#this is a juicy af story
stargazerdaisy · 6 months
I have a lot of feelings and 90% of them are on the rage spectrum.
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aggro-my-beloved · 2 months
10 Random Shaw Pack HC’s (+1 For Good Luck)
* milo greer LOATHES camouflage patterned clothing. the one time he did wear camo pants, sh kept asking him where his legs went, repeatedly. he got rid of them that same night.
* tank drools in their sleep and finds it disgusting (sam thinks it’s adorable)
* baabe and angel have a minecraft world together and even played together during their respective honeymoons
* david has shoulder length hair and when Angel isn’t there to braid it absentmindedly, he puts it in a small bun to keep it out of his face.
* asher impulsively got a perm one day instead of his usual haircut, and suffered through a week filled with boyband jokes from baabe and the rest of the pack
* tank is hyper-competitive with board games. last time they lost monopoly, they flipped the board over in anger and the thimble piece hit angel in the eye.
* david will deny it to this day, but they think angel looks hot af with an eyepatch on 💀
* aggro got spoiled by the time milo and sweetheart became official. the final time the stealth broke into his apartment asking for the copy of the key he promised them, they built a whole cat tree in the time it took milo to return from his security job
* david shaw can crush a watermelon with his thicc juicy thighs send tweet
* before his redbull addiction, asher’s go-to drink was arizona tea
* when sweetheart was younger and still learning to control their stealth abilities they went as a ghost for Halloween with friends in case they did phase without meaning to. Well long story short a small child has gotten curious to who was underneath the white sheet and tugged a little too hard while sweetheart was cloaked. they never got the name of the small child, but recall their parents screaming from a good distance to “stop running away, honey! stay walking with us.”
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laurashapiro-noreally · 6 months
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Looking for something to read?
Oh look, it's another recs post! This time I'm featuring two stories per author. These are writers I always make time for, whose work stands out as unusually hot, clever, funny, or smart -- sometimes all of the above.
I'm gonna start you out strong with two by @werpiper: After Hours takes Aziraphale and Crowley to the baths after their oyster supper, and all sorts of interesting pleasures are there for our angel to sample. Piper's Crowley is one of my favorites: always evaluating the situation, not quite aware of what his own heart is doing but feeling it anyway.
Fitting In is a new story, still a WIP, but I am utterly tantalized by Muriel's first taste of love -- and tea. This is already rich in detail, soft and fragrant, and I can hardly wait for the action to get going in earnest. The pairing seems surprising but when you think about it for ten seconds of course it makes sense. Sex workers help the curious, the awkward, and the inexperienced every day, bless them.
If you enjoy these, check out @werpiper's back catalog -- they have done a ton of ineffables-through-the-ages, and their series Miracles and Heresy is worth many delightful hours of your time.
I love what @copperplatebeech has been doing lately:
He's Not My Friend is a T-rated story that explores Aziraphale's constant refusal to acknowledge his relationship with Crowley, and Crowley's mirror of that, and how things glacially shift over time. It is subtle and yet specific, it will make you ache and smile.
All Of The Above, also T-rated, is a warm and fuzzy alternative to that, a hilarious celebration of true friendship that made me laugh out loud and still got me right in the feels.
@copperplatebeech can do everything, from quiet, gentle, and romantic to devastating plotty AUs to extraordinarily horny established relationship to absolutely ridiculous humor. Do dive in if you haven't already.
Next up, @cumaeansibyl, master of kink:
better living through technology manages to shove everything I want in a dirty story into less than three thousand words: uptight Aziraphale reduced to sodden wreck, Crowley gleefully showing him what he's been missing, character-driven erotics, and exceptionally funny dialogue.
indulgentiam peccatorum nostrorum is somehow all that and more, turning the "I was wrong" dance into a kink (something I can't get enough of, recs welcome). This one is post-Bastille so it is extra-juicy. Mind the tags!
@cumaeansibyl has a gift for established relationship one-shots, which readers of mine will know are my entire jam. They also have a mind-meltingly hot inverse!omens AU that features different variations of angelic/demonic Crowleys and Aziraphales for our ineffables to play with.
A new-to-me author, Calico, has me hanging by a thread with their Ineffable Romans series. If you want to remember that your ineffables aren't human, that they are inordinately clever but very stupid, that the feelings they have for each other are truly beyond what anyone alive has ever felt, Calico may be the writer for you. This stuff is deep. Also hot af.
Sub Rosa reads like a nasty shag at Petronius', but there's so much more going on here. It is Extremely Queer, driven by power dynamics, and Crowley is fully demonic here and absolutely in control...or is he?
The Intemperance of Liber Pater continues on this theme, with dialogue-driven smut that reads less like a seduction than an inevitability. There's another story in this series, unfinished, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Last but not least: two short pieces by @ineffabildaddy. I stumbled on their stories just this week and I absolutely love their approach, which I've not seen done quite this way before.
take me as your wife has a tight first-person perspective as Crowley meets Aziraphale for a meal and imagines (or is it his imagination?) that Aziraphale is suggesting Certain Things about how they might occupy themselves later. Indeed, is he suggesting even more? Something about their relationship? Or is it all in Crowley's head?
Only in Dreams is kind of a companion piece, from Aziraphale's point of view -- though hundreds of years later. This one's set after the events of S2 and although just as romantic as take me as your wife, it also offers an ineffable take on the ol' glory hole concept. Just in case you thought I was getting soft. 😏
@ineffabildaddy has a whole series of poems and ficlets like these and I can't wait to explore them all.
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schmem14 · 3 months
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It’s my birthday! Celebrate with me by reading my top favorite fanfic discoveries this past year. (Feel free to flail with me in DM’s!) I feel so lucky to have found so many wonderful talented friends and amazing stories! 
1. flour and flesh by foxglovetonic (nocturn) Hermione x Pansy, wc: 666 rating: M
(Mind the tags) This sapphic horror fic gripped my soul from the moment I read it and it lives rent-free in my head because of its amazing imagery and masterful use of unreliable narrator. I’ll be forever creeped out by carving pumpkins and pie (but in the BEST way, I swear!) This is the #1 reason Halloween is my fav. 
2. Usually by @lumosatnight Percy x Oliver, wc: 1k, rating: E
What’s not to love about banter, chess as foreplay, and stripping down until there’s nothing left but heart-pounding hot AF sex? This pairing is fantastic, and Lani’s writing is on point, as always, and I was incredibly impressed by the real live chess match taking place in the background. Read it, you won’t regret it! 
3. drink up, boys by @emilyrickman gen work featuring Parvati Patil, wc: 1.5k, rating: M
(Mind the tags) I URGE you give this gripping revenge story a chance! Between Parvati’s confidence and the absolute heartbreaking and empowering ode to sisterly love, this story gave me goosebumps. Emily is such a great writer, and I can’t stress enough how well the feels come through on this one. Also, give the song What It Means To Be a Girl by EMELINE a listen as you read, it will elevate the whole experience! 
4. One Woman’s Trash by @nanneramma Lavender x Hermione wc: 2k, rating: T
My friend Nan can do it all, and I don’t care that coffee shop AU has been done a thousand and one times before, THIS is the one to read! Lavender is to die for in this, and the fluff is pure, gourmet sweetness. It will have you kicking your feet and squealing by the end. 
5. Head Over Heels by @vdoshu Narcissa x Mrs. Zabini, wc: 575, Rating: M
This itty bitty fic is singlehandedly feeding my Narcissa Mommy delusion. I want her to step on me SO BAD! Ugh. Doshu packs a punch with every story, and the punchline of this one is sure to have you gasping like a beached fish. Please come scream at me about it if and when you know what I mean. 
6. Welcome, Peasants by @fluxweeed Draco x Ron x Harry, wc: 15k, Rating: E
It was nearly impossible for me to pick just ONE of my favorite fics from Dronarry fest this year, but I narrowed it down to two. Strap in for an hour and immerse yourself because the payoff is WORTH IT!  This one blends the juicy polyjuice trope with a healthy dollop of mistaken identity and a pinch of jealousy. Better yet is the twisty reveal and the absolutely smut-tastic finale that follows.
7. For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight Severus x Harry, wc: 7k, Rating: E
Yes Lani, I couldn’t resist another! I feel like I have to preface this by saying I’m not usually a Snarry fan, but this filthy Priest AU fic is EVERYTHING. The dynamic of guilt and forbidden church sex (while church is IN SESSION) is so fucking delectable. I’m going to just say it and embarrass myself: Insta-Wank Bank. Yep. 
8. Nightswimming by @sweet-s0rr0w Draco x Ron (x Harry), wc: 5k, Rating: M
…Which brings me to my SECOND Dronarry fest pick from this year, and I love it so much because it’s all banter and hypotheticals. Draco and Harry are a couple, but Draco and Ron share a car ride where it comes out that maybe they’ve been considering a three-way with Ron. They don’t even fuck, but the tension of them just talking about it is too hot to handle. Bonus: There’s art at the end! 
9. Mistletoe Mojito by @amethystheart2421 Sybill x Severus, wc: 3k, Rating: E
This fic knocked me flat on my ass. This lust potion fueled one-night stand fic had me laughing and crying (from hilarity and absurdity and sadness) all at once. Such delightful writing, and the perfect example of crack taken seriously. 
10. All That Is Beautiful, Burns In The Making by @sailtomarina Narcissa x Bill, wc: 8k, Rating: E
Narcissa is hot. Bill is hot. We all know this from canon, but imagine they get together and how much hotter they are as a couple! This fic contains such delights as werewolf Bill, seduction, forbidden love, infidelity, knotting, endless refractory periods, voyeurism, rough sex, and mating. It’s not quite A/B/O but it has a lot of the elements that make it such a juicy AU.
11. A Perfect Answer by @p1013 Draco x Harry wc: 9k, Rating: E
Downton Abbey AU. Harry is Draco’s valet and the love is very much forbidden. Contains: pining, jealousy, decorum, emerald cufflinks that Draco favours, and BATHS. Something about it reminds me of Jane Eyre, though I know that’s a different time period and there’s no crazy wife in the attic. I loved this fic so much because it was a well-written AU and it brought a breath of fresh air to an old favorite otp. The angst is divine, and the ending is such a lovely payoff. Enjoy! 
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dootznbootz · 1 month
Don't get me wrong, I hate the telegony with every FIBER of my being. HOWEVER!! I feel like there's so much yummy angst potential with Odypen.
Like?? Imagine Penelope holding Odysseus' dead body. And it reminds her so much of when he'd fall asleep in her arms, in their bed holding an infant Telemachus. Because little baby Telemachus wouldn't stop crying so he had to be held in his papa's arms :3
But he's still crying to this day,, crying in the background, sobbing, hugging his mother from behind as she's holding her dead husband. Her husband that she waited 20 YEARS for. Her husband that's literally been threw hell and BACK, yet who never gave up because he wanted to see HER and their SON!!
He could've stayed with Calypso, he could've stayed with Kirke, he could've. But he DIDN'T. And I know damn well the moment he came back, and she saw him, she SAW on his face he's been threw shit. And imagine that, imagine the pain of someone you love more than the Sun experiencing that. Imagine that, and they did all of that, to see you.
People undermine that Penelope loves Odysseus just as much as Odysseus loves Penelope. It's been 20 years. She had every right to assume he's gone or get remarried. But she didn't. She had faith the entire time.
And she waited so long, and he went threw so much, just for him to get killed by some borderline (Not fully) rapeling. That's so heart-wrenching.
And for Telemachus, who never even KNEW his father. To suddenly see him again, to see how happy his mother is, how happy he is. Just for some bastard he has to call his half-brother to kill him. Telemachus knew so little of his father, only the stories Penelope told him. And now, sadly, it'll stay that way.
Telemachus and Penelope would fucking despise Telegonus. They've been waiting so long for this man, and this man has waited and had to go threw so much. All three of them did not go threw all that just for Telegonus to kill him. I don't care if it was an 'accident'. It doesn't matter if the killer didn't want to do it, it matter's that the victim's family lost someone they FUCKING LOVED.
Penelope would NEVER marry Telegonus, and Telemachus would never marry Kirke.
But Odysseus death gives us some JUICY angst. I hate it. But good god it scratches that angst-loving part of my brain SO GOOD. 😼
Feel free not to answer since this is a rather long ask/ramble :'D And ye, take care Mad! <3
Oh, also, just so it's not ALL just angst, a few Penelope and Baby Telemachus headcanons/shenanigans? They mean the world to both Odysseus AND me 🥹
So, this is a really fun ask...But I don't think you're going to get the answer you'd like from me :')
As many folks know, I am a big lover of fluff and very soft stuff. I have angst but even then I would consider it more hurt/comfort in a way as I do plan for the "comfort" to be what's most important :) I also just think of "angst" as just the "something that makes sense storywise".
The Tele-GONE-y to me, is just blatent whump. Not really my cup of tea.
Also the Tele-GONE-y has the whole bullshit about Odysseus doing fuck all in random war, getting married and having children with a random af woman, before coming back to get killed. So that's just...ew. All of it is ew.
And I don't even like the idea of Telegonus existing in any form. At most, Telegonus would only exist in my mind as Polites' son. (not based on Epic at all. This Polites is my own special guy. He's my lil weird goober of my own design reeeeee) My dear friend thehelplessmortals is the only person who I feel explores it in a way that makes sense to me and seems canon.
As you put it into words:
"And she waited so long, and he went through so much, just for him to get killed by some borderline (Not fully) rapeling. That's so heart-wrenching."
And it's just TOO heartwrenching for me :') I can't do it. It's honestly such a horrifying scenario that I got nauseous the first time I heard about it. (that's not even getting into the gross out of character marriage circle and Odysseus fucking around away from his family)
For me, I cannot see Circe (my Circe definitely) as a mother regardless. She wasn't made for motherhood. Also Odysseus and her only have sex once in my writing in exchange for his men to be turned back into humans. (as it's only stated explicitly once in the Odyssey)
The Odyssey also says that Odysseus' line only has one son each. That's Telemachus. (OdyPen can have a daughter though! >:3 Girldad Odysseus is very tasty for me)
If you're just into the angst of Odysseus' death, I got a bit of that though :'D
Penelope being 75% Naiads will live a long life. And Odysseus, being her husband, gets the advantages of having a magic Water wifey and that affects him in how he will live a long life as well (Calypso also gave him ambrosia/nectar to keep him alive. as he was nearly dead when he washed up.)
BUT. He is mostly mortal. He lives way beyond what is normal for Mortals but still.
His hair now fully gray. His breathing raspy and slow. He's slow to move...
Penelope lives a bit afterward. Sleeping and taking comfort in their nest that cradles her as she sleeps. She feels him everywhere. She grieves him endlessly.
Their nest starts to wilt. Only when she goes too does it come alive again.
And for some random Penelope and Telemachus headcanons :P
Nereids have lined bioluminescence, while NAIADS have spots. Like the black spots on the beloved rainbow trout 🥹 (they don't have the black spots. they just have spots that glow in their own control lol)
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Telemachus gets "spots" from both his mama (naiad scales/glowbit) and his papa (freckles) 🥹
It's what they use to communicate underwater. And it's nice because even if you're not full naiad and don't have as many scales, you can still communicate as it's about the flickers :3 (Odysseus can understand these to a degree)
Very rarely do they "just randomly glow" as you know, don't wanna give away your thoughts. But it's cute because Odysseus will occasionally have a lightshow when one of them is dreaming.
I know a lot of people have Penelope see Odysseus in Telemachus constantly, and while she does to a degree, she is actually one of the few people who really emphasizes that he's his own person. You don't have to be good at whittling, you make such beautiful pottery. You like green, not orange. You don't have to pick that color when it's not your favorite and because other people simply get excited about you being like your dad sometimes. That type of stuff.
You take care too, Dear Anon! :D
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nicoleheichou · 11 months
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Girl Of My Dreams - Chapter 66: JUICY DETAILS
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Synopsis: Sakusa was the type to always get things done on his own, but now that he's forced to juggle between his successful pro-volleyball career and being a single dad, what happens when he enrolls his daughter in a new preschool and meets his daughter's new teacher? Will their relationship remain professional or will it evolve into something more?
I didn't realize I left you guys hanging for over a week again omg. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But that means I'll just post the next chapter earlier to make up for it. Lol.
I just had to have MSBY win lol.
We're gonna ignore the fact I used Nishida twice because I can lmao.
Were y'all expecting that Twitter reveal? Tbh probably since it's cliche af lmaooo.
As usual, let me know what you thought in the comments or send an ask!
I'm almost done wrapping up this story. I think I have like 3 or 4 more chapters left before we say goodbye to our favorite family. Which means I'll probably have a scheduled posting time and day when I do.
Taglist: @taelia15 @dorkange @sexyandcringe @szeonn @natriae @whore-for-anime @diestheticu @loveinhaikyuu @youraggedybitch @mikk-o @erenisms @akisrandom @confusion-lord @trashy-simp @somniari-94 @pillboxmb @astrrnmy @all-in-the-fandoms @mattsunnn @kunikame @daninaninani @juniorhooter @crayonwriting @sosiegate @grassbutneo @saaraunicorn @lalalemon101 @sunahyejin @sugusshi @roselleviennesstuff @queen-aria-things @hello0i @oopskashish @wolffmaiden @shakesqueer444 @julia-1901 @blkladyelle @marinarihearts @oikawas-toris @carlgrimm @zekeslefttit @rory-cakes @nomnom21 @noayuusukki @yukimaniac @the-jester-calamity @everytimeswift @morpheus-rex @buns-inhiding @rntrsuna
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brothebro · 1 year
Any dp/dc fic recs?
of course! Honestly, i love so many of them and I'll try to include as many as i can in my list here! The Undead Lockpicking series by Milaley: In which Danny has a lockpicking youtube channel and he lockpicks the Watchtower. Hilarious, excellent 10/10
The Bat Trap by Threee: Honestly a good ol twin switcheroo with many funny moments but also a lot of delicious angst! (a Damian & Danny twins au) Just, chef's kiss!
GLXY:PSSNGR by socraticat: Danny takes the place of his alternate universe self who lives with vlad in Gotham after vlad killed his parents. Muchas angst, lots of worldbuilding and fantastic action!
A second life by Die_Erlkonigin6083:Kid Danny who has memories from a past life and currently is Dick Grayson's clone baby (and a bunch of others but mostly Dick's) Adorable 100/10 recommend>
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfagone (milkywxy): Epic. Dad!Lex and and dimensional travel son!Danny. Sweet and super well-executed Cass/Danny. 10/10 i need to catch up with the latest chappies but it's so freaking good I am aaaaaa
Rooftop Express by EmeraldsAndAmethyst: Danny/Jason. Awesome af. Crime lord Jason ftw! Danny is a (supernatural)delivery boy and professional enigma in Gotham
Our Empty Graves by suomifae: Hazmat Suit, no one knows au! Danny/Jason in which Danny finds himself helping out in Jason's gang. Very cool story building, ideas and execution. Im literally screaming in every chapter. so so good!
bloodlines by halfagone (milkywxy): Danny is Diana's and Bruce's son. He of course doesn't know that. There's a prophesy involved that says Danny will end the world, Diana finds out accidentally about it and finds out she has a son (memory wipe shenanigans) and GOSH. There's so much awesome stuff happening and it's a pleasure to see them piece together the facts. 10/10 Diana rocks
Summons by DizzlyPuzzled: Ghost king Danny in which because he's underage his father gets summoned in his stead. Bruce would very much like to know why he keeps getting yote through summoning circles. Just the right amount of funny, family fluff and angst.
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire: BOI I HAVE NO WORDS. the plot in this is thiccc and juicy and delicious and the mystery is the cherry on top! Danny lives in Gotham, does some ghostly sigil stuff around to protect Gothamites from bad ghosts, it backfires, we don't know why. Red duck candles are involved. The Batkids are chaos. and im here eating popcorn because it's all super entertaining to watch unfold. 100/10 jessica's duck candle
Friendly neighborhood vigilante by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt: Jazz/Jason THE FIC. honestly one of the best Anger Management fics i've ever read. Love the way Communication between partners is portrayed here and how they overcome the hurdles despite the shitshow that is both their lives (affectionate). 10/10 would read again
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid: You need an ao3 account for this one, go go go go make one because it's super worth it! Jason/Danny. They meet at the graveyard, your honour! They actively mess with Bruce and the rest of the Batkids! Gala Shenanigans! What else can i say? Go read!
Worm Off the String by TourettesDog: I am licherally dying of laughter. Peak comedy. Danny/Tim ft little baby man Danny who Tim thinks is Danny's weird af pet. Honestly, so GOOD. 100/10 comedy gold.
Press Heart to Subscribe by Die_Erlkonigin6083: A Danny/Damian fic in which Danny is a streamer and Damian watches his stream. Super cute, well executed, 100/10 sweetness scale
Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy: Babes i dunno what to tell you. I've done fanart of this fic. De-aged baby Danny and DadHood. Human-ish Fright Knight and Excellent friend Roy. Guys seriously. SO SO SO SO GOOD. 100/10 I wanna see the kid reveal to the batfam and am vibrating out of existence imagining scenarios. - There are more but I can't possibly list them all in one go, I'll make another fic rec list later 💙
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ourpickwickclub · 3 months
If you believe in karma (which I most certainly do) ML got a huge dose of it after Blake discovered her cheating, pretty dam quickly divorced her and then ended up dating/marrying Gwen (someone ML admired and who tops her fame 10 fold). Icing on the cake, she had to settle for toothy whom it appears she bought out in some kind of strange arrangement after a few weeks(def not a love connection) and he’s as philandering and sleazy as she is. Two of kind😂
According to Blake and Gwen’s pretty in our faces Easter eggs from over the years, they both found out about their spouses cheating in February 2015, and neither walked out right away. Looking at Blake’s posts and things he said between Feb 2015 and when he filed in July 2015, he spent 5 months trying to make it work after he knew about ML’s 18 month affair with Ryan Westbrook. He even bought a house with her in Brentwood, TN to try to give her more Nashville time despite the fact that she had agreed to make OK the martial home, I think.
My point is, he gave her a lot, he forgave her a lot, and he tried hard to make it work until (I believe) he found out she was sleeping with Anderson East whom she met recording Dave Cobb’s Southern Family. I think then, he was done. And she will never have someone who cares about her and fights for her like that again. She didn’t deserve it and she certainly doesn’t have it with her latest husband/dependent. Even her dependent has dependents she has to pay monthly now. She pays a big price to have her saving face ‘husband’ around.
And Gwen has also always eluded to the fact that there is more to her story than the nanny stuff. She said, if people knew what really happened they wouldn’t believe it, that it was a CRAZY, crazy, even juicy type story because it is so insane, but that she wouldn’t tell it for the sake of her kids. Gwen always has seen Blake for the prize he is. She acted quick (imo) when she found out Blake was single again. I’m certain that she already had things underway to divorce GR, but imagine hearing your hot, handsome, funny, talented co-worker is also divorcing. She knew a million women would be after Blake soon. And I’m sure he realized the same thing about Gwen.
They both slammed those doors to their exes shut and never looked back. And 9 years later they are still goofballs in love. And the exes are bitter af.
- B
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roguerambles · 3 months
I know a lot of people are excited for possible Solas/Inquisitor romance interactions in Veilguard, which I totally get because lovers to enemies or enemies AND lovers is juicy af, but I'm also really looking forward to other romance references?
Like Soria Lavellan married Cullen in Tresspasser, I wanna hear how they've been doing living in peaceful domestic bliss with their mabari and Cullen's work helping former Templars get off lyrium. Are they in Fereldan, or did they go to Wycome to help Clan Lavellan? Did Lavellan just rock up with her beautiful dork of a human husband like "hey guys, so funny story--"
And how are Kaaras Adaar and Dorian making long distance work? Dorian was busy leading the Lucerni to try and reform Tevinter, how has that been going? Is their relationship on the down low or does everyone know Magister Pavus has a hot Qunari trophy husband?
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
I’m so interested in your slashers! Do you have any more art or specifics for their stories?
I've got a Few unfinished works
KINDA LONG but it's got a lot of JUICY DETAILSSSS.
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-The Handler and Fursuiter have been known to spare victims, often time only taking what they need; that usually being a leg. Handler has gotten alarmingly skilled at amputation with a high success rate. Handler does the cutting, Fursuiter does the sewing. They'll often let the victim pick which one if they're feeling kindly.
-They travel cross country in a shitty van. They rarely settle in one place and their often choice to crash is seasonal cabin homes; places that have fully functional amenities such as showers, toilets, working stoves and fridges. If it's an off season for the area they may hang around for a month or two.
-They are both roughly in their 30s possibly approaching 40 in a few years. For Killer Cannibals, they're actually alarmingly smart about how they go about things and have an entire retirement contingency in plan should one of them get injured to the point where 'hunting' their food is no longer a viable choice.
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-Calvin 'Prom King' Black's father is actually a well known boxer in the area who tours the country. Although estranged from the family-Calvin knows how to efficiently fight thanks to him. So imagine you think you've disarmed the revenant slasher by knocking their weapon away only to get squared up on by a guy who actually knows how to throw a very solid punch.
-According to the school's legend, The Prom King and Queen always inevitably shack up after prom and become a couple. This sort of tradition is almost like a point of pride. However, Calvin, being a homosexual, rebuffed these advances rather quickly.
-Calvin's nomination to Prom King was actually sort of rigged. The student council at the time was sick and tired of the same popular people getting voted in as Prom Royalty and decided to secretly promote 'one of the lesser known members of the student body'. That being Calvin whose hobbies included skipping gym to smoke behind the building, reading Syfy Novels and having bad skin. None of it was actually done in malice, they genuinely believed they were doing Calvin a kindness.
-Calvin was around 19 when he was murdered-20 if he had lived to see the next summer.
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-Mortimer is Collage aged (around 19.) but has yet been able to go due to financial issues/his dad favoring his sister over him/his dad being a general ass hat. If he could, he'd study psychology or art.
-Mortimer is trans, AFAB. His transition was poorly received by his immediate family who insisted on dead naming him at every turn and it began to look more and more ridiculous on their part the more masc Mortimer gradually became over time.
-His favorite movies are The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Ginger Snaps.
-Mortimer's mother currently resides at a psych hospital where she receives assisted care for her condition. Mortimer hasn't seen her in years.
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-The Original concept for Ephriam was shortly after X was released where I wanted a more.....visually appealing killer to stumble on a porn set. (The Mormonism is non-canonical) And has the aspects most of the fandom loves in a Slasher. Built af, scuffed up, long hair, scary face, Tits to die for and often times a quiet disposition.
-Ephriam's family farm actually used to be a site for satanic sacrifices in the 60s and was abandoned in the 80s. This resulted in the area being a bit abnormal as well as Ephriam's sort of unconventional physical appearance and his survival of what should have been a fatal gunshot wound to the face. While it has no effect on his parents aside from them being in pretty good health for an older couple-Ephriam who has been drinking from the well water and eating the pigs they slaughtered on the property since he was born, resulting in a healing factor for him, enhanced strength and other perks.
-The area where they take the pigs for slaughter is abnormal as the pigs will willingly lay down on what appears to be a naturally occurring slab and fall into a slumber that they do not wake up from, making slaughter rather humane. Ephriam's family used this spot for slaughter because of the angle of the stone, the fact it was near the house and is a good wide surface to clean the pigs and carve them up. Invertedly-Ephriam and his family are sacrificing animals to hellish entities that reward them with good health (though they haven't made that connection yet, they just all chalk it up to luck and good clean country living.)
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These two don't have names yet.
-He's not really a slasher-though he does KILL Slashers. Mainly since his twin sister is often targeted by Slashers since she's a hot girl in a sorority at a big name collage.
-They were conjoined twins at birth. REALLY conjoined. And it was only sheer LUCK that the doner parts came through to keep them both alive at the time. They've both undergone numerous surgeries over the years to repair and replace parts. The Boy opted out of the surgeries eventually because he was so tired of it all while his sister doubled down and looks much more human thanks to plastic surgery.
-It's a concept of Killers always attack sororities; plot twist incel-There's already a 6'9 guy welding a knife ready to defend his sister to the death hanging out in the kitchen. You really gonna try your luck? Gonna try and kill these girls cause you have unresolved issues with women not liking you. Gotta get through THIS DUDE FIRST. (and he has put down QUITE a few. Not just for his sister's sorority.)
-He's actually good friends with his sister's sorority. They view having him around as having scary dog privileges. His unique face is a bit of a shock at first, but they've become very comfortable with him being around. Very much a 'NO BOYS ALLOWED.....except for him, he's very very polite to us.' vibe at this Sorority.
-She's studying fashion and design while he's opting for the trade course (Welding, car repair, etc. etc.) Though if he chose to, he could very easily make very high marks in any field he chooses.
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happypeaceperson · 2 years
Danny brackett x male reader having to cross the ladder after being attacked (anika lives also💋)
Danny Brackett x Male reader
This is a mix between your request and ( @weepingsandwichenemy ) request because you both asked for the ladder scene with Danny. So this can be read as a sequel to my previous Danny story (Thats what the other request asked it to be!!)
Obviously takes place during the apartment attack scene. Im so glad you asked me to keep Anika alive because I cannot write her dying again. 😭 Takes a bit for Danny And You to interact as I got carried away writing the attack, but i did make up for it when they do interact with each other! (I hope)
(One last thing. Why is there no Danny gifs 😭 i have to import clips from my scenepacks for these gifs for him lmaoo, ANYWAYS Enjoy!)
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You looked through the cupboards, searching for anything small to smack on. Tara had all her friends over tonight. Interactions definitely weren't your strong suit, but it wasn't the worst, you knew them well enough to have some sort of small talk. You finally caught your eyes on a packet of mini pretzels. You grabbed the packet and headed towards the living room.
"You want some?" You held the packet out towards Anika. She was one of Tara's friends and Mindy's girlfriend. 
"Oh yeah" She said, reaching her hand in, grabbing a handful. "Thank you" You heard her say, already putting the treats in her mouth. 
You turned away hearing a phone ring. You moved your hand over your pockets trying to find your phone to see if it that caused the ringing. You remembered you left it on the table where the others sat. You looked over af Tara grabbing your phone.
"Ohhh Y/N, cute neighbour boy is calling" Tara called out holding your phone showing you the screen. You cursed yourself for leaving it near her. She put the phone towards her ear. "So what are your intentions?" She said to the still ringing phone. You laughed along with the others, grabbing the phone and hanging up. 
"I'll call him back later." You muttered to yourself. You pulled out a seat and sat at the desk with Tara, Sam, Mindy and Chad. You all became really close after the Woodsboro attack. You all felt like a family now. 
"So how's things been with you two?" Sam asked, reaching forward to grab from your bag of pretzels that toy placed in the middle of the table. 
"Yess, tell us. Any juicy details?" Mindy leaned over the desk, a smile plastered on her face. 
You laughed, a very clear blush on your face. "It's been good. We haven't done anything crazy." You heard Mindy whisper something. 
"Yet" she said sarcastically. Chad slapped her shoulder, while Sam threw pretzels at her. Tara began laughing at Mindy's comment. You all were making so much noise that you didn't hear what Anika had said. 
You all went silent, hearing banging coming from Quinn's room. "Oh my god" Was all you heard from Anika. 
Tara raised her eyebrows. "Looks like someone's having fun." she laughed to herself. 
You all heard your phones go off,pulling them out to see a message. It was a picture. A picture of Quinn. Your eyes widened. She was being held by someone in a ghostface costume. There was blood all over her. 
You all rushed from the table towards the living room. Everyone stood in front of her room as you heard screams start coming from it. Suddenly it went silent. You held onto Sam's hand, she squeezed yours back. You heard Mindy tell Anika to run. 
The door burst open and Quinn was pushed out. She landed on Anika. Anika screamed, trying to push her friend's lifeless body off of her. You grabbed at Quinn, pulling her off Anika. You and Mindy towards the room. You saw the attcker walking out. "Oh fuck" Mindy said. You felt the back end of a knife slap into your face, knocking you to the ground. The attacker then targeted Mindy, swiping at her arm. Anika screamed at the attacker, yellimg at him to leave Mindy alone. She grabbed onto his legs and arm, trying her best to get the killer off her girlfriend. Tara called out to you all as Chad pulled her out of the apartment. 
Ghostface turned his attention to Anika, grabbing her neck. You were still processing the pain and knock back you got from the knife as you watched Anika get swung across the room. She was pushed up against the wall, her screams of pure agony filling the apartment as she got a knife slammed into her lower torso, the knife twisting after impact. You got up grabbing at the attacker's arm. The knife was removed from Anika. The attcker swung his arm around, leaving a gash across your chest. Sam ran in before the attacker could do anymore damage. She hit him across the head with a knife block to knock him away from you and Anika. 
You all ran into Quinn's room. It was the closest room free that you could all enter. Mindy sat Anika on the bed. As you and Sam held onto the door. Sam pushed a makeup stand in front of the door to hold it shut. She shouted at you about the bathroom. You looked over seeing the door wide open. You ran over. Upon entering the bathroom,you see Quinn's "guest" laying in the bathtub, blood everywhere. "Oh fuck" You muttered. You turned your attention back to the bathroom door, seeing the ghostface outside it. 
You shouted out as he came in. You pushed at him, shoving him away. Sam ran in slamming the door onto his head. You pulled Sam away, seeing the attacker push at the door entering the bathroom again. You two ran out the door that led back into the bedroom. You slammed the door shut, putting all your force into keeping it closed. It proved to be a stuggle as you saw the attackers arm swing in between the gap of the door. "Sam hurry, I can't hold it." You said as the intruder banged on it. 
Sam rolled a chest of drawers in front of the door. Placing it to block the attackers entrance. It worked slightly. Ghostface still banged in the door but it could hold him off for now. Sam placed a hand onto your chest. "Fuck your bleeding." 
"I'll be fine" You said, still applying pressure onto the barricade. "Worry about Anika and Mindy first." you both looked over at the two. Anika was losing a lot of blood. You turned your attention towards the window. You saw Danny trying to get your attention. "Someone hold this" You shouted out, letting go of the barricade as soon as Mindy get up to hold it. 
You reached the window pulling it open. You looked down. "Shit" You muttered, seeing how far the drop was. 
"Don't worry I got you" Danny shouted before pulling a ladder out from beside him. He pushed it across towards you and Sam. 
"Are you fucking kidding me." Sam shouted. 
"Do you have a better idea?" Danny asked, still pushing the ladder out of his window. 
"Fuck." Sam said "no" You two reached for the ladder. You both grabbed the end of it, positioning it across the gap between your apartments. 
"You're gonna have to come one at a time" Danny suggested. 
Sam turned to the others. "Ok Anika, Mindy you guys go first." You began to walk towards Anika, to try to help her up. 
"No. Sam, you two go first." Mindy ordered. You looked down at Anika. She looked up at you nodding. 
You knelt down to her. "You two start going across the second me and Sam get over, ok?" You turned to look at Mindy. You got a groan from Anika as an answer. You assumed she was agreeing. 
"Ok, just go already" Mindy said as the attacker still banged at the door. 
You turned towards the window. "Ok Sam you go first" You put your hand on her back,helping her climb up. Danny motioned his hand towards him. Sam slowly crawled across, stopping whenever it shook slightly. You could tell she was scared. Of course she was. She could easily fall to her death if she made the wrong move but you knew how strong she was. She was going to make it. You turned to look back at the two girls. You had to get them out of this, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you didn't. 
"Ok, Cariño(Honey/Darling), it's your turn." You turned to face Danny. His eyes were plagued with fear. He couldn't lose you. 
"Fuck" you whispered, climbing onto the ladder. Your eyes met the ground. You realised how high you actually were. You froze. Your hands began to tremble. 
"Hey" Danny called out. "Eyes on me" He motioned towards him. "Only me, ok?" He said, not breaking eye contact with you. 
"Ok" You whispered to yourself. You continued to look forward, closing your eyes whenever you felt the ladder shake. You heard Danny continue to shout encouraging words to you,holding his hand out. Sam was shouting at you too. She couldn't lose her best friend, not like this. You would have picked up on what they were saying if the pounding of your heart wasn't all you could hear. You felt Danny's hand reach out and grab onto you, pulling you in through the window. He pulled you into a hug. 
"You're ok," He whispered. You turned your attention back to the window. You went beside Sam. 
Sam called out to Anika to come over. Mindy let go of the barricade, going to pick Anika up to help her over. You couldn't tell what they were saying. You saw Mindy lean in and kiss Anika. She turned towards the ladder climbing on. Danny didn't remove his hand off your back. He stood behind you and Sam. Your hand was holding onto the ladder, holding it in place incase there were any sudden movements.  
Sam grabbed at her, pulling her in. "Anika come on," Mindy shouted,leaning over the window. 
Anika leaned out of the window. "Guys I can't," She cried out. "I can't do it." You still hear the banging from the intruder on the door behind her.
You all shouted out to her, begging her to cross. She started to climb over. She was shaking. She crawled over slowly. You heard a bang come from the room. You all watched in horror as Ghostface walked towards the window. 
Anika looked up at you all. "What?" She asked. 
"Anika you have to move right now." Mindy called out. 
Anika turned around,seeing the figure standing behind her "No" she cried out. 
You felt Danny's grip tighten on your shoulder. He couldn't even think about how frightening this must have been for you all. 
"No guys please stop it" She begged. 
"Anika come on please, you've got to move" You called out. 
You all were shouting at her, pleading for her to hurry. You watched as Ghostface stuck his knife into the bottom of the window. He grabbed the end of the ladder, pulling it up. Anika screamed in horror. He began to push it around,shaking it in every direction. 
You pulled down onto the ladder trying to slow its movement. "Hold the ladder down." You shouted to the others. Danny gently pulled Sam away and pushed in beside you, helping you hold onto the ladder. Mindy held out her hand still calling out to Anika. Sam leaned in between you and Danny,still calling out to Anika 
"Hold onto me" Mindy begged Anika. Your hand began to hurt, the sudden movements of the ladder smashing them into the side and bottom of the window. 
"Mindy, I don't wanna die." Anika called out. You and Danny slowed the movement of the ladder enough for Anika to get into arms reach of Mindy. Mindy grabbed onto her, trying to pull her to safety. Danny grabbed her too. His release from the ladder caused the pressure from you side to decrease. The attacker got the advantage over you and flipped the ladder. You heard Anika scream. Mindy released her grip on Anika. Mindy screamed in terror closing her eyes. Danny leaned out the window still holding onto Anika. You watched the attacker stare at you all before turning away from the window and walking away. 
Danny held onto Anika as hard as he could. He couldn't let one of your friends die, he couldn't let you go through that again. You leaned over and helped him pull Anika into the window. Mindy grabbed onto her. Pulling her into a hug. Sam crouched down, joining in on them. Their cries filling the apartment.
Danny turned to you, placing his hands onto your face, pulling you in for a kiss. He pulled away before pulling you back in for a hug. "I was so fucking scared." You whispered to him. Tears streaming down your face. 
"I know." He whispered back, placing his hand onto the back of your head. "You're safe now. You're safe with me" he didn't let go of you. He couldn't. The thought that he almost lost you scared him. 
Sam pulled out her phone dialling 911. You looked over at the two girls on the ground. Mindy was applying pressure to Anika's wounds. "Can someone helo her, please?" Mindy turned to face You and Danny. Danny nodded and ran towards his bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit he had. He came back and knelt down in front of Anika. He pulled out disinfectant and a roll of bandages. He cleaned up her wound as much as he could before wrapping it. He then helped with the cut on Mindy's arm. Doing the same to her that he did with Anika. Sam entered, informing you all that help was coming. She knelt back down with Mindy and Anika. Mindy hadn't let go of her girlfriend since she crossed the ladder. You couldn't blame her. 
Danny turned to you, noticing the cut on your chest. "Fuck, come with me" He grabbed your arm and picked up the first aid kit before heading towards the bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet. "Can I remove this?" He asked, looking at you. He was motioning towards your shirt. You nodded. He pulled the shirt over your head, throwing it into the corner of his bathroom. He stared at the cut. It was a long cut, going from your chest towards your side, in a diagonal direction. "Shit" he whispered. 
"Is it that bad?" You asked. You at him, not wanting to look at the injury. 
"No, don't worry, it's not that bad" He said with a comforting smile. He opened the first aid kit. Reaching in and grabbing the disinfectant and bandages again. He began to clean around the wound. You winced in pain. "It's ok Mi Amor(my love)." He said encouragely. You blushed at the comment. You loved when he spoke Spanish to you. 
He continued to clean your injury. "You know, this isn't how I thought I'd see you shirtless." He said, eyes still glued onto your wound. 
You laughed at the comment. "You thought about that?" He laughed with you. 
"Yeah" he looked up at you. Your eyes still watering from what happened.
"How did you picture it?" You asked. He finished cleaning the wound and began to wrap the bandage around your body. You felt your breathing slow down.
"You know, it would have been just us two. Alone. Me above you, looking down at your beautiful face." You blushed, a smile creeping onto your face. You knew what he was doing. He was trying to get your mind off of what happened. It was working. 
"Above me huh?" You said sarcastically. "Doing what?" You raised your eyebrows, leaning back slightly. 
He laughed, punching your shoulder. "Estúpida(Stupid/idiot)" he whispered. 
Sam shouted at you both. "The ambulances are here." You walked out of the bathroom, going over to help Mindy with carrying Anika.
The paramedics took her away immediately, Mindy going with her. You sat in the back of an Ambulance. Danny sat right beside you, hand over your shoulder. Sam came over, sitting down beside you. 
"How are you feeling?" She asked. 
"I'm alright, still a bit shaken up." You answered, turning your head to face her. Tara and Chad walked in on the scene. Looking for you guys. You saw Tara meet eyes with you three, tapping at Chad and pointing at you all. 
"Sam" She shouted, running over, jumping into a hug with her sister. 
"Where's the rest?" Chad asked, he looked around to try to find his sister. 
"Mindy and Anika are heading to the hospital right now. Anika got pretty beat up." You saw Chad's expression change to a more relieved look. "Quinn didn't make it though" You added. 
"I'm just glad you guys are ok" He motioned towards you all. 
You slapped st Danny's shoulder. "Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." 
Sam turned to you and Danny. Pointing towards him. "Why did you even have a ladder in your apartment?" She asked. "I'm not complaining but it's just odd" She added. 
Danny laughed putting his hands up defensively. "No comment" He said, shrugging his shoulders. 
You saw Ethan walk in on the scene. Chad turned towards him. He stormed over to Ethan. Grabbing him and slamming him into the side of one of the vehicles that were there. You turned away from them. You went through enough today,you didn't want to deal with any of that. You leaned your head against Danny's shoulder, his hand reaching up and rubbing your head. "Te amo(I love you)" He whispered. You smiled, whispering it back to him. You felt safe around Danny. You felt like yourself, how you were before the attacks im Woodsboro. 
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eslanes · 3 months
Storytelling Secret Saturday Sunday
@havenroyals tagged me in a super cute post to share some juicy story-related secrets. So, for anyone interested, here are some A Devil Between Us lore straight from my brain:
(side note, I will finish the story if it's the last thing I do! There's literally only the ending left and I hate the idea of pouring years into it only to leave it unfinished!)
I put this all under a cut as it got way lengthier than I anticipated! Considering how friggin long the story is I tried to keep it fairly brief (I failed but anyway)
Tillie was supposed to get more screen time, mostly in Prodigal Daughter (ch.4). She hasn't really been seen much since her romance/marriage to Airdan. Nothing overly exciting, but a few cut scenes with Sky but mainly Kyra (we'll get further into that). Also cut was at least one scene showing Tillie and Airdan in wedded bliss. There will be a cute scene with them in the epilogue though!
Zander was also supposed to get wayyy more backstory, but I ended up cutting a lot with him, for the sake of time/trying to stay focused on the main storyline, especially as it was nearing the end. In the first couple chapters, there are several references to his difficult childhood, complicated family dynamics and the resulting impact on his mental health etc. There's a scene in Devotion (ch.3) where we see him cutting while dealing with the aftermath of Aida disappearing/skipping town. At this point in the story he has not-so-secret feelings for her and relapses as a result of this loss. I don't think there are any other mentions of this after Tillie finds out and. I also cut pretty much everything in relation to his relationship with Kyra (again will get into this more), other than they're together and very happy. Them getting together wasn't even a planned thing, but it was a good decision because they are cute AF together. There will also be a sweet epilogue scene with them at least. One last point, a while back I did a Faelern family tree post, I'm thinking I'll do one for Zander for context at the very least.
Amazing, awesome, gorgeous Kyra. To say I did her dirty is an understatement. She initially appeared as Aida's doctor in Tender Prey (ch.2). I had so many plans to flesh her out but, like many Tillie and Zander scenes (she was supposed to be properly introduced in Devotion (ch.3) as Tillie's acquaintance turned friend) they were cut purely in the interest of time/focus. She's a great character and I love her so much but I definitely fumbled her. It sticks out to me even more considering she's the only black character (will touch on this a little more). I don't even think I mentioned the fact that in her spare time she writes smutty novels under a pen name 😭 she will get a moment to shine and a sweet epilogue post but still. I'm so sorry Kyra!
Sky was always meant to be bisexual. Another thing I meant to touch on a bit but ended up on the cutting room floor, so to speak. I have regrets.
I definitely wish I did better with representation. I did my best with my knowledge at the time of starting the story/introducing the characters, but as a learning, growing individual there are things I wish I did a better job with now. Namely Kyra being cast aside as a minor character, definitely not intentional but I have big regrets here (not because of her race obviously but I hate the thought of a successful, intelligent black woman not being given enough screen time as she's so awesome and was meant to be seen a lot more, especially considering she's the only black character). Not to say I didn't try to include a variety of ethnicities/cultures in the story (Sky and Diego are both Latinx, Airdan is of Persian descent, Faelern is half Lakota though I think when I made him in CAS in 2014 I based his features on those of Cree peoples). But like Kole was meant to have Asian ancestry (where???) so I definitely did him dirty. During one of his more recent makeovers I did give him a new eye overlay but it definitely doesn't fix this glaring issue. Anyway, at the very least I can say I've learned a lot and can identify ways to do better in this area. Growth is good.
Speaking of Kole, it's very obviously alluded to the fact that he and Aida start sleeping together after Jace ends his relationship with her. I was gonna include a NSFW scene but cut it because it was too depressing. It's already blatant that she's in a very destructive downward spiral at this point.
Finally, I've been back and forth on this over the years but I decided I do not regret the copious amount of graphic sex/violence featured throughout the story. When I was first putting it together in 2015 simblr stories were the equivalent of the Wild West, the large amount of stuff I distinctly remember being written about (often with not a trigger warning in sight) would probably not fly today (I can think of two off the top of my head that included assaults on minors that even I found very disturbing). I definitely noticed a shift after the Great Titty Ban of 2018. I totally get being sensitive regarding triggers/trigger warnings and ensuring that minors aren't exposed to shit they shouldn't be. That being said, I do think there's a balance. For me personally, my blog is intended for adult audiences and is labeled as such. And, like other media that features graphic/disturbing elements, I think it moreso depends on how things are handled. While the story features some very heavy/disturbing topics (kidnapping, murder, sexual assault etc etc), in retrospect I think I did a decent job of being deliberate with these elements. Each dark/disturbing scene is intended to be just that, and treated with appropriate gravity. While I recognize that this is not everyone's cup of tea, I have no regrets. As for the non-disturbing sex scenes, what can I say, I love a bit of smut lol.
If you made it to this point, congratulations (and thank you for reading!)
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finalgirlmoment · 9 months
PJOTV Ep 4 + 5 (spoilers)
My brain is, and has been, rotted entirely! I feel like the TV show is such a treat because the new content adds layers to the story SO MUCH like the plot and character dynamics it makes me want to scream. Yes the differences are absolutely notable but the bottom line is that our main trio would find each other in any universe or storyline and would choose each other every time
-The opening scene of episode 4 broke me a bit: the lore that Percy actually did not take naturally to being in the water, he was actually afraid to be swimming! I feel like before we definitely characterized him as someone who felt at home in the water since he came out the womb but damn look how far he comes. How jarring it must be to later find out you're actually the son of the sea god :o
-Percy continually being angry about the system of the gods (not) interacting with their children, being so shocked that a parent wouldn't help or talk to their child. He's so sweet and I feel like his rage grows the more he gets to know Annabeth because he sees how amazing and loyal and cunning she is and wonders how her mother could ever ignore or abandon her
-Annabeth just in general, her badassery is so fucking perfect for this character, the way she draws her knife, her being so fucking in tune with Percy already....the way she knows exactly what Percy is going to do before he does it ((and the way he listens to her unconditionally i.e. cutting off Medusa's invisible head in episode 3 but I digress)), knowing he was alive and waiting for them somewhere at the beginning of episode 5. she is a LEGEND and she is LOCKED TF IN
-the hug <3 i won't make it weird if you won't <3 <3 we're like friends now <3<3<3 do u understand how i hurt
-trio walking down the side of the road like bums -_- i died lmfao. also them hiding when approached by some dude and just being like <3 we good ty tho!!
-Percy, again still acclimating to this fucking weird ass world where gods are real and can kill u easily, is shook when ares threatens to kill them. luckily, as a change of pace, grover is cool as a dang cucumber and saves the day af. this is what i mean like absolutely the characters are so different like yes grover has been nervous a lot but he also can turn it tf on and smooth talk when he needs to
-Annabeth has never seen a movie. Percy immediately insists that they watch one together. Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me that's not a date? Hello?
-The entirety of the tunnel scene/chair scene. Percy being the one to figure out the story illustrated Hephaestus' life. Percy ALREADY working to save Annabeth first and foremost! Percy continually sacrificing himself for her! Believing deep down she is capable of great, impossible things and being willing to set aside his life for her without question. Telling her she is better. "You just are. And you know it." Giving her Riptide, no second thoughts, no backing down.
-On that note, the ending. Percy is like a loose cannon full of a deep rage and a lot (A LOT) of unrealized power; his problem is that he is not locked TF in like Annabeth (as of right now) and the ending really made me excited because it feels like he is finally catching on to what a big deal he actually is. All this anger he has inside him, all this rage at what he has lost and the suffering he has seen, .... i'm honestly beside myself at what is to come because this is already SO JUICY and I feel like we've barely started!
-side notes: the score is so amazing, I'm really enjoying it and I understand all the videos of the actors promoting the soundtrack!!! also my sister has never read the books but she loves the movies and we watch it together; she is very very excited for the casino scene so there is definitely hope for her in the near future. ((my nico loving ass will also be holding binoculars and twitching))
so yes a lot was changed but i am really liking the new content a lot because it just feels like added lore and, again, these guys can best the odds in any universe and help each other in every timeline. the most important plot points are there and i feel like they have already set up a lot of info for later on down the line. I do wish there was a bit more banter/conversation (because Percy is actually so quirky and I feel like this could be explored more) but the time we do have is amazing and feels super fresh! even when i've read the books to pieces! and again the convos they're having right now are setting shit up for later and maybe then they can play and have fun wit it. as always, i will be loyally sat, lurking, reblogging. kiss
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sinukiyo · 2 months
I thought about adding this as a comment on my ask, but I thought I should make it a separate post since there's some things to unpack about Daichi's character in this story.
(Man the former literature student in me is having a field day with this)
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this Daichi would try to poison this poor child against her own mother, spewing lies about how he kept her from him and how he didn't know about her. And i wouldn't put it past him to grow emotionally and verbally abusive towards Chiho if she doesn't warm up to him coz clearly this guy is a narcissist.
Like imagine being Chiho. You're six/seven years old, and suddenly, some strange man you've never met in yo damn life comes out to you and says, "Hey. I'm yo daddy, " and expects her to be like,"Yay! I have a dad that I didn't know I had until this moment."
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He thinks he's entitled to Chiho's love and affection just coz "he's her father" despite not being present her whole life, and that's what's he's failing to see and understand. And Chiho's a smart girl. He's seen the way he's treated her mama and how her mama feels about it, so she KNOWS she wants nothing to do with him. And she obviously won't fall for his antics.
But try to imagine if Daichi does win split custody of Chiho. Chiho goes to his place to spend the week or weekend with him. Daichi is trying to play "best dad," but Chiho refuses to warm up to him, acts cold and distant towards him but only warming up to Kenji. I can already see him growing resentment towards Chiho until he eventually does or says something hurtful to her.
And obviously me and many readers will be plotting creative ways of torturing him for hurting our baby girl 😇
And bet the tea in the court case will be hella hot and juicy. And I'll be in the front row sipping tea and looking boujee af watching his downfall.
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That last GIF just made me laugh😂
You’re right actually. Daichi is the type of character who has no problem hurting those he claims to “care about” when they don’t behave the way he wants them to. He doesn’t care about their feelings and he makes everything about himself. So far, he hasn’t once tried to get to know Chiho. All he’s done is give Ami headaches, like…aren’t you here for your kid? Have you tried taking her out? Getting to know her?
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There’s a conversation in the next two or three chapters (i think) that will explain this better but your analysis is pretty spot on.
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coquelicoq · 6 months
hmmm for the shipping meme! matonato and hankim or yoohankim?
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[ID: A graph with the x-axis labeled "makes sense" on the left and "doesn't make sense" on the right and the y-axis labeled "compels me" at the top and "doesn't compel me" at the bottom. points labeled MN for matonato, HK for hankim, and YHK for yoohankim have been situated on the grid: MN in the top left (makes sense, compels me), HK at the top and to the right of MN (makes some sense, compels me), and two points labeled YHK, one slightly above and to the left of the center (makes some sense, compels me some) and one in the bottom right (doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me). /end ID]
wow this threw me off because for some reason i assumed that makes sense would be on the right instead of the left! so hopefully i made all the necessary corrections to what i originally wrote lol.
matonato: makes sense, compels me. probably obnoxiously obvious to everyone at this point. do they get a happy ending? i mean it's very fun to think about and i love me a good actually-together-matonato concept, but probably the most compelling thing about them is the star-crossed aspect. it's not will they won't they, it's why they why not they. why do they want this and why can they never have it? it's, how can i make this about natori's self-hatred? it's, who is matoba if he quits the exorcist business? (EXTREMELY JUICY AND COMPELLING QUESTION 2 B ASKING.) it's, what changes in their individual priorities and self-conception would be necessary before they could get together? asking myself these questions and understanding why they in their current forms can't be in a relationship helps me to better articulate who exactly they are and what motivates them and gives me avenues for thinking about possible character development. but like i said i do really love thinking about matonato endgame, and even though i know it's never going to be canon (which it doesn't need to be, obviously! we are in our sandbox making our own dreams come true), i'm reading the homura arc like girl why did you do that. where are you going with this??? fellas is it gay to stalk your homoerotic rival's enemies and the answer is a resounding YES. they are a good ship because thinking about each of them in the context of the other expands my understanding and appreciation of their individual characters, but also because it would be sexy for them to mash their mouths together. both are very important elements of shipping 2 me.
hankim: i want to say this is one of the most compelling relationships in orv but they are all compelling, it's actually insane. however hankim is definitely tied for first (with twenty other relationships). her love for him is the beating heart of the story. like the entire plot hinges around her loving him so much she would [redacted], but also the central themes are exemplified by how she feels about him and what she does about it. and he trusts her in a way he can't really trust anyone else, because she knows enough about the world that he can be open with her about things he can't tell others, and because he trusts her to be competent and able to achieve his objectives. mostly to me though their relationship Is About her love for him because of how badly he needs it and how little he can understand it, and how central it is to his entire character that he needs but cannot understand receiving that kind of love. i have not yet succeeded in imagining any kind of compelling sexual relationship for them, except the somewhat indirect one where he gives her permission to make a kim-dokja-looking avatar with which to fuck yoo joonghyuk while kim dokja is elsewhere minding his own business, but that's fine, they don't need to be having sex to have a compelling relationship, obviously. so yeah it's compelling af and it does make sense, but i'm taking some sense points off because the kdj-to-hsy direction is pretty standard shipping material while the opposite direction is like the entire point of the book. it's a lil unbalanced.
yoohankim: this ship fascinates me because i definitely never would have come up with it myself. hankim? see above. yookim? see below. but yoohan - DESPITE THE WHOLE DEAL AROUND WHO YOO JOONGHYUK IS AND HOW HE GOT THAT WAY - are just like. Only Here For Kim Dokja. any relationship they have with each other is a proxy for a relationship with kim dokja, mediated by their feelings for kim dokja, and put through the sieve of who the other person is to kim dokja. i think they have a very psychosexual thing going on where they're having a lot of sex with each other but mostly in order to feel close to kim dokja, who is not involved lol. which is its own kind of compelling, certainly. i guess you could say yoohankim is the ONLY way that yoohan makes any sort of sense to me whatsoever, so in that regard yoohankim is squarely in the northwest quadrant. but at the same time i feel like if kim dokja is actually present, their relationship with each other is more like in-laws than anything else. it's indirect. they don't have divorced energy…they don't even have metamour energy. i don't know. they're like this is my sister's mailman and i have no idea what he's doing at my nephew's piano recital, which is insane to me because they should have (nonsexual) parent-child energy if nothing else. so i also have to put yoohankim in the southeast quadrant. so far this is where most yoohankim fic i have read falls, but probably i just haven't yet found the one that would unlock it for me.
to close the loop i gotta talk about yookim (joongdok). the most enjoyable thing about it to me personally is that yoo joonghyuk so clearly wants kim dokja to hold him down and it's very fun to see kim dokja have to shift his entire paradigm to make that make sense. i mean, i think all of kimcom wants to hold kim dokja down (most of them nonsexually imo), but yoo joonghyuk is the one guy who's like "if you would just stop trying to kill yourself for two seconds then i could let you out of these handcuffs so you could have your way with me. you bastard." they make me crazy because they work together SO well and trust each other SO implicitly while also being like, wow this idiot has terrible priorities and so i have to manipulate him into furthering my agenda (keeping him safe) instead of his agenda (keeping me safe). they're also that evergreen combo of guy with low self-worth who's oblivious to other people's love for him/guy who loves so hard but never uses his words about it that makes me wanna read about them getting together 100 different times. in a slightly different sense than with matonato, thinking about them as a twosome better elucidates aspects of their own individual personalities and worldviews, which makes for a compelling shipping experience.
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tategaminu · 11 months
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WILD AF THEORY but what if the elf girl that convinced Luna Tenebris to vanish the humans was a moonshadow elf? a moonshadow elf that was in love with a human and that's why she tried to convice Luna, to save her human. Would be a super juicy Rayla and Rayllum parallel because a lot of reasons but also this elf saved humanity for her love for a human and Rayla may doom the world for her love for a human
Plus he day was called "Judgement of the Half-Moon" and Rayla is nicknamed "New Moon" in the short stories.
HEY this probably makes 0 sense in reality but it does so in my heart.
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