#this is a curse and a burden.
icharchivist · 2 years
Just saw a post about hxh hisoka and genuinely forgot he existed for a blissful minute and thought the post was about a3 Hisoka (the objectively better Hisoka)
my curse and my burden. I still follow quite a few of my hxh mutuals from the way back and once in a while i am forced to remember the clown exist and i get to cry.
Sometimes i see textposts about Hisoka on my dash, and i find the words used in it to be very weird and not at all appropriated to OUR Hisoka and then suddenly i see who posted it and i react like a cat who had a huge buck of cold water dumped on.
I'll never forgive the clown for it. Hisoka Mikage only Hisoka to matter. The better, bestest of all the Hisoka. Loving him for ever. Unlike the other one. Where's my banner.
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Here goes. The one and only.
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dappermouth · 8 months
why are your posts the way that they are
my huge brain... two brain cells only but they're each the size of a gorilla's fist
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
Now I’m just picturing Dazai shows up at work the next day looking like he got mauled and cheerfully announces he and Chuuya are getting married! “Oh, well that’s…. nice, I guess. I didn’t know you two were dating?” “We weren’t!” “….. what.”
YESSSS absolutely, this possessed me to do a short scribble comic lol thank you anon!
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akanemnon · 1 year
when twinswap rune
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
One of my mutuals refers to me as “golden nipple milk” to their partner. That’s me. Golden nipple milk.
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aspiringnexu · 2 months
The real reason Batman adopts so many children is because the Batkids are playing Middle Child Hot Potatoe. With every subsequent adoption, the Batkid who bears the Middle Child Curse changes.
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karlastarion · 5 months
I'm so curious about Kagha, because she's so different from Halsin. She and Halsin are both wood elves, and I get the sense that Kagha is probably not ~young~ but she's not nearly as old as Halsin. When you deal with the Shadow Druids, she's very quick to defer to him and treat him like a teacher she's disappointed. He probably mentored her, if he's chosen her as his second in command - though, I would bet it's in more of a general thing in the way that the First Druid is everyone's mentor, rather than the clearly more direct and specific mentorship he has with Nettie as a healer.
Canonically, Halsin isn't an exceptionally good leader. He's not bad at it, and he has good instincts. He correctly surmises that after the dust-up with Kagha and the tieflings, the Emerald Grove needs an outsider to step in and lead without being tied to any particular grudges or politics. That's savvy enough that I think Halsin was a good First Druid, he just wasn't especially good or great at it and clearly didn't like the position. At worst, I think he let some situations fester because of his focus on the Shadow Curse.
But I'm not ready to say that he didn't realize Kagha was a proverbial snake in the grass ~the whole time~, because I don't think she was. I think she was genuinely and recently radicalized by the Shadow Druids. I think she probably had something of an edge before, maybe she was a hardass or had a mean streak or something. Regardless of how I feel about the quality of the Shadow Druid subplot (which is that I think its pacing is meh and Kagha's face-turn is way too fast and kind of shitty), I think it speaks to the fact that her care for the Grove is genuine. That perhaps Halsin's failure with her wasn't in not realizing she was A Bad Person Actually, but in not tending to her insecurities or noticing that she might be feeling isolated, if she was so effectively shaken by the Shadow Druids' fearmongering.
The recent wave of IRL cults should have taught us all by now that everyone is susceptible to cult tactics if they're sufficiently scared and alone, and BG3 is a game riddled with various cults. You don't have to already be a bad person, or a stupid or weak person, to fall for them. And I think Kagha's story is way less interesting if you just think she's an evil power hungry shrew too stupid to keep herself from being radicalized.
She clearly has a nasty streak, but her apologies and regrets also sound sincere, if you manage to hear them. Even when she isn't "redeemed", she accepts her punishments, even if she does so bitterly and not believing she was wrong. And I have to wonder just how much of that mean streak is self-defensive rather than inherent in her, how much of it is that she struggles to admit failure and learn from it. Or how much is her modeling Halsin's level of single-minded commitment, picking a methodology or an action and throwing all of her weight behind it, even when it may no longer be working.
I wish characters like Kagha got nearly as much love and fandom development and benefit of the doubt as someone like Ketheric. I think she has a ton of potential for that, and way fewer crimes to her name than other fandom favorites who just happen to also be, you know. Men.
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codacheetah · 2 months
Oghhhh (thinks about the fucking star
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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a luo binghe equipped with this knowledge would be the most miserable of them all
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clanborn · 10 months
feeling so normal about the implications if curlfeather is reedwhisker’s daughter
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
thought for the day! andromeda getting drunk one night and asking teddy to metamorph into her daughter’s face so she can see her again. but when he does it there are some parts of her face that are just slightly off and wrong, because teddy hasn’t known his mother’s face past photos of her.
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hakusins · 5 months
Casually walking in like hey do you think we as a society need to share more and draw more Swap AU and lure more people into it?
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I think i've seen a horror movie like this. *finger guns* I'm in.
i've got a few plans to accomplish this new plan, dollya but i need to ask you to wait until the weekend heheheh
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lafoget · 1 year
the main difference between dick and tim is that dick believes in bruce as the man who took him in and passed on his moral beliefs and values to him, while tim believes in batman as a concept and idea
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error-elf-206 · 6 months
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consept for the show - the grey streaks from holding the sky grow from the ends of the whole head of hair at once rather then strand at a time,
giving annabeth this cool ass silver ombre through her hair like lighting (or one of thoose scince-y balls) or as like a halo or w/e
and giving percy silver-y -blue-ish tips to his hair like the crests of waves on his already 'wave like mess of curls'.
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aquapolis · 9 months
its so funny that dezaki just did not give two little rats asses about zenigata because he accidentally gave us the most important information about him
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merry zenimas to all who celebrate
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hawnks · 7 months
The fact that True And Mutual Love Domain ….. looks like that. The fact that Yuuta’s idea of love in general looks like that. Everything he does is for the sake of love. His whole understanding of the world is about love. He’ll do anything for love. He’ll die for love. He intends to die for love. Love is careful and caring and diligent and powerful, but most importantly love is a graveyard.
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