#this blog is mostly me talking about how much i love him so anything suggesting that HE loves ME?? makes me combust sjdnksldk
stealingyourbones · 2 years
Not sure if this has been suggested before but what do you think about a DP x DC Cross where the JL discover Amity because the "It's Not Gay if he's Dead" joke escapes containment into mainstream? Also I love your blog! You're awesome.
aaaaa thank you sm hun! I really appreciate that :D I'm glad you enjoy my funky lil blog!
And now, I threw this idea at a fellow who is simply me with prompts but even more unhinged and they wrote a thing. I present to you, This:
Escaping containment implies that the content got leaked somehow. 
Maybe after so long with dealing with ghosts on their own, especially with ghosts that can control and use tech the people of Amity Park decide to self isolate. Phantom and Red Huntress are considered the only main heroes allowed in Amity, one out of pride and two out of concern of a ghost possessing an foreign hero. 
There was a fight and the tech isolation software glitched or a satellite picks up something on accident, letting a small leak occur. Nothing major, just a small joke. 
A blurry photo of a white haired teenager with a fancam like edit around him and the words "It's Not Gay if he's Dead." 
Which on its own wouldn't have taken off very much on the internet, but someone pointed out that the teenager was wearing what was very obviously a hero outfit. Leading to people wondering just who exactly this hero is or was. 
So they dig, and it turns out the “one” leak wasn't the only one to happen. 
The internet finds out there's not just one meme. There's hundreds of them. All originating from a single midwestern city and mostly focused around one person, the white haired teenager that is referred to as Phantom in most memes. 
Theres edits of a female musician with bright blue hair with text saying “that moment when a dead girl is your bisexual awakening” and “Its not a crush on a villian if shes not alive.” 
There's even photos of these slime-like creatures. With dozens of different memes referring to them. Varying from calling them green pigeons, to talking about tossing them like a sports ball.  
Theres even a photo of Dash and most of the football team are wearing group shirts that all say “It's Not Gay if he's Dead” with Phantoms logo on it, half as a joke and half because some of them would definitely date Phantom if they could. 
It's not even the Justice League that finds the jokes first, it's the younger generation of heroes. 
(It's how Tim asks Kon for a date. He sends a meme with Danny getting flunged in the worlds most tumbling superhero pose with the below text "It's not gay if he's dead." Tim immediately sends another text "But it is gay if he's an alien, 10pm picnic date?")
The different memes get passed around, none of them taking them that seriously, until it gets to Batman. One of the memes is sent in the bat group chat by one of the Bat kids to ask Jason about getting group Batburger later. “If your hero’s dead its not gay, it’s just hero worship, even if you want to meet him behind the Nasty Burger.” 
It's the hyper specific wording that gets Batman to look into it. He only finds the memes, nothing else. No town called Amity Park, no hero called Phantom, no trace outside of a reference to a defunct and wiped completely clean government branch and references to a nonexist law. 
This leads him to contact the Justice League, including the JL Dark, for a meeting. 
Surprisingly quite a few members recognize the teen outside of the memes. Flash, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and some of the JLD. The Flash refuses to say anything due to timeline continuum dangers. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter mention someone like him appearing in ancient texts, but nothing beyond that. The JLD that know are physically and contractually unable to say much beyond Phantom being a hero and very important. 
It’s Captain Marvel that genuinely knows anything about him. “That's Danny, he's pretty cool. He's even helped me out a few times!”
The rest of the JL are surprised, Marvel gets more questions and answers some of them. He doesn't share the knowledge that he's helped Billy at handling the whole secret child hero thing, and that he's welcome in Amity. Just enough information to make the League stop looking into Phantom, Ember, Cujo, all of Amity. 
It works, mostly. 
Batman has never been one to let sleeping dogs lie…
-From Bones’ GhostWriter, S.
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ponkwan · 2 years
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⌗ ⸰ ₊⠀SVT HEADCANONS ! (03)
random boyfriend gestures i associate each seventeen member with.
p.s. this is a repost from another previous blog of mine !
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the type to send you money to buy food or instead have food delivered to wherever you are when you send him a message saying you’re craving for a certain meal or is really just plain hungry. i think we’re all pretty much aware that seungcheol is 100% sugar daddy material lmao, so i feel like he’s totally not one to be greedy in making sure that you get what you want at times you need it (though this mostly applies to just food and practical things as he isn’t going to let you be too spoiled either). i see him always doing this as a surprise too, like in moments when you least expect it or sometimes when you don’t even ask for it at all.
the type to call you frequently. i don’t mean this in a clingy way though, but it’s more like he prefers calling you than texting you whenever the both of you aren’t together and are at your own businesses for the time being. i see him being the kind to do this at random hours of the week too, sometimes when you’re not counting on it to happen, or he’ll send you a quick text as a warning if he knows you’re busy, and as you answer your phone, you’ll always be greeted with his loving tone, asking how you are and if you could meet up soon because he misses you.
the type to do things for you without being asked to. i see him as a domestic man, and i also see him just quietly helping you with your chores whenever he’s visiting your apartment—cleaning the dishes when he sees that you were too busy to do them yourself, fold your laundry, fix the bed, change the light bulb, assemble that table you’ve been postponing to do—and to even more intimate and domestic things like combing your hair, slicing food and putting it on your plate, readjusting your clothes when it gets disheveled outdoors, and giving you his jacket without hesitation when he sees you’re cold. all of that with a soft smile on his face while he’s doing so.
the type to keep little notes about you (mental notes or literally paper notes on anywhere he likes). he strikes me as the kind of guy who has a record on when your first and last day of period is; the kind of guy who remembers what your favorite childhood meal was or what your favorite song was in high school that you only mentioned to him once or twice. i just think he’s someone who pays attention to you a lot yet as unintentionally quiet as he can too, perhaps either somewhat shy to be obvious or he just doesn’t feel the need to have it broadcasted that he does, trusting that he doesn’t have to be grand in his actions for you to understand what you mean to him.
the type to see through you even when you try hard not to show anything too much, especially when it comes to matters like weakness or being tired. he can look at you and notice that you might be acting a little different because of working too hard from your job or your studies, and will subtly try to lift your mood up by suggesting something that he knows will inevitably make you relax. he might ask if you want to order take-out from that one fast food chain you love, insisting that it’ll be his treat, or maybe prompting to do a hobby that you love just to take your mind off stressful matters.
the type to go all out when it comes to helping you. i see him being the kind of person who can willingly do something against his nature just to make his significant other happy as well. for example, you might let it slip that you have to pick up a relative at a certain time that you’re already busy with, and he’ll straight up volunteer to do it for you instead just so you can rest more on that day (even if he’s quite introverted for the task lmao). i also think he’s someone who may watch an entire movie franchise or read a book series you told him you liked before just so you can talk about it with him—plus, share a possible similar interest with too—and he’ll be more than happy to feed into your enthusiasm and give the same energy back.
the type to do random declarations of love or affection. i imagine him being the kind of guy who often doesn’t speak of how much you mean to him, but when he does, you’ll really feel his sincerity through his words and the way he’s saying them to you in that instance. he’ll say them out of the blue, like when you’re watching a movie together and he finds himself more invested in you than to the film—or maybe you’re cooking something for him or just praising him because of the new song he just made—sweet words spilling out of his mouth without warning and then you’re looking at him intently, smiling and blushing in acknowledgment.
the type to give you updates of his day by sending tons of pictures and videos. this might be a common thing for boyfriends lmao but you can’t deny that he seems to be the kind who really does this in real life. he’d be sending you photos of what he’s eating for breakfast, of his outfit before he leaves for work, might send a video of the buildings that passes by as he rides a car to go to a schedule—just literally everything he deems as something he wants to share to you. there might be instances too wherein he sneaks a voice message in if he’s too bored to type or he’s plainly bored and wants some of your attention.
the type to ask you out for impromptu dates. when a schedule gets canceled or he finds out he’s apparently free for the day, his first thought will be hitting you up and asking if you wanted to go out on a date with him. if you say yes, he’ll be thrilled and will be quick in sending you the details, like what time he will be picking you up and where the both of you will be joining together for the date, making it obvious that he put some thought on this before actually asking you. sometimes, he might not even ask you, he’ll just surprise you by picking you up from where you are and declaring that he’s planning to take you out for a date right there.
the type to always know what you want or need to hear at the right time. i always sense a calming and wisdom-filled vibe from him, so i feel like he’d be that kind of guy who’s really good at making you feel better, motivated, or just validated with his words. i see him being very gentle and thoughtful when it comes to speaking his mind as well—and the type to send you quotes from the books he once read that he knows might help you with your current situation. i think he’s someone who also sends long messages whenever you’re venting through chat. basically, the personification of comfort and a warm hug i think.
the type to be your human alarm clock or just someone who likes to remind you of things. i imagine him calling you in the morning after texting a message that you haven’t replied as fast as you usually would, or would call in the evening as he’s eating his dinner just to ask if you’ve eaten yourself. oftentimes, he might leave homemade food or side dishes in your apartment and would put sticky notes on them, reminding you when they are best eaten and what they are best partnered with. his caring nature too would give you vitamins and have your phone’s clock set to when you should take them since he knows how forgetful you can be, wanting you to take care of your health just as he’s trying to take care of you.
the type to randomly send you music just because it reminded him of you. this is pretty predictable and kind of cliche but doesn’t he really give off that kind of energy? like making a playlist of songs that reminds him of you or your relationship, or recommending tracks that he knows you’ll like. he might even buy concert tickets one day for an artist that the two of you like, but i have a feeling that once there, the both of you wouldn’t be able to fully concentrate on the artist, but perhaps on the songs and just each other instead (bonus: i see him doing that thing wherein he hugs you from behind during a ballad and sings the lyrics to your ear).
the type to share a lot of inside jokes with you. it’s no question how he’s a funny guy, so i think he’d be someone you’d be sharing a lot of inside jokes with as he makes every other situation out there funny whenever appropriate enough. furthermore, he’s just someone who knows how to make you laugh the hardest, gives you the reactions you want when you’re delivering your own joke, and someone who knows how to play along to your dumb and funny tactics too just to please you. he always has a way with his lines and actions that guarantees a smile on your face every single time.
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thank you for reading ! feedback is always appreciated ☻
⌗ ⸰ ₊⠀ all rights reserved. no part of my work is to be reposted / translated / used in any kind of platform without my permission. i only use this account to post fics.
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pomplalamoose · 8 months
I fucking love you you’re the only person who talks abt Luke and I need more stuff abt him PLEASE litreally anything will do
Really, this means SO much to me because the only reason this blog exists is an outrageous lack of Luke content, so now I'm making it myself😤
I didn't know what you would like to hear about so here's a random collection of Luke thoughts and ideas I had since August (mostly in collaboration with my girly @little-skywalker )🫶🏻
Also this turned out a little bit more nsfw than what I usually do, I hope you don't mind
• in my mind Luke is very good with children and they like him a lot in return
• so if you have been in a healthy and loving relationship with him for a while, he'll probably ask how you feel about kids of your own
• as someone who wants to avoid pregnancy at all costs I like to think he'd be very understanding about you feeling uncomfortable with giving birth to a child yourself
• because of this he'd be more than happy to adopt too
• especially because he knows what it's like to loose caregivers and grow up without knowledge about your real parents, he'd be so enthusiastic to raise orphans with all the love they deserve
• along with the ones already in his Jedi Academy, you'd have a shit ton of kids around
• related to this I can totally see him giving out fun stickers as rewards
• the children cleaned their rooms? Sticker. They did their house hold chores? Sticker. They did well at school? Sticker. They made him laugh? Sticker.
• he likes to give you some too if that's what you want
• (although for wildly different reasons)
• when he's in a good mood, Luke is a tease
• often about pretty innocent things like a stain of marmelade on your top or when you mispronounce a word lost in thought
• other than that he likes to gently pull your hair while he's sneaking up on you
• or to grab your nape with ice cold fingers after washing them
• he loves hearing you shriek his name and your indignant expression after
• when you're alone though, things quickly take a turn in a whole other direction
• he's never mean of course, but making you blush is one of his favorite activities
• he likes to mock the sounds you make in bed, sometimes even going as far as mimicking them
• he likes to pinch and squeeze your soft thighs, your arms and ass or your breasts until you swat his hands away
• when he discovers something new you like, you won't hear the end of it for the next few weeks
• he has a way of glancing and smiling at you suggestively while others are around that makes you fume
• Luke likes to see you in pretty lingerie, no matter whether you bought it yourself to surprise him or if he gave it to you as a present
• one can argue about his favorite colors in that regard
• my first idea was a nice pastel green to match his lightsaber
• until I realized his lightsaber is neon green
• the ultimate conclusion: Luke likes to see you in neon green lingerie
• (maybe go for black, you can't go wrong with black)
• Luke is ✨well endowed✨ and while not too big, he's still a lot to take
• I like to think you'd need to practice to get him fully inside of you
• he's always patient and careful with you though, and knows how to make it as pleasant as he possibly can
• he doesn't want to hurt you
• that said, sometimes he tends to forget himself while you are going at it
• when at first he was slow and gentle, he sometimes gets a little bit too into it and his thrusts grow rough, almost bruising
• he'll catch himself quickly and apologize, though if you liked it, he may be willing to change up his pace a little bit
• I'd like to add how insanely attractive that man is as well
• everything about him is good looking, even (or especially?) his hands
• they are simply made to be kissed and licked
• (imagine sucking on his fingers)
• also it'd be nice to just be held by them
• your hand would completely disappear in his
• and they are always nicely warm
• I'm sure that Luke is very strong as well
• he didn't train in that swamp on Dagobah for nothing
• we all have noticed his arm muscles
• that combined with his height, he's easily able to manhandle about everyone
• the children love when he picks them up to spin them around or to throw them up in the air as if they weigh next to nothing to him
• you like to be picked up as well, especially if he then pins you to a wall
• or down on his bed
• if he wants to cuddle there is not much you can do about it
• while I'm not necessarily into nicknames or other kinds of endearments, the thought of being called bunny by Luke drives me crazy
• I find it to be fitting in every kind of situation too
• it doesn't matter if it's said in a soothing manner or just casually during the day
• imagine him calling you bunny to admonish you
• OR when you're bouncing up and down on his enormous d-*gunshot noise*
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
So...I MAY have been collecting Fawfuls like pokemon cards <3
(and what the heck do I mean by that exactly??) WELL in a discord GC my friend Parmy suggested we’d imitate each other’s art styles as like a collab of sorts? Well...I kinda took that a step further heheh ^^
(And fun fact...this was supposed to be something I was gonna do for AU day of Fawful month too, but that idea got cut due to time)
So may I present...the different Fawfuls I drew!! For my friends/cool acquaintances!
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So the one who led up to this in the first place, Fawful from @parmsnik AU!! He is dating/eventually marrying Naspi depending on where you’re at in the AU haha! Your way of drawing Fawful seems to change a little bit each time you draw him, so I tried to my best to guestimate a consistent looking Fawf! Very cute!
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Up next is Fawful from @the-spacewaffle AU!! Yippee Ronnie’s AU! Thanks for being my friend for so long,,to talk about Fawful and all that stuff y’know? I’ll be cheering you on to complete the story qwq your Fawful is always so nice to my OCs when we crossover khskdjh also...pet the Reddo!
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Eee yay now it’s @snuffydoo Fawful and his AU title I totally made up on the spot! I know you don’t really have a name for that kind of thing and it doesn’t have to be canon but I hope you think it’s cute anyways haha! I had a lot of fun drawing this one!! It’s so stylized! AND IT HAS DIMMY (I enjoy your Dimmy artstyle sm) but I don’t draw Spamton very often kjhskgh
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Here’s @federthenotsogreat Fawful AU of sunshine goodness~! HE RETURNITH (and since I couldn’t think of another character to feature with your AU...not knowing if Cackletta is there or not jhgskg I gave him a cute little swirly sun!) I admire the fact his outfit is mostly YELLOW and also blue those are cool colors OH AND THAT LEG TOO, also super cool :)
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The smol and cute @omgtheywereroomates Fawf! Your ask blog is so neat! I know I don’t ask too many questions there but I just,,,the cartoony fluffy hair?? Love that, and also thank you for your support and the super cool ship as well ^^ 
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Heheee yeah hey it’s @cammiluna Fawful from Immortal Fool! Before you say anything YES I’m aware he’s got the new design since it’s near the end of the comic, you released the page that featured said new design while I was already working on this drawing xD So whoops! I just wanted to give appreciation to your comic series that you continued despite everything, and well...I know I haven’t shown much progress on it, I also want to make a comic series...so you’ve inspired me a lil :D
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Deep down here there’s a little AU by @aliencatwafers which features Fawful in the sewers! With the little baby bros!! You’re a very insightful and inspiring writer with plenty of neat headcanons and ideas for the bean! Ik you mostly draw in pencil but I took the colors from your submissions to Fawful month this year and used em here! Hope it looks cool!
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This little gremlin here with the two moms is Fawful from @bean-n-shroob ask blog! He looks very silly and unhinged (in a good way) and I hope he’s having a good time since after BIS! I love how round your designs are and Fawf is no exception :D
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Last but not least is this VERY soft Fawful from @localdealmaker​ and their AU, whose title I made up too (again doesn’t need to be canon or anything if you don’t want it to be, I just wanted to give every drawing a cute name ^^) I think yours was the most complicated to draw for me but I love how he looks, so squish!! Kaboo is cute too!
WHEW THAT WAS A LOT OF TYPING KSJHKGH but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this...I might make another part someday full of more Fawful designs from friends but I AM A LITTLE BURNT OUT...doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun tho!
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kaijuree · 4 days
lets do this again
hello everyone!! im kai :3
What does your user mean?
It's a jumbled up version of my persona/fursona's name, Kai Tsukumo-Juree! 'kaijuree' also sounds & looks pleasant.
Speaking of my persona/fursona- here is their WIP reference sheet! This will be updated as their design is finalized &/or changed-
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What is to be expected here?
I'm an artist & writer, so expect mostly that type of content! My art uses the tag '☆ kais art! ☆'- so search that to see my artwork!
There will also be a fair bit of me being silly & rambling. I also try to keep my blog free of political & controversial topics. I do not want to be involved, so please keep it away from here.
Alot of my writing & AU stuff contains sensitive & disturbing topics that may make people uncomfortable. I am a proud horror & angst enjoyer- so I tend to get extreme with it sometimes. So please keep that in mind & be cautious if you're triggered by said things.
What are some basic things about yourself?
First of all, I am a minor. Please keep NSFW & that gross icky stuff away from me. I am fine with suggestive stuff- & there might be suggestive things here & there.
I go by all pronouns, even it now! I don't really have any preferences aside from people using them interchangeably. This also includes neopronouns, I don't know too much about all of them but being called by 'xe/xem' & 'ze/hir' is cool!
I am a pretty private person. I have trust issues & therefore I like having my personal life separate from my online life. This does not mean you cannot ask what I did today or how my day was, but just expect me to be vague &/or hesitant.
What are your interests?
As of right now, I'm hyperfixated on PHIGHTING! & Regretevator. The specific character I'm going batshit over is Darkheart. I love him.
I make a lot of OCs for things I'm obsessing over, & that also means making my own AU & writing my own lore for it! Please ask me about it!! It makes me so happy.
I also have a lot of original stuff that I probably won't talk about much, but I might share it with you guys when I properly write it. Stay tuned.
As for other interests, I'm also interested in Pokemon, Pokepasta, ULTRAKILL, Project Moon games (more so Library of Ruina & Lobotomy Corporation), Item Asylum, & Jujutsu Kaisen.
What are the rules for this blog?
First of all, use common sense. It shouldn't be hard in the first place. Think before you speak or ask, that stuff.
I am a person too. I have a life, goals, feelings, etc. So treat me like a person. I'll respect you, please respect me back.
Basic DNIs. Homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, zoophiles, pedophiles/maps, proshippers, comshippers, anti-furries, anti-therians, or any other creeps.
Again, please do not bring up political &/or controversial topics. Religion is....okay. I prefer not to speak too much about religious stuff because I myself am an atheist, because I don't know all that much about other religions & I don't want to say anything that will get me in trouble. I respect all religions though.
What are your other blogs?
I have parody/roleplay blogs! Not all of them are active though. But here they are!
@professorturo-roleplayblog [Professor Turo // Inactive]
@lusamine-nihilego-mother [Motherbeast Lusamine // Inactive]
@lordharmonia-andcolress [Kyurem Ghetsis & Universe Hopper Colress // Inactive]
@the-true-warden [Banhammer // Active]
@blackrocks-greatest-mind [Subspace // Active]
@itsconfetticannon [Confetti Cannon // Somewhat active]
@illuminas-biggest-hater [Darkheart // Active]
@divine-a-gift-from-above [Illumina, Ghostwalker, & iida'atan // Active]
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yvtro · 1 year
Two questions that I'm genuinely interested in your answer for (bc I love your metas ngl) but I totally get it if you don't answer.
What's your biggest unpopular opinion on Jason, and your least favorite popular/fandom opinion on him?
disclaimer: i’m moving blogs. still here to go through my askbox, but you will find me at @boyfridged most of the time.
i'm very flattered, thank you!! and sorry this took me so long to answer. and it did take me so long 1. because it’s really hard to tell what is actually an unpopular opinion (i did thankfully find myself in a circle of mutuals who mostly share the same intuitions when it comes to his character) and 2. because I mentally put a label on it “asks to get me assassinated.” and I guess the take that i have requires quite careful wording. 
so, my unpopular take is that from in-universe point of view, jason shouldn’t be a vigilante, and it would be best for the storytelling around him to focus on this fact. and i’m not saying that in a mean, moralistic nor diminishing way. i just think that jay’s storyline is a story of everything that can go wrong with a sidekick, and of how vigilantism can traumatise people into oblivion, and completely annihilate their ability to function normally. part of it is a result of the fact that imo jason isn’t naturally suited for vigilantism (that is not to talk about his skills nor efficiency in it, i will get back to it shortly), and part of it is a result of the circumstances in which he was introduced into it, and of course the subsequent trauma.
you could say “uhm every superhero story is like that, he’s not special,” but typically, when you think about characters such as bruce wayne or dick grayson etc., the event that comes to mind when you think about their biggest trauma is something that… pushed them into vigilantism? and vigilantism supposedly helped them in some ways? (it can be argued against, but that’s an underlying assumption) (+even without a tragic backstory, characters usually have much more agency in their decision to become vigilantes). and in case of jay, his biggest trauma isn’t anything that came before robin, and his life was awfully fucking sad, so i think that it says something. his biggest trauma is associated with what he went through already as robin and then retraumatising events that followed his resurrection. 
it’s really puzzling to me that this distinction is never deliberately written about nor truly brought up in comics…? i think the closest we came to this was, ironically, starlin’s run (when alfred straight up suggests that maybe robin just isn’t good for jason) and countdown (where jay intends to leave the superhero community altogether). 
okay, so you can say: vigilantism is kinda shitty for you. breaking news, we’ve known this already.
except there's something, in my opinion, that makes jason’s case special and more nuanced. it seems, at first glance, that with all the love and compassion jason has, he should be great material for a vigilante still. but he clearly isn’t. why is that?
the crushing proportion of other characters have moral systems, coping mechanisms, and understanding of vigilantism that make this life at least possible for them. on the other hand, jason’s personality, his lived experience, and his moral stance makes vigilantism extremely unsustainable. i mentioned it before in my post about eoc, but most (especially 1st gen, but not only, i’d argue that most former teenage superheroes also came to this point as well) vigilantes, even if associated with love and compassion as the core of their actions, have understanding of vigilantism and moral codes that jason doesn’t possess. (for a long while i was on a “jason has a moral code but it’s casually bastardised by most writers” team but since then i have thought about it a lot and my current take is that he was good at following orders as robin, and has some provisional rules as the red hood, but they’re nowhere near an actual code. as i said in the linked post, i think morality is more of an on-going emotional practice for him). and it all makes sense! let's circle back to bruce for a moment. of course, the reason for which he doesn’t kill is grounded within his own beliefs, but he is also very painfully aware of the thin line that vigilantes walk on when it comes to the law and being trusted by the public. i'd argue he is very conscious of the fact that being a vigilante comes with responsibility of cultivating a certain ethos. he had a lot of time to think about it! in many ways, he invented it. and it’s practical. it's what makes this life possible.
jason doesn’t have it. jason’s idea of vigilantism isn’t carefully designed nor sophisticated, jason’s idea of vigilantism is that he is in the field and he has power to do things, so he has to do them. he has to trust his moral intuitions. and in many ways, he’s not wrong – it's not a flawed view to hold, especially not in the ordinary life. but that also means that there are no lines that he won’t cross if he thinks he can help or fix the situation. but in the world that batman introduces us to (a world in which, to quote le guin on an unrelated matter, there’s no ends, but only means), it’s self-destructive. to compare him again to bruce, bruce is self-sacrificial, but his conceptual understanding of vigilantism and his moral code protect him in some ways. jason’s moral judgements and actions are unrestrained and radical (not to say that they’re reckless or inefficient; he’s still a great strategist and can be even overly careful if it’s required). and that is set in a world where evil never stops. we already know that the joker will always come back, for example. what does it mean for jason? he will try to match the energy, of course, and he’s not stopping either. bruce is similar in that aspect, yet he has a whole insurance set that helps him deal with extreme situations. there's an offset. and jason doesn’t have any. he won’t ever hit the breaks. i think you know where i’m going with this metaphor. 
so i guess my take is that… bruce’s outlook on vigilantism is, against the popular opinion, very rational. but jason just brings his heart into it and nothing else. and that’s just catastrophic.
this is really me just pushing the “love is his fatal flaw” agenda again tbh, but with additional emphasis on why the same trait isn’t that tragic for other characters who share it. also this is why it’s so crucial to me that he should have a civilian arc… 
and as to my least favourite fandom opinion on him, i can't think of anything very specific right now, but my general pet peeve is anything that divorces his characterisation from his 80s personality. i think you can tell that i really dislike painting him as resentful towards dick, and all takes that indicate that he's always been cynical and distrustful toward the world. i think a lot of people want his storyline to be one of someone who has, from day one, been full of rightful anger, but the thing is that it has not been his story to begin with. he had to be pushed really far for this to happen. and this is what makes him so special compared with most anti-heroes – that his story starts from a genuine place of innocent and naive hope and love despite all he suffered.
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acacia-may · 3 months
*sheepishly pokes my head in*
If oc x cc ships are okay, then can I ask for Lyra's ships of Yuno x Neva and William x Zera, and mine Fuegoleon x Solara 🥺👉👈
Hi Laura! No need to be sheepish. 💖 Thank you so much for the ask and for indulging my ramblings. I think it's incredibly sweet that you've asked about @lyranova's pairings. They're lovely! I'm honestly a little feral about Zerilliam, and I rambled about that and about the pairings in general in this response to Lyra's ask. ^^
I would be thrilled to share my Fuelara thoughts with you here, especially since, at this point, I am so invested in this pairing that I have to constantly, consciously remind myself that Solara is not a canon character. She just exists in the world of Black Clover in my mind now, and whenever I imagine or think of Fue, she is right there by his side.
I have to be honest that before I found your blog and we became friends, I really didn't think that much about Fuegoleon. I always liked him and had a lot of respect for him, but he wasn't really a character I just sat around and thought about too much. (His brotherly relationship with Leopold is just too functional. Let's blame that lol😂 I promise I'm only joking, and I adore them! Vermillion Bros for the win!!) But you write him with such depth and such nuance that it really gave me a new appreciation for his character. That one shot you wrote about his feelings of inadequacy after his injury has stuck with me to this day and remains one of my favorite fics I've ever read about anything in any fandom. You and your incredibly powerful writing made me love Fue, and as I was coming to really love him and becoming so much more invested in his character and his story, I found your absolutely incredible Solara who is truly (and this is probably intentional on your part but needs to be said) perfect for him.
Fuelara is everything a canon character x oc relationship should be in my opinion. I hope it goes without saying that Solara is such an incredibly strong and compelling character in her own right and I love that you've given her her own story beyond just being Fue's love interest, but even beyond that, she fits so seamlessly into the world of Black Clover (and I know you shared with me in the past that that was something that was really important to you while creating her, and I think you have succeeded in that in every possible way). Like I said in the beginning of this post, I really do genuinely have to remind myself she isn't canon. She just feels like she belongs there. I can't tell you how much the way you've meticulously crafted Fuelara and weaved them into the world of BC has been a personal inspiration for me. (Apologies in advance for the tangent but) my big passion project right now is a very ambitious multi-chapter fic for another fandom which I'm co-creating with a friend of mine, and it involves an OC x CC relationship (that I'm mostly in charge of 😅) so I actually find myself thinking about and talking about Fuelara as kind of this blueprint and inspiration for everything I can only hope my own ship will ultimately be. Even though the world of that story (late 90s/early 2000s suburban America) and the world of Black Clover couldn't possibly be more different, I'm sure Sprinkles could tell you that I have specifically mentioned Fuelara (specifically their relationship's seamless integration into the existing world and story) and what an inspiration it is for me personally, so many times while working on this project. It is truly so impressive, and I want to write like that. (Side note, I have definitely been using your tips and suggestions for OC integration throughout this process, so thank you again for that!)
Beyond just how well Solara perfectly fits into the world (which I've rambled about a lot), she also perfectly fits with Fuegoleon to the point that it's actually difficult for me to imagine him with anyone else at this point. I'm honestly really surprised I have made it through these ramblings without any random, unsolicited music references, but you're about to get one. There's a song called "We Go Well Together" by Goldheart (Spotify; YouTube) and here's a few lines, "We're just like kids up on a swing/Finger and a wedding ring/We go perfectly/It's so easy." That's just Fuelara to me: It's so easy. That's not to say that it's easy for them--they've certainly had their struggles and been through so much together, but their relationship dynamic, their love for each other, and their interactions are just so effortless. Of course Embers is fantastic, but I think I love your cozy little one shots about them most of all because I just adore how they interact with each other. They're so comfortable with each other, and it feels so real and so genuine. There's really no need for me to suspend belief or to try to create some buy in into their relationship. They just talk to each other and I'm immediately convinced they're deeply in love and just perfect for each other. One of my favorite things about them is how they are both such strong people, but they can be vulnerable together, and I love these really tender moments where they encourage each other that they don't have to carry the weight of the world alone. I just can't get over how supportive they are of each other, and I just adore that.
Gah, this ship is just so good. It's canon. It's honestly better than canon in a lot of cases, and I really can't get enough of it. I think I've said this before, but I'll say this again. Thank you for this pairing! I love it. ❤️‍🔥
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polyamorouscultureis · 10 months
I've been thinking that I'm probably poly for a while now, but struggled to find resources that actually explained my experience. Thank you so much for the Q&A and resources on your blog, I felt so seen for the couple hours I was reading through things today!
I also have a question. I'm pretty sure that my husband of 4 years is monogamous, and he has been nothing but supportive as I started to consider that I might not be straight (I'm bi) and then encourage me to become closer with one of my female friends. I'm planning to talk more to him about what things could look like for us and also want to understand and put feelings into words myself. It's been so confusing because I've always had crushes on multiple people at once and shut one or more of them down to "focus" on one, but felt confused because I liked them all individually for different reasons, and not one more than others or anything. With my husband now, it's confusing because I want him and I don't want anything to change - like for us to break up or split or anything - but I do feel like there's just someone missing, if that makes sense? And I really like this friend of mine. And I just feel like whenever I want to talk about that to explain to my husband it comes across as me thinking he isn't "enough" but that's absolutely not it! I love our apartment together and our life! It's perfect. I just also feel that missing piece. He says he does understand and so mostly it's just me wanting to explain to myself I guess.
I don't know, do you have any suggestions on how I can think about this and explain this to myself? Or any more resources, or even poly fiction to read? I'll take anything and everything at this point!
Hi, thanks for the ask!
This is certainly a complicated situation. It's wonderful that your husband is so supportive about your bisexuality and has been encouraging you to explore that side of yourself. I might have a conversation with him about what his boundaries are surrounding involvement with other people and what the both of you consider to be cheating. Although he may not be jumping at the idea of an open marriage, he may be open to other types of non-monogamy, such as swinging or hierarchical polyamory. If you're okay with him also seeking out other partners and exploring new connections, definitely tell him so!
You both deserve to have the romantic and sexual connections you want. Having a tough conversation can help find a good compromise. If you do both decide to explore more connections, know all feelings of jealousy or insecurity that arise in the process are both normal and temporary. Keep finding ways to reassure each other that you are still just as in love as you always have been, and your relationship may even grow stronger through your exploration of others!
Best of luck anon <3
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi! First of all, I really love your writing. I always enjoy reading your blog 💓 so I was wondering if you could do a headcanon of the batch reacting to a SO with a small breast, and maybe she's a bit insecure about it? Thank you if you'll do that. Sending hugs!!
Thank you so much! Reacting... in my personal experience men usually only know what we are insecure about if we specifically tell them about it. So I hope it's okay if I pick that approach.
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Small Breasts
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Warnings: Possibly Suggestive In Parts 18+ (just to be safe)
Making him aware of your insecurity leaves him puzzled. Hunter is looking at you and he doesn't really get it right away. He's confused and frank about it.
"Okay. But what exactly is it that makes you insecure about that? No wait don't show me right now... unless you want me to get hard right here and now"
In his eyes you are pretty the way you are, nothing on your body seems like a flaw to him. If Hunter is at your side, he is attracted to you the way you are. He is not that fixed on physical appearence anyway. Scent, voice and the way you move and talk are much more prominent for him than anything else.
Cute Echo knows about insecurities. He's fighting with them since the citadel and he's actually doing pretty good. In your case he thinks it's unnecessary.
Echo thinks you are beautiful, he adores you and he's showing it every day. He'll touch and caress every part of your body you feel insecure about with special love and care, just to show you how much.
"You are perfect the way you are, Cyare"
"Love, everything about you is small and I love it!"
He means compared to him you are so delicate and small. His love is unconditional, real and deep. Wrecker loves everything about you and he would never want to change a thing about your body.
"Mesh'la only thinking about them get's my blood pumping. If you ask me there is absolutely nothing wrong about your boobies"
"My boobs are so small..."
Tech looks up from his holo pad, blinking. Seing you fiddling with your breasts in your bra. His blood slowly but surely starts rushing to his loins. But outwardly so far he keeps his cool.
"I wish they were bigger"
"I don't see any need for that", he says matter-of-factly.
"It would look nicer, wouldn't it?"
He's not sounding matter-of-factly anymore as he says, "You could take of my cod piece to find the answer to that question"
He wordlessly starts to undress you as a result. His long slender fingers cupping your breasts softly.
"They do feel pretty perfect to me", he says suggestivly with a smirk.
His love language consists mostly of teasing, physical affection and protective services. Don't be surprised if he drags you to the next bed and shows your boobies some love in every way he knows.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Sorry to say it like this but i Just wanted to share it. I really really and REALLY never seen a gay man who don't behave a little feminine. And it's not my opinion...it's a observation. Whenever i see a gay man and i seen a lot of them...but i never and ever saw a gay man who behave fully manly u know??? I don't know how to explain it. But it's just there...like the way they sometimes walk, like the way they talk sometimes, their gestures. And that is the only reason for me to believe that jk is definitely straight. Yes he likes makeup but that's not a big deal considering his line of work. But other than that...it's just so much in body language,his gestures... everything he does...it's just so manly...same like a straight man. I can give so many examples of gay couples...on YouTube... every single one of them have something in their body language, u can just tell that yes this guy interested in men too but it's not the case with jk at all. And my gut feeling was most of the time right and i do believe that after the cameras shut down..i don't think he behave with jimin the same like he did on cameras. His body language speaks a lot, his gestures, his choices in things,the way he talks,the way he walks, his style. Everything include just doesn't show anything gay. And let me clear this also that I'm not here saying anything bad to degrade gay people that their body language just screams gay...it's just a obversation i have that every gay man atleast has something in him feminine but in jk...it's not there...not at all. So i believe he is definitely straight.
All you've done here is out yourself as someone who doesn't watch enough BTS content in full and mostly just exists in short clips that comes from your biased timeline. AND as someone who doesn't actually read my blog. I'm so sorry hun, but JK actually gives "babygirl energy" or "anime girly pose energy" more than any other member in BTS. He loves it. Lol
Just one example for you, in an edit and short clip compilation just for you lol I can link you to the original content for each clip though if you'd like, where you would find more of the same "feminine" energy from Jungkook.
Also high key suggest you interact with more queer people before making generalizations about them all, because you cant make generalizations about ANY sub group of people like that and not except to be just plain wrong about plently of them. Not to assume anything about you or anything, but... If you want to see more about JKs queer coding in general too and feel like actually reading my blog... I have a whole section of posts dedicated just to that
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Hello! I think that my req wasn’t sent because of Tumblr’s technical reasons so… Please ignore it if you’ve received the previous one.
Firstly, I want to say that I’ve read all of the fan-fictions that were published here since the first day of this blog being even created. I monitor the food fantasy tag every single day because I’m really starving for any content dedicated to this game like a wild hungry animal so when I saw this blog I was so happy! I felt such a pure sense of joy that I almost cried out loud lmao. Thank you for your hard work! Love this blog.
And secondly. If it’s okay, can I request like any work with Whisky x reader? I’d want it to be fluffy, romantic and sweet but that’s literally Whisky so it’s pretty hard to write something normal with him… That’s why I don’t want to put limits on you. Just do as you wish about everything. I just want to read anything about this crazy man.
I hope that I’m not bothering and causing any discomfort. Sorry for being so talkative and annoying! Have a good day.
Sweater Weather
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Synopsis: Autumn was just around the corner when you and Whiskey decided to take a walk. It was mostly his idea; after seeing you busying yourself with restaurant preparations, he thought that you deserved a small break from your duties and spend some time with him... But is that really all he's after? Notes: 800+ words; romantic(ish?) fluff; ambiguous ending; gender neutral Master Attendant A/N: No need to worry anon, you are not causing me any discomfort or annoyance. If anything, I’m so happy I’m not the only one looking through the Food Fantasy tag! I had no idea how to do this request but I tried my best to make it as "romantic" as I could without breaking too much character. Thanks for requesting! I hope you enjoy.
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The leaves of most trees began to change colour and fall, cluttering the cobblestone streets with signs that winter was next to appear. The days throughout the week were cloudy, but today that was not the case.
"It's a perfect day to take a walk, wouldn't you say?"
Whiskey had invited himself into your quarters that morning, pulling you away from your work. You raised a brow at him, questioning what exactly he wanted from you to prompt him to ask such a thing out of the blue. He feigned a look that suggested he was hurt by your words, even putting a hand over his chest to express something akin to heartache.
"My Attendant, you wound me. Can't someone simply ask you to step away from your work and get some fresh air? I hear today is a wonderful time for that."
You look out a window to see for yourself. He was right about that, and you felt all the more suspicious about him. But then, what harm would it do to step away from your desk for a while? Nothing specific struck you as odd.
Eventually, you just sighed and gave in. "Alright, alright. I guess I wouldn't mind stretching my legs anyway."
To your surprise, Whiskey had already prepared your jacket and shoes, as well as a scarf you found unfamiliar. "Whiskey," you say, taking it and looking at him. "This isn't mine."
He smiles. "Of course it isn't. But you can have it, if you'd like." When you ask him what he meant by that, he ignores your query and gingerly takes the scarf from your hands. He then proceeds to wrap it around your neck.
"Ah- Whiskey, I can do it myself..." You mumble.
"Of course you can," he replies.
You huff as you begrudgingly let Whiskey assist you in getting ready to go out. It was as if you were a toddler. But the way he treated you so far was unusually soft...
You pushed back your train of thought as soon as Whiskey put his hand on the door's knob and escorted you out first. "After you," he motions with a slight bow. You nod and exit the restaurant, Whiskey closing the door when the two of you are outside.
After a while of walking, you found yourself less tense... Well actually, you only really knew that because Whiskey pointed it out to you. He would mention several things about you as the two of you ventured out into the chilly autumn day. Fallen leaves crunching under your feet and the occasional attempts at conversation were the only things you really heard.
Eventually, Whiskey's words got increasingly flattering, and you halted in the middle of the side walk just to ask, "Whiskey, what is up with you today? What you're saying... you don't really mean that, so what are you trying to do?"
He stops as well, turning to you and pushing up his glasses. "My Attendant, do you really think I'm up to no good?" His expression doesn't falter when you nod. "Ah... I see." He continues walking and you can't help but call after him.
"Hey! You didn't answer my question!" You half-run to catch up beside him; he's quite the fast walker, and the only reason why you didn't notice was because he'd been slowing down his pace to match your casual stride. "Whiskey, tell me straight. First you're entering my quarters and asking me to walk with you, then you help me get ready, which, you know I can definitely do on my own, and now you're complimenting me." Now that you said it all out loud you kind of felt embarrassed, your face warming.
"It almost feels like you're trying to ask me out or something." But that's silly, because it's Whiskey and he doesn't like anyone that way, nevermind just liking people in general.
"And what if I am?" He says nonchalantly. Whiskey stops walking again when you fall slightly behind him.
"Huh?" You stare at him. He's probably joking.
Without warning Whiskey leans closer to your face, a small smirk appearing on his face as he repeats himself, "And what if I am?"
Absolutely flabberghasted and speechless you are.
The audacity of this man.
You can't believe him, and yet you can at the same time. Maybe he was being genuine. You weren't really sure. It is Whiskey though, so no one would blame you for not being sure. But in your chest your heart sped up, your face warmed, and, despite the chill in the air, your hands started to sweat. Your mouth opened and closed as if to say something, but you remained tongue-tied as Whiskey chuckled lowly at your reaction.
He steps back from you to let you relax and ponders aloud, "Could it be that you finally believe me now, My Attendant?"
You believe him.
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Your blog is really insightful about the deities and gives many good points about their character. Can you say a few things about Ares? Because unfortunately in modern media and retellings people believe that he is only a bloodthirsty god of war and also sexist for some reason, even though he respected Aphrodite and loved her and gave her the freedom of choosing partners as it is her nature and even was helping the Amazons and so on.
He is underrated i believe because media misjudged him terribly even though he did many good things as well.
Hey, Nonny, thanks for the ask! I'd be happy to talk about Ares!
Honestly, I am not as knowledgeable on Ares as someone like @theoi-crow might be (if you have any history related questions, specifically, he's a good resource), but from what I do know, Ares is actually a really great father.
That may seem like kind of a random thing to point out, but there is a myth involving Ares that tells of how one of his daughters was r*ped by one of Poseidon's sons. In response to this, Ares killed Poseidon's son. Obviously, Poseidon wasn't too thrilled about that and brought Ares to trial by the gods. If Ares lost the trial and was found guilty, he'd be sentenced to Tartarus, forced to leave Mount Olympus and (presumably) never return. Despite this, though, Ares remained resolute during said trial, fully admitting that he would've done it again to avenge his daughter. The other gods found Ares to be innocent, much to Poseidon's dismay, and both Ares and his daughter were A-OK after that. 👌
In another myth, at the wedding of his daughter Harmonia (iirc), Ares celebrated with her, even taking off his helmet (and potentially his armor???) to relax and enjoy the occasion. He danced with his daughter, and it was just a really wholesome moment in mythology. 🥰
These are the best myths I can think of to show that Ares isn't what modern media makes him out to be. He is much more than a violent, crazed god who seeks only bloodlust. The reasons many myths depict him in an unfavorable light is because they're mostly Athenian, hailing from Athens. Anything that was considered to go against Athena in some way was depicted poorly, and the Athenians saw Ares as basically being as far from Athena as you could get. Naturally, their myths about him are not exactly very kind.
On top of all these things, within my own experience, Ares is a really wonderful god to worship. He has protected, guided, and advised me in many situations where I truly needed it. He has been a somewhat stern yet positive influence in my life, and personally, I absolutely adore and admire him. He and Aphrodite share an altar in my worship space, and honestly, every time I interact with that altar, their energies feel so lovely and peaceful. They make an incredible pair. I'm pretty sure if Ares was a misogynist Aphrodite probably wouldn't mingle well with him - just saying lmao.
But yeah, Ares rocks! I suggest worshipping him to anyone who is curious and interested. He is a powerful ally and an even greater friend. Hope this is what you were looking for! Have a great day/night! ☺️🧡
(Feel free to add onto this with your own stories and myths spreading love and appreciation for Ares!)
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splicedskies · 6 days
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[ Boundaries.. boundaries~ ]
I straight up don't ship.. Like, at all. It's mostly because I'm not quite interested or care enough about it. I'll enjoy a ship, I'll cheer on other people with their ships like I'm their #1 fan. But I don't do it myself. My only exception is usually Familial Bonds but, those are way different so I don't really see them as ships. (I am a sucker and HUNGRY for found family tropes.)
I am.. shy. I'm shy to a fault. I have a LOT of trouble not listening to that nagging little voice in my head that says 'Don't bother you'll just be annoying' or 'Don't talk to much no one wants to hear about your oc/ideas'. So I'm deeply sorry if it takes me a while to crash through the roof of your Messages/DMS/What have you and I want to thank anyone here for their patience.
THAT SAID.. Please feel free to tag me in things. Drop kick my messages door or my discord open, tag me in random starters, plot with me. I'm great with all of that. (I love that small serotonin boost I see when I'm tagged in something.)
I treat roleplay a lot like I treat when I play TTRPGs. I like having at least some sort of story but at the same time I appreciate the absurd shenanigans that can/will/might happen with a universe like Pokémon. I love the 'Yes And' and 'What if' to push a story along or introduce something new, to intertwine things about characters and in turn watch both sides grow as a result. But I also love the silly/wholesome shit, I feast upon silly things! (Like my current thread with Nikki's Hau where they're just making food! With sprinkles of 'oh hmm..' story beats.)
I've only just learned wtf 'Whump' and shit is. I really don't like it. I don't like one sided angst while the other is just a trauma dump punching bag. I LOVE angst, don't get me wrong, but I feel it needs to be built up, just like a good book. And it needs to be used on both sides. Not just for one person to trauma dump all over the place on a single character. (I played a villain in the MC Ask Blog community a year or two ago and saw WAY too much thrown at me as a result. I'm sick of it.)
I don't mind art and memes thrown at me. I eat them up, I will stare at them for hours on end like I just received life giving water. I don't care how absurd.
I love plotting. I love plotting dumb shit, serious shit, shit that likely won't happen for many, MANY threads. I love making connections, and even incorporating things into my character at the suggestions of others or thing that change in RP itself.
I love having multiple threads, don't ever feel like you are beholden to just 'one' with me.
If you need anything, a question asked, something changed or you have an idea but not sure how it might work? Ask, just ask me. I can always tweak things, modify things to fit in with something. Altra is a very 'young' OC in his development, and that makes him easily moldable for the future.
Finally, all I ask is to treat me, and those around you with the same respect you want yourself to be given. In the end, we all just want to write silly stories, and throw our characters at one another. <3
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void-time · 16 days
Zeno onsets (but like,, in real life)
TW! This post will be talking about:
canon typical violence in Zeno remake (but in real life)
psychosis/ delusional attachments
psychosis in the sense of believing you are a certain character.
I'll just be using the names irl!Aki and irl!Haru while for characters from the actual game c!Aki and c!Haru and so on..
if you are unaware of this blogs purpose and are interested, I'd suggest reading through the intro I recently posted, to avoid confusion.
irl!Harus onsets had begun appearing almost daily after having developed a delusional attachment to c!Haru. The first few weeks it was relatively bearable with some slightly more extreme cases.
something incredibly important to note with these onsets is that they are practically canon accurate to a T, without the obvious need for a sedative since I could either wait them out or he could get what he wants and practically be onset free for a duration of time (which technically means it's a sedative).
Now as time went on, onsets obviously started to progress more and more. The most tedious one I recall is one that lasted for approximately 6-7 hours, where at some point we even had to meet up with someone. (I obviously opted for irl!Haru to not come along knowing it would most likely end up in the other person getting hurt (they did)). The (6-7h) onset mostly consisted of irl!Haru scratching out my stomach and biting the other person (this onset happened a couple months ago, my stomach remains scarred since then as well as the other person having one or two bite marks left on them).
There was a short period of them where irl!Haru stopped having onsets, they ended up being replaced with him zoning out.
These zone outs seemed to be alright at first, seeming to be harmless and with no ill will. Until he started displaying signs of an onset in that state.
Firstly it would start off with him just squeezing me or his eyes tracking me, then it progressed to him trying to suffocate me and lastly it got to me getting bitten or choked to an almost unconscious state. one of the more horrifying factors was the fact that he'd started being able to actively chase after me in that state, opening and closing doors while actively running/sprinting after me.
I mentioned before that his zeno is practically canon accurate to a T, and that fact remains even after having had an onset. Seeing how much guilt he feels after understanding what he has done and how much harm it has brought to the ones around him can really change your perspective on,, quite a lot.. one of the earliest examples of this would be the one where he realized he was experiencing an onset, quickly turning to him feeling incredibly guilty and literally taping his mouth together out of fear of hurting someone.
After onsets we'd normally talk things out, going through what he remembers, if anything at all, what he thinks triggered the onset in to action and so on,
all together we'd found simpler ways of avoiding onsets, ones that include trying to keep him away from feeling hungry, a relatively regular intake of meat mixed with obviously other food.. pretty much just mundane things that keep him in a saner state of mind, it is important to note that sometimes these things would only help for a certain amount of time and after that he would be bound to enter a state of onset.
There were two types of onsets he'd get. In both, he would experience a need to be as close as possible to a loved one. The one I have been describing in the past paragraphs were the ones where he would rather he eat me, but there were rare occasions where the tables turned and he would be asking for me to eat him.
I'd be more than glad to answer questions about how onsets function since I have a hard time listing factors without having a certain prompt at hand (plus there are so many that it genuinely makes my head hurt at times), anyhow that'll be all for now, except if I like, something else to yap about idk.
I hope that whoever sees this post understands that me and irl!Haru are both psychotic and are trying to spread awareness of how harmful delusions can actually be.
Thank you for reading this far :3
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
it’s so refreshing to see austin with a girl who also values privacy. I always wondered how he felt about v posting and talking about him so frequently. Maybe he prefers to be private after that experience? i’m not sure
no no i agree. and ive seen people say they think she's only private now because that's what austin wants but iiiii very very much disagree (and don't really like what that would suggest about austin being controlling but that's neither here nor there). if you actually look at what's she's said about social media over the past couple years, both in book club and during interviews, i think growing up has just changed how she views being famous/social media, and that shift in her outlook would've happened with or without austin. yes, she posted jacob- but her turning her comments off after ahs happened near the end of their relationship and i think that's the real turning point of social media changing for her. i *loved* her choice of words in the wsj interview today about wanting to keep their relationship sacred. beautiful word choice there, 10/10.
it always gives me a lot to think about when they/we talk about this because i'm very self aware that i'm sitting here like wowww so true!!! whilst being 'part of the problem' as a gossip blog. i have a ton of respect for austin and kaia as massive fans of both of them which makes knowing they prob would not like what i do, or me, kinda uncomfy to sit with. but i have long since mostly made my peace with it. i love them- but they don't owe me anything. and i do try my best to 'do this' with some code of ethics. perhaps, that counts for something.
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therealieblog · 2 years
I’ve started reading Lindy West’s book ‘Shrill’, and I am loving it. She’s hilarious and sharp and fierce. 
In the book she talks about working as a journalist for The Stranger, Dan Savage’s paper. She talks about how Dan was a good boss, but abrupt and not big on praise, and how she loved working for the paper.
Unfortunately, Dan, at that time in the early to mid aughts, was extremely fatphobic. He regularly wrote columns condemning fat people for being lazy, unhealthy and a drain on public resources. Lindy began striking back at him (mostly respectfully) in answering columns, and the one that I’ve transcribed below was incredible. He eventually changed his tune, and she says nowadays he’s far more positive about fat people. I like to think Lindy’s words helped open his eyes. 
In the passage below, she responds to a column he published about being at a water park in the mid west, and how “unsightly” people’s fat rolls were in their swimsuits. It’s not a nice column, so I won’t quote more of it than that, but this is Lindy’s response. I did my very best to transpose her words directly from the audio book I have, but the italicizing and bolding are mine. 
“Hello, I am fat.”
This is my body. Over there. See it. I lived in my body my whole life. I have wanted to change this body my whole life. I have never wanted anything as much as I have wanted a new body. I am aware every day that other people find my body disgusting. I always thought that some day, when I finally stopped failing, I will become smaller, and when I become smaller, literally everything will get better. I’ve heard it gets better… My life can begin. I’ll get the clothes that I want. The job that I want. The love that I want. It’ll be great! Think how great it’ll be to buy some pants or whatever. At J. Crew. Aw man. Pants! Instead, my body stays the same. 
There is not a fat person on earth who hasn’t lived this way. Clearly, this is a terrible way to exist. Also, strangely enough, it did not cause me to become thin. So I do not believe any of it anymore, because fuck it, very much. 
This is my body, it is MINE. I’m not ashamed of it in any way. In fact, I love everything about it. Men find it attractive. Clothes look awesome on it. My brain rides around in it all day and comes up with funny jokes. Also, I don’t have to justify its awesomeness, attractiveness, healthiness or usefulness to anyone, because it is MINE. NOT YOURS. 
*Footnote: I’ve noticed that a lot of people have trouble with the basic definition of fat acceptance. They wanna argue and nitpick about calories and cardio and insurance and health and on and on and on, and if you are one of those people, wallowing in confusion, fret no more. I can sum it up for you in one easy to remember phrase. GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU FUCKING WEIRDO! Print it. Laminate it. Be it. 
I’m not going to spend a bunch of time blogging about fat acceptance here, because other writers have already done it much more eloquently, thoroughly and radically than I ever could. But I do feel obligated to try to explain what this all means. 
I get that you think you’re actually helping people and society by contributing to the fucking Alp of shame that crushes every fat person, every day of their lives. The same shame that makes it a radical act to post a picture of my body, and tell you how much it weighs. But you are not helping. Shame doesn’t work. Diets don’t work. 
Footnote: Fatphobes love to hold this assertion up, of how delusional and intractable fat activists are. ‘Calories in, calories out’ they say. ‘Ever heard of thermodynamics?’. ‘Uuuh I’ve never seen a fat person in a concentration camp. High five, Trevor.’ 
Leaving aside the barbarism of suggesting, however obliquely, that well, at least concentration camp victims weren’t fat. No fat activist who says ‘Diets don’t work’ is suggesting that you cannot starve a fat person to a thin death. Rather, we’re referencing the rigorously vetted academic conclusion that traditional diets, the kind that are foisted upon fat people as penance and cure-alls, and our entrance exam for humanity, fail 95% of the time. Whether fat people fail to lose weight due to simple laziness and moral torpor, or because of a more complex web of personal, cultural and medical factors, those numbers are still real. Those fat people still exist. Pushing diet culture, as a cure for fatness does nothing but perpetuate the emotional and economic exploitation of fat people. Shame is a tool of oppression. Not change. Fat people are already ashamed. It’s taken care of. No further manpower needed on the shame front. Thanks.
I’m not concerned with whether or not fat people can change their bodies through self discipline and ‘choices’. Pretty much all of them have tried already. A couple of them have succeeded. Whatever. My question is. What if they try and try and try, and still fail? What if they are still fat? What if they are fat forever? What do you do with them then? Do you really want millions of teenage girls to feel like they’re trapped in unsightly lard prisons that are ruining their lives? And on top of that it’s because of their own moral failure? And on top of that, they are ruining America with the terribly expensive diabetes they don’t even have yet? 
You know what’s shameful? A complete lack of empathy. And if you really claim to still be confused. ‘Nuh uh, I never said anything guys. Seriously!’ There can be no misunderstanding shit like this: ‘I am thoroughly annoyed at having my tame statements of fact, being heavy is a health risk, rolls of exposed flesh are unsightly’ characterized as hate speech’. (she is quoting Dan Savage’s response to her last letter here). 
Ha! 1. “Rolls of exposed flesh are unsightly” is in no way a tame statement of fact. It’s not a fact at all. It’s an incredibly cruel, subjective opinion that reinforces destructive, paternalistic, oppressive beauty ideals. 
Footnote: In his response to this post, Dan took me to task for cherry picking that quote, explaining that he wasn’t mocking the flesh rolls of fat people specifically. He was mocking the flesh rolls of all women who wear low rise jeans without having the correct bodies for it. 
Oh, OK, FYI, feminism isn’t super jazzed about men policing women’s clothing choices either. Also, it was totally about fat people you liar. 
I am not unsightly. No one deserves to be told that they’re unsightly. But this is what’s behind this entire thing. It’s not about health, it’s about eww you think fat people are icky. Ew. A fat person might touch you on a plane, with their fat. EW. Coincidentally, that’s the same feeling that drives anti-gay bigots, no matter what excuses they drum up about family values, and yes, health. It’s all ‘ew’. And sorry, I reject your ‘ew’.
2. You are not concerned about my health. Because if you were concerned about my health, you would also be concerned about my mental health. Which has spent the past 28 years, being slowly eroded by statements like the above. Also, you don’t know anything about my health. You do happen to be the boss of me, but you are not the doctor of me. You have no idea what I eat. How much I exercise, what my blood pressure is or whether or not I’m going to get diabetes. Not that any of that matters, because it is entirely none of your business. 
3. But but but my insurance premiums! 
Bullshit! You live in a society with other people. I don’t have kids, but I pay taxes that fund schools. The idea that we can somehow escape affecting each other is deeply conservative. Barbarous even. Is that really what you’re going for? Good old fashioned American individualism? Please. 
4. But most importantly, I reject this entire framework. I don’t give a shit what causes anyone’s fatness. It’s irrelevant, and it’s none of my business. I’m not making excuses, because I have nothing to excuse. I reject the notion that thinness is the goal. That thin equals better. That I am an unfinished thing, and that my life can really start when I lose wait. That then I’ll be a real person, and have finally succeeded as a woman. I am not going to waste another second of my life thinking about this. I don’t want to have another fucking conversation with another fucking woman, about what she’s eating, or not eating or regrets eating, or pretends to not regret eating to mask the regret. Oops. I just yawned to death. 
If you really want change to happen, if you really wanna help fat people, you need to understand that shaming an already shamed population is…well… shameful. Do you know what happened as soon as I rejected all this shit and fell in unconditional lurve with my entire body? I started losing weight, immediately. Well la dee fucking da. 
Footnote: If I had to do it over again I’d write this last part more clearly, because I think the way it stands undermines my point a bit. What I was trying to say was that if anti-fat crusaders really want what they claim to want, for fat people to be ‘healthy’, they should be on the front lines of size acceptance and fat empowerment. There’s hard science to back this up. Shame contributes measurably to weight gain, not weight loss. Loving yourself is not antithetical to health, it is intrinsic to health. You can’t take good care of a thing you hate. 
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