#this SHOULD be the last 2022 art I missed
kaydreamsart · 8 months
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like the last two, this is from 2022. I can't believe it was never uploaded here it's one of the Catso's Adventures art ever
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belligerentbagel · 2 years
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unfinished greymoore
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nerice · 1 year
i MISS drawing
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cuubism · 4 days
last year I saw this 1989 Dreamling art by @webonchin, became extremely obsessed with it, pondered and mulled over it for much time, and now ten whole months later I have a fic
my kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling, Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, 1989 Hob Gadling and Dream of the Endless | Morpheus Meeting, Musician Dream of the Endless, Stockbroker Hob Gadling, Love at First Sight, Getting Together, New York City, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Queer Themes, Disillusionment, Explicit Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Depression, tfw you meet someone who makes you want to change up your whole life Summary:
Despite Hob's success on Wall Street, life is starting to feel meaningless. Limitless sex, drugs, and money should be endlessly entertaining but instead he's bored, he feels empty, like something's missing.
Something, maybe, like the beautiful, tragic musician he meets at a party, who opens more than one new door in Hob's life--and reawakens the buried longing in his heart.
Hob lies on the couch of the crowded apartment he’s found himself in for the evening, head tipped back over the arm. Pounding music thumps distantly around him. Dim lights. Warm bodies moving in blurs. He ignores it all. Picks up his vodka soda from the coffee table and takes a swig. Half of it runs over the side of his mouth instead of into it.
He’s… bored. What’s wrong with him that he’s bored surrounded by as much drugs, sex, and general debauchery as he could possibly want?
But he is. All that climbing for so long and now… he doesn’t know where he is. Why he’s doing any of it. The climb, the growth, was fun for a while. Chasing hunger, chasing more, that was fun. But now he has all of it. Supposedly.
He sighs. Pours the rest of his drink inelegantly into his mouth. If he wants another one he’s going to have to get up. He doesn’t really feel like getting up. He feels like merging himself with the couch instead.
The party spins on around him, as it always does. Not everyone’s feeling as burnt out on sex, drugs, and debauchery as Hob is.
He could go track down some coke, he thinks hazily. Someone here’ll have some. Maybe it would kick his energy back up.
He just feels kind of tired at the thought.
It says something bad about the point he’s reached in life that even cocaine isn’t doing it for him anymore.
“This is very dull,” says a low voice, and a man slumps down beside him, sitting on the floor and leaning back against the couch. He tilts his head back, looking up at Hob. “Do you think so?”
“Yeah,” Hob says, and then does a double take as he catches a proper look at the man.
Christ but he’s gorgeous. Nothing like the men Hob would normally see at a thing like this—nothing like Hob himself—with their fashionable suits, slick hair, slicker smiles. This man is lithe and sprawling, like a wild predator, stark black and white lines, spiky hair, dark makeup, studs flowing down his ears like raindrops. Clever eyes. Long fingers clutching a cocktail that he doesn’t seem particularly interested in.
Hob is instantly fucked.
“I was promised good drugs and better sex and I’m bored on both counts,” the man continues. He takes a sip of his drink, and grimaces.
“That why you’ve come over here?” Hob asks. “Because I looked equally bored?”
“Exactly.” He offers the drink to Hob. “You should try this.”
Hob takes it. It’s… very blue. “What the hell is this?”
“There was a girl working the bar… very drunk. She said she would make me her ‘special potion.’”
That sounds… questionable. Hob takes a sip, and chokes. “Christ.”
“I witnessed her pour in vodka, Prosecco, and tequila. Blue Curaçao—for color, of course. And maraschino cherries.” He plucks one out of the glass by the stem—there are about seven of them total—and eats it.
“What the fuck.” The stuff’s revolting. Hob takes another sip. “That’s alcohol poisoning in a glass.”
“It’s been one of the better parts of the night,” the man says.
Hob returns the glass, and the man tosses more of the drink back, his throat working. Hob’s just drunk enough to not attempt to stop staring like a creep. He wants to ask him if he wants to get out of here, or even just to steal away into one of the many spare bedrooms—it wouldn’t be out of place at a party like this, hell, Hob could drag him into his lap on the fucking couch, everyone’s far too drunk to care—but propositioning this creature for a mere hookup feels like wearing an Italian suit to mud wrestle. What a waste of a perfectly-made thing.
How did something like this wind up at this party?
“Who’d you come in with?” he asks, as the man plucks another cherry from the glass and delicately bites it off the stem.
“Someone who gave me a rather mediocre blowjob after a show,” he says. “I suppose I thought I would find better here, but I was mistaken.”
“Fifty-fifty shot on that, I’d say,” Hob says. Based on personal experience. Sometimes mediocre is good enough. Sometimes sex, regardless of quality, is good enough. For a while it has been. He’s not so sure anymore.
“I dislike betting,” says the man. Then stretches up a limp hand to shake Hob’s. “If we are to commiserate, perhaps names are in order. I am Morpheus.”
Morpheus. What kind of name. Though he had said at a show. A performer of some kind? “Hob,” says Hob, shaking his hand despite the awkward angle.
“Greetings,” says Morpheus solemnly. “You are the first man I’ve met tonight who has not tried to impress me with inanities. I am indebted to you.”
Hob tips his head back against the arm of the couch again with a sigh. “Too tired for bullshit. What’ve people been saying to you, then?”
“I have been taught much,” Morpheus says seriously. “Thrice I have been ‘educated’ on the great promise of ‘mortgage-backed securities.’ The reactions to my disinterest ranged from offense to outright concern for my sanity.”
“I think they were just trying to get in your pants,” Hob tells him.
Morpheus frowns. “The finance lecture was not helping their case. In fact, with each passing minute, I became more aggressively repelled.”
Hob laughs. “You’re on Wall Street, baby,” he says. It comes out kind of slurred. “Only thing more important than the size of a man’s dick is the size of his portfolio.”
Morpheus hums in consideration. “Neither of those has a direct correlation to talent.”
“Try telling them that,” Hob says.
Morpheus sits up straighter against the couch, leaning his head on his arm to study Hob. “I suppose I should ask about yours.”
“You’re too pretty for me to be tacky like that,” Hob says honestly. Maybe he’s a bit more drunk than he thought.
“Am I?” Morpheus seems pleased.
“So pretty.”
“Hmm.” Morpheus rests his cheek on the couch cushion. The tips of his hair brush Hob’s hip. His eyes are so liquid in this light. Hob wonders if he’s hallucinating his existence.
He reaches out, mesmerized, to touch Morpheus’s hair. Morpheus doesn’t stop him. He lets Hob pet him, eyes falling shut. His hair is tacky on the ends with hair spray, but soft underneath.
“I’ll tell you a secret,” Hob says, and Morpheus hums. “All those self-important stockbrokers trying to impress you with their convoluted financial instruments… they just want to hide that it’s all really a scam.”
“Is it now?” says Morpheus. “I was under the assumption it was legal.”
“Something can be a scam and technically legal. Oh, it’s all very clever. But it’s just building money on top of money with nothing real to support it. Kick out the base of the tower and it’ll all go into free fall.” He makes a whistling, falling sound, and Morpheus smirks.
“And I suppose you are better than all this.”
Hob chuckles. “Oh, no. I’m a money-grubbing little vermin, too. Just letting you in on the game. How it’s not so serious.”
“Hmm. I am a musician,” says Morpheus. As Hob figured, then. “I’m afraid it’s as serious as death.”
“Hence the all-black ensemble and the makeup,” Hob says.
Hob wants to hear Morpheus play. Or sing, or whatever it is he does. He bets he’d be exquisite. Divine. Hob can imagine those lips pressed to a microphone. Or those long fingers on guitar strings.
“Do you want something more interesting than alcohol?” says Morpheus.
“Why, you still bored?”
“Less and less so.” He pulls from his pocket a small bag of pills and hands it to Hob.
“You brought your own drugs to a party where you were promised drugs?”
“Promises cannot be counted on,” says Morpheus seriously.
“What is it?” Hob asks, then decides he doesn’t care, and takes a pill, chasing it with the watery last drops of his drink, which is a terrible idea, but then, he’s full of them.
“Ketamine,” says Morpheus. Oh, great, Hob thinks. Morpheus takes it back from him and takes a pill himself. “It occasionally makes me feel less like I am going to hurl myself from the balcony.”
He doesn’t seem to be joking. “Good for something, then,” Hob says. “Why do you want to jump off the balcony?” He still has his hand in Morpheus’s hair. He honestly can’t believe he hasn’t propositioned him yet. That’s not like him. These parties are usually only good for quick, casual sex. He even thinks Morpheus would probably agree, and yet.
“The state of things,” says Morpheus. He has such a deep, solemn voice. Hob wants to touch his mouth, or throat maybe. Okay, this is already not going so well. “And the state of my heart.”
Hob pets his hair again. Morpheus leans into the touch. “Writing songs about yearning and angst and stuff isn’t fixing it?” He can well enough guess what Morpheus’s music is probably like.
“No,” says Morpheus. He seems to really think about it. “I think it is making things worse. Perhaps I will try manipulating the financial markets instead. Is that giving you existential fulfillment?”
“There’s only so much money you can make before it starts feeling stupid,” Hob says. Maybe he should just throw all his cash out the window and go live in the woods or something. Carve figurines out of fallen trees. Probably do more good for the world, not that that’s ever been a focus of his. “Maybe it was always stupid.”
“No solution has been found for us yet, then,” says Morpheus. “Would you care to go outside? I find that if you are high enough, the city lights look like stars.”
“You’re not going to jump off the balcony, are you?” Hob asks, suspicious.
“This is not the right locale for my dramatic end.”
Somehow, Hob actually believes him. Morpheus wouldn’t truly kill himself unless it could have the right effect.
Hob levers himself up from the couch. Oh Jesus, now the room is spinning. The pounding music is starting to feel louder, starting to thud through him. Feels good, though. Everything being bright and hazy.
He helps Morpheus to his feet. Leads him, hand in hand, out to the balcony. They lean against the stone wall, looking down at the street, dizzyingly far below, cars poking along like lines of luminescent ants, distant horns crying. Then up, out at the collision of skyscrapers.
Morpheus was right. The lights are spinning and twinkling, just like stars. It reminds Hob of the first time he’d come to New York, when he was looking for adventure, and to get a little rich—or a lot rich—and everything had seemed like it was glowing and buzzing and flying.
The air is clearer up here than down on street level, and Morpheus tips his head up, breathing it in. His throat is so long, his shoulders and collarbone so angular. He looks like he’s been starving. But the stud in his ear at least looks from afar like a real ruby. Intentional, then, to be skin and bones.
“I think I am tired,” he admits, still looking up at the sky. “Do you know that… all I had ever wanted was for someone to like my music. And now I have that and it has not fixed anything.”
Hob takes his arm and pulls him close. He’s feeling very touchy-feely now, which could be the drugs but could also just be Morpheus. He’s so pretty and he looks so sad, and his sadness is beautiful and all the more terrible for that.
“I could kiss it better,” he offers. It’s still not a real proposition. Hob’d just kiss his hand if that’s what he wanted. Or the sharp bone of his sternum under those hanging necklaces. Or kneel at his feet and kiss his thigh—
Christ. Hob’ll be lucky if he survives the night, at this rate.
Morpheus looks at him, eyebrow raised. But Hob must look serious about it, because he says, “Okay.”
So Hob leans in and kisses his cheek. And Morpheus smiles, a bright, truly happy smile, just for a moment.
“Do you wish to dance?” he says. “I do not usually, but I feel I may fall over if I move from this wall without something to hold onto.”
Yeah, the floor is kind of moving. And Hob will certainly not turn down having Morpheus in his arms. “You wanna dance to this shit?”
They’re playing some godawful thumping grating song over the speakers now, and Hob doesn’t think either of them is up to the kind of bouncing thrashing dance that would call for.
“I will sing something different in your ear,” Morpheus says.
So Hob draws him in, wraps his arms around his waist. Morpheus plasters himself to Hob’s body, mouth to the shell of Hob’s ear. He starts humming a low, melancholic song. Hob shivers at the brush of his voice.
They sway together with very little coordination. Eventually Morpheus starts singing, though Hob’s brain isn’t capable at the moment of taking in many of the lyrics. It’s something about longing, and losing things in a terrible fire. Hob presumes it’s one of his songs. Morpheus’s voice is gorgeous, low and hypnotic, and Hob closes his eyes as it rumbles straight through him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs eventually, filled with a sudden tragic pain about it. “Please don’t throw yourself off the balcony.”
Morpheus chuckles. “Another time, perhaps.”
“Never,” Hob says vehemently, and clutches his warm body close. He might cry about it. Fucking drugs. “We should go get food. You’re so fucking bony I think might you die of an overdose if we don’t sop it up. You had that wretched drink, too. Christ.”
“You are worried for me?” says Morpheus, sounding touched.
“Incredibly. Come on.” Hob finally pulls away from him, with chagrin, and takes his hand. “This party’s shit. I’ll take you to get pizza.”
“Pizza,” Morpheus repeats, with a tiny smile. It’s gorgeous on his face. “Very well.”
One dollar pizza is one of New York’s greatest inventions, in Hob’s opinion. They find some hole-in-the-wall place barely a block from the apartment building, and stand outside the door, eating incredibly greasy pizza off of paper plates, and it’s fucking heaven. It might be the best pizza Hob’s ever had in his life—granted he’s still very high.
Morpheus is scarfing his down like all pizza on earth is about to be chucked into space. Poor bony thing. Hob just wants to feed him up until he stops looking like a skeletal waif that’s about to drop dead at a cold breeze.
And wants to fuck him, too. Yeah, that’s still there, even with Morpheus licking grease off his fingertips. It’s actually getting worse because of that.
“Told you,” Hob says. “Needed some bread to soak up the fifteen shots in that drink.”
“I think I may throw up,” Morpheus says, with the careful articulation of someone who very well might. “But I am enjoying it nonetheless.”
“Let me know and I’ll find you a bin,” Hob says. He’s had worse nights than puking on the street corner.
“Now I owe you sexual favors in return for this generous meal,” says Morpheus, folding the empty paper plate with surprising precision, considering his enduring level of intoxication, and sliding it into a nearby trash bin.
It says something about Hob’s own level of intoxication that he barely responds to this statement. “Oh, yeah, the whole four dollars of it. What does that get me?”
Morpheus scrunches his nose in thought. “Two kisses,” he decides.
“We’ll save it for after you’ve decided if you’re going to throw up.”
Morpheus giggles. He’s so cute.
Hob tosses his own plate, and takes Morpheus by the arm. “Come on. You can come back with me. I don’t live that far.”
“Ah, now the proposition,” says Morpheus, but doesn’t sound unhappy about it.
“The ‘make sure my new friend doesn’t get hit by a cab effort’, more like, but sure.” He feels kind of responsible for Morpheus now. If Morpheus actually threw himself off a balcony Hob would never forgive himself.
“Friend,” repeats Morpheus, sounding pleased.
“See, isn’t this better?” Hob says.
“You got to eat pizza and didn’t even puke yet, isn’t that better than killing yourself?”
Morpheus huffs. “Quite a dichotomy. If you recall you too stated that you felt your efforts becoming meaningless.”
“Yeah, but I’m not gonna jump out a window about it.”
“Fortitude,” Morpheus says, and it sounds mocking but Hob doesn’t really mind. Maybe it is fortitude, he doesn’t know. Maybe to Morpheus fortitude is gullibility, continuing to play the game when it’s long lost its spark and its reward. Hob likes the game, though.
“What will you do about it, then?” Morpheus asks.
“Dunno.” It’s the first time Hob’s really thought about it. Up until now, it’s been about chasing. Always wanting more. But now— now he’s basically at the top. Where he wanted to be. And... there’s really nothing there at all. “Leave New York, maybe.”
The words surprise him, even as he says them. Midtown is so bright, even at four a.m. It’s something Hob once loved about the area. About the city. But now he’s staring into Morpheus’s darkness. Into the ink stain of his hair against the glowing storefront lights, the sway of his body, graceful even while swimming in dissociation. And everything feels different.
“To go where?” says Morpheus.
“Back to London, maybe.” He has enough money to go anywhere. And yet, it’s hard to feel a particular point to anywhere. Where’d his sense of adventure go? His ambition? Somewhere it all slipped, in the glut of the present.
“I grew up in London,” Morpheus says. “It is too personal there, now.”
So he’s chasing something too. Or running away.
“Tokyo, then,” Hob says, as if Morpheus coming with him is a key part of the decision. “Is’at the furthest city from New York? Gotta be close.”
“It’s Perth,” says Morpheus.
“You’ve looked it up?”
Morpheus nods solemnly. “And from London: Wellington.”
“It’s settled, then,” says Hob.
“I am coming with you?” says Morpheus.
“Course.” Hob’s not going across the world by himself. Not anymore. He bumps his shoulder with Morpheus’s, squeezes his arm where they’re leaning together. “You’re coming with me.”
“We should go further, then,” says Morpheus.
Hob finds himself giggling, mirth rising in him like champagne bubbles. Morpheus giggles, too. It’s truly a ridiculous sound in his deep voice.
“They don’t have cool jackets on Mars,” Hob says, poking at Morpheus’s studded blazer.
“Ah.” Morpheus frowns. “Maybe not, then.”
That only makes Hob laugh louder, leaning on Morpheus’s arm, and Morpheus sighs, irritated to be made fun of, but doesn’t push him away.
“Come on, I’m here,” Hob says, steering Morpheus into his apartment building as it comes up. They make their way across the lobby and to the elevator bank, only a little unsteady, and then slump against the wall once the elevator doors close.
“I think I am very sleepy,” Morpheus says, tipping his head back against the mirrored wall as they go up, up, up the insanely tall skyscraper Hob’s for some reason chosen to live in.
“You think you are?”
Morpheus squints at the infinite tunnel being created by the opposing mirrors on the walls. It’s dizzying, more so now, when they aren’t exactly sober. He shudders and closes his eyes. “I would have to be connected to my physical form to know for sure.”
Yeah, Hob’s feeling that too. The walls are kind of tipping in at him, which is particularly uncomfortable when they’re mirrored. “I’ll put you to bed, sweetie.” He still really, really wants to bed him, more specifically, but he might also be about to fall over. He’ll rue the missed opportunity in the morning, but it can’t be helped.
“Sweetie,” Morpheus echoes, with vague distaste, and tips his head against Hob’s shoulder.
The doors slide open, and they stumble out into the hall. Hob somehow manages to get his keys in the door and get them inside without dropping Morpheus, who’s now using him to support almost his entire weight, and then gets them into the bedroom.
What follows is a dreamlike whirlwind of undressing, where the floor keeps tipping under him, where he tries to hold Morpheus up as he slips out of his boots and his bloody complicated jacket, his skintight jeans and even tighter shirt, helps take each ring off his slim fingers to leave carefully on the nightstand, and the pendants too, and gives him a t-shirt to sleep in, and Morpheus says, “Wait— I must—” and flees to Hob’s adjoining bathroom to strip off his makeup with some makeup wipes scavenged from Hob’s cabinet, undoubtedly left behind by a prior hookup. The silly thing talks about killing himself but still puts effort into skincare. Hob just shakes his head, then regrets it as it makes the room spin.
He strips down to boxers and undershirt and climbs into bed, because he is actually about to fall over, and soon enough Morpheus stumbles back out and collapses into the sheets beside him. For a moment they just gaze at each other in the dark. Hob means to do something, to kiss him, maybe, claim one of the ones that was promised. But exhaustion claims him first. 
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wtfforged · 2 months
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last rb made me miss marro really bad so have my collective ok? this is the photo i pull out of my back pocket to ask whether i should get just the sandwich or the fries for my order
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(1/2022) i have a lot of wips from back then too and id post them but i kind of want to try and finish them/redraw them... one day....... 2022 was such an era of art improvement and also just. Alot Of Art/wips bc id finally gotten my hands on a screen tablet
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jmdbjk · 10 months
Needed a moment to collect.
I hear the winds of the wasteland blowing through my head because it will feel so barren without them. It's not as if we see them in real time everyday...but... I already miss them.
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It's the same feeling I had after the June 2022 Festa dinner. I was so bereft it was mind-blowing. They tried their best to convey what their plan was and to reassure us and they asked us to listen to them and trust them.
Many struggled with that request.
It was slow realizing it wasn't the end and then everything accelerated and these past few weeks/months have been a doozy. Look at what this past year and a half brought us. More Bangtan joy than I thought was possible!
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Now, for me, its just knowing they won't be going about their regular crazy days staying up until dawn, or flying out in the morning just to sleep for the next 10 hours on a plane and land at who knows what time where ever, and hit the ground running. Or going out with their friends to a meat restaurant to just eat, drink and chill. Or working on music or choreo or planning whatever. Or visiting art galleries or museums and stopping for coffee on a beautiful day.
They certainly didn't update us everyday about those things but they did just enough for us to know that's what their lives entail and let us fill in the rest. All that's on pause now.
It is hard to comprehend that Jungkook just wrapped up a very successful solo release just to put it all aside and step away.
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His heartfelt letter was precious. I expect something similar from Jimin.
They knew they were going to do it. We knew to expect it. Still...
This is something they are required to do, they are going to do and they are prepared to do it.
Let them do it in peace, grace and dignity.
They prepared some things for us. Be grateful.
Though it's tough knowing the time has come, I also know that they are not going to let those wasteland winds linger in my head very long. They are already dissipating because we have stuff coming down the pipe:
We heard last year that the Disney+ documentary was going to be a series and here it's coming soon. It will take us through to January.
And now the excitement is through the roof upon learning Jimin and Jungkook are about to head to Japan.
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The MAMA Awards are being held at the Tokyo Dome, Tuesday, Nov. 28. They are leaving today/tomorrow. Plenty of time to relax, have a little down time and vacation, shoot some content, and then accept their awards Tuesday night.
We already know a "travel with Jimin and Jungkook" is coming soon. Should we anticipate a revisit to GCF Tokyo, or maybe something else similar? I love those two so much, they're always on my mind. They've been so sneaky and careful only because they know this is something special for us. Maybe it will come to us following the Disney series. We don't know what content they've got in the can, ready to follow.
Then we will have a few more months before Jin returns next summer.
Jimin and Jungkook. In recent months, I've gotten really good at filtering out the noise. I've sat here with calm understanding about Jimin and Jungkook, seeing them STILL the same with each other in every bit of new content they've shared. I only need my own two eyes and ears to detect that strong bond. They have the thing that is precious between two people. Grand gestures are not necessary and not their style.
They love their fans... that would be us: ARMY... they love us. They want to give us what we want. They live for that. So Jimin brought back his blonde hair, showed us his moons running down his back. And Jungkook stepped out of the shower naked. They KNOW what we want and want to give it to us as best they can! They know we love them and want to show off their chemistry.
Not gonna lie, this past year flew by for me. It was month after month of anticipation. And now here we are at the end of the year.
All the arguing and fighting and ugliness that some engage in is just noise. Our mens are gonna be the good and honest beings they are no matter what anyone says. Listen to them.
We expect them all back mid-year 2025. We expect a wonderful new most beautiful moment in life. We expect the best is yet to come. We expect something amazing and we won't be disappointed. Trust them.
Their plan is already in motion and has been. We wait™️.
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mynamewess · 7 months
I dont know if i should keep sharing my Tlos art here since i kinda want an account just for the au, i also think this social is the best for it since everything started here :D If i do go threw with it wont remove any of the tlos art though. Im gonna share some more au stuff like doodle pages and shit posts :] Some shit posts or pages may be missing from here since they will be posted with their mesignated "main piece"
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Ill be placing them as the "oldest" at the bottom and the most recent at the top :] First of here's disheveled Shirakumo... and Iida!!
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Last minute shit post for Eri's birthday on 2023
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More Shirakumo doodles featuring some possible scenes in the au
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Design concepts for AFO, these came a while before i even started his reference, so some things don't line up anymore
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Another doodle page, this time this one is absolutely something thats gonna happen in the au, while i made this a long while ago, i later on made a short pmv that aligns with this arc in the story :>
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Erasermic shit posts fot Valentines of 2023
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Lined doodle for Eri's birthday on 2022
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Birthday shit post for Aizawa on 2022
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Several doodle pages i made for Halloween on 2022 Shirakumo likes to mess with Eri, he definitely didnt dress up as King Sombra to "match" her
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Doctor Garaki gets the Kobold treatment, sort of a celebration doodle for the episode where Mic rocks the old guy' shit
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A pretty decent update to Tokoyami's design
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Rooftop Squad shit post doodle page, 2 in 1 shampoo deal
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duhragonball · 11 months
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It's night time, and that means it's the right time to post this commission I got from the amazing @miss-plum !!
Back in July, I had a lot of Luffa art I wanted to get ordered, but I couldn't decide which ideas to do, so I ran a poll to sort my priorities. Vampire Luffa was tied for third place, but it's the one I voted for, so that's why it got bumped up the queue. And Plum was open for comms in October and the timing was perfect.
I do these AU-themed Christmas specials every year, and in 2022 I went with a vampire gimmick. I couldn't decide whether Luffa should be a vampire or a vampire hunter, so I pressed both buttons and made an antihero. She still wants to eradicate vampires (saving herself for last), but she has needs now, Alfred. Dirty, horrible needs. And that's where Yamcha and Maron come in. Luffa forges an uneasy alliance with the Brief family's vampire-hunting guild, but she plans to take Yamcha from them as payment for her services. But he turns on the charm, and in the end she spares him... or does she? Maybe she just decided to take Maron in his place, or maybe she wants them both.
Anyway, this was a ton of fun to do. I had all these ideas for Luffa's costume, and it's great to see it all come to life like this. Its one thing for me to write down that she wears a corset and an ancient Pictish necklace, but Plum took all this and made it look gooooood.
Now I want to write a sequel just to tie it in with this scene. Or get commissions for the other AU specials. Well, one step at a time...
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quibbs126 · 1 month
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I can finally post this, after weeks!
But yeah, this here is something I made to celebrate the 9th anniversary of Evoland 2
Some people may remember this work in progress from weeks ago, but now I can finally show the finished product. Which I finished 2 weeks ago
It’s based on the 3D picture you get when you finish the game, specially the 100% completion, and more specifically, my screenshot that I took when I first completed the game and got 100%
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Though I should probably also note that this was the only picture I had of the beach scene until I was mostly done with the picture, so there are some inaccuracies between it and the original. Except for Reno in place of the Prophet, that was completely intentional
This game was I think the first (and will probably be the only) game I’ve ever 100% completed, and when I did it the first time, it was just because I knew that games would have extra things for those who 100% it, and I wanted to see what the game would give me. It’s the only time I was so invested in a game that I had to know what I’d get if I got everything. It’s also the only game where losing nearly 10 hours of progress due to a (maybe) glitch does not make me give up the game in frustration, but instead complete the entire thing within a single school week
I may gripe about my issues with the game, but I absolutely love it, and I have a lot of fun playing it. Well, aside from the parts I’m bad at, but that’s just because I’m bad at them. I feel like I have next to nothing to complain about from a gameplay perspective (which is in part because I don’t know how to critique gameplay, but also because I think any issues I have are my own fault), it’s just narrative stuff. And even then, I wouldn’t nitpick it so much if I wasn’t so invested in the world, story and characters
Maybe today I’ll start replaying it again, seeing how I’m pretty sure I’m free today from any schoolwork
I’m still holding on to some admittedly delusional hope that a 3rd game could release one day, even if I know it’ll almost certainly have nothing to do with this one, but even if it never does, I’ll still have this game to play over and over again, so I can accept it
I was disappointed that I missed the last two, since I first played the game in 2022, but not this year, I remembered!
Now to just talk about the art itself, the reason there’s two versions is because I originally made the background lineless, but after finishing the characters I thought it maybe clashed a bit too much, so I made a duplicate of the picture to do a lined version. But I also spent so long on the lineless version that I didn’t want to just leave it in the void, so I’m showing it too
Admittedly now I think I can say the lined version probably is the better one, but I can still show off both
I used the card colors for the characters, since all of them have cards for reference, but now I’m looking at the colors and thinking they look somewhat wrong. At least on Menos
Also as mentioned prior, I switched out the Prophet for Reno. I know I’m biased but I really think he’d fit in this picture of all the main characters far more than the Prophet, considering he’s kind of the reason the plot started, the second half happened, and he’s the main motivation for one of our party members. I mean, I see why the Prophet’s there in the original. He’s really the only other semi-important character with a 3D model, and Reno never had one, so they’d have to make an entirely new one just for this extra thing. Also it doesn’t make sense for him to have a 3D model in the first place, especially not of his Present era self. But not only is this now a drawing where I have the power to do what I want, this scene isn’t canon in the first place, so put Reno in the background there!
Overall though, I’m honestly surprised the piece turned out as good as it did. Those who follow me know that I was really struggling with drawing during the summer, more specifically drawing people and the Evoland 2 cast. But despite all that, I think the characters turned out pretty well. Certainly not the best, but better than I was expecting. And not only that, but the background turned out so much better than I thought it would, especially since I don’t usually do backgrounds. Though I suppose it does help to have a reference for all this though. But yeah, there was a reason I was so proud of how the sketch turned out, and while the final product may not have entirely been what I was hoping for after the sketch, it still turned out pretty good
As long as I can remember it next year (which I really hope I can, considering that’s the 10th anniversary), I’ll try to make something there too, hopefully with much improved drawing skills, since I’m still trying to figure all that out again still
Not sure what I’ll draw then. Maybe I could redraw the beach scene, or make an entirely new beach scene concocted by my brain. But it’s also the 10th anniversary next year, so maybe it should be something more special
Ah well, that’s next year’s problem. For now, have this to celebrate the game’s anniversary. For the minuscule amount of people who actually play this game, I guess
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herotome · 1 year
Special Informal Devlog
Hi-ho, Wudge here! Aaaa. I missed the update last week... as we crawl closer and closer to release, it's become harder for me to write devlogs. I'm making progress every single day, and that makes me so frustrated that it isn't done yet, you know? 😭 Something something curse of perfectionism...
I thought I'd try something a little different with this post by chronicling a specific screen I've worked very hard on, from start to finish!
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(Pictured: a preview of where we're gonna end up)
It all began on... August 2021?! Yowza, two years ago! When I posted a poll on tumblr and on itch about how I should handle flirt indicators. The votes were split 50/50 between two popular options, and I was able to surmise that yall would really, really love an option to toggle between the two.
It didn't take me long to figure out how to implement the toggle itself.
The following year (September 2022), I came up with the idea of putting in an illustrated tutorial on how my flirt indication system works - after all, poll participants had told me that they loved the idea and had never seen it before in other games. I was on a treadmill at the time, so I quickly doodled the idea on my phone. It looks like this:
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Then when I got home, I did a rough pen draft to solidify the idea...
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I worked on the digital version over the next 2-3 weeks, and asked my friends for help with editing the text to ensure clarity.
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.... Then I took a looong break from the infographic to, uh.... write, edit, playtest the game, draw expressions for Griffin CG, draw expressions for the landlord, work on a new Clammy Lady sprite, playtest the game again, make all the characters blink, make the first glowing animation for Jade's powers, code in Griffin's CG expressions, stress about paypal making changes in my country, do concept art for upcoming npcs, write some more, playtest some more, draw a birthday picture for Dart, write devlogs every single week, make sure all my files were safely transferred to my new laptop before my old one completely died... etc.
So it was February 2023 by the time I came back around to try implementing the infographic in code :')
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... It was functional, but no matter what I tried, I didn't like how it looked with everything crammed into one page.
... Then I got really sick... but after I recovered and did some more work (drawing, writing, playtesting, etc) I came back to the infographic with the intention to learn how to code pages in renpy.
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Still didn't look phenomenal, but there's a whole lot more breathing room! This was in April 2023.
I took another "break" (worked on a million other things) and then... FINALLY... in late August 2023, just a few weeks ago, I had an art breakthrough!
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I had garnered a better understanding of color and poses, and as a result my chibis became a LOT cuter! I was able to redraw most of them without too much hassle - whereas when I first started, it would take me all day to draw a single one.
I also drew custom heart icons (a plain heart, a golden heart, and a broken heart), figured out how to make text buttons look more fun and intuitive..
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And here's where we're at now!!! I still need to draw eyes for Dart.... but I researched and absorbed a lot about screen compositions, and had a rather late realization that I could re-use backgrounds and assets I already have in the game.
That's it for the special edition. I'll update with more soon!
Stay safe and keep warm,
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searidings · 2 years
reading wrap up 2022 GO
ok so my goal this year was to read 100 books and then i went ahead and read 109. and if i read the locked tomb series three times through that's no one's business but mine <3
italics are queer, bold are amazing, bold italics are queer and amazing
middlesex - jeffrey eugenides
the mountains sing - nguyên phan qué mai
the vegetarian - han kang
the galaxy and the ground within - becky chambers
to be taught, if fortunate - becky chambers
when we were orphans - kazuo ishiguro
americanah - chimamanda ngozi adichie
h of h playbook - anne carson
klara and the sun - kazuo ishiguro
the space between worlds - micaiah johnson
normal people - sally rooney
circe - madeline miller
blood of elves - andrzej sapkowski
gideon the ninth - tamsyn muir
time of contempt - andrzej sapkowski
baptism of fire - andrzej sapkowski
the tower of the swallow - andrzej sapkowski
lady of the lake - andrzej sapkowski
harrow the ninth - tamsyn muir
the last wish - andrzej sapkowski
we should all be feminists - chimamanda ngozi adichie
a memory called empire - arkady martine
burnt sugar - avni doshi
a psalm for the wild built - becky chambers
the alchemist - paul coelho
sword of destiny - andrzej sapkowski
oranges are not the only fruit - jeanette winterson
the colour purple - alice walker
the midnight library - matt haig
where the crawdads sing - delia owens
10 minutes 38 seconds in this strange world - elif shafak
the discomfort of evening - marieke lucas rijneveld
crying in h mart - michelle zauner
my year of rest and relaxation - ottessa moshfegh
the shadow king - maaza mengiste
the virgin suicides - jeffrey eugenides
sapiens - yuval noah harari
the manningtree witches - a. k. blakemore
parable of the sower - octavia butler
hot milk - deborah levy
an unkindness of ghosts - rivers solomon
the water dancer - ta-nehisi coates
pure colour - sheila heti
this is how you lose the time war - amal el-mohtar & max gladstone
five little indians - michelle good
indian horse - richard wagamese
ducks, newburyport - lucy ellmann
the vanishing half - brit bennett
medicine walk - richard wagamese
crier's war - nina varela
a quality of light - richard wagamese
after the quake - haruki murakami
death in her hands - ottessa moshfegh
the school for good mothers - jessamine chan
bluets - maggie nelson
of women and salt - gabriela garcia
lapvona - ottessa moshfegh
mcglue - ottessa moshfegh
songbirds - christy lefteri
to paradise - hanya yanagihara
sankofa - chibundu onuzo
the argonauts - maggie nelson
jane: a murder - maggie nelson
eileen - ottessa moshfegh
iron widow - xiran jay zhao
homesick for another world - ottessa moshfegh
a desolation called peace - arkady martine
the art of cruelty: a reckoning - maggie nelson
the witch's heart - genevieve gornichec
dune - frank herbert
never let me go - kazuo ishiguro
the island of missing trees - elif shafak
the marriage plot - jeffrey eugenides
almond - won-pyung sohn
all over creation - ruth ozeki
the water cure - sophie mackintosh
drive your plow over the bones of the dead - olga tokarczuk
the remains of the day - kazuo ishiguro
the blind assassin - margaret atwood
go set a watchman - harper lee
a pale view of hills - kazuo ishiguro
seven fallen feathers - tanya talaga
an artist of the floating world - kazuo ishiguro
the atlas six - olivie blake
the inconvenient indian - thomas king
a tale for the time being - ruth ozeki
ru - kim thuy
split tooth - tanya tagaq
wintering - katherine may
nomad century - gaia vince
dune messiah - frank herbert
the unbearable lightness of being - milan kundera
nona the ninth - tamsyn muir
indians on vacation - thomas king
severance - ling ma
nocturnes - kazuo ishiguro
nona the ninth - tamsyn muir
a prayer for the crown-shy - becky chambers
gideon the ninth - tamsyn muir
harrow the ninth - tamsyn muir
nona the ninth - tamsyn muir
embers - richard wagamese
starlight - richard wagamese
the buried giant - kazuo ishiguro
autobiography of red - anne carson
notes on grief - chimamanda ngozi adichie
cloud cuckoo land - anthony doerr
on fire: the burning case for a green new deal - naomi klein
sufferance - thomas king
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alicenpai · 1 year
anime north 2023 con report
finally posting this - thank you to everyone for a wonderful anime north!! \o/ this con prep season was the longest ive ever prepped for a con, and i think it was the busiest con for me ever. it makes me so happy to see people taking my art home!! 😭
so thank you for coming by anime north and chatting and supporting me! and thank you esp to the people who came by gifting their own merch?!??? - either fanart or ocs?! and im honored to see your beautiful ocs?!?? what the hell you guys are the GOAT thank you all 🥹🥹
it was so busy that i wish i had time to walk around & talk to other artists! i really wanted to get dango and onigiri at the delta too.. didnt really get time to eat so im sorry if you saw me shove 10 timbits in my mouth at the end of the con. yes i really did that .
throughout the con i kept saying "he just like me.. HE JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!!!!" every 5 seconds like an NPC. im sorry if you had to hear that more than once.
i wasn't able to post my con catalogue for AN on tumblr and instagram... i was so busy.. dying... maybe if i do other cons this summer ill post something similar. i had a lot of new stuff this year so formatting it was rough haha. here it is! more thoughts under the cut (bc this report really is more for me, but maybe someone can find something useful)
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this is more for me honestly, so it will be really long. but i'm sharing it in case it may be helpful for others. i find that i'm always looking back at my old con reports, so typing out all of my thoughts are really useful to me. overall a great con, fellow artists and customers alike really inspire me to do better in my art.
comparisons to last year: (since i didn't end up making a con report last year!!!!!)
location: the artist alley layout was huge, and im really happy there are a lot more newcomers to the con scene. i know how much my first con experience meant to me, so i want others to join in on the fun! i don't know how the artist alley staff managed to fit so many artists in the building now! we got placed in a corner where there was a lot of breathing room, and a lot of traffic. i got lost a few times (didn't actually have time to walk around, but you know, it was to get in and out of the con centre and to the washroom/water station) because the amount of tables was overwhelming however, and the layout was super confusing. however i didn't feel as if there were any significant bottlenecks in traffic when i was taking some walk breaks.
commissions: last year it was still busy, but i still had some time to draw a handful of commissions. this year was a non stop barrage of customers! i think i may retire on the spot commissions at cons, just because ive always found it too stressful to draw right at the con, even if the traffic is slow. (and im lazy)
fandoms: last year i felt that it was... never so difficult to sell niche and old fandoms...? most people bought primarily 3 things from me at AN 2022, and not much else was touched. it was a struggle, and i even wondered if my art plateaued, if it wasn't good, if i should stop doing conventions altogether, at least for a little while. this year was so surprising with how much love there was for old and niche fandoms. two people from quebec came by and noticed the old fandoms and mentioned that if i was able to come to otakuthon, i should, people in mtl love nostalgia.. i'm gonna be honest otakuthon was pretty bad expenses-wise for me, but i heard it picked up since cons came back in 2022. it is a really beautiful city so mayhaps.. i will come for miss montreal.................
and a separate section on the new merch i made:
the new sticker sheets i printed (one piece, baccano, breaking bad/better call saul) did so well! nts to add luffys scar bc apparently i forgot... ive seen this dumbass's face for hundreds of eps and yet i still forgot .
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these are a far cry to the sticker sheets i designed in previous years. many sticker places restrict you on how many stickers you can place on a sheet due to spacing requirements... the more stickers you have + the closer they are, the higher the margin of error, which i understand is why many professional sticker printers have these restrictions in place.
the artists i worked with for my AN stickers are so genuinely nice and accommodating with my requests. I just went wild haha. the sheets with the most stickers are brba/bcs at 27 stickers and one piece at 32 stickers.
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2021 (top) vs 2023 (bottom), the chara stickers on the new sheet are larger & 2x as many item stickers! the new design makes greater use of the space. my octopath 1 stickers are meant for planners but you could use it for anything!
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in 2017 i could only realistically fit 6 ish stickers on a sheet (for vinyl, not cricut home printing) due to printing restrictions. these costed about $3.30 CAD per sheet from s/ticker/mule (not worth it for the price point AT ALL... but i wanted to try sheets for the first time)... and yes it's a tiny 4x7 as well. it was a hard sell for $7 in 2017. but im glad artists have been pricing them a bit higher + sheets have become much more customizable.
now on to charms:
i am so obsessed with this borderless charm look on the new charms... they look like candy... thank you guys for loving my new charms!! i tried out a new technique with designing charms. and im so happy with how they turned out. the charm manu was super accommodating and they are so much better than vograce who fucked up my order so bad in 2022 🤡👍
the soul eater charms from last year were kind of a precursor to this. last year i tried something a bit different than my usual with the transparent bgs, which require full bleed in the file setup, and that was already pretty new for me. i find that charm sales are usually pretty mid for me, so during the pandemic i took a soft break from making them, and i wanted to do research based on others' designs and really tried to improve my design sense. to me i want to design charms that aren't just a flat piece of artwork that gets printed, but something that utilizes the capabilities of the acrylic material it gets printed on 🤔
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fandoms/merch types i want to try next time i table:
more soul eater? it's one of my favourite animes and im very happy for the soul eater love this year. my partner kept selling out of her soul eater prints even though it was her first time tabling!
fma! ive been rereading AND rewatching it lately. it's one of my top 5 anime of all time so me drawing anything for it is a struggle, the bar is set so high. i never end up having the time or ideas to draw anything for it (and the aesthetics are very different from my usual taste)
shadows house has been one of my favorites recently!
dungeon meshi, the print i made was back in 2018 and i think it's time to retire it! it sold out at AN, thank you! with the way the story has developed in the last 5 years, i really want to draw something new for it if i can.
blue period needs more love!
golden kamuy.....
and many more.....
i also want to try mini prints maybe...
administrative stuff:
next time before the con, i definitely need an organized chart i print out before the con so im not.. literally writing down each transaction... 🧍‍♀️
possibly new display? grids even with plastic panels are heavy... and they can be a pain to put up. this AN we had our neighbors and good friends @nappotuna & @stripeyworm helping us put the grids up, they did an absolute speedy banger job! but it might have taken way longer without 4 hands on the grid work.
if we had used tape to hold our prints up as well who knows how long it would have taken. we used magnets, apparently a lot of people were using them at TCAF. they were so easy to put up and adjustable. *jesse pinkman voice* MAGNETS, BITCH!!!!!!!
merch i may shelve/do less of:
i really appreciate when artists talk about these kind of things behind the scenes... when products do well, when others dont, products w surprising responses, the factors that we think affect sales... the hard truth is that not everything sells, just bc the art is good =/= good sales, etc etc.
lately ive found it so fun to design sticker sheets over individual die cut stickers!! i understand now why some people only specialize in stickers!! it's also such a pain to stock individual characters and have greatly varying levels, bc of customer interest, and bc of how printing stickers works, you often get extras of random characters due to overflow 😭.. like at some point I had 7 jeannes and like only 1 of the other vnc charas bc the printer had so many extras and she's arguably less popular HDHFJSJHDJS anyways, i think i'll probably do less die cut individual stickers for my next con...
anything old that i only have 1 or a few copies left (meaning i won't reprint) i may not have for display anymore bc of space concerns... before my next con ill just post them on social media to have people claim them!
i may want to do less 3" charms in the future...? theyre a hard sell online prob bc i cant really do deals (i could but id have to be checking the stock every few hours which is not ideal), but they do a lot better in person due to deals.
it's been fun to try specialty products (I've tried scrunchies, stamps, pouches, microfiber cloths, coasters, enamel pins), but i... find they dont sell well for me... maybe my art doesnt have that wide mainstream nostalgic merch type appeal idk... maybe im just not good at designing or advertising them wahahaha. (specialty charms are still charms and i wouldn't necessary consider them a part of this)
my jojo buttons were really popular at anime north 2019 and fan expo 2019, but when the part 5 anime concluded, i noticed that interest for the interest completely moved on 😭 (or it's possible that everyone who was interested bought the buttons already?). part 6 anime didn't rejuvenate the same level of interest. it was a struggle to sell even more than a handful of these at each AN 2022 and 2023. right now they're taking up a lot of space in my con luggage that i'd prefer for newer, better art. i still love the art i did, but unfortunately, i think ill give them a go if i get into otakuthon (and maybe fanexpo too), then it'll be time to retire the jojo buttons. sometimes fandoms come and go so fast, and it's difficult to keep old merch around when they don't have any more interest and when they're occupying a lot of space.
my banana fish lollipop charms do not sell well, and i only sold 5 of them in a 3 year period, across cons and my shop. i created a bargain bin at AN, and it really helped me get rid of old things! unfortunately even in the bargain bin i could not sell a single one of the banana fish charms. maybe it's the art that's not appealing, the characters aren't recognizable, the price point for a lollipop charm was too high, i wasn't hitting the right audience, the market was slow around the time, even when it was included in my promo post... etc. these lollipops were my first time making specialty charms. unfortunately i think that's the last time making lollipop charms, and about time to recycle these charms, so that i have space for fresher and better art!
other thoughts moving on:
maybe go back to simplifying my art a lot more... if i keep making drawings like my great ace attorney tarot + zine, witch hat atelier print, and pandora hearts print, then id not only take 1 month per illustration, id also be destroying my arm 😭 i stopped stylizing my art in 2021 bc i found that my art was getting sloppy in 2020 + i was really struggling in life drawing in school. i needed to buckle down and be more conscientious when drawing poses, learning anatomy and structure... and bc getting back into anime in 2021 really helped me cope with the isolation of the lockdown, so that had a huge influence on my style. but bc of that i think it just took longer and longer to make illustrations and that's something i no longer really wish for.
i really like the period of my art in 2017 with a lot of my persona 4/5 art bc it still has structure even though it's simplified... and the style in my zelda icon... mayhaps experiment a bit more this summer if i can...
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bentosandbox · 2 years
better late than never amirite
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i think i haven't posted july (cause I thought global would have released TBC by now...) or october (commission) on here/twitter hopefully i remember to sometime this year
bonus chen edition because well i guess she is my cringefail girlboss blorbo
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bonus chenswire edition
bonus bonus extremely boring stuff
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films i watched in 2022 (tragedy of macbeth out of picture because it was on the next row)
top 10 (in watched order not a 1-10 ranking)
Marketa Lazarova (1967) Friend was streaming it, liked the script so much I asked my friend for the srt file after Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Rocks Petite Maman (2021) Personal Attack Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) :) My Life as a Zucchini (2016) Celine Sciamma truly don't miss Saturday Fiction (2019) It's not a 5/5 movie but...the soul... the period noir... Nope (2022) The Spectacle dot jpg Hands Over The City (1963) yes i watched this just before il siracusano Decision To Leave (2022) yuriyaoi straight romance can't elaborate Puss In Boots (2022) i'm so glad i didn't watch this as a kid i would have nightmares, but as an adult i got to see my traumas on the big screen yippee!!!
missed a local screening of My Broken Mariko because it only happened for ONE DAY fucking insane (I recommend reading the original manga it's so good)
Speaking of books hmm
Swordspoint yuriyaoi... Invisible Ink reread. and I think I need to reread again Fire & Blood read it after watching hotd ep 1 pretty good series btw dare i say even ...the best on-screen yaoiyuri of the year... Eagle Shooting/Condor Heroes Book 1 Not bad Water Margin Didn't I write a angry rant on this. rite of passage i guess...... How to Keep House While Drowning its funny because i WILL do chores......still good though What My Bones Know - insane how trauma can be so isolating yet universal lol A Wizard of Earthsea if only i read this instead of harry potter back then lmao wow
you can now basically psychoanalyse my issues from the last three books I think
Uhhhhhhh what else am I missing - oh yeah I did 3 gamejams this year (Art/Design and a liiiiiitle bit of trying to do the UI in Unity myself instead of giving the pngs to my friends)
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my abysmal steam stats told me i only played 5 games this year so I need to get back my gamer license, backlog is like 75% VNs though what's up with that (there's only 4 games but. well)
had a really long blogpost (basically a 'look at all the things you did this year you didnt waste it' thing thus the above lists) but i think i'll just keep it to my notion notes lest this post becomes a traumadumping ground ecks dee tl;dr failed a Very Important (to me) Thing early 2022 that kind of shattered any crumb of self-esteem i had and made me question everything i did onwards (especially in regards to doujin stuff) and then basically physical health issues affecting mental health and vice versa which is fun but fuck it we ball.....(try)
don't really have any solid 'resolutions' (that i would remember to do) other than to 'live' more than just 'survive' as edgy as that sounds 🥴oh wait oc zine yea yea and go into illustration full time h-haha........... should really get around to making a patreon/fanbox but i really hate the idea of paywalling
also signed up for a AK doujin event in Nagoya in March so I now have a very heavy motivation to finish the second half of my LGD doujin and hopefully I get to table at AX too dot dot dot
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frostyreturns · 1 year
Frosty Ruins Where Is Anne Frank
I have to admit going into this one I have my biases against it. First of all it was made in 2022 and nothing produced in the last 5-6 years has been good. Also because it's about nazis and jewish people I can't imagine it's going to be a faithful or accurate movie in the slightest because nobody in hollywood understands even the first thing about what a nazi is. Other than that I'm going into this movie totally blind, never heard of it before, never saw a trailer and am not even aware of the premise beyond the title.
The movie opens with text on a black screen and starts with a typo saying "the diary is one of the famous books ever written" I think you might be missing a word or two there pal. This is the opening sequence...you didn't bother to proof read the first ten seconds of your movie? It's two sentences and you fucked it up.
I don't know who made this but the art style is like if studio ghibli was tumblrized. It's like a weird combo of cheap netflix cartoon character designs but done in the style of an expensive japanese anime. It looks weird and I don't like it but it's not as cancerous to look at, the art itself is not off putting enough to discard it based on look alone.
What is off putting is the premise, the imaginary girl that Anne Frank is writing to comes to life and goes looking for Anne. The words of the diary magically swirl into life...there's just something that feels off ethically with this one. Like that it's exploitive in some way but I can't quite put my finger on it yet.
Our first look at the nazis is as I feared...absurd. The nazis march down the street in all black cloaks like they're the fucking nazgul, and they don't look human, their eyes are totally black and their faces are ghostly  white and expressionless. It's actually a perfect representation of what demonizing something is. Now I'm not saying they weren't bad guys...but they were human. That should be the primary lesson people take away from nazi Germany...the horrors and retarded nonsense that thinking people were convinced to do. That's the horror of the story of the holocaust, that people who were once friends and neighbours are now hunting each other like animals, stripping them of their basic rights and dignity and doing so in the full belief that they were doing the right thing. When you turn a nazi into this snarling inhuman demon you unlearn that lesson.
Now I've never read Anne Franks diary but I am aware of the backstory and that there are multiple versions. There are multiple versions because when they realized they would be submitting the diary for publication there were a number of things Anne had written that the father edited it out because it made them look bad. The movie claims that never happened but they say a lot of stuff that's lies. Remember this is a child stuck in a room with people in a terrible situation so not everything she wrote would have been very nice, I understand there was some nasty things said about some of the people they were hiding with or something like that. And maybe that's what bothers me about the movie, it's not reality...it's taking a traumatic experience a child had...cleaning it up to fit a narrative and packaging it for entertainment purposes.
There's also a point in her description of the persecution of the jews that annoyed me, she claims the reason they were targetted was because societies always find a minority group to blame. But that's not what happened and again this is another major history lesson we should all have taken from nazi germany that everybody has forgotten. It wasn't because they were a minority, nobody just says I'm going to hate this minority group for no reason Germany was a society built on minority groups, there were many different minority groups. The reason they chose the jews and the reason many societies have always chosen the jews...and the reason they so effectively villified the jews was because they were seen as a privileged class of people. Because so many of the societies doctors, lawyers, bankers, were jewish. Jews are an insular community that looks out for each, because of their strong sense of family nationality and faith coupled with a desire to do well and to train their kids to do well, they tend to be overrepresented in many powerful and profitable industries. This was why they were targetted, this is why they were scapegoated...it's the same rhetoric that goes into any generic 1%er or eat the rich diatribe. It was the socialist part of national socialism, only the capitalists hoarding all the wealth were jews rather than just "the rich"
The reason this rationale is forgotten about, glossed over and rebranded is because it describes the behaviour and worldview of modern progressive politics perfectly. They ignore that part of it because they themselves are guilty of it. Hitlers speeches and writings about the jews were rewritten to be about white people or about men and have been published in progressive university journals. So they have to pretend it's just because they were minorities because to understand the reality would mean cognitive dissonance.
All that aside the movie also has this boring artsy movie vibe to it I'm not interested in. I don't need to sit here and watch a little girl play cats cradle in a police station while a soft mandolin plays in the background, or listen to melancholic indie vocals over images of an imaginary girl ice skating before dissolving into inky wisps.
There's also a fairly blasphemous part I don't think a lot of jews or any religious people would appreciate where they both imply that God's existence is ridiculous while also implying that Anne Frank is like God because she's everywhere...because a lot of things are named after her. There's a lot of moments like that which scream "non practicing jew." They really go out of their way to literally deify her and at one point call her diary a sacred object.
The whole premise of the movie is bizarre and it only gets more bizarre. The idea is you see flashbacks to Anne Franks life and they are mixed in with parts of the movie that take place in the modern world...where this imaginary friend is looking for her long gone friend. The movie is incomprehensible because parts of it play like a fever dream and the rest of it is people behaving strangely and saying things that are so out of left field and are not believable.
The most disgusting part of the movie is the ending, where they use the emotional manipulation of the holocaust stories and try to tie it to other political agendas that have nothing to do with the holocaust. At the end she threatens to burn Annes diary if the country doesn't let in all the refugees and let them all stay for as long as they want. The movie is just one long attempt to use jewish people as props to advance a political agenda and the whole movie reeks of it. I hated this movie a lot but I feel like I'd have a much more visceral hatred of it if I was jewish.
The movie ends with this white text that makes the completely baseless assertion that antisemitism, violent racism and persecution of minorities is on the rise.
boring, ugly, tragedy porn, incomprehensible propaganda.
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tomodchis · 1 month
Hi there! Just wondering if any dachi members had other faceclaims, groups, or personalities at one point? They are pretty interesting so far!
hello anon!! this question is literally tailored to me since i will forever be indecisive so they have definitely changed over time 😢 thank you for ur kind words!!! ♥️
more unformatted messiness under the cut!!!
i will go in group order since it’s just easier for me to keep track. so first is JEYEOL. oh man. him and i have HISTORY…
he was originally the main vocalist, fotg, and centre of a group called machina back in 2022-ish**. he was the bae suzy of the group, always getting brand deals, other appearances, etc. he was just generally More Popular than his other six members. he virtually had the same backstory, but ‘original’ jeyeol was estranged from his parents in his teen years. i scrapped that concept because i just wasn’t satisfied w an excuse like that 😭😭😭 idk i Rlly enjoy the concept in other characters but for Me it was an excuse for shitty writing
** i only discovered the fic idol community back in oct of last year i believe? n even then i only checked the tag once every month. but i’ve been creating kpop ocs since 2019 and had No Idea that other ppl even creating kpop ocs 😭😭 like trust me i thought i was WEIRDDDD but im so glad im able to express my creativity while also seeing other people express theirs!!!
fun fact: jeyeol is also a mix of another character totally separate from my kpop oc-verse named canis. as you can tell he has Lots of dog motifs. canis is one of my most fleshed-out characters and i thought Hey, i might as well???
he has many connections w other characters in my verse which i am thinking should make an appearance. we shall see where my motivation takes me
in terms of fcs he has been jyou from to1, sangyeon from tbz, and very briefly chaein from purki (rip hong jein 2024–2024) (he was also even more briefly jeong jaehyun but i don’t count this era because it was for 5 minutes)
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miss chorong is my angel baby who can do no wrong. she (along with seoyi) was part of a k-band named cherry theory. they were in it for the arts not the charts but were eventually tossed in the can because… well… everyone was a filler member except for seorong. so i kept her in my pocket until i realized she perfectly fit in w dachi!!!
her personality has Drastically changed since her switch over. she was originally a pastor’s daughter, very soft spoken, deeply afraid of conflict, and overall a people pleaser. whenever i think back i still can’t believe i thought That was gonna be chorong forever 😭😭😭 nuh uh she deserves her freedom. i can at least make One oc happy. and then cheerleading happened so i guess we can’t win (saying this like i didn’t birth her from my mind)
in terms of fcs she has been mayu from triples and gowon from loona. a girl with soft features and brown eyes that could kill millions is my best friend
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seoyi… oh seoyi… humble esoteric weird girl and woman attractor 3000. she stems from many concepts, not exactly people or other characters. some concepts in my mind while creating her were as follows: effects of fame, naturally-occurring spirals in nature, rabbit in the moon, and isolation of magical girls in media. odd combo i know 😭😭 but idk. that’s her Vibe. that’s Go Seoyi in a nutshell
as mentioned before, seoyi was part of cherry theory. her backstory used to mirror jeyeol’s, aka famous since birth and still rising in popularity. because he already snatched up That storyline i decided to deviate completely. her fresh slate has given me freedom to make her a little more odd than everyone else. i find that when i have a ‘set’ archetype i tend to not be as creative??? idk it could be me and then i sound weird again
in terms of fcs she has been haewon from nmixx, yujin from ive, and ryujin from itzy. seoyi was actually ryujin for the Longest Time Ever before i fleshed out eun. n then i realized they might be too similar. and then gaeul-seoyi was born!!!
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eun joobi, youngest of dachi. and unfortunately the member w the least development (oopsies) i didn’t mean it 😭😭 she exists because i stole one of my other characters aesthetics n then wanted a four member group instead of a trio. but also dachi wouldn’t be the same w out her??? needed a deeply angry girl to balance out the sad emotions i am brewing rn
once upon a time she had a sister (who i may bring back in tenderheart) n they had a very close connection n it makes me so sad because i completely erased that girl from her plot. n then lonely baby eun makes me so SADDD GODDDDD
anyway. just because she is the least developed doesn’t mean i will be erasing her any time soon… she also just happens to be the least popular… she will be making more appearances i promise
in terms of fcs she has been yves & kim lip from loona and karina from aespa. one thing abt eun: she’s always had angular features
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deeply sorry that this post is ugly as hell i just couldn’t make myself organize my thoughts unfortunately
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writingdotcoffee · 2 years
#252: Don't Raise the Stakes
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Raising the stakes is a familiar technique writers use when building up their stories towards the climax. If it doesn't work out, things will be much worse than we thought.
It makes for pretty good reading, but it's a lot less fun when it happens in a story where you're the protagonist.
I distinctly remember this short story I wrote years ago that disintegrated because I raised the stakes for myself.
I used to live near a massive cemetery. The cemetery had an equally large park next to it with a small population of green parakeets. They moved around from tree to tree in groups. Their screech was impossible to miss, and they were a lot of fun to watch, too.
One January, I went for a walk in the park, and I got an idea for a story which included the park, the cemetery and most importantly, the parakeets.
It was supposed to be a quick story. No more than two or three scenes. A sort of descent into misery and twist at the end. I was particularly proud of the twist.
I started writing the story as soon as I got home. A few hundred words in, my mind started wondering which magazines I should submit the piece once it was done. I did some research and was super excited about that — a huge mistake.
What followed was an excruciating battle for every sentence that lasted for weeks. I couldn't finish the story. Nothing I wrote was good enough. I kept going back to edit the most irrelevant details until I hated everything about the project.
What could've been an enjoyable couple of afternoons working on a short story for fun became an absolute nightmare only because of some imaginary result.
Thinking about submitting the story to magazines raised the stakes. It made it seem that I had something to lose. No longer was I writing a silly short story for fun. I was composing high art that would have to make its way out of the slush pile and withstand the uncompromising eye of the editors at those particular publications. It was absolutely essential to avoid adverbs at all costs.
After weeks of agonising, I finished the draft and shelved it. What a waste. However, I've learned my lesson. I never think about publication when I'm working on a story. I want to write something that I like. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn't.
These days, I'm a fan of just winging the first draft. I know that I tend to overthink and over-research everything. Then I get stuck on ideas that perhaps weren't that great in the first place.
Don't Raise the Stakes
The best work often comes from experimenting and taking risks. By getting too attached to an imaginary outcome that's out of your control, you'll experiment less and take fewer risks. Ultimately, this will bog you down and prevent you from achieving it in the first place.
Write so that you enjoy it. What's the point of doing it any other way?
About the Author
Hi, I’m Radek 👋. I’m a writer, software engineer and the founder of Writing Analytics — an editor and writing tracker designed to help you beat writer’s block and create a sustainable writing routine.
I publish a post like this every week. Want to know when the next one comes out? Sign up for my email list below to get it right in your inbox.
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Past Editions
#251: Rebuilding My Writing Habit, October 2022
#250: I Burned Out, October 2022
#249: Finish More Things, July 2022
#248: Serious Procrastination, June 2022
#247: Learning How to Fail, June 2022
#246: Your Art Is Like a Journal Entry, May 2022
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