#this is fully related to one of my epilogue aus but still
vineboom-sfx · 4 months
Trans fem John and Trans Masc Jade is great and all but consider neither of them wanting to change their identifiable features because hair sensory issues. John refuses to let her hair grow to the shoulders because it makes her neck itchy and Jade refuses to cut his hair because he gets too cold without all the hair.
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pttucker · 9 months
Aaaand we're done! \o/
Well... "done" in one sense of the word since I just did a very quick search and apparently there's like another 140 chapters of side stories and counting. Possibly post-epilogue stuff??? Didn't look too closely since I don't want too many spoilers if I can avoid it. I already saw one vague spoiler relating to 49% Dokja's side story. 😢😢😢
Though at least now with the main novel+epilogues finished all of the mysteries have been wrapped up (as far as I can remember).
I guess I'm still curious about the Library, but even if that's never touched upon in any side story chapters, I think I kinda get it with my theories and how he broke up into many, many different Dokjas and/or was two different Oldest Dreams?
Oh, and the stuff with Dokja & 1863's Sooyoung's blurry faces, I would have liked to have seen that resolved. There were mentions of Dokja slowly getting less blurry that were kinda glossed over but nothing concrete ever popped up for why his face was blurry or if/when it fully stopped being blurry? Unless I just missed some subtle thing?? Like I guess the epilogue did mention that Sooyoung had fun writing in stuff about him being the Ugly King but I don't think she made him ugly, that was just her memories of him?? Either way, poor Dokja. 😭
idk maybe I'm the only one obsessed with things like that. (I literally eventually started a separate section in my ORV Scrivener notes just for all the times Dokja's looks are mentioned in any way.) So maybe it just wasn't deemed important to "resolve"? Or, again, it was but I totally missed it.
Or maybe there's still something about the Library and his looks (and other mysteries I may not be currently remembering) in the additional 140+ chapters out there?
Unfortunately, English translations of Chapters 552+ don't all seem to be in one place, or at least I wasn't able to quickly find them in my first search. I'll keep looking, though. Might just have to cobble together the chapters one by one from various sources. If anyone happens to know where I could possibly find them...
Though I'm honestly not certain if I want to immediately jump into them or if I want to give it a moment to breathe. I actually am a little bit disappointed that I jumped right into the 40+ chapter epilogues right after finishing the main story since I feel like it stole some of the impact from him finding his two separate ■■.
Even if I was really happy to see how they continued living on in the system-less world and how Dokja felt after losing all of his companions to be Oldest Dream. Seriously you never get to see those sort of things after the "happy" ending.
And I did love seeing how it all tied back together with Sooyoung being the author and ORV itself being Dokja's story (which Sooyoung also wrote!) which in turn is our story and getting to see Secretive Plotter and the 999ths again and poor Joonghyuk just not knowing what to do with himself after losing his purpose as a protagonist and him and Sooyoung wanting to save their precious Dokja more than anything and both of them coming to understand Dokja better and so on and so forth.
But if nothing else, I do really want to finally read some fanfiction and otherwise engage with fandom now that the big mysteries are solved. And if I can make one final prediction it's going to be that the top fanfic is some kind of modern, no powers gamer AU or something. Because that's just how these fandoms seem to go. 😂
Anyway, I think it should be obvious from my many, many ORV posts but I really enjoyed the novel! I am very happy that so many things were so well foreshadowed, so much was so carefully planned, so many loose ends were tied up in a very satisfying manner, etc. It's very impressive for such a long, looooong story. I mean, just the fact that you could get inklings that something was up with Secretive Plotter before we even hit Chapter 100 yet not have the reveal come until much later is impressive just on its own.
I guess if I had one complaint it'd be that I didn't quite vibe with the whole "multiple walls to open the Final Wall" thing. Like, I totally was into the idea of Dokja's Fourth Wall being the largest fragment, and I actually thought that Jang Hayoung's wall was pretty clever since it's all about commenting/texting others when Jan Hayoung was created due to Dokja's comments.
But I'm not quite so into the Wall of Samsara and Wall That Divides Good and Evil. Like, I do get how they relate to the story, what with Dokja literally reincarnating into multiple worlds himself and the fact that a lot of Dokja's main theme was that he didn't nicely fit into a box of good or evil. I mean, his literal Modifiers are Demon King of Salvation and Watcher of Light and Darkness. Not to mention, Dokja went through a ton of the novel saying that just because they were evil in one turn doesn't mean they're evil in the next and vice versa, as well as the fact that the had companions on both sides of the spectrum.
So I'm not saying that they just came out of nowhere, but personally I find something to be a little off with them when compared to the other two walls? idk these are just my initial thoughts and I might feel completely different once I re-read the novel and can better appreciate things.
Which, speaking of, I'm debating with myself if I want to do the truly ridiculous thing and start this entire novel over right from the beginning in true Dokja fashion or if I want to be good and maybe give some other universe some love. I was looking at The World After The Fall but...uh...
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Not to say that things with tiny fandoms aren't also good!!!
But it does make me kinda side-eye it a little and wonder if I shouldn't just read Solo Leveling...
...or read whatever side stories I can find, aaaaaalllllll the fanfic, and then read ORV all over again. 😂
We'll see.
FYI when I do start reacting to the side stories I think I'll use the tag "orv side story" if anyone wants to block it preemptively to avoid spoilers.
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lolliputian · 7 months
Fic Stats Meme
Tagged by @graysparrowao3! As per usual, feel free to do this if you want to, I feel awkward tagging for memes.
Rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words [you may also share the related stats should you wish].
...in full transparency, I'm doing this despite knowing I'm going to get hung up on numbers. These are all Baldur's Gate 3 fics.
Most Hits: Time and Again - Perhaps unsurprising! This is my main fic and has ten chapters. It alone is at 65K words. I don't anticipate that the stats will proportionally change as time goes on (this fic will go on for a while). It's my baby~
Second Most Kudos: Self-Control, Private - LOL, I AM NOT SURPRISED. Listen. I love this fic. I feel like it did a GREAT job highlighting the dynamic between Zevlor and Mavari at a time when I was still figuring it out, and I absolutely love how in tune they are with each other. But I'm also very aware that the fact that it's smut and that it's first person (in a fandom where reader fics are very popular) is going to make it a more appealing read to people than some of my other works. Even though I make it very clear that Mavari is her own fully-formed character...y'know.
(In full transparency, I am not into reader fics at all.)
Third Most Comments: Shut Up, Inner Voice - I have mixed feelings about this. I like this fic, because I like everything I post. But it's actually one of my lowest effort fanfics, and it's one of the few I won't reread. The POV character in it is one of the fandom favorites, so it makes sense that it performs well, it's just...weird when my own preference is not the majority's?
Man, it feels a bit ungrateful to complain about any fic doing well. It's just that I've worked harder on other stuff that's frankly much better, and it's weird to reconcile in my brain.
Fourth Most Bookmarks: It's actually also the previous work, but, for the sake of variety, I'll go with the next one - By Chance - also a pretty quick fic to write, but I absolutely LOVE IT. It was so much fun to write. Cal and Geraldus as a pairing has gripped me, and I can't wait to write more of them.
Fifth Most Words: Was the Domlor fic so I'm going to go with the fourth most, which is: A Much Needed Conversation - This is the first fic I posted for the fandom! I'm still proud of it, but it's weird for me to read, because it was what the TaA ficverse was going to be pre-epilogue release. I still am very proud of the platonic connection between Zevlor and Rolan here and am very invested in their friendship. ...This, of course, also spawned the AU that led to A Night to Forget, which is one of my favorite things I've ever written, and the Rolan the Quick work, so there's that. I think I'd probably still recommend this fic as one to read if a person will only read one of my fics, but it's also not really representative of what I write anymore.
Fic with Fewest Words: THE HELLRYDER HERO by MIRKON! - I'm not gonna lie, I thought this would be one of those fics I threw together quick and it skyrocketed in popularity just because it's short/cute/off the wall. Shows what I know.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Ugh, it finally happened! Khal'ian and Kira's saves are fully cooked! So close to finishing act3 with my boy! 😓
Well, it gives me an excuse to finally remake Kira or create Khal'ian's in-lore manic best-friend Issal.
Welp, time to test honor mode with new subclasses!🤗
I'll work on more Wyll/Kira drabbles later tonight, but I have a question.
Do any of your Tav/Durges co-exist? Would they be pre-game friends/foes/lovers? I find it fun to branch out and see the characters I create interact with each other.
-githzerai anon
You can try to downgrade the game version and script extender versions to finish the saves off if you were really close to the end!
Also in the new endgame epilogue, Voss sends a letter that mentions the githzerai canonly in game! I thought of you when i saw it. If you're okay with spoilers lmk and I'll post it.
Also dude, honour mode is fucking brutal. One save file, you can't reload and if you die in the tutorial ship the whole save is nuked. All the rolls are inflated with a higher check number, I couldn't recruit Us because i failed the mutiliate roll despite having advantage. So many other people mentioned failing the Wyll Karlach pers roll and the pulling Gale out of the portal roll too. It's full on sadistic and I'm loving it but I can't go far yet because I'm still waiting on my favourite mod to update.
As for the Tav/Durge question, they definitely share a common dragon theme, I based them on different dragon species for fun.
First Tav was based on a gold dragon, friendly, chatty, noble heritage, extroverted and flirty. Romanced Astarion. Backstory is them being a noble supposed to take over the head of their family soon but got kidnapped, comes back to finding out the previous head got murdered and everyone in their family is a suspect except them since they were far away. Their dream person was a half-elf women. Gets thrown off the ship with a small baby red dragon that serves their family, followed them here. Hoards eggs/gold/gems.
First Durge was based on a red dragon, prideful, rude, arrogant, easily jealous, competitive and loves flattery. Romanced Minthara. They're not native to Baldur's Gate and instead come from a far away land in the east, they don't remember much since losing their memory, they hold a lot of Gortash themed stuff in their inventory not knowing why or who it belonged to. Their dream person was a drow man. Hoards bones/skulls/corpses.
Latest Tav is based on a brass dragon, loves to talk/sing, overconfident, cute, bad at being humble, anime magical girl tropes. Romanced Wyll. Multiclassed into bard, backstory is that they are a famous popstar that recently went solo from their band, too used to only dealing with fans so they tend to be offputting to normal people, they were touring in Baldur's Gate when they got kidnapped. Their dream person was a dragonborn man (mod). Hoards books/art/statues.
How do they relate? I'm not sure, maybe they're the same person but a different dragon lineage each time that drastically alters their life? Maybe they're long lost siblings? Maybe they don't know each other.
Well except two of them. I made a durge high elf guy for Minthara to abuse on a playthrough once, he is friends with my first Tav and i made them his dream person but they got separated ontop of the ship.
I mostly think about how my characters would interact with other people's characters, I think most of my Tavs or Durges would be indifferent to each other.
Khal'ian for example, I can say my first Tav would consider him a friend, maybe get a bit protective.
First Durge would be condcending with him and compares his shortcomings to Laezel a lot.
Latest Durge would be very friendly and think he needs encouragement to get out of his shell, might even be pushy about it.
I try to switch up the companions too on each playthrough to make it like it's an alternative dimension where every shifted a bit. Aka the werewolf Shadowheart au or the younger Gale one, since the more playthroughs you do, the more dialogue and scenes you start skipping so their canon plot gets old quickly and writing your own sounds more interesting.
But i do make them all human, all of my characters except that one high elf guy made specifically for Minthara. I genuinely have the biggest hard on for humans. i really think they're neat.
And my first dnd character was a dragonborn paladin yet here i am in human sorcerer heaven/hell?
What about you anon? Do Kira and Khal'ian know each other? What about the best friend you mentioned? Do any of them co-exist?
First Tav - Gold Dragon
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First Durge - Red Dragon
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Latest Tav - Brass Dragon
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surrealsunday · 2 years
exactly so precious he doesn’t deserve anymore hurt 🥺 and yeah it does feel really nice to read that soft part now that the hurt and angst is behind them (and us as well), what they deserve honestly :)
i saw the update this morning and since then i cant stop thinking abt it ngl sjsbdb, just waiting to be comfy to read it tonight and enjoy this last moment with them (the epilogue too of course). i was actually wondering if you’d include one but thought nope since it’s mostly based on a movie. what a good surprise! definitely will be a good thing before going back to uni 💗 (+ skamfr rewatch i gonna do tomorrow night 😌) also i hope you’ll get used to work mode soon ahah, what a mood sjsbdh
yesss they’re just so precious! it really is awesome and heartwarming to see they’re still in contact and close friends like that after 4 years 🥺 truly their connection is special 🫶🏻
ahahahah glad you liked it! they really are in their 20’s and good for them honestly yeah! as long as they like it that’s what matters 🫶🏻 we’ll stick to complain abt it on the internet lmao. “his 70’s pornstar moustache” I LAUGH SO LOUD PLS 😭 like he loves it so much but not so many people are fond abt it (from what i saw), kinda feel sorry for him ngl but like…cant wait to see him with a full beard n i’m sure it’ll be better than..this 😭 love them anyway 🫶🏻
thank youuu 💗💗
I hope you loved the read! And yes, honestly a movie au doesn't really need an epilogue and I knew that. Like there is a very definitive end to the movie. But try telling that to my brain 😂. And it kept bugging me and bugging me. Specifically one line Kat says in the movie that I hadn't found a way to incorporate into the body of the fic. Her line: Tell me something true. So yeah, my brain took that and obsessed over it until I couldn't ignore it any longer. So I figured... whatever, I'll just write a few lines and see if I feel like it. And well, 4500 words later... an epilogue lmao. I love it a lot tho so I'm glad I decided just to give it a try.
Re: Axel and his mooostache, I would normally feel super bad for any celeb getting shit about something like that. And while I do think anyone sending celebs messages telling them they don't like something about their physical appearance should shut the fuck up (legit cannot believe people message him saying shit like that), I am very comforted by the fact that I do not think Axel gives even one shit lol. Like I think he is fully relishing the fact that fans hate it 😂. It's just that kids personality. A true little shit. One Lucas Lallemant can relate.
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pemfrost · 2 years
Seeing as you were active in spideynova semi recently, I’m begging you to finish the reunion fic you did for after “looking in the same direction”
Oh gosh. I haven't talked about that fic in years 😅. It means so much that you're interested in the sequel and I wish I could give you a solid answer about writing it. I'm really sorry I've left the series unfinished. It truly means so much that someone is still interested in it <3
There is a long (possibly tmi) explanation of my current writing status under the cut, but tl;dr: I hope to finish it one day, but it would probably involve a rewrite of 'Looking'.
(To answer your second ask… I'll try and find my notes from back then and message you if I do. Off the top of my head, I can't remember my original intention with their reunion.)
Spideynova (and, to a slightly lesser extent, usm) holds a special place in my heart because it got me back into writing, so I always drift back to it now and then. Unfortunately, the fandom is pretty dead and my time and motivation to write longer pieces (for any fandom) has plummeted over the years. I used to be able to write, edit, and post 5k+ a week, but now I'm lucky if I do that in a month.
I really wish I had the time and motivation to finish that series at the moment, maybe I will once I get through some stuff irl(working ft + school ft + personal stuff= tired all the time). (Like even writing this out took me all day to find time to write a few lines at a time).
I stopped writing 'Kaleidoscope Skies' because it wasn't going to further the story of their relationship; it was going to be focused on Sam's adventures and his reflection on the events in 'Looking' (which I felt was too boring after I started writing it n.n').
I started writing 'Tender Tinder' as a borderline crack fic and it kinda spiraled away from me and into more of a serious reunion fic from that old series. I still have the urge to finish that storyline and apparently it seeped into something else. Which is kinda why I hit pause on 'tender'… my intention at the time was to redirect it back to what I originally planned to write, but I got distracted and basically left it in limbo along with the mermaid au.
Currently, I have a bunch of wips and outlines of requests in my google docs… but no time to fully devote to writing any of them. The only writing I've been doing this year has been mostly school related with a little bit of dnd campaign stuff. Because of my limited time, I've decided to not post anything to ao3 unless it's finished. (Which is why my recents are mostly drabbles and one shots on there).
If/when I do finish the series, I'll probably end up rewriting 'Looking' first. It's old and I'll need to reread it to refresh my memory on the entire story… and rereading my writing usually leads to me hating it and wanting to rewrite it, especially something as old as 'looking'. Realistically, I'd probably end up doing a rewrite/heavy edit of the original then post a few epilogue chapters to finish out the story. I need to dig out my notes, they're buried somewhere in google docs ha. (Hopefully I labeled the docs correctly, I wasn't as organized back then). Once I do, I'd be more than happy to send you an outline of everything :)
Thanks again for the asks- they brightened my day ^-^
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carelessannie · 3 years
maybe it goes like this: tony courts peter (part 8)
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Epilogue
Read on A03
Read the Stuckony backstory
Word count: 10.1K
Starker, WinterSpider, SpiderShield, Peter x Clint x OFC
Peter’s POV -> it’s been a rough semester, and pack related stress isn’t making anything easier. Maybe a packmate (or the whole pack) can help him out?
Major warnings: D/S Au, A/B/O Au, explicit d/s abo smut, femdom, edging, face-sitting, come eating, uhhh light CBT and hair pulling, light bondage, subdrop, and non-apologetic long discussions of sex-ed
Maybe it goes like this:
There’s only a few weeks until finals, and of course this is when the pack has decided to move forward with officially mating and bonding. It’s not like Peter wants to postpone it, per se— it’s just, there’s so many steps involved with combining packs, and Peter can’t deal with dividing his attention between home and school.
And the lab. Dammit.
Until the end of their lease, his pack is living at their apartment during the week and at Tony’s place over the weekend. The whole upstairs of their house was built with bedroom suites, so each of them not only get a room of their own, but they have also built a makeshift nest upstairs that’s separate from Bucky’s nest downstairs. It’s been an easy transition this way— taking claim of a part of Tony’s home before a more intimate bond takes place— but Peter feels more and more stressed out as the weeks pass.
Currently, he’s staring at a screen in the lab, failing to comprehend any of the information in front of him. Over winter break, Peter was moved to a permanent position in a lab away from Tony. Pepper had insisted on it since they started getting serious, and Peter agreed. It was unprofessional to do that much cuddling at work.
The one downside now is that work has become mind-numbingly boring for most of the day. After this semester, Peter can transfer back to working in chemical engineering, or mechanics. Or even robotics. And after spending the last few months in software development and computer science, Peter is so ready for the change.
He checks the clock for the third time in the last five minutes. Still four o’clock. Still the same information in front of him.
If he squints hard enough, the code on his computer looks like Hieroglyphics.
“To- neeeey,” he whines, turning fully to face the Beta, “thank god, I’m dying. I can’t go on.”
There are a few snickers from other scientists in the lab, but Peter could care less as he watches Tony’s face crumble, “Oh sweet baby, come here,” and he opens his arms, pulling Peter in for a hug.
It only lasts a few moments, but Peter absorbs as much of Tony’s scent as he can while the Beta rocks him back and forth, stroking down his back and kissing whispered reassurances into his hair. He holds onto Tony’s tie, using it as leverage to stand up and nose around his collarbone.
Tony laughs and murmurs, “That tickles, Pete,” but Peter ignores him, dotting small kisses up the side up his neck until he can smell HappyArousedCalm coming off of his Beta.
There’s a hitch in Tony’s breath after Peter nibbles on his pulse point, “Need something from me, Omega?”
Peter hums, even as Tony pulls away slightly, “Yes, Beta,” he pauses as Tony tilts his head expectantly, “I need you to take me home.”
Peter hums, even as Tony pulls away slightly, “Yes, Beta,” he pauses as Tony tilts his head expectantly, “I need you to take me home.”
He watches Tony laugh, stepping back and looping an arm over Peter’s shoulders, before calling out to the room, vaguely, “Whoever’s in charge here, I’m taking him home. Because I’m actually in charge here. Okay— have a good weekend, goodbye.”
He’s towed away, barely sparing a second to grab his phone and shut down his station. They practically run out of the building— holding hands and laughing wildly as they throw their jackets into the back of Tony’s car and jump in the front seats.
“So— what are we doing with the long weekend, Tony?”
Tony starts the car, pulling out into the city, “I thought we’d go out for dinner and spend the evening in with our pack— how does that sound?”
“ Ooo,” Peter claps his hands, “that sounds perfect, Tony, oh my goodness. What do you have in mind?”
“How does seafood sound? I have a place I’ve been dying to take you.”
Peter turns, grabbing his boyfriend’s arm, “Where? Tony, where are we going?”
“Nope, not this time,” Tony shakes his head, weak, “it’s gonna be a surprise, dammit.”
“I’ll get it out of you— no secret is safe around me, Tony Stark.”
He winks and blows a kiss when Tony looks over, and the man looks terrified. Peter laughs, pulling a pair of sunglasses out of the center console and reclining back in the seat. It’s a little chilly still in early April, but the change of season means more sun, and the Omega is happy to roll up his dress shirt sleeves and bask in it like a pampered cat.
The drive passes comfortably and Peter adores sitting next to his handsome Beta— the whole world seeing that Tony is spoken for and claimed by the young Omega on his arm. Peter never thought he’d want to be a trophy Omega— and, technically, he isn’t— but something about being pampered and loved by the most powerful man in New York City has him preening where he sits.
He’s thankful the windows are down, or Tony would be able to smell it on him.
They pull around 59th and up to the curb across from Central Park. Tony exits the driver’s side, throws his keys to a waiting driver, and rounds the car to open Peter’s door. He steps out and grabs their jackets from the back seat, handing over Tony’s as the two of them link arms and hop onto the sidewalk.
“Where to, Tony?” he blinks up at his date, smiling innocently.
Tony hums, distracted, “Marea, just through the—”
“— Aha! —”
“— dammit! No! That doesn’t count!”
“Yes it does! I win,” Peter skips forward, doing a little dance in victory.
He feels Tony catch him around the waist, nuzzling into his neck, and knows the Beta is enjoying his HappyOmega scent. The two of them joke and tease for the rest of the walk into the restaurant, but Peter notices something as they walk through the door to be seated.
“Uh, Tony?”
“Yeah, Pete?”
“Where is everyone?” he asks, gesturing around the empty room.
Tony looks around and gives him a suspiciously innocent face, “Well... they may not be open, officially, for another hour.”
He tries to pull them further into the room, but Peter is frozen— speechless.
“Don’t give me that look, baby, I made some calls today and everything’s set, I’m paying for the extra hour, the service and the meals—”
“— and even extra for the inconvenience, okay? I just wanted to treat you—”
Peter grabs his shirt collar, shutting him up with a kiss. Tony inhales against Peter’s lips and immediately takes control, snaking his hands up into Peter’s hair and pulling gently, tipping his head back to deepen the kiss. Their lips move together, perfectly synchronized, and Peter opens his mouth in an invitation. Tony just chuckles— briefly licking underneath his upper lip before pulling away and looking at Peter with a mixture of awe and amusement.
“You never have to justify treating me, Tony. I feel so special when you do,” Peter reaches up to brush his fingers through Tony’s short hair, feeling safe and warm in his hold.
The older man just grins, eyes bright, and leads them to their seats. Right in the center of the Ravello Room, their table has been set and lit with candles— a bottle of wine is chilling in an ice bath, and the maître d' stands nearby, greeting them and explaining the menu for the afternoon.
When she walks away, Tony reaches over and grabs Peter’s hand. They sit like this through the first two courses, and Peter’s content to share each of them with Tony, even if that means being basically hand fed by his boyfriend.
And it’s pretty hard to hand feed someone oysters.
The food is incredible, though, and their conversation is even better. Peter tries not to complain about work and school, but even when he inevitably does, Tony is patient and listens. He asks questions when necessary, and they even work through a few solutions to tougher problems together.
“I guess... I wish a few of the things with our pack were more definite,” Peter picks at his meal, separating the shrimp from the pasta.
“What do you mean, baby?” Tony asks, reaching over to steal a piece of shrimp.
Peter tries to defend his plate, jabbing at Tony’s hand with his fork, but misses. His pout deepens, “I dunno. I wish it wasn’t still up in the air who’s going to bond. I wish I knew how synchronizing goes, with our heats. I wish there was more communication about sex, and scenes, and who’s comfortable with what. I wish I knew the timeline,” he shakes his head, finally putting his fork down, “I don’t know, Tony, it just feels so out of control most of the time, I don’t know how to handle it.”
“I don’t think you can control it, sweetheart. There are six different people in this pack, and fifteen different individual relationships. Plus, two unique pack dynamics that need to merge. It’s uncomfortable, Petey, and it’s gonna take time.”
“I know that, Tony, it’s just… I’m supposed to be the center of this pack, and some days I don’t even know if you want to bond with me, so how—”
“I do.”
“— am I… what?”
“I do want to bond with you. God, I want nothing more in the world,” Tony reaches up to cup his cheek, “I can’t believe you doubted that, Peter. You know I love you, right?”
“I… I don’t…”
Tony’s eyes start to tear up, and he looks absolutely devastated, “I’m so sorry, baby. Dammit— I love you. I am completely gone on you. Every day I have to stop myself from keeping you all to myself; running away and starting a familial pack, just the two of us. There are so many steps: mating and bonding and collaring and marrying, and Peter— I want them all with you.”
Peter’s vision is blurry, tears falling freely as he frantically tries to wipe them away, “Tony, I— I had no idea. You never… we didn’t… I just assumed that we were getting there, you know? I’ve never been in love before, Tony—”
“It’s okay, Peter, you don’t have to—”
“— but I am in love with you. God, we’re stupid, aren’t we?” both of them laugh, wet and joyful, “everything’s just so confusing right now.”
“I know, baby, I know,” Tony coos, pulling on Peter’s wrist until he’s up, out of his seat, and moving to sit across Tony’s lap. He loves that when he sits like this and curls up, his head fits perfectly under Tony’s chin, and his mate’s arms wrap soundly around his waist.
“Da— Tony,” Peter whines, barely catching the slip up— not time for that conversation yet, Pete— as Tony holds him tighter.
“Need me to help you, baby?” Tony murmurs right next to his ear, making him shiver, “you know, you don’t have to do it all alone.”
“I know— Steve is supposed to help—”
“Not just Steve,” Tony grips his arms, looking him in the eye, “all of us. Especially me. I want to help you. Will you let me?”
It’s a heavy question, Peter knows. He knows that he needs help— but trusting someone else to do the work and do it right… only Clint, Annie and May are close enough for that. And barely so. It takes a lot for Peter to trust, it’s uncomfortable. But if he claims to love Tony—
“Yes, Beta. I need— I need your help.”
The restaurant around them is forgotten as Tony whispers, “Good boy,” and Peter starts to float, only tethered down by the warmth of his mate’s arms, the scent of Cinnamon and smoky Bonfires holding him together.
“Eat this, baby,” and he opens his mouth, biting down obediently. It’s chocolatey and creamy and crunchy— he has to focus on chewing, and Tony’s fingers around his mouth and on his arms are helping to pull him back up. “Stay up for me, Peter. I’m gonna talk and then we’ll have a conversation, baby.”
Peter finds himself switching focus between eating the dessert and following Tony’s story about… his mom? And a secret hideout?
“— mom could never find me, but, I don’t know, I don’t think she ever tried, you know? It wasn’t that hard to find.”
“She probably knew and just wanted you to have a place to yourself,” Peter mumbles into Tony’s neck.
Tony pulls him away, holding him at arm’s length and looking into his eyes for a long moment.
“You up, Pete? Ready to talk?” he asks, and Peter nods, moving to get off Tony’s lap. The older Beta lets him, and Tony stands up to move their chairs closer together. When Peter sits down, Tony immediately takes his hand and continues eating like nothing happened.
“Okay— I’m gonna start. First, we need to talk about your pack Pete. I know Bucky’s gonna want to bond with everyone, he’s told me as much, but especially you and Annie need to decide who you’re bonding with. Have you talked to Steve at all about it?”
“Yes, we’ve been going on dates, and... everything is so natural with Steve, which I guess makes sense since we’re so compatible,” he pauses, thoughtful, “I think I want to bond with everyone, too. I can’t speak for Annie, but I think you and Steve are the only ones who she’s hesitant about.”
“I get that. Have the three of you talked about going to the O clinic?”
Peter gives an affirmative hum, “Yes, but Tony… I don’t think Bucky’s ever been. I mentioned going together, and he looked so confused.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Tony chuckles to himself, eating the last bit of his mousse and wiping his mouth with a napkin, “I’ve never seen him go to an Omega doctor… I think he’s had a semi-permanent suppressant implant since he presented.”
“Well, yes. I do, too, but hasn’t he been sexually active with multiple partners for like… years? You’re saying he’s never had a pregnancy scare? Never had an internal exam or pap—”
“Uh… I don’t—”
“What about an STD test, Tony? Have any of you guys ever been tested? I swear, what on earth were you doing before us—”
“Okay, okay— to be fair, it’s worked so far. And Steve makes us all go to our primary care and the dentist once a year. It’s like… hell week. When all of us have appointments.”
Peter buries his face in his arms, groaning at the utter idiocy of his future bondmates, “Thank god I met you, Tony. You guys are worse than Clint,” he laughs a little bit, picking up his head and glancing over at his properly chastised boyfriend.
Reaching out, he gives Tony a boop on the nose, startling him out of his sad expression, “I’ll talk to Bucky, okay? Annie and I are going to the O clinic next week, and we’ll help him make an appointment. They’re flexible about pack stuff, I think. And… I guess we’ll talk to the doctor about the steps we need to take to bond.”
Tony makes a flicking motion with his hand, and Peter sees the maître d' walk across the room and silently collect the black card Tony hands her.
“Sounds good. Let’s talk about the rest on the way back, okay? I’m gonna call Steve and see if he wants us to pick them up anything to eat.”
While Tony makes the call, Peter thinks through a few of the questions he has. He’s thankful for their overall dynamic and compatibility, but there are so many variables and unspoken limits—
“Tony?” Peter tries to interrupt, tapping on his arm, “hey, Tony? Can I talk to Steve?”
“Yeah, hold on,” Tony responds, turning back to the call, “yeah, Steve? Peter wants to talk to you… okay, okay here he is,” Tony hands over the phone with a brief, “here ya go, baby.”
“Hey, Steve?”
“Hi sweetheart! What’s going on?” Steve sounds like he’s in the car, probably heading home from work.
Peter glances at Tony’s questioning expression before answering Steve, “Nothing bad, Alpha, no worries,” he ducks his head, a little embarrassed at his small smile. The low rumbly voice hasn’t failed to affect him yet, “I’m wondering if we could have a talk tonight. You know, as a pack.”
“Of course, Peter. What do you want to talk about?”
“I think we need to discuss sex,” Peter says, bluntly, and has to keep himself from laughing as Tony’s eyes almost pop out of his head, “specifically, we need to talk about scenes and dynamics— especially before everyone bonds this summer.”
He hears Steve clear his throat before responding, “O— okay, sweetheart. We can do that. Do you feel comfortable leading this conversation tonight?”
“Yes, Alpha, I’d like that.”
“Okay, thank you for bringing this up, Peter. Bucky mentioned something similar this week, but I just haven’t thought too much about it. You’re stepping into this role so beautifully, Peter, and I’m constantly awed by you.”
“Oh— well...” Peter feels his face flame red, and he puts a hand up to hide from Tony, “th— thank you, Alpha.”
Steve laughs— a low, rumbling sound even over the phone, “You deserve it, sweet Omega. Let me talk to Tony, and I’ll see you tonight.”
Peter mumbles his goodbye and basically throws the phone back to Tony, who takes it with a curious look, “What did you say to him, Alpha? He smells so sweet… oh, really? Mhm… I know he is, he’s my soulmate, Steve…”
After that, Peter tunes out the conversation and hides his face in his hands. These doms are really trying to kill him with the constant praise. They haven’t even had a proper scene together— he hasn’t even kissed Steve, for goodness sake— and they are already onto the things that make him tick. Is he really that transparent?
On the way back home, Tony stops briefly to pick up a take-out order of Chinese food. They don’t talk about the pack again— but it’s okay. Peter feels like everything that needs to be said will be brought up tonight.
One of his favorite things about their combined pack is spending evenings together. All six packmates sit in the living room, eating take-out and sharing quiet conversation. Every so often, an innocent argument will break out— usually between Tony and Clint— and the volume level will raise. But for the most part, all of them are content to touch, and eat, and snuggle in close stillness.
“Did Bucky pick out these couches?” Annie asks, sitting on the loveseat with Steve while the other four packmates squish together on the larger couch. She keeps grabbing his muscles, and Peter can tell their Alpha loves showing off for the pretty Omega.
Bucky is sitting on the floor, leaning back in between Tony’s legs. Both Betas have an arm around Peter, and he sits in the middle of them on the couch, reaching over every so often to play with Bucky’s hair.
The question makes Bucky look up, jostling the couch behind him and almost overturning Clint’s bowl.
Tony answers first, “Kind of. We all picked out the furniture together, but Bucky did have the final say.”
“Damn right I did,” Bucky says around a mouthful of noodles, “gotta be comfy for the whole pack. Tony wanted these ugly leather things,”
“Hey! They were tasteful—”
“— I’d rather sit on a concrete slab, Tony, they were so bad—”
“Steve, you liked the leather couches, right?” Tony tries to get the Alpha’s support,
“Uh,” Steve looks between his packmates, “I liked them until Bucky vetoed.”
Bucky lets out a whoop! in victory, and both Clint and Annie dissolve into laughter as Tony sinks back into the couch, pulling Peter in close for comfort.
Tony turns to Peter, “You like my couches, don’t you, baby?”
Shifting to face the Beta, Peter makes a small cooing noise while reaching up to stroke his hair, “I love you, Tony— but I’m on Bucky’s side. I like these ones.”
With a gasp, Tony practically dumps Peter off the couch, “Betrayal! My own mate betrays me!”
Bucky finishes pulling him off the couch, hauling the smaller Omega into his lap with a greasy kiss on the cheek. Peter can’t help but giggle as his Beta pouts and lets Clint pull him in for a hug, whispering to Tony that no, leather couches actually sound fuckin’ awesome.
Peter turns sideways, looping his arms around Bucky’s waist and tangling their legs together as Bucky continues to eat. He feels a familiar hand in his hair and hums, happy to have Tony’s touch back, even if it’s reluctant.
After another half an hour, Annie and Steve get up to clear the dishes, talking softly and spending a few extra minutes in the kitchen cleaning up. Peter takes this as his cue to start their conversation. He moves to a large, chaise barrel chair, facing the couches, and waits for everyone to grab their drinks and settle down.
When Steve walks back in the room, Peter extends his hand— an invitation that the Alpha takes and gently rearranges them to sit together on the sofa. He watches as Clint opens his arms and Annie runs to join the rest of the pack on the long couch.
The room gradually quiets down, and Steve clears his throat, getting their attention. Peter gives him a quick peck on the cheek and addresses their pack, “So I realized today, while I was talking to Tony, that we should probably have a serious talk about sex before moving in together and bonding, uh... forever.”
A few of them chuckle, but the room feels uncomfortable. Peter looks to Steve for help,
“Yeah, so it’s gonna be important that we have open communication about this,” Steve continues, “especially ‘cause our separate packs already have established dynamics and such. Uh,” he looks at Peter, shrugging, “maybe it would be easiest to talk now about personal preferences for scenes, and later we can share official limits? I have paperwork!”
Both Bucky and Clint groan— causing Steve to roll his eyes— but Tony interjects, giving Peter a secret wink, “Should we update our existing papers, Steve, or just use the old ones?”
“Probably update them. I assume you guys have your own contracts, right?” he asks, turning to Peter.
“Yes, but it’s mostly non-intimate stuff. We only scene if I really need to go down, and we rarely do intimate scenes,” both Clint and Annie nod in agreement, “Oh! Plus we’ll need to talk about heats, too.”
“Have y’all hadda heat together yet?” Bucky asks, motioning toward Annie and Peter.
Annie answers, “No, we’ve both been on suppressants since before we met. I only had three heats before I went on them.”
“I only had one— I presented late,” Peter adds,
Bucky nods, “Okay, yeah I only had one in high school.”
“And none of you have shared a heat with someone before?” Tony asks, giving Bucky’s shoulders a squeeze.
There’s a resounding no from all the Omegas, and Steve lets out a long exhale, “Are you guys plannin’ on goin’ to the Omega clinic?”
“Yeah,” Annie confirms, “we have an appointment on Monday.”
Peter looks over at Bucky who’s looking back at him with wide, uncertain eyes, “Can you come with us, Bucky? That way we can talk to the doctor together.”
“Yeah, I’ve just… I’ve never—”
“It’s okay,” Peter stops him, “we’ll do it together.”
Tony reaches down and pulls Bucky up by the armpits, earning a squawk of surprise as he’s wrestled into Tony’s lap. Everyone laughs a bit as Bucky struggles and eventually submits to Tony’s hold on his waist, relaxing with a sigh.
The rest of the conversation is awkward, but easy. Each of them talk a little bit about their orientation and what they prefer in their current pack dynamics. For Peter, it’s interesting to hear from his Versatile packmates about their experiences swinging dominant and submissive. Bucky has spent almost six years being Steve’s submissive and three years submitting to both his Alpha and Beta, so it’s uncomfortable and different for him to be dominant in a relationship, since he’s never had to dominante a partner before.
In contrast, both Annie and Clint have experiences swinging both ways in their relationship with each other and with Peter. Clint has reservations about permanently swinging dominant, because of his past with abusive dominants, and similarly doesn’t want to swing permanently submissive. Annie feels comfortable both ways, which is something Peter already knew. She is very vocal about her preferences.
Peter shares about what it’s like to be a SubOmega, and his preferences during a scene— which, at this point, are very few. He lost his virginity to Clint and Annie, and has never taken a knot before. He smells SmugHornyAlpha coming off of Steve after this confession, and giggles slightly as Steve shamefully apologizes.
Steve and Tony both keep their time short. Peter knows a bit about Tony’s past, and knows he’s been in an intimate and unique familial pack before. Steve and Bucky have both been in other relationships, but only Steve was sexually active before they officially got together.
Possibly the most interesting part of the conversation is learning about how Steve and Tony balance being Dominant over the same Submissive.
“I think the most important part is to realize that Dominant, Submissive, or Versatile, the purpose of our orientation is all the same: service to others,” Steve explains, holding Peter tight around the waist, “so whether it’s five Doms and one Sub in a room, or a balanced pairing— Tony, Bucky, and I have all decided to love and serve each other. To put one another first. And because of this, our scenes are always fun and satisfying.”
“Ya soun’ like ‘n infomercial, Stevie,” Bucky mumbles, eyes blinking slowly— dangerously close to sleep.
“Shaddup, jerk— you know it’s true. Our scenes always build trust and support between us. And that’s what I want for our intimate pack.”
A few voices hum their agreement, but with a glance around the room, Peter realizes most of them are falling asleep. He yawns and pulls on Steve’s sleeve, getting his attention.
“Alpha, can we finish this later?”
Steve hums, distracted, and then suddenly focuses, his hum shifting— changing to a deep, rumbling growl. It startles Peter into looking up, and the Alpha’s eyes are half-lidded, dark and intense. Peter’s breath picks up. He watches as Steve moves closer, reeling him in, and leans to press his nose against the base of Peter’s throat.
Peter keens, and lets his body go limp in the strong, safe arms of his Alpha. He feels each of their breaths align, he feels their hearts beat together. He’s not sure what he smells like right now, but assumes it compliments Steve’s ProudContentStrongAlpha scent pretty well.
It doesn’t matter, though, because there’s a cloud at his back.
Gentle fingers run through his hair.
He feels the shuffle of clothes against his skin.
Floating, weightless.
It’s light when he wakes up again, surrounded by warmth and the sound of gentle snoring. He knows who he wishes were next to him, breathing into his neck. Drooling down his neck.
“Clint, my god,” Peter pushes at the big Beta, trying to get him to roll over, but only gets a loud snore in response.
He flops back down and tries to scoot the other way, happy to burrow into Annie’s soft curves, trailing his freezing fingertips up her hips and underneath her t-shirt—
She gasps awake, “Peter! Dammit!” and tries to squirm away from him as he cackles, waking Clint up with a snort.
“Wha— what,” Clint flails around, aimless, as Annie shoves Peter his way. One of his arms catches Peter across the back of the head, and the small Omega yelps in pain.
“Ouch, Clint. The hell?”
“Aw, poor baby,” Annie coos, pulling Peter into an octopus embrace and incidentally shoving his face right in between her breasts, “I’ll make it better.”
Mngh mmngh mngghh, Peter tries to beg Annie, and she finally releases him to heave a deep breath of relief, “You trying to kill me, woman?”
“No, Petey, just suffocate you a little bit.” Annie gives him a shark’s grin and starts to crawl towards him on her knees. He retreats, scrambling backwards until his back hits Clint’s chest and the Beta pulls his arms behind his back, holding him still.
Peter struggles, grunting, “Hey! What is this? Let me go, Clint,” but there’s no mercy as Annie finally reaches him, kneeling between his legs and leaning forward to kiss his nose.
“Wanna play, bunny?” she purrs, trailing a finger down his chest, clothed in a loose t-shirt, down to the waistband of his tight, black briefs. He can’t take his eyes off her face, and finds himself nodding in a daze, entranced by her wicked smile.
She looks over his shoulder and tilts her head at Clint, and he stutters, “P— please, Omega,” the desperation in his tone making Peter tremble.
“Good boy, birdy,” Annie mocks him, reaching around Peter to run a hand up Clint’s thigh and settling over his boxers, in between where he’s pressed up against Peter’s ass. She crawls a little closer, grabbing Peter’s chin and tipping his head up to look at her, “gimme a color, little bunny. Want me to make you both feel good— use his body to make you come?”
Peter struggles to blink, and his sight goes crossed for a second as he mewls, “Green, Omega.”
She keeps eye contact with Peter and asks Clint, “How about you, baby bird? Gonna keep you on edge, share your body with our sweet bunny, and control your pleasure. Color?”
Clint is physically shaking behind him, and he barely whispers, “Green, Omega, please,” before Annie is encouraging him to lean back against the headboard, shifting to hold Peter’s arms even further behind his back.
His Omega grabs him around the hips, and uses her knees to keep his legs spread.
“Strip him, birdy.”
The command is sharp and has Clint moving instantly, yanking Peter’s shirt up over his chest, and effortlessly moving his arms and legs to pull the shirt and his briefs off completely. Peter doesn’t have a moment to shy away from his Omega’s stare, because his arms are restrained again and she’s spreading his legs wide.
Clint’s breathing heavy on the back of his neck, and he can feel the Beta’s hardness pressed up against his back through the thin layer of boxer shorts, rutting against him lightly.
It seems that his Omega knows this, because she orders Clint’s clothes off next. Once they’re naked and rearranged to her liking, she runs a finger down Peter’s waist, scratching gently through the sparse hair above his cock, and feels underneath his balls, humming thoughtfully at the mess of slick she finds there.
He squirms as her small fingers trace around his rim, panting and throwing his head back at the tease. He hears her laugh and tries to hide his face in Clint’s neck, instead getting a whiff of HornyDesperateBeta scent from his mate.
His Omega dips the tip of one finger into his hole, up to the first knuckle.
“Play with his little titties, birdy,” she instructs, and immediately Clint readjusts his grip on Peter’s arms so that he can pinch and tug on the smaller man’s nipples.
“Oh, dammit, Omega more, please,” he begs, bucking into the torture across his sensitive chest and grinding down onto the finger inside of him.
“Patient, sweet bunny,” she shushes, pulling her finger out and swiping three of them through the slick leaking out of him. She lifts up her hand, acting surprised, “wow, feeling needy, little bunny rabbit? How about a taste?”
He nods his head yes, opening his mouth wide, but his Omega just shakes her head with a fake, sad pout, “Aw, baby— not for you,” and he watches as she reaches over, and—
— and feeds his slick, finger by finger, into Clint’s open mouth.
“That’s my good baby bird,” she coos, pushing her fingers in and slowly fucking his face with her hand. His eyes close in pleasure as he sucks desperately, eager to get all of Peter’s taste off of her fingers.
Peter whines as Clint pinches his nipple a little too hard, and his Omega turns her attention back to him.
“Hungry, baby bunny? Need something in your mouth?”
“Yes, Omega, please— anything, ‘m so empty—” he begs, and his Omega shushes him.
“Put your fingers in his mouth, birdy. I’m gonna put him on your cock.”
Both of them groan at her words, and he can feel Clint twitch against his back. The Beta reaches up and hooks two fingers into the side of his mouth, pulling slightly and forcing his head to tip backwards. He releases Peter’s arms and uses his left hand to flick across his nipples. Peter grabs at his thighs, desperate for control.
His Omega uses the distraction to work a second finger back into his hole, twisting and scissoring until Peter is grinding down, rhythmically, against her hand. His tiny, Omega cock is rock hard, and Clint has started alternating between flicking his nipples and his cockhead, making him cry out in torment.
She adds a third, and he begs around Clint’s fingers, “Oh— Omega, I can’t, please. Please, I need. I need—”
“Hush, baby bunny,” she shushes him, and Clint pushes his fingers deeper into Peter’s mouth, giving his cock a pinch with his other hand. Their Omega wipes away a few of his tears and pulls her fingers free, “why don’t you lift up, bunny?”
It’s torture. He can barely move, and his arms are trembling where they hold onto Clint’s thighs. After trying twice and failing to pick himself up, tears are flowing freely from his eyes and he looks to his Omega, blubbering, “I— I can’t,” sobs, “O— omega, please, I can’t!”
“Help him, birdy,” she instructs, leaning back to watch as Clint moves his hands down, cups under his ass, and effortlessly lifts him up. He cries harder, humiliated, as he feels Clint’s cock line up with his fluttering, empty hole.
There’s a soft hand on his cheek, and he realizes his Omega is waiting for something. He blinks through his tears, opening and closing his mouth— unsure of what she wants.
He must make a sad noise, because she’s quick to repeat, “It’s ok, Peter. Can you give me a color?”
Oh, okay. “Green, ‘mega,” he slurs, trying to give her a reassuring smile, and hears Clint whisper his agreement.
“Good boys, so good for me. Alright, birdy— you can lower him. Slowly.”
Peter lets his body go limp, helpless, as he’s worked slowly onto Clint’s cock. He feels every inch as his body is split in half for his Omega’s pleasure. For his pleasure.
Clint is shaking and panting, whimpering cries of please, Omega and holy fuck.
After a few long, agonizing moments, Peter is fully settled into Clint’s lap. The Beta is still cursing, and moves his hands from Peter’s hips to underneath his knees, pulling his legs back and exposing him wide.
“Fuck, Petey, how are you so fuckin’ tight, my god,” Clint breaths into his neck, and Peter rests his head back against the larger man’s shoulder, relaxing in his arms.
He feels a hand stroke up his tummy, and across his chest. His arms are moved again and settled onto the top of the headboard with a command of, “hold on tight, bunny.”
All of his focus is on obeying the command, so he almost misses his Omega’s next instructions—
“Baby bunny— you can come as many times as you’d like—”
— Peter whines in relief—
“— and baby bird, you can fuck him now,” Clint sighs, “but don’t you dare come, do you understand me?”
“Fuck, holy shit—” Clint curses, “green, Omega. Green, oh my god.”
The first thrust takes him by surprise. It’s almost like a levee breaks, something that was holding Clint’s hips back, and he pulls Peter up by his knees— like a fucking cocksleeve— and slams him back down on his cock with a howl.
All Peter can do is hold on as Clint begins an unforgiving pace, chasing his own pleasure. He feels the hands on his skin, the praises rolling over him, and he tries to say something but can’t, buried under pleasure and praise and—
— and he almost loses his grip on the headboard as his orgasm shakes through him. His lips open and close in a wordless plea as he clenches down on the thick cock still hammering into his hole, slapping wet against his ass.
His Omega moans her encouragement, “Fuck, baby, so good for me. Come for me baby bunny, so pretty, so good,” and he faintly feels her lips, her tongue, tracing around his cock and cleaning up the clear cum pouring out.
“Shit, Omega, I’m— I’m close, fuck,” Clint curses, still moving inside Peter even as he starts to shake from overstimulation.
“Absolutely not,” their Omega commands, standing up on the bed to move them. Clint drops Peter with a heave, both of them groaning as he bottoms out, and their Omega carefully moves his hands off the headboard, setting them back on Clint’s hips. She looks down into Peter’s eyes and then into Clint’s, “two more orgasms, birdy. Two more times— either me or him— and I’ll let you come.”
She kicks a leg over, stradling Clint’s face, and Peter realizes that at some point she took her panties off but left her shirt on. She’s beautiful, and he tries to say as much. Sadly, it just comes out as a choked gasp.
Clint’s pleas turn into moans as their Omega settles on his face, grinding down against his mouth with a firm grip in his hair. Using him. Clint flails, grabbing at Peter’s knees, and picks up where he left off, lifting him up and dropping him fully onto his cock, over and over.
Peter struggles to keep his eyes open, staring up at the vision of Clint licking, hungry into his Omega, but spiraling quickly, floating higher as he feels his orgasm build again.
Knock, knock.
“Fuck!” his Omega curses, and slaps Clint’s shoulder when he slows his pace, “keep going, they’ll go away.”
Clint hums and picks up his pace when—
Knock, knock, knock.
“Dammit,” their Omega jumps off of Clint’s face and looks into his eyes, “keep fucking him. There’s a reward in it for you if he comes before I get back,” and she jumps off the bed, grabbing a pair of their boxers on the way.
Clint resumes his pace, gathering both of Peter’s legs together in one of his long arms and using his free hand to turn Peter’s face, capturing his lips in a wet, sloppy kiss. Peter can taste their Omega on his lips, and suddenly his orgasm is right there.
“Clin’ oh, uh, uh, ‘m gonna,” he tries to warn, but it more or less comes out as a high pitched squeal.
“Yeah, pretty Omega, come on. Come for me. Come on Peter, give it to me, fuck, you feel so damn good, baby—”
His eyes roll back as the second orgasm overtakes him, shaking through his legs and bursting out of his chest in a desperate wail. Clint’s thrusts slow back down, but he barely feels them. He opens and closes his fingers, trying to hold on, and fails, floating high above his body. Below his body.
There’s a release of pressure.
Warmth shifts from his back to his side.
Small wet noises and low rumbles of begging.
His eyes blink open, soft and slow. He feels light. He feels empty.
As his vision starts to swim into focus, he realizes his Omega has moved him to the side. She’s now riding Clint into the mattress. Hard.
A flash of Clint’s face— it looks like he’s seeing heaven open— and Peter smiles, curling into the Beta’s side and clinging to one of his arms as he floats away again.
An hour later, Peter is up and cuddling with his pack. It took awhile to bring him back, but his pack let him float— content to relax in his submission and forget about the hundred other things going wrong outside their bedroom.
Turns out the interruption was Bucky, coming to check on them after hearing a “horrific dying animal noise.”
“Was it the noise I made or the noise Clint made?” Peter asks.
Clint rolls his eyes, and Annie answers, “Clint howled like a fucking Alpha when he dropped you on his cock.”
“Oh my— Annie!” Peter yelps, hiding his face in Clint’s arm as his mate cackles.
“You’re just too delicious, Petey. Couldn’t help myself.”
Peter rolls his eyes, but still nestles closer, “Did you float, Clint?”
“For a bit— definitely not like you did, Pete.”
“Hey,” Annie buts in, “drink this, Peter,” and she presses a bottle against his lips.
He takes a few moments to down the whole thing— he is exceedingly thirsty— before asking, “Did Bucky say anything?”
“No, he brought us water, though. And snacks. And then he ran away.”
Peter yawns and pulls Annie’s arm around him, “I wish he’d stayed to cuddle.”
His packmates snuggle in closer and pull up the blanket, cocooning themselves and drifting off for a nap before starting the day officially. When they wake up around noon, the first thing Annie does is call the Omega clinic to book Bucky an adjoining appointment with theirs.
Monday comes sooner than they expect, and all three Omegas pile into the small clinic for their appointments.
Peter keeps looking up at Bucky. The older Omega has been quiet since they left the house, and it’s starting to get concerning. Annie went into her appointment a few minutes ago, so the two of them are alone in the waiting room. He threads their fingers together, placing a small kiss on the back of his hand.
No response.
“Bucky? Buck? James? Jamie?”
At the last one, Bucky blinks a few times and shakes his head.
“Wha… what did you call me?”
“I— I don’t know, I was just trying to get your attention—”
“Only my parents ever called me Jamie,” Bucky says, looking down at Peter with wide eyes.
Peter tries to apologize, stuttering, “I’m so so sorry, Bucky, I swear, I wasn’t trying to—”
“Pete,” Bucky squeezes his hand, “it’s okay, darlin’. I… I enjoyed it, is all.”
“... what?”
Bucky sighs, “Stevie called me Bucky for the first time when we were in middle school, ya know? I’d always been James or Jamie, but hated it when I was little. After that day, I only went by Bucky— I guess that was his claim on me, even back then. But now, it sounds good to be called Jamie by someone I consider home, alright?”
Peter scrubs at the tears forming in his eyes, looking up at Bucky as he asks, “I feel like home?”
“Yeah, Pete, you do. You don’t have to, but I’d love for you to call me Jamie. Damn... okay maybe that’s actually a bad idea, you know what, forget—”
“No, no,” Peter interrupts, “I’d love to call you Jamie. Really. We should… we should spend some time together. Like, alone together.”
Jamie finally smiles at this, nodding along, “I’d love that, Pete. Wanna go away for a weekend, or just spend a few days in my nest and kick everyone else out?”
“Either, but I’d like to do it before… before we have sex together. Or share a heat. I’d like to know you a bit more.”
“So no sex on our weekend away?” Jamie asks, and Peter looks up in surprise— and he’s laughing. Oh.
Peter gives him a light push, “I swear, you’re no better than Clint.”
Both of them end up laughing, leaning against each other and getting dirty looks from a few other patients that they ignore.
Within a few minutes, the nurses call their names and they go back for their appointments. Separately. Everything goes normally for Peter, but he can’t stop worrying about Jamie the whole time. He knows his scent must reek, but the doctor, thankfully, doesn’t comment on it. Once he’s given a clean bill of health, plus a negative pregnancy test, the nurses usher him into a larger exam room where Annie and Jamie sit waiting for him.
They take a few moments to scent each other, holding on tight, before specifically checking in on Jamie. They’re relieved to hear that his STD and pregnancy tests are negative, and all of them share details about their own exams, ultrasounds, and other blood work they had to do.
After a minute, there’s a knock on the door, and an older, female doctor enters the room.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Michaels,” she says sitting in the chair across from where they’re piled on the large exam couch, “I’m told you would like to talk about pack bonding today, correct?”
All of them exchange a look, but stay relatively silent. Great. Perfect time for them to swing submissive.
Doctor Michaels is patient, and Jamie finally speaks up.
“Yeah, Doc. We need’ta know how to bond. We’ve got an Alpha and two Betas at home who we want to bond with, but none of us have any idea what to do.”
She laughs lightly, politely, and Peter gets a whiff of sweet Omega scent from her.
“Here, all three of you take these booklets,” she passes them out, and Peter almost scoffs at the title: How to Make Your Forever, Last.
She continues on, “I’m sure you’ve had conversations with your whole pack about bonding, so the only reminder I’ll give is that a bond, when formed correctly between two consenting parties, will last indefinitely. If any of your bonded pack members were to leave and start a separate, familial pack, the bond you share will still remain and that member would be unable to rebond with another person. Understand?”
All three of them nod their heads affirmative.
“Good, now— are you all living together yet?”
“Yeah,” Jamie answers again, “we have a home and by the summer we’ll be livin' together permanently.”
“Okay, that’s imperative for testing compatibility and establishing territory. You will also need to set rules and guidelines for sexual intimacy, especially regarding gender dynamics and orientations. Speaking of which, do you have designated spaces for nesting and scenes?”
“We do. Right now, we have two nests, two dens, and two separate scene rooms. I think Stevie— that’s our DomAlpha— is plannin’ to build out a main den and the Omegas will rebuild one nest together durin’ a heat or somethin’.”
She hums in acknowledgement and makes a note, “Let’s talk about heats. I see here on your charts that none of you have shared a heat with a partner, is this correct?” they all nod, yes, “The only way a pack can bond is when an Omega mate is in heat. If all six of you are to share a bond, it will be strongest if the Omegas are synched. Have you heard this term before?”
Annie speaks up, “Once or twice. My mom used to talk about it— where Omegas off their suppressants and intimate together will get on the same heat cycle.”
“Right,” the doctor agrees, “you’ll need to go off your suppressants and wait two or three cycles before your bodies officially synch together. I’m going to suggest that each of those heats you spend with each other and try to keep other packmates from interacting unless absolutely necessary. It’s best that your hormones aren’t affected by other mates during this time.”
Jamie makes a small displeased noise, but quickly clears his throat, motioning for her to continue.
The doctor smiles again, “I know, it’ll be hard spending a few heats without your full pack, but truly, it will be for the best if you want to form a strong bond.”
“So,” Peter asks, “what about during the heat that we all have together? When we’re ready to bond— what happens then?”
“Well, it depends. I have to ask— will your bonded pack have a Dominant Alpha and Submissive Omega present?”
Peter nods, “Yes, me and Steve.”
“Okay, that will help the process significantly. You’ve probably already talked about your role as the cornerstone of the pack, but during the bonding process, it is essential that the two of you bond and knot first. It’s going to be hard for the other pack members to refrain from mating during that time, but it will help to establish an order of bonding before the occasion to curb any confusion during the hormone-fueled heats.”
“So, we have to… Steve and I have to bond before anyone else can?” Peter asks, avoiding his packmates’ attention.
“Yes,” the doctor agrees, “the whole pack can be with you, if you desire, but he will have to knot you and both of you exchange a secure bite on the neck before other packmates can join the process.”
The three Omegas shift uncomfortably at the description, and Peter slips his hand into Jamie’s, holding on tight.
“After this, just make sure all of the desired bonds are completed before the end of your shared heat. I assume your Betas know of their ability to satisfy an Omega during heat?”
“Uh…” Peter pauses, looking to Annie and Jamie, but both of them seem confused, “probably not?”
“It’s okay, it’s all in the booklet, too. Betas have the ability to help Omegas in their heats and Alphas in their ruts by simulating biological responses necessary for satisfaction in their partners. For instance— when the three of you enter heat together, your Beta packmates will both be able to knot you temporarily. It’s a shorter duration than an Alpha’s knot and only happens for the heat, but their semen still has calming properties, and under the right circumstances, can help an Omega conceive.”
At this, Jamie makes a sad noise that has both of them turning to him.
“Doc,” he starts, head down and body language tense, “is it true that only the Dominant Alpha and Submissive Omega can pup?”
Peter spins to look at him in surprise. What?
“Yes, after bonding, the cornerstone pair in the pack will undergo a hormonal shift in their reproductive system, creating a symbiosis and making it so that only their systems are compatible. The Alpha’s semen only works on the Omega’s uterus, basically.”
“How… wait, so— my body… what about Steve and Jamie? What about Tony?”
“I can only assume those are your other mates. It will still be possible for the two of you, James and Annie, to be impregnated by either of your Betas should the desire arise. Because of this,” she transitions, ignoring the ShockedDevestatedUpsetOmega scent overtaking the room, “I will still keep all of you on contraceptives unless you are wanting to conceive during your first heat. Is this okay?”
They nod, wordless and still shocked.
“Perfect. And lastly, what is the general timeline for bonding? I need to know in order to schedule appointments to retract the semi-permanent suppressants.”
“It’s,” Jamie clears his throat, “it’s as soon as possible, I think. We wanna be bonded this summer.”
“Great, then we can remove the suppressants today before you leave. Are there any other questions you may have for me?”
They shake their heads, no, and she excuses herself from the room, promising to send a nurse to complete the procedures.
When the door shuts, the three of them crowd together, hooking their chins over shoulders and shifting into each other’s laps. Peter feels Jamie grip him tight, and looks into his eyes, which are glazed over and blown wide.
He’s dropping, Peter thinks to himself, and he’s dropping dominant.
Because of this, it isn’t surprising that Jamie growls when the nurse enters the room. Peter shushes him, lacing their fingers together, and the nurse waits for their permission before approaching the chair where they sit.
The nurse pulls out a few of the tools, and asks them, “Alright, who wants to go first?”
Jamie growls again, but answers, “I will,” before lifting his shirt, giving her access to his suppressant site.
They watch as she squeezes around his stomach, feeling for the insertion. His face is screwed up in discomfort, breathing heavily.
She finds the site, a small bump underneath his skin that feeds directly into his endocrine system, and squeezes it towards the surface of his skin. Grabbing the syringe, she warns him about the sharp pain and quickly inserts the needle, puncturing the suppressant site, and injecting a clear liquid. Jamie hisses through his teeth, clamping down hard on Peter’s arm, as the nurse changes out her tool and attaches a suction to his stomach, turning on the corresponding machine that starts to massage his skin.
“It’s going to break apart the remaining parts of the suppressant site, and it will be absorbed into your system with little side effects,” she says, turning off the machine and starting to sanitize it again.
“Alright,” she turns back with a new syringe, “who’s next?”
“I’m never goin’ back to that damn clinic ever again.”
After their procedures, Jamie had towed both Omegas out of the clinic and back to the car, throwing them in the backseat, buckling their seat belts, and taking off towards their house.
Annie tries to get his attention, “Bucky, we should probably call—”
A deep, feral growl cuts her off, and both Omegas remain silent for the rest of the ride. Peter pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to Steve, letting him know about Jamie’s drop. He also texts Tony and Clint, asking both of them to be ready to help when they get home.
Jamie isn’t driving fast— honestly, he’s probably going under the speed limit— but Peter and Annie are still holding on tight to each other, struggling to keep themselves from dropping submissive as Jamie pumps AggressiveUpsetDistressedOmega scent into the car.
When they pull up, Jamie is immediately around the side of the car, hauling both of them out of the back seat and stalking towards the front door with a low, persistent growl.
Before they even reach the door, Steve steps out with Tony and Clint not too far behind him. Jamie lets out a louder growl, straightening up, shoving both Omegas behind him— facing the Alpha head on. Steve steps closer, meeting his challenge,
“Stand down, Bucky.”
The command washes over all of them, and Peter feels his knees give in, crumpling to the ground. He can’t tear his eyes away from his Alpha— standing in front of Jamie with an expectant look on his face and ordering him to his knees in submission.
He sees Jamie finally collapse, sinking to his knees in front of their Alpha, and then there’s suddenly a set of hands on his shoulders.
“Peter, come with me, baby,” Tony croons into his ear, and he nods his head, letting his Beta scoop him up and carry him away, far away, into the house. They settle onto the nesting couch, and Tony starts to wrap him in blankets, whispering sweet encouragements into his ear that make Peter feel safe and warm.
Distantly, he hears sniffling and crying. Tony takes a moment to help him drink water, and he hums his appreciation.
“Tony?” he whispers, cursing himself quietly for how weak he sounds,
It surprises his boyfriend, though, and he’s immediately shifted to stare deep into his Beta’s eyes, “Yes, baby? Are you okay? What happened?”
He ignores the question for now, “Where’s Annie? And Jamie? Are they okay?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, they’re fine. Steve’s got Bucky in the den and Clint has Annie up in your nest.”
“Oh, okay,” he closes his eyes, “I’m fine, Beta. We had a rough time at the clinic— they gave us a lot of information and then we had a painful procedure to get our suppressants removed— and I think that caused all of us to drop.”
“I can tell, Pete. I’ve never seen Bucky challenge Steve like that before— it was quite a sight.”
Peter sighs, “I think he felt like we were in trouble. I should be with him.”
“No, not right now,” Tony’s tone is firm, “we can talk tonight, but right now he needs to spend time with our Alpha.”
“Beta, I need to talk to you about something,” he whispers, ducking his head to avoid eye contact. Tony grabs his chin, not letting him get away, while motioning for him to continue, “the doctor said… she said I can’t have your pups, Tony.”
His tears start to gather in his eyes, and Tony wipes them away tenderly,
“I know.”
“... you know?”
“Yeah, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but we figured it out a few years ago when the boys were courting me.”
“Don’t— no, I’m really sorry, I really am Peter. I would have told you before we bonded if the doctor hadn’t mentioned it today. Bucky is devastated that he can’t have Steve’s pups—”
“I know—”
“And— oh, okay. So I can assume that’s one of the things that set him off?”
Peter rolls his eyes, “You think, Tony?”
“Damn, okay, I’m really fucking this up,” Tony scrubs his face, “Peter. I’m… you gotta know, baby, that I love you regardless. So does Steve. None of us expect pups from you, and you know that you don’t have to bond with Steve, right?”
“Stop it, Tony. I heard the news and then got my suppressant removed. I made this choice. I’m just pissed that we got so far without anyone bringing it up. I mean— we’re already living here! Dammit Tony, you asked me to trust you and I’m trying.”
“And I know that, sweetheart,” Tony says, caressing a thumb across Peter’s cheek, “I didn’t mean to keep anything from you, Peter. I respect you— you know that, right?”
Peter mirrors his touch, putting his smaller hand on Tony’s cheek, “I know, Tony.”
Tony looks relieved and leans closer. Peter closes his eyes, ready for the kiss—
“Hey— oh, sorry—”
They whip around to see Steve waiting next to their chair, shifting awkwardly where he stands and holding one of his hands behind his back. Peter scans the room, and sees Bucky curled up with Annie and Clint on a nearby couch, watching them intently.
“It’s okay, Alpha, what’s going on?” Peter untangles from Tony’s arms, sitting up straighter to look Steve in the face. Tony rubs his back encouragingly.
Steve looks to Tony, looks behind him towards their pack— all of whom give him a thumbs up— and then slowly gets to both knees, pulling a red, velvet box from behind his back, and opening it to reveal a sparkling, diamond ring.
“I— what?”
“Peter, I realized that I shouldn’t wait to ask you this. You’ve stepped so gracefully into the role we’ve required of you, and it happens to come with a lifelong bond to an Alpha you barely know. I want you to know— I’m falling in love with you. I don’t want our bond to be built out of necessity, I want it to be built out of affection and commitment to each other. I don’t just want forever with this pack— I want forever with you,”
At this, Steve bares his neck in submission and holds out the ring, “Peter Parker: will you be mine? In love, in bond, and in marriage?”
Peter feels Tony’s thumb on his cheek and realizes he’s crying again.
“Y— yes, Steve. I’ll be yours. I’m—” he takes a deep breath, “— I’m falling in love with you, too, Alpha.”
He slides off the couch, joining his Alpha on the floor, and melts into his arms as the room erupts in excited cheers.
With Steve’s ring on his finger and nose in his neck, his problems start to melt away. They’re strong together, they’re right together. And even though his pack won’t make his worries disappear— with all six of them celebrating around him and embracing each other— it seems as though they can face anything, together.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
To Be Continued - Part 7
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Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Pairing: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Warnings: fictional characters coming to life / a bit of angst here and there / Sungjin as a cop (or does that only affect me?) >_>
Word count: 2198
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
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It was as if you were writing a new novel. Instead of focusing on how Charli Evers would finally get with her battered beau, you were at the peak of experiencing all the emotions and excitement that came from a new romance. You were enjoying playing the main protagonist for the first time in your life as well.
“What are you doing?” Brian asked with a hint of amusement in his tone. You leaned in even closer, already entangled together on the couch after watching a movie, and lifted your index finger.
“Counting what?”
“How many lashes I gave you,” you murmured, your gaze honing in on one eye. You let out a whistle when you finished. “I gave you so many! Why are you this perfect?”
“I don’t see myself as perfect at all. You sure made a point of that in my creation, too.”
“How? You’re handsome, protective, honest, playful, charming, sensitive, and did I mention handsome?”
Brian’s lips curled up some from your description. “I think you might have said it twice.”
“Because you truly are that good looking!” you surmised, and Brian chuckled.
“Is being handsome all that matters to you?”
“Well, no.” You blinked a couple of times whilst trying to come up with an answer that didn’t make you feel shallow. The truth was, you really did enjoy looking at him a whole lot.
Over the past two weeks, that was what you had done an awful lot of. No matter what mundane task Brian did, he looked exceptional doing it. His laugh was music to your ears, and his voice made your heart flutter constantly. Any time he smiled, you worried your knees would give way, and on the rare chance they actually did, the way he caught you so easily with his strong embrace had you swooning further.
You wondered if this was all a dream. Instead of Brian coming out of your laptop, and your novel, perhaps you had died from your illness. That would explain why everything lately had felt so heavenly at his side.
Either way, you didn’t want to wake up or move on to the next realm. This was where you wanted to remain forever.
Especially when he kissed you. Leaning in to break you out of your reverie, Brian’s luscious lips pecked yours twice, a chuckle vibrating out of him when you realised you had zoned out again. “You’re too adorable.”
“If you keep calling me handsome, I’m allowed to call you how I see you.”
You sighed heavily and attempted to pull away from the man. “I don’t want to be just adorable if you’re handsome, Brian.”
“What do you mean?”
“Charli Evers is beautiful! She’s stunning and successful and has a body that would make any male swoon over her. She’s a goddess, and I’m just adorable.”
“You’re really adorable when you’re jealous,” he mused and shook his head, reaching out to pull you back in close to him again. “Charli isn’t real like you are.”
“What if she comes to her senses and finds out that you’ve left that world. She could come here, and it would be no competition between us!”
“You’re right. It wouldn’t be. Because I’d choose you over her every time.”
You scoffed loudly and pulled yourself away again, going over to the kitchen to get a drink of water to cool down. It was hard enough having insecurities as a person, and when you had lived alone, you barely thought of them, too busy up in worlds like Captivated to truly care. Your flaws, at points, made good fodder for some character traits, but you never wrote yourself fully into a world. You had come close in Destined, but even the main protagonist there was far more charming than you were to hook Park Jinyoung as she had.
Brian’s arms slipped around your waist, and he dropped his chin onto your shoulder. “It’s all about perception. You see Charli as superior to you. But she’s the type of woman you see in a magazine. Flawless, beautiful, and whilst you no doubt have made her relatable to your fans of the series as a person, as she does have a good soul, you are real. You aren’t sculpted to perfection. You aren’t going to star on the front cover of any Vogue or Marie Claire. Instead, you are starring as my leading lady.”
“I’m not sure if I’m flattered or not,” you mumbled, turning around to face Brian. “Maybe I want to be on the front cover.”
“It’s not in your personality to stand out like that. You much prefer this lifestyle. Domestic and homely and comfortable.”
“So she’s sexy, and I’m homely,” you deducted, whilst Brian groaned loudly.
“Can’t we go back to the part where we were thinking of just us? I don’t like you comparing yourself to someone else.”
“I’m sorry,” you admitted, lowering your gaze from his. Brian had a habit of making sure you were always looking at him, and he easily fished out your gaze again, smiling gently when he caught your eye. You sighed. “I guess whilst I made you to be the dream guy for me, and those who read my series, I never quite realised the impact you would have on my world if I actually had you.”
“If I have to make a point of telling you how much I appreciate and adore you daily, then so be it.”
“You shouldn’t have to though,” you pointed out, going around him and heading into your office. Brian followed you and leaned against the threshold as you sat down in your chair.
He nodded his head. “No, I suppose I shouldn’t. But isn’t that what makes a relationship work? I support you, and you support me. When one of us feels lower than the other, then it’s important to make sure they feel cherished and loved.”
“Loved?” you repeated, your eyes widening at his choice of words. Brian cleared his throat noisily, looking around your room as opposed to keeping eye contact. You smirked. He was cute when he was embarrassed.
“Isn’t it time to write, Miss Writer?”
“Perhaps I just got some inspiration for my starting point of Eternity. I mean, in the story, Charli Evers is cherished and loved by Brian Kang, isn’t she?”
“Have your fun at my expense.”
“It’s all those good lines I breathed into you. No wonder you make the world swoon, Brian. You’re full of the perfect lines to make any girl weak at the knee,” you told him as you opened your document for the final piece in this story. Admittedly, it was blank and had remained that way for some time. You knew it was because you were too busy with Brian in person that you couldn’t possibly think about writing about him as well.
However, you had received notice from Lily earlier in the day about your next deadline, and so you had promised after one movie tonight, you would end your evening with starting the next novel.
Glancing over at Brian who was still in the doorway, you smiled, and he nodded. “As long as you know it’s your knees I want to make weak every time. Have a good session, my love.”
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However, two days later, you were still staring at a blank page. It wasn’t without trying, of course. You wrote, only to erase the sentence immediately. You told yourself to just let the words flow out and not edit them until you were done. Except nothing but a trickle of nonsense made it onto the document each time and after every gruelling session, you found yourself exhausted, mentally, and from simply staring at a blank page.
In all your years of creative writing, you had never been as stumped as you were now. It made no sense! You were living and breathing your own romance in life. Surely, the amount of affection Brian poured over you would easily inspire you enough to write it out. And generally, when you stepped into your office to write, it came from feeling inspired and uplifted to write about a world where love conquered all.
As soon as you were in front of your laptop, however, words failed you.
You had tried everything, from changing your writing schedule to practising with unrelated scenes. That had you hopeful. Every time you wrote a drabble about something outside of this series, you were capable of penning an entire world. In fact, you had now written a series of short stories about random characters and scenarios with relative ease. The success you felt from doing these was short-lived as soon as you opened Eternity, however. Nothing formed, nothing came to mind.
“Maybe it’s because I don’t want to share Brian with Charli,” you wondered out loud, immediately shaking your head. Whilst the Brian you were falling for fast, was that of the same Brian Charli would risk her all for, inside your literary world, you felt no need to keep him to yourself. You wanted Charli and Brian’s story to wrap up with a neat bow after their final tribulations of proving their love would outshine the obstacles in their way. You were determined to gift your readers what you had planned all along for the star-crossed lovers. And you needed to send Charli off on her merry way with a confirmed end.
Whilst your story with Brian continued.
“Just write something, Y/N!” you instructed yourself to do, poising your fingers above the keys.
It was a struggle, but they began to move, and you hoped this time would be the official start of your novel.
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“So, what do you think?” you asked cautiously, staring at Lily as she read over what you had sent her.
Your editor didn’t say a thing, and sometimes that was a good notion. You had rendered her speechless yet again.
However, you knew better than that. She wasn’t speechless, she was in disbelief. Lily finally looked at the web camera on the video call and blinked several times. Pulling off her glasses, she wiped at them before placing them back over her eyes. And then she screamed incoherently.
“Lily, I can explain.”
“You better, and fast,” your editor stated back, trying to recompose herself. “This isn’t your writing.”
“Well, it is,” you told her, attempting to smile. Her laser glare wiped it off your lips, and you groaned. “So I think I’m having a writer’s block.”
“But you don’t suffer from writer’s blocks, you overcome them before they get to that level. What have you been doing for the last month that this is all you can turn in for me to look over?!”
“I’ve been a little preoccupied,” you announced, rocking back and forth in your chair. “And it’s sort of been hard to write.”
“I don’t buy it. You love to write.”
“I mean, I have been writing,” you agreed, grinning sheepishly. “Just not on what I’m contracted to be doing.”
“Y/N!” she whined, and you sighed heavily. “How are you going to make up time if you don’t even have a first chapter formed?!”
“I don’t know exactly, but do you think delaying the third story, especially since my second one is only at the publisher’s now preparing to print, can happen? I’m sure we don’t need to bang this series out one after the other. The hype from the wait will make it only more worthwhile for the fans!”
“Not if you plan on producing this type of rubbish! There’s no life in this part you’ve sent me! It’s as if Brian’s soul was sucked clear of this world and only Charli remains.”
You choked on the drink you had reached for, and this alerted the man in the adjacent room, your hands waving him off inconspicuously before Lily saw him.
You didn’t know what your editor’s reaction would be to find out your writer’s block stemmed from you dating someone. And you certainly didn’t want to find out either.
“That’s it, I’m coming over!”
“Lily, that’s unnecessary. You don’t have to!”
“Oh, but I do. My star writer is fumbling around and not focusing enough on what she needs to be doing. Boot camp is on its way.”
“I could help her,” a new voice added to the conversation and you clamped your eyes shut as you heard the wind being knocked out of Lily entirely. Brian crouched down at your side and smiled at the camera. “Lily Morton, correct?”
“You know my name.”
“Of course. You’re an important figure in my life.”
“I… I am?!”
“I mean, you help Y/N with her stories a whole deal, so that’s a special role to have.”
“Y/N, who is this person? He looks far too familiar and yet I feel I haven’t quite met him in the flesh before.”
“It’s a--” Catching yourself from your stalemate sentence, you smiled. And for some reason, you felt compelled to introduce him properly to someone. Before you even realised it, the words fell from your mouth.
“You’ve kind of met him already, Lily. This is Brian Kang, the star of our series.”
Part 8
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
((HERE IS THE 900 FOLLOWER CELEBRATION POST!!! In appreciation of so many of you guys following me and sticking around, here is a full/complete story/premise of my new Undertale au! This au also has the role switches based on spinswap, but the story itself and character developments were carefully put together by me and with help of a friend with some parts of it.))
((Questions are welcome, and things will get complicated in certain parts, or a little confusing if you don't read my Fun TOTC Facts posts.))
((This au is also one of the aus that will be involved in the TOTC Epilogue/Undertale Story as well since a character from the au will be extremely important to the plot of the story.))
                There isn't that many alternate Papyruses out there, is there?
                                          Maybe...that will change....
                                          Rendering, one moment.... 
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        Ah, Reverie Papyrus... His full name being Gaioharmr, or Imago for short. Imago is no ordinary skeleton, nor is he a monster skeleton of the Undertale underground... he is a Skeleton Demon, a Overworld Skeleton Demon to be more precise. But he is a corrupted Skeleton Demons, a disfigured soul. As the more Bilhelm walks the Undertale multi-verse, the more his imprint infects the multi-verse. All though the multi-verse is not strong enough to replicate Bilhelm himself, oh, it will settle for the easier bits... his species... Skeleton Demons....
                                            The more Bilhelm stays, 
             the more the multi-verse will fully be connected and linked to 
                                                    The Unknown...
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                  The story begins with a wandering, young skeleton demon. 
    This young skelly sprout was once told never to wander too far into the forest on the outskirts of his home, as there is a cavern that leads into the roots of the mysterious mountain known as Mt. Ebott. Which not even the humans dare wander to in there surface, as the tales go all the same, one would disappear within the territory of the mountain... 
    Much to everyone's dismay, and the adventurous soul of this skelly sprout, this warning and the tales slipped from his mind as he explored to his soul's content.
                   He ran, without a care in the world, then... he fell down...
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    To no one's surprise, the skelly sprout lives, or in other words, survived the fall. All skeleton Demons have the most durable bones with no one other to compare. However, the real surprise here was that he landed on a bed of golden flowers... in a place deeper than his own home.... a place where others lived... a society of monsters... the very monsters that were said to have been casted away by the humans a century ago... oh... but the real REAL surprise here is that someone was near that has seen the fallen skelly sprout.
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   Was this... another skeleton demon? No... their soul was unfamiliar and different. Different from those who were back home... What could be gathered was that this other young skeleton means no harm... Another skeleton who may have been roughly the same or a year older than the skelly sprout.
    One thing was certainly however, this other skeleton means no harm... as he helped the skelly sprout up from the soft bed of flowers, he would ask the skelly sprout...
                                           "Where did you come from??
     The skelly sprout did not answer... his home... is what he would have said. But for some reason... those words did not form, he didn't know why... So, the skeleton asked another question...
        "What is your name? If you don't mind me asking that question!! Sorry if asking you a skele-ton of questions isn't helping you since you fell and all..."
    The skelly sprout giggles weakly at the pun, but manages to muster a answer for the other skeleton...
                                                 "My name is Imago..."
     "That's a pretty cool name!!! My name is Sans! My moms would freak out if they saw you!! We never had anyone fall down here. Welcome to the Underground!!!"
     Despite everything, despite being far from home... never to return... this other skeleton seemed to be the only presence of home. The skelly sprout never had close friends, nor did he have any siblings... So it felt nice for someone around his age range to actually help him and be so friendly to him.
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    It did not take long until the skelly sprout was taken into the other Skeletons home. The castle of the Queens of the Underground. To no prevail, the queens were indeed shocked to their cores to see their young prince bring in another skeleton. There were no other Skeletons that existed in the Underground except the prince and his biological father, who was the lead royal scientist and San's caretaker. At first, they did not believe the prince that this skelly sprout fallen from above. They thought that maybe there were other Skeleton monsters out there that they overlooked, and this monster tried to climb out from the Underground, and failed. 
    Seeing as the skelly sprout was indeed agreeing with the prince that what he was saying was true, Queen Undyne did not believe them and was getting rather frustrated. She assumed that this other skeleton was just another monster who was playing a trick on her son. Queen Alphys however, did not dismiss her son. She thought it was possible, so she called in Gaster to check the skelly sprout's soul to prove this dispute.
    Dumbfounded, the queens and Gaster did not expect such a soul. As Imgo's soul was not white, nor was it upside-down. It was right-side up with yellow and orange as his colors. The strange thing here is that his soul did not pump, as if it were not alive. This proves the dispute clearly, this skeleton is no monster. 
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    Oh... but that did not change the queens perception of the skelly sprout, as he was still a child... a very young child who was far, far away from home. There being no hope on the skelly sprout's return to his home. The skelly was reluctant at first, he did not want to wear what the queens wanted him to wear to show he has any relation to the family. But the queens respected the skelly sprout's delicious on this, as his own clothing was the only thing that came from his own home, along with the fact that if they are going to take him in, they must treat him as a son rather than property. It was only fair to let him wear what he wants and keep anything that reminds him of home. 
    Imago even let them call him by another name, as a thank you. They usually call him Papyrus, only using his real name in the more serious situations. 
    All in all, Imago was a part of the royal family of the Underground, now being the queens' second son and prince's brother. Unfortunately... Gaster has a difference perception of the skelly sprout, as he say him as something to study, research, experiment on. The skelly sprout did not like Gaster, with all his being, he did not like him one bit. When the queens noticed what Gaster was trying to do to Imago, Alphys ordered Gaster to cease his profession procedures as a scientist when in the presence of the skelly sprout, only act in the procedures as a caretaker when around the skelly sprout. 
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    Once the two Skeletons began to grow slightly older, their magic became more apparent. All monsters have magic. Since Sans was made by Gaster, his magic was rather strong on its own with little effort.... however... Imago's magic was... different... it may have been stronger than any other monster's, even the prince's. As his magic did not stay in one category of magic,  it was very interchangeable since Skeleton Demon magic is diverse, perfect/signature Skeleton Demon magic for the individual skeleton demon can only be discovered if they kept using their magic to find that perfecter/signature category to use most. Yet... due to Imago not having any other skeleton demon help properly teach, practice, and discover his magics, Imago simply went on to use whatever magic that he may muster to see what the outcomes and results occur himself. All the monsters, the queens, and sans were astonished and in joy of what Imago can do. Never did it ever cross their minds that his magic variety would pose as a threat, that is... until Gaster saw this as both an opportunity and a threat.
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     Gaster brought up the perspective that Imago's magic could potentially be dangerous to the royal family and the Underground. The queens were not entirely convinced, especially Undyne, as she found that her son's magic to have more benefits to the kingdom than anything. It took a long royal conference to finally convince her, but she finally allowed Gaster to make something that would essentially lower Imgo's magic and "protect" the Underground.
    As expected, Imago and Sans were not happy with this decision. Without any delay, Gaster took Imago away and into the lab. It was only a matter of weeks until Gaster finally make the "solution to the problem"... gloves... but these gloves were made with fabric material that came far from the Underground... fabric that eases magic to be weaker than the original state of the wearer's magic. To make sure Imago could not take them off, he enforced gold cuffs to his wrists and the gloves, rendering it impossible to simply take off the gloves. Imago was devastated... like something that was a part of him was painfully ripped away from him. From here, Imago's hatred grew more towards Gaster.
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    To little to no prevail, Sans was thrilled to see Imago come back after such period of time. Upon seeing the gloves and Imago's emotions however, Sans knew that his magic was no longer able to be in easily accessible use. Along with the fact that having your own magic taken from you is among the worse things that can happen to anyone in the Underground. Sans had empathy, he felt hurt from his brother's loss and pain. But... that did not stop Sans from figuring out a way to make his own brother happy during this time of need. Even though Imago could not use most of his magic, he knew there was some magic he could still use, that being his very whimsical leaps that can send him flying high and down with grace. So, the prince took it upon himself to kind the best shoes in the kingdom, and once he did, he gifted them to Imago. This gift meant the world to Imago, not only do they feel comfortable for landings, but they were from his most beloved and trusted person, his brother. He cherished them with all his soul, and from that day would always do so.
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    Oh... When it all seemed calm and peaceful... Something came up... it was all sudden...
   Gaster had the idea, a train of thought, that since his creation, his son, had more apparent magic it was finally time to put that magic to the test. He wanted to see what his creation was capable of, push him to his limits. He took sans from the castle for the day, the queens didn't have to allow it since Sans is his biological father, so Imago didn't know where his brother had gone for the day.
   Sans was painstakingly pushed on and on to use his magic, pushed to use all of his magic to see the power of it all. He was powerful, but not powerful enough... he was pushed beyond his limit to finally show the power his father was looking for.... but... it took so much out of his the prince's soul...so much that it made the prince fall ill afterwards. 
    It was easy to lie to the queens, his excuse being that Sans was already sick and that's why he took him to his lab early that same day. Imago... Imago instinctively knew Gaster was lying. ALL Skeleton Demons can see through all souls, and Gaster's soul was rotten... he was lying... he did this to his brother. 
    Oh, how Imago's hatred grew more and more and more and more and more....
     It was then when Imago decided to sneak out into the lab, his hatred grew into destructive behavior as he bashed and destroyed the lab machinery and equipment with his bare bones. That us until he found something... books.... these books didn't seem to be from the Underground however... they were different... The way they were crafter, so perfectly, the writing was more professional than any other writer of the Underground. A book on Skeleton Demons, they're myths histories, and inner workings. With the book was also research from Gaster, confirming how Imago was a Skeleton Demon and what he gathered from him all these years. Upon reading he book and the research... Imago finds our on his own that he could have been able to save his own brother, cure him of his sickness. Oh how he wanted those gloves off now, he wanted them off, but... he couldn't get them off... he just cries into them in defeat. But that hatred... His Hatred... it grew monstrous... his instincts were to kill Gaster...
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    The next day... it was the royal feasting. A gathering of the kingdom where everyone eats together in a harmonious celebration. Imago was not hungry however.... he had his sights on another game... The queens, Imago, gaster, and the royal gaurds were sat at their own table that faced the other tables that the kingdom's people sat upon. After a speech from the queens, and when everyone is settled with their own pick of drinks and food, Imago waited. Gaster only got a single cup of tea... when Gaster left his tea unattended for a moment, Imago took the opportunity to taint the tea with poison. After a few minutes of Gaster's first sip of the tea, the poison eventually kicked in, killing Gaster slowly and painfully. Alphys tried room come to Gaster's aid, but he dies anyway... as she did not know what was wrong until he finally dies and dusts. Imago watched it all, not in horror, but in terrifying and twisted satisfactory and joy. No one noticed Imago reacting this way.
    Queen Undyne was furious, this was no accident. It was murder, a assassination to her... everyone in the castle were frightened, but also outraged from this incident. They all knew... they knew that upon killing the head royal scientist, the prince would die... as Gaster was the only one that knew how to cure his own creation... This realization then came to Imago. He didn't want to accept this... but it eventually sunk in when he realized his brother isn't getting better... after months of still being ill... the prince was only getting worse... he was dying... slowly.
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                           The Final Day... Their Final Day... His Final Day...
    Imago, being a Skeleton Demon, knew that his brother wasn't going to make it... Skeleton Demons knew when souls were going to die... Imago knew that today was going to be the day that his brother will be the taking his final breaths... It was only a matter of time. But... Imago could not bare the loss of his brother, not now, not today, not the next, and... not ever. Since Imago was not raised long enough in his own home, he would have been more accepting that his brother was soon passing away... but having been raised in a home that was not his own.... Death was not accepted... He didn't want his brother to go... and he was ready to risk his life in keeping him alive... 
   But having he guilt that he killed Gaster, and it being his fault that he killed the only person that could have helped his brother in the first place... it weighed him down. He did not regret killing gaster, but indirectly killing his brother is what ate him up from the inside out... it was his fault that Sans didn't get better... while he plans to save his brother, he also plans to justify himself...
    Imago picked up his dying brother from his bed, and began making his way out of the castle. The queens were at the lab, desperately trying to help assist on creating a cure for their son. So they would not be able to witness nor stop what was going to happen next...
   Once those castle doors opened, revealing only the skeleton demon holding his brother in his arms at the top steps into the castle, it caught the attention of every monster of the kingdom....
                                            It was that Imago wanted...
                               Then... he opened his jaws, and confessed.
                  "I Killed W. D. Gaster. I poisoned the royal lead scientist, our caretaker... I am the reason why your prince will not be able to live tomorrow... I am the reason         why he is not healthy and well today... Do as you must, as all of you are the                                       only ones to put my actions to judgement..."
    Everyone of the kingdom... we're outraged... they were all filled with hatred for Imago.... he did this, he did that...... it was all his fault.... he is not monster... he is an abomination from hell... a demon from the heavens.... a demon of death....
    Imago accepted all the insults and words, as he began to walk down those steps and into the raging, violent crowd. He didn't care what he did to him, as long as they let him walk to his location, and let him carry his dying brother in his arms. 
    As he walked, he simply looks down at his brother has he walked into the crowd, which the crowd was now brutally beating Imago as he continued to walk and watch as his resting brother gave raspy breaths. One of these brutal blows ended up damaging and knocking Imago's head back away from the sight of his brother. He was a deep claw slash to the skull... his blood.... he bled sunflowers and Goldflowers...despite letting them all reduce imago to low health....he could not die....but his soul slowly shatters....... his head straightens up and back to his brother... Imago could no longer see his brother, but he could still feel that he was still holding him... as long as he hasn't dusted yet... until he gets to the final location... everything will be just fine.... just perfect... he had been in the Underground long enough to remember where the location was without having to see... he knew he was still going the right way...
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    They Reached it... they finally reached it... the crowd was gone... it was only Him and his brother.... the flowerbed... the same flowerbed where they first met... the flowerbed where the sky of the surface can peak through....
    Imago gracefully fell to his knees with Sans in his arms... it was finally time... this was it... 
    Sans slowly and weakly opened his eyes, to see the sky that peaked through e Underground, the flowers.... and then up to his brother... Imago couldn't see it, but sans smiled at Imago before he began to turn to dust. Imago can feel the Sans begin to dust... his gloved hands began to tremble and his sockets produced tears... he doesn't want him to go.... no... his fingertips..his claws... now that he was older... his claws were sharp enough to tear open the tips of the glove... so, he gripped what was sans tightly enough that it tore the gloves... then Imago gave it his all into using his magic to save his brother... it almost seemed too late... as sans complete dusted and Imago could no longer feel his brother in his arms. But... he sensed that his soul was still there, it was working... he kept using his magic, but the strain... the strain on his own soul that was shattering... it was going to give in... so Imago gave it his all to make sure his brother's soul did not dust...
    Upon doing so... Sans' soul remained to be alive... but Imago's soul bursted... his body, his bones... became a lifeless shell...inanimate... 
    Soon after that, the queens and the new lead scientist found Imago after what they have heard... despite what Imago has done, he was still their son... however, the queens did not notice Sans' soul... the lead scientist takes it before it could be discovered... 
                                   The Queens lost two children that day... 
    They would have prepared two different types of funerals, but they only could                                                            prepare one...  
                                        as Imago's remains disappeared...
                  They assumed he dusted too... but that is far from the truth...
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4 and 7 for Luke and Jelena from the fanfic asks
4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
Do you mean the entirety of my google drive? I have a WIP that's based off my own personal experience with the healthcare system and health as it relates to having a uterus. But I don't think I'd ever finish it. It's too personal and I feel like I leave a lot of my stories on the cusp of things. Like we never know with some of them if they're going to be happy endings or not. And having this based off my own experience, which does NOT have a happy ending, makes it harder for me to finish it. Writing's a release. But I also feel like this is material that might be better suited for my thesis. And my thesis is due in May 2022, so I just abandoned the WIP as it relates to tumblr but I'll recycle parts of it for my thesis.
A true true WIP that I abandoned was a Boxer!Calum fic. A variety of things halted that one--I started it when I still had calumh-excess active. But I lost a lot of momentum in the 5sos fandom a) because of the shit the band was doing/who they were hanging around and b) because I think I was trying to emulate concepts that I had seen do very well while at the same time as seeing a SHARP decline in readership. @cakesunflower has an AMAZING Boxer!Cal fic that she managed to get published into a for real for real book (here). And admittedly, I think sometimes as a reader and a writer you want to ride the way. But it wasn't something that I was passionate about. I also know myself as a writer--this a WIP that I would've suck HOURS and HOURS into research for the littlest details and the return on that kind of investment wouldn't have been worth it. I had (have? I think the plans might be activated again some day) HUGE plans for the boxing to be truly an integral part of the details and gruesome fights and being underground and technical. But for a platform like Tumblr, with the addition such a sharp decline in reblogs and general feedback, I really didn't feel like it was worth it.
This is not to say that writers on tumblr are doing anything FOR the notes. But as someone that was well known at the time, it was important to ME, to also see the same love returned. I was pouring my soul into AU's but wasn't getting a lot of love for them. So I was at a point where I was like, I can save this idea for later and work on other concepts that I enjoy that I also know will get more momentum from my readers. In some ways, as I was working in retail and gearing up for grad school, it was a smarter move for me as a person to save my bigger ideas and give smaller pieces and more mundane/"real world" pieces the time and effort they deserved because it was a Win-Win for everyone. Fanfiction is fucking FREE and because it wasn't paying my bills, I made the choice to table yet another AU that I would've spent hours, weeks, or months on for something that even if it only got a few likes and a couple reblogs in favor of something that could gain the same sense of satisfaction from.
It all came down to: no matter how much time I do or do not spend on this fic will I be proud of what I get in return. And for this particular boxerfic, I think what I would've gotten in return wasn't going to be able to outweigh the work that I put into it. Writing is work. For fuck sake, a university signs my check at the moment to teach writing, to write, to create. Just because I do it on Tumblr for various artists and fandoms for free doesn't mean I have to do everything creative for free. So Boxer!Cal became an idea that I knew was going to be HUGE, but given the timing and the personal expense I would've had to cash out, it was a better and smarter decision for me to put it on hold.
7: Were there any ideas you had for [insert fic] that you couldn’t make work? What were they?
I had some ideals for a part two of Wanderer but I couldn't make it work as a full fledge part two. I think ultimately if Yelena did come back into Luke's life, Luke couldn't have waited for her without major consequences that would've ultimately terminated the relationship. People move on and essentially that story would diverged and it would've just been a story about two people who never reconnect in the same manner and it would be so far apart from each other. Yelena's not in Luke's world in a way where it would force her to see him consistently. She's a nail tech who can travel as she places, pick up work anywhere. So it's not like she would be forced into Luke's circle. There's a possibility that she might, and I could've made it work but it would've been too much of a stretch. I would've had to really work it out and I think for what the ending it was going to get no matter what, that would've been dissatisfying to a reader. And possibly that's interesting, the questions of what does it actually mean to move on. I could've tackled questions like: What does moving on look like? And when it comes to moving on, are we ever fully moved on from people? What parts remain with us? But I didn't think it was quite something I could really stick the landing on so I left it at the what if and the cliffhanger. But I feel like while Luke could've given Yelena a second shot, part of him would always be afraid that she'd leave again. And Yelena wouldn't want to and, in my opinion, shouldn't have to continually prove herself. I could see myself doing an epilogue perhaps. A brief encounter after they've lived their lives for a year or two, but I don't think they'd wind up together enough for me to justify a part full fledge part two.
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dear-selena · 5 years
All I See (Peter Parker x Soulmate! Reader): Chapter 3
Peter x Reader Soulmate!AU
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Epilogue
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Summary: You live in a world where women start to gain color when they meet their soulmate, but they cannot see all the colors at once until they’ve united with them. Peter Parker is your soulmate, but he has no idea. You want to tell him about the colors you see, but are afraid to. Sometimes, girls can be malicious with the soulmate troupe, and you don’t want Peter to think you’re doing the same. So you keep quiet, and experience one color at a time.
It isn’t until Liz Allan comes in the picture that all you see is green, and you hate it.
Warnings: Subtle mentions of blood and TONS OF ANGST
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m really happy to see the positive feedback so far. I really want to thank everyone for reading this lil ol’ fanfic of mine. I’ve really been enjoying writing again, so I’m hoping to keep this up before I go back to school. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future updates!
Chapter Three: Past Colors
Words: 2116
“Ah, shit!”
Peter hissed, biting his tongue in order not to yell and alert your parents of his presence. He had just come to your home, in the middle of the night, with a large open scrape across his right bicep. He had a pretty rough fight with some people trying to break into an apartment complex, and although he managed to stop them, he still came out of the fight with cuts and bruises. When he found himself in really bad shape, he’d web sling right to you for help.
The two of you currently sat on your bed, the top of his Spider-Man suit off to give you easier access to his injuries. You wipe the outside of his wound with soap and warm water, purple colors making his cut look darker than it probably was. Before you could wrap his arm in gauze and stop any further bleeding, you wanted clean his wound.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry…” you mumble quietly as you try to continue cleaning the scrape. You wanted to stop after he hissed, as you hated the idea of hurting him. But you knew you needed to help patch up your soulmate. Despite your purple vision and your anxious heartbeat, you wanted to make sure Peter was okay.
After a couple minutes, his wound looked to be in a good place for you to cover it. Taking the gauze you always kept around for him, you securely wrap his bicep until you could not see any form of injury. You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t realize you were holding as your vision turns turquoise. You successfully helped patch up your soulmate once again.
You helped make sure your soulmate was safe once again.
Peter slowly moved his right arm, testing to see if it was still functional. After a moment, you suddenly felt strong arms wrap around you. Peter was embracing you with one of his hands in your hair, one on your back, and his head tucked into your neck.
Your vision immediately turns pink at his actions. You feel yourself blush as you quickly returned the hug, wrapping your arms around his back and leaning into his bare chest. You’ve hugged Peter plenty of times before, but the thought of him holding you in such an exposed state made you internally melt.
“God (Y/N), what would I do without you?” Peter asks into your neck.
“Probably bleed to death in your home.”
Peter chuckled as he lifted himself off you, his hands moving to hold yours as he smiles at you. “Seriously though, you’re a miracle worker. I’m so glad I can actually rely on you for help,” Peter practically gushes.
The tone Peter had made you frown in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Peter blinked, realizing that you caught on to what he was saying. “O-oh, it’s nothing too crazy… it’s something really stupid that happened before I met you.”
You had an idea of what he was talking about, and if you’re being honest, you wanted to hear him talk about it. “You can talk about it with me, it’s okay Pete.”
Peter looks at you and slightly smiles, squeezing your hands a little tighter and rubbing his thumbs on your knuckles. “So, this is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but last year I started seeing a girl who claimed I was her soulmate.”
You knew where he was going with this story, but you couldn’t help the green that embraced your vision.
“Her name was Gwen, and I thought she was really sweet,” Peter continued. “She used to tell me how she could only see pink around me and blue when I was gone. I honestly believed her, and I dated her for about four months. I honestly really liked her, and I was so happy to have met my soulmate. But I didn't realize until later on that she was dating 4 other guys at school. She was basically using us for different things. I assume she was using me to pass her classes. She was failing calculus when we started dating,” Peter puts his right hand in his face and sighs angrily. “I was just- I was just so caught up in the idea of finding my soulmate that I didn’t see any of the red flags. I was trying to find ways to spend more time with her and tell her I’m Spider-Man. But every time, she would blow me off for God knows what. It really hurt when I caught her cheating on me, and it broke me when she said she didn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
Peter’s story left you in utter shock. You knew this happened, but you didn’t know to what depths. What this girl did to your soulmate was just so awful, and you can feel your blood boiling inside of you. Your vision slowly started to turn red, a color that relates to anger and frustration. You’ve only seen this color when Peter did something to really bothered you, but this time you knew you saw red because of what Gwen did to him. How could someone lie to so many guys about the soulmate troupe? How could someone like Peter?
How could someone use your soulmate?
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down before taking Peter’s hand again and bringing them closer to you in an attempt to comfort him. Peter looks up at you, eyes glistening with tears he was clearly fighting off. “Peter I’m so sorry she did that. Words cannot describe how angry it makes me to know people like her do this to others. The soulmate connection should be a special thing that comes naturally. She probably still sees in black and white for all we know.” You take another deep breath as the red calms back down to a pink. “I can assure you that no matter what, I’ll always be here for you, and I will never lie to you. I care about you too much.”
It’s true, you truly cared for Peter. Yes, these feelings came with the pleasure of being his soulmate, but despite that, he was a genuinely good guy. He cared about people and risked his life everyday for them. He took time out of his crazy schedule to see you, Ned, and MJ now that his responsibilities as a superhero are starting to play out better. He cares about his grades, future, and most importantly, his friends.
He was simply amazing, soulmate or not.
“Thanks (Y/N), that means so much,” Peter smiles at you. You pull him in for another hug and Peter tucks his head back into the crook of your neck. Absentmindedly, you start tracing random shapes on his back, fully engulfed in his embrace. Your vision dances in pink and yellow, as you feel multiple emotions inside of you. Eventually, your vision settles into a calm and beautiful pink that made your heart feel warm. Moments like this don’t happen often between the two of you. But when they do, you wished they lasted forever.
“Hey (Y/N)?” Peter mumbles into your neck. He pulls himself off of you to look at you better, much to your dismay. “Why haven’t you told your soulmate about you?”
You quickly look away from him. “Uh, uh- what?”
“You know how you mentioned you know your soulmate? Why haven’t you told them yet?”
You can feel a blush quickly cover your face, and you wish you could just explode on the spot. You never talk about your soulmate, much less to your soulmate himself. But this might be the segway to the conversation you ultimately need to have with him.
“Oh… uh… well…” You try to find the right words to say. “I don’t think my soulmate sees me in a romantic way. I want him to, you know, have feelings for me naturally. I don’t want him to think I’m burdening him or lying or anything like that.”
You glance at Peter to see him looking at you in disbelief. “(Y/N), c’mon. Don’t think like that. Your soulmate is going to love you!” He chuckles to himself. “Not gonna lie, when you told us at lunch that you can see colors a few weeks ago, I was pretty jealous.”
“Well that makes two of us,” you thought to yourself, remembering that his old crush moved back and you now mostly see green.
“I used to be so excited to meet my other half, and I hate the fact that there’s no way I’ll know who she is until she says something. I guess that’s why I believed Gwen at the time…” He looked down and shook his head, practically scolding himself. “But Aunt May and I always talk about how soulmates are ultimately destined to work out, so you should just be honest to whoever it is!”
Your heart starts accelerating at his words of encouragement, but before you can say anything to him, he continues.
“Just take me and Liz for example. Sure, she hasn’t mentioned any soulmate stuff to me yet, but I think Liz moving back must be some sort of sign. I never thought I’d see her again, but the soulmate thing has to be why the universe brought her back.”
Your eyes went wide as you felt your heart completely drop to your stomach. Was he really falling for Liz again? The pink instantly changed to green and you felt your fists clench and teeth grit. Constantly hearing about Liz made you want to burst, but you knew that would get you know. It just frustrates you to no end that after all the times you’ve spent together, Peter was falling for another girl.
You suddenly realize that you should have told Peter about your colors a long time ago. You should have told him that he was your soulmate the moment you felt comfortable around him. You’ve avoided it for so long out of fear, but he was right. It’s time to be honest to Peter. The more you wait to tell him the more he thought he belonged to someone else.
You’re tired of holding this information in. You’re ready to tell Peter.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, ready to reveal yourself to your soulmate once and for all. Ready to explain why you held back and silently pray to God that he would understand. You open your eyes to see Peter staring at you curiously.
You were ready to see all the colors at once. You were ready to tell him the truth he’s so long deserved to know.
“Peter, I-“
Peter’s phone suddenly rings, blasting his ring tone throughout your room. Both you and Peter jump apart at the sudden noise. Peter quickly rummages around until he frantically picks up his phone off your night stand.
“Hello?... Aunt May what are you still doing up?... I’m sorry there was this really bad fight and (Y/N) was helping me-... I’m sorry… yes… yes I’ll come home now. I’m sorry,” Peter quickly hangs up the phone and slides the upper part of his suit back on his body.
“I’m really sorry (Y/N), Aunt May noticed I was gone and she’s really worried right now,” Peter got up and found his mask, slipping it back on his head. “Thank you again for your help, I’ll see you Monday?”
You nod your head, mentally cursing Aunt May for the interruption. “Yes, get home safe.”
After a quick hug and him telling you to get some sleep, Peter was out your window, web-slinging through the streets of Queens once again. You clean up the mess you made while performing first-aid on Peter, and tuck yourself into bed.
Right when Peter left, your vision instantly turned red again. You were frustrated, as you just lost your perfect opportunity to reveal yourself to your soulmate. Finding another perfect time to tell him will practically be impossible now. Peter just opened up to you in a way he’s never done so before, and telling him that you’re his soulmate now might make him suspicious. You hate that this isn’t easy for you. You hated that you hadn’t told him earlier. But most of all, you hated that he didn’t see you the way you saw him.
As you tried to fall asleep that night, there were two things you knew you needed to do. One, you’d need to calm yourself down by Monday to put your thoughts cleanly together, and two…
You needed to find a way to tell Peter that he was your soulmate.
-Tagged List-
@peteerrpaarkerr // @littlemissporter // @the-soulless-spider // @fakindob // @stuckonpeterparker // @godhatestarynn // @itsjustahuman // @saxgirl21 // @freestarlight // @clara-licht // @cats-before-us // @horanxholland // @thenerdiverse // @roseryss // @ohbabycal // @superwholock36 // @famouslastlove // @azgucci // @invisiblelakes // @lost-in-translating // @peter-parker-tony-stank-trash // @jillanaholland
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supercantaloupe · 4 years
tagged by @mordredmanor​ for a WIP meme! tysm!!
Rules: Below are the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. If you send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
i have a bunch of different folders for different fandoms:
kiddos (fantasy high) - let’s just ignore the fact that literally everything fh-related i’ve written or planned so far is abernant-centric, shall we
“no name for this yet” - aka a flat out lie, because it’s now called “The Disappearance of Adaine Abernant” and i currently have 9 chapters up on ao3 and never updated the google doc title lol. i plan on finishing this one very soon!!
“let's ignore the other wip i have to finish for now shall we” - aka the first chapter i wrote for a concept au in which adaine is discovered as the oracle at the beginning of freshman year. naturally it starts in media res and explains almost no context. maybe one day i’ll write more?
“theres a war going on out there somewhere and adaine isnt here“ - also subtitled “this is ooc now that ive seen s2e10 but whateveer”, not strictly a WIP but a one-shot i wrote almost immediately after watching s2e9 and talking about it with my friend. fully 4.4k speculation on what would come next that will probably never see the light of day
greeks (hadestown) - this is in fact still a theater blog and here is my proof
“science SHIT” - a portal au i would love to finish writing some day if i ever found the motivation for it again
“spaaaaace” - an au based on the martian that i mostly started writing over long-ass plane rides last summer, will probably not be continued
yeehaw (oklahoma!) - i am nothing if not the self-proclaimed queen of fic for this 77 year old musical 
“eye see” - uh oh someone got stabbed!
“loopy” - a ghd inspired au i don’t know if i’ll return to or not but really liked the concept of??
“oklahomos” - pretty clear, i think. they’re gay now
“road trippin” - okay i wrote most of the above last year and it turns out i was not naming things very creatively back then
“starlight” - aka the only one of these i actually do still really want to finish because i’m like 13 chapters deep and there’s so much more i have planned!! when will my inspiration return to me!!
i also have a catch-all folder for misc one-shots and original (nonfandom) works including some oc stuff, some poetry, a fairytale, etc. also an original epilogue to Moby Dick, don’t look at me
not written yet but stuff i am thinking about writing at some point includes a fh fic about an interscholastic competition a la mathletes and mock trial, a fic about aelwyn going to college, and a long multichapter fic basically retelling sophomore year from the antagonists’ perspective (do NOT expect this one anytime soon. i’m doing research first.) possibly a fh otgw au? probably something for unsleeping city once i get further into the season, maybe something for pirol if the inspiration strikes? (i’m always open to writing prompt ideas and such!)
i’m not gonna tag anyone i think bc i don’t know that many fic writers to tag but! anyone who wants to do this too can feel free to!
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destielfanfic · 5 years
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Thank you @magnificent-winged-beast for letting us use your beautiful edit!! Link to the original post here. <333
Cas has gone through a lot of changes over the last 10 years, but the one that always hit me the hardest was endverse!cas. Cas had only been around for a season, so the transformation from rebel Angel of the Lord to a broken, yet loyal man in 5.04 was jaw dropping. And watching a still naive Dean try to cope with the brutal world of 2014 broke my angst loving heart. I crave happy endings, so most of these are one helluva ride, but Dean and Cas still find each other. ~ mod @kyrie101 ~
All title links go to our fully tagged reviews or submitted recs, first time recs are hosted on AO3. We have also added posting date and hosting platform (Live Journal, DreamWidth, AO3) for folks who are looking for older stuff. 
Endverse (most are not tragedy)
All Saints Saga by oselle [NC-17, 104,000, hosted on LJ, download links on the review, 2011]
Epilogue by JayneL/ serrico [NC-17, 27,700, hosted on DW & AO3, 2012] 
Haven by miss_grey (Apocalypse, not true endverse) [M, 60,000, AO3, 2014] 
Hope in Ruin by elizabeth1985 (Apocalypse, late S8, not true endverse) [NC-17, 121,000, AO3, 2015]
Somewhere Back of the Sun verse by enigmaticblue (set post S5 but with different twist on the end) [NC-17, 72,000, AO3, 2010]
Thursday’s Child by strangenessandcharm [NC-17, 114,000, DW & AO3, 2009]
True North by Zatnikatel (sub rec) [NC-17, 3,800, LJ & AO3, 2010]
Until the Lost Became Found by twisting-vine-x [NC-17, 36,000, LJ & AO3, 2011]
The Waste Land by savingfaith333 (Tragedy) [NC-17, 78,600, PDF only, 2012)
When Worlds Collide by jhoom (right after the end of 5x04, endverse Cas is transported to Dean Smith AU, 4x17) [NC-17, 58,000, AO3, 2017]
Related posts
Happy endverse - endverse fics with happy endings
This Is The End - August 1, 2014 - post with links to all endverse resources on this blog
New recs, first time on the blog!
As Cold As Ice by Balder12 [NC-17, 1,600 word count, LJ & AO3, 2013] #end, #bottom!dean
Dean needs an outlet. Cas provides one.
final fantasy. by orange_crushed [M, 1,900 word count, AO3, 2013] #end, #bottom!cas
“If I’d actually been born human, would I have gotten sick like everyone else? Would I be running around gnawing on the neighbors?” Castiel tilts his head up and even from here Dean can see the black ring of his pupils, wide and dark as dead stars. He’s high as fuck and he’s been loading the guns for forty-five minutes. He stares into the space where Dean is. He smiles and shows his teeth. “Maybe you’d have already put a bullet in my head.” "This is why you don’t lead storytime anymore," Dean says. "This kind of shit."
The Future's Up to Us by dustlines [T, 3,700 word count, LJ & AO3, 2013] #season 8
Dean had thought he was over the twisted, "Endverse" vision of the future Zachariah had once shown him. An unexpected encounter makes him realize otherwise, and he and Cas have to calm each other down.
Lie Awake With Me by amarillogrande [NC-17, 4,300 word count, AO3, 2014] #end, #bottom!cas
There’s a lot of thing Dean shouldn’t be doing. He shouldn’t be standing half-naked just inside the door to Cas’s bedroom. He shouldn’t have taken that fourth shot. Shouldn’t have stumbled over here in a brief lapse of judgment, shouldn’t have stripped himself of his shirt and jacket to face the brief walk in the biting air of November. He shouldn’t have had to watch Lucifer walk away, wearing his brother. He shouldn’t have had to set up this camp for wayward strangers and fuckups, he shouldn’t have sunk down into this hatred of life and all the self-loathing that came with it. He shouldn’t have killed that kid today. And he shouldn’t have yelled at Cas.
Like The Fox by Anythingtoasted [NC-17, 5,000 word count, AO3, 2013]  #end, #!deanother
Inspired by the line from 'The Little Prince'. End!verse. 'Castiel reads paperbacks.'
Love Burns Its Casualties by anactoria [NC-17, 5,000 word count, AO3, 2015] #end, #drugs, shotgunning, endverse!cas/2009!dean
“So, you and Douche Me really had a bad breakup, huh?” Dean regrets the words the second they’re out of his mouth, but Cas doesn’t give him an answer. Doesn’t correct him on the ‘douche’ thing, either. There’s just the sound of his footsteps, and then a slice of light opening up in the black as he cracks the cabin door, catching the edges of his profile. He turns to Dean and jerks his head. “Coming?” Missing scene from 5.04 "The End". Dean and Cas share a joint; try to avoid thinking; fail.
The World You Know by Las [NC-17, 1,700 word count, AO3, 2012] #end, #bottom!dean
"Cas is murmuring something that Dean can't quite make out, so he just focuses on the hypnotizing mercy of a gentle touch. It's not something Dean wants to ask for. The apocalypse asks too much of everyone already, but Cas responds to Dean in predictable ways."
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts!
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The Basis of My Steven Universe AU Comic "Stuck Like This”
Hello everyone! (My Main account  is @gemstone-reflection )
First off, I wanted to say the idea for this comic started back in January 2019 after CYM. It began as a comic about Pink Diamond’s daily life on Homeworld, as a diamond with a brand-new colony, but since then my idea for this comic has headed into an entirely different direction.
My new AU idea is about how Pink Diamond and Rose's early life might have been if they where separate personalities. Basically, Pink Diamond has a personality disorder.
Explanation of the AU :
Rose and Pink believe they are the same person. They aren’t fully aware of each other, so when one person does something, the other will think that she did it. Rose and Pink are physically connected, they share the same gem. They both look like Pink Diamond (being in Pink Diamond’s gem and all), but have different mental states.
They can’t hear each other’s thoughts, but if one person is dealing with extreme emotion the other will feel the same way. If Pink was extreme mad, Rose would feel the same way, and if Rose was extremely sad or happy, Pink would feel that way too. They do tend to think alike in most situations though, having been together for their entire life.
Both gems can not be in control at the same time. If Rose feels like she wants to hug someone, it will switch over from Pink to Rose, and Rose will controlling both their actions.
They do not notice these changes and say “Why did I just do this when I didn’t want to?” If one person does something, the other will just assume she did it on impulse.I believe that most times it’s just one of them controlling their actions. Like they don’t switch like every two seconds. Since they are in Pink Diamond’s form, it seems reasonable that Pink would control their actions most of the time, and Rose may come out whenever she want’s too. Same goes for when they turn into Rose Quartz, Rose will have more control.
Summery on What This Comic is About :
So basically In the AU Rose and Pink end up continually hindering each other, because they both have different ideas about how they want to run things.
Pink looks at the fun/daredevil side of life. She wants her colony now and she doesn’t care about throwing a fit to get it. She likes drama, and has lots of anger related issues and powers. She wishes to create Her version of a perfect colony, making it much more fun than your average Diamond colony.
Rose on the other hand, wants to look at the beautiful side of life. She likes to handle things in a peaceful matter. Like Pink, she want’s the Earth for herself to do what she wants to do; Enjoy nature, etc. But soon she realizes that having a colony would end up destroying the Earth not creating anything good like she thought it would.
I’m going to try to make it easy to differentiate each character, perhaps Rose and Pink will have different colored dialogue, or their eye’s will be different colors. I’m still figuring this part out.
(Notice : Hopefully, Chapter 1 of my comic will come out around the end of the April. I am also going to start voice acting this comic with my friends on YouTube as well. I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO VOICE ACT MY COMIC! Sorry it’s been so long, I’m taking a while because of all the new SU content that has come out. Originally, the idea was developed way BEFORE the movie AND epilogue series, I’m currently rewriting chapters and considering possibly adding Spinel?)
In the comic I also decided to give Blue Diamond several chapters for herself, explaining a lot about herself, Pink, and the other Diamonds from her view point as Pink's "mother," White's least favorite, and Yellow's "Spouse."
The main goal of this comic is to show how every Diamond, not just Pink, is "Stuck Like This." Stuck following the rules they made and feeling unfulfilled, none of them truly being happy and believing that they would stay the way they are forever (This is all shown through mostly Pink’s viewpoint).
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chiefnooniensingh · 5 years
I Won’t Hesitate (for you) Epilogue
Epilogue: I thank the oceans (for giving me you)
In this chapter: Michael and Alex reflect on that fateful train ride.
A/n: I wasn't going to make you wait a full week for this epilogue! I can't believe it's over you guys, what a wonderful ride! I hope you guys enjoyed it. And if anyone has an au in mind that they want me to ride, hit me up! I'm looking for new inspiration!
As always, a special thanks to Aileen (@acomebackstory), Callie (@callieramics), @hm-arn, @royalshadowhunter, @ladymajavader and May (@eddiediazs) over on Tumblr for their continued support and cheerleading. I don't know if I would've finished it without you guys!
Last chapter hasn't been guessed yet, so give it a go! Can anyone guess this chapter's?
Also on: ao3
other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
19th of October, 1945
The war was over. Paris had been liberated for over a year, but the war itself had only been over for 5 months. Michael and Alex had recently returned to their city, to find it miraculously undamaged and their flat only marginally ransacked. They’d never had much valuables anyway. They cleaned up their flat, settled back into their lives and it was almost as if the war hadn’t happened.
Alex and Michael had waited out the war in the countryside, living with a large farming family who treated them like their own. In the last year before the liberation, a young child who’d lost both her parents in the camps joined them, and Michael and Alex became her surrogate parents. When they returned to Paris, she came with them.
Alex was looking at her sleeping now, his darling girl, the beautiful and genius Mara. If he hadn’t known she wasn’t related to them, he would’ve sworn she was Michael’s kid. Cheeky, optimistic, chaotic and infinitely smarter than him. Alex loved her so much it ached to look at her now.
It was 4AM. The house was quiet and dark, the autumn chill already creeping in through the windows and the cracks. Alex shivered, gave his daughter one last look and returned to his own bedroom, to his husband in their bed. He crawled back under the covers and pressed himself against Michael, who was always warm and chased away the night chill. Michael jerked awake with a hiss. “Jesus Christ, Alex.”
“Sorry,” Alex muttered, buried his cold nose in Michael’s neck.
“You okay?” Michael asked softly, flipping over and wrapping his arms around Alex. “Why were you out of bed?”
“It’s been ten years.”
Michael looked at the clock on his nightstand and let out a long breath. “It has.”
Alex closed his eyes and curled into Michael’s chest. It was the reason he’d woken up so suddenly. His nightmares only rarely brought him back to that fateful train ride anymore, but tonight they’d come back with a vengeance. On the day Noah Bracken was murdered, setting events in motion that eventually led to Alex letting 8 people get away with murder. “Do you regret it?” It was a question they always asked each other around the 19th.
“No,” Michael said, his voice trembling a little. “Never. None of us,” Alex knew Michael meant the 8 passengers with whom he had committed the crime, “would’ve been able to move on if we hadn’t done it.” Alex nodded. “Do you regret letting us get away with it?”
“No,” Alex said, without hesitation. “Noah Bracken was a monster. He deserved punishment, and the system wouldn’t deliver. You did. It wasn’t just, but it was right.” He sighed, wrapping his arms around Michael and squeezing tightly. “But it’s something I will always have to live with.”
Michael nodded, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Yeah. Me, too.”
Alex looked up at his husband, his heart melting when their eyes met. The ten years since the Orient Express had been kind to him. The curls were still as wild as ever, Michael had even grown them out more, providing Alex with plenty of hair to run his hands through. His eyes were filled with warmth, love and laughter. There were small wrinkles in the corners of his eyes now, and those on his forehead reflected the worries and burdens he’d had to bear these past ten years.
They’d both grown up. Both seen and done stuff they carried with them forever. But they’d fought for their love and their life and they’d won. They’d survived the war and even managed to raise a child together.
“You know, when all is said and done, I’m grateful for that train ride,” Alex said, nudging Michael’s nose with his own.
“What do you mean?” Michael asked softly, nipping Alex’s lips with his.
Alex pressed a kiss to his husband’s mouth and smiled. “Because it brought us back together. Despite the terrible things that happened there, we found each other again. I never thought I’d see you again, and then I stepped on board that train and there you were. You were haunted by the ten years since we’d last seen each other, troubled by the horrible crime you were about to commit. But still beautiful. You were cold and distant, and yet I knew instantly I had never stopped loving you.”
Michael nodded. “I instantly knew that the plan was doomed, when I saw you. I knew I wouldn’t be able to lie to you for too long. For ten years, I loved you from afar and suddenly, there you were, in the most critical moment of my life.” He shook his head. “I’m still impressed with myself I lasted as long as I did.”
Alex laughed. “Well, you never actually told me anything. I figured most things out by myself.”
“You were scarily accurate, I was so proud.”
“The world is built on logic – ”
“ – one just needs to learn to see it,” Michael finished with a smile. “You are still insufferably modest.” Alex just shrugged and snuggled close to his husband again. “I love you, Alex Guerin.”
Alex’s stomach did a summersault, as it did every time Michael called him by his full name. He’d left the ‘Manes’-name behind long ago, but hearing his married name spoken with so much love and adoration that Michael always put into it, always made him giddy. “I love you, too, Michael Guerin.”
Michael leaned in for a kiss, the two of them entwined together in their bed. The kiss started out chaste and loving, but as Alex pulled Michael’s hips against his own, it turned hungry fast. Michael groaned, and Alex felt a burning longing to draw out more lovely sounds. With one swift movement, he pushed Michael on his back and climbed on top of him. Alex pinned Michael’s hands against the pillow beneath him and dove in for another hungry kiss. He pressed his hips down into Michael, drawing out another sweet moan from his throat. “Alex, please,” Michael whined when Alex broke their kiss to trail his lips down Michael’s throat. “Please, my love…”
“I like it when you beg,” Alex murmured, playfully biting at his husband’s earlobe.
“I like it when you get me off,” Michael growled, bucking his hips to cause some more friction between them. Alex gasped and Michael looked victorious. Alex sat up, his hands braced on Michael’s chest. Michael’s hands immediately found purchase on Alex’s hips.
They were both still fully clothed, and that was unacceptable. With a swift motion, Alex got rid of Michael’s shirt and then his own, letting his hands roam appreciatively over Michael’s chest. No matter how often Alex looked upon his naked husband, he never became any less attractive. “God, you’re gorgeous.”
“Yes, yes,” Michael said impatiently, arching off the bed when Alex playfully flicked a nipple. “Now, please, Alex!” He sounded absolutely wrecked, and Alex grinned. They hadn’t even started yet.
Alex bent down and trailed kisses from the hollow of Michael’s throat all the way down to the waistband of his pyjamas. “Don’t move, Michael. You know the drill.” Grabbing hold of the pants, he began, slowly, torturously, pulling the pants down, trailing kissing on newly exposed skin as he went. Michael was panting heavily, his hands fisted in the sheets as he tried to keep himself from grabbing Alex’s hair and kissing him senseless. Alex grinned against the inside of Michael’s thigh, lightly scraping his teeth against the sensitive skin there, causing Michael to shiver. He looked up to see Michael biting his lip to restrain himself, and Alex tutted, sitting up and pulling Michael’s lip from between his teeth. “None of that,” Alex chided, letting a single finger absentmindedly slide up Michael’s cock, with only the lightest of touches. “You know I want to hear you.”
“You fucker,” Michael growled, “God, please, I can’t take it, please, Alex, god damnit, fuck…”
Alex laughed, leaning over to the nightstand to grab the bottle of lube stashed there. He sat back up and moved to sit between Michael’s legs, who spread them eagerly. “Look at you,” Alex whispered. “So eager.”
“Fuck you,” Michael spat, his eyes half-closed with pleasure. Alex enjoyed Michael’s absolutely filthy mouth when Alex was toying with him like this. He knew Michael was enjoying this as much as Alex was.
“I think I’d rather fuck you today,” Alex said, coating two fingers in lube. He bent over Michael, pressed a small kiss to the tip of his weeping cock and then took him in his mouth. Michael let out a string of curses and threw his head back. While Alex was sucking him off, he spread his ass a little wider and gently pushed a single finger inside him. Michael groaned as he felt Alex enter him.
Alex watched his husband closely, watching the familiar and wildly attractive look of ecstasy come over his face. He gently began pushing his finger in and out, allowing Michael to adjust to the presence and waiting as long as needed before pushing the second finger inside as well. Michael let out a wrecked sob, music to Alex’s ears. He hollowed his cheeks around Michael’s cock, and Michael gave a strangled yell. “That’s it,” Alex whispered, letting Michael’s cock pop from his mouth, “let me hear you, my darling.”
“Alex,” Michael whined, looking absolutely wrecked as Alex pushed his fingers into Michael again and again. “Please, I’m ready, please, please, my love…” Michael’s face was flushed with pleasure and despair, Alex felt his own cock throb, desperate to fuck his husband. But he wasn’t going to do anything before he was sure Michael was well and truly ready. So he picked up the lube, dribbled more on his hand and then gently added a third. Michael sobbed. “I love you, I love you, I love you, please, Alex…” he babbled, his head thrashing against the pillow, and Alex knew he was ready.
He fished a condom out of the nightstand and hastened to put it on himself. “Alright, my darling,” Alex whispered, leaning over Michael to kiss him softly, “I got you.”
Michael raised his hips, his entire body begging for Alex to just fuck him already. Alex lined himself up and slowly pushed into Michael, allowing him time to adjust. Michael let out a long, drawn-out moan that made Alex nearly come on the spot. “Oh baby,” Michael croaked out, “Alex…please…move.” He jerked his hips and Alex hissed, pleasure shooting up his spine. Alex obeyed, pulling out and pushing back in, finding a rhythm they had perfected over the last decade, that he knew would unravel Michael faster than anything else. “Yes…” Michael moaned, reaching up to grab Alex’s head and pull him down. Their mouths crashed together, and they kissed sloppily, between moans and heavy breaths, as Alex sped up his movements gradually. “I love you,” Michael whispered, wrapping his arms around Alex and burying his face in Alex’s shoulder. Alex let his head drop against Michael’s shoulder in return, trying to hold off his own orgasm. But he was close. And he could tell Michael was as well.
“I love you,” Alex whispered. Michael’s hips jerked, sending a thrill of pleasure through Alex, making him gasp and bite down on Michael’s neck. Michael groaned. “Come on, baby,” Alex urged him. “Come for me, I want to feel you come for me.” He reached down and wrapped a hand around Michael’s cock. Michael jerked, his hands flying into Alex’s hair.
“So – so close,” he panted. His eyes were locked on Alex, and they looked at each other intently as they drove each other to the brink. Soft ah, ah, ah’s slowly turned to high-pitched whines and soon enough, Michael exploded underneath Alex’s expert ministration. Alex didn’t slow down, but fucked through Michael’s orgasm, now chasing his own. Michael let his hands roam down Alex’s back and grabbed his ass, pulling him even closer. Alex lost all control. Growling, he sped up, so close, wanting…needing. “Come for me, Alex Guerin,” Michael whispered, and that was that on that. For a second, everything went white as he came, shuddering, his arms giving out and falling, wrecked, on top of his husband, who caught him effortlessly.
They lay together, panting, for several minutes, Alex still inside of Michael, neither feeling any inclination to move. “God, that was amazing,” Michael finally said, drawing a laugh from Alex. “It’s like you get better every time.”
“You make me want to be better. Watching you come apart beneath me is…highly arousing.” Alex finally extracted himself from Michael’s embrace, pulling on his bathrobe and padding over to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and clean himself up. He returned with a warm, damp towel and he cleaned Michael best he could, despite the man’s genuine dislike of moving after sex. When they were both a semblance of clean, Alex fell into bed again, wrapping his arms around Michael and closing his eyes. There was light on the horizon, signalling that the day was about to start, but neither felt the need. Friday was their day off, and they wouldn’t have to move until Mara demanded breakfast.
The events of that one week ten years ago would always be a part of them. October would always be a difficult month. But they had each other, they had Mara, they’d made a life for themselves, as good, upstanding citizens. Life wasn’t always easy, but Alex felt that with his husband and his daughter there with him, he could handle anything.
So Alex snuggled closer to Michael and closed his eyes, knowing the nightmares wouldn’t come back today.
He fell asleep, content and happy, with Michael right there next to him. Side by side.
Where they belonged.
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madlori · 5 years
Unveiled - Chapter 6
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Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Epilogue
by MadLori Word Count: 3300 Fandom: Men’s Hockey RPF Pairing: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin Rating: NC-17 (like, heed this, please) Tags: Arranged Marriage, Modern Royalty AU, Mpreg, Not Omegaverse, No Consent Issues, Veiled Sex, Weird Traditions, Don’t Think Too Hard, Handwavey Biology
Definitely sex in this one.
Read it on AO3
A week passed.
Zhenya and his consort did not have sex every day, but it was frequent. Temporarily free from the pressure to conceive, they engaged in a variety of non-procreative activities as they explored one another’s preferences. He learned that his partner did not enjoy having his feet touched (the first thumbs-down signal he received from him) and had to deploy their signal himself when the consort had started to maneuver them into the 69 position, one he found deeply uncomfortable. That still left a lot of options, though. 
He saw Sidney almost every day. Sometimes they took a ride together, sometimes they fished. Sidney made good on his promise to teach Zhenya to spar, and he flattered himself that he was picking it up quickly. 
He tried to keep his outings with Sidney...unobtrusive, and away from too many observers. But he was pretty sure that his fondness for Sidney would be apparent to anyone who saw them together, and he was becoming increasingly confident that Sidney was fond of him, too. He worried about the staff gossiping, or thinking him a cad for socializing with another man, but given that he was literally prohibited from socializing with his consort, Sidney’s friendship was a luxury he couldn’t seem to deny himself. He’d had so few genuine, true friends in his life, and he didn’t want to give it up. Not to mention that whatever people assumed, he wasn’t actually having an affair with him -- his interactions with Sidney were wholly platonic. His attraction to him lay uneasily alongside his intense desire for his consort, and his continued admiration for how his husband was conducting himself in his new life. Seryozha sang his praises at every opportunity, and embargo or no embargo, the palace staff were all becoming very fond of him.
Of course they are, they actually get to talk to him, Zhenya sometimes groused to himself. He yearned for the day when he’d see the man’s face, and hear his voice, and finally share his life with him as they were meant to.
But unveiling his consort would mean losing Sidney. It was a trade he was prepared to make, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dreading it.
His parents had departed on a trip abroad right after his wedding, and the day they returned was the day Zhenya hoped that they’d get news about his consort’s conception or lack thereof. He’d seen his husband several times in the palace that morning, guards in tow (no sign of Sidney, for which he was guiltily grateful)...everyone seemed to be milling around in a holding pattern, as if they all knew that today was important.
“Zhenya, my son, you look good,” his father said, hugging him enthusiastically and slapping his back. Zhenya’s father was nearly a foot shorter than he was, a source of much mirth around the palace, and it made such greetings awkward to say the least.
“You too, Papa. How was your trip?” He bent to kiss his mother’s cheeks as they moved to the settee in his parents’ drawing room.
“Dull, dull, dull. Balls and dinners and meetings and the same boring conversation every time. The only bright spot was the many congratulations on your marriage.”
“We appreciate them.”
“How is your consort, my dear?” his mother asked.
“He is very well.”
“And you are...getting along all right?”
He smiled. “We’re getting along great, mother. He’s a remarkable man.”
His father frowned. “You haven’t broken embargo, have you?”
“No sir, absolutely not. It’s just that one can’t help but deduce a few things about someone you see so often. I hear how the staff speaks of him, and I know how he’s behaved towards me. These things reveal a man’s character.”
“Of course. Just...be cautious. The whole idea of embargo is to minimize attachment.”
“I know.” He didn’t mention that the task of minimizing attachment was already a dismal failure, on several fronts.
The door opened and a page entered. “Your Majesties, Dr. Rjskov would like permission to enter with His Highness the Prince Consort.”
His father sighed. “Was he waiting by the door for a cue? I imagine this is news we should all hear.” He looked at Zhenya. “Embargo will be observed once your husband enters, son. Anything you want to say now before they come in?”
“No, sir.” Zhenya was on his feet and all but vibrating out of his clothes.
The page opened the door and Dr. Rjskov entered. At his side was the consort, draped in his dressiest veils (Zhenya had gotten to know the range of drapings he possessed) over a suit. He bowed to the King and Queen, then came to stand next to Zhenya. Dr. Rjskov was walking ramrod straight, like he was being filmed. “Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness. I come before you this afternoon with the news that His Highness, the Prince Consort, is with child.”
His father whooped and his mother cheered; they embraced each other, beaming wide, happy smiles, his mother dashing tears from her eyes. Zhenya’s heart felt like it might burst from his chest. He stood there stunned for a moment, then looked down into his consort’s upturned face and wished he could see it. He grinned and a fast exhale escaped his chest. He lifted his eyebrows in a “really?” gesture, watching the consort...he nodded quickly, the gesture containing all his own excitement and relief.
If he’d been a regular person with an ordinary spouse, learning that they were to become parents, he’d have been able to kiss him, to see the joy on his face, to babble excitedly with him and talk about what to do next. But none of that was available to him, because he was a prince, and this was his embargoed consort, and he did not even know the man’s name to exclaim it aloud in jubilation. All he could do, all he could think to do, was clasp his consort’s gloved hands and press them to his lips.
“Doctor, do you know when the consort conceived?” his father was asking. 
“Yes, based on our bloodwork, I believe His Highness conceived on the wedding day.”
Zhenya’s heart soared again; that was the best possible outcome, as it meant the shortest embargo. If all went well, he’d see his husband’s face in less than three months.
As his father and the doctor continued to talk about the embargo and the pregnancy, Zhenya just stood and let happiness wash over him. Out of sight of his parents, his consort slipped his hand into Zhenya’s, lacing their fingers together, and squeezed.
Zhenya paced in his bedroom later that night, hoping to hear a knock soon. He considered going through and knocking himself, but he didn’t want to presume. He preferred that any contact they had was initiated by the consort, and he felt pretty confident that contact would be initiated, tonight of all nights.
He’d barely had time to internalize the news before the consort was whisked away by his mother so they could start talking about whatever baby-related plans had to be made, which of course had to be done out of Zhenya’s earshot. His father had immediately started harassing him about plans for the unveiling. Such a large occasion, the formal unveiling followed by a public introduction and a grand ball, required a lot of work and even though there was always a chance it would have to be cancelled, they’d proceed as if it would go ahead when the consort’s pregnancy reached three months.
Zhenya had finally been allowed to retire after dinner, his head spinning, half-dizzy from the emotion of the day.
A child. He’s carrying my child. I’m going to be a father. We’re going to be parents.
I wonder if he’s told Sidney.
The thought drew him up short. He realized with a jolt that Sidney hadn’t crossed his mind all day, which was unusual. He also hadn’t so much as glimpsed him today, which was also unusual. He wondered where he’d gotten off to. He’d seen the consort’s guards, including Fleury and Letang and Crosby (the strong blond ponytailed woman he’d noticed the first day), but not Sidney.
He jumped when the knock finally came, feeling guilty that he’d been thinking of someone else when his consort asked for his attention. He leapt to the door and flung it wide, grinning. He couldn’t see it but he could almost sense his consort’s answering grin beneath his drapings. Zhenya couldn’t help himself; he rushed into their bedchamber and swept his husband into his arms, embracing him fully for what was actually the first time. They’d held each other in bed, but had never hugged like this. It wasn’t forbidden, but it was generally considered bad form to touch an embargoed consort anywhere he or she was veiled, which sort of ruled out all but the most perfunctory hugs, which this was not.
He didn’t care, and judging by the enthusiasm with which his consort hugged him back, he didn’t care, either. He felt broad and strong in Zhenya’s arms, his hands digging into Zhenya’s dressing gown and his face tucking into the side of his neck.
Zhenya pulled back and knelt at his consort’s feet, the man’s hands lingering on his shoulders. He slid his hands to the curve of the consort’s waist, those ridges of muscle over his hips forming a V framing his abdomen. Zhenya leaned in and kissed the smooth skin of his flat belly, feeling a hand card through his hair as he did so. He looked up at him, palming the softness at his waist, and the hand in his hair slid down to cup his cheek, the consort’s thumb stroking across his cheekbone. He pulled Zhenya to his feet and held up a “just a moment” finger, then went over to a table near the door into his bedroom. When he returned he was holding a piece of black cloth -- Zhenya realized that it was a blindfold, a large one molded to fit over the upper part of the face. He looked up, confused.
His consort held up the blindfold, pointed to it and then to Zhenya, and then mimed removing his veils. Zhenya’s heart stuttered -- was he suggesting...? He was. Zhenya nodded eagerly, and between the two of them they stripped him quickly of his dressing gown and pajamas. The consort sat him down in a chair then hesitated a moment, holding the blindfold. Zhenya squeezed his hand in encouragement. His husband gave a nod, then carefully placed the blindfold over Zhenya’s eyes and tied it behind his head. Its shape, sweeping down over his cheeks and halfway up his forehead, meant that not even a sliver of vision was left to him. He felt a hand stroke down his face and then sensed him step away.
He heard a quiet rustling of fabric and anticipation clenched in his belly. Here in this room, mere feet from him, his husband was unveiled and exposed, naked before him. He felt the warmth of his body as he stepped close again and then...oh, and then.
The consort joined him in the chair, straddling his lap. No drapings separated them now. Zhenya’s hands twitched nervously; he could scarcely believe he was allowed to touch him freely. His husband had to pick up his hands and place them on his smooth, bare chest. Zhenya shuddered and his hands trembled against his consort’s warm skin. The consort slid his own arms around Zhenya’s neck and leaned in; there it was again, the smell of him, clean and strong, earth after a thunderstorm. His breath ghosted over Zhenya’s face, bearing a hint of the spiced hot tea that he liked to drink.
The consort cupped Zhenya’s face and leaned even closer. Zhenya craved him; he was desperate to close the gap but he didn’t dare -- he could barely bring himself to touch him. Then, barely louder than a puff of air, his mate whispered “Husband” and pressed his mouth to Zhenya’s.
The touch sent a shock through Zhenya’s whole body. No kiss in his long history of kissing men had ever felt like this, had ever felt so consuming, so earth-shattering. He fell into his husband’s mouth, Zhenya’s arms winding around his back and holding him close. The consort’s lips were full and plush; he was solid and strong in Zhenya’s arms. His mouth opened beneath Zhenya’s and they tilted into each other, breath coming faster and hearts thudding against each other’s chests. 
Zhenya slid one arm underneath his hips and stood up, bearing the consort with him. He felt a slight gasp escape the man at being hoisted up like this. He wrapped his legs around Zhenya’s narrow hips and kissed him harder as Zhenya carried him to the bed and laid them both down. For an indeterminate time they writhed together, hardly able to contain their mutual excitement at this newfound freedom to touch.
But that freedom did have its limits, Zhenya realized after a few moments. Several times he lifted his hands to his partner’s face and had them gently redirected. Clearly his consort didn’t want him forming a visual picture of his face through touch. Zhenya could have told him that his fingers weren’t so skilled that he could see with them as a blind man would, but his consort wasn’t taking the chance. Zhenya could kiss his face -- and kiss it he did, all over and then again -- but touching it was off the table.
He kissed down the man’s throat, feeling his pulse throbbing beneath his lips, and then down his chest. His nipples were flat and soft; Zhenya’s tongue flicked over them, wondering when they would begin to distend in preparation for their child’s arrival. His consort’s hands were all over him, in his hair, on his face, clutching at his shoulders, as if he couldn’t touch enough of him. Zhenya’s hands roamed his back and chest, sliding down to his ass; they were both hard but the novelty of this new contact was distracting enough that neither of them were paying much attention to their cocks.
Even without touching his face, Zhenya gleaned a little new information about his husband. He had short hair, which wasn’t exactly a surprise. His features felt strong, his jaw sharp and well-defined. None of this told Zhenya much at all, but he hoarded any morsel of intelligence about his consort that he could find.
It didn't help that his mind insisted on conjuring up Sidney’s face, much as he commanded it to discard the image as irrelevant. The two men seemed to be merging in his subconscious to the point that if he imagined what Sidney’s cock looked like, he saw it as like his husband’s, and when he imagined his husband’s face, there was Sidney. 
They rolled on the bed, kissing wildly and grabbing at each other, for what felt like a very long time before Zhenya’s arousal began demanding that he move things along. All at once, he knew what he wanted. He pulled his consort on top of him and parted his legs so his partner’s hips slotted between them. The consort pulled back a bit, moving his hips forward carefully, his body asking if this was what Zhenya wanted. Zhenya nodded and wrapped his hands around the back of the consort’s neck, pulling him back down into a kiss.
His husband slipped a hand between them and positioned his cock, then thrust forward into Zhenya with a shuddering sigh. Zhenya couldn’t help it, he cried out a little before biting it back and grabbing the consort’s ass, hoping he’d get the message that he wanted it, and hard.
He got the message. The consort dropped his head into the hollow of Zhenya’s shoulder and fucked him just as he wanted. The day’s news freed them to reverse their habitual roles without concern that Zhenya could become pregnant as well; pregnancy left the consort temporarily sterile. Zhenya couldn’t seem to hold him tight enough, his hands roamed restlessly over every part of him he could reach. His husband had a fantastic cock, and he’d taken great pleasure in it before now, but nothing could have prepared him for what it would feel like inside him.
Nor for the sheer athleticism of his consort. Zhenya was taller but his partner was broader and stronger; he felt wholly surrounded and dominated by him, and to his surprise it was touching a place of arousal he’d never reached before. Being pressed down into the bed by the solid, heavy body of his mate woke a deep desire he hadn’t known he had. His whole body shook and his orgasm snuck up on him, breaking and crashing over him, his cock jerking and spilling between their bodies. The consort kissed the gasps out of his mouth, slipping his hands underneath him to seize his shoulders as he thrust in harder; his body shuddered, he held deep and came into Zhenya.
They sagged into a sweaty, sated heap together, pulling in fast breaths and stroking each other’s skin. Within a few minutes the cooling perspiration felt uncomfortable, and both their bellies were splattered with Zhenya’s come. He felt his husband sit up and get off the bed, then he grasped Zhenya’s hand and pulled him up, too. He led him to the door -- not the door to his own chamber, but to Zhenya’s. Still unable to see, Zhenya let his consort lead him into his own bathroom and then into his large walk-in shower.
Still a bit muzzy-headed from the frankly life-changing sex he’d just had, Zhenya let himself be taken charge of. He stood in the shower while his consort started the water and began washing them both, clearing the sweat and fluids from their bodies, stopping frequently to kiss him. It was an odd sensation to be bathed while blind, but Zhenya was finding it pleasurable. There was something about being cared for like this. Usually it was him looking after his consort, who was embargoed and seen as a precious treasure to be protected and coddled, but having the roles reversed was pleasingly subversive.
They dried each other off and then Zhenya was led to his own bed and sat down on the edge; the consort pressed one finger to his lips in a “wait” gesture, then Zhenya heard him walk away.  He returned in a few moments, untied and removed the blindfold. Zhenya blinked as his eyes readjusted; his consort’s drapings were back in place.
The consort leaned closer, stroked his hand down Zhenya’s face again, and turned to leave. Zhenya caught his hand and held him back; he jerked his chin back over his shoulder at the bed and tugged at his hand.
Stay. Stay here with me.
The consort’s head cocked, questioning. Zhenya nodded. He wasn’t sure his husband would agree. If he stayed, he’d have to sleep in his veils. The consort hesitated, went to the door that led back into the royal bedchamber and his own bedroom...and shut it, staying in Zhenya’s room.
Zhenya grinned and got up, holding out his hand. His husband joined him and they peeled back the sheets and blankets, climbing in together, the consort careful to keep his veils secure around him. It took them a few tries to maneuver into a comfortable sleeping position but they finally spooned up together, Zhenya behind with his husband curled against his chest. He slid his hand over the consort’s hip to rest low on his belly; after a moment, his consort covered Zhenya’s hand with his own.
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