni but it was very introductory and more broad-strokes concepts not specific stuff like what ‘real time hair’ is and how you actually go about placing hair-cards (there’s a million different ways btw) but after another 3 days smashing my head against blender I finally got shit to work to a satisfactory level using hair tools for blender and the particle hair grooming system (not the 3.5 blender system, maybe more on that at some point).
Putting together the hair cards I was 120% convinced this was going to blow up in my face, primarily through vert count. But this hair tool plugin? Alarmingly efficient. I was frequently checking my work against Alt's hair mesh (one I was planning on rigging to) and here's the final-ish stats -
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This is with only Alt's hair mesh selected (no cap) and then only my mesh(s - lots of layering to build it up), and by comparison I felt I'd built up the density of a chinchilla. This is not a brag, this is mostly genuine confusion over how efficient this plugin is, all I did was smack around hair curves. It did all the UV mapping junk on the fly.
Although structurally complete, I still consider this a WIP (yes I know there's a reeeeal fun vert funkiness in that second render, it's been fixed) since I'm having to go back and fine-tune some of the UV's the plugins mapped that I'm not happy with and generally figuring out my density problem because if anything, after putting it in-game it felt too dense.
Because yes, somehow I got it in game.
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This may have driven me absolutely up the wall between having to learn blender from scratch then what the heck real time hair is and how that works etc. etc. but ... god, seeing her move back from the mirror and just feeling that instant catharsis of 'IT'S HER!' made it so. Damn. Worth it.
It looks too thick - this might be because I chucked in the 'doubled' feature Wolvenkit comes with because I hadn't spent any time doing backfaces. But it also might be because it's black? That's going to need investigating.
The physics need a lot of work too, I did a pretty rushed weight painting job last night on a merged version of the mesh because I was worried whether it was even viable and I'd already dumped an insane amount of hours into this between trying to salvage the old hair and building a new one (with some more bells and whistles. Mainly - curly). That wasn't without it's issues -
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This almost fucking cracked me, given this was one of the issues I was experiencing before trying to fix an existing mesh mod. Turns out I was just being dumb and forgetting to export the armature, which I'd thought I wasn't supposed to do after having blender throw a bunch of errors on other hair attempts. I gave it a try after one last shot and boom. Worked. (I dunno what those errors were about man but now I know armature? very important).
Will I release this hair? no damn clue, depends on if I can get it to a level I feel is 'releasable'. I already know what I'm calling it though - Venatrix her side-handle I've decided on.
I look forward to adapting it into maybe a comb-back version, as well as a tied up version, so I can show off both her undercut + have the option of NOT hiding every damn tatt I've obsessed over placing on her neck haha.
In other news -
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My much-needed wacom tablet replacement arrived (as well as other things I was looking forward to 👀) meaning my Wacom Cintiq, workhorse of ten years can finally enjoy her retirement. Her controls were getting funky, she had a few dead pixels but man. I'm convinced they won't make them like her ever again. Either way she's done unfortunately - upgrading my monitor to 2k made this painfully obvious. I don't think it's even running in full HD, it's that old. And with Phantom Liberty coming out this year? I'm probably going to need a new videocard and DVI compatibility isn't really a thing anymore.
So for future I think I'll just stick to the basic tablet set up, invest in screens. Also now I FINALLY know what her hair is gonna look like and with the tablet here, I can get back to work on the tattoo bodysuit.
Anyways, that's it for now! (Jesus Christ did you really read all of this? If you did you're a fucking trooper). Sorry for the extended ramble but MAN I did a lot, I needed to yell.
Till next time Chooms! Thanks again @theviridianbunny for the tag~ <3
Oh shit wait, have the blender renders before I forget because hahah I figured out how to do that too lol -
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cadaverre · 8 months
wilby: hi salmon
salmon: Hey there, Wilby. How's it going?
salmon: It's always nice to see you by the stream, you know? You've got some pretty cool hair, for a human.
wilby: thanks, i try. i like your fins too, they're really shiny. so, uh, listen, i wanted to ask you something…
Narrator: A blush begins to creep up on Wilby's cheeks as they stammer out their question. Their eyes dart back and forth between the salmon and their hands, nervously playing with the strings of their guitar.
wilby: I… I was wondering if you'd want to… you know… go out with me sometime? Like, maybe just hang out or something?
salmon: Oh, well, that's… that's sweet of you to ask, Wilby. But I'm afraid I'm not really the dating type. You see, I'm a salmon. And as a salmon, my life is dedicated to swimming upstream, finding a mate, and then dying. It's sort of built into my DNA.
Narrator: The salmon offers a sympathetic smile, hoping to make Wilby feel better. But the human streamer looks crestfallen at the rejection. The salmon continues, trying to find the right words.
salmon: However, if you'd just like to hang out, maybe play some songs together or something, I'd be happy to do that. You're a pretty cool human, and it'd be nice to get to know you better. Is that something you'd be interested in?
wilby: Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, salmon.
Narrator: Wilby perks up at the salmon's offer, a genuine smile returning to their face. They nod enthusiastically, glad to have found some common ground with the fish.
wilby: Cool! Well, I'm free most evenings, so whenever you're in the mood to hang out, just let me know. And don't worry about me being too disappointed about the whole dating thing. I understand how nature works, you know
salmon: Well, thank you, Wilby. I appreciate that. And it's nice to know that I have a friend in you, even if it's not in the way I might have hoped for. We'll just have to see where this friendship takes us, hmm?
wilby: Sounds good to me. Hey, listen, I'm about to stream some Minecraft and some guitar playing. You want to stop by and say hi? Maybe we can do some singing together or something. Just a thought.
salmon: That actually sounds like fun! I've always been curious about your streaming and music. Sure, I'd love to drop by and hang out while you play. It's the least I can do as your fishy friend.
Narrator: The salmon swims closer to Wilby, its fins gracefully parting the water. It hovers near the streamer, watching with interest as they tune their guitar and prepare to begin their stream. After a few moments, the salmon gathers its courage and speaks up.
salmon: You know, Wilby, you're really good at that guitar. I mean, I've never really been into music, but even I can tell that you have some real talent there. And your singing… Well, let's just say it's growing on me.
wilby: Aw, shucks, you're making me blush. Thanks, I appreciate that. I've always loved playing and singing. And you know, if you ever want to learn how to play anything, I'd be happy to teach you. I mean, maybe we could even play together sometime.
salmon: That's very kind of you, Wilby. You know, I've always been curious about music and learning to play an instrument. Maybe someday I'll take you up on that offer. In the meantime, why don't we just enjoy our time together, hanging out and doing what we both love?
Narrator: Wilby grins, nodding in agreement. They begin to stream, with the salmon swimming gracefully beside them, occasionally nudging them to continue with encouragement. As the hours pass, they lose track of time, becoming completely engrossed in their music and each other's company. The atmosphere between them feels comfortable and warm, like old friends who have known each other for years.
wilby: So, salmon, you know that offer I made about teaching you how to play an instrument? Well, I meant it. And since we've been having so much fun together, I thought maybe we could start with that. Whenever you're ready, just let me know.
salmon: That's very thoughtful of you, Wilby. You know, I've always wanted to learn how to play something, but I never had anyone to teach me. You're a really great teacher, and I think it'd be a lot of fun to spend more time with you like this. And who knows? Maybe one day we could even go on that date you mentioned.
Narrator: Wilby's heart swells at the salmon's words. They're glad that they've been able to create such a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere for the fish, and it feels good to know that they've made a genuine connection. The thought of teaching the salmon to play an instrument and spending even more time with them is thrilling. And who knows? Maybe one day they'll actually get to go on that date they've been talking about.
wilby: Aw, shucks, you're making me blush again. I'd love to teach you, and I think it'd be a blast to spend more time together. And as for that date… Well, let's just say I'd be honored to take you on one, whenever you're ready. Just let me know what you have in mind, and we can make it happen.
salmon: Well, I've always wanted to try sushi. I know it's a bit unusual for a fish, but I've heard it's really good. And since we're both musicians, we could maybe find a cool sushi restaurant with live music. That would be perfect!
Narrator: Wilby grins at the idea of trying sushi with the salmon. They've never been to a sushi restaurant that features live music, and it sounds like a fantastic idea. They're glad the salmon likes the idea of going on a date too. This is all just so surreal and wonderful.
wilby: Sushi and live music? That does sound amazing! I'm definitely up for that. I'll start looking for a good sushi restaurant around here that has live music. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it. Maybe you could even try some of my favorite rolls.
Narrator: The salmon blushes slightly at the thought of trying sushi for the first time with Wilby. It's not every day that they get to do something so adventurous and delicious. The idea of trying some of Wilby's favorite rolls is especially appealing. They can't wait for the date to come around.
salmon: That sounds wonderful, Wilby. I'm really looking forward to it. And you know, if you ever want to come with me to just enjoy the water and the other fish, I'd love for you to join me. It's really peaceful and beautiful underwater.
wilby: That's so sweet of you, salmon. I'd love to come with you sometime and see what it's like underwater. It's always been a dream of mine to be able to breathe water and swim freely like you do. And who knows? Maybe one day I could learn how to breathe underwater too.
salmon: That would be amazing, Wilby! You'd fit right in with us. And as for the date, let's plan on going to that sushi restaurant with live music next weekend. I've found the perfect place. Just give me your address and I'll send you a map so we can meet there.
Narrator: Wilby is thrilled to have a date planned with the salmon. They've never been to a sushi restaurant with live music before, and it sounds like the perfect setting for their first date. They eagerly give the salmon their address and wait anxiously for the map. In the meantime, they continue to practice their guitar and singing, hoping to impress the salmon even more on their big night out.
Narrator: The next day, Wilby anxiously awaits the arrival of the map from the salmon. They've been practicing their guitar and singing all day, hoping to impress the salmon even more when they finally meet. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Wilby opens it to find a handsome officer of the Cod Police.
cod police officer: Sorry to interrupt your day, but we've received a complaint about some sort of…disruption in the area. A witness claimed to have heard a terrible noise coming from your home.
wilby: Oh, dear. That must've been my singing practice. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
cod police officer: Well, it's not illegal to practice singing…but we've received multiple complaints. I'm afraid I'll have to take you in for questioning.
wilby: Oh, no! I was supposed to go on a date with the salmon tonight! This is all a terrible misunderstanding!
Narrator: The salmon hears about the misunderstanding and rushes to the scene, pushing their way through the crowd of angry fish. They immediately recognize Wilby, still in handcuffs, and are heartbroken. The thought of Wilby going to jail is unbearable.
wilby: Salmon! I'm so sorry! I was just practicing for our date! Please believe me!
salmon: Of course I believe you, Wilby. I've been practicing singing too, you know. It's hard sometimes, and we all make mistakes. But I thought you were amazing.
cod police officer: Well, I'm sorry, but you're still being taken in for questioning. The witness was very specific about the sound.
cod police officer: However, if you'd like to make a statement, you can do so through your attorney. I'll be right outside.
Narrator: Wilby looks at the salmon, tears welling up in their eyes. "I'm sorry I let you down. I just wanted to impress you so much. I'll do anything to make it up to you."
salmon: No, Wilby, it's not your fault. You didn't let me down. You were just trying your best. And I love that about you. I really do.
Narrator: The handsome officer of the Cod Police returns, leading Wilby away. The salmon tries to follow, but is held back by the other fish. "Wait!" they call, struggling against the current. "I don't want to lose you! Please, just promise me you'll call me when you get out!"
wilby: I promise, salmon. I'll call you as soon as I can. And I'll make it up to you, I swear. I love you.
salmon: I love you too, Wilby. Just remember that. I'll be here, waiting for your call. And remember, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side.
salmon: And Wilby…?
salmon: Even if you're in here, I still want to be your partner. In life, in love…and in fishing. I want you to know that. So, will you marry me? Be my fishy husband?
wilby: Oh, salmon…I-I love you too. More than anything. And I'd be honored to be your partner, your husband. But first, I need to get out of here. I promise I'll make it up to you, I'll show you how much I love you. And then, we can be together, forever.
cod police officer: Alright, Wilby. You can go now. You've been cleared of all charges. It was just a misunderstanding.
salmon: (tears streaming down their face) Really? You're free? Oh, Wilby, I'm so happy! I love you so much! I knew you couldn't have done anything wrong.
wilby: (embarrassed) Thanks, Salmon. I owe you everything. I'll make sure to never let you down again. And…and yes, I'd love to marry you. You're the one I've been looking for all my life.
Narrator: The two swim side by side, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. They share a tender kiss as they float through the ocean, surrounded by their friends and family of fish. The sun shines down on them, casting a warm glow over their happy faces.
Narrator: As they swim, Wilby reaches for the small velvet box hidden in his fins. He fumbles a bit, trying to open it with his fins, but finally manages to pop the lid. The sparkling diamond ring inside catches the light, reflecting off their scales.
salmon: Oh, Wilby! (salmon's voice cracks as well, tears streaming down their face) It's beautiful! Oh, I love you so much! I've always known we were meant to be together.
wilby: (eyes brimming with tears) It's all for you, Salmon. You're my everything. I'll love you forever. And I promise, from now on, I'll never do anything to hurt you. I'll be the best husband I can be.
Narrator: With tears streaming down their faces, they share a tender embrace, their fins intertwined. Wilby slips the ring onto the salmon's fin, sealing their promise to each other. The other fish gather around them, cheering and clapping their fins in celebration.
Narrator: After a beautiful ceremony, officiated by the wise and kind Cod Police Officer, salmon and Wilby decide they want to start a family. They don't know if their child will end up as a salmon, a human, or a mermaid, but they're excited to find out. They decide to have 78 kids, one for each day of the year.
Narrator: Over the years, salmon and Wilby become the most beloved parents in the ocean. Their 78 children grow up strong and happy, learning the importance of love, family, and adventure. The couple often takes their brood on fishing trips, teaching them the art of fishing and the beauty of the ocean.
Narrator: As the years pass, their family grows, and their love only deepens. They continue to explore the ocean together, discovering new places and making memories that will last a lifetime. They remain the epitome of true love and partnership, proving that even in the vast ocean, a fish and a human can find each other and build a life filled with happiness and joy.
okay all i want to know is who sent me this and will you reveal yourself so we can be salmon and wilby
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wolf-among-mechs · 3 months
Clan Wolf Dropship Elysium Coreward Periphery 24 August 3049 
Asuka closed down the Chatterweb function on the computer. 
“Good to know that the trial of grievance is just a very roundabout way of punching out the problem with someone.” The room was sparse and mostly built for function and quite small. It wasn't a great room to have claustrophobia in. It was better than a brig at least. But not by much. It had a table currently occupied by the computer. The bed wasn't very comfortable and a bit of a mess.
“I never understood the point of making the bed anyway.” She thought to herself looking at it. The last thing of note was a nightstand next to the bed. An empty water bottle stood on it.
“Might as well go fill it up while I look for something to substitute for a candle.” She picked up the water bottle and stuck it in her pocket for now. “Sometimes I forget how big these pockets are.” She said to herself.
The last couple of days hadn't been very good. The bed was far too hard for her, the food was taking a lot to get used to and she had been captured by enemies who for some reason didn't treat her quite like a prisoner. She was free to walk the ship as long as she didn't go somewhere sensitive such as the bridge, engine room or armoury. It was like she was a passenger. But they treated her somehow with more respect than that. Like an invisible set of arbitrary rules she had no control over. To the credit of her captors, they seemed interested in telling her the rules when she was able to identify them, which was quite a bit better than similar experiences in the past. Nevertheless it was making her frustrated. They kept using words, terms and rules that were completely alien to her and yet expected her to follow and know them! So when she couldn't and didn't they got upset and talked down to her. Some of them clearly tried to start fights with her, as a matter of fact they postured like drunk mercenary hotshots at a bar trying to prove who was the toughest and roughest mechwarrior. Yet when she tried to call them on it they fell back on alien rituals and words and if she stepped out of it, then the performance had to be called off. Yet there were people here who nearly walked on eggshells around her, like they were afraid of making her angry. It just didn't make any sense to her. Thinking about it was giving her a headache.
Acknowledging that headache made it worse. There was a soft ringing noise in her ears and Her fuse and temper were growing shorter. She pinched the bridge of her nose. It had been a really long time since she felt this irritated. She needed to keep it in check before snap, lose control of herself and lash out in anger to force the world to make sense. Every act felt like she needed to reason it out with her anger, her beliefs and even sense of self. It was like attempting to move an Atlas through a swamp. She took a deep breath. It didn’t help. Sleeping wasn't going to help. Resting wasn't going to help. She needed to do something. Find a way to meditate and clear her mind. Push all the errant thoughts out of her head. She was going to need a candle or a substitute. With that in mind, she stepped out into the walkway outside her room.
“I am going to need a piece of string to act as a wick…” Asuka said to herself as she wandered The corridor between the Mechbays and the crew quarters. A sign crosses her vision pointing to the mess hall. An idea enters her mind. Cooking oil. That would be flammable enough to burn. But also not enough that it would immediately flash. She could make an oil candle of sorts. She walked in that direction.
The mess hall was empty and quiet. It was made for feeding maybe around a hundred people. As far as Asuka was concerned it followed the conventions of a normal army mess hall. A flag of a wolf with stars hung on one side, she had identified that as the emblem of Clan Wolf. It was kinda cool as far as Asuka was concerned. She had always liked the wolf imagery since she was a teenager. She even had a tattoo on one shoulder of a wolf's head. She made the mercenary company she founded have one as its emblem too! There were also some posters of people she had never seen trying to convey some sort of inspiring message.
On closer inspection the tables were marked. Something she hadn't noticed earlier during lunch. Some of them had more cushioning and were marked with some sort of starburst symbol. It looked familiar somewhere but she couldn't place it. When she had taken a seat, or attempted to, on the cushioned starburst tables the warrior Karen had confronted her. Only now did it occur that maybe she had taken a seat somewhere she wasn't allowed to sit. She surmised that the fancy tables were for warriors. As a bondswoman it wasn't her right to sit there… but she couldn't rule out that Karen was just a bitch.
There was movement inside the kitchen.
“Hey!” Asuka called out as she approached the counter. A man with long black hair tied back looked over. He had a hat to keep the hair from the food.
“Aff? Are you looking for something? Lost?” He sounded a little stressed but ultimately trying to be helpful.
“Oh no. Well actually I was looking for the kitchen.”
“Why?” The man asked.
She tried to snap to an excuse. Something to get ahead. But her mind was unfocused, scattered and in turmoil. 
“I doubt he will hand you cooking oil. What you are doing is a fire hazard.” Her mechtech heritage said.
“Who cares what he thinks. He is just a cook. Shove him into a locker and take what you want. He is nothing to you.” The feral wolf stirred within her.
“He is not a warrior. He may not be a target of your anger, to assault him would be a great shame upon you.” Her bushido spirit spoke calmly.
“There is a strong smell of food here. A lot of food. Some of the spices are really good. Stuff that would be good on the food. Something sticks out. It is souring the rest. Its presence causes interference” Her autistic sensor suite reported.
“The smell reminds a bit of pizza, doesn't it? Oregano or something. That'd be great by now. Something a bit greasy and just slightly overcooked would be so good right now. Do you think these deep periphery weirdos have pizza?” Her inner sphere pride distracted her.
“Lunch was pretty bad. The spices tasted like vinegar. I could only eat the rice, the sandwich and the cucumbers. I am pretty hungry.” Her autistic sensor suite had logged earlier in the day.
“But the thing you truly hunger for is a fight. Especially with the fucks who took our guns and our swords.” The feral wolf growled.
The world felt a bit heavier from the thoughts swirling in her head. She felt slow and unresponsive as a mech operating with the blank setting on the neurohelmet.
“Because I was assigned to help cook dinner! You know… the whole bondsperson thing.” Asuka held up her bondcord and tried to smile.
“Really? How come you are not assigned to the mechbays? That is where warriors taken as bondsmen usually are assigned.” The man in the kitchen said.
“Uh well.” Asuka hesitated. “I do not know. I was just told to report to the kitchen.” She shrugged.
“I had not been told nor will I require extra hands. It is tomato soup tonight. There are only so many hands that can aid with it.” The cook said and moved a pot up on a desk. Asuka felt her shoulders tense up. The consistency of soup had always been difficult to keep down. Usually it just came back up again. The taste and feeling of tomatoes like that too felt vile. She would rather eat a stale military ration. She'd hate that too but at least it would stay down. She forced her shoulders back down.
“Are you alright?” The cook asked, seeing her tense up.
“I… do not like soup. Would it be possible to cook something else for myself?” Asuka frowned slightly. The cook stared at her.
“You are not assigned to the kitchen quineg?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No…Neg.” She swapped to the words they used around here.
“You are the bondswoman who had the brawl around lunch with Warrior Karen quiaff?”
“Aff.” Asuka nodded.
“If you want to hide in my kitchen I will allow you on one condition, bondswoman. The power connections for my equipment are damaged somehow and I need them fixed. Since nobody else is helping me, could you get some equipment? I will require a multimeter with probes and wire cutters. I can at least figure out the problem then.”
“Multimeter and wire cutters. Got it. I will go look around the mechbay.” Asuka said and headed out again.
She wandered into the mechbays of the dropship. The noise of welding, cranes and drill machinery met her with an overwhelming salvo along with the fluorescent lights attached to the ceiling and the flood lights mounted in mechbays.
In the first mechbay she entered was a single technician currently fitting armour plates on a mech's legs. Changing and moving an armour slab and welding and cutting. She looked at the mech in question. 
“Looks like a Thunderbolt.” She said to herself. The mechtech stopped his welding and looked back at her.
“Thunderbolt? This is a Summoner.” The mechtech folded up his welding mask.
“Sorry. I am not familiar with your mechs. I am Asuka Hoshi, Bondswoman.”
“I am Jin. Technician. I have already heard that you might be working in the mechbay with us during your time as bonded. I also saw you caused a bit of trouble with Warrior Karen.”
 “I think it is more fair to say she was causing trouble for me. But yes. I was told I need to be of some use around here.”
“Aff. You do.”
The words felt sharp and pointed. Something about them pierced through her in the moment. Part of her knew that wasn't the case. Yet it sparked something inside her. A deep anger roared to life.
“The fucking mechtech does not know his place. He maintains warmachines. You are a warmachine. Show him what you are made to do. Destroy him.” The feral wolf within her snarled. She could already feel her hand clench to a fist.
“He is of a different path. It intersects with your own. If he is to respect you, Asuka-dono, you must respect him.” Her bushido spirit pointed out.
“Hey wait, look. There's something strange in this mechbay. One of the gunpods is empty and hollow. That looks like a pulse laser hanging on the crane. Is it in the middle of a refit?” Her mechtech heritage was excited. It dispelled the anger she felt. Curiosity took its place. A distraction she welcomed.
Asuka's nostrils flared as she narrowed her eyes at Jin. However, a distraction presented itself. The gunpod of the Summoner had a really strange design to her.
“Is this "Summoner" undergoing a refit?” She asked after a moment's thought.
“Neg. The omnipods are being changed. Warrior Sean changed his mind five minutes later so I had to tell him to make his mind up. As well as if he wants to put an autocannon there instead he should also make sure there is ammunition.” The mechtech Jin responded. He shook his head as if dealing with a rookie mistake.
“Is that why there is a large hole in the gunpod?” “Aff. Thanks to the Omnipods all we really need to do is remove what is there and put another pod inside. Maybe fit it a bit and just slot it back in, wire it and connect the ammunition system. As long as the tonnage and spacing fits you can do it pretty quick.” “So you could swap a Medium laser for a pulse laser? Or… SRM for LRM rack? How long would it take?” “Aff. As long as the weight and spacing works out. It would take about two hours maybe? The gyroscope computer realigns and balances the myomers and the chassis on its own. If you need to put on larger weapons such as gauss rifles or PPCs it will take a bit longer.”
“Owing to their much higher power demands.”
“Aff. You are from the inner sphere quiaff?”
“Correct” Asuka nodded.
“Then you have probably never seen this kind of thing before.” technician Jin leaned against the scaffolding. 
“No. It is actually quite amazing that you could change the weapon loadout for an entire mech in a single day. The ones I am used to require extensive calibrations.”
“I bet. But I am pretty sure you will get the hang of it. If you can maintain mechs the old way, this should be a breeze.” Technician Jin grinned.
She felt taunted again. A heat rose in her as a result and her shoulder and hands tensed up.
“He's calling you backwards.” Her inner sphere pride told her.
“All the more reason to fuck him up.” The feral wolf concurred.
“Then let us go forward instead. Show them how much you have to think on your feet in the inner sphere.” Her mechtech heritage grinned.
“Accept his challenge and win. It is the way.” The bushido spirit calmly nodded.
“Probably. If nothing else it must make repairs easier. Which must be pretty useful. But I suppose in the inner sphere they know exactly what goes where regardless of what the mechwarrior thinks.” Asuka shrugged one shoulder and grinned back.
“So what? The modularity allows us to refit it for anything. Whatever the warriors want.”
“I do not doubt that, Jin. But a well drilled technician team can put a torn apart Warhammer-6R in a couple of hours. Saw them work in the stock battles on Solaris 7. Made it into a form of art.”
“But they would have to rebalance it then quiaff?”
“Indeed. But surely so would you if the pods were blown off.” Asuka smirked.
“Are you under the belief that the inner sphere technicians are superior then?” Jin crossed his arms, shooting the warrior a very slight glare.
“I would not know. How quickly do you think you could remove an armour plate and replace it?” Asuka shrugs. “Like on the side of the other leg there?
“On my own? A single armour small piece of ferro-fibrous armour like that will just take me fifteen minutes... But I could do it in maybe eight.”
“Engineer time dilation huh? Well how I about I time you, see how quick you can do it?”
“It is a bit of a waste of time to start the repair on that leg already.” Jin looked annoyed that she didn’t believe him. But there was definetly something stirring in him. It sounded like fun.
“It would however be very instructive to see a skilled technician in action and compare to what I already know quiaff?” Asuka put a hand on her hip as she looked down at the technician. He thought for a moment and then nodded.
“Aff I suppose.”
“Think you can do it in seven minutes?”
“That would be a fun challenge... Bargained well and done bondswoman. Let me try. Grab the noteputer and use the timer.” Jin grinned. Asuka looked at the work table and grabbed the noteputer.
“And… Go!” Jin worked furiously removing the armour plate with deft hands. While the workmanship of such experienced hands was impressive and the tools being used among the clans were interesting her eyes drifted to the work table. A power pack laid there on the tool table. Charged too. While Jin was busy, Asuka’s hand swiftly slipped over and grabbed the power pack and pocketed it. She could easily use it to light something. Or at least use another tool if need be. They were a dime a dozen in any mechbay, nobody would miss it.
“Done!” Jin held his arms up as the armour plate was fully attached on the Mech's foot.
“Six minutes. Thirty six point eighty-seven seconds. Impressive.” Asuka nodded appreciatively. As she was concerned it was a genuinely good time.
“Told you!” The technician pumped his arms victoriously.
“Very good. You have some very interesting tools here. I look forward to using them as well.”
“You should see the tools we use for the omnipods.” Jin grinned to Asuka.
“I am certain I will in time. Oh! By the way, Jin. The kitchen needs to borrow a multimeter with probes, wire cutters and some spare wires. Kitchen power connections are apparently broken and if they cannot repair them soon it will be rations tonight. I was asked to find some tools for it.” Asuka said, remembering why she was in the mechbay in the first place.
“Why did you only bring that up now?” Jin laughed. “That cabinet over there. The yellow one.”
“Sorry I got really lost in looking at the cool omnipod things. Thank you Jin. Much appreciated.”
“Just make sure they get the kitchen fixed so we get dinner.” Jin turned to return to his work. Quite satisfied he had shown her what he was capable of.
Asuka continued through the mechbay. She passed by another work desk on wheels and had a look at it. In front of another mechbay, she stopped and looked at the mech inside it.
“Looks like an Enforcer 4R. Except bigger. And two autocannons instead of one. Bore is smaller than on the 4R though. And a missile pod underneath it. Original setup. I was going to say it looks kind of striking and cool but from underneath it almost looks like it has a giant jaw or moustache and I cannot unsee it.” 
She looked at the yellow work cabinet in order to distract herself from the moustachemech.
“Let me see here… There is the multimeter. Wow, that looks more advanced than the ones in the company. Wirecutter and some wires… I think they might need some insulated gloves for working with electric stuff in a kitchen. Better safe than sorry.” She grabbed them and put them in a robust looking blue toolbox to carry them in. A few excess pieces of wire she pocketed for herself. She could use that to create a spark for ignition easily enough.
“Nobody is going to miss it.” She nodded to herself.
She walked back through the mechbay with her direction set on the kitchen. While on the way she kept an eye out for other useful items in her candlemaking endeavour. The other mechbays were filled with mechs she had seen already. In the far end a timber wolf. The same one she had trampled before. Although it had been repaired by the looks of it. It must have taken a better part of the week. In the gantry above the mechbay she could make out two people talking. It looked like Maddix, the mechwarrior who had piloted the timber wolf in the group of mechs that she fought the other day. He was talking to another she didn't recognise. The uniform suggested it was a mechtech.
“Those two people up there are talking. But what about? It is the warrior Maddix and a technician. There is a clear pecking order at work here. One is higher than the other. The mechtech looks almost servile.” Captain Obvious surmised.
“Maddix is annoyed at you. He called you dezgra before. That must be bad. It sounds bad. It sounds like something you call someone you hate.” The Feral Wolf observed.
“Their discussion is not about you. Maddix has yet to see you. This must be instructions to outfit his mech.” Captain Obvious told her. She squinted to better see.
“The floodlights are causing damage to the eyes. The glare is interfering.” Her autistic sensor suite reported. Her entire vision grew out of focus and blurry for a moment by the light.
“That bastard took the other of your guns. Take it back. Tear him apart. Assert your dominance and claim it back.” The feral wolf snarled.
“By trial of grievance? That seems to be the path to do those things.” Asuka questioned her own words.
“Trials? Fuck the rules. He took YOUR GUN. Take it back.” The feral wolf countered.
“The people here appear to abide by tradition. Playing by the rules will not only give you the firearm back, but also respect. If you can walk the same walk they do. They will also learn to respect you.” The name in blood advised her.
“No. They are still human. They claim to follow these rules and ideals. But they will betray you and stab you in the back just as easily as anyone with a noble title would.” The Feral wolf snarled again.
“The Chatterweb has been the most telling. The warrior Rose seemed to be in disbelief that Karen would turn on you if adopted. They seemed excited for you to get a chance to join the clans. They speak highly of it. The warrior Jehan seems very impressed by what you spoke of. They consider it a waste if you were not adopted. Perhaps even to the point that he may very well issue a challenge to gain you for themselves. This is consistent with what Arvidia told you as well. You are neither slave nor prisoner here. Far more than both. You have been given the chance to become one with them. A member among them. That is what they hope you will be. Even if you were to somehow fail to be adopted among the warriors. You may find peace in another task.” The name in blood laid out for her. 
“Asuka-dono. Yours is the path of the samurai. To you there must be no other path. Between act and thought there is clarity. In that, your path will forever be that of the honourable warrior. You will not fail. Instead, welcome the challenge. Be tested. Become a better warrior.” Her bushido spirit concurred.
“It may mean waging war on the people you fought for though. Remember what Jaimie told you? That the clans would come and wage war against the inner sphere. How can they expect you to pick up arms against them? That's part of who you are isn't it?” Her inner sphere pride told her.
“The inner sphere was happy to raise arms against you when it suited them. You owe them nothing. Least of all our loyalty.” The feral wolf snarled.
“Did somebody just yell?” Captain Obvious wondered.
“Hey!” Maddix shouted out from atop of the mechbay gantry. Asuka snapped back to the moment and looked around searching for what he was yelling about. “I mean you, bondswoman.”
“huh-What?” Asuka snapped back from being lost in thought for a moment.
“Get back to work and pull your weight!” Maddix yelled out.
“I have not received any orders.” Asuka shrugged. “It had been mentioned she would work with the mechtechs. But no direct orders had been given”.
“Do you believe that gives you permission to be a lazy surat?” Maddix looked annoyed.
“I have no idea what in the hell surat is. What do you want me to do you, dummy? Grab a hammer and bang the mechs with it and sing blessed chants of Blake like a fricking comstar Acolyte?” Asuka gestured towards one of the mechs. “Besides I am running an errand for the kitchen, asshat.” She showed the toolbox in her hand.
“An improvement on starting a fight with Karen at least.”
“Karen started a fight with me. The bitch.”
“Karen has issued a trial of grievance against you. Who started it is immaterial.”
“Well she immaterially started it so there! Oh yeah! Actually. I want to issue a trial of grievance towards you! You took my gun. I want it back.” Asuka almost huffed.
“I took it as isorla at your defeat. You are lucky I stopped there, had it been up to me I would have seen you killed for your dezgra tactics and killing Star Captain Stefan. But William had other plans. Somehow.” Maddix narrowed his eyes. He clearly was angry with her. He was following the rules even when his spirit told him to go down and beat her up.
“You did not defeat me idiot! I knocked your mech out first thing in the battle! If anything I should be claiming isorla from you!” Asuka glared back at him.
“You did not fight by the rules and made a mockery of our traditions. As I said. You are dezgra.” Maddix crossed his arms.
“So what do the rules say about taking isorla from someone you did not defeat?” Asuka put a hand to her hip. Maddix narrowed his eyes. “At least I had the excuse that I did not know the rules. What is yours? Or are you the real dezgra here huh?”
“I will make you eat those words.” Maddix said and walk towards the lift.
The grip on the toolbox in her hand tightened. She felt anticipation and even a feeling of fun and joy at the notion of using it on Maddix.
“Smash his head with the toolbox when he comes down. He will not stand a chance. You will enjoy it.” The feral wolf growled.
“Wait. Challenge him! Follow the tradition and the rules. He will have to respect you if you do.” The name in blood told her.
“But do not hold back. Assert your dominance. Conquer him. Beat him at his own game.” The feral wolf snarled.
The sudden idea that rose in her head felt better. To fight in the best kind of way. The most suitable way. However fun it would be to smash Maddix’ face. But to return to the seat of a mech and pilot it in a battle, that felt much more fun.
“How about a trial of grievance instead of a brawl? Let us settle it as mechwarriors. Like true warriors.” Asuka yelled out. Maddix stopped in his tracks. He thought about it for a moment.
“Aff… I would love a rematch against your sorry hide. If only to put you in your place. But there is one problem with that. Your mech is in tatters.” Maddix returned to the railing. “You will have to borrow one. I will find you a spare mech and our circle of equals. Then I will put you in your place.” Maddix pushed himself off the railing to stand. “Tomorrow we fight.”
“Had this been the inner sphere I would cast doubt on you picking a mech for me. But I believe you are an honourable enough warrior to not saddle me with a Stinger against that Timber Wolf or whatever.” Asuka called out before he had a chance to leave.
“Aff. We will fight as equals, available mechs permitting. It will be a field of honour, bondswoman.”
“You know the word that sits on your tongue. You have heard it among the Dragoons, your kin. Speak it and he will know you will fight as warrior to warrior.” The name in blood told her.
“Seyla.” Asuka said. It felt like instinct despite never having spoken it her entire life. It felt natural. It probably wasn’t correct looking at Maddix’ expression. But it felt right.
“Seyla.” Maddix replied after a short pause. He flashed a surprised look at her for but an instant. He wasn't sure how or why. But clearly his foe was trying to play by the rules. She simply didn't know them. An earnestness he couldn't deny. She wasn't trying to mock him or traditions. She was trying to learn. He nodded to himself and then wandered off to prepare for their battle.
“Well that went well.” Asuka told herself.
“Hey! I got your multimeter.” Asuka cried out from the counter to the kitchen. The cook appeared.
“Here. Everything is in the toolbox. I brought some extra wires and tools while I was at it. In case you need It.” She handed the blue toolbox over. The cook looked through it. Grabbed the multimeter and the toolbox and stepped into the kitchen.
“Great work bondswoman. Come on in and hide from the warriors. Try not to make a mess of the kitchen though.” The cook smiled at her.
“So is there a cook caste or something?” Asuka asked as she stepped into the kitchen and closed the door after her.
“What? Oh wow you have no idea how it works around here do you?”
“No-Neg. Fuck. Sorry. I am still getting used to the whole… Aff and Neg thing around here.” Asuka grumbled.
“Avoid cursing Bondswoman. It will rile up most people in the clans. The kind of people who have never hammered their own thumb working anyway.” The cook snickered as he put the toolbox next to one of the stoves and pulled it out to reveal the power connection. “You will want to put the gloves on. So you do not get shocked.” Asuka said as she followed to look.
“Oh good thinking.” He stopped what he was doing and did just that.
“So no cook caste then… Quineg?” She tried to fit in. 
“Neg. I am of the labour caste. Lifting, carrying, farming, cooking and cleaning. Stuff like that. Lowest of the castes.” He sounded like he didn’t really care about that last part.
“So who is at the top?” Asuka crossed her arms in thought.
“Warriors.” The cook answered.
‘Huh. Well that explains how they act.” She leaned on a counter.
“What do you mean?”
“Just the way they posture and talk like they own everything. Just rubs me the wrong way is all.” She shrugged one shoulder.
“They do. They are the ones keeping the rest of us safe. Without them there would be no safety at all!”
“Yeah but that is no reason to be dicks to people.” Asuka rolled her eyes. “I have had to cut down so many people to size for acting the same way. So maybe I am biassed.”
“Well it is their right to be. But make no mistake. Every caste is important. In clan Wolf we get treated pretty well. I hear in some clans it is far worse.” He says as he works with the power connection. Asuka looked at him with a tilted head. “Well that is good.” She nodded. All the warriors she had encountered thus far had acted a lot like bullies though. She couldn’t let that thought go so instead she chose to focus on something else instead.
“Hey. Do you mind if I make something for myself to eat? I am not a good cook but I am pretty sure I can make something for myself.” Asuka pushed herself off the counter.
“Sure. Go ahead.  Tara should be around here somewhere. She can probably help you if you need something.” The cook said.
“Tara… Alright. What is your name by the way?”
“Nice to meet you Fei. I am Asuka Hoshi.”
“Uh. I think you are just Asuka now. But nice to meet you too.” Fei said while unscrewing something
“What do you mean?”
“We do not have last names. We are part of the clan so it is the same family. Warriors can earn the right to have a bloodname. The right to have one of the founders’ names.”
“Huh… That is a new take. I will keep that in mind. Thank you Fei.” Asuka said and scratched her head. “I will go and see if I can find something to eat.”
“What? You have to give up your last name? That sounds like a freaking cult!” Her inner sphere pride exclaimed.
“Even if it is not. Hoshi is from mom and dad! You cannot give that up! It is important. You are family!” Her mechtech heritage said.
“Hey look! Cooking oil!” Captain Obvious pointed out.
“They were part of the Dragoons’ founding. That means they are of Clan Wolf. They told as much. You are not being made to give anything up. You have a chance to be part of the same family.” The name in blood pointed out.
“But… It is still part of who you are. All the times you have written down Hoshi as your last name. The idea of giving it up… That feels weird.” her mechtech heritage shuddered.
“There is an awful smell here. Source unknown. It may be the spice from lunch.” Her autistic sensor suite reported.
“According to teachings, your last name is your parents' gift. It would be inappropriate to give it up. In the current circumstances however, you may dishonour them more by not striving to achieve the rank of warrior. That would make them proud.” Her bushido spirit noted after contemplation.
“There is no apparent source of the smell. It feels like it should be a lot more visible.” Captain Obvious searched around.
“The fluorescent flicker of the kitchen lights is causing interference again. The artificial light they use is causing damage.” Her autistic sensor suite flashed an alarm. Her vision blurred from the lights and she winced.
“What are the Dragoons going to do now? What about Warsong? If you become a warrior of Clan Wolf and join their war. You have to fight them do we not? You do not want to do that.” Her mechtech heritage said.
“Then you fight them. They are your pack so you can offer them mercy but if they fight you must not hold back.” The feral wolf snarled.
“There is a fridge over there. It is labelled something. Cannot make it out from here.” Captain Obvious thought.
“Picking up an electrical hum from the lights. Auditory buildup detected. Acoustic filters over capacity. Noise levels affecting other processes.” Her autistic sensor suite warned. A low ring started to sound in her ears again.
“Fucking rip the lights out or something and shut the fuck up.” The feral wolf barked.
“They may be your kin. But this is your kin too. Every step you have taken has been one to bring us to where maybe we were meant to belong.” The name in blood thought aloud.
“No fuck that. They have fought every step you have taken. They are enemies. To be torn apart.” The feral wolf snarled again.
“A water faucet. We can refill the water bottle there.” Captain Obvious interrupted.
“There are rules here. They are clear. They spell them out to you. The inner sphere never told you where the lines were, except for a map. And even that depended on who you asked.” The name in blood was snarling too now.
“New contact at two o'clock” Captain Obvious reported.
“You must meditate and learn more. Only after considering all of this and more may you achieve wisdom.” Her bushido spirit spoke with determination.
Inner turmoil raged inside her and her head was starting to ache. The entire world was starting to feel like too much. The train of thought was interrupted by a voice repeating itself.
“Hey! Can I help you with anything?” A small woman spoke up. Asuka almost had to crane her neck down to look at the short thin woman. She was like a mouse.
“Oh. Hey. I was just looking for something… I am trying to make something to eat.” Asuka smiled. “Fei let me in.”
“Well we are serving tomato soup in a few hours. I can get you something in the meanwhile if you would like.” The woman returned the smile a little awkwardly. 
“Aff. I know. I just cannot partake of it.” Asuka sounded strained.
“Are you allergic?” The woman frowned.
“Well… no. I… soup just does not agree with me I am afraid. So I was looking to make something else… I was honestly hoping I could get my hands on a pizza because I am starving.” Asuka chuckled.
“Pizza? Huh…” the woman said, sounding even more surprised. “Well… I could make one for you if you want. Oh I am Tara by the way.”
“Pleased to meet you Tara. I would appreciate it if you could… I am not very good at cooking. I can microwave. That is as far as my skills go.”
“Most warriors usually are. But that is okay. Wh-”
“Oh no I am just a bondswoman.” Asuka held up her wrist with the bondcord.
“You look like a warrior so… Well anyway. What would you like on it?” The woman offered a small smile.
“Well… Just ham, cheese and tomato sauce would do.” Asuka shrugged.
“Oh. Simple! I can make that in 15 minutes.” Tara smiled.
“That… would be most welcome Tara. Thank you.” Asuka smiled too. “I… will wait in the mess hall then.”
“Very well. I will get on it then.” Tara scurried off like a mouse through the kitchen to begin cooking. She was nothing if not quick and effective. She seemed happy at getting something new to do.
Asuka took a few steps to continue her search, but stopped to close her eyes and shook her hands almost as if they were wet. It usually helped when her head was like this. Her brow furrowed in frustration. Shaking her hands like this usually helped her bring back some focus. Right now it felt like it barely did anything. She grumbled and opened her eyes again, doing her best to filter everything out. Didn’t work. The engines reverberated through the entire ship. The artificial lightning. The hum of the electricity passing through it. Noises of the kitchen appliances. A bad speaker playing music. Somebody humming. The far noises of steps. The ventilation system fans and the refrigerator. It was draining to hear. There was nothing to focus on.
She looked around again. She finally found cooking oil standing in a small pantry. She looked around making sure she wasn’t observed and pocketed it. It felt greasy. But it would do the trick.
“Now I just need something to keep it in… and a string.” She had a look around. She didn't see anything that fit either of those criterias right now but she did see a water faucet. With that in mind she found the water bottle from her pocket and filled it up and took a drink. She breathed a small sigh of relief. It cooled her down for a moment. A couple of small empty glass jars stood upside down in an attempt to let the last water run out. Asuka pocketed one of them and the lid for it.
“That will do nicely as a container.” She told herself. “If I can find a knife and punch a hole in the lid that could hold the wick.”
Finding a knife proved easy enough. It was reasonably sharp even. She brought out the lid and made a few holes in it.
“There.” She nodded to herself and was about to put the knife away when she suddenly saw something. An apron. A thin piece of fabric hung from it to tie it back. With the knife in hand she went to cut it off. Sure the apron wasn't usable now, but she did have her wick. She put the string in her pocket and put the knife where she found it.
“Might something to secure the string…” she searched through a drawer and found a fork. 
“That will have to work.” Asuka said to herself and pocketed it. It made a lot of noise as it clicked against the glass jar in her pocket. They felt a bit full. Only one thing struck her now. A paper towel. She was going to need one of those. She had everything she could want now. She took another sip of the her water and went to find Tara again
“Hey. Miss Tara. I have to return to my quarters for a little while. Keep the pizza warm for me if it is not a problem for you.” Asuka asked after she found Tara. The small mousey girl almost jumped in surprise as she had rolled out a dough on a platter.
“Oh. Aff. Certainly. If you would like I can come with it to your quarters if you would like.” Tara offered.
“You do not have to do that. But… you know what? I would greatly appreciate it if you could so I can eat in peace and quiet.” Asuka had a grateful smile on her face.
“Aff! I will take it there. You are probably in corridor C2?” She asked just to be sure.
“Yeah that sounds about right. Thank you very much Tara. I owe you one.”
After returning to her room. Asuka tied a knot on the string, filled the jar with cooking oil. Drenched the string and pulled it through the lid and screwed it on. The fork helped hold it in place. With the wires and power pack she made a small spark and ignited the string. It produced a flame. It was a bit bigger than the kind of candle she was used to but it would do well. She killed the lights in her room and sat on her knees in front of the candle and stared at the flame that sat on top of the desk. It danced around vividly and it looked almost blurry. She focused on the flame and its dance. She slowed her breathing. The flame's dance lessened. The sound of the engines, of work and chimes disappeared. She, the flame and her thoughts were all that existed in this moment of time. She drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Her thoughts continued to flash in her head. But the chaos lessened with deprived senses. It helped her straighten her other thoughts and much like her breathing. Calm them, focus them and seize control of them. With each inhale she soothed one thought and with each exhalate she felt calmer. Her breathing slowed down further. Over the course of a few minutes it slowed even further. She felt at peace with the world and in control of herself again. She opened her eyes. The flame was nearly still, it was . It still danced gently to her breath. But it was far more calm. It mirrored how she felt in the moment. She rolled her shoulders, they felt less tense than a few minutes ago. Her ears didn’t ring any more and the flame had a clear outline.
There was a knock on the door. That must be the pizza. She blew out the flame and turned the lights back on. The world didn't feel as heavy or as difficult. She didn't have to push through her own thoughts anymore. She was focused and ready to begin unpacking whatever all of this was.
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ruckis-vandalizes · 2 years
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On this episode of Persona 5 x Mario & Luigi RPG: I used literal dice for this battle to calculate status condition odds.  I also got the OK from @6clawdy6 to share the rp between us, cuz I think it was cool :> She's the one in control of any Persona characters (And Grimm), I'm the one in control of M&L characters.  Check out my last M&L X Persona post for visual reference!
Nachtmarim: "Stand down, Dreambert. We didn't come for fighting of any kind. In fact, I offer you sound proof that we are here with no ill will. Haru? Hand me Clawdy." 
Haru, curious, hands the sleeping Claudia over to Nachtmarim. 
 Nachtmarim: "If we were really here to do harm, then would a recognized hero of this world be sleeping oh so soundly around any of us, and in her most vulnerable state?" 
She holds Claudia up to Dreambert, and sure enough, she's snoring peacefully, even uttering a bit of sleep-talk... 
Clawdy:"I'll pretend I didn't see you if I wanna, you half-cooked pepperoni snausage...zzz..."
Nachtmarim: "...and dreaming of pepperoni, no less."
Dreambert arches an eyebrow and looks up at Mari. 
Dreambert:"..Then what do you want from me...?" 
Antasma:"For the fighting to end, Dreambert.  For you to stop demonizing my people, so zat zey von't continue to struggle for food."
Grimm: "In other words, we are here to discuss the creation of a peace treaty between both sides of the Subconscious Spectrum here on Pi'illo Island. Your Dark and Dream Stones will not be enough to restore balance. Nightmarekin citizenship on Pi'illo Island needs to be reestablished so that work can be done in ensuring both dream and nightmare energies can be properly evened out..." 
Nachtmarim: "Please consider it, Dreambert. When I said that the fate of the balance between both energies depends greatly on this...I meant it. Too much of a good thing is just as harmful as too much of a bad thing." 
Akechi: "And besides, what good is there having a dream if you can't have a nightmare to even out the odds, and give your mind a challenge?"
Dreambert's gaze trails down to the floor.  He waves his hand and shakes his head, quietly murmuring "I will think about it".  Antasma's eye twitches a little, folding his arms to drum his claws impatiently against one side of him.
Grimm pats Antasma's back as if to try and calm him down. 
Nachtmarim: "There isn't much time to think on it, Dreambert, this is a matter than needs to be dealt with immediately. Pi'illo Island is in serious danger of dying out again, way close to drowning, even, in the excess Dream energy that has built up over the course of four years, and the Dark Stone alone cannot bring back enough Nightmare energy to counter it. We need that Nightmarekin citizenship reinstated sooner as opposed to later."
Dreambert grimaces, not saying anything.  Having gone completely silent now, the air grows incredibly tense and still, almost suffocating... and for those of them who can sense the presences of palaces...
Morgana's ears perk up immediately, with Sophia saying what everyone was thinking. 
 Sophia: "Palace Detected."
Antasma's ears perk up hearing this, and so do the top corners of Dreambert's pillow case which seem to be very animated.  Even he's taken by surprise. 
 Antasma looks around, and then stares at Clawdy... he then snatches her and looks at Dreambert. 
Antasma:"If it is not too much to ask, zis may give you ze chance to sink about it in comfort...  Vould you mind keeping an eye on Claudia's dreamscape?  Ve vill vait for however long you need." 
Dreambert looks up at Antasma, conflicted, but it got him to lose focus on what was said about a palace.
Antasma also takes his leave quietly to follow them.  Dreambert sighs gently, clutching Clawdy's core close.  In before in a puff of smoke with an audible pop, he turns into a pillow that her core sits neatly atop of.
Grimm and Nachtmarim follow after as, presumably, Dreambert is finding his way into my dreamscape.
Meanwhile the Phantom Thieves make their way out of the building and to a quiet area outside where eyes don't typically pry, for presumably safety's sake as Ren consults Sophia. 
Ren: "There's a Palace here, Sophia?" 
Sophia: "Mm-hm! It appeared on the map for our accessibility." Morgana: "I could sense it too. Looks like our Dreamy Prince has more than just a few skeletons in his closet...or should I say, in the Metaverse." 
Futaba: "The prince of throw pillows has a Palace? Not gonna lie, I am a little shocked. But, if he has one, then that means..." 
Akechi: "The chances of Dreambert complying with the peace treaty idea is slim, to say the least." 
Makoto: "It will effectively put this place in danger if we don't do something about it." 
Zenkichi: "All the more reason to infiltrate his Palace and get to work." 
Morgana: "More than that, getting his Treasure may even have to be on the same day, given how severe the damage to the Dreamscape is. We can't just charge in, though. We don't know what kind of dangers lie in Dreambert's Palace." 
Makoto: "We need to play it safe, I agree. Dreambert is definitely aware of us now, so once we go in, he's bound to see us as a threat..."
Antasma:"I haff no doubt about zat..."
Grimm: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's head into the Cognitive Plane and start formulating our plans. I would imagine once we have a good layout of the place..." 
Morgana: "Then we can secure a fast route to his treasure, as well as a swift way out of the place! Good thinking, Grimm. We also need to be prepared, too, however. I doubt that whatever his treasure is, he will not give it up so willingly...be ready for a fight at any given moment." 
Nachtmarim: "Right. Let's get to it, shall we?" 
Ren: "Right...Scordy?" 
Scordy then appears with a grin. 
Scordy: "Yo! Need a way into the Cognitive Plane?" 
Ren: "Yep. We have a new heart in our sights." 
Scordy: "Got it! Anyone got a calling card ready to go so this treasure can manifest?" 
Futaba: "Working on it, aaaaand...done!" 
She holds up her laptop to Scordy, who grins...her eyes glow, and it brings itself to reality. 
Scordy: "Anywhere this needs ta go?" 
Nachtmarim: "Clawdy's Dreamscape."
Antasma:"Von at a time Mari.  First comes ze palace."
Makoto: "Actually, Antasma...given that's where Dreambert is right now and how much less willing he is to take help at the moment, the Treasure won't manifest on its own without this calling card. If not in Clawdy's Dreamscape, then at least somewhere he'll immediately see it when Claudia chooses to wake up. The only reason we didn't need one last time for the Mario Bros is that they were more willing to work with us in obtaining the source of the distortion." 
Scordy: "I can send you guys in there first before joinin' up wit you once I get the callin' card in his room, if that works wit yous." 
Akechi: "That would work nicely, actually. We'll be waiting in the Cognitive Plane for you, then." 
Scordy: "Ready to send you in wheneva!"
Antasma:"Zat's not information he vill give any of us und  you are fools to sink he vould comply so easily.  If not from ze dream vorld zan ve vill need to make him comply via cognitive plane.  You can go to ze Dreamvorld, I vill follow to ze cognitive plane.  I haff a feeling zis is not somesing zat can be resolved by just talking to ze real Dreambert."
Ren: "It's not a matter of making him tell us what's troubling him...he just needs to read the calling card for the Treasure to manifest in the Cognitive Plane so we can help him have a change of heart on the inside." 
Nachtmarim: "Oh, so we just drop the thing off at his room where he can see it? That's...a lot easier than I thought." 
Morgana: "Yeah, we mainly do the rest of the hard work! If anything, this is the easy part!"
Antasma:"...Zis means I do not haff to go to ze dreamvorld, correct?" 
Of course that's the only thing he's worried about.
Scordy: "Not unless you were specifically asked, so no...that bein' said, you headin' into the Cognitive Plane with the others or not, Taz? Need to know what you're planning to do." 
Makoto: "I'm honestly not fully sure if he's going to be okay for this one. This Palace does belong to an old enemy of his. We can't force Antasma to enter Dreambert's Palace if he isn't comfortable with it..."
Antasma:"I am literally asking to go to ze cognitive plane to avoid going to ze dreamscape, as I feel more equipped to help in zis endeavor."
Nachtmarim: "I hope you won't feel inclined to shirk any of your duties later with that thinking. Alright, let's hop to, then." 
Scordy waves a hand to open a portal into the Cognitive Plane and moves her head back a bit. 
Scordy: "Phew! Yep, that's the stink of Palace there...alright, you guys head on in, I'll join you once I got the calling card in Dreambert's home. Hopefully Zeek won't try and peck at it and ruin the thing in his ill-placed pissiness over a well-deserved punishment." 
Nachtmarim: "He can be mad all he likes, doesn't make him any less wrong for being so irresponsible, encouraging xenophobic behaviors, and treating us like the villains even though we're literally just doing our fucking jobs and making sure balance is maintained in the Subconscious Spectrum just like the Dreamfolk-" 
She's getting quite heated, there. Granted, she has every reason to be mad, but still...
Antasma:"Save it for combat, Mari.  You vill haff plenty of time to vent later." 
Antasma floats on through the portal nonchalantly.
She marches through, not calming down at all...does she seem taller? Her teeth seem sharper again, too. Someone's feeling REAL strongly.
Antasma:"It is going to be hilarious if it turns out you haff ze wrong idea about all of zis and you're getting riled up for nothing."
Nachtmarim: "You act like I'm getting mad at Dreambert for this." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Whoa, is it just me, or did her voice go deep too? Freaky." 
Zenkichi(Wolf): "That's definitely new. You, uh...you gonna be okay there, Mari?" 
Nachtmarim: "On top of being peeved at the Zeekeeper for several reasons, I haven't fed in a while, the only thing I've had is a nightmare from Mario and absolutely no blood. That's literally it..." 
Grimm: "Ah, so your aggression is amplified by the hunger, which effects your body after a certain length of time! That's an interesting new factoid...perhaps we can use this state of hers to our advantage?" 
Nachtmarim: "I sincerely hope, Grimm, that you don't hope to use me as a weapon here...pretty sure Shadow blood tastes awful, anyways..."
Antasma:"I vasn't talking about Dreambert...  I vould offer you my blood but you vould just be getting more nightmare fuel, and zat is nightmare fuel zat I need."
Nachtmarim: "We'll worry about it after, though I can't promise I'll be in full control of my mind the longer I go without proper feeding..." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Is that right, ahahah...please don't eat me." 
Nachtmarim: "I'm not going to eat you, boy."
Nachtmarim shoots the mother of all skinwalker stares at him. 
Akechi(Crow): "I hope whatever you're about to say is beneficial, Antasma..."
Antasma:"I don't haff to say anything.  Mari already knows vere I am going vith zis."
Nachtmarim: "I am not feeding on the Phantom Thieves." 
Grimm: "Why not? They're humans. Most of them, at least." 
Nachtmarim growls a bit...does she seem a little fluffier? Her hair's also gotten a bit longer. Either way, she doesn't seem to enjoy the idea of feeding on friends. Makes sense, they're her friends.
Antasma:"Vell I don't very vell know if you are going to be able to find anything to feed on here."
Nachtmarim: "I'll have to worry about it when I get out of here later." 
Scordy(Beldam): "I'm baHAAACK? Damn, Mari, lookin' good." 
Nachtmarim: "...I'm shocked that this is anywhere near attractive...then again, your standards are incredibly low." 
Scordy(Beldam): "Guilty as charged~ You look good as a giant bat-like beastie, to be honest." 
Nachtmarim: "Bat-like, wh...wait." 
She feels about the sides of her head, moving her hair...they're pointed and look much more bat-like than before. 
Nachtmarim: "Oh joy."
Antasma:"How did you not notice zat you vere changing?"
Nachtmarim: "I was too focused on being upset about Zeekeeper being a fucking idiot." 
Scordy(Beldam): "Valid, he had it comin'...I feel like you'd have the face of a flyin' fox." 
Nachtmarim: "Do I look like a goddamn fruit-muncher? I am half vampire, I have sanguinivorous behaviors!" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Just fuckin' with ya. So what, ya got a weird nose?" 
Nachtmarim, now fully confused: "WHY MY NOSE????"
Antasma has to put a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. 
Antasma:"...Vhile I am not denying ze fact zat Zeke is an imbecile...  Ve do not know vhat vas going on through his head." 
Nachtmarim: "If anything even was going through his head at the time."
Antasma:"Doubtful, but zat is vhy I haff a feeling zere maybe a chance zat zere maybe a misunderstanding somevere along ze lines.  At least, I vould like to thing so..." 
Antasma appears a little sad for a moment before shaking his head.  He looks at his surroundings... and then at the monotone palace the group stands right in front of.
Nachtmarim: "Interesting. There's not a speck of color on this castle..." 
Akechi(Crow): "It's certainly unexpected...I wonder what regularly goes through Dreambert's head for his Palace to be so...lacking in hue."
Antasma:"Zat is... very uncharacteristic for a prince of dreams..." 
He looks at the entrance, slowly floating closer to the castle.
The Phantom Thieves accompany him, Grimm being more casual in his step with Nachtmarim having to be more ginger about her step due to being bigger now.
Antasma phases his head through the door to look, turning invisible as he does. A few moments later and the doors open with Antasma behind them.
Antasma:"Ze coast is clear... in fact it is very quiet."
Futaba(Oracle): "Wow, that's totally not a red flag at all. I'm gonna do a scan to see if anything is hiding around. Don't branch off from the group, everybody." 
Nachtmarim: "Especially you, Grimm." 
Grimm just shrugs and makes his way in, nonchalant. Nachtmarim makes a soft growl noise as her ears twitch, now having become a bit more articulated.
Antasma, despite the warning, begins to head a little further in.
Mari tries to tell Antasma not to go too far, but what ends up coming out of her mouth is a strange shriek noise which translates to the same thing...she covers her mouth in shock, ears flattening back. 
Ryuji(Skull): "...dude???" 
Ann(Panther): "What...was that?" 
Sophia(Sophie): "I believe that was a bat shriek."
Antasma looks back with pin prick pupils and wide eyes.  He didn't look very pleased by that noise.
Nachtmarim, slightly muffled by the hands over her mouth: "Iamsosorry." 
Grimm stifles his snickering laughter, trying to regain his composure. 
Grimm: "I'm sorry, but that was hilarious. I see we're not accustomed to our own bat noises?" 
Nachtmarim: "I don't usually take on this look because I can't control when it happens, so of course not!" 
She moves her hand away from her mouth, and...she has a very animal-like face right now. Grimm snickers a little more. 
Grimm: "I like how you're getting worse, this is amusing."
Antasma:"Und zis vould be vhat I meant by my earlier statement.  Are you sure you don't need to sit zis von out."
Nachtmarim: "It's a rare instance because usually I keep up on feeding myself, but that doesn't make me useless. There's got to be some benefit to my body's current state...oh, that is so much fur..." 
Ren(Joker): "I agree, maybe we can use this to our advantage?" 
Futaba(Oracle), having an idea: "Double Nightmare Sonar." 
Nachtmarim: "Double Nightmare wh...oh! That's actually not a bad idea, assuming he recalls how to use his echolocation...please tell me you know how to use echolocation, Antasma."
Antasma, with a shrug:"I just do  I keep quiet and flick my ears around."
Nachtmarim: "Okay, good." 
If Antasma's listening well enough, her heart was beginning to operate on a batty heartrate so...it was going insanely fast.
Antasma:"making noises also tends to help, but given zis is supposed to be a sneak mission..." 
He doesn't seem to be paying attention.  However, if the two batties and Futaba search, they find... that the first few floors are completely empty. No shadows to speak of.
Futaba(Oracle): "That's weird...there's no Shadows at all on the first few floors." 
Nachtmarim: "...did you try checking below? There is an area beneath the castle."
Antasma:"I vould but I cannot physically hear anything below us." 
And if Futaba tried the image would be very foggy.  Heavy interference is making it impossible to know whats down there, but one thing is for sure.  something is down there.
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh, there's something below, alright. There's too much interference to tell exactly what it is, though, but..." 
Grimm: "If there's one thing that staying in Hallownest has taught me, it's that there's always a whole new world lurking beneath one's feet. Shall we traverse below?"
Antasma gives two thumbs up and sinks through the floor.
Nachtmarim: "...did he just..." 
Zenkichi(Wolf): "Guess we're going to have to find a way in below." 
Nachtmarim: "I know a fast way down, but it might be sealed off here, so we may have to go the long-"
Antasma pops out of the floor seconds later with wide eyes, looking frazzled.
Nachtmarim: "Way..." 
Ryuji(Skull): "You holdin' up there, Taz?"
Antasma:"Zere is something down zere."
Ren(Joker): "How bad, Antasma? What did you see down there?"
Antasma:"I saw zat ve're in for a fight.  Or twelve... dozen."
Yusuke(Fox): "Well, we certainly won't be bored." 
Morgana(Mona): "We still need to be careful not to overexert ourselves. If there comes a moment we need to regroup and recover, take it while it's available." 
Nachtmarim: "In any case, we need to hurry. We'll take the long way in. If my prior experiences in reality from 20 years ago are true and apply here, the closer to the surface the long way's entry is, the lower the monster amount..."
Antasma  nods and takes the lead, navigating as if he's been in the castle before.
Nachtmarim also follows after, side-by-side with Antasma while the others trail behind. Nachtmarim: "...you've lived here before, haven't you?"
Antasma glances over at Mari, silently thinking over his answer. 
Antasma:"...I merely learned ze layout of ze castle in preparation for my takeover.  Not much has changed."
Nachtmarim knew this behavior well from Claudia. 
Nachtmarim: "...you know, Antasma, if you have to think about the answer, then it's not the truth."
Antasma:"Ze truth is not important right now Mari.  Vhat is ensuring zat Dreambert's mind is in ze right place vhen he signs zat peace treaty.
Nachtmarim: "Don't fault me for passing the time with conversation and wanting to get to know you better, Antasma...though with your traumas, it's not hard to see why your trust issues are so strong...let me ask you something, if I may be so bold."
Antasma:"It depends on vhat you are asking me."
Nachtmarim: "Are you aware of the mental illness known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?"
Antasma stares at Mari for a moment before shaking his head no.
Nachtmarim: "It is considered the most common of neurodevelopmental disorders, seen as early as childhood and lasting into adulthood. Someone with ADHD in youth may daydream often, forget things or lose objects often, be extremely fidgety, talk quite a lot, make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks, have trouble with resisting temptations or getting along with others, and even get ahead of themselves often. Overtime, the symptoms change, either weakening or strengthen in severity. Some become more fidgety, some less. One thing I've noticed that never changes with someone in ADHD is the tendency to hyperfixate..."
Antasma:"And zis is being brought up because...?"
Nachtmarim: "I think you might be ADHD."
Antasma:"...No I don't think so." 
Is the only thing he says, not even taking a second to mull it over, basically making his way toward the entrance to the lower levels.  He gets a chill and stops, looking around alertedly.
Nachtmarim pauses, ears moving around, pupils pinpricks. The others all pause, the Phantom Thieves standing alert and ready to fight if needed.
Antasma sees a bright flash next to the door that leads to the stairwell down, flinching before looking.  There stands a follower that looks like a being with a similar build to a Pi'illo completely engulfed by purple flames, wearing a mask.  Antasma gears up for a fight, but this Shadow doesn't appear to be very aggressive.  It's merely floating in place close to the door, watching carefully.
Morgana(Mona): "...huh. It's not attacking...usually a Shadow attacks the second they see us." 
Ann(Panther): "Maybe it's friendly?" 
Makoto(Queen): "I don't think so. It may just be waiting to see if we attack or not." 
Akechi(Crow): "It's that or the Palace Ruler is already expecting an audience from us." 
Ren(Joker): " Only one way to find out..." 
He takes a step closer, next to Antasma as he gazes into the eyes of the Shadow before him. 
Ren(Joker): "Does your ruler know we're here?"
Shadow Smoltergiest looks between the group, looks at Antasma for an awfully long time, before answering. 
Sh. Smoltergiest:"You should not be here.  Only one of you is allowed here and even then, he is to stay on the upper floors out of harms way.  Do you plan on proceeding?"
Ren(Joker): "For the sake of the Subconscious Spectrum, backing down isn't an option. If you plan to get in our way..." 
There is a fire in Joker's eyes, his presence...much like that of a firm leader as he now stands a bit more in front of Antasma...no. Not a leader... 
Ren(Joker): "Then we might just have to steal your heart...wouldn't you agree?"
A rebel.
Sh. Smoltergiest:"I do not share the same sentiment nor do I wish to fight you.  I am merely warning you and protecting you from the many horrors that lurk below.  Should you choose to continue I cannot promise that you will not be apprehended, and felled.  Knowing this, do you still wish to proceed?"
Ryuji(Skull): "We can't save everyone's dreams if we don't go down anyways." 
Sumire(Violet): "The life of your ruler is at stake if we do not seek him out." 
Zenkichi(Wolf): "If anything? We are here to save Dreambert from a prison of his own making." 
Morgana(Mona): "The Phantom Thieves are here to save Dreamfolk and Nightmarekin alike from certain doom, by stealing away the heart of the Prince of Dreams!" 
Ren(Joker): "Knowing what's at stake, do you still wish to hold us back from doing the right thing?"
Sh. Smoltergiest:"Should you get too far, then yes.  It is by his request that we keep him down there.  My time is not here.  Continue at your own risk.  None shall touch the feared one." 
 Before anything more can be said Sh. Smoltergiest disappears into thin air like a whisp. 
Antasma:"ze feared one...?"
Nachtmarim: "That Shadow looked like that of a Smoldergeist...the ones in the real world referred to Dreambert as "the revered one", given his stature as a great leader...but here, instead, he's "the feared one"?" 
Yusuke(Fox): "Shadows in a Palace often reflect the views of the Palace Ruler. The Shadow mentioned that horrors await us below, and he's seen as feared here...tell me, Antasma, aren't horror and fear reoccurring emotions incurred by nightmares?"
Antasma:"Yes, actually... yes it is... Oh, Dreambert, vhat haven't you been telling anybody?"
Grimm: "He has quite the poor opinion of himself, is my guess." 
Futaba(Oracle): "I get that, I was like that for a long time too, and apparently, so has Claudia...we better get going down there, and fast!"
Antasma doesn't hesitate in going down despite the warnings.  Honestly it's the fastest he's moved yet.
Futaba(Oracle): "Whoa, not that fast! Wait up!!" 
The rest follow down quick as they can. 
Nachtmarim: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say Antasma and Dreambert actually did use to be close!" 
Grimm: "We're thinking alike today! I was about to say the same."
Antasma halts when he comes across a room with a few shadows, this time all taking the appearance of masked Pi'illo with orange garbs holding torches.
Nachtmarim pauses seeing them, as do the others. She's got a bad feeling about these Pi'illo. These are bound to be Shadows intent on halting their progress.
Antasma:"Vhat do ve do about zem...?  Zere is no vay zat zey vill let us pass peacefully..."
Morgana(Mona): "We were already forewarned of the danger. We'll have to fight them. If we can, we need to take them by surprise." 
Nachtmarim: "And how do you imagine we do that?" 
Ren(Joker): "By revealing the truth behind the masks." 
He begins to sneak towards the Shadows, silent as he grows closer.
Antasma stays behind.  It's harder for someone as big as him to sneak around and he has no idea what he's doing anyway.  So he watches as these two Shadow's pace around on the lookout.
It's just then, at the exact moment, that Ren manages to get ahold of one of them, grabbing it's mask... 
Ren(Joker): "Reveal yourself to me!" 
The sound of what can only be described as flesh tearing can be heard as Joker rips the mask from off the Shadow's face in order to force it to take on its true form.
There's a loud screech from that shadow in before turning into a large, round spider that's orange-red in coloration.  It's commerad turns around in startle.  This Maretula doesn't look happy and neither does the other shadow.
By the time the fellow turned around and the spider had changed, the Phantom Thieves had surrounded the two Shadows, ready to attack.
The other shadow rips it's own mask off revealing it to is a Maretula, to join its friend in the fray.  Antasma turns into a bat and attaches himself to Ren like a bat cape.  The two start off with a combined Mapsi.
Out of everyone, Queen is the one that staggers, while Noir and Nachtmarim and Antasma are left unharmed. Everyone else takes a normal amount of damage. 
Haru(Noir): "Queen!" 
Makoto(Queen): "I'll be fine!" 
Nachtmarim slashes at one of the Maretulas, grabbing it and throwing it against the wall with an angry roar.
Maretula 1 hisses as it hits the wall, before scampering up onto it and then onto the ceiling.  Maretula 2 then proceeds to try and use Psio on Mari much to no avail.
Queen recovers from the stagger just in time for Nachtmarim to turn around and snarl at Maretula 2. Queen uses her Persona to cast Freila on Maretula 1, Grimm's cloak stabs into the ground, before skewering Maretula 2 from below. Yeowch. 
Ryuji(Skull): "JEEZ!!"
Maretula 1 taggers and shakes before inevitably falling.  Despite being Maretula 2 being skewered it's still very much writhing in pain and squeaking.  It contorts its neck just enough to bite at the tendril that has it and clamp down, before it effectively dies.
Unfortunately for Maretula 2, what it bit was a cloak hardened into a spike, so it didn't do damage to Grimm at all. Grimm makes the Cloak Spikes go away when he brings his cloak back to him as the Shadow disappears. Only question is, did Maretula 1 survive the fall?
Unfortunately for it no, it didn't survive, leaving the way into the next room clear.
Morgana(Mona): "That was...shockingly easy." 
Akechi(Crow): "For creatures intended to defend the Prince of Dreams, they're quite pathetic." 
Nachtmarim: "They were like that when I first came down here too in the real world, honestly. I didn't expect them to put up too bad of a fight... didn't expect to lose my control so fast though..."
Antasma has a look of suspicion, as if something were wrong and he could sense it.  That was easy... a little too easy.  He silently floats towards the entrance to the next room. 
Antasma:"...Futaba...  I need you to scan ze next room."
Futaba(Oracle): "Checking now...I don't know about everybody else, but that seemed a little too easy." 
Oracle does so to see what exactly she can pick up as she gets the entrance of the next area, and...
...they're everywhere.  The whole room is chalk full of Shadows just waiting to leap.  There's no doubt that they know the thieves are here already from their companions dying cries.  But they stay within that room.
Futaba(Oracle): "Hoooh! Yep, that's a lot of Shadows." 
Morgana(Mona): "Just sneaking past them is going to be impossible to pull off, especially given that there's so many..." 
Ann(Panther): "At least we know they aren't too tough to beat..." 
Makoto(Queen): "They're still quite a lot of them, however, and that's what makes them threatening..." 
Ryuji(Skull): "They are weak against your Nuke skills. Maybe you could ride in there and use the strongest skill you got on them all." 
Makoto(Queen), done with Ryuji's shit already: "I am not doing that. The strongest spell I have only deals with enemies at close range. Even if I wanted to, there's no way I'd be able to get them all." 
Ren(Joker): "I have Cosmic Flare as a skill for two of my Personas, and Alice has Megidolaon. Maybe I could clear the room with that?" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Dude, are you looking to clear the room or blow up the entire building?" 
Grimm: "I could set the whole room on fire." 
Nachtmarim: "That would just give us a whole new problem, Grimm, given your flames exude nightmare energy on top of being vampiric..."
Antsma feels the tension in the air grows.  Its as if the area and the enemies within are being empowered, growing a little stronger.
Nachtmarim: "Oh, I don't like that tension...something's going on with Dreambert and Claudia on their end." 
Futaba(Oracle): "We might have to fight. I'm not seeing any other ways to Dreambert's Shadow and there's no way we can sneak past these guys. At the same time, though, let's try and play this smart. Don't waste too much energy, everybody!"
Antasma murmurs "Use my energy wisely, Joker".
Joker nods as everyone starts making their way in, ready to attack if necessary.
It seems eerily quiet at first, the only two orange Shadows being seen on platforms just above the exit door.  They watch carefully, fully aware of the others entry, but do not move.  Then, once the group enters, there's an incredibly loud thud from behind them.
Everyone looks back, having a bad feeling that getting out the way they came was no longer an option...
That tense feeling grows stronger, almost suffocating, as the two orange shadows above rip off their mask and jump down, a giant stack of enemies acting as a brick wall to block off the exit.  Seconds later, several glowing red eyes appear on the walls and skittering noises are heard getting closer.  They're trapped in a room with dozens of giant enemy spiders.
Zenkichi(Wolf): "Something is tell me if Dreambert wasn't a prince, he'd probably be an arachnologist!" 
Nachtmarim: "TALK LATER, KILL NOW!"
Better make it fast, because every single one of those spiders uses a Mapsi with combined force to start.
Before the attacks land, Noir uses Makarakarn to protect Queen from getting hit by the combined Mapsi, which, in terms of power with up to 24 Maretulas at once, is comparable to Psycho Blast. Good thing it wasn't an Almighty attack. It still did damage to everyone else, however, dealing a decent number of damage on all but Oracle and those naturally immune to Psychokinesis attacks. 
Futaba(Oracle): "CRAP! I didn't get a chance to bring up a shield! Is everyone okay?!" 
Nachtmarim: "PEACHY!!!" 
She snarls, diving for the nearest Maretulas and slashing at them with her claws, while Grimm flies up... 
 It's then that Grimm unleashes his Pufferfish attack, sending fireballs at the spiders to try and whittle them down a notch. Panther and Nachtmarim seem unaffected, at least, and others are nimble enough to dodge.
Any fireballs of Grimm's that nearly miss Antasma uses his influence to redirect them so that they do hit.  Several spiders fall to the floor and rock on their backs struggling to get up.  Several more leap down on their own accord to attack.
From there, Crow goes in for a Megidolaon on those Maretulas that are stuck on their backs to deal heavy Almighty damage that they couldn't protect themselves from, while Wolf starts blasting with Riot Gun, Queen working on healing the party. 
Ren(Joker): "Anything you think I should do, Antasma?"
All antasma says is "open your mouth and try not to gag".
Joker does so, confused until...
Feels like something is filling his lungs and trying to come up through his throat, which it does in the form of purple and black smoke that forms into dozens of antasbats.  The swarm of bat's start attacking and flying around the spiders keeping them distracted.
Joker coughs a bit, rubbing at his mouth. 
Ryuji(Skull): "...did you just puke up a bunch of bats, bro?" 
Beldam staggers a bit, her eyes glowing. 
Sophia(Sophie): "Beldam? Are you alright?" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Haha...looks like Dreambert got the message." 
Morgana(Mona): "Then there's no time to waste! Let's take them all down and get to that Treasure!" 
With a swing of his sword, Mona finishes off one of the Maretulas as Queen unleashes Mafreila on the Maretulas, which ends up leaving the Antasbats unharmed due to them emerging from Joker...speaking of these Antasbats, they had been infused with some of his Trickster energy on the way out, making them stronger...Joker's mask begins to glow with blue flame as he removes it, summoning one of his Personas... 
Ren(Joker): "Come, Titania!" 
For a moment, when that mask vanishes, what looks like a beautiful blonde faerie woman in an elegant green dress, wreathed in those blue flames, appears, ready to use Mafreidyne...
Those bats start going for the Gromblocks, which are still standing relatively strong in front of the doorway.  Antasma only imbues the power of that Persona, making her attack stronger...
The flames take on an indigo hue, the chains almost glowing with nightmare energy as the Nightmare-inbued Mafreidyne strikes any enemies for extra damage, teetering on severe due to Antasma.
More like only the Gromblocks are teetering, as all of the spiders are slain in an instant.  The bats are left clawing at the eyes and tilting these things over like an unstable Jenga tower.
Scordy(Beldam): "Hey, Joker, can you make the Antasbats do what you ask them to??" 
Ren(Joker): "I don't think so, they're not Personas..." 
It would be a shock if they shared some bit of Joker's cheeky personality, to say the least...
The bats get into a formation around the Gromblocks, surrounding them the best they can. 
Antasma:"I vould recommend covering your ears."
Everyone does so, waiting to see what happens...
They all let out a supersonic screech that makes the Gromblocks tremble before shattering, removing the blockade.  It's only then do they reunite with Ren and act as a shield, fluttrring around him.
Ryuji(Skull): "Huh! That's some cool shit, though!" 
Ren(Joker): "Let's keep moving! Oracle?" 
Futaba(Oracle): "Already on it! Navigation for the next area starting now!" 
The group makes their way to the doorway that leads to the next area as Queen gets to work on healing anyone that needs it, Oracle scanning to see what's up next...
The next room is very strange with its layout.  Its a long hall with shadows lined up in a very linear fashion, as well as two in front of the exit.  The ones that are lined up stand on either side of the hall.
Futaba(Oracle): "Well, that's a weird layout. It's real...linear." 
Nachtmarim: "That's way too ominous. Keep your guard up, all of you!" 
Grimm: "No need to tell us twice."
Antasma:"Shall ve continue onvard...?"
Morgana(Mona): "We've got no time to be idle. If Dreambert's seen that calling card, then that puts us on a time crunch. We won't get the chance to get ahold of his Treasure again if we don't make the deadline." 
The Phantom Thieves, along with the other two Nightmare Kings, remain on the move.
Good thing too, because the very next room would require a lot of movement.  It's all just one long concrete bridge with shadows floating above platforms right next to it.  Looking to the side leads into a seemingly endless drop.  The shadows look at the group and shout in Unison, "NONE SHALL TOUCH THE FEARED ONE".  They rip off their masks and turn into Zeekeeper-esque statues that ground themselves with a heavy slam.  Mechanical parts click as their bat-like wings turn and click into place.  Before they start spinning.  If someone got clothes lined with one of those it would be game over and thry would either be blended, skewered, or flung into the abyss.  It would be no problem for those who could fly, but for those who can't... Really hope they're good at parkour.  And it doesn't help that there's a loud screeching noise from behind now.
Coincidentally, parkour movements were a regular part of Phantom Thief life. Nachtmarim takes on a bat form and takes to the sky as Grimm seems to turn into a shade-like form to follow suit as Oracle boards Necronomicon and takes to the air. As for everyone else? 
Futaba(Oracle): "EVERYBODY RUN!" 
The group bolts down this concrete bridge, running and balancing and avoiding field hazards like their lives depended on it...which, in this case, did.
Antasma holds on for dear life to Ren.  If he had a working heart it would be pumping out of his chest practically having a front row seat watching the group dodge and weave through these razor sharp wings swinging at them as they pass through. Through trying not to hurl or pass out, Antasma keeps an eye out for the end of the hall which he can't see yet.  He could hear the skittering and clicking joints following quickly behind.  Some of the antasbats leave to start attacking the massive Maretula that gives chase, trying to stall it.  It only works to an extent but ignores them for the most part.
Grimm and Nachtmarim aim to attack the giant Maretula with their own power as they keep to the air, hoping to whittle it down as the Phantom Thieves continue what they're doing as they make haste for the end of the hall. 
Ryuji(Skull): "THIS IS EFFIN' INSANE!!" 
Antasma sends more Antasbats after the spider fiend, having it attack the eyes and bite its back legs to throw off it's movement.  This ends up being far more effective, stunting it's movement greatly.   It screeches angrily and swipes at the bats.
At least it keeps the Maretula occupied long enough for the Phantom Thieves to get further, and hopefully, closer to the end of the hall.
The end of the hall is coming into view but that poses a new problem.  There's another pair of Gromblocking the exit.
Ryuji(Skull): "OH COME ON!" 
Haru(Noir): "Don't fret, Skull! We've got this!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Right!" 
Noir casts Snap at these Gromblocks dealing medium Gun damage to them before Skull uses God's Hand, and given it deals Colossal damage to a narrow range of targets...it would be a wonder of these Gromblocks withstood that after getting hit with Snap...all while the two were narrowly dodging spinning blades like the rest of the party, save for those in the air.
Sure enough the Gromblocks go down tumbling right off the edge.  The giant Maretula speeds up seeing this, screeching madly making the walls shake.  More Antasmbats aid the others, attacking its legs.
The Phantom Thieves scramble to get through the exit, with Oracle dispelling Necronomicon so she can fit through the exit, Nachtmarim and Grimm flying through the door as Grimm changes back, Grimm himself sending Fire Bats at the giant Maretula's eyes as Panther pitches in with Agidyne at the same target. Having one's eyeballs melt within their skull isn't a pleasant feeling, to say the least.
It slows and writhes before losing strenght and letting go of the ceiling, causing it to fall against the ground hard.  It's hooked into one of those wings from the statue and torn in half, each half hitting into a wall so hard that it causes the place to shake.  Those other statues wobble and fall right into the abyss with the Gromblocks.
Futaba(Oracle): "That takes care of that little miniboss...I'm going to go ahead and scan for whatever's ahead, catch your breath, everybody!" 
Nachtmarim changes back when she's on solid ground...only to have grown much bigger, a couple feet bigger than how Antasma is normally, and covered in brown fur. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Hhhhoooooly shit!!" 
Nachtmarim tries to speak, but it's in mere clicks...which startles her. Given Antasma was the only bat, what he hears next is... 
Nachtmarim: "(Oh no...nononono! This is bad...if I use my power again, I may lose control of myself!)" 
Her stomach also starts to growl, grabbing her attention. She whimpers. 
Grimm: "Seems time is running out for Nachtmarim as well."
The next room isn't as complicated it seems.  There's only about 9 shadows in there and its a plain square room. 
Antasma:"No offense Mari, but I think you may need to sit out for ze remainder of zis.  Zere is food for you in ze vaking vorld, but not here."
Futaba(Oracle): "If there was a safe room, she could wait out in there until the battle with Dreambert's Shadow, but there isn't one as far as I'm picking up. This next room isn't as complicated, at least. Just nine Shadows in a plain square room...just to be on the safe side though, I'm scanning it for traps. Don't want to go in guns blazing yet."
Akechi(Crow): "In that same vein, do we really want to leave her behind when we're already pretty far in? If there's nine Shadows left, it may be likely that these nine are a bit tougher than what we've noticed so far. We may need whatever strength this look has given her. We can't afford to not make use of any chance at victory."
Antasma:"But vhat happens if she turns on us and loses control as a result?  Ve vill haff something far bigger than just Dreambert's Shadow and zat is not a risk I am villing to take until she gets control over herself."
Akechi(Crow): "Which may not be for a while until we can escape the Palace with the Treasure in hand. The least we can do is make sure she doesn't interfere in the fights while sticking close so that she doesn't have to use her powers." 
Nachtmarim: "(I hope this works. I can keep control of myself for quite some time after my mind turns less human, but all bets may be off once we're out of the Cognitive Plane. The strange properties of this dimension with how cognition functions here seem to be prolonging my humanity...I can stay out of the fights, at least, so that I may be able to focus on taking advantage of said properties. This does mean I will need protection for as long as possible.)" 
Grimm: "You could also stay in your smaller bat form so that you'll pose less of a threat should you lose your mind." 
Nachtmarim: "(I could shift back, but it will mean I'll be hell to control that way, so I can't afford to do so now. Better that I stay like this for now.)"
Antasma:"I still think it's a bad idea to let you continue forward instead of vaiting outside...  But I don't think I can stop you from making such a stupid decision either.  You can follow, but ze first sign zat you are losing control I'll be ze von to pacify you."
Nachtmarim: "(Given you may be the only one capable of doing so, I trust you will not accidentally slaughter me...)" 
She chirrups at Oracle, as if trying to ask her if she had detected any traps in that room...and then pauses upon recalling that Oracle doesn't speak bat. She growls to herself as she facepalms at her own stupidity. 
Nachtmarim, embarrassed: "(...Antasma, can you translate for me.)"
Antasma:"She asked if you had sensed any traps." 
Surprisingly no but the Shadows are placed in a very specific way making it look like some sort of bizarrely set up ambush.
Futaba(Oracle): "No traps, but they are placed kinda weird, almost like an attempt at an ambush." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Seriously?" 
Akechi(Crow): "They're either confident this setup will work or desperate. Either way, better to clear the room before moving ahead. Nachtmarim, try to stay out of their line of sight. Given your dark coloration, you should be just fine." 
Nachtmarim: "...mmr." 
It had no real meaning, though she does look at her outfit, the boots of which seem tattered, revealing her...very curious-looking bat feet. She sulks lightly. 
Nachtmarim: "(Awww! I really liked those shoes. They were custom-made...)" 
Ryuji(Skull): "What's she whining about? I don't speak bat. Mona, you're an animal. Can you..." 
Morgana(Mona): "I am NOT an animal, Skull! I can't understand her anymore than you can." 
Sophia(Sophie): "Based on where she is looking, I can assume she is lamenting the destruction of her shoes due to her transformation." 
Ann(Panther): "To be honest, I'd be upset too if my shoes got ruined like that! I hear you, girl..." 
Even monster girls are still girls...either way, everyone gets moving to the next room.
The slightest smirk crosses Antasma's face as he murmurs "No, she vas lamenting ze fact zat her feet are now bigger zan Wolf's in zis form."
Zenkichi(Wolf): "Wha-" 
Everybody else snickers at this comment, even Nachtmarim, who's beginning to feel better about the loss of her footwear. 
Zenkichi(Wolf), admittedly a little amused that the comment came from Antasma of all people: "Well, I'm starting to think that the longer you stick to Joker there, the more of his cheeky attitude you get!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Damn, Gramps, he sure as hell called you out!" 
Grimm: "I feel like if my dearly beloved had feet, they'd probably look no different than Nachtmarim's either, what with him being a bat." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Can the dude even give himself feet?" 
Ren(Joker): "Maybe? He can turn into a small bat, a cloud, and if what I heard right from Garth is true, a pillow...who's to say he can't turn into anything with feet?" 
Sumire(Violet): "Hold on. Antasma-san...can turn into a pillow?" 
Makoto(Queen): "It makes sense. He had to have picked up some tricks from the Pi'illos while living among them." 
Grimm: "That, I'd like to see."
Antasma:"Ugh, do not remind me zat I can do zat.  The numerous times I got compared to a ca...  Also who said I lived among zem at some point?
Ann(Panther): "Well, you did know exactly where Dreambert's room was, for some reason. It took Nachtmarim guiding us to find it, given she'd been here before..." 
He did fly straight to Dreambert's room, in fairness. Out of that entire group, only Nachtmarim and I knew where in the castle it was. Conquering was certainly not an excuse, the only way he would be exonerated is if he didn't know all the details of his room... 
Futaba(Oracle): "Hold onto that thought, guys. We're almost at the room."
Antasma keeps his eyes and ears peeled as they approach the next room.
The group gets closer to the room, Nachtmarim's ears twitching often as she listens for these Shadows.
The room's dead quiet and unmoving, as if they're just waiting.  Quite a few Antasbats flutter around Ren.  Antasma sends a few in to scout things out, his eyes glowing.  He jolts when they get tossed back out by a laser that makes quick work of it.
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh, that explains their placements. They ARE the booby traps!" 
Ren(Joker): "Let's see if we can't daze them long enough to get in...come, Thoth!" 
A white baboon appears by Ren's side momentarily, seated with a book, adorned in Egyptian headgear, wreathed in those same blue flames as he readies to use Mafreila on the nine Shadows within the room to daze them...
But only three of the 9 can be seen in the form of statues that sit atop platforms.  The others are hidden. 
He would have to deal with the three first, hopefully fucking with their systems. He casts Mafreila on those three...
They take the hit and make a few alarm sounds while spazzing out.  They try to shoot lasers from their eyes at the group but the Antasbats form a wall and take the hit.
From there, Queen makes her way in to cast Mafreidyne on the three to damage them further, hopefully ruining their systems further as Violet and Sophie each aim at a statue and blast Kougaon at them, whilst Skull aims to over load the third with Ziodyne.
The three squabble and jerk around before falling inactive, being downed.
Grimm uses Cloak Spikes again, this time to finish them off by stabbing them through the platforms.
Those three are definitely down and out for the count but the others are nowhere in sight.
The others step in more, but those steps are trepidatious ones. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Hey, chucklenuts! We know you're all in here somewhere! Your asswhoopin' might be painless with how quick it'll be if you come out now and give up!" 
Ann(Panther): "Like they'll come out for that..."
... well one of them does, sort of.  Rather, spider webs launch out at Ryuji and drag him into the room quickly dragging him upwards.
Ann(Panther): "Shoot, they've got Skull!" 
The group makes their way in, ready to strike if needed. 
Ryuji(Skull): "BASTARD!!" 
Skull aims a Ziodyne at his attacker, the lightning attack breaking the webs in the process, causing him to drop. Thankfully, Grimm acts quick and catches him, shielding them with nightmare flame that would melt any web that got too close. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Thanks for the save!" 
Grimm: "Save it for later!"
Another large Martula hangs from the ceiling, hissing wildly.  A whirring sound is heard from behind the group, that being above the door they just entered.  Antasma's ears flick back and he pries himself off of Ren just in time to save him from getting hit.  Just as a statue and shot laser beams out of its eyes, Antasma did the same to counter it.  He flutters in place, playing a game of endurance with this statue as it continues to shoot.
Oracle uses her power to give everyone a temporary boost that would last about as long as the battle, including that of Antasma, who would certainly be needing it. Queen uses Freidyne on the large Maretula while Joker switches Personas from Thoth to Bishamonten, which appears like a red-skinned man with golden armor, using Atomic Flare on the statue to weaken it.
It gives Antasma the boost he needs to overpower the statue as well, making it tip over and collapse onto the floor which makes it crumble.  The Maretula cries out and scuttles about, throw up webs to protect itself.  From above drop four Gromblocks that surround each side of the party, stomping closer.
Beldam snarls as she casts Maeigaon on the Gromblocks, where Noir uses Riot Gun. Panther casts Agidyne on the Maretula where Grimm casts Fire Bats upon the Maretula if the Agidyne doesn't knock it down from the ceiling.
Instead of attacking the Gromblock barrel through and tank the attacks, getting closer to the group to the point where Antasma has to back up toward the center of the room, where above him the Maretula is desperately trying to protect itself with webs of its own making and only somewhat succeeding.  It looks like it's tiring out quickly, even going as far as to sling webs at our other teammates and also drag them toward the center of the room...
Given Grimm is defending them with his nightmare flames and destroying the webs, it's not quite working. It's then that Crow casts Megidolaon on the Gromblocks in the hopes of sending them flying away from the group.
It only sends them staggering backwards for a moment, skidding their feet against the ground before charging.  It's odd that they aren't really attacking, rather they're just herding the group towards the center and forcing them back into the center.
Futaba(Oracle): "They're trying to force us into the middle to trap us! SCATTER!!" 
To the best of their ability, the group scatters, Violet and Sophie using Makouga on the Gromblocks where Beldam follows up with Maeigaon, Noir and Wolf using Riot Gun as Grimm aims for the Maretula and uses more Fire Bats.
The Maretula is looking severely hurt, while the Gromblocks are getting there.  They look more upset at the fact that they caught on and give chase after throwing a short stomping tantrum.  As a last ditch effort to fell at least one enemy the Maretula spits a web at Antasma and slowly brings him up closer.  He screeches and writhes around in the webs, before growling and sending shockwaves through the webbing.  It hits the Maretula and does it in, it falling from the ceiling.  Antasma breaks free of the fried webs and dodges the falling spider.
The Shadow, now that it's dead, dissipates before it even hits the ground. The assault continues with Skull using Megaton Raid on one of the Gromblocks as Noir backs him up with One Shot Kill for further severe damage. All the Gromblocks get hit with Blazing Hell from Panther, with Wolf following up with Megidola.
They're quickly reduced to not much more than rubble as they charge at their attackers, falling apart in the process and sacrificing themselves in a last ditch effort.
From there, the remains dissipate as normal while Queen and Oracle get to work on healing and recovery. 
Futaba(Oracle): "Those last four Shadows were definitely the last of them in here! How's everyone doing?" 
Ann(Panther): "Honestly? Not too bad, considering all the hell we went through with those spiders and statues and moving blocks of stone." 
Ren(Joker): "What matters is we're okay, and should be good to go once we've caught our breath here. Oracle, can you scan the next room?" 
Futaba(Oracle): "Working on it!"
Antasma returns to his normal form, running a claw through his fur.  He looks over at Grimm and approaches.  He doesn't say anything but he's clearly eyeing him to see if he's okay.
Grimm seems to be unharmed, for the most part. He took no hits during the fight due to how fast he was moving in avoiding getting caught in webbing. Needless to say, the Troupe Master noticed the giant bat eyeballing him. He narrows an eye a bit, as if questioning what Antasma is doing. 
Grimm: "Can I help you with something, dearest?"
Antasma:"ah... you did great out zere...  how are you doing so far?"
Grimm smirks a bit. 
Grimm: "You'll get better at the compliments with time, Antasma, dear...I'm a little messy from all the webbing flung here and there, but I won't let a little Weaver silk ruin my day when it's perfectly amenable."
Antasma looks relieved, nodding in approval.  He looks over at Oracle to see how she's handling getting a read on the next room.  As for the next room... it's completely unreadable.  That same blockage from before is preventing anything from being read clearly.
Futaba(Oracle): "I'm not getting a read on this next room guys. I have a feeling Dreambert's Shadow is just through here." 
Nachtmarim: "(Tell them to be be prepared for anything, Antasma. You probably know more than the rest of us how Dreambert likes to fight.)"
Antasma:"Be prepared for anything.  If Dreambert's Shadow is in zere just know zat Dreambert can be unpredictable in a fight.  He is also very sharp und can catch on quickly."
Morgana(Mona): "It may be useless to attempt strategy if he can find away to turn our strategies against us. Don't let your guard down until we figure out what he's capable of." 
Makoto(Queen): "That being said, is everyone ready?" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Ready whenever! Let's knock some sense into the talking plush toy!" 
Ann(Panther): "Not a plush toy, Skull...but yeah, I'm ready." 
Yusuke(Fox): "Let's hope he takes defeat with grace, as a prince of his stature should." 
Futaba(Oracle): "All charged up and ready to go!" 
Haru(Noir): "I'm ready!" 
Akechi(Crow): "More than ready to get this over with." 
Sumire(Violet), Sophia(Sophie), and Zenkichi(Wolf): "Ready." 
Grimm: "I look forward to a dance with the dark side of the Prince of Dreams." 
Nachtmarim: "(Ready to support from the sidelines!)" 
Ren(Joker): "Antasma?"
Antasma"...I'm ready as I'll ever be.  Let's get zis over vith."
Ren(Joker): "Alright...let's take his heart." 
With that, Joker leads the way, followed by the other Phantom Thieves, and the Nightmare Kings. 
Scordy(Beldam): "Knowing dis Dreambert fellow...I don't expect him to go down easy." 
Grimm: "Can't say I'm surprised. He's bound to be very powerful on his own, if what I hear of him is true."
Antasma's ears flick back, keeping his head lowered.  His gaze trails the floor the entire time the group is walking to th next room.  The next room....in which isn't inhabited by Dreambert's Shadow.  Rather it's that Shadow smoltergiest from before, who's watching closely but not attacking.
Ryuji(Skull): "Well, that's a letdown. We thought you were Dreambert!" 
Makoto(Queen): "But if you're here, that can only mean that Dreambert may not be too far off, if not in the area past you...am I correct?"
Sh. Smoltergiest completely disregards the question. 
Sh. Smoltergiest:"persistent bunch, aren't you?  You fill the prince with sorrow with your insistence.  And yet, you still wish to continue." 
Antasma:"We haff to.  Ze lives of Dreams and Nightmares depend on it." 
Sh. Smoltergiest looks at the others to await their responses.
Morgana(Mona): "He's got a point. He'll meet his own demise as long as he turns a blind eye to the damage caused by the imbalance of Dream and Nightmare energies. If Nightmarekin aren't reintroduced to Pi'illo Island soon, the Subconscious Spectrum will fall, and without the Dream and Nightmare energies to sustain all life on the island, the Kingdom will follow shortly after. No doubt this place will be next once the Pi'illo Island of reality has fallen victim." 
Scordy(Beldam): "What's it gonna be, Smoldergeist? Are you so willin' to keep us out that you'll let your master die with his kingdom, and you to follow suit? Or do you wanna do something about it and change your fate?
Sh. Smoltergiest:"...Very well.  It is unfortunate, really.  Your adventure ends here." 
several more Sh. Smoltergiest appear, about twenty of them pop up.  All of them tear off there masks, 10 being a creature that looks a lot like a follower of Antasma's or Antasma when he was a bit younger back when Grimm first saw him at that meeting, or what Mari would have otherwise recognized as his out of battle look.  They look like him, but with some of Dreambert's plush looks.  Dreamare Mages.  The other ten turn into Smoltergiest like orbs with both dreamy and nightmare attributes.  They hold a stone within them that look like both the Dream and Dark stone combined.  They also have tiny bat wings. 
DM. Mage 1:"Die." 
 Before anyone really has any chance to react, every single one of the enemies in that room unless an absolute  hellfire of Psychoblast effectively downing everyone who isn't immune.  Antasma looks around in a panic, his pupils pinpricks, his frills spiking up. 
DM. Mage 1:"This is your last chance to flee with your friends Antasma." 
Antasma:"Vhat haff you DONE...?!" 
DM. Mage:"What is necessary.  None shall touch the feared one.  Not even you."
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh no! Guys, hang in there!!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Bastard...that was a dirty trick!" 
Grimm: "More than a dirty trick, that was foul play...how uncouth of you." 
Grimm's cloak and horns take on a scarlet red hue, his horns growing sharper. 
NK Grimm: "Do not expect us to take your offense lightly...?" 
Nachtmarim's eyes glow a vivid pinkish-purple before she lets out a loud roar, sending out a damaging shockwave of her own that seems to only effect enemies. 
NK Grimm: "Nachtmarim!" 
Oracle gets to work immediately to bring everyone back to full strength as there is a fire in Noir's eyes, the others staggering onto their feet from Oracle's healing as NK Grimm infuses some of his own power into Noir, scarlet flame mixing with the blue. 
NK Grimm: "Change of plans, borrow my power for the time being, dear girl, and avenge your friends!" Noir's mask vanishes off her face as she cries out... 
Haru(Noir): "PERSONA!!" 
Her Persona manifests, scarlet nightmare flames intermixing with the blue of her rebellious spirit...unleashing a Nightmare-infused Riot Gun that was doubled in strength to the point of dealing nearly Colossal damage to all foes. It may not be enough to take out all of them, but it would definitely ruin their day just long enough for the others to get back on their feet and recover.
he Amalgiests have a harder time taking the hit than the DM. Mages do, but it does daze them for a bit.  Antasma's pupils damn near disappear, the tip of his tail flicking madly.  He bares his teeth and let's out a supersonic screech at the Amalgiest that causes its stone to break and makes it flutter around discombobulated.  Afterwards he pretty much zaps it into ashes with laser eyes.  Amalgiests 2, 3, and 4 flutter after him and surround him, blasting him with a combined Kouga.  Antasma let's out an angered and agonizing yell before summoning up three Antasmunchies that spin in a circle around him smacking the Amalgiests away from him.  Two explode in a burst of nightmare magic while he takes the third and eats it.
Once the rest of the Phantom Thieves are back up, they get to work using their strongest available spells, with NK Grimm unleashing a much stronger Pufferfish attack, and a Nightmare-powered Noir using another Riot Gun. With Maragidyne and Maziodyne, Skull and Panther start blasting the DM. Mages, while Mona uses Magarudyne to put the flames of the Amalgiests out before Fox hits them with Mabufudyne. With a Riot Gun of his own, Wolf starts blasting.
With out their flames the Amalgiests are pretty much rendered paralyzed unable to move as they collapse to the ground.  All they can do is roll around and lunge, and they all go straight for Mona.  all nine of them. And as for the mages 1 and 2 branch our after Antasma, 3 and 4 after Mari, 5 and 6 after Grim, 7 and 8 after Akechi and 9 and 10 after Queen.  1-8 end up using Kougaon on their respective targets while 9 and 10 use Psio. Antasma takes the hit, careening for a moment.  He shakes it off and bares his teeth, raising his hands to the air.  His hands are surrounded by nightmare energies that he then throws down and blasts his attackers giving them quite the shock that sends them flying back.
Mona yowls at the sight and starts to run from these rolling balls while Skull follows, smacking at these Amalgeists with his spiked club, along with casting Megaton Raid in the hopes of smashing all nine of them. Nachtmarim withstands the hit well enough, staggering a little, but not enough to be brought down as she sends out a Vampiric Nightmare Pulse of her own as she roars that starts to sapping 3 and 4 of their strength, sending it to her. Grimm is able to take the hit well enough, grinning as he spins around, sending out an onslaught of his Fire Bats at 5 and 6. Hope y'all are fireproof. Luckily for Crow and Queen, they're able to guard against potential attacks, keeping themselves from getting knocked prone. Queen hits 9 and 10 with Mafreidyne, her stare intense as she rides upon her Persona Johanna, staying on the move as she rides around giving healing to anyone in need of it. Crow lets out a growl as he unleashes Megidolaon on 7 and 8... 
Akechi(Crow): "DIE, YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!"
All the Amalgiests go down but the DM mages stand strong.  1 and 2 having been knocked back combine a Maeigaon on the general group. 3 and 4 struggle and writhe, quickly finding a way to use it to their advantage by sending blessed energies into her as well while being sapped.  It's like if a vampire were to drink holy water. Unfortunately they do appear to be able to withstand fire pretty well, it's just a matter of actually swatting the bat's off of them which they struggle to do. 7-10 take the hits, not looking too good.
Sophie and Violet are unable to counter it fully, falling to their knees as Joker switches to Titania to use Mafreidyne on 1 and 2. Nachtmarim screeches in pain when she senses the Bless energies, calling off the spell, grabbing 3 by the throat and ripping the poor bastard in half, about to do the same to 4. While 5 and 6 are struggling, NK Grimm charges at 6, part of his cloak hardened and wrapped around one limb into a spike, impaling them and setting fire to the insides. From there, Crow strikes at 7 and 8, shooting them both in the head while cackling, where Fox and Mona take advantage of 9 and 10's stagger and behead them.
2 ends up going down but one still remains, just barely  he ends up falling to the ground on hands and "knees". 4, as a last ditch effort, casts one last Kougaon before its enevitable fall. 5 and 6 squirm and screech clawing at the spike inside of them.  Being able to endure quite a bit more before slowly falling limp. 7-10 fall shortly after, leaving only the first who's currently too weak to do anything.
All but that first DM Mage disappear, the guns of the Phantom Thieves aimed at him. 
Ren(Joker): "Last chance to reconsider helping us out. You don't have to end up like the rest. You have a chance to help change Dreambert's heart."
That DM Mage chuckles softly shaking his head. 
DM Mage:"I have already served my purpose here.  If not to fell you, then to watch from the shadows." 
He looks up, those eyes glowing brighter. 
DM Mage:"He knows what you are capable of.  you have made a grave mistake pressing onward.  Now face the repercussions of your... wh... i..  eh..." 
The DM Mage stares past the group looking quite befuddled.  The sound of odd chirping grows closer.
Nachtmarim: "(That's...that's not me, who...)" Ryuji(Skull): "The hell is that?"
All of the sudden a rainbow kiwi bird rushes past the group pounces onto the DM Mage who squirms in shock. 
And is promptly skewered by that birds beak a few times until it dissipates.
Nachtmarim: "(Z...Zeekeeper?!)" 
NK Grimm: "How curious. He came to help us?" 
Futaba(Oracle): "Noir, hang in there!!" 
Noir seems to have collapsed, breathing heavily. Her face is flushed, trembling. 
Makoto(Queen): "She's burning up..." 
Morgana(Mona): "Haru, stay with us!" 
NK Grimm: "Uh oh. I think my power was too much." 
Nachtmarim: "(...allow me. Antasma, have them move. I can siphon Grimm's energy from her.)"
Antasma:"Clear ze vay, Mari can take care of it.  She can siphon ze nightmare energy out of her." 
Zeke casually runs past the group again and runs out of the room.
Ryuji(Skull): "Uh...tthanks, Zeke!" 
Everyone moves out of the way so that Nachtmarim can get closer to Noir, her eyes glowing as she keeps the girl close, siphoning the energy from her and absorbing it, buying her much more time and control. When she's finished, Noir slowly rises to her feet. 
Makoto(Queen): "Easy, Noir, we've got you." 
Haru(Noir): "Thank you, everyone...especially you, Grimm-san. If not for you lending your power to me, I wouldn't have been able to give us some advantage." 
NK Grimm: "It was a risky move on my part. You are lucky to have survived that. Truly, you and your friends are unique in your capabilities. I have no doubt that you will be challenging for Dreambert." 
Akechi(Crow): "We appreciate the kind words, Grimm. Aside from that, everyone, keep your guard up. We still don't know what all Dreambert is capable of."
Antasma:"If it comes down to it... let me take ze lead.  I haff fought him before on several accounts, und even von..."
Ren(Joker): "We're counting on you to steer us in the right direction, Antasma."
Antasma:"I hope you like steering like a Capnap behind the wheel." 
There's no visible open door to where the group needs to go yet, just a large seal with a Pi'illo symbol on it and two torches lined up next to it.
Futaba(Oracle): "He's through here. He's gotta be...be ready for if he fights right away, everyone!"
Antasma lights the torches.  The eyes on the symbol glow and slowly move out of the way like something out of an Indiana Jones film.  It leads to a large room, much like the one that Mari saw Dreambert trapped in before.   And there he is... sitting on the very platform he was seen in before, on his knees.  Arms out to the side and chained up, his head hung low as he stares at the golden framed mirror in front of him.  He's facing the wall, his back turned to everyone.  He flinches when the light shines in through the doorway, balling his cuffed up hands into fists.
Scordy(Beldam): "Ah, geez...I'd say it's good to see ya, Dreambert...but I don't think you'd say the same for us."
Shadow Dreambert:"...Are you happy with yourselves?  To see what I have been hiding down here all along?" 
Antasma, looking at him through his reflection, lowers his ears. 
Antasma:"...No... No I'm not happy to see you like zis..." 
Dreambert:"I tried to warn you.  They tried to stop you and yet here you are.  Look at me, Antasma, I am a monster." 
Antasma:"You're not-" 
Dreambert:"I cannot allow anyone to see.  I have to make sure none of my people see me like this.  Even if it is at your expense... I am sorry, Antasma, everything I have done it has been for my people or else I would have never allowed this to happen.  Please... you need to leave me here.  There is nothing worth saving."
Ren(Joker): "You're wrong. Even if we knew that this is what you were hiding, do you think we would have turned a blind eye to you?" 
Nachtmarim"(I know you probably can't understand a wink of what I'm saying, Dreambert, but you are no monster. It is not your appearance that defines evil, but your actions. Whatever choices you have made...I am confident they are easily amenable.)"
Shadow Dreambert:"What I have done cannot be undone, lest it throw my people into a fit of hysterics and fear.  It's better off this way..." 
Antasma:"Dreambert zat is not..." As much as he wants to say it's not true, he knows how the Pi'illo folk might react to the sudden peace decree. 
Shadow Dreambert:"I am only doing what is best for them...  what would they think of me if they knew about how things used to be?" 
Antasma, against his better judgement, gets closer. 
Antasma:"Zat is something ve vill have to figure out together... ve can still go back to how it vas vhen ve vere kids." 
Shadow Dreambert:"NO, Antasma it is not like that now.  There is too much at stake.  Is that really something you wish to risk?" 
Antasma:"If it means ze fighting between us stops, no price is too high.  I vant me and my people to be able to live without struggle.  Are you really willing to deny at least zat to your old best friend...?" 
Shadow Dreambert:"..." 
Antasma grows ever closer, staring at Dreambert.  His eyes locked onto the Shadow's throw the reflection. 
Antasma:"Zere is still time..." 
Shadow Dreambert stares at Antasma for a moment before looking away, shaking his head.
NK Grimm: "Are you really willing to pit one high stake against a fate that's so much worse? I've already seen one kingdom fall no thanks to the follies and misunderstandings Dreamfolk have been so prone to falling to...I don't think my friend Claudia would appreciate you following the footsteps of the late Radiance by allowing this imbalance to doom everyone else along with you."
Shadow Dreambert:"Well Claudia doesn't know what it's like having to prevent an entire kingdom from panicking and turning on you or declaring war now does she?  ...What would you rather me do?  Slow the tide of destruction just as I have been doing or risk making it all collapse faster in attempts to create peace between us?  I am no better than my own kin when it comes to fearing what poses a threat to us." 
Antasma:"Is zat how you see me now?  Is zat all I am to you anymore, Dreambert?  A threat?" 
Shadow Dreambert:"N.. No that is not what I...  please just... leave... you've already seen too much.  I don't want to hurt you." 
Antasma grabs one of Dreambert's wrists, narrowing his eyes. 
Shadow Dreambert:"W-What are you doing...!?  Get off!" 
Shadow Dreambert squirms to no avail.  Antasma raises a hand and slashes the chain that bound that hand. 
 Shadow Dreambert:"STOP!!!" 
Antasma, grabbing his other wrist:"I'm doing zis for your own good Dreambert." 
He slashes the other chain and breaks it, freeing Dreambert.  Dreambert strikes at Antasma making him back off.  He slowly turns around, breathing heavily. 
Shadow Dreambert:"Why... why would you do this to yourselves... have you no sense of self preservation...?"
NK Grimm: "Have you any pride in your power as a leader? What leader does not protect all of his people, including the Nightmarekin who looked up to him and held him in good faith, believing that he would be a beacon of hope?" 
Nachtmarim: "(And for the record, actually, she has. She also knows what's it's like to watch an entire world die in spite of her efforts to change fate. She was lucky that she had very good friends who didn't give up hope in ushering in a brand new world where happiness could flourish. You can do the same. Have faith in that Pi'illo Island will be stronger than ever with the return of the Nightmarekin. We were never a threat, Dreambert. You were poisoned with lies, not just about us, but apparently about yourself. You know the truth, and the truth is that you are Prince Dreambert. You are above such doubt. You have what it takes to control yourself. You always have.)"
Antasma:"Mari, he can't understand you..." 
Less than halfway through Mari's bat noises Dreambert answers Grimm's in a rather hostile tone. 
Shadow Dreambert:"What POWER?  Do you SEE me?  The real me is not a fighter, the real me is not big or strong.  I AM NOT STRONG LIKE ANTASMA IS... I have to use wits and tricks to get by even then, Pi'illos were never built for fighting.  I am doing what is necessary for all of us.  I have to keep face.  It is the public that drives the government's decisions and what makes them run." 
Antasma:"Vhile I do understand zat is it really vorth putting down another race to do so..?!" 
Antasma's ears flick up when he hears the sound of stone sliding against stone. The light in the room dims until the door is sealed shut, leaving the group in darkness.   Antasma is quick to cast a purple flame that he holds in his hand.
Nachtmarim: "(I guess it's a fight after all...can't fault me for trying.)" 
Akechi(Crow): "He doesn't realize that what he's trying to do for his country is wrong...he's almost no better than Shido." 
Ren(Joker): "Then we'll stop him, just as we did Shido." 
NK Grimm: "If I didn't know any better, this feels a lot like Superstar Earth's longest suicide note!"
Antasma:"Stop talking and get more flames up to light ze room!"
NK Grimm, eyes glowing: "Like you had to ask?" Scarlet flames scatter all throughout the room to illuminate it...
Antasma looks around the room frantically, ears twitching.  Shadow Dreambert isn't anywhere in the room.  Or so it seemed for a second.  Antasma's ears twitch up and he backs away just before Shadow Dreambert could get the drop on him, quite literally.  Taking on a form just as big and gnarly as Antasma himself, twitching erratically.  Antasma, being taken off guard, is then promptly slapped by Dreambert, who gives him a twitchy hysterical grin.  Antasma growls in irritation, eye twitching.
Ryuji(Skull): "WHOA! That's a gnarly guy right there!" 
Haru(Noir): "This is how Dreambert sees himself?? No..." 
Makoto(Queen): "Worry about that later! Pacify him with everything you've got!!"
Dreambert tilts his neck until a snapping noise is heard in before he rushes toward the others at a scary speed, striking everyone in the heads with Memory Blow, rushing behind the group.  Mari, Grimm, Skull, and Scordy are inflicted with the Forget status.
Grimm's flames flicker as he struggles with the ailment and Nachtmarim whimpers as she struggles to recall her spells. Skull and Beldam? Especially screwed given that, momentarily, they couldn't recall how to use their Personas. 
Futaba(Oracle): "That was a nasty hit from Dreambert, guys! Nachtmarim and Grimm can't remember most of their spells!" 
Akechi(Crow): "That's not even going without mentioning that Skull and Beldam can't seem to recall their Personas!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Damn you...!" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Dreambert, don't fuckin' DO THIS TO US!! RRRAAAGGH!!" 
Skull and Beldam open fire with their weapons, a shotgun and a Mini Plunder-Busta specifically, at Dreambert. Mona has to make a run for his companions in order to be able to do anything for them.
Sh. Dreambert takes the hit. He staggers a bit before drawing the sewing needle from his chest and leaping at Antasma again.  Antasma is quick to act, sending an orb of nightmare energy his way but Dreambert dodges past it taking a crack at Antasma with Dream Needle.  He hits, stabbing Antasma right through the chest. Antasma, feeling very drowsy.  When Sh. Dreambert yanks the needle out Antasma flops onto the ground sound asleep. Dreambert turns his head with another audible crack, giving the group an Evil Smile...  Seeing Antasma felled in such a way, even if not dead but put to sleep...  It fills Grimm with a horrid sense of Fear.  Violet, as well, feels that paralyzing fear.
The Fear ailment overrode the Forget ailment, thankfully, but Grimm was unable to move, and Violet couldn't move either, out of terror. It gave Mona, thankfully, enough time to use Me Patra on Skull and Beldam, giving them back their access to their Personas before he makes his way to Violet. Queen, riding on Johanna, casts Atomic Flare on Sh. Dreambert, while Joker switches Personas, his mask vanishing before... 
Joker: "Come, Asterius!" 
A massive Minotaur with blackened skin with a bull's skull for a face appears, wreathed in those blue flames and occasional chains, appears, roaring before unleashing its attack, tridents wreathed in flames stabbing at the corrupted Prince, inflicting upon him a strong sense of Fear in the process... 
Sh. Dreambert staggers with a horrified expression as if he's having flashbacks, finding himself unable to move.  Antasma also can't move simply from being asleep.
Mona, once he's cast Patra on Violet and Grimm to free them from Fear, makes his way to Antasma in order to cast Patra one more to rouse Antasma from slumber. 
Morgana(Mona): "Come on, Antasma, wake up!" 
While still using Asterius, he uses Gigantomachia on Sh. Dreambert for colossal Physical damage while Beldam casts Sukunda to decrease Sh. Dreambert's speed for a while, as Queen casts another Atomic Flare for more severe Nuclear damage. Violet and Fox strike with Sword Dance and Skull with God's Hand, all for colossal Physical damage. From there, Wolf uses Debilitate to knock Sh. Dreambert's attack and defense down a notch, as well as slowing the corrupt prince down more for longer, and Sophie uses Rakunda to further weaken Sh. Dreambert's attack for longer.
Antasma groans awake and shakes his head, floating upwards.  Seeing this Sh. Dreambert pushes past his fear long enough to open his mouth and let put an almost haunting Lullaby that sound mostly incoherent.  Antasma manages to cover his ears to ensure that he's not put to sleep again, but it ends up hitting Mari, Wolf, Mona, and Queen hard.  To them this disorienting noise sounds like the most beautiful thing they've ever heard. Gathering courage Sh. Dreambert then goes after the attacker that caused him such fear in the first place, assaulting Ren with a Headbutt.
Nachtmarim, already struggling with Forget, finds herself conking out, with Wolf, Mona and Queen following after, Queen being flung a few feet from her Persona, given she was riding on it due to it taking the form of a motorbike by default...she was lucky not to have been flung into the abyss below thanks to the walls about the platform. 
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh no! Get up, you guys!" 
Akechi(Crow): "Focus on getting them awake, Oracle! Everyone else, get back to fighting!!" 
Joker withstands the attack well, taking advantage of Sh. Dreambert's decreased speed to slash at him with his knife, backing off before Panther unleashes Blazing Hell upon Sh. Dreambert for severe Fire damage. Sophie takes the time to cast Mediarahan on everyone to bring them all back up to full health. Violet goes for Sh. Dreambert with Vorpal Blade for severe Physical damage.
Antasma keeps his hands on his ears not realizing that him thinking that Sh. Dreambert was still singing accidentally saved him some trouble. Sh. Dreambert let's out a nightmarish screech that shakes the very walls and is seen jumping upwards before using Nocturnal Flash, which ends up putting out the lit torches in the room.  Mari, Grimm, Joker, Panther, Fox, Noir, Sophie, and Beldam are left reeling with Dizzy.  Anyone who was asleep that was affected is given a rude awakening and a headache. While he makes a brief recovery he uses Energy Drop to overcome his Fear.
Nachtmarim yelps awake before growling, the glow of her eyes visible. 
Futaba(Oracle): "Hey! Ooooh, dangit, Dreambert's way too good at this! Everyone, hang in there!" 
Akechi(Crow): "Dreambert's hit the lights while using Nocturnal Flash! Watch where you step!" 
Haru(Noir): "No...you...DON'T!" 
Noir, while Dizzy, mustered just enough of her focus to cast Amrita Shower to both wake up Wolf, Mona, and Queen and reverse the Dizziness of those affected, including herself. 
Ryuji(Skull): "You're just making this harder on yourself, Dreambert!" 
Grimm sets the torches alight again with his power, understandably miffed. 
NK Grimm: "This is getting ridiculous."
Antasma uncovers his ears and looks around.  Sh. Dreambert tried to get the drop on him again, this time extending his claws out in Desperation to lash out at him with Terror Claw but Antasma counters him.  And he couters him hard  he ends up throwing him back onto the platform Sh. Dreambert was on prior and into the mirror that had been placed in front of him.  The harsh sound of glass shattering is heard by everybody as Sh. Dreambert slumps to the floor, stunned for a moment.  He slowly lifts himself up, groaning groggily as his head hangs low.  As he comes to he looks over at the shattered mirror.  Angry at first, but that anger on his face quickly contorts into horror at his own visage.
Ryuji(Skull): "Shit, is he alright? That glass can't feel good..."
Morgana(Mona): "Hold that thought, Skull..."
Sh. Dreambert:"'N-No... no no this isn't... this isn't right, I-I shouldn't be..." 
Dreambert perks up noticing something behind the mirror framing.  Lifting the golden frame up and digging some of the stattered shards out, he discovers a picture.  A polaroid of what looks like a younger him and Antasma playing and having a good time.  Antasma actually looks happy for once.  Not just happy, but absolutely blissful.  Dreambert looks over at Antasma now.  The Antasma that grew accustomed to wearing a stone cold face probably believing that he had no reason to smile or had been hurt one too many times to afford the energy to smile.  His expression softens into that of sorrow and morning as he looks back at himself in some of the shattered glass. 
Sh. Dreambert:"You looked so happy back then...  What have I been doing this whole time...?" 
He shakes his head, the corner of his pillow case and his frills drooping. 
Sh. Dreambert:"I let my fear as well as the fear of others around me control me.  I let my servitude and emotions bind me down and the price I had to pay for it was not only a war, but a war against someone I considered close enough to be family.  You were only doing the same in waging that war.  Shattering the stone and imprisoning my people.  You were doing it because you were angry and scared. I... I really am... no better than you...  I've become the very thing I feared... " 
Sh. Dreambert looks back at the picture, blackened tears falling onto the cracked glass. 
Sh. Dreambert:"I'm no better..."
Beldam approaches, holstering the Mini Plunder-Busta. 
Scordy(Beldam): "That just means you don't get to give Antasma shit for stuff he can't help. But it also means that you're just like the rest of us, too, with all that worryin' and overthinkin' about the effects your actions have on others. It's okay to be afraid, Dreambert, we all get scared sometimes. It's a matter of overcoming that fear, but it's even better when you let your friends guide you in that endeavuh."
Sh. Dreambert:"...I hear what you are saying... Something... Something needs to change... I need to stop letting fear control both me AND my people.... I will however still give Antasma, er... Excrement, as a friendly gesture." 
Antasma:"Please do not give me someone's business zat is disgusting and unsanitary." 
Sh. Dreambert smiles a tiny bit, taking the photo out of its frame, looking at it.  His frills and Antasma's stick up when they notice a bright light coming from the large statue the mirror was once hung up in.  Sh. Dreambert, taking the picture, backs off quickly as the light surrounds the statue.
Scordy(Beldam): "Taz, it's a figure of speeeEEEEEAAAAAH, MOTHAFUCK-" 
The others shield their eyes, as to not be blinded. 
Antasma and Sh. Dreambert close their eyes and look away just long enough for the light to subside just enough to be bearable.  By the time they look back , the statue has been replaced by the Zeekeeper, who looks divine as all fuck.  His colors have been altered into something much more nightmare aligned, his third eye open and his other two closed, and he dons six iridescent wings. 
Sh. Dreambert:"Z-Zeekeeper???" 
Antasma:"Again vith zis bird, how do you keep getting here?"
Nachtmarim: "(Something's off with this version of the Zeekeeper. I can't place why, but knowing how he's only helped in screwing over Pi'illo Island, I don't think he's here for good reasons.)"
Zeekeeper looks directly at Mari, squinting his third eye. 
Zeekeeper:"How rude.  I came here to apologize because there was a huge misunderstanding, but if you're planning on being like that I can take my apology AND my explanation as to what happened back to the waking world."
Scordy(Beldam): "Apologize? Wait, what did Mari say? Wait...Zee..." 
Scordy looks up at Zeekeeper in horror. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Dudes, chill! I think if he came here to fry us, he would have done it already!" 
Makoto(Queen): "And why is Claudia's death your immediate thought, Beldam?" 
Scordy(Beldam): "...so I may be ready for an end-of-the-universe scenario..."
Zeekeeper:"Yes... so if you could let me explain myself instead of immediately assuming the worst, preferably before I lose the energy to keep this form." 
Antasma grabs Sh. Dreambert's needle and points it up at Zeke. 
Antasma:"Talk, bird." 
Zeke looks at the needle and gently tilts it away from his neck with his wings. 
Zeekeeper:"Classy.  No, I'm here to explain why the fear mongering started in the first place because while YES!  It is technically my fault, what was said was blown so drastically out of proportion that not even I knew what had happened.  I complain a few times here and there and when I look back everyone's suddenly going to war." 
Antasma looks over at Sh. Dreambert. 
Antasma:"Is zis true?" 
Sh. Dreambert, with a deep sigh:"Unfortunately, yes..." 
Zeekeeper:"I might have been griping about how nightmares, and no offense, are no fun.  Let's be real they're real stress inducers and mood killers sometimes.  And because I started moaning and groaning about all that junk, I guess someone took it the wrong way.  One long game of telephone later and the very next thing I know dream folk are scared of the nightmare folk.  Dreambert included, especially when his people started to retaliate against him and demand he do something about them.  I got a little selfish and told him to chase them off for a few years because it would give us the chance to relax and flourish and maybe things will settle.  I was wrong.  I was horribly wrong.  War broke out, a lot of nightmares weren't able to feed and I got stuck spending most of my time in the dream world making sure it didn't collapse.  So if I put on a few pounds it was because I was busy eating my just deserts in the form of sleeping and making sure the world didn't fall apart."
Zenkichi(Wolf): "So in other words, this all ended up the way it did because of you..." 
Morgana(Mona): "It's never too late to change fate, you know. Now that we know the truth of the matter, it's all a matter of making sure the misunderstanding is cleared up for good so that the Nightmarekin can return and do what they were meant to do in devouring nightmares so that people don't suffer in their sleep..." 
Nachtmarim: "(Though, that doesn't tell us if Claudia is alright, we did leave her with Dreambert in the real world along with you...)" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Well...I'm trying to check and I am sensing a lot of anger."
Zeekeeper:"Yes this happened because of me but it got way out of hand so it wasn't entirely my fault!  Besides I said I came here to apologize did I not?  If I didn't want things to go back to to way they were why the heck would I be here?" 
Antasma:"...He has a point." 
Antasma sticks the needle back into Sh. Dreambert.  Sh. Dreambert let's out a soft "oowwh". And narrows his eyes at Antasma.
Makoto(Queen): "We can't exactly hold a misunderstanding against you when we're not without fault ourselves for reasons regarding our individual pasts but nonetheless, we do highly appreciate that you're willing to apologize for what's happened, Zeekeeper." 
Morgana(Mona): "I couldn't agree more, Queen. The Phantom Thieves are willing to forgive you." 
Grimm: "I'm with the Phantom Thieves on this one. At least you're willing to take responsibility for the misunderstanding that was started, Zeekeeper...unlike a certain higher Being who died unwilling to see the error of her ways and killed an entire kingdom in the process." 
He lets out a small fake cough, Nachtmarim being able to catch "damned Radiance" through it. Beldam seems...fidgety.
Zeekeeper:"Thank you for understanding...  as for-" 
In a puff of smoke he turns back into that rainbow kiwi bird.  He looks at his feathers.  He looks very unamused. 
Antasma:"Does someone vant to carry ze bird on ze vay out?"
Scordy(Beldam): "Nachtmarim, grab him. Where's the Treasure, we need to go NOW." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Dude, slow down, Mari can probably understand him since he understood her and Dreambert's Shadow is still here. We got time."
Sh.  Dreambert grabs Antasma's hand and puts the picture in it.  Antasma looks at it, getting this warm feeling from it.  He looks back up at Sh. Dreambert. 
Antasma:"Zis is..." 
Sh.  Dreambert:"They'll figure it out eventually... see you in the waking world, Tazzy." 
He smiles gently before disappearing in a puff of smoke and light particles.  
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lumine-no-hikari · 1 month
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #238
I went to therapy today. I went because I completely forgot that my therapist took the day off today. Whoops. But that's all right; the drive there is kind of nice, and on the way home, I saw a hawk swoop out of the sky, relatively close to the car, and the sunlight shone coppery-brown through its feathers, and it was so cool, but I couldn't get a picture of it because I was… y'know. Driving.
I went to physical therapy not too terribly long after returning home. We did more work on my ribcage. After doing some relevant exercises and additional examination of the way the left side of my ribcage and the right side of my ribcage move when I breathe, it was concluded that the right side of my ribcage is not expanding really at all when I breathe, because from a top-down perspective, my ribcage is rotated slightly counterclockwise relative to my hips and collarbone, and because my muscles have kinda… glued my collarbone to my ribcage? Which I guess means that it's not moving around properly, which is then messing up everything that is connected to it, like my neck, shoulder, scapula, and… yeah. All the things that hurt whenever I move or do anything. It's very annoying. I suppose we'll see how well this conclusion holds up over time.
I got another exercise to do in addition to the other one. It seems to help quite a bit:
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...After this, and some manual therapy to try to release the tension in my pectoral muscles and trying to separate my right collarbone from my ribcage a little, the right side of my ribcage now moves a little bit when I breathe. It wasn't doing that before, and I can feel the difference.
...But goodness, do I ache. I thought I was going to cook some chicken leg quarters today, but instead I just did a bunch of leisure writing, thoroughly exhausted.
...Some days are just like that, I guess. We have plans and because of various things, we don't actually get to do any of them. Oh well.
I gotta wonder sometimes... Sephiroth, does your wing hurt you? It's very pretty, and I'll bet it's very soft and warm and able to give amazing hugs, but I know that human bodies aren't built for asymmetry (you are HUMAN no matter what was done to you and no matter what anyfuckingbody tells you!), and so I wonder if having the weight of an extra limb on the right side of your body might put strain on the rest of your body and cause your other muscles to compensate in ways that lead to aches and pains in unexpected places.
...I wonder about it. And I hope that what I've described is not something you have to deal with. All I've got is an injury to the nerve running down the front of my left shin, and whatever's going on with my ribcage, and these things by themselves are enough to fuck me up pretty badly. I know that if I had an extra limb on just one side of my body, I probably wouldn't be able to handle the strain.
...I wouldn't wish chronic pain on anyone. I don't even have as much chronic pain as some other folks do, and it has still pretty handily sapped me of my energy and my ability to do a lot of the things I used to love. I try to remain chipper and to remember that there are still lots of other things I can do, but admittedly... some days are really hard.
I guess I'll look forward to trying both of my exercises at some point tomorrow. But I'm not sure when; Ma should be coming over to our house sometime between 1 and 2pm tomorrow (admittedly, I am a little nervous about it...) to play video games. I'm thinking maybe to play Vampire Survivors with him, but maybe he'll have some other video game in mind. I won't be able to do the exercises if I gotta focus on keeping him entertained.
There's gonna be an event tomorrow, too, with various food trucks at a certain part of town; we were thinking of going and bringing Ma with us. Food trucks are neat in that they give us a little taste of different foods from all around the world. One of my favorites, back when I worked as a database analyst in the downtown area, was the Greek food truck. I would always go there and get the white bean salad and their stuffed grape leaves with tzatziki sauce; they were SO GOOD. And the kindly gentleman that runs the truck always used to call me "sunshine", for some reason. It was pretty nice. I miss him sometimes, but I don't really have a reason to go over there, because I don't work there anymore and parking in that area is kind of a nightmare...
...Hey, Sephiroth? Does your world have anything that resembles Greek food? Things like tzatziki sauce or falafel or marinated grape leaves stuffed with rice? What about spanakopita? I wonder...
...Hahh... I'm rambling, aren't I? Sorry about that... But maybe I'll ramble just a little. I ache and so... maybe a little distraction might be good...
So... Sephiroth? I wonder. I know you can't answer me, but I'm going to ask anyway. What kinds of food do you like? Besides pasta, I mean. Do you have a favorite kind of sushi? A favorite kind of fruit (I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it's not actually pears)? A favorite kind of dessert? A favorite cheese? Favorite things to put on pizza? A favorite kind of sandwich? A favorite thing to eat for breakfast? A favorite kind of tea...?
I wonder so many things, simply because, like any human, you deserve to be seen and known - as a human, not as a celebrity or whatever. And you deserve to have those known aspects about you be considered and thought about.
...And... ya know. It'd be nice to someday be able to give you one of your favorite things, and to see your face light up and to hear your voice shining with joy.
...I'm tired and ouchy, and I can't think of anything else to say. So maybe I'll end this here.
Hey. I love you a whole lot. Try not to forget, okay? And, in light of the knowledge that you're loved, please try really hard to keep yourself safe out there. There are lots of people who need you, not because of anything in particular that you do, but just because you're you.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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skydoescrime · 10 months
i really really hated season 2 and specifically the season 2 finale for OFMD
the first few episodes were great. we got to see how ed was fully affected by stede's 'rejection' and how he was acting like a complete and total asshole and terrible person over it. very very cool i loved that, and i enjoyed the. izzy hands torture a bit more than a normal person would. seeing stede also grapple with his love for ed and his obliviousness juxtaposed with eds anger and angst was. phenomenal. i liked the pirate queen, cool new character. i did however not like how they offhandedly mentioned ivans death. I'm not sure if the actor dropped, but even then, he wasn't a big part of season 1, so why was he even. Written in the first place. on another note i do think some of the pairings made clear in the first 3 episodes with jim and. other cool pirate person was silly ig but also we. knew nothing about them??? there was no arc they were just introduced as a character, no defining traits just awesome pirate person and they expected us to be like. oh okay so they're together now and jim and olu's whole relationship which was built throughout all of season 1 is completely gone just cause we introduced new people and we wanna spice it up a bit. um lesbian murder couple was awesome. i do think the whole turning into a bird thing was a cool metaphor i DO think the rent free line was kind of crazy and just pure fan service. like i understand that its just a goofy pirate show but. come on they just stole that from the internet and snuck it in so we would be squealing about it. also! the red coat was just snuck in there for like one episode and it. did nothing. like it was just for one day. ig stede became more piraty after that but. nothing was cursed. they could have done so much more with it and it was kind of just placed down and then never touched on ever again. also there's the. ed apology that sucks which everyone is fine with even though he doesn't say I'm sorry? at all? and everyone is okay with him now? like. okay. i did LOVE the parallels between the you wear fine things well scenes. i also liked the boundaries set between them.
episode 6 and 7. everything goes to complete shit here. i liked ned lowe i think he was an awesome character i feel like it was the worst decision ever to just kill him off. i think the party scene is strange because ed is like. something is wrong and then he just goes along with everything and its never elaborated on ever again. the singing part is nice but. like the izzy arc feels so rushed considering how like 3 episodes ago bro was fully going through it. i do like him getting more integrated into the family though that's nice. stede killing someone was awesome. i do like the implication that ed is slowly backing away from his pirate life while his partner goes deeper into it, the juxtaposition between their morals in season 1 and this season are pretty cool. I DID NOT HOWEVER like how stede is just horny after his kill and they have sex even though! ed established boundaries. it feels super ooc for stede even if he's going through his "villain arc" or whatever he still wouldn't. do that and i don't like how its done just to show how stede has changed and is a bad person now when this is just stede acting out of character just so people know he's fucked up for killing someone and becoming more pirate like. i don't think his morals and affections towards ed can change that fast. i do think they could have done something with how izzy reacted to stede and eds relationship because. like there is no arc with that. he's completely in love with ed one day and the next he's totally fine with them fucking and dating like. what even was that confession then when it did basically nothing but just provide fan service. also later on when izzy just sits stede down and talks about ed is so. strange because sure izzy was super fucking traumatized after everything and shit but like. i don't think his character changed that much considering the fact that a few episodes prior he was still shitting on stede. like. it feels rushed just for the sake of having a heart to heart with stede and izzy. the explosion also feels rushed considering how we only saw zheng in like 3 episodes. and like how there was basically no set up for it. i feel like. there's a pattern with shit being rushed just to be rushed. like explosion in the same episode where stede completely becomes a brand new person in like 2 hours, ed leaves and izzy suddenly cares about stede. its kind of very obvious that they didn't get as many episodes as they wanted but i don't think that justifies the shit writing.
now the season finale SUCKED. so ed comes back after like 2 seconds and they reunite like they didn't just have a massive argument. everyone escapes somehow and then its like. they dress up in costumes come up with a half assed plan and go into battle. and then fucking izzy gets shot and its. not even like. a scene where he's just getting shot its masked behind things so its super confusing if he got shot or not and then he just. dies. no fanfare he just dies and its super quick and unexpected and it feels like it was just done so that he could. yk have a semi redemption (even though no bonding other than the. boat drag celebration and the hoof gifting was shown on screen at all) where everyone loved him even after he was a pos for like all of season 1. he dies randomly not even in an epic battle he just gets fucking shot. and I've seen a lot of people compare this episode to the season finale of good omens season 2 and they are so fucking wrong for that because. there's so much set up with good omens season 2. like we all knew it was coming. of course someday aziraphale was going to leave. he was never as keen as crowley on saying fuck you to heaven and hell. and its so wonderfully set up because all of season 1 and 2 set up their. relationship dynamics. how they felt about their bosses and higherups. and it SUCKED because all of us were expecting it but it still hit hard as fuck because. it makes so much sense. there's no way around it. and instead in the season finale of ofmd season 2 they just kill off izzy just to make us feel bad and because he has no purpose anymore? he feels like a throwaway character when his character had just fully come to light. there's also the thing about his leg being used as his gravestone which i have heard was kind of insensitive because it was a part of his body prosthetic or not? and then right after he dies everyone is super duper happy and joyous like an insanely important character didn't just die and then they have the wedding and it feels horrible because you're reeling from a very important character death which wasn't neccisary and completely unexpected and confusing to a wedding and having ed and stede end up living together in a small island running an inn? and its like. how do you expect me to be happy when two seconds ago you just killed off a character completely rushed their death completely rushed another characters wedding and made a happy ending happen just because you were scared of season 3 not happening? like i would have rathered a more well thought out episode which ended on a cliffhanger than whatever rushed mess of garbage this was. this finale genuinely has made me not want a season 3 because. there's nothing left for me. the villain of the story is this stupid rich guy who hates pirates (wow no way) who has no flavour and is just annoying. the character who had a whole entire character arc who definitely was killed off for shock value is dead and the otp of the show is together forever.
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famekils · 4 months
i joined this pairs group before that unfortunately didn't take off. if someone would be kind enough to give me these pairs anyway, i'll love you forever. ♡
a haylor-inspired couple on the top of their game, dominating the charts, fall pregnant unexpectedly and it poses it a threat to their careers.
a married couple inspired by orlando bloom and miranda kerr, complete with a toddler and cheating rumors.
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Is that (TUCKER WEST)? They look so much like (OWEN TEAGUE). I heard they use (HE/HIM) pronouns and are (A CIS MAN). They also turned (TWENTY FIVE) years old this year. They’re also famous for being a (SINGER). I also read that they have (ONE) kid and that they are (PANSEXUAL). They are (DATING) to (ANY FEMALE FC).
so, i was looking for something inspired by harry styles and taylor swift circa 2012 (and a little bit of britney and justin). tucker was your typical teen heartthrob, marketed to appeal to girls. he's been in his ~actually cool for adults to listen to~ era for a few years now. he's from the south. maybe she is too and they bounded over it. regardless, they're both on top of their game right now. it's an inconvenient time for them to have a baby, seeing as they're cash cows right now and who knows how long that will last? either she's currently pregnant or she only gave birth recently. they're keeping it hidden from the public. if she's still pregnant, they're doing their best to hide it from their teams (publicists, managers, etc) too. he didn't grow up with much and has worked hard for what he has now. naturally, that gives him some anxiety about his future now, but mostly, he just wants to give her and the baby what he didn't have before. their relationship before the baby: he's a true romantic. he loved to shower her with gifts and surprises. it can be difficult dating in their position, between their busy schedules, headlines making up cheating rumors every other week, and fans interrupting their private time to get a photo. he does his best to fly to her between shows. they make it work.
Is that (COLETTE CHUO)? They look so much like (DAVIKA HOORNE). I heard they use (SHE/HER) pronouns and are (A CIS WOMAN). They also turned (THIRTY ONE) years old this year. They’re also famous for being a (MODEL). I also read that they have (ONE) kid and that they are (HETEROSEXUAL). They are (MARRIED) to (ANY MALE FC). * would also be willing to play the husband for this plot.
colette was a model for a huge commercial brand. most people wouldn't necessarily recognize her by name, but they'd recognize her in association with the brand. she had more of an approachable persona than her peers. as she has tried to prepare herself for aging out of the modeling world, she has shown her interest in things like yoga and wellness. very much a 'that girl' aesthetic. behind the scenes, there are whispers that she was fired from the brand for being a diva. maybe she's not as nice and cutesy as she lets on. colette and her husband got married after she got pregnant. they were in love, yes, but the timing of it was because they felt like it was what they were 'supposed' to do. now they have a toddler (2-5 years old). there have been rumors about her cheating, particularly with one of his good friends. whether or not that particular rumor is true or not is up in the air, but she certainly wasn't faithful. the husband suspects he's not the father, but he puts on a brave face and raises them without saying anything. their marriage is built on secrets and lies. they're happy with each other in the short term, but they're both probably unfulfilled.
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