#this doesn't change the problem that she might destroy for me another one of my favorite medias if she reads it hhhhhh
x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
short taylor swift playlists for each tig character - grayson
here's the grayson playlist! again, some short explanations below that might make zero sense cause i'm tired and can't form a thought that makes sense for the life of me.
#1: down bad: this song's about falling in love with someone, hard, just for them to leave you. in the song, the person who's been left is completely destroyed (to the point where they even consider offing themselves). all of this perfectly describes grayson after the emily fiasco.
#2: the black dog: this song is about the aftermath of a breakup where one person is clearly more affected by it than the other. although the chorus doesn't really fit grayson bc the ex, in that song, is still alive (and emily isnt :)), the bridge perfectly describes how wrecked grayson was after her death, and, we all know that, if emily was alive, she wouldn't care as much as grayson. (its a great song, pls listen to it)
#3: the prophecy: the prophecy is about yearning for a different destiny and the hope one has for a better future. the narrator doesn't want money, they wish for someone who loves them. to me, this song suits grayson really well. the song also mentions a lost love the narrator thought was going to be their forever love, which i think also fits grayson (the lost love could be avery or even emily).
#4: you're on your own, kid: i added this one to my avery playlist, but i think it also suits grayson. i think the title is quite self-explanatory. grayson wasn't raised like his other brothers (they were all raised differently, but grayson was raised to become the heir and the others weren't), setting him apart from them.
#5: midnight rain: full analysis here. i already explained this in more detail, but this song is about a relationship that failed due to two people being too different (the narrator being 'midnight rain' and the lover being 'sunshine'). i think that this suits avery and grayson. i explained in another post that they both want different things from a partner. even if they would've gotten together, they would've never lasted. i also think that there are some lines that could be interpreted as him looking back on his relationship with emily (explained in more detail in my full analysis)
#6: right where you left me: this song is about not being able to move on from an ex. the narrator was left sitting in a restaurant after a break up, and, even after all of these years, she's still there, frozen. (you cannot tell me this isn't grayson. i will fight you if you disagree). some lyrics don't apply to grayson though because the ex in this song is still alive (and emily isn't).
#7: mirrorball: the narrator of the song compares themself to a reflective disco ball. they think they reflect other people's personalities to make them happy. now, grayson is grayson and doesn't change for anybody, but he does try his best to please everyone around him (the song isn't a perfect fit, but i wanted to add it cause the concept does)
#8: illicit affairs: for this song, the concept of it fits grayson better than the actual lyrics. the song is about the heartbreak and happiness that infidelity (or in this case emily) can bring. now, the verses' lyrics don't fit grayson to a T, but the bridge is just so beautiful and so grayson/emily coded that i had to add it (the bridge focuses on the heartbreak). (you could also see it as infidelity because emily was dating jameson and grayson at the same time, but, even then, it's not the best in my opinion). i don't really know how to properly explain this without making it make 0 sense so just listen to it cause it's really good.
#9: peace: this song is about a person not being able to give their lover normalcy or peace. the narrator of the song explains that they'll give them everything they could possibly wish for except for peace (bc of their fame). now, while i don't think the fame part would've been too much of a problem for grayson (even though he is famous), he was too hung up over emily in the first three books for him to have been able to offer a potential lover (avery or even the girl at harvard) peace.
#10: hoax: this song is about the struggles that come with the ending of a toxic relationship. the narrator of the song has been driven crazy by that relationship, but is still uncapable of letting go of the it (does this remind you of anyone... i don't think i need to say more)
#11: death by a thousand cuts: this song compares a break up to a slow death. now, in grayson's case, there was no breakup (just a dead girlfriend), but we could compare his grief and hopelessness after emily's passing to a slow death.
#12: clean: i added this one to my jameson playlist but felt like adding it to this one too. the song is a more hopeful one and talks about finally getting over an ex (getting clean). i think this fits grayson in the brothers hawthorne quite well cause he seems to be leaving that worthless bitch behind.
#13: better man: or in this case, woman (emily). this song describes the aftermath of a breakup with a toxic person and the feelings that come with it. in this case, though, it wasn't a break up, it was just a death. i don't really know what else to say about this song other than pls listen to it (especially if you like grayson bc it suits him really well, just pretend the ex in this song is emily and dead)
#14: haunted: this song is about being haunted by the memory of a past relationship. need i say more? (this song fits grayson so so so so so well, pls listen to it)
#15: last kiss: last kiss is a song about the aftermath of a break up and the feelings that arise (similar to better man but the relationship in this one was healthy, not toxic). the lyrics don't fit him perfectly because, again, the ex is still alive in this song, but i do think it's a beautiful song that suits grayson really well. there's not much else to say.
that's it. the bottom half kinda sucks because i wrote it at 2:00am, but it'll have to do bc i am NOT redoing it. hope you still liked it though <3.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
A Life in the Hands of the Enemy -- Villain reluctantly saves Hero's Life part 5
Warnings: violence, bleeding, near-death experience, captivity whump, cruel Villain whumper
Zack hummed cheerfully to himself as he wandered back upstairs to relax and watch the news, hoping to find any reports of an overpowered new villain in town to start his search.
It wasn't long before news reports started coming in, showing buildings torched in flame, destroyed sections of street... the state of the city was deteriorating.
He frowned as a fuzzy picture of a large man popped up on a news report titled 'Newest Big Baddie?' From the level of destruction this individual had caused, he found himself very unsettled. I'm the one who rules this city, he thought angrily. Not doofus wanna-be-me there.
He got up and paced thoughtfully, setting his genius mind to the problem. He weighed advantages and disadvantages, sorting and cataloging information in his head, taking into account every small variable at play.
This new villain is clearly dangerous... and motivated enough to go to the trouble of setting up an ambush for Amber, he thought. Intent like that is powerful. This is a man who knows what he's doing, capable of formulating intricate plans, like myself. Zack couldn't help admiring the new guy. He'd successfully taken down the pesky hero, a feat that he himself had repeatedly failed to do. On the other hand, New Villain doesn't know that Amber is still alive, or that I have her in my possession. She might the key to defeating him, if only I can find a way to control her powers.
Right now, Amber was weak, still recovering from the many grave injuries she'd sustained. But as she healed, her former strength would inevitably return... and Zack knew that would be a big problem for him.
But I think I know how I can control her, he thought darkly, a clever idea crossing his mind. I know how to force her to fight for me. She will make a fine weapon, a fine weapon indeed... He walked briskly to another room where he kept all his experiments and experimental weapons and technology, and got to work, crafting a special surprise.
A few days passed, And Zack made sure to keep his new captive well-fed and cared for. He needed her in good health for his plan to work. Today would be different from the usual routine, though. This time he wouldn't be entering her room to bring food, or fresh bandages. No, this was going to be a rather interesting interaction…
He entered Amber's room to find her already pinning him with a fierce glare, her posture stiff and defensive.
"I'm almost healed. You won't be able to hold me here much longer," she growled threateningly.
"I know. But I'm here to change that," Zack replied, unphased, and brought a miniature tranquilizer gun out from behind his back. Her eyes flicked over to it, widening with concern.
"What is--"
That's all she got out as he smiled cruelly, took aim, and pulled the trigger, nailing her in the shoulder with a dart. She cried out in pain, and he relished the helpless panic and fear that flashed across her face as the drugs started to take hold.
In a vain effort fueled by anger and pain, she suddenly launched at him with a snarl to attack, going for a throat punch, but her fist stopped an inch from its target as the cuffs on her wrists snapped taut, stopping her.
Zack smiled coyly at her, tracing a finger under her chin tauntingly. He couldn't help it. "So, so close," he tutted. "The more you fight it, the more it'll burn."
Amber started trembling uncontrollably, eyes filled with intense pain as her legs started shaking unsteadily beneath her, before she crumpled to her knees with a rattling breath of air, fighting to stay conscious. Zack crouched down in front of her, gripping her shoulders to steady her, more out of mockery than reassurance.
"Let go, hero, you know you can't fight it forever. You need the rest. I've got big plans for you..." He savored watching the fight slowly leave Amber's body as her eyes went out of focus, head drooping, before she finally went limp. He carefully lowered her unconscious form to the ground, then reached into the large pocket on the inside of his jacket, pulling out a metal collar. He fitted it around her neck and adjusted its size to fit snugly, but not too tight to cut off her air. After fiddling with it for some time, he was satisfied, standing up with a greedy smile.
"Now, you will be the greatest weapon the world has ever seen," he whispered under his breath. Then he reached down... and took the cuffs off her hands. "I won't be needing these anymore to control you, beast."
With that, he retreated from the room to wait for her to come back to her senses. Once that happened, it would be time for her first lesson in obedience.
⏪️ Back Next ⏩️
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beevean · 2 months
Another reason the "wonderful in a vacuum" scene of Lenore choosing to look at Hector in her last seconds of her life doesn't hit as it should, is that the show didn't do what it could have to build up this moment. And I'm not just talking about how Lenore never loved Hector in the first place so her final moment of caring feels mocking.
In S3E6, she says this:
Hector: Daylight can be nice, too. Lenore: I'll take your word for it. Hector: You don't remember daylight? Lenore: Never much cared for it. I was always a night person. Hector: You might be missing something, you know. Only coming out at night. Lenore: Oh, I don't think so. Just look. I can't see how the sun would improve this view.
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Now, this is not a bad moment. First of all, it's all part of Lenore's manipulations to make Hector accept to work for them ("Look at this lovely view! Surely you'll want to stay here, won't you?"), and it's a good strategy because while Hector is a human and not afraid of the sun, he's already accustomed to living among creatures of the night. Plus, her preference for the night fits her and her attempted aesthetic of "sad winter princess". And, of course, I doubt they had planned her suicide by sunlight when they wrote S3.
But in S4, the topic never comes up again, when it could have quite nicely. Since Lenore spends the whole season feeling sorry for herself, repeating the information "Carmilla's plan makes me feel useless", for a change she could have snuck in something like this:
"You know, it's funny. I haven't seen the sun in two hundred years. I almost forgot how it looks like... How it would feel for the sunlight to hit my skin without it blistering. The moon has its beauty, of course, but..."
One, this could be a genuine bonding moment between Lenore and Hector. As I pointed out, she only strikes casual conversations with him in S3 for the sake of manipulating him: once she's "solved his problem", she mostly vents about her personal issues, and the only natural, mutually respectful conversation they have is the one about strength and power just before her suicide, which is far too late. Maybe they could talk about what they miss, what they'd like to see... with the added irony that Hector is trapped in that castle so he can't do anything he would like to do, and it's all Lenore's fault to boot. Maybe Hector's lack of concrete answer would not only hint at hidden resentment, but it could foreshadow how he actually didn't think far ahead because he's secretly waiting for Isaac to come and kill him, or that his only plan for the future is to destroy the Council, which he's keeping under wraps; but it would also be nice if he had a dream, like going to see the ocean again. hector in s4 sorely lacks a personality that is not his depressing love for lenore and i would love to fix it
Two, it could be symbolic of Lenore regretting her vampire nature, or perhaps even foreshadowing her flirting with the idea of killing herself if Carmilla's plan comes to fruition, since another criticism is that Lenore decides to kill herself with the same consideration one chooses which dress to wear for the day. Lenore, as her basic concept, wants to be the bridge between humankind and vampirekind, and there are hints of this, such as her makeup that make her look like a living human being (contrast her with Carmilla, who looks like a corpse), her declaration that she enjoys eating food equating it to living a good life, and her insistence to use diplomacy in a culture that thrives on war and conquest, which gives her the reputation of being soft and weak. So, it would make sense for her to, at one point, drop her mask and admit that she misses the human pleasure of the sunlight, maybe even expressing subtle envy that Hector can experience it; the Lenore in S3 was a bundle of lies carefully woven to lower Hector's guard, but now she is fully sincere and open, showing her heart to the one person who would listen to her. It would be cute and sad at the same time if she asked him to describe him what the sun feels like, and Hector gave a wishy-washy answer, because he has never cared about it - or rather, his own humanity, paralleling Lenore in yet another aspect.
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Of course, during the same time Hector is taking advantage of Lenore's inability to stand in the daylight to study on his own and plot behind her back, so the scene would be even more tragic. Hector is already benefiting from his own humanity to cause Lenore's downfall.
And three, her final choice would have more weight. Not only, with the added context, Lenore's grief would be more easy to interpret as "no matter how hard I try, I'm a cursed creature doomed to live in misery and spread misery, I'm tired of living in the night" and not "weh i refuse to live in a cage :< sorry hector idc about you i refuse to live if i don't have a shred of power", but also, well. Lenore wanted to see the sun. She has found the courage to see the sun, knowing that it will nor reconnect her with her lost humanity, but it will only lead to her death. And then... at the last moment... she renounces it. Sure, the sun is pretty, much like the moon... but neither of them, in the end, can compare to Hector, who is one of a kind, who, unlike the sun, cared about her. Now it works, after more buildup.
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(also it would be much nicer if Lenore melted like Dracula, instead of turning into pretty dust. Show her as the monster she never accepted herself to be.)
Now, this only fix only a fraction of the infinite and immense issues I have with Lenector in S4. It needs to be reworked from the foundations, and I focused too much on Lenore when the source of my anger is everything surrounding Hector and the sanification of Lenore's actions. But look at how easy it is to build a much more organic chemistry, when you don't waste precious screentime on dick jokes and rape apologism! The building blocks are all here! I'm just so profoundly sad when I see the botched attempt of a good story and it wouldn't have taken much effort to improve it, just respect for your own writing.
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duhragonball · 6 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 07
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Yeah, me neither, kid. Kind of weird that we're seven episodes in and we still don't know anything. I'm a little concerned, honestly.
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This is another Misato episode. Actually, this one might be even more of a Misato episode than the last one, which is fine by me. This show had some trouble getting out of the gate, but now we're cooking. Cooking toast, that is, because that's what Shinji and Misato have for breakfast every morning. Wait... I misread my notes. Shinji has toast. Misato gets toasted. On beer.
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No, wait, she's having toast too! Good, that explains why she has that second beer after Shinji leaves for school. Gotta wash it down. Shinji expresses disapproval for her slovenly, beer-swilling lifestyle, which is a big change from when he just passively agreed with everything she said. Misato is pleased that he's gotten more comfortable expressing himself lately.
Shinji is also embarassed at the prospect of Misato going to his school for some parent-teacher conference thing. Misato is essentially his guardian at this point, even though his actual dad is Misato's boss. I guess he would have signed off on this, since it seems clear he doesn't care.
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All the boys at school think she's the coolest thing ever. She's a sexy lady and she's the NERV Ops Director. Shinji acts like they'd see her differently if they knew what she was like at home, but they don't care. Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney are like "you keep the Earth safe, and we'll take care of Misato." Big Rigg Mahoney knows what's up. If I had me a freak like Misato, I think I could learn to live with empty beer cans. The penguin droppings might be a problem, but I think I'd get over it every night if you know what I mean.
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We don't get a lot of information on the Evas in this one, but I'll go over what we do get. They're making more of them. Ritsuko and Misato talk in an elevator about the repairs on 00 and 01, and they speak of Unit 02 like it'll be along any day now. On a plane ride, Gendo Ikari speaks of Units 06 and 08, so there's plans to manufacture even more of them, though finding pilots seems to be the main hurdle.
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Shinji also learns about Second Impact, the event that changed the world so much. First Impact was the hypothetical collision of the Earth with a protoplanet called Theia, which led to the formation of the Earth's Moon. Second Impact is widely known to be a meteor collision with Antarctica. According to the test in this screenshot, the meteor was only 4 inches wide, but it was traveling at 95% the speed of light, making the impact powerful enough to destroy Antarctica and cause upheavals that wiped out half of the world's population.
However, Misato tells Shinji that it wasn't actually a meteor at all, but the First Angel. It came to Earth on September 13, 2000, then exploded for some unknown reason, taking Antarctica with it.
NERV's mission, then, is to prevent a Third Impact. The Angels are still showing up on Earth, and if another one self-destructs in the same fashion, then it could cause even more devasation. So the only chance humanity has it to kill the things before they get the chance to explode.
Just to recap, we met the third Angel in Episode 1, and it self-destructed in Episode 2, but Shinji had nearly defeated it by that point, so maybe that's why it didn't produce the same destructive force as the first. And we met the fourth and fifth Angels in Episodes 3 and 5. No word yet on the second Angel, but it must have shown up in 2000, since everyone in Episode 1 talks about how there hadn't been an Angel sighting in fifteen years. It's also not clear how it was defeated, since Eva units weren't available for combat missions then.
My guess is that the second angel was susceptible to conventional weapons. That's my working theory on these things. Whatever they're up to, they seem to adapt and get more dangerous each time. The first one blew up shortly after it arrived on Earth, which might have been an accident, or some bad reaction to Earth's environment. The second one must have been killed by humans, which demonstrated that it could be done and it was a viable way to stop them from exploding.
The third angel was impervious to conventional weapons, requiring an Eva to defeat it. The fourth one... was basically the same deal, which is why Episode 3 kind of sucks. The fifth one targeted and disabled the Eva before it could get in range, requiring two Evas and a new-fangled weapon to defeat it. So the sixth one will probably be even harder to stop, which is why Gendo Ikari is trying to convince the U.N. to increase NERV's budget.
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Meanwhile, Misato and Ritsuko are headed for Old Tokyo, where the Strategic Self-Defense Force are holding a demonstration. The SSDF are the guys who had that positron cannon Misato borrowed for her hail Mary play in Episode 6. Old Tokyo was destroyed in the chaos that followed Second Impact, but I guess someone decided to build a convention center out here on the remains.
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I'm pretty sure the SSDF is just a continuation of the real-world Japanese Self Defense Force, but in this show they're mainly focused on finding ways to defend against the Angels, just like NERV. I mean, I guess that makes sense, given how the last three Angel attacks have been on Japanese soil. And their positron cannon did the trick, so they're not exactly bad at this sort of thing. This time, they're unveiling a new weapon, which is their own giant robot, Jet Alone.
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NERV was invited to attend the ceremony, and Ritsuko takes the opportunity to question the premise of Jet Alone. It's powered by an on-board nuclear reactor, and it has no pilot. Everything is done by remote control, which seems like a really bad idea if they lose connection with the thing and the reactor melts down.
The SSDF guy laughs off her concerns, and attacks the Evangelion robots instead. They're powered by electrical cables, which is kind of impractical, and their pilots are subjected to intense stress and suffer mental instability. Also, the Evas are incredibly expensive, and every time the world increases NERV's budget, there's less money to care for the humanity they're trying to save.
So Jet Alone seems like a perfect solution. The tech is cheaper, there's no pilot to put in harm's way, and I guess they think it can hold its own in a fight, although that remains to be seen.
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Misato keeps her cool at the dinner but gets furious afterward. By contrast...
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Ritsuko calmly assures Misato that Jet Alone is nothing to worry about, as she burns one of the handouts they got at the dinner.
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I'm pretty sure Ritsuko is awesome, but she really hasn't done a lot in this show other than provide exposition. She's practically the narrator in a lot of scenes, but damn. She can burn my papers anytime.
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Soon enough, it's time to see Jet Alone in action. He looks a little primitive compared to the Evas, but I don't know, this thing kind of reminds me of Big O. I could see it getting its own show.
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All they really do with it is have it walk forward, but for some reason they can't get it to stop, so it just keeps going and steps on the SSDF's control center.
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And that's basically Jet Alone's whole deal. It just keeps walking in this same direction. Also its nuclear reactor is experiencing a pressure buildup, so yeah, this is turning out exactly like Ritsuko predicted at dinner. Maybe a little too exactly...
Anyway, the coolest thing about Jet Alone is its arms, which sort of dangle at its sides like tassels. I assume this is designed so it can wrap its arms around a hostile Angel like an octopus, but when it's just walking like this the arms flop back and forth and it looks adorable. He's just a struttin' and a strollin'.
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Misato immediately takes charge, since the thing is headed for Atsugi and its reactor could go critical at any moment. She demands the SSDF give her an emergency shutdown password for the thing, but no one on-site has authorization to do that. So they call the authorities, but none of them want to take the responsibility without a written request. Disgusted, Misato decides to tackle the matter herself, and calls in Shinji and Eva 01.
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Her plan is to just get inside JA and shut it down from the inside. For that, she needs a skintight suit to protect her from the radiation, and Eva 01 will get her close enough to the hatch to get inside. Once she's in, Shinji will have to try to hold Jet Alone so it can't move any closer to a populated area.
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And Shinji seems to manage this pretty well, except he can't stop the reactor from exploding. That won't hurt Shinji, since the Eva can take it, but he's still worried about Misato, who will definitely be killed if she can't shut JA down.
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Misato makes it inside, but the password to shut down the reactor (Hope), doesn't work. There's no time to figure out why that is, so instead she goes for broke and tries to shove the control rods into place manually. At least, I think that's what she's doing.
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Fortunately, when she shoves one of them in, the others all retract with it. I'm not sure she knew that would happen, but it works. The red lights turn green, and Jet Alone stands down.
I'll go ahead and say it: This is actually really good fan service, as Misato promised in the preview for this episode. She said that a couple of times before, and never really delivered. I mean, she took a bath in Episode 2, but big deal. Most of the time she's wearing pretty normal clothing, and she's covered from neck to toe. Meanwhile, they keep showing Rei in various states of undress, or in her skintight pilot suit, which is the sort of thing you'd expect from fan service, except Rei's fourteen so that's creepy as hell.
But Misato wearing a skintight costume while she heroically dives into an exploding robot to shove its control rods into place? That's actually pretty sexy. YMMV, of course.
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Shinji calls her success a miracle, but Misato is suspicious that it might not be as miraculous as it seems. Someone must have set all this up.
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Later, Ritsuko reports on the incident to Gendo Ikari, and she says everything went exactly as planned, save for Misato's daring shutdown of the reactor. So it looks like NERV sabotaged Jet Alone, probably to discredit the SSDF and convince the UN that NERV deserves whatever funding they ask for. And since Misato's role in this was not part of the plan, it sounds like Ikari intended for Jet Alone to explode. That's why the password didn't work.
The only lingering question is whether Gendo intended for Jet Alone to explode in the middle of nowhere, or once it reached a populated area. That I feel the need to ask tells you everything you need to know about Gendo Ikari.
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The next day, Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney are still horny for Misato, and Shinji is still trying to convince them that she's not as cool as she seems. He tells them about how sloppy and silly she is at home, and they realize he doesn't know how lucky he is. Shinji's the only one who gets to see that side of her, and that's because Misato allows only him to see it. That means she thinks of him as family.
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And there you have it. I guess this is a big eureka moment for Shinji, and maybe it helps him understand why Rei and his dad get along so well. Anyway, the next episode is supposed to have Asuka Langley in it, so maybe we'll finally find out what she's all about...
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Random quotes from different Fandoms as prompts.
Yes you can use these. Yes you can change the pronouns. Also NOTE: None of these are in particular order.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, swearing, a very long post, and maybe yandere stuff??
"I hope he didn't care about that pizza..."
"[Name], have you seen [Name] this morning?" "Yeap. He's hanging out with some weirdo. I think he's trying to vaporize [Name]."
"[Name], I blame YOU for this." "Eh, that's fair."
"Also, I cleaned up your awful, awful mess. You’re welcome." "You did WHAT?! I have a system!"
"I never asked for it to be this way. I never asked to be made!"
"Admit it. I'm just an embarrassment to you!"
"I'm not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!"
"How will StarClan come back if we keep breaking the code?"
"I really-really-like you. I've always felt that we might be mates one someday. And now that I'm a warrior, maybe this is the time for us to start thinking of each other in a new way?" "I'm sorry. I had no idea you felt like this, [Name]. I like you a lot, but I always thought of you as a friend-a really good friend, almost like another littermate. I've never felt...that way about you." "But now that you know how I feel...do you think that in time, [Name] you might feel the same way?" "I don't think so. Actually I...I like another cat. I'm so sorry, [Name]."
"Wow, [Name]. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!"
"No disrespect ma'am, but there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that's what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don't want any part of it."
"Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don't have a pet now doesn't mean I never want a pet!"
"Oh, that's my new toy. Pretty, isn't she? I bet I'm the only queen with my very own RainWing."
"Now really, this is getting insulting. You're in my territory. Apparently you're living under my mountain. I am only the most important dragon for hundreds of miles. How dare you not recognize me?"
"It doesn't matter what Earth is like, it's not going to be like anything soon!"
"Don't you Gems have anything better to do than annoy me?"
"Ohh, I adore these fantasies! They have the best fashions."
"Wait! I-I wouldn't have called just to waste your time with a report."
"Just being on a ship with [Name] made me tired."
"So am I gonna have to wear a star? Where am I gonna put the star?!"
"It'll be better this time. I've changed. You've changed me. I'm the only one who can handle your kind of power."
"You can't lie to me. I've seen what you're capable of. I thought I was a brute, but you... you're a monster."
"There's always someone to fight! There's just no one left worth fighting..."
"Uh, that was way more explosive than I expected."
"Someone ordered some noodles?"
"Yeah. I was about to take my break. So..."
"To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men? Men?"
"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore? Aw, well shucks."
"OH MY GOD! My drugs! Damn it!"
"W-well I-I just wanted to look a little nicer for you. This is our first real date after all."
"I'm sorry, [Name]. I'm sorry for…everything…happening right now. I know it's…a lot. I, uh-- I should have listened."
"We're rich and we are hot. People want our money AND our bodies! Speak for yourself, princess."
"I swear… If you go near her I will destroy you!"
"I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks!"
"That. Was the sound…OF A FUCKING DIVORCE!"
"My hair is ruined!"
"My face. My face! MY FACE! GIVE ME BACK MY EYES!"
"I bet you don't even HAVE friends..."
"Your fans are watching you right now. I know."
"What's that supposed to mean, you got a problem or somethin', sour cream? Don't fuck with me!"
"Alright shit talker, but there hasn't been a soul yet who can beat me at my own game. So you better bring the fire baby!"
"Could've just used the door, dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing."
"Do you think they saw me? Fuck! I did my make-up shitty today!"
"Oh, what does it matter?! You’re not my real dad, I was almost eighteen!"
"Totally. But since then, you've had me teaching you. You're stronger now. Don't you feel stronger?"
"I found out where it lives."
"I've won. You can all see that. We can end this now, without killing anyone. I ask you all to let him live!"
"He's just a human! He isn't a threat at all! He's not one of them!"
"I just want to go home."
"You don't understand! Just leave me alone."
"Slow down, kiddo. This is the thanks I get for checking in on my favorite student?"
"Unloaded all your secret insecurities on me! I know! But hey, no shame in that, man. Sometimes you just gotta talk it out, y'know? I don't really do it. Maybe I should. But we'd be here all day so..."
"Totally. But since then, you've had me teaching you. You're stronger now. Don't you feel stronger?"
"What we had wasn't healthy. I never want to feel like I felt with you. Never again! So just go!"
"I was terrible to you. I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to. I-I hated you. It was bad!"
"[Name], you can still wear the hat, if you want." "Thanks, but I'm not putting that on my body."
"It was an endless, crushing darkness. Wet and bleak and suffocating. Water was the tomb I lived in for those months."
"You do realize that I spent the last few months trapped under the ocean, right?"
"For a moment, I really felt like things were different, but they're not. No matter where I go, I'm trapped."
"I'm done being everyone's prisoner! Now you're MY prisoner! And I'm never letting you go!"
"Let's stay on this miserable planet, together!"
"Spoiler alert, the butter is spoiled."
"Sorry I fucked your husband."
"The FUCK is "insurance"?"
"It's only just come into existence, and it already doesn't like us."
"He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him."
"We knew for sure you would prevail."
"I'm the monster."
"You're... going to LOVE ME!"
"Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about a game?"
"A baby dragon! Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's so cute."
"[Name], I think our work here is done." "Put your clothes on, [Name]."
"I just want everyone to know: my plan would have also worked."
"All that matters is that [Name] is happy."
"What's in these things?"
"That's not my baby!"
“If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath? I’d probably be a bit irritable at night, too.”
“I’m still here. I will put you back together."
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
The mroe I think about it the mroe I realize I don't know what exactly I was to do with Adam and the exorcists in the hazbins fallen au
On the one hand, I want to keep it close to canon, on the other hand, I want to show that really nobody is at fault, and it's just a bunch of miscommunication and mistakes
Like, I highly doubt the exorcists had a choice to be exorcists, and it's not like they can just- retire
I just really want to expand on heaven and how it works and is flawed
Cause like I don't think heaven is doing anything out of maliciousness, like, Sera obviously doesn't like doing the exterminations but allows them out of futy and fear of having hell residents destroying heaven and tormenting their victims who amd eit to heaven further
Like, if I was told rapists and murderers were coming to my house, I'd grab a gun to!
The exorcists likely had no choice but to kill, and overtime just, grew into it
Adam.....well, an asshole obviously, but even then, he wouldn't be a real problem if he wasn't put in the position of being the exorcist leader and able to take out his aggression in the dude who stole both his wives. He'd still be a dick but not a threat
Honestly, idk if I want to have him die in the fallen, I feel like there's a lot more that could be done with him. The finale battle is obviously gonna be included I mean- it has to be, but maybe Adam lives in this au
Or, at the very least, comes back as a sinner/fallen angle. That's gonna be difficult to write, though, if I do go with that
Like, I think the biggest reveal in the au is gonna be that heavens rules ARE rigged....but not on purpose, the rules were made when the archangels ruled and it was just left uo to one seraphim to deal with everything
They were written when humanity was starting out, written when they thought humans woukd stay the same- but they don't, they change, they ahve reasons for doing bad things
But the rules are just that, rules. They can't look at someone's past and see that they stole to provide for their family. They just see stole and send them to hell.
The system is rigged, but it's not anybody's fault. It's just a bunch of miscalculations and mistakes
And even though it's not anybodies fault, the actions that have been taken have affected innocent people, intentionally or not, and they need to fix it
So I mean, I'm not sure how ambitious that is of me, but it is what I want to at least TRY to do
I wanna add another more detailed layer rather than just have 'heavens actually bad and hell is actually good'
I mean, maybe the archangels oversaw people's sins and backstorues and stuff and decided where they went, but then they left for some weird reason. Hey, maybe I make them the real villains, and they dip cause the human project wasn't going how they wanted, so I left it to Sera/the rest of heaven and just dipped to go do smth else
Like, nobodies at fault for what your ancestors chose to do. And even then, I mean their angels. They can't really realize their actions caused so much chaos so even then it circles back to no one's really wrong people just fucked uo and made bad mistakes/choices
Cause like, Sera being portrayed as the bad guy rubs me the wrong way nd Emily saying "killing innocent souls" in cnaon also runs me the wrong way. Like, Emily, I love you....but I can guarantee that MOST sinners are not innocent. You might get some who were falsely condemned or have minor crimes and can change, but you also have people like Valentino for fucks sake
Side note I think what she shouldve said was "you are killing, possibly innocent souls" or something similar
I guess the main theme? I wanna go for in my fic/au is 'change' and that people can be wrong without being in the wrong, or being the bad guy
So that is a LONG rant, I honestly didn't mean for it to be this long- it was jsut meant to be like "idk what to do with the murder angles please help me" and turned into a rant.....
Anyways, I'll save the main theme talk for another day
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bookofmirth · 7 months
*HOFAS spoilers* so I read Randall and Ember bonus chapter and I have thoughts hehe
What I notice from that whole scene is that Nesta doesn't know Rhys at all. And doesn't even try.
HOFAS chapter 9:
“And Rhysand is … your king?”Nesta snorted. “He’d like to be. But no. He’s the High Lord of the Night Court.”
In the BC:
"I don't answer to my sister or to you," Nesta retorted. "I am not your subject to punish as you please."
"You have jeopardized this entire world,” Rhysand shouted. "You might not answer directly to me, but you will answer to every being here for what you did."
"You might not answer directly to me" this just shows how Rhys never saw her as his subject but she definitely does for some reasons. He also said in acosf that he doesn't want to be a high king whatsoever but she said confidently that he wouldn't mind! It's almost like she doesn't want to know anything about him and change her mindset about him at all! At least this is what I'm getting from her. Bc she also was hellbent to badmouth him in the beginning of the book as well that also both Cassian and Az told her she doesn't know anything about him.
All the while when Rhys was nothing but respectful toward her since he met her. He gave her a position in his court even tho she didn't have any experience for it. But he started to change attitude after acofas bc also Nesta became harsher to Feyre & Cassian AND Elain so he also treated her the way she treated others bc he doesn't care how she behave toward him but he cares about others. (I feel like I have to say it this is my opinion so I might be wrong)
So I find it strange on how she tried to amend thing with others but she's not trying with Rhys. And she also knows how it might take long for them to forgive her (the end of the BC and not just for what she did but for other things she has done in the past)
It almost feels like both Nesta and Rhysand are avoiding each other to get to know the other one. This is the vibe I'm getting. They both don't want to acknowledge each other and in this case the other one's trauma!
I understand both characters (might be surprising but I love both of so fkn much haha) and I understand why both did what they did (even if I think Rhys was unnecessarily harsh the next morning and I think it's bc it's Nesta...) but honestly Rhys is rattled by meeting two outsiders one Bryce and one Aelin and he don't even know what Aelin is so he's super anxious about what will happen and I reckon he also saw everything that happened with Bryce in the Prison from Azriel so imagine his fear that Bryce woke an Asteri that intend to destroy her world and she so casual woke one in his world as well so yeah I get it.
And I get Nesta as well but it was a risk that she chose to take and it was Reckless but I understand nonetheless.
So yeah I wonder why these two are avoiding each other so hard lol
ps: English isn't my first language so forgive me for any mistakes
I wonder if Nesta and Rhys are just too similar to one another, in a way that means they will never truly get along!
Because if you think about it, they are both viciously protective of the people they care about, and will do things to protect them even without asking if that's wanted. Neither of them told Feyre about the pregnancy, remember. Rhys wanted to fix it before it became a problem, and Nesta didn't see a problem with that rationale. Nesta also prevents Elain from trying to help the IC, and Rhys had that bubble around Feyre all of acosf. Rhys will NOT stop being mad at Nesta on Feyre's behalf, and Nesta will NOT entertain the idea of Elain doing anything that might put her in harm's way.
They come across to me as two leaders who are unwilling to be told what to do unless they respect the person doing the telling, and they don't respect one another.
I wouldn't agree that Rhys has been respectful to Nesta. He was always wary, and I think that he did try a bit, like you mentioned with giving her a title. But that title felt like a pretty hollow gesture because it never went anywhere, and now they both acknowledge that she's not his subject which makes her being part of the IC fall flat. I don't entirely blame him for being wary of her, and her of him. He only knows what Feyre told him about their upbringing, and Nesta only knows that he's this pretty guy who thinks he's the most powerful ever and his shit doesn't stink. Their relationship really took a dive in acofas and... I don't blame either of them for it, because Nesta was in pain and not handling it well, and Rhys was trying to heal at the same time. There's no specific way that either of them could have acted that would have made them besties. It was going to be rough no matter what.
Rhys and Nesta's relationship is one of the most interesting in the series because neither of them will compromise! So even in situations where their interests are aligned, they're both going to think they know best.
I wouldn't have known English isn't your first language, fwiw!
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redacted4life · 3 months
As much as I love Bungo Stray Dogs. Naomi Tanizaki and Mori Ōgai always made me uncomfortable, so I decided to slightly rewrite their character. I do however have rules that I have placed upon myself
Rule 1: Must not change any event in canon
Rule 2: The character still has to recognisable
What I really want to focus on is Elise and Tanizaki relationship with them. First thing first, I want to bring down the overbearingness by a lot.
My idea for Naomi being overprotective is that Junichiro got into a life threatening situation when they were kids and ever since then Naomi doesn't want to leave Junichiro by himself as she worries that something might happen to him, in the irl author childhood home was destroyed 1894 Tokyo earthquake so I'm thinking that Tanizaki almost died in house when Naomi was away (maybe hanging out with friends) and came back home to see it destroyed. Their parents told her that Tanizaki was in the hospital and she has felt like it was her fault for not taking him with her. This could add a little more emotional damage when Naomi protect Tanizaki in chapter 4. Naomi was the only people to ask the president to intervene, I think that Naomi refuse anyone else the pain she did. For Naomi character I want to focus more on her confident as she not afraid to speak her mind and create a scene if needed, she also seen to quite intelligent which I wished the show leaned more on than her being dependant on Tanizaki but that's for another time. I wish I could write more for Naomi however we don't know much about her character and the only irl source we have is 'Naomi' and 'Michiko'.
Now comes the one character that started this, thank to my friend for telling me about the irl author. When I heard about the author I was really disappointed with how his character was depicted in the show. If anything his character seem more like his daughter work, Mari Mori who is famous for writing about male homosexual passion. Her character were often an older man and younger boy example being The Lover's Forest where Guido is 38 and Paulo is 17-18 (ummm what? hello police?) so that where I think Asagiri inspiration could have come from but from what I've heard from others the irl Mori might have been asexual ( I can not confirm this as I have only heard people say this and can't find anything about this on the wiki) this comes from that the key theme in his stories being the rejection of sexual stuff. In fact the IRL Mori was apparently a doting father and his children wrote loving memories of him, 'Chichi no bōshi' and 'Bannen no chichi'. So that what i'm going with I won't be getting rid of Elise character because of my rules but I will be changing the relationship between them to 100% familial (get rid of his relationship with Elise that make me want to call the police on him) My first question was why Mori would even make Elise a child and that left me pondering for a bit but I came up with an idea I like. Mori wanted to be a father but is incapable of it, this could somewhat explain him spoiling Elise. Another thing i was conflicted on removing was his um... humour, some people have said he has terrible humour and doesn't really understand the problem with it but I would rather get rid of it, yes he can still have terrible joke but instead make them dad jokes (because dad joke are funny) and Elise hate it which lead annoyed by his joke and of him.
And this conclude my rewrite of Naomi and Mori character, I'm currently working on au swap with the character and i will most likely be using these rewrites for it. I must say none of this is canon so you can consider this a headcanon and I don't mind if you take anything I wrote for your headcanons. Also note that I have not read any of Tanizaki or Mori works so there might be something I missed or doesn't make sense. Thank you for reading!
@phoenix20607 shout out for telling me about irl mori
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goldenworldsabound · 1 year
As for my more in depth thoughts about Clayman's Revenge as a whole (as of chapter 18), putting below the cut due to including Tensura Light Novel spoilers (I'm not sure through which volume, I read through 20).
It is super fascinating to have two time looping people meet like this. It makes a lot of sense that the Hero (Chloe/Chronoa/Hinata at this point in time) is disturbed by something going differently - in this case, Orbic not being destroyed.
As a Clayman fan it does make me furious that her reaction is "oh? he saved the orcs? better go kick his ass-" fkjdsahf I do understand her concern though. We know as readers that the Orc Lord is a huge stepping stone for Rimuru, and without it, I wonder if he'll manage to get strong at all. I don't know that the Hero is aware of this though? Hinata might know about it but Chloe certainly does not. But Hinata wouldn't know the details I would imagine. In any case, it is definitely something the Hero would want to keep her eye on.
Interestingly Clayman doesn't know who she is. I think that's pretty telling - either he's not paying enough attention or she hasn't become known yet where we are in the timeline.
It's also wild that Clayman just tells her the truth. His reasoning is sound and he's in a tough spot. It works better than he knows it does, I bet, since she knows that's true. If he's paying attention, he should realize she knows about "the slime" too, and that should be quite sus to him. I'm not sure if he'll realize it though fkjdshfakja I know she threatened him to keep quiet but I do hope he tells Laplace at least. It would be good for his family to be aware of this.
He must have been so frightened afterwards though. He was toyed with and he knows it, and he thinks everyone was killed...but they're fine. Phew.
Let's talk about Ant! (it/it's pronouns yoooo)
Tumblr media
I included this panel because it actually highlights 2 fascinating things - one, Ant is STRONG and 2 it's clear Ant can understand what's being said and feel complex emotions in response. Ant doesn't like how Yamza talks about it, so Ant kicks his ass. Clayman meanwhile is like hehe my Ant is cute and this is not a problem that it's beating Yamza up
Particularly from later LN, we know that insectors are strong. I do wonder if Clayman could even name Ant without dying. An Orc is one thing. An Ant? An Insector? That's another entirely. Especially since it's already so strong.
I don't really have a point here but the Ant alone has a lot of potential to change things.
Not to mention, chapter 17 as well, Raine has now been basically told to go watch/work under Clayman. I'm very curious to see how that plays out. He did kind of tell her to fuck off in 16 (I need to reread it esp now that we have official translation). She will be such a troublesome subordinate for him if she does end up working under him!
AND we love to see the Milim friendship - I'm hoping that even if Clayman does get Kondo'd (bitch) that Milim will see it and rescue him.
My last thought here is...how will Clayman awaken? It seems to be a key thing we're building towards so I suspect it will happen. But how, without character development integrity loss? He understands that souls are involved now. And that seems to be the only way, really. But it would be counter to his development so far to arrange a war and such...but Fuze is quite good at coming up with situations that result in awakenings without being a terrible person or as a result of being forced to defend oneself. Maybe someone will attack Clayman with an army and he'll have to defend. I don't think it will come only at the end of the manga though - I think he'll awaken before then and we'll get to see things shift with the other Demon Lords, and see him continue to get stronger.
Anyway, those are my thoughts at the moment!!! Feel free to share yours (politely and respectfully, no Clayman hate please) as well!
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knarme-art · 2 months
Public note to self about ALL my Avatar OCs and fanclans...
So one day I might remember to make proper infoshits on them lmao.
Esko Ilves - ...Medic and a kind of a badly turned out specimen whose life starts as being locked-up in a confused identity state. Currently a complete mess with the lore. Despite stereotypical masc Finnish old dude name has fat boobs and kinda destroys gender by existing.
Vilhelmi - Finnish-American army grunt who worships and respects nothing else than power. Sour-faced joyless bitch who's a bully whenever he can. Hates happy people. Straight. Simps for scary people. The kind of person whose insecurity is taken on absolutely everyone around him in the most destructive ways possible if he's given authority to do so.
Currently unnamed massive dude - Is actually a masc agender fella who uses masc terms etc. but doesn't actually "feel male" (let alone anything else..). He's gigantic and... Hear me out... He literally kins water, like he doesn't identify with na'vi shape or physique at all. If he was on Tumblr he'd say he's xenogender with an ocean-adjacent gender and that he's... Water but in human form. He's truly an odd one, has a rep as a mighty strong warrior but kind of... Likes to stick to his own company. I think he grew up orphaned and severely neglected, or maybe he's just born that way...? I can't be sure! He hunts RDA as almost like a sport and he's feared like an akula!!
Arctic Na'vi
Arctic Ocean People
These are chunky fellas that are even more extremely aquatic-adapted than Reef Na'vi are. There is mostly just barren tundra or ice for land near them so most of their materials are harvested from their oceanic prey.
One of my fanclans is of these Ocean people...
Ice Pirate - (waiting for proper naming) He is literally a pirate because land dwellers with their ships rob his waters of prey and kill his people too.. So he rides Space!Orcas with his chums to go rob those ships back!
Arctic Land People
Short subspecies of Na'vi who are fuzzier relatives of the rainforest Na'vi. They're very widespread in arctic and subarctic lands of Pandora, and many regional variants have a lot of different colorations going on etc.
I have like three different fanclans of these I've thought about.
The Ship Clan - These are the nemesis of Ice Pirate and his people. This clan is unusually dystopian by na'vi standards, since they're sort of colonizers. They have ships. They sail them ships to places and take stuff.
-> I've got one OC draft who's basically a captain of one of these thieving ships and a personal old nemesis of Ice Pirate
The Silver Fur Clan - These are based on a single painting of mine and an associated headcanon. So far I only know a lot of them became refugees because of something that is going on with their home. They have black and silver or gray hair.
The Ochre Fur Clan - Arctic land dwellers who live someplace remote and isolated. Also based on my headcanon of those same paintings I did. They have curly light-brownish-gray hair.
A little storylet with the two previous clans...
Two women from both of these clans get to know each other due to the displacement of the Silver Furs. The Ochre one comes to love and care for the Silver one deeply, but feels like she can't quite reach her the way she'd like to, - due to the events affecting the Silver one having changed her life in ways the Ochre one has never had to navigate. A gap in being able to relate. My headcanons of these two are very... Slice of life. Displaced person adjusts to new life. Another person learns to know her, but learns on the way that there are nightmares bigger than she can ever do anything about. Two people learning to live in an unpredictable world but also with their own differences. Etc. Especially Ochre one is a chronic "fixer", unknowingly ignoring her own obvious problems to be "helpful" and a lot of the time the result is... All but helpful. In this story everyone's mental health is in shambles. Road to shittyplace (since Na'vi don't know Hell) is paved with Good Intentions, right?
Now that's all about the Arctic. Moving on!
Subarctic Lake Dwellers!
A. k. a. my self-insert pseudo-ancient-Baltic-Finnic-influenced Na'vi. These are actually a hybrid population between Arctic Ocean and Arctic Land Na'vi (mirroring the Finno-Ugrian North Asian and Nortwestern European mixed ancestry). They live in a boreal taiga style forested biome with a gigantic fuckton of lakes. Oh no, I wonder if a Finn made this... THERE ARE SO MANY LAKES.
I only have like one OC draft for these guys and he's just... Well.. Basically my fursona Kalamit in Na'vi form. Pompous hedonistic but generous fisherman (*in transmasc butch lesbian sense) who takes great pride in all he can do for ya babeyy. His magnificent bastard energy is unmatched because he's like pure life energy kinda like Kalamit, my sona, thematically is.
No story going on in here. Na'vi!Kalamit is possibly meant to be simply an RP character to craft stories with...
Kxayltirey Nation
...A. k. a. my most ambitious fanclan and the only one I've properly named so far. This is the one with a fuckton of historical and societal worldbuilding attached. Dystopian situation where a past occupation materially vanished, yet stayed in the minds and ways of the people, severing their connection to Eywa.
Class & ecology issues and dystopian angst of people who are born not knowing why their society teaches self-hate and acceptance of authority figures that have the most impressive gaslighting game ever.
Kxayltirey lore is so expansive that it'll need its own posts. Gonna go over some Kxayl OCs of mine...
Kxasi - Young hunter from Kxaylian outskirts. Everyone is disappearing from his village to pursue a life in the central plateau, - the hegemonious hub of the Kxayl society, so Kxasi follows the path of what makes one a well-accomplished one. Kxasi's whole identity revolves around succeeding in the hierarchy, and he is churned into a full existential crisis when gaining a disability that makes flying an ikran impossible. MORE STORY IS OUT THERE BUT IT'S VERY LONG, SORRY CHUMS. <\3
Commander - Trust me bro, he has an actual name too. One of those "air force commanders" of the Kxayl, but reduced to a humiliating job of training n00bs. Takes a mutual curiosity in Kxasi, who is also from the Outskirts. Both had to fight hard for their position, and neither is well-versed in Plateau social etiquette, and they share old cultural practices that still thrive in the Outskirts, and that have become taboo and disappeared in the central plateau. Commander/Kxasi is a canon ship and they are Toxic Yuri. <3 (how toxic, depends on the verse... )
Kxasi's little bro - Tallest person in his family. Really genuine and nice fella but also will hold his ground. Kxasi is reminded of the goodness of people by his brother.
Kxasi's father - Very knowledgeable hunter of the foresty lower plateau cliffs. Has his ancestry in the now-secluded Gorge Forest part of Kxayl society, so he is a knower of ancient ways. He's plural. Generational trauma because of past conflicts is strong here. Him and Kxasi resemble one another deeply.
Kxasi's mother - ...Is from the Plateau. Knows Kxasi's weaker side and feels protective of it.
Kxasi has two uncles and two aunts. But I'm tired of typing.
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jujurose222 · 7 months
The Presence of the Unknowable
Crystal Woman: The Sisters of the Dreamtime
Lynn V. Andrews
"'You told me once about diving into a lagoon and seeing a moray eel coming slowly out of its hole in a cliff of coral. It was looking right at you. He was very territorial and would have bitten you, probably fatally, had you not backed away. If he had killed you, would that have been right or wrong?'
'Not great for me,' I said.
'It is what it is. If you're dead, you're dead. You were in his place and he didn't like that. Many other fish of the deep just swim with you. They don't care, yea. That eel is like a sorcerer. He doesn't like your presence near his domain. He lives in a different world. He gives you a warning, maybe and maybe not, and then he goes for you. That is the beginning, my daughter, of war, the instinct for possession. That eel may have been male or female. Would it have made a difference?'
'I'm not sure,' I said.
'If she were female she might kill you out of fear, fear that you would injure her young. In ancient times women were known as the most fierce fighters because of this platform of fear. If he were male he would kill you because he has marked his domain. There is something in a male that is in the very root of his being; he will go to war for what he claims as his property. This extends to the domain of ideas as well. He will destroy even himself for an idea. A woman will survive to be able to protect a belief structure that usually houses her family whether it be a family of ideas or children. So her basis for war usually is born of fear deep in the primal part of herself. War, like an idea or a belief system, is man's greatest addiction and his greatest vulnerability. A warring human likes to live on the sheer edge of life and death. Such a state can almost be sacred because it involves living intensely in the now. There's only one problem.'
'What's that?'
'That kind of now, the source of it, is illusion, yea. The illusion produced by addiction. That's how you can say that all experience is the same. That kind of experience is all the same. Because it all is born from addiction and it has one collective purpose, which is to keep you psychically asleep.'
'How is that different from the sacred now?'
"Only the shaman, the sorcerer, or the magician knows that kind of sacred now. Asa shaman you dwell in the almost fatal crack between light and darkness where the beings of mystery swim in unknown rivers of energy. As a shamaness you're like a cosmic architect building dams made of prayer sticks and lightning rods and you alter the shape and course of those rivers of energy. That is the power of creation. That too is a world of light and death and great danger. There are definite laws and formulas. But if you live through the initiations you have become the ultimate alchemist. Your own soul has burned through the agonizing fires of transformation and you become the goddess on earth. You can heal the mind and the heart of your suffering brothers and sisters because you have also suffered. You can change sand into gold. You know the ancient formula handed down through the ages, from one shaman to another, yea. Understand why you have been born. Not to hurt, but to heal and to teach. In a sense you have lived your whole life to be here with us in the Outback of Australia to heal Booru.' Ginevee had picked up one of the West crystals and was rubbing it between her palms . I weighed her words in my mind for a long time, until she handed me the crystal."
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
If Star Vs. The Forces of Evil came back in the future with a movie or Disney+,how will it will be different in storytelling,lore,drama,characterization,and world building compared to the first four seasons and how would the characters(especially Star,Marco,Moon,and The MHC)finally redeem themselves and learn from their mistakes after Star destroyed the magic and possibly if it comes back in some way?
I've talked about then after s4 came out and i gotta say it again.
I kinda...don't want a continuation, not a movie, not another season or series....none of that. I'll accept a reboot, but i have no desire to see a continuation of any kind from where we left off.
And i say that as a fan of the show.
I didn't participate in the efforts to get the show back for a reason.
Because after s4, it was clear the crew had no idea what they were doing.
They had no plan, made stuff as they went along, and would make terrible writing choices based on the worst kinda fan opinions, and after all of that we ended up in a place where there's really nothing i wanna see in a continuation.
I don't like star//co, their relationship was so poorly handled and their characters became so unlikable why would i want to watch them date or continue?
They'll most likely entirely ignore the horrible stuff star did when destroying magic.
There's no more dimension travel, so a much smaller world.
And because the writers just...make stuff up, why be invested in anything if they can just change things on a dime? I have lists and lists of how many things the show contradicts, things they forgot in earlier seasons that make no sense now.
Just bringing back the magic isn't gonna fix this mess because daron prioritizes the worst kinda things, and doesn't focus on what makes for a good story .
Star vs has so many little things that are really good, but they're not enough to fix the product as a whole, and the show is happy to throw out development when it wants to.
I'm only open to a reboot someday because i know this show has the potential to be good in the right hands, the elements are there for it, but there's nothing for me to really be that invested in anymore in a continuation because i don't feel like i can trust daron to deliver .
She already has made it obvious multiple times she doesn't think the finale was a giant mess, so i don't have faith she'd fix these problems.
Even tom, a character i do love and am invested in, i feel like they could easily ruin on a dime, i only think he was good as he was because some of the team actually cared about him, but even so...he also fell victim to daron forcing him to do things for the sake of what SHE wanted...not because it made sense or fit the story.
only spinoff of this mess i might watch is one with his family, (maybe also eclipsa?) and we never ever see marco or star or janna or any of their faces at ALL. Cause hey, at least they might not make me angry the entire watch.
I say this as a fan, i do NOT want a movie or continuation of the show, and if you want me to like the idea daron or whoever runs it needs to earn my trust back first.
I stick to star aus for a reason.
if it's going to continue from where we left off, it's already starting off on a bad foot in my opinion.
You need to do serious damage control if you're gonna try and make something good from it.
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thelazyecrivain · 2 years
Fluffbruary - Day 15 (radio)
Fifteen day of @fluffbruary, using the prompt "radio"
Read on AO3
French version
"He told me he was back and I should stop complaining." Says the voice on the phone. In the studio, everyone makes a face. 
"He cheated on you for two years without an ounce of remorse, he's someone who won't change for love. And I doubt there's any love there. You have to leave him, he already destroyed your trust in him, you will destroy yourself if you stay with him." 
Everyone nodded, but the young woman on the other end of the line said nothing.
"The question you have to ask yourself is: 'What do I want to build with this person? Ask yourself if you see yourself with him in several years."
Still nothing, John signalled to the control room if the call was disconnected. They signalled that it was not.
"Leila? Are you still there?" It was a fake name, she wanted to keep her identity anonymous so they had agreed on a name at the beginning of the call.
"Yes... I'm here, it's just that- I love him, but he hurt me so much I could never forgive him." She's on the verge of tears, her voice trembling. "I don't want to see him anymore, but part of me wants to believe, to hold on to it."
"I can't give you a magic solution, I can only help you with your choice." Reminds John.
"Remember the questions you can ask yourself. It can help you a lot." Brings up Mike.
"I know it sounds silly, but talk to your close friends. If they really care about you, they'll tell you what they really think. And they know you and your boyfriend better than we do. Having an outside perspective can only help. Sometimes you just have to take a step back from the situation."
"Yeah, I'll do that. I've got my best friend who won't hesitate to tell me what she'd do in my place."
"Perfect! I'm sorry but we'll have to leave, our time is up. It's been a pleasure Leila, I hope everything works out for you."
"Thank you so much, John. That really helped me. Good luck with the rest."
The control room signals that the call is definitely cut off, and that he should finish the show.
"Ladies, gentlemen and others, this is unfortunately the end of our show. Sorry for all the people waiting for us to take your call. But remember that our advice doesn't just apply to one person. You can apply it to your situation to help you move forward. And if you have any feedback, other tips for us or to help our callers, please feel free to put it on our website doctoroftheheart/kingscollege.com."
The "on air" light went out and John sighed with relief. Finally finished. 
He joined the university radio station three months ago. It's entirely student-run. Mike told him about it when he complained that he wanted to play rugby but it was too time-consuming, so he offered to join the team and do a show once a week. This gives John time for his medical classes, and every Wednesday night for three hours he gets out of his shabby flat to think about other things and help people with their heart problems with Mike. They call the show " Doctor of the Heart". 
"The ratings are up again from last week. Looks like your show is doing well, John." Comes a deep voice behind him. John jumped, not having seen the man coming up behind him.
"Sherlock, you scared me."
What he hadn't thought about when he joined the radio was that he might find the most handsome and intelligent man he'd ever met. Sherlock has had an effect on him since he arrived and if he thought it would pass with time, he was wrong and feels like he's falling for the man with the impeccable suit and the unbeatable brain a little more each week
"Must be the experience." Mike replied to Sherlock's remark.
He was known to be in one relationship after another, and when he saw Sherlock look up at the mention of his former partners, he never regretted it more.
"We're going for a drink, do you want to come with us?" Molly asks. She's in charge of programming and despite her shyness, everyone respects her ideas and requests. Everyone loves her, especially Greg, the one in charge of the budget. 
"Good idea!" John said.
Mike nodded too and against all odds, so did Sherlock. He's known to be anti-social and grouchy. Not that John doesn't like him coming with them.
They leave the building where the radio station is located, and head for the nearest bar. It's eight o'clock at night, the young people are just starting their parties, and if John didn't have an exam the next morning, he would have stayed until late. 
Instead he just drinks a pint of beer, talking with the others about future projects, organisation, but also about college, courses, the most boring teachers, and their love life. Young people's topics.
"And that's how Sherlock managed to make the toughest teacher in the whole college cry. I thought everyone was going to applaud him. Sherlock did the impossible." Laughs Molly. Everyone is almost folded in half, Sherlock with a proud sneer.
"He wanted to know what I thought. He never made it clear he was talking about the course, not his dead dog." Explained Sherlock.
The laughter resumed around the table.
"Oh my God, you're my hero." Said John between laughs. Not everyone missed Sherlock's blush, except John.
The conversations continue throughout the evening, until one by one they go home as the clock ticks down, so that John ends up alone with Sherlock and Mike. The latter is his roommate, and seeing his friend's slightly drunken state, John thinks it's wiser to go home with him. He's never held his liquor, which makes John smile but also sigh as he remembers that he's the one who'll have to drag him to bed. 
"Joooooohn. You know you're the best mate ever." Says Mike as John pulls him out of his seat and off the bar. John laughs while trying to keep his friend upright. 
"You tell me that every time you have more than three drinks."
"Need any help?"
John turned to Sherlock. He accepted without thinking. A little help wouldn't hurt him. John put an arm around his shoulders and Sherlock, because of his height, took Mike over his arm and together they managed to get him out of the bar, towards their flat. Thank God they are only a five minute walk away.
"John is the best thing that could happen to you." Mike said to Sherlock.
John rolled his eyes but couldn't stop his blush. When he attempts a look at Sherlock, he seems captivated by what Mike is saying.
"He's a good friend. He'll do anything to help you. And he's handsome too." Mike finishes with a wink. Sherlock smiled, amused.
"He seems to like you."
"Whenever he drinks a little too much, he likes to say that everyone is great. You shouldn't listen to him, the alcohol exaggerates everything he says."
"I don't think he's wrong." Says Sherlock while looking him up and down suggestively. John is speechless. Is he hitting on him? John hopes with all his heart that he is. He loves his friend Mike, but what he would give not to have him between them right now.
The road continued like this, Mike talking about his great friends, especially John. Sherlock listens to everything he says, and smiles when Mike compliments the future doctor. 
"His room is on the right." 
Sherlock let go of Mike and went to open the door, John following behind with the weight his friend has become. He set him down -threw him down to be honest- on the bed and stretched his tired muscles before starting to prepare his friend for the night. If he didn't do it now, he would fall asleep and it would be impossible to wake him up.
"Help me take off his shoes." John asks Sherlock.
Sherlock did so and soon Mike was rid of his shoes, John taking off his shirt while the dark-haired man removed his coat. Mike didn't move, half asleep, muttering into his beard. Without telling him, Sherlock searched and quickly found his pyjamas and handed them to John. The latter thanked him, still as surprised as ever to be beaten to his every word and gesture.
It was too cold in the flat to leave him in just his boxers so John put the T-shirt on him, and started to take off his trousers when Mike stood up suddenly to the surprise of the other two men. "You should do that with Sh'rlock." He said with a wink. John blushed and didn't dare look at Sherlock. Instead, he continued to remove his friend's trousers and finally slipped him under the sheets.
He walked out of the room, Sherlock at his heels.
"Sorry about..." He said with a wave of his hand towards Mike's room.
Sherlock shrugged his shoulders. "That was fun to see." He said with an amused look.
John offered him something to drink but Sherlock refused, saying he had to go home. Something to do with his brother apparently. John was disappointed, this is one of the few times he is finally alone with him. He accompanies him down the block. He's a gentleman after all.
"Thanks for the help, I don't know how I would have done it without you." Says John once he gets to the bottom of the building.
"It was a pleasure." Sherlock looked him straight in the eye, a slight smile on his lips. The streetlights lit up his face, making it soft but as if untouchable. 
When John thought he was going to turn to leave, he caught him walking towards him. He kissed him gently on the cheek before pulling away to give him a seductive smile. "Good night, John." He said in his deep voice before abandoning him outside the building. 
John watched him go, his mouth hanging open, the feel of his lips on his cheek. When he saw Sherlock turn the corner, disappearing from his field of vision, he woke up from his trance and started to run after him. He caught up quickly, tugging on his arm to get his attention.
"You could do it properly next time." He said before pulling him towards him to kiss him. 
He felt Sherlock tense in surprise before relaxing, his hands settling in the hollow of his back to pull him closer. John framed his face, diving even deeper into the kiss. He's kissed dozens of people, but never with such intensity, a shiver running through his body as their lips move together.
They are breathless when they part, not letting go of each other.
"I'll try to remember that next time." Sherlock finally says. Still dazed from the kiss, it took John a while to figure out what he was referring to. They laughed stupidly. "I'll have that last drink after all." 
John could only smile and pull him by the hand towards the flat.
Everyone applauded them when they returned hand in hand the following week to John's radio show.
(Tell me if you wish to be tagged !) @topsyturvy-turtely @missdeliadili
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larabiatasstuff · 10 months
Part two 🖤
After another twenty minutes, we arrived at the base. Miranda, Rosa and Tinker greeting us but their smiles faded when they realized who drove the truck. "Where's sweetie? And the big guy? God Quiet don't say they're..." "They're not, it's... it's along story." John said "Well I've got plenty of time. And don't spare me any details." "We'll tell you everything but Rosa could you have a look on Sweet Tooth first?He's in the back of the truck and badly injured but I think his heart hurts him the most. " John put an arm around my shoulders "Yeah it's like his whole system shut down." "Of course, I'll check on him. I meet you at the pavilion." with that she disappeared to get her bag before she entered the truck. Miranda, Tinker, John and I went to the pavilion and sat down at one of the tables. "Alright what's going on?" Miranda asked. "You remember when Y/N called us over the radio? She sounded desperate and wouldn't tell us exactly what happened but we could tell it was urgent . We met at the old amusement park and when we got there... She told us the big guy was gone and she found his mask in the truck . Then a voice came through the radio and you won't believe who it was. "" Who? " Tinker asked." It was Nick the asshole from the gas station. " I said looking into their faces and I could tell that they already knew what was coming." He told her where the big guy was and that they would talk about everything in person so we drove there. It was horrible Miranda, he had him chained up between a lifting platform and another mask was sewn to his face. Y/N was furious and hurt, called him a monster and he... he started the platform. Nick said Y/N knows what he wants and that he stops and lets him go when she says it, so she agreed to stay with him."." And you just stood there and did nothing? " Tinker asked looking at us in disbelief ." We couldn't change her mind. She said she causes nothing but trouble for the people she loves and that she doesn't want to drag us into her problems anymore." Miranda was fighting back tears swallowing hard." My god that poor thing. We need to do something about that, but we have to be smart. I'll send some scouts to gather information. We can't attack them at the prison they would destroy us in minutes. It might take us a while but we will save our girl. I hope the big guy will be strong enough to get through this. " " Speaking of Sweet Tooth, I tend to his wounds and gave him a few shots to prevent him from inflammation. But believe it or not he is in a state of shock. All that drama must have caused so much trauma that he's completely withdrawn into himself. " Rosa said joining us at the table." We had to drag him away from her because he wouldn't leave without her. The way he held onto her... How Y/N asked to take him away was heartbreaking. " I said. " We have to check on him from now and then. Maybe you two find a way to get him out of this state. We need him in a healthy condition when we fight against Stone and his men.But for today you should rest. I prepare some food and make some tea." with that Rosa got up from her seat and left to the kitchen.
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Part three🖤
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resetting37 · 2 years
Welcome to my character blog !
keep in mind I won't be able to follow people back on here. That is what my main blog is for.
Where I attempt to introduce yall to my ocs and their universe. The story is called Resetting and it's about a group of outcasts who befriend each other, and have to face some of the past problems that led to their current situations or try to move forward and create new problems for themselves.
Feel free to ask me any questions about them ! They are all appropriately tagged and I have a toyhouse page for additional information :-)
art tag
oc tag list
a general introduction to the storyline and some of the key players can be found under the cut
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RESETTING tells the story of an aspiring "host" making her way to the shiny civilization of Evelow, where she can get answers about how the world works. They are the center of advancements, right ? After all, this is the city that introduced genetic engineering and has a religion based around the founders of the city for they were the pioneers of protection against the toxic planet.
However, she learns that this city has little tolerance towards accepting the outside world, and would rather destroy it than embrace it. Will this newcomer be able to change their minds ? Or will she be their biggest enemy ?
RESETTING follows this journey, along with her new friends who have their own demons with Evelow for their own various reasons.
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Audrey is the "new girl in town" who is partially to blame for the downfall of her old village of Dile. She hopes she can better herself by starting new, but it turns out "bettering" herself could possibly lead to actually making herself worse.
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Advik is a clone of one of Evelow's most renowned scientists and councilmen, and now that that person's gone, Advik has had a lot on their plate ! They might have fucked up their prestigious position, because now Advik is stuck in the east village away from all their old problems. They have no intention in going back.
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katsumi, kat for short, is a former socialite that had made too many promises to the wrong people and has found herself shunned from her old society. Kat is ready to accept her past mistakes and make new friends, because just because the last relationships couldn't have been trusted doesn't mean new ones can't !
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Zack is another former child of the council, who's "downfall" has been due to a tragedy and some family tension. He finds the situation fitting for him, as it's the most interesting thing that's happened to him yet.
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Avery is one of Evelow's orphans who always felt she was dealt a bad hand and resented the world for it. That didn't stop her from overachieving, and if her mistakes cause harm to other people, she promises to make up for it, but never apologize.
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Morgan is another newcomer, or perhaps a revisitor. After getting a trial run as a wasteland pirate, Morgan returns to her hometown with some brand new baggage, both figuratively and literally (don't look into her mystery cooler, there's nothing in there.)
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Sean is the biggest example of Evelow's advancements, as he is a genetically engineered human being with all the qualities of a natural human and more ! However, while he's all organic, what does this mean for Sean ? Will being put on this high pedestal affect his ego or placement in the world. We'll see !
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Aurora is the darling of Evelow, representing a new generation of councilmen and being a promising leader for the citizens of the city. However, her strive for power has led her to sacrifice a lot, and maybe it'll lead her to lose the charm that once made her so adored.
Defund - the name given to former "Evelonian Elite" who have had found themselves at the bottom of the class system due to varying reasons.
The Ellocast Project - a secret project kept hidden from Evelow, the goal was to be able to create humans purely organically but with the genes to be immune to the dangers of the outside world. The answer to "how will the members of Evelow be able to live beyond their lands ?"
While the first trial was only created to see if it could be done, future trials were done to give humans advancements, including greater strength and agility. There are a total of three trials with two subjects each.
Hosting - the act of manipulating an element or some form of natural substance to your will. It's very rare and is even forbidden in Evelow, but to do it requires a lot of exposure to said substance and some sacrifice, as many who attempt it lose their lives or their humanity.
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
ngl i wonder what boyoung's reaction to all of that was. idk if it's just me, but i wouldn't feel good about being the "special" one or the one to "fix" a playboy after witnessing how said playboy would string along girls for entirely self-serving purposes. my whole thing with hookups and friends-with-benefits is it's only gonna work out if both parties are completely aware that they're just in it for the pleasure and know for themselves that there will never be anything more.
my problem with san is that he doesn't do that, he gets with girls that might actually fall for him because it's probably easier. if i was boyoung and i heard what san said to y/n about listening to her "crappy artworks" just to get laid, i wouldn't want to keep pursuing a relationship with that kind of person, regardless of how "in love" san might be for once. because why would i expect him to change for me? why would i expect him to fall in love with all the little details about me, why would i expect him to care about my interests? it's so very clear that he hasn't in the past. is that just me?
idk i'd really like to get boyoung's perspective in all of this, and tbh san needs to go through a MAJOR redemption arc like i'm talking zuko level shit after what he pulled.
also i'm not sure how to feel about y/n. i know that last chapter was purposefully trying to highlight how much of a bitch a woman like y/n can be when they want a man and can't have them, but there truly was no need to take it out on boyoung. y/n is a very polar character to me because she does these nice things for others and at least has some basic human decency (like at the party when wooyoung was in trouble), but then she almost seems to negate that by going after someone's looks and assuming she's gone through more than another person has even when she doesn't know? just because she wants a boy. it's astounding what "love" can turn a person into. how a person can and will betray their own morals just to get the person they want in the end. i guess the main takeaway here is that people like her are constantly on paths to grow and overcome that more selfish part of themselves, and i truly hope that by the end of the story y/n can do that. maybe one day apologize to boyoung (because no man is ever worth destroying a person's self-esteem over), and then maybe even find true love like yeojin (and i say true because although san was completely cruel in how he said it, he was right in that y/n doesn't truly love him, just the idea of winning someone like him).
i also think that mingi might play a big part in this, giving y/n the reality check she needs. so that one day, she'll look back at these times and laugh at herself. SO sorry for the long ask btw 😅
let me tell you something, male validation is like the finest crack cocaine you get hooked on it QUICKLY so fat chance is that being the 'special' one would make anyone feel good😭 and boyoung wasnt the one to "fix him" that was just yeojin talking but she doesnt exactly know whats going on between san and boyoung (and i don't plan on dwelling on the romance part between them too much or why she's special to san bc there are enough stories like that out there) but i totally get what you mean tho!
why IS boyoung into san even after knowing how he treats other girls?
i never understood it either which is why i decided to take that basic trope and reverse it so we can all see the player/fuckboy/bad boy that everyone fell in love with while reading fics for what he really is and what he's actually like towards girls who he isn't in love with 😭 because there are countless stories where the male oc in san's place treats the mean girl like trash but no-one bats an eye bc you know you're not supposed to be on the mean girl's side.
as for y/n... she's one of the most complex characters i've ever written. yn knows that boyoung didn't deserve that, in fact throughout the chapter, she compliments her even when she's trying to put boyoung down in her head and she ( i think two?? or three?? times by now in the story) says that she'll feel bad later when she thinks of what she's done to boyoung but in the moment it makes yn feel better so she let's the ugly side of her win.
yn is a very flawed character here so its okay if you dont know how to feel about her. after all, you would hate her if i was writing this story from boyoung's perspective😭
and my mingi...my sweet mingi 😭 i'm not going to comment on his relationship with yn just yet, its too early.
but thank you so much for reading and sending this message, i love LOVEEE reading what you guys actually think and just discussing the characters like this ❤️ hope you have a lovely day
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