#this is actually from a roadtrip i took with my family
nickyelsh · 7 months
wild child
on the road in my car
windows rolled down sunroof open
warm summer air flowing in
cut up watermelon in his hand
red hot delicious
he ate it in the messiest way possible
all hands sticky and wet
juice running down his chin
wild free and open
hot summer air
his mother’s favourite songs on the stereo
the up and down of the twisting roads
it was too much
he couldnt finish it
threw the rest out in the forest
from the moving car
a wild child on a wild ride
eating what he must
giving back what he doesn’t
wild hot and free
red damp and delicious
a wild child sits on the car seat
the wild child is me
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pettydisco · 10 months
I'm not ready for it to be september again. I haven't done enough.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Random question: what are your thoughts on Dick's and Wally's friendship?
They're one of the greatest friendships in DC and that's canon
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Flash Plus
Idk about you, but I believe that if you do annual roadtrips with your best friend just because you love spending time with them, then you can't possibly be closer than them.
Actually their friendship is so special that they have an entire comic just dedicated to the two of them being friends. That's how close they are - "Flash Plus".
Wally always covers for Dick
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #73
"Go over to best friend's apartment and pretend to hurl."
For sure they're childhood best friends. The ones that grow up together and probably took baths together but still sitting in a hot tub not even six feet apart because they're just that close.
What they call themselves:
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Nightwing (1996)
They tell each other everything going on in their lives.
They're so close that Dick actually snuck Wally into the Batcave
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The Flash (1987) Issue #210
And then Wally shit talks Batman just to make Dick feel better and gets caught
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"*growl* *growl* keep talking. I dare you. *GROWL*"
Because while Dick acts as the world's emotional support human being, Wally acts as Dick's personal one. He always watches out for his best friend's emotional wellbeing.
For example, when Dick didn't want to reform the Titans, Wally explains why he brought it up. And why he's insisting on it.
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"You need this."
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The Titans (1999) Issue #1
"My mission is to keep you from turning into your guardian. Batman may be a loner, but you need a family around you." "You'd really join another team just so I could have a social life?"
Wally's personal mission in life is making sure Dick is happy, safe, and healthy.
He tells Dick secrets he NEVER tells anyone else
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The Flash (1987) Issue #210
"I only told that story to one person. Dick Grayson...my best friend."
His greatest regret and sorrow is that he doesn't get to see Dick more often
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If Wally had his way, Dick would be living with him and Linda since the day they got married.
The only times they fight is when Dick is being too self-destructive and won't listen to reason so Wally ends up getting mad.
When Barbara can't get through to Dick, she sends her failsafe to pick him up and knock some sense into him
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Dick is literally depressed and wants to give up after he killed the Joker. He won't listen and so what does Barbara do?
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #63
And thank god it works. Even if Dick won't listen to anyone, he'll listen to Wally.
Wally loves Dick an extreme amount.
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"The Flash is disassembling an entire collapsed, burning building. He doesn't have super-strength. He's just working as fast as he can. He'll do whatever it takes to get to me."
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"He heals fast, but he's probably broken his fingers several times..."
And Dick loves Wally just as much.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #90
"My best friend."
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tezzbot · 3 months
Yoooo!! Another fellow underground AU maker!!! I am loving your idea of a roadtrip to go see Aleena and especially like how Tails is in the know about the siblings while Sonic is uncharacteristically sweating bullets about having a bio family. I love shenanigans. Do Manic and Sonic compare notes about living by themselves on the streets/in the wilds for fun? I think that would be fun. Also Manic being the one to scam Sonia is HILARIOUS.
Yooo!! Hell yes lol
I think it's less that he's sweating bullets about it and moreso that, like... Sonic has gotten by and is loving the life that he has, he's never needed a biological family, he doesn't need or want those kinds of roots, y'know? But then the fact that his bio family is out there is presented to him and suddenly it's like 'Well you're gonna go and find them aren't you? You're gonna go and find out where you came from, who you are?' But obviously that basically fundamentally goes against who Sonic IS like as a person, character, whatever. He's all about forging your own path and moving forward, who you Have Been is less important than who you Can Be Right Now. and going out of his way to uncover a past that doesn't really Matter in the current moment would probably just feel weird. In my notes about the letter Sonic receives Tails asks him if he's gonna go and find Aleena, Sonic is like, nah. The letter says I don't have to. This was closure for her I'm sure, but I don't need a mom, never have, smiles and shrugs and Tails is like :/ Okay... Because, Tails on the other hand I think would be endlessly curious about it, actually finding out where Sonic comes from and what his family is like would Really intrigue him dsfhjdf
ANYWAY sorry for the long tangent fdghf
Yes!! I do feel like Sonic growing up and getting by on his own would likely instantly put Manic more at ease around him, like it would be easier for them to empathise with each other given their situations than it would be for Sonia since they would both get the 'You gotta do what you gotta do' mindset, where because of how she was raised and how sheltered she would have been Sonia just sees Manic as a thief and, well, stealing is bad it's a crime lol
Obviously overtime as they have to get to know each other she learns from them about how the world actually is lol and gains sympathy, but not before she goes off at Manic for taking advantage of a poor young woman who was all alone like that and possibly stranding her >:( and Manic is like I saw a rich lady who wouldn't miss a couple bucks, can't blame a dude for taking what he can get lol she's like COUPLE BUCKS?? YOU TOOK MY ENTIRE TRAVEL BUDGET. and Manic steps behind Sonic GJHFGH
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isagrimorie · 6 months
Hizzie: 9, 11 and 16.
from this fandom ask game:
9. ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
After a reasonably slow burn, they become a couple at the end of season 5 and officially at the beginning of season 6.
It starts with Hope realizing she's fallen for Lizzie, but she's not pushing it because she feels guilty for what she did to Lizzie when Lizzie confessed to her -- and because her family finally told her what 'siring' meant among vampires.
Hope would think she blew it.
Especially now that MG and Lizzie are dating. And y'know it's nice -- to the outsider it is nice. They don't fight and it's all anyone can reasonably ask for, a nice relationship with hardly any drama.
And Lizzie is trying to make it work. She thinks she owes it to herself and MG to make it work and she and Hope are friends. What more can a girl ask right?
After quite a comedy of errors and pining, all from Hope's point of view, with a few puzzled pensive looks from Lizzie. MG and Lizzie break up. It has nothing to do with Lizzie knowing about Hope's feelings but she suspects, hopes maybe.
But no, Lizzie and MG break up amicably because they both realize -- they're just not working as a couple. They are much better friends.
Meanwhile, as friends and as partners, Lizzie and Hope have been doing really, really well. And in true Mikaelson fashion -- and maybe to Hope's annoyance she's more like her Uncle Elijah than she thought-- because she does random things to make Lizzie happy without even telling her.
Cleo's noticed, of course, and has encouraged Hope to speak up. Hope doesn't want to and she seems to be on a mission to improve herself. Of course, Lizzie finds out about Hope's self-improvement mission, and as a self-proclaimed queen of self-improvement, Lizzie sets out to help her.
TLDR culminates in a major moment-- a battle, or after a battle, or even an afterparty of a battle, Hope and Lizzie end up alone and Hope finally confesses to Lizzie, and Lizzie just smiles at Hope, "Took you long enough, Mikaelson."
And kisses Hope.
11. ...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
Pretty fast tbh-- I'm a sucker for rivals-to-lovers tropes, but also I felt a spark from them on the 4th episode? For someone who hated Hope so much, Lizzie listened really intently and very compassionately when Hope gave her advice about grief.
gifset here
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The scene in season 1 is the first time I low-key shipped Lizzie with Hope.
And to have it called back in season 4????? That Lizzie remembered and internalized what Hope said? How can I not ship them?
Of course, the roadtrip episode leading to Hope and Lizzie finding out that their whole rift was not real after all. And then cascading to the beautiful moment in the dance with Lizzie helping Hope with her anxiety and panic and later Hope doing the same for her.
But the nail in the coffin to my shipping them?
Lizzie remembers Hope in season 2 and waking up, saying: Hope Andrea Mikaelson!
From then on it is a straight shot to Shipsville.
16. ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
Oh boy this is actually hard since I haven't been reading a lot of Hizzie fic.
So, possibly recents first:
Catch Her a Catch by Tamoline
“Oh!” She rolls her eyes at herself. “Of course.” She doesn’t say that it was obviously lingering sorrow over a mention of something Hope no longer has. Lizzie’s always been more solution oriented anyway. “We need to find Hope a boyfriend.” Honestly, the idea’s so simple, Lizzie’s astounded she hasn’t thought of it before. Lizzie gets an idea in her head. Chaos ensues.
Lizzie tries to set-up Hope. It goes as well as you'd think.
Deep End series by cheektocheekinhell
It starts with a road trip with no Humanity Hope and Lizzie and it ends with a road trip to New Orleans.
The Charleston by Terapsina
Lizzie's panicking about having forgotten about the latest Mystic Falls dance, when Hope knocks on the door of her room and Lizzie gets an idea.
Because I really adored this. It was light and sweet and I can just see this happening.
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distort-opia · 1 month
I'd like some director's commentary on-- shocker!-- my favorite angst, "this knife, like silence." A couple questions:
1) "He just steps off, removes himself from the narrative, and when you awake you can’t remember what you yell at him. What things you tell him to try and get him to stay."
Just curious if this is always how it went, or if you played with Bruce remembering what he yelled and what it was.
2) Just any further thoughts on Selina, really. I just keep thinking that Bruce does love her, and that's why he married her, and it'd be awful if maybe deep down the reason he did is because he thought it would bring Joker out of the woodwork! But then at the end of the story, Bruce ends up doing the same thing to his family that Joker did to him, and Selina is so painfully aware of how much Bruce feels Joker's absence that it's probably already occurred to her. Just imagining her deciding settling down with Bruce is worth the loss of freedom, and in return… 🙃 We've talked about a companion story from Joker's POV, but hers would be something too.
Always happy to hear that fic breaks hearts as intended, thank you for the ask!
1) I'm pretty sure I wrote it like that from the start. The thought process behind it was a bit similar to the one behind "friend, please" actually... in the sense that in an extreme situation, Bruce would choke on his repression. He'd desperately want to say the right thing, but he's never been good at expressing his emotions, he's always had issues with directly expressing his desires (hell that's why it took me 90k words and mental torture in REMS for him to even approach actual communication of emotions). So in a way, that line is about him abstractly dreaming that he managed to yell something out to begin with, but he doesn't remember what it was because he doesn't know what it was. Because he still doesn't have the words for what his feelings for Joker are... especially in a world where Joker's gone.
2) Oh Bruce definitely does love Selina; he didn't marry her because he thought it might get Joker to intervene, though the thought was definitely there. Selina has always made him feel less alone, but in a different way than Joker does. Joker and Bruce are similar in a two-sides-of-the-same-coin way, Bruce and Selina are similar in a Venn-diagrams-overlapping way. And he loves the understanding and the kindred spirit he has in her, and married her because of the peace that brings him... and well, partly because he thinks that it's The Thing To Do. He can be happy and have a family and be the man his parents would've wanted him to be. On Selina's part, I think that yeah, she's definitely acutely aware of Bruce's complicated feelings about Joker, but she feels the same way about Bruce, and perhaps hopes that it'll go away. That with time, Bruce will forget about Joker, and the part of him that's never present will slowly come back and be with her fully. Obviously, that's not the case, and Bruce does disappear. I see Selina reacting in a similar way as in Batman/Catwoman (2021), though perhaps a lot more bitterly and in grief... "They live together, they leave together." And damn, a companion piece from Selina's POV would be heartbreaking in a whole different way, though the Joker POV companion piece-- I am promising the second born for that one, since the first one is saved up for the roadtrip fic :))
fanfic writer ask game - director's commentary
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spicysix · 11 months
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「eddie munson X gn!reader • roadtrip!AU」
2.7k words | prev | next | masterlist | ao3 warnings: trauma bonding! mentions of violence, of torture and of near-death experiences. also, they're both kinda in a bad mood. a nightmare will do that to ya songs of the chapter: ambrosia - carole king • move on - david bowie • i wanna be somebody (and the entire self titled album) - W.A.S.P.
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Friday, July 25
Eddie Munson was a hard-headed prick.
Not completely, no, you’d find out already he could be convinced at some point, but it took a while. And you figured the morning after your night in Sioux Falls that he was actually being really nice until then. Because on topics that were more important to him, the man was tougher to break than a brick wall.
One of those topics? His van.
Because Eddie’s back was still not completely recovered from the night he’d spent on the front bench of the van, and because of his nightmare that had kinda ruined his night, you told him you should drive the van to your next stop so he could get some more rest.
And, oh boy, was he relentless about that.
He wasn’t like Steve and the Bimmer, it wasn’t about jealousy or fear of you breaking something or getting something dirty. No, it had to do with the mechanics.
You had both woken up early, thankfully, for he had spent almost an entire hour speeching and groaning and basically throwing a tantrum about how the van was old, bratty, difficult, damaged, faulty. And how the van needed certain specific things to engage, to accelerate, to break, to park. And how the van had tricks and wiles and gimmicks to work.
You heard it all silently, nodding, not doubting him for a second even though his dramatics were off the charts. Only after his show was over and he had thoroughly explained everything about the van’s problems more than once, only then you asked him to show you, and if you could try. He showed you, also complaining the whole time, and then you tried.
And managed it just fine.
“Shouldn’t doubt my expertise, Eddie,” you winked at him — your grandma would call you smug — and he grimaced with a blush to his ears while you left the parking lot you were practicing on and headed for the road. You were cackling the whole time.
You took the I-90 and headed east, as Eddie had been doing since Chicago — on purpose or not, you didn’t know. Leaving the prairies behind and welcoming the great plains’ monotony, the beauty of the Missouri River once you crossed it again, the sun high and almost oppressive above you.
You were still a little tired yourself, but Eddie let you choose the music once again, bobbed his head to Bowie’s voice and hid a wide grin behind his hand as he stared at the window’s landscape, took a nap after two or three songs, and it was all right.
── ⇌ • ○ • ⇋ ──
“You ever been to Yellowstone?” he asked, reading a pamphlet while you gathered some food supplies into your basket.
You had stopped around midday in a town right by the border to Wyoming for a bathroom break and to get some snacks for lunch and for the rest of the road. The mid-summer brought its peak, and so the little town was unusually full of people going and coming from all kinds of nature adventures and travels.
“Do I look like someone who has ever been to Yellowstone National Park on a family vay-cay, Eddie?” you answered without sparing him a look, an abnormal tone of sarcasm in your voice because, yeah, maybe family vay-cays were a triggering topic to you. And you were a little hungry, which in turn got you a little over-annoyed.
Eddie didn’t know any of that, though, and you instantly regretted the way you said it.
“I don’t know you very well, sweetie,” he retorted just as ironically, the nickname raised in pure poison, and it hurt more than you cared to think about in depth. “All I know is that you’ve probably worked at every single retail job in Hawkins, that you go to mine’s to buy… stuff every four months or so without much small talk, that you, Harrington and Buckley are glued at the hip and that we’ve stopped the world from ending together. Nothing else.”
You stopped your strolling through the market’s aisle and turned to him, sighing.
“I’m sorry, Eddie, that wasn’t nice of me. No, I’ve never been to Yellowstone. I’d really like to, though.”
He seemed to be caught off-guard by your sudden sincerity and stuttered some words that he couldn’t completely form.
“And I’m sorry if I never stopped for a conversation when I went to buy stuff from you. I should have.” You took a step further, getting closer to him, and he looked truly startled. Was he really this unfamiliar with apologies?
“Yeah, no, I-” He closed his eyes and sighed loudly, “You’re alright. I was just thinking about it…” He went back to the initial topic, maybe not wanting to linger on the emotional aspect of the conversation since he’d been enough emotionally vulnerable the night before, and waved the pamphlet about tourist spots in Wyoming right in your face.
You caught the pamphlet in your hands, handing Eddie the shopping basket for him to hold instead, and examined it. You went through its pages quickly but with enough attention to catch the most important pieces of information.
“We could give it a call and see if we can make a reservation? It’s unlikely since we’re in high season, but we can give it a try?” you asked, looking at him again and he was still looking at you as if you were a hard puzzle to solve.
He cleaned his throat, “Yeah, sure, we can do that.”
“Not like we have anywhere specific to be or a deadline to meet, right?” You winked, handed him the pamphlet and took the basket back, continuing on your shopping spree, back with your enthusiasm. “We gotta stop by the camping supply store!”
His laugh reverberated through the isle and into a little warm space between your ribs as he went after you with a muttered ‘Fucking Yellowstone, man’ under his breath; following your plans once again, giving you his trust so openly, and you wondered if you even deserved it. Probably not, but you’d take it either way.
── ⇌ • ○ • ⇋ ──
Everything fell into place perfectly in a summer miracle as you used a payphone to call the reservations number for a camping ground on Grant Village, a last-minute cancellation from a couple that had given you and Eddie the opportunity of a lifetime — you were also able to make a reservation for dinner on the Grant Village Dining Room for your first night. And as it seemed, the entirety of South Dakota’s population had decided to go camping all at once and left you and Eddie the final tent to buy at the store. You also bought other basic camping supplies that you didn’t have and deemed important. That government hush money was making itself very useful.
Eddie assured you he was fine to drive and so he took the wheel for the rest of your trip for that day — it was too early to stop yet, but Yellowstone was too far away still, so you’d find another place to spend another night. Your reservation in the National Park also didn’t start until the next day, so you’d have to wait anyway.
You were once again delegated to co-pilot duties, reading the map and giving Eddie directions. You also picked a tape of his own for the soundtrack this time.
Not even an hour in, something caught your eye on the map in your hands. “Eddie, what do you think about a lake day?” He chuckled and shrugged in response. “Look, there’s a lake less than ten miles from here.”
“Let’s go, then.” He didn’t take his eyes off the road to check where you were pointing at the map, just followed your instructions.
You drove for just a little while until you reached an exit with a plaque that read ‘Pine Haven’. In about 20 minutes, after a few more turns, some decision-making about which way to go, and the payment of a fee for entering the State Park, you were the closest you could get to the lake, in what looked like a growing little town with a few houses built. Eddie parked the van a little further away from the road and you both left it, you stretching your arms and legs as he went around to meet you on your side.
A man approached you, introduced himself as Coop, pointed at his house — told you to knock if you needed anything — and then pointed to the best way to the lake (actually a reservoir). He told you all about the region, the State Park, the reservoir, his family; and you and Eddie were enchanted by his hospitality, the fact that he barely batted an eye about the weird combination that the two of you were. So when he invited you to stop by later for a shower and dinner, you didn’t hesitate to say yes.
After that, you and Eddie changed clothes to more appropriate ones in the back of the van and walked a few more minutes until you were finally facing the reservoir waters. Eddie found the nearest tree and rested under its shadow in no time, taking his notebook and a pack of cigarettes from his jeans pocket. You came to leave your supplies by his side and looked around. There were a few families, not many, it was very quiet and you were glad. On the other margin, though, you could see a few more people — Coop had told you the roads were more accessible and the state park was first established there, making it more popular. But you liked that you were on a more recluse part of the reservoir.
You stripped to the top and sports shorts you had changed into — intuitively, subconsciously, somehow you had brought many useful clothes so far —  and covered yourself in sunscreen. Eddie had sunglasses on and seemed to be invested in whatever he was scribing in his notebook, but you felt his eyes burning on you from time to time as you turned your back to him. It made you smile for some reason (your grandma would call it wishful thinking).
He was still wearing dark jeans, they seemed more ripped, but less tight than the ones you had seen him using before, and so he rolled the hems up, took off his Reeboks, and buried his feet in the rocky sand. On his torso, he had a white tank — a surprisingly bright color, but you guessed an all-black look would make it unbearably hot for him. The scars on his neck that went up the left side of his jaw to his cheek were pink in the sunlight, but he didn’t seem to mind showing them off.
You approached him and offered the sunscreen: “You should take care of those battle scars, Eddie. They’ll likely be more sensible.”
He looked up at you, eyes still hidden behind the sunglasses (unfortunately, for he had pretty eyes you’d like to be seeing) but he accepted your offer and protected his scars and uncovered arms.
“How come you don’t have any battle scars yourself, soldier?” he asked, still spreading cream while you stretched your limbs.
“Mine are just covered.” You pulled up the hem of your shorts on your left leg and showed him the bite marks you had received from the bats on your first encounter with them when you all went after Steve into Lovers Lake. Turned around and pulled the fabric of your top that covered the bites on your right shoulder blade as well. “I was the one who got Dustin and Erica out back in Starcourt, so. No Russian torture for me as well, luckily.”
You draped a towel on the sand and lied down on it, ready to catch a tan. Your sun marks wouldn’t look pretty, but you weren’t so worried about that.
“If you hadn’t cut the rope, maybe we would be matching,” you said finally, before closing your eyes and enjoying the burning on your skin.
Eddie didn’t answer you. You didn’t intend for it to come out in a mean way, but maybe that’s how he interpreted it. And maybe you weren’t sorry for that — he could use a little snarl.
You were on his team with Dustin in the final battle. You were there because you had been able to protect Dustin once before, and you were trusted to do it again.
Which you did. You kept Dustin safe.
But you couldn’t keep Eddie safe, because he had cut the rope made of sheets after you fell through the portal, and left you and Dustin in the Rightside Up as he went back and faced those demonic bats all by himself in the Upside Down. If he hadn’t acted so impulsively, maybe you could have gone with him. Maybe the two of you would have been a more fair fight against the swarm of bats. Maybe he wouldn’t have almost died, maybe you wouldn’t have to see Dustin crying over his limp bloody body, maybe you wouldn’t have your own nightmares about that night.
You tried not to dwell on it.
You tried not to blame Eddie for it.
You tried not to blame yourself for it.
“You slept on my bed last night?” he chose to ask after a little while in silence, his voice a little shaky, and you bit your lip to stop your own eyes from tearing up before answering. You didn’t like talking about it, and maybe neither did he.
“No, I waited until you slept and went back to mine.”
You left out the part that you watched him sleep for hours, he didn’t need to know. You didn’t need to scare him like that. To make him aware that you were afraid he would stop breathing at any second, that his skin would go cold and his heart would stop beating. Like it had happened before.
No, he didn’t need to know that his worse nightmare was the same as your own.
He made a noise in acknowledgment and you took a deep breath and focused on the sun kissing your skin and the laughter of the kids playing in the water a few feet away. He focused on whatever he was doing, and you kept it to yourselves whatever was plaguing your thoughts. The air was crisp with tension, and you hated it, but you tuned it out. You could talk about it later.
── ⇌ • ○ • ⇋ ──
You didn’t talk about it later.
You didn’t talk about how neither of you dared to go diving in the lake, how you lingered on the margins, only going as further as to where the water reached your knees.
You didn’t talk about how Eddie didn’t take off his tank top.
You didn’t talk about how a couple walked past the two of you and stared too openly and too rudely at Eddie’s facial scars.
You didn’t talk about how you asked just as rudely what the hell they were staring at. But he smiled gratefully at you for it.
You didn’t have to talk about it. You knew how each other felt.
So he dragged you to a more hidden part among the trees and shared a joint with you. You laughed about nonsense together and went back to Coop’s house still giggling. You shared a towel for your showers because Betty (Coop’s wife) only had one to spare and you didn’t mind. You shared a couch during dinner because the table was already filled with Coop’s family and some other welcomed tourists, and you both received tight hugs from Betty before you went back to the van for the night.
You thought it best not to take the tent out of its package, both of you too high and afraid you wouldn’t be able to put it back later — and forgetting about the entirely available back of the van. Oh, well.
You both agreed to sleep on the same mattress, as much space between you as possible, backs turned to each other. After what felt like enough time, after you noticed that he was already asleep, you turned slowly not to wake him and stared at his back for a while. The repetitive movement of his muscles was soothing, and you matched your breath to his. The warmth of his skin still radiated and reached you somehow, even with the distance still fairly big between you two. And his calm, even breathing rhythm scared away your fears.
None of you had bad dreams that night.
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end notes: i've made way too much research about this area of Wyoming for this chapter. Pine Haven was actually only Incorporated as a town by december of '86. I have no idea how the town looked months before that, so I didn't describe it a lot, made it vague on purpose. fun fact: Coop is the actual name of the guy who, alongside his wife Betty, founded Pine Haven back in the 50s - at least that’s what the town’s official website told me lmao. i obviously have no idea if they were actually this nice, but i wanted them to be a very wholesome and welcoming couple for the sake of the fic. also! let's suspend our disbelief, i know the chances of them being able to get a last minute reservation on what's probably the most popular national park in the US was very unlikely if not completely impossible. but everything is doable in a fic-world, right? right. to yellowstone we go, then
taglist (is open!): @amira0303 @rupsmorge @wyverntatty
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shadowetienne · 1 month
Reflecting on seeing OnlyOneOf for Things I Can't Say LOve tour stop in San Francisco (2024/05/03)
I meant to type this up sooner, but I've had several hectic weeks (leading up to going down to SF to see OnlyOneOf and since). Mostly good hectic, but hectic nonetheless. It was incredible getting to see OnlyOneOf again though, and I want to write up the experience before it fades in my memory.
This was a much less whirlwind trip than last year (where we drove down the night before and back up the next day), but it was still an adventure. We started very early in the morning on Wednesday, May 1st, with @redeim and his partner picking me up around 6 am just north of Seattle, and then us going to pick up another friend who was roadtripping down to CA with us to see relatives but not to see the concert. We had two drivers this time (Redeim and his partner) which was already an improvement on last trip. Redeim was coming off a knee and ankle injury, which will come up again, but was a bit of an impediment. The trip was, as expected, long. We didn't actually make it to where we were staying (with Redeim's partner's family over across the Bay from SF) until something like 1 am. I did knit an entire cowl on the trip down though, and it was nice to get to see a lot of the trip in daylight this time. Thursday (all day) and Friday (morning) were spent visiting with people we know in the Bay Area.
We went up fairly early for when we needed to be there for VVIP check in, but not absolutely as early as we could have (here we are before we headed out: https://shadowetienne.tumblr.com/post/749535185571315712). It was easy enough getting in and getting checked in, getting our lanyards for VVIP and our premium snapshot tickets. We didn't take that long in and out which was nice because Redeim's partner hadn't gotten VVIP so was waiting for us outside while we did the check in. We then went to get caffeinated beverages and some food (and a silver sharpie from the art store a few blocks down because we'd forgotten ours in Washington and we wanted to have it for people to be able to sign the flag).
But soon enough, we were back to the venue area, and during the time we'd done our little wander, the lines had started to properly gather (even though it was technically early for the VVIP line to have started to form). We wandered the VVIP+ line side for a while trying to get as many signatures on the flag and getting a fair number of freebies in exchange. There were also a good number of people with GA tickets around who we were able to get a chance to sign the flag. But after a bit of this, people were herded into the VVIP line for not blocking the sidewalk reasons. Redeim and I were still getting a pretty steady stream of people to sign the flag because we had it out and people were wandering along the line with freebies, or walking around if they were in VIP or GA and didn't have a line up area yet. At some point in here we got the delightful chance to see @jungwookjins and @tolkpopfan who swung by to sign the flag and say hi! (Standing in line and getting the flag signed: https://shadowetienne.tumblr.com/post/749535784683667456)
We also got to chat with the people around us in line, and as always lyOns are delightful. I got so many compliments on my outfit, and so many people who remembered me/us from last year. Handed out a few of the little pride flags that we'd brought for people who didn't have lightsticks (or just wanted a pride flag). There was a lot of commiseration about how much of a menace Rie can be (was last year, and it turns out would continue to be this year).
Eventually, after a good long while of waiting, it was VVIP's turn to go in for fansign. I liked the set up for this better than last year because where we were queued up let us watch the members for a while before we actually went up to get the posters signed. I got to watch the tail end of the fanchat before they took the chairs away, and then a chunk of VVIP that came before us. Some fun observations from that time: Nine continues to move constantly in his seat. I was very entertained watching him kicking his heels together with his feet resting on the cross bar of his chair and just being incredibly wiggly. Junji was very very smiley, and he seemed to be really enjoying being there. Also his hair was so good. KB projects the most of all of them in terms of being able to hear his voice when I was standing in line. I definitely spent most of this time watching Rie though (I suspect no one is shocked). He looked incredible, and I was so curious how the interactions would go this time.
At last, it was our turn to go up for the fansign. I believe it went Yoojung, Mill, Junji, Rie, Nine, KB, but the middle could be out of order there. Yoojung and Mill were both quick for me, they signed, they said thank you/love you, it wasn't a big interaction. Junji did a repeat of last year's interaction a little bit. He looked up at me, gave two thumbs up and said "shirt!" with a big smile again, and then said "thank you for coming again." At this point, I suspected that he might remember me from last year, or at least my shirt. Rie was, unsurprisingly but somehow still surprisingly, a menace. He looked up, definitely remembered me because the first thing out of his mouth was "thank you for coming back bestie" (he kept using bestie, it was somehow very charming). I told him he was my favorite, and he said, "I love you," and at this point he's trying to be handed Redeim's poster and I'm only freaking out a little bit. I got passed along to the rest of the members to sign, but I've got to tell you, I don't remember as much about what they did because Rie had just done his Rie thing.
This is where Redeim being in the process of recovering from an injury comes back into play. He was using a cane, and after the fansign, they were going to herd us down into a room downstairs for waiting until the high touch and group photo, down the steep stairs in an old building. One of the staff noticed Redeim using the cane, asked if he was OK with the stairs, and then herded us over into ADA (I was like "can I stay with him" which they were chill about). This was the first bit of venue weirdness, and it turned out ADA wasn't very well placed. It was sort of off to a side and too far back, especially for a standing venue. People sitting in ADA were going to have a very hard time seeing the stage. We had to wait for a while, and they ended up having the ADA area folks all go up together for the group photos (because they forgot to tell us how they wanted us to join the line until it was getting into VIP, and there were a mix of VVIP+, VVIP, and VIP folks in the ADA section at this point). This did mean that I got to watch most of the high touch and group photo process from over at the ADA section. They are so sweet and friendly and good at fan interaction. They're very clearly happy to see all the fans!
When we got to do our high touch and group photo it went pretty fast, I did get to confirm that the shoes that I wore this time made me about Junji's height, which was fun. Mill only startled a tiny bit at my tiny hands this time. Rie continued to be a menace. Got a smirk and a hand squeeze again this year. Then for the group photo, I was standing behind in a sort of in between way Rie and Nine, which was nice (hopefully group photo turns out OK, haven't seen it yet).
Then it was back to ADA to wait for a bit while stuff got set up and it was time for them to start letting people in. It ended up being a standing only venue other than the ADA section because they'd closed off the balcony (Redeim's partner had originally been expecting to sit up in the balcony for GA). I'd decided that I was going to go stand as close as I could to be able to get the flag up to the stage, but Redeim also decided that he would come stand up there with me, so once VVIP started coming in, we made our way up to stand as close as we could (they gave us little stickers that meant that we had in and out options for ADA). Redeim's partner got a great photo of us while we were standing waiting for things to start because he was just a little behind us: https://shadowetienne.tumblr.com/post/749583294468849664
I'm tall enough that I could see the stage quite well (or well, as well as I can see anything), Redeim was struggling a little bit more, and would at a point end up going back to ADA for a while, and then standing a bit further back with his partner while I stayed as far forward as I could. This is wild for me because with any other crowd, there would be absolutely no way I'd be comfortable standing away from my people. I generally feel really comfortable around lyOns though, and so many people had recognized me from last year, and had said nice things about my outfit. As we were settling in waiting for the show to actually start, we passed out all the rest of our little pride flags to people who had been standing with Redeim's partner in GA or who were clustered near us and didn't have something to wave. It was lovely how excited people were about them.
Eventually the concert started, and all my focus was on the stage. OnlyOneOf are incredible performers. I couldn't tell you the set order, or exactly what they performed off the top of my head for the most part (Redeim has videos), but every single stage was so good. I was definitely the most focused on watching Rie, but all of them had pretty good coverage of the stage when they were doing talking bits or songs that didn't have choreo and they wandered around. There were some moments that stood out to me a lot because of who I was watching: so many cute JunRie moments sort of scattered through out. Rie was having trouble with either his microphone or something on his outfit, and during one of the first ments, he and Junji sort of dropped back to the back of the stage and Junji helped him fix it. There were several hugs scattered through. The entire wonderful nonsense of Junji doing the challenge dance with the belt, and KB stealing Yoojung's belt for him to do it with, and Rie joining in on the choreo (and then KB also joining in and being very silly). And the ui medley stage, which was incredible. We didn't get one of the most exciting JunRie endings of the entire tour so far, but they made hearts together and then walked off holding hands which was sweet. But then after the ui medley, we got the treat of all of the members messing around trying to show Nine and Mill that they could clearly do the ending choreo of beyOnd better.
As we were approaching the end of the show, I got the flag out and was holding it up at times (I was trying not to block anyone's view, but I wanted to make sure that the guys got a chance to see it in the audience). Flag definitely got a few of their attention! I got reactions (pointing to it with a big smile, hand hearts, some combination there of) from everyone but Mill (he didn't make it over in the area during one of the times it was more visible). I also may have hidden behind the flag a little bit when they sprayed us with water because I did not entirely enjoy that sensory experience. I actually tried to send the flag up at two different points, but the first one ended up coming back to me because for some reason it didn't keep getting passed forward, but after another flag had gone up successfully, I managed to send the flag up on stage: https://shadowetienne.tumblr.com/post/749535481042272256
Mill is the one who ended up with the flag, and it was around his shoulders for a good long while. I wish that they'd gotten more chance to look at all the messages that people left for them, but I'm glad that it made it up on stage and all the members interacted with it at least a little. They had to send all the things back into the audience this year (sadly, we really wanted to have the flag be a gift to them). Redeim and I are plotting ways that we might be able to get it to them as a gift if they come back next year/in the future.
I already talked about the premium snapshot experience (and my confirmation that both Rie and Junji remembered me from last year) here: https://shadowetienne.tumblr.com/post/749574999788109824/got-premium-snapshots-with-both-rie-and-junji-it
It had started drizzling a little bit by the time I got out of the venue, but we were able to make our bus and train connections back to where we'd parked just fine, and then back to where we were staying. I'd originally been hoping to go into SF the next day for a bit, but between weather (pouring rain) and being exhausted, we ended up having a rest day, and then we drove back up on Sunday (again leaving very early). Got home just before midnight, and I'm definitely still just rotating the experience in my mind.
I hope they are able to come back again next year, and maybe also come to Seattle next year (though I'm going to be so very very tempted to try to see them at multiple stops if I can manage it). They are so incredible, and while I think that last year is still my very favorite concert I've ever been to, this year was amazing, minor venue issues and all.
Also, I'm just going to be reeling for a while over Rie and Junji both remembering me. I'm not sure how I feel about being perceived, but overall it was a nice feeling, they seemed so happy that people were coming back to see them again. Also Rie is an absolute menace and flirt, but it's charming.
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anonymouslyel · 2 years
i have this steddie scene that i've been thinking and its about eddie who is just so done about how the people in hawkins treat him even after the government and hopper's efforts to establish and provide evidences that eddie did not have anything to do with any of the deaths.
he's just so done with it bc its okay if they only give him a hard time, eddie can accept every curse and disgusted side eyes they give him. but they have started to treat the kids different too, some shove here and some glares there. they started to vandalize wayne's trailer and even his car. they started to badmouth steve and robin to the point that family video have less customers each week.
and eddie is angry. eddie is furious because he can't make all of those stop at once.
so he decides one night to just "fuck it. im out of here." because all of those horrible things happening to the people he loves and cares about were because of him. because they were connected to him.
he fills every bag he could find in the trailer with clothes, tapes, wires, amps and everything he can fit into those bags. he zipped his guitar on its case and starts to put all the bags at his van.
the night is cold and deep. the dog that's usually barking at this insane hour of the night is miraculously silent or asleep. he took that as a positive sign.
he's pulling the mattress out to fit on his van when someone calls him from behind.
eddie whips his head and sees steve in a sweatshirt and pants. "steve, what are you doing here?"
steve walks to him and looks at his open van, front seat full of bags and back full of more bags and amplifiers, then to eddie who's gone back in dragging his mattress to the van.
"don't do this, eddie," steve stands in front of the van's open back, stopping eddie from putting the mattress.
eddie clicks his tongue. if only he just gave up the mattress, steve would find an empty trailer house at his impromptu visit.
"move, harrington." eddie meets steve's gaze and pushes the mattress, hitting steve.
steve must have seen something in him that made him say, "let me come with you."
"let me come with you and i'll move."
"you dont understand what im doing," eddie sneers. "this is not just some roadtrip that im doing, steve. i'm getting out of here. fucking off to some random town and actually do something there." he hides his true reason.
"okay. we can fuck off together at some random town then." steve took hold of the mattress' other side, stepped into the van and pulled it inside. as soon as it dropped on the floor, steve sat on it. "go drive. let's get out of here."
eddie closes his eyes, took a deep breath, ready to scold steve that this is not just some easy decision for eddie. bc as much as he convinces himself that he's doing this to protect the people he loves, this also looks like he's running away. again.
upon opening his eyes, steve is in front of him, face to face. "it's okay. we can leave," steve says gently but with conviction that made eddie reach for the van's door to close and into the driver's seat speeding away and out of hawkins in no time.
((one day i'll turn this into a proper fic but clearly today's not the day. just that this has been in my mind for weeks and i wanna let it out.))
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qprsmackdown · 10 months
Tumblr media
Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli (Lord of the Rings) vs Gil Galad, Elrond, and Celebrian (Silmarillion)
I am going to cry. -🦊
Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli propaganda: i likea them a lot :) • three dudes going on a road trip i hope nothing bond making happens • they can all braid each others hair • i don't know what the actual shipname is but gigolaron sounds funny youve opened my eyes youre so so so right. theyre just sooooooo. THEY ARE SO QPR FOR REALSIES. legolas and gimli devoted their whole lives to one another and legolas took gimli to essentially elf heaven with him. legolas and aragorn were amazing friends and i think they kissed. the three hunters are so qpr coded to me. they care so much for one another. i have not watched lotr in too long i should rewatch it again but Trust Me Bro theyre SO in love for realsies i got told to vote this by one of the mods. also aragorngimlilegolas resembles my qpr thank you tolkien for making these bitches sooo qpr roadtrip material
Gil Galad, Elrond, and Celebrian propagada: theyre soooo. the high king and his herald, facing unimaginable enemies that have killed all of their families. theyre both so trans also. they can only try to support each other even though the work keeps piling on and people keep dying and all they can do is try to live for each other. elrond has pledged his life to gilgalad and he will always be loyal. gilgalad would die for elrond but he has too many responsibilities and it breaks his heart that he cant say it back. when he does die it is for the world and for love and for elrond. to make a safe world for everyone. when they reunite in valinor they will have changed and learned so much but will still be there for each other, even though they are no longer king and herald.a king and a herald and their best friend. one has pledged their life to the people, the other to him, and the last is just trying to support them. in the midst of so much fear and destruction and uncertainty they stick together and support each other. gil galad dies before them and his loss will stay with them forever. celebrian has to sail to valinor and she must leave behind one for the other. but when elrond sails they will finally all be reunited. gil galad will never meet arwen but she grew up hearing stories about her second father, and strives to be as fair and just a ruler as he. elrohir and elladan are grown by the time they sail but they have until the end of days to make up for lost time. they get a happy ending, even through so much pain and strife. gil galad and celebrian know about elros and his decision to become mortal and how elrond knows it was the right choice for him but has a broken heart anyways. they knew but they didn't realize it would happen to them too. but they love each other and their children and they just want whats best for them. and they take solace in each other, they who still remain even through death. and they hope that when the dagor dagorath comes they can finally see all of their loved ones return from the great adventure of man and fight alongside each other, for even the destruction and renewal of arda cannot mar the happiness at being all together once more.
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teeto-peteto · 9 months
Modern AU adaptation of Ruined King is just the words most unlikely friend group going on a road trip.
my internet has been dead so thats why i havent been responding asks :) but here we are now.
How to put it, yes, you're absolutely right. They would be terrible.
Depends of the roadtrip. I separate it in two possibilites.
Highschool type of roadtrip where there is more people/classmates: Classic bus, they had to wake up early to come. Ahri had to wake up extra early so she can walk her dog before leaving. They dont even need to discuss who are they gonna sit with. Ahri goes with Yasuo, Illaoi with Miss Fortune and Pyke with Braum. No doubts. Ahri and Yasuo fell asleep during the travel resting over each other, Sarah took a pic of them with her phone while Illaoi smiled and laughed with her, resting on her shoulder. Pyke would be looking through the window probably listening to music until Braum decides to talk to him about any of his stories or anecdotes because he felt like Pyke was getting sappy and wanted to cheer him up, it worked. If the trip is long, they would eventually create another groupchat or use the one they have already and play stupid games, like writing a word or a phrase and let the keyboard suggested words complete the rest of the message, they would laugh over it out loud in the bus.
Car roadtrip, just the 6 of them: See, this is more wacky. Lets say that Ahri has a bigger car, or someone from her family let her borrow it, or that we can magically fit 6 people in a car for script convenience. Ahri is the one that drives, our girlie is the taxi driver of the group, she always picks and drops people and honestly she doesnt really mind. Yasuo goes on the front seat because boyfriend privilege, he would be taking care of the map but 99% of posibilites he will mess up and they end up driving the wrong way. Sarah would be the one taking pics and friendly annoying everyone. She would put her phone right in front of Yasuo's face from the back seat to take a messy pic of him and write 'this fucker got us lost lol' and post it. Pics of her holding hands with Illaoi with cute emojis, pics of Pyke asleep captioning 'mf fell asleep' and cute pics of braum counting cows/horses looking at the window. Illaoi would be the one saying '...I think this is the wrong way...' and argues with Yasuo because none of them understands the map, but she is also the one chewing constantly on gums cause she gets dizzy on the car, often downing the window for fresh air. Braum LOVES roadtrips, he loves the car ride the most, he really likes the ambience of being stuck with friends on a car and sharing stories or laughing around, he would keep everyone entertained and point at random things he sees from the window like cows, horses, farms, etc. He actually gets sad when the car ride is over but is quickly replaced with hapiness knowing he is going to have a great time with friends. Pyke would be the one sitting on the middle with Sarah (composition from left to right would be Illaoi, Sarah, Pyke, and Braum) and he feels uncomfortable between them but he has a messed up sleep schedule and needs a depression nap so ends up falling asleep on the car to everyone's surprise. Bonus points if he sleeps in 'dad' position with his arms crossed, but even more bonus points for my pykebraum shippers if he falls asleep accidentally on Braum's shoulder and he tries not to move not to wake him up.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
There's Only Supposed To Be Three Of Us (Part 1)
"Why do I have to sit in the back?" Dusty huffs, arms crossed. "I'm not a little kid."
"You may as well be," Trevor snips, looking in the rearview mirror and rubbing at the graying hair of his temples. "And be glad you are!"
"I'm in my twenties!"
"Yeah, still basically a kid, just none of the benefits of being one," David says flatly, eyes locked on the road. The depth of the night shadows is enough to make his heart race, his eyes flick to every waver of light, his hands grip the wheel tight as his muscles.
But under the thick sweater, the tightly-knitted mittens, and blockade of braids, neither of the other two can tell his stress. His arms are relaxed, his grip is loose, and his eyes are barely taking in the road. And he doesn't mind them living in that reality, that's why he's the one who always drives.
"None of the benefits of being old enough to be an adult either," Dusty grumbles, sinking into his seat. "Don't even get to pick the radio station."
"The radio hasn't had a signal in ages," Trevor says, slapping it to make his point.
"Can't pick the temperature either."
"I told you to put on some proper clothes before we left!"
"I don't like how sleeves feel under my denim!"
"So don't complain!"
"Pipe down." David releases his grip with one hand for just a moment to pat Trevor's shoulder. "It's just one overnight trip to meet those producers, and then if they like the pitch we can try to negotiate for a van or something to get home."
"I still don't see why we need to meet with them. I produced our trial episodes just fine all by myself."
"Yeah, Trev, but if we don't find a way to turn a profit you'll just run out of money."
"I wish I'd never met you two."
Dusty gasps. "Please don't have said that!"
"Yeah mate, where'd that come from?"
"If I'd never met you two I wouldn't be undergoing the indignity of this roadtrip and actually enjoying it. You've ruined my personal standards for myself."
"Awww." Dusty grins at him. "We're your family."
"You are not! Shut your mouth!"
"We're your family, we're your family," Dusty sings teasingly. Trevor makes noises of affront that are so bird-like David can't help but wonder if they're all him or if he's run some real birds over.
"Aren't you the one who made us take those 'family photos?" David says, smirking a little despite the gnawing dread in his gut. He hates driving where there's no streetlights, he hates driving past empty fields, he hates driving in unfamiliar places, he can't let the other two drive.
Trevor slaps him lightly on the arm, and David almost jerks the wheel and sends them crashing, but the small twitch in his arm is lost to the statue-still tension of his body.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean he gets to mock me about it all! It's mot my fault you two wormed your way into my life! Just make a TV show together my arse..."
"Hey, look." Dusty point out of the window opposite to his seat. "Is that a house?"
"Finally!" Trevor rolls his window and squints out at the faint lights in the distance. "We can ask for directions!"
"What? We're not lost."
"Our phones lost service hours ago and we have no other maps, I think it's a safe bet we're not on the right track."
"Yeah, well, who's fault is it we don't have any printed maps?"
"I had to test the shredder!"
"Right, yeah, and I had to test the new forks with your leftover curry."
"Guys!" Dusty leans forward as much as his seatbelt will allow. "Even if we're not lost, let's find somewhere to sleep!"
"You guy can sleep in your seats."
"You'll pass out at the wheel though, and we'll all go on fire."
"You know, it's this kind of imagination that took us from a PG rating to PG-13."
"Hire another writer then."
"Fine." David takes the next turn, the car shaking concerningly as they drive along the bumpy dirt road to the little distant lights. "If's it a little hotel we'll stay here, if not we'll ask where the nearest one is. Happy?"
"Yeah." Dusty smiles, pleased with himself. "And I think we should get room service, too."
"Says the one who never remembers his wallet," Trevor grumbles.
They pull up to the building, and all hopes sink.
The house was probably once bright pink, but in the light of their headlights they see only faded, peeling paint, bright spots only visible when a strung breeze shifts the ivy crawling all the way up to the half-decayed roof. It's tall, taller than any house they've seen that wasn't an apartment block, but small, like there can be only two or three rooms per floor. The windows above the second story are all smashed and shattered, but the glass is surprisingly intact on the second and first floors. The door as also once bright, probably close to David's favorite shade of blue, but now is as peeled and faded as the rest of the house.
There doesn't seem to be any lights on.
"Must've been a trick of the moonlight or something." David puts the car in reverse-
And it stalls.
"I'll check." Dusty gets out and pops the hood. Smoke billows out, and Dusty coughs as he stumbles to David's window. "It's not good anymore."
"We just got her tuned up!" David gets out and takes a look himself, shining his phone flashlight onto the engine. "Oh, for fuck's sake..."
"Still no service," Trevor reports from the passenger seat. He looks up, up, up, to... "Do you think we could get a signal from the top of that?"
"What?" David turns and looks at the house. "No, none of us are going in there, have you lost it? This place could collapse any second."
"Well how else are we supposed to get out of here?"
"We just need to let the engine cool down and Dusty and I can take a closer look."
"And how will you fix it without tools?"
"I- ... Dammit."
"Hmm! Thought so. If we won't go in for service, we'll have to to check for tools. If we have to go in for tools, we may as well try to get a signal while we're at it."
"What if someone lives here?" Dusty looks up. "I mean... it's not impossible. Right?"
"We'll knock."
"Trev, wait-"
Trevor is out of his seat and rapping his knuckles against the door before David can protest.
The door creaks open, the knob falling right off.
They all stay very, very still. Trevor's previous confidence is gone, and now his fist shakes as he stands there.
"Don't go in," David hisses as Dusty steps behind the taller man.
"Of course I'm not going in," Trevor hisses back. "I've seen films!"
They're all still for a very, very long time.
Dusty tugs on David's hand. "Can we get back in the car? I'm getting cold. And it locks."
"Right. Yeah." David sucks in a sharp breath. "Trev, back in the car."
Trevor blinks, and shakes out of the stupor of silent fear that had gripped all of them. "Car, yes, back in the car."
They all go to their doors and-
David pats himself down for the keys. "Who closed the doors?"
"The wind must have caught them." Trevor's hand is still shaking. "You didn't leave the keys inside. You never do."
"They aren't in there," Dusty confirms, looking through the window and shining his own phone light in. "Did you drop them?"
"I clipped them to my belt loop, I can't have dropped them."
"Let's just break the window."
"It'll still be cold then." Dusty rubs his arms. "What do we do?"
Slowly, all eyes turn to the house.
"We all agreed that was a terrible idea," Trevor reminds.
"Yeah." David kneels down to search the ground, but the keys are still missing. "But it might be the only idea now."
"Wait." Dusty walks a little farther away to a lone dying tree. He picks up a large fallen branch and heaves it over. "Okay, now we can go."
"Want me to carry that?"
"I've got it."
They slowly approach the door. David finds himself at the front of the group, despite Dusty being the one with the 'weapon'. They step inside, and the chill of the night is instantly washed away, though not pleasantly. The inside is musty, choked, overly warm and untouched for who knows how long.
"Are the walls... felt?" Trevor presses closer to David, and Dusty tightens his grip on the branch. David shines his light around the room.
Felt. The walls are padded with felt. It might've been a sort of blueish shade once, maybe teal, but there's so much dust gathered on the fabric it's hard to say for sure. There's rips and tears all over, exposing old decaying wood.
The furniture is in no better state. Three chairs sit in the center of the room. An old rocking chair lays on it's side, one of the arms completely rotted off. A plain chair like meant for a school desk sits to it's left, looking ready to shatter if anyone even thinks about sitting on it. A large armchair sits to the farthest right, just as dusty and discolored as the rest of the fabrics in the room, the seat and back sunken in and so squashed they probably feel like solid wood instead of cushions.
A clock sits above a cracked fireplace, the only thing in the room in anything close to decent condition. Even then, the glass over the face is cracked, stretching across the entire bottom. It almost looks like it's frowning.
"This is a house of horrors," Trevor whispers. "And I thought Dusty's designs were disturbing."
"Hey." Dusty shakes his branch a little. "Remember me, holding this?"
"Shh!" David shines the light at the windows. Instead of showing the outside, there's more felt pasted over the glass. Probably some kind of sky picture, but again, dust and grime.
The only saving grace is that there don't seem to be any bugs or spiders.
They shuffle further into the house. "Maybe there's a toolchest, like Trev said," David whispers as quietly as he can. "Can use it to pop open the car for the night."
"Good plan." Trevor's voice shakes.
As suspected, there's only two rooms on the whole floor. The kitchen/dining area is in no better state, and no less felt-covered. The table in the middle is completely collapsed, broken into three pieces by a fallen light fixture. The chairs are all knocked over, the floor cracked beneath them. The fridge door hands open, empty. Old broken dishes are piled in the sink, a centimeter of cloudy, foul-smelling water layering the bottom. The shelves are crowded with cans with rotted labels, unreadable and flaking off.
There's a staircase to the side, but about five steps up it's completely collapsed. There's now way to get up to wherever it leads.
Across from it, by a shattered mirror, is another staircase. David tests it first, placing all his weight on each step slowly, slowly. The other two follow just as slowly, up, up...
They reach three small bedrooms.
Small for rooms, large for closets, with a letter on each headboard. The rooms are in complete disarray, but like downstairs, they're insulated and warm.
"We shouldn't split up," Trevor croaks.
"No," David agrees. "Let's, um... let's all take this room." It's the one with the bed that says 'R'. "We'll look around some more in the morning."
"We're not going to sleep here," Dusty whimpers.
"You're the one who wanted to stop to sleep," Trevor snaps. He rubs his face and sighs. "We'll... take shifts. None of us want to be here, especially not unaware."
"... Alright." Dusty climbs into the bed, and David pushes Trevor in after. Dusty hands David the branch.
"I'm used to staying up," David says with a shrug when Trevor glares at him. "You two get some sleep, I'll wake you up in a couple hours."
"You better."
David sits in a little chair by the bed, eyes glued to the door, grip tight on the branch.
There's nothing in here with them.
There must be something in here with them.
He stays there, tense, still as a statue. It's worse than driving. It's why he can't let the other two do it.
Maybe Dusty and Trevor were right, though. His eyes are playing tricks on him now. For a second he thinks he sees light in the hall. And then thinks he hears Dusty humming, but Dusty is sound asleep. Well, not sound. He's frowning and tossing and turning. It's a miracle Trevor is still asleep, frowning as well but stiff as a corpse where he lays.
David nods off for a second. He feels it coming, but can't resist. His head dips forward, his eyes slide shut, and-
He jolts back awake with a small gasp, an incomprehensible and quickly-fleeting flash of nightmare leaving his heart hammering.
The door, loose on it's hinges, creaks and sways despite the complete and utter stifling lack of breeze.
"Give them a couple more minutes," he mumbles to himself. Maybe they'll wake up on their own. Dusty is whimpering now. Trevor is sucking in shallow breaths. Of course they've having nightmares. This whole situation is a waking one.
-in my-
David rubs his eyes. There go the imagined voices again. He thought he'd have a little longer before the sleep-deprivation hallucinations. His record is five days with just a few cat naps throughout. Trevor had almost killed him.
-not one of those guys-
His head dips again, and he startles back awake. He sees a light in the hallway again. No he doesn't. Nothing's out there. Something's out there.
-eal with it myself I guess.
The door creaks, and David realizes why this place scares him.
It's haunted.
The specter is so translucent it's barely visible at all, just a faint red tint to the air, so faint David would think it's just another trick of his eyes if it weren't for it's eyes. It towers, taller than David would be standing up, and it's eyes rest atop it blood-red head and stare down unblinking. They're wide, slightly off, pointed down at him. David's heart can't decide if it should race or just stop, and it leaves him lightheaded.
The specter tilts it's head slightly, a curtain of red falling to the side and revealing jagged teeth and exposed gum. Just like the rest of it these features ae barely visible, but the specter seems to almost... not glow, but have light around it, like it's walking on a plane where the electricity never stopped working and the bulbs were more than shattered glass.
Oh, look at that.
David's hand flies up to grip his throat. He didn't speak, he's sure he didn't, has this otherworldly apparition stolen his voice? He can't open his own mouth, but he also can't move, can't look away, can't think, and he's sure it's just panic making all of that so impossible.
The specter looks to the side, at something David can't see. The curtain of hair-or something trying to be hair- falls back over the unmoving mouth, and puff forward as the specter speaks to an invisible audience.
There's ghosts in my room.
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Started with a Kiss Chapter 4 - No place like New York
Story Rating: E
Chapter Rating: T
Warning for this chapter: Panic Attack, reference to stalking situation
Summary: After a roadtrip, it's time for Cheryl and Kara to meet the rest of the turtle family!
A/N: I was too impatient and decided to post it today after all. Please reblog and let me know what you think! Next chapter should be by the end of March
tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow @pheradream15
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The first 24hrs of the drive were pretty uneventful. Donnie, Cheryl and April took turns driving while Kara sulked as unfortunately, her height interfered with driving a van. Donnie drove most of the night, taking over from April and then switching with Cheryl. 
When he was settling down, pulling up his tablet to work on his projects, he noticed that Kara seemed tenser than when the road trip started.
She was still putting on her confident mask but her shoulders were stiff and he could tell she was only fidgeting with her phone instead of doing anything with it. There was something hard in her eyes. Cold. Scared.
Donnie wasn’t good at dealing with other people’s emotions or comforting them. That was all Mikey’s deal. Emotions were complicated with no clear rules, too many variables. His own emotions were a bit of a mess around Kara. He blamed it on them for his next move.
He waved his hand to get her attention. Immediately, Kara’s head jerked up in his direction, as if he tore her away from deep thoughts.
<What’s up?> She asked.
<When we first met, how did you avoid the cameras?>  He shot his question. It was the first thing that came to his mind.
<Oh, it’s a combination of things actually.> She shifted a little in her seat, stiff from being stuck in one position for too long. <I can set my phone to disturb the cameras around me plus, I have designed a special mask that makes it harder for facial recognition programs to spot me. I hardly ever leave my house without it.>
He nodded. Clever.
<Do you have it on right now?> he inquired further.
<No, I think I left it in my bag and we tossed that out when you kidnapped me.>
At that Donnie straightened up a little. They didn’t-. He dropped his hands when he noticed the crooked smile and her raised eyebrow. She was teasing him.
<I would call it a daring rescue actually,> he retorted instead. 
She snorted and bit her lip. <Eh, I’d rate it mediocre at best.>
<Oh, really? Any pointers then?> He grinned.
She rubbed her chin a little. <Well, first of all, don’t carry your damsel like a sack of potatoes. Girls don’t like that.> She poked him.  
He laughed a little, trying to get away from her fingers. <I’ll try to remember that next time we’re under fire.>
<Thank you.> She added a little bow to her reply. <I’m here all week.>
He sighed dramatically. <I know.>
She giggled. <So, since we’re stuck here for the next 24 to 30 hours more or less - Star Wars or Star Trek.>
He made a small ‘oof’ sound. <Trick question, huh?>
<Yup, suffer, nerd.> She snickered.
<I would like to point out that by asking that question you outed yourself as a nerd.> He retorted.
<Bite me.> She stuck her tongue out. 
<Kinky.> He replied faster than his brain processed the word. Heat built up under his skin immediately. <I mean…> He tried to backpedal but she shook her head.
<Oh, I am.> She winked at him with all her usual bravado, giving him a pat on his arm and he laughed. <So, Star Wars or Star Trek?> She repeated the question.
He sighed, grateful for the circle back. <Both actually. Though I lean harder toward Star Trek.>
<Bold statement!>She nodded with respect. <What’s your reasoning.>
<Simple, sometimes you want to watch a space exploration story and sometimes you want to watch one family fuck up the entire galaxy.> He explained matter-of-factly. 
She barked out a loud laugh at that, which ended with her wincing and rubbing her throat. <Good one.>
<You okay?> He looked at her with concern.
She gave him a thumbs up. <Sequels or prequels?>
<The original trilogy, please>
<Wow, you really are a snob for some things, huh?> She teased.
He rolled his eyes. <What about you? I bet you love sequels,> he teased back.
<I actually don’t.> She playfully glared at him. <I can tell there was a concept at some point but it just dissolved in absolute nonsense.>
He nodded. <Alright then… Kirk or Pickard?>
She smiled. <Well, if you must know…>
They fell into a comfortable rhythm. A simple game of ‘What did you think of-’ then discussing the likes and dislikes. The heated debate about the spores drive in Star Trek: Discovery, the groans over the MCU. Kara’s shoulders relaxed and slowly realized she hadn’t laughed so much in ages. Her throat burned. It was worth it though. She didn’t want to stop.
She also found out he was actually watching her streams. When she figured out which viewer he was she clapped her hands. He was her Moira! 
<I can't believe you are one of my Glitches,> she snickered. <So the autograph was really for you, huh?>
Somewhere during the conversation, her legs stretched out, thrown over his. They were both comfortably leaning back. Donnie was still typing away on his device but he was fully invested in their banter.
<What can I say, you had me star-struck.> 
Kara usually didn't really pay attention to her multitude of followers but a few of them stood out. Especially one called DonTron9000. She remembered that one night after- she didn't expect anyone to join her back then. It was 3 years ago. She was just starting with the streaming. The hour was odd and she only got on because she couldn't bear being home alone. He was the first one to jump in. He was funny, smart, and didn't talk down to her. Even if later a few other people did join them she always reserved one specific voice line on her soundboard for him. A dedicated DonTron button. Her Moira. 
Huh. Life was strange… She snorted and shook her head amused.
<What?> He asked, smiling himself.
<You clearly are following my work as a scientist and to top it all off tracking me as H0AX. If I believed it, I'd say it’s fate. Or that you're my stalker.> She noticed that he turned his head away from her, clearly embarrassed. She tapped his leg with one finger and he glanced at her again. <So what - you are having your fan feelings conflicted with the paragon of justice?>
<No, no, it's not like that!>
<So I am still going to jail?>
<No> a pause <probably not, maybe. I just. You are this complex puzzle and I can't wrap my mind around you!> That was honest. That was probably the closest he could get to an answer for her and himself.
She sighed. Somehow she felt bad. He definitely, in some way, used to look up to her. And to be honest… remembering the streams and especially the closed event streams which he always would join - yeah, she somewhat looked up to him as well. Damned be the human emotions and parasocial relationships. <Listen, I’m not- I’m not as good of a person as you probably think I am.>
<No, I had no such delusions,> He threw in with a sour expression. <But if I may- something that my dad once said- you're probably not as bad as you think you are.> At least he wanted to believe that. Otherwise, they all would be in deep trouble.
<Right.> She scratched the back of her hand. 
This was going in a weird direction. She slapped her hands on her thighs. He looked at her confused.
<What do you think of Mass Effect: Legendary edition coming out next year?> She tried to steer the conversation to something more comfortable.
<I'm not sure, I haven't played the original trilogy.>
<What? Oh, you gotta! I love that game!> And thus new direction sparked up.
It all went on, with breaks as they had to eat and make pit stops here and there. Eventually, it was getting closer to sunset and April reminded Donnie he needed to sleep a little before she'd let him drive.
They were getting closer to New York when she finally called him to the front of the car. Kara and Cheryl were napping.
“Donatello, reporting for duty,” he joked as he awkwardly slipped into the front seat next to April. 
“Hey Donnie," she smiled. 
"There should be a gas station an hour away from us." He read his device. "Good spot to refuel one last time before we reach New York."
"That's great," she said. It was time for the uncomfortable moment. April cleared her throat. "So, how's Kara? You two seem to be getting along?"
"Yeah, she's… an interesting person," he agreed slowly.
"I figured,” she smiled. “You talked a lot, do you have any answers?" She asked carefully. 
"I am not falling for her if that's what you want to know," he replied, giving her a sharp look. "I mean, I probably am, but I am not an idiot. I know she'd most likely try to play me." He thought back to the night of the shootout. While he loved their conversations and he recognized the symptoms of a crush in himself he knew she was most likely very opportunistic. That first impression really stuck. "I finally managed to hack her phone though." He was honest in his talk with Kara but the safety of his family always came first.
"Oh," April glanced at him. "Anything interesting?"
"A lot actually, I sent most of it to the lair," he shrugged. 
"I see, so what do you want to do?" She looked over her shoulder quickly at the two sleeping women.
"I think it will be best discussed with everyone." He looked up from his screen. "I think she is hiding something. There was a trace of a text message from a couple of hours after we set out. I can't recover it though." He frowned, shutting everything down. "But she got really weird after it. It might be worth looking into and… I still don’t want her in jail but it will be a group decision."
April nodded. "So you are trying to get her to trust you?"
"Mostly, yes," he nodded. "I want to be sure she won't hurt my family."
“You and me both,” April smiled and they fist-bumped. 
Kara wasn’t sure what she expected but the lair in the storm drain sewers wasn’t one of them. Her eyes went wide as she took in her surroundings. She easily spotted Donnie’s ‘command center’ and the lab. A drumset, a punching bag, and weights. A ‘Japanese corner’ of sorts. Everything was neatly divided into sections. Then she saw them. The remaining three brothers. The angry red one. The stoic blue one. The bouncing orange one. 
“Why are there two of them?” Raph fired the question first after everyone got out of the van.
“Hello to you too, brother,” Donnie replied. “The travel was okay, thanks for asking.”
“It’s good to have you back,” Leo approached them, giving April a hug. He turned to Donnie, took his hand and they bumped their shoulders. “But Raph has a point.”
Suddenly, Mikey fell down to the floor, jumping off from his hoverboard.
“Guys, guys, let’s not be so rude to the ladies!” He raised his arms to get the attention. Then he turned to ‘the ladies’. “Welcome to our fortress of awesomeness.” He bowed deeply. “I’m your host, Michelangelo, you can call me Mikey, my lady~.” He grabbed Cheryl’s hand and leaned to kiss it.
Cheryl and Kara exchanged looks, while April just looked amused. The bros collectively groaned. “Mikey.”
Cheryl smiled sweetly then quickly manipulated her fingers in his hand pressing hard on a nerve. “I’m Cheryl and I just don’t swing your way.”
“Ow, ow, ow.” Mikey dropped to one knee.
She released her hold and took a step back. “It’s alright, better to establish things early.” She and Kara high-fived.
“Okay, I like her,” Raph said from the back. 
“You can watch them then,” Leo told him and pulled Donnie to the side. 
Mikey massaged his hand. “Damn you don’t play around, huh?”
“Experience and precaution,” Cheryl responded.
"Must have been some experience," Raph walked closer. "Self-defense classes?"
"Yep, krav maga, pepper spray in the bag as well," she smiled looking up at him. "With a taser."
"Nice," Raph nodded with respect. "Always looking forward to a new sparring partner if you ever need one," he offered and she snorted. 
"Thanks, I will keep that in mind."
"Alright." Leo pulled Donnie away from the group. "Talk." 
"Well, I texted you everything on our way," Donnie said to his brother. "What has Chief Vincent said?"
"She's interested but wants to talk to the hacker first,” Leo informed him, “but this isn’t what I mean.”
“What then?”
“When I was talking with Chief Vincent, she was in the room with their IT specialist,” Leo said slowly, his arms folding as he looked straight at his brother. “He said that it’s strange we just didn’t confront her in New York since your files clearly had her address.”
“Now, I don’t know why you chose to lie to us, but I hope it was a damn good reason,” Leo placed his hand on Donnie’s shoulder. “Because if she puts our family in danger… I would not want you to bear the guilt of it.”
Donnie swallowed. “Right.”
“I trust your judgment, little bro,” Leo continued. “I hope it’s correct this time as well.”
Raph was pleased to find out Cheryl wasn’t involved in any crime. She was fun to talk to. Donnie would still get a stern talking to about getting his crime-wife into the lair. Like they didn’t have safe houses around the city. Specifically for this kind of stuff.
“Kara’s not as bad as you make her you know,” Cheryl defended her after he voiced his opinion. “She never put me in danger before and I’ve known her since elementary school. She is really protective of people she cares about.”
“You’re saying that 'cause she’s your friend,” he huffed.
“True, but doesn’t make it false,” she retorted with a shrug.
“Hey, guys?” Mikey popped his head in Raph’s line of vision. “Don’t want to kill the vibe but- she’s gone.” 
“What?!” Raph pushed Mikey aside and looked around. Has he really-?! "Where is she?"
"I don’t know dude, but she left like 5 or 10 minutes ago,” Mikey popped a chicken nugget into his mouth.
“And you didn’t say anything?!” Raph grabbed his head in disbelief.
Mikey shrugged. “She gave me nuggies, I thought she was going to the toilet.”
Raph cursed. He had to find that pest!
Kara meanwhile explored some more of the lair. It was huge. It burst with the individuality of each brother but she also noticed the lack of doors. There were screens installed here and there but the main area was an open field for the most part. What of course was calling to her the most was the science part belonging to Donnie. 
On her way there though she was distracted by a single "room". It had bonsai trees, and beautiful ornaments. It had a generally different vibe. 
Suddenly a piece of paper fell on her head. 
'Hello' it read with an arrow pointing to her left. 
She turned her head and jumped a little. A giant rat was looking at her. His hands were protectively wrapped in bandages and he was wearing a red robe. It gave her a pause and he patiently waited for her shock to wear off. 
A notepad in his hands clued her in that he was the author of the note. When her pulse calmed down and her shoulders relaxed he smiled softly and wrote another note and showed her the notepad.
'You must be Kara. I am Splinter, the father of the four young turtles you have met.' She read and smiled back at him, giving him a nod in response. So now she had a face to put in the stories Donnie told her.
Meanwhile, Splinter wrote another message. 'You have quite captured the attention of Donatello. It's been a while since I have seen my son interested in anyone this much in a long time.'
The rat handed her the notepad and she took it. 'I think it's less of an interest and more of an annoyance. I tend to have that effect on people.' She joked. 
 Splinter chuckled, having read her response. He offered her his arm, which she took and he patted her hand. It seemed she was about to have an interesting afternoon tea.
Raphael barged in on them about 10 minutes later while they were playing shogi.
Kara watched Splinter scold Raph and the big guy trying to look apologetic while glaring daggers at her. She just slowly sipped her tea. It was a really nice blend and so well made! She grinned at him which earned her more scowling. 
It was hard to read what Splinter was saying as the rat’s mouth was so different from a human but she noticed him mention Donatello’s name. She wondered just how much trouble she got the tallest turtle in.
Just as she finished that thought the blue and purple brothers appeared at the mouth of the room. Both of them gave her stern looks as well. Well, shit. She apparently tanked on the best guest to the lair list. 
<You shouldn’t have walked away on your own,> Donnie scolded her. 
<Yeah, sorry.> She rolled her eyes. <Can I borrow some tools?I need to fix my hearing aids.>
He nodded and quickly told his father and brothers where they were going. This seemed to earn an air of slight disapproval but no one stopped them. She had a feeling she might not get along with Leo. 
At the lab, Donnie handed her some tools and sat nearby to watch over her.
She gave him an amused look. Did he really think she would- okay yeah she would. His lab was amazing. So many projects he had placed around, schematics, his computer. Her eyes were sparkling and her hands were itching. But for now the more important thing. Fixing her hearing aids. 
She sat down and opened the tiny device. From the corner of her eye saw Donnie lean in closer. Curious, huh? It was an easy fix just a wire fried and another got out of alignment. Did and done. She closed it up and placed it over her ear, together with its pair. 
<Say something> she told Donnie. 
He nodded. "Test, test, one two three."
One quick adjustment later, she had her hearing aids working properly. 
"Why do you wear them?" Donnie asked, signing simultaneously. He had the impression Kara was very comfortable in being Deaf.
<Well, they have their uses,> she said. <They're fine in places with minimal noise though useless if we'd be somewhere loud. But the outside world doesn't always take kindly to my preferences. And there are certain perks to them,> she smiled. She couldn't not do that. <Like music, sounds of birds, and knowing more or less how your voice sounds like.>
Donnie coughed, clearing his throat, and she giggled. 
"Can you not do that?" He sighed, exasperated, signing as he spoke.
<Do what?> She asked, playing the innocent, eyelashes batting. 
"Flirt with me. I know you are doing this to gain my favor," he grimaced.
<I wouldn't be flirting with you if I didn't think you were attractive past that van kiss,> she retorted and watched him visibly flustered. 
He couldn't blush but he blinked, straightening up and his expression morphed into a startled confusion. He was speechless
<And that is why I do it. Don’t think too hard on it, though,> She winked. <Also you don't have to pretend to be friendly with me to get things out of me. I noticed your successful hack on my device. Congrats.>
He huffed and shook his head. <I guess we're even?>
<I guess we are.>
<Will you tell me what that deleted text was about then?> He dared to ask.
<No, that's private and doesn't pertain to any of the stuff between us.> She straightened up, narrowing her eyes. 
At that point, Leonardo decided the two had enough alone time and decided to interrupt. 
"Donnie, bring your friend to the main area," he said, giving Kara a look. 
"Be right there," Donnie replied. 
When they arrived Raph was sitting down, arms folded and displeased, Mikey was watching fascinated as Cheryl demonstrated some physics-based home experiments and Leo was standing up.
Donnie gestured to Kara to sit and she took the chair, landing between him and Raph.
"I have finished talking with Chief Vincent and informed her that Miss Williams has-" Leo started talking but a robotic voice from Kara's phone interrupted him.
"Dr. Williams," she corrected him. "I did not get that PhD to just be called Miss."
“Right, Dr. Williams,” Leo corrected himself. “has arrived into our custody. She wants to meet with you tomorrow evening.”
Of course, she did. Kara huffed. <I don’t want to talk with the police.> She grimaced.
Cheryl translated as she reached over and placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder. She then looked at the turtles. “Is it really necessary to go to the precinct? Can’t she come here or somewhere more neutral?”
The brothers exchanged looks. It was true that after what had happened since May… 
“We could take her to April’s or one of the safe houses?” Donnie suggested.
“I can arrange that,” Leo agreed. “But what I can tell you now is that after seeing all the files you had she’d be more than willing to give you protection. If your story checks out.”
It was better than nothing she had to admit. Cheryl’s comforting presence was giving her some sort of confidence.
<If it’s all the same to you, I think I’d rather have you four around than some cops,> she told them. <Especially, since I know Donnie.>
Leo nodded. He glanced at Raph who was unusually quiet. 
"You know where I stand, Leo," the red masked turtle replied. "She causes any trouble for us, I will throw her out."
"Did you get that?" Leo looked at Kara and she gave him a thumbs up. 
<I just have one question,> she signed.
"What is it?" 
<Do I have to stay here? No offense but it is a bit damp here and my hair is not going to love it.> She really wondered how Donnie kept the dampness away from his machinery.
"It is a valid question," Cheryl added.
Leo sighed heavily. "We'll think about it."
"Do I have to stay here as well?" Cheryl asked. 
"You're free to go, but we will be monitoring you for your own safety."
That settled things for now and the meeting was adjourned. 
Kara leaned back in her chair and looked at Cheryl. <Can you bring me back some of my stuff?>
<Sure, get me a list, I bet these guys will not let me go on my own so maybe I will get free bag carrier service,> Cheryl joked. 
<Great.> She quickly opened her notepad app and wrote a quick list of necessities then shared it with her friend. This way if she remembered something last minute it would update Cheryl immediately. 
Later, Cheryl got escorted by Raph and Mikey to the apartment building she and her friend lived in. It was an older building, well renovated for the upper class. 
Mikey whistled looking at it. 
"Nice digs."
"Thanks. Kara owns two floors of it," she said.
"Paid with that dirty money, no doubt," Raph grunted. 
"Actually no, she gets paid a lot for the legal projects she is part of," Cheryl explained. "I don't know why she still does things the way she does but I trust her." 
She slipped them all through the back door and led them upstairs through the old service staircase. Technically it shouldn't be in use but the two friends discovered it one day and kept it as an emergency escape. They all climbed to the top floor and Cheryl let them out through a hidden exit. Raph struggled a little with the narrow and low door but even he squeezed through.
"Okay, here's the… flat…," Cheryl froze in front of the door. 
A cracked open door with a busted out lock.
"Oh, that's not good," Mikey winced. 
The two turtles exchanged looks and pulled out their weapons just in case. 
Cheryl walked inside the flat, following behind Raph, with a sense of dread filling her insides with ice. 
The apartment was flipped upside down and there were definitely things missing but what scared her nearly to a panic was a single rose on the counter. It didn't seem like the two noticed it yet so she quickly swiped it and threw it into the trash. But not before getting the note off of it.  
She inhaled and dug her hands into her pockets. Then she went on to asses the damage. 
"So, anything in particular missing?" Raph asked when she finished. 
"All the electronics, Kara's streaming rig, some jewelry," she counted out the list. 
"I'll call Leo, you're probably going back with us to the lair after all," he decided and she didn't protest. 
"I'll just pack some clothes and toiletries. At least those are still here," she mumbled.
While she was packing, Raph called Leo. The two discussed the new situation. They got April on the call and with Cheryl's agreement it was agreed she'd crash at the O'Neal-Jones place. At least until they can sort it out.
Next was calling the break-in to the police. Something that Cheryl was reluctant to do.
"Let's just say, we didn't have the best experience with cops in the past," she explained and the turtles just nodded. 
After the Krang situation, the four brothers still held that hopeful idea that cops were supposed to protect the citizens. They still were on good terms with Chief Vincent. She was a good woman and the officers from Headquarters that initially helped them were alright. That was why they still helped the Chief with difficult cases, but in majority… The turtles had to stop cops from abusing their powers in the streets just as often as regular criminals. Especially in the poorer neighborhoods. Bullies were everywhere and they loved positions of power. 
Still, the report had to be made. 
Raph and Mikey took all she packed to the lair and she stayed behind to give her statement.
Kara frowned when she noticed the increased amount of luggage. She didn't ask for this many things. When she asked what happened an icy feeling crawled up her spine. Thankfully she kept her important tech in a different location, so the thieves shouldn't be able to get anything incriminating from it. 
When Cheryl returned, brought in by Leo, she left the turtles after giving them a brief recount of what happened after they left and immediately went to Kara. The two pulled into more private space, away from the turtles. 
Cheryl made sure they were alone and then pulled out the crumpled note. Kara didn't need to read it to go ashen. Her hands trembled as she took it from her friend and opened it. The message was simple: 'Payback <3'
Her legs gave under her and her throat squeezed and her heart raced. Her vision went blurry and she fought to get another breath in. Her knees almost hit the floor but Cheryl caught her. Tears streamed down her face and her hands tightened on her friend's arms. 
Donnie walked in on them as Cheryl had her in a tight embrace comforting her and waved him off. She pinched her to bring a new sensation and try to break the panic.
Cheryl pulled a little back and placed Kara's hand over her sternum, while placing her own hand over Kara's. She gestured with free hand to follow her breathing. Slowly. In and out. The two synchronized. 
<Better?> Cheryl asked and Kara nodded slowly. Exhausted, the small woman slumped against her friend. 
Cheryl looked to Donnie who was still there on the fringes. 
"Is there somewhere that she is going to be sleeping that I can get her to now?" She asked him quietly.
"Uh, we haven't organized anything yet, but you can put her in my bed. I rarely use it anyway," he offered. 
"Thanks," she replied. 
She helped Kara walk to the nook that was Donnie's bed. A quick run later to the luggage and with small help from Donnie she brought Kara's weighted blanket and covered her friend up. 
Kara curled up in a ball and sighed with some relief when the heavy cover swallowed her up.
Donnie waited until Cheryl stepped back from her friend to ask her what was bothering him. 
"This isn't just about the break-in, is it?"
Cheryl hesitated. "There's more to it yeah but- it's her choice to tell you guys. That stuff… it's very private."
"We can't help if she hides something vital," he pointed out. He thought for a moment then asked one more thing. "Does it have something to do with the scar on her throat?"
The flash that went through Cheryl's face was enough of an answer for him. 
"That's what I thought." He nodded. "I'll wait." 
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oddballwriter · 2 years
could I request the emh boys (including habit if ur fine with it) on a roadtrip with an S/O?
Warnings: HABIT is here
Author’s Snip: Hi, Eyeball! I love this request a whole bunch 
Notes: I mention like, two things from my life. but don't worry it's nothing personal. Just some stuff that I feel like helped what I was describing.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
With Evan, he doesn't care where you guys are going
Visiting family, going to a landmark, visiting every Rainforest Cafe still left in America (/ref), or just simply spend a couple of days out on the road
It doesn't matter to Evan too much
He sort of likes the adventure of it with you
You guys would jam out to all the music that you guys have and maybe even see what other places have on their radios
He gets small stupid things at the gas stations you stop at
I once saw sensory slugs at the 7-11 near my house, which is right next to a freeway, and I feel like Evan would get that for the sake of getting it
"He's our travel buddy."
You guys would take turns driving so that you and him can have breaks from driving
You guys probably take a bunch of pictures, most of which either being stupid stuff and pictures of you
Evan's honestly just living in the moment
He seems like he'd like it but he's not really much to travel
He'd like the road trip to lead to a place that you guys will stay at rather than just constantly be on the road the entire time
The trip would still be fun to him, he loves being around and spending time with you
He loves to sight see out the window of the car
The stuff that you see outside of the window while on a road trip are amazing good god
You guys check out the little landmarks and things along the way
He does get a bit nervous about the trip though, he just wants to make sure you guys are set
"Do we have enough snacks?" "We're fulled up on gas right?" "You know the exact way to get there?"
It's kind of annoying but once you reassure him enough, he'll stop
Honestly, he's really into the idea of just packing some snacks and other things and just, driving really far out and just letting the road take you wherever
Of course he doesn't mind if there's a specific place in mind
I actually feel like he'd love to go to a national park and camp out, just the two of you and nature
The road trip itself is also an adventure on it's own
Once you get back from the trip, Jeff will not shut up about it to his friends and everyone who will listen
It'll die down but still
It's just because he really loved the time he spent with you
He's most likely been on a whole bunch or at least seen and been to some places
He's most likely the one driving
Idk he feels like the dad that always drives during the road trip to me
I feel like he'd love actively being on the road
I don't know why but the road trip just satisfies him in a way that he can't really explain
It doesn't matter if you guys are on the trip in your car, when he's the one driving it's his way or no way
I hope you can stomach Frank Sinatra and a whole bunch of other singers because that's all you're gonna hear
He might listen to the local radio just to hear and make fun of what different places listen to
One time when me and my family took a road trip to Vegas, they played the same political campaign commercial/ad over and over again and we all got tired of it and started making fun of it
He'd do that
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
hellooooo there :) for the character game thing i was gonna suggest robin, but since you have already done her i’m gonna be my basic ass self and say eddie and also mike.
hitting you with two because i’m curious! (if you only wanna do one of them that’s coolio too of course) :))
have a wonderful day! <3
Yaaay thank you!
favorite thing about them: the fact that he never gives up. He's way braver than he gives himself credit for, repeating senior year twice and multiple times choosing to fight while he didn't necessarily have to.
least favorite thing about them: that we haven't seen him interact with Wayne :((((
favorite line: "Forced conforming, that's what's killing the kids." U R SO RIGHT SAY IT LOUDER
brOTP: i loved his dynamic with Dustin <3
OTP: steddie obviously
nOTP: i'm not a big fan of hellcheer tbh. i do like them as friends but i very much see eddie as a gay guy who doesn't understand the difference between friendly and flirty behaviour lol
random headcanon: he believes that he owes Wayne his life and it's very important for him to repay his uncle for that, even though Wayne would never expect anything in return. Eddie takes Wayne on a roadtrip "back home" to the south as soon as he has the money to do that, and when Wayne gets old Eddie and Steve happily take him in to have him live with them.
unpopular opinion: I honestly don't like anything to do with rockstar!eddie. I honestly think that would be very bad for him and a quiet, somewhat regulated life (with the band as just a hobby) would make him way happier.
song i associate with them: Can you handle my love by Walk the Moon, it's completely filled with eddie-coded lyrics (go listen to it it's a banger!!!)
favorite picture of them: SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM but i really love this one a lot bc he looks so happy and innocent here i hope this counts bc it's not technically an eddie pic lol
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favorite thing about them: i really liked how he was a refuge for El back in s1
least favorite thing about them: i guess his character development. sounds a bit mean maybe but he started out as a sweetheart and an extremely loyal friend, and over the course of the story he developed into a mopey teenager who complained about everything and treated so many of his friends badly (yes i know, he's a traumatized teenager, but as a character he's just not that compelling to me, sorry)
favorite line: "I only have like $3.50, so it's hard."
brOTP: is it bad that i don't really have one?
OTP: sorry bylers but i don't have an OTP for mike :/ i don't really have strong opinions about him and will together tbh. i care way more about El's and Will's storylines than about Mike's love life if that makes sense
nOTP: i really, really don't like him with El. maybe their dynamic was kinda sweet in s1, but i wanna see el grow into her own person and learn to value friendship over relationships.
random headcanon: when Nancy comes out to her family and Ted the Reagan Supporter™ is being totally shitty about it, Mike is the one who fiercely comes to her defense and keeps standing up for her. Underneath their constant bickering, they love each other so much, and he will always have her back.
unpopular opinion: i don't think it's super unpopular but he is very much NOT the heart of the group, like Will said. That's either Will, Dustin or Lucas, but definitely not Mike, who is actually responsible for most of their fights
song i associate with them: Stranger in town by Toto (I don't really have a good reason for this one other than that I think Mike would be a toto fan and vibe with this song)
favorite picture of them: it took me waaay too long to find this one but:
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spacerangersam · 1 year
nobody asked but here's my idea for a scooby doo show. tl:dr slice of life roadtrip
it's the 80s/90s
the gang are all 21 - 23, and have just finished university
Daphne went for journalism/creative writing, Velma went for something archeology related, Fred…something something engineering, and Shaggy did not go to uni but works at a nearby cafe
Him and Daphne were childhood friends and when she announced she was going off to uni he made a joke about going with her that she took 100% seriously, so they (and scooby) moved together, renting a place just outside the campus
Fred and Velma met during their first year as they lived in the same apartment block, bonding over their hatred of all the late night parties the other tenants keep throwing. lesbian + her himbo, a very important dynamic
Velma and Daphne met through the uni newspaper and brought the whole gang together. they have a will they won't they thing going on
So, it's the day after graduation and after the buzz of getting their diplomas, everyone is just absolutely terrified of the idea of facing the adult world.
None of them feel ready to start thinking about jobs and housing, marriage and kids and everything else their parents expect of them
So, Shaggy suggests they take a year off. Just one year to do whatever they want, have all the fun they want, and then they can face 'real' adulthood
Everyone agrees and they decide to kick off their year break with a country wide road trip in Shaggy hippie van
As they travel around though, stopping at various hotels and tourist destinations on the way, they find themselves repeatedly caught up in strange events, some supernatural and some not, and do their best to work together to figure out the truth
Maybe there's some underlying story linking most or all of the events, or maybe there's not
What's more important to me is the gang and their insecurities of not living up their parents/society's expectations of who they should be and what they should do/their fears of the futures
At the end they they realise that, hey, they've got a nice little gig going here, that they can do adulthood their way, together in their weird little hippie van with their dog, haunting down fraudsters and ghouls
To go into my characteristics of them:
Daphne - very intense and outgoing, she's the one who's usually dragging them into danger, for better or worse. She loves a good ghost story, a good alien story, a good monster- anything that's fun, weird and supernatural. That's the kind of thing she wants to write about, even if her parents don't really approve. She's big into horror movies, though she tries not to watch them around the others as they're a bit more squeamish. Coming from a rich family, they had the cash to let her try out all the hobbies she wanted growing up so she has a wide range of skills and abilities which always come in handy. She doesn't care as much about actually solving the mysteries, she just likes living in the moment and enjoying the weirdness she gets caught up in. She is absolutely the brawn of the group.
Velma is the bookworm of course, smart and level headed, she's the one who wants to actually solve the mysteries. Growing up, she devoured all the mystery / detective stories that she could, trying to solve them as she went along. She can get worked up very easily though / gets impatient so, left to her own devices, would often give up and move on. After she meets the gang they keep her motivated though, and she finally starts seeing all these mysteries to the very end. She doesn't believe in the supernatural at all initially, and even after tends to assume it's not something spooky. She also has a big love of history, obviously, and loves researching and info dumping about it. Also knows a lot about bones. It comes in handy surprisingly often.
Fred is just a nice himbo, that tweet that's like: I didn’t come here to make friends (big grin) I came here to make best friends? Yeah, that's him. Of course, he loves his traps, and mechanics outside of that. He always has to keep his hands busy, he has to, so it's not odd to find him fiddling with random scraps, trying to make something out of them when he's nor driving. He's the strategic one out of the group, the one figuring out how to put all their skills to use to take down the bad guy. He's also big into board games and somehow wins monopoly every single time.
Shaggy is simultaneously the most laid back and up tight one of the group. He considered going into culinary but thought it'd just kill his love of cooking and food. He also just like had very limited amounts of energy each day, so uni would've been hell. He's a hippie, of course he is. Cares a lot about the environment, is very anti-war etc. He keeps up to date with politics, much to everyone's shock. Is the only one of the group who knows anything about first aid and the only one who can sew. Has some angst about the fact Daphne her parents always looked down on him / thought he was holding her back and is worried he's doing that with all of them with this road trip idea. Hates anything even vaguely spooky, but does like a good cryptid
Scooby is just a dog in this one. Or may even at first he is and then after some supernatural stuff he begins to talk? Actually I like that idea more. Yeah, at the end of one episode, he randomly starts talking, everyone panics and screams, cut to black
He seems so human that the gang just start treating him like another person but then he goes to try and eat chocolate or something and everyone has to be like no! Scooby! :000
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